Report created based on data in Acoustid as of 2021-09-21
Found 155032 acoustids with potentially bad links to MusicBrainz recordings, we show 1000 acoustids per page.
The report is not continually updated so may not reflect the current data within Acoustid databases.
The Acoustid links to multiple recordings with completely different names, and the potential bad link has only been submitted once, in contrast the good link has been submitted more than once, since the song nameis significantly different it most cases this means pointing to two completely different songs and it is unlikely the link that hasd only been submitted once is reliable. The report is ordered by the artist name and recording name of the good match so if you want to check for potential bad matches for a particular artist they are all grouped together.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156
Acoustid | Good Match | Submission Count | Suspect Match | Submission Count |
08624aea-ed6b-4be4-be6c-8b632d2a893d | Die Toten Hosen/seelentherapie | 76 | Die Toten Hosen/5 minuten | 1 |
43a6632e-30a5-48fb-9ff5-a6f26ffc346a | Die Toten Hosen/sein oder nichtsein | 30 | Die Toten Hosen/revenge | 1 |
607a8784-268e-487c-a826-760be2b15e00 | Die Toten Hosen/steh auf, wenn du am boden bist | 498 | Eric Van Lustbader/track 18 | 1 |
976c3e45-88e8-45b9-a00c-142889e22948 | Die Toten Hosen/unter den wolken | 42 | DJ Antoine/la vie en rose | 1 |
dc62ca79-8fe8-41fa-9903-ba06747065ba | Die Toten Hosen/vor dem sturm | 85 | Die Toten Hosen/i am the walrus | 1 |
4ee02c2a-10de-45c3-acda-765b81ec49ee | Die Toten Hosen/willis weiße weihnacht | 2 | Die Toten Hosen/willi – ein verlierer : willi’s weiße weihnacht | 1 |
b3e25093-fa8a-48fe-9d89-57ce6a907fdb | Die Toten Hosen/year 2000 | 4 | Die Toten Hosen/schönen gruß, auf wiederseh’n | 1 |
53cf669a-45fd-47dd-8b4d-789c632418e1 | Die Toten Hosen/zehn kleine jägermeister | 30 | Die Toten Hosen/liebesspieler | 1 |
c69b9fc3-4768-4424-a21f-291041d82f5a | Die Tramps/nur eine kleine träne von dir | 2 | Tommy Kent/sweet baby sweet | 1 |
f10bf9aa-8236-42ab-a353-774ff74c1f2c | Die Traumprinzen/wer bin ich | 2 | Olaf Henning/ich bin nicht mehr dein clown | 1 |
3231c9e4-6d5a-4fac-8c2e-3baed5894e23 | Die Vaiolets/weisse rosen aus tirol | 8 | Die Balla Männer/anton aus tirol | 1 |
80337ec7-6f06-4bb0-ab6b-73443d601bc3 | Die Vamummtn/intro | 41 | Die Ärzte/west berlin | 1 |
0762bb46-e724-4c4f-8bb8-20486402c945 | Die Verbannten Kinder Evas/intro | 21 | Die Verbannten Kinder Evas/the beginning | 1 |
9fe63231-3e39-4923-bb84-897c589599d9 | Die Visionäre/deutschlaaand, deutschlaaand | 6 | Herr Antje & seine deutschen Freunde/super deutschland olé | 1 |
c7f525d4-61b2-4127-aeb2-1c21ec918d72 | Die Wandergesellen/schwarzwaldmarie | 2 | Wencke Myhre/geht ein boy vorbei | 1 |
d99c366c-a5a1-4616-af1e-2a85f173f4a0 | Die Wonderdansorkes/good hearted woman | 6 | Jeffrey Fayman & Yoav Goren/feel good | 1 |
ce7ec338-1fb5-471e-be89-b3883a03299d | Die Wonderdansorkes/your best friend | 6 | Stretch Princess/my best friend | 1 |
876d81e2-4dd2-49b8-8f3b-b5a177bb35bf | Die Zillertaler/herzimaus | 13 | Die Zillertaler/da brennt das herz | 1 |
739a1e98-d6c0-4a70-b4f9-59c807883940 | Die Zillertaler/ich mag frauen die sich was traun | 6 | Die Edlseer/weil i a schürzenjäger bin | 1 |
9ca93333-eb6b-49ac-8a66-59112f831739 | Die Zillertaler/mitt’n auf’m tanzboden | 3 | Die Zillertaler/auf'm tanzboden | 1 |
25a04ab1-caa3-49d6-80a1-82237968480e | Die Zillertaler Türkenjäger/10 kleine negerlein | 2 | Die Zillertaler Türkenjäger/guten morgen, liebe mohren | 1 |
8b83d197-d61b-4c46-ab7e-ef76ba84df3a | Die Zipfelbuben/kadeng, kadeng | 15 | Blog 27/uh la la la | 1 |
670754e9-8c79-4041-93ad-1f7bf83ad5c1 | Die Zipfelbuben/wenn du mich liebst | 5 | Michael Wendler/dennoch liebst du mich | 1 |
2d46ce25-bf6c-42cf-b1a2-49ff95506d2c | Die angefahrenen Schulkinder/das verwichste schnuffeltuch | 3 | Alogia/samson | 1 |
cdfca2b5-b894-41c3-ad46-d151fbde6e9e | Die drei ???/20. april 1979 | 17 | Die drei ???/tödliche spur | 1 |
ca7461af-f39a-4293-adfa-7b8e812c170b | Die drei ???/bei mr. felix | 2 | Die drei ???/die drei ??? und der seltsame wecker | 1 |
b8c984b7-73f9-45b9-813d-f37a6bff8d11 | Die drei ???/der schwarze skorpion | 6 | Martin Patiño/2011-12-17: live at flash labelnight: weekend, berlin, germany | 1 |
de6d6439-e3ce-428d-9344-0b081be9de04 | Die drei ???/die höhle des grauens | 5 | Die drei ???/und der nebelberg | 1 |
5797e3b0-9e09-429e-bf18-8bf012d3563f | Die drei ???/die karten des bösen | 17 | DJ Indigo/emerald blue | 1 |
0fab6238-49dc-4c50-a14b-e4506de2a181 | Die drei ???/die verschwundene seglerin | 15 | T. M. Krishna/etavunara | 1 |
c88828f8-961e-48c7-9d75-45cca58ef835 | Die drei ???/dreckiger deal | 15 | L. Ron Hubbard/flows: characteristics of | 1 |
5e636ba8-3022-473d-b89e-8d4bb5bf3761 | Die drei ???/ein seltsamer zeitgenosse | 16 | Die drei ???/die sieben tore | 1 |
e0d40e57-abe1-4235-adc3-743ff7025d22 | Die drei ???/erwischt | 22 | Die drei ???/das düstere vermächtnis | 1 |
ff68cfff-61e9-4930-941b-604537348963 | Die drei ???/feuerturm | 9 | Chris Morris/sounds of distant gunfire | 1 |
e72a1bfd-42ea-4783-9469-2f38f1d3dfdd | Die drei ???/flammen in der nacht | 12 | Die drei ???/feuermond: das rätsel der meister | 1 |
f6eb65c3-e995-4697-868f-b5d1934ef95d | Die drei ???/geisterbucht: der brennende kristall | 4 | Die drei ???/nacht der tiger, teil 1 | 1 |
0f50ffe6-a5b5-46ea-a1d6-fc672e3142f6 | Die drei ???/musik des teufels | 17 | John Digweed/2004-04-11: live at kiss | 1 |
d46d83bc-aadb-4583-98ec-221b69e6ad77 | Die drei ???/operation morton | 16 | Die drei ???/tödliche spur | 1 |
2d0c893f-ad4a-4b90-a69d-11f76c773a0c | Die drei ???/outtake hamburg 3: „peter!!!“ | 2 | Die drei ???/outtake köln 2: „und da sind sie / die drei fragezeichen!“ | 1 |
64c0953d-e11f-42b2-8312-da02c0715263 | Die drei ???/pistenteufel | 16 | ccc/radio ccc | 1 |
be6ed87e-3810-4c88-8be3-df4d8d99d0c6 | Die drei ???/profi-sound | 19 | Die drei ???/und die musikpiraten | 1 |
b6a57ff5-290e-45a5-8cd9-c99d6891a814 | Die drei ???/spuk im netz | 12 | Hiroshi Kawani/flashback | 1 |
5e4104e7-8ee9-4273-9283-255f985e343c | Die drei ???/stadt der vampire | 21 | Die drei ???/pfad der angst | 1 |
1e2620ef-bfad-4027-bdd2-cfca9379dbdc | Die drei ???/titelsong | 6 | Die drei ???/die bedrohte ranch | 1 |
8f499857-9d92-4c18-a9cf-8db60a8020d5 | Die drei ???/und das brennende schwert | 17 | Roger Eno/flood | 1 |
e818c2c1-49f8-4217-bf76-5ddcc8c268f1 | Die drei ???/und das versunkene dorf | 20 | Die drei ???/ein neuer fall | 1 |
f1ad3f26-edbd-4cb5-bd3d-dbb0c79c8479 | Die drei ???/vampir im internet | 13 | D-Ceptor/remix mix project | 1 |
a2826215-b260-4cf7-a643-06096b9e354f | Die drei ??? Kids/zurück aus der vergangenheit | 2 | Die drei ??? Kids/zurück in die vergangenheit | 1 |
1c330ed7-8485-4744-a470-069f2fccea6a | Die jungen Klostertaler/die sterne stehen gut | 16 | Truck Stop/old texas town, die westernstadt | 1 |
81bb88c7-3c49-43ba-bd2e-0729aedd345f | Die kranken Schwestern/wenn er vor mir steht | 2 | Kristina Bach/er schenkte mir den eiffelturm | 1 |
6b64146a-51ed-46b0-93a5-027fd12ded72 | Die Ärzte/alleine in der nacht | 189 | Alexander Zaitsev/08 | 1 |
e2a23348-06fa-4caf-b13c-e2914cfb6579 | Die Ärzte/ansage | 3 | Die Ärzte/yoko ono | 1 |
64e61f59-2f2e-4601-a535-8b909610705c | Die Ärzte/anti-zombie | 263 | Michel Thomas/voulez-vous confirmer la réservation pour moi? | 1 |
49f68b61-75f2-45b8-a14a-4941e5dd40e6 | Die Ärzte/ausserirdische | 7 | Die Ärzte/die Ärzte | 1 |
78e279ca-3f04-4414-94fa-ac38bfc3237c | Die Ärzte/bela b. and jan: wir brauchen... werner | 4 | Bela B. & Jan/wir brauchen … werner | 1 |
4bb13312-baa2-4051-aa4a-3adac083e689 | Die Ärzte/claudia ii | 272 | Die Ärzte/claudia hat 'nen schäferhund | 1 |
aff39950-9d59-489a-b462-14c3cd600af3 | Die Ärzte/dein vampyr | 110 | Douglas Preston & Lincoln Child/10 | 1 |
3142fce3-dbed-4830-aeaf-03b9df7b7a78 | Die Ärzte/deine schuld | 456 | Die Ärzte/westerland | 1 |
27b6d0cb-acb9-4d5d-908c-dd100994d70d | Die Ärzte/der graf | 143 | Conrad Schnitzler/11 | 1 |
5ca2cfbd-a059-45c7-9bcf-2b9cb9ecb4aa | Die Ärzte/der lustige astronaut | 189 | Salut Salon/die lustige puppe | 1 |
c2f20c48-5526-4fd3-af9a-7c3ad3efbc71 | Die Ärzte/der misanthrop | 132 | Stephen R. Covey/20 | 1 |
83034b65-15e5-4cc6-b67c-ef530e15b5ad | Die Ärzte/der ritt auf dem schmetterling | 103 | Die Ärzte/alleine in der nacht | 1 |
923c9a96-8303-476f-a6a7-98f14f514e78 | Die Ärzte/die banane | 2 | Die Ärzte/manchmal haben frauen... | 1 |
a36261da-3523-425f-8bfb-c74b39b62533 | Die Ärzte/die klügsten männer der welt | 416 | Die Ärzte/wie es geht | 1 |
b037f45b-96a9-466b-8e2e-234f84578948 | Die Ärzte/die wikingjugend hat mein mädchen entführt | 4 | Die Ärzte/the kkk took my baby away | 1 |
850494b1-e8d3-44f8-ab55-64e5957548d6 | Die Ärzte/dinge von denen | 412 | Die Ärzte/die traurige ballade von susi spakowski | 1 |
d3dd945c-97de-4985-aabd-c76068cffe10 | Die Ärzte/dir | 296 | Die Ärzte/der optimist | 1 |
efeec798-303b-4f8a-a3db-c111f8bc2685 | Die Ärzte/el cattivo | 161 | Margaret Atwood/12 | 1 |
0c986ff0-898c-4f28-925a-d6eec2592977 | Die Ärzte/gute zeit | 163 | Troy Soos/20 | 1 |
3baff58f-fa72-4893-9e07-0220ad9765be | Die Ärzte/hey huh | 151 | Jane Mayer/17 | 1 |
afd9dc36-a79d-4773-b0bf-e626eb770b27 | Die Ärzte/hey huh (in scheiben) | 2 | Die Ärzte/revolution ’94 (kopfüber in die hölle) | 1 |
3b07cb69-d417-4ec9-95b9-3a7fb082f6d7 | Die Ärzte/hey, huh | 6 | Die Ärzte/revolution ’94 (kopfüber in die hölle) | 1 |
67a57392-9d5c-41cb-a18c-add9b38bec9f | Die Ärzte/hände innen | 6 | Die Ärzte/dinge von denen | 1 |
24d87d1a-24dc-4c75-a81f-07181b4e130b | Die Ärzte/ignorama | 307 | Die Ärzte/der infant | 1 |
81cad951-9c79-4d51-8cef-56a58c59b88e | Die Ärzte/junge | 5 | Die Ärzte/himmelblau | 1 |
ccf2bcde-2fa9-4498-874a-d455e1340c8c | Die Ärzte/junge | 5 | Die Ärzte/baby ich tu’s | 1 |
fa034b18-7b11-4e5f-87d2-ee2d4f65b358 | Die Ärzte/junge | 6 | Die Ärzte/tut mir leid | 1 |
51336950-79c1-4e1c-8dcb-3d80b2c86613 | Die Ärzte/kopfhaut | 141 | Die Ärzte/die Ärzte | 1 |
1b5024bd-755e-4c09-91a6-7b6fdef9cac9 | Die Ärzte/kopfüber in die hölle | 3 | Demun Jones/11 | 1 |
4973cf58-9820-42b6-84a5-4c6709b6ed42 | Die Ärzte/käfer | 139 | Troy Soos/15 | 1 |
d5fe7121-9358-4ac8-837e-c714279dff35 | Die Ärzte/langweilig | 4 | Die Ärzte/kopfüber in die hölle | 1 |
573cc89a-7384-4721-9345-28f30a4e85e8 | Die Ärzte/leichenhalle | 8 | Die Ärzte/der ritt auf dem schmetterling | 1 |
b55f213e-3afb-417d-85c0-0b394945721f | Die Ärzte/meine ex | 291 | Die Ärzte/meine freunde | 1 |
efee88c0-a10c-41e3-947f-13a3575ca5f0 | Die Ärzte/meine ex | 299 | Die Ärzte/mein freund michael | 1 |
59e29db1-587f-422e-86dd-0076620ae19f | Die Ärzte/my hand smells lonely | 6 | Depp Jones/meine hand riecht einsam | 1 |
d5a054a3-fcb4-42b3-8ac2-97d2d5576e45 | Die Ärzte/nackig vorm fahrstuhl | 99 | Yeht Mae/penang | 1 |
79645c94-8370-4143-b235-9acdb6baad7d | Die Ärzte/nimm es wie ein mann | 9 | Die Ärzte/deine freundin | 1 |
247c268a-fffc-42ae-accd-e0c6df565879 | Die Ärzte/omaboy | 139 | Hella S. Haasse/16 | 1 |
a775aeee-9367-4f4b-8d06-b7a0ae5bc5fe | Die Ärzte/ouvertüre zum besten konzert der welt | 4 | Die Ärzte/blumen | 1 |
7191236a-f870-44c7-aa45-99d4983b0cf9 | Die Ärzte/paul | 2 | Bernhard Schlink gelesen von Hans Korte/teil 66 | 1 |
6b4326c5-98e5-4569-aaa5-cfb7e3f09439 | Die Ärzte/punkrockgirl | 118 | Die Ärzte/deutschrockgirl | 1 |
656d5f13-08ff-4abb-8482-b6f75dc7a16b | Die Ärzte/quark | 226 | Die Ärzte/die Ärzte | 1 |
810d2ae7-a812-4215-9aff-b2a66ac3706f | Die Ärzte/radio rap | 168 | Richard Carlson/06 | 1 |
06c4b524-5b5e-424c-8b47-914943444782 | Die Ärzte/revolution ’94 (kopfüber in die hölle) | 2 | Die Ärzte/ein haufen gebrösel in d-moll | 1 |
b1d3e375-9b7e-4048-b88f-ae24f8653eb3 | Die Ärzte/rockstar und groupie | 96 | Intrinsic Action/groupies | 1 |
3af43c0b-b245-4bb3-863e-205cc7144ba4 | Die Ärzte/rock’n’roll Übermensch | 296 | Die Ärzte/rock rendezvous | 1 |
02e60e2a-e45e-46a1-ab43-a80b0726b3dd | Die Ärzte/saufen | 229 | Die Ärzte/gib mir zeit | 1 |
452a4348-ae6e-417d-9952-e93893607090 | Die Ärzte/scheißtyp | 236 | Die Ärzte/die Ärzte | 1 |
4299eb3a-790c-448e-b4c4-427b7dee67ed | Die Ärzte/schneller leben | 261 | Greg Wise & Saskia Reeves/track 13 | 1 |
5017f623-aff4-44f9-87fe-94e8bed9f31d | Die Ärzte/sweet sweet gwendoline | 192 | Die Ärzte/die Ärzte | 1 |
344533cd-7ee0-4812-8d78-c4e66ed458a6 | Die Ärzte/wir sind die besten | 34 | Die Ärzte/wir waren die besten | 1 |
de16b45f-05da-438f-a87c-fefda8169c01 | Die Ärzte/wir waren die besten | 30 | Die Ärzte/wir sind die besten | 1 |
cf3d7946-f305-4f54-a793-8f2ea3735939 | Die Ärzte/♀ | 4 | Die Ärzte/feminin | 1 |
e15d8128-0ed9-4895-b6e2-4eef4399149d | Diecast/these days | 18 | Stampin’ Ground/bear the scars | 1 |
d6eabf59-7d46-4009-92cf-dde127d7842d | Diego/the voice | 2 | Disappearance of Anna/necrosis | 1 |
0281aabf-9daa-4e22-8c25-b8bc5e0db2ce | Diego Modena/mystical force | 3 | Panda & Angel/broken cars | 1 |
7d3c20b0-70bc-4c6f-a4a7-59cb21169462 | Diego Modena et Jean-Philippe Audin/brazil | 4 | Heartek/generator love ft. cybernoid ii | 1 |
f34f34ec-506f-4844-8f90-965bcb9f8787 | Diego Modena et Jean-Philippe Audin/les oiseaux | 29 | Richard Lloyd/#9 | 1 |
f1cbaa30-a0e6-4175-9af3-0c3196f28df3 | Diego Modena et Jean-Philippe Audin/ocarina burning | 2 | Jean-Philippe Audin & Diego Modena/song of ocarina | 1 |
751ec4ab-5f4e-4e40-a701-145315bbaa7a | Diego Verdaguer/volveré | 3 | Michael Flynn/track 02 | 1 |
c5933b0b-bc59-4279-8f9c-ff1efa7f723b | Diego el Cigala/chanelando | 11 | Jing & Jangsters/love gets sweeter | 1 |
45f332d3-f556-4a03-9081-333aad656ef6 | Diego el Cigala/romance | 11 | Diego el Cigala/sobresaltos de plata | 1 |
13816bd7-fb9d-4ab6-be97-636b06ef6ed3 | Dierks Bentley/5-1-5-0 | 113 | Dixie Chicks/lil’ jack slade | 1 |
98c7d6a3-1f8d-43e9-8eb7-ae451e1fca3c | Dierks Bentley/drunk on a plane | 2 | Louise Attaque/comme on a dit | 1 |
56efc2a0-3a4d-4633-91df-a6b5a0d5f105 | Dierks Bentley/i hold on | 3 | Dierks Bentley/you hold me together | 1 |
33088647-2194-4c11-8d16-25daa93f3248 | Dierks Bentley/say you do | 106 | Hooverphonic/mad about you | 1 |
bb4d83bb-843a-4b8e-a2d8-5a0b3d0ac5c2 | Diesel/come to me | 94 | Spectrum/i'll be gone | 1 |
5cf87d93-69fb-48af-8027-8590acdae73d | Diesel/tip of my tongue | 17 | David Banner feat. Chris Brown/get like me (super clean) | 1 |
042905de-d1ae-4910-8fc7-f12b2b529d9a | Diesel/tip of my tongue | 3 | Josh Groban/february song | 1 |
2c40b45a-cffc-49af-9d37-ae254fdf131d | Dieselboy/invid | 42 | Usual Suspects/shrapnel | 1 |
77b188f6-9737-4939-b3dc-e2fece4adf5d | Dieselboy/invid | 39 | Future Cut & Futurebound/homicide | 1 |
00189188-1bad-4c07-803e-0d4b22ca1324 | Dieselboy/the descent | 43 | Swift/twisted | 1 |
3e12349e-908f-4455-9aba-c6380e1064a1 | Dieselboy/the descent | 39 | Kemal & Rob Data/the messiah | 1 |
a1fa86ea-366a-495a-825a-16e52a5adeef | Dieselboy/the descent | 42 | Technical Itch/heavy metal | 1 |
cdf0f2db-d0f8-43a0-b908-45bf7fddd413 | Dieselle/dj | 6 | Lumidee & Fatman Scoop/dance! | 1 |
226912c8-c72a-4b19-8a6c-a05792cefc73 | Diesler feat. Laura Vane/charmed | 11 | Diesler feat. Laura Vane/a little something | 1 |
69d77a60-50a6-452d-a3e0-1d1c543ca085 | Dieter Bohlen/bizarre bizarre | 3 | SPN-X/dieter bohlen | 1 |
770771cb-e347-4277-9795-89a086f527e6 | Dieter Bohlen/gasoline | 3 | Nick Skitz/da trax of angels - dj baseline | 1 |
e675eac7-2ef6-47db-98bc-327b4582f84a | Dieter Brandecker/sonnencreme: everybody’s free (to wear sunscreen) | 12 | Hermes House Band/everybody's free | 1 |
ab1e5413-c077-42f0-b41d-0f3c0cafae45 | Dieter Goldmann/dance of gnomes | 24 | Franz Liszt/deux etudes de concert s. 145, ronde des lutins - 1863 | 1 |
cb3e8c0f-9373-4a02-b3f4-40a460460098 | Dieter Goldmann/funerales | 4 | Dieter Goldmann/funérailles g 173/7 | 1 |
98080979-1e14-4912-8bb3-4358b7f00984 | Dieter Goldmann/la soirée dans grenade | 3 | [unknown]/estampes - la soiree dans grenade | 1 |
a9e01e23-a106-467c-8c5f-0d897ce93d9f | Dieter Goldmann/zwei konzertetüden, s. 145, nr. 1: waldesrauschen | 35 | Franz Liszt/deux etudes de concert s. 145, murmures de la for¬t - 1862 | 1 |
59a1dc47-e221-4ad7-81e4-e709874b9879 | Dieter Goldmann/Étude in a minor, op. 25 no. 11 “winter wind”: lento | 29 | [unknown]/etudes op. 25 | 1 |
812bef4b-43a5-419c-add4-7642ec0ec4fe | Dieter Goldmann/Étude in c-sharp minor, op. 25 no. 7: lento | 35 | [unknown]/etudes op. 25 | 1 |
ad5e610a-1ded-4e82-93b7-b7253a49cae8 | Dieter Goldmann, London Festival Orchestra, Alberto Lizzio/piano concerto no. 1 in b-flat minor, op.23: ii. andante semplice | 2 | Nigel Simpson, Royal Promenade Orchestra, Alfred Gehardt/concerto for piano no. 1 in b-flat minor, op. 23: ii. andantino semplice | 1 |
9caf5b48-b61d-4fda-9ad1-7372a7d2bc40 | Dieter Goldmann, Marián Pivka, Silvia Čápová/scenes of childhood - dreaming | 3 | Robert Schumann/träumerei, op. 15 | 1 |
54b89a08-31f9-4b27-ae98-745b9b3b3b59 | Dieter Goldmann, Peter Schmalfuss/claire de lune | 7 | Georges Bizet/l'arlésienne suite no. 2: pastorale | 1 |
668162b5-d7a4-4f4e-9b4c-c27c22c6905d | Dieter Goldmann, Philharmonia Slavonica, Alfred Scholz/nr. 1 s 124 es-dur: iii. allegro marziale animato | 8 | Josef Bulva, Orchestre symphonique de Radio Télé Luxembourg, Daniel Nazareth/piano concerto no. 1 in e-flat major, s. 124: iii. allegro marziale animato | 1 |
3df4b557-a6fa-40d9-9819-3dbb15dd9efb | Dieter Goldmann, Philharmonia Slavonica, Henry Adolph/concerto in f für piano and orchester: i. allegro | 36 | Alexander Cattarino, Slovak Philharmonic Orchestra, Bystrík Režucha/concerto for piano and orchestra in f major: i. allegro | 1 |
28f46056-af74-494e-a882-cc3f592a7004 | Dieter Goldmann, Philharmonia Slavonica, Henry Adolph/concerto in f für piano and orchester: ii. adagio | 33 | Alexander Cattarino, Slovak Philharmonic Orchestra, Bystrík Režucha/concerto for piano and orchestra in f major: i. allegro | 1 |
609f594a-d2dc-442f-84bb-656410564faa | Dieter Goldmann, Philharmonia Slavonica, Henry Adolph/concerto in f für piano and orchester: iii. allegro agitato | 27 | Alexander Cattarino, Slovak Philharmonic Orchestra, Bystrík Režucha/concerto for piano and orchestra in f major: ii. andante con moto | 1 |
2b34a976-5c12-4ebe-adfb-d4ed364130ca | Dieter Goldmann, Süddeutsche Philharmonie, Ernesto Delgado/concerto no. 2 per pianoforte e orchestra, op. 21: ii. larghetto | 9 | Dubravka Tomšič, Ljubljana Radio Symphony Orchestra/piano concerto no. 2 in f minor, op. 21 - larghetto | 1 |
96c64287-16da-4de2-88ee-2caa9f6cf8d2 | Dieter Goldmann, Süddeutsche Philharmonie, Ernesto Delgado/concerto no. 2 per pianoforte e orchestra, op. 21: iii. allegro vivace | 2 | Marián Pivka & Slovak Philharmonic Orchestra/concerto no. 2, op. 21, f-moll - 3. allegro vivace | 1 |
c3e489f4-62ed-463e-af74-0287ca2aa738 | Dieter Hallervorden & Helga Feddersen/du, die wanne ist voll | 6 | Mario Lehner/bist du sauer… | 1 |
f75e04c7-1b97-4687-b75e-5026eb0c5f49 | Dieter Klöcker/klarinettenkonzert no.2 d-moll - adagio pastorale | 4 | [unknown]/clarinet concerto no. 2: adagio pastorale | 1 |
5ccf1e6a-c932-48b8-9a26-0bbd65c604ac | Dieter Nuhr/viagra | 30 | Dieter Nuhr/lehrer und deppen | 1 |
6777ca09-d088-44ec-9a40-738f1060e00b | Dieter Thomas Kuhn/eine neue liebe ist wie ein neues leben | 15 | Höhner/pizza wunderbar | 1 |
7480fd77-ca69-414d-9398-551eeb120a1d | Dieter Thomas Kuhn/er hat ein knallrotes gummiboot | 19 | Dieter Thomas Kuhn/ein bett im kornfeld | 1 |
101d58a7-60b3-40e6-abd2-9a8fdb7188bb | Dieter Thomas Kuhn/sag mir quando, sag mir wann | 5 | Dieter Thomas Kuhn/willst du mit mir geh'n | 1 |
7aee4f5b-eef9-4b45-b2aa-f567f3930025 | Dieter Wien/alhambra | 2 | Wieso? Weshalb? Warum?/warum war rom so mächtig? | 1 |
69751e3f-4592-498e-9f87-d3f819293873 | Dietmar Zeman, Wiener Philharmoniker, Karl Böhm/concerto for bassoon and orchestra in b-flat major, k.191/186e: 2. andante ma adagio | 88 | Dietmar Zeman, Wiener Philharmoniker, Karl Böhm/konzert für fagott und orchester b-dur, kv 191: 2. andante ma adagio | 1 |
f32a2d52-015e-4d4c-a63c-71ac7d227f46 | Dietrich Fischer‐Dieskau & Gerald Moore/abschied "le chant du cygne", nº 7, d. 957 | 9 | Dietrich Fischer‐Dieskau, Gerald Moore/schwanengesang, d 957: no. 7, abschied | 1 |
1087e463-db74-486d-a8af-ff725fde6538 | Dietrich Fischer‐Dieskau, Daniel Barenboim/gedichte von michelangelo, no. 2: alles endet, was entstehet | 4 | Hugo Wolf/alles endet, was entsteht | 1 |
b10a6be9-c34e-4c92-a970-57ed42674a00 | Dietrich Fischer‐Dieskau, Daniel Barenboim, Berliner Philharmoniker/des knaben wunderhorn: iv. rheinlegendchen | 11 | [unknown]/lieder aus "des knaben wunderhorn" reinlegenchen | 1 |
3168406d-1d75-47d9-997f-28ba9c4838a4 | Dietrich Fischer‐Dieskau, Daniel Barenboim, Berliner Philharmoniker/des knaben wunderhorn: xii. revelge | 6 | [unknown]/lieder aus "der knaben wunderhorn" revelge | 1 |
da669d8d-996d-4b5e-99ac-2c8b86fff2a9 | Dietrich Fischer‐Dieskau, Gerald Moore/abendbilder, d. 650 | 3 | Hank Snow/if today were yesterday | 1 |
dc31b5c4-ceb7-48bd-9ab5-76ca1e3ad2a5 | Dietrich Fischer‐Dieskau, Gerald Moore/auflösung, d. 807 | 3 | Waylon Jennings/walk on out of my mind | 1 |
457b9d5e-22c8-4e11-a3e4-23d68c98699c | Dietrich Fischer‐Dieskau, Gerald Moore/bei dir allein , d. 866 no. 2 | 3 | Hank Snow & Anita Carter/let's pretend | 1 |
9644306b-1209-4b76-b06b-b3b5bf714759 | Dietrich Fischer‐Dieskau, Gerald Moore/der knabe, d. 692 | 3 | Hank Snow & Anita Carter/if it's wrong to love you | 1 |
09bf92d3-e7aa-4a2b-b43d-8639c8377011 | Dietrich Fischer‐Dieskau, Gerald Moore/der pilgrim, d. 794 | 3 | Anita Carter/loving him was easier | 1 |
c0871429-df38-4ae8-b790-7b77178a1bc8 | Dietrich Fischer‐Dieskau, Gerald Moore/der zürnende barde, d. 785 | 3 | Hank Snow/mockin' bird hill | 1 |
b6a475df-b104-404f-9885-a20694ca3f60 | Dietrich Fischer‐Dieskau, Gerald Moore/erlafsee, d. 586 | 3 | Hank Snow & Anita Carter/rose of old monterey | 1 |
acf43a60-4585-401e-84dd-c2fc2aef9b59 | Dietrich Fischer‐Dieskau, Gerald Moore/glaube, hoffnung, liebe, d. 955: "glaube, hoffe, liebe!" | 3 | Hank Snow/my adobe hacienda | 1 |
fde81ae5-3102-4403-bcfa-c9efbbb8c123 | Dietrich Fischer‐Dieskau, Gerald Moore/hymne i, d. 659: "wenige wissen das geheimnis der liebe" | 3 | Anita Carter/he’s a real gone guy | 1 |
a0fe62a2-258d-4985-80c4-39a0c1fd9a92 | Dietrich Fischer‐Dieskau, Gerald Moore/im jänner 1817 , d. 876 | 3 | Hank Snow & Anita Carter/i dreamed of an old love affair | 1 |
2adfa531-7971-4fda-ba82-fbdb28a542c7 | Dietrich Fischer‐Dieskau, Gerald Moore/im walde, d. 708: "windes rauschen, gottes flügel" | 3 | Anita Carter/blue doll | 1 |
e17ccbbd-de99-45ba-80c8-f9b00e78f2ee | Dietrich Fischer‐Dieskau, Gerald Moore/irdisches glück, d. 866 no. 4 | 3 | Hank Snow & Anita Carter/a pair of broken hearts | 1 |
978fa249-d9ee-4c7e-b6a6-9e96a58b5e2f | Dietrich Fischer‐Dieskau, Gerald Moore/schwanengesang, d 957 no. 4: ständchen | 22 | Dietrich Fischer‐Dieskau, Gerald Moore/le chant du cygne | 1 |
3f460d5f-c771-44c4-a31b-f236c1a5f9b2 | Dietrich Fischer‐Dieskau, Gerald Moore/widerschein, d. 949 | 3 | Hank Snow/for sale | 1 |
a7b796c9-a64b-4c28-8886-e6c59a619c8a | Dietrich Fischer‐Dieskau, Gerald Moore/winterreise, d. 911: 13. "die post" | 190 | Andreas Schmidt, Rudolf Jansen/die winterreise, d. 911: die post | 1 |
eb716dbe-398d-44f3-bc77-823c896fc94c | Dietrich Fischer‐Dieskau, Gerald Moore/winterreise, d. 911: 8. "rückblick" | 185 | Andreas Schmidt, Rudolf Jansen/die winterreise, d. 911: rueckblick | 1 |
e377bdf2-cc3b-464b-80df-feb3d61af736 | Dietrich Fischer‐Dieskau, Günther Weissenborn/12 gedichte, op. 35: i. lust der sturmnacht | 9 | Dietrich Fischer‐Dieskau, Günther Weissenborn/lust der sturmnacht, op. 35 no. 1 | 1 |
edef6b07-2cf7-4627-ba09-c8e9d0410835 | Dietrich Fischer‐Dieskau, Günther Weissenborn/12 gedichte, op. 35: ii. stirb, lieb und freud | 9 | Dietrich Fischer‐Dieskau, Günther Weissenborn/stirb, lieb' und freud!, op. 35 no. 2 | 1 |
1f46f3e4-c763-4200-9f18-3ce2f76ba83f | Dietrich Fischer‐Dieskau, Günther Weissenborn/12 gedichte, op. 35: iii. wanderlied | 9 | Dietrich Fischer‐Dieskau, Günther Weissenborn/wanderlied, op. 35 no. 3 | 1 |
be19b6d8-d0dc-4904-8e10-ed081a37dc58 | Dietrich Fischer‐Dieskau, Günther Weissenborn/12 gedichte, op. 35: iv. erstes grün | 11 | Dietrich Fischer‐Dieskau, Christoph Eschenbach/zwölf gedichte, op. 35: iv. erstes grün | 1 |
f4949ead-1a73-4f5a-b831-e69634adece3 | Dietrich Fischer‐Dieskau, Günther Weissenborn/12 gedichte, op. 35: iv. erstes grün | 9 | Lucia Popp, Geoffrey Parsons/erstes grün, op. 35 no. 4 | 1 |
c9bb31e1-8736-4f1b-881d-367492edef74 | Dietrich Fischer‐Dieskau, Günther Weissenborn/12 gedichte, op. 35: ix. frage | 9 | Dietrich Fischer‐Dieskau, Günther Weissenborn/frage, op. 35 no. 9 | 1 |
466e4ab0-f317-4bab-b039-f426ca801b92 | Dietrich Fischer‐Dieskau, Günther Weissenborn/12 gedichte, op. 35: v. sehnsucht nach der waldgegend | 9 | Dietrich Fischer‐Dieskau, Günther Weissenborn/sehnsucht nach der waldgegend, op. 35 no. 5 | 1 |
92a63d9d-a7d2-48fa-a130-3741a572683b | Dietrich Fischer‐Dieskau, Günther Weissenborn/12 gedichte, op. 35: vi. auf das trinkglas eines verstorbenen freundes | 9 | Dietrich Fischer‐Dieskau, Günther Weissenborn/auf das trinkglas eines verstorbenen freundes, op. 35 no. 6 | 1 |
6b1dcc0e-3072-4485-958d-b93a4be1b54e | Dietrich Fischer‐Dieskau, Günther Weissenborn/12 gedichte, op. 35: vii. wanderung | 9 | Dietrich Fischer‐Dieskau, Günther Weissenborn/wanderung, op. 35 no. 7 | 1 |
af5d8ee5-e45d-41b0-a94c-5eac94033f4a | Dietrich Fischer‐Dieskau, Günther Weissenborn/12 gedichte, op. 35: viii. stille liebe | 9 | Dietrich Fischer‐Dieskau, Günther Weissenborn/stille liebe, op. 35 no. 8 | 1 |
5fe561a5-79c0-4181-852c-5b38c6977b5b | Dietrich Fischer‐Dieskau, Günther Weissenborn/12 gedichte, op. 35: xii. wer machte dich so krank? | 9 | Dietrich Fischer‐Dieskau, Günther Weissenborn/wer machte dich so krank?, op. 35 no. 11 | 1 |
e2780311-6d61-4be6-961d-f8a7422a15e3 | Dietrich Fischer‐Dieskau, Günther Weissenborn/12 gedichte, op. 35: xiii. alte laute | 9 | Dietrich Fischer‐Dieskau, Günther Weissenborn/alte leute, op. 35 no. 12 | 1 |
c0f1a86e-f288-404c-b816-cc07a0e0cacb | Dietrich Fischer‐Dieskau, Jörg Demus/es war einmal ein koenig, op. 75 no. 3 | 2 | Dietrich Fischer‐Dieskau, Jörg Demus/flohlied, op. 75 nr. 3 | 1 |
b91a4835-b6d8-43e1-afbe-a2b2c727fbef | Dietrich Fischer‐Dieskau, Münchener Bach‐Chor, Peter Schreier, Münchener Bach‐Orchester, Karl Richter/matthäus-passion, bwv 244: teil ii, xxxvic. "da speieten sie aus" | 4 | Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh/st. matthew passion, bwv 244: teil i, no. 14. "und da sie den lobgesang gesprochen hatten" | 1 |
736d2833-6792-439f-936a-1575b8e3a398 | Dietrich Fischer‐Dieskau, Orchestr Národního Divadla, Karl Böhm/il dissoluto punito, ossia il don giovanni, k. 527: act i, scene ii. recitativo "leporello, ove sei?" | 2 | Prague National Theatre Orchestra, Karl Böhm/don giovanni: scene 2 - recitative - leporello, ove sei? | 1 |
a73d9053-09c2-4d9b-8cec-1d6a9608c157 | Dietrich Fischer‐Dieskau, Peter Schreier, Münchener Bach‐Orchester, Karl Richter/matthäus-passion, bwv 244: teil i, ii. "da jesus diese rede vollendet hatte" | 6 | Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh, Peter Harvey, Mark Padmore/st. matthew passion, bwv 244: teil i, no. 2. "da jesus diese rede vollendet hatte" | 1 |
45ef9e00-698c-47b8-bb1b-3895675dfe31 | Dietrich Fischer‐Dieskau, Peter Schreier, Münchener Bach‐Orchester, Karl Richter/matthäus-passion, bwv 244: teil i, ive. "da das jesus merkete" | 6 | Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh, Peter Harvey, Mark Padmore/st. matthew passion, bwv 244: teil ii, no. 43. "sie hielten aber einen rat" | 1 |
40d7ef07-5251-4a36-9ab7-e0f51c48c623 | Dietrich Fischer‐Dieskau, Peter Schreier, Münchener Bach‐Orchester, Karl Richter/matthäus-passion, bwv 244: teil i, xi. "er antwortete und sprach" | 6 | Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh, Peter Harvey, Stephan Loges, Mark Padmore/st. matthew passion, bwv 244: teil i, no. 11. "er antwortete und sprach" | 1 |
e4430595-4b12-49f4-8189-bc6dca8a799f | Dietrich Fischer‐Dieskau, Peter Schreier, Münchener Bach‐Orchester, Karl Richter/matthäus-passion, bwv 244: teil i, xiv. "und da sie den lobgesang gesprochen hatten" | 6 | Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh, Mark Padmore/st. matthew passion, bwv 244: teil ii, no. 55. "und da sie ihn verspottet hatten" | 1 |
468ce97b-2c47-4d9d-ae26-cadb6a42bd76 | Dietrich Fischer‐Dieskau, Peter Schreier, Münchener Bach‐Orchester, Karl Richter/matthäus-passion, bwv 244: teil i, xvi. "petrus aber antwortete und sprach zu ihm" | 6 | Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh, Peter Harvey, Stephan Loges, Mark Padmore/st. matthew passion, bwv 244: teil i, no. 16. "petrus aber antwortete und sprach zu ihm" | 1 |
85afd0a5-3c8f-47f0-b859-4157351c871f | Dietrich Fischer‐Dieskau, Peter Schreier, Münchener Bach‐Orchester, Karl Richter/matthäus-passion, bwv 244: teil i, xviii. "da kam jesus mit ihnen zu einen hofe" | 6 | Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh; Peter Harvey, Mark Padmore/st. matthew passion, bwv 244: teil i, no. 18. "da kam jesus mit ihnen zu einem hofe" | 1 |
e745a224-c0cf-481f-a063-93abab96382d | Dietrich Fischer‐Dieskau, Peter Schreier, Münchener Bach‐Orchester, Karl Richter/matthäus-passion, bwv 244: teil i, xxi. "und ging hin ein wenig" | 6 | Gabrieli Consort & Players,Paul McCreesh/st. matthew passion, bwv 244: teil ii, no. 62. choral "wenn ich einmal soll scheiden" | 1 |
c03d7c87-3da5-432c-a7bc-ed75c09a5ef1 | Dietrich Fischer‐Dieskau, Peter Schreier, Münchener Bach‐Orchester, Karl Richter/matthäus-passion, bwv 244: teil i, xxiv. "und er kam zu seinen jüngern" | 4 | Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh/st. matthew passion, bwv 244: teil ii, no. 36. "und der hohepriester antwortete" | 1 |
ee3c4fdd-5620-40a9-90a8-e8cad6987542 | Dietrich Fischer‐Dieskau, Peter Schreier, Münchener Bach‐Orchester, Karl Richter/matthäus-passion, bwv 244: teil i, xxviii. "und siehe, einer aus denen, die mit jesu waren" | 4 | Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh, Peter Harvey, Stephan Loges, Mark Padmore/st. matthew passion, bwv 244: teil i, no. 11. "er antwortete und sprach" | 1 |
76fb5c46-55f9-461c-88f3-4ba2c221d1af | Dietrich Fischer‐Dieskau, Peter Schreier, Münchener Bach‐Orchester, Karl Richter/matthäus-passion, bwv 244: teil ii, xliii. "sie hielten aber einen rat" | 4 | Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh/st. matthew passion, bwv 244: teil ii, no. 58. "und da sie an die stätte kamen" | 1 |
104351bf-d7f1-413e-b473-c003a0fe89e9 | Dietrich Fischer‐Dieskau, Peter Schreier, Münchener Bach‐Orchester, Karl Richter/matthäus-passion, bwv 244: teil ii, xxxvia. "und der hohepriester antwortete" | 4 | Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh/st. matthew passion, bwv 244: teil ii, no. 36. "und der hohepriester antwortete" | 1 |
4f2f5534-c38d-42fa-b823-633013e14c59 | Dietrich Fischer‐Dieskau, Philharmonia Chorus, Philharmonia Orchestra, Otto Klemperer/ein deutsches requiem, op. 45: vi. denn wir haben hier keine bleibende statt | 73 | Gerald Finley, Genia Kühmeier, Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra, Mariss Jansons/vi. denn wir haben hie keine bleibende statt | 1 |
7a5df303-82b0-4616-940a-fd197184f79f | Dietrich Fischer‐Dieskau, RIAS Symphony Orchestra Berlin, Ferenc Fricsay/die zauberflöte, k. 620: "ein mädchen oder weibchen" | 2 | [unknown]/la flûte enchantée - air de papageno | 1 |
a689421d-d49e-4c5e-a1bf-5c68fed81c5c | Dietrich Fischer‐Dieskau, RIAS‐Symphonie‐Orchester Berlin, Ferenc Fricsay/faust: invocation: «avant de quitter ces lieux» | 2 | Charles‐François Gounod/faust: act ii. invocation "avant de quitter ces lieux" | 1 |
e6e24381-0d51-4699-8429-72a674dfe4d6 | Dietrich Fischer‐Dieskau, RIAS‐Symphonie‐Orchester Berlin, Ferenc Fricsay/guglielmo tell: aria: "resta immobile" | 2 | Dietrich Fischer‐Dieskau, RIAS Symphonie-Orchester, Ferenc Fricsay/william tell: act iii scene 3. aria "resta immobile" | 1 |
508d62a2-900f-4339-83fe-18749079409a | Dietrich Fischer‐Dieskau, Radio‐Symphonie‐Orchester Berlin, Ferenc Fricsay/orpheus und eurydike: dritter akt, nr. 43. arie: "ach, ich habe sie verloren" | 2 | Christoph Willibald Gluck/orfeo ed euridice, wq. 30: act iii no. 43. aria "ach, ich habe sie verloren" | 1 |
92b3d066-2b57-4db4-9c1c-8af04dc1236d | Dietrich Fischer‐Dieskau, Radio‐Symphonie‐Orchester Berlin, Ferenc Fricsay/orpheus und eurydike: erster akt, nr. 10. rezitativ: "eurydike, dein suesser name" | 2 | Christoph Willibald Gluck/orfeo ed euridice, wq. 30: act i scene 2 no. 10. recitative "eurydike, dein süßer name" | 1 |
63b27715-ebec-4bd8-b795-ce65f57baa61 | Dietrich Fischer‐Dieskau, Radio‐Symphonie‐Orchester Berlin, Ferenc Fricsay/orpheus und eurydike: erster akt, nr. 11. arie: "weinend gedenk ich dein" | 2 | Christoph Willibald Gluck/orfeo ed euridice, wq. 30: act i scene 2 no. 11. aria "weinend gedenk ich dein" | 1 |
f6969d3b-4317-4925-b910-a650e6690014 | Dietrich Fischer‐Dieskau, Radio‐Symphonie‐Orchester Berlin, Ferenc Fricsay/orpheus und eurydike: erster akt, nr. 16. rezitativ "was hör' ich? ist es wahr?" | 2 | Christoph Willibald Gluck/orfeo ed euridice, wq. 30: act i scene 2 no. 16. recitative "was hör ich? ist es wahr?" | 1 |
8dcc71de-354e-45a8-94e6-624dbbb7e238 | Dietrich Fischer‐Dieskau, Radio‐Symphonie‐Orchester Berlin, Ferenc Fricsay/orpheus und eurydike: erster akt, nr. 2. rezitativ: "o freunde, dieses klagen" | 2 | Christoph Willibald Gluck/orfeo ed euridice, wq. 30: act i scene 1 no. 2. recitative "o freunde, dieses klagen" | 1 |
9f12066f-6012-458d-a5b7-4f4c6c5aedb5 | Dietrich Fischer‐Dieskau, Radio‐Symphonie‐Orchester Berlin, Ferenc Fricsay/orpheus und eurydike: erster akt, nr. 5. rezitativ: "lasst mich allein" | 2 | Christoph Willibald Gluck/orfeo ed euridice, wq. 30: act i scene 1 no. 5. recitative "lasst mich allein!" | 1 |
fc918be7-722e-47ba-a63c-8b009ff6dc97 | Dietrich Fischer‐Dieskau, Radio‐Symphonie‐Orchester Berlin, Ferenc Fricsay/orpheus und eurydike: erster akt, nr. 7. arie: "so klag' ich ihren tod" | 2 | Christoph Willibald Gluck/orfeo ed euridice, wq. 30: act i scene 2 no. 7. aria "so klag ich ihren tod" | 1 |
7471ed01-4ba5-48cf-b349-3beb30d39745 | Dietrich Fischer‐Dieskau, Radio‐Symphonie‐Orchester Berlin, Ferenc Fricsay/orpheus und eurydike: erster akt, nr. 8. rezitativ: "eurydike, teurer schatten!" | 2 | Christoph Willibald Gluck/orfeo ed euridice, wq. 30: act i scene 2 no. 8. recitative "eurydike, teuer schatten!" | 1 |
9ea290d8-24e3-4107-b7fb-569c80062a3b | Dietrich Fischer‐Dieskau, Radio‐Symphonie‐Orchester Berlin, Ferenc Fricsay/orpheus und eurydike: erster akt, nr. 9. arie: "wehklagend irr' ich so" | 2 | Christoph Willibald Gluck/orfeo ed euridice, wq. 30: act i scene 2 no. 9. aria "wehklagend irr ich so" | 1 |
0c9b637c-fcb2-4085-bab9-566841789bab | Dietrich Fischer‐Dieskau, Radio‐Symphonie‐Orchester Berlin, Ferenc Fricsay/orpheus und eurydike: zweiter akt, nr. 22. solo and chor: "ach, erbarmt euch mein!" | 2 | Christoph Willibald Gluck/orfeo ed euridice, wq. 30: act ii no. 22. solo and chorus "ach, erbarmt euch mein" | 1 |
418d519b-2c54-47d8-8e50-daf7f1b9d93c | Dietrich Fischer‐Dieskau, Radio‐Symphonie‐Orchester Berlin, Ferenc Fricsay/orpheus und eurydike: zweiter akt, nr. 24. arie: "tausend qualen, drohende schatten" | 2 | Christoph Willibald Gluck/orfeo ed euridice, wq. 30: act ii no. 24. aria "tausend qualen, drohende schatten" | 1 |
2ebed9f3-f3c5-44fa-bb15-7e6de28e4448 | Dietrich Fischer‐Dieskau, Radio‐Symphonie‐Orchester Berlin, Ferenc Fricsay/orpheus und eurydike: zweiter akt, nr. 26. arie: "todesgötter, höret gnädig" | 2 | Christoph Willibald Gluck/orfeo ed euridice, wq. 30: act ii no. 26. aria "todesgötter, höret gnädig" | 1 |
c1e4e4d7-e25a-450b-b80e-1a57e3273eae | Dietrich Fischer‐Dieskau, Radio‐Symphonie‐Orchester Berlin, Ferenc Fricsay/orpheus und eurydike: zweiter akt, nr. 33. arie: "welch reiner himmel" | 2 | Christoph Willibald Gluck/orfeo ed euridice, wq. 30: act ii no. 33. aria "welch reiner himmel deckt diesen ort" | 1 |
3679b80a-5dec-411f-b866-702ddb68d9e3 | Dietrich Fischer‐Dieskau, Radio‐Symphonie‐Orchester Berlin, Ferenc Fricsay/orpheus und eurydike: zweiter akt, nr. 36. rezitativ and chor: "o sel'ge, beglückte schatten" | 2 | Christoph Willibald Gluck/orfeo ed euridice, wq. 30: act ii no. 36. recitative and chorus "o sel'ge, beglückte schatten" | 1 |
e7a99095-b5ed-4477-b875-eb4038aa7873 | Dietrich Fischer‐Dieskau, Rita Streich, Maria Stader, Radio‐Symphonie‐Orchester Berlin, Ferenc Fricsay/orpheus und eurydike: dritter akt, nr. 44. rezitativ: "so mag der tiefe schmerz mit meinem leben enden!" | 2 | Christoph Willibald Gluck/orfeo ed euridice, wq. 30: act iii no. 44. recitative "so mag der tiefe schmerz mit meinem leben enden" | 1 |
a826f52d-df81-4576-af11-7c594d5ad196 | Dietrich Fischer‐Dieskau, Rita Streich, Maria Stader, Radio‐Symphonie‐Orchester Berlin, Ferenc Fricsay/orpheus und eurydike: dritter akt, nr. 45. chor and soli: "triumph sei amor" | 2 | Christoph Willibald Gluck/orfeo ed euridice, wq. 30: act iii no. 45. chorus und solos 'triumph sei amor' | 1 |
4aedb867-eaf9-466c-8ccb-e0f903eec6d7 | Dietrich Fischer‐Dieskau, Rita Streich, Radio‐Symphonie‐Orchester Berlin, Ferenc Fricsay/orpheus und eurydike: erster akt, nr. 12. rezitativ: "grausame götter" | 2 | Christoph Willibald Gluck/orfeo ed euridice, wq. 30: act i scene 2 no. 12. recitative "grausame götter" | 1 |
a55150e8-7155-4330-897a-764665c997e9 | Dietrich Fischer‐Dieskau, Rita Streich, Radio‐Symphonie‐Orchester Berlin, Ferenc Fricsay/orpheus und eurydike: erster akt, nr. 14. rezitativ: "wie, ich soll sie wiedersehn!" | 2 | Christoph Willibald Gluck/orfeo ed euridice, wq. 30: act i scene 2 no. 14. recitative "wie, ich soll sie wiedersehn!" | 1 |
003414e4-32e7-4ae5-8ca4-1cf7d25e67c8 | Dietrich Schwanitz gelesen von Matthias Ponnier/länderkunde | 5 | Dietrich Schwanitz gelesen von Matthias Ponnier/die welt des buches und der schrift | 1 |
f639d85b-297e-4093-8019-feb4c16648ae | Different Gear vs. The Police/when the world is running down | 6 | Black Legend/you see the trouble with me | 1 |
17aa1642-6f4b-40ff-8e92-f4a5e6bc1377 | Different Life/city limits | 3 | Jim Jim and the Party Crew/groove on | 1 |
d6007df9-73c7-453c-b4e1-26b3d2be9a39 | Different Strokes / Ike & Tina Turner / Sly & the Family Stone / Charles Earland/sing a simple song / bold soul sister / sing a simple song / sing a simple song | 36 | Southside Movement/i've been watching you | 1 |
49663f12-cebd-4c31-a012-db1be9e379b0 | Dig/decide | 33 | Dig/fuck you | 1 |
c90e3425-e6f8-498a-890b-632a12cb704d | Digby Jones/dubweiser | 3 | Delroy Wilson/i'm yours | 1 |
c9875ace-0e28-4a2d-a208-c332aafe8ca6 | Digby Jones/idea 11 | 2 | Bent/swollen | 1 |
5e210ad8-e9b8-41ff-ba77-a99ce373acd3 | Digger/stuck | 4 | Digger/pieces | 1 |
b79c784b-8844-414c-accc-a7e14229803b | Diggi Dis/final fantasy mystic quest 'and he returned home' oc remix | 14 | Steve Hofmeyr met Armand Hofmeyr/pa en seun | 1 |
517b717f-3d8e-4816-94b9-87f3a860e2a5 | Diggi Dis/final fantasy mystic quest 'and he returned home' oc remix | 2 | Bad Boys Blue/queen of hearts ’99 | 1 |
a00e89da-7a9d-470b-9fea-f1f20b0251bd | Diggi Dis/mega man x5 'put ya guns on' oc remix | 7 | The Dual Dragons/sigma opus | 1 |
3dca195f-e715-4837-aa7a-c2102f026fe4 | Diggi Dis/streets of rage 2: in the streets of fayetteville | 12 | Kunal/parasite eve: pms | 1 |
3fcaa83b-751c-467a-84c5-1b5b83394876 | Diggy/the reign | 9 | Rihanna/only girl | 1 |
de8e6e2a-b291-4ae1-8634-4735fe1e169a | Diggy/tom edison | 9 | Tinie Tempah feat. Eric Turner & Taio Cruz/written in the stars | 1 |
6efb0b68-90d9-4fb3-883b-438b2bddd549 | Diggy Dex/vandaag | 3 | Diggy Dex feat. Eva De Roovere/slaap lekker | 1 |
3df1a391-df64-4b2c-ac80-0aacfbf5f519 | Diggy feat. Jeremih/do it like you | 27 | Fawni/ready when you are | 1 |
3571411c-f901-45f9-9c47-24844fc27206 | Digi Valley/deeper love | 108 | Qattara/come with me | 1 |
7e7f8454-a6d6-476e-88b8-6a9adaf310fd | Digimortal/Следы на песке | 2 | Digimortal/footprints in the sand | 1 |
1f75cf79-c3b5-4cba-a9d1-c9c950f6e5fc | Digital/far out | 8 | Digital/special mission | 1 |
f46259ee-653a-4f58-9d6b-49fe1981bc26 | Digital/scam | 12 | Beta 2/closer to you | 1 |
5b03b1b5-4baa-47d3-b974-1c8f7858480c | Digital & Spirit/love is love | 2 | Exit EEE/love is solution | 1 |
7ceddb60-c2d2-4720-b1f4-fbb15e075cdb | Digital Emotion/get up, do you wanna funk | 2 | Digital Emotion/get up, action | 1 |
a4b0734d-9500-4855-87e4-afd2d12ebf4e | Digital Emotion/outside in the dark | 2 | Digital Emotion/in and out of africa | 1 |
f22615c5-9810-4991-acc5-3210c8cf79ed | Digital Mystikz/haunted | 8 | Barrie Gledden & Jeff Dale & Tim Reilly/panic zone 2 | 1 |
890c2da5-f4aa-41b2-b9ac-e41edf5bf2ae | Digital Mystikz & Loefah/horror show | 12 | Digital Mystikz & Loefah/lost city | 1 |
4c968d1d-2081-490f-a8e4-254c37964c5f | Digital Mystikz & Loefah/jah fire | 9 | Digital Mystikz & Loefah/horror show | 1 |
53383644-6dfa-48f7-9d8a-e62faba726ae | Digital Mystikz & Loefah/lost city | 7 | Digital Mystikz & Loefah/jah fire | 1 |
362e4b25-a8ee-430a-ac54-7e726ae2356a | Digital Rockers/because i love you | 2 | Tim Buckley/stone in love | 1 |
56ddaeb9-ed97-4f9a-81ef-61913415ab3e | Digital Soul/i'm the one | 7 | The Who/i’m one | 1 |
69e2b9fc-5172-4f64-ad0e-b83056c6c766 | Digital South/digital south | 4 | Digital South/last lullaby | 1 |
e0e66a64-e9a1-4db6-917d-7f6c39e59bd5 | Digital South/digital south | 2 | Digital South/last lullaby | 1 |
b97f85f9-8aed-4714-894a-9eebaf11c4cb | Digital Sun/space flipper | 6 | yellow6/grey#5 | 1 |
a37a8e1d-7c06-453b-9f0a-30eb925f2060 | Digital Touch/eastern groove | 13 | Nitin Palwi/the long way up | 1 |
e2e53308-1ec4-43f3-8c27-9cb66a00f95c | Digital Underground/arguin' on the funk | 3 | Digital Underground/kiss you back | 1 |
4829a9f8-13dc-46d5-8453-12081d64528a | Digital Underground/freaks of the industry | 9 | Digital Underground/sound of the underground | 1 |
99cff396-2d9c-47cc-8fe1-93cd20e3ccea | Digital Underground/same song | 14 | Bobby Womack/goin' home | 1 |
f1c41a3d-f1ac-4b15-a6b0-8c184928dc38 | Digital Underground/same song | 2 | Digital Underground/nuttin' nis funky | 1 |
5f8f8f4f-7706-41dc-b69a-f7f46ad3cad7 | Digitalism/apollo-gize | 17 | Digitalism/echoes | 1 |
e723d1aa-5ce0-443d-8f62-c97e68524423 | Digitalism/blade | 3 | Digitalism/harrison fjord | 1 |
9e207c5d-2016-4d9c-afa2-f7832f2d35f5 | Digitalism/echoes | 17 | Digitalism/idealistic | 1 |
cb138f7e-b747-47bb-9c12-27e160b961f5 | Digitalism/echoes | 19 | Digitalism/apollo-gize | 1 |
324b5165-517c-4ced-a8f6-fd07b1f42cc7 | Digitalism/idealistic | 38 | Digitalism/echoes | 1 |
348d9fae-14f0-462a-8166-bcfec9db0053 | Digitalism/idealistic | 6 | Digitalism/home zone | 1 |
48627a44-ef44-4732-9f39-b056faae9237 | Digitalism/pogo | 44 | AC/DC/big balls | 1 |
f2d0becf-1551-4841-bccb-f148c0184df0 | Digitalism/pogo | 10 | Digitalism/tv tv | 1 |
567a21cb-b768-4330-9ad8-215da70b600f | Digitalism/pogo | 55 | Digitalism/the pulse | 1 |
d863beb1-ea48-46e1-8434-33e8c25a106e | Digitalism/silenz | 20 | Digitalism/circles | 1 |
103c4225-8853-44b5-b940-30100b0009aa | Digitalverein/treppe nach unten | 5 | Digitalverein/tiefer ins system | 1 |
fa1a4c49-d3b2-4064-b566-0df94353f6a4 | Digitaria/teen years | 2 | Digitaria/cme phloax 607 | 1 |
5fe19d71-91ff-4704-93b9-8bb476f8de75 | Digitonal/aoe | 4 | שלומי שבן/אריק | 1 |
2e90a49b-ae7b-4e61-a6ce-5926af525050 | Dik Dik/sognando la california | 9 | Dik Dik/storia di periferia | 1 |
508d7d0a-9ee5-40b7-9115-2d019037b6a3 | Dikers/una última vez | 2 | Dikers/corazón de trapo | 1 |
6b2a72d3-e236-4d10-8146-991074dd933a | Dilated Peoples/claiming respect | 2 | Dilated Peoples feat. Dr. Greenthumb/green trees | 1 |
2bbfc320-93a3-485c-9a20-0d0ccef8f736 | Dilated Peoples/expanding man | 6 | Dilated Peoples feat. Xzibit/goin' for broke | 1 |
bb208790-5f36-4c44-acdf-4cc5578e3d38 | Dilated Peoples/ruggedness | 2 | Nas/2nd childhood | 1 |
53fe17ff-1ef6-4d98-8c56-022c4c59518a | Dilated Peoples/weed | 7 | The Waking Eyes/instant karma | 1 |
beead0a8-20dd-40a1-a30a-de2c2bddaf20 | Dilated Peoples feat. Guru & Havoc/worst comes to worst | 2 | Dilated Peoples/expansion team theme | 1 |
eed62db4-dde6-4cbb-876c-0ec4de7ecdd4 | Dilika/amazimuzimu | 2 | Newcastle Five Roses/bamba izinja zakho | 1 |
d7d776aa-1db0-4bbd-b0a1-9949d58d65fe | Diljit Dosanjh/nachdian | 2 | Diljit Dosanjh/alrhan kuarian | 1 |
e7b6b442-9791-4cce-b5a4-dad90fe703a9 | Dillinger/cocaine in my brain | 9 | Cynthia Schloss/happy anniversary | 1 |
c7a8040d-2798-4fe1-b35f-4ee99ad1ce93 | Dillinger/cocaine in my brain | 14 | Ken Boothe/everything i own | 1 |
733b5ae8-a578-4ca8-b4b8-f1af60fa7221 | Dillinger/mid-east rock | 2 | The Upsetters/dig your grave | 1 |
16c688a5-adf3-4130-85b5-476be1bc35b7 | Dillinja/check 1, 2 | 5 | Dillinja/b-bop v.i.p. | 1 |
1debcf63-1096-4091-b38f-802eb7c2c2ec | Dillon Francis & Martin Garrix/set me free | 48 | A‐Trak & Dillon Francis/money makin’ | 1 |
3c6a3982-60ae-49f2-9a58-c2cc7bcfdbcc | Dillon Francis & Sultan + Ned Shepard feat. The Chain Gang of 1974/when we were young | 4 | Andy Farley/your fear | 1 |
cd3e7eef-d010-495c-8706-76456f607ed9 | Dillon Francis ft. G‐Eazy/say less | 3 | AC/DC/big balls | 1 |
6d430c2c-ff28-45d4-8af9-7a759f9e01f5 | Dilly & His Dill Pickles/pickin’ off peanuts | 2 | Frank Hutchison/the last scene of the titanic | 1 |
35d29c63-0f09-4dba-893b-a52eebf645ef | Dilon Djindji/maria teresa | 12 | Dilon Djindji/muhinhana | 1 |
e7a75a24-3a69-426c-a499-92a5938c3fc9 | Dim Chris/sucker | 6 | Little Dragon/crystalfilm | 1 |
38d841ee-e455-4b4c-8b09-a60dff894ed4 | Dimension/children | 4 | Dimension/all i need | 1 |
cb67a0f6-662e-4d77-af7b-55f88e52ea69 | Dimension/generator | 2 | Juno/raptor | 1 |
a1aabfc3-3023-4b97-a987-d285ebdbf013 | Dimension/got to be free | 3 | The Dells/free to be free | 1 |
4f0f190c-1480-4681-8c1d-eb35e8aa945b | Dimension 5/deep space 5d | 19 | yellow6/grey#5 | 1 |
5ba2306f-a89e-47c0-8b11-0853267357a6 | Dimension F3H/mirrorheart | 2 | Dimension F3H/paint me something bleach | 1 |
e6c5a69b-cc9d-4f5e-b1d2-cb3eaa325432 | Dimension F3H/paint me something bleach | 2 | Dimension F3H/mirrorheart | 1 |
b3aa8935-198a-4234-a6e0-047a8ea75521 | Dimensión Latina/sin tu cariño | 3 | Dimensión Latina/sigue tu camino | 1 |
32489df0-ce32-4e31-8d81-c77ba6e022b2 | Dimitri From Paris/dirty larry | 7 | Dimitri From Paris/monsieur dimitri joue du stylophone | 1 |
1b250413-9254-4a11-aaa5-b9afda2bdf10 | Dimitri From Paris/free ton style | 11 | Dimitri From Paris/par un chemin différent | 1 |
5b1b58e7-aeb9-4cb3-8bc8-0cb4e42c7ef6 | Dimitri From Paris/sacré français | 14 | Dimitri From Paris/rêveries | 1 |
65e1f83c-56b6-45f9-a27e-75be1c278248 | Dimitri From Paris & DJ Rocca/i ♥ new york | 6 | Dimitri From Paris & DJ Rocca/i love new york | 1 |
7cd882a5-3362-418e-baf5-1ab597ae23e8 | Dimitri From Paris feat. Los Amigos Invisibles/paris-brooklyn | 40 | Patrice Rushen/forget me nots | 1 |
145a59a7-d298-4e51-bd2e-dc6babf57dd1 | Dimitri Rougeul/je voudrais déjà être roi (de "le roi lion") | 17 | Alain Bashung/gaby, oh gaby | 1 |
29831203-d761-4319-8534-ac1169a0d0c8 | Dimitri Tiomkin/aftermath and the journey to rome | 2 | Dimitri Tiomkin/passing the torch | 1 |
f86653af-4d20-4d5d-bc69-c7006aded445 | Dimitri Tiomkin/de guella no. 3 | 10 | Dimitri Tiomkin/de guella [harmonica version] | 1 |
d62a9ace-74d4-4c2c-a26b-22cfc24576c3 | Dimitri Tiomkin/livius' arrival | 2 | Dimitri Tiomkin/arrival of livius | 1 |
46aa0c9e-c3d0-43f9-86f4-b52a6c860009 | Dimitri Tiomkin/the battle in the forest / reinforcements | 2 | Dimitri Tiomkin/battle in the forest/reinforcements | 1 |
2be3578c-60f2-4bc2-bf6c-675922fc4663 | Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike/ocarina | 5 | Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike feat. Wolfpack & Katy B/find tomorrow | 1 |
fa27f0b5-d5b8-498d-bb74-23b164cf2b17 | Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike/tomorrowland anthem 2012 | 8 | Technotronic vs. Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike/pump up the jam | 1 |
3dfe2bc1-f92f-46c9-b5c2-9b22fd4a6dfd | Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike & Regard/say my name | 2 | Herve Pagez & Diplo feat. Charli XCX/spicy | 1 |
098e3ecb-f32e-4aac-89a5-78d719dc05a3 | Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike feat. W&W/waves | 2 | Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike/tomorrowland anthem 2012 | 1 |
4858122b-6309-4629-bd88-6e0035e6cc38 | Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike vs. DVBBS & Borgeous/stampede | 16 | Ferry Corsten/rock your body rock | 1 |
c6deb9d1-24b5-42af-9df1-9019eda1210a | Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike vs. Diplo feat. Deb’s Daughter/hey baby | 8 | Ola/i’m in love | 1 |
8ba53965-d620-4b89-877c-1cb266834958 | Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike vs. Sander van Doorn/project t | 2 | Time Takers/she blows | 1 |
2533ca22-c063-4f95-8886-6de7b31a728d | Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike vs. W&W/waves (tomorrowland 2014 anthem) | 5 | Armin van Buuren feat. Trevor Guthrie/this is what it feels like | 1 |
cb2cc23e-3660-41d5-972c-737a4c8168d3 | Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike, Coone & Lil Jon/madness | 21 | The Romantics/what i like about you | 1 |
dfb1caed-fb26-46cd-8a3d-7cc4ca2e4c2c | Dimitri Vegas, Like Mike & Regi/momentum | 2 | The Romantics/what i like about you | 1 |
a6630996-efca-472d-9202-3d8c63b799d5 | Dimitri Vegas, Moguai & Like Mike/mammoth | 4 | James Talk feat. Ridney & Max C/one for me | 1 |
1341b5ea-b833-4e61-8e53-f0f4aa276cb2 | Dimitri van Toren/dit is een lied alleen voor kinderen | 6 | Dimitri/dit is een lied voor kinderen | 1 |
725fa002-5403-4b2a-a215-7a2e0b45e29a | Dimitri van Toren/hé komaan | 3 | Draaiorgel De Arabier/aan de amsterdamse grachten | 1 |
902e23b6-3f2a-40f7-8449-37d68f227c29 | Dimitris Mistakidis/mes’ ton teke tis marigos | 8 | Δημήτρης Μυστακίδης/Μες στον τεκέ της Μαριγώς | 1 |
1339d973-d8df-4362-8a2a-9658e7f04857 | Dimmu Borgir/architecture of a genocidal nature | 175 | Dimmu Borgir/indoctrination | 1 |
ce52593f-6670-4ef3-a9b6-ba3745946cb3 | Dimmu Borgir/kings of the carnival creation | 172 | Dimmu Borgir/blessings upon the throne of tyranny | 1 |
945bd3a0-8c19-4662-b394-c708989d34a9 | Dimmu Borgir/metal heart | 125 | HammerFall/heeding the call | 1 |
f351786b-6a09-4c0e-843f-e95e548683d0 | Dimmu Borgir/perfection or vanity | 105 | Dimmu Borgir/kings of the carnival creation | 1 |
8603c557-6a8b-4aea-b732-0abdb84bbe83 | Dimmu Borgir/the foreshadowing furnace | 119 | Dimmu Borgir/black metal | 1 |
7c670c48-338a-4a58-828d-10eb1e512ca8 | Dimmu Borgir/the fundamental alienation | 122 | Dimmu Borgir/the invaluable darkness | 1 |
bf741236-5d77-4aef-a9cc-0f9be0e50577 | Dimmu Borgir/the invaluable darkness | 117 | Dimmu Borgir/the foreshadowing furnace | 1 |
c08f8d94-ff43-49c0-80d7-72b8d7a8a9d9 | Dimmu Borgir/the maelstrom mephisto | 179 | Dimmu Borgir/hybrid stigmata – the apostasy | 1 |
0410ab27-b869-415d-a1d9-9ceb3d507c64 | Dimmu Borgir/the sinister awakening | 117 | Dimmu Borgir/the fundamental alienation | 1 |
7c4b35be-0137-4429-9c0b-421773a7830e | Dimple Minds/asozial | 20 | Alexisonfire/passing out in america | 1 |
68562f0d-babf-45d2-9f35-c650c3dcff3d | Dimple Minds/feuer and eis | 6 | Roland Kaiser/zwischen feuer und eis | 1 |
acf61744-7d95-40de-ae10-ccfd0f37d205 | Dimple Minds/forbidden fruit | 3 | Sinopeus/to be on top - tune 3 | 1 |
6a1f005f-4b60-485f-b1c2-935c6cb50a00 | Dimple Minds/found, filmed, fucked | 3 | Gibs/super hang-on - the winning run | 1 |
c7455de1-e205-48fa-b90d-41cb3b58d9c0 | Dimple Minds/operation downfall | 3 | Sinopeus/to be on top - tune 3 | 1 |
05df68e4-e9e9-44b7-a517-8ca35472b4cd | Dina Carroll/don’t be a stranger | 7 | Indjaction feat. A.T.D. & DJ Bo/girlfriend | 1 |
1b4ca57a-7e22-4f12-979a-5aba1e3fb2ed | Dina Carroll/it's too late: quartz | 2 | Boyz II Men/i’ll make love to you | 1 |
068ccdc3-a4e4-408f-b6ca-0fecc3ef48af | Dina Carroll/someone like you | 3 | Simple Minds/once upon a time | 1 |
06ea1c9f-9ec8-40ea-bf33-4f82fefa9078 | Dina Carroll/the perfect year | 42 | Barbra Streisand/as if we never said goodbye | 1 |
5f547e70-c3e3-4a3b-8874-9d4b35d7fc33 | Dina Carroll/why did i let you go? | 102 | Dina Carroll/ain't no man | 1 |
a6377ede-0364-4b5c-9e8b-2a9ccce4400f | Dinah Shore/blues in the night | 3 | Dinah Shore/taking a chance on love | 1 |
92ef7417-1404-4041-a3eb-f01fb15fceb7 | Dinah Shore/buttons and bows | 15 | Dinah Shore/daddy-o | 1 |
864f416d-f841-4226-99a8-a31eef28bacc | Dinah Shore/dinah’s blues | 14 | Woody Herman & His Orchestra/blues in the night | 1 |
ffa6c137-0eef-4392-8e30-a0b183ac9c2c | Dinah Shore/far away places | 3 | Dinah Shore/smoke gets in your eyes | 1 |
112fb8c6-7ae8-4dba-a452-8e8210c2e782 | Dinah Shore/he wears a pair of silver wings | 7 | Dinah Shore/"murder" he says | 1 |
1e5fa9df-c182-47b8-ad93-b6015a03f934 | Dinah Shore/how soon | 3 | Dinah Shore/i hear a rhapsody | 1 |
ec130ac5-2d15-420c-ac9f-66c364335f19 | Dinah Shore/i could have danced all night | 15 | Dinah Shore/night and day | 1 |
a50f1cb5-6df4-4b2b-b85f-8889a37b5a23 | Dinah Shore/i do, do you? | 2 | Dinah Shore/i've got my eyes on you | 1 |
2ce72350-f8a2-41ce-b65e-3dc56cde1e83 | Dinah Shore/i don’t want to walk without you | 3 | Dinah Shore/the nearness of you | 1 |
55f0fd0e-fa96-47f1-8226-0048c01b9093 | Dinah Shore/i'll always love you | 4 | Dinah Shore/for sentimental reasons | 1 |
d7c432f0-318a-44a9-b97f-15592fc67dad | Dinah Shore/it's alright with me | 2 | Dinah Shore/it all depends on you | 1 |
ef42a64d-9656-4a87-85b6-fdf89ffc4787 | Dinah Shore/laughing on the outside | 4 | Woody Herman/blues in the night | 1 |
76db65b3-ad27-4f10-83e1-acc48ceb9091 | Dinah Shore/lavender blue | 3 | Dinah Shore/do you care | 1 |
fc9ae4a4-a36a-400d-983e-4fce83dc492d | Dinah Shore/miss you | 3 | Dinah Shore/the nearness of you | 1 |
232526a6-7e4a-4cc9-83b6-5e1a37b9a4ba | Dinah Shore/my man | 2 | Dinah Shore/blues in the night | 1 |
d72c8594-fbb3-4e84-9d9d-b7ed060b4290 | Dinah Shore/sleepy lagoon | 4 | Dinah Shore/be careful, it's my heart | 1 |
507b10d2-233d-41bd-8d2f-b8a525c69191 | Dinah Shore/the way that the wind blows | 3 | Dinah Shore/sophisticated lady | 1 |
1524de0b-1d4c-47d9-948a-98d326e9b8f0 | Dinah Shore/you do | 8 | Francis Craig/near you | 1 |
4e07191d-fde5-44b1-9496-73f1b48c1572 | Dinah Shore/you do | 5 | Bea Wain/oh, you crazy moon | 1 |
6a0a46c6-c02e-416c-91fc-526ef5c5f2a8 | Dinah Shore & André Previn/april in paris | 8 | George Shearing Trio/what is this thing called love? | 1 |
0ed0ec89-ac29-4dc3-ae06-751b62a7e85c | Dinah Washington/call me irresponsible | 11 | Shirley Bassey/something | 1 |
fea99a65-8a34-4f27-a1bb-2228d01ed44e | Dinah Washington/chewing woman blues | 4 | Dinah Washington/beggin' mama blues | 1 |
ee622823-127f-4dbd-8e4f-a1ce3ea99f0b | Dinah Washington/embraceable you | 14 | Ella Fitzgerald & Her Four Keys/all i need is you | 1 |
3c3a3f2e-f7f3-442c-975f-e0b4afddaaf9 | Dinah Washington/everybody loves somebody | 33 | Dinah Washington/somebody loves me | 1 |
9cb19616-9918-4f1d-9689-1bfa8f9506f5 | Dinah Washington/evil gal blues | 9 | Dinah Washington/no love no nothing | 1 |
5184772e-0a5f-4f51-b761-420dd86309dc | Dinah Washington/evil gal blues | 2 | Dinah Washington/postman blues | 1 |
7649bae2-c3e5-4bee-aeff-3c28f52fc3db | Dinah Washington/ev’ry time we say goodbye | 5 | Bing Crosby with John Scott Trotter and His Orchestra/swinging on a star | 1 |
053559c0-6d50-48ce-8764-5417aadb72e8 | Dinah Washington/feel like i wanna cry | 6 | Dinah Washington/i won't cry anymore | 1 |
ffc0695f-7398-4659-870d-cd1108b5304a | Dinah Washington/god bless the child | 8 | Dinah Washington/mad about the boy | 1 |
53085b7a-83fc-4dc1-b5c5-be9fed5be7db | Dinah Washington/harbour lights | 4 | Dinah Washington/i cried for you | 1 |
2d5c12fc-9284-4c25-9299-32dfc89f4b9b | Dinah Washington/i let a song go out of my heart | 16 | Dinah Washington/cry me a river | 1 |
9dab3d5b-c665-4129-8f42-93545a5862bd | Dinah Washington/i wanna be loved | 2 | Dinah Washington/look to the rainbow | 1 |
df9cf73e-c855-41ca-b595-59f66068a46d | Dinah Washington/i wanna be loved | 3 | Dinah Washington/i want to be loved | 1 |
8f1c1f22-3f78-444f-a279-663307ac48dc | Dinah Washington/i'm a fool to want you | 6 | Dinah Washington/mad about the boy | 1 |
32b613f1-8d2c-4969-bea8-5baf8dfd995e | Dinah Washington/is you is or is you ain't my baby | 13 | Dinah Washington/is you or is you ain't my baby | 1 |
23fc83c9-e3ba-453c-988a-137bcbc24435 | Dinah Washington/is you or is you ain't | 3 | Dinah Washington feat. Rae & Christian/is you is or is you ain’t (my baby) | 1 |
2fbbd930-c024-472b-a46f-5ac9fe949874 | Dinah Washington/it's too soon to know | 21 | Dinah Washington/i want to be loved | 1 |
624fda0d-c5d3-4c71-a9fd-db4f13f755e3 | Dinah Washington/keepin’ out of mischief now | 13 | Dinah Washington/time after time | 1 |
bed3d1f8-a0b0-4a70-9a1a-efb36c41b477 | Dinah Washington/make me a present of you | 3 | Dinah Washington/make me present of you | 1 |
1df6d86f-01dc-4660-a018-ce8b7e31c5b3 | Dinah Washington/mean and evil | 2 | Annie Ross & Gerry Mulligan/it don't mean a thing | 1 |
6ff903ba-be74-4594-a39d-8a333c857078 | Dinah Washington/mean and evil blues | 3 | Tony Martin/it's magic | 1 |
07e73a5f-c95e-4512-8ae0-df0d6f1a1843 | Dinah Washington/mean and evil blues | 2 | Dinah Washington/mean evil blues | 1 |
3f566f14-7bb5-4f7f-861b-8da08ec4c82d | Dinah Washington/mellow mama blues | 18 | Dinah Washington/long john blues | 1 |
00032c15-3ded-4cab-b44e-158d1bf822a3 | Dinah Washington/mixed emotions | 2 | Dinah Washington/my loving papa | 1 |
9df4ca33-ac80-4771-b990-8984800fbca8 | Dinah Washington/my ideal | 3 | Smudge/my bright idea | 1 |
c9d14b20-3571-41f6-86ea-158bc2dece92 | Dinah Washington/my voot is really vout | 13 | Dinah Washington/mellow mama blues | 1 |
31e38e2c-84a4-4b9a-994e-c101b9fc038c | Dinah Washington/one arabian night | 5 | Brandon Heath/silent night | 1 |
723ddc8a-40db-4655-b5ac-6885a17a90c9 | Dinah Washington/our love is here to stay | 39 | Dinah Washington/i’ve got a feelin’ i’m fallin’ | 1 |
34523600-2355-4212-9b45-9741efe11444 | Dinah Washington/record ban blues | 19 | Dinah Washington/resolution blues | 1 |
038a9878-7a57-4001-abb6-03092e5337ea | Dinah Washington/rich's man blues | 12 | Dinah Washington/rich man’s blues | 1 |
dfd0c240-ea76-42e9-a08b-71da7f711c52 | Dinah Washington/t.v. is the thing | 4 | Dinah Washington/the wheel of fortune | 1 |
c9b23b09-899b-41e3-9bf6-9eaee30f1451 | Dinah Washington/that's why a woman loves a heel | 12 | Dinah Washington/when a woman loves a man | 1 |
e63ef736-d4b9-4df5-938b-9265ea06ea55 | Dinah Washington/there is no greater love | 47 | Dinah Washington/love is here to stay | 1 |
86888fa7-da49-4b4c-9a42-a793aba76466 | Dinah Washington/time out for tears | 4 | Dinah Washington/smoke gets in your eyes | 1 |
16b5897c-276c-4165-a0d4-c1e03d160705 | Dinah Washington/what a diff'rence a day makes | 2 | Annette Roeder/track 13 | 1 |
3e66cde8-e9d9-480d-b039-560b0053b5a0 | Dinah Washington/what a diff’rence a day makes | 15 | Dinah Washington/i'm lost without you tonight | 1 |
a82622fa-bc9e-41a8-96c3-f4a6e31e8d95 | Dinah Washington/why can't you behave | 2 | Cab Calloway/the jumpin’ jive | 1 |
d42bd15f-e681-4cbb-bc6a-2f14d63c7ddf | Dinah Washington/wise woman blues | 17 | Dinah Washington/good daddy blues | 1 |
bc253890-057c-47d2-be48-ec6f723bcba4 | Dinah Washington/you're nobody 'til somebody loves you | 3 | Billie Holiday/my man | 1 |
7d13e818-2e4b-4a1b-85f0-63d4198ded66 | Dinah Washington & Brook Benton/a rockin’ good way | 6 | Dinah Washington/rockin' good way, a | 1 |
82ee353f-f1dd-49d5-860f-bccb964102b4 | Dinah Washington & Brook Benton/a rockin’ good way | 111 | Brook Benton/rainy night in georgia | 1 |
98ae8936-c762-4e16-904b-c9cf17a3d025 | Dinah Washington & Brook Benton/a rockin’ good way | 2 | Percy Faith & His Orchestra/theme from a summer place | 1 |
80181eb3-2dcb-4ad8-ae25-846e6166925c | Dinah Washington feat. Brook Benton/baby | 3 | Dinah Washington/it's too soon to know | 1 |
da40b954-2d2f-436d-a7c5-fe0d6537dac8 | Dinah Washington with Clifford Brown/alone together / summertime / come rain or come shine | 15 | Clifford Brown/medley: alone together/summertime/come rain or come shine | 1 |
5c0bbd9f-bd47-40fa-8377-aa629ae3cd0e | Dinah Washington with Clifford Brown/my funny valentine / don't worry 'bout me / bess, you is my woman now / it might as well be spring | 12 | All Star Jam Session/ballad medley: my funny valentine / don't worry 'bout me / bess you is my woman now / it might as well be spring | 1 |
7a7de346-f7cb-41d0-a3ae-ca83131432ea | Dinah Washington with Lionel Hampton Sextet/salty papa blues | 11 | Dinah Washington/evil gal blues | 1 |
64541c5b-64cc-47cb-b51f-26c36a5d7be6 | Dinah Washington with The Cootie Wiliams Orchestra/long john blues | 7 | Benny Goodman/fascinating rhythm | 1 |
5d5cb04c-ee41-4a1b-ae52-9f7374dd1431 | Dinesh D'Souza/track 18 | 3 | Marvin Gaye/the world is rated x | 1 |
edf5da52-64a8-499b-a2a4-26331ad39357 | Dino/we shall behold him | 10 | Dino/love can build a bridge | 1 |
5499ace9-ca2a-4d83-9fb9-d97bb32ca7f5 | Dino & Beatrice/putnici | 3 | Christopher Hurt/track 14 | 1 |
7ba73e3c-31c2-4376-a634-faba0529e4f8 | Dino Ciani/préludes, 1er livre: ix. la sérénade interrompue: modérément animé | 6 | Dino Ciani/la sérénade interrompue, l. 117 no. 9 | 1 |
3a27840c-f67d-4fa0-9b2e-258a5de332c2 | Dino Ciani/préludes, 2e livre: iii. la puerta del vino: mouvement de habanera | 37 | Dino Ciani/la puerta del vino, l. 123 no. 3 | 1 |
07927027-65c9-4006-9503-c69c6025d1ca | Dino Conte, Master Freez, Cristian Marchi & Paolo Sandrini/keep on party | 2 | Robbie Rivera vs. Aha/take on this | 1 |
3fbb2d7a-d9ee-4283-99f0-58d07b93acdb | Dino Lenny/i feel stereo | 9 | Brainpower/dansplaat | 1 |
c5dc9f1c-daf4-4cda-91f1-b884adc42d0b | Dino Merlin/da je tuga snijeg | 3 | Roald Dahl read by Chris O'Dowd/chapter 12: "badger" | 1 |
9034f8fa-6213-4357-a54e-86a6fba9e994 | Dino Merlin/drama | 2 | Tony Cetinski/tvoje tijelo | 1 |
684cc275-6ae3-495e-84ad-b7dea963fe3a | Dino Merlin/love in rewind | 33 | Merlin/pala magla... | 1 |
9351e1e5-fc2a-4dbe-8633-7dc4a0cce86b | Dino Merlin feat. Adi Lukovac & Ornamenti/sam | 3 | James Patterson read by Rebecca Soler/track 13 | 1 |
859f0ed5-6435-437e-a778-c8dff4fe6121 | Dino Saluzzi/winter | 14 | Jean-Luc Godard/nouvelle vague i | 1 |
6ba0bff1-768e-49dd-8ed4-64008e737043 | Dinosaur Bones/bombs in the night | 4 | Captain Cook Und Seine Singenden Saxophone/strangers in the night | 1 |
ba165310-1aea-4b30-89ff-18179d0b70e0 | Dinosaur Jr./feel the pain | 363 | Dinosaur Jr./bulbs of passion | 1 |
90ec06b0-079a-433e-9d0e-abae27ba821f | Dinosaur Jr./freak scene | 517 | AC/DC/big balls | 1 |
17f956d2-55a8-4229-ac36-4f30ed3dd65a | Dinosaur Jr./get me | 308 | AC/DC/big balls | 1 |
b3b3e56b-11c2-4a15-9282-e38edac7dc84 | Dinosaur Jr./tarpit | 2 | Kings of Leon/dusty | 1 |
c7acdc07-2d95-4836-9b92-8cb9f41192aa | Dinosaur Jr./the lung | 6 | Dinosaur Jr./the leper | 1 |
98de2b0b-6e9a-4848-a747-6780d931df4d | Dinosaur L/#5 go bang! | 11 | Dinosaur L/go bang # 5 | 1 |
dafa631a-f92a-459a-9713-1e74e9e84487 | Dinu Lipatti/jesu bleibet meine freude bwv 147 | 47 | Dinu Lipatti/o herr bleibet meine freude, bwv 147 | 1 |
7fa2c92c-563d-49c4-b2c2-b27132b64264 | Dinu Lipatti/waltz no. 9 in a-flat major, op. 69 no. 1 | 52 | Les Voix de Daïa/valse, op. 69 no. 1 | 1 |
f5f49a76-1e5d-4c1b-b23d-85a0360e5c5b | Dinu Radu/alle jahre wieder | 7 | Holtermann String Quartet/as each happy christmas | 1 |
e530e37d-c5dd-4a16-8421-b5512f6da3fe | Dinu Radu/fröhliche weihnacht | 19 | Holtermann String Quartet/merry christmas | 1 |
56d75c01-4eff-412c-9743-3efcf28fdb15 | Dinu Radu/petit papa noël | 7 | Bläserharmonie Hindelang/schubert: wiegenlied | 1 |
59c2da3f-95bc-4a4a-83dd-ad33b79a3cea | Diode Milliampere/d33p | 3 | Diode Milliampere/aquarius | 1 |
3579a195-210d-45c4-bcc3-e5dbe9b072bb | Diode Milliampere/on da bus | 3 | Diode Milliampere/on planet zaxxon | 1 |
e2893c59-1f91-4835-a608-d2b525c2ea83 | Diode Milliampere/smack my bits up | 3 | Diode Milliampere/mutable signs | 1 |
03e955f2-9505-472b-be70-cde67fbe8bff | Diode Milliampere/whimsical bee | 3 | Diode Milliampere/xm1ss10n | 1 |
971a1456-e921-499e-9c9e-0d82540e33a2 | Diogo Nogueira/mar do amor | 7 | Olodum/deusa do amor 2000 | 1 |
57e2c38e-01d7-4735-ad4c-ad365287b89a | Diogo do Santos/the night club: garota carioca | 9 | Freshmess on Wax/flip da script part 2 | 1 |
d26cc456-b78d-43d3-9876-d14cdf0996fa | Diomedes Díaz/bonita | 4 | Diomedes Díaz/doblaron las campanas | 1 |
07078f09-4834-4805-a64d-72147f5f3444 | Diomedes Díaz e Iván Zuleta/así me hizo mi dios | 2 | Los Diablitos/ya tengo quien me quiera | 1 |
2409beb9-1279-4e44-bffe-89acd9b21189 | Dion/abraham, martin and john | 25 | Dionne Warwick/odds and ends | 1 |
464f2620-b795-4012-b362-6d7f39477d31 | Dion/be careful of stones that you throw | 4 | Jimmie Rodgers/wreck of the john b. | 1 |
6d56fa5b-8c6f-45ae-be79-e2469bb8d037 | Dion/book of dreams | 23 | Dion/shu-bop | 1 |
e6ef6173-7cf2-48ee-890f-22b47e6891ff | Dion/donna the prima donna | 13 | Dion & The Belmonts/the wanderer | 1 |
47f7fd1f-40a5-4c04-9606-dc6dd5f6b55f | Dion/lonely teenager | 70 | Frankie Lymon & The Teenagers/why do fools fall in love? | 1 |
5cbd82ef-898d-4fba-97d5-07b2c0d4e953 | Dion/lovers who wander | 23 | Dion & The Belmonts/take good care of my baby | 1 |
e3d0f5d2-9224-4d90-9466-96008a0eaf51 | Dion/rockin’ around the christmas tree | 2 | Stereo MC’s/graffiti, part one | 1 |
03f047de-0f87-4c24-a783-84f697372824 | Dion/ruby baby | 166 | Four Tops/baby i need your loving | 1 |
0d1d042c-2bbe-4edf-a14e-11cfb6e5cf05 | Dion/ruby baby | 2 | The Channels/bye bye baby | 1 |
7b82795f-5bae-4a2b-b9d7-91710d7058a3 | Dion/runaround sue | 49 | Del Shannon/runaway | 1 |
fa138b3a-7615-4825-8f9d-2ec374da5e2d | Dion/runaround sue | 2 | Dion & The Belmonts/i got the blues | 1 |
e2b801a8-6feb-4ffb-b936-7fa3b7fc3821 | Dion/runaround sue | 19 | Dion/walking blues | 1 |
d064d3ab-07de-4383-b31a-e5579d6686a5 | Dion/the majestic | 38 | Dion/the wanderer | 1 |
118d1762-98b4-4ca8-891c-2b35a983e22a | Dion/the majestic | 43 | Von Thronstahl/under the mask of humanity | 1 |
62413417-23c1-4776-9d2c-4c3b3d3e044f | Dion/the wanderer | 13 | Hank Ballard and the Midnighters/the twist | 1 |
c012ba22-974c-44ba-b3d8-145a513ee3b6 | Dion/the wanderer | 3 | Wilson Pickett/in the midnight hour | 1 |
c5ba544a-2105-42ae-84bf-53d431edac2d | Dion/the wanderer | 173 | Dion/runaround sue | 1 |
df29bd5f-3e96-4ac8-bb2a-d1627114c98c | Dion/wanderer | 2 | Bob Kuban and The In-Men/the cheater | 1 |
fb42bf4e-51e1-47cf-86c1-056b8de1b4fc | Dion/white christmas | 16 | Carly Simon/the night before christmas | 1 |
48d14be2-9bcd-4355-b773-cd1fa0e93ffb | Dion & The Belmonts/come take a walk with me | 7 | Dion and The Belmonts/a funny feeling | 1 |
0f3e07c5-b480-49ec-a60d-2462d606ab8d | Dion & The Belmonts/i wonder why | 2 | B.B. King/why i sing the blues | 1 |
967c3b3c-e5a3-4211-bf51-8cff965d40ef | Dion & The Belmonts/i wonder why | 5 | Pat Boone/why baby why | 1 |
4d070ff5-518a-40a0-9403-4afbac2e081b | Dion & The Belmonts/i wonder why | 2 | The Everly Brothers/wonder if i care as much | 1 |
e4efa854-74ca-4d49-9ed3-74a3774ed38c | Dion & The Belmonts/i wonder why | 215 | The Nutmegs/story untold | 1 |
5160d912-8717-49b3-999f-897c2634f2c7 | Dion & The Belmonts/in other words | 9 | Dion & The Belmonts/fly me to the moon | 1 |
c9ece62f-ca89-4f37-88a1-eee7d7c52211 | Dion & The Belmonts/little girl | 10 | Dion/little diane | 1 |
95d926ee-f5a1-4d72-8184-69ea913d950a | Dion & The Belmonts/lovers who wander | 2 | Dion & The Belmonts/a lover's prayer | 1 |
ce9f008a-a27c-413e-a845-b03ded2cbcf1 | Dion & The Belmonts/lovers who wonder | 3 | Robert Wilkins/alabama blues | 1 |
8b2fd4e0-7ef2-47df-ab0d-9a07e3ce4ad3 | Dion & The Belmonts/runaround sue | 2 | Dion/love came to me | 1 |
1816d402-8607-4f28-b042-fc89d09570c3 | Dion & The Belmonts/the kissin' game | 11 | Dion & The Belmonts/love came to me | 1 |
0547d8a3-9d12-4a58-8541-aed2c989bf3d | Dion & The Belmonts/the wanderer | 2 | Drifters/under the boardwalk | 1 |
af9b20cb-bb83-4d6f-86a2-516e0ac1734f | Dion and The Belmonts/no one knows | 10 | Dion & The Belmonts/when you wish upon a star | 1 |
f84242eb-54d3-471f-9b28-657c65cd175b | Dion and The Belmonts/where or when | 7 | The Desires/rendezvous with you | 1 |
e30b5832-2abc-4d37-b32e-ce82cf9445b9 | Dionne Warwick/2 ships passing in the night | 6 | Dionne Warwick/what can a miracle do | 1 |
d58e9764-8368-4deb-a641-0292484a49b5 | Dionne Warwick/a house is not a home | 10 | Dionne Warwick/long road ahead of us | 1 |
80168787-c170-47cc-8ffd-f8c1d7a566cb | Dionne Warwick/a love so right | 20 | Annie Lennox/something so right | 1 |
b8b32a8d-dcff-4273-bd37-92b53d9c3524 | Dionne Warwick/alfie | 223 | The Chordettes/never on sunday | 1 |
ae9a79e7-4730-4d94-b1b7-0c22b60cc43b | Dionne Warwick/all the love in the world | 219 | Dionne Warwick/all kinds of people | 1 |
e63ba646-c7c3-428f-b600-a16591286457 | Dionne Warwick/amanda and robin in love | 3 | Artie Butler/first love | 1 |
547aecca-936c-4e69-ace1-48e10eba4ded | Dionne Warwick/anyone who had a heart | 2 | Sam & Dave/soothe me | 1 |
f39522a9-f6a8-47a2-8931-34013ea195d7 | Dionne Warwick/battle hymn of the republic | 4 | Sup the Chemist/the return of | 1 |
ac2f6de4-4d7d-48fe-81ee-ddd9b1848e6d | Dionne Warwick/blessed be the name of the lord | 2 | Donal Hinely/lord of the dance | 1 |
8dbe0451-8a44-40ed-ae12-a14a5a4a157c | Dionne Warwick/can’t hide love | 13 | Abraham Laboriel/you can't hide | 1 |
a9060112-eed2-49fe-bc3f-d8ffd4707535 | Dionne Warwick/close to you | 23 | Sarah Olson/you belong to me | 1 |
270e895f-a1df-441e-b7ea-b69f4d207f40 | Dionne Warwick/didn’t we | 5 | necrocomiccon/we didn't start the fire | 1 |
d3089f7e-aef2-4f08-adb1-192ddeb4bc7c | Dionne Warwick/do i have to cry | 10 | John McVey/who do i write to | 1 |
3c96aece-becb-44bb-84aa-3270d5c8a648 | Dionne Warwick/do you believe in love at first sight | 14 | Dionne Warwick/i’ll never fall in love again | 1 |
0e82f50c-a9d8-4465-a220-132685c3f23a | Dionne Warwick/don't say i didn't tell you so | 2 | J.D. Crowe and The New South/you didn’t say goodbye | 1 |
619fde07-cd47-47cd-97c8-47c427b75092 | Dionne Warwick/don’t let my teardrops bother you | 4 | Keep in Mind/why don't you | 1 |
ed7c38b4-b63c-44dd-abd7-7b5687f84c81 | Dionne Warwick/easy love | 14 | Dionne Warwick/i’ll never love this way again | 1 |
267299f8-8207-4575-95c1-7a3fdfcaf7a8 | Dionne Warwick/feeling old feelings | 20 | Flo Rida/good feeling | 1 |
b6366a5f-d252-4ef9-89e1-3bf7da91c4eb | Dionne Warwick/games people play | 2 | Dionne Warwick/people | 1 |
298a3816-2ccd-49c1-9959-4f707c88db62 | Dionne Warwick/gettin’ ready for the heartbreak | 6 | Varghkoghargasmal/song for the damned | 1 |
b8f3bef8-cac2-4ba1-ad46-3c279e76b588 | Dionne Warwick/go with love | 2 | Z.Z. Hill/touch 'em with love | 1 |
1ecc1602-0a67-4f77-9fa7-192cbd13295d | Dionne Warwick/got a date | 17 | Bluatschink/a schalele kaffee | 1 |
2500d447-f9a5-4684-a9c5-371ed1148e1a | Dionne Warwick/got you where i want you | 4 | Barry Manilow/i wanna do it with you | 1 |
4c9b0475-eea3-469a-a405-d777fdc671db | Dionne Warwick/heartbreaker | 25 | Dionne Warwick/run to me | 1 |
dd3d7269-916d-4e75-8d95-48a93fcf8b93 | Dionne Warwick/here i am | 22 | Dionne Warwick/in between the heartaches | 1 |
b406ff8d-400c-43b6-8d14-c521d8ab2c73 | Dionne Warwick/he´s moving on | 3 | Artie Butler/a bird in the hand | 1 |
cc9822c3-bda6-438e-8783-46fbe5ea3afa | Dionne Warwick/how you once loved me | 8 | Andy Fraser/do you love me | 1 |
18f190e3-eca1-458e-8190-07e631d0531b | Dionne Warwick/i can let go now | 11 | Headline/what can i do | 1 |
52657f7b-c594-4819-98a4-d7ab02b0eae2 | Dionne Warwick/i didn’t mean to love you | 3 | Royal Gigolos/why did you do it | 1 |
a83e37c8-152d-448a-987f-8bbbb26e8012 | Dionne Warwick/i just don’t know what to do with myself | 29 | Dionne Warwick/i’ll never fall in love again | 1 |
4d064dbc-c3e1-41f1-bd4a-2c59715badff | Dionne Warwick/i lift my heart | 4 | Bob Bennett/my secret heart | 1 |
e1a4c729-6a75-4f90-af4b-f77e6aac3cc0 | Dionne Warwick/i think you need love | 3 | Flamman & Abraxas feat. MC Lynx/i need love | 1 |
de753db6-a352-4ad2-8c43-6aacd34a9a32 | Dionne Warwick/i wish you love | 2 | Zach Prather and Slight Return/in love with you | 1 |
40d9e99c-c0da-4b3b-b551-c99ba25e02f8 | Dionne Warwick/i'll never fall in love again | 31 | America/i need you | 1 |
28e3d4b5-187a-4d69-9117-c392c2b3e84c | Dionne Warwick/i'll never love this way again | 60 | Dionne Warwick & The Detroit Spinners/then came you | 1 |
4fe7f6cd-6d69-4673-899d-178a52945896 | Dionne Warwick/it's the falling in love | 3 | Corey Hart/can’t help falling in love | 1 |
b1a82500-3162-4112-9fae-a7e3697ced4f | Dionne Warwick/jesus loves me | 4 | Tony Harris/she loves me | 1 |
a356979d-2f82-4eb2-9602-8a7632a221cb | Dionne Warwick/jesus will | 2 | Arsenal/lenin's will | 1 |
618812f5-b1c0-4be1-b2db-496698c01e8b | Dionne Warwick/livin’ it up is startin’ to get me down | 11 | Po' Broke 'n Lonely?/got to give it up | 1 |
1049171b-91d9-4bbc-affb-d5fb1e7861f4 | Dionne Warwick/loneliness remembers what happiness forget | 5 | Gojira/04 | 1 |
e2b99f0f-d354-483b-9736-9da69920b718 | Dionne Warwick/love clown love | 3 | Artie Butler/first love | 1 |
d1c4cd11-d7be-422d-907a-96b51f87180e | Dionne Warwick/love in the afternoon | 6 | Vitamin String Quartet/9 in the afternoon | 1 |
79d4b229-4568-4373-8431-8312cfa51d0d | Dionne Warwick/love song | 4 | Mimicking Birds/10% | 1 |
95107516-8de1-475c-8b09-7abffff15ddb | Dionne Warwick/make it easy on yourself | 14 | Dionne Warwick/gettin’ ready for the heartbreak | 1 |
04a8169b-3244-4bae-a6d8-c1d3628ba2b0 | Dionne Warwick/message to michael | 257 | Dionne Warwick/you'll never get to heaven | 1 |
5d435f94-3b93-4e2f-9aeb-2d781ea66058 | Dionne Warwick/more than fascination | 13 | 松浦亜弥/shine more | 1 |
c5a5e864-7d1f-46fa-8837-56ddbc5945e3 | Dionne Warwick/my way | 5 | MJG/my life, this way | 1 |
33fb17c9-2527-4acc-9ee8-c3ba7de7a42b | Dionne Warwick/new threads on parade | 3 | Artie Butler/you're an absolute miracle | 1 |
b22586fa-30e6-4723-8091-0850172b9f40 | Dionne Warwick/no night so long | 25 | Gladys Knight & The Pips/help me make it through the night | 1 |
c944449e-966c-42ed-ab43-518c0152c0c8 | Dionne Warwick/now we're starting over again | 5 | Starland Vocal Band/starting all over again | 1 |
83fec220-6fce-4301-9829-1d88a5cb8000 | Dionne Warwick/old landmark | 2 | Monty Montgomery/old note | 1 |
8de86ed3-5ffb-4de1-b5c2-fd1e0d61c1b1 | Dionne Warwick/old landmark | 4 | Tom Robinson/old friend | 1 |
c085436b-34c8-4bf4-a539-e0273e642dec | Dionne Warwick/one hand, one heart | 2 | Dionne Warwick/medley: one hand, one heart / with these hands | 1 |
235d6913-ae6b-4b10-8dc1-71f7cf8f3e25 | Dionne Warwick/one thing on my mind | 10 | The Black Keys/girl is on my mind | 1 |
b97da9b7-8765-45ac-9b3e-c91a7f2e0f63 | Dionne Warwick/raindrops keep falling on my head | 9 | The Military Wives/rule the world | 1 |
432b571f-8591-4eb7-8820-d60c6d067bd6 | Dionne Warwick/reach out for me | 13 | Dionne Warwick/i say a little prayer for you | 1 |
cd1841b6-1988-465a-abec-742724a1407b | Dionne Warwick/reaching for the sky | 9 | Tiny Too/waiting for the ships | 1 |
d0eb1f4b-ddcf-41f4-877e-9b6040ece07a | Dionne Warwick/rise, shine and give god the glory | 4 | The Mystic Moods Orchestra/the glory of love | 1 |
4f7529b1-67e9-4d60-bea2-bd4aec568326 | Dionne Warwick/since you stayed here | 10 | James Talley/you can't get there from here | 1 |
9e769cfe-e057-49f6-975c-cc831546c4dc | Dionne Warwick/some changes are for good | 7 | Dionne Warwick/there's a long road ahead of us | 1 |
c44f26fa-d4c6-4543-8ec3-67c5a1d20df5 | Dionne Warwick/steal away | 2 | Häwelmann/come away | 1 |
576c08e3-cf5b-4290-b743-ec10adeb3e71 | Dionne Warwick/sweetie pie | 8 | Tone Rec/hi pie | 1 |
e238c849-6e37-4efa-a14b-ee027b60da59 | Dionne Warwick/the love of a boy | 2 | Lisa Thiel/daughter of the elements | 1 |
1b0d8249-f421-4ef7-b269-093615d4002d | Dionne Warwick/the magic of believing | 2 | Marc A. Pullen/flight of the dragon | 1 |
79ae26a9-bdfe-4011-a5a9-adbec58ca0ae | Dionne Warwick/the windows of the world | 16 | Marilyn Maye/what the world needs now | 1 |
4d71ca3c-1592-4db1-94ea-de7b66a226cc | Dionne Warwick/the windows of the world | 4 | Cass Elliot/dream a little dream of me | 1 |
11d2eff9-869a-401b-869e-8f1cdd530b2a | Dionne Warwick/the world needs jesus | 4 | Guns N’ Roses/if the world | 1 |
a6f3acec-7bd6-4056-bcb3-4cdfd325a5d0 | Dionne Warwick/there's a long road ahead of us | 5 | Boca 45 feat. Kelvin Swaby/end of the road | 1 |
4298a6f6-ce26-40f8-8f74-bc001fff27a6 | Dionne Warwick/this girl’s in love with you | 7 | Aretha Franklin/love the one you’re with | 1 |
c107e8d4-2239-4ef8-b125-0ab1bf6aa4b8 | Dionne Warwick/walk on by | 93 | Dionne Warwick/don't make me over | 1 |
62037123-9f98-4b29-a883-91c5dfed4e08 | Dionne Warwick/we had this time | 9 | Marionette/this pain that we refuse | 1 |
ce492fe1-76d0-4450-a67b-f7f89324ca76 | Dionne Warwick/we never said goodbye | 4 | Graham Parker/things i've never said | 1 |
0b393087-c9db-430d-a8fa-fe37a3b65c96 | Dionne Warwick/what can a miracle do | 12 | Chicago/come in from the night | 1 |
e15858f4-99e4-4be5-9324-c48334e4f402 | Dionne Warwick/what the world needs now | 7 | Sandie Shaw/there's always something there to remind me | 1 |
5c95a858-daa1-4b6a-a565-668d0b19e2ca | Dionne Warwick/when the world runs out of love | 8 | Gina Jeffreys/out of the blues | 1 |
178e9086-e9f9-4677-a715-030d9517e0df | Dionne Warwick/who do you think it was | 2 | Twin Sisters/do it for you | 1 |
fa876611-2975-40da-8c3c-3b054860e6a1 | Dionne Warwick/with a touch | 12 | James Solberg/just a closer walk with thee | 1 |
f8dfecf2-f66e-4e62-8ec8-9557b69567a6 | Dionne Warwick/world of my dreams | 3 | Junior Reid/x world of strangers | 1 |
845214ab-0471-49ae-bbf2-8816aac7b6bd | Dionne Warwick/you’re gonna need me | 3 | Ian Dury & the Music Students/inspiration | 1 |
48767b76-ae00-4e87-962d-49e4861992f1 | Dionne Warwick & The Detroit Spinners/then came you | 2 | The Chi‐Lites/have you seen here | 1 |
33dc53f0-4d52-4a36-8090-04cb88721ba9 | Dionne Warwick and The Spinners/then came you | 134 | Jr. Walker & the All Stars/how sweet it is | 1 |
ffbabe69-8a17-467a-88bd-d594e408cf3e | Dionne Warwick and The Spinners/then came you | 3 | Detroit Spinners/working my way back to you / forgive me, girl | 1 |
668c0357-f819-40d0-9489-a02e021be154 | Dionne Warwick feat. David Elliott/seven | 4 | Rainier Lericolais/12 | 1 |
907cbc1d-dabe-49eb-947a-4c6506a0169c | Dionne Warwick with Luther Vandross/how many times can we say goodbye | 14 | Luther Vandross/my sensitivity | 1 |
f9703f89-f2ea-4210-92b5-e0d764e81127 | Dionysos/frog | 22 | Dionysos/ciel en sauce | 1 |
3c379d33-7596-4b94-8a83-27b219fa9c9a | Dionysos/les trois lois | 2 | Dionysos/hamac of clouds | 1 |
733bc6eb-a57c-44bd-8747-e85ed17ee082 | Diorama/advance | 37 | Diorama/e minor | 1 |
9e50aa7c-c137-493f-8ea4-578a31463377 | Dios/シグナルP/サンドリヨン inst | 2 | Dios/シグナルP/サンドリヨン 10th anniversary inst nomas | 1 |
bb423ae2-9557-4b70-b69a-6904fdbe88e7 | Diplo/[untitled] | 2 | Marcus Buckingham/track 15 | 1 |
7ad3e2f7-5b4d-4173-ae8c-673a91a425f1 | Diplomat/zx complex | 69 | Pavel Pok/cybernoid zx spectrum | 1 |
fa5153a2-634b-44d3-a441-12fee32a8c96 | Dirch Passer/der kommer altid en sporvogn og en pige til | 4 | Max Hansen/jag fick en kyss till godnatt | 1 |
5e61da82-3d63-4707-8276-d50eab2b4b69 | Dirch Passer/i kongens klæ'r | 5 | Dirch Passer & Ove Sprogøe/soldatersang | 1 |
8ca45d4f-4a5c-4a15-92ea-e0bc0ae42288 | Dire Straits/6 blade knife | 66 | Bedlam/harvest moon | 1 |
df12edf7-da41-4c02-81d1-a22e30c711e7 | Dire Straits/[speech from mark knopfler] | 9 | Doc Watson/rambling hobo | 1 |
e8d98860-cb73-4926-8ee9-99fb5d60334d | Dire Straits/badges | 2 | Dire Straits/2 young lovers | 1 |
69c32088-6f0c-4294-b072-b331dcc116c1 | Dire Straits/brothers in arms | 3946 | Dire Straits/one world | 1 |
9cdca0bc-eacd-48c6-8bd3-5e31dfc8c061 | Dire Straits/brothers in arms | 2 | Dire Straits/so far away | 1 |
3f211022-4faa-4a44-9ba4-1f2caef8dcce | Dire Straits/brothers in arms | 12 | Dire Straits/tunnel of love | 1 |
5c94c2eb-f364-477a-be44-f38f56175e0b | Dire Straits/calling elvis | 2082 | Dire Straits/expresso love | 1 |
5d92afd3-aa8d-49d1-8c7d-3e83f37d5aa7 | Dire Straits/calling elvis | 5 | Dire Straits/your lastest trick | 1 |
8f1dbfb8-451e-4299-9731-7bc4c37834e4 | Dire Straits/calling elvis | 10 | Ronan Keating/loving each day | 1 |
5c6221f5-2ae2-4b5c-af77-1595c4597b72 | Dire Straits/eastbound train | 4 | Dire Straits/walk of life | 1 |
d6129143-e6c4-4b39-aaf6-408a08a5fa3a | Dire Straits/eastbound train | 8 | Dire Straits/sultans of swing | 1 |
f3e96d7e-99fd-4909-956d-49810e3f1c41 | Dire Straits/expresso love | 801 | Dire Straits/twisting by the pool | 1 |
0bdb75d2-4448-4fe5-b030-669b489d95b9 | Dire Straits/expresso love | 563 | Dire Straits/love over gold | 1 |
afddc287-8496-4f23-b95b-9f8a0f0ad0e1 | Dire Straits/expresso love | 715 | KIVA/celtic sunrise | 1 |
31f0f4b6-2b19-44e5-9b40-c32481087705 | Dire Straits/fade to black | 305 | Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra, Riccardo Chailly/suite for jazz orchestra no. 1, op. 38: iii. foxtrot . moderato | 1 |
16ee436f-b974-41af-98f4-32552b1322f8 | Dire Straits/going home | 83 | Dire Straits/your latest trick | 1 |
9e0298b4-7091-469d-b46c-afd4e5f84225 | Dire Straits/heavy fuel | 835 | Dire Straits/on every street | 1 |
42f08dc2-33c5-415e-a435-a485e3cc72e5 | Dire Straits/heavy fuel | 965 | Dire Straits/private investigations | 1 |
d72f79ca-3b93-4652-a3da-a3f5fef1836c | Dire Straits/heavy fuel | 1401 | Dire Straits/on every street | 1 |
0b6cdc58-a9aa-47c8-aa19-0790b65bf3f6 | Dire Straits/how long | 6 | The Cult/spiritwalker | 1 |
846f25ce-89e3-491b-bc17-48b676ddd054 | Dire Straits/in the gallery | 2 | Dire Straits/the bug | 1 |
bdda4971-5342-4001-aae9-7417b451096a | Dire Straits/in the gallery | 3 | Dire Straits/lions | 1 |
7c0bf92d-cd70-480f-9794-69a50d131622 | Dire Straits/lady writer | 610 | Log Cabin Crew/dire straits | 1 |
f51f4056-b445-460b-9dfe-3092faeb8f7a | Dire Straits/local hero / wild theme | 1056 | U2/vertigo | 1 |
d0c0b5bf-6734-4f0b-a579-6bd5a84b4726 | Dire Straits/love over gold | 1113 | Showaddywaddy/dancin' party | 1 |
d56ee409-a5a1-4eda-9be4-6cdcb9e3bcc8 | Dire Straits/mark knopfler french tv jam | 2 | DJ Antoine & Mad Mark/these boots [dj antoine vs. mad mark] | 1 |
d82b6cf5-9f0a-4734-8089-21f0ed9ce752 | Dire Straits/money for nothing | 194 | Dire Straits/your latest trick | 1 |
8e5c02b5-8210-4878-85b8-5b5a272ce1c0 | Dire Straits/money for nothing | 9 | Dire Straits/brothers in arms | 1 |
90e2c175-4b10-4ce6-9c7d-0e91413b153d | Dire Straits/money for nothing | 3 | Dire Straits/you and your friend | 1 |
fb942d77-b2bf-4a5c-8d9c-98d3e3a588ae | Dire Straits/my parties | 71 | Dire Straits/romeo and juliet | 1 |
1e7b0dba-8e4d-46c3-b986-bcdddf02aef3 | Dire Straits/my parties | 4 | Dying Fetus/praise the lord | 1 |
9ffcaddd-1a61-4a0b-b774-6958f39ff1df | Dire Straits/news | 4 | Dire Straits/lady writer | 1 |
6425803d-4716-4a19-a523-469c9f23b42f | Dire Straits/on every street | 47 | Dire Straits/heavy fuel | 1 |
1218f764-3124-484d-8cbb-0850d3f0e073 | Dire Straits/on every street | 2328 | Dire Straits/the man is too strong | 1 |
d82db006-0670-4c26-9b66-fda808fd887c | Dire Straits/on every street | 2 | Mark Knopfler/going home: theme of the local hero | 1 |
51ca8007-f35a-48ab-b7aa-01afd32b6f48 | Dire Straits/once upon a time in the west | 336 | Dire Straits/down to the waterline | 1 |
2984a123-5148-4354-8312-aa0561c73121 | Dire Straits/one world | 76 | Dire Straits/heavy fuel | 1 |
7673c26c-389f-4028-85d0-9c0c3e605787 | Dire Straits/one world | 684 | Dire Straits/the man’s too strong | 1 |
b062aac3-7938-456d-95e0-96a7475dd042 | Dire Straits/private investigations | 1818 | Diana Ross/i surrender | 1 |
c0802dec-1b86-41f1-92eb-79cfe0f03161 | Dire Straits/private investigations | 1230 | Dire Straits/southbound again | 1 |
1b6afece-3347-4b57-a73f-4fcb19fa69dc | Dire Straits/private investigations | 151 | Log Cabin Crew/dire straits | 1 |
1b8055a3-a7cd-4192-b596-06e3f22ed1fd | Dire Straits/private investigations | 2 | Black Lace/superman | 1 |
575924b9-3743-4754-bed9-ed2190f9821a | Dire Straits/private investigations | 1717 | Dire Straits/millionaire blues | 1 |
2f7a1a86-a322-4162-aac2-ab3c8a967ebf | Dire Straits/romeo and juliet | 2 | Dire Straits/why worry | 1 |
b46a7013-1338-47f0-83c8-82438f475a05 | Dire Straits/romeo and juliet | 45 | Dire Straits/setting me up | 1 |
150cf2dd-c1b1-48a3-998d-8a1cf1277e4c | Dire Straits/romeo and juliet | 3 | Dire Straits/money for nothing | 1 |
4e833f24-8c89-415c-b714-0c4bd4aa0de2 | Dire Straits/so far away | 3635 | Dire Straits/eastbound train | 1 |
4f2106ed-2817-49dd-98f8-31a6a57400cc | Dire Straits/so far away | 439 | Dire Straits/why worry | 1 |
fd6971ce-c2a4-45bf-a7e6-d968035835de | Dire Straits/so far away | 38 | Dire Straits/brothers in arms | 1 |
19f30048-5adc-4f8e-b8ad-95823cddd959 | Dire Straits/solid rock | 2 | KIVA/changer's fire | 1 |
2c6613e5-91a5-4dd7-913b-b2b985a3cbec | Dire Straits/solid rock | 2 | Dire Straits/you and your friends | 1 |
472d79d5-c506-45ef-bd26-e28a7c4e92eb | Dire Straits/solid rock | 28 | Stephen King/track 10 | 1 |
679b5718-798a-46ea-9ed7-7461610288db | Dire Straits/sultans of swing | 3702 | Dire Straits/down to the waterline | 1 |
083558cc-9c9b-4ca3-ba8b-1f4655b9fb45 | Dire Straits/sultans of swing | 2 | Dire Straits/intro | 1 |
494e1147-57f3-412a-9a35-a3ef05052efe | Dire Straits/sultans of swing | 403 | Dire Straits/money for nothing | 1 |
169f48e2-f8ce-4d71-a2e5-41ec9ad2ff68 | Dire Straits/sultans of swing | 6 | Ned Rothenberg Sync/port of entry | 1 |
6859e3c5-77e5-40e6-a3bf-00102067bcaf | Dire Straits/telegraph road | 1074 | Dire Straits/introduction hank marvin | 1 |
752205f7-d533-4e99-ab82-2be3a0643960 | Dire Straits/telegraph road | 899 | KIVA/persephone's song | 1 |
4850293b-b888-412f-b8e1-0cdaeafbe1c8 | Dire Straits/the bug | 115 | Dire Straits/heavy fuel | 1 |
f3e0bbed-b304-4307-afb4-01eac6a9a9d7 | Dire Straits/ticket to heaven | 4 | AC/DC/breaking the rules | 1 |
2931f94b-2173-4093-b369-10a06a95df4d | Dire Straits/tunnel of love | 570 | KIVA/grandmother spider woman | 1 |
62e8241a-8cdc-48b5-84fc-15b00d1f3c60 | Dire Straits/walk of life | 5 | Robert Greenidge, Michael Utley/zoo life | 1 |
3503c5ca-5233-423f-ab17-b289f96e0c1e | Dire Straits/walk of life | 568 | Dire Straits/brothers in arms | 1 |
3b63419e-e754-4be2-b90b-349848482ddc | Dire Straits/walk of life | 192 | Dire Straits/love over gold | 1 |
e4f84710-733b-4bc2-8e7f-9ef52f505dcc | Dire Straits/walk of life | 5387 | Peter Gabriel feat. Kate Bush/don’t give up | 1 |
e6d54c1c-6ade-4445-9241-a241d3ad8517 | Dire Straits/water of love | 163 | Dire Straits/sultans of swing | 1 |
3dce7997-d703-4ff2-8e77-735590f5bb2c | Dire Straits/water of love | 1400 | Dire Straits/tunnel of love | 1 |
6f3df536-6648-41f0-afff-98c989159253 | Dire Straits/what’s the matter baby? | 9 | B.B. King/i love to live the life | 1 |
f49c47f3-71cb-4e8b-9fa8-605139b0ef90 | Dire Straits/when it comes to you | 4 | Dire Straits/walk of life | 1 |
07a12339-f21c-4c0d-a8a0-3db35786ca73 | Dire Straits/where do you think you’re going? | 3 | Dire Straits/so far away | 1 |
26e3d75b-b12c-4485-8ec2-eb443c15b12a | Dire Straits/why worry | 1697 | Dire Straits/your latest trick | 1 |
b7b053ef-fefa-452e-a0db-8f53673348da | Dire Straits/wild west end | 2 | Dire Straits/southbound again | 1 |
67eb9087-b3c6-4f90-b945-3305a3ca6ff0 | Dire Straits/you and your friend | 4 | Al B. Sure!/natalie | 1 |
174a8bb1-92fe-4091-a4be-84ab76d27c83 | Dire Straits/you and your friends | 54 | Dire Straits/one world | 1 |
9d708621-099e-4965-b172-265c3bc9fe31 | Dire Straits/your latest trick | 2277 | Dire Straits with Nils Lofgren/solid rock | 1 |
df70de16-060f-418d-b809-a30744a5d8b5 | Dire Straits/your latest trick | 7 | Dire Straits/calling elvis | 1 |
4d49de3f-fa3a-4dd4-bed2-cf543d515331 | Direct & Matt Van/cold ground | 2 | Direct & Park Avenue/i’ll go | 1 |
4e8e55b2-67aa-406f-a93d-8a72d9414caa | Directors Cut/senseless and numb | 13 | Kathy Mattea/heart of the country | 1 |
35aa047e-ebe1-44cf-84db-454d44f45ce2 | Dirk Freymuth/good christian men rejoice/red stockings/the hills | 2 | Celtic Woman/the hills of ireland | 1 |
b4040845-3b5d-4b96-b93c-66acd6997cf4 | Dirk Freymuth/hark! the herald angels sing | 2 | [christmas music]/süßer die glocken nie klingen | 1 |
c00b265e-7a3d-404a-80d1-481483697e8c | Dirk Freymuth/in the bleak mid-winter | 2 | [christmas music]/morgen kinder wird's was geben | 1 |
4f0b0fe4-8986-4c57-954a-3e8bcc34f888 | Dirk Freymuth/jesu, joy of man's desiring | 2 | [christmas music]/we wish you a merry christmas | 1 |
9236e651-3160-41a2-9e9a-0221a537925f | Dirk Freymuth/joy to the world | 2 | [christmas music]/wiegenlied | 1 |
b21d2392-a8d2-4876-bd68-7f31fec19663 | Dirk Freymuth/smokey chimney | 2 | [christmas music]/ave maria | 1 |
180733dd-7add-4561-8a9b-c5408815dfc3 | Dirk Freymuth/what child is this | 2 | [christmas music]/the first noel | 1 |
cb59a5bc-02ee-4345-b5ad-69e88b08bff4 | Dirk Freymuth/what child is this? | 2 | Jeff Victor/greensleeves | 1 |
4a119612-ebce-45b9-afc5-0eb3bacd8137 | Dirk Powell/waterbound | 2 | Dirk Powell/lord, i used to know 150 songs by heart | 1 |
d392ae01-602e-4e38-b062-0df77da8e65b | Dirk Technic/i love you | 7 | Dose3/minds | 1 |
eb0de318-ecea-4078-9c06-787c6bacd500 | Dirk Vogeley/als sie von den sternen kamen | 7 | Wolfgang Hohlbein/intermezzo | 1 |
ae1431c2-e367-477a-83b5-bd54c52b1f9e | Dirkie Smit/suurberg vastrap | 3 | John Zorn/Étude #13 | 1 |
c811481e-57c4-4c6e-98ce-a7c37fb99440 | Dirko Juchem/Übung 2: 1+3 | 2 | Len Barry/1-2-3 | 1 |
ff67d5fe-250a-466d-8f91-34073d042aa5 | Dirt Devils/the drill | 7 | Da Hool/meet her at the love parade 2001 | 1 |
75ec1385-678b-4684-9fc8-731c6bf52d92 | Dirtcaps & The Million Plan/money on my mind | 20 | MainStreet/mind is blown | 1 |
863c7993-ef95-49e6-9bfc-f3f4efbc3457 | Dirtsman/hot this year | 7 | Sean Paul/no batter bruise | 1 |
47f4227c-3c2f-432f-ac4b-c9476631643b | Dirty/hit da floe | 12 | Dirty/da land | 1 |
2ef7f351-c028-4c90-af26-923d6fe3f8e6 | Dirty B34t2/drahtesel | 2 | Neonschwarz/kinder aus asbest | 1 |
0f9f1a96-1822-4cb7-a27f-7957f3a0117e | Dirty B34t2/rapstars | 2 | Neonschwarz/die eskalation | 1 |
41be4265-72f9-4238-bef0-090929ecf1fe | Dirty Dike/isleham swamp | 32 | Dirty Dike feat. Jam Baxter/me and you | 1 |
dd52b471-45b0-4657-b830-6e839021b83c | Dirty Dike/prawns | 32 | Dirty Dike feat. Fliptrix/great attempt | 1 |
45f283e5-960b-4ea3-a80f-e2d271fa1143 | Dirty Dikkie/je hebt me belazerd | 3 | Angelique/een beetje geld voor een beetje liefde | 1 |
5fb03b9f-2195-4709-ab24-24f0dc55a735 | Dirty Disco Youth/black diamond | 3 | DJ Manian feat. Carlprit/don't stop the dancing | 1 |
f9ffe2df-53c9-4a6e-a90e-a204361982e1 | Dirty Fours/machines | 5 | Carefree/broken strings | 1 |
fc61e10f-454a-4549-993f-ca3e8d860507 | Dirty Funker/come as you are | 2 | Dirty Funker/lithium | 1 |
fd6f9401-267e-491d-8524-1f4d06892084 | Dirty Harry/d'bop | 8 | Future Perfect/sato agrepo | 1 |
05f1691b-acc9-4725-969d-99fd9192a95b | Dirty Harry / Sinnamon/hectic funk / i need you now | 3 | Dewey Lambdin read by John Lee/part 049 | 1 |
d5a8759e-abd6-4d02-b349-fbd4afaf4a59 | Dirty Projectors/police story | 3 | Bob Nanna/karma police | 1 |
a5b1c777-c4fd-4973-a977-0c41a6b2df13 | Dirty South/minority | 8 | Dirty South/the end | 1 |
9acbce20-057c-483a-82a0-b67a1613b95a | Dirty South/until the end | 3 | Tukan/light a rainbow | 1 |
30c2b4e4-6158-4574-8ac0-ff94fe6a9dd2 | Dirty South & Michael Brun/rift | 25 | Nicky Romero & NERVO/like home | 1 |
fd3e1b11-52cd-437b-94b5-d0172f6ab3e7 | Dirty South Feat. ANIMA!/i swear | 2 | Goodie Mob feat. Big Boi/dirty south | 1 |
629cd46a-7e66-44e0-b1e0-c49b6b49fa9a | Dirty South feat. Joe Gil/your heart | 2 | Dirty South feat. Joe Gil/until the end | 1 |
21f41644-9808-4672-ba40-e469c9871da3 | Dirty South feat. Rudy/let it go | 4 | Etro Anime/diablo | 1 |
941ee3f0-d259-43f7-b29c-bcaee0032a43 | Dirty South feat. Sam Martin/unbreakable | 16 | Kaci/paradise | 1 |
090ecd33-24a1-4fbf-9e40-9d4236224462 | Dirty South vs Evermore/it’s too late | 10 | Basement Jaxx/hush boy | 1 |
10107cf3-bded-4a68-a77d-f1cef0259c82 | Dirty Vegas/7am | 302 | Dirty Vegas/all or nothing | 1 |
1d57b186-2eb2-48d2-8ee8-0330694c132e | Dirty Vegas/alive | 301 | Dirty Vegas/7am | 1 |
3a85c4b2-ec7b-4bca-93c2-2442a3d8fa2f | Dirty Vegas/all or nothing | 353 | Dirty Vegas/candles | 1 |
22c79553-569e-44b8-b9c1-3bc325678968 | Dirty Vegas/candles | 298 | Dirty Vegas/throwing shapes | 1 |
f2c5e474-b2a2-4ceb-9dd3-94ef3914cdcb | Dirty Vegas/days go by | 10 | AC/DC/big balls | 1 |
606c04fb-3072-4c53-8cb7-cdc08fb94711 | Dirty Vegas/days go by | 25 | Dirty Vegas/lost not found | 1 |
71db8b31-c080-4bd0-8915-b1d9d451aeaa | Dirty Vegas/days go by | 3 | Funkerman/speed up | 1 |
34ba8150-a19e-46a6-bc33-479d4d42f2e6 | Dirty Vegas/days go by | 325 | AC/DC/big balls | 1 |
a1b81a6e-62f3-459b-a35f-7a2cf6e8672c | Dirty Vegas/days go by | 3 | PJ/happy days | 1 |
c1ee2443-62ac-455a-9426-852b28c02335 | Dirty Vegas/days go by | 84 | Dirty Vegas/simple things, part 2 | 1 |
4eb843f9-be13-4f98-87d4-5f62b1365c8d | Dirty Vegas/ghosts | 2 | 4 Strings/into the night | 1 |
4ede4bf1-ae75-4fcf-83dc-9e1a1e064712 | Dirty Vegas/ghosts | 6 | Dirty Vegas/i should know | 1 |
1cfe3022-742e-4332-8209-953f29704988 | Dirty Vegas/lost not found | 288 | Dirty Vegas/ghosts | 1 |
42f654d6-7a5b-40d9-aec2-e60f5b92d708 | Dirty on Purpose/all new friends | 6 | Dirty on Purpose/girls and sunshine | 1 |
33e218b0-481c-445c-91ed-ac6a33fb5b87 | Dirtyphonics/walk in the fire | 7 | Dirtyphonics & Steve Aoki/stage divers | 1 |
6f0385ff-5ea3-46a1-a915-88bdf1ce32a8 | Disappear Fear/play the music | 2 | Plug'N Play/the best | 1 |
902bc17e-d380-482c-8426-44347a0aaaa7 | Disarm/varje dag | 2 | Disarm/för varje dag som går | 1 |
4509743f-6da5-4fd4-8d73-4cf8226659b2 | Disasterpeace/bosstown | 2 | The Awesome Machine/sonic hustler | 1 |
8b82f783-9666-4e84-98ad-49ca3cd4ccb6 | Disasterpeace/duckies | 2 | The Awesome Machine/cure me | 1 |
d45c46bd-0e4f-4c2e-9d44-248284c88634 | Disasterpeace/master, meet slave | 2 | The Awesome Machine/under the veil | 1 |
68e35da8-4dcc-4e81-beea-6d45d7869f39 | Disasterpeace/silly phil collins, you can't bend notes on a kalimba | 2 | The Awesome Machine/mother's gone | 1 |
42f11305-7d05-48c2-a306-9a990ccca62d | Disaszt & Infame/oh my dear! | 12 | Camo & Krooked/vampires | 1 |
e4f42a80-ab98-4601-9283-8489e59040de | Disbelief/stranger in a strange land | 28 | Edvard Grieg/concerto for piano and orchestra in a minor, op. 16, ii: adagio - attacca | 1 |
3a20ffde-cda3-45eb-959c-9da23211508c | Disbelief/to the sky | 6 | Disbelief/ethic instinct | 1 |
35cc25ff-28f0-46f1-98b0-399524e4a14f | Discharge/population control | 4 | Discharge/the terror alert | 1 |
326c516e-4afe-4cc6-9765-3678fdda67f3 | Discharge/possibility of lifes destruction | 4 | Discharge/the possibility of life's destruction | 1 |
99f2a06e-5226-49a8-94fa-11363fbc44e6 | Discharge/the terror alert | 4 | Discharge/accessories by molotov | 1 |
3bfa71e9-3779-41f7-9dd5-889a3b379a3b | Discharger/settle the score | 2 | Discharger/a heroic story | 1 |
9b30f739-8d39-45c3-9b59-0289558c1b9b | Disciple/pain | 3 | Kirt Debique/ghosts | 1 |
a99223a0-8e73-4cce-9aa7-d5874a33e056 | Disciple/suicide | 3 | Kirt Debique/promise | 1 |
a127d8a5-3e2c-4a59-bc9e-77623d850214 | Disciples/i got you | 2 | Sigala & Becky Hill/wish you well | 1 |
3bffcfb7-b155-4f72-9ca6-551e0a0d7a21 | Disciples of Astaroth/the ubiquitous mr. lovegrove | 3 | Katie Melua/the house | 1 |
7a791afc-9eaf-4326-b720-7cb90a2b9c80 | Disciples, The/celestial dub | 5 | Martin Solveig/cabo parano | 1 |
8fb02c69-e2e6-40d7-a824-7295bad01b34 | Disclosure/afterthought | 38 | Disclosure/bang that | 1 |
82534adf-fc36-4eef-920e-7375b1759a9d | Disclosure/f for you | 2 | Swedish House Mafia/save the world | 1 |
0cf9632d-9bdc-4e97-950b-99e845bf9e58 | Disclosure/grab her! | 2 | Swedish House Mafia/save the world | 1 |
28176f8a-b5a4-436a-a74d-c04f575215e3 | Disclosure/intro | 2 | Swedish House Mafia/save the world | 1 |
4f8a6996-adb2-4ec5-b634-612c1efefa31 | Disclosure/lividup | 55 | Disclosure/what's in your head | 1 |
eac0c1f0-4c54-44c8-af9b-31683cb660da | Disclosure/moonlight | 2 | AC/DC/big balls | 1 |
e4b1b098-20f4-4228-a669-529f3f6c32c7 | Disclosure/offline dexterity | 8 | Disclosure/street light chronicle | 1 |
f41b3702-3ed0-4dee-9af4-c908ec009b90 | Disclosure/second chance | 2 | Swedish House Mafia/save the world | 1 |
279f07df-59fd-4e0d-9a8d-66db4279ac2a | Disclosure/stimulation | 2 | Swedish House Mafia/save the world | 1 |
ccba851e-43c5-419e-8db7-bcb7b4f8a495 | Disclosure/street light chronicle | 9 | Disclosure/offline dexterity | 1 |
904920cb-73bc-44e4-89c5-e116da7ccc6d | Disclosure/tenderly | 2 | Swedish House Mafia/save the world | 1 |
32a08c2b-430e-45de-9524-929f683d1b26 | Disclosure/what's in your head | 2 | Swedish House Mafia/save the world | 1 |
19dac596-b7fa-4a2f-bfef-772bdd562c42 | Disclosure/when a fire starts to burn | 2 | Swedish House Mafia/save the world | 1 |
6efc7bcf-2ae2-49c2-88c8-48942fe1674f | Disclosure & FATOUMATA DIAWARA/douha (mali mali) | 2 | Gaullin/moonlight | 1 |
def5d40e-e3fb-4461-a341-e93939845a00 | Disclosure feat. AlunaGeorge/white noise | 2 | Swedish House Mafia/save the world | 1 |
3245bd5a-6f41-4716-ae75-bc6e7deb97bc | Disclosure feat. Ed MacFarlane/defeated no more | 2 | Swedish House Mafia/save the world | 1 |
8cac14ee-5693-49eb-89d2-6ac9324a237c | Disclosure feat. Eliza Doolittle/you and me | 91 | Yolanda Be Cool feat. Gurrumul/a baru in new york | 1 |
0e9cd3a4-b848-4cca-ae6f-92541167d7a2 | Disclosure feat. Eliza Doolittle/you and me | 2 | The Romantics/what i like about you | 1 |
edd5ef01-e818-4e11-93ad-3197e12a81a8 | Disclosure feat. Eliza Doolittle/you and me | 2 | Swedish House Mafia/save the world | 1 |
4fdbaf7b-dfd8-4df9-8d68-f368138f4776 | Disclosure feat. Jamie Woon/january | 2 | Swedish House Mafia/save the world | 1 |
976e7b74-0627-4354-884e-340b862baf1e | Disclosure feat. Jessie Ware/confess to me | 2 | Swedish House Mafia/save the world | 1 |
48150229-e542-410b-add7-4952850d867a | Disclosure feat. London Grammar/help me lose my mind | 2 | Swedish House Mafia/save the world | 1 |
04bbccaa-3dc7-46f7-b8ac-309840cb8ffa | Disclosure feat. Lorde/magnets | 144 | AC/DC/big balls | 1 |
f5970672-8487-44d6-97d3-8f48187652a6 | Disclosure feat. Ria Ritchie/control | 56 | Disclosure/lividup | 1 |
db68db73-4c48-4c83-aa66-58951987916b | Disclosure feat. Sam Smith/latch | 318 | AC/DC/big balls | 1 |
13417555-1dfe-4f09-9ddc-5377e3616ce1 | Disclosure feat. Sam Smith/omen | 48 | AC/DC/big balls | 1 |
4b6cbe65-0b07-4a3b-a094-ca625f27df09 | Disclosure feat. Sam Smith/omen | 36 | Pitbull feat. Christina Aguilera/feel this moment | 1 |
97722baf-edfe-4ca3-b6b6-a08e283fe71e | Disclosure feat. Sasha Keable/voices | 2 | Swedish House Mafia/save the world | 1 |
3f0bff35-f5f1-4bd3-b9c6-ceff8f1c8803 | Disclosure feat. Sinead Harnett/boiling | 238 | Disclosure/disclosure | 1 |
bc2a1e9a-d5b7-4396-a763-6fa0a9e52a7f | Disclosure feat. Sinead Harnett/boiling | 2 | Swedish House Mafia/save the world | 1 |
afc1e3cc-c635-4315-bc0f-5c4bf95b93f3 | Disco Blu feat. Baby/no more, baby | 6 | Disco Dude/get up | 1 |
be131ed1-2d5e-43c7-a204-fb2ed01642d2 | Disco Citizens/footprint | 27 | DJ The Crow/piece of mine | 1 |
c681e1dc-ac3d-4afe-a4db-209f0beb07ec | Disco Dan/mega man 3 'magnet man goes west' oc remix | 13 | Disco Dan/the legend of zelda: a link to the past 'triforce majeure' oc remix | 1 |
ec1fa907-9021-4205-bae6-039973d618dd | Disco Fever/apache | 2 | The Bouncing Souls/here we go | 1 |
d1456403-6b84-4e68-85db-1a88c3d75910 | Disco Fever/can we get enough | 3 | Ans. Andur/01 | 1 |
2bff15ce-09b5-4ce2-97ce-42016274c9cb | Disco Kidz/starlite | 11 | New Trolls/suite disco | 1 |
9bfc1b10-f665-4c89-ad79-80f55f777af7 | Disco Kings/born to be alive | 2 | Giorgio Moroder/from here to eternity | 1 |
65560eb5-75c4-40eb-9d0c-34054af3e604 | Disco Tex & The Sex-O-Lettes/i wanna dance wit' choo | 2 | Disco Tex & The Sex-O-Lettes/get dancin’, part 1 | 1 |
4a220c39-45a5-4270-a2b9-c2ff757615f9 | Disco Tex & The Sex-O-Lettes/i wanna dance wit' choo | 2 | Warrant/saw red | 1 |
51ae73dd-1c81-44ff-ba98-3c71ec00c3bb | Discodeine/figures in a soundscape | 5 | Discodeine feat. Baxter Dury/d-a | 1 |
b2ec8a53-8fd7-45f7-b2b4-74fa9a14cd88 | Discopolis/falling (commited to sparkle motion) | 2 | Alabama/love in the first degree | 1 |
69e08746-0a38-4788-84d7-0d891c264907 | Discordance Axis/rain perimeter | 5 | Discordance Axis/panoptic | 1 |
e608c3cb-2050-46db-905d-7f81011dd45f | Discordia/trumpets of dawn | 9 | Purple Nine/moodswings | 1 |
af48af9f-9034-4130-ba0b-8db8ef93047f | Discotronic/tricky disco | 2 | Antisocial/forever young | 1 |
112c3947-0841-4194-88ae-f17e22e5d442 | Diseño Corbusier/golpe de amistad | 5 | Nash the Slash/womble | 1 |
628645ad-5f95-457f-b62b-348d20b429f3 | Disfear/the horns | 14 | Disfear/an arrogant breed | 1 |
315d999d-e0a7-43ce-b2f7-2a60a1568753 | Disfiguring the Goddess/we give no fucks | 6 | Disfiguring the Goddess/untitled | 1 |
b4639992-5c90-4d7f-9e1e-6a21c1c7cd7e | Disharmonic Orchestra/compulsorily screaming | 3 | Disharmonic Orchestra/shreded illusion | 1 |
d68e5626-4d05-4798-8f75-2e5d75fa0eed | Dishwalla/somewhere in the middle | 17 | Familiar 48/the question | 1 |
4dab443d-a0b4-48c1-b291-48d1bbba9310 | Diskofil/pind-is | 2 | Diskofil/det li e det | 1 |
469a8cba-c0be-4351-871b-048f3138c0ff | Dislocation Dance/don’t knock me down | 4 | Dislocation Dance/remind me | 1 |
bda8c66f-76ac-46ad-a97d-8ef2503dc946 | Dislocation Dance/stand me up | 4 | Dislocation Dance/remind me | 1 |
4ed635ae-8143-4139-9e3e-eff5655b3daa | Dismantled/no effect | 14 | E-40/rat heads | 1 |
b7db0784-19a0-40fd-91dc-6237698215ed | Disney Chorus & Alan Menken/happy ending | 268 | Alan Menken/under the sea | 1 |
25abff8f-2f99-476f-be39-7683365e978b | Disney Studio Chorus/winnie the pooh | 200 | Alan Menken/just around the river bend | 1 |
8c11037b-9b96-4fb8-9e06-fa8b7d818d88 | Disorder/maternal obsession | 4 | Disorder/3 blind mice | 1 |
abc2d54a-a796-4225-8209-f4a6ee249c4c | Dispatch/[untitled] | 8 | Dispatch/cover this | 1 |
f551ca1c-24e1-4f83-92df-b8ea747f34e9 | Dispatched/the final countdown | 3 | Falco/out of the dark | 1 |
c1aba60a-1611-415b-9697-50a98db7e6bd | Displacer/toy collector | 6 | Displacer/atrophied | 1 |
cb68aa1d-7d0f-46f9-9ec6-fbd70f51a5d0 | Disrupt/unrest | 14 | Human Remains/chewed up and spit out | 1 |
78a18d7a-3f2e-4159-8a6b-5ffb5da93779 | Dissecting Table/六道 | 3 | Dissecting Table/rokudou | 1 |
1750a88e-8012-4566-b087-a559d4c5dcfd | Dissection/son of the mourning | 44 | Dissection/retribution - storm of the light's bane | 1 |
92d228a5-8eef-4c14-82b5-f66514a8ff92 | Dissidenten/lost hindu-tapes | 3 | Dissidenten/maharajas' ox-cart | 1 |
958905ac-41e4-480c-98eb-df84a9e1f977 | Dissidenten/maharajas' ox-cart | 3 | Dissidenten/lost hindu-tapes | 1 |
1041cf02-986c-4773-b79c-d8330b55593a | Dissziplin/hört mich an | 2 | Dame/notiz an mich | 1 |
24298439-9e1e-49fe-bfbb-06657ba037e1 | Distance/battle sequence | 21 | Distance/skeleton grin | 1 |
c89b99aa-08ac-48f3-b986-81d640e55c04 | Distance/misfit | 24 | Distance/repercussions | 1 |
0ef2d473-e8eb-4d12-b626-f599d82d4c2d | Distance/no sunshine | 21 | Distance/out of mind | 1 |
ee13d990-4f3b-436f-ab76-c77a22c1b87f | Distance/present day | 25 | Distance/loosen my grip | 1 |
32b7ca8e-0d3b-491e-baad-b3eded863882 | Distance/travels | 5 | Distance & Skream/wiseman | 1 |
3f896365-e65f-48a1-8bdc-8abbd7c1ae41 | Distance/twilight | 3 | Distance/loosen my grip | 1 |
e605d148-9659-47e6-b681-5602a083e88d | Distance/v | 33 | Distance/koncrete | 1 |
db3a602d-a322-4728-9592-85fbbf318b9b | Distance/victim support | 30 | Distance/magnesium | 1 |
ed19e8c3-4da4-47e5-9d3d-4c4621aabe4c | Distance vs. Skream/political warfare | 3 | Distance/mirror tell | 1 |
59d451a7-878c-4330-bf58-ae2dc7312031 | Distemper/i believe | 2 | Distemper/Я верю | 1 |
5d8b4faf-de51-450d-bc9d-35c2cc0982ea | Distemper/vobla | 2 | Distemper/Вобла | 1 |
d3698ce5-4b35-4ab4-bf68-26fca4782725 | Distemper/На-на-на | 6 | Distemper/na-na-na | 1 |
9ec15ac5-21aa-4680-b43a-ed558e618df3 | Distorted Goblin/abraxas | 14 | Paul Roland/gabrielle | 1 |
3196fdb4-ba88-428d-91e2-0d4948c8f459 | Distorted Perfection/meaning of life | 2 | Disturbed/dehumanized | 1 |
f0ab6715-93f0-41eb-b4cc-5dc3c0e8ee36 | Disturbed/10 thousand fists | 3 | Disturbed/divide | 1 |
abe12468-64b8-4d83-8611-cb8cbeb562ac | Disturbed/10 thousand fists | 899 | Bagman/track 01 | 1 |
bf40a0c4-8b75-448b-8fca-8dbee6c66326 | Disturbed/avarice | 833 | Patrick O’Brian/track 14 | 1 |
ccb9ac05-fe26-474a-8f6c-67555833167f | Disturbed/believe | 3 | Disturbed/down with the sickness | 1 |
54d048ee-ded8-4b03-994d-1398ecef65c1 | Disturbed/bound | 68 | GusGus/believe | 1 |
b626cc92-7f21-4a91-82e0-14a154311cb2 | Disturbed/conflict | 40 | Disturbed/stupify | 1 |
f89f43f7-4b61-4df5-8c91-748c71eba066 | Disturbed/conflict | 79 | GusGus/believe | 1 |
f6190327-4c0e-42f5-832c-8eece970a319 | Disturbed/decadence | 839 | Patrick O’Brian/track 09 | 1 |
57d672e1-cbfe-4edb-991e-4831efb4ddb5 | Disturbed/decadence | 150 | Disturbed/voices | 1 |
3757bcbb-bd34-4756-bd3b-2d8bd27c2e85 | Disturbed/dehumanized | 4 | Taproot/myself | 1 |
c9df34e0-6b5a-45a1-a055-ae4c40af07e5 | Disturbed/deify | 839 | Stephen King/track 4 | 1 |
dbc7d42f-c0af-4f2c-a972-537c75aa10e8 | Disturbed/divide | 742 | Disturbed/deceiver | 1 |
24a9f497-c388-4d2d-8632-863bc6e5de1e | Disturbed/down with the sickness | 1804 | AC/DC/big balls | 1 |
c32df3da-ffee-45a7-b7e6-7b8aa0d5536e | Disturbed/down with the sickness | 118 | Disturbed/just stop | 1 |
4283826f-a481-4e21-84fb-fa6a7734a5dd | Disturbed/droppin' plates | 7 | GusGus/believe | 1 |
c98c927a-f368-40a1-801a-eb11077d54d6 | Disturbed/droppin’ plates | 1276 | Disturbed/prayer | 1 |
c311a4ff-bcff-454b-979c-7b351ba50999 | Disturbed/façade | 460 | Disturbed/divide | 1 |
ac530da8-d0b0-417b-ad2e-26cb7a59d69f | Disturbed/fear | 12 | GusGus/believe | 1 |
067956d8-2d4e-413a-9ac5-07fca1287ee8 | Disturbed/forgiven | 844 | Christopher Paul Curtis read by Mirron Willis/track 10 | 1 |
eeaa43a8-2c80-4ed8-8ac9-17e696365dfe | Disturbed/god of the mind | 347 | Disturbed/voices | 1 |
6f729d98-5d24-4ee4-b351-38e72dbb7c15 | Disturbed/guarded | 974 | Chris Widener/track 3 | 1 |
b3769847-8460-4026-8813-4dd416b276f5 | Disturbed/i'm alive | 2 | James Patterson read by January LaVoy/track 6 | 1 |
4abd573d-e246-4eca-891d-67672a4bf9a9 | Disturbed/inside the fire | 2 | Disturbed/stricken | 1 |
c495e08b-51f4-48ef-93a6-428c293b1a9f | Disturbed/intoxication | 2 | Disturbed/voices | 1 |
b37205ba-09d0-41f8-922c-4203da1ef39d | Disturbed/ishfwilf | 336 | Disturbed/down with the sickness | 1 |
e04b02ed-c6db-472e-b4c1-47df38ff17a6 | Disturbed/ishfwilf | 18 | Disturbed/i still haven’t found what i’m looking for | 1 |
0630f442-27b8-4189-9ef2-6d3e79bd8f67 | Disturbed/just stop | 896 | Stephenie Meyer/track 2 | 1 |
1381a23b-7b8d-44c5-ac1c-3dde401903e6 | Disturbed/land of confusion | 149 | AC/DC/big balls | 1 |
d8d8fba3-c50b-498b-bb01-74bf356139e8 | Disturbed/land of confusion | 901 | Michel Thomas Method/track 11 | 1 |
22c866c9-6f66-4c88-9afa-3d41d80926ee | Disturbed/leave it alone | 265 | Disturbed/down with the sickness | 1 |
f51105de-d18b-4c0f-a4ce-5f3aade1350d | Disturbed/liberate | 3 | Disturbed/inside the fire | 1 |
d7a54025-8e15-43bf-99d9-4493af5ecba0 | Disturbed/my child | 409 | Disturbed/warrior | 1 |
69670f0e-96cc-4604-8fcd-04a999e85448 | Disturbed/numb | 90 | Disturbed/stupify | 1 |
42cb13b3-7231-433c-ad5b-b2984c1ba45c | Disturbed/overburdened | 895 | Eva Ibbotson read by Sian Thomas/track 8 | 1 |
3c87f8e0-8c64-45c5-8591-a63112471bc6 | Disturbed/pain redefined | 916 | John Elder Robison/track 13 | 1 |
71397399-45a9-41ca-89b8-cb93908fd2a6 | Disturbed/prayer | 22 | A Perfect Circle/rose | 1 |
084e795c-c632-447b-a5ba-362084e6d13c | Disturbed/remember | 69 | GusGus/believe | 1 |
1bfb62e5-115b-4ae1-b2c0-da2d02f6a654 | Disturbed/run | 230 | Disturbed/stricken | 1 |
8318d7c3-6c64-47a7-b17d-c2a7a59c9cbe | Disturbed/sacred lie | 845 | Ayn Rand/track 12 | 1 |
08782194-ca46-4610-b8f7-48423ad7f545 | Disturbed/serpentine | 417 | Disturbed/leave it alone | 1 |
6d3d6a9c-d85d-4493-8e2f-0f7cc8c9f621 | Disturbed/sons of plunder | 865 | Joe Polish/track 7 | 1 |
7e48c1ca-9b08-4d82-91f4-3a24b17012ee | Disturbed/stricken | 3 | Disturbed/another way to die | 1 |
a59d5b9e-ae4c-4f6f-a5a6-9f69712d6180 | Disturbed/stricken | 117 | Disturbed/down with the sickness | 1 |
4c7b0dba-6a41-4de4-bef4-1c521939ab0e | Disturbed/stricken | 1093 | AC/DC/big balls | 1 |
99e4f71b-a4e7-4e99-8562-31130ba01a61 | Disturbed/the animal | 23 | A Perfect Circle/the outsider | 1 |
5f8f60e4-cac1-4851-a5e2-593029d3074d | Disturbed/the brave and the bold | 271 | Disturbed/the light | 1 |
87eb263e-7694-4922-aca2-07cd7f531abf | Disturbed/the game | 29 | Disturbed/inside the fire | 1 |
f417c190-8240-4c10-9b41-b095fb82d580 | Disturbed/the game | 61 | AC/DC/big balls | 1 |
e8642a21-2405-4f6c-aeaf-35c8a2fde56c | Disturbed/the game | 1237 | AC/DC/big balls | 1 |
073a14f2-7e81-4abb-bc37-54ebd6fc2979 | Disturbed/the infection | 2 | Disturbed/stricken | 1 |
f1c2dfa8-95c6-4a84-beac-52d3c2c72953 | Disturbed/the infection | 415 | Dan Donegan/disturbed dissected: remnants and asylum | 1 |
85310a6f-a73b-49ee-b442-e5fec17233f3 | Disturbed/the light | 5 | Disturbed/the vengeful one | 1 |
1b5b8eb5-d3df-4591-a826-02ab81a1aa8d | Disturbed/this moment | 241 | Broken Rule/y(esterday) t(oday) t | 1 |
df74392e-5f41-4fb5-bce0-eddf75aa5b47 | Disturbed/violence fetish | 1057 | Disturbed/liberate | 1 |
637da327-e25c-457c-86a2-5fe8511d20fb | Disturbed/voices | 1424 | Disturbed/prayer | 1 |
2f5e5833-029d-4d72-9c0f-9aebd8743680 | Disturbed/want | 1273 | Disturbed/inside the fire | 1 |
ac7cf9ee-6261-47fb-95d7-daf7d8a92502 | Disturbed/warrior | 2 | Kid Rock/jackson, mississippi | 1 |
f1eb5275-b3e2-4d8c-b02c-4ce698d61d57 | Disturbed/warrior | 431 | Disturbed/down with the sickness | 1 |
e1704dc2-3b94-48b8-87ae-8f1d58d7b236 | Ditterich von Euler-Donnersperg/ddbe222 | 2 | Ditterich von Euler-Donnersperg/krebs im schlafrock | 1 |
ac893208-89f5-40a1-85b1-999fc5c71cd6 | Ditterich von Euler-Donnersperg/ddbe53 | 2 | Ditterich von Euler-Donnersperg/min53 | 1 |
477f1846-13b2-4618-b528-56e0b6422c8a | Ditterich von Euler-Donnersperg/ddbe54 | 2 | Ditterich von Euler-Donnersperg/min54 | 1 |
410de2ff-4e0b-4198-aabe-0ec29d675bf6 | Ditterich von Euler-Donnersperg/ddbe55 | 2 | Ditterich von Euler-Donnersperg/min55 | 1 |
0fb4066f-08a8-4fe6-9ffd-5fe5c627cc99 | Diux/comet | 2 | Falco/vienna calling | 1 |
cdb99b30-8dc4-429c-a173-729246cb6060 | Diva/balearic | 7 | Dewey Lambdin read by John Lee/part 212 | 1 |
4b52f2f8-02c0-47ea-8779-0697aff68a5b | Diva Surprise/on the top of the world [full vocal edit] | 2 | Diva Surprise feat. Georgia Jones/on top of the world | 1 |
9a34a31d-cc09-4492-a1a9-4856ea46412f | Dive/final report | 3 | Dive/reported | 1 |
7e0c0b8b-1143-4a85-ac64-af368263b728 | Dive/final report | 3 | Dive/reported | 1 |
64968a2b-7a40-4cf3-a952-779e3faa2b5e | Dive/final report | 3 | Dive/reported | 1 |
53049460-37c4-4b33-bcc5-de49c7a291fd | Dive/final report | 3 | Dive/reported | 1 |
3acef2f6-54e9-4568-ad22-83bcee0ddbc7 | Dive/final report | 3 | Dive/reported | 1 |
bda6b58c-04fe-4248-8807-0a50ec608647 | Divercia/transylvanian | 3 | Divercia/modus operandi | 1 |
d74f3ffe-5088-466d-94e7-aed5af931700 | Diverje/ v2 | 3 | Diverje/suffer this world | 1 |
d4637b20-7f27-4e70-82b4-a1b8d6ecfc56 | Diverse/copywrite | 13 | The Killers/enterlude | 1 |
d3bc119a-6f8f-4ab7-98ff-83a591659ff4 | Diverse/time | 8 | Diverse/blindman | 1 |
5e15b5b0-6a55-4179-be45-21494cf8a97b | Divide & Kreate/every christmas you fake | 3 | Little Anthony & the Imperials/the christmas song | 1 |
567df579-e047-4fe1-b29d-9014a4591baa | Divide & Kreate/sweet jacqueline | 3 | Divide & Kreate/waiting for my hash pipe | 1 |
d5b69302-4eb1-4e16-8029-087c233bbce5 | Divider/cold eyes | 5 | The Silicon Scientist/solitary dancer | 1 |
1bea47b4-0e3c-4433-a551-64af50dd1d08 | Divine/divine madness | 7 | Divine/alphabet rap | 1 |
4cffc78c-ba7f-4d6f-8f63-d2ab63f63931 | Divine/divine reprise | 7 | Divine/you think you’re a man | 1 |
0b1d63be-f41d-4c4a-9ac0-c5bf0190f235 | Divine/hey what! | 2 | Divine/hey you! | 1 |
b078298a-ffbb-4e1f-ac91-83d35f2e1129 | Divine/love reaction | 3 | The Divine Comedy/songs of love | 1 |
9ad5618f-b932-4f24-a00b-ad89b6914898 | Divine/native love | 38 | Dr. Lektroluv Vs Break 3000/discothèque | 1 |
2b45b452-8da3-4e92-9706-777353f3e21b | Divine/native love | 26 | Simple Minds/love songs | 1 |
05358271-7314-441f-8c68-860861becec7 | Divine/shake it up | 31 | Cissy Houston/think it over | 1 |
2ea42fb2-213d-45fd-a94d-6a345e310d48 | Divine/shout it out | 18 | Divine/kick your butt | 1 |
8b7705ac-3170-45ea-b30d-56c4e1b9c248 | Divine/t-shirts and tight blue jeans | 12 | Divine/shout it out | 1 |
901d9231-312a-4572-b02d-a34ef5f72566 | Divine Brown/lay it on the line | 2 | Michael Bublé/stuck in the middle with you | 1 |
e2e8a7a2-083b-418d-a65b-8de805921241 | Divine Eve/the last of the sunset faded | 3 | Divine Eve/as the angels weep | 1 |
2e7e505a-bf23-461e-986b-a509d9423113 | Divine Inspiration/the way | 2 | Lambda/hold on tight | 1 |
a3dc41dd-225e-44ec-9984-c0e41e134b11 | Divine Inspiration/the way | 2 | Ayn Rand/track 07 | 1 |
aa8e7276-def4-4022-a745-1d5de6243663 | Divine Works/ancient person of my heart | 46 | Corciolli/misterios | 1 |
cbfc7d6e-3259-417a-9d6f-98e116cefcbf | Diving for Pearls/gimme your good lovin' | 23 | Diving for Pearls/give me your good lovin' | 1 |
217038e2-9ed7-4bc2-a390-ae7279529f24 | Divini & Warning/4lb | 3 | “Weird Al” Yankovic/taco grande | 1 |
0ceae39b-a9d1-4a0d-b41c-a64e532b998c | Divinyls/back to the wall | 78 | AC/DC/big balls | 1 |
8fe7b3bb-ae95-48b7-bc85-62e39e3c5ace | Divinyls/back to the wall | 18 | AC/DC/big balls | 1 |
7d5bf863-072a-4c7f-ac38-f33060794a2e | Divinyls/i touch myself | 3 | Billy Idol/catch my fall | 1 |
b7a6dede-a1a5-4e7a-99f4-9cc9fc26898d | Division Germania/niederrhein tyrannen | 2 | [DARYL]/13 | 1 |
9753e814-7834-4203-b0f8-681f63f5ace0 | Division of Laura Lee/need to get some | 30 | Division of Laura Lee/trapped in | 1 |
02cb3ed9-fb3d-48f7-ae61-7e1e32a127a9 | Division of Laura Lee/stereotype | 3 | Division of Laura Lee/44 | 1 |
e5d591e3-314b-4a5e-8a0e-29a5ba65ed52 | Divit/dressing room | 23 | Manic Hispanic/i want to be a cholo | 1 |
0ccf4d68-aecd-442a-aaec-5353552a0326 | Divna Ljubojevic/stichères de pâques, psaume 67 - 1-3, psaume 117 - 24 | 3 | [anonymous]/Стихиры Пасхи | 1 |
9d875761-58eb-4d51-98d6-930fb5e6218f | Divna Ljubojevic/vous tous qui avez été baptisés dans le christ | 3 | [anonymous]/«Елицы во Христа крестистеся» | 1 |
6107ad30-59c6-4a69-9807-769889e992c5 | Divna Ljubojevic & Chœur Melodi/hymne des chérubins | 3 | [anonymous]/Херувимская песнь | 1 |
fc320c92-0e52-48fd-bf11-937d0d98c4cd | Divokej Bill/bohužel | 5 | Connirae Andreas, PH.D./track 8 | 1 |
71349c42-e8e3-411e-bcc5-d31532d5168f | Divokej Bill/brouk | 6 | Stephen King/track 1 | 1 |
2a468b7b-7990-4b08-b0ad-9706344a643e | Divokej Bill/kladivo | 6 | Ra Uru Hu/track 3 | 1 |
9e2f145e-aa00-4dbb-9906-73937421d1e3 | Divokej Bill/průvod | 6 | BBC Languages/time to reflect | 1 |
c72dd123-3b4d-4388-9d6e-942860ff9565 | Divokej Bill/sudička | 5 | Mark Halperin and John F. Harris/track 4 | 1 |
fb56a3cd-c691-4447-b075-0dc37ad0022c | Divokej Bill/Žoldák | 5 | Michel Thomas/track 5 | 1 |
7e71d7cf-955d-4cde-be2e-478d0de8d704 | Dix Bruce/beaumont rag | 4 | Dix Bruce/fishin' | 1 |
868e9ae9-8d5b-4f79-8271-dfd820365c13 | Dix Bruce/fishin' | 3 | Dix Bruce/sally goodin | 1 |
3370f469-ff2f-4d72-95d4-78f6ffd979f5 | Dix Bruce/sim yonder | 3 | Dix Bruce/down yonder | 1 |
283686c1-539f-4d3f-b595-7f644d838356 | Dixie Chicks/ain't no thang but a chickin' wang | 3 | Dixie Chicks/goodbye earl | 1 |
07f73570-61cb-46ac-961a-b9fe923c9aad | Dixie Chicks/i believe in love | 7 | Dixie Chicks/landslide | 1 |
cda85ce2-cac0-4d9d-884d-0190844e081d | Dixie Chicks/landslide | 254 | Mean Poppa Lean/sheryl crow | 1 |
44da85b2-e0dd-4af4-b2fb-1916c5219fa8 | Dixie Chicks/landslide | 50 | Dixie Chicks/godspeed | 1 |
e22bdfcf-ca4a-4920-b290-6084eb1aa29d | Dixie Chicks/long time gone | 2 | Dixie Chicks with Stevie Nicks/landslide | 1 |
b67d0e9c-9ed1-4f75-af6e-5152a979ab99 | Dixie Chicks/not ready to make nice | 715 | Christina Aguilera/ain't no other man | 1 |
37ed994a-9b98-4edf-a7c2-ce2205054094 | Dixie Chicks/sometimes | 5 | I Am Snow Angel/you were mine | 1 |
a9b09388-47d0-4803-bfce-b1cf039326a5 | Dixie Chicks/tortured, tangled hearts | 2 | Dixie Chicks/a home | 1 |
aa4c694b-7371-4847-afbc-e783eb7ccd06 | Dixie Chicks/without you | 4 | Hilary Duff/album version | 1 |
34b542b6-0928-42f6-8165-b6e1b74efa66 | Dixie Chicks/without you | 970 | Slade/coz i love you | 1 |
da10a809-8879-41ac-a4c1-a3610931b9a7 | Dixie Chicks/you can’t hurry love | 99 | U2/with or without you | 1 |
edb69238-b7d4-4a3a-8118-f38f95557a36 | Dixieland Jazz Group of NBC’s Chamber Music Society of Lower Basin Street/beale street blues | 4 | Lena Horne/i ain’t got nothin’ but the blues | 1 |
0388bb75-b2a4-4385-a003-bf5b60ac1701 | Dixieland Jazz Group of NBC’s Chamber Music Society of Lower Basin Street/careless love | 4 | Lena Horne/what is this thing called love? | 1 |
534941f2-b7c8-495f-8ab8-6ab5b5a78e45 | Dixieland Jazz Group of NBC’s Chamber Music Society of Lower Basin Street/haunted town | 4 | Lena Horne/someone to watch over me | 1 |
97f72bca-e301-4f41-83fc-2a6d25029505 | Dixieland Jug Blowers/when i stopped running i was at home | 13 | Frank Hutchison/lightning express | 1 |
150d9c3a-f386-4de4-9197-d3c832c754c6 | Dizmas/save the day | 3 | Dizmas/yours | 1 |
18673ab8-11fe-4a8d-bda7-39c625dc850c | Dizmas/shake it off | 4 | Dizmas/worth fighting for | 1 |
2c362434-26d1-4f42-bd93-fa25f6480fb1 | Dizmas/this is a warning | 4 | Dizmas/play it safe | 1 |
4c469165-bfdc-46d8-abb9-eea304e858f8 | Dizmas/worth fighting for | 3 | Dizmas/shake it off | 1 |
657055f1-cd52-4cb4-b64a-62e45a550dcd | Dizmas/yours | 5 | Dizmas/this is a warning | 1 |
0c38c379-f363-4f29-87d3-b8ce89097499 | Dizzee Rascal/bonkers | 49 | Robin Hobb read by Paul Boehmer/part 45 | 1 |
45b52ac2-b1b7-480d-a698-25238295700e | Dizzee Rascal/bonkers | 70 | The Human League/don't you want me | 1 |
98cf3586-0eb0-469d-b06b-4fcade5fc5f0 | Dizzee Rascal/dirtee disco | 3 | Leon/cause i love you | 1 |
7e5b8ec3-7735-4696-9a6d-5517c3b0debf | Dizzee Rascal/fix up | 160 | Raekwon & Ghostface/cutting it up | 1 |
dbaba009-3e1d-4196-942f-e9d909931901 | Dizzee Rascal/flex | 43 | AC/DC/big balls | 1 |
89fec503-741b-4e3a-ae1b-c73e1ba0e2c1 | Dizzee Rascal/holiday | 491 | AC/DC/big balls | 1 |
ba3c172a-1d24-4b65-83a2-9ef451e67bec | Dizzee Rascal/holiday | 14 | Dizzee Rascal/live large 'n' in charge | 1 |
e5862d96-f046-47c7-be14-45fffa0b3b47 | Dizzee Rascal/holiday | 6 | Dizzee Rascal/pussyole | 1 |
a6dfefd2-4cf4-45b2-a13c-398300d56be0 | Dizzee Rascal/old skool | 20 | Dizzee Rascal/pussyole | 1 |
091c19f3-d421-47c6-80ad-71bd8561ab85 | Dizzee Rascal & Armand van Helden/bonkers | 9 | Sam Smith/stay with me | 1 |
841821e6-717e-4558-98b4-579a8c7dec17 | Dizzee Rascal & Armand van Helden/bonkers | 135 | AC/DC/big balls | 1 |
853cfee5-c0f6-47d8-8709-b9a9f882518f | Dizzee Rascal & Armand van Helden/bonkers | 2 | Goldie featuring KRS One/digital | 1 |
182a8793-6bea-4f7a-931d-84f64eaf2816 | Dizzee Rascal feat. Calvin Harris/dance wiv me | 6 | AC/DC/big balls | 1 |
87821307-decd-4fea-9909-6e5ac9dcb520 | Dizzee Rascal feat. Calvin Harris & Chrome/dance wiv me | 3 | JTJ feat. Sacha/no means no | 1 |
1d6d212a-3c87-4114-8fce-d30caa8fcfcd | Dizzee Rascal feat. Calvin Harris & Chrome/dance wiv me | 4 | Agnes/release me | 1 |
576a873f-e691-4070-92aa-0afc2978f61c | Dizzee Rascal feat. Jessie J/we don’t play around | 6 | Gore Tech/hammers of blasphemy | 1 |
135c1bde-4592-4798-a838-9e9078bdd7cd | Dizzee Rascal feat. really bad | 2 | [soundtrack]/ministry | 1 |
9d075b81-3ae9-401f-8edf-4bbe594b186d | Dizzie Tunes/et bitte lite miniskjørt | 2 | Dizzie Tunes/i et bittelite miniskjørt | 1 |
5e8fe439-4de7-493c-ba8d-176f9574681b | Dizzy Gillespie/3 hearts in a tangle | 10 | Dizzy Gillespie & Sarah Vaughan/study in soulphony | 1 |
53dd0da6-2066-4250-b5e7-472d38a61465 | Dizzy Gillespie/all these things you are | 12 | Dizzy Gillespie Sextet/all the things you are | 1 |
e0e866d0-dbda-4bd4-a3d5-e6de68595715 | Dizzy Gillespie/and then she stopped | 14 | Dizzy Gillespie/and she stopped | 1 |
804cda26-651f-4021-abe6-152ab039310c | Dizzy Gillespie/azure blue | 12 | Dizzy Gillespie/casabah melon | 1 |
3372dcf4-7356-4604-a3fa-b183a4b53d1e | Dizzy Gillespie/ballad medley: on the alamo / stompin' at the savoy / this time the dream's on me / time after time | 3 | Dizzy Gillespie/on the alamo / stompin' at the savoy / this time the dream's on me / time after time / gone with the wind | 1 |
608f1a27-d65d-4a2d-87f3-62e91ad3ca60 | Dizzy Gillespie/birk's works | 4 | Dizzy Gillespie Sextet/schooldays | 1 |
0267f1af-abeb-4087-b987-9123dc5e7134 | Dizzy Gillespie/bluest blues | 2 | Dizzy Gillespie/the bluest blue | 1 |
d9fab2fd-8c61-4eba-b6e7-af7efb019f44 | Dizzy Gillespie/caravan | 9 | Kenny Clarke, Horace Silver, Julian “Cannonball” Adderley & Paul Chambers/willow weep for me | 1 |
aef2515b-6570-4822-8fc2-fe857627fd72 | Dizzy Gillespie/casabah melon | 4 | Dizzy Gillespie/azure blue | 1 |
45372d5a-db80-40bf-805f-63710955d239 | Dizzy Gillespie/confessin' | 4 | Dizzy Gillespie Quintet/pops’ confessin’ | 1 |
1757b69c-b04c-4310-a8d4-7720e6f22b51 | Dizzy Gillespie/confirmation | 3 | Charlie Parker/how deep is the ocean? | 1 |
ddb24eff-8a70-48ff-87b9-e47583069855 | Dizzy Gillespie/desafinado | 13 | Keiko Lee/night and day | 1 |
3604c8b2-a1b8-419c-920d-ebc174cb1083 | Dizzy Gillespie/diggin' for diz | 3 | Charlie Parker/dark shadows | 1 |
3e4a8e8c-2e1a-42e4-8a20-e82a23dd567c | Dizzy Gillespie/dynamo a | 3 | Charlie Parker/drifting on a reed | 1 |
da5a2f26-d6cb-49e7-8362-b13b3849eb3b | Dizzy Gillespie/intro | 2 | Dizzy Gillespie Sextet/tin tin deo | 1 |
e6bf4f35-d9ff-4877-a52b-11824f522f90 | Dizzy Gillespie/jazz heritage boogie | 8 | Ry Cooder/smack dab in the middle | 1 |
4c0ea2b7-a039-4f37-a314-1c21ab532239 | Dizzy Gillespie/just a closer walk with thee | 8 | Ry Cooder/jesus on the mainline | 1 |
0393b44d-09b2-44a2-ad0b-b45c7ad7b780 | Dizzy Gillespie/kathy's blues | 8 | Ry Cooder/the dark end of the street | 1 |
ba4634cc-161e-4b0f-8a5e-5c6bf38026b8 | Dizzy Gillespie/on the alamo / stompin' at the savoy / this time the dream's on me / time after time / gone with the wind | 14 | Wynton Kelly/ballad medley 2 | 1 |
b8a9e56b-f729-4513-afb9-0b6c607cf948 | Dizzy Gillespie/ooh, ooh, my, ooh, ooh | 2 | James "Trummie" Young's All Stars/ooh, ooh, my, my, ooh, ooh | 1 |
d7ef9004-d867-424f-a8cf-181637bce958 | Dizzy Gillespie/our delight | 3 | Dizzy Gillespie/ray's idea | 1 |
ca1f924c-84da-4e5f-9f99-e96fa9bd0e33 | Dizzy Gillespie/rhumbop concerto | 2 | Dizzy Gillespie/study in soulphony | 1 |
978f4c98-36fb-46e3-96f1-157f2432b767 | Dizzy Gillespie/soul mama | 12 | Dizzy Gillespie/clabber biscuits | 1 |
fc33ce0f-0c03-470f-98e6-45c8040c6a8f | Dizzy Gillespie/soul time | 15 | Bobby Hutcherson/whisper not | 1 |
9dcaed59-9116-4762-9bbc-c598de83f2c9 | Dizzy Gillespie/stomped and wasted | 5 | Dizzy Gillespie/getting down | 1 |
b4731f11-43ab-4a33-bdde-05b53900cf3b | Dizzy Gillespie/the umbrella man | 6 | Dizzy Gillespie/umbrella man dizzy gillespie | 1 |
2a15ec10-b250-41dd-bf8e-fb908b9622c2 | Dizzy Gillespie/this bitter earth | 8 | Ry Cooder/viva seguin / do re mi | 1 |
91e59c17-1cf9-44ed-8cd0-16867909e9dc | Dizzy Gillespie/time after time | 8 | Ry Cooder/volver, volver | 1 |
1127a01d-adf7-41a1-9272-f002e0bd05cb | Dizzy Gillespie & His All Stars/all the things you are | 14 | Dizzy Gillespie Sextet/oh! lady be good | 1 |
153a8e8b-4346-466f-9d4f-9db2f784a787 | Dizzy Gillespie & His Orchestra/round about midnight | 7 | Dizzy Gillespie and His Orchestra/round midnight | 1 |
b31d8c5c-3999-4f35-ae23-e85c4414f706 | Dizzy Gillespie & The Double Six of Paris/hot house | 17 | Bobby McFerrin/circlesong six | 1 |
9385c43d-5338-4482-9fa1-fbd36a176202 | Dizzy Gillespie & The Double Six of Paris/tin tin deo | 17 | Bobby McFerrin/circlesong four | 1 |
cb2a8d5b-de6d-4154-95b5-56b2b83c798f | Dizzy Gillespie Featuring Charlie Parker/all the things you are | 3 | Dizzy Gillespie/diggin' for diz | 1 |
131059cb-82bb-40c9-bfad-627d23971992 | Dizzy Gillespie and His Orchestra/woody'n you | 2 | Dizzy Gillespie and His Orchestra/algo bueno | 1 |
c44c9300-d517-477f-af33-4a28a0ca1b49 | Dj Saï Saï/kissing you kiz | 2 | Lindsey Stirling/crystallize | 1 |
45af5792-37ca-4ac9-9ab2-0ddd995a980c | Dj Trix/i like you | 3 | Kylie Minogue/i believe in you | 1 |
ebd5eec6-852a-443f-9b24-4ed57bb8292f | Dj technorch/watashi | 13 | DJ TECHNORCH/私 ~herre i am~ | 1 |
2a980f94-f21c-411b-8ca1-16c27b6024fa | Djaimin/give you '91 | 2 | River Ocean feat. India/love and happiness | 1 |
4ba010f2-6eb4-4ac1-b623-2372777feb31 | Djamel Benyelles/she left home | 34 | Pete Vicary/shimmy to the left | 1 |
0f35e9f8-15cb-4fb6-9264-28cb5eb726d7 | Django Reinhardt/anniversary song | 2 | Django Reinhardt/september song | 1 |
81f4a9b0-4fd6-4838-accc-f6e87ad06d5d | Django Reinhardt/belleville | 3 | Django Reinhardt/les yeux noirs | 1 |
f435e79b-c82a-471b-890a-ffe778d46aa0 | Django Reinhardt/belleville | 7 | Django Reinhardt/mabel | 1 |
e6d319be-949d-490c-a759-0ec76979fc0c | Django Reinhardt/blues clair | 5 | Django Reinhardt/gypsy with a song | 1 |
33bc42dd-5459-4021-b6ac-7300b3cd99c9 | Django Reinhardt/blues primitif | 2 | Django Reinhardt/gypsy with a song, part 2 | 1 |
7d59a980-44a6-4aa8-9250-fc4a336ffc5e | Django Reinhardt/boogie woogie, part 2 | 12 | Django Reinhardt/boogie-woogie | 1 |
b5fc060e-d813-4869-b622-57f6c6668e2e | Django Reinhardt/chasing shadows | 2 | Django Reinhardt/swing guitars | 1 |
8a39264b-1fa4-40b1-83c5-f9f933a8a7ea | Django Reinhardt/chicago | 40 | Quintette du Hot Club de France/minor swing | 1 |
ae884084-f1c5-449b-8bfa-7b707750ef6c | Django Reinhardt/de nulle part | 8 | Django Reinhardt/out of nowhere | 1 |
1cf4a7ad-f51d-4098-8d09-be060716e791 | Django Reinhardt/dinette | 8 | Django Reinhardt/swing 41 | 1 |
57f3f46b-08e3-43df-a983-7c546fbb875f | Django Reinhardt/distraction | 3 | Django Reinhardt & Ivon de Bie/studio 24 | 1 |
9a762b7f-d075-4b49-99e7-58246dc4d24f | Django Reinhardt/douce ambiance | 22 | Django Reinhardt/echoes of france | 1 |
1739a344-bec0-4c2e-9f25-fb483b1ff9c0 | Django Reinhardt/exactly like you | 3 | Django Reinhardt, Fud Candrix et son orchestre/abc | 1 |
a4bd61ca-2121-4dcd-852c-4df8b27a940d | Django Reinhardt/folie a amphion | 2 | Django Reinhardt/stop | 1 |
d18b5dcf-022e-4813-adbb-02d6d4bebd3f | Django Reinhardt/from you | 2 | Django Reinhardt/minor swing | 1 |
be971b50-63d8-4c95-ba0d-c84d18100926 | Django Reinhardt/gotta date in louisiana | 2 | Django Reinhardt/improvisation | 1 |
2078197d-bdb2-4723-9045-aef48b410fb1 | Django Reinhardt/h.c.q. strut | 64 | Django Reinhardt/shine | 1 |
b7058c85-0433-435c-9612-6bc70febc265 | Django Reinhardt/honeysuckle rose | 3 | Quintette du Hot Club de France/you’re driving me crazy | 1 |
467a3088-40b3-427f-aefb-b15f0e69a656 | Django Reinhardt/honeysuckle rose | 87 | Django Reinhardt/sweet georgia brown | 1 |
4adc6cc3-57b9-42ec-8c2a-84b308f9c149 | Django Reinhardt/how high the moon | 9 | Django Reinhardt/oh, lady be good | 1 |
0da7110a-d5a1-413d-801d-7b437d5bb3ff | Django Reinhardt/i can't give you anything but love | 12 | Django Reinhardt/baby | 1 |
ddd680cd-f767-4abc-b5aa-1d7d90ef5777 | Django Reinhardt/i got rhythmn | 2 | Django Reinhardt/improvisation | 1 |
d7ceaf27-1553-4d1e-a461-fa219c9c93a4 | Django Reinhardt/i'll never smile again | 2 | Django Reinhardt/django's blues | 1 |