Release groups of type album that contains no releases with any acoustids submitted for any of the tracks in any of the releases within the release group

Report created based on data in Acoustid as of 28/01/2025

Found 1068955 release groups of type album with no linked acoustids for any tracks in the releases that belong to the release group, we show 1000 release groups per page.

The report is not continually updated so may not reflect the current data within Acoustid databases.

This shows release groups of primary type Album where none of the releases have any acoustids for the recordings within the release, useful if you are working on ensuring your favourite artist has full coverage of their releases. The report is ordered by release group artist, release group name.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741 742 743 744 745 746 747 748 749 750 751 752 753 754 755 756 757 758 759 760 761 762 763 764 765 766 767 768 769 770 771 772 773 774 775 776 777 778 779 780 781 782 783 784 785 786 787 788 789 790 791 792 793 794 795 796 797 798 799 800 801 802 803 804 805 806 807 808 809 810 811 812 813 814 815 816 817 818 819 820 821 822 823 824 825 826 827 828 829 830 831 832 833 834 835 836 837 838 839 840 841 842 843 844 845 846 847 848 849 850 851 852 853 854 855 856 857 858 859 860 861 862 863 864 865 866 867 868 869 870 871 872 873 874 875 876 877 878 879 880 881 882 883 884 885 886 887 888 889 890 891 892 893 894 895 896 897 898 899 900 901 902 903 904 905 906 907 908 909 910 911 912 913 914 915 916 917 918 919 920 921 922 923 924 925 926 927 928 929 930 931 932 933 934 935 936 937 938 939 940 941 942 943 944 945 946 947 948 949 950 951 952 953 954 955 956 957 958 959 960 961 962 963 964 965 966 967 968 969 970 971 972 973 974 975 976 977 978 979 980 981 982 983 984 985 986 987 988 989 990 991 992 993 994 995 996 997 998 999 1000 1001 1002 1003 1004 1005 1006 1007 1008 1009 1010 1011 1012 1013 1014 1015 1016 1017 1018 1019 1020 1021 1022 1023 1024 1025 1026 1027 1028 1029 1030 1031 1032 1033 1034 1035 1036 1037 1038 1039 1040 1041 1042 1043 1044 1045 1046 1047 1048 1049 1050 1051 1052 1053 1054 1055 1056 1057 1058 1059 1060 1061 1062 1063 1064 1065 1066 1067 1068 1069

Artist Release Group
swanskin boymoder
sweeb. Chaos.
sweet pea lovely dreams
sweet93 All the Same All OK
sweetbox Diamond Veil
sweetbox Sweet Reggae Mix
sweez Dash to the Victory!
swell think about the flowers in the backyard (2015)
swiftswitch elegy
swiftswitch fable
swiftswitch neverending passage
swiftswitch requiem
swim school Duality & Seeing It Now
swimming in speakers guessing the others
swimmingpoo1 half asleep
swimmingpoo1 horroshow!-ハラショー-
swimmingpoo1 how to enjoy swimming
swing soiree Swing Soiree
swing,sing Kind of Harmony
switchworks Final Program
swnsn Super Villain
swoopy BAGLIFE 3
swordedge Swordedge
sxth2 early, an album
sxth2 i think we're nearing the end, an album
sxth2 middle, an album
sxth2 not so middle 2, an album
sxth2 not so middle, an album
sxxnt. & Brother Joe Hymns in High-Fidelity
sy_am Phases
syam syam
sylac Destruction Built In
sylac Entropic Decay
sylac Legacy System Collapse
sylac Survival Mechanism
sylcmyk 1995
sylcmyk Dreamstory
sylcmyk Softbeats
sympathy トランス状態
sympathy 海鳴りと絶景
synanthrope Ozarka
synapticholo Crazy Life
synchre Requiem
synchro//start See You! ファンタジーガール
synchro//start [ g h o s t // c i t y ]
synchro//start silhouette dreams
synchro//start 永遠の愛
synchro//start 無限の夏
synker The Sound of Getting By
synkrotron Comfort Food
synkrotron Culture Ships
synkrotron Distant Objects
synkrotron Fatto in Italia
synkrotron Flower
synkrotron Heavy Metal
synkrotron Oceanids
synthacon recollection
synthacor game
synthamesk Evil
synthetique Ambiance Vol. 1
synthetique Ambiance Vol. 2
synthetique Apparence
synthetique Hors-Série Vol. 1
synthetique Le Parasite
synthetique Les Gens Sauvages
syrup Rosy Lee
syrup & Twit One The Questions
syrup16g delaidback
system 至高 へようこそ The Weather Channel!
syudou 必死
syudou 最悪
syudou 露骨
sz2u フル・プランニング
szak & くど いきなりあなたに恋している サウンドトラックCD
szilardK Another World
szymonmówi Coś się zepsuło
s|Makita Cleveland, Ohio
säh 06/06
säh 10/01
säh 11/03
säje säje
sébuhiroko WONDERLAND
sús Entre
s̶i̶s̶t̶e̶r̶ untrue
sφιcнιrφ gнφsτ
s҄͡s͖s͡l͜͡s̑ \/҉/\
t Pareidoliving
t Solipsystemology
t epistrophobia
t e l e p a t h Flora Miranda's LaLaLand Fashion Show
t e l e p a t h II テレパシー能力者2 送信者に戻る
t e l e p a t h テレパシー能力者 Discomfort Zone Remixes: t e l e p a t h テレパシー能力者
t e l e p a t h テレパシー能力者 & Agia The Light of Our Love
t(r)oma chasing fireflies
t*bones Greatest Hits
t+pazolite #TPZREMAKE 01
t+pazolite FAKE CIRCUS
t+pazolite For The Lunatix
t+pazolite Honey I Scream!
t+pazolite deposition e.p.
t+pazolite without Permission
t+pazolite ハートエイク・デバッグ -Heartache Debug-
t+pazolite リファクタリング・トラベル -Refactoring Travel-
t+pazolite & nanahira Screamin' Showcase
t-Ace 孤高の華01
t-Ace 孤高の華02
t-low Benzo Diaries
t-low Percocet Party
t-low, Sevi Rin & Asadjohn Alright
t.A.T.u. 200km An Hour In A Wrong Way (2in1)
t.Komine feat. 初音ミク & 鏡音リン,鏡音レン ウタトラ
t.e.s.o. Costruzione 04
t.e.s.o. No.3. Obliate
t.k. bollinger What's Left Now You Are Dead To Me
t.quoise life in reverse
t0uchet Studio Ghibli in Theory
t0uchet gl1tch l0unge
t0uchet t0uchet U R L F U T U R E F E S T 2 0 1 4
t3p3i3 & inkrdble p Hunter Express
t=NODE 四季 -夏- Illusion of Sky
t=NODE 四季 -春- Dream of Wonder
tAKiDA Falling from Fame
tAKiDA The Agony Flame
tAKiDA The Demo Days
tAk frôler le sol
tAngerinecAt H.R V.I.P
tAngerinecAt Rise of the Underworld
tB Project Hourglass of Exile
tB Project The Majestic Sailors - The Salty Sardine
tEaR!doWn Clouds Cover the Sun
tEaR!doWn Shades of Apathy
tHOLA Somewhere
tHOLA Unseen
tKatKa tKatKa
tRKproject Books That End In Tears
tRKproject Books That End in Tears (Duets Version)
tRKproject Odyssey 9999
tRaucatèrme A cops de pè pel cuou!
tRaucatèrme Quand n'i a pro ne'n demora !
tUnE-yArDs I'm a Virgo
tUnE-yArDs Nikki Nack (Deluxe)
tUnE-yArDs sketchy.
tVItch The Gulping Dark
tVItch Wndesirable
tVItch XV - the best of 15 years of tVItch
t_error 404 Holographic Skull
ta Ukrainka ZGRZYT
ta1lsd0ll cursed001
ta1lsd0ll cursed002
taca Carton Moon Original Sound Track
taca Images
taca La route de la soie
taca samurai 3 風の谷
tachyon pistol reso-rubbish
tachyon pistol tachyon pistol
tacica HOMELAND 11 blues
tacica panta rhei
tacica singularity
taennya natural serenity
taichi hiyama VIOGRAPHY
taitoki Apeiron
taitoki Blood Cannon '98
taitoki Dinitrogen
taitoki Fleeting From My Calling
taitoki Glot
taitoki Goliath
taitoki Herbiac
taitoki LOOSEN UP!
taitoki Modern
taitoki Orb Legend OST
taitoki Orogenesis: DUNGEONS
taitoki Passive Projects
taitoki ROSE
taitoki Sounds of LISA
taitoki UNTITLED RPG (November 2015)
taiyo RE:RUN
takahiro(FKS) Ten Nights’ Dreams
takamatt イーストエンド・パンデモニウム
takamine iori Eudemonia
takayakata YUMECORE Original Soundtrack
takayan 2020年シングル曲まとめ
takehirotei C://YOU NEX-TIME
taking your last chance Decorations
taking your last chance Gathering Of Spite
takoda Foglake Forever
takoda & daniel hayn Together Tomorrow
takrockers!! Hooray
takrockers!! Journey Through the Brilliant days.
takrockers!! R.i.P. -Roses in Promenade-
tal egg deliquesce
tal egg music for water lilies
tal egg some eggs i like (slow mix)
tal egg spontaneous laughter
talk Waltz for Feebee
talker I'm Telling You the Truth
tama gucci Out of order
tamachang Future Music With Future VOICES
tamagokuri humming
tamaskin Moon Riders
tamaskin What's The Danger
tana BANA
tangerine. × Choucremes SPRING SWEET LOVE
tangerine. × Choucremes さくら cafe(SPRING SWEET LOVE)
tangerine. × Choucremes サクラソングス
tape spyro-inspired music project thing
taphead Äänitemppeli
taqumi Flotage Flow
taqumi World Of Darker Gothic
targus | targus v1
targus | targus v2
targus | targus v3
targus | targus v4
targus | targus v5
targus | targus v6
taria Everybody Wants Some
tart A Tyrant's Complacency
tart stories from mission control
tarutrit my name is august
tarutrit triturate2
taschenphilharmonie feat. Peter Stangel Grosse Klassik für kleine Hörer
tasru El Capitan Del Sol
tategamisoyosoyo Neko Mermaid
tathandlung Remixes
tau contrib encode
taumel now we stay forever lost in space together
taumel there is no time to run away from here
tawnbei & Strong Maurice Tomorrow
taxxi ♨ mushroom tape
tayori memento
tba Greatest Hits!?
tba Ironically, Yes ||-->>
tba Shizzbang
tbc / Instamatic / DJNoNo Black Block
tc_poole Live Lo-Fi Flow I
tc_poole Live Lo-Fi Flow II
tc_poole Live Lo-Fi Flow III
tc_poole Live Lo-Fi Flow IV
tc_poole Live Lo-Fi Flow IX
tc_poole Live Lo-Fi Flow V
tc_poole Live Lo-Fi Flow VI
tc_poole Live Lo-Fi Flow VII
tc_poole Live Lo-Fi VIII
tc_poole Live LoFi Flow X
tc_poole Yoga Through
tchakabum Olha a Onda Com Tchakabum
tcheichan OBZORY
tchi*na*tcho tchi*na*tcho
tdf RELIGION (SoundCloud Release)
tdf TDF and Friends 2
tdf TDF and Friends 3
tdf i love you
tdf i love you 2
tdf & perc40 zero
tdstr 7 Grand Dance
tdstr DnB Suite
tdstr Phase 9: Juxtapositional Music
tdstr Quantize To Frames
tdstr Residence 2
tdstr Some More Files
tdstr Stolen.Textures
tdstr Synthesis
tdstr Vertigo
tdstr internet bonus
tdstr internet brainrot
tea the blue album
tea this too
team Love Bullets GWAVE SuperFeature's vol.11 LOVE♥BULLETS
team Love Bullets GWAVE SuperFeature's vol.13 LOVE♥BULLETS II
team Love Bullets GWAVE SuperFeature's vol.14 LOVE BULLETS にゃんこライダー
team RETRONICA まじかる☆ている サウンドコレクション "まじかる☆音楽箱"
team9 My Tape Machine
team9 We Don't Disco
teamAWESOME! Greatest Hits! Vol. 1!
teamAWESOME! The Burnt Sienna Album!
teamonade This Far
team★CPU ARCHANGEL:NEMESIS soundtrack EP 1 & 2
teasmoker Gravity's Deforming Hands
techicobal* feat.鏡音リン Make Orange Star
technically nothing it's past ur bedtime
technokut Pure
technomind Calm Waterfall
technomind Camp Fire
technomind Hypergamma Meditation
technoplanet MAGIC
technoplanet Multidimensional Cosmology
technoplanet Strange Story
technoplanet アナクロ
technoplanet 旋律世界
tedward floater
teenthreat don't worry mom
teepee Albatross
teeth dreams Drifted in the punt, late in the backwater
teeth dreams excoriating dawn
teeth dreams teeth dreams
teeth made of glass Deciever
teeth made of glass Union
teeth made of glass cartography
teeth made of glass cigarette
teeth made of glass condition
teeth made of glass etc
teeth made of glass federal
teeth made of glass fiat
teeth made of glass florida
teeth made of glass item
teeth made of glass kaeodeleope
teeth made of glass lawmaker
teeth made of glass ministry
teeth made of glass mules for me
teeth made of glass reference
teeth made of glass staff
teeth made of glass the album that made me famous
teeth made of glass town
teeth made of glass utility
teeth made of glass, Thee Rodney Command Economy
tegwon ワード
tehn gnostics
tei. OMW
teichi ride STREET RECORDING by bicycle #001
teichi ride STREET RECORDING by bicycle #002
teichi ride STREET RECORDING by bicycle #003
teichi ride STREET RECORDING by bicycle #004
teichi ride STREET RECORDING by bicycle #005
teichi ride STREET RECORDING by bicycle #006
teichi ride STREET RECORDING by bicycle #007
teichi ride STREET RECORDING by bicycle #008
teichi ride STREET RECORDING by bicycle #009
teichi ride STREET RECORDING by bicycle #010
teichi ride STREET RECORDING by bicycle #011
teichi ride STREET RECORDING by bicycle #012
teichi ride STREET RECORDING by bicycle #013
teichi ride STREET RECORDING by bicycle #014
teichi ride STREET RECORDING by bicycle #015
teichi ride STREET RECORDING by bicycle #016
teichi ride STREET RECORDING by bicycle #017
teig The Slow and Steady Collapse
tekalu Frosted
tekalu Glitter
tekalu Lovely.init(Electric)
tekalu Overtune
tekalu Prunus Electronica
tekalu increment
tekalu & Capchii Popism3
telebasher SAVIOR
telegraphic. FINA7 FORM
telemachus Welcome Racers!
telemist fstfrwrd
telever Inside the Game
television archives viewers like you
telingaberdarah Kuping Gatal
telingaberdarah Tales of Two Rabbits
telingaberdarah bercerita tentang akhir kisah sepasang kelinci yang sedang memadu kasih
telingaberdarah bercerita tentang balada sepasang kelinci yang sedang memadu kasih
telingaberdarah bercerita tentang lanjutan kisah sepasang kelinci yang sedang memadu kasih
telioc collection : 4a + 4b
telioc seven generative studies for sampled piano
tell me about The Rabbits Ask Your Dad
tellKujira tellKujira
tella 藻愛 -moai-
tembr69 tembr69
temp sound solutions the new era of 8 bit traditionalism
tempus lucrari Ambient Nightfall
ten / Finneyerkes ten / Finneyerkes
ten2five 3
ten56. Downer
tenby sense data
tenby & WangleLine Splashnode
tendai The Rain
tendencyitis Batch 0013
tender spring Springtime, with friends
tendo GAME
tenfour C-Wars
tenfour Wish Book
tengal6 CITY
tennyo waves nightfall
tennyo waves sunset
tentenko Deep & Moistures 1
tentenko Deep & Moistures 10 ~ Quiet Journey
tentenko Deep & Moistures 11 ~ anything & everything
tentenko Deep & Moistures 12 ~ The Baby Bat
tentenko Deep & Moistures 13 ~ After the dream
tentenko Deep & Moistures 14 ~ Mountains of Madness
tentenko Deep & Moistures 15 ~ The Quija Board
tentenko Deep & Moistures 2
tentenko Deep & Moistures 3
tentenko Deep & Moistures 4 ~ 骨のない生き物
tentenko Deep & Moistures 5 ~ Big Insect
tentenko Deep & Moistures 6 ~ 4/4kicks
tentenko Deep & Moistures 7 ~ Day In Life
tentenko Deep & Moistures 8 ~ Sunset
tentenko Deep & Moistures 9 ~ Dancing with the Tenderness
tentenko Like Speaking
tentenko Living in the Box(コインロッカー)
tentenko Nineteen
tentenko good night dub.
tentenko & sofheso tentenko & sofheso - original & remix
tepeyac usto Usté hace mal en afligirse
tepe、樂 TVアニメ「真夜中ぱんチ」オリジナルサウンドトラック
teppei Arrhythmia
teranoid & MC Natsack teranoid overground edition 1.04
terraplana olhar pra trás
tessio tessio
tessitvra Panic-Stricken
tessitvra Telecasters made from candy
tessitvra file directories
tessmarka tessmarka
testimonium w porę i nie w porę
teto dystopia
teto 愛と例話
teto 超現実至上主義宣言
tetra+ occur
tetso Alley Room
tetuzi akiyama thaumaturgy
texturemachine ripplemaker
tezce III
tezce Improvisation (revelations)
tezce casual existence
tezce life could be easy, but not for you
tezce oneyear pt.1
tezce reject/cycle
tezce the. part 1
tezce the. part 2
tezce wintercearig
tezce x roaring flows BLANK
tfn Musical Company, Heinz Rudolf Kunze & Heiner Lürig Kleider machen Liebe oder: Was ihr wollt
tfwamirite my bed squeaks all wrong
th'sheridans Pieces of General
th1rt3en A Magnificent Day for an Exorcism
tha BOSS In the Name of Hiphop II
tha Supreme 23 6451
thaHomey RAREFILES 2
thaHomey Rarissime Collector
thaHomey & DirtyIceBoyz TRILLISTIK
thabu Reborn
thai kick murph DELTAATTACK
thanat.osx metamorphosis
thaniel ion lee Guides, Grids, and Mazes
thank the bus driver where we droppin, boys?
thanks for coming Rachel Jr.
thanks for coming What is My Capacity to Love?
thanks for coming You Haven't Missed Much
thanks for coming missing out
thanks for coming no problem
thanks for coming songs for people who don't have enough time to be depressed
thanks for coming the last time before the next time
thanks for coming to be honest, i was lying
thanks god PaY 2 W!N
thanks god ULTRAV!OLENCE
thasup c@ra++ere s?ec!@le
thasup & Mara Sattei CASA GOSPEL
that Kelly boy Lonely Lake
that kind of noise 'scapes
that kind of noise almost a capella
that kind of noise at the edge
that kind of noise awaiting
that kind of noise construct/destruct
that kind of noise hard sign
that kind of noise harsh sign
that kind of noise marginal notes
that kind of noise misconcept
that kind of noise nice place
that kind of noise unbroken glass and other stories
that mexican ot Texas Technician
thatboytim between here and there
thatlofiguy Still Here, Still There
thatmanmonkz Non Zero Sum Game
thatta Viva la Majority
the 3clectic the 3clectic
the 4onthefloor Daytrotter Session
the ARROWS 東ファウンテン鉄道
the Art of Mankind Archetype
the Art of Mankind Distant Light
the Automatics Quietude!
the B-Soul All Stars Greatest Hits
the BOOGIE JACK ナミダ流星群
the Bucking Mules the Bucking Mules
the Burrito Brothers Christmas
the Butternut Quartet the Butternut Quartet
the DRX Throughout Within
the DeVilles Komodo
the DeVilles OLM
the DeVilles The Devilles
the Deepsleep Narcotics Co. Demo
the Deepsleep Narcotics Co. The Deepsleep Narcotics Co.
the Def-A-Kators Texas Redneck With a Big Cock
the DustRoom From The Shadows
the EFFECTS Eyes To The Light
the Florists Prayer Starter
the GazettE MASS
the Gentle wind Tears of Nature
the Girls in the Magnesium Dress Ruutsu
the Goodnight Circus Swing Baby
the Guests Nightfall
the HIATUS Hands Of Gravity
the HIATUS Our Secret Spot
the Headless Prince of Zolpidem somnambulant
the Holy Ghost Ignore Alien Orders
the Hub Trucker
the Hub Vandalism
the Imperial M.B Atychiphobia
the Indigo BLUE
the Indigo FUTURE FOLK
the Indigo GLIDER
the Indigo My Fair Melodies
the Indigo My Fair Melodies 2
the Indigo RECORDS
the Indigo sound of fragrance
the Man from Atlantis & the Moon of Deliverance Kali Ma Rama Lama Fi Fo Fi Fum
the Marine Rapper Culture War
the Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, Yannick Nézet‐Séguin A Concert for Ukraine
the Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, Yannick Nézet‐Séguin Yannick at the Met
the Michael Ainsley Band Cyclone
the Microphones 2003-10-01: Radio Kaos
the Microphones Completely Everything, 1996 - 2021
the Microphones Foghorn Tape
the Microphones Live at Le Guess Who? 2021
the Microphones Microphone Mix
the Microphones Microphones in 2020
the Microphones Wires + Cords
the Minute Between Action and Reaction
the Misfeet project Snooze Tempo
the MurderChord Get a Van
the MurderChord the BluntCut
the Muzzle Dearest Bullet
the NIGHTCHILD I'm Not Afraid of This
the NIGHTCHILD Love + Blood + Death = Vampire
the NIGHTCHILD Reality & Consciousness
the NIGHTCHILD Something From Within
the NIGHTCHILD The Other
the NIGHTCHILD Twenty Years in the Night
the NIGHTCHILD Watching You
the Night Breeze Zinnia Eros
the Night Breeze Zinnia Negative Cat
the Obligations Together
the Offering Monsters and Angels
the Originators Glorious
the Originators Pleasure
the Originators Pleasure (Unmix Version)
the Other's While In This Room
the Picturesque Episodes I/O Technogenesis
the Prowlers Park Ridge Prowlers
the RF’s Eyetunes
the RF’s Gluten Free
the RF’s Intentionally Blank
the Raid. FEATHERS
the Roberts Bros Sugar & Spice
the San Fernando Smphonic Assembly FILM MUSIC FOR A NEW AGE - Volume One
the Shamröck Hello, Hi, How Are You?
the Shamröck Sometimes It’s Better Than Sex
the Sweet Onions & Plus‐Tech Squeeze Box Long Touring
the Tiger Get Ready
the UPAFTER Save Me A Seat
the Vacuum Boys Songs From the Sea of Love
the Which Become RAIN The Dark Moon
the World 2U the World 2U
the abyss inside us aerialist
the abyss inside us the passage
the abyss inside us the road that leads to another
the abyss inside us waltz of grievance
the abyss inside us what words can’t say
the acoustics the acoustics
the band apart Memories To Go
the band apart Ninja of Four
the band apart Scent Of August
the band apart 謎のオープンワールド
the barren room white clouds
the bedroom hour Hinterland
the bercedes menz mutist beach
the bercedes menz ザ・ベルセデス・メンツの幸福な子供たち
the bootleg boy BELONGING
the booyah! kids Booyah
the booyah! kids bedroom headroom
the brilliant green Los Angeles clips 2
the broadside boys The Broadside Boys
the broadside boys plenty more fish in the sea
the brown sugar guys perform hits of the rolling stones
the bunch. Dead angels
the chef cooks me Feeling
the chef cooks me Joy&sorrow&tears&smiles
the chef cooks me Love transformation
the comets of doom Sound of Time
the comets of doom This Fine Day
the deadnotes Courage
the deep sleep the hollow pendulum
the deep sleep the magnificent steiner
the della kit Moonbeams & Frequencies
the demos Lovely
the dorians Jumping for Joy
the dwyers Bowling With Jesus
the dwyers Gas Station Masturbation
the ekcotones Tin House
the ekcotones doll's house
the engy Hold You Again
the failure. ...Of Reason
the fall of boy 2005 fall out troy
the fascinations color code
the fascinations quiet dance
the forget-me-not Between the Future & The Past
the forget-me-not Don't You Forget
the forget-me-not Forget Me Not
the forget-me-not Voyage From Yesterday ~遠い約束~
the garages #14
the garages AWAY GAMES
the garages CONSUMED
the garages DEICIDE
the garages DISCIPLINE
the garages ENCORE. or, an incomplete and contradictory history of jaylen hotdogfingers, her trials and tribulations
the garages EXPANSION
the garages ILB Grand Slam '83
the garages Immaterial Shores
the garages LIVE @ HECKDANG
the garages REDEMPTION ARC
the garages REVERSED
the garages ROSTER
the garages Reunion Tour
the garages TA03.1: DECLASSIFIED
the garages TA03.2: UNEARTHED
the garages THE GARAGES VS DESERT BUS 2021
the garages TRIBUTE ACT
the garages Tribute Act 2: Headliners
the garages UNSTABLE
the garages World Tour: Part 1
the garages World Tour: Part 2
the garages blasetober
the garages caught in the reverb
the garages eye of the storm
the garages from the shadows
the garages in the feedback
the garages live @ blaseballidays 2
the garages neon fakes
the garages percolate, or, lofi hip-hop brews to siesta/kill gods to
the garages seattle
the garages spark to a flame
the garages storm's coming
the garages storm's here
the garages the garages (learn nothing)
the garages the garages 101
the garages the garages TAKEOVER
the garages the garages kill the gods
the garages the garages present: be my vlalentine
the garages the garages suck
the garages the garages: RIV
the garages the mike townsend quintilogy
the garages the skarages! vol 1
the garages we are the garages (vol 2)
the garages we are the garages (vol 3)
the garages we are the garages (vol 4)
the garages we've been the garages
the garages we've been the garages
the god and death stars Live at LOFT
the god and death stars funky ghost hollywood
the god and death stars it isn't a singles
the god and death stars love your bone
the god and death stars mary bird milk
the good company 28
the good company Dearland
the good company Walden Year
the gospel voices Live i Christianskirken
the great Luke Ski 4th Grade Talent Show
the great Luke Ski Be Amused by Me
the great Luke Ski Because of Bob
the great Luke Ski Needlessly Meta
the great Luke Ski Psycho Potpourri!
the hair cells Busy Being Born
the happy birthdays HORROR
the happy planets A.D. 2020
the happy planets Life During and After (B-Sides Collect)
the happy planets Lost Time: 2006–2012
the happy planets Miles From Home
the happy planets Miles From Home
the happy planets death; midwest.
the happy planets death; midwest.
the hatch Opaque Age
the hatch OpaqueAge
the hatch Shape of Raw to Come
the hirundu Cinnamon Hill
the hirundu Pound for Pound (I'm the Best Around)
the homestories Aha Aha
the hood affiliates & SickMinded Criminals ChowTown Ghettos
the humble bee Lichen Cloak on a White Stone
the humble bee dust time
the humble bee palm of the ear songs
the humble bee & offthesky Here In, Absence
the i collective Untitled
the ingrates The Artist Formerly Known as Ingrid
the ingrates rings left by cups on black tables
the innocence mission Midwinter Swimmers
the innocence mission See You Tomorrow
the jolly roger Phonaesthetics
the lake situation into the white
the lake situation the lake situation
the little moonling Cheers to the Dead
the little moonling halloweeneepeeeee
the little moonling lighthouse
the little moonling moonPOP
the little moonling moonWALTZ
the lng silence NEW LP
the loner(s) i wish shit would stop spinning
the loyal disciples of our god manky kong MANKYCORE
the mackenzie dynamic mp3: The Remains of "this that"
the mavr!x Guantanamo Bay
the metronomes And Now... The Metronomes
the metronomes Something Big
the mishmash ONE
the moss Bryology
the moss Kentucky Derby
the naghera dancin
the new community waiting in hope
the new internet '99
the new objective Friperietronics Vol. 2: Archive Fever
the northern information movement and though the soft apocalypse may yet overtake
the northern information movement blue, the most celestial color
the northern information movement dispatches from the prime meridian
the northern information movement reverence
the northern information movement senescence
the northern information movement the geometrie of our lost cause
the northern information movement the legacy of our lost cause
the northern information movement the phantoms of our lost cause
the northern information movement zulu
the olllam elllegy
the one and only PPL MVR THE CHOSEN
the paddles EVERGREEN
the peggies MMY
the peggies NEW KINGDOM
the peggies goodmorning in TOKYO
the pickPocket ensemble Fingerpainting In Red Wine
the pillows REBROADCAST
the primrose abyssal
the sea falls asleep THE PORTRAIT
the sex blossoms pomegranate treehouse
the shes gone SINCE
the sleep and memory fader amos
the slow boys birdteeth
the smell of decay CST
the smell of decay deterioration
the smell of decay putrefaction
the smell of decay sweet little daydream
the smell of decay the smell of decay
the smell of decay 信号干渉
the soods Ornaments of Affection
the spell HA HA, VWAH LAH
the stars and two zeroes (early demos)
the strange drama その記念日に名前はない
the strange drama 五線譜のドラマ
the strange drama 各駅停車の想いたち
the strange drama 音楽が目に見える日
the studs and hate
the telephones JAPAN
the telephones Laugh, Cry, Sing... And Dance!!!
the telephones NEW!
the telephones Rock Kingdom
the tron BIG WEDNESDAY 80's
the twenties GLIMMER
the twenties NASTY
the washboard abs Lowlight Visions
the westbrook trio The Lift
the whisper HALLELUJAH!!!
the whisper HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
the whisper PARTY TONIGHT
the whisper SWEET DREAMS!
the whisper パラソル
the who the what the yeah Nervöse Welt
the wretched Happy on a Deathbed
the zardeens No Songs Too Big or Small
the zardeens Party World Broadcast
the-low-country The Dark Road
the-low-country Welcome To...
the.switch Off
the.switch the.switch
the.synthetic.awakening Fifteen
the.wraith Resurrected
theAdelaidean Alive in the Hall of Possibilities
theAdelaidean Distant Objects in Soft Focus
theAdelaidean Eternity Is
theAdelaidean From the Dark
theAdelaidean Hyperaurea: Echoes of Antarctica
theAdelaidean In the Key of Sleep
theAdelaidean Inner Real Life
theAdelaidean Isolation
theAdelaidean Sketches of Space
theAdelaidean Sounds Like Rain
theAdelaidean & deepspace Adrift
theAdelaidean & deepspace antigravity
theAdelaidean / Steve Roach Parallels
theAudiologist Idios Kosmos
theAudiologist Ophiuchi
theAudiologist Question Everything Anymore We Don't Care
theBeatbreaker Heard Not Seen III
theBitters Mouth Breather
theBitters Vanity Won
theBitters Virginia's Burning
theCYCLE Ambivalence
theCYCLE Instrumental: 2006~2012
theCYCLE Metal Circus
theCYCLE Metal Thunder Driver
theCYCLE Spectracks
theDEXorphan Songs to Sell Your Soul To
theGREY Morning @ Midnight
theHEAD Cubic Meters
theHEAD Littlle Golden Hooks
theHEAD The Moveable Feast
theHacker Binary Expansion
theLights Teenager of the Century
theMIND Don't Let It Go To Your Head
theMIND Summer Camp
theMIND theMIND on Audiotree Live
theNoLifeKing Gloom
theOffset No Going Back
thePicassos Exhumed
thePicassos thePicassos & other scary stories
theR.A.C.E. theR.A.C.E.
theSing2YOU にまいめ
theSing2YOU ふたりだけ Live at K・D Japon
theSing2YOU みんなのうた
theSoul はじめての街
theStark Athenaeum
theStark Music for Theatre
theStark ■ (pixel)
theWorst Yes Regrets
the_Network Bishop Kent Manning
the_Network This is Your Pig’s Portrait
the_empath Trackology
the_empath Trackology Remixes
the_maaaigs Scrilent
theater of magic The Scene That Celebrated Itself
theaudience 1998-7-11: T In The Park, Balado, Kinross, Scotland
thebandwithnoname THE4POINTS
thebreathingbackwards arrowhead
thebreathingbackwards & Brody blackheartemoji
thebrotheregg 1993
thebrotheregg Snowflake & Fingerprint Machine
theclosing the way to M
theclosing theclosing
thee Electric Bastards ... If I Could Dream of Anything I'd Dream of Blackest Space...
thee Electric Bastards thee Electric Bastards
theeb. antilove.
thefamilyorchestra thefamilyorchestra
thefricolix Ramann
thegoodnews., CTZN, notpo3 & Pete Cosmos THEGOODNEWS.
thegoodnews., notpo3, CTZN & Pete Cosmos The Debt Tape
thegur90 Celeste: Into the Jungle OST Thegur's Grab Bag
theicon Beyond The Universe Act 1
theicon Beyond The Universe Act 2
theillalogicalspoon Experiment #4: The Great Wound and The Wild Joy - Part A: Roar Again
theillalogicalspoon experiment #1: the totally cool, revolutionary act of truly living
theillalogicalspoon experiment #3: remember your creator in the days of your youth
thekirbykid2006 Jakiah blue
thekirbykid2006 Jakiah blue (Remixes)
thekirbykid2006 Meen MO
thekirbykid2006 thekirbykid2006's Lowest Quality Video Game Rips: Volume 1
thelastplaceyoulook See the Light Inside You
thementes desnuda palidez
thepalmereldritchquintet sometimenever
ther8r Frozn Template
therealjon NOW I KNOW
therianthrope Therianthrope
therunningchelsea The Moonstruck Confederate
thesWord thesWord
thescientist You Are Not the Dance Commander, You Know Nothing of My Work
thesuperfruitsmoothies Guavas, Mangoes & Goji Berries
thewalkingicon Galaxy of Youth
thewalkingicon Shadow of the Saints
thewalkingicon We Are Memory
the奥歯's 夜の住人
thirdworldlabour 49:08
thirteen oh nine FACADES
thirtyonetwentyfive second person
this is a machine Equinox
this is not a business THIS IS NOT A BUSINESS
this is not a business Welcome To The Tengu World
this. Impulsive
thisGrey hates the sun thisGrey hates the sun
thiscotech indisco
thisishowitendedintokyo 2 EP Collection
thisishowitendedintokyo Thisishowitendedintokyo
thisishowitendedintokyo april(s)in,
thisisldm PHTMDRPZ
thisisldm THIRD EARTH
thisisldm リズミックノイズ実験 VOL. 2
thisquietarmy Aftermath + Setting Ashes
thisquietarmy Crowsanne
thisquietarmy Hiatus
thisquietarmy Insect Kingdom
thisquietarmy Isbryter
thisquietarmy Live @ CCSP - Sao Paulo, Brazil
thisquietarmy Live From Isolation
thisquietarmy & Scott Cortez Meridians
thisquietarmy - Qumrân Grounds Ensemble SPES
thisquietarmy / Dirk Serries / Tom Malmendier Hell
thisquietarmy / Tom Malmendier Steppe
thisquietarmy x N Zerfall | Zerfallen
thisquietarmy x N Zerstoeren
thisquietarmy x Sleepwalker 8493
tho' Sum
thom archi co(m)ping
thomas rakowitz In The Atmosphere
thomas rakowitz The Musings of Balance
thomas rakowitz The Musings of Balance (Disc 2)
thomas rakowitz The Musings of Balance - Instrumental
thook DAWN
thook Noise
thor cb with karaoke accents
thornskin black ants don't bite
thoughtcrimes Altered Pasts
thquib 100 byaks and the Ultimate Swag
thquib Autumn Is with Me
thquib Deep Morning
three%hero Love & War
three%hero Through This Pen...
three-weeks-old lovesick puppy Tickle Tickle
threestepstotheocean Del fuoco
threshold of faith Black Halo
threshold of faith Coma Cluster
threshold of faith Crystal Dark
threshold of faith Dark Mystery
threshold of faith Don't Wake Me Up
threshold of faith Easyhard
threshold of faith Gold Stars. Black Crosses
threshold of faith Hownice-tofeelnothing
threshold of faith Linelife
threshold of faith Loneliness in a Fast Way
threshold of faith Points of Contact
threshold of faith The Likes of This Have Never Been Seen Before ...yet Here We Are Again
threshold of faith There Is No Hell, Except the One We Make for Ourselves on Earth
threshold of faith Very Serious Relationship
threshold of faith When the Wind Is Southerly, I Know a Hawk from a Handsaw
thrifty identities Sunrise
through & through frames
through the sloe through the sloe
thundertaint FEEL THE THUNDER v1.4
thx1137 Piratage de démangeaison, Volume 1
thélème, Josquin des Prez & Jean-Christophe Groffe Josquin Desprez: Baisiez moy
thủy wings
tiOteD 2008, Best Songs
tiOteD De um jeito ou de outro, eu chego lá...
tiOteD Eu amo falador
tiOteD Quer bem feito? Faça você mesmo!
tiOteD Vem, que agora é nós
tibone Duke Nukem: Sega Master System OST
tibone Giant Fists of Doom
tico moon Live with Friends !
tictacto WIIPOP
tide/edit All My Friends
tide/edit Lightfoot
tides. oldsoul.
tieff Meet Me in Spring
tifu my gratitude for all your love
tiho tiho Natural escapism
tik///tik An Early Winter
tik///tik Dormant Like Breath
tik///tik Lashes
tiko-μ LOVESICK PUPPIES コンプリートサウンドトラックCD「lovesick music」
tiko-μ 紫電 ~円環の絆~ オリジナルサウンドトラック
tiko-μ, 下地和彦, まつ & UI-70 その横顔を見つめてしまう~A profile 完全版~ サウンドコレクション
tiktok nightmare and ザップザップ Quem Leu É Baiano (TIKTOK™)
tiku sens Jelly Apricot song compilation, vol 2: noise song compilation, vol. 1
tilt something we once knew
tilt-six Hope Sound
tilt-six Re:tilt-six vol.1
timaeus222 Mega Man Battle Network Legacy: Resonant Transmissions
timmi Theosis