The report is not continually updated so may not reflect the current data within Acoustid databases.
This shows complete albums constructed from the metadata submitted to Acoustid, but only the majority of the Acoustids are not already linked to MusicBrainz recordings. We filter to only show albums that we have all the tracks for and that have real metadata, and only include albums where we can find a case insensitive match between the album artist and a MusicBrainz artist, to simplify things and filter out some nonsense data. Limitations:Acoustid Data is not of high enough quality to properly handle multi releases and some releases may be listed multiple times due to slight differences in metadata. Acoustid only provides basic metadata, at best this is Album Artist, Album, Track No, Track Title, Track Artist, Year of release, Track Duration (taken directly from linked fingerprint(s)). The data is good for identifying albums by smaller artists, and rare bootleg/live albums by well known artists
Search Free Heartbreaker [Japan Bonus Tracks] 14 0 1973 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Free Wishing Well 03:43 2 Free Come Together in the Morning 04:42 3 Free Travellin' In Style 04:01 4 Free Heartbreaker 06:14 5 Free Muddy Water 04:17 6 Free Common Mortal Man 04:09 7 Free Easy on My Soul 03:46 8 Free Seven Angels 05:12 9 Free Wishing Well 03:41 10 Free Let Me Show You 03:04 11 Free Muddy Water 04:20 12 Free Hand Me Down/Turn Me Round 03:00 13 Free Heartbreaker 05:43 14 Free Easy on My Soul 08:40
Search Free Highway [Japan Bonus Tracks] 15 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Free Highway Song 04:17 2 Free Stealer 03:17 3 Free On My Way 04:02 4 Free Be My Friend 05:49 5 Free Sunny Day 03:09 6 Free Ride on a Pony 04:19 7 Free Love You So 04:55 8 Free Bodie 03:06 9 Free Soon I Will Be Gone 03:10 10 Free My Brother Jake 02:51 11 Free Only My Soul 02:30 12 Free Ride on a Pony 04:30 13 Free Be My Friend 05:36 14 Free Rain 03:56 15 Free Stealer 03:22
Search Free Isle Of Wight 1970-1969-BBC 16 2 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Free Intro/Ride On Pony 05:53 2 Free Woman 05:09 3 Free The Stealer 05:08 Has Mbid 4 Free Be My Friend 05:09 5 Free Mr.Big 05:53 6 Free Fire and Water 03:45 7 Free I'm A Mover 04:03 8 Free The Hunter 05:36 9 Free All Right Now 05:46 Has Mbid 10 Free Crossroads 05:46 11 Free The Hunter 03:18 12 Free Trouble on Double Time 02:29 13 Free Waiting on You 02:13 14 Free Broad Daylight 03:18 15 Free All Right Now 05:28 16 Free I'll Be Creepin' 04:21
Search Free Jake The Ripper 14 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Free The Stealer 04:15 2 Free The Stealer 04:22 3 Free Woman 06:47 4 Free Ride On A Pony 04:25 5 Free Walk In The Shadow 04:29 6 Free Moonshine 08:25 7 Free Song Of Yesterday 04:34 8 Free All Right Now (Spot) 00:29 9 Free All Right Now 07:43 10 Free Seven Angels 05:27 11 Free Heartbreaker 06:34 12 Free Travelling In Style 04:02 13 Free Come Together In The Morning 03:43 14 Free The Stealer (full-length version) 04:27
Search Free Live At Bracknell Sports Centre 14 October 1972 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Free Heartbreaker 06:22 2 Free I'm On The Run 05:43 3 Free Soldier Boy 03:10 4 Free Child 06:23 5 Free Every Day I Have The Blues 08:30 6 Free Come Together In The Morning 05:46 7 Free Wishing Well 05:41 8 Free Seven Angels 04:55 9 Free Fire & Water 04:29 10 Free All Right Now 06:01 11 Free The Hunter 05:03
Search Free Live At Electric Circus 13 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Free Walking In My Shadow 06:34 2 Free Songs Of Yesterday 05:56 3 Free Remember 05:01 4 Free Mr. Big 03:23 5 Free I’m A Mover 03:39 6 Free I’ll Be Creepin’ 05:07 7 Free Don’t Say You Love Me 07:32 8 Free Woman 04:12 9 Free Songs Of Yesterday 05:29 10 Free Oh I Wept 05:16 11 Free Mr. Big 05:33 12 Free Moonshine 09:00 13 Free It’s Mean Old World 06:15
Search Free Live At The Isle Of Wight 1970 15 2 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Free Ride On A Pony 04:46 2 Free Woman 04:27 3 Free The Stealer 04:07 4 Free Be My Friend 05:02 Has Mbid 5 Free Mr. Big 05:53 6 Free Fire And Water 03:46 7 Free I'm A Mover 03:34 Has Mbid 8 Free The Hunter 05:18 9 Free All Right Now 05:15 10 Free Crossroads 05:31 11 Free Songs Of Yesterday 05:18 12 Free Walk In My Shadow (Bonus Track) 06:20 13 Free I'll Be Creepin' (Bonus Track) 05:02 14 Free Remember (Bonus Track) 04:58 15 Free Mean Old World 06:13
Search Free Live In Stockholm (Dec 12th, 1970) ; 320kbps 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Free トラック01 04:10 2 Free トラック02 04:25 3 Free トラック03 05:07 4 Free トラック04 06:14 5 Free トラック05 04:50 6 Free トラック06 05:47 7 Free トラック07 05:19 8 Free トラック08 06:12 9 Free トラック09 07:06
Search Free Live In Stockholm 1970 14 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Free The Stealer 04:06 2 Free Fire And Water 04:26 3 Free Ride On Pony 05:12 4 Free Heavy Load 06:16 5 Free Woman 04:49 6 Free I Lve You So 06:00 7 Free Be My Friend 06:11 8 Free Mr.Big 07:12 9 Free All Right Now 04:58 10 Free Ride A Pony 04:19 11 Free Mr.Big 05:59 12 Free Songs Of Yesterday 04:55 13 Free I'll Be Creepin' 04:26 14 Free All Right Now 05:03
Search Free Live and Rehearsals at Far East 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Free Seven Angels 05:34 2 Free Fire and Water 04:34 3 Free Heartbreaker 05:31 4 Free Lady 04:43 5 Free I'm On The Run 06:05 6 Free Easy On My Soul 08:29 7 Free Seven Angels 05:41 8 Free Unseen Love 04:24 9 Free Fire and Water 03:21 10 Free Heartbreaker 06:03 11 Free Honky Tonk Women 04:51 12 Free All Right Now 04:25
Search Free Live in Stockholm Dezember 1970 14 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Free The Stealer 04:06 2 Free Fire And Water 04:26 3 Free Ride On Pony 05:12 4 Free Heavy Load 06:16 5 Free Woman 04:49 6 Free I Love You So 06:00 7 Free Be My Friend 06:11 8 Free Mr. Big 07:12 9 Free All Right Now 04:58 10 Free Ride On A Pony (Bonus) 04:22 11 Free Mr. Big (Bonus) 06:01 12 Free Songs Of Yesterday (Bonus) 04:57 13 Free I'll Be Creeping (Bonus) 04:24 14 Free All Right Now (Bonus) 05:03
Search Free Liverpool 1971 15 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Free The Stealer 05:08 2 Free Be My Friend 05:50 3 Free Ride On A Pony 04:23 4 Free Woman 04:05 5 Free I Love You So 04:40 6 Free All Right Now 04:55 7 Free Heavy Load 04:00 8 Free Fire And Water 05:30 9 Free The Highway Song 04:22 10 Free My Brother Jake 02:58 11 Free Soon I Will Be Gone 03:33 12 Free Mr. Big 06:42 13 Free The Hunter 05:48 14 Free Rock Me 04:46 15 Free Crossroads 05:16
Search Free Made In England 16 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Free Ridin' On A Pony 05:46 2 Free Fire And Water 04:37 3 Free Soldier Boy 03:20 4 Free Little Bit Of Love 04:08 5 Free My Brother Jake 03:07 6 Free Mr Big 07:27 7 Free Catch A Train 03:55 8 Free I'm A Mover 04:45 9 Free Travellin' Man 03:46 10 Free The Hunter 05:39 11 Free All Right Now 05:10 12 Free Crossroads 06:43 13 Free Lady 04:22 14 Free Highway Song 05:29 15 Free Hold On 05:18 16 Free Heavy Load 05:37
Search Free Paris, France 01-04-69 15 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Free The Hunter 05:11 2 Free Rock Me Baby 06:04 3 Free Free Me 07:04 4 Free Remember 04:16 5 Free Intro 00:25 6 Free Walk in My Shadow 05:14 7 Free Mean Old World 06:29 8 Free Sugar for Mr. Morrison 04:39 9 Free Waiting on You 05:46 10 Free Let Me Love You Baby 06:19 11 Free Over the Green Hills 04:32 12 Free Trouble On Double Time 03:14 13 Free I'm A Mover 03:15 14 Free Blues 06:17 15 Free Songs Of Yesterday 04:21
Search Free Patrick's World (Live At Patrick's World. Feb 19th 1971) ; 320kbps 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Free トラック01 05:27 2 Free トラック02 02:56 3 Free トラック03 04:02 4 Free トラック04 02:52 5 Free トラック05 04:51 6 Free トラック06 08:15 7 Free トラック07 03:43 8 Free トラック08 04:44 9 Free トラック09 04:55
Search Free Patrick's World (Live At Patrick's Worlkd. Feb 19th 1971) 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Free トラック01 05:27 2 Free トラック02 02:56 3 Free トラック03 04:02 4 Free トラック04 02:52 5 Free トラック05 04:51 6 Free トラック06 08:15 7 Free トラック07 03:43 8 Free トラック08 04:44 9 Free トラック09 04:55
Search Free Peace Make Heartbreaker 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Free Unknown Song (Fort Worth Texas 19-01-1973) 04:16 2 Free Wishing Well (Fort Worth Texas 19-01-1973) 04:17 3 Free Come Together In The Morning (Fort Worth Texas 19-01-1973) 06:40 4 Free Fire And Water (Fort Worth Texas 19-01-1973) 04:01 5 Free Soldier Boy (Fort Worth Texas 19-01-1973) 04:43 6 Free Soon I Will Be Gone (Fort Worth Texas 19-01-1973) 06:44 7 Free Heartbreaker (Fort Worth Texas 19-01-1973) 07:58 8 Free All Right Now (Fort Worth Texas 19-01-1973) 05:58 9 Free Crossroads (Fort Worth Texas 19-01-1973) 06:59 10 Free Heartbreaker (Fort Worth Texas 19-01-1973) 06:21 11 Free Like Water (Peace Live at The BBC 22-12-1971) 05:02 12 Free Seven Angels (Peace Live at The BBC 22-12-1971) 05:30
Search Free Radio Free 13 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Free The Stealer 04:09 2 Free Fire and Water 04:23 3 Free Ride on a Pony 05:08 4 Free Heavy Load 06:12 5 Free Woman 04:50 6 Free Love You So 05:48 7 Free All Right Now 05:14 8 Free Be My Friend 06:06 9 Free Mr. Big 07:05 10 Free All Right Now 05:27 11 Free The Stealer 03:09 12 Free Little Bit of Love 02:36 13 Free Travelling in Style 04:02
Search Free Radiohuset - Stockholm, Sweden - 12/12/70 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Free The Stealer 04:10 2 Free Fire And Water 04:24 3 Free Ride On A Pony 05:07 4 Free Heavy Load 06:14 5 Free Woman 04:50 6 Free Love You So 05:48 7 Free All Right Now 05:19 8 Free Be My Friend 06:12
Search Free Radiohuset – Stockholm, Sw-1970-12-12 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Free The Stealer 03:59 2 Free Fire & Water 04:18 3 Free Ride On Pony 05:06 4 Free Heavy Load 06:33 5 Free Woman 04:50 6 Free Love You So 05:54 7 Free Be My Friend 06:31 8 Free Mr Big 07:01 9 Free Allright Now 05:07
Search Free Randwick 1971 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Free The Stealer 03:44 2 Free I'm A Mover 03:35 3 Free Be My Friend 05:48 4 Free Fire and Water 04:04 5 Free Heavy Load 06:59 6 Free The Highway Song 05:10 7 Free Mr. Big 07:10 8 Free All Right Now 05:41 9 Free Ride On Pony 05:11
Search Free Revenge Of Heartbreaker 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Free Heartbreaker 07:00 2 Free I'm On The Run 05:50 3 Free Soldier Boy 03:28 4 Free Child 06:34 5 Free Everyday I Have The Blues 07:51 6 Free Come Together In The Morning 05:55 7 Free Wishing Well 04:33 8 Free Seven Angels 06:27 9 Free Fire and Water 04:19 10 Free All Right Now 05:34 11 Free The Hunter 04:01
Search Free Revenge of Heartbreaker 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Free Heartbreaker 07:37 2 Free I'm On The Run 05:49 3 Free Soldier Boy 03:55 4 Free Child 05:59 5 Free Everyday I Have the Blues 08:48 6 Free Come Together In The Morning 05:29 7 Free Wishing Well 05:59 8 Free Seven Angels 05:11 9 Free Fire And Water 04:35 10 Free All Right Now 05:39 11 Free The Hunter 03:51
Search Free Rock Me Stealer 16 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Free Intro 01:17 2 Free Be My Friend 05:19 3 Free The Stealer 04:14 4 Free Woman 04:12 5 Free Ride On Pony 04:38 6 Free Don't Say You Love Me 06:01 7 Free All Right Now 05:13 8 Free Fire And Water 04:35 9 Free Heavy Load 06:27 10 Free The Highway Song 05:00 11 Free My Brother Jake 03:49 12 Free Soon I'll Be Gone 03:33 13 Free I'm A Mover 03:59 14 Free Mr Big 06:57 15 Free The Hunter 05:32 16 Free Rock Me Baby 06:52
Search Free Rock Me Stealer (Jan 22, 1971. Santa Monica, Ca) ; 320kbps 16 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Free トラック01 01:17 2 Free トラック02 05:19 3 Free トラック03 04:14 4 Free トラック04 04:12 5 Free トラック05 04:37 6 Free トラック06 06:00 7 Free トラック07 05:13 8 Free トラック08 04:35 9 Free トラック09 06:27 10 Free トラック10 05:00 11 Free トラック11 03:49 12 Free トラック12 03:33 13 Free トラック13 04:02 14 Free トラック14 06:57 15 Free トラック15 05:32 16 Free トラック16 07:54
Search Free San Francisco 1971 (Live at Civic Auditorium, 22nd January 1971) 16 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Free Be My Friend 05:24 2 Free Stealer 03:56 3 Free Woman 03:50 4 Free Ride On Pony 04:21 5 Free Don't Say You Love Me 05:53 6 Free All Right Now 05:24 7 Free Fire And Water 04:10 8 Free Heavy Road 06:11 9 Free The Highway Song 05:25 10 Free My Brother Jake 03:49 11 Free Soon I Will Be Gone 03:17 12 Free I'm A Mover 04:03 13 Free Mr Big 07:01 14 Free The Hunter 05:15 15 Free Rock Me Baby 06:50 16 Free All Right Now(encore) 04:55
Search Free San Francisco 1971 (Live at fillmore West, 16th January 1971) 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Free Songs Of Yesterday 06:36 2 Free All Light Now 05:30 3 Free Stealer 04:37 4 Free Heavy Load 05:46 5 Free My Brother Jake 03:35 6 Free Wishing Well 05:07
Search Free Santa Monica (Complete) 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Free Allright Now 05:37 2 Free My Brother Jake 04:15 3 Free Fire and Water 04:29 4 Free I'm a Mover 03:58 5 Free Ride on Pony 04:59 6 Free Be my Friend 06:13 7 Free Heavy Load 06:28 8 Free Mr. Big 06:56 9 Free The Stealer 04:14 10 Free Allright Now 05:06
Search Free Santa Monica 22-01-71 16 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Free Intro 01:14 2 Free Be My Friend 05:32 3 Free The Stealer 04:16 4 Free Woman 04:08 5 Free Ride on Pony 04:28 6 Free Don't Say You Love Me 06:00 7 Free All Right Now 05:39 8 Free Fire and Water 05:04 9 Free Heavy Load 05:40 10 Free The Highway Song 04:59 11 Free My Brother Jake 04:02 12 Free Soon I Will Be Gone 03:11 13 Free I'm a Mover 04:02 14 Free Mr. Big 07:14 15 Free The Hunter 05:11 16 Free Rock Me Baby 08:00
Search Free Scotland 1972 (Live In Edinghburt, Scotland, UK. September, 1972) ; 320kbps 13 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Free トラック01 06:14 2 Free トラック02 05:48 3 Free トラック03 05:16 4 Free トラック04 05:36 5 Free トラック05 06:07 6 Free トラック06 04:27 7 Free トラック07 04:21 8 Free トラック08 04:49 9 Free トラック09 03:58 10 Free トラック10 03:33 11 Free トラック11 00:48 12 Free トラック12 07:58 13 Free トラック13 08:09
Search Free Sheffield 71-72 15 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Free Be My Friend 06:06 2 Free Ride On A Pony 05:14 3 Free Mr. Big 06:27 4 Free The Highway Song 03:14 5 Free Hold On 05:15 6 Free Heavy Load 05:57 7 Free Heavy Load 02:07 8 Free The Hunter 05:50 9 Free Soldier Boy 05:21 10 Free Soon I Will Be Gone 03:40 11 Free All Right Now 06:28 12 Free Mr. Big 07:29 13 Free I'm A Mover 03:57 14 Free Ride On A Pony 04:58 15 Free Lady 04:18
Search Free Stoke 1972 Disc.1 (Victoria Hall, Feb 20, 1972) ; 320kbps 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Free トラック01 05:35 2 Free トラック02 04:27 3 Free トラック03 03:11 4 Free トラック04 06:18 5 Free トラック05 03:34 6 Free トラック06 05:11 7 Free トラック07 06:01 8 Free トラック08 03:09
Search Free Stoke 1972 Disc.2 (Victoria Hall, Feb 20, 1972) ;320kbps 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Free トラック01 04:28 2 Free トラック02 02:24 3 Free トラック03 07:06 4 Free トラック04 04:13 5 Free トラック05 06:14 6 Free トラック06 05:13 7 Free トラック07 08:13 8 Free トラック08 06:38
Search Free Stoke On Trent 1972 16 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Free Ride on a Pony 05:35 2 Free Fire and Water 04:27 3 Free Soldier Boy 03:11 4 Free Be My Friend 06:18 5 Free Little Bit of Love 03:34 6 Free The Highway Song 05:11 7 Free Hold on 06:01 Has Mbid 8 Free My Brother Jake 03:00 9 Free Lady 04:28 10 Free Heartbreaker 02:24 11 Free Mr. Big 07:06 12 Free I'm a Mover 04:13 13 Free All Right Now 05:16 14 Free Travellin' Man 04:27 15 Free The Hunter 06:10 16 Free Crossroads 06:38
Search Free Sweet Angel (Koshien 1972) 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Free Intro 02:10 2 Free Ride On Pony 04:40 3 Free I'm On The Run 06:05 4 Free (My Life Is) Like Water 06:51 5 Free Unseen Love 05:33 6 Free Honky Tonk Women 04:48 7 Free Heartbreaker 08:56 8 Free Sweet Angels 05:41 9 Free Lady 04:42 10 Free Fire and Water 04:46 11 Free Crossroads 06:37
Search Free The Biggest Thing Of '71 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Free The Stealer 03:44 2 Free I'm A Mover 03:27 3 Free Be My Friend 05:48 4 Free Fire And Water 04:02 5 Free Heavy Load 06:56 6 Free The Highway Song 05:06 7 Free Mr Big 07:05 8 Free All Right Now 05:38 9 Free Ride On A Pony 04:22
Search Free The Metallized Blues 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Free The Hunter 06:04 2 Free Fire and Water 04:18 3 Free Ride on a Pony 05:00 4 Free Be My Friend 08:26 5 Free Catch a Train 04:01 6 Free Hold On 06:50 7 Free Little Bit of Love 04:37 8 Free Mr. Big 08:02 9 Free All Right Now 06:10 10 Free Travellin' Man 04:50 11 Free All Right Now 05:32
Search Free The Universal Masters Collection: Classic Free 16 1 2001 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Free All Right Now 05:34 2 Free Wishing Well 03:37 3 Free Come Together in the Morning 04:30 4 Free My Brother Jake 02:56 5 Free Fire and Water 04:01 Has Mbid 6 Free Be My Friend 04:16 7 Free The Stealer 03:17 8 Free The Hunter 04:16 9 Free Little Bit of Love 02:36 10 Free The Highway Song 04:16 11 Free Heartbreaker 06:13 12 Free Get Where I Belong 04:21 13 Free Heavy Load 05:21 14 Free Walk in My Shadow 03:31 15 Free I'm a Mover 02:58 16 Free Mr. Big 05:58
Search Free Tons of Sobs [Japan Bonus Tracks] 18 0 1968 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Free Over the Green Hills (Part I) 00:50 2 Free Worry 03:27 3 Free Walk in My Shadow 03:30 4 Free Wild Indian Woman 03:40 5 Free Goin' Down Slow 08:22 6 Free I'm a Mover 02:56 7 Free Hunter 04:14 8 Free Moonshine 05:05 9 Free Sweet Tooth 04:54 10 Free Over the Green Hills (Parte 2) 02:07 11 Free I'm a Mover 03:05 12 Free Waitin' on You 02:17 13 Free Guy Stevens Blues 04:43 14 Free Moonshine 05:11 15 Free Sweet Tooth 04:56 16 Free Visions of Hell 03:49 17 Free Woman by the Sea 03:22 18 Free Over the Green Hills 03:52
Search Free Two Years Free 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Free Intro/Fire and Water 05:42 2 Free Ride on a Pony 04:36 3 Free I´m a Mover 03:51 4 Free Be my Friend 05:59 5 Free The Stealer 05:04 6 Free Mr. Big 06:06 7 Free Walk in my Shadow 04:09 8 Free I´ll be Creeping 04:25 9 Free All right now 05:11 10 Free All Right Now 05:59 11 Free Mr. Big 07:00 12 Free The Hunter 05:11
Search Free Victoria Hall, Stoke-on-Trent, 20 February 1972 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Free Ride A Pony 05:35 2 Free Fire And Water 04:27 3 Free Soldier Boy 03:11 4 Free Be My Friend 06:18 5 Free Little Bit Of Love 03:34 6 Free The Highway Song 05:11 7 Free Hold On 06:01 8 Free My Brother Jake 03:09
Frei.Wild View in Albunack Die Welt brennt X-MAS 2011 Stuttgart 22 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Frei.Wild Intro 02:58 2 Frei.Wild Hoch hinaus 03:28 3 Frei.Wild Frei.Wild 03:12 4 Frei.Wild Niemand 03:41 5 Frei.Wild Arschtritt 04:52 6 Frei.Wild Allein nach vorne 04:20 7 Frei.Wild Mehr als 1000 Wort (Unplugged) 03:33 8 Frei.Wild Südtirol 05:07 9 Frei.Wild Irgendwer steht dir zur Seite 04:26 10 Frei.Wild Die Zeit vergeht 04:16 11 Frei.Wild Weil du mich nur verarscht hast 04:29 12 Frei.Wild Unser Wille, unser Weg 04:08 13 Frei.Wild Die Welt brennt 03:54 14 Frei.Wild Das Land der Vollidioten 04:42 15 Frei.Wild Schwarz und Weiss 04:09 16 Frei.Wild Feuer, Erde, Wasser, Luft 04:34 17 Frei.Wild Nur Arschlöcher um mich herum 04:45 18 Frei.Wild Ich bleib daheim 03:28 19 Frei.Wild Halt deine Schnauze 04:40 20 Frei.Wild Wahre Werte 04:49 21 Frei.Wild Medley 13:29 22 Frei.Wild Sieger stehen da auf, wo verlierer liegen bleiben 04:33
Frei.Wild View in Albunack Live & More 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Frei.Wild Intro (Live) 02:33 2 Frei.Wild Rivalen und Rebellen (Live) 03:47 3 Frei.Wild Wir bringen alle um (Live) 04:06 4 Frei.Wild Herz schlägt Herz (Live) 04:21 5 Frei.Wild Antiwillkommen (Live) 03:38 6 Frei.Wild Es geht hier um mein Leben (Live) 04:42 7 Frei.Wild Wenn mein Licht erlischt (Live) 04:31 8 Frei.Wild Auf zum Schwur (Live) 04:17 9 Frei.Wild Fick dich und verpiss dich (Live) 03:59 10 Frei.Wild Und ich war wieder da (Live) 04:01 11 Frei.Wild Verbotene Liebe, verbotener Kuss (Live) 04:38
Frei.Wild View in Albunack Live + More 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Frei.Wild Noch lange nicht unser Ende 03:14 2 Frei.Wild Wir sind Gegenliebe 03:59 3 Frei.Wild Der Teufel trägt Geweih 03:35 4 Frei.Wild Bis zum Ende der Welt 04:01 5 Frei.Wild Krieg in mir 04:32 6 Frei.Wild Liebe und Licht 04:15 7 Frei.Wild Zum Himmel und zurück 04:24 8 Frei.Wild Wahre Helden sind nicht zähmbar 03:02 9 Frei.Wild Das was wir lieben und wofür wir leben 04:14 10 Frei.Wild Tausche Glück gegen Tränen 03:51 11 Frei.Wild Du hast uns dein Herz geschenkt 04:25
Frei.Wild View in Albunack Live&More 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Frei.Wild Noch lange nicht unser Ende 03:14 2 Frei.Wild Wir sind Gegenliebe 03:59 3 Frei.Wild Wir bringen alle um (Live) 04:06 4 Frei.Wild Bis zum Ende der Welt 04:01 5 Frei.Wild Krieg in mir 04:30 6 Frei.Wild Es geht hier um mein Leben (Live) 04:42 7 Frei.Wild Zum Himmel und zurück 04:24 8 Frei.Wild Wahre Helden sind nicht zähmbar 03:02 9 Frei.Wild Das was wir lieben und wofür wir leben 04:14 10 Frei.Wild Und ich war wieder da (Live) 04:01 11 Frei.Wild Du Hast Und Dein Herz Geschenkt 04:25
Frei.Wild View in Albunack RIVALEN UND REBELLEN LIVE+MORE 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Frei.Wild Noch lange nicht unser Ende 03:14 2 Frei.Wild Wir sind Gegenliebe 04:00 3 Frei.Wild Der Teufel trägt Geweih 03:35 4 Frei.Wild Bis zum Ende der Welt 04:01 5 Frei.Wild Krieg in mir 04:32 6 Frei.Wild Liebe und Licht 04:15 7 Frei.Wild Zum Himmel und zurück 04:24 8 Frei.Wild Wahre Helden sind nicht zähmbar 03:02 9 Frei.Wild Das was wir lieben und wofür wir leben 04:14 10 Frei.Wild Tausche Glück gegen Tränen 03:51 11 Frei.Wild Dunhast uns dein Herz geschenkt 04:25
Frei.Wild View in Albunack Rivalen & Rebellen (Live + More) 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Frei.Wild Intro 02:33 2 Frei.Wild Rivalen & Rebellen 03:47 3 Frei.Wild Wir Bringen Alle Um 04:06 4 Frei.Wild Bis Zum Ende Der Welt 04:01 5 Frei.Wild Antiwillkommen 03:38 6 Frei.Wild Es Geht Hier Um Mein Leben 04:42 7 Frei.Wild Wenn Mein Licht Erlischt 04:31 8 Frei.Wild Auf Zum Schwur 04:17 9 Frei.Wild Fick Dich Und Verpiss Dich 03:59 10 Frei.Wild Und Ich War Wieder Da 04:01 11 Frei.Wild Verbotene Liebe, Verbotener Kuss 04:38
Frei.Wild View in Albunack Rivalen & Rebellen Live and more 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Frei.Wild Intro (LIVE) 02:33 2 Frei.Wild Rivalen und Rebellen (LIVE) 03:47 3 Frei.Wild Wir bringen alle um (LIVE) 04:06 4 Frei.Wild Herz schlägt Herz (LIVE) 04:21 5 Frei.Wild Antiwillkommen (LIVE) 03:38 6 Frei.Wild Es geht hier um mein Leben (LIVE) 04:42 7 Frei.Wild Wenn mein Licht erlischt (LIVE) 04:31 8 Frei.Wild Auf zum Schwur (LIVE) 04:17 9 Frei.Wild Fick Dich und verpiss Dich (LIVE) 03:59 10 Frei.Wild Und ich war wieder da (LIVE) 04:01 11 Frei.Wild Verbotene Liebe, verbotener Kuss (LIVE) 04:38
Frei.Wild View in Albunack Rivalen Und Rebellen - Live + More 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Frei.Wild Intro (Live) 02:33 2 Frei.Wild Wir Sind Gegenliebe 04:00 3 Frei.Wild Wir Bringen Alle Um (Live) 04:06 4 Frei.Wild Herz Schlägt Herz (Live) 04:21 5 Frei.Wild Antiwillkommen (Live) 03:38 6 Frei.Wild Es Geht Hier Um Mein Leben (Live) 04:42 7 Frei.Wild Zum Himmel Und Zurück 04:24 8 Frei.Wild Auf Zum Schwur (Live) 04:17 9 Frei.Wild Fick Dich Und Verpiss Dich (Live) 03:59 10 Frei.Wild Und Ich War Wieder Da (Live) 04:01 11 Frei.Wild Verbotene Liebe, Verbotener Kuss (Live) 04:38
Frei.Wild View in Albunack Rivalen und Rebellen (Live + More) 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Frei.Wild Noch lange nicht unser Ende 03:14 2 Frei.Wild Wir sind Gegenliebe 04:00 3 Frei.Wild Der Teufel trägt Geweih 03:35 4 Frei.Wild Herz schlägt Herz 04:21 5 Frei.Wild Krieg in mir 04:32 6 Frei.Wild Es geht hier um mein Leben 04:42 7 Frei.Wild Wenn mein Licht erlischt 04:31 8 Frei.Wild Wahre Helden sind nicht zähmbar 03:02 9 Frei.Wild Fick dich und verpiss dich 03:59 10 Frei.Wild Und ich war wieder da 04:01 11 Frei.Wild Verbotene Liebe, verbotener Kuss 04:38
Frei.Wild View in Albunack Rivalen und Rebellen (live + more) 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Frei.Wild Noch lange nicht unser Ende 03:14 2 Frei.Wild Wir sind Gegenliebe 03:59 3 Frei.Wild Der Teufel trägt Geweih 03:35 4 Frei.Wild Bis zum Ende der Welt 04:01 5 Frei.Wild Krieg in mir 04:32 6 Frei.Wild Liebe und Licht 04:15 7 Frei.Wild Zum Himmel und zurück 04:24 8 Frei.Wild Wahre Helden sind nicht zähmbar 03:02 9 Frei.Wild Das was wir lieben und wofür wir leben 04:14 10 Frei.Wild Tausche Glück gegen Tränen 03:51 11 Frei.Wild Du hast uns dein Herz geschenkt 04:25
Frei.Wild View in Albunack Rivalen und Rebellen - Live & More 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Frei.Wild Intro (Live) 02:33 2 Frei.Wild Wir sind Gegenliebe 04:00 3 Frei.Wild Wir bringen alle um (Live) 04:05 4 Frei.Wild Herz schlägt Herz (Live) 04:21 5 Frei.Wild Krieg in mir 04:30 6 Frei.Wild Liebe und Licht 04:15 7 Frei.Wild Wenn mein Licht erlischt (Live) 04:31 8 Frei.Wild Wahre Helden sind nicht zähmbar 03:02 9 Frei.Wild Das was wir lieben und wofür wir leben 04:14 10 Frei.Wild Tausche Glück gegen Tränen 03:50 11 Frei.Wild Verbotene Liebe, verbotener Kuss (Live) 04:38
Frei.Wild View in Albunack Rivalen und Rebellen - Live + More 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Frei.Wild Intro (Live) 02:33 2 Frei.Wild Rivalen und Rebellen (Live) 03:47 3 Frei.Wild Der Teufel trägt Geweih 03:35 4 Frei.Wild Bis zum Ende der Welt 04:01 5 Frei.Wild Krieg in mir 04:30 6 Frei.Wild Es geht hier um mein Leben (Live) 04:42 7 Frei.Wild Wenn mein Licht erlischt (Live) 04:31 8 Frei.Wild Wahre Helden sind nicht zähmbar 03:02 9 Frei.Wild Fick dich und verpiss dich (Live) 03:59 10 Frei.Wild Tausche Glück gegen Tränen 03:50 11 Frei.Wild Verbotene Liebe, verbotener Kuss (Live) 04:38
Frei.Wild View in Albunack Rivalen und Rebellen Live & more 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Frei.Wild Intro (Live) 02:33 2 Frei.Wild Wir sind Gegenliebe 04:00 3 Frei.Wild Der Teufel trägt Geweih 03:35 4 Frei.Wild Bis zum Ende der Welt 04:01 5 Frei.Wild Antiwillkommen (Live) 03:38 6 Frei.Wild Es geht hier um mein Leben (Live) 04:42 7 Frei.Wild Wenn mein Licht erlischt (Live) 04:31 8 Frei.Wild Auf zum Schwur (Live) 04:17 9 Frei.Wild Das was wir lieben und wofür wir leben 04:14 10 Frei.Wild Und ich war wieder da (Live) 04:01 11 Frei.Wild Verbotene Liebe, verbotener Kuss 04:38
Frei.Wild View in Albunack Rivalen und RebellenLive + More 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Frei.Wild Intro (Live) 02:33 2 Frei.Wild Rivalen und Rebellen (Live) 03:47 3 Frei.Wild Wir bringen alle um (Live) 04:05 4 Frei.Wild Herz schlägt Herz (Live) 04:21 5 Frei.Wild Antiwillkommen (Live) 03:38 6 Frei.Wild Es geht hier ummein Leben (Live) 04:42 7 Frei.Wild Wenn mein Licht erlischt (Live) 04:31 8 Frei.Wild Auf zum Schwur (Live) 04:17 9 Frei.Wild Fick dich und verpiss dich (Live) 03:59 10 Frei.Wild Und ich war wieder da (Live) 04:01 11 Frei.Wild Verbotene Liebe, Verbotener Kuss (Live) 04:38
Frei.Wild View in Albunack Rivalen&Rebellen LIVE&MORE 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Frei.Wild Intro (Live) 02:33 2 Frei.Wild Rivalen und Rebellen (Live) 03:47 3 Frei.Wild Wir bringen alle um (Live) 04:06 4 Frei.Wild Herz schlägt Herz (Live) 04:21 5 Frei.Wild Antiwillkommen (Live) 03:38 6 Frei.Wild Es geht hier um mein Leben (Live) 04:42 7 Frei.Wild Wenn mein Licht erlischt (Live) 04:31 8 Frei.Wild Auf zum Schwur (Live) 04:17 9 Frei.Wild Fick dich und verpiss dich (Live) 03:59 10 Frei.Wild Und ich war wieder da (Live) 04:01 11 Frei.Wild Verbotene Liebe, verbotener Kuss 04:38
French Montana View in Albunack The Laundry Man EP 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 French Montana French Montana Ft. Dame Grease & Akon- Overtime 04:22 2 French Montana French Montana Ft. Max B- Wus Up 02:46 3 French Montana French Montana Ft. Max B- Morning 03:32 4 French Montana French Montana Ft. Dame Grease- Pluto 05:13 5 French Montana French Montana Ft. Mike Shory & Dame Grease- So High 04:08 6 French Montana French Montana Ft. Jadakiss-New York Minute 02:44
Search Friction '78 Live 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Friction Crazy Dream 02:38 2 Friction Female 02:37 3 Friction Kagayaki 04:11 4 Friction せなかのコード 03:51 5 Friction Johnny 03:02 6 Friction I Can Tell 04:33 7 Friction I Wanna be Your Dog 03:30 8 Friction Pistol 02:46 9 Friction Big-S 03:33
Search Friction '79 Live 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Friction Automatic-Fru 04:34 2 Friction Pistol 03:16 3 Friction Big-S 03:22 4 Friction KAGAYAKI 04:28 5 Friction A-Gas 02:42 6 Friction Cool Fool 03:14 7 Friction Cycle Dance 03:00 8 Friction I Can Tell 03:50 9 Friction Out 06:50
Search Friction 79 Live 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Friction Automatic-Fru 04:34 2 Friction Pistol 03:16 3 Friction Big-S 03:22 4 Friction Kagayaki 04:28 5 Friction A-Gas 02:42 6 Friction Cool Fool 03:14 7 Friction Cycle Dance 03:00 8 Friction I Can Tell 03:50 9 Friction Out 06:50
Search Friction 79 Live (2005 Reissue) 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Friction Automatic-Fru 04:34 2 Friction Pistol 03:16 3 Friction Big-S 03:22 4 Friction KAGAYAKI 04:28 5 Friction A-Gas 02:42 6 Friction Cool Fool 03:14 7 Friction Cycle Dance 03:00 8 Friction I Can Tell 03:50 9 Friction Out 06:50
Search Friction DUMB NUMB CD 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Friction Big-S 05:16 2 Friction Gapping 06:11 3 Friction Replicant Walk 09:13 4 Friction Easy 06:58 5 Friction Cushion 07:42 6 Friction Antenna & Moon 09:01 7 Friction Burn Don 06:48 8 Friction Defence 08:20 9 Friction Crazy Dream 05:58 10 Friction New Baby’s 11:01
Search Friction Dumb Numb CD 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Friction Big-S 05:17 2 Friction Gapping 06:12 3 Friction Replicant Walk 09:13 4 Friction Easy 06:58 5 Friction Cushion 07:42 6 Friction Antenna & Moon 09:00 7 Friction Burn Don 06:48 8 Friction Defence 08:20 9 Friction Crazy Dream 05:58 10 Friction New Baby's 10:57
Search Friction Remixxx+One 7 3 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Friction Audio Active - Zone Tripper (#1) 05:50 Has Mbid 2 Friction Audio Active - Break Neck (#1) 06:47 Has Mbid 3 Friction Friction - Mind Bind (Out Take from the Album Zone Tripper Recording) 04:12 4 Friction Fumiya Tanaka - Zone Tripper 08:01 Has Mbid 5 Friction Fumiya Tanaka - The Heavy Cut 08:02 6 Friction Seigen Ono - Zone Tripper 05:50 7 Friction Seigen Ono - Mind Bind (#1,#2) 08:37
Search Friction This Way Up 19 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Nick Thayer & Micah Scrambler 02:38 2 Backdraft Popcorn VIP 01:40 3 The Ragga Twins Let Me See Your Hands 03:57 4 Rico Tubbs Intoxicated 03:10 5 Backdraft Labrat (Aquasky Remix VIP) 03:35 6 Backdraft Freeze Dried 04:35 7 Aquasky & Acafool Have A Good Time 04:05 8 Aquasky & Rob Le Pitch Wasted Music 03:42 9 Backdraft Freeze Dried 04:11 10 Klaus 'Heavyweight' Hill Gurnface 04:54 11 Timmy Schumacher Feat. Kyla Who Wants Some 05:01 12 Aquasky & Elhornet Girls & Boys VIP 03:48 13 Rogue Element & Tom Real Machine 03:56 14 Aquasky , Friction & Spyda Control Freek 04:10 15 Tom Real & Aquasky Another Dimension 03:42 16 Rob Le Pitch & Aquasky Wasted Music 02:23 17 Aquasky & Acafool Have A Good Time 03:21 18 Rico Tubbs Intoxicated 03:09 19 The Ragga Twins Feat. Aquasky & DJ Go Everybody Hype 06:07
Front 242 View in Albunack Ancienne Belgique 89 Front By Front <Filtered> Pulse Box 15 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Front 242 Intro / Circling (Live) 09:12 2 Front 242 FiFO (Live) 04:09 3 Front 242 Don’t Crash (Live) 04:13 4 Front 242 Until Death (Live) 04:38 5 Front 242 Red Team (Live) 03:17 6 Front 242 Rhythmus (Live) 04:17 7 Front 242 No Shuffle (Live) 03:48 8 Front 242 Felines (Live) 03:52 9 Front 242 Terminal State (Live) 03:44 10 Front 242 Never Stop (Live) 04:11 11 Front 242 Headhunter (Live) 04:53 12 Front 242 MasterHit (Live) 04:37 13 Front 242 Welcome To Paradise (Live) 05:57 14 Front 242 WYHIWYG / U-Men (Live) 05:31 15 Front 242 Work242 (Live) 07:38
Front 242 View in Albunack Ancienne Belgique 89. Front by Front 15 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Front 242 Intro-Circling 09:12 2 Front 242 FiFO 04:09 3 Front 242 Don't Crash 04:13 4 Front 242 Until Death 04:38 5 Front 242 Red Team 03:17 6 Front 242 Rhythmus 04:17 7 Front 242 No Shuffle 03:48 8 Front 242 Felines 03:52 9 Front 242 Terminal State 03:44 10 Front 242 Never Stop 04:11 11 Front 242 Headhunter 04:53 12 Front 242 MasterHit 04:37 13 Front 242 Welcome To Paradise 05:57 14 Front 242 WYHIWYG - U-men 05:31 15 Front 242 Work242 07:38
Front 242 View in Albunack Body to Body - Live In Chicago 13.05.1989 17 2 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Front 242 Intro 03:16 2 Front 242 Circling Overland 04:49 3 First In First Out 04:08 4 Front 242 Don't Crash 04:05 5 Front 242 Until Death Us Do Part 04:42 6 Front 242 Red Team 03:15 7 Front 242 Im Rhythmus Bleiben 04:14 8 Front 242 No Shuffle 03:44 Has Mbid 9 Front 242 Terminal State 03:43 10 W.Y.H.I.W.Y.G. U-Men 05:06 11 Front 242 Never stop 04:08 12 Front 242 HeadHunter 04:48 Has Mbid 13 Front 242 Masterhit 04:36 14 Front 242 Welcome to paradise 05:59 15 Front 242 Felines 03:58 16 Front 242 Work 242 05:01 17 Front 242 Body to Body 03:34
Front 242 View in Albunack Front Live Chicago 1989 17 2 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Front 242 Circling overland 03:16 2 Front 242 First in-First out 04:49 3 Front 242 Dont crash 04:08 4 Front 242 Until death us do part 04:05 5 Front 242 Red Team 04:42 6 Front 242 Im Rhythmus bleiben 03:15 7 Front 242 No shuffle 04:14 8 Front 242 Terminal State 03:44 Has Mbid 9 Front 242 WHIWYG 03:43 10 Front 242 U-MAN 05:06 11 Front 242 Never stop 04:08 12 Front 242 HeadHunter 04:48 Has Mbid 13 Front 242 Masterhit 04:36 14 Front 242 Welcome to paradise 05:59 15 Front 242 Felines 03:58 16 Front 242 Work 242 05:01 17 Front 242 Body to Body 03:34
Front 242 View in Albunack Hamburg 87. Official Version 14 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Front 242 Intro / Agressiva 08:52 2 Front 242 Rerun Time 04:28 3 Front 242 Masterhit 07:29 4 Front 242 No Shuffle 03:58 5 Front 242 Body To Body 03:32 6 Front 242 Television Station 04:03 7 Front 242 Don’t Crash 04:18 8 Front 242 Lovely Day 03:44 9 Front 242 Funkahdafi 05:07 10 Front 242 Red Team 04:00 11 Front 242 Quite Unusual 06:06 12 Front 242 WYHIWYG 07:41 13 Front 242 Slaughter 03:20 14 Front 242 Commando Mix 04:35
Front 242 View in Albunack Live Arvika 13 2 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Front 242 Intro 01:00 2 Front 242 Der Verfluchte Engel 06:40 3 Front 242 Masterhit 04:48 4 Front 242 Motion 04:21 5 Front 242 Moldavia 04:35 6 Front 242 Melt 03:37 7 Front 242 Soul Manager 04:29 8 Front 242 No Shuffle 05:17 Has Mbid 9 Front 242 Im Rhythmus Bleiben 04:36 Has Mbid 10 Front 242 Crapage 04:35 11 Front 242 Headhunter 04:18 12 Front 242 Welcome To Paradise 04:51 13 Front 242 Body To Body 03:27
Front 242 View in Albunack No Comment - Bonus EPCD 6 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Front 242 S.FR. Nomenklatura (BBMurdermix 14) 04:52 2 Front 242 Body To Body V2 00:00 Has Mbid 3 Front 242 In November (live) 02:39 4 Front 242 See The Future (live) 06:25 5 Front 242 Special Forces (demo) 04:55 6 Front 242 Take One (live in Chicago) 05:06
Front 242 View in Albunack No Comment - Politics of Pressure (limited BOX 2016) bonus EPCD 6 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Front 242 S.FR. Nomenklatura (BBMurdermix 14) 04:52 2 Front 242 Body To Body V2 00:00 Has Mbid 3 Front 242 In November (live) 02:43 4 Front 242 See The Future (live) 06:25 5 Front 242 Special Forces (demo) 04:55 6 Front 242 Take One (live in Chicago) 05:06
Front 242 View in Albunack No Comment - Politics of Pressure (limited BOX 2016) live Hamburg 87 14 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Front 242 Intro - Agressiva 08:52 2 Front 242 Rerun Time 04:28 3 Front 242 Masterhit 07:29 4 Front 242 No Shuffle 03:58 5 Front 242 Body To Body 03:32 9 Front 242 Funkahdafi 05:07
Front 242 View in Albunack No Comment Bonus EPCD 6 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Front 242 S.Fr. Nomenklatura (BBMurdermix.14) 04:52 2 Front 242 Body To Body V2 00:00 Has Mbid 3 Front 242 In November (Live) 02:39 4 Front 242 See The Future (Live) 06:25 5 Front 242 Special Forces (Demo) 04:55 6 Front 242 Take One (Live Chicago) 05:06
Front 242 View in Albunack Official Version/Tyranny for You 17 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Front 242 W.Y.H.I.W.Y.G. 00:00 2 Front 242 Rerun Time 00:00 3 Front 242 Television Station 00:00 4 Front 242 Agressiva Due 00:00 5 Front 242 Master Hit Pt 1 & 2 00:00 6 Front 242 Slaughter 00:00 7 Front 242 Quite Unusual 00:00 8 Front 242 Red Team 00:00 9 Front 242 Angst 00:00 10 Front 242 Sacrifice 00:00 11 Front 242 Rhythm of Time 00:00 12 Front 242 Moldavia 00:00 13 Front 242 Trigger 2 (Anatomy of a Shot) 00:00 14 Front 242 Gripped by Fear 00:00 15 Front 242 Tragedy !For You! 00:00 16 Front 242 The Untold 00:00 17 Front 242 Neurobashing 00:00
Front Line Assembly View in Albunack Live in London (ltd.Vinyl,4000 Copies) 9 1 1989 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Front Line Assembly audience 00:20 2 Front Line Assembly intro 04:41 Has Mbid 3 Front Line Assembly digital tension dementia 05:38 4 Front Line Assembly sedation 03:52 5 Front Line Assembly lethal compound 07:42 6 Front Line Assembly bloodsport 06:19 7 Front Line Assembly body count 04:32 8 Front Line Assembly lurid sensation 06:01 9 Front Line Assembly foolsgame 03:47
Fryderyk Chopin View in Albunack 11 composizioni per pianoforte 11 2 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Fryderyk Chopin Fantasia in FAm Op 49 12:38 2 Fryderyk Chopin Tarantella in LSb+ Op 43 03:33 3 Fryderyk Chopin Scherzo in SIbm Op 31 09:59 Has Mbid 4 Fryderyk Chopin Barcarola in FA#+ Op 60 07:55 5 Fryderyk Chopin Berceuse in REb+ Op 57 04:47 6 Fryderyk Chopin Studio in DOm Op 10, N 12 02:43 7 Fryderyk Chopin Preludio in SIb Op 28, N 16 01:14 8 Fryderyk Chopin Notturno in FA#+ Op 15, N 2 03:25 9 Fryderyk Chopin Valzer N 14 in MIm Op posth 02:43 10 Fryderyk Chopin Mazurka in DO#m Op 50, N 3 03:59 Has Mbid 11 Fryderyk Chopin Studio in MI+ Op 10, N 3 04:16
Fryderyk Chopin View in Albunack Alexis Weissenberg - Nocturnes Vol. I, 3 Mazurkas 13 2 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Fryderyk Chopin Nocturne No. 5 in F Sharp Major 04:06 Has Mbid 2 Fryderyk Chopin Nocturne No. 16 in E Flat Major 03:45 3 Fryderyk Chopin Nocturne No. 12 in G Major 05:30 4 Fryderyk Chopin Nocturne No. 13 in C Minor 06:16 5 Fryderyk Chopin Nocturne No. 8 in D Flat Major 06:43 Has Mbid 6 Fryderyk Chopin Nocturne No. 18 in E Major 06:23 7 Fryderyk Chopin Nocturne No. 9 in B Major 03:57 8 Fryderyk Chopin Nocturne No. 1 in B Flat Major 05:22 9 Fryderyk Chopin Nocturne No. 2 in E Flat Major 04:40 10 Fryderyk Chopin Nocturne No. 7 in C Sharp Minor 05:34 11 Fryderyk Chopin Mazurka No. 13 in A Minor 04:10 12 Fryderyk Chopin Mazurka No. 32 in C Sharp Minor 05:05 13 Fryderyk Chopin Mazurka No. 35 in C Minor 03:47
Fryderyk Chopin View in Albunack Ballate n. 1, n. 2, n. 3 e n. 4 - Sonata n. 3, Op. 58 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Fryderyk Chopin Ballade No 1 En Sol Mineur, Opus 23 09:07 2 Fryderyk Chopin Ballade No 2 En Fa Majeur, Opus 38 07:23 3 Fryderyk Chopin Ballade No3 En La Bémol Majeur, Opus 47 07:05 4 Fryderyk Chopin Ballade No 4 En Fa Mineur, Opus 52 11:21 5 Fryderyk Chopin Sonate No 3 En Si Mineur, Opus 58 - Allegro maestoso 10:12 6 Fryderyk Chopin Sonate No 3 En Si Mineur, Opus 58 - Scherzo : molto vivace 02:49 7 Fryderyk Chopin Sonate No 3 En Si Mineur, Opus 58 - Largo 08:52 8 Fryderyk Chopin Sonate No 3 En Si Mineur, Opus 58 - Finale : presto non tanto 05:37
Fryderyk Chopin View in Albunack Best From Poland 15 2 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 Fryderyk Chopin Polonez As-dur op.53 06:38 2 Fryderyk Chopin Preludium A-dur op.28 nr 7 00:54 3 Fryderyk Chopin Preludium E-moll Op.28 Nr 4 02:13 4 Fryderyk Chopin Preludium Des-dur "Deszczowe" Op.28 Nr 15 05:02 Has Mbid 5 Fryderyk Chopin Fantasie-Impromptu Cis-moll Op.66 05:06 6 Fryderyk Chopin Walc Des-dur "Minutowy" Op.64 Nr 1 02:01 7 Fryderyk Chopin Walc Cis-moll Op.64 Nr 2 03:33 8 Fryderyk Chopin Walc F-dur Op.34 Nr 3 02:45 9 Fryderyk Chopin Scherzo H-moll Op.20 10:20 10 Fryderyk Chopin Mazurek C-dur Op.24 Nr 2 02:30 11 Fryderyk Chopin Mazurek Cis-moll Op.63 Nr 3 02:01 12 Fryderyk Chopin Mazurek Cis-moll Op.50 Nr 3 04:32 13 Fryderyk Chopin Etiuda E-dur Op.10 Nr 3 04:43 14 Fryderyk Chopin Etiuda C-moll "Rewolucyjna" Op.10 Nr 12 02:28 15 Fryderyk Chopin Koncert E-moll Op.11 Część I Allegro Maestoso 19:47
Fryderyk Chopin View in Albunack Canti polacchi op.74, Mazurke e Polonaises 26 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Fryderyk Chopin Chopin Mazurka in D+ 00:47 2 Fryderyk Chopin Chopin Zyczenie op.74 n.1 in G+ (Desiderio) 01:39 3 Fryderyk Chopin Chopin Gdzie lubi op.74 n.5 in A+ (Ciò che a lei piace ) 01:11 4 Fryderyk Chopin Chopin Poset op.74 n.7 in D+ (Il messaggero) 02:38 5 Fryderyk Chopin Chopin Czary op.74 n.18 in D- (Incantesimo) 01:27 6 Fryderyk Chopin Chopin Polonaise in G- 03:00 7 Fryderyk Chopin Chopin Hulanka op.74 n.4 in C+ (Baldoria) 01:20 8 Fryderyk Chopin Chopin Precz moich oczu op.74 n.6 in F- (Lontano dai miei occhi) 03:15 9 Fryderyk Chopin Chopin Wojak op.74 n.10 in Ab+ (Il guerriero) 02:03 10 Fryderyk Chopin Chopin Polonaise in Bb+ 02:56 11 Fryderyk Chopin Chopin Piosnka litewska op.74 n.16 in F+ (Canto lituano) 02:13 12 Fryderyk Chopin Chopin Smutna rzeka op.74 n.3 in F#- (Triste fiume) 03:34 13 Fryderyk Chopin Chopin Narczeczony op.74 n.15 in C- (Il fidanzato) 02:11 14 Fryderyk Chopin Chopin Leci liscie z drzewa op.74 n.17 in Eb- (Le foglie son cadute) 04:38 15 Fryderyk Chopin Chopin Polonaise in Ab+ 05:05 16 Fryderyk Chopin Chopin Pierscien op.74 n.14 in Eb+ (L'anello) 01:32 17 Fryderyk Chopin Chopin Moja pieszczotka op.74 n.12 in Gb+ (Mia adorata) 01:46 18 Fryderyk Chopin Chopin Wiosna op.74 n.2 in G- (Primavera) 02:25 19 Fryderyk Chopin Chopin Polonaise in G#- 05:48 20 Fryderyk Chopin Chopin Sliczny chlopiec op.74 n.8 in D+ (Il bel giovanotto) 02:08 21 Fryderyk Chopin Chopin Nie ma czego trzeba op.74 n.13 in A- (Vorrei ciò che non ho) 04:19 22 Fryderyk Chopin Chopin Dumka op.74 n.19 in A- (Sogno ad occhi aperti) 01:30 23 Fryderyk Chopin Chopin Polonaise in Bb- 06:02 24 Fryderyk Chopin Chopin Dwojaki coniec op.74 n.11 in D- (Doppia fine) 02:13 25 Fryderyk Chopin Chopin Z gor gdzie dzwigali op.74 n.9 in G+ (Melodia) 02:46 26 Fryderyk Chopin Chopin Mazurka op.68 n.4 in F- (incompiuta) 02:01
Fryderyk Chopin View in Albunack Cello Waltzes Vol. 1 (P. Wispelwey) 19 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Fryderyk Chopin Grande Valse Brilliante in D Maj op. 18 - Vivo 04:46 2 Fryderyk Chopin Prelude no. 2 in a Minor op. 28 - Lento 02:07 3 Fryderyk Chopin Mazurka in a Minor op. 67 no 4 - Allegretto 02:46 4 Fryderyk Chopin Valse in A Major op. 42 03:46 5 Fryderyk Chopin Prelude no. 6 in b Minor op. 28 - Lento assai 01:43 6 Fryderyk Chopin Mazurka in C Major op. 67 no. 3 - Allegretto 01:22 7 Fryderyk Chopin Polonaise Brilliante in C Major op. 3 - Lento 09:06 8 Fryderyk Chopin Prelude no. 4 in e Minor op. 28 - Largo 02:09 9 Fryderyk Chopin Mazurka in a Minor op. 68 no. 2 - Lento 02:16 10 Fryderyk Chopin Scherzo (2nd mov. Sonata op. 65) 04:32 11 Fryderyk Chopin Mazurka in B Flat Major (op. posth.) 01:27 12 Fryderyk Chopin Valse Brillante in a Minor op. 34 no. 2 05:28 13 Fryderyk Chopin Prelude no. 7 in A Major op. 28 - Andantino 00:40 14 Fryderyk Chopin Etude in e Minor op. 25 no. 7 - Lento a placere 04:47 15 Fryderyk Chopin Prelude no. 3 in G Major - Vivace 01:04 16 Fryderyk Chopin Mazurka in g Minor op. 67 no. 2 - Cantabile 01:40 17 Fryderyk Chopin Nocturne in c sharp Minor (op. posth.) - Lento 03:44 18 Fryderyk Chopin Valse Brilliante in A Major op. 34 no. 1 - Vivace 05:04 19 Fryderyk Chopin Encore 04:13
Fryderyk Chopin View in Albunack Chopin - Fundacja Piotr Kler 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Fryderyk Chopin Utwór01 07:16 2 Fryderyk Chopin Utwór02 08:59 3 Fryderyk Chopin Utwór03 02:34 4 Fryderyk Chopin Utwór04 03:08 5 Fryderyk Chopin Utwór05 05:21 6 Fryderyk Chopin Utwór06 06:31 7 Fryderyk Chopin Utwór07 05:22 8 Fryderyk Chopin Utwór08 05:42 9 Fryderyk Chopin Utwór09 02:28 10 Fryderyk Chopin Utwór10 13:26 11 Fryderyk Chopin Utwór11 05:09 12 Fryderyk Chopin Utwór12 11:05
Fryderyk Chopin View in Albunack Chopin: Dzieła Wszystkie: Mazurki (2) 28 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Fryderyk Chopin Mazurek G-dur, Op. 50 02:47 2 Fryderyk Chopin Mazurek As-dur, Op. 50 03:40 3 Fryderyk Chopin Mazurek Cis-moll, Op. 50 05:14 4 Fryderyk Chopin Mazurek H-dur, Op. 56 05:05 5 Fryderyk Chopin Mazurek C-dur, Op. 56 01:45 6 Fryderyk Chopin Mazurek C-moll, Op. 56 06:17 7 Fryderyk Chopin Mazurek A-moll, Op. 59 04:01 8 Fryderyk Chopin Mazurek As-dur, Op. 59 02:52 9 Fryderyk Chopin Mazurek Fis-moll, Op. 59 03:46 10 Fryderyk Chopin Mazurek H-dur, Op. 63 02:19 11 Fryderyk Chopin Mazurek F-moll, Op. 63 01:45 12 Fryderyk Chopin Mazurek Cis-moll, Op. 63 02:08 13 Fryderyk Chopin Mazurek A-moll, Op. posth. 02:45 14 Fryderyk Chopin Mazurek A-moll, "Notre temps" 03:33 15 Fryderyk Chopin Mazurek G-dur, Op. 67 01:19 16 Fryderyk Chopin Mazurek G-moll, Op. 67 01:53 17 Fryderyk Chopin Mazurek C-dur, Op. 67 01:38 18 Fryderyk Chopin Mazurek A-moll, Op. 67 02:44 19 Fryderyk Chopin Mazurek C-dur, Op. 68 01:46 20 Fryderyk Chopin Mazurek A-moll, Op. 68 02:55 21 Fryderyk Chopin Mazurek F-dur, Op. 68 01:47 22 Fryderyk Chopin Mazurek F-moll, Op. 68 02:05 23 Fryderyk Chopin Mazurek B-dur (1826) 01:24 24 Fryderyk Chopin Mazurek G-dur (1826) 01:39 25 Fryderyk Chopin Mazurek D-dur (1832) 01:34 26 Fryderyk Chopin Mazurek B-dur (1832) 01:15 27 Fryderyk Chopin Mazurek C-dur (1833) 02:54 28 Fryderyk Chopin Mazurek As-dur (1834) 01:44
Fryderyk Chopin View in Albunack Chopin_19Waltzes 19 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Fryderyk Chopin Grande Valse brilante 05:29 2 Fryderyk Chopin Valse brilante 1 05:34 3 Fryderyk Chopin Valse brilante 2 05:20 4 Fryderyk Chopin Valse brilante 3 02:21 5 Fryderyk Chopin Op.42 04:01 6 Fryderyk Chopin Petit chien 01:48 7 Fryderyk Chopin Op.64-2 03:29 8 Fryderyk Chopin Op.64-3 03:07 9 Fryderyk Chopin L'adieu 04:06 10 Fryderyk Chopin Op.69-2 03:52 11 Fryderyk Chopin Op.70-1 02:12 12 Fryderyk Chopin Op70-2 03:00 13 Fryderyk Chopin Op70-3 02:56 14 Fryderyk Chopin Op.Posth 03:01 15 Fryderyk Chopin Op.Posth 02:28 16 Fryderyk Chopin Op.posth 02:01 17 Fryderyk Chopin Op.posth 02:05 18 Fryderyk Chopin Sostenuto 01:28 19 Fryderyk Chopin Op.posth 02:49
Fryderyk Chopin View in Albunack Complete Works for piano and Cello 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Fryderyk Chopin Polonaise brillante C-dur, opus 3 10:51 2 Fryderyk Chopin Sonata G-moll -Allegro moderato 18:43 3 Fryderyk Chopin Sonata G-moll - Scherzo - allegro con bio 06:03 4 Fryderyk Chopin Sonata G-moll - Largo 04:02 5 Fryderyk Chopin Sonata G-moll - Finale - Allegro 07:08 6 Fryderyk Chopin Preludia opus 28- A-dur 02:32 7 Fryderyk Chopin Preludia opus 28- e-moll 02:23 8 Fryderyk Chopin Preludia opus 28- b-moll 02:11 9 Fryderyk Chopin Grand duo concertant 13:38
Fryderyk Chopin View in Albunack Composers and the Art of their Time: Chopin 16 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Fryderyk Chopin Piano Concerto in E minor, Op.11: Romanza, Larghetto 09:49 2 Fryderyk Chopin Etude in C-sharp minor, Op.25 No.7 04:51 3 Fryderyk Chopin Prelude in F minor, Op.28 No.18 00:58 4 Fryderyk Chopin Nocturne in D-flat major, Op.27 No.2 05:14 5 Fryderyk Chopin Valse in C-sharp minor, Op.64 No.2 03:40 6 Fryderyk Chopin Valse in D-flat major, Op.64 No.1 02:00 Has Mbid 7 Fryderyk Chopin Ballade in F minor, Op.52 10:38 8 Fryderyk Chopin Scherzo in B minor, Op.20 09:37 9 Fryderyk Chopin Polonaise in A-flat major, Op.53 06:16 10 Fryderyk Chopin Mazurka in A minor, Op.17 No.4 04:15 11 Fryderyk Chopin Mazurka in G minor, Op.24 No.1 02:39 12 Fryderyk Chopin Mazurka in C-sharp minor, Op.6 No.2 02:09 13 Fryderyk Chopin Etude in C minor, Op.10 No.12 02:35 14 Fryderyk Chopin Prelude in D minor, Op.28 No.24 02:26 15 Fryderyk Chopin Cello Sonata in G minor, Op.65: Largo 03:58 16 Fryderyk Chopin Mazurka in C minor Op.56 No.3 06:18
Fryderyk Chopin View in Albunack Concerto n. 2 - 4 Composizioni per pianoforte 7 2 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Fryderyk Chopin Traccia01 12:11 2 Fryderyk Chopin Traccia02 08:50 3 Fryderyk Chopin Traccia03 08:48 4 Fryderyk Chopin Traccia04 05:55 5 Fryderyk Chopin Traccia05 11:01 Has Mbid 6 Fryderyk Chopin Traccia06 03:54 Has Mbid 7 Fryderyk Chopin Traccia07 05:16
Fryderyk Chopin View in Albunack Dziela Wszystkie - Utwory Kameralne 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Fryderyk Chopin Trio g-moll op.8 cz.1 Allegro con fuoco 10:22 2 Fryderyk Chopin Trio g-moll op.8 cz.2 Scherzo 06:11 3 Fryderyk Chopin Trio g-moll op.8 cz.3 Adagio sostenuto 05:41 4 Fryderyk Chopin Trio g-moll op.8 cz.4 Finale Presto 05:40 5 Fryderyk Chopin Introdukcja i Polonez C-dur op.3 09:37 6 Fryderyk Chopin Grand Duo Concertant E-dur 12:12
Fryderyk Chopin View in Albunack Dzieła wszystkie - Drobne utwory 13 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Lidia Grychtolowna F. Chopin: Bolero a-moll op. 19 07:24 2 Regina Smendzianka F. Chopin: Tarantela As-dur op.43 03:25 3 Barbara Hesse-Bukowska F. Chopin: Wariacje B-dur op.12 07:29 4 Barbara Hesse-Bukowska F. Chopin: Wariacje E-dur 07:24 5 Lidia Grychtolowna F. Chopin: Wariacje A-dur Souvenir de Paganini 03:37 6 Barbara Hesse-Bukowska F. Chopin: Wariacje E-dur z Hexameronu 02:02 7 Regina Smendzianka F. Chopin: 3 Ecossaises 05:59 8 Halina Czerny-Stefanska F. Chopin: Cantabile B-dur 00:51 9 Halina Czerny-Stefanska F. Chopin: Kontredans Es-dur 01:59 10 Halina Czerny-Stefanska F. Chopin: Moderato E-dur Feuille d'Album 01:11 11 Halina Czerny-Stefanska F. Chopin: Marche funebre c-moll 05:33 12 Halina Czerny-Stefanska F. Chopin: Largo Es-dur 01:55 13 Barbara Hesse-Bukowska F. Chopin: Fuga a-moll 03:48
Fryderyk Chopin View in Albunack Dzieła wszystkie - Etiudy 27 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Boles³aw Woytowicz Etiuda C-dur op.10 nr 1 - Allegro 02:02 2 Boles³aw Woytowicz Etiuda a-moll op.10 nr 2 - Allegro 01:32 3 Boles³aw Woytowicz Etiuda E-dur op.10 nr 3 - Lento ma non troppo 04:43 4 Boles³aw Woytowicz Etiuda cis-moll op.10 nr 4 - Presto con fuoco 02:07 5 Boles³aw Woytowicz Etiuda Ges-dur op.10 nr 5 - Vivace 01:38 6 Boles³aw Woytowicz Etiuda es-moll op.10 nr 6 - Andante 05:03 7 Boles³aw Woytowicz Etiuda C-dur op.10 nr 7 - Vivace 01:32 8 Boles³aw Woytowicz Etiuda F-dur op.10 nr 8 - Allegro 02:17 9 Boles³aw Woytowicz Etiuda f-moll op.10 nr 9 - Allegro molto agitato 01:48 10 Boles³aw Woytowicz Etiuda As-dur op.10 nr 10 - Assai vivace 02:16 11 Boles³aw Woytowicz Etiuda Es-dur op.10 nr 11 - Allegretto 02:29 12 Boles³aw Woytowicz Etiuda c-moll op.10 nr 12 - Allegro con fuoco 02:30 13 Boles³aw Woytowicz Etiuda As-dur op.25 nr 1 - Allegro sostenuto 02:20 14 Boles³aw Woytowicz Etiuda f-moll op.25 nr 2 - Presto 01:21 15 Boles³aw Woytowicz Etiuda F-dur op.25 nr 3 - Allegro 01:48 16 Boles³aw Woytowicz Etiuda a-moll op.25 nr 4 - Agitato 01:39 17 Boles³aw Woytowicz Etiuda e-moll op.25 nr 5 - Vivace 02:52 18 Boles³aw Woytowicz Etiuda gis-moll op.25 nr 6 - Allegro 01:59 19 Boles³aw Woytowicz Etiuda cis-moll op.25 nr 7 - Lento 05:56 20 Boles³aw Woytowicz Etiuda Des-dur op.25 nr 8 - Vivace 01:11 21 Boles³aw Woytowicz Etiuda Ges-dur op.25 nr 9 - Allegro assai 01:03 22 Boles³aw Woytowicz Etiuda h-moll op.25 nr 10 - Allegro con fuoco 04:09 23 Boles³aw Woytowicz Etiuda a-moll op.25 nr 11 - Allegro con brio 03:33 24 Boles³aw Woytowicz Etiuda c-moll op.25 nr 12 - Molto allegro, con fuoco 02:36 25 Boles³aw Woytowicz Etiuda f-moll nouvelles - Andantino 02:25 26 Boles³aw Woytowicz Etiuda Des-dur nouvelles - Allegretto 02:40 27 Boles³aw Woytowicz Etiuda As-dur nouvelles - Allegretto 02:37
Fryderyk Chopin View in Albunack Dzieła wszystkie - Pieśni 19 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Fryderyk Chopin Moja pieszczotka (My Sweetheart) 02:02 2 Fryderyk Chopin Posel (The Messenger) 03:01 3 Fryderyk Chopin Piosenka litewska (A Lithuanian Song) 02:59 4 Fryderyk Chopin Wiosna (Spring Song) 02:34 5 Fryderyk Chopin Zyczenie (The Maiden's Wish) 02:09 6 Fryderyk Chopin Nie ma czego trzeba (Mist In My Eyes) 04:51 7 Fryderyk Chopin Slicny chlopiec (The Handsome Lad) 02:44 8 Fryderyk Chopin Leci liscie drzewa (Leaves Are Falling) 04:57 9 Fryderyk Chopin Pierscien (The Ring) 02:04 10 Fryderyk Chopin Dwojaki koniec (Death's Divisions) 02:16 11 Fryderyk Chopin Gdzie lubi (A Girl's Desire) 01:14 12 Fryderyk Chopin Dumka 01:35 13 Fryderyk Chopin Czary (Witchcraft) 02:48 14 Fryderyk Chopin Melodia (Elegy) 02:22 15 Fryderyk Chopin Wojak (The Warrior) 02:11 16 Fryderyk Chopin Precz z moich oczu (Out Of My Sight) 03:38 17 Fryderyk Chopin Smutna rzeka (Sad River) 03:33 18 Fryderyk Chopin Narzeczony (The Bridegroom) 02:17 19 Fryderyk Chopin Hulanka (A Drinking Song) 02:04
Fryderyk Chopin View in Albunack Dzieła wszystkie - Sonaty 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Fryderyk Chopin Sonata c-moll op. 4 - Allegro maestoso 09:50 2 Fryderyk Chopin Sonata c-moll op. 4 - Minuetto. Allegretto 04:36 3 Jan Ekier Sonata b-moll op.35 - Marche funebre. Lento 08:05 4 Fryderyk Chopin Sonata c-moll op. 4 - Finale. Presto 07:04 5 Fryderyk Chopin Sonata g-moll op. 65 - Allegro moderato 10:22 6 Jan Ekier Sonata h-moll op.58 - Scherzo. Molto vivace 02:34 7 Fryderyk Chopin Sonata g-moll op. 65 - Largo 03:44 8 Fryderyk Chopin Sonata g-moll op. 65 - Finale. Allegro 06:23
Fryderyk Chopin View in Albunack Evgeni Kissin - Moskauer Philharmoniker / Konzerte für Klavier und Orchester Nr.1 und Nr. 2 8 3 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Fryderyk Chopin Nr1. e-Moll Op. 11 - Allegro maestuoso 18:28 2 Fryderyk Chopin Nr1. e-Moll Op. 11 - Romanza Larghetto Rondo vivace 17:58 Has Mbid 3 Fryderyk Chopin Nr. 2 f-Moll Op. 21 - Maestuoso 13:07 Has Mbid 4 Fryderyk Chopin Nr. 2 f-Moll Op. 21 - Larghetto 07:40 5 Fryderyk Chopin Nr. 2 f-Moll Op. 21 - Allegro vivace 08:08 6 Fryderyk Chopin Nr. 2 f-Moll Op. 21 - Mazurka 01:42 7 Fryderyk Chopin Nr. 2 f-Moll Op. 21 - Mazurka 01:55 Has Mbid 8 Fryderyk Chopin Nr. 2 f-Moll Op. 21 - Walzer 02:41
Fryderyk Chopin View in Albunack Fryderyk Chopin (1810-1849) 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Fryderyk Chopin Nocturn fis-moll op. 48 07:46 2 Fryderyk Chopin Walc As-dur op. 42 03:55 3 Fryderyk Chopin Mazurek B-dur op. 7 nr 1 02:28 4 Fryderyk Chopin Mazurek a-moll op. 7 nr 2 03:15 5 Fryderyk Chopin Mazurek f-moll op. 7 nr 3 02:50 6 Fryderyk Chopin Mazurek As-dur op. 7 nr 4 01:27 7 Fryderyk Chopin Scherzo h-moll op. 20 10:17
Fryderyk Chopin View in Albunack Fryderyk Chopin - The Best Of 13 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Fryderyk Chopin Polonez - Fantazja As-dur op. 61 12:54 2 Fryderyk Chopin Mazurek c-moll op. 30 nr 1 01:47 3 Fryderyk Chopin Mazurek h-moll op. 30 nr 2 01:32 4 Fryderyk Chopin Mazurek Des-dur op. 30 nr 3 02:54 5 Fryderyk Chopin Mazurek cis-moll op. 30 nr 3 03:55 6 Fryderyk Chopin Etiuda e-moll op. 25 nr 5 03:15 7 Fryderyk Chopin Ballada g-moll op. 23 09:22 8 Fryderyk Chopin Nokturn E-dur op. 62 nr 2 06:16 9 Fryderyk Chopin Etiuda a-moll op. 25 nr 11 03:33 10 Fryderyk Chopin Etiuda h-moll op. 25 nr 10 04:08 11 Fryderyk Chopin Walc As-dur op. 34 nr 1 04:47 12 Fryderyk Chopin Sherzo h-moll op.20 09:52 13 Fryderyk Chopin Polonez As-dur op. 53 06:56
Fryderyk Chopin View in Albunack I Maestri della Musica #2/17 7 2 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Fryderyk Chopin Concerto n.2 in Fa Minore per pianoforte e orchestra, op. 21 - Maestoso 12:11 2 Fryderyk Chopin Concerto n.2 in Fa Minore per pianoforte e orchestra, op. 21 - Larghetto 08:50 3 Fryderyk Chopin Concerto n.2 in Fa Minore per pianoforte e orchestra, op. 21 - Allegro Vivace 08:48 4 Fryderyk Chopin Mazurca in Do Minore, op. 56, n.3 05:51 5 Fryderyk Chopin Scherzo n. 4 in Mi Maggiore, op. 54 11:01 Has Mbid 6 Fryderyk Chopin Valzer in Do Diesis Minore, op. 64, n.2 03:53 Has Mbid 7 Fryderyk Chopin Valzer in La Minore, op. 34, n.2 05:23
Fryderyk Chopin View in Albunack I Maestri della Musica #2/18 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Fryderyk Chopin Ballata n .1 in Sol Minore, op. 23 09:07 2 Fryderyk Chopin Ballata n. 2 in Fa Maggiore, op. 38 07:24 3 Fryderyk Chopin Ballata n. 3 in La Bemolle Maggiore, op. 47 07:08 4 Fryderyk Chopin Ballata n. 4 in Fa Minore, op. 52 11:21 5 Fryderyk Chopin Sonata n. 3 in Si Minore per pianofore, op. 58 - Allegro maestoso 10:12 6 Fryderyk Chopin Sonata n. 3 in Si Minore per pianofore, op. 58 - Scherzo: Molto vivace 02:49 7 Fryderyk Chopin Sonata n. 3 in Si Minore per pianofore, op. 58 - Largo 08:52 8 Fryderyk Chopin Sonata n. 3 in Si Minore per pianofore, op. 58 - Finale: Presto, non tanto 05:34
Fryderyk Chopin View in Albunack I Maestri della Musica #2/19 8 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Fryderyk Chopin Sonata n. 2 in Si Bemolle Minore per pianoforte, op. 35 - Grave. Doppio movimento 08:18 2 Fryderyk Chopin Sonata n. 2 in Si Bemolle Minore per pianoforte, op. 35 - Scherzo 08:11 3 Fryderyk Chopin Sonata n. 2 in Si Bemolle Minore per pianoforte, op. 35 - Marcia funebre. Lento 10:38 4 Fryderyk Chopin Sonata n. 2 in Si Bemolle Minore per pianoforte, op. 35 - Finale. Presto 01:31 Has Mbid 5 Fryderyk Chopin Valzer in La Bemolle Maggiore, op. 69, n. 1 04:22 6 Fryderyk Chopin Valzer brillante in La Bemolle Maggiore, op. 34, n. 1 05:47 7 Fryderyk Chopin Valzer in Mi Maggiore, op. postuma 03:05 8 Fryderyk Chopin Andante spianato e grande polacca brillante in Mi Bemolle Maggiore, op. 22 13:08
Fryderyk Chopin View in Albunack I Maestri della Musica #2/20 11 2 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Fryderyk Chopin Fantasia in Fa Minore, op. 49 12:35 2 Fryderyk Chopin Tarantella in La Bemolle Maggiore, op. 43 03:33 3 Fryderyk Chopin Scherzo in Si Bemolle Minore, op. 31 10:03 Has Mbid 4 Fryderyk Chopin Barcarola in Fa Diesis Maggiore, op. 60 07:55 5 Fryderyk Chopin Berceuse in Re Bemole Maggionre, op. 57 04:47 6 Fryderyk Chopin Studio in Do Minore, op. 10, n. 12 02:45 7 Fryderyk Chopin Preludio in Si Bemolle Minore, op. 28, n. 16 01:14 8 Fryderyk Chopin Notturno in Fa Diesis Maggiore, op. 15, n. 2 03:25 9 Fryderyk Chopin Valzer n. 14 in Mi Minore, op. postuma 02:43 10 Fryderyk Chopin Mazurca in Do Diesis Minore, op. 50, n. 3 04:01 Has Mbid 11 Fryderyk Chopin Studio in Mi Maggiore, op. 10, n. 3 04:15
Fryderyk Chopin View in Albunack II Koncert fortepianowy f-mol op.21 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Fryderyk Chopin Utwór01 15:06 2 Fryderyk Chopin Utwór02 09:54 3 Fryderyk Chopin Utwór03 08:30 4 Fryderyk Chopin Utwór04 09:01 5 Fryderyk Chopin Utwór05 02:03 6 Fryderyk Chopin Utwór06 01:50 7 Fryderyk Chopin Utwór07 03:20 8 Fryderyk Chopin Utwór08 07:04
Fryderyk Chopin View in Albunack Interpretations by Emile Pandolfi 13 2 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 Fryderyk Chopin Nocturne #2 in Eb Op9 #2 03:53 2 Fryderyk Chopin Fantasie Imprompty Op66 05:27 3 Fryderyk Chopin Waltz in C#m Op64 #2 03:34 4 Fryderyk Chopin Prelude in Em Op28 #4 02:08 5 Fryderyk Chopin Nocturne #5 in F# Op15 #2 03:23 6 Fryderyk Chopin Polonaise in Ab Op53 "The Heroic" 07:57 7 Fryderyk Chopin Etude in E Op10 #3 04:17 8 Fryderyk Chopin Prelude in C Op28 #1 00:43 9 Fryderyk Chopin Nocturne #4 in F Op15 #1 04:20 Has Mbid 10 Fryderyk Chopin Berceuse Op57 03:25 11 Fryderyk Chopin Prelude in Cm Op28 #20 01:56 12 Fryderyk Chopin Etude in Cm Op10 #12 "The Revolutionary" 02:50 13 Fryderyk Chopin Ballade in Gm Op23 08:47
Fryderyk Chopin View in Albunack Koncerty fortepianowe 6 3 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Fryderyk Chopin e-moll op. 11 - Allegro maestoso 20:08 Has Mbid 2 Fryderyk Chopin Romance Larghetto 10:08 3 Fryderyk Chopin e-moll op. 11 - Rondo - Vivace 10:09 Has Mbid 4 Fryderyk Chopin Maestoso 14:03 5 Fryderyk Chopin f-moll op. 21 - Larghetto 09:43 Has Mbid 6 Fryderyk Chopin Allegro vivace 08:11
Fryderyk Chopin View in Albunack Krzysztof Książek gra Chopina 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Fryderyk Chopin Nokturn fis-moll op. 48 07:43 2 Fryderyk Chopin Walc As-dur op. 42 03:55 3 Fryderyk Chopin Mazurek B-dur op. 7 nr 1 02:28 4 Fryderyk Chopin Mazurek a-moll op. 7 nr 2 03:15 5 Fryderyk Chopin Mazurek f-moll op. 7 nr 3 02:50 6 Fryderyk Chopin Mazurek As-dur op. 7 nr 4 01:27 7 Fryderyk Chopin Scherzo h-moll op. 20 10:17
Fryderyk Chopin View in Albunack Olejniczak 12 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Fryderyk Chopin I Scherzo H-Moll Op. 20 10:44 2 Fryderyk Chopin Nocturne H-Dur Op.62 Nr 1 08:00 Has Mbid 3 Fryderyk Chopin 3 Preludes Op. 28 - 1 E-Moll Nr 4 02:32 4 Fryderyk Chopin 3 Preludes Op. 28 - 2 A-Dur Nr 7 00:58 5 Fryderyk Chopin 3 Preludes Op. 28 - 3 C-Moll Nr 20 01:55 6 Fryderyk Chopin Nocturne Cis-Moll Op. Posth 04:17 7 Fryderyk Chopin Valse As-Dur Op. 69 Nr 1 04:43 8 Fryderyk Chopin Marche Funebre C-Moll 06:13 9 Fryderyk Chopin II Sonata B-Moll Op.35 - Grave. Doppio Movimento 08:11 10 Fryderyk Chopin II Sonata B-Moll Op.35 - Scherzo 07:30 11 Fryderyk Chopin II Sonata B-Moll Op.35 - Marche Funebre. Lento 10:08 12 Fryderyk Chopin II Sonata B-Moll Op.35 - Finale. Presto 01:26
Fryderyk Chopin View in Albunack Orchestra 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Fryderyk Chopin Nokturn fis-moll op.48 07:46 2 Fryderyk Chopin Walc As-dur op.42 03:55 3 Fryderyk Chopin Utwór03 02:28 4 Fryderyk Chopin Mazurek A-mol 03:15 5 Fryderyk Chopin Utwór05 02:50 6 Fryderyk Chopin Mazurek As-dur op.7 nr4 01:27 7 Fryderyk Chopin Utwór07 10:17
Fryderyk Chopin View in Albunack Orchestra 1810-1849 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Fryderyk Chopin Nokturn fis-moll op. 48 07:43 2 Fryderyk Chopin Walk As-dur op.42 03:55 3 Fryderyk Chopin Mazurek B-dur op. 7 nr 1 02:28 4 Fryderyk Chopin Mazurek a-moll op. 7 nr 2 03:15 5 Fryderyk Chopin Mazurek f-moll op. 7 nr 3 02:50 6 Fryderyk Chopin Mazurek As-dur op. 7 nr 4 01:27 7 Fryderyk Chopin Scherzo h-moll op.20 10:17
Fryderyk Chopin View in Albunack Orkiestrowe opracowania 10 2 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Fryderyk Chopin Etiuda E-dur 05:06 2 Fryderyk Chopin Nokturn Des-dur 01:37 3 Fryderyk Chopin Etiuda Ges-dur 04:55 4 Fryderyk Chopin Etiuda Ges-dur 5 00:58 Has Mbid 5 Fryderyk Chopin Etiuda Cis-mol 06:03 6 Fryderyk Chopin Marsz zalobny 04:54 7 Fryderyk Chopin Nokturn Es-dur 04:21 Has Mbid 8 Fryderyk Chopin Polonez A-dur 04:06 9 Fryderyk Chopin Polonez As-dur 04:48 10 Fryderyk Chopin Walc Es-dur 05:41
Fryderyk Chopin View in Albunack Piano Concertos, Works for Piano Solo 6 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Fryderyk Chopin Piano Concerto e-moll op. 11 - 1. Allegro maestoso 20:08 Has Mbid 2 Fryderyk Chopin Piano Concerto e-moll op. 11 - 2. Romance. Larghetto 10:27 3 Fryderyk Chopin Piano Concerto e-moll op. 11 - 3. Rondo. Vivace 10:09 4 Fryderyk Chopin Piano Concerto f-moll op. 21 - 1. Maestoso 15:23 5 Fryderyk Chopin Piano Concerto e-moll op. 11 - 2. Larghetto 09:43 6 Fryderyk Chopin Piano Concerto e-moll op. 11 - 3. Allegro vivace 08:53
Fryderyk Chopin View in Albunack Piano- Best Of Chopin 11 3 1998 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Frederic Chopin Grande Valse Brillante In E Flat Major Op. 18 05:17 2 Frederic Chopin Mazurka In C Major Op. 56, No. 2 01:40 3 Frederic Chopin Mazurka In F Minor Op. 68, No. 4 02:06 4 Frederic Chopin Barcarole In F Sharp Major Op. 60 08:58 Has Mbid 5 Frederic Chopin Marche Funebre. Lento 08:41 6 Frederic Chopin Nocturne In F Sharp Minor Op. 48, No. 2 07:56 7 Frederic Chopin Nocturne In D Flat Major Op. 27, No. 2 06:09 Has Mbid 8 Frederic Chopin Etude In E Major Op. 10, No. 12 04:23 9 Frederic Chopin Etude In C Minor Op. 10, No. 12 02:40 10 Frederic Chopin Maestoso 10:41 Has Mbid 11 Frederic Chopin Larghetto 11:26
Fryderyk Chopin View in Albunack Polonezy (op. 3, 26, 40) 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Fryderyk Chopin Polonez G-dur na fortepian i wiolonczelę op. 3 09:08 2 Fryderyk Chopin Polonez cis-moll op. 26 nr 1 08:03 3 Fryderyk Chopin Polonez A-dur op. 40 nr 1 00:00 4 Fryderyk Chopin Scherzo h-moll op. 20 09:17 5 Fryderyk Chopin Scherzo b-moll op. 31 00:00 6 Fryderyk Chopin Scherzo cis-moll op. 39 07:28
Fryderyk Chopin View in Albunack Preludia, Mazurki 28 3 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Fryderyk Chopin Preludium Nr 1 C-dur Agitato 00:39 2 Fryderyk Chopin Preludium Nr 2 a-moll Lento 02:42 3 Fryderyk Chopin Preludium Nr 3 G-dur Vivace 00:56 4 Fryderyk Chopin Preludium Nr 4 e-moll Largo 01:57 5 Fryderyk Chopin Preludium Nr 5 D-dur Allegro molto 00:34 6 Fryderyk Chopin Preludium Nr 6 h-moll Lento assai 02:04 Has Mbid 7 Fryderyk Chopin Preludium Nr 7 A-dur Andantino 01:01 8 Fryderyk Chopin Preludium Nr 8 E-dur Molto agitato 01:48 9 Fryderyk Chopin Preludium Nr 9 E-dur Largo 01:37 10 Fryderyk Chopin Preludium Nr 10 cis-moll Allegro molto 00:31 11 Fryderyk Chopin Preludium Nr 11 H-dur Vivace 00:41 12 Fryderyk Chopin Preludium Nr 12 gis-moll Presto 01:11 13 Fryderyk Chopin Preludium Nr 13 Fis-dur Lento 03:28 14 Fryderyk Chopin Preludium Nr 14 es-moll Allegro 00:29 15 Fryderyk Chopin Preludium Nr 15 Des-dur Sostenuto 06:09 16 Fryderyk Chopin Preludium Nr 16 b-moll Presto con fuoco 01:05 17 Fryderyk Chopin Preludium Nr 17 As-dur Allegretto 03:35 18 Fryderyk Chopin Preludium Nr 18 f-moll Allegro molto 00:58 19 Fryderyk Chopin Preludium Nr 19 Es-dur Vivace 01:24 Has Mbid 20 Fryderyk Chopin Preludium Nr 20 c-moll Largo 02:05 21 Fryderyk Chopin Preludium Nr 21 B-dur Cantabile 01:58 22 Fryderyk Chopin Preludium Nr 22 g-moll Molto agitato 00:42 23 Fryderyk Chopin Preludium Nr 23 F-dur Moderato 01:17 Has Mbid 24 Fryderyk Chopin Preludium Nr 24 d-moll Allegro appasionato 02:29 25 Fryderyk Chopin Mazurek Nr 1 c-moll Allegretto non tanto 01:49 26 Fryderyk Chopin Mazurek Nr 2 h-moll Vivace 01:24 27 Fryderyk Chopin Mazurek Nr 3 Des-dur Allegro non troppo 02:46 28 Fryderyk Chopin Mazurek Nr 4 cis-moll Allegretto 03:52
Fryderyk Chopin View in Albunack Scherzi and Preludes (Havard Gimse) (1999 - Naim - naimcd028) 27 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Fryderyk Chopin Scherzo No 1 in B Minor Op 20 10:09 2 Fryderyk Chopin Scherzo No 2 in B Flat Minor Op 31 09:46 3 Fryderyk Chopin Scherzo No 4 in E Major Op 54 11:11 4 Fryderyk Chopin Preludes Op 28, 1-24, No 1 in C 00:49 5 Fryderyk Chopin Prelude No 2 in A Minor 02:31 6 Fryderyk Chopin Prelude No 3 in G 01:00 7 Fryderyk Chopin Prelude No 4 in E Minor 02:26 8 Fryderyk Chopin Prelude No 5 in D 00:32 9 Fryderyk Chopin Prelude No 6 in B Minor 02:26 10 Fryderyk Chopin Prelude No 7 in A 00:47 11 Fryderyk Chopin Prelude No 8 in F Sharp Minor 01:51 12 Fryderyk Chopin Prelude No 9 in E 01:39 13 Fryderyk Chopin Prelude No 10 in C Sharp Minor 00:31 14 Fryderyk Chopin Prelude No 11 in B 00:38 15 Fryderyk Chopin Prelude No 12 in G Sharp Minor 01:10 16 Fryderyk Chopin Prelude No 13 in F Sharp 03:40 17 Fryderyk Chopin Prelude No 14 in E Flat Minor 00:33 18 Fryderyk Chopin Prelude No 15 in D Flat 06:21 19 Fryderyk Chopin Prelude No 16 in B Flat Minor 01:10 20 Fryderyk Chopin Prelude No 17 in A Flat 03:15 21 Fryderyk Chopin Prelude No 18 in F Minor 00:52 22 Fryderyk Chopin Prelude No 19 in E Flat 01:21 23 Fryderyk Chopin Prelude No 20 in C Minor 01:57 24 Fryderyk Chopin Prelude No 21 in B Flat 01:59 25 Fryderyk Chopin Prelude No 22 in G Minor 00:48 26 Fryderyk Chopin Prelude No 23 in F 01:11 27 Fryderyk Chopin Prelude No 24 in D Minor 02:27
Fryderyk Chopin View in Albunack Sonata n. 2 - 3 Valzer - Andante spianato e Grande Polacca Brillante, Op. 22 8 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Fryderyk Chopin Traccia01 08:18 2 Fryderyk Chopin Traccia02 08:11 3 Fryderyk Chopin Traccia03 10:38 4 Fryderyk Chopin Traccia04 01:31 Has Mbid 5 Fryderyk Chopin Traccia05 04:20 6 Fryderyk Chopin Traccia06 05:47 7 Fryderyk Chopin Traccia07 03:05 8 Fryderyk Chopin Traccia08 13:08
Fryderyk Chopin View in Albunack Sonata nº 2 en Si Bemol menor, OP. 35 y varios 8 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Fryderyk Chopin Grave 08:18 2 Fryderyk Chopin Scherzo 08:11 3 Fryderyk Chopin Marcia fúnebre 10:38 4 Fryderyk Chopin Finale (presto) 01:31 Has Mbid 5 Fryderyk Chopin VALS Nº 9, en LA Bemol Mayor, OP 69, 1 04:22 6 Fryderyk Chopin VALS Nº 2, en LA Bemol Mayor, OP 34, 1 05:47 7 Fryderyk Chopin VALS Nª 15 en MI Mayor, OP. POSTH. 03:05 8 Fryderyk Chopin ANDANTE SPIANATO Y GRAN POLONESA 13:08
Fryderyk Chopin View in Albunack Sonaty 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Fryderyk Chopin II Sonata fortepianowa b-moll op. 35 - Grave. Doppio movimento 07:48 2 Fryderyk Chopin II Sonata fortepianowa b-moll op. 35 - Scherzo 06:58 3 Fryderyk Chopin II Sonata fortepianowa b-moll op. 35 - Marche funebre 12:15 4 Fryderyk Chopin II Sonata fortepianowa b-moll op. 35 - Finale. Presto 01:33 5 Fryderyk Chopin Sonata na fortepian i wiolonczele g-moll op. 65 - Allegro moderato 15:21 6 Fryderyk Chopin Sonata na fortepian i wiolonczele g-moll op. 65 - Scherzo 04:47 7 Fryderyk Chopin Sonata na fortepian i wiolonczele g-moll op. 65 - Largo 03:58 8 Fryderyk Chopin Sonata na fortepian i wiolonczele g-moll op. 65 - Allegro (Finale) 05:48
Fryderyk Chopin View in Albunack The Best of Chopin: The National Edition (1) 18 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Fryderyk Chopin Rondo in C Minor Op. 1 08:21 2 Fryderyk Chopin Scherzo in B Minor Op. 20 09:37 3 Fryderyk Chopin Scherzo in C# Minor Op. 39 07:52 4 Fryderyk Chopin Waltz in F Minor Op. 34 No. 3 02:11 5 Fryderyk Chopin Waltz in C# Minor Op. 64 No. 2 03:17 6 Fryderyk Chopin Prelude in Db Major Op. 28 No. 15 04:54 7 Fryderyk Chopin Prelude in Bb Minor Op. 28 No. 16 01:04 8 Fryderyk Chopin Prelude in C Minor Op. 28 No. 20 01:54 9 Fryderyk Chopin Mazurka in C Major Op. 6 No. 5 00:45 10 Fryderyk Chopin Mazurka in E Minor Op. 17 No. 2 01:48 11 Fryderyk Chopin Mazurka in a Minor Op. 17 No. 4 03:52 12 Fryderyk Chopin Etude in E Major Op. 10 No. 3 03:43 13 Fryderyk Chopin Etude in C Minor Op. 10 No. 12 02:31 14 Fryderyk Chopin Etude in Ab Major Op. 25 No. 1 02:16 15 Fryderyk Chopin Nocturne in Eb Major Op. 9 No. 2A 04:10 16 Fryderyk Chopin Nocturne in Db Major Op. 27 No. 2 05:14 17 Fryderyk Chopin Polonaise in a Major Op. 40 No. 1 05:22 18 Fryderyk Chopin Polonaise in Ab Major Op. 53 07:08
Fryderyk Chopin View in Albunack The First Book For Pianists 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Fryderyk Chopin Waltz in A Minor 02:39 2 Fryderyk Chopin Albumleaf 02:07 3 Fryderyk Chopin Mazurka in C Major 01:39 4 Fryderyk Chopin Cantabile in Bb Major 00:59 5 Fryderyk Chopin Prelude in A Major 00:59 6 Fryderyk Chopin Prelude in E Minor 02:06 7 Fryderyk Chopin Mazurka in Bb Major 02:48 8 Fryderyk Chopin Prelude in B Minor 02:20 9 Fryderyk Chopin Largo in Eb Major 01:49 10 Fryderyk Chopin Mazurka in F Major 01:40
Fryderyk Chopin View in Albunack The Romantic 13 3 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 Fryderyk Chopin Scherzo No.1 Op. 20 in B Minor 09:53 Has Mbid 2 Fryderyk Chopin Ballade No.1 Op.23 in G Minor 09:23 Has Mbid 3 Fryderyk Chopin Ballade No.Op.52 in F Minor 12:06 4 Fryderyk Chopin Nocturne Op.27 No.2 in D Flat Major 06:11 5 Fryderyk Chopin Polonaise Op.26 No.1 in C Sharp Minor 08:32 6 Fryderyk Chopin Fantasie-Impromptu Op.66 in C Sharp Minor 05:02 7 Fryderyk Chopin Etude Op.10 No.12 in C Minor 02:36 8 Fryderyk Chopin Etude Op.25 No.11 in A Minor 03:48 9 Fryderyk Chopin Etude Op.25 No.12 in C Minor 02:41 10 Fryderyk Chopin Prelude Op.28 No.17 in A Flat Major 03:27 11 Fryderyk Chopin Prelude Op.28 No.8 in F Sharp Minor 02:06 12 Fryderyk Chopin Mazurka Op.68 No.1 in C Major 01:36 13 Fryderyk Chopin Mazurka Op.68 No.4 in F Minor 02:09
Fryderyk Chopin View in Albunack XV Międzynarodowy Konkurs Pianistyczny im. Fryderyka Chopina, Vol. 11, Finały cz. 1 (CD) 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Jacek Kortus Koncert e-moll op. 11 - I. Allegro maestoso 20:31 2 Jacek Kortus Koncert e-moll op. 11 - II. Romance 10:35 3 Jacek Kortus Koncert e-moll op. 11 - III. Rondo 10:13 4 Dong Hyek Lim Koncert f-moll op. 21 - I. Maestoso 14:11 5 Dong Hyek Lim Koncert f-moll op. 21 - II. Larghetto 09:11 6 Dong Hyek Lim Koncert f-moll op. 21 - III. Allegro vivace 08:43
Fryderyk Chopin View in Albunack Zebrane 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Fryderyk Chopin Nocturn fis-moll op. 48 07:43 2 Fryderyk Chopin Walc As-dur op. 42 03:55 3 Fryderyk Chopin Mazurek B-dur op. 7 nr 1 02:28 4 Fryderyk Chopin Mazurek a-moll op. 7 nr 2 03:15 5 Fryderyk Chopin Mazurek f-moll op. 7 nr 3 02:50 6 Fryderyk Chopin Mazurek As-dur op. 7 nr 4 01:27 7 Fryderyk Chopin Scherzo h-moll op. 20 10:17
Fryderyk Chopin View in Albunack Étude Op. 10, No. 4 8 2 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Fryderyk Chopin Étude in C-sharp minor, Op. 10 No. 4 01:59 2 Fryderyk Chopin Mazurka No. 36 in A minor, Op. 59, No. 1 03:44 3 Fryderyk Chopin Mazurka No. 37 in A-flat major, Op. 59, No. 2 02:39 4 Fryderyk Chopin Mazurka No. 38 in F-sharp minor, Op. 59, No. 3 03:18 Has Mbid 5 Fryderyk Chopin Étude in C-sharp minor, Op. 10 No. 4 01:57 Has Mbid 6 Fryderyk Chopin Scherzo No. 3 in C-sharp minor, Op. 39 07:28 7 Fryderyk Chopin Nocturne No. 13 in C minor, Op. 48 No. 1 06:15 8 Fryderyk Chopin Étude in C-sharp minor, Op. 10 No. 4 02:12
Fryderyk Chopin View in Albunack Études - Welte-Mignon Vol. IV [Tacet] 29 2 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 Fryderyk Chopin Op 10/1 P. Orth 02:24 2 Fryderyk Chopin Op 10/2 P. Orth 01:43 3 Fryderyk Chopin Op 10/3 I. J. Paderewski 05:12 Has Mbid 4 Fryderyk Chopin Op 10/4 R. Serkin 02:03 5 Fryderyk Chopin Op 10/5 A. Schnabel 01:43 6 Fryderyk Chopin Op 10/6 R. Ganz 03:43 7 Fryderyk Chopin Op 10/7 A. Essipova 01:40 8 Fryderyk Chopin Op 10/8 V. Horowitz 02:26 9 Fryderyk Chopin Op 10/9 P. Orth 02:21 10 Fryderyk Chopin Op 10/10 E. Schelling 02:33 11 Fryderyk Chopin Op 10/11 T. Lambrino 02:58 12 Fryderyk Chopin Op 10/12 G. Galston 02:51 13 Fryderyk Chopin Op 25/1 A. Cionca 03:16 14 Fryderyk Chopin Op 25/2 A. Schnabel 01:21 15 Fryderyk Chopin Op 25/3 E. Schelling 01:53 16 Fryderyk Chopin Op 25/4 P. Orth 02:08 17 Fryderyk Chopin Op 25/5 P. Orth 03:53 18 Fryderyk Chopin Op25/6 A. Cory 02:10 19 Fryderyk Chopin Op25/7 E. Ney 05:14 20 Fryderyk Chopin Op25/8 T. Lambrino 01:14 21 Fryderyk Chopin Op25/9 E. Von Sauer 00:55 22 Fryderyk Chopin Op25/10 J. Lhévinne 03:18 23 Fryderyk Chopin Op25/11 R. Serkin 04:01 24 Fryderyk Chopin Op25/12 J. Lhévinne 02:42 25 Fryderyk Chopin Op 10/3 Adam-Benard 04:25 26 Fryderyk Chopin Op 10/5 Horowitz 01:38 27 Fryderyk Chopin Op 25/2 Pachmann 01:37 28 Fryderyk Chopin Op 25/2 Serkin 01:31 29 Fryderyk Chopin Op 25/9 Paderewski 01:11
Fryderyk Chopin View in Albunack ショパン 24の前奏曲・4つのバラード(1957) 28 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Fryderyk Chopin 24のプレリュード Op.28 no. 1 in C major 00:41 2 Fryderyk Chopin Preludes, op. 28 no. 2 in A minor 02:13 3 Fryderyk Chopin Preludes, op. 28 no. 3 in G major 01:03 4 Fryderyk Chopin Preludes, op. 28 no. 4 in E minor 01:55 5 Fryderyk Chopin Preludes, op. 28 no. 5 in D major 00:39 6 Fryderyk Chopin Preludes, op. 28 no. 6 in B minor 01:45 7 Fryderyk Chopin Preludes, op. 28 no. 7 in A major 00:38 8 Fryderyk Chopin Preludes, op. 28 no. 8 in F sharp minor 01:49 9 Fryderyk Chopin Preludes, op. 28 no. 9 in E major 01:19 10 Fryderyk Chopin Preludes, op. 28 no. 10 in C sharp minor 00:31 11 Fryderyk Chopin Preludes, op. 28 no. 11 In B major 00:39 12 Fryderyk Chopin Preludes, op. 28 no. 12 in G sharp minor 01:14 13 Fryderyk Chopin Preludes, op. 28 no. 13 in F sharp major 02:55 14 Fryderyk Chopin Preludes, op. 28 no. 14 in E flat minor 00:42 15 Fryderyk Chopin Preludes, op. 28 no. 15 in D flat major 04:48 16 Fryderyk Chopin Preludes, op. 28 no. 16 in B flat minor 01:17 17 Fryderyk Chopin Preludes, op. 28 no. 17 in A flat major 03:01 18 Fryderyk Chopin Preludes, op. 28 no. 18 in F minor 00:58 19 Fryderyk Chopin Preludes, op. 28 no. 19 in E flat major 01:31 20 Fryderyk Chopin Preludes, op. 28 no. 20 in C minor 01:29 21 Fryderyk Chopin Preludes, op. 28 no. 21 in B flat major 01:39 22 Fryderyk Chopin Preludes, op. 28 no. 22 in G minor 00:45 23 Fryderyk Chopin Preludes, op. 28 no. 23 in F major 00:45 24 Fryderyk Chopin Preludes, op. 28 no. 24 in D minor 02:44 25 Fryderyk Chopin 4つのバラード no. 1 in G minor, op. 23 08:34 26 Fryderyk Chopin 4つのバラード no. 2 in F major, op. 38 06:38 27 Fryderyk Chopin 4つのバラード no. 3 in A flat major, op. 47 06:28 28 Fryderyk Chopin 4つのバラード no. 4 in F minor, op. 52 09:44
Fryderyk Chopin View in Albunack 肖邦-钢琴经典 2 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Fryderyk Chopin 音轨01 10:24 2 Fryderyk Chopin 音轨02 10:23 3 Fryderyk Chopin 音轨03 07:39 4 Fryderyk Chopin 音轨04 11:41 5 Fryderyk Chopin 音轨05 04:09 6 Fryderyk Chopin 音轨06 05:19 7 Fryderyk Chopin 音轨07 05:39 8 Fryderyk Chopin 音轨08 07:36 9 Fryderyk Chopin 音轨09 07:12
Frédéric François View in Albunack 30 Ans d'Olympia - Spectacle 2014 - Partie 1 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Frédéric François Aimer 04:51 2 Frédéric François Est-Ce Que Tu Es Seule Ce Soir ? 04:08 3 Frédéric François Amor Latino 03:30 4 Frédéric François Viens Te Perdre Dans Mes Bras 06:22 5 Frédéric François Fidèle 04:31 6 Frédéric François Je Voudrais Dormir Près De Toi 03:46 7 Frédéric François Funiculi Funicula 03:04 8 Frédéric François Mon Coeur Te Dit Je t'Aime 05:17 9 Frédéric François Mamina 05:44 10 Frédéric François Ok Pour t'Emmener... 04:59
Frédéric François View in Albunack 30 Ans d'Olympia - Spectacle 2014 - Partie 2 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Frédéric François Chanteur d'Amour 04:41 2 Frédéric François Laisse Moi Vivre Ma Vie 03:53 3 Frédéric François Ma Belle Américaine 03:41 4 Par Marc Levy La Vie De Frédéric François 02:13 5 Frédéric François Torna A Surriento 03:00 6 Frédéric François La Tarantelle d'Amour Sicilienne 03:46 7 Frédéric François en duo avec Victoria & Roberto Alagna INTERACTION 'Les Grands Moments' - On s'Embrasse On Oublie Tout - Something Stupid - Parla Piu Piano 15:01 8 Frédéric François Chicago 05:34 9 Frédéric François Et Si On Parlait d'Amour 08:04 10 Frédéric François Je t'Aime à l'Italienne 04:58
Search Fugazi (Live Series\#1) Washington DC 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Fugazi joe \#1 01:21 2 Fugazi intro 00:56 3 Fugazi song \#1 02:47 4 Fugazi furniture 06:32 5 Fugazi merchandise 03:10 6 Fugazi turn off your guns 04:56 7 Fugazi in defense of humans 03:25 8 Fugazi waiting room 03:52 9 Fugazi word 05:02
Search Fugazi (Live Series\#7) Ft. Lauderdale FL 19 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Fugazi Intro_Shake A Leg 02:26 2 Fugazi Joe \#1 02:51 3 Fugazi Facet Squared 02:28 4 Fugazi Walken's Syndrome 02:50 5 Fugazi Reclamation 03:38 6 Fugazi Turnover 05:24 7 Fugazi Promises 05:16 8 Fugazi Rend It 03:45 9 Fugazi Merchandise 03:12 10 Fugazi Give Me The Cure 03:32 11 Fugazi Suggestion 07:44 12 Fugazi Exit Only 02:42 13 Fugazi Greed 02:29 14 Fugazi Pulic Witness Program 02:03 15 Fugazi Great Cop 01:57 16 Fugazi Blueprint 04:05 17 Fugazi Shut The Door 11:48 18 Fugazi Waiting Room 02:59 19 Fugazi Glueman 08:03
Search Fugazi 10-27-1995 Seattle 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Fugazi Blueprint 03:28 2 Fugazi Bed For The Scraping 03:11 3 Fugazi Do You Wanna Be Crushed/We Love You All 01:07 4 Fugazi 2 Beats Off 05:13 5 Fugazi Long Division 04:57 6 Fugazi A Quick Story 00:59 7 Fugazi Public Witness Program 02:01 8 Fugazi Back To Base 01:51 9 Fugazi Fell, Destroyed 03:51 10 Fugazi Promises 08:55
Search Fugazi 10-30-96 Sapporo 19 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Fugazi Intro 01:35 2 Fugazi Birthday Pony 02:28 3 Fugazi Down City 02:06 4 Fugazi Merchandise 03:08 5 Fugazi Walken's Syndrome 02:43 6 Fugazi Reclamation 05:05 7 Fugazi Target 04:59 8 Fugazi Five Corporations 02:26 9 Fugazi Margin Walker 02:37 10 Fugazi Song #1 03:49 11 Fugazi No Suprise 04:30 12 Fugazi By You 04:47 13 Fugazi Bed For the Scraping 03:09 14 Fugazi Do You Like Me 03:24 15 Fugazi Long Division 02:04 16 Fugazi Blueprint 04:53 17 Fugazi Floating Boy 02:17 18 Fugazi Waiting Room 03:09 19 Fugazi Forensic Scene 04:01
Search Fugazi 10-30-96 Sapporo, Japan Counteraction 19 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Fugazi Intro 01:35 2 Fugazi Birthday Pony 02:28 3 Fugazi Down City 02:06 4 Fugazi Merchandise 03:08 5 Fugazi Walken's Syndrome 02:42 6 Fugazi Reclamation 05:05 7 Fugazi Target 04:59 8 Fugazi Five Corporations 02:26 9 Fugazi Margin Walker 02:37 10 Fugazi Song #1 03:49 11 Fugazi No Suprise 04:30 12 Fugazi By You 04:47 13 Fugazi Bed For The Scraping 03:08 14 Fugazi Do You Like Me 03:23 15 Fugazi Long Division 02:04 16 Fugazi Blueprint 04:53 17 Fugazi Floating Boy 02:17 18 Fugazi Waiting Room 03:09 19 Fugazi Forensic Scene 04:01
Search Fugazi 11-16-96 Kuala Lampur, Malaysia 23 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Fugazi Place Position (Sound Check) 02:18 2 Fugazi Cassavetes (Sound Check) 02:15 3 Fugazi Intro 01:23 4 Fugazi Birthday Pony-Money Back Interruption 03:20 5 Fugazi Sieve-Fisted Fiend 03:20 6 Fugazi And the Same 04:38 7 Fugazi Public Witness Program 02:19 8 Fugazi Merchandise 03:26 9 Fugazi Target 03:47 10 Fugazi Bed for the Scraping 02:57 11 Fugazi Margin Walker 02:38 12 Fugazi Waiting Room 04:03 13 Fugazi No Surprise 04:11 14 Fugazi Long Division 02:23 15 Fugazi Runaway Return 03:52 16 Fugazi Facet Squared 02:41 17 Fugazi Floating Boy (Instrumental) 03:24 18 Fugazi 2 Beats Off 05:23 19 Fugazi Great Cop 02:59 20 Fugazi Blueprint 04:02 21 Fugazi Instrument 04:16 22 Fugazi By You (Vocal Buried) 04:33 23 Fugazi Do You Like Me 03:15
Search Fugazi 14 Songs 14 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Fugazi And The Same 08:30 2 Fugazi Nice New Outfit 03:55 Has Mbid 3 Fugazi Merchandise 00:00 4 Fugazi Stacks 03:31 5 Fugazi Latin Roots 06:06 6 Fugazi Steady Diet 07:49 7 Fugazi Promises 05:37 8 Fugazi Margin Walker 05:43 9 Fugazi Bulldog Front 06:08 10 Fugazi Long Division 02:36 11 Fugazi Blueprint 05:17 12 Fugazi Polish 02:15 13 Fugazi Reclamation 03:20 14 Fugazi Waiting Room 07:26
Search Fugazi 5-2-97 Loeb Center - NYC, NY 16 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Fugazi Intro 02:26 2 Fugazi Birthday Pony 02:36 3 Fugazi Latin Roots 04:13 4 Fugazi Facet Squared 02:43 5 Fugazi Public Witness Program 02:20 6 Fugazi Break 02:16 7 Fugazi No Surprise 04:39 8 Fugazi Shut the Door 10:19 9 Fugazi Target 03:59 10 Fugazi Brendan #1 03:11 11 Fugazi Bed for the Scraping 05:01 12 Fugazi F-D 02:18 13 Fugazi By You 05:14 14 Fugazi Five Corporations 02:33 15 Fugazi Sieve-Fisted Find 03:20 16 Fugazi Great Cop 02:54
Search Fugazi 5-2-97 Loeb Center - NYC, NY (2) 13 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Fugazi Lock Down 02:51 2 Fugazi Burning Too 03:09 3 Fugazi Floating Boy 05:28 4 Fugazi Pink Frosty 05:12 5 Fugazi AC Bribe - Gamblin Fool 01:11 6 Fugazi Turnover 04:09 7 Fugazi Repeater 04:12 8 Fugazi Forensic Scene 03:55 9 Fugazi Sweet and Low 04:42 10 Fugazi Kyeo 05:36 11 Fugazi Arpeggiator 04:00 12 Fugazi Rend It 03:53 13 Fugazi Reclamation 01:53
Search Fugazi 9-3-97 Washington, D.C. (I) 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Fugazi Brendan #1 02:47 2 Fugazi Styrofoam 02:47 3 Fugazi Latin Roots 03:12 4 Fugazi Facet Squared 02:42 5 Fugazi Target 04:37 6 Fugazi And the Same 05:18 7 Fugazi No Surprise 04:28 8 Fugazi Break 01:57 9 Fugazi 2 Beats Off 06:52 10 Fugazi Shut the Door 08:36
Search Fugazi 9-3-97 Washington, D.C. (II) 13 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Fugazi Last Chance for a Slow Dance 05:33 2 Fugazi Long Division 02:17 3 Fugazi Do You Like Me 04:24 4 Fugazi Back to Base 01:36 5 Fugazi F/D 02:09 6 Fugazi Suggestion 06:31 7 Fugazi Break In 02:22 8 Fugazi By You 04:53 9 Fugazi Pink Frosty 04:29 10 Fugazi Floating Boy 07:35 11 Fugazi Arpeggiator 04:27 12 Fugazi Bed for the Scraping 03:07 13 Fugazi Fell Destroyed (cuts off) 03:13
Search Fugazi 931117 Live V10 Anu Bar, Canberra, Australia D1 14 2 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Fugazi Intro 01:59 2 Fugazi Joe #1 03:32 3 Fugazi Facet Squared 02:31 4 Fugazi Sieve-Fisted Find 03:22 5 Fugazi Reclamation 02:56 6 Fugazi Rap 01:35 7 Fugazi Reclamation (Continued) 01:53 8 Fugazi Public Witness Program 03:12 9 Fugazi Merchandise 02:48 10 Fugazi Nice New Outfit 03:40 Has Mbid 11 Fugazi Instrument 03:44 12 Fugazi Last Chance for a Slowdance 05:37 Has Mbid 13 Fugazi Great Cop 01:53 14 Fugazi Walken's Syndrome 02:57
Search Fugazi 940826 Live V11 92 Degrees, Curitiba, Brazil D1 13 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Fugazi Intro 01:56 2 Fugazi Brendan #1 03:16 3 Fugazi Facet Squared 03:36 4 Fugazi Rend It 04:44 5 Fugazi Great Cop 02:11 6 Fugazi Exit Only 02:59 7 Fugazi Greed 01:47 8 Fugazi Turnover 04:01 9 Fugazi Reclamation 04:35 10 Fugazi Two Beats Off 06:04 11 Fugazi By You 06:12 12 Fugazi Waiting Room 03:04 13 Fugazi Margin Walker 02:41
Search Fugazi 940826 Live V11 92 Degrees, Curitiba, Brazil D2 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Fugazi Long Division 02:24 2 Fugazi Blueprint 04:07 3 Fugazi Birthday Pony 04:00 4 Fugazi Reprovisional 08:18 5 Fugazi Returning the Screw 03:43 6 Fugazi Smallpox Champion 04:13 7 Fugazi Promises 08:22
Search Fugazi 951009 Live V12 D1 15 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Fugazi Intro 02:33 2 Fugazi Birthday Pony 02:23 3 Fugazi Walken's Syndrome 02:41 4 Fugazi Stage Crush Rap 01:15 5 Fugazi Merchandise 03:12 6 Fugazi Do You Like Me 02:42 7 Fugazi Reclamation 03:54 8 Fugazi Weird Fight Rap 03:31 9 Fugazi Forensic Scene 03:09 10 Fugazi Promises 07:45 11 Fugazi Target 03:54 12 Fugazi Bed for the Scraping (ends abruptly) 01:29 13 Fugazi Sit Down Rap 05:36 14 Fugazi Bed Part 2 02:45 15 Fugazi Public Witness Program 02:23
Search Fugazi 951009 Live V12 Expo Center, Peoria D1 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Fugazi By You 05:08 2 Fugazi Stacks 03:10 3 Fugazi Blueprint 03:46 4 Fugazi Dance Rap 01:22 5 Fugazi Instrument 06:15 6 Fugazi Waiting Room 02:40 7 Fugazi Margin Walker 02:26 8 Fugazi Song #1 03:19 9 Fugazi Fell, Destroyed 04:10 10 Fugazi Long Distance Runner 04:33 11 Fugazi Version 04:01
Search Fugazi 970701 Live V17 The Room, Dunedin, New Zealand D1 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Fugazi Intro 01:16 2 Fugazi Break 02:36 3 Fugazi Sieve-Fisted Find 03:28 4 Fugazi Facet Squared 02:37 5 Fugazi Do You Like Me 02:49 6 Fugazi Reclamation 04:22 7 Fugazi Dear Justice Letter 03:55 8 Fugazi Long Division 02:14 9 Fugazi Floating Boy 05:17 10 Fugazi Promises 06:50 11 Fugazi Target 04:58 12 Fugazi Recap Modotti 02:45
Search Fugazi Blueprint - Live '90 18 1 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 Fugazi Reclamation 03:38 2 Fugazi Sieve-Fisted Find 03:25 3 Fugazi Merchandise 03:03 4 Fugazi Turnover 04:13 5 Fugazi And The Same 04:39 6 Fugazi Exit only 03:03 7 Fugazi Song # 03:34 8 Fugazi Margin Walker 02:32 9 Fugazi Bad Mouth 02:39 10 Fugazi Waiting Room 03:02 11 Fugazi Long Devision 02:07 12 Fugazi Blueprint 03:54 13 Fugazi Styrofoam 03:02 14 Fugazi Runaway Return 04:13 15 Fugazi Bulldog Front 03:06 16 Fugazi Burning Too 02:51 17 Fugazi Two Beat Off 07:59 18 Fugazi Provisional 04:01
Search Fugazi Chicago, IL USA 08.08.91 22 0 1991 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Fugazi Intro 01:47 2 Fugazi Reclamation 03:30 3 Fugazi Sieve-Fisted Find 03:22 4 Fugazi Merchandise 04:20 5 Fugazi Dear Justice Letter 04:58 6 Fugazi Interlude 1 00:57 7 Fugazi Styrofoam 02:44 8 Fugazi Two Beats Off 05:00 9 Fugazi Song #1 03:11 10 Fugazi Margin Walker 02:35 11 Fugazi Bad Mouth 02:59 12 Fugazi Give Me The Cure 02:55 13 Fugazi Waiting Room 03:07 14 Fugazi Shut the Door 05:33 15 Fugazi Exit Only 03:11 16 Fugazi Long Division 02:25 17 Fugazi Blueprint 03:41 18 Fugazi Encore 1 03:41 19 Fugazi Turnover 04:44 20 Fugazi KYEO 06:19 21 Fugazi Reprovisional 05:29 22 Fugazi Outro 04:04
Search Fugazi Chicago, IL, Congress Theater, 6/23/01 32 0 2001 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Fugazi Intro 01:50 2 Fugazi Ex-Spectator 04:12 3 Fugazi Sieve-Fisted Find 03:06 4 Fugazi Reclamation 03:43 5 Fugazi Interlude 1 00:28 6 Fugazi FD 02:11 7 Fugazi Epic Problem 04:04 8 Fugazi Nightshop 03:38 9 Fugazi Bed For The Scraping 03:21 10 Fugazi Smallpox Champion 03:14 11 Fugazi Interlude 2 00:50 12 Fugazi The Kill 04:44 13 Fugazi Closed Captioned 05:02 14 Fugazi Number 5 02:44 15 Fugazi Interlude 3 00:50 16 Fugazi Full Disclosure 03:18 17 Fugazi Break 01:59 18 Fugazi Blueprint 03:12 19 Fugazi Waiting Room 02:49 20 Fugazi Burning 03:10 21 Fugazi Long Division 03:20 22 Fugazi Encore 1 02:02 23 Fugazi Arpeggiator 03:46 24 Fugazi Interlude 4 00:23 25 Fugazi Cashout 05:17 26 Fugazi Interlude 5 01:38 27 Fugazi Public Witness Program 02:05 28 Fugazi Repeater 03:21 29 Fugazi Encore 2 04:14 30 Fugazi Great Cop 02:13 31 Fugazi Turnover 04:10 32 Fugazi Outro 01:26
Search Fugazi Chicago, IL, Congress Theater, 6/24/01 28 0 2001 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Fugazi Intro 04:48 2 Fugazi Exit Only 02:37 3 Fugazi Merchandise 02:47 4 Fugazi Place Position 02:32 5 Fugazi And The Same 04:30 6 Fugazi Oh 04:31 7 Fugazi Closed Captioned 04:38 8 Fugazi Rend It 04:08 9 Fugazi Argument 04:35 10 Fugazi By You 04:24 11 Fugazi The Kill 05:10 12 Fugazi Strangelight 05:34 13 Fugazi Interlude 1 00:51 14 Fugazi Promises 06:53 15 Fugazi Do You Like Me 02:30 16 Fugazi Five Corporations 02:28 17 Fugazi Number 5 02:46 18 Fugazi Encore 1 01:31 19 Fugazi Target 04:03 20 Fugazi Furniture 03:32 21 Fugazi Lockdown 05:42 22 Fugazi Arpeggiator 04:03 23 Fugazi Sweet and Low 04:06 24 Fugazi Encore 2 05:41 25 Fugazi Styrofoam 02:28 26 Fugazi FD 02:06 27 Fugazi Break 02:00 28 Fugazi Outro 00:52
Search Fugazi Chicago, IL, Medusa, 06.14.90 25 0 1990 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Fugazi Intro 00:30 2 Fugazi Two Beats Off 04:07 3 Fugazi Interlude 1 00:19 4 Fugazi Sieve-Fisted Find 03:39 5 Fugazi Repeater 03:25 6 Fugazi Interlude 2 00:36 7 Fugazi Waiting Room 02:56 8 Fugazi Margin Walker 02:50 9 Fugazi Song #1 03:37 10 Fugazi Interlude 3 00:38 11 Fugazi Blueprint 04:16 12 Fugazi Interlude 4 00:41 13 Fugazi Shut the Door 05:06 14 Fugazi Interlude 5 00:38 15 Fugazi Runaway Return 04:33 16 Fugazi Interlude 6 01:28 17 Fugazi Burning Too 03:01 18 Fugazi Burning 02:40 19 Fugazi Interlude 7 00:53 20 Fugazi Bad Mouth 02:36 21 Fugazi Interlude 8 02:02 22 Fugazi Reprovisional 04:28 23 Fugazi Encore 1 03:42 24 Fugazi Suggestion 13:52 25 Fugazi Give Me The Cure 04:21
Search Fugazi Hamburg, DE, Fabrik, 7/4/95 33 0 1995 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Fugazi Intro 01:20 2 Fugazi Styrofoam 02:36 3 Fugazi Nice New Outfit 03:08 4 Fugazi Interlude 1 01:19 5 Fugazi Back to Base 01:37 6 Fugazi Downed City 02:01 7 Fugazi Interlude 2 00:32 8 Fugazi And The Same 04:03 9 Fugazi Walken's Syndrome 02:36 10 Fugazi Returning the Screw 03:41 11 Fugazi Margin Walker 02:34 12 Fugazi Bed For The Scraping 02:54 13 Fugazi Target 03:26 14 Fugazi Waiting Room 02:41 15 Fugazi Interlude 3 00:20 16 Fugazi By You 04:19 17 Fugazi Two Beats Off 05:05 18 Fugazi Interlude 4 00:36 19 Fugazi Merchandise 02:39 20 Fugazi Blueprint 03:25 21 Fugazi Long Division 02:02 22 Fugazi Forensic Scene 03:12 23 Fugazi Encore 1 02:48 24 Fugazi Reclamation 03:35 25 Fugazi Public Witness Program 02:13 26 Fugazi Long Distance Runner 04:08 27 Fugazi Sieve-Fisted Find 03:12 28 Fugazi Encore 2 01:08 29 Fugazi Interlude 5 01:12 30 Fugazi Shut the Door 08:14 31 Fugazi Sweet and Low 04:40 32 Fugazi Fell, Destroyed 04:19 33 Fugazi Outro 00:49
Search Fugazi Kuala Lampur, Malaysia (11-16-96) 23 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Fugazi Place Position (Sound Check) 02:19 2 Fugazi Cassavetes (Sound Check) 02:15 3 Fugazi Intro 01:23 4 Fugazi Birthday Pony-Money Back Interruption 03:20 5 Fugazi Sieve-Fisted Fiend 03:20 6 Fugazi And the Same 04:38 7 Fugazi Public Witness Program 02:19 8 Fugazi Merchandise 03:26 9 Fugazi Target 03:47 10 Fugazi Bed for the Scraping 02:57 11 Fugazi Margin Walker 02:38 12 Fugazi Waiting Room 04:03 13 Fugazi No Surprise 04:11 14 Fugazi Long Division 02:23 15 Fugazi Runaway Return 03:52 16 Fugazi Facet Squared 02:40 17 Fugazi Floating Boy (Instrumental) 03:24 18 Fugazi 2 Beats Off 05:23 19 Fugazi Great Cop 02:59 20 Fugazi Blueprint 04:02 21 Fugazi Instrument 04:16 22 Fugazi By You (Vocal Buried) 04:33 23 Fugazi Do You Like Me 03:15
Search Fugazi Live Series Vol. 24 08-09-93 Washington, DC 19 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Fugazi Intro (rap) 03:20 2 Fugazi By you 03:10 3 Fugazi Long Division 02:16 4 Fugazi Runaway Return 03:43 5 Fugazi Ice cream eating motherfucker (rap) 02:02 6 Fugazi Styrofoam 02:30 7 Fugazi Public Witness Pogram 02:25 8 Fugazi Instrument 03:25 9 Fugazi Technical Difficulties_aborted Bend It 02:32 10 Fugazi Facet Squared 02:46 11 Fugazi Smallpox Champion 04:21 12 Fugazi Returning the Screw 03:18 13 Fugazi Reprovisional 04:35 14 Fugazi Suggestion 05:22 15 Fugazi Give me the Cure 03:39 16 Fugazi Mall Contagion (rap) 01:52 17 Fugazi Blueprint 04:26 18 Fugazi Last Chance for a slow Dance 04:11 19 Fugazi Sweet and Low 06:55
Search Fugazi Live in Heaven 13 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Fugazi Styrofoam 03:27 2 Fugazi Turnover 04:35 3 Fugazi And The Same 04:49 4 Fugazi Runaway Return 04:09 5 Fugazi Merchandise 03:23 6 Fugazi Sieve-Fisted Fiend / Reclamation 06:57 7 Fugazi Break-In / Song # 1 06:39 8 Fugazi Margin Walker / Bad Mouth 04:58 9 Fugazi Waiting Room 03:00 10 Fugazi Long Division / Blueprint 07:12 11 Fugazi Shut The Door 07:12 12 Fugazi Promises / Two Beats Off / Repeater 12:49 13 Fugazi Reprovisional 05:47
Search Fugazi March 16, 1990 Gainesville, FL. 15 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Fugazi Intro (rap) 02:03 2 Fugazi Joe # 1 03:54 3 Fugazi Merchandise 02:50 4 Fugazi Bloody nose and calcium (rap) 00:45 5 Fugazi Turnover 04:22 6 Fugazi And The Same 06:05 7 Fugazi Margin Walker 02:31 8 Fugazi Bad Mouth 03:07 9 Fugazi Bulldog Front 03:20 10 Fugazi Long Division 03:41 11 Fugazi Blueprint 04:19 12 Fugazi On the moon (rap) 00:26 13 Fugazi Suggestion 07:40 14 Fugazi Give Me The Cure 03:45 15 Fugazi Burning Too 03:08
Search Fugazi October 14, 1991 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 2 Fugazi Two Beats Off 04:44 4 Fugazi Dear Justice Letter 03:31 8 Fugazi Long Division 02:25 10 Fugazi Preliminaries / The Set Up 02:47
Search Fugazi Sapporo 10-30-96 19 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Fugazi Intro 01:35 2 Fugazi Birthday Pony 02:28 3 Fugazi Down City 02:06 4 Fugazi Merchandise 03:08 5 Fugazi Walken's Syndrome 02:43 6 Fugazi Reclamation 05:05 7 Fugazi Target 04:59 8 Fugazi Five Corporations 02:26 9 Fugazi Margin Walker 02:37 10 Fugazi Song #1 03:49 11 Fugazi No Suprise 04:31 12 Fugazi By You 04:47 13 Fugazi Bed For the Scraping 03:08 14 Fugazi Do You Like Me 03:24 15 Fugazi Long Division 02:04 16 Fugazi Blueprint 04:53 17 Fugazi Floating Boy 02:18 18 Fugazi Waiting Room 03:09 19 Fugazi Forensic Scene 04:01
Search Fugazi Sapporo, Japan Counteraction 10-30-96 19 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Fugazi Intro 01:35 2 Fugazi Birthday Pony 02:28 3 Fugazi Downed City 02:06 4 Fugazi Merchandise 03:08 5 Fugazi Walken's Syndrome 02:42 6 Fugazi Reclamation 05:05 7 Fugazi Target 04:59 8 Fugazi Five Corporations 02:26 9 Fugazi Margin Walker 02:37 10 Fugazi Song #1 03:49 11 Fugazi No Suprise 04:31 12 Fugazi By You 04:47 13 Fugazi Bed For The Scraping 03:08 14 Fugazi Do You Like Me 03:23 15 Fugazi Long Division 02:04 16 Fugazi Blueprint 04:53 17 Fugazi Floating Boy 02:18 18 Fugazi Waiting Room 03:09 19 Fugazi Forensic Scene 04:01
Search Fugazi September 3, 1987 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Fugazi joe #1 01:22 2 Fugazi intro 00:56 3 Fugazi song #1 02:47 4 Fugazi furniture 06:32 5 Fugazi merchandise 03:10 6 Fugazi turn off your guns 04:56 7 Fugazi in defense of humans 03:25 8 Fugazi waiting room 03:52 9 Fugazi word 05:02
Search Fugazi September 4, 1987 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Fugazi joe #1 01:22 2 Fugazi intro 00:56 3 Fugazi song #1 02:47 4 Fugazi furniture 06:32 5 Fugazi merchandise 03:10 6 Fugazi turn off your guns 04:56 7 Fugazi in defense of humans 03:25 8 Fugazi waiting room 03:52 9 Fugazi word 05:02
Search Fugazi Walking Tall 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Fugazi Song#1 02:54 2 Fugazi Bad Mouth 02:35 3 Fugazi Bulldog Front 02:37 4 Fugazi Lockdown 05:13 5 Fugazi Merchandise 02:54 6 Fugazi Burning 02:43 7 Fugazi Give Me The Cure 03:17 8 Fugazi Suggestion 07:21 9 Fugazi Burning Too 02:32 10 Fugazi Margin Walker 05:30 11 Fugazi Waiting Room 02:15 12 Fugazi Somebody insert this songs name 02:19
Funky DL View in Albunack Funky DL The Jazzphonic Groove 1〜Funky DL Self Best Mix 20 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Funky DL Good Music(feat.Dukus Alemay) 03:43 2 Funky DL Fantasy 03:01 3 Funky DL Ode To Nujabes 02:55 4 Funky DL Worldwide(feat.TY) 02:35 5 Funky DL Only the Initials C.M. 02:47 6 Funky DL Hip-Hop 03:12 7 Funky DL No Comprendo(feat.Dukus Alemay) 02:42 8 Funky DL Blending Buttermilk with Sex Appeal 02:59 9 Funky DL Train Girl 02:45 10 Funky DL Pay Check(feat.Lei-an) 03:30 11 Funky DL I Love... 03:16 12 Funky DL Clock-watchers 02:26 13 Funky DL Le Jazz Courant Noir 02:38 14 Funky DL Billie Holiday(Latin Remix) 02:59 15 Funky DL Hit Me 03:13 16 Funky DL The Record Shop(feat.Guile) 02:59 17 Funky DL You Really Love That 03:14 18 Funky DL Spins 02:49 19 Funky DL My 20 03:08 20 Funky DL Sapporo Summer 03:07
Funky DL View in Albunack Funky DL The Jazzphonic Groove 2〜Funky DL Self Best Mix 19 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Funky DL Remarkable 03:00 2 Funky DL Lyrics No Stress (feat. Guile & Versatile E) 03:16 3 Funky DL Return of the Funk Phenomenon (Latin Remix) 03:53 4 Funky DL It’s Beautiful 03:15 5 Funky DL You Know Me 03:41 6 Funky DL Takings of Tokyo 02:36 7 Funky DL Jazzphonics 03:34 8 Funky DL Kicked to the Curb (Remix) (Previously unreleased) 03:28 9 Funky DL Billie Holiday 03:19 10 Funky DL Where I’m Coming From 02:22 11 Funky DL And Ask for DL 02:31 12 Funky DL Rock To Her Beat 2000 03:35 13 Funky DL Soul Silhouette (feat. M & EM) 03:50 14 Funky DL Keeping It Classic 03:06 15 Funky DL Heart of Faith 02:12 16 Funky DL Love 15 To Advantage 02:57 17 Funky DL Loud Noise of Silence 02:36 18 Funky DL Grow 03:31 19 Funky DL Action Replay 03:45
Funky DL View in Albunack Jazzmatic 2 15 0 2014 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Funky DL 2nd Childhood 04:41 2 Funky DL The World is Yours 03:38 3 Funky DL Nas is Like 03:47 4 Funky DL No Idea's Original 03:03 5 Funky DL feat. Lake Revolutionary Warfare 03:49 6 Funky DL The Cross 03:28 7 Funky DL I Can 04:55 8 Funky DL U Gotta Love It 03:21 9 Funky DL Black Zombie 04:02 10 Funky DL One Mic 05:10 11 Funky DL Outro 02:05 12 Funky DL Cut From the Illest (Funky DL bonus track) 04:02 13 Funky DL feat. Dyanna Fearon & Ricko Eye of a Needle (Funky DL bonus track) 05:15 14 Funky DL No Time For Looking Back (Funky DL bonus track) 04:02 15 Funky DL Eye of a Needle (Ricko's Revenge Remix bonus track) 03:49
Funky DL View in Albunack Since 77 [Bonus Track] 13 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Funky DL November Twenty-One Nineteen Seven, Seven 01:39 2 Funky DL Feat. Dyanna Fearon Not The 14 Me 03:50 3 Funky DL Feat. God's Son Fresh 03:39 4 Funky DL CM 04:07 5 Funky DL Me Or You 03:38 6 Funky DL I'm Speaking 02:36 7 Funky DL Street Smartz 03:39 8 Funky DL Love Me Or Hate Me 03:37 9 Funky DL Feat. Dyanna Fearon Music2 (It's Got 2 B) 03:59 10 Funky DL You Really Love That 04:20 11 Funky DL Where I'm Coming From 04:58 12 Funky DL How Many MC's? 03:15 13 Funky DL Special 03:03
Search Future Rust Money 26 2 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Future Future - Da Move (Unreleased) 02:16 2 Future Future - Crushin Them (Unreleased) 01:56 3 Future Future Waka Flocka - Hoes 02:12 4 Future Future Wiz Khalifa - Around Tha World 03:41 5 Future Future - Fuck Up Some Commas Remix Feat.Rick Ross Big Sean 02:34 6 Future Future Travis Scott - 3500 For The Coat Feat. 2 Chainz 05:00 7 Future Future Young Scooter - Play With Them Keys 01:40 8 Future Future - Trap Niggas 01:30 9 Future Future Ralo - Cant Lie 03:39 10 Future Future Young Scooter - Hit It Raw 01:32 11 Future Future Juicy J - Film 01:53 12 Future Future - GangLand 01:36 13 Future Future Young Jeezy - No Tears 04:39 14 Future Future - Tell Me 02:03 15 Future Future - Bellucci 01:24 16 Future Future Columbia BT - From The Start 03:38 17 Future Future Drake - Never Satisfied 03:34 Has Mbid 18 Future Future Chief Keef - Who Would Ever Thought 02:04 19 Future Future - Now 01:04 20 Future Future - No Compadre 01:46 21 Future Future - Never Gon Lose 01:30 Has Mbid 22 Future Future Juvenile - My Niggaz 03:29 23 Future Future Juvenile - Aintchu Feat.OG Double D 02:44 24 Future Future Juicy J - Ice Feat. ASAP Ferg 04:14 25 Future Future Mavado - I Anit Going Back Broke Feat.Vybz Kartel Ace Hood 03:50 26 Future Future Kid Whiz - Money Man 03:03
G.E.M. 鄧紫棋 View in Albunack Happily Ever After... 童話的休止符 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 G.E.M. 鄧紫棋 倒數 03:51 2 G.E.M. 鄧紫棋 錯過不錯 03:59 3 G.E.M. 鄧紫棋 另⼀個童話 03:05 4 G.E.M. 鄧紫棋 那⼀夜 03:56 5 G.E.M. 鄧紫棋 毒蘋果 04:13 6 G.E.M. 鄧紫棋 突然之間 03:21 7 G.E.M. 鄧紫棋 岩⽯裡的花 04:56 8 G.E.M. 鄧紫棋 WHY 03:41 9 G.E.M. 鄧紫棋 睡皇后 03:56
GACKT View in Albunack GACKTRACKS - ULTRA DJ ReMIX - 14 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 GACKT Another World (Taku Takahashi Remix) 04:06 2 GACKT Jesus (TeddyLoid Remix) 04:15 3 GACKT Things I Can Do for You (TJO & YUSUKE Remix) 05:05 4 GACKT Redemption (STUDIO APARTMENT Remix) 05:04 5 GACKT Cube (MARC PANTHER DanceFloor Experience Mix) 05:24 6 GACKT White Lovers (DAICHI YOKOTA Remix) 05:17 7 GACKT Lu: Na (DJ OMKT Remix) 04:32 8 GACKT Oasis (MITOMI TOKOTO Remix) 06:54 9 GACKT Claymore (DJ KOO Ultra Dj Remix) 04:45 10 GACKT Koakuma Heaven (FPM Eurodisco Mix) 05:02 11 GACKT Secret Garden (Jazztronik Remix) 05:52 12 GACKT Needing You (Jazzin'park D&B Remix) 04:40 13 GACKT Akatsukizukuyo - Day Breakers - (el poco maro Remix) 05:23 14 GACKT I Don't Forget You (ROCKETMAN Remix) 04:22
GARNiDELiA View in Albunack MaBLE SYNDRONMe 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 GARNiDELiA トラック01 03:14 2 GARNiDELiA トラック02 03:20 3 GARNiDELiA トラック03 05:01 4 GARNiDELiA トラック04 03:21 5 GARNiDELiA トラック05 03:16 6 GARNiDELiA トラック06 04:44 7 GARNiDELiA トラック07 00:54 8 GARNiDELiA トラック08 03:45 9 GARNiDELiA トラック09 04:54 10 GARNiDELiA トラック10 05:33
Search GENESIS ...Calling All Stations... (Mix by groni) 11 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 GENESIS Congo 06:21 2 GENESIS Calling All Stations 05:38 3 GENESIS Shipwrecked 04:16 4 GENESIS Alien Afternoon 07:47 5 GENESIS Not About Us 04:32 6 GENESIS If That's What You Need 05:08 7 GENESIS The Dividing Line 07:38 8 GENESIS Uncertain Weather 05:15 9 GENESIS Small Talk 04:55 Has Mbid 10 GENESIS There Must Be Some Other Way 07:55 11 GENESIS One Man's Fool 08:53
Search GENESIS GENESIS Vocal Collection -Storm of Vengeance 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 GENESIS Phantom Rain 04:13 2 黒木崚介(CV.古川慎) HIKARI HIKARU HIKARI 04:50 3 黒木崚介(CV.古川慎) NO ANSWER 03:23 4 朱道岳(CV.平川大輔) Resonance in storm 04:09 5 GENESIS Dears for Fears 04:35 6 灰羽拓真(CV.斉藤壮馬) 孤独の城に降る雨よ 04:47 7 白椋れい(CV.山下大輝) 溜息ラビリンス 04:18 8 藍沢湧太郎(CV.鈴村健一) STOP! The Black Rule 03:58
Search GENESIS Storm of Vengeance 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 GENESIS Phantom Rain 04:13 2 GENESIS HIKARI HIKARU HIKARI 04:50 3 GENESIS NO ANSWER 03:23 4 GENESIS Resonance in Storm 04:09 5 GENESIS Dears for Fears 04:35 6 GENESIS 孤独の城に降る雨よ 04:47 7 GENESIS 溜息ラビリンス 04:18 8 GENESIS STOP! The Black Rule 03:58
Search GENESIS THE WAY WE WALK - THE SHORTS 11 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 GENESIS Land Of Confusion 05:05 2 GENESIS No Son Of Mine 07:00 3 GENESIS Jesus He Knows Me 05:20 4 GENESIS Throwing It All Away 06:05 5 GENESIS I Can´t Dance 06:55 6 GENESIS Mama 06:48 7 GENESIS Hold On My Heart 05:41 8 GENESIS That´s All 04:53 Has Mbid 9 GENESIS In Too Deep 05:32 10 GENESIS Tonight, Tonight, Tonight 03:57 11 GENESIS Invisible Touch 04:13
Search GENESIS WE CAN´T DANCE 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 GENESIS No Son Of Mine 06:35 2 GENESIS Jesus He Knows Me 04:14 3 GENESIS Driving The Last Spike 10:05 4 GENESIS I Can't Dance 04:00 5 GENESIS Never A Time 03:49 6 GENESIS Dreaming While You Sleep 07:14 7 GENESIS Tell Me Why 04:58 8 GENESIS Living Forever 05:38 9 GENESIS Hold On My Heart 04:36 10 GENESIS Way Of The World 05:37 11 GENESIS Since I Lost You 04:09 12 GENESIS Fading Lights 10:14
Search GENESIS 夢色キャスト GENESIS Vocal Collection ~Storm of Vengeance~ 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 黒木 崚介(cv.古川 慎)、灰羽 拓真(cv.斉藤壮馬)、藍沢 湧太郎(cv.鈴村健一)、白椋 れい(cv.山下大輝)、朱道 岳(cv.平川大輔) Phantom Rain 04:13 2 黒木 崚介(cv.古川 慎) HIKARI HIKARU HIKARI 04:50 3 黒木崚介 (古川慎) NO ANSWER 03:23 4 朱道 岳(CV.平川大輔) Resonance in storm 04:09 5 黒木崚介(CV.古川慎), 灰羽拓真(CV.斉藤壮馬), 藍沢湧太郎(CV.鈴村健一), 白椋れい(CV.山下大輝), 朱道 岳(CV.平川大輔) Dears for Fears 04:35 6 灰羽拓真(CV.斉藤壮馬) 孤独の城に降る雨よ 04:47 7 白椋れい (山下大輝) 溜息ラビリンス 04:18 8 藍沢湧太郎 (鈴村健一) STOP! The Black Rule 03:58
GEORG DANZER View in Albunack Ausverkauft (mit Baer & Baum) 17 3 2002 Show/Hide Tracks 1 GEORG DANZER Yeah yeah yeah 04:51 2 GEORG DANZER Der Durscht 04:05 3 GEORG DANZER Where have you been 05:10 4 GEORG DANZER Sado maso 03:51 5 GEORG DANZER Say it in english 04:41 6 GEORG DANZER Nurr mit'n Schmäh 04:20 7 GEORG DANZER Heite Nacht wan' i die Tränen 04:38 8 GEORG DANZER Pearls before swine 04:37 9 GEORG DANZER Wenn du geh'n willst 03:44 10 GEORG DANZER Lay down with me 04:08 11 GEORG DANZER Suche nette Partnerin zum Bumsen 05:32 12 GEORG DANZER Ballade vom versteckten Tschurifetzn 05:04 13 GEORG DANZER Verkrampf di ned 03:13 14 GEORG DANZER Alle Lichter 04:07 Has Mbid 15 GEORG DANZER Ruaf mi ned an 02:55 Has Mbid 16 GEORG DANZER Slow down 04:10 Has Mbid 17 GEORG DANZER Bonus Track 04:49
Search GEORGE BENSON WEEKEND IN L. A. 10 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 GEORGE BENSON Weekend In L. A. 07:25 Has Mbid 2 GEORGE BENSON On Broadway 10:07 3 GEORGE BENSON Down Here On The Ground 04:53 4 GEORGE BENSON California P. M. 07:04 5 GEORGE BENSON The Grreatest Love Of All 05:26 6 GEORGE BENSON It´s AllI In The Game 04:09 7 GEORGE BENSON Windsong 06:05 8 GEORGE BENSON Ode To A Kudu 07:33 9 GEORGE BENSON Lady Blue 03:32 10 GEORGE BENSON We All Remember Wes 04:35
GEORGE FRIDERIC HANDEL View in Albunack CHANDOS TE DEUM CHANDOS ANTHEM "LET GOD ARISE" 21 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 GEORGE FRIDERIC HANDEL Chandos Te Deum HWV 281 - We praise Thee, o God 03:12 2 GEORGE FRIDERIC HANDEL Chandos Te Deum HWV 281 - All the earth 03:22 3 GEORGE FRIDERIC HANDEL Chandos Te Deum HWV 281 - The glorious company 03:03 4 GEORGE FRIDERIC HANDEL Chandos Te Deum HWV 281 - Thou art the King 02:55 5 GEORGE FRIDERIC HANDEL Chandos Te Deum HWV 281 - When Thou tookest 02:10 6 GEORGE FRIDERIC HANDEL Chandos Te Deum HWV 281 - When Thou hads overcome 00:37 7 GEORGE FRIDERIC HANDEL Chandos Te Deum HWV 281 - Thou didst open the kingdom 00:43 8 GEORGE FRIDERIC HANDEL Chandos Te Deum HWV 281 - Thou sittest of the right hand 03:57 9 GEORGE FRIDERIC HANDEL Chandos Te Deum HWV 281 - We believe that Thou shalt come 03:12 10 GEORGE FRIDERIC HANDEL Chandos Te Deum HWV 281 - Day by day 02:01 11 GEORGE FRIDERIC HANDEL Chandos Te Deum HWV 281 - And we worship Thy name ever 01:26 12 GEORGE FRIDERIC HANDEL Chandos Te Deum HWV 281 - Vouchsafe, o Lord 03:31 13 GEORGE FRIDERIC HANDEL Chandos Te Deum HWV 281 - O Lord, in Thee we have trust 04:16 14 GEORGE FRIDERIC HANDEL Chandos Anthem HWV 256a - Symphony 03:43 15 GEORGE FRIDERIC HANDEL Chandos Anthem HWV 256a - Let God arise 02:37 16 GEORGE FRIDERIC HANDEL Chandos Anthem HWV 256a - Like as a smoke 02:44 17 GEORGE FRIDERIC HANDEL Chandos Anthem HWV 256a - Let the rightous be glad 03:24 18 GEORGE FRIDERIC HANDEL Chandos Anthem HWV 256a - O sing unto God 04:28 19 GEORGE FRIDERIC HANDEL Chandos Anthem HWV 256a - Praised by the Lord 01:19 20 GEORGE FRIDERIC HANDEL Chandos Anthem HWV 256a - At Thy rebuke, o God 02:03 21 GEORGE FRIDERIC HANDEL Chandos Anthem HWV 256a - Blessed be God, Alleluja 02:00
GHEORGHE ZAMFIR View in Albunack Zamfir à Paris 9 0 1987 Show/Hide Tracks 1 GHEORGHE ZAMFIR Appel de bucium - Chanson de Iancu Jianu - Danse Jianu - Briul d'Oltenie 06:02 2 GHEORGHE ZAMFIR Pauvre jeune villageois - Le briu de Fenes - Danse а deux de Josca 05:47 3 GHEORGHE ZAMFIR A la lisiere de la foret - Quel hiver que l'hiver dernier - Sirba de Comana -... 06:24 4 GHEORGHE ZAMFIR A la recolte du mais - Sirba de concert 08:05 5 GHEORGHE ZAMFIR Doina de Arges - Hora comme au caval 10:26 6 GHEORGHE ZAMFIR La suite oltenienne 10:34 7 GHEORGHE ZAMFIR Comme dans la vallee - Sirba de l'Oltenie 03:47 8 GHEORGHE ZAMFIR Doina de l'Oltenien - Hora des lautari 05:01 9 GHEORGHE ZAMFIR Doina de jale - L'Alouette 11:59
Search GHOST By Starlight 8 0 2019 Show/Hide Tracks 1 GHOST By Starlight 03:08 2 GHOST See It For What It Is 02:53 3 GHOST Cascade 04:55 4 GHOST The Inhale Cycle 04:11 5 GHOST Hidden By Entropy 04:15 6 GHOST The Wheel Keeps Turning 03:22 7 GHOST With Feeling 02:06 8 GHOST Calling Me Home 05:18
Search GHOST My Soul Looks Like This 15 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 GHOST トラック01 03:55 2 GHOST トラック02 02:43 3 GHOST トラック03 04:04 4 GHOST トラック04 04:05 5 GHOST トラック05 04:31 6 GHOST トラック06 03:47 7 GHOST トラック07 03:17 8 GHOST トラック08 03:45 9 GHOST トラック09 02:56 10 GHOST トラック10 01:24 11 GHOST トラック11 04:12 12 GHOST トラック12 06:55 13 GHOST トラック13 04:05 14 GHOST トラック14 04:22 15 GHOST トラック15 06:28
GIANNA NANNINI View in Albunack LIVE 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 GIANNA NANNINI Primadonna 05:23 2 GIANNA NANNINI Stop 04:13 3 GIANNA NANNINI Sognami 05:25 4 GIANNA NANNINI Wagon - Lits 04:15 5 GIANNA NANNINI Vieni Ragazzo 05:35 6 GIANNA NANNINI Autostrada 04:10 7 GIANNA NANNINI Uò - Uò 03:37 8 GIANNA NANNINI Ragazzo Dell´Europa 03:48 9 GIANNA NANNINI Addocca Parte 04:05 10 GIANNA NANNINI Bi Bip 05:04
GIANNA NANNINI View in Albunack Live auf der Waldbühne Berlin 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 GIANNA NANNINI Primadonna [live] 04:22 2 GIANNA NANNINI Stop [live] 03:45 3 GIANNA NANNINI Sognami [live] 04:50 4 GIANNA NANNINI Amore Amore [live] 05:08 5 GIANNA NANNINI Ragazzo del' Europa [live] 03:26 6 GIANNA NANNINI Bip Bip [live] 07:52 7 GIANNA NANNINI California [live] 05:08 8 GIANNA NANNINI America [live] 04:28 9 GIANNA NANNINI Latin Lover [live] 05:03 10 GIANNA NANNINI Ochi Aperti [live] 03:16
GIORGIO MORODER View in Albunack Another Way 9 2 1988 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 GIORGIO MORODER Another Way 04:33 2 GIORGIO MORODER Ocean Battle 04:54 Has Mbid 3 GIORGIO MORODER Stop That Thief 03:56 4 GIORGIO MORODER The Submarine 05:13 5 GIORGIO MORODER The Berlin Theme 03:29 6 GIORGIO MORODER Open Up 04:14 7 GIORGIO MORODER Car Chase 04:18 8 GIORGIO MORODER Sometimes Sparks Fly 03:54 9 GIORGIO MORODER Another Way (Instrumental) 04:25
GIUSEPPE VERDI View in Albunack OPERA [LA TRAVIATA] 16 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 GIUSEPPE VERDI " Avrem lieta di machere la notte" 01:05 2 GIUSEPPE VERDI " Noi siamo zingarelle 02:52 3 GIUSEPPE VERDI " Di Madride noi siamo mattadori" 03:02 4 GIUSEPPE VERDI " Alfredo !... voi !..." 04:23 5 GIUSEPPE VERDI " Invitado a qui sequirmi" 02:31 6 GIUSEPPE VERDI " Ogni suo aver tal femmina" 01:37 7 GIUSEPPE VERDI " Di disprezzo degno se stesso rende" 02:00 8 GIUSEPPE VERDI " Alfredo, Alfredo, di questo core" 04:31 9 GIUSEPPE VERDI Preludio 04:00 10 GIUSEPPE VERDI " Annina? " 04:47 11 GIUSEPPE VERDI " Teneste la promessa... Addio, del passato" 05:05 12 GIUSEPPE VERDI " Largo al quadrupede" 00:50 13 GIUSEPPE VERDI " Signora ! - Che t' accade? 05:35 14 GIUSEPPE VERDI " Gran Dio ! morir si giovane" 03:39 15 GIUSEPPE VERDI " Ah, Violetta !..." 01:50 16 GIUSEPPE VERDI " Prendi: quest 'e l 'immagine 04:47
GLAY View in Albunack BELOVED Anthology DEMO 15 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 GLAY GROOVY TOUR Demo 05:40 2 GLAY Lovers change fighters, cool Demo 03:56 3 GLAY BELOVED Demo 04:41 4 GLAY トラック04 03:07 5 GLAY トラック05 02:50 6 GLAY トラック06 03:35 7 GLAY トラック07 05:19 8 GLAY a Boy ~ずっと忘れない~ Demo 04:53 9 GLAY 春を愛する人 Demo 04:59 10 GLAY カーテンコール Demo 05:20 11 GLAY トラック11 05:00 12 GLAY RHAPSODY Demo 05:15 13 GLAY neuromancer Demo 03:02 14 GLAY トラック14 03:42 15 GLAY トラック15 03:34
GLAY View in Albunack BELOVED Anthology Demo 15 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 GLAY GROOVY TOUR Demo 05:40 2 GLAY Lovers change fighters,cool Demo 03:56 3 GLAY BELOVED Demo 04:41 4 GLAY SHUTTER SPEEDSのテ-マ Demo 03:07 5 GLAY Fairy Story Demo 02:50 6 GLAY カナリヤ Demo 03:35 7 GLAY HIT THE WORLD CHART! Demo 05:19 8 GLAY a Boy~ずっと忘れない~ Demo 04:53 9 GLAY 春を愛する人 Demo 04:59 10 GLAY カ-テンコ-ル Demo 05:20 11 GLAY 都忘れ Demo 05:00 12 GLAY RHAPSODY Demo 05:15 13 GLAY neuromancer Demo 03:02 14 GLAY 口唇 Demo ver.1 03:42 15 GLAY 口唇 Demo ver.2 03:34
GLAY View in Albunack BELOVED Remix & Remastering 2017 14 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 GLAY GROOVY TOUR 06:11 2 GLAY Lovers change fighters,cool 03:57 3 GLAY BELOVED 04:45 4 GLAY SHUTTER SPEEDSのテ-マ 03:26 5 GLAY Fairy Story 04:04 6 GLAY カナリヤ 06:47 7 GLAY HIT THE WORLD CHART! 05:26 8 GLAY a Boy~ずっと忘れない~ 04:55 9 GLAY 春を愛する人 04:59 10 GLAY カ-テンコ-ル 05:33 11 GLAY 都忘れ 05:03 12 GLAY RHAPSODY 05:16 13 GLAY neuromancer 03:45 14 GLAY 口唇 04:29
GLAY View in Albunack GLAY EXPO 2014 TOHOKU 20th Anniversary Live CD 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 GLAY FAME IS DEAD [Live] 04:52 2 GLAY 彼女の "Modern…" [Live] 04:32 3 GLAY VERB [Live] 05:16 4 GLAY BEAUTIFUL DREAMER [Live] 05:12 5 GLAY BE WITH YOU [Live] 05:13 6 GLAY SAY YOUR DREAM [Live] 13:06 7 GLAY Bible [Live] 07:34 8 GLAY 生きてく強さ [Live] 04:06 9 GLAY 君にあえたら [Live] 07:25 10 GLAY HOWEVER [Live] 05:38 11 GLAY BELOVED [Live] 05:43
GLAY View in Albunack GLAY HIGHCOMMUNICATIONS TOUR Never Ending Supernova 17.5.4 足利市民会館 17 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 GLAY SE 01:31 2 GLAY the other end of the globe 04:49 3 GLAY THE FRUSTRATED 04:34 4 GLAY DIAMOND SKIN 05:30 5 GLAY ASHES -1969- 04:30 6 GLAY BROTHEL CREEPERS 03:57 7 GLAY BE WITH YOU 05:21 8 GLAY May Fair 06:02 9 GLAY SOUL LOVE 04:35 10 GLAY MERMAID 04:33 11 GLAY FRIEDCHICKEN & BEER 05:43 12 GLAY WORLD'S END 03:45 13 GLAY 時計 05:00 14 GLAY XYZ 03:23 15 GLAY CRAZY DANCE 02:17 16 GLAY ピーク果てしなく ソウル限りなく 05:38 17 GLAY HEROES 05:02
GLAY View in Albunack GLAY HIGHCOMMUNICATIONS TOUR Never Ending Supernova 2017.5.4 17 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 GLAY SE 01:31 2 GLAY the other end of the globe 04:49 3 GLAY THE FRUSTRATED 04:34 4 GLAY DIAMOND SKIN 05:30 5 GLAY ASHES -1969- 04:30 6 GLAY BROTHEL CREEPERS 03:57 7 GLAY BE WITH YOU 05:21 8 GLAY May Fair 06:02 9 GLAY SOUL LOVE 04:35 10 GLAY MERMAID 04:33 11 GLAY FRIEDCHICKEN & BEER 05:43 12 GLAY WORLD'S END 03:45 13 GLAY Tokei 05:00 14 GLAY XYZ 03:23 15 GLAY CRAZY DANCE 02:17 16 GLAY Peak Hateshinaku Soul Kagirinaku 05:38 17 GLAY HEROES 05:02
GLAY View in Albunack GLAY HIGHCOMMUNICATIONS TOUR Supernova reprise 16.11.10 下北文化会館 17 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 GLAY SE 01:28 2 GLAY MIRROR 06:14 3 GLAY デストピア 04:24 4 GLAY Scoop 04:11 5 GLAY 千ノナイフガ胸ヲ刺ス 05:19 6 GLAY Freeze My Love 06:08 7 GLAY 誘惑 04:48 8 GLAY 生きてく強さ 03:49 9 GLAY THINK ABOUT MY DAUGHTER 04:37 10 GLAY BELOVED 05:16 11 GLAY 都忘れ 05:12 12 GLAY 彼女はゾンビ 03:48 13 GLAY 微熱Ⓐgirlサマー 04:01 14 GLAY 時計 05:02 15 GLAY BLEEZE 03:52 16 GLAY 彼女の“Modern…” 04:53 17 GLAY HIGHCOMMUNICATIONS 05:21
GLAY View in Albunack GLAY HIGHCOMMUNICATIONS TOUR Supernova reprise 2016.11.10 17 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 GLAY SE 01:28 2 GLAY MIRROR 06:14 3 GLAY Deathtopia 04:24 4 GLAY Scoop 04:11 5 GLAY Sen no Knife ga Mune wo Sasu 05:19 6 GLAY Freeze My Love 06:08 7 GLAY Yuuwaku 04:48 8 GLAY Ikiteku Tsuyosa 03:49 9 GLAY THINK ABOUT MY DAUGHTER 04:37 10 GLAY BELOVED 05:16 11 GLAY Miyako Wasure 05:12 12 GLAY Kanojo wa Zombie 03:48 13 GLAY Binetsu (A) girl Summer 04:01 14 GLAY Tokei 05:02 15 GLAY BLEEZE 03:52 16 GLAY Kanojo no "Modern..." 04:53 17 GLAY HIGHCOMMUNICATIONS 05:21
GLAY View in Albunack GLAY SONG BOOK 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 GLAY 月に祈る #1 02:04 2 GLAY Freeze My Love (orchestra) 05:36 3 GLAY 春を愛する人 (orchestra) 04:33 4 GLAY However- 回想のテーマ- 02:50 5 GLAY 都忘れ [orchestra] 05:23 6 GLAY Yes, Summerdays (orchestra) 05:44 7 GLAY Innocence -orchestra- 04:07 8 GLAY 月に祈る ♯2 01:50 9 GLAY HOWEVER (orchestra) 05:34 10 GLAY Trouble On Monday [orchestra] 05:02 11 GLAY Miki Piano [別れのテーマ] 02:58 12 GLAY 月に祈る -orchestra- 05:15
GLAY View in Albunack GLAY;Glay Song Book 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 GLAY 月に祈る#1 02:04 2 GLAY Freeze My Love(Orchestra) 05:36 3 GLAY 春を愛する人(オーケストラ) 04:33 4 GLAY ハウエヴァー~回想のテーマ 02:50 5 GLAY 都忘れ(Orchestra) 05:23 6 GLAY Yes,Summerdays(Orchestra) 05:44 7 GLAY INNOCENCE(Orchestra) 04:07 8 GLAY 月に祈る#2 01:50 9 GLAY ハウエヴァー(オーケストラ) 05:34 10 GLAY Trouble On Monday(Orchestra) 05:02 11 GLAY ミキ・ピアノ~別れのテーマ 02:58 12 GLAY 月に祈る(オーケストラ) 05:15
GLAY View in Albunack Glay Song Book (T.B.S. System Friday Drama "Looting Love Abu No Onna" Original Soundtrack) 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 GLAY 月に祈る#1 02:04 2 GLAY Freeze My Love(Orchestra) 05:36 3 GLAY 春を愛する人(オーケストラ) 04:33 4 GLAY ハウエヴァー~回想のテーマ 02:54 5 GLAY 都忘れ(Orchestra) 05:23 6 GLAY Yes,Summerdays(Orchestra) 05:44 7 GLAY INNOCENCE(Orchestra) 04:07 8 GLAY 月に祈る#2 01:50 9 GLAY ハウエヴァー(オーケストラ) 05:34 10 GLAY Trouble On Monday(Orchestra) 05:02 11 GLAY ミキ・ピアノ~別れのテーマ 02:58 12 GLAY 月に祈る(オーケストラ) 05:15
GLAY View in Albunack HEAVY GAUGE Anthology 16 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 GLAY HEAVY GAUGE Demo 03:00 2 GLAY FATSOUNDS 03:49 3 GLAY ここではない、どこかへ Demo 05:05 4 GLAY HAPPINESS SE Demo 01:11 5 GLAY Will Be King Demo 03:15 6 GLAY summer FM 04:42 7 GLAY LEVEL DEVIL 03:39 8 GLAY BE WITH YOU 05:14 9 GLAY Winter,again 05:12 10 GLAY BE WITH YOU Demo 3 02:57 11 GLAY 生きがい Demo 05:59 12 GLAY Savile Row ~サヴィル ロウ 3番地~ 04:34 13 GLAY 毒ロック 02:16 14 GLAY ストロベリーシェイク 03:01 15 GLAY HELLO MY LIFE Demo 01:29 16 GLAY HELLO MY LIFE 04:09
GLAY View in Albunack HIGHCOMMUNICATIONS TOUR Never Ending Supernova 17.5.4 足利市民会館収録楽曲 17 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 GLAY SE [Live] 01:31 2 GLAY the other end of the globe [Live] 04:49 3 GLAY THE FRUSTRATED [Live] 04:34 4 GLAY DIAMOND SKIN [Live] 05:30 5 GLAY ASHES -1969- [Live] 04:30 6 GLAY BROTHEL CREEPERS [Live] 03:57 7 GLAY BE WITH YOU [Live] 05:21 8 GLAY May Fair [Live] 06:02 9 GLAY SOUL LOVE [Live] 04:35 10 GLAY MERMAID [Live] 04:33 11 GLAY FRIEDCHICKEN & BEER [Live] 05:43 12 GLAY WORLD'S END [Live] 03:45 13 GLAY 時計 [Live] 05:00 14 GLAY XYZ [Live] 03:23 15 GLAY CRAZY DANCE [Live] 02:17 16 GLAY ピーク果てしなく ソウル限りなく [Live] 05:38 17 GLAY HEROES [Live] 05:02
GLAY View in Albunack HIGHCOMMUNICATIONS TOUR Supernova reprise 16.11.10 下北文化会館 17 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 GLAY SE [Live] 01:28 2 GLAY MIRROR [Live] 06:14 3 GLAY デストピア [Live] 04:24 4 GLAY Scoop [Live] 04:11 5 GLAY 千ノナイフガ胸ヲ刺ス [Live] 05:19 6 GLAY Freeze My Love [Live] 06:08 7 GLAY 誘惑 [Live] 04:48 8 GLAY 生きてく強さ [Live] 03:49 9 GLAY THINK ABOUT MY DAUGHTER [Live] 04:37 10 GLAY BELOVED [Live] 05:16 11 GLAY 都忘れ [Live] 05:12 12 GLAY 彼女はゾンビ [Live] 03:48 13 GLAY 微熱Agirlサマー [Live] 04:01 14 GLAY 時計 [Live] 05:02 15 GLAY BLEEZE [Live] 03:52 16 GLAY 彼女の "Modern…" [Live] 04:53 17 GLAY HIGHCOMMUNICATIONS [Live] 05:21
GLAY View in Albunack SAY YOUR DREAM [TOCT-22295] 6 3 Show/Hide Tracks 1 GLAY chronos 01:52 Has Mbid 2 GLAY SAY YOUR DREAM 13:00 3 GLAY 春までは 05:34 Has Mbid 4 GLAY SAY YOUR DREAM(Instrumental) 13:00 Has Mbid 5 GLAY 春までは(Instrumental) 05:36 6 GLAY THE MEANING OF LIFE 08:45
GLAY View in Albunack SONG BOOK 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 GLAY 月に祈る #1 02:04 2 GLAY Freeze My Love (orchestra) 05:36 3 GLAY 春を愛する人 (orchestra) 04:33 4 GLAY HOWEVER (回想のテーマ) 02:50 5 GLAY 都忘れ (orchestra) 05:23 6 GLAY Yes, Summerdays (orchestra) 05:44 7 GLAY INNOCENCE (orchestra) 04:07 8 GLAY 月に祈る ♯2 01:50 9 GLAY HOWEVER (orchestra) 05:34 10 GLAY Trouble On Monday (orchestra) 05:02 11 GLAY Miki Piano (別れのテーマ) 02:58 12 GLAY 月に祈る (orchestra) 05:15
GLAY View in Albunack Single Track Only Live 16 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 GLAY My Private ''Jealousy'' 05:06 2 GLAY Tenshi no Wakemae 03:51 3 GLAY 疾走れ!ミライ 04:17 4 GLAY Tomadoi 04:11 5 GLAY SOUL LOVE 04:39 6 GLAY a Boy~ずっと忘れない~ 05:03 7 GLAY Way of Diffrence 05:22 8 GLAY グロリアス 04:51 9 GLAY 真夏の扉 05:00 Has Mbid 10 GLAY Zutto Futari de... 07:18 11 GLAY HOWEVER 05:39 12 GLAY いつか 03:55 13 GLAY 微熱Ⓐgirlサマー 04:22 14 GLAY THOUSAND DREAMS 04:51 15 GLAY 誘惑 05:05 16 GLAY HEROES 04:53
GLAY View in Albunack Single Track Only Live @函館アリーナ 16 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 GLAY My Private "Jealousy" 05:06 2 GLAY 天使のわけまえ 03:51 3 GLAY 疾走れ!ミライ 04:17 4 GLAY とまどい 04:11 5 GLAY SOUL LOVE 04:39 6 GLAY a Boy~ずっと忘れない~ 05:03 7 GLAY Way of Difference 05:22 8 GLAY グロリアス 04:51 9 GLAY 真夏の扉 05:00 Has Mbid 10 GLAY ずっと2人で… 07:18 11 GLAY HOWEVER 05:39 12 GLAY いつか 03:55 13 GLAY 微熱Ⓐgirlサマー 04:22 14 GLAY THOUSAND DREAMS 04:51 15 GLAY 誘惑 05:05 16 GLAY HEROES 04:53
GLAY View in Albunack Single Track Only Live @函館アリーナ [LSGC-0002-5] 16 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 GLAY My Private ''Jealousy'' 05:06 2 GLAY 天使のわけまえ 03:51 3 GLAY 疾走れ!ミライ 04:17 4 GLAY とまどい 04:11 5 GLAY SOUL LOVE 04:39 6 GLAY a Boy~ずっと忘れない~ 05:03 7 GLAY Way of Difference 05:22 8 GLAY グロリアス 04:51 9 GLAY 真夏の扉 05:00 Has Mbid 10 GLAY ずっと2人で... 07:18 11 GLAY HOWEVER 05:39 12 GLAY いつか 03:55 13 GLAY 微熱Agirlサマー 04:22 14 GLAY THOUSAND DREAMS 04:51 15 GLAY 誘惑 05:05 16 GLAY HEROES 04:53
GLAY View in Albunack TOUR Never Ending Supernova 2017.5.4 [LSGC-0002-8] 17 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 GLAY SE 01:31 2 GLAY the other end of the globe 04:49 3 GLAY THE FRUSTRATED 04:34 4 GLAY DIAMOND SKIN 05:30 5 GLAY ASHES -1969- 04:30 6 GLAY BROTHEL CREEPERS 03:57 7 GLAY BE WITH YOU 05:21 8 GLAY May Fair 06:02 9 GLAY SOUL LOVE 04:35 10 GLAY MERMAID 04:33 11 GLAY FRIEDCHICKEN & BEER 05:43 12 GLAY WORLD'S END 03:45 13 GLAY 時計 05:00 14 GLAY XYZ 03:23 15 GLAY CRAZY DANCE 02:17 16 GLAY ピーク果てしなく ソウル限りなく 05:38 17 GLAY HEROES 05:02
GLAY View in Albunack TOUR Supernova reprise 2016.11.10 [LSGC-0002-7] 17 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 GLAY SE 01:28 2 GLAY MIRROR 06:14 3 GLAY デストピア 04:24 4 GLAY Scoop 04:11 5 GLAY 千ノナイフガ胸ヲ刺ス 05:19 6 GLAY Freeze My Love 06:08 7 GLAY 誘惑 04:48 8 GLAY 生きてく強さ 03:49 9 GLAY THINK ABOUT MY DAUGHTER 04:37 10 GLAY BELOVED 05:16 11 GLAY 都忘れ 05:12 12 GLAY 彼女はゾンビ 03:48 13 GLAY 微熱Agirlサマー 04:01 14 GLAY 時計 05:02 15 GLAY BLEEZE 03:52 16 GLAY 彼女の''Modern...'' 04:53 17 GLAY HIGHCOMMUNICATIONS 05:21
GLAY View in Albunack Ureino Prisoner / Your Song 7 1 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 GLAY Urei Prisoner 04:48 2 GLAY Your Song 04:12 3 GLAY Kanojo No "Modern..." (feat.EXILE Nesmith) [From Lunatic Fest. 2018] 05:17 4 GLAY Yuwaku (Featuring Sugizo) [From Lunatic Fest. 2018] 06:17 5 GLAY Fate (From Lunatic Fest. 2018) 01:37 6 GLAY Kimigamitumetaumi (From Glay X Hokkaido 150 Glorious Million Dollar Night, Vol. 3) 04:29 7 GLAY Your Song (From Glay X Hokkaido 150 Glorious Million Dollar Night, Vol. 3) 05:18
GLAY View in Albunack pure soul Anthology 16 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 GLAY YOU MAY DREAM 05:17 2 GLAY Biribiri Crashmen Demo 05:04 3 GLAY May Fair 05:15 4 GLAY SOUL LOVE Demo 04:16 5 GLAY 出逢ってしまった2人 03:54 6 GLAY pure soul Demo 06:32 7 GLAY Yuuwaku 04:19 8 GLAY COME ON!! Demo 03:27 9 GLAY FRIEDCHICKEN & BEER 04:53 10 GLAY 3年後 Demo 06:35 11 GLAY I'm in Love Demo 05:37 12 GLAY HOWEVER 05:34 13 GLAY I'm yours Demo 04:22 14 GLAY Little Lovebirds 04:08 15 GLAY Ai 04:03 16 GLAY PEACE OF MIND 05:53
GLAY View in Albunack 「GLAY SONG BOOK」~TBS系 金曜ドラマ『略奪愛・アブない女』オリジナル・サウンドトラック 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 GLAY 月に祈る #1 02:04 2 GLAY Freeze My Love (orchestra) 05:36 3 GLAY 春を愛する人 (orchestra) 04:33 4 GLAY HOWEVER (回想のテーマ) 02:50 5 GLAY 都忘れ (orchestra) 05:23 6 GLAY Yes, Summerdays (orchestra) 05:44 7 GLAY INNOCENCE (orchestra) 04:07 8 GLAY 月に祈る ?2 01:50 9 GLAY HOWEVER (orchestra) 05:34 10 GLAY Trouble On Monday (orchestra) 05:02 11 GLAY Miki Piano (別れのテーマ) 02:58 12 GLAY 月に祈る (orchestra) 05:15
GLAY View in Albunack ずっと2人で… Orgel Sound Version 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 GLAY BELOVED 04:02 2 GLAY グロリアス 04:11 3 GLAY ずっと2人で… 04:13 4 GLAY 口唇 03:16 5 GLAY HOWEVER 03:56 6 GLAY RHAPSODY 04:07 7 GLAY 軌跡の果て 04:04 8 GLAY Freeze My Love 03:08 9 GLAY 生きてく強さ 03:38 10 GLAY Yes,Summerdays 04:39
GLAY View in Albunack 愁いのPrisoner / YOUR SONG 7 1 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 GLAY 愁いのPrisoner 04:48 2 GLAY YOUR SONG 04:12 3 GLAY feat. EXILE NESMITH 彼女の "Modern..." [Live] 05:17 4 GLAY GLAY Feat. SUGIZO - 誘惑 [Live] 06:17 5 GLAY FATE [Live] 01:37 6 GLAY 君が見つめた海 [Live] 04:29 7 GLAY YOUR SONG [Live] 05:18
GLAY View in Albunack 愁いのPrisoner/YOUR SONG 7 1 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 GLAY 愁いのPrisoner 04:48 2 GLAY YOUR SONG 04:12 3 GLAY 彼女の"Modern…" feat.EXILE NESMITH (from LUNATIC FEST. 2018) 05:17 4 GLAY 誘惑 feat.SUGIZO (from LUNATIC FEST.2018) 06:17 5 GLAY FATE (from LUNATIC FEST. 2018) 01:37 6 GLAY 君が見つめた海 (from GLAY x HOKKAIDO 150 GLORIOUS MILLION DOLLAR NIGHT Vol.3) 04:29 7 GLAY YOUR SONG (from GLAY×HOKKAIDO 150 GLORIOUS MILLION DOLLER NIGHT Vol.3) 05:18
GLAY View in Albunack 愁いのPrisoner/YOUR SONG 7 1 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 GLAY 愁いのPrisoner 04:48 2 GLAY YOUR SONG 04:12 3 GLAY GLAY feat. EXILE NESMITH / 彼女の “Modern…” -Live Version- 05:17 4 GLAY GLAY feat. SUGIZO / 誘惑 -Live Version- 06:17 5 GLAY FATE -Live Version- 01:37 6 GLAY 君が見つめた海 -Live Version- 04:29 7 GLAY YOUR SONG 05:18
GLAY View in Albunack 愁いのPrisoner/YOUR SONG -EP 7 1 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 GLAY 愁いのPrisoner 04:48 2 GLAY YOUR SONG 04:12 3 GLAY 彼女の“Modern…” feat.EXILE NESMITH 05:17 4 GLAY 誘惑 feat.SUGIZO 06:17 5 GLAY FATE 01:37 6 GLAY 君が見つめた海 (from GLAY x HOKKAIDO 150 GLORIOUS MILLION DOLLAR NIGHT Vol.3) 04:29 7 GLAY YOUR SONG 05:18
Search GLENN MILLER GLENN MILLER BEST 14 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 GLENN MILLER Moonlight Serenade 03:17 2 GLENN MILLER American Patrol 03:30 3 GLENN MILLER Rhapsody in Blue 03:09 4 GLENN MILLER In the Mood 03:15 5 GLENN MILLER Alice Blue Gown 02:58 6 GLENN MILLER Song of the Volga Boatmen 03:16 7 GLENN MILLER Anvil Chorus 04:06 8 GLENN MILLER St. Louis Blues March 03:14 9 GLENN MILLER Londondeny Air 02:19 10 GLENN MILLER String of Pearls 03:17 11 GLENN MILLER Tuxedo Junction 03:34 12 GLENN MILLER Little Brown Jug 03:11 13 GLENN MILLER Pennsylvania Six-Five Thousand 03:09 14 GLENN MILLER Kalamazoo 04:18
GORESHIT View in Albunack Wish I Was Here 9 1 2014 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 GORESHIT How Things Went Wrong 05:02 2 GORESHIT Watch it Flow 04:27 3 GORESHIT They Know 06:33 4 GORESHIT Aczd.Fkr 07:10 5 GORESHIT More than you Know 05:24 6 GORESHIT Resynth 05:02 7 GORESHIT Watch Me Drown 05:42 8 GORESHIT D.I.B 03:33 9 GORESHIT Wish I Was Here 05:36
GOT7 View in Albunack 7 for 7 [TW Edition] 8 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 GOT7 Moon U 03:22 2 GOT7 Teenager 03:09 Has Mbid 3 GOT7 You Are 03:18 4 GOT7 Firework 03:40 5 GOT7 Remember You 04:08 6 GOT7 내게 (To Me) 03:17 7 GOT7 Face 03:27 8 GOT7 Face (Chinese Ver.) 03:27
GOT7 View in Albunack MAD - Vertical Ver. 6 1 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 GOT7 니가 하면 03:26 2 GOT7 손들어 03:10 3 GOT7 느낌이 좋아 03:35 4 GOT7 Good 03:11 5 GOT7 눈이가요 03:24 6 GOT7 Tic Tic Tok 03:22
GOT7 View in Albunack Mad [Winter Edition] 10 2 Show/Hide Tracks 1 GOT7 고백송 03:32 2 GOT7 매일 03:11 Has Mbid 3 GOT7 이.별 03:53 Has Mbid 4 GOT7 니가 하면 03:26 5 GOT7 손들어 03:10 6 GOT7 느낌이 좋아 03:35 7 GOT7 Good 03:11 8 GOT7 눈이가요 03:24 9 GOT7 Tic Tic Tok 03:22 10 GOT7 니가 하면 [Stage Version] 03:32
GRATEFUL DEAD View in Albunack Hampton '79 13 0 2014 Show/Hide Tracks 1 GRATEFUL DEAD Loser 07:29 2 GRATEFUL DEAD New Minglewood Blues 05:18 3 GRATEFUL DEAD Don't Ease Me in 03:16 4 GRATEFUL DEAD Passenger 05:45 5 GRATEFUL DEAD I Need a Miracle 04:25 6 GRATEFUL DEAD Bertha 06:26 7 GRATEFUL DEAD Good Lovin' 06:48 8 GRATEFUL DEAD Ship of Fools 07:35 9 GRATEFUL DEAD Estimated Prophet 12:23 10 GRATEFUL DEAD Eyes of the World 13:20 11 GRATEFUL DEAD Truckin' 08:25 12 GRATEFUL DEAD Stella Blue 10:25 13 GRATEFUL DEAD Around and Around 07:21
Gabriel Fauré View in Albunack Cantique de Jean Racine, OEuvres Chorales 15 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gabriel Fauré Cantique de Jean Racine en ré bémol majeur op. 11 05:13 2 Gabriel Fauré Messe basse pour solo et chœur à 2 voix de femmes - I. Kyrie 02:15 3 Gabriel Fauré Messe basse pour solo et chœur à 2 voix de femmes - II. Sanctus 02:16 4 Gabriel Fauré Messe basse pour solo et chœur à 2 voix de femmes - III. Benedictus 02:19 5 Gabriel Fauré Messe basse pour solo et chœur à 2 voix de femmes - IV. Agnus Dei 03:10 6 Gabriel Fauré O Salutaris - Maria Mater gratiæ op. 47 n° 2 02:43 7 Gabriel Fauré Salve Regina op. 67 n° 1 02:47 8 Gabriel Fauré Motet Ecce fidelis servus op. 54 02:51 9 Gabriel Fauré Madrigal à 4 voix op. 35 04:09 10 Gabriel Fauré Pleurs d'or op. 72 02:42 11 Gabriel Fauré Le Ruisseau pour 2 voix de femmes et piano op. 22 03:41 12 Gabriel Fauré Motet Tantum ergo op. 55 02:52 13 Gabriel Fauré Motet Tantum ergo op. 65 n° 2 02:30 14 Gabriel Fauré Tantum ergo (1904) 01:42 15 Gabriel Fauré Motet Ave verum op. 65 n° 1 03:49
Gabriel Fauré View in Albunack Composizioni per violoncello e pianoforte 13 3 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gabriel Fauré Sonata n. 2 in sol minore per violoncello e pianoforte op. 117 - Allegro 06:11 Has Mbid 2 Gabriel Fauré Sonata n. 2 in sol minore per violoncello e pianoforte op. 117 - Andante 06:20 3 Gabriel Fauré Sonata n. 2 in sol minore per violoncello e pianoforte op. 117 - Allegro vivo 04:56 4 Gabriel Fauré Sonata n. 1 in re minore per violoncello e pianoforte op. 109 - Allegro 05:27 5 Gabriel Fauré Sonata n. 1 in re minore per violoncello e pianoforte op. 109 - Andante 07:05 6 Gabriel Fauré Sonata n. 1 in re minore per violoncello e pianoforte op. 109 - Allegro comodo 07:22 Has Mbid 7 Gabriel Fauré Barceuse op. 16 03:29 Has Mbid 8 Gabriel Fauré Sicilienne op. 78 03:40 9 Gabriel Fauré Sérénade op. 98 03:00 10 Gabriel Fauré Elégie op. 24 06:53 11 Gabriel Fauré Papillon op. 77 03:03 12 Gabriel Fauré Romance op. 69 03:19 13 Gabriel Fauré Aprés un réve, dalle Trois Mélodies op. 7, n. 1 02:51
Gabriel Fauré View in Albunack Corboz (72) Requiem, op. 48 7 3 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 Gabriel Fauré Introit et Kyrie 07:47 2 Gabriel Fauré Offertoire 08:06 Has Mbid 3 Gabriel Fauré Sanctus 04:02 4 Gabriel Fauré Pie Jesu 03:24 Has Mbid 5 Gabriel Fauré Agnus Dei 06:13 6 Gabriel Fauré Libera me 06:22 7 Gabriel Fauré In paradisum 04:18
Gabriel Fauré View in Albunack Faure - Cellosonaten Nr. 1&2 13 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gabriel Fauré Elegie, Op. 24 06:46 2 Gabriel Fauré Papillon, Op. 77 03:15 3 Gabriel Fauré Sonate Nr. 1 fur Cello und Klavier, Op. 109, I. Allegro 05:01 4 Gabriel Fauré Sonate Nr. 1 fur Cello und Klavier, Op. 109, II. Andante 06:45 5 Gabriel Fauré Sonate Nr. 1 fur Cello und Klavier, Op. 109, III. Finale: Allegro commodo 05:43 6 Gabriel Fauré Berceuse, Op. 16 03:37 7 Gabriel Fauré Romance, Op. 69 04:12 8 Gabriel Fauré Sicilienne, Op. 78 03:51 9 Gabriel Fauré Sonate Nr. 2 fur Cello und Klavier, Op. 117, I. Allegro 05:52 10 Gabriel Fauré Sonate Nr. 2 fur Cello und Klavier, Op. 117, II. Andante 07:03 11 Gabriel Fauré Sonate Nr. 2 fur Cello und Klavier, Op. 117, III. Allegro vivo 04:25 12 Gabriel Fauré Apres un reve, Op. 7/1 03:16 13 Gabriel Fauré Serenade, Op. 98 02:59
Gabriel Fauré View in Albunack Faure - Requiem 8 2 1968 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 Gabriel Fauré Faure - Requiem - 1 - Introit And Kyrie 06:09 Has Mbid 2 Gabriel Fauré Faure - Requiem - 2 - Offertoire 08:07 3 Gabriel Fauré Faure - Requiem - 3 - Sanctus 03:26 4 Gabriel Fauré Faure - Requiem - 4 - Pie Jesu 04:02 5 Gabriel Fauré Faure - Requiem - 5 - Agnus Dei 03:31 6 Gabriel Fauré Faure - Requiem - 6 - Libera Me 01:56 7 Gabriel Fauré Faure - Requiem - 7 - In Paradisum 04:26 8 Gabriel Fauré Faure - Requiem - 8 - Pavane 10:30
Gabriel Fauré View in Albunack Faure: Complete Works For Piano, Vol. 1 - Grant Johannesen 26 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gabriel Fauré Capriccio 01:38 2 Gabriel Fauré Fantaisie 01:43 3 Gabriel Fauré Fugue 02:21 4 Gabriel Fauré Adagietto 03:08 5 Gabriel Fauré Improvisation 01:42 6 Gabriel Fauré Fugue 01:55 7 Gabriel Fauré Allegresse 01:08 8 Gabriel Fauré Nocturne 02:18 9 Gabriel Fauré An Andante Of Subtle Transparency 02:25 10 Gabriel Fauré A Rapid Moto Perpetuo 01:35 11 Gabriel Fauré In The Barcarolle Style, An Easy Cantabile Piece 02:57 12 Gabriel Fauré Pastoral In Character 01:58 13 Gabriel Fauré More Forceful In Its Nature 01:59 14 Gabriel Fauré In Canon Style 02:08 15 Gabriel Fauré A Quiet, Although Intense Opening Leading To An Effective Climax 02:33 16 Gabriel Fauré A Study In Repeated Notes 01:05 17 Gabriel Fauré Most Expressive And Deepest 02:39 18 Gabriel Fauré Valse Caprice No. 1 In A Major, Op. 30 06:51 19 Gabriel Fauré Barcarolle No. 3 In G-Flat Major, Op. 42 06:42 20 Gabriel Fauré Nocturne No. 3 In A-Flat Major, Op. 33, No. 3 04:31 21 Gabriel Fauré Barcarolle No. 9 In A Minor, Op. 101 03:55 22 Gabriel Fauré Impromptu No. 1 In E-Flat Major, Op. 25 04:09 23 Gabriel Fauré Impromptu No. 2 In F Minor, Op. 31 03:23 24 Gabriel Fauré Impromptu No. 3 In A-Flat Major, Op. 34 03:54 25 Gabriel Fauré Impromptu No. 4 In D-Flat Major, Op. 91 04:28 26 Gabriel Fauré Impromptu No. 5 In F-Sharp Minor, Op. 102 01:57
Gabriel Fauré View in Albunack Fauré - Violin Sonatas Nos 1 e 2, Andante, Romance, Berceuse - Pascal Rogé - Pierre Amoyal 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gabriel Fauré Fauré - Sonata for Violin and Piano No 1 in A, Op 13 - 1 Allegro molto 09:11 2 Gabriel Fauré Fauré - Sonata for Violin and Piano No 1 in A, Op 13 - 2 Andante 06:50 3 Gabriel Fauré Fauré - Sonata for Violin and Piano No 1 in A, Op 13 - 3 Allegro vivo 03:48 4 Gabriel Fauré Fauré - Sonata for Violin and Piano No 1 in A, Op 13 - 4 Allegro quasi presto 05:34 5 Gabriel Fauré Fauré - Sonata for Violin and Piano No 2 in E minor, Op 108 - 1 Allegro non troppo 09:24 6 Gabriel Fauré Fauré - Sonata for Violin and Piano No 2 in E minor, Op 108 - 2 Andante 07:42 7 Gabriel Fauré Fauré - Sonata for Violin and Piano No 2 in E minor, Op 108 - 3 Finale (Allegro non troppo) 07:01 8 Gabriel Fauré Fauré - Morceau de concours 01:37 9 Gabriel Fauré Fauré - Andante, Op 75 04:35 10 Gabriel Fauré Fauré - Romance, Op 28 05:38 11 Gabriel Fauré Fauré - Berceuse, Op 16 03:35
Gabriel Fauré View in Albunack Fauré, Musique Sacrée 15 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gabriel Fauré Cantique de Jean Racine en ré bémol majeur op. 11 05:13 2 Gabriel Fauré Messe basse pour solo et chœur à 2 voix de femmes - I. Kyrie 02:16 3 Gabriel Fauré Messe basse pour solo et chœur à 2 voix de femmes - II. Sanctus 02:16 4 Gabriel Fauré Messe basse pour solo et chœur à 2 voix de femmes - III. Benedictus 02:19 5 Gabriel Fauré Messe basse pour solo et chœur à 2 voix de femmes - IV. Agnus Dei 03:14 6 Gabriel Fauré O Salutaris - Maria Mater gratiæ op. 47 n° 2 02:39 7 Gabriel Fauré Salve Regina op. 67 n° 1 02:47 8 Gabriel Fauré Motet Ecce fidelis servus op. 54 02:51 9 Gabriel Fauré Madrigal à 4 voix op. 35 04:09 10 Gabriel Fauré Pleurs d'or op. 72 02:48 11 Gabriel Fauré Le Ruisseau pour 2 voix de femmes et piano op. 22 03:46 12 Gabriel Fauré Motet Tantum ergo op. 55 02:52 13 Gabriel Fauré Motet Tantum ergo op. 65 n° 2 02:28 14 Gabriel Fauré Tantum ergo (1904) 01:42 15 Gabriel Fauré Motet Ave verum op. 65 n° 1 03:49
Gabriel Fauré View in Albunack Fauré: Cello Sonatas 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gabriel Fauré Fauré: Cello Sonata #1 In D Minor, Op. 109 - 1. Allegro Deciso 05:38 2 Gabriel Fauré Fauré: Cello Sonata #1 In D Minor, Op. 109 - 2. Andante 07:00 3 Gabriel Fauré Fauré: Cello Sonata #1 In D Minor, Op. 109 - 3. Allegro Commodo 07:28 4 Gabriel Fauré Fauré: Cello Sonata #2 In G Minor, Op. 117 - 1. Allegro 05:36 5 Gabriel Fauré Fauré: Cello Sonata #2 In G Minor, Op. 117 - 2. Andante 07:42 6 Gabriel Fauré Fauré: Cello Sonata #2 In G Minor, Op. 117 - 3. Allegro Vivo 04:42 7 Gabriel Fauré Fauré: Élégie, Op. 24 06:40 8 Gabriel Fauré Fauré: Romance, Op. 69 03:46 9 Gabriel Fauré Fauré: Papillon, Op. 77 02:40 10 Gabriel Fauré Fauré: Sérénade, Op. 98 02:49 11 Gabriel Fauré Fauré: Sicilienne, Op. 78 04:09 12 Gabriel Fauré Fauré: Cello Sonata #1 In D Minor, Op. 109 - 3. Allegro Commodo (Faster Version) 05:54
Gabriel Fauré View in Albunack Gabriel Fauré - Valse-Caprices, Pièces Brèves, Mazurka, Romances sans paroles... 23 1 1983 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gabriel Fauré Valse-caprice No.1 in F sharp minor Op.30 06:26 2 Gabriel Fauré Valse-caprice No.2 in D flat major Op.38 06:39 3 Gabriel Fauré Valse-caprice No.3 in G flat major Op.59 06:54 4 Gabriel Fauré Valse-caprice No.4 in A flat major Op.62 06:22 5 Gabriel Fauré Pièces brèves Op.84: Capriccio in E flat major 01:50 6 Gabriel Fauré Pièces brèves Op.84: Fantaisie in A flat major 01:49 7 Gabriel Fauré Pièces brèves Op.84: Fugue in A minor 02:33 8 Gabriel Fauré Pièces brèves Op.84: Adagietto in E minor 03:05 9 Gabriel Fauré Pièces brèves Op.84: Improvisation in C sharp minor 01:22 10 Gabriel Fauré Pièces brèves Op.84: Fugue in E minor 02:46 11 Gabriel Fauré Pièces brèves Op.84: Allégresse in C major 01:30 12 Gabriel Fauré Pièces brèves Op.84: Nocturne in D flat major 03:02 13 Gabriel Fauré Mazurka Op.32 06:25 14 Gabriel Fauré Romances sans paroles: No.1 in A flat major 01:33 15 Gabriel Fauré Romances sans paroles: No.2 in A minor 02:39 16 Gabriel Fauré Pièces brèves Op.84: No.3 in A flat major 01:51 Has Mbid 17 Gabriel Fauré Jean-Philippe Collard, Bruno Rigutto / Dolly Suite, pour piano à qu 02:41 18 Gabriel Fauré Jean-Philippe Collard, Bruno Rigutto / Dolly Suite, pour piano à qu (2) 01:49 19 Gabriel Fauré Jean-Philippe Collard, Bruno Rigutto / Dolly Suite, pour piano à qu (3) 02:05 20 Gabriel Fauré Jean-Philippe Collard, Bruno Rigutto / Dolly Suite, pour piano à qu (4) 02:14 21 Gabriel Fauré Jean-Philippe Collard, Bruno Rigutto / Dolly Suite, pour piano à qu (5) 03:14 22 Gabriel Fauré Jean-Philippe Collard, Bruno Rigutto / Dolly Suite, pour piano à qu (6) 02:04 23 Gabriel Fauré Jean-Philippe Collard, Bruno Rigutto / Souvenir de Bayreuth, pour piano à qua... 04:18
Gabriel Fauré View in Albunack Gabriel Fauré, Nocturnes; Impromptus; Barcarolles; Romances 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gabriel Fauré Impromptu no. 2 in F minor, op. 31 03:31 2 Gabriel Fauré Nocturne in E flat major, op. 33 no. 1 08:22 3 Gabriel Fauré Trois romances sans paroles, op. 17 06:24 4 Gabriel Fauré Barcarolle no. 6 in E flat major, op. 70 03:14 5 Gabriel Fauré Nocturne no. 6 in D flat major, op. 63 08:54 6 Gabriel Fauré Barcarolle no. 5 in F sharp minor, op. 66 06:15 7 Gabriel Fauré Nocturne no. 4 in E flat major, op. 36 08:13 8 Gabriel Fauré Barcarolle no. 4 in A flat major, op. 44 04:16 9 Gabriel Fauré Impromptu no. 1 in E flat major, op. 25 04:25 10 Gabriel Fauré Barcarolle no. 1 in A minor, op. 26 05:11 11 Gabriel Fauré Impromptu no. 3 in A flat major, op. 34 04:20
Gabriel Fauré View in Albunack Klavierquartette 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gabriel Fauré Quartet Nr. 1 op. 15 in c-moll: I. Allegro molto moderato 09:14 2 Gabriel Fauré II. Scherzo 05:41 3 Gabriel Fauré III. Adagio 07:53 4 Gabriel Fauré IV. Allegro molto 08:17 5 Gabriel Fauré Quartett Nr. 2 op. 45 in g-moll: I. Allegro molto moderato 10:39 6 Gabriel Fauré II. Allegro molto 03:21 7 Gabriel Fauré III. Adagio non troppo 11:13 8 Gabriel Fauré IV. Allegro molto 08:57
Gabriel Fauré View in Albunack Le Jardin clos - La Chanson d'Eve - Mélodies 24 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gabriel Fauré Soir 02:32 2 Gabriel Fauré Les roses d'Ispahan 03:13 3 Gabriel Fauré La rose 02:30 4 Gabriel Fauré Le parfum impérissable 02:28 5 Gabriel Fauré Arpège 02:37 6 Gabriel Fauré Pleurs d'or 03:02 7 Gabriel Fauré Exaucement 01:12 8 Gabriel Fauré Quand tu plonges les... 01:03 9 Gabriel Fauré La messagère 02:08 10 Gabriel Fauré Je me poserai sur ton... 02:01 11 Gabriel Fauré Dans la nymphée 02:32 12 Gabriel Fauré Dans la pénombre 01:19 13 Gabriel Fauré Il m'est cher, Amour, le... 01:37 14 Gabriel Fauré Inscription sur le sable 02:07 15 Gabriel Fauré Paradis 07:05 16 Gabriel Fauré Prima verba 02:12 17 Gabriel Fauré Roses ardentes 01:45 18 Gabriel Fauré Comme Dieu rayonne 02:06 19 Gabriel Fauré L'aube blanche 01:32 20 Gabriel Fauré Eau vivante 01:31 21 Gabriel Fauré Veilles-tu, ma senteur... 01:58 22 Gabriel Fauré Dans un parfum de roses... 02:17 23 Gabriel Fauré Crépuscules 02:57 24 Gabriel Fauré O mort, poussière d... 03:06
Gabriel Fauré View in Albunack Michel Corboz / Requiem, op. 48 7 3 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 Gabriel Fauré Introit et Kyrie 07:48 2 Gabriel Fauré Offertoire 08:06 Has Mbid 3 Gabriel Fauré Sanctus 04:02 4 Gabriel Fauré Pie Jesu 03:24 Has Mbid 5 Gabriel Fauré Agnus Dei 06:13 6 Gabriel Fauré Libera me 06:22 7 Gabriel Fauré In paradisum 04:18
Gabriel Fauré View in Albunack Musique pour orchestre 15 3 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 Gabriel Fauré Pavane op. 50 06:54 Has Mbid 2 Gabriel Fauré Dolly - 6 pièces pour piano à 4 mains op. 56 orch. Henri Rabaud – 1. Berceuse 02:30 Has Mbid 3 Gabriel Fauré Dolly - 6 pièces pour piano à 4 mains op. 56 orch. Henri Rabaud – 2. mi-a-ou 02:19 4 Gabriel Fauré Dolly - 6 pièces pour piano à 4 mains op. 56 orch. Henri Rabaud – 3. Le jardin de Dolly 03:15 5 Gabriel Fauré Dolly - 6 pièces pour piano à 4 mains op. 56 orch. Henri Rabaud – 4. Kitty-Valse 03:27 6 Gabriel Fauré Dolly - 6 pièces pour piano à 4 mains op. 56 orch. Henri Rabaud – 5. Tendresse 04:04 7 Gabriel Fauré Dolly - 6 pièces pour piano à 4 mains op. 56 orch. Henri Rabaud – 6. Le pas espagnol 02:42 8 Gabriel Fauré Masques et bergamasques op. 112 – 1. Ouverture - allegro molto vivo 04:22 9 Gabriel Fauré Masques et bergamasques op. 112 – 2. Menuet, tempo di minuetto - allegro moderato 02:55 10 Gabriel Fauré Masques et bergamasques op. 112 – 3. Gavotte - allegro vivo 03:51 11 Gabriel Fauré Masques et bergamasques op. 112 – 4. Pastorale - andante tranquillo 05:21 12 Gabriel Fauré Pelléas et Mélisande - musique de scène op. 80 – 1. Prélude - quasi adagio 06:45 13 Gabriel Fauré Pelléas et Mélisande - musique de scène op. 80 – 2. Fileuse - andantino quasi allegretto 02:31 14 Gabriel Fauré Pelléas et Mélisande - musique de scène op. 80 – 4. Sicilienne - allegretto molto moderato 03:44 15 Gabriel Fauré Pelléas et Mélisande - musique de scène op. 80 – 5. La mort de Mélisande - molto adagio 04:39
Gabriel Fauré View in Albunack Pénélope - Acte I 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gabriel Fauré Acte I Prélude 06:22 2 Gabriel Fauré Acte I scène 1 - Chœur des servantes 'Les fuseaux sont lourds, le palais est sombre' 07:23 3 Gabriel Fauré Acte I scène 2 - Eurymaque 'Vers Pénélope, sœur divine d'Aphrodite' 01:56 4 Gabriel Fauré Acte I scène 3 - Euryclée 'Osez-vous pénétrer jusqu'ici, princes lâches' 01:21 5 Gabriel Fauré Acte I scène 4 - Pénélope 'Jadis quand on aimait, on savait aimer mieux !' 14:35 6 Gabriel Fauré Acte I scène 5 - Voix d'Ulysse 'Holà ! Ho !… Holà ! Ho !…' 07:32 7 Gabriel Fauré Acte I scène 6 - Pénélope 'Pardonne, ô vieillard ! pardonne à mon deuil' 05:25 8 Gabriel Fauré Acte I scène 7 - Pénélope 'Je suis seule … Ô travail que mon amour renie' 04:19 9 Gabriel Fauré Acte I scène 8 - Pénélope 'Je me plaignais du sort ! Quelle démence !' 04:17 10 Gabriel Fauré Acte I scène 9 - Ulysse 'Épouse chérie ! Épouse chérie !' 01:35 11 Gabriel Fauré Acte I scène 10 - Pénélope 'Prends ce manteau, vieillard. L'ombre des nuits est fraîche …' 01:59
Gabriel Fauré View in Albunack Pénélope - Actes II et III 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gabriel Fauré Acte II Introduction et scène 1 - Eumée 'Sur l'épaule des monts où le troupeau bêlait' 04:43 2 Gabriel Fauré Acte II scène 2 - Pénélope 'C'est sur ce banc, devant cette colonne' 22:27 3 Gabriel Fauré Acte II scène 3 - Ulysse 'Eumée … Eumée … Et vous tous … vous tous les pâtres' 02:33 4 Gabriel Fauré Acte III Introduction et scène 1 - Ulysse 'Toute la nuit, sans bruit, comme une ombre' 01:18 5 Gabriel Fauré Acte III scène 2 - Euryclée 'Morne et farouche, Pénélope n'a pas dormi' 02:02 6 Gabriel Fauré Acte III scène 3 - Eumée 'Salut, maître …' 'Debout, berger …' 02:48 7 Gabriel Fauré Acte III scène 4 - Antinoüs 'Qu'il est doux de sentir sa jeunesse' 05:22 8 Gabriel Fauré Acte III scène 5 - Léodès 'La Reine …' 'Ses yeux n'ont jamais eu tant de tristesse …' 16:09 9 Gabriel Fauré Acte III scène 6 - Ulysse 'Justice est faite ! …' 'Ulysse, mon époux ! …' 01:49 10 Gabriel Fauré Acte III scène 7 - Peuple d'Ithaque 'Ulysse est de retour ! … Gloire à Zeus' 02:41
Gabriel Fauré View in Albunack Quartetti Per Pianoforte Ed Archi, Op. 15 e Op. 45 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gabriel Fauré Quartetto in sol min. op. 45 - 1. Allegro molto moderato 12:58 2 Gabriel Fauré Quartetto in sol min. op. 45 - 2. Allegro molto 03:27 3 Gabriel Fauré Quartetto in sol min. op. 45 - 3. Adagio non troppo 12:08 4 Gabriel Fauré Quartetto in sol min. op. 45 - 4. Allegro molto 09:20 5 Gabriel Fauré Quartetto in do min. op. 15 - 1. Allegro molto moderato 11:27 6 Gabriel Fauré Quartetto in do min. op. 15 - 2. Scherzo. Allegro vivo 05:23 7 Gabriel Fauré Quartetto in do min. op. 15 - 3. Adagio 08:24 8 Gabriel Fauré Quartetto in do min. op. 15 - 4. Allegro molto 09:02
Gabriel Fauré View in Albunack Quartetti per pianoforte e archi op. 15 e op. 45 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gabriel Fauré Quartetto in sol min. op. 45 - 1. Allegro molto moderato 12:58 2 Gabriel Fauré Quartetto in sol min. op. 45 - 2. Allegro molto 03:27 3 Gabriel Fauré Quartetto in sol min. op. 45 - 3. Adagio non troppo 12:08 4 Gabriel Fauré Quartetto in sol min. op. 45 - 4. Allegro molto 09:20 5 Gabriel Fauré Quartetto in do min. op. 15 - 1. Allegro molto moderato 11:27 6 Gabriel Fauré Quartetto in do min. op. 15 - 2. Scherzo. Allegro vivo 05:23 7 Gabriel Fauré Quartetto in do min. op. 15 - 3. Adagio 08:24 8 Gabriel Fauré Quartetto in do min. op. 15 - 4. Allegro molto 09:02
Gabriel Fauré View in Albunack Quintettes 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gabriel Fauré Quintet No 1, Op. 89 - Molto moderato 11:21 2 Gabriel Fauré Quintet No 1, Op. 89 - Adagio 10:05 3 Gabriel Fauré Quintet No 1, Op. 89 - Allegretto moderato 07:17 4 Gabriel Fauré Quintet No 2, Op. 115 - Allegro moderato 10:36 5 Gabriel Fauré Quintet No 2, Op. 115 - Allegro vivo 03:52 6 Gabriel Fauré Quintet No 2, Op. 115 - Andante moderato 10:56 7 Gabriel Fauré Quintet No 2, Op. 115 - Allegro molto 05:48
Gabriel Fauré View in Albunack Reqiem, Cantique de Jean Racine, Messe Basse, Pavane 10 2 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gabriel Fauré Requiem op 48, Introit et Kyrie 06:26 2 Gabriel Fauré Requiem op 48, Offertoire 07:42 3 Gabriel Fauré Requiem op 48, Sanctus 03:10 4 Gabriel Fauré Requiem op 48, Pie Jesus 03:03 5 Gabriel Fauré Requiem op 48, Agnus Dei 05:52 6 Gabriel Fauré Requiem op 48, Libera me 04:57 7 Gabriel Fauré Requiem op 48, In Paradisum 03:43 Has Mbid 8 Gabriel Fauré Cantique de Jean Racine 04:49 9 Gabriel Fauré Messe Basse pour Voix de Femmes et Orgue 09:48 Has Mbid 10 Gabriel Fauré Pavane pour Orchestre 06:31
Gabriel Fauré View in Albunack Requiem - Cantique de Jean Racine 8 3 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gabriel Fauré Requiem - 1. Introit & Kyrie 06:35 2 Gabriel Fauré Requiem - 2. Offertoire 08:12 3 Gabriel Fauré Requiem - 3. Sanctus 03:21 Has Mbid 4 Gabriel Fauré Requiem - 4. Pie Jesu 03:29 Has Mbid 5 Gabriel Fauré Requiem - 5. Agnus Dei 06:06 6 Gabriel Fauré Requiem - 6. Libera me 04:38 7 Gabriel Fauré Requiem - 7. In Paradisum 03:46 Has Mbid 8 Gabriel Faure Cantique de Jean Racine 05:53
Gabriel Fauré View in Albunack Requiem - Fauré 15 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gabriel Fauré I. Introït Et Kyrie 06:11 2 Gabriel Fauré II. Offertoire 07:04 3 Gabriel Fauré III. Sanctus 03:04 4 Gabriel Fauré IV. Pie Jesu 03:02 5 Gabriel Fauré V. Agnus Dei 05:24 6 Gabriel Fauré VI. Libera Me 04:21 7 Gabriel Fauré VII. In Paradisium 03:11 8 Gabriel Fauré I. Prélude: Quasi Adagio 06:46 9 Gabriel Fauré II. Andantino Quasi Allegretto 02:15 10 Gabriel Fauré III. Sicilienne: Allegro Molto Moderato 03:32 11 Gabriel Fauré IV. Molto Adagio 04:11 12 Gabriel Fauré I. Rêve D'Amour 02:44 13 Gabriel Fauré II. Après Un Rêve 02:24 14 Gabriel Fauré III. Aurore 01:57 15 Gabriel Fauré Pavane (Version For Chorus And Orchestra) 05:55
Gabriel Fauré View in Albunack Requiem / La Naissance de Vénus / Cantique de Jean Racine (Sinfonia Australis feat. conductor: Antony Walker, choir: Cantillation, soprano: Sara Macliver, baritone: Teddy Tahu Rhodes) 12 2 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gabriel Fauré Requiem, Op. 48: I. Introït et Kyrie 06:08 2 Gabriel Fauré Requiem, Op. 48: II. Offertoire 08:09 3 Gabriel Fauré Requiem, Op. 48: III. Sanctus 03:26 4 Gabriel Fauré Requiem, Op. 48: IV. Pie Jesu 04:14 Has Mbid 5 Gabriel Fauré Requiem, Op. 48: V. Agnus Dei 05:19 6 Gabriel Fauré Requiem, Op. 48: VI. Libera me 04:46 Has Mbid 7 Gabriel Fauré Requiem, Op. 48: VII. In Paradisum 03:13 8 Gabriel Fauré Cantique de Jean Racine, Op. 11 05:27 9 Gabriel Fauré La Naissance de Vénus, Op. 29: Andante 02:59 10 Gabriel Fauré La Naissance de Vénus, Op. 29: Une Néréide. "Mes sœurs, blanches Néréides" 08:07 11 Gabriel Fauré La Naissance de Vénus, Op. 29: Jupiter. "Vénus, Vénus, c'est Jupiter lui-même qui t'appelle" 06:02 12 Gabriel Fauré La Naissance de Vénus, Op. 29: Allegro moderato. "Salut à toi, déesse blonde" 06:48
Gabriel Fauré View in Albunack Requiem [Louis Frémaux] 8 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gabriel Fauré Introït et Kyrie 06:26 2 Gabriel Fauré Offertoire 07:42 3 Gabriel Fauré Sanctus 03:11 4 Gabriel Fauré Pie Jesu 03:03 5 Gabriel Fauré Agnus Dei 05:52 6 Gabriel Fauré Libera me 04:56 7 Gabriel Fauré In paradisium 03:43 Has Mbid 8 Gabriel Fauré Cantique de Jean Racine, for 4-part chorus & organ (or orchestra), Op. 11 04:45
Gabriel Fauré View in Albunack Sonates & Pièces Célèbres 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gabriel Fauré Elegie, Opus 24 C minor 06:54 2 Sonate 2, Opus 117 (1) Allegro 05:53 3 Sonate 2, Opus 117 (2) Andante 06:39 4 Sonate 2, Opus 117 (3) Allegro Vivo 04:39 5 Dolly, Suite Opus 56 (1) Berceuse Lullaby 02:54 6 Gabriel Fauré Serenade, Opus 98 in B Flat Minor 02:47 7 Berceuse, Opus 16 Lullaby in D Major 03:38 8 Gabriel Fauré Sicilienne, Opus 78 in G Minor 03:18 9 Gabriel Fauré Apres un Reve, Opus 7 Number 1 03:14 10 Sonate 1, Opus 109 in D minor (1) Allegro 05:04 11 Sonate 1, Opus 109 in D minor (2) Andante 07:20 12 Sonate 1, Opus 109 in D minor (3) Allegro comodo 05:25
Gabriel Fauré View in Albunack The Complete Barcarolles / Trois Romances sans paroles - Charles Owen 16 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gabriel Fauré No.1, Op.26 in A minor 05:00 2 Gabriel Fauré No.2, Op.41 in G 06:35 3 Gabriel Fauré No.3, Op.42 in G flat 07:19 4 Gabriel Fauré No.4, Op.44 in A flat 03:27 5 Gabriel Fauré No.5, Op.66 in F sharp minor 05:25 6 Gabriel Fauré No.6, Op.70 in E flat 03:26 7 Gabriel Fauré No.7, Op.90 in D minor 03:00 8 Gabriel Fauré No.8, Op.96 in D flat 03:21 9 Gabriel Fauré No.9, Op.101 in A minor 04:08 10 Gabriel Fauré No.10, Op.104/2 in A minor 03:05 11 Gabriel Fauré No.11, Op.105 in G minor 04:36 12 Gabriel Fauré No.12, Op.106 bis in E flat 03:02 13 Gabriel Fauré No.13, Op.116 in C 04:02 14 Gabriel Fauré Trois Romances sans paroles, Op.17 - I.Andante, quasi allegretto 01:51 15 Gabriel Fauré Trois Romances sans paroles, Op.17 - II.Allegro molto 02:18 16 Gabriel Fauré Trois Romances sans paroles, Op.17 - III.Andante moderato 02:39
Gabriel Fauré View in Albunack The complete classical collection Vol. 2 19 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gabriel Fauré Rencontre Op. 21 No.1 03:11 2 Gabriel Fauré Notre amour Op. 23 No.2 02:15 3 Gabriel Fauré Au ciemetière Op 51. No.2 04:41 4 Gabriel Fauré Le Papillon Op. 1 No.1 02:13 5 Gabriel Fauré L´absent Op. 5 No. 3 05:02 6 Gabriel Fauré Claire de Lune Op. 46 No.2 02:37 7 Gabriel Fauré Fleur jetée Op. 39 No. 2 01:34 8 Gabriel Fauré Les Berceaux Op. 23 No.1 02:50 9 Gabriel Fauré C´est l´extase Op. 58 No.5 03:05 10 Gabriel Fauré Chant d´automne Op. 5 No.1 05:54 11 Gabriel Fauré La fée aux chansons Op. 27 No.2 01:57 12 Gabriel Fauré Arprés un rêve Op. 7 No.1 02:38 13 Gabriel Fauré Toujours Op. 21 No.2 01:38 14 Gabriel Fauré En sourdine Op. 58 No.2 02:57 15 Gabriel Fauré Soir Op. 83 No.2 02:10 16 Gabriel Fauré Mandoline Op. 58 No. 1 02:04 17 Gabriel Fauré Adieu Op. 21 No.3 02:14 18 Gabriel Fauré Prison Op. 83 No.1 02:02 19 Gabriel Fauré Hymne Op. 7 No.2 02:29
Gabriel Fauré View in Albunack Valses-Caprices – Pièces brèves – Marzurka – Romances sans paroles - Dolly 23 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gabriel Fauré Valses-Caprices pour piano - Première valse-caprice en la majeur op. 30 06:26 2 Gabriel Fauré Valses-Caprices pour piano - Seconde valse-caprice en ré bémol majeur op. 38 06:41 3 Gabriel Fauré Valses-Caprices pour piano - Troisième valse-caprice en sol bémol majeur op. 59 06:54 4 Gabriel Fauré Valses-Caprices pour piano - Quatrième valse-caprice en la bémol majeur op. 62 06:23 5 Gabriel Fauré Pièces brèves pour piano op. 84 - Capriccio en mi bémol majeur 01:50 6 Gabriel Fauré Pièces brèves pour piano op. 84 - Fantaisie en la bémol majeur 01:50 7 Gabriel Fauré Pièces brèves pour piano op. 84 - Fugue en la mineur 02:31 8 Gabriel Fauré Pièces brèves pour piano op. 84 - Adagietto en mi mineur 03:05 9 Gabriel Fauré Pièces brèves pour piano op. 84 - Improvisation en ut dièse mineur 01:21 10 Gabriel Fauré Pièces brèves pour piano op. 84 - Fugue en mi mineur 02:46 11 Gabriel Fauré Pièces brèves pour piano op. 84 - Allégresse en ut majeur 01:30 12 Gabriel Fauré Pièces brèves pour piano op. 84 - Nocturne en ré bémol majeur 03:02 13 Gabriel Fauré Mazurka pour piano en si bémol majeur op. 32 06:24 14 Gabriel Fauré Romances sans paroles pour piano op. 17 - n° 1 en la bémol majeur 01:33 15 Gabriel Fauré Romances sans paroles pour piano op. 17 - n° 2 en la mineur 02:39 16 Gabriel Fauré Romances sans paroles pour piano op. 17 - n° 3 en la bémol majeur 01:51 Has Mbid 17 Gabriel Fauré Dolly, suite pour piano à quatre mains op. 56 – Berceuse - allegretto moderato 02:41 18 Gabriel Fauré Dolly, suite pour piano à quatre mains op. 56 – mi-a-ou - allegro vivo 01:49 19 Gabriel Fauré Dolly, suite pour piano à quatre mains op. 56 – Le jardin de Dolly - andantino 02:05 20 Gabriel Fauré Dolly, suite pour piano à quatre mains op. 56 – Kitty-valse - tempo di valse 02:13 21 Gabriel Fauré Dolly, suite pour piano à quatre mains op. 56 – Tendresse - andante 03:14 22 Gabriel Fauré Dolly, suite pour piano à quatre mains op. 56 – Le pas espagnol - allegro 02:06 23 Gabriel Fauré Souvenirs de Bayreuth, fantaisie pour piano à quatre mains - arr. André Messager 04:12
Gabriel Fauré View in Albunack Œuvres concertantes 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gabriel Fauré Ballade pour piano et orchestre op. 19 14:17 2 Gabriel Fauré Berceuse pour violon et orchestre op. 16 03:38 3 Gabriel Fauré Élégie pour violoncelle et orchestre op. 24 07:02 4 Gabriel Fauré Concerto pour violon et orchestre op.1 4 15:16 5 Gabriel Fauré Romance orch. pour violoncelle et orchestre (Henri Büsser) op. 69 03:49 6 Gabriel Fauré Fantaisie orch. pour flûte et orchestre (Louis Aubert) op. 79 05:00 7 Gabriel Fauré Fantaisie orch. pour piano et orchestre (Marcel Samuel-Rousseau) op. 111 14:54
Gabriel Fauré View in Albunack Œuvres pour piano- 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gabriel Fauré Fauré -Ballade en fa dièse Op. 19- 15:32 2 Gabriel Fauré Fauré -Impromptu n°3 en la bémol Op. 34- 05:15 3 Gabriel Fauré Fauré -Nocturne n°6 en ré bémol Op. 63- 09:21 4 Gabriel Fauré Fauré -Nocturne n°7 en ut dièse mineur Op. 74- 09:20 5 Gabriel Fauré Fauré -Thème & variations en ut dièse mineur Op. 73- 15:47 6 Gabriel Fauré Fauré -Nocturne n°9 en si mineur Op. 97- 05:07 7 Gabriel Fauré Fauré -Nocturne n°11 en fa dièse mineur Op. 104 n°1- 04:59 8 Gabriel Fauré Fauré -Nocturne n°13 en si mineur Op. 119- 08:23
Gackt View in Albunack DIABOLOS -哀婉の詩と聖夜の涙- 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gackt Dybbuk 03:50 2 Gackt white eyes 03:54 3 Gackt Dispar 04:10 4 Gackt U+K 04:59 5 Gackt Storm 00:00 6 Gackt Ash 04:39 7 Gackt Misty 08:08 8 Gackt Lust for blood 05:15 9 Gackt Love Letter 05:15 10 Gackt Farewell 04:51
Gackt View in Albunack GACKT TRAINING DAYS 2006 DRUG PARTY 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gackt Storm 03:53 2 Gackt Maria 04:09 3 Gackt uncontrol 04:14 4 Gackt 絵夢 ~for my dear~ 06:50 5 Gackt seven 03:51 6 Gackt Metamorphoze 03:55 7 Gackt Ash 04:37 8 Gackt ANOTHER WORLD 04:57 9 Gackt 君が追いかけた夢 08:28 10 Gackt Lu:na 03:49
Gackt View in Albunack REQUIEM ET REMINISCENCE -終焉と静寂- 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gackt 鶺鴒~seki-ray~ 05:09 2 Gackt U+K 05:27 3 Gackt Mirror 06:12 4 Gackt uncontrol 04:08 5 Gackt Sayonara 11:24 6 Gackt 君のためにできること 06:20 7 Gackt Kalmis 04:42 8 Gackt Cube 05:36
Gackt View in Albunack THE SIXTH DAY & SEVENTH NIGHT -FINAL- 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gackt U + K (introduction) 02:32 2 Gackt Papa lapped a pap lopped 06:07 3 Gackt Mirror 07:50 4 Gackt Lu:na 04:11 5 Gackt Vanilla 04:18 6 Gackt 君が追いかけた夢 05:24 7 Gackt Last Song 09:10 8 Gackt 君が待っているから 06:08 9 Gackt 再会 ~story~ 07:05
Gackt View in Albunack 上弦の月 -最終章- 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gackt Mirror 07:36 2 Gackt ANOTHER WORLD 03:39 3 Gackt Lu:na 03:34 4 Gackt Fragrance 05:35 5 Gackt rain 06:48 6 Gackt memories 08:03 7 Gackt 君が待っているから 04:30 8 Gackt Doomsday 04:43 9 Gackt 月の詩 ~TSUKI no UTA~ 04:51 10 Gackt Missing 05:46
Gackt View in Albunack 下弦の月 -聖夜の調べ- 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gackt Mirror 07:10 2 Gackt Doomsday 04:37 3 Gackt Death wish 05:44 4 Gackt dears 05:27 5 Gackt Missing 06:28 6 Gackt Fragrance 05:59 7 Gackt rain 09:31 8 Gackt Lapis ~Prologue~ 03:39 9 Gackt ANOTHER WORLD 05:24
Gaetano Donizetti View in Albunack 4 Quartetti per Fluto e Archi 16 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gaetano Donizetti Quartetto no. 9 in D minor - Allegro 06:56 2 Gaetano Donizetti Quartetto no. 9 in D minor - Larghetto 03:27 3 Gaetano Donizetti Quartetto no. 9 in D minor - Minuetto 03:17 4 Gaetano Donizetti Quartetto no. 9 in D minor - Allegro 05:50 5 Gaetano Donizetti Quartetto no. 7 in F minor - Agitatissimo 05:22 6 Gaetano Donizetti Quartetto no. 7 in F minor - Adagio 05:04 7 Gaetano Donizetti Quartetto no. 7 in F minor - Presto 03:58 8 Gaetano Donizetti Quartetto no. 7 in F minor - Marcia lugubre 05:07 9 Gaetano Donizetti Quartetto no. 16 in B minor - Allegro 08:28 10 Gaetano Donizetti Quartetto no. 16 in B minor - Largo 04:31 11 Gaetano Donizetti Quartetto no. 16 in B minor - Minuetto 02:33 12 Gaetano Donizetti Quartetto no. 16 in B minor - Allegro 03:49 13 Gaetano Donizetti Quartetto no. 6 in G minor - Allegro 05:12 14 Gaetano Donizetti Quartetto no. 6 in G minor - Larghetto 03:59 15 Gaetano Donizetti Quartetto no. 6 in G minor - Minuetto - Presto 03:05 16 Gaetano Donizetti Quartetto no. 6 in G minor - Mosso 02:16
Gaetano Donizetti View in Albunack 4 Quartetti per Fluto e Archi (1997 Kodály Quartet) 16 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gaetano Donizetti Quartetto no. 9 in D minor - Allegro 06:56 2 Gaetano Donizetti Quartetto no. 9 in D minor - Larghetto 03:27 3 Gaetano Donizetti Quartetto no. 9 in D minor - Minuetto 03:17 4 Gaetano Donizetti Quartetto no. 9 in D minor - Allegro 05:50 5 Gaetano Donizetti Quartetto no. 7 in F minor - Agitatissimo 05:22 6 Gaetano Donizetti Quartetto no. 7 in F minor - Adagio 05:04 7 Gaetano Donizetti Quartetto no. 7 in F minor - Presto 03:58 8 Gaetano Donizetti Quartetto no. 7 in F minor - Marcia lugubre 05:07 9 Gaetano Donizetti Quartetto no. 16 in B minor - Allegro 08:28 10 Gaetano Donizetti Quartetto no. 16 in B minor - Largo 04:31 11 Gaetano Donizetti Quartetto no. 16 in B minor - Minuetto 02:33 12 Gaetano Donizetti Quartetto no. 16 in B minor - Allegro 03:49 13 Gaetano Donizetti Quartetto no. 6 in G minor - Allegro 05:12 14 Gaetano Donizetti Quartetto no. 6 in G minor - Larghetto 03:59 15 Gaetano Donizetti Quartetto no. 6 in G minor - Minuetto - Presto 03:05 16 Gaetano Donizetti Quartetto no. 6 in G minor - Mosso 02:16
Gaetano Donizetti View in Albunack ANNA BOLENA (Gavazzeni 1957) 31 2 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gaetano Donizetti Act II - Oh ! Dove mai ne andarono le turbe adulatrici 04:33 2 Gaetano Donizetti Act II - Regina ! Duolmi l'amaro incarco 01:34 3 Gaetano Donizetti Act I - Si taciturna e mesta mai non vivi assemblea 02:09 4 Gaetano Donizetti Act II - Piange l'afflitta 01:39 5 Gaetano Donizetti Act II - Tali son trame ordite 02:54 6 Gaetano Donizetti Act II - Sul guanciale del regio letto 02:09 7 Gaetano Donizetti Act I - Non v'ha shuardo cui sia dato 02:10 8 Gaetano Donizetti Act II - Va, infelice, e teco reca 02:59 9 Gaetano Donizetti Act I - Themate voi ? Si, tremo 02:11 10 Gaetano Donizetti Act II - Ecco, ecco Hervey 02:14 11 Gaetano Donizetti Act II - Scostatevi, il Re giunge 01:12 12 Gaetano Donizetti Act I - Tu mi lasci ? 00:48 13 Gaetano Donizetti Act II - Saro fra poco innanzi 02:33 14 Gaetano Donizetti Act I - Chi veggo ? In Inghilterra 03:00 15 Gaetano Donizetti Act II - Salira d'lnghilterra sul trono 01:18 16 Gaetano Donizetti Act II - Sposa a Percy 01:36 17 Gaetano Donizetti Act II - Anna vid'io, l'intesi 02:19 18 Gaetano Donizetti Act II - Per questa fiamma indomita 02:13 19 Gaetano Donizetti Act I - Voi, Regina ! E fia pur vero 01:19 20 Gaetano Donizetti Act II - Ah ! pensate che rivolti 02:03 21 Gaetano Donizetti Act I - Or che reso ai patrii lid 01:27 22 Gaetano Donizetti Act I - Questo di per noi spuntato 02:10 23 Gaetano Donizetti Act I - Tutto e deserto 03:34 Has Mbid 24 Gaetano Donizetti Act II - Qual mesto suon ? 04:14 Has Mbid 25 Gaetano Donizetti Act II - Cielo, a' miei lunghi spasimi 03:19 26 Gaetano Donizetti Act I - S'ei t'aborre, io t'amo ancora 04:11 27 Gaetano Donizetti Act I - Alcun potria ascoltarti in queste mura 01:41 28 Gaetano Donizetti Act I - Tace ognuno, è ognun tremante ! 02:12 29 Gaetano Donizetti Act I - In quegli sguardi impresso 04:07 30 Gaetano Donizetti Act I - In separato carcere tutti costor sien tratti 01:06 31 Gaetano Donizetti Ah ! segnata è la mia sorte 02:47
Gaetano Donizetti View in Albunack Anna Bolena 3 17 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gaetano Donizetti Act 2 Scene 2-1 Ebben? dinanzi ai guidici 04:45 2 Gaetano Donizetti Act 2 Scene 2-2 Scostatevi... il Re giunge 05:26 3 Gaetano Donizetti Act 2 Scene 2-3 Ambo morrete 06:50 4 Gaetano Donizetti Act 2 Scene 2-4 Al Consiglio sien tratti 03:51 5 Gaetano Donizetti Act 2 Scene 2-5 Sposa a Percy 04:16 6 Gaetano Donizetti Act 2 Scene 2-6 Per questa fiamma indomita 02:37 7 Gaetano Donizetti Act 2 Scene 2-7 Stolta! non sai... 03:17 8 Gaetano Donizetti Act 2 Scene 2-8 Ah! pensate che rivolti 04:56 9 Gaetano Donizetti Act 2 Scene 3-9 To pur dannato a morte 01:49 10 Gaetano Donizetti Act 2 Scene 3-10 Vive tu, te ne scongiuro 03:23 11 Gaetano Donizetti Act 2 Scene 3-11 Nel veder la tua costanza 03:23 12 Gaetano Donizetti Act 2 Scene 3-12 Chi puo vederla 05:28 13 Gaetano Donizetti Beverly Sills - Piangete voi? 04:35 14 Gaetano Donizetti Beverly Sills - Al dolce guidami castel natio 04:41 15 Gaetano Donizetti Beverly Sills, Robert Tear, Stuart Burrows, Robert Lloyd, Patricia Kern and chorus - Qual mesto suon? 04:24 16 Gaetano Donizetti Beverly Sills, Patricia Kern, Stuart Burrows, Robert Lloyd and chorus - Cielo, a' miei lunghi spasimi 04:24 17 Gaetano Donizetti Beverly Sills, Patricia Kern, Stuart Burrows, Robert Lloyd and chorus - Coppia iniqua 03:11
Gaetano Donizetti View in Albunack Aristea 14 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Simon Mayr Chorus and Ensemble, Franz Hauk Sinfonia 06:30 2 Chorus, Caroline Adler, (Corinna), Simon Mayr Chorus and Ensemble, Franz Hauk Seconda i nostri voti 04:17 3 (Corinna), Andrea Lauren Brown (Aristea, Cloe), Sara Hershkowitz (Filinto), Simon Mayr Chorus and Ensemble, Franz Hauk Amar che giova 03:20 4 Sara Hershkowitz (Filinto), Andrea Lauren Brown (Aristea, Cloe), Simon Mayr Chorus and Ensemble, Franz Hauk La bell'alma che nel petto 09:08 5 Chorus, Simon Mayr Chorus and Ensemble, Franz Hauk Qui tenera e fida 01:58 6 Andreas Burkhart (Comone), Cornel Frey (Licisco), Simon Mayr Chorus and Ensemble, Franz Hauk Signor, dopo tant'anni 02:30 7 Silent Role (Lisandro), Simon Mayr Chorus and Ensemble, Franz Hauk Soffro il destino irato 05:44 8 Andreas Burkhart (Comone), Caroline Adler (Corinna), Simon Mayr Chorus and Ensemble, Franz Hauk Misero prence! 02:12 9 Andreas Burkhart (Comone), Andrea Lauren Brown (Aristea, Cloe), Caroline Adler (Corinna), Sara Hershkowitz (Filinto), Simon Mayr Chorus and Ensemble, Franz Hauk Empia! T'arresta 01:23 10 Andreas Burkhart (Comone), Sara Hershkowitz (Filinto), Andrea Lauren Brown (Aristea, Cloe), Cornel Frey (Licisco), Simon Mayr Chorus and Ensemble, Franz Hauk Taci iniquo: io non t'ascolto 05:26 11 Andrea Lauren Brown (Aristea, Cloe), Sara Hershkowitz (Filinto), Cornel Frey (Licisco), Andreas Burkhart (Comone), Simon Mayr Chorus and Ensemble, Franz Hauk Misero cor, non sai 02:02 12 Andreas Burkhart (Comone), Cornel Frey (Licisco), Sara Hershkowitz (Filinto), Andrea Lauren Brown (Aristea, Cloe), Simon Mayr Chorus and Ensemble, Franz Hauk Lungi dagli occhi miei! 04:20 13 Caroline Adler (Corinna), Cornel Frey (Licisco), Andreas Burkhart (Comone), Sara Hershkowitz (Filinto), Robert Sellier (Erasto), Andrea Lauren Brown (Aristea, Cloe), Simon Mayr Chorus and Ensemble, Franz Hauk Perché più dell'usato 05:27 14 Andrea Lauren Brown (Aristea, Cloe), Andreas Burkhart (Comone), Sara Hershkowitz (Filinto), Cornel Frey (Licisco), Chorus, Simon Mayr Chorus and Ensemble, Franz Hauk Fra così cari oggetti 04:56
Gaetano Donizetti View in Albunack Belisario 22 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gaetano Donizetti Act Two: Oh Duce! 04:00 2 Gaetano Donizetti Act Two: Di Belisario Voi Piangete!... A Si Tremendo Ammunzio 03:00 3 Gaetano Donizetti Act Two: Vien La Figlia... 02:13 4 Gaetano Donizetti Act Two: Trema Bisanzio! Sterminatrice... 01:42 5 Gaetano Donizetti Act Two: Amici E Forza Separarci... 04:39 6 Gaetano Donizetti Act Two: Chi Mi Regge... Chi M'aita 02:35 7 Gaetano Donizetti Act Two: Ah Se Potessi Piangere 03:38 8 Gaetano Donizetti Act Two: Finale 05:22 9 Gaetano Donizetti Padre!... 02:42 10 Gaetano Donizetti Act Three: Qui Siedi, O Padre 02:10 11 Gaetano Donizetti Sostegni Del Mio Trono, Un Fero Evento 05:08 12 Gaetano Donizetti Da Chi Son Io Tradito!... 04:00 13 Gaetano Donizetti Act Three: Di, Su Qual Riva Il Barbaro... 01:24 14 Gaetano Donizetti Act Three: Se Il Fratel... 02:50 15 Gaetano Donizetti A Si Tremendo Annunzio 03:06 16 Gaetano Donizetti Act Three: Itene Al Campo... 02:59 17 Gaetano Donizetti Act Three: Da Quel Di Che L'innocente... 03:28 18 Gaetano Donizetti Act Three: Vittoria! Vittoria! 01:43 19 Gaetano Donizetti Act Three: Di Pianto, Di Gemiti... 03:45 20 Gaetano Donizetti Act Three: Irene! Ricopriti, O Ciel... 02:03 21 Gaetano Donizetti Act Three: Egli E Spento 01:41 22 Gaetano Donizetti Act Three: Finale 03:28
Gaetano Donizetti View in Albunack Belisario (BBC Symphony Orchestra, Mark Elder) 19 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gaetano Donizetti Sinfonia 06:45 2 Gaetano Donizetti Plauso Di Eterna Gloria 01:59 3 Gaetano Donizetti Corri, Amica, Voliam Sulla Sponda 05:27 4 Gaetano Donizetti Plauso! Voci Di Gioja! 02:20 5 Gaetano Donizetti Sin La Tomba È a Me Negata! 00:00 6 Gaetano Donizetti Ti Conforta: Dell'eccesso 00:57 7 Gaetano Donizetti O Desio Della Vendetta 03:58 8 Gaetano Donizetti O Nume Degli Eserciti 03:25 9 Gaetano Donizetti Cesare, Hai Vinto: E L'itala Contrada 02:28 10 Gaetano Donizetti Liberi Siete. Quando Di Sangue Tinto 04:29 11 Gaetano Donizetti Sul Campo Della Gloria 03:28 12 Gaetano Donizetti Padre! 02:37 13 Gaetano Donizetti Che Mai Sarà? 03:39 14 Gaetano Donizetti Sostegni Del Mio Trono, Un Fero Evento 03:24 15 Gaetano Donizetti Figlia, Consorte 01:58 16 Gaetano Donizetti Ah! Da Chi Son'io Tradito! 03:33 17 Gaetano Donizetti Madre Tu Fosti, E Moglie 01:44 18 Gaetano Donizetti Sognai. Fra Genti. Barbare 02:23 19 Gaetano Donizetti Ah! Pera L'empio Che Offese Natura 02:48
Gaetano Donizetti View in Albunack Classica Gaetano Donizetti 1 14 2 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gaetano Donizetti Traccia01 03:36 2 Gaetano Donizetti Traccia02 04:59 3 Gaetano Donizetti Traccia03 07:51 4 Gaetano Donizetti Traccia04 07:31 Has Mbid 5 Gaetano Donizetti Traccia05 04:35 6 Gaetano Donizetti Traccia06 07:04 7 Gaetano Donizetti Traccia07 07:43 Has Mbid 8 Gaetano Donizetti Traccia08 05:21 9 Gaetano Donizetti Traccia09 01:56 10 Gaetano Donizetti Traccia10 02:19 11 Gaetano Donizetti Traccia11 04:06 12 Gaetano Donizetti Traccia12 06:28 13 Gaetano Donizetti Traccia13 03:52 14 Gaetano Donizetti Traccia14 05:21
Gaetano Donizetti View in Albunack Córka pułku dysk 1 16 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gaetano Donizetti Lennemi s`avance 07:15 2 Gaetano Donizetti Pour une femme de mon nom 03:54 3 Gaetano Donizetti Les voila loin que votre frayeur cesse! 02:14 4 Gaetano Donizetti Sacre nom d`une pipe! 02:14 5 Gaetano Donizetti Au bruit de la guerre 02:01 6 Gaetano Donizetti Quel beau jour, quand la providence 02:44 7 Gaetano Donizetti Allons, allons, march`, march` 05:27 8 Gaetano Donizetti La, la la 04:01 9 Gaetano Donizetti c`est l`instant de l`appel! 03:46 10 Gaetano Donizetti Ils l`ont emmene brutalement 02:53 11 Gaetano Donizetti Depuis l`instant ou dans mes bras 02:32 12 Gaetano Donizetti De cet aveu si tendre 02:39 13 Gaetano Donizetti Longtemps coquette, heureuse et vive 01:49 14 Gaetano Donizetti Longtemps coquette, heureuse et vive 02:59 15 Gaetano Donizetti Pardonnez-mois, messieurs! 02:28 16 Gaetano Donizetti Rataplan... Vive la guerre et ses alarmes! 02:06
Gaetano Donizetti View in Albunack Der Liebestrank (L'Elisir D'Amore) - Highlights 18 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gaetano Donizetti Preludio 04:51 2 Gaetano Donizetti Quanto è bella 03:25 3 Gaetano Donizetti Benedette queste carte! - Della crudele isotta 04:42 4 Gaetano Donizetti Una parola, Adina 01:35 5 Gaetano Donizetti Chiedi all'aura lusinghiera 06:43 6 Gaetano Donizetti Udite, udite, o rustici - Cosi chiaro è come il sole 07:45 7 Gaetano Donizetti Caro elisir! Il sei mio! 02:31 8 Gaetano Donizetti Lallarallara - Esulti pur la barbara 06:34 9 Gaetano Donizetti Tran, tran, tran, tran - In guerra ed in amor 03:09 10 Gaetano Donizetti Signor sargente 02:48 11 Gaetano Donizetti Adina credimi 04:45 12 Gaetano Donizetti Introduzione - Cantiamo, Cantiam 03:24 13 Gaetano Donizetti Io son ricco e tu sei bella 03:07 14 Gaetano Donizetti Cantiamo, Cantiam 03:19 15 Gaetano Donizetti Dell'elisir mirabile - E bellissima! 04:16 16 Gaetano Donizetti Io già m'immagino 02:41 Has Mbid 17 Gaetano Donizetti Una furtiva lagrima 04:58 18 Gaetano Donizetti Alto! Fronte! - Ei corregge ogni difetto 04:01
Gaetano Donizetti View in Albunack Donizetti - Pietro il Grande 2 20 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gaetano Donizetti Di che dobbiamo renderlo 07:00 2 Gaetano Donizetti Che vuoi costei¿ 06:16 3 Gaetano Donizetti Atto II - Sindaci o voi del borgo 03:18 4 Gaetano Donizetti Gentilissimo togato 04:58 5 Gaetano Donizetti In cor sì tenero 02:27 6 Gaetano Donizetti In queste ricche vesti 04:41 7 Gaetano Donizetti Sorella.. tu.. che faccio¿ 00:36 8 Gaetano Donizetti Il dolce nome e tenero 05:25 9 Gaetano Donizetti Carlo dunque fu posto in libertà¿ 03:01 10 Gaetano Donizetti Mio padre../ E' ver tradì la Patria 00:52 11 Gaetano Donizetti Ah, qual colpo o ciel qual fremito 03:18 12 Gaetano Donizetti Dov'è quel perfido 05:01 13 Gaetano Donizetti Ho in sen tumulto insolito 02:30 14 Gaetano Donizetti Hondedisky / Oh perbacco 01:26 15 Gaetano Donizetti Pace una volta e calma 03:12 16 Gaetano Donizetti Al stridor bellico 01:04 17 Gaetano Donizetti Che strepito è codesto¿ 00:49 18 Gaetano Donizetti Mia Fritz al seno vi stringo ancor 01:24 19 Gaetano Donizetti In questo estremo amplesso 06:42 20 Gaetano Donizetti Al stridor bellico 08:59
Gaetano Donizetti View in Albunack Donizetti: Don Pasquale 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wiener Staatsopernorchester, Argeo Quadri & Gaetano Donizetti Don Pasquale: Overture 06:40 2 Wiener Staatsopernorchester, Argeo Quadri & Gaetano Donizetti Don Pasquale: Act 1. Introduzione. Son nov'ore 03:17 3 Wiener Staatsopernorchester, Argeo Quadri & Gaetano Donizetti Don Pasquale: Act 1. Romanza. Bella siccome un angelo 05:45 4 Wiener Staatsopernorchester, Argeo Quadri & Gaetano Donizetti Don Pasquale: Act 1. Recitativo e Duetto. Son rinato! 04:04 5 Wiener Staatsopernorchester, Argeo Quadri & Gaetano Donizetti Don Pasquale: Act 1. Catabile. Sogno soave e casto! 05:40 6 Wiener Staatsopernorchester, Argeo Quadri & Gaetano Donizetti Don Pasquale: Act 1. Cavatina. Quel guardo il cavaliere 05:35 7 Wiener Staatsopernorchester, Argeo Quadri & Gaetano Donizetti Don Pasquale: Act 1. Recitativo. E il Dottor non si vede! 02:32 8 Wiener Staatsopernorchester, Argeo Quadri & Gaetano Donizetti Don Pasquale: Act 1. Duetto-Finale 1. Pronta io son 08:09 9 Wiener Staatsopernorchester, Argeo Quadri & Gaetano Donizetti Don Pasquale: Act 2. Preludio, Scena ed Aria. Povero Ernesto! 08:46 10 Wiener Staatsopernorchester, Argeo Quadri & Gaetano Donizetti Don Pasquale: Act 2. Scena e Terzetto. Quando avrete introdotto il dottor Malatesta 05:17 11 Wiener Staatsopernorchester, Argeo Quadri & Gaetano Donizetti Don Pasquale: Act 2. Scena e Quartetto-Finale 2. Non abbiate paura, è don Pasquale 21:04
Gaetano Donizetti View in Albunack Donizetti: Don Pasquale 2 18 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gaetano Donizetti Don Pasquale: Acte II, Scene 1. Preludio - "Povero Ernesto!" (Ernesto) 03:44 2 Gaetano Donizetti Don Pasquale: Acte II, Scene 1. "Cercherò lontana terra" (Ernesto) 05:29 3 Gaetano Donizetti Don Pasquale: Acte II, Scene 2. "Quando avrete introdotto" (Don Pasquale) - Scene 3. "Via, da brava" (Malatesta, Norina, Don Pasquale) 05:39 4 Gaetano Donizetti Don Pasquale: Acte II, Scene 3. "Non abbiate paura" (Malatesta, Norina, Don Pasquale) 04:13 5 Gaetano Donizetti Don Pasquale: Acte II, Scene 4. "Fra da una parte" (Malatesta, Notaro, Don Pasquale) 08:42 6 Gaetano Donizetti Don Pasquale: Acte II, Scene 5. "(E' rinasto là impietrato)" (Malatesta, Norina, Ernesto) 02:47 7 Gaetano Donizetti Don Pasquale: Acte II, Scene 5. "Riunita immantinente la servitù" (Norina, Don Pasquale, Malatesta) 05:35 8 Gaetano Donizetti Don Pasquale: Acte III, Scene 1. "I diamanti, presto, presto" (Cameriere, Servi, Cameriera) 01:20 9 Gaetano Donizetti Don Pasquale: Acte III, Scene 1. "Vediamo: alla modista" (Don Pasquale) - Scene 2. "Signorina, in tanta fretta" (Don Pasquale, Norina) 07:03 10 Gaetano Donizetti Don Pasquale: Acte III, Scene 2. "Parto adunque - Parta pure" (Don Pasquale, Norina) 03:30 11 Gaetano Donizetti Don Pasquale: Acte III, Scene 2. "Qualche nota di cuffie" (Don Pasquale) 01:12 12 Gaetano Donizetti Don Pasquale: Acte III, Scene 3. "Che interminabile andirivieni! (Tutti, Donne, Uomini) 03:58 13 Gaetano Donizetti Don Pasquale: Acte III, Scene 4. "Siamo intesi - Sta bene" (Malatesta, Ernesto) 03:11 14 Gaetano Donizetti Don Pasquale: Acte III, Scene 5. "Cheti, cheti immantinente" (Don Pasquale, Malatesta) 06:42 15 Gaetano Donizetti Don Pasquale: Acte III, Scene 6. "Com'è gentil" (Ernesto) 03:44 16 Gaetano Donizetti Don Pasquale: Acte III, Scene 6. "Tornami a dir" (Ernesto, Norina) 03:21 17 Gaetano Donizetti Don Pasquale: Acte III, Scene 6. "Eccoli: attenti ben" (Don Pasquale, Malatesta) 03:42 18 Gaetano Donizetti Don Pasquale: Acte III, Scene 6. "La morale in tutto questo" (Norina) 02:52
Gaetano Donizetti View in Albunack Donizetti: Elvida [Allemandi] 24 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 London Philharmonic Orchestra, Antonello Allemandi & Gaetano Donizetti Preludio 00:25 2 London Philharmonic Orchestra, Antonello Allemandi & Gaetano Donizetti Introduzione. Coro. Tutto cede al nemico feroce 02:32 3 London Philharmonic Orchestra, Antonello Allemandi & Gaetano Donizetti Introduzione. Duetto. Non più: dicesti assai 04:29 4 London Philharmonic Orchestra, Antonello Allemandi & Gaetano Donizetti Introduzione. Allegro. Omai tant'orgoglio 02:35 5 London Philharmonic Orchestra, Antonello Allemandi & Gaetano Donizetti Recitative. Ed ostinato ancor? 00:59 6 London Philharmonic Orchestra, Antonello Allemandi & Gaetano Donizetti Cavatina. Aria. A che mi vuoi? che brami? 01:50 7 London Philharmonic Orchestra, Antonello Allemandi & Gaetano Donizetti Cavatina. Cabaletta. Le smanie io sento in petto 04:01 8 London Philharmonic Orchestra, Antonello Allemandi & Gaetano Donizetti Recitative. Ebben? Elvida, ascolta 02:25 9 London Philharmonic Orchestra, Antonello Allemandi & Gaetano Donizetti Duetto. Se geme a' tuoi lai... 03:39 10 London Philharmonic Orchestra, Antonello Allemandi & Gaetano Donizetti Duetto. Stretta. Sì grave è il tormento 01:56 11 London Philharmonic Orchestra, Antonello Allemandi & Gaetano Donizetti Recitative. Misero me!... 01:34 12 London Philharmonic Orchestra, Antonello Allemandi & Gaetano Donizetti Coro e Cavatina. Coro. Cinto di nuovi allori 02:51 13 London Philharmonic Orchestra, Antonello Allemandi & Gaetano Donizetti Coro e Cavatina. Aria. Atra nube al sole intorno 02:35 14 London Philharmonic Orchestra, Antonello Allemandi & Gaetano Donizetti Coro e Cavatina. Cabaletta. Cara immagin del mio bene 04:04 15 London Philharmonic Orchestra, Antonello Allemandi & Gaetano Donizetti Recitative. L'empio Amur si sottrasse 00:40 16 London Philharmonic Orchestra, Antonello Allemandi & Gaetano Donizetti Recitative. Signor, se la clemenza 02:07 17 London Philharmonic Orchestra, Antonello Allemandi & Gaetano Donizetti Scena e recitative. Elvida, il tuo coraggio 03:28 18 London Philharmonic Orchestra, Antonello Allemandi & Gaetano Donizetti Recitative. Padre, che pensi? 01:42 19 London Philharmonic Orchestra, Antonello Allemandi & Gaetano Donizetti Terzetto. Invan, superba, invano 07:33 20 London Philharmonic Orchestra, Antonello Allemandi & Gaetano Donizetti Quartetto. Larghetto. Deh! ti placa... Amur, mi rendi 04:33 21 London Philharmonic Orchestra, Antonello Allemandi & Gaetano Donizetti Quartetto. Allegro. L'empio cor che chiudi in petto 03:02 22 London Philharmonic Orchestra, Antonello Allemandi & Gaetano Donizetti Recitative. Ti conforta, signor 00:41 23 London Philharmonic Orchestra, Antonello Allemandi & Gaetano Donizetti Scena e Duetto Finaletto. Ah padre!... Alfonso... 01:39 24 London Philharmonic Orchestra, Antonello Allemandi & Gaetano Donizetti Scena e Duetto Finaletto. Duetto. Il cielo, in pria sdegnato 04:26
Gaetano Donizetti View in Albunack Donizetti: L'elisir D'amore [Highlights] 19 2 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gaetano Donizetti L'elisir d'amore: Act 1. Preludio 02:48 2 Gaetano Donizetti L'elisir d'amore: Act 1. Bel conforto al mietitore 02:04 3 Gaetano Donizetti L'elisir d'amore: Act 1. Quanto e bella, quanto e cara! 03:19 4 Gaetano Donizetti L'elisir d'amore: Act 1. Benedette queste carte... Della crudele Isotta 04:28 5 Gaetano Donizetti L'elisir d'amore: Act 1. Una parola, o Adina... 01:46 Has Mbid 6 Gaetano Donizetti L'elisir d'amore: Act 1. Chiedi all'aura lusinghiera 06:50 7 Gaetano Donizetti L'elisir d'amore: Act 1. Che vuol dire codesta suonata? 01:52 8 Gaetano Donizetti L'elisir d'amore: Act 1. Udite, udite, o rustici 06:54 9 Gaetano Donizetti L'elisir d'amore: Act 1. Caro elisir! Sei mio! - Lallarallara... 03:14 10 Gaetano Donizetti L'elisir d'amore: Act 1. Esulti pur la barbara 04:09 11 Gaetano Donizetti L'elisir d'amore: Act 1. Tran, tran, tran. In guerra ed in amor 03:20 12 Gaetano Donizetti L'elisir d'amore: Act 1. Signor sargente, di voi richiede la vostra gente 02:36 13 Gaetano Donizetti L'elisir d'amore: Act 1. Adina credimi, te ne scongiuro 07:28 14 Gaetano Donizetti L'elisir d'amore: Act 2. Cantiamo, facciam brindisi 02:31 15 Gaetano Donizetti L'elisir d'amore: Act 2. Poiche cantar vi alletta... "Io son ricco e tu sei bella" - Silenzio! 05:23 16 Gaetano Donizetti L'elisir d'amore: Act 2. Dell'elisir mirabile 06:58 Has Mbid 17 Gaetano Donizetti L'elisir d'amore: Act 2. Una furtiva lagrima 04:26 18 Gaetano Donizetti L'elisir d'amore: Act 2. Alto! Fronte! - 01:52 19 Gaetano Donizetti L'elisir d'amore: Act 2. Ei corregge ogni difetto 02:07
Gaetano Donizetti View in Albunack Donizetti: L'elisir d'amore 18 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Hungarian State Opera Orchestra, Pier Giorgio Morandi & Gaetano Donizetti L'elisir d'amore: Act 1. Scene 1. Prelude 02:46 2 Hungarian State Opera Orchestra, Pier Giorgio Morandi & Gaetano Donizetti L'elisir d'amore: Act 1. Scene 1. Chorus. Bel conforto al mietiore 02:06 3 Hungarian State Opera Orchestra & Pier Giorgio Morandi L'elisir d'amore, opera- Act 2. Scene 2. Recitative. Le feste nuziali 02:09 4 Hungarian State Opera Orchestra & Pier Giorgio Morandi L'elisir d'amore, opera- Act 2. Scene 3. Scene. La donna è un animale 02:23 5 Hungarian State Opera Orchestra, Pier Giorgio Morandi & Gaetano Donizetti L'elisir d'amore: Act 1. Scene 2. March 01:10 6 Hungarian State Opera Orchestra, Pier Giorgio Morandi & Gaetano Donizetti L'elisir d'amore: Act 1. Scene 2. Cavatina. Como Paride vezzoso 07:39 7 Hungarian State Opera Orchestra & Pier Giorgio Morandi L'elisir d'amore, opera- Act 2. Scene 5 & Scene 6. Quartet. Dell'elisir mirabile 07:48 8 Hungarian State Opera Orchestra, Pier Giorgio Morandi & Gaetano Donizetti L'elisir d'amore: Act 1. Scene 3. Scena & Duet. Chiedi all'aura lusinghiera 07:51 9 Hungarian State Opera Orchestra & Pier Giorgio Morandi L'elisir d'amore, opera- Act 2. Scene 7. Duet. Quanto amore 07:27 Has Mbid 10 Hungarian State Opera Orchestra & Pier Giorgio Morandi L'elisir d'amore, opera- Act 2. Scene 8. Romance. Una furtiva lagrima 05:16 11 Hungarian State Opera Orchestra, Pier Giorgio Morandi & Gaetano Donizetti L'elisir d'amore: Act 1. Scene 6. Recitative. Ardir! Ha forse il cielo 00:52 12 Hungarian State Opera Orchestra, Pier Giorgio Morandi & Gaetano Donizetti L'elisir d'amore: Act 1. Scene 6. Scena & Duet. Voglio dire, lo stupendo Elisir 07:41 13 Hungarian State Opera Orchestra & Pier Giorgio Morandi L'elisir d'amore, opera- Act 2. Scene 10. Scene. Alto!... fronte!... Che vedo- 01:56 14 Hungarian State Opera Orchestra & Pier Giorgio Morandi L'elisir d'amore, opera- Act 2. Scene 10. Aria & Finale. Ei corregge ogni difetto 02:19 15 Hungarian State Opera Orchestra, Pier Giorgio Morandi & Gaetano Donizetti L'elisir d'amore: Act 1. Scene 9. Terzetto. Tran tran tran... In guerra ed in amore 03:22 16 Hungarian State Opera Orchestra, Pier Giorgio Morandi & Gaetano Donizetti L'elisir d'amore: Act 1. Scene 10. Signor sargente 02:51 17 Hungarian State Opera Orchestra, Pier Giorgio Morandi & Gaetano Donizetti L'elisir d'amore: Act 1. Scene 10. Adina, credimi 05:45 18 Hungarian State Opera Orchestra, Pier Giorgio Morandi & Gaetano Donizetti L'elisir d'amore: Act 1. Scene 10. Fra lieti concenti 02:23
Gaetano Donizetti View in Albunack Donizetti: Rita, Il Pigmalione, L'olimpiade, la Bella Prigioniera 12 0 1993 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Rigacci, Benelli, Maestri Rita: Aria: 'e Lindo E Civettin' 09:14 2 Rigacci, Benelli, Maestri Rita: Recitativo: 'ah! Posso Ringraziare la Madonna' 01:16 3 Rigacci, Benelli, Maestri Rita: Duetto: 'e Dessa! Quale Orror!' 08:09 4 Rigacci, Benelli, Maestri Rita: Recitativo: 'ecco I Suoi Incerti' 02:50 5 Rigacci, Benelli, Maestri Rita: Aria: 'la Mia Casa Per Modello' 02:47 6 Rigacci, Benelli, Maestri Rita: Recitativo: 'allorche Consegnai' 04:04 7 Rigacci, Benelli, Maestri Rita: Duetto: 'or Mi Viene Un'idea' 07:54 8 Rigacci, Benelli, Maestri Rita: Recitativo: 'le'avete Vinta: la Rita E Vostra' 00:50 9 Rigacci, Benelli, Maestri Rita: Aria: 'allegro Io Son' 03:19 10 Rigacci, Benelli, Maestri Rita: Recitativo: 'c'e Del Torbido' 02:06 11 Rigacci, Benelli, Maestri Rita: Duetto: 'cara Gioia!' 07:49 12 Rigacci, Benelli, Maestri Rita: Recitativo: 'bene, Bene' 01:14
Gaetano Donizetti View in Albunack Donizetti: Sinfonias, Transcribed from String Quartets 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Failoni Orchestra, Geza Oberfrank & Gaetano Donizetti Sinfonia for orchestra in D minor (On the death of A. Capuzzi): Allegro 09:53 2 Failoni Orchestra, Geza Oberfrank & Gaetano Donizetti Sinfonia for orchestra in D minor (On the death of A. Capuzzi): Larghetto 04:24 3 Failoni Orchestra, Geza Oberfrank & Gaetano Donizetti Sinfonia for orchestra in D minor (On the death of A. Capuzzi): Minuetto 03:33 4 Failoni Orchestra, Geza Oberfrank & Gaetano Donizetti Sinfonia for orchestra in D minor (On the death of A. Capuzzi): Allegro vivace 04:51 5 Failoni Orchestra, Geza Oberfrank & Gaetano Donizetti Sinfonia for piano in A major: Allegro assai 08:31 6 Failoni Orchestra, Geza Oberfrank & Gaetano Donizetti Sinfonia for piano in A major: Larghetto cantabile 04:06 7 Failoni Orchestra, Geza Oberfrank & Gaetano Donizetti Sinfonia for piano in A major: Scherzo 03:21 8 Failoni Orchestra, Geza Oberfrank & Gaetano Donizetti Sinfonia for piano in A major: Allegretto 05:15 9 Failoni Orchestra, Geza Oberfrank & Gaetano Donizetti Sinfonia for winds in D major: Allegro 06:22 10 Failoni Orchestra, Geza Oberfrank & Gaetano Donizetti Sinfonia for winds in D major: Larghetto 04:23 11 Failoni Orchestra, Geza Oberfrank & Gaetano Donizetti Sinfonia for winds in D major: Presto 02:58 12 Failoni Orchestra, Geza Oberfrank & Gaetano Donizetti Sinfonia for winds in D major: Allegro 04:59
Gaetano Donizetti View in Albunack Donizetti: String Quartets Nos. 7-9 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gaetano Donizetti String Quartet No. 7 in F: I. Allegro vivace 07:39 2 Gaetano Donizetti String Quartet No. 7 in F: II. Adagio ma non troppo 04:21 3 Gaetano Donizetti String Quartet No. 7 in F: III. Presto-Trio 04:06 4 Gaetano Donizetti String Quartet No. 7 in F: IV. Marcia lugubre 04:30 5 Gaetano Donizetti String Quartet No. 8 in B flat: I. Allegro 04:17 6 Gaetano Donizetti String Quartet No. 8 in B flat: II. Larghetto 03:18 7 Gaetano Donizetti String Quartet No. 8 in B flat: III. Minuetto-Trio 04:24 8 Gaetano Donizetti String Quartet No. 8 in B flat: IV. Presto 03:44 9 Gaetano Donizetti String Quartet No. 9 in D: I. Allegro 06:07 10 Gaetano Donizetti String Quartet No. 9 in D: II. Larghetto 02:57 11 Gaetano Donizetti String Quartet No. 9 in D: III. Minuetto (Allegro)-Trio 02:52 12 Gaetano Donizetti String Quartet No. 9 in D: IV. Allegro vivace 04:42
Gaetano Donizetti View in Albunack Elisir CD-1 T.Serafin Alva Carteri 16 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gaetano Donizetti Preludio 03:04 2 Gaetano Donizetti Bel conforto al mietitore 00:54 3 Gaetano Donizetti Quanto è bella, quanto è cara 03:24 4 Gaetano Donizetti Benedette queste carte! 04:40 5 Gaetano Donizetti Come Paride vezzoso 04:27 6 Gaetano Donizetti Or se m'ami, come io t'amo 03:52 7 Gaetano Donizetti Una parola, Adina 07:54 8 Gaetano Donizetti Che vuol dire cotesta sonata 01:38 9 Gaetano Donizetti Udite, udite, o rustici 07:34 10 Gaetano Donizetti Ardir! Ha forse il cielo mandato 00:42 11 Gaetano Donizetti Voglio dire, lo stupendo elisir 06:12 12 Gaetano Donizetti Caro elisir! Sei Mio! 01:17 13 Gaetano Donizetti La rà, la rà, la rà 01:59 14 Gaetano Donizetti Esulti pur la barbara 04:41 15 Gaetano Donizetti Tran tran tran in guerra 02:56 16 Gaetano Donizetti Signor Sergente 02:41
Gaetano Donizetti View in Albunack Gaetano Donizetti, Messa da Requiem 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gaetano Donizetti Sinfonia d-Moll per la morte die Capuzzi 10:39 2 Gaetano Donizetti Messa di Requiem - In memoria aeterna 03:10 3 Gaetano Donizetti Messa di Requiem - Dies irae 35:10 4 Gaetano Donizetti Messa di Requiem - Offertorium 04:08 5 Gaetano Donizetti Messa di Requiem - Lux aeterna 01:37 6 Gaetano Donizetti Messa di Requiem - Libera me 08:46
Gaetano Donizetti View in Albunack Gianni di Parigi - Serra, Morino, Cillario 16 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gaetano Donizetti Sinfonia 06:15 2 Gaetano Donizetti Scena I - Su sbrighiamoci, spazziamo 02:16 4 Gaetano Donizetti Scena III - E così non partite 01:31 5 Gaetano Donizetti Scena IV - Il desinar preparasi 07:54 7 Gaetano Donizetti Scena VI - Aff� Signor borghese 02:17 8 Gaetano Donizetti Scena VII - Venga ciascun qual fulmine 10:45 9 Gaetano Donizetti Scena VIII - All'illustre Principessa 02:05 10 Gaetano Donizetti Cavatina - Ah quanto e qual diletto 05:22 12 Gaetano Donizetti Scena IX - Come ! che ardir 01:04 13 Gaetano Donizetti Scena X - Finale Atto I - Ho davvero bel farmi coraggio 02:57 15 Gaetano Donizetti Scena XII - Altezza, a voi richiede 01:38 16 Gaetano Donizetti Scena Ultima - Scacciarmi, scacciarmi 08:23
Gaetano Donizetti View in Albunack Homenaje a la Ópera - L'elisir d'amore 16 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gaetano Donizetti Preludio 03:01 2 Gaetano Donizetti ACTO I-Quanto È Bella, Quanto È Cara! (Nemorino-Giannetta-Coro) 03:32 3 Gaetano Donizetti ACTO I-Della Crudele Isotta (Adina-Coro) 03:45 4 Gaetano Donizetti ACTO I-Chiedi All'aura Lusinghiera (Adina-Nemorino) 06:47 5 Gaetano Donizetti ACTO I-Caro Elisir! Sei Mio! (Nemorino) 01:28 6 Gaetano Donizetti ACTO I-Lallarallara Esulti Pur La Barbara (Nemorino-Adina) 05:40 7 Gaetano Donizetti ACTO I-Signor sargente, Di Voi Richiede! (Giannetta-Belcore-Nemorino-Adina-Coro) 02:28 8 Gaetano Donizetti ACTO I-Adina Credimi, Te Ne Scongiuro (Nemorino-Belcore-Adina-Giannetta-Coro) 04:04 9 Gaetano Donizetti ACTO I-Andiam Belcore (Adina-Nemorino-Giannetta-Belcore-Coro) 03:21 10 Gaetano Donizetti ACTO II-Io Son Ricco E Tu Sei Bella (Dulcamara-Adina-Coro) 02:15 11 Gaetano Donizetti ACTO II-Al Perigli Della Guerra! (Belcore-Nemorino) 03:10 12 Gaetano Donizetti ACTO II-Dell'elisir Mirabile (Nemorino-Giannetta-Adina-Dulcamara-Coro) 04:58 13 Gaetano Donizetti ACTO II-Quanto Amore! Ed Io, Spietata! (Adina-Dulcamara) 04:05 14 Gaetano Donizetti ACTO II-Una Tenera Occhiatina (Adina-Dulcamara) 02:34 15 Gaetano Donizetti ACTO II-Una Furtiva Lacrima (Nemorino) 05:10 16 Gaetano Donizetti ACTO II-El Correge Ogni Difetto (Dulcamara-Adina-Nemorino-Belcore-Coro) 02:50
Gaetano Donizetti View in Albunack Il Fortunato Inganno 13 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gaetano Donizetti Favorite, o miei signori 10:46 2 Gaetano Donizetti Vi sforzate invano 02:48 3 Gaetano Donizetti Aurelia e una cantante? 00:59 4 Gaetano Donizetti Scaccia dal cor colei 09:25 5 Gaetano Donizetti Lo spettacolo e finito 00:38 6 Gaetano Donizetti lo tel dissi 07:40 7 Gaetano Donizetti Ah ah! lo mo schiatto 01:19 8 Gaetano Donizetti Statte 'nguardia don Latta 05:27 9 Gaetano Donizetti Don Lattanzio! 01:55 10 Gaetano Donizetti Ma perche tanto chiasso! 06:45 11 Gaetano Donizetti Si 'na fuorbece volite 05:17 12 Gaetano Donizetti Ascanio, dimme la verita 07:07 13 Gaetano Donizetti Mortal piu beato 10:09
Gaetano Donizetti View in Albunack Il Giovedi Grasso 13 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gaetano Donizetti Sinfonia…E Sia Vero, Amato Bene 07:56 2 Gaetano Donizetti Che Vi Pare? E'Un Bel Pensiero? 02:42 3 Gaetano Donizetti Servi, Gente…Nina Insomma 04:54 4 Gaetano Donizetti Non Vedo Alcuno… 04:32 5 Gaetano Donizetti Taci! Lo Voglio 04:05 6 Gaetano Donizetti E'Partito? 03:12 7 Gaetano Donizetti Piano. E Come Mai Potrei 08:55 8 Gaetano Donizetti Sigismondo Strepita 03:05 9 Gaetano Donizetti Che Intesi, Quali Accenti 06:55 10 Gaetano Donizetti Anche Questa è Fatta 02:27 11 Gaetano Donizetti Mo'Che Discopierto Avimmo 04:06 12 Gaetano Donizetti Mi Sei Fuggito 03:12 13 Gaetano Donizetti Or Che L'Armore Da L'Imene 04:16
Gaetano Donizetti View in Albunack Il Paria (2001 Berdondini,Verducci,Cigna) 13 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gaetano Donizetti Atto 1 - In questa a te sacrata 07:30 2 Gaetano Donizetti Atto 1 - Il Pontefice degna a voi 03:31 3 Gaetano Donizetti Atto 1 - Parea che mentre l'aloe 05:43 4 Gaetano Donizetti Atto 1 - Ei mai non volle... Ah che un raggio 05:12 5 Gaetano Donizetti Atto 1 - Gemina pompa 03:47 6 Gaetano Donizetti Atto 1 - Tergi o Dio 06:16 7 Gaetano Donizetti Atto 1 - Il figlio è qui 05:11 8 Gaetano Donizetti Atto 1 - La dove il ciel s'estolle 03:36 9 Gaetano Donizetti Atto 1 - Lontano, io più l'amai 03:06 10 Gaetano Donizetti Atto 1 - Fin dove sorgono 02:41 11 Gaetano Donizetti Atto 1 - Ma chi è colui 04:02 12 Gaetano Donizetti Atto 1 - D'un Akebar la figlia 06:42 13 Gaetano Donizetti Atto 1 - Non m'obliasti? 05:24
Gaetano Donizetti View in Albunack Jesus Lopez-Cobos - Donizetti: Lucia di Lammermoor 36 0 1835 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gaetano Donizetti Lucia di Lammermoor, opera, Act 1: Preludio - "Percorrete le spiagge vicine" (Normanno, Chorus) 04:24 2 Gaetano Donizetti Lucia di Lammermoor, opera, Act 1: "Tu sei turbato!" (Normanno, Enrico, Raimondo) 02:41 3 Gaetano Donizetti Lucia di Lammermoor, opera, Act 1: "Cruda, funesta smania" (Enrico, Normanno, Raimondo) 01:53 4 Gaetano Donizetti Lucia di Lammermoor, opera, Act 1: "Il tuo dubbio è omai certezza" (Chorus, Normanno, Enrico, Raimondo) 02:00 5 Gaetano Donizetti Lucia di Lammermoor, opera, Act 1: "La pietade in suo favore" (Enrico, Raimondo, Chorus) 02:24 6 Gaetano Donizetti Lucia di Lammermoor, opera, Act 1: "Ancor non giunse!" (Lucia, Alisa) 04:27 7 Gaetano Donizetti Lucia di Lammermoor, opera, Act 1: "Regnava nel silenzio" (Lucia, Alisa) 04:51 8 Gaetano Donizetti Lucia di Lammermoor, opera, Act 1: "Quando rapito in estasi" (Lucia, Alisa) 04:49 9 Gaetano Donizetti Lucia di Lammermoor, opera, Act 1: "Egli s'avanza" (Alisa, Edgardo, Lucia) 02:37 10 Gaetano Donizetti Lucia di Lammermoor, opera, Act 1: "Sulla tomba che rinserra" (Edgardo, Lucia) 03:09 11 Gaetano Donizetti Lucia di Lammermoor, opera, Act 1: "Qui di sposa eterna fede... Verranno a te sull'aure" (Edgardo, Lucia) 07:15 12 Gaetano Donizetti Lucia di Lammermoor, opera, Act 2: "Lucia fra poco a te verrà" (Normanno, Enrico) 02:46 13 Gaetano Donizetti Lucia di Lammermoor, opera, Act 2: "Appressati, Lucia... Il pallor funesto, orrendo" (Enrico, Lucia) 05:44 14 Gaetano Donizetti Lucia di Lammermoor, opera, Act 2: "Soffriva nel pianto" (Lucia, Enrico) 03:46 15 Gaetano Donizetti Lucia di Lammermoor, opera, Act 2: "Che fia?" (Lucia, Enrico) 01:21 16 Gaetano Donizetti Lucia di Lammermoor, opera, Act 2: "Se tradirmi tu potrai" (Enrico, Lucia) 02:44 17 Gaetano Donizetti Lucia di Lammermoor, opera, Act 2: "Ebben? Di tua speranza" (Lucia, Raimondo) 02:09 18 Gaetano Donizetti Lucia di Lammermoor, opera, Act 2: "Ah! cedi, cedi" (Raimondo, Lucia) 02:26 19 Gaetano Donizetti Lucia di Lammermoor, opera, Act 2: "Al ben de' tuoi qual vittima" (Raimondo, Lucia) 03:42 20 Gaetano Donizetti Lucia di Lammermoor, opera, Act 2: "Per te d'immenso giubilo" (Chorus, Arturo) 03:30 21 Gaetano Donizetti Lucia di Lammermoor, opera, Act 2: "Dov'è Lucia?" (Arturo, Enrico, Chorus, Lucia, Raimondo, Edgardo) 03:56 22 Gaetano Donizetti Lucia di Lammermoor, opera, Act 2: "Chi mi frena in tal momento?" (Edgardo, Enrico, Lucia, Raimondo, Alisa, Arturo, Chorus) 03:32 23 Gaetano Donizetti Lucia di Lammermoor, opera, Act 2: "T'allontana, sciagurato" (Enrico, Arturo, Coro, Edgardo, Raimondo, Lucia) 05:40 24 Gaetano Donizetti Lucia di Lammermoor, opera, Act 3: "Orrida è questa notte" (Edgardo, Enrico) 02:41 25 Gaetano Donizetti Lucia di Lammermoor, opera, Act 3: "Qui del padre ancor respira... O sole più rapido" (Edgardo, Enrico) 07:25 26 Gaetano Donizetti Lucia di Lammermoor, opera, Act 3: "D'immenso giubilo" (Chorus) 01:40 27 Gaetano Donizetti Lucia di Lammermoor, opera, Act 3: "Ah! Cessate quel contento... Dalle stanze ove Lucia" (Raimondo, Chorus) 02:54 28 Gaetano Donizetti Lucia di Lammermoor, opera, Act 3: "Oh! Qual funesto avvenimento!" (Chorus, Raimondo) 02:21 29 Gaetano Donizetti Lucia di Lammermoor, opera, Act 3: "Eccola! Oh, giusto cielo!... Il dolce suono" (Raimondo, Chorus, Lucia) 03:59 30 Gaetano Donizetti Lucia di Lammermoor, opera, Act 3: "Ohimè! sorge il tremendo fantasma... Ardon gli incensi" (Lucia, Normanno, Raimondo, Chorus) 10:05 31 Gaetano Donizetti Lucia di Lammermoor, opera, Act 3: "S'avanza Enrico!" (Raimondo, Enrico, Lucia, Chorus) 02:59 32 Gaetano Donizetti Lucia di Lammermoor, opera, Act 3: "Spargi d'amaro pianto" (Lucia, Chorus, Enrico) 04:50 33 Gaetano Donizetti Lucia di Lammermoor, opera, Act 3: "Tombe degli avi miei" (Edgardo) 04:01 34 Gaetano Donizetti Lucia di Lammermoor, opera, Act 3: "Fra poco a me ricovero" (Edgardo) 03:02 35 Gaetano Donizetti Lucia di Lammermoor, opera, Act 3: "Oh, meschina! Oh, fato orrendo!" (Chorus, Edgardo, Raimondo) 03:48 36 Gaetano Donizetti Lucia di Lammermoor, opera, Act 3: "Tu che a Dio spiegasti l'ali" (Edgardo, Raimondo, Chorus) 04:58
Gaetano Donizetti View in Albunack L'Elisir d'Amore [Valletti, Noni - Roma] (1952) 16 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gaetano Donizetti Cantiamo, facciam brindisi 02:29 2 Gaetano Donizetti Poiché cantar vi alletta 00:47 3 Gaetano Donizetti Quanto è bella, quanto è cara 03:20 4 Gaetano Donizetti Benedette queste carte 05:04 5 Gaetano Donizetti Le feste nuziali son piacevoli assai 01:54 6 Gaetano Donizetti La donna è animale stravagante davvero 02:17 7 Gaetano Donizetti Scene 3. Una parola, o Adina... Chiedi all'aura lusinghiera 07:56 8 Gaetano Donizetti Scene 4. Che vuol dire codesta sonata 02:03 9 Gaetano Donizetti Scene 5. Udite, udite, o rustici 07:49 10 Gaetano Donizetti Come sen va contento! 08:16 11 Gaetano Donizetti Una furtiva lagrima 05:14 12 Gaetano Donizetti Eccola 01:07 13 Gaetano Donizetti Scene 9. Tran tran, tran tran, tran tran. In guerra ed in amore 03:28 14 Gaetano Donizetti Alto!.... Fronte! 00:43 15 Gaetano Donizetti Ei corregge ogni difetto 02:01 16 Gaetano Donizetti Andiamo, Belcore 02:49
Gaetano Donizetti View in Albunack L'elisir d'amore: Evelino Pido 17 3 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gaetano Donizetti Preludio 03:32 2 Gaetano Donizetti Bel conforto al mietitore (Giannetta, mietitori) 01:23 Has Mbid 3 Gaetano Donizetti Quanto è bella, quanto è cara! (Nemorino) 02:56 4 Gaetano Donizetti Benedette queste carte! (Adina) 04:35 5 Gaetano Donizetti Ai Perigli Della Guerra (Nemorino) 06:27 Has Mbid 6 Gaetano Donizetti Saria Possibile? (Contadine) 04:14 Has Mbid 7 Gaetano Donizetti Una parola, o Adina (Nemorino) 07:04 8 Gaetano Donizetti Che vuol dire cotesta suonata? (Donne) 01:37 9 Gaetano Donizetti Udite, udite o rustici (Dulcamara) 07:03 10 Gaetano Donizetti Ardir! Ha forse il cielo mandato (Nemorino) 00:42 11 Gaetano Donizetti Voglio dire, lo stupendo elisir (Nemorino) 06:13 12 Gaetano Donizetti Caro elisir! sei mio! (Nemorino) 01:25 13 Gaetano Donizetti Chi è mai quel matto? (Adina) 01:45 14 Gaetano Donizetti Esulti pur la barbara (Nemorino) 04:11 15 Gaetano Donizetti Tran tran tran tran (Belcore) 03:05 16 Gaetano Donizetti Signor sargente (Gianetta) 02:37 17 Gaetano Donizetti Adina, credimi, te ne scongiuro (Nemorino) 07:06
Gaetano Donizetti View in Albunack La fille du régiment (Royal Opera House 2007: Dessay, Florez, Palmer, Corbelli, French, Campanella, Pelly) 24 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gaetano Donizetti Overture 05:37 2 Gaetano Donizetti Act 1: L'ennemi s'avance 01:15 3 Gaetano Donizetti Act 1: Sainte Madonne! 03:09 4 Gaetano Donizetti Act 1: Pour une femme de mon nom 08:04 5 Gaetano Donizetti Act 1: La violà! 01:00 6 Gaetano Donizetti Act 1: Au bruit de la guerre 08:32 7 Gaetano Donizetti Act 1: Allons, allons, marche', march' 04:03 8 Gaetano Donizetti Act 1: Chacun le sait, chacun le dit 04:32 9 Gaetano Donizetti Act 1: Dès que l'appel sonne 03:44 10 Gaetano Donizetti Act 1: Quoi! Vous m'aimez? 15:05 11 Gaetano Donizetti Act 1: Rataplan, rataplan, rataplan 02:09 12 Gaetano Donizetti Act 1: Ha! mes amis, quel jour de fête! 01:38 13 Gaetano Donizetti Act 1: La camarade est amoureux 05:27 14 Gaetano Donizetti Act 1: Je suis soldat 00:56 15 Gaetano Donizetti Act 1: Il faut partir 06:14 16 Gaetano Donizetti Act 1: Ah! si vous nous quittez 03:27 17 Gaetano Donizetti Act 2: Entr'acte 09:01 18 Gaetano Donizetti Act 2: Le jour naissait dans le bocage 09:21 19 Gaetano Donizetti Par le rang et par l'opulence 05:14 20 Gaetano Donizetti Salut à la France 05:39 21 Gaetano Donizetti Act 2: Tous les trois réunis 03:03 22 Gaetano Donizetti Act 2: Pour me rapprocher de Marie 11:49 23 Gaetano Donizetti Act 2: Finale 06:39 24 Gaetano Donizetti Curtain Calls 05:42
Gaetano Donizetti View in Albunack Le Convenienze Ed Inconvenienze Teatrali 19 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gaetano Donizetti Come rana ne'giorni d'aprile 03:48 2 Gaetano Donizetti Per me non trovo calma 02:17 3 Gaetano Donizetti Intermezzo 04:28 4 Gaetano Donizetti Duetto di Ersilia e Minerva 03:39 5 Gaetano Donizetti E puoi goder tiranno 08:28 6 Gaetano Donizetti Viva il gran Romolo di schiera elatta 02:44 7 Gaetano Donizetti Son guerriero e sono amante 02:52 8 Gaetano Donizetti Ah, meno male 00:17 9 Gaetano Donizetti Signor Maestro, ascolti 07:52 10 Gaetano Donizetti Belisario - O Nume degli eserciti 03:29 11 Gaetano Donizetti Belisario - Cesare, hai vinto 03:50 12 Gaetano Donizetti Belisario - Quando di sangue tinto 03:08 13 Gaetano Donizetti Belisario - Sul campo della gloria 02:13 14 Gaetano Donizetti Belisario - Madre tu fosti, e moglie 03:32 15 Gaetano Donizetti Belisario - Ah! Pera l'empio che offese natura 03:10 16 Gaetano Donizetti Belisario - Amici, e forza sapararci 04:43 17 Gaetano Donizetti Belisario - Chi mi regge 02:42 18 Gaetano Donizetti Belisario - Ah se potessi piangere 03:48 19 Gaetano Donizetti Belisario - Ma tu, seguendo un povero 05:45
Gaetano Donizetti View in Albunack Le Covenienze Ed Inconvenienze Teatrali 16 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gaetano Donizetti Introduzione 09:29 2 Gaetano Donizetti Cori, attenti 01:53 3 Gaetano Donizetti Ah, vicino e quel momento 04:24 4 Gaetano Donizetti Brava! Ma veramente la cabaletta 01:11 5 Gaetano Donizetti Dica un po', signor Maestro 05:33 6 Gaetano Donizetti Ottimamente! 02:13 7 Gaetano Donizetti Mascalzoni! Sfaccendati! 04:11 8 Gaetano Donizetti Che invenzione sublime! 02:53 9 Gaetano Donizetti Che credete che mia moglie 04:19 10 Gaetano Donizetti Quindi si vuol 00:50 11 Gaetano Donizetti Ch'io canti un duetto 04:50 12 Gaetano Donizetti O Dio, son rovinato 07:22 13 Gaetano Donizetti Ich habe meine Stimme verloren 01:10 14 Gaetano Donizetti Livorno, 10 avril 05:57 15 Gaetano Donizetti Tu m'hai fatta violar 08:00 16 Gaetano Donizetti Tante meglio 03:17
Gaetano Donizetti View in Albunack Le Figlia del Reggimento - Bruno Campanella 2 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gaetano Donizetti Introduzione 02:35 2 Gaetano Donizetti Ecco le carte 02:10 3 Gaetano Donizetti La romanza in question 01:09 4 Gaetano Donizetti Sorgeva il di del bosco in seno 08:10 5 Gaetano Donizetti Deciso è dungue 07:51 6 Gaetano Donizetti O camerati! 01:33 7 Gaetano Donizetti Stretti insiem... 02:31 8 Gaetano Donizetti Al duca Krakentorp 02:57 9 Gaetano Donizetti Tirolese 02:28 10 Gaetano Donizetti Mio figlio il Duca... 00:53 11 Gaetano Donizetti Maria! ...Cara madre... 06:10
Gaetano Donizetti View in Albunack Los clásicos de la Ópera, No. 37: L'elisir d'amore (Coro y Orquesta del Teatro de la Ópera de Roma feat. conductor: Gabriele Santini) 20 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gaetano Donizetti Preludio 03:52 2 Gaetano Donizetti Segundo Acto: "Io son ricco, e tu sei bella" 02:17 3 Gaetano Donizetti Primer Acto: "Quanto è bella, quanto è cara!" 02:34 4 Gaetano Donizetti Primer Acto: "Chi la mente mi rischiara?" 01:00 5 Gaetano Donizetti Primer Acto: "Benedette queste carte!" 00:37 6 Gaetano Donizetti Segundo Acto: "Ai perigli della guerra" 03:01 7 Gaetano Donizetti Segundo Acto: "Qua la mano, giovinotto" 02:05 8 Gaetano Donizetti Segundo Acto: "Saria possibile?" 03:44 9 Gaetano Donizetti Segundo Acto: "Dell'elisir mirabile" 02:11 10 Gaetano Donizetti Segundo Acto: "Come sen va contento!" 01:29 11 Gaetano Donizetti Primer Acto: "Che vuol dire codesta suonata?" 01:41 12 Gaetano Donizetti Segundo Acto: "Bella Adina, qua un momento..." 02:10 13 Gaetano Donizetti Primer Acto: "Ardir! Ha forse il cielo" 00:43 14 Gaetano Donizetti Primer Acto: "Voglio dire..." 06:15 15 Gaetano Donizetti Segundo Acto: "Eccola... Oh! Qual le accresce" 01:21 16 Gaetano Donizetti Segundo Acto: "Prendi, per me sei libero" 04:05 17 Gaetano Donizetti Segundo Acto: "Ebben, tenete. Poiché non sono amato" 01:59 18 Gaetano Donizetti Primer Acto: "Signor sargente" 02:47 19 Gaetano Donizetti Segundo Acto: "Alto! Fronte! Che vedo?" 00:53 20 Gaetano Donizetti Primer Acto: "Andiam, Belcore" 02:12
Gaetano Donizetti View in Albunack Lucia di Lammermoor - Massimo de Bernart 2 17 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gaetano Donizetti Per te d'immenso giubilo 03:26 2 Gaetano Donizetti Dov'è Lucia? 04:15 3 Gaetano Donizetti Chi mi frena in tal momento? 04:06 4 Gaetano Donizetti T'allontana sciagurato 04:57 5 Gaetano Donizetti Orrida è questa notte 02:58 6 Gaetano Donizetti Qui del padre ancor respira 05:49 7 Gaetano Donizetti D'immenso giubilo 01:40 8 Gaetano Donizetti Ah! Cessate quel contento 03:17 9 Gaetano Donizetti Oh! Qual funesto avvenimento 02:44 10 Gaetano Donizetti Oh giusto cielo!... Il dolce suono 04:09 11 Gaetano Donizetti Ohimè! SOrge il tremendo fantasma 10:14 12 Gaetano Donizetti S'avanza Enrico! 03:04 13 Gaetano Donizetti Spargi d'amaro pianto 04:15 14 Gaetano Donizetti Tombe degli avi miei 04:21 15 Gaetano Donizetti Fra poco a me ricovero 03:33 16 Gaetano Donizetti Oh! Meschina! 04:36 17 Gaetano Donizetti Tu che a Dio spiegasti l'ali 05:46
Gaetano Donizetti View in Albunack Lucrezia Borgia (National Philharmonic Orchestra & London Opera Chorus feat. conductor: Richard Bonynge) 18 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gaetano Donizetti Lucrezia Borgia: Prologue. Preludio 04:50 2 Gaetano Donizetti Prologue. "Nella fatal di Rimini" 06:48 3 Gaetano Donizetti Lucrezia Borgia: Prologue. "Tranquillo ei posa" 05:46 4 Gaetano Donizetti Lucrezia Borgia: Prologue. "Com'è bello!" 06:30 5 Gaetano Donizetti Lucrezia Borgia: Prologue. "Ciel! - Che vegg'io?" 02:59 6 Gaetano Donizetti Lucrezia Borgia: Prologue. "Di pescatore ignobile" 07:18 7 Gaetano Donizetti Lucrezia Borgia: Prologue. "Gente appressa" 01:30 8 Gaetano Donizetti Lucrezia Borgia: Prologue. "Maffio Orsini, signora, son io" 05:06 9 Gaetano Donizetti Lucrezia Borgia: Act I, Scene 1. "Nel veneto corteggio lo ravvisati?" 02:07 10 Gaetano Donizetti Lucrezia Borgia: Act I, Scene 1. "Vieni: la mia vendetta" 04:58 11 Gaetano Donizetti Act I, Scene 1. "Addio, Gennaro" 03:02 12 Gaetano Donizetti Lucrezia Borgia: Act I, Scene 1. "Qui che fai?" 01:24 13 Gaetano Donizetti Lucrezia Borgia: Act I, Scene 1. "Non far motto, parti, sgombra" 03:03 14 Gaetano Donizetti Lucrezia Borgia: Act I, Scene 2. "Tutto eseguisti?" 01:50 15 Gaetano Donizetti Lucrezia Borgia: Act I, Scene 2. "Così turbata?" 04:27 16 Gaetano Donizetti Lucrezia Borgia: Act I, Scene 2. "Soli noi siamo" 03:00 17 Gaetano Donizetti Lucrezia Borgia: Act I, Scene 2. "E sì avverso a Gennaro chi vi fè" 01:47 18 Gaetano Donizetti Act I, Scene 2. "Oh! a te bada, a te stesso pon mente" 03:04
Gaetano Donizetti View in Albunack Lucrezia Borgia (WDR Rundfunkorchester Köln, Andriy Yurkevych) 18 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 WDR Orchestra, Köln, Andriy Yurkevych & Il Hong/Sebastian Geyer/Franco Vassalio/Bernardo Kim/Thomas Blondelle/Tansel Akzeybek/Silvia Tro Santafé/Andriy Yurkevych/Shadi Torbey/Thomas Laske/Jose Bros/WDR Orchestra, Köln/Cologne Opera Chorus/Edita Gruberová Lucrezia Borgia, opera: Prologo. Introduzione. Preludio ed Introduzione 05:24 2 Gaetano Donizetti Lucrezia Borgia, opera: Act 1. Recitativo e Finale. Della duchessa ai prieghi 03:20 3 WDR Orchestra, Köln, Andriy Yurkevych & Il Hong/Sebastian Geyer/Franco Vassalio/Bernardo Kim/Thomas Blondelle/Tansel Akzeybek/Silvia Tro Santafé/Andriy Yurkevych/Shadi Torbey/Thomas Laske/Jose Bros/WDR Orchestra, Köln/Cologne Opera Chorus/Edita Gruberová Lucrezia Borgia, opera: Prologo. Romanza - Duetto e Finale Primo. Tranquillo ei posa 05:35 4 WDR Orchestra, Köln, Andriy Yurkevych & Il Hong/Sebastian Geyer/Franco Vassalio/Bernardo Kim/Thomas Blondelle/Tansel Akzeybek/Silvia Tro Santafé/Andriy Yurkevych/Shadi Torbey/Thomas Laske/Jose Bros/WDR Orchestra, Köln/Cologne Opera Chorus/Edita Gruberová Lucrezia Borgia, opera: Prologo. Romanza - Duetto e Finale Primo. Com'è bello 05:45 5 Gaetano Donizetti Lucrezia Borgia, opera: Act 2. Scena e Romanza. Partir degg'io: lo vuol Lucrezia 03:14 6 WDR Orchestra, Köln, Andriy Yurkevych & Il Hong/Sebastian Geyer/Franco Vassalio/Bernardo Kim/Thomas Blondelle/Tansel Akzeybek/Silvia Tro Santafé/Andriy Yurkevych/Shadi Torbey/Thomas Laske/Jose Bros/WDR Orchestra, Köln/Cologne Opera Chorus/Edita Gruberová Lucrezia Borgia, opera: Prologo. Romanza - Duetto e Finale Primo. Di pescatore ignobile 07:26 7 WDR Orchestra, Köln, Andriy Yurkevych & Il Hong/Sebastian Geyer/Franco Vassalio/Bernardo Kim/Thomas Blondelle/Tansel Akzeybek/Silvia Tro Santafé/Andriy Yurkevych/Shadi Torbey/Thomas Laske/Jose Bros/WDR Orchestra, Köln/Cologne Opera Chorus/Edita Gruberová Lucrezia Borgia, opera: Prologo. Romanza - Duetto e Finale Primo. Gente appressa 01:36 8 WDR Orchestra, Köln, Andriy Yurkevych & Il Hong/Sebastian Geyer/Franco Vassalio/Bernardo Kim/Thomas Blondelle/Tansel Akzeybek/Silvia Tro Santafé/Andriy Yurkevych/Shadi Torbey/Thomas Laske/Jose Bros/WDR Orchestra, Köln/Cologne Opera Chorus/Edita Gruberová Lucrezia Borgia, opera: Prologo. Romanza - Duetto e Finale Primo. Maffio Orsini, signora, son io 04:53 9 Gaetano Donizetti Lucrezia Borgia, opera: Act 2. Introduzione. Minnaciata e la mia vita 04:50 10 WDR Orchestra, Köln, Andriy Yurkevych & Il Hong/Sebastian Geyer/Franco Vassalio/Bernardo Kim/Thomas Blondelle/Tansel Akzeybek/Silvia Tro Santafé/Andriy Yurkevych/Shadi Torbey/Thomas Laske/Jose Bros/WDR Orchestra, Köln/Cologne Opera Chorus/Edita Gruberová Lucrezia Borgia, opera: Act 1. Cavatina. Vieni: la mia vendetta 04:54 11 Gaetano Donizetti Lucrezia Borgia, opera: Act 2. Introduzione. Stolti! ei corre alla Negroni! 01:31 12 WDR Orchestra, Köln, Andriy Yurkevych & Il Hong/Sebastian Geyer/Franco Vassalio/Bernardo Kim/Thomas Blondelle/Tansel Akzeybek/Silvia Tro Santafé/Andriy Yurkevych/Shadi Torbey/Thomas Laske/Jose Bros/WDR Orchestra, Köln/Cologne Opera Chorus/Edita Gruberová Lucrezia Borgia, opera: Act 1. Recitativo e Coro. Qui che fai? 01:32 13 WDR Orchestra, Köln, Andriy Yurkevych & Il Hong/Sebastian Geyer/Franco Vassalio/Bernardo Kim/Thomas Blondelle/Tansel Akzeybek/Silvia Tro Santafé/Andriy Yurkevych/Shadi Torbey/Thomas Laske/Jose Bros/WDR Orchestra, Köln/Cologne Opera Chorus/Edita Gruberová Lucrezia Borgia, opera: Act 1. Recitativo e Coro. Non far motto, parti, sgombra 02:56 14 Gaetano Donizetti Lucrezia Borgia, opera: Act 2. Pezzo Concertato. La vioia de' profani e un fumo passegier 04:02 15 WDR Orchestra, Köln, Andriy Yurkevych & Il Hong/Sebastian Geyer/Franco Vassalio/Bernardo Kim/Thomas Blondelle/Tansel Akzeybek/Silvia Tro Santafé/Andriy Yurkevych/Shadi Torbey/Thomas Laske/Jose Bros/WDR Orchestra, Köln/Cologne Opera Chorus/Edita Gruberová Lucrezia Borgia, opera: Act 1. Recitativo e Finale. Cosi turbata? 04:09 16 Gaetano Donizetti Lucrezia Borgia, opera: Act 2. Rondo e Finale. M'odi, ah m'odi...? 07:02 17 WDR Orchestra, Köln, Andriy Yurkevych & Il Hong/Sebastian Geyer/Franco Vassalio/Bernardo Kim/Thomas Blondelle/Tansel Akzeybek/Silvia Tro Santafé/Andriy Yurkevych/Shadi Torbey/Thomas Laske/Jose Bros/WDR Orchestra, Köln/Cologne Opera Chorus/Edita Gruberová Lucrezia Borgia, opera: Act 1. Recitativo e Finale. E si avverso a Gennaro chi vi fe 01:43 18 WDR Orchestra, Köln, Andriy Yurkevych & Il Hong/Sebastian Geyer/Franco Vassalio/Bernardo Kim/Thomas Blondelle/Tansel Akzeybek/Silvia Tro Santafé/Andriy Yurkevych/Shadi Torbey/Thomas Laske/Jose Bros/WDR Orchestra, Köln/Cologne Opera Chorus/Edita Gruberová Lucrezia Borgia, opera: Act 1. Recitativo e Finale. Oh! a te bada, a te stesso pon mente 03:02
Gaetano Donizetti View in Albunack L’Élixir D’Amour 20 0 2007 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gaetano Donizetti Cantiamo, Cantiam, Cantiam 03:10 2 Gaetano Donizetti Bel Conforto Al Mietitore 01:26 3 Gaetano Donizetti È Qua Il Notaro 01:21 4 Gaetano Donizetti Chi La Mente Mi Rischiara ? 01:00 5 Gaetano Donizetti Benedette Queste Carte 00:35 6 Gaetano Donizetti Della Crudele Isotta 04:33 7 Gaetano Donizetti Qua La Mano, Giovinotto 02:05 8 Gaetano Donizetti Saria Possibile ? 03:44 9 Gaetano Donizetti Intanto, O Mia Ragazza 02:42 10 Gaetano Donizetti Chiedi All'aura Lusinghiera 06:02 11 Gaetano Donizetti Quanto Amore! Ed Io, Spietata 01:48 12 Gaetano Donizetti Bella Adina, Qua Un Momento... 02:10 13 Gaetano Donizetti Una Tenera Occhiatina 02:39 14 Gaetano Donizetti Voglio Dire... 06:15 15 Gaetano Donizetti Caro Elisir ! Sei Mio ! 02:26 16 Gaetano Donizetti Prendi, Per Me Sei Libero 04:05 17 Gaetano Donizetti Tran Tran, Tran Tran, Tran Tran. In Guerra Ed In Amor... 03:03 18 Gaetano Donizetti Signor Sargente 02:47 19 Gaetano Donizetti Adina, Credimi, Te Ne Scongiuro 04:47 20 Gaetano Donizetti El Corregge Ogni Difetto 01:41
Gaetano Donizetti View in Albunack Oper in Deutsch (CD03) Don Pasquale 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Duett: Wie? Ihr wolltet? Mich vermählen Wo ist es nun hingeschwunden 07:07 2 Szene & Kavatine: Ach, unter allen Blicken Auch ich versteh' die holde Kunst 05:50 3 Gaetano Donizetti Duett: Seht mich bereit! 06:58 4 Rezitativ & Arie: Ha! Welche Leiden! In die Ferne will ich ziehen 08:39 5 Gaetano Donizetti Duett: Frau Gemahlin, darf man wohl wagen 08:35 6 Gaetano Donizetti Chor: Ha! Welch ein ewiges Laufen und Rennen 03:56 7 Gaetano Donizetti Duett: Ganz im Stillen, sacht und leise 06:10 8 Gaetano Donizetti Serenade: Wie Luna lacht in der duftigen Nacht 04:07 9 Gaetano Donizetti Duett: Les' ich in deinen Blicken 03:09
Gaetano Donizetti View in Albunack POLIUTO (Votto 1960) 21 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gaetano Donizetti Act II - Inoltra il piè 03:37 2 Gaetano Donizetti Act II - Donna... Che ! Possenti numi ! 01:12 3 Gaetano Donizetti Act I - Tu sei commosso ! 03:50 4 Gaetano Donizetti Act II - Ah ! chi ti guida, incauto ? 01:39 5 Gaetano Donizetti Act II - Quest'alma è troppo debole 02:28 6 Gaetano Donizetti Act I - Fin che si compia il rito 01:45 7 Gaetano Donizetti Act II - Sfolgorò divino raggio 02:07 8 Gaetano Donizetti Act II - Celeste un'aura pel tempio move ! 04:58 9 Gaetano Donizetti Act I - Mira... Donna ! 02:12 10 Gaetano Donizetti Act II - La sacrilega parola 05:48 11 Gaetano Donizetti Act II - Alla morte lo serbate 02:03 12 Gaetano Donizetti Act II - Lasciami in pace morire 03:19 13 Gaetano Donizetti Act III - Ecco il sommo Pontefice 02:50 14 Gaetano Donizetti Act III - Alimento alla fiamma si porga 03:11 15 Gaetano Donizetti Act I - Di tua beltade immagine 02:59 16 Gaetano Donizetti Act III - Chi giunge ! 03:12 17 Gaetano Donizetti Act III - Ah ! fuggi da morte 04:17 18 Gaetano Donizetti Act III - La grazia nell'alma ti scende 02:04 19 Gaetano Donizetti Act III - Alle fiere chi oltraggia gli dei 04:12 20 Gaetano Donizetti Act III - Più s'indugia ? 01:38 21 Gaetano Donizetti Act III - Il suon dell'arpe angeliche 01:50
Gaetano Donizetti View in Albunack Pietro il Grande 21 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gaetano Donizetti Sinfonia 06:31 2 Gaetano Donizetti Al bosco, alla bottiglia 10:41 3 Gaetano Donizetti Se acconsentir vorreste 01:24 4 Gaetano Donizetti Quale ardir, qual brando ignudo 04:55 5 Gaetano Donizetti Questo grazioso Marte 00:55 6 Gaetano Donizetti Genti ola 01:59 7 Gaetano Donizetti Con menzognero vanto 05:08 8 Gaetano Donizetti Alta Cagion, qui de Pultava 03:35 9 Gaetano Donizetti Mia Fritz che imbroglio è questo 01:38 10 Gaetano Donizetti Se il mio ben 06:25 11 Gaetano Donizetti Voi lo seguite entrambi 00:37 12 Gaetano Donizetti Bolle in sen di quest'albergo 01:04 13 Gaetano Donizetti Chi mi cerca, chi mi turba 04:16 14 Gaetano Donizetti convien che questo Carlo 01:29 15 Gaetano Donizetti Ser Decuppis siete voi? 03:45 16 Gaetano Donizetti Qual tema qual stupore 03:18 17 Gaetano Donizetti Che uom pusillanime 02:21 18 Gaetano Donizetti Quel pazzo rodomonte 02:29 19 Gaetano Donizetti Scherno Sarò 04:39 20 Gaetano Donizetti Agli integerrimi di Baldo e Bartolo 03:26 21 Gaetano Donizetti Quest´abito mi infonde eroismo e grandezza 04:01
Gaetano Donizetti View in Albunack Pietro il Grande 2 20 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gaetano Donizetti Di che dobbiamo renderlo 07:00 2 Gaetano Donizetti Che vuoi costei¿ 06:16 3 Gaetano Donizetti Atto II - Sindaci o voi del borgo 03:18 4 Gaetano Donizetti Gentilissimo togato 04:58 5 Gaetano Donizetti In cor sì tenero 02:27 6 Gaetano Donizetti In queste ricche vesti 04:41 7 Gaetano Donizetti Sorella.. tu.. che faccio¿ 00:36 8 Gaetano Donizetti Il dolce nome e tenero 05:25 9 Gaetano Donizetti Carlo dunque fu posto in libertà¿ 03:01 10 Gaetano Donizetti Mio padre../ E' ver tradì la Patria 00:52 11 Gaetano Donizetti Ah, qual colpo o ciel qual fremito 03:18 12 Gaetano Donizetti Dov'è quel perfido 05:01 13 Gaetano Donizetti Ho in sen tumulto insolito 02:30 14 Gaetano Donizetti Hondedisky / Oh perbacco 01:26 15 Gaetano Donizetti Pace una volta e calma 03:12 16 Gaetano Donizetti Al stridor bellico 01:04 17 Gaetano Donizetti Che strepito è codesto¿ 00:49 18 Gaetano Donizetti Mia Fritz al seno vi stringo ancor 01:24 19 Gaetano Donizetti In questo estremo amplesso 06:42 20 Gaetano Donizetti Al stridor bellico 08:59
Gaetano Donizetti View in Albunack Poliuto (Highlights) 19 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gaetano Donizetti Sinfonia 08:44 2 Gaetano Donizetti Scendiam...scendiam...silenzio 04:58 3 Gaetano Donizetti D'un'alma troppo fervida 02:35 4 Gaetano Donizetti Ove m'inoltro 02:14 5 Gaetano Donizetti Infiamma quest'alma 01:23 Has Mbid 6 Gaetano Donizetti Di quai soave lagrime 03:06 7 Gaetano Donizetti Decio, signor del mondo...di tua beltade immagine 04:15 8 Gaetano Donizetti No, l'acciar non fu spietato 02:47 9 Gaetano Donizetti Ah! Chi guida, incauto?... 04:07 10 Gaetano Donizetti Veleno è l'aura ch'io respiro! 02:17 11 Gaetano Donizetti Sfolgorò divino raggio 02:07 12 Gaetano Donizetti Celeste un'aura pel tempio move! 04:58 13 Gaetano Donizetti Alla morte lo serbate 02:03 14 Gaetano Donizetti Lasciami in pace morire 03:16 15 Gaetano Donizetti Ah! Fuggi da morte 04:17 16 Gaetano Donizetti La grazia nell'alma ti scende 02:04 17 Gaetano Donizetti Alle fiere chi oltraggia gli Dei 04:12 18 Gaetano Donizetti Più s'indugia? 01:38 19 Gaetano Donizetti Il suon dell'arpe angeliche 01:51
Gaetano Donizetti View in Albunack Poliuto - Jan Latham-Koenig 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gaetano Donizetti Sinfonia con Cori 09:03 2 Gaetano Donizetti Scendiam... Silenzio 04:59 3 Gaetano Donizetti Tu se commosso 07:47 4 Gaetano Donizetti Ove m'inoltro 03:15 5 Gaetano Donizetti Un turbamento arcano 03:44 6 Gaetano Donizetti Mira... Donna 04:26 7 Gaetano Donizetti Plausi all'inclito Severo 07:08 8 Gaetano Donizetti Finale Atto I 06:17 9 Gaetano Donizetti Inoltra il piè 03:04 10 Gaetano Donizetti Donna... Che! possenti Numi! 01:13 11 Gaetano Donizetti Il più lieto 05:05 12 Gaetano Donizetti Quest'alma - Bella cosa per una ragazza 03:24
Gaetano Donizetti View in Albunack Quartets 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gaetano Donizetti Quartet n.1 in E flat major - Allegro 07:50 2 Gaetano Donizetti Quartet n.1 in E flat major - Largo 03:55 3 Gaetano Donizetti Quartet n.1 in E flat major - Minuetto Presto 02:34 4 Gaetano Donizetti Quartet n.1 in E flat major - Allegro 03:05 5 Gaetano Donizetti Quartet n.3 in C major - Piu Allegro 07:42 6 Gaetano Donizetti Quartet n.3 in C major - Adagio ma non troppo 02:50 7 Gaetano Donizetti Quartet n.3 in C major - Scherzo Vivace 02:20 8 Gaetano Donizetti Quartet n.3 in C major - Prestissimo 03:08 9 Gaetano Donizetti Quartet n.5 in E minor - Allegro 08:36 10 Gaetano Donizetti Quartet n.5 in E minor - Larghetto 05:03 11 Gaetano Donizetti Quartet n.5 in E minor - Minuetto Presto 04:03 12 Gaetano Donizetti Quartet n.5 in E minor - Allegro Agitato 02:58
Gaetano Donizetti View in Albunack SOL Donizetti, L'elisir d'Amore Highlights 17 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gaetano Donizetti Act 1, Preludio 02:53 2 Gaetano Donizetti Act 1, Quanto E Bella 02:43 3 Gaetano Donizetti Act 1, Come Paride Vezzoso 05:58 4 Gaetano Donizetti Act 1, Una Parola, O Adina 01:48 5 Gaetano Donizetti Act 1, Chiedi All'aura Lusting 06:47 6 Gaetano Donizetti Act 1, Udite, Udite O Rustici 07:16 7 Gaetano Donizetti Act 1, La Ra, La Ra, La Ra 06:52 8 Gaetano Donizetti Act 1, Signor Sergente, Di Voi 02:28 9 Gaetano Donizetti Act 1, Adina, Credemi, Te Ne 04:08 10 Gaetano Donizetti Act 2, Cantiamp, Facciam Brind 02:11 11 Gaetano Donizetti Act 2, Io Son Ricco 03:41 12 Gaetano Donizetti Act 2, La Donna E Un Animale 05:18 13 Gaetano Donizetti Act 2, Quanto Amore 04:07 14 Gaetano Donizetti Act 2, Una Furtiva Lagrima 02:33 15 Gaetano Donizetti Act 2, Prendi, Per Me Sei Libe 05:05 16 Gaetano Donizetti Act 2, Ei Corregge Ogni Difett 07:33 17 Gaetano Donizetti Act 2, Una Tenera Occhiatina 02:23
Gaetano Donizetti View in Albunack The Other Donnizetti 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gaetano Donizetti Sonata in F - Moderato 03:20 2 Gaetano Donizetti Sonata in F - Andante sostenuto 03:27 3 Gaetano Donizetti Sonata in F - Allegro 03:06 4 Gaetano Donizetti Waltz in C - Tempo di Valse 03:38 5 Gaetano Donizetti Cor Anglais Concertinio in G 08:41 6 Gaetano Donizetti Il Barcaiolo 02:36 7 Gaetano Donizetti Concerto on themes fron opera La Favorita 12:31 8 Gaetano Donizetti Remininiciences de Lucia di Lammermoor 07:53 9 Gaetano Donizetti Fantasia on the opera Poliuto 14:55
Gaetano Donizetti View in Albunack The Young Donizetti 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gaetano Donizetti L'ajo nell'imbarazzo: Overture 04:15 2 Gaetano Donizetti Alfredo il Grande: Act 1 Cavatina: Non e di morte il fulmine 07:36 3 Gaetano Donizetti Pietro il Grande, Kzar delle Russie: Act 2 Sextet: Ah qual coplo, oh ciel, qual fremito 03:51 4 Gaetano Donizetti Enrico di Borgogna: Elisa! Elisa! Oh! me infelice...Care Aurette che spiegate 07:11 5 Gaetano Donizetti Zoraida di Granata: Act 1 Finale: Qual tradimento e questo!...Ah! Ch'io provo di smanie, d'affetti 08:37 6 Gaetano Donizetti Chiara e serafina (ossia I Pirati): Act 2 Trio: Tremente, Smarrito 05:59 7 Gaetano Donizetti Zoraida di Granata: Act 1 Cavatina: Era mia..Mi amo...l'amai...Che mi giovo l'allora 07:38 8 Gaetano Donizetti Le nozze in villa: Act 2 Trio: In lei vegg'io l'oggetto 06:53 9 Gaetano Donizetti Gabriella di Vergy: Act 2 Aria: Perche non chiusi al di? 08:11 10 Gaetano Donizetti Elvida: Duet: Se geme a'tupi lai 05:39 11 Gaetano Donizetti La Zingara: Act 1 Cavatina: A te nell'appressarmi 03:54 12 Gaetano Donizetti L'eremitaggio di Liwerpool: Act 2 Rondo Finale: Confusa e l'alma mia...Non intendo il mio contento 08:47
Gaetano Donizetti View in Albunack Titolo Sconosciuto 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gaetano Donizetti Traccia01 07:09 2 Gaetano Donizetti Traccia02 06:33 3 Gaetano Donizetti Traccia03 06:32 4 Gaetano Donizetti Traccia04 05:25 5 Gaetano Donizetti Traccia05 07:30 6 Gaetano Donizetti Traccia06 05:42 7 Gaetano Donizetti Traccia07 12:45 8 Gaetano Donizetti Traccia08 12:22 9 Gaetano Donizetti Traccia09 09:03
Gal Costa View in Albunack Gal Estratosferica 14 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gal Costa Sem Medo Nem Esperanca 03:24 2 Gal Costa Jabitac 03:09 3 Gal Costa Estratosferica 03:01 4 Gal Costa Ecstasy 03:26 5 Gal Costa Dez Anjos 03:15 6 Gal Costa Espelho D'agua 03:22 7 Gal Costa Quando Voce Olha Pra Ela 04:25 8 Gal Costa Por Baixo 02:59 9 Gal Costa Casca 03:21 10 Gal Costa Muita Sorte 03:56 11 Gal Costa Amor Se Acalme 02:09 12 Gal Costa Anuviar 04:05 13 Gal Costa Voce Me Deu 02:37 14 Gal Costa Ilusao a Toa [Bonus] 02:56
Gal Costa View in Albunack Gal Estratosf駻ica 14 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gal Costa Sem Medo Nem Esperan軋 03:24 2 Gal Costa Jabitac 03:09 3 Gal Costa Estratosf駻ica 03:01 4 Gal Costa Ecstasy 03:26 5 Gal Costa Dez Anjos 03:15 6 Gal Costa Espelho D'チgua 03:22 7 Gal Costa Quando Voc・Olha Pra Ela 04:27 8 Gal Costa Por Baixo 02:59 9 Gal Costa Casca 03:21 10 Gal Costa Muita Sorte 03:56 11 Gal Costa Amor Se Acalme 02:11 12 Gal Costa Anuviar 04:05 13 Gal Costa Voc・Me Deu 02:37 14 Gal Costa Ilus縊 ・Toa [Bonus] 02:56
Search Galahad De-constructing Ghosts 15 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Galahad Dusty Rhodes 05:31 2 Galahad Imago Seperation Mix 06:15 3 Galahad Cheese Roll Rozwell 06:56 4 Galahad Ultra Shine 03:26 5 Galahad Holy Curry Land 03:14 6 Galahad Ocean Black 03:56 7 Galahad Karma Divine 04:40 8 Galahad The Bliss Police 06:41 9 Galahad Myopic Distortion 04:15 10 Galahad Stu Goes to Morocco 05:14 11 Galahad Enshillar Surf Punk Mix 03:33 12 Galahad Great Portland Bleats 05:44 13 Galahad Blind 05:37 14 Galahad Sludge Flute Landing Zone 04:16 15 Galahad (We Will Always) Remember The Good Times 04:30
Search Galahad Resonance: Live in Poland 8 1 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 Galahad Intro: Montagues And Capulets (Prokofiev) 01:41 2 Galahad I Could Be God 13:47 3 Galahad Year Zero (Parts 1 To 4) 13:05 4 Galahad Sidewinder 10:03 5 Galahad Sleepers 13:26 6 Galahad Empires Never Last 09:54 7 Galahad Termination 07:07 8 Galahad This Life Could Be My Last .... 09:13
Galantis View in Albunack Smile WEB 6 2 2014 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Galantis Smile (Bart B More Remix) [radio Mix] 02:40 2 Galantis Smile (Dem Slackers Remix) [radio Mix] 02:45 3 Galantis Smile (Marco V Remix) [radio Mix] 03:22 4 Galantis Smile (East & Young Remix) [radio Mix] 03:30 Has Mbid 5 Galantis Smile (Danny Howard Remix) [radio Mix] 03:02 Has Mbid 6 Galantis Smile (Kaskade Edit) 04:41
Search Gamma Ray Chile 2013 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gamma Ray Welcome 01:33 2 Gamma Ray Anywhere in the Galaxy 06:39 3 Gamma Ray Mens, Martians and Machines 04:11 4 Gamma Ray The Spirits 04:49 5 Gamma Ray Master of Confusion 05:23 6 Gamma Ray Rebellion in a Dreamland 05:20 7 Gamma Ray Dethrone Tyranny 04:31 8 Gamma Ray Empathy 06:00 9 Gamma Ray Rise 05:21 10 Gamma Ray Future World 07:50 11 Gamma Ray To The Metal 08:26 12 Gamma Ray Send Me a Sign 09:10
Gang Of Four View in Albunack (1980.11.02) Entertainment Live! 19 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gang Of Four 5 45 03:57 2 Gang Of Four Return the Gift 03:09 3 Gang Of Four Not Great Men 02:56 4 Gang Of Four If I Could Keep it for Myself 03:44 5 Gang Of Four Anthrax 04:42 6 Gang Of Four It's Her Factory 03:40 7 Gang Of Four Why Theory 02:44 8 Gang Of Four Damaged Goods 03:41 9 Gang Of Four Outside the Trains Don't Run On Time 03:16 10 Gang Of Four Nature's Not in It 03:12 11 Gang Of Four At Home He's a Tourist 04:06 12 Gang Of Four He'd Send in the Army 04:16 13 Gang Of Four Ether 07:23 14 Gang Of Four Armalite Rifle 03:17 15 Gang Of Four In the Ditch 03:55 16 Gang Of Four Contract 03:29 17 Gang Of Four I Found the Essence Rare 04:21 18 Gang Of Four Contract 02:43 19 Gang Of Four Not Great Men 02:54
Gang Of Four View in Albunack BBC Radio 3, Andy Kershaw Session, 2-27-05 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gang Of Four Not Great Men (BBC Radio 3, Andy Kershaw Session, 2-27-05) 03:00 2 Gang Of Four Paralysed (BBC Radio 3, Andy Kershaw Session, 2-27-05) 04:46 3 Gang Of Four What We All Want (BBC Radio 3, Andy Kershaw Session, 2-27-05) 04:44 4 Gang Of Four Why Theory (BBC Radio 3, Andy Kershaw Session, 2-27-05) 02:28 5 Gang Of Four Damaged Goods (BBC Radio 3, Andy Kershaw Session, 2-27-05) 03:46 6 Gang Of Four Return The Gift (BBC Radio 3, Andy Kershaw Session, 2-27-05) 03:01
Gang Of Four View in Albunack Second Chance, Ann Arbor, MI 1981 14 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gang Of Four Paralized 03:16 2 Gang Of Four Our Republic 03:22 3 Gang Of Four Not Great Men 02:54 4 Gang Of Four Capital (Fails Us Now) 04:14 5 Gang Of Four Why Theory? 02:57 6 Gang Of Four Return The Gift 03:28 7 Gang Of Four Cheese Burger 03:41 8 Gang Of Four Hole In The Wallet 03:59 9 Gang Of Four What We All Want 05:25 10 Gang Of Four Natural's Not In It 03:28 11 Gang Of Four He'd Send In The Army 04:46 12 Gang Of Four To Hell With Poverty 05:54 13 Gang Of Four It's Her Factory 03:28 14 Gang Of Four Ether 04:50
Gang of Four View in Albunack Andy Kershaw Session: Feb 27, 2005 (BBC Radio 3) 6 0 2005 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gang of Four Not Great Men 03:00 2 Gang of Four Paralysed 03:25 3 Gang of Four What We All Want 04:48 4 Gang of Four Why Theory 02:28 5 Gang of Four Damaged Goods 03:46 6 Gang of Four Return The Gift 03:01
Gang of Four View in Albunack Entertainment! / Solid Gold 22 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gang Of Four Ether 00:00 2 Gang Of Four Natural's Not In It 00:00 3 Gang Of Four Not Great Men 00:00 4 Gang Of Four Damaged Goods 00:00 5 Gang Of Four Return The Gift 00:00 6 Gang Of Four Guns Before Butter 00:00 7 Gang Of Four I Found That Essence Rare 00:00 8 Gang Of Four Glass 00:00 9 Gang Of Four Contract 00:00 10 Gang Of Four At Home He's A Tourist 00:00 11 Gang Of Four 5.45 00:00 12 Gang Of Four Anthrax 00:00 13 Gang Of Four Paralyzed 00:00 14 Gang Of Four What We All Want 00:00 15 Gang Of Four Why Theory 00:00 16 Gang Of Four If I Could Keep It For Myself 00:00 17 Gang Of Four Outside The Trains Don't Run On Time 00:00 18 Gang Of Four Cheeseburger 00:00 19 Gang Of Four The Republic 00:00 20 Gang Of Four In The Ditch 00:00 21 Gang Of Four A Hole In The Wallet 00:00 22 Gang Of Four He'd Send In The Army 00:00
Gang of Four View in Albunack Live...In the Moment 14 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gang of Four Where the Nightingale Sings 04:28 2 Gang of Four History's Not Made by Great Men 03:22 3 Gang of Four I Parade Myself 05:07 4 Gang of Four Paralysed 03:30 5 Gang of Four What We All Want 05:21 6 Gang of Four Love Like Anthrax 04:07 7 Gang of Four Do As I Say 03:22 8 Gang of Four Stranded 03:37 9 Gang of Four Damaged Goods 04:29 10 Gang of Four Isle of Dogs 04:21 11 Gang of Four At Home He's a Tourist 04:05 12 Gang of Four To Hell With Poverty 04:38 13 Gang of Four Why Theory? 02:54 14 Gang of Four I Found That Essence Rare 03:39
Gang of Four View in Albunack The Barbican, London 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gang of Four Return the Gift 05:06 2 Gang of Four At Home He's a Tourist 04:05 3 Gang of Four I Found That Essence Rare 03:19 4 Gang of Four Applause 01:56 5 Gang of Four Paralysed 04:48 6 Gang of Four He'd Send in the Army 06:10 7 Gang of Four Natural's Not in It 02:57 8 Gang of Four Applause 01:13 9 Gang of Four I Parade Myself 05:50 10 Gang of Four What We All Want 07:07
Search Garbage 1998: Live at the Roskilde Festival 11 1 1998 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Garbage Dumb 04:14 2 Garbage Push It 04:11 3 Garbage Queer 05:19 4 Garbage Special 03:43 Has Mbid 5 Garbage Hammering in My Head 04:49 6 Garbage Stupid Girl 04:08 7 Garbage Temptation Waits 05:16 8 Garbage Vow 05:12 9 Garbage When I Grow Up 04:50 10 Garbage You Look So Fine 08:16 11 Garbage I Think I’m Paranoid 03:39
Search Garbage 2002-04-07: Brixton Academy, London, UK 15 0 2002 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Garbage Push It 04:52 2 Garbage Temptation Waits 04:47 3 Garbage I Think I’m Paranoid 04:17 4 Garbage Special 03:45 5 Garbage ’til the Day I Die 04:29 6 Garbage Cup of Coffee 04:14 7 Garbage Suffocate Me / Subhuman 03:19 8 Garbage Breaking Up the Girl 03:48 9 Garbage Not My Idea 03:41 10 Garbage When I Grow Up 03:55 11 Garbage Hammering in My Head 06:09 12 Garbage So Like a Rose 07:18 13 Garbage Shut Your Mouth 03:27 14 Garbage Parade 05:20 15 Garbage Stupid Girl 04:27
Search Garbage 2002-05-18: Austin, TX, USA 20 0 2002 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Garbage Push It 04:59 2 Garbage Temptation Waits 04:32 3 Garbage I Think I’m Paranoid 04:23 4 Garbage Special 06:33 5 Garbage Cup of Coffee 04:52 6 Garbage ’til the Day I Die 04:36 7 Garbage Not My Idea 03:43 8 Garbage When I Grow Up 03:52 9 Garbage Hammering in My Head 06:30 10 Garbage So Like a Rose 07:23 11 Garbage Shut Your Mouth 03:39 12 Garbage Parade 05:09 13 Garbage Stupid Girl 07:06 14 Garbage You Look So Fine 02:13 15 Garbage Thirteen 03:51 16 Garbage Cherry Lips 03:27 17 Garbage Vow 05:26 18 Garbage I Want to Have Something to Do 03:24 19 Garbage Milk 04:27 20 Garbage Only Happy When It Rains 04:40
Search Garbage 2005-09-03 Arlene Schnitzer Hall 18 0 2005 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Garbage Queer 04:25 2 Garbage Bad Boyfriend 04:16 3 Garbage Boys Wanna Fight 04:37 4 Garbage Sex Is Not the Enemy 03:14 5 Garbage Why Do You Love Me 04:50 6 Garbage Vow 06:06 7 Garbage Cherry Lips (Go Baby Go!) 03:16 8 Garbage Only Happy When It Rains 04:25 9 Garbage Metal Heart 04:29 10 Garbage Happy Home 03:52 11 Garbage Shut Your Mouth 03:30 12 Garbage When I Grow Up 04:10 13 Garbage I Think I'm Paranoid 03:41 14 Garbage Push It 04:21 15 Garbage Right Between The Eyes 07:42 16 Garbage Bleed Like Me 04:16 17 Garbage Supervixen 03:46 18 Garbage Stupid Girl 04:43
Search Garbage Metropolitan University, Leeds, 9 April 1996 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Garbage Queer 06:42 2 Garbage Fix Me Now 04:33 3 Garbage Not My Idea 03:51 4 Garbage Milk 04:02 5 Garbage Supervixen 03:55 6 Garbage Stupid Girl 04:20 7 Garbage Only Happy When It Rains 04:21 8 Garbage Vow 03:54 9 Garbage Kick My Ass 03:36 10 Garbage Subhuman 05:10 11 Garbage Trip My Wire 04:48 12 Garbage Girl Don't Come 03:30
Search Garbage Not My Idea 15 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Garbage Queer 04:47 2 Garbage Dog New Tricks 03:59 Has Mbid 3 Garbage My Lover's Box 03:48 4 Garbage A Stroke of Luck 04:54 5 Garbage Trip My Wire 04:30 6 Garbage As Heaven Is Wide 05:09 7 Garbage Girl Don't Come 04:30 8 Garbage Fix Me Now 04:28 9 Garbage Not My Idea 03:54 10 Garbage Milk 04:05 11 Garbage Super Vixen 04:04 12 Garbage Stupid Girl 04:31 13 Garbage Only Happy When It Rains 04:04 14 Garbage Vox 05:08 15 Garbage Queer 07:14
Search Garbage Not Your Kind of People [Deluxe Edition] 15 2 2012 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Garbage Automatic Systematic Habit 03:17 2 Garbage Big Bright World 03:35 3 Garbage Blood for Poppies 03:39 Has Mbid 4 Garbage Control 04:12 5 Garbage Not Your Kind of People 04:57 6 Garbage Felt 03:27 Has Mbid 7 Garbage I Hate Love 03:54 8 Garbage Sugar 03:59 9 Garbage Battle in Me 04:15 10 Garbage Man on a Wire 03:08 11 Garbage Beloved Freak 04:31 12 Garbage The One 04:46 13 Garbage What Girls Are Made Of 03:48 14 Garbage Bright Tonight 04:03 15 Garbage Show Me 05:16
Search Garbage Parade in France 17 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Garbage Push It 05:03 2 Garbage Temptation Waits 05:14 3 Garbage Androgyny 03:18 4 Garbage I Think I'm Paranoid 03:59 5 Garbage Special 03:45 6 Garbage Cup of Coffee 04:15 7 Garbage When I Grow Up 03:58 8 Garbage Hammering In My Head 06:03 9 Garbage Milk 04:32 10 Garbage Shut Your Mouth 03:35 11 Garbage Parade 05:07 12 Garbage Stupid Girl 04:19 13 Garbage Cherry Lips (Go Baby Go!) 05:31 14 Garbage Vow 05:26 15 Garbage So Like A Rose 07:28 16 Garbage Supervixen 04:05 17 Garbage Only Happy When It Rains 04:07
Search Garbage Pink Rock 16 3 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Garbage Supervixen (Toronto 11-10-95) 04:47 2 Garbage Stupid Girl (Toronto 11-10-95) 04:32 3 Garbage My Lover's Box (Toronto 11-10-95) 03:46 4 Garbage As Heaven Is Wide (Toronto 11-10-95) 05:24 5 Garbage Fix Me Now (Toronto 11-10-95) 04:38 6 Garbage A Stroke Of Luck (Toronto 11-10-95) 05:06 7 Garbage Trip My Wire (Toronto 11-10-95) 04:30 8 Garbage Queer (Toronto 11-10-95) 04:46 9 Garbage Only Happy When It Rains (Toronto 11-10-95) 04:17 10 Garbage Not My Idea (Toronto 11-10-95) 03:51 11 Garbage Vow (Toronto 11-10-95) 06:05 12 Garbage Girl Don't Come (Toronto 11-10-95) 03:33 13 Garbage Not My Idea (Dusseldorf 4-7-96) 04:14 Has Mbid 14 Garbage Dog New Tricks (Dusseldorf 4-7-96) 04:16 Has Mbid 15 Garbage My Lover's Box (Dusseldorf 4-7-96) 03:50 Has Mbid 16 Garbage Milk (Dusseldorf 4-7-96) 04:06
Search Garbage Reading Festival 1998 10 2 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Garbage Only Happy When It Rains 03:55 2 Garbage Temptation Waits 04:32 3 Garbage I Think I'm Paranoid 03:48 4 Garbage Special 03:51 5 Garbage Hammering In My Head 04:57 Has Mbid 6 Garbage Vow 05:01 Has Mbid 7 Garbage When I Grow Up 03:49 8 Garbage Queer 05:33 9 Garbage Push It 05:40 10 Garbage You Look So Fine 07:56
Search Garden Of Delight Best Of G.O.D. Vol. 1 12 2 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Garden Of Delight Cario 04:56 2 Garden Of Delight The drunkyardsong 02:44 Has Mbid 3 Garden Of Delight John O'Malley 03:36 Has Mbid 4 Garden Of Delight Billy the kid 04:32 5 Garden Of Delight Jack the gypsy 03:04 6 Garden Of Delight Red sky over Belfast 06:28 7 Garden Of Delight God and the crown 05:09 8 Garden Of Delight The asshole song 03:16 9 Garden Of Delight The legend 04:11 10 Garden Of Delight Wo bleibt das Bier 02:58 11 Garden Of Delight Whiskey guns'n'irish beer 03:13 12 Garden Of Delight Captain Dan 02:17
Search Garden Of Delight Gods In Motion Chapter One 18 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Garden Of Delight The Island Of The Green 03:27 2 Garden Of Delight Thunder In The Rain 03:29 3 Garden Of Delight In Your Eyes 05:30 4 Garden Of Delight Candlelight Of The Moon 04:01 5 Garden Of Delight The Fire In You (Dark Version) 03:15 6 Garden Of Delight Black Angels 04:49 7 Garden Of Delight Call Of The Wilds 04:15 8 Garden Of Delight The Lord Of Darkness 04:08 9 Garden Of Delight Rainsong 04:03 10 Garden Of Delight The Day The Angels Pray 04:14 11 Garden Of Delight Wire to Hell 03:20 12 Garden Of Delight Ship Of Fools 03:02 13 Garden Of Delight When Love Has Gone 03:41 14 Garden Of Delight Vagabondtown 05:14 15 Garden Of Delight Red Back Sheep 04:48 16 Garden Of Delight Don´ t Hide The Flag 05:07 17 Garden Of Delight Love, Peace And Drugs For Free 03:41 18 Garden Of Delight Butterflies In Wonderland 03:51
Search Garden Of Delight The Celtic Journey - Celtic Rock 19 3 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Garden Of Delight cario 04:59 Has Mbid 2 Garden Of Delight she cried 05:09 3 Garden Of Delight seccins hish 03:35 4 Garden Of Delight god and the crown 05:12 5 Garden Of Delight crossfire 05:05 6 Garden Of Delight brave mens sons 03:24 7 Garden Of Delight the one night stand polka 04:10 8 Garden Of Delight gone drinkins 03:36 9 Garden Of Delight carry on 04:46 10 Garden Of Delight wire to hell 03:35 11 Garden Of Delight uncil the end of time 04:05 12 Garden Of Delight she was strange 04:24 13 Garden Of Delight rock'n'roll 02:53 14 Garden Of Delight gypsies 03:01 15 Garden Of Delight stand up and shout 03:07 Has Mbid 16 Garden Of Delight money 04:29 17 Garden Of Delight the devil in the candymanstore 04:51 Has Mbid 18 Garden Of Delight love changes everythings 04:08 19 Garden Of Delight ring of rebel 04:18
Search Garden of Delight Avalon - Rebirth of Camelot 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Garden of Delight Camelot 05:05 2 Garden of Delight Arthur's Throne 05:04 3 Garden of Delight The Army of the Dead 04:17 4 Garden of Delight A Knight to Remember 04:20 5 Garden of Delight Seven Lives 05:35 6 Garden of Delight Morgan Le Fay 06:12 7 Garden of Delight Excalibur 05:11 8 Garden of Delight Other Pendragon 05:50 9 Garden of Delight Vivian's Dance 02:55 10 Garden of Delight The Night of Beltane 04:53 11 Garden of Delight A King is Born 04:32 12 Garden of Delight Drums And Pipes 04:00
Search Garden of Delight Garden of Delight - Live at the an Sibin 16 2 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Garden of Delight In Your Eyes 07:44 2 Garden of Delight Darlingtown 06:36 3 Garden of Delight I`ll be Yours 03:06 4 Garden of Delight Piece of Applepie 04:09 5 Garden of Delight Beltane 04:21 6 Garden of Delight Wonderland 06:38 7 Garden of Delight Don`t leave me tonight 06:44 Has Mbid 8 Garden of Delight Circledance 03:28 9 Garden of Delight The Storm 03:33 10 Garden of Delight The Eagle 05:34 11 Garden of Delight The Crusader 05:08 12 Garden of Delight Hell`s Kitchen 04:41 13 Garden of Delight Hey Hoh 04:49 Has Mbid 14 Garden of Delight I Got a Gun 04:50 15 Garden of Delight The Day When i Die 04:13 16 Garden of Delight Cry Baby 04:22
Search Garden of Delight Gods in Motion, Chapter I 18 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Garden of Delight The Island of the Green 03:27 2 Garden of Delight Thunder in the Rain 03:29 3 Garden of Delight In Your Eyes 05:30 4 Garden of Delight Candlelight of the Moon 04:01 5 Garden of Delight The Fire in You [Dark Version] 03:15 6 Garden of Delight Black Angels 04:49 7 Garden of Delight Call of the Wilds 04:15 8 Garden of Delight The Lord of Darkness, Part II 04:08 9 Garden of Delight Rainsong 04:03 10 Garden of Delight The Day the Angels Pray 04:14 11 Garden of Delight Wire to Hell 03:20 12 Garden of Delight Ship of Fools 03:02 13 Garden of Delight When Love Has Gone 03:41 14 Garden of Delight Vagabondtown [from "Back in Ireland"] [Bonus] 05:14 15 Garden of Delight Red Back Sheep [from "Back in Ireland"] [Bonus] 04:48 16 Garden of Delight Don't Hide the Flag [from "Back in Ireland"] [Bonus] 05:05 17 Garden of Delight Love, Peace and Drugs for Free [from "Back in Ireland"] [Bonus] 03:41 18 Garden of Delight Butterflies in Wonderland [from "Back in Ireland"] [Bonus] 03:51
Search Garden of Delight Hey Hoh 1 15 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Garden of Delight Roisin Dubh (Intro) (trad.) 03:10 2 Garden of Delight The Cliffs of Moher 02:41 3 Garden of Delight The Tramp 04:09 4 Garden of Delight Gerdundula (trad.) 04:18 5 Garden of Delight The Legend 04:22 6 Garden of Delight Where the wind blows 04:27 7 Garden of Delight Pirates in the Church 03:21 8 Garden of Delight Hey God 05:04 9 Garden of Delight Runaway 06:14 10 Garden of Delight The great song of Independence 07:16 11 Garden of Delight The Day when I die 05:04 12 Garden of Delight Didge and Drums 04:02 13 Garden of Delight Touch to much ac/dc 04:24 14 Garden of Delight Bloodbrothers 04:42 15 Garden of Delight And She cried (The gothic Anthem) 05:26
Search Garden of Delight Lord of the drinks 13 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Garden of Delight Gimme your hand 04:24 2 Garden of Delight Burning hell 04:19 3 Garden of Delight Gypsies 03:01 4 Garden of Delight Rise again 04:19 5 Garden of Delight Stop the rain 05:31 6 Garden of Delight Angels 02:50 7 Garden of Delight Lost kids of Avalon 03:40 8 Garden of Delight Rider in the storm 05:01 9 Garden of Delight Down by the riverside 04:01 10 Garden of Delight Getting high 03:35 11 Garden of Delight Gone drinking 03:36 12 Garden of Delight I know you 04:43 13 Garden of Delight Until the end of time 04:05
Gareth Emery View in Albunack Electric For Life 19 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gareth Emery Utwór01 03:52 2 Gareth Emery Utwór02 03:19 3 Gareth Emery Utwór03 03:39 4 Gareth Emery Utwór04 04:28 5 Gareth Emery Utwór05 04:07 6 Gareth Emery Utwór06 03:04 7 Gareth Emery Utwór07 02:27 8 Gareth Emery Utwór08 03:49 9 Gareth Emery Utwór09 03:36 10 Gareth Emery Utwór10 04:16 11 Gareth Emery Utwór11 05:49 12 Gareth Emery Utwór12 03:34 13 Gareth Emery Utwór13 04:58 14 Gareth Emery Utwór14 04:04 15 Gareth Emery Utwór15 04:07 16 Gareth Emery Utwór16 04:15 17 Gareth Emery Utwór17 03:05 18 Gareth Emery Utwór18 03:26 19 Gareth Emery Utwór19 03:34
Gareth Emery View in Albunack Nieokreślony tytuł 17 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gareth Emery Utwór01 02:31 2 Gareth Emery Utwór02 02:14 3 Gareth Emery Utwór03 05:00 4 Gareth Emery Utwór04 02:57 Has Mbid 5 Gareth Emery Utwór05 06:14 6 Gareth Emery Utwór06 03:33 7 Gareth Emery Utwór07 04:02 8 Gareth Emery Utwór08 05:57 9 Gareth Emery Utwór09 04:58 10 Gareth Emery Utwór10 04:58 11 Gareth Emery Utwór11 03:51 12 Gareth Emery Utwór12 04:45 13 Gareth Emery Utwór13 03:49 14 Gareth Emery Utwór14 04:14 15 Gareth Emery Utwór15 05:43 16 Gareth Emery Utwór16 03:53 17 Gareth Emery Utwór17 04:41
Gareth Emery View in Albunack The Sound of Garuda 2009-2015 16 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gareth Emery Utwór01 04:47 2 Gareth Emery Utwór02 03:51 3 Gareth Emery Utwór03 05:02 4 Gareth Emery Utwór04 03:58 5 Gareth Emery Utwór05 05:04 6 Gareth Emery Utwór06 02:21 7 Gareth Emery Utwór07 05:00 Has Mbid 8 Gareth Emery Utwór08 03:38 9 Gareth Emery Utwór09 04:04 10 Gareth Emery Utwór10 05:24 11 Gareth Emery Utwór11 04:43 12 Gareth Emery Utwór12 05:08 13 Gareth Emery Utwór13 02:32 14 Gareth Emery Utwór14 04:36 15 Gareth Emery Utwór15 04:32 16 Gareth Emery Utwór16 05:17
Garth Brooks View in Albunack Hushabye Baby 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Garth Brooks Ain't Going Down ('Til the Sun Comes Up) 03:00 2 Garth Brooks Longneck Bottle 02:50 3 Garth Brooks If Tomorrow Never Come 04:03 4 Garth Brooks Two Of a Kind, Workin' on a Full House 03:44 5 Garth Brooks Friends in Low Places 04:21 6 Garth Brooks The River 04:17 7 Garth Brooks You Move Me 03:35 8 Garth Brooks To Make You Feel My Love 03:59 9 Garth Brooks We Shall Be Free 04:17 10 Garth Brooks The Dance 03:45 11 Garth Brooks She's Every Woman 03:18 12 Garth Brooks Unanswered Prayers 04:04
Garth Brooks View in Albunack THMPL030 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Garth Brooks Do What You Gotta Do 03:02 2 Garth Brooks It Don't Matter To The Sun 04:38 3 Garth Brooks American Honky-Tonk Bar Association 03:43 4 Garth Brooks Callin' Baton Rouge 02:41 5 Garth Brooks Every Now And Then 03:29 6 Garth Brooks In Lonesome Dove 04:37
Search Gary Moore 11 Live Montreux Blues Festival 1990 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gary Moore Too Tired (With Albert Collins) 04:31 2 Gary Moore Cold Cold Feeling (With Albert Collins) 08:58 3 Gary Moore Further On Up The Road (With Albert Collins) 05:48 4 Gary Moore King Of The Blues (With Albert Collins) 07:21 5 Gary Moore Stop Messin' Around (With Albert Collins) 05:27 6 Gary Moore The Blues Is Alright (With Albert Collins) 07:34
Search Gary Moore Back to the Blues (DVD-A 5.1) 10 3 2001 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gary Moore Enough of the Blues 04:45 2 Gary Moore You Upset Me Baby 03:14 3 Gary Moore Cold Black Night 04:14 4 Gary Moore Stormy Monday 06:53 5 Gary Moore I Ain't Got You 02:51 Has Mbid 6 Gary Moore Picture of the Moon 07:16 Has Mbid 7 Gary Moore Looking Back 02:21 Has Mbid 8 Gary Moore Prophet 06:20 9 Gary Moore How Many Lies 06:07 10 Gary Moore Drowning in Tears 09:16
Search Gary Moore Gary Moore - 1990 - 26.05.1990 - Born Under A Good Sign - (BOOTLEG) - (FLAC 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gary Moore Movin` On 03:25 2 Gary Moore Too Tired 03:18 3 Gary Moore Cold Cold Feeling 09:02 4 Gary Moore Further Up The Road 06:02 5 Gary Moore King Of The Blues 06:15 6 Gary Moore Stop Messin` Round 03:36 7 Gary Moore Key To Love 02:26 8 Gary Moore Caledonia 04:47 9 Gary Moore Story Of The Blues 07:59 10 Gary Moore The Messiah Will Come Again 10:50
Search Gary Moore Gary Moore - 1990 - 26.05.1990 - Born Under A Good Sign - (BOOTLEG) - (FLAC) 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gary Moore Pretty Woman 04:34 2 Gary Moore Walking By Myself 04:09 3 Gary Moore All Your Love 03:54 4 Gary Moore The Stumble 03:22 5 Gary Moore Midnight Blues 07:00 6 Gary Moore You Don`;t Love Me 03:38 7 Gary Moore Born Under A Good Sign 04:30 8 Gary Moore Still Got The Blues 06:58 9 Gary Moore Texas Strut 06:30
Search Gary Moore Gary Moore - 1990 - Livin Blues (BOOTLEG) - (FLAC) 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gary Moore The Stumble 03:28 2 Gary Moore All Your Love 04:26 3 Gary Moore Midnight Blues 06:18 4 Gary Moore You Don`t Love Me 04:06 5 Gary Moore Still Got The Blues 07:46 6 Gary Moore Texas Strut 12:56 7 Gary Moore Moving On 02:47 8 Gary Moore Too Tired 04:07 9 Gary Moore Cold, Cold Feeling 08:16 10 Gary Moore Further On Up The Road 05:52 11 Gary Moore King Of The Blues 06:47 12 Gary Moore Stop Messin` Around 05:00
Search Gary Moore Gary Moore - 1992 - Blues From A Gun (BOOTLEG) - (FLAC) 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gary Moore Still got the Blues 07:58 2 Gary Moore Since I met you Baby 03:05 3 Gary Moore The Sky is Crying 07:40 4 Gary Moore Story of the Blues 07:30 5 Gary Moore King of the Blues 06:28 6 Gary Moore The Blues is all Right (M. Campbell) 06:13 7 Gary Moore Stop Messin` Around (P. Green) 04:02 8 Gary Moore Jumpin` at Shadows (D. Bennet) 05:03 9 Gary Moore You don`t Love me 03:59
Search Gary Moore Gary Moore - 1992 - Just The Blues (BOOTLEG) - (FLAC) 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gary Moore Cold day in hell 05:35 2 Gary Moore Walking by myself 04:37 3 Gary Moore Oh pretty woman 04:29 4 Gary Moore My guitar has the blues 06:32 5 Gary Moore You don`t love me 05:06 6 Gary Moore Still got the blues 07:50 7 Gary Moore Too tired 03:52 8 Gary Moore The sky is crying 12:25 9 Gary Moore Further up the road 06:53 10 Gary Moore Jumping at shadows 05:26
Search Gary Moore Grinding Stone 6 3 1973 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 Gary Moore Grinding Stone 09:42 Has Mbid 2 Gary Moore Time to Heal 06:23 Has Mbid 3 Gary Moore Sail Across the Mountain 06:59 4 Gary Moore Band Gary Moore The Energy Dance 02:29 5 Gary Moore Band Gary Moore Spirit 17:16 6 Gary Moore Band Gary Moore Boogie My Way Back Home 05:38
Search Gary Moore Guitar Backing Tracks 12 3 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gary Moore Parisienne walkways 05:40 2 Gary Moore Walkig by Myself 03:01 Has Mbid 3 Gary Moore Oh Pretty Woman 04:25 4 Gary Moore All your love 03:42 Has Mbid 5 Gary Moore Cold Day in Hell 04:12 6 Gary Moore Still Got the Blues 06:20 7 Gary Moore Back on the Streets 04:24 8 Gary Moore The Loner 04:54 9 Gary Moore Empty Rooms 06:29 10 Gary Moore Out in the Fields 04:15 11 Gary Moore Story of the Blues 06:31 Has Mbid 12 Gary Moore Stormy Monday 06:58
Search Gary Moore Guitar Playalong 17 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gary Moore Cold Day In Hell 04:29 2 Gary Moore Cold Day In Hell - Play Along 04:28 3 Gary Moore Empty Rooms 04:16 4 Gary Moore Empty Rooms - Play Along 04:16 5 Gary Moore The Loner 05:55 6 Gary Moore The Loner - Play Along 05:55 7 Gary Moore Oh Pretty Woman 04:29 8 Gary Moore Oh Pretty Woman - Play Along 04:29 9 Gary Moore Since I Met You Baby 02:57 10 Gary Moore Since I Met You Baby - Play Along 02:57 11 Gary Moore Still Got The Blues 06:30 12 Gary Moore Still Got The Blues - Play Along 06:30 13 Gary Moore Texas Strut 04:55 14 Gary Moore Texas Strut - Play Along 04:53 15 Gary Moore Walking By Myself 02:58 16 Gary Moore Walking By Myself - Play Along 02:58 17 Gary Moore Tuning Notes 01:45
Search Gary Moore Heavy Knuckles 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gary Moore Hurricane 08:30 2 Gary Moore White Knuckles 04:49 3 Gary Moore Rockin' And Rollin' 04:06 4 Gary Moore Back On The Street 05:00 5 Gary Moore Parisienne Walkways 06:32 6 Gary Moore Don't Take Me For A Loser 04:57 7 Gary Moore Gonna' Break My Heart Again 05:21 8 Gary Moore Sunset 04:18
Search Gary Moore Jam With Gary Moore 16 3 1996 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gary Moore Still Got The Blues B.track 06:15 2 Gary Moore Walking By Myself B.track 02:56 3 Gary Moore The Loner B.track 04:41 Has Mbid 4 Gary Moore Oh Pretty Woman B.track 04:25 5 Gary Moore Story Of The Blues B.track 06:31 Has Mbid 6 Gary Moore Cold Day In Hell B.track 04:16 7 Gary Moore Empty Rooms B.track 06:29 8 Gary Moore Parisienne Walkways B.track 03:33 9 Gary Moore Still Got The Blues 06:09 10 Gary Moore Walking By Myself 02:55 11 Gary Moore The Loner 04:38 12 Gary Moore Oh Pretty Woman 04:22 13 Gary Moore Story Of The Blues 06:25 Has Mbid 14 Gary Moore Cold Day In Hell 04:16 15 Gary Moore Empty Rooms 06:24 16 Gary Moore Parisienne Walkways 03:33
Search Gary Moore Jam with Gary Moore 16 3 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gary Moore Still Got the Blues (Backing Track) 06:20 2 Gary Moore Walking by Myself (Backing Track) 03:01 3 Gary Moore The Loner (Backing Track) 04:40 Has Mbid 4 Gary Moore Oh Pretty Woman (Backing Track) 04:25 5 Gary Moore Story of the Blues (Backing Track) 06:31 Has Mbid 6 Gary Moore Cold Day In Hell (Backing Track) 04:16 7 Gary Moore Empty Rooms (Backing Track) 06:24 8 Gary Moore Parisienne Walkways (Backing Track) 03:32 9 Gary Moore Still Got the Blues 06:09 10 Gary Moore Walking by Myself 02:55 11 Gary Moore Stopa11 04:38 12 Gary Moore Oh Pretty Woman 04:22 13 Gary Moore Story of the Blues 06:24 Has Mbid 14 Gary Moore Cold Day In Hell 04:16 15 Gary Moore Empty Rooms 06:24 16 Gary Moore Parisienne Walkways 03:33
Search Gary Moore Just the blues 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gary Moore Cold day in hell 05:35 2 Gary Moore Walking by myself 04:37 3 Gary Moore Oh pretty woman 04:29 4 Gary Moore My guitar has the blues 06:32 5 Gary Moore You don't love me 05:06 6 Gary Moore Still got the blues 07:50 7 Gary Moore Too tired 03:52 8 Gary Moore The sky is crying 12:25 9 Gary Moore Further up the road 06:53 10 Gary Moore Jumping at shadows 05:26
Search Gary Moore Live Grosse Freiheit Hamburg 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gary Moore Walking By Myself 04:23 2 Gary Moore All Your Love 04:44 3 Gary Moore Still Got The Blues 06:35 4 Gary Moore Fire 03:17 5 Gary Moore Too Tired 05:15 6 Gary Moore Since I Met You Baby 04:44 7 Gary Moore Surrender 09:51 8 Gary Moore The Blues Is Alright 07:19 9 Gary Moore The Blues Is Alright 07:08
Search Gary Moore Live at Isstadion Stockholm 9 0 1987 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gary Moore Over the Hills and Far Away 06:55 2 Gary Moore Thunder Rising 05:35 3 Gary Moore Wild Frontier 04:47 4 Gary Moore Military Man 06:24 5 Gary Moore Empty Rooms 11:51 6 Gary Moore All Messed Up 06:03 7 Gary Moore Out in the Fields 08:20 8 Gary Moore Rockin' Every Night 05:49 9 Gary Moore The Loner 15:22
Search Gary Moore Mr. Blues In Town 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gary Moore Pretty Woman 05:00 2 Gary Moore When The Sun Goes Down 04:19 3 Gary Moore Worls Of Confusion 04:44 4 Gary Moore Nothing's The Same 08:39 5 Gary Moore Walking By Myself 04:22 6 Gary Moore Still Got The Blues 07:41 7 Gary Moore Cold Black Night 04:36 8 Gary Moore Blues 11:37 9 Gary Moore Fire 03:49 10 Gary Moore My Babe 06:08
Search Gary Moore Parisienne Walkways: Jet to the Best 17 0 2014 Show/Hide Tracks 3 Gary Moore Really Gonna Rock Tonight 03:49 4 Gary Moore The Woman's in Love 03:53 6 Gary Moore Back on the Streets 05:27 7 Gary Moore Trust Your Lovin' 04:03 8 Gary Moore White Knuckles/ Rockin' and Rollin' 05:08 9 Gary Moore She's Got You 07:09 10 Gary Moore Kidnapped 03:48 11 Gary Moore Because of Your Love 03:59 12 Gary Moore Parisienne Walkways 07:22 13 Gary Moore Dancin' 04:33 14 Gary Moore Nuclear Attack 05:09 16 Gary Moore Hiroshima 04:30
Search Gary Moore Rockin' Every Night 11 0 1986 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gary Moore Rockin' Every Night 03:18 2 Gary Moore Wishing Well 04:54 3 Gary Moore I Can't Wait Until Tomorrow 11:55 4 Gary Moore Nuclear Attack 05:58 5 Gary Moore White Knuckles 03:48 6 Gary Moore Rockin' and Rollin' 04:07 7 Gary Moore Back on the Streets 05:12 8 Gary Moore Sunset 04:36 9 Gary Moore Back on the Streets 05:08 10 Gary Moore Rockin' Every Night 02:54 11 Gary Moore Parisienne Walkways 05:48
Search Gary Moore The Best [Maestro] 16 0 2003 Show/Hide Tracks 2 Gary Moore Midnight Blues 04:50 6 Gary Moore The Loner 05:29 7 Gary Moore Nothing's the Same 04:51 9 Gary Moore Blues for Narada 07:32 12 Gary Moore Crying in the Shadows 04:50 15 Gary Moore As the Years Go Passing By 07:38 16 Gary Moore Separate Ways 04:48
Search Gary Moore Tonight´s The Blues Alive 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gary Moore The Stumble 03:36 2 Gary Moore All Your Love 04:24 3 Gary Moore Midnight Blues 06:02 4 Gary Moore You Don´t Love Me 04:04 5 Gary Moore Still Got The Blues 07:46 6 Gary Moore Texas Strut 12:56 7 Gary Moore Moving On 03:32 8 Gary Moore Toon Tired 03:18 9 Gary Moore Cold, Cold Feeling 08:35 10 Gary Moore Further On Up The Road 05:35 11 Gary Moore King Of The Blues 07:07 12 Gary Moore Stop Messin´ AroundTrack 12 04:27
Search Gary Moore Wild Frontier Tour 1987 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gary Moore Over The Hills And Far Away 07:10 2 Gary Moore Thunder Rising 05:37 3 Gary Moore Shapes Of Things 08:10 4 Gary Moore Wild Frontier 04:54 5 Gary Moore Empty Rooms 08:07 6 Gary Moore Out In The Fields 08:40 7 Gary Moore All Messed Up 06:51
Gary Numan View in Albunack Anthology [DTS] 12 0 2004 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gary Numan Berserker (A Side) 04:03 2 Gary Numan My Dying Machine (A Side) 03:20 3 Gary Numan The Hunter 06:46 4 Gary Numan This Disease 04:03 5 Gary Numan My Breathing 06:37 6 Gary Numan The Sleep Room 05:17 7 Gary Numan Machine And Soul 05:56 8 Gary Numan In A Glass House 04:12 9 Gary Numan I Die, You Die (Live) 03:05 10 Gary Numan Me, I Disconnect From You (Live) 03:18 11 Gary Numan Cars (Live) 03:40 12 Gary Numan Are 'Friends' Electric? (Live) 06:40
Gary Numan View in Albunack Live at the BBC 13 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gary Numan Remind me to smile 03:30 2 Gary Numan Metal 03:41 3 Gary Numan This prison moon 03:20 4 Gary Numan Down in the park 04:49 5 Gary Numan This is my house 04:33 6 Gary Numan The Iceman comes 04:37 7 Gary Numan Films 02:42 8 Gary Numan Cars 03:45 9 Gary Numan We take mystery (to bed) 07:59 10 Gary Numan I die You die 03:51 11 Gary Numan Me I disconnect from you 03:38 12 Gary Numan Love needs no disguise 04:17 13 Gary Numan Are friends electric 05:18
Gary Numan View in Albunack Savage: Live at Brixton Academy 10 2 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 Gary Numan Mercy 05:42 2 Gary Numan Ghost Nation 05:02 3 Gary Numan Metal 04:32 4 Gary Numan The Fall 04:20 Has Mbid 5 Gary Numan Prayer for the Unborn 05:31 6 Gary Numan Bed of Thorns 05:28 7 Gary Numan Dead Sun Rising 04:06 8 Gary Numan Down in the Park 05:15 9 Gary Numan Pray for the Pain You Serve 05:30 10 Gary Numan Here in the Black 05:02
Gene Ammons View in Albunack Four Classic Albums 10 3 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 Gene Ammons Ammon Joy (Groove Blues) 13:16 Has Mbid 2 Gene Ammons Groove Blues (Groove Blues) 09:35 3 Gene Ammons Scamperin' (Blue Gene) 08:50 Has Mbid 4 Gene Ammons It Might As Well Be Spring (Groove Blues) 11:32 5 Gene Ammons Hip Tip (Blue Gene) 08:56 6 Gene Ammons Close Your Eyes (Boss Tenor) 03:48 7 Gene Ammons The Great Lie (The Happy Blues) 08:43 8 Gene Ammons Canadian Sunset (Boss Tenor) 05:26 9 Gene Ammons Blue Ammons (Boss Tenor) 04:59 10 Gene Ammons Confirmation (Boss Tenor) 05:24
Gene Ammons View in Albunack Jammin' In Hi-Fi • Blue Gene 6 2 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 Gene Ammons Pennies From Heaven 12:58 Has Mbid 2 Gene Ammons Cattin' 11:58 3 Gene Ammons Blue Gene 13:59 4 Gene Ammons Scamperin' 08:50 5 Gene Ammons Blue Greens 'n' Beans 09:06 6 Gene Ammons Hip Tip 08:59
Gene Ammons View in Albunack The Happy Blues • Jammin' In Hi-Fi 6 3 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gene Ammons The Happy Blues 12:04 2 Gene Ammons The Great Lie 08:43 3 Gene Ammons Can't We Be Friends 12:51 Has Mbid 4 Gene Ammons Madhouse 06:42 Has Mbid 5 Gene Ammons The Twister 12:17 Has Mbid 6 Gene Ammons Four 13:02
Gene Ammons View in Albunack Three Classic Albums Plus 10 3 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 Gene Ammons Ammon Joy 13:20 2 Gene Ammons Blue Gene 13:59 3 Gene Ammons Jug Handle 10:13 4 Gene Ammons Blue Greens ´N Beans 09:06 Has Mbid 5 Gene Ammons Hittin? the Jug 08:29 6 Gene Ammons Close Your Eyes 03:48 Has Mbid 7 Gene Ammons My Romance 04:12 8 Gene Ammons Can´t We Be Friends 12:51 9 Gene Ammons Blue Ammons 04:59 10 Gene Ammons Confirmation 05:24
Gene Autry View in Albunack 20 Golden Pieces 20 2 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gene Autry Dixie Cannonball 02:40 2 Gene Autry My Old Kentucky Home 02:46 Has Mbid 3 Gene Autry Down In The Valley 02:20 4 Gene Autry Cowboy Blues 01:23 5 Gene Autry A Boy From Texas A Girl From Tennessee 01:56 6 Gene Autry The West, A Nest And You 02:09 7 Gene Autry Don't Bite The Hand That Feeds You 01:46 8 Gene Autry Missouri Waltz 02:48 9 Gene Autry There's No Back Door To Heaven 02:06 10 Gene Autry Kentucky Baby 01:56 11 Gene Autry You're The Only Good Thing 02:24 12 Gene Autry When Day Is Done 03:21 Has Mbid 13 Gene Autry You Are My Sunshine 01:55 14 Gene Autry I Hang My Head And Cry 02:39 15 Gene Autry San Antinio Rose 02:17 16 Gene Autry Goodbye Little Darling 01:53 17 Gene Autry Trouble In Mind 02:22 18 Gene Autry Lonely Rover 02:35 19 Gene Autry You're The Star In My Blue Heaven 02:29 20 Gene Autry Tweedle O Twill 01:53
Gene Autry View in Albunack A Melody Ranch Christmas 23 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gene Autry Here Comes Santa Claus (Right Down Santa Claus Lane) & Rudolph, The Red-Nosed Reindeer Medley 03:06 2 Gene Autry White Christmas 02:25 3 Gene Autry Christmas Carols By The Old Corral 02:05 4 Gene Autry Jingle Bells 01:45 5 Gene Autry Cowboy Santa Claus 02:47 6 Gene Autry Joy To The World 01:15 7 Gene Autry O Little Towm Of Bethlehem 03:09 8 Gene Autry 'Twas The Night Before Christmas 02:38 9 Gene Autry An Old Fashonied Tree 03:59 10 Gene Autry Winter Wonderland 01:31 11 Gene Autry Christmas Medley: Jingle Bells, Happy Holiday, I'll Be Home For Christmas 02:45 12 Gene Autry He's A Chubby Little Fellow 01:48 13 Gene Autry Frosty The Snowman 02:19 14 Gene Autry Thirty-Two Feet, Eight Little Tails 02:06 15 Gene Autry Did You Ever Hafta Sleep At The Foot Of The Bed? 02:42 16 Gene Autry He'll be Comin' Down The Chimney 01:40 Has Mbid 17 Gene Autry Look Out The Window 02:47 18 Gene Autry Where Is My Snow-Man? 02:16 19 Gene Autry All I Want For Christmas Is My Two Front Teeth 01:17 20 Gene Autry I Wish My Mom Would Marry Santa Claus 01:43 21 Gene Autry Sleigh Bells 01:10 22 Gene Autry Round, Round The Christmas Tree 01:29 23 Gene Autry Silent Night 02:51
Gene Autry View in Albunack Christmas Songs 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gene Autry Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer 04:02 2 Gene Autry Here Comes Santa Claus 03:10 3 Gene Autry Frosty The Snowman 02:21 4 Gene Autry If It Doesn't Snow On Christmas Day 03:24 5 Gene Autry The Night Before Christmas 03:31 6 Gene Autry Up On A House Top 02:09 7 Gene Autry When Santa Claus Gets Your Letter 03:31 8 Gene Autry He's A Chubby Little Fellow 03:35 9 Gene Autry An Old Fashioned Tree 03:19 10 Gene Autry T'was The Night Before Christmas 03:32
Gene Autry View in Albunack Country Music CM017 18 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gene Autry Dixie Cannon Ball 02:37 2 Gene Autry My Hold Kentucky Home 02:45 3 Gene Autry Down In The Valley 02:23 4 Gene Autry Cowboy Blues 01:21 5 Gene Autry A Boy From Texas, A Girl From Tennessee 01:53 6 Gene Autry The West, A Nest And You 02:07 7 Gene Autry Don't Bite The Hand That's Feeding You 01:44 8 Gene Autry Missouri Waltz 02:41 9 Gene Autry Kentucky Babe 01:45 10 Gene Autry San Antonio Rose 02:22 11 Gene Autry Tweedle-O-Twill 01:51 12 Gene Autry You're The Only Star (In My Blue Heaven) 02:24 13 Gene Autry Lonely River 02:26 14 Gene Autry Trouble In Mind 02:17 15 Gene Autry Goodbye Little Darling 01:51 16 Gene Autry I Hang My Head And Cry # 4 ('44) 02:37 17 Gene Autry You're The Only Good Thing 02:22 18 Gene Autry You Are My Sunshine 01:55
Gene Autry View in Albunack Early Sides 25 3 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gene Autry Yodeling Hobo 03:08 2 Gene Autry She Wouldn't Do It 03:21 3 Gene Autry Do Right Daddy Blues 03:08 4 Gene Autry Pistol Packin' Papa 03:07 5 Gene Autry Jimmie the Kid 03:03 6 Gene Autry Travellin' Blues 03:00 7 Gene Autry There's a Good Gal in the Mountains 03:06 8 Gene Autry Money Ain't No Use Anyway 02:53 9 Gene Autry The Old Woman and the Cow 03:06 10 Gene Autry A Gangster's Warning 02:56 11 Gene Autry She's a Hum Dum Dinger 02:37 12 Gene Autry Valley in the Hills 02:52 13 Gene Autry True Blue Bill 02:52 14 Gene Autry Do Right Daddy Blues 03:22 15 Gene Autry Pistol Packin' Papa 03:14 16 Gene Autry That's How I Got My Start 03:09 Has Mbid 17 Gene Autry Bear Cat Papa Blues 02:56 18 Gene Autry Methodist Pie 02:55 Has Mbid 19 Gene Autry Do Right Daddy Blues 02:56 20 Gene Autry I'll Always Be a Rambler 02:43 21 Gene Autry I'll Be Thinking of You, Little Girl 02:52 22 Gene Autry Dallas County Jail Blues 03:03 Has Mbid 23 Gene Autry High Steppin' Mama Blues 03:12 24 Gene Autry T.B. Blues 02:59 25 Gene Autry True Blue Bill 02:34
Gene Autry View in Albunack South of the Border: Songs of Old Mexico [Varese] 21 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gene Autry Gene Autry's Spoken Introduction 00:49 2 Gene Autry South of the Border 02:25 3 Gene Autry Cielito Lindo 00:53 4 Gene Autry Mexicali Rose 02:32 5 Gene Autry My Adobe Hacienda 01:34 6 Gene Autry In a Little Spanish Town 02:10 7 Gene Autry You Belong To My Heart [Solamernte Una Vez] 02:36 8 Gene Autry Maria Elena 02:30 9 Gene Autry It Happened In Monterey 02:16 10 Gene Autry Come To the Fiesta 01:16 11 Gene Autry Goodbye To Old Mexico 01:56 12 Gene Autry Amapola 02:27 13 Gene Autry Gaucho Serenade 01:27 14 Gene Autry El Rancho Grande 01:48 15 Gene Autry A Gay Ranchero (Las Altenitas) 01:44 16 Gene Autry Down Mexico Way 01:24 17 Gene Autry Yours (Quiereme Mucho) 02:01 18 Gene Autry La Golondria (the Swallow) 01:43 19 Gene Autry Marcheta (Love Song of Old Mexico) 02:07 20 Gene Autry Under Fiesta Stars 02:39 21 Gene Autry In Old Capistrano (Ay, Jalisco, No Te Rajes) 02:06
Gene Autry View in Albunack South of the Border: The Best of Gene Autry 18 3 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gene Autry El Ranco Grande 01:47 Has Mbid 2 Gene Autry You Belong To My Heart 02:43 Has Mbid 3 Gene Autry In A Little Spanish Town 01:57 4 Gene Autry My Adobe Hacienda 01:26 Has Mbid 5 Gene Autry Under Fiesta Stars 02:56 6 Gene Autry Vaya Con Dios 02:40 7 Gene Autry A Gay Ranchero 01:49 8 Gene Autry It Happened In Monterey 02:03 9 Gene Autry Rancho Pillow 01:42 10 Gene Autry Mexicali Rose 03:00 11 Gene Autry Serenade Of The Bells 02:25 12 Gene Autry South Of The Border 00:00 13 Gene Autry Dixie Cannon Ball 02:36 14 Gene Autry Trouble In Mind 02:27 15 Gene Autry Down In The Valley 02:23 16 Gene Autry San Antonio Rose 02:22 17 Gene Autry You Are My Sunshine 01:57 18 Gene Autry When Day Is Done 03:20
Gene Autry View in Albunack The Singing Cowboy - Chapter Two 18 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gene Autry When It's Springtime In The Rockies 01:45 2 Gene Autry At The Old Barn Dance & Then And Now 03:21 3 Gene Autry & Smiley Burnette Man From Music Mountain 01:40 4 Gene Autry Mexicali Rose 01:26 5 Gene Autry 'Neath The Blue Montana Sky 01:32 6 Gene Autry It Happened In Monterey 00:50 7 Gene Autry South Of The Border (Down Mexico Way) 02:10 8 Gene Autry & Cowboys Rancho Grande 01:06 9 Gene Autry, Mary Lee, Smiley Burnette & Cast Keep Rollin' Lazy Longhorns 02:09 10 Gene Autry, The Hall Johnson Choir & Mary Lee Carolina Moon 01:56 11 Gene Autry & Cast Ridin' On A Rainbow 01:17 12 Gene Autry Sierra Sue 01:23 13 Gene Autry & Smiley Burnette The Cowboy Serenade 02:32 14 Gene Autry & The Cass County Boys Twilight On The Rio Grande 01:52 15 Gene Autry The Last Roundup 02:55 16 Gene Autry & Pat Buttram Mule Train 01:28 17 Gene Autry Whirlwind 01:38 18 Gene Autry & The Cass County Boys Blue Canadian Rockies 01:57
Gene Autry View in Albunack The Western Collection - 25 Cowboy Classics 25 2 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 Gene Autry Tumbling Tumbleweeds 01:55 2 Gene Autry Call of the Canyon 01:58 3 Gene Autry Red River Valley 01:36 Has Mbid 4 Gene Autry Purple Sage in the Twilight 01:45 5 Gene Autry Take Me Back to My Boots and Saddle 02:25 6 Gene Autry Twilight on the Trail 02:00 7 Gene Autry There's a Rainbow on the Rio Colorado 01:56 8 Gene Autry Oklahoma Hills 01:51 9 Gene Autry Sioux City Sue 02:01 10 Gene Autry South of the Border (Down Mexico Way) 02:42 11 Gene Autry The Last Roundup 03:08 12 Gene Autry Rounded Up in Glory 03:04 13 Gene Autry Ridin' Down the Canyon 02:19 14 Gene Autry The Singing Hills 00:00 15 Gene Autry Ole Faithful 03:17 16 Gene Autry Blue Shadows on the Trail 03:08 17 Gene Autry Ghost Riders in the Sky 03:42 18 Gene Autry Mule Train 02:39 19 Gene Autry Sing Me a Song of the Saddle 02:10 20 Gene Autry The Old Chisholm Trail 01:10 21 Gene Autry There's a Goldmine in the Sky 03:00 22 Gene Autry Home on the Range 01:16 23 Gene Autry Back in the Saddle Again 01:22 24 Gene Autry Rim of the Canyon 03:04 25 Gene Autry The Hills of Wyoming 03:05
Gene Krupa View in Albunack Dejavu Retro Gold Collection [2002] 20 3 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gene Krupa Limehouse Blues 02:31 Has Mbid 2 Gene Krupa Not So Quietly Please 02:10 3 Gene Krupa Leave Us Leap 03:01 4 Gene Krupa Body and Soul 03:21 5 Gene Krupa Boogie Blues 03:20 6 Gene Krupa Opus 1 02:54 Has Mbid 7 Gene Krupa Lover 02:50 Has Mbid 8 Gene Krupa How High the Moon 03:19 9 Gene Krupa feat. Tony Bennett Fascinatin' Rhythm 02:36 10 Gene Krupa feat. Tony Bennett Caravan 02:05 11 Gene Krupa feat. Tony Bennett Sunday 02:00 12 Gene Krupa feat. Tony Bennett Tenderly 02:26 13 Gene Krupa feat. Tony Bennett Sometimes I'm Happy 01:53 14 Gene Krupa feat. Tony Bennett I've Got the World on a String 02:45 15 Gene Krupa feat. Tony Bennett Dark Eyes 03:14 16 Gene Krupa feat. Tony Bennett April in Paris 01:27 17 Gene Krupa feat. Tony Bennett Just in Time 02:03 18 Gene Krupa feat. Tony Bennett September Song 03:11 19 Gene Krupa feat. Tony Bennett I Left My Heart in San Francisco 03:04 20 Gene Krupa feat. Tony Bennett Big Noise from Winnetka 03:08
Gene Krupa View in Albunack Five Classic Albums Plus 20 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gene Krupa Payin´ Them Dues Blues 03:18 2 Gene Krupa Litle Girl Blue 03:37 3 Gene Krupa I´m Comin´ Virginia 04:39 4 Gene Krupa Showcase 03:19 5 Gene Krupa Midget 03:33 6 Gene Krupa Jungle Drums 03:17 7 Gene Krupa Don´t Take Your Love From Me 04:37 8 Gene Krupa Imagination 04:48 9 Gene Krupa Coronation Hop 02:54 10 Gene Krupa Capital Idea 03:20 11 Gene Krupa Paradise 03:42 12 Gene Krupa St. Louis Blues 07:37 13 Gene Krupa Ballad Medley (1954) 11:40 14 Gene Krupa Who´s Rhythm (1954) 03:59 15 Gene Krupa Perdido 03:06 16 Gene Krupa Stardust 03:46 17 Gene Krupa Please Don´t Talk About Me When I´m Gone 03:36 18 Gene Krupa Drum Boogie 07:35 19 Gene Krupa The Moon Over The Ruined Castle 03:50 20 Gene Krupa How High The Moon 03:11
Gene Krupa View in Albunack I Love You Too Much 16 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gene Krupa Tuxedo Junction 03:05 2 Gene Krupa I Love You Too Much 03:00 3 Gene Krupa Moments In The Moonlight 02:44 4 Gene Krupa Chop, Chop, Charlie Chan 02:56 5 Gene Krupa Manhatten Transfer 03:26 6 Gene Krupa He's Gone 02:36 Has Mbid 7 Gene Krupa Maybe 02:51 8 Gene Krupa Blueberry Hill 02:55 9 Gene Krupa So Long 02:54 10 Gene Krupa My Wonderful One, Let's Dance 02:39 11 Gene Krupa Say Si Si 02:53 12 Gene Krupa Feelin' Fancy 02:59 13 Gene Krupa Orchids For Remembrance 02:47 14 Gene Krupa Love In My Heart 02:50 15 Gene Krupa All This And Heaven Too 03:05 16 Gene Krupa When The Swallows Come Back To Capistrano 02:51
Gene Krupa View in Albunack Jazz Masters - 100 Years Of Swing 16 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gene Krupa Autumn Serenade 04:04 2 Gene Krupa G-Bop 02:54 3 Gene Krupa Bolero at the Savoy 03:01 4 Gene Krupa I should have kept on dreaming 03:11 5 Gene Krupa I surrender dear 03:08 6 Gene Krupa Gene's Boogie 00:00 7 Gene Krupa Limehouse blues 02:26 8 Gene Krupa Lemon drop 03:31 9 Gene Krupa Hop skip & jump 03:56 10 Gene Krupa Disc jockey 03:13 11 Gene Krupa After you've gone 03:27 12 Gene Krupa I hear you screaming 02:26 13 Gene Krupa How high the moon 02:59 14 Gene Krupa To be or not to be-bop 03:12 15 Gene Krupa We'll gather lilacs 03:53 16 Gene Krupa These foolish things 03:43
Gene Krupa View in Albunack Members Edition 18 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gene Krupa Begin The Beguine 02:48 2 Gene Krupa Autumn Serenade 03:59 3 Gene Krupa Bolero At The Savoy 03:06 4 Gene Krupa I Surrender Dear 03:13 5 Gene Krupa That Feeling In The Moonlight 03:14 6 Gene Krupa Limehouse Blues 02:23 7 Gene Krupa Leave Us Leap 04:22 8 Gene Krupa Hop Skip And Jump 00:00 9 Gene Krupa We'll Gather Lilacs 03:57 10 Gene Krupa These Foolish Things 03:39 11 Gene Krupa Just A Little Fond Affection 03:28 12 Gene Krupa Out Of Nowhere 03:02 13 Gene Krupa I Hear You Screaming 02:26 14 Gene Krupa The Man I Love 03:53 15 Gene Krupa How High The Moon 02:57 16 Gene Krupa Everybody Knew But Me 03:38 17 Gene Krupa Tea For Tea 01:51 18 Gene Krupa Bird House 03:02
Gene Krupa View in Albunack Mulligan 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gene Krupa Mulligan Stew 04:01 2 Gene Krupa Begin The Beguine 03:49 3 Gene Krupa Disc Jockey Jump 03:09 4 Gene Krupa Yardbird Suite 05:39 5 Gene Krupa If You Were The Only Girl In The World 04:49 6 Gene Krupa The Way Of All Flesh 02:50 7 Gene Krupa Margie 03:15 8 Gene Krupa Sugar 02:44 9 Gene Krupa Birds Of A Feather 03:22 10 Gene Krupa Sometimes I'm Happy 03:37 11 Gene Krupa Bird House 03:03 12 Gene Krupa How High The Moon 03:16
Gene Krupa View in Albunack Percussion King / Burnin' Beat 18 3 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gene Krupa The Galloping Comedians 04:01 2 Gene Krupa American Bolero 04:34 3 Gene Krupa Espana Cani 02:33 4 Gene Krupa Sabre Dance 04:24 5 Gene Krupa Meadowland 02:45 6 Gene Krupa Valse Triste 04:11 7 Gene Krupa Arab Dance 02:58 8 Gene Krupa Ritual Fire Dance 04:10 9 Gene Krupa March 04:01 10 Gene Krupa Poet And Peasant Overture 03:32 Has Mbid 11 Gene Krupa Jumpin' at the Woodside 02:27 Has Mbid 12 Gene Krupa It Don't Mean a Thing 02:39 Has Mbid 13 Gene Krupa Duet 04:36 14 Gene Krupa Night Train 03:22 15 Gene Krupa King Porter Stomp 03:21 16 Gene Krupa Perdido 02:29 17 Gene Krupa Evolution 08:14 18 Gene Krupa Hawaiian War Chant 05:22
Gene Krupa View in Albunack Skin Vs Skin 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gene Krupa Drum Boogie 08:38 2 Gene Krupa Flying Home 05:57 3 Gene Krupa Perdido 04:30 4 Gene Krupa The Drum Battle 03:30 5 Gene Krupa Idaho 06:49 6 Gene Krupa Sophisticated Lady 04:37
Gene Krupa View in Albunack The Jazz Masters - 100 Anos de Jazz 16 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gene Krupa Autumn Serenade 04:06 2 Gene Krupa G-Bop 02:54 3 Gene Krupa Bolero at the Savoy 03:01 4 Gene Krupa I should have kept on dreaming 03:11 5 Gene Krupa I surrender dear 03:08 6 Gene Krupa Gene's Boogie 00:00 7 Gene Krupa Limehouse blues 02:26 8 Gene Krupa Lemon drop 03:31 9 Gene Krupa Hop skip & jump 00:00 10 Gene Krupa Disc jockey 03:13 11 Gene Krupa After you've gone 03:28 12 Gene Krupa I hear you screaming 02:29 13 Gene Krupa How high the moon 02:53 14 Gene Krupa To be or not to be-bop 03:12 15 Gene Krupa We'll gather lilacs 03:53 16 Gene Krupa These foolish things 03:39
Gene Krupa and His Orchestra View in Albunack Sweetheart of Song - Live at the Palladium 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gene Krupa and His Orchestra Linger Awhile 04:43 2 Gene Krupa and His Orchestra Invitation to the Blues 03:42 3 Gene Krupa and His Orchestra Moontide 04:21 4 Gene Krupa and His Orchestra Gypsy Mood 02:30 5 Gene Krupa and His Orchestra I'll Remember Suzanne 03:50 6 Gene Krupa and His Orchestra The Big Do 04:06 7 Gene Krupa and His Orchestra I'll Walk Alone 03:13 8 Gene Krupa and His Orchestra Stompin' at the Savoy 03:32
Gene Pitney View in Albunack Gene ITALIANO 28 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gene Pitney Quando vedrai la mia ragazza 02:54 2 Gene Pitney Lei mi aspetta 03:08 3 Gene Pitney Amici miei 02:59 4 Gene Pitney I tuoi anni più belli 03:14 5 Gene Pitney A poche ore da te 02:59 6 Gene Pitney Città spietata 02:53 7 Gene Pitney Un soldino 02:28 8 Gene Pitney Ritorna 02:47 9 Gene Pitney Resta sempre accanto a me 02:28 Has Mbid 10 Gene Pitney E se domani 02:46 11 Gene Pitney Che sarà di me 02:13 12 Gene Pitney E quando viene la notte 02:56 13 Gene Pitney Non lasciamoci 02:53 14 Gene Pitney Foglie morte 02:37 15 Gene Pitney Vorrei capire perchè 02:16 16 Gene Pitney Nessuno mi può giudicare 02:51 17 Gene Pitney Le ragazze come te 03:06 18 Gene Pitney Sarò forte 02:17 19 Gene Pitney Mecca 02:23 20 Gene Pitney Qiero Amor 01:58 21 Gene Pitney Me Voy Para El Campo 02:56 22 Gene Pitney Lacrimas Y Mas Suffrir 02:22 23 Gene Pitney Blue Gene 02:10 24 Gene Pitney Keep Tellin' Yourself 02:22 25 Gene Pitney Aladdin's Lamp 02:38 26 Gene Pitney Dream For Sale 02:45 27 Gene Pitney That Girl Belongs To Yesterday 02:56 28 Gene Pitney The Boss's Daughter 03:02
Gene Pitney View in Albunack Gene Italiano 28 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gene Pitney Quando vedrai la mia ragazza 02:54 2 Gene Pitney Lei mi aspetta 03:08 3 Gene Pitney Amici miei 02:59 4 Gene Pitney I tuoi anni più belli 03:14 5 Gene Pitney A poche ore da te 02:59 6 Gene Pitney Città spietata 02:53 7 Gene Pitney Un soldino 02:28 8 Gene Pitney Ritorna 02:47 9 Gene Pitney Resta sempre accanto a me 02:28 Has Mbid 10 Gene Pitney E se domani 02:46 11 Gene Pitney Che sarà di me 02:13 12 Gene Pitney E quando viene la notte 02:56 13 Gene Pitney Non lasciamoci 02:53 14 Gene Pitney Foglie morte 02:37 15 Gene Pitney Vorrei capire perchè 02:16 16 Gene Pitney Nessuno mi può giudicare 02:52 17 Gene Pitney Le ragazze come te 03:06 18 Gene Pitney Sarò forte 02:17 19 Gene Pitney Mecca 02:23 20 Gene Pitney Qiero Amor 01:58 21 Gene Pitney Me Voy Para El Campo 02:56 22 Gene Pitney Lacrimas Y Mas Suffrir 02:22 23 Gene Pitney Blue Gene 02:10 24 Gene Pitney Keep Tellin' Yourself 02:22 25 Gene Pitney Aladdin's Lamp 02:38 26 Gene Pitney Dream For Sale 02:45 27 Gene Pitney That Girl Belongs To Yesterday 02:56 28 Gene Pitney The Boss's Daughter 03:02
Gene Pitney View in Albunack Gene Pitney Singles A's & B's 7 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 It`s Over It`s Over (Medley) 03:27 2 Gene Pitney Walkin` In The Sun 03:02 3 Gene Pitney We Wrote The Show 03:27 4 Gene Pitney Dedication 03:21 5 Gene Pitney Love On Our Hands 03:22 6 Gene Pitney Sandman 03:31 Has Mbid 7 Gene Pitney Something`s Gotten Hold Of My Heart 03:35
Gene Pitney View in Albunack Golden Greats-This Is Gene Pitney 25 3 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gene Pitney Bus Stop 03:12 2 Gene Pitney Stop! In the Name of Love 02:51 3 Gene Pitney Cara Mia 02:36 4 Gene Pitney Baby I Need Your Loving 02:35 Has Mbid 5 Gene Pitney A Groovy Kind of Love 02:08 6 Gene Pitney Green, Green Grass of Home 02:42 7 Gene Pitney Count Me In 02:23 8 Gene Pitney You've Lost That Lovin' Feelin' 03:24 9 Gene Pitney Time Won't Let Me 02:32 Has Mbid 10 Gene Pitney Crying 02:27 11 Gene Pitney Mission Bell 02:32 12 Gene Pitney The Great Pretender 03:23 13 Gene Pitney Twilight Time 02:42 14 Gene Pitney Harbor Lights 03:05 15 Gene Pitney I'm Sorry 02:57 16 Gene Pitney The Magic Touch 02:42 Has Mbid 17 Gene Pitney My Prayer 03:23 18 Gene Pitney Smoke Gets in Your Eyes 02:31 19 Gene Pitney Heaven on Earth 02:40 20 Gene Pitney Only You (And You Alone) 02:46 21 Gene Pitney One in a Million 02:18 22 Gene Pitney Baby You're My Kind of Woman 02:51 23 Gene Pitney Beautiful Sounds 02:30 24 Gene Pitney I Just Can't Help Myself 03:15 25 Gene Pitney Rainmaker Girl 02:49
Gene Pitney View in Albunack It Hurts To Be In Love & Looking Through The Eyes Of Love 24 3 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gene Pitney Looking Through The Eyes Of Love (Mann-Weil) 03:17 2 Gene Pitney Maria (Bernstein-Sondheim) 03:04 3 Gene Pitney Close In My Heart (Geld-Udell) 02:31 4 Gene Pitney More (Oliviero-Ortolani-Newell) 02:19 5 Gene Pitney On The Street Where You Live (Lerner-Loewe) 02:36 6 Gene Pitney All The Way (Cahn-Van Heusen) 03:14 7 Gene Pitney Tonight (Bernstein-Sondheim) 02:27 8 Gene Pitney Misty (Burke-Garner-Kendall) 02:49 Has Mbid 9 Gene Pitney Unchained Melody (North-Zarat) 03:24 10 Gene Pitney Rags To Riches (Adler-Ross) 02:04 11 Gene Pitney Anywhere I Wander (Loesser) 04:28 12 Gene Pitney As Long As She Needs Me Bart) 02:55 Has Mbid 13 Gene Pitney I'm Gonna Be Strong (Mann-weil) 02:16 14 Gene Pitney Walk (Greenfield-Miller) 02:20 15 Gene Pitney I Love You More Today (McCoy) 02:19 16 Gene Pitney Who Needs It (Conrad-Beadle) 02:09 17 Gene Pitney Follow The Sun (Geld-Udell) 02:29 18 Gene Pitney Lips Are Redder On You (J.Meek) 02:19 Has Mbid 19 Gene Pitney It Hurts To Be In Love (Greenfield-Miller) 02:32 20 Gene Pitney The Last Two People On Earth (Brass-Kooper-Levine) 02:52 21 Gene Pitney That Girl Belongs To Yesterday (jagger-Richards) 02:51 22 Gene Pitney E Se Domani (G.Calabrese-C.A.Rossi) 02:48 23 Gene Pitney Hawaii (Kooper-Levine-Brass) 02:07 24 Gene Pitney I'm Gonna Find Myself A Girl (Avon-Adams) 02:36
Gene Pitney View in Albunack Pitfield Recordings 6 2 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gene Pitney It's A Heartache 03:14 2 Gene Pitney When I Need You 03:32 Has Mbid 3 Gene Pitney Killing Me Softly 03:05 4 Gene Pitney Soon 02:56 5 Gene Pitney You're The Reason 04:24 Has Mbid 6 Gene Pitney She's A Rebel 02:15
Gene Vincent View in Albunack (Karma Sutra Records) 10 0 1970 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gene Vincent Sunshine 02:46 2 Gene Vincent I Need A Womans Love 02:08 3 Gene Vincent Slow Times Comin' 08:58 4 Gene Vincent Danse Colinda 02:13 5 Gene Vincent Geese 02:07 6 Gene Vincent 500 Miles 03:04 7 Gene Vincent Listen To The Music 02:08 8 Gene Vincent If Only You Could See Me Today 02:05 9 Gene Vincent A Million Shades Of Blue 02:14 10 Gene Vincent Tush Hog 07:17
Gene Vincent View in Albunack Gene Vincent Rocks & Blue Caps Roll 32 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gene Vincent Brand New Beat 02:31 2 Gene Vincent By the Light of the Silvery Moon 02:03 3 Gene Vincent You'll Never Walk Alone 02:35 4 Gene Vincent Frankie and Johnny 02:39 5 Gene Vincent In My Dreams 02:39 6 Gene Vincent Flea Brain 02:05 7 Gene Vincent Rollin' Danny 02:08 8 Gene Vincent You Belong to Me 02:28 9 Gene Vincent Your Cheatin' Heart 02:11 10 Gene Vincent Time Will Bring You Everything 02:15 11 Gene Vincent Should I Ever Love Again 02:47 12 Gene Vincent It's No Lie 02:01 13 Gene Vincent Five Feet of Lovin' 02:12 14 Gene Vincent The Wayward Wind 02:44 15 Gene Vincent Somebody Help Me 02:11 16 Gene Vincent Keep It a Secret 02:05 17 Gene Vincent Hey Good Lookin' 02:31 18 Gene Vincent Git It 02:25 19 Gene Vincent Teenage Partner 02:18 20 Gene Vincent Peace of Mind 02:25 21 Gene Vincent Look What You Gone and Done to Me 02:05 22 Gene Vincent Summertime 02:51 23 Gene Vincent I Can't Help It 02:50 24 Gene Vincent I Love You 01:50 25 Gene Vincent Five Days, Five Days (Bonus Track) 02:37 26 Gene Vincent Lotta Lovin' (Bonus Track) 02:08 27 Gene Vincent Wear My Ring (Bonus Track) 02:37 28 Gene Vincent Dance to the Bop (Bonus Track) 02:15 29 Gene Vincent Be-bop Boogie Boy (Bonus Track) 01:49 30 Gene Vincent Walkin' Home from School (Bonus Track) 02:36 Has Mbid 31 Gene Vincent I Gotta Baby (Bonus Track) 02:16 32 Gene Vincent Baby Blue (Bonus Track) 02:29
Gene Vincent View in Albunack Gene Vincent Story Vol. 6 - A Tribute To My Best Friend 16 1 1974 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gene Vincent Beautiful Brown Eyes 03:01 2 Gene Vincent Teenage Partner 02:09 3 Gene Vincent Five Feet Of Loving 02:03 4 Gene Vincent Important Words 02:16 5 Gene Vincent Spaceship To Mars 02:01 6 Gene Vincent If You Want My Loving 01:55 7 Gene Vincent Walking Home from School 02:32 8 Gene Vincent Who Is Pushing Your Swing 02:04 9 Gene Vincent Held For Questioning 02:10 10 Gene Vincent You Are Still In My Heart 02:34 11 Gene Vincent I'm Going Home (To See My Baby) 02:35 12 Gene Vincent Be Bop Boogie Boy 01:45 13 Gene Vincent Right Now 02:09 14 Gene Vincent Wild Cat 02:21 15 Gene Vincent Mr Loneliness 01:51 Has Mbid 16 Gene Vincent Be Bop A Lula 62 02:09
Gene Vincent View in Albunack Gene Vincent Story Vol. 7 et 8 32 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gene Vincent Your Cheating Heart 02:09 2 Gene Vincent Hey Good Looking 02:29 3 Gene Vincent Lonesome Boy 02:05 4 Gene Vincent High Blood Pressure 02:45 5 Gene Vincent Gone, Gone, Gone 02:05 6 Gene Vincent Right Here On Earth 02:28 7 Gene Vincent Everybody's Got A Date But Me 02:05 8 Gene Vincent Weeping Willow 02:37 9 Gene Vincent Crazy Beat 02:01 10 Gene Vincent I Am Gonna Catch Me A Rat 02:04 11 Gene Vincent It's Been Nice 01:54 12 Gene Vincent That's The Trouble With Love 02:09 13 Gene Vincent Good Loving 02:02 14 Gene Vincent Teardrops 02:27 15 Gene Vincent Baby Don't Believe Him 02:15 16 Gene Vincent Lucky Star 02:13 17 Gene Vincent Crazy Legs 02:08 18 Gene Vincent Hold Me, Hug Me, Rock Me 02:14 19 Gene Vincent Cruising 02:12 20 Gene Vincent I Got It 02:05 21 Gene Vincent Yes I Love You Baby 02:04 22 Gene Vincent Summertime 02:53 23 Gene Vincent Rip It Up 02:00 24 Gene Vincent Anna - Annabelle 01:37 25 Gene Vincent Waltz Of The Wind 02:39 26 Gene Vincent Wear My Ring 02:34 27 Gene Vincent You Belong To Me 02:25 28 Gene Vincent Keep It A Secret 02:03 29 Gene Vincent You Will Never Walk Alone 02:34 30 Gene Vincent Peace Of Mind 02:23 31 Gene Vincent The Wayward Wind 02:42 32 Gene Vincent The Night Is So Lonely 02:28
Gene Vincent View in Albunack Race with the Devil 16 0 2005 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gene Vincent Be Bop a Lula 02:32 2 Gene Vincent Blue Jean Bop 02:23 3 Gene Vincent Woman Love 02:29 4 Gene Vincent Race with the Devil 02:01 5 Gene Vincent Who Slapped John? 01:53 6 Gene Vincent Jezebel 02:20 7 Gene Vincent Ain't She Sweet? 02:25 8 Gene Vincent I Flipped 02:21 9 Gene Vincent Waltz on the Wind 02:38 10 Gene Vincent Jump Back Honey 01:57 11 Gene Vincent Wedding Bells Are Breaking Up That Old Gang of Mine 02:27 12 Gene Vincent Jumps, Giggles and Shouts 02:46 13 Gene Vincent Up a Lazy River 02:17 14 Gene Vincent Bop Street 02:20 15 Gene Vincent Peg O' My Heart 02:31 16 Gene Vincent Gonna Back Up Baby 02:23
Gene Vincent View in Albunack Rebel Heart Box (5) 25 0 2000 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gene Vincent Rocky Road Blues 01:59 2 Gene Vincent Frankie And Johnny 02:31 3 Gene Vincent Wild Cat 02:05 4 Gene Vincent Right Here on Earth 02:21 5 Gene Vincent Be-Bop-a-Lula 03:03 6 Gene Vincent Bluejean Bop 02:21 7 Gene Vincent Rocky Road Blues 01:28 8 Gene Vincent Be-Bop-a-Lula 04:20 9 Gene Vincent If You Want My Lovin' 02:06 10 Gene Vincent Mister Loneliness 01:54 11 Gene Vincent Rocky Road Blues 02:01 12 Gene Vincent Summertime 02:28 13 Gene Vincent I'm Going Home (to See My Baby 02:36 14 Gene Vincent Tutti Frutti 01:45 15 Gene Vincent Crazy Beat 02:56 16 Gene Vincent Rip it Up 01:30 17 Gene Vincent Frankie And Johnny 02:21 18 Gene Vincent Crazy Beat 02:10 19 Gene Vincent Another Saturday Night 02:09 20 Gene Vincent I'm Gonna Catch Me a Rat 02:18 21 Gene Vincent Long Tall Sally 01:59 22 Gene Vincent Susie-Q 02:11 23 Gene Vincent Good Golly Miss Molly 01:33 24 Gene Vincent She She Little Sheila 02:39 25 Gene Vincent Roll Over Beethoven 01:29
Gene Vincent View in Albunack Rebel Heart Box (6) 19 1 2000 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gene Vincent Good Golly Miss Molly 01:44 2 Gene Vincent Lonesome Whistle 02:04 3 Gene Vincent Be-Bop-a-Lula 02:47 4 Gene Vincent Interview 01:28 5 Gene Vincent Baby Blue 01:37 6 Gene Vincent Be-Bop-a-Lula 02:51 7 Gene Vincent Long Tall Sally 02:09 8 Gene Vincent I Could Never Leave You 02:31 9 Gene Vincent Alone in This World 02:10 10 Gene Vincent Pain And Heartache 02:15 11 Gene Vincent You're My Bright Day 02:03 12 Gene Vincent Feelings of You 02:41 Has Mbid 13 Gene Vincent Whole Lotta Shakin' Going on 02:46 14 Gene Vincent Say Mama 02:23 15 Gene Vincent Rocky Road Blues 02:36 16 Gene Vincent Baby Blue 04:41 17 Gene Vincent The Last Interview 27:36 18 Gene Vincent Say Mama 02:05 19 Gene Vincent Lotta Lovin' 02:06
Gene Vincent View in Albunack Rebel Heart Box (7) 20 0 2000 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gene Vincent Born To Be A Rollin' Stone 02:42 2 Gene Vincent Poor Mans Prison 03:51 3 Gene Vincent Love Is a Bird 02:41 4 Gene Vincent Hi Lily Hi Lo 02:48 5 Gene Vincent Hurtin For You Baby 02:45 6 Gene Vincent Aint That Too Much 03:04 7 Gene Vincent Lonely Street 02:16 8 Gene Vincent Interview 05:04 9 Gene Vincent Bird Doggin 02:40 10 Gene Vincent Say Mama 01:59 11 Gene Vincent Long Tall Sally 02:00 12 Gene Vincent I'm Goin' Home 03:10 13 Gene Vincent Hi Lily Hi Lo 02:17 14 Gene Vincent Born to Be a Rollin Stone 02:16 15 Gene Vincent Good Golly Miss Molly 02:18 16 Gene Vincent Rocky Road Blues 01:40 17 Gene Vincent Baby Blues 03:07 18 Gene Vincent Be-Bop-a Lula 04:36 19 Gene Vincent Tutti Frutti 02:26 20 Gene Vincent Be-Bop-a Lula 03:13
Gene Vincent View in Albunack Wild Cat (1990 CeDe 66124) 16 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gene Vincent Wear My Ring 02:34 Has Mbid 2 Gene Vincent You Belong To Me 02:30 3 Gene Vincent Gonna Back Up Baby 02:25 4 Gene Vincent Woman Love 02:33 5 Gene Vincent I Got A Baby 02:17 6 Gene Vincent Little Lover 01:59 7 Gene Vincent Wild Cat 02:22 8 Gene Vincent Right Here On Earth 02:28 9 Gene Vincent Brand New Beat 02:31 10 Gene Vincent Unchained Melody 02:41 11 Gene Vincent My Heart 02:30 12 Gene Vincent You'll Never Walk Alone 02:39 13 Gene Vincent Rollin' Danny 02:06 14 Gene Vincent By The Light Of The Silvery Moon 02:03 15 Gene Vincent In My Dreams 02:39 16 Gene Vincent Flea Brain 02:04
Search Genesis (1972) Foxtrot [Digitally Remastered 2007] 6 3 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 Genesis Watcher Of The Skies 07:23 2 Genesis Time Table 04:48 3 Genesis Get 'em Out By Friday 08:36 Has Mbid 4 Genesis Can-Utility And The Coastliners 05:43 5 Genesis Horizons 01:41 Has Mbid 6 Genesis Supper's Ready 23:05
Search Genesis (1972) Foxtrot [Digitally Remastered 2008] 6 3 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 Genesis Watcher Of The Skies 07:23 2 Genesis Time Table 04:39 3 Genesis Get 'em Out By Friday 08:35 Has Mbid 4 Genesis Can-Utility And The Coastliners 05:43 5 Genesis Horizons 01:41 Has Mbid 6 Genesis Supper's Ready 23:05
Search Genesis 11/18/72 Imperial College, London 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Watcher Of The Skies 11:43 2 Genesis The Musical Box 11:36 3 Genesis Get'em Out By Friday 08:58 4 Genesis Supper's Ready 24:28 5 Genesis The Return Of The Giant Hogweed 09:19 6 Genesis The Knife 08:53
Search Genesis 18 Million Dollars To Dance - Live USA '92 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis No Son Of Mine 07:05 2 Genesis The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway 04:26 3 Genesis Jesus He Knows Me 05:14 4 Genesis Invisible Touch 05:32 5 Genesis Driving The Last Spike 10:14 6 Genesis Tonight, Tonight, Tonight 08:57 7 Genesis I Can't Dance 06:41 8 Genesis Land Of Confusion 04:58 9 Genesis Hold On My Heart 06:03 10 Genesis Home By The Sea 05:23 11 Genesis Second Home By The Sea 06:24
Search Genesis 18 Million Ways To Dance - live Bootleg 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis No Son Of Mine 07:10 2 Genesis The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway 04:31 3 Genesis Jesus He Knows Me 05:14 4 Genesis Invisible Touch 05:32 5 Genesis Driving The Last Spike 10:15 6 Genesis Tonight, Tonight, Tonight 09:02 7 Genesis I Can't Dance 06:46 8 Genesis Land Of Confusion 04:58 9 Genesis Hold On My Heart 06:03 10 Genesis Home By The Sea 05:23 11 Genesis Second Home By The Sea 06:25
Search Genesis 1970 - 1975 / Foxtrot 6 3 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 Genesis Watcher of the Skies 00:00 2 Genesis Time Table 04:41 3 Genesis Get 'em out by Friday 08:36 Has Mbid 4 Genesis Can-Utility and Coastliners 05:43 5 Genesis Horizons 01:41 Has Mbid 6 Genesis Supper's Ready 23:05
Search Genesis 1972 - Foxtrot 6 3 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 Genesis Watcher Of The Skies 07:23 2 Genesis Time Table 04:46 3 Genesis Get 'em Out By Friday 08:34 Has Mbid 4 Genesis Can-Utility And The Coastliners 05:46 5 Genesis Horizons 01:41 Has Mbid 6 Genesis Supper's Ready 23:05
Search Genesis 1972 - Foxtrot (2008) 6 3 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 Genesis Watcher Of The Skies 07:23 2 Genesis Time Table 04:41 3 Genesis Get 'Em Out By Friday 08:36 Has Mbid 4 Genesis Can-Utility And The Coastliners 05:46 5 Genesis Horizons 01:41 Has Mbid 6 Genesis Supper's Ready 00:00
Search Genesis 1976 - In The Beginning 18 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis The Carpet Crawlers (Demo Take 1) 06:07 2 Genesis The Carpet Crawlers (Demo Take 2) 05:32 3 Genesis The Carpet Crawlers (Demo Take 3 05:08 4 Genesis I Know What I Like (Long Intro) 02:46 5 Genesis The Waiting Room (Demo Take 1) 03:56 6 Genesis The Waiting Room (Studio Take 1) 01:50 7 Genesis The Waiting Room (Studio Take 2) 02:25 8 Genesis The Waiting Room (Sound Effects) 04:50 9 Genesis Lilywhite Lilith (Demo) 02:44 10 Genesis The Waiting Room (Demo Take 2) 05:13 11 Genesis Anyway (Demo) 03:17 12 Genesis Here Comes The Supernatural Anaesthetist (Demo) 02:43 Has Mbid 13 Genesis The Lamia (Demo) 06:54 14 Genesis Riding The Scree (Demo) 04:13 15 Genesis Silver Song (Demo) 04:13 16 Genesis The Cinema Show (Studio Take) 03:06 17 Genesis Let Us Now Make Loce (BBC Night Ride) 02:10 18 Genesis Mary Mary (Acetate 1967, probably not Genesis) 05:59
Search Genesis 1976 - In The Beginning Vol. 4 36 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Happy The Man (Demo) 02:47 2 Genesis Silver Song (Demo) 04:13 3 Genesis Only Your Love (Demo) 02:58 4 Genesis Studio Improvisation 1 05:59 5 Genesis Studio Improvisation 2 00:20 6 Genesis The Battle Of Epping Forest (Making Of 1) 02:39 7 Genesis The Battle Of Epping Forest (Making Of 2) 02:53 8 Genesis The Battle Of Epping Forest (Making Of 3) 05:35 9 Genesis The Battle Of Epping Forest (Making Of 4) 06:22 10 Genesis The Battle Of Epping Forest (Making Of 5) 03:07 11 Genesis The Battle Of Epping Forest (Making Of 6) 04:17 12 Genesis The Battle Of Epping Forest (Making Of 7) 00:56 13 Genesis The Battle Of Epping Forest (Making Of 8) 01:51 14 Genesis The Battle Of Epping Forest (Making Of 9) 01:06 15 Genesis The Battle Of Epping Forest (Making Of 10) 01:31 16 Genesis The Battle Of Epping Forest (Making Of 11) 01:55 17 Genesis The Battle Of Epping Forest (Making Of 12) 00:33 18 Genesis The Battle Of Epping Forest (Making Of 13) 01:05 19 Genesis The Battle Of Epping Forest (Making Of 14) 00:50 20 Genesis The Battle Of Epping Forest (Making Of 15) 01:25 21 Genesis The Battle Of Epping Forest (Making Of 16) 01:39 22 Genesis The Battle Of Epping Forest (Making Of 17) 00:44 23 Genesis The Battle Of Epping Forest (Making Of 18) 01:12 24 Genesis Studio Improvisation 3 00:35 25 Genesis The Cinema Show (Take 1) 00:33 26 Genesis The Cinema Show (Take 2) 01:15 27 Genesis The Cinema Show (Take 3) 01:19 28 Genesis The Cinema Show (Take 4) 01:52 29 Genesis Dancing With The Moonlit Knight (Take 1) 00:56 30 Genesis Dancing With The Moonlit Knight (Take 2) 00:20 31 Genesis Dancing With The Moonlit Knight (Take 3) 00:30 32 Genesis The Last Time 01:00 33 Genesis You Really Got Me 00:45 34 Genesis I Know What I Like (Take 1) 03:25 35 Genesis I Know What I Like (Take 2) 04:06 36 Genesis The Colony Of Slippermen 00:30
Search Genesis 1976 - In The Beginning Vol. 5 23 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Phil Collins Drum Solo 08:02 2 Genesis Firth Of Fitth (Take 1) 04:50 3 Genesis Firth Of Fitth (Take 2) 04:56 4 Genesis The Cinema Show (Rehearsal Take 1) 00:52 5 Genesis Aftzer The Ordeal (Fast Electric Version) 04:20 6 Genesis Dancing With The Moonlit Knight (Take 1) 01:50 7 Genesis Dancing With The Moonlit Knight (Take 2) 02:16 8 Genesis Dancing With The Moonlit Knight (Take 3) 03:19 9 Genesis Dancing With The Moonlit Knight (Take 4) 01:45 10 Genesis Dancing With The Moonlit Knight (Take 5) 02:28 11 Genesis The Battle Of Epping Forest (Rehearsal 1) 01:32 12 Genesis The Battle Of Epping Forest (Rehearsal 2) 05:46 13 Genesis The Battle Of Epping Forest (Rehearsal 3) 07:43 14 Genesis The Battle Of Epping Forest (Rehearsal 4) 00:37 15 Genesis The Battle Of Epping Forest (Rehearsal 5) 03:21 16 Genesis The Battle Of Epping Forest (Rehearsal 6) 00:31 17 Genesis The Battle Of Epping Forest (Rehearsal 7) 00:53 18 Genesis The Battle Of Epping Forest (Rehearsal 8) 01:02 19 Genesis The Battle Of Epping Forest (Rehearsal 9) 01:59 20 Genesis The Battle Of Epping Forest (Rehearsal 10) 02:21 21 Genesis The Cinema Show (Rehearsal Take 2) 01:08 22 Genesis The Light (Live At La Ferme 1971) 10:04 23 Genesis Going Out To Get You (Live) 03:34
Search Genesis 2007-06-07 LTU Arena, Dusseldorf, GER 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Duke's Intro (Behind The Lines) 03:32 2 Genesis Turn It On Again 06:46 3 Genesis No Son Of Mine 07:03 4 Genesis Land Of Confusion 05:58 5 Genesis In The Cage/Cinema Show/Duke's Travels /Afterglow 18:06 6 Genesis Hold On My Heart 07:53 7 Genesis Home By The Sea 12:15 8 Genesis Follow You, Follow Me 04:22 9 Genesis Firth Of Fifth/I Know What I Like (In Your Wardrobe) 12:58
Search Genesis 2007-06-20 Metro Ceskomoravska, Prague, CZ 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Mama 08:25 2 Genesis Ripples 07:58 3 Genesis Throwing It All Away 09:06 4 Genesis Domino 11:58 5 Genesis In The Cage / Cinema Show / Duke's Travels / Afterglow 18:06 6 Genesis Los Endos 06:16 7 Genesis Home By The Sea 12:16 8 Genesis Invisible Touch 07:07 9 Genesis Firth Of Fifth / I Know What I Like (In Your Wardrobe) 12:37 10 Genesis Carpet Crawlers 06:51
Search Genesis 2007-06-21 Stadion Slaski, Katowice, PL 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Mama 07:39 2 Genesis Turn It On Again 06:43 3 Genesis No Son Of Mine 07:15 4 Genesis Domino 11:57 5 Genesis In The Cage - Cinema Show - Duke's Travels - Afterglow 18:18 6 Genesis Hold On My Heart 07:09 7 Genesis Home By The Sea 12:20 8 Genesis Follow You, Follow Me 04:20 9 Genesis Firth Of Fifth - I Know What I Like (In Your Wardrobe) 12:57 10 Genesis Carpet Crawlers 06:37
Search Genesis 2007-06-27 LTU Arena, Dusseldorf, GER 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Mama 08:06 2 Genesis Ripples 07:56 3 Genesis Throwing It All Away 09:11 4 Genesis Domino 11:49 5 Genesis Drum Duet 06:12 6 Genesis Los Endos 06:27 7 Genesis Tonight, Tonight, Tonight 03:36 8 Genesis Invisible Touch 07:04 9 Genesis I Can't Dance 08:32 10 Genesis Carpet Crawlers 06:38
Search Genesis 2007-09-22 Nationwide Arena, Columbus, OH 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Duke's Intro 03:39 2 Genesis Ripples 07:49 3 Genesis Throwing It All Away 08:51 4 Genesis Land Of Confusion 06:16 5 Genesis In the Cage > Cinema Show > Duke's Travels > Afterglow 18:07 6 Genesis Hold On My Heart 08:12 7 Genesis Tonight, Tonight, Tonight 03:36 8 Genesis Invisible Touch 07:03 9 Genesis I Can't Dance 07:58 10 Genesis Carpet Crawlers 06:34
Search Genesis 2007-09-23 Verizon Center, Washington DC 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Mama 07:51 2 Genesis Ripples 07:53 3 Genesis No Son of Mine 07:01 4 Genesis Domino 11:50 5 Genesis In the Cage / Cinema Show / Duke's Travels / Afterglow 18:03 6 Genesis Los Endos 06:31 7 Genesis Home By the Sea 12:21 8 Genesis Invisible Touch 07:03 9 Genesis Firth of Fifth / I Know What I Like (In Your Wardrobe) 13:00 10 Genesis Carpet Crawlers 06:32
Search Genesis 2007-09-27 Giants Stadium, East Rutherford, NJ 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Duke's Intro (Behind The Lines) 03:42 2 Genesis Ripples 07:49 3 Genesis Throwing It All Away 09:01 4 Genesis Domino 11:47 5 Genesis Drum Duet 06:33 6 Genesis Los Endos 06:24 7 Genesis Home By The Sea 12:14 8 Genesis Follow You, Follow Me 04:17 9 Genesis I Can't Dance 07:50 10 Genesis Carpet Crawlers 06:37
Search Genesis 760415 Cleveland 6 2 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Firth of fifth 10:10 2 Genesis Supper´s ready 23:19 Has Mbid 3 Genesis I know what I like 06:13 Has Mbid 4 Genesis Los endos 07:13 5 Genesis It 03:28 6 Genesis Watcher of the skies 02:14
Search Genesis Abacab [1993 24K Gold Remaster] 9 0 1981 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Abacab 07:04 2 Genesis No Reply at All 04:40 3 Genesis Me and Sarah Jane 06:03 4 Genesis Keep It Dark 04:35 5 Genesis Dodo/Lurker 07:31 6 Genesis Who Dunnit? 03:24 7 Genesis Man on the Corner 04:27 8 Genesis Like It or Not 04:59 9 Genesis Another Record 04:33
Search Genesis All The Hits In Concert (bootleg) 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis In The Cage 07:37 2 Genesis In That Quiet Earth 04:13 3 Genesis Afterglow 04:20 4 Genesis Mama 07:22 5 Genesis Tonight, Tonight, Tonight 09:29 6 Genesis Burning Rope 07:29 7 Genesis Abacab 08:56 8 Genesis Man On The Corner 03:51 9 Genesis Turn It On Again 04:55 10 Genesis Illegal Alien 05:29 11 Genesis Keep It Dark 04:51 12 Genesis It's Gonna Get Better 07:28
Search Genesis Amsterdam, NL 01•07•07 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Dukes’s Intro (Behind the Lines) 03:33 2 Genesis Ripples 07:57 3 Genesis Throwing It All Away 09:06 4 Genesis Domino 11:55 5 Genesis In the Cage / Cinema Show / Duke's Travels / Afterglow 18:01 6 Genesis Los Endos 06:20 7 Genesis Tonight, Tonight, Tonight 03:36 8 Genesis Follow You Follow Me 04:19 9 Genesis I Can’t Dance 07:49 10 Genesis Carpet Crawlers 06:34
Search Genesis Artistry in Rhythm 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Old Devil Moon 04:04 2 Genesis Girl Talk 04:27 3 Genesis Ruben's Blues 05:09 4 Genesis Walk Softly 04:25 5 Genesis Samba Siete 05:59 6 Genesis Interlude 04:32 7 Genesis A Little Minor Booze 05:48 8 Genesis Artistry in Rhythm 07:49
Search Genesis Astrodome 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Land of Confusion 05:37 2 Genesis No Son Of Mine 07:03 3 Genesis Driving the Last Spike 11:26 4 Genesis Medley: 20:53 5 Genesis Dreaming While You Sleep 08:45 6 Genesis Fading Lights 12:34 7 Genesis Jesus He Knows 05:20
Search Genesis Astrodome (2) 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Home By The Sea 05:20 2 Genesis Second Home By The Sea 06:48 3 Genesis Hold On My Heart 05:09 4 Genesis Mama 08:26 5 Genesis Domino 11:26 6 Genesis I Can't Dance 07:23 7 Genesis Tonight, Tonight, Tonight 03:36 8 Genesis Invisible Touch 05:41 9 Genesis Throwing It All Away 06:19 10 Genesis Turn It On Again 06:44
Search Genesis Before Riches 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Squonk 06:54 2 Genesis One For The Vine 11:28 3 Genesis Dance On A Volcano 04:53 4 Genesis Los Endos 06:02 5 Genesis The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway 04:44 6 Genesis The Carpet Crawlers 05:20 7 Genesis The Knife 03:53 8 Genesis Afterglow 04:35 9 Genesis I Know What I Like (in your wardrobe) 09:13
Search Genesis Birmingham Hippodrome May 2, 1975 15 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Anyway 03:38 2 Genesis The Supernatural Anaesthetist 04:08 3 Genesis The Lamia 07:08 4 Genesis Silent Sorrow In Empty Boats 03:31 5 Genesis In the Cage 08:05 6 Genesis Ravine 01:41 7 Genesis The Light Dies Down On Broadway 03:34 8 Genesis Back in NYC 06:07 9 Genesis In The Rapids 02:32 10 Genesis Counting Out Time 04:04 11 Genesis The Carpet Crawlers 05:48 12 Genesis The Chamber Of 32 Doors 05:53 13 Genesis The Story Of Rael, Part II 05:58 14 Genesis Lilywhite Lillith 03:02 15 Genesis The Waiting Room 08:15
Search Genesis Bloomingtom '78 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Eleventh Earl Of Mar 07:58 2 Genesis In The Cage 07:10 3 Genesis Burning Rope 06:53 4 Genesis Ripples 08:59 5 Genesis Deep In The Motherlode 05:13 6 Genesis The Fountain Of Salmacis 08:01 7 Genesis Down And Out 05:03 8 Genesis Squonk 06:07 9 Genesis Say It's Alright Joe 05:03 10 Genesis The Lady Lies 05:57
Search Genesis Bootleg, Live USA 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Domino 10:55 2 Genesis Taking It All To Hard 05:06 3 Genesis Dreaming while you sleep 07:52 4 Genesis Fading lights 10:14 5 Genesis Invisible Touch 04:35 6 Genesis Land Of Confusion 04:58 7 Genesis Throwing It All Away 07:02
Search Genesis Boston Music Hall 16 0 1974 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Lamia (Cont) 03:38 2 Genesis Silence Sorrows And Empty Boats 02:41 3 Genesis Broadway Melody Of 1974 00:33 4 Genesis Ravine 01:55 5 Genesis The Light Dies Down On Broadway 03:38 6 Genesis The Grand Parade Of Lifeless Packaging 03:30 7 Genesis In The Rapids 02:07 8 Genesis It 04:47 9 Genesis The Music Box 17:05 10 Genesis The Carpet Crawlers 05:28 11 Genesis The Chamber Of 32 Doors 08:42 12 Genesis Lillywhite Lilith 02:49 13 Genesis The Waiting Room 06:14 14 Genesis Anyway 03:30 15 Genesis The Supernatural Anaesthetist 02:21 16 Genesis Lamia (Tape Flip) 01:15
Search Genesis Bristol Melody Of 1974 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Watcher Of The Skies 08:31 2 Genesis Story Of Britannia 01:40 3 Genesis Dancing With The Moonlit Knight 08:55 4 Genesis Story Of Romeo And Juliet 02:03 5 Genesis The Cinema Show 11:35 6 Genesis I Know What I Like 05:48 7 Genesis Story Of Five Rivers 02:14 8 Genesis Firth Of Fifth 10:05 9 Genesis The Story Of Henry And Cynthia 02:14 10 Genesis The Musical Box 10:43
Search Genesis Chicago 16 February 1977 12 3 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Introduction 02:07 2 Genesis One For The Vine 11:43 3 Genesis Dance On A Volcano 04:22 4 Genesis Drum Duet 01:06 5 Genesis Los Endos 06:27 6 Genesis The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway 04:47 7 Genesis Carpet Crawlers2 04:56 Has Mbid 8 Genesis Fly On A Windshield 02:18 Has Mbid 9 Genesis Cinema Show Part II 04:34 Has Mbid 10 Genesis Entangled 06:34 11 Genesis Supper's Ready Part II 09:14 12 Genesis I Know What I Like 08:27
Search Genesis Chronicle 10 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway 04:28 2 Genesis Behind The Lines 05:32 3 Genesis Dance On A Volcano 09:31 4 Genesis Los Endos 03:25 Has Mbid 5 Genesis Misunderstanding 03:58 6 Genesis Mama 07:10 7 Genesis Keep It Dark 05:01 8 Genesis ABACAB 09:11 9 Genesis Tonight Tonight Tonight 09:01 10 Genesis Turn It On Again 04:31
Search Genesis Cleveland, Music Hall April 15, 1976 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Firth Of Fifth 10:10 2 Genesis The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway 05:10 3 Genesis Fly On A Windshield 02:57 4 Genesis Carpet Crawlers 05:16 5 Genesis Cinema Show 12:07 6 Genesis Robbery, Assault & Battery 06:39 7 Genesis White Mountain 08:04
Search Genesis Dan's Cincinnati 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Behind The Lines 05:49 2 Genesis Duchess 06:13 3 Genesis Who Dunnit? 05:44 4 Genesis Dodo - Lurker 07:02 5 Genesis Cinema Show / Slippermen 04:02 6 Genesis Me And Sarah Jane 07:02 7 Genesis Turn It On Again 05:13 8 Genesis Dance On A Volcano - Drum Duet 06:25 9 Genesis Firth Of Fifth 09:10 10 Genesis I Know What I Like 11:54
Search Genesis Dance 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Land Of Confusion 04:58 2 Genesis Hold On My Heart 05:55 3 Genesis Home By The Sea 05:24 4 Genesis Second Home By The Sea 06:23 5 Genesis Domino Medley 10:58 6 Genesis Medley-In The Cage Cinema Show Slipperman 19:53
Search Genesis Dance with me (Live USA 1986-1992) 10 2 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Land of confusion 05:17 2 Home by the sea Second home by the sea 12:45 3 Genesis No son of mine 07:02 4 Genesis Domino 11:00 5 Genesis Throwing it all away 06:51 Has Mbid 6 Genesis Jesus he knows me 05:19 Has Mbid 7 Genesis Invisible Touch 04:40 8 Genesis I can't dance 07:36 9 Genesis Mama 07:18 10 Genesis Hold on my heart 06:04
Search Genesis Dancin' 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Land Of Confusion 05:40 2 Genesis No Son Of Mine 08:55 3 Genesis Driving The Last Spike 11:54 4 Genesis Medley 19:57 5 Genesis Fading Lights 12:15 6 Genesis Jesus He Knows Me 05:26
Search Genesis Definitive Invisible 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis mc 05:05 2 Genesis Abacab 10:52 3 Genesis Second Home By The Sea 07:17 4 Genesis Throwing It All Away 09:04 5 Genesis Domino 12:39 6 Genesis In That Quiet Earth 03:51 7 Genesis The Brazilian 05:11 8 Genesis Follow You Follow Me 06:07 9 Genesis Tonight Tonight Tonight 09:33 10 Genesis Los Endos 09:38 11 Genesis Turn It On Again Medley (Everybody Needs Somebody To Love/(I Can't Get No) Satisfaction/All Day And All Of The Night/Baby Let Me Take You Home/You've Lost That Loving Feeling/Pinball Wizard/In The Midnight Hour) 12:46
Search Genesis Drinking In The Alehouse 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Intro 00:20 2 Genesis Fountain Of Salmacis 07:27 3 Genesis The Musical Box 11:16 4 Genesis The Return Of The Giant Hogweed 07:34 5 Genesis Supper's Ready 22:59 6 Genesis Twilight Alehouse 05:31
Search Genesis Düsseldorf, DE 26•06•07 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Mama 08:00 2 Genesis Turn It On Again 06:06 3 Genesis No Son of Mine 07:05 4 Genesis Land of Confusion 05:54 5 Genesis In the Cage / Cinema Show / Duke’s Travels / Afterglow 18:12 6 Genesis Los Endos 06:26 7 Genesis Home by the Sea 12:17 8 Genesis Follow You, Follow Me 04:23 9 Genesis Firth of Fifth / I Know What I Like (In Your Wardrobe) 13:07 10 Genesis Carpet Crawlers 06:37
Search Genesis Eager Beaver 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Stompin' At The Savoy 05:11 2 Genesis My Funny Valentine 04:45 3 Genesis Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea 03:13 4 Genesis Time for a Change 06:47 5 Genesis Give me a Song With a Beautiful Mealody 02:40 6 Genesis Decoupage 04:53 7 Genesis Didn't We 05:15 8 Genesis Terry Talk 05:51 9 Genesis Artistry 01:25 10 Genesis Eager Beaver 01:28 11 Genesis And so its Over 01:24
Search Genesis Earl's Court, London, June 24, 1977 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Squonk 06:54 2 Genesis One For The Vine 10:10 3 Genesis Dance On A Volcano 04:53 4 Genesis Los Endos 06:01 5 Genesis The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway 04:50 6 Genesis The Carpet Crawlers 05:17 7 Genesis The Knife 03:45 8 Genesis Afterglow 04:21 9 Genesis I Know What I Like 09:17
Search Genesis Early Rehearsals 29 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Improviation 05:59 2 Genesis Dancing With the Moonlit Knight 03:19 3 Genesis Dancing With the Moonlit Knight 02:12 4 Genesis Dancing With the Moonlit Knight 02:03 5 Genesis The Cinema Show 03:08 6 Genesis The Cinema Show 01:19 7 Genesis The Cinema Show 01:52 8 Genesis The Cinema Show 00:37 9 Genesis The Battle of Epping Forest 04:13 10 Genesis The Battle of Epping Forest 00:33 11 Genesis The Battle of Epping Forest 00:42 12 Genesis The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway 01:55 13 Genesis The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway 00:31 14 Genesis The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway 01:28 15 Genesis The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway 05:06 16 Genesis Fly on a Windshield 01:22 17 Genesis In the Cage 02:14 18 Genesis Back in NYC 03:30 19 Genesis The Chamber of 32 Doors 01:06 20 Genesis The Chamber of 32 Doors 03:38 21 Genesis The Chamber of 32 Doors 03:37 22 Genesis Counting Out Time 02:41 23 Genesis The Colony of Slippermen 00:59 24 Genesis The Colony of Slippermen 01:37 25 Genesis The Colony of Slippermen 04:34 26 Genesis in the Rapids 06:12 27 Genesis It 04:55 28 Genesis Impro / In the Rapids / It / Riff 07:14 29 Genesis The Last Time 01:01
Search Genesis East Rutherford, NJ 09-27-07 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Duke's Intro (Behind The Lines) 03:42 2 Genesis Turn It On Again 06:08 3 Genesis No Son Of Mine 07:02 4 Genesis Land Of Confusion 06:14 5 Genesis In The Cage/Cinema Show/Duke's Travels/Afterglow 17:58 6 Genesis Hold On My Heart 08:17 7 Genesis Home By The Sea 12:14 8 Genesis Follow You, Follow Me 04:17 9 Genesis Firth Of Fifth/I Know What I Like (In Your Wardrobe) 12:29
Search Genesis Fading Lights In Vienna 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Home By The Sea 14:18 2 Genesis Hold On My Heart 05:41 3 Genesis Domino 14:07 4 Genesis Drum Duet 06:07 5 Genesis I Can't Dance 07:11 6 Genesis Radio Announcer 02:29 7 Genesis Tonight, Tonight, Tonight 03:49 8 Genesis Invisible Touch 05:24 9 Genesis Turn It On Again 07:31 10 Genesis Radio Announcer 04:08
Search Genesis Fading Lights in Vienna 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Land Of Confusion 05:48 2 Genesis No Son Of Mine 07:09 3 Genesis Driving The Last Spike 11:29 4 Genesis Old Medley 20:48 5 Genesis Throwing It All Away 06:58 6 Genesis Fading Lights 10:50 7 Genesis Jesus He Knows Me 07:19
Search Genesis Felt Forum, New York, 22nd November 1973 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Henry Story 01:33 2 Genesis The Musical Box 10:55 3 Genesis Horizons 02:00 4 Genesis More Fool Me 03:50 5 Genesis The Battle of Epping Forest 12:03 6 Genesis I Know What I Like 05:45 7 Genesis 5 Rivers Story 01:15 8 Genesis The Knife 09:39
Search Genesis Festhalle Frankfurt 30.10.1981 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Man On The Corner 07:07 2 Genesis Duchess 06:21 3 Genesis In The Cage 12:24 4 Genesis Dodo / Lurker 07:34 5 Genesis Turn It On Again 04:58 6 Genesis The Carpet Crawlers 07:50 7 Genesis Drum Duet 06:30 8 Genesis Misunderstanding 04:18 9 Genesis No Replay At All 06:09 10 Genesis Firth Of Fifth 09:27
Search Genesis Forest Hills 1982 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Dance On A Volcano 04:39 2 Genesis Behind The Lines 05:44 3 Genesis Who Dunnit? 03:30 4 Genesis In The Cage - Cinema Show - Afterglow 15:10 5 Genesis Afterglow 04:20 6 Genesis Turn It On Again 05:21 7 Genesis Drum Duet - Los Endos 08:22 8 Genesis The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway - Watcher Of The Skies 10:04 9 Genesis I Know What I Like 06:20
Search Genesis Fort Worth '76 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Dance On A Volcano 06:59 2 Genesis Squonk 07:23 3 Genesis Mike Talking 02:16 4 Genesis Supper's Ready 24:22 5 Genesis I Know What I Like 08:13 6 Genesis Los Endos 06:48 7 Genesis Phil Talking 01:32 8 Genesis Robbery, Assault & Battery 06:01 9 Genesis Mike Talking 00:50 10 Genesis White Mountain 07:59 11 Genesis Firth Of Fifth 09:18
Search Genesis Foxtrot (2007 Remaster) 6 3 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 Genesis Watcher Of The Skies 07:23 2 Genesis Time Table 04:39 3 Genesis Get 'Em Out By Friday 08:35 Has Mbid 4 Genesis Can-Utility And The Coastliners 05:44 5 Genesis Horizons 01:41 Has Mbid 6 Genesis Supper's Ready 00:00
Search Genesis Foxtrot (2007 SACD, Box 1970-1975) 6 3 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 Genesis Watcher Of The Skies 07:23 2 Genesis Time Table 04:48 3 Genesis Get 'Em Out By Friday 08:35 Has Mbid 4 Genesis Can-Utility And The Coastliners 05:45 5 Genesis Horizons 01:41 Has Mbid 6 Genesis Supper's Ready 00:00
Search Genesis Foxtrot (2007) 6 3 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 Genesis Watcher of the Skies 07:23 2 Genesis Time Table 04:41 3 Genesis Get 'Em Out by Friday 00:00 Has Mbid 4 Genesis Can-Utility and the Coastliners 05:48 5 Genesis Horizons 01:41 Has Mbid 6 Genesis Supper's Ready 23:08
Search Genesis Foxtrot (2008 Remaster) 6 3 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 Genesis Watcher of the Skies 00:00 2 Genesis Time Table 04:46 3 Genesis Get 'Em Out by Friday 08:34 Has Mbid 4 Genesis Can-Utility and the Coastliners 05:46 5 Genesis Horizons 01:41 Has Mbid 6 Genesis Supper's Ready 23:08
Search Genesis Foxtrot (2008 Remix) 6 3 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 Genesis Watcher of the Skies 07:23 2 Genesis Time Table 04:46 3 Genesis Get 'Em Out By Friday 08:30 Has Mbid 4 Genesis Can-Utility and the Coastliners 05:44 5 Genesis Horizons 01:41 Has Mbid 6 Genesis Supper’s Ready 23:03
Search Genesis Foxtrot (2008 Stereo Mix) (50999-519557-2-4) 6 3 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 Genesis Watcher Of The Skies 07:23 2 Genesis Time Table 04:48 3 Genesis Get 'Em Out By Friday 08:34 Has Mbid 4 Genesis Can-Utility And The Coastliners 05:43 5 Genesis Horizons 01:41 Has Mbid 6 Genesis Supper's Ready 23:08
Search Genesis Foxtrot (2008 remaster) 6 3 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 Genesis Watcher Of The Skies 07:23 2 Genesis Time Table 00:00 3 Genesis Get 'em Out By Friday 08:35 Has Mbid 4 Genesis Can-utility And The Coastliners 05:47 5 Genesis Horizons 01:41 Has Mbid 6 Genesis Supper's Ready 23:03
Search Genesis Foxtrot (72) 6 3 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 Genesis Watcher of the Skies 07:23 2 Genesis Time Table 04:40 3 Genesis Get 'em out by Friday 08:35 Has Mbid 4 Genesis Can-Utility and the Coastliners 05:45 5 Genesis Horizons 01:41 Has Mbid 6 Genesis Supper's Ready 23:08
Search Genesis Foxtrot (DR2007) 6 3 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 Genesis Watcher of the Skies 00:00 2 Genesis Time Table 00:00 3 Genesis Get 'Em Out by Friday 08:30 Has Mbid 4 Genesis Can-Utility and the Coastliners 05:48 5 Genesis Horizons 01:41 Has Mbid 6 Genesis Supper's Ready 00:00
Search Genesis Foxtrot (Remaster 2008) 6 3 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 Genesis Watcher Of The Skies 07:23 2 Genesis Time Table 04:40 3 Genesis Get 'em Out By Friday 08:35 Has Mbid 4 Genesis Can-Utility And The Coastliners 05:45 5 Genesis Horizons 01:41 Has Mbid 6 Genesis Supper's Ready 23:08
Search Genesis Foxtrot (SACD) 6 3 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 Genesis Watcher Of The Skies 07:23 2 Genesis Time Table 04:45 3 Genesis Get 'Em Out By Friday 08:35 Has Mbid 4 Genesis Can-Utility And The Coastliners 05:46 5 Genesis Horizons 01:41 Has Mbid 6 Genesis Supper's Ready 23:05
Search Genesis Foxtrot (SACD+DVD) 6 3 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 Genesis Watcher Of The Skies 00:00 2 Genesis Time Table 04:46 3 Genesis Get 'Em Out By Friday 08:35 Has Mbid 4 Genesis Can-Utility And The Coastliners 05:48 5 Genesis Horizons 01:41 Has Mbid 6 Genesis Supper's Ready 23:03
Search Genesis Foxtrot (SHM) 6 3 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 Genesis Watcher Of The Skies 07:23 2 Genesis Time Table 00:00 3 Genesis Get 'em Out By Friday 08:36 Has Mbid 4 Genesis Can-Utility And The Coastliners 05:46 5 Genesis Horizons 01:41 Has Mbid 6 Genesis Supper's Ready A)Lover's Leap B)The Guaranteed Eternal Sanctuary Man C)Ikhanaton And Itsacon And Therir Band Of Merry Men D) How Dare I Be So Beautiful? E)Willow Farm F)Apocalypse In 9/8 23:05
Search Genesis Foxtrot - Box Set 6 3 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 Genesis Watcher of the Skies 07:23 2 Genesis Time Table 04:46 3 Genesis Get 'Em Out by Friday 08:36 Has Mbid 4 Genesis Can-Utility and the Coastliners 05:48 5 Genesis Horizons 01:41 Has Mbid 6 Genesis Supper's Ready 00:00
Search Genesis Foxtrot 1970–1975 6 3 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 Genesis Watcher of the Skies 07:23 2 Genesis Time Table 04:48 3 Genesis Get ’Em Out by Friday 08:35 Has Mbid 4 Genesis Can‐Utility and the Coastliners 05:46 5 Genesis Horizons 01:41 Has Mbid 6 Genesis Supper’s Ready 00:00
Search Genesis Foxtrot 2008 6 3 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 Genesis Watcher Of The Skies 00:00 2 Genesis Time Table 04:45 3 Genesis Get 'em Out By Friday 08:36 Has Mbid 4 Genesis Can-Utility And The Coastliners 05:48 5 Genesis Horizons 01:41 Has Mbid 6 Genesis Supper's Ready 23:03
Search Genesis Foxtrot [1972/2007] 6 3 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 Genesis Watcher Of The Skies 07:23 2 Genesis Time Table 04:46 3 Genesis Get 'em Out By Friday 08:34 Has Mbid 4 Genesis Can-Utility And The Coastliners 05:48 5 Genesis Horizons 01:41 Has Mbid 6 Genesis Supper's Ready 00:00
Search Genesis Foxtrot [2007 Reissue] 6 3 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 Genesis Watcher of the Skies 07:23 2 Genesis Time Table 04:46 3 Genesis Get 'Em Out by Friday 08:36 Has Mbid 4 Genesis Can-Utility And The Coastliners 05:43 5 Genesis Horizons 01:41 Has Mbid 6 Genesis Supper's Ready 23:03
Search Genesis Foxtrot [2007 Remaster] 6 3 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 Genesis Watcher Of The Skies 07:23 2 Genesis Time Table 00:00 3 Genesis Get 'em Out By Friday 08:30 Has Mbid 4 Genesis Can-Utility And The Coastliners 00:00 5 Genesis Horizons 01:41 Has Mbid 6 Genesis Supper's Ready 23:08
Search Genesis Foxtrot [2007] 6 3 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 Genesis Watcher Of The Skies 07:23 2 Genesis Time Table 04:45 3 Genesis Get 'em Out By Friday 08:34 Has Mbid 4 Genesis Can-Utility And The Coastliners 05:47 5 Genesis Horizons 01:41 Has Mbid 6 Genesis Supper's Ready 23:08
Search Genesis Foxtrot [2008 Digital Remaster] 6 3 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 Genesis Watcher Of The Skies 07:23 2 Genesis Time Table 04:41 3 Genesis Get 'em Out By Friday 08:35 Has Mbid 4 Genesis Can-Utility And The Coastliners 05:48 5 Genesis Horizons 01:41 Has Mbid 6 Genesis Supper's Ready 23:03
Search Genesis Foxtrot [2008 Remaster] 6 3 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 Genesis Watcher of the Skies 07:23 2 Genesis Time Table 04:40 3 Genesis Get 'Em Out by Friday 08:36 Has Mbid 4 Genesis Can-Utility and Coastliners 05:46 5 Genesis Horizons 01:41 Has Mbid 6 Genesis Supper's Ready 23:05
Search Genesis Foxtrot [2008 Remastered] 6 3 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 Genesis Watcher Of The Skies 07:23 2 Genesis Time Table 04:46 3 Genesis Get 'em Out By Friday 08:36 Has Mbid 4 Genesis Can-Utility And The Coastliners 05:48 5 Genesis Horizons 01:41 Has Mbid 6 Genesis Supper's Ready 23:08
Search Genesis Foxtrot [2008 digital remaster] 6 3 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 Genesis Watcher of the Skies 07:23 2 Genesis Time Table 04:48 3 Genesis Get 'em out by Friday 08:35 Has Mbid 4 Genesis Can-Utility and the Coastliners 05:48 5 Genesis Horizons 01:41 Has Mbid 6 Genesis Supper's Ready 23:08
Search Genesis Foxtrot [Digital Remaster] 6 3 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 Genesis Watcher Of The Skies 07:23 2 Genesis Time Table 04:48 3 Genesis Get 'em Out By Friday 08:35 Has Mbid 4 Genesis Can-Utility And The Coastliners 05:46 5 Genesis Horizons 01:41 Has Mbid 6 Genesis Supper's Ready 23:05
Search Genesis Foxtrot [RM 2008] 6 3 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 Genesis Watcher Of The Skies 07:23 2 Genesis Time Table 04:44 3 Genesis Get 'em Out By Friday 08:36 Has Mbid 4 Genesis Can-Utility And The Coastliners 05:48 5 Genesis Horizons 01:41 Has Mbid 6 Genesis Supper's Ready 00:00
Search Genesis Foxtrot [Remaster 2007] 6 3 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 Genesis Watcher of the Skies 07:23 2 Genesis Time Table 04:48 3 Genesis Get ’em Out by Friday 08:35 Has Mbid 4 Genesis Can‐Utility and the Coastliners 05:46 5 Genesis Horizons 01:41 Has Mbid 6 Genesis Supper’s Ready 23:05
Search Genesis Foxtrot [SHM-CD] 6 3 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 Genesis Watcher Of The Skies 07:23 2 Genesis Time Table 04:45 3 Genesis Get 'em Out By Friday 08:35 Has Mbid 4 Genesis Can-Utility And The Coastliners 05:44 5 Genesis Horizons 01:41 Has Mbid 6 Genesis Supper's Ready a)Lover's Leap b)The Guaranteed Eternal Sanctuary Man c)Ikhanaton And Itsacon And Therir Band Of Merry Men d) How Dare I Be So Beautiful? e)Willow Farm f)Apocalypse In 9/8 23:03