Complete Albums constructed from Acoustid data that do not have a corresponding album in MusicBrainz

Popular artists with more than 100 releases

Report created based on data in Acoustid as of 14/01/2024

Found 121443 acoustid albums that do not have a corresponding match in MusicBrainz 500 Acoustid Albums per page.

The report is not continually updated so may not reflect the current data within Acoustid databases.

This shows complete albums constructed from the metadata submitted to Acoustid, but only the majority of the Acoustids are not already linked to MusicBrainz recordings. We filter to only show albums that we have all the tracks for and that have real metadata, and only include albums where we can find a case insensitive match between the album artist and a MusicBrainz artist, to simplify things and filter out some nonsense data. Limitations:Acoustid Data is not of high enough quality to properly handle multi releases and some releases may be listed multiple times due to slight differences in metadata. Acoustid only provides basic metadata, at best this is Album Artist, Album, Track No, Track Title, Track Artist, Year of release, Track Duration (taken directly from linked fingerprint(s)). The data is good for identifying albums by smaller artists, and rare bootleg/live albums by well known artists


Artists on this page

Bibi Blocksberg (48)Big Bill Broonzy (1)Bill Anderson (1)Bill Evans (3)
Import ReleaseAlbum ArtistView in AlbunackAlbumTrack TotalTracks with MB MatchYearTracks
Bibi BlocksbergView in Albunack015 Die schwarzen Vier80
Bibi BlocksbergView in Albunack02 - Hexerei in der Schule100
Bibi BlocksbergView in Albunack09-Bibi Blocksberg verliebt sich80
Bibi BlocksbergView in Albunack090 - Oma Grete sorgt für Wirbel90
Bibi BlocksbergView in Albunack2 - Hexerei in der Schule100
Bibi BlocksbergView in Albunack29 - Der neue Hexenbesen90
Bibi BlocksbergView in Albunack32_Als Prinzessin80
Bibi BlocksbergView in Albunack43 - Der Reiterhof, Teil180
Bibi BlocksbergView in Albunack60 Der Geisterkater100
Bibi BlocksbergView in AlbunackAuf dem Hexenberg80
Bibi BlocksbergView in AlbunackAuf der Märcheninsel70
Bibi BlocksbergView in AlbunackBB [17] Der kleine Hexer80
Bibi BlocksbergView in AlbunackBibi Blocksberg - Das Versteck am See90
Bibi BlocksbergView in AlbunackBibi Blocksberg - Folge 103 - Der Hexenschatz60
Bibi BlocksbergView in AlbunackBibi Blocksberg 105: Die Hexenküche80
Bibi BlocksbergView in AlbunackBibi Blocksberg 11: Der Schulausflug80
Bibi BlocksbergView in AlbunackBibi Blocksberg 13: Ein verhexter Sonntag70
Bibi BlocksbergView in AlbunackBibi Blocksberg 55: Mamis Geburtstag110
Bibi BlocksbergView in AlbunackBibi Blocksberg 94: Die verhexte Zeitreise80
Bibi BlocksbergView in AlbunackBibi Blocksberg 97: Überraschung für Mami80
Bibi BlocksbergView in AlbunackBibi Blocksberg hat Geburtstag80
Bibi BlocksbergView in AlbunackBibi Blocksberg heilt den Bürgermeister90
Bibi BlocksbergView in AlbunackBibi Blocksberg ist krank 4880
Bibi BlocksbergView in AlbunackDas geheimnisvolle Schloss90
Bibi BlocksbergView in AlbunackDer Hexenball90
Bibi BlocksbergView in AlbunackDie Besenflugpruefung130
Bibi BlocksbergView in AlbunackDie Hexenküche80
Bibi BlocksbergView in AlbunackDie Junghexenbande90
Bibi BlocksbergView in AlbunackDie Schlossgespenster100
Bibi BlocksbergView in AlbunackDie Wahrsagerin100
Bibi BlocksbergView in AlbunackDie verhexte Zeitreise100
Bibi BlocksbergView in AlbunackDie weißen Enten (036)80
Bibi BlocksbergView in AlbunackEin verhexter Urlaub111
Bibi BlocksbergView in AlbunackFolge 11 - Der Schulausflug80
Bibi BlocksbergView in AlbunackFolge 117 - Die Besenflugprüfung130
Bibi BlocksbergView in AlbunackFolge 14 - in Amerika90
Bibi BlocksbergView in AlbunackFolge 18 - Auf dem Hexenberg80
Bibi BlocksbergView in AlbunackFolge 47: Das Reitturnier70
Bibi BlocksbergView in AlbunackFolge 51: Bibi Blocksberg Wird Entführt100
Bibi BlocksbergView in AlbunackMamis Geburtstag110
Bibi BlocksbergView in AlbunackOhne Mami geht es nicht90
Bibi BlocksbergView in AlbunackPiraten Lilly90
Bibi BlocksbergView in AlbunackUrlaub in der Hexenpension140
Bibi BlocksbergView in AlbunackVerhexte Weihnachten 69100
Bibi BlocksbergView in AlbunackVol.015 - Die Schwarzen Vier80
Bibi BlocksbergView in AlbunackVol.016 - Das Schulfest80
Bibi BlocksbergView in AlbunackVol.094 - Die verhexte Zeitreise100
Bibi BlocksbergView in Albunackund die kleine Elfe - Folge 110 - by Videomann133
Big Bill BroonzyView in AlbunackBig Bill Broonzy - Terkel60
Search Bill AndersonThe Way I Feel100
Search Bill EvansBill Evans Plays the Theme from ?The VIPs"122
Search Bill EvansBill Evans at the Montreux Jazz Festival100