The report is not continually updated so may not reflect the current data within Acoustid databases.
This shows complete albums constructed from the metadata submitted to Acoustid, but only the majority of the Acoustids are not already linked to MusicBrainz recordings. We filter to only show albums that we have all the tracks for and that have real metadata, and only include albums where we can find a case insensitive match between the album artist and a MusicBrainz artist, to simplify things and filter out some nonsense data. Limitations:Acoustid Data is not of high enough quality to properly handle multi releases and some releases may be listed multiple times due to slight differences in metadata. Acoustid only provides basic metadata, at best this is Album Artist, Album, Track No, Track Title, Track Artist, Year of release, Track Duration (taken directly from linked fingerprint(s)). The data is good for identifying albums by smaller artists, and rare bootleg/live albums by well known artists
John Dowland View in Albunack Awake, Sweet Love 21 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Dowland Unquiet thoughts, for 4 voices & lute (First Book of Songs) 04:07 2 John Dowland Whoever thinks or hopes of love for love, for 4 voices & lute (First Book of Songs) 02:39 3 John Dowland My thoughts are winged with hopes, for 4 voices & lute (First Book of Songs) 03:03 4 John Dowland If my complaints could passions move, for 4 voices & lute (First Book of Songs) 03:20 Has Mbid 5 John Dowland Can she excuse my wrongs, for 4 voices & lute (First Book of Songs) 02:36 6 John Dowland Now, O now I needs must part, for 4 voices & lute (First Book of Songs) 04:04 7 John Dowland Dear, if you change, I'll never choose again, for 4 voices & lute (First Book of Songs) 03:28 8 John Dowland Burst forth, my tears, for 4 voices & lute (First Book of Songs) 05:33 9 John Dowland Go crystal tears, for 4 voices & lute (First Book of Songs) 02:53 10 John Dowland Think'st thou then by thy feigning, for 4 voices & lute (First Book of Songs) 01:40 11 John Dowland Come away come sweet love, for 4 voices & lute (First Book of Songs) 02:29 12 John Dowland Rest awhile, you cruel cares, for 4 voices & lute (First Book of Songs) 03:17 13 John Dowland Sleep wayward thoughts, for 4 voices & lute (First Book of Songs) 02:58 14 John Dowland All ye whom love or fortune hath betrayed (First Book of Songs), for 4 voices & lute 04:35 15 John Dowland Wilt thou unkind thus reave me of my heart, for 4 voices & lute (First Book of Songs) 03:59 16 John Dowland Would my conceit that first enforced my woe, for 4 voices & lute (First Book of Songs) 05:39 17 John Dowland Come again, sweet love doth now invite, for 4 voices & lute (First Book of Songs) 04:27 18 John Dowland His golden locks Time has to silver turned, for 4 voices & lute (First Book of Songs) 04:02 19 John Dowland Awake sweet love, thou art returned, for 4 voices & lute (First Book of Songs) 02:31 20 John Dowland Come, heavy sleep, for 4 voices & lute (First Book of Songs) 04:35 21 John Dowland Away with these self-loving lads, for 4 voices & lute (First Book of Songs) 02:37
John Dowland View in Albunack Awake, Sweet Love - The Music of John Dowland 21 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Dowland Come Again 02:10 2 John Dowland Toss Not My Soul 01:56 3 John Dowland Fine Knacks For Ladies 02:16 4 John Dowland Mourn, Day is with Darkness Fled 02:07 5 John Dowland His Golden Locks 02:57 6 John Dowland In Darkness Let Mee Dwell 03:51 7 John Dowland Lachrimae 04:15 8 John Dowland What If I Never Speed 02:40 9 John Dowland Awake, Sweet Love 03:15 10 John Dowland Away with Thee, Selfe Loving Lads 02:36 11 John Dowland All Ye Who Love or Fortune Hath Betray'd 04:14 12 John Dowland Think'st Thou Then By Thy Feigning 02:32 13 John Dowland Weep You No More 03:51 14 John Dowland I Saw My Lady Weep 05:35 15 John Dowland Tarleton's Riserrectione 02:02 16 John Dowland Time Stands Still 04:09 17 John Dowland If My Complaints Could Passion Move 03:40 18 John Dowland Tell Me True Love 04:25 19 John Dowland O Sweet Woods 04:14 20 John Dowland The Lowest Trees Have Tops 01:43 21 John Dowland Now, Oh Now I Needs Must Part 03:44
John Dowland View in Albunack Dowland - Semper Dowland Semper Dolens (Jose Moreno & Eligio Quinteiro) 16 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Dowland Mrs. Winter's Jump 01:26 2 John Dowland The Shoemaker's Wife, a Toy 02:15 3 John Dowland The Frog Galliard 04:10 4 John Dowland Mr. John Langton's Pavan 05:15 5 John Dowland Mr. Langton's Galliard 02:24 6 John Dowland Go From My Window 04:07 7 John Dowland Sir John Smith, his Almain 02:31 8 John Dowland Round Battle Galliard 01:54 9 John Dowland Fantasie 04:33 10 John Dowland La Mia Barbara 06:30 11 John Dowland Mrs. Norrish's Delight 01:28 12 John Dowland Mrs. Nichols' Almain 01:37 13 John Dowland Fancy 02:53 14 John Dowland Semper Dowland semper dolens 07:00 15 John Dowland The Most High and Mighty Christianus the Fourth, King of Denmark, his Galliard 02:46 16 John Dowland Untitled 02:47
John Dowland View in Albunack Dowland : Lachrimae or Seaven Teares and Fourteen Other Dances 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Dowland Lachrimae or Seaven Teares 03:48 2 John Dowland Lachrimae Antiquae 02:59 3 John Dowland Lachrimae Antiquae Novae 03:46 4 John Dowland Lachrimae Gementes 03:18 5 John Dowland Lachrimae Tristes 02:37 6 John Dowland Lachrimae Coactae 03:11 7 John Dowland Lachrimae Verae 03:47 8 John Dowland M. John Langton's Pavan - Sir John Souch His Galliard - M. Nicholas Gryffith His Galliard - M. Giles Hoby's Galliard - M. George Whitehead His Allemande 09:38 9 John Dowland Sir Henry Umpton's Funeral - M. Henry Noel His Galliard - Captaine Digorie Piper His Galliard - M. Buctons' Galliard 08:06 10 John Dowland Semper Dowland semper dolens - The King of Denmark's Galliard - The Earl of Essex Galliard - M. Thomas Collier His Galliard - Mrs. Nichols' Allemande 08:26
John Dowland View in Albunack Music by John Dowland 13 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Dowland Sir Henry Guilford his Almaine 04:33 2 John Dowland Lachrimae 04:30 3 John Dowland Lord Souch his Galliard 02:30 4 John Dowland The Shoemaker's Wife - A Toy 01:33 5 John Dowland Suzanna 03:44 6 John Dowland Captain Digorie Piper his Pavan and Galliard 06:46 7 John Dowland Sir George Whitehead his Almaine 03:07 8 John Dowland Lady Hunsdon's Almaine 05:40 9 John Dowland Sir Henry Umpton's Funerall 04:49 10 John Dowland Sir Thomas Collier his Galliard 02:42 11 John Dowland Mistress Winter's Jump 02:03 12 John Dowland Fortune my Foe 05:15 13 John Dowland Sir John Smith his Almaine 04:57
John Dowland View in Albunack Music of Love and Friendship 17 2 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Unknown Las Cantigas de Santa Maria - Cantigas 36 01:12 Has Mbid 2 Unknown The Two Three Voice Masses - Kyrie (Missa Sine Nomine) 02:53 Has Mbid 3 Unknown Istanpitta! Vol 1 - Saltarello & Trotto 04:58 4 Unknown Missa de Sancta Anna & Lamentations - Sanctus 07:35 5 Dufay The Art of the Lute - Credo in Unum Deum 02:11 6 Defronciaco French Sacred Music - Kyrie 05:36 7 Unknown Lute Songs - Weep you no more sad fountain 03:53 8 William Byrd Who made thee, forsake the plough? 03:47 9 William Byrd What pleasure have great princes? 03:34 10 Monteverdi Orfeo - Toccata 01:55 11 Monteverdi Orfeo - La ciate i monti 01:51 12 Monteverdi Orfeo - Rosa del Ciel 02:14 13 Monteverdi Orfeo - Ritornello - Vi Ricorda 02:16 14 Anon Minstrelsy! - Volta 02:21 15 Henry Purcell Hark! The Ech'ing Air 02:27 16 Unknown Mensa Sonora - Ciacona 02:24 17 Unknown Flute Duets - Moderato 04:23
John Dowland View in Albunack Paul O'Dette: My favorite Dowland 23 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Dowland Lady Hunsdon's Almain (Lady Hunsdon's Puffe), for lute, P 54 01:24 2 John Dowland The Shoemaker's Wife, a Toy, for lute, P 58 01:07 3 John Dowland La mia Barbara, pavan for lute, P 95 06:00 4 John Dowland Sir John Smith, his Almain, for lute, P 47 02:32 5 John Dowland Fantasia, for lute in G minor, P 6 02:50 6 John Dowland Sir John Langton's Pavan, for lute 05:57 7 John Dowland The King of Denmark, his Galliard, for lute, P 40 02:51 8 John Dowland The Frog Galliard, for lute, P 23 01:59 9 John Dowland Lachrimae, for lute, P 15 05:38 10 John Dowland Galliard to Lachrimae, for lute, P 46 (A Pilgrimes Solace) 02:31 11 John Dowland Fantasia, for lute in G major, P 1 03:56 12 John Dowland Farewell Fancy (Chromatic fantasia), for lute, P 3 06:16 13 John Dowland Forlorn Hope, fantasie for lute, P 2 03:37 14 John Dowland Can she excuse (The Right Honourable Robert, Earl of Essex, his Galliard), galliard for lute, P 42 01:44 15 John Dowland A Coy Toy, for lute, P 80 (possibly spurious) 00:57 16 John Dowland Mrs Vaux's Jig, for lute, P 57 01:07 17 John Dowland Mrs. Winters Jump, for lute, P 55 01:28 18 John Dowland The Right Honourable the Lady Cliftons Spirit for lute, P45 01:46 19 John Dowland Walsingham, song arranged for lute, P 67 05:05 20 John Dowland Fantasia, for lute in D minor, P 5 02:29 21 John Dowland Pavan, for lute in G minor, P 18 05:36 22 John Dowland The Most Sacred Queen Elizabeth, her Galliard (Katherine Darcy's Galliard), for lute, P 41 01:13 23 John Dowland Semper Dowland semper dolens, pavan for lute, P 9 07:08
John Dowland View in Albunack Semper Dowland Semper Dolens (Jose Moreno & Eligio Quinteiro) 16 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Dowland Dr. Case's Pavan 04:58 2 John Dowland Gagliarda 02:29 3 John Dowland Lachrimae 05:16 4 John Dowland Lady Laiton's Almain 02:09 5 John Dowland Preludium 03:06 6 John Dowland My Lord Willoughby's Welcome Home 03:11 7 John Dowland Une jeune fillette 05:53 8 John Dowland Lord Strang's March 02:09 9 John Dowland Fortune my Foe 02:24 10 John Dowland Can she excuse 03:05 11 John Dowland What if a Day 01:32 12 John Dowland Lady Hunsdun's Puffe 02:39 13 John Dowland Fancy 03:38 14 John Dowland Solus cum sola 04:32 15 John Dowland The Most Sacred Queen Elizabeth, her Galliard 02:16 16 John Dowland Tarleton's Resurrection 03:31
John Dowland View in Albunack Shadows 13 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Sarah Maria Sun, Jochen Feucht, Werner Matzke, Friedemann Wuttke Book of Songs, Book 1: Go, crystal tears (arr. for voice, saxophone, baroque cello and guitar) 04:22 2 Sarah Maria Sun, Werner Matzke, Friedemann Wuttke Book of Songs, Book 1: Can she excuse my wrongs, P. 42 05:16 3 Friedemann Wuttke, Werner Matzke Mr. Dowland's Midnight, P. 99 01:10 4 Sarah Maria Sun, Jochen Feucht, Werner Matzke, Friedemann Wuttke Book of Songs, Book 1: Come again, sweet love doth now invite (arr. for voice, saxophone, baroque cello and guitar) 04:41 5 Sarah Maria Sun, Jochen Feucht, Werner Matzke, Friedemann Wuttke Book of Songs, Book 2: Flow, my tears, fall from your springs (arr. for voice, saxophone, baroque cello and guitar) 03:56 6 Jochen Feucht Dowland Shadows 02:29 7 Sarah Maria Sun, Jochen Feucht, Friedemann Wuttke Book of Songs, Book 2: I saw my lady weep (arr. for voice, saxophone and guitar) 04:51 8 Sarah Maria Sun, Werner Matzke, Friedemann Wuttke Book of Songs, Book 2: Fine Knacks for Ladies 04:07 9 Werner Matzke, Friedemann Wuttke Book of Songs, Book 1: Come, heavy sleep 05:25 10 Jochen Feucht, Friedemann Wuttke Book of Songs, Book 1: Now, O Now I Needs Must Part (arr. for saxophone and guitar) 01:49 11 Sarah Maria Sun, Jochen Feucht, Werner Matzke, Friedemann Wuttke Book of Songs, Book 4: In Darkness Let Me Dwell (Arr. for Voice, Saxophone, Baroque Cello & Guitar) 06:03 12 Friedemann Wuttke, Werner Matzke Melancholy Galliard, P. 25 03:25 13 Sarah Maria Sun, Werner Matzke Book of Songs, Book 3: Weep you no more, sad fountains 02:46
John Dowland View in Albunack Sorow stay 17 1 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 John Dowland Sorrow stay 03:24 2 John Dowland Lady if you so spite me 02:39 3 John Dowland Go crystal tears 02:56 4 John Dowland I saw my lady weep 04:52 5 John Dowland Shall I strive with words to move 02:21 6 John Dowland Sweet stay a while 03:04 7 John Dowland Flow my tears 04:05 8 John Dowland Semper Dowland semper dolens 04:29 9 John Dowland Flow not so fast ye fountains 03:50 10 John Dowland Dear, if you change 03:01 11 John Dowland The frog Galliard 02:19 12 John Dowland Time stand still 03:37 13 John Dowland All ye whom love or fortune hath betrayed 03:36 14 John Dowland Come ye heavy states of night 02:30 15 John Dowland In darkness let me dwell 03:46 16 John Dowland Lachrimae 05:50 17 John Dowland Weep you no more sad fountains 04:14
John Fahey View in Albunack 1977-12-13 The Great Midwestern Louisville KY 13 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Fahey Grumbling 05:10 2 John Fahey Steamboat Gwine Round De Bend 01:47 3 John Fahey How Green Was My Valley 02:27 4 John Fahey Jesus Is A Dying Bedmaker 05:38 5 John Fahey Steve Talbot on the Keddie Wye 04:28 6 John Fahey The Approaching of the Disco Void 11:24 7 John Fahey Ann Arbor / I’ll See You in My Dreams / Jingle Bells 02:33 8 John Fahey It Came Upon a Midnight Clear 13:36 9 John Fahey Stomping Tonight on the PA-AL Border / In Christ There is No East or West / Beverly 10:42 10 John Fahey Owchita / Dance of the Inhabitants Medley 04:54 11 John Fahey Some Summer Day 04:18 12 John Fahey Candy Man / Brenda’s Blues / Spanish Dance 05:30 13 John Fahey Good Night Ladies >St. Louis Blues 07:26
John Fahey View in Albunack Teatro Cristaalo, Milano, Italy, March 6 1982 1 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Fahey Intro 00:49 2 John Fahey On the Sunny Side of the Ocean 04:04 3 John Fahey Spanish Two Step 05:28 4 John Fahey The First Noel 03:43 5 John Fahey Lion 07:30 6 John Fahey Steamboat Gwine Round teh Bend 06:01 7 John Fahey Silent Night 08:05 8 John Fahey The Approaching of the Disco Void 06:04
John Fahey View in Albunack The New Possibility: John Fahey's Guitar Soli Christmas Albu 20 0 2006 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Fahey Joy To The World 02:29 2 John Fahey What Child Is This 03:45 3 John Fahey Medley: Hark, The Herald Angels Sing / O Come All Ye Faithf 04:07 4 John Fahey Auld Lang Syne 02:37 5 John Fahey The Bells Of St. Mary's 02:45 6 John Fahey Good King Wencelas 01:30 7 John Fahey We Three Kings Of Orient Are 02:19 8 John Fahey God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen 03:35 9 John Fahey The First Noel 02:44 10 John Fahey Christ's Saints Of God Fantasy 13:08 11 John Fahey It Came Upon A Midnight Clear 01:49 12 John Fahey Go I Will Send Thee 03:54 13 John Fahey Lo, How a Rose E'er Blooming 04:45 14 John Fahey Silent Night, Holy Night 01:36 15 John Fahey Oh Holy Night 04:26 16 John Fahey Christmas Medley 04:25 17 John Fahey Russian Christmas Overture 09:06 18 John Fahey White Christmas 06:14 19 John Fahey Carol of the Bells 03:16 20 John Fahey Christmas Fantasy 15:38
John Fahey View in Albunack he Jabberwocky Nightclub - Syracuse University - Syracuse, NY 7-15-1972 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Fahey Stomping Tonight Fantasy 09:20 2 John Fahey In Christ There Is No East Or West 01:54 3 John Fahey Beverley 05:13 4 John Fahey The Dance Of The Inhabitants Of The Palace Of King Philip XIV Of Spain 12:01 5 John Fahey Tuning 05:41 6 John Fahey Thus Krishna On The Battlefield 27:11 7 John Fahey Some Summer Day 03:17 8 John Fahey Brenda's Blues/When You Wore A Tulip 03:27
John Fogerty View in Albunack Atlanta, GA, Cobb Energy Performing Arts Center 27 0 2007 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Fogerty River Is Waiting 04:56 2 John Fogerty Good Golly Miss Molly 03:34 3 John Fogerty Bad Moon Rising 02:46 4 John Fogerty Longshot 03:36 5 John Fogerty Green River 05:06 6 John Fogerty Lookin' Out My Back Door 03:26 7 John Fogerty Sweet Hitch-Hiker 03:31 8 John Fogerty Gunslinger 04:28 9 John Fogerty Born On the Bayou 04:23 10 John Fogerty Ramble Tamble 07:52 11 John Fogerty Rambunctious Boy 04:00 12 John Fogerty Midnight Special 04:02 13 John Fogerty Deja Vu (All Over Again) 04:29 14 John Fogerty Creedence Song 05:09 15 John Fogerty Keep On Chooglin' 07:03 16 John Fogerty Don't You Wish It Was True 04:53 17 John Fogerty Broken Down Cowboy 05:20 18 John Fogerty Have You Ever Seen the Rain? 03:13 19 John Fogerty Down On the Corner 03:30 20 John Fogerty Long Dark Night 02:41 21 John Fogerty I Can't Take It No More 01:42 22 John Fogerty Centerfield 04:31 23 John Fogerty Rock and Roll Girls 04:49 24 John Fogerty The Old Man Down the Road 04:53 25 John Fogerty Fortunate Son 03:58 26 John Fogerty Travelin' Band 02:21 27 John Fogerty Proud Mary 03:49
John Fogerty View in Albunack Comin' Down The Road: The Concert At Royal Albert Hall 26 1 2009 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Fogerty Comin' Down The Road 03:20 2 John Fogerty Born On The Bayou 04:08 3 John Fogerty Lookin' Out My Back Door 03:02 4 John Fogerty Rambunctious Boy 04:06 5 John Fogerty Don't You Wish It Was True 04:32 6 John Fogerty My Toot Toot 04:11 7 John Fogerty Commotion 02:35 8 John Fogerty Creedence Song 03:46 9 John Fogerty Ramble Tamble 07:23 10 John Fogerty Gunslinger 03:36 11 John Fogerty I Will Walk With You 03:32 12 John Fogerty Somebody Help Me 04:26 13 John Fogerty Broken Down Cowboy 05:24 14 John Fogerty Keep On Chooglin' 06:14 15 John Fogerty Southern Streamline 05:04 Has Mbid 16 John Fogerty Blue Ridge Mountain Blues 03:59 17 John Fogerty Almost Saturday Night 02:23 18 John Fogerty Rock And Roll Girls 03:22 19 John Fogerty Down On The Corner 03:03 20 John Fogerty Hey Tonight 02:30 21 John Fogerty Up Around The Bend 03:09 22 John Fogerty Old Man Down The Road 04:44 23 John Fogerty Fortunate Son 03:15 24 John Fogerty Travelin' Band 02:35 25 John Fogerty Rockin' All Over The World 02:58 26 John Fogerty Proud Mary 05:40
John Fogerty View in Albunack Live 12.08.2006 17 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Fogerty Keep On Chooglin 05:08 2 John Fogerty Travelin' Band 02:31 3 John Fogerty Down On The Corner 02:54 4 John Fogerty Who'll Stop The Rain 03:06 5 John Fogerty Up Around The Bend 03:44 6 John Fogerty Jambalaya 03:58 7 John Fogerty Born On The Bayou 04:16 8 John Fogerty Commotion 03:03 9 John Fogerty Rambunctious Boy 04:33 10 John Fogerty Looking Out My Back Door 04:13 11 John Fogerty Hot Rod Heart 03:48 12 John Fogerty Ramble Tamble 08:17 13 John Fogerty Midnight Special 03:46 14 John Fogerty Bootleg 03:10 15 John Fogerty Heard It Through The Grapevine 09:57 16 John Fogerty Have You Ever Seen The Rain 03:04 17 John Fogerty Sweet Hitch-Hiker 03:42
John Fogerty View in Albunack Rock-N-Roll Allstar 19 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Fogerty Mary Don't You Weep 02:50 2 John Fogerty My Pretty Babe 03:49 3 John Fogerty Let's Go 04:56 4 John Fogerty Mercy Mercy Baby 03:11 5 John Fogerty I'm A Man 03:57 6 John Fogerty No Loving You 03:01 7 John Fogerty Rock N Roll Girls 03:13 8 John Fogerty My Toot Toot 03:30 9 John Fogerty Old Man Down The Road 01:45 10 John Fogerty Zantz Can't Dance 04:59 11 John Fogerty Knock On Wood 03:55 12 John Fogerty Old Man Down/bayou 05:15 13 John Fogerty Corner 04:18 14 John Fogerty Who'll Stop The Rain 02:46 15 John Fogerty Up Around The Bend 03:25 16 John Fogerty Midnight Special 03:59 17 John Fogerty Bad Moon Rising 03:47 18 John Fogerty Fortunate Son 04:02 Has Mbid 19 John Fogerty Proud Mary 05:21
John Fogerty View in Albunack Saratoga Springs, NY July 29, 2018 15 0 2018 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Fogerty Intro 01:14 2 John Fogerty Travelin' Band 02:28 3 John Fogerty Jambalaya (On the Bayou) 01:38 4 John Fogerty New Orleans 06:14 5 John Fogerty Down on the Corner 02:49 6 John Fogerty Centerfield 05:11 7 John Fogerty Up Around the Bend 03:02 8 John Fogerty Fortunate Son 04:07 9 John Fogerty Green River 04:54 10 John Fogerty Proud Mary 03:34 11 John Fogerty Hot Rod Heart 09:30 12 John Fogerty Have You Ever Seen the Rain? 02:35 13 John Fogerty Lookin' Out My Back Door 04:06 14 John Fogerty I Heard It Through the Grapevine 08:48 15 John Fogerty Keep on Chooglin' 07:09
John Fogerty View in Albunack Wrote a Song for Everyone [HDTracks] [24/44.1 kHz] 14 0 2013 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Fogerty Fortunate Son 03:29 2 John Fogerty Almost Saturday Night 03:17 3 John Fogerty Lodi 04:19 4 John Fogerty Mystic Highway 06:05 6 John Fogerty Bad Moon Rising 02:54 7 John Fogerty Long as I Can See the Light 04:49 14 John Fogerty Proud Mary 04:23
John Foxx View in Albunack Cathedral Oceans Live 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Foxx Cathedral Oceans I 19:02 2 John Foxx Cathedral Oceans II 07:44 3 John Foxx Cathedral Oceans III 06:31 4 John Foxx Cathedral Oceans IV 04:06 5 John Foxx Cathedral Oceans V 03:36 6 John Foxx Cathedral Oceans VI 04:14 7 John Foxx Cathedral Oceans VII 06:17 8 John Foxx Cathedral Oceans VIII 04:25 9 John Foxx Cathedral Oceans IX 04:34 10 John Foxx Cathedral Oceans X 04:48 11 John Foxx Cathedral Oceans XI 05:25 12 John Foxx Cathedral Oceans XII 06:48
John Foxx View in Albunack Metamatic Sessions 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Foxx He's A Liquid (Demo) 03:06 2 John Foxx He's A Liquid (Dub) 02:07 3 John Foxx Piano Piece 02:33 4 John Foxx Drum 1 00:40 5 John Foxx Drum 2 00:43 6 John Foxx Echo Piece 02:56 7 John Foxx Jamie's Theme 01:09 8 John Foxx Touch And Go (Strings) 02:01 9 John Foxx Touch And Go (# 1) 01:33 10 John Foxx Red Collar 04:40
John Foxx View in Albunack The Golden Section Tour 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Foxx Running Across Thin Ice With Tigers 07:03 2 John Foxx Walk Away 03:49 3 John Foxx The Hidden Man 06:20 4 John Foxx Slow Motion 03:21 5 John Foxx The Quiet Man 04:48 6 John Foxx I Can't Stay Long 05:39 7 John Foxx When I Was a Man and You Were a Woman 03:50 8 John Foxx Systems of Romance 04:05 9 John Foxx The Garden 07:36
John Grisham View in Albunack 'The Associate 18 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Grisham Utwór01 00:35 2 John Grisham Utwór02 04:00 3 John Grisham Utwór03 04:54 4 John Grisham Utwór04 02:47 5 John Grisham Utwór05 04:18 6 John Grisham Utwór06 04:41 7 John Grisham Utwór07 04:05 8 John Grisham Utwór08 04:59 9 John Grisham Utwór09 04:09 10 John Grisham Utwór10 04:27 11 John Grisham Utwór11 04:05 12 John Grisham Utwór12 04:33 13 John Grisham Utwór13 04:44 14 John Grisham Utwór14 03:24 15 John Grisham Utwór15 04:25 16 John Grisham Utwór16 04:40 17 John Grisham Utwór17 04:49 18 John Grisham Utwór18 03:11
John Grisham View in Albunack A Painted House 36 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Grisham A Painted House 01 of 36 19:59 2 John Grisham A Painted House 02 of 36 20:15 3 John Grisham A Painted House 03 of 36 23:15 4 John Grisham A Painted House 04 of 36 20:48 5 John Grisham A Painted House 05 of 36 23:41 6 John Grisham A Painted House 06 of 36 22:17 7 John Grisham A Painted House 07 of 36 24:38 8 John Grisham A Painted House 08 of 36 19:42 9 John Grisham A Painted House 09 of 36 21:10 10 John Grisham A Painted House 10 of 36 18:30 11 John Grisham A Painted House 11 of 36 30:09 12 John Grisham A Painted House 12 of 36 11:38 13 John Grisham A Painted House 13 of 36 16:39 14 John Grisham A Painted House 14 of 36 17:53 15 John Grisham A Painted House 15 of 36 16:58 16 John Grisham A Painted House 16 of 36 25:55 17 John Grisham A Painted House 17 of 36 16:10 18 John Grisham A Painted House 18 of 36 35:41 19 John Grisham A Painted House 19 of 36 26:13 20 John Grisham A Painted House 20 of 36 17:14 21 John Grisham A Painted House 21 of 36 19:00 22 John Grisham A Painted House 22 of 36 18:06 23 John Grisham A Painted House 23 of 36 25:10 24 John Grisham A Painted House 24 of 36 21:10 25 John Grisham A Painted House 25 of 36 16:06 26 John Grisham A Painted House 26 of 36 18:36 27 John Grisham A Painted House 27 of 36 15:05 28 John Grisham A Painted House 28 of 36 16:31 29 John Grisham A Painted House 29 of 36 16:12 30 John Grisham A Painted House 30 of 36 15:46 31 John Grisham A Painted House 31 of 36 17:14 32 John Grisham A Painted House 32 of 36 16:58 33 John Grisham A Painted House 33 of 36 19:59 34 John Grisham A Painted House 34 of 36 25:44 35 John Grisham A Painted House 35 of 36 17:43 36 John Grisham A Painted House 36 of 36 11:22
John Grisham View in Albunack Advocaat van de Duivel 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Grisham Advocaat van de duivel 00:33 2 John Grisham Om half elf waren ze klaar voor de laatste gang naar het... 06:37 3 John Grisham Het gebouw van de Southeastern Bank in het centrum van 05:47 4 John Grisham Opeens brandde hij van verlangen om Memphis 05:13 5 John Grisham Mitch stond op bij zonsopgang. Hij liep langs de kust tot 05:54 6 John Grisham Tarrance begon in het boek te lezen 05:35 7 John Grisham Tammy Greenwood van Greenwood Services zette haar... 07:50 8 John Grisham De zoekactie van Morolto werd vertraagd toen de politie... 04:55 9 John Grisham Op de vierde verdieping van het Bendini gebouw 08:25 10 John Grisham H11 Het was hoogst ongebruikelijk dat echtgenotes 04:34 11 John Grisham Dagenlang sloegen ze George gade en luisterden ze naar 05:57
John Grisham View in Albunack Advocaat van de duivel 42 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Grisham Advocaat van de duivel 00:34 2 John Grisham H4 Om Vijf Uur 'S Morgens Begon De Wekker... 05:42 3 John Grisham Oliver Lambert En Nathan Locke Stonden Voor De... 06:16 4 John Grisham Advocaat van de duivel 05:13 5 John Grisham Advocaat van de duivel 06:48 6 John Grisham Advocaat van de duivel 06:32 7 John Grisham H5 Nina Stoof Het Kantoor Binnen... 06:55 8 John Grisham De Volgende Morgen Ging Hij Om Acht Uur Naar De... 07:45 9 John Grisham H6 De Bewaker Riep Zijn Naam... 06:41 10 John Grisham Advocaat van de duivel 05:00 11 John Grisham Advocaat van de duivel 08:54 12 John Grisham Advocaat van de duivel 07:06 13 John Grisham Advocaat van de duivel 05:42 14 John Grisham Advocaat van de duivel 06:16 15 John Grisham Advocaat van de duivel 05:44 16 John Grisham Advocaat van de duivel 08:36 17 John Grisham Advocaat van de duivel 07:24 18 John Grisham Advocaat van de duivel 06:55 19 John Grisham Advocaat van de duivel 07:45 20 John Grisham Advocaat van de duivel 06:41 21 John Grisham Advocaat van de duivel 05:18 22 John Grisham Advocaat van de duivel 05:50 23 John Grisham Advocaat van de duivel 06:50 24 John Grisham Advocaat van de duivel 03:50 25 John Grisham Advocaat van de duivel 07:31 26 John Grisham Advocaat van de duivel 08:33 27 John Grisham Advocaat van de duivel 07:16 28 John Grisham Advocaat van de duivel 05:21 29 John Grisham Advocaat van de duivel 06:51 30 John Grisham Advocaat van de duivel 05:04 31 John Grisham Advocaat van de duivel 05:20 32 John Grisham Advocaat van de duivel 06:15 33 John Grisham Advocaat van de duivel 08:23 34 John Grisham Advocaat van de duivel 05:39 35 John Grisham Advocaat van de duivel 04:31 36 John Grisham Advocaat van de duivel 05:23 37 John Grisham Advocaat van de duivel 08:26 38 John Grisham Advocaat van de duivel 05:34 39 John Grisham Advocaat van de duivel 07:50 40 John Grisham Advocaat van de duivel 07:10 41 John Grisham Advocaat van de duivel 02:23 42 John Grisham Advocaat van de duivel 04:34
John Grisham View in Albunack Berufung [CD02] 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Grisham Berufung 'Kapitel 06' 17:21 2 John Grisham Berufung 'Kapitel 07' 07:12 3 John Grisham Berufung 'Kapitel 08' 06:41 4 John Grisham Berufung 'Kapitel 09' 11:27 5 John Grisham Berufung 'Kapitel 10' 06:51 6 John Grisham Berufung 'Kapitel 11' 02:41 7 John Grisham Berufung 'Kapitel 12' 18:53 8 John Grisham Berufung 'Kapitel 13' 04:13
John Grisham View in Albunack Berufung [CD03] 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Grisham Berufung 'Kapitel 14' 12:03 2 John Grisham Berufung 'Kapitel 15' 02:37 3 John Grisham Berufung 'Kapitel 16' 07:03 4 John Grisham Berufung 'Kapitel 17' 08:01 5 John Grisham Berufung 'Kapitel 18' 04:53 6 John Grisham Berufung 'Kapitel 19' 12:27 7 John Grisham Berufung 'Kapitel 20' 16:44 8 John Grisham Berufung 'Kapitel 21' 12:39
John Grisham View in Albunack Berufung [CD04] 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Grisham Berufung 'Kapitel 22' 07:22 2 John Grisham Berufung 'Kapitel 23' 10:52 3 John Grisham Berufung 'Kapitel 25' 15:55 4 John Grisham Berufung 'Kapitel 26' 01:06 5 John Grisham Berufung 'Kapitel 26' 06:54 6 John Grisham Berufung 'Kapitel 28' 12:53 7 John Grisham Berufung 'Kapitel 28' 10:19 8 John Grisham Berufung 'Kapitel 29' 10:59
John Grisham View in Albunack Camino Island 14 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Grisham Camino Island 07:30 2 John Grisham Camino Island 0602 08:59 3 John Grisham Camino Island 0503 06:16 4 John Grisham Camino Island 0404 08:27 5 John Grisham Camino Island 0205 08:51 6 John Grisham Camino Island Disc 1 Track 06 07:52 7 John Grisham Camino Island 0407 07:50 8 John Grisham Camino Island 0508 08:49 9 John Grisham Camino Island 0409 06:05 10 John Grisham Camino Island 08:50 11 John Grisham Camino Island 06:34 12 John Grisham Camino Island Disc 1 Track 12 03:21 13 John Grisham Camino Island 0713 02:55 14 John Grisham Camino Island Disc 1 Track 14 03:21
John Grisham View in Albunack D02_Theodore Boone-The Accused 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Grisham D02T01_Theodore Boone-The Accused 06:35 2 John Grisham D02T02_Theodore Boone-The Accused 05:03 3 John Grisham D02T03_Theodore Boone-The Accused 06:59 4 John Grisham D02T04_Theodore Boone-The Accused 05:37 5 John Grisham D02T05_Theodore Boone-The Accused 06:27 6 John Grisham D02T06_Theodore Boone-The Accused 04:33 7 John Grisham D02T07_Theodore Boone-The Accused 05:47 8 John Grisham D02T08_Theodore Boone-The Accused 05:19 9 John Grisham D02T09_Theodore Boone-The Accused 07:49 10 John Grisham D02T10_Theodore Boone-The Accused 06:10
John Grisham View in Albunack D02_Theodore Boone-The Fugitive 13 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Grisham D02T01_Theodore Boone-The Fugitive 07:13 2 John Grisham D02T02_Theodore Boone-The Fugitive 06:33 3 John Grisham D02T03_Theodore Boone-The Fugitive 05:31 4 John Grisham D02T04_Theodore Boone-The Fugitive 04:05 5 John Grisham D02T05_Theodore Boone-The Fugitive 05:44 6 John Grisham D02T06_Theodore Boone-The Fugitive 05:17 7 John Grisham D02T07_Theodore Boone-The Fugitive 08:23 8 John Grisham D02T08_Theodore Boone-The Fugitive 07:07 9 John Grisham D02T09_Theodore Boone-The Fugitive 06:35 10 John Grisham D02T10_Theodore Boone-The Fugitive 05:50 11 John Grisham D02T11_Theodore Boone-The Fugitive 04:01 12 John Grisham D02T12_Theodore Boone-The Fugitive 04:19 13 John Grisham D02T13_Theodore Boone-The Fugitive 05:49
John Grisham View in Albunack D04_Rogue Lawyer 19 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Grisham D04T01_Rogue Lawyer 02:12 2 John Grisham D04T02_Rogue Lawyer 03:08 3 John Grisham D04T03_Rogue Lawyer 02:42 4 John Grisham D04T04_Rogue Lawyer 04:43 5 John Grisham D04T05_Rogue Lawyer 04:14 6 John Grisham D04T06_Rogue Lawyer 03:57 7 John Grisham D04T07_Rogue Lawyer 03:29 8 John Grisham D04T08_Rogue Lawyer 05:11 9 John Grisham D04T09_Rogue Lawyer 05:29 10 John Grisham D04T10_Rogue Lawyer 06:12 11 John Grisham D04T11_Rogue Lawyer 04:41 12 John Grisham D04T12_Rogue Lawyer 03:16 13 John Grisham D04T13_Rogue Lawyer 05:16 14 John Grisham D04T14_Rogue Lawyer 04:47 15 John Grisham D04T15_Rogue Lawyer 02:22 16 John Grisham D04T16_Rogue Lawyer 01:40 17 John Grisham D04T17_Rogue Lawyer 02:39 18 John Grisham D04T18_Rogue Lawyer 06:04 19 John Grisham D04T19_Rogue Lawyer 04:24
John Grisham View in Albunack D04_Theodore Boone-The Accused 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Grisham D04T01_Theodore Boone-The Accused 07:18 2 John Grisham D04T02_Theodore Boone-The Accused 07:07 3 John Grisham D04T03_Theodore Boone-The Accused 05:02 4 John Grisham D04T04_Theodore Boone-The Accused 04:46 5 John Grisham D04T05_Theodore Boone-The Accused 08:54 6 John Grisham D04T06_Theodore Boone-The Accused 05:48 7 John Grisham D04T07_Theodore Boone-The Accused 06:06 8 John Grisham D04T08_Theodore Boone-The Accused 04:17 9 John Grisham D04T09_Theodore Boone-The Accused 04:53 10 John Grisham D04T10_Theodore Boone-The Accused 07:23
John Grisham View in Albunack D05_Rogue Lawyer 19 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Grisham D05T01_Rogue Lawyer 05:51 2 John Grisham D05T02_Rogue Lawyer 05:46 3 John Grisham D05T03_Rogue Lawyer 03:11 4 John Grisham D05T04_Rogue Lawyer 03:38 5 John Grisham D05T05_Rogue Lawyer 04:38 6 John Grisham D05T06_Rogue Lawyer 04:08 7 John Grisham D05T07_Rogue Lawyer 04:22 8 John Grisham D05T08_Rogue Lawyer 01:41 9 John Grisham D05T09_Rogue Lawyer 01:43 10 John Grisham D05T10_Rogue Lawyer 01:38 11 John Grisham D05T11_Rogue Lawyer 02:44 12 John Grisham D05T12_Rogue Lawyer 01:40 13 John Grisham D05T13_Rogue Lawyer 04:09 14 John Grisham D05T14_Rogue Lawyer 06:11 15 John Grisham D05T15_Rogue Lawyer 05:36 16 John Grisham D05T16_Rogue Lawyer 01:14 17 John Grisham D05T17_Rogue Lawyer 04:50 18 John Grisham D05T18_Rogue Lawyer 06:05 19 John Grisham D05T19_Rogue Lawyer 04:57
John Grisham View in Albunack D07_Rogue Lawyer 19 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Grisham D07T01_Rogue Lawyer 03:49 2 John Grisham D07T02_Rogue Lawyer 03:31 3 John Grisham D07T03_Rogue Lawyer 04:00 4 John Grisham D07T04_Rogue Lawyer 03:19 5 John Grisham D07T05_Rogue Lawyer 05:32 6 John Grisham D07T06_Rogue Lawyer 05:42 7 John Grisham D07T07_Rogue Lawyer 01:42 8 John Grisham D07T08_Rogue Lawyer 05:25 9 John Grisham D07T09_Rogue Lawyer 05:38 10 John Grisham D07T10_Rogue Lawyer 03:40 11 John Grisham D07T11_Rogue Lawyer 01:35 12 John Grisham D07T12_Rogue Lawyer 04:52 13 John Grisham D07T13_Rogue Lawyer 02:49 14 John Grisham D07T14_Rogue Lawyer 02:11 15 John Grisham D07T15_Rogue Lawyer 06:09 16 John Grisham D07T16_Rogue Lawyer 01:44 17 John Grisham D07T17_Rogue Lawyer 04:25 18 John Grisham D07T18_Rogue Lawyer 06:26 19 John Grisham D07T19_Rogue Lawyer 03:35
John Grisham View in Albunack Das Komplott (ungekürzt) 10 0 2013 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Grisham Das Komplott 22:00 2 John Grisham Das Komplott 31:38 3 John Grisham Das Komplott 30:07 4 John Grisham Das Komplott 30:04 5 John Grisham Das Komplott 30:50 6 John Grisham Das Komplott 34:25 7 John Grisham Das Komplott 35:03 8 John Grisham Das Komplott 34:09 9 John Grisham Das Komplott 26:18 10 John Grisham Das Komplott 55:12
John Grisham View in Albunack Das Komplott CD02 12 2 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Grisham 201 08:02 2 John Grisham 202 09:52 3 John Grisham 203 04:31 Has Mbid 4 John Grisham 204 08:42 5 John Grisham 205 07:33 6 John Grisham 206 05:35 7 John Grisham 207 05:36 8 John Grisham 20 06:26 Has Mbid 9 John Grisham 209 06:27 10 John Grisham 22 06:33 11 John Grisham 23 04:08 12 John Grisham 24 04:35
John Grisham View in Albunack Das Komplott CD03 13 3 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Grisham 301 05:24 2 John Grisham 302 06:27 Has Mbid 3 John Grisham 303 06:28 4 John Grisham 304 03:58 5 John Grisham 305 02:34 6 John Grisham 306 09:00 7 John Grisham 307 05:08 8 John Grisham 308 05:30 Has Mbid 9 John Grisham 309 07:53 Has Mbid 10 John Grisham 310 06:46 11 John Grisham 311 03:30 12 John Grisham 312 06:48 13 John Grisham 313 07:30
John Grisham View in Albunack Das Komplott CD04 12 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Grisham 401 05:51 2 John Grisham 402 06:52 3 John Grisham 403 07:19 4 John Grisham 404 05:12 5 John Grisham 405 07:49 6 John Grisham 406 08:37 7 John Grisham 407 07:42 8 John Grisham 408 05:04 9 John Grisham 409 06:43 10 John Grisham 410 04:37 Has Mbid 11 John Grisham 411 07:05 12 John Grisham 412 05:32
John Grisham View in Albunack Das Komplott CD05 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Grisham 501 06:09 2 John Grisham 502 05:49 3 John Grisham 503 09:26 4 John Grisham 504 07:40 5 John Grisham 505 06:52 6 John Grisham 506 10:19 7 John Grisham 507 04:31 8 John Grisham 508 09:38 9 John Grisham 509 10:13 10 John Grisham 510 07:02
John Grisham View in Albunack Das Komplott CD06 11 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Grisham 601 09:13 2 John Grisham 602 07:05 3 John Grisham 603 06:50 4 John Grisham 604 07:08 5 John Grisham 605 06:53 6 John Grisham 606 07:48 7 John Grisham 607 09:46 8 John Grisham 608 04:31 Has Mbid 9 John Grisham 609 06:36 10 John Grisham 610 06:01 11 John Grisham 611 08:05
John Grisham View in Albunack Das Komplottl 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Grisham 50 06:09 2 John Grisham 51 05:49 3 John Grisham 52 09:26 4 John Grisham 53 07:40 5 John Grisham 54 06:52 6 John Grisham 55 10:19 7 John Grisham 56 04:31 8 John Grisham 57 09:38 9 John Grisham 58 10:13 10 John Grisham 59 07:02
John Grisham View in Albunack Der unsichtbare Zeuge 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Grisham 301 09:41 2 John Grisham 202 09:38 3 John Grisham 203 06:57 4 John Grisham 304 05:54 5 John Grisham 305 05:23 6 John Grisham 206 05:28 7 John Grisham 207 04:37 8 John Grisham 41 06:24 9 John Grisham 209 08:32 10 John Grisham 210 05:26 11 John Grisham 211 05:01
John Grisham View in Albunack Die Jury CD01 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Grisham Die Jury 07:00 2 John Grisham Die Jury 04:06 3 John Grisham Die Jury 06:51 4 John Grisham Die Jury 05:18 5 John Grisham Die Jury 08:59 6 John Grisham Die Jury 08:30 7 John Grisham Die Jury 06:41 8 John Grisham Die Jury 08:03 9 John Grisham Die Jury 05:44 10 John Grisham Die Jury 05:29 11 John Grisham Die Jury 03:09 12 John Grisham Die Jury 07:15
John Grisham View in Albunack Die Jury CD03 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Grisham 26 Die Jury 07:31 2 John Grisham 27 Die Jury 07:21 3 John Grisham 28 Die Jury 06:39 4 John Grisham 29 Die Jury 10:16 5 John Grisham 30 Die Jury 02:36 6 John Grisham 31 Die Jury 05:40 7 John Grisham 32 Die Jury 08:09 8 John Grisham 33 Die Jury 06:02 9 John Grisham 34 Die Jury 07:18 10 John Grisham 35 Die Jury 08:36 11 John Grisham 36 Die Jury 07:15
John Grisham View in Albunack Die Jury CD04 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Grisham 37 Die Jury 07:59 2 John Grisham 38 Die Jury 04:32 3 John Grisham 39 Die Jury 08:54 4 John Grisham 40 Die Jury 08:04 5 John Grisham 41 Die Jury 05:19 6 John Grisham 42 Die Jury 09:40 7 John Grisham 43 Die Jury 06:21 8 John Grisham 44 Die Jury 07:24 9 John Grisham 45 Die Jury 05:10 10 John Grisham 46 Die Jury 09:36 11 John Grisham 47 Die Jury 08:07
John Grisham View in Albunack Die Jury CD05 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Grisham 48 Die Jury 09:57 2 John Grisham 49 Die Jury 10:23 3 John Grisham 50 Die Jury 05:56 4 John Grisham 51 Die Jury 05:01 5 John Grisham 52 Die Jury 07:08 6 John Grisham 53 Die Jury 07:57 7 John Grisham 54 Die Jury 06:40 8 John Grisham 55 Die Jury 05:28 9 John Grisham 56 Die Jury 07:45 10 John Grisham 57 Die Jury 09:54 11 John Grisham 58 Die Jury 08:49
John Grisham View in Albunack Die Jury CD06 13 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Grisham 59 Die Jury 07:53 2 John Grisham 60 Die Jury 06:43 3 John Grisham 61 Die Jury 05:18 4 John Grisham 62 Die Jury 06:47 5 John Grisham 63 Die Jury 04:49 6 John Grisham 64 Die Jury 06:29 7 John Grisham 65 Die Jury 02:55 8 John Grisham 66 Die Jury 06:32 9 John Grisham 67 Die Jury 05:26 10 John Grisham 68 Die Jury 06:52 11 John Grisham 69 Die Jury 07:19 12 John Grisham 70 Die Jury 06:42 13 John Grisham 71 Die Jury 03:34
John Grisham View in Albunack Gray Mountain CD02 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Grisham Chapter 5-1 06:01 2 John Grisham Chapter 5-2 06:48 3 John Grisham Chapter 5-3 07:08 4 John Grisham Chapter 5-4 08:04 5 John Grisham Chapter 5-5 04:25 6 John Grisham Chapter 5-6 05:27 7 John Grisham Chapter 6-1 07:20 8 John Grisham Chapter 6-2 07:27 9 John Grisham Chapter 6-3 07:08 10 John Grisham Chapter 6-4 07:13 11 John Grisham Chapter 6-5 07:48
John Grisham View in Albunack Gray Mountain CD03 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Grisham Chapter 7.1 08:33 2 John Grisham Chapter 7.2 05:57 3 John Grisham Chapter 8.1 08:19 4 John Grisham Chapter 8.2 06:48 5 John Grisham Chapter 8.3 06:20 6 John Grisham Chapter 8.4 04:20 7 John Grisham Chapter 9.1 08:27 8 John Grisham Chapter 9.2 07:34 9 John Grisham Chapter 9.3 07:27 10 John Grisham Chapter 10.1 05:56 11 John Grisham Chapter 10.2 04:22
John Grisham View in Albunack Gray Mountain CD04 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Grisham Chapter 10.3 08:59 2 John Grisham Chapter 10.4 07:44 3 John Grisham Chapter 11.1 08:28 4 John Grisham Chapter 11.2 07:46 5 John Grisham Chapter 11.3 05:44 6 John Grisham Chapter 11.4 05:01 7 John Grisham Chapter 12.1 06:02 8 John Grisham Chapter 12.2 08:09 9 John Grisham Chapter 12.3 04:50 10 John Grisham Chapter 12.4 07:35 11 John Grisham Chapter 12.5 05:27
John Grisham View in Albunack Gray Mountain CD05 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Grisham Chapter 13.1 06:03 2 John Grisham Chapter 13.2 08:18 3 John Grisham Chapter 13.3 05:58 4 John Grisham Chapter 13.4 06:12 5 John Grisham Chapter 13.5 04:22 6 John Grisham Chapter 14.1 08:37 7 John Grisham Chapter 14.2 06:41 8 John Grisham Chapter 15.1 07:16 9 John Grisham Chapter 15.2 05:10 10 John Grisham Chapter 15.3 04:09 11 John Grisham Chapter 15.4 04:52 12 John Grisham Chapter 16.1 07:47
John Grisham View in Albunack Gray Mountain CD06 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Grisham Chapter 16.2 07:05 2 John Grisham Chapter 16.3 08:35 3 John Grisham Chapter 16.4 04:57 4 John Grisham Chapter 17.1 08:11 5 John Grisham Chapter 17.2 05:59 6 John Grisham Chapter 18.1 05:58 7 John Grisham Chapter 18.2 05:53 8 John Grisham Chapter 18.3 07:52 9 John Grisham Chapter 19.1 08:27 10 John Grisham Chapter 19.2 06:44 11 John Grisham Chapter 19.3 04:52
John Grisham View in Albunack Gray Mountain CD07 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Grisham Chapter 19.4 03:31 2 John Grisham Chapter 20.1 08:20 3 John Grisham Chapter 20.2 07:52 4 John Grisham Chapter 21.1 08:37 5 John Grisham Chapter 21.2 05:47 6 John Grisham Chapter 21.3 03:50 7 John Grisham Chapter 22.1 07:40 8 John Grisham Chapter 22.2 07:41 9 John Grisham Chapter 22.3 08:19 10 John Grisham Chapter 22.4 04:18 11 John Grisham Chapter 22.5 06:01
John Grisham View in Albunack Gray Mountain CD08 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Grisham Chapter 24.1 04:58 2 John Grisham Chapter 24.2 06:50 3 John Grisham Chapter 25.1 08:30 4 John Grisham Chapter 25.2 04:55 5 John Grisham Chapter 25.3 07:39 6 John Grisham Chapter 25.4 04:41 7 John Grisham Chapter 26.1 07:56 8 John Grisham Chapter 26.2 07:32 9 John Grisham Chapter 26.3 08:07 10 John Grisham Chapter 26.4 06:02 11 John Grisham Chapter 26.5 03:44
John Grisham View in Albunack Gray Mountain CD09 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Grisham Chapter 27.1 08:01 2 John Grisham Chapter 27.2 05:33 3 John Grisham Chapter 27.3 07:03 4 John Grisham Chapter 28.1 07:27 5 John Grisham Chapter 28.2 07:33 6 John Grisham Chapter 28.3 08:07 7 John Grisham Chapter 28.4 03:48 8 John Grisham Chapter 28.5 07:13 9 John Grisham Chapter 29.1 08:49 10 John Grisham Chapter 29.2 03:20 11 John Grisham Chapter 29.2 06:00
John Grisham View in Albunack King of Torts 48 0 2003 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Grisham King of Torts 01-48 14:57 2 John Grisham King of Torts 02-48 15:00 3 John Grisham King of Torts 03-48 15:00 4 John Grisham King of Torts 04-48 15:00 5 John Grisham King of Torts 05-48 15:00 6 John Grisham King of Torts 06-48 15:00 7 John Grisham King of Torts 07-48 15:00 8 John Grisham King of Torts 08-48 15:00 9 John Grisham King of Torts 09-48 15:00 10 John Grisham King of Torts 10-48 15:00 11 John Grisham King of Torts 11-48 15:00 12 John Grisham King of Torts 12-48 15:00 13 John Grisham King of Torts 13-48 15:00 14 John Grisham King of Torts 14-48 15:00 15 John Grisham King of Torts 15-48 15:00 16 John Grisham King of Torts 16-48 15:00 17 John Grisham King of Torts 17-48 15:00 18 John Grisham King of Torts 18-48 15:00 19 John Grisham King of Torts 19-48 15:00 20 John Grisham King of Torts 20-48 15:00 21 John Grisham King of Torts 21-48 15:00 22 John Grisham King of Torts 22-48 15:00 23 John Grisham King of Torts 23-48 15:00 24 John Grisham King of Torts 24-48 15:00 25 John Grisham King of Torts 25-48 15:00 26 John Grisham King of Torts 26-48 15:00 27 John Grisham King of Torts 27-48 15:00 28 John Grisham King of Torts 28-48 15:00 29 John Grisham King of Torts 29-48 15:00 30 John Grisham King of Torts 30-48 15:00 31 John Grisham King of Torts 31-48 15:00 32 John Grisham King of Torts 32-48 15:00 33 John Grisham King of Torts 33-48 15:00 34 John Grisham King of Torts 34-48 15:00 35 John Grisham King of Torts 35-48 15:00 36 John Grisham King of Torts 36-48 15:00 37 John Grisham King of Torts 37-48 15:00 38 John Grisham King of Torts 38-48 15:00 39 John Grisham King of Torts 39-48 15:00 40 John Grisham King of Torts 40-48 15:00 41 John Grisham King of Torts 41-48 15:00 42 John Grisham King of Torts 42-48 15:00 43 John Grisham King of Torts 43-48 15:00 44 John Grisham King of Torts 44-48 15:00 45 John Grisham King of Torts 45-48 15:00 46 John Grisham King of Torts 46-48 15:00 47 John Grisham King of Torts 47-48 15:00 48 John Grisham King of Torts 48-48 02:21
John Grisham View in Albunack Playing for Pizza - 2 of 6 17 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Grisham Chapter 6 04:44 2 John Grisham Chapter 6b 04:42 3 John Grisham Chapter 6c 03:37 4 John Grisham Chapter 6d 03:18 5 John Grisham Chapter 6e 03:08 6 John Grisham Chapter 7 04:36 7 John Grisham Chapter 7b 04:35 8 John Grisham Chapter 7c 04:30 9 John Grisham Chapter 7d 03:43 10 John Grisham Chapter 8 04:21 11 John Grisham Chapter 8b 03:29 12 John Grisham Chapter 8c 03:41 13 John Grisham Chapter 9 04:39 14 John Grisham Chapter 9b 04:33 15 John Grisham Chapter 9c 04:29 16 John Grisham Chapter 9d 03:59 17 John Grisham Chapter 10 02:36
John Grisham View in Albunack Playing for Pizza - 3 of 6 19 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Grisham Chapter 10b 04:58 2 John Grisham Chapter 10c 04:56 3 John Grisham Chapter 10d 03:24 4 John Grisham Chapter 10e 03:50 5 John Grisham Chapter 11 03:24 6 John Grisham Chapter 11b 03:28 7 John Grisham Chapter 11c 03:13 8 John Grisham Chapter 11d 03:55 9 John Grisham Chapter 12 03:37 10 John Grisham Chapter 12b 02:55 11 John Grisham Chapter 12c 02:54 12 John Grisham Chapter 12d 04:09 13 John Grisham Chapter 13 03:24 14 John Grisham Chapter 13b 03:18 15 John Grisham Chapter 13c 03:10 16 John Grisham Chapter 13d 03:11 17 John Grisham Chapter 14 03:01 18 John Grisham Chapter 14b 04:45 19 John Grisham Chapter 14c 03:45
John Grisham View in Albunack Playing for Pizza - 4 of 6 18 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Grisham Chapter 14d 02:14 2 John Grisham Chapter 14e 03:23 3 John Grisham Chapter 15 03:19 4 John Grisham Chapter 15b 03:40 5 John Grisham Chapter 15c 03:25 6 John Grisham Chapter 15d 03:47 7 John Grisham Chapter 15e 03:05 8 John Grisham Chapter 16 04:40 9 John Grisham Chapter 16b 03:59 10 John Grisham Chapter 17 04:41 11 John Grisham Chapter 17b 04:06 12 John Grisham Chapter 17c 03:45 13 John Grisham Chapter 18 05:05 14 John Grisham Chapter 18b 03:38 15 John Grisham Chapter 18c 04:10 16 John Grisham Chapter 19 04:02 17 John Grisham Chapter 19b 03:18 18 John Grisham Chapter 20 03:36
John Grisham View in Albunack Playing for Pizza - 5 of 6 18 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Grisham Chapter 20b 04:43 2 John Grisham Chapter 20c 04:09 3 John Grisham Chapter 21 04:12 4 John Grisham Chapter 21b 03:26 5 John Grisham Chapter 21c 03:18 6 John Grisham Chapter 22 04:57 7 John Grisham Chapter 22b 04:58 8 John Grisham Chapter 22c 04:27 9 John Grisham Chapter 23 03:46 10 John Grisham Chapter 23b 03:05 11 John Grisham Chapter 23c 03:48 12 John Grisham Chapter 24 03:45 13 John Grisham Chapter 24b 02:55 14 John Grisham Chapter 24c 03:23 15 John Grisham Chapter 24d 03:04 16 John Grisham Chapter 25 04:14 17 John Grisham Chapter 25b 04:28 18 John Grisham Chapter 25c 04:10
John Grisham View in Albunack Playing for Pizza - 6 of 6 17 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Grisham Chapter 25d 02:24 2 John Grisham Chapter 26 04:52 3 John Grisham Chapter 26b 04:33 4 John Grisham Chapter 27 04:45 5 John Grisham Chapter 27b 04:58 6 John Grisham Chapter 27c 05:07 7 John Grisham Chapter 28 04:30 8 John Grisham Chapter 28b 03:00 9 John Grisham Chapter 28c 03:17 10 John Grisham Chapter 29 04:46 11 John Grisham Chapter 29b 02:55 12 John Grisham Chapter 30 02:57 13 John Grisham Chapter 30b 04:01 14 John Grisham Chapter 30c 04:18 15 John Grisham Chapter 30d 03:46 16 John Grisham Chapter 31 04:43 17 John Grisham Chapter 31b 04:05
John Grisham View in Albunack The Associate (unabridged, read by Vincent Marzello) 21 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Grisham Associate001 03:17 2 John Grisham Associate002 02:55 3 John Grisham Associate003 02:47 4 John Grisham Associate004 02:59 5 John Grisham Associate005 04:10 6 John Grisham Associate006 02:56 7 John Grisham Associate007 03:24 8 John Grisham Associate008 02:32 9 John Grisham Associate009 04:09 10 John Grisham Associate010 04:04 11 John Grisham Associate011 03:07 12 John Grisham Associate012 03:05 13 John Grisham Associate013 02:40 14 John Grisham Associate014 03:05 15 John Grisham Associate015 03:01 16 John Grisham Associate016 03:21 17 John Grisham Associate017 03:04 18 John Grisham Associate018 02:32 19 John Grisham Associate019 03:33 20 John Grisham Associate020 03:17 21 John Grisham Associate021 02:10
John Grisham View in Albunack The Confession - A Novel 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Grisham The Confession - Part 01 11:24 2 John Grisham A Novel
The Confession - Part 03 16:02 3 John Grisham The Confession - Part 03 16:02 4 John Grisham The Confession - Part 04 12:05 5 John Grisham A Novel
The Confession - Part 06 12:18 6 John Grisham A Novel
The Confession - Part 07 09:45 7 John Grisham The Confession - Part 07 09:45 8 John Grisham The Confession - Part 08 13:47 9 John Grisham A Novel
The Confession - Part 10 18:21 10 John Grisham The Confession - Part 10 18:21 11 John Grisham The Confession - Part 11 09:57 12 John Grisham The Confession - Part 12 02:36
John Grisham View in Albunack The Last Juror 01 22 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Read by Vincent Marzello - of 22 03:21 2 Read by Vincent Marzello - of 22 02:43 3 Read by Vincent Marzello - of 22 02:57 4 Read by Vincent Marzello - of 22 03:01 5 Read by Vincent Marzello - of 22 03:28 6 Read by Vincent Marzello - of 22 02:33 7 Read by Vincent Marzello - of 22 02:39 8 Read by Vincent Marzello - of 22 03:29 9 Read by Vincent Marzello - of 22 02:38 10 Read by Vincent Marzello - of 22 03:17 11 Read by Vincent Marzello - of 22 02:35 12 Read by Vincent Marzello - of 22 03:27 13 Read by Vincent Marzello - of 22 02:21 14 Read by Vincent Marzello - of 22 03:40 15 Read by Vincent Marzello - of 22 02:59 16 Read by Vincent Marzello - of 22 02:50 17 Read by Vincent Marzello - of 22 02:35 18 Read by Vincent Marzello - of 22 04:11 19 Read by Vincent Marzello - of 22 01:54 20 Read by Vincent Marzello - of 22 02:44 21 Read by Vincent Marzello - of 22 03:32 22 Read by Vincent Marzello - of 22 02:20
John Grisham View in Albunack The Whisther 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Grisham Chapter 07a 06:51 2 John Grisham Chapter 07b 07:36 3 John Grisham Chapter 08 07:48 4 John Grisham Chapter 08a 07:01 5 John Grisham Chapter 09 08:22 6 John Grisham Chapter 09a 09:30 7 John Grisham Chapter 09b 06:30 8 John Grisham Chapter 10 05:35 9 John Grisham Chapter 10a 06:51 10 John Grisham Chapter 10b 06:25
John Grisham View in Albunack The Whistler 05 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Grisham Chapter 15a 06:44 2 John Grisham Chapter 15b 05:27 3 John Grisham Chapter 16 07:24 4 John Grisham Chapter 16a 07:15 5 John Grisham Chapter 17 08:20 6 John Grisham Chapter 17a 07:15 7 John Grisham Chapter 18 08:21 8 John Grisham Chapter 18a 08:10 9 John Grisham Chapter 19 06:03 10 John Grisham Chapter 19a 06:05
John Grisham View in Albunack The Whistler 06 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Grisham Chapter 20 08:18 2 John Grisham Chapter 20a 04:40 3 John Grisham Chapter 20b 06:33 4 John Grisham Chapter 21 07:42 5 John Grisham Chapter 21a 07:28 6 John Grisham Chapter 22 09:09 7 John Grisham Chapter 22a 08:07 8 John Grisham Chapter 23 09:28 9 John Grisham Chapter 23a 06:01
John Grisham View in Albunack The Whistler 92 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Grisham Chapter 04b 08:22 2 John Grisham Chapter 04c 07:25 3 John Grisham Chapter 05 08:14 4 John Grisham Chapter 05a 08:21 5 John Grisham Chapter 05b 07:12 6 John Grisham Chapter 05c 06:38 7 John Grisham Chapter 06 07:24 8 John Grisham Chapter 06a 07:39 9 John Grisham Chapter 06b 06:22 10 John Grisham Chapter 07 07:26
John Grisham View in Albunack Theo 51 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Grisham Theo 01-51 07:17 2 John Grisham Theo 02-51 07:17 3 John Grisham Theo 03-51 07:25 4 John Grisham Theo 04-51 07:25 5 John Grisham Theo 05-51 06:22 6 John Grisham Theo 06-51 06:22 7 John Grisham Theo 07-51 06:22 8 John Grisham Theo 08-51 07:24 9 John Grisham Theo 09-51 07:24 10 John Grisham Theo 10-51 05:17 11 John Grisham Theo 11-51 05:22 12 John Grisham Theo 12-51 06:28 13 John Grisham Theo 13-51 06:28 14 John Grisham Theo 14-51 07:33 15 John Grisham Theo 15-51 07:33 16 John Grisham Theo 16-51 05:16 17 John Grisham Theo 17-51 05:16 18 John Grisham Theo 18-51 05:40 19 John Grisham Theo 19-51 05:40 20 John Grisham Theo 20-51 07:39 21 John Grisham Theo 21-51 07:39 22 John Grisham Theo 22-51 04:25 23 John Grisham Theo 23-51 04:20 24 John Grisham Theo 24-51 03:58 25 John Grisham Theo 25-51 05:44 26 John Grisham Theo 26-51 05:44 27 John Grisham Theo 27-51 05:20 28 John Grisham Theo 28-51 05:20 29 John Grisham Theo 29-51 05:20 30 John Grisham Theo 30-51 06:39 31 John Grisham Theo 31-51 06:39 32 John Grisham Theo 32-51 05:59 33 John Grisham Theo 33-51 05:59 34 John Grisham Theo 34-51 05:26 35 John Grisham Theo 35-51 05:31 36 John Grisham Theo 36-51 06:20 37 John Grisham Theo 37-51 04:52 38 John Grisham Theo 38-51 04:52 39 John Grisham Theo 39-51 06:19 40 John Grisham Theo 40-51 06:19 41 John Grisham Theo 41-51 06:19 42 John Grisham Theo 42-51 06:41 43 John Grisham Theo 43-51 06:41 44 John Grisham Theo 44-51 04:25 45 John Grisham Theo 45-51 04:25 46 John Grisham Theo 46-51 06:35 47 John Grisham Theo 47-51 06:55 48 John Grisham Theo 48-51 06:50 49 John Grisham Theo 49-51 02:44 50 John Grisham Theo 50-51 04:10 51 John Grisham Theo 51-51 04:10
John Grisham View in Albunack Theo Boone - Der unsichtbare Zeuge 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Grisham Unbekannter Titel 06:48 2 John Grisham Unbekannter Titel 06:59 3 John Grisham Unbekannter Titel 07:23 4 John Grisham Unbekannter Titel 07:07 5 John Grisham Unbekannter Titel 07:03 6 John Grisham Unbekannter Titel 06:23 7 John Grisham Unbekannter Titel 05:44 8 John Grisham Unbekannter Titel 06:47 9 John Grisham Unbekannter Titel 07:12 10 John Grisham Unbekannter Titel 06:50 11 John Grisham Unbekannter Titel 07:51
John Grisham View in Albunack Theo Boone - Der Überfall - CD01 von 04 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Grisham Unbekannter Titel 08:38 2 John Grisham Unbekannter Titel 09:35 3 John Grisham Unbekannter Titel 07:04 4 John Grisham Unbekannter Titel 05:36 5 John Grisham Unbekannter Titel 11:28 6 John Grisham Unbekannter Titel 08:52 7 John Grisham Unbekannter Titel 08:55 8 John Grisham Unbekannter Titel 09:19
John Grisham View in Albunack Theodore Boone, Kid Lawyer 15 0 2010 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Grisham Kid Lawyer 4-01 02:51 2 John Grisham Kid Lawyer 1-02 05:15 3 John Grisham Kid Lawyer 2-03 05:07 4 John Grisham Kid Lawyer 4-04 07:13 5 John Grisham Kid Lawyer 3-05 04:59 6 John Grisham Kid Lawyer 2-06 05:51 7 John Grisham Kid Lawyer 2-07 04:43 8 John Grisham Kid Lawyer 2-08 06:02 9 John Grisham Kid Lawyer 1-09 04:02 10 John Grisham Kid Lawyer 4-10 06:32 11 John Grisham Kid Lawyer 3-11 05:23 12 John Grisham Kid Lawyer 1-12 04:44 13 John Grisham Kid Lawyer 4-13 05:27 14 John Grisham Kid Lawyer 2-14 07:35 15 John Grisham Kid Lawyer 2-15 01:05
John Grisham View in Albunack Theodore Boone, The Abduction 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Grisham The Abduction 3-01 05:54 2 John Grisham The Abduction 3-02 07:03 3 John Grisham The Abduction 4-03 06:28 4 John Grisham The Abduction 2-04 06:51 5 John Grisham The Abduction 4-05 05:49 6 John Grisham The Abduction 3-06 06:42 7 John Grisham The Abduction 2-07 03:57 8 John Grisham The Abduction 2-08 05:34 9 John Grisham The Abduction 3-09 04:16 10 John Grisham The Abduction 3-10 03:27 11 John Grisham The Abduction 1-11 07:46
John Grisham View in Albunack Theodore Boone, The Accused 10 0 2012 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Grisham Theodore Boone, The Accused 1-01 05:45 2 John Grisham Theodore Boone, The Accused 1-02 05:40 3 John Grisham Theodore Boone, The Accused 4-03 05:02 4 John Grisham Theodore Boone, The Accused 3-04 08:05 5 John Grisham Theodore Boone, The Accused 5-05 03:59 6 John Grisham Theodore Boone, The Accused 4-06 05:48 7 John Grisham Theodore Boone, The Accused 1-07 04:24 8 John Grisham Theodore Boone, The Accused 3-08 08:12 9 John Grisham Theodore Boone, The Accused 1-09 06:23 10 John Grisham Theodore Boone, The Accused 1-10 07:28
John Grisham View in Albunack Theodore Boone, The Activist 12 0 2013 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Grisham Theodore Boone, The Activist 4-01 06:49 2 John Grisham Theodore Boone, The Activist 4-02 06:16 3 John Grisham Theodore Boone, The Activist 2-03 06:05 4 John Grisham Theodore Boone, The Activist 5-04 04:28 5 John Grisham Theodore Boone, The Activist 1-05 06:22 6 John Grisham Theodore Boone, The Activist 5-06 05:10 7 John Grisham Theodore Boone, The Activist 1-07 06:27 8 John Grisham Theodore Boone, The Activist 3-08 07:41 9 John Grisham Theodore Boone, The Activist 1-09 08:14 10 John Grisham Theodore Boone, The Activist 3-10 07:15 11 John Grisham Theodore Boone, The Activist 2-11 06:48 12 John Grisham Theodore Boone, The Activist 2-12 07:48
John Grisham View in Albunack Unbekannter Titel 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Grisham Gray Mountain - CD 2 - 01 05:23 2 John Grisham Gray Mountain - CD 2 - 02 00:00 3 John Grisham Gray Mountain - CD 2 - 03 05:18 4 John Grisham Gray Mountain - CD 2 - 04 08:35 5 John Grisham Gray Mountain - CD 2 - 05 08:18 6 John Grisham Gray Mountain - CD 2 - 06 05:54 7 John Grisham Gray Mountain - CD 2 - 07 06:44 8 John Grisham Gray Mountain - CD 2 - 08 07:23 9 John Grisham Gray Mountain - CD 2 - 09 08:40
John Grisham View in Albunack Utpressningen 18 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Grisham Spår01 00:14 2 John Grisham Spår02 04:16 3 John Grisham Spår03 03:30 4 John Grisham Spår04 05:15 5 John Grisham Spår05 04:47 6 John Grisham Spår06 04:28 7 John Grisham Spår07 04:00 8 John Grisham Spår08 04:29 9 John Grisham Spår09 04:22 10 John Grisham Spår10 04:31 11 John Grisham Spår11 04:40 12 John Grisham Spår12 05:13 13 John Grisham Spår13 04:47 14 John Grisham Spår14 05:04 15 John Grisham Spår15 04:14 16 John Grisham Spår16 03:51 17 John Grisham Spår17 04:07 18 John Grisham Spår18 03:15
John Hiatt View in Albunack Bremen, Schauburg, 10 Oct 1987 14 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Hiatt Alone In The Dark 05:58 2 John Hiatt Tennessee Plates 03:42 3 John Hiatt Thing Called Love 06:41 4 John Hiatt Thank You Girl 04:36 5 John Hiatt Learning How To Love You 04:47 6 John Hiatt Riding With The King 06:19 7 John Hiatt Doll Hospital 04:18 8 John Hiatt She Loves The Jerk 04:23 9 John Hiatt Pink Bedroom 05:34 10 John Hiatt Chat 00:23 11 John Hiatt Lipstick Sunset 04:38 12 John Hiatt I Don't Even Try 04:07 13 John Hiatt Band Intro & Radio Girl 08:42 14 John Hiatt Across The Borderline 05:59
John Hiatt View in Albunack Bring the Family [DVD Audio Rip 24/96] 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Hiatt Memphis in the Meantime 04:01 2 John Hiatt Alone in the Dark 04:46 3 John Hiatt Thing Called Love 04:16 4 John Hiatt Lipstick Sunset 04:13 5 John Hiatt Have a Little Faith in Me 04:05 6 John Hiatt Thank You Girl 04:11 7 John Hiatt Tip of My Tongue 05:52 8 John Hiatt Your Dad Did 04:03 9 John Hiatt Stood Up 05:58 10 John Hiatt Learning How to Love You 04:10
John Hiatt View in Albunack Far Gone - Live In U.S.A. ´88 13 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Hiatt Drive South 04:41 2 John Hiatt Trudy And Dave 06:03 3 John Hiatt Tennessee Plates 03:43 4 John Hiatt Icy Blue Eyes 05:18 5 John Hiatt Alone In The Dark 06:31 6 John Hiatt Real Fine Love 05:00 7 John Hiatt Ride Along 05:59 8 John Hiatt Thank You Girl 05:03 9 John Hiatt Stood Up 08:57 10 John Hiatt Thing Called Love 06:29 11 John Hiatt Have A Little Faith In Me 05:26 12 John Hiatt Slow Turning 06:13 13 John Hiatt Where´s The Next One Coming From ? 07:56
John Hiatt View in Albunack How Bad's The Coffee? 17 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Hiatt KFOG Intro 00:31 2 John Hiatt Uncommon Connection 03:45 3 John Hiatt Chat 01:11 4 John Hiatt How Bad's The Coffee 03:45 5 John Hiatt Perfectly Good Guitar 05:06 6 John Hiatt Missing Pieces 04:09 7 John Hiatt Drive South 04:38 8 John Hiatt Chat 00:45 9 John Hiatt Crossing Muddy Water 05:04 10 John Hiatt Chat 00:23 11 John Hiatt Your Dad Did 07:42 12 John Hiatt KFOG Outro 00:25 13 John Hiatt Interview 01:10 14 John Hiatt Uncommon Connection 00:00 15 John Hiatt Interview 02:36 16 John Hiatt My Dog & Me 03:22 17 John Hiatt Outro 00:35
John Hiatt View in Albunack John HIatt - Aarhus, DE 2-17-02 14 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Hiatt Before I Go 03:32 2 John Hiatt Drive South 04:05 3 John Hiatt The Tiki Bar Is Open 04:33 4 John Hiatt All The Lilacs In Ohio 03:27 5 John Hiatt I Know A Place 04:45 6 John Hiatt Slow Turning 09:09 7 John Hiatt Feels Like Rain 05:50 8 John Hiatt Is Anybody There 05:37 9 John Hiatt My Old Friend 03:56 10 John Hiatt Cry Love 05:43 11 John Hiatt Memphis In The Meantime 08:17 12 John Hiatt Riding With The King 07:15 13 John Hiatt Have A Little Faith In Me 03:55 14 John Hiatt Farther Stars 07:28
John Hiatt View in Albunack John Hiatt - Bremen, GE 10-10-87 17 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Hiatt Alone In The Dark 05:23 2 John Hiatt Tennessee Plates 03:38 3 John Hiatt Tip Of My Tongue 05:52 4 John Hiatt Thak You Girl 04:12 5 John Hiatt Learning How To Love You 03:59 6 John Hiatt Love Like Blood 04:20 7 John Hiatt Doll Hospital 03:30 8 John Hiatt She loves The Jerk 04:22 9 John Hiatt Pink Bedroom 05:05 10 John Hiatt Lipstick Sunset 04:03 11 John Hiatt I Don't Even try 03:59 12 John Hiatt Radio Girl 05:43 13 John Hiatt Across The Borderline 05:22 14 John Hiatt Thing Called Love 04:42 15 John Hiatt Ring A Bell 02:59 16 John Hiatt Riding With The King 08:45 17 John Hiatt Lake Charles Dance 03:07
John Hiatt View in Albunack John Hiatt - Chicago 12-6-90 14 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Hiatt Seven Little Indians 04:44 2 John Hiatt Stolen Moments 04:35 3 John Hiatt The Rest Of The Dream 05:11 4 John Hiatt Real Fine Love 05:15 5 John Hiatt Trudy And Dave 03:44 6 John Hiatt Your Dad Did 05:29 7 John Hiatt Paper Thin 04:07 8 John Hiatt Is Anybody There 06:07 9 John Hiatt Child Of The Wild Blue Yonder 05:37 10 John Hiatt Riding With The King - Memphis In The Meantime 14:27 11 John Hiatt Tennessee Plates 03:18 12 John Hiatt Slow Turning 06:27 13 John Hiatt Have A Little Faith In Me 04:10 14 John Hiatt Thing Called Love 06:45
John Hiatt View in Albunack John Hiatt - Cocati, CA 11-20-83 16 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Hiatt I Don't Even Try 03:44 2 John Hiatt Radio Girl 02:55 3 John Hiatt Death By Misadventure 03:56 4 John Hiatt Girl On A String 02:52 5 John Hiatt YOu May Already Be A Winner 04:11 6 John Hiatt Say It With Flowers 03:18 7 John Hiatt The Crush 05:19 8 John Hiatt Sometng Happened 04:29 9 John Hiatt Doll Hospital 03:17 10 John Hiatt Since His Penis Came Between Us 03:35 11 John Hiatt Lovers Will 04:14 12 John Hiatt Felling UP 03:47 13 John Hiatt Spy Boy 04:49 14 John Hiatt Riding WIth The King 07:14 15 John Hiatt Love Like Blood 04:54 16 John Hiatt Zero House 04:04
John Hiatt View in Albunack John Hiatt - Petaluma, CA 10-15-01 16 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Hiatt Lincoln Town 04:34 2 John Hiatt The Tiki Bar Is Open 04:40 3 John Hiatt I Know A Place 03:59 4 John Hiatt Slow Turning 08:28 5 John Hiatt Feels LIke Rain 05:54 6 John Hiatt Everyboyd Went Low 03:52 7 John Hiatt Is Anybody There 05:03 8 John Hiatt Icy Blue Hert 03:49 9 John Hiatt All The Lilacs In Ohio 03:32 10 John Hiatt My Old Friend 03:47 11 John Hiatt Memphis In The Meantime 07:40 12 John Hiatt Riding With The King 05:51 13 John Hiatt Tennessee Plates 04:09 14 John Hiatt Have A Little Faith In Me 04:05 15 John Hiatt Thing Called Love 06:03 16 John Hiatt Drive South 04:13
John Hiatt View in Albunack John Hiatt - Petaluma, CA 4-18-02 19 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Hiatt Drive South 04:33 2 John Hiatt The Tiki Bar Is Open 03:32 3 John Hiatt Lincoln Town 02:59 4 John Hiatt Crossing Muddy Water 04:09 5 John Hiatt Your Dad Did 06:06 6 John Hiatt What Do We Do Now 02:46 7 John Hiatt Lift Up Every Stone 02:52 8 John Hiatt Everybody Went Low 03:05 9 John Hiatt Cry Love 04:19 10 John Hiatt Trudy And Dave 02:43 11 John Hiatt Memphis In The Meantime 04:33 12 John Hiatt Icy Blue heart 04:44 13 John Hiatt My Old Friend 03:48 14 John Hiatt Perfectly Good Guitar 05:10 15 John Hiatt Tennessee Plates 03:17 16 John Hiatt Have A Little Faith In Me 03:54 17 John Hiatt Thing Called Love 05:25 18 John Hiatt Through Your Hands 04:01 19 John Hiatt Riding With The King 04:41
John Hiatt View in Albunack John Hiatt - SF 3-27-94 15 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Hiatt Angel 03:33 2 John Hiatt Paper Thin 04:56 3 John Hiatt Wreck Of The Barbie Ferari 05:43 4 John Hiatt Icy Blue Heart 05:19 5 John Hiatt Memphis In The Meantime 05:18 6 John Hiatt Real Fine Love 04:58 7 John Hiatt Your Dad Did 06:20 8 John Hiatt Have A Little Faith 03:57 9 John Hiatt Blue Telescope 04:36 10 John Hiatt Straight Outta Time 06:55 11 John Hiatt Thank You Girl 05:55 12 John Hiatt Slow Turning 04:25 13 John Hiatt Perfectly Good Guitar 06:01 14 John Hiatt Tennessee Plates 03:48 15 John Hiatt Buffalo River Home 06:10
John Hiatt View in Albunack Live At The Alabama, Munich 26 Oct 1987 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Hiatt Have A Little Faith In Me 03:50 2 John Hiatt Memphis In The Meantime 06:12 3 John Hiatt Alone In The Dark 05:17 4 John Hiatt Lipstick Sunset 04:34 5 John Hiatt The Usual 05:22 6 John Hiatt Learning How To Love You 04:09 7 John Hiatt Your Love Is Like Blood To Me 04:42 8 John Hiatt Tennessee Plates 04:48 9 John Hiatt Tip Of My Tongue 05:27
John Hiatt View in Albunack Live Bootleg 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Hiatt Say It With Flowers 03:36 2 John Hiatt I Don't Even Try 03:49 3 John Hiatt Pink Bedroom 03:08 4 John Hiatt She Said The Same Things To Me 04:35 5 John Hiatt Warming Up To The Ice Age 06:15 6 John Hiatt Living A Little, Laughing A Little 04:21 7 John Hiatt I'm A Real Man 04:08 8 John Hiatt The Usual 03:50 9 John Hiatt Riding With The King 09:21 10 John Hiatt Zero House 04:37
John Hiatt View in Albunack Live In Texas 1994 15 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Hiatt Intro 00:47 2 John Hiatt Thank You Girl 05:01 3 John Hiatt Something Wild 06:37 4 John Hiatt Blue Telescope 05:03 5 John Hiatt Permanent Hurt 03:57 6 John Hiatt Angel 03:36 7 John Hiatt Real Fine Love 06:19 8 John Hiatt Thing Called Love 07:09 9 John Hiatt Lipstick Sunset 06:14 10 John Hiatt Icy Blue Heart 05:43 11 John Hiatt Have A Little Faith In Me 05:30 12 John Hiatt Georgia Rae 05:39 13 John Hiatt Perfectly Good Guitar 06:19 14 John Hiatt Twenty One 06:06 15 John Hiatt Down At The Canebreak 04:38
John Hiatt View in Albunack Live In Texas 1994 - 1 of 2 15 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Hiatt Intro 00:47 2 John Hiatt Trudy And Dave 03:44 3 John Hiatt Crossing Muddy Waters 04:45 4 John Hiatt Through Your Hands 04:19 5 John Hiatt Drive South 06:15 6 John Hiatt Angel 03:36 7 John Hiatt Real Fine Love 06:19 8 John Hiatt Old Habits 05:00 9 John Hiatt Child Of The Wild Blue Yonder 05:49 10 John Hiatt Icy Blue Heart 05:43 11 John Hiatt Paper Thin 05:05 12 John Hiatt Memphis In The Meantime 05:36 13 John Hiatt Perfectly Good Guitar 06:19 14 John Hiatt Twenty One 06:06 15 John Hiatt Down At The Canebreak 04:38
John Hiatt View in Albunack Live In Texas 1994 - 2 of 2 14 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Hiatt Straight Out Of Time 05:24 2 John Hiatt Thank You Girl 05:01 3 John Hiatt Something Wild 06:37 4 John Hiatt Blue Telescope 05:03 5 John Hiatt Permanent Hurt 03:57 6 John Hiatt Where Is The Next One Coming From? 06:10 7 John Hiatt Your Dad Did 06:50 8 John Hiatt Thing Called Love 07:09 9 John Hiatt Lipstick Sunset 06:14 10 John Hiatt Slow Turning 05:39 11 John Hiatt Have A Little Faith In Me 05:30 12 John Hiatt Georgia Rae 05:39 13 John Hiatt Band Introductions 02:36 14 John Hiatt The River Knows Your Name 05:06
John Hiatt View in Albunack Live at the Bottom Line - Early Show 18 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Hiatt My Babe 04:14 2 John Hiatt The Penny Dropped 05:14 3 John Hiatt Girl On A String 02:38 4 John Hiatt She Loves The Jerk 06:17 5 John Hiatt Confidence Man 03:23 6 John Hiatt Angel Eyes 04:32 7 John Hiatt Love Like Blood 07:22 8 John Hiatt Crazy Girl's Hard To Find 03:34 9 John Hiatt I'm A Real Man 03:00 10 John Hiatt Lipstick Sunset 04:55 11 John Hiatt Where Is The Next One Comin' From 05:49 12 John Hiatt Tennessee Plates 03:40 13 John Hiatt When We Ran 06:25 14 John Hiatt You May Already Be A Winner 05:00 15 John Hiatt Ring A Bell 03:29 16 John Hiatt Warming Up To The Ice Age 04:38 17 John Hiatt Chatter 00:29 18 John Hiatt Ring A Bell 03:38
John Hiatt View in Albunack Live at the Bottom Line - Late Show 17 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Hiatt Doll Hospital 03:24 2 John Hiatt The Penny Dropped 06:24 3 John Hiatt Train To Birmingham 04:25 4 John Hiatt I Don't Even Try 03:46 5 John Hiatt Kick Out Of Nothing 02:53 6 John Hiatt Have A Little Faith In Me 06:05 7 John Hiatt Confidence Man 03:42 8 John Hiatt Everbody's Girl 06:05 9 John Hiatt I'm A Real Man 03:51 10 John Hiatt Alone In The Dark 03:36 11 John Hiatt Since His Penis Came Between Us 05:12 12 John Hiatt She Don't Love Nobody 04:44 13 John Hiatt You May Already Be A Winner 05:05 14 John Hiatt Riding With The King 09:07 15 John Hiatt Learning How To Love You 04:22 16 John Hiatt Warming Up To The Ice Age 04:41 17 John Hiatt Ring A Bell 04:04
John Hiatt View in Albunack Live at the Cotati Cabaret 1983 16 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Hiatt I Don't Even Try 00:00 2 John Hiatt Radio Girl 03:12 3 John Hiatt Death by Misadventure 04:32 4 John Hiatt Girl on a String 03:28 5 John Hiatt You May Already Be a Winner 05:16 6 John Hiatt Say It With Flowers 03:53 7 John Hiatt The Crush 05:36 8 John Hiatt Something Happened 04:53 9 John Hiatt Doll Hospital 03:43 10 John Hiatt Since His Penis Came Between Us 04:05 11 John Hiatt Lovers Will 04:40 12 John Hiatt Falling Up 04:06 13 John Hiatt Spy Boy 05:11 14 John Hiatt Riding With the King 08:46 15 John Hiatt Love Like Blood 04:54 16 John Hiatt Zero House 05:45
John Hiatt View in Albunack Live in Switzerland 2003 9 0 2014 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Hiatt & the Goners Lincoln Town 05:34 2 John Hiatt & the Goners The Tiki Bar Is Open 05:18 4 John Hiatt & the Goners Circle Back 05:23 5 John Hiatt & the Goners Almost Fed Up With The Blues 05:29 6 John Hiatt & the Goners Riding With The King 09:20 7 John Hiatt & the Goners Is Anybody There? 06:32 8 John Hiatt & the Goners Slow Turning 07:12 9 John Hiatt & the Goners Tennessee Plates 04:42
John Hiatt View in Albunack Perfectly Good Demos 16 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Hiatt True Believers 05:23 2 John Hiatt I'll Never Get Over You 04:38 3 John Hiatt Right Now 04:40 4 John Hiatt When You Hold Me Tight 05:37 5 John Hiatt Wreck Of The Barbie Ferrari 05:08 6 John Hiatt Baby For Life 04:17 7 John Hiatt Cane Breaks 04:42 8 John Hiatt Smoke That Cigarette 03:46 9 John Hiatt Hold On Tight 04:09 10 John Hiatt Permanent Hurt 03:24 11 John Hiatt Mine By Daylight 04:35 12 John Hiatt They All Leave Town 04:34 13 John Hiatt Please Call Home 03:30 14 John Hiatt Meet Me Halfway 03:48 15 John Hiatt Real Fine Love 05:20 16 John Hiatt Your Dad Did 06:01
John Hiatt View in Albunack ToBiPhone0244 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Hiatt Have A Little Faith In Me 03:48 2 John Hiatt Memphis In The Meantime 06:12 3 John Hiatt Alone In The Dark 05:20 4 John Hiatt Lipstick Sunset 04:25 5 John Hiatt Usual 05:36 6 John Hiatt Learning How To Love You 03:51 7 John Hiatt Blood 04:33 8 John Hiatt Plates 04:53 9 John Hiatt Tip Of My Tongue 05:31
John Hiatt View in Albunack Westwood One 8 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Hiatt Seven Little Indians 05:02 2 John Hiatt Slow Turning 05:48 3 John Hiatt Is Anybody There 06:03 4 John Hiatt Paper Thin 04:08 Has Mbid 5 John Hiatt Bring Back Your Love to Me 04:17 6 John Hiatt Child of the Wild Blue Yonder 05:40 7 John Hiatt Thing Called Love 06:29 8 John Hiatt Rock Back Billy 05:16
John Holt View in Albunack All Night Long 17 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Holt NIGHT BIRD 03:43 2 John Holt THROW ME CORN 03:17 3 John Holt ALL NIGHT LONG 03:08 4 John Holt EVERY TIME 04:16 5 John Holt TIDE IS HIGH 03:42 6 John Holt COME DANCE WITH ME 05:04 7 John Holt OH' RAIN 03:15 8 John Holt WELCOME BACK 04:14 9 John Holt HAVE MERCY 04:20 10 John Holt SALLY COME HOME 03:52 11 John Holt TIDE IS HIGH 04:09 12 John Holt WELCOME BACK 05:33 13 John Holt EVERYTIME - SPECIAL MIX 04:21 14 John Holt ALL NIGHT LONG - D+B MIX 03:08 15 John Holt MERCY INSTRUMENTAL 04:10 16 John Holt PARTY TIME JAMS 04:44 17 John Holt TIDE JAM 03:39
John Holt View in Albunack French Trumpet Concertos 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Holt Henri Tomasi - concerto pour Trompette et Orchestre - 1 Vif 07:34 2 John Holt Henri Tomasi - concerto pour Trompette et Orchestre - 2 Nocturne 04:47 3 John Holt Henri Tomasi - concerto pour Trompette et Orchestre - 3 Final 03:16 4 John Holt Robert Planel - Concerto pour Trompette et Orchestre - 1 Largement; Anime et bien rythme 04:52 5 John Holt Robert Planel - Concerto pour Trompette et Orchestre - 2 Lent et calme 04:47 6 John Holt Robert Planel - Concerto pour Trompette et Orchestre - 3 Vivace - gai et leger 05:28 7 John Holt Andre Jolivet - II Concerto pour Trompette - 1 Mesto; Concitato 05:10 8 John Holt Andre Jolivet - II Concerto pour Trompette - 2 Grave 03:08 9 John Holt Andre Jolivet - II Concerto pour Trompette - 3 Giocoso 04:29 10 John Holt Alfred Desenclos - Incantation, Threne et Dance - 1 Incantation 02:36 11 John Holt Alfred Desenclos - Incantation, Threne et Dance - 2 Threne 04:58 12 John Holt Alfred Desenclos - Incantation, Threne et Dance - 3 Danse 08:19
John Holt View in Albunack Jet Star Reggae Max (Part 1) 20 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Holt Easy Loving 03:18 2 John Holt Fat She Fat 03:14 3 John Holt Thinking 04:33 4 John Holt I Love You 03:48 5 John Holt Love To Share 03:24 6 John Holt Wild Fire (Ft Dennis Brown) 04:32 7 John Holt Live & Learn (Ft Alton Ellis) 03:20 8 John Holt Too Good To Be Forgotten 03:52 9 John Holt Sit Down & Talk 03:08 10 John Holt Sexy Eyes 03:57 11 John Holt Stealing 03:07 12 John Holt No I Won't 03:16 13 John Holt Happy Go Lucky 03:35 14 John Holt How Could I Live 03:57 15 John Holt Sitting & Watching 03:27 16 John Holt Wasted Days 03:56 17 John Holt This Love Of Mine 03:47 18 John Holt My Heart Is Gone 03:19 19 John Holt She Want It 04:02 Has Mbid 20 John Holt All I Ever Ask 03:42
John Holt View in Albunack Jet Star Reggae Max - John Holt - Part 1 20 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Holt Easy Loving 03:18 2 John Holt Fat She Fat 03:14 3 John Holt Thinking 04:33 4 John Holt I Love You 03:47 5 John Holt Love To Share 03:24 6 John Holt Wild Fire (Ft Dennis Brown) 04:36 7 John Holt Live & Learn (Ft Alton Ellis) 03:20 8 John Holt Too Good To Be Forgotten 03:52 9 John Holt Sit Down & Talk 03:08 10 John Holt Sexy Eyes 03:57 11 John Holt Stealing 03:07 12 John Holt No I Won't 03:16 13 John Holt Happy Go Lucky 03:35 14 John Holt How Could I Live 04:00 15 John Holt Sitting & Watching 03:27 16 John Holt Wasted Days 03:56 17 John Holt This Love Of Mine 03:47 18 John Holt My Heart Is Gone 03:19 19 John Holt She Want It 04:02 Has Mbid 20 John Holt All I Ever Ask 03:42
John Holt View in Albunack Let Your Love Flow 16 2 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 John Holt Let Your Love Flow 03:48 2 John Holt Ain't Gonna Stand For It 05:37 Has Mbid 3 John Holt Thinking 04:43 4 John Holt The Burning Sun 02:58 5 John Holt Bend My Love 02:54 6 John Holt Just The Two Of Us 04:10 7 John Holt Being With You 03:26 8 John Holt How Can I 04:03 9 John Holt This Masquerade 03:41 10 John Holt Ghetto Queen 05:24 11 John Holt Sweetie Come Brush Me 03:25 12 John Holt I Can't Stop Loving You 03:31 13 John Holt I Believe In You 03:53 14 John Holt Everybody Knows 02:47 15 John Holt Time Is The Master 03:01 16 John Holt Vaya Con Dios 03:46
John Lee Hooker View in Albunack Blues In Transition 1955 - 1959 22 3 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Lee Hooker She's Long, She's Tall, She Weeps Like A Willow Tree 02:50 Has Mbid 2 John Lee Hooker Pea Vine Special 03:12 Has Mbid 3 John Lee Hooker Tupelo Blues 03:24 4 John Lee Hooker I'm Prison Bound 04:00 5 John Lee Hooker I Rowed A Little Boat 03:26 6 John Lee Hooker Water Boy 03:02 7 John Lee Hooker Church Bell Tone 03:44 8 John Lee Hooker Bundle Up And Go 02:14 9 John Lee Hooker Good Morning' Lil' School Girl 03:39 10 John Lee Hooker Behind The Plow 04:23 11 John Lee Hooker Burning Hell 03:18 12 John Lee Hooker Graveyard Lightin' 03:39 13 John Lee Hooker Baby, Please Don't Go 04:52 14 John Lee Hooker Jackson, Tennessee 03:21 15 John Lee Hooker You Live Your Life And I'll Live Mine 03:24 16 John Lee Hooker Smokestack Lightin' 03:23 17 John Lee Hooker How Can You Do It? 03:00 18 John Lee Hooker I Don't Want no Woman If her Hair Ain't Longer Than Mine 03:18 Has Mbid 19 John Lee Hooker I Rolled And Turned And Cried The Whole Night Long 03:50 20 John Lee Hooker Blues For My Baby 03:39 21 John Lee Hooker Keys To the Highway 03:13 22 John Lee Hooker Natchez Fire 03:03
John Lee Hooker View in Albunack Blues Project John Lee Hooker and The Coast Bl 8 2 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Lee Hooker Introduction 00:54 Has Mbid 2 John Lee Hooker Goin' To California 03:42 Has Mbid 3 John Lee Hooker Crawlin' Kingsnake 05:07 4 John Lee Hooker You're So Fine 03:24 5 John Lee Hooker It Serve Me Right To Suffer 05:14 6 John Lee Hooker As The Years Go Passing By 05:55 7 John Lee Hooker Black Night Is Falling 08:11 8 John Lee Hooker Can't Stop Groovin' 09:08
John Lee Hooker View in Albunack Compilation 1 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Lee Hooker Drifting From Door to Door 03:03 2 John Lee Hooker She Left Me on Bended Knee 03:00 3 John Lee Hooker Let Your Daddy Ride 02:42 4 John Lee Hooker Turn' Over a New Leaf 03:07 5 John Lee Hooker Don't You Remember 03:22 6 John Lee Hooker Hug and Squeeze You 02:42 7 John Lee Hooker I Love You Baby 02:59 8 John Lee Hooker The Syndicate 03:02 9 John Lee Hooker Boogie Woogie All Night Long 02:44 10 John Lee Hooker Good Rockin Mama 02:38
John Lee Hooker View in Albunack Hook, Line and Sinker 15 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Lee Hooker One Scotch, One Bourbon, One Beer 04:30 2 John Lee Hooker Boom Boom 03:56 3 John Lee Hooker Mable 04:02 4 John Lee Hooker Serve Me Right To Suffer 04:31 5 John Lee Hooker Shout 04:47 6 John Lee Hooker Sugar Mama 05:25 7 John Lee Hooker One Room Country Shack 04:49 8 John Lee Hooker Highway 13 03:56 9 John Lee Hooker Father Was A Jockey 02:59 10 John Lee Hooker Bottle Up And Go 02:25 11 John Lee Hooker Stormy Monday 05:38 12 John Lee Hooker I Didn't Know 03:53 13 John Lee Hooker I'm In The Mood 06:46 14 John Lee Hooker The Healer 06:24 15 John Lee Hooker Boogie Chillun 10:49
John Lee Hooker View in Albunack I Feel Good The Paris Blues Sessions 11 2 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Lee Hooker Baby Baby 05:07 2 John Lee Hooker I Feel Good 05:28 3 John Lee Hooker Going Home 03:23 4 John Lee Hooker We Are Cooking 03:51 5 John Lee Hooker Looking Back Over My Day 05:43 Has Mbid 6 John Lee Hooker Dazie Mae 04:35 7 John Lee Hooker Stand Back 05:41 8 John Lee Hooker Call It The Night 08:33 Has Mbid 9 John Lee Hooker Roll And Tumble 05:17 10 John Lee Hooker Bottle Of Vine 05:46 11 John Lee Hooker Baby Don´t Do Me Wrong 05:55
John Lee Hooker View in Albunack Interview Disc 10 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Lee Hooker Blues Around The World 02:49 2 John Lee Hooker Recording "Dont Look Back" 01:46 3 John Lee Hooker Van Morrison as Friend and Producer 04:02 4 John Lee Hooker Jimi Hendrix's "Red House" 01:58 5 John Lee Hooker Los Lobos and "Dimples" 02:24 6 John Lee Hooker Touring 00:54 7 John Lee Hooker "Rainy Day" and Ballads 01:02 8 John Lee Hooker The Great Charles Brown 00:30 9 John Lee Hooker John Lee Hooker Legacy 01:44 Has Mbid 10 John Lee Hooker "Dimples" 04:00
John Lee Hooker View in Albunack John Lee Hooker & Friends 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Lee Hooker Baby Lee 03:01 2 John Lee Hooker When My First Wife Left Me 06:29 3 John Lee Hooker Maudie 03:20 4 John Lee Hooker Same Old Blues Again 05:14 5 John Lee Hooker I'm Bad Like Jesse James 03:25 6 John Lee Hooker I'm In The Mood 05:18 7 John Lee Hooker Father Was A Jockey 03:46 8 John Lee Hooker Crawlin' King Snake 05:49 9 John Lee Hooker Mr. Lucky 05:26 10 John Lee Hooker The Boogie 12:36
John Lee Hooker View in Albunack John Lee Hooker The Best Of John Lee Hooker 12 3 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Lee Hooker Dimples 02:18 Has Mbid 2 John Lee Hooker Boogie Chillun 02:33 3 John Lee Hooker Little Wheel 02:36 Has Mbid 4 John Lee Hooker Crawlin' Kingsnake 02:44 5 John Lee Hooker No Shoes 02:28 6 John Lee Hooker Tupelo 03:27 7 John Lee Hooker Drug Store Woman 02:52 8 John Lee Hooker Boom Boom 02:32 9 John Lee Hooker The Hobo Blues 03:06 Has Mbid 10 John Lee Hooker I'm In The Mood 02:43 11 John Lee Hooker Whiskey And Wimmen 02:47 12 John Lee Hooker Dusty Road 02:18
John Lee Hooker View in Albunack John Lee Hooker The Blues 12 2 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Lee Hooker Boogie Chillen 03:10 Has Mbid 2 John Lee Hooker I'm In The Mood 03:08 3 John Lee Hooker Crawling King Snake 03:01 Has Mbid 4 John Lee Hooker Queen Bee 02:35 5 John Lee Hooker Hobo Blues 03:02 6 John Lee Hooker Weeping Willow 02:58 7 John Lee Hooker Cold Chills 02:51 8 John Lee Hooker Hoogie Boogie 03:07 9 John Lee Hooker Whistlin' And Moanin' Blues 02:57 10 John Lee Hooker Sally Mae 03:09 11 John Lee Hooker House Rent Boogie 03:13 12 John Lee Hooker Anybody Seen My Baby 03:13
John Lee Hooker View in Albunack LIVE USA 6 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Lee Hooker Crawlin' Kingsnake 06:51 2 John Lee Hooker Father Was A Jockey 04:59 3 John Lee Hooker Mr. Lucky 06:18 4 John Lee Hooker I Want To Hug You 04:05 Has Mbid 5 John Lee Hooker I'm In The Mood 06:19 6 John Lee Hooker Boogie Chillun 15:20
John Lee Hooker View in Albunack Live + Well 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Lee Hooker Introduction 00:24 2 John Lee Hooker Goin' To California 04:10 3 John Lee Hooker Crawlin' Kingsnake 05:06 4 John Lee Hooker You're So Fine 03:24 5 John Lee Hooker It Serve You Right To Suffer 05:25 6 John Lee Hooker As The Years Go Passing By 05:55 7 John Lee Hooker Black Night Is Falling 08:12 8 John Lee Hooker Can't Stop Groovin' 09:04
John Lee Hooker View in Albunack Live Berlin & New York 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Lee Hooker Waldbuehne Berlin 1 03:56 2 John Lee Hooker Waldbuehne Berlin 2 06:54 3 John Lee Hooker Waldbuehne Berlin 3 04:18 4 John Lee Hooker Waldbuehne Berlin 4 03:14 5 John Lee Hooker Waldbuehne Berlin 5 05:43 6 John Lee Hooker Waldbuehne Berlin 6 06:34 7 John Lee Hooker Waldbuehne Berlin 7 13:03 8 John Lee Hooker Waldbuehne Berlin 8 05:20 9 John Lee Hooker Waldbuehne Berlin 9 01:36 10 John Lee Hooker Hunter College NY 12:08
John Lee Hooker View in Albunack Live Im NDR-Radiokonzert 14.03.1982 8 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Lee Hooker You Done Me Wrong 02:38 2 John Lee Hooker I'm Bad Like Jesse James 04:31 3 John Lee Hooker In My Darkroom 05:06 4 John Lee Hooker I Want To Die With The Blues 07:15 5 John Lee Hooker Boogie Chillun 04:27 6 John Lee Hooker What's Worrying Me 05:35 Has Mbid 7 John Lee Hooker Boom Bomm 04:21 8 John Lee Hooker One Bourbon, One Scotch And One Beer 03:44
John Lee Hooker View in Albunack Speciality Profiles John Lee Hooker 14 2 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 John Lee Hooker Boogie Chillen #2 03:01 2 John Lee Hooker I'm Mad 03:03 3 John Lee Hooker Everybody's Blues 03:06 4 John Lee Hooker Burnin' Hell 02:58 5 John Lee Hooker Do My Baby Think Of Me 03:11 6 John Lee Hooker Goin' Down Highway 51 02:45 7 John Lee Hooker My Baby's Got Something 03:05 8 John Lee Hooker I Need Lovin' 03:13 9 John Lee Hooker Grinder Man 03:30 10 John Lee Hooker No More Diggin' (aka No More Foolin') 02:42 11 John Lee Hooker I Need Love So Bad 03:28 Has Mbid 12 John Lee Hooker Huckle Up Baby 03:04 13 John Lee Hooker Nothin' But Trouble (Don't Take Your Wife's Family In) 03:44 14 John Lee Hooker Odds Against Me (aka Backbiters and Syndicaters) 03:23
John Legend View in Albunack Live At The Jazz Cafe 14 2 2004 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Legend Get Lifted 03:59 2 John Legend Do What I Gotta Do 03:52 3 John Legend She Don't Have To Know 04:35 4 John Legend Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood 04:06 Has Mbid 5 John Legend Sweet Thing 03:31 6 John Legend Interlude 01:30 7 John Legend Selfish (Solo Remix) 03:51 8 John Legend Hey Girl (ft. Estelle) 03:25 9 John Legend Used To Love U 03:01 10 John Legend Ordinary People 05:21 Has Mbid 11 John Legend Sun Comes Up 05:57 12 John Legend Live It Up 03:35 13 John Legend Stay With You 05:34 14 John Legend So High 05:58
John Legend View in Albunack Live at the Jazz Cafe Septembe 14 2 2004 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Legend Get Lifted 03:59 2 John Legend Do What I Gotta Do 03:52 3 John Legend She Don't Have to Know 04:35 4 John Legend Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood 04:06 Has Mbid 5 John Legend Sweet Thing 03:31 6 John Legend Interlude 01:30 7 John Legend Selfish (Solo Remix) 03:51 8 John Legend Hey Girl (Ft Estelle) 03:25 9 John Legend Used to Love U 03:01 10 John Legend Ordinary People 05:21 Has Mbid 11 John Legend Sun Comes Up 05:57 12 John Legend Live it Up 03:35 13 John Legend Stay with You 05:34 14 John Legend So High 05:58
John Legend View in Albunack No Other Love / Can't Be My Lover - Cool Breeze Mixes 6 3 2009 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 John Legend, Estelle No Other Love 03:59 2 John Legend No Other Love (Di Genius Remix) 03:46 3 John Legend No Other Love (Curtis Lynch Remix) 04:26 4 John Legend No Other Love (Jus Bus Remix) 04:55 Has Mbid 5 John Legend, Buju Banton Can't Be My Lover 04:33 Has Mbid 6 John Legend No Other Love (Curtis Lynch Remix) 03:52
John Lennon View in Albunack A unique tribute to the musical legend 15 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Lennon Revolution 03:29 2 John Lennon Jealous Guy 04:14 3 John Lennon All I've got to do 02:05 4 John Lennon Strawberry Filds Forever 04:22 5 John Lennon I'll Cry Instead 01:51 6 John Lennon Anna Go to Him 02:59 7 John Lennon The Ballad of John and Yoko 03:11 8 John Lennon Come Together 03:49 9 John Lennon Its Only Love 01:56 10 John Lennon Julia 02:53 Has Mbid 11 John Lennon Woman 03:19 12 John Lennon Across the Universe 03:17 13 John Lennon Imagine 02:54 14 John Lennon In My Life 02:26 15 John Lennon How 03:36
John Lennon View in Albunack Colorful Arranged Piano Solo Variation On A Thema By John Lennon 18 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Lennon (Just Like) Starting Over -Original- 03:17 2 John Lennon (Just Like) Starting Over -Love Ballad- 03:53 3 John Lennon (Just Like) Starting Over -Bossa Nova- 02:22 4 John Lennon Imagine -Original- 04:01 5 John Lennon Imagine -Samba- 03:10 6 John Lennon Imagine -Beyer- 03:28 7 John Lennon Happy Xmas (War Is Over) -Original- 02:44 8 John Lennon Happy Xmas (War Is Over) -Blues- 02:57 9 John Lennon Happy Xmas (War Is Over) -Reggae- 02:27 10 John Lennon Woman -Original- 02:48 11 John Lennon Woman -Music Box- 04:05 12 John Lennon Woman -Bossa Nova- 04:06 13 John Lennon Power To The People -Original- 01:27 14 John Lennon Power To The People -Festival Mambo- 01:49 15 John Lennon Power To The People -Satie Ballad- 03:08 16 John Lennon Jealous Guy -Original- 02:40 17 John Lennon Jealous Guy -Jazz- 02:37 18 John Lennon Jealous Guy -Music Box- 04:15
John Lennon View in Albunack Holy Grails & Upgrades. Vol. 1 21 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Lennon Getting Levels 06:31 2 John Lennon Quick Sound Check 00:44 3 John Lennon New York City - Take 1 01:08 4 John Lennon New York City - Take 2 00:17 5 John Lennon New York City - Take 3 04:00 6 John Lennon Getting More Levels 01:06 7 John Lennon New York City - Take 4 02:27 8 John Lennon Tex's Levels 01:06 9 John Lennon New York City - Take 7 04:14 10 John Lennon New York City - Take 8 John's Levels 06:36 11 John Lennon New York City - Take 9 - 10 05:08 12 John Lennon New York City - Take 11 - 12 03:34 13 John Lennon New York City - Take 12 04:27 14 John Lennon New York City - Take 13 - 14 02:36 15 John Lennon New York City - Take 15 03:30 16 John Lennon New York City - Take 16 00:46 17 John Lennon New York City - Take 17 - 18 03:04 18 John Lennon New York City - Take 19 "Well That's Right" 00:45 19 John Lennon New York City - Take 20 05:34 20 John Lennon New York City - Take 21 - 22 - 23 05:20 21 John Lennon The Telethon - Repaired (Bonus) 15:38
John Lennon View in Albunack Holy Grails, Upgrades & Reconstructions Vol.1 21 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Lennon 'Getting Levels' 06:31 2 John Lennon 'Quick Sound Check' 00:44 3 John Lennon New York City - Take 1 01:08 4 John Lennon New York City - Take 2 00:17 5 John Lennon New York City - Take 3 03:56 6 John Lennon 'Getting More Levels' 01:06 7 John Lennon New York City - Take 4 02:27 8 John Lennon 'Tex's Levels' 01:05 9 John Lennon New York City - Take 7 04:17 10 John Lennon New York City - Take 8 06:36 11 John Lennon New York City - Takes 9-10 05:08 12 John Lennon New York City - Takes 11-12 03:34 13 John Lennon New York City - Take 12 04:27 14 John Lennon New York City - Takes 13-14 02:36 15 John Lennon New York City - Take 15 03:28 16 John Lennon New York City - Take 16 00:46 17 John Lennon New York City - Takes 17-18 03:04 18 John Lennon New York City - Take 19 00:45 19 John Lennon New York City - Take 20 05:32 20 John Lennon New York City - Take 21-23 05:20 21 John Lennon 'Jerry Lewis Telethon' 15:38
John Lennon View in Albunack Imagine - QUAD 8 Track 20 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Lennon Imagine (left side) 03:01 2 John Lennon It's So Hard (left side) 03:46 3 John Lennon Jealous Guy (left side) 04:11 4 John Lennon Crippled Inside (left side) 02:25 5 John Lennon I Don't Wanna Be A Soldier (left side) 05:55 6 John Lennon Gimme Some Truth (left side) 03:10 7 John Lennon Oh My Love (left side) 02:42 8 John Lennon How? (left side) 05:19 9 John Lennon How Do You Sleep? (left side) 03:39 10 John Lennon Oh Yoko! (left side) 04:17 11 John Lennon Imagine (right side) 03:00 12 John Lennon It's So Hard (right side) 03:45 13 John Lennon Jealous Guy (right side) 04:12 14 John Lennon Crippled Inside (right side) 02:24 15 John Lennon I Don't Wanna Be A Soldier (right side) 05:55 16 John Lennon Gimme Some Truth (right side) 03:10 Has Mbid 17 John Lennon Oh My Love (right side) 02:40 18 John Lennon How? (right side) 05:18 19 John Lennon How Do You Sleep? (right side) 03:39 20 John Lennon Oh Yoko! (right side) 04:13
John Lennon View in Albunack Imagine Apple 2x1 Sided Rough Acetate 18 2 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Lennon Imagine 03:05 2 John Lennon Crippled Inside 03:54 3 John Lennon Jealous Guy 04:19 4 John Lennon It's So Hard 02:30 5 John Lennon I Don't Want To Be A Soldier, I Don't Want To Die 06:06 6 John Lennon Gimme Some Truth 03:18 7 John Lennon Oh My Love 02:49 8 John Lennon How Do You Sleep? 05:41 9 John Lennon How? 03:52 Has Mbid 10 John Lennon Oh Yoko! 04:18 11 John Lennon Imagine 03:04 12 John Lennon Crippled Inside 03:49 13 John Lennon Jealous Guy 04:11 14 John Lennon It's So Hard 02:27 15 John Lennon I Don't Want To Be A Soldier, I Don't Want To Die 05:58 16 John Lennon Gimme Some Truth 03:13 Has Mbid 17 John Lennon Oh My Love 02:45 18 John Lennon How Do You Sleep? 05:28
John Lennon View in Albunack Imagine [4ch] 10 1 2005 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Lennon Imagine 03:10 2 John Lennon Crippled Inside 03:52 3 John Lennon Jealous Guy 04:20 Has Mbid 4 John Lennon It's So Hard 02:26 5 John Lennon I Don't Want To Be A Soldier 06:01 6 John Lennon Gimme Some Truth 03:16 7 John Lennon Oh My Love 02:50 8 John Lennon How Do You Sleep? 05:26 9 John Lennon How? 03:48 10 John Lennon Oh Yoko! 04:19
John Lennon View in Albunack Imagine [HDTracks] [24/96.0 kHz] 10 0 1971 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Lennon Plastic Ono Band Flux Fiddlers Imagine 03:07 2 John Lennon Plastic Ono Band Flux Fiddlers Crippled Inside 03:53 3 John Lennon Plastic Ono Band Flux Fiddlers Jealous Guy 04:17 4 John Lennon Plastic Ono Band Flux Fiddlers It's So Hard 02:29 5 John Lennon Plastic Ono Band Flux Fiddlers I Don't Wanna Be a Soldier 06:08 6 John Lennon Plastic Ono Band Flux Fiddlers Gimme Some Truth 03:17 7 John Lennon Plastic Ono Band Flux Fiddlers Oh My Love 02:49 8 John Lennon Plastic Ono Band Flux Fiddlers How Do You Sleep? 05:38 9 John Lennon Plastic Ono Band Flux Fiddlers How? 03:46 10 John Lennon Plastic Ono Band Flux Fiddlers Oh Yoko! 04:17
John Lennon View in Albunack In His Own Words 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Lennon Tonight, BBC TV, 18 June 1965, featuring Kenneth Allsop 03:11 2 John Lennon The World of Books, BBC Radio, 3 July 1965, featuring Wilfred De'Ath - Part 1 04:53 3 John Lennon The World of Books, BBC Radio, 3 July 1965. featuring William De'Ath - Part 2 04:41 4 John Lennon The Beatles in New York, BBC Radio, 30 August 1965, featuring Brian Mathew 03:29 5 John Lennon Release, BBC TV, 22 June 1968, featuring Peter Lewis and Victor Spinetti - Part 1 05:24 6 John Lennon Release, BBC TV, 22 June 1968, featuring Peter Lewis and Victor Spinetti - Part 2 05:19 7 John Lennon BBC Radio archive interview, 30 March 1969, featuring Bob Parrin 01:51 8 John Lennon BBC Radio archive interview, 1 January 1970, featuring David Wigg and Yoko Ono 04:10 9 John Lennon The Lennon Tapes, BBC Radio, 18 & 21 January 1981, featuring Andy Peebles and Yoko Ono - Part 1 05:11 10 John Lennon The Lennon Tapes, BBC Radio, 18 & 21 January 1981, featuring Andy Peebles and Yoko Ono - Part 2 05:48 11 John Lennon The Lennon Tapes, BBC Radio, 18 & 21 January 1981, featuring Andy Peebles and Yoko Ono - Part 3 07:40
John Lennon View in Albunack In My Life CD-3 13 3 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Lennon Bernice Lamb 06:54 2 John Lennon Rededication To Music 01:59 Has Mbid 3 John Lennon What'd I Say 02:37 Has Mbid 4 John Lennon Madrid 1965 Lennon Cutting 02:32 5 John Lennon Miami 1964 Lennon Cutting 00:38 6 John Lennon Lennon On Mellowing 00:25 Has Mbid 7 John Lennon Take Out Some Insurance 02:53 8 John Lennon Lennon On Avant Garde Music 03:44 9 John Lennon Ruby Baby 02:52 10 John Lennon Lennon On Future And Surviving 02:03 11 John Lennon Lennon On Positive Projection 07:28 12 John Lennon Lennon On Artists Role & Women 01:28 13 John Lennon Lennon On Mother & Lifes Work 00:55
John Lennon View in Albunack JOHN LENNON FOREVER~tribute to John~ 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Lennon Instant karma インスタント・カーマ 03:38 2 John Lennon Imagine 04:52 3 John Lennon Whatever gets you thru night 真夜中を突っ走れ 05:57 4 John Lennon Woman 05:24 5 John Lennon I`m losing you 04:18 6 John Lennon (just like) Starting Over スターティング・オーヴァー 04:24 7 John Lennon Oh, my love 04:05 8 John Lennon Eleanor Rigby エリナー・リグビー 05:47 9 John Lennon Come Together 05:49 10 John Lennon Imagine イマジン 02:57
John Lennon View in Albunack John Lennon - HMC-039 24 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Lennon " Ya Want A Toot Steve? " 00:25 2 John Lennon " Never Trust A Bugger " 03:29 3 John Lennon Little Bitty Pretty One 01:32 4 John Lennon I Know You Don't Love Me No More 01:27 5 John Lennon Lucille 04:58 6 John Lennon Sleepwalk 02:45 7 John Lennon Stand By Me 07:29 8 John Lennon Stand By Me # 2 05:00 9 John Lennon Cupid, Chain Gang, Take This Hammer 03:34 10 John Lennon Rock Island Line / Midnight Special Medley 01:55 11 John Lennon Matchbox 00:23 12 John Lennon Wake Up Little Suzie 00:47 13 John Lennon Railroad Bill 00:57 14 John Lennon Everyday 01:18 15 John Lennon Maybe Tommorrow / Maybe Baby 01:51 16 John Lennon " Whole Lotta Brandy ! " 00:53 17 John Lennon Matchbox 00:13 18 John Lennon Let The Good Times Roll 01:49 19 John Lennon Send Me Some Lovin' ( Take 1 ) 04:06 20 John Lennon Send Me Some Lovin' ( Take 2 / 3 ) 01:26 21 John Lennon Matchbox / Baby Let's Play Huse 01:16 22 John Lennon Stand By Me 01:48 23 John Lennon Send Me Some Lovin' / Do It Right 05:19 24 John Lennon Gimme Head 03:41
John Lennon View in Albunack John Lennon - Man In The Clouds 14 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Lennon Introduction by the Author 02:30 2 John Lennon On March 25, 1969 John and Yoko Held Their First Bed in for Peace ... 21:45 3 John Lennon Here's More from John and Yoko Live at the Hilton. 04:05 4 John Lennon In This Unreleased Dutch Press Conference a Journalist Actually ... 07:55 5 John Lennon Step Inside the Lennons Bedroom for a Lively Exchange With Various ... 17:13 6 John Lennon John Explains His Overall Mission and the Heretofore Unknown ... 01:19 7 John Lennon Here Is a Press Conference Held Following John and Yoko's ... 02:21 8 John Lennon Once Again, the Age Old Question of Beatles Fans Everywhere, Will ... 00:46 9 John Lennon When Asked to Name His Favorite Beatles Track Paul McCartney Regularly 01:23 10 John Lennon The Controversial Cold Turkey Was Another Lennon Classic Played by the ... 01:50 11 John Lennon Few People Realize That Following John and Yoko's Bed-Ins in Amsterdam 03:16 12 John Lennon And What Would Lennon Do If He Actually Somehow Managed to Get ... 01:02 13 John Lennon Here John Is Asked to Go on Record Concerning the Influence of the off 03:31 14 John Lennon Lennon Is Pushed to Explain His Mission in the Bahamas. Pressman Derek 01:50
John Lennon View in Albunack John Lennon Filming the Fantasies 19 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Lennon She's A Woman (chat) 02:17 2 John Lennon She's A Woman 00:59 3 John Lennon Rip It Up (chat) 01:28 4 John Lennon I'm A Man 01:23 5 John Lennon Be-Bop-A-Lula (chat) 01:55 6 John Lennon I'm Losing You (chat) 01:49 7 John Lennon Starting Over (chat) 03:44 8 John Lennon I'm Losing You (chat) 01:30 9 John Lennon chat - riffs - tuning 04:32 10 John Lennon I'm Losing You (chat) 00:39 11 John Lennon I'm Losing You (riffs - chat) 03:48 12 John Lennon I'm Losing You (complete) 04:32 13 John Lennon Film Chat - Riffs 01:13 14 John Lennon Dream lover 03:15 15 John Lennon Stay 00:49 16 John Lennon Chat - Riffs 01:27 17 John Lennon Mystery Train 03:04 18 John Lennon Chat - Riffs 01:57 19 John Lennon John's Last Filmed Interview - 10-80 23:10
John Lennon View in Albunack John Lennon a Tribute 15 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Lennon Revolution 03:29 2 John Lennon Jealous Guy 04:14 3 John Lennon All I've got to do 02:05 4 John Lennon Strawberry Filds Forever 04:17 5 John Lennon I'll Cry Instead 01:51 6 John Lennon Anna Go to Him 02:59 7 John Lennon The Ballad of John and Yoko 03:11 8 John Lennon Come Together 03:49 9 John Lennon Its Only Love 01:56 10 John Lennon Julia 02:53 Has Mbid 11 John Lennon Woman 03:19 12 John Lennon Across the Universe 03:17 13 John Lennon Imagine 02:54 14 John Lennon In My Life 02:26 15 John Lennon How 03:36
John Lennon View in Albunack Lennon Renumbers 14 2 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Lennon Well (Baby Please Don't Go) 07:57 2 John Lennon Jamrag 05:37 3 John Lennon Scumbag 06:06 4 John Lennon Au 03:24 5 John Lennon Woman Is The Nigger Of The World 00:54 6 John Lennon Woman Is The Nigger Of The World 05:35 Has Mbid 7 John Lennon Chords Of Fame 04:10 8 John Lennon Well Well Well 05:30 9 John Lennon (Medley), Hound Dog, Long Tall Sally 05:17 10 John Lennon Too Much Monkey Business 01:16 11 John Lennon Brown Eyed Handsome Man 01:37 12 John Lennon Tequila 05:36 Has Mbid 13 John Lennon I Want You (She's So Heavy) 01:20 14 John Lennon Jerusalem 00:39
John Lennon View in Albunack Live in Madison Square Garden, New York 30 August 1972 10 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Lennon Power to the People - New York City 03:48 2 John Lennon It's So Hard 03:20 3 John Lennon Woman is the Nigger of the World 05:39 Has Mbid 4 John Lennon Well Well Well 03:58 5 John Lennon Instant Karma! 03:53 6 John Lennon Mother 04:50 7 John Lennon Come Together 04:49 8 John Lennon Imagine 03:27 9 John Lennon Cold Turkey 05:43 10 John Lennon Hound Dog 03:01
John Lennon View in Albunack Lost Lennon Tapes 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Lennon LLT91-01_Track01 09:04 2 John Lennon LLT90-50_Track02 15:34 3 John Lennon LLT91-12_Track03 14:35 4 John Lennon LLT91-47_Track04 11:51 5 John Lennon LLT91-12_Track05 06:36 6 John Lennon LLT91-47_Promo 00:37
John Lennon View in Albunack Night Ride 30 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Lennon Radio Show Introduction 00:24 2 John Lennon Different From The Book 03:48 3 John Lennon Interview 00:41 4 John Lennon You've Got To Hold On 03:30 5 John Lennon Interview 00:26 6 John Lennon Watch The Stars 02:31 7 John Lennon Interview 00:39 8 John Lennon Two Virgins 03:43 9 John Lennon Interview 00:43 10 John Lennon Poem 05:15 11 John Lennon Jelly Roll Baker Blues 02:40 12 John Lennon Commercial 01:54 13 John Lennon Slavonic Dances Op.46 No. 1 In C: Presto 03:40 14 John Lennon Interview 01:32 15 John Lennon John, My Love 02:31 16 John Lennon Crying Sometime 02:00 17 John Lennon Interview 00:17 18 John Lennon Azerbaijani Music 02:34 19 John Lennon Interview 00:20 20 John Lennon Wine, Women, Whiskey 02:06 21 John Lennon Interview 00:21 22 John Lennon Why ? 00:41 23 John Lennon Dusty 03:58 24 John Lennon Wabash Cannonball 00:51 25 John Lennon Interview 02:47 26 John Lennon Every Night When The Sun Goes In 02:12 27 John Lennon Interview 01:22 28 John Lennon Here We Go 'Round The Mulberry Bush 02:53 29 John Lennon Interview 00:26 30 John Lennon Jock And Yono 00:36
John Lennon View in Albunack Oh My Love 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Lennon Don't Let Me Down 02:17 2 John Lennon Oh My Love 06:26 3 John Lennon Oh My Love 02:23 4 John Lennon Oh My Love 05:29 5 John Lennon Mind Games 01:48 6 John Lennon Oh My Love 03:59 7 John Lennon I'm Stepping Out 07:01 8 John Lennon I'm Stepping Out 02:15 9 John Lennon I'm Stepping Out 05:44 10 John Lennon I'm Stepping Out 01:52 11 John Lennon I'm Stepping Out 01:49 12 John Lennon I'm Stepping Out 06:06
John Lennon View in Albunack Rock 'N' Roll Sessions Part 2 21 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Lennon Just Because (Obscene Late Night Session) 05:57 2 John Lennon Be My Baby (Very Laid Back) 06:18 3 John Lennon Slippin' And Slidin' (Roots Version) 02:21 4 John Lennon You Can't Catch Me (Roots Version) 04:05 5 John Lennon Be My Baby (Roots Version) 04:37 6 John Lennon Be My Baby (Remix With Extra Vocals) 05:57 7 John Lennon Starting Over 02:33 8 John Lennon I'm Losing You 04:21 9 John Lennon Studio Talk 00:27 10 John Lennon Dream Lover 03:12 11 John Lennon Stay 01:14 12 John Lennon Mystery Train 03:12 13 John Lennon She's A Woman 1 00:55 14 John Lennon Rip It Up 01:13 15 John Lennon I'm A Man 01:33 16 John Lennon Be-Bob-A-Lua 01:19 17 John Lennon She's A Woman 2 01:29 18 John Lennon C'mon Everybody - She's A Woman 00:44 19 John Lennon Instant Karma (Us 45 Mix) 03:16 20 John Lennon I Found Out (Australien LP Version) 03:45 21 John Lennon Working Class Hero (Australien LP Version) 03:47
John Lennon View in Albunack S.I.R. John Winston Ono Lennon 14 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Lennon Roll Over Beethoven 02:30 2 John Lennon Honey Don't 02:58 3 John Lennon Ain't That a Shame 02:30 4 John Lennon My Babe/Not Fade Away 02:28 5 John Lennon Send Me Some Lovin' 02:46 6 John Lennon Yoko Jam 02:21 7 Whole Lotta Shakin' Goi' On It'll Be Me 05:29 8 John Lennon Honey Hush 02:10 9 John Lennon Don't Be Cruel /Hound Dog 04:28 10 John Lennon Caribbean 03:08 11 John Lennon Honky Tonk 05:09 12 John Lennon Mind Train 06:24 13 John Lennon Come Together 06:44 14 John Lennon Wer're All Water 11:06
John Lennon View in Albunack Studio Tracks Vol. 6 14 3 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Lennon Mother 03:47 2 John Lennon Love 02:24 3 John Lennon Well, Well, Well 01:12 4 John Lennon Look At Me 02:41 Has Mbid 5 John Lennon I Found Out 04:01 6 John Lennon Medley 04:54 7 John Lennon I Don't Want To Be A Soldier 05:50 8 John Lennon Well 05:51 9 John Lennon How Do You Sleep 03:26 10 John Lennon Cold Turkey 03:25 Has Mbid 11 John Lennon Mother 2 04:35 12 John Lennon God 02:42 Has Mbid 13 John Lennon My Mummy is Dead 01:15 14 John Lennon Oh My Love 02:37
John Lennon View in Albunack Studio Tracks Vol..3 15 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Lennon Maggie Mae 00:24 2 John Lennon I Don't Want To Be A Soldier 05:37 3 John Lennon People 01:51 4 John Lennon Watching The Wheels 03:07 5 John Lennon Corinna, Corinna 01:15 6 John Lennon Whatever Happened To... 04:43 7 John Lennon Move Over Mr. L 02:36 8 John Lennon Bless You 03:46 9 John Lennon Real Love 03:54 10 John Lennon I'm Stepping Out 04:36 11 John Lennon Dear Yoko 04:12 12 John Lennon (Just Like) Starting Over 04:53 13 John Lennon Dear John 03:55 14 John Lennon Imagine 02:47 15 John Lennon A Nice Noise 01:55
John Lennon View in Albunack Studio Tracks Vol.3 15 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Lennon Maggie Mae 00:27 2 John Lennon I Don't Want To Be A Soldier 05:37 3 John Lennon People 01:51 4 John Lennon Watching The Wheels 03:07 5 John Lennon Corinna, Corinna 01:15 6 John Lennon Whatever Happened To... 04:43 7 John Lennon Move Over Mr. L 02:36 8 John Lennon Bless You 03:46 9 John Lennon Real Love 03:54 10 John Lennon I'm Stepping Out 04:36 11 John Lennon Dear Yoko 04:12 12 John Lennon (Just Like) Starting Over 04:53 13 John Lennon Dear John 03:55 14 John Lennon Imagine 02:47 15 John Lennon A Nice Noise 01:55
John Lennon View in Albunack THIS Is The Truth 30 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Lennon Crippled Inside - center channel 03:07 2 John Lennon Crippled Inside - front stereo 03:07 3 John Lennon Crippled Inside - rear stereo 03:07 4 John Lennon Oh Yoko - center channel 03:02 5 John Lennon Oh Yoko - front stereo 03:02 6 John Lennon Oh Yoko - rear stereo 03:07 7 John Lennon Jealous Guy - center channel 02:08 8 John Lennon Jealous Guy - front stereo 04:03 9 John Lennon Jealous Guy - rear stereo 04:03 10 John Lennon It's So Hard - center channel 02:24 11 John Lennon It's So Hard - front stereo 02:25 12 John Lennon It's So Hard - rear stereo 02:24 13 John Lennon I Don't Wanna Be A Soldier - center channel 01:03 14 John Lennon I Don't Wanna Be A Soldier - front stereo 01:03 15 John Lennon I Don't Wanna Be A Soldier - rear stereo 01:03 16 John Lennon Gimme Some Truth - center channel 02:43 17 John Lennon Gimme Some Truth - front stereo 02:43 18 John Lennon Gimme Some Truth - rear stereo 02:43 19 John Lennon Oh My Love - center channel 02:43 20 John Lennon Oh My Love - front stereo 02:43 21 John Lennon Oh My Love - rear stereo 02:43 22 John Lennon How - center channel 03:34 23 John Lennon How - front stereo 03:34 24 John Lennon How - rear stereo 03:34 25 John Lennon Imagine - center channel 03:01 26 John Lennon Imagine - front stereo 03:01 27 John Lennon Imagine - rear stereo 03:01 28 John Lennon Look At Me - center channel 01:23 29 John Lennon Look At Me - front stereo 01:23 30 John Lennon Look At Me - rear stereo 01:21
John Lennon View in Albunack The Complete May Pang Tapes 21 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Lennon John Lennon - Slippin' & Slidin' #1 02:18 2 John Lennon John Lennon - Rip It Up 01:35 3 John Lennon John Lennon - Bring It On Home To Me-Send Me Some Loving #1 02:05 4 John Lennon John Lennon - Bring It On Home To Me-Send Me Some Loving #2 03:34 5 John Lennon John Lennon - Peggy Sue #1 02:03 6 John Lennon John Lennon - Ain't That A Shame #1 02:41 7 John Lennon John Lennon - Ain't That A Shame #2 01:14 8 John Lennon John Lennon - Be Bop A Lula #1 02:39 9 John Lennon John Lennon - Ya Ya #1 02:23 10 John Lennon John Lennon - Do You Want To Dance #1 03:50 11 John Lennon John Lennon - Stand By Me #1 04:20 12 John Lennon John Lennon - Bring It On Home To Me-Send Me Some Loving #3 03:46 13 John Lennon John Lennon - Ya Ya #2 02:46 14 John Lennon John Lennon - That'll Be The Day 02:34 15 John Lennon John Lennon - Do You Want To Dance #2 03:26 16 John Lennon John Lennon - Stand By Me #2 03:39 17 John Lennon John Lennon - Peggy Sue #2 02:11 18 John Lennon John Lennon - Be Bop A Lula #2 01:55 19 John Lennon John Lennon - Slippin' & Slidin' #2 01:59 20 John Lennon John Lennon - Whole Lotta Love 02:03 21 John Lennon John Lennon - Thirty Days 01:03
John Lennon View in Albunack The Village Tapes - Last Sessions, Original Release 16 2 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Lennon Well Baby 05:59 2 John Lennon I Found Out 03:26 3 John Lennon When A Boy Meets A Girl 02:16 Has Mbid 4 John Lennon Be My Baby 05:51 5 John Lennon Dear Yoko 02:47 6 John Lennon Just Like Starting Over 04:59 7 John Lennon No. 9 Dream 02:14 8 John Lennon Luck Of The Irish 01:23 9 John Lennon Move Over Miss L. 01:55 10 John Lennon Real Love 02:31 Has Mbid 11 John Lennon Out Of The Blue 04:08 12 John Lennon What You Got 03:23 13 John Lennon Love 04:02 14 John Lennon Imagine 03:11 15 John Lennon Well Well Well, Part 1 01:11 16 John Lennon Well Well Well, Part 2 03:42
John Lennon View in Albunack Vibrations 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Lennon Imagine 02:49 2 John Lennon Yer Blues 03:32 3 John Lennon Dizzy Miss Lizzie 03:04 4 John Lennon The Luck of the Irish 03:09 5 John Lennon Attica State 02:56 6 John Lennon Money 03:01 7 John Lennon Come Together 04:12 8 John Lennon Instant Karma 03:19 9 John Lennon Give Peace a Chance 03:05 10 John Lennon Cold Turkey 02:57 11 John Lennon John Sinclair 02:45 12 John Lennon Blue Suede Shoes 02:10
John Lennon View in Albunack Walls and Bridges (from Quad) 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Lennon Going Down on Love 04:02 2 John Lennon Whatever Gets You Through the Night 03:26 3 John Lennon Old Dirt Road 04:00 4 John Lennon What You Got 03:06 5 John Lennon Bless You 04:40 6 John Lennon Scared 04:32 7 John Lennon #9 Dream 04:38 8 John Lennon Surprise Surprise (Sweet Bird of Paradox) 02:47 9 John Lennon Steel and Glass 05:29 10 John Lennon Beef Jerky 03:25 11 John Lennon Nobody Loves You (When You're Down and Out) 05:07 12 John Lennon Ya Ya 01:16
John Lennon View in Albunack Walls ans Bridges Sessions 23 2 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Lennon What you got 03:27 2 John Lennon What you got 02:07 3 John Lennon What you got 00:18 4 John Lennon What you got 03:53 5 John Lennon What you got 04:12 6 John Lennon What you got 03:20 7 John Lennon What you got 03:31 8 John Lennon What you got 00:50 Has Mbid 9 John Lennon What you got 03:09 10 John Lennon Bless you 00:28 11 John Lennon Bless you 00:35 12 John Lennon Bless you 05:35 13 John Lennon Bless you 04:07 Has Mbid 14 John Lennon Bless you 04:01 15 John Lennon Bless you 05:28 16 John Lennon Scared 05:01 17 John Lennon Scared 04:56 18 John Lennon Scared 04:52 19 John Lennon 9 Drream 03:10 20 John Lennon 9 Drream 00:34 21 John Lennon 9 Drream 02:10 22 John Lennon 9 Drream 04:49 23 John Lennon 9 Drream 04:24
John Martyn View in Albunack Alabamahalle Munich 28 November 1983 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Glorious Fool 04:17 2 John Martyn Amsterdam 04:25 3 John Martyn Call Me Crazy 04:46 4 John Martyn Couldn’t Love You More 06:08 5 John Martyn Sweet Little Mystery 05:42 6 John Martyn Dealer / Outside In 12:21 7 John Martyn Easy Blues 02:53 8 John Martyn One Day Without You 04:15 9 John Martyn May You Never 04:00
John Martyn View in Albunack Ancienne Belgique Brussels 22 September 1990 2nd Set 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn The Easy Blues 02:29 2 John Martyn May You Never 04:18 3 John Martyn The Cure 05:03 4 John Martyn Call Me 05:53 5 John Martyn Same Difference 04:53 6 John Martyn Look At That Girl 05:51 7 John Martyn Angeline 05:31 8 John Martyn Sweet Little Mystery 07:13 9 John Martyn Johnny Too Bad 11:27 10 John Martyn One World 08:53 11 John Martyn Deny This Love 08:00
John Martyn View in Albunack And Final Mixes March 1996 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Step It Up (Bone Mix) 05:21 2 John Martyn She’s A Lover (Spen Mix) 05:49 3 John Martyn She’s A Lover (Stefan Mix) 05:21 4 John Martyn All In Your Favour (Snoo Mix) 04:37 5 John Martyn All In Your Favour (Spen Mix) 04:35 6 John Martyn The Downward Pull Of Human Nature (Spen Mix) 05:17 7 John Martyn The Downward Pull Of Human Nature (Stefan Mix) 04:39 8 John Martyn Who Are They (Stefan Mix) 02:34 9 John Martyn Who Are They (Bone Mix) 02:54
John Martyn View in Albunack And Mixes March 1996 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Carmine 05:27 2 John Martyn Carmine 05:35 3 John Martyn A Little Strange 05:12 4 John Martyn Step It Up 04:48 5 John Martyn She's A Lover 05:49 6 John Martyn Who Are They? 02:54
John Martyn View in Albunack And Ruffs 10 March 1996 (VPT09) 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn She's A Lover Mix 1 Mellow Tap 06:45 2 John Martyn She's A Lover Mix 2 No Sax 06:45 3 John Martyn She's A Lover Mix 3 Sax Half Way 06:45 4 John Martyn Suzanne All Vox 5 March 1996 05:10 5 John Martyn Sunshine's Better Mix 3 10 March 1996 no front 05:26 6 John Martyn Suzanne Test Edit 03:55 7 John Martyn The Downward Pull Of Human Nature Ruff 14 March 1996 05:37 8 John Martyn Sunshine's Better 9 March 1996 05:59
John Martyn View in Albunack And Ruffs 1995 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Sunshine’s Better (Spen Mix) 05:10 2 John Martyn Suzanne (Spen Mix) 03:38 3 John Martyn Human Nature (Spen Mix) 05:02 4 John Martyn All In Your Favour (Spen Mix) 04:20 5 John Martyn A Little Strange (Stefan Mix) 04:54 6 John Martyn Who Are They (Stefan Mix) 02:19 7 John Martyn Step It Up (Stefan Mix) 04:24 8 John Martyn Carmine (Spen Mix) 05:26 9 John Martyn She’s A Lover (Spen Mix) 05:13 10 John Martyn Sunshine’s Better (Stefan Mix) 05:50
John Martyn View in Albunack Angst 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Sundays Child Ludwigshafen 19 March 1982 04:02 2 John Martyn Amsterdam Ludwigshafen 19 March 1982 04:22 3 John Martyn One World Cleveland 22 October 1977 06:31 4 John Martyn Bless The Weather Glasgow 9 November 1983 04:50 5 John Martyn Johnny Too Bad Hammersmith 22 October 1982 07:52 6 John Martyn John Wayne Leeds 30 Septemeber 1987 07:39 7 John Martyn Solid Air Newcastle 4 February 1986 08:12
John Martyn View in Albunack Anna Compilation 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Anna Turin 17 May 1979 10:42 2 John Martyn Anna Unknown 1983 08:33 3 John Martyn Anna Glasgow 9 November 1983 08:32 4 John Martyn Anna Dominion 25 May 1981 07:01 5 John Martyn Anna York 29 April 1983 08:56 6 John Martyn Anna Bournemouth 14 March 1980 07:23 7 John Martyn Anna Manchester 28 November 1983 07:48
John Martyn View in Albunack Another World (Bonus Disc) 6 3 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Dancing (drum machine) 03:53 Has Mbid 2 John Martyn The Dealer (kit) 04:30 3 John Martyn The Dealer (drum machine) 04:35 Has Mbid 4 John Martyn Certain Surprise 04:51 5 John Martyn Smiling Strangers (instrumental) 04:49 Has Mbid 6 John Martyn Big Muff (drum machine) 04:52
John Martyn View in Albunack Anvil Basingstoke 20 June 2001 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn The Glory Of Love 05:05 2 John Martyn Don' Want To Know / My Creator 09:16 3 John Martyn Bless The Weather / Beverley / Make No Mistake 11:29 4 John Martyn Spencer The Rover 05:11 5 John Martyn Blue Monk 11:11 6 John Martyn Dealer / Outside In 10:52 7 John Martyn May You Never 06:51 8 John Martyn Sweet Little Mystery 06:02 9 John Martyn Solid Air 07:44 10 John Martyn Easy Blues 04:47
John Martyn View in Albunack Anvil Basingstoke 27 April 2004 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Where Are You - Eva Abraham 04:34 2 John Martyn Easy Blues / May You Never 09:30 3 John Martyn So Fine - Eva Abraham 05:19 4 John Martyn Sweet Little Mystery 06:58 5 John Martyn Today And Everyday - Eva Abraham 04:31 6 John Martyn Big Muff 05:39 7 John Martyn Glorious Fool 07:12 8 John Martyn Never Let Me Go 04:14 9 John Martyn Carmine 05:03 10 John Martyn Could've Told You When I Met You 06:29 11 John Martyn Lookin' On 09:36
John Martyn View in Albunack Apollo Theatre Oxford 10 October 1982 (VPT23) 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Man In The Station 04:19 2 John Martyn Band Introduction 01:25 3 John Martyn Hung Up 04:35 4 John Martyn Hiss On The Tape 04:18 5 John Martyn Johnny Too Bad 08:49 6 John Martyn Never Let Me Go 03:26 7 John Martyn Over The Hill 03:40 8 John Martyn Bless The Weather 04:18 9 John Martyn Could’ve Been Me 03:48 10 John Martyn Save Some For Me part 00:18
John Martyn View in Albunack Apollo Theatre Oxford 10 October 1982 Mastered (VPT23) 16 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Make No Mistake 03:17 2 John Martyn Big Muff 07:02 3 John Martyn Hung Up 04:46 4 John Martyn Dreams By The Sea 02:58 5 John Martyn Don’t Want To Know 04:53 6 John Martyn Lookin’ On 07:17 7 John Martyn Over The Hill 03:19 8 John Martyn Bless The Weather 04:29 9 John Martyn Could’ve Been Me 03:33 10 John Martyn Solid Air 07:58 11 John Martyn Man In The Station 03:57 12 John Martyn Band Introductions 01:36 13 John Martyn Livin’ Alone 04:22 14 John Martyn Hiss On The Tape 03:27 15 John Martyn Johnny Too Bad 08:49 16 John Martyn Never Let Me Go 03:20
John Martyn View in Albunack Apprentice and Cooltide Early Ruffs 1989 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Hold Me 04:04 2 John Martyn Instrumental 02:53 3 John Martyn Instrumental 04:44 4 John Martyn The Cure Backing Track 04:42 5 John Martyn Same Difference 03:02 6 John Martyn Look At That Girl 04:46 7 John Martyn Instrumental 02:22 8 John Martyn Instrumental 04:52 9 John Martyn Instrumental 04:46 10 John Martyn Instrumental 03:53
John Martyn View in Albunack Arena St Albans 23 November 2008 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Cooltide 10:32 2 John Martyn Some People Are Crazy 05:01 3 John Martyn May You Never 04:39 4 John Martyn Solid Air 07:32 5 John Martyn Johnny Too Bad 09:10 6 John Martyn Never Let Me Go 05:42 7 John Martyn Hurt In Your Heart 04:27 8 John Martyn Baby Please Come Home 04:47 9 John Martyn Save Some (For Me) 06:34 10 John Martyn Our Love 05:10
John Martyn View in Albunack Arena St Albans 23 November 2008 A 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Cooltide 10:32 2 John Martyn Don’t Want To Know 04:34 3 John Martyn Grace And Danger 05:00 4 John Martyn Solid Air 07:32 5 John Martyn Rock Salt And Nails 05:48 6 John Martyn Never Let Me Go 05:42 7 John Martyn Hurt In Your Heart 04:27 8 John Martyn Baby Please Come Home 04:47 9 John Martyn Save Some (For Me) 06:34 10 John Martyn Our Love 05:10
John Martyn View in Albunack Arts Centre Coventry 22 October 1986 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Blue Monk 04:36 2 John Martyn Solid Air 07:52 3 John Martyn Sweet Little Mystery 07:40 4 John Martyn Bless The Weather / Beverley 07:05 5 John Martyn Make No Mistake 05:23 6 John Martyn One World Part 01:42 7 John Martyn Angeline 08:06 8 John Martyn I’d Rather Be The Devil 06:49 9 John Martyn Singin’ In The Rain 05:11
John Martyn View in Albunack Arts Centre Poole 3 May 1990 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn The Easy Blues 03:40 2 John Martyn May You Never 06:16 3 John Martyn Dealer / Outside In 12:26 4 John Martyn The River 04:36 5 John Martyn Sapphire 05:36 6 John Martyn Look At That Girl 05:48 7 John Martyn Big Muff 06:45 8 John Martyn Sweet Little Mystery 05:53 9 John Martyn Send Me One Line 07:28 10 John Martyn John Wayne 05:38
John Martyn View in Albunack Arts Centre Southport 17 October 1991 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Big Muff 07:24 2 John Martyn Father Time 02:16 3 John Martyn Jack The Lad 06:35 4 John Martyn Johnny Too Bad 07:53 5 John Martyn Cooltide 09:42 6 John Martyn May You Never 04:21 7 John Martyn The Cure 04:29 8 John Martyn Solid Air 05:35
John Martyn View in Albunack Ashcroft Theatre Croydon 5 May 2004 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn May You Never 05:44 2 John Martyn Don't Want To Know 05:02 3 John Martyn Carmine 06:27 4 John Martyn Suzanne 07:02 5 John Martyn Bless The Weather / Make No Mistake 08:47 6 John Martyn Big Muff 08:09 7 John Martyn Easy Blues 03:51 8 John Martyn Never Let Me Go 04:23 9 John Martyn Rock Salt And Nails 04:38
John Martyn View in Albunack Assembly Rooms Edinburgh 3 December 1984 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Johnny Too Bad 08:51 2 John Martyn One World 07:09 3 John Martyn Dealer / Outside In 09:54 4 John Martyn Lookin’ On 10:48 5 John Martyn Could’ve Been Me 05:06 6 John Martyn Solid Air 09:35 7 John Martyn John Wayne 07:54 8 John Martyn Fisherman’s Dream 04:21
John Martyn View in Albunack Assembly Rooms Edinburgh 7 February 1986 A 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn John Wayne 07:53 2 John Martyn Could’ve Been Me 05:02 3 John Martyn Lonely Love 04:42 4 John Martyn Solid Air 09:03 5 John Martyn Love Of Mine 02:52 6 John Martyn Johnny Too Bad 12:32 7 John Martyn One World 07:15 8 John Martyn Over The Rainbow 04:16 9 John Martyn Fisherman’s Dream 03:19
John Martyn View in Albunack Auditorio Chiara Trento 7 December 1998 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn She’s A Lover 06:11 2 John Martyn Solid Air 07:02 3 John Martyn Excuse Me Mister 08:28 4 John Martyn Couldn’t Love You More 06:46 5 John Martyn Carmine 07:10 6 John Martyn Lookin’ On 11:56 7 John Martyn God’s Song 04:57 8 John Martyn Fisherman’s Dream 05:45 9 John Martyn Rock Salt And Nails 02:15
John Martyn View in Albunack BBC 1974 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Head And Heart 04:13 2 John Martyn Spencer The Rover 05:05 3 John Martyn Sweet Little Mystery 03:09 4 John Martyn Lookin' On 04:48 5 John Martyn BBC Radio Saturday Live 1985 08:35 6 John Martyn BBC Radio Saturday Live 1984 08:31
John Martyn View in Albunack BBC In Vision 1973 to1981 16 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn I’d Rather Be The Devil (1973) 07:10 2 John Martyn May You Never (1973) 03:34 3 John Martyn Make No Mistake (1973) 03:04 4 John Martyn One Day Without You (1975) 03:31 5 John Martyn Some People Are Crazy (1981) 04:14 6 John Martyn Intro 3 00:28 7 John Martyn One World (1977) 04:41 8 John Martyn Intro 4 00:40 9 John Martyn Intro 2 00:18 10 John Martyn Dealer (1977) 05:09 11 John Martyn Intro 5 00:18 12 John Martyn Couldn't Love You More 05:52 13 John Martyn Intro 4 00:16 14 John Martyn Bless The Weather (1978) 05:17 15 John Martyn Outside In 10:49 16 John Martyn Hurt In Your Heart 06:51
John Martyn View in Albunack BBC Old Grey Whistle Test Collegiate Theatre 10 January 1978 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Intro 00:52 2 John Martyn May You Never 04:18 3 John Martyn Small Hours 07:18 4 John Martyn Certain Surprise 03:53 5 John Martyn Couldn’t Love You More 03:55 6 John Martyn Big Muff 09:06 7 John Martyn Bless The Weather 06:47 8 John Martyn Outside In 15:12 9 John Martyn Spencer The Rover 05:10 10 John Martyn Solid Air (part) 00:38
John Martyn View in Albunack BBC Radio 1 In Concert 9 March 1971 20 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Tree Green 04:11 2 John Martyn Bless The Weather 03:51 3 John Martyn Would You Believe Me 06:13 4 John Martyn The Road To Ruin 05:31 5 John Martyn I'd Rather Be The Devil 08:11 6 John Martyn May You Never 04:17 7 John Martyn Certain Surprise 03:13 8 John Martyn Couldn't Love You More 03:03 9 John Martyn In Search Of Anna Soundtrack 1 04:09 10 John Martyn In Search Of Anna Soundtrack 2 01:15 11 John Martyn In Search Of Anna Soundtrack 3 01:38 12 John Martyn In Search Of Anna Soundtrack 4 01:58 13 John Martyn In Search Of Anna Soundtrack 5 01:48 14 John Martyn In Search Of Anna Soundtrack 6 01:14 15 John Martyn In Search Of Anna Soundtrack 7 01:12 16 John Martyn In Search Of Anna Soundtrack 8 01:06 17 John Martyn In Search Of Anna Soundtrack 9 01:03 18 John Martyn In Search Of Anna Soundtrack 10 01:10 19 John Martyn In Search Of Anna Soundtrack 11 00:41 20 John Martyn In Search Of Anna Soundtrack 12 03:52
John Martyn View in Albunack BBC Radio 1 In Concert 9 March 1971 Cleaned 20 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Tree Green 04:11 2 John Martyn Bless The Weather 03:51 3 John Martyn Would You Believe Me 06:13 4 John Martyn The Road To Ruin 05:31 5 John Martyn I'd Rather Be The Devil 08:11 6 John Martyn May You Never 04:17 7 John Martyn Certain Surprise 03:13 8 John Martyn Couldn't Love You More 03:03 9 John Martyn In Search Of Anna Soundtrack 1 04:09 10 John Martyn In Search Of Anna Soundtrack 2 01:15 11 John Martyn In Search Of Anna Soundtrack 3 01:38 12 John Martyn In Search Of Anna Soundtrack 4 01:58 13 John Martyn In Search Of Anna Soundtrack 5 01:48 14 John Martyn In Search Of Anna Soundtrack 6 01:14 15 John Martyn In Search Of Anna Soundtrack 7 01:12 16 John Martyn In Search Of Anna Soundtrack 8 01:06 17 John Martyn In Search Of Anna Soundtrack 9 01:03 18 John Martyn In Search Of Anna Soundtrack 10 01:10 19 John Martyn In Search Of Anna Soundtrack 11 00:41 20 John Martyn In Search Of Anna Soundtrack 12 03:52
John Martyn View in Albunack BBC Radio 2 2 May 2006 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Interview 03:07 2 John Martyn Cooltide 07:28 3 John Martyn Interview 06:00 4 John Martyn Couldn't Love You More 05:29 5 John Martyn Interview 03:23 6 John Martyn Don't Want To Know / My Creator 10:00 7 John Martyn Outro 01:21
John Martyn View in Albunack BBC Radio 2 Folk Awards Rehearsals 3 February 2008 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Over The Hill 04:14 2 John Martyn Over The Hill 04:32 3 John Martyn May You Never 05:28 4 John Martyn May You Never 04:25 5 John Martyn May You Never 04:19 6 John Martyn May You Never 06:19 7 John Martyn Chat 01:29 8 John Martyn May You Never 07:03 9 John Martyn My Creator 06:43
John Martyn View in Albunack BBC Radio 2 Tribute 25 February 2009 15 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn BBC Radio 2 Tribute 25 February 2009 00:58 2 John Martyn BBC Radio 2 Tribute 25 February 2009 05:41 3 John Martyn BBC Radio 2 Tribute 25 February 2009 00:34 4 John Martyn BBC Radio 2 Tribute 25 February 2009 05:19 5 John Martyn BBC Radio 2 Tribute 25 February 2009 03:19 6 John Martyn BBC Radio 2 Tribute 25 February 2009 07:21 7 John Martyn BBC Radio 2 Tribute 25 February 2009 05:04 8 John Martyn BBC Radio 2 Tribute 25 February 2009 01:16 9 John Martyn BBC Radio 2 Tribute 25 February 2009 04:12 10 John Martyn BBC Radio 2 Tribute 25 February 2009 02:12 11 John Martyn BBC Radio 2 Tribute 25 February 2009 06:53 12 John Martyn BBC Radio 2 Tribute 25 February 2009 03:22 13 John Martyn BBC Radio 2 Tribute 25 February 2009 04:00 14 John Martyn BBC Radio 2 Tribute 25 February 2009 05:17 15 John Martyn BBC Radio 2 Tribute 25 February 2009 01:52
John Martyn View in Albunack BBC Radio 3 Andy Kershaw 21 May 2006 A 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Cooltide 06:20 2 John Martyn Glorious Fool 07:20 3 John Martyn Rock Salt And Nails 05:18 4 John Martyn Never Let Me Go 03:35 5 John Martyn Don't Want To Know / My Creator 10:09 6 John Martyn Couldn't Love You More 04:37 7 John Martyn Cooltide 07:30
John Martyn View in Albunack BBC Radio 4 Last Word 30 January 2009 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn BBC Radio 4 Last Word 30 January 2009 07:34 2 John Martyn BBC Radio 4 Front Row 9 February 2009 10:20 3 John Martyn BBC Radio 3 World On 3 13 March 2009 01:04 4 John Martyn Cooltide 06:26 5 John Martyn Interview 06:13 6 John Martyn Glorious Fool 07:22 7 John Martyn Interview 00:21 8 John Martyn Interview 00:17 9 John Martyn Rock Salt And Nails 04:47 10 John Martyn Interview 06:11 11 John Martyn Never Let Me Go 03:36 12 John Martyn End 00:17
John Martyn View in Albunack BBC Radio In Concert London 9 March 1971 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Tree Green 04:36 2 John Martyn Bless The Weather 03:54 3 John Martyn Would You Believe Me 06:15 4 John Martyn The Road To Ruin 05:32 5 John Martyn Couldn't Love You More 03:18 6 John Martyn One World 05:26 7 John Martyn Dealer 06:30 8 John Martyn Solid Air 05:12 9 John Martyn Small Hours 07:21
John Martyn View in Albunack BBC Radio Kershaw 21 May 2006 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Interview 00:22 2 John Martyn Cooltide 06:20 3 John Martyn Interview 06:10 4 John Martyn Glorious Fool 07:23 5 John Martyn Interview 00:58 6 John Martyn False Teeth 00:34 7 John Martyn Rock Salt And Nails 04:51 8 John Martyn Interview 06:06 9 John Martyn Never Let Me Go 03:35
John Martyn View in Albunack BBC Radio Saturday Sequence 14 April 1990 A 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Look At That Girl 04:28 2 John Martyn Interview 04:02 3 John Martyn Send Me One Line 05:28 4 John Martyn Interview 04:06 5 John Martyn Income Town 04:04 6 John Martyn Interview 02:16 7 John Martyn The Cure (live in studio) 02:25
John Martyn View in Albunack BBC Rock Goes To College 20 October 1978 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn May You Never 03:45 2 John Martyn One World 06:19 3 John Martyn One Day Without You 04:46 4 John Martyn Dealer 06:47 5 John Martyn Certain Surprise 04:52 6 John Martyn Big Muff 09:12 7 John Martyn Anna 03:56 8 John Martyn One World 03:54 9 John Martyn Johnny Too Bad 03:50 10 John Martyn May You Never 03:31 11 John Martyn Outside In 10:36 12 John Martyn Hurt In Your Heart 06:46
John Martyn View in Albunack BBC Rock Goes To College 20 October 1978 GH 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn May You Never 03:57 2 John Martyn One World 06:06 3 John Martyn One Day Without You 04:46 4 John Martyn Dealer 07:22 5 John Martyn Certain Surprise 04:41 6 John Martyn Big Muff 08:56 7 John Martyn Small Hours / Anna 03:46
John Martyn View in Albunack BBC Rock Goes To College 25 February 1981 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn BBC Rock Goes To College 25 February 1981 Pt1 30:34 2 John Martyn BBC Rock Goes To College 25 February 1981 Pt2 09:12 3 John Martyn Sweet Little Mystery 05:05 4 John Martyn Hiss On The Tape 03:28 5 John Martyn Hung Up, Gun Money 07:00 6 John Martyn Couldn't Love You More 02:57
John Martyn View in Albunack BBC Sessions VPT26 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn One Day Without You 03:31 2 John Martyn Small Hours 08:41 3 John Martyn Mad Dog Days 05:49 4 John Martyn One Day Without You 03:49 5 John Martyn May You Never 04:11 6 John Martyn The Cure 03:54 7 John Martyn The Message 03:01 8 John Martyn Bless The Weather / Make No Mistake 08:21 9 John Martyn May You Never 04:04 10 John Martyn Certain Surprise / Couldn't Love You More 05:51 11 John Martyn Over The Hill 02:41
John Martyn View in Albunack BBC Sounds Of The Seventies 10 December 1973 GH Cleaned 15 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn May You Never 03:41 2 John Martyn Eibhli Ghail Chiuin Ni Chearbhaill 02:57 3 John Martyn Beverley 02:22 4 John Martyn Make No Mistake 03:07 5 John Martyn Fine Lines 03:14 6 John Martyn Outside In 14:40 7 John Martyn Spencer The Rover 06:00 8 John Martyn Dealer 05:35 9 John Martyn You Can Discover 04:19 10 John Martyn May You Never 04:23 11 John Martyn Small Hours 07:02 12 John Martyn Certain Surprise 04:00 13 John Martyn Couldn't Love You More 03:41 14 John Martyn Big Muff 04:45 15 John Martyn Love Of Mine 04:13
John Martyn View in Albunack Bangor University 22 October 1983 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Big Muff 09:10 2 John Martyn Root Love 05:44 3 John Martyn Sweet Little Mystery 06:10 4 John Martyn Bless The Weather 01:34 5 John Martyn One World 05:47 6 John Martyn Hiss On The Tape 04:14 7 John Martyn Johnny Too Bad 08:59 8 John Martyn Dealer / Outside In 11:19 9 John Martyn Smiling Stranger 05:35
John Martyn View in Albunack Banhof Paderborn 16 December 1990 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Big Muff 07:11 2 John Martyn Lookin’ On 13:39 3 John Martyn Intro 01:03 4 John Martyn Deny This Love 07:19 5 John Martyn Hole In The Rain 09:24 6 John Martyn Fisherman’s Dream 07:55 7 John Martyn Over The Rainbow 06:52 8 John Martyn Never Let Me Go 04:17 9 John Martyn Sapphire 06:16 10 John Martyn Angeline 00:00
John Martyn View in Albunack Bannockburn Stirling 1986 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn The Easy Blues 03:10 2 John Martyn May You Never 04:26 3 John Martyn Big Muff 08:59 4 John Martyn Angeline 05:11 5 John Martyn Solid Air 07:20 6 John Martyn Over The Hill 07:04 7 John Martyn Tight Connection To My Heart 04:24 8 John Martyn Hurt In Your Heart 04:38
John Martyn View in Albunack Barbican London 10 November 2008 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Cooltide 07:36 2 John Martyn Don’t Want To Know 05:21 3 John Martyn Grace And Danger 04:45 4 John Martyn Lookin’ On 09:20 5 John Martyn Rock Salt And Nails 06:16 6 John Martyn Sweet Little Mystery 07:06 7 John Martyn Hurt In Your Heart 07:45 8 John Martyn Baby Please Come Home 05:58 9 John Martyn Save Some (For Me) 06:30 10 John Martyn Our Love 05:46
John Martyn View in Albunack Barbican Theatre London 11 September 2006 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Cooltide 09:20 2 John Martyn May You Never 06:28 3 John Martyn Easy Blues / Gentle Blues 06:30 4 John Martyn I’d Rather Be The Devil 08:30 5 John Martyn Dreams By The Sea 05:48 6 John Martyn Man In The Station 06:49 7 John Martyn Over The Hill 04:16 8 John Martyn Never Let Me Go 04:55
John Martyn View in Albunack Barrymore's Music Hall Ottawa 17 May 1983 A 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn One World 05:07 2 John Martyn Sunday’s Child 06:29 3 John Martyn Amsterdam 04:52 4 John Martyn Call Me Crazy 03:28 5 John Martyn Couldn’t Love You More 06:40 6 John Martyn Make No Mistake 04:49 7 John Martyn Sweet Little Mystery 04:11 8 John Martyn Bless The Weather 08:44 9 John Martyn Dealer (Reprise) 07:53 10 John Martyn Solid Air 04:53
John Martyn View in Albunack Bierkeller Bristol 1 April 1998 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Strange Fruit / Yes We Can 09:31 2 John Martyn How Fortunate The Man With None 08:50 3 John Martyn Excuse Me Mister 06:57 4 John Martyn Couldn’t Love You More 05:35 5 John Martyn He’s Got All The Whisky 06:13 6 John Martyn Sweet Little Mystery 06:39 7 John Martyn She’s A Lover / Solid Air 15:28 8 John Martyn God’s Song 03:57 9 John Martyn Fisherman’s Dream 06:16
John Martyn View in Albunack Bierkeller Bristol 1 April 1998 (VPT21) 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn May You Never 02:25 2 John Martyn How Fortunate The Man With None 08:50 3 John Martyn Excuse Me Mister 06:57 4 John Martyn Couldn’t Love You More 05:35 5 John Martyn He’s Got All The Whisky 06:13 6 John Martyn Sweet Little Mystery 06:39 7 John Martyn She’s A Lover / Solid Air 15:28 8 John Martyn God’s Song 03:57 9 John Martyn Fisherman’s Dream 06:16
John Martyn View in Albunack Bierkeller Bristol 1 April 1998 cleaned (VPT21) 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn May You Never 02:25 2 John Martyn Johnny Too Bad 12:23 3 John Martyn Excuse Me Mister 06:57 4 John Martyn Couldn’t Love You More 05:35 5 John Martyn He’s Got All The Whisky 06:13 6 John Martyn Sweet Little Mystery 06:39 7 John Martyn She’s A Lover / Solid Air 15:28 8 John Martyn God’s Song 03:57 9 John Martyn Fisherman’s Dream 06:16
John Martyn View in Albunack Birmingham Odeon 25 November 1984 A Cleaned 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Don’t Want To Know 06:59 2 John Martyn Lookin’ On 09:31 3 John Martyn Sweet Little Mystery 06:40 4 John Martyn Root Love 05:12 5 John Martyn Could've Been Me 05:50 6 John Martyn Big Muff 08:24 7 John Martyn John Wayne 07:01 8 John Martyn Fisherman’s Dream 04:32 9 John Martyn Sapphire 05:52 10 John Martyn Dealer 03:07 11 John Martyn Outside In 08:03 12 John Martyn Johnny Too Bad 08:30
John Martyn View in Albunack Blackheath Halls London 13 February 1996 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Big Muff 08:32 2 John Martyn Couldn’t Love You More 05:44 3 John Martyn Step It Up 07:05 4 John Martyn Fisherman’s Dream 05:36 5 John Martyn Lookin’ On 08:54 6 John Martyn Downward Pull Of Human Nature 07:33 7 John Martyn Over The Rainbow 04:39
John Martyn View in Albunack Bochum Zeche 21 April 1988 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Bless The Weather 04:51 2 John Martyn Solid Air 06:09 3 John Martyn Make No Mistake 03:44 4 John Martyn Spencer The Rover 05:02 5 John Martyn Lookin’ On 08:30 6 John Martyn One World 08:32 7 John Martyn Dealer / Outside In 13:12 8 John Martyn May You Never 03:34 9 John Martyn May You Never 02:06
John Martyn View in Albunack Bochum Zeche 21 April 1988 A 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn One Day Without You 05:01 2 John Martyn Make No Mistake 03:37 3 John Martyn Spencer The Rover 04:55 4 John Martyn Johnny Too Bad 10:41 5 John Martyn Lookin’ On 07:22 6 John Martyn Dealer / Outside In 12:33 7 John Martyn Cocain 05:30 8 John Martyn May You Never 05:31
John Martyn View in Albunack Brewery Arts Kendall 23 May 1994 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Big Muff 05:06 2 John Martyn Fisherman’s Dream 04:54 3 John Martyn Johnny Too Bad 08:17 4 John Martyn Couldn’t Love You More 07:37 5 John Martyn Hurt In Your Heart 05:14 6 John Martyn Sweet Little Mystery 09:12 7 John Martyn Lookin’ On 07:04
John Martyn View in Albunack Brighton 15 May 1989 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Angeline 06:43 2 John Martyn Big Muff 07:36 3 John Martyn Same Difference 05:30 4 John Martyn Sweet Little Mystery 05:48 5 John Martyn One World 08:08 6 John Martyn The Easy Blues 02:59 7 John Martyn Cocain 03:30 8 John Martyn Solid Air 06:12
John Martyn View in Albunack Brighton Dome 21 October 1982 A 14 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Make No Mistake 03:40 2 John Martyn Gun Money 04:32 3 John Martyn Hung Up 04:45 4 John Martyn Dreams By The Sea 03:54 5 John Martyn Don’t Want To Know 04:09 6 John Martyn Lookin’ On 07:03 7 John Martyn Over The Hill 03:42 8 John Martyn Bless The Weather 04:05 9 John Martyn Solid Air 07:11 10 John Martyn Man In The Station 04:01 11 John Martyn Livin’ Alone 06:54 12 John Martyn Johnny Too Bad 07:17 13 John Martyn Hiss On The Tape 03:34 14 John Martyn Sweet Little Mystery 05:24
John Martyn View in Albunack Brighton Dome 22 May 1981 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Couldn’t Love You More 06:53 2 John Martyn Lookin’ On 07:33 3 John Martyn Sweet Little Mystery 07:04 4 John Martyn Hurt In Your Heart 07:23 5 John Martyn Johnny Too Bad 09:03 6 John Martyn Solid Air 07:54 7 John Martyn One World 02:48 8 John Martyn Outside In 01:29
John Martyn View in Albunack Brighton Dome 26 November 1984 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Don’t Want To Know 10:28 2 John Martyn Lookin’ On 11:53 3 John Martyn Sweet Little Mystery 06:29 4 John Martyn Root Love 04:00 5 John Martyn Could've Been Me 06:43 6 John Martyn Big Muff 08:38 7 John Martyn John Wayne 06:48
John Martyn View in Albunack Cambridge Folk Festival 2 August 1986 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn One Day Without You 04:57 2 John Martyn Sweet Little Mystery 04:35 3 John Martyn Solid Air 07:15 4 John Martyn Bless The Weather 04:40 5 John Martyn Beverley 01:47 6 John Martyn Make No Mistake 03:23 7 John Martyn Spencer The Rover 04:15 8 John Martyn Dealer / Outside In 12:53
John Martyn View in Albunack Cambridge Folk Festival 27 July 1985 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Johnny Too Bad 02:35 2 John Martyn Sweet Little Mystery 05:50 3 John Martyn Big Muff 05:25 4 John Martyn Solid Air 07:38 5 John Martyn Easy Blues 02:56 6 John Martyn May You Never 04:26 7 John Martyn Mad Dog Days 06:50 8 John Martyn Fisherman’s Dream 05:20 9 John Martyn Dealer / Outside In 09:44 10 John Martyn Big Muff 06:43
John Martyn View in Albunack Cambridge Folk Festival 27 July 1985 A 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Don't Want To Know 09:22 2 John Martyn Johnny Too Bad 06:39 3 John Martyn Sweet Little Mystery 06:29 4 John Martyn Big Muff 06:07 5 John Martyn Solid Air 06:24 6 John Martyn Easy Blues 03:28 7 John Martyn May You Never 05:05 8 John Martyn Mad Dog Days 07:36 9 John Martyn Fisherman’s Dream 05:36 10 John Martyn Dealer / Outside In 10:05
John Martyn View in Albunack Cambridge Folk Festival 27 July 1985 BBC Broadcast 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Johnny Too Bad 06:47 2 John Martyn Sweet Little Mystery 05:48 3 John Martyn Big Muff 05:24 4 John Martyn Solid Air 07:32 5 John Martyn Easy Blues 03:09 6 John Martyn May You Never 04:29 7 John Martyn Mad Dog Days 06:48 8 John Martyn Fisherman’s Dream 05:16 9 John Martyn Dealer / Outside In 14:37
John Martyn View in Albunack Cambridge Folk Festival 28 July 1985 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Don’t Want To Know 08:49 2 John Martyn Lookin’ On 07:31 3 John Martyn Sweet Little Mystery 07:14 4 John Martyn Big Muff 09:25 5 John Martyn May You Never 05:24 6 John Martyn Spencer The Rover 04:38
John Martyn View in Albunack Camden Palace London 23 November 1984 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Don’t Want To Know 06:05 2 John Martyn Don’t Want To Know 06:09 3 John Martyn Lookin’ On 08:12 4 John Martyn Root Love 04:52 5 John Martyn Root Love 04:56 6 John Martyn Could’ve Been Me 05:22 7 John Martyn Big Muff 08:22 8 John Martyn One World 07:24 9 John Martyn One World 07:25 10 John Martyn Sapphire 04:16
John Martyn View in Albunack Camden Palace Theatre London 23 November 1984 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Don’t Want To Know 06:19 2 John Martyn Lookin’ On 08:17 3 John Martyn Sweet Little Mystery 06:31 4 John Martyn Root Love 04:39 5 John Martyn Could’ve Been Me 05:10 6 John Martyn Big Muff 08:48 7 John Martyn John Wayne 07:56 8 John Martyn One World 07:28 9 John Martyn Sapphire 04:02
John Martyn View in Albunack Campbells Tavern Headford 10 July 2004 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Don’t Want To Know / My Creator 13:22 2 John Martyn She’s A Lover / Solid Air 15:13 3 John Martyn Rock Salt And Nails 04:47 4 John Martyn Cooltide 10:20 5 John Martyn Sweet Little Mystery 06:46 6 John Martyn Big Muff 07:50 7 John Martyn Carmine 07:17 8 John Martyn Never Let Me Go 04:53 9 John Martyn Could've Told You When I Met You 07:20 10 John Martyn Easy Blues 04:55 11 John Martyn May You Never 04:43
John Martyn View in Albunack Capital Radio Regent's Park 11 June 1978 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Certain Surprise 02:30 2 John Martyn Couldn't Love You More 03:12 3 John Martyn One Day Without You 04:32 4 John Martyn One World 05:16 5 John Martyn May You Never 03:41 6 John Martyn Spencer The Rover 04:01 7 John Martyn Dealer 06:18 8 John Martyn Solid Air 05:08 9 John Martyn Small Hours 07:10
John Martyn View in Albunack Cardiff University 16 October 1982 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Make No Mistake 03:35 2 John Martyn Gun Money 03:59 3 John Martyn Hung Up 04:26 4 John Martyn Dreams By The Sea 03:39 5 John Martyn Don’t Want To Know 04:43 6 John Martyn Lookin’ On 06:45 7 John Martyn Over The Hill 03:42 8 John Martyn Bless The Weather 03:59 9 John Martyn Could’ve Been Me 04:20
John Martyn View in Albunack Cardiff University 18 April 1983 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Call Me Crazy 04:11 2 John Martyn Glorious Fool 04:59 3 John Martyn Make No Mistake 04:10 4 John Martyn Root Love 04:34 5 John Martyn One World 04:22 6 John Martyn Dealer / Outside In 11:09 7 John Martyn Didn't Do That 03:56 8 John Martyn One Day Without You 03:41 9 John Martyn Johnny Too Bad 06:48 10 John Martyn Spencer The Rover 03:47 11 John Martyn Big Muff 06:09
John Martyn View in Albunack Carling Acadeny Glasgow 17 November 2004 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Don't Want To Know 06:00 2 John Martyn My Creator 07:49 3 John Martyn Excuse Me Mister 06:59 4 John Martyn Carmine 06:52 5 John Martyn Lookin’ On 11:41 6 John Martyn Rock Salt And Nails 06:39 7 John Martyn May You Never 04:22 8 John Martyn Never Let Me Go 04:42
John Martyn View in Albunack Carrolls Bar Thomastown 29 August 1999 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Yes We Can 09:29 2 John Martyn Sunshine’s Better 10:04 3 John Martyn Step It Up 07:40 4 John Martyn Sweet Little Mystery 07:03 5 John Martyn Glory Box 07:51 6 John Martyn Lookin’ On 09:48 7 John Martyn Carmine 07:21 8 John Martyn Big Muff 09:28 9 John Martyn Rock Salt And Nails 03:22
John Martyn View in Albunack City Hall Hull 6 February 1986 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Send Me One Line 06:20 2 John Martyn Outside In 05:34 3 John Martyn Easy Blues 03:06 4 John Martyn Sapphire 11:58 5 John Martyn John Wayne 12:12 6 John Martyn Sweet Little Mystery 07:16 7 John Martyn Fisherman’s Dream 04:18 8 John Martyn Angeline 02:07
John Martyn View in Albunack City Hall Newcastle 4 February 1986 C 13 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Solid Air 08:14 2 John Martyn Don’t Want To Know 08:52 3 John Martyn Nightline 04:18 4 John Martyn Could’ve Been Me 05:16 5 John Martyn Big Muff 07:34 6 John Martyn Love Of Mine 05:07 7 John Martyn Over The Rainbow 04:34 8 John Martyn Over The Hill 06:20 9 John Martyn Sweet Little Mystery 06:02 10 John Martyn Fisherman’s Dream 03:55 11 John Martyn Serendipity 05:39 12 John Martyn Angeline 05:20 13 John Martyn John Wayne 07:52
John Martyn View in Albunack Civic Hall Guildford 19 June 2000 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Feel So Good 06:08 2 John Martyn How Fortunate The Man With None 07:54 3 John Martyn Yes We Can 05:01 4 John Martyn Field Of Play 05:28 5 John Martyn One World 05:40 6 John Martyn Lookin’ On 08:51 7 John Martyn So Sweet 07:03 8 John Martyn Sweet Little Mystery 06:39
John Martyn View in Albunack Civic Hall Guildford 20 February 2001 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Don’t Want To Know / My Creator 07:12 2 John Martyn Some People Are Crazy 04:56 3 John Martyn Hole In The Rain 08:40 4 John Martyn Lookin’ On 10:34 5 John Martyn Cooltide 09:41 6 John Martyn You Don’t Know What Love Is 08:55 7 John Martyn Glory Box 09:01
John Martyn View in Albunack Civic Hall Guildford 20 February 2001 Full 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Sweet Little Mystery 07:14 2 John Martyn Fonte Bund You Oughta Know 05:32 3 John Martyn Fonte Bund Cat And The Mouse 07:56 4 John Martyn Suzanne 07:23 5 John Martyn John Wayne 08:57 6 John Martyn Some People Are Crazy 05:03 7 John Martyn Cooltide 09:38 8 John Martyn You Don’t Know What Love Is 08:31 9 John Martyn Glory Box 07:23
John Martyn View in Albunack Classics Live 12 3 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 John Martyn The River 05:21 Has Mbid 2 John Martyn May You Never 04:21 Has Mbid 3 John Martyn Dealer 06:28 4 John Martyn Outside In 06:13 5 John Martyn Look At That Girl 06:40 6 John Martyn Sapphire 05:36 7 John Martyn Johnny Too Bad 14:43 8 John Martyn One World 07:45 9 John Martyn Fisherman's Dream 04:45 10 John Martyn Big Muff 08:24 11 John Martyn Angeline 06:00 12 John Martyn Sweet Little Mystery 05:59
John Martyn View in Albunack Club 7 Oslo Norway 31 January 1985 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Don't Want To Know 07:31 2 John Martyn Lookin' On 08:50 3 John Martyn Sweet Little Mystery 05:55 4 John Martyn Root Love 04:34 5 John Martyn Could've Been Me 06:06 6 John Martyn Big Muff 09:06 7 John Martyn Solid Air 08:51 8 John Martyn One World 07:42 9 John Martyn John Wayne 10:33
John Martyn View in Albunack Club 7 Oslo Norway 31 January 1985 Cleaned 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Don't Want To Know 07:31 2 John Martyn Lookin' On 08:50 3 John Martyn Sweet Little Mystery 05:55 4 John Martyn Root Love 04:34 5 John Martyn Could've Been Me 06:06 6 John Martyn Big Muff 09:06 7 John Martyn Solid Air 08:51 8 John Martyn One World 07:42 9 John Martyn John Wayne 10:33
John Martyn View in Albunack Cologne WDR Grosser Sendesaal 11 June 1983 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn May You Never 04:07 2 John Martyn Solid Air 06:45 3 John Martyn Couldn’t Love You More 05:40 4 John Martyn Bless The Weather 04:02 5 John Martyn One World 05:15 6 John Martyn Lookin’ On 06:15 7 John Martyn Easy Blues 05:10 8 John Martyn One Day Without You 03:33
John Martyn View in Albunack Cologne WDR Grosser Sendesaal 11 June 1983 A 13 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Some People Are Crazy 03:54 2 John Martyn Sunday’s Child 05:43 3 John Martyn Couldn’t Love You More 05:37 4 John Martyn Bless The Weather 03:55 5 John Martyn Sweet Little Mystery 05:55 6 John Martyn The Easy Blues 02:47 7 John Martyn One Day Without You 02:48 8 John Martyn Solid Air 06:38 9 John Martyn Could've Been Me 03:31 10 John Martyn Root Love 04:55 11 John Martyn One World 05:08 12 John Martyn Lookin’ On 06:17 13 John Martyn Band Outro 00:24
John Martyn View in Albunack Cologne WDR Grosser Sendesaal 11 June 1983 B 16 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Some People Are Crazy 04:07 2 John Martyn Sunday’s Child 05:57 3 John Martyn Couldn’t Love You More 05:50 4 John Martyn Bless The Weather 04:29 5 John Martyn Sweet Little Mystery 06:12 6 John Martyn Dealer 00:55 7 John Martyn Outside In 03:59 8 John Martyn Outside In 02:07 9 John Martyn Easy Blues 02:57 10 John Martyn One Day Without You 02:56 11 John Martyn Solid Air 06:52 12 John Martyn Could’ve Been Me 03:51 13 John Martyn Root Love 05:26 14 John Martyn One World 05:29 15 John Martyn Lookin’ On 07:03 16 John Martyn Johnny Too Bad 05:47
John Martyn View in Albunack Cologne WDR Grosser Sendesaal 11 June 1983 C 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn May You Never 04:02 2 John Martyn Solid Air 06:34 3 John Martyn Couldn’t Love You More 05:30 4 John Martyn Bless The Weather 04:00 5 John Martyn Sweet Little Mystery 06:05 6 John Martyn Lookin’ On 06:09 7 John Martyn Outside In 02:10 8 John Martyn Johnny Too Bad 05:27 9 John Martyn One Day Without You 03:18
John Martyn View in Albunack Colston Hall Bristol 1 May 2004 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Glory Box 07:48 2 John Martyn Big Muff 08:04 3 John Martyn Carmine 06:57 4 John Martyn Johnny Too Bad 06:55 5 John Martyn Sweet Little Mystery 07:03 6 John Martyn Lookin' On 07:56 7 John Martyn She's A Lover / Solid Air 11:23 8 John Martyn Easy Blues 05:04 9 John Martyn May You Never 06:00 10 John Martyn Don't Want To Know / My Creator 10:30
John Martyn View in Albunack Colston Hall Bristol 17 October 1982 (VPT18) 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Make No Mistake 03:40 2 John Martyn Band Introductions 02:18 3 John Martyn Livin’ Alone 04:13 4 John Martyn Johnny Too Bad 06:37 5 John Martyn Hiss On The Tape 03:42 6 John Martyn Sweet Little Mystery 06:07 7 John Martyn Big Muff 07:00 8 John Martyn Bless The Weather 04:29 9 John Martyn Amsterdam 03:06 10 John Martyn Solid Air 05:11 11 John Martyn Solid Air 02:12
John Martyn View in Albunack Colston Hall Bristol 17 October 1982 Mastered (VPT18) 15 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Make No Mistake 03:43 2 John Martyn Big Muff 06:42 3 John Martyn Pascanel 04:28 4 John Martyn Dreams By The Sea 03:13 5 John Martyn Don’t Want To Know 05:00 6 John Martyn Lookin’ On 07:29 7 John Martyn Over The Hill 03:07 8 John Martyn Bless The Weather 04:52 9 John Martyn Could’ve Been Me 03:48 10 John Martyn Solid Air 07:17 11 John Martyn Man In The Station 04:39 12 John Martyn Band Introductions 02:13 13 John Martyn Livin’ Alone 04:38 14 John Martyn Johnny Too Bad 06:01 15 John Martyn Hiss On The Tape 03:42
John Martyn View in Albunack Colston Hall Bristol 21 May 2005 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Glorious Fool 08:36 2 John Martyn Johnny Too Bad 06:54 3 John Martyn Excuse me Mister 08:01 4 John Martyn Wildflower 04:42 5 John Martyn Big Muff 08:44 6 John Martyn Horsing Around 00:58 7 John Martyn Lookin’ On 08:15 8 John Martyn Easy Blues 03:38 9 John Martyn May You Never 07:15 10 John Martyn Don’t Want To Know / My Creator 12:15 11 John Martyn I’d Rather Be The Devil 08:44
John Martyn View in Albunack Colston Hall Bristol 3 November 1981 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Grace And Danger 06:59 2 John Martyn Save Some 04:10 3 John Martyn Couldn’t Love You More 07:09 4 John Martyn Lookin’ On 07:50 5 John Martyn Didn’t Do That 03:57 6 John Martyn Solid Air 07:44 7 John Martyn Hurt In Your Heart 07:49
John Martyn View in Albunack Comp 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Send Me One Line Early 06:32 2 John Martyn Nuclear Early Mix 04:49 3 John Martyn Deny This Love Early Mix 04:22 4 John Martyn The Moment Early Mix 04:13 5 John Martyn The Moment Early Mix 1 04:00 6 John Martyn Hold Me Early Mix 05:13 7 John Martyn Puddlefjord Radio 22 April 1990 08:08 8 John Martyn Same Difference Early Mix 1991 04:53
John Martyn View in Albunack Compilation 1 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Make No Mistake OGWT 1973 03:33 2 John Martyn Outside In OGWT 1973 05:09 3 John Martyn Would You Believe Me Radio 1 In Concert March 1971 06:32 4 John Martyn The Road To Ruin Radio 1 In Concert March 1971 05:52 5 John Martyn Couldn't Love You More OGWT 1 March 1977 02:33 6 John Martyn Instrumental Bob Harris BBC 1973 02:16 7 John Martyn Make No Mistake Bob Harris BBC 1973 03:14 8 John Martyn Eibhli Ghail Chiuin Ni Chearbhaill Bob Harris BBC 1973 03:00 9 John Martyn Certain Surprise John Peel 23 March 1977 02:49 10 John Martyn Couldn't Love You More John Peel 23 March 1977 02:42 11 John Martyn One Day Without You John Peel 23 March 1977 03:10
John Martyn View in Albunack Compilation 10 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Mad Dog Days BBC Saturday Live With Richard Skinner 16 March 1985 05:59 2 John Martyn Outside In 09:21 3 John Martyn Small Hours / One World 08:07 4 John Martyn Head And Heart BBC Radio In Concert January 1972 04:49 5 John Martyn Fruit Tree BBC Saturday Live With Richard Skinner 25 May 1985 07:51 6 John Martyn Hazy Jane 2 BBC Saturday Live With Richard Skinner 25 May 1985 07:32 7 John Martyn Things Behind The Sun BBC Saturday Live With Richard Skinner 25 May 1985 00:25
John Martyn View in Albunack Compilation 11 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Sweet Little Mystery (Incomplete) OGWT 10 January 1981 05:23 2 John Martyn Lookin' On OGWT 10 January 1981 04:38 3 John Martyn Johnny Too Bad De Lanteran Rotterdam 22 November 1981 07:52 4 John Martyn The Glory Of Love Top Gear 25 October 1972 01:57 5 John Martyn I'D Rather Be The Devil BBC Sounds Of The Seventies 1973 05:52 6 John Martyn Outside In BBC Sounds Of The Seventies 1973 07:09 7 John Martyn Fly High Single with bridget St.John 03:25 8 John Martyn Serendipity Granada TV No.73 1 March 1986 03:30 9 John Martyn Dealer Focus On JM BBC Saturday Review 8 March 1986 03:54 10 John Martyn The Easy Blues / One World Focus On JM BBC Saturday Review 8 March 1986 03:31 11 John Martyn Angeline / May You Never Focus On JM BBC Saturday Review 8 March 1986 02:25
John Martyn View in Albunack Compilation 12 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Beverley Woodville Hall Gravesend 10 March 1974 03:17 2 John Martyn Johnny Too Bad Radio Aire Interview 5 February 1986 03:27 3 John Martyn I'd Rather Be The Devil BBC Old Grey Whistle Test Bob Harris 23 May 1973 08:04 4 John Martyn Outside In BBC Old Grey Whistle Test Bob Harris 23 May 1973 07:42 5 John Martyn I'd Rather Be The Devil Woodville Hall Gravesend 10 March 1974 10:24 6 John Martyn Over The Hill Woodville Hall Gravesend 10 March 1974 07:20 7 John Martyn Angeline Capital Radio London 22 June 1986 02:55 8 John Martyn Nightline Capital Radio London 22 June 1986 04:16
John Martyn View in Albunack Compilation 13 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Keele University 12 November 1984 - Pre gig private interview 32:48 2 John Martyn Fishermans Dream London Palladium 1986 05:08 3 John Martyn Sweet Little Mystery London Palladium 1986 07:04 4 John Martyn Outside In WMMS Cleveland 22 October 1977 14:15 5 John Martyn Certain Sutprise WMMS Cleveland 22 October 1977 03:40 6 John Martyn Couldn't Love You More WMMS Cleveland 22 October 1977 06:30 7 John Martyn One World WMMS Cleveland 22 October 1977 06:44
John Martyn View in Albunack Compilation 14 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Harmony Of The Spheres Sessions DJ Demo Summer Ice 03:21 2 John Martyn Leap In The Dark Edit Mix 05:17 3 John Martyn Lonely Love Promo Single 03:35 4 John Martyn Over The Rainbow Ohne Filter SWFTV February 1985 05:08 5 John Martyn Lookin' On Ohne Filter SWFTV February 1985 05:09 6 John Martyn Angeline Ohne Filter SWFTV April 1986 07:23 7 John Martyn Nightline Ohne Filter SWFTV April 1986 - 02:46 8 John Martyn Folkus Radio Sheffield Interview October 1982 07:44 9 John Martyn Turning The Tide TV Soundtrack 13:26 10 John Martyn Lookin' On BBC Pick Of Saturday Live 1985 06:18 11 John Martyn Anna Band On The Wall Manchester 28 November 1983 08:09
John Martyn View in Albunack Compilation 15 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Sweet Little Mystery Band On The Wall Manchester 29 November 1983 06:26 2 John Martyn Mad Dog Days Ohne Filter SWFTV April 1986 05:22 3 John Martyn Couldn't Love You More Band On The Wall Manchester 29 November 1983 03:38 4 John Martyn Love Of Mine Ohne Filter SWFTV April 1986 04:36 5 John Martyn May You Never Band On The Wall Manchester 29 November 1983 04:17 6 John Martyn Crawl Away Regular Mexican 04:21 7 John Martyn John Wayne Ohne Filter SWFTV April 1986 07:03 8 John Martyn Patterns In The Rain Island 25th Birthday Party 4 July 1987 03:35
John Martyn View in Albunack Compilation 17 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Man In The Hills Burning Spear 04:11 2 John Martyn It’s Good Burning Spear 02:53 3 John Martyn Dancing One World LP US Mix 03:56 4 John Martyn Black Soul Burning Spear 03:32 5 John Martyn Dealer One World LP US Mix 05:15 6 John Martyn One World One World LP US Mix 04:07 7 John Martyn Children Burning Spear 03:50 8 John Martyn Mother Burning Spear 03:47 9 John Martyn BBC Island Story 6 June 1987 06:09 10 John Martyn Groovy Burning Spear 04:06
John Martyn View in Albunack Compilation 2 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Over The Hill July Wakes 29 July 1976 02:52 2 John Martyn One Day Without You July Wakes 29 July 1976 04:04 3 John Martyn Dealer Sight and Sound In Concert 15 October 1977 07:02 4 John Martyn Big Muff John Peel 16 January 1978 06:44 5 John Martyn Outside In July Wakes 29 July 1976 14:36 6 John Martyn Outside In Sight and Sound In Concert 15 October 1977 05:59 7 John Martyn Spencer The Rover Sight and Sound In Concert 15 October 1977 05:23
John Martyn View in Albunack Compilation 3 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Over The Hill Kennys Castaways 19 June 1977 06:23 2 John Martyn May You Never Kennys Castaways 19 June 1977 04:36 3 John Martyn Head And Heart Kennys Castaways 19 June 1977 06:15 4 John Martyn Spencer The Rover Kennys Castaways 19 June 1977 06:50 5 John Martyn One Day Without You WBAH FM New York 11 June 1977 03:53 6 John Martyn One Day Without You Kennys Castaways 19 June 1977 04:06 7 John Martyn Couldn’t Love You More WBAH FM New York 11 June 1977 02:46 8 John Martyn Easy Blues WBAH FM New York 11 June 1977 02:56 9 John Martyn May You Never WBAH FM New York 11 June 1977 04:25
John Martyn View in Albunack Compilation 4 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn May You Never Old Grey Whistle Test 10 January 1978 04:21 2 John Martyn Small Hours Old Grey Whistle Test 10 January 1978 07:07 3 John Martyn Certain Surprise Paris Radio 1 March 1978 03:31 4 John Martyn Couldn't Love You More Old Grey Whistle Test 10 January 1978 03:43 5 John Martyn Big Muff Paris Radio 1 March 1978 05:19 6 John Martyn Outside In Paris Radio 1 March 1978 10:46 7 John Martyn Anni John Stevens Away OGWT LP Take Two 03:20 8 John Martyn The Man Who Cannot See Tomorrows Sunshine Claire Hammill 02:44 9 John Martyn Baseball Blues Claire Hamill 04:12 10 John Martyn Hiss On The Tape B Side 10 October 1982 03:43
John Martyn View in Albunack Compilation 5 14 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Grace And Danger Radio London 'Breakthrough' 1981 04:11 2 John Martyn Cocain Radio London 'Breakthrough' 1981 03:02 3 John Martyn Parcels Radio London 'Breakthrough' 1981 03:15 4 John Martyn Glistening Glyndebourne Radio London 'Breakthrough' 1981 03:41 5 John Martyn Solid Air Radio London 'Breakthrough' 1981 03:55 6 John Martyn I'd Rather Be The Devil Radio London 'Breakthrough' 1981 07:29 7 John Martyn Eibhli Ghail Chiuin Ni Chearbhaill Radio London 'Breakthrough' 1981 03:26 8 John Martyn Spencer The Rover Radio London 'Breakthrough' 1981 05:22 9 John Martyn Small Hours Radio London 'Breakthrough' 1981 06:56 10 John Martyn If Leaving Me Is Easy Radio London 'Breakthrough' 1981 01:56 11 John Martyn Baby Please Come Home Radio London 'Breakthrough' 1981 04:41 12 John Martyn Johnny Too Bad Radio London 'Breakthrough' 1981 05:52 13 John Martyn Neil Ardley Song Radio London 'Breakthrough' 1981 03:09 14 John Martyn Couldn't Love You More Radio London 'Breakthrough' 1981 03:06
John Martyn View in Albunack Compilation 6 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Big Muff BBC Radio 1 In Concert 11 April 1981 10:32 2 John Martyn Grace And Danger Rock Goes To College Stirling University 25 February 1981 04:53 3 John Martyn Save Some For Me Rock Goes To College Stirling University 25 February 1981 04:09 4 John Martyn Save Some For Me BBC Radio 1 In Concert 11 April 1981 04:13 5 John Martyn Johnny Too Bad BBC Radio 1 In Concert 11 April 1981 09:47 6 John Martyn Over The Rainbow BBC Radio 1 Saturday Live 17 November 1984 Interview 06:18 7 John Martyn Mad Dog Days BBC Radio 1 Saturday Live 17 November 1984 Interview 09:14 8 John Martyn Fishermans Dream BBC Radio 1 Saturday Live 17 November 1984 Interview 04:18
John Martyn View in Albunack Compilation 7 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn In Search Of Anna Film Soundtrack 28:08 2 John Martyn Hiss On The Tape BBC Old Grey Whistle Test 15 October 1982 03:24 3 John Martyn Hung Up BBC Old Grey Whistle Test 15 October 1982 04:20 4 John Martyn Solid Air Amsterdam Paradiso 1981 07:27 5 John Martyn Don't You Go B Side Of Single 04:49 6 John Martyn Neil Ardley Harmony Of The Spheres 09:09
John Martyn View in Albunack Compilation 8 11 2 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Interview Radio 210 Interview 27 April 1983 02:36 Has Mbid 2 John Martyn Johnny Too Bad BBC Bristol A Little Night Music 12 August 1981 03:55 3 John Martyn May You Never BBC Bristol A Little Night Music 12 August 1981 03:34 4 John Martyn Interview Radio 210 Interview 27 April 1983 01:39 Has Mbid 5 John Martyn Hurt In Your Heart BBC Bristol A Little Night Music 12 August 1981 06:52 6 John Martyn Hung Up Radio 210 Interview 27 April 1983 05:35 7 John Martyn Back With A Vengeance Radio 210 Interview 27 April 1983 05:52 8 John Martyn The Tube Island Profile 30 March 1984 02:13 9 John Martyn Fishermans Dream BBC Radio London 'Breakthrough' Interview 10 November 1984 04:54 10 John Martyn May You Never BBC Radio London 'Breakthrough' Interview 10 November 1984 01:16 11 John Martyn May You Never Capital Radio London 1972 03:43
John Martyn View in Albunack Compilation 9 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn I'd Rather Be The Devil Unknown Venue 1983 05:59 2 John Martyn Didn’t Do That Unknown Venue 1983 05:09 3 John Martyn One Day Without You BBC Reading University Rock Goes To College 20 October 1978 04:37 4 John Martyn Dealer BBC Reading University Rock Goes To College 20 October 1978 06:46 5 John Martyn Certain Surprise BBC Reading University Rock Goes To College 20 October 1978 04:57 6 John Martyn Johnny Too Bad February 1986 06:49 7 John Martyn Seven Black Roses Manchester Umist 16 November 1979 02:22 8 John Martyn Big Muff (12 inch remix) Single 06:19
John Martyn View in Albunack Connollys Of Leap 7 November 2003 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Man In The Station 05:39 2 John Martyn She's A Lover / Solid Air 14:19 3 John Martyn Lookin' On 08:15 4 John Martyn Sweet Little Mystery 06:23 5 John Martyn Big Muff 10:40 6 John Martyn Easy Blues 05:13 7 John Martyn Don't Want To Know / My Creator 11:11 8 John Martyn May You Never 06:42 9 John Martyn I'd Rather Be The Devil 06:58 10 John Martyn Goodnight Irene 04:27
John Martyn View in Albunack Connollys Of Leap 8 November 2003 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Man In The Station 06:03 2 John Martyn Big Muff 08:58 3 John Martyn Carmine 09:06 4 John Martyn Lookin' On 09:02 5 John Martyn Suzanne 07:40 6 John Martyn Easy Blues 07:39 7 John Martyn Don't Want To Know 09:08 8 John Martyn My Creator 05:25 9 John Martyn May You Never 08:11
John Martyn View in Albunack Cooltide Cava 1991 Final Mixes Sez 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Hole In The Rain 04:51 2 John Martyn Annie Sez 05:09 3 John Martyn Jack The Lad 06:49 4 John Martyn Number Nine 03:43 5 John Martyn The Cure 04:21 6 John Martyn Same Difference 04:29 7 John Martyn Father Time 05:41 8 John Martyn Call Me 06:15 9 John Martyn Cooltide 12:44
John Martyn View in Albunack Cooltide Cava 1991 Final Mixes? 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Hole In The Rain 04:52 2 John Martyn Annie Says 05:08 3 John Martyn Jack The Lad 06:48 4 John Martyn Number Nine 03:41 5 John Martyn The Cure 04:21 6 John Martyn Same Difference 04:28 7 John Martyn Father Time 05:43 8 John Martyn Call Me 06:15 9 John Martyn Cooltide 12:41
John Martyn View in Albunack Corn Exchange Cambridge 9 June 2001 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn The Glory Of Love 04:28 2 John Martyn Don't Want To Know / My Creator 09:04 3 John Martyn Bless The Weather / Beverley / Make No Mistake 11:05 4 John Martyn Spencer The Rover 04:18 5 John Martyn Blue Monk 13:38 6 John Martyn Dealer / Outside In 11:56 7 John Martyn Over The Hill 05:30 8 John Martyn Sweet Little Mystery 05:58
John Martyn View in Albunack Corn Exchange Kings Lynn 15 June 2001 18 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Intro 01:01 2 John Martyn The Glory Of Love 04:06 3 John Martyn Don't Want To Know 03:22 4 John Martyn My Creator 05:25 5 John Martyn Bless The Weather 02:09 6 John Martyn Beverley 02:43 7 John Martyn Make No Mistake 04:17 8 John Martyn Spencer The Rover 04:33 9 John Martyn Blue Monk 09:46 10 John Martyn Blue Monk2 02:34 11 John Martyn Blue Monk3 01:05 12 John Martyn Dealer 05:37 13 John Martyn Outside In 05:45 14 John Martyn May You Never 04:40 15 John Martyn Sweet Little Mystery 06:00 16 John Martyn Chat 04:49 17 John Martyn Solid Air 08:06 18 John Martyn The Easy Blues 03:57
John Martyn View in Albunack Corn Exchange Kings Lynn 15 June 2001 A 18 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Intro 01:01 2 John Martyn The Glory Of Love 04:06 3 John Martyn Don't Want To Know 03:22 4 John Martyn My Creator 05:25 5 John Martyn Bless The Weather 02:09 6 John Martyn Beverley 02:43 7 John Martyn Make No Mistake 04:17 8 John Martyn Spencer The Rover 04:33 9 John Martyn Blue Monk 09:46 10 John Martyn Blue Monk2 02:34 11 John Martyn Blue Monk3 01:05 12 John Martyn Dealer 05:37 13 John Martyn Outside In 05:45 14 John Martyn May You Never 04:40 15 John Martyn Sweet Little Mystery 06:00 16 John Martyn Chat 04:49 17 John Martyn Solid Air 08:06 18 John Martyn The Easy Blues 03:57
John Martyn View in Albunack Cottiers Theatre Glasgow 4 May 1997 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Sunshine’s Better 07:11 2 John Martyn Rock Salt And Nails 05:15 3 John Martyn Yes We Can 07:27 4 John Martyn Johnny Too Bad 07:11 5 John Martyn John Wayne 11:04 6 John Martyn Never Let Me Go 03:50
John Martyn View in Albunack Cropredy 14 August 1987 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Spencer The Rover 04:43 2 John Martyn May You Never 04:36 3 John Martyn Sweet Little Mystery 06:51 4 John Martyn Bless The Weather 05:54 5 John Martyn I’d Rather Be The Devil 10:35 6 John Martyn Make No Mistake 03:18 7 John Martyn Dealer / Outside In 06:21 8 John Martyn Blue Monk 06:57 9 John Martyn Intro 00:48 10 John Martyn The Easy Blues 02:21
John Martyn View in Albunack Cropredy Festival 11 August 2006 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn May You Never 05:45 2 John Martyn Don’t Want To Know 03:56 3 John Martyn Glorious Fool 07:43 4 John Martyn Solid Air 06:56 5 John Martyn Lookin’ On 08:38 6 John Martyn Rock Salt And Nails 05:40 7 John Martyn Big Muff 09:26
John Martyn View in Albunack Cropredy Festival 11 August 2006 A 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn May You Never 06:19 2 John Martyn Couldn’t Love You More 06:26 3 John Martyn Glorious Fool 07:41 4 John Martyn John Wayne 08:25 5 John Martyn Never Let Me Go 04:41 6 John Martyn Rock Salt And Nails 05:55 7 John Martyn Big Muff 08:22
John Martyn View in Albunack Cropredy Festival 11 August 2006 B 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn May You Never 06:14 2 John Martyn Couldn’t Love You More 06:26 3 John Martyn Solid Air 07:02 4 John Martyn John Wayne 08:26 5 John Martyn Never Let Me Go 04:31 6 John Martyn Rock Salt And Nails 05:56 7 John Martyn Big Muff 08:10
John Martyn View in Albunack Cropredy Festival 11 August 2006 C 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn May You Never 06:19 2 John Martyn Don’t Want To Know / My Creator 10:08 3 John Martyn Solid Air 07:02 4 John Martyn Excuse Me Mister 06:34 5 John Martyn Lookin’ On 09:32 6 John Martyn Rock Salt And Nails 05:55 7 John Martyn Big Muff 08:22
John Martyn View in Albunack Cropredy Festival 14 August 1987 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn One Day Without You 06:08 2 John Martyn Solid Air 07:50 3 John Martyn Angeline 05:05 4 John Martyn I’d Rather Be The Devil 09:50 5 John Martyn Sweet Little Mystery 09:12 6 John Martyn Make No Mistake 03:42 7 John Martyn Dealer / Outside In 06:04 8 John Martyn Blue Monk 06:51 9 John Martyn Easy Blues 02:36 10 John Martyn Spencer The Rover 04:31
John Martyn View in Albunack Cropredy Festival 14 August 1987 Aud Cleaned 13 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn One World 05:34 2 John Martyn Angeline 05:23 3 John Martyn Solid Air 05:56 4 John Martyn Sweet Little Mystery 03:34 5 John Martyn Bless The Weather 05:42 6 John Martyn Beverley 03:05 7 John Martyn Make No Mistake 03:34 8 John Martyn Dealer 03:31 9 John Martyn Outside In 02:45 10 John Martyn Blue Monk 06:23 11 John Martyn Easy Blues 03:34 12 John Martyn Spencer The Rover 04:44 13 John Martyn May You Never 04:40
John Martyn View in Albunack Crucible Sheffield 10 June 1990 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Never Let Me Go 03:43 2 John Martyn Sapphire 04:56 3 John Martyn Couldn't Love You More 06:10 4 John Martyn Angeline 05:42 5 John Martyn Sweet Little Mystery 06:14 6 John Martyn Fisherman's Dream 05:42 7 John Martyn Send Me One Line 06:14 8 John Martyn The Apprentice 06:14
John Martyn View in Albunack Crucible Theatre Sheffield 10 June 1990 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Angeline 05:44 2 John Martyn Sapphire 05:00 3 John Martyn Couldn't Love You More 05:50 4 John Martyn Big Muff 07:34 5 John Martyn Johnny Too Bad 15:20 6 John Martyn Fisherman's Dream 05:19 7 John Martyn Solid Air 07:25 8 John Martyn The Apprentice 05:52 9 John Martyn John Wayne 12:02 10 John Martyn Deny This Love 06:08 11 John Martyn The River 04:34
John Martyn View in Albunack Dallas Brooks Hall Melbourne 19 July 1978 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn One Day Without You 04:38 2 John Martyn Dealer 04:07 3 John Martyn Spencer The Rover / Bless The Weather 09:44 4 John Martyn Over The Hill 02:47 5 John Martyn Big Muff 07:13 6 John Martyn Certain Surprise / Couldn't Love You More 07:05
John Martyn View in Albunack Dallas Brooks Hall Melbourne 19 July 1978 Cleaned 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn One Day Without You 04:38 2 John Martyn Solid Air / Cocain / One Day Without You 12:23 3 John Martyn Small Hours 06:13 4 John Martyn May You Never 05:19 5 John Martyn Outside In 16:21 6 John Martyn Head And Heart / Singin' In The Rain / Devil 09:43
John Martyn View in Albunack De Montfort Hall Leicester 13 June 2001 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn The Glory Of Love 04:35 2 John Martyn Don't Want To Know / My Creator 09:38 3 John Martyn Bless The Weather / Beverley / Make No Mistake 10:09 4 John Martyn Spencer The Rover 04:51 5 John Martyn Blue Monk 11:06 6 John Martyn Dealer / Outside In 13:47 7 John Martyn May You Never 05:15 8 John Martyn Sweet Little Mystery 07:08 9 John Martyn Solid Air 05:16 10 John Martyn The Easy Blues 06:10
John Martyn View in Albunack Dominion Theatre FM 25 May 1981 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Big Muff 06:49 2 John Martyn Sweet Little Mystery 07:23 3 John Martyn May You Never 04:12 4 John Martyn Spencer The Rover 04:48 5 John Martyn Outside In 12:13 6 John Martyn Didn't Do That 04:44 7 John Martyn Johnny Too Bad 08:35 8 John Martyn Solid Air 07:28 9 John Martyn Anna 08:02 10 John Martyn Singin' In the Rain 04:01
John Martyn View in Albunack Dominion Theatre London 14 November 1984 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn John Wayne 08:29 2 John Martyn Lookin’ On 10:07 3 John Martyn Sweet Little Mystery 06:04 4 John Martyn Root Love 06:08 5 John Martyn Over The Rainbow / Singin' In The Rain 07:47 6 John Martyn Dealer / Outside In 09:35
John Martyn View in Albunack Dominion Theatre London 15 November 1984 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Johnny Too Bad 09:08 2 John Martyn Over The Rainbow 03:56 3 John Martyn Singin’ In The Rain 03:30 4 John Martyn Dealer / Outside In 14:43 5 John Martyn One World 06:26 6 John Martyn Solid Air 07:00
John Martyn View in Albunack Dominion Theatre London 15 November 1984 Cleaned 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Johnny Too Bad 09:08 2 John Martyn Over The Rainbow 03:56 3 John Martyn Singin’ In The Rain 03:30 4 John Martyn Dealer / Outside In 14:43 5 John Martyn One World 06:26 6 John Martyn Solid Air 07:00
John Martyn View in Albunack Dominion Theatre London 25 May 1981 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Big Muff 06:36 2 John Martyn Sweet Little Mystery 07:19 3 John Martyn May You Never 04:03 4 John Martyn Spencer The Rover 04:46 5 John Martyn Outside In 11:50 6 John Martyn Didn't Do That 03:21 7 John Martyn Johnny Too Bad 07:38 8 John Martyn Solid Air 07:26 9 John Martyn Anna 07:36 10 John Martyn Singin' In the Rain 03:44 11 John Martyn Applause 00:29
John Martyn View in Albunack Dominion Theatre London 25 May 1981 A 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Interview 57:51 2 John Martyn Sweet Little Mystery 07:14 3 John Martyn May You Never 04:03 4 John Martyn Spencer The Rover 04:08 5 John Martyn Outside In 12:48 6 John Martyn Didn't Do That 03:24 7 John Martyn Johnny Too Bad 08:23 8 John Martyn Solid Air 07:16 9 John Martyn Anna 07:49 10 John Martyn Singin' In the Rain 02:46
John Martyn View in Albunack Dominion Theatre London 25 May 1981 Cleaned 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Big Muff 06:36 2 John Martyn Sweet Little Mystery 07:19 3 John Martyn May You Never 04:03 4 John Martyn Spencer The Rover 04:46 5 John Martyn Outside In 11:50 6 John Martyn Didn't Do That 03:21 7 John Martyn Johnny Too Bad 07:38 8 John Martyn Solid Air 07:26 9 John Martyn Anna 07:36 10 John Martyn Singin' In the Rain 03:44 11 John Martyn Applause 00:29
John Martyn View in Albunack Dominion Theatre London 27 September 1990 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Fisherman’s Dream 05:22 2 John Martyn Lookin’ On 08:31 3 John Martyn Sweet Little Mystery 07:15 4 John Martyn Deny This Love 05:55 5 John Martyn Johnny Too Bad 09:04 6 John Martyn Hole In The Rain 06:35 7 John Martyn Same Difference 03:25 8 John Martyn The Cure 04:57 9 John Martyn John Wayne 10:06 10 John Martyn Look At That Girl 05:03
John Martyn View in Albunack Dominium Theatre London 15 November 1984 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Don’t Want To Know 07:03 2 John Martyn Lookin’ On 11:29 3 John Martyn Sweet Little Mystery 06:19 4 John Martyn Root Love 05:35 5 John Martyn Could’ve Been Me 05:18 6 John Martyn Big Muff 09:20 7 John Martyn John Wayne 06:46 8 John Martyn Fisherman’s Dream 04:44 9 John Martyn Sapphire 06:08
John Martyn View in Albunack Dominium Theatre London 15 November 1984 Cleaned 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Don’t Want To Know 07:03 2 John Martyn Lookin’ On 11:29 3 John Martyn Sweet Little Mystery 06:19 4 John Martyn Root Love 05:35 5 John Martyn Could’ve Been Me 05:18 6 John Martyn Big Muff 09:20 7 John Martyn John Wayne 06:46 8 John Martyn Fisherman’s Dream 04:44 9 John Martyn Sapphire 06:08
John Martyn View in Albunack Dragheda Ireland 8 October 1983 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn The Easy Blues 04:11 2 John Martyn Hiss On The Tape 04:26 3 John Martyn Big Muff 09:34 4 John Martyn Dealer 16:51 5 John Martyn Sweet Little Mystery 06:05 6 John Martyn Bless The Weather 05:13 7 John Martyn Couldn’t Love You More 06:30 8 John Martyn Could’ve Been Me 05:14
John Martyn View in Albunack Dream Away The Day 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Small Hours John Peel 16 January 1978 08:00 2 John Martyn Solid Air New York 13 May 1983 07:27 3 John Martyn One World Durham 7 November 1985 06:11 4 John Martyn Small Hours, Anna Glasgow 9 November 1983 08:26 5 John Martyn Small Hours, Won't You Stay, Anna Turin 17 May 1979 10:58 6 John Martyn Spencer The Rover Kennys 19 June 1977 05:19
John Martyn View in Albunack Dublin 26 May 1981 (VPT04) 13 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Over The Hill 03:24 2 John Martyn Bless The Weather 05:15 3 John Martyn Lookin’ On 07:25 4 John Martyn Dreams By The Sea 04:15 5 John Martyn Don’t Want To Know 04:52 6 John Martyn Couldn’t Love You More 06:20 7 John Martyn Don’t You Go 03:51 8 John Martyn I’d Rather Be The Devil 05:47 9 John Martyn Didn’t Do That 03:34 10 John Martyn Band Introductions 00:17 11 John Martyn Johnny Too Bad 08:02 12 John Martyn Solid Air 09:49 13 John Martyn Hold On My Heart 06:26
John Martyn View in Albunack Dunelm House Durham University 7 November 1985 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn May You Never 04:34 2 John Martyn Lookin’ On 09:16 3 John Martyn Mad Dog Days 06:38 4 John Martyn One World 07:08 5 John Martyn Johnny Too Bad 09:37 6 John Martyn The Easy Blues 04:26
John Martyn View in Albunack Durham University Dunhelm House 7 November 1985 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn May You Never 04:27 2 John Martyn Lookin’ On 09:08 3 John Martyn Mad Dog Days 06:35 4 John Martyn Big Muff 08:05 5 John Martyn Johnny Too Bad 09:22 6 John Martyn Dealer 07:53
John Martyn View in Albunack Edinburgh Assembly Rooms 7 February 1986 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn John Wayne 06:58 2 John Martyn Could’ve Been Me 04:50 3 John Martyn Lonely Love 04:40 4 John Martyn Mad Dog Days 06:19 5 John Martyn Big Muff 06:45 6 John Martyn Big Muff 02:27 7 John Martyn Johnny Too Bad 11:58 8 John Martyn The Easy Blues 06:23 9 John Martyn Over The Rainbow 04:15 10 John Martyn Love Of Mine 05:13 11 John Martyn Sweet Little Mystery 03:25
John Martyn View in Albunack Edinburgh Playhouse 29 September 1982 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Make No Mistake 03:54 2 John Martyn Gun Money 04:31 3 John Martyn Hung Up 04:57 4 John Martyn Dreams By The Sea 05:11 5 John Martyn Don’t Want To Know 04:08 6 John Martyn Lookin' On 08:06 7 John Martyn Over The Hill 04:00 8 John Martyn Bless The Weather 05:07 9 John Martyn Could've Been Me 00:00
John Martyn View in Albunack Edinburgh Playhouse 29 September 1982 A 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Make No Mistake 03:36 2 John Martyn Gun Money 04:47 3 John Martyn Hung Up 05:20 4 John Martyn Don’t Want To Know 04:14 5 John Martyn Dreams By The Sea 04:25 6 John Martyn Lookin' On 08:00 7 John Martyn Over The Hill 03:26 8 John Martyn Bless The Weather 06:55 9 John Martyn Could've Been Me 03:47
John Martyn View in Albunack Electric Live 1983 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Don't Want To know 09:10 2 John Martyn Lookin’ On 09:05 3 John Martyn Mad Dog Days 07:28 4 John Martyn One World 06:42 5 John Martyn Big Muff 04:41 6 John Martyn Could've Been Me 01:42 7 John Martyn Solid Air 08:13 8 John Martyn John Wayne 15:02 9 John Martyn Cooltide 09:33
John Martyn View in Albunack Elephant Fayre 27 July 1984 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Outside In 12:29 2 John Martyn Spencer The Rover 04:41 3 John Martyn The Easy Blues 03:24 4 John Martyn May You Never 03:58 5 John Martyn Big Muff 07:51 6 John Martyn Johnny Too Bad 08:58 7 John Martyn Could’ve Been Me 04:28 8 John Martyn Sweet Little Mystery 05:04 9 John Martyn Lookin’ On 09:27 10 John Martyn One World 05:33 11 John Martyn I’d Rather Be The Devil 08:35
John Martyn View in Albunack Elephant Fayre 29 July 1984 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Outside In 12:35 2 John Martyn Spencer The Rover 04:49 3 John Martyn The Easy Blues 03:27 4 John Martyn May You Never 03:59 5 John Martyn Big Muff 07:55 6 John Martyn Johnny Too Bad 09:07 7 John Martyn Could’ve Been Me 04:46 8 John Martyn Sweet Little Mystery 05:28 9 John Martyn Lookin’ On 09:36 10 John Martyn One World 05:37 11 John Martyn I’d Rather Be The Devil 08:49
John Martyn View in Albunack Elmwood Hall Belfast 29 October 1999 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Easy Blues 04:38 2 John Martyn May You Never 05:55 3 John Martyn Don’t Want To Know 07:24 4 John Martyn My Creator 03:58 5 John Martyn Cocain 06:52 6 John Martyn Solid Air 10:35 7 John Martyn Sweet Little Mystery 08:21 8 John Martyn Couldn’t Love You More 06:02 9 John Martyn Johnny Too Bad 12:15 10 John Martyn Never Let Me Go 04:37
John Martyn View in Albunack Empire Liverpool 17 September 1987 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn May You Never 03:42 2 John Martyn One World 07:13 3 John Martyn Deny This Love 07:23 4 John Martyn Dealer / Outside In 13:30 5 John Martyn Johnny Too Bad 10:16 6 John Martyn Send Me One Line 05:31 7 John Martyn Over The Rainbow 04:27 8 John Martyn Sweet Little Mystery 04:46 9 John Martyn The Apprentice 05:36
John Martyn View in Albunack Empire Music Hall Belfast 16 November 1997 13 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Easy Blues 03:06 2 John Martyn May You Never 04:21 3 John Martyn Don't Want To Know 03:33 4 John Martyn Make No Mistake 03:05 5 John Martyn Bless The Weather 03:03 6 John Martyn Outside In 07:10 7 John Martyn Excuse Me Mister 06:17 8 John Martyn God's Song 04:26 9 John Martyn Fisherman’s Dream 05:15 10 John Martyn Strange Fruit 04:12 11 John Martyn Johnny Too Bad 09:55 12 John Martyn Sweet Little Mystery 06:26 13 John Martyn Certain Surprise 04:45
John Martyn View in Albunack Empire Music Hall Belfast 16 November 1997 A 13 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Easy Blues 03:06 2 John Martyn May You Never 04:21 3 John Martyn Don't Want To Know 03:33 4 John Martyn Make No Mistake 03:05 5 John Martyn Bless The Weather 03:03 6 John Martyn Outside In 07:10 7 John Martyn Excuse Me Mister 06:17 8 John Martyn God's Song 04:26 9 John Martyn Fisherman’s Dream 05:15 10 John Martyn Strange Fruit 04:12 11 John Martyn Johnny Too Bad 09:55 12 John Martyn Sweet Little Mystery 06:26 13 John Martyn Certain Surprise 04:45
John Martyn View in Albunack Essex University 12 February 1977 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Over The Hill 02:42 2 John Martyn No Dear Boy 01:44 3 John Martyn One Day Without You 03:54 4 John Martyn Outside In False Dawn 04:33 5 John Martyn Outside In 13:54 6 John Martyn Spencer The Rover 03:29 7 John Martyn Small Hours JP 08:21 8 John Martyn Certain Surprise 02:12 9 John Martyn Couldn't Love You More 02:00 10 John Martyn Dead On Arrival 05:56 11 John Martyn One For The Road 02:52 12 John Martyn Bless The Weather 05:12
John Martyn View in Albunack Essex University 12 February 1977 Full 15 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Fine Lines 03:09 2 John Martyn No Dear Boy 01:44 3 John Martyn One Day Without You 03:54 4 John Martyn Outside In False Dawn 04:33 5 John Martyn Outside In 13:54 6 John Martyn Spencer The Rover 03:29 7 John Martyn Small Hours 08:21 8 John Martyn Certain Surprise 02:12 9 John Martyn Couldn't Love You More 02:00 10 John Martyn One Day Without You 04:22 11 John Martyn One For The Road 02:52 12 John Martyn Cerain Surprise 05:00 13 John Martyn Roll Another One 01:01 14 John Martyn Small Hours / Anna 03:43 15 John Martyn Solid Air 06:43
John Martyn View in Albunack Essex University 12 February 1977 Full CLEANED 15 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Over The Hill 02:42 2 John Martyn No Dear Boy 01:44 3 John Martyn One Day Without You 03:54 4 John Martyn Outside In False Dawn 04:33 5 John Martyn The Easy Blues 04:22 6 John Martyn Spencer The Rover 03:29 7 John Martyn Seven Black Roses 01:54 8 John Martyn Certain Surprise 02:12 9 John Martyn Couldn't Love You More 02:00 10 John Martyn Dead On Arrival 05:56 11 John Martyn One For The Road 02:52 12 John Martyn Bless The Weather 05:12 13 John Martyn Roll Another One 01:01 14 John Martyn May You Never 04:10 15 John Martyn Solid Air 06:43
John Martyn View in Albunack Fabrik Hamburg 14 December 1990 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Big Muff 09:51 2 John Martyn Fishermans Dream 06:12 3 John Martyn Couldn’t Love You More 09:47 4 John Martyn John Wayne 19:55 5 John Martyn Hole In The Rain 03:21 6 John Martyn Hole In The Rain 03:19 7 John Martyn Never Let Me Go 04:28 8 John Martyn Sapphire 05:07 9 John Martyn Sapphire 01:48 10 John Martyn Sweet Little Mystery 07:56
John Martyn View in Albunack Fabrik Hamburg 22 June 1990 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn John Wayne 10:16 2 John Martyn Deny This Love 05:41 3 John Martyn Sapphire 05:31 4 John Martyn Angeline 05:36 5 John Martyn Big Muff 07:38 6 John Martyn Sweet Little Mystery 06:20 7 John Martyn Johnny Too Bad 11:52 8 John Martyn Applause 02:24 9 John Martyn The Apprentice 04:46 10 John Martyn The Easy Blues 03:04 11 John Martyn May You Never 04:31
John Martyn View in Albunack Fabrik Hamburg 23 April 1986 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Sweet Little Mystery 06:19 2 John Martyn Serendipity 04:55 3 John Martyn Lookin’ On 06:51 4 John Martyn Angeline 05:23 5 John Martyn John Wayne 07:57 6 John Martyn Johnny Too Bad 09:32 7 John Martyn Over The Rainbow 02:35
John Martyn View in Albunack Fabrik Hamburg 9 April 1993 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Big Muff (Part) 02:48 2 John Martyn Couldn’t Love You More 06:45 3 John Martyn Fisherman’s Dream 05:15 4 John Martyn Cooltide 18:12 5 John Martyn Sweet Little Mystery 06:19 6 John Martyn Jack The Lad 07:05
John Martyn View in Albunack Fabrik Hamburg Radio 14 December 1990 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Big Muff 09:55 2 John Martyn The River 05:50 3 John Martyn Couldn’t Love You More 10:11 4 John Martyn Deny This Love 06:06 5 John Martyn Angeline 06:51 6 John Martyn Never Let Me Go 04:30 7 John Martyn Sapphire 05:07
John Martyn View in Albunack Fairfield Halls Croydon 30 May 2007 15 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Cooltide 07:22 2 John Martyn Lookin’ On 09:34 3 John Martyn Dreams by The Sea 06:55 4 John Martyn Man In The Station 06:02 5 John Martyn Over The Hill 06:24 6 John Martyn Easy Blues 03:56 7 John Martyn Gentle Blues 01:44 8 John Martyn Don’t Want To Know 06:41 9 John Martyn May You Never 05:14 10 John Martyn I’d Rather Be The Devil 07:07 11 John Martyn Go Down Easy 05:06 12 John Martyn Solid Air 06:25 13 John Martyn Chat 00:18 14 John Martyn Rock Salt And Nails 06:03 15 John Martyn Never Let Me Go (Part) 00:36
John Martyn View in Albunack Fairfield Halls Croydon 5 June 1985 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Don’t Want To Know 09:03 2 John Martyn Mad Dog Days 07:55 3 John Martyn Sweet Little Mystery 06:20 4 John Martyn John Wayne 08:59 5 John Martyn Big Muff 08:46 6 John Martyn Solid Air 08:34 7 John Martyn The Easy Blues 04:22 8 John Martyn Cocain 04:35 9 John Martyn May You Never 04:16
John Martyn View in Albunack Ferry Carrick Hotel Wexford 14 November 1999 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Rock, Salt & Nails 05:45 2 John Martyn The Cat Won’t Work Tonight 10:53 3 John Martyn Yes We Can 08:26 4 John Martyn Sweet Little Mystery 07:01 5 John Martyn Johnny Too Bad 12:29 6 John Martyn Chat 01:08 7 John Martyn Chat 01:15 8 John Martyn I’d Rather Be The Devil 08:39 9 John Martyn Sunshine’s Better 13:35
John Martyn View in Albunack Festhalle Heinsberg 9 June 1983 A 13 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Sunday’s Child 05:12 2 John Martyn Couldn’t Love You More 06:20 3 John Martyn Bless The Weather 04:20 4 John Martyn Sweet Little Mystery 05:52 5 John Martyn Dealer 06:31 6 John Martyn Outside In 03:58 7 John Martyn Outisde In 02:11 8 John Martyn Easy Blues 03:00 9 John Martyn May You Never 03:56 10 John Martyn Big Muff 08:57 11 John Martyn Grace And Danger 06:28 12 John Martyn Save Some (For Me) 03:56 13 John Martyn Johnny Too Bad 08:45
John Martyn View in Albunack Fife Aid 2 24 July 1988 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn May You Never 04:33 2 John Martyn Big Muff 06:56 3 John Martyn Sweet Little Mystery 05:05 4 John Martyn Johnny Too Bad 05:20 5 John Martyn Lookin’ On 06:18 6 John Martyn Dealer 07:41
John Martyn View in Albunack Fife Aid St.Andrews 24 July 1988 Part 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Lookin' On 05:45 2 John Martyn Dealer 06:21 3 John Martyn Patterns In The Rain 03:19 4 John Martyn Some People Are Crazy 05:26 5 John Martyn Save Some For Me 04:10 6 John Martyn Certain Surprise 05:18 7 John Martyn Sweet Little Mystery 07:52 8 John Martyn Amsterdam 07:04 9 John Martyn Lookin’ On 09:46 10 John Martyn Solid Air 07:27
John Martyn View in Albunack Fleadh London 16 June 2001 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn The Glory Of Love 06:00 2 John Martyn Don' Want To Know / My Creator 09:22 3 John Martyn Dealer / Outside In 09:24 4 John Martyn May You Never 05:16 5 John Martyn Easy Blues 03:50 6 John Martyn Solid Air 06:36
John Martyn View in Albunack Flexi Recklinghausen Germany 18 December 1986 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn May You Never 03:32 2 John Martyn One World 09:47 3 John Martyn Sweet Little Mystery 06:03 4 John Martyn Angeline 10:12 5 John Martyn Make No Mistake 04:24 6 John Martyn Dealer / Outside In 12:46 7 John Martyn Easy Blues 02:03 8 John Martyn Easy Blues 00:00
John Martyn View in Albunack Foundations (Video Audio) 12 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Mad Dog Days 05:31 2 John Martyn Angeline 05:35 3 John Martyn The Apprentice 04:30 4 John Martyn May You Never 04:21 5 John Martyn Solid Air 06:44 Has Mbid 6 John Martyn Deny This Love 04:33 7 John Martyn Send Me One Line 05:04 8 John Martyn John Wayne 07:32 9 John Martyn Dealer 04:45 10 John Martyn Johnny Too Bad 06:34 11 John Martyn Over The Rainbow 05:03 12 John Martyn Sweet Little Mystery 06:25
John Martyn View in Albunack Free Trade Hall Manchester 12 November 1984 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn John Wayne 06:57 2 John Martyn Fisherman’s Dream 04:12 3 John Martyn Sapphire 06:43 4 John Martyn Root Love 06:00 5 John Martyn Could've Been Me 05:42 6 John Martyn Big Muff 09:07 7 John Martyn Over The Rainbow 01:48 8 John Martyn Singin’ In The Rain 00:43
John Martyn View in Albunack Front Page Carlisle 5 April 1996 (VPT22) 6 2 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Suzanne 08:24 2 John Martyn Couldn’t Love You More 05:08 3 John Martyn Step It Up 07:12 4 John Martyn Yes We Can 06:41 Has Mbid 5 John Martyn Johnny Too Bad 09:09 Has Mbid 6 John Martyn John Wayne 09:54
John Martyn View in Albunack Gaiety Theatre Ayr 27 June 2000 13 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn She’s A Lover / Solid Air 14:31 2 John Martyn Rock Salt And Nails 05:29 3 John Martyn Excuse Me Mister 06:51 4 John Martyn Cry Me A River 05:36 5 John Martyn Field Of Play 05:47 6 John Martyn One World 05:46 7 John Martyn Wildflower 05:25 8 John Martyn Lookin’ On 09:30 9 John Martyn So Sweet 06:30 10 John Martyn Johnny Too Bad 10:02 11 John Martyn Chat 01:22 12 John Martyn Never Let Me Go 05:14 13 John Martyn Glory Box 08:09
John Martyn View in Albunack Gaiety Theatre Ayr 27 June 2000 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn How Fortunate The Man With None 12:26 2 John Martyn Excuse Me Mister 07:02 3 John Martyn Cry Me A River 05:36 4 John Martyn Wildflower 06:03 5 John Martyn Lookin’ On 09:30 6 John Martyn So Sweet 06:30
John Martyn View in Albunack Gala Fairydean Galashiels 15 July 1984 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Big Muff 07:55 2 John Martyn Sweet Little Mystery 04:58 3 John Martyn Johnny Too Bad 05:54 4 John Martyn Outside In 10:06 5 John Martyn Could’ve Been Me 03:29 6 John Martyn One World 05:15 7 John Martyn Lookin’ On 09:13 8 John Martyn I’d Rather Be The Devil 06:51
John Martyn View in Albunack Garrison Theatre Lerwick 12 August 1980 11 3 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Over The Hill 04:39 2 John Martyn Spencer The Rover 04:22 3 John Martyn One World / Anna 08:49 Has Mbid 4 John Martyn One Day Without You 04:41 Has Mbid 5 John Martyn Easy Blues 05:58 Has Mbid 6 John Martyn Couldn't Love You More 04:34 7 John Martyn Big Muff 07:42 8 John Martyn Certain Surprise 03:55 9 John Martyn Dealer 01:33 10 John Martyn Dealer 06:19 11 John Martyn Seven Black Roses 03:13
John Martyn View in Albunack George Square Theatre Edinburgh 11 March 1988 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Bless The Weather / Beverley 06:00 2 John Martyn Make No Mistake 03:45 3 John Martyn Spencer The Rover 05:12 4 John Martyn Johnny Too Bad 07:25 5 John Martyn One World 06:39 6 John Martyn Sweet Little Mystery 06:05 7 John Martyn The Easy Blues 05:02 8 John Martyn May You Never 04:43
John Martyn View in Albunack Glasgow City Hall 10 November 1980 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn May You Never 05:12 2 John Martyn Johnny Too Bad 11:54 3 John Martyn Some People Are Crazy 06:34 4 John Martyn Big Muff 11:39 5 John Martyn Solid Air 08:33 6 John Martyn Save Some 06:23 7 John Martyn Sweet Little Mystery 03:31 8 John Martyn Sweet Little Mystery 05:47
John Martyn View in Albunack Glasgow City Halls 10 November 1980 A 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Hurt In Your Heart 08:25 2 John Martyn Big Muff 12:25 3 John Martyn Some People Are Crazy 06:23 4 John Martyn Gun Money 04:54 5 John Martyn Hung Up 04:36 6 John Martyn Save Some 06:10 7 John Martyn Sweet Little Mystery 02:50 8 John Martyn Lookin' On 07:26 9 John Martyn Lookin’ On 06:57 10 John Martyn Bless The Weather 05:00 11 John Martyn Could've Been Me 04:34
John Martyn View in Albunack Glasgow Pavilion 26 October 1981 15 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Hurt In Your Heart 06:48 2 John Martyn Amsterdam 05:08 3 John Martyn Over The Hill 04:16 4 John Martyn Bless The Weather 05:11 5 John Martyn Lookin’ On 07:17 6 John Martyn Perfect Hustler 05:08 7 John Martyn Couldn’t Love You More 07:00 8 John Martyn Don’t You Go 03:46 9 John Martyn I’d Rather Be The Devil 03:30 10 John Martyn I’d Rather Be The Devil 02:11 11 John Martyn Didn’t Do That 03:24 12 John Martyn Didn't Do That 01:07 13 John Martyn Johnny Too Bad 09:30 14 John Martyn Solid Air 07:34 15 John Martyn Big Muff 08:02
John Martyn View in Albunack Glasgow Pavilion 3 February 1986 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Don’t Want To Know 07:09 2 John Martyn Could’ve Been Me 05:03 3 John Martyn Lonely Love 04:25 4 John Martyn Big Muff 08:11 5 John Martyn Love Of Mine 05:30 6 John Martyn Fisherman’s Dream 04:50 7 John Martyn Easy Blues 03:22 8 John Martyn May You Never 03:39 9 John Martyn Sweet Little Mystery 05:32 10 John Martyn Mad Dog Days 03:27
John Martyn View in Albunack Glasgow Pavilion 9 February 1986 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn John Wayne 07:02 2 John Martyn Angeline 05:58 3 John Martyn Solid Air 09:20 4 John Martyn Nightline 04:12 5 John Martyn Johnny Too Bad 08:12 6 John Martyn Dealer 11:39 7 John Martyn Outside In 07:01 8 John Martyn One World 02:01
John Martyn View in Albunack Glasgow Pavillion 27 September 1982 15 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Make No Mistake 03:30 2 John Martyn Gun Money 04:46 3 John Martyn Hung Up 04:26 4 John Martyn Dreams By The Sea 03:43 5 John Martyn Don’t Want To Know 04:43 6 John Martyn Lookin' On 07:18 7 John Martyn Over The Hill 03:39 8 John Martyn Bless The Weather 04:42 9 John Martyn Could've Been Me 04:03 10 John Martyn Solid Air 06:59 11 John Martyn Man In The Station 03:51 12 John Martyn Livin’ Alone 04:12 13 John Martyn Hiss On The Tape 03:33 14 John Martyn Johnny Too Bad 07:58 15 John Martyn Big Muff 07:43
John Martyn View in Albunack Glasgow Walker Unmastered Unconfirmed Order 1999 10 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Summer Toon 06:11 2 John Martyn Pook 05:48 3 John Martyn African 05:11 4 John Martyn French Toon 07:30 5 John Martyn Feel So Good 05:20 6 John Martyn Mama T 05:37 Has Mbid 7 John Martyn Wildflower 06:26 8 John Martyn Cry Me A River 06:11 9 John Martyn Cat Won't Work Tonight 06:19 10 John Martyn Sergeant Sergeant 05:04
John Martyn View in Albunack Glastonbury Festival 21 June 1986 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Lookin' On 07:01 2 John Martyn Bless The Weather 04:36 3 John Martyn Mad Dog Days 04:56 4 John Martyn Over The Rainbow 04:12 5 John Martyn Big Muff 06:35 6 John Martyn Love Of Mine 04:31 7 John Martyn Serendipity 05:03
John Martyn View in Albunack Glastonbury Festival 24 June 1984 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Big Muff 06:57 2 John Martyn Sweet Little Mystery 05:00 3 John Martyn Johnny Too Bad 05:20 4 John Martyn Outside In 10:25 5 John Martyn Could've Been Me 04:44 6 John Martyn One World 04:51 7 John Martyn I'd Rather Be The Devil 07:28 8 John Martyn Lookin' On 07:19 9 John Martyn Solid Air 04:39
John Martyn View in Albunack Glorious Fool Ruffs 1980 (VPT32) 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Amsterdam 05:25 2 John Martyn Pascanel 04:26 3 John Martyn Didn’t Do That 03:13 4 John Martyn Didn't Do That 00:46 5 John Martyn Unknown Backing Track 04:12 6 John Martyn Unknown Backing Track 02:47 7 John Martyn Unknown Backing Track 03:36 8 John Martyn Unknown 01:24 9 John Martyn Jam 00:13
John Martyn View in Albunack Glsagow Walker Ruffs Backing Tracks 1998 (VPT28) 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Cool In This Life 05:29 2 John Martyn Can't Live Without 05:44 3 John Martyn Field Of Play 06:37 4 John Martyn Unknown 05:03 5 John Martyn Unknown 04:30 6 John Martyn Sergeant Sergeant 05:20 7 John Martyn Unknown 05:15
John Martyn View in Albunack Gorizia May 1979 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Go Down Easy 05:44 2 John Martyn Big Muff 07:03 3 John Martyn Certain Surprise 03:56 4 John Martyn Couldn't Love You More 04:48 5 John Martyn One Day Without You 05:16 6 John Martyn Outside In Pt1 02:07 7 John Martyn Outside In Pt2 12:44
John Martyn View in Albunack Gorizia May 1979 Cleaned 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Go Down Easy 05:37 2 John Martyn Big Muff 07:03 3 John Martyn Certain Surprise 03:56 4 John Martyn Couldn't Love You More 04:48 5 John Martyn One Day Without You 05:16 6 John Martyn Outside In Pt1 02:07 7 John Martyn Outside In Pt2 12:44
John Martyn View in Albunack Gosport Festival 29 July 1996 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Johnny Too Bad 08:01 2 John Martyn John Wayne 13:24 3 John Martyn Step It Up 07:03 4 John Martyn Carmine 07:43 5 John Martyn Fishermans Dream 07:35 6 John Martyn She’s A Lover / Solid Air 11:16 7 John Martyn Suzanne 06:43 8 John Martyn Sunshine’s Better 06:31 9 John Martyn Rock Salt And Nails 05:57 10 John Martyn Yes We Can 06:53
John Martyn View in Albunack Grace & Danger (Unreleased Outtakes) 13 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Small Hat 04:23 2 John Martyn Johnny Too Bad (First Version) 03:49 3 John Martyn Running Up The Harbour 06:36 4 John Martyn Sweet Little Mystery (First Version) 04:30 5 John Martyn Dead On Arrival 04:49 6 John Martyn Some People Are Crazy (First Version) 03:57 7 John Martyn Baby Please Come Home (First Version) 04:59 8 John Martyn Grace And Danger (First Version) 04:11 Has Mbid 9 John Martyn Hurt In Your Heart (The Instrumental) 04:58 10 John Martyn After Tommorrow Night 04:08 11 John Martyn Our Love (First Version) 05:30 12 John Martyn Lilo Blondino 05:10 13 John Martyn Johnny Too Bad (Dub Mix) 03:46
John Martyn View in Albunack Grace And Danger Final Mix Ruffs 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Johnny Too Bad 00:00 2 John Martyn Our Love 04:35 3 John Martyn After Tomorrow Night 00:00 4 John Martyn Sweet Little Mystery 05:49 5 John Martyn Some People Are Crazy 04:04 6 John Martyn Baby Please Come Home 04:18 7 John Martyn Hurt In Your Heart 05:20
John Martyn View in Albunack Grace And Danger Final Mixes 1979 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Hurt In Your Heart 05:22 2 John Martyn Baby Please Come Home 04:10 3 John Martyn Baby Please Come Home 04:31 4 John Martyn Lookin’ On 05:22 5 John Martyn Grace And Danger (Instrumental) 04:35 6 John Martyn Sweet Little Mystery 05:58 7 John Martyn Grace And Danger 04:42 8 John Martyn Johnny Too Bad 03:54 9 John Martyn Save Some 03:43 10 John Martyn Grace And Danger 04:45 11 John Martyn Johnny Too Bad 03:58
John Martyn View in Albunack Grace And Danger Ruffs 1979 (VPT33) 18 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Save Some 04:58 2 John Martyn Hurt In Your Heart 05:04 3 John Martyn Johnny Too Bad 01:32 4 John Martyn Johnny Too Bad 03:49 5 John Martyn Our Love 06:10 6 John Martyn Sweet Little Mystery 04:24 7 John Martyn Tomorrow Night 04:49 8 John Martyn Dead on Arrival 04:51 9 John Martyn Lilo Blondino 01:32 10 John Martyn Small Hat 01:07 11 John Martyn Baby Please Come Home 05:08 12 John Martyn Sweet Little Mystery 04:42 13 John Martyn Dead On Arrival 04:35 14 John Martyn Grace And Danger 04:24 15 John Martyn Running Up The Harbour 06:54 16 John Martyn Tomorrow Night 04:21 17 John Martyn Some People Are Crazy 04:05 18 John Martyn Our Love 05:48
John Martyn View in Albunack Grand Opera House York 18 November 2004 13 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Smiling Stranger 07:23 2 John Martyn Glorious Fool 08:30 3 John Martyn Excuse Me Mister 07:21 4 John Martyn Carmine 06:24 5 John Martyn Lookin’ On 08:57 6 John Martyn Easy Blues 04:44 7 John Martyn Chat 01:35 8 John Martyn May You Never 04:48 9 John Martyn Don’t Want To Know 05:22 10 John Martyn My Creator 05:41 11 John Martyn Sunshine’s Better 10:09 12 John Martyn Rock Salt And Nails 06:06 13 John Martyn Cooltide 02:57
John Martyn View in Albunack Grand Theatre Wolverhampton 4 June 1985 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn John Wayne 10:13 2 John Martyn Easy Blues 04:41 3 John Martyn Dealer 11:53 4 John Martyn Root Love 04:41 5 John Martyn Over The Rainbow 03:50 6 John Martyn One World 07:59
John Martyn View in Albunack Guildford University 18 November 1977 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Couldn’t Love You More 07:57 2 John Martyn Dealer 09:29 3 John Martyn One World 06:33 4 John Martyn Small Hours 07:02 5 John Martyn Big Muff 11:51 6 John Martyn May You Never 05:22
John Martyn View in Albunack Guildford University 18 November 1977 cleaned 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn One Day Without You 04:53 2 John Martyn Dealer 10:52 3 John Martyn One World 07:26 4 John Martyn Bless The Weather 04:33 5 John Martyn Big Muff 11:38 6 John Martyn May You Never 05:16 7 John Martyn Couldn’t Love You More 03:04
John Martyn View in Albunack Half Moon Putney 18 August 1992 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Bless The Weather 04:37 2 John Martyn Beverley / Make No Mistake 06:47 3 John Martyn May You Never 07:37 4 John Martyn Solid Air 07:45 5 John Martyn Fisherman’s Dream 05:05 6 John Martyn Sweet Little Mystery 06:34 7 John Martyn Johnny Too Bad 08:22 8 John Martyn Johnny Too Bad 02:42
John Martyn View in Albunack Half Moon Putney 1986 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Bless The Weather / Beverley 06:05 2 John Martyn Lookin’ On 08:02 3 John Martyn Angeline 05:25 4 John Martyn Nightline 04:17 5 John Martyn John Wayne 06:52 6 John Martyn Johnny Too Bad 07:29 7 John Martyn Fisherman’s Dream 05:13 8 John Martyn Over The Rainbow 05:03 9 John Martyn Sweet Little Mystery 07:20
John Martyn View in Albunack Half Moon Putney 27 November 1979 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Big Muff 05:33 2 John Martyn Certain Surprise 03:57 3 John Martyn Couldn’t Love You More 04:15 4 John Martyn One Day Without You 05:36 5 John Martyn Easy Blues 02:47 6 John Martyn Dealer 05:13 7 John Martyn One World 06:15 8 John Martyn Over The Hill 02:30 9 John Martyn Spencer The Rover 03:47 10 John Martyn May You Never 05:27 11 John Martyn Outside In 15:20 12 John Martyn Anna 08:02
John Martyn View in Albunack Half Moon Putney 27 November 1979 A 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Big Muff 06:07 2 John Martyn Certain Surprise 03:44 3 John Martyn Couldn’t Love You More 04:57 4 John Martyn One Day Without You 04:01 5 John Martyn Easy Blues 03:09 6 John Martyn Dealer 04:42 7 John Martyn One World 05:46 8 John Martyn Over The Hill 02:25 9 John Martyn Spencer The Rover 04:01 10 John Martyn May You Never 05:20 11 John Martyn Outside In 15:00 12 John Martyn Anna 07:24
John Martyn View in Albunack Hammersmith Odeon 1 November 1981 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Didn’t Do That 04:45 2 John Martyn Amsterdam 05:04 3 John Martyn Over The Hill 04:48 4 John Martyn Bless The Weather 05:47 5 John Martyn Lookin’ On 07:43 6 John Martyn Perfect Hustler 05:36 7 John Martyn Couldn’t Love You More 06:47 8 John Martyn Don’t You Go 03:42 9 John Martyn I’d Rather Be The Devil 06:33
John Martyn View in Albunack Hammersmith Odeon 1 November 1981 Cleaned 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Didn’t Do That 04:45 2 John Martyn Amsterdam 05:04 3 John Martyn Solid Air 08:23 4 John Martyn Big Muff 10:09 5 John Martyn Lookin’ On 07:43 6 John Martyn Perfect Hustler 05:36 7 John Martyn Couldn’t Love You More 06:47 8 John Martyn Don’t You Go 03:42 9 John Martyn I’d Rather Be The Devil 06:33
John Martyn View in Albunack Hammersmith Odeon 22 October 1982 13 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Sweet Little Mystery 08:04 2 John Martyn Amsterdam 06:41 3 John Martyn Never Let Me Go 03:21 4 John Martyn Dreams By The Sea 03:55 5 John Martyn Don't Want To Know 05:19 6 John Martyn Lookin' On 06:54 7 John Martyn Over The Hill 03:59 8 John Martyn Bless The Weather 04:25 9 John Martyn Could've Been Me 04:40 10 John Martyn Solid Air 03:26 11 John Martyn Man In The Station 06:22 12 John Martyn Livin' Alone 07:47 13 John Martyn Johnny Too Bad 03:21
John Martyn View in Albunack Hammersmith Odeon FM 2 March 1986 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Dealer / Outside In 14:34 2 John Martyn Piece By Piece 03:51 3 John Martyn Nightline 03:55 4 John Martyn Fisherman's Dream 04:26 5 John Martyn The Easy Blues 03:01 6 John Martyn May You Never 04:19 7 John Martyn Sweet Little Mystery 06:16 8 John Martyn Serendipity 05:13
John Martyn View in Albunack Hammersmith Odeon Radio London 2 March 1986 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Dealer 06:23 2 John Martyn Outside In 07:58 3 John Martyn Johnny Too Bad 10:57 4 John Martyn Nightline 04:01 5 John Martyn Over The Rainbow 05:37 6 John Martyn Easy Blues 03:25 7 John Martyn May You Never 03:52 8 John Martyn Sweet Little Mystery 06:19 9 John Martyn Serendipity 05:30
John Martyn View in Albunack Hanging Lamp Club Richmond 8 May 1972 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Easy Blues 04:13 2 John Martyn Bless The Weather 08:04 3 John Martyn May You Never 05:40 4 John Martyn Don’t Think Twice / Back To Stay 07:08 5 John Martyn Head And Heart 06:12 6 John Martyn Singin’ In The Rain 04:39 7 John Martyn Sugar Lump / I’d Rather Be The Devil 11:17 8 John Martyn Outside In 12:01 9 John Martyn Glory Of Love 02:00
John Martyn View in Albunack Hanging Lamp Club Richmond 8 May 1972 GH 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Easy Blues 04:13 2 John Martyn Bless The Weather 08:04 3 John Martyn May You Never 05:41 4 John Martyn Don’t Think Twice / Back To Stay 07:08 5 John Martyn Head And Heart 06:12 6 John Martyn Singin’ In The Rain 04:39 7 John Martyn Sugar Lump / I’d Rather Be The Devil 11:17 8 John Martyn Outside In 12:05 9 John Martyn Glory Of Love 02:02
John Martyn View in Albunack Hardiman House Hotel Liverpool 5 June 1989 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Johnny Too Bad 10:25 2 John Martyn One World 07:58 3 John Martyn Same Difference 05:35 4 John Martyn Sweet Little Mystery 05:01 5 John Martyn Over The Rainbow 04:39 6 John Martyn John Wayne 07:56 7 John Martyn Look At That Girl 05:34
John Martyn View in Albunack Hardiman House Liverpool 5 June 1989 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Dealer / Outside In 10:47 2 John Martyn Big Muff 06:53 3 John Martyn Over The Rainbow 03:24 4 John Martyn One World 07:42 5 John Martyn Send Me One Line 07:31 6 John Martyn The Easy Blues 03:01 7 John Martyn Look At That Girl 05:51
John Martyn View in Albunack Hardiman House Liverpool 5 June 1989 Full 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Angeline 06:25 2 John Martyn Bless The Weather 06:14 3 John Martyn Make No Mistake 03:26 4 John Martyn Dealer / Outside In 10:28 5 John Martyn John Wayne 08:46 6 John Martyn Easy Blues 03:02 7 John Martyn Cocain 03:54 8 John Martyn May You Never 03:46 9 John Martyn Lookin' On 06:09 10 John Martyn Over The Rainbow 04:27
John Martyn View in Albunack Hattingen 15 October 1989 13 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Big Muff 08:52 2 John Martyn Grace And Danger 06:38 3 John Martyn Save Some 03:57 4 John Martyn Johnny Too Bad 09:03 5 John Martyn Angeline 05:03 6 John Martyn Big Muff 06:59 7 John Martyn Same Difference 06:00 8 John Martyn Easy Blues 03:13 9 John Martyn Solid Air 05:06 10 John Martyn May You Never 01:54 11 John Martyn Sweet Little Mystery 00:46 12 John Martyn Look at That Girl 04:12 13 John Martyn Johnny Too Bad 07:57
John Martyn View in Albunack Hattingen 15 October 1989 A 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Angeline 05:03 2 John Martyn Big Muff 06:59 3 John Martyn Same Difference 06:00 4 John Martyn The Easy Blues 03:13 5 John Martyn Solid Air 05:06 6 John Martyn May You Never 01:54 7 John Martyn Sweet Little Mystery 00:46 8 John Martyn Look At That Girl 04:12 9 John Martyn Johnny Too Bad 07:57
John Martyn View in Albunack Heineken Festival Brighton 23 August 1991 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Dealer / Outside In 08:37 2 John Martyn Big Muff 07:59 3 John Martyn Couldn’t Love You More 07:39 4 John Martyn Deny This Love 06:08 5 John Martyn Fisherman’s Dream 05:21 6 John Martyn Sweet Little Mystery 06:49 7 John Martyn Lookin’ On 07:04 8 John Martyn John Wayne 10:36 9 John Martyn Johnny Too Bad 11:03 10 John Martyn Over The Rainbow 08:28
John Martyn View in Albunack Heinsberg 9 June 1983 13 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Sunday’s Child 05:27 2 John Martyn Intro 01:08 3 John Martyn Couldn’t Love You More 06:28 4 John Martyn Bless The Weather 04:26 5 John Martyn Sweet Little Mystery 06:00 6 John Martyn Dealer / Outside In 13:32 7 John Martyn The Easy Blues 03:30 8 John Martyn May You Never 04:23 9 John Martyn Could've Been Me 01:54 10 John Martyn Could've Been Me 02:48 11 John Martyn Intro 00:26 12 John Martyn Hiss On The Tape 03:43 13 John Martyn Root Love 01:14
John Martyn View in Albunack Henry Afrika Glasgow 9 November 1983 14 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Big Muff 08:07 2 John Martyn Root Love 04:46 3 John Martyn Sweet Little Mystery 05:55 4 John Martyn Bless The Weather 05:07 5 John Martyn Couldn't Love You More 06:15 6 John Martyn Could've Been Me 04:07 7 John Martyn One World 05:34 8 John Martyn Lookin' On 05:55 9 John Martyn Hiss On The Tape 03:19 10 John Martyn Johnny Too Bad 10:32 11 John Martyn Dealer 03:24 12 John Martyn Outside In 10:28 13 John Martyn Smiling Stranger 05:07 14 John Martyn Anna 09:22
John Martyn View in Albunack Henry Afrikas Glasgow 9 November 1983 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Hiss On The Tape 03:54 2 John Martyn Root Love 04:38 3 John Martyn Dealer / Outside In 14:01 4 John Martyn Bless The Weather 04:58 5 John Martyn Couldn't Love You More 06:05 6 John Martyn Could've Been Me 04:12 7 John Martyn One World 05:35 8 John Martyn Lookin' On 06:12
John Martyn View in Albunack Henry Afrikas Glasgow 9 November 1983 B 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Hiss On The Tape 04:40 2 John Martyn Johnny Too Bad Pt1 03:24 3 John Martyn Sweet Little Mystery 05:46 4 John Martyn Outside In 10:17 5 John Martyn Smiling Stranger 04:29 6 John Martyn Could've Been Me 04:29 7 John Martyn One World 05:00 8 John Martyn Lookin' On 06:02
John Martyn View in Albunack Hexagon Theatre Reading 3 June 2000 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Feel So Good 06:32 2 John Martyn Rock Salt And Nails 05:24 3 John Martyn Yes We Can 06:07 4 John Martyn Field Of Play 05:52 5 John Martyn Wildflower 05:12 6 John Martyn Cooltide 11:31 7 John Martyn So Sweet 06:39 8 John Martyn Chat 00:21
John Martyn View in Albunack Hunky Dory Detmold 19 April 1988 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Bless The Weather 04:57 2 John Martyn Beverley 03:29 3 John Martyn Make No Mistake 03:37 4 John Martyn Spencer The Rover 04:20 5 John Martyn Johnny Too Bad 11:41 6 John Martyn One World 08:25 7 John Martyn Dealer 08:04
John Martyn View in Albunack Hunky Dory Detmold 19 April 1988 A 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Bless The Weather 08:11 2 John Martyn Make No Mistake 03:34 3 John Martyn Spencer The Rover 04:54 4 John Martyn Johnny Too Bad 11:30 5 John Martyn One World 08:14 6 John Martyn Dealer 09:16
John Martyn View in Albunack Huntingdon Hall Worcester 14 June 2000 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Feel So Good 06:55 2 John Martyn Chat 01:00 3 John Martyn How Fortunate The Man With None 08:14 4 John Martyn Yes We Can 04:34 5 John Martyn Chat 05:32 6 John Martyn Cry Me A River 05:57 7 John Martyn Wildflower 04:45 8 John Martyn Lookin’ On 09:50 9 John Martyn So Sweet 07:01 10 John Martyn Sweet Little Mystery 08:16
John Martyn View in Albunack ISLHD3004868 Sapphire 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn You Know Lyden 04:32 2 John Martyn Watching Her Eyes Lyden 04:09 3 John Martyn Over The Rainbow Lyden 04:02 4 John Martyn Sapphire Goldsmith 04:51 5 John Martyn Fisherman's Dream Lyden 04:47 6 John Martyn Acid Rain Lyden 04:06 7 John Martyn Mad Dog Days Lyden 05:22 8 John Martyn Climb The Walls Lyden 05:19 9 John Martyn Coming In On Time Lyden 04:08 10 John Martyn Rope Soul'd Lyden 04:50
John Martyn View in Albunack ISLMC3000015 Leeds 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Intro 01:22 2 John Martyn May You Never 06:26 3 John Martyn Outside In 14:08 4 John Martyn Spencer The Rover 08:17 5 John Martyn Make No Mistake 05:00 6 John Martyn Bless The Weather 06:48 7 John Martyn My Baby Girl 05:50 8 John Martyn You Can Discover 09:42 9 John Martyn Solid Air 03:43
John Martyn View in Albunack ISLMC3004582 Solid Air 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn May You Never 04:16 2 John Martyn May You Never 01:15 3 John Martyn May You Never 04:14 4 John Martyn May You Never 03:50 5 John Martyn May You Never 01:00 6 John Martyn May You Never 03:56 7 John Martyn Kossoff Jam 12:38 8 John Martyn Time Spent Time Away 19:47 9 John Martyn May You Never 07:45 10 John Martyn May You Never 16:05 11 John Martyn May You Never 02:56
John Martyn View in Albunack ISLMC3004590 Grace And Danger 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn After Tomorrow Night Guitars + Vox 04:32 2 John Martyn After Tomorrow Night Guitars 04:44 3 John Martyn After Tomorrow Night Vox1 04:32 4 John Martyn After Tomorrow Night Vox2 04:32 5 John Martyn After Tomorrow Night Vox3 04:32 6 John Martyn After Tomorrow Night Vox4 Master? 04:32 7 John Martyn After Tomorrow Night Guide 04:32 8 John Martyn After Tomorrow Night Lead6 04:32 9 John Martyn After Tomorrow Night Lead7 04:32 10 John Martyn After Tomorrow Night Lead8 04:30
John Martyn View in Albunack ISLMC3004666 Leeds 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Solid Air 10:23 2 John Martyn I'd Rather Be The Devil 14:08 3 John Martyn So Much In Love With You 05:44 4 John Martyn Clutches 09:45 5 John Martyn Mailman 07:34 6 John Martyn My Baby Girl 12:52 7 John Martyn You Can Discover 08:26 8 John Martyn I'd Rather Be The Devil 09:29
John Martyn View in Albunack ISLMC3004672 Piece By Piece 15 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Climb The Walls 04:23 2 John Martyn Climb The Walls 04:52 3 John Martyn Watching Her Eyes 04:09 4 John Martyn Serendipity 00:17 5 John Martyn Serendipity 01:49 6 John Martyn Serendipity 03:50 7 John Martyn Love Of Mine 00:29 8 John Martyn Love Of Mine 01:27 9 John Martyn Love Of Mine 09:36 10 John Martyn Who Believes In Angels 06:14 11 John Martyn Lonely Love 04:27 12 John Martyn Nightline 05:21 13 John Martyn Nightline 01:13 14 John Martyn Angeline 05:52 15 John Martyn John Wayne 06:37
John Martyn View in Albunack ISLMC3004675 Montreux 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Intro 01:16 2 John Martyn Mad Dog Days 05:56 3 John Martyn Dealer 06:47 4 John Martyn Dealer 01:32 5 John Martyn Outiside In 06:34 6 John Martyn Solid Air 06:00 7 John Martyn Solid Air 03:15 8 John Martyn Lookin' On 07:46 9 John Martyn Angeline 05:51 10 John Martyn Johnny Too Bad 07:37 11 John Martyn John Wayne 08:00 12 John Martyn Over The Rainbow 06:33
John Martyn View in Albunack ISLQC3004760 Town Country 13 November 1986 15 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Mad Dog Days 05:32 2 John Martyn Angeline 05:57 3 John Martyn The Apprentice 04:35 4 John Martyn False Start 00:50 5 John Martyn May You Never 04:23 6 John Martyn Fisherman's Dream 05:21 7 John Martyn Lookin' On 06:46 8 John Martyn Rope Soul'd Lyden 1 05:02 9 John Martyn Rope Soul'd Lyden 2 04:41 10 John Martyn Love In Your Life 03:28 11 John Martyn Two Grooves 03:13 12 John Martyn Two Grooves 04:19 13 John Martyn Rope Soul'd 00:42 14 John Martyn Rope Soul'd 06:51 15 John Martyn Coming In On Time Backing Track 06:16
John Martyn View in Albunack ISLQC3004762 Town Country 12 November 1986 Pt2 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Outside In 04:47 2 John Martyn Johnny Too Bad 06:51 3 John Martyn One World 08:52 4 John Martyn Over The Rainbow 07:15 5 John Martyn Sweet Little Mystery 06:32 6 John Martyn The Moment 04:57
John Martyn View in Albunack ISLQC3004763 Town Country 13 November 1986 13 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn False Start 02:00 2 John Martyn Mad Dog Days 05:35 3 John Martyn The Apprentice 04:44 4 John Martyn Angeline 05:58 5 John Martyn May You Never 04:34 6 John Martyn Fisherman's Dream 00:43 7 John Martyn Fisherman's Dream 05:15 8 John Martyn Lookin’ On 07:44 9 John Martyn Solid Air 07:05 10 John Martyn Deny This Love 05:11 11 John Martyn Send Me One Line 07:08 12 John Martyn Johnny Too Bad 10:20 13 John Martyn John Wayne 00:50
John Martyn View in Albunack ISLQC3004764 Town Country 13 November 1986 Pt2 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Johnny Too Bad 06:59 2 John Martyn John Wayne 06:35 3 John Martyn Dealer 14:54 4 John Martyn Big Muff 04:51 5 John Martyn One World 10:52 6 John Martyn Over The Rainbow 05:50 7 John Martyn You Know Backing Track 06:19 8 John Martyn Climb The Walls 05:48 9 John Martyn John Wayne 06:12 10 John Martyn Sometime / Baby's Heart 04:08
John Martyn View in Albunack Imperial College London 16 March 1974 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Solid Air 08:40 2 John Martyn Head And Heart 06:14 3 John Martyn Beverley 03:50 4 John Martyn Make No Mistake 04:36 5 John Martyn So Much In Love With You 06:45 6 John Martyn The Easy Blues 04:56 7 John Martyn Go Down Easy 05:20
John Martyn View in Albunack Imperial College London 16 March 1974 A 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Outside In 14:23 2 John Martyn May You Never 04:59 3 John Martyn Beverley 08:08 4 John Martyn Make No Mistake 04:51 5 John Martyn Bless The Weather 04:33 6 John Martyn Easy Blues 05:22 7 John Martyn Go Down Easy 03:02 8 John Martyn Solid Air 05:22 9 John Martyn Head And Heart 05:44 10 John Martyn Unknown 04:32 11 John Martyn I’d Rather Be The Devil 11:19 12 John Martyn So Much In Love With You 06:12
John Martyn View in Albunack Imperial College London 16 March 1974 A Cleaned 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Outside In 14:23 2 John Martyn May You Never 04:59 3 John Martyn Beverley 08:08 4 John Martyn Make No Mistake 04:51 5 John Martyn Bless The Weather 04:33 6 John Martyn Easy Blues 05:22 7 John Martyn Go Down Easy 03:02 8 John Martyn Solid Air 05:22 9 John Martyn Head And Heart 05:44 10 John Martyn Unknown 04:32 11 John Martyn I’d Rather Be The Devil 11:19 12 John Martyn So Much In Love With You 06:12
John Martyn View in Albunack In Vision 13 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn I’d Rather Be The Devil (1973) 07:21 2 John Martyn May You Never (1973) 03:36 3 John Martyn Make No Mistake (1973) 03:07 4 John Martyn One Day Without You (1975) 03:32 5 John Martyn Couldn’t Love You More (1977) 02:30 6 John Martyn One World (1977) 05:11 7 John Martyn Spencer The Rove(1977) 04:01 8 John Martyn Dealer (1977) 05:38 9 John Martyn Small Hours (1978) 06:55 10 John Martyn Bless The Weather (1978) 05:29 11 John Martyn Certain Surprise (1978) 03:50 12 John Martyn Sweet Little Mystery (1981) 05:04 13 John Martyn Some People Are Crazy (1981) 04:13
John Martyn View in Albunack Inside Out Ruffs 1973 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Beverley 02:02 2 John Martyn Sunday's Child 09:00 3 John Martyn Look In 01:55 4 John Martyn Fine Lines 03:42 5 John Martyn Lorelli? 02:22 6 John Martyn Ain't No Saint 04:58
John Martyn View in Albunack Irish Centre Leeds 30 April 1997 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Big Muff 13:23 2 John Martyn Couldn't Love You More 08:41 3 John Martyn Don't Want To Know 04:44 4 John Martyn Carmine 07:19 5 John Martyn Fisherman's Dream 05:32 6 John Martyn She's A Lover (part) 01:51 7 John Martyn May You Never 06:45 8 John Martyn I’d Rather Be The Devil 08:33 9 John Martyn Suzanne 05:10 10 John Martyn Sunshine’s Better 06:46
John Martyn View in Albunack JM In The Studio 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Angeline 04:56 2 John Martyn Lilo Blondino 9 June 1979 05:11 3 John Martyn Hurt In Your Heart 9 June 1979 05:13 4 John Martyn Love Of Mine 04:51 5 John Martyn Johnny Too Bad 9 June 1979 04:01 6 John Martyn Piece By Piece 04:12 7 John Martyn Sweet Little Mystery 13 April 1979 04:36 8 John Martyn Blackman At Your Shoulder 07:01 9 John Martyn Dead On Arrival 4 June 1979 05:01 10 John Martyn Space Peace 03:01
John Martyn View in Albunack JM Trio Ruffs 1997 (VPT31) 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Don’t Want To Know 03:38 2 John Martyn Make No Mistake / Bless The Weather 08:39 3 John Martyn Easy Blues 03:25 4 John Martyn May You Never 04:20 5 John Martyn Certain Surprise 04:40 6 John Martyn Solid Air 06:36
John Martyn View in Albunack Jazz Cafe London 24 January 2001 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Man In The Station 05:36 2 John Martyn Some People Are Crazy 05:44 3 John Martyn Hole In The Rain 06:07 4 John Martyn Baby Please Come Home 07:15 5 John Martyn Carmine 06:27 6 John Martyn Jack The Lad 05:40 7 John Martyn Rope Soul’d 07:21 8 John Martyn Cocain 04:27 9 John Martyn Don’t Want To Know / My Creator 06:01 10 John Martyn Yes We Can 06:58 11 John Martyn Small Town Talk 03:50 12 John Martyn Cooltide 09:00
John Martyn View in Albunack Jazz Cafe London 24 January 2001 Part 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Man In The Station 05:40 2 John Martyn Some People Are Crazy 06:05 3 John Martyn Hole In The Rain 06:17 4 John Martyn Baby Please Come Home 07:10 5 John Martyn Carmine 00:00 6 John Martyn Jack The Lad 05:20
John Martyn View in Albunack Jazz Cafe London 25 January 2001 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Rope Soul’d 06:07 2 John Martyn May You Never 02:21 3 John Martyn Hole In The Rain 06:38 4 John Martyn Baby Please Come Home 06:43 5 John Martyn Carmine 07:30 6 John Martyn Yes We Can 07:48 7 John Martyn Cooltide 09:14 8 John Martyn Lookin’ On 10:53 9 John Martyn You Don’t Know What Love Is 08:47
John Martyn View in Albunack Jazz Cafe London 25 October 1997 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn The Easy Blues 04:05 2 John Martyn Don’t Want To Know 03:59 3 John Martyn May You Never 04:53 4 John Martyn Make No Mistake 06:51 5 John Martyn Bless The Weather 06:52 6 John Martyn Outside In 05:39 7 John Martyn Excuse Me Mister 04:51 8 John Martyn How Fortunate The Man With None 04:57 9 John Martyn Fisherman's Dream 03:31
John Martyn View in Albunack John Martyn In Vision 1973-81 (VPT 6 3 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 John Martyn Save Some (1981) 03:34 2 John Martyn Eibhli Ghail Chiuin ni Chearbhaill (1981) 04:19 3 John Martyn Couldn’t Love You More (1981) 06:02 Has Mbid 4 John Martyn Johnny Too Bad (1981) 03:54 5 John Martyn Outside In (1981) 10:42 Has Mbid 6 John Martyn Hurt In Your Heart (1981) 06:49
John Martyn View in Albunack Jubilee Gardens London 2 June 1985 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Mad Dog Days 08:54 2 John Martyn Johnny Too Bad 09:04 3 John Martyn John Wayne 09:38 4 John Martyn Dealer / Outside In 12:33 5 John Martyn Could’ve Been Me 05:23 6 John Martyn Big Muff 08:27 7 John Martyn One World 07:01
John Martyn View in Albunack July Wakes 25 July 1976 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Over The Hill 03:37 2 John Martyn One Day Without You 04:19 3 John Martyn My Baby Girl 05:17 4 John Martyn Spencer The Rover 04:30 5 John Martyn Outside In 17:45 6 John Martyn The Message 02:48 7 John Martyn Make No Mistake / Beverley 05:26 8 John Martyn Bless The Weather 06:01 9 John Martyn May You Never 04:39 10 John Martyn Solid Air 06:35
John Martyn View in Albunack July Wakes Chorley 25 July 1976 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Make No Mistake / Beverley 05:28 2 John Martyn Over The Hill 03:30 3 John Martyn Chat 00:50 4 John Martyn May You Never 05:35 5 John Martyn Solid Air 06:18 6 John Martyn Chat 02:17 7 John Martyn Spencer The Rover 03:36 8 John Martyn Chat 02:08 9 John Martyn Seven Black Roses 03:39 10 John Martyn Chat 01:34 11 John Martyn I’d Rather Be The Devil 13:22 12 John Martyn Chat 02:53
John Martyn View in Albunack July Wakes Chorley 25 July 1976 (VPT) 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Over The Hill 05:50 2 John Martyn One Day Without You 04:15 3 John Martyn The Easy Blues 04:22 4 John Martyn Spencer The Rover 05:42 5 John Martyn I'd Rather Be the Devil 12:36 6 John Martyn The Easy Blues 05:42 7 John Martyn Outside In 16:33 8 John Martyn I'd Rather Be the Devil 12:18 9 John Martyn Bless The Weather 04:08
John Martyn View in Albunack July Wakes Chorley 25 July 1976 A 14 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Intro 02:23 2 John Martyn Over The Hill 03:30 3 John Martyn One Day Without You 03:28 4 John Martyn Tuning 00:46 5 John Martyn My Baby Girl 02:54 6 John Martyn Chat 02:17 7 John Martyn Spencer The Rover 03:36 8 John Martyn Chat 02:08 9 John Martyn Outside In 14:16 10 John Martyn Chat 02:59 11 John Martyn The Message 02:42 12 John Martyn Chat 02:53 13 John Martyn Make No Mistake / Beverley 05:28 14 John Martyn Bless The Weather 04:09
John Martyn View in Albunack Junction Cambridge 29 March 1998 (VPT10) 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn She’s A Lover / Solid Air 12:07 2 John Martyn Strange Fruit Yes We Can 12:17 3 John Martyn Lookin' On 08:09 4 John Martyn Johnny Too Bad 11:05 5 John Martyn Glory Box 09:11 6 John Martyn End 02:01
John Martyn View in Albunack Junction Cambridge 29 March 1998 cleaned mono (VPT10) 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Excuse Me Mister (part) 00:47 2 John Martyn Couldn’t Love You More 00:34 3 John Martyn Couldn’t Love You More 06:31 4 John Martyn He’s Got All The Whisky 05:29 5 John Martyn Sweet Little Mystery 04:23 6 John Martyn Sunshine’s Better 02:16 7 John Martyn Carmine 12:42 8 John Martyn God Song 04:12 9 John Martyn Fisherman’s Dream 05:38 10 John Martyn Rock Salt and Nails 04:42
John Martyn View in Albunack Jux Tap La Spezia 24 May 2000 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Rock Salt And Nails 04:40 2 John Martyn How Fortunate The Man With None 02:41 3 John Martyn How Fortunate The Man With None 05:05 4 John Martyn Excuse Me Mister 07:32 5 John Martyn Cooltide 09:08 6 John Martyn Wildflower 06:56 7 John Martyn Lookin’ On 09:49 8 John Martyn So Sweet 06:29 9 John Martyn So Sweet 06:29 10 John Martyn Glory Box 07:02
John Martyn View in Albunack KCRW Santa Monica 20 June 1998 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Interview 02:19 2 John Martyn She’s A Lover 10:36 3 John Martyn Solid Air 03:37 4 John Martyn Interview 04:42 5 John Martyn Excuse Me Mister 02:16 6 John Martyn Interview 04:48 7 John Martyn Glory Box 00:57
John Martyn View in Albunack Keele University 12 November 1984 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Johnny Too Bad 10:19 2 John Martyn Dealer / Outside In 12:08 3 John Martyn Sweet Little Mystery 06:18 4 John Martyn Solid Air 07:31 5 John Martyn Could've Been Me 05:24 6 John Martyn Over The Rainbow 04:07 7 John Martyn John Wayne 07:36 8 John Martyn Fisherman’s Dream 04:13 9 John Martyn Sapphire 04:40 10 John Martyn Sapphire 02:39
John Martyn View in Albunack Kenny's Castaways New York 18 June 1977 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Man in the Station 04:32 2 John Martyn One Day Without You 08:00 3 John Martyn One World 06:34 4 John Martyn Make No Mistake 09:39 5 John Martyn Bless The Weather 05:44 6 John Martyn Outside In 07:37
John Martyn View in Albunack Kenny's Castaways New York 18 June 1977 Perhaps 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Head And Heart 05:05 2 John Martyn Man In The Station 04:42 3 John Martyn My Baby Girl 02:43 4 John Martyn Beverley 02:24 5 John Martyn Make No Mistake 02:47 6 John Martyn Bless The Weather 04:20 7 John Martyn Seven Black Roses 04:29 8 John Martyn Certain Surprise 07:11 9 John Martyn Couldn't Love You More 05:39 10 John Martyn Over The Hill 06:18
John Martyn View in Albunack Kennys Castaways New York 19 June 1977 A 12 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Make No Mistake 05:06 2 John Martyn Bless The Weather / Beverley 05:27 3 John Martyn Spencer The Rover 04:45 Has Mbid 4 John Martyn Easy Blues 04:05 5 John Martyn One Day Without You 03:54 6 John Martyn Outside In 08:31 7 John Martyn Over The Hill 03:44 8 John Martyn May You Never 04:17 9 John Martyn Head And Heart 03:51 10 John Martyn I’d Rather Be The Devil 10:45 11 John Martyn I’d Rather Be The Devil 05:41 12 John Martyn Anna 08:09
John Martyn View in Albunack Kennys Castaways New York 19 June 1977 B 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Make No Mistake /Beverley / Bless The Weather 11:09 2 John Martyn Spencer The Rover 06:45 3 John Martyn Easy Blues 04:58 4 John Martyn One Day Without You 04:01 5 John Martyn Outside In 17:33 6 John Martyn Over The Hill 06:07 7 John Martyn May You Never 04:24 8 John Martyn Head And Heart 06:16
John Martyn View in Albunack Kennys Castaways New York 19 June 1977 C 14 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn One Day Without You 03:37 2 John Martyn Certain Surprise 02:23 3 John Martyn Couldn’t Love You More 02:35 4 John Martyn Easy Blues 02:47 5 John Martyn May You Never 04:00 6 John Martyn Make No Mistake 04:34 7 John Martyn Bless The Weather 06:32 8 John Martyn Spencer The Rover 06:34 9 John Martyn Easy Blues 04:41 10 John Martyn Outside In 16:33 11 John Martyn Over The Hill 03:32 12 John Martyn Head And Heart 05:43 13 John Martyn I’d Rather Be The Devil 11:05 14 John Martyn Ellie Rhee (bonus) 04:06
John Martyn View in Albunack Kennys Castaways New York 20 June 1977 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Make No Mistake 06:31 2 John Martyn Bless The Weather 05:06 3 John Martyn Spencer The Rover 06:34 4 John Martyn Easy Blues 04:54 5 John Martyn One Day Without You 03:58 6 John Martyn Chat 01:28 7 John Martyn Outside In 17:17 8 John Martyn Over The Hill 05:19 9 John Martyn May You Never 04:29 10 John Martyn Head And Heart 05:59 11 John Martyn I’d Rather Be The Devil 11:46
John Martyn View in Albunack Kirk Gallery Sydney July 1977 15 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Big Muff 06:21 2 John Martyn Head And Heart 04:22 3 John Martyn Anna 06:26 4 John Martyn Easy Blues 02:12 5 John Martyn Ellie Rhee / May You Never 06:05 6 John Martyn Speech 00:46 7 John Martyn Solid Air 06:02 8 John Martyn Anna 02:53 9 John Martyn Couldn't Love You More 03:12 10 John Martyn Smiling Stranger 02:42 11 John Martyn Certain Surprise 03:25 12 John Martyn Anna Based 02:56 13 John Martyn Dealer 04:13 14 John Martyn Eibhli Ghail Based 03:43 Has Mbid 15 John Martyn Anna 04:15
John Martyn View in Albunack LP Demo November 1976 8 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Unnamed Instrumental 01:28 2 John Martyn Unnamed Waltz 02:57 3 John Martyn Loreli ‘So Lonely’ 03:11 Has Mbid 4 John Martyn Working It Out 02:44 5 John Martyn One For The River 03:38 6 John Martyn Sweet Day 02:22 7 John Martyn Couldn’t Love You More 02:21 8 John Martyn Dead On Arrival 08:07
John Martyn View in Albunack Leas Cliff Halls Folkestone 24 May 1990 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Easy Blues 04:06 2 John Martyn Outside In 04:32 3 John Martyn Never Let Me Go 04:54 4 John Martyn Deny This Love 05:22 5 John Martyn Angeline 03:06 6 John Martyn Big Muff 06:12 7 John Martyn Sweet Little Mystery 06:02 8 John Martyn Fisherman’s Dream 06:09 9 John Martyn Send Me One Line 06:04
John Martyn View in Albunack Leas Cliffe Hall Folkestone 28 March 1988 13 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Johnny Too Bad 07:25 2 John Martyn Solid Air 04:57 3 John Martyn Dealer / Outside In 07:04 4 John Martyn Big Muff 00:55 5 John Martyn Angeline 04:42 6 John Martyn Lookin’ On 06:30 7 John Martyn Sweet Little Mystery 05:28 8 John Martyn Easy Blues 03:51 9 John Martyn May You Never 05:50 10 John Martyn Bless The Weather 03:20 11 John Martyn Bless The Weather 02:24 12 John Martyn Make No Mistake 03:22 13 John Martyn Spencer The Rover 03:45
John Martyn View in Albunack Leas Cliffe Hall Folkestone April 1989 14 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Same Difference 05:24 2 John Martyn Sweet Little Mystery 06:16 3 John Martyn John Wayne 10:02 4 John Martyn Easy Blues 03:29 5 John Martyn Cocain 04:25 6 John Martyn May You Never 03:46 7 John Martyn Solid Air 04:10 8 John Martyn Dealer 06:12 9 John Martyn Outside in 05:15 10 John Martyn Lookin’ On 08:21 11 John Martyn Look At That Girl 05:15 12 John Martyn Johnny Too Bad 08:49 13 John Martyn Send Me One Line 06:28 14 John Martyn One World 02:07
John Martyn View in Albunack Leeds Folk Festival 10 September 1983 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Johnny Too Bad 05:56 2 John Martyn Big Muff 05:30 3 John Martyn One Day Without You 05:34 4 John Martyn Easy Blues 03:58 5 John Martyn Cocain 06:24 6 John Martyn Spencer The Rover 05:10 7 John Martyn May You Never 04:39 8 John Martyn Dealer 06:39 9 John Martyn Outside In 04:10 10 John Martyn Solid Air 07:31 11 John Martyn I’d Rather Be The Devil 07:54
John Martyn View in Albunack Leeds Irish Centre 30 September 1987 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn May You Never 04:41 2 John Martyn Dealer / Outside In 13:46 3 John Martyn John Wayne 10:18 4 John Martyn Johnny Too Bad 08:42 5 John Martyn Send Me One Line 06:12 6 John Martyn Lookin’ On 07:01 7 John Martyn The Apprentice 04:47 8 John Martyn The River 04:52 9 John Martyn Live On Love 05:22 10 John Martyn One World 06:37
John Martyn View in Albunack Leeds Town Hall 5 February 1986 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn John Wayne 07:45 2 John Martyn Could’ve Been Me 05:09 3 John Martyn Big Muff 08:06 4 John Martyn Johnny Too Bad 07:58 5 John Martyn Easy Blues 03:57 6 John Martyn Over The Rainbow 03:49 7 John Martyn Sweet Little Mystery 05:55 8 John Martyn Fisherman's Dream 04:22 9 John Martyn Serendipity 05:19 10 John Martyn Angeline 05:26
John Martyn View in Albunack Leeds University 26 November 1977 14 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Small Hours 10:48 2 John Martyn Big Muff 08:38 3 John Martyn Spencer the Rover 04:12 4 John Martyn Certain Surprise 04:58 5 John Martyn The Message 03:05 6 John Martyn Chat 01:06 7 John Martyn One Day Without You 04:33 8 John Martyn Chat 00:44 9 John Martyn May You Never 05:15 10 John Martyn Encore 02:24 11 John Martyn The Easy Blues 03:32 12 John Martyn Chat 01:47 13 John Martyn Make No Mistake 05:10 14 John Martyn Bless The Weather (Part) 04:27
John Martyn View in Albunack Leeds University 26 November 1977 Cleaned A 13 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Big Muff 08:38 2 John Martyn Chat 02:14 3 John Martyn Certain Surprise 04:58 4 John Martyn Couldn't Love You More 03:20 5 John Martyn The Message 03:05 6 John Martyn Chat 01:06 7 John Martyn One Day Without You 04:33 8 John Martyn May You Never 05:15 9 John Martyn I'd Rather Be The Devil 07:51 10 John Martyn Dealer 07:07 11 John Martyn Chat 02:19 12 John Martyn Chat 01:47 13 John Martyn Small Hours 10:48
John Martyn View in Albunack Leeds University 29 October 1980 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn May You Never 04:42 2 John Martyn Sweet Little Mystery 08:39 3 John Martyn Amsterdam 09:24 4 John Martyn Hurt In Your Heart 05:21 5 John Martyn Grace And Danger 05:55 6 John Martyn Johnny Too Bad 07:08 7 John Martyn Certain Surprise 04:59 8 John Martyn Save Some 04:12 9 John Martyn Lookin’ On 10:38 10 John Martyn Sweet Little Mystery 08:47
John Martyn View in Albunack Lemon Tree Aberdeen 29 June 2000 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Feel So Good 06:23 2 John Martyn Glory Box 06:13 3 John Martyn Excuse Me Mister 06:00 4 John Martyn Cry Me A River 06:02 5 John Martyn Lookin’ On 09:06 6 John Martyn So Sweet 06:42 7 John Martyn She’s A Lover / Solid Air 09:45 8 John Martyn Rock Salt And Nails 05:28 9 John Martyn Yes We Can 05:35 10 John Martyn Field Of Play 05:53 11 John Martyn Johnny Too Bad 08:21
John Martyn View in Albunack Les Cousins London June 1968 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Back To Stay / Don't Think Twice It's Alright 03:23 2 John Martyn Goin' Down To Memphis 04:45 3 John Martyn Winding Boy 02:19 4 John Martyn Woodstock 03:52 5 John Martyn Traffic Light Lady 01:50 6 John Martyn Would You Believe Me 04:01 7 John Martyn Easy Blues / The Road To Ruin / Instrumental 08:04
John Martyn View in Albunack Les Cousins London June 1968 Cleaned 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Back To Stay / Don't Think Twice It's Alright 03:23 2 John Martyn Goin' Down To Memphis 04:45 3 John Martyn Winding Boy 02:19 4 John Martyn Woodstock 03:52 5 John Martyn Traffic Light Lady 01:50 6 John Martyn Would You Believe Me 04:01 7 John Martyn Easy Blues / The Road To Ruin / Instrumental 08:04
John Martyn View in Albunack Liquorice Benefit Nottingham 29 October 1976 A 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Make No Mistake 04:39 2 John Martyn Bless The Weather 03:58 3 John Martyn May You Never 04:58 4 John Martyn Dead On Arrival 08:13 5 John Martyn One For The Road 04:14 6 John Martyn Big Muff 06:41 7 John Martyn Over The Hill 02:57
John Martyn View in Albunack Liquorice Benefit Nottingham 29 October 1976 Restored 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Make No Mistake 04:24 2 John Martyn Bless The Weather 04:10 3 John Martyn May You Never 04:12 4 John Martyn I'd Rather Be The Devil 10:56 5 John Martyn Solid Air 06:28 6 John Martyn Outside In 18:13 7 John Martyn Over The Hill 02:57
John Martyn View in Albunack Liquorice Nottingham 29 October 1976 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn My Baby Girl 04:02 2 John Martyn Spencer The Rover 04:44 3 John Martyn Dead On Arrival 08:10 4 John Martyn One For The Road 04:50 5 John Martyn Outside In 16:42 6 John Martyn Over The Hill 05:26 7 John Martyn Make No Mistake 04:23 8 John Martyn Bless The Weather 03:16 9 John Martyn May You Never 04:43 10 John Martyn I'dRather Be The Devil 09:41 11 John Martyn Solid Air 07:23
John Martyn View in Albunack Live (Shaw Theatre) 12 1 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 John Martyn Easy Blues 03:08 2 John Martyn Income Town 05:38 3 John Martyn The Apprentice 05:16 4 John Martyn Outside In 06:14 5 John Martyn Never Let Me Go 04:09 6 John Martyn Sapphire 05:32 7 John Martyn Could Not Love You More 05:13 8 John Martyn Deny This Love 05:20 9 John Martyn Fisherman's Dream 04:45 10 John Martyn Big Muff 08:24 11 John Martyn Angeline 06:00 12 John Martyn Sweet Little Mystery 05:59
John Martyn View in Albunack Live At Leeds Deluxe 5+1 Mix 2 8 2 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn May You Never 07:46 2 John Martyn Outside In 14:11 3 John Martyn Spencer The Rover 07:12 Has Mbid 4 John Martyn Make No Mistake 05:04 5 John Martyn Bless The Weather 05:42 6 John Martyn My Baby Girl 05:45 7 John Martyn You Can Discover 09:46 Has Mbid 8 John Martyn Solid Air 06:10
John Martyn View in Albunack Live At Shaw Theatre 8 1 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 John Martyn The River 05:17 2 John Martyn Income Town 05:38 3 John Martyn The Apprentice 05:16 4 John Martyn John Wayne 10:48 5 John Martyn Look at That Girl 06:39 6 John Martyn Looking On 10:41 7 John Martyn Johnny Too Bad 14:43 8 John Martyn One World 07:45
John Martyn View in Albunack Live At The Shaw Theatre 12 3 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 John Martyn Easy Blues 03:10 Has Mbid 2 John Martyn May You Never 04:21 Has Mbid 3 John Martyn Dealer 06:21 4 John Martyn Outside In 06:13 5 John Martyn Never Let Me Go 04:10 6 John Martyn Sapphire 05:32 7 John Martyn Couldn't Love You More 05:13 8 John Martyn Deny This Love 05:20 9 John Martyn Fisherman's Dream 04:45 10 John Martyn Big Muff 08:23 11 John Martyn Angeline 06:00 12 John Martyn Sweet Little Mystery 05:59
John Martyn View in Albunack Live Electric 1983 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn I Didn’t Want To Know 09:10 2 John Martyn Lookin’ On 09:05 3 John Martyn Mad Dog Days 07:28 4 John Martyn One World 06:42 5 John Martyn Big Muff (part of) 04:41 6 John Martyn Could’ve Been Me (part of) 01:42 7 John Martyn Solid Air 08:06
John Martyn View in Albunack Live In Nottingham 1976 First Edit VPT 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Intro 01:12 2 John Martyn My Baby Girl 04:09 3 John Martyn Spencer The Rover 05:24 4 John Martyn Dead On Arrival 08:30 5 John Martyn One For The Road 05:25 6 John Martyn Outside In 05:27
John Martyn View in Albunack Live In Nottingham 1976 Second Edit VPT 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Intro 01:12 2 John Martyn My Baby Girl 04:09 3 John Martyn Spencer The Rover 05:24 4 John Martyn Dead On Arrival 08:30 5 John Martyn One For The Road 05:25 6 John Martyn Outside In 18:52 7 John Martyn Outside In 03:40 8 John Martyn Over The Hill 04:20 9 John Martyn Make No Mistake / Bless The Weather 03:49 10 John Martyn May You Never 04:59 11 John Martyn I'd Rather Be The Devil 09:39 12 John Martyn Solid Air 07:20
John Martyn View in Albunack Live In Nottingham 1976 Third Edit VPT 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Introduction 01:12 2 John Martyn My Baby Girl 04:09 3 John Martyn Spencer the Rover 05:24 4 John Martyn Dead on Arrival 08:31 5 John Martyn One for the Road 05:25 6 John Martyn Outside In 18:52 7 John Martyn Over the Hill 03:40 8 John Martyn Make No Mistake 03:49 9 John Martyn Bless the Weather 04:21 10 John Martyn May You Never 04:59 11 John Martyn I'd Rather Be the Devil 09:39
John Martyn View in Albunack Live Station Dortmund 10 December 1990 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn The Cure 02:57 2 John Martyn Couldn’t Love You More 06:25 3 John Martyn Never Let Me Go 04:52 4 John Martyn Hole In The Rain 08:18 5 John Martyn Sapphire 05:49 6 John Martyn John Wayne 14:38 7 John Martyn Over The Rainbow 07:19 8 John Martyn One World 10:34 9 John Martyn Look At That Girl 05:59 10 John Martyn Fisherman's Dream 07:16
John Martyn View in Albunack Live at Leeds (Deluxe Edition) 8 2 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn May You Never 07:46 2 John Martyn Outside In 14:11 3 John Martyn Spencer the Rover 07:12 Has Mbid 4 John Martyn Make No Mistake 05:00 5 John Martyn Bless the Weather 05:42 6 John Martyn My Baby Girl 05:45 7 John Martyn You Can Discover 09:46 Has Mbid 8 John Martyn Solid Air 06:10
John Martyn View in Albunack Live at the Cambridge Folk Festival 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Johnny Too Bad 06:09 2 John Martyn Sweet Little Mystery 05:39 3 John Martyn Big Muff 05:11 4 John Martyn Solid Air 07:24 5 John Martyn Jelly Roll Blues 02:39 6 John Martyn May You Never 03:58 7 John Martyn Mad Dog Days 06:31 8 John Martyn Fisherman's Dream 04:30 9 John Martyn Dealer-Outside In 09:09
John Martyn View in Albunack Live in Concert at the Cambridge Folk Festival 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Johnny Too Bad 06:09 2 John Martyn Sweet Little Mystery 05:39 3 John Martyn Big Muff 05:11 4 John Martyn Solid Air 07:24 5 John Martyn Jelly Roll Blues 02:39 6 John Martyn May You Never 03:58 7 John Martyn Mad Dog Days 06:31 8 John Martyn Fisherman's Dream 04:30 9 John Martyn Dealer / Outside In 09:09
John Martyn View in Albunack Live in London 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Medley 06:02 2 John Martyn Lookin' On 07:59 3 John Martyn Sweet Little Mystery 05:53 4 John Martyn Root Love 04:08 5 John Martyn Could've Been Me 04:57 6 John Martyn Big Muff 08:14 7 John Martyn John Wayne 07:56 8 John Martyn One World 07:25 9 John Martyn Sapphire 04:04
John Martyn View in Albunack Live in Nottingham 76 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Introduction 01:12 2 John Martyn My Baby Girl 04:09 3 John Martyn Spencer the Rover 05:24 4 John Martyn Dead on Arrival 08:30 5 John Martyn One for the Road 05:25 6 John Martyn Outside In 18:52 7 John Martyn Over the Hill 03:40 8 John Martyn Make No Mistake 03:49 9 John Martyn Bless the Weather 04:21 10 John Martyn May You Never 04:59 11 John Martyn I'd Rather Be the Devil 09:39 12 John Martyn Solid Air 07:20
John Martyn View in Albunack Logo Hamburg 14 April 1988 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Bless The Weather 03:00 2 John Martyn Bless The Weather 01:24 3 John Martyn Beverley 02:14 4 John Martyn Make No Mistake 03:29 5 John Martyn Spencer The Rover 04:25 6 John Martyn Johnny Too Bad 08:30 7 John Martyn One World 08:27 8 John Martyn Dealer 09:08 9 John Martyn Singin’ In The Rain 04:03 10 John Martyn I’d Rather Be The Devil 05:47 11 John Martyn I’d Rather Be The Devil 01:54
John Martyn View in Albunack Logo Hamburg 14 April 1988 A 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn One Day Without You 05:14 2 John Martyn Solid Air 04:56 3 John Martyn Big Muff 07:59 4 John Martyn Dealer 09:30 5 John Martyn Singin’ In The Rain 04:36 6 John Martyn I’d Rather Be The Devil 07:31 7 John Martyn Easy Blues 05:01 8 John Martyn May You Never 04:51 9 John Martyn Bless The Weather / Beverley 06:18 10 John Martyn Make No Mistake 03:25
John Martyn View in Albunack London Palladium 3 March 1986 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Mad Dog Days 06:28 2 John Martyn Angeline 05:46 3 John Martyn John Wayne 08:23 4 John Martyn Johnny Too Bad 07:58 5 John Martyn Nightline 04:31 6 John Martyn Fisherman’s Dreams 05:39 7 John Martyn Easy Blues 03:22 8 John Martyn May You Never 05:06 9 John Martyn Sweet Little Mystery 07:07 10 John Martyn Serendipity 04:25
John Martyn View in Albunack London Palladium 3 March 1986 (VPT15) 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Serendipity 04:14 2 John Martyn Lookin’ On 07:29 3 John Martyn Angeline 05:47 4 John Martyn John Wayne 08:15 5 John Martyn Johnny Too Bad 05:31 6 John Martyn Johnny Too Bad 04:15 7 John Martyn One World 09:00 8 John Martyn Over The Rainbow 05:38
John Martyn View in Albunack London Palladium 3 March 1986 Part 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Mad Dog Days 06:21 2 John Martyn Dealer 06:44 3 John Martyn Outside In 07:22 4 John Martyn Piece by Piece 03:55 5 John Martyn Nightline 04:31 6 John Martyn Fisherman’s Dreams 05:26 7 John Martyn Easy Blues 03:13 8 John Martyn Sweet Little Mystery 07:12
John Martyn View in Albunack Lowry Salford 16 November 2008 A 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Cooltide 09:41 2 John Martyn Some People Are Crazy 04:52 3 John Martyn Grace And Danger 05:19 4 John Martyn Solid Air 07:38 5 John Martyn Rock Salt And Nails 06:33 6 John Martyn Never Let Me Go 04:57 7 John Martyn Hurt In Your Heart 05:56 8 John Martyn Baby Please Come Home 06:21 9 John Martyn Save Some (For Me) 05:37 10 John Martyn Our Love 05:27
John Martyn View in Albunack Lowry Salford 16 November 2008 B 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Save Some (For Me) 06:11 2 John Martyn Chat 00:48 3 John Martyn Some People Are Crazy 04:21 4 John Martyn Chat 00:33 5 John Martyn Chat 01:32 6 John Martyn Don’t Want To Know 05:06 7 John Martyn May You Never 05:26 8 John Martyn Johnny Too Bad 06:48 9 John Martyn Chat 02:19 10 John Martyn Sweet Little Mystery 06:48 11 John Martyn Hurt In Your Heart 05:54 12 John Martyn Baby Please Come Home 06:02
John Martyn View in Albunack Lowry Salford 16 November 2008 C 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Cooltide 09:41 2 John Martyn Some People Are Crazy 04:52 3 John Martyn The Easy Blues 05:04 4 John Martyn Lookin’ On 10:59 5 John Martyn Johnny Too Bad 09:16 6 John Martyn Solid Air 07:38 7 John Martyn Rock Salt And Nails 06:33 8 John Martyn Baby Please Come Home 06:21
John Martyn View in Albunack Luxor Cologne 15 December 1986 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Outside In 01:19 2 John Martyn One Day Without You 04:44 3 John Martyn Solid Air 06:50 4 John Martyn Sweet Little Mystery 05:25 5 John Martyn Bless The Weather 05:23 6 John Martyn One World 10:55 7 John Martyn Dealer / Outside In 12:46 8 John Martyn Angeline 02:45 9 John Martyn Cocain 06:32 10 John Martyn Spencer The Rover 05:04 11 John Martyn May You Never 05:03
John Martyn View in Albunack Luxor Cologne 17 April 1988 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Spencer The Rover 04:22 2 John Martyn Solid Air 05:35 3 John Martyn Big Muff 08:18 4 John Martyn One World 08:57 5 John Martyn Lookin’ On 07:17 6 John Martyn Sweet Little Mystery 05:56 7 John Martyn Easy Blues 04:57 8 John Martyn May You Never 05:12 9 John Martyn Bless The Weather / Beverley 06:20 10 John Martyn Make No Mistake 03:34 11 John Martyn Spencer The Rover 04:39 12 John Martyn Johnny Too Bad 08:08
John Martyn View in Albunack Luxor Cologne 18 December 1990 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Lookin' On 13:31 2 John Martyn Sweet Little Mystery 08:47 3 John Martyn John Wayne 19:18 4 John Martyn Deny This Love 10:20 5 John Martyn Johnny Too Bad 10:25 6 John Martyn Never Let Me Go 05:24 7 John Martyn Sapphire 06:14 8 John Martyn Fisherman's Dream 06:49
John Martyn View in Albunack Magic Bag Cafe Michigan 1 September 1993 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Solid AIr 09:38 2 John Martyn I'd Rather Be The Devil 15:22 3 John Martyn Couldn't Love You More 07:32 4 John Martyn Sweet Little Mystery 09:13 5 John Martyn Bless The Weather / Beverley 11:46 6 John Martyn Make No Mistake 05:53 7 John Martyn Johnny Too Bad 11:29 8 John Martyn Don’t Want To Know 08:51 9 John Martyn May You Never 06:17
John Martyn View in Albunack Maidenhead Grammar School 12 May 1972 VPT 13 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Intro 00:54 2 John Martyn Easy Blues 07:56 3 John Martyn Woodstock 03:10 4 John Martyn Tree Green 05:41 5 John Martyn May You Never 05:35 6 John Martyn Seven Black Roses 06:50 7 John Martyn Sugar Lump 02:22 8 John Martyn I’d Rather Be The Devil 10:28 9 John Martyn Outside In 13:23 10 John Martyn Singin’ In The Rain 05:43 11 John Martyn Back To Stay 02:37 12 John Martyn Don’t Think Twice It’s Alright 02:46 13 John Martyn The Glory Of Love 02:07
John Martyn View in Albunack Maidenhead Grammar School 14 May 1972 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn The Easy Blues 07:45 2 John Martyn The Easy Blues / Woodstock / Tree Green 10:14 3 John Martyn Tree Green / May You Never / Seven Black Roses 09:54 4 John Martyn Seven Black Roses / Sugar Lump 10:04 5 John Martyn I'd Rather Be The Devil / Outside In 09:44 6 John Martyn Outside In 10:04 7 John Martyn Outside In / Singin' In The Rain 10:25 8 John Martyn Back To Stay / Don't Think Twice It's Alright / The Glory Of Love 07:06
John Martyn View in Albunack Maidenhead Grammar School 14 May 1972 Panning Treated 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn The Easy Blues 07:45 2 John Martyn The Easy Blues / Woodstock / Tree Green 10:14 3 John Martyn Tree Green / May You Never / Seven Black Roses 09:54 4 John Martyn Seven Black Roses / Sugar Lump 10:04 5 John Martyn I'd Rather Be The Devil / Outside In 09:44 6 John Martyn Outside In 10:04 7 John Martyn Outside In / Singin' In The Rain 10:25 8 John Martyn Back To Stay / Don't Think Twice It's Alright / The Glory Of Love 07:06
John Martyn View in Albunack Markhalle Hamburg 11 December 1986 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn One Day Without You 05:28 2 John Martyn May You Never 04:48 3 John Martyn Spencer The Rover 05:48 4 John Martyn Bless The Weather 04:39 5 John Martyn Beverley 03:56 6 John Martyn Angeline 07:06 7 John Martyn Dealer / Outside In 12:00 8 John Martyn The Easy Blues 02:31 9 John Martyn The Easy Blues 01:14
John Martyn View in Albunack Markthalle Hamburg 11 December 1986 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Cocain 05:23 2 John Martyn Cocain 04:49 3 John Martyn Spencer The Rover 05:51 4 John Martyn Bless The Weather 05:07 5 John Martyn One World 08:56 6 John Martyn Make No Mistake 04:16 7 John Martyn Dealer / Outside In 11:46 8 John Martyn The Easy Blues 02:29 9 John Martyn Easy Blues 01:44 10 John Martyn Easy Blues 01:14
John Martyn View in Albunack Martletts Hall Burgess Hill 16 February 2001 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Man In The Station 06:15 2 John Martyn Some People Are Crazy 05:18 3 John Martyn Hole In The Rain 07:32 4 John Martyn Baby Please Come Home 05:46 5 John Martyn Carmine 06:15 6 John Martyn Rock Salt And Nails 06:07 7 John Martyn Don’t Want To Know / My Creator 07:06 8 John Martyn Suzanne 06:19 9 John Martyn Lookin’ On 10:37
John Martyn View in Albunack McCabes Santa Monica 24 September 1993 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Big Muff 09:00 2 John Martyn Couldn’t Love You More 06:02 3 John Martyn Sweet Little Mystery 06:09 4 John Martyn Johnny Too Bad 09:56 5 John Martyn Bless The Weather / Beverley 08:57 6 John Martyn Make No Mistake 05:48 7 John Martyn Don’t Want To Know 06:17 8 John Martyn May You Never 06:03 9 John Martyn Solid Air 07:13
John Martyn View in Albunack McGorys Culdaff 8 July 2004 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn She’s A Lover / Solid Air 13:09 2 John Martyn Rock Salt And Nails 06:14 3 John Martyn Lookin’ On 09:39 4 John Martyn Johnny Too Bad 06:29 5 John Martyn May You Never 05:12 6 John Martyn Sweet Little Mystery (Reggae) 08:24 7 John Martyn Never Let Me Go 04:48
John Martyn View in Albunack Mean Fiddler London 5 July 1999 A 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Fisherman’s Dream 04:55 2 John Martyn She’s A Lover / Solid Air 14:56 3 John Martyn Rock Salt And Nails 07:18 4 John Martyn Wildflower 08:16 5 John Martyn Mama T 09:59 6 John Martyn Glory Box 09:05
John Martyn View in Albunack Milan 19 November 1983 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Solid Air 06:18 2 John Martyn Could've Been Me 04:02 3 John Martyn One World 06:05 4 John Martyn Lookin' On 06:16 5 John Martyn Johnny Too Bad 09:20 6 John Martyn Dealer / Outside In 13:28 7 John Martyn The Easy Blues 04:53
John Martyn View in Albunack Milan 25 May 1979 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Big Muff 07:01 2 John Martyn Certain Surprise 03:33 3 John Martyn Couldn’t Love You More 04:34 4 John Martyn Seven Black Roses 03:49 5 John Martyn Make No Mistake 04:46 6 John Martyn Dealer / Outside In 16:13 7 John Martyn Spencer The Rover 04:43 8 John Martyn Singin' In The Rain 03:03 9 John Martyn Solid Air 02:15 10 John Martyn I'd Rather Be The Devil 06:53
John Martyn View in Albunack Mile End Sundown 26 October 1972 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Intro 00:40 2 John Martyn Outside In 08:31 3 John Martyn May You Never 06:03 4 John Martyn Back To Stay / Cocain / The Glory Of Love 06:58 5 John Martyn A Little Bit Of Love / Easy Blues 04:36 6 John Martyn Bless The Weather 08:24 7 John Martyn Man In The Station 05:30 8 John Martyn Keep On 02:31 9 John Martyn I’d Rather Be The Devil 04:42
John Martyn View in Albunack Milton Keynes 2 October 1982 short 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Make No Mistake 07:37 2 John Martyn Could've Been Me 04:32 3 John Martyn Bad Dreams By The Sea 07:00 4 John Martyn Lookin' On 06:42 5 John Martyn Over The Hill 10:38 6 John Martyn Man In The Station 02:58
John Martyn View in Albunack Milton Keynes Bowl 2 October 1982 13 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Over The Hill 03:31 2 John Martyn Gun Money 04:08 3 John Martyn Hung Up 04:28 4 John Martyn Bad Dreams By The Sea 03:19 5 John Martyn Don’t Want To Know 03:44 6 John Martyn Johnny Too Bad 07:31 7 John Martyn Over The Hill 04:11 8 John Martyn Over The Hill 03:40 9 John Martyn Solid Air 07:01 10 John Martyn Man In The Station 04:10 11 John Martyn Livin’ Alone 04:39 12 John Martyn Hiss On The Tape 02:43 13 John Martyn Johnny Too Bad 07:41
John Martyn View in Albunack Milton Keynes Bowl 2 October 1982 B 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Make No Mistake 03:43 2 John Martyn Gun Money 04:05 3 John Martyn Hung Up 04:23 4 John Martyn Bad Dreams By The Sea 03:08 5 John Martyn Don’t Want To Know 03:49 6 John Martyn Lookin’ On 06:34 7 John Martyn Over The Hill 03:42 8 John Martyn Solid Air 06:55 9 John Martyn Man In The Station 04:06 10 John Martyn Livin’ Alone 04:35 11 John Martyn Hiss On The Tape 02:10 12 John Martyn Johnny Too Bad 07:59
John Martyn View in Albunack Moir Hall Glasgow 13 March 1988 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn One Day Without You 03:40 2 John Martyn Solid Air 05:41 3 John Martyn Big Muff 06:46 4 John Martyn Angeline 04:43 5 John Martyn Sweet Little Mystery 05:05 6 John Martyn The Easy Blues 03:30 7 John Martyn May You Never 05:03 8 John Martyn Johnny Too Bad 06:02 9 John Martyn One World 05:27 10 John Martyn Dealer 06:49
John Martyn View in Albunack Montmatre Copenhagen 23 March 1986 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Serendipity 05:28 2 John Martyn Lookin’ On 06:47 3 John Martyn Outside In 07:40 4 John Martyn John Wayne 08:27 5 John Martyn Love Of Mine 05:12 6 John Martyn One World 07:13 7 John Martyn Fisherman’s Dream 05:04 8 John Martyn Solid Air 08:51 9 John Martyn Big Muff 10:34 10 John Martyn Sweet Little Mystery 06:35
John Martyn View in Albunack Montreux Jazz 18 July 1986 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Mad Dog Days 05:27 2 John Martyn Dealer 06:13 3 John Martyn Outside In 06:02 4 John Martyn Solid Air 06:33 5 John Martyn Lookin’ On 07:01 6 John Martyn Angeline 05:27 7 John Martyn Johnny Too Bad 06:54 8 John Martyn John Wayne 06:33 9 John Martyn Over The Rainbow 04:26
John Martyn View in Albunack Montreux Jazz Festival 18 July 1986 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Mad Dog Days 05:27 2 John Martyn Dealer 06:13 3 John Martyn Outside In 06:02 4 John Martyn Solid Air 06:33 5 John Martyn Lookin’ On 07:01 6 John Martyn Angeline 05:27 7 John Martyn Johnny Too Bad 06:54 8 John Martyn John Wayne 06:33 9 John Martyn Over The Rainbow 04:26
John Martyn View in Albunack Munich 28 November 1983 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn The Easy Blues 02:59 2 John Martyn One Day Without You 03:54 3 John Martyn May You Never 04:07 4 John Martyn Couldn’t Love You More 06:20 5 John Martyn Sweet Little Mystery 05:30 6 John Martyn Dealer / Outside In 12:10 7 John Martyn Lookin’ On 05:42 8 John Martyn One World 05:11 9 John Martyn Solid Air 05:56 10 John Martyn Didn’t Do That 03:01
John Martyn View in Albunack Music Hall Cologne 20 June 1990 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn The Apprentice 04:05 2 John Martyn Send Me One Line 07:01 3 John Martyn John Wayne 13:21 4 John Martyn Deny This Love 05:57 5 John Martyn Angeline 07:03 6 John Martyn Look At That Girl 05:49
John Martyn View in Albunack Music Hall Shrewsbury 22 June 2000 17 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Chat 00:24 2 John Martyn So Sweet 06:03 3 John Martyn Chat 00:36 4 John Martyn She’s A Lover 03:39 5 John Martyn Chat 00:19 6 John Martyn Excuse Me Mister 05:00 7 John Martyn Chat 00:13 8 John Martyn Cry Me A River 05:30 9 John Martyn Yes We Can 04:51 10 John Martyn Wildflower 04:46 11 John Martyn Field Of Play 05:31 12 John Martyn Chat 00:28 13 John Martyn Johnny Too Bad 06:13 14 John Martyn Chat 00:57 15 John Martyn One World 05:55 16 John Martyn Chat 00:14 17 John Martyn Never Let Me Go 03:50
John Martyn View in Albunack New Marlow Theatre Canterbury 14 February 1986 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Could’ve Been Me 04:04 2 John Martyn Solid Air 07:20 3 John Martyn Tight Connection To My Heart 03:37 4 John Martyn Nightline 03:32 5 John Martyn Johnny Too Bad 07:03 6 John Martyn Big Muff 08:34 7 John Martyn Over The Rainbow 04:26 8 John Martyn Serendipity 05:58 9 John Martyn Angeline 05:42
John Martyn View in Albunack New Marlowe Theatre Canterbury 14 February 1986 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Could’ve Been Me 04:58 2 John Martyn Dealer / Outside In 11:28 3 John Martyn John Wayne 06:55 4 John Martyn Love Of Mine 05:34 5 John Martyn Mad Dog Days 05:10 6 John Martyn Fisherman’s Dream 04:58 7 John Martyn Big Muff 08:35 8 John Martyn Over The Rainbow 04:31
John Martyn View in Albunack New Marlowe Theatre Canterbury FM 14 February 1986 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Could've Been Me 04:15 2 John Martyn Solid Air 07:25 3 John Martyn Piece By Piece 05:27 4 John Martyn Nightline 04:36 5 John Martyn Johnny Too Bad 07:29 6 John Martyn Big Muff 08:53 7 John Martyn Over The Rainbow 04:25 8 John Martyn Serendipity 06:05 9 John Martyn Angeline 05:51
John Martyn View in Albunack New Morning Paris 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn The Cure 04:50 2 John Martyn Couldn't Love You More 05:49 3 John Martyn The River 04:32 4 John Martyn Send Me One Line 06:47 5 John Martyn Lookin' On 07:44 6 John Martyn Look At That Girl 05:32 7 John Martyn The Apprentice 04:53 8 John Martyn Johnny Too Badb 05:43 9 John Martyn Fisherman's Dream 05:35 10 John Martyn The Easy Blues 03:03 11 John Martyn May You Never 04:27
John Martyn View in Albunack New Theatre Oxford 9 November 2008 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Cooltide 08:02 2 John Martyn Some People Are Crazy 05:02 3 John Martyn Grace And Danger 06:05 4 John Martyn Rock Salt And Nails 05:49 5 John Martyn Johnny Too Bad 08:16 6 John Martyn Sweet Little Mystery 06:52 7 John Martyn Hurt In Your Heart 08:25 8 John Martyn Baby Please Come Home 05:27 9 John Martyn Save Some (For Me) 06:15 10 John Martyn Our Love 05:10
John Martyn View in Albunack New Theatre Oxford 9 November 2008 A 13 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Chat 01:52 2 John Martyn Don’t Want To Know 04:55 3 John Martyn Chat 03:30 4 John Martyn Grace And Danger 04:58 5 John Martyn Lookin’ On 08:58 6 John Martyn Chat 01:19 7 John Martyn Chat 00:36 8 John Martyn Never Let Me Go 07:51 9 John Martyn Hurt In Your Heart 07:51 10 John Martyn Baby Please Come Home 06:10 11 John Martyn Save Some (For Me) 06:18 12 John Martyn Our Love 05:50 13 John Martyn The Easy Blues 03:31
John Martyn View in Albunack New Theatre Oxford 9 November 2008 B 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Save Some (For Me) 06:18 2 John Martyn Some People Are Crazy 05:02 3 John Martyn Chat 01:08 4 John Martyn Grace And Danger 04:58 5 John Martyn Don’t Want To Know 04:55 6 John Martyn Chat 03:30 7 John Martyn May You Never 04:15 8 John Martyn Sweet Little Mystery 07:11 9 John Martyn Hurt In Your Heart 07:51 10 John Martyn Baby Please Come Home 06:10 11 John Martyn Never Let Me Go 07:51
John Martyn View in Albunack Newcastle 1985 (VPT30) 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn One World 07:49 2 John Martyn Dealer / Outside In 10:43 3 John Martyn Sweet Little Mystery 06:11 4 John Martyn Singin' In The Rain 03:52 5 John Martyn Could’ve Been Me 06:00 6 John Martyn Big Muff 09:35 7 John Martyn John Wayne 01:41 8 John Martyn John Wayne 03:59 9 John Martyn Fisherman's Dream 04:50 10 John Martyn Johnny Too Bad 10:23
John Martyn View in Albunack Newcastle City Hall 4 February 1986 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Soundcheck 06:03 2 John Martyn Sweet Little Mystery 06:13 3 John Martyn Fisherman’s Dream 04:04 4 John Martyn Serendipity 05:40 5 John Martyn Over The Rainbow 04:23 6 John Martyn Over The Hill 06:29 7 John Martyn The Easy Blues 03:53
John Martyn View in Albunack Newcastle Under Lyne 10 April 1992 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Intro 00:19 2 John Martyn The Easy Blues 03:27 3 John Martyn Bless The Weather 06:23 4 John Martyn Make No Mistake 04:33 5 John Martyn Big Muff 09:44 6 John Martyn Couldn’t Love You More 07:52 7 John Martyn Fisherman’s Dream 05:21 8 John Martyn Johnny Too Bad 08:34
John Martyn View in Albunack Nijmegen Netherlands 27 March 1986 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Serendipity 05:58 2 John Martyn Lookin’ On 08:11 3 John Martyn Angeline 05:27 4 John Martyn John Wayne 08:24 5 John Martyn Johnny Too Bad 07:20 6 John Martyn Johnny Too Bad 04:07 7 John Martyn Solid Air 06:42 8 John Martyn Over The Rainbow 06:57 9 John Martyn Tight Connection To My Heart 04:31 10 John Martyn One World 07:00
John Martyn View in Albunack Nijmegen Netherlands 6 February 1985 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Johnny Too Bad 09:09 2 John Martyn Lookin’ On 08:02 3 John Martyn Sweet Little Mystery 05:48 4 John Martyn Root Love 04:24 5 John Martyn Could’ve Been Me 05:00 6 John Martyn Big Muff 09:31 7 John Martyn Solid Air 08:15 8 John Martyn One World 06:48 9 John Martyn John Wayne 07:53 10 John Martyn Fisherman’s Dream 04:30
John Martyn View in Albunack No Little Boy Ruffs 1992 (VPT11) 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Don’t Want To Know 05:15 2 John Martyn Pascanal 04:35 3 John Martyn Sunday's Child 06:50 4 John Martyn Rock Salt And Nails 05:13 5 John Martyn Just Now 05:11 6 John Martyn Bless The Weather 05:36
John Martyn View in Albunack Nottingham University 19 February 1977 Reel 7.5 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Blackman At Your Shoulder 03:54 2 John Martyn One World 05:51 3 John Martyn Outside In 15:03 4 John Martyn Seven Black Roses 04:18 5 John Martyn Bless The Weather 06:25 6 John Martyn Spencer The Rover 04:01 7 John Martyn Dead On Arrival 08:01 8 John Martyn One For The Road 04:57 9 John Martyn Certain Surprise 07:23
John Martyn View in Albunack Nottingham University 19 February 1977 Reel 7.5 A 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 John Martyn Over The Hill 03:30 2 John Martyn One World 05:55 3 John Martyn Outside In 15:16 4 John Martyn Seven Black Roses 04:24 5 John Martyn I’d Rather Be The Devil 11:48 6 John Martyn Spencer The Rover 04:03 7 John Martyn Dead On Arrival 08:13 8 John Martyn One For The Road 04:54 9 John Martyn Certain Surprise 04:35 10 John Martyn Couldn’t Love You More 02:04 11 John Martyn Russian Chat 00:44