Complete Albums constructed from Acoustid data that do not have a corresponding album in MusicBrainz

Relatively obscure artists with one or zero releases

Report created based on data in Acoustid as of 24/10/2024

Found 52106 acoustid albums that do not have a corresponding match in MusicBrainz 500 Acoustid Albums per page.

The report is not continually updated so may not reflect the current data within Acoustid databases.

This shows complete albums constructed from the metadata submitted to Acoustid, but only the majority of the Acoustids are not already linked to MusicBrainz recordings. We filter to only show albums that we have all the tracks for and that have real metadata, and only include albums where we can find a case insensitive match between the album artist and a MusicBrainz artist, to simplify things and filter out some nonsense data. Limitations:Acoustid Data is not of high enough quality to properly handle multi releases and some releases may be listed multiple times due to slight differences in metadata. Acoustid only provides basic metadata, at best this is Album Artist, Album, Track No, Track Title, Track Artist, Year of release, Track Duration (taken directly from linked fingerprint(s)). The data is good for identifying albums by smaller artists, and rare bootleg/live albums by well known artists

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Artists on this page

The Hoppers (1)The Hot Riffs (1)The Hotheads (1)The House (1)The Howl (1)The Howse (1)The Idiot Society (1)The Imbayakunas (1)The Imports (1)The Incognitos (1)The Insurgent (1)The Internationals (1)The Ivy Walls (1)The Jackson Singers (1)The Jackson singers (1)The Jamaica Boys (1)The Janks (2)The Jauntee (2)The Jaydes (1)The Jazz Devils (1)The Jazz Professors (1)The Jimmy Rushing All Stars (1)The Jive Romeros (1)The Jockers (1)The John Byrne Band (1)The John Langan Band (1)The John Lasalle Quartet (1)The John Tesh Project (1)The Johnson Family (1)The Jon Cohen Experimental (1)The Jones (1)The Julie Dolphin (1)The Juniors (2)The Jury (1)The Kanaloas (1)The Keith Emerson Trio (1)The Kevin Clark Trio (1)The Kilmartin Sessions (1)The King Cobra (1)The Kirbi (1)The Kokoon (1)The Kuguars (1)The Kujo Kings (1)The Lay Clerks of Canterbury Cathedral Choir (1)The Lee's (1)The Legendary Klopeks (1)The Lemurs (1)The Leprechauns (1)The Library (2)The Lifters (1)The Light Wires (1)The Limit Club (2)The Lindsays (14)The Lionyls (1)The List (1)The Little Kicks (3)The Lizards' Convention (1)The Local Band (1)The Locomotions (1)The Loners (1)The Lonesome Drifters (1)The Lowest (1)The Lunar Laugh (1)The Lungs (1)The Lyrical Madmen (1)The Madeira (2)The Main Attraction (1)The Maple Room (1)The Marauders (1)The Mariners (2)The Mary Celeste (1)The Mashed Potatoes (1)The Masquerade (1)The Massacres (1)The Master (1)The Mayflies (1)The Maynards (1)The Me-Janes (1)The Mean Devils (2)The Mellers (1)The Melodyst (2)The Memphis Dawls (1)The Mercury Project (1)The Mercy Kiss (1)The Merles (1)The Midden (1)The Midwest Beat (2)The Mighty Tubadours (1)The Miller Brothers (1)The Minks (1)The Minstrels (1)The Mirror Trap (1)The Mission Veo (1)The Mistletoe Orchestra (1)The Misty Mountain String Band (1)The Mock Heroic (1)The Modern Folk Quartet (1)The Molenes (1)The Moleskins (1)The Mood Of Christmas Ensemble (1)The Most Beautiful Losers (1)The Mostly Dead (1)The Movin' Dream Orchestra (1)The Muffinz (1)The Muggabears (1)The Mulligans (3)The Muons (1)The Mystix (3)The Mystreated (3)The Natural Curriculum (1)The New Earth Group (1)The New Indians (1)The New Savoy Jazzmen (1)The New Trocaderos (1)The New York Fund (1)The New York Kammermusiker (1)The Noisemaker (1)The Nope (1)The Noras (1)The Notorious Hi-Fi Killers (1)The Nuclears (2)The Obala (1)The October Trio (1)The Offer (1)The Oktober People (1)The Open Day Rotation (1)The Orange (1)The Orange Opera (3)The Other Method (1)The PC Groove Sensation (1)The Packards (1)The Parties (1)The Pedro Delgados (1)The Pees (1)The Percivals (1)The Phantomatics (1)The Philharmonics (5)The Pickle Factory (1)The Pinups (1)The Pitmen Poets (1)The Ponches (1)The Poorboys (1)The Portland String Quartet (4)The Positions (1)The Pozers (1)The Preservation (1)The Prime Ministers (1)The Psychic Stewardess (1)The Puffins (1)The Quality Kids (1)The Questionnaires (2)The Quickening (1)The Quiet Americans (1)The R.O.C. (6)The Racketeers (1)The Racontwoers (1)The Raging Teens (1)The Raphael Ensemble (3)The Rare Fruits Council (1)
Import ReleaseAlbum ArtistView in AlbunackAlbumTrack TotalTracks with MB MatchYearTracks
The HoppersView in AlbunackThe Ride1302007
The Hot RiffsView in AlbunackJob Done131
The HotheadsView in AlbunackWorld Wide Vibe100
The HouseView in AlbunackThe House100
Search The HowlLoose ends130
The HowseView in AlbunackEsohrpomatem100
The Idiot SocietyView in AlbunackMoving Still1702012
The ImbayakunasView in AlbunackLatin Fest140
Search The ImportsInto Tomorrow60
The IncognitosView in Albunack'Hold On Amigos'130
Search The InsurgentIt Will Be That Sound210
Search The InternationalsThe People Love It183
The Ivy WallsView in AlbunackDirty Passionate Daydreaming100
The Jackson SingersView in AlbunackGospel Emotions120
The Jackson singersView in AlbunackLive in concert170
The Jamaica BoysView in AlbunackThe Jamaica Boys93
The JanksView in AlbunackHands Of Time1412011
The JanksView in AlbunackHands of Time131
The JaunteeView in Albunack2015-02-06 - The Camel80
The JaunteeView in AlbunackEnjoy The Ride100
The JaydesView in AlbunackThe Jaydes90
The Jazz DevilsView in AlbunackOut Of The Dark90
The Jazz ProfessorsView in AlbunackEn Plein Air100
The Jimmy Rushing All StarsView in AlbunackWho Was It Sang That Song?80
The Jive RomerosView in AlbunackBim Bam131
Search The JockersMade In Germany1501990
The John Byrne BandView in AlbunackAfter The Wake100
The John Langan BandView in AlbunackBones Of Contention110
The John Lasalle QuartetView in AlbunackJumpin' At The Left Bank120
The John Tesh ProjectView in AlbunackSax All Night102
The Johnson FamilyView in AlbunackNo Forwarding Address1402008
The Jon Cohen ExperimentalView in AlbunackBehold110
Search The JonesMusic To Watch Girls Dance1401967
The Julie DolphinView in AlbunackLit120
Search The Juniors"The Juniors" With Special House News100
Search The JuniorsThe Juniors "Hip-Hop - Ragga - Muffin"120
Search The JurySentimental Soil120
The KanaloasView in AlbunackSurf a Go Go!110
The Keith Emerson TrioView in AlbunackThe Keith Emerson Trio [2015 Acetate Transfer]70
The Kevin Clark TrioView in AlbunackThe Sandbar Sessions110
The Kilmartin SessionsView in AlbunackKilmartin Sessions The Sounds of Ancient Scotland353
The King CobraView in AlbunackKing Cobra S/T60
The KirbiView in AlbunackMake the Name1002009
The KokoonView in AlbunackBerlin100
The KuguarsView in AlbunackОпен Де Дор240
The Kujo KingsView in AlbunackRegal Riot60
The Lay Clerks of Canterbury Cathedral ChoirView in AlbunackMass For The Feast Of St Thomas Of Canterbury, St. Dunstan`s Kyrie, The Office Of Matins For St. Thomas Of Canterbury220
The Lee'sView in AlbunackBlanc, Le Soleil, Le Pistolet (白色太陽槍)120
The Legendary KlopeksView in AlbunackStraight To Hell240
The LemursView in AlbunackLemurs802006
Search The LeprechaunsThe Best of The Leprechauns220
Search The LibraryThe King Of Silverlake1202011
Search The LibraryThe Life and Times of Rosa Lee70
The LiftersView in AlbunackMassive Turkey Accident100
The Light WiresView in AlbunackThe Invisible Hand100
The Limit ClubView in AlbunackGod Damn The Limit Club1202007
The Limit ClubView in AlbunackPhantom Cats100
Search The LindsaysBeethoven: String Quartets, Vol. 480
Search The LindsaysHaydn String Quartes Op.64 No.1,2,3120
Search The LindsaysHaydn op74120
Search The LindsaysHaydn string quartets op 50 1-3120
Search The LindsaysHaydn string quartets op 50 4-6120
Search The LindsaysHaydn string quartets op 64 nos 1-3120
Search The LindsaysHaydn string quartets op 64 nos 4-6120
Search The LindsaysHaydn string quartets op 71120
Search The LindsaysHaydn: The 3 String Quartets Op. 55 "Tost II"120
Search The LindsaysHaydn: The Seven Last Words90
Search The LindsaysMozart String Qts Nos 19 & No. 1680
Search The LindsaysMozart String Quartet No 19 in C K465 Dissonance & String Quintet No 16 in E flat K61480
Search The LindsaysMozart: String Quartet in A K464; Clarinet Quintet80
Search The LindsaysString Quartet in A K46480
The LionylsView in AlbunackThe Lionyls80
The ListView in AlbunackCome On, Twentyseven70
The Little KicksView in AlbunackBoxing Clever100
The Little KicksView in AlbunackPut Your Love in Front of Me100
The Little KicksView in AlbunackShake Of Your Troubles100
The Lizards' ConventionView in AlbunackHere's a Funny Fish, Hurrah!150
The Local BandView in AlbunackLocals Only [Dark Edition]70
Search The LocomotionsSelect1402004
Search The LonersThe Loners110
The Lonesome DriftersView in AlbunackFrom The Backwoods1502011
The LowestView in AlbunackThe Lowest70
The Lunar LaughView in AlbunackMama's Boy120
Search The LungsTatts Scars Missen Teef100
The Lyrical MadmenView in AlbunackStare Into Space130
The MadeiraView in AlbunackCarpe Noctem130
The MadeiraView in AlbunackTribal Fires1302012
Search The Main AttractionAll The Way90
The Maple RoomView in AlbunackCities Of Hunger100
Search The MaraudersThe Marauders1102006
Search The MarinersDemon Surf130
Search The MarinersIn Command301
The Mary CelesteView in AlbunackThree In One601999
The Mashed PotatoesView in AlbunackThe Mashed Potatoes140
Search The MasqueradeRedemption100
The MassacresView in AlbunackRedemption1102008
Search The MasterReflex Revisions250
The MayfliesView in AlbunackA Thousand Small Things100
The MaynardsView in AlbunackStole Your Lunch Money100
The Me-JanesView in AlbunackConch70
The Mean DevilsView in AlbunackOuter Space Bop1302004
The Mean DevilsView in AlbunackOutta Space Bop1102003
The MellersView in Albunack2b Fat60
The MelodystView in AlbunackRaveolusion WEB60
The MelodystView in AlbunackReject WEB62
The Memphis DawlsView in AlbunackRooted in the Bone111
The Mercury ProjectView in AlbunackOn To You110
The Mercy KissView in AlbunackEP00260
The MerlesView in AlbunackHate to Say Goodbye1402017
The MiddenView in Albunackwhere were you?120
The Midwest BeatView in AlbunackAt The Gates90
The Midwest BeatView in AlbunackGone Not Lost160
The Mighty TubadoursView in AlbunackVe Iss Da Mighty Tubadours Ya-350
The Miller BrothersView in AlbunackBoppin` Hillbilly series27250
Search The MinksStage110
Search The MinstrelsNow We Travel Broken110
The Mirror TrapView in AlbunackSimulations130
The Mission VeoView in AlbunackEchoes70
The Mistletoe OrchestraView in AlbunackClassical Christmas101
The Misty Mountain String BandView in AlbunackWent to the Well602013
The Mock HeroicView in AlbunackDignified Exits1102007
The Modern Folk QuartetView in AlbunackThe Modern Folk Quartet120
The MolenesView in AlbunackSongs of Sin and Redemption120
The MoleskinsView in AlbunackThe Moleskins121
The Mood Of Christmas EnsembleView in AlbunackSpirit Of Christmas160
The Most Beautiful LosersView in AlbunackPlayin With Hearts130
The Mostly DeadView in AlbunackWilderness100
The Movin' Dream OrchestraView in AlbunackScreen Themes '86120
The MuffinzView in AlbunackHave You Heard?1112012
The MuggabearsView in AlbunackKim Berlin1102004
The MulligansView in AlbunackAt Home On The Range80
The MulligansView in AlbunackShades of Ireland140
The MulligansView in AlbunackThe Glory of Ireland140
The MuonsView in AlbunackThe Muons70
The MystixView in AlbunackBlue Morning100
The MystixView in AlbunackDown To The Shore120
The MystixView in AlbunackMighty Tone120
The MystreatedView in AlbunackLooking Right Through1301994
The MystreatedView in AlbunackLovely Sunday Dreaming1201999
The MystreatedView in AlbunackTen Boss Cuts1001992
The Natural CurriculumView in AlbunackEP0003/EP0004 (Double Vinyl)70
The New Earth GroupView in AlbunackEurafricarabia60
The New IndiansView in AlbunackSongs From India70
The New Savoy JazzmenView in AlbunackJazz At The Sawmill90
The New TrocaderosView in AlbunackFrenzy In The Hips60
The New York FundView in AlbunackGuns Up61
The New York KammermusikerView in AlbunackA Renaissance Tour of Europe400
The NoisemakerView in AlbunackGamma Part 160
The NopeView in AlbunackMelba2202009
The NorasView in Albunack死に逝く君、館に芽吹く憎悪 ORIGINAL SOUND TRACK160
The Notorious Hi-Fi KillersView in AlbunackWhich Side Are You On? (CDR)120
Search The NuclearsThe Great Rockabilly Swindle1302009
Search The NuclearsThe great Rockabilly Swindle130
The ObalaView in AlbunackKombinacija1712009
The October TrioView in AlbunackDay In90
The OfferView in AlbunackIn Space1001996
The Oktober PeopleView in AlbunackExplore The Sky Too80
The Open Day RotationView in AlbunackToxic Good Toxic Bad100
Search The OrangeYou Know This Story150
The Orange OperaView in AlbunackLand Of Tall110
The Orange OperaView in AlbunackLand of Tall110
The Orange OperaView in AlbunackYear of the Beard110
The Other MethodView in AlbunackNo Bridges No Walls60
The PC Groove SensationView in AlbunackSweet Love (Remixes)80
Search The PackardsPray For Surf / Beach City Bop190
The PartiesView in AlbunackCoast Garde110
The Pedro DelgadosView in AlbunackSing High Sing Low140
The PeesView in AlbunackBucchi Merry The Pees 1989-1997 Selection Side B210
The PercivalsView in AlbunackWhen It All Goes Wrong60
The PhantomaticsView in AlbunackThe Phantomatics in 'She Left Her Brain at the Drive-In'602011
The PhilharmonicsView in AlbunackFascination Dance150
The PhilharmonicsView in AlbunackFascination Dance - The Philharmonics150
The PhilharmonicsView in AlbunackSouvenir De Boheme120
The PhilharmonicsView in AlbunackThe Philharmonics - Fascination Dance (2011)150
The PhilharmonicsView in Albunackfascination_dance150
The Pickle FactoryView in AlbunackOur Pledge100
Search The PinupsHollywood Eyes1001981
The Pitmen PoetsView in AlbunackMore Black Diamonds150
The PonchesView in AlbunackThe Long Goodbye121
Search The PoorboysEarly Masters60
The Portland String QuartetView in AlbunackBloch - Quartets Nos. II and III82
The Portland String QuartetView in AlbunackBloch - Quartets Nos. IV and V60
The Portland String QuartetView in AlbunackDvorak - Piano Quintet Op. 81, String Quartet Op. 1680
The Portland String QuartetView in AlbunackDvorak: Double Bass Quintet And The American Quartet90
Search The PositionsTonight60
The PozersView in AlbunackThe Sun's Going Down130
The PreservationView in AlbunackTwo Sisters130
The Prime MinistersView in AlbunackRead 'Em And Weep130
The Psychic StewardessView in AlbunackSpiritual Foundation (CDR)1402010
The PuffinsView in AlbunackShade of Blue130
The Quality KidsView in AlbunackRudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer & Other Favorites150
The QuestionnairesView in AlbunackAnything Can Happen120
The QuestionnairesView in AlbunackWindow To The World100
The QuickeningView in AlbunackWhite Blossoms902009
The Quiet AmericansView in AlbunackOne Minute Vacations520
The R.O.C.View in AlbunackBits & Pieces Vol. 1 (EAC FLAC)100
The R.O.C.View in AlbunackDigital Voodoo140
The R.O.C.View in AlbunackDigital Voodoo (EAC FLAC)140
The R.O.C.View in AlbunackDigtial Voodoo140
The R.O.C.View in AlbunackOh Hell No! (2015 Re-release)180
The R.O.C.View in AlbunackX-Posed (2015 Remaster)140
Search The RacketeersAnother Round With The Racketeers702001
The RacontwoersView in AlbunackLive at Third Man Records80
The Raging TeensView in AlbunackThe Raging Teens110
The Raphael EnsembleView in AlbunackKorngold: String Sextet In D; Schoenberg: Verklärte Nacht90
The Raphael EnsembleView in AlbunackMendelssohn: String Quintets80
The Raphael EnsembleView in AlbunackSchoenberg & Korngold-Verklarte Nacht, String Sextet90