Complete Albums constructed from Acoustid data that do not have a corresponding album in MusicBrainz

Popular artists with more than 100 releases

Report created based on data in Acoustid as of 28/01/2025

Found 123977 acoustid albums that do not have a corresponding match in MusicBrainz 500 Acoustid Albums per page.

The report is not continually updated so may not reflect the current data within Acoustid databases.

This shows complete albums constructed from the metadata submitted to Acoustid, but only the majority of the Acoustids are not already linked to MusicBrainz recordings. We filter to only show albums that we have all the tracks for and that have real metadata, and only include albums where we can find a case insensitive match between the album artist and a MusicBrainz artist, to simplify things and filter out some nonsense data. Limitations:Acoustid Data is not of high enough quality to properly handle multi releases and some releases may be listed multiple times due to slight differences in metadata. Acoustid only provides basic metadata, at best this is Album Artist, Album, Track No, Track Title, Track Artist, Year of release, Track Duration (taken directly from linked fingerprint(s)). The data is good for identifying albums by smaller artists, and rare bootleg/live albums by well known artists

*NSAKBAbbaAhmAndAphBADBenBenBibBibBloBobBruCanChaClaCouDavDavDepDieDomEddElvElvEniEriFelFraFreeGenGeoGleGraGraHawHerIKONIroJamJetJohJohJohJohJohJosJulKinLL LedLenLitLucLudMadMarMelMicMogNMBNinOliPatPeaPhaPinPriR.ERayRicRobRoySKEScoSirStaSteT. TanTheTheTheTheTheTomU2VARVARVARVARVARVARVARVarVarVarVarVarVarVarVarVarVarVarVarVarVarVarVarVarVarVarVarVarVarVarVarVarVarVarVarVarVarVarVarVarVarVarVarVarVarVarVarVarVarVarVarVarVarVarVarVarVarVarVarVarVarVarVarVarVarVarVarVarVarVarVarVarVarVarVarVarVarVarVarVarVarVarVarVarVarVarVarVarVarVarVarVarVarVarVarVarVarVarVarVarVarVarVarVarVarVarVarVarVarVarVarVarVarVarVarVarVarVarVarVarVarVarVarVarVarVarVarVarVarVarVarVarVarVarVarVarVarVarVarVinWasWieWolWolZervarすぎやチュー乃木坂古代祐三大野雄二岩崎宏美徳永英明李克勤林憶蓮武満徹田中公平細野晴臣鄧麗君陳慧嫻

Artists on this page

John Dowland (10)John Fahey (4)John Fogerty (6)John Foxx (3)John Grisham (57)John Hiatt (23)John Holt (5)John Lee Hooker (14)John Legend (3)John Lennon (31)John Martyn (343)
Import ReleaseAlbum ArtistView in AlbunackAlbumTrack TotalTracks with MB MatchYearTracks
John DowlandView in AlbunackAwake, Sweet Love211
John DowlandView in AlbunackAwake, Sweet Love - The Music of John Dowland210
John DowlandView in AlbunackDowland - Semper Dowland Semper Dolens (Jose Moreno & Eligio Quinteiro)160
John DowlandView in AlbunackDowland : Lachrimae or Seaven Teares and Fourteen Other Dances100
John DowlandView in AlbunackMusic by John Dowland130
John DowlandView in AlbunackMusic of Love and Friendship172
John DowlandView in AlbunackPaul O'Dette: My favorite Dowland230
John DowlandView in AlbunackSemper Dowland Semper Dolens (Jose Moreno & Eligio Quinteiro)160
John DowlandView in AlbunackShadows130
John DowlandView in AlbunackSorow stay171
John FaheyView in Albunack1977-12-13 The Great Midwestern Louisville KY130
John FaheyView in AlbunackTeatro Cristaalo, Milano, Italy, March 6 1982 180
John FaheyView in AlbunackThe New Possibility: John Fahey's Guitar Soli Christmas Albu2002006
John FaheyView in Albunackhe Jabberwocky Nightclub - Syracuse University - Syracuse, NY 7-15-197280
John FogertyView in AlbunackAtlanta, GA, Cobb Energy Performing Arts Center2702007
John FogertyView in AlbunackComin' Down The Road: The Concert At Royal Albert Hall2612009
John FogertyView in AlbunackLive 12.08.2006170
John FogertyView in AlbunackRock-N-Roll Allstar191
John FogertyView in AlbunackSaratoga Springs, NY July 29, 20181502018
John FogertyView in AlbunackWrote a Song for Everyone [HDTracks] [24/44.1 kHz]1402013
John FoxxView in AlbunackCathedral Oceans Live120
John FoxxView in AlbunackMetamatic Sessions100
John FoxxView in AlbunackThe Golden Section Tour90
John GrishamView in Albunack'The Associate180
John GrishamView in AlbunackA Painted House360
John GrishamView in AlbunackAdvocaat van de Duivel110
John GrishamView in AlbunackAdvocaat van de duivel420
John GrishamView in AlbunackBerufung [CD02]80
John GrishamView in AlbunackBerufung [CD03]80
John GrishamView in AlbunackBerufung [CD04]80
John GrishamView in AlbunackCamino Island140
John GrishamView in AlbunackD02_Theodore Boone-The Accused100
John GrishamView in AlbunackD02_Theodore Boone-The Fugitive130
John GrishamView in AlbunackD04_Rogue Lawyer190
John GrishamView in AlbunackD04_Theodore Boone-The Accused100
John GrishamView in AlbunackD05_Rogue Lawyer190
John GrishamView in AlbunackD07_Rogue Lawyer190
John GrishamView in AlbunackDas Komplott (ungekürzt)1002013
John GrishamView in AlbunackDas Komplott CD02122
John GrishamView in AlbunackDas Komplott CD03133
John GrishamView in AlbunackDas Komplott CD04121
John GrishamView in AlbunackDas Komplott CD05100
John GrishamView in AlbunackDas Komplott CD06111
John GrishamView in AlbunackDas Komplottl100
John GrishamView in AlbunackDer unsichtbare Zeuge110
John GrishamView in AlbunackDie Jury CD01120
John GrishamView in AlbunackDie Jury CD03110
John GrishamView in AlbunackDie Jury CD04110
John GrishamView in AlbunackDie Jury CD05110
John GrishamView in AlbunackDie Jury CD06130
John GrishamView in AlbunackGray Mountain CD02110
John GrishamView in AlbunackGray Mountain CD03110
John GrishamView in AlbunackGray Mountain CD04110
John GrishamView in AlbunackGray Mountain CD05120
John GrishamView in AlbunackGray Mountain CD06110
John GrishamView in AlbunackGray Mountain CD07110
John GrishamView in AlbunackGray Mountain CD08110
John GrishamView in AlbunackGray Mountain CD09110
John GrishamView in AlbunackKing of Torts4802003
John GrishamView in AlbunackPlaying for Pizza - 2 of 6170
John GrishamView in AlbunackPlaying for Pizza - 3 of 6190
John GrishamView in AlbunackPlaying for Pizza - 4 of 6180
John GrishamView in AlbunackPlaying for Pizza - 5 of 6180
John GrishamView in AlbunackPlaying for Pizza - 6 of 6170
John GrishamView in AlbunackThe Associate (unabridged, read by Vincent Marzello)210
John GrishamView in AlbunackThe Confession - A Novel120
John GrishamView in AlbunackThe Last Juror 01220
John GrishamView in AlbunackThe Whisther100
John GrishamView in AlbunackThe Whistler 05100
John GrishamView in AlbunackThe Whistler 0690
John GrishamView in AlbunackThe Whistler 92100
John GrishamView in AlbunackTheo510
John GrishamView in AlbunackTheo Boone - Der unsichtbare Zeuge110
John GrishamView in AlbunackTheo Boone - Der Überfall - CD01 von 0480
John GrishamView in AlbunackTheodore Boone, Kid Lawyer1502010
John GrishamView in AlbunackTheodore Boone, The Abduction110
John GrishamView in AlbunackTheodore Boone, The Accused1002012
John GrishamView in AlbunackTheodore Boone, The Activist1202013
John GrishamView in AlbunackUnbekannter Titel90
John GrishamView in AlbunackUtpressningen180
John HiattView in AlbunackBremen, Schauburg, 10 Oct 1987140
John HiattView in AlbunackBring the Family [DVD Audio Rip 24/96]100
John HiattView in AlbunackFar Gone - Live In U.S.A. ´88130
John HiattView in AlbunackHow Bad's The Coffee?170
John HiattView in AlbunackJohn HIatt - Aarhus, DE 2-17-02140
John HiattView in AlbunackJohn Hiatt - Bremen, GE 10-10-87170
John HiattView in AlbunackJohn Hiatt - Chicago 12-6-90140
John HiattView in AlbunackJohn Hiatt - Cocati, CA 11-20-83160
John HiattView in AlbunackJohn Hiatt - Petaluma, CA 10-15-01160
John HiattView in AlbunackJohn Hiatt - Petaluma, CA 4-18-02190
John HiattView in AlbunackJohn Hiatt - SF 3-27-94150
John HiattView in AlbunackLive At The Alabama, Munich 26 Oct 198790
John HiattView in AlbunackLive Bootleg100
John HiattView in AlbunackLive In Texas 1994150
John HiattView in AlbunackLive In Texas 1994 - 1 of 2150
John HiattView in AlbunackLive In Texas 1994 - 2 of 2140
John HiattView in AlbunackLive at the Bottom Line - Early Show180
John HiattView in AlbunackLive at the Bottom Line - Late Show170
John HiattView in AlbunackLive at the Cotati Cabaret 1983160
John HiattView in AlbunackLive in Switzerland 2003902014
John HiattView in AlbunackPerfectly Good Demos160
John HiattView in AlbunackToBiPhone024490
John HiattView in AlbunackWestwood One81
John HoltView in AlbunackAll Night Long170
John HoltView in AlbunackFrench Trumpet Concertos120
John HoltView in AlbunackJet Star Reggae Max (Part 1)201
John HoltView in AlbunackJet Star Reggae Max - John Holt - Part 1201
John HoltView in AlbunackLet Your Love Flow162
John Lee HookerView in AlbunackBlues In Transition 1955 - 1959223
John Lee HookerView in AlbunackBlues Project John Lee Hooker and The Coast Bl82
John Lee HookerView in AlbunackCompilation 1100
John Lee HookerView in AlbunackHook, Line and Sinker150
John Lee HookerView in AlbunackI Feel Good The Paris Blues Sessions112
John Lee HookerView in AlbunackInterview Disc101
John Lee HookerView in AlbunackJohn Lee Hooker & Friends100
John Lee HookerView in AlbunackJohn Lee Hooker The Best Of John Lee Hooker123
John Lee HookerView in AlbunackJohn Lee Hooker The Blues122
John Lee HookerView in AlbunackLIVE USA61
John Lee HookerView in AlbunackLive + Well80
John Lee HookerView in AlbunackLive Berlin & New York100
John Lee HookerView in AlbunackLive Im NDR-Radiokonzert 14.03.198281
John Lee HookerView in AlbunackSpeciality Profiles John Lee Hooker142
John LegendView in AlbunackLive At The Jazz Cafe1422004
John LegendView in AlbunackLive at the Jazz Cafe Septembe1422004
John LegendView in AlbunackNo Other Love / Can't Be My Lover - Cool Breeze Mixes632009
John LennonView in AlbunackA unique tribute to the musical legend151
John LennonView in AlbunackColorful Arranged Piano Solo Variation On A Thema By John Lennon180
John LennonView in AlbunackHoly Grails & Upgrades. Vol. 1210
John LennonView in AlbunackHoly Grails, Upgrades & Reconstructions Vol.1210
John LennonView in AlbunackImagine - QUAD 8 Track201
John LennonView in AlbunackImagine Apple 2x1 Sided Rough Acetate182
John LennonView in AlbunackImagine [4ch]1012005
John LennonView in AlbunackImagine [HDTracks] [24/96.0 kHz]1001971
John LennonView in AlbunackIn His Own Words110
John LennonView in AlbunackIn My Life CD-3133
John LennonView in AlbunackJOHN LENNON FOREVER~tribute to John~100
John LennonView in AlbunackJohn Lennon - HMC-039240
John LennonView in AlbunackJohn Lennon - Man In The Clouds140
John LennonView in AlbunackJohn Lennon Filming the Fantasies190
John LennonView in AlbunackJohn Lennon a Tribute151
John LennonView in AlbunackLennon Renumbers142
John LennonView in AlbunackLive in Madison Square Garden, New York 30 August 1972101
John LennonView in AlbunackLost Lennon Tapes60
John LennonView in AlbunackNight Ride300
John LennonView in AlbunackOh My Love120
John LennonView in AlbunackRock 'N' Roll Sessions Part 2210
John LennonView in AlbunackS.I.R. John Winston Ono Lennon140
John LennonView in AlbunackStudio Tracks Vol. 6143
John LennonView in AlbunackStudio Tracks Vol..3150
John LennonView in AlbunackStudio Tracks Vol.3150
John LennonView in AlbunackTHIS Is The Truth300
John LennonView in AlbunackThe Complete May Pang Tapes210
John LennonView in AlbunackThe Village Tapes - Last Sessions, Original Release162
John LennonView in AlbunackVibrations120
John LennonView in AlbunackWalls and Bridges (from Quad)120
John LennonView in AlbunackWalls ans Bridges Sessions232
John MartynView in AlbunackAlabamahalle Munich 28 November 198390
John MartynView in AlbunackAncienne Belgique Brussels 22 September 1990 2nd Set110
John MartynView in AlbunackAnd Final Mixes March 199690
John MartynView in AlbunackAnd Mixes March 199660
John MartynView in AlbunackAnd Ruffs 10 March 1996 (VPT09)80
John MartynView in AlbunackAnd Ruffs 1995100
John MartynView in AlbunackAngst70
John MartynView in AlbunackAnna Compilation70
John MartynView in AlbunackAnother World (Bonus Disc)63
John MartynView in AlbunackAnvil Basingstoke 20 June 2001100
John MartynView in AlbunackAnvil Basingstoke 27 April 2004110
John MartynView in AlbunackApollo Theatre Oxford 10 October 1982 (VPT23)100
John MartynView in AlbunackApollo Theatre Oxford 10 October 1982 Mastered (VPT23)160
John MartynView in AlbunackApprentice and Cooltide Early Ruffs 1989100
John MartynView in AlbunackArena St Albans 23 November 2008100
John MartynView in AlbunackArena St Albans 23 November 2008 A100
John MartynView in AlbunackArts Centre Coventry 22 October 198690
John MartynView in AlbunackArts Centre Poole 3 May 1990100
John MartynView in AlbunackArts Centre Southport 17 October 199180
John MartynView in AlbunackAshcroft Theatre Croydon 5 May 200490
John MartynView in AlbunackAssembly Rooms Edinburgh 3 December 198480
John MartynView in AlbunackAssembly Rooms Edinburgh 7 February 1986 A90
John MartynView in AlbunackAuditorio Chiara Trento 7 December 199890
John MartynView in AlbunackBBC 197460
John MartynView in AlbunackBBC In Vision 1973 to1981160
John MartynView in AlbunackBBC Old Grey Whistle Test Collegiate Theatre 10 January 1978100
John MartynView in AlbunackBBC Radio 1 In Concert 9 March 1971200
John MartynView in AlbunackBBC Radio 1 In Concert 9 March 1971 Cleaned200
John MartynView in AlbunackBBC Radio 2 2 May 200670
John MartynView in AlbunackBBC Radio 2 Folk Awards Rehearsals 3 February 200890
John MartynView in AlbunackBBC Radio 2 Tribute 25 February 2009150
John MartynView in AlbunackBBC Radio 3 Andy Kershaw 21 May 2006 A70
John MartynView in AlbunackBBC Radio 4 Last Word 30 January 2009120
John MartynView in AlbunackBBC Radio In Concert London 9 March 197190
John MartynView in AlbunackBBC Radio Kershaw 21 May 200690
John MartynView in AlbunackBBC Radio Saturday Sequence 14 April 1990 A70
John MartynView in AlbunackBBC Rock Goes To College 20 October 1978120
John MartynView in AlbunackBBC Rock Goes To College 20 October 1978 GH70
John MartynView in AlbunackBBC Rock Goes To College 25 February 198160
John MartynView in AlbunackBBC Sessions VPT26110
John MartynView in AlbunackBBC Sounds Of The Seventies 10 December 1973 GH Cleaned150
John MartynView in AlbunackBangor University 22 October 198390
John MartynView in AlbunackBanhof Paderborn 16 December 1990100
John MartynView in AlbunackBannockburn Stirling 198680
John MartynView in AlbunackBarbican London 10 November 2008100
John MartynView in AlbunackBarbican Theatre London 11 September 200680
John MartynView in AlbunackBarrymore's Music Hall Ottawa 17 May 1983 A100
John MartynView in AlbunackBierkeller Bristol 1 April 199890
John MartynView in AlbunackBierkeller Bristol 1 April 1998 (VPT21)90
John MartynView in AlbunackBierkeller Bristol 1 April 1998 cleaned (VPT21)90
John MartynView in AlbunackBirmingham Odeon 25 November 1984 A Cleaned120
John MartynView in AlbunackBlackheath Halls London 13 February 199670
John MartynView in AlbunackBochum Zeche 21 April 198890
John MartynView in AlbunackBochum Zeche 21 April 1988 A80
John MartynView in AlbunackBrewery Arts Kendall 23 May 199470
John MartynView in AlbunackBrighton 15 May 198980
John MartynView in AlbunackBrighton Dome 21 October 1982 A140
John MartynView in AlbunackBrighton Dome 22 May 198180
John MartynView in AlbunackBrighton Dome 26 November 198470
John MartynView in AlbunackCambridge Folk Festival 2 August 198680
John MartynView in AlbunackCambridge Folk Festival 27 July 1985100
John MartynView in AlbunackCambridge Folk Festival 27 July 1985 A100
John MartynView in AlbunackCambridge Folk Festival 27 July 1985 BBC Broadcast90
John MartynView in AlbunackCambridge Folk Festival 28 July 198560
John MartynView in AlbunackCamden Palace London 23 November 1984100
John MartynView in AlbunackCamden Palace Theatre London 23 November 198490
John MartynView in AlbunackCampbells Tavern Headford 10 July 2004110
John MartynView in AlbunackCapital Radio Regent's Park 11 June 197890
John MartynView in AlbunackCardiff University 16 October 198290
John MartynView in AlbunackCardiff University 18 April 1983110
John MartynView in AlbunackCarling Acadeny Glasgow 17 November 200480
John MartynView in AlbunackCarrolls Bar Thomastown 29 August 199990
John MartynView in AlbunackCity Hall Hull 6 February 198680
John MartynView in AlbunackCity Hall Newcastle 4 February 1986 C130
John MartynView in AlbunackCivic Hall Guildford 19 June 200080
John MartynView in AlbunackCivic Hall Guildford 20 February 200170
John MartynView in AlbunackCivic Hall Guildford 20 February 2001 Full90
John MartynView in AlbunackClassics Live123
John MartynView in AlbunackClub 7 Oslo Norway 31 January 198590
John MartynView in AlbunackClub 7 Oslo Norway 31 January 1985 Cleaned90
John MartynView in AlbunackCologne WDR Grosser Sendesaal 11 June 198380
John MartynView in AlbunackCologne WDR Grosser Sendesaal 11 June 1983 A130
John MartynView in AlbunackCologne WDR Grosser Sendesaal 11 June 1983 B160
John MartynView in AlbunackCologne WDR Grosser Sendesaal 11 June 1983 C90
John MartynView in AlbunackColston Hall Bristol 1 May 2004100
John MartynView in AlbunackColston Hall Bristol 17 October 1982 (VPT18)110
John MartynView in AlbunackColston Hall Bristol 17 October 1982 Mastered (VPT18)150
John MartynView in AlbunackColston Hall Bristol 21 May 2005110
John MartynView in AlbunackColston Hall Bristol 3 November 198170
John MartynView in AlbunackComp80
John MartynView in AlbunackCompilation 1110
John MartynView in AlbunackCompilation 1070
John MartynView in AlbunackCompilation 11110
John MartynView in AlbunackCompilation 1280
John MartynView in AlbunackCompilation 1370
John MartynView in AlbunackCompilation 14110
John MartynView in AlbunackCompilation 1580
John MartynView in AlbunackCompilation 17100
John MartynView in AlbunackCompilation 270
John MartynView in AlbunackCompilation 390
John MartynView in AlbunackCompilation 4100
John MartynView in AlbunackCompilation 5140
John MartynView in AlbunackCompilation 680
John MartynView in AlbunackCompilation 760
John MartynView in AlbunackCompilation 8112
John MartynView in AlbunackCompilation 980
John MartynView in AlbunackConnollys Of Leap 7 November 2003100
John MartynView in AlbunackConnollys Of Leap 8 November 200390
John MartynView in AlbunackCooltide Cava 1991 Final Mixes Sez90
John MartynView in AlbunackCooltide Cava 1991 Final Mixes?90
John MartynView in AlbunackCorn Exchange Cambridge 9 June 200180
John MartynView in AlbunackCorn Exchange Kings Lynn 15 June 2001180
John MartynView in AlbunackCorn Exchange Kings Lynn 15 June 2001 A180
John MartynView in AlbunackCottiers Theatre Glasgow 4 May 199760
John MartynView in AlbunackCropredy 14 August 1987100
John MartynView in AlbunackCropredy Festival 11 August 200670
John MartynView in AlbunackCropredy Festival 11 August 2006 A70
John MartynView in AlbunackCropredy Festival 11 August 2006 B70
John MartynView in AlbunackCropredy Festival 11 August 2006 C70
John MartynView in AlbunackCropredy Festival 14 August 1987100
John MartynView in AlbunackCropredy Festival 14 August 1987 Aud Cleaned130
John MartynView in AlbunackCrucible Sheffield 10 June 199080
John MartynView in AlbunackCrucible Theatre Sheffield 10 June 1990110
John MartynView in AlbunackDallas Brooks Hall Melbourne 19 July 197860
John MartynView in AlbunackDallas Brooks Hall Melbourne 19 July 1978 Cleaned60
John MartynView in AlbunackDe Montfort Hall Leicester 13 June 2001100
John MartynView in AlbunackDominion Theatre FM 25 May 1981100
John MartynView in AlbunackDominion Theatre London 14 November 198460
John MartynView in AlbunackDominion Theatre London 15 November 198460
John MartynView in AlbunackDominion Theatre London 15 November 1984 Cleaned60
John MartynView in AlbunackDominion Theatre London 25 May 1981110
John MartynView in AlbunackDominion Theatre London 25 May 1981 A100
John MartynView in AlbunackDominion Theatre London 25 May 1981 Cleaned110
John MartynView in AlbunackDominion Theatre London 27 September 1990100
John MartynView in AlbunackDominium Theatre London 15 November 198490
John MartynView in AlbunackDominium Theatre London 15 November 1984 Cleaned90
John MartynView in AlbunackDragheda Ireland 8 October 198380
John MartynView in AlbunackDream Away The Day60
John MartynView in AlbunackDublin 26 May 1981 (VPT04)130
John MartynView in AlbunackDunelm House Durham University 7 November 198560
John MartynView in AlbunackDurham University Dunhelm House 7 November 198560
John MartynView in AlbunackEdinburgh Assembly Rooms 7 February 1986110
John MartynView in AlbunackEdinburgh Playhouse 29 September 198290
John MartynView in AlbunackEdinburgh Playhouse 29 September 1982 A90
John MartynView in AlbunackElectric Live 198390
John MartynView in AlbunackElephant Fayre 27 July 1984110
John MartynView in AlbunackElephant Fayre 29 July 1984110
John MartynView in AlbunackElmwood Hall Belfast 29 October 1999100
John MartynView in AlbunackEmpire Liverpool 17 September 198790
John MartynView in AlbunackEmpire Music Hall Belfast 16 November 1997130
John MartynView in AlbunackEmpire Music Hall Belfast 16 November 1997 A130
John MartynView in AlbunackEssex University 12 February 1977120
John MartynView in AlbunackEssex University 12 February 1977 Full150
John MartynView in AlbunackEssex University 12 February 1977 Full CLEANED150
John MartynView in AlbunackFabrik Hamburg 14 December 1990100
John MartynView in AlbunackFabrik Hamburg 22 June 1990110
John MartynView in AlbunackFabrik Hamburg 23 April 198670
John MartynView in AlbunackFabrik Hamburg 9 April 199360
John MartynView in AlbunackFabrik Hamburg Radio 14 December 199070
John MartynView in AlbunackFairfield Halls Croydon 30 May 2007150
John MartynView in AlbunackFairfield Halls Croydon 5 June 198590
John MartynView in AlbunackFerry Carrick Hotel Wexford 14 November 199990
John MartynView in AlbunackFesthalle Heinsberg 9 June 1983 A130
John MartynView in AlbunackFife Aid 2 24 July 198860
John MartynView in AlbunackFife Aid St.Andrews 24 July 1988 Part100
John MartynView in AlbunackFleadh London 16 June 200160
John MartynView in AlbunackFlexi Recklinghausen Germany 18 December 198680
John MartynView in AlbunackFoundations (Video Audio)121
John MartynView in AlbunackFree Trade Hall Manchester 12 November 198480
John MartynView in AlbunackFront Page Carlisle 5 April 1996 (VPT22)62
John MartynView in AlbunackGaiety Theatre Ayr 27 June 2000130
John MartynView in AlbunackGaiety Theatre Ayr 27 June 200060
John MartynView in AlbunackGala Fairydean Galashiels 15 July 198480
John MartynView in AlbunackGarrison Theatre Lerwick 12 August 1980113
John MartynView in AlbunackGeorge Square Theatre Edinburgh 11 March 198880
John MartynView in AlbunackGlasgow City Hall 10 November 198080
John MartynView in AlbunackGlasgow City Halls 10 November 1980 A110
John MartynView in AlbunackGlasgow Pavilion 26 October 1981150
John MartynView in AlbunackGlasgow Pavilion 3 February 1986100
John MartynView in AlbunackGlasgow Pavilion 9 February 198680
John MartynView in AlbunackGlasgow Pavillion 27 September 1982150
John MartynView in AlbunackGlasgow Walker Unmastered Unconfirmed Order 1999101
John MartynView in AlbunackGlastonbury Festival 21 June 198670
John MartynView in AlbunackGlastonbury Festival 24 June 198490
John MartynView in AlbunackGlorious Fool Ruffs 1980 (VPT32)90
John MartynView in AlbunackGlsagow Walker Ruffs Backing Tracks 1998 (VPT28)70
John MartynView in AlbunackGorizia May 197970
John MartynView in AlbunackGorizia May 1979 Cleaned70
John MartynView in AlbunackGosport Festival 29 July 1996100
John MartynView in AlbunackGrace & Danger (Unreleased Outtakes)131
John MartynView in AlbunackGrace And Danger Final Mix Ruffs70
John MartynView in AlbunackGrace And Danger Final Mixes 1979110
John MartynView in AlbunackGrace And Danger Ruffs 1979 (VPT33)180
John MartynView in AlbunackGrand Opera House York 18 November 2004130
John MartynView in AlbunackGrand Theatre Wolverhampton 4 June 198560
John MartynView in AlbunackGuildford University 18 November 197760
John MartynView in AlbunackGuildford University 18 November 1977 cleaned70
John MartynView in AlbunackHalf Moon Putney 18 August 199280
John MartynView in AlbunackHalf Moon Putney 198690
John MartynView in AlbunackHalf Moon Putney 27 November 1979120
John MartynView in AlbunackHalf Moon Putney 27 November 1979 A120
John MartynView in AlbunackHammersmith Odeon 1 November 198190
John MartynView in AlbunackHammersmith Odeon 1 November 1981 Cleaned90
John MartynView in AlbunackHammersmith Odeon 22 October 1982130
John MartynView in AlbunackHammersmith Odeon FM 2 March 198680
John MartynView in AlbunackHammersmith Odeon Radio London 2 March 198690
John MartynView in AlbunackHanging Lamp Club Richmond 8 May 197290
John MartynView in AlbunackHanging Lamp Club Richmond 8 May 1972 GH90
John MartynView in AlbunackHardiman House Hotel Liverpool 5 June 198970
John MartynView in AlbunackHardiman House Liverpool 5 June 198970
John MartynView in AlbunackHardiman House Liverpool 5 June 1989 Full100
John MartynView in AlbunackHattingen 15 October 1989130
John MartynView in AlbunackHattingen 15 October 1989 A90
John MartynView in AlbunackHeineken Festival Brighton 23 August 1991100
John MartynView in AlbunackHeinsberg 9 June 1983130
John MartynView in AlbunackHenry Afrika Glasgow 9 November 1983140
John MartynView in AlbunackHenry Afrikas Glasgow 9 November 198380
John MartynView in AlbunackHenry Afrikas Glasgow 9 November 1983 B80
John MartynView in AlbunackHexagon Theatre Reading 3 June 200080
John MartynView in AlbunackHunky Dory Detmold 19 April 198870
John MartynView in AlbunackHunky Dory Detmold 19 April 1988 A60
John MartynView in AlbunackHuntingdon Hall Worcester 14 June 2000100
John MartynView in AlbunackISLHD3004868 Sapphire100
John MartynView in AlbunackISLMC3000015 Leeds90
John MartynView in AlbunackISLMC3004582 Solid Air110
John MartynView in AlbunackISLMC3004590 Grace And Danger100
John MartynView in AlbunackISLMC3004666 Leeds80
John MartynView in AlbunackISLMC3004672 Piece By Piece150
John MartynView in AlbunackISLMC3004675 Montreux120
John MartynView in AlbunackISLQC3004760 Town Country 13 November 1986150
John MartynView in AlbunackISLQC3004762 Town Country 12 November 1986 Pt260
John MartynView in AlbunackISLQC3004763 Town Country 13 November 1986130
John MartynView in AlbunackISLQC3004764 Town Country 13 November 1986 Pt2100
John MartynView in AlbunackImperial College London 16 March 197470
John MartynView in AlbunackImperial College London 16 March 1974 A120
John MartynView in AlbunackImperial College London 16 March 1974 A Cleaned120
John MartynView in AlbunackIn Vision130
John MartynView in AlbunackInside Out Ruffs 197360
John MartynView in AlbunackIrish Centre Leeds 30 April 1997100
John MartynView in AlbunackJM In The Studio100
John MartynView in AlbunackJM Trio Ruffs 1997 (VPT31)60
John MartynView in AlbunackJazz Cafe London 24 January 2001120
John MartynView in AlbunackJazz Cafe London 24 January 2001 Part60
John MartynView in AlbunackJazz Cafe London 25 January 200190
John MartynView in AlbunackJazz Cafe London 25 October 199790
John MartynView in AlbunackJohn Martyn In Vision 1973-81 (VPT63
John MartynView in AlbunackJubilee Gardens London 2 June 198570
John MartynView in AlbunackJuly Wakes 25 July 1976100
John MartynView in AlbunackJuly Wakes Chorley 25 July 1976120
John MartynView in AlbunackJuly Wakes Chorley 25 July 1976 (VPT)90
John MartynView in AlbunackJuly Wakes Chorley 25 July 1976 A140
John MartynView in AlbunackJunction Cambridge 29 March 1998 (VPT10)60
John MartynView in AlbunackJunction Cambridge 29 March 1998 cleaned mono (VPT10)100
John MartynView in AlbunackJux Tap La Spezia 24 May 2000100
John MartynView in AlbunackKCRW Santa Monica 20 June 199870
John MartynView in AlbunackKeele University 12 November 1984100
John MartynView in AlbunackKenny's Castaways New York 18 June 197760
John MartynView in AlbunackKenny's Castaways New York 18 June 1977 Perhaps100
John MartynView in AlbunackKennys Castaways New York 19 June 1977 A121
John MartynView in AlbunackKennys Castaways New York 19 June 1977 B80
John MartynView in AlbunackKennys Castaways New York 19 June 1977 C140
John MartynView in AlbunackKennys Castaways New York 20 June 1977110
John MartynView in AlbunackKirk Gallery Sydney July 1977151
John MartynView in AlbunackLP Demo November 197681
John MartynView in AlbunackLeas Cliff Halls Folkestone 24 May 199090
John MartynView in AlbunackLeas Cliffe Hall Folkestone 28 March 1988130
John MartynView in AlbunackLeas Cliffe Hall Folkestone April 1989140
John MartynView in AlbunackLeeds Folk Festival 10 September 1983110
John MartynView in AlbunackLeeds Irish Centre 30 September 1987100
John MartynView in AlbunackLeeds Town Hall 5 February 1986100
John MartynView in AlbunackLeeds University 26 November 1977140
John MartynView in AlbunackLeeds University 26 November 1977 Cleaned A130
John MartynView in AlbunackLeeds University 29 October 1980100
John MartynView in AlbunackLemon Tree Aberdeen 29 June 2000110
John MartynView in AlbunackLes Cousins London June 196870
John MartynView in AlbunackLes Cousins London June 1968 Cleaned70
John MartynView in AlbunackLiquorice Benefit Nottingham 29 October 1976 A70
John MartynView in AlbunackLiquorice Benefit Nottingham 29 October 1976 Restored70
John MartynView in AlbunackLiquorice Nottingham 29 October 1976110
John MartynView in AlbunackLive (Shaw Theatre)121
John MartynView in AlbunackLive At Leeds Deluxe 5+1 Mix 282
John MartynView in AlbunackLive At Shaw Theatre81
John MartynView in AlbunackLive At The Shaw Theatre123
John MartynView in AlbunackLive Electric 198370
John MartynView in AlbunackLive In Nottingham 1976 First Edit VPT60
John MartynView in AlbunackLive In Nottingham 1976 Second Edit VPT120
John MartynView in AlbunackLive In Nottingham 1976 Third Edit VPT110
John MartynView in AlbunackLive Station Dortmund 10 December 1990100
John MartynView in AlbunackLive at Leeds (Deluxe Edition)82
John MartynView in AlbunackLive at the Cambridge Folk Festival90
John MartynView in AlbunackLive in Concert at the Cambridge Folk Festival90
John MartynView in AlbunackLive in London90
John MartynView in AlbunackLive in Nottingham 76120
John MartynView in AlbunackLogo Hamburg 14 April 1988110
John MartynView in AlbunackLogo Hamburg 14 April 1988 A100
John MartynView in AlbunackLondon Palladium 3 March 1986100
John MartynView in AlbunackLondon Palladium 3 March 1986 (VPT15)80
John MartynView in AlbunackLondon Palladium 3 March 1986 Part80
John MartynView in AlbunackLowry Salford 16 November 2008 A100
John MartynView in AlbunackLowry Salford 16 November 2008 B120
John MartynView in AlbunackLowry Salford 16 November 2008 C80
John MartynView in AlbunackLuxor Cologne 15 December 1986110
John MartynView in AlbunackLuxor Cologne 17 April 1988120
John MartynView in AlbunackLuxor Cologne 18 December 199080
John MartynView in AlbunackMagic Bag Cafe Michigan 1 September 199390
John MartynView in AlbunackMaidenhead Grammar School 12 May 1972 VPT130
John MartynView in AlbunackMaidenhead Grammar School 14 May 197280
John MartynView in AlbunackMaidenhead Grammar School 14 May 1972 Panning Treated80
John MartynView in AlbunackMarkhalle Hamburg 11 December 198690
John MartynView in AlbunackMarkthalle Hamburg 11 December 1986100
John MartynView in AlbunackMartletts Hall Burgess Hill 16 February 200190
John MartynView in AlbunackMcCabes Santa Monica 24 September 199390
John MartynView in AlbunackMcGorys Culdaff 8 July 200470
John MartynView in AlbunackMean Fiddler London 5 July 1999 A60
John MartynView in AlbunackMilan 19 November 198370
John MartynView in AlbunackMilan 25 May 1979100
John MartynView in AlbunackMile End Sundown 26 October 197290
John MartynView in AlbunackMilton Keynes 2 October 1982 short60
John MartynView in AlbunackMilton Keynes Bowl 2 October 1982130
John MartynView in AlbunackMilton Keynes Bowl 2 October 1982 B120
John MartynView in AlbunackMoir Hall Glasgow 13 March 1988100
John MartynView in AlbunackMontmatre Copenhagen 23 March 1986100
John MartynView in AlbunackMontreux Jazz 18 July 198690
John MartynView in AlbunackMontreux Jazz Festival 18 July 198690
John MartynView in AlbunackMunich 28 November 1983100
John MartynView in AlbunackMusic Hall Cologne 20 June 199060
John MartynView in AlbunackMusic Hall Shrewsbury 22 June 2000170
John MartynView in AlbunackNew Marlow Theatre Canterbury 14 February 198690
John MartynView in AlbunackNew Marlowe Theatre Canterbury 14 February 198680
John MartynView in AlbunackNew Marlowe Theatre Canterbury FM 14 February 198690
John MartynView in AlbunackNew Morning Paris110
John MartynView in AlbunackNew Theatre Oxford 9 November 2008100
John MartynView in AlbunackNew Theatre Oxford 9 November 2008 A130
John MartynView in AlbunackNew Theatre Oxford 9 November 2008 B110
John MartynView in AlbunackNewcastle 1985 (VPT30)100
John MartynView in AlbunackNewcastle City Hall 4 February 198670
John MartynView in AlbunackNewcastle Under Lyne 10 April 199280
John MartynView in AlbunackNijmegen Netherlands 27 March 1986100
John MartynView in AlbunackNijmegen Netherlands 6 February 1985100
John MartynView in AlbunackNo Little Boy Ruffs 1992 (VPT11)60
John MartynView in AlbunackNottingham University 19 February 1977 Reel 7.590
John MartynView in AlbunackNottingham University 19 February 1977 Reel 7.5 A110