MB artist matches Discogs artist and both have a release with same name (MB artist not unique)

Report created based on data in MusicBrainz as of 24/10/2024

Found 17 artists, we show 1000 artists per page.

The report is not continually updated so may not reflect the current data within MusicBrainz and or Discogs databases.

These matches are likely to be correct because a match has been found based on the artist name, there are multiple artists within MusicBrainz with the same name however with this artist pairing both have at least one release with the same name (and releases named after the artist have been excluded).

If the same Discogs artist is listed twice linked to multiple MusicBrainz artists this is because a match has been found between the Discogs artist release and each of the MusicBrainz artists releases, this may indicate that either the MusicBrainz artists should be merged or the Discogs artist should be split.

Select Link to create a link in the Musicbrainz db from the MusicBrainz artist to the Discogs artist.


Link Artists MB Release Count Discogs Release Count View in Albunack MB Artist Country Comment Discogs Artist Comment Shared Album Name
Link 5 19 Корней Корней Russia Владимир Корниенко Корней Владимир Витальевич Корниенко 1
Link 6 13 about: about: Montréal Canadian psychelectro lo-fi about: Samudaya
Link 4 13 feth feth United Kingdom dungeon synth feth Fraudibus in vulpis que sit tibi causa timoris
Link 9 6 Japan 【R:evolt】 螢 (Hotaru) ガラクタ
Link 5 6 金莎 金莎 China singer from Shanghai, China; sang 大小姐 金莎 换季
Link 0 11 Στάθης Νικολαΐδης Στάθης Νικολαΐδης Στάθης Νικολαΐδης Πατρίδα 'Μ Αραεύω Σε
Link 8 3 奈落 奈落 Shanghai 2023 Visual Kei Band 奈落 The Naraka Wake up
Link 5 4 floopy floopy video game arrangement Floopy Video Game LoFi: Metroid
Link 6 2 쿠키 쿠키 South Korea 쿠키 초애 (初愛)
Link 1 7 Ήρωας Ήρωας Greek raper Ήρωας Σπύρος Fata Morgana
Link 6 2 blackcentr blackcentr Salem Oregon electronic Blackcentr I Kill
Link 4 3 庞龙 庞龙 China singer of 两只蝴蝶 / "Two Butterflies" 庞龙 庞永清 两只蝴蝶
Link 4 1 ekansh ekansh India Ekansh Echoes Of The Past
Link 4 1 一二三 一二三 Japan Vocaloid producer 一二三 独りに花を添え
Link 2 2 khc khc Seoul folktronica artist from Seoul khc 전파납치
Link 2 2 may29 may29 Armitage Tapes May29 crushed 2
Link 0 1 savepoint savepoint Savepoint movinglikeazombie (umru remix)