The report is not continually updated so may not reflect the current data within Acoustid databases.
This shows complete albums constructed from the metadata submitted to Acoustid, but only the majority of the Acoustids are not already linked to MusicBrainz recordings. We filter to only show albums that we have all the tracks for and that have real metadata, and only include albums where we can find a case insensitive match between the album artist and a MusicBrainz artist, to simplify things and filter out some nonsense data. Limitations:Acoustid Data is not of high enough quality to properly handle multi releases and some releases may be listed multiple times due to slight differences in metadata. Acoustid only provides basic metadata, at best this is Album Artist, Album, Track No, Track Title, Track Artist, Year of release, Track Duration (taken directly from linked fingerprint(s)). The data is good for identifying albums by smaller artists, and rare bootleg/live albums by well known artists
Wiener Philharmoniker View in Albunack Neujahrskonzerte Die gesamten Werke 23 13 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wiener Philharmoniker Deutsche Grüße (Josef Strauss) 09:15 2 Wiener Philharmoniker Luft und durftig (Eduard Strauss) 02:09 3 Wiener Philharmoniker Telegramme (Johann Strauss) 09:35 4 Wiener Philharmoniker Aurora Polka (Johann Strauss) 03:10 5 Wiener Philharmoniker Gedankenflug (Johann Strauss) 10:06 6 Wiener Philharmoniker Buchstaben-Polka (Josef Strauss) 03:50 7 Wiener Philharmoniker Tag und Nacht (Josef Strauss) 02:20 8 Wiener Philharmoniker O schöner Mai! (Johann Strauss) 08:39 9 Wiener Philharmoniker Louischen (Johann Strauss) 03:47 10 Wiener Philharmoniker Neu Wien (Johann Strauss) 08:52 11 Wiener Philharmoniker Lustlager-Polka (Josef Strauss) 03:04 12 Wiener Philharmoniker Verliebte Augen (Josef Strauss) 03:34 13 Wiener Philharmoniker Der lustige Krieg Ouvertüre (Johann Strauss) 05:36
Wiener Philharmoniker View in Albunack Seiji Ozawa The Philips Years 24 3 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wiener Philharmoniker Wiener-Philharmoniker-Fanfare for Brass and Timpani, WoO 109 02:35 2 Wiener Philharmoniker Eine Alpensinfonie, op.64 - Nacht (Night) 03:19 Has Mbid 3 Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov Scheherazade, op. 35: The Young Prince and the Young Princess 09:22 Has Mbid 4 Antonín Dvořák Symphony no. 9 in E minor, op. 95 “From the New World”: IV. Allegro con fuoco 12:01 Has Mbid 5 Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov Russian Easter, op. 36 14:58 6 Wiener Philharmoniker Eine Alpensinfonie, op.64 - Wanderung neben dem Bache (Wandering by the Brook) 00:43 7 Wiener Philharmoniker Eine Alpensinfonie, op.64 - Am Wasserfall (At the Waterfall) 00:15 8 Wiener Philharmoniker Eine Alpensinfonie, op.64 - Erscheinung (Apparition) 00:46 9 Wiener Philharmoniker Eine Alpensinfonie, op.64 - Auf blumingen Wiesen (On Flowering Meadows) 00:56 10 Wiener Philharmoniker Eine Alpensinfonie, op.64 - Auf der Alm (On Alpine Pasture) 02:04 11 Wiener Philharmoniker Eine Alpensinfonie, op.64 - Durch Dickicht und Gestrupp auf Irrwegen (Lost in Thicket and Undergrowth) 01:26 12 Wiener Philharmoniker Eine Alpensinfonie, op.64 - Auf dem Gletscher (On the Glacier) 01:02 13 Wiener Philharmoniker Eine Alpensinfonie, op.64 - Gefahrvolle Augenblicke (Dangerous Moments) 01:24 14 Wiener Philharmoniker Eine Alpensinfonie, op.64 - Auf dem Gipfel (On the Summit) 04:49 15 Wiener Philharmoniker Eine Alpensinfonie, op.64 - Vision 03:29 16 Wiener Philharmoniker Eine Alpensinfonie, op.64 - Nebel steigen auf (Mists rise) 00:20 17 Wiener Philharmoniker Eine Alpensinfonie, op.64 - Die Sonne verdustert sich allmahlich (The Sun in gradually obscured) 00:54 18 Wiener Philharmoniker Eine Alpensinfonie, op.64 - Elegie (Elegy) 02:20 19 Wiener Philharmoniker Eine Alpensinfonie, op.64 - Stille vor dem Sturm (Calm before the Storm) 02:51 20 Wiener Philharmoniker Eine Alpensinfonie, op.64 - Gewitter und Sturm, Abstieg (Thunder and Tempest, Descent) 03:50 21 Wiener Philharmoniker Eine Alpensinfonie, op.64 - Sonnenuntergang (Sunset) 02:48 22 Wiener Philharmoniker Eine Alpensinfonie, op.64 - Ausklang (Fading Tones) 05:58 23 Wiener Philharmoniker Eine Alpensinfonie, op.64 - Nacht (Night) 02:33 24 Wiener Philharmoniker Solemn Entry of the Knights of St. John for Timpani and Brass, WoO 103 06:08
Wiener Philharmoniker View in Albunack Sommernachts Konzert 2016 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wiener Philharmoniker 音轨01 03:53 2 Wiener Philharmoniker 音轨02 05:21 3 Wiener Philharmoniker 音轨03 07:29 4 Wiener Philharmoniker 音轨04 05:07 5 Wiener Philharmoniker 音轨05 06:24 6 Wiener Philharmoniker 音轨06 02:19 7 Wiener Philharmoniker 音轨07 05:56 8 Wiener Philharmoniker 音轨08 07:11 9 Wiener Philharmoniker 音轨09 04:03 10 Wiener Philharmoniker 音轨10 15:59 11 Wiener Philharmoniker 音轨11 02:42 12 Wiener Philharmoniker 音轨12 09:57
Wiener Philharmoniker View in Albunack Sommernachts Konzert 2017 14 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wiener Philharmoniker 音轨01 09:54 2 Wiener Philharmoniker 音轨02 05:10 3 Wiener Philharmoniker 音轨03 07:09 4 Wiener Philharmoniker 音轨04 06:43 5 Wiener Philharmoniker 音轨05 05:23 6 Wiener Philharmoniker 音轨06 02:33 7 Wiener Philharmoniker 音轨07 05:38 8 Wiener Philharmoniker 音轨08 02:29 9 Wiener Philharmoniker 音轨09 08:50 10 Wiener Philharmoniker 音轨10 05:25 11 Wiener Philharmoniker 音轨11 04:48 12 Wiener Philharmoniker 音轨12 03:33 13 Wiener Philharmoniker 音轨13 03:46 14 Wiener Philharmoniker 音轨14 04:23
Wiener Philharmoniker View in Albunack Sommernachtskonzert 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wiener Philharmoniker Candide Overture 05:02 2 Wiener Philharmoniker Jubilee Waltz 08:00 3 Wiener Philharmoniker Rhapsody in Blue 17:48 4 Wiener Philharmoniker Casablanca Suite 08:40 5 Wiener Philharmoniker The Stars and Stripes Forever 03:43 6 Wiener Philharmoniker Adagio for Strings 08:59 7 Wiener Philharmoniker Sternenbanner-Marsch 03:30 8 Wiener Philharmoniker Symphony no. 9 in E Minor "From the New World" 12:05 9 Wiener Philharmoniker Hoe-Down 04:06
Wiener Philharmoniker View in Albunack Sommernachtskonzert 2008 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wiener Philharmoniker Wiener Blut - Johann Strauss Sohn 10:01 2 Wiener Philharmoniker Rosenkavalier Suite - Richard Strauss 26:13 3 Wiener Philharmoniker Spanischer Marsch - Johann Strauss Sohn 05:28 4 Wiener Philharmoniker España - Emanuel Chabrier 07:37 5 Wiener Philharmoniker Barcarole aus "Hoffmanns Erzählungen" - Jacques Offenbach 05:10 6 Wiener Philharmoniker La Valse - Maurivce Ravel 14:39
Wiener Philharmoniker View in Albunack Sommernachtskonzert 2009 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wiener Philharmoniker&Barenboim W. A.Mozart: Serenade in G-Dur, KV 525 Eine kleine Nachtmusik 1 05:36 2 Wiener Philharmoniker&Barenboim W. A.Mozart: Serenade in G-Dur, KV 525 Eine kleine Nachtmusik 2 05:38 3 Wiener Philharmoniker&Barenboim W. A.Mozart: Serenade in G-Dur, KV 525 Eine kleine Nachtmusik 3 02:10 4 Wiener Philharmoniker&Barenboim W. A.Mozart: Serenade in G-Dur, KV 525 Eine kleine Nachtmusik 4 03:24 5 Wiener Philharmoniker&Barenboim Manuel de Falla: Nächte in spanischen Gärten 1 10:30 6 Wiener Philharmoniker&Barenboim Manuel de Falla: Nächte in spanischen Gärten 2 05:13 7 Wiener Philharmoniker&Barenboim Manuel de Falla: Nächte in spanischen Gärten 3 09:10 8 Wiener Philharmoniker&Barenboim Modest Mussorgsky: Eine Nacht auf dem kahlen Berge 13:15 9 Wiener Philharmoniker&Barenboim Johann Strauss: Tausend und eine Nacht, Walzer, op 346 09:49 10 Wiener Philharmoniker&Barenboim Josef Strauss: Im Fluge, Polka schnell, op. 230 02:13 11 Wiener Philharmoniker&Barenboim Mariano Mores: El Firulete (Die Arabeske), Tango 03:37 12 Wiener Philharmoniker&Barenboim Johann Strauss: Wiener Blut, Walzer, op. 354 09:21
Wiener Philharmoniker View in Albunack Sommernachtskonzert 2012 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wiener Philharmoniker Tchaikovsky Eugene Onegin, Op. 24, Act III: Polonaise 04:51 2 Wiener Philharmoniker Mussorgsky Khovanshchina, Act IV: Dance of the Persian Slaves 07:05 3 Wiener Philharmoniker Borodin Prince Igor: Polovtsian Dances 12:18 4 Wiener Philharmoniker Debussy La mer - No. 1.De l'aube a midi sur la mer 09:20 5 Wiener Philharmoniker Debussy La mer - No. 2.Jeux de vagues 07:03 6 Wiener Philharmoniker Debussy La mer - No. 3.Dialogue du vent et de la mer 08:29 7 Wiener Philharmoniker Richard Strauss Salomes Tanz, TrV 215a, "Dance of the Seven Veils" 10:13 8 Wiener Philharmoniker Amilcare Ponchielli La Gioconda, Act III: Dance of the Hours 09:57 9 Wiener Philharmoniker Jeronimo Gimenez La boda de Luis Alonso, o La noche del encierro: Intermezzo 05:54
Wiener Philharmoniker View in Albunack Sommernachtskonzert 2014 %2F Summer Night Concert 2014 6 0 1844 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Hector Berlioz Le carnaval romain (Roman Carnival Overture), ouverture catactéristique for orchestra, H.95 (Op. 9) 08:57 2 Franz Liszt Mazeppa, symphonic poem for orchestra, S. 100 (LW G7) 15:26 3 Richard Strauss Burleske for piano & orchestra (or 2 pianos) in D minor, o.Op. 85 (TrV 145, AV 85) 22:23 4 Hector Berlioz Overture to "Benvenuto Cellini" (Grande Ouverture de Benvenuto Cellini) for orchestra, H. 76b (Op. 23) 10:50 5 Richard Strauss Till Eulenspiegels lustige Streiche (Till Eulenspiegel's Merry Pranks), tone poem for orchestra, Op. 28 (TrV 171) 16:02 6 Johann Strauss II Furioso-Polka, polka quasi galop for orchestra, Op. 260 (RV 260) 02:39
Wiener Philharmoniker View in Albunack Sommernachtskonzert 2017 14 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wiener Philharmoniker Dvořák: Carnival Overture, Op. 92 09:54 2 Wiener Philharmoniker Dvořák: Armida - Za Stihlou Gazelou 05:10 3 Wiener Philharmoniker Dvořák: Rousalka - Mesicku Na Nebi Hlubokem (Song To The Moon) 07:09 4 Wiener Philharmoniker Tchaikovsky: Sleeping Beauty Suite - 2. Adagio, Pas D'Action 06:43 5 Wiener Philharmoniker Tchaikovsky: Sleeping Beauty Suite - 5. Valse 05:23 6 Wiener Philharmoniker Rachmaninov: 12 Romances, Op. 21 - 3. Sumerki (Twilight) 02:33 7 Wiener Philharmoniker Rachmaninov: 6 Romances, Op. 4 - 4. Ne Poy, Krasavitsa, Pri Mne! 05:38 8 Wiener Philharmoniker Rachmaninov: 12 Romances, Op. 14 - 11. Vesenniye Vody 02:29 9 Wiener Philharmoniker Humperdinck: Hänsel Und Gretel - Prelude 08:50 10 Wiener Philharmoniker Williams: Harry Potter & The Philosopher's Stone - Hedwig's Theme 05:25 11 Wiener Philharmoniker Stravinsky: The Firebird Suite - 5. Danse Infernale Du Roi Kachtcheï 04:48 12 Wiener Philharmoniker Stravinsky: The Firebird Suite - 6. Berceuse 03:33 13 Wiener Philharmoniker Stravinsky: The Firebird Suite - 7. Finale 03:46 14 Wiener Philharmoniker Smetana: The Bartered Bride - Dance Of The Comedians 04:23
Wiener Philharmoniker View in Albunack Spielen Johann Strauß 6 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wiener Philharmoniker An Der Schönen Blauen Donau 10:16 2 Wiener Philharmoniker Im Krapfenwald'l 04:24 3 Wiener Philharmoniker Hofballtänze 10:08 Has Mbid 4 Wiener Philharmoniker Tritsch-Tratsch-Polka 02:36 5 Wiener Philharmoniker Freuet Euch Des Lebens 08:59 6 Wiener Philharmoniker Pizzicato-Polka 02:49
Wiener Philharmoniker View in Albunack Stars & Strauss 16 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wiener Philharmoniker Fledermaus-Ouvertüre/Overture 08:37 2 Wiener Philharmoniker Stadt und Land-Polka Mazur op. 322 04:25 3 Wiener Philharmoniker Annen-Polka op. 137 (Johann Straus Vater) 02:34 4 Wiener Philharmoniker Eine Nacht in Venedig 07:12 5 Wiener Philharmoniker Lob der Frauen-Polka Mazur op.315 04:11 6 Wiener Philharmoniker Etwas Kleines-Polka Francaise op. 190 03:14 7 Wiener Philharmoniker Im Sturmschritt-Plka Schnell op. 348 02:53 8 Wiener Philharmoniker Wiener Bonbons-Walzer op. 307 09:02 9 Wiener Philharmoniker Eljen a Magyar-Polka Schnell op. 332 02:18 10 Wiener Philharmoniker So ängstlich sind wir nicht-Galopp op. 413 02:17 11 Wiener Philharmoniker Im Krapfenwaldl-Polka Francaise op. 336 04:31 12 Wiener Philharmoniker Kaiserwalzer op. 437 11:42 13 Wiener Philharmoniker Tritsch-Tratsch-Polka op. 214 02:41 14 Wiener Philharmoniker Nur fort-Polka Schnell op.383 03:11 15 Wiener Philharmoniker Wer uns getraut (Duett) 04:21 16 Wiener Philharmoniker Marsch aus Zigeunerbaron 03:08
Wiener Philharmoniker View in Albunack Strauss: Don Quixote, Also sprach Zarathustra; Karajan 21 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wiener Philharmoniker Introduktion: Mäßiges Zeitmaß 08:18 2 Wiener Philharmoniker Variation I: Gemächlich 02:33 3 Wiener Philharmoniker Variation II: Kriegerisch 01:26 4 Wiener Philharmoniker Variation III: Mäßiges Zeitmaß 08:12 5 Wiener Philharmoniker Variation IV: Etwas breiter 01:55 6 Wiener Philharmoniker Variation V: Sehr langsam 04:24 7 Wiener Philharmoniker Variation VI: Schnell 01:13 8 Wiener Philharmoniker Variation VII: Ein wenig ruhiger als vorher 01:12 9 Wiener Philharmoniker Variation VIII: Gemächlich 01:53 10 Wiener Philharmoniker Variation IX: Schnell und stürmisch 01:04 11 Wiener Philharmoniker Variation X: Viel breiter 04:52 12 Wiener Philharmoniker Finale: Sehr ruhig 06:23 13 Wiener Philharmoniker Einleitung, oder Sonnenaufgang 01:34 14 Wiener Philharmoniker Von den Hinterweltlern 03:16 15 Wiener Philharmoniker Von der großen Sehnsucht 01:56 16 Wiener Philharmoniker Von den Freuden und Leidenschaften 01:59 17 Wiener Philharmoniker Das Grablied 02:55 18 Wiener Philharmoniker Von der Wissenschaft 04:10 19 Wiener Philharmoniker Der Genesende 04:48 20 Wiener Philharmoniker Das Tanzlied 07:31 21 Wiener Philharmoniker Nachtwandlerlied 05:11
Wiener Philharmoniker View in Albunack Suppé-Ouvertures 8 1 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 Wiener Philharmoniker Dichter und Bauer 10:02 2 Wiener Philharmoniker Taratalusqualen 06:19 3 Wiener Philharmoniker Banditenstreiche 06:27 4 Wiener Philharmoniker Die schöne Galathée 07:25 5 Wiener Philharmoniker Pique Dame 08:18 6 Wiener Philharmoniker Leichte Kavallerie 06:25 7 Wiener Philharmoniker Wiener Jubel 07:11 8 Wiener Philharmoniker Ein Morgen, ein Mittag, ein Abend in Wien 08:07
Wiener Philharmoniker View in Albunack Symphonie Héroique Beethoven 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wiener Philharmoniker beeth eroic 1 15:29 2 Wiener Philharmoniker beeth eroic 2 17:42 3 Wiener Philharmoniker beeth eroic 3 06:29 4 Wiener Philharmoniker beeth eroic 4 12:44 5 Wiener Philharmoniker beeth coriolan 09:04 6 Wiener Philharmoniker beeth grosse fugue 18:01
Wiener Philharmoniker View in Albunack Symphony 36 'Linz', Eine Kleine Nachmusik, March in C, Five Overtures 14 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wiener Philharmoniker Symphony 36 C KV425 Linz - 1 08:16 2 Wiener Philharmoniker Symphony 36 C KV425 Linz - 2 07:10 3 Wiener Philharmoniker Symphony 36 C KV425 Linz - 3 03:31 4 Wiener Philharmoniker Symphony 36 C KV425 Linz - 4 05:15 5 Wiener Philharmoniker March #1 C, KV408 03:36 6 Wiener Philharmoniker Serenade in G, KV525, Eine Kleine Nachtmusik - 1 05:55 7 Wiener Philharmoniker Serenade in G, KV525, Eine Kleine Nachtmusik - 2 05:52 8 Wiener Philharmoniker Serenade in G, KV525, Eine Kleine Nachtmusik - 3 02:16 9 Wiener Philharmoniker Serenade in G, KV525, Eine Kleine Nachtmusik - 4 03:01 10 Wiener Philharmoniker Overture - La Clemenza di Tito 04:50 11 Wiener Philharmoniker Overture - Idomenso 04:37 12 Wiener Philharmoniker Overture - Cosi fan Tutte 04:24 Has Mbid 13 Wiener Philharmoniker Overture - The Marriage of Figaro 04:18 14 Wiener Philharmoniker Overture - The Magic Flute 07:00
Wiener Philharmoniker View in Albunack Symphony No. 35 & 36 - Eine Kleine Nachtmusik 12 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wiener Philharmoniker Symphony No. 35 in D major ("Haffner"), K. 385: Allegro con spirito 05:38 2 Wiener Philharmoniker Symphony No. 35 in D major ("Haffner"), K. 385: Andante 06:52 3 Wiener Philharmoniker Symphony No. 35 in D major ("Haffner"), K. 385: Menuetto & Trio 03:18 4 Wiener Philharmoniker Symphony No. 35 in D major ("Haffner"), K. 385: Finale (Presto) 04:11 5 Wiener Philharmoniker Symphony No. 36 in C major ("Linz"), K. 425: Adagio - Allegro spiritoso 08:11 Has Mbid 6 Wiener Philharmoniker Symphony No. 36 in C major ("Linz"), K. 425: Poco adagio 07:26 7 Wiener Philharmoniker Symphony No. 36 in C major ("Linz"), K. 425: Menuetto & Trio 03:41 8 Wiener Philharmoniker Symphony No. 36 in C major ("Linz"), K. 425: Finale (Presto) 05:41 9 Wiener Philharmoniker Serenade No. 13 for strings in G major ("Eine kleine Nachtmusik"), K. 525: Allegro 05:59 10 Wiener Philharmoniker Serenade No. 13 for strings in G major ("Eine kleine Nachtmusik"), K. 525: Romanze (Andante) 05:46 11 Wiener Philharmoniker Serenade No. 13 for strings in G major ("Eine kleine Nachtmusik"), K. 525: Menuetto (Allegretto) & Trio 02:06 12 Wiener Philharmoniker Serenade No. 13 for strings in G major ("Eine kleine Nachtmusik"), K. 525: Rondo (Allegro) 03:31
Wiener Philharmoniker View in Albunack Tchaikovsky 7 2 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wiener Philharmoniker Symphony No.5 Mvt.3 05:37 2 Wiener Philharmoniker Symphony No.5 Mvt.4 12:27 Has Mbid 3 Wiener Philharmoniker Symphony No.4 Mvt.3 05:49 Has Mbid 4 Wiener Philharmoniker Symphony No.6 Mvt.2 06:59 5 Wiener Philharmoniker Symphony No.5 e minor, op. 64 14:02 6 Wiener Philharmoniker Symphony No.6 Mvt.4 10:09 7 Wiener Philharmoniker Hamlet - Fantasy Overture 17:28
Wiener Philharmoniker View in Albunack Vol.07 An der schonen Blauen Donau 11 2 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 Wiener Philharmoniker An der schonen,Blauen Donau Walzer. Op314 Johann Strauss 1987.1.1 Herbert Von... 10:18 2 Wiener Philharmoniker ’S gibt nur Kaiserstadt,’S gibt nur Wien! Polka schnell. Op291 1997.1.1 Ri... 03:59 3 Wiener Philharmoniker Donauweibchen Walzer. Op427 Johann Strauss 1990.1.1 Zubin Mehta 09:13 4 Wiener Philharmoniker Leichtes Blut Polka schnell. Op319 Johann Strauss 1986.1.1 Lorin Maazel 02:30 5 Wiener Philharmoniker Motoren Walzer. Op265 Johann Strauss 1997.1.1 Riccardo Muti 07:09 6 Wiener Philharmoniker Enjen a Magyar! Polka schnell. Op332 Johann Strauss 1951.9 Clemens Krauss 03:17 7 Wiener Philharmoniker Die Zigeuner Baron Ouverture. Johann Strauss 1959.9 Herbert Von Karajan 08:02 8 Wiener Philharmoniker Entrance March from The Gypsy Baron. Johann Strauss 1990.1.1 Zubin Mehta 03:02 9 Wiener Philharmoniker Ritter Pazman Csardas. Johann Strauss 1952.3 Clemens Krauss 04:35 10 Wiener Philharmoniker Schatz Walzer. Op418 Johann Strauss 1976.1.1 Willi Boskovsky 06:59 Has Mbid 11 Wiener Philharmoniker Ein Herz,Ein Sinn Polka Mazurka. Op323 Johann Strauss 1994.1.1 Lorin Maazel 04:00
Wiener Philharmoniker View in Albunack Vol.11 Kunstlerleben Old 12 3 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wiener Philharmoniker Kunstlerleben Walzer. Op316 Johann Strauss 08:12 2 Wiener Philharmoniker Du und Du Walzer. Op367 Johann Strauss 06:57 3 Wiener Philharmoniker Die Fledermaus Ouverture. Johann Strauss 08:30 4 Wiener Philharmoniker Tausend und eine Nacht Walzer. op346 Johann Strauss 08:06 5 Wiener Philharmoniker Tritsch Tratsch Polka. Op214 Johann Strauss 02:31 Has Mbid 6 Wiener Philharmoniker An der schonen Blauen Donau Walzer. Op314 Johann Strauss 09:11 Has Mbid 7 Wiener Philharmoniker Kaiser Walzer. Op437 Johann Strauss 09:08 8 Wiener Philharmoniker Leichtes Blut Polka schnell. Op319 Johann Strauss 02:32 9 Wiener Philharmoniker Perpetuum mobile Polka. Op257 Johann Strauss 02:55 10 Wiener Philharmoniker Indigo und die vierzig Rauber Ouverture. Johann Strauss 06:55 Has Mbid 11 Wiener Philharmoniker Vergnugungszug Polka schnell. op281 Johann Strauss 02:46 12 Wiener Philharmoniker Klangfiguren Waltz. Op251 08:37
Wiener Philharmoniker View in Albunack Wiener Philharmoniker Neujahrskonzert 2010 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wiener Philharmoniker Die Fledermaus (Ouvertüre) 09:12 2 Wiener Philharmoniker Frauenherz. Polka mazur, op. 166 05:37 3 Wiener Philharmoniker Im Krapfenwald'l. Polka française, op.336 04:31 4 Wiener Philharmoniker Stürmisch in Lieb' und Tanz. Polka schnell, op.393 02:33 5 Wiener Philharmoniker Wein, Weib und Gesang. Walzer op.333 10:41 6 Wiener Philharmoniker Perpetuum mobile. Musikalischer cherz, op.257 03:08 7 Wiener Philharmoniker Die lustigen Weiber von Windsor (Ouvertüre) 08:41 8 Wiener Philharmoniker Wiener Bonbons. Walzer, op.307 09:50 9 Wiener Philharmoniker Neujahrsgruß 00:53 10 Wiener Philharmoniker An der schönen blauen Donau. Walzer, op.314 11:27 11 Wiener Philharmoniker Radetzky-Marsch, op.228 03:46
Wiener Philharmoniker View in Albunack Wiener Soiree 9 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Suppé, Franz von Ein Morgen, ein Mittag, ein Abned in Wien: Ouverture 08:16 2 Ziehrer, Carl Michael Wiener Burger Walzer: Walzer, Op.419 08:45 3 Lehár, Franz Ballsirenen Waltzer 07:08 4 Lanner, Joseph Die Schonbrunner Waltzer, Op.200 08:14 5 Ziehrer, Carl Michael Facher-Polonaise, Op.525 03:16 Has Mbid 6 Lehár, Franz Gold und Silber: Walzer, Op.79 08:54 7 Lanner, Joseph Tourbillon-Galopp, Op.142 No.1 01:53 8 Ziehrer, Carl Michael Schonfeld-Marsch, Op.422 02:56 9 Heuberger, Richard Der Opernball Ouverture 07:04
Wiener Philharmoniker View in Albunack neijahrskonzert 2019 CD01 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wiener Philharmoniker Schönfeld-Marsch, Op. 422 03:09 2 Wiener Philharmoniker Transactionen, Walzer, Op. 184 10:25 3 Wiener Philharmoniker Elfenreigen 03:55 4 Wiener Philharmoniker Expreß, Polka schnell, Op. 311 02:41 5 Wiener Philharmoniker Nordseebilder, Walzer, Op. 390 08:52 6 Wiener Philharmoniker Mit Extrapost, Polka schnell, Op. 259 02:18 7 Wiener Philharmoniker Der Zigeunerbaron: Ouvertüre 08:03 8 Wiener Philharmoniker Die Tänzerin, Polka française, Op. 227 04:15 9 Wiener Philharmoniker Künstlerleben, Walzer, Op. 316 09:47 10 Wiener Philharmoniker Die Bajadere, Polka schnell, Op. 351 02:34
Search Wilco (1997-'98) Farm Aid & NYC 14 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wilco James Alley Blues 04:56 2 Wilco Christ for President 02:57 3 Wilco Hesitating Beauty 03:16 4 Wilco Don't Forget the Flowers 03:06 5 Wilco California Stars 04:43 6 Wilco Misunderstood 06:15 7 Wilco Monday 04:05 8 Wilco Far Far Away 03:30 9 Wilco Box Full of Letters 03:58 10 Wilco Hotel Arizona 04:07 11 Wilco New Madrid 03:37 12 Wilco Kingpin 09:34 13 Wilco Outtasite Outta Mind 02:29 14 Wilco Casino Queen 04:38
Search Wilco (1997.02.xx) Philadelphia, PA 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wilco Someday Soon 03:12 2 Wilco Forget The Flowers 03:15 3 Wilco Far Away 03:42 4 Wilco In Your Dreams 03:27 5 Wilco Out Of Mind 03:48 6 Wilco Lonely One 04:35
Search Wilco (1997.xx.xx) Sunken Treasure - Troubadour 17 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wilco Intro 00:40 2 Wilco Sunken Treasure 06:50 3 Wilco Red Eyed and Blue 02:34 4 Wilco Someone Else's Song 03:38 5 Wilco Someday Soon 03:10 6 Wilco Forget the Flowers 03:09 7 Wilco New Madrid 03:56 8 Wilco I Must Be High 03:09 9 Wilco Passenger Side 05:54 10 Wilco Hotel Arizona 03:51 11 Wilco Monday 04:15 12 Wilco Say You Miss Me 04:06 13 Wilco Ottasite (Outta Mind) 02:36 14 Wilco Kingpin 08:59 15 Wilco Misunderstood 06:45 16 Wilco Far Far Away 03:49 17 Wilco Give Back the Key to My Heart 03:38
Search Wilco (1998.12.30) The Fillmore 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wilco Red Eyed and Blue 02:17 2 Wilco New Madrid 03:32 3 Wilco Forget the Flowers 03:09 4 Wilco California Stars 05:01 5 Wilco Hesitating Beauty 02:56 6 Wilco Monday 04:18 7 Wilco Casino Queen 04:38 8 Wilco Passenger Side 03:02 9 Wilco I Must Be High 03:19 10 Wilco Passenger Side (Fast) 01:56 11 Wilco Can't Stand It 04:22
Search Wilco 06/13/09 - What Stage @ Bonnaroo, Manchester, TN - 16 14 0 6 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wilco Misunderstood 05:49 2 Wilco Spiders (Kidsmoke) 11:23 3 Wilco Company in My Back 04:01 4 Wilco You Never Know 04:29 5 Wilco Bull Black Nova 06:18 6 Wilco Hate It Here 04:37 7 Wilco Walken 04:39 8 Wilco I’m the Man Who Loves You 04:27 9 Wilco Side With the Seeds 04:54 10 Wilco Shot in the Arm 04:57 11 Wilco At Least That's What You Said 06:24 12 Wilco Jesus, Etc 04:13 13 Wilco Impossible Germany 06:39 14 Wilco California Stars 04:58
Search Wilco 1999-11-19 - Trocodero Theater, Philadelphia, PA 25 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wilco Via Chicago 06:20 2 Wilco Candyfloss 02:54 3 Wilco Summer Teeth 03:28 4 Wilco I'm Always In Love 03:44 5 Wilco I Must Be High 03:34 6 Wilco How To Fight Loneliness 04:48 7 Wilco Hotel Arizona 04:01 8 Wilco Red-Eyed And Blue 02:41 9 Wilco I Got You (At The End Of The Century) 03:37 10 Wilco Nothing'severgonnastandinmyway(again) 03:49 11 Wilco She's A Jar 05:32 12 Wilco A Shot In The Arm 05:18 13 Wilco We're Just Friends 03:30 14 Wilco Misunderstood 07:50 15 Wilco Hesitating Beauty 03:31 16 Wilco Passenger Side 03:18 17 Wilco Can't Stand It 04:29 18 Wilco Give Back The Key To My Heart 03:40 19 Wilco Forget The Flowers 02:42 20 Wilco New Madrid 03:32 21 Wilco California Stars 04:26 22 Wilco Casino Queen 09:09 23 Wilco Outtasite (Outta Mind) 02:42 24 Wilco Kingpin 07:04 25 Wilco Hoodoo Voodoo 05:02
Search Wilco 2004-11-19 14 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wilco The Late Greats 03:01 2 Wilco I'm A Wheel 05:21 3 Wilco Misunderstood 06:45 4 Wilco Handshake Drugs 05:52 5 Wilco Less than You Think 06:58 6 Wilco Company in My Back 03:55 7 Wilco A Shot in the Arm 04:51 8 Wilco One By One 03:47 9 Wilco Radio Cure 05:04 10 Wilco Passenger Side 04:52 11 Wilco I'm Always in Love 04:59 12 Wilco Jesus, etc. 05:02 13 Wilco Theologians 03:26 14 Wilco I'm The Man Who Loves You 04:29
Search Wilco 2007-06-13 Adler 15 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wilco Hummingbird 05:32 2 Wilco Hate It Here 04:47 3 Wilco The Late Greats 03:41 4 Wilco I Am Trying To Break Your Heart 06:17 5 Wilco Kamera 04:39 6 Wilco Handshake Drugs 06:30 7 Wilco Impossible Germany 05:57 8 Wilco Sky Blue Sky 03:37 9 Wilco War On War 03:34 10 Wilco Via Chicago 05:30 11 Wilco Shake It Off 07:40 12 Wilco Theologians 05:15 13 Wilco Jesus, Etc. 04:56 14 Wilco Walken 04:33 15 Wilco I'm The Man That Loves You 03:56
Search Wilco 2008-02-15 The Riviera 21 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wilco [introduction] 01:19 2 Wilco [band entrance] 00:49 3 Wilco ELT 03:30 4 Wilco A Shot in the Arm 04:40 5 Wilco Side With the Seeds 04:58 6 Wilco You Are My Face 04:59 7 Wilco I Am Trying to Break Your Heart 06:23 8 Wilco Pot Kettle Black 04:32 9 Wilco At Least That's What You Said 05:30 10 Wilco [stage banter] 01:02 11 Wilco What's the World Got in Store (false start) 00:19 12 Wilco What's the World Got in Store 03:13 13 Wilco [stage banter] 00:50 14 Wilco When the Roses Bloom Again 05:08 15 Wilco Airline to Heaven 04:40 16 Wilco Ashes of American Flags 06:21 17 Wilco Either Way 03:41 18 Wilco Jesus, Etc. 04:03 19 Wilco [stage banter] 01:05 20 Wilco Too Far Apart 04:36 21 Wilco Can't Stand It 04:38
Search Wilco 2008-02-16 The Riviera 17 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wilco Intro 01:07 2 Wilco Someone Else's Song 02:51 3 Wilco Hell Is Chrome 04:55 4 Wilco Handshake Drugs 06:39 5 Wilco Muzzle Of Bees 04:58 6 Wilco Via Chicago 05:13 7 Wilco I Am Trying To Break Your Heart 06:37 8 Wilco Hotel Arizona 03:56 9 Wilco A Shot In The Arm 04:55 10 Wilco Impossible Germany 06:32 11 Wilco It's Just That Simple 04:34 12 Wilco When You Wake Up Feeling Old 04:50 13 Wilco Too Far Apart 04:57 14 Wilco Hate It Here 05:49 15 Wilco Jesus Etc. 04:26 16 Wilco Forget The Flowers 03:18 17 Wilco Dash 7 03:58
Search Wilco 2008-03-09 Val Air Ballroom 14 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wilco Via Chicago 06:34 2 Wilco Jesus, Etc. 04:15 3 Wilco You Are My Face 05:21 4 Wilco Muzzle of Bees 06:28 5 Wilco Hate It Here 04:38 6 Wilco Kingpin 08:01 7 Wilco Pot Kettle Black 04:22 8 Wilco Heavy Metal Drummer 03:34 9 Wilco Side With the Seeds 05:15 10 Wilco She's a Jar 05:44 11 Wilco Impossible Germany 06:41 12 Wilco California Stars 05:45 13 Wilco Summer Teeth 03:42 14 Wilco A Magazine Called Sunset 03:04
Search Wilco 2009-04-23, The Lyric, Oxford, MS 22 0 2009 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wilco Sunken Treasure 08:13 2 Wilco You Are My Face 05:08 3 Wilco I Am Trying To Break Your Heart 06:38 4 Wilco Pot Kettle Black 04:38 5 Wilco Handshake Drugs 06:07 6 Wilco A Shot in the Arm 05:20 7 Wilco At Least That's What You Said 06:37 8 Wilco Jesus, etc. 05:28 9 Wilco Impossible Germany 06:37 10 Wilco It's Just That Simple 04:29 11 Wilco Forget The Flowers 03:06 12 Wilco Misunderstood 06:17 13 Wilco The Lonely 1 04:24 14 Wilco Shouldn't Be Ashamed 03:29 15 Wilco Box Full of Letters 03:36 16 Wilco Heavy Metal Drummer 03:30 17 Wilco The Late Greats 03:45 18 Wilco Hate It Here 04:55 19 Wilco Walken 04:49 20 Wilco I'm The Man Who Loves You 05:00 21 Wilco California Stars (w/A Hawk and a Hacksaw) 05:27 22 Wilco Hoodoo Voodoo 06:15
Search Wilco 2010-04-02 Wellmont Theatre, Montclair, NJ 43 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wilco Intro 01:27 2 Wilco Wilco (The Song) 03:31 3 Wilco Bull Black Nova 05:48 4 Wilco You Are My Face 04:46 5 Wilco I Am Trying To Break Your Heart> 06:31 6 Wilco One Wing 04:14 7 Wilco Via Chicago 05:35 8 Wilco Company in My Back 03:44 9 Wilco banter 01:10 10 Wilco Handshake Drugs 05:55 11 Wilco Side With the Seeds 06:11 12 Wilco Pot Kettle Black 04:49 13 Wilco nothingsevergonnastandinmyway(again) 03:27 14 Wilco I'll Fight 04:25 15 Wilco Impossible Germany 06:37 16 Wilco California Stars 04:42 17 Wilco Poor Places 06:17 18 Wilco Spiders (Kidsmoke) 05:38 19 Wilco More Like the Moon 05:57 20 Wilco banter 03:12 21 Wilco Forget the Flowers 03:09 22 Wilco Someday, Some Morning, Sometime 02:47 23 Wilco Laminated Cat 05:12 24 Wilco banter 01:17 25 Wilco War On War 03:49 26 Wilco Passenger Side 03:29 27 Wilco banter 01:03 28 Wilco Airline to Heaven 04:29 29 Wilco A Shot In the Arm 05:18 30 Wilco Jesus, Etc. 05:14 31 Wilco You Never Know 04:28 32 Wilco Heavy Metal Drummer 03:21 33 Wilco Red-Eyed and Blue> 02:35 34 Wilco I Got You (At the End of the Century) 04:11 35 Wilco Broken Arrow 05:56 36 Wilco Hate It Here 08:35 37 Wilco Theologians 03:52 38 Wilco I'm the Man Who Loves You 03:56 39 Wilco Monday 04:27 40 Wilco Thank You, Friends 02:55 41 Wilco encore break 02:42 42 Wilco The Late Greats 02:39 43 Wilco I'm A Wheel 02:50
Search Wilco 2011-09-23 - New York, NY; Central Park Summerstage 26 0 2011 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wilco One Sunday Morning (Song for Jane Smiley's Boyfriend) 10:46 2 Wilco Art of Almost 07:25 3 Wilco I Might 04:13 4 Wilco Poor Places 05:34 5 Wilco Bull Black Nova 05:42 6 Wilco I Am Trying to Break Your Heart 06:26 7 Wilco Pot Kettle Black 04:59 8 Wilco Impossible Germany 06:38 9 Wilco Black Moon 03:38 10 Wilco California Stars 05:02 11 Wilco Born Alone 04:21 12 Wilco Handshake Drugs 06:49 13 Wilco Heavy Metal Drummer 03:18 14 Wilco Whole Love 05:18 15 Wilco Standing O 03:36 16 Wilco Passenger Side 03:55 17 Wilco Dawned on Me 03:41 18 Wilco A Shot in the Arm 05:04 19 Wilco encore break 02:49 20 Wilco Misunderstood 05:54 21 Wilco banter / dedication 01:17 22 Wilco Jesus, Etc. 04:08 23 Wilco Walken 04:36 24 Wilco I'm the Man Who Loves You 04:31 25 Wilco Red-Eyed and Blue 02:13 26 Wilco I Got You (At the End of the Century) 04:57
Search Wilco 2012-07-08 - Geneva, IL 26 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wilco Dawned On Me 04:06 2 Wilco War On War 03:28 3 Wilco I Might 03:58 4 Wilco I Am Trying To Break Your Heart 06:12 5 Wilco Box Full Of Letters 03:34 6 Wilco Handshake Drugs 05:56 7 Wilco Spiders (Kidsmoke) 05:49 8 Wilco Impossible Germany 07:56 9 Wilco Born Alone 04:10 10 Wilco Laminated Cat 05:11 11 Wilco Side With The Seeds 05:33 12 Wilco Say You Miss Me 03:42 13 Wilco Candyfloss 03:23 14 Wilco Jesus Etc 04:17 15 Wilco Hate It Here 04:42 16 Wilco Whole Love 04:10 17 Wilco I'm Always In Love 04:37 18 Wilco Heavy Metal Drummer 03:08 19 Wilco I'm The Man Who Loves You 06:28 20 Wilco Via Chicago 05:09 21 Wilco Art Of Almost 07:28 22 Wilco Standing O 03:05 23 Wilco A Shot In The Arm 07:15 24 Wilco California Stars 05:07 25 Wilco The Late Greats 02:50 26 Wilco Hoodoo Voodoo 06:15
Search Wilco 2012-07-18 - Wolf Trap - Vienna, VA (Roadcase 10) 24 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wilco Misunderstood 05:50 2 Wilco Art of Almost 07:18 3 Wilco I Might 03:57 4 Wilco I Am Trying to Break Your Heart 06:17 5 Wilco Born Alone 04:07 6 Wilco Side with the Seeds 05:04 7 Wilco Spiders (Kidsmoke) 06:19 8 Wilco Impossible Germany 07:08 9 Wilco Kamera 03:13 10 Wilco Laminated Cat 05:48 11 Wilco Standing O 03:17 12 Wilco At Least That's What You Said 05:47 13 Wilco Jesus, Etc. 04:46 14 Wilco I Must Be High 03:16 15 Wilco Whole Love 04:20 16 Wilco Can't Stand It 04:35 17 Wilco Candyfloss 03:20 18 Wilco Dawned on Me 03:37 19 Wilco A Shot in the Arm 06:57 20 Wilco Airline to Heaven 04:36 21 Wilco Christ for President 03:00 22 Wilco Walken 04:40 23 Wilco I'm the Man Who Loves You 04:28 24 Wilco Dreamer in My Dreams 06:18
Search Wilco 2012-08-14 - Den Atelier - Luxembourg City, LU (Roadcase 011) 22 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wilco One Sunday Morning (Song For Jane Smiley's Boyfriend) 10:43 2 Wilco Art Of Almost 07:24 3 Wilco I Might 04:28 4 Wilco Muzzle Of Bees 04:46 5 Wilco I Am Trying To Break Your Heart 06:03 6 Wilco Sunken Treasure 07:01 7 Wilco Handshake Drugs 05:44 8 Wilco Wishful Thinking 04:34 9 Wilco Impossible Germany 07:21 10 Wilco Born Alone 04:22 11 Wilco Radio Cure 05:41 12 Wilco Black Moon 03:50 13 Wilco Spiders (Kidsmoke) 05:48 14 Wilco Whole Love 05:03 15 Wilco Walken 05:21 16 Wilco Heavy Metal Drummer 03:04 17 Wilco I'm The Man Who Loves You 04:37 18 Wilco Dawned On Me 03:48 19 Wilco Hummingbird 05:36 20 Wilco Via Chicago 06:10 21 Wilco The Late Greats 02:47 22 Wilco A Shot In The Arm 06:12
Search Wilco 2012-09-16 - Live on Ninth Street - Columbia, MO (Roadcase 009) 25 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wilco Misunderstood 06:06 2 Wilco Art of Almost 07:17 3 Wilco I Might 04:07 4 Wilco Bull Black Nova 06:04 5 Wilco At Least That's What You Said 05:36 6 Wilco Spiders (Kidsmoke) 07:19 7 Wilco Impossible Germany 07:45 8 Wilco Born Alone 04:17 9 Wilco Laminated Cat (Loose Fur cover) 05:08 10 Wilco One Wing 04:46 11 Wilco New Madrid (Uncle Tupelo cover) 04:17 12 Wilco Handshake Drugs 05:46 13 Wilco Hummingbird 03:55 14 Wilco Whole Love 04:54 15 Wilco Box Full of Letters 04:05 16 Wilco I'm Always in Love 04:06 17 Wilco Heavy Metal Drummer 03:04 18 Wilco I'm the Man Who Loves You 04:58 19 Wilco Dawned on Me 03:40 20 Wilco A Shot in the Arm 07:46 21 Wilco Via Chicago 06:22 22 Wilco Passenger Side 03:47 23 Wilco Christ for President 02:53 24 Wilco Candyfloss 02:54 25 Wilco Casion Queen 03:19
Search Wilco 2012-10-15 - Gran Teatre del Liceu - Barcelona, ES (Roadcase 015) 27 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wilco Misunderstood 05:54 2 Wilco Art Of Almost 07:19 3 Wilco I Might 04:09 4 Wilco Sunken Treasure 06:24 5 Wilco You Are My Face 05:02 6 Wilco Impossible Germany 08:33 7 Wilco Born Alone 05:25 8 Wilco Capitol City 04:43 9 Wilco Handshake Drugs 06:23 10 Wilco Radio Cure 05:16 11 Wilco Whole Love 04:16 12 Wilco Theologians 03:27 13 Wilco I'm Always In Love 04:21 14 Wilco Via Chicago 05:46 15 Wilco Shouldn't Be Ashamed 03:23 16 Wilco Forget The Flowers 03:23 17 Wilco Heavy Metal Drummer 03:20 18 Wilco Dawned On Me 03:51 19 Wilco Hummingbird 03:22 20 Wilco A Shot In The Arm 06:59 21 Wilco I Am Trying To Break Your Heart 05:57 22 Wilco Box Full Of Letters 04:14 23 Wilco Jesus, etc. 04:17 24 Wilco Walken 04:50 25 Wilco I'm The Man Who Loves You 06:36 26 Wilco Outtasite (Outta Mind) 02:35 27 Wilco Hoodoo Voodoo 06:58
Search Wilco A Ghost Is Born [HDTracks] [24/96.0 kHz] 12 0 2004 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wilco At Least That's What You Said 05:32 2 Wilco Hell Is Chrome 04:38 3 Wilco Spiders (Kidsmoke) 10:46 4 Wilco Muzzle of Bees 04:56 5 Wilco Hummingbird 03:11 6 Wilco Handshake Drugs 06:07 7 Wilco Wishful Thinking 04:38 8 Wilco Company in My Back 03:46 9 Wilco I'm a Wheel 02:37 10 Wilco Theologians 03:36 11 Wilco Less Than You Think 15:04 12 Wilco The Late Greats 02:33
Search Wilco A.M. - Demos 8 0 1995 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wilco I Must Be High 03:00 2 Wilco Shouldn't Be Ashamed 03:27 3 Wilco Box Full of Letters 03:11 4 Wilco Pick Up The Change 02:57 5 Wilco Passenger Side 03:32 6 Wilco Promisin' 03:01 7 Wilco Lets Hear It For Rock 03:17 8 Wilco Gone 03:55
Search Wilco Kicking Television: Live in Chicago [Vinyl] 31 0 2010 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wilco Misunderstood 06:09 2 Wilco Company in My Back 03:48 3 Wilco The Late Greats 02:40 4 Wilco Hell is Chrome 04:39 5 Wilco Handshake Drugs 06:49 6 Wilco I am Trying to Break Your Heart 06:08 7 Wilco Shot in the Arm 04:42 8 Wilco At Least That's What You Said 05:29 9 Wilco Wishful Thinking 04:26 10 Wilco Jesus, Etc. 04:04 11 Wilco I'm the Man Who Loves You 03:53 12 Wilco Kicking Television 02:59 13 Wilco Via Chicago 05:08 14 Wilco Hummingbird 03:23 15 Wilco Muzzle of Bees 04:52 16 Wilco One by One 03:31 17 Wilco Airline to Heaven 04:43 18 Wilco Radio Cure 04:46 19 Wilco Ashes of American Flags 06:06 20 Wilco Heavy Metal Drummer 03:26 21 Wilco Poor Places 05:28 22 Wilco Spiders (Kidsmoke) 10:52 23 Wilco Comment (If All Men are Truly Brothers) 06:45 24 Wilco Another Man's Done Gone 01:38 25 Wilco How to Fight Lonelines 04:35 26 Wilco Theologians 03:32 27 Wilco Kamera 03:14 28 Wilco Just a Kid 02:58 29 Wilco Monday 03:52 30 Wilco Outtasite (Outta Mind) 02:28 31 Wilco I'm a Wheel 02:51
Search Wilco Live at Bonnaroo, 2004 17 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wilco The Late Greats 02:43 2 Wilco I Am Trying To Break Your Heart 05:58 3 Wilco Hummingbird 03:11 4 Wilco At Least That's What You Said 05:53 5 Wilco Jesus, Etc. 04:03 6 Wilco War On War 03:29 7 Wilco A Shot In The Arm 04:22 8 Wilco Muzzle Of Bees 04:50 9 Wilco Company In My Back 03:43 10 Wilco I'm The Man Who Loves You 03:49 11 Wilco Theologians 03:27 12 Wilco Poor Places 06:07 13 Wilco I'm Always In Love 04:03 14 Wilco One By One 03:51 15 Wilco I'm A Wheel 02:34 16 Wilco Handshake Drugs 06:04 17 Wilco Spiders (Kidsmoke) 09:01
Search Wilco Mississippi Nights 16 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wilco Give Back The Key To My Heart 04:23 2 Wilco Box Full Of Letters 03:39 3 Wilco Don't You Honey Me 03:30 4 Wilco Shouldn't Be Ashamed 03:17 5 Wilco Walk Where He Walked 02:54 6 Wilco No Sense In Lovin' 04:42 7 Wilco Gun 03:59 8 Wilco Screen Door 02:48 9 Wilco Wherever 03:53 10 Wilco Let's Hear It For Rock And Roll 03:30 11 Wilco Wait Up 03:12 12 Wilco Should've Been In Love 03:29 13 Wilco Passenger Side 04:36 14 Wilco Casino Queen 03:45 15 Wilco We've Been Had 04:15 16 Wilco The Long Cut 03:32
Search Wilco Sky Blue Sky [Vinyl] 12 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wilco Either Way 03:07 2 Wilco You Are My Face 04:40 3 Wilco Impossible Germany 05:59 4 Wilco Sky Blue Sky 03:25 5 Wilco Side With The Seeds 04:17 Has Mbid 6 Wilco Shake It Off 05:42 7 Wilco Please Be Patient With Me 03:21 8 Wilco Hate It Here 04:36 9 Wilco Leave Me (Like You Found Me) 04:08 10 Wilco Walken 04:29 11 Wilco What Light 03:37 12 Wilco On And On And On 04:03
Search Wilco Star Wars [HDTracks] [24/44.1 kHz] 11 0 2015 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wilco EKG 01:15 2 Wilco More... 02:43 3 Wilco Random Name Generator 03:49 4 Wilco The Joke Explained 02:33 5 Wilco You Satellite 05:16 6 Wilco Taste the Calling 03:15 7 Wilco Pickled Ginger 02:29 8 Wilco Where Do I Begin 02:54 9 Wilco Cold Slope 03:11 10 Wilco King of You 02:40 11 Wilco Magnetized 03:40
Search Wilco [SBD] 2012-07-23 Brooklyn, NY (Roadcase 003) 27 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wilco I: Dawned On Me 04:22 2 Wilco War On War 03:27 3 Wilco I Might 03:59 4 Wilco I Am Trying To Break Your Heart 06:12 5 Wilco Muzzle Of Bees 04:59 6 Wilco Born Alone 04:18 7 Wilco You Are My Face 05:18 8 Wilco Impossible Germany 08:00 9 Wilco Sunken Treasure 06:19 10 Wilco I'm Always In Love 04:14 11 Wilco Jesus Etc. 04:50 12 Wilco Handshake Drugs 05:58 13 Wilco Whole Love 04:13 14 Wilco Box Full Of Letters 03:16 15 Wilco Hate It Here 05:16 16 Wilco Heavy Metal Drummer 03:02 17 Wilco I'm The Man Who Loves You 04:11 18 Wilco A Shot In The Arm 07:32 19 Wilco E1: Poor Places 04:57 20 Wilco Art Of Almost 07:33 21 Wilco Standing O 03:47 22 Wilco California Stars 06:42 23 Wilco E2: The Late Greats 02:50 24 Wilco Red-Eyed And Blue 02:20 25 Wilco I Got You 03:55 26 Wilco Outta Mind (OuttaSight) 03:08 27 Wilco I'm A Wheel 03:47
Search Wilco [SBD] 2012-07-24 New York, NY (Roadcase 004) 27 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wilco I: I Might 04:26 2 Wilco Misunderstood 05:48 3 Wilco Side With The Seeds 04:58 4 Wilco Pot Kettle Black 04:14 5 Wilco Hummingbird 03:48 6 Wilco Black Moon 03:50 7 Wilco Spiders (Kidsmoke) 05:43 8 Wilco Impossible Germany 07:43 9 Wilco Born Alone 04:10 10 Wilco Wishful Thinking 04:21 11 Wilco Laminated Cat 06:08 12 Wilco Say You Miss Me 04:17 13 Wilco I Must Be High 03:24 14 Wilco Whole Love 04:46 15 Wilco Nothing'severgonnastandinmyway(again) 03:28 16 Wilco Radio Cure 05:03 17 Wilco Art Of Almost 07:27 18 Wilco Dawned On Me 03:47 19 Wilco A Shot In The Arm 07:26 20 Wilco E1: Via Chicago 05:14 21 Wilco Airline To Heaven 05:00 22 Wilco Walken 04:36 23 Wilco I'm The Man Who Loves You 04:16 24 Wilco Monday 04:25 25 Wilco Outtasite (OuttaMind) 05:17 26 Wilco E2: Kingpin 06:22 27 Wilco Hoodoo Voodoo 06:25
Search Wiley Japanese for Dummies 38 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wiley Introduction and basic Japanese sounds - Chapter 2 04:17 2 Wiley Pitch and intonation - Chapter 2 01:06 3 Wiley Prnouncing Kana - Chapter 2 02:43 4 Wiley Discussing who came to the party - Chapter 3 00:45 5 Wiley Identifying sashimi - Chapter 3 01:13 6 Wiley Identifying people - Chapter 3 00:59 7 Wiley Greeting someone respecfully in the morning - Chapter 4 00:57 8 Wiley Meeting someone for the first time - Chapter 4 01:19 9 Wiley Asking where someone is from - Chapter 4 01:15 10 Wiley Responding to a compliment - Chapter 4 00:48 11 Wiley Talking about travel plans - Chapter 5 01:06 12 Wiley Looking for an apartment - Chapter 6 01:18 13 Wiley Discussing daily routines - Chapter 6 01:01 14 Wiley Making smalltalk on a bullet train - Chapter 7 01:18 15 Wiley Talking about siblings - Chapter 7 01:52 16 Wiley Looking for the subway station - Chapter 8 01:08 17 Wiley Describing distance and location - Chapter 8 01:31 18 Wiley Asking for directions - Chapter 8 01:56 19 Wiley Ordering fast food - Chapter 9 01:40 20 Wiley Making a dinner reservation - Chapter 9 02:25 21 Wiley Placing an order at a restaurant - Chapter 9 02:10 22 Wiley Buying a souvenir in Japan - Chapter 10 01:14 23 Wiley Trying on clothing at a store - Chapter 10 02:22 24 Wiley Paying for a purchase - Chapter 10 01:56 25 Wiley Visiting a izakaya bar - Chapter 11 01:33 26 Wiley Proposing a night out at a karaoke box - Chapter 11 01:31 27 Wiley Receiving an invitation to a barbecue - Chapter 11 01:26 28 Wiley Participating in a job interview - Chapter 12 01:35 29 Wiley Calling a client - Chapter 12 02:40 30 Wiley Leaving a message - Chapter 12 01:38 31 Wiley Asking about one's hobby - Chapter 13 01:14 32 Wiley Suggesting flower viewing - Chapter 13 01:35 33 Wiley Making your child practise violin - Chapter 13 01:20 34 Wiley Deciding where to travel - Chapter 14 01:01 35 Wiley Exchanging money - Chapter 15 01:40 36 Wiley Taking a taxi - Chapter 16 02:06 37 Wiley Checking into a hotel - Chapter 17 02:07 38 Wiley Reporting an accident to the police - Chapter 18 01:43
Search Wiley Polish for Dummies 35 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wiley Pronunciation Guide 07:08 2 Wiley Adam and Magda have just bumped into each other 00:44 3 Wiley Formal Introductions 01:03 4 Wiley Simon and Michelle chat on a train 01:44 5 Wiley Ola and Tomek sit next to each other on a plane 02:06 6 Wiley Martha shows Ela a photo of her family 01:46 7 Wiley Arek phones a restaurant to make a reservation 01:40 8 Wiley Arek and Anna arrive at the Wesele restaurant 00:55 9 Wiley Arek and Anna place their order 02:21 10 Wiley Arek and Anna enjoy their Polish food 00:55 11 Wiley Asking for the bill 00:54 12 Wiley Asking where the toilets are 01:03 13 Wiley Simon is shopping at the market 01:06 14 Wiley Shopping for a dress 01:54 15 Wiley Marek calls Agata 02:32 16 Wiley Organising a house-warming party 01:42 17 Wiley Buying theatre tickets 02:14 18 Wiley Marek wants to know Dominika better 02:16 19 Wiley Emila calls Patrycja on the phone 01:38 20 Wiley Mrs Lewis leaves a message 03:08 21 Wiley Mr Kowalik phones the school 02:06 22 Wiley Simon asks if he can use a credit card 01:00 23 Wiley Changing currency 01:31 24 Wiley Asking for directions to the old town 01:29 25 Wiley Asking for directions to the pharmacy 01:05 26 Wiley Booking a hotel room 03:17 27 Wiley Anna arrives at the Hotel 02:31 28 Wiley Anna checks out of her Hotel 01:47 29 Wiley Anna checks in at the Airport 02:04 30 Wiley Buying a train ticket 02:02 31 Wiley Booking a flight to Poland 02:21 32 Wiley At the Doctors Surgery 02:21 33 Wiley Reporting a Motorway Accident 01:17 34 Wiley Asking for help with the printer 01:25 35 Wiley Simon talks to the builder 01:34
Search Wiley Russian for Dummies 33 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wiley Introduction and Pronunciation 03:14 2 Wiley Using nouns and adjectives to describe cars - Chapter 3 01:34 3 Wiley Using different verb tenses - Chapter 3 01:31 4 Wiley Meeting and greeting - Chapter 4 01:12 5 Wiley Introducing people to each other - Chapter 4 01:23 6 Wiley Asking for the time - Chapter 5 00:54 7 Wiley Discussing birthdays - Chapter 5 01:08 8 Wiley Giving a tour of a house - Chapter 6 02:12 9 Wiley Talking about food - Chapter 6 02:47 10 Wiley Talking ab out nationalities and backgrounds - Chapter 7 01:52 11 Wiley Exchanging Contact Information - Chapter 7 01:31 12 Wiley Giving directions to a restaurant - Chapter 8 02:08 13 Wiley Asking for directions toa museum - Chapter 8 02:34 14 Wiley Ordering a meal - Chapter 9 01:30 15 Wiley Buying food at the market - Chapter 9 01:34 16 Wiley Finding the haberdashery department - Chapter 10 00:57 17 Wiley Telling about a new dress - Chapter 10 01:10 18 Wiley Making plans for the evening - Chapter 11 01:04 19 Wiley Discussing a ballet performance - Chapter 11 01:00 20 Wiley Getting the wrong number - Chapter 12 02:49 21 Wiley Making a phone call - Chapter 12 02:41 22 Wiley Talking about sports - Chapter 13 01:13 23 Wiley Discussing books - Chapter 13 01:18 24 Wiley Planning a trip with a travel agent's help - Chapter 14 02:14 25 Wiley Asking about documents for a visa - Chapter 14 01:33 26 Wiley Exchanging money - Chapter 15 01:12 27 Wiley Opening a bank account - Chapter 15 01:25 28 Wiley Talking about modes of transportation to work - Chapter 16 01:06 29 Wiley Going through passport control - Chapter 16 00:55 30 Wiley Making hotel reservations - Chapter 17 02:14 31 Wiley Checking into a hotel - Chapter 17 02:28 32 Wiley Calling an ambulance - Chapter 18 01:48 33 Wiley Going to the doctor - Chapter 18 02:10
Search Wiley Zip Files 05 19 3 2010 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wiley MC Pon 141 04:07 2 Wiley Don't Hide Away (Ft. Rinse, Ice Kid & Mike Skinner) 03:15 3 Wiley Freestyle Playground 03:23 4 Wiley Ooh Aah 03:42 Has Mbid 5 Wiley Aim High 03:24 6 Wiley 25 Freestyle 02:28 7 Wiley Livin' It Up (Ft. Chipmunk & Mercston) (Remix) 03:18 8 Wiley Runway (Ft. J2K, Mz Bratt & Brazen) (Ruff Mix) 03:24 Has Mbid 9 Wiley Not The Only One 03:19 10 Wiley Thank Me After 03:43 11 Wiley Lost In Space (Ft. Wrigley) 02:50 12 Wiley Another Smash Hit 03:23 13 Wiley Life Goes On (Ft. Brazen & Flowdan) 02:51 14 Wiley Lets Jus Say (Ft. Breeze, Brazen, Flowdan & Scratchy) 03:35 15 Wiley Gorgeous Girl (Ft. Diesle & Charlie Brown) 03:08 16 A List Out Of My Life 03:16 17 A List Ice Roads From London To Manchester 06:52 18 A List Entertainer 02:53 Has Mbid 19 Wiley Broken (Sidetracked Instrumental) 03:32
Search Wiley Zip Files 06 18 3 2010 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 Wiley The Bomb (Ft. Wrigley) 02:43 2 Wiley Reflection Filter 03:14 3 Wiley Retro 52 Mix (Ft. Little Dee & Wrigley) 03:19 4 Wiley Could Be 02:39 5 Wiley Grime Daley (Ft. Wrigley) 03:55 6 Wiley Face Off Bars (Ft. Opium) 01:23 7 Wiley Still Gonna Miss 03:15 8 Wiley No Sleep (Ft. Brazen) (Produced by Balistiq Beats) 03:00 9 Wiley I Mastered This (Ft. Brazen) 02:43 Has Mbid 10 Wiley Bounce Mix (Ft. Brazen) 03:25 11 Wiley If Your Making Money (Ft. Shifty & Wrigley) 03:08 Has Mbid 12 Wiley Stickin' With You 03:23 13 Wiley Neva Neva (Ft. Wrigley) (Verses) 03:33 14 Wiley Body Language (Ft. Brazen & Nathan Retro) 04:10 15 Brazen Retro 46 02:14 16 Janiece Myers Addicted 03:34 17 Wiley Exp 40 (Instrumental) 03:24 18 Wiley Express 4 Near End (Instrumental) 03:46
Willeke Alberti View in Albunack Jij en ik - Live in Carré 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Willeke Alberti Ouverture / Zeg pappie 03:49 2 Willeke Alberti Veel te lang 02:49 3 Willeke Alberti Ik voel je tranen 01:58 4 Willeke Alberti Jij en ik zijn samen één 03:20 5 Willeke Alberti Geboortebericht 03:16 6 Willeke Alberti Het zal nooit meer zo zijn 03:05 7 Willeke Alberti De kroeg op de hoek 03:36
Willeke Alberti View in Albunack Liefde Is 14 2 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Willeke Alberti Want ik kan echt niet zonder jou 04:13 2 Willeke Alberti Je eerste liefde blijft je altijd bij 03:37 3 Willeke Alberti Ik voel jouw tranen 02:57 Has Mbid 4 Willeke Alberti Mijn droom 03:32 Has Mbid 5 Willeke Alberti Het zal nooit meer zo zijn 03:38 6 Willeke Alberti 'n Beetje liefde voor allemaal 03:31 7 Willeke Alberti 't Ging voorbij (Duet met Ron Brandsteder) 03:43 8 Willeke Alberti Waar naar toe 03:32 9 Willeke Alberti Niemand mag iets aan me merken 04:28 10 Willeke Alberti Vreemd 03:44 11 Willeke Alberti Ik ken hem te goed (Duet met Simone KLeinsma) 03:55 12 Willeke Alberti Even maar 02:58 13 Willeke Alberti Eenmaal komt de dag 04:24 14 Willeke Alberti Blijf bij mij 06:07
Willeke Alberti View in Albunack Live in Carré-Willeke A. L3R2-08 9 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Willeke Alberti O solo mio 04:17 2 Willeke Alberti Kus me met je ogen 04:13 3 Willeke Alberti Het oude huis (Live) 04:59 4 Willeke Alberti Hit Medley 08:50 5 Willeke Alberti Het is nog niet voorbij (Live) 02:56 Has Mbid 6 Willeke Alberti Ome Jan 04:25 7 Willeke Alberti Het wijnfeest (Live) 03:00 8 Willeke Alberti Samen zijn 04:48 9 Willeke Alberti Telkens weer (Live) 04:42
Willeke Alberti View in Albunack Niemand laat zijn eigen kind alleen 15 3 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 Willeke Alberti Niemand laat zijn eigen kind alleen 03:07 2 Willeke Alberti Zonder een woord 02:59 3 Willeke Alberti Maar vanavond 03:33 4 Willeke Alberti Die wereld ken ik niet 02:37 5 Willeke Alberti Lieve kind 03:30 6 Willeke Alberti Het verhaal van de twee eiken 04:51 7 Willeke Alberti Eveline 03:35 Has Mbid 8 Willeke Alberti Het is nog niet voorbij (Io Senza Te) 02:57 Has Mbid 9 Willeke Alberti Mijn hoofd weer op je schouder 03:52 10 Willeke Alberti Ik moet leren 03:42 11 Willeke Alberti Champagne uit de kraan 03:37 12 Willeke Alberti Blij zijn als een kind (Im Jahre der Liebe) 03:03 13 Willeke Alberti Het oude fotoboek (You and Me) 04:52 14 Willeke Alberti Grens tussen zee en land 03:43 15 Willeke Alberti Lachen, beetje huilen 03:45
Willeke Alberti View in Albunack Samen Zijn 7 3 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 Willeke Alberti De liefde van je vrienden 03:25 2 Willeke Alberti Spiegelbeeld 02:24 Has Mbid 3 Willeke Alberti De winter was lang 02:01 Has Mbid 4 Willeke Alberti Samen zijn 04:22 5 Willeke Alberti Een rondje van Ko 03:13 6 Willeke Alberti Gaten in de maan 03:55 7 Willeke Alberti Op dit moment 03:23
Willeke Alberti View in Albunack Willeke Alberti - Samen Zijn 7 3 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 Willeke Alberti Willeke Alberti - De liefde van je vrienden 03:25 2 Willeke Alberti Willeke Alberti - Spiegelbeeld 02:24 Has Mbid 3 Willeke Alberti Willeke Alberti - De winter was lang 02:01 Has Mbid 4 Willeke Alberti Willeke Alberti - Samen zijn 04:22 5 Willeke Alberti Willeke Alberti - Een rondje van Ko 03:13 6 Willeke Alberti Willeke Alberti - Gaten in de maan 03:55 7 Willeke Alberti Willeke Alberti - Op dit moment 03:23
Willeke Alberti View in Albunack Willeke Alberti - Waar Is De Zon [1994] 14 1 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 Willeke Alberti Waar Is De Zon 03:29 2 Willeke Alberti Champagne 03:00 3 Willeke Alberti Dromen 03:17 4 Willeke Alberti Zomaar Een Dag 02:44 5 Willeke Alberti Ik Hou Zoveel Van Jou 03:18 6 Willeke Alberti Net Alsof Er Niets Gebeurd Is 03:07 7 Willeke Alberti Tussen Jou En Mij 02:57 8 Willeke Alberti Laat Ons Dansen 03:06 9 Willeke Alberti Déja Vu 03:13 10 Willeke Alberti Jij 03:10 11 Willeke Alberti Zonder Jou 03:12 12 Willeke Alberti Where Is The Sun 03:32 13 Willeke Alberti Geboortebericht 03:46 14 Willeke Alberti Bedankt 01:42
Search William Byrd Byrd: Consort Music 1588 13 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 William Byrd Prelude and Ground à 5 05:56 2 William Byrd In nomine à 5 (No.4) 03:19 3 William Byrd Fantasia à 4 (No.1) 02:46 4 William Byrd Browning à 5 04:51 5 William Byrd Fantasia à 4 (No.2) 02:28 6 William Byrd In nomine à 5 (No.2) 02:23 7 William Byrd Fantasia à 6 (No.3) 04:22 8 William Byrd Pavan & Galliard à 6 04:26 9 William Byrd Fantasia à 3 (No.2) 02:19 10 William Byrd Fantasia à 5 05:51 11 William Byrd In nomine à 4 (Nos.1 & 2) 04:28 12 William Byrd Criste redemptor à 4 02:50 13 William Byrd Fantasia Criste redemptor à 46 (No.2) 06:01
Search William Byrd Byrd_ Consort Songs 13 0 2004 Show/Hide Tracks 1 William Byrd Rejoice unto the Lord 04:10 2 William Byrd Ah silly Soul 03:08 3 William Byrd An aged dame 01:59 4 William Byrd O dear life, when may it be 05:54 5 William Byrd Come to me, grief, for ever 07:12 6 William Byrd Who likes to love 05:23 7 William Byrd O that most rare breast 09:21 8 William Byrd All as a sea 02:48 9 William Byrd Ye sacred Muses 04:04 10 William Byrd Constant Penelope 02:18 11 William Byrd O Got that guides the cheerful sun 06:04 12 William Byrd Lullaby: Me sweet little baby 12:13 13 William Byrd How vain the toils 02:41
Search William Byrd Clarify me 15 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 William Byrd Prelude (12) 00:55 2 William Byrd Fantasia (13) 07:47 3 William Byrd Clarifica me Pater (48) 02:00 4 William Byrd Clarifica me Pater (49) 02:41 5 William Byrd The Queen's Alman (10) 03:49 6 William Byrd Fantasia (25) 05:50 7 William Byrd Fantasia (63) 05:06 8 William Byrd Ground (86) 04:59 9 William Byrd In Nomine (51) after Robert Parsons 03:41 10 William Byrd Lachrymae Pavan (54) after John Dowland 07:28 11 William Byrd Fantasia (46) 05:39 12 William Byrd Miserere (67) 01:21 13 William Byrd Ut re mi fa sol la (64) 08:22 14 William Byrd A Voluntarie (27) 04:39 15 William Byrd Ground (42) 09:41
Search William Byrd Complete Fantasias For Harpsichord 16 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 William Byrd Praeludium In G Major (Fitzwilliam Virginal Book, No. 117) 01:24 2 William Byrd Fantasia In G Major, No. 2 (Musica Britannica, Vol. 28, No. 62) 09:20 3 William Byrd Praeludium To The Fancie In A Minor (Musica Britannica, Vol. 27, No. 12) 00:50 4 William Byrd Fantasia In A Minor 08:12 5 William Byrd Praeludium In C Major (Musica Britannica, Vol. 27, No. 24) 01:02 6 William Byrd Fantasia In C Major, No. 2 (Musica Britannica, Vol. 27, No. 25) 06:14 7 William Byrd Fantasia In G Minor (Music Britannica, Vol. 55, No. 55) 04:16 8 William Byrd Ut Re Mi Fa Sol La In G Major (Musica Britannica, Vol. 28, No. 64) 09:22 9 William Byrd Ut Mi Re (Musica Britannica, Vol. 28, No. 65) 08:03 10 William Byrd Prelude: Doric Music (Musica Britannica, Vol. 14, No. 59) 01:54 11 William Byrd Fantasia In D Minor (Musica Britannica, Vol. 18, No. 46) 05:39 12 William Byrd Praeludium (Attrib. W. Byrd) (Musica Britannica, Vol. 55, No. 3) 01:14 13 William Byrd Ut Re Mi Fa Sol La In F Major (Musica Britannica, Vol. 28, No. 58) 04:33 14 William Byrd Praeludium In G Minor (Musica Britannica, Vol. 17, No. 1) 00:41 15 William Byrd Fantasia In G Major, No. 3 (Musica Britannica, Vol. 28, No. 63) 05:08 16 William Byrd Fantasia In C Major, No. 1 (Musica Britannica, Vol. 27, No. 26) 09:35
Search William Byrd Consort Songs & Music for viols 16 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 William Byrd O Lord, within thy tabernacle 04:16 2 William Byrd In nomine a 5 (I) 03:13 3 William Byrd Quis me statim 03:04 4 William Byrd In nomine a 5 (IV) 02:58 Has Mbid 5 William Byrd With lilies white 04:57 6 William Byrd Fantasia a 5 06:59 7 William Byrd Wretched Albinus 02:57 8 William Byrd In nomina a 5 (II) 03:29 9 William Byrd Bame I confess 02:49 10 William Byrd Predude and Ground a 5 05:59 11 William Byrd Ye sacred Muses 03:45 12 William Byrd In nomine a 5 (B) 03:10 13 William Byrd Rejoice unto the Lord 03:23 14 William Byrd Browning a 5 04:30 15 William Byrd Fair Britain Isle 06:14 16 William Byrd In nomine a 5 (III) 03:03
Search William Byrd Music for Voice and Viols 12 0 1994 Show/Hide Tracks 1 William Byrd Prelude and Fantasia 06:05 2 William Byrd La Virginella 02:18 3 William Byrd My Sweet Little Darling 01:21 4 William Byrd Fantasia 04:25 5 William Byrd What Pleasure Have Great Princes 03:34 6 William Byrd Though Amaryllis Dance in Green 02:25 7 William Byrd In Nomine 02:43 8 William Byrd Bleesed is He That Fears the Load 01:46 9 William Byrd O Load How Long Wilt Thou Forget 01:45 10 William Byrd Fantasia 06:15 11 William Byrd The Man is Blesst That God Doth Fear 01:59 12 William Byrd Why Do I Use My Paper, Ink, and Pen 03:17
Search William Byrd Music from the Renaissance 18 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 William Byrd Sing Joyfully, anthem for 6 voices (SSAATB) 02:27 2 William Byrd Ave verum corpus (also anthem: "O Lord, God of Israel"), motet for 4 voices (SATB) 03:47 3 William Byrd Haec dies, motet for 6 voices (SSATTB) 02:20 4 William Byrd Fantasia, for keyboard in A minor, MB 13 08:35 5 William Byrd Sicut cervus, motet for 4 voices (from Motets Book II for 4 voices) 03:28 6 William Byrd Angelus ad Pastores, motet for 12 voices 03:02 7 William Byrd Il secondo libro de toccate, canzone...di cimbalo et organo, No. 5, Quinta Toccata sopra i pedali per l'organo, e senza in G major 03:57 8 William Byrd Ave, dulcissima Maria, motet for 5 voices, W. 8/17 04:17 9 William Byrd O vos omnes, unspecified 02:47 10 William Byrd Fantasia Chromatica for keyboard "Dorian" 08:30 11 William Byrd When David Heard That Absalom Was Slain, for 5 voices 04:17 12 William Byrd When David heard (O my son Absalom), sacred madrigal in 2 sections for 6 voices 03:51 13 William Byrd Gloria in excelsis Deo, Sing, my soul, to God, anthem for 6 voices 03:07 14 William Byrd Hosanna To the Son of David, anthem for 6 voices 02:02 15 William Byrd Hear my prayer, O Lord, anthem for chorus, violins & continuo, Z. 15 (unfinished) 02:11 16 William Byrd Voluntary for double organ in D minor, Z. 719 06:12 17 William Byrd O Magnum Mysterium, motet for 4 voices 03:52 18 William Byrd Ascendit Deus for 5 voices 02:21
Search William Byrd The Fitzwilliam Virginial Book 18 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 William Byrd Walsingham, variations for keyboard, MB 8 05:55 2 William Byrd Loath to depart 03:47 3 William Byrd O mistress mine, for keyboard, MB 83 04:21 4 William Byrd The L. Zouches Maske (Fitzwilliam Virginal Book) 02:27 5 William Byrd Ut Re Mi Fa So la for keyboard (from the Fitzwilliam Virginal Book) 05:39 6 William Byrd Work(s): Unspecified Pavana from Fitzwilliam virginal book 04:06 7 William Byrd Work(s): Unspecified Galiarda from Fitzwilliam virginal book 01:25 8 William Byrd Daphne 05:23 9 William Byrd Up Tails All, variations for harpsichord 05:22 10 William Byrd Leaves Bee Greene (Organ Solo),The 03:37 11 William Byrd The Fall of the Leaf, for harpsichord (No 272 in the Fitzwilliam Virginal Book) 01:19 12 William Byrd King's Hunt, for keyboard, Fvb 135 03:52 13 William Byrd Lord Salisbury's pavan and galliard, for keyboard, MB18/19 06:19 14 William Byrd Rowland (or "Lord Willoughby's Welcome home"), variations for keyboard, MB 7 02:19 15 William Byrd Alman for keyboard (from Fitzwilliam Virginal) 01:48 16 William Byrd Praeludium Toccata for keyboard in A minor 05:54 17 William Byrd Amarilli for keyboard 03:30 18 William Byrd Gypsies' round, variations for keyboard, MB 80 03:33
Search William Byrd William Byrd Consort Songs & Music for Viols 16 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 William Byrd O Lord, Within Thy Tabernacle 04:16 2 William Byrd In nomine à 5 (I) 03:13 3 William Byrd Quis me statim 03:04 4 William Byrd In nomine à 5 (IV) 02:58 Has Mbid 5 William Byrd With Lilies White 04:53 6 William Byrd Fantasia à 5 06:59 7 William Byrd Wretched Albinus 02:57 8 William Byrd In nomina à 5 (II) 03:29 9 William Byrd Blame I Confess 02:49 10 William Byrd Prelude and Ground à 5 05:59 11 William Byrd Ye Sacred Muses 03:45 12 William Byrd In nomine à 5 (V) 03:10 13 William Byrd Rejoice Unto the Lord 03:23 14 William Byrd Browning à 5 04:30 15 William Byrd Fair Britain Isle 06:14 16 William Byrd In nomine à 5 (III) 03:03
William Walton View in Albunack Belshazzar's Feast (British Classics VIII) 14 3 Show/Hide Tracks 1 William Walton Thus spake Isaiah 06:03 2 William Walton If I forget thee 05:47 3 William Walton Babylon was a great city 01:17 4 William Walton In Babylon, Belshazzar the King 03:02 5 William Walton Praise ye The God of Gold 05:01 6 William Walton Thus in Babylon, the mighty city 03:03 7 William Walton And in that same hour 01:54 8 William Walton Then sing aloud to God in our Strength 04:39 9 William Walton The trumpeters and pipers 01:39 10 William Walton Then sing aloud to God our Strength 04:17 Has Mbid 11 William Walton Violin Concerto-I Andante tranquillo 11:20 Has Mbid 12 William Walton Violin Concerto-II Presto capricciosa alla napolitana 06:39 Has Mbid 13 William Walton Violin Concerto-III Vivace 12:49 14 William Walton Coronation Te Deum 10:59
William Walton View in Albunack Belshazzar's Feast / Crown Imperial / Orb and Sceptre 11 2 Show/Hide Tracks 1 William Walton Belshazzar's Feast - 1 Thus spake Isaiah 05:11 2 William Walton Belshazzar's Feast - 2 If I forget thee, O Jerusalem 05:04 3 William Walton Belshazzar's Feast - 3 Babylon was a great city 04:27 4 William Walton Belshazzar's Feast - 4 Praise ye 05:16 5 William Walton Belshazzar's Feast - 5 Thus in Babylon 03:14 6 William Walton Belshazzar's Feast - 6 And in that same hour 01:57 7 William Walton Belshazzar's Feast - 7 Then sing aloud to God 04:23 8 William Walton Belshazzar's Feast - 8 The trumpeters and pipers are silent 01:03 9 William Walton Belshazzar's Feast - 9 Then sing aloud to God 03:43 Has Mbid 10 William Walton Crown Imperial 06:40 Has Mbid 11 William Walton Orb and Sceptre 07:15
William Walton View in Albunack Belshazzar's Feast; Henry V: Two Pieces for Strings; Partita for Orchestra 15 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 William Walton Belshazzar's Feast-Thus Spake Isaiah 05:10 2 William Walton Belshazzar's Feast-If I Forget Thee, O Jerusalem 02:28 3 William Walton Belshazzar's Feast-By the Waters of Babylon 02:55 4 William Walton Belshazzar's Feast-Babylon was a Great City 04:25 5 William Walton Belshazzar's Feast-Praise Ye 04:44 6 William Walton Belshazzar's Feast-This in Babylon, the Mighty City 03:12 7 William Walton Belshazzar's Feast-And in that Same Hour, as they Feasted 02:37 8 William Walton Belshazzar's Feast-Then Sing Aloud to God Our Strength 03:54 9 William Walton Belshazzar's Feast-The Trumpeters and Pipers Are Silent 01:03 10 William Walton Belshazzar's Feast-Then Sing Aloud to God Our Strength 03:51 Has Mbid 11 William Walton Henry V: Two Pieces for Strings-The Death of Falstaff (Passacaglia) 03:37 12 William Walton Henry V: Two Pieces for Strings-Touch Her Soft Lips and Part 01:59 13 William Walton Partita for Orchestra-Toccata 04:41 14 William Walton Partita for Orchestra-Pastorale Siciliana 06:18 15 William Walton Partita for Orchestra-Giga Burlesca 04:58
William Walton View in Albunack Bratch koncert - Sonate f. strygeork. - Partita f. ork. [Gardner] 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 William Walton Koncert for bratsch & ork. - I. Andante comodo - (1928 rev. 1937 & 1961) 07:51 2 William Walton Koncert for bratsch & ork. - II. Vivo, e moto preciso - 04:05 3 William Walton Koncert for bratsch & ork. - III. Allegro moderato - 11:44 4 William Walton Sonate f. strygeork. A-mol - I. Allegro - (1971) 08:35 5 William Walton Sonate f. strygeork. A-mol - II. Presto - 04:11 6 William Walton Sonate f. strygeork. A-mol - III. Lento - 09:00 7 William Walton Sonate f. strygeork. A-mol - IV. Allegro - 04:32 8 William Walton Partita f. orkester - I. Toccata - (1957) 04:34 9 William Walton Partita f. orkester - II. Pastorale Siciliana - 06:11 10 William Walton Partita f. orkester - III. Giga Burlesca - 05:00
William Walton View in Albunack CD01 - Walton - The Collector's Edition 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 William Walton Symphony No. 1 in B flat minor (1932-35 r. 1951) - 1. Allegro assai 16:18 2 William Walton Symphony No. 1 in B flat minor (1932-35 r. 1951) - 2. Presto, con malizia 06:41 3 William Walton Symphony No. 1 in B flat minor (1932-35 r. 1951) - 3. Andante con malincolia 14:10 4 William Walton Symphony No. 1 in B flat minor (1932-35 r. 1951) - 4. Maestoso - Brioso ed ardentemente - Vivacissimo - Maestoso 13:56 5 William Walton Symphony No. 2 (1957-60) - 1. Allegro molto 08:35 6 William Walton Symphony No. 2 (1957-60) - 2. Lento assai 10:04 7 William Walton Symphony No. 2 (1957-60) - 3. Passacaglia: Theme, Variations, Fugato & Coda - Scherzando 08:44
William Walton View in Albunack CD07 - Walton - The Collector's Edition 15 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 William Walton Henry V - Suite (fr. 1944 film Henry V) (arr. Muir Mathieson) (1963) - 1. Overture: The Globe Playhouse 02:13 2 William Walton Henry V - Suite (fr. 1944 film Henry V) (arr. Muir Mathieson) (1963) - 2. Passacaglia: The Death of Falstaff 02:58 3 William Walton Henry V - Suite (fr. 1944 film Henry V) (arr. Muir Mathieson) (1963) - 3. Charge and Battle 05:48 4 William Walton Henry V - Suite (fr. 1944 film Henry V) (arr. Muir Mathieson) (1963) - 4. Touch her soft lips and part 01:35 5 William Walton Henry V - Suite (fr. 1944 film Henry V) (arr. Muir Mathieson) (1963) - 5. Agincourt Song 02:37 6 William Walton Partita for Orchestra (1957) - 1. Toccata: Brioso 04:51 7 William Walton Partita for Orchestra (1957) - 2. Pastorale siciliana: Andante comodo 05:58 8 William Walton Partita for Orchestra (1957) - 3. Giga burlesca: Allegro giovale 05:05 9 William Walton Sinfonia concertante (1926-1927, r. 1943) - 1. Maestoso 07:41 10 William Walton Sinfonia concertante (1926-1927, r. 1943) - 2. Andante comodo 05:52 11 William Walton Sinfonia concertante (1926-1927, r. 1943) - 3. Allegro vivo sempre scherzando 04:07 12 William Walton String Quartet No. 2 in A minor (1944-47) - 1. Allegro 09:26 13 William Walton String Quartet No. 2 in A minor (1944-47) - 2. Presto 03:51 14 William Walton String Quartet No. 2 in A minor (1944-47) - 3. Lento 08:49 15 William Walton String Quartet No. 2 in A minor (1944-47) - 4. Allegro molto 04:10
William Walton View in Albunack Facade Suite, ect. 15 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 W. Walton: Facade Suite Fafare and Scotch Rhapsody 01:45 2 W. Walton: Facade Suite Tango-Pasodoble 01:51 3 W. Walton: Facade Suite Jodelling Song 02:30 4 W. Walton: Facade Suite Country Dance 01:55 5 W. Walton: Facade Suite Polka 01:11 6 W. Walton: Facade Suite Valse 02:59 7 W. Walton: Facade Suite Mariner Man 00:36 8 W. Walton: Facade Suite Long Steel Grass 02:03 9 W. Walton: Facade Suite Popular Song 01:53 10 W. Walton: Facade Suite Fox-Trol 'Old Sir Faulk' 01:49 11 W. Walton: Facade Suite Something Lies Beyond the Scene 00:58 12 W. Walton: Facade Suite Tarantella 01:22 13 Strauss-Hasenohrl Till Eulenspiegel Einmal Anders! 08:00 14 Scriabin-Elliot Waltz in A-Flat 04:55 15 Nielsen Serenata in Vano 06:43
William Walton View in Albunack Scenes from Richard III, Henry V 28 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Philharmonia Orchestra / Sir William Walton Richard III - Prelude 07:35 2 Philharmonia Orchestra / Sir William Walton Richard III - 1. Fanfare 00:31 3 Philharmonia Orchestra / Sir William Walton Richard III - 2. Music plays 01:30 4 Philharmonia Orchestra / Sir William Walton Richard III - 3. The Princes in the Tower 02:17 5 Philharmonia Orchestra / Sir William Walton Richard III - 4. With drums and colours 01:24 6 Philharmonia Orchestra / Sir William Walton Richard III - 5. I would I knew thy heart 03:27 7 Philharmonia Orchestra / Sir William Walton Richard III - 6. Trumpets sound 01:17 8 Philharmonia Orchestra / Sir William Walton Henry V Suite - 1. Overture: The Globe playhouse 02:13 9 Philharmonia Orchestra / Sir William Walton Henry V Suite - 2. Passacaglia: The Death of Falstaff 02:58 10 Philharmonia Orchestra / Sir William Walton Henry V Suite - 3. Charge and Battle 05:48 11 Philharmonia Orchestra / Sir William Walton Henry V Suite - 4. Touch her soft lips and part 01:36 12 Philharmonia Orchestra / Sir William Walton Henry V Suite - 5. Agincourt Song 02:38 13 Philharmonia Orchestra / Sir William Walton First of the Few: Spitfire Prelude 03:46 14 Philharmonia Orchestra / Sir William Walton First of the Few: Spitfire Fugue 04:17 15 Sir Lawrence Olivier (speaker) / Philharmonia Orchestra / Sir William Walton Henry V - London, 1600 02:56 16 Philharmonia Orchestra / Sir William Walton Henry V - The Globe theatre 01:19 17 Philharmonia Orchestra / Sir William Walton Henry V - Prologue 'O for a muse of fire' 01:37 18 Philharmonia Orchestra / Sir William Walton Henry V - 'Once more unto the breach' 03:08 19 Philharmonia Orchestra / Sir William Walton Henry V - 'Now entertain conjecture of a time' 03:23 20 Philharmonia Orchestra / Sir William Walton Henry V - 'But if the cause be not good' 01:07 21 Philharmonia Orchestra / Sir William Walton Henry V - 'Upon the king!' 03:22 22 Philharmonia Orchestra / Sir William Walton Henry V - 'This day is called the Feast of Crispian' 02:50 23 Philharmonia Orchestra / Sir William Walton Henry V - 'Once more I come to know of thee, King Harry' 01:52 24 Philharmonia Orchestra / Sir William Walton Henry V - The Battle of Agincourt 04:49 25 Philharmonia Orchestra / Sir William Walton Henry V - 'My duty to you both, on equal love' 03:37 26 Philharmonia Orchestra / Sir William Walton Henry V - 'Thus far, with rough and all-unable pen' 00:39 27 Sir Lawrence Olivier (speaker) / Philharmonia Orchestra / Sir William Walton Henry V - Madrigal 01:18 28 Sir Lawrence Olivier (speaker) / Philharmonia Orchestra / Sir William Walton Henry V - Agincourt song 02:18
William Walton View in Albunack Symphony No. 2, Cello Concerto 13 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 William Walton Improvisations on an Impromptu of Benjamin Britten - Lento - Movendo 03:55 2 William Walton Improvisations on an Impromptu of Benjamin Britten - Vivo - Piu animato poco a poco 02:40 3 William Walton Improvisations on an Impromptu of Benjamin Britten - Moderato - 03:54 4 William Walton Improvisations on an Impromptu of Benjamin Britten - Scherzando - Giocoso 03:17 5 William Walton Concerto for Cello and Orchestra - I. Moderato 08:00 6 William Walton Concerto for Cello and Orchestra - II. Allegro appassionato 06:08 7 William Walton Concerto for Cello and Orchestra - III. Tema ed improvvisazioni - Lento - Con moto 04:14 8 William Walton Concerto for Cello and Orchestra - III. (con't) Risoluto, Tempo giusto. Brioso - Allegro molto 02:49 9 William Walton Concerto for Cello and Orchestra - III. (con't) Rapsodicamente - A tempo (Moderato) 06:45 10 William Walton Symphony No. 2 - I. Allegro molto - Grazioso - Agitato - Vivace - Brioso (poco piu mosso) - Agitato 08:36 11 William Walton Symphony No. 2 - II. Lento assai - Poco piu mosso - Poco meno - Pochissimo piu mosso 10:12 12 William Walton Symphony No. 2 - III. Passacaglia. Tema. Risoluto (with variations) 05:39 13 William Walton Symphony No. 2 - III. Passacaglia. Fugato - Coda. Scherzando (Piu mosso) - Presto - Maestoso 03:45
William Walton View in Albunack The Quest; Siesta; The Wise Virgins 14 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 William Walton The Quest: A ballet in five scenes-Scene1: Outside the house of Archimago 09:23 2 William Walton The Quest: A ballet in five scenes-Scene 2 Near the Palac of Pride 07:08 3 William Walton The Quest: A ballet in five scenes-Scene 3: The Palace of Pride-opening scene 01:42 4 William Walton The Quest: A ballet in five scenes-The Seven Deadly Sins 05:36 5 William Walton The Quest: A ballet in five scenes-The Palace of Pride-concluding Scene 04:29 6 William Walton The Quest: A ballet in five scenes-Scene 4: Near the Palace of Pride 04:19 7 William Walton The Quest: A ballet in five scenes-Scene 5: The Hoeuse of Holiness 07:11 8 William Walton Siesta 05:11 9 William Walton The Wise Virgins: Suite from the Ballet-What God hsth done, is rightly done 02:31 10 William Walton The Wise Virgins: Suite from the Ballet-Lord, hear my loning 02:19 11 William Walton The Wise Virgins: Suite from the Ballet-See what His Love can do 03:56 12 William Walton The Wise Virgins: Suite from the Ballet-Ah! How ephemeral 01:57 13 William Walton The Wise Virgins: Suite from the Ballet-Sheep may safely graze 05:54 14 William Walton The Wise Virgins: Suite from the Ballet-Praise be to God 01:34
William Walton View in Albunack The Quest; Siesta; The Wise Virgins [Lloyd-Jones] 14 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 David Lloyd-Jones & William Walton The Quest: A ballet in five scenes-Scene1: Outside the house of Archimago 09:23 2 David Lloyd-Jones & William Walton The Quest: A ballet in five scenes-Scene 2 Near the Palac of Pride 07:08 3 David Lloyd-Jones & William Walton The Quest: A ballet in five scenes-Scene 3: The Palace of Pride-opening scene 01:42 4 David Lloyd-Jones & William Walton The Quest: A ballet in five scenes-The Seven Deadly Sins 05:36 5 David Lloyd-Jones & William Walton The Quest: A ballet in five scenes-The Palace of Pride-concluding Scene 04:29 6 David Lloyd-Jones & William Walton The Quest: A ballet in five scenes-Scene 4: Near the Palace of Pride 04:19 7 David Lloyd-Jones & William Walton The Quest: A ballet in five scenes-Scene 5: The Hoeuse of Holiness 07:11 8 David Lloyd-Jones & William Walton Siesta 05:11 9 David Lloyd-Jones & William Walton The Wise Virgins: Suite from the Ballet-What God hsth done, is rightly done 02:31 10 David Lloyd-Jones & William Walton The Wise Virgins: Suite from the Ballet-Lord, hear my loning 02:19 11 David Lloyd-Jones & William Walton The Wise Virgins: Suite from the Ballet-See what His Love can do 03:56 12 David Lloyd-Jones & William Walton The Wise Virgins: Suite from the Ballet-Ah! How ephemeral 01:57 13 David Lloyd-Jones & William Walton The Wise Virgins: Suite from the Ballet-Sheep may safely graze 05:54 14 David Lloyd-Jones & William Walton The Wise Virgins: Suite from the Ballet-Praise be to God 01:34
William Walton View in Albunack Walton - Symphonies Nos.1 & 2, Siesta 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Walton Symphony No.1 in B flat minor - Allegro assai 14:20 2 Walton, W Symphony No.1 in B flat minor - Presto, con malizia 05:58 3 Walton Symphony No.1 in B flat minor - Andante con malinconia 12:10 4 Walton Symphony No.1 in B flat minor - Maestoso - Brioso ed ardentemente - Vivacissimo - Maestoso 13:10 5 Walton Siesta 05:08 6 Walton Symphony No.2 - Allegro molto 08:55 7 Walton Symphony No.2 - Lento assai 09:50 8 Walton Symphony No.2 - Passacaglia: Theme (risoluto), Variantions, Fugato and Coda (Scherzando - Presto) 09:36
William Walton View in Albunack Walton Choral Works 18 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 William Walton Coronation Te Deum 10:19 2 William Walton Set me as a Seal upon thine Heart 03:19 3 William Walton Jubilate Deo 03:23 4 William Walton Make we joy now in this Fest 03:18 5 William Walton What Cheer? 01:15 6 William Walton King Herod and the Cock 01:54 7 William Walton All this Time 01:41 8 William Walton The Twelve 11:19 9 William Walton Magnificat 03:57 10 William Walton Nunc Dimittis 02:07 11 William Walton A Litany 03:16 12 William Walton Missa Brevis - Kyrie 02:15 13 William Walton Missa Brevis - Sanctus, Benedictus 01:33 14 William Walton Missa Brevis - Agnus Dei 01:28 15 William Walton Missa Brevis - Gloria 03:34 16 William Walton Cantico del Sole 06:11 17 William Walton Where does the Uttered Music Go? 06:11 18 William Walton Antiphon 03:02
William Walton View in Albunack Walton Conducts Walton 21 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 London Philharmonic Orchestra & William Walton Portsmouth Point, overture for orchestra 06:18 2 Philharmonia Chamber Orchestra & William Walton Symphony No. 1 in B flat minor- 2. Presto, con malizia 06:08 3 Philharmonia Chamber Orchestra & William Walton Symphony No. 1 in B flat minor- 3. Andante con malinconia 10:20 4 Philharmonia Chamber Orchestra & William Walton Symphony No. 1 in B flat minor- 4. Maestoso - Brioso ed ardentemente - Vivacissimo - Maestoso 12:10 5 London Philharmonic Orchestra & William Walton Music for Children: III. The Silent Lake (Adagio) 01:24 6 London Philharmonic Orchestra & William Walton Music for Children: IV. The Pony Trap (Gaiamente) 01:15 7 London Philharmonic Orchestra & William Walton Music for Children: V. Swing-Boats (Giocoso deliberatemente) 01:02 8 London Philharmonic Orchestra & William Walton Music for Children: VI. Puppet's Dance (Allegro) 01:39 9 Philharmonia Chamber Orchestra & William Walton Belshazzar's Feast, for baritone, double chorus & orchestra- Praise ye the God of Gold 05:21 10 London Philharmonic Orchestra & William Walton Music for Children: VIII. Hop-Scotch (Leggiero) 00:46 11 London Philharmonic Orchestra & William Walton Music for Children: IX. Ghosts (Largo) 01:57 12 London Philharmonic Orchestra & William Walton Music for Children: X. Trumpet Tune (Alla marcia) 02:11 13 Philharmonia Chamber Orchestra & William Walton Belshazzar's Feast, for baritone, double chorus & orchestra- The trumpeters and pipers are silent 01:23 14 London Symphony Orchestra & William Walton The Quest, suite from the ballet for orchestra (arr. by V. Tausky): II. The Spell (Siciliana) 02:17 15 London Symphony Orchestra & William Walton The Quest, suite from the ballet for orchestra (arr. by V. Tausky): III. The Challenge 02:54 16 London Symphony Orchestra & William Walton The Quest, suite from the ballet for orchestra (arr. by V. Tausky): IV. The Reunion (Passacaglia) 04:48 17 London Symphony Orchestra & William Walton Sinfonia concertante, for orchestra with piano obbligato: I. Maestoso allegro spirito 08:25 18 London Symphony Orchestra & William Walton Sinfonia concertante, for orchestra with piano obbligato: II. Andante comodo 06:43 19 London Symphony Orchestra & William Walton Sinfonia concertante, for orchestra with piano obbligato: III. Allegro vivo - sempre scherzando 04:51 20 London Symphony Orchestra & William Walton Scapino, comedy overture for orchestra 08:46 21 London Symphony Orchestra & William Walton Capriccio Burlesco 07:24
William Walton View in Albunack Walton conducts Walton 26 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 William Walton Facade Suite No. 1 - Polka 00:00 2 William Walton Facade Suite No. 1 - Valse 00:00 3 William Walton Facade Suite No. 1 - Swiss Yodelling Song 00:00 4 William Walton Facade Suite No. 1 - Tango - Pasodoble 00:00 5 William Walton Facade Suite No. 1 - Tarantella, Sevillana 00:00 6 William Walton Facade Suite No. 2 - Fanfare 00:00 7 William Walton Facade Suite No. 2 - Scotch Rhapsody 00:00 8 William Walton Facade Suite No. 2 - Country Dance 00:00 9 William Walton Facade Suite No. 2 - Noche Espagnole 00:00 10 William Walton Facade Suite No. 2 - Popular Song 00:00 11 William Walton Facade Suite No. 2 - Old Sir Faulk 00:00 12 William Walton Viola Concerto - Andante comodo 00:00 13 William Walton Viola Concerto - Vivo, con moto preciso 00:00 14 William Walton Viola Concerto - Allegro moderato 00:00 15 William Walton Belshazzar's Feast - Thus spake Isaiah 00:00 16 William Walton Belshazzar's Feast - By the waters of Babylon 00:00 17 William Walton Belshazzar's Feast - For they that wasted us 00:00 18 William Walton Belshazzar's Feast - If I forget thee Oh Jerusalem 00:00 19 William Walton Belshazzar's Feast - By the waters of Babylon 00:00 20 William Walton Belshazzar's Feast - Oh daughters of Babylon 00:00 21 William Walton Belshazzar's Feast - Babylon was a great city 00:00 22 William Walton Belshazzar's Feast - In Babylon, Belshazzar the King made a great feast 00:00 23 William Walton Belshazzar's Feast - Praise ye the god of gold 00:00 24 William Walton Belshazzar's Feast - Thus in Babylon the mighty city 00:00 25 William Walton Belshazzar's Feast - And in that same hour after they feasted 00:00 26 William Walton Belshazzar's Feast - Then sing, sing aloud 00:00
William Walton View in Albunack Walton: Anon in Love and other Chamber Works 27 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 William Walton Toccata for violin & piano in A minor 14:22 2 William Walton Duets for Children, for piano, 4 hands: 1. Andantino. The Music Lesson 01:04 3 William Walton Duets for Children, for piano, 4 hands: 2. Vivo. The Three-Legged Race 00:42 4 William Walton Duets for Children, for piano, 4 hands: 3. Adagio. The Silent Lake 01:39 5 William Walton Duets for Children, for piano, 4 hands: 4. Gaiamente. Pony Trap 01:12 6 William Walton Duets for Children, for piano, 4 hands: 5. Largo. Ghosts 02:06 7 William Walton Duets for Children, for piano, 4 hands: 6. Leggiero. Hop-scotch 00:38 8 William Walton Duets for Children, for piano, 4 hands: 7. Giocoso deliberamente. Swing-boats 00:55 9 William Walton Duets for Children, for piano, 4 hands: 8. Larghetto. Song at Dusk 01:30 10 William Walton Duets for Children, for piano, 4 hands: 9. Allegro. Puppet's Dance 01:26 11 William Walton Duets for Children, for piano, 4 hands: 10. Alla marcia. Trumpet Tune 02:13 12 William Walton Valse from "Façade" 04:29 13 William Walton Pieces (2) for violin & piano: 1. Moderato. Canzonetta 03:40 14 William Walton Pieces (2) for violin & piano: 2. Molto vivace. Scherzetto 02:07 15 William Walton Songs (2) for tenor & piano: 1. The Winds 01:27 16 William Walton Songs (2) for tenor & piano: 2. Tritons 01:44 17 William Walton Bagatelles (5) for guitar: 1. Allegro 03:57 18 William Walton Bagatelles (5) for guitar: 2. Lento 03:33 19 William Walton Bagatelles (5) for guitar: 3. Alla Cubana 02:05 20 William Walton Bagatelles (5) for guitar: 4. Quarter note = Quarter note = 126c 02:15 21 William Walton Bagatelles (5) for guitar: 5. Con slancio 02:32 22 William Walton Anon in Love, song cycle for tenor & guitar or orchestra: 1. Fain would I change that note 03:36 23 William Walton Anon in Love, song cycle for tenor & guitar or orchestra: 2. O stay, sweet love 01:37 24 William Walton Anon in Love, song cycle for tenor & guitar or orchestra: 3. Lady, when I behold the roses 01:49 25 William Walton Anon in Love, song cycle for tenor & guitar or orchestra: 4. My Love in her attire 00:46 26 William Walton Anon in Love, song cycle for tenor & guitar or orchestra: 5. I gave her Cakes 01:34 27 William Walton Anon in Love, song cycle for tenor & guitar or orchestra: 6. To couple is a custom 01:34
William Walton View in Albunack Walton: Facade / Henry V music 29 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 William Walton Facade - Fanfare 00:32 2 William Walton Facade - Hornpipe 01:13 3 William Walton Facade - En famile 03:07 4 William Walton Facade - Mariner Man 00:43 5 William Walton Facade - Long Steel Grass 02:02 6 William Walton Facade - Through Gilded Trellises 02:21 7 William Walton Facade - Tango - Pasadoble 01:51 8 William Walton Facade - Lullaby For Jumbo 01:32 9 William Walton Facade - Black Mrs. Behemoth 00:59 10 William Walton Facade - Tarantella 01:17 11 William Walton Facade - A Man From A Far Countree 01:26 12 William Walton Facade - By The Lake 01:44 13 William Walton Facade - Country Dance 01:48 14 William Walton Facade - Polka 01:27 15 William Walton Facade - Four In The Morning 02:39 16 William Walton Facade - Something Lies Beyond The Scene 01:00 17 William Walton Facade - Valse 03:05 18 William Walton Facade - Jodelling Song 02:31 19 William Walton Facade - Scotch Rhapsody 01:16 20 William Walton Facade - Popular Song 01:59 21 William Walton Facade - Fox-trot: "Old Sir Faulk" 02:01 22 William Walton Facade - Sir Beelzebub 01:04 23 William Walton Henry V - Once More Unto The Breach 05:56 24 William Walton Henry V - Now Enter Conjecture Of A Time 02:58 25 William Walton Henry V - Upon The King! Let Us Our Live, Oir Souls... 03:41 26 William Walton Henry V - This Day Is Called The Feast Of Crispian 05:13 27 William Walton Henry V - My Duty To Both With Equal Love 08:29 28 William Walton Henry V - Epilogue 01:28 29 William Walton Orb & Sceptre (Coronation March) 07:30
William Walton View in Albunack Walton: Rosand / Florida Phil / Judd 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 William Walton Aaron Rosand; James Judd: Florida Philharmonic Orchestra - Walton: Violin Concerto - I. Andante tranquillo 10:12 2 William Walton Aaron Rosand; James Judd: Florida Philharmonic Orchestra - Walton: Violin Concerto - II. Presto capriccioso alla napolitana 06:43 3 William Walton Aaron Rosand; James Judd: Florida Philharmonic Orchestra - Walton: Violin Concerto - III. Vivace 12:02 4 William Walton James Judd: Florida Philharmonic Orchestra - Walton: Suite from Henry V - I. Overture - The Globe Playhouse 02:14 5 William Walton James Judd: Florida Philharmonic Orchestra - Walton: Suite from Henry V - II. Passacaglia - Death of Falstaff 03:19 6 William Walton James Judd: Florida Philharmonic Orchestra - Walton: Suite from Henry V - III. Charge and Battle 06:09 7 William Walton James Judd: Florida Philharmonic Orchestra - Walton: Suite from Henry V - IV. Touch her soft lips, and part 02:22 8 William Walton James Judd: Florida Philharmonic Orchestra - Walton: Suite from Henry V - V. Agincourt Song 02:20 9 William Walton James Judd: Florida Philharmonic Orchestra - Walton: Prelude and Fugue (The "Spitfire") - Prelude 03:13 10 William Walton James Judd: Florida Philharmonic Orchestra - Walton: Prelude and Fugue (The "Spitfire") - Fugue 03:48 11 William Walton James Judd: Florida Philharmonic Orchestra - Walton: Capriccio Burlesco 07:13
William Walton View in Albunack Walton: Violin Sonata; Piano Quartet; Anon in Love 22 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 William Walton Piano Quartet in D minor: Allegramente 07:17 2 William Walton Piano Quartet in D minor: Allegro scherzando 05:11 3 William Walton Piano Quartet in D minor: Andante tranquillo 08:26 4 William Walton Piano Quartet in D minor: Allegro molto 08:28 5 William Walton Anon in Love, song cycle for tenor & guitar or orchestra: Fain would I change that note 03:23 6 William Walton Anon in Love, song cycle for tenor & guitar or orchestra: O stay, sweet love 01:40 7 William Walton Anon in Love, song cycle for tenor & guitar or orchestra: Lady, when I behold the roses 01:52 8 William Walton Anon in Love, song cycle for tenor & guitar or orchestra: My love in her attire 00:44 9 William Walton Anon in Love, song cycle for tenor & guitar or orchestra: I gave her cakes and I gave her ale 01:34 10 William Walton Anon in Love, song cycle for tenor & guitar or orchestra: To couple is a custom 01:42 11 William Walton Valse from "Façade" 04:30 12 William Walton Passacaglia, for cello solo 06:19 13 William Walton Sonata for Violin & Piano: Allegro tranquillo 12:07 14 William Walton Sonata for Violin & Piano: Variazioni: Tema: Andante 01:11 15 William Walton Sonata for Violin & Piano: Var I. A tempo poco più mosso 01:28 16 William Walton Sonata for Violin & Piano: Var II. A tempo quasi improvisando 02:27 17 William Walton Sonata for Violin & Piano: Var III. Alla marcia molto vivace 00:59 18 William Walton Sonata for Violin & Piano: Var IV. Allegro molto 00:34 19 William Walton Sonata for Violin & Piano: Var V. Allegretto con moto 02:10 20 William Walton Sonata for Violin & Piano: Var VI. Scherzando 00:31 21 William Walton Sonata for Violin & Piano: Var VII. Andante tranquillo 02:20 22 William Walton Sonata for Violin & Piano: Coda: Molto vivace - Presto 00:52
Willie Nelson View in Albunack 2016 - Summertime: Willie Nelson Sings Gershwin 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Willie Nelson But Not for Me 03:17 2 Willie Nelson Somebody Loves Me 02:14 3 Willie Nelson Someone to Watch Over Me 04:05 4 Willie Nelson Let’s Call the Whole Thing Off [feat. Cyndi Lauper] 03:07 5 Willie Nelson It Ain’t Necessarily So 04:28 6 Willie Nelson I Got Rhythm 02:47 7 Willie Nelson Love Is Here to Stay 03:24 8 Willie Nelson They All Laughed 02:45 9 Willie Nelson Embraceable You [feat. Sheryl Crow] 03:38 10 Willie Nelson They Can’t Take That Away From Me 02:54 11 Willie Nelson Summertime 03:52
Willie Nelson View in Albunack Always On My Mind - The Best Of Willie Nelson In Concert 15 1 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 Willie Nelson Always On My Mind 03:35 2 Willie Nelson Blue Eyes Crying In The Rain 03:00 3 Willie Nelson City Of New Orleans 04:51 4 Willie Nelson Georgia On My Mind 03:13 5 Willie Nelson Stardust 03:33 6 Willie Nelson Seven Spanish Angels 02:42 7 Willie Nelson On The Road Again 02:13 8 Willie Nelson 'Til I Gain Control Again 05:07 9 Willie Nelson If You've Got The Money Honey I've Got The Time 01:39 10 Willie Nelson Luckenbach, Texas 01:31 11 Willie Nelson Good-Hearted Woman 02:34 12 Willie Nelson Angel Flying Too Close To The Ground 03:36 13 Willie Nelson The Red-Headed Stranger 03:57 14 Willie Nelson Medley: Funny How Time Slips Away - Crazy - Night Life 07:34 15 Willie Nelson To All The Girls I've Loved Before 02:50
Willie Nelson View in Albunack Always On My Mind: The Best Of Willie Nelson In Concert 15 2 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 Willie Nelson Always On My Mind (live) 03:34 2 Willie Nelson Blue Eyes Crying In The Rain (live) 03:00 3 Willie Nelson City Of New Orleans (live) 04:52 4 Willie Nelson Georgia On My Mind (live) 03:13 5 Willie Nelson Stardust (live) 03:33 6 Willie Nelson Seven Spanish Angels (live) 02:42 7 Willie Nelson On The Road Again (live) 02:13 8 Willie Nelson 'Til I Gain Control Again (live) 05:07 Has Mbid 9 Willie Nelson If you Got The Money Honey I've Got The Time (live) 01:42 10 Willie Nelson Luckenbach,Texas (live) 01:31 11 Willie Nelson Good Hearted Woman (live) 02:34 12 Willie Nelson Angel Flying To Close To The Ground (live) 03:36 13 Willie Nelson The Red Headed Stranger (live) 03:57 14 Willie Nelson Medley: Funny How Time Slips Away / Crazy / Night Life (live) 07:34 15 Willie Nelson To All The Girls I've Loved Before (live) 02:50
Willie Nelson View in Albunack Greatest Hits Live 20 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Willie Nelson On The Road Again 02:09 2 Willie Nelson City Of New Orleans 04:52 3 Willie Nelson If You've Got The Money Honey, I've Got The Time 02:05 4 Willie Nelson Whiskey River 01:58 Has Mbid 5 Willie Nelson Always On My Mind 03:35 6 Willie Nelson Stardust 03:33 7 Willie Nelson All Of Me 02:05 8 Willie Nelson Blue Skies 03:15 9 Willie Nelson Georgia On My Mind 03:12 10 Willie Nelson Blue Eyes Crying In The Rain 02:57 11 Willie Nelson Under The Double Eagle 03:12 12 Willie Nelson Stay All Night (Stay A Little Longer) 02:45 13 Willie Nelson Seven Spanish Angels 02:42 14 Willie Nelson Luckenbach, Texas 01:37 15 Willie Nelson Good Hearted Woman 03:37 16 Willie Nelson Angel Flying Too Close To The Ground 03:38 17 Willie Nelson To All The Girls I've Loved Before 02:51 18 Willie Nelson Mammas Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up To Be Cowboys 02:30 19 Willie Nelson Me And Bobby McGee 03:06 20 Willie Nelson Help Me Make It Through The Night 03:23
Willie Nelson View in Albunack Legends Of The Grand Ole Opry 14 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Willie Nelson Touch Me 02:35 2 Willie Nelson Mr Record Man 02:16 3 Willie Nelson The Part Where I Cried 02:41 4 Willie Nelson I Never Cared For You 02:24 5 Willie Nelson In My Own Pecuilar Way 02:55 6 Willie Nelson Family Bible 03:07 7 Willie Nelson Funny How Time Slips Away 02:34 8 Willie Nelson Therell Be No Teardrops 02:21 9 Willie Nelson The Healing Hands Of Time 02:15 10 Willie Nelson One Day At A Time 02:17 11 Willie Nelson Fraulein 02:25 12 Willie Nelson Darkness On The Face Of The Earth 02:59 13 Willie Nelson Shes Not For You 02:45 14 Willie Nelson Hello Walls 01:45
Willie Nelson View in Albunack Live! At the U.S. Festival 1983 23 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Willie Nelson Whiskey River 02:37 2 Willie Nelson Stay All Night (Stay a Little Longer) 04:15 3 Willie Nelson Funny How Time Slips Away 02:26 4 Willie Nelson Crazy 01:35 5 Willie Nelson Night Life 03:31 6 Willie Nelson If You've Got the Money I've Got the Time 01:31 7 Willie Nelson Good Hearted Woman 03:31 8 Willie Nelson Sweet Memories 03:25 9 Willie Nelson Mammas Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up to Be Cowboys 03:16 10 Willie Nelson Good Hearted Woman 03:25 11 Willie Nelson Why Do I Have to Choose 02:58 12 Willie Nelson Help Me Make It Through the Night 03:30 13 Willie Nelson Bloody Mary Morning 08:21 14 Willie Nelson Blue Eyes Crying in the Rain 02:41 15 Willie Nelson Blue Skies 03:24 16 Willie Nelson Georgia on My Mind 03:37 17 Willie Nelson All of Me 02:34 18 Willie Nelson Stardust 04:18 19 Willie Nelson My Heroes Have Always Been Cowboys 01:24 20 Willie Nelson I Can Get Off On You 01:44 21 Willie Nelson Angel Flying Too Close to the Ground 03:42 22 Willie Nelson On the Road Again 04:45 23 Willie Nelson Always on My Mind 03:56
Willie Nelson View in Albunack Louis L'Amour Collection 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Willie Nelson Riding For the Brand 01 02:38 2 Willie Nelson The Black Rock Coffin Makers 02 07:13 3 Willie Nelson Riding For the Brand 03 05:02 4 Willie Nelson Riding For the Brand 04 03:21 5 Willie Nelson Trail To Pie Town 05 04:19 6 Willie Nelson Trail To Pie Town 06 06:17 7 Willie Nelson Big Medicine 01 04:34 8 Willie Nelson Big Medicine 02 05:52 9 Willie Nelson Big Medicine 03 06:37 10 Willie Nelson Riding For the Brand 10 07:59 11 Willie Nelson Big Medicine 05 05:03
Willie Nelson View in Albunack New Year's Eve In Houston 1984 18 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Willie Nelson Intro 01:55 2 Willie Nelson Stardust 04:54 3 Willie Nelson Stay A Little Longer 03:34 4 Willie Nelson If You've Got The Money I've Got The Time 03:08 5 Willie Nelson Night Life 07:01 6 Willie Nelson She Is Gone 04:15 7 Willie Nelson Thrill Is Gone 02:47 8 Willie Nelson Georgia On The Fast Train 03:11 9 Willie Nelson Good Hearted Woman 02:32 10 Willie Nelson Are You Ready For The Country 02:50 11 Willie Nelson Storms Never Last 03:25 12 Willie Nelson Johnny Cash Impression 01:20 13 Willie Nelson I Still Miss Someone 03:59 14 Willie Nelson Blue Eyes Crying In The Rain 02:50 15 Willie Nelson Amazing Grace 05:52 16 Willie Nelson Angel Flying Too Close To The Ground 03:54 17 Willie Nelson Whiskey River (Reprise) 04:08 18 Willie Nelson The Eye Of The Storm 03:05
Willie Nelson View in Albunack Old Time Religion 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Willie Nelson Just A Little Walk With Jesus 04:33 2 Willie Nelson I'd Rather Have Jesus 04:42 3 Willie Nelson Where The Soul Never Dies 03:43 4 Willie Nelson Lily in the Valley 03:37 5 Willie Nelson I'll Fly Away 03:24 6 Willie Nelson Are You Washed In The Blood 04:01 7 Willie Nelson Where He Leads Me 05:08 8 Willie Nelson Old Time Religion 02:54 9 Willie Nelson Thine the Glory 04:12 10 Willie Nelson In the Sweet By & By 04:04 11 Willie Nelson When We All Get to Heaven 04:58
Willie Nelson View in Albunack The Hungry Years 15 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Willie Nelson The Hungry Years 04:10 2 Willie Nelson Detour 02:07 3 Willie Nelson I'm Ragged But I'm Right 02:33 4 Willie Nelson It Wouldn't Be The Same (Without You) 03:14 5 Willie Nelson Your Memory Won't Die 03:07 6 Willie Nelson When I Stop Dreaming 04:12 7 Willie Nelson If That's The Fashion 03:59 8 Willie Nelson Solitaire 03:55 9 Willie Nelson Milk Cow Blues 04:02 10 Willie Nelson Linda 03:28 11 Willie Nelson The Last Thing On My Mind 05:53 12 Willie Nelson She Is Gone 02:22 13 Willie Nelson Til I Gain Control Again 05:07 14 Willie Nelson Time Changes Everything 02:59 15 Willie Nelson Carefree Moments 03:05
Willie Nelson View in Albunack Willie Nelson & Family Live 17 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Willie Nelson Till I Gain Control Again 06:00 2 Willie Nelson Bloody Mary Morning 03:34 3 Willie Nelson I'm A Memory 02:03 4 Willie Nelson Mr Record Man 01:51 5 Willie Nelson Hello Walls 01:29 6 Willie Nelson One Day At A Time 02:03 7 Willie Nelson Will the Circle Be Unbroken 02:20 8 Willie Nelson Amazing Grace 05:18 9 Willie Nelson Take This Job and Shove It 02:53 10 Willie Nelson Uncloudy Day 03:43 11 Willie Nelson The Only Daddy That'll Walk the Line 01:21 12 Willie Nelson A Song For You 02:52 13 Willie Nelson Roll In My Sweet Baby's Arms 02:01 14 Willie Nelson Georgia On My Mind 04:05 15 Willie Nelson I Gotta Get Drunk 01:25 16 Willie Nelson Whiskey River 02:42 17 Willie Nelson The Only Daddy That'll Walk the Line 02:13
Willie Nelson View in Albunack Willie Nelson - Passaic, NJ 4-1-79 16 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Willie Nelson Detour 00:00 2 Willie Nelson Will The Circle Be Unbroken 02:15 3 Willie Nelson Amazing Grace 03:58 4 Willie Nelson Land Of Uncloudy Skies 03:55 5 Willie Nelson Instrumental 00:00 6 Willie Nelson One For My Baby And One For The Road 00:00 7 Willie Nelson Blue Skies 00:00 8 Willie Nelson Georgia On My Mind 04:20 9 Willie Nelson All Of Me 02:36 10 Willie Nelson Stardust 04:10 11 Willie Nelson Mama Don't Let Your Babies - Take Back the Weed - Willie & Waylon - Whiskey River 00:00 12 Willie Nelson Good Hearted Woman 00:00 13 Willie Nelson Sioux City Sue 02:52 14 Willie Nelson White Lightning 03:06 15 Willie Nelson One Night Of Love 03:40 16 Willie Nelson Truck Drivin' Man - Whiskey River 00:00
Willie Nelson View in Albunack Willie Nelson Greatest Hits Live 20 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Willie Nelson On the Road Again 02:09 2 Willie Nelson City of New Orleans 04:52 3 Willie Nelson If You've Got The Money Honey, I've Got the Time 02:05 4 Willie Nelson Whiskey River 01:58 Has Mbid 5 Willie Nelson Always on My Mind 03:34 6 Willie Nelson Stardust 03:32 7 Willie Nelson All of Me 02:05 8 Willie Nelson Blue Skies 03:15 9 Willie Nelson Georgia on My Mind 03:12 10 Willie Nelson Blue Eyes Crying in the Rain 02:57 11 Willie Nelson Under the Double Eagle 03:12 12 Willie Nelson Stay All Night (Stay a Little Longer) 02:45 13 Willie Nelson Seven Spanish Angels 02:42 14 Willie Nelson Luckenbach, Texas 01:37 15 Willie Nelson Good Hearted Woman 03:37 16 Willie Nelson Angel Flying too Close to the Ground 03:38 17 Willie Nelson To All the Girls I've Loved Before 02:51 18 Willie Nelson Mammas Don't Let Your Babies Greow Up to be Cowboys 02:30 19 Willie Nelson Me and Bobby McGee 03:06 20 Willie Nelson Help Me Make it Through the Night 03:23
Willie Nelson View in Albunack Willlie Nelson - Passaic, NJ 4-1-79 14 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Willie Nelson Whiskey River - Stay All Night 00:00 2 Willie Nelson Funny How Time Slips Away - Crazy 00:00 3 Willie Nelson Night Life 00:00 4 Willie Nelson If You've Got The Money 01:39 5 Willie Nelson Sweet Memories 03:19 6 Willie Nelson Bloody Mary Morning 00:00 7 Willie Nelson Gotta Get Drunk - Shotgun Willie 00:00 8 Willie Nelson Time Of The Preacher - Blue Eyes Cryiing In The Rain 00:00 9 Willie Nelson The Red Headed Stranger 04:43 10 Willie Nelson Instrumental 00:00 11 Willie Nelson Heartbreak Hotel 02:54 12 Willie Nelson Trouble In MInd 00:00 13 Willie Nelson A Song For You 00:00 14 Willie Nelson Come Into My Kitchen 00:00
Search Wim Mertens Certain Nuances Expected 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wim Mertens Apatride 05:31 2 Wim Mertens Zing'up 06:22 3 Wim Mertens The Custom of Amok 04:54 4 Wim Mertens The Weight of the Height 03:40 5 Wim Mertens La Fin de la Visite 05:53 6 Wim Mertens Indexed by the Arche-Fossil 07:55 7 Wim Mertens Sonsigns 05:43 8 Wim Mertens Fort van Varens 02:08 9 Wim Mertens The Scene of Two 09:41 10 Wim Mertens Archivcharakter 03:39 11 Wim Mertens Tactility 04:42
Search Wim Mertens Cran d'Oeufs - Charaktersketch 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wim Mertens Wegzuwünschen 03:36 2 Wim Mertens Unwillen-nichtwollen 05:41 3 Wim Mertens Wie mich dünckt 06:18 4 Wim Mertens Earmarked 05:46 5 Wim Mertens Reihengewebe 07:10 6 Wim Mertens Überhandnehmend 08:30 7 Wim Mertens Posts and postures 03:56 8 Wim Mertens The place of a gap 07:14 9 Wim Mertens According to the one 08:00
Search Wim Mertens Cran d'Oeufs - What Are We, Locks, To Do? 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wim Mertens Loosening The Ropes 05:24 2 Wim Mertens In The Knapsack 03:59 3 Wim Mertens And Hit The Bitter Water 04:12 4 Wim Mertens Those Willing To Tell A Story 04:07 5 Wim Mertens Oxyrhynchus 06:07 6 Wim Mertens But The Archer Himself Feeling The Arrows's Point From Another Bow 02:43 7 Wim Mertens Burned On Non Fruit-Bearing Wood 07:24 8 Wim Mertens Mixed With Hellebore 05:26 9 Wim Mertens Many Tens Of Thousands Of Things 03:51 10 Wim Mertens Shining Hands 03:39
Search Wim Mertens Decorum 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wim Mertens Anéantir 04:17 2 Wim Mertens Bienvenir 06:35 3 Wim Mertens Laudes 04:32 4 Wim Mertens Dépasser 04:32 5 Wim Mertens Empêcher 06:15 6 Wim Mertens Orémus 06:00 7 Wim Mertens Galoper 06:00 8 Wim Mertens Questionner 05:25 9 Wim Mertens In Situ 04:50
Search Wim Mertens Decorum 2 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wim Mertens Jubiler 06:35 2 Wim Mertens Kss ! Kss ! 05:24 3 Wim Mertens Laudes 04:32 4 Wim Mertens Monter 04:17 5 Wim Mertens Nier 04:57 6 Wim Mertens Orémus 05:59 7 Wim Mertens Posséder 06:17 8 Wim Mertens Questionner 05:25
Search Wim Mertens Kere Weerom: Decorum 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wim Mertens Anéantir 04:17 2 Wim Mertens Bienvenir 06:35 3 Wim Mertens Laudes 04:32 4 Wim Mertens Dépasser 04:32 5 Wim Mertens Empêcher 06:15 6 Wim Mertens Orémus 06:00 7 Wim Mertens Posséder 06:17 8 Wim Mertens Questionner 05:25 9 Wim Mertens In Situ 04:57
Search Wim Mertens Live at the Paradiso 1989 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wim Mertens Not at home 06:56 2 Wim Mertens Inergys 07:28 3 Wim Mertens 4 mains 03:35 4 Wim Mertens Words on the page 15:02 5 Wim Mertens To keep them from falling 08:19 6 Wim Mertens Paying for love 11:26 7 Wim Mertens The whole 03:49 8 Wim Mertens No testament 03:54 9 Wim Mertens Watch! 01:38 10 Wim Mertens The personell changes 07:18 11 Wim Mertens Birds for the mind 03:56
Search Wim Mertens Live in L'Ainsa, Aragon, Spain, 11.8.2001 13 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wim Mertens Von ganz unten 11:56 2 Wim Mertens Eine kugelrunde Null 03:43 3 Wim Mertens Geräusch 08:03 4 Wim Mertens Weiter und weiter 07:31 5 Wim Mertens Sich polieren 03:53 6 Wim Mertens Zutzig 06:23 7 Wim Mertens Rest meines ichs 04:18 8 Wim Mertens Sänger ohne Stimme 02:37 9 Wim Mertens Variations / La fin de la visite 08:30 10 Wim Mertens Darpa 07:21 11 Wim Mertens Comme en dormant 05:39 12 Wim Mertens Humility 03:39 13 Wim Mertens Yes, I never did 01:36
Search Wim Mertens Live in Paris, Théâtre de la Bastille 1.10.1992 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wim Mertens Gentleman of leisure 04:08 2 Wim Mertens Watch over me 06:47 3 Wim Mertens Lir 16:17 4 Wim Mertens Salernes 04:06 5 Wim Mertens La mesure 16:29 6 Wim Mertens Wandering eyes 09:47 7 Wim Mertens Shot one 05:14 8 Wim Mertens We'll find out 06:08
Search Wim Mertens Madrid 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wim Mertens Intro 00:48 2 Wim Mertens Close cover 02:21 3 Wim Mertens La fin de la visite 06:07 4 Wim Mertens And bring you back 04:42 5 Wim Mertens Comme en dormant 05:40 6 Wim Mertens Inergys 07:09 7 Wim Mertens Wound to wound 07:23 8 Wim Mertens Out of the dust 04:07 9 Wim Mertens Midly skeeming 02:38 10 Wim Mertens Their duet 03:26 11 Wim Mertens Maximizing the audience 08:52
Search Wim Mertens Nature's Largess 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wim Mertens Earmarked 05:56 2 Wim Mertens Often A Bird 05:00 3 Wim Mertens Birds For The Mind 05:18 4 Wim Mertens Maximizing The Audience 10:42 5 Wim Mertens Nuanced 05:31 6 Wim Mertens Sidemen 07:19 7 Wim Mertens The Tonality 05:13 8 Wim Mertens Sorry For The Visual Noise 01:53 9 Wim Mertens 4 Mains 05:15 10 Wim Mertens Struggle For Pleasure 06:10 11 Wim Mertens Close Cover 05:23
Search Wim Mertens The Promise kept in Advance 12 2 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wim Mertens To obey 07:28 2 Wim Mertens Tout ca, c'est fini 03:52 3 Wim Mertens Tout est illuminé 09:21 4 Wim Mertens A feet maniac 04:55 5 Wim Mertens Au fond, la mer 06:49 6 Wim Mertens Neither do I too 07:03 7 Wim Mertens We are the thieves 08:49 8 Wim Mertens Not at home 06:19 9 Wim Mertens Tourtour 05:07 Has Mbid 10 Wim Mertens Salernes 04:06 11 Wim Mertens Positively imperative 03:27 Has Mbid 12 Wim Mertens No testament 04:05
Search Wim Mertens Título desconocido 9 2 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 Wim Mertens Their Duet 03:48 2 Wim Mertens His Own Thing 04:52 3 Wim Mertens Watch Over Me 06:41 4 Wim Mertens One Who Matters 07:02 5 Wim Mertens Silver Lining 10:26 6 Wim Mertens Shot One 05:23 7 Wim Mertens We´ll Find Out 08:20 8 Wim Mertens Let Him Go 07:36 Has Mbid 9 Wim Mertens Wandering Eyes 09:49
Search Wim Mertens When Tool Met Wood 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wim Mertens Leeway 01:45 2 Wim Mertens 2 Joy Of Laughter 03:42 3 Wim Mertens 3 Cire Perdue 06:04 4 Wim Mertens Sovereign abandon 03:33 5 Wim Mertens 5 Initial Detachment 08:08 6 Wim Mertens 6 Holes In Habit 04:19 7 Wim Mertens 7 Slinding 05:12 8 Wim Mertens Affine schemes 07:38 9 Wim Mertens Ahead of itself 03:29 10 Wim Mertens Ode devenu épisode 03:19
Search Wim Mertens Years Without History Vol. 1-6 12 2 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wim Mertens Gentleman Of Leisure 04:08 2 Wim Mertens Watch Over Me 06:47 3 Wim Mertens Tout Est Illuminé 09:21 4 Wim Mertens A Feet Maniac 04:55 5 Wim Mertens La Mesure 16:29 6 Wim Mertens Neither Do I Too 07:03 7 Wim Mertens Shot One 05:14 8 Wim Mertens Not At Home 06:20 9 Wim Mertens Tourtour 05:07 Has Mbid 10 Wim Mertens Salernes 04:06 11 Wim Mertens Positively Imperative 03:28 Has Mbid 12 Wim Mertens No Testament 04:05
Search Wings Best of The Best The Hits 1988-2000 14 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wings Misteri Mimpi Syakilla 05:32 2 Wings Sejati 04:38 3 Wings Taman Rashidah Utama 06:02 4 Wings Biarkan Berlalu 05:56 5 Wings Biru Mata Hitamku 04:23 6 Wings Intan...Ku Kesepian 04:42 7 Wings Aku Pun Tahu 04:53 8 Wings Belenggu Irama 05:46 9 Wings Bernafas Dalam Lumpur 04:41 10 Wings Anugerah 04:43 11 Wings Suara Kita 05:27 12 Wings Hikayat Penuh Ranjau 05:06 13 Wings Peronda Jaket Biru 04:18 14 Wings Semalam Yang Hangat 04:56
Search Wings Live at City Hall, Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK 10th July 1973 20 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wings Introduction 00:52 2 Wings Soily 03:50 3 Wings Big Barn Bed 04:11 4 Wings When The Night 04:02 5 Wings Seaside Woman 04:47 6 Wings Wild Life 05:45 7 Wings Little Woman Love 04:20 8 Wings Maybe I’m Amazed 04:41 9 Wings My Love 04:54 10 Wings Live And Let Die 04:05 11 Wings Go Now 03:44 12 Wings The Mess 05:09 13 Wings Happy Birthday Denny Seiwell 00:26 14 Wings Hi, Hi, Hi 03:49 15 Wings Long Tall Sally 01:29 16 Wings Long Tall Sally 04:15 17 Wings Wild Life 05:45 18 Wings Little Woman Love 04:18 19 Wings Live And Let Die 03:57 20 Wings Long Tall Sally 04:15
Search Wings Menakluk Kosmos 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wings Menakluk Kosmos 05:36 2 Wings Peti Pandora Mu 04:45 3 Wings Bisa Yang Tertunda 04:14 4 Wings Raja Segala Duri 03:43 5 Wings Komplikasi Pramaya 04:36 6 Wings Ingatkan Dia 05:08 7 Wings Gurindam Mahsyar 04:37 8 Wings Adoney Dari Paran 04:30 9 Wings Segitiga Piramida 04:30 10 Wings Penanti 04:34
Search Wings Mencari Asal-Usul 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wings Sakit Bantal Empuk 04:31 2 Wings Padamkan Lampu Tidurmu 05:32 3 Wings Badan Belut Kepala Ular 03:37 4 Wings Mencari Asal-Usul 04:47 5 Wings Krisis Di Pertengahan Hidup 04:27 6 Wings Hati Sulam Lain 04:36 7 Wings Hidup Sederhana 04:36 8 Wings Bukan Kerana Matahari 05:32 9 Wings Dilailah (Hidup Mati, Damai Perang) 04:27
Search Wings Mr.Barbarik 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wings Keris Tak Ada Sarung 06:04 2 Wings Inspirasi Syakilla 05:11 3 Wings Singa Dan Harimau 05:27 4 Wings 203 04:37 5 Wings Mayang Sulit 05:27 6 Wings Handal 03:40 7 Wings Julang Timur Tengah 05:44 8 Wings Samar Nan Terang 05:21 9 Wings Gua Henjut Je ! (Instrumental) 03:33 10 Wings Teater Mahamega 04:53
Search Wings The Best Of 14 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wings No More Lonely Nights 04:41 2 Wings Band On The Run 05:26 3 Wings The Girl Is Mine 03:45 4 Wings Ebony And Ivory 03:38 5 Wings Goodnight Tonight 04:25 6 Wings Silly Love Songs 05:53 7 Wings Another Day 03:27 8 Wings My Love 04:10 9 Wings Coming Up 03:55 10 Wings Spies Like Us 04:45 11 Wings So Bad 03:23 12 Wings Jet 03:57 13 Wings Pipes Of Peace 03:16 14 Wings Press 03:53
Search Wings Wings - London Town 14 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wings London Town 04:08 2 Wings Cafe On The Left Bank 03:23 3 Wings I'm Carrying 02:46 4 Wings Backwards Traveller 01:08 5 Wings Cuff Link 01:59 6 Wings Children Children 02:23 7 Wings Girlfriend 04:40 8 Wings I've Had Enough 03:03 9 Wings With A Little Luck 05:47 10 Wings Famous Groupies 03:36 11 Wings Deliver Your Children 04:17 12 Wings Name And Address 03:08 13 Wings Don't Let It Bring You Down 04:33 14 Wings Morse Moose And The Grey Goose 06:27
Search Wings Wings Are Alright Tonight 16 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wings You Gave Me The Answer 03:19 2 Wings Jet 00:00 3 Wings Let Me Roll It 00:00 4 Wings Spirits Of Ancient Egypt 00:00 5 Wings Medicine Jar 00:00 6 Wings Maybe I'm Amazed 00:00 7 Wings Time To Hide 04:59 8 Wings Lady Madonna 00:00 9 Wings The Long And Winding Road 00:00 10 Wings Live And Let Die 00:00 11 Wings Picasso's Last Words 00:00 12 Wings Band On The Run 00:00 13 Wings Bluebird 00:00 14 Wings I've Just Seen A Face 00:00 15 Wings Blackbird 00:00 16 Wings Yesterday 00:00
Search Wings Wings From The Wings 13 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wings You Gave Me The Answer 03:57 2 Wings Magneto And Titanium Ma 04:11 3 Wings Go Now 04:08 4 Wings My Love 04:29 5 Wings Listen To What The Man Said 04:04 6 Wings Let 'Em In 04:40 7 Wings Time To Hide 05:15 8 Wings Silly Love Songs 06:14 9 Wings Beware My Love 06:58 10 Wings Letting Go 05:32 11 Wings Band On The Run 06:03 12 Wings Hi Hi Hi 03:52 13 Wings Soily 05:50
Search Wings Wings From Wings 15 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wings Venus And Mars 11:23 2 Wings Rock Show 04:03 3 Wings Jet 04:40 4 Wings Let Me Roll It 04:40 5 Wings Spirits Of Ancient Egypt 05:54 6 Wings Medicine Jar 05:49 7 Wings Maybe I'm Amazed 03:12 8 Wings Call Me Back Again 05:24 9 Wings Lady Madonna 04:36 10 Wings The Long And Winding Road 01:53 11 Wings Live And Let Die 03:34 12 Wings Picasso's Last Words (Drink To Me) 04:22 13 Wings Richard Cory 02:26 14 Wings Bluebird 02:54 15 Wings I've Just Seen A Face 02:25
Search Wink At Heel Diamonds [Remastered] 7 1 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 Wink 愛が止まらない ~Turn it into love~ 03:29 2 Wink LOVE IN THE FIRST DEGREE ~悪いあなた~ 04:02 3 Wink CROSS MY BROKEN HEART ~優しい頃を踊りたい~ 03:54 4 Wink 愛が止まらない ~Turn it into love~ [Remix-Version] 05:00 5 Wink Sugar Baby Love [Remix-Version] 04:32 6 Wink 冬のフォトグラフ 05:03 7 Wink DING DING ~恋から始まるふたりのトレイン~ 02:58
Search Wink REMIXES 14 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wink Turn It Into Love (Be Thankful For What You've Got. No Limits RMX) 04:00 2 Wink Sexy Music (New Chapter Of Sexy Dubwise Pt. 3) 04:44 3 Wink Special To Me (Summer Samba, Cool Jazz, New Jersey Jazz House Mix Instrumental) 04:36 4 Wink Ain't Nobody (Luv Piano Mix) 04:53 5 Wink One Night In Heaven (Black Energy Mix) 04:46 6 Wink My Turn (Euro Remix, Trip Euro Dub) 04:40 7 Wink Where Were You Last Night (Vocal Remix) 06:36 8 Wink Turn It Into Love (No Limits RMX) 07:16 9 Wink Jive Into The Night (Full Length Hyper Euro Mix) 04:40 10 Wink Especially For You (Cool Down Mix) 04:52 11 Wink Ain't Nobody (11:07 Bassmental Mix) 07:08 12 Wink My Turn (Trip Euro Dub) 04:39 13 Wink Special To Me (New Jersey Jazz House Mix Instrumental) 04:40 14 Wink Butter - Especially 4 U 03:01
Search Wink Remixes 14 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wink Turn It Into Love (Be Thankful For What You've Got. No Limits RMX) 04:00 2 Wink Sexy Music(New Chapter of Sexy Dubwise Pt.3) 04:44 3 Wink Special To Me(Summer Samba.Cool.Jazz) 04:36 4 Wink Ain’t Nobody(Luv Piano Mix) 04:53 5 Wink One Night In Heaven(Black Energy Mix) 04:46 6 Wink My Turn(Euro Remix) 04:40 7 Wink Where Were You Last Night(Vocal Remix) 06:36 8 Wink Turn It Into Love(No Limits RMX) 07:16 9 Wink Jive Into The Night(Full Length Hyper Euro Mix) 04:40 10 Wink Especially For You(Cool Down Mix) 04:52 11 Wink Ain’t Nobody(11:07 Bassmental Mix) 07:08 12 Wink My Turn (Trip Euro Dub) 04:39 13 Wink Special To Me(New Jeasey Jazz House Mix Instrumental) 04:40 14 Wink Butter(Especially 4 U) 03:01
Search Wink WINK CONCERT TOUR 1990 ~Especially For You II~ 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wink Especially For You 02:54 2 Wink Rainy Lonely Pavement 03:50 3 Wink いちばん哀しい薔薇 04:25 4 Wink Unshakable 05:28 5 Wink あの夏のシーガル ~Cherish~ 04:50 6 Wink 銀星倶楽部 ~I'm In Mood For Dancing~ 04:15 7 Wink Cat Walk Dancing 04:42 8 Wink 夜にはぐれて ~Where Were You Last Night~ 04:44 9 Wink シングル曲メドレー 09:17 10 Wink Oh My Love 03:55
Search Wink Wink Album Collection DISC.20 para para WINK! 17 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wink ニュー・ムーンに逢いましょう(REMIXED BY BPM2001) 02:37 2 Wink 淋しい熱帯魚(REMIXED BY Grand Fast Rocka) 03:43 3 Wink 愛が止まらない-Turn It Into Love-(REMIXED BY BPM2001) 02:31 4 Wink 真夏のトレモロ(REMIXED BY Grand Fast Rocka) 03:29 5 Wink 夜にはぐれて-Where Were You Last Night-(REMIXED BY Grand Fast Rocka) 03:13 6 Wink Sexy Music(REMIXED BY Grand Fast Rocka) 03:15 7 Wink トゥインクル トゥインクル(REMIXED BY Grand Fast Rocka) 03:37 8 Wink 愛が止まらない-Turn It Into Love-(REMIXED BY Grand Fast Rocka) 03:26 9 Wink ニュー・ムーンに逢いましょう(REMIXED BY BPM2001/Instrumental) 02:38 10 Wink 淋しい熱帯魚(REMIXED BY Grand Fast Rocka/Instrumental) 03:47 11 Wink 愛が止まらない-Turn It Into Love-(REMIXED BY BPM2001/Instrumental) 02:34 12 Wink 真夏のトレモロ(REMIXED BY Grand Fast Rocka/Instrumental) 03:38 13 Wink 夜にはぐれて-Where Were You Last Night-(REMIXED BY Grand Fast Rocka/Instrumental) 03:15 14 Wink Sexy Music(REMIXED BY Grand Fast Rocka/Instrumental) 03:19 15 Wink トゥインクル トゥインクル(REMIXED BY Grand Fast Rocka/Instrumental) 03:44 16 Wink 愛が止まらない-Turn It Into Love-(REMIXED BY Grand Fast Rocka/Instrumental) 03:26 17 Wink 愛が止まらない-Turn It Into Love-(radio mix) 02:21
Search Wink para para WINK! 17 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wink ニュー・ムーンに逢いましょう(REMIXED BY BPM2001) 02:37 2 Wink 淋しい熱帯魚(REMIXED BY Grand Fast Rocka) 03:43 3 Wink 愛が止まらない-Turn It Into Love-(REMIXED BY BPM2001) 02:31 4 Wink 真夏のトレモロ(REMIXED BY Grand Fast Rocka) 03:29 5 Wink 夜にはぐれて-Where Were You Last Night-(REMIXED BY Grand Fast Rocka) 03:13 6 Wink Sexy Music(REMIXED BY Grand Fast Rocka) 03:15 7 Wink トゥインクル トゥインクル(REMIXED BY Grand Fast Rocka) 03:42 8 Wink 愛が止まらない-Turn It Into Love-(REMIXED BY Grand Fast Rocka) 03:26 9 Wink ニュー・ムーンに逢いましょう(REMIXED BY BPM2001/Instrumental) 02:38 10 Wink 淋しい熱帯魚(REMIXED BY Grand Fast Rocka/Instrumental) 03:47 11 Wink 愛が止まらない-Turn It Into Love-(REMIXED BY BPM2001/Instrumental) 02:34 12 Wink 真夏のトレモロ(REMIXED BY Grand Fast Rocka/Instrumental) 03:38 13 Wink 夜にはぐれて-Where Were You Last Night-(REMIXED BY Grand Fast Rocka/Instrumental) 03:15 14 Wink Sexy Music(REMIXED BY Grand Fast Rocka/Instrumental) 03:19 15 Wink トゥインクル トゥインクル(REMIXED BY Grand Fast Rocka/Instrumental) 03:44 16 Wink 愛が止まらない-Turn It Into Love-(REMIXED BY Grand Fast Rocka/Instrumental) 03:26 17 Wink 愛が止まらない-Turn It Into Love-(radio mix) 02:21
Search Wink para para wink! 17 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wink ニュー・ムーンに逢いましょう(REMIXED BY BPM2001) 02:37 2 Wink 淋しい熱帯魚(REMIXED BY Grand Fast Rocka) 03:43 3 Wink 愛が止まらない-Turn It Into Love-(REMIXED BY BPM2001) 02:31 4 Wink 真夏のトレモロ(REMIXED BY Grand Fast Rocka) 03:29 5 Wink 夜にはぐれて-Where Were You Last Night-(REMIXED BY Grand Fast Rocka) 03:13 6 Wink Sexy Music(REMIXED BY Grand Fast Rocka) 03:15 7 Wink トゥインクル トゥインクル(REMIXED BY Grand Fast Rocka) 03:37 8 Wink 愛が止まらない-Turn It Into Love-(REMIXED BY Grand Fast Rocka) 03:26 9 Wink ニュー・ムーンに逢いましょう(REMIXED BY BPM2001/Instrumental) 02:38 10 Wink 淋しい熱帯魚(REMIXED BY Grand Fast Rocka/Instrumental) 03:47 11 Wink 愛が止まらない-Turn It Into Love-(REMIXED BY BPM2001/Instrumental) 02:34 12 Wink 真夏のトレモロ(REMIXED BY Grand Fast Rocka/Instrumental) 03:38 13 Wink 夜にはぐれて-Where Were You Last Night-(REMIXED BY Grand Fast Rocka/Instrumental) 03:15 14 Wink Sexy Music(REMIXED BY Grand Fast Rocka/Instrumental) 03:19 15 Wink トゥインクル トゥインクル(REMIXED BY Grand Fast Rocka/Instrumental) 03:44 16 Wink 愛が止まらない-Turn It Into Love-(REMIXED BY Grand Fast Rocka/Instrumental) 03:26 17 Wink 愛が止まらない-Turn It Into Love-(radio mix) 02:21
Wir Sind Helden View in Albunack Taubertal 2003 Live 16 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wir Sind Helden Ist Das So (live) 03:03 2 Wir Sind Helden Denkmal (live) 03:07 3 Wir Sind Helden Guten Tag (live) 03:51 4 Wir Sind Helden Alphamännchen (live) 05:32 5 Wir Sind Helden Rio (live) 04:43 6 Wir Sind Helden Du Erkennst Mich (live) 04:31 7 Wir Sind Helden Streichelzoo (live) 03:43 8 Wir Sind Helden Heldenzeit (live) 04:44 9 Wir Sind Helden Rüssel und Schwanz (live) 04:57 10 Wir Sind Helden Die Zeit Heilt Alle Wunder + Monster (live) 09:04 11 Wir Sind Helden Aurellie (live) 04:55 12 Wir Sind Helden Müssen Nur Wollen (live) 07:53 13 Wir Sind Helden Ausser Dir (live) 05:34 14 Wir Sind Helden Guten Tag (live) 05:33 15 Wir Sind Helden Ist Das So (live) 03:38 16 Wir Sind Helden Die Nacht (live) 04:57
Wir Sind Helden View in Albunack ToBiPhone0539 17 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wir Sind Helden Ode (an die Arbeit) 00:38 2 Wir Sind Helden Endlich Ein Grund Zur Panik 03:42 3 Wir Sind Helden Guten Tag 04:10 4 Wir Sind Helden Von Hier An Blind 03:44 5 Wir Sind Helden Gekommen Um Zu Bleiben 04:28 6 Wir Sind Helden The Geek (Shall Inherit) 04:00 7 Wir Sind Helden Wenn Es Passiert 03:47 8 Wir Sind Helden Kaputt 03:10 9 Wir Sind Helden Echolot 05:18 10 Wir Sind Helden Ist das so? 03:08 11 Wir Sind Helden KMüssen Nur Wollen 04:00 12 Wir Sind Helden Soundso 04:34 13 Wir Sind Helden Die Konkurrenz 05:03 14 Wir Sind Helden Aurèlie 06:06 15 Wir Sind Helden Nur Ein Wort 05:03 16 Wir Sind Helden Rüssel An Schwanz 05:16 17 Wir Sind Helden Denkmal 04:12
Wir sind Helden View in Albunack Live 17.8.2003 Köln Mediapark Einslivebühne 14 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wir sind Helden - Live Ist das so? 03:14 2 Wir sind Helden - Live Denkmal 03:04 3 Wir sind Helden - Live Guten Tag (Reklamation) 04:49 4 Wir sind Helden - Live Alphamännchen 05:06 5 Wir sind Helden - Live Halt Dich an Deiner Liebe fest 04:45 6 Wir sind Helden - Live Du erkennst mich nicht wieder 05:43 7 Wir sind Helden - Live Heldenzeit 04:32 8 Wir sind Helden - Live Rüssel an Schwanz 06:27 9 Wir sind Helden - Live Streichel Zoo 04:47 10 Wir sind Helden - Live Aurélie 08:06 11 Wir sind Helden - Live Müssen nur wollen 05:52 12 Wir sind Helden - Live Guten Tag (Reklamation) 03:50 13 Wir sind Helden - Live Die Nacht 04:59 Has Mbid 14 Wir sind Helden - Live Guten Tag (Reklamation) RMX 04:24
Wir sind Helden View in Albunack ToBiPhone0421 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wir sind Helden Ist das so? 03:21 2 Wir sind Helden Heldenzeit 05:29 3 Wir sind Helden Alphamännchen 04:38 4 Wir sind Helden Du erkennst mich nicht wieder 04:44 5 Wir sind Helden Denkmal 04:10 6 Wir sind Helden Guten Tag 05:10 7 Wir sind Helden Wenn es passiert 04:41 8 Wir sind Helden Die Zeit heilt alle Wunden 04:28 9 Wir sind Helden Rüssel am Schwanz 08:01
Search Wire 154 (Demos) 16 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wire 40 Versions - 6th Demo 03:19 2 Wire Ignorance No Plea (I Should Have Known Better) - 6th Demo 04:01 3 Wire Blessed State - 6th Demo 03:11 4 Wire A Touching Display - 6th Demo 05:19 5 Wire The 15th - 6th Demo 02:30 6 Wire A Mutual Friend - 6th Demo 03:56 7 Wire Once Is Enough - 6th Demo 02:39 8 Wire The Other Window - 6th Demo 02:09 9 Wire Stepping Off Too Quick - 6th Demo 01:22 10 Wire Indirect Enquiries V2 - 6th Demo 03:15 11 Wire Map Ref. 41°N 93°W - 6th Demo 03:50 12 Wire Single K.O. - 6th Demo 02:24 13 Wire On Returning - 6th Demo 01:49 14 Wire A Question Of Degree - 6th Demo 03:02 15 Wire Former Airline - 6th Demo 01:12 16 Wire Two People In A Room - 6th Demo 02:02
Search Wire 154 (Special Edition) - 3 - Sixth Demo Sessions 16 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wire 40 Versions (Sixth Demo Sessions, December 1978, Riverside Studios, London) 03:19 2 Wire Ignorance No Plea [I Should Have Known Better] (Sixth Demo Sessions, December 1978, Riverside Studios, London) 04:02 3 Wire Blessed State (Sixth Demo Sessions, December 1978, Riverside Studios, London) 03:11 4 Wire A Touching Display (Sixth Demo Sessions, December 1978, Riverside Studios, London) 05:19 5 Wire The 15th (Sixth Demo Sessions, December 1978, Riverside Studios, London) 02:30 6 Wire A Mutual Friend (Sixth Demo Sessions, December 1978, Riverside Studios, London) 03:56 7 Wire Once Is Enough (Sixth Demo Sessions, December 1978, Riverside Studios, London) 02:39 8 Wire The Other Window (Sixth Demo Sessions, December 1978, Riverside Studios, London) 02:09 9 Wire Stepping Off Too Quick (Sixth Demo Sessions, December 1978, Riverside Studios, London) 01:22 10 Wire Indirect Enquires [Version 2] (Sixth Demo Sessions, December 1978, Riverside Studios, London) 03:15 11 Wire Map Ref. 41°N 93°W (Sixth Demo Sessions, December 1978, Riverside Studios, London) 03:50 12 Wire Single KO (Sixth Demo Sessions, December 1978, Riverside Studios, London) 02:24 13 Wire On Returning (Sixth Demo Sessions, December 1978, Riverside Studios, London) 01:49 14 Wire A Question Of Degree (Sixth Demo Sessions, December 1978, Riverside Studios, London) 03:02 15 Wire Former Airline (Sixth Demo Sessions, December 1978, Riverside Studios, London) 01:12 16 Wire Two People In A Room (Sixth Demo Sessions, December 1978, Riverside Studios, London) 02:06
Search Wire 154 Deluxe Edition - Sixth Demo Sessions 16 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wire 40 Versions 03:19 2 Wire Ignorance No Plea (I Should Have Known Better) 04:02 3 Wire Blessed State 03:11 4 Wire A Touching Display 05:19 5 Wire The 15th 02:30 6 Wire A Mutual Friend 03:56 7 Wire Once Is Enough 02:39 8 Wire The Other Window 02:09 9 Wire Stepping Off Too Quick 01:22 10 Wire Indirect Enquiries (v2) 03:15 11 Wire Map Ref. 41°N 93°W 03:50 12 Wire Single K.O. 02:24 13 Wire On Returning 01:49 14 Wire A Question Of Degree 03:02 15 Wire Former Airline 01:12 16 Wire Two People In A Room 02:06
Search Wire 154 Special Edition 16 3 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wire 40 Versions 03:19 2 Wire Ignorance No Plea (I Should Have Known Better) 04:02 Has Mbid 3 Wire Go Ahead 04:03 4 Wire A Touching Display [Demo] 05:19 5 Wire The 15th [Demo] 02:30 Has Mbid 6 Wire Our Swimmer [Alternate Version] 02:49 7 Wire Once Is Enough [Demo] 02:38 8 Wire The Other Window [Demo] 02:09 Has Mbid 9 Wire Get Down 1 + 2 04:29 10 Wire Indirect Enquiries v2 03:15 11 Wire Map Ref. 41ºN 93ºW [Demo] 03:50 12 Wire Single K.O. [Demo] 02:24 13 Wire On Returning [Demo] 01:49 14 Wire A Question of Degree [Demo] 03:02 15 Wire Former Airline [Demo] 01:12 16 Wire Two People in a Room [Demo] 02:02
Search Wire 21 July 1988 Astoria, London 14 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wire The Queen of Ur 05:12 2 Wire In Vivo 05:01 3 Wire KIdney Bingos 05:56 4 Wire The Finest Drops 07:19 5 Wire Silk Skin Paws 05:13 6 Wire German Shepherds 05:08 7 Wire A Public Place 05:41 8 Wire It's A Boy 04:40 9 Wire The Offer 03:11 10 Wire Eardrum Buzz 04:30 11 Wire Boiling Boy 07:31 12 Wire Drill 17:32 13 Wire Ahead 05:16 14 Wire Over Theirs 08:43
Wishbone Ash View in Albunack #18 KBFH: Capitol Theatre, Passaic, 1974 7 0 1974 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wishbone Ash Sometime World 08:21 2 Wishbone Ash Rock 'n Roll Widow 05:40 3 Wishbone Ash The King Will Come 06:57 4 Wishbone Ash Warrior 05:57 5 Wishbone Ash Blowin' Free-Jailbait 13:12 6 Wishbone Ash Phoenix 24:07 7 Wishbone Ash Time Was 07:50
Wishbone Ash View in Albunack 1973 Live Dates 11 2 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wishbone Ash The King will come 07:43 2 Wishbone Ash Warrior 05:37 Has Mbid 3 Wishbone Ash Throw down the Sword 06:06 Has Mbid 4 Wishbone Ash Rock'n'Roll Widow 06:10 5 Wishbone Ash Ballad of the Beacon 05:14 6 Wishbone Ash Baby what you want me to do 06:29 7 Wishbone Ash The Pilgrim 09:12 8 Wishbone Ash Blowin' free 05:25 9 Wishbone Ash Jail Bait 04:46 10 Wishbone Ash Lady Whiskey 05:56 11 Wishbone Ash Phoenix 17:00
Wishbone Ash View in Albunack 1973 Portsmouth 1973 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wishbone Ash The King Will Come 07:01 2 Wishbone Ash Warrior 05:39 3 Wishbone Ash Throw Down The Sword 06:41 4 Wishbone Ash Ballad Of The Beacon 06:22 5 Wishbone Ash Rock 'n Roll Widow 07:11 6 Wishbone Ash Everybody Needs A Friend 07:16 7 Wishbone Ash Blowin' Free 05:23 8 Wishbone Ash Jail Bait 04:59
Wishbone Ash View in Albunack 1973 Southampton 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wishbone Ash The King Will Come 07:35 2 Wishbone Ash Warrior 05:41 3 Wishbone Ash Throw Down The Sword 05:53 4 Wishbone Ash Ballad Of The Beacon 07:06 5 Wishbone Ash Rock 'n Roll Widow 06:29 6 Wishbone Ash Everybody Needs A Friend 06:52 7 Wishbone Ash Blowin' Free 05:21 8 Wishbone Ash Jail Bait 05:07 9 Wishbone Ash Doctor 06:26 10 Wishbone Ash So Many Things To Say 07:23 11 Wishbone Ash Baby What You Want Me To Do 06:34
Wishbone Ash View in Albunack 1973 Southampton (The Vintage Years: 1970-1991) 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wishbone Ash The King Will Come 07:35 2 Wishbone Ash Warrior 05:41 3 Wishbone Ash Throw Down The Sword 05:53 4 Wishbone Ash Ballad Of The Beacon 07:06 5 Wishbone Ash Rock 'n Roll Widow 06:29 6 Wishbone Ash Everybody Needs A Friend 06:52 7 Wishbone Ash Blowin' Free 05:21 8 Wishbone Ash Jail Bait 05:07 9 Wishbone Ash Doctor 06:26 10 Wishbone Ash So Many Things To Say 07:23 11 Wishbone Ash Baby What You Want Me To Do 06:34
Wishbone Ash View in Albunack 1974 There's the Rub 6 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wishbone Ash Silver Shoes 06:42 2 Wishbone Ash Don't come back 05:14 3 Wishbone Ash Persephone 07:00 4 Wishbone Ash Hometown 04:51 5 Wishbone Ash Lady Jay 05:58 Has Mbid 6 Wishbone Ash F.U.B.B. 09:19
Wishbone Ash View in Albunack 1974-02-21 - London, UK 8 0 1974 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wishbone Ash DJ intro 00:16 2 Wishbone Ash Ballad Of The Beacon 05:20 3 Wishbone Ash Sometime World 08:02 4 Wishbone Ash Rock n Roll Widow 05:57 5 Wishbone Ash Blowin Free 05:34 6 Wishbone Ash Jail Bait 09:07 7 Wishbone Ash Time Was 07:09 8 Wishbone Ash Phoenix 18:20
Wishbone Ash View in Albunack 1976 Edinburgh 1976 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wishbone Ash Runaway (Live at Edinburgh Usher Hall '76) 03:30 2 Wishbone Ash The King Will Come (Live at Edinburgh Usher Hall '76) 07:20 3 Wishbone Ash Warrior (Live at Edinburgh Usher Hall '76) 06:46 4 Wishbone Ash Lorelei (Live at Edinburgh Usher Hall '76) 06:24 5 Wishbone Ash Persephone (Live at Edinburgh Usher Hall '76) 09:30 6 Wishbone Ash (In All of My Dreams) You Rescue Me (Live at Edinburgh Usher Hall '76) 07:17 7 Wishbone Ash Outward Bound (Live at Edinburgh Usher Hall '76) 04:10 8 Wishbone Ash Mother of Pearl (Live at Edinburgh Usher Hall '76) 06:00 9 Wishbone Ash Rest in Peace (Live at Edinburgh Usher Hall '76) 06:45 10 Wishbone Ash Time Was (Live at Edinburgh Usher Hall '76) 07:15 11 Wishbone Ash Bad Weather Blues (Live at Edinburgh Usher Hall '76) 08:46 12 Wishbone Ash Jail Bait (Live at Edinburgh Usher Hall '76) 06:09
Wishbone Ash View in Albunack 1976 Locked In LP 10 2 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wishbone Ash Rest in Peace 06:43 Has Mbid 2 Wishbone Ash No Water in the Well 03:49 Has Mbid 3 Wishbone Ash Moonshine 03:37 4 Wishbone Ash She was my best Friend 03:55 5 Wishbone Ash It started in Heaven 03:19 6 Wishbone Ash Half past lovin' 05:33 7 Wishbone Ash Trust in you 05:07 8 Wishbone Ash Say goodbye 05:04 9 Wishbone Ash Bad Weather Blues (bonus track) (LP session outtake) 04:39 10 Wishbone Ash Chicago Tease (Bonus) 03:06
Wishbone Ash View in Albunack 1977 Marquee Club 13 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wishbone Ash Blind Eye 02:42 2 Wishbone Ash Lady Whiskey 02:45 3 Wishbone Ash The King Will Come 06:34 4 Wishbone Ash Warrior 05:10 5 Wishbone Ash Throw Down The Sword 04:27 6 Wishbone Ash Front Page News 06:21 7 Wishbone Ash Sometime World 07:06 8 Wishbone Ash Goodbye Baby Hello Friend 05:55 9 Wishbone Ash Runaway 03:35 10 Wishbone Ash Phoenix 10:36 11 Wishbone Ash Jail Bait 05:21 12 Wishbone Ash Blowin' Free 06:44 13 Wishbone Ash Bad Weather Blues 08:37
Wishbone Ash View in Albunack 1977 Newcastle 1977 14 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wishbone Ash Blind Eye (Live at Newcastle City Hall '77) 02:42 2 Wishbone Ash Lady Whiskey (Live at Newcastle City Hall '77) 02:48 3 Wishbone Ash The King Will Come (Live at Newcastle City Hall '77) 06:18 4 Wishbone Ash Warrior (Live at Newcastle City Hall '77) 05:24 5 Wishbone Ash Throw Down the Sword (Live at Newcastle City Hall '77) 04:37 6 Wishbone Ash Front Page News (Live at Newcastle City Hall '77) 06:04 7 Wishbone Ash Sometime World (Live at Newcastle City Hall '77) 07:20 8 Wishbone Ash Goodbye Baby, Hello Friend (Live at Newcastle City Hall '77) 05:49 9 Wishbone Ash Runaway (Live at Newcastle City Hall '77) 03:27 10 Wishbone Ash Come in from the Rain (Live at Newcastle City Hall '77) 05:18 11 Wishbone Ash Jail Bait (Live at Newcastle City Hall '77) 05:40 12 Wishbone Ash Blowin' Free (Live at Newcastle City Hall '77) 08:15 13 Wishbone Ash No Easy Road (Live at Newcastle City Hall '77) 06:23 14 Wishbone Ash Bad Weather Blues (Live at Newcastle City Hall '77) 08:52
Wishbone Ash View in Albunack 1978 Bournemouth 1978 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wishbone Ash The King Will Come 07:04 2 Wishbone Ash Warrior 06:28 3 Wishbone Ash Errors Of My Way 06:22 4 Wishbone Ash You See Red 06:55 5 Wishbone Ash F.U.B.B 09:33 6 Wishbone Ash The Way Of The World 10:53
Wishbone Ash View in Albunack 1978 Bournemouth D2 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wishbone Ash Phoenix 12:53 2 Wishbone Ash Anger In Harmony 04:46 3 Wishbone Ash Time Was 07:16 4 Wishbone Ash Runaway 03:39 5 Wishbone Ash Lady Whiskey 02:52 6 Wishbone Ash Jail Bait 05:38 7 Wishbone Ash Queen Of Torture 03:45 8 Wishbone Ash Blowin' Free 08:28 9 Wishbone Ash Bad Weather Blues 08:37
Wishbone Ash View in Albunack 1978 Bournemouth D2 (The Vintage Years- 1970-1991) 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wishbone Ash Phoenix 12:53 2 Wishbone Ash Anger In Harmony 04:46 3 Wishbone Ash Time Was 07:16 4 Wishbone Ash Runaway 03:39 5 Wishbone Ash Lady Whiskey 02:52 6 Wishbone Ash Jail Bait 05:38 7 Wishbone Ash Queen Of Torture 03:45 8 Wishbone Ash Blowin' Free 08:28 9 Wishbone Ash Bad Weather Blues 08:37
Wishbone Ash View in Albunack 1979 Live in Tokyo 8 2 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wishbone Ash F.U.B.B. (Live in Tokyo '78) 10:48 2 Wishbone Ash The Way of the World (Live in Tokyo '78) 10:27 3 Wishbone Ash You See Red (Live in Tokyo '78) 06:15 4 Wishbone Ash Jail Bait (Live in Tokyo '78) 05:19 5 Wishbone Ash Blowin' Free (Live in Tokyo '78) 06:42 6 Wishbone Ash Bad Weather Blues (Live in Sheffield '77) ("You See Red" B-Side) 08:20 Has Mbid 7 Wishbone Ash Helpless (Live in Bristol '80) (Single A-Side) 03:46 Has Mbid 8 Wishbone Ash Blowin' Free (Live in Newcastle '80) ("Helpless (Live)" Single B-Side) 06:34
Wishbone Ash View in Albunack 1980 Chelmsford 1980 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wishbone Ash Doctor (Live at Chelmsford Odeon '80) 05:06 2 Wishbone Ash Lady Whiskey (Live at Chelmsford Odeon '80) 02:54 3 Wishbone Ash Helpless (Live at Chelmsford Odeon '80) 03:51 4 Wishbone Ash I Need People (Live at Chelmsford Odeon '80) 05:36 5 Wishbone Ash The Pilgrim (Live at Chelmsford Odeon '80) 08:34 6 Wishbone Ash Lookin' for a Reason (Live at Chelmsford Odeon '80) 03:57 7 Wishbone Ash Runaway (Live at Chelmsford Odeon '80) 05:49 8 Wishbone Ash The King Will Come (Live at Chelmsford Odeon '80) 06:57 9 Wishbone Ash Phoenix (Live at Chelmsford Odeon '80) 15:32 10 Wishbone Ash Blowin' Free (Live at Chelmsford Odeon '80) 06:52 11 Wishbone Ash Jail Bait (Live at Chelmsford Odeon '80) 05:15 12 Wishbone Ash Bad Weather Blues (Live at Chelmsford Odeon '80) 08:40
Wishbone Ash View in Albunack 1980 Guildford 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wishbone Ash Doctor 05:41 2 Wishbone Ash Blind Eye 04:06 3 Wishbone Ash The Way Of The World 10:14 4 Wishbone Ash Living Proof 05:58 5 Wishbone Ash The King Will Come 06:47 6 Wishbone Ash Lifeline 06:52 7 Wishbone Ash Insomnia 05:01
Wishbone Ash View in Albunack 1981 Number The Brave 14 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wishbone Ash Loaded 04:13 2 Wishbone Ash Where Is The Love 03:22 3 Wishbone Ash Underground 04:17 4 Wishbone Ash Kicks On The Street 04:17 5 Wishbone Ash Open Road 05:21 6 Wishbone Ash Get Ready 03:16 7 Wishbone Ash Rainstorm 04:57 8 Wishbone Ash That's That 03:06 9 Wishbone Ash Roller Coaster 03:22 10 Wishbone Ash Number The Brave 05:01 11 Wishbone Ash My Mind Is Made Up (bonus track) (7''b to Underground UK MCA 695 1981) 04:43 12 Wishbone Ash Get Ready (single mix with Claire Hamill backing vocal) (bonus track) (7''a UK MCA 726 1980) 03:18 13 Wishbone Ash Now Or Never (bonus track)(LP outtake) 03:58 Has Mbid 14 Wishbone Ash Hard On You (1980 version)(bonus track)(LP outtake) 05:02
Wishbone Ash View in Albunack 25th Anniversary Of The Marquee - ca. 1982 Live 8 2 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wishbone Ash Can't Fight Love 02:05 2 Wishbone Ash Living Proof 06:13 3 Wishbone Ash Open Road 07:30 4 Wishbone Ash No More Lonely Nights 06:05 Has Mbid 5 Wishbone Ash Underground 04:19 6 Wishbone Ash King Will Come 06:50 Has Mbid 7 Wishbone Ash Phoenix 16:04 8 Wishbone Ash Engine Overheat 04:04
Wishbone Ash View in Albunack Access All Areas [Live] 11 2 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wishbone Ash Real Guitars Have Wings 03:26 2 Wishbone Ash The King Will Come 07:20 3 Wishbone Ash Cosmic Jazz 04:17 Has Mbid 4 Wishbone Ash Keeper Of The Light 04:49 Has Mbid 5 Wishbone Ash Why Dont We 08:04 6 Wishbone Ash Blowin' Free 08:41 7 Wishbone Ash Blind Eye 01:50 8 Wishbone Ash Lady Whiskey 01:12 9 Wishbone Ash Sometime World 01:26 10 Wishbone Ash Phoenix 01:56 11 Wishbone Ash Jailbait 07:55
Wishbone Ash View in Albunack At The Stables 2015 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wishbone Ash The Pilgrim 00:00 2 Wishbone Ash Deep Blues 00:00 3 Wishbone Ash Baby What You Want Me to Do 00:00 4 Wishbone Ash Heavy Weather 00:00 5 Wishbone Ash Warrior 00:00 6 Wishbone Ash Throw Down the Sword 00:00 7 Wishbone Ash Way Down South 00:00 8 Wishbone Ash Persephone 00:00
Wishbone Ash View in Albunack BBC Rock Hour 1980 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wishbone Ash Doctor 00:36 2 Wishbone Ash Blind Eye 05:29 3 Wishbone Ash Way Of The World 04:08 4 Wishbone Ash Insomnia 09:47 5 Wishbone Ash Lifeline 07:16 6 Wishbone Ash Living Proof 06:58 7 Wishbone Ash Helpless 05:56 8 Wishbone Ash Jailbait 03:47 9 Wishbone Ash Queen Of Torture 05:11 10 Wishbone Ash Blowin' Free 03:19 11 Wishbone Ash Time Was 06:27
Wishbone Ash View in Albunack Bare Bones (live 2014 bonus disc) 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wishbone Ash Errors Of My Way 06:01 2 Wishbone Ash Master Of Disguise 06:14 3 Wishbone Ash Baby Don't Mind 04:40 4 Wishbone Ash Living Proof 04:07 5 Wishbone Ash Hard Times 07:08 6 Wishbone Ash Strange Affair 05:36 7 Wishbone Ash Interview 18:11
Wishbone Ash View in Albunack Blowin' free 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wishbone Ash Time was 10:06 2 Wishbone Ash Blowin' free 05:38 3 Wishbone Ash The warrior 05:44 4 Wishbone Ash Throw down the sword 06:20 5 Wishbone Ash The king will come 07:41 6 Wishbone Ash Phoenix 19:29
Wishbone Ash View in Albunack Blowin'Free 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wishbone Ash Time Was 10:06 2 Wishbone Ash Blowin'Free 05:38 3 Wishbone Ash The Warrior 05:44 4 Wishbone Ash Throw Down the Sword 06:20 5 Wishbone Ash The King Will Come 07:41 6 Wishbone Ash Phoenix 19:29
Wishbone Ash View in Albunack Bornesmouth 1978 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wishbone Ash Phoenix 12:53 2 Wishbone Ash Anger in Harmony 04:46 3 Wishbone Ash Time Was 07:16 4 Wishbone Ash Runaway 03:39 5 Wishbone Ash Lady Whiskey 02:52 6 Wishbone Ash Jail Bait 05:38 7 Wishbone Ash Queen of Torture 03:45 8 Wishbone Ash Blowin' Free 08:28 9 Wishbone Ash Bad Weather Blues 08:37
Wishbone Ash View in Albunack Bournemouth 1978 part one The Vintage Years 1970-1991 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wishbone Ash The King Will Come 07:04 2 Wishbone Ash Warrior 06:28 3 Wishbone Ash Errors Of My Way 06:22 4 Wishbone Ash You See Red 06:55 5 Wishbone Ash F*U*B*B 09:33 6 Wishbone Ash The Way Of The World 10:53
Wishbone Ash View in Albunack Bournemouth 1978 part two The Vintage Years 1970-1991 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wishbone Ash Phoenix 12:53 2 Wishbone Ash Anger In Harmony 04:46 3 Wishbone Ash Time Was 07:16 4 Wishbone Ash Runaway 03:39 5 Wishbone Ash Lady Whiskey 02:52 6 Wishbone Ash Jail Bait 05:38 7 Wishbone Ash Queen Of Torture 03:45 8 Wishbone Ash Blowin' Free 08:28 9 Wishbone Ash Bad Weather Blues 08:37
Wishbone Ash View in Albunack Bournesmouth 1978 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wishbone Ash The King Will Come 07:04 2 Wishbone Ash Warrior 06:28 3 Wishbone Ash Errors Of My Ways 06:22 4 Wishbone Ash You See Red 06:55 5 Wishbone Ash F.U.B.B 09:33 6 Wishbone Ash The Way of the World 10:53
Wishbone Ash View in Albunack Chelmsford 1980 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wishbone Ash Doctor (Live at Chelmsford Odeon '80) 05:06 2 Wishbone Ash Lady Whiskey (Live at Chelmsford Odeon '80) 02:54 3 Wishbone Ash Helpless (Live at Chelmsford Odeon '80) 03:51 4 Wishbone Ash I Need People (Live at Chelmsford Odeon '80) 05:36 5 Wishbone Ash The Pilgrim (Live at Chelmsford Odeon '80) 08:34 6 Wishbone Ash Lookin' for a Reason (Live at Chelmsford Odeon '80) 03:57 7 Wishbone Ash Runaway (Live at Chelmsford Odeon '80) 05:49 8 Wishbone Ash The King Will Come (Live at Chelmsford Odeon '80) 06:57 9 Wishbone Ash Phoenix (Live at Chelmsford Odeon '80) 15:32 10 Wishbone Ash Blowin' Free (Live at Chelmsford Odeon '80) 06:52 11 Wishbone Ash Jail Bait (Live at Chelmsford Odeon '80) 05:15 12 Wishbone Ash Bad Weather Blues (Live at Chelmsford Odeon '80) 08:40
Wishbone Ash View in Albunack Chelmsford 1980 (The Vintage Years_ 1970-1991) 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wishbone Ash Doctor (Live at Chelmsford Odeon '80) 05:06 2 Wishbone Ash Lady Whiskey (Live at Chelmsford Odeon '80) 02:54 3 Wishbone Ash Helpless (Live at Chelmsford Odeon '80) 03:51 4 Wishbone Ash I Need People (Live at Chelmsford Odeon '80) 05:36 5 Wishbone Ash The Pilgrim (Live at Chelmsford Odeon '80) 08:34 6 Wishbone Ash Lookin' for a Reason (Live at Chelmsford Odeon '80) 03:57 7 Wishbone Ash Runaway (Live at Chelmsford Odeon '80) 05:49 8 Wishbone Ash The King Will Come (Live at Chelmsford Odeon '80) 06:57 9 Wishbone Ash Phoenix (Live at Chelmsford Odeon '80) 15:32 10 Wishbone Ash Blowin' Free (Live at Chelmsford Odeon '80) 06:52 11 Wishbone Ash Jail Bait (Live at Chelmsford Odeon '80) 05:15 12 Wishbone Ash Bad Weather Blues (Live at Chelmsford Odeon '80) 08:40
Wishbone Ash View in Albunack Chelmsford 1980 The Vintage Years 1970-1991 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wishbone Ash Doctor 05:06 2 Wishbone Ash Lady Whiskey 02:54 3 Wishbone Ash Helpless 03:51 4 Wishbone Ash I Need People 05:36 5 Wishbone Ash The Pilgrim 08:34 6 Wishbone Ash Lookin' For A Reason 03:57 7 Wishbone Ash Runaway 05:49 8 Wishbone Ash The King Will Come 06:57 9 Wishbone Ash Phoenix 15:32 10 Wishbone Ash Blowin' Free 06:52 11 Wishbone Ash Jail Bait 05:15 12 Wishbone Ash Bad Weather Blues 08:40
Wishbone Ash View in Albunack Chelmsford June 1980 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wishbone Ash Doctor 05:06 2 Wishbone Ash Lady Whiskey 02:54 3 Wishbone Ash Helpless 03:51 4 Wishbone Ash I Need people 05:36 5 Wishbone Ash The Pilgrim 08:34 6 Wishbone Ash Lookin' For a Reason 03:57 7 Wishbone Ash Runaway 05:49 8 Wishbone Ash The King Will Come 06:57 9 Wishbone Ash Phoenix 15:32 10 Wishbone Ash Blowin' Free 06:52 11 Wishbone Ash Jail Bait 05:15 12 Wishbone Ash Bad Weather Blues 08:40
Wishbone Ash View in Albunack Edinburgh 1976 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wishbone Ash Runaway 03:30 2 Wishbone Ash The King Will Come (Live at Edinburgh Usher Hall '76) 07:20 3 Wishbone Ash Warrior (Live at Edinburgh Usher Hall '76) 06:46 4 Wishbone Ash Lorelei (Live at Edinburgh Usher Hall '76) 06:24 5 Wishbone Ash Persephone 09:30 6 Wishbone Ash (In All of My Dreams) You Rescue Me (Live at Edinburgh Usher Hall '76) 07:17 7 Wishbone Ash Outward Bound 04:10 8 Wishbone Ash Mother of Pearl (Live at Edinburgh Usher Hall '76) 06:00 9 Wishbone Ash Rest in Peace 06:45 10 Wishbone Ash Time Was (Live at Edinburgh Usher Hall '76) 07:15 11 Wishbone Ash Bad Weather Blues (Live at Edinburgh Usher Hall '76) 08:46 12 Wishbone Ash Jail Bait 06:09
Wishbone Ash View in Albunack Edinburgh 1976 (The Vintage Years: 1970-1991) 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wishbone Ash Runaway (Live at Edinburgh Usher Hall '76) 03:30 2 Wishbone Ash The King Will Come (Live at Edinburgh Usher Hall '76) 07:20 3 Wishbone Ash Warrior (Live at Edinburgh Usher Hall '76) 06:46 4 Wishbone Ash Lorelei (Live at Edinburgh Usher Hall '76) 06:24 5 Wishbone Ash Persephone (Live at Edinburgh Usher Hall '76) 09:30 6 Wishbone Ash (In All of My Dreams) You Rescue Me (Live at Edinburgh Usher Hall '76) 07:17 7 Wishbone Ash Outward Bound (Live at Edinburgh Usher Hall '76) 04:10 8 Wishbone Ash Mother of Pearl (Live at Edinburgh Usher Hall '76) 06:00 9 Wishbone Ash Rest in Peace (Live at Edinburgh Usher Hall '76) 06:45 10 Wishbone Ash Time Was (Live at Edinburgh Usher Hall '76) 07:15 11 Wishbone Ash Bad Weather Blues (Live at Edinburgh Usher Hall '76) 08:46 12 Wishbone Ash Jail Bait (Live at Edinburgh Usher Hall '76) 06:09
Wishbone Ash View in Albunack Edinburgh 1976 The Vintage Years 1970-1991 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wishbone Ash Runaway 03:30 2 Wishbone Ash The King Will Come 07:20 3 Wishbone Ash Warrior 06:46 4 Wishbone Ash Lorelei 06:24 5 Wishbone Ash Persephone 09:30 6 Wishbone Ash (In All Of My Dreams) You Rescue Me 07:17 7 Wishbone Ash Outward Bound 04:10 8 Wishbone Ash Mother Of Pearl 06:00 9 Wishbone Ash Rest In Peace 06:45 10 Wishbone Ash Time Was 07:15 11 Wishbone Ash Bad Weather Blues 08:46 12 Wishbone Ash Jail Bait 06:09
Wishbone Ash View in Albunack Fighters & Warrriors 6 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wishbone Ash Time Was 10:17 2 Wishbone Ash Blowin' Free 05:24 Has Mbid 3 Wishbone Ash The Warrior 05:33 4 Wishbone Ash Throw Down The Sword 06:38 5 Wishbone Ash The King Will Come 07:41 6 Wishbone Ash Phoenix 19:44
Wishbone Ash View in Albunack Fighters and Warrriors (Live In London) 6 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wishbone Ash Time Was 10:17 2 Wishbone Ash Blowin' Free 05:24 Has Mbid 3 Wishbone Ash The Warrior 05:33 4 Wishbone Ash Throw Down The Sword 06:39 5 Wishbone Ash The King Will Come 07:41 6 Wishbone Ash Phoenix 19:44
Wishbone Ash View in Albunack Four 8 2 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 Wishbone Ash So Many Things To Say 04:57 2 Wishbone Ash Ballad Of The Beacon 05:03 3 Wishbone Ash No Easy Road 03:51 4 Wishbone Ash Everybody Needs A Friend 08:22 5 Wishbone Ash Doctor 05:53 Has Mbid 6 Wishbone Ash Sorrel 05:03 7 Wishbone Ash Sing Out The Song 04:24 8 Wishbone Ash Rock N Roll Widow 05:52
Wishbone Ash View in Albunack Glasgow Apollo 1977 14 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wishbone Ash Blind Eye 02:42 2 Wishbone Ash Lady Whiskey 02:47 3 Wishbone Ash The king Will Come 06:24 4 Wishbone Ash Warrior 05:35 5 Wishbone Ash Throw Down The Sword 04:22 6 Wishbone Ash Front Page news 05:57 7 Wishbone Ash Sometime World 07:14 8 Wishbone Ash Goodbye Baby, Hello Friend 05:27 9 Wishbone Ash Runaway 03:38 10 Wishbone Ash Come In From The Rain 05:15 11 Wishbone Ash Phoenix 11:57 12 Wishbone Ash Jailbait 05:42 13 Wishbone Ash Blowin' Free 06:20 14 Wishbone Ash No Easy Road 05:00
Wishbone Ash View in Albunack Guildford 1980 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wishbone Ash Phoenix 16:39 2 Wishbone Ash Blowin' Free 06:38 3 Wishbone Ash The Way of the World 10:14 4 Wishbone Ash Helpless 03:31 5 Wishbone Ash The King Will Come 06:47 6 Wishbone Ash Lifeline 06:52 7 Wishbone Ash Insomnia 05:01
Wishbone Ash View in Albunack Guildford 1980 D1 (The Vintage Years: 1970-1991) 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wishbone Ash Doctor 05:41 2 Wishbone Ash Blind Eye 04:06 3 Wishbone Ash The Way Of The World 10:14 4 Wishbone Ash Living Proof 05:58 5 Wishbone Ash The King Will Come 06:47 6 Wishbone Ash Lifeline 06:52 7 Wishbone Ash Insomnia 05:01
Wishbone Ash View in Albunack Guildford 1980 D2 (The Vintage Years: 1970-1991) 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wishbone Ash Phoenix (Live at Guildford Civic Hall '80) 16:39 2 Wishbone Ash Blowin' Free (Live at Guildford Civic Hall '80) 06:38 3 Wishbone Ash Queen of Torture (Live at Guildford Civic Hall '80) 03:29 4 Wishbone Ash Helpless (Live at Guildford Civic Hall '80) 03:31 5 Wishbone Ash Jail Bait (Live at Guildford Civic Hall '80) 06:50 6 Wishbone Ash Bad Weather Blues (Live at Guildford Civic Hall '80) 10:01 7 Wishbone Ash Too Much Monkey Business (Live at Guildford Civic Hall '80) 05:11
Wishbone Ash View in Albunack Guildford 1980 part one The Vintage Years 1970-1991 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wishbone Ash Doctor 05:41 2 Wishbone Ash Blind Eye 04:06 3 Wishbone Ash The Way Of The World 10:14 4 Wishbone Ash Living Proof 05:58 5 Wishbone Ash The King Will Come 06:47 6 Wishbone Ash Lifeline 06:52 7 Wishbone Ash Insomnia 05:01
Wishbone Ash View in Albunack Guildford 1980 part two The Vintage Years 1970-1991 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wishbone Ash Phoenix 16:39 2 Wishbone Ash Blowin' Free 06:38 3 Wishbone Ash Queen Of Torture 03:29 4 Wishbone Ash Helpless 03:31 5 Wishbone Ash Jail Bait 06:50 6 Wishbone Ash Bad Weather Blues 10:01 7 Wishbone Ash Too Much Monkey Business 05:11
Wishbone Ash View in Albunack Hammersmith Odeon Reunion 10 0 1988 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wishbone Ash Inleiding 00:54 2 Wishbone Ash Tangible Evidence 03:46 3 Wishbone Ash Living Proof 05:31 4 Wishbone Ash Genevieve 04:50 5 Wishbone Ash No More Lonely Nights 05:41 6 Wishbone Ash The King Will Come 07:06 7 Wishbone Ash Throw Down The Sword 05:14 8 Wishbone Ash Clousseau 04:46 9 Wishbone Ash Blowin' Free 07:04 10 Wishbone Ash Jail Bait 06:04
Wishbone Ash View in Albunack Hammersmith Odeon, London 10/25/1978 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wishbone Ash Intro 00:39 2 Wishbone Ash The King Will Come 06:51 3 Wishbone Ash Anger In Harmony 04:46 4 Wishbone Ash Errors Of My Way 06:31 5 Wishbone Ash Runaway 03:40 6 Wishbone Ash Lady Whiskey 02:45 7 Wishbone Ash Front Page News 05:40 8 Wishbone Ash The Way Of The World - Outro 10:23 9 Wishbone Ash Blowin' Free - Outro 06:21
Wishbone Ash View in Albunack In America And Over Japan 8 2 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wishbone Ash Jailbeat 04:45 2 Wishbone Ash The Pilgrim 09:51 3 Wishbone Ash Phoenix 17:35 4 Wishbone Ash F.U.U.B. 09:45 5 Wishbone Ash The Way of the World 10:16 Has Mbid 6 Wishbone Ash You See Red 06:13 7 Wishbone Ash Jailbeat 05:19 Has Mbid 8 Wishbone Ash Blowin' Free 06:23
Wishbone Ash View in Albunack Lady Whiskey [Bootleg] 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wishbone Ash Lady Whiskey 03:07 2 Wishbone Ash Underground 05:34 3 Wishbone Ash Warrior 06:16 4 Wishbone Ash Kicks On The Street 04:24 5 Wishbone Ash Phoenix 15:13 6 Wishbone Ash Number The Brave 05:50 7 Wishbone Ash Helpless 06:46
Wishbone Ash View in Albunack Live Airplay by SWR 1 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wishbone Ash The King Will Come 08:08 2 Wishbone Ash Wings Of Desire 03:37 3 Wishbone Ash Ballad Of The Beacon 04:07 4 Wishbone Ash Sometime World 07:26 5 Wishbone Ash Strange Affair 05:16 6 Wishbone Ash Living Proof 06:05 7 Wishbone Ash Outward Bound 03:39
Wishbone Ash View in Albunack Live At Glasgow Apollo 1977 14 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wishbone Ash Blind Eye 02:42 2 Wishbone Ash Lady Whiskey 02:47 3 Wishbone Ash The King Will Come 06:24 4 Wishbone Ash Warrior 05:35 5 Wishbone Ash Throw Down The Sword 04:22 6 Wishbone Ash Front Page News 05:57 7 Wishbone Ash Sometime World 07:14 8 Wishbone Ash Goodbye Baby, Hello Friend 05:27 9 Wishbone Ash Runaway 03:38 10 Wishbone Ash Come In From The Rain 05:15 11 Wishbone Ash Phoenix 11:57 12 Wishbone Ash Jailbait 05:42 13 Wishbone Ash Blowin' Free 06:20 14 Wishbone Ash No Easy Road 05:00
Wishbone Ash View in Albunack Live At The House Of Blues 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wishbone Ash Real Guitars Have Wings 03:28 2 Wishbone Ash Underground 05:07 3 Wishbone Ash Mountainside 06:36 4 Wishbone Ash The King Will Come 07:55 5 Wishbone Ash Throw Down The Sword 06:09 6 Wishbone Ash F.U.B.B. 11:06 7 Wishbone Ash Masters Of The Sky 06:34 8 Wishbone Ash Wings Of Desire 04:12
Wishbone Ash View in Albunack Live Date 2 6 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wishbone Ash Doctor 05:50 Has Mbid 2 Wishbone Ash Living Proof 05:54 3 Wishbone Ash Runnaway 03:19 4 Wishbone Ash Helpless 03:57 5 Wishbone Ash F.U.B.B. 09:58 6 Wishbone Ash The Way Of The World 10:31
Wishbone Ash View in Albunack Live Dates (1973) The Vintage Years 1970-1991 11 2 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wishbone Ash The King Will Come (Live in Croydon) 07:43 2 Wishbone Ash Warrior (Live in Newcastle) 05:37 Has Mbid 3 Wishbone Ash Throw Down The Sword (Live in Newcastle) 06:06 Has Mbid 4 Wishbone Ash Rock 'n Roll Widow (Live In Reading) 06:10 5 Wishbone Ash Ballad Of The Beacon (Live in Reading) 05:14 6 Wishbone Ash Baby What You Want Me To Do (Live in Portsmouth) 06:29 7 Wishbone Ash The Pilgrim (Live in Croydon) 09:12 8 Wishbone Ash Blowin' Free (Live in Newcastle) 05:25 9 Wishbone Ash Jail Bait (Live in Reading) 04:46 10 Wishbone Ash Lady Whiskey (Live in Reading) 05:56 11 Wishbone Ash Phoenix (Live in Croydon) 17:00
Wishbone Ash View in Albunack Live Dates (2018 Remaster) 11 2 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wishbone Ash The King will come 07:43 2 Wishbone Ash Warrior 05:37 Has Mbid 3 Wishbone Ash Throw down the Sword 06:02 Has Mbid 4 Wishbone Ash Rock'n'Roll Widow 06:05 5 Wishbone Ash Ballad of the Beacon 05:14 6 Wishbone Ash Baby what you want me to do 06:29 7 Wishbone Ash The Pilgrim 09:12 8 Wishbone Ash Blowin' free 05:25 9 Wishbone Ash Jail Bait 04:46 10 Wishbone Ash Lady Whiskey 05:56 11 Wishbone Ash Phoenix 17:00
Wishbone Ash View in Albunack Live Dates two 6 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wishbone Ash Doctor 05:51 Has Mbid 2 Wishbone Ash Living Proof 05:54 3 Wishbone Ash Runaway 03:19 4 Wishbone Ash Helpless 03:57 5 Wishbone Ash FUBB 09:58 6 Wishbone Ash The Way Of The World 10:31
Wishbone Ash View in Albunack Live In Concert 10 3 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 Wishbone Ash Come In From The Rain 05:00 2 Wishbone Ash Living Proof 04:44 3 Wishbone Ash Persephone 04:51 4 Wishbone Ash Lifeline 04:54 Has Mbid 5 Wishbone Ash Wings Of Desire 03:34 6 Wishbone Ash Errors Of My Way 05:00 Has Mbid 7 Wishbone Ash Leaf And Stream 04:18 8 Wishbone Ash Throw Down The Sword 05:00 9 Wishbone Ash F.U.B.B. 04:59 10 Wishbone Ash Phoenix 04:59
Wishbone Ash View in Albunack Live In Tokyo (1979) The Vintage Years 1970-1991 8 2 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wishbone Ash F*U*B*B 10:48 2 Wishbone Ash The Way Of The World 10:27 3 Wishbone Ash You See Red 06:15 4 Wishbone Ash Jail Bait 05:19 5 Wishbone Ash Blowin' Free 06:42 6 Wishbone Ash Bad Weather Blues (Live in Sheffield 1977) 08:20 Has Mbid 7 Wishbone Ash Helpless (Live in Bristol 1980) 03:46 Has Mbid 8 Wishbone Ash Blowin' Free (Live in Newcastle 1980) 06:34
Wishbone Ash View in Albunack Live in Tokyo (The Vintage Years: 1970-1991) 8 2 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wishbone Ash F.U.B.B. (Live in Tokyo '78) 10:49 2 Wishbone Ash The Way of the World (Live in Tokyo '78) 10:27 3 Wishbone Ash You See Red (Live in Tokyo '78) 06:15 4 Wishbone Ash Jail Bait (Live in Tokyo '78) 05:19 5 Wishbone Ash Blowin' Free (Live in Tokyo '78) 06:42 6 Wishbone Ash Bad Weather Blues (Live in Sheffield '77) ("You See Red" B-Side) 08:20 Has Mbid 7 Wishbone Ash Helpless (Live in Bristol '80) (Single A-Side) 03:41 Has Mbid 8 Wishbone Ash Blowin' Free (Live in Newcastle '80) ("Helpless (Live)" Single B-Side) 06:34
Wishbone Ash View in Albunack Lives Dates II 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wishbone Ash Doctor 05:50 2 Wishbone Ash Living Proof 05:54 3 Wishbone Ash Runaway 03:21 4 Wishbone Ash Helpless 03:54 5 Wishbone Ash F.U.B.B. 09:56 6 Wishbone Ash The Way Of The World 10:20
Wishbone Ash View in Albunack Locked In (The Vintage Years: 1970-1991) 10 2 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wishbone Ash Rest in Peace 06:43 Has Mbid 2 Wishbone Ash No Water in the Well 03:45 Has Mbid 3 Wishbone Ash Moonshine 03:35 4 Wishbone Ash She was my best Friend 03:55 5 Wishbone Ash It started in Heaven 03:19 6 Wishbone Ash Half past lovin' 05:33 7 Wishbone Ash Trust in you 05:07 8 Wishbone Ash Say goodbye 05:04 9 Wishbone Ash Bad Weather Blues (bonus track) (LP session outtake) 04:39 10 Wishbone Ash Chicago Tease (Bonus) 03:06
Wishbone Ash View in Albunack Locked In (1976) The Vintage Years 1970-1991 10 2 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wishbone Ash Rest In Peace 06:43 Has Mbid 2 Wishbone Ash No Water In The Well 03:49 Has Mbid 3 Wishbone Ash Moonshine 03:32 4 Wishbone Ash She Was My Best Friend 03:55 5 Wishbone Ash It Started In Heaven 03:19 6 Wishbone Ash Half Past Lovin' 05:33 7 Wishbone Ash Trust In You 05:07 8 Wishbone Ash Say Goodbye 05:04 9 Wishbone Ash Bad Weather Blues (album session outtake) 04:39 10 Wishbone Ash Chicago Tease (album session outtake) 03:06
Wishbone Ash View in Albunack Locked In LP [2018 release]) 10 2 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wishbone Ash Rest in Peace 06:43 Has Mbid 2 Wishbone Ash No Water in the Well 03:45 Has Mbid 3 Wishbone Ash Moonshine 03:36 4 Wishbone Ash She was my best Friend 03:55 5 Wishbone Ash It started in Heaven 03:19 6 Wishbone Ash Half past lovin' 05:33 7 Wishbone Ash Trust in you 05:07 8 Wishbone Ash Say goodbye 05:04 9 Wishbone Ash Bad Weather Blues (bonus track) (LP session outtake) 04:39 10 Wishbone Ash Chicago Tease (Bonus) 03:06
Wishbone Ash View in Albunack Locked In LP (The Vintage Years: 1970-1991 CD-7 [2018 release]) 10 2 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wishbone Ash Rest in Peace 06:43 Has Mbid 2 Wishbone Ash No Water in the Well 03:48 Has Mbid 3 Wishbone Ash Moonshine 03:37 4 Wishbone Ash She was my best Friend 03:55 5 Wishbone Ash It started in Heaven 03:19 6 Wishbone Ash Half past lovin' 05:33 7 Wishbone Ash Trust in you 05:07 8 Wishbone Ash Say goodbye 05:04 9 Wishbone Ash Bad Weather Blues (bonus track) (LP session outtake) 04:39 10 Wishbone Ash Chicago Tease (Bonus) 03:06
Wishbone Ash View in Albunack London, Rainbow Theatre Oct 30, 1977 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wishbone Ash Brian Matthew Intro 00:34 2 Wishbone Ash Blind Eye 02:44 3 Wishbone Ash Lady Whiskey 02:50 4 Wishbone Ash Warrior 05:32 5 Wishbone Ash Throw Down The Sword 04:05 6 Wishbone Ash Front Page News 06:14 7 Wishbone Ash Goodbye Baby, Hello Friend 05:29 8 Wishbone Ash Come In From The Rain 05:10 9 Wishbone Ash Phoenix 12:08 10 Wishbone Ash Blowin' Free 05:59
Wishbone Ash View in Albunack Marquee Club 1977 13 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wishbone Ash Blind Eye 02:42 2 Wishbone Ash Lady Whiskey 02:45 3 Wishbone Ash The King Will Come 06:34 4 Wishbone Ash Warrior 05:10 5 Wishbone Ash Throw Down the Sword 04:27 6 Wishbone Ash Front Page News 06:21 7 Wishbone Ash Sometime World 07:06 8 Wishbone Ash Goodbye Baby Hello Friend 05:55 9 Wishbone Ash Runaway 03:35 10 Wishbone Ash Phoenix 10:36 11 Wishbone Ash Jail Bait 05:21 12 Wishbone Ash Blowin' Free 06:44 13 Wishbone Ash Bad Weather Blues 08:37
Wishbone Ash View in Albunack Marquee Club 1977 (The Vintage Years: 1970-1991) 13 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wishbone Ash Blind Eye 02:42 2 Wishbone Ash Lady Whiskey 02:45 3 Wishbone Ash The King Will Come 06:34 4 Wishbone Ash Warrior 05:10 5 Wishbone Ash Throw Down The Sword 04:27 6 Wishbone Ash Front Page News 06:21 7 Wishbone Ash Sometime World 07:06 8 Wishbone Ash Goodbye Baby Hello Friend 05:55 9 Wishbone Ash Runaway 03:35 10 Wishbone Ash Phoenix 10:36 11 Wishbone Ash Jail Bait 05:21 12 Wishbone Ash Blowin' Free 06:44 13 Wishbone Ash Bad Weather Blues 08:37
Wishbone Ash View in Albunack Marquee Club 1977 The Vintage Years 1980-1991 13 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wishbone Ash Blind Eye 02:42 2 Wishbone Ash Lady Whiskey 02:45 3 Wishbone Ash The King Will Come 06:34 4 Wishbone Ash Warrior 05:10 5 Wishbone Ash Throw Down The Sword 04:27 6 Wishbone Ash Front Page News 06:21 7 Wishbone Ash Sometime World 07:06 8 Wishbone Ash Goodbye Baby Hello Friend 05:55 9 Wishbone Ash Runaway 03:35 10 Wishbone Ash Phoenix 10:36 11 Wishbone Ash Jail Bait 05:21 12 Wishbone Ash Blowin' Free 06:44 13 Wishbone Ash Bad Weather Blues 08:37
Wishbone Ash View in Albunack Newcastle 1977 14 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wishbone Ash Blind Eye (Live at Newcastle City Hall '77) 02:42 2 Wishbone Ash Lady Whiskey (Live at Newcastle City Hall '77) 02:48 3 Wishbone Ash The King Will Come (Live at Newcastle City Hall '77) 06:18 4 Wishbone Ash Warrior 05:24 5 Wishbone Ash Throw Down the Sword (Live at Newcastle City Hall '77) 04:37 6 Wishbone Ash Front Page News (Live at Newcastle City Hall '77) 06:04 7 Wishbone Ash Sometime World (Live at Newcastle City Hall '77) 07:20 8 Wishbone Ash Goodbye Baby, Hello Friend (Live at Newcastle City Hall '77) 05:49 9 Wishbone Ash Runaway (Live at Newcastle City Hall '77) 03:27 10 Wishbone Ash Come in from the Rain (Live at Newcastle City Hall '77) 05:18 11 Wishbone Ash Jail Bait (Live at Newcastle City Hall '77) 05:40 12 Wishbone Ash Blowin' Free (Live at Newcastle City Hall '77) 08:15 13 Wishbone Ash No Easy Road (Live at Newcastle City Hall '77) 06:23 14 Wishbone Ash Bad Weather Blues (Live at Newcastle City Hall '77) 08:52
Wishbone Ash View in Albunack Newcastle 1977 The Vintage Years 1970-1991 14 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wishbone Ash Blind Eye 02:42 2 Wishbone Ash Lady Whiskey 02:48 3 Wishbone Ash The King Will Come 06:18 4 Wishbone Ash Warrior 05:24 5 Wishbone Ash Throw Down The Sword 04:37 6 Wishbone Ash Front Page News 06:04 7 Wishbone Ash Sometime World 07:20 8 Wishbone Ash Goodbye Baby Hello Friend 05:49 9 Wishbone Ash Runaway 03:27 10 Wishbone Ash Come In From The Rain 05:18 11 Wishbone Ash Jail Bait 05:40 12 Wishbone Ash Blowin' Free 08:15 13 Wishbone Ash No Easy Road 06:23 14 Wishbone Ash Bad Weather Blues 08:52
Wishbone Ash View in Albunack Number The Brave (1981) The Vintage Years 1970-1991 14 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wishbone Ash Loaded 04:13 2 Wishbone Ash Where Is The Love 03:22 3 Wishbone Ash Underground 04:17 4 Wishbone Ash Kicks On The Street 04:17 5 Wishbone Ash Open Road 05:21 6 Wishbone Ash Get Ready 03:16 7 Wishbone Ash Rainstorm 04:57 8 Wishbone Ash That's That 03:06 9 Wishbone Ash Roller Coaster 03:22 10 Wishbone Ash Number The Brave 05:01 11 Wishbone Ash My Mind Is Made Up (b-side) 04:43 12 Wishbone Ash Get Ready (single mix with Claire Hamill backing vocals) 03:18 13 Wishbone Ash Now Or Never (album outtake with John Wetton vocal) 03:58 Has Mbid 14 Wishbone Ash Hard On You (album outtake) 04:59
Wishbone Ash View in Albunack Number The Brave (2018 release) 14 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wishbone Ash Loaded 04:13 2 Wishbone Ash Where Is The Love 03:22 3 Wishbone Ash Underground 04:17 4 Wishbone Ash Kicks On The Street 04:17 5 Wishbone Ash Open Road 05:21 6 Wishbone Ash Get Ready 03:16 7 Wishbone Ash Rainstorm 04:57 8 Wishbone Ash That's That 03:06 9 Wishbone Ash Roller Coaster 03:22 10 Wishbone Ash Number The Brave 05:01 11 Wishbone Ash My Mind Is Made Up (bonus track) (7''b to Underground UK MCA 695 1981) 04:43 12 Wishbone Ash Get Ready (single mix with Claire Hamill backing vocal) (bonus track) (7''a UK MCA 726 1980) 03:18 13 Wishbone Ash Now Or Never (bonus track)(LP outtake) 03:58 Has Mbid 14 Wishbone Ash Hard On You (1980 version)(bonus track)(LP outtake) 05:02
Wishbone Ash View in Albunack Number The Brave (The Vintage Years: 1970-1991) 14 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wishbone Ash Loaded 04:13 2 Wishbone Ash Where Is The Love 03:22 3 Wishbone Ash Underground 04:17 4 Wishbone Ash Kicks On The Street 04:17 5 Wishbone Ash Open Road 05:21 6 Wishbone Ash Get Ready 03:16 7 Wishbone Ash Rainstorm 04:57 8 Wishbone Ash That's That 03:06 9 Wishbone Ash Roller Coaster 03:22 10 Wishbone Ash Number The Brave 05:01 11 Wishbone Ash My Mind Is Made Up (bonus track) (7''b to Underground UK MCA 695 1981) 04:43 12 Wishbone Ash Get Ready (single mix with Claire Hamill backing vocal) (bonus track) (7''a UK MCA 726 1980) 03:18 13 Wishbone Ash Now Or Never (bonus track)(LP outtake) 03:58 Has Mbid 14 Wishbone Ash Hard On You (1980 version)(bonus track)(LP outtake) 05:02
Wishbone Ash View in Albunack Performance 11 3 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wishbone Ash Blowin' Free 04:53 2 Wishbone Ash Blind Eye / Lady Whiskey 03:04 3 Wishbone Ash Phoenix 07:40 Has Mbid 4 Wishbone Ash Vas Dis 04:44 5 Wishbone Ash Jail Bait 04:44 Has Mbid 6 Wishbone Ash Time Was 10:34 7 Wishbone Ash Sometime World 03:18 8 Wishbone Ash Blowin' Free (Reprise) 03:47 9 Wishbone Ash The King Will Come 06:50 10 Wishbone Ash Warrior 05:39 Has Mbid 11 Wishbone Ash Throw Down The Sword 05:34
Wishbone Ash View in Albunack Pop Spectacular (Live At Paris Theatre, London. May 25th 1972) ; 320kbps 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wishbone Ash トラック01 00:28 2 Wishbone Ash トラック02 10:00 3 Wishbone Ash トラック03 05:56 4 Wishbone Ash トラック04 05:41 5 Wishbone Ash トラック05 06:45 6 Wishbone Ash トラック06 08:58 7 Wishbone Ash トラック07 19:30
Wishbone Ash View in Albunack Portsmouth 1973 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wishbone Ash Doctor 06:29 2 Wishbone Ash Warrior 05:39 3 Wishbone Ash Throw Down the Sword 06:41 4 Wishbone Ash Ballad of the Beacon 06:22 5 Wishbone Ash No Easy Road 04:48 6 Wishbone Ash Everybody Needs a Friend 07:16 7 Wishbone Ash Blowin' Free 05:23 8 Wishbone Ash Jail Bait 04:59
Wishbone Ash View in Albunack Portsmouth 1973 D1 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wishbone Ash The King Will Come 07:01 2 Wishbone Ash Warrior 05:39 3 Wishbone Ash Throw Down The Sword 06:41 4 Wishbone Ash Ballad Of The Beacon 06:22 5 Wishbone Ash Rock 'n Roll Widow 07:11 6 Wishbone Ash Everybody Needs A Friend 07:16 7 Wishbone Ash Blowin' Free 05:23 8 Wishbone Ash Jail Bait 04:59
Wishbone Ash View in Albunack Portsmouth 1973 D2 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wishbone Ash Doctor (Live at Portsmouth Guildhall '73) 06:29 2 Wishbone Ash So Many Things to Say (Live at Portsmouth Guildhall '73) 07:02 3 Wishbone Ash Baby What You Want Me to Do (Live at Portsmouth Guildhall '73) 07:21 4 Wishbone Ash Phoenix (Live at Portsmouth Guildhall '73) 18:57 5 Wishbone Ash No Easy Road (Live at Portsmouth Guildhall '73) 04:48 6 Wishbone Ash Where Were You Tomorrow (Live at Portsmouth Guildhall '73) 09:41
Wishbone Ash View in Albunack Portsmouth 1973 part one The Vintage Years 1970-1991 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wishbone Ash The King Will Come 07:01 2 Wishbone Ash Warrior 05:39 3 Wishbone Ash Throw Down The Sword 06:41 4 Wishbone Ash Ballad Of The Beacon 06:22 5 Wishbone Ash Rock 'n Roll Widow 07:11 6 Wishbone Ash Everybody Needs A Friend 07:16 7 Wishbone Ash Blowin' Free 05:23 8 Wishbone Ash Jail Bait 04:59
Wishbone Ash View in Albunack Portsmouth 1973 part two The Vintage Years 1970-1991 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wishbone Ash Doctor 06:29 2 Wishbone Ash So Many Things To Say 07:02 3 Wishbone Ash Baby What You Want Me To Do 07:21 4 Wishbone Ash Phoenix 18:57 5 Wishbone Ash No Easy Road 04:48 6 Wishbone Ash Where Were You Tomorrow 09:41
Wishbone Ash View in Albunack Reunion Live '91 8 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wishbone Ash Strange Affair 00:15 2 Wishbone Ash The King Will Come 05:25 3 Wishbone Ash Lost Cause In Paradise 07:01 4 Wishbone Ash Throw Down The Sword 04:56 5 Wishbone Ash Standing In The Rain 06:09 Has Mbid 6 Wishbone Ash Blowin' Free 06:48 7 Wishbone Ash Hard Times 14:24 8 Wishbone Ash Jail Bait 10:19
Wishbone Ash View in Albunack Road Works 5 - Line in Sacramento 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wishbone Ash Bona Fide 03:05 2 Wishbone Ash Eyes Wide Open 05:15 3 Wishbone Ash Way Down South 06:53 4 Wishbone Ash The King Will Come 07:55 5 Wishbone Ash Warrior 05:33 6 Wishbone Ash Throw Down The Sword 06:42 7 Wishbone Ash Leaf & Stream 04:19 8 Wishbone Ash Wings Of Desire 03:43 9 Wishbone Ash Standing In The Rain 07:03 10 Wishbone Ash Phoenix 18:13 11 Wishbone Ash Faith, Hope And Love 10:46
Wishbone Ash View in Albunack Road Works [Live In Sacramento] 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wishbone Ash Bona Fide 03:05 2 Wishbone Ash Eyes Wide Open 05:15 3 Wishbone Ash Way Down South 06:53 4 Wishbone Ash The King Will Come 07:55 5 Wishbone Ash Warrior 05:33 6 Wishbone Ash Throw Down The Sword 06:42 7 Wishbone Ash Leaf & Stream 04:19 8 Wishbone Ash Wings Of Desire 03:43 9 Wishbone Ash Standing In The Rain 07:03 10 Wishbone Ash Phoenix 18:13 11 Wishbone Ash Faith, Hope, and Love 10:46
Wishbone Ash View in Albunack Rockpalast 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wishbone Ash The King Will Come 06:54 2 Wishbone Ash Warrior 07:26 3 Wishbone Ash Lorelei 06:51 4 Wishbone Ash You Rescue Me 07:47 5 Wishbone Ash Persephone 08:46 6 Wishbone Ash Outward Bound 04:16 7 Wishbone Ash Mother Of Pearl 07:01 8 Wishbone Ash It Started In Heaven 08:23 9 Wishbone Ash Time Was 08:09 10 Wishbone Ash Blowin' Free 06:43 11 Wishbone Ash Bad Weather Blues 10:18
Wishbone Ash View in Albunack Rockpalast 1976 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wishbone Ash Run Away 03:22 2 Wishbone Ash The King Will Come 06:33 3 Wishbone Ash The Warrior 07:20 4 Wishbone Ash Lorelei 06:25 5 Wishbone Ash You Rescue Me 07:35 6 Wishbone Ash Persephone 08:40 7 Wishbone Ash Outward Bound 04:20 8 Wishbone Ash Mother Of Pearl 06:30 9 Wishbone Ash Started In Heaven, Finished With Rock 'n' Roll 08:28 10 Wishbone Ash Time Was 07:31 11 Wishbone Ash Blowing Free 07:10
Wishbone Ash View in Albunack Southampton 1973 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wishbone Ash The King Will Come 07:35 2 Wishbone Ash Warrior 05:41 3 Wishbone Ash Throw Down the Sword 05:53 4 Wishbone Ash Ballad of the Beacon 07:06 5 Wishbone Ash Rock 'n Roll Widow 06:29 6 Wishbone Ash Everybody Needs a Friend 06:52 7 Wishbone Ash Blowin' Free 05:21 8 Wishbone Ash Jail Bait 05:07 9 Wishbone Ash Doctor 06:26 10 Wishbone Ash So Many Things to Say 07:23 11 Wishbone Ash Baby What You Want Me to Do 06:34
Wishbone Ash View in Albunack Southampton 1973 The Vintage Years 1970-1991 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wishbone Ash The King Will Come 07:35 2 Wishbone Ash Warrior 05:41 3 Wishbone Ash Throw Down The Sword 05:53 4 Wishbone Ash Ballad Of The Beacon 07:06 5 Wishbone Ash Rock 'n Roll Widow 06:29 6 Wishbone Ash Everybody Needs A Friend 06:52 7 Wishbone Ash Blowin' Free 05:21 8 Wishbone Ash Jail Bait 05:07 9 Wishbone Ash Doctor 06:26 10 Wishbone Ash So Many Things To Say 07:23 11 Wishbone Ash Baby What You Want Me To Do 06:34
Wishbone Ash View in Albunack The Archive Series Vol.1 18 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wishbone Ash Lullaby 03:07 2 Wishbone Ash Mile's Interview 01:13 3 Wishbone Ash L.A. Blues 03:08 4 Wishbone Ash Steve's Interview 00:28 5 Wishbone Ash Where Were You Tomorrow 08:15 6 Wishbone Ash Martin's Interview 01:13 7 Wishbone Ash Lady Whiskey 02:57 8 Wishbone Ash Ted's Interview 00:15 9 Wishbone Ash Phoenix 18:10 10 Wishbone Ash Martin's Interview 01:06 11 Wishbone Ash The King Will Come 06:58 12 Wishbone Ash Andy, Martin, Andy Interview 04:53 13 Wishbone Ash Rock-N-Roll Widow 05:33 14 Wishbone Ash Andy's Interview 00:35 15 Wishbone Ash Ballad Of The Beacon 05:50 16 Wishbone Ash Sometime World 07:04 17 Wishbone Ash Martin's Interview 03:12 18 Wishbone Ash Unknown 00:07
Wishbone Ash View in Albunack The King Will Come (Live) 7 2 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wishbone Ash The King Will Come 07:27 2 Wishbone Ash Blowin' Free 05:26 Has Mbid 3 Wishbone Ash Throw Down The Sword 06:12 4 Wishbone Ash Time Was 09:46 Has Mbid 5 Wishbone Ash Warrior 05:41 6 Wishbone Ash The Pilgrim 10:22 7 Wishbone Ash Jailbait 04:57
Wishbone Ash View in Albunack There's The Rub (1974) The Vintage Years 1970-1991 6 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wishbone Ash Silver Shoes 06:42 2 Wishbone Ash Don't Come Back 05:14 3 Wishbone Ash Persephone 07:02 4 Wishbone Ash Hometown 04:51 5 Wishbone Ash Lady Jay 05:58 Has Mbid 6 Wishbone Ash F*U*B*B 09:20
Wishbone Ash View in Albunack There's the Rub (2018 Remaster) 6 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wishbone Ash Silver Shoes 06:42 2 Wishbone Ash Don't come back 05:14 3 Wishbone Ash Persephone 07:02 4 Wishbone Ash Hometown 04:51 5 Wishbone Ash Lady Jay 05:58 Has Mbid 6 Wishbone Ash F.U.B.B. 09:18
Wishbone Ash View in Albunack There's the Rub (The Vintage Years: 1970-1991) 6 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wishbone Ash Silver Shoes 06:42 2 Wishbone Ash Don't come back 05:14 3 Wishbone Ash Persephone 07:02 4 Wishbone Ash Hometown 04:51 5 Wishbone Ash Lady Jay 05:58 Has Mbid 6 Wishbone Ash F.U.B.B. 09:18
Wishbone Ash View in Albunack Transmissions 11 3 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wishbone Ash Blowin' Free 04:53 2 Wishbone Ash Blind Eye - Lady Whiskey Medley 03:04 3 Wishbone Ash Phoenix 07:40 Has Mbid 4 Wishbone Ash Vas Dis 04:44 5 Wishbone Ash Jail Bait 04:44 Has Mbid 6 Wishbone Ash Time Was 10:34 7 Wishbone Ash Sometime World 03:18 8 Wishbone Ash Blowin' Free (Reprise) 03:47 9 Wishbone Ash The King Will Come 06:50 10 Wishbone Ash Warrior 05:39 Has Mbid 11 Wishbone Ash Throw Down The Sword 05:35
Wishbone Ash View in Albunack XM Radio live 9 2 2006 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wishbone Ash The King Will Come 08:50 Has Mbid 2 Wishbone Ash Warrior 05:45 Has Mbid 3 Wishbone Ash Throw Down The Sword 06:24 4 Wishbone Ash Faith, Hope And Love 07:18 5 Wishbone Ash F.U.B.B. 10:29 6 Wishbone Ash Almighty Blues 07:18 7 Wishbone Ash Living Proof 07:16 8 Wishbone Ash Blowin' Free 07:36 9 Wishbone Ash Ballad Of The Beacon 06:15
Within Temptation View in Albunack An Acoustic Night at the Theatre [Bonus Track] 13 0 2009 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Within Temptation Towards the End 03:28 2 Within Temptation Stand My Ground 03:53 3 Within Temptation Caged 05:19 4 Within Temptation All I Need 05:20 5 Within Temptation Frozen 04:31 6 Within Temptation Somewhere 04:19 7 Within Temptation The Cross 04:57 8 Within Temptation Pale 05:08 9 Within Temptation What Have You Done 04:33 10 Within Temptation Memories 04:00 11 Within Temptation Forgiven 04:42 12 Within Temptation Metropole Orkest Utopia 03:50 13 Within Temptation Utopia [Demo] 04:31
Within Temptation View in Albunack Live at Main Square Festival 2012 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Within Temptation shot_in_the_dark 05:00 2 Within Temptation in_the_middle_of_the_night 03:20 3 Within Temptation encore 01:56 4 Within Temptation faster 04:31 5 Within Temptation what_have_you_done 05:14 6 Within Temptation fire_and_ice__memories 03:56 7 Within Temptation ice_queen 04:51 8 Within Temptation where_is_the_edge 05:45 9 Within Temptation stand_my_ground 04:07 10 Within Temptation sinead 04:44 11 Within Temptation mother_earth 06:59
Within Temptation View in Albunack Paradise (What About Us?) [Russian Extended Edition] 16 0 2013 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Within Temptation Paradise (What About Us?) 05:19 2 Within Temptation Let Us Burn [Demo] 05:36 3 Within Temptation Silver Moonlight [Demo] 05:13 4 Within Temptation Dog Days [Demo] 04:56 5 Within Temptation I Don’t Wanna (Japanese album The Unforgiving bonus track 2011) 05:04 6 Within Temptation Empty Eyes (Japanese album The Unforgiving bonus track 2011) 03:44 7 Within Temptation Destroyed (Japanese album The Silent Force bonus track 2004) 04:52 8 Within Temptation Blue Eyes (CD-Single What Have You Done - 5th edition 2007) 05:24 9 Within Temptation Sounds Of Freedom (CD-Single Frozen - 5th edition 2007) 04:57 10 Within Temptation Jane Doe (Japanese album The Silent Force bonus track 2004) 04:30 11 Within Temptation Say My Name (CD-Single - Angels 2005) 04:04 12 Within Temptation Towards The End (CD-Single - Stand My Ground 2004) 03:27 13 Within Temptation The Cross (Acoustic) (CD-Single Frozen - 5th edition 2007) 04:58 14 Within Temptation What Have You Done (Acoustic) (CD-Single Frozen - 5th edition 2007) 04:11 15 Within Temptation Stand My Ground (Acoustic) (Japanese album The Heart of Everything - special ... 03:43 16 Within Temptation Ice Queen (Acoustic) (Japanese album The Heart of Everything - special editio... 00:00
Within Temptation View in Albunack Resist [Extended Deluxe] 15 0 2019 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Within Temptation Anders Fridén Raise Your Banner (Single Edit) 03:32 2 Within Temptation Endless War 04:09 3 Within Temptation Jasper Steverlinck Firelight (Single Edit) 03:50 4 Within Temptation Mad World (Single Edit) 03:38 5 Within Temptation Supernova (Single Edit) 03:34 6 Within Temptation In Vain 04:24 7 Within Temptation Endless War (Instrumental) 04:09 8 Within Temptation Anders Fridén Raise Your Banner (Instrumental) 05:33 9 Within Temptation Supernova (Instrumental) 05:33 10 Within Temptation Holy Ground (Instrumental) 04:08 11 Within Temptation In Vain (Instrumental) 04:25 12 Within Temptation Jasper Steverlinck Firelight (Instrumental) 04:46 13 Within Temptation Mad World (Instrumental) 04:57 14 Within Temptation Mercy Mirror (Instrumental) 03:49 15 Within Temptation Trophy Hunter (Instrumental) 05:52
Within Temptation View in Albunack The Heart of Everything [CD/DVD] 15 0 2007 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Within Temptation The Howling 05:35 2 Within Temptation Keith Caputo What Have You Done 05:14 3 Within Temptation Frozen 04:28 4 Within Temptation Our Solemn Hour 04:17 5 Within Temptation The Heart of Everything 05:36 6 Within Temptation Hand of Sorrow 05:36 7 Within Temptation The Cross 04:51 8 Within Temptation Final Destination 04:43 9 Within Temptation All I Need 04:51 10 Within Temptation The Truth Beneath the Rose 07:05 11 Within Temptation Forgiven 04:54 12 Within Temptation Keith Caputo What Have You Done [Rock Mix] 03:56 13 Within Temptation What Have You Done [Acoustic] 04:11 14 Within Temptation Ice Queen [Acoustic] 00:00 15 Within Temptation Stand My Ground [Acoustic] 03:43
Within Temptation View in Albunack The Heart of Everything [Japan Version] 14 0 2007 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Within Temptation The Howling 05:33 2 Within Temptation Keith Caputo What Have You Done 05:15 3 Within Temptation Frozen 04:28 4 Within Temptation Our Solemn Hour 04:18 5 Within Temptation The Heart of Everything 05:35 6 Within Temptation Hand of Sorrow 05:36 7 Within Temptation The Cross 04:52 8 Within Temptation Final Destination 04:43 9 Within Temptation All I Need 04:51 10 Within Temptation The Truth Beneath the Rose 07:05 11 Within Temptation Forgiven 04:54 12 Within Temptation Keith Caputo What Have You Done 03:55 13 Within Temptation Deceiver of Fools 07:22 14 Within Temptation See Who I Am 04:56
Wiz Khalifa View in Albunack Mac & Devin Go To High School (Music From And Inspired By The Movie) 12 1 2011 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wiz Khalifa Aggressive Trap Instrumental New 2013 Ft. Laydownmusic 04:58 2 Wiz Khalifa I Get Lifted 04:03 Has Mbid 3 Wiz Khalifa You Can Put It In A Zag, I'Maaa Put It In A Blunt 03:13 4 Wiz Khalifa 6:30 04:01 5 Wiz Khalifa Talent Show 04:37 6 Wiz Khalifa Let's Go Study 04:35 7 Wiz Khalifa God Instrumental Chief Keef Fredo Santana Sd Lil Reese Type Beat Prod. By Swagg B 01:20 8 Wiz Khalifa Instrumental -New- Wiz Khalifa Drake Migos Future Type Beat Prod. By Swagg B 04:20 9 Wiz Khalifa For You Secondhand Serenade Instrumental 03:08 10 Wiz Khalifa Rap Beat Hard Hip-Hop Instrumental 2014 No Mercy - Hunesbeats 02:38 11 Wiz Khalifa World Class 04:03 12 Wiz Khalifa That Good 03:52
Wolf Alice View in Albunack Lollapalooza - Airport Berlin-Tempelhof - 13.09.2013 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolf Alice Your Loves Whore 04:53 2 Wolf Alice You're a Germ 03:02 3 Wolf Alice 90 Mile Beach 03:37 4 Wolf Alice The Wonderwhy 04:11 5 Wolf Alice Lisbon 03:33 6 Wolf Alice Storms 03:05 7 Wolf Alice Blush 04:39 8 Wolf Alice Bros 03:48 9 Wolf Alice Giant Peach 04:38 10 Wolf Alice Moaning Lisa Smile 03:19
Wolf Alice View in Albunack Main Square Festival, La Citadelle,07-07-2018 14 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolf Alice Your Loves Whore 05:18 2 Wolf Alice Yuk Foo 02:06 3 Wolf Alice You're a Germ 02:43 4 Wolf Alice Don't Delete the Kisses 04:40 5 Wolf Alice Beautifully Unconventional 02:13 6 Wolf Alice Formidable Cool 03:49 7 Wolf Alice Lisbon 03:37 8 Wolf Alice Bros 03:53 9 Wolf Alice Sadboy 04:02 10 Wolf Alice Space & Time 02:42 11 Wolf Alice Visions of a Life 07:40 12 Wolf Alice Moaning Lisa Smile 02:24 13 Wolf Alice Fluffy 02:51 14 Wolf Alice Giant Peach 05:17
Wolf Alice View in Albunack My Love Is Cool (Instrumental) 13 3 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolf Alice Turn To Dust (Instrumental) 03:10 2 Wolf Alice Bros (Instrumental) 03:47 Has Mbid 3 Wolf Alice Your Loves Whore (Instrumental) 04:56 4 Wolf Alice You're A Germ (Instrumental) 02:55 5 Wolf Alice Lisbon (Instrumental) 03:28 Has Mbid 6 Wolf Alice Silk (Instrumental) 04:05 7 Wolf Alice Freazy (Instrumental) 03:17 8 Wolf Alice Giant Peach (Instrumental) 04:38 9 Wolf Alice Swallowtail (Instrumental) 05:43 10 Wolf Alice Soapy Water (Instrumental) 03:44 Has Mbid 11 Wolf Alice Fluffy (Instrumental) 02:46 12 Wolf Alice The Wonderwhy (Instrumental) 04:07 13 Wolf Alice My Love Is Cool (Instrumental) 01:45
Wolfgang Amadeus MOZART View in Albunack REQUIEM d-moll, KV 626 14 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus MOZART Introitus - Requiem aeternam 05:40 2 Wolfgang Amadeus MOZART Introitus - Kyrie eleison 02:38 3 Wolfgang Amadeus MOZART Sequentia - Dies irae 01:48 4 Wolfgang Amadeus MOZART Sequentia - Tuba mirium 04:05 5 Wolfgang Amadeus MOZART Sequentia - Rex tremendae majestatis 02:42 6 Wolfgang Amadeus MOZART Sequentia - Recordare, Jesu pie 05:35 7 Wolfgang Amadeus MOZART Sequentia - Confutatis maledictIs 02:48 8 Wolfgang Amadeus MOZART Sequentia - Lacrimosa dies illa 04:10 9 Wolfgang Amadeus MOZART Offertorium - Domine Jesu 03:34 10 Wolfgang Amadeus MOZART Offertorium - Hostias 05:06 11 Wolfgang Amadeus MOZART Offertorium - Sanctus 01:39 12 Wolfgang Amadeus MOZART Offertorium - Benedictus 04:56 13 Wolfgang Amadeus MOZART Offertorium - Agnus Dei 03:39 14 Wolfgang Amadeus MOZART Communio - Lux aeterna 05:57
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack "Coronation" Mass, Vesperae Solennes 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Kyrie 03:36 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Gloria 04:10 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Credo 06:44 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sanctus 02:05 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Benedictus 03:32 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Agnus Dei 06:08 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Dixit 03:54 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Confitebor 04:33 9 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Beatus vir 04:33 10 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Laudate pueri 03:51 11 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Laudate Dominum 06:05 12 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Magnificat 04:42
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack 'Desperate Heroines' [Bolton] 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Le nozze di Figaro: I'ho perduta, me meschina 01:36 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Don Giovanni: Crudele?... non mi dir 06:23 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart La finta giardiniera: Geme la tortorella 04:07 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Mitridate, re di Ponto: Ah ben ne fui presaga... pallid'ombre 06:39 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Le nozze di Figaro: Giunse alfin il momento... deh vieni non tardar 04:03 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart La finta giardiniera: Crudeli, oh dio! Fermate ah, dal pianto 06:40 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Idomeneo: Se il padre perdei 05:53 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Lucio Silla: Sposo, mia vita... frá i pernsieri 05:47 9 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Il re pastore: L'amerò 06:29
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack 03 Concertos pour violon & orchestre n° 6 KV 268, n° 7 KV 271i ; Rondos KV 269 & 373 8 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto pour violon & orchestre n° 6 en mi bémol majeur KV 268 - Allegro moderato 11:40 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto pour violon & orchestre n° 6 en mi bémol majeur KV 268 - Un poco adagio 06:09 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto pour violon & orchestre n° 6 en mi bémol majeur KV 268 - Rondo - Allegretto 06:05 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto pour violon & orchestre n° 7 en ré majeur KV 271i - Allegro maestoso 11:35 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto pour violon & orchestre n° 7 en ré majeur KV 271i - Andante 07:48 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto pour violon & orchestre n° 7 en ré majeur KV 271i - Rondo - Allegro 09:14 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Rondo pour violon & orchestre en si bémol majeur KV 269 06:12 Has Mbid 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Rondo pour violon & orchestre en sol majeur KV 373 05:18
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack 054. Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus - Karajan dirige Don Giovanni (extraits), Karajan 1960 19 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Ouverture 05:34 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Acte I. Notte e giorno faticar 04:48 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Acte I. Ah, chi mi dite mai 05:49 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Acte I. Madaînina, il catalogo è questo 05:07 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Acte I. Giovinette che fatenall'amore 01:22 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Acte I. Ho capito, signor si 01:30 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Acte I. La ci darem la mano 02:59 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Acte I. Ah, fuggi il traditor 01:04 9 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Acte I. Or sai chi l'onore 02:51 10 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Acte I. Finch'han dal vino 01:20 11 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Acte I. Batti, batti, o bel Masetto 03:33 12 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Acte I. Ecco il che t'ha offesa 03:13 13 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Acte II. Eh, via Buffone... Leporello ! 00:55 14 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Acte II. Deh vieni alla finesira 02:46 15 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Acte II. Vedrai, carino, se sei buonino 03:09 16 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Acte II. Il mio tesoro intanto 04:24 17 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Acte II. In quali eccessi 06:28 18 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Acte II. Crudele ? Ah no, mio bene !... Non mi dir, bell'idol mio 00:00 19 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Acte II. Don Giovanni, a cenar teco... Questa è il fin 12:22
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack 057. Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus - Robert Casadesus joue Mozart (Casadesus 1962) 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto pour piano n° 18 K.456. Allegro vivace 11:41 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto pour piano n° 18 K.456. Andante un poco sostenuto 08:57 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto pour piano n° 18 K.456. Allegro vivace 06:19 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto pour piano n° 10 K.365. Allegro 10:10 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto pour piano n° 10 K.365. Andante 06:42 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto pour piano n° 10 K.365. Rondo, allegro 06:24 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Quintette pour piano et instruments à vent K.452. Largo, allegro moderato 07:53 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Quintette pour piano et instruments à vent K.452. Larghetto 06:52 9 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Quintette pour piano et instruments à vent K.452. Allegreto 05:45 10 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Andante et variations pour piano à quatre mains K.501 07:23
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack 08-Violin Concertos CD03 6 3 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Violin Concertos in D, KV 271a/271i - I. Allegro maestoso 11:49 Has Mbid 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Violin Concertos in D, KV 271a/271i - II. Andante 08:10 Has Mbid 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Violin Concertos in D, KV 271a/271i - III. Rondeau (Allegro) 09:22 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concertone for 2 Violine and Orchestra in C, KV 186/186E - I. Allegro spiritoso 09:00 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concertone for 2 Violine and Orchestra in C, KV 186/186E -186e : II. Andantino grazioso 10:49 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concertone for 2 Violine and Orchestra in C, KV 190 - III. Tempo di menuetto (Vivace) 09:46
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack 11.The Art Of Barylli Quartet 16 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart String Quartet No. 9 In A Major, K169 - 1. Molto Allegro 03:52 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart String Quartet No. 9 In A Major, K169 - 2. Andante 07:38 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart String Quartet No. 9 In A Major, K169 - 3. Menuetto 03:37 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart String Quartet No. 9 In A Major, K169 - 4. Rondo: Allegro 01:33 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart String Quartet No. 10 In C Major, K170 - 1. Andante 04:41 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart String Quartet No. 10 In C Major, K170 - 2. Menuetto 03:04 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart String Quartet No. 10 In C Major, K170 - 3. Un Poco Adagio 04:24 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart String Quartet No. 10 In C Major, K170 - 4. Rondo: Allegro 02:12 9 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart String Quartet No. 11 In E-Flat Major, K171 - 1. Adagio - Allegro Assai 05:40 10 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart String Quartet No. 11 In E-Flat Major, K171 - 2. Menuetto 02:44 11 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart String Quartet No. 11 In E-Flat Major, K171 - 3. Andante 03:34 12 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart String Quartet No. 11 In E-Flat Major, K171 - 4. Allegro Assai 03:18 13 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart String Quartet No. 12 In B-Flat Major, K172 - 1. Allegro Spiritoso 04:30 14 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart String Quartet No. 12 In B-Flat Major, K172 - 2. Adagio 05:08 15 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart String Quartet No. 12 In B-Flat Major, K172 - 3. Menuetto 03:42 16 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart String Quartet No. 12 In B-Flat Major, K172 - 4. Allegro Assai 04:22
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack 12.The Art Of Barylli Quartet 12 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart String Quartet No. 13 In D Minor, K173 - 1. Allegro, Ma Molto Moderato 05:46 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart String Quartet No. 13 In D Minor, K173 - 2. Andantino Grazioso 03:39 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart String Quartet No. 13 In D Minor, K173 - 3. Menuetto 04:29 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart String Quartet No. 13 In D Minor, K173 - 4. Allegro 03:19 Has Mbid 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart String Quartet No. 14 In G Major, K387 - 1. Allegro, Vivace Assai 05:56 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart String Quartet No. 14 In G Major, K387 - 2. Menuetto: Allegro 07:55 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart String Quartet No. 14 In G Major, K387 - 3. Andante Cantabile 08:44 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart String Quartet No. 14 In G Major, K387 - 4. Molto Allegro 04:28 9 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart String Quartet No. 20 In D Major, K499 - 1. Allegretto 07:37 10 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart String Quartet No. 20 In D Major, K499 - 2. Menuetto: Allegretto 03:19 11 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart String Quartet No. 20 In D Major, K499 - 3. Adagio 09:17 12 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart String Quartet No. 20 In D Major, K499 - 4. Allegro 05:21
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack 1212 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - [Christian Zacharias] 10 1 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart K397 Fantaisie Dm Andante 04:02 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart K485 Rondo DM Allegro 05:50 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart K540 Adagio Bm 12:37 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart K355 Menuet DM 02:44 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart K574 Eine kleine Gigue GM Allegro 01:46 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart K396 Fantaisie Cm Adagio 10:29 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart K494 Rondo FM Andante 05:48 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart K511 Rondo Am Andante 09:01 9 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Fantaisie Cm Adagio-Allegro 12:05 10 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart K453a Marche Cm Lento 02:43
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack 13.The Art Of Barylli Quartet 14 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart String Quartet No. 21 In D Major, K575 - 1. Allegretto 05:29 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart String Quartet No. 21 In D Major, K575 - 2. Andante 04:56 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart String Quartet No. 21 In D Major, K575 - 3. Menuetto: Allegretto 05:15 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart String Quartet No. 21 In D Major, K575 - 4. Allegretto 06:17 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart String Quartet No. 22 In B-Flat Major, K589 - 1. Allegro 06:39 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart String Quartet No. 22 In B-Flat Major, K589 - 2. Larghetto 06:55 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart String Quartet No. 22 In B-Flat Major, K589 - 3. Menuetto: Moderato 06:31 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart String Quartet No. 22 In B-Flat Major, K589 - 4. Allegro Assai 03:55 9 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento In D Major, K136 (125a) - 1. Allegro 04:28 10 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento In D Major, K136 (125a) - 2. Andante 06:20 11 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento In D Major, K136 (125a) - 3. Presto 02:59 12 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento In B-Flat Major, K137 (125b) - 1. Andante 05:19 13 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento In B-Flat Major, K137 (125b) - 2. Allegro Di Molto 02:43 14 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento In B-Flat Major, K137 (125b) - 3. Allegro Assai 02:20
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack 14 - Gran Misa y otras obras sacras 14 2 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Kyrie - Andante Moderato 06:45 Has Mbid 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Gloria in Excelsis Deo - Allegro Vivace 02:37 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Laudamus Te - Allegro Aperto 05:08 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Gratias - Adagio 01:15 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Domine - Allegro Moderato 02:59 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Qui Tollis Peccata Mundi - Largo 05:39 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Quoniam Tu Solus Sanctus - Allegro 04:11 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Jesu Christe - Adagio 04:49 9 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Credo in Unum Deum - Allegro Maestoso 03:40 10 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Et Incamatus Est - Andante 08:17 11 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sanctus - Largo 04:01 12 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Benedictus - Allegro Comodo 06:09 13 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Exsultate, Jubilate K 165/158A 15:30 Has Mbid 14 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Ave Verum Corpus K 619 03:02
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack 14.The Art Of Barylli Quartet 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento In F Major, K138 (125c) - 1. Allegro 03:55 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento In F Major, K138 (125c) - 2. Andante 04:06 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento In F Major, K138 (125c) - 3. Presto 02:04 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart String Quintet No. 1 In B-Flat Major, K174 - 1. Allegro Moderato 07:02 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart String Quintet No. 1 In B-Flat Major, K174 - 2. Adagio 05:57 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart String Quintet No. 1 In B-Flat Major, K174 - 3. Menuetto, Ma Allegretto 04:26 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart String Quintet No. 1 In B-Flat Major, K174 - 4. Allegro 04:51 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart String Quintet No. 2 In C Minor, K406 - 1. Allegro 06:39 9 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart String Quintet No. 2 In C Minor, K406 - 2. Andante 04:48 10 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart String Quintet No. 2 In C Minor, K406 - 3. Minuetto In Canone 04:35 11 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart String Quintet No. 2 In C Minor, K406 - 4. Allegro 06:13
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack 16.The Art Of Barylli Quartet 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart String Quintet In B-Flat Major, K46 - 1. Largo - Allegro Molto 08:33 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart String Quintet In B-Flat Major, K46 - 2. Menuetto 06:10 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart String Quintet In B-Flat Major, K46 - 3. Adagio 05:03 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart String Quintet In B-Flat Major, K46 - 4. Rondo: Allegro Molto 03:14 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Serenade No. 9 In D Major, K320 "Posthorn" - 1. Adagio Maestoso - Allegro Con Spirito 09:12 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Serenade No. 9 In D Major, K320 "Posthorn" - 2. Menuetto 04:23 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Serenade No. 9 In D Major, K320 "Posthorn" - 3. Concertante: Andante Grazioso 08:58 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Serenade No. 9 In D Major, K320 "Posthorn" - 4. Rondo: Allegro, Ma Non Troppo 06:12 9 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Serenade No. 9 In D Major, K320 "Posthorn" - 5. Andantino Grazioso 07:39 10 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Serenade No. 9 In D Major, K320 "Posthorn" - 6. Menuetto 04:50 11 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Serenade No. 9 In D Major, K320 "Posthorn" - 7. Finale: Presto 04:48
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack 1986 - Concerto pour Clarinet & Flute (16 bits-44,1 KHz) 6 2 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto in A major for Clarinet and Orchestra K. 622 - Allegro 12:03 Has Mbid 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Adagio 07:00 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Rondo. Allegro 08:24 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto No. 2 in D major for Flute and Orchestra K. 314 - Allegro aperto 08:10 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Andante ma non troppo 06:35 Has Mbid 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Allegro 05:42
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack 2 Divertimenti (Denon One Point Recording) (Wiener Kammerensemble) (1995 - Denon - CO-78825) 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Mozart - Divertimento D-dur KV 334 für zwei Violinen, Viola, Bass und 2 Hörner: Marsch KV445 03:40 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Mozart - Divertimento D-dur KV 334 für zwei Violinen, Viola, Bass und 2 Hörner: 1. Allegro 09:20 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Mozart - Divertimento D-dur KV 334 für zwei Violinen, Viola, Bass und 2 Hörner: 2. Tema con Variazioni; Andante 08:45 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Mozart - Divertimento D-dur KV 334 für zwei Violinen, Viola, Bass und 2 Hörner: 3. Menuetto 04:24 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Mozart - Divertimento D-dur KV 334 für zwei Violinen, Viola, Bass und 2 Hörner: 4. Adagio 07:36 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Mozart - Divertimento D-dur KV 334 für zwei Violinen, Viola, Bass und 2 Hörner: 5. Menuetto 07:19 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Mozart - Divertimento D-dur KV 334 für zwei Violinen, Viola, Bass und 2 Hörner: 6. Adagio 09:17 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Mozart - Divertimento Es-dur KV 113 für zwei Violinen, Viola, Bass, 2 Klarinetten und 2 Hörner: 1. Allegro 04:07 9 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Mozart - Divertimento Es-dur KV 113 für zwei Violinen, Viola, Bass, 2 Klarinetten und 2 Hörner: 2. Andante 03:41 10 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Mozart - Divertimento Es-dur KV 113 für zwei Violinen, Viola, Bass, 2 Klarinetten und 2 Hörner: 3. Menuetto 01:58 11 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Mozart - Divertimento Es-dur KV 113 für zwei Violinen, Viola, Bass, 2 Klarinetten und 2 Hörner: 4. Allegro 03:19
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack 21 Concertos pour piano #9 9 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto No.10 in E-flat major, K.365 - I. Allegro 10:03 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart II. Andante 06:51 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart III. Rondeau (Allegro) 07:07 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto No.7 in F major, K.242 - I. Allegro 08:50 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart II. Adagio 07:27 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart III. Rondeau (Tempo di Minuetto) 06:22 Has Mbid 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sonata for 2 pianos in D makor, K.448 - I. Allegro con spirito 07:59 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart II. Andante 09:01 9 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart III. Allegro molto 06:07
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack 24 GRANDES VOIX MOZARTIENNES 15 3 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Dies Bildnis Ist Bezaubernd Schön (La flauta mágica, 1959) 04:07 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Ach Ich Fühl's, Es Ist Verschwunden (La flauta mágica, 1983) 04:17 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart In Diesen Heiligen Hallen (La flauta mágica, 1957) 04:46 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Ch'io Mi Scordi Di Te? (Aria de concierto, 1959) 11:22 Has Mbid 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Marten Aller Arten (El rapto en el serrallo, 1946) 08:52 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Konstanze, Dich Wieder Zu Sehen (El rapto en el serrallo, 1949) 05:18 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Solche Hergelaur'ne Laffen (El rapto en el serrallo, 1949)\n 04:57 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart O, Wie Will Ich Triumphieren (El rapto en el serrallo, 1948) 03:19 9 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Vado, Ma Dove? (Aria de concierto, 1953) 04:01 Has Mbid 10 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Non Più Andrai (Las bodas de Fígaro, 1946) 03:39 11 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Se vuol Ballare (Las bodas de Fígaro, 1940) 03:43 12 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Finch'han Dal Vino (Don Giovanni, 1955) 01:24 Has Mbid 13 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Mi Tradì Quell'Alma Ingrata (Don Giovanni, 1970) 06:08 14 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Madamina, Il Catalogo è Questo (Do Giovanni, 1949) 05:39 15 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart L'Amerò, Sarò Constante (Il re pastore, 1959) 05:48
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack 4 Sonatas for Piano and Violin 9 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sonate KV 301: I.Allegro con spirito 08:05 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sonate KV 301: II. Allegro 05:04 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sonate KV 303: I. Adagio - Molto Allegro 05:09 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sonate KV 303: II. Tempo di Menutto 04:27 Has Mbid 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sonate KV 304: I. Allegro 09:02 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sonate KV 304: II. Tempo di Menuetto 05:06 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sonate KV 481: I. Molto Allegro 07:36 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sonate KV 481: II. Adagio 07:33 9 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sonate KV 481: III. Allegretto 07:50
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack 43-Mozart Le nozze di Figaro II 26 2 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Le nozze di Figaro, K. 492: Act II. Recitativo "Tutto è come il lasciai" 01:10 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Le nozze di Figaro, K. 492: Act II. No 15 Finale "Esci omai, garzon malnato" 02:50 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Le nozze di Figaro, K. 492: Act II. "Signore, cos'è quel stupore?" 05:04 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Le nozze di Figaro, K. 492: Act II. "Signori, di fuori son già i suonatori" 03:22 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Le nozze di Figaro, K. 492: Act II. "Ah! Signor, signor... Cosa è stato? 05:31 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Le nozze di Figaro, K. 492: Act II. "Voi signor, che giusto siete" 03:48 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Le nozze di Figaro, K. 492: Act III. Recitativo "Che imbarazzo è mai questo, " 02:20 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Le nozze di Figaro, K. 492: Act III. No. 16 Duetto "Crudel! Perché finora" 02:50 9 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Le nozze di Figaro, K. 492: Act III. Recitativo "E perché fosti meco" 00:45 10 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Le nozze di Figaro, K. 492: Act III. No. 17 Recitativo "Hai già vinta la causa!" 01:27 11 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Le nozze di Figaro, K. 492: Act III. No. 17 Aria "Vedrò, mentr'io sospiro" 03:17 12 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Le nozze di Figaro, K. 492: Act III. Recitativo "È decisa la lite" 01:59 13 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Le nozze di Figaro, K. 492: Act III. No. 18 Sestetto "Riconosci in quest'amplesso" 05:08 14 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Le nozze di Figaro, K. 492: Act III. Recitativo "Eccovi, oh caro amico" 01:14 15 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Le nozze di Figaro, K. 492: Act III. Recitativo "Andiam, andiam, bel paggio" 00:40 16 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Le nozze di Figaro, K. 492: Act III. No. 19 Recitativo "E Susanna non vien!..." 01:39 Has Mbid 17 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Le nozze di Figaro, K. 492: Act III. No. 19 Aria "Dove sona i bei momenti" 04:47 18 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Le nozze di Figaro, K. 492: Act III. Recitativo "Io vi dico, signor" 00:30 19 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Le nozze di Figaro, K. 492: Act III. Recitativo "Cosa mi narri?" 00:28 Has Mbid 20 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Le nozze di Figaro, K. 492: Act III. No. 20 Duettino "Canzonetta sull'aria"... "Che soave zeffiretto" 02:41 21 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Le nozze di Figaro, K. 492: Act III. Recitativo "Piegato è il foglio" 00:20 22 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Le nozze di Figaro, K. 492: Act III. No. 21 Coro "Ricevete, O padroncina" 01:15 23 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Le nozze di Figaro, K. 492: Act III. Recitativo "Queste sono, Madama" 02:44 24 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Le nozze di Figaro, K. 492: Act III. No. 22 Finale "Ecco la marcia. andiamo" 01:53 25 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Le nozze di Figaro, K. 492: Act III. "Amanti costanti" 01:26 26 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Le nozze di Figaro, K. 492: Act III. "Eh, già solita usanza" 03:10
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack 44-Mozart Le nozze di Figaro III 15 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Le nozze di Figaro, K. 492: Act IV. No. 23 Cavatina: "L'ho perduta, me meschina!" 01:47 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Le nozze di Figaro, K. 492: Act IV. Recitativo "Barbarina, cos' hai?" 02:52 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Le nozze di Figaro, K. 492: Act IV. No. 24 Aria "II capro e la capretta" 03:45 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Le nozze di Figaro, K. 492: Act IV. Recitativo "Nel padiglione a manca" 02:03 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Le nozze di Figaro, K. 492: Act IV. No. 25 Aria "In quegli anni, in cui val poco" 03:57 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Le nozze di Figaro, K. 492: Act IV. No. 26 Recitativo "Tutto è disposto..." 01:35 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Le nozze di Figaro, K. 492: Act IV. No. 26 Aria "Aprite un po' quegli occhi" 02:54 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Le nozze di Figaro, K. 492: Act IV. Recitativo "Signora. ella mi disse che Figaro verravi" 01:01 9 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Le nozze di Figaro, K. 492: Act IV. No. 27 Recitativo "Giunse alfin il momento" 01:26 10 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Le nozze di Figaro, K. 492: Act IV. No. 27 Aria "Deh vieni, non tardar" 03:33 11 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Le nozze di Figaro, K. 492: Act IV. Recitativo "Perfida! E in quella forma meco mentia?" 00:33 12 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Le nozze di Figaro, K. 492: Act IV. No. 28 Finale "Pian pianin, le andrò più presso" 03:13 13 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Le nozze di Figaro, K. 492: Act IV. "Partito è alfin l'audace..." 06:23 14 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Le nozze di Figaro, K. 492: Act IV. "Pace, pace, mio dolce tesoro" 01:56 15 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Le nozze di Figaro, K. 492: Act IV. "Gente, gente, all'armi, all'armi!" 05:22
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack 559 MASS IN C : C Minor Mass et Massonic Funeral Music 14 2 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Kyrie 06:36 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Gloria : Gloria in excelsis Deo 02:12 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Gloria : Laudamus te 04:34 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Gloria : Gratias 01:02 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Gloria : Domine 02:38 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Gloria : Qui tollis 05:08 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Gloria : Quoniam 03:50 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Gloria : Jesu Christe 00:36 9 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Gloria : Cum Sancto Spiritu 03:31 10 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Credo : Credo in unum Deum 02:54 Has Mbid 11 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Credo : Et incarnatus est 07:33 12 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sanctus 03:16 13 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Benedictus 05:12 14 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Masonic Funeral Music in C minor K.477 (479a) 04:59
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack 592 Violin Concertos Nos. 4 & 5 & K.271A 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Violin Concerto No. 4 in D major, K.218 - Allegro 08:11 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Violin Concerto No. 4 in D major, K.218 - Andante cantabile 06:13 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Violin Concerto No. 4 in D major, K.218 - Rondeau: andante grazioso - allegro ma non troppo 07:03 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Violin Concerto No. 5 in A major, K.219 - Allegro aperto 08:36 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Violin Concerto No. 5 in A major, K.219 - Adagio 09:18 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Violin Concerto No. 5 in A major, K.219 - Rondeau: tempo di menuetto 08:18 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Violin Concerto in D major, K.271A - Allegro maestoso 10:25 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Violin Concerto in D major, K.271A - Andante 07:06 9 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Violin Concerto in D major, K.271A - Rondo 08:26
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack 6 Sonatas for Piano and Flute KV 10-15 16 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sonata B-Dur KV 10 - Allergro 03:12 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sonata B-Dur KV 10 - Andante 04:56 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sonata B-Dur KV 10 - Menuetto I, II 02:55 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sonata G-Dur KV 11 - Allegro 03:56 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sonata G-Dur KV 11 - Allegro (2) 01:57 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sonata G-Dur KV 11 - Menuetto 03:25 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sonata A-Dur KV 12 - Andante 04:53 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sonata A-Dur KV 12 - Allegro 02:05 9 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sonata F-Dur KV 13 - Allegro 04:02 10 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sonata F-Dur KV 13 - Andante 05:09 11 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sonata F-Dur KV 13 - Menuetto I, II 02:12 12 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sonata C-Dur KV 14 - Allegro 03:25 13 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sonata C-Dur KV 14 - Allegro (2) 02:36 14 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sonata C-Dur KV 14 - Menuetto I, II en Carrilon 03:03 15 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sonata B-Dur KV 15 - Andante maestoso 05:48 16 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sonata B-Dur KV 15 - Allegro grazioso 01:52
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack 6 Sonates Pour Clavecin And Flute 17 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sonata In F Major, K13 1. Allegro 03:45 Has Mbid 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sonata In F Major, K13 2. Andante 03:37 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sonata In F Major, K13 3. Menuet I & II 01:59 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sonata In B Flat Major, K15 1. Andante Maestoso 01:38 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sonata In B Flat Major, K15 2. Allegro Grazioso 01:58 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sonata In B Flat Major, K15 3. Menuet 01:54 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sonata In A Major, K12 1. Andante 03:46 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sonata In A Major, K12 2. Allegro 01:57 9 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sonata In C Major, K14 1. Allegro 03:25 10 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sonata In C Major, K14 2. Allegro 02:21 11 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sonata In C Major, K14 3. Menuet I & II 02:28 12 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sonata In B Flat Major, K10 1. Allegro 02:59 13 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sonata In B Flat Major, K10 2. Allegro 03:40 14 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sonata In B Flat Major, K10 3. Menuet I & II 02:51 15 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sonata In G Major, K11 1. Andante 03:14 16 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sonata In G Major, K11 2. Allegro 01:43 17 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sonata In G Major, K11 3. Menuet 02:40
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack A Night At The Opera 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart La Clemenca di Tito - Overture 04:45 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Parto parto ma tu ben mio 06:33 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Dove sono i bei momenti 06:40 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Hai gia vinta la causa 04:57 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart In quegli anni 03:42 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Canzonetto sull'aria 03:21 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sola sola in buio loco 07:48 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Fin chchan dal vino 01:29 9 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Temerari - Come scoglio 06:01 10 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Martern aller Arten 08:29 11 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Ach Belmonte Ach mein Leben 10:57
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack A night at the Opera - Le Nozze Di Figaro 17 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sinfonia 04:19 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Cinque, Dieci, Venti... 03:27 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Se E Caso Madame 04:22 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Se Vuol Ballar Signor Contino 03:53 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Via Resti Servita 04:08 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Non So Piu' Cosa Son Cosa Faccio 05:02 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Cosa Sento, Tosto Andante 05:45 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Giovani Lieti 03:33 9 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Non Piu' Andrai, Farfallone Amoroso 03:52 10 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Porgi Amor 07:11 11 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Voi Che Sapete 06:19 12 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Susanna Or Via 04:04 13 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Aprite Presto 02:24 14 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Esci Ormai, Garzon Malnato ! 02:44 15 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Susanna? 05:11 16 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Signori! Di Fuori 03:25 17 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Ah Signor 05:39
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack AM320 - Serenata per fiati K 388 - Quintetto per archi K 516 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Serenata per fiati in do minore K 388 I. Allegro 07:33 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Serenata per fiati in do minore K 388 II. Andante 03:44 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Serenata per fiati in do minore K 388 III. Menuetto in canone con Trio 03:34 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Serenata per fiati in do minore K 388 IV. Allegro 06:11 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Quintetto per archi in sol minore K 516 I. Allegro 11:10 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Quintetto per archi in sol minore K 516 II. Minuetto e Tio. Allegretto 04:43 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Quintetto per archi in sol minore K 516 III. Adagio ma non troppo 07:32 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Quintetto per archi in sol minore K 516 IV. Adagio - Allegro 10:21
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack AO Konzert 25.03.2004 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Akademisches Orchester Bonn, Georg Achim Földes Ouvertüre zur Oper "La Clemenza di Tito" 04:52 2 Anna Heygster, ViolineAkademisches Orchester Bonn, Georg Achim Földes Violinkonzert A-Dur KV 219: 1. Allegro aperto 10:32 3 Anna Heygster, ViolineAkademisches Orchester Bonn, Georg Achim Földes Violinkonzert A-Dur KV 219: 2. Adagio 11:31 4 Anna Heygster, ViolineAkademisches Orchester Bonn, Georg Achim Földes Violinkonzert A-Dur KV 219: 3. Roneau. Tempo di Menuetto 09:36 5 Akademisches Orchester Bonn, Georg Achim Földes Sinfonie Nr. 49 C-Dur KV 551: 1. Allegro vivace 11:20 6 Akademisches Orchester Bonn, Georg Achim Földes Sinfonie Nr. 49 C-Dur KV 551: 2. Andante cantabile 12:20 7 Akademisches Orchester Bonn, Georg Achim Földes Sinfonie Nr. 49 C-Dur KV 551: 3. Menuetto 04:21
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Adagi e Fughe (su temi di Bach) 18 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Quartetto I in mi minore - Adagio Presto 03:14 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Quartetto I in mi minore - Fuga. Andante 06:46 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Quartetto V in re maggiore - Larghetto cantabile 04:26 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Quartetto V in re maggiore - Fuga 01:52 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Quartetto II in la minore - Adagio 02:54 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Quartetto II in la minore - Fuga - Moderato 01:59 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Quartetto III in mi bemolle maggiore - Adagio cantabile 03:21 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Quartetto III in mi bemolle maggiore - Fuga. Allegro 01:29 9 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Quinteto I in re minore - Adagio 03:26 10 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Quintetto I in re minore - Fuga. Moderato 02:29 11 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Quartetto IV in si minore - Adagio 02:26 12 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Quartetto IV in si minore - Fuga. Moderato 03:29 13 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Quartetto II in re minore - Andante, ma non troppo 02:48 14 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Quartetto II in re minore - Fuga. Andante 02:46 15 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Quartetto III in do minore - Adagio 04:08 16 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Quartetto III in do minore - Fuga 03:46 17 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Quartetto VI in mi maggiore - Adagio 03:18 18 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Quartetto VI in mi maggiore - Fuga. Moderato 01:55
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Aldo Ciccolini, Yannick Nézet-Séguin and London Philharmonic Orchestra 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Piano Concerto No. 20 in D minor, K466: I. Allegro 14:47 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Piano Concerto No. 20 in D minor, K466: II. Romanza 09:24 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Piano Concerto No. 20 in D minor, K466: III. Rondo: Allegro assai 08:12 4 Sergei Rachmaninov Piano Concerto No. 2 in C minor, Op. 18: I. Moderato 11:25 5 Sergei Rachmaninov Piano Concerto No. 2 in C minor, Op. 18: II. Adagio sostenuto 11:57 6 Sergei Rachmaninov Piano Concerto No. 2 in C minor, Op. 18: III. Allegro scherzando 12:44
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Andre Previn and The English Chamber Orchestra 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Der Schauspieldirektor, K486: Overture 03:52 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Der Schauspieldirektor, K486: Prologue 06:43 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Der Schauspieldirektor, K486: No. 1 Arietta: A Girl Was I 06:40 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Der Schauspieldirektor, K486: No. 2 Rondo: I Want Mine 05:07 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Der Schauspieldirektor, K486: No. 3 Trio: The Argument 10:36 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Der Schauspieldirektor, K486: No. 4 The Play's The Thing 05:10
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Andre Previn, Adrian Boult and London Symphony Orchestra 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Piano Concerto No.17 in G major, K.453 - 1.Allegro 12:06 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Piano Concerto No.17 in G major, K.453 - 2.Andante 11:26 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Piano Concerto No.17 in G major, K.453 - 3.Allegretto - Presto 07:36 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Piano Concerto No.24 in C minor, K.491 - 1.Allegro 14:26 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Piano Concerto No.24 in C minor, K.491 - 2.Larghetto 07:38 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Piano Concerto No.24 in C minor, K.491 - 3.Allegretto 09:32
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack André Previn, Young Uck Kim, Heiichiro Ohyama and Gary Hoffman 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Piano Quartet No. 1 in G minor, K478: I. Allegro 14:40 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Piano Quartet No. 1 in G minor, K478: II. Andante 07:27 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Piano Quartet No. 1 in G minor, K478: III. Rondo (allegro) 07:06 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Piano Quartet No. 2 in E flat major, K493: I. Allegro 14:20 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Piano Quartet No. 2 in E flat major, K493: II. Larghetto 13:58 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Piano Quartet No. 2 in E flat major, K493: III. Allegretto 08:21
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Anima Musicæ Kamarazenekar - Mozart: Divertimentos, K. 136-138 & Serenade No. 13 in G Major, K. 525 "Eine kleine Nachtmusik" 13 0 1772 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento for string quartet (or string orchestra) in D major ("Salzburg Symphony No. 1"), K. 136 (K. 125a): I. Allegro 04:06 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento for string quartet (or string orchestra) in D major ("Salzburg Symphony No. 1"), K. 136 (K. 125a): II. Andante 03:49 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento for string quartet (or string orchestra) in D major ("Salzburg Symphony No. 1"), K. 136 (K. 125a): III. Presto 02:46 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento for string quartet (or string orchestra) in B flat major ("Salzburg Symphony No. 2"), K. 137 (K. 125b): I. Andante 03:34 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento for string quartet (or string orchestra) in B flat major ("Salzburg Symphony No. 2"), K. 137 (K. 125b): II. Allegro di molto 02:32 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento for string quartet (or string orchestra) in B flat major ("Salzburg Symphony No. 2"), K. 137 (K. 125b): III. Allegro assai 02:27 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento for string quartet (or string orchestra) in F major ("Salzburg Symphony No. 3"), K. 138 (K. 125c): I. Allegro 03:46 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento for string quartet (or string orchestra) in F major ("Salzburg Symphony No. 3"), K. 138 (K. 125c): II. Andante 04:05 9 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento for string quartet (or string orchestra) in F major ("Salzburg Symphony No. 3"), K. 138 (K. 125c): III. Presto 02:21 10 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Serenade No. 13 for strings in G major ("Eine kleine Nachtmusik"), K. 525: I. Allegro 05:33 11 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Serenade No. 13 for strings in G major ("Eine kleine Nachtmusik"), K. 525: Romanze. Andante 05:16 12 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Serenade No. 13 for strings in G major ("Eine kleine Nachtmusik"), K. 525: III. Menuetto. Allegretto 01:59 13 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Serenade No. 13 for strings in G major ("Eine kleine Nachtmusik"), K. 525: IV. Rondo. Allegro 04:18
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Arias - Maria Bengstson 11 2 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Idomeneo - Padre, Germani, Addio 07:56 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Idomeneo - Se Il Padre Perdei 05:54 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Idomeneo - Zeffiretti Lusinghieri 06:38 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Idomeneo - Idol Mio 08:06 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Die Zauberflöte - Ach Ich Fühl's 03:48 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Don Giovanni - Or Sai Chi L'onore 03:18 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Don Giovanni - Nonmi Dir 07:09 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Le Nozze Di Figaro - Porgi Amor 03:39 9 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Le Nozze Di Figaro - Dove Sono 06:13 Has Mbid 10 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Cosi Fan Tutte - Come Scoglio 05:48 Has Mbid 11 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Cosi Fan Tutte - Per Pietà, Ben Mio, Perdona 08:36
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Arias For Aloysia Weber 7 1 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 Orchestra of the Eighteenth Century & Frans Brüggen No, No Che Non Sei Capace (Kv419) 04:12 2 Orchestra of the Eighteenth Century & Frans Brüggen Alcandro, Lo Confesso - Non So D'Onde Viene (Kv294) 10:27 3 Orchestra of the Eighteenth Century & Frans Brüggen Vorrei Spiegarvi, Oh Dio (Kv418) 06:24 4 Orchestra of the Eighteenth Century & Frans Brüggen Ah Se In Ciel, Benigne Stelle (Kv534) 07:19 5 Orchestra of the Eighteenth Century & Frans Brüggen Mia Speranza Adorata - Ah Non Sai Qual Pena Sia (Kv416) 09:07 6 Orchestra of the Eighteenth Century & Frans Brüggen Popoli Di Tessaglia - Io Non Chedo Eterni Dei (Kv316 (Kv300b)) 10:48 7 Orchestra of the Eighteenth Century & Frans Brüggen Nehmt Meinen Dank, Ihr Holden Gonner (Kv383) 03:10
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Au coeur du classique 35 - Mozart - Les Noces de Figaro, Don Giovanni 15 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Daniel Vogel Les noces de Figaro - Non più andrai 03:55 2 Sonia Graffham Les noces de Figaro - Voi che sapete 03:03 3 Paul Plantier, Sonia Graffham Les noces de Figaro - Crudel! perchè finaro 02:44 4 Marie Mason Les noces de Figaro - E Susanna non vien... 01:40 5 Marie Mason Les noces de Figaro - Dove sono i bei momenti 04:55 6 Marie Masson, Sonia Graffham Les noces de Figaro - Sull'aria 02:44 7 Daniel Vogel Les noces de Figaro - Tutto è disposto ... Aprite un po' quegl'occhi 03:55 8 Daniel Vogel Don Giovanni - Madamina, il catalogo è questo 05:12 9 Marie Mason Don Giovanni - Or sai chi I'onore 03:15 10 Francesco Rinaldo Don Giovanni - Fin ch'han dal vino 01:22 11 Annaliese Schmidt Don Giovanni - Batti, batti, o bel Masetto 03:49 12 Francesco Rinaldo Don Giovanni - Deh, vieni alla finestra 02:02 13 Annaliese Schmidt Don Giovanni - Vedrai, carino 03:20 14 Klaus Münster Don Giovanni - Il mio tesoro intanto 04:37 15 Daniel Vogel, Francesco Rinaldo Don Giovanni - O statua gentilissima 03:30
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Australian Brandenburg Orchestra - Clarinet Concerto and Arias 7 2 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto in A for Basset Clarinet-Allegro 12:46 Has Mbid 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto in A for Basset Clarinet-Adagio 06:27 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto in A for Basset Clarinet-Rondo 08:53 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Alcandro, lo confesso Non so donde viene 10:24 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Vorrei spiegarvi, oh Dio 07:18 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Nehmt meinen Dank 03:06 Has Mbid 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Die Zauberflote-Der Holle Rache 03:03
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Bastien und Bastienne (Kammarorchester Berlin, Adele Stolte, Peter Schreier, Helmut Koch) 30 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Berlin Chamber Orchestra & Helmut Koch Bastien und Bastienne, opera, K. 50 (K. 46b)- Intrada 01:46 2 Berlin Chamber Orchestra & Helmut Koch Bastien und Bastienne, opera, K. 50 (K. 46b)- No. 1. Arie. Mein liebster Freund hat mich verlassen 02:14 3 Berlin Chamber Orchestra & Helmut Koch Bastien und Bastienne, opera, K. 50 (K. 46b)- Du fliehest von mir, Bastien? 00:24 4 Berlin Chamber Orchestra & Helmut Koch Bastien und Bastienne, opera, K. 50 (K. 46b)- No. 2. Arie. Ich geh' jetzt auf die Weide 01:29 5 Berlin Chamber Orchestra & Helmut Koch Bastien und Bastienne, opera, K. 50 (K. 46b)- No. 3. Colas' Auftritt 00:17 6 Berlin Chamber Orchestra & Helmut Koch Bastien und Bastienne, opera, K. 50 (K. 46b)- No. 4. Arie. Befraget mich ein zartes Kind 01:02 7 Berlin Chamber Orchestra & Helmut Koch Bastien und Bastienne, opera, K. 50 (K. 46b)- Guten Morgen, Herr Colas! 01:22 8 Berlin Chamber Orchestra & Helmut Koch Bastien und Bastienne, opera, K. 50 (K. 46b)- No. 5. Arie. Wenn mein Bastien einst im Scherze 02:21 9 Berlin Chamber Orchestra & Helmut Koch Bastien und Bastienne, opera, K. 50 (K. 46b)- O, die Edelfrau vom Schlosse 00:14 10 Berlin Chamber Orchestra & Helmut Koch Bastien und Bastienne, opera, K. 50 (K. 46b)- No. 6. Arie. Würd' ich auch wie manche Buhlerinnen 01:11 11 Berlin Chamber Orchestra & Helmut Koch Bastien und Bastienne, opera, K. 50 (K. 46b)- Gib dich zufrieden! 00:40 12 Berlin Chamber Orchestra & Helmut Koch Bastien und Bastienne, opera, K. 50 (K. 46b)- No. 7. Duett. Auf den Rat, den ich gegeben 01:23 13 Berlin Chamber Orchestra & Helmut Koch Bastien und Bastienne, opera, K. 50 (K. 46b)- Dieses Liebhaber-paar ist ein rechtes Wunderwerk 00:33 14 Berlin Chamber Orchestra & Helmut Koch Bastien und Bastienne, opera, K. 50 (K. 46b)- No. 8. Arie. Großen Dank dir abzustatten 01:28 15 Berlin Chamber Orchestra & Helmut Koch Bastien und Bastienne, opera, K. 50 (K. 46b)- Es freut mich 00:27 16 Berlin Chamber Orchestra & Helmut Koch Bastien und Bastienne, opera, K. 50 (K. 46b)- No. 9. Arie. Geh! du sagst mir eine Fabel 01:30 17 Berlin Chamber Orchestra & Helmut Koch Bastien und Bastienne, opera, K. 50 (K. 46b)- Das kann sein 00:36 18 Berlin Chamber Orchestra & Helmut Koch Bastien und Bastienne, opera, K. 50 (K. 46b)- No. 10. Arie. Diggi, daggi 01:32 19 Berlin Chamber Orchestra & Helmut Koch Bastien und Bastienne, opera, K. 50 (K. 46b)- Ist die Hexerei zu Ende? 00:18 20 Berlin Chamber Orchestra & Helmut Koch Bastien und Bastienne, opera, K. 50 (K. 46b)- No. 11. Arie. Meiner Liebsten schöne Wangen 02:57 21 Berlin Chamber Orchestra & Helmut Koch Bastien und Bastienne, opera, K. 50 (K. 46b)- Da ist sie... Soll ich fliehen? 00:43 22 Berlin Chamber Orchestra & Helmut Koch Bastien und Bastienne, opera, K. 50 (K. 46b)- No. 12. Arie. Er war mir sonst treu und ergeben 01:56 23 Berlin Chamber Orchestra & Helmut Koch Bastien und Bastienne, opera, K. 50 (K. 46b)- Ich sehe schon, was dich verdrießt 00:42 24 Berlin Chamber Orchestra & Helmut Koch Bastien und Bastienne, opera, K. 50 (K. 46b)- No. 13. Arie. Geh hin! Dein Trotz soll mich nicht schrecken 05:27 25 Berlin Chamber Orchestra & Helmut Koch Bastien und Bastienne, opera, K. 50 (K. 46b)- Ich dachte, du wärest schon über alle Berge 00:25 26 Berlin Chamber Orchestra & Helmut Koch Bastien und Bastienne, opera, K. 50 (K. 46b)- No. 14. Rezitativ und Arioso. Dein Trotz vermehrt sich durch mein Leiden? 00:41 27 Berlin Chamber Orchestra & Helmut Koch Bastien und Bastienne, opera, K. 50 (K. 46b)- Sollte ich ein solcher Narr sein 00:13 28 Berlin Chamber Orchestra & Helmut Koch Bastien und Bastienne, opera, K. 50 (K. 46b)- No. 15. Duett. Geh! Herz von Flandern! 05:25 29 Berlin Chamber Orchestra & Helmut Koch Bastien und Bastienne, opera, K. 50 (K. 46b)- No. 16. Terzett. Kinder! Seht, nach Sturm und Regen 01:13 30 Berlin Chamber Orchestra & Helmut Koch Bastien und Bastienne, opera, K. 50 (K. 46b)- Lustig! Preist die Zaubereien 02:03
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Beethoven, Haydn, Mozart 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Die Zauberflöte (The Magic Flute), opera, K. 620: Ouverture 07:00 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Symphony No. 1 in C major, Op. 21: 1. Adagio molto - Allegro con brio 09:19 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Symphony No. 1 in C major, Op. 21: 2. Andante cantabile con moto 06:33 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Symphony No. 1 in C major, Op. 21: 3. Menuetto. Allegro molto e vivace - Trio 03:13 5 Ludwig van Beethoven Symphony No. 1 in C major, Op. 21: 4. Adagio - Allegro molto e vivace 06:00 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart La Clemenza di Tito, opera, K. 621: Ouverture 04:19 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Symphony No. 104 in D major ("London"), H. 1/104: 1. Adagio - Allegro 06:44 8 Joseph Haydn Symphony No. 104 in D major ("London"), H. 1/104: 2. Andante 08:36 9 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Symphony No. 104 in D major ("London"), H. 1/104: 3. Menuetto. Allegro - Trio 04:50 10 Joseph Haydn Symphony No. 104 in D major ("London"), H. 1/104: 4. Finale. Allegro spirituoso 04:42
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Berliner Philharmoniker 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Symphony No.28 in C major, K.200 - I. Allegro spiritoso 06:58 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Symphony No.28 in C major, K.200 - II. Andante 07:36 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Symphony No.28 in C major, K.200 - III. Menuetto. Allegreto 03:32 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Symphony No.28 in C major, K.200 - IV. Presto 05:03 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Symphony No.29 in A major, K.201 - I. Allegro Moderato 09:57 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Symphony No.29 in A major, K.201 - II. Andante 10:27 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Symphony No.29 in A major, K.201 - III. Menuetto - Trio 03:12 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Symphony No.29 in A major, K.201 - IV. Allegro con spirito 06:20 9 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Symphony No.35 in D major, K.385 - I. Allegro con spirito 05:38 10 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Symphony No.35 in D major, K.385 - II. Andante 08:42 11 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Symphony No.35 in D major, K.385 - III. Menuetto 03:01
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Berliner Philharmoniker, cond:Claudio Abbado 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Symphony No.28 in C major, K.200 - I. Allegro spiritoso 06:59 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Symphony No.28 in C major, K.200 - II. Andante 07:36 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Symphony No.28 in C major, K.200 - III. Menuetto. Allegreto 03:32 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Symphony No.28 in C major, K.200 - IV. Presto 05:03 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Symphony No.29 in A major, K.201 - I. Allegro Moderato 09:57 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Symphony No.29 in A major, K.201 - II. Andante 10:27 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Symphony No.29 in A major, K.201 - III. Menuetto - Trio 03:12 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Symphony No.29 in A major, K.201 - IV. Allegro con spirito 06:20 9 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Symphony No.35 in D major, K.385 - I. Allegro con spirito 05:37 10 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Symphony No.35 in D major, K.385 - II. Andante 08:42 11 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Symphony No.35 in D major, K.385 - III. Menuetto 03:01
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Berliner Philharmoniker: Haydn Paukenmesse, Mozart Krönungsmesse 6 2 1992 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Krönungsmesse in C, K.317 - Kyrie 02:49 Has Mbid 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Krönungsmesse in C, K.317 - Gloria 04:13 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Krönungsmesse in C, K.317 - Credo 06:28 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Krönungsmesse in C, K.317 - Sanctus 01:54 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Krönungsmesse in C, K.317 - Benedictus 03:48 Has Mbid 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Krönungsmesse in C, K.317 - Agnus Dei 06:39
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Bläser der Berliner Philharmoniker - Norbert Hauptmann / Manfred Klier (Horns) Karl Leister / Walter Seyfarth (clarinets) Manfred Preis (basset horn) 27 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Mozart - Divertimento no.1 for 2 clarinets & bassethorn KV439b [Berliner Philharmoniker Winds] 1 Allegro 05:15 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Mozart - Divertimento no.1 for 2 clarinets & bassethorn KV439b [Berliner Philharmoniker Winds] 2 Menuetto - Allegretto 02:50 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Mozart - Divertimento no.1 for 2 clarinets & bassethorn KV439b [Berliner Philharmoniker Winds] 3 Adagio 02:54 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Mozart - Divertimento no.1 for 2 clarinets & bassethorn KV439b [Berliner Philharmoniker Winds] 4 Menuetto 02:37 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Mozart - Divertimento no.1 for 2 clarinets & bassethorn KV439b [Berliner Philharmoniker Winds] 5 Rondo - Allegro 02:27 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Mozart - 12 Duos for 2 Horns KV487 [Berliner Philharmoniker Winds] 1 Allegro 01:18 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Mozart - 12 Duos for 2 Horns KV487 [Berliner Philharmoniker Winds] 2 Menuetto - Allegretto 02:39 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Mozart - 12 Duos for 2 Horns KV487 [Berliner Philharmoniker Winds] 3 Andante 02:37 9 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Mozart - 12 Duos for 2 Horns KV487 [Berliner Philharmoniker Winds] 4. Polonaise 01:07 10 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Mozart - 12 Duos for 2 Horns KV487 [Berliner Philharmoniker Winds] 5 Larghetto 01:35 11 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Mozart - 12 Duos for 2 Horns KV487 [Berliner Philharmoniker Winds] 6 Menuetto 03:38 12 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Mozart - Divertimento no.5 for 2 clarinets & bassethorn KV439b [Berliner Philharmoniker Winds] 1 Adagio 03:13 13 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Mozart - Divertimento no.5 for 2 clarinets & bassethorn KV439b [Berliner Philharmoniker Winds] 2 Menuetto 02:54 14 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Mozart - Divertimento no.5 for 2 clarinets & bassethorn KV439b [Berliner Philharmoniker Winds] 3 Adagio 02:18 15 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Mozart - Divertimento no.5 for 2 clarinets & bassethorn KV439b [Berliner Philharmoniker Winds] Romance - Andante 02:34 16 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Mozart - Divertimento no.5 for 2 clarinets & bassethorn KV439b [Berliner Philharmoniker Winds] 5 Polonaise 01:16 17 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Mozart - 12 Duos for 2 Horns KV487 [Berliner Philharmoniker Winds] 7 Adagio 02:17 18 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Mozart - 12 Duos for 2 Horns KV487 [Berliner Philharmoniker Winds] 8 Allegro 01:26 19 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Mozart - 12 Duos for 2 Horns KV487 [Berliner Philharmoniker Winds] 9 Menuetto 02:21 20 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Mozart - 12 Duos for 2 Horns KV487 [Berliner Philharmoniker Winds] 10 Andante 01:34 21 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Mozart - 12 Duos for 2 Horns KV487 [Berliner Philharmoniker Winds] 11 Menuetto 02:14 22 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Mozart - 12 Duos for 2 Horns KV487 [Berliner Philharmoniker Winds] 12 Allegro 01:35 23 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Mozart - Divertimento no.3 for 2 clarinets & bassethorn KV439b [Berliner Philharmoniker Winds] 1 Allegro 05:03 24 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Mozart - Divertimento no.3 for 2 clarinets & bassethorn KV439b [Berliner Philharmoniker Winds] 2 Menuetto 04:44 25 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Mozart - Divertimento no.3 for 2 clarinets & bassethorn KV439b [Berliner Philharmoniker Winds] 3 Adagio 04:40 26 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Mozart - Divertimento no.3 for 2 clarinets & bassethorn KV439b [Berliner Philharmoniker Winds] 4 Menuetto 04:41 27 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Mozart - Divertimento no.3 for 2 clarinets & bassethorn KV439b [Berliner Philharmoniker Winds] 5 Rondo - Allegro assai 04:11
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Bläser-Serenade Nr.10 & Nr.13 'Eine kleine NachtMusik' 11 2 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Serenade Nr.10 B-Dur KV 361-Bläser Serenade 'Gran Partita'-Serenade for wind instruments B-flat major- Largo-Allegro molto 09:19 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Serenade Nr.10 B-Dur KV 361-Bläser Serenade 'Gran Partita'-Serenade for wind instruments B-flat major- Menuetto I 08:52 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Serenade Nr.10 B-Dur KV 361-Bläser Serenade 'Gran Partita'-Serenade for wind instruments B-flat major- -Adagio 05:31 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Serenade Nr.10 B-Dur KV 361-Bläser Serenade 'Gran Partita'-Serenade for wind instruments B-flat major- Menuetto II 04:44 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Serenade Nr.10 B-Dur KV 361-Bläser Serenade 'Gran Partita'-Serenade for wind instruments B-flat major- Romanze Adagio 07:02 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Serenade Nr.10 B-Dur KV 361-Bläser Serenade 'Gran Partita'-Serenade for wind instruments B-flat major- Thema con variazioni 10:39 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Serenade Nr.10 B-Dur KV 361-Bläser Serenade 'Gran Partita'-Serenade for wind instruments B-flat major- Rondo alegretto molto 03:32 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Serenade Nr.13 G-Dur KV 525 'Eine Kleine Nachtmusik'-Serenade G flat major-Allegro 07:50 Has Mbid 9 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Serenade Nr.13 G-Dur KV 525 'Eine Kleine Nachtmusik'-Serenade G flat major-Romanze Andante 05:51 Has Mbid 10 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Serenade Nr.13 G-Dur KV 525 'Eine Kleine Nachtmusik'-Serenade G flat major-Menuetto Allegreto 02:06 11 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Serenade Nr.13 G-Dur KV 525 'Eine Kleine Nachtmusik'-Serenade G flat major-Rondo Allegreto 02:50
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Bläserserenade 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Mozart - Serenade Es-Dur KV 375: I. Allegro maestoso 07:49 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Mozart - Serenade Es-Dur KV 375: II. Menuetto I - Trio 04:25 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Mozart - Serenade Es-Dur KV 375: III. Adagio 06:40 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Mozart - Serenade Es-Dur KV 375: IV. Menuetto II - Trio I - Trio II 05:07 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Mozart - Serenade Es-Dur KV 375: V. Fianle.Allegro 03:42 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Mozart - Adagio und Allegro f-moll KV 594 für ein Orgelwerk in einer Uhr 12:23
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Bruehmte Blaeserkonzerte 14 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Konzert für Horn und Orchester Nr.1 D-Dur - Allegro 04:48 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Konzert für Horn und Orchester Nr.1 D-Dur - Rondo Allegro 04:03 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Konzert für Horn und Orchester Nr.4 Es-Dur - Allegro moderato 08:19 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Konzert für Horn und Orchester Nr.4 Es-Dur - Romanza Andante 04:41 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Konzert für Horn und Orchester Nr.4 Es-Dur - Rondo Allegro vivace 03:31 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Konzert für Horn und Orchester Nr.2 Es-Dur - Allegro moestoso 06:29 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Konzert für Horn und Orchester Nr.2 Es-Dur - Andante 03:49 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Konzert für Horn und Orchester Nr.2 Es-Dur - Rondo 03:27 9 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Konzert für Horn und Orchester Nr.3 Es-Dur - Allegro 07:26 10 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Konzert für Horn und Orchester Nr.3 Es-Dur - Romance Larghetto 04:52 11 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Konzert für Horn und Orchester Nr.3 Es-Dur - Allegro 03:28 12 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concertino D-Dur für Horn und Orchester - Larghetto 07:18 13 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concertino D-Dur für Horn und Orchester - Allegro non troppo 05:16 14 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concertino D-Dur für Horn und Orchester - Menuet - Trio 03:49
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Bruno Walter & Wiener Philharmoniker 1952 & 1956 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Symphonie Nr.40 G-moll,KV550 1. 07:11 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Symphonie Nr.40 G-moll,KV550 2. 08:12 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Symphonie Nr.40 G-moll,KV550 3. 04:22 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Symphonie Nr.40 G-moll,KV550 4. 04:42 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Symphonie Nr.25 G-moll,KV183 1. 04:50 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Symphonie Nr.25 G-moll,KV183 2. 04:23 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Symphonie Nr.25 G-moll,KV183 3. 04:03 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Symphonie Nr.25 G-moll,KV183 4. 03:52
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Bruno Walter Viena Philharmonic Orchestra / Requiem KV 626 in d minor 14 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Introitus - Requiem aeternam 05:38 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Kirie Eleison 03:03 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sequenz - Dies irae 01:50 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Tuba mirum 04:01 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Rex tremendae 02:21 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Recordare 06:11 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Confutatis 02:59 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Lacrimosa 03:19 9 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Offertorium - Domine Jesu Christe 04:40 10 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Versus; Hostias et preces 05:38 11 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sanctus 01:47 12 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Benedictus 05:23 13 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Agnus dei 03:38 14 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Communio - Lux aeterna 06:20
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Cassation No. 2; Divertimento No. 15 14 2 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Cassation 2 Marcia 03:10 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Cassation 2 Allegro molto 02:58 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Cassation 2 Andante 03:46 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Cassation 2 Menuetto 02:49 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Cassation 2 Andante (2) 04:10 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Cassation 2 Menuetto (2) 02:30 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Cassation 2 Allegro - Andante 06:21 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Cassation 2 Marcia da capo 02:07 9 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento 15 Allegro 08:52 Has Mbid 10 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimente 15 Andante grazioso con Variazioni 07:19 11 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimente 15 Menuetto 03:18 Has Mbid 12 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimente 15 Adagio 09:39 13 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimente 15 Menuetto (2) 03:57 14 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimente 15 Andante - Allegro molto 07:25
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Cassation and Serenade 15 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Leopold Hager, Orchester D'Auvergne; Jean-Jacque Kontorow (violin) - Cassation in G Major, KV63 1 Marche 03:18 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Leopold Hager, Orchester D'Auvergne; Jean-Jacque Kontorow (violin) - Cassation in G Major, KV63 2 Allegro 03:43 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Leopold Hager, Orchester D'Auvergne; Jean-Jacque Kontorow (violin) - Cassation in G Major, KV63 3 Andante 03:47 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Leopold Hager, Orchester D'Auvergne; Jean-Jacque Kontorow (violin) - Cassation in G Major, KV63 4 Menuet 03:22 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Leopold Hager, Orchester D'Auvergne; Jean-Jacque Kontorow (violin) - Cassation in G Major, KV63 5 Adagio 09:59 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Leopold Hager, Orchester D'Auvergne; Jean-Jacque Kontorow (violin) - Cassation in G Major, KV63 6 Menuet 2 02:53 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Leopold Hager, Orchester D'Auvergne; Jean-Jacque Kontorow (violin) - Cassation in G Major, KV63 7 Finale: Allegro Assai 02:11 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Leopold Hager, Orchester D'Auvergne; Jean-Jacque Kontorow (violin) - Serenade in D Major, KV203 1 Andante maestoso - Allegro assai 06:00 9 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Leopold Hager, Orchester D'Auvergne; Jean-Jacque Kontorow (violin) - Serenade in D Major, KV203 2 Andante 05:55 10 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Leopold Hager, Orchester D'Auvergne; Jean-Jacque Kontorow (violin) - Serenade in D Major, KV203 3 Menuetto 02:53 11 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Leopold Hager, Orchester D'Auvergne; Jean-Jacque Kontorow (violin) - Serenade in D Major, KV203 4 Allegro 2 05:07 12 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Leopold Hager, Orchester D'Auvergne; Jean-Jacque Kontorow (violin) - Serenade in D Major, KV203 5 Menuetto 2 03:39 13 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Leopold Hager, Orchester D'Auvergne; Jean-Jacque Kontorow (violin) - Serenade in D Major, KV203 6 Andante 2 07:19 14 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Leopold Hager, Orchester D'Auvergne; Jean-Jacque Kontorow (violin) - Serenade in D Major, KV203 7 Menuetto 3 04:36 15 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Leopold Hager, Orchester D'Auvergne; Jean-Jacque Kontorow (violin) - Serenade in D Major, KV203 8 Prestissimo 04:47
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Chamber Works Ensenble 360 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Quartet for flute and strings in D, K285 I:Allegro 06:59 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Quartet for flute and strings in D, K285 II: Adadio 02:56 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Quartet for flute and strings in D, K285 III: Rondeau (Allegretto) 04:30 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Adagio for cor anglais and strings in C, K580a 06:29 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Quintet for piano and wind in E flat, K452 I: Largo 10:02 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Quintet for piano and wind in E flat, K452 II: Larghetto 08:14 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Quintet for piano and wind in E flat, K452 III:Allegretto 05:23 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Quintet for clarinet and strings in A, K581 I:Allegretto 08:51 9 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Quintet for clarinet and strings in A, K581 II: Larghetto 06:24 10 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Quintet for clarinet and strings in A, K581 III: Menuetto 06:42 11 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Quintet for clarinet and strings in A, K581 IV: Allegretto con variazioni 09:20
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Chamber music Violin sonatas Church sonatas 02 - PianoQuintet KV 542, ClarinetTrio KV 498 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Piano Quintet in E flat KV 453 Largo-allegro moderato 09:29 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Piano Quintet in E flat KV 453 Larghetto 08:00 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Piano Quintet in E flat KV 453 Rondo, allegro moderato 05:21 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Clarinet Trio in E flat KV 498 "Kegelstatt" Andante 06:24 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Clarinet Trio in E flat KV 498 "Kegelstatt" Menuetto 06:16 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Clarinet Trio in E flat KV 498 "Kegelstatt" Rondeau, allegretto 08:45
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Chamber music Violin sonatas Church sonatas 05 - PianoQuartets KV478, KV493 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Piano Quartet in G minor KV 478 - I. Allegro 10:30 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Piano Quartet in G minor KV 478 - II. Andante 07:28 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Piano Quartet in G minor KV 478 - III. Rondeau 07:38 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Piano Quartet in E flat KV 493 - I. Allegro 10:20 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Piano Quartet in E flat KV 493 - II. Larghetto 09:33 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Piano Quartet in E flat KV 493 - III. Allegretto 08:29
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Chamber music Violin sonatas Church sonatas 09 - Violin Sonatas K26-31; Variations K359, K360 15 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Violin Sonata E-flat major, KV26 - I. Allegro molto 02:53 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Violin Sonata E-flat major, KV26 - II. Adagio poco andante 03:08 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Violin Sonata E-flat major. KV26 - III. Rondeaux, allegro 02:19 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Violin Sonata in G major KV 27 - I. Andante poco adagio 03:20 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Violin Sonata in G major, KV 27 - II. Allegro 03:43 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Violin Sonata in C major, KV 28 - I. Allegro maestroso 04:05 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Violin Sonata in C major, KV 28 - II. Allegro grazioso 02:41 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Violin Sonata in D major, KV 29 - I. Allegro molto 03:18 9 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Violin Sonata in D major, KV 29 - II. Menuetto 03:21 10 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Violin Sonata in F major, KV 30 - I. Adagio 04:45 11 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Violin Sonata in F major, KV 30 - II. Rondeaux, tempo di menuetto 02:36 12 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Violin Sonata B-flat major, KV 31 - I. Allegro 03:49 13 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Violin Sonata B-flat major, KV 31 - II. Tempo di menuetto, moderato 05:49 14 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Twelve Variations G major, KV 359 on 'La Bergère Célimème' 14:34 15 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Six Variations G minor, KV 360 on 'Hélas, j'ai perdu mon amant' 09:23
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Chamber music Violin sonatas Church sonatas 13 - ViolinSonatas KV481, KV303, KV301 13 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Violin Sonata E flat KV 481 - I. Molto allegro 07:39 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Violin Sonata E flat KV 481 - II. Adagio 08:02 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Violin Sonata E flat KV 481 - III. Tema allegretto 01:13 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Violin Sonata E flat KV 481 - III. Variation 1 01:08 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Violin Sonata E flat KV 481 - III. Variation 2 01:08 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Violin Sonata E flat KV 481 - III. Variation 3 01:08 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Violin Sonata E flat KV 481 - III. Variation 4 01:12 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Violin Sonata E flat KV 481 - III. Variation 5 01:27 9 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Violin Sonata E flat KV 481 - III. Variation 6, allegro 01:28 10 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Violin Sonata in C KV 303 - I. Adagio - molto allegro 05:47 11 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Violin Sonata in C KV 303 - II. Tempo di menuetto 06:34 12 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Violin Sonata in G KV 301 - I. Allegro con spirito 11:33 13 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Violin Sonata in G KV 301 - II. Allegro 05:39
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Chorus Soranus 30 years anniversary - Mozart Grosse messe, c-mol KV 427 18 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Kyrie Eleison (Andante moderato) 06:41 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Gloria in excelsis Deo (Allegro vivace) 02:32 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Laudamus te (Allegro aperto) 05:00 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Gratias agimus tibi (Adagio) 01:21 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Domine Deus (Allegro moderato) 02:54 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Qui tollis peccata mundi (Largo) 04:14 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Quoniam tu solus Sanctus (Allegro) 04:03 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Jesu Christe (Adagio) Cum Sancto Spiritu (Alla breve) 04:40 9 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Credo in unum Deum (Allegro maestoso) 03:23 10 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Et incarnatus est (Andante) 08:34 11 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Crucifixus etiam pro nobis (Adagio) 02:39 12 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Et resurrexit tertia die (Allegro moderato) 02:55 13 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Et in Spiritum sanctum (Allegro) 03:15 14 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Credo in unam sanctam (Allegro maestoso) 03:08 15 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Et vitam venturi saeculi (Allegro) 02:50 16 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sanctus, Dominus Deus Sabaoth (Largo) Osanna in excelsis (Allegro comodo) 03:24 17 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Benedictus, qui venit (Allegro Comodo) 05:47 18 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi (Andante moderato) 06:23
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Christian Blackshaw: Mozart Piano Sonatas Vol. 1 9 0 1775 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Piano Sonata No. 1 in C major, K. 279 (K. 189d): Allegro 04:35 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Piano Sonata No. 1 in C major, K. 279 (K. 189d): Andante 05:55 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Piano Sonata No. 1 in C major, K. 279 (K. 189d): Allegro 04:53 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Piano Sonata No. 2 in F major, K. 280 (K. 189e): Allegro assai 04:17 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Piano Sonata No. 8 in A minor, K. 310 (K. 300d): Andante cantabile con espressione 11:37 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Piano Sonata No. 8 in A minor, K. 310 (K. 300d): Presto 03:40 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Piano Sonata No. 9 in D major, K. 311 (K. 284c): Allegro con spirito 04:27 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Piano Sonata No. 9 in D major, K. 311 (K. 284c): Andante con espressione 06:04 9 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Piano Sonata No. 9 in D major, K. 311 (K. 284c): Rondeau. Allegro 07:09
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Church Sonatas 'Sonate all'Epistola' 17 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart KV594 Adagio and Allegro in F minor (Ein Stück für ein Orgelwerk in einer Uhr) 09:06 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart KV145 F major for 2 violins and basso continuo Allegro 03:02 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart KV212 B minor major for 2 violins and basso continuo Allegro 04:37 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart KV274 G major for 2 violins and basso continuo Allegro 05:32 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart KV69 D major for 2 violins and basso continuo Allegro 03:54 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart KV225 A major for 2 violins and basso continuo and organ obbligato Allegro 06:08 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart KV224 F major for 2 violins and basso continuo and organ obbligato Allegro con spirito 06:36 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart KV144 D major for 2 violins and basso continuo Allegro 04:57 9 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart KV401 Fugue in G minor 04:03 10 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart KV241 G major for 2 violins and basso continuo Allegro 00:00 11 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart KV68 B minor major for 2 violins and basso continuo Allegro 02:59 12 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart KV67 E minor major for 2 violins and basso continuo Andantino 02:42 13 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart KV328 C major for 2 violins and basso continuo and organ obbligato Allegro 05:00 14 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart KV33b Piece in F major for Keyboard 01:05 15 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart KV245 D major for 2 violins and basso continuo and organ obbligato Allegro 04:02 16 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart KV336 C major for 2 violins and basso continuo and organ obbligato Allegro 05:36 17 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart KV244 F major for 2 violins and basso continuo and organ obbligato Allegro 05:26
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Church Sonatas For Organ & Strings 14 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sonata In D Major, K144 03:20 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sonata In D Major, K245 04:10 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sonata In C Major, K336 05:11 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sonata In C Major, K328 05:06 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sonata In A Major, K225 04:15 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sonata In G Major, K241 04:05 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sonata In G Major, 274 05:11 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sonata In D Major, K69 03:50 9 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sonata In B Flat Major, K212 04:53 10 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sonata In B Flat Major, K68 04:01 11 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sonata In E Flat Major, K67 02:29 12 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sonata In F Major, K244 05:32 13 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sonata In F Major, K145 03:00 14 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sonata In F Major, K224 04:31
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Church Sonatas For Organs & Strings 14 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sonata in D major, k144 03:20 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sonata in D major, k245 04:10 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sonata in C major, k336 05:11 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sonata in C major, k328 05:06 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sonata in A major, k225 04:15 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sonata in G major, k241 04:05 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sonata in G major, k274 05:11 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sonata in D major, k69 03:50 9 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sonata in B flat major, k212 04:53 10 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sonata in B flat major, k68 04:01 11 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sonata in E flat major, k67 02:29 12 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sonata in F major, k244 05:32 13 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sonata in F major, k145 03:00 14 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sonata in F major, k224 04:31
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Clarinet & Flute Concertos 9 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A Maj - Allegro 13:02 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Adagio 06:18 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Rondo. Allegro 09:43 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Flute Concerto no 1 in G Maj - Allegro maestoso 08:48 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Adagio non troppo 09:44 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Rondo. Tempo di minuetto 07:22 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Flute Concerto no 2 in D Maj - Allegro aperto 07:31 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Andante ma non troppo 06:41 Has Mbid 9 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Allegro 05:22
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Clarinet Concerto KV 622; Symphony No.41 'Jupiter' 7 2 Show/Hide Tracks 1 W. A. Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A major KV 622 - 1. Allegro 12:31 Has Mbid 2 W. A. Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A major KV 622 - 2. Adagio 07:39 3 W. A. Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A major KV 622 - 3. Rondo: Allegro 09:03 Has Mbid 4 W. A. Mozart Symphony No.41 in C major KV 551 'Jupiter' - 1. Allegro vivace 10:57 5 W. A. Mozart Symphony No.41 in C major KV 551 'Jupiter' - 2. Andante cantabile 11:07 6 W. A. Mozart Symphony No.41 in C major KV 551 'Jupiter' - 3. Menuetto: Allegretto 04:57 7 W. A. Mozart Symphony No.41 in C major KV 551 'Jupiter' - 4. Molto allegro 09:04
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Clarinet Concerto in A - KV622 + Clarinet Quintet in A - KV581 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart KV622 - Allegro 12:44 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart KV622 - Adagio 06:48 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart KV622 - Rondo Allegro 09:08 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart KV581 - Allegro 09:24 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart KV581 - Larghetto 05:48 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart KV581 - Menuetto 07:31 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart KV581 - Allegretto con Variazioni 09:25
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Clarinet Quintet, String Quartet "Hoffmeister" 13 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Clarinet quintet in A major/A-Dur - Allegro 09:18 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Clarinet quintet in A major/A-Dur - Larghetto 06:41 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Clarinet quintet in A major/A-Dur - Menuetto-Trio I&II 07:32 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Clarinet quintet in A major/A-Dur - Allegretto con variazioni 09:38 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart String quartet in D major/D-Dur - Allegretto 07:01 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart String quartet in D major/D-Dur - Menuetto. Allegretto-Trio 03:16 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart String quartet in D major/D-Dur - Adagio 07:42 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart String quartet in D major/D-Dur - Allegro 04:52 9 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Five Fugues - from J.S.Bach: Wolhtemperietes Clavier II - No 2 in C minor/C-Moll 01:51 10 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Five Fugues - from J.S.Bach: Wolhtemperietes Clavier II - No 7 E-flat major/Es-Dur 02:19 11 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Five Fugues - from J.S.Bach: Wolhtemperietes Clavier II - No 9 in E major/E-Dur 02:58 12 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Five Fugues - from J.S.Bach: Wolhtemperietes Clavier II - No 8 in D minor/D-Moll 02:44 13 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Five Fugues - from J.S.Bach: Wolhtemperietes Clavier II - No 5 in D major/D-Dur 02:37
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Clarinet and Flute Concerto 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Clarinet Concerto K 622 - I. Allegro 11:44 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Clarinet Concerto K 622 - II. Adagio 06:49 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Clarinet Concerto K 622 - III. Rondò: Allegro 08:39 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Flute Concerto K 314 - I. Allegro aperto 07:05 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Flute Concerto K 314 - II. Andante ma non troppo 06:22 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Flute Concerto K 314 - III. Allegro 05:46
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Classic Collection Nr. 22 - Piano Concertos No. 12 K 414 & No. 25 K 503 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto For Piano And Orchestra No. 12 In A Major KV 414 - I. Allegro 10:17 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto For Piano And Orchestra No. 12 In A Major KV 414 - II. Andante 07:24 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto For Piano And Orchestra No. 12 In A Major KV 414 - III. Allegretto 07:09 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto For Piano And Orchestra No. 25 In C Major KV 503 - I. Allegro Maestoso 15:29 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto For Piano And Orchestra No. 25 In C Major KV 503 - II. Andante 06:23 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto For Piano And Orchestra No. 25 In C Major KV 503 - III. Allegretto 09:34 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Adagio & Fuge In C Minor KV 546 08:11
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Claviersonaten - Variationen 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sonata B-Dur KV281 12:57 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Adagio C-Dur KV356 04:19 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sonata B-Dur KV333 20:29 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 8 Variationen F-Dur KV613 16:47 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Praeludium KV deest 01:42 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sonata A-Dur KV331 17:37
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Complete Music for Wind Ensemble 29 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento 1, B Flat, 2 clarinets&bassoon, I 03:30 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento 6, II 02:01 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart DIvertimento 6, III 02:38 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Adagio, K411, 2 clarinets&3 Bassethorns 07:01 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento 1, V 02:13 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart DIvertimento 2, B Flat, 2 clarinets&bassoon, I 01:52 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Duos, II 02:20 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Duos, III 02:05 9 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Duos, IV 01:07 10 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Duos, V 01:32 11 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento 3 in B Flat, 2 clarinets&bassoon, I 02:37 12 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento 3, II 04:31 13 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Duos VIII 01:24 14 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento 3, IV 04:13 15 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento 3, V 03:49 16 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento 4 in B flat, 2 clarinets&bassoon, I 02:12 17 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento 4, II 03:12 18 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento 7 B flat 2 clarinets, 2 horns, 2 bassoons&double bass, I 04:07 19 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart DIvertimento 7, II 02:37 20 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento 7, III 06:27 21 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento 5 in B flat, 2 clarinets&bassoon, I 02:40 22 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento 5, II 03:01 23 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento 7, VI 01:23 24 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento 5, IV 01:12 25 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento 6, II 01:47 Has Mbid 26 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento6, III 01:31 27 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento 6, IV 01:47 28 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento 6, V 00:45 29 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento 6, VI 00:56
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Complete Music for Winds 22 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento No 3 E-flat I 02:41 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento No 3 II 03:16 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento No 3 III 02:53 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento No 3 IV 01:23 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento No 3 FInale V 01:59 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento No 4 B Flat, I 01:32 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento No 4, II 02:12 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento No 4, III 02:22 9 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento No 4, IV 02:09 10 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento No 4, V Finale 02:04 11 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento No 13 E flat, I 09:27 12 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento No 13, II 03:04 13 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento No 13, III Finale 01:56 14 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento No 16 E Flat, I 05:10 Has Mbid 15 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento No 16, II 03:15 16 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento No 16 , III 04:43 17 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento No 16, IV Finale 02:46 18 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Cassation for Oboe, Clarinet, Horn & Bassoon, I 05:05 19 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Cassation, II 04:38 20 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Cassation, III 05:07 21 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Cassation, IV 05:46 22 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Cassation, V Finale 02:28
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Complete Piano Sonatas 5 7 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Piano Sonata in B flat major K.330 10:07 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Piano Sonata in B flat major K.330 09:15 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Piano Sonata in B flat major K.330 05:19 Has Mbid 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Fantasia in C minor K.475 10:50 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Piano Sonata in C minor K.457 07:58 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Piano Sonata in C minor K.457 06:46 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Piano Sonata in C minor K.457 04:27
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Complete Piano Sonatas 6 12 3 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sonata in F major, k533 10:01 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sonata in F major, k533 10:13 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sonata in F major, k533 05:07 Has Mbid 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sonata in C major, k545 04:16 Has Mbid 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sonata in C major, k545 05:43 Has Mbid 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sonata in C major, k545 01:50 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sonata in B flat major, k570 07:46 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sonata in B flat major, k570 08:06 9 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sonata in B flat major, k570 03:21 10 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sonata in D major, k576 05:04 11 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sonata in D major, k576 04:52 12 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sonata in D major, k576 04:04
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Complete Piano Works for Four Hands 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sonata K.497 F major - I. Adagio-Allegro di molto 08:28 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sonata K.497 F major - II. Andante 07:16 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sonata K.381 D major - III. Allegro molto 03:17 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Andante 5 variazioni K.501 - G major 07:51 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sonata K.19d C major - II. Menuetto 03:33 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sonata K.521 C major - II. Andante 06:54 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sonata K.521 C major - III. Allegretto 08:45 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sonata K.358 B flat major - II. Adagio 06:31 9 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sonata K.358 B flat major - III. Molto presto 04:09 10 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sonata K.357 G major Unfinished - I. Allegro 06:25 11 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sonata K.357 G major Unfinished - II. Andante 06:23
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Complete Songs 14 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Cantate: Die ihr des unermeßlichen Weltalls K619 07:28 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Das Traumbild K530 04:14 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Die Zufriedenheit K349 01:30 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart An die Freude K53 02:42 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Ich würd' auf meinem [An die Hoffnung] Pfad K390 02:10 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sei du mein Trost [An die Einsamkeit] K391 02:42 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Verdankt sei es dem Glanz [An die Bescheidenheit] K392 02:16 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Komm, liebe Zither K 351 01:39 9 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Die Alte K517 03:32 10 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart An die Freundschaft K148 02:29 11 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Die Verschweigung K 518 02:20 12 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Der Zauberer K 472 02:02 13 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Die Zufriedenheit K 473 03:09 14 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Die betrogene Welt K 474 02:51
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Complete Songs 2 17 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Die Zufriedenheit: Was frag ich viel nach Geld und Gut, KV 349 (mandolin) 02:38 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Die Zufriedenheit: Was frag ich viel nach Geld und Gut, KV 349 (piano) 01:43 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart An die Freude, KV 53 02:55 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Verdankt sei es dem Glanz der Großen, KV 392 02:25 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sei du mein Trost, KV 391 02:40 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Ich würd auf meinem Pfad, KV 390 01:57 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Die Zufriedenheit: Wie sanft, wie ruhig fühl' ich hier, KV 473 02:53 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Die Alte, KV 517 03:15 9 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Die kleine Spinnerin, KV 531 02:15 10 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Lied beim Auszug in das Feld, KV 552 01:40 11 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart O Gottes Lamm, dein Leben, KV 343 02:00 12 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Als aus Ägypten Israel, KV 343 01:38 13 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Des kleinen Friedrichs Geburtstag, KV 529 02:18 14 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Das Veilchen, KV 476 02:36 15 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Das Traumbild, KV 530 03:54 16 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Abendempfindung an Laura, KV 523 04:41 Has Mbid 17 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Einsam bin ich, meine Liebe, KV Anh. 26 01:06
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Concert Arias Songs Canons 02 - Concert Arias 1 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart KV 110 Der Liebe himmlisches Gefühl 06:08 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart KV 418 Vorrei spiergarvi, oh Dio 06:13 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart KV deest Cara, se le mie pene 09:41 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart KV 083 Se tutti i mali mieie 07:51 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart KV 294 Alcandro, li confesso...Non so d'onde viene 09:25 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart KV 082 Se ardire, e speranza 06:43 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart KV 178 Ah, spiegarti, oh Dio 03:14
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Concert Arias Songs Canons 05 - Arias 4 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart KV 245 Io ti lascio 02:58 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart KV 432 Cosi dunque tradisci...Aspri rimorsi atroci 03:51 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart KV 479 Dite almeno in che mancai 06:21 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart KV 480 Mandina amabile 04:52 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart KV 512 Alcandro, lo confesso...Non so, d'onde viene 07:01 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart KV 513 Mentre ti lascio 06:52 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart KV 539 Ich möchte wohl den Kaiser sein 02:41 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart KV 541 Un bacio di mano 02:10 9 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart KV 612 Per questa bella mano 07:04 10 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Annemarie Kremer; Caroline Vitale; Marcel Reijans; Christian Tchelebiev; Ezio Maria Tisi; European Chamber Orchestra, Wilhelm Keitel / KV 315 Popoli di Tessaglia 03:25 11 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Annemarie Kremer; Ezio Maria Tisi; European Chamber Orchestra, Wilhelm Keitel / KV 316 Io non chiedo 06:40
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Concert Arias Songs Canons 09 - Songs 2 16 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart KV 307 Oiseaux, si tous les ans (Text - Antoine Ferrand) 01:33 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart KV 308 Dans un bois solitaire (Text - Antoine Houdart de la Motte) 03:03 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart KV 147 Wie unglücklich bin ich nit (Textdichter unbekannt) 00:59 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart KV 390 Ich würd' auf meinem Pfad (Text - Johann Timotheus Hermes) 03:05 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart KV 392 Verdankt sei es dem Glanz (Text - Johann Timotheus Hermes) 03:02 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart KV 472 Der Zauberer (Text - Christian Friedrich Weisse) 02:12 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart KV 476 Das Veilchen (Text - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe) 02:41 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart KV 517 Die Alte (Text - Friedrich von Hagedorn) 04:01 9 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart KV 520 Als Luise die Briefe ihres ungetreuen Liebhabers verbrannte (Text - Gabriele von Baumberg) 01:45 10 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart KV 523 Abendempfindung (Textdichter unbekannt) 04:55 11 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart KV 529 Des kleinen Friedrichs Geburtstag (Text - Johann Eberhard Friedrich Schall) (Final verse Joachim Heinrich Campe) 03:00 12 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart KV 531 Die kleine Spinnerin (Textdichter unbekannt) 03:25 13 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart KV 596 Sehnsucht nach dem Frühlinge (Text - Christian Adolf Overbeck) 02:18 14 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart KV 597 Der Frühling (Text - Christian Christoph Sturm) 05:34 15 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart KV 598 Das Kinderspiel (Text - Christian Adolf Sturm) 02:42 16 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart KV 152 Ridente la calma (Textdichter unbekannt) 03:36
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Concerti per corno KV 412, KV 417, KV 447, KV 495 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto per Corno ed Orchestra in RE+ K 412 - Allegro 04:42 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto per Corno ed Orchestra in RE+ K 412 - Allegro 03:33 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto per Corno ed Orchestra in MIb+ K 495 - Allegro moderato 08:10 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto per Corno ed Orchestra in MIb+ K 495 - Romanza 04:21 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto per Corno ed Orchestra in MIb+ K 495 - Rondó 03:26 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto per Corno ed Orchestra in MIb+ K 417 - Allegro maestoso 06:07 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto per Corno ed Orchestra in MIb+ K 417 - Andante 03:58 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto per Corno ed Orchestra in MIb+ K 417 - Rondó 03:43 9 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto per Corno ed Orchestra in MIb+ K 447 - Allegro 06:53 10 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto per Corno ed Orchestra in MIb+ K 447 - Romanza 04:49 11 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto per Corno ed Orchestra in MIb+ K 447 - Allegro 03:37
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Concerti per due piano e orchestra 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto in Mi bem Maj KV365 10:29 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto in Mi bem Maj KV365 07:58 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto in Mi bem Maj KV365 07:44 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto in Fa Maj KV242 08:57 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto in Fa Maj KV242 09:46 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto in Fa Maj KV242 06:03
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Concerti per due pianoforti 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sonata in re maj KV448 11:39 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sonata in re maj KV448 09:41 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sonata in re maj KV448 06:15 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Larghetto e Allegro in Mi bem Maj 01:39 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Larghetto e Allegro in Mi bem Maj 07:31 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Allegro in Do min KV ANH44 00:32 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Adagio e Fuga in Do min KV426 03:22 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Adagio e Fuga in Do min KV426 04:22 9 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto in Mi ben Maj KV365 01:19 10 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto in Fa Maj KV242 00:41
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Concerti per flauto K. 314 & K. 313, Concerti per flauto e arpa K. 299 9 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Konzert für Flöte und Orchester, D dur, K. 314 (I. allegro aperto) 08:12 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Konzert für Flöte und Orchester, D dur, K. 314 (II. allegro non troppo) 06:10 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Konzert für Flöte und Orchester, D dur, K. 314 (III. rondò allegretto) 05:47 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Konzert für Flöte und Orchester, G dur, K. 313 (I. allegro maestoso) 08:48 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Konzert für Flöte und Orchester, G dur, K. 313 (II. allegro ma non troppo) 09:22 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Konzert für Flöte und Orchester, G dur, K. 313 (III. rondò tempo di menuetto) 07:27 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Konzert für Flöte und Harfe mit Orchester, C dur, K. 299 (I. allegro) 10:28 Has Mbid 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Konzert für Flöte und Harfe mit Orchester, C dur, K. 299 (II. andantino) 08:29 9 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Konzert für Flöte und Harfe mit Orchester, C dur, K. 299 (III. rondò allegro) 09:21
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Concerti per pianoforte KV 413, KV 414 e KV 415 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto per pianoforte e orchestra in fa maggiore K413 - Allegro 09:59 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto per pianoforte e orchestra in fa maggiore K413 - Larghetto 07:39 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto per pianoforte e orchestra in fa maggiore K413 - Tempo di Menuetto 05:53 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto per pianoforte e orchestra in la maggiore K414 - Allegro 10:12 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto per pianoforte e orchestra in la maggiore K414 - Andante 09:23 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto per pianoforte e orchestra in la maggiore K414 - Allegretto 06:56 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto per pianoforte e orchestra in do maggiore K415 - Allegro 11:03 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto per pianoforte e orchestra in do maggiore K415 - Andante 07:33 9 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto per pianoforte e orchestra in do maggiore K415 - Allegro 07:45
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Concerti per pianoforte n.18 K.456 e K.503 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Allegro maestoso - Concerto per pianoforte e orchestra n.18 in Si bemolle maggiore K.456 13:05 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Andante - Concerto per pianoforte e orchestra n.18 in Si bemolle maggiore K.456 10:19 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Allegretto - Concerto per pianoforte e orchestra n.18 in Si bemolle maggiore K.456 09:51 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Allegro vivace - Concerto per pianoforte e orchestra n.25 in Do maggiore K.503 15:17 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Andante un poco sostenuto - Concerto per pianoforte e orchestra n.25 in Do maggiore K.503 08:19 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Allegro vivace - Concerto per pianoforte e orchestra n.25 in Do maggiore K.503 10:29
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Concerti per violino e orchestra n. 3 e n. 5 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto per Violino ed Orchestra No.3 in SOL+, K. 216 - Allegro 08:12 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto per Violino ed Orchestra No.3 in SOL+, K. 216 - Adagio 08:31 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto per Violino ed Orchestra No.3 in SOL+, K. 216 -Rondo 06:02 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto per Violino ed Orchestra No.5 in LA+, K. 219 - Allegro aperto 10:15 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto per Violino ed Orchestra No.5 in LA+, K. 219 - Adagio 10:53 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto per Violino ed Orchestra No.5 in LA+, K. 219 -Rondo 09:02
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Concerto 12 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Don Giovanni - Overture - K. 527 06:09 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sinfonie Nr. 1 andante 04:37 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Eine Kleine Nachtmusik - Serenata n. 13 2 - Romanza: Andante - K. 525 04:52 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Eine Kleine Nachtmusik - Serenata n. 13 3 - Menuetto: Allegretto - K. 525 02:08 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Eine Kleine Nachtmusik - Serenata n. 13 4 - Rondò: Allegro - K. 525 03:28 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto per Pianofore ed Orchestra n. 20 in Re Minore - Allegro - K. 466 13:42 Has Mbid 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto per Pianofore ed Orchestra n. 20 in Re Minore 2 - Romanza - K. 466 09:49 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto per Pianofore ed Orchestra n. 20 in Re Minore - Rondò: Allegro Assai - K. 466 07:39 9 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sinfonie Nr. 41 KV 551 Jupiter allegretto 05:10 10 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sinfonia n. 40 in Sol Minore - Andante - K. 550 07:49 11 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sinfonia n. 40 in Sol Minore 3 - Menuetto: Allegretto - K. 550 04:39 12 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sinfonia n. 40 in Sol Minore 4 - Allegro Assai - K. 550 04:48
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Concerto For 3 Harpsichords - Capella Academia 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto In F Major, KV242 "Lodron", Allegro 09:21 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto In F Major, KV242 "Lodron", Adagio 09:47 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto In F Major, KV242 "Lodron", Rondeau 06:46 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto In D Major, KV107, Allegro 05:13 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto In D Major, KV107, Andante 05:42 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto In D Major, KV107, Tempo di Menuetto 04:08 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto In E-Flat Major, KV107, Allegro 06:20 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto In E-Flat Major, KV107, Allegretto 03:12
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Concerto For Violin No.5 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto 5 in A Major - I Allegro aperto 01:17 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto 5 in A Major - I Allegro aperto 00:54 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto 5 in A Major - I Allegro aperto 07:43 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto 5 in A Major - II Adagio 10:15 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto 5 in A Major - III Rondeau: Tempo di Menuetto 03:12 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto 5 in A Major - Cadenza 00:25 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto 5 in A Major - Cadenza 01:57 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto 5 in A Major - Cadenza 02:29
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Concerto No 2 in D major for Violin and Orchestra 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Violin Concerto No 2 - I Allegro Moderato 08:40 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Violin Concerto No 2 - II Andante 07:19 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Violin Concerto No 2 - III Rondo (Allegro) 04:46 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Rhondo KV 373 06:21 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Adagio KV 261 07:24 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Rhondo Kv 269 06:50
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Concerto No. 10, K365; Concerto No. 12, K414; Trio, K502 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Rondeaux: Allegro 06:52 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Allegretto 06:29
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Concerto Polacco - Church Sonatas 14 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sonata in D major, k144 03:20 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sonata in D major, k245 04:10 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sonata in C major, k336 05:11 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sonata in C major, k328 05:06 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sonata in A major, k225 04:15 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sonata in G major, k241 04:05 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sonata in G major, k274 05:11 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sonata in D major, k69 03:50 9 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sonata in B flat major, k212 04:53 10 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sonata in B flat major, k68 04:01 11 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sonata in E flat major, k67 02:29 12 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sonata in F major, k244 05:32 13 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sonata in F major, k145 03:00 14 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sonata in F major, k224 04:31
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Concerto Royale Violinkonzerte 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concertone for Violin and Viola KV 364 -Allegro maestoso 12:44 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concertone for Violin and Viola KV 364 - Andante 10:48 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concertone for Violin and Viola KV 364 - Presto 06:17 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concertone for 2 Violins KV 190 - Allegro spiritoso 08:20 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concertone for 2 Violins KV 190 - Andantino grazioso 10:33 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concertone for 2 Violins KV 190 - Tempo di Menuetto 07:17
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Concerto Royale Violinkonzerte 2-5 ( Vol.2) 7 2 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Rondo C Major KV373 05:48 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Violin Concerto #4 D Maj KV218 - 1 Allegro 09:29 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Violin Concerto #4 D Maj KV218 - 2 Andante Cantabile 07:39 Has Mbid 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Violin Concerto #4 D Maj KV218 - 3 Allegro Ma Non Troppo 07:21 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Violin Concerto #5 D Maj KV219 - 1 Allegro Aperto 10:16 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Violin Concerto #5 D Maj KV219 - 2 Adagio 10:50 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Violin Concerto #5 D Maj KV219 - 3 Tempo di Menuetto 08:46
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Concerto for Flute & Harp 6 3 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto for Flute & Harp Ⅰ-Allegro 09:50 Has Mbid 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto for Flute & Harp Ⅱ-Andantino 07:57 Has Mbid 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto for Flute & Harp Ⅲ-Rondo;Allegro 09:10 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto for Flute Ⅰ-Allegro aperto 07:45 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto for Flute Ⅱ-Andante ma non troppo 06:47 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto for Flute Ⅲ-Allegro 05:39
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Concerto for Flute, harp and orchestra 7 3 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart W.A. Mozart / Concerto for Flute, Harp and Orchestra in C Major (KV.299) - Allegro 10:33 Has Mbid 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart W.A. Mozart / Concerto for Flute, Harp and Orchestra in C Major (KV.299) - Andantino 07:44 Has Mbid 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart W.A. Mozart / Concerto for Flute, Harp and Orchestra in C Major (KV.299) - Rondeau 10:12 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart W.A. Mozart / Serenade in B Major (KV.361) - Adagio 06:43 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart W.A. Mozart / Serenade in B Major (KV.361) - Menuetto. Allegretto Trio I + II 05:40 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart W.A. Mozart / Serenade in B Major (KV.361) - Romanze (Adagio - Allegretto - Adagio) 07:46 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart W.A. Mozart / Serenade in B Major (KV.361) - Tema con 6 variazione 09:53
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Concerto for Piano and Orchestra in D Minor and D Major 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto in D Minor, No. 20: Romance 09:10 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto in D Major, No. 26: Laghetto 05:47
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Concerto for flute (K313-314) and Concerto for flute & harp (K299) 9 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto for Flute (K314) 1.Allegro aperto 08:12 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto for Flute (K314) 2.Adagio non troppo 06:10 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto for Flute (K314) 3.Rondo Allegretto 05:47 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto for Flute (K313) 1.Allegro maestoso 08:48 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto for Flute (K313) 2.Adagio ma non troppo 09:22 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto for Flute (K313) 3.Rondo Tempo di Menuetto 07:27 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto for Flute&Harp (K299) 1.Allegro 10:28 Has Mbid 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto for Flute&Harp (K299) 2.Andantino 08:27 9 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto for Flute&Harp (K299) 3.Rondeau allegro 09:21
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Concerto n°10 pour 2 pianos K.365, Concerto pour piano n°12 K.414, Trio pour piano et cordes K.502 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto n°10 pour 2 pianos en mi bémol majeur K.365 - Allegro 10:08 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto n°10 pour 2 pianos en mi bémol majeur K.365 - Andante 07:36 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto n°10 pour 2 pianos en mi bémol majeur K.365 - Rondeaux: Allegro 06:52 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto pour piano n°12 en la majeur K.414 - Allegro 10:00 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto pour piano n°12 en la majeur K.414 - Andante (Theme by Joh. Chr. Bach) 09:20 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto pour piano n°12 en la majeur K.414 - Allegretto 06:31 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Trio pour piano et cordes en si bémol majeur K.502 - Allegro 09:20 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Trio pour piano et cordes en si bémol majeur K.502 - Larghetto 09:49 9 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Trio pour piano et cordes en si bémol majeur K.502 - Allegretto 06:16
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Concerto per flauto e arpa KV299 - Concerto per clarinetto KV622 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto in C maggiore per flauto e arpa KV299 - I. Allegro 10:20 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto in C maggiore per flauto e arpa KV299 - II. Andantino 09:21 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto in C maggiore per flauto e arpa KV299 - III. Rondò - Allegro 11:25 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto in A maggiore per clarinetto KV622 - I. Allegro 12:36 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto in A maggiore per clarinetto KV622 - II. Adagio 07:46 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto in A maggiore per clarinetto KV622 - III. Rondo 08:40
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Concerto pour Clarinette, Hautbois, et Basson 9 2 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto pour Clarinette - Allegro 12:20 Has Mbid 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto pour Clarinette - Adagio 07:14 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto pour Clarinette - Rondo 08:54 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto pour Hautbois - Allegro aperto 07:18 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto pour Hautbois - Adagio ma non troppo 06:14 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto pour Hautbois - Rondo allegretto 06:00 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto pour Basson - Allegro 07:16 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto pour Basson - Andante ma adagio 07:26 9 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto pour Basson - Rondo, Tempo di minuetto 04:23
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Concerto, KV450 - Quartetto, KV493 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Conc per piano e orch n 15 in B fla major KV 450 -- Allegro 10:56 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Andante 05:41 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Allegro 09:12 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Piano quartet in E flat major KV 493 -- Allegro 14:59 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Larghetto 14:09 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Allegretto 09:06
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Concertone C dur K.190 a Symfonie c. 38 D dur K.504 Prazska 7 2 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Don Giovanni K.527 - Ouverture 06:00 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concertone C dur K.190 - I. Allegro spiritoso 08:40 Has Mbid 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concertone C dur K.190 - II. Andantino grazioso 10:22 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concertone C dur K.190 - III. Tempo di Menuetto 09:21 Has Mbid 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Symfonie No. 38 D dur K.504 - Prague - I. Adagio. Allegro 09:40 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Symfonie No. 38 D dur K.504 - Prague - II. Andante 08:14 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Symfonie No. 38 D dur K.504 - Prague - III. Finale. Presto 05:14
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Concertos pour violon n°3, 4 & 5 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto pour violon n°3 en sol majeur K.216 : I. Allegro 07:47 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto pour violon n°3 en sol majeur K.216 : II. Adagio 07:04 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto pour violon n°3 en sol majeur K.216: III. Rondeau. Allegro 05:38 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto pour violon n°4 en ré majeur K.218 : I. Allegro 07:11 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto pour violon n°4 en ré majeur K.218 : II. Andante cantabile 06:40 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto pour violon n°4 en ré majeur K.218 : III. Rondeau. Andante grazioso - Allegro man non troppo 06:21 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto pour violon n°5 en la majeur K.219: I. Allegro aperto 08:28 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto pour violon n°5 en la majeur K.219: II. Adagio 09:31 9 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto pour violon n°5 en la majeur K.219: III. Rondo. Tempo di Menuetto. 07:34
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Concertos 04 piano - KV 467, 037, 503 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Piano Concerto No. 21 in C major KV 467 'Elvira Madigan' / 1. Allegro 14:39 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Piano Concerto No. 21 in C major KV 467 'Elvira Madigan' / 2. Andante 06:48 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Piano Concerto No. 21 in C major KV 467 'Elvira Madigan' / 3. Allegro vivace... 07:34 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Piano Concerto No. 1 in F major, KV 37 / 1. Allegro 05:20 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Piano Concerto No. 1 in F major, KV 37 / 2. Andante 05:31 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Piano Concerto No. 1 in F major, KV 37 / 3. Allegro 04:57 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Piano Concerto No. 25 in C major, KV 503 / 1. Allegro maestoso 17:19 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Piano Concerto No. 25 in C major, KV 503 / 2. Andante 07:22 9 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Piano Concerto No. 25 in C major, KV 503 / 3. Allegretto 09:59
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Concertos for 2 and 3 Pianos and Orchestra KV 365 and 242 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto for 2 Pianos & Orchestra in E-flat major (“Concerto no. 10”), K. 365 (K. 316a): 1. Allegro 10:34 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto for 2 Pianos & Orchestra in E-flat major (“Concerto no. 10”), K. 365 (K. 316a): 2. Andante 07:44 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto for 2 Pianos & Orchestra in E-flat major (“Concerto no. 10”), K. 365 (K. 316a): 3. Rondeaux: Allegro 07:46 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto for 3 (Or 2) Pianos & Orchestra in F major (“Lodron,” “Concerto no. 7”), K. 242: 1. Allegro 08:48 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto for 3 (Or 2) Pianos & Orchestra in F major (’Lodron,” “Concerto no. 7”), K. 242: 2. Adagio 09:14 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto for 3 (Or 2) Pianos & Orchestra in F major (“Lodron,” “Concerto no. 7”), K. 242: 3. Rondeaux: Tempo di Menuetto 06:16
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Concertos for Horn and Orchestra 11 2 2005 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto for horn and orchestra in E flat major No. 2 (KV 417): I. Allegro maestoso 06:28 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart II. Andante 02:44 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart No.2, E flat mayor, KV 417 Allegro maestoso 07:19 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart No.2, E flat mayor, KV 417 Andante 03:31 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart No.2, E flat mayor, KV 417 Rondo 04:26 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart III. Allegro 03:48 Has Mbid 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto for horn and orchestra in D major No. 1 (KV 412/514 (KV 386b): I. Allegro 04:51 Has Mbid 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart II. Rondo - Allegro 04:03 9 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto for horn and orchestra in E flat major No. 4 (KV 495): I. Allegro moderato 08:38 10 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart II. Romanza - Andante 03:23 11 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart III. Rondo - Allegro vivace 03:52
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Concertos for Violin and Orchestra 3-5 (Orchestra Sinfonica dell'Università Cattolica di Milano) 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto n. 5 in A Major K. 219 for Violin and Orchestra: "Allegro aperto" 09:32 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto n. 5 in A Major K. 219 for Violin and Orchestra: "Adagio" 09:04 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto n. 5 in A Major K. 219 for Violin and Orchestra: "Rondò (Minuetto - Allegro)" 06:36 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto n. 3 in G Major K. 216 for Violin and Orchestra: "Allegro" 10:13 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto n. 3 in G Major K. 216 for Violin and Orchestra: "Adagio" 11:26 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto n. 3 in G Major K. 216 for Violin and Orchestra: "Rondò (Allegro)" 08:59
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Concertos for flute, oboe and bassoon 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto for flute No. 1 in G major K.313 - I Allegro Majestoso 09:11 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto for flute No. 1 in G major K.313 - II Adagio Non Troppo 09:19 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto for flute No. 1 in G major K.313 - III Rondo - Tempo di menuetto 07:46 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto for Basson in B major K.191 - I Allegro 06:49 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto for Basson in B major K.191 - II Andante ma Adagio 07:32 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto for Basson in B major K.191 - III Rondo - Tempo di Menuetto 04:29 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto for Oboe in C major K.314 - I Allegro 07:01 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto for Oboe in C major K.314 - II Adagio non troppo 08:32 9 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto for Oboe in C major K.314 - III Rondo Allegretto 05:55
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Concertos for piano No 23; Concertos for piano No 27 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Conc. Piano&Orch.#23: I. Allegro 11:22 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Conc. Piano&Orch.#23: II. Adagio 07:30 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Conc. Piano&Orch.#23: III. Allegro assai 08:00 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Conc. Piano&Orch.#27: I. Allegro 14:14 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Conc. Piano&Orch.#27: II. Larghetto 07:55 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Conc. Piano&Orch.#27: III. Allegro 09:51
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Concertos for violin and orchestra 3-5 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concierto No.5 en La Mayor K.219 Allegro Aperto 09:33 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concierto No.5 en La Mayor K.219 Adagio 09:07 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concierto No.5 en La Mayor K.219 Rondo 06:39 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concierto No.3 en Sol Mayor K.216 Allegro 10:14 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concierto No.3 en Sol Mayor K.216 Adagio 11:26 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concierto No.3 en Sol Mayor K.216 Rondo 08:59
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Concertos pour cor - Alan Civil, Orchestre Philharmonia, Otto Klemperer 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto pour cor n° 1 en ré majeur, KV 412 : Allegro 05:02 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto pour cor n° 1 en ré majeur, KV 412 : Rondo (Allegro) 03:47 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto pour cor n° 2 en mi bémol majeur, KV 417 : Allegro maestoso 06:50 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto pour cor n° 2 en mi bémol majeur, KV 417 : Andante 04:00 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto pour cor n° 2 en mi bémol majeur, KV 417 : Rondo 03:46 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto pour cor n° 3 en mi bémol majeur, KV 447 : Allegro 07:10 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto pour cor n° 3 en mi bémol majeur, KV 447 : Romance (Larghetto) 05:09 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto pour cor n° 3 en mi bémol majeur, KV 447 : Allegro 04:00 9 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto pour cor n° 4 en mi bémol majeur, KV 495 : Allegro moderato 08:29 10 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto pour cor n° 4 en mi bémol majeur, KV 495 : Romanza (Andante) 04:41 11 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto pour cor n° 4 en mi bémol majeur, KV 495 : Rondo (Allegro vivace) 03:36
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Concertos pour piano 20 & 23 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto nー 20 k466 Allegro 13:16 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto nー 20 k466 Romanze 09:18 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto nー 20 k466 Rondo allegro assai 06:36 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto n° 23 k488 Allegro 11:31 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto n° 23 k488 Adagio 06:08 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto n° 23 k488 Allegro assai 07:33
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Concertos pour piano N°9,19, 20, 24 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto pour piano N°9 en mi bémol majeur KV 271 - I. Allegro 10:18 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto pour piano N°24 en ut mineur KV 491 - II. Larghetto 08:12 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto pour piano N°9 en mi bémol majeur KV 271 - III. Rondo: Presto 10:05 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto pour piano N°19 en la majeur KV 459 - I. Allegro 12:29 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto pour piano N°19 en la majeur KV 459 - II. Allegretto 07:37 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto pour piano N°19 en la majeur KV 459 - III. Allegro assai 08:17
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Concertos pour piano n°9 "jeunehomme" & n°17 6 2 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto pour piano n°9 en mi bémol majeur "jeunehomme" K.271 - 1. Allegro 10:50 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto pour piano n°9 en mi bémol majeur "jeunehomme" K.271 - 2. Andantino 11:02 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto pour piano n°9 en mi bémol majeur "jeunehomme" K.271 - 3. Rondeau: Presto - Menuetto: Cantabile - Presto 09:40 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto pour piano n°17 en sol majeur K.453 - 1 .Allegro 11:46 Has Mbid 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto pour piano n°17 en sol majeur K.453 - 2. Andante 10:27 Has Mbid 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto pour piano n°17 en sol majeur K.453 - 3. Allegretto - Finale: Presto 07:23
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Concertos pour violon (Yehudi Menuhin) 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sinfonia Concertante in Eb Major, k.364 - 1 13:20 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sinfonia Concertante in Eb Major, k.364 - 2 14:09 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sinfonia Concertante in Eb Major, k.364 - 3 06:35 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Violin Concerto No. 5 in A Major, k.219 - 1 10:44 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Violin Concerto No. 5 in A Major, k.219 - 2 11:38 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Violin Concerto No. 5 in A Major, k.219 - 3 08:52
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Coronation Mass K. 317 - Exsultate Jubilate, K. 165 - Ave Verum Corpus, K. 618 11 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Coronation Mass - Kyrie 02:31 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Coronation Mass - Gloria 04:21 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Coronation Mass - Credo 06:23 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Coronation Mass - Sanctus 01:38 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Coronation Mass - Benedictus 03:07 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Coronation Mass - Agnus Dei 06:24 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Exsultate jubilate - Exsultate, jubilate (allegro) 04:31 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Exsultate jubilate - Fulget amica dies (Recitativo) 00:49 9 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Exsultate jubilate - Tu virginum corona (Andante) 06:50 10 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Exsultate jubilate - Alleluia (allegro) 02:45 Has Mbid 11 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Ave Verum Corpus K. 618 04:16
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Cosi fan tutte (Marriner) 19 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Ouverture 04:35 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Donne miei, la fate a tanti 03:07 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart In quel fiero contrasto ... Tradito, schernito ... Bravo, questo è costanza 05:20 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Dove son? 03:43 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart È amore un ladroncello 03:18 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Vorrei dir, e cor non ho ... Stelle! Per carità, Don Alfonso 01:44 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sento, oh Dio, che questo piede ... Non piangere, idol mio 05:58 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Prenderò quel brunettino · Ah, correte al giardino 03:29 9 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Tutti acusan le donne ... Vittoria, padroncini! 01:44 10 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Fate presto, o cari amici 01:52 11 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Il cor vi dono 04:56 12 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart E nel tuo, nel mio bicchiero 02:15 13 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Miei signori, tutto è fatto 03:26 14 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sani e salvi 03:27 15 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Per pietà, ben mio, perdona 06:57 16 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Non siate ritrosi 01:38 17 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart E voi ridete? ... Si puo sapere un poco 02:04 Has Mbid 18 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Un'aura amorosa 05:03 19 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Oh, la saria da ridere! 02:31
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Dances & Minuets - Wiener Akademie 36 2 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart German dance in C, K600/1 02:02 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart German dance in F, K600/2 02:01 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart German dance in B flat, K600/3 02:01 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart German dance in E flat, K600/4 02:05 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart German dance in G, Der Kanarienvogel (The Canary), K600/5 01:48 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart German dance in D, K600/6 02:17 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart German dance in B flat, K602/1 01:37 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart German dance in F, K602/2 01:33 Has Mbid 9 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart German dance in C, Die Leyerer (The Organ Grinder), K602/3 01:54 10 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart German dance in A, K602/4 01:31 11 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart German dance in D, K605/1 01:40 12 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart German dance in G, K605/2 01:28 13 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart German dance in C, Die Schlittenfahrt (The Sleighride), K605/3 02:53 14 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Contredanse in D, Das Donnerwetter (The Thunderstorm), K534 00:44 16 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Contredanse in C, Der Sieg Des Helden Koburg (Coburg's Victory), K587 01:20 17 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Contredanse in D, K603/1 01:17 19 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Contredanse in E flat, Il trionfo delle donne (The Triumph Of The Women), K607 01:28 20 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Contredanse in C, K609/1 00:56 21 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Contredanse in E flat, K609/2 01:11 22 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Contredanse in D, K609/3 01:06 23 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Contredanse in C, K609/4 02:25 24 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Contredanse in G, Les filles malicieuses (The Mischievous Girls), K610 01:27 26 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Minuet in G, K599/2 02:24 27 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Minuet in E flat, K599/3 02:12 29 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Minuet in B flat, K599/4 01:53 30 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Minuet in B flat, K599/4 02:02 31 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Minuet in A, K601/1 01:58 32 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Minuet in C, K601/2 02:20 33 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Minuet in G, K601/3 02:10 35 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Minuet in B flat, K604/1 02:13 36 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Minuet in E flat, K604/2 02:11
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Danze tedesche, Contraddanze e Minuetti 42 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart In do maggiore K. 536 n. 1 01:22 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart In sol maggiore K. 536 n. 2 01:30 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart In si bemolle maggiore K. 536 n. 3 01:34 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart In re maggiore K. 536 n. 4 01:31 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart In fa maggiore K. 536 n. 5 01:32 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart In si bemolle maggiore K. 536 n. 6 01:31 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart In si bemolle maggiore K. 567 n. 1 01:41 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart In sol maggiore K. 567 n. 2 01:21 9 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart In re maggiore K. 567 n. 3 01:34 10 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart In la maggiore K. 567 n. 4 01:35 11 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart In fa maggiore K. 567 n. 5 01:48 12 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart In do maggiore K. 567 n. 6 01:54 13 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart In do maggiore K. 568 n. 1 02:03 14 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart In fa maggiore K. 568 n. 2 02:01 15 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart In si bemolle K. 568 n. 3 02:03 16 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart In mi bemolle maggiore K. 568 n. 4 02:01 17 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart In sol maggiore K. 568 n. 5 01:52 18 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart In re maggiore K. 568 n. 6 01:56 19 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart In la maggiore K. 568 n. 7 02:03 20 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart In fa maggiore K. 568 n. 8 01:57 21 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart In si bemolle maggiore K. 568 n. 9 02:29 22 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart In re maggiore K. 568 n. 10 01:59 23 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart In sol maggiore K. 568 n. 11 02:02 24 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart In do maggiore K. 568 n. 12 02:00 25 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart In do maggiore K. 535a n. 1 01:11 26 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart In sol maggiore K. 535a n. 2 00:43 27 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart In re maggiore K. 534 'La Tempête' 01:37 28 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart In si bemolle maggiore K. 465 (448b) 00:51 29 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart In sol maggiore K. 535a n. 3 00:51 30 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart In do maggiore K. 535 'La Bataille' 01:28 31 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart In re maggiore K. 590 n. 1 01:30 32 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart In sol maggiore K. 590 n. 2 01:32 33 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart In mi bemolle maggiore K. 590 n. 3 01:27 34 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart In fa maggiore K. 590 n. 4 01:35 35 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart In la maggiore K. 590 n. 5 01:53 36 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart In do maggiore K. 590 n. 6 02:10 37 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart In si bemolle maggiore K. 606 n. 1 00:35 38 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart In si bemolle maggiore K. 606 n. 2 00:33 39 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart In si bemolle maggiore K. 606 n. 3 00:38 40 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart In si bemolle maggiore K. 606 n. 4 00:00 41 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart In si bemolle maggiore K. 606 n. 5 00:32 42 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart In si bemolle maggiore K. 606 n. 6 00:49
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Der Frühe Mozart, Mozart Quartett Salzburg 16 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart W.A. Mozart, Streichquartett G-Dur KV 80 "Lodi Quartett": Adagio 05:16 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart W.A. Mozart, Streichquartett G-Dur KV 80 "Lodi Quartett": Allegro 03:17 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart W.A. Mozart, Streichquartett G-Dur KV 80 "Lodi Quartett": Minuetto 02:58 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart W.A. Mozart, Streichquartett G-Dur KV 80 "Lodi Quartett": Rondeau 02:44 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Giovanni Battista Sammartini: Quartetto Sinfonico G-Dur: Allegro 01:28 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Giovanni Battista Sammartini: Quartetto Sinfonico G-Dur: Andante molto espressivo 02:30 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Giovanni Battista Sammartini: Quartetto Sinfonico G-Dur: Presto 01:08 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Michael Haydn: Flötenquartett: Allegro 04:13 9 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Michael Haydn: Flötenquartett: Rondo presto assai 02:37 10 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart W.A. Mozart: Streichquartett D-Dur KV 155: Allegro 03:45 11 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart W.A. Mozart: Streichquartett D-Dur KV 155: Andante 03:44 12 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart W.A. Mozart: Streichquartett D-Dur KV 155: Molto Allegro 01:26 13 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Luigi Boccherini: Streichquartett D-Dur op. 2/3: Allegro moderato 05:23 14 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Luigi Boccherini: Streichquartett D-Dur op. 2/3: Largo 05:09 15 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Luigi Boccherini: Streichquartett D-Dur op. 2/3: Minuetto 04:04 16 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart W.A. Mozart / Johannes Krall: Menuett 03:38
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Deutsche Tanze & Serenade No. 7 14 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Deutsche Tanze, K. 600 - Tanz Nr. 1 01:33 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Tanz Nr. 2 01:53 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Tanz Nr. 3 01:53 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Tanz Nr. 4 01:17 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Tanz Nr. 5 01:45 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Tanz Nr. 6 01:39 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Serenade No. 7 in D major (D-Dur), K. 250 'Haffner-Serenade' - I. Allegro maestoso 06:11 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart II. Andante 08:30 9 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart III. Menuetto 04:08 10 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart IV. Rondeau - Allegro 08:10 11 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart V. Menuetto galante 05:29 12 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart VI. Andante 09:10 13 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart VII. Menuetto (Trio 1 & 2) 05:11 14 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart VIII. Adagio - Allegro assai 06:00
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Deux Serenades 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Serenade in G major, K.525 "Eine Kleine Nachtmusik" - Allegro 06:10 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Serenade in G major, K.525 "Eine Kleine Nachtmusik" - Romanze (Andante) 06:06 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Serenade in G major, K.525 "Eine Kleine Nachtmusik" - Menuetto (Allegretto) 02:21 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Serenade in G major, K.525 "Eine Kleine Nachtmusik" - Rondo (Allegro) 03:10 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Serenade in D major, K.250 (248b) "Haffner" - Allegro maestoso - Allegro molto 06:51 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Serenade in D major, K.250 (248b) "Haffner" - Andante 07:21 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Serenade in D major, K.250 (248b) "Haffner" - Menuetto 04:32 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Serenade in D major, K.250 (248b) "Haffner" - Rondeau Allegro 09:03 9 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Serenade in D major, K.250 (248b) "Haffner" - Menuetto galante 04:51 10 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Serenade in D major, K.250 (248b) "Haffner" - Andante 08:13 11 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Serenade in D major, K.250 (248b) "Haffner" - Menuetto 04:29 12 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Serenade in D major, K.250 (248b) "Haffner" - Adagio - Allegro assai 06:37
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Die Meisterwerke 12 2 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Eine kleine Nachtmusik KV 525 [Allegro] 08:13 Has Mbid 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sonate No. 11 KV 331 [Türkisches Rondo] 03:40 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Don Giovanni [Ouvertüre] 06:18 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Ein musikalischer Spaß KV 522 [Allegro] 03:32 9 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Ein musikalischer Spaß KV 522 [Menuetto-Maestoso] 05:46 10 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Ein musikalischer Spaß KV 522 [Adagio cantabile] 06:13 11 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Ein musikalischer Spaß KV 522 [Presto] 06:17 12 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Deutsche Tänze KV 605 [Schlittenfahrt] 02:47
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Die Schuldigkeit des ersten Gebots (1767) 13 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sinfonia 03:20 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Weltgeist (aria) - Schildre einen Philosophen 05:14 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Christgeist (aria) - Mit Jammer muß ich schauen 06:05 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Christgeist (aria) - Manches Übel will zuweilen 07:29 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Barmherzigkeit (aria) - Ein ergrimmter Löwe brüllet 06:14 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Barmherzigkeit, Christgeist, Gerechtigkeit (rec.) - Hast du nunmehr erfahren 01:11 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Christgeist, Barmherzigkeit, Gerechtigkeit (terzetto) - Laßt mir eurer Gnade Schein 09:36 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Gerechtigkeit (aria) - Erwache, fauler Knecht 07:36 9 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Christgeist, Barmherzigkeit, Gerechtigkeit (rec.) - Er reget sich. 00:18 10 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Der Christ, Weltgeist, Christgeist (rec. acc.) - Wie, wer erwecket mich. 03:56 11 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Weltgeist (aria) - Hat der Schöpfer dieses Leben 07:14 12 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Der Christ (rec. acc.) - Daß Träume Träume sind 01:28 13 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Der Christ (aria) - Jener Donnerworte Kraft 09:37
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Die Zauberfloete fuer Kinder erzaehlt 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Ouvertuere 02:35 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Vorstellung der Akteure 05:57 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Papageno - Der Vogelfaenger bin ich ja 02:36 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Tamino - Dies Bildnis ist bezaubernd schoen 05:15 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Koenigin der Nacht - O zittre nicht 04:18 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Papageno, Tamino, Die drei Damen - Hm, hm, hm 04:46 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Monostatos, Papageno - Wo bin ich wohl 05:19 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Pamina, Papageno - Bei Maennern, welche Liebe fuehlen 07:01 9 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Pamina, Papageno - Schnelle Fuesse, rascher Mut 03:26 10 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Monostatos, Sklaven - Das klinget so herrlich 03:19 11 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Pamina, Papageno - Koennte jeder brave Mann 03:15 12 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sarastro - O Isis und Osirirs 02:54
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Die Zauberflote Čarobna frula 15 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Dies Bildnis Ist Bezaubernd Schön 05:05 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart O Zittre Nicht, Mein Lieber Sohn! 05:20 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Du Feines Täubchen, Nur Herein! 05:03 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Bei Männern, Welche Liebe Fühlen 03:25 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Schnelle Füße, Rascher Mut 03:37 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Es Lebe Sarastro! Sarastro Soll Leben! 07:16 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart O Isis Und Osiris 02:36 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Der Hölle Rache Kocht In Meinem Herzen 04:08 9 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart In Diesen Heil' Gen Hallen 04:00 10 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Ach, Ich Fühl's, Es Ist Verschwunden 04:46 11 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Soll Ich Dich, Teurer, Nicht Mehr Sehn? 04:45 12 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Ein Mädchen Oder Weibchen Wünscht Papageno Sich! 03:44 13 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Tamino, Mein! O Welch Ein Glück! 07:18 14 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Papagena, Papagena, Papagena! Weibchen! Täubchen! 05:11 15 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Nur Stille, Stille, Stille, Stille! 05:20
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Die Zauberflöte erklärt von Tim Lange 25 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Im Reich der Königin der Nacht u. d. Suche nach der verschleppten Prinzessin 06:50 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Geheimnisvolle Tempelprüfungen u. wie die Macht d. Zauberflöte Paminas u. Taminios Leben rettet 08:59 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Über böse Helfer der Königin: Die drei Damen 03:25 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Über gute Helfer und Lebensretter: Die drei Knaben 03:27 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Über die Tempelhelfer: Sprecher, Priester, Geharnischte und Monostatos 04:16 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Tenor-Arie des Monostatos' an den Mond:"Alles fühlt der Liebe Freuden..." 01:07 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Monostatos' Verbannung und Untergang 01:28 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Die Umkehrungs-Theorie: Ein Jahrhunderte altes Missverständnis 01:47 9 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Warum die Königin der Nacht böse ist 00:53 10 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Wie die Königin ihre Tochter zur Möderin machen will 00:40 Has Mbid 11 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sopran-Arie der Königin (Rache-Arie) "Der Hölle Rache..." 02:52 12 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Über die gegensätzlichen Stimmen von Sarastro und der Königin der Nacht 00:28 13 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Baß-Arie des Sarastros: "In diesen heil'gen Hallen..." 01:51 14 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Über Papagenos Duette mit Tamano und Pamina 03:12 15 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Bariton-Arie des Papageno: "Der Vogelfänger bin ich ja... " 01:26 16 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Über die unterschiedlichen Stimmlagen von Papageno (Bariton) und Tamino (Tenor) 00:22 17 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Tenor-Arie des Tamino: "Dies Bildnis ist bezaubernd schön... " 01:46 18 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Über die Zusammenarbeit zwischen Mozart und dem Theatermann Schikaneder 01:22 19 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Woran man erkennt, daß "DieZauberflöte" zur Gattung der Singspiele gehört 01:05 20 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Mozart und die Freimaurer 02:43 21 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Über Mozarts Leben und die Zeit der Aufklärung 04:03 22 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Über Mozarts dramatische Todesumstände 03:45 23 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Über Mozarts Nachkommen 00:39 24 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Anektote 1: Mozart rächt sich mit der Rache-Arie 00:49 25 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Anektote 2: Mozart foppt seinen Papageno und klärt damit das Publikum auf 01:32
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Die Zauberflöte für Kinder erzählt 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Ouvertüre 02:35 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Vorstellung der Akteure 05:57 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Papageno - Der Vogelfänger bin ich ja 02:36 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Tamino - Dies Bildnis ist bezaubernd schön 05:15 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Königin der Nacht - O zittre nicht 04:18 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Papageno, Tamino, Die drei Damen - Hm, hm, hm 04:46 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Monostatos, Papageno - Wo bin ich wohl 05:19 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Pamina, Papageno - Bei Männern, welche Liebe fühlen 07:01 9 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Pamina, Papageno - Schnelle Füße, rascher Mut 03:26 10 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Monostatos, Sklaven - Das klinget so herrlich 03:19 11 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Pamina, Papageno - Könnte jeder brave Mann 03:15 12 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sarastro - O Isis und Osirirs 02:54
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Die größten Meisterwerke der Klassik Vol. 1 19 3 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Die Entführung aus dem Serail KV 384 - Ouvertüre 05:39 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Die Hochzeit des Figaro KV 492 - Ouvertüre 04:08 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Cosi fan tutte KV 588 - Ouvertüre 04:46 Has Mbid 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sinfonie Nr. 40, G-moll KV 550 - Satz 1: Molto allegro 08:21 Has Mbid 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sinfonie Nr. 40, G-moll KV 550 - Satz 4: Allegro assai 05:15 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sonate für Klavier auf 4 Händen KV 19d - Satz 1: Allegro 04:08 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Klaviersonate A-Dur KV 331 - Andante grazioso 01:45 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Klaviersonate A-Dur KV 331 - Var. I 01:45 9 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Klaviersonate A-Dur KV 331 - Var. II 01:42 10 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Klaviersonate A-Dur KV 331 - Var. III 02:07 11 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Klaviersonate A-Dur KV 331 - Var. IV 01:48 12 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Klaviersonate A-Dur KV 331 - Var. V Adagio 04:12 13 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Klaviersonate A-Dur KV 331 - Var VI Allegro 01:26 14 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Klaviersonate A-Dur KV 331 - II Menuetto 06:38 15 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Klaviersonate A-Dur KV 331 - III Alla Turca - Allegretto 04:00 16 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart aus "Die Zauberflöte" Chor der Priester: O Isis und Osiris 02:47 17 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Dies Bildnis ist bezaubernd schön 03:47 18 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Serenade G-Dur KV 525 "Eine kleine Nachtmusik" - Satz 1: Allegro 04:07 19 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Serenade G-Dur KV 525 "Eine kleine Nachtmusik" - Satz 4: Rondo Allegro 02:56
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Die größten Meisterwerke der Klassik Vol. 7 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Konzert für Violine und Orchester Nr. 5, A-Dur, KV 219 - Allegro aperto - Adagio - Allegro aperto 09:31 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Konzert für Violine und Orchester Nr. 5, A-Dur, KV 219 - Adagio 11:04 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Konzert für Violine und Orchester Nr. 5, A-Dur, KV 219 - Tempo di Minuetto - Allegro - Tempo di Minuetto 09:15 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sinfonie Nr. 1, KV 16 - Molto allegro 04:33 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sinfonie Nr. 1, KV 16 - Andante 02:24 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sinfonie Nr. 1, KV 16 - Presto 02:08 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Streichquartett G-Dur, KV 387 - Allegro vivace assai 07:44 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Streichquartett G-Dur, KV 387 - Menuetto: Allegro Trio 08:00 9 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Streichquartett G-Dur, KV 387 - Andante cantabile 07:07 10 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Streichquartett G-Dur, KV 387 - Molto allegro 07:58
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Divertimenti K. 334 & K. 247 (L'Archibudelli) 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento No. 17 for 2 Horns & Strings in D Major, K. 334/320b: I. Allegro 09:49 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento No. 17 for 2 Horns & Strings in D Major, K. 334/320b: II. Tema Con Variazioni. Andante 07:58 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento No. 17 for 2 Horns & Strings in D Major, K. 334/320b: III. Menuetto. Trio 04:23 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento No. 17 for 2 Horns & Strings in D Major, K. 334/320b: IV. Adagio 05:02 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento No. 17 for 2 Horns & Strings in D Major, K. 334/320b: V. Menuetto. Trio I. Trio II 07:12 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento No. 17 for 2 Horns & Strings in D Major, K. 334/320b: VI. Rondo. Allegro 09:14 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento No. 10 for 2 Horns & Strings in F Major "Lodronische Nachtmusik", K. 247: I. Allegro 08:40 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento No. 10 for 2 Horns & Strings in F Major "Lodronische Nachtmusik", K. 247: II. Andante Grazioso 04:02 9 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento No. 10 for 2 Horns & Strings in F Major "Lodronische Nachtmusik", K. 247: III. Menuetto 04:16 10 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento No. 10 for 2 Horns & Strings in F Major "Lodronische Nachtmusik", K. 247: IV. Adagio 05:02 11 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento No. 10 for 2 Horns & Strings in F Major "Lodronische Nachtmusik", K. 247: V. Menuetto. Trio 03:36 12 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento No. 10 for 2 Horns & Strings in F Major "Lodronische Nachtmusik", K. 247: VI. Andante. Allegro Assai 05:51
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Divertimenti K. 334 & K.247 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento in D Major K. 334, I. Allegro 09:48 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart II. Tema con variazioni- Andante 07:58 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart III. Menuetto - Trio 04:23 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart IV. Adagio 05:02 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart V. Menuetto - Trio I - Trio II 07:12 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart VI. Rondo- Allegro 09:14 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Div. in F Major K. 247, I. Allegro 08:40 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart II. Andante grazioso 04:03 9 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart III. Menuetto 04:15 10 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart IV. Adagio 05:04 11 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart V. Menuetto - Trio 03:37 12 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart VI. Andante - Allegro assai 05:49
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Divertimenti KV 136,137,138, Sinfonia Concertante KV 364 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento D major KV 136 / 1. Allegro 06:15 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento D major KV 136 / 2. Andante 05:28 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento D major KV 136 / 3. Presto 04:01 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento B flat major KV 137 / 1. Andante 03:47 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento B flat major KV 137 / 2. Allegro di molto 04:27 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento B flat major KV 137 / 3. Allegro assai 02:56 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento F major KV 138 / 1. [Allegro] 05:29 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento F major KV 138 / 2. Andante 05:29 9 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento F major KV 138 / 3. [Presto] 02:00 10 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sinfonia Concertante E flat major KV 364 / 1. Allegro maestoso 12:33 11 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sinfonia Concertante E flat major KV 364 / 2. Andante 10:26 12 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sinfonia Concertante E flat major KV 364 / 3. Presto 06:24
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Divertimenti in F major and D major 13 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento in F major, KV 248 - March 04:29 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento in F major, KV 247 - I. Allegro 08:13 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento in F major, KV 247 - II. Andante Gazioso 04:09 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento in F major, KV 247 - III. Menuetto 04:13 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento in F major, KV 247 - IV. Adagio 07:05 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento in F major, KV 247 - V. Menuetto 03:39 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento in F major, KV 247 - VI. Andante-Allegro assai 06:06 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento in D major, KV 290 - March 04:42 9 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento in D major, KV 205 - I. Largo-Allegro 04:43 10 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento in D major, KV 205 - II. Menuetto 03:05 11 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento in D major, KV 205 - III. Adagio 05:26 12 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento in D major, KV 205 - IV. Menuetto 02:54 13 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento in D major, KV 205 - V. Finale; Presto 03:24
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Divertimenti, K.287 & K.205 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 St. Luke's Chamber Ensemble & Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento No. 15 in B-flat Major, K. 287: I. Alllegro 08:48 2 St. Luke's Chamber Ensemble & Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento No. 15 in B-flat Major, K. 287: II. Andante con variazioni 07:27 3 St. Luke's Chamber Ensemble & Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento No. 15 in B-flat Major, K. 287: III. Menuetto 03:33 4 St. Luke's Chamber Ensemble & Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento No. 15 in B-flat Major, K. 287: IV. Adagio 09:04 5 St. Luke's Chamber Ensemble & Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento No. 15 in B-flat Major, K. 287: V. Menuetto 03:49 6 St. Luke's Chamber Ensemble & Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento No. 15 in B-flat Major, K. 287: VI. Andante, allegro molto 07:01 7 St. Luke's Chamber Ensemble & Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento No. 7 in D major, K. 205: I. Largo, allegro 06:40 8 St. Luke's Chamber Ensemble & Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento No. 7 in D major, K. 205: II. Menuetto 02:34 9 St. Luke's Chamber Ensemble & Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento No. 7 in D major, K. 205: III. Adagio 05:29 10 St. Luke's Chamber Ensemble & Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento No. 7 in D major, K. 205: IV. Menutto 02:40 11 St. Luke's Chamber Ensemble & Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento No. 7 in D major, K. 205: V. Finale: Presto 03:30
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Divertimento KV 563 6 2 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart I. Allegro 12:51 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart II. Adagio 12:52 Has Mbid 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart III. Menuetto (Allegetto) 05:20 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart IV. Andante 07:24 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart V. Menuetto (Allegretto) 05:54 Has Mbid 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart VI. Allegro 06:34
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Divertimento No 15, K 287 & Serenata notturna, K 239 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart I. Allegro 13:53 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart II. Thema. Andante Grazioso - Var. I - IV 08:10 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart III. Menuetto - Trio 03:48 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart IV. Adagio 11:08 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart V. Menuetto - Trio 04:08 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart VI. Andante - Allegro Molto 07:54 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart I. Marcia. Maestoso 04:18 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart II. Menuetto - Trio 03:45 9 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart III. Rondeau. Allegretto 05:02
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Divertimento for strings & two french horns 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento for strings ¬ two french horns in F major. Allegro 11:03 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento for strings ¬ two french horns in F major. Andante grazioso 05:13 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento for strings ¬ two french horns in F major. Menuetto 05:07 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento for strings ¬ two french horns in F major. Adagio 09:03 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento for strings ¬ two french horns in F major. Menuetto. Trio 04:06 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento for strings ¬ two french horns in F major. Andante. Allegro assai 06:25 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento for strings ¬ two french horns in B flat major. Allegro 13:30 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento for strings ¬ two french horns in B flat major. Andante grazioso 09:25 9 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento for strings ¬ two french horns in B flat major. Menuetto 04:26
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Divertimento for strings & two french horns, 2 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento for strings & two french horns in B flat major. Adagio 13:21 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento for strings & two french horns in B flat major. Menuetto. Trio 04:57 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento for strings & two french horns in B flat major. Andante. Molto allegro 06:48 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento for strings & two french horns in D major. Allegro 09:21 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento for strings & two french horns in D major. Tema mit sech variationen 11:12 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento for strings & two french horns in D major. Menuetto. Trio 05:15 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento for strings & two french horns in D major. Adagio 08:56 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento for strings & two french horns in D major. Menuetto 07:08 9 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento for strings & two french horns in D major. Rondo. Allegro 09:04
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Divertimento, Adagio & Rondo, Andante, Quintet 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento no 17 en ré majeur pour quatuor à cordes et deux cors, K. 334 - Allegro 09:14 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento no 17 en ré majeur pour quatuor à cordes et deux cors, K. 334 - Thema (mit 6 Variationen). Andante 08:16 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento no 17 en ré majeur pour quatuor à cordes et deux cors, K. 334 - Menuetto-Trio 03:53 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento no 17 en ré majeur pour quatuor à cordes et deux cors, K. 334 - Adagio 06:17 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento no 17 en ré majeur pour quatuor à cordes et deux cors, K. 334 - Menuetto-Trio I-Trio II 06:19 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento no 17 en ré majeur pour quatuor à cordes et deux cors, K. 334 - Rondo, Allegro 08:38 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart "Als desio di chi t'adora", rondo pour soprano et orchestre, K. 577 (arrangement pour quintette) 04:47 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Andante en fa majeur pour une valse pour petit orgue, K. 616 04:17 9 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Adagio en do mineur et rondo en do majeur pour armonica de verre, flûte, hautbois, alto et violoncelle, K. 617 10:40
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Divertimentos KV 247 & 251 13 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento No. 10 - Marcia K. 248 02:42 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento No. 10 - Allegro 08:03 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento No. 10 - Andante grazioso 04:11 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento No. 10 - Menuetto 04:33 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento No. 10 - Adagio 07:46 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento No. 10 - Menueto 03:52 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento No. 10 - Andante - Allegro assai 05:52 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento No. 11 - Allegro molto 04:52 9 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento No. 11 - Menuetto 04:23 10 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento No. 11 - Andantino 04:30 11 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento No. 11 - Menuetto 04:39 12 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento No. 11 - Rondeau. Allegro assai 05:26 13 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento No. 11 - Marcia alla francese 02:39
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Divertimentos Nos. 1&2 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Divertimento No.1 in D Major, K.136 Divertimento No.1 - Allegro 04:02 2 Divertimento No.1 in D Major, K.136 Divertimento No.1 - Andante 06:46 3 Divertimento No.1 in D Major, K.136 Divertimento No.1 - Presto 02:50 4 Divertimento No. 2 in B Flat Major, K.137 Divertimento No.2 - Andante 05:53 5 Divertimento No. 2 in B Flat Major, K.137 Divertimento No.2 - Allegro di molto 03:40 6 Divertimento No. 2 in B Flat Major, K.137 Divertimento No.2 - Allegro assai 02:56
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Don Giovanni (English) [2] 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Don Giovanni K.527 / I.16. Recitative: Masetto, Will You Listen? 01:26 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Don Giovanni K.527 / I.16. Aria: Beat Me, Beat Me Dear Masetto 03:40 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Don Giovanni K.527 / I.16. Recitative: What a Sweet Little Witch 00:41 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Don Giovanni K.527 / I.16. First Finale: So It Happened, She Betrayed Me 00:57 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Don Giovanni K.527 / I.17. Rouse Yourselves, My Friends, Look Lively! 00:49 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Don Giovanni K.527 / I.18. I Shall Hide Among These Bushes? 02:10 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Don Giovanni K.527 / I.19. We Need to Be Courageous 04:12 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Don Giovanni K.527 / I.20. Rest My Beauties, Let Me Entertain You 01:16 9 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Don Giovanni K.527 / I.21. Pray Come This Way 07:26
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Don Giovanni (English) [3] 28 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Don Giovanni K.527 / II.1. Duet: Have You Gone Crazy 01:05 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Don Giovanni K.527 / II.1. Recitative: Leporello! 02:09 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Don Giovanni K.527 / II.2. Trio: My Heart, You Have No Mercy! 05:01 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Don Giovanni K.527 / II.2. Recitative: So What d'You Think of That 00:30 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Don Giovanni K.527 / II.3. Recitative: Look, Here I Am 01:39 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Don Giovanni K.527 / II.3. Canzonetta: What Light from Yonder Window 02:07 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Don Giovanni K.527 / II.4. Recitative: There's Someone at the Window 01:13 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Don Giovanni K.527 / II.4. Aria: Let Half of You Go Over There 02:54 9 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Don Giovanni K.527 / II.5. Recitative: Sssh! Let Me Listen... 00:44 10 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Don Giovanni K.527 / II.6. Ahi! Ahi! My Head, My Head! 01:24 11 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Don Giovanni K.527 / II.6. Aria: Listen My Darling 03:32 12 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Don Giovanni K.527 / II.7. Recitative: I Can See Torches 00:35 13 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Don Giovanni K.527 / II.7. Sextet: All Alone, Alone in Darkness 02:45 14 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Don Giovanni K.527 / II.8. Stop There, You Villain 04:35 15 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Don Giovanni K.527 / II.9. So It Was You 00:28 16 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Don Giovanni K.527 / II.9. Aria: Ah, Be Merciful to Me! 01:44 17 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Don Giovanni K.527 / II.10. Stop Him, Somebody Stop Him 00:44 18 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Don Giovanni K.527 / II.10. Aria: Will You Remain With My Treasure 04:12 19 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Don Giovanni K.527 / II.11. Recitative: Ah! Ah! This Is Perfect! 04:31 20 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Don Giovanni K.527 / II.11. Duet: Oh Most Respected Monument 03:22 21 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Don Giovanni K.527 / II.12. Recitative: Be Comforted, My Darling 00:50 22 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Don Giovanni K.527 / II.12. Recitative and Aria: You Are Cruel! 01:49 23 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Don Giovanni K.527 / II.12. Never Say, My Own Beloved 05:04 24 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Don Giovanni K.527 / II.12. Recitative: Ah! Where She Goes I Shall Follow 00:24 25 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Don Giovanni K.527 / II.13. Finale: Now the Supper Table's Ready 04:33 26 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Don Giovanni K.527 / II.14. All I Can Offer, I Lay Before You 03:28 27 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Don Giovanni K.527 / II.15. Don Giovanni! 06:28 28 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Don Giovanni K.527 / II.16. Sextet: Where Is the Infidel? 05:52
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Don Giovanni (Fritz Busch) 2 29 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart AA Act 1: Scene 4 - Masetto, senti un po! 01:06 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart AB Act 1: Scene 4 - Batti, batti, o bel Masetto 03:58 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart AC Act 1: Scene 4 - Guarda un po' 00:32 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart AD Act 1: Scene 4 - Presto, presto, pria ch'ei venga 01:54 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart AE Act 1: Scene 4 - Tra quest arbori celata 02:40 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart AF Act 1: Scene 4 - Bisogna aver coraggio 02:08 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart AG Act 1: Scene 4 - Protegga il giusto cielo 02:41 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart AH Act 1: Scene 5 - Riposate, vezzose ragazze 01:19 9 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart AI Act 1: Scene 5 - Venite pur avanti 04:28 10 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart AJ Act 1: Scene 5 - Ecco il birbo che t'ha offesa 01:30 11 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart AK Act 1: Scene 5 - Trema, trema, o scellerato! 02:09 12 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart BA Act 2: Scene 1 - Eh via, buffone, non mi seccar! 01:07 13 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart BB Act 2: Scene 1 - Leporello! Signore? 01:46 14 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart BC Act 2: Scene 1 - Ah, taci, ingiusto core! 04:55 15 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart BD Act 2: Scene 1 - Amico, che ti par? 01:56 16 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart BE Act 2: Scene 1 - Deh, vieni alla finestra 01:37 17 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart BF Act 2: Scene 1 - V'è gente alla finestra 01:10 18 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart BG Act 2: Scene 1 - Metà di voi qua vadano 02:58 19 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart BH Act 2: Scene 1 - Zitto, lascia ch'io senta 01:46 20 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart BI Act 2: Scene 1 - Vedrai, carino 03:54 21 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart BJ Act 2: Scene 2 - Di molte faci il lume 00:26 22 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart BK Act 2: Scene 2 - Sola, sola in buio loco 05:16 23 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart BL Act 2: Scene 2 - Mille torbidi pensieri 02:24 24 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart BM Act 2: Scene 2 - Dunque quello sei tu 00:18 25 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart BN Act 2: Scene 2 - Ah pietà, signori miei! 01:45 26 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart BO Act 2: Scene 2 - Ferma, perfido, ferma! 00:41 27 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart BP Act 2: Scene 2 - Il mio tesoro intanto 04:27 28 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart BQ Act 2: Scene 2 - In quali eccessi 02:37 29 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart BR Act 2: Scene 2 - Mi tradì quell'alma ingrata 04:12
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Don Giovanni (Harding) 3 26 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Act 2, Scene 1 - Eh via, buffone, non mi seccar! 00:57 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Leporello!...Signore? 02:07 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Ah taci, ingiusto core! 04:08 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Amico, che ti par? 02:25 Has Mbid 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Deh vieni alla finestra 02:05 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart V'e gente alla finestra 01:20 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Meta di voi qua vadano 02:22 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Zitto, lascia ch'io senta! 02:31 9 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Vedrai, carino, se sei buonino 03:01 10 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Act 2, Scene 2 - Di molte faci il lume 00:36 11 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sola, sola in buio loco 06:48 12 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Dunque quello sei tu 00:21 13 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Ah, pieta, signori miei! 01:43 14 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Ferma, perfido, ferma! 00:41 15 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Il mio tesoro 03:46 16 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart In quali eccessi, o Numi 01:56 17 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Mi tradi, quell'alma ingrata 04:05 18 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Act 2, Scene 3 - Ah, ah, ah, questa e buona 04:22 19 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart O statua gentilissima 03:35 20 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Act 2, Scene 4 - Calmatevi, idol mio! 00:49 21 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Crudele? Ah no, mio bene! 01:39 22 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Non mi dir, bell'idol mio 04:33 23 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Act 2, Scene 5 - Gia la mensa e preparata 04:19 24 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart L'ultima prova dell'amor mio 03:17 25 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Don Giovanni a cenar teco 05:00 26 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Ah, dov'e il perfido? 05:44
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Don Giovanni (Prague version) K. 527 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Ouvertura (concert version) 05:10 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Dalla sua pace 03:34 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Ah pieta 00:55 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Restati qua, restati qua ! 01:24 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Per queste tue manine 03:23 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Amico ! per pieta 00:55 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Andiam, andiam, signora ! 01:00 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart In quali eccessi, o numi ... 01:50 9 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Mi tradi quell'alma ingrata 03:49 10 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Ah ah ah ah ! questa e buona ! 05:06
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Don Giovanni (Prague version), KV 527 32 3 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Ouvertura 04:58 Has Mbid 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Notte e giorno faticar 04:45 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Leporello, ove sei? 00:37 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Ma qual mai s'offre, o dei 02:15 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Fuggi, crudele, fuggi! 03:07 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Orsu, spicciati presto 01:24 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Ah! chi mi dice mai 03:42 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Chi e la? 02:39 9 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Madamina! il catalogo e questo 05:11 10 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart In questa forma dunque 00:24 Has Mbid 11 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Giovinette che fate all'amore 01:45 12 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Manco male, e partita 02:06 13 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Ho capito, signor, si! 01:26 14 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Alfin siam liberati 01:42 15 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart La ci darem la mano 02:32 16 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Fermati, scellerato! 00:37 Has Mbid 17 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Ah! fuggi il traditor! 01:07 18 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Mi par ch'oggi il demonio si diverta 01:11 19 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Non ti fidar, o misera 03:15 20 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Povera sventurata! 00:25 21 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Don Ottavio, son morta! 02:43 22 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Or sai chi l'onore 02:38 23 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Come mai creder deggio 00:35 24 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Io deggio, ad ogni patto 01:27 25 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Finch'han dal vino 01:14 26 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Masetto, senti un po'! 01:24 27 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Batti, batti, o bel Masetto 03:16 28 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (Guarda un po'...) 00:41 29 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (Presto, presto, pria ch'ei venga...) 05:49 30 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Protegga il giusto cielo 01:48 31 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Riposate, vezzose ragazze! 01:29 32 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Venite pur avanti 07:00
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Don Giovanni - La Cambiale di Matrimonio 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Ah, ah, ah, questa e' buona 03:48 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart O statua gentilissima 05:49 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Non mi dir, bell'idol mio 05:32 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Gia' la mensa e' preparata 15:31 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Epilogo 06:02 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Ouverture 05:50 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Non c'e' il vecchio sussurrone 02:40 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Chi mai trova il dritto 02:46 9 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Ecco una lettera 01:31 10 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Ma, signore, questa lettera... 04:49 11 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Tornami a dir che m'ami 04:43
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Don Giovanni - Selección 12 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Obertura 06:15 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Acto I: Introduzione: "Notte E Giorno Faticar" 01:39 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Acto I: Aria: "Madamina, Il Catalogo É Questo" 05:31 Has Mbid 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Acto I: Duettino: "La Ci Darem La Mano" 03:06 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Acto I: Aria: "Ah Fuggi Il Traditore" 01:21 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Acto I: Aria: "Or Sai Chi L'onore" 02:53 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Acto I: Aria: "Dalla Sua Pace" 04:51 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Acto I: Aria: "Finch'an Dal Vino" 01:22 9 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Acto II: Canzonetta: "Deh, Vieni Alla Finestra" 01:46 10 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Acto III: Aria: "Il Mio Tesoro Intanto" 04:21 11 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Acto III: Aria: "In Quali Eccessi" 05:32 12 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Acto III: Finale: "Gia La Mensa É Preparata" 12:39
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Don Giovanni Harmoniemusik 19 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Ouverture 04:00 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Introduzione: Notte E Giorno Faticar 02:06 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Aria: Ah, Chi Me Dice Mai 02:43 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Aria: Madamina! Il Catalogo E Questo 03:30 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Coro: Giovinette Che Fate All'amore 01:09 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Duettino: La Ci Darem La Mano 03:05 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Aria: Dalla Sua Pace 04:26 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Aria: Finch'han Dal Vino 01:01 9 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Aria: Batti, Batti, O Bel Masetto 03:16 10 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Finale: Signor, Guardate Un Poco 05:19 11 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Duetto: Eh Via, Buffone 01:07 12 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Terzetto: Ah Taci, Ingiusto Core! 02:30 13 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Canzonetta: Deh Vieni Alla Finestra 01:58 14 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Aria: Meta Di Voi Qua Vadano 01:58 15 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Aria: Vedrai, Carino 02:27 16 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Aria: Mi Tradi Quell' Alma Ingrata 01:54 17 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Aria: Non Mi Dir - Bell'idol Mio 04:17 18 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Aria E Duetto: Ah, Piesta, Signori Miei - O Statua Gentilissima 03:06 19 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Finale: Ah signor!...Per Carita 07:02
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Don Giovanni I.CD 15 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Stopa01 06:24 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Stopa02 05:56 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Stopa03 06:46 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Stopa04 06:53 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Stopa05 05:43 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Stopa06 04:37 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Stopa07 04:43 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Stopa08 03:03 9 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Stopa09 04:09 10 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Stopa10 06:15 11 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Stopa11 04:23 12 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Stopa12 02:36 13 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Stopa13 04:08 14 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Stopa14 04:34 15 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Stopa15 04:37
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Don Giovanni II.CD 14 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Stopa01 08:49 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Stopa02 02:42 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Stopa03 06:46 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Stopa04 01:49 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Stopa05 04:50 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Stopa06 04:36 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Stopa07 07:37 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Stopa08 02:45 9 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Stopa09 04:12 10 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Stopa10 03:43 11 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Stopa11 03:19 12 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Stopa12 07:20 13 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Stopa13 08:31 14 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Stopa14 07:05
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Don Giovanni K.527 (Prague version) 26 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart ATTO II - Eh via, buffone 01:02 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart ATTO II - Leporello ! 01:56 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart ATTO II - Ah ! taci, ingiusto core 04:18 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart ATTO II - Amico, che ti par ? 01:49 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart ATTO II - Deh, vienti alla finestra 01:58 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart ATTO II - V'e gente alla finestra 01:18 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart ATTO II - Meta di voi qua vadano 02:31 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart ATTO II - Zitto ! lascia ch'io senta 00:45 9 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart ATTO II - Ahi ! ahi ! la testa mia ! 01:24 10 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart ATTO II - Vedrai, carino 03:07 11 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart ATTO II - Di molte faci il lume 00:30 12 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart ATTO II - Sola, sola, in buio loco 04:24 13 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart ATTO II - Mille torbidi pensieri 02:18 14 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart ATTO II - Dunque quello sei tu 00:16 15 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart ATTO II - Ah, pieta, signori miei 01:49 16 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart ATTO II - Ferma, perfido, ferma ... 00:42 17 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart ATTO II - Il mio tesoro intanto 03:50 18 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart ATTO II - Ah, ah, ah, ah ! questa e buona ! 04:47 19 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart ATTO II - O statua gentilissima 03:18 20 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart ATTO II - Calmatevi, idol mio 00:45 21 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart ATTO II - Crudele ? Ah no, mio bene ! 01:30 22 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart ATTO II - Non mi dir 04:25 23 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart ATTO II - Ah, si segua il suo passo 00:23 24 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart ATTO II - Gia la mensa e preparata 07:56 Has Mbid 25 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart ATTO II - Don Giovanni, a cenar teco 05:21 26 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart ATTO II - Ah, dov' e il perfido ? 06:01
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Drei Messen - Three Masses 18 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Missa brevis d-moll KV65 Kyrie 01:57 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Missa brevis d-moll KV65 Gloria 02:14 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Missa brevis d-moll KV65 Credo 05:46 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Missa brevis d-moll KV65 Sanctus 01:02 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Missa brevis d-moll KV65 Benedictus 01:42 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Missa brevis d-moll KV65 Agnus Dei 03:14 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Missa brevis C-Dur KV258 Kyrie 02:02 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Missa brevis C-Dur KV258 Gloria 02:39 9 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Missa brevis C-Dur KV258 Credo 04:42 10 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Missa brevis C-Dur KV258 Sanctus 01:00 11 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Missa brevis C-Dur KV258 Benedictus 03:07 12 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Missa brevis C-Dur KV258 Agnus Dei 02:46 13 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Missa longa C-Dur KV262 Kyrie 03:49 14 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Missa longa C-Dur KV262 Gloria 05:44 15 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Missa longa C-Dur KV262 Credo 11:20 16 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Missa longa C-Dur KV262 Sanctus 01:13 17 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Missa longa C-Dur KV262 Benedictus 02:49 18 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Missa longa C-Dur KV262 Agnus Dei 04:34
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Duets for Flute and Guitar 14 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sonata in C KV 545 - 1. Allegro 03:12 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sonata in C KV 545 - 2. Andante 05:30 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sonata in C KV 545 - 3. Rondo 01:36 Has Mbid 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sonata in E flat KV 282 - 1. Adagio 06:40 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sonata in E flat KV 282 - 2. Minuetto I and II 04:29 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sonata in E flat KV 282 - 3. Allegro 03:20 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento in C from KV 439b - 1. Allegro 02:11 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento in C from KV 439b - 2. Minuetto and Trio 04:05 9 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento in C from KV 439b - 3. Larghetto 03:30 10 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento in C from KV 439b - 4. Minuetto and Trio 03:55 11 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento in C from KV 439b - 5. Rondo (Allegro) 04:04 12 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sonata in D KV 576 - 1. Allegro 05:22 13 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sonata in D KV 576 - 2. Adagio 05:03 14 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sonata in D KV 576 - 3. Allegretto 04:04
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack EA-Generali 9 2 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Konzert für Horn und Orchester Nr. 3 Es-Dur KV 447 1. Allegro 07:26 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Konzert für Horn und Orchester Nr. 3 Es-Dur KV 447 2. Romanza (Larghetto) 04:52 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Konzert für Horn und Orchester Nr. 3 Es-Dur KV 447 3. Allegro 03:27 Has Mbid 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Konzert für Klavier und Orchester Nr. 26 Es-Dur KV 447 1. Allegro 13:37 Has Mbid 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Konzert für Klavier und Orchester Nr. 26 Es-Dur KV 447 2. Larghetto 07:24 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Konzert für Klavier und Orchester Nr. 26 Es-Dur KV 447 3. Allegro 11:03 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Konzert für Horn und Orchester Nr. 4 Es-Dur KV 447 1. Allegro 08:19 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Konzert für Horn und Orchester Nr. 4 Es-Dur KV 447 2. Romanza (Andante) 04:41 9 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Konzert für Horn und Orchester Nr. 4 Es-Dur KV 447 3. Allegro 03:28
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Ein Musikalischer Spass, KV 522 & Posthornserenade, KV 320 13 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Marsch, KV 335 Nr.1 In D-dur 03:51 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Serenade Nr. 9, KV 320 In D-dur: Posthorn Serenade - Adagio Maestoso. Allegro Con Spirito 08:24 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Serenade Nr. 9, KV 320 In D-dur: Posthorn Serenade - Menuetto. Allegretto 03:51 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Serenade Nr. 9, KV 320 In D-dur: Posthorn Serenade - Concertante. Andante Grazioso 07:04 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Serenade Nr. 9, KV 320 In D-dur: Posthorn Serenade - Rondo. Allegro, Ma Non Troppo 05:32 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Serenade Nr. 9, KV 320 In D-dur: Posthorn Serenade - Andantino 07:10 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Serenade Nr. 9, KV 320 In D-dur: Posthorn Serenade - Menuetto 04:26 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Serenade Nr. 9, KV 320 In D-dur: Posthorn Serenade - Finale. Presto 04:30 9 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Marsch, KV 335 Nr. 2 In D-dur 04:03 10 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Ein Musikalischer Spass, KV 522 In F-dur: Dorfmusikanten Sextett - Allegro 03:32 11 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Ein Musikalischer Spass, KV 522 In F-dur: Dorfmusikanten Sextett - Menuetto - Maestoso 05:46 12 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Ein Musikalischer Spass, KV 522 In F-dur. Dorfmusikanten Sextett - Adagio Cantabile 06:13 13 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Ein Musikalischer Spass, KV 522 In F-dur: Dorfmusikanten Sextett - Presto 06:15
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Eine Kleine Nachmusik, Three Divertimenti For Strings 13 2 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Serenade No.13 In G Major, K. 525, Eine Kleine Nachmusik - Allegro 05:22 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Serenade No.13 In G Major, K. 525, Eine Kleine Nachmusik - Romanze: Andante 05:31 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Serenade No.13 In G Major, K. 525, Eine Kleine Nachmusik - Menuetto: Allegretto 01:57 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Serenade No.13 In G Major, K. 525, Eine Kleine Nachmusik - Rondo: Allegro 03:02 Has Mbid 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento For Strings No.1 In D Major, K. 136, Allegro 03:50 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento For Strings No.1 In D Major, K. 136, Andante 05:12 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento For Strings No.1 In D Major, K. 136, Presto 02:30 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento For Strings No.2 In Bb Major, K. 137, Andante 05:19 9 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento For Strings No.2 In Bb Major, K. 137, Allegro Di Molto 02:23 10 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento For Strings No.2 In Bb Major, K. 137, Allegro Assai 01:52 11 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento For Strings No.3 In F Major, K. 138, Allegro 03:30 12 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento For Strings No.3 In F Major, K. 138, Andante 03:46 13 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento For Strings No.3 In F Major, K. 138, Presto 01:56
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Eine Kleine Nachtmusik, Serenades, & Divertimenti (Keilberth, Bamberger Symphoniker) 17 1 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Eine Kleine Natchmusik in G K.525- I. Allegro 05:58 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Eine Kleine Natchmusik in G K.525- II. Romance- Andante 05:52 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Eine Kleine Natchmusik in G K.525- III. Menuetto- Allegretto 02:08 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Eine Kleine Natchmusik in G K.525- IV. Rondo- Allegro 03:21 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Serenade No. 8 in D K.286- I. Andante 05:03 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Serenade No. 8 in D K.286- II. Allegretto Grazioso 03:00 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Serenade No. 8 in D K.286- III. Menuetto 06:20 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento No. 1 in E Flat K.113- I. Allegro 02:24 9 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento No. 1 in E Flat K.113- II. Andante 02:04 10 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento No. 1 in E Flat K.113- III. Menuetto 02:00 11 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento No. 1 in E Flat K.113- IV. Allegro 01:54 12 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento No. 2 in D K.131- I. Allegro 04:07 13 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento No. 2 in D K.131- II. Adagio 03:45 14 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento No. 2 in D K.131- III. Menuetto I 05:01 15 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento No. 2 in D K.131- IV. Allegretto 03:04 16 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento No. 2 in D K.131- V. Menuetto II 03:13 17 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento No. 2 in D K.131- VI. Adagio- Allegro Molto 06:09
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Eine Kleine Nachtmusik, etc. 17 2 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Serenata Notturna No 6 KV 239 Marcia. Maestoso 04:07 Has Mbid 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Serenata Notturna No 6 KV 239 Menuetto. Trio 03:51 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Serenata Notturna No 6 KV 239 Rondeau. Allegretto 05:16 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Symphonie No 43 KV 76 Allegro Maestoso 03:30 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto for flute, harp and orchestra in C major - 1 - Allegro 10:28 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Symphonie No 43 KV 76 Menuetto-trio 02:57 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Symphonie No 43 KV 76 Allegro 02:18 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento No 7 KV 205 Largo. Allegro 04:44 9 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento No 7 KV 205 Menuetto. Trio 02:25 10 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento No 7 KV 205 Adagio 05:15 11 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento No 7 KV 205 Menuetto. Trio (2) 02:23 12 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento No 7 KV 205 Presto 03:43 13 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Marsch KV 290 04:27 14 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Eine Kleine Nachtmusik KV 525 Allegro 05:49 15 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Eine Kleine Nachtmusik KV 525 Romance (andante) 06:04 16 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Eine Kleine Nachtmusik KV 525 Menuetto. Allegretto 01:59 17 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Eine Kleine Nachtmusik KV 525 Rondo. Allegro 05:31
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Eine kleine Nachtmusik - Serenata notturna 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Serenade G-Dur KV 525 - Allegro 05:59 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Serenade G-Dur KV 525 - Romanze Andante 06:17 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Serenade G-Dur KV 525 - Menuetto Allegro 02:16 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Serenade G-Dur KV 525 - Rondo Allegro 03:27 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Serenata notturna D-Dur KV 239 - Marcia Maestoso 04:23 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Serenata notturna D-Dur KV 239 - Menuetto 04:06 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Serenata notturna D-Dur KV 239 - Rondo 04:49 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Serenade F-Dur KV 522 - Allegro 03:33 9 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Serenade F-Dur KV 522 - Menuetto 05:47 10 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Serenade F-Dur KV 522 - Adagio cantabile 06:03 11 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Serenade F-Dur KV 522 - Presto 04:17
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Eine kleine Nachtmusik K 525 15 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Serenade Nr.13 KV 523 "Eine kleine Nachtmusik" -- I. Allegro 08:08 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Serenade Nr.13 KV 523 "Eine kleine Nachtmusik" -- II. Romance. Andante 05:42 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Serenade Nr.13 KV 523 "Eine kleine Nachtmusik" -- III. Menuetto. Allegretto 02:22 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Serenade Nr.13 KV 523 "Eine kleine Nachtmusik" -- IV. Rondo. Allegro 05:51 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Adagio und Fuge KV 546 -- I. Adagio 04:46 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Adagio und Fuge KV 546 -- II. Fuge 04:33 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento KV 136 (1. Salzburger Symphonie) -- I. Allegro 06:09 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento KV 136 (1. Salzburger Symphonie) -- II. Andante 05:57 9 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento KV 136 (1. Salzburger Symphonie) -- III. Presto 03:32 10 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento KV 137 (2. Salzburger Symphonie) -- I. Andante 05:27 11 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento KV 137 (2. Salzburger Symphonie) -- II. Allegro di molto 03:35 12 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento KV 137 (2. Salzburger Symphonie) -- III. Allegro assai 03:02 13 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento KV 138 (3. Salzburger Symphonie) -- I. Allegro 05:23 14 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento KV 138 (3. Salzburger Symphonie) -- II. Andante 05:46 15 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento KV 138 (3. Salzburger Symphonie) -- III. Presto 02:17
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Eine kleine Nachtmusik, Divertimenti & Overtures 14 2 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Serenade in G Dur K.525 "Eine kleine Nachtmusik" - 1. Allegro 08:02 Has Mbid 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Serenade in G Dur K.525 "Eine kleine Nachtmusik" - 2. Romanze, Andante 06:51 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Serenade in G Dur K.525 "Eine kleine Nachtmusik" - 3. Menuetto, Allegretto -Trio 02:04 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Serenade in G Dur K.525 "Eine kleine Nachtmusik" - 4. Rondo, Allegro 05:29 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento in F Dur K.253 - 1. Thema con variazioni, Andante 09:02 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento in F Dur K.253 - 2. Menuetto - Trio 03:02 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento in F Dur K.253 - 3. Allegro assai 02:26 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento in B-flat Dur K.270 - 1. Allegro molto 06:36 9 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento in B Dur K.270 - 2. Andantino 02:24 10 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento in B Dur K.270 - 3. Menuetto, Moderato - Trio 02:31 11 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento in B Dur K.270 - 4. Presto 01:59 Has Mbid 12 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Overtüre zu Idomeneo K.366 04:44 13 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Overtüre zu Die Entführung aus dem Serail K.384 05:56 14 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Overtüre zu Don Giovanni K.527 06:13
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Eine kleine NachtmusikG-dur KV 525, Symfonia g-mol Nr 40 KV 550 8 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Allegro 04:30 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Romanze: Andante 05:55 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Menuetto: Allegretto 02:19 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Rondo: Allegro 03:48 Has Mbid 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Molto allegro 07:31 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Andante 09:27 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Menuetto. Allegretto 04:36 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Allegro assai 05:00
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack European Philharmonic Orchestra 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Symphony No. 41 In C Major "Jupiter" - Allegro Vivace 11:58 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Symphony No. 41 In C Major "Jupiter" - Andante Cantabile 14:15 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Symphony No. 41 In C Major "Jupiter" - Menuetto Allegretto 04:52 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Symphony No. 41 In C Major "Jupiter" - Molto Allegro 06:33 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Horn Concerto No. 3 In E Flat Major K447 - Allegro 07:06 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Horn Concerto No. 3 In E Flat Major K447 - Romanza (Larghetto) 04:47 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Horn Concerto No. 3 In E Flat Major K447 - Allegro 03:40
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Favorite Overtures 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Magic Flute 04:32 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Marriage of Figaro 04:46 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Don Giovanni 04:44 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Cosi Fan Tutti 03:45 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Scraglio 03:34 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart L'Impressario IDO Mineo 12:12
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Ferlendis Oboe Concerto 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Allegro maestoso 08:18 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Adagio ma non troppo 08:01 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Rondo (Tempo di menuetto) 07:23 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Allegro 06:01 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Adagio 02:37 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Rondo 03:32 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Andantino 01:27 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Allegro 02:15 9 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Recitativo - Andantino 01:19 10 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Allegro 02:09 11 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Allegro 07:09
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Figaro,Act. 1 17 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Ouvertura 04:16 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart No.1 Duettino "Cinque...dieci...venti..." (Figaro / Susanna) 03:32 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart No.2 Duettino "Se A Caso Madama" (Figaro / Susanna) 02:39 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Recitativo "Or Bene, Ascolta, E Taci" (Susanna / Figaro) 02:39 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart No.3 Cavatina "Se Vuol Ballare" (Figaro) 02:37 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Recitativo "Ed Aspettaste Il Giorno" (Bartolo / Marcellina) 00:53 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart No.4 Aria "La Vendetta" (Bartolo) 03:13 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Recitativo "Tutto Ancor Non Ho Perso" (Marcellina / Susanna) 00:40 9 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart No.5 Duettino "Via, Resti Servita" (Marcellina / Susanna) 02:16 10 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Recitativo "Va LA, Vecchia Pedante" (Susanna / Cherubino) 01:43 11 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart No.6 Aria "Non So Piu Cosa Son, Cosa Faccio" (Cherubino) 03:12 12 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Recitativo "Ah! Son Perduto" (Cherubino / Susanna / Conte / Basilio) 03:25 13 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart No.7 Terzetto "Cosa Sento! Tosto Andate" (Conte / Basilio / Susanna) 04:17 14 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Recitativo "Basilio, In Traccia Tosto" (Conte / Susanna / Cherubino / Basilio) 01:02 15 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart No.8 Coro "Giovani Liete" (Coro) 03:31 16 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Recitativo "Evviva!" (Conte / Figaro / Susanna) 01:13 17 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart No. 9 Aria "Non piu andrai, farfallone amoroso" (Figaro) 03:55
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Figaros Hochzeit (Querschnitt) 14 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Ouvertüre 04:25 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Fünfe, zehne 02:46 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sollt' einst die Gräfin 02:29 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Will der Herr Graf 02:29 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Ich weiß nicht 02:37 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Nun vergiß leises Fleh'n 03:47 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Hör mein Fleh'n 03:44 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sagt, holde Frauen 02:51 9 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Warum gabst du bis heute 02:40 10 Der Prozess schon gewonnen Ich soll ein Glück entbehren 04:41 11 Und Susanna kommt nicht Wohin flohen die Wonnestunden 05:58 12 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Wenn die sanften Abendwinde 02:40 13 Alles ist richtig Ach, öffnet eure Augen 04:17 14 Endlich naht sich die Stunde O saäme länger nicht 05:15
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Flute Concertos & "Jupiter" Symphony 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto for Flute in D major - KV 314 - I. Allegro aperto 06:56 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto for Flute in D major - KV 314 - II. Andante ma non troppo 06:30 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto for Flute in D major - KV 314 - III. Allegro 05:24 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto for Flute in G major - KV 313 - I. Allegro maestoso 07:48 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto for Flute in G major - KV 313 - II. Adagio non troppo 08:14 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto for Flute in G major - KV 313 - III. Rondo: Tempo di Menuetto 06:41 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Symphony No. 41 in C major - KV 551 "Jupiter" - I. Allegro vivace 10:49 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Symphony No. 41 in C major - KV 551 "Jupiter" - II. Andante cantabile 10:47 9 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Symphony No. 41 in C major - KV 551 "Jupiter" - III. Menuetto: Allegretto 05:16 10 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Symphony No. 41 in C major - KV 551 "Jupiter" - IV. Molto Allegro 08:42
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Flute Concertos Nr. 1 & 2 KV 314/315, Andante KV 315 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart KV 313: Allegro maestoso 08:20 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Adagio ma non troppo 08:16 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Rondeau (Tempo di Menuetto) 07:58 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart KV 314: Allegro aperto 07:28 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Andante ma non troppo 06:19 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Allegro 05:34 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart KV 315: Andante 05:44
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Flute Concertos in D,K.314 & in G, K.313 6 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto for Flute and Orchestra in D,K.314 - 1st Movement: Allegro aperto 07:03 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto for Flute and Orchestra in D,K.314 - 2nd Movement: Andante ma non troppo 07:29 Has Mbid 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto for Flute and Orchestra in D,K.314 - 3rd Movement: Allegro 05:34 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto for Flute and Orchestra in G,K.311 - 1st Movement: Allegro maestoso 08:28 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto for Flute and Orchestra in G,K.311 - 2nd Movement: Adagio non troppo 09:17 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto for Flute and Orchestra in G,K.311 - 3rd Movement: Rondo. Tempo di Minuetto 07:35
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Flute Quartets K. 285 ∙ K. 285a ∙ K. 285b ∙ K. 298 ∙ Andante K. 315 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Allegro 06:47 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Adagio 02:21 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Rondeau 04:23 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Andante 06:16 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Tempo di Menuetto 03:43 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Allegro 05:47 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Andantino 09:30 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Andante 06:18 9 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Menuetto 02:05 10 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Rondeau 02:52 11 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Andante For Flute And Orchestra In C Major, K. 315 (285e) 06:31
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Flute Quartets. Andante K315 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Quartet for Flute Violin Viola and Violoncello in D major K285 - 1. Allegro 06:46 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Quartet for Flute Violin Viola and Violoncello in D major K285 - 2. Adagio 02:21 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Quartet for Flute Violin Viola and Violoncello in D major K285 - 3. Rondeau 04:24 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Quartet for Flute Violin Viola and Violoncello in G major K285a - 1. Andante 06:15 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Quartet for Flute Violin Viola and Violoncello in G major K285a - 2.Tempo di Menuetto 03:43 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Quartet for Flute Violin Viola and Violoncello in C major K285b - 1. Allegro 05:46 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Quartet for Flute Violin Viola and Violoncello in C major K285b - 2. Andantino 09:30 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Quartet for Flute Violin Viola and Violoncello in A major K298 - 1. Andante 06:19 9 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Quartet for Flute Violin Viola and Violoncello in A major K298 - 2. Menuetto 02:05 10 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Quartet for Flute Violin Viola and Violoncello in A major K298 - 3. Rondeau 02:53 11 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Andante for Flute and Orchestra in C major K315 06:33
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Flute and Harp Concertos 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto for Flute, Harp and Orchestra in C KV299 - Allegro 10:46 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto for Flute, Harp and Orchestra in C KV299 - Andantino 09:05 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto for Flute, Harp and Orchestra in C KV299 - Rondo Allegro 10:59 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sinfonia Concertante for Oboe, Clarinet, Horn, Bassoon and Orchestra in E flat KV 297b - Allegro 13:11 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sinfonia Concertante for Oboe, Clarinet, Horn, Bassoon and Orchestra in E flat KV 297b - Andante 10:03 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sinfonia Concertante for Oboe, Clarinet, Horn, Bassoon and Orchestra in E flat KV 297b - Andante con variazioni 08:15
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Flötenkonzert nr. 1 / Klavierkonzert nr. 17 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Konzert für Flöte und Orchester nr. 1 G-dur KV 313: Allegro Maestroso 08:49 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Konzert für Flöte und Orchester nr. 1 G-dur KV 313: Adagio ma non troppo 09:44 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Konzert für Flöte und Orchester nr. 1 G-dur KV 313: Rondo 07:26 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Konzert für Flöte und Orchester nr. 17 G-dur KV453: Allegro 12:28 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Konzert für Flöte und Orchester nr. 17 G-dur KV453: Andante 11:20 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Konzert für Flöte und Orchester nr. 17 G-dur KV453: Allegretto 07:55
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Flötenkonzerte - Linde 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart KV 313: Allegro maestoso 08:20 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Adagio ma non troppo 08:18 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Rondeau (Tempo di Menuetto) 07:58 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart KV 314: Allegro aperto 07:28 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Andante ma non troppo 06:19 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Allegro 05:34 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart KV 315: Andante 05:44
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Fløjte koncert nr. 1 & 2 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Fløjte koncert nr. 1, G-dur, K313 - I. Allegro aperto (1778) 09:12 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Fløjte koncert nr. 1, G-dur, K313 - II. Adagio non troppo 09:50 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Fløjte koncert nr. 1, G-dur, K313 - III. Rondo: Allegretto 07:14 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Fløjte koncert nr. 2, D-dur, K314 - I. Allegro maestoso (1778) 07:41 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Fløjte koncert nr. 2, D-dur, K314 - II. Adagio ma non troppo 07:48 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Fløjte koncert nr. 2, D-dur, K314 - III. Rondo: Tempo di Menuetto 05:23
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Francesco Piemontesi - Mozart: Piano Works 9 0 1782 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Fantasia for piano in D minor (fragment), K. 397 (K. 385g) 05:54 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Piano Sonata No. 6 in D major, K. 284 (K. 205b): I.Allegro 04:59 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Piano Sonata No. 6 in D major, K. 284 (K. 205b): II.Andante, Rondeau en polonaise 04:41 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Piano Sonata No. 6 in D major, K. 284 (K. 205b): III.Thema con variazioni (Andante) 12:55 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Rondo for piano No. 1 in D major, K. 485 06:12 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Rondo for piano No. 3 in A minor, K. 511 09:24 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Piano Sonata in F major, K. 533%2F494: I.Allegro 07:43 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Piano Sonata in F major, K. 533%2F494: II.Andante 09:18 9 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Piano Sonata in F major, K. 533%2F494: III.Rondo, Allegretto 06:25
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Freimaurerkantaten 16 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Pequeña cantata masónica "Laut verkünde unsre Freude" K 263 - I Coro. Allegro 03:42 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Pequeña cantata masónica "Laut verkünde unsre Freude" K 263 - II Aria. Andante 04:09 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Pequeña cantata masónica "Laut verkünde unsre Freude" K 263 - III Dueto. Andante 03:00 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Pequeña cantata masónica "Laut verkünde unsre Freude" K 263 - IV Coro. Allegro 01:41 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Canto masónico, K 623a 02:38 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart "O Heiliges Band der Freundschaft treuer Brüder" K 148 02:59 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Música para un funeral masónico, K 477 (479a) - Adagio 05:25 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart "Zerfliesset heut, geliebte Brüder" K483 02:00 9 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart "Ihr unsre neuen Leiter K 484 02:30 10 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Cantanta "Dir, Seele des Weltalls, o Sonne" K429 (420a) - I Coro. Allegro Moderato 02:58 11 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Cantanta "Dir, Seele des Weltalls, o Sonne" K429 (420a) - II Aria de tenor. Andante con moto 03:51 12 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Cantanta "Dir, Seele des Weltalls, o Sonne" K429 (420a) - III Coro 02:58 13 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Cancion masónica, Gesellenreise (Freimaurerlied) K 468 02:48 14 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Pequeña cantata alemana, K 619 07:00 15 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Cantanta Die Maurerfreude K 471 - I Allegro 04:47 16 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Cantata Die Maurerfreude K 471 - II Molto Allegro 01:52
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Friedrich Gulda Complete Recordings for Electrecord, 1967/09/10 Live 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto for piano and orchestra No.20 in D Minor K.466 Ⅰ. Allegro 14:05 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto for piano and orchestra No.20 in D Minor K.466 Ⅱ. Romance 09:02 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto for piano and orchestra No.20 in D Minor K.466 Ⅲ. Rondo. Allegro assai 07:47 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto for piano and orchestra No.27 in B Flat Major K.595 Ⅰ. Allegro 12:55 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto for piano and orchestra No.27 in B Flat Major K.595 Ⅱ. Larghetto 06:15 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto for piano and orchestra No.27 in B Flat Major K.595 Ⅲ. Allegro 08:42 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Rondo in D Major K.485 Allegro 04:10
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Friedrich Gulda, Hans Swarowsky and Vienna State Opera Orchestra 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Piano Concerto No.21 in C, KV467 - I. Allegro maestoso 15:14 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Piano Concerto No.21 in C, KV467 - II. Andante 06:19 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Piano Concerto No.21 in C, KV467 - III. Allegro vivace assai 06:40 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Piano Concerto No.27 in B flat, KV595 - I. Allegro 13:01 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Piano Concerto No.27 in B flat, KV595 - II. Larghetto 06:12 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Piano Concerto No.27 in B flat, KV595 - III. Allegro 09:10
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack GIULIA per ICIATTOLINO - 1 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto per flauto e arpa, Allegro 10:20 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto per flauto e arpa, Andantino 09:21 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto per flauto e arpa, Rondò, Allegro 11:24 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto per clarinetto, Allegro 12:36 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto per clarinetto, Adagio 07:46 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto per clarinetto, Rondò 08:40
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Gabriel Bacquier chante Mozart by Orchestre du Collegium Academicum, Gabriel Bacquier & Robert Dunand 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Der Schausspieldirektor 05:02 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Airs de concert italiens pour basse: Cosi dunque tradisci…K. 432 05:34 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Airs de concert italiens pour basse: Alcandro lo confesso…K. 512 09:16 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Airs de concert italiens pour basse: Mentre ti lascio, oh figlia K. 513 08:40 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Airs de concert italiens pour basse: Un bacio di mano K. 541 02:37 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Airs de concert italiens pour basse: Rivolgete a lui lo sguardo K. 584 06:06 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Airs de concert italiens pour basse: Io ti lascio, oh cara, addio K. 621a 05:46 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Grands airs d'opéras: Madamina, il catalogo e questo, Don Giovanni (Leporello) 06:10 9 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Grands airs d'opéras: Fin ch'han dal vino, Don Giovanni (Don Giovanni) 01:50 10 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Grands airs d'opéras: Tutto e disposto…aprite un po' quegl'occhi, Nozze di Figaro (Figaro) 04:27 11 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Grands airs d'opéras: Hai gia vinto la causa!...vedro, mentr'io sospiro, Nozze di Figaro (Comte) 05:32
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack German Dances, Haffner-Serenade 14 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 6 Deutsche T�nze, K.600 - Tanz No.1 01:33 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 6 Deutsche Tänze, K.600 - Tanz No.2 01:53 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 6 Deutsche T�nze, K.600 - Tanz No.3 01:53 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 6 Deutsche T�nze, K.600 - Tanz No.4 01:17 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 6 Deutsche T�nze, K.600 - Tanz No.5 01:45 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 6 Deutsche Tänze, K.600 - Tanz No.6 01:40 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 'Haffner'-Serenade in D, K.250 - 1. Allegro maestoso 06:12 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 'Haffner'-Serenade in D, K.250 - 2. Andante 08:30 9 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 'Haffner'-Serenade in D, K.250 - 3. Menuetto 04:07 10 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 'Haffner'-Serenade in D, K.250 - 4. Rondeau (Allegro) 08:10 11 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 'Haffner'-Serenade in D, K.250 - 5. Menuetto galante 05:28 12 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 'Haffner'-Serenade in D, K.250 - 6. Andante 09:10 13 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 'Haffner'-Serenade in D, K.250 - 7. Menuetto (Trio 1 & 2) 05:12 14 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 'Haffner'-Serenade in D, K.250 - 8. Adagio-Allegro assai 06:00
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Glenn Gould plays Mozart Piano concertos No. 21 + 24 6 2 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart No 24 Allegro 14:23 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart No 24 Larghetto 08:14 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart No 24 Allegretto 09:01 Has Mbid 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart No 21 Elvira Madigan - Allegro mestoso 14:00 Has Mbid 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart No 21 Elvira Madigan - Andante 08:05 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart No 21 Elvira Madigan - Allegro vivace assai 06:08
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Golden Hall Of The Mozart 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart G Minor First Movement Of Symphony No. 40 07:44 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart G Major Serenade For Strings 05:45 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart G Minor First Movement Of Symphony No. 25 Allegro Non Troppo 08:11 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart The Marriage Of Figaro Overture 04:01 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart A Major Quintet For Clarinet And String Orchestra The Second Movement Of Small-Canton Board 06:32 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart D Major Serenade No. Ninth Solemn First Movement Flexography 07:40 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart C Major Flute Concerto Andante 06:31 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart C Major Symphony No. 41 (Jupiter) Fourth Movement (Presto) 11:23
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Gran Misa - Obras sacras 14 2 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Messe en UT Mineur, KYRIE - Andante moderato 06:45 Has Mbid 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Messe en UT Mineur, GLORIA in excelsis Deo - Allegro vivace 02:37 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Messe en UT Mineur, Laudamus te - Allegro aperto 05:08 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Messe en UT Mineur, Gratias - Adagio 01:15 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Messe en UT Mineur, Domine - Allegro moderato 02:59 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Messe en UT Mineur, Qui tollis peccata mundi - Largo 05:39 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Messe en UT Mineur, Quoniam tu solus sanctus - Allegro 04:11 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Messe en UT Mineur, Jesu Christe - Adagio 04:49 9 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Messe en UT Mineur, CREDO in unum Deum - Allegro maestoso 03:40 10 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Messe en UT Mineur, Et incamatus est - Andante 08:17 11 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Messe en UT Mineur, SANCTUS - lARGO 04:01 12 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Messe en UT Mineur, BENEDICTUS - Allegro comodo 06:09 13 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Exsultate, jubilate K 165/158a 15:36 Has Mbid 14 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Ave verum corpus K 618 03:02
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Gran Misa - Obras sacras Orchestra di Padova e del Veneto, Peter Maag, Victoria de los Angeles, Tölzer Knabenchor 14 2 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart KYRIE - Andante moderato 06:49 Has Mbid 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Gloria in excelsis Deo (Allegro vivace) 02:37 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Laudamus te - Allegro aperto 05:08 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Gratias (Adagio) 01:15 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Domine (Allegro moderato) 02:59 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Qui tollis peccata mundi (Largo) 05:40 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Quoniam tu solus Sanctus (Allegro) 04:11 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Jesu Christe (Adagio) 04:49 9 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Credo in unum Deum (Allegro maestoso) 03:40 10 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Et incamatus est - Andante 08:17 11 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart SANCTUS - LARGO 04:01 12 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart BENEDICTUS - Allegro comodo 06:09 13 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Exsultate, Jubilate K165 (158a) 15:30 Has Mbid 14 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Ave verum corpus K 619 03:02
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Gran Partita (Arr C.F.G. Schwencke) 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Serenade in B-flat major 'Gran Partita' K. 361-370a - Largo - Allegro molto (Mozart) 09:22 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Serenade in B-flat major 'Gran Partita' K. 361-370a - Menuetto - Trio 1 - Trio 2 (Mozart) 07:43 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Serenade in B-flat major 'Gran Partita' K. 361-370a - Adagio (Mozart) 05:39 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Serenade in B-flat major 'Gran Partita' K. 361-370a - Menuetto (Allegro) - Trio 1 - Trio 2 - Trio 3 (Mozart) 05:38 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Serenade in B-flat major 'Gran Partita' K. 361-370a - Romance (Adagio - Allegretto - Adagio) (Mozart) 06:38 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Serenade in B-flat major 'Gran Partita' K. 361-370a - Thema con variazioni (Mozart) 10:51 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Serenade in B-flat major 'Gran Partita' K. 361-370a - Allegro molto (Mozart) 03:33 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart From 'Die Zauberflöte' K. 620 - Der Hölle Rache kocht in meinem Herzen (Mozart) 02:56
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Grande Messe Et Oeuvres Sacrées 14 2 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Kyrie - Andante moderato 06:49 Has Mbid 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart GLORIA in excelsis Deo - Allegro vivace 02:37 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Laudamus te - Allegro aperto 05:08 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Gratias - Adagio 01:15 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Domine - Allegro moderato 02:59 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Qui tollis peccata mundi - Largo 05:40 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Quoniam tu solus sanctus - Allegro 04:11 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Jesu Christe - Adagio 04:48 9 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Credo in unum Deum - Allegro maestoso 03:41 10 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Et incamatus est - Andante 08:17 11 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sanctus - largo 04:01 12 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Benedictus - Allegro comodo 06:09 13 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Exsultate, jubilate K 165/158a 15:30 Has Mbid 14 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Ave verum corpus K 618 03:06
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Grandes Compositores Vol. 03, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sinfonía nº 40 en sol menor, KV 550, Molto Allegro 07:47 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sinfonía nº 40 en sol menor, KV 550, Andante 08:02 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sinfonía nº 40 en sol menor, KV 550, Menuetto 04:14 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sinfonía nº 40 en sol menor, KV 550, Finale 04:55 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sinfonía nº 41 en do mayor "Júpiter", KV 551, Allegro vivace 08:56 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sinfonía nº 41 en do mayor "Júpiter", KV 551, Andante cantabile 09:25 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sinfonía nº 41 en do mayor "Júpiter", KV 551, Menuetto 05:27 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sinfonía nº 41 en do mayor "Júpiter", KV 551, Finale 07:17 9 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Serenata nº 6 en re mayor "Serenata Nocturna", KV 239, Marcia 04:16 10 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Serenata nº 6 en re mayor "Serenata Nocturna", KV 239, Menuetto 03:58 11 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Serenata nº 6 en re mayor "Serenata Nocturna", KV 239, Rondo 04:46
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Grands opéras - La flute enchantée 18 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Ouverture 07:09 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Wo bin ich 02:34 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Die bildnis ist bezaubernd 04:21 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart O zittre nicht 05:12 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Hm, hm, hm 07:02 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Bei männern 02:59 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart O isis und osiris 04:42 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Bewahret auch vor weibertücken 01:04 9 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Die lichter her ! 03:44 10 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Alles fühlt der liebe freuden 02:07 11 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Der hölle rache kocht 03:07 12 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart In diesen heil'gen hallen 05:07 13 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Ach, ich fühls 04:55 14 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Ein madchen oder weibchen 05:43 15 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Tamino mein 04:11 16 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Papgena, papgena, papagena ! 05:25 17 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Pa-pa-pa-pa-papagena ! 02:45 18 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Die strahlen der sonne 03:16
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Grands opéras : La flute enchantée 18 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Ouverture 07:09 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Wo bin ich 02:34 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Die bildnis ist bezaubernd 04:21 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart O zittre nicht 05:12 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Hm, hm, hm 07:02 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Bei männern 02:59 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart O isis und osiris 04:42 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Bewahret auch vor weibertücken 01:05 9 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Die lichter her ! 03:44 10 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Alles fühlt der liebe freuden 02:04 11 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Der hölle rache kocht 03:07 12 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart In diesen heil'gen hallen 05:07 13 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Ach, ich fühls 04:55 14 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Ein madchen oder weibchen 05:43 15 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Tamino mein 04:03 16 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Papgena, papgena, papagena ! 05:27 17 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Pa-pa-pa-pa-papagena ! 02:45 18 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Die strahlen der sonne 03:16
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Great Mass in Cm KV 427 13 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Kyrie 08:06 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Gloria in excelsis Deo 02:19 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Laudamus te 04:47 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Gratias 01:56 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Domine 03:07 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Qui tollis peccata mundi 06:28 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Quoniam tu solus Sanctus 04:28 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Jesu Christe 05:06 9 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Credo in unum Deo 03:50 10 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Et incarnatus est 08:38 11 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sanctus 04:24 12 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Benedictus 06:22 13 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Agnus Dei 08:34
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Gustav Mahler / Symphonie No.38 "Prager" / Symphonie No.4 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Adagio - Allegro 10:54 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Andante 09:02 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (Finale) Presto 04:22 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Bedachtig. Nicht eilen 16:41 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart In germachlicher Bewegung. Ohne Hast 09:01 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Ruhevoll 19:59 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sehr behaglich 08:47
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Haffner Serenade K. 250 - March K. 249 10 3 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart March in D Mamor, K. 249 - Maestoso 03:20 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Serenade in D Major, K. 250 "Haffner" - Allegro maestoso - Allegro molto 09:02 Has Mbid 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - Andante (Cadenza by Peter Breiner) 10:49 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Menuetto 04:59 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Rondo: Allegro 08:50 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Menuetto galante 06:36 Has Mbid 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Andante 07:33 Has Mbid 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Menuetto 06:38 9 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Adagio - allegro assai 09:08 10 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart March in D Major, K. 249 - Maestoso 03:19
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Harlekinade - KV 446 and Others 33 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Prima parte - Introduzione - Allegro maestoso 01:02 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Prima parte - Allegro concertato 00:32 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Prima parte - Allegro molto drammatico 01:19 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Prima parte - Vivace volando 00:57 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Prima parte - Andante sospirando 00:39 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Prima parte - Andantino amoroso 00:45 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Prima parte - Gigue con Trio 01:49 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Prima parte - Minuetto geloso 01:18 9 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Prima parte - Allegro con cadenza 01:45 10 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Prima parte - Adagietto serioso 01:21 11 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Prima parte - Tamburino e Trio: Alla Turca - Presto - Prestissiomo 02:48 12 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Prima parte - Allegro maestoso 00:45 13 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Prima parte - Marcia grotesco: Alla breve 00:45 14 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Prima parte - Larghetto morendo 01:04 15 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Prima parte - Marcia funebre e Allegro molto 02:22 16 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Prima parte - Laendler e Presto 00:50 17 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Prima parte - A l'ungherese: Allegro con brio 01:34 18 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Prima parte - Andantino amoroso 00:44 19 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Prima parte - Adagietto con malinconia 01:20 20 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Prima parte - Allegro risoluto 01:47 21 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Seconda parte - Andante e mesto 01:18 22 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Seconda parte - Chasse e Gigue: Presto 01:14 23 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Seconda parte - Andante e mesto da capo 01:18 24 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Seconda parte - Laendler su testi di Mozart 01:36 25 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Seconda parte - Contradanza: Allegro con brio 01:26 26 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Seconda parte - Canone a 4 voci su: 'Trazom Edama Gnagflow' 00:42 27 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Seconda parte - Presto 00:36 28 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Seconda parte - Canone a 12 voci su: 'Rozka pumpa' - 'Lacci bacci' e Coda eroica 02:59 29 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Terza parte - Minuetto orologico 00:49 30 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Terza parte - Allegro rustico (con la voece dello stornello di Mozart) 00:58 31 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Terza parte - Minuetto da capo 00:49 32 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Terza parte - Andantino grazioso su un basso die Salieri 01:01 33 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Terza parte - Tre variazioni: Allegretto - Piu Allegro - Andante un poco Adagio e Coda 04:45
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Harnoncourt Mozart Posthorn Serenade & Symphony No.35 Haffner 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart March in D major K.335 04:00 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Serenade in D major K.320 "Posthorn" - 1. Adagio Maestoso - Allegro con spirito 08:45 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 2. Menuetto. Allegro - Trio 05:26 4 不明なアーティスト 3. Concertante. Andante Grazioso 08:36 5 不明なアーティスト 4. Rondeau. Allegro ma non troppo 06:30 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 5. Andantino 06:27 7 不明なアーティスト 6. Menuetto - Trio I - Trio II 05:10 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 7. Finale. Presto 04:24 9 不明なアーティスト Symphony No.35 in D major K.385 "Haffner" - 1. Allegro con spirito 06:07 10 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 2. Andante 08:07 11 不明なアーティスト 3. Menuetto - Trio 03:39 12 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 4. Presto 04:18
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack His Legendary Mozart Symphonies 16 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Symphony No.36 in C major, KV 425 ''Linz'' -1.Adagio - Allegro spiritoso 07:56 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Symphony No.25 in G minor, KV 183 - II. Andante 04:29 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Symphony No.25 in G minor, KV 183 - III. Menuetto - Trio 03:42 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Symphony No.36 in C major, KV 425 ''Linz'' -4.Presto 05:24 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Symphony No.37 in D major, KV 504 ''Prager'' -1.Adagio - Allegro 10:42 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Symphony No.37 in D major, KV 504 ''Prager'' -2.Andante 08:42 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Symphony No.28 in C major, KV 200 - III. Menuetto: Allegretto - Trio 03:39 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Symphony No.40 in G minor, KV 550 - IV. Allegro assai 04:57 Has Mbid 9 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Symphony No.41 in C major, KV 551 "Jupiter" - I. Allegro vivace 08:32 10 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Symphony No.29 in A major, KV 201 - II. Andante 07:11 11 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Symphony No.29 in A major, KV 201 - III. Menuetto - Trio 04:07 12 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Symphony No.41 in C major, KV 551 "Jupiter" - IV. Molto allegro 06:45 13 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Symphony No.35 in D major, KV 385 "Haffner" - I. Allegro con spirito 05:31 14 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Symphony No.35 in D major, KV 385 "Haffner" - II. Andante 04:49 15 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Symphony No.35 in D major, KV 385 "Haffner" - III. Menuetto - Trio 03:25 16 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Symphony No.35 in D major, KV 385 "Haffner" - IV. Finale: Presto 03:49
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack His best loved melodies 8 3 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Overture to "La Clemenza di Tito" KV 621 04:56 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Symphony no. 40 in g-minor KV 550 - 1st movement- Allegro moderato 08:07 Has Mbid 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A-major KV 622 - 2nd movement- Adagio 07:48 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Divertimento in E-flat major KV 563 - 6th movement- Allegro 06:13 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Rondo in a-minor for piano K. 511 11:16 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Oboe concerto in C-major KV 314 - 3rd movement- Rondo 05:17 Has Mbid 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Piano concerto No.21 in C-major KV 467 - 2nd movement- Adagio "Elvira Madigan" 08:41 Has Mbid 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Symphony No.41 in C-major KV 551 "Jupiter" - 1st movement- Allegro vivace 08:19
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Hommage A 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 音轨01 04:34 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 音轨02 07:48 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 音轨03 07:06 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 音轨04 03:25 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 音轨05 03:58 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 音轨06 10:18 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 音轨07 08:09 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 音轨08 08:05
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Horn Concerti 1-4, Concert Rondo K371 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Horn Concerto No. 1 in D major K412, I Allegro 04:55 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Horn Concerto No. 1 in D major K412, II Allegro 03:49 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Horn Concerto No. 2 in E flat major K417, I Allegro maestoso 06:20 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Horn Concerto No. 2 in E flat major K417, II Andante 03:09 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Horn Concerto No. 2 in E flat major K417, III Rondo 03:32 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Horn Concerto No. 3 in E flat major K447, I Allegro 07:17 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Horn Concerto No.3 in Eb Major K447, II. Romanze Larghetto 03:50 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Horn Concerto No. 3 in E flat major K447, III Allegro 03:36 9 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Horn Concerto No. 4 in E flat major K495, I Allegro moderato 08:27 10 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Horn Concerto No. 4 in E flat major K495, II Romanza Andante 04:25 11 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Horn Concerto No. 4 in E flat major K495, III Rondo Allegro vivace 03:37 12 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concert Rondo in E flat major K371, Allegro 04:58
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Horn Concertos, Bassoon Concerto 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto for Horn & Orchestra No 2 E-flat major: Allegro maestoso 06:35 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto for Horn & Orchestra No 2 E-flat major: Andante 03:53 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto for Horn & Orchestra No 2 E-flat major: Rondo 03:27 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto for Horn & Orchestra No 4 E-flat major: Allegro moderato 08:30 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto for Horn & Orchestra No 4 E-flat major: Romanza. Andante 04:33 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto for Horn & Orchestra No 4 E-flat major: Rondo 03:54 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto for Bassoon Orchestra B-flat major: Allegro 07:09 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto for Bassoon Orchestra B-flat major: Andante ma Adagio 07:39 9 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto for Bassoon Orchestra B-flat major: Rondo 04:04 10 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto for Horn & Orchestra No 2 E-flat major: Allegro 07:43 11 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto for Horn & Orchestra No 2 E-flat major: Romanze. Larghetto 05:10 12 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto for Horn & Orchestra No 2 E-flat major: Allegro 03:37
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Hornkonzerte (Hansjörg Angerer, Salzburger Hofmusik, Wolfgang Brunner) 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Konzert für Horn und Orchester, Es-Dur, KV 495 - 1 08:04 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Konzert für Horn und Orchester, Es-Dur, KV 495 - 2 02:59 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Konzert für Horn und Orchester, Es-Dur, KV 495 - 3 03:41 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Konzert für Horn und Orchester, D-Dur, KV 412 & KV 415 - 1 04:42 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Konzert für Horn und Orchester, D-Dur, KV 412 & KV 415 - 2 04:12 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Konzert für Horn und Orchester, Es-Dur, KV 447 - 1 06:58 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Konzert für Horn und Orchester, Es-Dur, KV 447 - 2 03:29 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Konzert für Horn und Orchester, Es-Dur, KV 447 - 3 03:44 9 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Konzert für Horn und Orchester, Es-Dur, KV 417 - 1 06:20 10 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Konzert für Horn und Orchester, Es-Dur, KV 417 - 2 02:37 11 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Konzert für Horn und Orchester, Es-Dur, KV 417 - 3 03:33
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Hornkonzerte - Brown 13 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto No 2, K417. I. Allegro maestoso 06:48 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart II. Andante 04:23 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart III. Rondo 03:46 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto No 4, K495. I. Allegro moderato 07:55 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart II. Romanza. Andante 04:28 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart III. Rondo. Allegro Vivace 03:56 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto No 3, K447. I. Allegro 06:29 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart II. Romanza. Larghetto 04:52 9 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart III. Allegro 03:58 10 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto No 1, K412. I. [Allegro] 05:07 11 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart II. Allegro 03:57 12 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Rondeau K371. Allegro 05:22 13 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Fragment K494a. [Allegro Moderato] 03:14
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack I Heart Classics 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Symphony No.41 K.551 "Jupiter" - 1 - Allegro vivace 11:56 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Symphony No.41 K.551 "Jupiter" - 2 - Andante cantabile 08:45 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Symphony No.41 K.551 "Jupiter" - 3 - Menuetto Allegretto 05:20 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Symphony No.41 K.551 "Jupiter" - 4 - Molto allegro 06:25 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Flute Concerto No.2 K.314 - 1 - Allegro aperto 06:32 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Flute Concerto No.2 K.314 - 2 - Adagio non troppo 06:02 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Flute Concerto No.2 K.314 - Rondo Allegretto 05:12 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Overture to the opera "Don Giovanni" 06:17 9 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Horn Concerto No.1 K.412 - 1 - Allegro 04:33 10 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Horn Concerto No.1 K.412 - 2 - Allegro 03:41
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack I Suoni Che Ci Migliorano La Vita 6 2 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Flute Concerto N.1 in G major, I. Allegro Maestoso 08:48 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Flute Concerto N.1 in G major, III. Rondò Tempo di Menuetto 07:26 Has Mbid 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Violin Concerto in D major, I. Allegro 08:18 Has Mbid 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Violin Concerto in D major, III. Allegro 04:40 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Clarinet Quintet in A major, I. Allegro 06:25 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Violin Concerto N.5 in A major, III. Rondò di Menuetto 06:37
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Idomeneo (Freiburger Barockorchester, René Jacobs) 26 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Ouverture. Allegro 04:56 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Act 1. Scene 1. Recitativo. Quando avran fine omai 03:26 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Act 1. Scene 1. No. 1. Aria. Padre, germani, addio! 03:18 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Act 1. Scene 1. Recitativo. Ecco Idamante, ahimè! 00:20 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Act 1. Scene 2. Recitativo. Radunate i Troiani, ite 02:08 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Act.3-Scena IX- No.27 Recitativo Idamante, Idomeneo. Padre, mio caro padre 04:00 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Act 1. Scene 2. Recitativo. Ecco il misero resto de' Troiani 00:19 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Act 1. Scene 3. Recitativo. Scingete le catene 00:38 9 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Act.3-Scena X- No.28c Recitativo La Voce. Ha vinto amore... 02:34 10 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Idomeneo, rè di Creta, opera, K. 366: Act 1. Scene 4. Recitativo. Prence, signor / Scene 5. Recitativo. Ma quel pianto che annunzia? 02:01 11 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Act.2-Scena VI- Recitativo Elettra. Sidonie sponde! 00:34 12 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Act 1. Scene 6. No. 4. Aria. Tutte nel cor vi sento 02:47 13 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Act 1. Scene 7. No. 5. Coro. Pietà, numi, pietà! 00:56 14 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Act.3-Scena XI- No.31 Coro. Scenda Amor, scenda Imeneo 03:29 15 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Act.3-Scena XI- No.32 Ballet. Chaconne 03:28 16 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Act.3-Scena XI- Larghetto 02:19 17 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Act.2-Scena VII- No.18 Coro. Corriamo, fuggiamo 02:04 18 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Act.3-Scena XI- Pas seul 04:12 19 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Appendix No.28b Ha vinto amore 02:00 20 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Act.3-Scena II- Recitativo Idamante, Ilia. Principessa, a' tuoi sguardi 03:34 21 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Act.3-Scena II- No.20 Duetto Idamante, Ilia. S'io non moro a questi accenti 02:43 22 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Act.3-Scena III- Recitativo Idomeneo, Ilia, Idamante, Elettra. Cieli! Che vedo! 01:53 23 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Act.3-Scena III- No.21 Quartetto Idamante, Ilia, Idomeneo, Elettra. Andrò ramingo e solo 05:29 24 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Act.3-Scena IV- Recitativo Arbace, Ilia, Idomeneo, Elettra. Sire, alla reggia tua immensa turba 00:42 25 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Act.3-Scena V- Recitativo Arbace. Sventurata Sidon! 02:35 26 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Act.3-Scena V- No.22 Aria Arbace. Se colà ne fati è scritto 06:18
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Idomeneo (Scottish Chamber Orchestra & Edinburgh Festival Chorus feat. conductor: Sir Charles Mackerras) 26 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Idomeneo, rè di Creta, K. 366: Act III, Scene VII. Coro "Stupenda vittoria!" (Coro) / Scene VII. Recitativo "Qual risuona qui intorno" (Idomeneo) / Scene VIII. Recitativo "Sire, il prence" (Idomeneo, Arbace) 01:10 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Idomeneo, rè di Creta, K. 366: Act III, Scene IX. Recitativo "Padre, mio caro padre!" (Idamante, Idomeneo) 02:07 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Idomeneo, rè di Creta, K. 366: Act III, Scene IX. Recitativo "Oh figlio! Oh caro figlio!" (Idomeneo, Idamante) 03:20 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Idomeneo, rè di Creta, K. 366: Act II, Scene V. Recitativo "Sidonie sponde!" (Elettra) 00:38 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Idomeneo, rè di Creta, K. 366: Act III, Scene X. Recitativo "Ma, che più tardi?" (Idamante, Idomeneo, Ilia, Gran Sacerdote) 01:05 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Idomeneo, rè di Creta, K. 366: Act I, Scene II. No. 2 Aria "Non ho colpa" (Idamante) 06:29 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Idomeneo, rè di Creta, K. 366: Act I, Scene II. Recitativo "Ecco il misero" (Ilia, Idamante) 00:56 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Idomeneo, rè di Creta, K. 366: Act II, Scene VII. No. 17 Coro "Qual nuovo terrore!" (Coro) 01:27 9 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Idomeneo, rè di Creta, K. 366: Act II, Scene VII. Recitativo "Eccoti in me, barbaro Nume!" (Idomeneo) 01:56 10 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Idomeneo, rè di Creta, K. 366: Act III, Scene X. No. 29a Aria "D'Oreste, d'Aiace" (Elettra) 03:14 11 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Idomeneo, rè di Creta, K. 366: Act III, Scene XI. No. 30 Recitativo "Popoli, a voi l'ultima legge" (Idomeneo) 05:43 12 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Idomeneo, rè di Creta, K. 366: Act III, Scene XI. No. 30a Aria "Torna la pace al core" (Idomeneo) 06:57 13 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Idomeneo, rè di Creta, K. 366: Act I, Scene VIII. Pantomima e Recitativo "Ecco ci salvi alfin" (Idomeneo) 00:39 14 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Idomeneo, rè di Creta, K. 366: Act III, Scene II. Recitativo "Principessa, a' tuoi sguardi" (Idamante, Ilia) 03:46 15 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Idomeneo, rè di Creta, Ballet, KV 367: II. Larghetto - Annonce 02:41 16 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Idomeneo, rè di Creta, K. 366: Act I, Scene IX. Recitativo "Cieli! che veggo!" (Idomeneo, Idamante) 00:18 17 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Idomeneo, rè di Creta, Ballet, KV 367: IV. Pas seul - Largo 04:27 18 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Idomeneo, rè di Creta, K. 366: Act I, Scene X. No. 7 Aria "Il padre adorato" (Idamante) 02:57 19 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Idomeneo, rè di Creta, K. 366: Act I, Scene XI. No. 8 Marcia 02:07 20 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Idomeneo, rè di Creta, K. 366: Act III, Scene V. No. 22 Aria "Se colà ne' fati è scritto" (Arbace) 06:39 21 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Idomeneo, rè di Creta, K. 366: Act III, Scene VI. No. 23 Recitativo "Volgi intorno lo sguardo" (Gran Sacerdote, Idomeneo) 04:45 22 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Idomeneo, rè di Creta, K. 366: Act III, Scene VI. No. 24 Coro "O voto tremendo" (Coro, Gran Sacerdote) 04:28 23 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Idomeneo, rè di Creta, K. 366: Act III, Scene VII. No. 25 Marcia 01:57 24 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Idomeneo, rè di Creta, K. 366: Act II, Scene II. No. 11 Aria "Se il padre perdei" (Ilia) 05:29 25 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Idomeneo, rè di Creta, K. 366: Act II, Scene III. Recitativo "Qual mi conturba i sensi" (Idomeneo) 01:44 Has Mbid 26 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Idomeneo, rè di Creta, K. 366: Act II, Scene III. No. 12 Aria "Fuor del mar ho un mar in seno" (Idomeneo) 06:18
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Idomeneo - Rene Jacobs - CD01 21 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Ouverture 04:56 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart AKT1 - Quando avran fine 03:25 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Padre, germani, addio! 03:18 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Ecco Idamante, ahimè! sen vien 00:20 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Radunate i Troiani, ite, e la corte 02:08 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Non ho colpa, e mi condanni 05:53 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Ecco il misero resto de' Troiani 00:19 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Scingete le catene 00:38 9 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Godiam la pace 02:09 10 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Prence, signor ... Ma quel pianto 02:01 11 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Estinto è Idomeneo ? Tutto a' mei danni 01:46 12 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Tutte nel cor vi sento 02:47 13 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Pietà, numi, pietà! 00:56 14 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Eccoci salvi alfin. 01:16 15 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Tranquillo è il mar, aura soave spira 02:08 16 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Vedrommi intorno l'ombra dolente 03:18 17 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Cieli! che veggo ... Spiagge romite 03:47 18 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Spietatissimi dèi! 01:45 19 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Il padre adorato, ritrovo 02:52 20 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Marcia guerriera 02:46 21 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Nettuno s'onori 05:15
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Idomeneo - Rene Jacobs - CD02 26 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart AKT2 - Siam soli 03:35 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Se il tuo duol, se il mio desìo 04:57 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Se mai pomposo apparse 03:22 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Se il padre perdei 04:53 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Qual mi conturba i sensi 01:32 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Fuor del mar 05:54 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Frettolosa ... Sire,da Arbace intesi 01:00 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Parto, e l'unico oggetto 01:04 9 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Idol mio! se ritroso 04:20 10 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Marcia ... Odo da lunge armonioso 01:43 11 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sidonie sponde! 00:34 12 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Placido è il mar 03:07 13 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Vattene prence 00:27 14 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Pria di partir, oh dio! 03:59 15 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Qual nuovo terrore! 01:50 16 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Eccoti in me, barbaro nume! il reo 01:26 17 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Corriamo, fuggiamo 02:04 18 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart AKT3 - Solitudini amiche 00:48 19 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Zeffiretti lusinghieri 05:37 20 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Principessa, a' tuoi sguardi se offrirmi 03:34 21 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart S'io non moro a questi accenti 02:43 22 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Cieli! Che vedo! ... Ah siam scoperti 01:53 23 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Andrò ramingo e solo 05:29 24 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sire, alla reggia tua immensa turba 00:42 25 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sventurata Sidon! 02:35 26 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Se colà ne fati è scritto 06:18
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Idomeneo, Jacobs 2008 26 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Ouverture 04:56 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Acte I scène 1. Quando avran fine omai l'aspre sventure mie 03:26 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Acte III scène 7. Marcia 01:27 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Acte II scène 2. Se il padre perdei, La patria, il riposo 04:53 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Acte II scène 3. Qual mi conturba i sensi equivoca favella 01:32 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Acte I scène 2. Non ho colpa, e mi condanni 05:53 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Acte III scène 9. No, la morte io non pavento 04:31 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Acte III scène10. Ferma, oh sire, che fai, La vittima 03:17 9 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Acte II scène 5. Idol mio! se ritroso Altra amante a me 04:20 10 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Acte II scène 5. Odo da lunge armonioso suono 01:43 11 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Acte II scène 6. Sidonie sponde! O voi, per me di pianto e duol 00:34 12 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Acte III scène11. Popoli, a voi l'ultima legge impone 04:11 13 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Acte I scène 7. Pietà, numi, pietà! Aiuto, o giusti numi ! 00:56 14 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Acte III scène11. Scenda Amor, scenda Imeneo 03:29 15 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Acte I scène 9. Tranquillo è il mar, aura soave spira 02:08 16 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Acte III scène11. Ballet, Larghetto 02:19 17 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Acte I scène 9. Cieli ! che veggo, Spiagge romite 03:47 18 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Acte I scène 10. Spietatissimi dèi ! 01:45 19 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Acte I scène 10. Il padre adorato, ritrovo, e lo perdo 02:52 20 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Acte III scène 2. Principessa, a' tuoi sguardi se offrirmi 03:34 21 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Acte III scène 2. S'io non moro a questi accenti 02:43 22 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Acte III scène 3. Cieli! Che vedo ! Ah siam scoperti 01:53 23 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Acte III scène 3. Andrò ramingo e solo 05:31 24 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Acte III scène 4. Sire, alla reggia tua immensa turba 00:42 25 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Acte III scène 5. Sventurata Sidon! in te quai miro di morte 02:35 26 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Acte III scène 5. Se colà ne fati è scritto 06:18
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Im Herzen der Klassik 15 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Non più andrai (Daniel Vogel) 03:55 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Voi che sapete (Sonia Graffham) 03:03 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Grudel! perchè finora (Paul Plantier, Soma Graffham) 02:44 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart E Susanna non vien... (Marie Masson) 01:41 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Dove sono i bei momenti (Marie Masson) 04:54 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Che soave zefiretto (Marie Masson, Sonia Graffham) 02:44 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Tutto è disposto... Aprite un pò Quel' occhi (Daniel Vogel) 03:55 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Madamina, il catalogo è questo (Daniel Vogel) 05:12 9 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Or sai chi l' onore (Marie Masson) 03:15 10 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Fin ch'han dal vino (Francesco Rinaldo) 01:23 11 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Batti, Batti, o bell Masetto (Annaliese Schmidt) 03:48 12 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Deh, Viene alla Finestra (Francesco Rinaldo) 02:02 13 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Vedrai, carino (Annaliese Schmidt) 03:21 14 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart il mio tesoro intanto (Klaus Münster) 04:38 15 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart O statua gentilissima (Daniel Vogel, Francesco Rinaldo) 03:30
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Im Herzen der Klassik 35 - Mozart - Die Hochzeit des Figaro, Don Giovanni 15 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Die Hochzeit des Figaro: Non più andrai 03:55 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Die Hochzeit des Figaro: Voi che sapete 03:06 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Die Hochzeit des Figaro: Grudel! perchè finora 02:44 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Die Hochzeit des Figaro: E Susanna non vien... 01:40 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Die Hochzeit des Figaro: Dove sono i bei momenti 04:54 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Die Hochzeit des Figaro: Che soave zefiretto 02:44 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Die Hochzeit des Figaro: Tutto è disposto... Aprite un pò Quel' occhi 03:55 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Don Giovanni: Madamina, il catalogo è questo 05:12 9 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Don Giovanni: Or sai chi l' onore 03:15 10 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Don Giovanni: Fin ch'han dal vino 01:23 11 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Don Giovanni: Batti, Batti, o bell Masetto 03:49 12 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Don Giovanni: Deh, Viene alla Finestra 02:02 13 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Don Giovanni: Vedrai, carino 03:20 14 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Don Giovanni: il mio tesoro intanto 04:37 15 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Don Giovanni: O statua gentilissima 03:30
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Ingrid Haebler, Klavier, London Symphony / Klavierkonzerte, Nr. 26 und 27 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Klavierkonzert Nr. 26 D-Dur KV 537 Krönungskonzert. Allegro, Kadenz Ingird Haebler, Dir.Witol 14:00 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 2. (Largehetto) 06:33 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 3. (Allegretto) 10:35 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Klavierkonzert Nr. 27 D-Dur KV 595 Allegro Dir. Alceo Galliera 14:38 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 2. Larghetto 09:01 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 3. Allegro 09:43
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Instrumental Concertos 7 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto for Flute, Harp and Orchestra in C Allegro 10:46 Has Mbid 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto for Clarinet and Orchestra in A Adagio 06:55 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto for Flute, Harp and Orchestra in C Rondo. Allegro 10:59 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sinfonia Concertante for Oboe, Clarinet, French Horn, Bassoon and Orchestra in E flat Allegro 13:11 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto for French Horn in E flat Allegro 06:59 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sinfonia Concertante for Oboe, Clarinet, French Horn, Bassoon and Orchestra in E flat Andante con variazioni 08:15 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto for French Horn in E flat Allegro 03:39
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Isaac Stern - I Grandi Concerti per Violino 6 2 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto pr violino e orchestra in Sol Maggiore n. 3, KV216 - 1. Allegro 09:25 Has Mbid 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto pr violino e orchestra in Sol Maggiore n. 3, KV216 - 2. Adagio 09:26 Has Mbid 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto pr violino e orchestra in Sol Maggiore n. 3, KV216 - 3. Rondò. Allegro 06:06 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sinfonia concertante per violino, viola e orchestra in Mib Maggiore, KV364 - 1. Allegro maestoso 13:49 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sinfonia concertante per violino, viola e orchestra in Mib Maggiore, KV364 - 2. Andante 13:20 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sinfonia concertante per violino, viola e orchestra in Mib Maggiore, KV364 - 3. Presto 06:32
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Justus Frantz erklärt Mozart 10 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Eine Kleine Nachtmusik - I Allegro 05:27 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Eine Kleine Nachtmusik - II Romanze 05:39 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Eine Kleine Nachtmusik - III Menuetto 02:02 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Eine Kleine Nachtmusik - IV Rondo 03:38 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Klavierkonzert C-dur - 2. Satz 07:08 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Die Zauberflöte - Ouvertüre 06:54 Has Mbid 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Klarinettenkonzert, A-dur - Adagio 07:20 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Die Hochzeit des Figaro - Ouvertüre 04:03 9 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Violinkonzert Nr. 5, A-dur - Rondeaux 09:19 10 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Klaviersonate, A-dur - Alla turca, Allegretto 03:13
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack K452 K617 K370 [Villa Musica] 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Oboe Quartet, F-Dur, KV370, I. Allegro 09:07 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Oboe Quartet, F-Dur, KV370, II. Adagio 03:11 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Oboe Quartet, F-Dur, KV370, III. Rondeau. Allegro 04:38 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Adagio & rondo c-Moll/C-Dur, KV617, I. Adagio 04:50 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Adagio & rondo c-Moll/C-Dur, KV617, I. Rondo. Allegretto 07:33 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Quintet for Winds, Es-Dur, KV452, I. Largo-Allegro moderato 10:22 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Quintet for Winds, Es-Dur, KV452, II. Larghetto 08:45 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Quintet for Winds, Es-Dur, KV452, III. Allegretto 05:54
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack KV 448 KV 497 Fantasie KV 608 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Mozart KV 448 Sonate für zwei Klaviere D-dur - 1. Allegro con spirito (Klavierduo Hans-Peter und Volker Stenzl - 2004) 07:41 2 Mozart KV 448 Sonate für zwei Klaviere D-dur - 2. Andante (Klavierduo Hans-Peter und Volker Stenzl - 2004) 06:48 3 Mozart KV 448 Sonate für zwei Klaviere D-dur - 3. Molto-Allegro (Klavierduo Hans-Peter und Volker Stenzl - 2004) 06:13 4 Mozart KV 608 Fantasie f-moll "Orgelstück für eine Uhr"- 1. Allegro (Klavierduo Hans-Peter und Volker Stenzl - 2004) 02:46 5 Mozart KV 608 Fantasie f-moll "Orgelstück für eine Uhr"- 2. Andante - Tempo I (Klavierduo Hans-Peter und Volker Stenzl - 2004) 06:50 6 Mozart KV 497 Sonate für Klavier zu vier Händen F-dur - 1. Adagio (Klavierduo Hans-Peter und Volker Stenzl - 2004) 02:16 7 Mozart KV 497 Sonate für Klavier zu vier Händen F-dur - 2. Allegro di molto (Klavierduo Hans-Peter und Volker Stenzl - 2004) 06:32 8 Mozart KV 497 Sonate für Klavier zu vier Händen F-dur - 3. Andante (Klavierduo Hans-Peter und Volker Stenzl - 2004) 08:31 9 Mozart KV 497 Sonate für Klavier zu vier Händen F-dur - 4. Allegro (Klavierduo Hans-Peter und Volker Stenzl - 2004) 07:25
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack KV 65 258 (Piccolomini) 262 18 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Missa brevis d-moll KV65 Kyrie 01:57 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Missa brevis d-moll KV65 Gloria 02:14 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Missa brevis d-moll KV65 Credo 05:46 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Missa brevis d-moll KV65 Sanctus 01:02 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Missa brevis d-moll KV65 Benedictus 01:42 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Missa brevis d-moll KV65 Agnus Dei 03:14 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Missa brevis C-Dur KV258 Kyrie 02:02 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Missa brevis C-Dur KV258 Gloria 02:39 9 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Missa brevis C-Dur KV258 Credo 04:42 10 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Missa brevis C-Dur KV258 Sanctus 01:00 11 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Missa brevis C-Dur KV258 Benedictus 03:07 12 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Missa brevis C-Dur KV258 Agnus Dei 02:46 13 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Missa longa C-Dur KV262 Kyrie 03:49 14 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Missa longa C-Dur KV262 Gloria 05:44 15 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Missa longa C-Dur KV262 Credo 11:20 16 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Missa longa C-Dur KV262 Sanctus 01:13 17 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Missa longa C-Dur KV262 Benedictus 02:49 18 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Missa longa C-Dur KV262 Agnus Dei 04:34
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Karina Gauvin - Mozart Arias [Labadie] 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Aer tranquillo - Aminta - Il R Pastore K208 06:49 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Giunse alfin il momento - Susanna - Le Nozze di Figaro K492 04:49 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Chi'o mi scordi di te? - Air de concert - Concert Aria K505 10:49 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Overture - Lucio Silla K135 07:33 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Misera dove son! - Fulvia, Air de concert - Concert Aria K369 07:40 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Ach, ich fühl's - Pamina - Die Zauerflöte K620 04:37 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Overture - La Clemenza di Tito K621 04:54 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Non più di fiori - Vitellia - La Clemenza di Tito K621 07:29 9 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Temerai, sortite fuori di questo loco! - Fiordiligi - Cosi fan tutte K588 06:02 10 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart In uomini! In soldati - Despina - Cosi fan tutte K588 02:39
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Klarinettenkonzert - Klavierkonzert KV 503 - Gielen 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Klarinettenkonzert A-dur KV 622 - Pencz I.Allegro 11:43 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart II. Adagio 06:45 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart III. Rondo - Tempo di Menuetto 08:56 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Klavierkonzert C-dur KV 503 - Bishop-Kovacevich I.Allegro maestoso 14:27 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart II. Andante 07:05 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart III. Allegretto 08:35
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Klarinettenkonzert A-Dur, KV 622 26 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Allegro - tutti 03:12 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Takt 98 01:56 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Takt 154 02:26 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Takt 227 03:13 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Takt 322 01:22 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Adagio 01:41 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Takt 25 03:41 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Takt 76 01:49 9 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Rondo - Allegro 01:44 10 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Auftakt zu Takt 73 01:12 11 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Takt 121 03:26 12 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Auftakt zu Takt 255 02:34 13 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Stimmtöne - A440 00:30 14 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Allegro - tutti 03:10 15 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Takt 98 01:52 16 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Takt 154 02:23 17 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Takt 227 03:09 18 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Takt 322 01:22 19 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Adagio 01:37 20 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Takt 25 02:18 21 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Schlusskadenz - Orchestereinsatz 01:01 22 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Takt 76 01:33 23 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Rondo - Allegro 01:51 24 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Auftakt zu Takt 73 01:15 25 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Takt 121 03:33 26 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Auftakt zu Takt 255 02:33
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Klassik meets Wellness 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Eine kleine Nachtmusik Allegro 06:55 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Die Zauberflöte derVogelfänger bin ich ja 03:43 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Sinfonie G-Moll 1. Satz 08:17 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Klaviersonate Nr. 12 05:22 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Klaviersonate Nr. 13 14:14 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Klaviersonate Nr. 14 08:21
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Klaverkoncert nr. 21 'Elvira Madigan' & nr. 22 [Engegård] 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Klaverkoncert nr. 21, C-dur, Elvira Madigan, K. 467 - I. Allegro Maestoso 13:42 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Klaverkoncert nr. 21, C-dur, Elvira Madigan, K. 467 - II. Andante 05:29 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Klaverkoncert nr. 21, C-dur, Elvira Madigan, K. 467 - III. Allegro vivace assai 06:43 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Klaverkoncert nr. 22, Ess-dur, K. 482 - I. Allegro 13:46 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Klaverkoncert nr. 22, Ess-dur, K. 482 - II. Andante 07:41 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Klaverkoncert nr. 22, Ess-dur, K. 482 - III. Allegro 11:12
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Klavier Konzerte #19 & #20 6 3 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart #19 (K459) - 1 - Allegro 13:21 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart #19 (K459) - 2 - Allegretto 08:11 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart #19 (K459) - 3 - Allegro Assai 07:38 Has Mbid 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart #20 (K466) - 1 - Allegro 14:25 Has Mbid 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart #20 (K466) - 2 - Romance 09:46 Has Mbid 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart #20 (K466) - 3 - Rondo: Allegro Assai 07:17
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Klavierkonzert 17 / 22 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Nr. 17 G major, K453 I Allegro 12:03 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Nr. 17 G major, K453 II Andante 10:11 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Nr. 17 G major, K453 III Allegretto 07:50 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Nr. 22 E flat, K482 I Allegro 12:33 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Nr. 22 E flat, K482 IIAndante 09:08 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Nr. 22 E flat, K482 IIIAllegro 11:20
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Klavierkonzert No 13 & 23 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Klavierkonzert Nr. 13 C-Dur KV 415 - Allegro 10:41 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Klavierkonzert Nr. 13 C-Dur KV 415 - Andante 07:23 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Klavierkonzert Nr. 13 C-Dur KV 415 - Allegro 08:18 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Klavierkonzert Nr. 23 A-Dur KV 488 - Allegro 11:00 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Klavierkonzert Nr. 23 A-Dur KV 488 - Adagio 06:23 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Klavierkonzert Nr. 23 A-Dur KV 488 - Allegro assai 07:59
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Klavierkonzert No. 12 & 25 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Klavierkonzert Nr. 12 A-Dur KV 414 (385p) - Allegro 10:17 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Klavierkonzert Nr. 12 A-Dur KV 414 (385p) - Andante 07:24 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Klavierkonzert Nr. 12 A-Dur KV 414 (385p) - Allegretto 07:09 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Klavierkonzert Nr. 25 C-Dur KV 503 - Allegro maestoso 15:29 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Klavierkonzert Nr. 25 C-Dur KV 503 - Andante 06:23 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Klavierkonzert Nr. 25 C-Dur KV 503 - Allegretto 09:34
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Klavierkonzert Nr. 27 And Klaviersonate Nr. 11 6 3 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Wilhelm Backhaus; Karl Bohm: Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra - Mozart Klavierkonzert Nr. 27 In B-Dur Ⅰ. 13:33 Has Mbid 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Wilhelm Backhaus; Karl Bohm: Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra - Mozart Klavierkonzert Nr. 27 In B-Dur Ⅱ. 07:08 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Wilhelm Backhaus; Karl Bohm: Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra - Mozart Klavierkonzert Nr. 27 In B-Dur Ⅲ. 08:55 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Wilhelm Backhaus - Klaviersonate Nr. 11 In A-Dur Ⅰ. 06:34 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Wilhelm Backhaus - Klaviersonate Nr. 11 In A-Dur Ⅱ. 04:31 Has Mbid 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Wilhelm Backhaus - Klaviersonate Nr. 11 In A-Dur Ⅲ. 03:15
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Klavierkonzerte 6 2 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart KV 271 - Klavierkonzert No. 09 in Es-Dur - 1. Allegro 10:07 Has Mbid 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - Klavierkonzert Nr.9 in Es-Dur KV271 II Andante 10:45 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart KV 271 - Klavierkonzert No. 09 in Es-Dur - 3. Rondo: Presto 09:28 Has Mbid 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - Konzert für Klavier und Orchester Nr.21 in C-Dur KV467 (Elvira Madigan) I Allegro maestoso 14:34 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart KV 459 - Klavierkonzert No. 19 in F-Dur - 2. Allegretto 08:04 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart KV 459 - Klavierkonzert No. 19 in F-Dur - 3. Allegro Assai 07:09
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Klavierkonzerte 20 d-moll u 24 c-moll 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 20 d-moll 1. Allegro 14:55 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 20 d-moll 2. Romance 10:06 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 20 d-moll 3. Allegro assai 08:17 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 24 c-moll 1. Allegro 13:43 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 24 c-moll 2. Larghetto 08:06 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 24 c-moll 3. Allegretto 08:50
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Klavierkonzerte KV 414 & 467, Monteton, Soudant 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Klavierkonzert Nr. 12 A - dur, KV 414 (385p) I. Allegro 10:24 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Klavierkonzert Nr. 12 A - dur, KV 414 (385p) II. Andante 09:21 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart / Klavierkonzert Nr. 12 A - dur, KV 414 (385p) III. Allegretto 06:11 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart / Klavierkonzert Nr. 21 C - dur, KV 467 I. Allegro maestoso 14:15 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Klavierkonzert Nr. 21 C - dur, KV 467 II. Andante 07:17 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Klavierkonzert Nr. 21 C - dur, KV 467 III. Allegro vivace assai 07:04 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Klavierkonzert Nr. 11 A - dur, KV 331 (300i) III. Alla turca (Allegretto) 03:24
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Klavierkonzerte No. 11, 14, 10 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto for Piano No. 11 in F major, K. 387a/413: I. Allegro 09:03 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto for Piano No. 11 in F major, K. 387a/413: III. Tempo di Minuetto 05:19 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto for Piano No. 14 in E-flat major, K. 449 "First Ployer": II. Andantino 07:25 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Konzert für 2 Klaviere & Orchester Nr. 10 Es-Dur KV 365 25:50
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Klavierkonzerte No. 9, 20 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto for Piano No. 9 in E-flat major, K. 271 "Jeunehomme": I. Allegro 10:05 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto for Piano No. 9 in E-flat major, K. 271 "Jeunehomme": II. Andantino 10:19 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto for Piano No. 9 in E-flat major, K. 271 "Jeunehomme": III. Rondeau. Presto - adagio & Menuetto. Cantabile - tempo primo 09:32 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto for Piano No. 20 in D minor, K. 466: I. Allegro 15:32 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto for Piano No. 20 in D minor, K. 466: II. Romanze 09:40 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto for Piano No. 20 in D minor, K. 466: III. Rondo. Allegro assai 06:48
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Klavierkonzerte No.9 & No. 21 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Konzert Nr. 9 Es-dur KV 271, Allegro 10:30 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Konzert Nr. 9 Es-dur KV 271, Andantino 10:36 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Konzert Nr. 9 Es-dur KV 271, Rondeau 11:22 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Konzert Nr. 21 C-dur KV 467, Allegro maestoso 14:31 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Konzert Nr. 21 C-dur KV 467, Andante 05:50 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Konzert Nr. 21 C-dur KV 467, Allegro vivace assai 08:50 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Wissenschaftliche Informationen 02:30
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Klavierkonzerte Nr 20 D-moll u. Nr.23 A-dur 6 3 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Allegro - Konzert Nr.20 D-Moll 15:09 Has Mbid 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Romance - Konzert Nr.20 D-Moll 10:59 Has Mbid 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Rondo - Konzert Nr.20 D-Moll 08:32 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Allegro - Konzert Nr.23 A-Dur 10:57 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Adagio - Konzert Nr.23 A-Dur 06:28 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Allegro Assai - Konzert Nr.23 A-Dur 08:23
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart View in Albunack Klavierkonzerte Nr. 1-4 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Klavierkonzert Nr. 1 F-Dur KV 37 - Allegro 05:27 2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Klavierkonzert Nr. 1 F-Dur KV 37 - Andante 04:20 3 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Klavierkonzert Nr. 1 F-Dur KV 37 - Rondo 05:03 4 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Klavierkonzert Nr. 2 B-Dur KV 39 - Allegro spiritoso 05:32 5 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Klavierkonzert Nr. 2 B-Dur KV 39 - Andante 04:44 6 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Klavierkonzert Nr. 2 B-Dur KV 39 - Molto allegro 04:27 7 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Klavierkonzert Nr. 3 D-Dur KV 40 - Allegro maestoso 05:07 8 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Klavierkonzert Nr. 3 D-Dur KV 40 - Andante 04:31 9 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Klavierkonzert Nr. 3 D-Dur KV 40 - Presto 02:37 10 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Klavierkonzert Nr. 4 G-Dur KV 41 - Allegro 05:33 11 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Klavierkonzert Nr. 4 G-Dur KV 41 - Andante 04:53 12 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Klavierkonzert Nr. 4 G-Dur KV 41 - Molto allegro 04:14