Complete Albums constructed from Acoustid data that do not have a corresponding album in MusicBrainz

Relatively obscure artists with one or zero releases

Report created based on data in Acoustid as of 24/10/2024

Found 52106 acoustid albums that do not have a corresponding match in MusicBrainz 500 Acoustid Albums per page.

The report is not continually updated so may not reflect the current data within Acoustid databases.

This shows complete albums constructed from the metadata submitted to Acoustid, but only the majority of the Acoustids are not already linked to MusicBrainz recordings. We filter to only show albums that we have all the tracks for and that have real metadata, and only include albums where we can find a case insensitive match between the album artist and a MusicBrainz artist, to simplify things and filter out some nonsense data. Limitations:Acoustid Data is not of high enough quality to properly handle multi releases and some releases may be listed multiple times due to slight differences in metadata. Acoustid only provides basic metadata, at best this is Album Artist, Album, Track No, Track Title, Track Artist, Year of release, Track Duration (taken directly from linked fingerprint(s)). The data is good for identifying albums by smaller artists, and rare bootleg/live albums by well known artists

#ZWAarAleAnaAntAtmBachBasBibBobBreC. CarChiClaCowDJ DanDavDerDisDroEdmEmmEvaFelFraGalGilGriHagHeaHogIisIsaJamJeaJinJohJulKarKinKökLarLesLitLucMUTMarMarMeaMicMilMorNAKNerNorOmaPOLPauPhiPolQuaRamRenRobRusSaiSarSepSilSofStaStuT'jTapTheTheTheThiTomTroUrsVAVAVAVAVaVilWORWihYakadompiΞέμיציゴンザ伽菲珈而奚秀兰春秋植木屋田蕊妮薰妮陈宁안녕하

Artists on this page

Million Seller (1)Millpond Moon (1)Millz (1)Miltinho (1)Milton Banana (4)Milton Berle (1)Mimi Oz (1)Minamotrance (4)Mind (4)Mind Doctors Make Acid (1)Mind Fair (1)Mind The Gap (1)Mine Kawakami (1)Mine! (1)Minea (4)Mineralwater (1)Mini Bydlinski (1)Minima (1)Minimum Wage Assassins (1)Minnesengři (1)Mino Reitano (4)Minster Hill (1)Minus Two (1)Minutian (2)Mioritza (1)Mir Ali (1)Miramar (1)Miran Rudan (2)Miranda Hart (1)Miraphone Tuba Quartett (1)Miriada (1)Miriam Aida (1)Miroslav Evačić (1)Miroslav Nemec (1)Mirsada Cizmic (1)Misanthropic Might (1)Miscellaneous (4)Mischapex (1)Miscreation (1)Miss Another Dimension (1)Miss Goulash (1)Miss Kate (1)Miss Leslie (1)Missing Hours (1)Mississippi Shakedown (1)MistakeMistake (1)Mister Neutron (1)Mists Of Poveglia (1)Misura (1)Mitchel Forman Quintet (1)MixTape (1)Mixile (1)Miyuki ITO (1)Mizantropia (1)Mizraab (1)Mladen Tomic (1)Mo Hayder (5)Mo Phillips (1)Mo'Fone (1)MoZuluArt (1)MoaiacT (2)Moba (1)Mobago (1)Mobile Ethnic Minority (1)Mobilize (1)Mobilée (1)Mobonix (1)Modality (1)Moderate Pace (1)Modrijani (2)Moe Provencher (1)Moedavey (1)Moes Haven (2)Mofeta & Jerre (1)Mogul (1)Mohammed (1)Mohicans (2)Mohna (1)Moist Fist (1)Moja Adrenalina (1)Mojo Collins (1)Mojo Stu (1)Mollycoddle (1)Moloch Letalis (1)Moment Maniacs (1)Momentform (1)Mon Electric Bijou (1)Mon River Ramblers (1)Monaco Bagage (1)Monasi manastira Visoki Dečani (1)Moncef Genoud Trio (1)Mondblut (1)Monica Lionheart (1)Monica Sarnelli (1)Monika Maria Wunram (1)Monika Stadler (3)Monique Seka (1)Monique de La Bruchollerie (1)Monique de la Bruchollerie (8)Monkeeman (1)Monkey Knife Fight (1)Monkey Machine (2)Monkey Paw (2)Monkey Siren (2)Monky (1)Monogatari (3)Monoloop (1)Monopium (1)Monsieur Clément (1)Mont-Doré (1)Monte Negro (1)Monterey (1)Monterey Bay Aquarium (1)Month of Birthdays (1)Montserrat Torrent (1)Monz (1)MooV (1)Moodorgan (1)Mooji (1)Moon Zero (2)Moondogs Gypsy Blues Band (1)Moonlight jazz Blue (1)Moonsanto (1)Moose Hill (1)Mora Vocis (4)Moradda (1)Morass Skoffin (1)
Import ReleaseAlbum ArtistView in AlbunackAlbumTrack TotalTracks with MB MatchYearTracks
Million SellerView in AlbunackHits of the Seventies100
Millpond MoonView in AlbunackBroke in Brooklyn120
Search MillzDopamine-A Vivid Dream120
Search MiltinhoBossa & Balanço1201963
Milton BananaView in AlbunackAos Amigos Tom, Chico E Vinícius141
Milton BananaView in AlbunackMilton Banana1201975
Milton BananaView in AlbunackSambas De Bossa140
Milton BananaView in AlbunackSambas de Bossa140
Milton BerleView in AlbunackThe Funniest Roasts Of The Century Vol. 260
Mimi OzView in AlbunackThree Of Swords100
MinamotranceView in AlbunackLunaticPhaser100
MinamotranceView in AlbunackThe Anthems 201580
MinamotranceView in AlbunackVisio Nocturna71
MinamotranceView in Albunack花紅柳緑エリュシオン100
Search MindIs That The Way120
Search MindIs That The Way-CD1201992
Search MindMeditation and Mindfulness70
Search MindSave Yourself From Hell90
Mind Doctors Make AcidView in AlbunackBrainless Society602011
Mind FairView in AlbunackMind Fair1202014
Search Mind The GapA Room Full Of Clouds100
Mine KawakamiView in AlbunackEl Piano Durmiente130
Mine!View in AlbunackLaFi del Món130
Search MineaHenki100
Search MineaKad smo...ono znas100
Search MineaVoittaja100
Search MineaVrapci & komarci1001995
MineralwaterView in AlbunackLa Caja De Los Truenos130
Mini BydlinskiView in AlbunackWM - Journal380
Search MinimaThe Cabinet of Dr. Caligari190
Minimum Wage AssassinsView in AlbunackCorrosive Audio160
MinnesengřiView in AlbunackMaster serie2131998
Mino ReitanoView in AlbunackMino Canta Reitano122
Mino ReitanoView in AlbunackMino Reitano Story Vol. 1181
Mino ReitanoView in AlbunackMino Reitano Story Vol. 2181
Mino ReitanoView in AlbunackMino Reitano Story Vol. 3180
Minster HillView in AlbunackMinster Hill140
Minus TwoView in AlbunackThe Beat Goes Off110
MinutianView in AlbunackInwards90
MinutianView in AlbunackRepercussions70
MioritzaView in AlbunackSongs and Dances150
Mir AliView in AlbunackFlamenco Suite150
Search MiramarFight Lights Up The Skies1102009
Miran RudanView in Albunack187011201402001
Miran RudanView in AlbunackV srce1201998
Miranda HartView in AlbunackIs It Just Me?90
Miraphone Tuba QuartettView in AlbunackInternationale Marschparade140
MiriadaView in AlbunackИллюзия Любви110
Miriam AidaView in AlbunackQuatro Janelas110
Miroslav EvačićView in AlbunackPortret1502011
Miroslav NemecView in AlbunackWenn das Grauen Alltag wird1002010
Mirsada CizmicView in AlbunackUspio Si Da Me Ranis - Ne Znam Sta Si Tugo Moja801996
Misanthropic MightView in AlbunackMenschenhasser [Limited Edition]80
Search MiscellaneousNew age digital music for relaxation122
Search MiscellaneousWinston Churchill Wartime Speeches V.2 1940 - 41110
Search MiscellaneousWinston Churchill Wartime Speeches V.3 1941 - 4570
Search MiscellaneousWinston Churchill Wartime Speeches, Vol. 1: 1937-1940100
MischapexView in AlbunackRevenge of the 3031102008
MiscreationView in AlbunackAeOnd100
Miss Another DimensionView in AlbunackDOWNERisM100
Search Miss GoulashSola100
Miss KateView in AlbunackMore Please120
Miss LeslieView in AlbunackLucky130
Missing HoursView in AlbunackMissing Hours1202008
Mississippi ShakedownView in Albunack5 th130
MistakeMistakeView in AlbunackKobajagi1202008
Mister NeutronView in AlbunackNor'easter171
Mists Of PovegliaView in AlbunackVinterland1102010
MisuraView in AlbunackShame Of The Nation80
Mitchel Forman QuintetView in AlbunackMr. Clean (Live At The Baked Potato)60
Search MixTapeYella Boyz100
MixileView in AlbunackNoosa Heads (SPR-002)60
Miyuki ITOView in AlbunackMiyuki ITO (Compilation)80
MizantropiaView in AlbunackЗабвение110
MizraabView in AlbunackMaazi Haal Mustaqbil120
Mladen TomicView in AlbunackThrough The Tunnel602009
Mo HayderView in AlbunackDie Sekte602007
Mo HayderView in AlbunackJack Caffery - 02 - Die Behandlung602002
Mo HayderView in AlbunackJack Caffery - 03 - Ritualmord602008
Mo HayderView in AlbunackJack Caffery - 04 - Haut602010
Mo HayderView in AlbunackJack Caffery - 05 - Verderbnis602011
Mo PhillipsView in AlbunackSpectacular Daydream120
Mo'FoneView in Albunack'Fonology110
MoZuluArtView in AlbunackTownship Serenade110
MoaiacTView in AlbunackPTRDIG0061102008
MoaiacTView in AlbunackPulso Luna1102008
MobaView in AlbunackOtvor porte210
MobagoView in AlbunackEin Weihnachtshörspiel170
Mobile Ethnic MinorityView in AlbunackSun Seeker1002013
MobilizeView in AlbunackChildren of Babylon70
MobiléeView in AlbunackMajestic100
MobonixView in AlbunackMachine Man130
Search ModalityFull Length100
Moderate PaceView in AlbunackHoly Shit100
ModrijaniView in AlbunackPoljub pod pajcolanom130
ModrijaniView in AlbunackRock Me140
Moe ProvencherView in AlbunackBlues Filter Through120
MoedaveyView in AlbunackTerror Creatures from the Grave702011
Moes HavenView in AlbunackIt Takes A Lot Of Guts!160
Moes HavenView in AlbunackVictory Is Ours (For Now)160
Mofeta & JerreView in AlbunackBriljanter & Smaragder110
Search MogulRules120
Search MohammedL'ombre d'un doute1002010
MohicansView in AlbunackNA120
MohicansView in AlbunackNo120
MohnaView in Albunack1985-1994130
Moist FistView in AlbunackThank You, Good Night140
Moja AdrenalinaView in AlbunackNietoleruje-bije80
Mojo CollinsView in AlbunackAmerican Blues Guy130
Mojo StuView in AlbunackGood Gravy110
MollycoddleView in AlbunackMaple Grindo70
Moloch LetalisView in AlbunackApoteoza Smierci80
Moment ManiacsView in AlbunackTwo Fucking Pieces1001999
MomentformView in AlbunackMomentform60
Mon Electric BijouView in AlbunackBackstabber Blues100
Mon River RamblersView in Albunack2013-06-08 - Point State Park160
Monaco BagageView in AlbunackPlays Fredl Fesl - Alles Außer Gitarre1902012
Monasi manastira Visoki DečaniView in AlbunackMolebni kanon svetom kralju Stefanu Dečanskom270
Moncef Genoud TrioView in AlbunackIt's You110
MondblutView in AlbunackScorn110
Monica LionheartView in AlbunackMissed Connections1002016
Monica SarnelliView in AlbunackSirene, sciantose, malafemmene ed altre storie di donne veraci130
Monika Maria WunramView in AlbunackLichtwellen140
Monika StadlerView in AlbunackEverything Will Be All Right140
Monika StadlerView in AlbunackMy imaginary garden160
Monika StadlerView in AlbunackOn the Water110
Monique SekaView in AlbunackYélélé1101999
Monique de La BruchollerieView in AlbunackTchaikovsky Rachmaninoff 0260
Monique de la BruchollerieView in AlbunackBach Balbastre Haydn Clementi 05150
Monique de la BruchollerieView in AlbunackBeethoven 0160
Monique de la BruchollerieView in AlbunackBeethoven Schubert Mendelssohn 06170
Monique de la BruchollerieView in AlbunackChopin 07160
Monique de la BruchollerieView in AlbunackChopin Saint-Saëns Franck70
Monique de la BruchollerieView in AlbunackEncores 09180
Monique de la BruchollerieView in AlbunackMozart 04140
Monique de la BruchollerieView in AlbunackSchumann Prokofiev 08280
MonkeemanView in AlbunackLife in the Backseat110
Monkey Knife FightView in AlbunackReptiles vs Man140
Monkey MachineView in AlbunackClosed Caption Radio902011
Monkey MachineView in AlbunackSymbolic902013
Monkey PawView in AlbunackI Got My Very Own Monkey100
Monkey PawView in AlbunackMonkey Paw70
Monkey SirenView in AlbunackDance Crazy100
Monkey SirenView in AlbunackMonkey Siren110
Search MonkyHotel Infinity1102012
MonogatariView in AlbunackIt May Have Seemed Like a Sign of Hope That the Birds Followed Them Out Into the Vastness of the Open Sea110
MonogatariView in AlbunackIt's Almost Like a Dance...90
MonogatariView in AlbunackOne Step Forward and Two Steps Back90
MonoloopView in AlbunackShame-WEB602011
MonopiumView in AlbunackThe Goat & Dead Horses' Circus120
Monsieur ClémentView in AlbunackComme un enfant120
Mont-DoréView in AlbunackEscalades602013
Monte NegroView in AlbunackFugitives Of Pleasure AND Pasajeros120
MontereyView in AlbunackTime Passing Time90
Monterey Bay AquariumView in AlbunackSplash Zone191
Month of BirthdaysView in AlbunackLost in the Translation100
Montserrat TorrentView in AlbunackLes Llibertats d'Orgue del Cicle de Nadal390
Search MonzMy Name1302012
MooVView in AlbunackFold1302008
MoodorganView in AlbunackProcess EP60
MoojiView in AlbunackReggae-Satsang1302013
Moon ZeroView in AlbunackTombs802014
Moon ZeroView in AlbunackTombs Loss80
Moondogs Gypsy Blues BandView in AlbunackDirty Girl130
Moonlight jazz BlueView in AlbunackWINTER CAFE JAZZ200
MoonsantoView in AlbunackFraud - Hell - Dope160
Moose HillView in AlbunackWolf Song100
Mora VocisView in AlbunackMater Dolorosa - Femmes au tombeau80
Mora VocisView in AlbunackMora Vocis Chante Saint-Georges150
Mora VocisView in AlbunackVocal Music of the 12th & 13th Centuries; Mora Vocis180
Mora VocisView in AlbunackVocal Music of the 14th Century200
MoraddaView in AlbunackSER130