The report is not continually updated so may not reflect the current data within Acoustid databases.
This shows complete albums constructed from the metadata submitted to Acoustid, but only the majority of the Acoustids are not already linked to MusicBrainz recordings. We filter to only show albums that we have all the tracks for and that have real metadata, and only include albums where we can find a case insensitive match between the album artist and a MusicBrainz artist, to simplify things and filter out some nonsense data. Limitations:Acoustid Data is not of high enough quality to properly handle multi releases and some releases may be listed multiple times due to slight differences in metadata. Acoustid only provides basic metadata, at best this is Album Artist, Album, Track No, Track Title, Track Artist, Year of release, Track Duration (taken directly from linked fingerprint(s)). The data is good for identifying albums by smaller artists, and rare bootleg/live albums by well known artists
Search Gail Thompson Jazz Africa 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gail Thompson Long Time in Togo 11:05 2 Gail Thompson Burkina Faso 08:27 3 Gail Thompson Kamara River 11:44 4 Gail Thompson Expedition 13:58 5 Gail Thompson Stressless 09:30 6 Gail Thompson Finale 10:31
Gajdos Népzenei Együttes View in Albunack "... világ közepén legyek!" 13 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gajdos Népzenei Együttes Korcsos és cigánycsárdás (Felsõ-Maros vidéke) 05:07 2 Gajdos Népzenei Együttes Ó, én édes hazám (Balassi Bálint verse) 02:19 3 Gajdos Népzenei Együttes Öves és kezes (Moldva) 04:00 4 Gajdos Népzenei Együttes Keserves és hajnali (Kalotaszeg) 07:45 5 Gajdos Népzenei Együttes Veress az ég (Moldva) 03:40 6 Gajdos Népzenei Együttes Adjon Isten minden jót (újévköszöntõ) 02:40 7 Gajdos Népzenei Együttes Megkötötték már nékem a koszorút (menyasszonybúcsúztató, Nyitra) 04:32 8 Gajdos Népzenei Együttes Ha a babám mindig nálam volna (Galga-vidék) 05:15 9 Gajdos Népzenei Együttes Három hordó borom van (Eger-környéki boros nóták) 04:49 10 Gajdos Népzenei Együttes A juhász és birkái (hangszeres mese Moldvából) 04:49 11 Gajdos Népzenei Együttes Szilágysági román népzene 04:13 12 Gajdos Népzenei Együttes Csütörtök hajnalba' (diákének) 02:28 13 Gajdos Népzenei Együttes Sem nem a víz hozott ide... (nógrádi dudanóták) 03:16
Gajdos Népzenei Együttes View in Albunack Sírnak a csillagok 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gajdos Népzenei Együttes Cigánycsárdás (Magyarpéterlaka, Maros-mente) 04:22 2 Gajdos Népzenei Együttes Kiskertünkben kinyílott a búzavirág (Kartal, Galga-mente) 06:55 3 Gajdos Népzenei Együttes Moldvai katonadalok 04:24 4 Gajdos Népzenei Együttes Sírnak a csillagok (Horváth Attila feldolgozása) 04:22 5 Gajdos Népzenei Együttes Egy gyönyörü leány (Gajdos zenekar feldolgozása) 04:43 6 Gajdos Népzenei Együttes Úgy elmegyek (Horváth Attila feldolgozása) 03:25 7 Gajdos Népzenei Együttes Kettös (Gajdos zenekar feldolgozása) 03:45 8 Gajdos Népzenei Együttes Szivárvány havasán (Okos Tibor, Szabó Attila feldolgozása) 05:29 9 Gajdos Népzenei Együttes Ága-bogas a diófa teteje (Kraszna, Szilágyság) 02:38 10 Gajdos Népzenei Együttes Katonakísérö és forduló (Magyarpéterlaka, Maros-mente) 04:50
Search Gal Bestimmung New York 15 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gal Ayako - Japanese 03:44 2 Gal Gabriel - Hungarian 04:02 3 Gal Genevieve - Filipino 03:58 4 Gal Jamila - Arabic 03:56 5 Gal Kat - Polish 04:14 6 Gal Lizzy - Hebrew 03:53 7 Gal Maria - Spanish 03:47 8 Gal Melina - German 05:07 9 Gal Oskar - Basque 03:53 10 Gal Ruvn - Yiddish 04:38 11 Gal Sasha - Russian 03:23 12 Gal Susanne - English 05:06 13 Gal Toon - Thai 03:28 14 Gal Vazira - Urdu 04:40 15 Gal Vivian - Cantonese 05:14
Gal De Paz View in Albunack Goldie 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gal De Paz Creepin In My Bones 03:16 2 Gal De Paz Freak It 02:46 3 Gal De Paz Off The Grid 03:07 4 Gal De Paz My Misery 03:27 5 Gal De Paz Better 04:13 6 Gal De Paz Speed Of Life 02:59 7 Gal De Paz The Change 03:23 8 Gal De Paz All Right 03:05 9 Gal De Paz Inside My Head (Featuring Gal Nisman|) 04:35 10 Gal De Paz Got To Stay Alive 04:16 11 Gal De Paz Knocking On The Door 03:36 12 Gal De Paz Living On The Moon 04:03
Galactic Caravan View in Albunack Belly Dance Odyssey 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Galactic Caravan Hey Saad! 05:04 2 Galactic Caravan Faraway Places 05:06 3 Galactic Caravan You Will Be Mine 03:49 4 Galactic Caravan Funk Like An Egyption 03:55 5 Galactic Caravan How Do You Do? 03:58 6 Galactic Caravan Duduks In The Morning 04:31 7 Galactic Caravan Good Moves 04:56 8 Galactic Caravan Desert Chill 05:12 9 Galactic Caravan Thoughts & Prayers 03:47 10 Galactic Caravan Eastern Eyes 03:59 11 Galactic Caravan Raqs Nay 03:21 12 Galactic Caravan The Last Travel 04:10
Galactic Caravan View in Albunack Journey To India 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Galactic Caravan The 5 Rivers 04:08 2 Galactic Caravan The Sun, The Moon, The Truth 00:00 3 Galactic Caravan Unreel 2 Real 04:59 4 Galactic Caravan The Serpent Song 04:15 5 Galactic Caravan Chatter in Calcutta 04:26 6 Galactic Caravan Bang The Bhangra 04:06 7 Galactic Caravan Mumbai Blue Frog 04:54 8 Galactic Caravan Tongues Like Knifes 04:12 9 Galactic Caravan Nirvana Mind 04:42 10 Galactic Caravan Journey To India 05:15
Galaktika View in Albunack Sirds vēl tic 16 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Galaktika Sauc atpakaļ 03:52 2 Galaktika Tēvam (piedalās brāļi Puncuļi) 04:10 3 Galaktika Labvakar, draugi! 04:27 4 Galaktika Laimīgā zeme (piedalās Dzeguzīte) 03:55 5 Galaktika Es vienmēr Tev būšu klāt (piedalās Ingrīda Balode) 03:29 6 Galaktika Cik labi, ka Tu esi 03:36 7 Galaktika Kopā tik un tā (piedalās Oranžā kora meitenes) 04:00 8 Galaktika Bet sirds vēl tic 03:57 9 Galaktika Mote dieleņu auklieja (piedalās Ieva Grēvele) 05:03 10 Galaktika Atpakaļ ceļa nav (piedalās Ingrīda Balode) 04:06 11 Galaktika Atkalredzēšanās 03:05 12 Galaktika Sapņa ceļojums (piedalās Dzeguzīte) 03:41 13 Galaktika Es piederu Tev - Tu man (piedalās Rēzeknes Zaļā kora meitenes) 03:38 14 Galaktika Mūs vieno mūzika (piedalās Dainis Skutelis un Ingars Puncuļs) 03:48 15 Galaktika Kod Latgola sazdūs rūkos (piedalās Dainis Skutelis) 03:51 16 Galaktika Pi Dīveņa gari goldi 04:55
Galant, tu perds ton temps View in Albunack Fais-toi pas d'illusions 19 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Galant, tu perds ton temps Pour se marier 02:14 2 Galant, tu perds ton temps Galant, tu perds ton temps 01:54 3 Galant, tu perds ton temps Turlutte/La fille à Cloutier (Dubé) 03:42 4 Galant, tu perds ton temps Maman, j'ai 14 ans 02:34 5 Galant, tu perds ton temps Adieu la liberté 02:06 6 Galant, tu perds ton temps Un métier pour faire la toile 02:36 7 Galant, tu perds ton temps Le curé de Terrebonne 02:19 8 Galant, tu perds ton temps La chanson des amants 02:10 9 Galant, tu perds ton temps Rossignolet sauvage 03:04 10 Galant, tu perds ton temps La bagatelle 01:17 11 Galant, tu perds ton temps Le suicide manqué 01:54 12 Galant, tu perds ton temps Enceinte sans l'avoir senti 02:37 13 Galant, tu perds ton temps Le vingt d'avri' 04:31 14 Galant, tu perds ton temps Le p'tit mari 03:47 15 Galant, tu perds ton temps Elle mangeait d'la tire 02:38 16 Galant, tu perds ton temps Quand j'étais fille à marier/Turlutte 04:19 17 Galant, tu perds ton temps La complainte 03:34 18 Galant, tu perds ton temps Valse Turluttée 02:48 19 Galant, tu perds ton temps Amant, qu'as-tu fais de mon coeur? 02:25
Galant, tu perds ton temps View in Albunack Nous irons danser 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Galant, tu perds ton temps Pendant que nous faisions l'amour (Traditionnel) 03:27 2 Galant, tu perds ton temps J'entends le moulin (Traditionnel) 02:44 3 Mon père m'y marie La marche du quêteux Pomerleau (Traditionnel) 04:33 4 Galant, tu perds ton temps Nous irons danser (Traditionnel) 03:51 5 Galant, tu perds ton temps Je m'en vais rouler (Traditionnel) 03:46 6 Galant, tu perds ton temps L'oranger (Traditionnel) 03:01 7 Galant, tu perds ton temps La poison (Traditionnel) 04:13 8 Galant, tu perds ton temps Au bord de la fontaine (Traditionnel) 03:55 9 Galant, tu perds ton temps J'aime mon p'tit flacon (Traditionnel) 02:40 10 Les vagues du St-Laurent (Aimé Gagnon) Le p'tit mari (Traditionnel) 04:11 11 Galant, tu perds ton temps Mon père n'avait fille que moi (Traditionnel) 04:52 12 L'éreinté La joyeuse québécoise (Traditionnel) 05:39
Galaxion View in Albunack Spacesynth Compilation 7 0 2007 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Galaxion Adventure 04:27 2 Galaxion Embryo Zero 01:39 3 Galaxion Through The Space 05:58 4 Galaxion Voice Of Forever 2007 04:27 5 Galaxion Last Transmission 05:34 6 Galaxion Traveller 04:17 7 Galaxion Through The Space 05:58
Galaxy Kids View in Albunack Angriff der Weltraumpiraten 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Galaxy Kids Saurer Hering und Grünkohleintopf 06:29 2 Galaxy Kids Kian Ti 13:57 3 Galaxy Kids Das Universum im Kieselstein 05:21 4 Galaxy Kids Das schwarze Loch 08:21 5 Galaxy Kids An Bord der Piraten 05:06 6 Galaxy Kids Rettende kloake 06:03 7 Galaxy Kids Der Planet Invidia 10:55 8 Galaxy Kids Just Tentimes 08:05 9 Galaxy Kids Überfall der Piraten 10:00 10 Galaxy Kids Gamma, Beta, Alpha 04:14
Galaxy Kids View in Albunack Galaxy Kids (01) Das Geheimnis der Wächter 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Galaxy Kids Die erste Begegnung 16:22 2 Galaxy Kids Das neue Gesetz 06:46 3 Galaxy Kids In der Familiengruft 06:23 4 Galaxy Kids Deal 06:09 5 Galaxy Kids Superpopel 12:06 6 Galaxy Kids Der Glex-Tech-Destroyer 06:05 7 Galaxy Kids Verfolgungsjagd 02:41 8 Galaxy Kids Sonderklausel 17b 06:10 9 Galaxy Kids Dunkelwasser 04:29 10 Galaxy Kids Galaxy Kids 09:07
Galaxy Kids View in Albunack Galaxy Kids (2) Angriff der Weltraumpiraten 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Galaxy Kids Saurer Hering und Grünkohleintopf 06:29 2 Galaxy Kids Kian Ti 13:57 3 Galaxy Kids Das Universum im Kieselstein 05:21 4 Galaxy Kids Das Schwarze Loch 08:21 5 Galaxy Kids An Bord der Piraten 05:06 6 Galaxy Kids Rettende Kloake 06:03 7 Galaxy Kids Der Planet Invidia 10:55 8 Galaxy Kids Just Tentimes 08:05 9 Galaxy Kids Überfall der Piraten 10:00 10 Galaxy Kids Gamma, Beta, Alpha 04:14
Galaxy Kids View in Albunack Galaxy Kids (3) Der vergessene Planet 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Galaxy Kids Supernase 03:31 2 Galaxy Kids Ein neues Ziel 06:44 3 Galaxy Kids Absturz 04:21 4 Galaxy Kids Auf Oblivia 05:27 5 Galaxy Kids Der Gauklerjunge 09:49 6 Galaxy Kids Lady unter Lords 09:21 7 Galaxy Kids Ein nächtlicher Besuch 08:49 8 Galaxy Kids Bei den Erdfresserriesen 08:52 9 Galaxy Kids Flucht durch den Wald 07:48 10 Galaxy Kids Ein ungleicher Kampf 06:00 11 Galaxy Kids Die vier Schüler 07:48
Galaxy Kids View in Albunack Galaxy Kids (4) Wettkampf der Auserwählten 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Galaxy Kids Prolog 06:44 2 Galaxy Kids Ankunft im Primus-Kolleg 05:19 3 Galaxy Kids Zero-Gravity-Ball 04:46 4 Galaxy Kids Die größte Bibliothek des Universums 03:52 5 Galaxy Kids Training 07:29 6 Galaxy Kids Harolds Identität 02:13 7 Galaxy Kids Der Wettkampf beginnt 11:26 8 Galaxy Kids Ungebetener Besuch 06:41 9 Galaxy Kids Team Galaxy 13:02 10 Galaxy Kids Finale 07:36 11 Galaxy Kids Captain Wos 03:51 12 Galaxy Kids Begegnung im Park 04:53
Galaxy P View in Albunack MYW 15 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Galaxy P Chu-Chu Train 03:15 2 Galaxy P Accountability 04:02 3 Galaxy P Temperature 04:00 4 Galaxy P Mek You Wet 04:00 5 Galaxy P Me, Myself & I 04:06 6 Galaxy P Balling Out 04:10 7 Galaxy P Galaang Bad 04:02 8 Galaxy P Major Damage 04:14 9 Galaxy P Oh Yes! 03:37 10 Galaxy P Money 03:51 11 Galaxy P Something Good 03:49 12 Galaxy P Me, Myself & I (Ruff And Ragga Mix) 04:06 13 Galaxy P Balling Out (Dance Mix) 04:10 14 Galaxy P Major Damage (Dub Out Mix) 03:49 15 Galaxy P Chu-Chu Train (Drop Out Bad Bwoy Mix) 03:15
Galaxy P View in Albunack Old Friends 15 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Galaxy P Miss Goodie Goodie 03:56 2 Galaxy P Fling It And Dash IT 03:51 3 Galaxy P Fat Sexy And Round 03:42 4 Galaxy P Sweet Sweet Reggae Music 04:04 5 Galaxy P Life Style Living 03:50 6 Galaxy P Multiply By Sex 03:45 7 Galaxy P Protein Vitamin & Mineral 03:46 8 Galaxy P Hard Core Loving 04:13 9 Galaxy P Bus Wine And Laugh 03:53 10 Galaxy P Punanny Bully 03:55 11 Galaxy P Heads Up 03:46 12 Galaxy P Them Bawling 04:02 13 Galaxy P Sweat 03:55 14 Galaxy P Badder Than Bad 03:58 15 Galaxy P Rich And Poor 03:33
Search Galea Diary of a bad housewife 14 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Galea Galea - You Can't Judge a Book by the Cover 03:46 2 Galea Come on in my kitchen 04:21 3 Galea My real daddy 04:43 4 Galea Queen shit 04:47 5 Galea Brand New Key 03:44 6 Galea Can't let go 04:06 7 Galea One or two things 05:54 8 Galea Just your friends 04:15 9 Galea She's Mean and Evil 05:15 10 Galea Tipilina 04:24 11 Galea Truck Drivin' Man 04:37 12 Galea Dirty mother for you 05:09 13 Galea (She said that) Evil was her name 05:08 14 Galea Let's Run Together 04:35
Search Galea Diary of a bad housewife (2005) 14 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Galea You can't judge a book by the cover 03:46 2 Galea Come on in my kitchen 04:21 3 Galea My real daddy 04:43 4 Galea Queen shit 04:47 5 Galea Brand new key 03:44 6 Galea Can't let go 04:06 7 Galea One or two things 05:54 8 Galea Just your friends 04:17 9 Galea She's mean and evil 05:15 10 Galea Tipilina 04:24 11 Galea Truck drivin' man 04:37 12 Galea Dirty mother for you 05:09 13 Galea (She said that) Evil was her name 05:08 14 Galea Let's run together 04:35
Galena View in Albunack Az 16 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Galena Sled Razdialata 03:35 2 Galena & Kristo Syzdaj Igra 03:40 3 Galena DJ-iat Me Izdade [remix] 05:50 4 Galena Neudobni Vyprosi (feat. Gymzata) 03:20 5 Galena S Koe Pravo 04:19 6 Galena Toq Stava 03:20 7 Galena Shte Se Provalq 04:01 8 Galena Mrazq Da Te Obicham 03:40 9 Galena Da Ti Go Dam Li 03:44 10 Galena Znam Kak 03:18 11 Galena Zapali 03:47 12 Galena Iskam Da Ostanem Budni 04:45 13 Galena, Emilia & Malina Alarma 03:21 14 Galena Ne Pred Horata 03:04 15 Galena Za Pari 04:24 16 Galena Haide, Otkaji Me 04:11
Galena View in Albunack Koy 10 2 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Galena & Desi Slava V Tvoite Ochi 04:02 2 Galena ft. DJ Zhivko Mix Havana Tropicana 04:14 3 \N Koy-duet s Fiki 04:11 4 Galena & Fiki Bozhe, Prosti 03:19 5 \N Zhivey-duet s Preslava 03:44 6 \N Vatreno,Vatreno-duet s MC Stoyan 03:25 7 Galena ft. Sergio Pantera 04:24 8 Galena & Preslava Hayde Otkazhi Me 04:11 Has Mbid 9 Galena ft. Faydee Habibi 03:35 Has Mbid 10 Galena & Akcent Te Quiero 03:08
Galena View in Albunack Oficialno Zabranen 14 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Galena Opasen Za Zheni 04:01 2 Galena Oficialno Zabranen 03:40 3 Galena Na Dve Golemi 03:34 4 Galena Losh Li Sym 03:57 5 Galena Tiho Mi Pazi 03:36 6 Galena Diavolyt Me Kara 03:42 7 Galena & Malina feat. Fatih Urek Moj 03:37 8 Galena Na Linia 03:55 9 Galena Cheren Spisyk 03:55 10 Galena Ne Se Opitvaj 03:27 11 Galena Znam Diagnozata 04:02 12 Galena Neshtastnica 03:32 13 Galena Neplatena Smetka 03:38 14 Galena Za Posledno 03:36
Search Galicja Galicja gitarowa 15 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Galicja Prawie bez słów 04:32 2 Galicja Jak wiatr (o, o) 03:18 3 Galicja Obok snów 02:50 4 Galicja O sobie 04:20 5 Galicja Sen o... 02:44 6 Galicja Bezszelestnie 04:34 7 Galicja Cisza 01:49 8 Galicja Słowa (zaklęcia) 02:47 9 Galicja Błędne koło 05:18 10 Galicja Pierwsza zmierzchu fala 02:03 11 Galicja Horyzont 03:32 12 Galicja Radość prawdziwa 02:31 13 Galicja Niepamięć 04:02 14 Galicja Niedaleko mojego domu 03:21 15 Galicja A takie tam 02:22
Search Galicja Wiał wiatr 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Galicja Narodziłsie cżłowiek 05:14 2 Galicja Spoatkanie- Jest 04:34 3 Galicja Własnymi rękami 03:23 4 Galicja Pieśń rycerza 04:54 5 Galicja Radość prawdziwa 03:10 6 Galicja List 03:48 7 Galicja Serafin i krew 05:42 8 Galicja Serce wierne 03:42 9 Galicja Pamięć o tym co było 03:08 10 Galicja Transitus 03:22 11 Galicja Łąka i wiatr 05:46
Galitcha View in Albunack Célébration BLÉ D'inde Celebration 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Galitcha Chuk Dhay 04:18 2 Galitcha Rabba Tun 06:07 3 Galitcha Ik Mela 03:12 4 Galitcha Shukria 03:25 5 Galitcha Paudi Lakay 06:00 6 Galitcha Dhooron Ayia 03:23 7 Galitcha Blé d'Inde 04:12 8 Galitcha Road To Bamako 06:07 9 Galitcha J'entends Le Moulin 03:21 10 Galitcha Punjabi Munday 03:50
Galloping Foxleys View in Albunack No Future Forever 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Galloping Foxleys Small Moke and Fries 04:33 2 Galloping Foxleys Amnesia 05:18 3 Galloping Foxleys Watching the Wind Whirl 06:07 4 Galloping Foxleys Wet Dreams 04:39 5 Galloping Foxleys Double-thinkk 05:24 6 Galloping Foxleys Travelling Song 02:48 7 Galloping Foxleys Nest 04:04 8 Galloping Foxleys No Future. Forever. 06:35
Gallotti View in Albunack Quem me conhece 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gallotti Lavradio 03:12 2 Gallotti Ela não quer dançar contigo 03:55 3 Gallotti Vovó curandeira 04:33 4 Gallotti Cubanita 04:12 5 Gallotti Modificado 03:10 6 Gallotti Juca e a bossa nova 02:53 7 Gallotti Quem me conhece 03:27 8 Gallotti Amor em dobro 02:33 9 Gallotti Partido do homem solteiro 04:04 10 Gallotti Sá Maria Baqueteira 02:48 11 Gallotti Naqueles dias 04:05 12 Gallotti Mangueira é a cara do Brasil 02:23
Galloway & Kelliher View in Albunack Outlaws & Renegades 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Galloway & Kelliher Rebel Rock 05:43 2 Galloway & Kelliher Rebel Rock 05:43 3 Galloway & Kelliher Willie 06:18 4 Galloway & Kelliher 'Nite Train 04:11 5 Galloway & Kelliher 'Nite Train 04:11 6 Galloway & Kelliher Hurt 06:00 7 Galloway & Kelliher She's Got the Rhythm 05:40 8 Galloway & Kelliher Edna 04:19 9 Galloway & Kelliher Blues in the Morning 04:52
Galt Aureus View in Albunack Heralds to the Sun 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Galt Aureus Finis Coronat 01:15 2 Galt Aureus The Glass of Fashion 04:14 3 Galt Aureus All Lights Fade 04:14 4 Galt Aureus Dark 06:18 5 Galt Aureus A Secret Dies 04:11 6 Galt Aureus The Errant Humble 04:20 7 Galt Aureus Fall, the Legions 05:44 8 Galt Aureus Six Ships 02:55 9 Galt Aureus And We've Just Begun 03:12 10 Galt Aureus Veneficus Ruinae 04:35 11 Galt Aureus Silence 01:01
Galt Aureus View in Albunack Treason 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Galt Aureus Apparatus Emergit 00:49 2 Galt Aureus Machine 04:18 3 Galt Aureus Treason 02:59 4 Galt Aureus Here Come the Crows 03:14 5 Galt Aureus Asylum 01:21 6 Galt Aureus Decay 03:44 7 Galt Aureus Strike 02:38 8 Galt Aureus Soliloquy of Slaves 03:08 9 Galt Aureus Fractures in the Steel 03:53 10 Galt Aureus Revive the Light 03:52 11 Galt Aureus Unraveling 01:27
Gambheera View in Albunack Classic Touch 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gambheera Medieval Scenes 04:33 2 Gambheera Romance 15:25 3 Gambheera Ancient Tales 06:09 4 Gambheera Choral 04:45 5 Gambheera Childhood Bye Bye 10:40 6 Gambheera Baroque Scene 04:40 7 Gambheera Looking 03:48 8 Gambheera Between the Chords 04:08 9 Gambheera Spanish Fantasy 05:23
Gambheera View in Albunack Moments of Flowers 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gambheera Ancient Rememberance 05:40 2 Gambheera Moments of Flowers I 11:46 3 Gambheera Heart Song 07:56 4 Gambheera Moments of Flowers Ii 10:15 5 Gambheera Joyous Existence 09:27 6 Gambheera Inner Dance 06:22
Gamblers Mark View in Albunack The Cho Incident 14 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gamblers Mark My Life My Way 02:34 2 Gamblers Mark A.D.I.T.S. 03:04 3 Gamblers Mark Gamblers MArk 04:01 4 Gamblers Mark Section II 03:34 5 Gamblers Mark Brightest Black Shirt 03:14 6 Gamblers Mark Annoying Bitch 03:10 7 Gamblers Mark Seven 7&7´s 04:32 8 Gamblers Mark The Cho Incident 04:04 9 Gamblers Mark Gangsters 02:40 10 Gamblers Mark In This Life 03:30 11 Gamblers Mark Greenroom 04:08 12 Gamblers Mark Wasted Time 03:22 13 Gamblers Mark Elvira (Your´s Cruelly) 02:50 14 Gamblers Mark We Got 02:31
Gamesdøglär View in Albunack Houchkarama 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gamesdøglär Hips 01:38 2 Gamesdøglär Tatskin 02:28 3 Gamesdøglär NYC Riverline 05:02 4 Gamesdøglär My Head 03:16 5 Gamesdøglär Bello Greeno 03:11 6 Gamesdøglär Night Train 04:44 7 Gamesdøglär Houchkarama 01:18
GammaBlitzBoys View in Albunack Explosion der Töne (Elektro Seite) 12 0 2007 Show/Hide Tracks 1 GammaBlitzBoys Denn es kommt anders 04:02 2 GammaBlitzBoys Generator ich 03:18 3 GammaBlitzBoys Japanische Angst 04:03 4 GammaBlitzBoys Mein dunkles Geheimnis 04:11 5 GammaBlitzBoys Performensch 03:57 6 GammaBlitzBoys Sanduhr 03:55 7 GammaBlitzBoys Sanduhr* 03:56 8 GammaBlitzBoys Schau in das Licht 03:30 9 GammaBlitzBoys So wie im Film 03:51 10 GammaBlitzBoys Um die eigene Achse 03:32 11 GammaBlitzBoys Warten Jetzt! 02:58 12 GammaBlitzBoys Wo sind die anderen 03:58
GammaBlitzBoys View in Albunack Explosion der Töne (Punkrock Seite) 17 0 2007 Show/Hide Tracks 1 GammaBlitzBoys Beatsimulation 02:01 2 GammaBlitzBoys Buenos Dias 01:55 3 GammaBlitzBoys Buenos_Dias 01:55 4 GammaBlitzBoys Die Besten 02:25 5 GammaBlitzBoys Explosion der Töne 03:34 6 GammaBlitzBoys Gute Gründe 02:05 7 GammaBlitzBoys Jugendliche Diskoraser 02:47 8 GammaBlitzBoys Killer 02:38 9 GammaBlitzBoys Laserboy Erwacht 03:08 10 GammaBlitzBoys Logistic Prozess Menagement 02:51 11 GammaBlitzBoys Millionenangebot 02:22 12 GammaBlitzBoys Pförtner 02:42 13 GammaBlitzBoys Pyjamadieb 02:43 14 GammaBlitzBoys Sagst du dann 02:12 15 GammaBlitzBoys Torero 02:38 16 GammaBlitzBoys Wer dann noch lacht 01:41 17 GammaBlitzBoys Zeit zu atmen 03:21
Gan Eden View in Albunack Gan Eden 9 0 2015 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gan Eden Come to Me 04:59 2 Gan Eden Shalo Veahava 04:49 3 Gan Eden Litfos Kivun 04:02 4 Gan Eden Parparim 05:53 5 Gan Eden Yeled Muzar 03:46 6 Gan Eden Mona Lisa 04:50 7 Gan Eden Chikiti Basdera 03:13 8 Gan Eden Shir Hanavad 05:05 9 Gan Eden Permix 03:59
Ganesh Acharya View in Albunack Nacho 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Ganesh Acharya Nacho Nacho 03:35 2 Ganesh Acharya Yeh Hawa Khushbu 06:25 3 Ganesh Acharya De Gayee De Gayee 06:35 4 Ganesh Acharya Charsula 04:55 5 Ganesh Acharya Talle Talle 05:14 6 Ganesh Acharya Meri Jaan Tu 05:39 7 Ganesh Acharya Rahenge Yeh Geet Saare 06:13 8 Ganesh Acharya Bhid Gaya Taka 04:49
Gang Do Samba View in Albunack Embolê 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gang Do Samba Pot -Porri Embolê 04:00 2 Gang Do Samba Vadêia Cumadi 03:32 3 Gang Do Samba Endereço 03:20 4 Gang Do Samba Forma De Amor 04:21 5 Gang Do Samba Pot-Pourri 03:02 6 Gang Do Samba Gang-Ê 03:35 7 Gang Do Samba Turma Da Usura 03:40 8 Gang Do Samba Cicatriz 04:01 9 Gang Do Samba Luz Do Luar 03:53 10 Gang Do Samba Cinderela 04:01 11 Gang Do Samba El Maniceiro 03:24
Gang Marcela View in Albunack Gwiazdozbior 18 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gang Marcela Zaswiecila moja gwiazda 03:49 2 Gang Marcela Znajdziemy posrod trosk 03:37 3 Gang Marcela Bym drogi nie pomylil 03:04 4 Gang Marcela Milosc nie liczy lat 04:03 5 Gang Marcela Dziewczyno obudz siê 03:40 6 Gang Marcela Kto, jesli nie ty 04:11 7 Gang Marcela Ojciec zyl tak jak chcial 02:30 8 Gang Marcela Sen jak dym 03:20 9 Gang Marcela Lubie miec luz 02:39 10 Gang Marcela A mnie cieszy to co mam 03:49 11 Gang Marcela Ona w sobie cos ma 03:24 12 Gang Marcela Gdybys tak dzis 04:28 13 Gang Marcela Kolysanka dla malego 03:30 14 Gang Marcela Hej przyjacielu- dobre slowo 02:44 15 Gang Marcela Komu z nas teczowy luk 03:45 16 Gang Marcela Mezczyzna i lzy 03:32 17 Gang Marcela Tyle zlamanych serc 02:51 18 Gang Marcela Krag znow bedzie nieprzerwany 04:14
Gang Marcela View in Albunack Kolędy I Pastorałki 18 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gang Marcela Cicha Noc 04:31 2 Gang Marcela Gdy Się Chrystus Rodzi 03:24 3 Gang Marcela Gdy Śliczna Panna 02:31 4 Gang Marcela Anioł Pasterzom Mówił 01:58 5 Gang Marcela Narodził Się Jezus Chrystus 01:46 6 Gang Marcela Bracia Patrze Jeno 03:39 7 Gang Marcela Znów Cię Spotkam Na Pasterce 00:00 8 Gang Marcela Hej W Dzień Narodzenia 02:53 9 Gang Marcela Mamy Święta 02:34 10 Gang Marcela Wśród Nocnej Ciszy 00:00 11 Gang Marcela Boże Narodzenie Znów 03:39 12 Gang Marcela Przybiezeli Do Betlejem 01:55 13 Gang Marcela W Żłobie leży 02:25 14 Gang Marcela Kołysanka Dla Małego 00:00 15 Gang Marcela Pastorałka - Zadumka 03:19 16 Gang Marcela Jest Taka Niespodzianka 00:00 17 Gang Marcela A Wczora Z Wieczora 02:49 18 Gang Marcela Swięta, Swięta ... I Po Swietach 03:17
Gang Marcela View in Albunack Piosenki na kazda okazje 14 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gang Marcela Niedawno tak 02:27 2 Gang Marcela A mnie cieszy to co mam 03:49 3 Gang Marcela Byle do przodu 03:05 4 Gang Marcela Milosc nie liczy lat 04:03 5 Gang Marcela Wesele u sasiada 02:41 6 Gang Marcela Tobie Matko spiewam 03:07 7 Gang Marcela Gdy jestes tu 04:03 8 Gang Marcela Nasz kazdy dzien 03:26 9 Gang Marcela Roze czerwone sa 03:00 10 Gang Marcela Ja ciebie mam 03:42 11 Gang Marcela Tys moj Chleb 02:35 12 Gang Marcela Zapragnac znow 04:51 13 Gang Marcela Naprawde nic 03:15 14 Gang Marcela Uplywa szybko zycie 03:47
Gang Marcela View in Albunack Pytania O Sens 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gang Marcela Pobłogosław Nas Na Nowe Dni 04:07 2 Gang Marcela Szukałam Ciebie Długo 02:23 3 Gang Marcela Ufaj Sercu 04:25 4 Gang Marcela Co Dzień Rozważam Twoje Słowa 04:03 5 Gang Marcela Tobie, Boże Jedyny 03:56 6 Gang Marcela Pytania O Sens 04:14 7 Gang Marcela Modlitwa O Miłość 03:17 8 Gang Marcela Pozwol Mi Panie Spiewać Hymn 03:42 9 Gang Marcela Kołysanka Dla Nienarodzonego 04:23 10 Gang Marcela Rachunek Sumienia 05:41 11 Gang Marcela Ty Jesteś Wciąż Obok Mnie 03:05 12 Gang Marcela Niech Nam Nie Braknie Sił 04:40
Gang Marcela View in Albunack Pytania o sens 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gang Marcela Poblogoslaw nas na nowe dni 04:07 2 Gang Marcela Szukalam Ciebie dlugo 02:23 3 Gang Marcela Ufaj sercu 04:25 4 Gang Marcela Co dzien rozwazam Twoje slowa 04:03 5 Gang Marcela Tobie, Boze Jedyny 03:56 6 Gang Marcela Pytania o sens 04:14 7 Gang Marcela Modlitwa o milosc 03:17 8 Gang Marcela Pozwol mi Panie spiewac hymn 03:42 9 Gang Marcela Kolysanka dla nienarodzonego 04:23 10 Gang Marcela Rachunek sumienia 05:41 11 Gang Marcela Ty jestes wciaz obok mnie 03:05 12 Gang Marcela Niech nam nie braknie sil 04:40
Gang Marcela View in Albunack The Best 18 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gang Marcela Za wieci a moja gwiazda 03:49 2 Gang Marcela Znajdziemy Posrod Trosk 03:38 3 Gang Marcela Bym drogi nie pomyli 03:04 4 Gang Marcela Milosc Nie Liczy Lat 04:03 5 Gang Marcela Dziewczyno Obudz Siê 03:40 6 Gang Marcela Ojciec y tak jak chcia 02:30 7 Gang Marcela Ojciec Zyl Tak Jak Chcial 02:28 8 Gang Marcela Sen Jak Dym 03:20 9 Gang Marcela Lubie Miec Luz 02:39 10 Gang Marcela A Mnie Cieszy to Co Mam 03:49 11 Gang Marcela Ko ysanka dla ma ego 03:30 12 Gang Marcela Gdybys Tak Dzis 04:28 13 Gang Marcela Komu z nas t czowy uk 03:46 14 Gang Marcela M czyzna i zy 03:33 15 Gang Marcela Tyle z amanych serc 02:51 16 Gang Marcela Mezczyzna I Lzy 03:34 17 Gang Marcela Tyle Zlamanych Serc 02:51 18 Gang Marcela Krag Znow Bedzie Nieprzerwany 04:14
Gang Marcela View in Albunack The Best Of 18 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gang Marcela Zaświeciła moja gwiazda 03:49 2 Gang Marcela Znajdziemy pośród trosk 03:37 3 Gang Marcela Bym drogi nie pomylił 03:03 4 Gang Marcela Miłość nie liczy lat 04:03 5 Gang Marcela Dziewczyno obudź się 03:40 6 Gang Marcela Kto, jeśli nie ty 04:11 7 Gang Marcela Ojciec żył tak jak chciał 02:28 8 Gang Marcela Sen jak dym 03:20 9 Gang Marcela Lubię mieć luz 02:39 10 Gang Marcela A mnie cieszy to co mam 03:49 11 Gang Marcela Ona w sobie coś ma 03:25 12 Gang Marcela Gdybyś tak dziś 04:28 13 Gang Marcela Kołysanka dla małego 03:30 14 Gang Marcela Hej przyjacielu - dobre słowo 02:45 15 Gang Marcela Komu z nas tęczowy łuk 03:45 16 Gang Marcela Mężczyzna i łzy 03:34 17 Gang Marcela Tyle złamanych serc 02:49 18 Gang Marcela Krąg znów będzie nieprzerwany 04:14
Gang Marcela View in Albunack Wesolych Swiat 18 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gang Marcela Cicha noc 04:31 2 Gang Marcela Coz to prosze za nowina 02:12 3 Gang Marcela Gdy sliczna Panna... 02:31 4 Gang Marcela Aniol pasterzom mowil 01:58 5 Gang Marcela Narodzil sie Jezus Chrystus 01:53 6 Gang Marcela Bracia patrzcie jeno 03:39 7 Gang Marcela Jezus malusienki 02:40 8 Gang Marcela Hej w dzien narodzenia 02:53 9 Gang Marcela Nastroj swiat 03:40 10 Gang Marcela Mizerna cicha 03:50 11 Gang Marcela Boze Narodzenie 03:39 12 Gang Marcela Przybiezeli do Betlejem 01:55 13 Gang Marcela Choineczko, jodeleczko 02:49 14 Gang Marcela Z narodzenia Pana 02:28 15 Gang Marcela Kiedys to byly swieta 03:57 16 Gang Marcela Triumfy Krola Niebieskiego 02:24 17 Gang Marcela A wczora z wieczora 02:49 18 Gang Marcela Swieta, swieta... i po swietach 03:17
Gang Marcela View in Albunack Zlote Przeboje 15 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gang Marcela Zaswiecila moja gwiazda 03:41 2 Gang Marcela Znajdziemy posrod trosk 03:38 3 Gang Marcela Bym drogi nie pomyli 03:04 4 Gang Marcela Dziewczyno obud sie 03:38 5 Gang Marcela Kto je li nie ty 04:12 6 Gang Marcela Ojciec zyl tak jak chcial 02:28 7 Gang Marcela Sen jak dym 03:20 8 Gang Marcela Lubie miec luz 02:37 9 Gang Marcela Ona w sobie cos ma 03:25 10 Gang Marcela Gdybys tak dzis 04:27 11 Gang Marcela Kolysanka dla malego 03:30 12 Gang Marcela Hej przyjacielu 02:45 13 Gang Marcela Komu z nas teczowy luk 03:44 14 Gang Marcela Mezczyzna i lzy 03:34 15 Gang Marcela Tyle zlamanych serc 02:49
Gang Marcela View in Albunack Zlote Przeboje - Platynowa Kolekcja 15 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gang Marcela Kto jesli nie Ty 04:11 2 Gang Marcela Zaswiecila moja gwiazda 03:41 3 Gang Marcela Znajdziemy posrod trosk 03:38 4 Gang Marcela Ona w sobie cos ma 03:25 5 Gang Marcela Dziewczyno obudz sie 03:40 6 Gang Marcela Gdybys tak dzis 04:27 7 Gang Marcela Sen jak dym 03:20 8 Gang Marcela Kolysanka dla malego 03:30 9 Gang Marcela Mezczyzna i lzy 03:32 10 Gang Marcela Bym drogi nie pomylil 03:03 11 Gang Marcela Komu z nas teczowy luk 03:44 12 Gang Marcela Hej przyjacielu - dobre slowo 02:45 13 Gang Marcela Ojciec zyl tak jak chcial 02:28 14 Gang Marcela Lubie miec luz 02:37 15 Gang Marcela Byle do przodu 03:05
Gangrene Discharge View in Albunack A Collection Of Trauma 60 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gangrene Discharge Complete Callousness Towards The Humane 01:35 2 Gangrene Discharge Malignant Blood Neoplasm 01:12 3 Gangrene Discharge Effective Vermin Control 01:05 4 Gangrene Discharge Gnarled Gangrenosum 01:03 5 Gangrene Discharge Fresh Remains In The Wood Chipper 01:04 6 Gangrene Discharge Pus-Filled Afternoon 00:56 7 Gangrene Discharge Kaleidoscope Organs 01:27 8 Gangrene Discharge Trapped... Tortured 00:46 9 Gangrene Discharge Abdomen Disposal 01:14 10 Gangrene Discharge Maggoty Vomit Skidmarks 02:30 11 Gangrene Discharge Facial Stabbing 01:10 12 Gangrene Discharge Tonguing Puncture Wounds 00:35 13 Gangrene Discharge Playtime With Loose Innards 00:50 14 Gangrene Discharge Battered With Blocks Of Frozen Puke 00:58 15 Gangrene Discharge Intro 02:08 16 Gangrene Discharge Bile Duct Extraction 01:04 17 Gangrene Discharge Jugular Contusion 01:28 18 Gangrene Discharge Infected Urethreal Drainage 01:07 19 Gangrene Discharge Do-It-Yourself Lobotomy Kit 00:52 20 Gangrene Discharge Delicious Tumor Treats 00:59 21 Gangrene Discharge The Warmth Of Her Organs 00:47 22 Gangrene Discharge Lucifer Wants His Reese's 01:04 23 Gangrene Discharge Mutilate That Piggy 02:01 24 Gangrene Discharge Stab.Fuck.Stab.Rape.Repeat. 00:29 25 Gangrene Discharge Catharsis In Mass Butchery 01:12 26 Gangrene Discharge Festering Lymphomic Pustule 00:55 27 Gangrene Discharge Huffing Ptomain Fumes 01:21 28 Gangrene Discharge Vulvas-In-Shoebox Collection 01:04 29 Gangrene Discharge Subacute Myocarditis 01:05 30 Gangrene Discharge Peculiar Bloody Steatorrhoea 01:28 31 Gangrene Discharge Obligatory Castrations 01:08 32 Gangrene Discharge Outro 01:09 33 Gangrene Discharge Jesus Weeps When You Touch Yourself 01:52 34 Gangrene Discharge Conduct An Autopsy 00:11 35 Gangrene Discharge Smelly Septic Ulcer 01:17 36 Gangrene Discharge Pyemetic Maggot Excretion 00:48 37 Gangrene Discharge Stench Of Carnal Excrement 01:39 38 Gangrene Discharge Intro 01:30 39 Gangrene Discharge Proctophobia / Fear Of Rectum 00:16 40 Gangrene Discharge Corpse Genitals On My Face 01:33 41 Gangrene Discharge Kitchen-Knife Oophorectomy 00:00 42 Gangrene Discharge Erotic Bowel Leakage 01:31 43 Gangrene Discharge Outro 00:41 44 Gangrene Discharge Spread Cancer (Knuckledragger Cover) 00:55 45 Gangrene Discharge Righteous Inhumanity 01:13 46 Gangrene Discharge Larynx Detachment 01:15 47 Gangrene Discharge Innards In The Cupboard 01:14 48 Gangrene Discharge Open-Cavity Hors D'oeuvers 01:10 49 Gangrene Discharge Chainsaw Self-General Surgery 00:27 50 Gangrene Discharge Fun With Dead Things 00:27 51 Gangrene Discharge Execution 01:37 52 Gangrene Discharge Verminal Pelvic Stomatitis 01:09 53 Gangrene Discharge Games Of Mutilation 01:59 54 Gangrene Discharge Lengthy Torture Manoeuvre 01:36 55 Gangrene Discharge Excrescent Corroded Kidneys (instrumental) 00:46 56 Gangrene Discharge Rigorous Disembowelment 00:59 57 Gangrene Discharge Hypertrophic Palpitations 00:00 58 Gangrene Discharge Endotracheal Accident 00:39 59 Gangrene Discharge Untitled 01:18 60 Gangrene Discharge Dragging the Entrails As I Go (Live-in-studio rehearsal) 01:06
Gangrenous View in Albunack Necrotic Tumor Of Mankind 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gangrenous Distorted Visions of Reality 03:25 2 Gangrenous Necrotic Tumor of Mankind 04:08 3 Gangrenous Impaling the Supremacy 03:20 4 Gangrenous Krokodil 02:37 5 Gangrenous Disciples of e-Opium 02:50 6 Gangrenous Blood Between the Nails 03:32 7 Gangrenous Murdered, Dismembered and Burned 02:34 8 Gangrenous 796 03:19 9 Gangrenous To the Bonfire of Salvation 02:08 10 Gangrenous Spiritual Enemy 03:29
Gangsta Nutt View in Albunack Checkmate 22 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gangsta Nutt Stay Ready (feat. 151) 04:12 2 Gangsta Nutt Dangerous (feat. 151) 04:04 3 Gangsta Nutt Chux No Gators (feat. 151, C-BO, Yukmouth) 04:01 4 Gangsta Nutt Respect Mine (feat. Big Syke, G-Money) 04:27 5 Gangsta Nutt Nutt & Yuk (feat. Yukmouth) 04:09 6 Gangsta Nutt Hold It Down (feat. 151, Doe Decapo) 03:40 7 Gangsta Nutt Ten Toes 02:20 8 Gangsta Nutt If Goes Down (feat. Yukmouth) 04:07 9 Gangsta Nutt Lip Service (feat. Mr. Jonze, Trouble, A-Train, 151, Tear Dropper) 03:49 10 Gangsta Nutt City of Rain (feat. Big Syke) 04:42 11 Gangsta Nutt Heavy On My Mind 03:31 12 Gangsta Nutt Troubled Man (feat. Nuece) 03:59 13 Gangsta Nutt In Da Club (feat. Tear Dropper, Mr. Jonze) 03:46 14 Gangsta Nutt Listen To My Demo (feat. Budder) 03:34 15 Gangsta Nutt All I Ever Wanted 03:31 16 Gangsta Nutt My Team (feat. Tasty-T) 03:17 17 Gangsta Nutt Off Top 03:10 18 Gangsta Nutt Bout Dat Drama 03:42 19 Gangsta Nutt My Life (feat. C-4) 04:07 20 Gangsta Nutt Product Of A Dying Breed 03:38 21 Gangsta Nutt It's Major (feat. Charge) 04:20 22 Gangsta Nutt Baby Momma 01:58
Search Gangster Rock & Roll Hitmen 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gangster Machine Gun Lady 03:14 2 Gangster Calling Me To Rock 03:36 3 Gangster Time To Change 03:36 4 Gangster The Last Soldier 03:14 5 Gangster Children Of The World 03:49 6 Gangster Down Under 03:04 7 Gangster Leave Her 03:28 8 Gangster Long Time Coming 04:21 9 Gangster Better Place 04:37 10 Gangster I'll See You Again 03:27 11 Gangster Runaway 03:40
Ganja Fighters View in Albunack ''Не Хара'' 16 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Ganja Fighters ''Не Хара'' 03:26 2 Ganja Fighters ''Не Хара'' 03:06 3 Ganja Fighters ''Не Хара'' 04:22 4 Ganja Fighters ''Не Хара'' 01:43 5 Ganja Fighters ''Не Хара'' 03:45 6 Ganja Fighters ''Не Хара'' 04:18 7 Ganja Fighters ''Не Хара'' 03:25 8 Ganja Fighters ''Не Хара'' 05:51 9 Ganja Fighters ''Не Хара'' 04:59 10 Ganja Fighters ''Не Хара'' 03:59 11 Ganja Fighters ''Не Хара'' 04:00 12 Ganja Fighters ''Не Хара'' 05:47 13 Ganja Fighters ''Не Хара'' 04:07 14 Ganja Fighters ''Не Хара'' 05:30 15 Ganja Fighters ''Не Хара'' 04:02 16 Ganja Fighters ''Не Хара'' 03:53
Gansan View in Albunack Élégie berbère 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gansan Elégie berbère 07:34 2 Gansan Tamount Ifassen 05:19 3 Gansan Targha 04:44 4 Gansan Rencontres nomades 06:30 5 Gansan Yan Yan 04:48 6 Gansan L'oreille d'Abeille 05:36 7 Gansan White nights at Casanegra 06:03 8 Gansan Timanssit 05:15 9 Gansan Pulse 06:32
Garage Voice View in Albunack Amenin 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Garage Voice Seed And Soil 02:12 2 Garage Voice Gotta Say a Word 01:57 3 Garage Voice I Need a Miracle 02:16 4 Garage Voice Afflictions 01:54 5 Garage Voice Oil In My Lamp 03:47 6 Garage Voice Outro 00:30 7 Garage Voice Out of Egypt 02:27 8 Garage Voice Made Up My Mind 02:50 9 Garage Voice The Messenger 03:00 10 Garage Voice Axe to the Tree 01:51 11 Garage Voice Every Word 02:47 12 Garage Voice The Sparrow 04:27
Garage Voice View in Albunack Let Us Reconcile 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Garage Voice Book It 03:33 2 Garage Voice Cropper 02:05 3 Garage Voice Repentance 04:00 4 Garage Voice Loud As Your Miracles 05:28 5 Garage Voice He Who Comes 04:24 6 Garage Voice Tips of Your Hands 05:29 7 Garage Voice Aside 05:02 8 Garage Voice Mercy Came a Runnin' 05:53 9 Garage Voice With All My Love 04:53 10 Garage Voice In My Iniquity 05:55 11 Garage Voice All To Pieces 03:58 12 Garage Voice Do No Harm 06:08
Gardel View in Albunack Remixed 14 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gardel Caminito 03:08 2 Gardel La Cumparsita 03:01 3 Gardel Milonga Sentimental 03:00 4 Gardel Mi Buenos Aires Querido 03:23 5 Gardel Anclao' en París 03:15 6 Gardel Volver 03:01 7 Gardel Bandoneón Arrabalero 03:01 8 Gardel Malevaje 02:41 9 Gardel Por Una Cabeza 02:51 10 Gardel Buenos Aires 03:12 11 Gardel El Día Que Me Quieras 03:31 12 Gardel Faubourg Sentimental (anclao' reprise) 01:31 13 Gardel Yira Yira 03:40 14 Gardel Alma Criolla (buenos aires reprise) 03:12
Garden of Dreams View in Albunack In Sight of Skies Turned Out 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Garden of Dreams Glow Job 07:56 2 Garden of Dreams Velvet Waves (Ultra Violet Mix) 05:49 3 Garden of Dreams Red Pink (Not My Tea Mix) 06:45 4 Garden of Dreams Glow (The Reverend J No Garage Mix) 07:38 5 Garden of Dreams Bleeding Soul (Life Of The Party Mix) 05:08 6 Garden of Dreams Glow (Implosive Mix) 05:00 7 Garden of Dreams In The Shadows Of A Ghost (Isolation Mix) 08:42 8 Garden of Dreams Glow (Decomposition) 03:43 9 Garden of Dreams Winters Eternal Wish (The Infinite Wiggle Puppy Mix) 05:48 10 Garden of Dreams In The Shadows Of A Ghost (Uncontrollable Twitching Mix) 17:25
Gardenier View in Albunack Unbekannter Titel 13 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gardenier Ewig her 03:18 2 Gardenier schwerelos 03:07 3 Gardenier ein perfekter tag 04:01 4 Gardenier die letzten sekunden 04:31 5 Gardenier komplett 03:28 6 Gardenier und plötzlich 03:26 7 Gardenier so ist halt das leben 03:58 8 Gardenier was zählt 04:17 9 Gardenier sag mir wo 04:21 10 Gardenier sterbender stern 03:16 11 Gardenier narbenfrei 03:52 12 Gardenier sieben leben 03:14 13 Gardenier meine strasse 04:11
Gardner Read View in Albunack Gardner Read: Chamber Works 13 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gardner Read Five Aphorisms, Op. 150 (1991) Whom the Gods Would Destroy... 02:27 2 Gardner Read Pains of Love Be Sweeter Far Than All Other Pleasures Are. 04:27 3 Gardner Read He That Plants Thorns Must Never Expect to Gather Roses. 01:45 4 Gardner Read All That We See or Seem Is but a Dream Within a Dream. 03:09 5 Gardner Read Thou Canst Not Stir a Flower Without Troubling of a Star. 04:16 6 Gardner Read Sonata Da Chiesa, Op. 61 (1945) I. Intrada 03:04 7 Gardner Read Canzona 05:02 8 Gardner Read Ricercare 03:21 9 Gardner Read Sonoric Fantasia No. 1, Op. 102 (1958) 16:40 10 Gardner Read String Quartet No. 1, Op. 100 (1957) I. Allegro Brioso E Molto E 06:32 11 Gardner Read Adagio Espressivo, Molto Cantando 08:08 12 Gardner Read Vivace E Grottesco 02:38 13 Gardner Read Allegro Con Spirito 05:24
Search Gareth Dare to Dream 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gareth Blood Moon 04:10 2 Gareth Life’s Only What You Make It Out to Be 04:14 3 Gareth Flutitude 02:45 4 Gareth Dare to Dream 03:51 5 Gareth Listen to the Night Sing 03:37 6 Gareth When Raindrops Fall 04:01 7 Gareth Starts With Me 03:42 8 Gareth Sky Before a Storm 03:21 9 Gareth Still They Run 04:27 10 Gareth Miles Together 03:46 11 Gareth Regen’s Song 04:36
Search Gareth Sky Before a Storm 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gareth Regen's Song 04:36 2 Gareth Steal The Moon 03:02 3 Gareth Spirit Horse 04:09 4 Gareth The Journey 03:42 5 Gareth Miles Together 03:46 6 Gareth Flight Of The Thunderbird 03:44 7 Gareth Flutitude 02:45 8 Gareth Sky Before A Storm 03:21
Search Gareth The Journey 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gareth Under A Big Sky 03:48 2 Gareth Spirit Horse 04:09 3 Gareth This Time 04:18 4 Gareth Steal The Moon 03:02 5 Gareth Boomerang 04:48 6 Gareth Love Is Closing In 03:22 7 Gareth Flight Of The Thunderbird 03:44 8 Gareth Crushed 03:50 9 Gareth The Chase 02:44 10 Gareth The Journey 03:42 11 Gareth Amazing Grace 02:41
Gargamas View in Albunack Musique traditionnelle du Périgord et du Limousin 14 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gargamas Le réveil de Gargamas (bourrées, Dordogne) 03:27 2 Gargamas L’Ausel / Mon paire e ma maire (polkas, Dordogne) 02:18 3 Gargamas Oh ! Qu'elles sont bêtes (mazurka, Dordogne) 03:57 4 Gargamas Ton petit Pierre / Que farem de l’ausel (meitorns, Dordogne) 01:36 5 Gargamas A la Farjanueva (scottish, Haute-Vienne) 03:32 6 Gargamas Saint-Salvadour / Les Auvergnates (valses, Corrèze / Dordogne) 02:52 7 Gargamas Las meitivas (chanson, Dordogne) 02:05 8 Gargamas Lo ressegaire / Bourrée des alentours de Périgueux (bourrées, Dordogne) 02:57 9 Gargamas Les filles de Marzac (chanson, Dordogne) 04:06 10 Gargamas Ma petita miniarda / Vai te far friza (sautières, Dordogne) 01:48 11 Gargamas Mazurka et polka de M. Tellier (Dordogne) 03:54 12 Gargamas Alau dins ‘queu pais bas / Delai Paris (chanson / bourrée, Corrèze) 04:11 13 Gargamas As pas vengut / Fissas-me / Sautière d'Angoisse (sautières, Dordogne et Corrèze) 02:32 14 Gargamas Charivari 00:54
Garment Of Praise View in Albunack It'll Be Joy 14 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Garment Of Praise Come Get A Drink From The Well 02:12 2 Garment Of Praise O I Want To See Him 03:03 3 Garment Of Praise We'll Soon Be Done With Troubles And Trials 03:37 4 Garment Of Praise The Rest Of His Story 02:56 5 Garment Of Praise He Brought Me Out 01:56 6 Garment Of Praise In That Great Gettin' Up Morning 02:26 7 Garment Of Praise Wish You Were Here 03:21 8 Garment Of Praise It'll Be Joy 02:30 9 Garment Of Praise My God Forgets 02:42 10 Garment Of Praise Alone In The Garden 02:06 11 Garment Of Praise Had It Not Been 03:03 12 Garment Of Praise Show Me The Cross 03:06 13 Garment Of Praise When We All Get To Heaven 02:20 14 Garment Of Praise Home 03:01
Garment Of Praise View in Albunack Worth The Journey 15 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Garment Of Praise Beulah Land 01:34 2 Garment Of Praise I've Passed Over 01:58 3 Garment Of Praise He's Coming Soon 01:46 4 Garment Of Praise Resurrection Medley 02:50 5 Garment Of Praise While Ages Roll 02:44 6 Garment Of Praise After We've Said Goodbye 02:40 7 Garment Of Praise Homeland 01:58 8 Garment Of Praise Twilight Is Stealing 02:04 9 Garment Of Praise Echoes From The Burning Bush 02:49 10 Garment Of Praise I Sing The Mighty Power Of God 02:04 11 Garment Of Praise Jesus Build A Bridge 02:46 12 Garment Of Praise Go Right Out 01:58 13 Garment Of Praise He Knows Just What I Need 03:26 14 Garment Of Praise We Shall See Heaven Someday 02:10 15 Garment Of Praise Heaven Will Surely Be Worth It All 02:16
Garmskrik View in Albunack Vyelikanskaya Zima 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Garmskrik Zima V'yug 01:44 2 Garmskrik Skvoz' Yarost' Syevyernykh Vyetrov 05:15 3 Garmskrik Otmyechyen Vyekhami Put' 05:44 4 Garmskrik Zima Myecha 01:38 5 Garmskrik Vyelikanskaya Zima 04:20 6 Garmskrik Smyert' Bal'dra 04:10 7 Garmskrik Zima Volka 00:37 8 Garmskrik Ekho Imyon, Da Krov' Na Snyegu 05:49 9 Garmskrik Tot, Chto Dryemlyet Vo L'dakh... 06:25 10 Garmskrik Mara 05:08
Garmskrik View in Albunack Великанская зима 10 0 2018 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Garmskrik Зима вьюг 01:44 2 Garmskrik Сквозь ярость северных ветров 05:15 3 Garmskrik Отмечен вехами путь 05:44 4 Garmskrik Зима меча 01:38 5 Garmskrik Великанская зима 04:20 6 Garmskrik Смерть Бальдра 04:10 7 Garmskrik Зима волка 00:37 8 Garmskrik Эхо имён, да кровь на снегу 05:49 9 Garmskrik Тот, что дремлет во льдах 06:25 10 Garmskrik Мара 05:08
Garnica View in Albunack Cae Nieve En Caracas 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Garnica Cae Nieve En Caracas 06:48 2 Garnica Hielo Sobre Arena 07:42 3 Garnica Deeper 08:05 4 Garnica Fix Me! 05:23 5 Garnica The Lucky Guy 07:58 6 Garnica Aerobus 05:54 7 Garnica Easier For You 08:42 8 Garnica The Lucky Guy (Topolino Influences Mix) 07:04 9 Garnica Laderas (Matzak Remix) 06:46
Garras De Amor View in Albunack Garras De Amor 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Garras De Amor No Dejes De Quererme 03:26 2 Garras De Amor Dame Un Besito 02:49 3 Garras De Amor Condename 03:01 4 Garras De Amor Fuego 03:33 5 Garras De Amor Loco Por Vos 03:21 6 Garras De Amor Bailalo 03:50 7 Garras De Amor Apasionados 02:33 8 Garras De Amor La Dueña De Mi Corazon 03:31 9 Garras De Amor Besame Besame 03:22 10 Garras De Amor Amame 03:31 11 Garras De Amor Tomo Para Olvidar 03:19 12 Garras De Amor No Llores 04:17
Garrick Ohlsson View in Albunack Bach : Goldberg Variations BWV 988 - Haendel : Suite No 2 HWV 427 36 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Garrick Ohlsson Goldberg Variations : Aria 02:41 2 Garrick Ohlsson Goldberg Variations : Variation 1 01:01 3 Garrick Ohlsson Goldberg Variations : Variation 2 00:55 4 Garrick Ohlsson Goldberg Variations : Variation 3 01:22 5 Garrick Ohlsson Goldberg Variations : Variation 4 00:33 6 Garrick Ohlsson Goldberg Variations : Variation 5 00:46 7 Garrick Ohlsson Goldberg Variations : Variation 6 00:56 8 Garrick Ohlsson Goldberg Variations : Variation 7 01:07 9 Garrick Ohlsson Goldberg Variations : Variation 8 00:59 10 Garrick Ohlsson Goldberg Variations : Variation 9 01:10 11 Garrick Ohlsson Goldberg Variations : Variation 10 00:55 12 Garrick Ohlsson Goldberg Variations : Variation 11 01:16 13 Garrick Ohlsson Goldberg Variations : Variation 12 01:04 14 Garrick Ohlsson Goldberg Variations : Variation 13 03:09 15 Garrick Ohlsson Goldberg Variations : Variation 14 01:06 16 Garrick Ohlsson Goldberg Variations : Variation 15 02:35 17 Garrick Ohlsson Goldberg Variations : Variation 16 01:33 18 Garrick Ohlsson Goldberg Variations : Variation 17 00:59 19 Garrick Ohlsson Goldberg Variations : Variation 18 01:03 20 Garrick Ohlsson Goldberg Variations : Variation 19 00:58 21 Garrick Ohlsson Goldberg Variations : Variation 20 00:56 22 Garrick Ohlsson Goldberg Variations : Variation 21 01:44 23 Garrick Ohlsson Goldberg Variations : Variation 22 00:45 24 Garrick Ohlsson Goldberg Variations : Variation 23 00:58 25 Garrick Ohlsson Goldberg Variations : Variation 24 01:28 26 Garrick Ohlsson Goldberg Variations : Variation 25 05:13 27 Garrick Ohlsson Goldberg Variations : Variation 26 00:55 28 Garrick Ohlsson Goldberg Variations : Variation 27 01:05 29 Garrick Ohlsson Goldberg Variations : Variation 28 01:17 30 Garrick Ohlsson Goldberg Variations : Variation 29 01:18 31 Garrick Ohlsson Goldberg Variations : Variation 30 01:58 32 Garrick Ohlsson Goldberg Variations : Aria (Reprise) 03:04 33 Garrick Ohlsson Haendel - Suite No 2 in F major, HWV 427 1. Adagio 04:36 34 Garrick Ohlsson Haendel - Suite No 2 in F major, HWV 427 2. Allegro 02:42 35 Garrick Ohlsson Haendel - Suite No 2 in F major, HWV 427 3. Adagio 03:09 36 Garrick Ohlsson Haendel - Suite No 2 in F major, HWV 427 4. Fuga (Allegro) 02:19
Garrick Ohlsson View in Albunack Beethoven - Piano Sonatas Nos. 1, 23 & 30 - Garrick Ohlsson (1992) 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Garrick Ohlsson Beethoven: Piano Sonata No. 1 In F Minor, Op. 2/1 - 1. Allegro (1992) 06:07 2 Garrick Ohlsson Beethoven: Piano Sonata No. 1 In F Minor, Op. 2/1 - 2. Adagio (1992) 06:13 3 Garrick Ohlsson Beethoven: Piano Sonata No. 1 In F Minor, Op. 2/1 - 3. Menuetto: Allegretto (1992) 03:53 4 Garrick Ohlsson Beethoven: Piano Sonata No. 1 In F Minor, Op. 2/1 - 4. Prestissimo (1992) 07:52 5 Garrick Ohlsson Beethoven: Piano Sonata No. 23 In F Minor, Op. 57, 'Appassionata' - 1. Allegro Assai (1992) 10:16 6 Garrick Ohlsson Beethoven: Piano Sonata No. 23 In F Minor, Op. 57, 'Appassionata' - 2. Andante Con Moto (1992) 06:56 7 Garrick Ohlsson Beethoven: Piano Sonata No. 23 In F Minor, Op. 57, 'Appassionata' - 3. Allegro Ma Non Troppo (1992) 08:09 8 Garrick Ohlsson Beethoven: Piano Sonata No. 30 In E, Op. 109 - 1. Vivace, Ma Non Troppo (1992) 04:28 9 Garrick Ohlsson Beethoven: Piano Sonata No. 30 In E, Op. 109 - 2. Prestissimo (1992) 02:49 10 Garrick Ohlsson Beethoven: Piano Sonata No. 30 In E, Op. 109 - 3. Andante Molto Cantabile Ed Espressivo (1992) 13:38
Garrick Ohlsson View in Albunack Beethoven - Piano Sonatas Nos. 11, 13 & 31 - Garrick Ohlsson (1999) 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Garrick Ohlsson Beethoven: Piano Sonata No. 11 In B Flat, Op. 22, "Grand" - 1. Allegro Con Brio (1999) 07:02 2 Garrick Ohlsson Beethoven: Piano Sonata No. 11 In B Flat, Op. 22, "Grand" - 2. Adagio Con Molto Espressione (1999) 09:03 3 Garrick Ohlsson Beethoven: Piano Sonata No. 11 In B Flat, Op. 22, "Grand" - 3. Minuetto (1999) 03:34 4 Garrick Ohlsson Beethoven: Piano Sonata No. 11 In B Flat, Op. 22, "Grand" - 4. Rondo (1999) 06:53 5 Garrick Ohlsson Beethoven: Piano Sonata No. 13 In E Flat, Op. 27/1, "Sonata Quasi Una Fantasia" - 1. Andante, Allegro, Andante (1999) 06:03 6 Garrick Ohlsson Beethoven: Piano Sonata No. 13 In E Flat, Op. 27/1, "Sonata Quasi Una Fantasia" - 2. Allegro Molte E Vivace (1999) 01:59 7 Garrick Ohlsson Beethoven: Piano Sonata No. 13 In E Flat, Op. 27/1, "Sonata Quasi Una Fantasia" - 3. Adagio Con Espressione (1999) 03:28 8 Garrick Ohlsson Beethoven: Piano Sonata No. 13 In E Flat, Op. 27/1, "Sonata Quasi Una Fantasia" - 4. Allegro Vivace (1999) 06:00 9 Garrick Ohlsson Beethoven: Piano Sonata No. 31 In A Flat, Op. 110 - 1. Moderato Cantabile, Molto Espressivo (1999) 06:12 10 Garrick Ohlsson Beethoven: Piano Sonata No. 31 In A Flat, Op. 110 - 2. Allegro Molto (1999) 02:23 11 Garrick Ohlsson Beethoven: Piano Sonata No. 31 In A Flat, Op. 110 - 3. Adagio Ma Non Troppo; 4. Fuga (1999) 10:44
Garrick Ohlsson View in Albunack Beethoven - Piano Sonatas Nos. 12, 15 & 27 - Garrick Ohlsson (2007) 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Garrick Ohlsson Beethoven: Piano Sonata No. 12 In A Flat, Op. 26, 'Funeral March' - 1. Andante Con Variazioni (2007) 08:42 2 Garrick Ohlsson Beethoven: Piano Sonata No. 12 In A Flat, Op. 26, 'Funeral March' - 2. Scherzo: Allegro Molto (2007) 02:58 3 Garrick Ohlsson Beethoven: Piano Sonata No. 12 In A Flat, Op. 26, 'Funeral March' - 3. Marcia Funebre Sulla Morte D'Un Eroe (2007) 06:36 4 Garrick Ohlsson Beethoven: Piano Sonata No. 12 In A Flat, Op. 26, 'Funeral March' - 4. Allegro (2007) 03:15 5 Garrick Ohlsson Beethoven: Piano Sonata No. 15 In D, Op. 28, 'Pastoral' - 1. Allegro (2007) 10:29 6 Garrick Ohlsson Beethoven: Piano Sonata No. 15 In D, Op. 28, 'Pastoral' - 2. Andante (2007) 07:55 7 Garrick Ohlsson Beethoven: Piano Sonata No. 15 In D, Op. 28, 'Pastoral' - 3. Scherzo: Allegro Vivace (2007) 02:21 8 Garrick Ohlsson Beethoven: Piano Sonata No. 15 In D, Op. 28, 'Pastoral' - 4. Rondo: Allegro Ma Non Troppo (2007) 05:30 9 Garrick Ohlsson Beethoven: Piano Sonata No. 27 In E Minor, Op. 90 - 1. Mit Lebhaftigkeit Und Durchaus Mit Empfindung Und Ausdruck (2007) 05:29 10 Garrick Ohlsson Beethoven: Piano Sonata No. 27 In E Minor, Op. 90 - 2. Nicht Zu Geschwind Und Sehr Singbar Vorzutragen (2007) 08:55
Garrick Ohlsson View in Albunack Beethoven - Piano Sonatas Nos. 17, 19, 19 & 20 - Garrick Ohlsson (2008) 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Garrick Ohlsson Beethoven: Piano Sonata No. 17 In D Minor, Op. 31/2, 'Tempest' - 1. Largo, Allegro (2008) 08:59 2 Garrick Ohlsson Beethoven: Piano Sonata No. 17 In D Minor, Op. 31/2, 'Tempest' - 2. Adagio (2008) 08:23 3 Garrick Ohlsson Beethoven: Piano Sonata No. 17 In D Minor, Op. 31/2, 'Tempest' - 3. Allegretto (2008) 06:58 4 Garrick Ohlsson Beethoven: Piano Sonata No. 18 In E Flat, Op. 31/3 - 1. Allegro (2008) 08:45 5 Garrick Ohlsson Beethoven: Piano Sonata No. 18 In E Flat, Op. 31/3 - 2. Scherzo: Allegro Vivace (2008) 06:33 6 Garrick Ohlsson Beethoven: Piano Sonata No. 18 In E Flat, Op. 31/3 - 3. Menuetto: Moderato E Grazioso (2008) 05:31 7 Garrick Ohlsson Beethoven: Piano Sonata No. 18 In E Flat, Op. 31/3 - 4. Presto Con Fuoco (2008) 05:01 8 Garrick Ohlsson Beethoven: Piano Sonata No. 19 In G Minor, Op. 49/1 - 1. Andante (2008) 05:25 9 Garrick Ohlsson Beethoven: Piano Sonata No. 19 In G Minor, Op. 49/1 - 2. Rondo, Allegro (2008) 03:51 10 Garrick Ohlsson Beethoven: Piano Sonata No. 20 In G, Op. 49/2 - 1. Allegro Ma Non Troppo (2008) 05:08 11 Garrick Ohlsson Beethoven: Piano Sonata No. 20 In G, Op. 49/2 - 2. Tempo Di Minuetto (2008) 03:46
Garrick Ohlsson View in Albunack Beethoven - Piano Sonatas Nos. 2, 26 & 32 - Garrick Ohlsson 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Garrick Ohlsson Beethoven: Piano Sonata No. 2 In A Minor, Op. 2/2 - 1. Allegro Vivace 04:49 2 Garrick Ohlsson Beethoven: Piano Sonata No. 2 In A Minor, Op. 2/2 - 2. Largo Appassionato 07:54 3 Garrick Ohlsson Beethoven: Piano Sonata No. 2 In A Minor, Op. 2/2 - 3. Scherzo: Allegretto 03:27 4 Garrick Ohlsson Beethoven: Piano Sonata No. 2 In A Minor, Op. 2/2 - 4. Rondo: Grazioso 07:15 5 Garrick Ohlsson Beethoven: Piano Sonata No. 26 In E Flat, Op. 81a, 'Les Adieux' - 1. Adagio, Allegro 07:55 6 Garrick Ohlsson Beethoven: Piano Sonata No. 26 In E Flat, Op. 81a, 'Les Adieux' - 2. Andante Espressivo 04:18 7 Garrick Ohlsson Beethoven: Piano Sonata No. 26 In E Flat, Op. 81a, 'Les Adieux' - 3. Vivacissimamente 05:44 8 Garrick Ohlsson Beethoven: Piano Sonata No. 32 In C Minor, Op. 111 - 1. Maestoso, Allegro Con Brio Appassionato 09:28 9 Garrick Ohlsson Beethoven: Piano Sonata No. 32 In C Minor, Op. 111 - 2. Arietta: Adagio Molto Semplice E Cantabile 20:24
Garrick Ohlsson View in Albunack Beethoven - Piano Sonatas Nos. 29 & 16 - Garrick Ohlsson (1998) 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Garrick Ohlsson Beethoven: Piano Sonata No. 29 In B Flat, Op. 106, 'Hammerklavier' - 1. Allegro (1998) 11:32 2 Garrick Ohlsson Beethoven: Piano Sonata No. 29 In B Flat, Op. 106, 'Hammerklavier' - 2. Scherzo: Assai Vivace (1998) 02:36 3 Garrick Ohlsson Beethoven: Piano Sonata No. 29 In B Flat, Op. 106, 'Hammerklavier' - 3. Adagio Sostenuto (1998) 19:04 4 Garrick Ohlsson Beethoven: Piano Sonata No. 29 In B Flat, Op. 106, 'Hammerklavier' - 4. Largo, Allegro Risoluto (1998) 11:58 5 Garrick Ohlsson Beethoven: Piano Sonata No. 16 In G, Op. 31/1 - 1. Allegro Vivace (1998) 06:43 6 Garrick Ohlsson Beethoven: Piano Sonata No. 16 In G, Op. 31/1 - 2. Adagio Grazioso (1998) 10:10 7 Garrick Ohlsson Beethoven: Piano Sonata No. 16 In G, Op. 31/1 - 3. Rondo: Allegretto, Adagio, Presto (1998) 07:09
Garrick Ohlsson View in Albunack Beethoven - Piano Sonatas Nos. 3, 9, 10 & 25 - Garrick Ohlsson (2003, 2003, 2003, 2006) 13 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Garrick Ohlsson Beethoven: Piano Sonata No. 3 In C, Op. 2/3 - 1. Allegro Con Brio (2003) 10:18 2 Garrick Ohlsson Beethoven: Piano Sonata No. 3 In C, Op. 2/3 - 2. Adagio (2003) 09:54 3 Garrick Ohlsson Beethoven: Piano Sonata No. 3 In C, Op. 2/3 - 3. Scherzo (2003) 03:39 4 Garrick Ohlsson Beethoven: Piano Sonata No. 3 In C, Op. 2/3 - 4. Allegro Assai (2003) 05:28 5 Garrick Ohlsson Beethoven: Piano Sonata No. 9 In E, Op. 14/1 - 1. Allegro (2003) 07:02 6 Garrick Ohlsson Beethoven: Piano Sonata No. 9 In E, Op. 14/1 - 2. Allegretto (2003) 04:36 7 Garrick Ohlsson Beethoven: Piano Sonata No. 9 In E, Op. 14/1 - 3. Rondo (2003) 03:36 8 Garrick Ohlsson Beethoven: Piano Sonata No. 10 In G, Op. 14/2 - 1. Allegro (2003) 07:51 9 Garrick Ohlsson Beethoven: Piano Sonata No. 10 In G, Op. 14/2 - 2. Andante (2003) 06:28 10 Garrick Ohlsson Beethoven: Piano Sonata No. 10 In G, Op. 14/2 - 3. Scherzo (2003) 04:00 11 Garrick Ohlsson Beethoven: Piano Sonata No. 25 In G, Op. 79, "Cuckoo" - 1. Presto Alla Tedesca (2006) 05:11 12 Garrick Ohlsson Beethoven: Piano Sonata No. 25 In G, Op. 79, "Cuckoo" - 2. Andante (2006) 03:27 13 Garrick Ohlsson Beethoven: Piano Sonata No. 25 In G, Op. 79, "Cuckoo" - 3. Vivace (2006) 02:00
Garrick Ohlsson View in Albunack Beethoven - Piano Sonatas Nos. 4, 24 & 28 - Garrick Ohlsson (2006) 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Garrick Ohlsson Beethoven: Piano Sonata No. 4 In E Flat, Op. 7 - 1. Allegro Molto E Con Brio (2006) 08:49 2 Garrick Ohlsson Beethoven: Piano Sonata No. 4 In E Flat, Op. 7 - 2. Largo Con Gran Espressione (2006) 09:04 3 Garrick Ohlsson Beethoven: Piano Sonata No. 4 In E Flat, Op. 7 - 3. Allegro (2006) 05:37 4 Garrick Ohlsson Beethoven: Piano Sonata No. 4 In E Flat, Op. 7 - 4. Rondo: Poco Allegretto E Grazioso (2006) 08:06 5 Garrick Ohlsson Beethoven: Piano Sonata No. 24 In F Sharp, Op. 78 - 1. Adagio CantabiLe - Allegro Ma Non Troppo (2006) 07:37 6 Garrick Ohlsson Beethoven: Piano Sonata No. 24 In F Sharp, Op. 78 - 2. Allegro Vivace (2006) 03:05 7 Garrick Ohlsson Beethoven: Piano Sonata No. 28 In A, Op. 101 - 1. Allegretto, Ma Non Troppo (2006) 04:13 8 Garrick Ohlsson Beethoven: Piano Sonata No. 28 In A, Op. 101 - 2. Vivace Alla Marcia (2006) 06:44 9 Garrick Ohlsson Beethoven: Piano Sonata No. 28 In A, Op. 101 - 3. Adagio, Ma Non Troppo, Con Affetto (2006) 02:46 10 Garrick Ohlsson Beethoven: Piano Sonata No. 28 In A, Op. 101 - 4. Allegro (2006) 08:00
Garrick Ohlsson View in Albunack Beethoven - Piano Sonatas Nos. 5, 6, 7 & 22 - Garrick Ohlsson (2008) 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Garrick Ohlsson Beethoven: Piano Sonata No. 5 In C Minor, Op. 10/1 - 1. Allegro Molto E Con Brio (2008) 06:27 2 Garrick Ohlsson Beethoven: Piano Sonata No. 5 In C Minor, Op. 10/1 - 2. Adagio Molto (2008) 08:51 3 Garrick Ohlsson Beethoven: Piano Sonata No. 5 In C Minor, Op. 10/1 - 3. Finale: Prestissimo (2008) 04:17 4 Garrick Ohlsson Beethoven: Piano Sonata No. 6 In F, Op. 10/2 - 1. Allegro (2008) 05:50 5 Garrick Ohlsson Beethoven: Piano Sonata No. 6 In F, Op. 10/2 - 2. Allegretto (2008) 03:54 6 Garrick Ohlsson Beethoven: Piano Sonata No. 6 In F, Op. 10/2 - 3. Presto (2008) 02:18 7 Garrick Ohlsson Beethoven: Piano Sonata No. 7 In D, Op. 10/3 - 1. Presto (2008) 06:59 8 Garrick Ohlsson Beethoven: Piano Sonata No. 7 In D, Op. 10/3 - 2. Largo E Mesto (2008) 09:52 9 Garrick Ohlsson Beethoven: Piano Sonata No. 7 In D, Op. 10/3 - 3. Menuetto: Allegro (2008) 03:34 10 Garrick Ohlsson Beethoven: Piano Sonata No. 7 In D, Op. 10/3 - 4. Rondo: Allegro (2008) 04:09 11 Garrick Ohlsson Beethoven: Piano Sonata No. 22 In F, Op. 54 - 1. In Tempo D'un Menuetto (2008) 06:19 12 Garrick Ohlsson Beethoven: Piano Sonata No. 22 In F, Op. 54 - 2. Allegretto (2008) 06:47
Garrick Ohlsson View in Albunack Beethoven - Piano Sonatas Nos. 8, 14 & 21 - Garrick Ohlsson (1995) 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Garrick Ohlsson Beethoven: Piano Sonata No. 8 In C Minor, Op. 13, 'Pathetique' - 1. Grave, Allegro Di Molto E Con Brio (1995) 09:53 2 Garrick Ohlsson Beethoven: Piano Sonata No. 8 In C Minor, Op. 13, 'Pathetique' - 2. Adagio Cantabile (1995) 06:11 3 Garrick Ohlsson Beethoven: Piano Sonata No. 8 In C Minor, Op. 13, 'Pathetique' - 3. Rondo: Allegro (1995) 05:11 4 Garrick Ohlsson Beethoven: Piano Sonata No. 14 In C Sharp Minor, Op. 27/2, 'Moonlight' - 1. Adagio Sostenuto (1995) 06:54 5 Garrick Ohlsson Beethoven: Piano Sonata No. 14 In C Sharp Minor, Op. 27/2, 'Moonlight' - 2. Allegretto (1995) 02:44 6 Garrick Ohlsson Beethoven: Piano Sonata No. 14 In C Sharp Minor, Op. 27/2, 'Moonlight' - 3. Presto Agitato (1995) 07:18 7 Garrick Ohlsson Beethoven: Piano Sonata No. 21 In C, Op. 53, 'Waldstein' - 1. Allegro Con Brio (1995) 11:13 8 Garrick Ohlsson Beethoven: Piano Sonata No. 21 In C, Op. 53, 'Waldstein' - 2. Introduzione: Adagio Molto (1995) 04:14 9 Garrick Ohlsson Beethoven: Piano Sonata No. 21 In C, Op. 53, 'Waldstein' - 3. Rondo: Allegretto Moderato (1995) 09:45
Garrick Ohlsson View in Albunack Beethoven - Piano Sonatas, Vol. 9 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Garrick Ohlsson Sonata for Piano No. 5 in C minor, Op. 10 No. 1 - I. Allegro molto e con brio 06:27 2 Garrick Ohlsson Sonata for Piano No. 5 in C minor, Op. 10 No. 1 - II. Adagio molto 08:51 3 Garrick Ohlsson Sonata for Piano No. 5 in C minor, Op. 10 No. 1 - III. Prestissimo 04:17 4 Garrick Ohlsson Sonata for Piano No. 6 in F major, Op. 10 No. 2 - I. Allegro 05:50 5 Garrick Ohlsson Sonata for Piano No. 6 in F major, Op. 10 No. 2 - II. Allegretto 03:54 6 Garrick Ohlsson Sonata for Piano No. 6 in F major, Op. 10 No. 2 - III. Presto 02:18 7 Garrick Ohlsson Sonata for Piano No. 7 in D major, Op. 10 No. 3 - I. Presto 06:59 8 Garrick Ohlsson Sonata for Piano No. 7 in D major, Op. 10 No. 3 - II. Largo e mesto 09:52 9 Garrick Ohlsson Sonata for Piano No. 7 in D major, Op. 10 No. 3 - III. Menuetto: Allegro 03:34 10 Garrick Ohlsson Sonata for Piano No. 7 in D major, Op. 10 No. 3 - IV. Rondo: Allegro 04:09 11 Garrick Ohlsson Sonata for Piano No. 22 in F major, Op. 54 - I. In tempo d'un menuetto 06:19 12 Garrick Ohlsson Sonata for Piano No. 22 in F major, Op. 54 - II. Allegretto 06:47
Garrick Ohlsson View in Albunack Beethoven Piano Sonatas 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Garrick Ohlsson Sonata No.29 in B-flat Major, Op.106, I. Allegro 11:32 2 Garrick Ohlsson II. Scherzo - assai vivace 02:36 3 Garrick Ohlsson III. Adagio sostenuto 19:04 4 Garrick Ohlsson IV. Largo - Allegro 11:58 5 Garrick Ohlsson Sonata No.16 in G Major, Op.31, No.1, I. Allegro vivace 06:43 6 Garrick Ohlsson II. Adagio grazioso 10:10 7 Garrick Ohlsson III. Rondo - Allegretto 07:09
Garrick Ohlsson View in Albunack Beethoven Piano Sonatas: Pathetique, Moonlight, Waldstein 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Garrick Ohlsson Allegro Molto E Con Brio (Grande Sonate Pathetique) 09:53 2 Garrick Ohlsson Adagio Cantabile (Grande Sonate Pathetique) 06:11 3 Garrick Ohlsson Rondo (Grande Sonate Pathetique) 05:11 4 Garrick Ohlsson Adagio Sostenuto (Sonata In C-Sharp Minor ("Moonlight")) 06:54 5 Garrick Ohlsson Allegretto (Sonata In C-Sharp Minor ("Moonlight")) 02:44 6 Garrick Ohlsson Presto Agitato (Sonata In C-Sharp Minor ("Moonlight")) 07:18 7 Garrick Ohlsson Allegro Con Brio (Sonatoa In C Major ("Waldstein")) 11:13 8 Garrick Ohlsson Introduzione: Adagio Molto (Sonatoa In C Major ("Waldstein")) 04:14 9 Garrick Ohlsson Allegretto Moderato (Sonatoa In C Major ("Waldstein")) 09:45
Garrick Ohlsson View in Albunack Beethoven Sonatas Nos. 8, 14, 21: Op.13 Pathetique; Op.27 No.2 Moonlight; Op.53 Waldstein 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Garrick Ohlsson Beethoven Sonata No.8 in C minor, op. 13 Pathétique: I. Grave. Allegro molto e con brio 09:53 2 Garrick Ohlsson Beethoven Sonata No.8 in C minor, op. 13 Pathétique: II. Adagio cantabile 06:11 3 Garrick Ohlsson Beethoven Sonata No.8 in C minor, op. 13 Pathétique: III. Rondo. Allegro 05:11 4 Garrick Ohlsson Beethoven Sonata No.14 in C-sharp minor, op.27 no.2 Moonlight: I. Adagio sostenuto 06:54 5 Garrick Ohlsson Beethoven Sonata No.14 in C-sharp minor, op.27 no.2 Moonlight: II. Allegretto 02:44 6 Garrick Ohlsson Beethoven Sonata No.14 in C-sharp minor, op.27 no.2 Moonlight: III. Presto agitato 07:18 7 Garrick Ohlsson Beethoven Sonata No.21 in C, op.53 Waldstein: I. Allegro con brio 11:13 8 Garrick Ohlsson Beethoven Sonata No.21 in C, op.53 Waldstein: II. Introduzione. Adagio molto 04:14 9 Garrick Ohlsson Beethoven Sonata No.21 in C, op.53 Waldstein: III. Allegretto moderato 09:45
Garrick Ohlsson View in Albunack Beethoven Sonatas vol. 8 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Garrick Ohlsson Sonata No.1 in F minor, Op.2, No.1 - I. Allegro 06:07 2 Garrick Ohlsson Sonata No.1 in F minor, Op.2, No.1 - II. Adagio 06:13 3 Garrick Ohlsson Sonata No.1 in F minor, Op.2, No.1 - III. Menuetto 03:53 4 Garrick Ohlsson Sonata No.1 in F minor, Op.2, No.1 - IV. Prestissimo 07:52 5 Garrick Ohlsson Sonata No.23 in F minor, Op.57, No.1 - I. Allegro assai 10:16 6 Garrick Ohlsson Sonata No.23 in F minor, Op.57, No.1 - II. Andante con moto 06:56 7 Garrick Ohlsson Sonata No.23 in F minor, Op.57, No.1 - III. Allegro, ma non troppo 08:09 8 Garrick Ohlsson Sonata No.30 in E major, Op.109 - I. Vivace, ma non troppo 04:28 9 Garrick Ohlsson Sonata No.30 in E major, Op.109 - II. Prestissimo 02:49 10 Garrick Ohlsson Sonata No.30 in E major, Op.109 - III. Andante molto cantabile ed espressivo 13:38
Garrick Ohlsson View in Albunack Charles Wuorinen: Works for Violin and Piano, 1969-1983 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Garrick Ohlsson The Blue Bamboula, for piano 11:28 2 Garrick Ohlsson/Benjamin Hudson Pieces (6) for violin & piano: 1 01:32 3 Garrick Ohlsson/Benjamin Hudson Pieces (6) for violin & piano: 2 02:56 4 Garrick Ohlsson/Benjamin Hudson Pieces (6) for violin & piano: 3 01:32 5 Garrick Ohlsson/Benjamin Hudson Pieces (6) for violin & piano: 4 03:46 6 Garrick Ohlsson/Benjamin Hudson Pieces (6) for violin & piano: 5 04:21 7 Garrick Ohlsson/Benjamin Hudson Pieces (6) for violin & piano: 6 05:43 8 Joseph Passaro/Donald Palma/Benjamin Hudson Spinoff for violin, double bass & conga drums 06:35 9 Benjamin Hudson The Long and the Short, for violin solo 09:33 10 Garrick Ohlsson/Benjamin Hudson Fantasia for violin & piano 17:15
Garrick Ohlsson View in Albunack Close Connections 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Garrick Ohlsson Triptych: I. Lento 08:05 2 Garrick Ohlsson Triptych: II. Vivace 05:34 3 Garrick Ohlsson Triptych: III. Largo e mesto 07:46 4 Garrick Ohlsson Shall We Dance 09:30 5 Garrick Ohlsson Passacaglia 13:25 6 Garrick Ohlsson Handwork 13:56 7 Garrick Ohlsson Sonata: I. Maestoso, Allegretto 07:38 8 Garrick Ohlsson Sonata: II. Molto grave, ma sempre animando. Allegretto quasi fugato 07:31
Garrick Ohlsson View in Albunack Falla: Fantasia Baetica & Other Piano Music 16 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Garrick Ohlsson Falla.1908.4 Piezas Españolas1.GOhl.Aragonesa (Ohlsson-XI.2016) 03:00 2 Garrick Ohlsson Falla: 4 Piezas Españolas - #2 Cubana 04:03 3 Garrick Ohlsson Falla.1908.4 Piezas Españolas3.GOhl.Montañesa 05:12 4 Garrick Ohlsson Falla: 4 Piezas Españolas - #4 Andaluza 04:22 5 Garrick Ohlsson Falla:.1926.El Sombrero.2.GOhl.Danza de os Vecinos 03:36 6 Garrick Ohlsson Falla: El Sombrero De Tres Picos - #3 Danza Del Molinero 03:16 7 Garrick Ohlsson Falla:.1926.El Sombrero.4.r1.GOhl.Danza de la Molinera 04:09 8 Garrick Ohlsson Falla: Canto De Los Remeros Del Volga 04:12 9 Garrick Ohlsson Falla.1916.El Amor Brujo.1.GOhl.Pantomima 05:11 10 Garrick Ohlsson Falla: El Amor Brujo - #2 Canción Del Fuego Fatuo 02:44 11 Garrick Ohlsson Falla: El Amor Brujo - #3 Danza Del Terror 02:30 12 Garrick Ohlsson Falla.1916.El Amor Brujo.4.GOhl.El Círculo Mágico.Romance del Pescador 02:19 13 Garrick Ohlsson Falla: El Amor Brujo - #5 Danza Ritual Del Fuego 04:58 14 Garrick Ohlsson Falla.1920.Homenaje 'Pour le Tombeau de Claude Debussy' (GOhl) 02:50 15 Garrick Ohlsson Falla: La Vida Breve - Segunda Danza Española 04:33 16 Garrick Ohlsson Falla.1919.Fantasia BaeticaFalla (GOhl) 13:03
Garrick Ohlsson View in Albunack Liszt: Fantasie and Fugue/Son in B minor; Ohlsson 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Garrick Ohlsson Fantasie & Fuge, S 259 - I. Fantasia 09:54 2 Garrick Ohlsson Fantasie & Fuge, S 259 - II. Adagio 10:22 3 Garrick Ohlsson Fantasie & Fuge, S 259 - III. Fuga 08:34 4 Garrick Ohlsson Sonata in B Minor, S. 178: I. Lento, Allegro energico 08:41 5 Garrick Ohlsson Sonata in B Minor, S. 178: II. Fortissimo 04:03 6 Garrick Ohlsson Sonata in B Minor, S. 178: III. Andante sostenuto 08:30 7 Garrick Ohlsson Sonata in B Minor, S. 178: IV. Allegro energico 11:15
Garrick Ohlsson View in Albunack Schubert: Piano Sonatas #13, 16 & Wanderer Fantasy [12 14](DUX0930) 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Garrick Ohlsson Schubert: Piano Sonata #13 in A major Op.posth.120, D. 664 - I. Allegro moderato 07:53 2 Garrick Ohlsson Schubert: Piano Sonata #13 in A major Op.posth.120, D. 664 - II. Andante 05:04 3 Garrick Ohlsson Schubert: Piano Sonata #13 in A major Op.posth.120, D. 664 - III. Allegro 07:44 4 Garrick Ohlsson Schubert: The Fantasie in C major Op.15, D.760"Wanderer" - I. Allegro con fuoco ma non troppo 06:12 5 Garrick Ohlsson Schubert: The Fantasie in C major Op.15, D.760"Wanderer" - II. Adagio 07:18 6 Garrick Ohlsson Schubert: The Fantasie in C major Op.15, D.760"Wanderer" - III. Presto 05:24 7 Garrick Ohlsson Schubert: The Fantasie in C major Op.15, D.760"Wanderer" - IV. Allegro 03:51 8 Garrick Ohlsson Schubert: Piano Sonata #16 in A minor Op.42, D.845- I. Moderato 08:33 9 Garrick Ohlsson Schubert: Piano Sonata #16 in A minor Op.42, D.845- II. Andante poco moto 12:04 10 Garrick Ohlsson Schubert: Piano Sonata #16 in A minor Op.42, D.845- III. Scherzo: Allegro vivace 08:23 11 Garrick Ohlsson Schubert: Piano Sonata #16 in A minor Op.42, D.845- IV. Rondo: Allegro vivace 05:31
Garrick Ohlsson View in Albunack Scriabin: Complete Etudes [04 09](090404928727) 26 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Garrick Ohlsson Etude in C-Sharp Minor, Op. 2, No. 1 03:23 2 Garrick Ohlsson Etude in C-Sharp Major, Op. 8, No. 1 01:37 3 Garrick Ohlsson Etude in F-Sharp Minor, Op. 8, No. 2 01:49 4 Garrick Ohlsson Etude in B Minor, Op. 8, No. 3 02:05 5 Garrick Ohlsson Etude in B Major, Op. 8, No. 4 02:13 6 Garrick Ohlsson Etude in E Major, Op. 8, No. 5 02:31 7 Garrick Ohlsson Etude in A Major, Op. 8, No. 6 01:50 8 Garrick Ohlsson Etude in B-Flat Minor, Op. 8, No. 7 02:07 9 Garrick Ohlsson Etude in A-Flat Major, Op. 8, No. 8 03:51 10 Garrick Ohlsson Etude in G-Sharp Minor, Op. 8, No. 9 04:32 11 Garrick Ohlsson Etude in D-Flat Major, Op. 8, No. 10 02:06 12 Garrick Ohlsson Etude in B-Flat Minor, Op. 8, No. 11 04:09 13 Garrick Ohlsson Etude in D-Sharp Minor, Op. 8, No. 12 02:20 14 Garrick Ohlsson Etude in D-Flat Major, Op. 42, No. 1 01:48 15 Garrick Ohlsson Etude in F-Sharp Minor, Op. 42, No. 2 01:04 16 Garrick Ohlsson Etude in F-Sharp Major, Op. 42, No. 3 00:59 17 Garrick Ohlsson Etude in F-Sharp Major, Op. 42, No. 4 03:10 18 Garrick Ohlsson Etude in C-Sharp Minor, Op. 42, No. 5 02:55 19 Garrick Ohlsson Etude in D-Flat Major, Op. 42, No. 6 02:13 20 Garrick Ohlsson Etude in F Minor, Op. 42, No. 7 00:57 21 Garrick Ohlsson Etude in E-Flat Major, Op. 42, No. 8 02:03 22 Garrick Ohlsson Etude, Op. 49, No. 1 00:59 23 Garrick Ohlsson Etude, Op. 49, No. 2 00:38 24 Garrick Ohlsson Etude, Op. 65, No. 1 03:40 25 Garrick Ohlsson Etude, Op. 65, No. 2 02:06 26 Garrick Ohlsson Etude, Op. 65, No. 3 01:52
Garrick Ohlsson View in Albunack Scriabin: The Complete Etudes 26 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Garrick Ohlsson Etude in C-sharp minor, Op.2 No.1 03:23 2 Garrick Ohlsson Twelve Etudes, Op.8 - No.1 in C-sharp 01:37 3 Garrick Ohlsson - No.2 in F-sharp minor 01:49 4 Garrick Ohlsson - No.3 in B minor 02:05 5 Garrick Ohlsson - No.4 in B 02:13 6 Garrick Ohlsson - No.5 in E 02:31 7 Garrick Ohlsson - No.6 in A 01:50 8 Garrick Ohlsson - No.7 in B-flat minor 02:07 9 Garrick Ohlsson - No.8 in A-flat 03:51 10 Garrick Ohlsson - No.9 in G-sharp minor 04:32 11 Garrick Ohlsson - No.10 in D-flat 02:06 12 Garrick Ohlsson - No.11 in B-flat minor 04:09 13 Garrick Ohlsson - No.12 in D-sharp minor 02:20 14 Garrick Ohlsson Eight Etudes, Op.42 - No.1 in D-flat 01:48 15 Garrick Ohlsson - No.2 in F-sharp minor 01:04 16 Garrick Ohlsson - No.3 in F-sharp 00:59 17 Garrick Ohlsson - No.4 in F-sharp 03:10 18 Garrick Ohlsson - No.5 in C-sharp minor 02:55 19 Garrick Ohlsson - No.6 in D-flat 02:13 20 Garrick Ohlsson - No.7 in F minor 00:57 21 Garrick Ohlsson - No.8 in E-flat 02:03 22 Garrick Ohlsson Etude, Op.49 No.1 00:59 23 Garrick Ohlsson Etude, Op.56 No.4 00:38 24 Garrick Ohlsson Three Etudes, Op.65 - No.1 03:40 25 Garrick Ohlsson - No.2 02:06 26 Garrick Ohlsson - No.3 01:52
Garrick Ohlsson View in Albunack Scriabin: The Complete Études 26 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Garrick Ohlsson Etude for piano in C sharp minor, Op. 2-1 03:23 2 Garrick Ohlsson Etudes (12) for piano, Op. 8- No. 1 in C sharp major 01:37 3 Garrick Ohlsson Etudes (12) for piano, Op. 8- No. 2 in F sharp minor 01:49 4 Garrick Ohlsson Etudes (12) for piano, Op. 8- No. 3 in B minor 02:05 5 Garrick Ohlsson Etudes (12) for piano, Op. 8- No. 4 in B major 02:13 6 Garrick Ohlsson Etudes (12) for piano, Op. 8- No. 5 in E major 02:31 7 Garrick Ohlsson Etudes (12) for piano, Op. 8- No. 6 in A major 01:50 8 Garrick Ohlsson Etudes (12) for piano, Op. 8- No. 7 in B flat minor 02:07 9 Garrick Ohlsson Etudes (12) for piano, Op. 8- No. 8 in A flat major 03:51 10 Garrick Ohlsson Etudes (12) for piano, Op. 8- No. 9 in G sharp minor 04:32 11 Garrick Ohlsson Etudes (12) for piano, Op. 8- No. 10 in D flat major 02:06 12 Garrick Ohlsson Etudes (12) for piano, Op. 8- No. 11 in B flat minor 04:09 13 Garrick Ohlsson Etudes (12) for piano, Op. 8- No. 12 in D sharp minor 02:20 14 Garrick Ohlsson Etudes (8) for piano, Op. 42- No. 1 in D flat major 01:48 15 Garrick Ohlsson Etudes (8) for piano, Op. 42- No. 2 in F sharp minor 01:04 16 Garrick Ohlsson Etudes (8) for piano, Op. 42- No. 3 in F sharp major 00:59 17 Garrick Ohlsson Etudes (8) for piano, Op. 42- No. 4 in F sharp major 03:10 18 Garrick Ohlsson Etudes (8) for piano, Op. 42- No. 5 in C sharp minor 02:55 19 Garrick Ohlsson Etudes (8) for piano, Op. 42- No. 6 in D flat major 02:13 20 Garrick Ohlsson Etudes (8) for piano, Op. 42- No. 7 in F minor 00:57 21 Garrick Ohlsson Etudes (8) for piano, Op. 42- No. 8 in E flat major 02:03 22 Garrick Ohlsson Etude for piano in E flat major, Op. 49-1 00:59 23 Garrick Ohlsson Etude for piano, Op. 56-4 00:38 24 Garrick Ohlsson Etudes (3) for piano, Op. 65- No. 1 03:40 25 Garrick Ohlsson Etudes (3) for piano, Op. 65- No. 2 02:06 26 Garrick Ohlsson Etudes (3) for piano, Op. 65- No. 3 01:52
Garrick Ohlsson View in Albunack Smetana: Czech Dances & On The Seashore 15 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Garrick Ohlsson Garrick Ohlsson / Smetana: Czech Dances I, JB 1:107 - #1 Polka In F Sharp Minor 03:26 2 Garrick Ohlsson Smetana: Czech Dances I, JB 1:107 - #2 Polka In A Minor 02:44 3 Garrick Ohlsson Smetana: Czech Dances I, JB 1:107 - #3 Polka In F 03:39 4 Garrick Ohlsson Smetana: Czech Dances I, JB 1:107 - #4 Polka In B Flat 03:53 5 Garrick Ohlsson Smetana: Czech Dances II, JB 1:114 - #01 Furiant 05:30 6 Garrick Ohlsson Smetana: Czech Dances II, JB 1:114 - #02 Slepicka (The Little Hen) 03:27 7 Garrick Ohlsson Garrick Ohlsson / Smetana: Czech Dances II, JB 1:114 - #03 Oves (Oats) 05:16 8 Garrick Ohlsson Smetana: Czech Dances II, JB 1:114 - #04 Medved (The Bear) 03:21 9 Garrick Ohlsson Garrick Ohlsson / Smetana: Czech Dances II, JB 1:114 - #05 Cibulicka (The Little Onion) 04:56 10 Garrick Ohlsson Smetana: Czech Dances II, JB 1:114 - #06 Dupák 03:37 11 Garrick Ohlsson Smetana: Czech Dances II, JB 1:114 - #07 Hulán (The Lancer) 05:21 12 Garrick Ohlsson Garrick Ohlsson / Smetana: Czech Dances II, JB 1:114 - #08 Obkrocák 03:11 13 Garrick Ohlsson Garrick Ohlsson / Smetana: Czech Dances II, JB 1:114 - #09 Sousedská 04:50 14 Garrick Ohlsson Smetana: Czech Dances II, JB 1:114 - #10 Skocná 03:41 15 Garrick Ohlsson Smetana: On The Seashore, JB 1:80, "A Reminiscence" 05:20
Garrick Ohlsson View in Albunack Smetana: Czech Dances; On the Seashore 15 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Garrick Ohlsson Czech Dances (4) for piano, Book 1, JB 1:107: Polka in F sharp minor: Non molto allegro 03:26 2 Garrick Ohlsson Czech Dances (4) for piano, Book 1, JB 1:107: Polka in A minor: Moderato 02:44 4 Garrick Ohlsson Czech Dances (4) for piano, Book 1, JB 1:107: Polka in B flat major: Lento 03:53 5 Garrick Ohlsson Czech Dances (10) for piano, Book 2, JB 1:114: Furiant in A minor: Presto 05:30 6 Garrick Ohlsson Czech Dances (10) for piano, Book 2, JB 1:114: Slepicka (The little hen) in B flat major: Moderato 03:27 7 Garrick Ohlsson Czech Dances (10) for piano, Book 2, JB 1:114: Oves (Oats) in A flat major: Andantino 05:16 9 Garrick Ohlsson Czech Dances (10) for piano, Book 2, JB 1:114: Cibulicka (The little onion) in G minor: Moderato 04:56 10 Garrick Ohlsson Czech Dances (10) for piano, Book 2, JB 1:114: Dupák in D major: Vivacissimo 03:37 11 Garrick Ohlsson Czech Dances (10) for piano, Book 2, JB 1:114: Hulán (The lancer) in A major: Andantino 05:21 14 Garrick Ohlsson Czech Dances (10) for piano, Book 2, JB 1:114: Skocná in F major: Vivace 03:41 15 Garrick Ohlsson Am Seegestade - Eine Erinnerung (On the Seahore - A Memory), concert etude for piano in G sharp minor, JB 1:80 (Op. 17) 05:20
Garrick Ohlsson View in Albunack Tchaikovsky & Rachmaninov Piano Concertos 6 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Neville Marriner Piano Concerto No. 1 in B flat minor, Op. 23- Allegro non troppo e molto maestoso - Allegro con spirito 20:11 2 Neville Marriner Piano Concerto No. 1 in B flat minor, Op. 23- Andantino simplice - Prestissimo 07:20 Has Mbid 3 Neville Marriner Piano Concerto No. 1 in B flat minor, Op. 23- Allegro con fuoco 07:00 4 Neville Marriner Piano Concerto No. 2 in C minor, Op. 18- No. 1, Moderato 11:18 5 Neville Marriner Piano Concerto No. 2 in C minor, Op. 18- No. 2, Adagio sostenuto 12:21 6 Neville Marriner Piano Concerto No. 2 in C minor, Op. 18- No. 3, Allegro scherzando 11:37
Garrobos View in Albunack Escape Del Infierno 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Garrobos Intro Paraiso Podrido 00:52 2 Garrobos Revolución Interna 04:06 3 Garrobos Cenizas 02:54 4 Garrobos Infectos Insectos 03:00 5 Garrobos Veneno 02:58 6 Garrobos Tocando Fondo 03:49 7 Garrobos Falso Mesias 03:22 8 Garrobos No Llovera Por Siempre 03:48 9 Garrobos Levanta La Mirada 03:05 10 Garrobos Hasta Que Yo Muera 03:24 11 Garrobos Escape Del Infierno 03:07
Garrobos View in Albunack Sacude el Craneo 14 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Garrobos Pista01 02:19 2 Garrobos Pista02 03:19 3 Garrobos Pista03 01:52 4 Garrobos Pista04 03:35 5 Garrobos Pista05 02:38 6 Garrobos Pista06 01:59 7 Garrobos Pista07 02:51 8 Garrobos Pista08 02:59 9 Garrobos Pista09 01:30 10 Garrobos Pista10 02:12 11 Garrobos Pista11 02:14 12 Garrobos Pista12 02:09 13 Garrobos Pista13 03:01 14 Garrobos Pista14 05:33
Garroter View in Albunack Corporal Punishment 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Garroter Anal Penetration 03:12 2 Garroter Human Toilet 03:50 3 Garroter Forced To Fuck 01:55 4 Garroter Cum While I Eat Her 03:35 5 Garroter Dick-Pick Lobotomy 03:33 6 Garroter Human Putrefaction 02:24 7 Garroter Ungodly Mutation 03:34 8 Garroter Hack, Dissect - Anatomise 02:46 9 Garroter Bonus Dubster 05:31
Gary Adkins View in Albunack Inner City Blues 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gary Adkins Any Time, Any Place 04:24 2 Gary Adkins Inner City Blues 03:27 3 Gary Adkins Rockin' You Tonite 05:43 4 Gary Adkins Anything He Can Do 03:49 5 Gary Adkins Heart of Love 04:51 6 Gary Adkins I'm The One 03:49 7 Gary Adkins You And Me 04:52 8 Gary Adkins Mind Over Matter 04:34 9 Gary Adkins Love That Last Forever 04:35
Gary Allegretto View in Albunack Blues On The Trail 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gary Allegretto Blues On The Trail 03:34 2 Gary Allegretto Black Diamond 03:58 3 Gary Allegretto Cowboys Gotta Be Free 02:39 4 Gary Allegretto A Horse Called The Bluesman 02:57 5 Gary Allegretto Every Silver Lining 03:25 6 Gary Allegretto The Firebreak Line 03:12 7 Gary Allegretto When Dutchy Plays The Mouth Harp 02:50 8 Gary Allegretto No Place Like Home 03:00 9 Gary Allegretto Whittling Dynamite 02:46 10 Gary Allegretto Another Mule 03:17 11 Gary Allegretto Jack Of Diamonds 03:01 12 Gary Allegretto Wherever I Roam 03:31
Gary Bartz Quartet View in Albunack Live @ The Jazz Standard Soulstice 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gary Bartz Quartet Intro 00:15 2 Gary Bartz Quartet uranus 00:00 3 Gary Bartz Quartet eastern blues 10:28 4 Gary Bartz Quartet but not for me 16:48 5 Gary Bartz Quartet day dream 09:32 6 Gary Bartz Quartet soulstice 11:01 7 Gary Bartz Quartet closing 00:30
Search Gary Campbell Intersection 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gary Campbell Lago Turvo 07:01 2 Gary Campbell J.A. (Instrumental) 06:08 3 Gary Campbell Samba De Gringo 06:07 4 Gary Campbell Tango 03:37 5 Gary Campbell Almost Lost 05:31 6 Gary Campbell Down Here 07:18 7 Gary Campbell Hair Of The Dog (Instrumental) 06:18
Search Gary Cooper Accompanied Keyboard Sonatas 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gary Cooper Sonata Op. 4 N°1 in C major - 1. Allegro 04:17 2 Gary Cooper Sonata N°1 in G major - 2. Rondeau. Allegro 03:41 3 Gary Cooper Sonata Op. 4 N°2 in e minor - 1. Allegro 04:04 4 Gary Cooper Sonata N°2 in F major - 2. Presto 02:35 5 Gary Cooper Sonata Op. 4 N°3 in B flat major - 1. Allegro moderato 04:31 6 Gary Cooper Sonata N°3 in c minor - 2. Tempo di minuetto 02:45 7 Gary Cooper Sonata Op. 4 N°4 in D major - 1. Allegro assai 04:16 8 Gary Cooper Sonata N°4 in E flat major - 2. Rondeau. Presto 01:51 9 Gary Cooper Sonata Op. 4 N°5 in E flat major - 1. Allegro 05:18 10 Gary Cooper Sonata Op. 4 N°5 in E flat major - 2. Spiritoso 04:34 11 Gary Cooper Sonata Op. 4 N°6 in g minor - 1. Allegro 05:34 12 Gary Cooper Sonata N°6 in E major - 2. Presto 05:21
Search Gary Cooper Bach - Keyboard Concertos 12 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 B'Rock, Gary Cooper Concerto in D minor, BWV 1052 - Allegro 07:35 2 B'Rock, Gary Cooper Concerto in D minor, BWV 1052 - Adagio 06:27 3 B'Rock, Gary Cooper Concerto in D minor, BWV 1052 - Allegro 10:06 4 B'Rock, Gary Cooper Concerto in E major, BWV 1053 - Allegro 07:52 5 B'Rock, Gary Cooper Concerto in E major, BWV 1053 - Siciliano 04:29 6 B'Rock, Gary Cooper Concerto in E major, BWV 1053 - Allegro 06:03 7 B'Rock, Gary Cooper Concerto in A major, BWV 1055 - Allegro 04:15 8 B'Rock, Gary Cooper Concerto in A major, BWV 1055 - Larghetto 05:00 9 B'Rock, Gary Cooper Concerto in A major, BWV 1055 - Allegro ma non tanto 04:06 10 B'Rock, Gary Cooper Concerto in F minor, BWV 1056 - Allegro moderato 03:18 Has Mbid 11 B'Rock, Gary Cooper Concerto in F minor, BWV 1056 - Largo 02:50 12 B'Rock, Gary Cooper Concerto in F minor, BWV 1056 - Presto 03:04
Search Gary Cooper Beethoven: Diabelli Variations [SACDHB][08 11](0723385291107) 40 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gary Cooper Variations in C on a Waltz by Diabelli, Op. 120: Tema. Vivace 00:56 2 Gary Cooper Variations in C on a Waltz by Diabelli, Op. 120: Var. I Alla Marcia Maestoso 01:28 3 Gary Cooper Variations in C on a Waltz by Diabelli, Op. 120: Var. II Poco Allegro 00:50 4 Gary Cooper Variations in C on a Waltz by Diabelli, Op. 120: Var. III L'istesso Tempo 01:56 5 Gary Cooper Variations in C on a Waltz by Diabelli, Op. 120: Var. IV Un Poco Piu Vivace 01:11 6 Gary Cooper Variations in C on a Waltz by Diabelli, Op. 120: Var. V Allegro Vivace 00:57 7 Gary Cooper Variations in C on a Waltz by Diabelli, Op. 120: Var. VI Allegro Ma Non Troppo E Serioso 01:57 8 Gary Cooper Variations in C on a Waltz by Diabelli, Op. 120: Var. VII Un Poco Piu Vivace 01:16 9 Gary Cooper Variations in C on a Waltz by Diabelli, Op. 120: Var. VIII Poco Vivace 01:35 10 Gary Cooper Variations in C on a Waltz by Diabelli, Op. 120: Var. IX Allegro Pesante E Risoluto 01:34 11 Gary Cooper Variations in C on a Waltz by Diabelli, Op. 120: Var. X Presto 00:42 12 Gary Cooper Variations in C on a Waltz by Diabelli, Op. 120: Var. XI Allegretto 01:00 13 Gary Cooper Variations in C on a Waltz by Diabelli, Op. 120: Var. XII Un Poco Piu Moto 00:57 14 Gary Cooper Variations in C on a Waltz by Diabelli, Op. 120: Var. XIII Vivace 00:58 15 Gary Cooper Variations in C on a Waltz by Diabelli, Op. 120: Var. XIV Grave E Maestoso 04:43 16 Gary Cooper Variations in C on a Waltz by Diabelli, Op. 120: Var. XV Presto Scherzando 00:27 17 Gary Cooper Variations in C on a Waltz by Diabelli, Op. 120: Var. XVI Allegro 01:06 18 Gary Cooper Variations in C on a Waltz by Diabelli, Op. 120: Var. XVII (Allegro) 01:04 19 Gary Cooper Variations in C on a Waltz by Diabelli, Op. 120: Var. XVIII Poco Moderato 01:27 20 Gary Cooper Variations in C on a Waltz by Diabelli, Op. 120: Var. XIX Presto 00:58 21 Gary Cooper Variations in C on a Waltz by Diabelli, Op. 120: Var. XX Andante 02:29 22 Gary Cooper Variations in C on a Waltz by Diabelli, Op. 120: Var. XXI Allegro Con Brio 01:22 23 Gary Cooper Variations in C on a Waltz by Diabelli, Op. 120: Var. XXII Allegro Molto Alla 00:37 24 Gary Cooper Variations in C on a Waltz by Diabelli, Op. 120: Var. XXIII Allegro Assai 00:56 25 Gary Cooper Variations in C on a Waltz by Diabelli, Op. 120: Var. XXIV Fughetta. Andante 02:44 26 Gary Cooper Variations in C on a Waltz by Diabelli, Op. 120: Var. XXV Allegro 00:47 27 Gary Cooper Variations in C on a Waltz by Diabelli, Op. 120: Var. XXVI Piacevole 01:40 28 Gary Cooper Variations in C on a Waltz by Diabelli, Op. 120: Var. XXVII Vivace 01:15 29 Gary Cooper Variations in C on a Waltz by Diabelli, Op. 120: Var. XXVIII Allegro 01:04 30 Gary Cooper Variations in C on a Waltz by Diabelli, Op. 120: Var. XXIX Adagio Ma Non Troppo 01:18 31 Gary Cooper Variations in C on a Waltz by Diabelli, Op. 120: Var. XXX Andante, Sempre Cantabile 01:27 32 Gary Cooper Variations in C on a Waltz by Diabelli, Op. 120: Var. XXXI Largo, Molto Espressivo 04:40 33 Gary Cooper Variations in C on a Waltz by Diabelli, Op. 120: Var. XXXII Fuga. Allegro 03:12 34 Gary Cooper Variations in C on a Waltz by Diabelli, Op. 120: Var. XXXIII Tempo di Menuetto Moderato 04:56 35 Gary Cooper Bagatelles, Op. 126: I. Andante Con Moto Cantabile E Compiacevole 02:51 36 Gary Cooper Bagatelles, Op. 126: II. Allegro 03:05 37 Gary Cooper Bagatelles, Op. 126: III. Andante Cantabile E Grazioso 02:35 38 Gary Cooper Bagatelles, Op. 126: IV. Presto 03:22 39 Gary Cooper Bagatelles, Op. 126: V. Quasi Allegretto 02:02 40 Gary Cooper Bagatelles, Op. 126: VI. Presto - Andante Amabile E Con Moto - Presto 04:40
Search Gary Cooper Haydn: Late Piano Works 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gary Cooper Keyboard Sonata in C major, H. 16-48- Andante con espressione 09:33 2 Gary Cooper Keyboard Sonata in C major, H. 16-48- Rondo. Presto 04:10 3 Gary Cooper Variations for piano on the hymn -Gott erhalte Franz den Kaiser- (arrangement of string quartet Op. 76-3, 2nd mvt.) 05:37 4 Gary Cooper Keyboard Sonata in E flat major, H. 16-49- Allegro 07:38 5 Gary Cooper Keyboard Sonata in E flat major, H. 16-49- Adagio e cantabile 09:11 6 Gary Cooper Keyboard Sonata in E flat major, H. 16-49- Finale. Tempo di Minuet 03:48 7 Gary Cooper Andante with variations for piano in F minor, H. 17-6 15:44 8 Gary Cooper Keyboard Sonata in E flat major, H. 16-52- Allegro 09:01 9 Gary Cooper Keyboard Sonata in E flat major, H. 16-52- Adagio 07:39 10 Gary Cooper Keyboard Sonata in E flat major, H. 16-52- Finale. Presto 05:27
Search Gary Cooper Haydn: Late Piano Works SACD 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gary Cooper Haydn, Joseph: Son for Pno in C major Hob 16/48 / 001 Andante con espressione 00:00 2 Gary Cooper Haydn, Joseph: Son for Pno in C major Hob 16/48 / 002 Rondo: Presto 04:10 3 Gary Cooper Haydn, Joseph: / Var in G major on "Gott erhalte"_ Hob 03_ 77 05:37 4 Gary Cooper Haydn, Joseph: Son for Pno in E flat major, Hob 16/49 / 001 Allegro 07:38 5 Gary Cooper Haydn, Joseph: Son for Pno in E flat major, Hob 16/49 / 002 Adagio e cantabile 09:11 6 Gary Cooper Haydn, Joseph: Son for Pno in E flat major, Hob 16/49 / 003 Finale: Tempo di Minuet 03:48 7 Gary Cooper Haydn, Joseph: / Var in F minor_ Hob 17_ 06 15:44 8 Gary Cooper Haydn, Joseph: Son for Pno in E flat major, Hob 16/52 / 001 Allegro 09:01 9 Gary Cooper Haydn, Joseph: Son for Pno in E flat major, Hob 16/52 / 002 Adagio 07:39 10 Gary Cooper Haydn, Joseph: Son for Pno in E flat major, Hob 16/52 / 003 Finali: Presto 05:30
Search Gary Cooper Keyboard Concertos (Live Recording) 12 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gary Cooper Concerto in D Minor BWV 1052: I. Allegro 07:35 2 Gary Cooper Concerto in D Minor BWV 1052: II. Adagio 06:27 3 Gary Cooper Concerto in D Minor BWV 1052: III. Allegro 10:06 4 Gary Cooper Concerto in E Major BWV 1053: I. Allegro 07:52 5 Gary Cooper Concerto in E Major BWV 1053: II. Siciliano 04:29 6 Gary Cooper Concerto in E Major BWV 1053: III. Allegro 06:03 7 Gary Cooper Concerto in A Major BWV 1055: I. Allegro 04:15 8 Gary Cooper Concerto in A Major BWV 1055: II. Larghetto 05:00 9 Gary Cooper Concerto in A Major BWV 1055: III. Allegro ma non tanto 04:06 10 Gary Cooper Concerto in F Minor BWV 1056: I. Allegro moderato 03:18 Has Mbid 11 Gary Cooper Concerto in F Minor BWV 1056: II. Largo 02:50 12 Gary Cooper Concerto in F Minor BWV 1056: III. Presto 03:04
Search Gary Crosby Migrations 10 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gary Crosby Transmigration 05:24 Has Mbid 2 Gary Crosby Goree Island 05:06 3 Gary Crosby Hamattan 06:40 4 Gary Crosby Place the Place 08:08 5 Gary Crosby Asante 07:09 6 Gary Crosby 741 05:27 7 Gary Crosby Ode to Ama 05:48 8 Gary Crosby Incentricity 05:36 9 Gary Crosby Papa Dayie 05:59 10 Gary Crosby Pinocchio 04:08
Gary Guthman View in Albunack Solar Eclipse 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gary Guthman Behind Closed Doors 06:46 2 Gary Guthman A Sea Apart 05:51 3 Gary Guthman Medicine Man 06:33 4 Gary Guthman Di Trevi 05:08 5 Gary Guthman The Liars Club 05:53 6 Gary Guthman Gentelmen's Playground 04:05 7 Gary Guthman Sarah's Waltz 08:01 8 Gary Guthman Bajan Secret 06:11 9 Gary Guthman David's Dream 05:41 10 Gary Guthman Solar Eclipse 06:44
Gary Guttman View in Albunack Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future (Original Television Soundtrack) 40 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gary Guttman Captain Power Opening 01:32 2 Gary Guttman Get Ready 01:45 3 Gary Guttman Love Theme 01:53 4 Gary Guttman Big Battle 02:12 5 Gary Guttman Sad Heroic Vamp 00:32 6 Gary Guttman Pursued 01:37 7 Gary Guttman Jumpship 1 00:20 8 Gary Guttman Air Battle 01:41 9 Gary Guttman Sad Heroic 01:45 10 Gary Guttman Bursting Through 01:17 11 Gary Guttman Abandoned Streets 01:14 12 Gary Guttman Stinger 00:22 13 Gary Guttman Quiet Buildup 02:25 14 Gary Guttman Soaron 00:30 15 Gary Guttman Pursued Vamp 00:41 16 Gary Guttman Eerie Mood 2 00:25 17 Gary Guttman Action Filler 1 00:15 18 Gary Guttman Captain Power Beware 00:21 19 Gary Guttman Land Battle 01:23 20 Gary Guttman Volcania 00:17 21 Gary Guttman Sneaking Around 01:24 22 Gary Guttman Eden 2 00:47 23 Gary Guttman Captain Power Vamp 00:32 24 Gary Guttman Beware of Dread 00:23 25 Gary Guttman Power On - Alternate 00:20 26 Gary Guttman Light Moment 00:31 27 Gary Guttman Eerie Mood 3 00:26 28 Gary Guttman Captain Power to the Rescue 00:53 29 Gary Guttman Action Filler 2 00:34 30 Gary Guttman Quiet Buildup Alternate 00:35 31 Gary Guttman Action Filler 3 00:14 32 Gary Guttman Triumphant Battle 02:02 33 Gary Guttman End of Act 00:16 34 Gary Guttman Captain Power End Title 01:04 35 Gary Guttman Volcania 2 00:44 36 Gary Guttman Seconds Ticking 01:11 37 Gary Guttman Serious - Somber 02:16 38 Gary Guttman Flame Street 00:58 39 Gary Guttman Dark Mist 01:53 40 Gary Guttman Captain Power Opening 2012 Version 01:26
Gary Hunn View in Albunack Breaking Blue 12 0 2013 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gary Hunn Heads you Win 02:52 2 Gary Hunn Dirty Little World 02:46 3 Gary Hunn Can't Get Past The Hurting 03:08 4 Gary Hunn Out Of My Life (with Peta Cherae) 03:54 5 Gary Hunn Christmas in South Dakota 02:55 6 Gary Hunn Hard Times A'Coming 02:42 7 Gary Hunn Till I Found You 02:27 8 Gary Hunn Anywhere In Georgia (for G.P.) 02:37 9 Gary Hunn A Little Disappointed In Her Now 02:30 10 Gary Hunn Just Like A Daughter 02:48 11 Gary Hunn Heartaches, Hangovers & Cheating Songs 02:27 12 Gary Hunn My Heart, My Soul, My Own 02:34
Gary Hunn View in Albunack Dust & Gin 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gary Hunn Dust & Gin 03:18 2 Gary Hunn Why Do I Listen 02:44 3 Gary Hunn Fall in Your Bottle 03:14 4 Gary Hunn Buy A Gun or Go to Memphis 03:18 5 Gary Hunn Broken Lives Are Mended Here 04:18 6 Gary Hunn She Falls Apart (I Put Her Back Together Again) 03:53 7 Gary Hunn Cypress Winds 03:23 8 Gary Hunn It Ain't Right 03:07 9 Gary Hunn Ronnie's Still Doing it Tough 03:30 10 Gary Hunn Breathe as You Go 04:19
Gary Innes View in Albunack Era 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gary Innes Yarra Wine Valley 04:35 2 Gary Innes The Road to Lochaber 04:50 3 Gary Innes The Caman Man 04:22 4 Gary Innes Crazy Street 04:13 5 Gary Innes May Life Always Be Peachy 04:52 6 Gary Innes The Highland Obama 04:05 7 Gary Innes Zara 04:08 8 Gary Innes Loch Arkaig 05:59 9 Gary Innes Grace and Pride 04:30 10 Gary Innes Our Heroes 05:40
Search Gary Johnson Tracing Starlines With Empty Hands 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gary Johnson Give Me a Reason 05:11 2 Gary Johnson You're There 04:49 3 Gary Johnson The One 03:16 4 Gary Johnson Another Rainy Night 04:49 5 Gary Johnson Please Stay 03:14 6 Gary Johnson Something to Hold on To 03:39 7 Gary Johnson Seven Days 03:46 8 Gary Johnson Set Me Free 03:56 9 Gary Johnson Paint This Town 03:15 10 Gary Johnson Leaves (3am) 03:44 11 Gary Johnson Name 04:10
Gary Keller View in Albunack Blues for an Old New Age (The Music of Ron Miller) 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gary Keller Blues for an Old New Age 07:18 2 Gary Keller Babes of Cancun 06:01 3 Gary Keller Soul Bod 09:07 4 Gary Keller Small Feats 07:37 5 Gary Keller J.C. on the Land 11:04 6 Gary Keller Monk Strut 08:39 7 Gary Keller Peacock Park 06:36 8 Gary Keller Sweet Illusions 08:28 9 Gary Keller Lost Illusion 05:50
Gary Mullen & The Works View in Albunack One Night of Queen Live in Edinburgh 13 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gary Mullen & The Works One Vision 05:40 2 Gary Mullen & The Works Keep Yourself Alive 04:25 3 Gary Mullen & The Works Fat Bottomed Girls 04:14 4 Gary Mullen & The Works Love of my Life 06:05 5 Gary Mullen & The Works Jailhouse Rock 02:29 6 Gary Mullen & The Works Bohemian Rhapsody 06:01 7 Gary Mullen & The Works Hammer to Fall 07:31 8 Gary Mullen & The Works Crazy Little Thing Called Love 06:04 9 Gary Mullen & The Works Radio Ga Ga 05:56 10 Gary Mullen & The Works We Will Rock You 02:45 11 Gary Mullen & The Works Friends Will Be Friends 02:04 12 Gary Mullen & The Works We Are The Champions 04:33 13 Gary Mullen & The Works God Save The Queen 01:05
Gary Pfaff View in Albunack Under The Influence (Live) 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gary Pfaff Love Drug 04:13 2 Gary Pfaff Hey Love 04:51 3 Gary Pfaff Walk Away 04:22 4 Gary Pfaff Perfect 04:38 5 Gary Pfaff Wild Fires 04:33 7 Gary Pfaff Don't Remind Me 03:11 8 Gary Pfaff Southern Drawl 03:53 10 Gary Pfaff White Stars 04:38
Gary Quinn View in Albunack The Lounge Records 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gary Quinn Crazy Idea 03:50 2 Gary Quinn Tainted 04:18 3 Gary Quinn Clock Off (To Start My Shift) 03:31 4 Gary Quinn Warm Dark Of Night 03:49 5 Gary Quinn Love And Loose 03:35 6 Gary Quinn I Can't Wait 02:53 7 Gary Quinn Dodge Your Bullet 03:45 8 Gary Quinn Body Language 03:22 9 Gary Quinn Shame 04:13 10 Gary Quinn I Love To Watch You Leave 04:14
Search Gary Richard Island Fever 14 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gary Richard No hesitation 03:44 4 Gary Richard Sunset Bay 04:07 5 Gary Richard Key West Express 04:17 7 Gary Richard Tradewinds 04:14 9 Gary Richard Mundo Festivo (Party World) 03:11 10 Gary Richard Canto de la Brisa 03:36 11 Gary Richard Rosy, Flower of My Heart 03:33 12 Gary Richard The Monkey Club 03:00 13 Gary Richard Heladero (Ice Cream Man) 04:09 14 Gary Richard En Mayo Tres 05:06
Search Gary Richard Water Music 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gary Richard Run Wild to the Sea 06:19 2 Gary Richard Cloudburst 06:02 3 Gary Richard Above the Rocky Shore 05:45 4 Gary Richard Angel Falls 05:51 5 Gary Richard Loon Lake 05:02 6 Gary Richard Ice Caves 05:11 7 Gary Richard Surface Glide 06:04 8 Gary Richard Come Again Another Day 06:31
Gary Shelton View in Albunack Kissin' At The Drive - In 24 0 1999 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gary Shelton aka Troy Shondell Kissin' At The Drive-In 02:03 2 Gary Shelton aka Troy Shondell Goodbye Little Darlin' 02:02 3 Gary Shelton aka Troy Shondell Be Honest With Me 02:03 4 Gary Shelton aka Troy Shondell My Hero (From 'the Chocolate Soldier') 02:07 5 Gary Shelton aka Troy Shondell Lonely 01:54 6 Gary Shelton aka Troy Shondell Honey Bee 02:09 7 Gary Shelton aka Troy Shondell Till The End Of The Line 02:31 8 Gary Shelton aka Troy Shondell The Trance 01:56 9 Gary Shelton aka Troy Shondell Stop The World (My Baby's Gone) 02:04 10 Gary Shelton aka Troy Shondell I've Counted On You 02:26 11 Gary Shelton aka Troy Shondell Your's Till I Die 02:05 12 Gary Shelton aka Troy Shondell Maybe Later Baby 02:08 13 Gary Shelton aka Troy Shondell The Great Lover 01:56 14 Gary Shelton aka Troy Shondell Be Bop Love 02:00 15 Gary Shelton aka Troy Shondell Walk To The Dance 01:56 16 Gary Shelton aka Troy Shondell My Little Carol (Fast Version) 02:16 17 Gary Shelton aka Troy Shondell A Prayer And A Jukebox 01:51 18 Gary Shelton aka Troy Shondell My Little Carol (Without Chorus) 02:23 19 Gary Shelton aka Troy Shondell Strangers 02:06 20 Gary Shelton aka Troy Shondell The Curse Of An Aching Heart 02:39 21 Gary Shelton aka Troy Shondell Don't Send Me Away 02:04 22 Gary Shelton aka Troy Shondell Be Bop Love (With Echo) 02:06 23 Gary Shelton aka Troy Shondell Teenage Love Call 02:13 24 Gary Shelton aka Troy Shondell My Little Carol (With Chorus) 02:17
Gary Taubes View in Albunack Why We Get Fat 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gary Taubes disk 04-01 08:08 2 Gary Taubes disk 1-02 07:48 3 Gary Taubes disk 04-03 05:11 4 Gary Taubes disk 1-04 05:34 5 Gary Taubes disk 04-05 05:19 6 Gary Taubes disk 1-06 04:46 7 Gary Taubes disk 1-07 05:26 8 Gary Taubes disk 04-08 09:14 9 Gary Taubes disk 04-09 06:14 10 Gary Taubes disk 04-10 06:02 11 Gary Taubes disk 1-11 08:14
Gary Taubes View in Albunack Why We Get Fat: And What to Do About It 16 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gary Taubes Why We Get Fat And What to Do About It[Track 01] 30:39 2 Gary Taubes Why We Get Fat And What to Do About It[Track 02] 30:17 3 Gary Taubes Why We Get Fat And What to Do About It[Track 03] 30:23 4 Gary Taubes Why We Get Fat And What to Do About It[Track 04] 30:18 5 Gary Taubes Why We Get Fat And What to Do About It[Track 05] 30:20 6 Gary Taubes Why We Get Fat And What to Do About It[Track 06] 30:17 7 Gary Taubes Why We Get Fat And What to Do About It[Track 07] 30:27 8 Gary Taubes Why We Get Fat And What to Do About It[Track 08] 31:27 9 Gary Taubes Why We Get Fat And What to Do About It[Track 09] 30:32 10 Gary Taubes Why We Get Fat And What to Do About It[Track 10] 30:29 11 Gary Taubes Why We Get Fat And What to Do About It[Track 11] 30:34 12 Gary Taubes Why We Get Fat And What to Do About It[Track 12] 31:01 13 Gary Taubes Why We Get Fat And What to Do About It[Track 13] 30:44 14 Gary Taubes Why We Get Fat And What to Do About It[Track 14] 30:55 15 Gary Taubes Why We Get Fat And What to Do About It[Track 15] 31:33 16 Gary Taubes Why We Get Fat And What to Do About It[Track 16] 21:33
Gary Trotman View in Albunack CARIBBEAN STEELDRUMS - STEELASOPHICAL 20 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gary Trotman Tropical Surprise 03:02 2 Gary Trotman Girl from Ipanema 02:31 3 Gary Trotman Summertime 03:01 4 Gary Trotman How Insensitive 02:58 5 Gary Trotman Soca Salsa 02:57 6 Gary Trotman Let it be Me 04:49 7 Gary Trotman Streets of London 03:02 8 Gary Trotman Perfidia 03:04 9 Gary Trotman Girl from Japan 03:35 10 Gary Trotman Besame Mucho 03:13 11 Gary Trotman Valtatee 03:13 12 Gary Trotman I Have a Dream 03:33 13 Gary Trotman El Cumbanchero 03:57 14 Gary Trotman Carnival Sunday Monday 02:53 15 Gary Trotman Hotel California 04:06 16 Gary Trotman No Matter What 03:14 17 Gary Trotman Tico Tico 02:55 18 Gary Trotman Bamboleo 03:16 19 Gary Trotman Pan Solo 02:53 20 Gary Trotman My way 04:42
Search Gasolina Gasolina Y Mucho Mas 14 1 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 Gasolina Gasolina 04:16 2 Gasolina La mesa que mas aplauda 03:49 3 Gasolina Saoco 03:19 4 Gasolina La noche 03:29 5 Gasolina Mega mix 04:25 6 Gasolina Guitarra 04:00 7 Gasolina La loca del barrio 04:44 8 Gasolina Ni una lacrima mas 03:31 9 Gasolina Sway 03:11 10 Gasolina I wanna (Shell we dance) 03:17 11 Gasolina Suavemente 04:25 12 Gasolina Lindas Africanas 06:25 13 Gasolina Go go jive 03:14 14 Gasolina El que te ama 04:41
Search Gasolina Sambou Prá Frente ( Relembrando Vassourinha ) 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gasolina Amanhã Eu Volto 01:35 2 Gasolina Avisa â Mariia Que Amanhã Tem Baile 01:59 3 Gasolina Volta Prá Casa Emilia 02:50 4 Gasolina Seu Liborio 02:10 5 Gasolina Olga 02:03 6 Gasolina Ela Vai A Feira 01:50 7 Gasolina E O Juiz Apitou 02:37 8 Gasolina Mulher De Malandro 02:19 9 Gasolina Minha Palhoça 01:41 10 Gasolina Risoleta 02:01 11 Gasolina Juracy 02:23 12 Gasolina Emília 01:49
Gaston En Leo View in Albunack Dobbel 13 0 1980 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gaston En Leo Kwis 03:38 2 Gaston En Leo Bedrogen 03:50 3 Gaston En Leo De Auditie 11:52 4 Gaston En Leo De Kok 12:39 5 Gaston En Leo Verkocht 02:35 6 Gaston En Leo Een Tas Koffie 03:06 7 Gaston En Leo Bureel Gevonden Voorwerpen 07:25 8 Gaston En Leo Het Accident 01:30 9 Gaston En Leo Poets 03:15 10 Gaston En Leo De Voetballer 05:20 11 Gaston En Leo Plaatsbespreking 07:00 12 Gaston En Leo In Orde 03:30 13 Gaston En Leo Die Brave Papa's 09:11
Search Gastric Ulcer Redundant 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gastric Ulcer Lies 03:37 2 Gastric Ulcer Prick In The Flesh 01:37 3 Gastric Ulcer A Biedermeier Society 03:02 4 Gastric Ulcer Individualized To Conformity 03:57 5 Gastric Ulcer The Death Of Apathy 02:16 6 Gastric Ulcer Blackguards Serve Your Master 03:09 7 Gastric Ulcer Redundant 01:24
Gastronomical Unit View in Albunack Stern Negotiations - The Christmas List 24 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gastronomical Unit Film Noel (Part 1) 06:22 2 Gastronomical Unit Let It Snow 04:16 3 Shroom The Christmas Song 01:34 4 Christine Chady, Pete Chady It Came Upon a Midnight Clear 03:21 5 Jennifer Pichette, Stuart Davis 03:19 6 Gastronomical Unit Christmas In State College Blues 02:56 7 Wayne, Jennifer Amazing Grace 01:54 8 Gastronomical Unit Jingle Bells 00:34 9 Brian, Christine, Jim, Pete Egg Nog / The Little Frozen Caveman Drummer Boy 01:50 10 Gastronomical Unit I Believe in Father Christmas 03:30 11 Gastronomical Unit Joy to the World 02:55 12 Mark Sylvester and Greta Frosty The Snowman 02:18 13 Gastronomical Unit Christmas Time With Me (Studio Version) 04:53 14 Gastronomical Unit Marshmallow World 01:46 15 Gastronomical Unit Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer 02:47 16 Adam Silverstein Santa Claus is Coming to Town 04:00 17 Shroom Wise Man 01:02 18 Chris Platt Silent Night 02:46 19 Rand Hubiak River 03:46 20 Vicky Gordon, Linda LaBombard Ave Maria 02:46 21 Adam Silverstein A Christmas Carol 01:47 22 Shroom Toyland 02:26 23 Gastronomical Unit Film Noel (Part 2) 10:20 24 Gastronomical Unit Jingle Bells (Part 2) 00:34
Gastón Ciarlo View in Albunack Autobiografía 14 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gastón Ciarlo Un Día Se Fue 03:28 2 Gastón Ciarlo Punto y Raya 02:23 3 Gastón Ciarlo Tablas 03:21 4 Gastón Ciarlo Autobiografía No. 2 04:37 5 Gastón Ciarlo Días y Días 04:17 6 Gastón Ciarlo Cuna De Mi Muerte 02:50 7 Gastón Ciarlo Milonga De Pelo Largo 03:56 8 Gastón Ciarlo Quizá Hacia El Norte 04:38 9 Gastón Ciarlo Pasa El Tiempo 02:36 10 Gastón Ciarlo Rutina 04:52 11 Gastón Ciarlo Vientos Del Sur 02:35 12 Gastón Ciarlo María 03:58 13 Gastón Ciarlo Mi Amor y Yo 01:58 14 Gastón Ciarlo Experiencia No. 1 En Ritmo Y Blues 03:45
Gateballers View in Albunack Infinity mirror 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gateballers トラック01 04:25 2 Gateballers トラック02 03:18 3 Gateballers 船底 03:38 4 Gateballers Summer Surrender 02:34 5 Gateballers Rooftop 03:14 6 Gateballers neji 02:53 7 Gateballers トラック07 04:04 8 Gateballers トラック08 04:52 9 Gateballers トラック09 03:40 10 Gateballers トラック10 03:11
Gateballers View in Albunack Lemon Songs 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gateballers そこからはじまる 03:46 2 Gateballers 寂しい宇宙 03:52 3 Gateballers 命にキスを 03:44 4 Gateballers Memory 8 03:56 5 Gateballers B.M.G 05:07 6 Gateballers end roll 05:31 7 Gateballers 抱擁 04:41 8 Gateballers レモンソング 04:28 9 Gateballers バグダッドカフェ 05:47
Gateballers View in Albunack Lemon songs 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gateballers そこからはじまる 03:46 2 Gateballers 寂しい宇宙 03:52 3 Gateballers 命にキスを 03:44 4 Gateballers Memory 8 03:56 5 Gateballers B.M.G 05:07 6 Gateballers end roll 05:31 7 Gateballers 抱擁 04:41 8 Gateballers レモンソング 04:28 9 Gateballers バグダッドカフェ 05:47
Gateballers View in Albunack Thank You Part-time Punks 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gateballers トラック01 04:22 2 Gateballers トラック02 01:43 3 Gateballers トラック03 04:52 4 Gateballers トラック04 02:05 5 Gateballers トラック05 03:47 6 Gateballers トラック06 03:28 7 Gateballers トラック07 01:03
Gatehouse View in Albunack Tús Nua 14 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gatehouse Spailpín Fánach 02:57 2 Gatehouse Jimmy Giblin's - The Gneevgullia Reel - The Casagh Reel 02:44 3 Gatehouse Slán agus Beannacht 03:17 4 Gatehouse The Frost Is All Over - The Mouse in the Cupboard 02:36 5 Gatehouse Dobbyn's Flowery Vale 04:30 6 Gatehouse Tús Nua 02:38 7 Gatehouse Easter Snow 04:37 8 Gatehouse The Laddie with the Pladdie 02:59 9 Gatehouse Casadh an tSúgáin 03:11 10 Gatehouse Joe Ryan's Mazurka - Buckley's Fancy - The Laurel Tree 03:40 11 Gatehouse The Ploughboy 02:06 12 Gatehouse The Girls from the Gatehouse - James Murray's - The Laughing Spoons 04:03 13 Gatehouse Over the Mountain 03:15 14 Gatehouse The Bullock on the Bonnet - The Leitrim Thrush - Murray's No. 1 03:48
Search Gator Matrix 11 1 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 Gator L'autre Jour (Rue Cyborg Mix) 05:32 2 Gator Centifugal thinking 05:08 3 Gator Special T 07:24 4 Gator Handsome Man 05:18 5 Gator YeYe 05:23 6 Gator Enemy Mine 05:17 7 Gator No Haze 05:52 8 Gator Concrete 05:53 9 Gator Common Stories 05:32 10 Gator Excess all Areas 05:17 11 Gator L'atre Jour (Rivera Echo Mix) 05:37
Gator Bait Ten View in Albunack Gator Bait Ten 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gator Bait Ten Outro 03:40 2 Gator Bait Ten Milker 06:05 3 Gator Bait Ten Insect Son 01:54 4 Gator Bait Ten Inverted Steam Cannon 05:23 5 Gator Bait Ten A Slight Neural Contraction 03:28 6 Gator Bait Ten Truth Serum 04:36 7 Gator Bait Ten Infested, Enslaved 00:59 8 Gator Bait Ten Limb-Lock Special 05:20 9 Gator Bait Ten Sand Shifter 07:19
Gatsby View in Albunack Floods + Fires 15 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gatsby Pretty To Think So 02:56 2 Gatsby Snakes 02:55 3 Gatsby Doodah Song 00:27 4 Gatsby High Low 04:40 5 Gatsby It's All My Fault 04:02 6 Gatsby Too Tone 00:57 7 Gatsby Grad School 03:15 8 Gatsby Keep At It Hank 00:42 9 Gatsby Prize Fight 02:54 10 Gatsby Paint 02:12 11 Gatsby Heavy 02:00 12 Gatsby Agent Birds 04:02 13 Gatsby My Piano 03:03 14 Gatsby Cut Me Down 03:58 15 Gatsby Baby Bull 00:41
Gattch View in Albunack Gattch 8 1 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 Gattch Kvapka Medu 02:57 2 Gattch Pieseň Bez Slov 03:18 3 Gattch Narodenie 03:25 4 Gattch Neznáma Tvár 03:51 5 Gattch Vlak 03:45 6 Gattch Vokálna Štúdia - Reminiscencia I. 07:32 7 Gattch Reminiscencia II. 03:27 8 Gattch Kontrapunktická Etuda 07:11
Gau View in Albunack Salgado 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gau Salgado 04:51 2 Gau Honey 04:45 3 Gau Melah 05:01 4 Gau Gato Manso 04:37 5 Gau Vida e Assim 04:13 6 Gau Simpatica 04:47 7 Gau Feria '99 04:06 8 Gau Sweet Love 04:54 9 Gau Amiga 04:53
Gaudete Ensemble View in Albunack Mysterium Amoris 15 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gaudete Ensemble Ave Maria 05:19 2 Gaudete Ensemble O magnum mysterium 02:16 3 Gaudete Ensemble In the silence 05:50 4 Gaudete Ensemble Mary slept 03:32 5 Gaudete Ensemble Fire of Love 06:08 6 Gaudete Ensemble O sapientia 04:41 7 Gaudete Ensemble Christ be near 03:32 8 Gaudete Ensemble Mysterium amoris 05:19 9 Gaudete Ensemble Veni Jesu 03:51 10 Gaudete Ensemble Sanctus Dominus 04:58 11 Gaudete Ensemble O speculum columbe 05:58 12 Gaudete Ensemble Rising Prayer 03:42 13 Gaudete Ensemble Mysterious Night 06:42 14 Gaudete Ensemble Oculi mei 03:59 15 Gaudete Ensemble Ave generosa 06:37
Gaumar View in Albunack Jaune 13 0 2019 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gaumar Bateau ivre 03:03 2 Gaumar Foule 02:49 3 Gaumar On se mélange 03:07 4 Gaumar Mon amour 03:26 5 Gaumar Buée 03:02 6 Gaumar Sourire 03:11 7 Gaumar Les gens 02:54 8 Gaumar RDV (Feat Oziris) 02:30 9 Gaumar Décomplexe 03:18 10 Gaumar Entre tes doigts 02:55 11 Gaumar Yellow (Feat Emcee Agora) 03:27 12 Gaumar La même 02:50 13 Gaumar Buée (Acoustique) 03:03
Gayax View in Albunack Into My World EP 6 0 2019 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gayax Different Feeling 06:57 2 Gayax Different Feeling (Radio Edit) 04:17 3 Gayax Into My World 06:16 4 Gayax Into My World (Radio Edit) 03:33 5 Gayax Transcendence 06:00 6 Gayax Transcendence (Radio Edit) 03:01
Gayax View in Albunack Moving Forward 12 0 2019 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gayax Waves Of Trance (Intro Mix) 02:50 2 Gayax Argonaut (Original Mix) 06:00 3 Gayax Breaking Barriers (Original Mix) 07:51 4 Gayax Digital Voice (Original Mix) 07:10 5 Gayax Dreamers (Original Mix) 07:36 6 Gayax Invasion Sound (Original Mix) 07:10 7 Gayax Moving Forward (Original Mix) 06:24 8 Gayax Neptune (Original Mix) 06:21 9 Gayax New Life (Original Mix) 06:48 10 Gayax Orbitha Trance (Original Mix) 07:08 11 Gayax Sunrise (Original Mix) 06:34 12 Gayax Time And Space (Original Mix) 06:08
Gaylord Carter View in Albunack Classic Film Themes Featuring Gaylord Carter 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gaylord Carter Kings Row 02:47 2 Gaylord Carter The Bad And The Beautiful 02:31 3 Gaylord Carter How Green Was My Valley 02:20 4 Gaylord Carter High Noon 02:19 5 Gaylord Carter The Uninvited 02:05 6 Gaylord Carter Exodus 02:48 7 Gaylord Carter Gone With The Wind 04:29 8 Gaylord Carter The Best Years Of Our Lives 02:34 9 Gaylord Carter Spellbound 02:43 10 Gaylord Carter A Sun In The Place 02:25 11 Gaylord Carter Raintree County 03:39
Gazeta Wyborcza View in Albunack Kocham Moją Mamę 19 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gazeta Wyborcza Kiedy 02:13 2 Gazeta Wyborcza Ta piosenka jest dla mamy 03:06 3 Gazeta Wyborcza Biedronki i motyle 02:36 4 Gazeta Wyborcza Rysunek Mamy 02:57 5 Gazeta Wyborcza Cukier, ciasto, czekolada 02:39 6 Gazeta Wyborcza Najprościej 01:35 7 Gazeta Wyborcza Mniam mniam mniam 03:30 8 Gazeta Wyborcza Obiad, dziecko, praca 02:59 9 Gazeta Wyborcza Kocham moją mamę 03:18 10 Gazeta Wyborcza Bajki mojej mamy 01:37 11 Gazeta Wyborcza Mama jest do kochania 02:40 12 Gazeta Wyborcza Jacek kocha mamę Kasię 03:14 13 Gazeta Wyborcza Dziękuję 01:54 14 Gazeta Wyborcza Afryka dla mamy 01:25 15 Gazeta Wyborcza To jest cud 02:44 16 Gazeta Wyborcza Ja rosnę 02:16 17 Gazeta Wyborcza Dzień mamy 00:56 18 Gazeta Wyborcza Jesteś 01:52 19 Gazeta Wyborcza Moja mama 02:46
Search Gaïa Gaïa : Vents du désert (Musique senteurs) 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gaïa vendes 1 09:10 2 Gaïa vendes 2 08:49 3 Gaïa vendes 3 01:55 4 Gaïa vendes 4 07:52 5 Gaïa vendes 5 08:43 6 Gaïa vendes 6 08:37 7 Gaïa vendes 7 03:20
Gdańskie Seminarium Duchowne View in Albunack Zaufaj 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gdańskie Seminarium Duchowne Dobry Pasterz 03:50 2 Gdańskie Seminarium Duchowne Ukojenie 04:57 3 Gdańskie Seminarium Duchowne Ześlij Deszcz 03:04 4 Gdańskie Seminarium Duchowne Nadejdzie Dzień 03:23 5 Gdańskie Seminarium Duchowne Będzie to piękne spotkanie 03:19 6 Gdańskie Seminarium Duchowne Jak cenna jest dla mnie 03:47 7 Gdańskie Seminarium Duchowne Przyjaciela mam 04:12 8 Gdańskie Seminarium Duchowne Nasz Bóg Jest Wielki 04:03 9 Gdańskie Seminarium Duchowne Ogniu z Nieba przyjdź 03:46 10 Gdańskie Seminarium Duchowne Kapłaństwo 05:35
Gebirgsmusikkorps Garmisch-Partenkirchen View in Albunack Die schoensten Armeemaersche 15 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gebirgsmusikkorps Garmisch-Partenkirchen Kaertner Liedermarsch 03:01 2 Gebirgsmusikkorps Garmisch-Partenkirchen Koenig-Karl-Marsch 03:59 3 Gebirgsmusikkorps Garmisch-Partenkirchen Fridericus-Rex-Grenadiermarsch 03:05 4 Gebirgsmusikkorps Garmisch-Partenkirchen Mussinan-Marsch 03:32 5 Gebirgsmusikkorps Garmisch-Partenkirchen Von-der-Tann-Marsch 02:43 6 Gebirgsmusikkorps Garmisch-Partenkirchen Geschwindmarsch nach Motiven aus Quadrillen 02:09 7 Gebirgsmusikkorps Garmisch-Partenkirchen Pariser Einzugsmarsch 02:10 8 Gebirgsmusikkorps Garmisch-Partenkirchen Kaiserjaeger-Marsch 02:51 9 Gebirgsmusikkorps Garmisch-Partenkirchen Margaretenmarsch 02:57 10 Gebirgsmusikkorps Garmisch-Partenkirchen Silberkondor 02:29 11 Gebirgsmusikkorps Garmisch-Partenkirchen Jagdgeschwader Richthofen 02:09 12 Gebirgsmusikkorps Garmisch-Partenkirchen Wolhynischer Marsch 04:29 13 Gebirgsmusikkorps Garmisch-Partenkirchen Fleury Marsch 02:41 14 Gebirgsmusikkorps Garmisch-Partenkirchen Isonzo Marsch 03:17 15 Gebirgsmusikkorps Garmisch-Partenkirchen Roter Turmpass Marsch 03:03
Gebirgsmusikkorps Garmisch-Partenkirchen View in Albunack Inmitten der Nacht 17 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gebirgsmusikkorps Garmisch-Partenkirchen Alphornruf 01:00 2 Gebirgsmusikkorps Garmisch-Partenkirchen Es werd scho glei dumpa 01:47 3 Gebirgsmusikkorps Garmisch-Partenkirchen Tochter Zion 02:33 4 Gebirgsmusikkorps Garmisch-Partenkirchen Nussknacker-Suite, Marsch 02:23 5 Gebirgsmusikkorps Garmisch-Partenkirchen Nussknacker-Suite, Russischer Tanz (Trepak) 01:11 6 Gebirgsmusikkorps Garmisch-Partenkirchen Nussknacker-Suite, Tanz der Rohrflöten 02:30 7 Gebirgsmusikkorps Garmisch-Partenkirchen Jesu bleibet meine Freude 03:31 8 Gebirgsmusikkorps Garmisch-Partenkirchen Largo aus 'Die vier Jahreszeiten' 04:30 9 Gebirgsmusikkorps Garmisch-Partenkirchen Westminster Carol 04:19 10 Gebirgsmusikkorps Garmisch-Partenkirchen Die Hirten lagen bei Nacht 04:53 11 Gebirgsmusikkorps Garmisch-Partenkirchen Inmitten der Nacht 01:56 12 Gebirgsmusikkorps Garmisch-Partenkirchen Carol of the Shepherds 02:54 13 Gebirgsmusikkorps Garmisch-Partenkirchen Abendsegen und Traumpantomime aus der Oper 'Hänsel und Gretel' 07:09 14 Gebirgsmusikkorps Garmisch-Partenkirchen O heilige Nacht 03:14 15 Gebirgsmusikkorps Garmisch-Partenkirchen Sleigh Ride 02:47 16 Gebirgsmusikkorps Garmisch-Partenkirchen Let it snow! Let it snow! Let it snow! 01:49 17 Gebirgsmusikkorps Garmisch-Partenkirchen Petersburger Schlittenfahrt 02:47
Gebirgsmusikkorps Garmisch-Partenkirchen View in Albunack Lourdes´- Leitung, Major Michael Euler 15 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gebirgsmusikkorps Garmisch-Partenkirchen Also sprach Zarathustra - Strauss 05:24 2 Gebirgsmusikkorps Garmisch-Partenkirchen Lobet den Herrn - Choral 08:49 3 Gebirgsmusikkorps Garmisch-Partenkirchen Power of Love 04:39 4 Gebirgsmusikkorps Garmisch-Partenkirchen Jesus Christ Superstar 06:41 5 Gebirgsmusikkorps Garmisch-Partenkirchen Dunkelheit weit und breit - Dvorak 03:45 6 Gebirgsmusikkorps Garmisch-Partenkirchen Alphornruf 01:26 7 Gebirgsmusikkorps Garmisch-Partenkirchen La Montanara 03:24 8 Gebirgsmusikkorps Garmisch-Partenkirchen Raymond 08:57 9 Gebirgsmusikkorps Garmisch-Partenkirchen Csardas 04:10 10 Gebirgsmusikkorps Garmisch-Partenkirchen Querschnitt aus Sister Act 08:42 11 Gebirgsmusikkorps Garmisch-Partenkirchen Ave Maria - Schubert 04:04 12 Gebirgsmusikkorps Garmisch-Partenkirchen Wir kommen zur Mutter 01:26 13 Gebirgsmusikkorps Garmisch-Partenkirchen Gott hat Dich, Maria, erwählt 01:21 14 Gebirgsmusikkorps Garmisch-Partenkirchen Nehmt Abschied, Brüder 02:59 15 Gebirgsmusikkorps Garmisch-Partenkirchen Variationen, Amazing Grace 06:53
Geche View in Albunack Pubid Lathrays 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Geche Pubid Lathrays 04:04 2 Geche Proto 03:07 3 Geche Fog Interface 02:47 4 Geche Sodium Owv 01:51 5 Geche Gristle 05:39 6 Geche Moonface 04:28
Gee Bag View in Albunack Heavy Backage 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gee Bag Roll To The Rock (feat. Kissy K) 04:41 2 Gee Bag Ooh My My 05:04 3 Gee Bag Oh No! 04:05 4 Gee Bag Stones Throw Away 04:24 5 Gee Bag Roll To The Rock (Instrumental) 04:41 6 Gee Bag Ohh My My (Instrumental) 05:05 7 Gee Bag On No! (Instrumental) 04:04 8 Gee Bag Stones Throw Away (Instrumental) 04:25
Gee Brown & The Brunettes View in Albunack Gee Brown & The Brunettes 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gee Brown & The Brunettes Flutuar Desinibido 04:02 2 Gee Brown & The Brunettes Universele Energie (Extended) 05:42 3 Gee Brown & The Brunettes Spark-Off '04 03:37 4 Gee Brown & The Brunettes Cum Grano Salis 06:16 5 Gee Brown & The Brunettes Love-War (Version) 04:15 6 Gee Brown & The Brunettes My Blue Volvo 03:57 7 Gee Brown & The Brunettes Not A Creator (Extended) 08:11 8 Gee Brown & The Brunettes Wicked Absynth Dub 05:47 9 Gee Brown & The Brunettes Open Minded 04:00 10 Gee Brown & The Brunettes Wandering Star 05:35
Gee Hye Lee View in Albunack Lights 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gee Hye Lee-Trio Walking In The Park 05:07 2 Gee Hye Lee-Trio My Cherie Amour 07:34 3 Gee Hye Lee-Trio Lights 06:09 4 Gee Hye Lee-Trio DoubleYou 07:08 5 Gee Hye Lee-Trio Mirror 02:22 6 Gee Hye Lee-Trio Nu 07:39 7 Gee Hye Lee-Trio Pirate Bay 03:46 8 Gee Hye Lee-Trio Leuchtturm 14:39
Gee Hye Lee View in Albunack Password: I Love Jazz 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gee Hye Lee Geenderella Story 05:44 2 Gee Hye Lee Rain 05:07 3 Gee Hye Lee G&E 06:12 4 Gee Hye Lee Aurora 05:44 5 Gee Hye Lee Ladeira da preguica 05:14 6 Gee Hye Lee Yalla Banana 05:42 7 Gee Hye Lee East of the Sun (And West of the Moon) 04:51 8 Gee Hye Lee Life 07:58 9 Gee Hye Lee Teilchenschauer 05:05 10 Gee Hye Lee But Not for Me 04:17 11 Gee Hye Lee QSO 04:57 12 Gee Hye Lee Another Goodbye Song 05:56
Gee Moore View in Albunack Bora Bora 2012 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gee Moore Good Lines (Zeitgeistmovement Mix) 08:42 2 Matthias Heilbronn & Joeski Equal Rights & Justice 06:23 3 Roberto Clementi Motion A 05:07 4 Kosheen Holding On 06:07 5 Gee Moore & Alan Prosser War Like People (Alan Prosser Mix) 04:32 6 Vitamin G Funny Bone 05:48 7 Christian Smith Pressure Point 06:17 8 Layo & Bushwacka! 5am 06:52 9 Pig & Dan & Mark Reeve Expand 04:30 10 Hernan Cattaneo & Soundexile Japanese Snowbell (Manuel Sofia Mix) 06:11 11 Funk D'Void Liqualove 05:32 12 Slam Azure (Carl Craig C2 Mix) 10:15
Gee Mylo View in Albunack Soul Club (The First One) WEB 13 2 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gee Mylo Intro + Mama 01:12 2 Gee Mylo Vini'w bo mwen 03:45 3 Gee Mylo Chawayé 04:07 4 Gee Mylo Alé pli wo 03:27 Has Mbid 5 Gee Mylo An Vlé Ba'w Sa 03:24 6 Gee Mylo Story Ft. Master MX 03:55 7 Gee Mylo Kriyé Mwen 04:02 8 Gee Mylo An Ba Dlo Ft. Fabrice Théodose 04:08 9 Gee Mylo Dead 04:08 10 Gee Mylo T'aimer 03:47 11 Gee Mylo Mélinda 04:01 12 Gee Mylo Whine For Me 04:10 Has Mbid 13 Gee Mylo Fo Zanmi 04:35
Gehrenbergspatzen View in Albunack Am schönen Bodensee 15 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gehrenbergspatzen Heidi- Polka 02:43 2 Gehrenbergspatzen Am schönen Bodensee 02:38 3 Gehrenbergspatzen Almbach- Boarischer 02:21 4 Gehrenbergspatzen Stockfelder- Ländler 02:41 5 Gehrenbergspatzen Schenk´ mir diesen einen Tanz 03:44 6 Gehrenbergspatzen Fröhliche Stunden 01:56 7 Gehrenbergspatzen Der Appenzeller 03:19 8 Gehrenbergspatzen Urlaub am Meer 02:56 9 Gehrenbergspatzen Jogi- Boarischer 02:35 10 Gehrenbergspatzen Erika- Walzer 02:55 11 Gehrenbergspatzen Almparty 02:08 12 Gehrenbergspatzen I bin a Steyrerbua 03:20 13 Gehrenbergspatzen Alpen- Boarischer 02:39 14 Gehrenbergspatzen Gib´ der Liebe eine Chance 03:19 15 Gehrenbergspatzen Goassen-Peter 03:00
Gehrenbergspatzen View in Albunack Die Sonne von Mexico 14 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gehrenbergspatzen Die Sonne von Mexico 03:18 2 Gehrenbergspatzen Bajazzo 02:57 3 Gehrenbergspatzen Frei wie die Vögel zieh'n 02:46 4 Gehrenbergspatzen Bruno hol die Gläser raus 02:46 5 Gehrenbergspatzen Jede Nacht ohne dich 02:58 6 Gehrenbergspatzen Wir kommen von den Bergen 02:51 7 Gehrenbergspatzen Mainau-Frühlingswalzer 02:51 8 Gehrenbergspatzen Immer wenn due nicht da bist 03:03 9 Gehrenbergspatzen Die Fischerin vom Bodensee 03:01 10 Gehrenbergspatzen Im Bierkrugstadl 02:44 11 Gehrenbergspatzen Nur mit dir 02:51 12 Gehrenbergspatzen Bodenseeländler 02:31 13 Gehrenbergspatzen Es wird getanzt 02:41 14 Gehrenbergspatzen Gehrenberspatzen-Jubiläumsmedley 03:51
Gehrenbergspatzen View in Albunack Die Sonne von Mexiko WEB 14 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gehrenbergspatzen Die Sonne von Mexiko 03:18 2 Gehrenbergspatzen Bajazzo 02:57 3 Gehrenbergspatzen Frei wie die Voegel zieh'n 02:46 4 Gehrenbergspatzen Bruno hol die Glaeser raus 02:46 5 Gehrenbergspatzen Jede Nacht ohne dich 02:58 6 Gehrenbergspatzen Wir kommen von den Bergen 02:51 7 Gehrenbergspatzen Mainau Fruehlingswalzer 02:51 8 Gehrenbergspatzen Immer wenn du nicht da bist 03:03 9 Gehrenbergspatzen Die Fischerin vom Bodensee 03:01 10 Gehrenbergspatzen Im Bierkrugstadl 02:44 11 Gehrenbergspatzen Nur mit dir 02:51 12 Gehrenbergspatzen Bodenseelaendler 02:31 13 Gehrenbergspatzen Es wird getanzt 02:41 14 Gehrenbergspatzen Gehrenbergspatzen Jubilaeumsmedley 03:51
Gehrenbergspatzen View in Albunack Grüaß euch, liabe Leut´ 16 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gehrenbergspatzen Grüaß euch, liabe Leut´ 02:00 2 Gehrenbergspatzen So san mir Landsleut´ 02:59 3 Gehrenbergspatzen Über´n Gehrenberg 02:07 4 Gehrenbergspatzen Gruß an Markdorf 02:15 5 Gehrenbergspatzen Seefunk- Polka 02:25 6 Gehrenbergspatzen G´stanzln 03:22 7 Gehrenbergspatzen Markdorfer- Marsch 02:22 8 Gehrenbergspatzen Schönauer- Ländler 02:13 9 Gehrenbergspatzen Amanda- Marschlied 02:55 10 Gehrenbergspatzen Rupertigauer- Walzer 01:59 11 Gehrenbergspatzen Weinfest- Polka 01:57 12 Gehrenbergspatzen Tanzlmusi- Walzer 02:30 13 Gehrenbergspatzen Boarisch tanzen viele gern 02:11 14 Gehrenbergspatzen Mainau- Walzer 02:45 15 Gehrenbergspatzen Dreikaiserstein- Marsch 02:04 16 Gehrenbergspatzen Servus- Polka 01:35
Gehrenbergspatzen View in Albunack Jubiläumsgruß (10 Jahre) 18 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gehrenbergspatzen Country Men 02:36 2 Gehrenbergspatzen Schussental- Boarischer 02:30 3 Gehrenbergspatzen Verliebte Gitarre (Potpourri) 03:32 4 Gehrenbergspatzen Oberteuringer- Marsch 02:38 5 Gehrenbergspatzen Markdorfer Lied 03:25 6 Gehrenbergspatzen Gretl- Boarischer 02:39 7 Gehrenbergspatzen Freundschafts- Polka 03:09 8 Gehrenbergspatzen Reni- Walzer 02:25 9 Gehrenbergspatzen Dort, wo die hohen Berge steh´n 02:34 10 Gehrenbergspatzen Träume 03:21 11 Gehrenbergspatzen Bermatinger Weinfest- Polka 02:07 12 Gehrenbergspatzen Heut´ samma lustig drauf 02:13 13 Gehrenbergspatzen Fuhrmann- Lieder (Potpourri) 02:45 14 Gehrenbergspatzen Monte Gehro 02:22 15 Gehrenbergspatzen Bodensee- Lied 03:21 16 Gehrenbergspatzen Gehrenberg- Polka 02:11 17 Gehrenbergspatzen Hochgrat- Ländler 02:25 18 Gehrenbergspatzen Salemer Schützen- Polka 02:05
Gehrenbergspatzen View in Albunack Rote Rosen, die schenk ich Dir 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gehrenbergspatzen Rote Rosen, die schenk ich Dir 02:54 2 Gehrenbergspatzen Auf dem Höchsten 03:25 3 Gehrenbergspatzen Großvater 03:30 4 Gehrenbergspatzen Musik, das ist Leben 04:19 5 Gehrenbergspatzen Hütten- Boarischer 03:04 6 Gehrenbergspatzen Ich bin so stolz, dass ich ein Badener bin 02:37 7 Gehrenbergspatzen Wenn weisse Wolken wandern über´s Meer 02:49 8 Gehrenbergspatzen Seemann, Deine Heimat ist das Meer 03:47 9 Gehrenbergspatzen Mendocino 02:53 10 Gehrenbergspatzen Oktoberfest- Polka 02:38 11 Gehrenbergspatzen Maitanz- Polka 02:28 12 Gehrenbergspatzen Ententanz (Dance Little Bird) 02:29
Gehrenbergspatzen View in Albunack Sombrero 13 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gehrenbergspatzen Mexico im Mondschein 02:48 2 Gehrenbergspatzen Nur der Mond hört zu 02:57 3 Gehrenbergspatzen Sombrero 03:01 4 Gehrenbergspatzen Ruidoso Dance 02:54 5 Gehrenbergspatzen Stern der Liebe 02:54 6 Gehrenbergspatzen Haltnau-Polka 02:54 7 Gehrenbergspatzen Ein Boomerang 02:54 8 Gehrenbergspatzen Sonora 02:54 9 Gehrenbergspatzen El Paso 02:58 10 Gehrenbergspatzen Bermatinger WeinfestPolka 02:36 11 Gehrenbergspatzen Stimmungsmedley 07:01 12 Gehrenbergspatzen Rockin' all over the World 03:02 13 Gehrenbergspatzen Bodnecker-Polka 02:41
Gehrenbergspatzen View in Albunack Sombrero WEB 13 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gehrenbergspatzen Mexiko im Mondschein 02:48 2 Gehrenbergspatzen Nur der Mond hoert zu 02:57 3 Gehrenbergspatzen Sombrero 03:01 4 Gehrenbergspatzen Ruidoso Dance 02:54 5 Gehrenbergspatzen Stern der Liebe 02:54 6 Gehrenbergspatzen Haltnau-Polka 02:54 7 Gehrenbergspatzen Ein Boomerang 02:54 8 Gehrenbergspatzen Sonora 02:54 9 Gehrenbergspatzen El Paso 02:58 10 Gehrenbergspatzen Bermatinger Weinfestpolka 02:36 11 Gehrenbergspatzen Stimmungs Medley 07:01 12 Gehrenbergspatzen Rockin' all over the world 03:02 13 Gehrenbergspatzen Bodnegger-Polka 02:41
Geir Tjelta View in Albunack C-64 Oldskool 15 0 2009 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Geir Tjelta Artillery 07:35 2 Geir Tjelta Artillery hidden subtune #1 02:30 3 Geir Tjelta Artillery hidden subtune #2 03:21 4 Geir Tjelta Blondie 03:38 5 Geir Tjelta Paranoid Title 04:01 6 Geir Tjelta Bended Wave 01:55 7 Geir Tjelta Highscore Preview 02:03 8 Geir Tjelta Brain Artifice The End 06:20 9 Geir Tjelta Famestyle 02:47 10 Geir Tjelta Melodious 02:54 11 Geir Tjelta Off7! 03:24 12 Geir Tjelta Offence 03:11 13 Geir Tjelta That's The Wave it is 03:17 14 Geir Tjelta Brain Artifice Title 02:43 15 Geir Tjelta Brain Artifice Highscore 02:23
Gel Nails View in Albunack The Smell Of Detritus 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gel Nails Cave Of Closed Curtains 03:52 2 Gel Nails Dancing 04:38 3 Gel Nails American Dream 04:42 4 Gel Nails Awful Mountain 01:36 5 Gel Nails Shimmer (ft. NIGHTSHADE) 03:50 6 Gel Nails The Smell Of Detritus 10:52
Gelatine Rocks View in Albunack Abandoned Pop Moments (Promo E.P.) 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gelatine Rocks Duster 03:24 2 Gelatine Rocks Difficult To Please 02:28 3 Gelatine Rocks 4 Short Wings 02:46 4 Gelatine Rocks Deputizing For Anthea 03:21 5 Gelatine Rocks Must Get On 02:37 6 Gelatine Rocks Shift Key Noodles 03:29
Gem Andrews View in Albunack North 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gem Andrews Letter 03:23 2 Gem Andrews Sing Your Song 03:39 3 Gem Andrews Lungs 02:58 4 Gem Andrews Bare 02:51 5 Gem Andrews Feather & Skin 02:46 6 Gem Andrews Two Lighthouses 02:14 7 Gem Andrews Two by Two 02:32 8 Gem Andrews Straight Lines 02:49 9 Gem Andrews Medicate 02:47 10 Gem Andrews Carole 03:31 11 Gem Andrews Come a Long Way 01:56
Gene "Mighty Flea" Conners View in Albunack Jumping the Blues 13 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gene "Mighty Flea" Conners Jumping the Blues 02:26 2 Gene "Mighty Flea" Conners Hand Jive 03:51 3 Gene "Mighty Flea" Conners I Need Some Money 03:21 4 Gene "Mighty Flea" Conners Linda Lou 03:38 5 Gene "Mighty Flea" Conners Swinging That Boogie 02:22 6 Gene "Mighty Flea" Conners Ooh-Weh-Baby 02:41 7 Gene "Mighty Flea" Conners Bullit 02:48 8 Gene "Mighty Flea" Conners Just A Gigolo 01:57 9 Gene "Mighty Flea" Conners Cleanhead Blues 02:50 10 Gene "Mighty Flea" Conners I Feel So Bad 02:46 11 Gene "Mighty Flea" Conners Ain't That A Shame 03:15 12 Gene "Mighty Flea" Conners Mambo Blues 02:53 13 Gene "Mighty Flea" Conners Stack-O-Lee 05:13
Gene Allison View in Albunack You Can Make It If You Try 20 3 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 Gene Allison You Can Make It If You Try 02:09 2 Gene Allison I'll Be Waiting For You 02:29 3 Gene Allison Hey, Hey, I Love You 02:38 4 Gene Allison I Don't Know Why 02:34 Has Mbid 5 Gene Allison Everything Will Be Alright 02:24 6 Gene Allison I Believe In Myself 02:21 Has Mbid 7 Gene Allison Have Faith 02:41 8 Gene Allison Let There Be Women 02:25 9 Gene Allison Everybody But Me 02:37 10 Gene Allison Reap What You Sow 02:08 11 Gene Allison Tell Me The Truth 02:39 12 Gene Allison Let's Sit And Talk 02:48 13 Gene Allison Without You 02:34 14 Gene Allison Ask 02:38 15 Gene Allison My Heart Remembers 02:19 16 Gene Allison Why Do You Treat Me So Cold 02:21 17 Gene Allison Three Times Seven 02:45 18 Gene Allison Oh Yeah, I'm In Love 02:08 19 Gene Allison Tell Me Sugar Baby 02:47 20 Gene Allison I'm A Fool For Wanting You 02:26
Gene Kasidit View in Albunack Affairs 13 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gene Kasidit Love, is that all ? 03:41 2 Gene Kasidit Sorrow 04:40 3 Gene Kasidit Life Goes One 03:30 4 Gene Kasidit Never Gonna Leave U Behind 03:28 5 Gene Kasidit Take A Chance 04:08 6 Gene Kasidit Marian Plum 04:49 7 Gene Kasidit อ้อมกอดฉัน 03:43 8 Gene Kasidit Undercover 04:11 9 Gene Kasidit You Around Me 04:49 10 Gene Kasidit Delusional 04:06 11 Gene Kasidit I Can't Take It Anymore 03:30 12 Gene Kasidit Closer To The End 04:19 13 Gene Kasidit The Eternal Return 07:36
Gene Ludwig View in Albunack Back On The Track 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gene Ludwig In Walked Bud 05:37 2 Gene Ludwig Memphis Underground 06:09 3 Gene Ludwig For Lena And Lenny 06:47 4 Gene Ludwig River's Invitation 06:02 5 Gene Ludwig Back On The Track 05:24 6 Gene Ludwig Triste 05:50 7 Gene Ludwig The First String 09:33 8 Gene Ludwig At Last 07:28 9 Gene Ludwig Papa Gene 04:39 10 Gene Ludwig Birk's Works 08:00
Gene Ludwig View in Albunack Organ Out Loud 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gene Ludwig Comin' Home Baby 03:35 2 Gene Ludwig Teach Me Tonight 02:58 3 Gene Ludwig Blues Waltz 03:18 4 Gene Ludwig Elder Smith 04:10 5 Gene Ludwig Moanin' 03:21 6 Gene Ludwig Sermonette 04:35 7 Gene Ludwig The Preacher 05:08 8 Gene Ludwig Gino 03:32
Gene Ludwig View in Albunack Soul Serenade 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gene Ludwig Duff's Blues 08:52 2 Gene Ludwig Freddie The Freeloader 07:39 3 Gene Ludwig Please Send Me Someone To Love 08:18 4 Gene Ludwig Soul Serenade 09:04 5 Gene Ludwig Rejoicin' 06:26 6 Gene Ludwig You Don't Know What Love Is 07:51 7 Gene Ludwig On A Misty Night 06:10 8 Gene Ludwig My Shining Hour 06:25
Gene Newton View in Albunack Tarot music for readings 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gene Newton Meditation 05:43 2 Gene Newton Invocation of Truth and Light 04:13 3 Gene Newton The Spread 03:25 4 Gene Newton Major Arcana: Breathing Reality 06:53 5 Gene Newton Wands: Crystal Passion 10:06 6 Gene Newton Cups: Emotional Grace 07:02 7 Gene Newton Swords: Cerebral Catharsis 05:51 8 Gene Newton Disks: Bountiful Gifts 13:34 9 Gene Newton Meditation (Slight Return) 03:14
Gene Pokorny View in Albunack Big Boy 27 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gene Pokorny Skirmish and Dance 05:03 2 Gene Pokorny Visions Fugitives Lentamente 01:16 3 Gene Pokorny Visions Fugitives Andante 01:36 4 Gene Pokorny Visions Fugitives Allegretto 01:05 5 Gene Pokorny Visions Fugitives Animato 01:09 6 Gene Pokorny Visions Fugitives Molto Giocoso 00:26 7 Gene Pokorny Visions Fugitives Con eleganza 00:30 8 Gene Pokorny Visions Fugitives Pittoresco 02:20 9 Gene Pokorny Visions Fugitives Comodo 01:41 10 Gene Pokorny Visions Fugitives Allegretto tranquillo 01:13 11 Gene Pokorny Visions Fugitives Ridicolosamente 01:14 12 Gene Pokorny Visions Fugitives Con vivacita 01:14 13 Gene Pokorny Visions Fugitives Assai moderato 01:08 14 Gene Pokorny Visions Fugitives Allegretto (2) 01:16 15 Gene Pokorny Visions Fugitives Feroce 01:04 16 Gene Pokorny Visions Fugitives Inquieto 00:54 17 Gene Pokorny Visions Fugitives Dolente 02:19 18 Gene Pokorny Visions Fugitives Poetico 00:58 19 Gene Pokorny Visions Fugitives Con una dolce lentezza 01:18 20 Gene Pokorny Visions Fugitives Presto agitatissimo e molto accentuato 00:45 21 Gene Pokorny Visions Fugitives Lento 01:54 22 Gene Pokorny Three Essays for Tuba 1 Prelude 04:34 23 Gene Pokorny Three Essays for Tuba 2 Interlude 02:59 24 Gene Pokorny Three Essays for Tuba 3 Postlude 05:27 25 Gene Pokorny And What Rough Beast 12:22 26 Gene Pokorny Andante Tranquillo 07:34 27 Gene Pokorny Capriccio for Tuba and Marimba 09:13
Gene Pokorny View in Albunack Orchestral Excerpts for Tuba 24 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gene Pokorny Introduction 03:17 2 Gene Pokorny Concerto for Orchestra (Bartok) 01:23 3 Gene Pokorny Hungarian March (Berlioz) 01:18 4 Gene Pokorny Romeo et Juliet (Berlioz) 02:56 5 Gene Pokorny Symphonic Fantastique (Berlioz) 06:47 6 Gene Pokorny Symphony No. 7 (Bruckner) 04:13 7 Gene Pokorny An American in Paris (Gershwin) 02:34 8 Gene Pokorny Symphonic Metamorphosis (Hindemith) 00:34 9 Gene Pokorny The Planets (Holst) 02:20 10 Gene Pokorny Symphony No. 1 (Mahler) 01:37 11 Gene Pokorny Symphony No. 5 (Mahler) 04:24 12 Gene Pokorny Symphony No. 6 (Mahler) 03:14 13 Gene Pokorny Pictures at an Exhibition (Moussorgsky arr Ravel) 05:22 14 Gene Pokorny Romeo and Juliet (Prokofiev) 04:37 15 Gene Pokorny Symphony No. 5 (Prokofiev) 04:28 16 Gene Pokorny Fountains of Rome (Respighi) 02:28 17 Gene Pokorny Also Sprach Zarathustra (Strauss) 01:47 18 Gene Pokorny Ein Heldenleben (Strauss) 02:44 19 Gene Pokorny Til Eulenspiegel (Strauss) 02:57 20 Gene Pokorny Petrouchka (Stravinsky) 03:02 21 Gene Pokorny Ein Faust Overture (Wagner) 01:21 22 Gene Pokorny Prelude Act III, Lohengrin (Wagner) 02:13 23 Gene Pokorny Die Meistersinger (Wagner) 03:26 24 Gene Pokorny Ride of the Valkyries (Wagner) 02:35
Geneon View in Albunack 撲殺天使ドクロちゃん ドラマCDだよ! ドクロちゃん! 〜子犬物語だよ!ドクロちゃん!〜 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Geneon 「撲殺天使ドクロちゃん」 01:31 2 Geneon 子犬物語だよ!ドクロちゃん!その1 12:12 3 Geneon 子犬物語だよ!ドクロちゃん!その2 03:32 4 Geneon 子犬物語だよ!ドクロちゃん!その3 10:02 5 Geneon 子犬物語だよ!ドクロちゃん!その4 02:26 6 Geneon 「SURVIVE」 03:17
Generación cero View in Albunack Buenas noches Paula 10 0 1983 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Generación cero Buenas noches, Paula 07:05 2 Generación cero El tigre y el dragón 06:03 3 Generación cero Pequeñas cosas, grandes cosas 06:41 4 Generación cero Ideas para otra vez (número 1) 00:59 5 Generación cero Pumpa 03:58 6 Generación cero Distraído entre la gente 02:49 7 Generación cero Ideas para otra vez (número 2) 00:51 8 Generación cero Danza de la niña 06:54 9 Generación cero La mirada que amo 07:44 10 Generación cero Las distracciones del señor Timoteo 05:56
Search General Ninety Degrees 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 General Mi Ready 03:49 2 General Forever (feat. Mikey Melody) 03:35 3 General Off Balance 03:32 4 General Appetiser 03:55 5 General Come Out Yah 03:35 6 General Long Time Story (feat. Fuzzy Jones) 04:28 7 General Dry Weather House 03:52 8 General Teaching 03:53 9 General Lonely Days (feat. Pam Hall) 03:55 10 General Oomba Oomba 04:01
Search General Where Are Your Gods Now? 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 General Better Dead 04:59 2 General Make Or Breakdown 05:02 3 General Bullet Train 06:06 4 General Out Of The Sky 07:13 5 General Blood Of The Pig 06:41 6 General Hell In Your Eyes 05:07 7 General Feel The Same 04:38 8 General Monkey City 04:25 9 General Hydrogen 11:48
General Humbert View in Albunack General Humbert II 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 General Humbert Amhrán Pheter Baillie 04:11 2 General Humbert Dans Klemm, An Dro 02:43 3 General Humbert St. Helena 05:02 4 General Humbert Old Joe's / Old Tipperary / Jig of Slurs 04:09 5 General Humbert Duilleoga 02:13 6 General Humbert Reverb In The Cans/The Crooked Road/Lucy Campbell 03:57 7 General Humbert Mo Ghile Mear 03:30 8 General Humbert Mrs. Kelly's Chickens / The Trip over the Mountain 03:50 9 General Humbert Ceol Ui Chearbhallain: Mrs. Delaney / Carolan's Cup / Conor O'Reilly 04:07 10 General Humbert Fare Thee Well My Own True Love 03:21
General Mojo's View in Albunack How Hollow a Heart 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 General Mojo's How Hollow a Heart 02:01 2 General Mojo's The Valley 04:30 3 General Mojo's Geese on the Lawn 03:59 4 General Mojo's Autumn Sky 04:50 5 General Mojo's Coyote Song 06:12 6 General Mojo's Don't Feed the Birds 06:21
Generation Disco View in Albunack Disco Generation Party Mix 25 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Generation Disco If You Want It Do It Yourself 02:36 2 Generation Disco That's The Way (I Like It) 01:38 3 Generation Disco Lady Marmalade 02:04 4 Generation Disco Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood 02:40 5 Generation Disco Le Freak 01:36 6 Generation Disco Boogie Oogie Oogie 03:07 7 Generation Disco Bad Girls 01:34 8 Generation Disco Celebration 01:48 9 Generation Disco Give Me Love 03:28 10 Generation Disco Na Na Hey, Hey (Kiss Him Goodbye) 03:11 11 Generation Disco Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! 01:25 12 Generation Disco Papa Was A Rollin' Stone 01:34 13 Generation Disco Daddy Cool 01:26 14 Generation Disco She Works Hard For The Money 01:51 15 Generation Disco Can't Take My Eyes Off You 01:43 16 Generation Disco On The Radio 03:20 17 Generation Disco Reach Out I'll Be There 03:56 18 Generation Disco Born To Be Alive 01:29 19 Generation Disco How High The Moon 03:51 20 Generation Disco Boogie Wonderland 01:46 21 Generation Disco What A Diff'rence A Day Makes 02:05 22 Generation Disco Last Night A DJ Saved My Life 01:46 23 Generation Disco Aï No Corrida 01:50 24 Generation Disco Love To Love You Baby 03:04 25 Generation Disco Bonus Track : Radio Edit (Give Me Love / Na Na Hey Hey / Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood / Born To Be Alive / What A Diff'rence A Day Makes) 04:05
Genevieve Charbonneau View in Albunack Heart Is A Tower 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genevieve Charbonneau Heart Is A Tower 03:04 2 Genevieve Charbonneau Yesterday 03:37 3 Genevieve Charbonneau No Other Time 03:44 4 Genevieve Charbonneau Queen Of Hearts 02:59 5 Genevieve Charbonneau Wilderness 04:03 6 Genevieve Charbonneau Empty Dresses 03:20 7 Genevieve Charbonneau Here's To Hereafter 03:27 8 Genevieve Charbonneau Not Enough Love 03:28 9 Genevieve Charbonneau Lonesome City 04:37 10 Genevieve Charbonneau Hit A Wall 02:40 11 Genevieve Charbonneau Thank-You 03:57
Geneviève Grenier View in Albunack Les ondes musicales - Au temps des impressionistes 20 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Geneviève Grenier Arabesque No. 1 04:32 2 Geneviève Grenier Sainte 02:22 3 Geneviève Grenier Sicilienne 03:09 4 Geneviève Grenier La fille aux cheveux de lin 02:19 5 Geneviève Grenier Le petit nègre 01:44 6 Geneviève Grenier Gnossienne No. 1 03:52 7 Geneviève Grenier Pavane pour une infante défunte 06:19 8 Geneviève Grenier Gnossienne No. 3 03:12 9 Geneviève Grenier Berceuse, Op. 16 03:08 10 Geneviève Grenier Sicilienne 03:59 11 Geneviève Grenier Gnossienne No. 5 03:19 12 Geneviève Grenier Madrigal 04:09 13 Geneviève Grenier Berceuse (Dolly) 03:12 14 Geneviève Grenier Gymnopédie No. 1 03:57 15 Geneviève Grenier Gymnopédie No. 2 02:53 16 Geneviève Grenier Gymnopédie No. 3 02:48 17 Geneviève Grenier Rêverie 04:46 18 Geneviève Grenier Là-bas, vers l'église 01:15 19 Geneviève Grenier La chanson des cueuilleuses de lentisques 02:38 20 Geneviève Grenier Pavane 07:05
Genghis Angus View in Albunack Echo Park 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genghis Angus Kerosene 04:18 2 Genghis Angus Rooster 03:41 3 Genghis Angus Orphan and an Echo 03:47 4 Genghis Angus Blow Glass 04:09 5 Genghis Angus Semper Fi 02:54 6 Genghis Angus Lonley Flowers 03:25 7 Genghis Angus Take Me Down 05:11 8 Genghis Angus Lauralae 04:06 9 Genghis Angus Love's Treacle 04:29 10 Genghis Angus Thunder 04:11
Search Genghis Khan The Awakening & The Passage 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genghis Khan Genghis Khan 03:51 2 Genghis Khan Legions 04:09 3 Genghis Khan Barbaric Lust 03:29 4 Genghis Khan Merciless Bitch 04:27 5 Genghis Khan The Siege 03:42 6 Genghis Khan Chariots 03:45 7 Genghis Khan Beyond Death 05:46 8 Genghis Khan The Passage 04:30 9 Genghis Khan The Pillars of R'leyh 04:14 10 Genghis Khan Perish and Die 03:50 11 Genghis Khan The Jonesin' Blues 02:04
Genital A-Tech View in Albunack Subsonic Hysteria 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genital A-Tech Suck Hysteria 04:11 2 Genital A-Tech Prozac Check 05:05 3 Genital A-Tech Worldwide Genocide 07:13 4 Genital A-Tech Suck Hysteria (Long'N'Dirty) 07:46 5 Genital A-Tech Surplus Prozac 05:08 6 Genital A-Tech Spooky 05:13
Genius Products View in Albunack Nature's Experience 12 0 1999 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genius Products Nature's Sunrise Symphony 01:00 2 Genius Products Morning Bird Melody 04:47 3 Genius Products Meadow Walk! 04:02 4 Genius Products Strolling the Mystic Shore 04:42 5 Genius Products Our First Thunder 04:32 6 Genius Products Sounds in Jungle 04:47 7 Genius Products Rainy Days and Happy Flowers 04:48 8 Genius Products Waiting the Storm Out 05:17 9 Genius Products Sea Sounds and Seagulls 04:22 10 Genius Products Listen to the Forest 04:01 11 Genius Products "Simple Gifts" Naturally 05:44 12 Genius Products Nature's Sunset Symphony 00:45
Geniuz View in Albunack Illoumination 18 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Geniuz Geniuz / Buzz In 01:44 2 Geniuz Geniuz feat. Tylene & Lovechild / Get It Up 03:40 3 Geniuz Geniuz feat. Lovechild / Desperado 03:59 4 Geniuz Geniuz feat. Paco & Paquito / La Vida 03:53 5 Geniuz Geniuz feat. Tylene & Lovechile / I Wanna Know 03:14 6 Geniuz Geniuz feat. D / Breez 03:53 7 Geniuz Geniuz feat. D-Breez / Lil J & Hamid 04:42 8 Geniuz Geniuz feat. Lovechild / Dedicated 05:22 9 Geniuz Geniuz feat. Lovechild / Who's Knockin' 03:57 10 Geniuz Geniuz feat. Lovechild / Get Ur Mind Right 03:44 11 Geniuz Geniuz feat. D / Breez & Aziz 04:11 12 Geniuz Geniuz / So Many Times 04:51 13 Geniuz Geniuz feat. Tylene & Lovechild / This Is How I Feel 03:48 14 Geniuz Geniuz feat. Hamid / Eastside Story 02:25 15 Geniuz Geniuz feat. D / Breez 04:50 16 Geniuz Geniuz feat. Tylene & Lovechild / Tell Me 03:55 17 Geniuz Geniuz / When Its On Its On 04:57 18 Geniuz Geniuz / Smoked Out 01:58
Search Gennessee The Years Of My Life 16 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gennessee Intro 00:19 2 Gennessee The illest that u ever seen 04:17 3 Gennessee Still Here inerlude 00:49 4 Gennessee Still Here feat Chemistry 04:24 5 Gennessee U don't hear me tho 03:40 6 Gennessee 4 ever feat Cosmo, Cait La Dee 04:45 7 Gennessee Waitin 4 my time 2 come feat Genevieve 06:31 8 Gennessee Come over here interlude 00:39 9 Gennessee Noble house radio feat Rick Dangerous, Tha Riddla 05:15 10 Gennessee Word of Mouth 03:07 11 Gennessee Gen & Tha Riddla feat Tha Riddla 03:36 12 Gennessee Creative control feat DJ Raw B 03:55 13 Gennessee The years of my life 05:23 14 Gennessee War zone interlude 00:28 15 Gennessee Any day now 04:22 16 Gennessee Rebecca 04:13
Search Genoa What A Wonderful Life! Ha!! 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genoa Agitat Pigs_Touch Me 03:28 2 Genoa Carnival 01:37 3 Genoa What a Wonderful Life! Ha!! 01:56 4 Genoa Devil Thrasher 01:44 5 Genoa Monthly's Gest 02:05 6 Genoa Strange Kind of Madman 01:45 7 Genoa (I'm) Running From Beach 02:15 8 Genoa Sweet Operator 01:03 9 Genoa You And I 01:04 10 Genoa Good Night Baby 01:01 11 Genoa Light My Fire 02:43
Search Gentlemen Awaken Me 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gentlemen When We Danced 04:48 2 Gentlemen You Are My Song 04:41 3 Gentlemen Another Day 04:37 4 Gentlemen Awaken Me 03:43 5 Gentlemen Never Ending Sea 05:03 6 Gentlemen Speak Softly Love 03:28 7 Gentlemen Bleeding Heart 04:53 8 Gentlemen Sotto Il Cielo De'll Amore 03:48 9 Gentlemen Frozen 04:54 10 Gentlemen Where I Belong 05:03 11 Gentlemen Unbroken 02:46
Search Gentlemen C'mon Gentlemen 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gentlemen C'mon Gentlemen 03:38 2 Gentlemen 鬥一仗 04:00 3 Gentlemen 家 03:40 4 Gentlemen 讚 03:20 5 Gentlemen 同一年, 同一天 04:42 6 Gentlemen Merry Christmas 04:51
Search Gentlemen Night Reels 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gentlemen Late Nacht 03:51 2 Gentlemen Sailor (Of The Cosmic Ark) 02:50 3 Gentlemen Children (Of The Setting Sun) 05:05 4 Gentlemen Duke Oddity 03:34 5 Gentlemen Gentle Duke 04:52 6 Gentlemen Saturday Noir 03:04 7 Gentlemen Midnight Movie 03:43 8 Gentlemen Underground 06:31
Gentra Pasundan View in Albunack Cing Cang Ke Ling - Degung Instrumental 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gentra Pasundan Cing Cang Ke Ling 06:08 2 Gentra Pasundan Bibit Cinta 05:37 3 Gentra Pasundan Harianeun 06:50 4 Gentra Pasundan Kapicangcam 05:13 5 Gentra Pasundan Girimis Leutik 04:59 6 Gentra Pasundan Dareuda 06:35 7 Gentra Pasundan Waled 05:11 8 Gentra Pasundan Amprok Deui 05:52 9 Gentra Pasundan Sapeuting Di Pangandaran 05:51 10 Gentra Pasundan Api-Api 04:57
Gentra Pasundan View in Albunack Degug Kabaya Bandung Vol.3 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gentra Pasundan Kabaya Bandung 06:50 2 Gentra Pasundan Cungkelik Cungkedang 07:38 3 Gentra Pasundan Kaluyang Keloyong 07:17 4 Gentra Pasundan Gugupay 06:57 5 Gentra Pasundan Tarucing 07:28 6 Gentra Pasundan Nasib Seni 07:01 7 Gentra Pasundan Ligar Melati 07:53 8 Gentra Pasundan Mojang Sumedang 06:17
Gentra Pasundan View in Albunack Degung Kabaya Bandung Vol.3 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gentra Pasundan Kabaya Bandung 06:49 2 Gentra Pasundan Cungkelik Cungkedang 07:38 3 Gentra Pasundan Kaluyang Keloyong 07:17 4 Gentra Pasundan Gugupay 06:57 5 Gentra Pasundan Tarucing 07:28 6 Gentra Pasundan Nasib Seni 07:01 7 Gentra Pasundan Ligar Melati 07:53 8 Gentra Pasundan Mojang Sumedang 06:16
Search Gents Follow That Star [Hybrid SACD] 16 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Peter Dijkstra & Gents Follow That Star, for vocal ensemble 00:00 2 Peter Dijkstra & Gents Gaudete Christus est natus (Piae Cantiones 1582) 02:15 3 Peter Dijkstra & Gents Es ist ein Ros entsprungen (Lo, How A Rose E'er Blooming) (Alte geistliche Kirchengesäng 1599) 04:09 4 Peter Dijkstra & Gents Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas (from Meet Me in St. Louis, film) 02:51 5 Peter Dijkstra & Gents White Christmas, song (from "Holiday Inn") 03:26 6 Peter Dijkstra & Gents Walking in the Air, song, Op. 317a (for the film "The Snowman") 03:53 7 Peter Dijkstra & Gents Wonderful Christmastime 03:29 8 Peter Dijkstra & Gents Hijo de la Luna 04:28 9 Peter Dijkstra & Gents Santa Claus is Comin' To Town 02:33 10 Peter Dijkstra & Gents Just another star 03:22 11 Peter Dijkstra & Gents Jingle Bell Rock 03:24 12 Peter Dijkstra & Gents Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow 03:29 13 Peter Dijkstra & Gents The Christmas Song (Chestnuts Roasting On An Open Fire) 02:28 14 Gents Sleigh Ride, for orchestra (or string orchestra) 03:08 15 Peter Dijkstra & Gents Winter Wonderland 03:22 16 Peter Dijkstra & Gents Stille Nacht, heilige Nacht (Silent Night) 03:51
Search Gents The Gentlemen of the Chapel Royal 20 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Peter Dijkstra & Gents Ave Maria for 5 voices 05:16 2 Peter Dijkstra & Gents Lord, to thee I make my moan, anthem for 5 voices 03:10 3 Peter Dijkstra & Gents Ave verum corpus (also anthem: "O Lord, God of Israel"), motet for 4 voices (SATB) 04:24 4 Peter Dijkstra & Gents Deliver us, O Lord, for 5(?) voices (doubtful) 03:42 5 Peter Dijkstra & Gents Ave Maria Mater Dei for 4 voices 02:34 6 Peter Dijkstra & Gents Work(s): Christe, qui lux es et dies, setting for viol ensemble 01:33 7 Peter Dijkstra & Gents Work(s): Christe, qui lux es et dies, unspecified setting 04:44 8 Peter Dijkstra & Gents Paradizo (pavan) 03:18 9 Peter Dijkstra & Gents The Sighes 01:32 10 Peter Dijkstra & Gents The Honie-Suckle, almain 01:22 11 Peter Dijkstra & Gents Eliza, her name gives honour 02:04 12 Peter Dijkstra & Gents Incipit Lamentatio Jeremiae Prophetae I ("... Aleph: Quodmodo sedet sola") 08:56 13 Peter Dijkstra & Gents In depth no man remembreth Thee, for 5 voices 01:53 14 Peter Dijkstra & Gents Remember me, O Lord (Psalm 106:4), anthem 03:08 15 Peter Dijkstra & Gents Incipit Lamentatio Jeremiae Prophetae II ("... Zain: Vocavi amicos meos") 11:02 16 Peter Dijkstra & Gents Eliza is the fairest Queen 02:27 17 Gents My Lady Nevell's Ground, for keyboard, MB 57 06:10 18 Peter Dijkstra & Gents Work(s): Salvator mundi 02:45 19 Peter Dijkstra & Gents Credo quod Redemptor 03:09 20 Peter Dijkstra & Gents Miserere nostri, motet for 7 voices, P. 207 02:24
Geodezik View in Albunack Low Bit Life 9 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Geodezik Cindy's Book 04:24 2 Geodezik Terrorist 05:25 Has Mbid 3 Geodezik El De Sic 03:59 4 Geodezik Game Without Players 05:27 5 Geodezik Poisoned By Cat 03:12 6 Geodezik Bugs On The Wind 05:46 7 Geodezik Under Sad Happiness 04:30 8 Geodezik Down In Nowhere 04:08 9 Geodezik Mars Base Alpha 04:16
Geodezik View in Albunack Plaktron 9 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Geodezik Aslan 03:52 Has Mbid 2 Geodezik Feb.gui. 04:16 3 Geodezik Return To Nowhere 05:59 4 Geodezik Ayana 06:06 5 Geodezik Love Theme 05:30 6 Geodezik Mos 05:14 7 Geodezik Plaktron 04:00 8 Geodezik No Tears 04:03 9 Geodezik No Tears (Mini Mix By Denty One) 05:54
Geoff Johns View in Albunack Drum! How to Play the Rhythms of Africa and Latin America 13 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Geoff Johns Intro 02:12 2 Geoff Johns Afoxe (Brazil) 05:14 3 Geoff Johns Sohko (Guinea) 04:55 4 Geoff Johns La Comparsa (Cuba) 05:11 5 Geoff Johns Slow Atsiagbekor (Ghana) 05:05 6 Geoff Johns Mahi 04:59 7 Geoff Johns Kpanlogo (Ghana) 05:17 8 Geoff Johns Afoxe (Brazil) 04:06 9 Geoff Johns Sohko (Guinea) 06:07 10 Geoff Johns La Comparsa (Cuba) 05:56 11 Geoff Johns Slow Atsiagbekor (Ghana) 06:16 12 Geoff Johns Mahi 05:26 13 Geoff Johns Kpanlogo (Ghana) 05:47
Geoff Love View in Albunack Black Magic 12 0 1959 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Geoff Love The Sabre Dance 02:54 2 Geoff Love Summertime 03:19 3 Geoff Love Fiesta 02:30 4 Geoff Love Temptation 03:05 5 Geoff Love Tangerine 03:03 6 Geoff Love Mambo Jambo 03:03 7 Geoff Love Apache War Dance 03:32 8 Geoff Love Indian Summer 02:43 9 Geoff Love Brazil 02:12 10 Geoff Love Moon Of Manakoora 03:04 11 Geoff Love That Old Black Magic 02:58 12 Geoff Love Heat Wave 02:49
Geoff Love View in Albunack Geoff Love Big Suspense Movie Themes / Big Bond Movie Themes 24 1 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 Geoff Love Aso sprach Zarathustra (from '2001: a Space Odyssey') 04:38 2 Geoff Love Love Theme from 'The Godfather' 02:58 3 Geoff Love The French Connection 02:42 4 Geoff Love Paris by Night (from 'Rififi') 03:05 5 Geoff Love Theme from 'Z' 02:11 6 Geoff Love The High and the Mighty 03:16 7 Geoff Love Shaft 04:33 8 Geoff Love The Harry Lime Theme (from 'The Third Man') 02:56 9 Geoff Love In the Heat of the Night 03:09 10 Geoff Love Love Theme from 'Airport' 02:44 11 Geoff Love Diamonds are Forever [Suspense Version] 02:48 12 Geoff Love Frenzy 02:37 13 Geoff Love The James Bond Theme 02:04 14 Geoff Love From Russia with Love 02:43 15 Geoff Love Goldfinger 02:28 16 Geoff Love Thunderball 04:02 17 Geoff Love Mr Kiss Kiss Bang Bang (from 'Thunderball') 02:25 18 Geoff Love Casino Royale 02:45 19 Geoff Love You Only Love Twice 03:19 20 Geoff Love On Her Majesty's Secret Service 02:50 21 Geoff Love We Have all the Time in the World (from 'On Her Majesty's Secret Service') 03:11 22 Geoff Love Diamonds are Forever 02:56 23 Geoff Love Live and Let Die 02:53 24 Geoff Love The Man with the Golden Gun 02:54
Geoff Love View in Albunack Geoff Love Dreaming with Love 24 2 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Geoff Love La Bamba 03:19 2 Geoff Love Spanish Harlem 02:55 Has Mbid 3 Geoff Love Guantanamera 03:02 4 Geoff Love Sucu Sucu 02:26 5 Geoff Love The Girl From Ipanema 02:59 Has Mbid 6 Geoff Love One Note Samba 02:23 7 Geoff Love South of the Border 02:44 8 Geoff Love Maria Elena 02:37 9 Geoff Love Spanish Eyes 03:00 10 Geoff Love Desafinado 02:49 11 Geoff Love The Breeze abd I 03:34 12 Geoff Love Mexican Hat Dance 04:12 13 Geoff Love Dream 03:11 14 Geoff Love I'm a Dreamer,Aren't We ll? 03:32 15 Geoff Love You Stepped Out of a Dream 02:47 16 Geoff Love Drifting and Dreaming 03:07 17 Geoff Love Dream a Little Dream of Me 03:19 18 Geoff Love Out of My Dreams from 'Oklahoma' 02:53 19 Geoff Love I Can Dream,Can't I? 02:48 20 Geoff Love Did You Ever See a Dream Waiking? 02:41 21 Geoff Love Girl of My Dreams 02:54 22 Geoff Love I'll See You in My Dreams 03:12 23 Geoff Love All Do is Dream of You 02:52 24 Geoff Love I have Dreamed from 'The King and I' 03:18
Geoff Love View in Albunack Latin With Love (1973) & Dreaming With Love (1976) 24 2 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Geoff Love La Bamba 03:19 2 Geoff Love Spanish Harlem 02:53 Has Mbid 3 Geoff Love Guantanamera 03:04 4 Geoff Love Sucu Sucu 02:24 5 Geoff Love The Girl From Ipanema 02:59 Has Mbid 6 Geoff Love One Note Samba 02:26 7 Geoff Love South Of The Border 02:45 8 Geoff Love Maria Elena 02:40 9 Geoff Love Spanish Eyes 03:00 10 Geoff Love Desafinado 02:50 11 Geoff Love The Breeze And I 03:33 12 Geoff Love Mexican Hat Dance 04:12 13 Geoff Love Dream 03:11 14 Geoff Love I'm A Dreamer, Aren't We All? 03:32 15 Geoff Love You Stepped Out Of A Dream 02:47 16 Geoff Love Drifting And Dreaming 03:07 17 Geoff Love Dream A Little Dream Of Me 03:19 18 Geoff Love Out Of My Dreams From "Oklahoma" 02:53 19 Geoff Love I Can Dream, Can't I? 02:53 20 Geoff Love Did You Ever See A Dream Walking? 02:45 21 Geoff Love Girl Of My Dreams 02:51 22 Geoff Love I'll See You In My Dreams 03:12 23 Geoff Love All I Do Is Dream Of You 02:57 24 Geoff Love I Have Dreamed From "The King And I" 03:18
Geoff Love View in Albunack Opera Without Words 16 1 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 Geoff Love Una furtiva lagrima 03:50 2 Geoff Love & His Orchestra & Geoff Love & His Orchestra The Stars Were Shining (Tosca) 03:24 3 Geoff Love Nessun dorma 04:46 4 Geoff Love & His Orchestra & Geoff Love & His Orchestra What Is Life Without Thee (Orpheus and Eurydice) 04:39 5 Geoff Love & His Orchestra & Geoff Love & His Orchestra Bella Figlia Dell Amore (Rigoletto) 04:17 6 Geoff Love & His Orchestra & Geoff Love & His Orchestra Oh My Beloved Father (Gianni Schicchi) 03:20 7 Geoff Love & His Orchestra & Geoff Love & His Orchestra Love Duet (Tosca, Act 1) 03:46 8 Geoff Love Va pensiero 04:40 9 Geoff Love Mon coeur s'ouvre a ta voix 03:23 10 Geoff Love & His Orchestra & Geoff Love & His Orchestra Musetta's Waltz Song (La Boheme) 03:47 11 Geoff Love & His Orchestra & Geoff Love & His Orchestra One Fine Day (Madama Butterfly, Act 2) 04:22 12 Geoff Love Celeste Aida 03:46 13 Geoff Love Che gelida manina 05:20 14 Geoff Love Vissi d'arte 03:24 15 Geoff Love La fleur que tu m'avais jetee 04:10 16 Geoff Love Madame Butterfly - Act 1 - Love Duet 04:20
Geoff Love View in Albunack Super Heroes, Big Terror - Movie Themes 24 2 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Geoff Love Superman 03:29 2 Geoff Love The incredible Hulk 03:26 3 Geoff Love The bionic woman 03:44 4 Geoff Love Spiderman 03:25 5 Geoff Love Blakes 7 03:09 6 Geoff Love Return of the saint 02:46 7 Geoff Love Batman 02:31 8 Geoff Love Wonder woman 03:28 9 Geoff Love Love theme from Superman (Can you read my mind) 04:09 10 Geoff Love The six million dollar man 03:20 11 Geoff Love Dr Who 02:23 12 Geoff Love Dick Barton, special agent (devil's gallop) 03:01 Has Mbid 13 Geoff Love Jaws 03:09 14 Geoff Love The Poseidon adventure 02:36 15 Geoff Love The exorcist (tubular bells) 03:03 16 Geoff Love Rollerball (Toccata in d minor) 03:04 17 Geoff Love Psycho 02:10 18 Geoff Love The Eiger sanction 02:55 19 Geoff Love Earthquake 03:24 20 Geoff Love Airpiort 1975 03:46 21 Geoff Love The towering inferno 02:47 Has Mbid 22 Geoff Love Three days of the condor 03:14 23 Geoff Love The executioner 02:59 24 Geoff Love Death wish 04:21
Geoff Love View in Albunack Waltzes With Love (1975) & More Waltzes With Love (1979) 24 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Geoff Love Falling In Love With Love 02:43 2 Geoff Love Ramona 02:29 3 Geoff Love Anniversary Song 02:58 4 Geoff Love Always 03:08 Has Mbid 5 Geoff Love Beautiful Dreamer 02:39 6 Geoff Love I'll See You Again 03:15 7 Geoff Love Fascination 03:17 8 Geoff Love Wonderful One 03:06 9 Geoff Love Charmaine 02:34 10 Geoff Love Love's Last Word Is Spoken 03:01 11 Geoff Love The Last Waltz 03:20 12 Geoff Love Now Is The Hour 03:03 13 Geoff Love Love's Roundabout 03:23 14 Geoff Love The Desert Song 02:32 15 Geoff Love Around The World 02:57 16 Geoff Love When I Grow Too Old To Dream 02:58 17 Geoff Love Vaya Con Dios 02:59 18 Geoff Love One Night Of Love 02:45 19 Geoff Love Lover 02:03 20 Geoff Love Edelweiss 02:50 21 Geoff Love The Song From Moulin Rouge 02:53 22 Geoff Love Try To Remember 02:26 23 Geoff Love Ask Me Why I Love You 02:13 24 Geoff Love Waltz Of My Heart 03:07
Geoff Samuels View in Albunack Peaceful Waters 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Geoff Samuels Out of Gas 04:13 2 Geoff Samuels Knife in the Back 03:40 3 Geoff Samuels Illusions 04:22 4 Geoff Samuels No Time to Fade 04:03 5 Geoff Samuels Am I There Yet 03:24 6 Geoff Samuels One Rainbow 03:34 7 Geoff Samuels Long Day 03:52 8 Geoff Samuels Peaceful Waters 04:21
Geoffrey Orme View in Albunack Doctor Who: The Highlanders 45 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Geoffrey Orme Episode Three: Opening titles 00:33 2 Geoffrey Orme Scene 1: Atlantean council chamber 01:39 3 Geoffrey Orme Scene 2: Temple 02:06 4 Geoffrey Orme Scene 3: A chamber beneath the idol 00:34 5 Geoffrey Orme Scene 4: Council chamber 02:00 6 Geoffrey Orme Scene 5: Chamber beneath the idol 01:31 7 Geoffrey Orme Scenes 6&7: The Atlantean market place 03:44 8 Geoffrey Orme Scene 8: Temple 00:43 9 Geoffrey Orme Telecine: Underground lake 01:58 10 Geoffrey Orme Telecine (cont'd): The Fish People 01:46 11 Geoffrey Orme Scene 9: Chamber beneath the idol 01:16 12 Geoffrey Orme Scene 10: Temple 00:18 13 Geoffrey Orme Scene 11: Chamber beneath the idol 01:17 14 Geoffrey Orme Scene 12: Temple 01:05 15 Geoffrey Orme Scenes 13&14: Rocky tunnels 01:05 16 Geoffrey Orme Scene 15: Council chamber 03:01 17 Geoffrey Orme Episode Four: Opening titles 00:36 18 Geoffrey Orme Scene 1a: Atlantean council chamber 00:18 19 Geoffrey Orme Scene 1b: Council chamber, later 00:26 20 Geoffrey Orme Scene 2: Chamber beneath the idol 01:15 21 Geoffrey Orme Scene 3: Zaroff's laboratory 01:29 22 Geoffrey Orme Scene 4: Atlantean generating station exterior 01:31 23 Geoffrey Orme Scene 5: Atlantean generating station interior 00:58 24 Geoffrey Orme Scene 6: Rocky tunnel 00:30 25 Geoffrey Orme Scene 7: Zaroff's laboratory 00:15 26 Geoffrey Orme Scenes 8-11: A locky ledge in the tunnels 00:53 27 Geoffrey Orme Scene 12: Rocky tunnel 00:37 28 Geoffrey Orme Telecine: Temple 00:15 29 Geoffrey Orme Scene 13: Rocky tunnel 00:37 30 Geoffrey Orme Scene 14: Rocky tunnel 00:41 31 Geoffrey Orme Scene 15: A mountain cave 01:20 32 Geoffrey Orme Scene 16: Zaroff's laboratory 02:21 33 Geoffrey Orme Scene 17: Rocky shaft 00:34 34 Geoffrey Orme Scene 18: Zaroff's laboratory 01:11 35 Geoffrey Orme Scene 19: Corridor outside Zaroff's laboratory 00:15 36 Geoffrey Orme Scene 20: A cave in the tunnels 00:49 37 Geoffrey Orme Scene 21: Rocky tunnel 00:26 38 Geoffrey Orme Telecine: Zaroff's laboratory 00:11 39 Geoffrey Orme Scene 22: Rocky tunnel 00:20 40 Geoffrey Orme Telecine: Entrance to the caves 00:57 41 Geoffrey Orme Telecine: Zaroff's laboratory 00:14 42 Geoffrey Orme Scene 23/24: Mountain cave 00:40 43 Geoffrey Orme Telecine: Cave interior 00:45 44 Geoffrey Orme Telecine: On the beach, outside the TARDIS 00:54 45 Geoffrey Orme Scene 25: Inside the TARDIS 02:30
Geoffrey Simon View in Albunack Downey: Concerto for double-bass; Discourse 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 London Symphony Orchestra & Geoffrey Simon Declamations 15:49 2 London Symphony Orchestra & Geoffrey Simon Discourse for oboe, harpsichord & Str 17:45 3 London Symphony Orchestra & Geoffrey Simon Jingalodeon 11:21 4 London Symphony Orchestra & Geoffrey Simon Concerto for double-bass & orchestra- Movement 1 11:16 5 London Symphony Orchestra & Geoffrey Simon Concerto for double-bass & orchestra- Movement 2 10:57 6 London Symphony Orchestra & Geoffrey Simon Concerto for double-bass & orchestra- Movement 3 01:25 7 London Symphony Orchestra & Geoffrey Simon Concerto for double-bass & orchestra- Movement 4 07:41
Geoffrey Simon View in Albunack London Symphony 10 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Geoffrey Simon The Bartered Bride I.Overture 06:38 2 Geoffrey Simon The Bartered Bride II.Dance of the Villagers 04:30 3 Geoffrey Simon The Bartered Bride III.Polka 05:03 4 Geoffrey Simon The Bartered Bride IV.Furiant 02:03 5 Geoffrey Simon The Bartered Bride V.Fanfare 00:41 Has Mbid 6 Geoffrey Simon The Bartered Bride VI.Dance of the Comedians 05:40 7 Geoffrey Simon String Quartet in E Minor I.Allegro vivo appasionato 08:34 8 Geoffrey Simon String Quartet in E Minor II.Alla polka 05:56 9 Geoffrey Simon String Quartet in E Minor III.Largo sostenuto 09:35 10 Geoffrey Simon String Quartet in E Minor IV.Vivace - meno mosso 06:28
Geoffrey Simon View in Albunack The London Harp Sound 17 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Geoffrey Simon Prélude à l'après-midi d'un faune (Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun), for orchestra, L. 86 08:56 2 Geoffrey Simon Chansons de Edith Piaf, medley for harp ensemble- La Vie en Rose 03:14 3 Geoffrey Simon Chansons de Edith Piaf, medley for harp ensemble- L'hymne à l'amour 02:44 4 Geoffrey Simon Chansons de Edith Piaf, medley for harp ensemble- Non, je ne regrette rien 02:28 5 Geoffrey Simon The Jasmine Flower, traditional melody (-Mo Li Hwa-) 03:40 6 Geoffrey Simon Prelude and Fugue, for organ in F minor, BWV 534 (BC J20)- Prelude 04:33 7 Geoffrey Simon My baby just cares for me, song 03:32 8 Geoffrey Simon Windmills of Your Mind (from the film The Thomas Crown Affair (1968)) 04:31 9 Geoffrey Simon Wiegenlied (-Guten Abend, gut Nacht-), song for voice & piano, Op. 49-4 02:18 10 Geoffrey Simon Symphonie fantastique for orchestra (-Episode de la vie d'un Artiste...en cinq parties-), H.48 (Op. 14)- Un bal 06:09 11 Geoffrey Simon Andalucía, song 03:35 12 Geoffrey Simon Lady of the Lake, for harp ensemble 07:07 13 Geoffrey Simon The Music of the Night, song (for the musical The Phantom of the Opera) 04:48 14 Geoffrey Simon La Ragazza, for harp ensemble- 1. Andantino 02:28 15 Geoffrey Simon La Ragazza, for harp ensemble- 2. Larghetto - Allegretto 01:44 16 Geoffrey Simon La Ragazza, for harp ensemble- 3. Allegro Moderato - Allegretto 03:16 17 Geoffrey Simon La Ragazza, for harp ensemble- 4. Moderato 02:07
Geoffrey Simon View in Albunack The London Violin Sound 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Geoffrey Simon DVORAK - Songs My Mother Taught Me 03:05 2 Geoffrey Simon MONTI - Czardas 04:57 3 Geoffrey Simon GERSHWIN - Summertime 03:01 4 Geoffrey Simon MASCAGNI - Intermezzo from Cavalleria Rusticana 03:10 5 Geoffrey Simon KHATCHATURIAN - Sabre Dance from Gayaneh 02:15 6 Geoffrey Simon Romance from The Gadfly 02:38 7 Geoffrey Simon DEBUSSY - The Girl with the Flaxen Hair 02:37 8 Geoffrey Simon RACHMANINOV - Hungarian Dance 04:51
Geoffrey Simon View in Albunack de Falla: Love the Magician; Nights in the Gardens of Spain; Interlude & Spanish Dance 17 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Geoffrey Simon Introduction and Scene (Love the Magician) 00:35 2 Geoffrey Simon In the Cave - Night-Time 02:11 3 Geoffrey Simon Song of Love's Sorrow 01:34 4 Geoffrey Simon The Apparition 00:13 5 Geoffrey Simon Dance of Terror 01:59 6 Geoffrey Simon The Magic Cirlce - Fisherman's Story 02:42 7 Geoffrey Simon Midnight - Witchcraft 00:28 8 Geoffrey Simon Ritual Fire Dance (To Drive Away the Evil Spirits) 03:44 9 Geoffrey Simon Scene 01:22 10 Geoffrey Simon Song of the Will O' the Wisp 01:38 11 Geoffrey Simon Pantomime 04:42 12 Geoffrey Simon Dance of the Game of Love 03:00 13 Geoffrey Simon Finale - the Bells of Morning 01:32 14 Geoffrey Simon In the Generalife (Night Is the Gardens of Spain) 10:41 15 Geoffrey Simon Distant Dance 04:48 16 Geoffrey Simon In the Gardens of the Sierra De Cordoba 08:50 17 Geoffrey Simon Interlude and Dance (From La Vida Breve) 06:43
Geordie Little View in Albunack Neukölln 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Geordie Little Creative Demand (Intro) 01:21 2 Geordie Little Wine on a Wednesday 03:16 3 Geordie Little 4th of July 05:32 4 Geordie Little Frozen Fires 04:42 5 Geordie Little The Boat Shed 03:48 6 Geordie Little Divide 02:30 7 Geordie Little The Same Parade 03:26 8 Geordie Little Some Kind of Confusion 04:34 9 Geordie Little Lucky Bay 04:28 10 Geordie Little Chaos in Neukölln 02:54 11 Geordie Little Twilight Beach 02:34
Geordie Little View in Albunack The Stoop Sessions: Live In My Corner of the Room 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Geordie Little An Underwhelming View 04:36 2 Geordie Little Rundle 03:03 3 Geordie Little Back So Soon 02:56 4 Geordie Little A Strange Contemplation 04:32 5 Geordie Little Interpretations 05:34 6 Geordie Little Jerome 04:03 7 Geordie Little Kottbusker 02:05 8 Geordie Little An Audience in Herbede 03:12 9 Geordie Little Lilac Cottage 02:55 10 Geordie Little Jule's Song 02:04
Geordie Little View in Albunack Where The Walls Once Were 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Geordie Little Nine and Loose Ends 02:32 2 Geordie Little Can't You See 04:54 3 Geordie Little Watercolours 04:08 4 Geordie Little Any Suggestions 02:45 5 Geordie Little Bells of Bochum 04:12 6 Geordie Little Duo For... 04:31 7 Geordie Little Waiting For A Crowd 03:36 8 Geordie Little Artificial Harmony 03:10 9 Geordie Little Neues Leben 03:48 10 Geordie Little Warsaw Street 01:41 11 Geordie Little Steel Strings 03:13
Geordie Little View in Albunack Where The Walls Once Were CD 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Geordie Little Nine And Loose Ends 02:32 2 Geordie Little Cant You See 04:54 3 Geordie Little Watercolours 04:08 4 Geordie Little Any Suggestions 02:45 5 Geordie Little Bells Of Bochum 04:12 6 Geordie Little Duo For... 04:31 7 Geordie Little Waiting For A Crowd 03:36 8 Geordie Little Artificial Harmony 03:10 9 Geordie Little Neues Leben 03:48 10 Geordie Little Warsaw Street 01:41 11 Geordie Little Steel Strings 03:13
Georg Freundorfer View in Albunack Freundorfer Melodien 15 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georg Freundorfer Gruß an Obersalzburg 05:15 2 Georg Freundorfer Am Starnberger See 02:56 3 Georg Freundorfer Auf der Sprungschanze 02:45 4 Georg Freundorfer Deutscher Süden 03:13 5 Georg Freundorfer Hand in Hand durchs deutsche Land 02:51 6 Georg Freundorfer Ein Tag auf der Alm 02:43 7 Georg Freundorfer Sonntag im Gebirge 02:45 8 Georg Freundorfer Hochzeit im Alpendorf 02:46 9 Georg Freundorfer Links der Isar, rechts der Donau 02:46 10 Georg Freundorfer Mondnacht am Königssee 03:22 11 Georg Freundorfer Mit dir allein in Bad Gastein 02:48 12 Georg Freundorfer Sonnige Alpenfahrt 02:24 13 Georg Freundorfer Isarkinder Polka 03:19 14 Georg Freundorfer Münchner Blut 06:31 15 Georg Freundorfer Der Weg zum Herzen 02:53
Georg Friedrich Kauffmann View in Albunack Kauffmann: Organ Works 34 0 2006 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georg Friedrich Kauffmann Fantasia in G major 02:46 2 Georg Friedrich Kauffmann Gelobet Seist Du, Jesu Christ 01:40 3 Georg Friedrich Kauffmann Nun Freut Euch, Lieben Christen G'mein 01:40 4 Georg Friedrich Kauffmann Nun Freut Euch, Lieben Christen G'mein (Alio Modo) 01:37 5 Georg Friedrich Kauffmann Von Himmel Hoch, Da Komm Ich Her 01:46 6 Georg Friedrich Kauffmann Lobt Gott, Ihr Christen Allzugleich 02:06 7 Georg Friedrich Kauffmann Lobt Gott, Ihr Christen Allzugleich (Alio Modo) 00:43 8 Georg Friedrich Kauffmann Du, O Schones Weltgebaude 01:35 9 Georg Friedrich Kauffmann Vater Unser im Himmelreich 02:22 10 Georg Friedrich Kauffmann Vater Unser im Himmelreich (Alio Modo) - 1 01:56 11 Georg Friedrich Kauffmann Vater Unser im Himmelreich (Alio Modo) - 2 01:58 12 Georg Friedrich Kauffmann Schonster Immanuel 02:29 13 Georg Friedrich Kauffmann Valet Will Ich Dir Geben 01:17 14 Georg Friedrich Kauffmann Warum Bertrubst Du Dich, Mein Herz 01:53 15 Georg Friedrich Kauffmann O Heiliger Geist, O Heiliger Gott 01:40 16 Georg Friedrich Kauffmann Ein Feste Burg 02:10 17 Georg Friedrich Kauffmann Ein Feste Burg (Alio Modo) 02:05 18 Georg Friedrich Kauffmann Alle Menschen Mussen Sterben 01:15 19 Georg Friedrich Kauffmann Fugella Super 'Wir Glauben All' 00:32 20 Georg Friedrich Kauffmann Nun Ruhen Alle Walder (in Allen Meinen Thaten) 01:28 21 Georg Friedrich Kauffmann O Herre Gott, Dein Gottlich Wort 02:52 22 Georg Friedrich Kauffmann O Herre Gott, Dein Gottlich Wort (Alio Modo) 01:31 23 Georg Friedrich Kauffmann Herr, Ich Habe Miss Gehandelt 03:27 24 Georg Friedrich Kauffmann Jesus Christus, Unser Heiland, der Den Tod Uberwand 02:34 25 Georg Friedrich Kauffmann Jesus Christus, Unser Heiland, der von Uns Den Gottes Zorn Wand 03:32 26 Georg Friedrich Kauffmann Nun Komm, der Heiden Heiland 00:44 27 Georg Friedrich Kauffmann Nun Komm, der Heiden Heiland (Alio Modo) - 1 01:03 28 Georg Friedrich Kauffmann Nun Komm, der Heiden Heiland (Alio Modo) - 2 01:16 29 Georg Friedrich Kauffmann Nun Komm, der Heiden Heiland (Totum in Parte) 00:27 30 Georg Friedrich Kauffmann Nun Komm, der Heiden Heiland (Alio Modo) 00:50 31 Georg Friedrich Kauffmann Nun Lob, Meine Seel, Den Herren 01:32 32 Georg Friedrich Kauffmann Man Lobt Dich in der Stille (Nun Lob, Mein Seel, Den Herren) 03:09 33 Georg Friedrich Kauffmann Herr Gott, Dich Loben Alle Wir 02:39 34 Georg Friedrich Kauffmann Wenn Wir in Hochsten Noten Sein 02:55
Georg Kallweit View in Albunack Passaggio, Eine Barocke Alpenüberquerung 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georg Kallweit Sonatae Unarum Didium, Seu A Violino Solo: Sonata No. 4 08:43 2 Björn Colell Intavolatura Di Liuto Et Di Chitarrone Libro Primo: Tenore Detto Il Mercatello, Corrente Detto Nasazzo Fatta Sopra Il Mercatello, Toccata No. 10 For Chitarrone Solo 06:46 3 Georg Kallweit Sonate, Symphonie, Canzoni, Passe'mezzi, Baletti, Corenti, Gagliarde E Ritornelli, Op. 8: Sonata Quarta, Per Il Violino, Per Sonar Con Due Corde, Op. 8 09:36 4 Georg Kallweit Wiener Minoritenkonvent, Manuscript XIV 726: Musicalisch Uhrwerck No. 68 In A Minor, For Violin And Continuo 06:02 5 Björn Colell Libro Primo Et Secondo Di Chitarra Spagnola: Prelude, Allemande, Courante, Passacaglia For Baroque Guitar Solo 07:25 6 Georg Kallweit "Artificiosus Concentus Pro Camera", Distributos In Sex Partes, Seu Partias À Violino Solo Con Basso Bellè Imitate: Preludio, Harpeggio, Aria (Allegro), Saraband (Adagio), Gavotte (Allegro) 08:29 7 Georg Kallweit Violin Sonatas, Op. 4: IV. La Biancuccia 07:43 8 Georg Kallweit Violin Sonata In D Major 12:00
Georg Lawall View in Albunack Händel & Lawall 14 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georg Lawall Händel - Suite Nr. 7 Am - 1. Ouvertüre 06:39 2 Georg Lawall Händel - Suite Nr. 7 Am - 2. Andante 03:48 3 Georg Lawall Händel - Suite Nr. 7 Am - 3. Allegro 02:50 4 Georg Lawall Händel - Suite Nr. 7 Am - 4. Sarabande 04:18 5 Georg Lawall Händel - Suite Nr. 7 Am - 5. Gigue 02:04 6 Georg Lawall Händel - Suite Nr. 7 Am - 6. Passacaille 04:03 Has Mbid 7 Georg Lawall Händel - Largo (aus Xerxes) 04:51 8 Georg Lawall Lawall - Konzertetüden Op. 5 - 1. Amulett 02:50 9 Georg Lawall Lawall - Konzertetüden Op. 5 - 2. Rondell 04:17 10 Georg Lawall Lawall - Konzertetüden Op. 5 - 3. Schattenspiel 07:12 11 Georg Lawall Lawall - Konzertetüden Op. 5 - 4. Spieluhr 02:21 12 Georg Lawall Lawall - Konzertetüden Op. 5 - 5. Fetisch 02:44 13 Georg Lawall Lawall - Konzertetüden Op. 5 - 6. Romeo 04:47 14 Georg Lawall Lawall - Konzertetüden Op. 5 - 7. Permutations Chromatiques 03:15
Georg Ruby View in Albunack ruby Domesticus 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georg Ruby Pex Pecis 07:21 2 Georg Ruby Aila 08:24 3 Georg Ruby P.O.B.499 06:46 4 Georg Ruby Bass Bass 06:46 5 Georg Ruby Dr. Gil 04:40 6 Georg Ruby Ruby Domesticus 09:23 7 Georg Ruby Tuuna 08:17 8 Georg Ruby Redlock 06:33 9 Georg Ruby Konzert Nr 2B 09:32
Georg Tintner View in Albunack 12 Tintner on Bruckner 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georg Tintner 'Ladies and Gentleman, ... 09:38 2 Georg Tintner 'So I mention that ... 12:23 3 Georg Tintner 'And now, The composer ... 12:29 4 Georg Tintner 'So, suddenly he who ... 14:27 5 Georg Tintner 'And now we come ... 08:01 6 Georg Tintner 'Now, ladies and gentleman, I ... 17:15
Georg Tintner View in Albunack Beethoven: Symphony #4; Schumann: Symphony #2 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georg Tintner Beethoven: Symphony #4 - Spoken Introduction By Georg Tintner 01:28 2 Georg Tintner Beethoven: Symphony #4 - 1. Adagio, Allegro Vivace 12:45 3 Georg Tintner Beethoven: Symphony #4 - 2. Adagio 09:41 4 Georg Tintner Beethoven: Symphony #4 - 3. Allegro Vivace 05:49 5 Georg Tintner Beethoven: Symphony #4 - 4. Finale, Allegro Con Spirito 05:44 6 Georg Tintner Schumann: Symphony #2 - Spoken Introduction By Georg Tintner 03:19 7 Georg Tintner Schumann: Symphony #2 - 1. Sostenuto Assai 14:05 8 Georg Tintner Schumann: Symphony #2 - 2. Scherzo - Allegro Vivace 06:50 9 Georg Tintner Schumann: Symphony #2 - 3. Adagio Espressivo 10:53 10 Georg Tintner Schumann: Symphony #2 - 4. Allegro Molto Vivace 08:57
Georg Tintner View in Albunack Tintner on Bruckner 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georg Tintner Ladies and gentlemen, the title of my talk tonight... 09:38 2 Georg Tintner So I mention that because this was completely new territory 12:23 3 Georg Tintner And now, the composer himself... 12:29 4 Georg Tintner So, suddenly he who had written four rather ordinary masses... 14:27 5 Georg Tintner And now we come to the word Cosmos 08:01 6 Georg Tintner Now, ladies and gentlemen, I shall, if you can... 17:15
Georg auf Lieder View in Albunack Mano Grande 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georg auf Lieder Sie 04:14 2 Georg auf Lieder Frosch 03:13 3 Georg auf Lieder Pinke Straehnen 03:26 4 Georg auf Lieder Frau Mueller 03:18 5 Georg auf Lieder Verschwommen 03:25 6 Georg auf Lieder Brandenburg 03:30 7 Georg auf Lieder Dich an mich 03:57 8 Georg auf Lieder Alptraum 04:46 9 Georg auf Lieder Titanic 03:58 10 Georg auf Lieder Verloren 05:19 11 Georg auf Lieder Susanne 03:31 12 Georg auf Lieder Bausparvertrag 05:02
George Abyad View in Albunack Improvisations Orientales 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Abyad Gamme Rast 08:58 2 George Abyad Gamme Bayati 07:17 3 George Abyad Gamme Houzam 08:28 4 George Abyad Gamme Hijaz 14:12 5 George Abyad Gamme Saba 11:26 6 George Abyad Gamme Nawa Athar 08:47
George Adams-James "Blood" Ulmer Quartet View in Albunack Jazzbühne Berlin '85 Vol. 12 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Adams-James "Blood" Ulmer Quartet Timeless 08:24 2 George Adams-James "Blood" Ulmer Quartet Black Rock 06:34 3 George Adams-James "Blood" Ulmer Quartet House People 06:08 4 George Adams-James "Blood" Ulmer Quartet Recess 08:37 5 George Adams-James "Blood" Ulmer Quartet Love Has Two Faces 09:06 6 George Adams-James "Blood" Ulmer Quartet Nature's Children 12:03 7 George Adams-James "Blood" Ulmer Quartet America 06:56 8 George Adams-James "Blood" Ulmer Quartet Where Did All the Girls Come From 07:19
George Bernard Shaw View in Albunack British Library The Spoken Word Bernard Shaw 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Bernard Shaw Talks For Sixth Forms: Modern Education 11 June 1937 16:15 2 George Bernard Shaw As I See It 02 November 1937 15:43 3 George Bernard Shaw Address to the British Drama League, Edinburgh 28 October 1933 08:17 4 George Bernard Shaw Whither Britain? 02 June 1934 32:16 5 George Bernard Shaw Greetings to Listeners on his 88th Birthday 26 July 1944 00:47 6 George Bernard Shaw A Televised Talk on his 90th Birthday recording 24 July 1946 broadcast 26 July 1946 09:57 7 George Bernard Shaw On Receiving the Freedom of the Borough of St Pancras 09 October 1946 09:55 8 George Bernard Shaw "Theatre Programme": Dialogue between Bernard Shaw and C.B. Cochran recording 05 November 1947 broadcast 12 November 1947 08:05
George Bernard Shaw View in Albunack Pygmalion 13 0 1993 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Bernard Shaw Pygmalion 01 06:59 2 George Bernard Shaw Pygmalion 02 04:28 3 George Bernard Shaw Pygmalion 03 04:33 4 George Bernard Shaw Pygmalion 04 04:04 5 George Bernard Shaw Pygmalion 05 06:57 6 George Bernard Shaw Pygmalion 06 05:03 7 George Bernard Shaw Pygmalion 07 05:27 8 George Bernard Shaw Pygmalion 08 05:12 9 George Bernard Shaw Pygmalion 09 06:22 10 George Bernard Shaw Pygmalion 10 05:43 11 George Bernard Shaw Pygmalion 11 05:06 12 George Bernard Shaw Pygmalion 12 05:00 13 George Bernard Shaw Pygmalion 13 05:21
George Bernard Shaw View in Albunack Ο Ανδροκλής και το Λιοντάρι 16 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Bernard Shaw Part 01/16 01:17 2 George Bernard Shaw Part 02/16 05:31 3 George Bernard Shaw Part 03/16 05:03 4 George Bernard Shaw Part 04/16 05:02 5 George Bernard Shaw Part 05/16 05:08 6 George Bernard Shaw Part 06/16 04:58 7 George Bernard Shaw Part 07/16 05:00 8 George Bernard Shaw Part 08/16 05:14 9 George Bernard Shaw Part 09/16 05:06 10 George Bernard Shaw Part 10/16 04:57 11 George Bernard Shaw Part 11/16 04:46 12 George Bernard Shaw Part 12/16 04:59 13 George Bernard Shaw Part 13/16 05:03 14 George Bernard Shaw Part 14/16 05:00 15 George Bernard Shaw Part 15/16 04:59 16 George Bernard Shaw Part 16/16 02:26
George Blondheim View in Albunack Nine Live 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Blondheim Someday My Prince Will Come 07:44 2 George Blondheim One Note Samba 05:30 3 George Blondheim Greensleeves 08:12 4 George Blondheim Autumn Leaves 07:44 5 George Blondheim Don't Get Around Much Anymore 08:34 6 George Blondheim Skylark 07:02 7 George Blondheim Black Orpheus 05:40 8 George Blondheim All Blues 09:26 9 George Blondheim First Snow 06:36
George Blondheim View in Albunack Nine live 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Churchill/Boume Someday My Prince Will Come 07:44 2 Jobim/Corcovado One Note Samba 05:30 3 Traditional Greensleeves 08:12 4 Kozma/Morley Autumn Leaves 07:44 5 Ellington/Sony Don't Get Around Much 08:34 6 Mercer, Carmichael/Warner Skylark 07:02 7 Bonfa/Warner Black Orpheus 05:40 8 Davis/A Side Music All Blues 09:26 9 Blondheim/Frostbyte Music First Snow 06:36
George Butts View in Albunack 1988 I Love You So Much 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Butts I Love You So Much 05:26 2 George Butts Keep That Same Old Feeling 06:13 3 George Butts Europa 05:54 4 George Butts Come Back Again 03:34 5 George Butts Chazzo 03:50 6 George Butts Saving All My Love 04:05 7 George Butts Everybody Got a Groove 03:52 8 George Butts Jackpot Baby 02:27 9 George Butts Europa 05:54
George Butts View in Albunack 1997 Fresh 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Butts Your Love Is Like Heaven 04:31 2 George Butts Wired For Love 05:19 3 George Butts These Arms Of Mine 03:56 4 George Butts Fresh 04:20 5 George Butts There's Always A Way 05:13 6 George Butts Put Your Head On My Shoulder/ It's All In The Game 06:22 7 George Butts Shake It 05:51 8 George Butts Your Love Has Shown Me The Way 05:34 9 George Butts Finders Keepers 04:19 10 George Butts Come Back Again 03:34 11 George Butts Tool Cool B's 04:12
George Callaghan View in Albunack Rhyme & Reason 19 2 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 George Callaghan Women of Ireland 03:00 2 George Callaghan Miche's flight 03:30 3 George Callaghan Holy Ground 03:29 4 George Callaghan Mea's Reflections 03:17 5 George Callaghan The week before Christmas 01:59 6 George Callaghan Hard Times 01:57 7 George Callaghan The Royal Canal 02:26 8 George Callaghan Lena's Dreams 03:23 9 George Callaghan Dainty Davey 02:42 10 George Callaghan I Dream of Jeannie 04:12 11 George Callaghan Barbara Allen 02:23 12 George Callaghan Sunita's Joy 02:12 13 George Callaghan Lizzie Lindsay 02:12 14 George Callaghan The Bard of Armagh 02:07 15 George Callaghan Planxty Fannu Poer 02:14 16 George Callaghan Miche's return 02:49 17 George Callaghan Glens of Antrim 04:24 18 George Callaghan The parting glass 02:03 Has Mbid 19 George Callaghan The Star of the County Down 01:42
George DeVore View in Albunack Four Under Par 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George DeVore A Little More Time 03:34 2 George DeVore I Already Know 04:11 3 George DeVore There I Go 04:03 4 George DeVore Verena 04:38 5 George DeVore Letting Go 04:12 6 George DeVore What I'd Say 04:18 7 George DeVore Only You 04:14 8 George DeVore La Rue Fontaine 03:00 9 George DeVore Valentine 04:22 10 George DeVore Brand New Tattoo 03:23 11 George DeVore Right by Me 04:26 12 George DeVore The Roam 07:45
George Dearborne View in Albunack I'm Gonna Walk 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Dearborne If You're Gonna Ride 03:16 2 George Dearborne Tappa Kegga Brew 03:10 3 George Dearborne Everything You Want 02:53 4 George Dearborne Better Off 02:49 5 George Dearborne Bring Down the Wall 03:14 6 George Dearborne Tumbleweed 03:41
George Dreyfus View in Albunack Film Music of George Dreyfus-Vol.2 22 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Dreyfus A Descant for Gossips-Main Theme 02:21 2 George Dreyfus A Descant for Gossips-Love Duet 06:08 3 George Dreyfus A Descant for Gossips-Innocence of Childhood 03:38 4 George Dreyfus Tender Mercies 10:37 5 George Dreyfus Outbreak of Love-Main Theme 04:33 6 George Dreyfus Waterfront-Main Theme & Song 03:26 7 George Dreyfus Waterfront-Unity March 01:26 8 George Dreyfus Waterfront-Solitude 02:12 9 George Dreyfus Waterfront-Vaudeville 01:21 10 George Dreyfus Waterfront-Anne's Theme 04:18 11 George Dreyfus Waterfront-Doomed 03:14 12 George Dreyfus Waterfront-Anna's Theme Reprise 03:02 13 George Dreyfus Power Without Glory-The Death of John West 06:10 14 George Dreyfus Great Expectations-I Gave My Love an Apple 05:38 15 George Dreyfus Great Expectations-Bold Jack Donahue 02:21 16 George Dreyfus Great Expectations-Spring Song 02:36 17 George Dreyfus Great Expectations-Bold Jack Donahue Reprise 01:53 18 George Dreyfus Great Expectations-Bridget's Theme 04:21 19 George Dreyfus Great Expectations-Good Fortune 02:19 20 George Dreyfus Great Expectations-Villains 01:17 21 George Dreyfus Great Expectations-Fire & Rebirth 04:01 22 George Dreyfus Rush 02:57
George Dreyfus View in Albunack The Film Music of George Dreyfus 13 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Dreyfus Rush 02:43 2 George Dreyfus Break of Day 11:43 3 George Dreyfus Let the Balloon Go 06:13 4 George Dreyfus Lawson's Mates 03:01 5 George Dreyfus Power Without Glory 01:56 6 George Dreyfus Nellie's Theme 03:15 7 George Dreyfus Marion 02:58 8 George Dreyfus A Steam Train Passes 10:05 9 George Dreyfus Sons of the Anzacs 03:43 10 George Dreyfus Mary Gilmore Goes to Paraguay 14:18 11 George Dreyfus We Belong 03:31 Has Mbid 12 George Dreyfus Rush (2) 02:40 13 George Dreyfus Dimboola 08:04
George Dyson View in Albunack The Canterbury Pilgrims 9 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Dyson The Canterbury Pilgrims: VIII. The Sergeant of the Law. The Franklin 08:23 2 George Dyson The Canterbury Pilgrims: IX. The Shipman 04:57 3 George Dyson The Canterbury Pilgrims: I. Prologue (figure 2) 10:07 4 George Dyson The Canterbury Pilgrims: XI. The Wife of Bath 04:38 5 George Dyson The Canterbury Pilgrims: XII. The Poor Parson of a Town 10:12 6 George Dyson The Canterbury Pilgrims: XIII. L'envoi 11:03 7 George Dyson The Canterbury Pilgrims: V. The Monk 04:55 8 George Dyson The Canterbury Pilgrims: VI. The Clerk of Oxenford 06:06 Has Mbid 9 George Dyson The Canterbury Pilgrims: VII. The Haberdasher and his Fraternity. The Merchant 06:31
George Friedman View in Albunack America's Secret War: Inside the Struggle Between the United States and Its Enemies 13 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Friedman America's Secret War (01 of 13) 07:27 2 George Friedman America's Secret War (02 of 13) 06:28 3 George Friedman America's Secret War (03 of 13) 02:07 4 George Friedman America's Secret War (04 of 13) 03:47 5 George Friedman America's Secret War (05 of 13) 06:42 6 George Friedman America's Secret War (06 of 13) 05:45 7 George Friedman America's Secret War (07 of 13) 07:50 8 George Friedman America's Secret War (08 of 13) 12:38 9 George Friedman America's Secret War (09 of 13) 06:02 10 George Friedman America's Secret War (10 of 13) 12:19 11 George Friedman America's Secret War (11 of 13) 51:05 12 George Friedman America's Secret War (12 of 13) 57:10 13 George Friedman America's Secret War (13 of 13) 50:01
George Lanham View in Albunack Fear As a Tool 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Lanham Domestic Disdain 07:04 2 George Lanham Surrogate Siren 05:23 3 George Lanham The Rogue Scholar 06:56 4 George Lanham Toppling the Tower 07:59 5 George Lanham Jesus Green 07:45 6 George Lanham 40 Blue 07:28
George MacDonald Fraser View in Albunack Flashman On The March (Unb)(Flashman #12) 15 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George MacDonald Fraser GFFM0901 G.M. Fraser -12- Flashman on the March (Unb)(Keeble) 05:01 2 George MacDonald Fraser GFFM0302 G.M. Fraser -12- Flashman on the March (Unb)(Keeble) 05:06 3 George MacDonald Fraser GFFM0703 G.M. Fraser -12- Flashman on the March (Unb)(Keeble) 05:06 4 George MacDonald Fraser GFFM0603 G.M. Fraser -12- Flashman on the March (Unb)(Keeble) 05:03 5 George MacDonald Fraser GFFM0505 G.M. Fraser -12- Flashman on the March (Unb)(Keeble) 05:07 6 George MacDonald Fraser GFFM0605 G.M. Fraser -12- Flashman on the March (Unb)(Keeble) 05:03 7 George MacDonald Fraser GFFM0606 G.M. Fraser -12- Flashman on the March (Unb)(Keeble) 05:04 8 George MacDonald Fraser GFFM0508 G.M. Fraser -12- Flashman on the March (Unb)(Keeble) 05:06 9 George MacDonald Fraser GFFM0509 G.M. Fraser -12- Flashman on the March (Unb)(Keeble) 05:07 10 George MacDonald Fraser GFFM0410 G.M. Fraser -12- Flashman on the March (Unb)(Keeble) 05:07 11 George MacDonald Fraser GFFM0811 G.M. Fraser -12- Flashman on the March (Unb)(Keeble) 05:07 12 George MacDonald Fraser GFFM0512 G.M. Fraser -12- Flashman on the March (Unb)(Keeble) 05:07 13 George MacDonald Fraser GFFM0913 G.M. Fraser -12- Flashman on the March (Unb)(Keeble) 05:08 14 George MacDonald Fraser GFFM0814 G.M. Fraser -12- Flashman on the March (Unb)(Keeble) 05:07 15 George MacDonald Fraser GFFM0215 G.M. Fraser -12- Flashman on the March (Unb)(Keeble) 01:38
George Marinelli View in Albunack So Far, So Good 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Marinelli The Long Goodbye 03:27 2 George Marinelli Girl On A Fire Escape 05:07 3 George Marinelli The Sweetest Punch 03:47 4 George Marinelli Dirt 04:04 5 George Marinelli Quit Thinkin' 04:19 6 George Marinelli Crystal Staircase 04:02 7 George Marinelli If You Need Somebody 05:03 8 George Marinelli Judgement Day 03:49 9 George Marinelli Someone Worth Saving 03:47 10 George Marinelli Everybody Knows 03:23 11 George Marinelli Nobody Knows 05:43
George Marinelli View in Albunack Wild Onions 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Marinelli Wrecking Ball 03:10 2 George Marinelli Dandelion 04:08 3 George Marinelli Oh No, Not Love Again 04:40 4 George Marinelli Hearts Don't Break 05:11 5 George Marinelli A Lover's Question 03:34 6 George Marinelli I Ain't Done Yet 04:52 7 George Marinelli Baby You're A Rich Man 04:00 8 George Marinelli Soul Flame 04:57 9 George Marinelli Twisted Tango 02:47 10 George Marinelli Good Night New York 02:54
George Maurer View in Albunack A New Tradition Christmas 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Maurer O Come, O Come, Emmanuel 06:16 2 George Maurer Joseph And Mary 03:13 3 George Maurer Good King Wenceslaus 04:40 4 George Maurer I Saw Three Ships 04:39 5 George Maurer Coventry Carol 04:09 6 George Maurer In Dulci Jubilo 04:53 7 George Maurer Tomorrow Shall Be My Dancing Day 05:41 8 George Maurer Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence 03:13 9 George Maurer Bring A Torch, Jeanette Isabella 06:38 10 George Maurer In The Bleak Midwinter 04:44
George Maurer View in Albunack Christmas in the Pines 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Maurer Here We Come a Caroling 04:34 2 George Maurer Alma Redemptoris Mater 06:03 3 George Maurer Silent Night 06:44 4 George Maurer Angels We Have Heard on High 05:53 5 George Maurer I Wonder as I Wander 08:16 6 George Maurer Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring 06:32 7 George Maurer Oh, Little Town of Bethlehem 05:39 8 George Maurer Go Tell It On the Mountain 04:57
George McAnthony View in Albunack Country & Western Collection 17 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George McAnthony Horseman 03:51 2 George McAnthony MEXICO MEDLEY: Mexico / Pay Me My Money Down 04:52 3 George McAnthony Bridge To Eldorado 03:16 4 George McAnthony Italian Line Dance Crowd 03:09 5 George McAnthony They Call Me Trinity 03:12 6 George McAnthony Trapper Jacket Joe's Family 03:11 7 George McAnthony Some Never Will 03:57 8 George McAnthony The Eyes Of The Ranger 02:48 9 George McAnthony Danny Boy 03:21 10 George McAnthony Folsom Prison Blues 02:53 11 George McAnthony You've Got A Friend 03:56 12 George McAnthony WESTERN MEDLEY: Wandering Star / My Rifle, My Pony, And Me / Song Sung Blue 06:41 13 George McAnthony Rambling Cowgirl 03:49 14 George McAnthony GHOST RIDERS MEDLEY: What Shall We Do With The Drunken Sailor / Ghost Riders In The Sky / Rawhide 05:10 15 George McAnthony Father And Son 03:38 16 George McAnthony MOUNTAIN MUSIC MEDLEY: Thank God I'm A Country Boy / Mountain Music / She'll Be Coming Round The 05:56 17 George McAnthony The Gypsy & The King 03:22
George McAnthony View in Albunack Live...on the road 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George McAnthony Medley 1 06:20 2 George McAnthony Live...on the road 03:19 3 George McAnthony Hey jack 03:27 4 George McAnthony House of the rising sun 04:35 5 George McAnthony Medley 2 06:55 6 George McAnthony Knockin' on heaven's door 03:52 7 George McAnthony Medley 3 05:11 8 George McAnthony Desperado 04:05 9 George McAnthony Help me make it througt the night 03:16 10 George McAnthony Medley 4 08:17
George McPhee View in Albunack The French Connection 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George McPhee March on a Theme of Handel 06:06 2 George McPhee Cantabile 05:14 3 George McPhee Grand Choeur 06:32 4 George McPhee Variations on a theme of Clement Jannequin 05:34 5 George McPhee Litanies 04:49 6 George McPhee Fugue sur le Carillon de la Cathedrale de Soissant 03:34 7 George McPhee Improvisation on the Te Deum 06:36 8 George McPhee Noel Landais 02:37 9 George McPhee Fantaisie in E flat 05:02 10 George McPhee Pieces de Fantaisie: I Impromptu Op. 54 03:08 11 George McPhee Pieces de Fantaisie: II Claie de Lune Op. 53 07:35 12 George McPhee Pieces de Fantaisie: III Carillon de Westminster Op. 54 06:48
George Melachrino View in Albunack Christmas Joy 16 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Melachrino Winter Wonderlnad 02:49 3 George Melachrino I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus 02:15 Has Mbid 5 George Melachrino & His Orchestra Sleigh Ride 03:10 8 George Melachrino & His Orchestra Hark! The Herald Angels Sing 02:33 10 George Melachrino The First Noel 03:03 11 George Melachrino White Christmas 03:34 12 George Melachrino Good King Wenceslas 02:52 13 George Melachrino & His Orchestra Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer 01:32 15 George Melachrino & His Orchestra Christmas Alphabet 02:07 16 George Melachrino Joy To the World 03:45
George Mraz Trio View in Albunack Catching Up 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Mraz Trio Beautiful Love (Victor Young) 05:25 2 George Mraz Trio Wisteria (George Mraz) 10:25 3 George Mraz Trio Solar (Miles Davis) 06:09 4 George Mraz Trio Young And Foolish (Albert Hague, Arnold B. Horwitt) 08:48 5 George Mraz Trio Rectilinear (Richie Beirach) 07:29 6 George Mraz Trio For B. C. (George Mraz) 09:46 7 George Mraz Trio Nardis (Miles Davis) 09:19 8 George Mraz Trio Unnamed Ballad (George Mraz) 05:37
George Mraz Trio View in Albunack My Foolish Heart 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Mraz Trio Alice In Wonderland 05:46 2 George Mraz Trio Sunday's Song 06:31 3 George Mraz Trio Picturesque 05:36 4 George Mraz Trio Passion Flower 06:14 5 George Mraz Trio Icicles 06:00 6 George Mraz Trio Ask Me Now 06:30 7 George Mraz Trio Blue In Green 07:01 8 George Mraz Trio Robo Bop 04:27 9 George Mraz Trio My Foolish Heart 09:55 10 George Mraz Trio Haunted Heart 06:21
George Nascimento View in Albunack A Peacful Soak 13 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Nascimento Alone at Last 04:39 2 George Nascimento Bathed in Warmth 04:25 3 George Nascimento In the Streaming Sunlight 05:28 4 George Nascimento Soothing Waters 04:26 5 George Nascimento If Time Stood Still 04:01 6 George Nascimento Behind Closed Eyes 05:13 7 George Nascimento The First Scent of Spring 05:41 8 George Nascimento Quiet Comtemplation 05:36 9 George Nascimento The Simplest of Pleasures 03:58 10 George Nascimento Glowing 05:07 11 George Nascimento A Sense of Freedom 04:56 12 George Nascimento Appreciation 04:14 13 George Nascimento A Peacefule Soak 04:53
George Nascimento View in Albunack Gershwin Solo Piano 14 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Nascimento Let's Call The Whole Thing Off 03:56 2 George Nascimento Love Is Here To Stay 03:39 3 George Nascimento Someone To Watch Over Me 04:25 4 George Nascimento Summertime 04:52 5 George Nascimento 'S Wonderful 04:09 6 George Nascimento They Can't Take That Away From Me 03:45 7 George Nascimento Love Walked In 03:53 8 George Nascimento A Foggy Day 03:56 9 George Nascimento Embraceable You 04:36 10 George Nascimento I Got Rhythm 03:45 11 George Nascimento Nice Work If You Can Get It 03:00 12 George Nascimento They All Laughed 03:58 13 George Nascimento The Man I Love 04:42 14 George Nascimento Lady Be Good 03:31
George Nascimento View in Albunack When I'm With You 14 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Nascimento When I'm With You 04:22 2 George Nascimento We've Got Tonight 04:06 3 George Nascimento Don't Know much 03:44 4 George Nascimento Hello 04:08 5 George Nascimento I'll Never Love This Way Again 03:35 6 George Nascimento Love Theme from St. Elmo's Fire 03:10 7 George Nascimento Heaven 05:01 8 George Nascimento Babe 04:44 9 George Nascimento Tonight I Celebrate My Love 03:34 10 George Nascimento All Out of Love 04:04 11 George Nascimento Can't We Try 03:53 12 George Nascimento After All 03:57 13 George Nascimento When I See You Smile 04:50 14 George Nascimento Three Times a Lady 03:13
Search George Raphael Reiki 2 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Raphael Sky Spirit 07:23 2 George Raphael The Seventh Crystal 11:28 3 George Raphael Nightingale 10:06 4 George Raphael Timeless 10:34 5 George Raphael Celestial Hands 11:06 6 George Raphael Eternal Love 09:03 7 George Raphael Attunment 14:13
George Robert Jazztet View in Albunack Remember The Sound 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Robert Jazztet Burn 08:47 2 George Robert Jazztet Silver Spheres 07:29 3 George Robert Jazztet In Step, Out Ahead 09:25 4 George Robert Jazztet Bumps 05:48 5 George Robert Jazztet Into Thy Hands 07:53 6 George Robert Jazztet Hudson Funkshon 08:10 7 George Robert Jazztet Remember The Sound 06:45
George Robert-Tom Harrell Quintet View in Albunack Lonely Eyes 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Robert-Tom Harrell Quintet The Long Trail 05:54 2 George Robert-Tom Harrell Quintet Quest for Peace 08:26 3 George Robert-Tom Harrell Quintet Visions of Gaudi 06:19 4 George Robert-Tom Harrell Quintet Lonely Eyes 07:58 5 George Robert-Tom Harrell Quintet Sensual Winds 07:01 6 George Robert-Tom Harrell Quintet One for Thad 04:07 7 George Robert-Tom Harrell Quintet Opaling 05:56 8 George Robert-Tom Harrell Quintet Coral Sea 05:58 9 George Robert-Tom Harrell Quintet Adrienne 06:35
Search George Saunders Lincoln in the Bardo 4- 17 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Saunders Book 2, Chapter 60 03:00 2 George Saunders Book 2, Chapter 61, Part 1 00:00 3 George Saunders Book 2, Chapter 61, Part 2 05:58 4 George Saunders Book 2, Chapter 61, Part 3 06:46 5 George Saunders Book 2, Chapter 62 08:00 6 George Saunders Book 2, Chapter 63 03:06 7 George Saunders Book 2, Chapter 64 00:44 8 George Saunders Book 2, Chapter 65, Part 1 04:59 9 George Saunders Book 2, Chapter 65, Part 2 05:33 10 George Saunders Book 2, Chapter 66, Part 1 06:13 11 George Saunders Book 2, Chapter 66, Part 2 04:22 12 George Saunders Book 2, Chapter 66, Part 3 05:45 13 George Saunders Book 2, Chapter 67 00:37 14 George Saunders Book 2, Chapter 68 04:26 15 George Saunders Book 2, Chapter 69 01:18 16 George Saunders Book 2, Chapter 70 06:10 17 George Saunders Book 2, Chapter 71 00:48
Search George Saunders Lincoln in the Bardo 5- 22 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Saunders Book 2, Chapter 72 04:49 2 George Saunders Book 2, Chapter 73 03:41 3 George Saunders Book 2, Chapter 74, Part 1 06:06 4 George Saunders Book 2, Chapter 74, Part 2 04:59 5 George Saunders Book 2, Chapter 75 00:33 6 George Saunders Book 2, Chapter 76 00:25 7 George Saunders Book 2, Chapter 77, Part 1 05:42 8 George Saunders Book 2, Chapter 77, Part 2 05:38 9 George Saunders Book 2, Chapter 78 03:47 10 George Saunders Book 2, Chapter 79 01:29 11 George Saunders Book 2, Chapter 80 00:52 12 George Saunders Book 2, Chapter 81, Part 1 07:06 13 George Saunders Book 2, Chapter 81, Part 2 03:26 14 George Saunders Book 2, Chapter 82 05:54 15 George Saunders Book 2, Chapter 83 00:56 16 George Saunders Book 2, Chapter 84 01:17 17 George Saunders Book 2, Chapter 85 02:40 18 George Saunders Book 2, Chapter 86 04:23 19 George Saunders Book 2, Chapter 87 00:40 20 George Saunders Book 2, Chapter 88 04:20 21 George Saunders Book 2, Chapter 89 00:23 22 George Saunders Book 2, Chapter 90 05:50
Search George Saunders Lincoln in the Bardo 6- 21 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Saunders Book 2, Chapter 91 06:26 2 George Saunders Book 2, Chapter 92 02:13 3 George Saunders Book 2, Chapter 93 00:36 4 George Saunders Book 2, Chapter 94, Part 1 03:58 5 George Saunders Book 2, Chapter 94, Part 2 05:03 6 George Saunders Book 2, Chapter 95 02:34 7 George Saunders Book 2, Chapter 96 04:33 8 George Saunders Book 2, Chapter 97 03:21 9 George Saunders Book 2, Chapter 98 02:01 10 George Saunders Book 2, Chapter 99 01:36 11 George Saunders Book 2, Chapter 100 04:20 12 George Saunders Book 2, Chapter 101 04:18 13 George Saunders Book 2, Chapter 102 08:02 14 George Saunders Book 2, Chapter 103, Part 1 05:13 15 George Saunders Book 2, Chapter 103, Part 2 03:52 16 George Saunders Book 2, Chapter 104 01:20 17 George Saunders Book 2, Chapter 105 02:13 18 George Saunders Book 2, Chapter 106 02:00 19 George Saunders Book 2, Chapter 107 01:45 20 George Saunders Book 2, Chapter 108 02:27 21 George Saunders End Credits 09:19
Search George Saunders Lincoln in the Bardo D2 18 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Saunders Book 1, Chapter 20 02:53 2 George Saunders Book 1, Chapter 21 04:05 3 George Saunders Book 1, Chapter 22 00:34 4 George Saunders Book 1, Chapter 23 02:23 5 George Saunders Book 1, Chapter 24 03:47 6 George Saunders Book 1, Chapter 25 02:35 7 George Saunders Book 1, Chapter 26 01:13 8 George Saunders Book 1, Chapter 27, Part 1 09:03 9 George Saunders Book 1, Chapter 27, Part 2 05:41 10 George Saunders Book 1, Chapter 27, Part 3 05:15 11 George Saunders Book 1, Chapter 28 02:37 12 George Saunders Book 1, Chapter 29, Part 1 08:53 13 George Saunders Book 1, Chapter 29, Part 2 08:47 14 George Saunders Book 1, Chapter 30 02:30 15 George Saunders Book 1, Chapter 31 05:23 16 George Saunders Book 1, Chapter 32 02:45 17 George Saunders Book 1, Chapter 33 03:05 18 George Saunders Book 1, Chapter 34 00:53
George Tossikian View in Albunack MOSAIC Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors 20 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Tossikian Variations on an Anatolian Folksong, Op.15 09:05 2 George Tossikian Three Armenian Dances: Zankezouri 03:59 3 George Tossikian Three Armenian Dances: Ossana 04:17 4 George Tossikian Three Armenian Dances: Noubar Noubar 04:39 5 George Tossikian Ten Tales of the Orient - Mantinada: Lento - Allegro 04:13 6 George Tossikian Six Balkan Miniatures: Jutarnje Kolo (Morning Dance) 01:25 7 George Tossikian Six Balkan Miniatures: Zalopojka 01:37 8 George Tossikian Six Balkan Miniatures: Vranjanka 01:41 9 George Tossikian Six Balkan Miniatures: Makedonsko Kolo 00:40 10 George Tossikian Six Balkan Miniatures: Siroko 01:49 11 George Tossikian Six Balkan Miniatures: Sitni Vez 01:33 12 George Tossikian Kol Nidrei (after a Jewish prayer) 05:17 13 George Tossikian Four Popular Persian Ballads: Gol-E-Gandome 02:54 14 George Tossikian Four Popular Persian Ballads: Dareneh Jaan/Ariz Joon 03:17 15 George Tossikian Four Popular Persian Ballads: Leila-Leila 02:29 16 George Tossikian Four Popular Persian Ballads: Jaan-E-Maryam 05:24 17 George Tossikian Koyunbaba, Suite for Guitar, Op.19: Moderato 04:27 18 George Tossikian Koyunbaba, Suite for Guitar, Op. 19: Mosso 01:33 19 George Tossikian Koyunbaba, Suite for Guitar, Op. 19: Cantabile 03:58 20 George Tossikian Koyunbaba, Suite for Guitar, Op. 19: Presto 04:14
George Tossikian View in Albunack Mosaic: Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors 20 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Tossikian Variations on an Anatolian Folksong, Op.15 09:05 2 George Tossikian Three Armenian Dances: Zankezouri 03:59 3 George Tossikian Three Armenian Dances: Ossana 04:17 4 George Tossikian Three Armenian Dances: Noubar Noubar 04:39 5 George Tossikian Ten Tales of the Orient: Lento - Allegro 04:13 6 George Tossikian Six Balkan Miniatures: Jutarnje Kolo (Morning Dance) 01:25 7 George Tossikian Six Balkan Miniatures: Zalopojka 01:37 8 George Tossikian Six Balkan Miniatures: Vranjanka 01:41 9 George Tossikian Six Balkan Miniatures: Makedonsko Kolo 00:40 10 George Tossikian Six Balkan Miniatures: Siroko 01:49 11 George Tossikian Six Balkan Miniatures: Sitni Vez 01:33 12 George Tossikian Kol Nidrei (after a Jewish prayer) 05:17 13 George Tossikian Four Popular Persian Ballads: Gol-E-Gandome 02:54 14 George Tossikian Four Popular Persian Ballads: Dareneh Jaan/Ariz Joon 03:17 15 George Tossikian Four Popular Persian Ballads: Leila-Leila 02:29 16 George Tossikian Four Popular Persian Ballads: Jaan-E-Maryam 05:24 17 George Tossikian Koyunbaba, Suite for Guitar, Op.19: Moderato 04:27 18 George Tossikian Koyunbaba, Suite for Guitar, Op.19: Mosso 01:33 19 George Tossikian Koyunbaba, Suite for Guitar, Op.19: Cantabile 03:58 20 George Tossikian Koyunbaba, Suite for Guitar, Op.19: Presto 04:14
Georges Athanasiadès View in Albunack an der Orgel im Hohen Dom zu Passau 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georges Athanasiadès Dietrich Buxtehude: Präludium und Fuge fis-moll Bx 146 H 2,13 07:50 2 Georges Athanasiadès Johann Sebastian Bach: Passacaglia und Fuge c-moll BWV 582 14:00 3 Georges Athanasiadès Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: Fantasie Nr. 1 f-moll KV 594 Adagio und Allegro für eine Orgelwalze 08:30 4 Georges Athanasiadès Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: Fantasie Nr. 2 f-moll KV 608 Allegro-Andantw-Allegro für eine Uhr 11:55 5 Georges Athanasiadès César Franck: Choral Nr. 3 a-moll 12:25 6 Georges Athanasiadès Georges Athanasiadès: Suite pour un grand orgue 12:01
Georges Delvallée View in Albunack L'Oeuvre pour Orgue 16 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georges Delvallée Six Etudes en Forme de Canon, Opus 56: Non troppo vivace 02:04 2 Georges Delvallée Six Etudes en Forme de Canon, Opus 56: Con intimo espressione 04:17 3 Georges Delvallée Six Etudes en Forme de Canon, Opus 56: Andantino, poco più mosso 02:03 4 Georges Delvallée Six Etudes en Forme de Canon, Opus 56: Con intimo sentimento 03:59 5 Georges Delvallée Six Etudes en Forme de Canon, Opus 56: Non troppo vivace 02:42 6 Georges Delvallée Six Etudes en Forme de Canon, Opus 56: Adagio 04:46 7 Georges Delvallée Quatre Esquisses, Opus 58: Non presto, ed assai marcato 03:43 8 Georges Delvallée Quatre Esquisses, Opus 58: Non presto, ed assai marcato 03:51 9 Georges Delvallée Quatre Esquisses, Opus 58: Vivo 04:28 10 Georges Delvallée Quatre Esquisses, Opus 58: Allegretto 01:57 11 Georges Delvallée Six Fugues sur B.A.C.H., Opus 60: Lento 06:12 12 Georges Delvallée Six Fugues sur B.A.C.H., Opus 60: Vivace 05:36 13 Georges Delvallée Six Fugues sur B.A.C.H., Opus 60: Andante 04:39 14 Georges Delvallée Six Fugues sur B.A.C.H., Opus 60: Moderato, ma non troppo lento 06:40 15 Georges Delvallée Six Fugues sur B.A.C.H., Opus 60: Vivace 02:26 16 Georges Delvallée Six Fugues sur B.A.C.H., Opus 60: Moderato, poco a poco più vivace 10:33
Georges Delvallée View in Albunack Sept Chorals-Poèmes d'orgue pour les Sept Paroles du Christ 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georges Delvallée Choral n°1. Pater, Dimite Illis, Nesciunt Enim Quid Faciunt 11:40 2 Georges Delvallée Choral n°2. Hodie, Mecum Eris In Paradiso 08:56 3 Georges Delvallée Choral n°3. Mulier, Ecce Filius Tuus 08:16 4 Georges Delvallée Choral n°4. Eli, Eli, Lamma Sabacthani 08:59 5 Georges Delvallée Choral n°5. Sitio 07:28 6 Georges Delvallée Choral n°6. Pater, In Manus Tuas Commendo Spiritum Meum 07:10 7 Georges Delvallée Choral n°7. Consummatum Est 05:55
Georges Granier View in Albunack Le Grand Chemin (1989) 20 1 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 Georges Granier Louis Et Martine 02:35 2 Georges Granier Générique Début 01:37 3 Georges Granier Reprise 00:38 4 Georges Granier Sur La Route Du Village 01:33 5 Georges Granier L'observatoire Secret 01:24 6 Georges Granier Maman S'en Va 00:35 7 Georges Granier Louis Parle Aux Lapins 01:09 8 Georges Granier Louis Et Pelo 01:32 9 Georges Granier Fureur De Louis 01:37 10 Georges Granier Marcelle Et Louis 01:11 11 Georges Granier Louis Et Pelo Apre Le Diner 01:15 12 Georges Granier Marcelle Au Cimetiere 00:31 13 Georges Granier Le Départ À La Pêche 01:10 14 Georges Granier Pelo Et Louis En Barque 00:50 15 Georges Granier L'ascension Du Clocher 01:58 16 Georges Granier Sur Le Toit De L'église 00:59 17 Georges Granier Louis Et Son Lapin 00:30 18 Georges Granier Martine Et Louis 00:52 19 Georges Granier Tristesse De Pelo 01:28 20 Georges Granier Tristesse De Martine - Générique Fin 03:30
Georges Rabol View in Albunack CHABRIER: Piano Works Vol. 2 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georges Rabol Marche des Ciipayes 07:11 2 Georges Rabol Julia, Nalse, Op. 1 12:04 3 Georges Rabol Impromptu in C Major 07:39 4 Georges Rabol Aubade 04:39 5 Georges Rabol Ponde champetre 04:03 6 Georges Rabol Capriccio 12:08 7 Georges Rabol Souvenir de Brunehaut, Valse 12:57
Georges Rabol View in Albunack Chabrier - Piano Works Vol. 1 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georges Rabol Bourrée fantasque 05:50 2 Georges Rabol Feuillet d'album 01:42 3 Georges Rabol Ballabile 01:25 4 Georges Rabol Caprice 02:41 5 Georges Rabol Petite valse 01:15 6 Georges Rabol Habanera 03:36
Georges Rabol View in Albunack Chabrier - Piano Works Vol. 2 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georges Rabol Marche Des Cipayes 07:11 2 Georges Rabol Julia, Valse, Op. 1 12:04 3 Georges Rabol Impromptu In C Major 07:39 4 Georges Rabol Aubade 04:39 5 Georges Rabol Ronde Champêtre 04:03 6 Georges Rabol Capriccio 12:08 7 Georges Rabol Souvenir De Brunehaut, Valse 12:57
Georges Rabol View in Albunack Classics Of The Americas vol.1 17 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georges Rabol Ignatio Cervantes (1847-1905) - Suite de danses et portraits - 1. Mensaje. Duchas frias [Die Botschaft. Die kalte Dusche] 02:34 2 Georges Rabol Ignatio Cervantes (1847-1905) - Suite de danses et portraits - 2. Adiós a Cuba 02:04 3 Georges Rabol Ignatio Cervantes (1847-1905) - Suite de danses et portraits - 3. Almendares Se fue y no vuelve mas [Abschied ohne Wiederkehr] 03:08 4 Georges Rabol Ignatio Cervantes (1847-1905) - Suite de danses et portraits - 4. Decision. 'Pst'. La Cortesana [Die Entscheidung. Leise. Die Kurtisane] 05:14 5 Georges Rabol Ignatio Cervantes (1847-1905) - Suite de danses et portraits - 5. Tiene que ser. Illusiones perdidas [Es muss sein. Verlorene Illusionen] 02:25 6 Georges Rabol Georges Rabol - Homenaje [Hommage an Cervantes] 03:50 7 Georges Rabol Ignatio Cervantes (1847-1905) - Serenade cubaine 04:37 8 Georges Rabol Manuel Saumell (1817-70) - Quartre contredanses - 1. La Tedezco [Die Deutsche] 01:51 9 Georges Rabol Manuel Saumell (1817-70) - Quartre contredanses - 2. La Nina bonita [Das hübsche Mädchen] 01:35 10 Georges Rabol Manuel Saumell (1817-70) - Quartre contredanses - 3. Recuerdos tristes [Traurige Erinnerungen] 01:17 11 Georges Rabol Manuel Saumell (1817-70) - Quartre contredanses - 4. La Matilde 01:37 12 Georges Rabol Louis-Moreau Gottschalk (1829-69) - Le Bananier [Der Bananenpflücker] 02:43 13 Georges Rabol Louis-Moreau Gottschalk (1829-69) - Les Yeux créoles [Kreolische Augen] 02:28 14 Georges Rabol Louis-Moreau Gottschalk (1829-69) - Bamboula [Tanz der Schwarzen] 08:00 15 Georges Rabol Louis-Moreau Gottschalk (1829-69) - Pasquinade [Capriccio] 03:38 16 Georges Rabol Louis-Moreau Gottschalk (1829-69) - La Savane [Die Savanne] 07:11 17 Georges Rabol Louis-Moreau Gottschalk (1829-69) - Souvenirs de Porto-Rico 05:46
Georges Rabol View in Albunack L. M. Gottschalk Piano Works 14 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georges Rabol La Manchenga 03:49 2 Georges Rabol La Gitanilla 03:02 3 Georges Rabol Souvenier de la Havana 07:28 4 Georges Rabol Mazurka 01:57 5 Georges Rabol Minuit a eville 05:18 6 Georges Rabol O Ma Charmante! 02:34 7 Georges Rabol El Cocoye 06:43 8 Georges Rabol Danse ossianique 03:30 9 Georges Rabol Banjo NNo.2 04:44 10 Georges Rabol La Mancenillier 05:46 11 Georges Rabol Suis-moi 03:04 12 Georges Rabol Grand Scherzo 05:54 13 Georges Rabol Beceuse 05:11 14 Georges Rabol Apotheoso 10:20
Georges Rabol View in Albunack Louis Moreau Gottschalk performed by Georges Rabol - Classics of the Americas, Vol. 4. North America 14 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georges Rabol La Manchenga 03:49 2 Georges Rabol La Gitanilla 03:02 3 Georges Rabol Souvenier de la Havana 07:28 4 Georges Rabol Mazurka 01:57 5 Georges Rabol Minuit à Seville 05:18 6 Georges Rabol O ma Charmante, épargnez moi! 02:34 7 Georges Rabol El Cocoye 06:43 8 Georges Rabol Danse Ossianique 03:30 9 Georges Rabol Le deuxième Banjo 04:44 10 Georges Rabol La Mancenillier 05:46 11 Georges Rabol Suismoi 03:04 12 Georges Rabol Grand Scherzo 05:54 13 Georges Rabol Berceuse 05:11 14 Georges Rabol Apothéose 10:20
Georges Rabol View in Albunack Piano Works 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georges Rabol Marche des Cipayes (Le Scalp) 07:11 2 Georges Rabol Grande valse Julia, op. 1 12:04 3 Georges Rabol Impromptu en ut majeur - Allegretto scherzando 07:39 4 Georges Rabol 5 pièces pour piano - 1. Aubade 04:39 5 Georges Rabol 5 pièces pour piano - 5. Ronde champêtre 04:03 6 Georges Rabol Capriccio 12:08 7 Georges Rabol Grande Valse Souvenir de Brunehaut 12:57
Georgette Dee View in Albunack Das Beste vom neuen Chanson 16 3 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georgette Dee Phillip - Georgette Dee & Terry Truck 04:00 2 Georgette Dee Krank vor Liebe - Die Popette Betancor 02:21 3 Georgette Dee Chemin de papier - Mouron 04:45 4 Georgette Dee Tabou - Cora Frost 03:22 5 Georgette Dee Du, nur Du - Georgette Dee & Terry Truck 06:10 6 Georgette Dee Halluzinationen - Die Popette Betancor 03:31 7 Georgette Dee Picture this - Terry Truck 04:35 Has Mbid 8 Georgette Dee Dicke Marie - Cora Frost 04:23 9 Georgette Dee Kunststueck - Desiree Nick 03:11 10 Georgette Dee Le coer gros comme un Tango - Mouron 03:32 Has Mbid 11 Georgette Dee Prinzen & Engel - Georgette Dee & Terry Truck 04:58 12 Georgette Dee Goodbye Mama - Cora Frost 03:49 13 Georgette Dee Alles vergeben - Die Popette Betancor 03:50 14 Georgette Dee Der Traum vom Fliegen - Georgette Dee & Terry Truck 04:18 Has Mbid 15 Georgette Dee Oh, wehe Schneewehe - Cora Frost 04:12 16 Georgette Dee Fuer Dich - Georgette Dee & Terry Truck 04:58
Georgette Dee View in Albunack Kupfermond 18 3 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georgette Dee Too Much Blinding Light 05:05 2 Georgette Dee Immer Wieder Sprachlos 00:00 5 Georgette Dee Gras und Hüpfer 00:00 Has Mbid 8 Georgette Dee An Land 02:52 9 Georgette Dee Frühlingsrausch 03:19 12 Georgette Dee A Woman Left Lonely 03:33 13 Georgette Dee Lügenlied 03:23 15 Georgette Dee Harlem Nocturne 04:09 18 Georgette Dee Schlaf Mein Kind 04:32
Georgette Dee View in Albunack Myschtisch Klaschisch Muschjisch 14 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georgette Dee Ich brauch Zigaretten 03:39 2 Georgette Dee Voegelein Schwermut 02:31 Has Mbid 3 Georgette Dee Wer wird denn weinen 04:21 4 Georgette Dee Nanas Lied 04:18 5 Georgette Dee Grinzig 04:09 6 Georgette Dee Complainte de la Seine 04:25 7 Georgette Dee Robert 02:29 8 Georgette Dee Ausgetraeumt 06:46 9 Georgette Dee Vermisse dich 05:50 10 Georgette Dee Nun hast Du mir/Wenn ich in deine Augen seh 03:40 11 Georgette Dee Wenn die Sonne 05:47 12 Georgette Dee Take me in your arms 03:37 13 Georgette Dee Everytime we say good bye 03:32 14 Georgette Dee Sorry 04:22
Georgette Dee View in Albunack Voice & Bass 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georgette Dee Ich Bin Zu Müde Um Schlafen Zu Gehen 03:40 2 Georgette Dee Das Kleine Hotel 02:31 3 Georgette Dee Another Spring, Another Love 02:35 4 Georgette Dee Geh´ Schlafen 04:34 5 Georgette Dee Autumn Leaves 02:58 6 Georgette Dee Die Frau In Schwarz 03:53 7 Georgette Dee Hallo Dunkelheit 03:34 8 Georgette Dee The Lady Is A Tramp 02:45 9 Georgette Dee Zerbroch´ne Fahrräder 03:34 10 Georgette Dee Strange Weather 03:31 11 Georgette Dee Ich Werd Verrückt 03:36 12 Georgette Dee Dream A Little Dream 03:47
Georgia Byng View in Albunack 1 Molly Moon 17 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georgia Byng Unknown Title 00:21 2 Georgia Byng Unknown Title 03:51 3 Georgia Byng Unknown Title 03:57 4 Georgia Byng Unknown Title 03:13 5 Georgia Byng Unknown Title 04:48 6 Georgia Byng Unknown Title 04:32 7 Georgia Byng Unknown Title 03:43 8 Georgia Byng Unknown Title 05:59 9 Georgia Byng Unknown Title 04:19 10 Georgia Byng Unknown Title 05:57 11 Georgia Byng Unknown Title 03:36 12 Georgia Byng Unknown Title 03:26 13 Georgia Byng Unknown Title 05:14 14 Georgia Byng Unknown Title 05:28 15 Georgia Byng Unknown Title 03:21 16 Georgia Byng Unknown Title 03:12 17 Georgia Byng Unknown Title 04:40
Georgia Byng View in Albunack 1 Molly Moon 16 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georgia Byng 32 05:06 2 Georgia Byng 33 06:05 3 Georgia Byng 34 04:33 4 Georgia Byng 21 04:48 5 Georgia Byng 22 05:19 6 Georgia Byng 37 03:38 7 Georgia Byng 38 03:51 8 Georgia Byng 25 06:10 9 Georgia Byng 26 05:18 10 Georgia Byng 27 03:21 11 Georgia Byng 42 03:54 12 Georgia Byng 29 04:00 13 Georgia Byng 30 05:50 14 Georgia Byng 31 06:55 15 Georgia Byng 46 05:55 16 Georgia Byng 47 04:44
Georgia Byng View in Albunack 2 Molly Moon und das Auge der Zeit 17 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georgia Byng 34 Molly Moon 05:44 2 Georgia Byng 35 Molly Moon 03:39 3 Georgia Byng 21 Molly Moon 03:13 4 Georgia Byng 22 Molly Moon 04:22 5 Georgia Byng 23 Molly Moon 04:25 6 Georgia Byng 39 Molly Moon 05:17 7 Georgia Byng 25 Molly Moon 05:32 8 Georgia Byng 41 Molly Moon 04:03 9 Georgia Byng 42 Molly Moon 05:23 10 Georgia Byng 43 Molly Moon 03:00 11 Georgia Byng 44 Molly Moon 04:13 12 Georgia Byng 30 Molly Moon 04:06 13 Georgia Byng 46 Molly Moon 02:59 14 Georgia Byng 32 Molly Moon 06:56 15 Georgia Byng 33 Molly Moon 06:31 16 Georgia Byng 49 Molly Moon 05:58 17 Georgia Byng 50 Molly Moon 04:04
Georgia Guitar Quartet View in Albunack Georgia Guitar Quartet 18 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georgia Guitar Quartet Concerto in D Major - Adagio 00:18 2 Georgia Guitar Quartet Concerto in D Major - Allegro 02:24 3 Georgia Guitar Quartet Concerto in D Major - Grave 01:18 4 Georgia Guitar Quartet Concerto in D Major - Allegro 01:39 5 Georgia Guitar Quartet Pacific Coast Highway 05:42 6 Georgia Guitar Quartet Four Dances Of The Late Renaissance - Galliarde 2 01:15 7 Georgia Guitar Quartet Four Dances Of The Late Renaissance - Galliarde 3 00:00 8 Georgia Guitar Quartet Four Dances Of The Late Renaissance - Pavane de Spaigne 01:40 9 Georgia Guitar Quartet Four Dances Of The Late Renaissance - Bransle Double 00:40 10 Georgia Guitar Quartet Dos Piezas Caballerescas - Madrigal 01:53 11 Georgia Guitar Quartet Dos Piezas Caballerescas - Danza de Cortesia 02:02 12 Georgia Guitar Quartet Pavane 05:55 13 Georgia Guitar Quartet Cat's Fugue 03:34 14 Georgia Guitar Quartet Changing The Guard 06:15 15 Georgia Guitar Quartet Introduction and Fandango - Introduction 01:37 16 Georgia Guitar Quartet Introduction and Fandango - Fandango 04:47 17 Georgia Guitar Quartet Diptych Number 1 - Aria 04:17 18 Georgia Guitar Quartet Diptych Number 1 - Toccata 09:18
Search Georgia Lee Georgia Lee Sings the Blues Down Under 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georgia Lee Beale Street Blues 02:56 2 Georgia Lee Pete Kelly's Blues 03:07 3 Georgia Lee Nobody Knows You When You're Down and Out 03:00 4 Georgia Lee Careless Love 02:00 5 Georgia Lee Yarra River Blues 02:52 6 Georgia Lee Basin Street Blues 03:00 7 Georgia Lee Born to Be Blue 04:09 8 Georgia Lee Blues In the Night 02:48 9 Georgia Lee Nobody Knows the Trouble I've Seen 04:03 10 Georgia Lee Down Under Blues 03:09 11 Georgia Lee St. Louis Blues 04:24
Search Georgia Lee Sings The Blues Down Under (2009 Remaster) 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georgia Lee Beale Street Blues 02:56 2 Georgia Lee Pete Kelly's Blues 03:07 3 Georgia Lee Nobody Knows You When You're Down And Out 03:00 4 Georgia Lee Careless Love 02:00 5 Georgia Lee Yarra River Blues 02:52 6 Georgia Lee Basin St. Blues 03:00 7 Georgia Lee Born To Be Blue 04:09 8 Georgia Lee Blues In The Night 02:48 9 Georgia Lee Nobody Knows The Trouble I've Seen 04:03 10 Georgia Lee Down Under Blues 03:09 11 Georgia Lee St. Louis Blues 04:24
Georgia Melodians View in Albunack 1924-1926 20 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georgia Melodians Why Did You Do It? 03:29 2 Georgia Melodians I Can't Get the One I Want 03:42 3 Georgia Melodians Red Hot Mamma 03:46 4 Georgia Melodians Charley, My Boy 03:43 5 Georgia Melodians San 03:52 6 Georgia Melodians Everybody Loves My Baby 03:53 7 Georgia Melodians Doo Wac A Doo (A 'Wow-Wow') 03:28 8 Georgia Melodians I'm Satisfied (Beside That Sweetie o' Mine) 03:39 9 Georgia Melodians I'm Bound for Tennessee 03:40 10 Georgia Melodians My Mammy's Blues 03:29 11 Georgia Melodians Give Us the Charleston 03:39 12 Georgia Melodians Yes Sir, That's My Baby 04:14 13 Georgia Melodians She's Drivin' Me Wild 04:20 14 Georgia Melodians Red Hot Henry Brown 04:19 15 Georgia Melodians Spanish Shawl 03:36 16 Georgia Melodians Charleston Ball 03:38 17 Georgia Melodians I've Found a New Baby 03:52 18 Georgia Melodians Hangin' Around 03:42 19 Georgia Melodians Rhythm of the Day 03:58 20 Georgia Melodians Ev'rybody's Charleston Crazy 04:05
Georgia Melodians View in Albunack 8Oth Birthday Album: 11 Dec 2004 10 0 1924 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georgia Melodians Charley, My Boy 03:43 2 Georgia Melodians Doo Wac a Doo (a 'wow-Wow') 03:28 3 Georgia Melodians Everybody Loves My Baby 03:53 4 Georgia Melodians I Can't Get the One I Want 03:42 5 Georgia Melodians I'm Bound For Tennessee 03:40 6 Georgia Melodians I'm Satisfied (Beside That Sweetie O' Mine) 03:40 7 Georgia Melodians My Mammy's Blues 03:30 8 Georgia Melodians Red Hot Mamma 03:44 9 Georgia Melodians San 03:52 10 Georgia Melodians Why Did You Do it 03:29
Georgia Middleman View in Albunack Endless Possibiities 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georgia Middleman No Place Like Home 03:38 2 Georgia Middleman Someone Who Loves You 03:26 3 Georgia Middleman Fallin' 02:47 4 Georgia Middleman What Are You Gonna Do 03:38 5 Georgia Middleman Rain on a river 03:53 6 Georgia Middleman Closets 03:40 7 Georgia Middleman Tap Dancing On The Highwire 03:27 8 Georgia Middleman Michelangelo 03:38 9 Georgia Middleman There ain't no good in goodbye 03:43 10 Georgia Middleman A New Pair Of Shoes 02:51 11 Georgia Middleman Thrilled 03:28 12 Georgia Middleman Kick Down The Door 02:50
Gerald Barry View in Albunack Orchestral Works 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gerald Barry Of Queens' Gardens 10:01 2 Gerald Barry Chevaux-de-frise 17:26 3 Gerald Barry Flamboys 08:21 4 Gerald Barry Sur les pointes 06:15 5 Gerald Barry Hard D 13:31 6 Gerald Barry Diner 03:16
Gerald Barry View in Albunack The Intellligence Park 14 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gerald Barry Act 1 Sc I: Fathers Beget 02:56 2 Gerald Barry Act 1 Sc I: I Cannot Work, D'Esperaudieu 05:46 3 Gerald Barry Act 1 Interlude: The Banquet Of Dummies 01:26 4 Gerald Barry Act 1 Sc Ii: To Greater And To Richer Heights 02:39 5 Gerald Barry Act 1 Sc Ii: But Ye Must Forgive Me, Sirs 02:08 6 Gerald Barry Act 1 Sc Ii: Play For Us, Paradies 02:23 7 Gerald Barry Act 1 Sc Ii: The Smiling Dawn 03:01 8 Gerald Barry Act 1 Sc Ii: I Would Have You Know, Sirs 04:48 9 Gerald Barry Act 1 Sc Ii: L'onda Dal Mar Divisa 02:06 10 Gerald Barry Acr 1 Interlude: To Board! To Board! 01:19 11 Gerald Barry Act 1 Sc Iii: And I Said, Madam 03:13 12 Gerald Barry Act 1 Sc Iii: All Through The Evening 05:12 13 Gerald Barry Act 1 Interlude: Mourn, Mourn. 01:59 14 Gerald Barry Act 1 Sc Iv: Begin: Daub's Bower. 06:02
Gerald Fiebig View in Albunack Phonographies 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gerald Fiebig Die Außenseite der Musik 02:46 2 Gerald Fiebig de composition 04:04 3 Gerald Fiebig Emptied Words 05:36 4 Gerald Fiebig Noise Poetry 09:08 5 Gerald Fiebig Espèce d'écriture 04:04 6 Gerald Fiebig Optophon Palimpsest 21:57
Gerald Huber View in Albunack Aufgemuckt und Hingerieben - - Eine kleine bairische Wortkunde V 17 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gerald Huber Aufgmuckt mitnand 01:12 2 Gerald Huber Schoppen erlaubt - Schippen verboten 05:34 3 Gerald Huber Wer kurvt schon um eine Reibe 03:37 4 Gerald Huber Auf der Plattescheibt sich nix 03:42 5 Gerald Huber Nur Schisser schussern Murmeln 04:58 6 Gerald Huber Die Masche mit der Schlaufe 04:01 7 Gerald Huber Ski und Rodel 05:12 8 Gerald Huber Wo Wasen wachsen und man Matten mäht 05:28 9 Gerald Huber Griabig oft - damisch selten - immer wief 04:26 10 Gerald Huber Rauschig und bsoffen sind zweierlei 03:58 11 Gerald Huber Der Teigroller geht - der Nudelwalker kommt 04:01 12 Gerald Huber Auweh zwick 05:29 13 Gerald Huber Auf den Spitz getrieben 05:04 14 Gerald Huber Hat die Tunke einen Dauch 04:06 15 Gerald Huber Schuahbandln versenkeln 05:30 16 Gerald Huber Warum eine Lacke keine Pfütze macht 04:58 17 Gerald Huber Wenn die Staunsen aufmucken 04:31
Gerald Huber View in Albunack HunderProCent Deutsch - Eine kleine bairische Wortkunde III 13 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gerald Huber Bayern vor Ort außen vor 05:05 2 Gerald Huber Jetzt sind Heller und Cent verloren 06:23 3 Gerald Huber Der papperte Papp und s pickige Papperl 06:37 4 Gerald Huber Polster und Kissen, Maut und müssen 05:18 5 Gerald Huber Kein Dienst am Irta 05:52 6 Gerald Huber Eine Schelle für die Pelle 04:10 7 Gerald Huber Von lästigen Wimmerln und pickligen Spitzhacken 05:18 8 Gerald Huber Wenn die Weichseln sauer tragen 05:25 9 Gerald Huber Das kriecherlblaue Zwetschgenwunder 05:08 10 Gerald Huber Gassenbuben sind keine Straßenkinder 07:23 11 Gerald Huber Wer glaubt schon an bissige Gurken 04:38 12 Gerald Huber Von Bamberl-Männern und ihren Bambsn 04:55 13 Gerald Huber Kein Cent für Tante Emma 06:46
Gerald Huber View in Albunack Kleine bairische Wortkunde 3 - HunderProCent Deutsch 13 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gerald Huber Bayern vor Ort außen vor 05:05 2 Gerald Huber Jetzt sind Heller und Cent verloren 06:23 3 Gerald Huber Der papperte Papp und s pickige Papperl 06:37 4 Gerald Huber Polster und Kissen, Maut und müssen 05:18 5 Gerald Huber Kein Dienst am Irta 05:52 6 Gerald Huber Eine Schelle für die Pelle 04:10 7 Gerald Huber Von lästigen Wimmerln und pickligen Spitzhacken 05:18 8 Gerald Huber Wenn die Weichseln sauer tragen 05:25 9 Gerald Huber Das kriecherlblaue Zwetschgenwunder 05:08 10 Gerald Huber Gassenbuben sind keine Straßenkinder 07:23 11 Gerald Huber Wer glaubt schon an bissige Gurken 04:38 12 Gerald Huber Von Bamberl-Männern und ihren Bambsn 04:55 13 Gerald Huber Kein Cent für Tante Emma 06:46
Gerald Huber View in Albunack Kleine bairische Wortkunde 4 - Von Fasttag bis Fastnacht 13 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gerald Huber Auftakt 01:34 2 Gerald Huber Christbaumverweigerer und andere Weihnachtskrüppel 05:16 3 Gerald Huber Von Nikoläusen un Ungeziefer 04:22 4 Gerald Huber Wer von Keksen platzt, ist selber schuld 04:42 5 Gerald Huber Von Fasttagen zeitweise umnachtet 06:37 6 Gerald Huber Kein Western zu Ostern 06:38 7 Gerald Huber April, April 04:15 8 Gerald Huber Herrschaftszeiten 05:04 9 Gerald Huber Halb hinum, halb herum um die Sunn 04:55 10 Gerald Huber Wer kann schon ein Gewitter gebrauchen 04:29 11 Gerald Huber Trag nur Schwammerl indein Kammerl 04:40 12 Gerald Huber Warum es den Rose gibt, weiß nur der Herbst 05:13 13 Gerald Huber Wenn der gute Rutsch flöten geht 05:15
Gerald Huber View in Albunack Und Tschüss 18 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gerald Huber Wörter haben ihre Geschichte 01:47 2 Gerald Huber Grüß Gott beieinand 02:24 3 Gerald Huber Semmel gegen Brötchen 03:28 4 Gerald Huber Breze, Brot und Gugelhupf 03:37 5 Gerald Huber Senner, Topfen, Rahm 03:48 6 Gerald Huber Buben kontra Jungs 03:56 7 Gerald Huber Dult kontra Messe 04:25 8 Gerald Huber Tragl gegen Kiste 03:22 9 Gerald Huber Geiß gegen Ziege 03:25 10 Gerald Huber Stiege gegen Treppe 03:59 11 Gerald Huber Auf und Ab I 03:22 12 Gerald Huber Auf und Ab II 03:45 13 Gerald Huber Schlecken gegen Lecken 03:46 14 Gerald Huber Stier gegen Bulle 04:24 15 Gerald Huber Spass gegen Spaß 04:09 16 Gerald Huber Schauen, Guggen, Kucken 04:11 17 Gerald Huber Bairisch und Französisch 04:52 18 Gerald Huber Und Tschüß 05:28
Gerald Huber View in Albunack Und Tschüss - Eine kleine bairische Wortkunde I 18 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gerald Huber Wörter haben ihre Geschichte 01:47 2 Gerald Huber Grüß Gott beieinand 02:24 3 Gerald Huber Semmel gegen Brötchen 03:28 4 Gerald Huber Breze, Brot und Gugelhupf 03:37 5 Gerald Huber Senner, Topfen, Rahm 03:48 6 Gerald Huber Buben kontra Jungs 03:56 7 Gerald Huber Dult kontra Messe 04:25 8 Gerald Huber Tragl gegen Kiste 03:22 9 Gerald Huber Geiß gegen Ziege 03:25 10 Gerald Huber Stiege gegen Treppe 03:59 11 Gerald Huber Auf und Ab I 03:22 12 Gerald Huber Auf und Ab II 03:45 13 Gerald Huber Schlecken gegen Lecken 03:46 14 Gerald Huber Stier gegen Bulle 04:24 15 Gerald Huber Spass gegen Spaß 04:09 16 Gerald Huber Schauen, Guggen, Kucken 04:11 17 Gerald Huber Bairisch und Französisch 04:52 18 Gerald Huber Und Tschüß 05:28
Gerald Huber View in Albunack Von Fast-Tag bis Fast-Nacht - Eine kleine bairische Wortkunde IV 13 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gerald Huber Auftakt 01:34 2 Gerald Huber Christbaumverweigerer und andere Weihnachtskrüppel 05:16 3 Gerald Huber Von Nikoläusen un Ungeziefer 04:22 4 Gerald Huber Wer von Keksen platzt, ist selber schuld 04:42 5 Gerald Huber Von Fasttagen zeitweise umnachtet 06:37 6 Gerald Huber Kein Western zu Ostern 06:38 7 Gerald Huber April, April 04:15 8 Gerald Huber Herrschaftszeiten 05:04 9 Gerald Huber Halb hinum, halb herum um die Sunn 04:55 10 Gerald Huber Wer kann schon ein Gewitter gebrauchen 04:29 11 Gerald Huber Trag nur Schwammerl indein Kammerl 04:40 12 Gerald Huber Warum es den Rose gibt, weiß nur der Herbst 05:13 13 Gerald Huber Wenn der gute Rutsch flöten geht 05:15
Gerald Hüther View in Albunack Den Übergang meistern - Von der Ressourcenausnutzung zur Potenzialentwicklung 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gerald Hüther Übergang 01 08:05 2 Gerald Hüther Übergang 02 06:37 3 Gerald Hüther Übergang 03 05:26 4 Gerald Hüther Übergang 04 05:40 5 Gerald Hüther Übergang 05 04:13 6 Gerald Hüther Übergang 06 04:58 7 Gerald Hüther Übergang 07 04:43 8 Gerald Hüther Übergang 08 06:51 9 Gerald Hüther Übergang 09 06:02 10 Gerald Hüther Übergang 10 07:24
Search Gerald Wilson Live And Swinging 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gerald Wilson Paper Man 07:29 2 Gerald Wilson I Should Care 03:42 3 Gerald Wilson I've Got It Bad ( And That Ain't Good ) 04:41 4 Gerald Wilson The "It's" Where It's At 06:00 5 Gerald Wilson Blues For A Scorpio 04:30 6 Gerald Wilson Li'l Darlin' 05:38 7 Gerald Wilson Misty 03:27 8 Gerald Wilson Viva Tirado 08:09
Search Gerald Wilson Monterey Moods 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gerald Wilson Orchestra Monterey Moods Suite: Allegro 06:12 2 Gerald Wilson Monterey Moods Suite: Jazz Swing Waltz 09:10 3 Gerald Wilson Monterey Moods Suite: Ballad 07:08 4 Gerald Wilson Monterey Moods Suite: Latin Swing 11:37 5 Gerald Wilson Monterey Moods Suite: Blues 10:01 6 Gerald Wilson Monterey Moods Suite: Bass Solo 02:27 7 Gerald Wilson Monterey Moods Suite: Hard Swing 01:40 8 Gerald Wilson I Concentrate on You 06:01 9 Gerald Wilson The Mini Waltz 05:26
Search Gerald Wilson Theme From Monterey 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gerald Wilson Romance 06:30 2 Gerald Wilson Lyons Roar 12:18 3 Gerald Wilson Lone Cypress 09:31 4 Gerald Wilson Spanish Bay 08:50 5 Gerald Wilson Cooking On Cannery Row 06:53 6 Gerald Wilson Summertime 13:29 7 Gerald Wilson Anthropology 05:51
Search Gerald Wilson Theme for Monterey 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gerald Wilson Romance 06:30 2 Gerald Wilson Lyons' Roar 12:18 3 Gerald Wilson Lone Cypress 09:31 4 Gerald Wilson Spanish Bay 08:50 5 Gerald Wilson Cooking on Cannery Row 06:53 6 Gerald Wilson Summertime 13:29 7 Gerald Wilson Anthropology 05:51
Search Gerald Wolfe 100 Piano Hymns (1 of 3) 33 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gerald Wolfe Amazing Grace 02:00 2 Gerald Wolfe Are You Washed in the Blood 01:32 3 Gerald Wolfe At Calvary 01:49 4 Gerald Wolfe Blessed Assurance 02:50 5 Gerald Wolfe Have Thine Own Way 02:22 6 Gerald Wolfe He Hideth My Soul 03:09 7 Gerald Wolfe Heaven Came Down 02:38 8 Gerald Wolfe How Firm a Foundation 02:13 9 Gerald Wolfe How Great Thou Art 03:18 10 Gerald Wolfe I am Resolved 01:34 11 Gerald Wolfe I Know in Whom I Have Believed 01:27 12 Gerald Wolfe I Nedd Thee Every Hour 02:15 13 Gerald Wolfe I Stand Amazed in the Presence 01:46 14 Gerald Wolfe In the Garden 02:53 15 Gerald Wolfe Jesus is All the World to Me 02:26 16 Gerald Wolfe Jesus Paid it All 02:06 17 Gerald Wolfe Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee 01:18 18 Gerald Wolfe No One Ever Cared for Me Like Jesus 02:42 19 Gerald Wolfe Oh How He Loves You and Me 01:52 20 Gerald Wolfe Only Believe 01:46 21 Gerald Wolfe Only Trust Him 02:11 22 Gerald Wolfe Pass Me Not 03:39 23 Gerald Wolfe Shall We Gather at the River 01:29 24 Gerald Wolfe Softly and Tenderly 03:29 25 Gerald Wolfe Sweet Hour of Prayer 02:32 26 Gerald Wolfe Tell Me the Story of Jesus 03:19 27 Gerald Wolfe The Old Rugged Cross 03:42 28 Gerald Wolfe There is a Fountain 03:24 29 Gerald Wolfe This is my Father's World 02:19 30 Gerald Wolfe Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus 02:51 31 Gerald Wolfe Victory in Jesus 02:00 32 Gerald Wolfe When I Survey the Wonderous Cross 01:55 33 Gerald Wolfe Wonderful Words of Life 01:42
Search Gerald Wolfe 100 Piano Hymns (2 of 2) 33 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gerald Wolfe All Hail The Power 01:22 2 Gerald Wolfe At The Cross 02:24 3 Gerald Wolfe Because He Lives 03:42 4 Gerald Wolfe Bless The Lord 02:15 5 Gerald Wolfe Day By Day 02:54 6 Gerald Wolfe Does Jesus Care 03:24 7 Gerald Wolfe Faith of Our Fathers 02:00 8 Gerald Wolfe Grace Greater Than Our Sin 03:29 9 Gerald Wolfe Great Is Thy Faithfulness 03:22 10 Gerald Wolfe He Lives 01:47 11 Gerald Wolfe I Am Thine, O Lord 02:31 12 Gerald Wolfe I Have Decided To Follow Jesus 01:49 13 Gerald Wolfe I Love To Tell The Story 02:17 14 Gerald Wolfe I Will Sing The Wonderous Story 01:36 15 Gerald Wolfe I'll Meet You In The Morning 03:14 16 Gerald Wolfe In The Sett By and By 02:58 17 Gerald Wolfe It Is Well With My Soul 03:22 18 Gerald Wolfe Jesus Loves Me 02:11 19 Gerald Wolfe Jesus Saves 01:35 20 Gerald Wolfe Just As I Am 02:33 21 Gerald Wolfe Love Lifted Me 02:31 22 Gerald Wolfe Near To The Heart of God 02:39 23 Gerald Wolfe Nothing But The Blood 01:52 24 Gerald Wolfe Praise Him! Praise Him! 02:04 25 Gerald Wolfe Revive Us Again 01:29 26 Gerald Wolfe Savior, Like A Shepherd Lead Us 01:55 27 Gerald Wolfe Sweet, Sweet Spirit 02:52 28 Gerald Wolfe The Eastern Gate 02:18 29 Gerald Wolfe The Solid Rock 01:50 30 Gerald Wolfe Trust and Obey 02:08 31 Gerald Wolfe Werte You There? 02:44 32 Gerald Wolfe When The Roll Is Called Up Yonder 01:44 33 Gerald Wolfe When We All Get To Heaven 01:27
Search Gerald Wolfe 100 Piano Hymns (3 of 3) 34 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gerald Wolfe Blessed Be The Tie That Binds 02:08 2 Gerald Wolfe Come Thou Fount 01:47 3 Gerald Wolfe Crown Him With Many Crowns 01:30 4 Gerald Wolfe Fairest Lord Jesus 01:49 5 Gerald Wolfe Farther Along 02:34 6 Gerald Wolfe God Be With You 'Til We Meet Again 02:15 7 Gerald Wolfe God Leads Us Along 03:00 8 Gerald Wolfe God Will Take Care Of You 02:42 9 Gerald Wolfe Guide Me, Oh Thou Great Jehovah 01:33 10 Gerald Wolfe He's Got The Whole World In His Hands 01:26 11 Gerald Wolfe Higher Ground 02:26 12 Gerald Wolfe His Eye Is On The Sparrow 03:11 13 Gerald Wolfe Holy, Holy, Holy 02:05 14 Gerald Wolfe I Must Tell Jesus 03:06 15 Gerald Wolfe I'd Rather Have Jesus 03:04 16 Gerald Wolfe I'll Fly Away 01:48 17 Gerald Wolfe Jesus Is Calling 02:15 18 Gerald Wolfe Jesus Is The Sweetest Name I Know 02:32 19 Gerald Wolfe Just A Closer Walk With Thee 02:51 20 Gerald Wolfe Leaning On The Everlasting Arms 01:38 21 Gerald Wolfe My Jesus, I Love Thee 02:44 22 Gerald Wolfe Precious Lord, Take My Hand 02:30 23 Gerald Wolfe Rock Of Ages 02:51 24 Gerald Wolfe Standing On The Promises 01:51 25 Gerald Wolfe The Doxology 01:15 26 Gerald Wolfe The Lily Of The Valley 01:29 27 Gerald Wolfe The Love of God 04:13 28 Gerald Wolfe The Savior Is Waiting 03:02 29 Gerald Wolfe There Is Power In The Blood 01:55 30 Gerald Wolfe 'Tis So Sweet To Trust In Jesus 02:11 31 Gerald Wolfe To God Be The Glory 02:01 32 Gerald Wolfe We'll Understand It Better By And By 01:58 33 Gerald Wolfe What A Day That Will Be 02:24 34 Gerald Wolfe What A Friend We Have In Jesus 02:21
Search Gerald Wolfe Gospel Music Hymn Sing: Live In Texas 19 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gerald Wolfe All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name 02:22 2 Gerald Wolfe To God be the Glory 03:26 3 Gerald Wolfe Are You Washed in the Blood 02:33 4 Gerald Wolfe Redeemed, How I Love to Proclaim It 02:31 5 Gerald Wolfe Wonderful Peace 05:17 6 Gerald Wolfe My Savior's Love 02:50 7 Gerald Wolfe Just Over in the Gloryland 02:16 8 Gerald Wolfe There is a Fountain 04:25 9 Gerald Wolfe The Unclouded Day 04:20 10 Gerald Wolfe O Happy Day 02:18 11 Gerald Wolfe I Will Sing of My Redeemer 02:07 12 Gerald Wolfe Higher Ground 04:09 13 Gerald Wolfe Just a Closer Walk with Thee 02:35 14 Gerald Wolfe In the Garden 03:07 15 Gerald Wolfe Grace Greater Than My Sin 04:22 16 Gerald Wolfe The Love of God 05:49 17 Gerald Wolfe He Hideth My Soul 04:44 18 Gerald Wolfe The Old Rugged Cross 07:20 19 Gerald Wolfe Send the Light 05:36
Search Gerald Wolfe Keys To Quiet Places 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gerald Wolfe When They Ring Those Golden Bells 03:25 2 Gerald Wolfe There Is A Fountain 03:24 3 Gerald Wolfe Abide With Me 02:08 4 Gerald Wolfe God Leads His Children 03:32 5 Gerald Wolfe I Love To Tell The Story 03:05 6 Gerald Wolfe The Old Rugged Cross 03:45 7 Gerald Wolfe There's Room At The Cross 03:01 8 Gerald Wolfe TheHaven Of Rest 03:38 9 Gerald Wolfe Sweet Sweet Spirit 05:08 10 Gerald Wolfe Take My Hand, Precious Lord 03:06 11 Gerald Wolfe This Is My Father's World 02:09 12 Gerald Wolfe Near The Cross 03:55
Search Geraldo Moonlight Mood 22 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Geraldo & His Orchestra You're as Pretty as a Picture 02:51 2 Geraldo & His Orchestra Jealousy 03:15 3 Geraldo & His Orchestra Concerto for Drums 02:16 4 Geraldo & His Orchestra Blues in the Night 03:16 5 Geraldo & His Orchestra That Lovely Weekend 03:16 6 Geraldo & His Orchestra Flamingo 03:14 7 Geraldo & His Orchestra It's d'Lovely 02:36 8 Geraldo & His Orchestra How About You? 02:49 9 Geraldo & His Orchestra Don't Get Around Much Anymore 03:37 10 Geraldo & His Orchestra Shoo Shoo Baby 03:16 11 Geraldo & His Orchestra He's My Guy 01:34 12 Geraldo & His Orchestra Moonlight Mood 03:23 13 Geraldo & His Orchestra Don't Sit Under the Apple Tree 02:49 14 Geraldo & His Orchestra Ragtime Cowboy Joe 02:17 15 Geraldo & His Orchestra Deep Purple, Pt. 1 03:19 16 Geraldo & His Orchestra Deep Purple, Pt. 2 03:16 17 Geraldo & His Orchestra Let the People Sing 02:58 18 Geraldo & His Orchestra A Zoot Suit (For My Sunday Gal) 03:16 19 Geraldo & His Orchestra I'll Get By 02:03 20 Geraldo & His Orchestra I'm Old Fashioned 02:48 21 Geraldo & His Orchestra I Dream of Jeannie with the Little Brown Hair 02:44 22 Geraldo & His Orchestra Goodbye Now 02:11
Geraldo Pereira View in Albunack Evocação V 13 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 João Nogueira Escurinha 02:54 Has Mbid 2 Jackson do Pandeiro Pisei Num Despacho 01:55 3 Cristina Buarque Pode Ser? 03:09 4 Elton Medeiros Ainda Sou Seu Amigo 02:57 5 Nelson Sargento Até Hoje Não Voltou 02:45 6 Grupo Tarsis Bolinha de Papel 02:08 7 Marçal Acabou a Sopa 02:19 8 Batista de Souza Onde Está Florisbela? 02:34 9 Vânia Carvalho Pedro do Pedregulho 02:25 10 Monarco Ministério da Economia 02:35 11 Roberto Silva Escurinho 02:41 12 Macalé Mais Cedo ou Mais Tarde 01:17 13 Coro Se Você Sair Chorando 02:42
Gerard Fahy View in Albunack Celtic Legend 16 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gerard Fahy The Blarnzy Roses 02:30 2 Gerard Fahy Suil A Ruin 03:28 3 Gerard Fahy Down By The Sally Gardens 04:29 4 Gerard Fahy Knockadrum 02:04 5 Gerard Fahy Concert Reel Selection 03:03 6 Gerard Fahy Kerry Polkas 03:32 7 Gerard Fahy Tooraloora 03:20 8 Gerard Fahy Mise Eire 03:44 9 Gerard Fahy The Kerry Dances 02:13 10 Gerard Fahy The Spinning Wheel 03:05 11 Gerard Fahy My Lagan Love 04:05 12 Gerard Fahy Carrickfergus 03:51 13 Gerard Fahy The Mountain Road Reel Selection 03:27 14 Gerard Fahy Believe Me 03:59 15 Gerard Fahy Inisfree 04:18 16 Gerard Fahy The Boy In The Gap Reel Selection 03:06
Gerard Fahy View in Albunack ord of the Dance: Dangerous Games 21 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gerard Fahy Spirits's Dream 01:54 2 Gerard Fahy Awakening - Cry Of The Celts 04:06 3 Gerard Fahy I Can See The Stars (Performed by Nadine Coyle) 03:52 4 Gerard Fahy Celtic Dream 03:28 5 Gerard Fahy Dark Disciples 03:09 6 Gerard Fahy Morrighan the Seductress 02:12 7 Gerard Fahy Strings Of Fire 03:42 8 Gerard Fahy Freedom 02:59 9 Gerard Fahy Dance Our Lives Away (Performed by Nadine Coyle) 03:31 10 Gerard Fahy Lord Of The Dance 04:47 11 Gerard Fahy Robojig 02:45 12 Gerard Fahy Dance of Light 02:18 13 Gerard Fahy Drying Little Tears 01:27 14 Gerard Fahy Stolen Kiss 03:29 15 Gerard Fahy Entrapment 02:47 16 Gerard Fahy Chrysalis 02:12 17 Gerard Fahy No Surrender 03:20 18 Gerard Fahy Dangerous Games (Performed by Nadine Coyle) 03:12 19 Gerard Fahy Nightmare 02:52 20 Gerard Fahy Victory 02:49 21 Gerard Fahy Planet Ireland 03:55
Gerard Willems View in Albunack Beethoven Piano Sonatas (posthumus) 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gerard Willems Sonata in E-flat major, WoO 47, no 1 - I. Allegro cantbile 03:27 2 Gerard Willems Sonata in E-flat major, WoO 47, no 1 - II. Andante 04:22 3 Gerard Willems Sonata in E-flat major, WoO 47, no 1 - Rondo vivace 02:53 4 Gerard Willems Sonata in F minor, WoO 47, no 2 - I. Larghetto maestoso - Allegro assai 04:59 5 Gerard Willems Sonata in F minor, WoO 47, no 2 - II. Andante 06:15 6 Gerard Willems Sonata in F minor, WoO 47, no 2 - III. Presto 03:54 7 Gerard Willems Sonata in D major, WoO 47, no 3 - I. Allegro 05:36 8 Gerard Willems Sonata in D major, WoO 47, no 3 - II. Menuetto: Sostenuto 08:05 9 Gerard Willems Sonata in D major, WoO 47, no 3 - III. Scherzando: Allegro, ma non troppo 03:31 10 Gerard Willems Fantasia Sonata in D major, deest 45 - I. Allegro 06:56 11 Gerard Willems Fantasia Sonata in D major, deest 45 - II. Andante 07:52 12 Gerard Willems Fantasia Sonata in D major, deest 45 - III. Allegro - Presto - Piu presto agitato 09:45
Gerard Willems View in Albunack Beethoven: Diabelli Variations, Für Elise, Variations 54 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gerard Willems Thirty-Two Variations on an Original Theme (C minor), WoO 80 - 1 00:20 2 Gerard Willems Thirty-Two Variations on an Original Theme (C minor), WoO 80 - 2 00:41 3 Gerard Willems Thirty-Two Variations on an Original Theme (C minor), WoO 80 - 3 00:18 4 Gerard Willems Thirty-Two Variations on an Original Theme (C minor), WoO 80 - 4 00:17 5 Gerard Willems Thirty-Two Variations on an Original Theme (C minor), WoO 80 - 5 00:15 6 Gerard Willems Thirty-Two Variations on an Original Theme (C minor), WoO 80 - 6 00:45 7 Gerard Willems Thirty-Two Variations on an Original Theme (C minor), WoO 80 - 7 00:30 8 Gerard Willems Thirty-Two Variations on an Original Theme (C minor), WoO 80 - 8 00:40 9 Gerard Willems Thirty-Two Variations on an Original Theme (C minor), WoO 80 - 9 01:44 10 Gerard Willems Thirty-Two Variations on an Original Theme (C minor), WoO 80 - 10 00:46 11 Gerard Willems Thirty-Two Variations on an Original Theme (C minor), WoO 80 - 11 01:04 12 Gerard Willems Thirty-Two Variations on an Original Theme (C minor), WoO 80 - 12 00:24 13 Gerard Willems Thirty-Two Variations on an Original Theme (C minor), WoO 80 - 13 00:15 14 Gerard Willems Thirty-Two Variations on an Original Theme (C minor), WoO 80 - 14 00:21 15 Gerard Willems Thirty-Two Variations on an Original Theme (C minor), WoO 80 - 15 00:34 16 Gerard Willems Thirty-Two Variations on an Original Theme (C minor), WoO 80 - 16 00:23 17 Gerard Willems Thirty-Two Variations on an Original Theme (C minor), WoO 80 - 17 00:18 18 Gerard Willems Thirty-Two Variations on an Original Theme (C minor), WoO 80 - 18 00:26 19 Gerard Willems Thirty-Two Variations on an Original Theme (C minor), WoO 80 - 19 02:32 20 Gerard Willems Für Elise (Bagatelle in A minor), WoO 59 03:25 21 Gerard Willems Thirty-Three Variations on a Waltz by Diabelli, Op. 120 - Theme 00:56 22 Gerard Willems Thirty-Three Variations on a Waltz by Diabelli, Op. 120 - Variation 1 01:51 23 Gerard Willems Thirty-Three Variations on a Waltz by Diabelli, Op. 120 - Variation 2 00:50 24 Gerard Willems Thirty-Three Variations on a Waltz by Diabelli, Op. 120 - Variation 3 01:25 25 Gerard Willems Thirty-Three Variations on a Waltz by Diabelli, Op. 120 - Variation 4 01:06 26 Gerard Willems Thirty-Three Variations on a Waltz by Diabelli, Op. 120 - Variation 5 01:02 27 Gerard Willems Thirty-Three Variations on a Waltz by Diabelli, Op. 120 - Variation 6 01:57 28 Gerard Willems Thirty-Three Variations on a Waltz by Diabelli, Op. 120 - Variation 7 01:13 29 Gerard Willems Thirty-Three Variations on a Waltz by Diabelli, Op. 120 - Variation 8 01:36 30 Gerard Willems Thirty-Three Variations on a Waltz by Diabelli, Op. 120 - Variation 9 02:00 31 Gerard Willems Thirty-Three Variations on a Waltz by Diabelli, Op. 120 - Variation 10 00:43 32 Gerard Willems Thirty-Three Variations on a Waltz by Diabelli, Op. 120 - Variation 11 00:55 33 Gerard Willems Thirty-Three Variations on a Waltz by Diabelli, Op. 120 - Variation 12 00:57 34 Gerard Willems Thirty-Three Variations on a Waltz by Diabelli, Op. 120 - Variation 13 01:03 35 Gerard Willems Thirty-Three Variations on a Waltz by Diabelli, Op. 120 - Variation 14 03:54 36 Gerard Willems Thirty-Three Variations on a Waltz by Diabelli, Op. 120 - Variation 15 00:46 37 Gerard Willems Thirty-Three Variations on a Waltz by Diabelli, Op. 120 - Variation 16 01:11 38 Gerard Willems Thirty-Three Variations on a Waltz by Diabelli, Op. 120 - Variation 17 01:08 39 Gerard Willems Thirty-Three Variations on a Waltz by Diabelli, Op. 120 - Variation 18 01:42 40 Gerard Willems Thirty-Three Variations on a Waltz by Diabelli, Op. 120 - Variation 19 01:06 41 Gerard Willems Thirty-Three Variations on a Waltz by Diabelli, Op. 120 - Variation 20 02:23 42 Gerard Willems Thirty-Three Variations on a Waltz by Diabelli, Op. 120 - Variation 21 01:30 43 Gerard Willems Thirty-Three Variations on a Waltz by Diabelli, Op. 120 - Variation 22 00:59 44 Gerard Willems Thirty-Three Variations on a Waltz by Diabelli, Op. 120 - Variation 23 01:04 45 Gerard Willems Thirty-Three Variations on a Waltz by Diabelli, Op. 120 - Variation 24 02:54 46 Gerard Willems Thirty-Three Variations on a Waltz by Diabelli, Op. 120 - Variation 25 01:05 47 Gerard Willems Thirty-Three Variations on a Waltz by Diabelli, Op. 120 - Variation 26 01:27 48 Gerard Willems Thirty-Three Variations on a Waltz by Diabelli, Op. 120 - Variation 27 01:15 49 Gerard Willems Thirty-Three Variations on a Waltz by Diabelli, Op. 120 - Variation 28 01:08 50 Gerard Willems Thirty-Three Variations on a Waltz by Diabelli, Op. 120 - Variation 29 01:16 51 Gerard Willems Thirty-Three Variations on a Waltz by Diabelli, Op. 120 - Variation 30 02:25 52 Gerard Willems Thirty-Three Variations on a Waltz by Diabelli, Op. 120 - Variation 31 04:33 53 Gerard Willems Thirty-Three Variations on a Waltz by Diabelli, Op. 120 - Variation 32 04:06 54 Gerard Willems Thirty-Three Variations on a Waltz by Diabelli, Op. 120 - Variation 33 04:04
Gerard Willems View in Albunack Morning Mood: Solo Piano Music of Edvard Grieg 28 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gerard Willems From Holberg’s Time - Suite, Op. 40: I. Preludium 02:57 2 Gerard Willems From Holberg’s Time - Suite, Op. 40: II. Sarabande 03:01 3 Gerard Willems From Holberg’s Time - Suite, Op. 40: III. Gavotte 03:06 4 Gerard Willems Lyric Pieces, Book 1, Op. 12, No. 6. Norwegian 01:04 5 Gerard Willems From Holberg’s Time - Suite, Op. 40: V. Rugaudon 04:21 6 Gerard Willems Piano Pieces after Original Songs, Vol. 2, Op. 52, No. 2: The First Meeting 03:12 7 Gerard Willems Lyric Pieces, Book 3, Op. 43, No. 2. Lonely Wanderer 02:13 8 Gerard Willems Lyric Pieces, Book 3, Op. 43, No. 3. In My Homeland 02:20 9 Gerard Willems Improvisation on Two Norwegian Folk Songs, Op. 29/1: The Lad and the Lass in the Cow-Shed Loft 02:56 10 Gerard Willems Lyric Pieces, Book 3, Op. 43, No. 6. To Spring 02:51 11 Gerard Willems Lyric Pieces, Book 4, Op. 47, No. 2. Album Leaf 03:58 12 Gerard Willems Six Poetic Tone Pictures, Op. 3: II. Allegro cantabile 01:35 13 Gerard Willems Lyric Pieces, Book 4, Op. 47, No. 4. Halling 01:42 14 Gerard Willems Lyric Pieces, Book 4, Op. 47, No. 7. Elegy 02:59 15 Gerard Willems Lyric Pieces, Book 5, Op. 54, No. 3. March of the Trolls 03:19 16 Gerard Willems Six Poetic Tone Pictures, Op. 3: VI. Allegro scherzando 01:05 17 Gerard Willems Album Leaves, Op. 28 No. 3: Vivace in A Major 03:12 18 Gerard Willems Lyric Pieces, Book 6, Op. 57, No. 6. Homesickness 04:10 19 Gerard Willems Lyric Pieces, Book 7, Op. 62, No. 3. French Serenade 03:00 20 Gerard Willems Stemninger (Moods), Op. 73, No. 1: Resignation 01:42 21 Gerard Willems Lyric Pieces, Book 8, Op. 65, No. 2. Peasant Song 01:40 22 Gerard Willems Lyric Pieces, Book 8, Op. 65, No. 6. Wedding Day at Troldhaugen 06:33 23 Gerard Willems Lyric Pieces, Book 9, Op. 68, No. 2. Grandmother’s Minuet 02:19 24 Gerard Willems Peer Gynt Suite No. 1, Op. 46: II. The Death of Ases 04:01 25 Gerard Willems Peer Gynt Suite No. 1, Op. 46: III. Anitra's Dance 03:26 26 Gerard Willems Lyric Pieces, Book 10, Op. 71, No. 3. Puck 01:58 27 Gerard Willems Lyric Pieces, Book 10, Op. 71, No. 6. Gone 02:41 28 Gerard Willems Lyric Pieces, Book 10, Op. 71, No. 7. Remembrances 02:22
Gerard Willems View in Albunack Piano Concerti 3 & 4 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gerard Willems Piano Concerto 3 1 16:54 2 Gerard Willems Piano Concerto 3 2 10:05 3 Gerard Willems Piano Concerto 3 3 09:27 4 Gerard Willems Piano Concerto 4 1 18:47 5 Gerard Willems Piano Concerto 4 2 05:08 6 Gerard Willems Piano Concerto 4 3 09:57
Gerard van Amstel View in Albunack Esther - Sopraan 22 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gerard van Amstel Toekomst heeft geen zin 02:48 2 Gerard van Amstel Heb je effe? [Sopraan 1] 02:39 3 Gerard van Amstel Heb je effe? [Sopraan 2] 02:39 4 Gerard van Amstel Een wereld zonder ramen [Sopraan 1] 02:33 5 Gerard van Amstel Een wereld zonder ramen [Sopraan 2] 02:33 6 Gerard van Amstel Braalbestropen 03:47 7 Gerard van Amstel Mijn schoonheidskoningin 02:20 8 Gerard van Amstel Wat zeg ik, een wet? 01:36 9 Gerard van Amstel Zelf in het middelpunt 03:57 10 Gerard van Amstel Mijn naam is Hegai [Sopraan 1] 02:26 11 Gerard van Amstel Mijn naam is Hegai [Sopraan 2] 02:26 12 Gerard van Amstel Top of the bill [Sopraan 1] 02:21 13 Gerard van Amstel Top of the bill [Sopraan 2] 02:21 14 Gerard van Amstel Buigen is barsten 02:20 15 Gerard van Amstel Wat doe jij? 03:43 16 Gerard van Amstel Dood aan die jood 01:11 17 Gerard van Amstel Haman de Agagiet 01:09 18 Gerard van Amstel Ga door, ga door 03:55 19 Gerard van Amstel Rotte peren 01:37 20 Gerard van Amstel Verzet begint met een vraag 01:50 21 Gerard van Amstel Wie keert dit om? 02:40 22 Gerard van Amstel Het kwaad wordt ontmanteld 04:34
Gerd Bingemann View in Albunack Wide Rooms I 19 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gerd Bingemann Living Waters 04:24 2 Gerd Bingemann Metanoia 05:19 3 Gerd Bingemann Der Einzug 04:40 4 Gerd Bingemann Brauttanz 03:40 5 Gerd Bingemann Balladium 04:34 6 Gerd Bingemann Herold 03:24 7 Gerd Bingemann Tanz auf dem Wasser 03:51 8 Gerd Bingemann You Said 02:29 9 Gerd Bingemann Joy Whistle 02:44 10 Gerd Bingemann Luägät vo Berg und Tal 01:42 11 Gerd Bingemann Segelflug 07:56 12 Gerd Bingemann Wide Rooms 06:41 13 Gerd Bingemann Wider 01:33 14 Gerd Bingemann For The Youngstas 01:55 15 Gerd Bingemann Heilung 03:49 16 Gerd Bingemann Petite Valse 00:57 17 Gerd Bingemann Take It 04:14 18 Gerd Bingemann Schmetterling 03:10 19 Gerd Bingemann Bächli 06:23
Search Gerd Müller LIEDER IN BEWEGUNG 2 21 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gerd Müller Hallo-Salut! 03:54 2 Gerd Müller Grüßen und Verabschieden 04:43 3 Gerd Müller Grüßen so, mal so 04:21 4 Gerd Müller Grüßen mit Händen und Füßen 01:46 5 Gerd Müller Paule Schmitt (BK) 03:12 6 Gerd Müller Komm, wir fliegen auf den Mond (BR) 02:19 7 Gerd Müller Wenn die Feuerluft mit dem Erdwasser tanzt (T) 03:29 8 Gerd Müller Ritter, Esel, Drache (BS) 03:23 9 Gerd Müller Wenn Drachen aus dem Schlaf erwachen (BS) 03:53 10 Gerd Müller Schnee im Drachenland (BR) 04:53 11 Gerd Müller So ein Mist (BR) 02:23 12 Gerd Müller Buddel Lied 03:47 13 Gerd Müller Eigentlich brauche ich nicht viel 05:23 14 Gerd Müller Das Schwimmschwein 04:47 15 Gerd Müller Luftballonherbst 02:55 16 Gerd Müller Karussell 02:14 17 Gerd Müller Wabidei-Tanz 03:55 18 Gerd Müller Palumba-Limbo-Danca 03:08 19 Gerd Müller Trommelmann und Ratschefrau 02:14 20 Gerd Müller Der Tropfen 01:44 21 Gerd Müller Playback Hallo Salut 01:10
Search Gerd Müller LIEDER IN BEWEGUNG 4 25 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gerd Müller Ein schöner Tag 02:49 2 Gerd Müller Wie alt bist du? 03:04 3 Gerd Müller Mensch wird Tier (gesprochen) 02:53 4 Gerd Müller Mensch wird Tier (Musik) 03:54 5 Gerd Müller Seit an Seit 03:46 6 Gerd Müller Zeitung in Bewegung 04:22 7 Gerd Müller Ein Ton geht vorbei 02:41 8 Gerd Müller Pusteblume - Löwenzahn 02:37 9 Gerd Müller Die wilde Räuberbande 04:49 10 Gerd Müller Fünf Freunde 02:46 11 Gerd Müller Esel und Schwein 03:05 12 Gerd Müller Ein Geschenk 03:10 13 Gerd Müller Das Faultier 02:23 14 Gerd Müller Die Eintagsfliege 01:52 15 Gerd Müller Zeit 00:48 16 Gerd Müller Keine Zeit 03:27 17 Gerd Müller Applaus 03:55 18 Gerd Müller Lasst uns heute tanzen gehen (Bewegen) 02:40 19 Gerd Müller Herzlich Willkommen (Gesten) 00:52 20 Gerd Müller Ganz viel Zeit (Spielen) 03:22 21 Gerd Müller Durch Dick und Dünn 01:26 22 Gerd Müller Der Musikant 01:37 23 Gerd Müller Der Wortemacher 04:03 24 Gerd Müller Im Wald ist was los 04:32 25 Gerd Müller Tierische Rhythmen 04:07
Search Gerd Müller Lieder in Bewegung 1 22 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gerd Müller Hi - Goodbye! 01:18 2 Gerd Müller Das kleine Lied 02:11 3 Gerd Müller Mal sehen, was heute los ist 01:35 4 Gerd Müller Hakuna Matata 03:59 5 Gerd Müller Hakuna Matata/ Playback 04:01 6 Gerd Müller Wabidei-Tanz 03:55 7 Gerd Müller Schneetanz (Wenn es schneit) 04:37 8 Gerd Müller Ein Lied 04:14 9 Gerd Müller Ein Lied/ Playback 04:15 10 Gerd Müller Die Karawane 00:58 11 Gerd Müller Nachtgespenster 04:21 12 Gerd Müller Tausendfüßler 05:05 13 Gerd Müller Die Räuberbande 03:06 14 Gerd Müller Der Spiegel 04:38 15 Gerd Müller Tretboot 03:31 16 Gerd Müller Popcorn 04:31 17 Gerd Müller Popcorn/ Playback 04:27 18 Gerd Müller Drachen-Schlaflied 03:54 19 Gerd Müller Rappelzappel 01:02 20 Gerd Müller Natur-Elemente 01:28 21 Gerd Müller Zeit 00:47 22 Gerd Müller Auseinandergehenwiedersehen 01:03
Search Gerd Müller Mit der Gitarre Lieder begleiten 19 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gerd Müller Die Karawane 01:09 2 Gerd Müller Schlägt die Uhr um Mitternacht 01:41 3 Gerd Müller Jambo 02:24 4 Gerd Müller Hört her 00:44 5 Gerd Müller Seht her 01:01 6 Gerd Müller Das klingende Gemüse 01:04 7 Gerd Müller Quodlibet 01:01 8 Gerd Müller Un poquito cantas 01:36 9 Gerd Müller Flieg mit mir 01:40 10 Gerd Müller Die Flüsse sie fließen 03:07 11 Gerd Müller Die Räuberbande 01:39 12 Gerd Müller Wie kriegen wir die eule wieder wach? 01:15 13 Gerd Müller eigendlich brauche ich nicht viel 01:30 14 Gerd Müller Maulfaul 00:55 15 Gerd Müller C-A-Moll 01:17 16 Gerd Müller Das Känuruh 01:19 17 Gerd Müller Das Schwimmschwein 04:49 18 Gerd Müller Cueca boliviana 01:21 19 Gerd Müller Die Gitarrenstimmung 01:18
Gerd Wameling View in Albunack Historische Reisen 03 - Sir Richard Francis Burton - Pilgerfahrt nach Medina und Mekka 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gerd Wameling Pilgerfahrt nach Medina und Mekka 01 09:49 2 Gerd Wameling Pilgerfahrt nach Medina und Mekka 02 09:35 3 Gerd Wameling Pilgerfahrt nach Medina und Mekka 03 05:43 4 Gerd Wameling Pilgerfahrt nach Medina und Mekka 04 08:41 5 Gerd Wameling Pilgerfahrt nach Medina und Mekka 05 07:38 6 Gerd Wameling Pilgerfahrt nach Medina und Mekka 06 08:03 7 Gerd Wameling Pilgerfahrt nach Medina und Mekka 07 05:23 8 Gerd Wameling Pilgerfahrt nach Medina und Mekka 08 08:48 9 Gerd Wameling Pilgerfahrt nach Medina und Mekka 09 05:00 10 Gerd Wameling Pilgerfahrt nach Medina und Mekka 10 07:27
Gergely Sárközy View in Albunack BACH: Suites for Lute-Harpsichord 14 2 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gergely Sárközy Suite in E minor BWV 996 - 1. Praeludio. Passagio - Presto 02:36 2 Gergely Sárközy Suite in E minor BWV 996 - 2. Allemande 02:53 3 Gergely Sárközy Suite in E minor BWV 996 - 3. Courante 03:06 4 Gergely Sárközy Suite in E minor BWV 996 - 4. Sarabande 05:20 5 Gergely Sárközy Suite in E minor BWV 996 - 5. Bourrée 01:50 6 Gergely Sárközy Suite in E minor BWV 996 - 6. Gigue 02:56 7 Gergely Sárközy Choral Preludes from the Kirnberg Collection BWV 690 (b) 01:58 8 Gergely Sárközy Choral Preludes from the Kirnberg Collection BWV 691 01:53 9 Gergely Sárközy Choral Preludes from the Kirnberg Collection BWV 690 (a) 02:13 Has Mbid 10 Gergely Sárközy Suite in C minor BWV 997 - 1. Prelude 03:29 11 Gergely Sárközy Suite in C minor BWV 997 - 2. Fuga 10:58 Has Mbid 12 Gergely Sárközy Suite in C minor BWV 997 - 3. Sarabande 04:24 13 Gergely Sárközy Suite in C minor BWV 997 - 4. Gigue 03:43 14 Gergely Sárközy Suite in C minor BWV 997 - 5. Double 02:09
Gergely Sárközy View in Albunack Gergely Sárközy plays Scarlatti Sonatas 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gergely Sárközy D major K. 96 05:41 2 Gergely Sárközy G minor K. 450 06:34 3 Gergely Sárközy G major K. 284 03:33 4 Gergely Sárközy B flat major K. 202 04:35 5 Gergely Sárközy D minor K. 77, K. 90 11:11 6 Gergely Sárközy B minor K. 87 08:27 7 Gergely Sárközy B minor K. 377 05:45 8 Gergely Sárközy B major K. 244 04:33 9 Gergely Sárközy A minor K. 8 04:33 10 Gergely Sárközy C major K. 133 02:54 11 Gergely Sárközy C major K. 159 02:47
Gerhard Gnann View in Albunack Die Gabler Orgel in Weingarten 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gerhard Gnann A.Vivaldi - Concerto h-Moll op.3, Nr.10 BWV 1065 ohne Bezeichnung 04:15 2 Gerhard Gnann A.Vivaldi - Concerto h-Moll op.3, Nr.10 BWV 1065 - Largo 02:00 3 Gerhard Gnann A.Vivaldi - Concerto h-Moll op.3, Nr.10 BWV 1065 - Allegro 03:53 4 Gerhard Gnann J.Pachelbel - Choralvariatonen- Christus, der ist mein Leben 08:01 5 Gerhard Gnann J.H.Knecht - Great Organ Sonata in C-Dur 06:42 6 Gerhard Gnann W.A.Mozart - Andante fur eine Walze KV 616 08:00 7 Gerhard Gnann G.Muffat - Toccata septima 10:50 8 Gerhard Gnann J.S.Bach - Trio ex G-Dur BWV 1027 4a 03:10 9 Gerhard Gnann J.S.Bach Choralbearbeitung - Allein Gott in der Hob - BWV 662 08:41 10 Gerhard Gnann J.S.Bach Choralbearbeitung - Allein Gott in der Hob - BWV 663 06:19 11 Gerhard Gnann J.S.Bach - Praludium und Fuge a-Moll BWV 543 03:02 12 Gerhard Gnann J.S.Bach - Praludium und Fuge a-Moll BWV 543 05:47
Gerhard Gnann View in Albunack Johann Sebastian Bach - complete organ works vol.14 21 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gerhard Gnann Valet will ich Dir geben BWV 736 05:09 2 Gerhard Gnann O Gott du frommer Gott BWV deest 04:12 3 Gerhard Gnann Helft mir Gottes Güte preisen BWV Anh 54 03:18 4 Gerhard Gnann Ich ruf zu dir Herr Jesu Christ BWV Emans 111 02:02 5 Gerhard Gnann Jesu meines Lebens Leben BWV Emans 121 03:32 6 Gerhard Gnann Machs mit mir Gott BWV Emans 132 04:07 7 Gerhard Gnann Kyrie Gott Vater in Ewigkeit BWV Emans 127 02:35 8 Gerhard Gnann Praeludium f-Moll BWV 534 04:58 9 Gerhard Gnann Fuge f-Moll BWV 534 06:24 10 Gerhard Gnann Sei Lob und Ehr BWV Anh 62 a I 02:56 11 Gerhard Gnann Sei Lob und Ehr BWV Anh 62 a II 02:48 12 Gerhard Gnann Jesu meine Freude BWV Anh 58 04:05 13 Gerhard Gnann Der du bist drei in Einigkeit BWV deest 01:16 14 Gerhard Gnann Es stehn vor Gottes Throne BWV deest 01:36 15 Gerhard Gnann Erhalt uns Herr bei deinem Wort BWV Anh 50 02:57 16 Gerhard Gnann Mein Seel, o Gott, muß loben Dich BWV deest 00:51 17 Gerhard Gnann Es ist das Heil uns kommen her BWV Anh 72 01:23 18 Gerhard Gnann Wir Christenleut haben jetzund Freud BWV deest 05:13 19 Gerhard Gnann Kanon BWV Anhang 72 03:14 20 Gerhard Gnann Fuge c-Moll BWV 575 03:59 21 Gerhard Gnann Praeludium h-Moll BWV 544 06:59
Gerhard Gnann View in Albunack Johann Sebastian Bach - complete organ works vol.15 15 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gerhard Gnann Praeludium C-Dur BWV 531 02:41 2 Gerhard Gnann Fuge C-Dur BWV 531 05:12 3 Gerhard Gnann Aus tiefer Not schrei ich zu dir BWV deest 04:30 4 Gerhard Gnann Da Jesus an dem Kreuze stund Emans 48 03:52 5 Gerhard Gnann Praeludium a-Moll BWV 543 03:24 6 Gerhard Gnann Fuge a-Moll BWV 543 06:27 7 Gerhard Gnann Wenn wir in höchten Nöthen BWV Anh 78 07:08 8 Gerhard Gnann Fantasie g-Moll BWV 542 06:16 9 Gerhard Gnann Fuge g-Moll BWV 542 06:52 10 Gerhard Gnann Herzliebster Jesu Emans 105 02:31 11 Gerhard Gnann Triosonate c-Moll BWV 526 - Vivace 03:54 12 Gerhard Gnann Triosonate c-Moll BWV 526 - Largo 04:01 13 Gerhard Gnann Triosonate c-Moll BWV 526 - Allegro 04:21 14 Gerhard Gnann Kommst du nun Jesu vom Himmel herunter BWV 650 03:33 15 Gerhard Gnann Praeludium e-Moll BWV 548 07:24
Gerhard Gnann View in Albunack Johann Sebastian Bach - complete organ works vol.16 21 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gerhard Gnann Fuge G-Dur BWV 577 03:37 2 Gerhard Gnann Lobt Gott ihr Christen BWV Emans 129 02:06 3 Gerhard Gnann Lobt Gott ihr Christen BWV deest 04:05 4 Gerhard Gnann Gelobet seist du Jesu Christ BWV 723 03:53 5 Gerhard Gnann Gott durch deine Güte BWV 724 02:31 6 Gerhard Gnann Triosonate e-Moll BWV 528 - Adagio/Vivace 02:42 7 Gerhard Gnann Triosonate e-Moll BWV 528 - Andante 05:07 8 Gerhard Gnann Triosonate e-Moll BWV 528 - Un poco allegro 02:44 9 Gerhard Gnann Allein Gott in der Höh' sei Ehr' BWV Emans 25 02:32 10 Gerhard Gnann Ach Gott vom Himmel sieh darein BWV 741 08:10 11 Gerhard Gnann Triosonate d-Moll BWV 527 - Andante 05:21 12 Gerhard Gnann Triosonate d-Moll BWV 527 - Adagio 06:29 13 Gerhard Gnann Triosonate d-Moll BWV 527 - Vivace 04:03 14 Gerhard Gnann Wie schön leuchtet der Morgenstern BWV 739 04:15 15 Gerhard Gnann Vom Himmel hoch BWV Anhang 63 02:09 16 Gerhard Gnann Vom Himmel hoch BWV Anhang 64 01:57 17 Gerhard Gnann Vom Himmel hoch BWV Anhang 65 02:02 18 Gerhard Gnann Der Tag der ist so freudenreich BWV 719 03:17 19 Gerhard Gnann Wachet auf ruft uns die Stimme BWV 645 04:11 20 Gerhard Gnann Meine Seele erhebet den Herren BWV 648 02:20 21 Gerhard Gnann Praeludium c-Moll BWV 549 03:11
Gerhard Gnann View in Albunack Johann Sebastian Bach - complete organ works vol.17 18 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gerhard Gnann Concerto a-Moll BWV 593 - ohne Bezeichnung 03:52 2 Gerhard Gnann Concerto a-Moll BWV 593 - Adagio 03:56 3 Gerhard Gnann Concerto a-Moll BWV 593 - Allegro 04:03 4 Gerhard Gnann Concerto C-Dur BWV 595 04:16 5 Gerhard Gnann Triosonate Es-Dur BWV 525 - ohne Bezeichnung 03:02 6 Gerhard Gnann Triosonate Es-Dur BWV 525 - Adagio 08:04 7 Gerhard Gnann Triosonate Es-Dur BWV 525 - Allegro 04:01 8 Gerhard Gnann Concerto C-Dur BWV 594 - ohne Bezeichnung 06:54 9 Gerhard Gnann Concerto C-Dur BWV 594 - Recitativo, Adagio 02:43 10 Gerhard Gnann Concerto C-Dur BWV 594 - Allegro 08:13 11 Gerhard Gnann Concerto d-Moll BWV 596 - ohne Bezeichnung 01:02 12 Gerhard Gnann Concerto d-Moll BWV 596 - Grave 00:35 13 Gerhard Gnann Concerto d-Moll BWV 596 - Fuga 03:09 14 Gerhard Gnann Concerto d-Moll BWV 596 - Largo e spiccato 02:56 15 Gerhard Gnann Concerto d-Moll BWV 596 - ohne Bezeichnung 03:04 16 Gerhard Gnann Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott BWV 720 05:02 17 Gerhard Gnann Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott BWV Anhang 49 03:21 18 Gerhard Gnann Kommt her zu mir spricht Gottes Sohn BWV Emans 125 01:31
Gerhard Kirchner View in Albunack autogenes training 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gerhard Kirchner Einstimmungsübung 01:52 2 Gerhard Kirchner Atemübung 05:55 3 Gerhard Kirchner übung zum "loslassen-Können" 05:58 4 Gerhard Kirchner wärmeübung 05:29 5 Gerhard Kirchner bewustseinsübung gegen schlaflosigkeit 05:06 6 Gerhard Kirchner herzübung 05:44 7 Gerhard Kirchner leib-wärmeübung 04:43 8 Gerhard Kirchner kopfübung 11:29 9 Gerhard Kirchner entspannungsmelodie 02:11
Gerhard Potuznik View in Albunack Concorde 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gerhard Potuznik terminal zero 00:00 2 Gerhard Potuznik half a person, 1923 00:00 3 Gerhard Potuznik no relation 00:00 4 Gerhard Potuznik glambox 00:00 5 Gerhard Potuznik travel on 00:00 6 Gerhard Potuznik light years 00:00 7 Gerhard Potuznik fingered by numbers 00:00
Gerhard Weinberger View in Albunack J.L. Krebs - Complete Organ Works CD02 23 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gerhard Weinberger Praeludium in C 04:12 2 Gerhard Weinberger Fuga 05:03 3 Gerhard Weinberger Choralbearbeitungen: Warum betrübst du dich, mein Herz 04:07 4 Gerhard Weinberger Fantasia sopra: Wer nur den lieben Gott läßt walten 03:15 5 Gerhard Weinberger Jesu, meines Lebens Leben 06:43 6 Gerhard Weinberger Freu dich sehr, o meine Seele 02:13 7 Gerhard Weinberger Trio in F (Largo) 03:14 8 Gerhard Weinberger Trio in G (Allegro) 04:31 9 Gerhard Weinberger Choralbearbeitungen: O König, dessen Majestät 07:50 10 Gerhard Weinberger Fantasia sopra: Warum sollt ich mich denn grämen 03:01 11 Gerhard Weinberger Fuga in Es 02:01 12 Gerhard Weinberger Fuga in c 02:52 13 Gerhard Weinberger Von Gott will ich nicht lassen - Praeambulum 01:58 14 Gerhard Weinberger Choral 01:29 15 Gerhard Weinberger Choral alio modo 01:41 16 Gerhard Weinberger Jesu, meine Freude - Praeambulum 01:25 17 Gerhard Weinberger Choral 01:57 18 Gerhard Weinberger Choral alio modo 01:28 19 Gerhard Weinberger Was Gott tut, das ist wohlgetan - Praeambulum 01:19 20 Gerhard Weinberger Choral 01:12 21 Gerhard Weinberger Choral alio modo 01:22 22 Gerhard Weinberger Praeludium in D 04:50 23 Gerhard Weinberger Fuga in D 07:00
Gerhard Weinberger View in Albunack J.L. Krebs - Complete Organ Works Vol. 2 23 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gerhard Weinberger Praeludium in C 04:12 2 Gerhard Weinberger Fuga 05:03 3 Gerhard Weinberger Choralbearbeitungen: Warum betrübst du dich, mein Herz 04:07 4 Gerhard Weinberger Fantasia sopra: Wer nur den lieben Gott läßt walten 03:15 5 Gerhard Weinberger Jesu, meines Lebens Leben 06:43 6 Gerhard Weinberger Freu dich sehr, o meine Seele 02:13 7 Gerhard Weinberger Trio in F (Largo) 03:14 8 Gerhard Weinberger Trio in G (Allegro) 04:31 9 Gerhard Weinberger Choralbearbeitungen: O König, dessen Majestät 07:50 10 Gerhard Weinberger Fantasia sopra: Warum sollt ich mich denn grämen 03:01 11 Gerhard Weinberger Fuga in Es 02:01 12 Gerhard Weinberger Fuga in c 02:52 13 Gerhard Weinberger Von Gott will ich nicht lassen - Praeambulum 01:58 14 Gerhard Weinberger Choral 01:29 15 Gerhard Weinberger Choral alio modo 01:41 16 Gerhard Weinberger Jesu, meine Freude - Praeambulum 01:25 17 Gerhard Weinberger Choral 01:57 18 Gerhard Weinberger Choral alio modo 01:28 19 Gerhard Weinberger Was Gott tut, das ist wohlgetan - Praeambulum 01:19 20 Gerhard Weinberger Choral 01:12 21 Gerhard Weinberger Choral alio modo 01:22 22 Gerhard Weinberger Praeludium in D 04:50 23 Gerhard Weinberger Fuga in D 07:00
Gerhard Weinberger View in Albunack J.L. Krebs - Complete Organ Works Vol. 4 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gerhard Weinberger Praeludium et Fuga in G - Praeludium 09:44 2 Gerhard Weinberger Praeludium et Fuga in G - Fuga 07:12 3 Gerhard Weinberger Choral "Zeuch ein zu deinen Toren" 04:14 4 Gerhard Weinberger Choral "Mitten wir im Leben sind" 03:16 5 Gerhard Weinberger Choral "Jesu, meines Lebens Leben" 03:46 6 Gerhard Weinberger Choral "Wenn mein Stündlein vorhanden ist" 04:45 7 Gerhard Weinberger Choral Fantasia sopra "Jesus, meine Zuversicht" 03:36 8 Gerhard Weinberger Trio in e - Andante 06:25 9 Gerhard Weinberger Trio in e - Allegro 04:30 10 Gerhard Weinberger Trio in e - Allabreve 03:27 11 Gerhard Weinberger Praeludium et Fuga in d - Praeludium 10:03 12 Gerhard Weinberger Praeludium et Fuga in d - Fuga 12:55
Gerhard Weinberger View in Albunack J.L. Krebs - Organ Works Vol. 5 23 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gerhard Weinberger Fantasia in F für Pedal 04:40 2 Gerhard Weinberger Fuga in F (Moderato) 02:44 3 Gerhard Weinberger Choral: Herr Gott, dich loben alle wir 03:42 4 Gerhard Weinberger Choral: Von Gott will ich nicht lassen 03:06 5 Gerhard Weinberger Choral: Wo soll ich fliehen hin 01:34 6 Gerhard Weinberger Choral: O Gott, du frommer Gott 03:48 7 Gerhard Weinberger Choral: Auf meinen lieben Gott 01:35 8 Gerhard Weinberger Choral: Herr Gott, dich loben alle wir 01:06 9 Gerhard Weinberger Trio in C - a 2 Claviere e Pedale (Lento) 04:09 10 Gerhard Weinberger Trio in c - a 2 Claviere e Pedale (Andante) 02:55 11 Gerhard Weinberger Trio in Es - a 2 Claviere e Pedale (Vivace) 04:13 12 Gerhard Weinberger Sei Lob und Ehr dem höchsten Gut - Praeambulum 02:27 13 Gerhard Weinberger Sei Lob und Ehr dem höchsten Gut - Choral 02:34 14 Gerhard Weinberger Sei Lob und Ehr dem höchsten Gut - Choral alio modo 01:24 15 Gerhard Weinberger Jesus, meine Zuversicht - Praeambulum 01:34 16 Gerhard Weinberger Jesus, meine Zuversicht - Choral 01:34 17 Gerhard Weinberger Jesus, meine Zuversicht - Choral alio modo 01:26 18 Gerhard Weinberger Fuga in a - pro Organo pleno 04:15 19 Gerhard Weinberger Choral: Ich ruf zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ 03:06 20 Gerhard Weinberger Choral: Wir glauben all an einen Gott - 3 Versus 09:44 21 Gerhard Weinberger Choral: Wir glauben all an einen Gott - a 2 Claviere e Pedale 05:48 22 Gerhard Weinberger Praeludium et Fuga in f - Praeludium 01:26 23 Gerhard Weinberger Praeludium et Fuga in f - Fuga 03:37
Gerhard Weinberger View in Albunack Kein Besseres Werkh Nirgend ... Als Zu Ochsenhausen 22 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gerhard Weinberger Metsch - Praeambulum In F 03:05 2 Gerhard Weinberger Metsch - Fuga In F 03:18 3 Gerhard Weinberger Metsch - Pastorella In D-Dur (3-4) 03:32 4 Gerhard Weinberger Metsch - Pastorella In D-Dur (6-8) 03:47 5 Gerhard Weinberger Gass - Pastorella In F Aus Dem Schwarzwald 02:40 6 Gerhard Weinberger Büx - Concertino In G 03:03 7 Gerhard Weinberger Betscher - Rondo In A 02:41 8 Gerhard Weinberger Gaumer - Fuga In D 03:11 9 Gerhard Weinberger Lederer - Praeambulum In D 02:05 10 Gerhard Weinberger Kayser - Siciliana 02:59 11 Gerhard Weinberger Gaelle - Menuett In Es-Dur 02:42 12 Gerhard Weinberger Gaelle - Menuett In As-Dur 02:39 13 Gerhard Weinberger Bachmann - Schlagstück In F 03:12 14 Gerhard Weinberger Anonym - Harmonica Organica 1. Unda Maris 01:16 15 Gerhard Weinberger Anonym - Harmonica Organica 2. Flaschinetle 03:06 16 Gerhard Weinberger Anonym - Harmonica Organica 3. Quinathon 02:56 17 Gerhard Weinberger Anonym - Harmonica Organica 4. Trombone 01:47 18 Gerhard Weinberger Grünberger - Orgelmesse Nr. 5 In A-Dur -1. Präludium Zum Kyrie 02:15 19 Gerhard Weinberger Grünberger - Orgelmesse Nr. 5 In A-Dur -2. Rondo Unter Dem Offertorium 04:45 20 Gerhard Weinberger Grünberger - Orgelmesse Nr. 5 In A-Dur -3. Alla Capella Zum Sanctus 01:51 21 Gerhard Weinberger Grünberger - Orgelmesse Nr. 5 In A-Dur -4. Ein Echostück Zur Wandlung 03:28 22 Gerhard Weinberger Grünberger - Orgelmesse Nr. 5 In A-Dur -5. Präludium Minoris 02:22
Gerhard Weinberger View in Albunack Mozart Orgelwerke 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gerhard Weinberger Der Orgel der Abteikirche Amorbach - Ouverture C-dur, KV 399 06:00 2 Gerhard Weinberger Der Orgel der Abteikirche Amorbach - Andante F-dur, KV 616 ''Ein Andante für eine Walze in eine kleine Orgel'' 07:49 3 Gerhard Weinberger Der Orgel der Abteikirche Amorbach - Adagio und Allegro f-moll, KV 594 ''Ein Stück für ein Orgelwerk in einer Uhr'' 12:39 4 Gerhard Weinberger Der Orgel der Abteikirche Amorbach - Fantasie f-moll, KV 608 ''Ein Orgelstück für eine Uhr'' 12:05 5 Gerhard Weinberger Der Orgel der Abteikirche Amorbach - Adagio C-dur, KV 356 04:05 6 Gerhard Weinberger Der Orgel der Abteikirche Amorbach - Fuge g-moll, KV 154 02:28 7 Gerhard Weinberger Der Orgel der Abteikirche Amorbach - Allegro G-dur für Glockenspiel aus der Oper ''Die Zauberflöte'' 01:06 8 Gerhard Weinberger Der Orgel der Abteikirche Amorbach - Choralbearbeitung ''Ach Gott, vom Himmel sieh darein'' aus der Oper ''Die Zauberflöte'' 04:31 9 Gerhard Weinberger Der Orgel der Abteikirche Amorbach - Ave verum corpus, KV 618 Bearbeitung von Franz Liszt 03:24
Gerhard Weinberger View in Albunack Organ Works (Vol. 4) 16 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gerhard Weinberger Monologe op. 63 Nr. 5 Introduktion 03:52 2 Gerhard Weinberger Monologe op. 63 Nr. 6 Passacaglia 09:37 3 Gerhard Weinberger Trauerode op 145 Nr. 1 13:09 4 Gerhard Weinberger Dankpsalm op 145 Nr. 2 07:47 5 Gerhard Weinberger Sechs Trios op. 47 Nr. 2 Gigue 02:14 6 Gerhard Weinberger Passion op 145 Nr. 4 05:34 7 Gerhard Weinberger Ostern op 145 Nr. 5 03:58 8 Gerhard Weinberger Pfingsten op 145 Nr. 6 05:57 9 Gerhard Weinberger Sechs Trios op. 47 Nr. 6 Fuge 02:51 10 Gerhard Weinberger Suite g-moll op. 92 Nr. 1 Präludium 03:53 11 Gerhard Weinberger Suite g-moll op. 92 Nr. 2 Fuge 03:12 12 Gerhard Weinberger Suite g-moll op. 92 Nr. 3 Intermezzo 04:52 13 Gerhard Weinberger Suite g-moll op. 92 Nr. 4 Basso ostinato 03:14 14 Gerhard Weinberger Suite g-moll op. 92 Nr. 5 Romanze 08:03 15 Gerhard Weinberger Suite g-moll op. 92 Nr. 6 Toccata 03:30 16 Gerhard Weinberger Suite g-moll op. 92 Nr. 7 Fuge 03:37
Gerhard Weinberger View in Albunack Organ Works Vol. 1 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gerhard Weinberger Sonata for Organ No. 1 in F sharp minor, Op. 33 - I. Fantasia 04:43 2 Gerhard Weinberger Sonata for Organ No. 1 in F sharp minor, Op. 33 - II. Intermezzo 06:08 3 Gerhard Weinberger Sonata for Organ No. 1 in F sharp minor, Op. 33 - III. Passacaglia 13:19 4 Gerhard Weinberger Twelve Pieces for Organ, Op. 80: No. 10, Intermezzo in D major 05:15 5 Gerhard Weinberger Twelve Pieces for Organ, Op. 80: No. 11, Toccata in A minor 03:34 6 Gerhard Weinberger Twelve Pieces for Organ, Op. 80: No. 12, Fugue in A minor 03:40 7 Gerhard Weinberger Twelve Pieces for Organ, Op. 80: No. 8, Romance in A minor 04:02 8 Gerhard Weinberger Sonata for Organ No. 2 in D minor, Op. 60 - I. Improvisation: Allegro con brio 09:24 9 Gerhard Weinberger Sonata for Organ No. 2 in D minor, Op. 60 - II. Invocation: Grave con duolo - Piu mosso assai - Andante sostenuto 08:01 10 Gerhard Weinberger Sonata for Organ No. 2 in D minor, Op. 60 - III. Introduction: Allegrissimo assai - IV. Fugue: Allegro energico 07:55
Gerhard Weinberger View in Albunack Organ Works Vol. 2 13 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gerhard Weinberger Phantasie über den Choral 'Ein' feste Burg und unser Gott', Op. 27 14:33 2 Gerhard Weinberger Phantasie und Fuge über den Choral 'Wie schön leuch't uns der Morgenstern', Op. 40, No. 1 - Fuge 05:09 3 Gerhard Weinberger Choralvorspiel 'Ein' feste Burg ist unser Gott', Op. 79b, No. 2 01:36 4 Gerhard Weinberger Choralvorspiel 'Ein' feste Burg ist unser Gott', Op. 67, No. 6 02:21 5 Gerhard Weinberger Kanon e-moll, Neun Stücke Op. 129 03:31 6 Gerhard Weinberger Choralvorspiel 'Freu' dich sehr, o meine Seele', Op. 135a, No. 9 01:57 7 Gerhard Weinberger Choralvorspiel 'Straf mich nicht in deinem Zorn', Op. 67, No. 37 02:32 8 Gerhard Weinberger Phantasie über den Choral 'Straf mich nicht in deinem Zorn', Op. 40, No. 2 17:02 9 Gerhard Weinberger Intermezzo f-moll, Neun Stücke Op. 129 04:31 10 Gerhard Weinberger Präludium h-moll, Neun Stücke Op. 129 02:27 11 Gerhard Weinberger Fuge h-moll, Neun Stücke Op. 129 04:28 12 Gerhard Weinberger Phantasie und Fuge d-moll, Op. 135b - Phantasie 07:51 13 Gerhard Weinberger Phantasie und Fuge d-moll, Op. 135b - Fuge 09:42
Gerhard Weinberger View in Albunack Orgelkonzert im Dom zu Passau 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gerhard Weinberger Fantasie G-Dur, BWV 572 08:56 2 Gerhard Weinberger Johann Sebastian Bach - Choralvorspiel: "Schmücke Dich, O Liebe Seele", BWV 654 09:58 3 Gerhard Weinberger Johann Sebastian Bach - Präludium Und Fuge E-Moll, BWV 548 06:06 4 Gerhard Weinberger Johann Sebastian Bach - Präludium Und Fuge E-Moll, BWV 548 07:12 5 Gerhard Weinberger Fantasie und Fuge über den Choral: "Ad Nos, Ad Salutarem Undam" - Fantasie 18:21 6 Gerhard Weinberger Franz Liszt - Fantasie und Fuge über Den Choral: "Ad Nos, Ad Salutarem Undam" 08:55
Gerhard Winkler View in Albunack CAPRI-FISCHER - DAS ORIGINAL 1935 bis 1943 24 2 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 Gerhard Winkler Capri-Fischer - RUDI SCHURICKE 03:23 2 Gerhard Winkler Das verliebte Ballett - Otto Dobrindts Klavier-Symphoniker 02:35 3 Gerhard Winkler Eine kleine Frage - Die »Goldene Sieben« 03:08 4 Gerhard Winkler Bei Tanzmusik im Strandhotel - Rudi Schuricke 03:17 5 Gerhard Winkler Mach die Augen auf - MIMI THOMA mit kleinem Begleitorchester 02:43 6 Gerhard Winkler Eine Nacht im Orient - TANZORCHESTER BILLY BARTHOLOMEW 02:41 Has Mbid 7 Gerhard Winkler Möwe, du fliegst in die Heimat - MAGDA HAIN 03:17 8 Gerhard Winkler Wochenend-Fox - Die Spree-Revellers 03:22 9 Gerhard Winkler Wenn in Florenz die Rosen blüh'n - HERBERT ERNST GROH 03:16 10 Gerhard Winkler Karneval in Sevilla - Erwin Härtung 03:05 11 Gerhard Winkler So allein, schöne Frau? - Horst Winter 02:38 12 Gerhard Winkler Frühling in Sorrent - HERBERT ERNST GROH mit Chor und Orchester 03:31 13 Gerhard Winkler Sternennacht - Paul Dorn 03:23 14 Gerhard Winkler Denke an mein kleines Abschiedslied - RUDI SCHURICKE 03:05 15 Gerhard Winkler Zärtlich klingt ein Liebeslied - Die Metropol Vokalisten 02:29 16 Gerhard Winkler Chianti-Lied - Ralph Maria Siegel 02:52 17 Gerhard Winkler Joj-Joj-Joj - Schuricke Terzett 02:18 18 Gerhard Winkler Alt-Berliner Kremserfahrt - MAGDA HAIN 03:14 19 Gerhard Winkler Buenos Aires - Rudi Schuricke 02:18 20 Gerhard Winkler Vergangene Zeit - TANGOORCHESTER OSKAR JOOST 03:02 21 Gerhard Winkler Optimismus ist die beste Medizin - Rudi Schuricke 02:27 22 Gerhard Winkler In Portugal - TANZORCHESTER EGON KAISER 02:42 23 Gerhard Winkler Du wirst von so vielen geliebt - Rudi Schuricke 02:40 24 Gerhard Winkler Und wieder geht ein schöner Tag zu Ende - KARL SCHMITT-WALTER 03:24
Gerhard Winkler View in Albunack Die Ideale Geliebte 15 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gerhard Winkler Erster Akt: Vorspiel - Was war das 01:07 2 Gerhard Winkler Wir haben kein Geld mehr 01:05 3 Gerhard Winkler Ja, ja, ja 02:08 4 Gerhard Winkler Es liegt mir so im Blut 01:11 5 Gerhard Winkler Wieso Applaus 02:50 6 Gerhard Winkler Wir haben drei goldene Götzen 01:03 7 Gerhard Winkler Caramba, was fang ich heut mit der Liebe an 01:26 8 Gerhard Winkler Aber schon wieder 05:03 9 Gerhard Winkler Ich hab' gewusst 01:06 10 Gerhard Winkler Vierter Akt: Mir tut alles weh 01:44 11 Gerhard Winkler Aye, aye, aye 02:38 12 Gerhard Winkler Hallo, hallo 07:28 13 Gerhard Winkler Miss Glamour 03:14 14 Gerhard Winkler Nein, nein, nein 05:15 15 Gerhard Winkler Die Liebe in Palagua 02:11
Gerhard Winkler View in Albunack Musik hat mich verliebt gemacht 1934 - 1941 24 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gerhard Winkler Musik hat mich verliebt gemacht - ELENA LAURI 03:10 2 Gerhard Winkler Wenn der Willi mit der Lilli sonntags tanzen geht - ERWIN HÄRTUNG und LILLI 02:30 3 Gerhard Winkler Die Liebe auf den ersten Blick - TANZORCHESTER WILL GLAHE 02:53 4 Gerhard Winkler Straßensänger von Neapel (O mia bella Napoli) - SCHURICKE-TERZETT 02:54 5 Gerhard Winkler Das Nachtgespenst - WILFRIED SOMMER 02:53 6 Gerhard Winkler Ich hab'dich gesucht und gefunden - FIN OLSEN 03:04 7 Gerhard Winkler Schöne Argentina - INSTRUMENTALIA TANZORCHESTER ROBERT RENARD 02:56 8 Gerhard Winkler Spielmanns Lied - RUDI SCHURIKE 02:52 9 Gerhard Winkler Troikafahrt - TANZORCHESTER ERHARD BAUSCHKE 02:50 10 Gerhard Winkler Kaffeeklatsch bei Tante Linchen - ERWIN HÄRTUNG 03:11 11 Gerhard Winkler Träumen, immer nur träumen - MAX MENSING 03:15 12 Gerhard Winkler Wenn im Tanzcafe Musik erklingt - TANZORCHESTER ERHARD BAUSCHKE 03:25 13 Gerhard Winkler Der kleine Postillon - HEYN-QUARTETT 02:49 14 Gerhard Winkler Georgine - TANZORCHESTER FRITZ WEBER 02:58 15 Gerhard Winkler Hinter einer Düne - RUDI SCHURICKE 02:29 16 Gerhard Winkler Deine Augen versprechen das große Glück - PAUL DORN 03:00 17 Gerhard Winkler Schlittenfahrt - TANZORCHESTER ERHARD BAUSCHKE 03:18 18 Gerhard Winkler Tanze und sing' - RUDI SCHURICKE 02:37 19 Gerhard Winkler Espanola - TANZORCHESTER JUAN LLOSSAS 03:01 20 Gerhard Winkler Tropennacht - ERWIN HÄRTUNG 03:21 21 Gerhard Winkler Hexentanz - MICHAEL JARY u.s. KAMMERTANZORCHESTER 02:31 22 Gerhard Winkler So wird's nie wieder sein - RUDI SCHURICKE 03:03 23 Gerhard Winkler Süße kleine Henriett' - TANZORCHESTER FRITZ WEBER 02:56 24 Gerhard Winkler Auf Wiederseh'n - TANZORCHESTER ROBERT GADEN 02:56
Geri der Klostertaler View in Albunack Alles Geht Weiter 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Geri der Klostertaler In den Bergen da bin ich daheim 03:22 2 Geri der Klostertaler Alles geht weiter 04:07 3 Geri der Klostertaler Einer geht immer noch 04:01 4 Geri der Klostertaler Oh wie ist das schön 03:42 5 Geri der Klostertaler S'Leb'n auf der Alm 02:58 6 Geri der Klostertaler Typisch Mann 03:49 7 Geri der Klostertaler Madl komm tanz mit mir 03:27 8 Geri der Klostertaler Sie ist so wie keine 04:05 9 Geri der Klostertaler Das Echo von der Felsenwand 03:54 10 Geri der Klostertaler Tränen lügen nicht 03:51 11 Geri der Klostertaler Klostertaler medley 12:15 12 Geri der Klostertaler Wavin' Flag 04:18
Geri der Klostertaler View in Albunack Der Berg Ruft 14 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Geri der Klostertaler Es riecht nach Freiheit 04:04 2 Geri der Klostertaler In den Bergen da bin ich daheim 03:26 3 Geri der Klostertaler Das Echo von der Felsenwand 03:55 4 Geri der Klostertaler Heute Nacht 03:35 5 Geri der Klostertaler Einmal ist keinmal 03:08 6 Geri der Klostertaler Die Hände Hoch ( Party Version ) 03:18 7 Geri der Klostertaler Kind der Berge 03:40 8 Geri der Klostertaler Mit Stolz - ein Lederhosenträger 03:31 9 Geri der Klostertaler Mad'l komm tanz mit mir 03:29 10 Geri der Klostertaler Sugar-Hit Medley 05:02 11 Geri der Klostertaler Berg-Party Medley 04:49 12 Geri der Klostertaler Der Berg Ruft Hit-Mix 06:25 13 Geri der Klostertaler Klostertaler Super-Hit Medley 05:49 14 Geri der Klostertaler Die Hände Hoch ( Sommer-Mix ) 03:19
Geri der Klostertaler View in Albunack Geris Beliebteste Aprés Ski Hits 14 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Geri der Klostertaler Wir lassen uns net unterkriegen 02:52 2 Geri der Klostertaler Joana 03:38 3 Geri der Klostertaler Tequilla 02:03 4 Geri der Klostertaler Heb je even vor my 03:18 5 Geri der Klostertaler Una festa sui prati 03:24 6 Geri der Klostertaler Laadio 03:53 7 Geri der Klostertaler Jupeidi und Jupeida 03:04 8 Geri der Klostertaler Geris Stimmungsmedley 09:54 9 Geri der Klostertaler Das rote Pferd 03:13 Has Mbid 10 Geri der Klostertaler Dem Land Tirol die Treue 03:20 11 Geri der Klostertaler Eisbären 03:33 12 Geri der Klostertaler Jakety Say 01:44 13 Geri der Klostertaler Didjeridoo-Medley 03:53 14 Geri der Klostertaler I am Sailing 04:28
Geri der Klostertaler View in Albunack Gipfelkoenig (Flac) 15 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Geri der Klostertaler Schoen ist die Liebe 03:07 2 Geri der Klostertaler Top Sigrid 00:00 3 Geri der Klostertaler Die grosse Sause 00:00 4 Geri der Klostertaler Seelenfrieden 03:12 5 Geri der Klostertaler Gipfelkoenig 00:00 6 Geri der Klostertaler Der fruehe Vogel kann mich Mal 03:47 7 Geri der Klostertaler Ohne Geld koa Musi 03:07 8 Geri der Klostertaler Das kann nur Heimat sein 03:39 9 Geri der Klostertaler I suach a Madl fuer a Nacht 03:14 10 Geri der Klostertaler Hey, was geht ab 03:28 11 Geri der Klostertaler Haadihoo 03:27 12 Geri der Klostertaler Wie das Wetter wird 00:00 13 Geri der Klostertaler Ist das ein Sauladen hier 00:00 14 Geri der Klostertaler Schifahrn des is Leiwand 03:35 15 Geri der Klostertaler Klostertaler Cult-Medley 06:09
Geri der Klostertaler View in Albunack Gipfelkoenig (flac) 15 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Geri der Klostertaler Schoen ist die Liebe 03:07 2 Geri der Klostertaler Top Sigrid 00:00 3 Geri der Klostertaler Die grosse Sause 00:00 4 Geri der Klostertaler Seelenfrieden 03:12 5 Geri der Klostertaler Gipfelkoenig 02:51 6 Geri der Klostertaler Der fruehe Vogel kann mich Mal 03:47 7 Geri der Klostertaler Ohne Geld koa Musi 00:00 8 Geri der Klostertaler Das kann nur Heimat sein 03:40 9 Geri der Klostertaler I suach a Madl fuer a Nacht 03:14 10 Geri der Klostertaler Hey, was geht ab 03:27 11 Geri der Klostertaler Haadihoo 03:27 12 Geri der Klostertaler Wie das Wetter wird 00:00 13 Geri der Klostertaler Ist das ein Sauladen hier 00:00 14 Geri der Klostertaler Schifahrn des is Leiwand 03:35 15 Geri der Klostertaler Klostertaler Cult-Medley 06:08
Geri der Klostertaler View in Albunack Gipfelkoenig (wav) 15 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Geri der Klostertaler Schoen ist die Liebe 03:07 2 Geri der Klostertaler Top Sigrid 03:04 3 Geri der Klostertaler Die grosse Sause 00:00 4 Geri der Klostertaler Seelenfrieden 00:00 5 Geri der Klostertaler Gipfelkoenig 00:00 6 Geri der Klostertaler Der fruehe Vogel kann mich Mal 03:47 7 Geri der Klostertaler Ohne Geld koa Musi 00:00 8 Geri der Klostertaler Das kann nur Heimat sein 03:40 9 Geri der Klostertaler I suach a Madl fuer a Nacht 00:00 10 Geri der Klostertaler Hey, was geht ab 03:27 11 Geri der Klostertaler Haadihoo 00:00 12 Geri der Klostertaler Wie das Wetter wird 00:00 13 Geri der Klostertaler Ist das ein Sauladen hier 03:32 14 Geri der Klostertaler Schifahrn des is Leiwand 03:35 15 Geri der Klostertaler Klostertaler Cult-Medley 06:09
Geri der Klostertaler View in Albunack Ich Geb Alles 13 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Geri der Klostertaler Hoch Hinaus 03:08 2 Geri der Klostertaler Ab in die Nacht 03:21 3 Geri der Klostertaler Bergjodler 03:27 4 Geri der Klostertaler Bitte küss mich 03:22 5 Geri der Klostertaler Was wir heute nicht schaffen 02:45 6 Geri der Klostertaler Schenk mir dein Herz 03:24 7 Geri der Klostertaler 90-60-90 04:00 8 Geri der Klostertaler Dann geb ich einfach alles 03:17 9 Geri der Klostertaler Wenn ich meine Berge nicht hätte 04:30 10 Geri der Klostertaler POLKA-WALZER-MEDLEY 06:57 11 Geri der Klostertaler Hey Schatzi hey 03:32 12 Geri der Klostertaler SCHÖNE-MAID-MEDLEY 07:10 13 Geri der Klostertaler Schau nur 03:03
Geri der Klostertaler View in Albunack Ich geb alles (flac) 13 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Geri der Klostertaler Hoch hinaus 03:08 2 Geri der Klostertaler Ab in die Nacht 03:21 3 Geri der Klostertaler Bergjodler 03:27 4 Geri der Klostertaler Bitte küss mich 03:26 5 Geri der Klostertaler Was wir heute nicht schaffen 02:45 6 Geri der Klostertaler Schenk mir dein Herz 03:24 7 Geri der Klostertaler 90-60-90 03:53 8 Geri der Klostertaler Dann geb ich einfach alles 03:17 9 Geri der Klostertaler Wenn i meine Berge net hätt 04:30 10 Geri der Klostertaler Polka-Walzer-Medley 06:57 11 Geri der Klostertaler Hey Schatzi hey 03:32 12 Geri der Klostertaler Schöne-Maid-Medley 07:12 13 Geri der Klostertaler Schau nur 03:03
Geri der Klostertaler View in Albunack Ich geb alles (wav) 13 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Geri der Klostertaler Hoch hinaus 03:08 2 Geri der Klostertaler Ab in die Nacht 03:21 3 Geri der Klostertaler Bergjodler 03:27 4 Geri der Klostertaler Bitte küss mich 03:26 5 Geri der Klostertaler Was wir heute nicht schaffen 02:45 6 Geri der Klostertaler Schenk mir dein Herz 03:24 7 Geri der Klostertaler 90-60-90 03:53 8 Geri der Klostertaler Dann geb ich einfach alles 03:17 9 Geri der Klostertaler Wenn i meine Berge net hätt 04:30 10 Geri der Klostertaler Polka-Walzer-Medley 06:58 11 Geri der Klostertaler Hey Schatzi hey 03:32 12 Geri der Klostertaler Schöne-Maid-Medley 07:10 13 Geri der Klostertaler Schau nur 03:03
Geri der Klostertaler View in Albunack La Via Alpina - Himmelhoch & High (flac) 13 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Geri der Klostertaler Gimme, Gimme Edelweiß 03:07 2 Geri der Klostertaler Da sag i net Nein 02:54 3 Geri der Klostertaler Am blauen Meer 03:34 4 Geri der Klostertaler Ich mach Party mit Sirtaki 03:18 5 Geri der Klostertaler La via Alpina 04:01 6 Geri der Klostertaler Solang es Wunder gibt 03:51 7 Geri der Klostertaler Blodes Gift 03:04 8 Geri der Klostertaler Paula 03:09 9 Geri der Klostertaler Mademoiselle, es wird hell 03:10 10 Geri der Klostertaler Wenn i du war 03:07 11 Geri der Klostertaler Himmelhoch & High (Wilde Gams) 02:35 12 Geri der Klostertaler Du bist der Sommer 02:59 13 Geri der Klostertaler Alpin Medley 05:03
Geri der Klostertaler View in Albunack La Via Alpina - Himmelhoch & High (wav) 13 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Geri der Klostertaler Gimme, Gimme Edelweiß 03:07 2 Geri der Klostertaler Da sag i net Nein 02:54 3 Geri der Klostertaler Am blauen Meer 03:34 4 Geri der Klostertaler Ich mach Party mit Sirtaki 03:18 5 Geri der Klostertaler La via Alpina 04:01 6 Geri der Klostertaler Solang es Wunder gibt 03:51 7 Geri der Klostertaler Blodes Gift 03:04 8 Geri der Klostertaler Paula 03:09 9 Geri der Klostertaler Mademoiselle, es wird hell 03:10 10 Geri der Klostertaler Wenn i du war 03:07 11 Geri der Klostertaler Himmelhoch & High (Wilde Gams) 02:32 12 Geri der Klostertaler Du bist der Sommer 02:59 13 Geri der Klostertaler Alpin Medley 05:03
Germa Adan View in Albunack Kenbe Fem 7 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Germa Adan Dodo Lullaby 03:28 2 Germa Adan The Lark In The Morning 04:59 Has Mbid 3 Germa Adan Born To Die 03:28 4 Germa Adan Vini Chache M' - Come Search For Me 05:24 5 Germa Adan Rain In The Sun 04:39 6 Germa Adan Kenbe Fem 06:21 7 Germa Adan La Vie C'Est 03:46
German Jazz Orchestra View in Albunack First Take 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 German Jazz Orchestra Dwarf Dance 09:10 2 German Jazz Orchestra Ella 08:24 3 German Jazz Orchestra Flying Dolphins 08:14 4 German Jazz Orchestra Concerto For Soprano Saxophone - 1. Movement 02:51 5 German Jazz Orchestra 2. Movement 04:25 6 German Jazz Orchestra 3. Movement 03:10 7 German Jazz Orchestra In The Best Tradition 09:41 8 German Jazz Orchestra No Doubt About It 06:32
Germano Mathias View in Albunack Tributo a Caco Velho 14 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Germano Mathias Meu fraco é mulher 03:11 2 Germano Mathias Uma crioula 02:53 3 Germano Mathias Barriga vazia 03:02 4 Germano Mathias Por um beijo teu 03:02 5 Germano Mathias Tempo feliz 03:40 6 Germano Mathias Que baixo...! 03:27 7 Germano Mathias Samba do meu tio 03:27 8 Germano Mathias Onde está 03:19 9 Germano Mathias Vida dura 03:00 10 Germano Mathias Alegria de pobre 02:28 11 Germano Mathias Moleque vagabundo 03:16 12 Germano Mathias Tonalidade original 02:20 13 Germano Mathias Nega velha 02:39 14 Germano Mathias A palhaçada 02:10
Gernhardt, Eilert, Knorr View in Albunack Erna, der Baum nadelt 16 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gernhardt, Eilert, Knorr Eine Predigt 02:13 2 Gernhardt, Eilert, Knorr Eine Legende 01:21 3 Gernhardt, Eilert, Knorr Ein Gedicht 01:12 4 Gernhardt, Eilert, Knorr Die Geburt 03:27 5 Gernhardt, Eilert, Knorr Die Vermißtenanzeige 03:13 6 Gernhardt, Eilert, Knorr Die Filmkritik 03:06 7 Gernhardt, Eilert, Knorr Der Weihnachtshase 05:31 8 Gernhardt, Eilert, Knorr Die Nacht der wilden Erdbeerchen 08:26 9 Gernhardt, Eilert, Knorr Der Buchtip 04:11 10 Gernhardt, Eilert, Knorr Kalorien 04:32 11 Gernhardt, Eilert, Knorr Paul Dexter und das Geheimnis der spanischen Vanille 02:57 12 Gernhardt, Eilert, Knorr Josephs Geschichten 04:18 13 Gernhardt, Eilert, Knorr Zehn kleine Faltigkeiten 02:13 14 Gernhardt, Eilert, Knorr Erna, der Baum nadelt 05:57 15 Gernhardt, Eilert, Knorr Ratschläge für Seltengänger 05:13 16 Gernhardt, Eilert, Knorr Zu zweit ohne Streit 03:47
Gerots Synthezis Group View in Albunack Utoloso haboru/Last War 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gerots Synthezis Group トラック01 02:08 2 Gerots Synthezis Group トラック02 02:38 3 Gerots Synthezis Group トラック03 04:01 4 Gerots Synthezis Group トラック04 03:32 5 Gerots Synthezis Group トラック05 04:00 6 Gerots Synthezis Group トラック06 03:25 7 Gerots Synthezis Group トラック07 05:27 8 Gerots Synthezis Group トラック08 07:20 9 Gerots Synthezis Group トラック09 02:20 10 Gerots Synthezis Group トラック10 03:06 11 Gerots Synthezis Group トラック11 04:15
Gerrit Christiaan de Gier View in Albunack Widor - Symphony No 7, Liszt - Ad Nos 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gerrit Christiaan de Gier Symphony No.7, Opus 42 No.3 - I. Moderato 07:01 2 Gerrit Christiaan de Gier Symphony No.7, Opus 42 No.3 - II. Choral, Andante 08:57 3 Gerrit Christiaan de Gier Symphony No.7, Opus 42 No.3 - III. Andante - Allegretto 07:00 4 Gerrit Christiaan de Gier Symphony No.7, Opus 42 No.3 - IV. Allegro ma non troppo 07:56 5 Gerrit Christiaan de Gier Symphony No.7, Opus 42 No.3 - V. Lento 05:59 6 Gerrit Christiaan de Gier Symphony No.7, Opus 42 No.3 - VI. Finale, Allegro vivace 09:14 7 Gerrit Christiaan de Gier Fantasie und Fugue 'Ad nos, ad salutarem undam' 31:00
Search Gerry Davis Doctor Who: The Highlanders (1of2) 31 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gerry Davis Episode One: Opening titles 00:24 2 Gerry Davis Scene 1: Moorlands (day) 01:23 3 Gerry Davis Scene 2: Moorlands (day) 01:53 4 Gerry Davis Scene 3: Ruined cottage (interior) 01:40 5 Gerry Davis Scene 4: Moorlands near the cottage 01:15 6 Gerry Davis Scene 5: Ruined cottage interior (day) 02:48 7 Gerry Davis Scene 6: Moorlands (day) 00:41 8 Gerry Davis Scenes 7-9: Ruined cottage interior & exterior (day) 01:46 9 Gerry Davis Scene 10: Moorlands (day) 02:22 10 Gerry Davis Scenes 11-17: Moorlands & exterior ruined cottage (day) 02:12 11 Gerry Davis Scene 18: Ruined cottage exterior (day) 03:42 12 Gerry Davis Scene 19: A cave (day) 02:52 13 Gerry Davis Scene 20: Moor path (twilight) 01:49 14 Gerry Davis Episode Two: Opening titles 00:21 15 Gerry Davis Scene 1: In the animal pit (night) 01:35 16 Gerry Davis Scene 2: Pit exterior (night) 00:35 17 Gerry Davis Scene 3: In the pit (night) 00:23 18 Gerry Davis Scene 4: Pit exterior (night) 00:30 19 Gerry Davis Scene 5: In the pit (night) 00:39 20 Gerry Davis Scene 6: Inverness Jail (night) 03:59 21 Gerry Davis Scene 7: In the pit (night) 01:21 22 Gerry Davis Scene 8: The Sea Eagle (interior) (night) 06:08 23 Gerry Davis Scene 9: In the pit (night) 01:18 24 Gerry Davis Scene 10: The Sea Eagle (interior) (night) 00:47 25 Gerry Davis Scene 11: The Scullery at the Sea Eagle (night) 01:12 26 Gerry Davis Scene 12: Inverness Jail (night) 00:33 27 Gerry Davis Scene 13: Interior corridor, the Sea Eagle (night) 00:40 28 Gerry Davis Scene 14: Interior room, the Sea Eagle (night) 00:47 29 Gerry Davis Scene 15: Rowing boat (night) 00:28 30 Gerry Davis Scene 16: Interior room, the Sea Eagle (night) 01:08 31 Gerry Davis Scene 17: Rowing boat alongside the Annabelle (night) 01:20
Gerry DeVeaux View in Albunack Back To You 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gerry DeVeaux Front Of The Line 04:22 2 Gerry DeVeaux Do It All (In The Pocket) 04:13 3 Gerry DeVeaux Back To You 04:59 4 Gerry DeVeaux All You Want 03:39 5 Gerry DeVeaux Lonely Interlude 00:15 6 Gerry DeVeaux Dear Lonely Hearts 03:47 7 Gerry DeVeaux Holding On To Promises 04:13 8 Gerry DeVeaux Do It All 04:13 9 Gerry DeVeaux Sittin' On It 03:32 10 Gerry DeVeaux Reunited 04:37 11 Gerry DeVeaux Holding On To Promises 04:14 12 Gerry DeVeaux Come Into My Life (Stonebridge Remix) 03:26
Gerry Joly View in Albunack Une «Gornouille» au «Bout» 24 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gerry Joly Une Grenouille S'en Va à Peau 03:20 2 Gerry Joly L'os-Ti D'poulailler 03:15 3 Gerry Joly Papier D'toilette 02:30 4 Gerry Joly Y M'ont Crucifié 03:11 5 Gerry Joly L'outaouais 05:07 6 Gerry Joly Y'a Rien Là 03:33 7 Gerry Joly (Un) Employé Du Gouvernement 02:22 8 Gerry Joly Les Belles-Mères 04:17 9 Gerry Joly M'a M'arroser 02:50 10 Gerry Joly Beau Printemps 02:36 11 Gerry Joly La Carotte 02:40 12 Gerry Joly «Perds» Noël 02:31 13 Gerry Joly Son Gros Minou 04:43 14 Gerry Joly Bel Argument 02:54 15 Gerry Joly D'la Gomme 02:57 16 Gerry Joly Assis Toé 03:37 17 Gerry Joly J'ai Donné Ma Vie à Compagnie 03:06 18 Gerry Joly Béquer Bôbô 03:19 19 Gerry Joly Madame Gagné 03:19 20 Gerry Joly Le Roi D'Abitibi 02:51 21 Gerry Joly La Vie D'aujourd'hui 03:20 22 Gerry Joly Quien Ben 03:12 23 Gerry Joly Où Là, Là, Là 03:13 24 Gerry Joly Salut Gens De Chez-nous 01:58
Gerry Lane View in Albunack Till The End Of The Line 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gerry Lane When It All Comes Down 03:10 2 Gerry Lane Retribution 03:44 3 Gerry Lane I've Done My Time In Hell 04:20 4 Gerry Lane Till' The End of the Line 05:40 5 Gerry Lane Take Down the Limit 03:08 6 Gerry Lane I've Cried the Blues (for New York City) 05:49 7 Gerry Lane Hold On 03:50 8 Gerry Lane Criticize 03:42 9 Gerry Lane Rockin' the Hole Tonight 03:15 10 Gerry Lane La Isla 05:09
Gerry Mulligan All-Star Tribute Band View in Albunack Thank You, Gerry! 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gerry Mulligan All-Star Tribute Band Bark for Barksdale 05:09 2 Gerry Mulligan All-Star Tribute Band Theme for Jobim 06:06 3 Gerry Mulligan All-Star Tribute Band Elevation 04:11 4 Gerry Mulligan All-Star Tribute Band My Funny Valentine 08:38 5 Gerry Mulligan All-Star Tribute Band Rocker 05:30 6 Gerry Mulligan All-Star Tribute Band Walkin' Shoes 07:29 7 Gerry Mulligan All-Star Tribute Band Moonlight in Vermont 05:16 8 Gerry Mulligan All-Star Tribute Band Line for Lyons 05:58 9 Gerry Mulligan All-Star Tribute Band Festive Minor 06:39 10 Gerry Mulligan All-Star Tribute Band Bernie's Tune 05:57 11 Gerry Mulligan All-Star Tribute Band Curtains 07:28
Gerry Timlin View in Albunack The Flower Of Sweet Strabane 18 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gerry Timlin The Flower Of Sweet Strabane 02:59 2 Gerry Timlin The Man With The Cap 04:10 3 Gerry Timlin Emigrant Eyes 04:17 4 Gerry Timlin Sonny's Dream 03:29 5 Gerry Timlin To Welcome Paddy Home 03:23 6 Gerry Timlin The River 03:56 7 Gerry Timlin The Field Behind The Plough 03:14 8 Gerry Timlin Scarborough Settler's Lament 04:23 9 Gerry Timlin Whatever You Say, Say Nothing 02:58 10 Gerry Timlin Kitty Bawn O'Brien 04:02 11 Gerry Timlin Caledonia 03:54 12 Gerry Timlin Home From The Sea 04:03 13 Gerry Timlin A Song For Ireland 04:28 14 Gerry Timlin Exile Fisherman's Lament 05:07 15 Gerry Timlin Lough Erne's Lovely Shores 03:13 16 Gerry Timlin Orchard Song 04:12 17 Gerry Timlin Forty-Five Years 02:59 18 Gerry Timlin The Winds Are Singing Freedom 04:24
Gerry Timlin View in Albunack The Flower of Sweet Strabane 18 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gerry Timlin The Flower of Sweet Strabane. 02:59 2 Gerry Timlin The Man with the Cap. 04:10 3 Gerry Timlin Emigrant Eyes. 04:17 4 Gerry Timlin Sonny's Dream. 03:29 5 Gerry Timlin To Welcome Paddy Home. 03:23 6 Gerry Timlin The River. 03:56 7 Gerry Timlin The Field Behind the Plough. 03:14 8 Gerry Timlin Scarborough Settler's Lament. 04:23 9 Gerry Timlin Whatever You Say, Say Nothing. 02:58 10 Gerry Timlin Kitty Bawn O'Brien. 04:02 11 Gerry Timlin Caledonia. 03:54 12 Gerry Timlin Home from the Sea. 04:03 13 Gerry Timlin A Song for Ireland. 04:28 14 Gerry Timlin Exile Fisherman's Lament. 05:07 15 Gerry Timlin Lough Erne's Lovely Shores. 03:13 16 Gerry Timlin Orchard Song. 04:12 17 Gerry Timlin Forty-Five Years. 02:59 18 Gerry Timlin The Winds are Singing Freedom. 04:24
Gershaw View in Albunack Desert Spirit - A Quiet Sandstorm - Musique Oficielle Du Marathon Des Sables 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gershaw A Lament From Haza 07:34 2 Gershaw Arabesque 07:34 3 Gershaw Clumsy Wind 06:50 4 Gershaw Muslim Ghetto 06:42 5 Gershaw Moroccan Market 08:25 6 Gershaw The Awakening Glee 06:50 7 Gershaw Resonnance Des Sables 08:19
Gershwin Piano Quartet View in Albunack Gershwin Piano Quartet Playing On 4 Pianos 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gershwin Piano Quartet I Got Rhythm 05:49 2 Gershwin Piano Quartet Love Is Here To Stay 05:08 3 Gershwin Piano Quartet The Man I Love 06:23 4 Gershwin Piano Quartet A Foggy Day 05:16 5 Gershwin Piano Quartet Rhapsody In Blue 19:20 6 Marlis Walter Somebody Loves Me 03:02 7 Stefan Wirth By Strauss 03:11 8 André Desponds Oh, Lady Be Good 02:55 9 Niklaus Bärtsch I Got Rhythm 03:19 10 Gershwin Piano Quartet Summertime 05:14 11 Gershwin Piano Quartet Oh, Lady Be Good 01:23 12 Gershwin Piano Quartet An American In Paris 18:03
Gershwin Piano Quartet View in Albunack Transatlantiques 27 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gershwin Piano Quartet Vocalise, Op. 34, No. 14 (Arr. for Piano Quartet) 06:34 2 Gershwin Piano Quartet Suite No. 2, Op. 17: IV. Tarantella 05:32 3 Gershwin Piano Quartet The Nutcracker Suite, Op. 71a: Overture (Arr. for Piano Quartet) 03:07 4 Gershwin Piano Quartet The Nutcracker Suite, Op. 71a: In the Pine Forest 07:20 5 Gershwin Piano Quartet The Nutcracker Suite, Op. 71a: Dance of the Mirlitons 01:32 6 Gershwin Piano Quartet The Nutcracker Suite, Op. 71a: Waltz of the Flowers 05:07 7 Gershwin Piano Quartet The Nutcracker Suite, Op. 71a: Minimal March 01:11 8 Gershwin Piano Quartet The Nutcracker Suite, Op. 71a: Trepak 01:17 9 Gershwin Piano Quartet Lieutenant Kije, Op. 60: I. Birth of Kijé 02:28 10 Gershwin Piano Quartet Lieutenant Kije, Op. 60: II. Romance 04:08 11 Gershwin Piano Quartet Lieutenant Kije, Op. 60: III. Troika 03:50 12 Gershwin Piano Quartet Fantasy on "Porgy and Bess": Introduction 01:26 13 Gershwin Piano Quartet "Porgy and Bess": It Ain't Necessarily So 03:26 14 Gershwin Piano Quartet Fantasy on "Porgy and Bess": Rumble 01:25 15 Gershwin Piano Quartet Fantasy on "Porgy and Bess": My Man's Gone Now 02:56 16 Gershwin Piano Quartet Fantasy on "Porgy and Bess": Interlude 01:10 17 Gershwin Piano Quartet Fantasy on "Porgy and Bess": I Can't Sit Down 01:34 18 Gershwin Piano Quartet Fantasy on "Porgy and Bess": I Loves You, Porgy 03:01 19 Gershwin Piano Quartet "Porgy and Bess": Oh, the Train Is at the Station! 04:06 20 Gershwin Piano Quartet Songs and Dances from "West Side Story": Prologue 01:14 21 Gershwin Piano Quartet "West Side Story": Scherzando 01:43 22 Gershwin Piano Quartet "West Side Story": A Boy Like That 02:17 23 Gershwin Piano Quartet "West Side Story": I Have a Love 02:23 24 Gershwin Piano Quartet "West Side Story": Cha-Cha 02:00 25 Gershwin Piano Quartet "West Side Story": Tonight 01:34 26 Gershwin Piano Quartet Songs and Dances from "West Side Story": Mambo 02:42 27 Gershwin Piano Quartet Bad (Arr. for Piano Quartet) 03:28
Gershwin Quintet View in Albunack Oh, Ladies be good! 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gershwin Quintet Cuban Ouverture (George Gershwin) 08:16 2 Gershwin Quintet Candidade Ouvertre (Leonard Bernstein) 04:39 3 Gershwin Quintet Allegro ben ritmato e deciso - Three Preludes (George Gershwin) 01:29 4 Gershwin Quintet Andante con moto e poco rubato - Three Preludes (George Gershwin) 04:03 5 Gershwin Quintet Allegro ben ritmato e deciso - Three Preludes (George Gershwin) 01:08 6 Gershwin Quintet Memorias (Pedro Iturralde) 10:44 7 Gershwin Quintet Rhapsody (George Gershwin) 16:09
Gerson García View in Albunack Venezuela - Bandola des Llanos 17 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gerson García Pajarillo - Joropo 05:04 2 Gerson García Linda Barinas (Eladio Tarife) - Pasaje 03:21 3 Gerson García Quitapesares - Joropo 02:47 4 Gerson García Alcaraván compañero (P.F. Sosa Caro) - Pasaje 03:29 5 Gerson García Zumba que zumba - Joropo-Golpe Sabanero 03:09 6 Gerson García Pot-Pourri - Pasaje 03:16 7 Gerson García Quirpa - Joropo-Golpe Sabanero 02:46 8 Gerson García Periquera - Joropo 02:54 9 Gerson García Yo vivo por tres motivos (José Capieta Carpio/Manuel Larroche) - Tonada-Pasaje 03:25 10 Gerson García Seis por derecho - Joropo-Golpe Sabanero 04:17 11 Gerson García Mi Camaguán (El "Indio" Ignacio Figueredo) - Pasaje 02:35 12 Gerson García San Rafael - Joropo 02:57 13 Gerson García Fiesta en Elorza (Eneas Perdomo) - Pasaje 02:59 14 Gerson García Gaván - Joropo 04:17 15 Gerson García Los Diamantes (El "Indio" Ignacio Figueredo) - Pasaje 02:41 16 Gerson García Los Maizales (E. Hernandez Guevara/Manuel Luna) - Pasaje 02:22 17 Gerson García Gavilán - Joropo 03:02
Gert Heidenreich View in Albunack Adolf Hitler. Diktator des Deutschen Reichs. Teil 1 14 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gert Heidenreich Kindheit in der Provinz 08:16 2 Gert Heidenreich Schwarze Pädagogik 02:18 3 Gert Heidenreich Irrungen, Wirrungen und Faulheit 07:22 4 Gert Heidenreich Bohemien 07:23 5 Gert Heidenreich Siegesglorie und Katastrophe 05:13 6 Gert Heidenreich Stadt der Bewegung 09:22 7 Gert Heidenreich Frontschweine und Etappenhengste 05:37 8 Gert Heidenreich Der Versailler Vertrag 04:24 9 Gert Heidenreich Pakt und Putsch: Im November war ich rot, ... 08:03 10 Gert Heidenreich Der dumpfe Furor 06:50 11 Gert Heidenreich Der V-Mann 02:50 12 Gert Heidenreich Der Trommler 02:56 13 Gert Heidenreich NSDAP 02:00 14 Gert Heidenreich Heulclown 02:27
Gert Heidenreich View in Albunack Der kleine Hobbit 19 0 2008 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Ronald Reuel Tolkien Der kleine Hobbit 00:31 2 John Ronald Reuel Tolkien Der kleine Hobbit 38:30 3 John Ronald Reuel Tolkien Der kleine Hobbit 18:13 4 John Ronald Reuel Tolkien Der kleine Hobbit 25:38 5 John Ronald Reuel Tolkien Der kleine Hobbit 47:52 6 John Ronald Reuel Tolkien Der kleine Hobbit 42:12 7 John Ronald Reuel Tolkien Der kleine Hobbit 55:20 8 John Ronald Reuel Tolkien Der kleine Hobbit 01:00 9 John Ronald Reuel Tolkien Der kleine Hobbit 36:00 10 John Ronald Reuel Tolkien Der kleine Hobbit 24:48 11 John Ronald Reuel Tolkien Der kleine Hobbit 19:20 12 John Ronald Reuel Tolkien Der kleine Hobbit 49:45 13 John Ronald Reuel Tolkien Der kleine Hobbit 25:51 14 John Ronald Reuel Tolkien Der kleine Hobbit 22:16 15 John Ronald Reuel Tolkien Der kleine Hobbit 23:03 16 John Ronald Reuel Tolkien Der kleine Hobbit 15:17 17 John Ronald Reuel Tolkien Der kleine Hobbit 25:39 18 John Ronald Reuel Tolkien Der kleine Hobbit 20:02 19 John Ronald Reuel Tolkien Der kleine Hobbit 15:27
Gert Heidenreich View in Albunack Der seltsame Fall des Benajmin Button 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gert Heidenreich Der seltsame Fall des Benajmin Button 01 08:24 2 Gert Heidenreich Der seltsame Fall des Benajmin Button 02 06:18 3 Gert Heidenreich Der seltsame Fall des Benajmin Button 03 05:01 4 Gert Heidenreich Der seltsame Fall des Benajmin Button 04 10:24 5 Gert Heidenreich Der seltsame Fall des Benajmin Button 05 05:40 6 Gert Heidenreich Der seltsame Fall des Benajmin Button 06 08:35 7 Gert Heidenreich Der seltsame Fall des Benajmin Button 07 02:50 8 Gert Heidenreich Der seltsame Fall des Benajmin Button 08 05:13 9 Gert Heidenreich Der seltsame Fall des Benajmin Button 09 06:02 10 Gert Heidenreich Der seltsame Fall des Benajmin Button 10 05:51 11 Gert Heidenreich Der seltsame Fall des Benajmin Button 11 06:04 12 Gert Heidenreich Der seltsame Fall des Benajmin Button 12 07:13
Gert Heidenreich View in Albunack Die Ritter 12 0 2003 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Road University Die Kreuzritter 06:04 2 Road University Treue,Ergebeheit Und Edelmut 05:37 3 Road University Kämpfe Wie Ein Ritter 08:27 4 Road University Ritterliche Heldenepen 05:46 5 Road University Die Welt Der Frauen Im Rittert 07:27 6 Road University Die Minne 04:56 7 Road University Die Bösen Und Die Guten 05:00 8 Road University Die Ritterorden 03:02 9 Road University Das Burgleben Der Ritter 03:49 10 Road University Die Raubritter 03:58 11 Road University Die Kulturgüter Des Orients 03:04 12 Road University Der Verfall Der Ritterlichen I 05:58
Gert Heidenreich View in Albunack Die andere Heimat 3 14 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gert Heidenreich 25 05:26 2 Gert Heidenreich 26 05:40 3 Gert Heidenreich 27 05:30 4 Gert Heidenreich 28 05:35 5 Gert Heidenreich 29 05:23 6 Gert Heidenreich 30 05:10 7 Gert Heidenreich 31 04:45 8 Gert Heidenreich 32 05:00 9 Gert Heidenreich 33 05:22 10 Gert Heidenreich 34 05:49 11 Gert Heidenreich 35 05:05 12 Gert Heidenreich 36 05:18 13 Gert Heidenreich 37 05:36 14 Gert Heidenreich 38 06:05
Gert Heidenreich View in Albunack H.C.Andersen Märchenerzählungen Band 1 17 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gert Heidenreich Die Prinzessin auf der Erbse 01:56 2 Gert Heidenreich Die Prinzessin auf der Erbse 02:22 3 Gert Heidenreich Des Kaisers neue Kleider 01:29 4 Gert Heidenreich Des Kaisers neue Kleider 02:40 5 Gert Heidenreich Des Kaisers neue Kleider 02:50 6 Gert Heidenreich Des Kaisers neue Kleider 03:26 7 Gert Heidenreich Des Kaisers neue Kleider 02:55 8 Gert Heidenreich Des Kaisers neue Kleider 03:07 9 Gert Heidenreich Der fliegende Koffer 02:44 10 Gert Heidenreich Der fliegende Koffer 03:21 11 Gert Heidenreich Der fliegende Koffer 04:45 12 Gert Heidenreich Der fliegende Koffer 04:12 13 Gert Heidenreich Der fliegende Koffer 03:16 14 Gert Heidenreich Die Störche 01:10 15 Gert Heidenreich Die Störche 03:23 16 Gert Heidenreich Die Störche 03:39 17 Gert Heidenreich Die Störche 03:04
Gert Heidenreich View in Albunack Thomas Gottschalk - Biographie 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gert Heidenreich Ein Russe in Kulmbach 00:00 2 Gert Heidenreich Wie alles anfing 00:00 3 Gert Heidenreich Schlesisches Leben 00:00 4 Gert Heidenreich Ich heiße Thomas Morus 00:00 5 Gert Heidenreich Haltet alle fest zusammen 00:00 6 Gert Heidenreich Sie nannten sich Tiger und Wölfe 00:00
Gert Potgieter View in Albunack 20 Van Die Beste 20 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gert Potgieter My Mooiste Dag 03:29 2 Gert Potgieter Die Kavalier 03:02 3 Gert Potgieter My Liefling 03:12 4 Gert Potgieter Hoor My Lied (Violetta) 02:09 5 Gert Potgieter Vir Jou Alleen 02:35 6 Gert Potgieter Jy's Lief Vir My 03:11 7 Gert Potgieter Nagtyd In Die Bosveld 02:18 8 Gert Potgieter My Talisman 02:11 9 Gert Potgieter Wat Die Wind Vertel 03:01 10 Gert Potgieter Vir My Slegs 'n Lied 03:20 11 Gert Potgieter Serenade 03:21 12 Gert Potgieter Mama 02:44 13 Gert Potgieter Hier In My Hart Lief 01:59 14 Gert Potgieter Neem My Hart 02:42 15 Gert Potgieter Liefling Kom Wals Saam Met My 02:33 16 Gert Potgieter Jare Kom En Jare Gaan 03:09 17 Gert Potgieter Vreemd In Die Paradys 04:33 18 Gert Potgieter So Breek My Hart 03:07 19 Gert Potgieter Jy In Die Maanlig 03:29 20 Gert Potgieter Moet Nie Gaan 02:39
Gert Potgieter View in Albunack My Special Prayer 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gert Potgieter My Special Prayer 02:45 2 Gert Potgieter Blue Christmas 02:38 3 Gert Potgieter An Old Christmas Card 02:33 4 Gert Potgieter Mary's Boy Child 03:32 5 Gert Potgieter The Little Drummer Boy 02:57 6 Gert Potgieter Silent Night 03:33 7 Gert Potgieter White Christmas 02:59 8 Gert Potgieter I Believe 03:09 9 Gert Potgieter The First Noël 02:20 10 Gert Potgieter Joy To The World 02:02
Gert Potgieter View in Albunack The Song Of My Life (LP) 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gert Potgieter The Song Of My Life 03:17 2 Gert Potgieter Forgotten Song Of Summer 02:48 3 Gert Potgieter You've Got Me On A Merry-Go-Round 02:15 4 Gert Potgieter Sweet Maria 02:07 5 Gert Potgieter Little Things Mean A Lot 03:09 6 Gert Potgieter Words 02:59 7 Gert Potgieter Vineyard 00:00 8 Gert Potgieter Theme From 'LoveStory' 03:32 9 Gert Potgieter Dreamy River 02:48 10 Gert Potgieter Please Don't Go 02:33 11 Gert Potgieter Vesper Bells 02:31 12 Gert Potgieter Twilight Is Falling [Chopin Nocturne in E Flat] 03:11
Gertrud Schmalenbach View in Albunack Christopher Kirchenmaus und seine Mäuselieder 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gertrud Schmalenbach Vorstellung 01:24 2 Gertrud Schmalenbach Christopher Kirchenmaus 03:22 3 Gertrud Schmalenbach Hausputz 03:15 4 Gertrud Schmalenbach Ist die hübsch 04:27 5 Gertrud Schmalenbach Alles nichts 04:11 6 Gertrud Schmalenbach Ich hab's geahnt 02:44 7 Gertrud Schmalenbach So begabt 04:16 8 Gertrud Schmalenbach Malwine, ach Malwine 02:09 9 Gertrud Schmalenbach Jetzt reicht's 03:25 10 Gertrud Schmalenbach Das wollen wir nicht 03:24 11 Gertrud Schmalenbach Klarissa 06:02 12 Gertrud Schmalenbach Finale (Jedes Herz) 02:42
Gervase De Peyer View in Albunack An English Lilt, With A Irish Tilt 13 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gervase De Peyer Allegro Moderato 07:38 2 Gervase De Peyer Caoine, Allegro Quasi Fantasia 06:23 3 Gervase De Peyer Allegretto Grazioso 05:43 4 Gervase De Peyer Ballade 05:41 5 Gervase De Peyer Croon Song 03:13 6 Gervase De Peyer Intermezzo 02:26 7 Gervase De Peyer Scherzo 03:44 8 Gervase De Peyer Molto Modererato 08:28 9 Gervase De Peyer Vivace 05:02 10 Gervase De Peyer Introduction 00:48 11 Gervase De Peyer Valse - Caprices Nos. 1- 4 06:16 12 Gervase De Peyer Valse - Caprices Nos. 5-6 03:30 13 Gervase De Peyer Finale 02:07
Gervase de Peyer View in Albunack Clarinet Recital 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gervase de Peyer Grand Duo Concertant - I. Allegro cob fuoco 05:11 2 Gervase de Peyer Grand Duo Concertant - II. Andante con moto 05:08 3 Gervase de Peyer Grand Duo Concertant - III. Rondo: Allegro 05:42 4 Gervase de Peyer Andantino for Clarinet and Piano 03:23 5 Gervase de Peyer Petite Pièce for Clarinet and Piano 01:10 6 Gervase de Peyer Grand Duo Concertant - I. Paguera 02:28 7 Gervase de Peyer Grand Duo Concertant - II. Valdemosa 01:13 8 Gervase de Peyer Le tombeau de Ravel (Valses Caprices) 11:42 9 Gervase de Peyer Sonatina for Clarinet and Piano, H.356 - I. Moderato 05:31 10 Gervase de Peyer Sonatina for Clarinet and Piano, H.356 - II. Andante 02:15 11 Gervase de Peyer Sonatina for Clarinet and Piano, H.356 - III. Poco allegro 02:17
Geschwister Küng View in Albunack Appenzeller Streichmusik 18 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Geschwister Küng A de wettschüssi 02:50 2 Geschwister Küng Osteregg-Zäuerli 05:17 3 Geschwister Küng Polka 02:36 4 Geschwister Küng Rumänische Volkstänze 04:15 5 Geschwister Küng Vorwärts im Ländler 03:34 6 Geschwister Küng Schottisch 01:49 7 Geschwister Küng Machet's guet 03:04 8 Geschwister Küng Schottisch 02:11 9 Geschwister Küng A me Tisch werd zaured 02:22 10 Geschwister Küng Jakob-Etter-Zäuerli 05:20 11 Geschwister Küng Jiddische Takte 02:51 12 Geschwister Küng Ferienspass 02:37 13 Geschwister Küng Es geistert auf der Burgruine Clanx 03:16 14 Geschwister Küng Die ewige Gewohnheit 01:38 15 Geschwister Küng Polka für sieben 03:37 16 Geschwister Küng Auf der säntis-schwebegahn 02:07 17 Geschwister Küng Sembalun 03:07 18 Geschwister Küng Zwä sennischi wälserli 02:53
Geschwister Well View in Albunack A Scheene Leich 21 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Geschwister Well Ave Verum (W.A.Mozart) 03:18 2 Geschwister Well Gseng ins 01:22 3 Geschwister Well Trauermarsch 01:58 4 Geschwister Well Der Pfarrer (G. Polt) 03:25 5 Geschwister Well Allerseelener 02:10 6 Geschwister Well Heute bin ich rot 01:13 7 Geschwister Well Der Veteranenvereinsvorstand (G. Polt) 01:44 8 Geschwister Well Guter Kamerad 01:33 9 Geschwister Well Gute Nacht, o Welt 02:30 10 Geschwister Well Der Obst- Und Gartenbauvereinspräsident (G. Polt) 01:49 11 Geschwister Well Dort oben 01:35 12 Geschwister Well Siziliana (J. S. Bach) 02:42 13 Geschwister Well Andachtsjodler 01:17 14 Geschwister Well Der Schäferhundzüchtervereinsvorsitzende (G. Polt) 01:18 15 Geschwister Well Andantino (F. Kreisler) 03:20 16 Geschwister Well Jetzt muss ich aus mein' Haus 01:14 17 Geschwister Well Der ImmoPlus-Vertreter (G. Polt) 01:10 18 Geschwister Well Näher mein Gott zu Dir 01:02 19 Geschwister Well Gott hat alles recht gemacht 02:23 20 Geschwister Well Feierabend (A. Günther) 02:19 21 Geschwister Well Wann i amoi gestorben sollt sein 03:16
Gestapo Khazi View in Albunack Written in the Will 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gestapo Khazi Open House 02:47 2 Gestapo Khazi Fickle Little Child 02:40 3 Gestapo Khazi Escalators 02:28 4 Gestapo Khazi The Rope 02:46 5 Gestapo Khazi Scramble Like Dogs 02:13 6 Gestapo Khazi Sunbelt 02:59 7 Gestapo Khazi Poison Apples 02:40 8 Gestapo Khazi In The Shadow Of The Pines 02:45
Gesualdo Consort View in Albunack Early Music of the Netherlands, Vol. 1 21 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gesualdo Consort Ach Vlaendere vrie 03:12 2 Gesualdo Consort Nove cantum melodie, secunda pars 02:34 3 Gesualdo Consort Je ne vis onques la pareille 03:27 4 Gesualdo Consort In hydraulis quondam Pythagora 07:16 5 Gesualdo Consort Tstat een meskin 02:02 6 Gesualdo Consort Mille quingentis 08:36 7 Gesualdo Consort Kyrie 01:45 8 Gesualdo Consort Credo Je ne vis onques 06:13 9 Gesualdo Consort Ut Phebi radius 04:58 10 Gesualdo Consort Tous les regretz 03:04 11 Gesualdo Consort Buvons, ma comere 01:28 12 Gesualdo Consort Een lied eerbaer van die leifste moet ic singhen - Salich sy zyn wi 03:28 13 Gesualdo Consort Psalm 2: Pourquoi font bruit 01:42 14 Gesualdo Consort Madonna mia, pieta (instrumentaal) 02:00 15 Gesualdo Consort Madonna mia, pieta (vocaal) 02:10 16 Gesualdo Consort Chanson 'Une Angelette' 01:37 17 Gesualdo Consort Chanson 'Pleurs et souspirs' 02:34 18 Gesualdo Consort Amor che col partire (vocaal) 02:22 19 Gesualdo Consort Amor che col partire (instrumentaal) 03:45 20 Gesualdo Consort Tandem triumphans 03:52 21 Gesualdo Consort Madrigaal 'Zelfiro torna' 05:25
Get A Room! View in Albunack Dig Out Your Spade 003 16 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Get A Room! Tune In 00:29 2 Get A Room! Les Tabous 04:14 3 Get A Room! Allez Joubi! 03:56 4 Get A Room! Alone With You 03:28 5 Get A Room! Polyritmo Dub Mix 06:18 6 Get A Room! Je Suis Amoureuse 03:14 7 Get A Room! The Bumper 05:03 8 Get A Room! I Can't Go On Without You 04:07 9 Get A Room! Alvi & Jeff 05:35 10 Get A Room! C'est La Cerise 03:55 11 Get A Room! Neon Lichts 06:07 12 Get A Room! Coda 06:02 13 Get A Room! Evil 04:33 14 Get A Room! Esperanto 04:48 15 Get A Room! Automobile 07:00 16 Get A Room! From London To Paris 04:32
Get Back View in Albunack Car Crazy 15 0 2000 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Get Back Start Up 00:16 2 Get Back Car Crazy 03:12 3 Get Back Honey Su 02:36 4 Get Back Home Cookin 03:59 5 Get Back Clean Machine 02:57 6 Get Back Hooked On You 03:32 7 Get Back Your Trouble 03:33 8 Get Back Moonlight And Stars 03:46 9 Get Back Rockin In The Royal 03:14 10 Get Back Canonball 02:51 11 Get Back Jive Alive 02:54 12 Get Back Little Fella 03:08 13 Get Back Colleen 03:15 14 Get Back My Love Is Stronger 03:31 15 Get Back Shoebox Shimmy 03:32
Get Back View in Albunack Getback To Rock'n'Roll 16 1 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 Get Back Get Back To Rock'n'Roll 03:20 2 Get Back Splish Splash 02:30 3 Get Back Odette 02:28 4 Get Back Folsom Prison Blues 03:25 5 Get Back Medley: At The Hop, Oh Boy, Rock'n'Roll Is Here To Stay 03:25 6 Get Back Baby It's You 03:19 7 Get Back Beat Street 03:42 8 Get Back I Feel Fine 02:01 9 Get Back Do You Know How To Rock'n'Roll 03:24 10 Get Back Surf City 03:26 11 Get Back Go Man Go 03:09 12 Get Back Such A Night 02:29 13 Get Back Hard Day's Night 02:26 14 Get Back Sweet Lovin' Man 04:16 15 Get Back Sea Cruise 02:43 16 Get Back Pretty Baby 03:11
Get Back View in Albunack Walk Right Back 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Get Back Rock Around The Clock 02:17 2 Get Back Treat Me Nice 02:15 3 Get Back Walk Right Back 02:32 4 Get Back Hound Dog 02:23 5 Get Back Sea Of Love 02:31 6 Get Back Nine Times Out Of Ten 03:14 7 Get Back She's Not You 02:11 8 Get Back Hello Mary Lou 02:28 9 Get Back Runaround Sue 02:46 10 Get Back Wake Up Little Suzie 02:28 11 Get Back All Shook Up 03:16 12 Get Back Shake, Rattle & Roll 02:25
Search Get Lost Unity Is Fucking Dead 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Get Lost Unity Is Fucking Dead 01:50 2 Get Lost Less Clapping More Hardcore 00:54 3 Get Lost Nothing To Lose 01:03 4 Get Lost Safe And Controlled 01:17 5 Get Lost Not The Same 01:30 6 Get Lost Breakout! 01:15 7 Get Lost Draw The Line 01:09 8 Get Lost Intro . Consumers Revolt 03:07
Search Get Out GET OUT 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Get Out Something to Say 05:21 2 Get Out Another Year (The Follow Through) 04:30 3 Get Out Let's Talk About This 02:15 4 Get Out Woodland Avenue 03:21 5 Get Out Better Than You 01:57 6 Get Out Cracks in the Concrete 05:30 7 Get Out Departure 05:37 8 Get Out Amber 06:16 9 Get Out Sorry Only Means So Much 04:15 10 Get Out Can't Stay 03:02 11 Get Out Ascension 04:37 12 Get Out Powelines 04:40
Get The Cat View in Albunack Four! 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Get The Cat A Pocket Full Of Change 04:28 2 Get The Cat I've Seen It All On TV 03:45 3 Get The Cat Nothing To Worry 03:49 4 Get The Cat Blinded By Love 05:01 5 Get The Cat Too Perfect For Me 02:48 6 Get The Cat A Little Bit Of Luck 04:18 7 Get The Cat Handle Me With Care 04:10 8 Get The Cat There's Something Funky (In Everything I Do) 04:20 9 Get The Cat My Sweet Sue 03:33 10 Get The Cat The Lovin' Touch 03:35 11 Get The Cat What If 03:31 12 Get The Cat Someone Like You 04:36
Get The Cat View in Albunack Get The Cat 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Get The Cat Turn the music on 03:03 2 Get The Cat When my ship comes in 04:42 3 Get The Cat Love’s got a million faces 05:32 4 Get The Cat Prove me wrong 04:01 5 Get The Cat Care for me 04:43 6 Get The Cat Look what’s become of you 05:03 7 Get The Cat Wrong place, wrong time 05:00 8 Get The Cat I’ve to a plan 03:29 9 Get The Cat Billion dollar blues 05:02 10 Get The Cat You only made a fool of yourself 03:43 11 Get The Cat Love’s got a million faces (remix) 04:10
Get The Cat View in Albunack She Knows Them All 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Get The Cat Sweet Home Cologne 03:30 2 Get The Cat Two Steps Forward 03:57 3 Get The Cat Ghost Town 05:14 4 Get The Cat Your Last Shirt (Won't Have A Pocket) 09:28 6 Get The Cat Maria Knows Them All 04:16 7 Get The Cat I'm Good 04:25 8 Get The Cat Enough Is Enough 05:31 9 Get The Cat Broad Shoulders 05:25 10 Get The Cat All I'm Saying 04:32 11 Get The Cat The Habit I'm Trying To Break 05:14
Get The Cat View in Albunack The Way To My Heart 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Get The Cat My old pair of boots 06:42 2 Get The Cat The Way To My Heart 05:39 3 Get The Cat When My Ship Comes In 05:15 4 Get The Cat If I Ain't Got You 04:51 5 Get The Cat I've Got A Plan 03:35 6 Get The Cat Prove Me Wrong 05:04 7 Get The Cat I lost a dollar in you kitchen 07:20 8 Get The Cat It’s not enough 04:01 9 Get The Cat I just wanna dance 04:01 10 Get The Cat Walk the extra mile 04:03 11 Get The Cat God's Got A Big Umbrella 07:22 12 Get The Cat Brother's Keeper 04:32
Get Wise View in Albunack The Nightlife 13 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Get Wise Intro (The Morning After) 01:26 2 Get Wise The Nightlife 01:53 3 Get Wise 2012 02:27 4 Get Wise Dazed (And Confused) 02:30 5 Get Wise Count Me Out 01:33 6 Get Wise IXOXUX 02:32 7 Get Wise Shrapnel 03:11 8 Get Wise Better Say Nothing 01:09 9 Get Wise Take It Slow 01:39 10 Get Wise Mindless Devotion 02:07 11 Get Wise Clock's Ticking 02:05 12 Get Wise Will This Be A Letdown 01:53 13 Get Wise White Noise 01:19
Get the Cat View in Albunack Four 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Get the Cat A Pocket Full Of Change 04:28 2 Get the Cat I’ve Seen It All On TV 03:45 3 Get the Cat Nothing To Worry 03:49 4 Get the Cat Blinded By Love 05:01 5 Get the Cat Too Perfect For Me 02:48 6 Get the Cat A Little Bit Of Luck 04:18 7 Get the Cat Handle Me With Care 04:10 8 Get the Cat There’s Something Funk (In Everything I Do) 04:20 9 Get the Cat My Sweet Sue 03:33 10 Get the Cat The Lovin’ Toch 03:35 11 Get the Cat What If 03:31 12 Get the Cat Someone Like You 04:36
Get the Cat View in Albunack She Knows Them All 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Get the Cat Sweet Homme Cologne 03:30 2 Get the Cat Two Steps Forward 03:57 3 Get the Cat Ghost Town 05:14 4 Get the Cat Your Last Shirt - won't Have A Pocket 09:28 5 Get the Cat A Man For Saturday Night 03:37 6 Get the Cat Maria Knows Them All 04:16 7 Get the Cat I'm Good 04:25 8 Get the Cat Enough Is Enough 05:31 9 Get the Cat Broad Shoulders 05:25 10 Get the Cat All I'm Saying 04:32 11 Get the Cat The Habit I'm Trying To Break 05:14
Get the Cat View in Albunack The Way to my Heart 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Get the Cat My old pair of shoes 06:42 2 Get the Cat The Way to my Heart 05:39 3 Get the Cat When ma ship comes in 05:15 4 Get the Cat If I ain´t got you 04:51 5 Get the Cat I´ve got a plan 03:35 6 Get the Cat Prove me wrong 05:04 7 Get the Cat I lost a dollar in your kitchen 07:20 8 Get the Cat It´s not enaugh 04:01 9 Get the Cat I just wanna dance 04:01 10 Get the Cat Walk the extra mile 04:03 11 Get the Cat God´s got a big umbrella 07:22 12 Get the Cat Brother´s keeper 04:32
Search Getafix Art of Hypnotica 9 0 2010 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Getafix Getafix - Form A to Z 08:55 2 Getafix Getafix - Psynchronized 06:27 3 Getafix Nin - The Hand that Feeds (Getafix Rmx) 08:25 4 Getafix Getafix - My Secret Bliss 07:20 5 Getafix Getafix - The Art of Hypnotica 08:30 6 Getafix Talamasca - Awakening (Getafix Rmx) 07:25 7 Getafix Nin - Only (Getafix Rmx) 07:47 8 Getafix Getafix - Knockin_on_Your_Door 05:33 9 Getafix Getafix - Where Are You Now 06:09
Gheorghe Turda View in Albunack Dragu-mi-i la veselie 20 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gheorghe Turda Dragu-mi-i unde-am zinit 02:56 2 Gheorghe Turda De-ar fi mândra-n deal la cruce 04:27 3 Gheorghe Turda Cui nu-i place dragostea 03:53 4 Gheorghe Turda Decât noră-n casa voastră 03:27 5 Gheorghe Turda Moșule, barbă căruntă 01:47 6 Gheorghe Turda Săracă inima me 03:27 7 Gheorghe Turda Vai, ce ploaie vine de la Cluj 02:42 8 Gheorghe Turda Măi prietene, io și tu 02:55 9 Gheorghe Turda Nu mă bate, Doamne, rău 02:07 10 Gheorghe Turda Pe Mureș și pe Târnavă 05:28 11 Gheorghe Turda Coborâi din deal la vale 02:13 12 Gheorghe Turda La crâșmulița din vale 03:14 13 Gheorghe Turda Puiculița a me muiere 03:06 14 Gheorghe Turda Dragu-mi-i la veselie 02:14 15 Gheorghe Turda Ce rău am făcut la lume 02:42 16 Gheorghe Turda Bună sara dragii mei 03:34 17 Gheorghe Turda Dragă mi-e crâșma-n pădure 01:58 18 Gheorghe Turda Așa beau oamenii buni 03:50 19 Gheorghe Turda Tată lumea are-un dor 02:54 20 Gheorghe Turda După pui de moroșan 03:06
Ghighi N. Iovin View in Albunack What a Friend We Have In Jesus 13 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Ghighi N. Iovin I Stand Amazed In the Presence 04:05 2 Ghighi N. Iovin Bringing In th Sheaves 03:20 3 Ghighi N. Iovin Burdens Are Lifted At Calvary 03:23 4 Ghighi N. Iovin I Know Whom I Have Believed 03:43 5 Ghighi N. Iovin Softly and Tenderly 04:07 6 Ghighi N. Iovin Count Your Blessings 03:09 7 Ghighi N. Iovin How Great Thou Art 04:15 8 Ghighi N. Iovin Pass Me Not O Gentle Saviour 04:46 9 Ghighi N. Iovin Shall We Gather At the River 04:28 10 Ghighi N. Iovin Teach Me Thy Way O Lord 03:27 11 Ghighi N. Iovin Sweet Hour Of Prayer 04:41 12 Ghighi N. Iovin Are You Washed In the Blood 04:01 13 Ghighi N. Iovin What a Friend We Have In Jesus 03:55
Ghislain Potvlieghe View in Albunack Rust - 3 Sonates - Tangentenfluegel 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Ghislain Potvlieghe Sonata in F-sharp minor - I. [Allegro ma non troppo] 07:46 2 Ghislain Potvlieghe Sonata in F-sharp minor - II. Larghetto 03:06 3 Ghislain Potvlieghe Sonata in F-sharp minor - III. Allegretto 06:24 4 Ghislain Potvlieghe Sonata in E minor - I. Largo 02:59 5 Ghislain Potvlieghe Sonata in E minor - II. Allegro 05:35 6 Ghislain Potvlieghe Sonata in E minor - III. Rondo 05:49 7 Ghislain Potvlieghe Sonata in D major - I. Allegro 10:19 8 Ghislain Potvlieghe Sonata in D major - II. Poco grave 01:41 9 Ghislain Potvlieghe Sonata in D major - III. [Allegretto] 00:56 10 Ghislain Potvlieghe Sonata in D major - IV. Poco grave 01:44 11 Ghislain Potvlieghe Sonata in D major - V. [Allegretto] 02:38
Ghost Of Maine View in Albunack Shark Tales 7 0 2007 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Ghost Of Maine Intro 00:49 2 Ghost Of Maine "Man Bites Dog" 06:40 3 Ghost Of Maine Isn't That Right Mr. Scream? 03:11 4 Ghost Of Maine The Cabinet Of Dr. Caligari 05:04 5 Ghost Of Maine The Sounds You Hear In Your Head Before You Sleep 01:15 6 Ghost Of Maine Rice Bannon Is Not My Dad 04:20 7 Ghost Of Maine We All Float Down Here 06:15
Ghost Tape Experiment View in Albunack For a Winter Day 20 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Ghost Tape Experiment Savant 01:36 2 Ghost Tape Experiment Leaf falls on loneliness 03:24 3 Ghost Tape Experiment First sentimental winter 02:45 4 Ghost Tape Experiment Grim eye (interlude 1) 01:25 5 Ghost Tape Experiment Dark long trip in the train 03:14 6 Ghost Tape Experiment Last song for an ungrateful soul 07:01 7 Ghost Tape Experiment Celeste (interlude 2) 01:45 8 Ghost Tape Experiment A silent poem to Mary Ann 03:45 9 Ghost Tape Experiment The last love song on this little planet (instrumental) 06:32 10 Ghost Tape Experiment Storm (interlude 3) 01:33 11 Ghost Tape Experiment The place on Earth where people can dream 06:11 12 Ghost Tape Experiment Aquarium color 04:29 13 Ghost Tape Experiment Crisis (interlude 4) 01:30 14 Ghost Tape Experiment Feel so low (Porcupine Tree cover) 05:07 15 Ghost Tape Experiment True meaning of life 05:29 16 Ghost Tape Experiment Last melody for a silent heart (interlude 5) 01:39 17 Ghost Tape Experiment Sweet and mellow heartattack 07:28 18 Ghost Tape Experiment The white flower of the abyss 06:46 19 Ghost Tape Experiment Instant piano 01:18 20 Ghost Tape Experiment For a winter day (promotional) 02:42
Ghost Trio View in Albunack Best Things In Life 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Ghost Trio 68 03:49 2 Ghost Trio Another Star 07:20 3 Ghost Trio United Starlings 04:09 4 Ghost Trio Mountain Or Love 04:49 5 Ghost Trio The Best Things In Life Are Free 07:51 6 Ghost Trio Bipolare Nachtruhe 03:46 7 Ghost Trio Denkmalpflege 05:47 8 Ghost Trio 20011002 05:35
Search Ghostriders 35 Years on Tour 18 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Ghostriders Ghostriders-Theme 03:33 2 Ghostriders Travelin Man 02:11 3 Ghostriders That's allwright Mama 02:33 4 Ghostriders Cry to me 04:14 5 Ghostriders Good Golly Miss Molly 02:47 6 Ghostriders Words of Love 02:57 7 Ghostriders Lovin Potion No. 9 02:40 8 Ghostriders Dream Lover 03:02 9 Ghostriders I saw her standing there 02:58 10 Ghostriders Under the Boardwalk 02:50 11 Ghostriders Stuck on You 02:31 12 Ghostriders Confessin' the Blues 04:53 13 Ghostriders Great Balls of Fire 02:46 14 Ghostriders Oh Carol 02:15 15 Ghostriders Lucille 02:24 16 Ghostriders Only the Lonely 02:24 17 Ghostriders Hang on Sloopy 03:06 18 Ghostriders Route 66 03:17
Ghosts In The Room View in Albunack Barbarians 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Ghosts In The Room Through The Flames 01:26 2 Ghosts In The Room Bucktown 03:56 3 Ghosts In The Room Gladiators 02:46 4 Ghosts In The Room Danger Feat. Ras Kass & Fortay 04:44 5 Ghosts In The Room Under Your Skin 03:45 6 Ghosts In The Room Dark Streets Feat. Tornts 02:58 7 Ghosts In The Room Through The Flames (Instrumental) 01:25 8 Ghosts In The Room Bucktown (Instrumental) 03:55 9 Ghosts In The Room Gladiators (Instrumental) 02:46 10 Ghosts In The Room Danger (Instrumental) 04:43
Ghosts Of Dance View in Albunack The Complete Ghosts Of Dance 15 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Ghosts Of Dance Inspiration 03:45 2 Ghosts Of Dance Sunset Across Kyoto 03:35 3 Ghosts Of Dance Till I Wake 04:34 4 Ghosts Of Dance Calling 03:34 5 Ghosts Of Dance Living With A Shadow 04:32 6 Ghosts Of Dance Saigon 02:52 7 Ghosts Of Dance Compulsion 05:47 8 Ghosts Of Dance Walking Throough Gardens 03:46 9 Ghosts Of Dance Berlin 05:14 10 Ghosts Of Dance Celebrate 03:47 11 Ghosts Of Dance Days Like I've Never Seen 03:29 12 Ghosts Of Dance Portrait Of Eden 03:26 13 Ghosts Of Dance Images Of You 04:24 14 Ghosts Of Dance Black Sheep 03:16 15 Ghosts Of Dance Ghosts Of Dance 04:08
Gi3MO View in Albunack The Untold Adventures Of Gary Guttersnypes 13 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gi3MO Giztro 00:42 2 Gi3MO Better Late Than Never? 02:49 3 Gi3MO Iron Gut 02:55 4 Gi3MO Go Back (Gold) 02:39 5 Gi3MO Sultan 03:18 6 Gi3MO Dogfood 02:51 7 Gi3MO Mothership (Ego) 02:55 8 Gi3MO Bingo! 02:44 9 Gi3MO Britflix 04:00 10 Gi3MO Ashes Falling 03:14 11 Gi3MO Warning Thing 03:05 12 Gi3MO Yareeaha 02:07 13 Gi3MO The Untold (Bonus) 03:05
Gi3mo View in Albunack The Untold Adventures of Gary Guttersnypes 13 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gi3mo Giztro 00:42 2 Gi3mo Better Late Than Never? 02:49 3 Gi3mo Iron Gut 02:55 4 Gi3mo Go Back [Gold] 02:39 5 Gi3mo Sultan 03:18 6 Gi3mo Dogfood 02:51 7 Gi3mo Mothership [Ego] 02:55 8 Gi3mo Bingo! 02:44 9 Gi3mo Britflix 04:00 10 Gi3mo Ashes Falling 03:14 11 Gi3mo Warning Thing 03:05 12 Gi3mo Yareeaha 02:08 13 Gi3mo The Untold [Bonus] 03:05
Search Gia Huy Anh Van Biet 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gia Huy Anh Van Biet 05:48 2 Gia Huy Noi Nho Diu Em 04:29 3 Gia Huy Nguyet Ca 04:28 4 Gia Huy Phuong Hong 04:55 5 Gia Huy Tinh Phu 05:40 6 Gia Huy Loi Xua Mon Moi 04:40 7 Gia Huy Khi Nguoi Yeu Ra Di 04:04 8 Gia Huy Lua Tinh 03:21 9 Gia Huy Rong Reu 04:40 10 Gia Huy Neu Mot Ngay 04:54
Giacomo Facco View in Albunack Master of Kings 30 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Giacomo Facco Cantata "Clori pur troppo bella" - Recitativo 00:35 2 Giacomo Facco Cantata "Clori pur troppo bella" - Aria 02:56 3 Giacomo Facco Cantata "Clori pur troppo bella" - Recitativo 2 00:42 4 Giacomo Facco Cantata "Clori pur troppo bella" - Aria 2 02:57 5 Giacomo Facco Cantata "Clori pur troppo bella" - Recitativo 3 00:26 6 Giacomo Facco Cantata "Clori pur troppo bella" - Aria, Largo 05:46 7 Giacomo Facco Sinfonia di Violoncello a solo in do minore - Largo 02:21 8 Giacomo Facco Sinfonia di Violoncello a solo in do minore - Presto 01:20 9 Giacomo Facco Sinfonia di Violoncello a solo in do minore - Grave 01:15 10 Giacomo Facco Sinfonia di Violoncello a solo in do minore - Allegro 02:04 11 Giacomo Facco Cantata "Perche vedi chi'o t'amo - Recitativo 00:35 12 Giacomo Facco Cantata "Perche vedi chi'o t'amo - Aria 03:38 13 Giacomo Facco Cantata "Perche vedi chi'o t'amo - Recitativo 2 00:53 14 Giacomo Facco Cantata "Perche vedi chi'o t'amo - Aria. Allegro a violoncello obbligato 03:39 15 Giacomo Facco Sinfonia di Violoncello a solo in re maggiore - Grave 02:00 16 Giacomo Facco Sinfonia di Violoncello a solo in re maggiore - Allegro 01:42 17 Giacomo Facco Sinfonia di Violoncello a solo in re maggiore - Adagio.Assai 02:29 18 Giacomo Facco Sinfonia di Violoncello a solo in re maggiore - Presto 01:05 19 Giacomo Facco Cantata "Amada Libertad, Enhorabuena" - Recitativo 00:40 20 Giacomo Facco Cantata "Amada Libertad, Enhorabuena" - Aria.Largo-Vivo-Largo-Vivo-Largo 03:32 21 Giacomo Facco Cantata "Amada Libertad, Enhorabuena" - Recitativo 2 00:32 22 Giacomo Facco Cantata "Amada Libertad, Enhorabuena" - Aria 05:23 23 Giacomo Facco Sinfonia di Violoncello a Solo in sol minore - Largo 03:39 24 Giacomo Facco Sinfonia di Violoncello a Solo in sol minore - Allegro 01:46 25 Giacomo Facco Sinfonia di Violoncello a Solo in sol minore - Grave 01:13 26 Giacomo Facco Sinfonia di Violoncello a Solo in sol minore - Presto 01:16 27 Giacomo Facco Cantata "Cuando en el Oriente" - Recitativo 00:55 28 Giacomo Facco Cantata "Cuando en el Oriente" - Aria.Largo 08:18 29 Giacomo Facco Cantata "Cuando en el Oriente" - Recitativo 2 00:36 30 Giacomo Facco Cantata "Cuando en el Oriente" - Aria 07:39
Giacomo Langella View in Albunack Riot: Civil Unrest - Original Soundtrack 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Giacomo Langella Riot 01:24 2 Giacomo Langella Main Theme 01:26 3 Giacomo Langella No Yav 02:42 4 Giacomo Langella Indignados 03:20 5 Giacomo Langella Karatea 04:32 6 Giacomo Langella Tahrir 03:30 7 Giacomo Langella Global Mode - Police 03:52 8 Giacomo Langella Global Mode - Rioters 04:40 9 Giacomo Langella Credits 03:28
Giacomo Rondinella View in Albunack Zappatore 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Giacomo Rondinella Guapparia 03:42 2 Giacomo Rondinella Malafemmena 03:17 3 Giacomo Rondinella Brinneso 04:22 4 Giacomo Rondinella Guappatella 03:35 5 Giacomo Rondinella Voglio S 'Tte 02:59 6 Giacomo Rondinella Carcerato 04:20 7 Giacomo Rondinella Lacreme Napulitane 04:28 8 Giacomo Rondinella Canzuncella 'Mbriaca 03:32 9 Giacomo Rondinella Bona Fortuna 03:30 10 Giacomo Rondinella Giuvanne Simpatia 03:14 11 Giacomo Rondinella É Figlie 04:03 12 Giacomo Rondinella Zappatore 03:36
Giane View in Albunack Vitrola Digital 14 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Giane Dominique 02:44 2 Giane O Homem Do Coração De Ouro 02:02 3 Giane E Por Isso Estou Aqui 02:26 4 Giane Preste Atenção (Fais Attention) 02:34 5 Giane Longe Do Mundo (The End Of The World) 02:58 6 Giane Não Saberás (N'Avoue Jamais) 03:04 7 Giane Somos Iguais 02:51 8 Giane Johnny Guitar 03:03 9 Giane Angelita (Angelita Di Anzio) 03:40 10 Giane Não Esqueço Jamais (On N'Oublie Jamais) 02:26 11 Giane Olhos Tristes (There Won't Any Snow) 02:55 12 Giane Viva A Vida (The Red Baloon) 02:29 13 Giane Numa Flor (In Un Fiore) 02:21 14 Giane Estrada Do Sol (Alle Porta Del Sole) 03:24
Gianluca Capozzi View in Albunack La metà di un viaggio 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gianluca Capozzi Sai 03:37 2 Gianluca Capozzi Te regalo 'o core 04:13 3 Gianluca Capozzi Solo cu 'tte 03:29 4 Gianluca Capozzi Luntano se more 03:20 5 Gianluca Capozzi I miei limiti 03:27 6 Gianluca Capozzi Nunn é mai stato ammore 03:48 7 Gianluca Capozzi Amami a modo mio 04:15 8 Gianluca Capozzi Guardame 03:29
Gianluca Capozzi View in Albunack Tra Le Cose Che Ho 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gianluca Capozzi Tra le cose che ho 03:47 2 Gianluca Capozzi Dimmi dove 03:46 3 Gianluca Capozzi Parlami 03:07 4 Gianluca Capozzi Il mio errore da rifare 03:41 5 Gianluca Capozzi Ho bisogno di te 03:35 6 Gianluca Capozzi Cade 03:39 7 Gianluca Capozzi Perderti per ritrovarti 03:10 8 Gianluca Capozzi Cosa mi resta da fare 04:18 9 Gianluca Capozzi Fa ciò che devi 03:37 10 Gianluca Capozzi Riuscirò a non odiarti mai 03:30 11 Gianluca Capozzi Puoi 03:19 12 Gianluca Capozzi T'avessa spiegà 03:56
Gianluca Capozzi View in Albunack Tra le cose che ho 13 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gianluca Capozzi Tra le cose che ho 03:46 2 Gianluca Capozzi Dimmi dove 03:46 3 Gianluca Capozzi Parlami 03:07 4 Gianluca Capozzi Il mio errore da rifare 03:41 5 Gianluca Capozzi Ho bisogno di te 03:35 6 Gianluca Capozzi Cade 03:39 7 Gianluca Capozzi Perderti per ritrovarti 03:10 8 Gianluca Capozzi Cosa mi resta da fare 04:18 9 Gianluca Capozzi Fa ciò che devi 03:37 10 Gianluca Capozzi Riuscirò a non odiarti mai 03:30 11 Gianluca Capozzi Puoi 03:19 12 Gianluca Capozzi T'avessa spiegà 03:56 13 Gianluca Capozzi Nali 04:04
Gianluca Littera View in Albunack Concert For Harmonica & Orchestra 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Graham Whettam Concerto Scherzoso: I. Allegro 03:49 2 Graham Whettam Concerto Scherzoso: II. Andante 04:14 3 Graham Whettam Concerto Scherzoso: III. Allegro energico 02:37 4 Gabriel Fauré Pavane (Arr. For Harmonica And Orchestra) 05:56 5 Alan Hovhaness Seven Greek Folk Dances, Op. 150: I. Hassapiko 02:15 6 Alan Hovhaness Seven Greek Folk Dances, Op. 150: II. The Selybrian Syrtos 01:42 7 Alan Hovhaness Seven Greek Folk Dances, Op. 150: III. Sweet-Basil Green 03:11 8 Alan Hovhaness Seven Greek Folk Dances, Op. 150: IV. Karagouna 01:32 9 Alan Hovhaness Seven Greek Folk Dances, Op. 150: V. Tsaconian Dance 01:10 10 Alan Hovhaness Seven Greek Folk Dances, Op. 150: VI. Pastoral 01:59 11 Alan Hovhaness Seven Greek Folk Dances, Op. 150: VII. Sousta 01:47 12 Astor Piazzolla Oblivion (Arr. For Harmonica And Orchestra) 04:36
Gianluca Littera View in Albunack Stradivarius - Concert for Harmonica & Orchestra 13 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gianluca Littera Allegro 03:49 2 Gianluca Littera Andante 04:14 3 Gianluca Littera Allegro Energico 02:37 4 Gianluca Littera Pavane 05:56 5 Gianluca Littera I. Hassapiko 02:15 6 Gianluca Littera II. The Selybrian Syrtos 01:42 7 Gianluca Littera III. Sweet-Brasil Green 03:11 8 Gianluca Littera IV. Karagouna 01:32 9 Gianluca Littera V. Tsaconian Dance 01:10 10 Gianluca Littera VI. Pastoral 01:59 11 Gianluca Littera VII. Sousta 01:47 12 Gianluca Littera Oblivion 04:36 13 Gianluca Littera Concerto for Harmonica & Orchestra 14:48
Gianni Basso Quartet View in Albunack A la France 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gianni Basso Quartet Pavane (Ravel/Parish) 05:20 2 Gianni Basso Quartet Nuages (Reinhardt) 05:53 3 Gianni Basso Quartet Ciel De Paris (Dudan) 05:13 4 Gianni Basso Quartet La Mer (Trenet) 06:37 5 Gianni Basso Quartet Que Rest't Il De Nos Amours (Trenet) 05:47 7 Gianni Basso Quartet Menilmontant (Trenet) 05:46 8 Gianni Basso Quartet Insensiblement (Misraki) 04:42 9 Gianni Basso Quartet Je Suis Seul Ce Soir (Durand) 06:18 10 Gianni Basso Quartet Les Feuilles Mortes (Cosma) 06:20 11 Gianni Basso Quartet Medley (La Vie En Rose Bonsoir Jolie Madame Reverie) 03:45
Gianni Giannini View in Albunack Le Comicanzoni 20 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gianni Giannini Passera' 02:51 2 Gianni Giannini C'è una topa sulla tipo 03:44 3 Gianni Giannini To' ...panera! 03:59 4 Gianni Giannini Il brevetto 03:28 Has Mbid 5 Gianni Giannini Eri un bel pezzo di Fiat 03:41 6 Gianni Giannini Il vedevo allegro 03:30 7 Gianni Giannini Maremma Jamaha sull'Himalaya 03:33 8 Gianni Giannini Vorrei morire sulla to...!!! 03:27 9 Gianni Giannini Eppur si mosse 03:01 10 Gianni Giannini L'ho fatta franca 04:19 11 Gianni Giannini E' vivo l'uomo ragno 03:17 12 Gianni Giannini Topa 2 La vendetta 02:53 13 Gianni Giannini Korna Ok 03:24 14 Gianni Giannini Chetati 03:24 15 Gianni Giannini Se m'arreppe nun m'arregghe 03:04 16 Gianni Giannini La borsanova di finto sky 04:29 17 Gianni Giannini Oggi si domani anche 03:39 18 Gianni Giannini Ti prego chiamami 04:19 19 Gianni Giannini Sonata in mi bello molle 04:39 20 Gianni Giannini Ridere 03:35
Gianni Giannini View in Albunack Tò...Panera 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gianni Giannini Traccia01 03:59 2 Gianni Giannini Traccia02 04:19 3 Gianni Giannini Traccia03 03:24 4 Gianni Giannini Traccia04 03:28 5 Gianni Giannini Traccia05 03:31 6 Gianni Giannini Traccia06 03:24 7 Gianni Giannini Traccia07 03:23 8 Gianni Giannini Traccia08 03:35
Gianni Parrini View in Albunack I Love The Dream Project 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gianni Parrini Take Me Away 07:31 2 Gianni Parrini I Love Devotion 08:39 3 Gianni Parrini White Blow 06:18 4 Gianni Parrini I Love Slow 04:45 5 Gianni Parrini Art Of Trance 06:18 6 Gianni Parrini Cosmopolis 06:36 7 Gianni Parrini Cosmood 07:24 8 Gianni Parrini New Yearsday 07:35 9 Gianni Parrini Poem Without Word 05:16 10 Gianni Parrini Dream Bass 05:29 11 Gianni Parrini Water Mark 07:22
Gianni Parrini View in Albunack I Love the Dream Project 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gianni Parrini Traccia01 07:31 2 Gianni Parrini Traccia02 08:39 3 Gianni Parrini Traccia03 06:18 4 Gianni Parrini Traccia04 04:45 5 Gianni Parrini Traccia05 06:18 6 Gianni Parrini Traccia06 06:36 7 Gianni Parrini Traccia07 07:24 8 Gianni Parrini Traccia08 07:33 9 Gianni Parrini Traccia09 05:10 10 Gianni Parrini Traccia10 05:29 11 Gianni Parrini Traccia11 07:22
Giant Hand View in Albunack Coming Home 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Giant Hand Intro 02:08 2 Giant Hand The Beast 03:02 3 Giant Hand The Villagers Hate This Villager 04:47 4 Giant Hand No Orchestra 03:30 5 Giant Hand Catacombs 03:21 6 Giant Hand Down By The River 02:33 7 Giant Hand No Son Of Mine 03:33 8 Giant Hand Coming Down From The Mountains 04:26 9 Giant Hand Sun And The Moon 03:37 10 Giant Hand Starting As People 02:08
Giant Hand View in Albunack Starting As People 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Giant Hand Starting As People II 02:28 2 Giant Hand Bones Are My Home 04:10 3 Giant Hand Another Step Down 03:22 4 Giant Hand Books 03:33 5 Giant Hand From The Garden To The Cave 00:41 6 Giant Hand Solemn Little Row 03:48
Giant X View in Albunack Giant X 13 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Giant X The Rise Of The Giant X 00:34 2 Giant X On A Blind Flight 03:30 3 Giant X Don't Quit Till Tomorrow 03:57 4 Giant X Badland Blues 04:32 5 Giant X Now Or Never 03:37 6 Giant X Nameless Heroes 04:16 7 Giant X Go 4 It 03:42 8 Giant X The Count 03:23 9 Giant X Rough Ride 04:24 10 Giant X Friendly Fire 03:27 11 Giant X Let's Dance 02:58 12 Giant X Soulsurvivors 03:55 13 Giant X R.O.C.K. 04:06
Gidea Park View in Albunack California Gold 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gidea Park California Gold 04:20 2 Gidea Park Don't Worry Baby 03:03 3 Gidea Park Beach Boy Gold 04:30 4 Gidea Park Summer Girls 02:53 5 Gidea Park Happy Birthday Brian Wilson 01:36 6 Gidea Park Seasons of Gold 07:07 7 Gidea Park My Maria 02:47 8 Gidea Park Lolita 05:58 9 Gidea Park Baby Come Back 03:16
Gidea Park View in Albunack California Gold[wav] 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gidea Park California Gold 04:20 2 Gidea Park Don't Worry Baby 03:03 3 Gidea Park Beach Boy Gold 04:28 4 Gidea Park Summer Girls 02:53 5 Gidea Park Happy Birthday Brian Wilson 01:36 6 Gidea Park Seasons of Gold 07:07 7 Gidea Park My Maria 02:47 8 Gidea Park Lolita 05:58 9 Gidea Park Baby Come Back 03:16
Gideon Van Gelder View in Albunack Light House 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gideon Van Gelder Victory Joy Dance 05:06 2 Gideon Van Gelder As Night 07:18 3 Gideon Van Gelder Visions 06:44 4 Gideon Van Gelder Moonstone 04:25 5 Gideon Van Gelder Interlude 01:09 6 Gideon Van Gelder Pier -- Cais 07:31 7 Gideon Van Gelder Giant 06:51 8 Gideon Van Gelder Orbit 05:40 9 Gideon Van Gelder As Night - Reprise 03:00
Gideon van Gelder View in Albunack Perpetual 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gideon van Gelder Wave 08:52 2 Gideon van Gelder Glow 07:05 3 Gideon van Gelder Perpetual 09:13 4 Gideon van Gelder Lullaby 10:45 5 Gideon van Gelder Inner Urge 06:51 6 Gideon van Gelder Arctic Queen 04:59 7 Gideon van Gelder Who's Affraid of Red, Green and Bright Light 09:07
Gideon's Army View in Albunack Burn for the Living 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gideon's Army In the Summertime 04:09 2 Gideon's Army Take the Floor 03:18 3 Gideon's Army Don't Look Back 04:05 4 Gideon's Army Fly Away 03:26 5 Gideon's Army Between the Lines 05:25 6 Gideon's Army Burn for the Living 05:26 7 Gideon's Army Someday 05:16 8 Gideon's Army Shades of Gray 05:12 9 Gideon's Army My Jerusalem 04:15 10 Gideon's Army Playing to Win 04:37 11 Gideon's Army Bloodhound Sound 05:19 12 Gideon's Army Holding Steady 04:09
Gidon Nunes Vaz View in Albunack City Lights 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gidon Nunes Vaz City Lights 07:32 2 Gidon Nunes Vaz Waltz For Mor 06:44 3 Gidon Nunes Vaz You Won't Forget Me 08:04 4 Gidon Nunes Vaz The Walk 07:24 5 Gidon Nunes Vaz Sincerity 04:18 6 Gidon Nunes Vaz Thirteen Shades Of Blue 05:33 7 Gidon Nunes Vaz If 04:16
Gidon Nunes Vaz View in Albunack Tribute To KD 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gidon Nunes Vaz Short Story 05:45 2 Gidon Nunes Vaz Escapade 06:16 3 Gidon Nunes Vaz My Ideal 04:43 4 Gidon Nunes Vaz Blues For KD 05:46 5 Gidon Nunes Vaz Lamesha 07:35 6 Gidon Nunes Vaz Windmill 06:30
Gidon Nunes Vaz View in Albunack Tribute to KD 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gidon Nunes Vaz Short story 05:45 2 Gidon Nunes Vaz Escapade 06:16 3 Gidon Nunes Vaz My ideal 04:43 4 Gidon Nunes Vaz Blues for KD 05:46 5 Gidon Nunes Vaz Lamesha 07:35 6 Gidon Nunes Vaz Windmill 06:30
Gier View in Albunack Silber 3 26 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gier 3-01 03:50 2 Gier 6-02 04:46 3 Gier 5-03 04:49 4 Gier 3-04 02:57 5 Gier 8-05 06:49 6 Gier 6-06 04:55 7 Gier 8-07 03:34 8 Gier 8-08 03:22 9 Gier 4-09 04:42 10 Gier 4-10 02:34 11 Gier 4-11 02:57 12 Gier 8-12 03:25 13 Gier 7-13 04:15 14 Gier 6-14 03:37 15 Gier 6-15 04:02 16 Gier 5-16 04:55 17 Gier 2-17 03:44 18 Gier 2-18 03:28 19 Gier 8-19 02:23 20 Gier 2-20 03:33 21 Gier 2-21 04:27 22 Gier 7-22 04:51 23 Gier 2-23 03:30 24 Gier 2-24 03:44 25 Gier 3-25 03:23 26 Gier 3-26 03:57
Search Gifted Fresh in the Game 10 0 2007 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gifted Intro 01:07 2 Gifted What I Be 04:20 3 Gifted Get It Main 04:49 4 Gifted Like Me 03:55 5 Gifted What We Do 05:10 6 Gifted Hey Girl 04:18 7 Gifted Quarterback 03:54 8 Gifted Da General 04:12 9 Gifted Neva Pop 04:20 10 Gifted Testimony 04:56
Search Gifted Highways & Fly Ways 8 0 2019 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gifted Heart 04:16 2 Gifted Dope 04:50 3 Chugo The Wey feat. Gifted Hold Me Down 03:40 4 Gifted Forever 04:00 5 Gifted feat. Chugo The Wey Deion & Emmitt 04:34 6 Exkluzive feat. Gifted Hustlin 03:19 7 Gifted Mutual Agreement 04:16 8 Gifted Call Log 04:40
Search Gifted Love Me Before the Fame 16 0 2019 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gifted Aaliyah 2 My Pac 02:40 2 Gifted Zay 02:48 3 Gifted Thank You Eminem (Interlude) 00:54 4 Gifted Pimp Mode 03:56 5 Gifted Girls Love Rappers 02:41 6 Gifted Rated R Superstar 02:40 7 Gifted Yoyo 01:56 8 Gifted Big Deal 03:12 9 Gifted Thing for Me 02:37 10 Gifted All Over 03:32 11 Gifted No More 01:45 12 Gifted Marty's Rant (Interlude) 01:17 13 Gifted Sharon's Song 02:55 14 Gifted Days Go By 03:49 15 Gifted Electric Soul 02:12 16 Gifted Fighting for Love 03:21
Search Gifted The Cycle 12 0 2019 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gifted Trap Slow (Intro) 03:04 2 Gifted Back 2 Work Freestyle 02:52 3 Gifted feat. Pharoah UH HUH 01:35 4 Gifted Yokohono (CC Remix) 04:09 5 Gifted Plottin' 02:32 6 Gifted Changed 03:09 7 Gifted My Life (Interlude) 01:50 8 Gifted Options 02:04 9 Gifted You Ready? 02:13 10 Gifted The Weeknd 02:18 11 Gifted feat. Moody Somebody 03:17 12 Gifted The Cycle (Outro) 03:00
Search Gifthorse Lantern 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gifthorse Lantern 05:07 2 Gifthorse Nothing I Guess 06:12 3 Gifthorse On Her Hands And Knees 04:05 4 Gifthorse Son Of A Psychiatrist 04:45 5 Gifthorse Girl On The Cliff 01:55 6 Gifthorse Unfurls 04:24 7 Gifthorse A Million Salty Rabbits 04:14 8 Gifthorse Laughing In Your Sleep 00:48 9 Gifthorse Light Bleeds 04:00 10 Gifthorse City of Glass 05:34 11 Gifthorse Still Young 05:40 12 Gifthorse Lantern Out 02:34
Gigi Bigot View in Albunack Redondaine 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gigi Bigot Les enfants du bord de la Vilaine 05:40 2 Gigi Bigot Le p'tit bonhomme haut comme trois pommes 14:16 3 Gigi Bigot Histoire du soir 01:18 4 Gigi Bigot Namcoutiti 16:34 5 Gigi Bigot La disparition de Redondaine 03:23 6 Gigi Bigot Yann-Maï-Padpanik 16:54 7 Gigi Bigot Epilogue 02:01
Gigi Marga View in Albunack Recurs la România 21 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gigi Marga Pentru noi 01:55 2 Gigi Marga În excursie 02:03 3 Gigi Marga Acasă 03:40 4 Gigi Marga Frumos eşti, Bucureşti 03:27 5 Gigi Marga Cine eşti, amintire? 03:32 6 Gigi Marga În viaţa mea 02:44 7 Gigi Marga Pigalle 02:53 8 Gigi Marga Am găsit un cântec 02:18 9 Gigi Marga Basta con la luna 02:37 10 Gigi Marga De n-ar fi fost să-mi ieşi în cale 02:48 11 Gigi Marga Zi cu soare 03:11 12 Gigi Marga Prima oară-n viaţă 02:41 13 Gigi Marga La teatrul nou din orăşel 03:30 14 Gigi Marga Les filles de mon pays 02:22 15 Gigi Marga Mamă (2) 03:24 16 Gigi Marga Vorbe care nu le-am spus 04:01 17 Gigi Marga Pentru tine 02:14 18 Gigi Marga Parfumul florilor de crin 03:11 19 Gigi Marga Tu eşti primăvara mea 03:39 20 Gigi Marga Ada-Kaleh 03:26 21 Gigi Marga Te rog să-mi scrii 02:25
Gigi Pascal E La Pop Compagnia Meccanica View in Albunack Debut (IT) 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gigi Pascal E La Pop Compagnia Meccanica La Tua Voce 03:05 2 Gigi Pascal E La Pop Compagnia Meccanica Ormai 02:54 3 Gigi Pascal E La Pop Compagnia Meccanica Fuga In Si Minore 04:18 4 Gigi Pascal E La Pop Compagnia Meccanica Crescente 03:18 5 Gigi Pascal E La Pop Compagnia Meccanica Debut 03:01 6 Gigi Pascal E La Pop Compagnia Meccanica Oriente 04:18 7 Gigi Pascal E La Pop Compagnia Meccanica Un Concerto 03:08 8 Gigi Pascal E La Pop Compagnia Meccanica Io Mi Diverto 02:46
Search Gigs Gigs 14 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gigs 노올자! 05:29 2 Gigs Champ 03:41 3 Gigs 랄랄라 05:00 4 Gigs 새벽 네 시 전화벨 05:17 5 Gigs 돌연변이 05:59 6 Gigs 신천지 03:48 7 Gigs Tripping Now... 05:31 8 Gigs 맞아! 03:59 9 Gigs 옆집 아이 05:36 10 Gigs Red Sneakers 05:24 11 Gigs 연쇄살인 고양이 톰의 저주 04:27 12 Gigs 만월광풍(滿月狂風) 04:56 13 Gigs 아가에게 06:21 14 Gigs 날개 04:58
Gil Cuppini View in Albunack Caprice 14 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gil Cuppini Improvviso 02:31 2 Gil Cuppini I'll Remember April 02:32 3 Gil Cuppini Circeo 04:28 Has Mbid 4 Gil Cuppini Confirmation 06:32 5 Gil Cuppini The Man With The Golden Arm 02:40 6 Gil Cuppini Well Said! 05:07 7 Gil Cuppini Move It! 03:18 8 Gil Cuppini Caravan 07:36 9 Gil Cuppini Sweet Georgia Brown 08:01 10 Gil Cuppini Caprice 03:21 11 Gil Cuppini Bloom 05:17 12 Gil Cuppini Oh, Lady Be Good! 03:06 13 Gil Cuppini The Skin Stretch 05:21 14 Gil Cuppini Black And Blue 07:19
Gil Edwards View in Albunack Can`t give it up 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gil Edwards Movin` around 05:05 2 Gil Edwards Man in trouble 02:53 3 Gil Edwards Pray for you 04:11 4 Gil Edwards Chevrolet 03:37 5 Gil Edwards Raven 04:51 6 Gil Edwards Cold coffee 03:07 7 Gil Edwards Can`t give it up 03:55 8 Gil Edwards Stand by the river 03:57 9 Gil Edwards Workin`boy 02:27 10 Gil Edwards Free 03:47 11 Gil Edwards Silence is gold 04:01
Gil de Lucena View in Albunack Rubi 15 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gil de Lucena Disparada 04:06 2 Gil de Lucena Verdade Chinesa 03:30 3 Gil de Lucena Todo Azul do Mar 03:14 4 Gil de Lucena Monte Castelo 03:35 5 Gil de Lucena Sampa 03:22 6 Gil de Lucena A Hora e a Vez 03:26 7 Gil de Lucena Rua e Ramalhetes 03:16 8 Gil de Lucena Quem de Nós Dois 04:28 9 Gil de Lucena Chão de Giz 04:00 10 Gil de Lucena Seguindo no Trem Azul 03:55 11 Gil de Lucena Clube da Esquina no. 2 03:37 12 Gil de Lucena O Segundo Sol 03:25 13 Gil de Lucena A Vida do Viajante 02:21 14 Gil de Lucena Tarde em Itapuã 02:53 15 Gil de Lucena Papel Marchée 03:24
Gilbert Holmström View in Albunack A Celebration Of 50 Years In Jazz 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gilbert Holmström FB2 Förbandsplatsgrupp 03:35 2 Gilbert Holmström Amie 06:48 3 Gilbert Holmström Modiolus 08:54 4 Gilbert Holmström Hinayana 12:32 5 Gilbert Holmström Som Vindar 08:38 6 Gilbert Holmström Blå Substans 08:26 7 Gilbert Holmström Bats In The Belfry 05:32 8 Gilbert Holmström Blå Band 12:17
Gilbert Hovsepian View in Albunack Send Me Out 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gilbert Hovsepian I Know a Great King 03:33 2 Gilbert Hovsepian Send Me Out 03:36 3 Gilbert Hovsepian Every Nation Sing 04:45 4 Gilbert Hovsepian A Letter From Prison 05:17 5 Gilbert Hovsepian I Forgive You 04:49 6 Gilbert Hovsepian I'm a New Creation 03:22 7 Gilbert Hovsepian You Brought Color 03:50 8 Gilbert Hovsepian He is Coming 04:20 9 Gilbert Hovsepian You Are My Father 04:42 10 Gilbert Hovsepian Martyrs of Christ 04:42
Gilbert Hovsepian View in Albunack Send Me Out >> 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gilbert Hovsepian I know a Great King 03:33 2 Gilbert Hovsepian Send Me Out 03:36 3 Gilbert Hovsepian Every Nation Sing 04:45 4 Gilbert Hovsepian A Letter from Prison 05:17 5 Gilbert Hovsepian I Forgive You 04:49 6 Gilbert Hovsepian I'm a New Creation 03:22 7 Gilbert Hovsepian You Brought Color 03:50 8 Gilbert Hovsepian He is Coming 04:20 9 Gilbert Hovsepian You are My Father 04:42 10 Gilbert Hovsepian Martyrs of Christ 04:42
Search Gilberto Santa Rosa 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gilberto Un amor para la historia 03:29 2 Gilberto Si te dijeron 04:04 3 Gilberto Por mas que itento 04:11 4 Gilberto Mentira 04:42 5 Gilberto Pueden decir 03:33 6 Gilberto Dejame sentirte 05:32 7 Gilberto Escandalo 03:59 8 Gilberto Que alguien me diga 04:03 9 Gilberto Conciencia 05:33 10 Gilberto Amnesia 03:46 11 Gilberto Perdoname 04:59 12 Gilberto Me volvieron a hablar de ella 05:43
Gilberto Monroig View in Albunack Concierto De Amor 18 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gilberto Monroig Concierto de amor 03:02 2 Gilberto Monroig Un Imposible Amor 02:58 3 Gilberto Monroig Matiz De Amor 00:00 4 Gilberto Monroig Estando contigo 03:25 5 Gilberto Monroig Que Falta Tu Me Haces 03:27 6 Gilberto Monroig Piel Canela 02:48 7 Gilberto Monroig Quejas Del Alma 03:46 8 Gilberto Monroig Añoranzas Y Quimeras 04:17 9 Gilberto Monroig Mi Loca Tentación 03:09 10 Gilberto Monroig Simplemente una ilusión 03:19 11 Gilberto Monroig La vida es así 03:07 12 Gilberto Monroig Necesito vivir 02:52 13 Gilberto Monroig Desde Que Te Fuiste 02:51 14 Gilberto Monroig Suplica 02:42 15 Gilberto Monroig Sin Fe 02:49 16 Gilberto Monroig Enojo 02:30 17 Gilberto Monroig Sabrás que te quiero 03:17 18 Gilberto Monroig Hasta La Muerte 03:30
Gilberto Monroig View in Albunack Egoismo 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gilberto Monroig Egoismo 02:27 2 Gilberto Monroig El Negrito Ñengueré 03:07 3 Gilberto Monroig Alma Libre 02:50 4 Gilberto Monroig Yo Fuí tu Corazón 02:49 5 Gilberto Monroig Pobre corazón 03:03 6 Gilberto Monroig Malcriada 02:58 7 Gilberto Monroig Vicio de Oro 02:53 8 Gilberto Monroig Soy Pilongo 03:10 9 Gilberto Monroig Bello Amanecer 02:54 10 Gilberto Monroig No lo Digas 03:07 11 Gilberto Monroig Cuando te Vayas 02:46 12 Gilberto Monroig No Creo en la Luna 02:52
Gilberto Monroig View in Albunack Grandes Exitos De Rafael Hernandez Y Pedro Flores 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gilberto Monroig Preciosa 02:12 2 Gilberto Monroig Ahora Seremos Felices 02:35 3 Gilberto Monroig Inconsolable 03:24 4 Gilberto Monroig Lo Siento Por Ti 01:53 5 Gilberto Monroig Congoja 01:55 6 Gilberto Monroig Amor No Me Quieras Tanto 02:59 7 Gilberto Monroig Amor Perdido 02:41 8 Gilberto Monroig Obsesion 02:04 9 Gilberto Monroig Perdon 02:56 10 Gilberto Monroig Irresistible 01:40 11 Gilberto Monroig Si No Eres Tu 02:27 12 Gilberto Monroig Mil Gracias 02:25
Gilberto Monroig View in Albunack Rafael Hernandez Su Música 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gilberto Monroig Preciosa 02:11 2 Gilberto Monroig Amor Ciego 02:39 3 Gilberto Monroig Que Te Importa 02:14 4 Gilberto Monroig Inconsolable 03:24 5 Gilberto Monroig Oui Madame 03:09 6 Gilberto Monroig Desvelo De Amor 02:59 7 Gilberto Monroig Lo Siento Por Ti 01:53 8 Gilberto Monroig Amor No Me Quieras Tanto 02:56 9 Gilberto Monroig Eso Soy Yo 03:17 10 Gilberto Monroig Ahora Seremos Felices 02:31 11 Gilberto Monroig Cancion Del Alma 02:45 12 Gilberto Monroig Congoja 01:54
Gilberto Monroig View in Albunack Salud Carino 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gilberto Monroig Lo Que Ansío Yo 03:18 2 Gilberto Monroig Yo Cuento Contigo 04:21 3 Gilberto Monroig Fue De Lo Mås Sencillo 03:06 4 Gilberto Monroig Amiga Mîa 04:08 5 Gilberto Monroig Salud Cariño 03:39 6 Gilberto Monroig Amigos 03:47 7 Gilberto Monroig Lo Que Me Quedó De Ti 03:57 8 Gilberto Monroig Te Comparo 03:02 9 Gilberto Monroig Así Era Mi Padre 04:01 10 Gilberto Monroig Porqué Vivir 04:48
Gilda Radner View in Albunack Gilda Radner: Live from New York 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gilda Radner Let's Talk Dirty to the Animals 02:27 2 Gilda Radner The Audition/ I Love to be Unhappy 03:41 3 Gilda Radner Don Kirshner / Rhonda Weiss Introdution/ Good-bye Saccarin 07:39 4 Gilda Radner Lisa Loopner Piano Recittal 07:56 5 Gilda Radner If You Look Close/ Gimme Mick 06:47 6 Gilda Radner Emily Litella 05:01 7 Gilda Radner Roseanne Roseanneadanna 07:56 8 Gilda Radner Honey (Touch Me with My Clothes On) 04:40
Gildas Boclé View in Albunack Country Roads 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gildas Boclé Country Roads 04:16 2 Gildas Boclé Scarlet 07:17 3 Gildas Boclé Inside 04:30 4 Gildas Boclé Sugar Creek 04:50 5 Gildas Boclé Obviously 04:20 6 Gildas Boclé Kristen 06:43 7 Gildas Boclé Departementale 786 04:58 8 Gildas Boclé Pueblo 05:34 9 Gildas Boclé Half Step 05:07 10 Gildas Boclé Interstices 05:08 11 Gildas Boclé Interstices 2 06:25 12 Gildas Boclé Cleo 04:47
Gildas Boclé View in Albunack Or Else 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gildas Boclé Timber 06:59 2 Gildas Boclé Or Else 05:08 3 Gildas Boclé Hôtel De La Plage 04:40 4 Gildas Boclé Wake 07:33 5 Gildas Boclé York 06:21 6 Gildas Boclé Siblings 04:22 7 Gildas Boclé Walt's 06:50 8 Gildas Boclé Down That Road 05:05 9 Gildas Boclé Ronan 09:44 10 Gildas Boclé Tie-Dyed 04:50
Gildas Boclé View in Albunack So In Love 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gildas Boclé Chega de Saudade 05:10 2 Gildas Boclé Love For Sale 03:20 3 Gildas Boclé Faledo de amor 03:07 4 Gildas Boclé So In Love 05:09 5 Gildas Boclé I Concentrate On You 05:10 6 Gildas Boclé Just One Of Those Things 05:40 7 Gildas Boclé I Love Paris 05:26 8 Gildas Boclé Night And Day 05:30 9 Gildas Boclé How Insensitive 05:13 10 Gildas Boclé Bonita 03:48 11 Gildas Boclé What Is This Thing Called Love 06:20
Gildas Boclé View in Albunack So in love 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gildas Boclé Chega de Saudade 05:10 2 Gildas Boclé Love For Sale 03:20 3 Gildas Boclé Faledo de amor 03:07 4 Gildas Boclé So In Love 05:09 5 Gildas Boclé I Concentrate On You 05:10 6 Gildas Boclé Just One Of Those Things 05:40 7 Gildas Boclé I Love Paris 05:26 8 Gildas Boclé Night And Day 05:30 9 Gildas Boclé How Insensitive 05:13 10 Gildas Boclé Bonita 03:48 11 Gildas Boclé What Is This Thing Called Love 06:20
Gilead Göteborg View in Albunack Du är mitt enda hopp 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gilead Göteborg Tänd en eld 03:31 2 Gilead Göteborg Beroende 03:07 3 Gilead Göteborg Rör vis oss nu 05:43 4 Gilead Göteborg Ge oss av din härlighet 06:33 5 Gilead Göteborg Du är min Gud 06:07 6 Gilead Göteborg Helig är Du 06:42 7 Gilead Göteborg Lova Herren min själ 06:28 8 Gilead Göteborg Hela mitt liv 04:07 9 Gilead Göteborg Där mitt enda hopp 05:24 10 Gilead Göteborg Stor är Du Herre och konung 06:49 11 Gilead Göteborg Tack Jesus 03:17 12 Gilead Göteborg Alltid där 04:04
Giles Swayne View in Albunack Convocation (Laudibus) 16 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Giles Swayne The Coming of Saskia Hawkins 04:11 2 Giles Swayne Magnificat I 04:22 3 Giles Swayne The Tiglet 02:43 4 Giles Swayne Four passiontide Motets: Vidit suum dulcem natum 02:20 5 Giles Swayne A Convocation of Worms 20:00 6 Giles Swayne Four passiontide Motets: Eia, mater! 04:21 7 Giles Swayne Winter Solstice Carol 05:19 8 Giles Swayne Midwinter 06:38 9 Giles Swayne Four passiontide Motets: Fac me cruce custodiri 03:50 10 Giles Swayne Four passiontide Motets: Dona nobis pacem 04:00 11 Giles Swayne Missa Tiburtina: Kyrie 04:10 12 Giles Swayne Missa Tiburtina: Gloria 02:02 13 Giles Swayne Missa Tiburtina: Sanctus 03:05 14 Giles Swayne Missa Tiburtina: Benedictus 04:22 15 Giles Swayne Missa Tiburtina: Agnus Dei 04:05 16 Giles Swayne Missa Tiburtina: Dona nobis pacem 03:11
Gill Bowman View in Albunack Toasting the Lassies 12 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gill Bowman Green grow the Rashes 03:59 2 Gill Bowman Now Westlin Winds 04:09 3 Gill Bowman The Banks o' Doon 03:13 4 Gill Bowman Sweet Tibbie Dunbar/Rantin' Dog 03:41 5 Gill Bowman Sweet Afton 04:16 6 Gill Bowman Comin' thro the Rye 03:03 7 Gill Bowman Ae fond Kiss 04:05 8 Gill Bowman The Deil's Awa' wi' th' Exciseman 03:05 9 Gill Bowman The Lea-Rig 04:35 10 Gill Bowman A rose-bud, by my early walk 03:49 11 Gill Bowman O, this is no my ain Lassie 02:52 Has Mbid 12 Gill Bowman Auld Lang Syne 04:05
Gilles Apap & the colors of invention View in Albunack Sans Orchestre 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gilles Apap & the colors of invention Danse Espagnole from "La Vida Breve" 04:03 2 Gilles Apap & the colors of invention Fritz Kreisler - Praeludium and Allegro 06:07 3 Gilles Apap & the colors of invention Maurice Ravel - Le Tombeau de Couperin - Prelude 03:13 4 Gilles Apap & the colors of invention Maurice Ravel: Le Tombeau de Couperin - Forlane 05:25 5 Gilles Apap & the colors of invention Maurice Ravel: Le Tombeau de Couperin - Menuet 03:57 6 Gilles Apap & the colors of invention Maurice Ravel: Le Tombeau de Couperin - Rigaudon 03:03 7 Gilles Apap & the colors of invention Donatien Laurent: Kerreg Beg An Treiz 02:21 8 Gilles Apap & the colors of invention Traditional Bulgarian 02:14 9 Gilles Apap & the colors of invention Maurice Ravel / Tzigane 09:58 10 Gilles Apap & the colors of invention W.A.Mozart: Adagio in E Major 05:43 11 Gilles Apap & the colors of invention Camille Saint-Saens: Introduction and Rondo Capriccioso 09:21 12 Gilles Apap & the colors of invention Bonus Track 03:28
Gilles Gambus View in Albunack Gilles Gambus 15 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gilles Gambus To Love Again 03:04 2 Gilles Gambus Hanayome Ningyo 03:09 3 Gilles Gambus Hymne a l'amour 03:51 4 Gilles Gambus Begin the Beguine 05:15 5 Gilles Gambus Morigasaki Kaigan 03:02 6 Gilles Gambus Godfather 04:27 7 Gilles Gambus Les Feuilles Mortes 03:39 8 Gilles Gambus Mother 04:26 9 Gilles Gambus The Legend o the Pianist 03:21 10 Gilles Gambus Love is Blue 02:26 11 Gilles Gambus Eirca's Song 04:15 12 Gilles Gambus Nocturne 03:13 13 Gilles Gambus The Heart Asks Pleasure First 03:48 14 Gilles Gambus Toccata 02:49 15 Gilles Gambus Schindler's List 04:08