Multiple recordings for same artist with different name, and bad match song length doesnt match fingerprint, must be good fingerprint match and at least 5 submissions

Report created based on data in Acoustid as of 28/01/2025

Found 0 acoustids with potentially bad links to MusicBrainz recordings, we show 500 acoustids per page.

The Acoustid links to multiple recordings with completely different names by same artist, the chances of one artist having two different songs with the same fingerprint are virtually zero, it can only be correct link if the song title is just a different name for the same actual song. But we also filter to only show bad matches that are not within range of the fingerprint


AcoustidUnlinkUnlink All by ArtistFingerprint song lengthGood MatchSubmission CountMB Recording LengthSuspect MatchSubmission CountMB Recording Length