The report is not continually updated so may not reflect the current data within Acoustid databases.
This shows complete albums constructed from the metadata submitted to Acoustid, but only the majority of the Acoustids are not already linked to MusicBrainz recordings. We filter to only show albums that we have all the tracks for and that have real metadata, and only include albums where we can find a case insensitive match between the album artist and a MusicBrainz artist, to simplify things and filter out some nonsense data. Limitations:Acoustid Data is not of high enough quality to properly handle multi releases and some releases may be listed multiple times due to slight differences in metadata. Acoustid only provides basic metadata, at best this is Album Artist, Album, Track No, Track Title, Track Artist, Year of release, Track Duration (taken directly from linked fingerprint(s)). The data is good for identifying albums by smaller artists, and rare bootleg/live albums by well known artists
Search Genesis Foxtrot_(SACD) 6 3 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 Genesis Watcher of the Skies 07:23 2 Genesis Time Table 04:45 3 Genesis Get 'Em Out by Friday 08:35 Has Mbid 4 Genesis Can-Utility and the Coastliners 05:45 5 Genesis Horizons 01:41 Has Mbid 6 Genesis Supper's Ready 23:08
Search Genesis Foxtrot フォックストロット 6 3 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 Genesis Watcher of the Skies ウォッチャー・オブ・ザ・スカイズ 07:23 2 Genesis Time Table タイム・テーブル 04:45 3 Genesis Get ’Em Out by Friday ゲッテム・アウト・バイ・フライデイ 00:00 Has Mbid 4 Genesis Can‐Utility and the Coastliners キャン-ユーティリティ・アンド・ザ・コーストライナーズ 05:50 5 Genesis Horizons ホライズンズ 01:41 Has Mbid 6 Genesis Supper’s Ready サパーズ・レディ 23:08
Search Genesis Foxtrox 6 3 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 Genesis Watcher of the Skies 07:23 2 Genesis Time Table 04:45 3 Genesis Get 'em out by Friday 08:36 Has Mbid 4 Genesis Can-Utility and the Coastliners 05:46 5 Genesis Horizons 01:41 Has Mbid 6 Genesis Supper's Ready 23:05
Search Genesis From A Flower To An Earl 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Watcher Of The Skies 09:01 2 Genesis Horizons 02:10 3 Genesis Supper's Ready 19:17 4 Genesis Peter Talking 02:09 5 Genesis The Cinema Show 11:10 6 Genesis I Know What I Like 05:08 7 Genesis Peter Talking 01:11 8 Genesis Firth Of Fifth 08:51 9 Genesis Peter Talking 01:22 10 Genesis The Musical Box 10:43
Search Genesis Genesis - Live (Bootleg) [D1] 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Land Of Confusion 05:06 2 Genesis No Son Of Mine 07:01 3 Genesis Driving The Last Spike 10:15 4 Genesis Medley 19:50 5 Genesis Throwing It All Away 06:33 6 Genesis Since I Lost You 10:45 7 Genesis Mama 07:16
Search Genesis Genesis - Live (Bootleg) [D2] 9 2 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Jesus He Knows Me 05:13 2 Genesis Hone By The Sea, Second Home By The Sea 11:43 3 Genesis Hold On My Heart 06:01 4 Genesis Domino 11:19 Has Mbid 5 Genesis Drum Duett / Phil & Chester 06:20 6 Genesis I Can´t Dance 07:36 Has Mbid 7 Genesis Tonight, Tonight, Tonight 03:51 8 Genesis Invisible Touch 05:14 9 Genesis turn it on again 07:31
Search Genesis Genesis 30 Años 12 3 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Como Decirte Cuanto Te Amo 02:48 Has Mbid 2 Genesis Don Simón 02:39 3 Genesis Quiero Amarte 02:13 4 Genesis Cumbia Cienaguera 03:35 5 Genesis Canta Negro 02:53 Has Mbid 6 Genesis Sueñas,Quieres,Dices 03:22 7 Genesis Fusión Genesis 03:59 Has Mbid 8 Genesis Manos De Hombre 02:42 9 Genesis Raquel 02:29 10 Genesis Alegre Pescador 02:29 11 Genesis Plena Como La Luna Llena 02:26 12 Genesis El Indio Llora 02:31
Search Genesis Genesis EML 136 10 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Squonk 08:28 2 Genesis Say It's Alright Joe 09:05 3 Genesis The Lady Lies 10:24 4 Genesis The Cinema Show 06:55 5 Genesis In That Quiet Earth 04:32 6 Genesis Afterglow 04:46 7 Genesis Follow You Follow Me 04:32 8 Genesis Dance on the Volcano 05:46 Has Mbid 9 Genesis Los Endos 06:29 10 Genesis I Know What I Like (In Your Wardrobe) 09:17
Search Genesis Genesis In Concert 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Tonight Tonight Tonight 09:15 2 Genesis Abacab 10:02 3 Genesis Land of Confusion 05:17 4 Genesis Invisible Touch 04:53 5 Genesis Turn It On Again 05:15 6 Genesis Follow You, Follow Me 04:48 7 Genesis That's All 05:03
Search Genesis Genesis Live - Unapproved 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Instrumental Intro 05:21 2 Genesis In the Cage 12:31 3 Genesis Afterglow 04:20 4 Genesis The Brazilian 04:37 5 Genesis Abacab 08:30 6 Genesis Domino 04:19 7 Genesis That's All 06:42 8 Genesis Throwing It All Away 06:51 9 Genesis Invisible Touch 05:20
Search Genesis Genesis Rome, IT 14.07.07 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Duke's Intro (Behind The Lines) 04:08 2 Genesis Turn It On Again 06:17 3 Genesis No Son Of Mine 06:58 4 Genesis Land Of Confusion 05:45 5 Genesis In The Cage-Cinema Show-Duke's Travels-Afterglow 17:59 6 Genesis Hold On My Heart 07:18 7 Genesis Home By The Sea 12:11 8 Genesis Follow You, Follow Me 04:17 9 Genesis Firth of Firth - I Know What I Like (In You Wardrobe) 13:00
Search Genesis Genesis – We Can't Dance 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis No Son Of Mine 06:40 2 Genesis Jesus He Knows Me 04:19 3 Genesis Driving The Last Spike 10:11 4 Genesis I Can't Dance 04:03 5 Genesis Never A Time 03:52 6 Genesis Dreaming While You Sleep 07:18 7 Genesis Tell Me Why 04:59 8 Genesis Living Forever 05:43 9 Genesis Hold On My Heart 04:40 10 Genesis Way Of The World 05:42 11 Genesis Since I Lost You 04:12 12 Genesis Fading Lights 10:27
Search Genesis Genesis: San Jose, CA 10-09-2007 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Duke's Intro ( Behind The Lines) 03:45 2 Genesis Turn It On Again 06:21 3 Genesis No Son Of Mine 07:09 4 Genesis Land Of Confusion 06:11 5 Genesis In The Cage - Cinema Show - Duke's Travels - Afterglow 18:12 6 Genesis Hold On My Heart 07:59 7 Genesis Home By The Sea 12:19 8 Genesis Follow You, Follow Me 04:17 9 Genesis Firth Of Fifth - I Know What I Like (In Your Wardrobe) 13:00
Search Genesis Great Western Forum 14.01.1984 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Dodo / Lurker 07:22 2 Genesis Abacab 09:45 3 Genesis That's All 04:44 4 Genesis Mama 08:12 5 Genesis Home By The Sea 11:37 6 Genesis Second Home By The Sea 05:12 7 Genesis Keep It Dark 07:18
Search Genesis Hamburg 15.06.2007 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Mama 08:07 2 Genesis Turn It on Again 06:39 3 Genesis No Son of Mine 07:02 4 Genesis Land of Confusion 06:06 5 Genesis In the Cage - Cinema Show - Duke's Travels - Afterglow 18:16 6 Genesis Hold on My Heart 08:16 7 Genesis Home by the Sea 12:20 8 Genesis Invisible Touch 07:13 9 Genesis I Can't Dance 08:34 10 Genesis Carpet Crawlers 06:40
Search Genesis Headley Grange Lamb Demos - Meeks Cafe Version 25 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Drum Solo 06:42 2 Genesis The Raven 02:15 3 Genesis Fly On A Windshield (take 1, long version) 11:43 4 Genesis Unreleased Instrumental - Anyway 13:14 5 Genesis Heart Of Stone (Rolling Stones) 04:33 6 Genesis Drum Solo 03:09 7 Genesis Unreleased Instrumental (guitar solo, take 1-2) 00:56 8 Genesis Counting Out Time (take 1, a strange one) 03:17 9 Genesis The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway - Fly On A Windshield (take 1) 06:24 10 Genesis In The Rapids - It (take 2) 04:54 11 Genesis The Colony Of Slippermen (take 2) 00:59 12 Genesis Unreleased Instrumental (take 1-2-3-4) 02:59 13 Genesis The Waiting Room (long improvisation) 23:10 14 Genesis Unreleased Instrumental 2 (take 2, hint of Blood On The Rooftops) 06:56 15 Genesis In The Cage (take 2) 01:14 16 Genesis The Colony Of Slippermen (take 1) 00:39 17 Genesis Medley: The Chamber Of 32 Doors - The Lamia intro (take 1-2 06:31 18 Genesis The Colony Of Slippermen (take 3) 02:25 19 Genesis The Chamber Of 32 Doors (take 1) 02:03 20 Genesis The Chamber Of 32 Doors (take 2) 02:05 21 Genesis Fly On A Windshield (take 3) 01:36 22 Genesis Unreleased Instrumental 4 10:09 23 Genesis In The Cage (take 3) - Lilywhite Lilith 01:29 24 Genesis Riding The Scree? 02:48 25 Genesis In The Cage (take 4) 00:42
Search Genesis Hofheinz Pavillion, Houston Oct 22, 1978 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis KBFH DJ Intro 00:29 2 Genesis Deep In The Motherlode 05:46 3 Genesis In The Cage 07:31 4 Genesis The Lady Lies 05:59 5 Genesis Follow You Follow Me 03:44 6 Genesis The Cinema Show - In That Quiet Earth 11:11 7 Genesis Afterglow 04:29 8 Genesis Dance On A Volcano 04:15 9 Genesis Los Endos 00:00 10 Genesis KBFH DJ Outro 00:38
Search Genesis I Can't Dance & Jesus He Knows Me (1v2) 7 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Domino 10:55 2 Genesis Taking It All To Hard 05:11 Has Mbid 3 Genesis Tonight, Tonight 08:42 4 Genesis Supper's Ready 09:20 5 Genesis Invisible Touch 04:35 6 Genesis Land Of Confusion 04:58 7 Genesis Throwing It All Away 07:02
Search Genesis I Can't Dance & Jesus He Knows Me (2v2) 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis No son of mine 06:55 2 Genesis Driving the last spike 10:11 3 Genesis Dreaming while you sleep 07:52 4 Genesis Fading lights 10:14 5 Genesis Jesus he knows me 05:04 6 Genesis I can´t dance 07:03
Search Genesis I Can't Dance & Jesus He Knows Me (Live USA) 7 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Domino 10:55 2 Genesis Driving The Last Spike 10:11 Has Mbid 3 Genesis Tonight, Tonight, Tonight 08:42 4 Genesis Supper's Ready 09:20 5 Genesis Jesus He Knows Me 05:04 6 Genesis I Can't Dance 07:03 7 Genesis Throwing It All Away 07:02
Search Genesis I Can`t Dance Live 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis No Son Of Mine 07:10 2 Genesis The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway 04:26 3 Genesis Jesus He Knows Me 05:13 4 Genesis Invisible Touch 05:26 5 Genesis Driving The Last Spike 10:15 6 Genesis Tonigth, Tonight, Tonight 09:02 7 Genesis I Can`t Dance 06:41 8 Genesis Land Of Confusion 05:04 9 Genesis Hold On My Heart 05:56 10 Genesis Home By The Sea 05:24 11 Genesis Second Home By The Sea 06:24
Search Genesis In The Beginning Vol. 6 17 3 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Here Comes the Supernatural Anaesthesist (Take 1) 01:25 2 Genesis Studio Improvisation 01:11 3 Genesis In The Rapids 03:10 4 Genesis It 07:39 5 Genesis The Light Dies Down On Broadway 01:30 6 Genesis Here Comes the Supernatural Anaesthesist (Take 2) 02:14 7 Genesis Here Comes the Supernatural Anaesthesist (Take 3) 02:09 8 Genesis Here Comes the Supernatural Anaesthesist (Take 4) 02:04 9 Genesis In The Cage 03:18 10 Genesis The Colony Of Slippermen (Take 1) 00:39 11 Genesis The Colony Of Slippermen (Take 2) 01:30 12 Genesis The Colony Of Slippermen (Take 3) 02:28 13 Genesis Fly On A Windshield 11:58 Has Mbid 14 Genesis Instrumental Nr. 4 08:52 Has Mbid 15 Genesis Stagnation (BBC 1972) 08:04 Has Mbid 16 Genesis Twilight Alehouse (BBC 1972) 08:53 17 Genesis Get 'em Out By Friday (BBC 1972) 10:09
Search Genesis Invisible Touch [DTS] 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Invisible Touch 03:29 2 Genesis Tonight, Tonight, Tonight 08:54 3 Genesis Land of Confusion 04:46 4 Genesis In Too Deep 05:03 5 Genesis Anything She Does 04:09 6 Genesis Domino 10:44 7 Genesis Throwing It All Away 03:51 8 Genesis The Brazilian 04:51
Search Genesis Izakaya 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Squonk 08:08 2 Genesis In The Cage 08:12 3 Genesis Burning Rope 08:12 4 Genesis Ripples 10:24 5 Genesis Cinema Show 11:18 6 Genesis Afterglow 04:46 7 Genesis Follow You Follow Me 04:22 8 Genesis Dance On A Volcano 04:25 9 Genesis Drum Duet ~ Los Endos 08:33 10 Genesis I Know What I Like 08:23
Search Genesis Katowice, PL 21•06•07 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Mama 07:39 2 Genesis Turn It On Again 06:43 3 Genesis Throwing It All Away 08:25 4 Genesis Domino 11:57 5 Genesis Conversations With 2 Stools 05:28 6 Genesis Los Endos 06:19 7 Genesis Home by the Sea 12:20 8 Genesis Follow You, Follow Me 04:20 9 Genesis Firth of Fifth / I Know What I Like (In Your Wardrobe) 12:57
Search Genesis Kiel Auditorium - St. Louis, MO - February 1977 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Squonk 05:44 2 Genesis One For The Vine 09:51 3 Genesis Robbery, Assault And Battery 05:57 4 Genesis Your Own Special Way 06:13 5 Genesis Carpet Crawlers 05:12 6 Genesis Afterglow 03:48 7 Genesis I Know What I Like 07:58
Search Genesis Knebworth Park, Stevenage, UK 24 June 1978 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Squonk 07:03 2 Genesis Burning Rope 07:50 3 Genesis Ripples 10:02 4 Genesis The Fountain Of Salmacis 09:35 5 Genesis One For The Vine 11:12 6 Genesis Deep In The Motherlode 06:23 7 Genesis The Lady Lies 06:37 8 Genesis Follow You, Follow Me 03:52 9 Genesis Afterglow 04:41 10 Genesis Dance On A Volcano 06:13 11 Genesis Los Endos 05:45 12 Genesis I Know What I Like 08:41
Search Genesis LIVE Amsterdam, NL 01.07.07 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Mama 07:39 2 Genesis Turn It On Again 06:10 3 Genesis Throwing It All Away 09:06 4 Genesis Domino 11:55 5 Genesis In The Cage - Cinema Show - Duke's Travels - Afterglow 18:01 6 Genesis Los Endos 06:20 7 Genesis Home By The Sea 12:10 8 Genesis Follow You, Follow Me 04:19 9 Genesis Firth Of Fifth - I Know What I Like (In Your Wardrobe) 12:41 10 Genesis Carpet Crawlers 06:34
Search Genesis LIVE Berne, CH 17.06.07 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Mama 07:58 2 Genesis Turn It On Again 07:01 3 Genesis Throwing It All Away 09:32 4 Genesis Domino 12:03 5 Genesis Drum Duet 05:21 6 Genesis Los Endos 06:09 7 Genesis Home By The Sea 12:17 8 Genesis Invisible Touch 06:59 9 Genesis Firth Of Fifth - I Know What I Like (In Your Wardrobe) 12:38 10 Genesis Carpet Crawlers 06:36
Search Genesis LIVE Brussels, BE 24.06.07 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Mama 07:43 2 Genesis Turn It On Again 05:56 3 Genesis No Son Of Mine 06:59 4 Genesis Domino 11:49 5 Genesis Drum Duet 05:32 6 Genesis Hold On My Heart 07:48 7 Genesis Tonight, Tonight, Tonight 03:36 8 Genesis Invisible Touch 07:00 9 Genesis I Can't Dance 07:51 10 Genesis Carpet Crawlers 06:39
Search Genesis LIVE Chicago, IL 10.02.07 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Mama 07:57 2 Genesis Ripples 07:46 3 Genesis Throwing It All Away 08:39 4 Genesis Domino 11:42 5 Genesis Drum Duet 06:34 6 Genesis Los Endos 06:26 7 Genesis Tonight, Tonight, Tonight 03:36 8 Genesis Invisible Touch 07:04 9 Genesis I Can't Dance 07:56 10 Genesis Carpet Crawlers 06:32
Search Genesis LIVE Chicago, IL 10.03.07 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Mama 07:53 2 Genesis Turn It On Again 06:21 3 Genesis Throwing It All Away 08:48 4 Genesis Land Of Confusion 06:15 5 Genesis Drum Duet 06:42 6 Genesis Hold On My Heart 07:59 7 Genesis Home By The Sea 12:13 8 Genesis Follow You, Follow Me 04:20 9 Genesis I Can't Dance 07:47 10 Genesis Carpet Crawlers 06:33
Search Genesis LIVE Chicago, IL 10.04.07 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Duke's Intro (Behind The Lines) 03:44 2 Genesis Ripples 07:46 3 Genesis No Son Of Mine 06:59 4 Genesis Domino 11:50 5 Genesis Drum Duet 06:31 6 Genesis Los Endos 06:24 7 Genesis Tonight, Tonight, Tonight 03:36 8 Genesis Follow You, Follow Me 04:16 9 Genesis I Can't Dance 08:27 10 Genesis Carpet Crawlers 06:32
Search Genesis LIVE Cleveland, MI 09.30.07 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Duke's Intro (Behind The Lines) 03:42 2 Genesis Ripples 07:50 3 Genesis Throwing It All Away 08:56 4 Genesis Domino 11:49 5 Genesis In The Cage - Cinema Show - Duke's Travels - Afterglow 18:05 6 Genesis Los Endos 06:28 7 Genesis Home By The Sea 12:17 8 Genesis Follow You, Follow Me 04:21 9 Genesis Firth Of Fifth - I Know What I Like (In Your Wardrobe) 12:50 10 Genesis Carpet Crawlers 06:29
Search Genesis LIVE Cleveland, OH 09.29.07 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Mama 07:58 2 Genesis Turn It On Again 06:24 3 Genesis No Son Of Mine 07:03 4 Genesis Land Of Confusion 06:12 5 Genesis Drum Duet 06:21 6 Genesis Los Endos 06:31 7 Genesis Tonight, Tonight, Tonight 03:36 8 Genesis Invisible Touch 07:05 9 Genesis I Can't Dance 08:08 10 Genesis Carpet Crawlers 06:48
Search Genesis LIVE Columbus, OH 09.22.07 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Mama 07:58 2 Genesis Ripples 07:49 3 Genesis Throwing It All Away 08:51 4 Genesis Domino 11:51 5 Genesis Drum Duet 06:34 6 Genesis Los Endos 06:28 7 Genesis Tonight, Tonight, Tonight 03:36 8 Genesis Invisible Touch 07:03 9 Genesis I Can't Dance 07:58 10 Genesis Carpet Crawlers 06:34
Search Genesis LIVE Denver, CO 10.06.07 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Duke's Intro (Behind The Lines) 03:46 2 Genesis Turn It On Again 06:06 3 Genesis Throwing It All Away 08:56 4 Genesis Land Of Confusion 06:16 5 Genesis In The Cage - Cinema Show - Duke's Travels - Afterglow 17:44 6 Genesis Hold On My Heart 07:49 7 Genesis Tonight, Tonight, Tonight 03:36 8 Genesis Invisible Touch 06:51 9 Genesis I Can't Dance 07:40 10 Genesis Carpet Crawlers 06:28
Search Genesis LIVE Dusseldorf, DE 26.06.07 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Duke's Intro (Behind The Lines) 04:08 2 Genesis Turn It On Again 06:06 3 Genesis Throwing It All Away 09:06 4 Genesis Domino 11:54 5 Genesis Drum Duet 05:57 6 Genesis Hold On My Heart 07:54 7 Genesis Home By The Sea 12:17 8 Genesis Follow You, Follow Me 04:23 9 Genesis Firth Of Fifth - I Know What I Like (In Your Wardrobe) 13:07 10 Genesis Carpet Crawlers 06:37
Search Genesis LIVE Dusseldorf, DE 27.06.07 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Mama 08:06 2 Genesis Turn It On Again 06:46 3 Genesis Throwing It All Away 09:11 4 Genesis Land Of Confusion 05:58 5 Genesis In The Cage - Cinema Show - Duke's Travels - Afterglow 18:06 6 Genesis Hold On My Heart 07:53 7 Genesis Tonight, Tonight, Tonight 03:36 8 Genesis Invisible Touch 07:04 9 Genesis Firth Of Fifth - I Know What I Like (In Your Wardrobe) 12:58 10 Genesis Carpet Crawlers 06:38
Search Genesis LIVE East Rutherford, NJ 09.27.07 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Mama 07:55 2 Genesis Ripples 07:49 3 Genesis Throwing It All Away 09:01 4 Genesis Domino 11:47 5 Genesis Drum Duet 06:33 6 Genesis Los Endos 06:24 7 Genesis Tonight, Tonight, Tonight 03:36 8 Genesis Invisible Touch 07:09 9 Genesis I Can't Dance 07:50 10 Genesis Carpet Crawlers 06:37
Search Genesis LIVE Frankfurt 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Duke`s Intro -Behind the Lines 03:33 2 Genesis Turn it on Again 06:13 3 Genesis No Son of Mine 07:00 4 Genesis Land of Confusion 05:58 5 Genesis In the Cage -Cinema Show 18:09 6 Genesis Hold on My Heart 07:53 7 Genesis Home by the Sea 12:24 8 Genesis Follow you, Follow me 04:25 9 Genesis Firth of Fifth -I know what i like 13:01
Search Genesis LIVE Frankfurt, DE 05.07.07 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Mama 07:57 2 Genesis Ripples 08:03 3 Genesis No Son Of Mine 07:00 4 Genesis Domino 11:56 5 Genesis In The Cage - Cinema Show - Duke's Travels - Afterglow 18:09 6 Genesis Hold On My Heart 07:53 7 Genesis Tonight, Tonight, Tonight 03:36 8 Genesis Follow You, Follow Me 04:25 9 Genesis I Can't Dance 08:06 10 Genesis Carpet Crawlers 06:37
Search Genesis LIVE Hamburg, DE 15.06.07 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Mama 08:07 2 Genesis Ripples 08:04 3 Genesis Throwing It All Away 10:19 4 Genesis Domino 11:57 5 Genesis Drum Duet 05:48 6 Genesis Los Endos 06:19 7 Genesis Tonight, Tonight, Tonight 03:36 8 Genesis Invisible Touch 07:13 9 Genesis I Can't Dance 08:34 10 Genesis Carpet Crawlers 06:40
Search Genesis LIVE Hamburg, DK 15.06.07 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Duke's Intro (Behind The Lines) 03:34 2 Genesis Turn It On Again 06:39 3 Genesis No Son Of Mine 07:02 4 Genesis Land Of Confusion 06:06 5 Genesis In The Cage - Cinema Show - Duke's Travels - Afterglow 18:16 6 Genesis Hold On My Heart 08:16 7 Genesis Home By The Sea 12:20 8 Genesis Follow You, Follow Me 04:19 9 Genesis Firth Of Fifth - I Know What I Like (In Your Wardrobe) 12:51
Search Genesis LIVE Hannover, DE 23-06-07 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Duke's Intro (Behind The Lines) 03:30 2 Genesis Turn It On Again 06:32 3 Genesis No Son Of Mine 07:05 4 Genesis Land Of Confusion 07:14 5 Genesis In The Cage - Cinema Show - Duke's Travel - Afterglow 18:10 6 Genesis Hold On My Heart 07:51 7 Genesis Home By The Sea 12:16 8 Genesis Follow You, Follow Me 04:19 9 Genesis Firth Of Fifth - I Know What I Like (In Your Wardrobe) 13:00
Search Genesis LIVE Hannover, DE 23.06.07 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Mama 07:58 2 Genesis Ripples 09:47 3 Genesis No Son Of Mine 07:05 4 Genesis Land Of Confusion 07:14 5 Genesis In The Cage - Cinema Show - Duke's Travels - Afterglow 18:10 6 Genesis Los Endos 06:21 7 Genesis Tonight, Tonight, Tonight 03:36 8 Genesis Invisible Touch 07:31 9 Genesis Firth Of Fifth - I Know What I Like (In Your Wardrobe) 13:00 10 Genesis Carpet Crawlers 06:40
Search Genesis LIVE Hartford, CT 09.16.07 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Duke's Intro (Behind The Lines) 03:43 2 Genesis Ripples 07:50 3 Genesis Throwing It All Away 08:55 4 Genesis Land Of Confusion 06:08 5 Genesis Drum Duet 06:22 6 Genesis Hold On My Heart 07:58 7 Genesis Tonight, Tonight, Tonight 03:36 8 Genesis Follow You, Follow Me 04:18 9 Genesis I Can't Dance 07:56 10 Genesis Carpet Crawlers 06:23
Search Genesis LIVE Helsinki, FI 11.06.07 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Duke's Intro (Behind The Lines) 03:29 2 Genesis Turn It On Again 05:42 3 Genesis Throwing It All Away 08:43 4 Genesis Domino 12:00 5 Genesis Drum Duet 05:01 6 Genesis Hold On My Heart 07:29 7 Genesis Home By The Sea 12:12 8 Genesis Invisible Touch 06:55 9 Genesis I Can't Dance 07:18 10 Genesis Carpet Crawlers 06:32
Search Genesis LIVE Herning, DK 14.06.07 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Duke's Intro (Behind The Lines) 03:32 2 Genesis Turn It On Again 06:12 3 Genesis No Son Of Mine 07:06 4 Genesis Domino 12:08 5 Genesis Drum Duet 05:24 6 Genesis Los Endos 06:21 7 Genesis Home By The Sea 12:24 8 Genesis Follow You, Follow Me 04:17 9 Genesis I Can't Dance 08:08 10 Genesis Carpet Crawlers 06:44
Search Genesis LIVE Hollywood, CA 10.12.07 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Firth Of Fifth - I Know What I Like (In Your Wardrobe) 12:31 2 Genesis Mama 07:45 3 Genesis Ripples 07:41 4 Genesis Throwing It All Away 08:47 5 Genesis Domino 11:35 6 Genesis Drum Duet 06:21 7 Genesis Home By The Sea 12:10 8 Genesis Tonight, Tonight, Tonight 03:36 9 Genesis Invisible Touch 06:26
Search Genesis LIVE Katowice, PL 21.06.07 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Duke's Intro (Behind The Lines) 03:31 2 Genesis Turn It On Again 06:43 3 Genesis No Son Of Mine 07:15 4 Genesis Land Of Confusion 06:03 5 Genesis Drum Duet 05:28 6 Genesis Los Endos 06:19 7 Genesis Home By The Sea 12:20 8 Genesis Follow You, Follow Me 04:20 9 Genesis I Can't Dance 08:11 10 Genesis Carpet Crawlers 06:37
Search Genesis LIVE Leipzig, DE 04.07.07 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Mama 07:34 2 Genesis Ripples 07:59 3 Genesis No Son Of Mine 07:04 4 Genesis Domino 11:49 5 Genesis Drum Duet 05:54 6 Genesis Los Endos 06:22 7 Genesis Home By The Sea 12:13 8 Genesis Follow You, Follow Me 04:20 9 Genesis I Can't Dance 08:05 10 Genesis Carpet Crawlers 06:35
Search Genesis LIVE Munich, DE 10.07.07 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Mama 07:48 2 Genesis Ripples 08:00 3 Genesis No Son Of Mine 07:04 4 Genesis Domino 11:56 5 Genesis Drum Duet 06:49 6 Genesis Hold On My Heart 07:52 7 Genesis Home By The Sea 12:16 8 Genesis Invisible Touch 07:20 9 Genesis Firth Of Fifth - I Know What I Like (In Your Wardrobe) 13:04 10 Genesis Carpet Crawlers 06:36
Search Genesis LIVE New York, NY 09.25.07 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Mama 07:47 2 Genesis Ripples 07:45 3 Genesis Throwing It All Away 08:26 4 Genesis Domino 11:42 5 Genesis Drum Duet 06:32 6 Genesis Los Endos 06:26 7 Genesis Tonight, Tonight, Tonight 03:36 8 Genesis Invisible Touch 07:10 9 Genesis I Can't Dance 07:54 10 Genesis Carpet Crawlers 06:27
Search Genesis LIVE Ottawa, ON 09.15.07 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Mama 07:57 2 Genesis Ripples 07:53 3 Genesis Throwing It All Away 09:00 4 Genesis Domino 11:51 5 Genesis Drum Duet 07:13 6 Genesis Los Endos 06:29 7 Genesis Tonight, Tonight, Tonight 03:36 8 Genesis Invisible Touch 07:21 9 Genesis I Can't Dance 08:15 10 Genesis Carpet Crawlers 06:29
Search Genesis LIVE Paris, FR 30.06.07 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Mama 07:42 2 Genesis Turn It On Again 05:44 3 Genesis Throwing It All Away 09:07 4 Genesis Domino 12:00 5 Genesis In The Cage - Cinema Show - Duke's Travels - Afterglow 18:04 6 Genesis Los Endos 06:19 7 Genesis Tonight, Tonight, Tonight 03:36 8 Genesis Invisible Touch 07:02 9 Genesis Firth Of Fifth - I Know What I Like (In Your Wardrobe) 12:52 10 Genesis Carpet Crawlers 06:36
Search Genesis LIVE Philadelphia, PA 09.20.07 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Mama 07:45 2 Genesis Turn It On Again 06:10 3 Genesis No Son Of Mine 07:03 4 Genesis Land Of Confusion 06:17 5 Genesis In The Cage - Cinema Show - Duke's Travels - Afterglow 18:06 6 Genesis Hold On My Heart 07:53 7 Genesis Home By The Sea 12:11 8 Genesis Follow You, Follow Me 04:20 9 Genesis Firth Of Fifth - I Know What I Like (In Your Wardrobe) 12:51 10 Genesis Carpet Crawlers 06:29
Search Genesis LIVE Prague, CZ 20.06.07 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Mama 08:25 2 Genesis Ripples 07:58 3 Genesis Throwing It All Away 09:06 4 Genesis Domino 11:58 5 Genesis Drum Duet 05:17 6 Genesis Hold On My Heart 07:40 7 Genesis Tonight, Tonight, Tonight 03:36 8 Genesis Invisible Touch 07:07 9 Genesis Firth Of Fifth - I Know What I Like (In Your Wardrobe) 12:37 10 Genesis Carpet Crawlers 06:51
Search Genesis LIVE Rome, IT 14.07.07 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Duke's Intro (Behind The Lines) 04:08 2 Genesis Turn It On Again 06:17 3 Genesis Throwing It All Away 08:39 4 Genesis Land Of Confusion 05:45 5 Genesis In The Cage - Cinema Show - Duke's Travels - Afterglow 17:59 6 Genesis Hold On My Heart 07:18 7 Genesis Tonight, Tonight, Tonight 03:36 8 Genesis Invisible Touch 07:20 9 Genesis Firth Of Fifth - I Know What I Like (In Your Wardrobe) 13:00 10 Genesis Carpet Crawlers 06:25
Search Genesis LIVE Sacramento, CA 10.10.07 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Mama 07:45 2 Genesis Ripples 07:49 3 Genesis Throwing It All Away 08:40 4 Genesis Land Of Confusion 06:06 5 Genesis Drum Duet 06:27 6 Genesis Los Endos 06:23 7 Genesis Home By The Sea 12:17 8 Genesis Follow You, Follow Me 04:20 9 Genesis Firth Of Fifth - I Know What I Like (In Your Wardrobe) 12:29 10 Genesis Carpet Crawlers 06:24
Search Genesis LIVE San Jose, CA 10.09.07 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Duke's Intro (Behind The Lines) 03:45 2 Genesis Turn It On Again 06:21 3 Genesis No Son Of Mine 07:09 4 Genesis Land Of Confusion 06:11 5 Genesis In The Cage - Cinema Show - Duke's Travels - Afterglow 18:12 6 Genesis Los Endos 06:27 7 Genesis Tonight, Tonight, Tonight 03:36 8 Genesis Follow You, Follow Me 04:17 9 Genesis I Can't Dance 07:50 10 Genesis Carpet Crawlers 06:32
Search Genesis LIVE Stuttgart, DE 28.06.07 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Duke's Intro (Behind The Lines) 04:10 2 Genesis Ripples 08:04 3 Genesis Throwing It All Away 09:00 4 Genesis Land Of Confusion 05:57 5 Genesis In The Cage - Cinema Show - Duke's Travels - Afterglow 18:13 6 Genesis Los Endos 06:25 7 Genesis Tonight, Tonight, Tonight 03:36 8 Genesis Follow You, Follow Me 04:23 9 Genesis Firth Of Fifth - I Know What I Like (In Your Wardrobe) 13:03 10 Genesis Carpet Crawlers 06:41
Search Genesis Lakeland Theatre, Florida, 11th January 1975 14 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway 05:26 2 Genesis Lilywhite Lilith 03:02 3 Genesis The Waiting Room 05:35 4 Genesis Cuckoo Cocoon 02:16 5 Genesis Here Comes The Supernatural Anaesthetist 03:45 6 Genesis The Grand Parade Of Lifeless Packaging/Story of Rael # I 04:24 7 Genesis Silent Sorrow In Emty Boats 03:19 8 Genesis The Colony Of Slippermen 08:35 9 Genesis Ravine 01:46 10 Genesis The Light Dies Down On Broadway 03:36 11 Genesis The Chamber Of 32 Doors 06:00 Has Mbid 12 Genesis In The Rapids 02:25 13 Genesis It 07:44 14 Genesis The Musical Box 11:09
Search Genesis Lamb Master in Los Angeles 17 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Introduction Rael story (Part 1) 00:36 2 Genesis The lamb lies down on Broadway 05:03 3 Genesis Fly on a windshield 03:05 4 Genesis Broadway melody of 1974 02:19 5 Genesis Cuckoo cocoon 02:16 6 Genesis In the cage 08:00 7 Genesis The grand parade of lifeless packaging 03:15 8 Genesis Introduction Rael story (Part 2) 01:15 9 Genesis Back in N.Y.C. 06:12 10 Genesis Hairless heart 02:32 11 Genesis Counting out time 03:59 12 Genesis The carpet crawlers 05:45 13 Genesis The chamber of 32 doors 06:02 14 Genesis Introduction Rael story (Part 3) 00:53 15 Genesis Lilywhite Lilith 03:01 16 Genesis The waiting room 06:15 17 Genesis Anyway 03:50
Search Genesis Lamb master in Los Angeles 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Introduction to Rael story (Part 4) 00:58 2 Genesis Here comes the supernatural anaesthetist 03:50 3 Genesis The Lamia 07:13 4 Genesis Silent sorrow in empty boats 03:19 5 Genesis The colony of slippermen 08:47 6 Genesis Ravine 01:39 7 Genesis The light dies down on Broadway 03:38 8 Genesis Riding on the scree 04:33 9 Genesis In the rapids 02:23 10 Genesis It 05:36 11 Genesis Watcher of the skies 08:44 12 Genesis The musical box 11:40
Search Genesis Leicester & Manchester - 24-25 February 1973 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Watcher Of The Skies 08:44 2 Genesis The Musical Box 11:11 3 Genesis Get 'em Out By Friday 10:07 4 Genesis Old Michael Story 02:46 5 Genesis Supper's Ready 24:16 6 Genesis Return Of The Giant Hogweed 09:29 7 Genesis The Knife 09:54
Search Genesis Live '73 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Horizons - Supper's Ready 25:35 2 Genesis The Fountain of Salmacis 08:06 3 Genesis The Cinema Show 11:05 4 Genesis THe Return of the Giant Hogweed 08:09 5 Genesis Firth of Fifth 10:07 6 Genesis The Musical Box 10:40
Search Genesis Live - 20.01.1977 - Southampton - Gaumont Theatre 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Squonk 06:50 2 Genesis One For The Vine 10:35 3 Genesis The Story Of Harry 01:08 4 Genesis Robbery, Assault & Battery 06:14 5 Genesis Your Own Special Way 06:58 6 Genesis Drum Duet 01:01 7 Genesis In That Quiet Earth 05:38 8 Genesis The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway 05:00 9 Genesis The Musical Box 03:02 10 Genesis Eleventh Earl Of Mar 08:19
Search Genesis Live - 20.10.1973 - London - Rainbow Theatre 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis The Battle Of Epping Forest 12:16 2 Genesis Old "Henry - Michael" Story 03:07 3 Genesis Supper's Ready 23:42 4 Genesis The Cinema Show 11:15 5 Genesis I Know What I Like (In Your Wardrobe) 05:27 6 Genesis Firth Of Fifth 08:36 7 Genesis Story Of Henry & Cynthia 01:15 8 Genesis The Musical Box 10:59 9 Genesis More Fool Me 03:22
Search Genesis Live At Rome 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Duke's Intro (Behind The Lines) 04:08 2 Genesis Turn It On Again 06:17 3 Genesis Throwing It All Away 08:39 4 Genesis Land Of Confusion 05:45 5 Genesis Drum Duet 06:31 6 Genesis Los Endos 06:21 7 Genesis Tonight, Tonight, Tonight 03:36 8 Genesis Follow You, Follow Me 04:17 9 Genesis I Can't Dance 08:36 10 Genesis Carpet Crawlers 06:25
Search Genesis Live At The Hollywood Bowl, 10-13-2007 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Mama 07:41 2 Genesis Ripples 07:53 3 Genesis Throwing It All Away 08:43 4 Genesis Domino 11:53 5 Genesis Drum Duet 06:30 6 Genesis Los Endos 06:27 7 Genesis Tonight Tonight Tonight 03:36 8 Genesis Invisible Touch 06:57 9 Genesis I Can't Dance 10:28 10 Genesis Carpet Crawlers 06:28
Search Genesis Live At The Rainbow Jan 2, 1977 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis British Biscuit intro 00:25 2 Genesis Squonk 06:50 3 Genesis In That Quiet Earth 04:41 4 Genesis Afterglow 04:11 5 Genesis One For The Vine 10:03 6 Genesis All In A Mouse's Night 06:35 7 Genesis Eleventh Earl Of Mar 07:40 8 Genesis I Know What I Like 08:12 9 Genesis British Biscuit outro 00:26
Search Genesis Live At The Skydome 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Home By The Sea 05:43 2 Genesis Second Home By The Sea 06:44 3 Genesis Hold On My Heart 05:18 4 Genesis Medley: Dance On Volcano/ Lamb Lies Down On Broadway/ Musical Box/ Firth Of Fifth/ I Know What I Like/ That's All/ Follow You, Follow Me 21:19 5 Genesis Domino A) In The Glow Of The Night B) The Last Domino 11:17 6 Genesis Drum Duet 04:28 7 Genesis I Can't Dance 07:04 8 Genesis Tonight, Tonight, Tonight 03:38 9 Genesis Invisible Touch 05:37 10 Genesis Throwing It All Away 06:23 11 Genesis Turn It On Again 06:52
Search Genesis Live At Uptown Theatre, Chicago, October 13,1978 8 1 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 Genesis Eleventh Earl Of Mar 09:25 2 Genesis In The Cage 08:11 3 Genesis Burning Rope 08:00 4 Genesis Dancing With The Moonlight Knight 06:36 5 Genesis The Musical Box (Closing Section) 02:47 6 Genesis Ripples 10:56 7 Genesis Deep In The Motherlode 06:56 8 Genesis One For The Vine 10:32
Search Genesis Live Bootleg 30 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Lamb Lies Down On Broadway 05:14 2 Genesis Fly On A Windshield 02:45 3 Genesis Broadway Melody Of 1974 02:15 4 Genesis Cuckoo Cocoon 02:25 5 Genesis In The Cage 08:03 6 Genesis Grand Parade Of Lifeless Packaging 03:24 7 Genesis Story 02:32 8 Genesis Back In Nyc 06:03 9 Genesis Hairless Heart 02:38 10 Genesis Counting Out Time 03:54 11 Genesis Carpet Crawlers 05:38 12 Genesis Chamber Of 32 Doors 06:00 13 Genesis Story 06:54 14 Genesis Lilywhite Lilith 02:56 15 Genesis Waiting Room 08:15 16 Genesis Anyway 03:40 17 Genesis Supernatural Anaesthetist 02:38 18 Genesis Interlude 01:30 19 Genesis The Lamia 07:12 20 Genesis Silent Sorrow 03:13 21 Genesis Arrival 02:25 22 Genesis Colony Of Slippermen 06:31 23 Genesis Ravine 01:51 24 Genesis Light Dies Down 03:34 25 Genesis Riding The Scree 04:16 26 Genesis In The Rapids 02:34 27 Genesis It 06:58 28 Genesis Story 02:57 29 Genesis Musical Box 11:02 30 Genesis Outro 03:50
Search Genesis Live Columbus 09.22.07 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Duke's Intro 03:39 2 Genesis Turn It On Again 06:21 3 Genesis No Son Of Mine 07:00 4 Genesis Land Of Confusion 06:16 5 Genesis In The Cage, Cinema Show, Duke's Travels, Afterglow 18:07 6 Genesis Hold On My Heart 08:12 7 Genesis Home By The Sea 12:17 8 Genesis Follow You, Follow Me 04:18 9 Genesis Firth of Fifth, I Know What I Like 12:50
Search Genesis Live In Boston-Basel London 1972 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Musical Box 11:16 2 Genesis Watcher Of The Sky 07:51 3 Genesis Fountain Of Salmacis 07:22 4 Genesis Happy The Man 03:01 5 Genesis Get 'Em Out By Friday 09:17 6 Genesis Twilight Alehouse 08:31
Search Genesis Live In Bruxelles-Frankfurt-London-Boston 1972 6 1 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 Genesis The Knife 09:21 2 Genesis Stagnation 07:57 3 Genesis Looking For Someone 07:18 4 Genesis The Return Of The Giant Hogweed 05:50 5 Genesis Supper's Ready 24:22 6 Genesis Happy The Man 03:05
Search Genesis Live In Hollywood 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Firth Of Fifth - I Know What I Like (In Your Wardrobe) 12:31 2 Genesis Turn It On Again 06:04 3 Genesis Ripples 07:41 4 Genesis Throwing It All Away 08:47 5 Genesis In The Cage - Cinema Show - Duke's Travels - Afterglow 18:25 6 Genesis Hold On My Heart 08:01 7 Genesis Home By The Sea 12:10 8 Genesis Tonight, Tonight, Tonight 03:36 9 Genesis Invisible Touch 06:26
Search Genesis Live In London - Genesis Archive 03 January 1977 8 3 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 Genesis Story Of Romeo & Juliet 01:28 2 Genesis The Carpet Crawlers 06:29 Has Mbid 3 Genesis I Know What I Like 07:43 Has Mbid 4 Genesis Dance On A Volcano 04:21 5 Genesis Squonk 07:21 6 Genesis One For The Vine 10:52 7 Genesis The Musical Box (Closing Section) 03:03 8 Genesis All In A Mouse's Night 06:30
Search Genesis Live In London 1976 King Biscuit Flower Hour 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Dance On A Volcano 06:01 2 Genesis The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway 05:14 3 Genesis The Carpet Crawlers 05:24 4 Genesis The Cinema Show 12:28 5 Genesis Robbery, Assault And Battery 07:19 6 Genesis White Mountain 07:19 7 Genesis Firth Of Fifth 09:29 8 Genesis Los Endos 07:44 9 Genesis It>Watcher Of The Skies 06:23
Search Genesis Live In Los Angeles 1975 14 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway 05:12 2 Genesis Fly On A Windshield 04:39 3 Genesis Broadway Melody Of 1974 00:34 4 Genesis Cuckoo Cocoon 02:15 5 Genesis In The Cage 07:59 6 Genesis The Grand Parade Of Lifeless Packaging 03:14 7 Genesis Introduction 01:16 8 Genesis Back In N.Y.C. 06:12 9 Genesis Hairless Heart 02:30 10 Genesis Counting Out Time 03:59 11 Genesis The Carpet Crawlers 05:41 12 Genesis The Chamber Of 32 Doors 06:02 13 Genesis Lilywhite Lilith 03:48 14 Genesis The Waiting Room 06:14
Search Genesis Live In The Big Apple 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Jesus He Knows Me 10:21 2 Genesis Home By The Sea (part1) 05:18 3 Genesis Home By The Sea (part2) 06:46 4 Genesis Hold On My Heart 07:52 5 Genesis Domino 11:34 6 Genesis The Musical Box (closing section) 03:01 7 Genesis I Can't Dance 07:04 8 Genesis I Know What I Like 07:30 9 Genesis Throwing It All Away 06:43 10 Genesis Fading Lights 10:54
Search Genesis Live at Uptown Theatre, Chicago,Oct 13,1978 9 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Squonk 08:28 2 Genesis Say It's Alright Joe 09:05 3 Genesis The Lady Lies 10:24 4 Genesis The Cinema Show 11:29 5 Genesis Afterglow 04:46 6 Genesis Follow You Follow Me 04:33 7 Genesis Dance On a Volcano 05:46 Has Mbid 8 Genesis Los Endos 06:27 9 Genesis I Know What I Like(In Your Wardrobe) 09:18
Search Genesis Live in Buffalo 2007-08-09 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Duke's Intro (Behind The Lines) 03:37 2 Genesis Ripples 07:54 3 Genesis Throwing It All Away 09:24 4 Genesis Domino 11:46 5 Genesis Drum Duet 06:54 6 Genesis Los Endos 06:30 7 Genesis Tonight, Tonight, Tonight 03:36 8 Genesis Follow You, Follow Me 04:23 9 Genesis Firth Of Fifth/I Know What I Like (In Your Wardrobe) 13:07 10 Genesis Carpet Crawlers 06:34
Search Genesis Live in Chicago 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Mama 07:57 2 Genesis Ripples 07:46 3 Genesis No Son Of Mine 06:59 4 Genesis Land of Confusion 07:02 5 Genesis Drum Duet 06:34 6 Genesis Los Endos 06:26 7 Genesis Tonight, Tonight, Tonight 03:36 8 Genesis Invisible Touch 07:04 9 Genesis Firth Of Fifth - I Know What I Like 12:45 10 Genesis Carpet Crawlers 06:32
Search Genesis Live in Dusseldorf 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Duke's Intro (Behind The Lines) 04:08 2 Genesis Turn It On Again 06:06 3 Genesis Throwing It All Away 09:06 4 Genesis Land Of Confusion 05:54 5 Genesis In The Cage - Cinema Show - Duke's Travels - Afterglow 18:12 6 Genesis Los Endos 06:26 7 Genesis Home By The Sea 12:17 8 Genesis Invisible Touch 07:14 9 Genesis I Can't Dance 08:05 10 Genesis Carpet Crawlers 06:37
Search Genesis Live in Frankfurt 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Mama 07:57 2 Genesis Ripples 08:03 3 Genesis Throwing It All Away 09:16 4 Genesis Domino 11:56 5 Genesis Drum Duett 06:12 6 Genesis Los Endos 06:25 7 Genesis Tonight, Tonight, Tonight 03:36 8 Genesis Invisible Touch 07:09 9 Genesis I Can´t Dance 08:06 10 Genesis Carpet Crawlers 06:37
Search Genesis Live in Frankfurt 05/07/07 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Duke's Intro (Behind The Lines) 03:33 2 Genesis Turn It On Again 06:13 3 Genesis No Son Of Mine 07:00 4 Genesis Land Of Confusion 05:58 5 Genesis In The Cage/Cinema Show/Duke's Travels/Afterglow 18:09 6 Genesis Hold On My Heart 07:53 7 Genesis Home By The Sea 12:24 8 Genesis Follow You, Follow Me 04:25 9 Genesis Firth Of Fifth/I Know What I Like (In Your Wardrobe) 13:01
Search Genesis Live in Frankfurt 05/07/07 - 2 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Mama 07:57 2 Genesis Ripples 08:03 3 Genesis Throwing It All Away 09:16 4 Genesis Domino 11:56 5 Genesis Drum Duett 06:12 6 Genesis Los Endos 06:25 7 Genesis Tonight, Tonight, Tonight 03:36 8 Genesis Invisible Touch 07:09 9 Genesis I Can´t Dance 08:06 10 Genesis Carpet Crawlers 06:37
Search Genesis Live in Knebworth 1978 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Burning Rope 07:17 2 Genesis Ripples 09:23 3 Genesis Deep in the Motherlode 05:32 4 Genesis The Fountain of Salmacis 08:37 5 Genesis The Lady Lies 06:04 6 Genesis Afterglow 04:37 7 Genesis Follow You Follow Me 04:26 8 Genesis Dance on a Volcano/Los Endos 11:41 9 Genesis I Know What I Like (In Your Wardrobe) 08:11
Search Genesis Live in Leipzig 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Duke's Intro (Behind The Lines) 04:09 2 Genesis Ripples 07:59 3 Genesis No Son Of Mine 07:04 4 Genesis Domino 11:49 5 Genesis Drum Duet 05:54 6 Genesis Hold On My Heart 07:53 7 Genesis Home By The Sea 12:13 8 Genesis Follow You, Follow Me 04:20 9 Genesis Firth Of Fifth/I Know What I Like (In Your Wardrobe) 13:04 10 Genesis Carpet Crawlers 06:35
Search Genesis Live in London 1974 6 2 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis In The Cage 06:49 2 Genesis Back In N.Y.C. 05:55 3 Genesis Hairless Heart - Counting Out Time 06:28 Has Mbid 4 Genesis The Carpet Crawlers 05:38 Has Mbid 5 Genesis The Waiting Room (Evil Jam) 06:20 6 Genesis Silent Sorrow In Empty Boats - Arrival - Ravine - The Light Dies Down On Broadway - Riding The Scree 12:13
Search Genesis Live in Los Angels 1975 14 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway 05:12 2 Genesis Fly on a Windsheld 04:39 3 Genesis Broadway Melody of 1974 00:34 4 Genesis Cuckoo cocoon 02:15 5 Genesis In the Cage 07:59 6 Genesis The Grand Parade of Lifeless Packaging 03:14 7 Genesis Introduction 01:16 8 Genesis Back in NYC 06:12 9 Genesis Hairless Heart 02:30 10 Genesis Counting Out Time 03:59 11 Genesis The Carpet Crawlers 05:41 12 Genesis The Chamber of 32 Doors 06:02 13 Genesis Lilywhite Lilith 03:48 14 Genesis The Wating Room 06:14
Search Genesis Live in Munich 2007-07-10 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Mama 07:49 2 Genesis Ripples 08:00 3 Genesis Throwing It All Away 09:06 4 Genesis Land Of Confusion 05:50 5 Genesis Drum Duet 06:49 6 Genesis Los Endos 06:33 7 Genesis Tonight, Tonight, Tonight 03:36 8 Genesis Invisible Touch 07:20 9 Genesis Firth Of Fifth/I Know What I Like (In Your Wardrobe) 13:04 10 Genesis Carpet Crawlers 06:36
Search Genesis Live in New York 1992 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Utwór01 10:33 2 Genesis Utwór02 05:26 3 Genesis Utwór03 06:56 4 Genesis Utwór04 08:06 5 Genesis Utwór05 06:50 6 Genesis Utwór06 11:04 7 Genesis Utwór07 06:48
Search Genesis Live in Prague 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Duke's Intro (Behind The Lines) 04:01 2 Genesis Ripples 07:58 3 Genesis No Son Of Mine 07:07 4 Genesis Domino 11:58 5 Genesis In The Cage / Cinema Show / Duke's Travels / Afterglow 18:06 6 Genesis Los Endos 06:16 7 Genesis Tonight, Tonight, Tonight 03:36 8 Genesis Follow You, Follow Me 04:18 9 Genesis I Can't Dance 08:05 10 Genesis Carpet Crawlers 06:51
Search Genesis Live in Rochester, New York, 1974 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Anyway 03:30 2 Genesis Here Comes the Supernatural Anaesthetist 02:34 3 Genesis The Lamia 08:05 4 Genesis Silent Sorrow in Empty Boats 05:04 5 Genesis The Colony of Slipper Men - The Arrival - A Visit to the Doktor - The Raven 06:18 6 Genesis Ravine 01:45 7 Genesis The Light Dies Down on Broadway 03:34 8 Genesis Riding the Scree 04:10 9 Genesis In the Rapids - It 06:23 10 Genesis The Musical Box 10:54
Search Genesis Live in Rome 2007-07-14 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Mama 07:18 2 Genesis Ripples 07:48 3 Genesis No Son Of Mine 06:58 4 Genesis Domino 11:51 5 Genesis Drum Duet 06:31 6 Genesis Hold On My Heart 07:18 7 Genesis Home By The Sea 12:11 8 Genesis Follow You, Follow Me 04:17 9 Genesis I Can't Dance 08:36 10 Genesis Carpet Crawlers 06:25
Search Genesis Live in Sacremento 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Mama 07:45 2 Genesis Ripples 07:49 3 Genesis No Son of Mine 06:57 4 Genesis Domino 11:43 5 Genesis Drum Duet 06:27 6 Genesis Los Endos 06:23 7 Genesis Home by the Sea 12:17 8 Genesis Follow You, Follow Me 04:20 9 Genesis Firth of Fifth; I Know What I Like (In Your Wardrobe) 12:29 10 Genesis Carpet Crawlers 06:24
Search Genesis Liverpool 1975 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 201 Anyway 03:49 2 202 Here Comes The Supernatural Anaesthetist 202 Here Comes The Supernatural Anaesthetist 04:09 3 203 The Lamia 203 The Lamia 07:06 4 204 Silent Sorrow In Empty Boats 204 Silent Sorrow In Empty Boats 03:31 5 205 The Colony Of Slippermen 205 The Colony Of Slippermen 08:49 6 206 Ravine 01:46 7 107 Back In N Y.C. 06:04 8 208 Riding The Scree 208 Riding The Scree 04:13 9 209 In The Rapids 209 In The Rapids 02:30 10 210 It 04:03 11 211 The Knife 211 The Knife 09:24
Search Genesis Los Angeles 1975 6 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Lilywhite Lilith 02:46 2 Genesis The Waiting Room 06:18 Has Mbid 3 Genesis Anyway 03:33 4 Genesis It 05:02 5 Genesis The Musical Box 11:13 6 Genesis Watcher Of The Skies 08:00
Search Genesis Lost For Words 14 3 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Fly On A Windshield 02:36 Has Mbid 2 Genesis Mad Man Moon 04:08 3 Genesis Entangled 02:21 4 Genesis The Waiting Room 06:23 5 Genesis Submarine 08:43 6 Genesis In That Quiet Earth 03:59 7 Genesis Dance On A Volcano 04:30 Has Mbid 8 Genesis Here Comes The Supernatural Anaesthetist 06:06 9 Genesis Squonk 02:08 Has Mbid 10 Genesis Silent Sorrow In Empty Boats 06:54 11 Genesis Drum Duet 03:01 12 Genesis Los Endos 09:55 13 Genesis The Brazilian 05:15 14 Genesis Untitled Studio Improvisation 05:35
Search Genesis MAY 2, 1975 Birmingham Hippodrome 14 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Anyway 03:38 2 Genesis The Supernatural Anaesthetist 04:08 3 Genesis Lamia 07:08 4 Genesis Cuckoo Cocoon 02:27 5 Genesis In the Cage 08:05 6 Genesis The Grand Parade of Lifeless Packaging 03:24 7 Genesis The Light Dies Down on Broadway 03:34 8 Genesis Riding the Scree 03:46 9 Genesis Hairless Heart 02:36 10 Genesis Counting Out Time 04:04 11 Genesis The Musical Box 13:32 12 Genesis The Chamber of 32 Doors 05:53 13 Genesis The Story of Rael 2 05:58 14 Genesis Lilywhite Lilith 03:02
Search Genesis Marquee Club '82 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Dance On A Volcano 05:28 2 Genesis Misunderstanding 04:32 3 Genesis Follow You, Follow Me 06:07 4 Genesis In The Cage 07:58 5 Genesis Cinema Show - Slippermen 04:10 6 Genesis Afterglow 04:29 7 Genesis Turn It On Again 05:19 8 Genesis Drum Duet 02:25 9 Genesis Los Endos 07:16 10 Genesis The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway - Watcher Of The Skies 09:07 11 Genesis I Know What I Like 06:26
Search Genesis Metz '81 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Behind The Lines 05:30 2 Genesis Duchess 06:10 3 Genesis Dodo - Lurker 07:09 4 Genesis Abacab 08:14 5 Genesis No Reply At All 04:56 6 Genesis Who Dunnit? 03:25 7 Genesis Cinema Show (end)-Slippermen-Afterglow 05:51
Search Genesis Munich 10.07.07 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Mama 07:48 2 Genesis Ripples 08:00 3 Genesis Throwing it all away 09:06 4 Genesis Domino 11:56 5 Genesis Drum Duett 06:49 6 Genesis Los Endos 06:33 7 Genesis Tonight, Tonight, Tonight 03:36 8 Genesis Invisible touch 07:20 9 Genesis I can't dance 08:18 10 Genesis Carpet crawlers 06:36
Search Genesis New York, 25-09-2007 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Mama 07:47 2 Genesis Turn it on again 06:12 3 Genesis No son of mine 06:59 4 Genesis Land of confusion 06:14 5 Genesis In the cage / Cinema show / Duke's travels / Afterglow 17:56 6 Genesis Hold on my heart 08:06 7 Genesis Home by the sea 12:05 8 Genesis Invisible touch 07:10 9 Genesis I can't dance 07:54 10 Genesis Carpet crawlers 06:27
Search Genesis Nir Perfect 13 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis No son of mine 07:49 2 Genesis The lamb lies down on Broadway 05:28 3 Genesis Calling All Stations 07:05 4 Genesis The Carpet Crawlers 05:00 5 Genesis Domino - In the glow of the night 04:13 6 Genesis The last domino 06:34 7 Genesis Dancing with the moonlit knight 02:13 8 Genesis Lover's Leap 02:29 9 Genesis Not About Us 03:14 10 Genesis The dividing line 10:08 11 Genesis Mama 06:47 12 Genesis Turn it on again 03:32 13 Genesis Invisible Touch 05:11
Search Genesis Nir Perfect - Live in Birmingham 98 13 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis No son of mine 07:50 2 Genesis The lamb lies down on Broadway 05:28 3 Genesis Calling all stations 07:06 4 Genesis Carpet Crawlers 05:00 5 Genesis In the glow of the night 04:13 6 Genesis The last domino 06:34 7 Genesis Dancing with the moonlit knight 02:12 8 Genesis Supper's ready (lover's leap) 02:29 9 Genesis Not about us 03:13 10 Genesis The dividing line 10:08 11 Genesis Mama 06:47 12 Genesis Turn it on again 03:33 13 Genesis Invisible touch 05:10
Search Genesis Paris 30/06/07 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Duke's Intro (Behind The Lines) 03:31 2 Genesis Turn It On Again 05:44 3 Genesis No Son Of Mine 06:56 4 Genesis Land Of Confusion 05:48 5 Genesis In The Cage / Cinema Show / Duke's Travels / Afterglow 18:04 6 Genesis Hold On My Heart 07:31 7 Genesis Home By The Sea 12:17 8 Genesis Follow You, Follow Me 04:20 9 Genesis Firth Of Fifth / I Know What I Like (In Your Wardrobe) 12:52
Search Genesis Philadelphia 080377 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Squonk 07:04 2 Genesis One for the Vine 10:33 3 Genesis Dance on a Volcano 04:33 4 Genesis Your Own Special Way 07:15 5 Genesis Lamb Lies Down_Musical Box 08:19 6 Genesis The Carpet Crawl 07:15 7 Genesis All in a Mouse's Night 06:11 8 Genesis Afterglow 04:33
Search Genesis Providence, Rhode Island, 8th Dec 1974 17 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Lilywhee Lilith 02:59 2 Genesis Fly on a Windshield 02:27 3 Genesis Anyway 03:24 4 Genesis Cuckoo Cocoon 02:14 5 Genesis In the Cage 08:04 6 Genesis The Lamia 07:03 7 Genesis Silent Sorrow in Empty Beats 03:27 8 Genesis Back in N.Y.C. 05:52 9 Genesis The Colony of Slippermen 06:33 10 Genesis Ravine 02:02 11 Genesis The Light Dies Down on Broadway 03:42 12 Genesis The Chamber of 32 Doors 05:53 13 Genesis In the Rapids 02:04 14 Genesis It! 04:26 15 Genesis Cynthia's Heary story 02:32 16 Genesis The Musical Box 11:41 17 Genesis Watcher of the Skies 07:54
Search Genesis Rare Tapes Vol.1 10 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Looking For Someone (Live 1970) 07:12 2 Genesis The Light (Live 1971) 08:59 3 Genesis Twiligt Alehouse (Live 1972) 06:14 4 Genesis Harlequin (Live 1972) 02:40 5 Genesis Can Utility And The Coastliners (Live 1972) 07:28 6 Genesis Happy The Man (Live 1972) 02:56 7 Genesis Going Out To Get You (Live 1972) 03:34 Has Mbid 8 Genesis One-Handed Drum Solo (Live 1972) 02:51 9 Genesis Can Utility And The Coastliners (Live 1972) 05:49 10 Genesis Seven StonesCan Utility And The Coastliners (Live 1972) 05:00
Search Genesis Rare Tapes Vol.4 8 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Back In New York City (Live 1980) 04:33 2 Genesis Me And Virgil (Live 1981) 07:13 Has Mbid 3 Genesis Like It Or Not (Live 1981) 00:00 4 Genesis The Knife (Live 1981) 04:00 5 Genesis No Reply At All (Live 1982) 05:59 6 Genesis Paperlate (Live 1982) 03:48 7 Genesis Eleventh Earl Of Mar, Squonk, Firth Of Fifth (Live 1983) 11:09 8 Genesis Eleventh Earl Of Mar,Behind The Lines, Firth Of Fifth (Live 1984) 11:47
Search Genesis Recorded Live at Rainbow Theatre 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis watcher of the skies 08:07 2 Genesis dancing with the moonlight knight 06:23 3 Genesis i know what i like (in your wardrobe) 05:20 4 Genesis firth of fifth 09:26 5 Genesis more fool me 03:35 6 Genesis the battle of epping forest 12:08 7 Genesis Presentation 02:59 8 Genesis supper's ready 23:42
Search Genesis Reichstagsgelaende, Berlin - 8 June 1987 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Band Introductions 01:40 2 Genesis Mama 07:22 3 Genesis Abacab 11:22 4 Genesis Home By The Sea 05:21 5 Genesis Second Home By The Sea 06:47 6 Genesis Invisible Touch 05:06 7 Genesis In The Cage 08:12 8 Genesis In That Quiet Earth 04:11 9 Genesis Afterglow 04:39 10 Genesis Land Of Confusion 05:17
Search Genesis Robbery, Assault & Battery 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Squonk 06:54 2 Genesis One For The Vine 11:28 3 Genesis Robbery, Assault & Battery 07:03 4 Genesis Inside And Out 07:23 5 Genesis Firth Of Fifth 09:15 6 Genesis The Carpet Crawlers 05:20 7 Genesis The Knife 03:52 8 Genesis Afterglow 04:35 9 Genesis I Know What I Like (in your wardrobe) 09:13
Search Genesis Robbery, Assault & Berkeley 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Dance On A Volcano 06:21 2 Genesis Squonk 06:38 3 Genesis Supper's Ready 23:06 4 Genesis I Know What I Like 05:09 5 Genesis Romeo and Juliet Story 00:56 6 Genesis It 03:55 7 Genesis Watcher Of The Skies 02:44 8 Genesis Robbery, Assault & Battery 05:47 9 Genesis White Mountain 07:01 10 Genesis Firth Of Fifth 08:17
Search Genesis Rock Roots (Unvollständig) 15 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis The Silent Sun 02:22 2 Genesis That's Me 02:43 3 Genesis Where The Sour Turns To Sweet 03:20 4 Genesis In The Beginning 04:37 5 Genesis Fireside Song 03:30 6 Genesis The Serpent 04:40 7 Genesis Am I Very Wrong? 03:34 8 Genesis In The Wilderness 03:27 9 Genesis The Conqueror 03:42 10 Genesis In Hiding 02:41 11 Genesis One Day 03:21 12 Genesis Window 03:38 13 Genesis In Limbo 03:30 14 Genesis A Place To Call My Own 02:01 15 Genesis A Winter's Tale 03:28
Search Genesis Royal Albert Hall '92 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Audience Participation Time 03:16 2 Genesis Home By The Sea 11:57 3 Genesis No Son Of Mine 08:27 4 Genesis Driving The Last Spike 13:17 5 Genesis Old Medley 19:47 6 Genesis I Can't Dance 09:04 7 Genesis Jesus He Knows Me 05:24 8 Genesis Invisible Touch 05:24 9 Genesis Turn It On Again 07:33
Search Genesis Royal Cinema Show 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Dodo - Lurker 07:16 2 Genesis Keep It Dark 04:53 3 Genesis That's All 04:40 4 Genesis Follow You Follow Me 04:57 5 Genesis Band Introduction 02:13 6 Genesis In The Cage Medley (In The Cage-The Cinema Show-In That Quiet Earth-The Colony Of Slipper Men) 14:34 7 Genesis "Phil's Talking" 04:50 8 Genesis Drum Duet 03:49 9 Genesis Los Endos 06:48 10 Genesis Turn It On Again (Sixties Medley) 13:04
Search Genesis Sao Paolo 1977 10 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Intro 01:29 2 Genesis Supper's Ready 24:54 Has Mbid 3 Genesis Dance On A Volcano 04:15 4 Genesis Inside And Out 07:43 5 Genesis Firth Of Fifth 09:06 6 Genesis The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway 04:45 7 Genesis The Musical Box (closing section) 03:04 8 Genesis Afterglow 04:19 9 Genesis I Know What I Like 08:09 10 Genesis Eleventh Earl Of Mar 07:57
Search Genesis Seconds Out (Japanese Edition) 8 2 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Squonk 06:41 2 Genesis The Carpet Crawl 05:31 Has Mbid 3 Genesis Roberry Assault & Battery 06:04 4 Genesis Afterglow 04:30 5 Genesis Firth Of fifth 09:00 Has Mbid 6 Genesis I Know What I Like 08:54 7 Genesis The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway 04:56 8 Genesis The Musical Box (Closing Section) 03:20
Search Genesis Seconds Out -1 8 2 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Squonk 06:40 2 Genesis The Carpet Crawl 05:29 Has Mbid 3 Genesis Robbery, Assault & Battery 06:04 4 Genesis Afterglow 04:30 5 Genesis Firth Of Fifth 09:00 Has Mbid 6 Genesis I Know What I Like 08:54 7 Genesis The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway 04:46 8 Genesis ......The Musical Box (Closing Section) 03:28
Search Genesis Seconds Out Disc-1 [VJD-25007] 8 2 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Squonk 06:40 2 Genesis The Carpet Crawl 05:29 Has Mbid 3 Genesis Robbery, Assault & Battery 06:04 4 Genesis Afterglow 04:30 5 Genesis Firth Of Fifth 09:00 Has Mbid 6 Genesis I Know What I Like 08:51 7 Genesis The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway 04:56 8 Genesis The Musical Box (Closing Section) 03:20
Search Genesis Selling England by the Pound [HDTracks] [24/96.0 kHz] 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Dancing with the Moonlit Knight 08:02 2 Genesis I Know What I Like (In Your Wardrobe) 04:10 3 Genesis Firth of Fifth 09:33 4 Genesis More Fool Me 03:12 5 Genesis The Battle of Epping Forest 11:42 6 Genesis After the Ordeal 04:14 7 Genesis The Cinema Show 10:43 8 Genesis Aisle of Plenty 01:57
Search Genesis Showco Rehearsals - LAs Colinas, Dallas, TX 26 March 1978 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Eleventh Earl Of Mar 09:03 2 Genesis In The Cage 08:52 3 Genesis Burning Rope 07:08 4 Genesis Ripples 10:02 5 Genesis Deep In The Motherlode 05:27 6 Genesis Deep In The Motherlode 05:23 7 Genesis Fountain Of Salmacis 08:10 8 Genesis Down And Out 05:13 9 Genesis One For The Vine 10:16
Search Genesis Six Of The Best 13 3 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Introduction By Jonathan King 01:56 Has Mbid 2 Genesis Dancing with the Moonlit Knight 04:02 3 Genesis The Knife 05:52 4 Genesis Carpet Crawlers 05:09 5 Genesis Greeting By Peter Gabriel 01:44 Has Mbid 6 Genesis The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway 06:38 Has Mbid 7 Genesis Fly On A Windshield 04:38 8 Genesis Solsbury Hill 05:20 9 Genesis Turn It On Again 06:54 10 Genesis The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway 07:42 11 Genesis Fly On A Windshield 02:58 12 Genesis Broadway Melody Of 1974 01:38 13 Genesis In The Cage 08:20
Search Genesis Small Talking In Paris... 14 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis No Son Of Mine 07:38 2 Genesis Congo 06:48 3 Genesis Land Of Confusion 05:30 4 Genesis Small Talk 05:33 5 Genesis Mama 07:14 6 Genesis Not About Us (Acoustic) 03:51 7 Genesis Dancing With The Moonlit Knight (Part) 02:08 8 Genesis Follow You Follow Me 02:59 9 Genesis Lover's Leap (From Supper's Ready) 02:20 10 Genesis Calling All Stations 07:06 11 Genesis Invisible Touch 05:02 12 Genesis Shipwrecked 05:00 13 Genesis Alien Afternoon 09:24 14 Genesis Turn It On Again 04:13
Search Genesis St. Louis '76 13 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Intro 01:38 2 Genesis Supper's Ready 25:07 3 Genesis Fly On A Windshield 02:25 4 Genesis Los Endos 06:58 5 Genesis The Cinema Show 11:19 6 Genesis Intro 01:07 7 Genesis Robbery, Assault And Battery 06:56 8 Genesis White Mountain 06:54 9 Genesis Intro 01:05 10 Genesis Firth Of Fifth 09:07 11 Genesis Intro 00:53 12 Genesis Entangled 06:55 13 Genesis Squonk 07:04
Search Genesis Straight In My Eyes 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Abacab 08:52 2 Genesis That's All 05:40 3 Genesis Mama 07:20 4 Genesis Home By The Sea - Second Home By The Sea 12:57 5 Genesis Kepp It Dark 05:12 6 Genesis It's Gonna Get Better 07:28 7 Genesis In The Cage 07:59 8 Genesis Afterglow 10:55 9 Genesis Drum Solo 03:35 10 Genesis Los Endos 06:35
Search Genesis Syria Mosque, Pittsburgh, USA, 13 April 1976 8 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Dance On A Volcano 06:31 2 Genesis The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway 05:18 3 Genesis Supper's Ready 25:38 Has Mbid 4 Genesis I Know What I Like 05:50 5 Genesis Los Endos 08:08 6 Genesis Robbery, Assault & Battery 07:03 7 Genesis Watcher of the Skies 02:17 8 Genesis Firth Of Fifth 08:38
Search Genesis Tales Of Ordinary Madness 16 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway 05:13 2 Genesis Broadway Melody Of 1974/Fly On A Windshield 04:42 3 Genesis Cuckoo Cocoon 02:50 4 Genesis In The Cage 07:39 5 Genesis The Grand Parade Of Lifeless Packaging 03:29 6 Genesis Back In N.Y.C. 08:23 7 Genesis Hairless Heart 02:36 8 Genesis Counting Out Time 04:04 9 Genesis The Carpet Crawlers 05:48 10 Genesis The Chambre Of 32 Doors 05:47 11 Genesis Lilywhite Lilith 02:39 12 Genesis The Waiting Room 03:47 13 Genesis Anyway 03:37 14 Genesis The Supernatural Anaestetist 02:18 15 Genesis The Lamia 06:52 16 Genesis The Light Dies Down On Broadway 07:24
Search Genesis Tango 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis The Fountain Of Salmacis 07:09 2 Genesis Twilight Alehouse 05:50 3 Genesis The Musical Box 09:38 4 Genesis The Return Of The Giant Hogweed 05:50 5 Genesis Watcher Of The Skies 08:47 6 Genesis The Musical Box 10:37
Search Genesis Tango (1972, 1973) 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis The Fountain Of Salmacis 07:09 2 Genesis Twilight Alehouse 05:50 3 Genesis The Musical Box 09:38 4 Genesis The Return Of The Giant Hogweed 05:50 5 Genesis Watcher Of The Skies 08:47 6 Genesis The Musical Box 10:37
Search Genesis The Boston Lamb 14 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis The Story Of Rael pt. 1 01:20 2 Genesis The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway 05:17 3 Genesis Fly On A Windshield 04:12 4 Genesis Broadway Melody Of 1974 00:33 5 Genesis The Lamia 07:09 6 Genesis In The Cage 08:09 7 Genesis The Grand Parade Of Lifeless Packaging 03:05 8 Genesis The Story Of Rael pt. 2 02:06 9 Genesis Back In N.Y.C. 06:13 10 Genesis Hairless Heart 02:14 11 Genesis In The Rapids 02:08 12 Genesis It 04:57 13 Genesis Introduction To The Musical box 02:37 14 Genesis The Musical Box 11:36
Search Genesis The Domino Principle 13 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Chat - Introductions 01:41 2 Genesis Abacab 08:29 3 Genesis Chat - The Domino Principle 03:40 4 Genesis Domino Part 1 - In the Glow of the Night 04:16 5 Genesis Home By the Sea 05:17 6 Genesis Second Home By the Sea 06:37 7 Genesis Invisible Touch 05:09 8 Genesis Drum Duet 05:48 9 Genesis Los Endos 06:52 10 Genesis In the Cage 07:46 11 Genesis Turn It On Again Medley 13:46 12 Genesis Afterglow 04:36 13 Genesis Land of Confusion 05:11
Search Genesis The Greatest Hits 9 3 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Musical Box 11:15 2 Genesis Get'Em Out By Friday 06:45 3 Genesis The Battle Of Epping Forest 08:31 4 Genesis Firth Of Fifth 10:52 Has Mbid 5 Genesis Abacab 08:54 6 Genesis Dancing With The Moonlight 09:20 Has Mbid 7 Genesis Follow Me, Follow You 04:37 8 Genesis I Know What I Like 07:55 Has Mbid 9 Genesis Land Of Confusion 04:49
Search Genesis The Invisible Cage 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Land Of Confusion 05:35 2 Genesis Abacab 09:29 3 Genesis Home By The Sea 12:10 4 Genesis That's All 06:45 5 Genesis That's All 05:03 6 Genesis Instrumental Intro 06:10 7 Genesis In The Cage 12:35 8 Genesis Afterglow 04:26
Search Genesis The Invisibles On Tour 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Mama 07:18 2 Genesis Abacab 09:59 3 Genesis Land Of Confusion 05:17 4 Genesis Domino 10:53 5 Genesis In Too Deep 05:33 6 Genesis Follow You Follow Me 04:50 7 Genesis That's All 05:03
Search Genesis The Lamb Descends On Waterbury 20 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway 04:33 2 Genesis Ravine 01:29 3 Genesis Broadway Melody Of 1974 00:29 4 Genesis Cuckoo Cocoon 02:06 5 Genesis In The Cage 07:40 6 Genesis It 05:02 7 Genesis The Musical Box 10:17 8 Genesis Here Comes The Supernatural Anaesthetist 01:25 9 Genesis Instrumental 01:20 10 Genesis In The Rapids 05:52 11 Genesis The Chamber Of 32 Doors 06:14 12 Genesis The Light Dies Down On Broadway 01:32 13 Genesis The Waiting Room 05:40 Has Mbid 14 Genesis Anyway 03:26 15 Genesis Here Comes The Supernatural Anaesthetist 03:51 16 Genesis The Lamia 06:57 17 Genesis Silent Sorrow In Empty Boats 03:02 18 Genesis The Colony Of Slipperman #3 00:33 19 Genesis Fly On A Windshield #1 12:00 20 Genesis Fly On A Windshield #2 02:16
Search Genesis The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway [HDTracks] [24/96.0 kHz] 12 0 1974 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Lilywhite Lilith 02:44 2 Genesis Fly on a Windshield 02:42 3 Genesis Broadway Melody of 1974 02:10 4 Genesis Cuckoo Cocoon 02:13 5 Genesis In the Cage 08:09 6 Genesis Brian Eno The Grand Parade of Lifeless Packaging 02:47 7 Genesis The Colony of Slippermen: The Arrival/A Visit to the Doktor/The Raven 08:12 8 Genesis Hairless Heart 02:12 9 Genesis Counting out Time 03:40 10 Genesis Riding the Scree 04:07 11 Genesis The Chamber of 32 Doors 05:45 12 Genesis It 04:30
Search Genesis The Shepherd 9 2 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis The Shepherd 04:00 2 Genesis Pacidy 05:43 Has Mbid 3 Genesis Let Us Make Love 06:07 4 Genesis Stagnation 08:16 5 Genesis Looking for Someone 07:18 6 Genesis Twilight Alehouse 08:02 Has Mbid 7 Genesis Watcher of the Skies 07:43 8 Genesis Get 'Em Out By Friday 08:50 9 Genesis Musical Box 12:03
Search Genesis The Unauthorised Recordings - Vol.1 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Abacab 09:33 2 Genesis That's All 04:45 3 Genesis Mama 08:07 4 Genesis Home By The Sea 05:13 5 Genesis Second Home By The Sea 07:13 6 Genesis Keep It Dark 04:52 7 Genesis It's Gonna Get Better 07:30
Search Genesis Toledo, Ohio, 6 April 1974 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Introduction 00:39 2 Genesis Watcher Of The Skies 08:14 3 Genesis Britannia Story 02:10 4 Genesis Dancing With The Moonlit Knight 08:48 5 Genesis Romeo And Juliet Story 01:52 6 Genesis The Cinema Show 11:11 7 Genesis I Know What I Like (In Your Wardrobe) 06:10 8 Genesis Rivers Story 01:50 9 Genesis Firth Of Fifth 09:46
Search Genesis Tour Rehearsal '78 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Eleventh Earl Of Mar 08:29 2 Genesis Down And Out 05:10 3 Genesis Burning Rope 07:07 4 Genesis Ripples 09:05 5 Genesis Follow You Follow Me #1 04:09 6 Genesis Follow You Follow Me #2 05:48 7 Genesis Supper's Ready 07:56
Search Genesis Tour it on Again Tour, Leipzig, DE 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Duke's Intro (Behind The Lines) 04:09 2 Genesis Turn It On Again 06:09 3 Genesis No Son Of Mine 07:04 4 Genesis Land Of Confusion 05:55 5 Genesis In The Cage/Cinema Show/Duke's Travels/Afterglow 18:10 6 Genesis Hold On My Heart 07:53 7 Genesis Home By The Sea 12:13 8 Genesis Follow You, Follow Me 04:20 9 Genesis Firth Of Fifth/I Know What I Like (In Your Wardrobe) 13:04
Search Genesis Uptown Theatre, Chicago IL 13th October 1978 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Eleventh Earl Of Mar 10:17 2 Genesis In The Cage 08:16 3 Genesis The Lady Lies 10:18 4 Genesis Dancing With The Moonlit Knight - The Musical Box 09:34 5 Genesis Ripples 10:36 6 Genesis Deep In The Motherlode 06:59 7 Genesis One For The Vine 10:44 8 Genesis Los Endos 06:47 9 Genesis I Know What I Like 09:04 10 Genesis "After The Show Phil's Interview" 07:39
Search Genesis Violent Dreams 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Watcher Of The Skies 11:43 2 Genesis The Musical Box 11:36 3 Genesis Get'em Out By Friday 08:58 4 Genesis Supper's Ready 24:28 5 Genesis The Return Of The Giant Hogweed 09:19 6 Genesis The Knife 08:53
Search Genesis Viva Italia ! 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Watcher Of the Skies 08:30 2 Genesis Story Of Henry And Cynthia (cut) 00:42 3 Genesis The Musical Box 11:33 4 Genesis The Fountain Of Salmacis 08:43 5 Genesis Supper's Ready Intro 01:50 6 Genesis Supper's Ready 23:54 7 Genesis The Return Of The Giant Hogweed 08:27 8 Genesis Supper's Ready 23:48 9 Genesis A Humorous Sketch 01:56 10 Genesis The Return Of The Giant Hogweed 08:42 11 Genesis The Knife 09:35
Search Genesis Watchers of the Skies 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Watcher of the Skies 08:13 2 Genesis Dancing with the Moonlit Knight 06:55 3 Genesis I Know What I Like 05:27 4 Genesis Firth of Fifth 09:31 5 Genesis More Fool Me 06:30 6 Genesis Supper's Ready 24:30
Search Genesis We 7 3 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 Genesis Fading Lights 10:55 2 Genesis In the Cage 06:33 3 Genesis Medley`s 21:11 4 Genesis Carpet Crawl 05:47 5 Genesis Domino Parts 1+2 11:19 Has Mbid 6 Genesis Throwing It All Away 07:03 Has Mbid 7 Genesis Abacab 09:02
Search Genesis We Can't Dance The Dance Album 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis No Son Of Mine (Homeless Version) 10:12 2 Genesis I Can't Dance (Groovy Feet Mix) 10:06 3 Genesis Dreamin' While You Sleep (Moon Light Version) 09:22 4 Genesis Hold On To Your Heart (True Love Version) 10:06 5 Genesis Jesus He Knows Me (Saved Version) 06:27 6 Genesis Tell Me Why (The Truth Mix) 09:40 7 Genesis Fading Lights (Faded Mix) 08:59 8 Genesis Way Of The World (Endless Time Version) 06:48
Search Genesis We Can't Dance [Special Edition Volkswagen] 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Tell Me Why (Edit) 02:47 2 Genesis Driving The Last Spike (Edit) 04:40 3 Genesis Dreaming While You Sleep (Edit) 02:34 4 Genesis Living Forever (Edit) 03:09 5 Genesis Fading Lights (Edit) 04:18 6 Genesis The Way Of The World (Edit) 02:23
Search Genesis We Can`t Dance - The Dance Album 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis No Son Of Mine (homeless version) 10:08 2 Genesis I Can`t Dance (groovy feet - mix) 10:09 3 Genesis Dreamin ´ While You Sleep (moon light version) 09:25 4 Genesis Hold On My Heart (true love - version) 10:06 5 Genesis Jesus He Knows me (saved version) 06:29 6 Genesis Tell Me Why (the truth mix) 09:40 7 Genesis Fading Lights (faded - mix) 09:00 8 Genesis Way Of The World (endless time - version) 06:47
Search Genesis We can´t dance (powered by Volkswagen) 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Tell me Why 02:47 2 Genesis Driving the last Spike 04:40 3 Genesis Dreaming while you sleep 02:34 4 Genesis Living forever 03:09 5 Genesis Fading lights 04:18 6 Genesis The way of the world 02:23
Search Genesis Wilderness Of The Mind (Rarities 76-80) (Charismatic Records CDC23095) 14 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway 04:43 2 Genesis Fly On A Windshield 02:36 3 Genesis The Carpet Crawlers 05:18 4 Genesis Squonk 06:23 Has Mbid 5 Genesis All In A Mouse's Night 06:35 6 Genesis White Mountain 07:15 7 Genesis Entangled 08:09 8 Genesis Dancing With The Moonlit Knight 02:11 9 Genesis The Carpet Crawlers 05:35 10 Genesis Ripples 10:15 11 Genesis The Day The LIghts Went Out 03:09 12 Genesis Vancouver 02:59 13 Genesis Your Own Special Way 07:14 14 Genesis Robbery Assault And Battery 05:46
Search Genesis Wilderness Of The Mind (bootleg) 13 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway 04:43 2 Genesis Fly On A Windshield 02:36 3 Genesis The Carpet Crawlers 05:18 4 Genesis Squonk 06:23 Has Mbid 5 Genesis All In A Mouse's Night 06:35 6 Genesis White Mountain 07:15 7 Genesis Entangled 08:09 8 Genesis Dancing With The Moonlit Knight 02:11 9 Genesis The Carpet Crawlers 05:35 10 Genesis Ripples 10:15 11 Genesis The Day The LIghts Went Out 03:09 12 Genesis Vancouver 02:59 13 Genesis Your Own Special Way 07:14
Search Genesis Willow Farm In Rainbow 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Watcher Of The Skies 07:59 2 Genesis Supper's Ready 22:51 3 Genesis I Know What I Like 05:07 4 Genesis Firth Of Fifth 08:49 5 Genesis More Fool Me 03:48 6 Genesis The Battle Of Epping Forest 12:03 7 Genesis The Cinema Show 11:39
Search Genesis Wind & South 1977 Disc. 1 (Live At Gaumont Theatre, Southhampton. Jan 20th 1977) 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis トラック01 06:57 2 Genesis トラック02 11:27 3 Genesis トラック03 06:48 4 Genesis トラック04 07:00 5 Genesis トラック05 14:13 6 Genesis トラック06 04:25 7 Genesis トラック07 08:36 8 Genesis トラック08 07:35
Search Genesis Wind & South 1977 Disc. 2 (Live At Gaumont Theatre, Southhampton. Jan 20th 1977) 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis トラック01 07:48 2 Genesis トラック02 08:05 3 Genesis トラック03 24:20 4 Genesis トラック04 04:30 5 Genesis トラック05 00:53 6 Genesis トラック06 06:26 7 Genesis トラック07 04:50 8 Genesis トラック08 02:51
Search Genesis and then we were three... 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis Down And Out 05:21 2 Genesis Undertow 04:37 3 Genesis Ballad Of Big 04:40 4 Genesis Snowbound 04:21 5 Genesis Burning Rope 06:55 6 Genesis Deep In The Motherlode 05:07 7 Genesis Many Too Many 03:25 8 Genesis Scenes From A Night´s Dream 03:27 9 Genesis Say It´s Alright Joe 04:13 10 Genesis The Lady Lies 05:56 11 Genesis Follow You Follow Me 03:50
Search Genesis live at the shrine auditorium LA 240175-1- 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Genesis the lamb lies down on broadway 05:48 2 Genesis fly on a windshield 05:14 3 Genesis broadway melody of 74 02:16 4 Genesis cuckoo cocoon 08:00 5 Genesis in the cage 03:15 6 Genesis the grandparade of lifeless packaging 01:15 7 Genesis back in nyc 06:12 8 Genesis hairless heart 02:30 9 Genesis counting out time 03:59 10 Genesis the carpet crawlers 05:46 11 Genesis the chamber of 32 doors 06:02
Gentle Giant View in Albunack 1975-02-13 - Capitol Studios,West Hollywood, CA 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gentle Giant Gentle Giant - Cogs In Cogs 03:03 2 Gentle Giant Gentle Giant - Proclamation 05:04 3 Gentle Giant Gentle Giant - Funny Ways 07:57 4 Gentle Giant Gentle Giant - Experience 05:33 5 Gentle Giant Gentle Giant - So Sincere 09:59 6 Gentle Giant Gentle Giant - with Gentle Giant . . . on KMET 00:16 7 Gentle Giant Gentle Giant - The Advent of Panurge 05:54 8 Gentle Giant Gentle Giant - Mister Class and Quality 03:09
Gentle Giant View in Albunack Agora Ballroom, Cleveland 1978 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gentle Giant Two Weeks In Spain 03:36 2 Gentle Giant Free Hand 06:52 3 Gentle Giant On Reflection 07:18 4 Gentle Giant I'm Turning Around 04:18 5 Gentle Giant Playing The Game 04:58 6 Gentle Giant Memories Of Old Days 07:38 7 Gentle Giant Betcha Thought We Couldn't Do It 02:54 8 Gentle Giant Funny Ways 03:08 9 Gentle Giant Funny Ways 09:52 10 Gentle Giant For Nobody 04:33 11 Gentle Giant So Sincere 10:00
Gentle Giant View in Albunack Agora Ballroom, Cleveland Jan 27, 1975 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gentle Giant Proclamation 05:00 2 Gentle Giant Funny Ways 08:19 3 Gentle Giant The Runaway - Experience 10:15 4 Gentle Giant Knots - The Advent Of Panurge 13:11 5 Gentle Giant So Sincere 09:49 6 Gentle Giant Mister Class And Quality? 03:22 7 Gentle Giant Valedictory 01:45
Gentle Giant View in Albunack Agora Ballroom, Cleveland Nov 15, 1977 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gentle Giant Intro - Two Weeks In Spain 03:36 2 Gentle Giant Free Hand 07:31 3 Gentle Giant On Reflection 06:33 4 Gentle Giant I'm Turning Around 04:12 5 Gentle Giant Playing The Game 05:00 6 Gentle Giant Memories Of Old Days 07:18 7 Gentle Giant Betcha Thought We Couldn't Do It 02:36 8 Gentle Giant Funny Ways 08:56 9 Gentle Giant The Face 03:39 10 Gentle Giant For Nobody 05:05
Gentle Giant View in Albunack Capitol Studios 1975 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gentle Giant Cogs In Cogs 03:03 2 Gentle Giant Proclamation 05:04 3 Gentle Giant Funny Ways 07:57 4 Gentle Giant Experience 05:33 5 Gentle Giant So Sincere 09:59 6 Gentle Giant "with Gentle Giant . . . on KMET" 00:16 7 Gentle Giant The Advent of Panurge 05:54 8 Gentle Giant Mister Class and Quality 03:09
Gentle Giant View in Albunack Capitol Studios,West Hollywood, CA, 13.02.1975 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gentle Giant Cogs In Cogs 03:03 2 Gentle Giant Proclamation 05:04 3 Gentle Giant Funny Ways 07:57 4 Gentle Giant Experience 05:33 5 Gentle Giant So Sincere 09:59 6 Gentle Giant "With Gentle Giant... On KMET!" 00:16 7 Gentle Giant The Advent Of Panurge 05:54 8 Gentle Giant Mister Class And Quality 03:09
Gentle Giant View in Albunack Free Hand (+ 4 andere) 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gentle Giant Just The Same 05:30 2 Gentle Giant On Reflection 05:37 3 Gentle Giant Free Hand 06:03 4 Gentle Giant Time To Kill 04:54 5 Gentle Giant His Last Voyage 06:14 6 Gentle Giant Talybont 02:37 7 Gentle Giant Mobile 04:53
Gentle Giant View in Albunack Orpheum Theatre, Boston 25 February 1977 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gentle Giant The Runaway - Experience 11:01 2 Gentle Giant On Reflection 06:41 3 Gentle Giant Just The Same 05:02 4 Gentle Giant Playing The Game 05:05 5 Gentle Giant Memories Of Old Days 08:13 6 Gentle Giant For Nobody 04:43 7 Gentle Giant Funny Ways 07:58 8 Gentle Giant Free Hand 08:19
Gentle Giant View in Albunack The Last Giant Step 1980-05-24 - NY, USA 13 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gentle Giant Convenience 03:19 2 Gentle Giant All Through The Night 04:16 3 Gentle Giant Free Hand 06:28 4 Gentle Giant Memories Of Old Days 09:04 5 Gentle Giant Knots 03:30 6 Gentle Giant Playing The Game 04:46 7 Gentle Giant Number One 05:54 8 Gentle Giant Giant For A Day 04:33 9 Gentle Giant Inside Out 06:09 10 Gentle Giant It's Not Imagination 04:12 11 Gentle Giant Underground 10:05 12 Gentle Giant For Nobody 04:17 13 Gentle Giant The Advent Of Panurge 06:21
Gentle Giant View in Albunack Vancouver 1976 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Gentle Giant Just The Same 05:20 2 Gentle Giant Proclamation 03:43 3 Gentle Giant Valedictory 02:19 4 Gentle Giant Excerpts from "Octopus" 15:13 5 Gentle Giant So Sincere 10:29 6 Gentle Giant Free Hand 06:47 7 Gentle Giant Peel The Paint - I Lost My Head 06:54
Georg Danzer View in Albunack Und Manchmal Kanns Auch Regnen 20 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georg Danzer Elfi 05:56 2 Georg Danzer Vorstellung Dieter Kolbeck und Ulli Bäer 01:14 3 Georg Danzer Von Scheibbs bis Nebraska 05:01 4 Georg Danzer Ehren-Scheibbser 02:00 5 Georg Danzer Zwei Krawatten 01:27 6 Georg Danzer Des Is Mei Frau 04:26 7 Georg Danzer Wieso G'rad Gmunden? 01:22 8 Georg Danzer Piercing in Gmunden 03:37 9 Georg Danzer St. Johann-Park 02:39 10 Georg Danzer Nur a Klana Bua im Winter 03:09 11 Georg Danzer Bandvorstellung 01:02 12 Georg Danzer Alles Was I Brauch 03:53 13 Georg Danzer Begrüssung Christian Becker 01:20 14 Georg Danzer Mei Leb'n 06:35 15 Georg Danzer Zwei Sorten von Liebesliedern 00:39 16 Georg Danzer Ollas Leiwaund 04:18 17 Georg Danzer Begrüssung Andy Baum 01:10 18 Georg Danzer Furt von Dir 03:20 19 Georg Danzer Man Muss Tierisch Aufpassen 02:47 20 Georg Danzer Schau Schatzi 04:08
Georg Danzer View in Albunack Und So Wieter... 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georg Danzer Und So Weiter... 06:23 2 Georg Danzer Gesichtskontrolle 04:31 3 Georg Danzer Zombieball 04:44 4 Georg Danzer Wer Bist Du? 03:25 5 Georg Danzer Fort Von Dir 03:30 6 Georg Danzer Auf Tournee 05:03 7 Georg Danzer Die Türken 05:09 8 Georg Danzer Rund Um Die Uhr 03:41 9 Georg Danzer Wieder Normal 04:18 10 Georg Danzer Künstlerpech 04:38
Georg Philipp Telemann View in Albunack 1-6 14 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georg Philipp Telemann Traccia01 04:55 2 Georg Philipp Telemann Traccia02 09:09 3 Georg Philipp Telemann Traccia03 05:06 4 Georg Philipp Telemann Traccia04 09:36 5 Georg Philipp Telemann Traccia05 02:41 6 Georg Philipp Telemann Traccia06 01:48 7 Georg Philipp Telemann Traccia07 02:42 8 Georg Philipp Telemann Traccia08 02:48 9 Georg Philipp Telemann Traccia09 04:45 10 Georg Philipp Telemann Traccia10 02:21 11 Georg Philipp Telemann Traccia11 04:18 12 Georg Philipp Telemann Traccia12 08:33 13 Georg Philipp Telemann Traccia13 04:24 14 Georg Philipp Telemann Traccia14 04:53
Georg Philipp Telemann View in Albunack 12 Fantasias / Gulliver Suite 17 2 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia 1 in B flat TWV 40:14 (1735) 06:55 2 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia 2 in G TWV 40:15 (1735) 04:02 3 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia 3 in F-minor TWV 40:16 (1735) 04:23 4 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia 4 in D TWV 40:17 (1735) 04:50 5 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia 5 in A TWV 40:18 (1735) 05:12 6 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia 6 in E minor TWV 40:19 (1735) 08:34 7 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia 7 in E-flat TWV 40:20 (1735) 08:19 8 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia 8 in E TWV 40:21 (1735) 05:27 9 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia 9 in B minor TWV 40:22 (1735) 06:58 10 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia 10 in D TWV 40:23 (1735) 05:04 11 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia 11 in F TWV 40:24 (1735) 06:04 12 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia 12 in A minor TWV 40:25 (1735) 05:01 Has Mbid 13 Georg Philipp Telemann Gulliver Suite TWV 40:108 (1728) : I Intrada 01:20 Has Mbid 14 Georg Philipp Telemann Gulliver Suite TWV 40:108 (1728) : II Chaconne of the Lilliputians 00:25 15 Georg Philipp Telemann Gulliver Suite TWV 40:108 (1728) : III Gigue of the Brobdingngians 02:11 16 Georg Philipp Telemann Gulliver Suite TWV 40:108 (1728) : IV Daydreams of the Laputians and their attendant flappers 02:19 17 Georg Philipp Telemann Gulliver Suite TWV 40:108 (1728) : V Loure of the well-mannered Houyhnhnms & Wilddance of the untamed Yahoos 01:07
Georg Philipp Telemann View in Albunack 12 Fantasien Fur Violine Ohne Bass 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasie B-dur 07:50 2 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasie G-dur 04:47 3 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasie F-moll 04:55 4 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasie D-dur 04:17 5 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasie A-dur 04:45 6 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasie e-moll 08:03 7 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasie Es-dur 07:40 8 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasie E-dur 04:52 9 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasie h-moll 04:48 10 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasie D-dur 05:00 11 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasie F-dur 06:19 12 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasie a-moll 04:45
Georg Philipp Telemann View in Albunack 12 Fantasien für Oboe solo 12 1 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 Georg Philipp Telemann Nr.1 in A: vivace-allegro 03:08 2 Georg Philipp Telemann Nr.2 in a: grave-vivace, adagio-allegro 05:05 3 Georg Philipp Telemann Nr.3 in b: largo, vivace, largo, vivace-allegro 04:03 4 Georg Philipp Telemann Nr.4 in B: andante-allegro-presto 04:42 5 Georg Philipp Telemann Nr.5 in C: presto, largo, presto, dolce-allegro-allegro 05:07 6 Georg Philipp Telemann Nr.6 in d: dolce-allegro-spirituoso 05:07 7 Georg Philipp Telemann Nr.7 in D: alla francese-presto 04:08 8 Georg Philipp Telemann Nr.8 in e: largo-spirituoso,allegro 04:44 9 Georg Philipp Telemann Nr.9 in E: affetuoso-allegro-grave-vivace 06:30 10 Georg Philipp Telemann Nr.10 in fis: a tempo giusto-presto-moderato 05:29 11 Georg Philipp Telemann Nr.11 in G: allegro-adagio, vivace-allegro 03:54 12 Georg Philipp Telemann Nr.12 in g: grave, allegro, allegro, dolce, allegro-presto 05:24
Georg Philipp Telemann View in Albunack 12 Fantasien für Violine Solo - Lessing 42 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia I in B flat TWV 40:14 - I Largo 02:15 2 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia I in B flat TWV 40:14 - II Allegro 01:35 3 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia I in B flat TWV 40:14 - III Grave 01:19 4 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia I in B flat TWV 40:14 - IV Allegro da capo 01:35 5 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia II in G TWV 40:15 - I Largo 01:36 6 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia II in G TWV 40:15 - II Allegro 01:46 7 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia II in G TWV 40:15 - III Allegro 00:51 8 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia III in F minor TWV 40:16 - I Adagio 01:56 9 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia III in F minor TWV 40:16 - II Presto 01:29 10 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia III in F minor TWV 40:16 - III Grave 00:15 11 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia III in F minor TWV 40:16 - IV Vivace 00:42 12 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia IV in D TWV 40:17 - I Vivace 01:55 13 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia IV in D TWV 40:17 - II Grave 00:37 14 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia IV in D TWV 40:17 - III Allegro 02:02 15 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia V in A TWV 40:18 - I Allegro. Presto. Allegro. Presto 02:06 16 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia V in A TWV 40:18 - II Andante 00:30 17 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia V in A TWV 40:18 - III Allegro 02:19 18 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia VI in E minor TWV 40:19 - I Grave 02:28 19 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia VI in E minor TWV 40:19 - II Presto 01:16 20 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia VI in E minor TWV 40:19 - III Siciliana 01:31 21 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia VI in E minor TWV 40:19 - IV Allegro 02:49 22 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia VII in E flat TWV 40:20 - I Dolce 01:38 23 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia VII in E flat TWV 40:20 - II Allegro 03:13 24 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia VII in E flat TWV 40:20 - III Largo 02:16 25 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia VII in E flat TWV 40:20 - IV Presto 01:04 26 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia VIII in E TWV 40:21 - I Piacevolmente 01:33 27 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia VIII in E TWV 40:21 - II Spirituoso 02:54 28 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia VIII in E TWV 40:21 - III Allegro 01:17 29 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia IX in B minor TWV 40:22 - I Siciliana 01:38 30 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia IX in B minor TWV 40:22 - II Vivace 02:53 31 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia IX in B minor TWV 40:22 - III Allegro 01:22 32 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia X in D TWV 40:23 - I Presto 01:33 33 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia X in D TWV 40:23 - II Largo 02:20 34 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia X in D TWV 40:23 - III Allegro 01:08 35 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia XI in F TWV 40:24 - I Un poco vivace 02:25 36 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia XI in F TWV 40:24 - II Soace 01:32 37 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia XI in F TWV 40:24 - III Un poco vivace da capo 02:21 38 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia XI in F TWV 40:24 - IV Allegro 01:07 39 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia XII in A minor TWV 40:25 - I Moderato 02:08 40 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia XII in A minor TWV 40:25 - II Vivace 01:34 41 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia XII in A minor TWV 40:25 - III Presto 01:04 42 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia XII in A minor TWV 40:25 - IV Vivace da capo 01:40
Georg Philipp Telemann View in Albunack 12 Fantasien für querflöte ohne Bass TWV40:2-13 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia No. 1 A major TWV40:2 02:56 2 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia No. 2 a minor TWV40:3 04:55 3 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia No. 3 bb minor TWV40:4 03:58 4 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia No. 4 Bb major TWV40:5 04:13 5 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia No. 5 C major TWV40:6 05:11 6 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia No. 6 d minor TWV40:7 05:10 7 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia No. 7 D major TWV40:8 04:16 8 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia No. 8 e minor TWV40:9 04:26 9 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia No. 9 E major TWV40:10 05:53 10 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia No. 10 F# major TWV40:11 05:12 11 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia No. 11 G major TWV40:12 03:46 12 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia No. 12 g minor TWV40:13 05:15
Georg Philipp Telemann View in Albunack 15 Overture 'Hamburger Ebb und Fluht' Concertos TWV 44:43, 51:e2 & 52:e1 21 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georg Philipp Telemann Overture in C TWV55:C3 'Hamburger Ebb und Flut' - I. Overture. Grave - Allegro 04:36 2 Georg Philipp Telemann Overture in C TWV55:C3 'Hamburger Ebb und Flut' - II. Sarabande. Die schlaffende Thetis 02:17 3 Georg Philipp Telemann Overture in C TWV55:C3 'Hamburger Ebb und Flut' - III. Bourrée. Die erwachende Thetis 01:17 4 Georg Philipp Telemann Overture in C TWV55:C3 'Hamburger Ebb und Flut' - IV. Loure. Der verliebte Neptunes 02:00 5 Georg Philipp Telemann Overture in C TWV55:C3 'Hamburger Ebb und Flut' - V. Gavotte. Die spielenden Najaden 00:43 6 Georg Philipp Telemann Overture in C TWV55:C3 'Hamburger Ebb und Flut' - VI. Harlequinade. Der schertzende Tritonus 01:07 7 Georg Philipp Telemann Overture in C TWV55:C3 'Hamburger Ebb und Flut' - VII. Tempête. Der stürmende Aeolus 01:43 8 Georg Philipp Telemann Overture in C TWV55:C3 'Hamburger Ebb und Flut' - VIII. Menuet. Der angenehme Zephir 01:42 9 Georg Philipp Telemann Overture in C TWV55:C3 'Hamburger Ebb und Flut' - IX. Gigue. Ebbe und Fluth 01:12 10 Georg Philipp Telemann Overture in C TWV55:C3 'Hamburger Ebb und Flut' - X. Canarie. Die lustigen Bots Leute 01:16 11 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto in E minor TWV51:e2 for oboe, strings and b.c. - I. Andante 03:27 12 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto in E minor TWV51:e2 for oboe, strings and b.c. - II. Allegro molto 03:08 13 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto in E minor TWV51:e2 for oboe, strings and b.c. - III. Largo 04:51 14 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto in E minor TWV51:e2 for oboe, strings and b.c. - IV. Allegro 02:17 15 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto in B flat TWV44:43 for three oboes, three violins and basso continuo - I. Allegro 02:43 16 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto in B flat TWV44:43 for three oboes, three violins and basso continuo - II. Largo 01:49 17 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto in B flat TWV44:43 for three oboes, three violins and basso continuo - III. Allegro 03:08 18 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto in E minor TWV52:e1 for recorder, cross flute, strings and b.c. - I. Largo 04:12 19 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto in E minor TWV52:e1 for recorder, cross flute, strings and b.c. - II. Allegro 04:19 20 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto in E minor TWV52:e1 for recorder, cross flute, strings and b.c. - III. Largo 02:59 21 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto in E minor TWV52:e1 for recorder, cross flute, strings and b.c. - IV. Presto 03:05
Georg Philipp Telemann View in Albunack 16 Early Concertos & Sonatas 22 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georg Philipp Telemann TWV 53, D5 - Konzert für Violine, Violoncello, Trompete & Streicher - 1 Vivace 03:47 2 Georg Philipp Telemann TWV 53, D5 - Konzert für Violine, Violoncello, Trompete & Streicher - 2 Adagio 04:43 3 Georg Philipp Telemann TWV 53, D5 - Konzert für Violine, Violoncello, Trompete & Streicher - 3 Allegro 05:44 4 Georg Philipp Telemann TWV 43, d2 - Quartett - 1 Largo 02:08 5 Georg Philipp Telemann TWV 43, d2 - Quartett - 2 Allegro 02:23 6 Georg Philipp Telemann TWV 43, d2 - Quartett - 3 Andante 01:46 7 Georg Philipp Telemann TWV 43, d2 - Quartett - 4 Presto 03:12 8 Georg Philipp Telemann TWV 51, G9 - Violakonzert - 1 Largo 03:08 9 Georg Philipp Telemann TWV 51, G9 - Violakonzert - 2 Allegro 02:37 10 Georg Philipp Telemann TWV 51, G9 - Violakonzert - 3 Andante 03:28 11 Georg Philipp Telemann TWV 51, G9 - Violakonzert - 4 Presto 03:33 12 Georg Philipp Telemann TWV 44, (e)5 - Quintett - 1 Adagio 02:24 13 Georg Philipp Telemann TWV 44, (e)5 - Quintett - 2 Allegro 02:23 14 Georg Philipp Telemann TWV 44, (e)5 - Quintett - 3 Grave 01:57 15 Georg Philipp Telemann TWV 44, (e)5 - Quintett - 4 Allegro 01:45 16 Georg Philipp Telemann TWV 51, D8 - Hornkonzert - 1 Vivace 02:00 17 Georg Philipp Telemann TWV 51, D8 - Hornkonzert - 2 Largo 03:01 18 Georg Philipp Telemann TWV 51, D8 - Hornkonzert - 3 Allegro 03:51 19 Georg Philipp Telemann TWV 43, D4 - Quartett für 2 Violinen, Viola & Cembalo - 1 01:54 20 Georg Philipp Telemann TWV 43, D4 - Quartett für 2 Violinen, Viola & Cembalo - 2 02:05 21 Georg Philipp Telemann TWV 43, D4 - Quartett für 2 Violinen, Viola & Cembalo - 3 Adagio 01:13 22 Georg Philipp Telemann TWV 43, D4 - Quartett für 2 Violinen, Viola & Cembalo - 4 02:15
Georg Philipp Telemann View in Albunack 20 Vituoso Concertos & Sonatas 23 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Il Rossignolo Concerto in E minor TWV52:e1 for recorder, flute, 2 violins, viola, vilolone & harpsichord - I. Largo 03:43 2 Il Rossignolo Concerto in E minor TWV52:e1 for recorder, flute, 2 violins, viola, vilolone & harpsichord - II. Allegro 03:50 3 Il Rossignolo Concerto in E minor TWV52:e1 for recorder, flute, 2 violins, viola, vilolone & harpsichord - III. Largo 03:04 4 Il Rossignolo Concerto in E minor TWV52:e1 for recorder, flute, 2 violins, viola, vilolone & harpsichord - IV. Allegro 02:29 5 Il Rossignolo Sonata in D minor TWV42:d10 for recorder, violin & b.c. - I. Allegro 02:09 6 Il Rossignolo Sonata in D minor TWV42:d10 for recorder, violin & b.c. - II. Adagio 02:26 7 Il Rossignolo Sonata in D minor TWV42:d10 for recorder, violin & b.c. - III. Allegro 02:23 8 Il Rossignolo Sonata in D minor TWV42:d10 for recorder, violin & b.c. - IV. Presto 01:43 9 Il Rossignolo Solo No.10 from 'Essercizii musici' in C TWV41:C5 for recorder & b.c. - I. Allegro 02:21 10 Il Rossignolo Solo No.10 from 'Essercizii musici' in C TWV41:C5 for recorder & b.c. - II. Larghetto 02:02 11 Il Rossignolo Solo No.10 from 'Essercizii musici' in C TWV41:C5 for recorder & b.c. - III. Vivace 02:36 12 Il Rossignolo Sonata in E minor TWV42:e6 for recorder, flute & harpsichord - I. Affettuoso 02:36 13 Il Rossignolo Sonata in E minor TWV42:e6 for recorder, flute & harpsichord - II. Allegro 01:54 14 Il Rossignolo Sonata in E minor TWV42:e6 for recorder, flute & harpsichord - III. Grave 01:52 15 Il Rossignolo Sonata in E minor TWV42:e6 for recorder, flute & harpsichord - IV. Allegro 01:37 16 Il Rossignolo Solo No.2 from 'Essercizii musici' in D TWV43:D9 for flute & b.c. - I. Largo 02:57 17 Il Rossignolo Solo No.2 from 'Essercizii musici' in D TWV43:D9 for flute & b.c. - II. Vivace 03:00 18 Il Rossignolo Solo No.2 from 'Essercizii musici' in D TWV43:D9 for flute & b.c. - III. Dolce 02:53 19 Il Rossignolo Solo No.2 from 'Essercizii musici' in D TWV43:D9 for flute & b.c. - IV. Allegro 02:30 20 Il Rossignolo Quartet in G from 'Musique de table' Production I TWV43:G2 for flute, oboe, violin & b.c. - I. Allegro - Allegro - Largo 03:20 21 Il Rossignolo Quartet in G from 'Musique de table' Production I TWV43:G2 for flute, oboe, violin & b.c. - II. Vivace - Moderato - Vivace 06:30 22 Il Rossignolo Quartet in G from 'Musique de table' Production I TWV43:G2 for flute, oboe, violin & b.c. - III. Grave 00:37 23 Il Rossignolo Quartet in G from 'Musique de table' Production I TWV43:G2 for flute, oboe, violin & b.c. - IV. Vivace 02:57
Georg Philipp Telemann View in Albunack 25 Sonatas for Violin and Bass Viol 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonata in g minor TWV42:g1 - Adagio-Vivace-Adagio-Allegro 08:19 2 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonata in G major TWV42:G10 - Cantabile-Vivace-Affetuoso-Allegro 08:14 3 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonata in E major TWV42:E7 - Siciliana-Presto-Andante-Vivace 10:23 4 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonata in g minor TWV42:g10 - Cantabile-Allegro-Largo-Vivace 10:21 5 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonata in D major TWV42:D9 - Dolce-Presto-Pastorale-Vivace 07:55 6 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonata in b minor TWV42:h6 - Largo-Vivace-Andante-Allegro 09:44 7 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonata in F major TWV42:F10 - Grave-Allegro-Andante-Vivace 10:18 8 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonata in g minor TWV42:g11 - Cantabile-Vivace-Dolce-Allegro 10:48
Georg Philipp Telemann View in Albunack 26 Sonatas for Flute and Bass Viol 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonata in c minor TWV42:c6 - Andante-Allemande-Menuet-Aria:Largo-Gigue-Réjouissance:Presto 12:42 2 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonata in a minor TWV42:a7 - Andante-Allegro-Adagio-Allegro 07:07 3 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonata in F major TWV42:F5 - Dolce-Allegro-Largo-(without tempo marking) 08:40 4 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonata in g minor TWV42:g15 - Vivace-Cantabile-Vivace 08:16 5 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonata in b minor TWV42:h4 - Largo-Vivace-Dolce-Vivace 07:25 6 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonata in g minor TWV42:g7 - Siciliana-Allegro-Adagio-Allegro assai 07:28 7 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonata in G major TWV43:G10 - Vivace-Andante-Vivace 10:09 8 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonata in G major TWV43:G12 - Dolce-Allegro-Soave-Vivace 12:29
Georg Philipp Telemann View in Albunack 27 Sonatas for Oboe & Recorder and Treble Viol 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georg Philipp Telemann Pier Luigi Fabretti & Ensemble Opera Prima / Sonata for oboe, treble viol & b.c. in E minor, TWV 42:e5 - [...]-Vivace-Grave-Vivace 06:09 2 Georg Philipp Telemann Pier Luigi Fabretti & Ensemble Opera Prima / Sonata for oboe, treble viol & b.c. in G major, TWV42:C8 - Soave-Allegro-Andante-Allegro 07:02 3 Georg Philipp Telemann Pier Luigi Fabretti & Ensemble Opera Prima / Sonata for oboe, treble viol & b.c. in C minor, TWV42:c3 - Gratioso-Con contento-Sospirando-Spirituoso-Vivace 09:48 4 Georg Philipp Telemann Pier Luigi Fabretti & Ensemble Opera Prima / Sonata for oboe, treble viol & b.c. in G minor, TWV42:g6 - Largo-Vivace-Andante-Presto 05:36 5 Georg Philipp Telemann Pier Luigi Fabretti & Ensemble Opera Prima / Sonata for oboe, treble viol & b.c. in A major, TWV42:A10 - Cantabile-Vivace-Andante-[,,,] 06:24 6 Georg Philipp Telemann Paolo Faldi & Ensemble Opera Prima / Sonata for recorder, treble viol & b.c. in G minor, TWV42:g9 - Soave ma non adagio-Vivace-Largo-Allegro 06:33 7 Georg Philipp Telemann Dan Laurin & Ensemble Opera Prima / Sonata for recorder, treble viol & b.c. in C major, TWV42:C2 - Dolce-Allegro-Grave-Vivace 07:13 8 Georg Philipp Telemann Paolo Faldi & Ensemble Opera Prima / Sonata for recorder, treble viol & b.c. in D minor, TWV42:d7 - Andante-Vivace-Adagio-[...] 06:11 9 Georg Philipp Telemann Dan Laurin & Ensemble Opera Prima / Sonata for recorder, treble viol & b.c. in F major, TWV42:F6 - Vivace-Largo-Allegro 05:02 10 Georg Philipp Telemann Dan Laurin & Ensemble Opera Prima / Sonata for recorder, bass viol & b.c. in F major, TWV42:F3 - Vivace-Mesto-Allegro 06:26
Georg Philipp Telemann View in Albunack 28 Sonatas & Trios for viola da gamba 18 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georg Philipp Telemann Trio sonata in C minor: 1. Andante 02:03 2 Georg Philipp Telemann Trio sonata in C minor: 2. Allemande 03:13 3 Georg Philipp Telemann Trio sonata in C minor: 3. Menuet 01:13 4 Georg Philipp Telemann Trio sonata in C minor: 4. Aria 03:01 5 Georg Philipp Telemann Trio sonata in C minor: 5. Guique 01:33 6 Georg Philipp Telemann Trio sonata in C minor: 6. Réjouissance (Presto) 01:20 7 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonata in E minor: 1. Cantabile 01:35 8 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonata in E minor: 2. Allegro 02:39 9 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonata in E minor: 3. Recitativo-Arioso 01:55 10 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonata in E minor: 4. Vivace 02:45 11 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto No. 2 in G minor: 1. Largo 03:27 12 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto No. 2 in G minor: 2. Vivace 03:33 13 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto No. 2 in G minor: 3. Soave 02:24 14 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto No. 2 in G minor: 4. Vivace 02:21 15 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia in D major: 1. Andante 03:33 16 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia in D major: 2. Vivace 02:03 17 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia in D major: 3. Recitativo-Andante 03:39 18 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia in D major: 4. Vivace 02:33
Georg Philipp Telemann View in Albunack 28.Telemann Edition-Triosonaten/Gambensonaten (Rameau-Trio) 18 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georg Philipp Telemann Trio sonata in C minor: 1. Andante 02:03 2 Georg Philipp Telemann Trio sonata in C minor: 2. Allemande 03:13 3 Georg Philipp Telemann Trio sonata in C minor: 3. Menuet 01:13 4 Georg Philipp Telemann Trio sonata in C minor: 4. Aria 03:01 5 Georg Philipp Telemann Trio sonata in C minor: 5. Guique 01:33 6 Georg Philipp Telemann Trio sonata in C minor: 6. Réjouissance (Presto) 01:20 7 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonata in E minor: 1. Cantabile 01:35 8 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonata in E minor: 2. Allegro 02:39 9 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonata in E minor: 3. Recitativo-Arioso 01:55 10 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonata in E minor: 4. Vivace 02:45 11 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto No. 2 in G minor: 1. Largo 03:27 12 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto No. 2 in G minor: 2. Vivace 03:33 13 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto No. 2 in G minor: 3. Soave 02:24 14 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto No. 2 in G minor: 4. Vivace 02:21 15 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia in D major: 1. Andante 03:33 16 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia in D major: 2. Vivace 02:03 17 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia in D major: 3. Recitativo-Andante 03:39 18 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia in D major: 4. Vivace 02:33
Georg Philipp Telemann View in Albunack 3 Concerti - Quartetto in Re minore 14 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto in La Magg. per flauto, violino, archi e continuo - Largo 04:59 2 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto in La Magg. per flauto, violino, archi e continuo - Allegro 09:09 3 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto in La Magg. per flauto, violino, archi e continuo - Grazioso 05:06 4 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto in La Magg. per flauto, violino, archi e continuo - Allegro 09:36 5 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto in La Min. per 2 flauti, archi e continuo - Gravement 02:44 6 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto in La Min. per 2 flauti, archi e continuo - Vistement 01:48 7 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto in La Min. per 2 flauti, archi e continuo - Largement 02:42 8 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto in La Min. per 2 flauti, archi e continuo - Vivement 02:48 9 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto in Si bem. Magg. per 3 oboi, 3 violini e continuo - Allegro 04:45 10 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto in Si bem. Magg. per 3 oboi, 3 violini e continuo - Largo 02:21 11 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto in Si bem. Magg. per 3 oboi, 3 violini e continuo - Allegro 04:18 12 Georg Philipp Telemann Quartetto in Re Min. per flauto, oboe, fagotto e continuo - Andante, vivace 08:33 13 Georg Philipp Telemann Quartetto in Re Min. per flauto, oboe, fagotto e continuo - Largo 04:24 14 Georg Philipp Telemann Quartetto in Re Min. per flauto, oboe, fagotto e continuo - Allegro 04:53
Georg Philipp Telemann View in Albunack 31 12 Fantasias for Solo Violin 40 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia N°1 in B-Dur, TWV 40:14 - I. Largo 02:28 2 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia N°1 in B-Dur, TWV 40:14 - II. Allegro 01:44 3 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia N°1 in B-Dur, TWV 40:14 - III. Grave 01:38 4 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia N°1 in B-Dur, TWV 40:14 - IV. Si replica l'allegro 01:50 5 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia N°2 in G-Dur, TWV 40:15 - I. Largo 01:40 6 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia N°2 in G-Dur, TWV 40:15 - II. Allegro 02:05 7 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia N°2 in G-Dur, TWV 40:15 - III. Allegro 00:47 8 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia N°3 in f-moll, TWV 40:16 - I. Adagio 01:44 9 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia N°3 in f-moll, TWV 40:16 - II. Presto 01:30 10 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia N°3 in f-moll, TWV 40:16 - III. Grave-Vivace 01:18 11 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia N°4 in D-Dur, TWV 40:17 - I.Vivace 01:55 12 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia N°4 in D-Dur, TWV 40:17 - II. Grave 00:45 13 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia N°4 in D-Dur, TWV 40:17 - III. Allegro 02:13 14 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia N°5 in A-Dur, TWV 40:18 - I. Allegro-Presto 02:09 15 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia N°5 in A-Dur, TWV 40:18 - II. Andante 00:41 16 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia N°5 in A-Dur, TWV 40:18 - III. Allegro 02:15 17 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia N°6 in e-moll, TWV 40:19 - I. Grave 02:23 18 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia N°6 in e-moll, TWV 40:19 - II. Presto 01:37 19 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia N°6 in e-moll, TWV 40:19 - III. Siciliana 01:46 20 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia N°6 in e-moll, TWV 40:19 - IV. Allegro 02:44 21 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia N°7 in Es-Dur, TWV 40:20 - I. Dolce 02:06 22 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia N°7 in Es-Dur, TWV 40:20 - II. Allegro 03:07 23 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia N°7 in Es-Dur, TWV 40:20 - III. Largo 02:25 24 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia N°7 in Es-Dur, TWV 40:20 - IV. Presto 01:05 25 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia N°8 in E-Dur, TWV 40:21 - I. Piacevolmente 01:48 26 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia N°8 in E-Dur, TWV 40:21 - II. Spirituoso 02:27 27 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia N°8 in E-Dur, TWV 40:21 - III. Allegro 00:39 28 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia N°9 in h-moll, TWV 40:22 - I. Siciliana 02:18 29 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia N°9 in h-moll, TWV 40:22 - II. Vivace 02:44 30 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia N°9 in h-moll, TWV 40:22 - III. Allegro 01:32 31 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia N°10 in D-Dur, TWV 40:23 - I. Presto 01:40 32 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia N°10 in D-Dur, TWV 40:23 - II. Largo 02:36 33 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia N°10 in D-Dur, TWV 40:23 - III. Allegro 00:53 34 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia N°11 in F-Dur, TWV 40:24 - I. Un poco vivace 01:46 35 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia N°11 in F-Dur, TWV 40:24 - II. Soave 01:36 36 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia N°11 in F-Dur, TWV 40:24 - III. Da capo: un poco vivace 01:46 37 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia N°11 in F-Dur, TWV 40:24 - IV. Allegro 00:48 38 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia N°12 in a-moll, TWV 40:25 - I. Moderato 02:13 39 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia N°12 in a-moll, TWV 40:25 - II. Vivace 01:24 40 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia N°12 in a-moll, TWV 40:25 - III. Presto 00:56
Georg Philipp Telemann View in Albunack 32 Fugues, Overtures, Preludes & Suites TWV 30-32 26 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georg Philipp Telemann Fugues légères et petits jeux à clavessin seul - Fuga prima TWV 30:21 05:42 2 Georg Philipp Telemann Fugues légères et petits jeux à clavessin seul - Fuga seconda TWV 30:22 04:41 3 Georg Philipp Telemann Fugues légères et petits jeux à clavessin seul - Fuga terza TWV 30:23 04:12 4 Georg Philipp Telemann Fugues légères et petits jeux à clavessin seul - Fuga quarta TWV 30:24 05:34 5 Georg Philipp Telemann Fugues légères et petits jeux à clavessin seul - Fuga quinta TWV 30:25 04:31 6 Georg Philipp Telemann Fugues légères et petits jeux à clavessin seul - Fuga sesta TWV 30:26 03:57 7 Georg Philipp Telemann 20 Kleine Fugen - Fuga in D Maj TWV 30:1 00:55 8 Georg Philipp Telemann 20 Kleine Fugen - Fuga in A Maj TWV 30:2 01:22 9 Georg Philipp Telemann 20 Kleine Fugen - Fuga in G Maj TWV 30:3 01:09 10 Georg Philipp Telemann 20 Kleine Fugen - Fuga in e min TWV 30:4 01:06 11 Georg Philipp Telemann 20 Kleine Fugen - Fuga in d min TWV 30:5 01:37 12 Georg Philipp Telemann 20 Kleine Fugen - Fuga in C Maj TWV 30:6 01:02 13 Georg Philipp Telemann 20 Kleine Fugen - Fuga in b min TWV 30:7 01:11 14 Georg Philipp Telemann 20 Kleine Fugen - Fuga in D Maj TWV 30:8 01:06 15 Georg Philipp Telemann 20 Kleine Fugen - Fuga in a min TWV 30:9 01:10 16 Georg Philipp Telemann 20 Kleine Fugen - Fuga in e min TWV 30:10 00:52 17 Georg Philipp Telemann 20 Kleine Fugen - Fuga in C Maj TWV 30:11 01:14 18 Georg Philipp Telemann 20 Kleine Fugen - Fuga in e min TWV 30:12 01:07 19 Georg Philipp Telemann 20 Kleine Fugen - Fuga in c min TWV 30:13 01:11 20 Georg Philipp Telemann 20 Kleine Fugen - Fuga in a min TWV 30:14 00:58 21 Georg Philipp Telemann 20 Kleine Fugen - Fuga in b min TWV 30:15 01:07 22 Georg Philipp Telemann 20 Kleine Fugen - Fuga in d min TWV 30:16 01:17 23 Georg Philipp Telemann 20 Kleine Fugen - Fuga in a min TWV 30:17 00:56 24 Georg Philipp Telemann 20 Kleine Fugen - Fuga in F Maj TWV 30:18 01:06 25 Georg Philipp Telemann 20 Kleine Fugen - Fuga in G Maj TWV 30:19 01:18 26 Georg Philipp Telemann 20 Kleine Fugen - Fuga in a min TWV 30:20 01:34
Georg Philipp Telemann View in Albunack 33 48 Choral Preludes TWV 31 24 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georg Philipp Telemann Vater unser im Himmelreich TWV 31:1 TWV 31:2 02:36 2 Georg Philipp Telemann Allein Gott in der Höh sei Ehr TWV 31:4 TWV 31:4 02:06 3 Georg Philipp Telemann Komm, Heiliger Geist, Herre Gott TWV 31:5 TWV 31:6 03:50 4 Georg Philipp Telemann Herr Jesu Christ, dich zu uns wend TWV 31:7 TWV 31:8 02:55 5 Georg Philipp Telemann Schmücke dich, o liebe Seele TWV 31:9 TWV 31:10 02:55 6 Georg Philipp Telemann Straf mich nicht in deinem Zorn TWV 31:11 TWV 31:12 03:11 7 Georg Philipp Telemann O wir armen Sünder TWV 31:13 TWV 31:14 03:01 8 Georg Philipp Telemann Alle Menschen müssen sterben TWV 31:15 TWV 31:16 02:52 9 Georg Philipp Telemann O Lamm Gottes, unschuldig TWV 31:17 TWV 31:18 02:30 10 Georg Philipp Telemann Ich ruf zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ TWV 31:19 TWV 31:20 03:24 11 Georg Philipp Telemann Ach Herr, mich armen Sünder TWV 31:21 TWV 31:22 03:44 12 Georg Philipp Telemann Christus, der uns selig macht TWV 31:23 TWV 31:24 03:20 13 Georg Philipp Telemann Durch Adams Fall ist ganz verdebt TWV 31:25 TWV 31:26 02:43 14 Georg Philipp Telemann Christ lag in Todesbanden TWV 31:27 TWV 31:28 02:57 15 Georg Philipp Telemann Erschienen ist der herrlich Tag TWV 31:29 TWV 31:30 02:36 16 Georg Philipp Telemann Herr Jesu Christ, der einig Gottes Sohn TWV 31:31 TWV 31:32 02:22 17 Georg Philipp Telemann Jesu, meine Freude TWV 31:33 TWV 31:34 03:28 18 Georg Philipp Telemann Was mein Gott will, das g'scheh allzeit TWV 31:35 TWV 31:36 03:05 19 Georg Philipp Telemann Wie schön leuchtet der Morgenstern TWV 31:37 TWV 31:38 02:54 20 Georg Philipp Telemann Herr Jesu Christ, dich zu uns wend TWV 31:39 TWV 31:40 02:35 21 Georg Philipp Telemann Gott der Vater wohn uns bei TWV 31:41 TWV 31:42 03:01 22 Georg Philipp Telemann Ach Gott, von Himmel sie darein TWV 31:43 TWV 31:44 03:45 23 Georg Philipp Telemann Wer Weiss, wie nahe mir mein Ends TWV 31:45 TWV 31:46 02:52 24 Georg Philipp Telemann Nun danket all Gott TWV 31:47 TWV 31:48 03:11
Georg Philipp Telemann View in Albunack 34 6 Overtures 18 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture No 1 g min TWV 32:5 - Lento, vivace, lento 04:04 2 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture No 1 g min TWV 32:5 - Larghetto e scherzando 03:27 3 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture No 1 g min TWV 32:5 - Allegro 02:48 4 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture No 2 E Maj TWV 32:6 - Andante, allegro 03:27 5 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture No 2 E Maj TWV 32:6 - Largo e scherzando 03:33 6 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture No 2 E Maj TWV 32:6 - Presto 04:18 7 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture No 3 F Maj TWV 32:7 - Lento, vivace, lento 04:45 8 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture No 3 F Maj TWV 32:7 - Dolce e scherzando 02:36 9 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture No 3 F Maj TWV 32:7 - Allegro 02:26 10 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture No 4 e min TWV 32:8 - Pomposo, vivace, pomposo 04:40 11 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture No 4 e min TWV 32:8 - Moderato e scherzando 02:47 12 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture No 4 e min TWV 32:8 - Allegro 03:54 13 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture No 5 E Flat Maj TWV 32:9 - Andante grazioso, allegro, andante grazioso 04:57 14 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture No 5 E Flat Maj TWV 32:9 - Soave e scherzando 02:49 15 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture No 5 E Flat Maj TWV 32:9 - Vivace 02:44 16 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture No 6 b min TWV 32:10 - Lento, vivace, lento 04:37 17 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture No 6 b min TWV 32:10 - Pastorello 03:34 18 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture No 6 b min TWV 32:10 - Allegro 02:52
Georg Philipp Telemann View in Albunack 35 Overtures & Suites for Harpsichord I 35 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georg Philipp Telemann Partia G Maj TWV 32:1 - Preludio 00:45 2 Georg Philipp Telemann Partia G Maj TWV 32:1 - Aria 02:02 3 Georg Philipp Telemann Partia G Maj TWV 32:1 - Rondeau 01:17 4 Georg Philipp Telemann Partia G Maj TWV 32:1 - Menuet I & II 02:49 5 Georg Philipp Telemann Partia G Maj TWV 32:1 - Gigue 00:34 6 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture à la Polonaise d min TWV 32:2 - Ouverture 03:13 7 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture à la Polonaise d min TWV 32:2 - Bourée 01:07 8 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture à la Polonaise d min TWV 32:2 - Loure 01:44 9 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture à la Polonaise d min TWV 32:2 - Gavotte 01:08 10 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture à la Polonaise d min TWV 32:2 - Menuet 02:06 11 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture à la Polonaise d min TWV 32:2 - Giga 01:40 12 Georg Philipp Telemann Solo C Maj TWV 32:3 - Largo 02:21 13 Georg Philipp Telemann Solo C Maj TWV 32:3 - Allemanda 03:04 14 Georg Philipp Telemann Solo C Maj TWV 32:3 - Lura 02:29 15 Georg Philipp Telemann Solo C Maj TWV 32:3 - Corrente 02:29 16 Georg Philipp Telemann Solo C Maj TWV 32:3 - Menuet I & II 02:46 17 Georg Philipp Telemann Solo C Maj TWV 32:3 - Giga 02:30 18 Georg Philipp Telemann Solo F Maj TWV 32:4 - Cantabile 04:43 19 Georg Philipp Telemann Solo F Maj TWV 32:4 - Bourée 01:31 20 Georg Philipp Telemann Solo F Maj TWV 32:4 - Sarabande 02:06 21 Georg Philipp Telemann Solo F Maj TWV 32:4 - Gavotte 02:02 22 Georg Philipp Telemann Solo F Maj TWV 32:4 - Passepied 00:56 23 Georg Philipp Telemann Solo F Maj TWV 32:4 - Gigue 02:10 24 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture C Maj TWV 32:11 - Ouverture 03:11 25 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture C Maj TWV 32:11 - Entrée 01:59 26 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture C Maj TWV 32:11 - Gavotte 01:06 27 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture C Maj TWV 32:11 - Marche 01:41 28 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture C Maj TWV 32:11 - Gigue 01:31 29 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture a min TWV 32:12 - Ouverture 03:45 30 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture a min TWV 32:12 - Gavotte 01:41 31 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture a min TWV 32:12 - Loure 01:57 32 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture a min TWV 32:12 - Allemande 02:25 33 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture a min TWV 32:12 - Menuet I & II 01:54 34 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture a min TWV 32:12 - Bourée 01:37 35 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture a min TWV 32:12 - Gigue 02:58
Georg Philipp Telemann View in Albunack 36 Fantasias for Harpsichord - 1 36 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 1 in D major: I. Allegro 01:21 2 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 1 in D major: II. Adagio 01:31 3 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 1 in D major: III. Allegro 01:25 4 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 2 in D minor: I. Presto 01:30 5 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 2 in D minor: II. Adagio 01:16 6 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 2 in D minor: III. Presto 01:34 7 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 3 in E major: I. Vivace 01:32 8 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 3 in E major: II. Largo 02:31 9 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 3 in E major: III. Vivace 01:36 10 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 4 in E minor: I. Allegro 01:25 11 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 4 in E minor: II. Dolce 00:44 12 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 4 in E minor: III. Allegro 01:29 13 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 5 in F major: I. Vivace 01:40 14 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 5 in F major: II. Largo 00:50 15 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 5 in F major: III. Vivace 01:43 16 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 6 in F minor: I. Tempo di Minuetto 01:59 17 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 6 in F minor: II. Largo 01:07 18 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 6 in F minor: III. Tempo di Minuetto 02:04 19 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 7 in G major: I. Presto 01:30 20 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 7 in G major: II. Largo 00:59 21 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 7 in G major: III. Presto 01:36 22 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 8 in G minor: I. Vivace 01:27 23 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 8 in G minor: II. Cantabile 02:44 24 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 8 in G minor: III. Vivace 01:34 25 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 9 in A major: I. Allegro 01:40 26 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 9 in A major: II. Grave 00:47 27 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 9 in A major: III. Allegro 01:45 28 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 10 in A minor: I. Allegro 01:53 29 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 10 in A minor: II. Largo 01:01 30 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 10 in A minor: III. Allegro 01:56 31 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 11 in B-flat major: I. Allegro 01:58 32 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 11 in B-flat major: II. Largo 01:04 33 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 11 in B-flat major: III. Allegro 02:04 34 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 12 in E-flat major: I. Vivace 01:25 35 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 12 in E-flat major: II. Largo 00:43 36 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 12 in E-flat major: III. Vivace 01:27
Georg Philipp Telemann View in Albunack 36 Fantasias for Harpsichord - 2 48 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 13 in C minor: I. Tendrement 01:23 2 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 13 in C minor: II. Vivement 01:17 3 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 13 in C minor: III. Tendrement 01:30 4 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 13 in C minor: IV. Très vite 00:33 5 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 14 in C major: I. Gravement 02:29 6 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 14 in C major: II. Gayment 01:31 7 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 14 in C major: III. Gravement 02:39 8 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 14 in C major: IV. Allegrement 00:44 9 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 15 in B minor: I. Pompeusement 01:36 10 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 15 in B minor: II. Allegrement 00:59 11 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 15 in B minor: III. Pompeusement 01:36 12 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 15 in B minor: IV. Gayment 00:38 13 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 16 in D major: I. Gratieusement 01:39 14 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 16 in D major: II. Vivement 01:33 15 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 16 in D major: III. Gratieusement 01:40 16 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 16 in D major: IV. Vite 00:37 17 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 17 in G minor: I. Melodieusement 01:28 18 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 17 in G minor: II. Spirituellement 01:24 19 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 17 in G minor: III. Mélodieusement 01:36 20 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 17 in G minor: IV. Vite 00:32 21 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 18 in B-flat major: I. Tendrement 01:51 22 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 18 in B-flat major: II. Gayment 01:25 23 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 18 in B-flat major: III. Tendrement 00:33 24 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 18 in B-flat major: IV. Vite 00:31 25 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 19 in A minor: I. Lentement 01:54 26 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 19 in A minor: II. Allègrement 01:08 27 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 19 in A minor: III. Lentement 01:54 28 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 19 in A minor: IV. Vivement 00:46 29 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 20 in A major: I. Gratieusement 01:54 30 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 20 in A major: II. Vite 01:11 31 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 20 in A major: III. Gratieusement 00:37 32 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 20 in A major: IV. Gayment 00:54 33 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 21 in E minor: I. Flateusement 01:22 34 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 21 in E minor: II. Vivement 01:06 35 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 21 in E minor: III. Flateusement 01:28 36 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 21 in E minor: IV. Très vite 00:42 37 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 22 in G major: I. Modérément 01:48 38 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 22 in G major: II. Vivement 01:51 39 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 22 in G major: III. Modérément 01:48 40 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 22 in G major: IV. Gayment 00:44 41 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 23 in G minor: I. Pompeusement 01:56 42 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 23 in G minor: II. Allègrement 01:12 43 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 23 in G minor: III. Pompeusement 01:39 44 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 23 in G minor: IV. Vite 00:30 45 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 24 in B-flat major: I. Gratieusement 02:35 46 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 24 in B-flat major: II. Gaillardement 01:05 47 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 24 in B-flat major: III. Gratieusement 01:19 48 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 24 in B-flat major: IV. Vitement 01:00
Georg Philipp Telemann View in Albunack 36 Overtures & Suites for Harpsichord II 30 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture G Maj TWV 32:13 - Ouverture 04:35 2 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture G Maj TWV 32:13 - Courante 01:39 3 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture G Maj TWV 32:13 - Bourée I & II 02:26 4 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture G Maj TWV 32:13 - Aria 02:43 5 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture G Maj TWV 32:13 - Allemande 01:18 6 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture G Maj TWV 32:13 - Menuet 01:56 7 Georg Philipp Telemann Suite A Maj TWV 32:14 (also attr JS Bach BWV 824) - Allemande 03:29 8 Georg Philipp Telemann Suite A Maj TWV 32:14 (also attr JS Bach BWV 824) - Courante 01:51 9 Georg Philipp Telemann Suite A Maj TWV 32:14 (also attr JS Bach BWV 824) - Gigue 02:32 10 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture A Maj TWV 32:15 - Ouverture 06:07 11 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture A Maj TWV 32:15 - Courante 01:40 12 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture A Maj TWV 32:15 - Rigaudon I & II 01:48 13 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture A Maj TWV 32:15 - Hornpipe 02:10 14 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture A Maj TWV 32:16 - Prélude 01:16 15 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture A Maj TWV 32:16 - Passepied I & II 01:55 16 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture A Maj TWV 32:16 - Aria 02:05 17 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture A Maj TWV 32:16 - Bourée 00:53 18 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture A Maj TWV 32:16 - Loure 02:28 19 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture A Maj TWV 32:16 - Menuet 02:14 20 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture A Maj TWV 32:16 - Gigue 01:10 21 Georg Philipp Telemann Suite C Maj TWV 32:17 - Allemanda 02:37 22 Georg Philipp Telemann Suite C Maj TWV 32:17 - Hornpipe 01:00 23 Georg Philipp Telemann Suite C Maj TWV 32:17 - Rondeau 01:49 24 Georg Philipp Telemann Suite C Maj TWV 32:17 - Bourée I & II 02:08 25 Georg Philipp Telemann Suite C Maj TWV 32:17 - Gigue 01:35 26 Georg Philipp Telemann Partia A Maj TWV 32:18 (also attr JS Bach BWV 832) - Allemande 02:32 27 Georg Philipp Telemann Partia A Maj TWV 32:18 (also attr JS Bach BWV 832) - Air pour les trompettes 02:45 28 Georg Philipp Telemann Partia A Maj TWV 32:18 (also attr JS Bach BWV 832) - Sarabande 02:31 29 Georg Philipp Telemann Partia A Maj TWV 32:18 (also attr JS Bach BWV 832) - Bourée 00:53 30 Georg Philipp Telemann Partia A Maj TWV 32:18 (also attr JS Bach BWV 832) - Gigue 01:15
Georg Philipp Telemann View in Albunack 37 36 Fantasias for Harpsichord 36 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 1 in D major: I. Allegro 01:21 2 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 1 in D major: II. Adagio 01:31 3 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 1 in D major: III. Allegro 01:25 4 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 2 in D minor: I. Presto 01:30 5 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 2 in D minor: II. Adagio 01:16 6 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 2 in D minor: III. Presto 01:34 7 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 3 in E major: I. Vivace 01:32 8 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 3 in E major: II. Largo 02:31 9 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 3 in E major: III. Vivace 01:36 10 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 4 in E minor: I. Allegro 01:25 11 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 4 in E minor: II. Dolce 00:44 12 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 4 in E minor: III. Allegro 01:29 13 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 5 in F major: I. Vivace 01:40 14 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 5 in F major: II. Largo 00:50 15 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 5 in F major: III. Vivace 01:43 16 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 6 in F minor: I. Tempo di Minuetto 01:59 17 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 6 in F minor: II. Largo 01:07 18 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 6 in F minor: III. Tempo di Minuetto 02:04 19 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 7 in G major: I. Presto 01:30 20 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 7 in G major: II. Largo 00:59 21 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 7 in G major: III. Presto 01:36 22 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 8 in G minor: I. Vivace 01:27 23 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 8 in G minor: II. Cantabile 02:44 24 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 8 in G minor: III. Vivace 01:34 25 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 9 in A major: I. Allegro 01:40 26 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 9 in A major: II. Grave 00:47 27 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 9 in A major: III. Allegro 01:45 28 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 10 in A minor: I. Allegro 01:53 29 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 10 in A minor: II. Largo 01:01 30 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 10 in A minor: III. Allegro 01:56 31 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 11 in B-flat major: I. Allegro 01:58 32 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 11 in B-flat major: II. Largo 01:04 33 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 11 in B-flat major: III. Allegro 02:04 34 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 12 in E-flat major: I. Vivace 01:25 35 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 12 in E-flat major: II. Largo 00:43 36 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 12 in E-flat major: III. Vivace 01:27
Georg Philipp Telemann View in Albunack 38 36 Fantasias for Harpsichord 48 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 13 in C minor: I. Tendrement 01:23 2 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 13 in C minor: II. Vivement 01:17 3 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 13 in C minor: III. Tendrement 01:30 4 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 13 in C minor: IV. Très vite 00:33 5 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 14 in C major: I. Gravement 02:29 6 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 14 in C major: II. Gayment 01:31 7 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 14 in C major: III. Gravement 02:39 8 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 14 in C major: IV. Allegrement 00:44 9 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 15 in B minor: I. Pompeusement 01:36 10 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 15 in B minor: II. Allegrement 00:59 11 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 15 in B minor: III. Pompeusement 01:36 12 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 15 in B minor: IV. Gayment 00:38 13 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 16 in D major: I. Gratieusement 01:39 14 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 16 in D major: II. Vivement 01:33 15 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 16 in D major: III. Gratieusement 01:40 16 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 16 in D major: IV. Vite 00:37 17 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 17 in G minor: I. Melodieusement 01:28 18 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 17 in G minor: II. Spirituellement 01:24 19 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 17 in G minor: III. Mélodieusement 01:36 20 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 17 in G minor: IV. Vite 00:32 21 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 18 in B-flat major: I. Tendrement 01:51 22 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 18 in B-flat major: II. Gayment 01:25 23 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 18 in B-flat major: III. Tendrement 00:33 24 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 18 in B-flat major: IV. Vite 00:31 25 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 19 in A minor: I. Lentement 01:54 26 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 19 in A minor: II. Allègrement 01:08 27 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 19 in A minor: III. Lentement 01:54 28 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 19 in A minor: IV. Vivement 00:46 29 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 20 in A major: I. Gratieusement 01:54 30 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 20 in A major: II. Vite 01:11 31 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 20 in A major: III. Gratieusement 00:37 32 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 20 in A major: IV. Gayment 00:54 33 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 21 in E minor: I. Flateusement 01:22 34 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 21 in E minor: II. Vivement 01:06 35 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 21 in E minor: III. Flateusement 01:28 36 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 21 in E minor: IV. Très vite 00:42 37 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 22 in G major: I. Modérément 01:48 38 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 22 in G major: II. Vivement 01:51 39 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 22 in G major: III. Modérément 01:48 40 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 22 in G major: IV. Gayment 00:44 41 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 23 in G minor: I. Pompeusement 01:56 42 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 23 in G minor: II. Allègrement 01:12 43 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 23 in G minor: III. Pompeusement 01:39 44 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 23 in G minor: IV. Vite 00:30 45 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 24 in B-flat major: I. Gratieusement 02:35 46 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 24 in B-flat major: II. Gaillardement 01:05 47 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 24 in B-flat major: III. Gratieusement 01:19 48 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 24 in B-flat major: IV. Vitement 01:00
Georg Philipp Telemann View in Albunack 39 36 Fantasias for Harpsichord III 36 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 25 in F major: I. Vivace 01:11 2 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 25 in F major: II. Tempo giusto 01:36 3 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 25 in F major: III. Vivace 00:43 4 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 26 in D minor: I. Vivace 01:38 5 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 26 in D minor: II. Largo 02:00 6 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 26 in D minor: III. Vivace 01:12 7 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 27 in E minor: I. Tempo giusto 01:18 8 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 27 in E minor: II. Presto 00:53 9 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 27 in E minor: III. Tempo giusto 01:22 10 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 28 in G major: I. Vivace 01:22 11 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 28 in G major: II. Dolce 01:37 12 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 28 in G major: III. Vivace 01:26 13 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 29 in G minor: I. Allegro 01:31 14 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 29 in G minor: II. Soave 01:28 15 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 29 in G minor: III. Allegro 01:36 16 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 30 in C minor: I. Gratioso 01:11 17 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 30 in C minor: II. Vivace 01:02 18 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 30 in C minor: III. Gratioso 01:03 19 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 31 in A major: I. Presto 01:07 20 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 31 in A major: II. Arioso 01:49 21 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 31 in A major: III. Presto 01:14 22 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 32 in A minor: I. Vivace 01:21 23 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 32 in A minor: II. Minuet 00:50 24 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 32 in A minor: III. Vivace 01:28 25 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 33 in B minor: I. Allegro 01:10 26 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 33 in B minor: II. Con pompa 01:47 27 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 33 in B minor: III. Allegro 01:13 28 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 34 in D major: I. Allegro 01:21 29 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 34 in D major: II. Dolce 01:05 30 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 34 in D major: III. Allegro 01:26 31 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 35 in E-flat major: I. Vivace 01:31 32 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 35 in E-flat major: II. Moderato 01:29 33 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 35 in E-flat major: III. Vivace 01:38 34 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 36 in B-flat major: I. Vivace 01:52 35 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 36 in B-flat major: II. Arioso 01:28 36 Georg Philipp Telemann 36 Fantasias for harpsichord, TWV33: No. 36 in B-flat major: III. Vivace 02:00
Georg Philipp Telemann View in Albunack 42 Die Auferstehung und Himmelfahrt Jesu, TWV 6:6 24 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georg Philipp Telemann Einleitung 01:37 2 Georg Philipp Telemann Coro - Gott, du wirst seine Seele nicht in der Holle lassen 02:02 3 Georg Philipp Telemann Accompagnato - Judaa zittert 01:27 4 Georg Philipp Telemann Aria - Mein Geist, voll Furcht und Freude 06:50 5 Georg Philipp Telemann Coro - Triumph! Triumph! Des Herrn Gesalbter sieget! 00:23 6 Georg Philipp Telemann Recitativo - Die frommen Tochter Zions 00:54 7 Georg Philipp Telemann Aria - Sei gegrubet, Furst des Lebens 06:12 8 Georg Philipp Telemann Recitativo - Wer ist die Sionitin 01:42 9 Georg Philipp Telemann Duetto - Vater deiner schwachen Kinder 04:13 10 Georg Philipp Telemann Recitativo - Freundinnen Jesu 01:09 11 Georg Philipp Telemann Aria - Ich folge dir, verklarter Held 03:40 12 Georg Philipp Telemann Coro - Tod! wo ist dein Stachel? 01:11 13 Georg Philipp Telemann Recitativo/Accompagnato - Dort seh ich aus den Toren 04:25 14 Georg Philipp Telemann Aria - Willkommen, Heiland 04:53 15 Georg Philipp Telemann Coro - Triumph! Triumph! Der Furst des Lebens sieget! 00:23 16 Georg Philipp Telemann Recitativo - Elf auserwahlte Junger 01:57 17 Georg Philipp Telemann Aria - Mein Herr! Mein Gott! 04:30 18 Georg Philipp Telemann Coro - Triumph! Triumph! Der Sohn des Hochsten sieget! 00:23 19 Georg Philipp Telemann Recitativo - Auf einmen Hugel 01:31 20 Georg Philipp Telemann Duetto - Ihr Tore Gottes, offnet euch 05:39 21 Georg Philipp Telemann Coro I - Gott fahret auf 01:17 22 Georg Philipp Telemann Coro II - Der Herr ist Konig 00:46 23 Georg Philipp Telemann Coro I & II - Jauchzet, ihr Himmel 00:37 24 Georg Philipp Telemann Coro - Lobet ihn, alle seine Engel 01:20
Georg Philipp Telemann View in Albunack 42.Telemann Edition-The Resurrection and Ascension of Jesus 24 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georg Philipp Telemann Einleitung 01:37 2 Georg Philipp Telemann Coro - Gott, du wirst seine Seele nicht in der Holle lassen 02:04 3 Georg Philipp Telemann Accompagnato - Judaa zittert 01:27 4 Georg Philipp Telemann Aria - Mein Geist, voll Furcht und Freude 06:50 5 Georg Philipp Telemann Coro - Triumph! Triumph! Des Herrn Gesalbter sieget! 00:23 6 Georg Philipp Telemann Recitativo - Die frommen Tochter Zions 00:54 7 Georg Philipp Telemann Aria - Sei gegrubet, Furst des Lebens 06:12 8 Georg Philipp Telemann Recitativo - Wer ist die Sionitin 01:42 9 Georg Philipp Telemann Duetto - Vater deiner schwachen Kinder 04:13 10 Georg Philipp Telemann Recitativo - Freundinnen Jesu 01:09 11 Georg Philipp Telemann Aria - Ich folge dir, verklarter Held 03:40 12 Georg Philipp Telemann Coro - Tod! wo ist dein Stachel? 01:11 13 Georg Philipp Telemann Recitativo/Accompagnato - Dort seh ich aus den Toren 04:25 14 Georg Philipp Telemann Aria - Willkommen, Heiland 04:53 15 Georg Philipp Telemann Coro - Triumph! Triumph! Der Furst des Lebens sieget! 00:23 16 Georg Philipp Telemann Recitativo - Elf auserwahlte Junger 01:57 17 Georg Philipp Telemann Aria - Mein Herr! Mein Gott! 04:30 18 Georg Philipp Telemann Coro - Triumph! Triumph! Der Sohn des Hochsten sieget! 00:23 19 Georg Philipp Telemann Recitativo - Auf einmen Hugel 01:31 20 Georg Philipp Telemann Duetto - Ihr Tore Gottes, offnet euch 05:39 21 Georg Philipp Telemann Coro I - Gott fahret auf 01:17 22 Georg Philipp Telemann Coro II - Der Herr ist Konig 00:46 23 Georg Philipp Telemann Coro I & II - Jauchzet, ihr Himmel 00:37 24 Georg Philipp Telemann Coro - Lobet ihn, alle seine Engel 01:20
Georg Philipp Telemann View in Albunack 46 6 Moral Cantatas TWV20 18 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georg Philipp Telemann Die Zeit_Die Zeit Verzehrt Die Eigenen Kinder 03:14 2 Georg Philipp Telemann Die Zeit_Der Anfang Lieget Stets Beim Ende 01:37 3 Georg Philipp Telemann Die Zeit_Fahrt, Reitet, Spielt Karten 02:53 4 Georg Philipp Telemann Der Geiz_Ihr Hungerleider, Ruht Einmal 02:17 5 Georg Philipp Telemann Der Geiz_Wem Hebt Ihr Alles Auf 01:11 6 Georg Philipp Telemann Der Geiz_Ihr Taler, Lasst Euch Nicht Verlangen! 04:14 7 Georg Philipp Telemann Die Falschheit_Lasst Mich Ueber Falschheitklagen 03:30 8 Georg Philipp Telemann Die Falschheit_Man Sehe Doch, Mit Welcher Freundlichkeit 01:09 9 Georg Philipp Telemann Die Falschheit_Entweich Von Mir, Verstellte Tuecke 03:38 10 Georg Philipp Telemann Das Glueck_Guten Morgen, Faules Gluecke 02:32 11 Georg Philipp Telemann Das Glueck_Erwache Doch Und Reiss Mich Heute Noch 01:20 12 Georg Philipp Telemann Das Glueck_Schlaf Indessen, Wertes Gluecke 04:40 13 Georg Philipp Telemann Grossmut_Furchtsam Weinen, Aengstlich Schweigen 04:22 14 Georg Philipp Telemann Grossmut_Ein Mann, Der Raum Im Herzen Hat 00:40 15 Georg Philipp Telemann Grossmut_Der Himmel Fuehrt Die Seinen 03:21 16 Georg Philipp Telemann Hoffnung_Hoffe Nur, Geplagtes Herze 03:53 17 Georg Philipp Telemann Hoffnung_Die Hoffnung Stuetzt Mich Noch 00:52 18 Georg Philipp Telemann Hoffnung_Mein Gluecke Nimmt Sich Zeit 02:44
Georg Philipp Telemann View in Albunack 47 Pimpinone oder Die ungleiche Heirat TWV21:15 23 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georg Philipp Telemann Pimpinone oder Die ungleiche Heirat: Intermezzo I, Arie - Wer will mich - Bin Kammermädchen 03:44 2 Georg Philipp Telemann Pimpinone oder Die ungleiche Heirat: Intermezzo I, Rezitativ - Ich suche zwar ein Glück 01:53 3 Georg Philipp Telemann Pimpinone oder Die ungleiche Heirat: Intermezzo I, Arie - Höflich reden, lieblich singen 03:55 4 Georg Philipp Telemann Pimpinone oder Die ungleiche Heirat: Intermezzo I, Rezitativ - Doch was kann dieses wohl für Lust erwecken 02:39 5 Georg Philipp Telemann Pimpinone oder Die ungleiche Heirat: Intermezzo I, Arie - Wie sie mich ganz verwirren kann 03:18 6 Georg Philipp Telemann Pimpinone oder Die ungleiche Heirat: Intermezzo I, Rezitativ - Was aber denkt ihr nun zu tun 01:42 7 Georg Philipp Telemann Pimpinone oder Die ungleiche Heirat: Intermezzo I, Duett - Mein Herz erfreut sich in der Brust 02:47 8 Georg Philipp Telemann Pimpinone oder Die ungleiche Heirat: Intermezzo I, Rezitativ - Vespetta, willst du von mir gehen 00:31 9 Georg Philipp Telemann Pimpinone oder Die ungleiche Heirat: Intermezzo II, Andante und Arioso - Hab' ich in dem Dienste 01:24 10 Georg Philipp Telemann Pimpinone oder Die ungleiche Heirat: Intermezzo II, Rezitativ - Schweig, schweig, du hast ja alles recht gemacht 01:53 11 Georg Philipp Telemann Pimpinone oder Die ungleiche Heirat: Intermezzo II, Arie - Sieh doch nur das Feuer 02:18 12 Georg Philipp Telemann Pimpinone oder Die ungleiche Heirat: Intermezzo II, Rezitativ - Er schweige nur 01:43 13 Georg Philipp Telemann Pimpinone oder Die ungleiche Heirat: Intermezzo II, Arie - Ich bin nicht häßlich geboren 02:29 14 Georg Philipp Telemann Pimpinone oder Die ungleiche Heirat: Intermezzo II, Rezitativ - So geht es gut 01:22 15 Georg Philipp Telemann Pimpinone oder Die ungleiche Heirat: Intermezzo II, Arie-Duett - Reich die Hand mir, o welche Freude 05:19 16 Georg Philipp Telemann Pimpinone oder Die ungleiche Heirat: Intermezzo III, Rezitativ - Ich will dahin, wohin es mir beliebet, gehn 02:01 17 Georg Philipp Telemann Pimpinone oder Die ungleiche Heirat: Intermezzo III, Arie - Ich weiß, wie man redet 03:04 18 Georg Philipp Telemann Pimpinone oder Die ungleiche Heirat: Intermezzo III, Rezitativ - Für dieses Mal sei ihr der Ausgang unbenommen 01:51 19 Georg Philipp Telemann Pimpinone oder Die ungleiche Heirat: Intermezzo III, Arie - Wie die andern will ich's machen 01:29 20 Georg Philipp Telemann Pimpinone oder Die ungleiche Heirat: Intermezzo III, Rezitativ - Wie aber, wenn ich's auch so machen wollte 00:53 21 Georg Philipp Telemann Pimpinone oder Die ungleiche Heirat: Intermezzo III, Arie-Duett - Wilde Hummel, böser Engel 04:12 22 Georg Philipp Telemann Pimpinone oder Die ungleiche Heirat: Intermezzo III, Rezitativ - Du eigensinn'ger Esel, schau 01:20 23 Georg Philipp Telemann Pimpinone oder Die ungleiche Heirat: Intermezzo III, Arie-Duett - Schweig hinkünftig, albrer Tropf 04:06
Georg Philipp Telemann View in Albunack 48 Chorale Preludes 24 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Roberto Loreggian at the F. Zanin organ (2007), Church of Sant’Antonio Abate, Padua Chorale Preludes TWV 31 - Vater unser im Himmelreich 02:36 2 Roberto Loreggian at the F. Zanin organ (2007), Church of Sant’Antonio Abate, Padua Chorale Preludes TWV 31 - Allein Gott in der Höh sei Ehr 02:08 3 Roberto Loreggian at the F. Zanin organ (2007), Church of Sant’Antonio Abate, Padua Chorale Preludes TWV 31 - Komm, Heiliger Geist, Herre Gott 03:47 4 Roberto Loreggian at the F. Zanin organ (2007), Church of Sant’Antonio Abate, Padua Chorale Preludes TWV 31 - Herr Jesu Christ, dich zu uns wend 02:55 5 Roberto Loreggian at the F. Zanin organ (2007), Church of Sant’Antonio Abate, Padua Chorale Preludes TWV 31 - Schmücke dich, o liebe Seele 02:55 6 Roberto Loreggian at the F. Zanin organ (2007), Church of Sant’Antonio Abate, Padua Chorale Preludes TWV 31 - Straf mich nicht in deinem Zorn 03:11 7 Roberto Loreggian at the F. Zanin organ (2007), Church of Sant’Antonio Abate, Padua Chorale Preludes TWV 31 - O wir armen Sünder 03:01 8 Roberto Loreggian at the F. Zanin organ (2007), Church of Sant’Antonio Abate, Padua Chorale Preludes TWV 31 - Alle Menschen müssen sterben 02:52 9 Roberto Loreggian at the F. Zanin organ (2007), Church of Sant’Antonio Abate, Padua Chorale Preludes TWV 31 - O Lamm Gottes, unschuldig 02:30 10 Roberto Loreggian at the F. Zanin organ (2007), Church of Sant’Antonio Abate, Padua Chorale Preludes TWV 31 - Ich ruf zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ 03:24 11 Roberto Loreggian at the F. Zanin organ (2007), Church of Sant’Antonio Abate, Padua Chorale Preludes TWV 31 - Ach Herr, mich armen Sünder 03:44 12 Roberto Loreggian at the F. Zanin organ (2007), Church of Sant’Antonio Abate, Padua Chorale Preludes TWV 31 - Christus, der uns selig macht 03:20 13 Roberto Loreggian at the F. Zanin organ (2007), Church of Sant’Antonio Abate, Padua Chorale Preludes TWV 31 - Durch Adams Fall ist ganz verdebt 02:43 14 Roberto Loreggian at the F. Zanin organ (2007), Church of Sant’Antonio Abate, Padua Chorale Preludes TWV 31 - Christ lag in Todesbanden 03:00 15 Roberto Loreggian at the F. Zanin organ (2007), Church of Sant’Antonio Abate, Padua Chorale Preludes TWV 31 - Erschienen ist der herrlich Tag 02:36 16 Roberto Loreggian at the F. Zanin organ (2007), Church of Sant’Antonio Abate, Padua Chorale Preludes TWV 31 - Herr Jesu Christ, der einig Gottes Sohn 02:22 17 Roberto Loreggian at the F. Zanin organ (2007), Church of Sant’Antonio Abate, Padua Chorale Preludes TWV 31 - Jesu, meine Freude 03:26 18 Roberto Loreggian at the F. Zanin organ (2007), Church of Sant’Antonio Abate, Padua Chorale Preludes TWV 31 - Was mein Gott will, das g'scheh allzeit 03:05 19 Roberto Loreggian at the F. Zanin organ (2007), Church of Sant’Antonio Abate, Padua Chorale Preludes TWV 31 - Wie schön leuchtet der Morgenstern 02:54 20 Roberto Loreggian at the F. Zanin organ (2007), Church of Sant’Antonio Abate, Padua Chorale Preludes TWV 31 - Herr Jesu Christ, dich zu uns wend 02:35 21 Roberto Loreggian at the F. Zanin organ (2007), Church of Sant’Antonio Abate, Padua Chorale Preludes TWV 31 - Gott der Vater wohn uns bei 03:01 22 Roberto Loreggian at the F. Zanin organ (2007), Church of Sant’Antonio Abate, Padua Chorale Preludes TWV 31 - Ach Gott, von Himmel sie darein 03:45 23 Roberto Loreggian at the F. Zanin organ (2007), Church of Sant’Antonio Abate, Padua Chorale Preludes TWV 31 - Wer Weiss, wie nahe mir mein Ends 02:52 24 Roberto Loreggian at the F. Zanin organ (2007), Church of Sant’Antonio Abate, Padua Chorale Preludes TWV 31 - Nun danket all Gott 03:11
Georg Philipp Telemann View in Albunack 50 Weltliche Kantaten - Secular Cantatas 24 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georg Philipp Telemann Kantate 'Der Schulmeister' TWV20:57 - I. Ouvertüre und Rezitativ "Ihr Jungen, sperrt die Ohren auf" 02:30 2 Georg Philipp Telemann Kantate 'Der Schulmeister' TWV20:57 - II. Arie "Wenn der Schulmeister singet" 04:50 3 Georg Philipp Telemann Kantate 'Der Schulmeister' TWV20:57 - III. Rezitativ und Knabenchor "Das war ein rechtes Meisterstück" 00:53 4 Georg Philipp Telemann Kantate 'Der Schulmeister' TWV20:57 - IV. Rezitativ und Knabenchor "Um Euch gründlich anzuführen" 00:27 5 Georg Philipp Telemann Kantate 'Der Schulmeister' TWV20:57 - V. Reziativ "Ceciderunt in profundum" 02:47 6 Georg Philipp Telemann Kantate 'Der Schulmeister' TWV20:57 - VI. Rezitativ "Das war eins aus dem C" 01:44 7 Georg Philipp Telemann Kantate 'Der Schulmeister' TWV20:57 - VII. Arie "Wer die Musik nicht liebt und ehret" 04:27 8 Georg Philipp Telemann Kantate 'Sagt, ihr allerschönsten Lippen' TWV20:66 - I. Arie "Sagt, ihr allerschönsten Lippen" 02:47 9 Georg Philipp Telemann Kantate 'Sagt, ihr allerschönsten Lippen' TWV20:66 - II. Rezitativ "Doch zwar ist es wohl war" 00:50 10 Georg Philipp Telemann Kantate 'Sagt, ihr allerschönsten Lippen' TWV20:66 - III. Arie "Dennoch aber will ich lieben" 02:57 11 Georg Philipp Telemann Kantate 'Sagt, ihr allerschönsten Lippen' TWV20:66 - IV. Rezitativ "Ach, auserwähltes Kind" 01:25 12 Georg Philipp Telemann Kantate 'Sagt, ihr allerschönsten Lippen' TWV20:66 - V. Arie "Darum will ich freudig hoffen" 01:00 13 Georg Philipp Telemann Kantate 'Trauermusik eines kunsterfahrenen Canarienvogels' TWV20:37 - I. Arie "O weh, mein Canarin ist tot 02:45 14 Georg Philipp Telemann Kantate 'Trauermusik eines kunsterfahrenen Canarienvogels' TWV20:37 - II. Rezitativ "So gehet's mit der Vogel Freude" 01:04 15 Georg Philipp Telemann Kantate 'Trauermusik eines kunsterfahrenen Canarienvogels' TWV20:37 - III. Arie "Ihr lieblichen Kanarenvögel" 02:37 16 Georg Philipp Telemann Kantate 'Trauermusik eines kunsterfahrenen Canarienvogels' TWV20:37 - IV. Rezitativ "Was soll ich mehr zu Deinem Lobe singen" 00:39 17 Georg Philipp Telemann Kantate 'Trauermusik eines kunsterfahrenen Canarienvogels' TWV20:37 - V. Arie "Friß, daß Dir der Hals anschwelle" 04:21 18 Georg Philipp Telemann Kantate 'Trauermusik eines kunsterfahrenen Canarienvogels' TWV20:37 - VI. Rezitativ "Allein, was will ich ferner klagen" 01:05 19 Georg Philipp Telemann Kantate 'Trauermusik eines kunsterfahrenen Canarienvogels' TWV20:37 - VII. Arie "Mein Canarine, gute Nacht" 02:31 20 Georg Philipp Telemann Kantate 'Trauermusik eines kunsterfahrenen Canarienvogels' TWV20:37 - VIII. Rezitativ "Nun dann, so nehmt die kleien Glieder" 00:31 21 Georg Philipp Telemann Kantate 'Trauermusik eines kunsterfahrenen Canarienvogels' TWV20:37 - IX. Rezitativ "Dat de der Hagel!" 00:51 22 Georg Philipp Telemann Kantate 'Die Hoffnung ist mein Leben' TWV20:48 - I. Arie "Die Hoffnung ist mein Leben" 04:13 23 Georg Philipp Telemann Kantate 'Die Hoffnung ist mein Leben' TWV20:48 - II. Rezitativ "Ich bin in allem vergnügt" 01:51 24 Georg Philipp Telemann Kantate 'Die Hoffnung ist mein Leben' TWV20:48 - III. Arie "Die Hoffnung bleibt ewig der Trost unseres Lebens" 03:53
Georg Philipp Telemann View in Albunack 6 Moralische Kantaten 18 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georg Philipp Telemann Die Zeit_Die Zeit Verzehrt Die Eigenen Kinder 03:14 2 Georg Philipp Telemann Die Zeit_Der Anfang Lieget Stets Beim Ende 01:37 3 Georg Philipp Telemann Die Zeit_Fahrt, Reitet, Spielt Karten 02:53 4 Georg Philipp Telemann Der Geiz_Ihr Hungerleider, Ruht Einmal 02:17 5 Georg Philipp Telemann Der Geiz_Wem Hebt Ihr Alles Auf 01:11 6 Georg Philipp Telemann Der Geiz_Ihr Taler, Lasst Euch Nicht Verlangen! 04:14 7 Georg Philipp Telemann Die Falschheit_Lasst Mich Ueber Falschheitklagen 03:30 8 Georg Philipp Telemann Die Falschheit_Man Sehe Doch, Mit Welcher Freundlichkeit 01:09 9 Georg Philipp Telemann Die Falschheit_Entweich Von Mir, Verstellte Tuecke 03:38 10 Georg Philipp Telemann Das Glueck_Guten Morgen, Faules Gluecke 02:32 11 Georg Philipp Telemann Das Glueck_Erwache Doch Und Reiss Mich Heute Noch 01:20 12 Georg Philipp Telemann Das Glueck_Schlaf Indessen, Wertes Gluecke 04:40 13 Georg Philipp Telemann Grossmut_Furchtsam Weinen, Aengstlich Schweigen 04:22 14 Georg Philipp Telemann Grossmut_Ein Mann, Der Raum Im Herzen Hat 00:40 15 Georg Philipp Telemann Grossmut_Der Himmel Fuehrt Die Seinen 03:21 16 Georg Philipp Telemann Hoffnung_Hoffe Nur, Geplagtes Herze 03:53 17 Georg Philipp Telemann Hoffnung_Die Hoffnung Stuetzt Mich Noch 00:52 18 Georg Philipp Telemann Hoffnung_Mein Gluecke Nimmt Sich Zeit 02:44
Georg Philipp Telemann View in Albunack 6 Overtures 18 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture No 1 g min TWV 32:5 - Lento, vivace, lento 04:04 2 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture No 1 g min TWV 32:5 - Larghetto e scherzando 03:27 3 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture No 1 g min TWV 32:5 - Allegro 02:48 4 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture No 2 E Maj TWV 32:6 - Andante, allegro 03:29 5 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture No 2 E Maj TWV 32:6 - Largo e scherzando 03:33 6 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture No 2 E Maj TWV 32:6 - Presto 04:18 7 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture No 3 F Maj TWV 32:7 - Lento, vivace, lento 04:45 8 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture No 3 F Maj TWV 32:7 - Dolce e scherzando 02:36 9 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture No 3 F Maj TWV 32:7 - Allegro 02:26 10 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture No 4 e min TWV 32:8 - Pomposo, vivace, pomposo 04:40 11 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture No 4 e min TWV 32:8 - Moderato e scherzando 02:47 12 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture No 4 e min TWV 32:8 - Allegro 03:54 13 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture No 5 E Flat Maj TWV 32:9 - Andante grazioso, allegro, andante grazioso 04:57 14 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture No 5 E Flat Maj TWV 32:9 - Soave e scherzando 02:49 15 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture No 5 E Flat Maj TWV 32:9 - Vivace 02:44 16 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture No 6 b min TWV 32:10 - Lento, vivace, lento 04:37 17 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture No 6 b min TWV 32:10 - Pastorello 03:34 18 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture No 6 b min TWV 32:10 - Allegro 02:52
Georg Philipp Telemann View in Albunack 6 Sonatas 24 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonata I in F-Major - 1. Dolce 02:14 2 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonata I in F-Major - 2. Allegro 01:42 3 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonata I in F-Major - 3. Largo 01:52 4 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonata I in F-Major - 4. Vivace 02:56 5 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonata II in B-Flat - 1. Soave 02:17 6 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonata II in B-Flat - 2. Allegro 02:19 7 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonata II in B-Flat - 3. Andante 02:37 8 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonata II in B-Flat - 4. Allegro 03:14 9 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonata III in C-Major - 1. Siciliana 02:28 10 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonata III in C-Major - 2. Vivace 01:51 11 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonata III in C-Major - 3. Andante 02:11 12 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonata III in C-Major - 4. Allegro 04:20 13 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonata IV in G-Minor - 1. Largo 03:24 14 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonata IV in G-Minor - 2. Allegro 02:16 15 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonata IV in G-Minor - 3. Affettuoso 03:03 16 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonata IV in G-Minor - 4. Vivace 03:27 17 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonata V in D-Minor - 1. Largo 02:47 18 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonata V in D-Minor - 2. Vivace 01:56 19 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonata V in D-Minor - 3. Grazioso 02:12 20 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonata V in D-Minor - 4. Allegro 03:35 21 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonata VI in G-Major - 1. Affettuoso 02:32 22 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonata VI in G-Major - 1. Presto 01:47 23 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonata VI in G-Major - 1. Soave 02:33 24 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonata VI in G-Major - 1. Spiritoso 02:21
Georg Philipp Telemann View in Albunack Admiralitätsmusik Trompetenkonzert 20 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georg Philipp Telemann Admiralitätsmusik - Overtüre 04:00 2 Georg Philipp Telemann Konzert für Oboe, Streicher und B.c.: 1. Andante 03:28 3 Georg Philipp Telemann Konzert für Oboe, Streicher und B.c.: 2. Allegro molto 03:08 4 Georg Philipp Telemann Konzert für Oboe, Streicher und B.c.: 3. Largo 04:51 5 Georg Philipp Telemann Konzert für Oboe, Streicher und B.c.: 4. Allegro 02:17 6 Georg Philipp Telemann Konzert für drei Trompeten, Pauken, Orch., B.c.: 1. Largo 01:47 7 Georg Philipp Telemann Konzert für drei Trompeten, Pauken, Orch., B.c.: 2. Allegro 02:32 8 Georg Philipp Telemann Konzert für drei Trompeten, Pauken, Orch., B.c.: 3. Adagio 02:24 9 Georg Philipp Telemann Konzert für drei Trompeten, Pauken, Orch., B.c.: 4. Presto 01:37 10 Georg Philipp Telemann Konzert für drei Oboen, drei Violinen und B.c.: 1. Allegro 02:43 11 Georg Philipp Telemann Konzert für drei Oboen, drei Violinen und B.c.: 2. Largo 01:49 12 Georg Philipp Telemann Konzert für drei Oboen, drei Violinen und B.c.: 3. Allegro 03:08 13 Georg Philipp Telemann Konzert für Block- u. Querflöte, Streicher und B.c.: 1. Largo 04:12 14 Georg Philipp Telemann Konzert für Block- u. Querflöte, Streicher und B.c.: 2. Allegro 04:19 15 Georg Philipp Telemann Konzert für Block- u. Querflöte, Streicher und B.c.: 3. Largo 02:59 16 Georg Philipp Telemann Konzert für Block- u. Querflöte, Streicher und B.c.: 4. Presto 03:06 17 Georg Philipp Telemann Konzert für Trompete, Orch. u. B.c.: 1. Adagio 01:57 18 Georg Philipp Telemann Konzert für Trompete, Orch. u. B.c.: 2. Allegro 02:02 19 Georg Philipp Telemann Konzert für Trompete, Orch. u. B.c.: 3. Grave 01:47 20 Georg Philipp Telemann Konzert für Trompete, Orch. u. B.c.: 4. Allegro 01:37
Georg Philipp Telemann View in Albunack Alster-Ouvertüre 30 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georg Philipp Telemann Overture, Grave - Allegro 04:36 2 Georg Philipp Telemann Sarabande, Die schaffende Thetis 02:17 3 Georg Philipp Telemann Bourée, Die erwachende Thetis 01:17 4 Georg Philipp Telemann Loure, Der verliebte Neptunus 02:00 5 Georg Philipp Telemann Gavotte, Die spielenden Najaden 00:43 6 Georg Philipp Telemann Harlequinade, Der schertzende Tritonus 01:07 7 Georg Philipp Telemann Tempête, Der stürmende Aeolus 01:43 8 Georg Philipp Telemann Menuet, Der angenehme Zephir 01:45 9 Georg Philipp Telemann Gigue, Ebbe und Fluth 01:12 10 Georg Philipp Telemann Canarie, Die lustigen Bots Leute 01:16 11 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture, Largo - Allegro 03:27 12 Georg Philipp Telemann Adagio e staccato 02:46 13 Georg Philipp Telemann (ohne Satzbezeichnung) 02:27 14 Georg Philipp Telemann Andante 02:19 15 Georg Philipp Telemann (da capo) 02:26 16 Georg Philipp Telemann (ohne Satzbezeichnung) 03:29 17 Georg Philipp Telemann Air 02:40 18 Georg Philipp Telemann Minuet 02:29 19 Georg Philipp Telemann Bourrée 01:01 20 Georg Philipp Telemann Hornpipe 01:35 21 Georg Philipp Telemann (ohne Satzbezeichnung) 02:54 22 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture, Lento - Allegro 04:50 23 Georg Philipp Telemann Die kanunierende Pallas, Allegro 01:53 24 Georg Philipp Telemann Das Alster-Echo, Allegretto 01:54 25 Georg Philipp Telemann Die Hamburgischen Glockenspiele. Presto 01:29 26 Georg Philipp Telemann Der Schwanen Gesang, Grave 03:30 27 Georg Philipp Telemann Der Alsterschäfer Dorfmusik. Allegretto 01:34 28 Georg Philipp Telemann Die konzertierende Frösche und Krähen, Moderato 01:43 29 Georg Philipp Telemann Der ruhende Pan, Andante 02:25 30 Georg Philipp Telemann Der Schäfer und Nymphen eilfertiger Abzug, Vivace 02:42
Georg Philipp Telemann View in Albunack Alto Cantatas 23 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georg Philipp Telemann Weicht ihr Sünden, bleibt dahinten: Arie: Weicht Ihr Sünden, Bleibet Dahinten! 04:04 2 Georg Philipp Telemann Weicht ihr Sünden, bleibt dahinten: Rezitativ: Ihr Sünden, Ich Bin Euch Nicht Mehr Verpflichtet 01:30 3 Georg Philipp Telemann Weicht ihr Sünden, bleibt dahinten: Arie: Allersüßte Jesusbande 05:01 4 Georg Philipp Telemann Beglückte Zeit: Rezitativ: Beglückte Zeit, Die Uns Des Wortes Licht 00:25 5 Georg Philipp Telemann Beglückte Zeit: Arie: Wandelt Mit Freuden Die Wege Des Lebens 04:35 6 Georg Philipp Telemann Beglückte Zeit: Rezitativ: Ja, Freilich Hat Umsonst Der Finstere 01:10 7 Georg Philipp Telemann Beglückte Zeit: Arie: Ew' Ger Vater, Deiner Güte Reichtso Weit 03:49 8 Georg Philipp Telemann Wer ist, der dort von Edom kömmt: Rezitativ: Wer Ist, Der Dort Von Edom Kömmt 00:48 9 Georg Philipp Telemann Wer ist, der dort von Edom kömmt: Arie: O Welch' Ein Opfer 04:36 10 Georg Philipp Telemann Wer ist, der dort von Edom kömmt: Rezitativ: Die Sünde War Zu Groß 01:34 11 Georg Philipp Telemann Wer ist, der dort von Edom kömmt: Arie: So Biet' Ich Mit Vergnügen 04:12 12 Georg Philipp Telemann Ergeuss dich zur Salbung: Arie: Ergeuß Dich Zur Salbung Der Schmachtenden Seele 05:30 13 Georg Philipp Telemann Ergeuss dich zur Salbung: Rezitativ: Samaria Empfing Den Heil' Gen Geist 01:42 14 Georg Philipp Telemann Ergeuss dich zur Salbung: Arie: Schwarzer Geist Der Dunkelheit 06:05 15 Georg Philipp Telemann Die stärkende Wirkung: Arie: Die Stärkende Wirkung Des Geistes 02:49 16 Georg Philipp Telemann Die stärkende Wirkung: Rezitativ: Ein Baum, Der Tiefe Wurzeln Schlägt 01:33 17 Georg Philipp Telemann Die stärkende Wirkung: Arie: Stärke Mich Durch Meine Triebe 08:34 18 Georg Philipp Telemann Hirt' und Bischof uns'rer Seelen: Arie: Hirt' Und Bischof Uns' Rer Seelen 02:57 19 Georg Philipp Telemann Hirt' und Bischof uns'rer Seelen: Rezitativ: Was Kommt Doch Wohl Der Unermeßnen 01:47 20 Georg Philipp Telemann Hirt' und Bischof uns'rer Seelen: Arie: Ihr Kräfte Der Künftigen Weide 05:40 21 Georg Philipp Telemann Liebe, die vom Himmel flammet: Arie: Liebe, Die Vom Himmel Stammet 02:42 22 Georg Philipp Telemann Liebe, die vom Himmel flammet: Rezitativ: Die Liebe, Die Sich Nicht Und Werken Offenbart 01:23 23 Georg Philipp Telemann Liebe, die vom Himmel flammet: Arie: Herr Der Starken Himmelsheere 02:53
Georg Philipp Telemann View in Albunack Baroque Masterpieces 49 Telemann Concertos & Suite Don Quichotte 25 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georg Philipp Telemann Konzert für vier Violinen D-Dur - 1 Adagio Allegro 02:22 2 Georg Philipp Telemann Konzert für vier Violinen D-Dur - 2 Grave 01:46 3 Georg Philipp Telemann Konzert für vier Violinen D-Dur - 3 Allegro 01:39 4 Georg Philipp Telemann Violakonzert G-Dur - 1 Largo 02:48 5 Georg Philipp Telemann Violakonzert G-Dur - 2 Allegro 02:38 6 Georg Philipp Telemann Violakonzert G-Dur - 3 Andante 03:15 7 Georg Philipp Telemann Violakonzert G-Ddur - 4 Presto 03:38 8 Georg Philipp Telemann Oboenkonzert e-Moll - 1 Andante 02:37 9 Georg Philipp Telemann Oboenkonzert e-Moll - 2 Allegro molto 02:57 10 Georg Philipp Telemann Oboenkonzert e-Moll - 3 Largo 03:32 11 Georg Philipp Telemann Oboenkonzert e-Moll - 4 Allegro 02:36 12 Georg Philipp Telemann Violinkonzert a-Moll - 1. Allegro 04:27 13 Georg Philipp Telemann Violinkonzert a-Moll - 2. Andante 02:44 14 Georg Philipp Telemann Violinkonzert a-Moll - 3. Presto 03:21 15 Georg Philipp Telemann Konzert für Blöckflöte u Flöte e-Moll - 1 Largo 03:28 16 Georg Philipp Telemann Konzert für Blöckflöte u Flöte e-Moll - 2 Allegro 04:34 17 Georg Philipp Telemann Konzert für Blöckflöte u Flöte e-Moll - 3 Largo 02:51 18 Georg Philipp Telemann Konzert für Blöckflöte u Flöte e-Moll - 4 Presto 03:19 19 Georg Philipp Telemann Suite "Don Quichotte" - 1 Overture 04:13 20 Georg Philipp Telemann Suite "Don Quichotte" - 2 Le réveil de Quichotte 02:25 21 Georg Philipp Telemann Suite "Don Quichotte" - 3 Son attaque des moulins à vent 02:06 22 Georg Philipp Telemann Suite "Don Quichotte" - 4 Ses soupirs amoureux après la Princesse Dulcinée 02:19 23 Georg Philipp Telemann Suite "Don Quichotte" - 5 Sanche Panse berné 01:58 24 Georg Philipp Telemann Suite "Don Quichotte" - 6 Le galope de Rosinante 03:25 25 Georg Philipp Telemann Suite "Don Quichotte" - 7 Le couché de Quichotte 01:06
Georg Philipp Telemann View in Albunack Cantate e Sonate con flauto 23 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georg Philipp Telemann Deine Toten werden leben TWV 1:213 - I. Allegro 03:41 2 Georg Philipp Telemann Deine Toten werden leben TWV 1:213 - II. Recitativo 02:22 3 Georg Philipp Telemann Deine Toten werden leben TWV 1:213 - III. Andante 05:08 4 Georg Philipp Telemann Hemmet den Eifer, verbannet die Rache TWV 1:730 - I. Spiritoso 03:51 5 Georg Philipp Telemann Hemmet den Eifer, verbannet die Rache TWV 1:730 - II. Recitativo 01:12 6 Georg Philipp Telemann Hemmet den Eifer, verbannet die Rache TWV 1:730 - III. Dolce 03:52 7 Georg Philipp Telemann Triosonata in sol minore TWV 42:e8 - I. Affettuoso 01:48 8 Georg Philipp Telemann Triosonata in sol minore TWV 42:e8 - II. Vivace 01:36 9 Georg Philipp Telemann Triosonata in sol minore TWV 42:e8 - III. Andante 01:55 10 Georg Philipp Telemann Triosonata in sol minore TWV 42:e8 - IV. Presto 01:35 11 Georg Philipp Telemann Du bist verflucht, o Schreckensstimme TWV 1:385 - I. Aria 02:56 12 Georg Philipp Telemann Du bist verflucht, o Schreckensstimme TWV 1:385 - II. Recitativo 03:32 13 Georg Philipp Telemann Du bist verflucht, o Schreckensstimme TWV 1:385 - III. Vivace 02:57 14 Georg Philipp Telemann Partita in mi minore TWV 41:e1 - I. Andante 01:25 15 Georg Philipp Telemann Partita in mi minore TWV 41:e1 - II. Aria I Vivace 01:32 16 Georg Philipp Telemann Partita in mi minore TWV 41:e1 - III. Aria II Presto 01:03 17 Georg Philipp Telemann Partita in mi minore TWV 41:e1 - IV. Aria III Vivace 00:55 18 Georg Philipp Telemann Partita in mi minore TWV 41:e1 - V. Aria IV Siciliana 02:47 19 Georg Philipp Telemann Partita in mi minore TWV 41:e1 - VI. Aria V Vivace 01:16 20 Georg Philipp Telemann Partita in mi minore TWV 41:e1 - VII. Aria VI Presto 00:46 21 Georg Philipp Telemann Also hat Gott diie Welt geliebt TWV 1:168 - I. Aria 04:42 22 Georg Philipp Telemann Also hat Gott diie Welt geliebt TWV 1:168 - II. Recitativo 00:34 23 Georg Philipp Telemann Also hat Gott diie Welt geliebt TWV 1:168 - III. Dolce 05:03
Georg Philipp Telemann View in Albunack Cantates de Noel 29 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georg Philipp Telemann Solo: Hosianna! Dieses soll die losung sein 01:12 2 Georg Philipp Telemann Aria: Siehe, ich verkundige euch 00:57 3 Georg Philipp Telemann Recitativo: Was horet man entzucht? 00:19 4 Georg Philipp Telemann Solo: Denn der Konig ziehet ein 00:30 5 Georg Philipp Telemann Recitativo: Dergleichen hohe Dinge 00:23 6 Georg Philipp Telemann Aria: Denn euch ist heute 00:48 7 Georg Philipp Telemann Solo: Hosianna! 00:45 8 Georg Philipp Telemann Recitativo: Ich will bei meinen Niedrigkeiten 00:39 9 Georg Philipp Telemann Soli: Denn der Konig ziehet ein 01:38 10 Georg Philipp Telemann Choral: Herr Jesu, der du angezund't 00:46 11 Georg Philipp Telemann Recitativo: Ja, heirauf kannst du bauen 00:40 12 Georg Philipp Telemann Aria: Da Bethlehem den Thron schon bauet 01:36 13 Georg Philipp Telemann Recitativo: Was wird nicht mir verworfnen Magd 00:24 14 Georg Philipp Telemann Solo: Hoisanna! 01:03 15 Georg Philipp Telemann Recitativo & Aria: Und das habt zum Zeichen 01:02 16 Georg Philipp Telemann Recitativo: O Wunder, das man es gefunden 00:36 17 Georg Philipp Telemann Soli: Hier ergotzt ein Freudenschein 01:37 18 Georg Philipp Telemann Choral: O Jesu Christ, dein Kripplein ist. 00:37 19 Georg Philipp Telemann Aria: Neugebornes Menschenkind 06:08 20 Georg Philipp Telemann Recitativo: O Kind, vor dem das Hollenreich ershrikt 00:57 21 Georg Philipp Telemann Aria: Wenn mich Welt und Satan schrecken 03:50 22 Georg Philipp Telemann Choral: Die ihr schwebt in grosem Leiden 00:48 23 Georg Philipp Telemann Chor & Solo: Uns ist ein Kind geboren 03:06 24 Georg Philipp Telemann Choral: Ein Kindelein, so lobelich 01:00 25 Georg Philipp Telemann Recitativo: Nur einmal bist du Mensch geboren 00:55 26 Georg Philipp Telemann Aria: Singet ihr Engel! 05:04 27 Georg Philipp Telemann Choral: Wir Christenleut habn jetz und Freud 01:02 28 Georg Philipp Telemann Aria: Ehre sei Gott 04:20 29 Georg Philipp Telemann Chor: Uns ist ein Kind geboren 03:04
Georg Philipp Telemann View in Albunack Christmas Oratorio & Cantatas 28 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georg Philipp Telemann Die Hirten an der Krippe zu Bethlehem - Choral:" O Jesu parvule" 01:34 2 Georg Philipp Telemann Die Hirten an der Krippe zu Bethlehem - Shepaherd's Song and Acompagnato:" " 02:19 3 Georg Philipp Telemann Die Hirten an der Krippe zu Bethlehem - Aria:"Hirten aus den golden Zeiten" 05:46 4 Georg Philipp Telemann Die Hirten an der Krippe zu Bethlehem - Chorale:" Zwingt die Saiten in Kithara" 00:58 5 Georg Philipp Telemann Die Hirten an der Krippe zu Bethlehem - Accompagnato:" Der Lowe wiegt in seinen Klauen" 01:35 6 Georg Philipp Telemann Die Hirten an der Krippe zu Bethlehem - Deut and Chorusl:" Kehre wieder , holder Friede!" 03:35 7 Georg Philipp Telemann Die Hirten an der Krippe zu Bethlehem - 2 Chorals:"Das hat er alles uns getan"_" Des dank ihm alle Christenheit" 01:46 8 Georg Philipp Telemann Die Hirten an der Krippe zu Bethlehem - Axxompagnato:" Die Pestilenz darf ferner" 01:41 9 Georg Philipp Telemann Die Hirten an der Krippe zu Bethlehem - Aria:"Schönstes Kind aus Juda Samens" 06:12 10 Georg Philipp Telemann Die Hirten an der Krippe zu Bethlehem - Choral:" Wir Christenleut" 01:02 11 Georg Philipp Telemann Die Hirten an der Krippe zu Bethlehem - Accompagnato:" Ach seht! Das Kind eracht" 02:54 12 Georg Philipp Telemann Die Hirten an der Krippe zu Bethlehem - Chorus:" Ehre sei Gott in der Höhe" 02:19 13 Georg Philipp Telemann Christmas Cantata 1761 - Quote:"Siehe ich verkündige euch große Freude" 01:53 14 Georg Philipp Telemann Christmas Cantata 1761 - Accompagnata: "Was für ein Glanz" 00:36 15 Georg Philipp Telemann Christmas Cantata 1761 - Quote:"Siehe ich verkündige euch große Freude" 01:55 16 Georg Philipp Telemann Christmas Cantata 1761 - Chorus:"Ehre sei Gott in der Höhe" 02:17 17 Georg Philipp Telemann Christmas Cantata 1761 - Recitative: "Der Heiland ist uns heut' gebohren" 00:31 18 Georg Philipp Telemann Christmas Cantata 1761 - Aria:"Frohlocket, ihr hoffenden gläubigen Frommen!" 04:58 19 Georg Philipp Telemann Christmas Cantata 1761 - Recitative:"Auf! wirf den Schleyer weg" 01:19 20 Georg Philipp Telemann Christmas Cantata 1761 - Chorus:"Ihr Himmel, Erd' und Meere" 02:48 21 Georg Philipp Telemann Christmas Cantata 1761 - Chorale:"Der Friede Gottes wohnt in mir" 00:52 22 Georg Philipp Telemann Christmas Cantata 1762 - Chorus: "Der Herr hat offenbaret" 02:08 23 Georg Philipp Telemann Christmas Cantata 1762 - Chorus: "Lobt Gott, ihr Christen allzugleich" 00:30 24 Georg Philipp Telemann Christmas Cantata 1762 - Aria: "Schmachte nicht mehr, Kreis der Erden" 05:23 25 Georg Philipp Telemann Christmas Cantata 1762 - Recitative : "Bedeckte sonst nur Finsternis das Land!" 01:25 26 Georg Philipp Telemann Christmas Cantata 1762 - Chorale: "Er wechselt mit uns wunderlich" 00:32 27 Georg Philipp Telemann Christmas Cantata 1762 - Aria: "So jauchzet, o Sünder, ihr sollet nicht sterben" 05:44 28 Georg Philipp Telemann Christmas Cantata 1762 - Chorus: "Der Herr hat offenbaret seinen heiligen Arm" 02:10
Georg Philipp Telemann View in Albunack Concertos - Suite 'Don Quichotte' 25 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georg Philipp Telemann Telemann: Concerto for 4 violins in D maj. - Adagio. Allegro 02:22 2 Georg Philipp Telemann Telemann: Concerto for 4 violins in D maj. - Grave 01:46 3 Georg Philipp Telemann Telemann: Concerto for 4 violins in D maj. - Allegro 01:39 4 Georg Philipp Telemann Telemann: Concerto for viola in G maj. - Largo 02:48 5 Georg Philipp Telemann Telemann: Concerto for viola in G maj. - Allegro 02:38 6 Georg Philipp Telemann Telemann: Concerto for viola in G maj. - Andante 03:15 7 Georg Philipp Telemann Telemann: Concerto for viola in G maj. - Presto 03:38 8 Georg Philipp Telemann Telemann: Concerto for Oboe in E min. - Andante 02:37 9 Georg Philipp Telemann Telemann: Concerto for Oboe in E min. - Allegro Molto 02:57 10 Georg Philipp Telemann Telemann: Concerto for Oboe in E min. - Largo 03:32 11 Georg Philipp Telemann Telemann: Concerto for Oboe in E min. - Allegro 02:36 12 Georg Philipp Telemann Telemann: Concerto for Violin in A min. - Allegro 04:27 13 Georg Philipp Telemann Telemann: Concerto for Violin in A min. - Andante 02:44 14 Georg Philipp Telemann Telemann: Concerto for Violin in A min. - Presto 03:21 15 Georg Philipp Telemann Telemann: Concerto for Flute and Recorder in E min. - Largo 03:28 16 Georg Philipp Telemann Telemann: Concerto for Flute and Recorder in E min. - Allegro 04:33 17 Georg Philipp Telemann Telemann: Concerto for Flute and Recorder in E min. - Largo 02:51 18 Georg Philipp Telemann Telemann: Concerto for Flute and Recorder in E min. - Presto 03:19 19 Georg Philipp Telemann Telemann: Suite "Don Quichottre" - Overture 04:13 20 Georg Philipp Telemann Telemann: Suite "Don Quichottre" - Don Quichotte'S Awakening 02:25 21 Georg Philipp Telemann Telemann: Suite "Don Quichottre" - Attacking The Windmills 02:06 22 Georg Philipp Telemann Telemann: Suite "Don Quichottre" - The Sighs Of Love For Princess Dulcinee 02:19 23 Georg Philipp Telemann Telemann: Suite "Don Quichottre" - The Cheated Sancho Pansa 01:58 24 Georg Philipp Telemann Telemann: Suite "Don Quichottre" - The Gallop Of Sancho Pansa'S Donkey 03:25 25 Georg Philipp Telemann Telemann: Suite "Don Quichottre" - Don Quichotte'S Rest 01:06
Georg Philipp Telemann View in Albunack Concertos; Suite "Don Quichotte" / Jürgen Geise 25 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Cis Collegium Mozarteum Salzburg/Peter Tavernaro/Gregor Sigl/Peter Langgartner Concerto for 4 violins in D major, TWV 40:202: Movement 1 02:22 2 Cis Collegium Mozarteum Salzburg/Peter Tavernaro/Gregor Sigl/Peter Langgartner Concerto for 4 violins in D major, TWV 40:202: Movement 2 01:46 3 Cis Collegium Mozarteum Salzburg/Peter Tavernaro/Gregor Sigl/Peter Langgartner Concerto for 4 violins in D major, TWV 40:202: Movement 3 01:39 4 Cis Collegium Mozarteum Salzburg/Peter Tavernaro/Gregor Sigl/Peter Langgartner Concerto for viola, strings & continuo in G major, TWV 51:G9: Largo 02:42 5 Cis Collegium Mozarteum Salzburg/Peter Tavernaro/Gregor Sigl/Peter Langgartner Concerto for viola, strings & continuo in G major, TWV 51:G9: Allegro 02:38 6 Cis Collegium Mozarteum Salzburg/Peter Tavernaro/Gregor Sigl/Peter Langgartner Concerto for viola, strings & continuo in G major, TWV 51:G9: Andante (mi mineur) 03:15 7 Cis Collegium Mozarteum Salzburg/Peter Tavernaro/Gregor Sigl/Peter Langgartner Concerto for viola, strings & continuo in G major, TWV 51:G9: Presto 03:38 8 Cis Collegium Mozarteum Salzburg/Peter Tavernaro/Gregor Sigl/Peter Langgartner Concerto for oboe, strings & continuo in E minor, TWV 51:e1: Andante 02:37 9 Cis Collegium Mozarteum Salzburg/Peter Tavernaro/Gregor Sigl/Peter Langgartner Concerto for oboe, strings & continuo in E minor, TWV 51:e1: Allegro molto 02:57 10 Cis Collegium Mozarteum Salzburg/Peter Tavernaro/Gregor Sigl/Peter Langgartner Concerto for oboe, strings & continuo in E minor, TWV 51:e1: Largo 03:32 11 Cis Collegium Mozarteum Salzburg/Peter Tavernaro/Gregor Sigl/Peter Langgartner Concerto for oboe, strings & continuo in E minor, TWV 51:e1: Allegro 02:36 12 Cis Collegium Mozarteum Salzburg/Peter Tavernaro/Gregor Sigl/Peter Langgartner Concerto for violin, strings & continuo in A minor, TWV 51:a1: I. Adagio 04:27 13 Cis Collegium Mozarteum Salzburg/Peter Tavernaro/Gregor Sigl/Peter Langgartner Concerto for violin, strings & continuo in A minor, TWV 51:a1: II. Allegro 02:44 14 Cis Collegium Mozarteum Salzburg/Peter Tavernaro/Gregor Sigl/Peter Langgartner Concerto for violin, strings & continuo in A minor, TWV 51:a1: III. Presto 03:21 15 Cis Collegium Mozarteum Salzburg/Peter Tavernaro/Gregor Sigl/Peter Langgartner Concerto for recorder, flute, strings & continuo in E minor, TWV 52:e1: Largo 03:28 16 Cis Collegium Mozarteum Salzburg/Peter Tavernaro/Gregor Sigl/Peter Langgartner Concerto for recorder, flute, strings & continuo in E minor, TWV 52:e1: Allegro 04:33 17 Cis Collegium Mozarteum Salzburg/Peter Tavernaro/Gregor Sigl/Peter Langgartner Concerto for recorder, flute, strings & continuo in E minor, TWV 52:e1: Largo (mi majeur) 02:51 18 Cis Collegium Mozarteum Salzburg/Peter Tavernaro/Gregor Sigl/Peter Langgartner Concerto for recorder, flute, strings & continuo in E minor, TWV 52:e1: Presto 03:19 19 Cis Collegium Mozarteum Salzburg/Peter Tavernaro/Gregor Sigl/Peter Langgartner Overture: Burlesque de Quichotte, suite for strings & continuo in G major, TWV 55:G10: Movement 1 04:19 20 Cis Collegium Mozarteum Salzburg/Peter Tavernaro/Gregor Sigl/Peter Langgartner Overture: Burlesque de Quichotte, suite for strings & continuo in G major, TWV 55:G10: Movement 2 02:25 21 Cis Collegium Mozarteum Salzburg/Peter Tavernaro/Gregor Sigl/Peter Langgartner Overture: Burlesque de Quichotte, suite for strings & continuo in G major, TWV 55:G10: Movement 3 02:06 22 Cis Collegium Mozarteum Salzburg/Peter Tavernaro/Gregor Sigl/Peter Langgartner Overture: Burlesque de Quichotte, suite for strings & continuo in G major, TWV 55:G10: Movement 4 02:19 23 Cis Collegium Mozarteum Salzburg/Peter Tavernaro/Gregor Sigl/Peter Langgartner Overture: Burlesque de Quichotte, suite for strings & continuo in G major, TWV 55:G10: Movement 5 01:58 24 Cis Collegium Mozarteum Salzburg/Peter Tavernaro/Gregor Sigl/Peter Langgartner Overture: Burlesque de Quichotte, suite for strings & continuo in G major, TWV 55:G10: Movement 6 03:25 25 Cis Collegium Mozarteum Salzburg/Peter Tavernaro/Gregor Sigl/Peter Langgartner Overture: Burlesque de Quichotte, suite for strings & continuo in G major, TWV 55:G10: Movement 7 01:06
Georg Philipp Telemann View in Albunack Der Tag des Gerichts (Concentus musicus Wien, Nikolaus Harnoncourt) 24 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georg Philipp Telemann Der Tag des Gerichts, TWV 6:8: 1. Betrachtung. Einleitung 03:55 2 Georg Philipp Telemann Arioso (Basso): Nun ist das Heil und die Kraft 01:05 3 Georg Philipp Telemann Arioso (Tenore): Ein ew'ger Palm umschlingt mein Haar 03:22 4 Georg Philipp Telemann Der Tag des Gerichts, TWV 6:8: 1. Betrachtung. Arie "Fürchtet nur, fürchtet des Donnerers Schelten" (Bass) 07:49 5 Georg Philipp Telemann Der Tag des Gerichts, TWV 6:8: 1. Betrachtung. Rezitativ "Wer ist, der kühn sein Joch zerreißt?" (Bass, Soprano, Tenor) 01:45 6 Georg Philipp Telemann Arioso (Basso, Coro): Das Lamm, das erwürget ist 01:41 7 Georg Philipp Telemann Aria (Soprano): Ich bin erwacht nach Gottes Bilde 02:39 8 Georg Philipp Telemann Coro: Lobt ihn, ihr Seraphinen-Chöre! 02:24 9 Georg Philipp Telemann Recitativo (Alto): Es ist geschehen! Die Tugend ist gerächt! 00:47 10 Georg Philipp Telemann Der Tag des Gerichts, TWV 6:8: 1. Betrachtung. Chor "Dann jauchzet der Gerechten Stimme" (Chorus) 02:33 11 Georg Philipp Telemann Der Tag des Gerichts, TWV 6:8: 2. Betrachtung. Chor "Es rauscht" (Chorus) 05:18 12 Georg Philipp Telemann Der Tag des Gerichts, TWV 6:8: 2. Betrachtung. Accompognato Rezitativ "Das sind sie, der Verwüstung Zeichen!" (Bass) 02:33 Has Mbid 13 Georg Philipp Telemann Der Tag des Gerichts, TWV 6:8: 2. Betrachtung. Arie "Da kreuzen verzehrende Blitze" (Bass) 04:45 14 Georg Philipp Telemann Der Tag des Gerichts, TWV 6:8: 2. Betrachtung. Rezitativ "Gewaltig Element!" (Tenor) 01:01 15 Georg Philipp Telemann Der Tag des Gerichts, TWV 6:8: 2. Betrachtung. Arioso "Ich aber schwinge mich empor" (Boy-Soprano) 02:06 16 Georg Philipp Telemann Der Tag des Gerichts, TWV 6:8: 3. Betrachtung. Accompognato Rezitativ "Ich sehe, Gott, den Engel deiner Rache!" (Alto) 01:46 17 Georg Philipp Telemann Der Tag des Gerichts, TWV 6:8: 3. Betrachtung. Arioso "So spricht der Herr, der mich gesandt" (Tenor) 01:44 18 Georg Philipp Telemann Der Tag des Gerichts, TWV 6:8: 3. Betrachtung. Rezitativ "Nun dränget sich der Kreis der ganzen Erde" (Alto) 01:34 19 Georg Philipp Telemann Der Tag des Gerichts, TWV 6:8: 3. Betrachtung. Arie "Seid mir gesegnet, ihr Gerechten" (Bass) 02:33 20 Georg Philipp Telemann Der Tag des Gerichts, TWV 6:8: 3. Betrachtung. Choral "Du, Ehren König, Jesu Christ" (Chorus) 01:22 21 Georg Philipp Telemann Der Tag des Gerichts, TWV 6:8: 3. Betrachtung. Rezitativ "Da sitzet Er - o wie nenn' ich ihn?" (Tenor) 01:06 22 Georg Philipp Telemann Der Tag des Gerichts, TWV 6:8: 3. Betrachtung. Chor "Ach Hilfe! Weh uns! Hilfe! Rat!" (Chorus) 01:36 23 Georg Philipp Telemann Der Tag des Gerichts, TWV 6:8: 3. Betrachtung. Rezitativ "Wir flehn umsonst. - Der Tod entweicht!" (Tenor) 00:30 24 Georg Philipp Telemann Der Tag des Gerichts, TWV 6:8: 3. Betrachtung. Arie "Hinweg von meinem Angesichte!" (Bass) 02:44
Georg Philipp Telemann View in Albunack Der Tod Jesu - Passionsoratorium 30 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georg Philipp Telemann OOOOOOOOO 04:36 2 Georg Philipp Telemann Choral: Du, dessen Augen flossen 01:28 3 Georg Philipp Telemann Chor: Sein Odem ist Schwach 01:33 4 Georg Philipp Telemann Rezitativ (Bass): Gethsemane ! Gethsemane ! 02:32 5 Georg Philipp Telemann Arie (Bass): Du Held ! auf den die Köcher des Todes geleeret 06:08 6 Georg Philipp Telemann Choral: Wen hab ich sonst als dich allein 01:23 7 Georg Philipp Telemann Rezitativ (Alt): Ach, mein Immanuel 02:37 8 Georg Philipp Telemann Arie (Alt): Ein Gebet um neue Stärke 02:59 9 Georg Philipp Telemann Rezitativ (Bass): Nun klingen die Waffen 02:54 10 Georg Philipp Telemann Arie (Bass): Ihr weichgeschaffenen Seelen 03:49 11 Georg Philipp Telemann Chor: Unsere Seele ist gebeut zu der Erden 01:53 12 Georg Philipp Telemann Choral: Ich will von meiner Missetat 01:01 13 Georg Philipp Telemann Rezitativ (Tenor): Jerusalem, voll Mordlust 03:39 14 Georg Philipp Telemann Arie (Tenor): So stehet ein Berg Gottes 03:34 15 Georg Philipp Telemann Chor: Christus hat uns ein Vorbild gelassen 01:08 16 Georg Philipp Telemann Choral: Ich werde, dir zu Ehren, alles wagen 01:10 17 Georg Philipp Telemann Rezitativ (Alt): Da steht der traurige, verhängnisvolle Pfahl 03:05 18 Georg Philipp Telemann Duett (Bass, Alt): Feinde, di ihr mich betrübt 03:40 19 Georg Philipp Telemann Rezitativ (Sopran): Wer ist der Heilige 02:12 20 Georg Philipp Telemann Arie (Sopran): Singt dem göttlichen Propheten 03:32 21 Georg Philipp Telemann Chor: Freuet euch alle, Ihr Frommen ! 01:39 22 Georg Philipp Telemann Choral: Wie herrlich ist die neue Welt 01:02 23 Georg Philipp Telemann Rezitativ (Bass): Auf einmal fällt der aufgehaltne Schmerz 02:58 24 Georg Philipp Telemann Rezitativ (Bass): Es steigen Seraphim von allen Sternen nieder 04:24 25 Georg Philipp Telemann Choral: Ihr Augen weinet ! 01:00 26 Georg Philipp Telemann Solo (Bass): Weinet nicht ! Es hat überwunden 00:50 27 Georg Philipp Telemann Choral: Ihr Augen weinet ! 01:12 28 Georg Philipp Telemann Solo (Bass): Weinet nicht ! Es hat überwunden 00:36 29 Georg Philipp Telemann Choral: Ihr Augen weinet ! 01:16 30 Georg Philipp Telemann Duett (Tenor, Bass): Weinet nicht ! Es hat überwunden 00:34
Georg Philipp Telemann View in Albunack Die Auferstehung und Himmelfahrt Jesu 24 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georg Philipp Telemann Einleitung 01:37 2 Georg Philipp Telemann Coro - Gott, du wirst seine Seele nicht in der Holle lassen 02:04 3 Georg Philipp Telemann Accompagnato - Judaa zittert 01:27 4 Georg Philipp Telemann Aria - Mein Geist, voll Furcht und Freude 06:50 5 Georg Philipp Telemann Coro - Triumph! Triumph! Des Herrn Gesalbter sieget! 00:23 6 Georg Philipp Telemann Recitativo - Die frommen Tochter Zions 00:54 7 Georg Philipp Telemann Aria - Sei gegrubet, Furst des Lebens 06:12 8 Georg Philipp Telemann Recitativo - Wer ist die Sionitin 01:42 9 Georg Philipp Telemann Duetto - Vater deiner schwachen Kinder 04:13 10 Georg Philipp Telemann Recitativo - Freundinnen Jesu 01:09 11 Georg Philipp Telemann Aria - Ich folge dir, verklarter Held 03:40 12 Georg Philipp Telemann Coro - Tod! wo ist dein Stachel? 01:11 13 Georg Philipp Telemann Recitativo/Accompagnato - Dort seh ich aus den Toren 04:25 14 Georg Philipp Telemann Aria - Willkommen, Heiland 04:53 15 Georg Philipp Telemann Coro - Triumph! Triumph! Der Furst des Lebens sieget! 00:23 16 Georg Philipp Telemann Recitativo - Elf auserwahlte Junger 01:57 17 Georg Philipp Telemann Aria - Mein Herr! Mein Gott! 04:30 18 Georg Philipp Telemann Coro - Triumph! Triumph! Der Sohn des Hochsten sieget! 00:23 19 Georg Philipp Telemann Recitativo - Auf einmen Hugel 01:31 20 Georg Philipp Telemann Duetto - Ihr Tore Gottes, offnet euch 05:39 21 Georg Philipp Telemann Coro I - Gott fahret auf 01:17 22 Georg Philipp Telemann Coro II - Der Herr ist Konig 00:46 23 Georg Philipp Telemann Coro I & II - Jauchzet, ihr Himmel 00:37 24 Georg Philipp Telemann Coro - Lobet ihn, alle seine Engel 01:20
Georg Philipp Telemann View in Albunack Don Quixote (Drottningholm Baroque Ensemble) 32 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georg Philipp Telemann Suite Burlesque de Quixotte - Overture 05:29 2 Georg Philipp Telemann Suite Burlesque de Quixotte - Le R�veil de Quixote 02:23 3 Georg Philipp Telemann Suite Burlesque de Quixotte - Son Attaque des Moulins a Vent 01:42 4 Georg Philipp Telemann Suite Burlesque de Quixotte - Les Soupirs amoureux apr�s la Princesse Dulcin�e 03:09 5 Georg Philipp Telemann Suite Burlesque de Quixotte - Sanche Panche bern� 01:32 6 Georg Philipp Telemann Suite Burlesque de Quixotte - La Galope de Rosinante, Celui d'Ane de Sanche 02:08 7 Georg Philipp Telemann Suite Burlesque de Quixotte - La couch� de Quixote 01:14 8 Georg Philipp Telemann Suite A major TWV 55_A8 - Ouverture 04:38 9 Georg Philipp Telemann Suite A major TWV 55_A8 - Passepied burlesque 01:40 10 Georg Philipp Telemann Suite A major TWV 55_A8 - Air 01:59 11 Georg Philipp Telemann Suite A major TWV 55_A8 - Rondeaux 01:12 12 Georg Philipp Telemann Suite A major TWV 55_A8 - Menuett I - II 03:05 13 Georg Philipp Telemann Suite A major TWV 55_A8 - Fanfare 01:08 14 Georg Philipp Telemann Suite A major TWV 55_A8 - Air 01:41 15 Georg Philipp Telemann Suite A major TWV 55_A8 - Gigue 01:29 16 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto in D major - I 01:49 17 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto in D major - II 02:19 18 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto in D major - III Adagio 01:21 19 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto in D major - IV 02:22 20 Georg Philipp Telemann Suite in D major - TWV 55_D6 - Ouverture 05:01 21 Georg Philipp Telemann Suite in D major - TWV 55_D6 - La trompette 01:44 22 Georg Philipp Telemann Suite in D major - TWV 55_D6 - Sarabande 03:38 23 Georg Philipp Telemann Suite in D major - TWV 55_D6 - Rondeau 01:17 24 Georg Philipp Telemann Suite in D major - TWV 55_D6 - Bourr�e 01:51 25 Georg Philipp Telemann Suite in D major - TWV 55_D6 - Courante - Double 03:00 26 Georg Philipp Telemann Suite in D major - TWV 55_D6 - Gigue 03:11 27 Georg Philipp Telemann Suite in A minor - TWV 55_a7 - Ouverture 04:18 28 Georg Philipp Telemann Suite in A minor - TWV 55_a7 - Rejouissance 00:59 29 Georg Philipp Telemann Suite in A minor - TWV 55_a7 - Aira 01:34 30 Georg Philipp Telemann Suite in A minor - TWV 55_a7 - Rigaudon 00:56 31 Georg Philipp Telemann Suite in A minor - TWV 55_a7 - Menuet 01:51 32 Georg Philipp Telemann Suite in A minor - TWV 55_a7 - Harlequinade 01:23
Georg Philipp Telemann View in Albunack Don Quixote - Concertos and Suites by Telemann 24 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto Polonois in G, TWV 43:G7 - Dloce - Allegro 04:54 2 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto Polonois in G, TWV 43:G7 - Largo (Polonaise) 02:05 3 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto Polonois in G, TWV 43:G7 - Allegro 01:57 4 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto in E minor for flute and recorder, TWV52:E1 - Largo 03:37 5 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto in E minor for flute and recorder, TWV52:E1 - Allegro 04:20 6 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto in E minor for flute and recorder, TWV52:E1 - Largo 02:57 7 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto in E minor for flute and recorder, TWV52:E1 - Presto 02:57 8 Georg Philipp Telemann Grillen-symphonie (Whimsical Symphony), TWV50:1 - Etwas lebhaft 03:22 9 Georg Philipp Telemann Grillen-symphonie (Whimsical Symphony), TWV50:1 - Taendelnd 02:57 10 Georg Philipp Telemann Grillen-symphonie (Whimsical Symphony), TWV50:1 - Presto 02:17 11 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture burlesque, TWV55:B8 - Ouverture 03:53 12 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture burlesque, TWV55:B8 - Scaramouches 01:28 13 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture burlesque, TWV55:B8 - Harlequinade 01:11 14 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture burlesque, TWV55:B8 - Colombine 02:17 15 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture burlesque, TWV55:B8 - Pierrot 01:37 16 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture burlesque, TWV55:B8 - Menuets I & II 02:57 17 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture burlesque, TWV55:B8 - Mezzetin en Turc 01:15 18 Georg Philipp Telemann Burlesque de Don Quixotte (Don Quixote Suite), TWV55 - Ouverture 04:30 19 Georg Philipp Telemann Burlesque de Don Quixotte (Don Quixote Suite), TWV55 - Don Quixote awakens 01:40 20 Georg Philipp Telemann Burlesque de Don Quixotte (Don Quixote Suite), TWV55 - His attack on the windmills 01:55 21 Georg Philipp Telemann Burlesque de Don Quixotte (Don Quixote Suite), TWV55 - Sighs of love for Princess Dulcinea 03:35 22 Georg Philipp Telemann Burlesque de Don Quixotte (Don Quixote Suite), TWV55 - Sancho Panza tossed in a blanket 01:48 23 Georg Philipp Telemann Burlesque de Don Quixotte (Don Quixote Suite), TWV55 - The galloping of Rosinante, and that of Sancho's mule 02:40 24 Georg Philipp Telemann Burlesque de Don Quixotte (Don Quixote Suite), TWV55 - Quixote asleep 01:15
Georg Philipp Telemann View in Albunack Early Concertos & Sonatas 22 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georg Philipp Telemann TWV 53, D5 - Konzert für Violine, Violoncello, Trompete & Streicher - 1 Vivace 03:47 2 Georg Philipp Telemann TWV 53, D5 - Konzert für Violine, Violoncello, Trompete & Streicher - 2 Adagio 04:43 3 Georg Philipp Telemann TWV 53, D5 - Konzert für Violine, Violoncello, Trompete & Streicher - 3 Allegro 05:44 4 Georg Philipp Telemann TWV 43, d2 - Quartett - 1 Largo 02:08 5 Georg Philipp Telemann TWV 43, d2 - Quartett - 2 Allegro 02:23 6 Georg Philipp Telemann TWV 43, d2 - Quartett - 3 Andante 01:46 7 Georg Philipp Telemann TWV 43, d2 - Quartett - 4 Presto 03:12 8 Georg Philipp Telemann TWV 51, G9 - Violakonzert - 1 Largo 03:08 9 Georg Philipp Telemann TWV 51, G9 - Violakonzert - 2 Allegro 02:37 10 Georg Philipp Telemann TWV 51, G9 - Violakonzert - 3 Andante 03:27 11 Georg Philipp Telemann TWV 51, G9 - Violakonzert - 4 Presto 03:33 12 Georg Philipp Telemann TWV 44, (e)5 - Quintett - 1 Adagio 02:24 13 Georg Philipp Telemann TWV 44, (e)5 - Quintett - 2 Allegro 02:23 14 Georg Philipp Telemann TWV 44, (e)5 - Quintett - 3 Grave 01:57 15 Georg Philipp Telemann TWV 44, (e)5 - Quintett - 4 Allegro 01:45 16 Georg Philipp Telemann TWV 51, D8 - Hornkonzert - 1 Vivace 02:00 17 Georg Philipp Telemann TWV 51, D8 - Hornkonzert - 2 Largo 03:01 18 Georg Philipp Telemann TWV 51, D8 - Hornkonzert - 3 Allegro 03:51 19 Georg Philipp Telemann TWV 43, D4 - Quartett für 2 Violinen, Viola & Cembalo - 1 01:54 20 Georg Philipp Telemann TWV 43, D4 - Quartett für 2 Violinen, Viola & Cembalo - 2 02:05 21 Georg Philipp Telemann TWV 43, D4 - Quartett für 2 Violinen, Viola & Cembalo - 3 Adagio 01:13 22 Georg Philipp Telemann TWV 43, D4 - Quartett für 2 Violinen, Viola & Cembalo - 4 02:15
Georg Philipp Telemann View in Albunack Elizabeth Wallfisch - L'Orfeo Barockorchester 24 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georg Philipp Telemann Violin Concerto C major - o. Bez 02:47 2 Georg Philipp Telemann Violin Concerto C major - Largo 00:44 3 Georg Philipp Telemann Violin Concerto C major - Vivace 04:05 4 Georg Philipp Telemann Violin Concerto G minor - Allegro I 02:03 5 Georg Philipp Telemann Violin Concerto G minor - Adagio 02:04 6 Georg Philipp Telemann Violin Concerto G minor - Allegro II 02:44 7 Georg Philipp Telemann Violin Concerto B minor - Affettuoso 01:33 8 Georg Philipp Telemann Violin Concerto B minor - Allegro 01:36 9 Georg Philipp Telemann Violin Concerto B minor - Adagio 01:19 10 Georg Philipp Telemann Violin Concerto B minor - Vivace 01:25 11 Georg Philipp Telemann Violin Concerto G major - Andante 01:58 12 Georg Philipp Telemann Violin Concerto G major - Allegro 03:19 13 Georg Philipp Telemann Violin Concerto G major - Siciliana 02:47 14 Georg Philipp Telemann Violin Concerto G major - Presto 03:26 15 Georg Philipp Telemann Violin Concerto A minor - Allegro 03:45 16 Georg Philipp Telemann Violin Concerto A minor - Andante 02:22 17 Georg Philipp Telemann Violin Concerto A minor - Presto 02:52 18 Georg Philipp Telemann Violin Concerto B flat major - Largo 02:35 19 Georg Philipp Telemann Violin Concerto B flat major - Vivace 03:37 20 Georg Philipp Telemann Violin Concerto B flat major - Andante 02:06 21 Georg Philipp Telemann Violin Concerto B flat major - Allegro 03:20 22 Georg Philipp Telemann Violin Concerto A major - Allegro 05:15 23 Georg Philipp Telemann Violin Concerto A major - Largo 03:15 24 Georg Philipp Telemann Violin Concerto A major - Menuet alternativement 03:12
Georg Philipp Telemann View in Albunack Fantasien für Violine solo 23 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasie a-moll - Moderato 02:46 2 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasie a-moll - Vivace 02:08 3 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasie a-moll - Presto 01:11 4 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasie D-Dur - Vivace 02:46 5 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasie D-Dur - Grave 00:57 6 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasie D-Dur - Allegro 02:39 7 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasie h-moll - Siciliano 02:21 8 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasie h-moll - Vivace 03:22 9 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasie h-moll - Allegro 02:19 10 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasie B-Dur - Largo 02:19 11 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasie B-Dur - Allegro 01:54 12 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasie B-Dur - Grave 01:24 13 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasie B-Dur - Allegro 01:59 14 Georg Philipp Telemann Fanatsie D-Dur - Presto 01:36 15 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasie D-Dur - Largo 01:46 16 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasie D-Dur - Allegro 01:13 17 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasie f-moll - Adagio 02:20 18 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasie f-moll - Presto 01:32 19 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasie f-moll - Grave 00:18 20 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasie f-moll - Vivace 00:50 21 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasie E-Dur - Piacevolmente 01:56 22 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasie E-Dur - Spirituoso 03:23 23 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasie E-Dur - Allegro 01:05
Georg Philipp Telemann View in Albunack Flötenkonzerte und Ouvertüren 25 3 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georg Philipp Telemann Konzert in e-moll - ohne Bezeichnung 02:18 2 Georg Philipp Telemann Konzert in e-moll - Presto 03:02 Has Mbid 3 Georg Philipp Telemann Konzert in e-moll - Cantabile 02:18 4 Georg Philipp Telemann Konzert in e-moll - Vivace 03:55 5 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouvertüre F-Dur "Alsterecho" - Ouvertüre 05:43 6 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouvertüre F-Dur "Alsterecho" - Die Canonierende Pallas 02:12 7 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouvertüre F-Dur "Alsterecho" - Das Alster Echo 01:53 8 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouvertüre F-Dur "Alsterecho" - Die Hamburgischen Glockenspiele 02:23 9 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouvertüre F-Dur "Alsterecho" - Der Schwanan-Gesang 02:00 10 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouvertüre F-Dur "Alsterecho" - Der Alster-Schäffer Dorf Music 02:07 11 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouvertüre F-Dur "Alsterecho" - Die concertierenden Frösche und Krähen 02:21 12 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouvertüre F-Dur "Alsterecho" - Der ruhende Pan 01:48 13 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouvertüre F-Dur "Alsterecho" - Der Schäffer und Nymphen eilfertiger Abzug 04:02 14 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouvertüre D-Dur - Ouvertüre 04:28 15 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouvertüre D-Dur - Prélude 00:54 16 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouvertüre D-Dur - Gigue 02:32 17 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouvertüre D-Dur - Menuett I/II 03:23 18 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouvertüre D-Dur - Harlequinade 02:29 19 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouvertüre D-Dur - Loure 02:45 20 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouvertüre D-Dur - Rondeau 01:20 21 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouvertüre D-Dur - Réjouissance 01:28 22 Georg Philipp Telemann Konzert e-moll - Largo 03:41 23 Georg Philipp Telemann Konzert e-moll - Allegro 04:23 Has Mbid 24 Georg Philipp Telemann Konzert e-moll - Largo 03:46 Has Mbid 25 Georg Philipp Telemann Konzert e-moll - Presto 03:12
Georg Philipp Telemann View in Albunack Flötenquartette (European Baroque Soloists) (1991 - Denon - CO-77613) 27 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georg Philipp Telemann Quartett für Flöte, Oboe, Fagott und B.c. Nr. 1 D-dur - 1. Dolce 02:09 2 Georg Philipp Telemann Quartett für Flöte, Oboe, Fagott und B.c. Nr. 1 D-dur - 2. Allegro 01:34 3 Georg Philipp Telemann Quartett für Flöte, Oboe, Fagott und B.c. Nr. 1 D-dur - 3. Grave 00:39 4 Georg Philipp Telemann Quartett für Flöte, Oboe, Fagott und B.c. Nr. 1 D-dur - 4. Allegro 02:51 5 Georg Philipp Telemann Quartett für Flöte, Oboe, Fagott und B.c. Nr. 2 e-moll - 1. Largo 03:25 6 Georg Philipp Telemann Quartett für Flöte, Oboe, Fagott und B.c. Nr. 2 e-moll - 2. Presto 01:20 7 Georg Philipp Telemann Quartett für Flöte, Oboe, Fagott und B.c. Nr. 2 e-moll - 3. Cantabile 01:44 8 Georg Philipp Telemann Quartett für Flöte, Oboe, Fagott und B.c. Nr. 2 e-moll - 4. Allegro 02:01 9 Georg Philipp Telemann Quartett für Flöte, Oboe, Fagott und B.c. Nr. 3 A-dur - 1. Vivace 01:39 10 Georg Philipp Telemann Quartett für Flöte, Oboe, Fagott und B.c. Nr. 3 A-dur - 2. Largo 02:24 11 Georg Philipp Telemann Quartett für Flöte, Oboe, Fagott und B.c. Nr. 3 A-dur - 3. Cantabile 02:35 12 Georg Philipp Telemann Quartett für Flöte, Oboe, Fagott und B.c. Nr. 4 G-dur - 1. Largo 02:10 13 Georg Philipp Telemann Quartett für Flöte, Oboe, Fagott und B.c. Nr. 4 G-dur - 2. Divertimento I: Allegro 02:25 14 Georg Philipp Telemann Quartett für Flöte, Oboe, Fagott und B.c. Nr. 4 G-dur - 3. Divertimento II: Giocando 02:14 15 Georg Philipp Telemann Quartett für Flöte, Oboe, Fagott und B.c. Nr. 4 G-dur - 4. Divertimento III: Allegro 00:44 16 Georg Philipp Telemann Quartett für Flöte, Oboe, Fagott und B.c. Nr. 5 a-moll - 1. Andante 01:35 17 Georg Philipp Telemann Quartett für Flöte, Oboe, Fagott und B.c. Nr. 5 a-moll - 2. Divertimento I: Vivace 03:12 18 Georg Philipp Telemann Quartett für Flöte, Oboe, Fagott und B.c. Nr. 5 a-moll - 3. Divertimento II: Presto 01:32 19 Georg Philipp Telemann Quartett für Flöte, Oboe, Fagott und B.c. Nr. 5 a-moll - 4. Divertimento III: Allegro 00:51 20 Georg Philipp Telemann Quartett für Flöte, Oboe, Fagott und B.c. Nr. 6 E-dur - 1. Gratioso 01:44 21 Georg Philipp Telemann Quartett für Flöte, Oboe, Fagott und B.c. Nr. 6 E-dur - 2. Divertimento I: Allegro 03:16 22 Georg Philipp Telemann Quartett für Flöte, Oboe, Fagott und B.c. Nr. 6 E-dur - 3. Divertimento II: Tempo giusto 03:02 23 Georg Philipp Telemann Quartett für Flöte, Oboe, Fagott und B.c. Nr. 6 E-dur - 4. Divertimento III: Allegro 00:43 24 Georg Philipp Telemann Quartett für Flöte, Oboe, Fagott und B.c. d-moll aus Tafelmusik II - 1. Andante 02:54 25 Georg Philipp Telemann Quartett für Flöte, Oboe, Fagott und B.c. d-moll aus Tafelmusik II - 2. Vivace 03:59 26 Georg Philipp Telemann Quartett für Flöte, Oboe, Fagott und B.c. d-moll aus Tafelmusik II - 3. Largo 03:25 27 Georg Philipp Telemann Quartett für Flöte, Oboe, Fagott und B.c. d-moll aus Tafelmusik II - 4. Allegro 03:58
Georg Philipp Telemann View in Albunack Flötensuite & Flötensonaten (European Baroque Soloists) 26 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georg Philipp Telemann Suite für Flöte, Oboe, Fagott und B.c. h-moll - 1. Prelude. Gaiment 01:13 2 Georg Philipp Telemann Suite für Flöte, Oboe, Fagott und B.c. h-moll - 2. Modérement 02:52 3 Georg Philipp Telemann Suite für Flöte, Oboe, Fagott und B.c. h-moll - 3. Réjouissance 01:46 4 Georg Philipp Telemann Suite für Flöte, Oboe, Fagott und B.c. h-moll - 4. Courante 01:53 5 Georg Philipp Telemann Suite für Flöte, Oboe, Fagott und B.c. h-moll - 5. Passepied 02:22 Has Mbid 6 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto für Flöte und Oboe d'amore G-dur - 1. Vivace 02:49 7 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto für Flöte und Oboe d'amore G-dur - 2. Grave 01:48 8 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto für Flöte und Oboe d'amore G-dur - 3. Vivace 02:05 9 Georg Philipp Telemann Kanonische Sonate für Flöte und Oboe Nr. 1 G-dur op. 5 - 1. Vivace 01:32 10 Georg Philipp Telemann Kanonische Sonate für Flöte und Oboe Nr. 1 G-dur op. 5 - 2. Adagio 01:15 11 Georg Philipp Telemann Kanonische Sonate für Flöte und Oboe Nr. 1 G-dur op. 5 - 3. Allegro 01:33 12 Georg Philipp Telemann Kanonische Sonate für Flöte und Oboe Nr. 2 g-moll op. 5 - 1. Presto 01:28 13 Georg Philipp Telemann Kanonische Sonate für Flöte und Oboe Nr. 2 g-moll op. 5 - 2. Largo 01:06 14 Georg Philipp Telemann Kanonische Sonate für Flöte und Oboe Nr. 2 g-moll op. 5 - 3. Vivace 01:17 15 Georg Philipp Telemann Kanonische Sonate für Flöte und Oboe Nr. 3 D-dur op. 5 - 1. Spirituoso 01:36 16 Georg Philipp Telemann Kanonische Sonate für Flöte und Oboe Nr. 3 D-dur op. 5 - 2. Larghetto 01:16 17 Georg Philipp Telemann Kanonische Sonate für Flöte und Oboe Nr. 3 D-dur op. 5 - 3. Allegro assai 01:53 18 Georg Philipp Telemann Kanonische Sonate für Flöte und Oboe Nr. 4 d-moll op. 5 - 1. Vivace, ma moderato 01:42 19 Georg Philipp Telemann Kanonische Sonate für Flöte und Oboe Nr. 4 d-moll op. 5 - 2. Piacevole, non largo 02:07 20 Georg Philipp Telemann Kanonische Sonate für Flöte und Oboe Nr. 4 d-moll op. 5 - 3. Presto 01:12 21 Georg Philipp Telemann Kanonische Sonate für Flöte und Oboe Nr. 5 A-dur op. 5 - 1. Vivace 01:43 22 Georg Philipp Telemann Kanonische Sonate für Flöte und Oboe Nr. 5 A-dur op. 5 - 2. Cantabile 01:18 23 Georg Philipp Telemann Kanonische Sonate für Flöte und Oboe Nr. 5 A-dur op. 5 - 3. Scherzando 02:40 24 Georg Philipp Telemann Kanonische Sonate für Flöte und Oboe Nr. 6 a-moll op. 5 - 1. Vivace 01:38 25 Georg Philipp Telemann Kanonische Sonate für Flöte und Oboe Nr. 6 a-moll op. 5 - 2. Soave 01:32 26 Georg Philipp Telemann Kanonische Sonate für Flöte und Oboe Nr. 6 a-moll op. 5 - 3. Allegro assai 01:42
Georg Philipp Telemann View in Albunack Flötensuite & Flötensonaten (European Baroque Soloists) (1990 - Denon - CO-77614) 26 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georg Philipp Telemann Suite für Flöte, Oboe, Fagott und B.c. h-moll - 1. Prelude. Gaiment 01:13 2 Georg Philipp Telemann Suite für Flöte, Oboe, Fagott und B.c. h-moll - 2. Modérement 02:53 3 Georg Philipp Telemann Suite für Flöte, Oboe, Fagott und B.c. h-moll - 3. Réjouissance 01:46 4 Georg Philipp Telemann Suite für Flöte, Oboe, Fagott und B.c. h-moll - 4. Courante 01:53 5 Georg Philipp Telemann Suite für Flöte, Oboe, Fagott und B.c. h-moll - 5. Passepied 02:22 Has Mbid 6 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto für Flöte und Oboe d'amore G-dur - 1. Vivace 02:46 7 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto für Flöte und Oboe d'amore G-dur - 2. Grave 01:48 8 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto für Flöte und Oboe d'amore G-dur - 3. Vivace 02:05 9 Georg Philipp Telemann Kanonische Sonate für Flöte und Oboe Nr. 1 G-dur op. 5 - 1. Vivace 01:32 10 Georg Philipp Telemann Kanonische Sonate für Flöte und Oboe Nr. 1 G-dur op. 5 - 2. Adagio 01:15 11 Georg Philipp Telemann Kanonische Sonate für Flöte und Oboe Nr. 1 G-dur op. 5 - 3. Allegro 01:33 12 Georg Philipp Telemann Kanonische Sonate für Flöte und Oboe Nr. 2 g-moll op. 5 - 1. Presto 01:28 13 Georg Philipp Telemann Kanonische Sonate für Flöte und Oboe Nr. 2 g-moll op. 5 - 2. Largo 01:06 14 Georg Philipp Telemann Kanonische Sonate für Flöte und Oboe Nr. 2 g-moll op. 5 - 3. Vivace 01:17 15 Georg Philipp Telemann Kanonische Sonate für Flöte und Oboe Nr. 3 D-dur op. 5 - 1. Spirituoso 01:35 16 Georg Philipp Telemann Kanonische Sonate für Flöte und Oboe Nr. 3 D-dur op. 5 - 2. Larghetto 01:16 17 Georg Philipp Telemann Kanonische Sonate für Flöte und Oboe Nr. 3 D-dur op. 5 - 3. Allegro assai 01:53 18 Georg Philipp Telemann Kanonische Sonate für Flöte und Oboe Nr. 4 d-moll op. 5 - 1. Vivace, ma moderato 01:42 19 Georg Philipp Telemann Kanonische Sonate für Flöte und Oboe Nr. 4 d-moll op. 5 - 2. Piacevole, non largo 02:08 20 Georg Philipp Telemann Kanonische Sonate für Flöte und Oboe Nr. 4 d-moll op. 5 - 3. Presto 01:12 21 Georg Philipp Telemann Kanonische Sonate für Flöte und Oboe Nr. 5 A-dur op. 5 - 1. Vivace 01:43 22 Georg Philipp Telemann Kanonische Sonate für Flöte und Oboe Nr. 5 A-dur op. 5 - 2. Cantabile 01:18 23 Georg Philipp Telemann Kanonische Sonate für Flöte und Oboe Nr. 5 A-dur op. 5 - 3. Scherzando 02:40 24 Georg Philipp Telemann Kanonische Sonate für Flöte und Oboe Nr. 6 a-moll op. 5 - 1. Vivace 01:38 25 Georg Philipp Telemann Kanonische Sonate für Flöte und Oboe Nr. 6 a-moll op. 5 - 2. Soave 01:32 26 Georg Philipp Telemann Kanonische Sonate für Flöte und Oboe Nr. 6 a-moll op. 5 - 3. Allegro assai 01:42
Georg Philipp Telemann View in Albunack Fugues légères et petits jeux à clavessin seul - 20 Kleine Fugen 26 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georg Philipp Telemann Fugues légères et petits jeux à clavessin seul - Fuga prima TWV 30:21 05:42 2 Georg Philipp Telemann Fugues légères et petits jeux à clavessin seul - Fuga seconda TWV 30:22 04:41 3 Georg Philipp Telemann Fugues légères et petits jeux à clavessin seul - Fuga terza TWV 30:23 04:12 4 Georg Philipp Telemann Fugues légères et petits jeux à clavessin seul - Fuga quarta TWV 30:24 05:34 5 Georg Philipp Telemann Fugues légères et petits jeux à clavessin seul - Fuga quinta TWV 30:25 04:31 6 Georg Philipp Telemann Fugues légères et petits jeux à clavessin seul - Fuga sesta TWV 30:26 04:00 7 Georg Philipp Telemann 20 Kleine Fugen - Fuga in D Maj TWV 30:1 00:55 8 Georg Philipp Telemann 20 Kleine Fugen - Fuga in A Maj TWV 30:2 01:22 9 Georg Philipp Telemann 20 Kleine Fugen - Fuga in G Maj TWV 30:3 01:09 10 Georg Philipp Telemann 20 Kleine Fugen - Fuga in e min TWV 30:4 01:06 11 Georg Philipp Telemann 20 Kleine Fugen - Fuga in d min TWV 30:5 01:37 12 Georg Philipp Telemann 20 Kleine Fugen - Fuga in C Maj TWV 30:6 01:02 13 Georg Philipp Telemann 20 Kleine Fugen - Fuga in b min TWV 30:7 01:11 14 Georg Philipp Telemann 20 Kleine Fugen - Fuga in D Maj TWV 30:8 01:06 15 Georg Philipp Telemann 20 Kleine Fugen - Fuga in a min TWV 30:9 01:13 16 Georg Philipp Telemann 20 Kleine Fugen - Fuga in e min TWV 30:10 00:52 17 Georg Philipp Telemann 20 Kleine Fugen - Fuga in C Maj TWV 30:11 01:14 18 Georg Philipp Telemann 20 Kleine Fugen - Fuga in e min TWV 30:12 01:04 19 Georg Philipp Telemann 20 Kleine Fugen - Fuga in c min TWV 30:13 01:11 20 Georg Philipp Telemann 20 Kleine Fugen - Fuga in a min TWV 30:14 00:58 21 Georg Philipp Telemann 20 Kleine Fugen - Fuga in b min TWV 30:15 01:07 22 Georg Philipp Telemann 20 Kleine Fugen - Fuga in d min TWV 30:16 01:17 23 Georg Philipp Telemann 20 Kleine Fugen - Fuga in a min TWV 30:17 00:56 24 Georg Philipp Telemann 20 Kleine Fugen - Fuga in F Maj TWV 30:18 01:06 25 Georg Philipp Telemann 20 Kleine Fugen - Fuga in G Maj TWV 30:19 01:18 26 Georg Philipp Telemann 20 Kleine Fugen - Fuga in a min TWV 30:20 01:34
Georg Philipp Telemann View in Albunack G.Ph. TELEMANN · Concerti per molti instrumenti (DENON CO-78933) 19 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto in E major; 1. Andante 03:43 2 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto in E major; 2. Allegro 05:13 3 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto in E major; 3. Siciliano 03:17 4 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto in E major; 4. Vivace 04:18 5 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto in E minor; 1. Allegro 03:13 6 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto in E minor; 2. Adagio 01:57 7 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto in E minor; 3. Presto 01:07 8 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto in E minor; 4. Adagio, Allegro 03:30 9 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto in D major; 1. Andante 03:54 10 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto in D major; 2. Allegro 03:50 11 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto in D major; 3. Largo 04:07 12 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto in D major; 4. Allegro assai 04:00 13 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto in E flat major; 1. Largo 02:13 14 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto in E flat major; 2. Allegro 02:02 15 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto in E flat major; 3. Andante 02:11 16 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto in E flat major; 4. Allegro 03:13 17 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto in G major; 1. Etwas lebhaft 03:39 18 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto in G major; 2. Tändelnd 02:54 19 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto in G major; 3. Presto 02:20
Georg Philipp Telemann View in Albunack Georg Philipp Telemann - 6 Sonater 24 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonate, F-dur - 1. Dolce 02:14 2 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonate, F-dur - 2. Allegro 01:42 3 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonate, F-dur - 3. Largo 01:52 4 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonate, F-dur - 4. Vivace 02:56 5 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonate, B-dur - 1. Soave 02:17 6 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonate, B-dur - 2. Allegro 02:19 7 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonate, B-dur - 3. Andante 02:36 8 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonate, B-dur - 4. Allegro 03:14 9 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonate, C-dur - 1. Siciliana 02:28 10 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonate, C-dur - 2. Vivace 01:51 11 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonate, C-dur - 3. Andante 02:11 12 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonate, C-dur - 4. Allegro 04:20 13 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonate, G-mol - 1. Largo 03:24 14 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonate, G-mol - 2. Allegro 02:16 15 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonate, G-mol - 3. Affettuoso 03:03 16 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonate, G-mol - 4. Vivace 03:27 17 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonate, D-mol - 1. Largo 02:47 18 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonate, D-mol - 2. Vivace 01:56 19 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonate, D-mol - 3. Grazioso 02:13 20 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonate, D-mol - 4. Allegro 03:35 21 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonate, G-dur - 1. Affettuoso 02:32 22 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonate, G-dur - 2. Presto 01:47 23 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonate, G-dur - 3. Soave 02:33 24 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonate, G-dur - 4. Spiritoso 02:18
Georg Philipp Telemann View in Albunack Georg Philipp Telemann - Cantate - Collegium Pro Musica 23 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georg Philipp Telemann Telemann - Cantata 'Deine Toten werden leben' TWV 1.213 - 1 Allegro 03:41 2 Georg Philipp Telemann Telemann - Cantata 'Deine Toten werden leben' TWV 1.213 - 2 Recitativo 02:22 3 Georg Philipp Telemann Telemann - Cantata 'Deine Toten werden leben' TWV 1.213 - 3 Andante 05:08 4 Georg Philipp Telemann Telemann - Cantata 'Hemmet den Eifer, verbannet die Rache' TWV 1.730 - 1 Spiritoso 03:51 5 Georg Philipp Telemann Telemann - Cantata 'Hemmet den Eifer, verbannet die Rache' TWV 1.730 - 2 Recitativo 01:12 6 Georg Philipp Telemann Telemann - Cantata 'Hemmet den Eifer, verbannet die Rache' TWV 1.730 - 3 Dolce 03:52 7 Georg Philipp Telemann Telemann - Triosonata in sol minore per due flauti e basso continuo TWV 42.e8 - 1 Affettuoso 01:48 8 Georg Philipp Telemann Telemann - Triosonata in sol minore per due flauti e basso continuo TWV 42.e8 - 2 Vivace 01:36 9 Georg Philipp Telemann Telemann - Triosonata in sol minore per due flauti e basso continuo TWV 42.e8 - 3 Andante 01:55 10 Georg Philipp Telemann Telemann - Triosonata in sol minore per due flauti e basso continuo TWV 42.e8 - 4 Presto 01:35 11 Georg Philipp Telemann Telemann - Cantata 'Du bist verflucht, o Schreckensstimme' TWV 1.385 - 1 Aria 02:56 12 Georg Philipp Telemann Telemann - Cantata 'Du bist verflucht, o Schreckensstimme' TWV 1.385 - 2 Recitativo 03:32 13 Georg Philipp Telemann Telemann - Cantata 'Du bist verflucht, o Schreckensstimme' TWV 1.385 - 3 Vivace 02:57 14 Georg Philipp Telemann Telemann - Partita in mi minore per flauto e basso continuo TWV 41.e1 - 1 Andante 01:25 15 Georg Philipp Telemann Telemann - Partita in mi minore per flauto e basso continuo TWV 41.e1 - 2 Aria. Vivace 01:32 16 Georg Philipp Telemann Telemann - Partita in mi minore per flauto e basso continuo TWV 41.e1 - 3 Aria. Presto 01:03 17 Georg Philipp Telemann Telemann - Partita in mi minore per flauto e basso continuo TWV 41.e1 - 4 Aria. Vivace 00:55 18 Georg Philipp Telemann Telemann - Partita in mi minore per flauto e basso continuo TWV 41.e1 - 5 Aria. Siciliana 02:47 19 Georg Philipp Telemann Telemann - Partita in mi minore per flauto e basso continuo TWV 41.e1 - 6 Aria. Vivace 01:16 20 Georg Philipp Telemann Telemann - Partita in mi minore per flauto e basso continuo TWV 41.e1 - 7 Aria. Presto 00:46 21 Georg Philipp Telemann Telemann - Cantata 'Also hat Gott die Welt geliebt' TWV 1.168 - 1 Aria (senza indicazione) 04:42 22 Georg Philipp Telemann Telemann - Cantata 'Also hat Gott die Welt geliebt' TWV 1.168 - 2 Recitativo 00:34 23 Georg Philipp Telemann Telemann - Cantata 'Also hat Gott die Welt geliebt' TWV 1.168 - 3 Dolce 05:03
Georg Philipp Telemann View in Albunack Georg Philipp Telemann – Darmstadt Overtures - Harnoncourt - Concentus Musicus Wien 24 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georg Philipp Telemann Telemann – Overture TWV 55 G 4 In G Minor - 1 Ouverture (Grave - Allegro - Grave) 07:55 2 Georg Philipp Telemann Telemann – Overture TWV 55 G 4 In G Minor - 2 Rondeau (Gayment) 01:17 3 Georg Philipp Telemann Telemann – Overture TWV 55 G 4 In G Minor - 3 Les Irresolute (À Discétion) 01:44 4 Georg Philipp Telemann Telemann – Overture TWV 55 G 4 In G Minor - 4 Les Capricieux 01:19 Has Mbid 5 Georg Philipp Telemann Telemann – Overture TWV 55 D 15 In D Major - 5 Harlequinade 02:08 6 Georg Philipp Telemann Telemann – Overture TWV 55 G 4 In G Minor - 6 Gasconnade 01:48 7 Georg Philipp Telemann Telemann – Overture TWV 55 G 4 In G Minor - 7 Menuet I Alternativement Minuet II 02:33 8 Georg Philipp Telemann Telemann – Overture TWV 55 D 15 In D Major - 8 Réjouissance 02:33 9 Georg Philipp Telemann Telemann – Overture TWV 55 C 6 In C Major - 2 Harlequinade 02:51 10 Georg Philipp Telemann Telemann – Overture TWV 55 A 2 In A Minor - 2 Les Plaisirs 03:11 11 Georg Philipp Telemann Telemann – Overture TWV 55 A 2 In A Minor - 3 Air à l'Italien 06:27 12 Georg Philipp Telemann Telemann – Overture TWV 55 C 6 In C Major - 5 Sommeille 02:51 13 Georg Philipp Telemann Telemann – Overture TWV 55 C 6 In C Major - 6 Rondeau 01:52 14 Georg Philipp Telemann Telemann – Overture TWV 55 C 6 In C Major - 7 Menuet I Alternativement Minuet II 03:37 15 Georg Philipp Telemann Telemann – Overture TWV 55 A 2 In A Minor - 7 Polonaise 03:11 16 Georg Philipp Telemann Telemann – Overture TWV 55 D 3 In D Minor - 1 Ouverture (Grave - Allegro - Grave) 09:54 17 Georg Philipp Telemann Telemann – Overture TWV 55 D 3 In D Minor - 2 Menuet I Alternativement Minuet II 04:05 18 Georg Philipp Telemann Telemann – Overture TWV 55 F 1 In F Minor - 3 Rondeau 00:56 19 Georg Philipp Telemann Telemann – Overture TWV 55 D 3 In D Minor - 4 Courante 02:03 20 Georg Philipp Telemann Telemann – Overture TWV 55 D 3 In D Minor - 5 Air 01:56 21 Georg Philipp Telemann Telemann – Overture TWV 55 F 1 In F Minor - 6 Plainte 04:01 22 Georg Philipp Telemann Telemann – Overture TWV 55 D 3 In D Minor - 7 Hornpipe 01:46 23 Georg Philipp Telemann Telemann – Overture TWV 55 D 3 In D Minor - 8 Canaries 01:51 24 Georg Philipp Telemann Telemann – Overture TWV 55 F 1 In F Minor - 9 Gigue 01:13
Georg Philipp Telemann View in Albunack Georg Philipp Telemann, The Seven Sonatas for Recorder 26 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonata in F major TWV 41: F2, I Vivace 02:32 2 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonata in F major TWV 41: F2, II Largo 01:51 3 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonata in F major TWV 41: F2, III Allegro 01:36 4 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonata in B flat major TWV 41: B3, I Largo 01:20 5 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonata in B flat major TWV 41: B3, II Allegro 02:10 6 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonata in B flat major TWV 41: B3, III Largo 01:33 7 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonata in B flat major TWV 41: B3, IV Vivace 01:50 8 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonata in F minor TWV 41: f1, I Triste 02:48 9 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonata in F minor TWV 41: f1, II Allegro 04:14 10 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonata in F minor TWV 41: f1, III Andante 01:46 11 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonata in F minor TWV 41: f1, IV Vivace 02:15 12 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonata in C major TWV 41: C2, I Cantabile 01:26 13 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonata in C major TWV 41: C2, II Allegro 02:23 14 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonata in C major TWV 41: C2, III Andante 01:36 15 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonata in C major TWV 41: C2, IV Vivace 02:10 16 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonata in D minor TWV 41: d4, I Affettuoso 01:49 17 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonata in D minor TWV 41: d4, II Presto 03:26 18 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonata in D minor TWV 41: d4, III Grave 00:50 19 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonata in D minor TWV 41: d4, IV Allegro 03:04 20 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonata in C major TWV 41: C5; I Adagio-Allegro-Adagio-Allegro 02:35 21 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonata in C major TWV 41: C5; II Larghetto 01:44 22 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonata in C major TWV 41: C5; III Vivace 02:57 23 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonata in F minor TWV 41: f2, I Adagio 02:14 24 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonata in F minor TWV 41: f2, II Allegro 01:55 25 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonata in F minor TWV 41: f2, III Adagio 01:36 26 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonata in F minor TWV 41: f2, IV Gigue 01:19
Georg Philipp Telemann View in Albunack Georg Philipp Telemann-Sonaten, Suiten und kleine Stücke 23 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georg Philipp Telemann Suite g-Moll für Oboe und Basso continuo - 1. Ouverture 03:57 2 Georg Philipp Telemann Suite g-Moll für Oboe und Basso continuo - 2. Sans Souci 01:59 3 Georg Philipp Telemann Suite g-Moll für Oboe und Basso continuo - 3. Horn pipe 01:16 4 Georg Philipp Telemann Suite g-Moll für Oboe und Basso continuo - 4. Gavotte 01:33 5 Georg Philipp Telemann Suite g-Moll für Oboe und Basso continuo - 5. Passpied 02:28 6 Georg Philipp Telemann Suite g-Moll für Oboe und Basso continuo - 6. Irlandoise 01:04 7 Georg Philipp Telemann L'hiver 01:29 8 Georg Philipp Telemann Pastourelle 01:26 9 Georg Philipp Telemann Polonoise 01:33 10 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonate in a-Moll für Oboe und Basso continuo - 1. Siciliana 02:18 11 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonate in a-Moll für Oboe und Basso continuo - 2. Spirituoso 00:00 12 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonate in a-Moll für Oboe und Basso continuo - 3. Andante 02:18 13 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonate in a-Moll für Oboe und Basso continuo - 4. Vivace 01:17 14 Georg Philipp Telemann Fagott Solo für Fagott und Basso continuo - 1. Triste 02:23 15 Georg Philipp Telemann Fagott Solo für Fagott und Basso continuo - 2. Allegro 04:28 16 Georg Philipp Telemann Fagott Solo für Fagott und Basso continuo - 3. Andante, Vivace 04:08 17 Georg Philipp Telemann Air Trompette 01:22 18 Georg Philipp Telemann Niaise 02:32 19 Georg Philipp Telemann Flauto pastorale 00:51 20 Georg Philipp Telemann Napolitana 02:47 21 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonata di chiesa g-Moll für Oboe und Basso continuo - 1. Grave 02:03 22 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonata di chiesa g-Moll für Oboe und Basso continuo - 2. Alla Breve, Adagio 02:51 23 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonata di chiesa g-Moll für Oboe und Basso continuo - 3. Vivace 01:18
Georg Philipp Telemann View in Albunack Golden Classics 16 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto for 2 Violins, String Orchestra and Continuo in C Major - Allegro 04:23 2 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto for 2Violins, String Orchestra & Continuo in C Major / Adagio 02:33 3 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto for 2 Violins, String Orchestra and Continuo in C Major - Vivace 02:07 4 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto for 2Violins, String Orchestra & Continuo in G Major / Grave e piano Allegro 05:55 5 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto for 2Violins, String Orchestra & Continuo in G Major / Largo 02:44 6 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto for 2Violins, String Orchestra & Continuo in G Major / Vivace 01:43 7 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto for 3 Violins and Orchestra in F Major - Allegro 05:49 8 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto for 3Violins & Orchestra in F Major / Largo 05:57 9 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto for 3 Violins and Orchestra in F Major - Vivace 03:16 10 Georg Philipp Telemann Suite for Flute & String Orchestra in A Major / Overture 07:42 11 Georg Philipp Telemann Suite for Flute & String Orchestra in A Major / Les Plaisirs 02:55 12 Georg Philipp Telemann Suite for Flute & String Orchestra in A Major / Air a Italia 07:33 13 Georg Philipp Telemann Suite for Flute & String Orchestra in A Major / Menuet 03:58 14 Georg Philipp Telemann Suite for Flute & String Orchestra in A Major / Polonaise 02:15 15 Georg Philipp Telemann Suite for Flute & String Orchestra in A Major / Passepied 01:42 16 Georg Philipp Telemann Suite for Flute & String Orchestra in A Major / Rejuissance 02:44
Georg Philipp Telemann View in Albunack Golden Touch Classics 16 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto for 2 Violins, String Orchestra and Continuo in C Major - Allegro 04:23 2 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto for 2 Violins, String Orchestra and Continuo in C Major - Adagio 02:33 3 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto for 2 Violins, String Orchestra and Continuo in C Major - Vivace 02:07 4 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto for 2 Violins, String Orchestra and Continuo in G Minor - Grave e piano Allegro 05:52 5 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto for 2 Violins, String Orchestra and Continuo in G Minor - Largo 02:44 6 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto for 2 Violins, String Orchestra and Continuo in G Minor - Vivace 01:43 7 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto for 3 Violins and Orchestra in F Major - Allegro 05:49 8 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto for 3 Violins and Orchestra in F Major - Largo 05:57 9 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto for 3 Violins and Orchestra in F Major - Vivace 03:16 10 Georg Philipp Telemann Suite for Flute and String Orchestra in A Minor - Overture 07:42 11 Georg Philipp Telemann Suite for Flute and String Orchestra in A Minor - Les Plaisirs 02:55 12 Georg Philipp Telemann Suite for Flute and String Orchestra in A Minor - Air a Italian 07:34 13 Georg Philipp Telemann Suite for Flute and String Orchestra in A Minor - Menuet 03:58 14 Georg Philipp Telemann Suite for Flute and String Orchestra in A Minor - Polonaise 02:15 15 Georg Philipp Telemann Suite for Flute and String Orchestra in A Minor - Passepied 01:41 16 Georg Philipp Telemann Suite for Flute and String Orchestra in A Minor - Rejuissance 02:44
Georg Philipp Telemann View in Albunack Harmonischer Gottesdienst - Weihnachten 25 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georg Philipp Telemann Kantate Nr. 68 - Am vierten Advents-Sonntage: I. Aria "Lauter Wonne, lauter Freude" 04:24 2 Georg Philipp Telemann Kantate Nr. 68 - Am vierten Advents-Sonntage: II. Recitativo "Dort labet sich ein Kind" 01:38 3 Georg Philipp Telemann Kantate Nr. 68 - Am vierten Advents-Sonntage: III. Aria "Ein stetes Zagen" 04:37 4 Georg Philipp Telemann Kantate Nr. 72 - Am Sonntage nach Weihnachten: I. Aria "Was gleicht dem Adel wahrer Christen" 04:57 5 Georg Philipp Telemann Kantate Nr. 72 - Am Sonntage nach Weihnachten: II. Recitativo "Nur darum kommt sein Sohn auf Erden" 01:59 6 Georg Philipp Telemann Kantate Nr. 72 - Am Sonntage nach Weihnachten: III. Aria "Walle vor Inbrunst, erfreutes Gebl�te" 03:48 7 Georg Philipp Telemann Kantate Nr. 1 - Am Neujahrstage: I. Aria "Halt ein mit deinem Wetterstrahle" 03:10 8 Georg Philipp Telemann Kantate Nr. 1 - Am Neujahrstage: II. Recitativo "Begl�ckte Stunden, da Moses..." 01:51 9 Georg Philipp Telemann Kantate Nr. 1 - Am Neujahrstage: III. Aria "Hemmet die B�che der st�rzenden Tr�nen" 03:16 10 Georg Philipp Telemann Kantate Nr. 2 - Am Sonntage nach dem neuen Jahre: I. Aria "Schmeckt und sehet unsers Gottes Freundlichkeit!" 03:56 11 Georg Philipp Telemann Kantate Nr. 2 - Am Sonntage nach dem neuen Jahre: II. Recitativo "Wie unaussprechlich gro�" 00:50 12 Georg Philipp Telemann Kantate Nr. 2 - Am Sonntage nach dem neuen Jahre: III. Arioso "Also hat Gott die Welt geliebet!" 01:21 13 Georg Philipp Telemann Kantate Nr. 2 - Am Sonntage nach dem neuen Jahre: IV. Recitativo "Ach, m�chte gleichfalls doch ein Mensch..." 01:28 14 Georg Philipp Telemann Kantate Nr. 2 - Am Sonntage nach dem neuen Jahre: V. Aria "Folternde Rache, flammende Qual" 03:58 15 Georg Philipp Telemann Kantate Nr. 3 - Am Feste der Hl. Drei K�nige: I. Aria "Ihr V�lker, h�rt, wie Gott aufs neue spricht" 05:11 16 Georg Philipp Telemann Kantate Nr. 3 - Am Feste der Hl. Drei K�nige: II. Recitativo "Die Finsternis entweicht" 02:53 17 Georg Philipp Telemann Kantate Nr. 3 - Am Feste der Hl. Drei K�nige: III. Aria "Halleluja!" 04:01 18 Georg Philipp Telemann Kantate Nr. 6 - Am dritten Sonntage nach dem Fest der Hl. Drei K�nige: I. Recitativo "Warum verstellst du die Geb�rden?" 00:19 19 Georg Philipp Telemann Kantate Nr. 6 - Am dritten Sonntage nach dem Fest der Hl. Drei K�nige: II. Aria "Nein, la� dein Dulden..." 06:39 20 Georg Philipp Telemann Kantate Nr. 6 - Am dritten Sonntage nach dem Fest der Hl. Drei K�nige: III. Recitativo "Ja, nimm, o Mensch, was Christus hier g 02:56 21 Georg Philipp Telemann Kantate Nr. 6 - Am dritten Sonntage nach dem Fest der Hl. Drei K�nige: IV. Aria "Nur getrost, gela�ne Seelen" 04:26 22 Georg Philipp Telemann Kantate N. 11 - Am Sonntage Septuagesim�: I. Recitativo "Ein jeder l�uft, der in den Schranken l�uft" 00:19 23 Georg Philipp Telemann Kantate N. 11 - Am Sonntage Septuagesim�: II. Aria "Laufet, fechtet, k�mpfet, ringet" 03:02 24 Georg Philipp Telemann Kantate N. 11 - Am Sonntage Septuagesim�: III. Recitativo "Ein jeder aber, der da k�mpft" 00:39 25 Georg Philipp Telemann Kantate N. 11 - Am Sonntage Septuagesim�: IV. Aria "Halt an, o Mensch und k�mpf' im Glauben" 05:18
Georg Philipp Telemann View in Albunack Harmonischer Gottesdienst - nr.12, 31, 57, 64 13 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georg Philipp Telemann Kantate 12: Was ist mir doch das Rühmen nütze - Arie 04:22 2 Georg Philipp Telemann Wer bist du, Mensch - Rezitativ 01:49 3 Georg Philipp Telemann Lass dir an meiner Gnade g'nügen - Arioso 01:27 4 Georg Philipp Telemann Gottes Kraft erhebt die Schwachen - Arie 05:20 5 Georg Philipp Telemann Kantate 31: "Zischet nur, stechet, ihr feurigen Zunge" - Arie 05:12 6 Georg Philipp Telemann Als dort der Jünger Schar - Rezitativ 02:42 7 Georg Philipp Telemann Der Himmel ist nicht ohne Sterne - Arie 04:04 8 Georg Philipp Telemann Kantate 57: "Locke nur, Erde, mit schmeichelndem Reize" - Arie 05:14 9 Georg Philipp Telemann Verstummet nur, verkehrte Lehrer - Rezitativ 01:22 10 Georg Philipp Telemann Verlass den Bau der ird'schen Hütte - Arie 04:45 11 Georg Philipp Telemann Kantate 64: "Packe dich, gelähmter Drache" - Arie 05:06 12 Georg Philipp Telemann Der Helfer sei gelobt - Rezitativ 02:30 13 Georg Philipp Telemann Hinweg, o höllischer Getümmel - Arie 05:00
Georg Philipp Telemann View in Albunack Heilig, heilig, heilig ist Gott 26 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georg Philipp Telemann Coro(Dictum): Heilig, heilig, heilig ist Gott 03:36 2 Georg Philipp Telemann Recitativo: Herr, dessen unumschränkte Macht 03:09 3 Georg Philipp Telemann Aria: Es strahlt die Pracht der göttlichen Stärke 04:44 4 Georg Philipp Telemann Coro(Dictum): Herr, was ist der Mensch 02:25 5 Georg Philipp Telemann Recitativo: So überfällt uns Angst 02:22 6 Georg Philipp Telemann Aria: Herr, wenn wir zetternd vor dich treten 04:25 7 Georg Philipp Telemann Recitativo: So fällt vor dir, Herr, unsre Andacht nieder 02:07 8 Georg Philipp Telemann Aria: Schau mit gnadenvollem Blicke 04:39 9 Georg Philipp Telemann Choral: Sei Lob und Preis mit Ehren 01:13 10 Georg Philipp Telemann Coro (Dictum): Machet die Tore weit 04:09 11 Georg Philipp Telemann Recitativo: Der Gott, der Heiland, der die Welt besucht 01:00 12 Georg Philipp Telemann Aria: Auf! sucht in vereinigten Chören 06:26 13 Georg Philipp Telemann Coro (Dictum): Singet fröhlich Gott 02:20 14 Georg Philipp Telemann Recitativo: Doch unsern Gott 01:03 15 Georg Philipp Telemann Aria: Der Gaube, der in Liebe glühet 04:50 16 Georg Philipp Telemann Choral: Herr Gott, Vater, mein starker Held 01:13 17 Georg Philipp Telemann Recitativo: Allein, was sind wir ohne dich 01:50 18 Georg Philipp Telemann Aria: Unverletzlich ewge Klarheit 07:21 19 Georg Philipp Telemann Choral: Du heiliges Licht, edler Hort 01:10 20 Georg Philipp Telemann Recitativo: Herr, unser Glaube stammt von dir 02:22 21 Georg Philipp Telemann Aria: Herr! stärke die befohlnen Triebe 04:56 22 Georg Philipp Telemann Choral: Du süsse Liebe, schenk uns deine Gunst 00:41 23 Georg Philipp Telemann Recitativo: Du ewger Vater, deine Güte 01:19 24 Georg Philipp Telemann Choral: Gott Vater, dir sei Preis 00:50 25 Georg Philipp Telemann Aria: Herr! Deine Treue kennt kein Wanken 06:20 26 Georg Philipp Telemann Choral: Es danke Gott und lobe dich 01:15
Georg Philipp Telemann View in Albunack Heilig, heilig, heilig ist Gott (Hannoversche Hofkapelle, Ulrich Stötzel) 26 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georg Philipp Telemann Coro(Dictum): Heilig, heilig, heilig ist Gott 03:36 2 Georg Philipp Telemann Recitativo: Herr, dessen unumschränkte Macht 03:09 3 Georg Philipp Telemann Aria: Es strahlt die Pracht der göttlichen Stärke 04:44 4 Georg Philipp Telemann Coro(Dictum): Herr, was ist der Mensch 02:25 5 Georg Philipp Telemann Recitativo: So überfällt uns Angst 02:22 6 Georg Philipp Telemann Aria: Herr, wenn wir zetternd vor dich treten 04:25 7 Georg Philipp Telemann Recitativo: So fällt vor dir, Herr, unsre Andacht nieder 02:07 8 Georg Philipp Telemann Aria: Schau mit gnadenvollem Blicke 04:39 9 Georg Philipp Telemann Choral: Sei Lob und Preis mit Ehren 01:13 10 Georg Philipp Telemann Coro (Dictum): Machet die Tore weit 04:09 11 Georg Philipp Telemann Recitativo: Der Gott, der Heiland, der die Welt besucht 01:00 12 Georg Philipp Telemann Aria: Auf! sucht in vereinigten Chören 06:26 13 Georg Philipp Telemann Coro (Dictum): Singet fröhlich Gott 02:20 14 Georg Philipp Telemann Recitativo: Doch unsern Gott 01:03 15 Georg Philipp Telemann Aria: Der Gaube, der in Liebe glühet 04:50 16 Georg Philipp Telemann Choral: Herr Gott, Vater, mein starker Held 01:13 17 Georg Philipp Telemann Recitativo: Allein, was sind wir ohne dich 01:50 18 Georg Philipp Telemann Aria: Unverletzlich ewge Klarheit 07:21 19 Georg Philipp Telemann Choral: Du heiliges Licht, edler Hort 01:10 20 Georg Philipp Telemann Recitativo: Herr, unser Glaube stammt von dir 02:22 21 Georg Philipp Telemann Aria: Herr! stärke die befohlnen Triebe 04:56 22 Georg Philipp Telemann Choral: Du süsse Liebe, schenk uns deine Gunst 00:41 23 Georg Philipp Telemann Recitativo: Du ewger Vater, deine Güte 01:19 24 Georg Philipp Telemann Choral: Gott Vater, dir sei Preis 00:50 25 Georg Philipp Telemann Aria: Herr! Deine Treue kennt kein Wanken 06:20 26 Georg Philipp Telemann Choral: Es danke Gott und lobe dich 01:15
Georg Philipp Telemann View in Albunack Hoffnung des Wiedersehens 22 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto D-Dur für Violine, Streicher & B.c. TWV 22:6 - 1. Allegro 04:18 2 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto D-Dur für Violine, Streicher & B.c. TWV 22:6 - 2. Andante 02:34 3 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto D-Dur für Violine, Streicher & B.c. TWV 22:6 - 3. Tempo di Menuet 01:18 4 Georg Philipp Telemann Aria ''Vernunft, Geduld und Zeit'' für Keisers 'Nebukadnezar' 05:15 5 Georg Philipp Telemann Aria ''Stirbt mein Geist durch dein Verlangen'' für Keisers 'Nebukadnezar' 06:11 6 Georg Philipp Telemann Aria ''Mein Vergnügen wird sich fügen'' Aus Kantate TWV 20:18 03:35 7 Georg Philipp Telemann Cantata 'Die Hoffnung des Wiedersehens' TWV 20:70 - 1. Aria- 'Süße Hoffnung, wenn ich frage' 03:22 8 Georg Philipp Telemann Cantata 'Die Hoffnung des Wiedersehens' TWV 20:70 - 2. Recitativo- 'Mein Herz verging in tausend Sorgen' 00:34 9 Georg Philipp Telemann Cantata 'Die Hoffnung des Wiedersehens' TWV 20:70 - 3. Aria- 'Kehre wieder, mein Vergnügen' 01:44 10 Georg Philipp Telemann Cantata 'Die Hoffnung des Wiedersehens' TWV 20:70 - 4. Recitativo- 'Ja, ja- Ich sehe schon die Sonne ...' 00:39 11 Georg Philipp Telemann Cantata 'Die Hoffnung des Wiedersehens' TWV 20:70 - 5. Aria- 'Bald, bald hoff'ich zu sehen' 02:02 12 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto e-moll für Oboe d'amore, Streicher & B.c. TWV 51:e2 - 1. Allegro 02:50 13 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto e-moll für Oboe d'amore, Streicher & B.c. TWV 51:e2 - 2. Andante 01:28 14 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto e-moll für Oboe d'amore, Streicher & B.c. TWV 51:e2 - 3. Allegro 02:16 15 Georg Philipp Telemann Aria 'Fließen nichts als bittreTränen' für Keisers 'Janus' 03:52 16 Georg Philipp Telemann Aria 'Quillt, ihr überhäuften Zähren' für Händels 'Almira' 05:41 17 Georg Philipp Telemann Aria 'Weine nur,gekränkte Seele' für Händels 'Richardus I.' 03:11 18 Georg Philipp Telemann Aria 'Genug, genug geklaget' für Händels 'Richardus I.' 03:37 19 Georg Philipp Telemann Aria aus 'Omphale' TWV 21:14 'Kannst du wohl was an mir finden' 03:48 20 Georg Philipp Telemann Aria aus 'Omphale' TWV 21:14 'Aria 'Ein tröstendes Hoffen auf freudige Stunden' 03:20 21 Georg Philipp Telemann Aria aus 'Omphale' TWV 21:14 Aria 'Die Liebe sieget alle Zeit' 02:50 22 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto D-Dur für Violine, Streicher & B.c. TWV 22:6 - 1. Allegro da capo 04:18
Georg Philipp Telemann View in Albunack III Trietti methodichi e III Scherzi 26 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georg Philipp Telemann Trietto 3/ Sonate 5 d-moll - Allegro 02:18 2 Georg Philipp Telemann Trietto 3/ Sonate 5 d-moll - Largo 03:29 3 Georg Philipp Telemann Trietto 3/ Sonate 5 d-moll - Allegro 03:38 4 Georg Philipp Telemann Scherzo 3/ Sonate 6 D-Dur - Allegro 01:35 5 Georg Philipp Telemann Scherzo 3/ Sonate 6 D-Dur - Largo 03:06 6 Georg Philipp Telemann Scherzo 3/ Sonate 6 D-Dur - Allegro 01:29 7 Georg Philipp Telemann Quartett a-moll - Andante 02:27 8 Georg Philipp Telemann Quartett a-moll - Divertimento 1 Vivace 03:03 9 Georg Philipp Telemann Quartett a-moll - Divertimento 2 Presto 01:35 10 Georg Philipp Telemann Quartett a-moll - Divertimento 3 Allegro 00:41 11 Georg Philipp Telemann Trietto 1/ Sonate 1 G-Dur - Allegro 02:01 12 Georg Philipp Telemann Trietto 1/ Sonate 1 G-Dur - Grave 03:46 13 Georg Philipp Telemann Trietto 1/ Sonate 1 G-Dur - Presto 02:34 14 Georg Philipp Telemann Scherzo 1/ Sonate 2 A-Dur - Allegro 02:09 15 Georg Philipp Telemann Scherzo 1/ Sonate 2 A-Dur - Moderato 03:07 16 Georg Philipp Telemann Scherzo 1/ Sonate 2 A-Dur - Allegro 02:52 17 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto d-moll - Adagio 02:06 18 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto d-moll - Allegro 01:35 19 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto d-moll - Largo 01:15 20 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto d-moll - Allegro 03:02 21 Georg Philipp Telemann Trietto 2/ Sonate 3 D-Dur - Vivace 02:24 22 Georg Philipp Telemann Trietto 2/ Sonate 3 D-Dur - Andante 03:01 23 Georg Philipp Telemann Trietto 2/ Sonate 3 D-Dur - Vivace 02:34 24 Georg Philipp Telemann Scherzo 2/ Sonate 4 E-Dur - Vivace 02:37 25 Georg Philipp Telemann Scherzo 2/ Sonate 4 E-Dur - Largo 02:47 26 Georg Philipp Telemann Scherzo 2/ Sonate 4 E-Dur - Vivace 02:13
Georg Philipp Telemann View in Albunack Jauchze, jubilier und singe 19 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georg Philipp Telemann Oratorio 'Jauchze, jubilier und singe' (from 'Kapitänsmusik') TWV15:5 - Aria (Freude): "Jauchze, jubilier und singe" 04:52 2 Georg Philipp Telemann Oratorio 'Jauchze, jubilier und singe' (from 'Kapitänsmusik') TWV15:5 - Recitative. “Was hat der Mensch” 01:17 3 Georg Philipp Telemann Oratorio 'Jauchze, jubilier und singe' (from 'Kapitänsmusik') TWV15:5 - Chorale der freudigen Gemüter. “Was helfen uns die schweren Sorgen?” 00:45 4 Georg Philipp Telemann Oratorio 'Jauchze, jubilier und singe' (from 'Kapitänsmusik') TWV15:5 - Chorus der freudigen Gemüter. “Darum ist nichts Bessres” 01:56 5 Georg Philipp Telemann Oratorio 'Jauchze, jubilier und singe' (from 'Kapitänsmusik') TWV15:5 - Aria. “Was machest du?” 04:49 6 Georg Philipp Telemann Oratorio 'Jauchze, jubilier und singe' (from 'Kapitänsmusik') TWV15:5 - Recitative. “Ich weiß von keiner bösen Zeit” 01:24 7 Georg Philipp Telemann Oratorio 'Jauchze, jubilier und singe' (from 'Kapitänsmusik') TWV15:5 - Chorus der freudigen Gemüter. “Der im Himmel wohnet” 01:37 8 Georg Philipp Telemann Oratorio 'Jauchze, jubilier und singe' (from 'Kapitänsmusik') TWV15:5 - Recitative & Chorus der freudichen Gemüter. “Doch aber” 01:51 9 Georg Philipp Telemann Oratorio 'Jauchze, jubilier und singe' (from 'Kapitänsmusik') TWV15:5 - Chorale der freudigen Gemüter. “Es sind ja Gott” 00:52 10 Georg Philipp Telemann Oratorio 'Jauchze, jubilier und singe' (from 'Kapitänsmusik') TWV15:5 - Recitative. “Gesetzt den auch” 00:20 11 Georg Philipp Telemann Oratorio 'Jauchze, jubilier und singe' (from 'Kapitänsmusik') TWV15:5 - Chorus der freudigen Gemüter. “Es ist Trauern besser” 04:50 12 Georg Philipp Telemann Oratorio 'Jauchze, jubilier und singe' (from 'Kapitänsmusik') TWV15:5 - Aria. “Ein jedes Ding hat seine Zeit” 04:44 13 Georg Philipp Telemann Oratorio 'Jauchze, jubilier und singe' (from 'Kapitänsmusik') TWV15:5 - Recitative. “Es bleibt indes dabei” 00:55 14 Georg Philipp Telemann Oratorio 'Jauchze, jubilier und singe' (from 'Kapitänsmusik') TWV15:5 - Aria. “Hundert Jahr im Flore stehen” 04:36 15 Georg Philipp Telemann Oratorio 'Jauchze, jubilier und singe' (from 'Kapitänsmusik') TWV15:5 - Recitative. “Ja, ja, laßt Herz und Mund” 01:55 16 Georg Philipp Telemann Oratorio 'Jauchze, jubilier und singe' (from 'Kapitänsmusik') TWV15:5 - Aria. “Preiset den Höchsten” 05:08 17 Georg Philipp Telemann Oratorio 'Jauchze, jubilier und singe' (from 'Kapitänsmusik') TWV15:5 - Recitative. “Ich muß den Blick” 01:23 18 Georg Philipp Telemann Oratorio 'Jauchze, jubilier und singe' (from 'Kapitänsmusik') TWV15:5 - Chorale der dankbaren Gemüter. “Herr Gott, dich loben wir” 00:56 19 Georg Philipp Telemann Oratorio 'Jauchze, jubilier und singe' (from 'Kapitänsmusik') TWV15:5 - Chorus. “So gehe ich” 01:38
Georg Philipp Telemann View in Albunack Kammermusik für Blockflöte 17 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto c-moll - Andante 02:59 2 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto c-moll - Allegro 02:17 3 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto c-moll - Largo 02:44 4 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto c-moll - Allegro assai 03:23 5 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasie C-Dur TWV 40-2 03:19 6 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasie c-moll TWV 40-3 04:57 7 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto in C - Tempo giusto 02:21 8 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto in C - Vivace 02:58 9 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto in C - Adagio 03:00 10 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto in C - Presto 02:48 11 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonate d-moll - Affetuoso 01:34 12 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonate d-moll - Presto 03:33 13 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonate d-moll - Grave 00:41 14 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonate d-moll - Allegro 03:14 15 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonata in C-Dur - Adagio-Allegro 02:33 16 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonata in C-Dur - Larghetto 01:33 17 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonata in C-Dur - Vivace 02:54
Georg Philipp Telemann View in Albunack Kantaten & Oden (René Jacobs) 19 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georg Philipp Telemann Adagio G-dur aus Concerto grosso e-moll 01:35 2 Georg Philipp Telemann Tirsis am Scheidewege - I Recitativo "In einem Tal" 01:31 3 Georg Philipp Telemann Tirsis am Scheidewege - II Aria "Ich wanke zwischen Ja und Nein" 05:09 4 Georg Philipp Telemann Tirsis am Scheidewege - III Recitativo "Ich lieb' an Silvien" 01:17 5 Georg Philipp Telemann Tirsis am Scheidewege - IV Aria "Gefiederte Sirene" 05:41 6 Georg Philipp Telemann Tirsis am Scheidewege - V Recitativo "Der kleine Sänger" 01:31 7 Georg Philipp Telemann Tirsis am Scheidewege - VI Aria "In Freiheit zu leben" 05:01 8 Georg Philipp Telemann Das Frauenzimmer verstimmt sich immer (Aria) 02:01 9 Georg Philipp Telemann Vergiß dich selbst, mein schönster Engel (Oper Eginhard) 02:52 10 Georg Philipp Telemann An den Schlaf "Gott der Träume, Freund der Nacht" (Fünfte Ode) 04:28 11 Georg Philipp Telemann Nach Finsternis und Todesschatten - I Aria "Nach Finsternis und Todesschatten" 04:45 12 Georg Philipp Telemann Nach Finsternis und Todesschatten - II Recitativo "Herr Jesu, komm" 00:28 13 Georg Philipp Telemann Nach Finsternis und Todesschatten - III Aria "Horn des Heils" 05:47 14 Georg Philipp Telemann Die Einsamkeit "Du stiller Ort geliebter Einsamkeit" 04:32 15 Georg Philipp Telemann Meines Bleibens ist nicht hier - I Sinfonia 02:23 16 Georg Philipp Telemann Meines Bleibens ist nicht hier - II Aria "Meines Bleibens ist nicht hier" 02:27 17 Georg Philipp Telemann Meines Bleibens ist nicht hier - III Recitativo "Die Christen müssen wandern" 02:44 18 Georg Philipp Telemann Meines Bleibens ist nicht hier - IV Ritornello "Ich wandre fort nach meiner Ruh" 03:21 19 Georg Philipp Telemann Meines Bleibens ist nicht hier - V Recitativo-Aria "Ach, wäre doch mein Abschied vor der Tür - Da wohn' ich im Friede" 02:29
Georg Philipp Telemann View in Albunack Konzert für drei Violinen, zwei Orchestersuiten 17 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georg Philipp Telemann Konzert F-dur für drei Violinen, 1 Allegro 06:46 2 Georg Philipp Telemann 2 Largo 07:50 3 Georg Philipp Telemann 3 Vivace 03:37 4 Georg Philipp Telemann Orchestersuite C-dur für Streichorchester, 1 Ouverture - Grave 03:49 5 Georg Philipp Telemann 2 La Complaisance 02:15 6 Georg Philipp Telemann 3 L'indignation - tres viste 00:59 7 Georg Philipp Telemann 4 Menuet I & II 03:11 8 Georg Philipp Telemann 5 Loure 02:35 9 Georg Philipp Telemann 6 Tres viste 01:07 10 Georg Philipp Telemann Orchestersuite G-dur -La Bizarre- für Streichorchester - 1 Ouverture 03:58 11 Georg Philipp Telemann 2 Courante 02:06 12 Georg Philipp Telemann 3 Gavotte en Rondeau 01:06 13 Georg Philipp Telemann 4 Branle 01:44 14 Georg Philipp Telemann 5 Scarabande 02:16 15 Georg Philipp Telemann 6 Fantaisie 01:19 16 Georg Philipp Telemann 7 Menuet I & II 04:29 17 Georg Philipp Telemann 8 Rossignol 01:47
Georg Philipp Telemann View in Albunack Konzerte und Konzertante Sinfonien 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georg Philipp Telemann Concertante Sinfonie TWV 50:1 für Piccoloflöte, Oboe, Klarinette, Violine und zwei Kontrabässe "Grillensinfonie" - Vivace 04:16 2 Georg Philipp Telemann Concertante Sinfonie TWV 50:1 für Piccoloflöte, Oboe, Klarinette, Violine und zwei Kontrabässe "Grillensinfonie" - Andante 02:54 3 Georg Philipp Telemann Concertante Sinfonie TWV 50:1 für Piccoloflöte, Oboe, Klarinette, Violine und zwei Kontrabässe "Grillensinfonie" - Presto 02:40 4 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto F-Dur TWV 52:F4 für Altblockflöte, Fagott und Orchester - Largo 04:00 5 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto F-Dur TWV 52:F4 für Altblockflöte, Fagott und Orchester - Allegro 03:40 6 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto F-Dur TWV 52:F4 für Altblockflöte, Fagott und Orchester - Grave 03:34
Georg Philipp Telemann View in Albunack Les Esprits Animaux 27 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georg Philipp Telemann Burlesque de Quixotte TWV 55G: 10 - Ouverture 03:42 2 Georg Philipp Telemann Le réveil de Quixotte 02:35 3 Georg Philipp Telemann Son attaque des moulins à vent 01:39 4 Georg Philipp Telemann Ses soupirs amoureux après la Princesse Dulcinée 04:25 5 Georg Philipp Telemann Sanche Panche berné 01:38 6 Georg Philipp Telemann Le Galope de Rosinante / Celui d'Ane de Sanche 02:32 7 Georg Philipp Telemann Le Couché de Quixotte 01:27 8 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto in mi minore per flauto dolce, flauto traverso, archi e basso, TWV 52:e 1 - Largo 03:25 9 Georg Philipp Telemann Allegro 04:02 10 Georg Philipp Telemann Largo 03:15 11 Georg Philipp Telemann Presto 02:45 12 Georg Philipp Telemann Intrada, nebst burlesquer Suite in D major ("Gulliver Suite"), 1728-1729 TWV 40:108 -Intrada : Spirituoso 01:26 13 Georg Philipp Telemann Lilliputsche Chaconne 00:25 14 Georg Philipp Telemann Brobdingnagische Gigue 03:41 15 Georg Philipp Telemann Reverie der Laputier, nebst ihren Aufweckern 02:08 16 Georg Philipp Telemann Loure der gesitteten Houyhnhnms / Furie der unartigen Yahoos 01:08 17 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto in la minore per 2 flauti, archi e b.c. TWV 52:a 2 - Gravement 02:23 18 Georg Philipp Telemann Vistement 01:36 19 Georg Philipp Telemann Largement 02:53 20 Georg Philipp Telemann Vivement 02:35 21 Georg Philipp Telemann Introduzzione à tre (in Der Getreue Music-Meister), 1728-1729 TWV 42:C 1 - Introduzzione (Vivace / Andante) 05:05 22 Georg Philipp Telemann Xantippe (Presto) 01:46 23 Georg Philipp Telemann Lucretia (Largo) 02:41 24 Georg Philipp Telemann Corinna (Allegretto) 01:06 25 Georg Philipp Telemann Clelia (Sirituoso) 01:27 26 Georg Philipp Telemann Dido (Triste) 02:20 27 Georg Philipp Telemann Conclusion en mi mineur (extrait de Musique de Table) TWV 50:10 04:59
Georg Philipp Telemann View in Albunack Lukas Passion 1748 - Vol. 1 - Rheinische Kantorei, Max 28 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georg Philipp Telemann Chor - Wisset, dass ihr nicht 01:31 2 Georg Philipp Telemann Arie - Hierher, ihr Sünder (Sopran) 03:43 3 Georg Philipp Telemann Accompagnato - Wer leidet dort? (Sopran) 01:34 4 Georg Philipp Telemann Choral - Nun, ich danke Dir von Herzen 01:01 5 Georg Philipp Telemann Rezitativ - Und er ging hinaus (Evangelist, Jesus) 01:33 6 Georg Philipp Telemann Choral - Ihr Geister, die ihr sonsten nur zu dienen 01:05 7 Georg Philipp Telemann Rezitativ - Und er stund auf vom Gebet (Evangelist, Jesus) 00:57 8 Georg Philipp Telemann Arie - Du, Jesu, siehst in diesem Freunde (Sopran) 06:05 9 Georg Philipp Telemann Rezitativ - Da aber sahen, die um ihn waren (Evangelist, Turbae, Jesus) 00:49 10 Georg Philipp Telemann Choral - Hieraus will ich studieren 00:48 11 Georg Philipp Telemann Rezitativ - Jesus aber sprach zu den Hohenpriestern (Evangelist, Jesus) 00:44 12 Georg Philipp Telemann Accompagnato - Frohlocke nur, du Fürst der Finsternis (Bass) 02:04 13 Georg Philipp Telemann Rezitativ - Sie griffen ihn aber (Evangelist) 02:25 14 Georg Philipp Telemann Arie - Seht Petrum sich voll Schmerz und Tränen (Sopran) 05:02 15 Georg Philipp Telemann Rezitativ - Die Männer aber, die Jesum hielten (Evangelist, Turbae, Jesus) 01:54 16 Georg Philipp Telemann Chor - Siehe! Er kömmt mit den Wolken 01:28 17 Georg Philipp Telemann Rezitativ - Sie aber sprachen (Evangelist, Turbae) 00:23 18 Georg Philipp Telemann Arie - Du hast die Macht, sie zu zerschmettern (Sopran) 04:31 19 Georg Philipp Telemann Rezitativ - Und der ganze Haufe stund auf (Evangelist, Pilatus, Jesus, Turbae) 00:56 20 Georg Philipp Telemann Arie - Ja, Richter! Er ist Gott und König (Bass) 04:12 21 Georg Philipp Telemann Rezitativ - Pilatus sprach zu den Hohenpreistern (Evangelist, Pilatus, Turbae) 01:56 22 Georg Philipp Telemann Accompagnato - Unedler Spott (Alt) 01:24 23 Georg Philipp Telemann Rezitativ - Auf den Tag wurden Pilatus und Herodes Freunde (Evangelist, Pilatus) 02:51 24 Georg Philipp Telemann Arie - So hörst du doch, o zweifelhafter Richter (Sopran) 04:54 25 Georg Philipp Telemann Rezitativ - Und Pilatus ließ den los (Evangelist) 00:23 26 Georg Philipp Telemann Arie - So ist dein Tod beschlossen (Sopran) 02:08 27 Georg Philipp Telemann Rezitativ - Und als sie ihn hinführeten (Evangelist) 00:39 28 Georg Philipp Telemann Chor - Ach, Jesus! Ach! Es ist genug! 01:35
Georg Philipp Telemann View in Albunack Lukas Passion 1748 - Vol. 2 - Rheinische Kantorei, Max 17 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georg Philipp Telemann Choral - O du wunderbarer Rat 01:00 2 Georg Philipp Telemann Rezitativ - Jesus aber wandte sich um zu ihnen (Evangelist, Jesus) 02:04 3 Georg Philipp Telemann Choral - Vater! Ich seh deinen Sohn 00:59 4 Georg Philipp Telemann Accompagnato - Du ewig Heiliger (Alt) 01:33 5 Georg Philipp Telemann Rezitativ - Jesus aber sprach (Evangelist, Jesus) 00:17 6 Georg Philipp Telemann Accompagnato - Itzt, da du bald den grausen Augenblick (Sopran) 01:18 7 Georg Philipp Telemann Rezitativ - Und sie teilten seine Kleider (Evangelist, Turbae) 00:39 8 Georg Philipp Telemann Arie - Ihr sollt ihn sehn als Gottes Sohn (Bass) 05:49 9 Georg Philipp Telemann Rezitativ - Es spotteten ihn auch die Kriegsknechte (Evangelist, Turbae) 02:13 10 Georg Philipp Telemann Arie - Auch wir sind die durch dich Erlösten (Sopran) 02:00 11 Georg Philipp Telemann Choral - Denk auf dem Richterthrone 00:52 12 Georg Philipp Telemann Rezitativ - Und es war um die sechste Stunde (Evangelist) 00:35 13 Georg Philipp Telemann Arie - Die freudigen Himmel, die sonst sich verklärten (Alt) 05:24 14 Georg Philipp Telemann Rezitativ - Und der Vorhang des Tempels zeriss (Evangelist, Jesus) 00:40 15 Georg Philipp Telemann Choral - O wollte Gott, daß ich mein End auch also möchte enden 01:14 16 Georg Philipp Telemann Rezitativ - Da aber der Hauptmann sahe (Evangelist, Hauptmann) 00:46 17 Georg Philipp Telemann Chor - Seht noch einmal, mit welchem Blicke 05:35
Georg Philipp Telemann View in Albunack Missa & Cantatas for Countertenor 20 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georg Philipp Telemann Ach Herr, strafe mich nicht in deinem Zorn, TWV 7 1 I Ach Herr, strafe mich nicht in deinem Zorn 05:03 2 Georg Philipp Telemann Ach Herr, strafe mich nicht in deinem Zorn, TWV 7 1 II Herr, sei mir gnädig, denn ich bin schwach 05:23 3 Georg Philipp Telemann Ach Herr, strafe mich nicht in deinem Zorn, TWV 7 1 III Ich bin so müde von Seufzen 05:35 4 Georg Philipp Telemann Ach Herr, strafe mich nicht in deinem Zorn, TWV 7 1 IV Weichet, ihr Übeltäter 03:29 5 Georg Philipp Telemann Fugue in G Major, TWV 30 19 01:26 6 Georg Philipp Telemann Missa brevis in B Minor, TWV 9 14 I Kyrie eleison 04:05 7 Georg Philipp Telemann Missa brevis in B Minor, TWV 9 14 II Gloria in excelsis Deo 01:11 8 Georg Philipp Telemann Missa brevis in B Minor, TWV 9 14 III Laudamus te 00:53 9 Georg Philipp Telemann Missa brevis in B Minor, TWV 9 14 IV Gratias agimus tibi 01:37 10 Georg Philipp Telemann Missa brevis in B Minor, TWV 9 14 V Domine Deus, Rex caelestis 02:00 11 Georg Philipp Telemann Missa brevis in B Minor, TWV 9 14 VI Quoniam tu solus Sanctus 01:21 12 Georg Philipp Telemann Missa brevis in B Minor, TWV 9 14 VII Cum Sancto Spiritu 03:06 13 Georg Philipp Telemann Fugue in D Minor, TWV 30 5 02:42 14 Georg Philipp Telemann Me miserum, miseriarum conflictu, TWV 1 1135 I Me miserum 06:00 15 Georg Philipp Telemann Me miserum, miseriarum conflictu, TWV 1 1135 II Jesu Christe, Tu es iste 02:18 16 Georg Philipp Telemann Me miserum, miseriarum conflictu, TWV 1 1135 III Ut dirus peccatorum anguis 03:56 17 Georg Philipp Telemann Me miserum, miseriarum conflictu, TWV 1 1135 IV Peccatum Deum equidem ad iram 03:14 18 Georg Philipp Telemann Me miserum, miseriarum conflictu, TWV 1 1135 V Me Jesu, tibi felix anima 03:08 19 Georg Philipp Telemann Violin Sonata in G Minor, TWV 41 g1 I Adagio - II Allegro - III Adagio - IV Vivace 07:37 20 Georg Philipp Telemann Meines Bleibens ist nicht hier, TWV 1 1100 05:06
Georg Philipp Telemann View in Albunack Motetten [FLAC] 16 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georg Philipp Telemann Das ist meine Freude (TWV DEEST) 02:26 2 Georg Philipp Telemann Der Gott unsers Herrn Jesu Christi (TWV 8:4) 02:22 3 Georg Philipp Telemann Halt, was du hast (TWV 8:9) 07:08 4 Georg Philipp Telemann Saget der Tochter Zion (TWV DEEST) 01:13 5 Georg Philipp Telemann Rufe mich an in der Zeit der Not (TWV DEEST) 02:06 6 Georg Philipp Telemann Fürwahr, er trug unsre Krankheit (TWV DEEST) 02:26 7 Georg Philipp Telemann Laudate Dominum (TWV 8:11) 05:32 8 Georg Philipp Telemann Werfet Panier auf im Lande (TWV 8:15) 01:56 9 Georg Philipp Telemann Ich will schauen dein Antlitz in Gerechtigkeit (TWV DEEST) 03:30 10 Georg Philipp Telemann Selig sind die Toten (TWV DEEST) 03:26 11 Georg Philipp Telemann Ich habe Lust abzuscheiden (TWV DEEST) 02:43 12 Georg Philipp Telemann Selig sind die Toten (TWV 8:13) 05:27 13 Georg Philipp Telemann Es segne uns Gott (TWV 8:8) 02:19 14 Georg Philipp Telemann Komm, heiliger Geist (TWV 3:92) 07:57 15 Georg Philipp Telemann Danket dem Herrn (TWV 8:3) 04:20 16 Georg Philipp Telemann Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott (TWV 8:7) 04:53
Georg Philipp Telemann View in Albunack Musica sull'acqua - Concerti per strumenti a fiato 25 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georg Philipp Telemann Telemann, Wassermusik - 01 Ouverture (Grave; Allegro) 10:41 2 Georg Philipp Telemann Telemann, Wassermusik - 02 Sarabanda (Teti dormiente) 02:04 3 Georg Philipp Telemann Telemann, Wassermusik - 03 Bourrée (Il risveglio di Teti) 01:57 4 Georg Philipp Telemann Telemann, Wassermusik - 04 Loure (Nettuno innamorato) 01:45 5 Georg Philipp Telemann Telemann, Wassermusik - 05 Gavotta (Le Naiadi giocano) 01:05 6 Georg Philipp Telemann Telemann, Wassermusik - 06 Arlecchinata (Tritone scherzoso) 01:19 7 Georg Philipp Telemann Telemann, Wassermusik - 07 Eolo impetuoso 02:10 8 Georg Philipp Telemann Telemann, Wassermusik - 08 Minuetto (Il piacevole Zefiro) 02:04 9 Georg Philipp Telemann Telemann, Wassermusik - 09 Giga (Alta e bassa marea) 01:03 10 Georg Philipp Telemann Telemann, Wassermusik - 10 Canarie (Gli allegri messaggeri) 01:40 11 Georg Philipp Telemann Telemann, Concerto in mi min per fl dolce e trav archi e bc - 1 Largo 03:27 12 Georg Philipp Telemann Telemann, Concerto in mi min per fl dolce e trav archi e bc - 2 Allegro 03:41 13 Georg Philipp Telemann Telemann, Concerto in mi min per fl dolce e trav archi e bc - 3 Largo 02:59 14 Georg Philipp Telemann Telemann, Concerto in mi min per fl dolce e trav archi e bc - 4 Presto 02:39 15 Georg Philipp Telemann Telemann, Concerto in Do magg per flauto archi e bc - 1 Allegretto 03:04 16 Georg Philipp Telemann Telemann, Concerto in Do magg per flauto archi e bc - 2 Allegro 03:23 17 Georg Philipp Telemann Telemann, Concerto in Do magg per flauto archi e bc - 3 Andante 03:58 18 Georg Philipp Telemann Telemann, Concerto in Do magg per flauto archi e bc - 4 Tempo di Minuetto 06:02 19 Georg Philipp Telemann Telemann, Sinfonia in Re magg per archi e bc - 1 Spiritoso 02:48 20 Georg Philipp Telemann Telemann, Sinfonia in Re magg per archi e bc - 2 Largo 02:33 21 Georg Philipp Telemann Telemann, Sinfonia in Re magg per archi e bc - 3 Vivace 02:52 22 Georg Philipp Telemann Telemann, Concerto in Si b magg per 2 flauti archi e bc - 1 Grave 02:06 23 Georg Philipp Telemann Telemann, Concerto in Si b magg per 2 flauti archi e bc - 2 Vivace 01:49 24 Georg Philipp Telemann Telemann, Concerto in Si b magg per 2 flauti archi e bc - 3 Tendrement 02:03 25 Georg Philipp Telemann Telemann, Concerto in Si b magg per 2 flauti archi e bc - 4 Gayment 02:16
Georg Philipp Telemann View in Albunack Musique de table - Tafelmusik 15 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georg Philipp Telemann Production I - Ouverture - Lentement - Vite - Lentement 06:25 2 Georg Philipp Telemann Production I - Rejouissance 03:51 3 Georg Philipp Telemann Production I - Rondeau 02:12 4 Georg Philipp Telemann Production I - Loure 03:18 5 Georg Philipp Telemann Production I - Passepied 02:50 6 Georg Philipp Telemann Production I - Air, Un Peu Vivement 05:30 7 Georg Philipp Telemann Production I - Gigue 02:24 8 Georg Philipp Telemann Production I - Quatuor - Largo - Allegro - Largo 03:28 9 Georg Philipp Telemann Production I - Vivace - Moderato - Vivace 07:08 10 Georg Philipp Telemann Production I - Grave 00:32 11 Georg Philipp Telemann Production I - Vivace 03:21 12 Georg Philipp Telemann Production I - Concert - Largo 05:06 13 Georg Philipp Telemann Production I - Allegro 05:56 14 Georg Philipp Telemann Production I - Grazioso 03:38 15 Georg Philipp Telemann Production I - Allegro 05:48
Georg Philipp Telemann View in Albunack Oboe and Oboe d'amore Concertos (Il Fondamento feat. Paul Dombrecht) 17 0 1994 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto for Oboe in c, Adagio 01:34 2 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto for Oboe in c, Allegro 02:22 3 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto for Oboe in c, Adagio 01:52 4 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto for Oboe in c, Allegro 03:03 5 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto for Oboe in d, Adagio 02:24 6 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto for Oboe in d, Allegro 02:55 7 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto for Oboe in d, Adagio 01:02 8 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto for Oboe in d, Allegro 02:02 9 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto for Oboe d'amore in A, Siciliano 03:58 10 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto for Oboe d'amore in A, Allegro 02:51 11 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto for Oboe d'amore in A, Largo 04:04 12 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto for Oboe d'amore in A, Vivace 04:59 13 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto for Oboe in D, Grazioso 02:45 14 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto for Oboe in D, Vivace 02:41 15 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto for Oboe in D, Adagio 02:18 16 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto for Oboe in D, Scherzando 02:32 17 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto for Oboe d'amore in G, Soave 03:46
Georg Philipp Telemann View in Albunack Oboenkonzerte (Südwestdeutsches Kammerorchester Pforzheim, feat. conducor: Paul Angerer, oboe: Lajos Lencsés) 15 0 1985 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georg Philipp Telemann Konzert f-Moll für Oboe, Streicher und Cembalo: I. Allegro 03:18 2 Georg Philipp Telemann Konzert f-Moll für Oboe, Streicher und Cembalo: II. Largo 02:52 3 Georg Philipp Telemann Konzert f-Moll für Oboe, Streicher und Cembalo: III. Vivace 02:15 4 Georg Philipp Telemann Konzert A-Dur für Oboe d'amore, Streicher und Cembalo: I. Siciliano 03:22 5 Georg Philipp Telemann Konzert A-Dur für Oboe d'amore, Streicher und Cembalo: II. Allegro 03:06 6 Georg Philipp Telemann Konzert A-Dur für Oboe d'amore, Streicher und Cembalo: III. Largo 04:24 7 Georg Philipp Telemann Konzert A-Dur für Oboe d'amore, Streicher und Cembalo: IV. Vivace 04:40 8 Georg Philipp Telemann Konzert e-Moll für Oboe, Streicher und Cembalo: I. Andante 04:00 9 Georg Philipp Telemann Konzert e-Moll für Oboe, Streicher und Cembalo: II. Allegro molto 02:40 10 Georg Philipp Telemann Konzert e-Moll für Oboe, Streicher und Cembalo: III. Largo 04:26 11 Georg Philipp Telemann Konzert e-Moll für Oboe, Streicher und Cembalo: IV. Allegro 02:22 12 Georg Philipp Telemann Konzert G-Dur für Oboe d'amore, Streicher und Cembalo: I. Soave 02:46 13 Georg Philipp Telemann Konzert G-Dur für Oboe d'amore, Streicher und Cembalo: II. Allegro 05:02 14 Georg Philipp Telemann Konzert G-Dur für Oboe d'amore, Streicher und Cembalo: III. Adagio 03:04 15 Georg Philipp Telemann Konzert G-Dur für Oboe d'amore, Streicher und Cembalo: Vivace 05:38
Georg Philipp Telemann View in Albunack Orchestral Works 20 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georg Philipp Telemann Orchestersuite Nr. 81 g Dur - Ouverture 04:09 2 Georg Philipp Telemann Orchestersuite Nr. 81 g Dur - Courante 02:07 3 Georg Philipp Telemann Orchestersuite Nr. 81 g Dur - Gavotte En Rondeau 01:26 4 Georg Philipp Telemann Orchestersuite Nr. 81 g Dur - Branle 02:30 5 Georg Philipp Telemann Orchestersuite Nr. 81 g Dur - Sarabande 02:04 6 Georg Philipp Telemann Orchestersuite Nr. 81 g Dur - Fantaisie 01:19 7 Georg Philipp Telemann Orchestersuite Nr. 81 g Dur - Menuet I Et II 03:44 8 Georg Philipp Telemann Orchestersuite Nr. 81 g Dur - Rossignol 02:05 9 Georg Philipp Telemann Tafelmusik aus Teil 3 - Ouverture 07:12 10 Georg Philipp Telemann Tafelmusik aus Teil 3 - Bergerie 03:26 11 Georg Philipp Telemann Tafelmusik aus Teil 3 - Allegresse 02:39 12 Georg Philipp Telemann Tafelmusik aus Teil 3 - Positions 02:05 13 Georg Philipp Telemann Tafelmusik aus Teil 3 - Flatelie 03:37 14 Georg Philipp Telemann Tafelmusik aus Teil 3 - Badinage 02:54 15 Georg Philipp Telemann Tafelmusik aus Teil 3 - Menuet 03:48 16 Georg Philipp Telemann Tafelmusik aus Teil 3 - Conclusion 02:09 17 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto grosso a Dur - Grave 02:05 18 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto grosso a Dur - Allegro 02:39 19 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto grosso a Dur - Adagio 02:51 20 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto grosso a Dur - Vivace 03:06
Georg Philipp Telemann View in Albunack Ouvertüren g-moll und d-moll - Concentus musicus Wien 16 3 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouvertüre g-moll, TWV 55:g4 - Grave - Allegro - Grave 07:55 2 Georg Philipp Telemann Rondeau - Gayement 01:17 3 Georg Philipp Telemann Les Irresoluts - à discretion 01:44 4 Georg Philipp Telemann Les Capricieux 01:20 Has Mbid 5 Georg Philipp Telemann Loure 02:43 6 Georg Philipp Telemann Gasconnade 01:48 7 Georg Philipp Telemann Menuet I/II, alternativement 02:33 8 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouvertüre d-moll, TWV 55:d3 - Grave - Allegro - Grave 09:54 9 Georg Philipp Telemann Menuet I/II, alternativement 04:05 10 Georg Philipp Telemann Gavotte 01:39 11 Georg Philipp Telemann Courante 02:03 12 Georg Philipp Telemann Air 01:56 Has Mbid 13 Georg Philipp Telemann Loure 02:47 14 Georg Philipp Telemann Hernepipe 01:45 15 Georg Philipp Telemann Canaries 01:51 Has Mbid 16 Georg Philipp Telemann Gigue 03:39
Georg Philipp Telemann View in Albunack Overtures & Suites for Harpsichord - 1 35 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georg Philipp Telemann Partia G Maj TWV 32:1 - Preludio 00:45 2 Georg Philipp Telemann Partia G Maj TWV 32:1 - Aria 01:59 3 Georg Philipp Telemann Partia G Maj TWV 32:1 - Rondeau 01:17 4 Georg Philipp Telemann Partia G Maj TWV 32:1 - Menuet I & II 02:49 5 Georg Philipp Telemann Partia G Maj TWV 32:1 - Gigue 00:37 6 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture à la Polonaise d min TWV 32:2 - Ouverture 03:13 7 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture à la Polonaise d min TWV 32:2 - Bourée 01:07 8 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture à la Polonaise d min TWV 32:2 - Loure 01:44 9 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture à la Polonaise d min TWV 32:2 - Gavotte 01:08 10 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture à la Polonaise d min TWV 32:2 - Menuet 02:06 11 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture à la Polonaise d min TWV 32:2 - Giga 01:40 12 Georg Philipp Telemann Solo C Maj TWV 32:3 - Largo 02:24 13 Georg Philipp Telemann Solo C Maj TWV 32:3 - Allemanda 03:04 14 Georg Philipp Telemann Solo C Maj TWV 32:3 - Lura 02:29 15 Georg Philipp Telemann Solo C Maj TWV 32:3 - Corrente 02:29 16 Georg Philipp Telemann Solo C Maj TWV 32:3 - Menuet I & II 02:46 17 Georg Philipp Telemann Solo C Maj TWV 32:3 - Giga 02:30 18 Georg Philipp Telemann Solo F Maj TWV 32:4 - Cantabile 04:43 19 Georg Philipp Telemann Solo F Maj TWV 32:4 - Bourée 01:31 20 Georg Philipp Telemann Solo F Maj TWV 32:4 - Sarabande 02:06 21 Georg Philipp Telemann Solo F Maj TWV 32:4 - Gavotte 02:02 22 Georg Philipp Telemann Solo F Maj TWV 32:4 - Passepied 00:56 23 Georg Philipp Telemann Solo F Maj TWV 32:4 - Gigue 02:10 24 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture C Maj TWV 32:11 - Ouverture 03:11 25 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture C Maj TWV 32:11 - Entrée 01:59 26 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture C Maj TWV 32:11 - Gavotte 01:06 27 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture C Maj TWV 32:11 - Marche 01:41 28 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture C Maj TWV 32:11 - Gigue 01:31 29 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture a min TWV 32:12 - Ouverture 03:45 30 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture a min TWV 32:12 - Gavotte 01:41 31 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture a min TWV 32:12 - Loure 01:57 32 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture a min TWV 32:12 - Allemande 02:25 33 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture a min TWV 32:12 - Menuet I & II 01:54 34 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture a min TWV 32:12 - Bourée 01:37 35 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture a min TWV 32:12 - Gigue 02:58
Georg Philipp Telemann View in Albunack Overtures & Suites for Harpsichord - 2 30 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture G Maj TWV 32:13 - Ouverture 04:35 2 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture G Maj TWV 32:13 - Courante 01:39 3 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture G Maj TWV 32:13 - Bourée I & II 02:26 4 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture G Maj TWV 32:13 - Aria 02:43 5 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture G Maj TWV 32:13 - Allemande 01:18 6 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture G Maj TWV 32:13 - Menuet 01:53 7 Georg Philipp Telemann Suite A Maj TWV 32:14 (also attr JS Bach BWV 824) - Allemande 03:29 8 Georg Philipp Telemann Suite A Maj TWV 32:14 (also attr JS Bach BWV 824) - Courante 01:51 9 Georg Philipp Telemann Suite A Maj TWV 32:14 (also attr JS Bach BWV 824) - Gigue 02:32 10 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture A Maj TWV 32:15 - Ouverture 06:07 11 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture A Maj TWV 32:15 - Courante 01:42 12 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture A Maj TWV 32:15 - Rigaudon I & II 01:48 13 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture A Maj TWV 32:15 - Hornpipe 02:10 14 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture A Maj TWV 32:16 - Prélude 01:16 15 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture A Maj TWV 32:16 - Passepied I & II 01:55 16 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture A Maj TWV 32:16 - Aria 02:05 17 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture A Maj TWV 32:16 - Bourée 00:53 18 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture A Maj TWV 32:16 - Loure 02:28 19 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture A Maj TWV 32:16 - Menuet 02:14 20 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture A Maj TWV 32:16 - Gigue 01:10 21 Georg Philipp Telemann Suite C Maj TWV 32:17 - Allemanda 02:37 22 Georg Philipp Telemann Suite C Maj TWV 32:17 - Hornpipe 01:00 23 Georg Philipp Telemann Suite C Maj TWV 32:17 - Rondeau 01:49 24 Georg Philipp Telemann Suite C Maj TWV 32:17 - Bourée I & II 02:08 25 Georg Philipp Telemann Suite C Maj TWV 32:17 - Gigue 01:35 26 Georg Philipp Telemann Partia A Maj TWV 32:18 (also attr JS Bach BWV 832) - Allemande 02:32 27 Georg Philipp Telemann Partia A Maj TWV 32:18 (also attr JS Bach BWV 832) - Air pour les trompettes 02:45 28 Georg Philipp Telemann Partia A Maj TWV 32:18 (also attr JS Bach BWV 832) - Sarabande 02:31 29 Georg Philipp Telemann Partia A Maj TWV 32:18 (also attr JS Bach BWV 832) - Bourée 00:53 30 Georg Philipp Telemann Partia A Maj TWV 32:18 (also attr JS Bach BWV 832) - Gigue 01:14
Georg Philipp Telemann View in Albunack Passions-Oratorio TWV 5:5 & Cantates TWV 4:18 et 2:2 26 0 1997 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georg Philipp Telemann I. Accompagnato 'Erhohle dich, o Sonne' ( Tenor, B I/II, Altus) 07:45 2 Georg Philipp Telemann II. Chorale 'In meines Herzens Grunde' 01:06 3 Georg Philipp Telemann III. Recitativo 'Erblasster Jesu' ( Tenor) 00:32 4 Georg Philipp Telemann IV. Aria 'Wohin denn, umsonst?' ( Bass II) 04:35 5 Georg Philipp Telemann V. Chorale 'Gleich wie sich fein ein Vögelein' 01:14 6 Georg Philipp Telemann VI. Recitativo 'Der Tempel selbst ist nicht von Schrecken frey' ( Altus) 01:30 7 Georg Philipp Telemann VII. Accompagnato 'Zurück, mein Geist' ( Bass I) 01:34 8 Georg Philipp Telemann VIII. Accompagnato 'Wo bist du, kleiner Raum der Erde' ( Bass I) 04:48 9 Georg Philipp Telemann IX. Chorale 'Seyd getrost und hocherfreut' 00:50 10 Georg Philipp Telemann I. 'Ein Mensch ist in seinem Leben wie Gras' ( Tenor & Chorus) 02:43 11 Georg Philipp Telemann II. Recitativo 'O Unbeständigkeit' ( Tenor) 00:47 12 Georg Philipp Telemann III. Aria 'O angst- und kummervolles Leben' ( Tenor) 05:04 13 Georg Philipp Telemann IV. Chorus 'Herr, lehre uns bedenken dass wir sterben müssen' 01:27 14 Georg Philipp Telemann V. Recitativo 'Bei so gar kurzer Zeit' ( Altus) 00:45 15 Georg Philipp Telemann VI. Duetto 'Jesu, lehre mich bedenken' ( Altus, Bass) 03:02 16 Georg Philipp Telemann VII. Chorus 'So wird des Lebens End recht seliglich betrachtet' 01:25 17 Georg Philipp Telemann VIII. Chorale 'Das macht die Sünd, du teurer Gott' 01:31 18 Georg Philipp Telemann I. Sonata 01:57 19 Georg Philipp Telemann II. Chorus 'Herr, ich habe lieb die Stätte deines Hauses' 01:19 20 Georg Philipp Telemann III. Aria 'Herr, ich liebe deinen Tempel' ( Soprano) 02:46 21 Georg Philipp Telemann IV. Chorus 'Mein Herz hält dir für dein Wort' 01:47 22 Georg Philipp Telemann V. Aria 'Jesu, kannst du mir verschwinden' ( Tenor) 02:28 23 Georg Philipp Telemann VI. Aria 'Zeige dich doch aus der Höhe' ( Altus) 01:36 24 Georg Philipp Telemann VII. Chorus 'Wer da suchet, de findet' 00:59 25 Georg Philipp Telemann VIII. Aria 'Ich habe den gefunden' ' Bass) 03:04 26 Georg Philipp Telemann IX. Chorus 'Herr, ich habe lieb die Stätte deines Hauses' ( da capo) 01:22
Georg Philipp Telemann View in Albunack Passions-Oratorium TWV5:5 - Kantaten TWV4:18 & 2:2 26 0 1997 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georg Philipp Telemann I. Accompagnato 'Erhohle dich, o Sonne' (Tenor, B I/II, Altus) 07:45 2 Georg Philipp Telemann II. Chorale 'In meines Herzens Grunde' 01:05 3 Georg Philipp Telemann III. Recitativo 'Erblasster Jesu' (Tenor) 00:32 4 Georg Philipp Telemann IV. Aria 'Wohin denn, umsonst?' (Bass II) 04:35 5 Georg Philipp Telemann V. Chorale 'Gleich wie sich fein ein Vögelein' 01:14 6 Georg Philipp Telemann VI. Recitativo 'Der Tempel selbst ist nicht von Schrecken frey' (Altus) 01:30 7 Georg Philipp Telemann VII. Accompagnato 'Zurück, mein Geist' (Bass I) 01:34 8 Georg Philipp Telemann VIII. Accompagnato 'Wo bist du, kleiner Raum der Erde' (Bass I) 04:48 9 Georg Philipp Telemann IX. Chorale 'Seyd getrost und hocherfreut' 00:50 10 Georg Philipp Telemann I. 'Ein Mensch ist in seinem Leben wie Gras' (Tenor & Chorus) 02:43 11 Georg Philipp Telemann II. Recitativo 'O Unbeständigkeit' (Tenor) 00:47 12 Georg Philipp Telemann III. Aria 'O angst- und kummervolles Leben' (Tenor) 05:04 13 Georg Philipp Telemann IV. Chorus 'Herr, lehre uns bedenken dass wir sterben müssen' 01:27 14 Georg Philipp Telemann V. Recitativo 'Bei so gar kurzer Zeit' (Altus) 00:45 15 Georg Philipp Telemann VI. Duetto 'Jesu, lehre mich bedenken' (Altus, Bass) 03:02 16 Georg Philipp Telemann VII. Chorus 'So wird des Lebens End recht seliglich betrachtet' 01:25 17 Georg Philipp Telemann VIII. Chorale 'Das macht die Sünd, du teurer Gott' 01:31 18 Georg Philipp Telemann I. Sonata 01:57 19 Georg Philipp Telemann II. Chorus 'Herr, ich habe lieb die Stätte deines Hauses' 01:19 20 Georg Philipp Telemann III. Aria 'Herr, ich liebe deinen Tempel' (Soprano) 02:46 21 Georg Philipp Telemann IV. Chorus 'Mein Herz hält dir für dein Wort' 01:47 22 Georg Philipp Telemann V. Aria 'Jesu, kannst du mir verschwinden' (Tenor) 02:28 23 Georg Philipp Telemann VI. Aria 'Zeige dich doch aus der Höhe' (Altus) 01:36 24 Georg Philipp Telemann VII. Chorus 'Wer da suchet, de findet' 00:59 25 Georg Philipp Telemann VIII. Aria 'Ich habe den gefunden' ' Bass) 03:04 26 Georg Philipp Telemann IX. Chorus 'Herr, ich habe lieb die Stätte deines Hauses' (da capo) 01:22
Georg Philipp Telemann View in Albunack Perpetuum Mobile 33 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georg Philipp Telemann Utwór01 04:27 2 Georg Philipp Telemann Utwór02 00:30 3 Georg Philipp Telemann Utwór03 02:38 4 Georg Philipp Telemann Utwór04 00:28 5 Georg Philipp Telemann Utwór05 01:17 6 Georg Philipp Telemann Utwór06 00:48 7 Georg Philipp Telemann Utwór07 02:46 8 Georg Philipp Telemann Utwór08 02:09 9 Georg Philipp Telemann Utwór09 01:52 10 Georg Philipp Telemann Utwór10 04:28 11 Georg Philipp Telemann Utwór11 03:36 12 Georg Philipp Telemann Utwór12 00:34 13 Georg Philipp Telemann Utwór13 03:25 14 Georg Philipp Telemann Utwór14 01:12 15 Georg Philipp Telemann Utwór15 04:02 16 Georg Philipp Telemann Utwór16 02:44 17 Georg Philipp Telemann Utwór17 01:31 18 Georg Philipp Telemann Utwór18 01:29 19 Georg Philipp Telemann Utwór19 04:02 20 Georg Philipp Telemann Utwór20 02:54 21 Georg Philipp Telemann Utwór21 01:24 22 Georg Philipp Telemann Utwór22 01:23 23 Georg Philipp Telemann Utwór23 00:34 24 Georg Philipp Telemann Utwór24 04:17 25 Georg Philipp Telemann Utwór25 01:07 26 Georg Philipp Telemann Utwór26 01:09 27 Georg Philipp Telemann Utwór27 06:06 28 Georg Philipp Telemann Utwór28 01:33 29 Georg Philipp Telemann Utwór29 02:06 30 Georg Philipp Telemann Utwór30 01:04 31 Georg Philipp Telemann Utwór31 03:46 32 Georg Philipp Telemann Utwór32 01:34 33 Georg Philipp Telemann Utwór33 01:06
Georg Philipp Telemann View in Albunack Pimpinone / Der Tag des Gerichts (Ensemble Florilegium musicum feat. conductor: Nikolaus Harnoncourt) 24 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georg Philipp Telemann Der Tag des Gerichts, TWV 6:8: 1. Betrachtung. Einleitung 03:55 2 Georg Philipp Telemann Der Tag des Gerichts, TWV 6:8: 1. Betrachtung. Chor "Der Herr kommt mit vieltausend Heiligen" (Chorus) 01:34 3 Georg Philipp Telemann Der Tag des Gerichts, TWV 6:8: 1. Betrachtung. Rezitativ "Ruft immerhin, des Pöbels Wut zu zähmen" (Bass) 00:51 4 Georg Philipp Telemann Der Tag des Gerichts, TWV 6:8: 1. Betrachtung. Arie "Fürchtet nur, fürchtet des Donnerers Schelten" (Bass) 07:49 5 Georg Philipp Telemann Der Tag des Gerichts, TWV 6:8: 1. Betrachtung. Rezitativ "Wer ist, der kühn sein Joch zerreißt?" (Bass, Soprano, Tenor) 01:45 6 Georg Philipp Telemann Der Tag des Gerichts, TWV 6:8: 1. Betrachtung. Arie "Jetzt weiß ich's überkluge Köpfe" (Tenor) 04:48 7 Georg Philipp Telemann Der Tag des Gerichts, TWV 6:8: 1. Betrachtung. Rezitativ "Genug der Schande bloßgestellt" (Alto) 01:08 8 Georg Philipp Telemann Der Tag des Gerichts, TWV 6:8: 1. Betrachtung. Arie "Des Sturmes Donnerstimmen schallen" (Alto) 06:34 9 Georg Philipp Telemann Der Tag des Gerichts, TWV 6:8: 1. Betrachtung. Rezitativ "Ganz recht, das Endliche vergeht" (Soprano) 01:29 10 Georg Philipp Telemann Der Tag des Gerichts, TWV 6:8: 1. Betrachtung. Chor "Dann jauchzet der Gerechten Stimme" (Chorus) 02:32 11 Georg Philipp Telemann Der Tag des Gerichts, TWV 6:8: 2. Betrachtung. Chor "Es rauscht" (Chorus) 05:16 12 Georg Philipp Telemann Der Tag des Gerichts, TWV 6:8: 2. Betrachtung. Accompognato Rezitativ "Das sind sie, der Verwüstung Zeichen!" (Bass) 02:33 Has Mbid 13 Georg Philipp Telemann Der Tag des Gerichts, TWV 6:8: 2. Betrachtung. Arie "Da kreuzen verzehrende Blitze" (Bass) 04:45 14 Georg Philipp Telemann Der Tag des Gerichts, TWV 6:8: 2. Betrachtung. Rezitativ "Gewaltig Element!" (Tenor) 01:01 15 Georg Philipp Telemann Der Tag des Gerichts, TWV 6:8: 2. Betrachtung. Arioso "Ich aber schwinge mich empor" (Boy-Soprano) 02:06 16 Georg Philipp Telemann Der Tag des Gerichts, TWV 6:8: 3. Betrachtung. Accompognato Rezitativ "Ich sehe, Gott, den Engel deiner Rache!" (Alto) 01:46 17 Georg Philipp Telemann Der Tag des Gerichts, TWV 6:8: 3. Betrachtung. Arioso "So spricht der Herr, der mich gesandt" (Tenor) 01:44 18 Georg Philipp Telemann Der Tag des Gerichts, TWV 6:8: 3. Betrachtung. Rezitativ "Nun dränget sich der Kreis der ganzen Erde" (Alto) 01:34 19 Georg Philipp Telemann Der Tag des Gerichts, TWV 6:8: 3. Betrachtung. Arie "Seid mir gesegnet, ihr Gerechten" (Bass) 02:33 20 Georg Philipp Telemann Der Tag des Gerichts, TWV 6:8: 3. Betrachtung. Choral "Du, Ehren König, Jesu Christ" (Chorus) 01:22 21 Georg Philipp Telemann Der Tag des Gerichts, TWV 6:8: 3. Betrachtung. Rezitativ "Da sitzet Er - o wie nenn' ich ihn?" (Tenor) 01:06 22 Georg Philipp Telemann Der Tag des Gerichts, TWV 6:8: 3. Betrachtung. Chor "Ach Hilfe! Weh uns! Hilfe! Rat!" (Chorus) 01:36 23 Georg Philipp Telemann Der Tag des Gerichts, TWV 6:8: 3. Betrachtung. Rezitativ "Wir flehn umsonst. - Der Tod entweicht!" (Tenor) 00:30 24 Georg Philipp Telemann Der Tag des Gerichts, TWV 6:8: 3. Betrachtung. Arie "Hinweg von meinem Angesichte!" (Bass) 02:46
Georg Philipp Telemann View in Albunack Quadros and Trio Sonatas 25 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georg Philipp Telemann Quadro in G Minor, TWV 43: I. Allegro 02:12 2 Georg Philipp Telemann Quadro in G Minor, TWV 43: II. Adagio 02:04 3 Georg Philipp Telemann Quadro in G Minor, TWV 43: III. Allegro 04:19 4 Georg Philipp Telemann Trio in C Minor, TWV 42: I. Largo 02:49 5 Georg Philipp Telemann Trio in C Minor, TWV 42: II. Vivace 02:58 6 Georg Philipp Telemann Trio in C Minor, TWV 42: III. Andante 02:00 7 Georg Philipp Telemann Trio in C Minor, TWV 42: IV. Allegro 03:39 8 Georg Philipp Telemann Trio in F Major, TWV 42: I. Vivace 02:47 9 Georg Philipp Telemann Trio in F Major, TWV 42: II. Mesto 02:03 10 Georg Philipp Telemann Trio in F Major, TWV 42: III. Allegro 02:43 11 Georg Philipp Telemann Quartet in G Major, TWV 43: I. Allegro 02:30 12 Georg Philipp Telemann Quartet in G Major, TWV 43: II. Grave 02:01 13 Georg Philipp Telemann Quartet in G Major, TWV 43: III. Allegro 02:56 14 Georg Philipp Telemann Quartet in G Minor, TWV 43: I. Lento 02:49 15 Georg Philipp Telemann Quartet in G Minor, TWV 43: II. Vivace 02:24 16 Georg Philipp Telemann Quartet in G Minor, TWV 43: III. Adagio 01:35 17 Georg Philipp Telemann Quartet in G Minor, TWV 43: IV. Allegro 02:56 18 Georg Philipp Telemann Trio in D Minor, TWV 42: I. Allegro 02:05 19 Georg Philipp Telemann Trio in D Minor, TWV 42: II. Adagio 02:31 20 Georg Philipp Telemann Trio in D Minor, TWV 42: III. Allegro 02:36 21 Georg Philipp Telemann Trio in D Minor, TWV 42: IV. Presto 01:49 22 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto in A Minor, TWV 43: I. Adagio 03:33 23 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto in A Minor, TWV 43: II. Allegro 01:51 24 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto in A Minor, TWV 43: III. Adagio 01:47 25 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto in A Minor, TWV 43: IV. Vivace 04:05
Georg Philipp Telemann View in Albunack Quartette 20 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georg Philipp Telemann Quartet No.7 in D major - Prélude 02:22 2 Georg Philipp Telemann Quartet No.7 in D major - Tendrement 01:59 3 Georg Philipp Telemann Quartet No.7 in D major - Vite 03:23 4 Georg Philipp Telemann Quartet No.7 in D major - Gaiment 03:50 5 Georg Philipp Telemann Quartet No.7 in D major - Modérément 02:39 6 Georg Philipp Telemann Quartet No.7 in D major - Vite 03:05 7 Georg Philipp Telemann Quartet in E minor - Adagio 01:55 8 Georg Philipp Telemann Quartet in E minor - Allegro 02:01 9 Georg Philipp Telemann Quartet in E minor - Dolce 02:12 10 Georg Philipp Telemann Quartet in E minor - Allegro 02:17 11 Georg Philipp Telemann Quartet No.8 in A minor - Allégrement 02:31 12 Georg Philipp Telemann Quartet No.8 in A minor - Flatteusement 03:27 13 Georg Philipp Telemann Quartet No.8 in A minor - Légérement 02:19 14 Georg Philipp Telemann Quartet No.8 in A minor - Un peu vivement 02:36 15 Georg Philipp Telemann Quartet No.8 in A minor - Vite 01:48 16 Georg Philipp Telemann Quartet No.8 in A minor - Coulant 03:38 17 Georg Philipp Telemann Concert No.3 in A major - Tempo giusto 02:24 18 Georg Philipp Telemann Concert No.3 in A major - Vivace 02:50 19 Georg Philipp Telemann Concert No.3 in A major - Adagio 02:35 20 Georg Philipp Telemann Concert No.3 in A major - Presto 02:31
Georg Philipp Telemann View in Albunack Quators Parisien - Nevermind 22 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georg Philipp Telemann Fuguette No. 14, TWV 30-14 03:24 2 Georg Philipp Telemann Quatuor No. 4 en Si mineur, TVW 43-h2 - I. Prélude 05:38 3 Georg Philipp Telemann Quatuor No. 4 en Si mineur, TVW 43-h2 - II. Coulant 03:33 4 Georg Philipp Telemann Quatuor No. 4 en Si mineur, TVW 43-h2 - III. Gay 01:32 5 Georg Philipp Telemann Quatuor No. 4 en Si mineur, TVW 43-h2 - IV. Vite 01:34 6 Georg Philipp Telemann Quatuor No. 4 en Si mineur, TVW 43-h2 - V. Triste 03:31 7 Georg Philipp Telemann Quatuor No. 4 en Si mineur, TVW 43-h2 - VI. Menuet, Modéré 04:56 8 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonate II en Fa majeur, TWV 43-F1 - I. Adagio 01:19 9 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonate II en Fa majeur, TWV 43-F1 - II. Allegro 03:00 10 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonate II en Fa majeur, TWV 43-F1 - III. Adagio 02:17 11 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonate II en Fa majeur, TWV 43-F1 - IV. Allegro 02:32 12 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto I en Sol majeur, TWV 43-G1 - I. Grave - Allegro - Grave - Allegro 02:59 13 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto I en Sol majeur, TWV 43-G1 - II. Largo 00:29 14 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto I en Sol majeur, TWV 43-G1 - III. Presto 02:31 15 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto I en Sol majeur, TWV 43-G1 - IV. Largo 00:34 16 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto I en Sol majeur, TWV 43-G1 - V. Allegro 04:14 17 Georg Philipp Telemann Quator No. 6 en Mi mineur, TWV 43-e4 - I. Prélude 05:04 18 Georg Philipp Telemann Quator No. 6 en Mi mineur, TWV 43-e4 - II. Gay 03:02 19 Georg Philipp Telemann Quator No. 6 en Mi mineur, TWV 43-e4 - III. Vite 01:36 20 Georg Philipp Telemann Quator No. 6 en Mi mineur, TWV 43-e4 - IV. Gracieusement 02:48 21 Georg Philipp Telemann Quator No. 6 en Mi mineur, TWV 43-e4 - V. Distrait 03:13 22 Georg Philipp Telemann Quator No. 6 en Mi mineur, TWV 43-e4 - VI. Modéré 04:22
Georg Philipp Telemann View in Albunack Quatuors Parisiens Vol.1 19 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto in D major TWV 43:D1 - 1. Allegro 03:20 2 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto in D major TWV 43:D1 - 2. Affettuoso 03:28 3 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto in D major TWV 43:D1 - 3. Vivace 03:39 4 Georg Philipp Telemann Quatuor in A minor TWV 43:a2 - 1. Allégrement 02:34 5 Georg Philipp Telemann Quatuor in A minor TWV 43:a2 - 2. Flatteusement 03:03 6 Georg Philipp Telemann Quatuor in A minor TWV 43:a2 - 3. Légérement 02:05 7 Georg Philipp Telemann Quatuor in A minor TWV 43:a2 - 4. Un peu vivement 02:59 8 Georg Philipp Telemann Quatuor in A minor TWV 43:a2 - 5. Vite 01:55 9 Georg Philipp Telemann Quatuor in A minor TWV 43:a2 - 6. Coulant 05:30 10 Georg Philipp Telemann Somata in A major TWV 43:A1 - 1. Soave 02:50 11 Georg Philipp Telemann Somata in A major TWV 43:A1 - 2. Allegro 02:16 12 Georg Philipp Telemann Somata in A major TWV 43:A1 - 3. Andante 03:35 13 Georg Philipp Telemann Somata in A major TWV 43:A1 - 4. Vivace 02:21 14 Georg Philipp Telemann Quatuor in E minor TWV 43:e1 - 1. Prélude 04:00 15 Georg Philipp Telemann Quatuor in E minor TWV 43:e1 - 2. Gai 03:00 16 Georg Philipp Telemann Quatuor in E minor TWV 43:e1 - 3. Vite 01:29 17 Georg Philipp Telemann Quatuor in E minor TWV 43:e1 - 4. Gracieusement 02:58 18 Georg Philipp Telemann Quatuor in E minor TWV 43:e1 - 5. Distrait 03:30 19 Georg Philipp Telemann Quatuor in E minor TWV 43:e1 - 6. Madéré 03:52
Georg Philipp Telemann View in Albunack Scherzi Melodichi 49 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georg Philipp Telemann Monday TWV42: A4 - Introduzione prima: Vivace 01:37 2 Georg Philipp Telemann I Moderato 01:40 3 Georg Philipp Telemann II Allegro 00:48 4 Georg Philipp Telemann III Tempo Giusto 01:37 5 Georg Philipp Telemann IV Allegro 01:02 6 Georg Philipp Telemann V Largo 01:45 7 Georg Philipp Telemann VI Presto 01:11 8 Georg Philipp Telemann Tuesday TWV42: B3 - Introduzione seconda: Allegro 01:07 9 Georg Philipp Telemann I Vivace 01:58 10 Georg Philipp Telemann II Presto 01:15 11 Georg Philipp Telemann III Allegro 01:08 12 Georg Philipp Telemann IV Largo 01:24 13 Georg Philipp Telemann V Vivace 01:28 14 Georg Philipp Telemann VI Allegro 01:15 15 Georg Philipp Telemann Wednesday TWV42: G5 - Introduzione terza: Vivace 01:45 16 Georg Philipp Telemann I Vivace 01:11 17 Georg Philipp Telemann II Presto 00:27 18 Georg Philipp Telemann III Moderato 01:44 19 Georg Philipp Telemann IV Presto 00:54 20 Georg Philipp Telemann V Vivace 01:27 21 Georg Philipp Telemann VI Allegro 01:13 22 Georg Philipp Telemann Thursday TWV42: Es2 - Introduzione quarta: Allegro 01:25 23 Georg Philipp Telemann I Spirituoso 01:03 24 Georg Philipp Telemann II Presto 00:48 25 Georg Philipp Telemann III Vivace 01:08 26 Georg Philipp Telemann IV Gratioso 00:56 27 Georg Philipp Telemann V Allegro 01:35 28 Georg Philipp Telemann VI Vivace 01:30 29 Georg Philipp Telemann Friday TWV42: e4 - Introduzione quinta: Allegro 01:29 30 Georg Philipp Telemann I Allegro 01:07 31 Georg Philipp Telemann II Vivace 01:09 32 Georg Philipp Telemann III Spirituoso 01:08 33 Georg Philipp Telemann IV Largo 01:16 34 Georg Philipp Telemann V Presto 00:59 35 Georg Philipp Telemann VI Allegro allegro 00:54 36 Georg Philipp Telemann Saturday TWV42: g3 - Introduzione sesta: Vivace 01:18 37 Georg Philipp Telemann I Presto 00:51 38 Georg Philipp Telemann II Dolce 02:29 39 Georg Philipp Telemann III Allegro 00:55 40 Georg Philipp Telemann IV Vivace 01:17 41 Georg Philipp Telemann V Allegro 00:46 42 Georg Philipp Telemann VI Vivace 01:19 43 Georg Philipp Telemann Sunday TWV42: D7 - Introduzione settima: Largo - presto - largo 01:44 44 Georg Philipp Telemann I Andante 01:32 45 Georg Philipp Telemann II Moderato 01:21 46 Georg Philipp Telemann III Vivace 01:08 47 Georg Philipp Telemann IV Dolce 01:59 48 Georg Philipp Telemann V Vivace 01:24 49 Georg Philipp Telemann VI Allegro 00:49
Georg Philipp Telemann View in Albunack Schwanengesang 1733 30 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georg Philipp Telemann Schwanengesang 1733 TVWV 4.6 - Sinfonia 08:03 2 Georg Philipp Telemann Schwanengesang 1733 TVWV 4.6 - Coral 'Ach, wie nichtig, ach, wie fluchtig' 00:34 3 Georg Philipp Telemann Schwanengesang 1733 TVWV 4.6 - Dictum (Chor) 'Der Mensch, vom Weibe geboren' 01:52 4 Georg Philipp Telemann Schwanengesang 1733 TVWV 4.6 - Aria (Soprano) 'Mocht ein Mensch doch dieses fassen' 05:41 5 Georg Philipp Telemann Schwanengesang 1733 TVWV 4.6 - Recitativo (Bass) 'Der Schauplatz dieser Welt' 01:14 6 Georg Philipp Telemann Schwanengesang 1733 TVWV 4.6 - Aria (Tenor) 'Jugend, ziere dich mit Kranzen' 01:57 7 Georg Philipp Telemann Schwanengesang 1733 TVWV 4.6 - Choral 'Komm, Sterblicher, betrachte mich' 01:11 8 Georg Philipp Telemann Schwanengesang 1733 TVWV 4.6 - Dictum (Bass) 'Mein Odem ist schwach' 01:47 9 Georg Philipp Telemann Schwanengesang 1733 TVWV 4.6 - Recitativo (Sopran) 'Ja, ja, das Grab ist da' 00:51 10 Georg Philipp Telemann Schwanengesang 1733 TVWV 4.6 - Aria (Alto) 'So schnell kann kaum ein Rauch verfliegen' 03:16 11 Georg Philipp Telemann Schwanengesang 1733 TVWV 4.6 - Accompagnato (Bass) 'Indem ich dieses uberlege' 00:46 12 Georg Philipp Telemann Schwanengesang 1733 TVWV 4.6 - Dictum (Bass) 'Ach nimm nun Herr meine Seele' 01:47 13 Georg Philipp Telemann Schwanengesang 1733 TVWV 4.6 - Recitativo e Accompagnato (Bass) 'So sterb ich denn' 02:35 14 Georg Philipp Telemann Schwanengesang 1733 TVWV 4.6 - Aria (Soprano) 'Herrscher der gestirnten Hohen' 04:43 15 Georg Philipp Telemann Schwanengesang 1733 TVWV 4.6 - Accompagnato (Bass) 'Nun ist, gottlob, mein Lauf vollbracht' 00:52 16 Georg Philipp Telemann Schwanengesang 1733 TVWV 4.6 - Choral 'Erscheine mir zum Schilde' 01:08 17 Georg Philipp Telemann Schwanengesang 1733 TVWV 4.6 - Accompagnato (Bass) 'Es nahet sich, ich fuhl es schon, mein Ende' 00:45 18 Georg Philipp Telemann Schwanengesang 1733 TVWV 4.6 - Choral 'Da meine Krafte brechen' 00:43 19 Georg Philipp Telemann Schwanengesang 1733 TVWV 4.6 - Aria (Bass) 'Senket denn die morschen Schalen' 03:46 20 Georg Philipp Telemann Schwanengesang 1733 TVWV 4.6 - Choral 'Wenn Du an jenem Tag' 01:07 21 Georg Philipp Telemann 'Herr, strafe mich nicht in Deinem Zorn' TVWV 1.771 - Sonata 01:04 22 Georg Philipp Telemann 'Herr, strafe mich nicht in Deinem Zorn' TVWV 1.771 - Dictum (Alto,Tenor) 'Herr, strafe mich nicht in Deinem Zorn' 01:15 23 Georg Philipp Telemann 'Herr, strafe mich nicht in Deinem Zorn' TVWV 1.771 - Dictum (Choir) 'Eile, mir beizustehen' 01:32 24 Georg Philipp Telemann 'Herr, strafe mich nicht in Deinem Zorn' TVWV 1.771 - Accompagnato (Bass) 'Mein Herz ist sehr verletzt' 01:23 25 Georg Philipp Telemann 'Herr, strafe mich nicht in Deinem Zorn' TVWV 1.771 - Aria (Soprano) 'Jesu, meine bittren Zahren' 02:27 26 Georg Philipp Telemann 'Herr, strafe mich nicht in Deinem Zorn' TVWV 1.771 - Recitativo (Alto) 'Ich hoffe noch' 00:13 27 Georg Philipp Telemann 'Herr, strafe mich nicht in Deinem Zorn' TVWV 1.771 - Aria (Tenor) 'Wenngleich der Busse Tranen' 04:01 28 Georg Philipp Telemann 'Herr, strafe mich nicht in Deinem Zorn' TVWV 1.771 - Recitiativo (Soprano) 'So offne Du den holden Mund' 00:32 29 Georg Philipp Telemann 'Herr, strafe mich nicht in Deinem Zorn' TVWV 1.771 - Aria (Bass) 'Sind meine Sunden mir geschenket' 03:21 30 Georg Philipp Telemann 'Herr, strafe mich nicht in Deinem Zorn' TVWV 1.771 - Choral 'Wenn ich in Todesnoten bin' 01:10
Georg Philipp Telemann View in Albunack Six Trios 1718 - Camerata Köln 22 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georg Philipp Telemann Trio I in Bb for Oboe, Violin and basso, TWV 42:B1 - 1 Vivace 02:33 2 Georg Philipp Telemann 2 Siciliana 02:46 3 Georg Philipp Telemann 3 Allegro 02:21 4 Georg Philipp Telemann Trio II in a for recorder, violin and basso, TWV 42:a1 - 1 Affettuoso 02:37 5 Georg Philipp Telemann 2 Vivace 01:41 6 Georg Philipp Telemann 3 Grave 02:14 7 Georg Philipp Telemann 4 Menuet I & II 03:22 8 Georg Philipp Telemann Trio III in G for transverse flute, violin and basso, TWV 42:G1 - 1 Affettuoso 02:13 9 Georg Philipp Telemann 2 Vivace 04:07 10 Georg Philipp Telemann 3 Adagio 02:10 11 Georg Philipp Telemann 4 Vivace 01:33 12 Georg Philipp Telemann Trio IV in D for two violins and basso, TWV 42:D1 - 1 Soave 01:37 13 Georg Philipp Telemann 2 Vivace 02:59 14 Georg Philipp Telemann 3 Grave 01:44 15 Georg Philipp Telemann 4 Presto 01:33 16 Georg Philipp Telemann Trio V in g for violin, viola da gamba and basso, TWV 42:g1 - 1 Adagio 02:21 17 Georg Philipp Telemann 2 Vivace 01:49 18 Georg Philipp Telemann 3 Adagio 02:02 19 Georg Philipp Telemann 4 Allegro 04:08 20 Georg Philipp Telemann Trio VI in F for violin, violoncello and basso, TWV 42:F1 - 1 Allegro 02:27 21 Georg Philipp Telemann 2 Soave 02:35 22 Georg Philipp Telemann 3 Presto 01:49
Georg Philipp Telemann View in Albunack Sonatas for Violin and Bass Viol 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonata in g minor TWV42:g1 - Adagio-Vivace-Adagio-Allegro 08:19 2 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonata in G major TWV42:G10 - Cantabile-Vivace-Affetuoso-Allegro 08:14 3 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonata in E major TWV42:E7 - Siciliana-Presto-Andante-Vivace 10:23 4 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonata in g minor TWV42:g10 - Cantabile-Allegro-Largo-Vivace 10:21 5 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonata in D major TWV42:D9 - Dolce-Presto-Pastorale-Vivace 07:55 6 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonata in b minor TWV42:h6 - Largo-Vivace-Andante-Allegro 09:44 7 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonata in F major TWV42:F10 - Grave-Allegro-Andante-Vivace 10:18 8 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonata in g minor TWV42:g11 - Cantabile-Vivace-Dolce-Allegro 10:48
Georg Philipp Telemann View in Albunack Sonaten, Suiten und kleine Stücke 23 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georg Philipp Telemann Suite g-Moll für Oboe und Basso continuo - 1. Ouverture 03:57 2 Georg Philipp Telemann Suite g-Moll für Oboe und Basso continuo - 2. Sans Souci 01:59 3 Georg Philipp Telemann Suite g-Moll für Oboe und Basso continuo - 3. Horn pipe 01:16 4 Georg Philipp Telemann Suite g-Moll für Oboe und Basso continuo - 4. Gavotte 01:33 5 Georg Philipp Telemann Suite g-Moll für Oboe und Basso continuo - 5. Passpied 02:28 6 Georg Philipp Telemann Suite g-Moll für Oboe und Basso continuo - 6. Irlandoise 01:04 9 Georg Philipp Telemann Polonoise 01:33 10 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonate in a-Moll für Oboe und Basso continuo - 1. Siciliana 02:18 11 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonate in a-Moll für Oboe und Basso continuo - 2. Spirituoso 00:00 12 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonate in a-Moll für Oboe und Basso continuo - 3. Andante 02:18 13 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonate in a-Moll für Oboe und Basso continuo - 4. Vivace 01:17 14 Georg Philipp Telemann Fagott Solo für Fagott und Basso continuo - 1. Triste 02:23 15 Georg Philipp Telemann Fagott Solo für Fagott und Basso continuo - 2. Allegro 04:28 16 Georg Philipp Telemann Fagott Solo für Fagott und Basso continuo - 3. Andante, Vivace 04:08 17 Georg Philipp Telemann Air Trompette 01:22 18 Georg Philipp Telemann Niaise 02:32 19 Georg Philipp Telemann Flauto pastorale 00:51 20 Georg Philipp Telemann Napolitana 02:47 21 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonata di chiesa g-Moll für Oboe und Basso continuo - 1. Grave 02:03 22 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonata di chiesa g-Moll für Oboe und Basso continuo - 2. Alla Breve, Adagio 02:51 23 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonata di chiesa g-Moll für Oboe und Basso continuo - 3. Vivace 01:19
Georg Philipp Telemann View in Albunack Suite & Concertos für Blockflöte (Recorder) 19 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georg Philipp Telemann Suite in A minor for Recorder, Strings and Continuo - Ouverture 10:11 2 Georg Philipp Telemann Suite in A minor for Recorder, Strings and Continuo - Les Plaisirs 02:42 3 Georg Philipp Telemann Suite in A minor for Recorder, Strings and Continuo - Air à l'Italien 06:52 4 Georg Philipp Telemann Suite in A minor for Recorder, Strings and Continuo - Menuett I & II 03:17 Has Mbid 5 Georg Philipp Telemann Suite in A minor for Recorder, Strings and Continuo - Réjouissance 02:24 6 Georg Philipp Telemann Suite in A minor for Recorder, Strings and Continuo - Passepied I & II 01:24 7 Georg Philipp Telemann Suite in A minor for Recorder, Strings and Continuo - Polonaise 03:24 8 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto in Cmajor for Recorder, Strings an Continuo - Allegretto 03:11 9 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto in Cmajor for Recorder, Strings an Continuo - Allegro 03:50 10 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto in Cmajor for Recorder, Strings an Continuo - Andante 04:01 11 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto in Cmajor for Recorder, Strings an Continuo - Tempo di Minuet 05:45 12 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto in E minor for Recorder, Flute, Strings and Continuo - Largo 03:31 13 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto in E minor for Recorder, Flute, Strings and Continuo - Allegro 04:10 14 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto in E minor for Recorder, Flute, Strings and Continuo - Largo 03:08 15 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto in E minor for Recorder, Flute, Strings and Continuo - Presto 02:47 16 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto in F major for Recorder, Strings and Continuo - Affettuoso 03:48 17 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto in F major for Recorder, Strings and Continuo - Allegro 04:02 18 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto in F major for Recorder, Strings and Continuo - Adagio 02:25 19 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto in F major for Recorder, Strings and Continuo - Menuett I & II 03:49
Georg Philipp Telemann View in Albunack Suite in A Minor - Concerto in F major 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georg Philipp Telemann Suite in A minor - Ouverture 08:07 2 Georg Philipp Telemann Suite in A minor - Les Plaisirs 03:38 3 Georg Philipp Telemann Suite in A minor - Air á l'Italian 06:31 4 Georg Philipp Telemann Suite in A minor - Menuet I,II 04:07 5 Georg Philipp Telemann Suite in A minor - Réjouissance 02:38 6 Georg Philipp Telemann Suite in A minor - Passepied I,II 02:30 7 Georg Philipp Telemann Suite in A minor - Polonaise 03:08 8 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto in F major - Largo 04:17 9 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto in F major - Allegro 06:46 10 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto in F major - Rave 05:14 11 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto in F major - Allegro 04:04
Georg Philipp Telemann View in Albunack Suite in A minor for flute, strings and continuo 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture 06:20 2 Georg Philipp Telemann Les Plaisirs 03:04 3 Georg Philipp Telemann Air à L'Italien 06:44 4 Georg Philipp Telemann Menuet I and Meneuet II 03:42 5 Georg Philipp Telemann Passepied I and Menuet II 01:43 6 Georg Philipp Telemann Polonaise 02:45 7 Georg Philipp Telemann Rejouissance 02:37
Georg Philipp Telemann View in Albunack Suites et Concertos 26 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georg Philip Telemann Suite pour Cordes et Basse-continue(sol maj)-Ouverture 03:23 2 Georg Philip Telemann Suite pour Cordes et Basse-continue(sol maj)-Masquerade 01:58 3 Georg Philip Telemann Suite pour Cordes et Basse-continue(sol maj)-Loure 01:30 4 Georg Philip Telemann Suite pour Cordes et Basse-continue(sol maj)-Menuet 01:38 5 Georg Philip Telemann Suite pour Cordes et Basse-continue(sol maj)-Rondeau 01:10 6 Georg Philip Telemann Suite pour Cordes et Basse-continue(sol maj)-Sarabande 01:55 7 Georg Philip Telemann Suite pour Cordes et Basse-continue(sol maj)-Marche 01:05 8 Georg Philip Telemann Suite pour Cordes et Basse-continue(sol maj)-Gasconnade 01:54 9 Georg Philip Telemann Suite pour Cordes et Basse-continue(sol maj)-Menuet 01:41 10 Georg Philip Telemann Suite pour Cordes et Basse-continue(sol maj)-Bourrée 00:58 11 Georg Philip Telemann Suite pour Cordes et Basse-continue(sol maj)-Hornpipe 02:25 12 Georg Philip Telemann Concerto pour Hautbois et Violon(Do mineur)-Adagio 02:30 13 Georg Philip Telemann Concerto pour Hautbois et Violon(Do mineur)-Allegro 02:02 14 Georg Philip Telemann Concerto pour Hautbois et Violon(Do mineur)-Adagio 01:20 15 Georg Philip Telemann Concerto pour Hautbois et Violon(Do mineur)-Allegro 01:52 16 Georg Philip Telemann Tafel Musik N°1 (mi min)-Ouverture 09:11 17 Georg Philip Telemann Tafel Musik N°1 (mi min)-Réjouissance 02:44 18 Georg Philip Telemann Tafel Musik N°1 (mi min)-Rondeau 02:07 19 Georg Philip Telemann Tafel Musik N°1 (mi min)-Loure 03:28 20 Georg Philip Telemann Tafel Musik N°1 (mi min)-Passepied 02:32 21 Georg Philip Telemann Tafel Musik N°1 (mi min)-Air, un peu vivement 03:42 22 Georg Philip Telemann Tafel Musik N°1 (mi min)-Gigue 02:24 23 Georg Philip Telemann Tafel Musik N°1 (mi min)-Conclusion 05:06 24 Georg Philip Telemann Concerto pour violon et trompette (ré maj)-Vivace 03:36 25 Georg Philip Telemann Concerto pour violon et trompette (ré maj)-Adagio 03:34 26 Georg Philip Telemann Concerto pour violon et trompette (ré maj)-Allegro 05:15
Georg Philipp Telemann View in Albunack TE20 Virtuoso Concertos & Sonatas 23 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Il Rossignolo Concerto in E minor TWV52:e1 for recorder, flute, 2 violins, viola, vilolone & harpsichord - I. Largo 03:43 2 Il Rossignolo Concerto in E minor TWV52:e1 for recorder, flute, 2 violins, viola, vilolone & harpsichord - II. Allegro 03:50 3 Il Rossignolo Concerto in E minor TWV52:e1 for recorder, flute, 2 violins, viola, vilolone & harpsichord - III. Largo 03:04 4 Il Rossignolo Concerto in E minor TWV52:e1 for recorder, flute, 2 violins, viola, vilolone & harpsichord - IV. Allegro 02:29 5 Il Rossignolo Sonata in D minor TWV42:d10 for recorder, violin & b.c. - I. Allegro 02:09 6 Il Rossignolo Sonata in D minor TWV42:d10 for recorder, violin & b.c. - II. Adagio 02:26 7 Il Rossignolo Sonata in D minor TWV42:d10 for recorder, violin & b.c. - III. Allegro 02:23 8 Il Rossignolo Sonata in D minor TWV42:d10 for recorder, violin & b.c. - IV. Presto 01:43 9 Il Rossignolo Solo No.10 from 'Essercizii musici' in C TWV41:C5 for recorder & b.c. - I. Allegro 02:21 10 Il Rossignolo Solo No.10 from 'Essercizii musici' in C TWV41:C5 for recorder & b.c. - II. Larghetto 02:02 11 Il Rossignolo Solo No.10 from 'Essercizii musici' in C TWV41:C5 for recorder & b.c. - III. Vivace 02:36 12 Il Rossignolo Sonata in E minor TWV42:e6 for recorder, flute & harpsichord - I. Affettuoso 02:36 13 Il Rossignolo Sonata in E minor TWV42:e6 for recorder, flute & harpsichord - II. Allegro 01:54 14 Il Rossignolo Sonata in E minor TWV42:e6 for recorder, flute & harpsichord - III. Grave 01:52 15 Il Rossignolo Sonata in E minor TWV42:e6 for recorder, flute & harpsichord - IV. Allegro 01:37 16 Il Rossignolo Solo No.2 from 'Essercizii musici' in D TWV43:D9 for flute & b.c. - I. Largo 02:57 17 Il Rossignolo Solo No.2 from 'Essercizii musici' in D TWV43:D9 for flute & b.c. - II. Vivace 03:00 18 Il Rossignolo Solo No.2 from 'Essercizii musici' in D TWV43:D9 for flute & b.c. - III. Dolce 02:53 19 Il Rossignolo Solo No.2 from 'Essercizii musici' in D TWV43:D9 for flute & b.c. - IV. Allegro 02:30 20 Il Rossignolo Quartet in G from 'Musique de table' Production I TWV43:G2 for flute, oboe, violin & b.c. - I. Allegro - Allegro - Largo 03:20 21 Il Rossignolo Quartet in G from 'Musique de table' Production I TWV43:G2 for flute, oboe, violin & b.c. - II. Vivace - Moderato - Vivace 06:30 22 Il Rossignolo Quartet in G from 'Musique de table' Production I TWV43:G2 for flute, oboe, violin & b.c. - III. Grave 00:37 23 Il Rossignolo Quartet in G from 'Musique de table' Production I TWV43:G2 for flute, oboe, violin & b.c. - IV. Vivace 02:57
Georg Philipp Telemann View in Albunack TE28 Gambensonaten 18 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georg Philipp Telemann Triosonate c-Moll - Andante 02:03 2 Georg Philipp Telemann Triosonate c-Moll - Allemande 03:13 3 Georg Philipp Telemann Triosonate c-Moll - Menuet 01:13 4 Georg Philipp Telemann Triosonate c-Moll - Aria 03:01 5 Georg Philipp Telemann Triosonate c-Moll - Gigue 01:33 6 Georg Philipp Telemann Triosonate c-Moll - Réjouissance (Presto) 01:20 7 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonate e-Moll - Cantabile 01:35 8 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonate e-Moll - Allegro 02:39 9 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonate e-Moll - Recitativo-Arioso 01:55 10 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonate e-Moll - Vivace 02:45 11 Georg Philipp Telemann Konzert Nr. 2 g-Moll - Largo 03:27 12 Georg Philipp Telemann Konzert Nr. 2 g-Moll - Vivace 03:33 13 Georg Philipp Telemann Konzert Nr. 2 g-Moll - Soave 02:24 14 Georg Philipp Telemann Konzert Nr. 2 g-Moll - Vivace 02:21 15 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasie D-Dur - Andante 03:33 16 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasie D-Dur - Vivace 02:03 17 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasie D-Dur - Recitativo-Andante 03:39 18 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasie D-Dur - Vivace 02:33
Georg Philipp Telemann View in Albunack TE42 Die Auferstehung und Himemelfahrt Jesu 24 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georg Philipp Telemann Einleitung 01:37 2 Georg Philipp Telemann Coro - Gott, du wirst seine Seele nicht in der Holle lassen 02:02 3 Georg Philipp Telemann Accompagnato - Judaa zittert 01:27 4 Georg Philipp Telemann Aria - Mein Geist, voll Furcht und Freude 06:50 5 Georg Philipp Telemann Coro - Triumph! Triumph! Des Herrn Gesalbter sieget! 00:23 6 Georg Philipp Telemann Recitativo - Die frommen Tochter Zions 00:54 7 Georg Philipp Telemann Aria - Sei gegrubet, Furst des Lebens 06:12 8 Georg Philipp Telemann Recitativo - Wer ist die Sionitin 01:42 9 Georg Philipp Telemann Duetto - Vater deiner schwachen Kinder 04:13 10 Georg Philipp Telemann Recitativo - Freundinnen Jesu 01:09 11 Georg Philipp Telemann Aria - Ich folge dir, verklarter Held 03:40 12 Georg Philipp Telemann Coro - Tod! wo ist dein Stachel? 01:13 13 Georg Philipp Telemann Recitativo/Accompagnato - Dort seh ich aus den Toren 04:25 14 Georg Philipp Telemann Aria - Willkommen, Heiland 04:53 15 Georg Philipp Telemann Coro - Triumph! Triumph! Der Furst des Lebens sieget! 00:23 16 Georg Philipp Telemann Recitativo - Elf auserwahlte Junger 01:57 17 Georg Philipp Telemann Aria - Mein Herr! Mein Gott! 04:30 18 Georg Philipp Telemann Coro - Triumph! Triumph! Der Sohn des Hochsten sieget! 00:23 19 Georg Philipp Telemann Recitativo - Auf einmen Hugel 01:31 20 Georg Philipp Telemann Duetto - Ihr Tore Gottes, offnet euch 05:39 21 Georg Philipp Telemann Coro I - Gott fahret auf 01:17 22 Georg Philipp Telemann Coro II - Der Herr ist Konig 00:46 23 Georg Philipp Telemann Coro I & II - Jauchzet, ihr Himmel 00:37 24 Georg Philipp Telemann Coro - Lobet ihn, alle seine Engel 01:20
Georg Philipp Telemann View in Albunack Tafelmusik - Auszüge 17 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouvertüre und Conclusion D-Dur 06:16 2 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouvertüre und Conclusion D-Dur 06:50 3 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouvertüre und Conclusion D-Dur 02:57 4 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouvertüre und Conclusion D-Dur 05:13 5 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouvertüre und Conclusion D-Dur 03:55 6 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouvertüre und Conclusion D-Dur 07:03 7 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto A-Dur 04:40 8 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto A-Dur 05:58 9 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto A-Dur 03:40 10 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto A-Dur 06:07 11 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto F-Dur 05:38 12 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto F-Dur 04:29 13 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto F-Dur 03:24 14 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto Es-Dur 03:02 15 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto Es-Dur 02:21 16 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto Es-Dur 03:14 17 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto Es-Dur 03:00
Georg Philipp Telemann View in Albunack Tafelmusik Teil 1 13 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georg Philipp Telemann Konzert A-Dur Für Querflöte Solo, Violine Solo, Streicher Und Basso Continuo: Largo 05:09 2 Georg Philipp Telemann Allegro 05:56 3 Georg Philipp Telemann Grazioso 03:38 4 Georg Philipp Telemann Allegro 05:48 5 Georg Philipp Telemann Trio Es-Dur Für 2 Violinen Und Basso Continuo: Affettuoso 03:42 6 Georg Philipp Telemann Vivace 04:03 7 Georg Philipp Telemann Grave 03:13 8 Georg Philipp Telemann Allegro 04:16 9 Georg Philipp Telemann Solo H-Moll Für Querflöte Und Basso Continuo: Cantabile 03:29 10 Georg Philipp Telemann Allegro 02:27 11 Georg Philipp Telemann Dolce 03:39 12 Georg Philipp Telemann Allegro 04:00 13 Georg Philipp Telemann Conclusion E-Moll Für 2 Querflöten, Streicher Und Basso Continuo: Allegro - Largo - Allegro 05:09
Georg Philipp Telemann View in Albunack Telemann - Holtslag - The Twelve Fantasies for Recorder 32 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia 1 in C major: I. Vivace 02:50 2 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia 1 in C major: II. Allegro 01:08 3 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia 2 in C minor: I. Grave / II. Vivace 02:23 4 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia 2 in C minor: III. Adagio 01:21 5 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia 2 in C minor: IV. Allegro 01:38 6 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia 3 in D minor: I. Largo - Vivace 02:37 7 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia 3 in D minor: II. Allegro 01:33 8 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia 4 in E-flat major: I. Andante 01:30 9 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia 4 in E-flat major: II. Allegro 01:27 10 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia 4 in E-flat major: III. Presto 01:11 11 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia 5 in E-flat major: I. Presto - Largo - Presto - Dolce 01:15 12 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia 5 in E-flat major: II. Allegro 01:30 13 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia 5 in E-flat major: III. Allegro 01:56 14 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia 6 in F minor: I. Dolce 03:43 15 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia 6 in F minor: II. Allegro 01:12 16 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia 6 in F minor: III. Spirituoso 00:57 17 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia 7 in F major: I. Alla Francese 05:20 18 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia 7 in F major: II. Presto 00:47 19 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia 8 in G minor: I. Largo 02:17 20 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia 8 in G minor: II. Spirituoso 01:05 21 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia 8 in G minor: III. Allegro 01:16 22 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia 9 in G major: I. Affettuoso 03:29 23 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia 9 in G major: II. Allegro 01:07 24 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia 9 in G major: III. Grave - Vivace 01:59 25 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia 10 in A minor: I. A tempo giusto 03:02 26 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia 10 in A minor: II. Presto 01:06 27 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia 10 in A minor: III. Moderato 01:15 28 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia 11 in B-flat major: I. Allegro 01:06 29 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia 11 in B-flat major: II. Allegro - Vivace 01:46 30 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia 11 in B-flat major: III. Allegro 01:16 31 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia 12 in C minor: I. Grave - Allegro 03:00 32 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia 12 in C minor: II. Presto 02:43
Georg Philipp Telemann View in Albunack Telemann - Quatuors Parisiens Vol.1 19 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto in D major TWV 43:D1 - 1. Allegro 03:20 2 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto in D major TWV 43:D1 - 2. Affettuoso 03:28 3 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto in D major TWV 43:D1 - 3. Vivace 03:39 4 Georg Philipp Telemann Quatuor in A minor TWV 43:a2 - 1. Allégrement 02:34 5 Georg Philipp Telemann Quatuor in A minor TWV 43:a2 - 2. Flatteusement 03:03 6 Georg Philipp Telemann Quatuor in A minor TWV 43:a2 - 3. Légérement 02:05 7 Georg Philipp Telemann Quatuor in A minor TWV 43:a2 - 4. Un peu vivement 03:00 8 Georg Philipp Telemann Quatuor in A minor TWV 43:a2 - 5. Vite 01:55 9 Georg Philipp Telemann Quatuor in A minor TWV 43:a2 - 6. Coulant 05:30 10 Georg Philipp Telemann Somata in A major TWV 43:A1 - 1. Soave 02:50 11 Georg Philipp Telemann Somata in A major TWV 43:A1 - 2. Allegro 02:16 12 Georg Philipp Telemann Somata in A major TWV 43:A1 - 3. Andante 03:35 13 Georg Philipp Telemann Somata in A major TWV 43:A1 - 4. Vivace 02:21 14 Georg Philipp Telemann Quatuor in E minor TWV 43:e1 - 1. Prélude 04:00 15 Georg Philipp Telemann Quatuor in E minor TWV 43:e1 - 2. Gai 03:00 16 Georg Philipp Telemann Quatuor in E minor TWV 43:e1 - 3. Vite 01:30 17 Georg Philipp Telemann Quatuor in E minor TWV 43:e1 - 4. Gracieusement 02:58 18 Georg Philipp Telemann Quatuor in E minor TWV 43:e1 - 5. Distrait 03:30 19 Georg Philipp Telemann Quatuor in E minor TWV 43:e1 - 6. Madéré 03:52
Georg Philipp Telemann View in Albunack Telemann Koncerty skrzypcowe 15 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georg Philipp Telemann Utwór01 03:34 2 Georg Philipp Telemann Utwór02 02:40 3 Georg Philipp Telemann Utwór03 03:36 4 Georg Philipp Telemann Utwór04 03:17 5 Georg Philipp Telemann Utwór05 04:31 6 Georg Philipp Telemann Utwór06 02:11 7 Georg Philipp Telemann Utwór07 02:14 8 Georg Philipp Telemann Utwór08 00:41 9 Georg Philipp Telemann Utwór09 02:07 10 Georg Philipp Telemann Utwór10 05:05 11 Georg Philipp Telemann Utwór11 03:07 12 Georg Philipp Telemann Utwór12 03:40 13 Georg Philipp Telemann Utwór13 03:07 14 Georg Philipp Telemann Utwór14 02:08 15 Georg Philipp Telemann Utwór15 03:06
Georg Philipp Telemann View in Albunack Telemann Oboe - Paul Dombrecht 21 0 1980 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georg Philipp Telemann Suite g-minor: Ouverture, Tres vîte 03:28 2 Georg Philipp Telemann Sans-Souci 02:41 3 Georg Philipp Telemann Hornpipe 01:32 4 Georg Philipp Telemann Gavotte 01:40 5 Georg Philipp Telemann Passepied 02:38 6 Georg Philipp Telemann Irlandoise 01:26 7 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonata B-major: Adagio 02:54 8 Georg Philipp Telemann Allegro 03:47 9 Georg Philipp Telemann Cantabile 04:09 10 Georg Philipp Telemann Vivace 03:12 11 Georg Philipp Telemann Partita II, G-major: Siciliana 01:49 12 Georg Philipp Telemann Aria I, Allegro 01:21 13 Georg Philipp Telemann Aria II, Allegro 01:47 14 Georg Philipp Telemann Aria III, Vivace 01:16 15 Georg Philipp Telemann Aria IV, Affettuoso 02:58 16 Georg Philipp Telemann Aria V, Preso 00:58 17 Georg Philipp Telemann Aria VI, Tempo di Minue 02:54 18 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonata g-minor: Largo 03:37 19 Georg Philipp Telemann Presto, Tempo giusto 05:11 20 Georg Philipp Telemann Andante 01:17 21 Georg Philipp Telemann Allegro 02:55
Georg Philipp Telemann View in Albunack Telemann Ouverture-Suites [Koch] 32 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture-Suite La Bizarre - Ouverture (ca. 1720) 03:05 2 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture-Suite La Bizarre - Courante 01:35 3 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture-Suite La Bizarre - Cavotte en Rondeau 00:59 4 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture-Suite La Bizarre - Branle 01:22 5 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture-Suite La Bizarre - Sarabande 01:49 6 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture-Suite La Bizarre - Fantasie 01:10 7 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture-Suite La Bizarre - Menuet I & II 02:54 8 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture-Suite La Bizarre - Rossignol 01:54 9 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture-Suite La Changeante - Ouverture 04:12 10 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture-Suite La Changeante - Loure 01:25 11 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture-Suite La Changeante - Les Scaramouches 02:00 12 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture-Suite La Changeante - Menuet I & II 02:14 13 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture-Suite La Changeante - La Plaisanterie 01:08 14 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture-Suite La Changeante - Hornpipe 01:31 15 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture-Suite La Changeante - Avec Douceur 03:16 16 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture-Suite La Changeante - Canarie 01:43 17 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture-Suite, A-mol - Ouverture 05:45 18 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture-Suite, A-mol - Les Plaisirs 02:53 19 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture-Suite, A-mol - Air à Italien 06:18 20 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture-Suite, A-mol - Menuet I&II 02:58 21 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture-Suite, A-mol - Réjouissance 02:27 22 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture-Suite, A-mol - Passepied I & II 01:37 23 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture-Suite, A-mol - Polonaise 02:54 24 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture-Suite "Des Nations anciencs et modernes" - Ouverture 02:58 25 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture-Suite "Des Nations anciencs et modernes" - Menuet I & II 02:09 26 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture-Suite "Des Nations anciencs et modernes" - Les Allemands anciens 02:04 27 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture-Suite "Des Nations anciencs et modernes" - Les Allemends modernes 01:09 28 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture-Suite "Des Nations anciencs et modernes" - Les Suédois anciens 01:54 29 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture-Suite "Des Nations anciencs et modernes" - Les Suédois modernes 00:42 30 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture-Suite "Des Nations anciencs et modernes" - Les Danois anciens 01:49 31 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture-Suite "Des Nations anciencs et modernes" - Les Danois modernes 00:47 32 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture-Suite "Des Nations anciencs et modernes" - Les vielles femmes 02:20
Georg Philipp Telemann View in Albunack Telemann Quatuors Parisiens Vol.1 19 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto in D major TWV 43:D1 - 1. Allegro 03:20 2 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto in D major TWV 43:D1 - 2. Affettuoso 03:28 3 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto in D major TWV 43:D1 - 3. Vivace 03:40 4 Georg Philipp Telemann Quatuor in A minor TWV 43:a2 - 1. Allégrement 02:34 5 Georg Philipp Telemann Quatuor in A minor TWV 43:a2 - 2. Flatteusement 03:03 6 Georg Philipp Telemann Quatuor in A minor TWV 43:a2 - 3. Légérement 02:06 7 Georg Philipp Telemann Quatuor in A minor TWV 43:a2 - 4. Un peu vivement 03:00 8 Georg Philipp Telemann Quatuor in A minor TWV 43:a2 - 5. Vite 01:55 9 Georg Philipp Telemann Quatuor in A minor TWV 43:a2 - 6. Coulant 05:30 10 Georg Philipp Telemann Somata in A major TWV 43:A1 - 1. Soave 02:50 11 Georg Philipp Telemann Somata in A major TWV 43:A1 - 2. Allegro 02:16 12 Georg Philipp Telemann Somata in A major TWV 43:A1 - 3. Andante 03:35 13 Georg Philipp Telemann Somata in A major TWV 43:A1 - 4. Vivace 02:21 14 Georg Philipp Telemann Quatuor in E minor TWV 43:e1 - 1. Prélude 04:00 15 Georg Philipp Telemann Quatuor in E minor TWV 43:e1 - 2. Gai 03:00 16 Georg Philipp Telemann Quatuor in E minor TWV 43:e1 - 3. Vite 01:29 17 Georg Philipp Telemann Quatuor in E minor TWV 43:e1 - 4. Gracieusement 02:58 18 Georg Philipp Telemann Quatuor in E minor TWV 43:e1 - 5. Distrait 03:30 19 Georg Philipp Telemann Quatuor in E minor TWV 43:e1 - 6. Madéré 03:52
Georg Philipp Telemann View in Albunack Telemann Six Sonates en Trios dans le Gout Italien; Trio Sonata in G major 27 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georg Philipp Telemann Dolce-Sonata for 2 violins/continuo in G minor 01:44 2 Georg Philipp Telemann Allegro- Sonata for 2 violins/continuo in G minor 01:38 3 Georg Philipp Telemann Affetuoso-Sonata for 2 violins/continuo in G minor 01:44 4 Georg Philipp Telemann Vivace-Sonata for 2 violins/continuo in G minor 02:17 5 Georg Philipp Telemann Largo-Sonata for 2 violins/continuo in C minor 01:20 6 Georg Philipp Telemann Allegro ma non troppo-Sonata for 2 violinsÉ.in C minor 01:49 7 Georg Philipp Telemann Grave-Sonata for 2 violins/continuo in C minor 01:30 8 Georg Philipp Telemann Allegro-Sonata for 2 violins/continuo in C minor 02:31 9 Georg Philipp Telemann Cantabile-Quartet for 2 flutes in A major 01:23 10 Georg Philipp Telemann Alla breve-Quartet for 2 flutes in A major 01:48 11 Georg Philipp Telemann Lento-Quartet for 2 flutes in A major 01:47 12 Georg Philipp Telemann Allegro assai-Quartet for 2 flutes in A major 02:16 13 Georg Philipp Telemann Vivace-Sonata for 2 violins/continuo in G minor 02:11 14 Georg Philipp Telemann Largo-Sonata for 2 violins/continuo in D minor 01:49 15 Georg Philipp Telemann Presto-Soonata for 2 violins/continuo in D minor 02:42 16 Georg Philipp Telemann Largo-Sonata for 2 violins/continuo in E minor 01:47 17 Georg Philipp Telemann Allegro-Sonata for 2 violins/continuo in E minor 01:48 18 Georg Philipp Telemann Affetuoso-Sonata for 2 violins/continuo in E minor 01:47 19 Georg Philipp Telemann Vivace-Sonata for 2 violins/continuo in E minor 02:54 20 Georg Philipp Telemann Soave-Sonata for 2 violins/continuo in D major 01:35 21 Georg Philipp Telemann Allegro assai-Sonata for 2 violins/continuo in D major 01:30 22 Georg Philipp Telemann Andante-Sonata for 2 violins/continuo in D major 01:34 23 Georg Philipp Telemann Vivace-Sonata for 2 violins/continuo in D major 03:33 24 Georg Philipp Telemann Affetuoso-Sonata for flute,violin,continuo in G major: 1 01:22 25 Georg Philipp Telemann Vivace-Sonata for flute,violin,continuo in G major: 2 03:13 26 Georg Philipp Telemann Grave-Sonata for flute,violin,continuo in G major: 3 02:06 27 Georg Philipp Telemann Vivace-Sonata for flute,violin,continuo in G major: 4 02:22
Georg Philipp Telemann View in Albunack Telemann at Café Zimmermann 26 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture-Suite C-dur TWV 55:C6 - 1. Ouverture. Grave - Allegro - Grave 03:40 2 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture-Suite C-dur TWV 55:C6 - 2. Harlequinade 02:50 3 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture-Suite C-dur TWV 55:C6 - 3. Espanol 02:33 4 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture-Suite C-dur TWV 55:C6 - 4. Bourrée en trompette 01:38 5 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture-Suite C-dur TWV 55:C6 - 5. Someille 04:03 6 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture-Suite C-dur TWV 55:C6 - 6. Rondeau 01:25 7 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture-Suite C-dur TWV 55:C6 - 7. Minuet I & II 03:01 8 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture-Suite C-dur TWV 55:C6 - 8. Gigue 02:26 9 Georg Philipp Telemann Trio g-moll TWV 42:g5 - 1. Mesto 02:38 10 Georg Philipp Telemann Trio g-moll TWV 42:g5 - 2. Allegro 03:17 11 Georg Philipp Telemann Trio g-moll TWV 42:g5 - 3. Andante - Largo - Andante 03:08 12 Georg Philipp Telemann Trio g-moll TWV 42:g5 - 4. Vivace 01:50 13 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonata a-moll TWV 43:a5 - 1. Grave - Allegro - Adagio 04:42 14 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonata a-moll TWV 43:a5 - 2. Allegro 01:43 15 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonata a-moll TWV 43:a5 - 3. Largo - Allegro 03:25 16 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto A-dur TWV 51:A2 - 1. Siciliano 02:48 17 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto A-dur TWV 51:A2 - 2. Allegro 02:47 18 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto A-dur TWV 51:A2 - 3. Largo 03:21 19 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto A-dur TWV 51:A2 - 4. Vivace 04:47 20 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture-Suite g-moll TWV 55:g4 - 1. Ouverture. Grave - Allegro - Grave 04:41 21 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture-Suite g-moll TWV 55:g4 - 2. Rondeau. Gayement 01:45 22 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture-Suite g-moll TWV 55:g4 - 3. Les irresoluts (à discrétion) 03:19 23 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture-Suite g-moll TWV 55:g4 - 4. Les capricieuses 01:12 24 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture-Suite g-moll TWV 55:g4 - 5. Loure 02:07 25 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture-Suite g-moll TWV 55:g4 - 6. Gasconnade 01:30 26 Georg Philipp Telemann Ouverture-Suite g-moll TWV 55:g4 - 7. Minuet I & II 02:02
Georg Philipp Telemann View in Albunack Telemann, Geotg Philipp _ 12 Fantasien für Flöte solo 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasie Nr. 1 - A-dur 03:49 2 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasie Nr. 2 - a-moll 04:51 3 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasie Nr. 3 h-moll 04:03 4 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasie Nr. 4 - B-dur 04:34 5 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasie Nr. 5 - C-dur 04:27 6 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasie Nr. d-moll 05:18 7 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasie Nr. 7 - D-dur 04:36 8 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasie Nr. 8 - e-moll 04:05 9 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasie Nr. 9 - E-dur 06:47 10 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasie Nr. 10 - fis-moll 04:47 11 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasie Nr. 11- G-dur 03:55 12 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasie Nr. 12 - g-moll 05:42
Georg Philipp Telemann View in Albunack Telemann-Concertos for varied instruments 21 0 1994 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto In E Minor For Flute, Violin And Orchestra. 1. Allegro 03:04 2 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto In E Minor For Flute, Violin And Orchestra. 2. Adagio 02:04 3 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto In E Minor For Flute, Violin And Orchestra. 3. Presto 01:14 4 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto In E Minor For Flute, Violin And Orchestra. 4. Adagio 00:49 5 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto In E Minor For Flute, Violin And Orchestra. 5. Allegro 02:55 6 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto In A Minor For Violin And Orchestra. 1. Adagio 03:38 7 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto In A Minor For Violin And Orchestra. 2. Allegro 01:48 8 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto In A Minor For Violin And Orchestra. 3. Adagio 00:47 9 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto In A Minor For Violin And Orchestra. 4. Presto 01:58 10 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto for 2 Chalumeaux and Orchestra in D minor, TWV 52:D1: I. Largo 04:04 11 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto for 2 Chalumeaux and Orchestra in D minor, TWV 52:D1: II. Allegro 03:11 12 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto for 2 Chalumeaux and Orchestra in D minor, TWV 52:D1: III. Largo 02:54 13 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto for 2 Chalumeaux and Orchestra in D minor, TWV 52:D1: IV. Presto 01:55 14 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto for Recorder, Viola da Gamba and Orchestra in A minor, TWV 52:a1: I. Grave 03:52 15 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto for Recorder, Viola da Gamba and Orchestra in A minor, TWV 52:a1: II. Allegro 04:18 16 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto for Recorder, Viola da Gamba and Orchestra in A minor, TWV 52:a1: III. Dolce 03:14 17 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto for Recorder, Viola da Gamba and Orchestra in A minor, TWV 52:a1: IV. Allegro 03:57 18 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto In E Minor For Recorder, Flute And Orchestra. 1. Largo 03:36 19 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto In E Minor For Recorder, Flute And Orchestra. 2. Allegro 04:00 20 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto In E Minor For Recorder, Flute And Orchestra. 3. Largo 04:03 21 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto In E Minor For Recorder, Flute And Orchestra. 4. Presto 02:44
Georg Philipp Telemann View in Albunack Telemann: Die Auferstehung und Himmelsfahrt Jesu 24 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georg Philipp Telemann Einleitung 01:37 2 Georg Philipp Telemann Coro - Gott, du wirst seine Seele nicht in der Holle lassen 02:02 3 Georg Philipp Telemann Accompagnato - Judaa zittert 01:27 4 Georg Philipp Telemann Aria - Mein Geist, voll Furcht und Freude 06:50 5 Georg Philipp Telemann Coro - Triumph! Triumph! Des Herrn Gesalbter sieget! 00:23 6 Georg Philipp Telemann Recitativo - Die frommen Tochter Zions 00:54 7 Georg Philipp Telemann Aria - Sei gegrubet, Furst des Lebens 06:12 8 Georg Philipp Telemann Recitativo - Wer ist die Sionitin 01:42 9 Georg Philipp Telemann Duetto - Vater deiner schwachen Kinder 04:13 10 Georg Philipp Telemann Recitativo - Freundinnen Jesu 01:09 11 Georg Philipp Telemann Aria - Ich folge dir, verklarter Held 03:40 12 Georg Philipp Telemann Coro - Tod! wo ist dein Stachel? 01:11 13 Georg Philipp Telemann Recitativo/Accompagnato - Dort seh ich aus den Toren 04:25 14 Georg Philipp Telemann Aria - Willkommen, Heiland 04:53 15 Georg Philipp Telemann Coro - Triumph! Triumph! Der Furst des Lebens sieget! 00:23 16 Georg Philipp Telemann Recitativo - Elf auserwahlte Junger 01:57 17 Georg Philipp Telemann Aria - Mein Herr! Mein Gott! 04:30 18 Georg Philipp Telemann Coro - Triumph! Triumph! Der Sohn des Hochsten sieget! 00:23 19 Georg Philipp Telemann Recitativo - Auf einmen Hugel 01:31 20 Georg Philipp Telemann Duetto - Ihr Tore Gottes, offnet euch 05:39 21 Georg Philipp Telemann Coro I - Gott fahret auf 01:17 22 Georg Philipp Telemann Coro II - Der Herr ist Konig 00:46 23 Georg Philipp Telemann Coro I & II - Jauchzet, ihr Himmel 00:37 24 Georg Philipp Telemann Coro - Lobet ihn, alle seine Engel 01:20
Georg Philipp Telemann View in Albunack Telemann: Hamburgische Kapitänsmusik, 1755 21 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 La Stagione Orchestra, Frankfurt, Michael Schneider & Georg Philipp Telemann Ich danke dem Herrn von ganzem Herzen (Psalm 111), for chorus, 2 oboes, piccolo trumpet, strings & continuo, TWV 7:14: Coro 02:27 2 La Stagione Orchestra, Frankfurt, Michael Schneider & Georg Philipp Telemann Ich danke dem Herrn von ganzem Herzen (Psalm 111), for chorus, 2 oboes, piccolo trumpet, strings & continuo, TWV 7:14: Recitativo (Der Freudigbetrachtende/The Cheerful Onlooker) 01:04 3 La Stagione Orchestra, Frankfurt, Michael Schneider & Georg Philipp Telemann Ich danke dem Herrn von ganzem Herzen (Psalm 111), for chorus, 2 oboes, piccolo trumpet, strings & continuo, TWV 7:14: Aria (Der Freudigbetrachtende/The Cheerful Onlooker) 03:51 4 La Stagione Orchestra, Frankfurt, Michael Schneider & Georg Philipp Telemann Ich danke dem Herrn von ganzem Herzen (Psalm 111), for chorus, 2 oboes, piccolo trumpet, strings & continuo, TWV 7:14: Recitativo (Der Andächtige/The Pious) 01:39 5 La Stagione Orchestra, Frankfurt, Michael Schneider & Georg Philipp Telemann Ich danke dem Herrn von ganzem Herzen (Psalm 111), for chorus, 2 oboes, piccolo trumpet, strings & continuo, TWV 7:14: Aria (Der Andächtige/The Pious) 04:21 6 La Stagione Orchestra, Frankfurt, Michael Schneider & Georg Philipp Telemann Ich danke dem Herrn von ganzem Herzen (Psalm 111), for chorus, 2 oboes, piccolo trumpet, strings & continuo, TWV 7:14: Recitativo (Der Freudigbetrachtende/The Cheerful Onlooker) 01:30 7 La Stagione Orchestra, Frankfurt, Michael Schneider & Georg Philipp Telemann Ich danke dem Herrn von ganzem Herzen (Psalm 111), for chorus, 2 oboes, piccolo trumpet, strings & continuo, TWV 7:14: Aria (Der Freudigbetrachtende/The Cheerful Onlooker) 04:28 8 La Stagione Orchestra, Frankfurt, Michael Schneider & Georg Philipp Telemann Ich danke dem Herrn von ganzem Herzen (Psalm 111), for chorus, 2 oboes, piccolo trumpet, strings & continuo, TWV 7:14: Recitativo (Der Demütige/The Humble) 01:19 9 La Stagione Orchestra, Frankfurt, Michael Schneider & Georg Philipp Telemann Ich danke dem Herrn von ganzem Herzen (Psalm 111), for chorus, 2 oboes, piccolo trumpet, strings & continuo, TWV 7:14: Aria (Der Demütige/The Humble) 04:59 10 La Stagione Orchestra, Frankfurt, Michael Schneider & Georg Philipp Telemann Ich danke dem Herrn von ganzem Herzen (Psalm 111), for chorus, 2 oboes, piccolo trumpet, strings & continuo, TWV 7:14: Recitative (Der Dankbare/The Thankful) 00:49 11 La Stagione Orchestra, Frankfurt, Michael Schneider & Georg Philipp Telemann Ich danke dem Herrn von ganzem Herzen (Psalm 111), for chorus, 2 oboes, piccolo trumpet, strings & continuo, TWV 7:14: Aria (Der Danbare/The Thankful) 04:45 12 La Stagione Orchestra, Frankfurt, Michael Schneider & Georg Philipp Telemann Ich danke dem Herrn von ganzem Herzen (Psalm 111), for chorus, 2 oboes, piccolo trumpet, strings & continuo, TWV 7:14: Recitativo (Der Andächtige/The Pious) 01:18 13 La Stagione Orchestra, Frankfurt, Michael Schneider & Georg Philipp Telemann Ich danke dem Herrn von ganzem Herzen (Psalm 111), for chorus, 2 oboes, piccolo trumpet, strings & continuo, TWV 7:14: Aria (Der Andächtige/The Pious) 04:05 14 La Stagione Orchestra, Frankfurt, Michael Schneider & Georg Philipp Telemann Ich danke dem Herrn von ganzem Herzen (Psalm 111), for chorus, 2 oboes, piccolo trumpet, strings & continuo, TWV 7:14: Recitativo (Der Hoffende/The Hopeful) 00:57 15 La Stagione Orchestra, Frankfurt, Michael Schneider & Georg Philipp Telemann Ich danke dem Herrn von ganzem Herzen (Psalm 111), for chorus, 2 oboes, piccolo trumpet, strings & continuo, TWV 7:14: Aria (Der Hoffende/The Hopeful) 05:03 16 La Stagione Orchestra, Frankfurt, Michael Schneider & Georg Philipp Telemann Ich danke dem Herrn von ganzem Herzen (Psalm 111), for chorus, 2 oboes, piccolo trumpet, strings & continuo, TWV 7:14: Dictum (Die Güte Gottes/The Goodness Of God) 02:00 17 La Stagione Orchestra, Frankfurt, Michael Schneider & Georg Philipp Telemann Ich danke dem Herrn von ganzem Herzen (Psalm 111), for chorus, 2 oboes, piccolo trumpet, strings & continuo, TWV 7:14: Recitativo (Der Dankbare/The Thankful) 00:55 18 La Stagione Orchestra, Frankfurt, Michael Schneider & Georg Philipp Telemann Ich danke dem Herrn von ganzem Herzen (Psalm 111), for chorus, 2 oboes, piccolo trumpet, strings & continuo, TWV 7:14: Recitativo (Der Dankbare/The Thankful) 03:51 19 La Stagione Orchestra, Frankfurt, Michael Schneider & Georg Philipp Telemann Ich danke dem Herrn von ganzem Herzen (Psalm 111), for chorus, 2 oboes, piccolo trumpet, strings & continuo, TWV 7:14: Recitativo Accompagnato (Der Freudigbbetrachtende/The Cheerful Onlooker) 02:08 20 La Stagione Orchestra, Frankfurt, Michael Schneider & Georg Philipp Telemann Ich danke dem Herrn von ganzem Herzen (Psalm 111), for chorus, 2 oboes, piccolo trumpet, strings & continuo, TWV 7:14: Tutti 01:45 21 La Stagione Orchestra, Frankfurt, Michael Schneider & Georg Philipp Telemann Ich danke dem Herrn von ganzem Herzen (Psalm 111), for chorus, 2 oboes, piccolo trumpet, strings & continuo, TWV 7:14: Choral 01:37
Georg Philipp Telemann View in Albunack Telemann: Motets 16 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georg Philipp Telemann Das ist meine Freude, motet for chorus & continuo, TWV deest 02:26 2 Georg Philipp Telemann Der Gott unsers Herrn Jesu Christi, motet for chorus & continuo, TWV 8:4 02:22 3 Georg Philipp Telemann Halt, was du hast, motet for double chorus & continuo, TWV 8:9 07:08 4 Georg Philipp Telemann Saget der Tochter Zion, motet for chorus, TWV deest 01:13 5 Georg Philipp Telemann Rufe mich an in der Zeit der Not, motet for chorus, TWV deest 02:06 6 Georg Philipp Telemann Fürwahr, er trug unsre Krankheit, motet for chorus, strings & continuo, TWV deest 02:26 7 Georg Philipp Telemann Laudate Dominum, motet for chorus & continuo, TWV 8:11 05:32 8 Georg Philipp Telemann Werfet Panier auf im Lande, motet for chorus & continuo, TWV 8:15 01:56 9 Georg Philipp Telemann Ich will schauen dein Antlitz in Gerechtigkeit, motet for chorus & continuo, TWV deest 03:30 10 Georg Philipp Telemann Selig sind die Toten (II), motet for chorus, TWV deest 03:26 11 Georg Philipp Telemann Ich habe Lust abzuscheiden, motet for chorus & continuo, TWV deest 02:43 12 Georg Philipp Telemann Selig sind die Toten (I), motet for chorus & continuo, TWV 8:13 05:27 13 Georg Philipp Telemann Es segne uns Gott (Psalm 67), motet for chorus & continuo, TWV 8:8 02:19 14 Georg Philipp Telemann Komm heiliger Geist (I), motet for 3-part chorus, strings & continuo, TWV 3:92 07:57 15 Georg Philipp Telemann Danket dem Herrn, denn er ist freundlich, motet for double chorus, TWV 8:3 04:20 16 Georg Philipp Telemann Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott, motet for chorus & continuo, TWV 8:7 04:53
Georg Philipp Telemann View in Albunack Telemann: Solo Works 16 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasias (12), for flute, TWV 40:2-13: Fantasia 1 in A major 03:44 2 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasias (12), for flute, TWV 40:2-13: Fantasia 2 in A minor 05:05 3 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasias (12), for flute, TWV 40:2-13: Fantasia 3 in B minor 04:03 4 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasias (12), for flute, TWV 40:2-13: Fantasia 4 in B-flat major 03:46 5 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasias (12), for flute, TWV 40:2-13: Fantasia 5 in C major 04:35 6 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasias (12), for flute, TWV 40:2-13: Fantasia 6 in D minor 05:55 7 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasias (12), for flute, TWV 40:2-13: Fantasia 7 in D major 06:30 8 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasias (12), for flute, TWV 40:2-13: Fantasia 8 in E minor 04:55 9 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasias (12), for flute, TWV 40:2-13: Fantasia 9 in E major 06:18 10 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasias (12), for flute, TWV 40:2-13: Fantasia 10 in F-sharp minor 05:29 11 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasias (12), for flute, TWV 40:2-13: Fantasia 11 in G major 03:52 12 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasias (12), for flute, TWV 40:2-13: Fantasia 12 in G minor 05:14 13 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonata (Fantasia), for viola da gamba in D major (GMM No. 45), TWV 40:1: I. Andante 02:57 14 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonata (Fantasia), for viola da gamba in D major (GMM No. 45), TWV 40:1: II. Vivace 01:54 15 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonata (Fantasia), for viola da gamba in D major (GMM No. 45), TWV 40:1: III. Recitativ 03:23 16 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonata (Fantasia), for viola da gamba in D major (GMM No. 45), TWV 40:1: IV. Vivace 02:54
Georg Philipp Telemann View in Albunack Telemann: Tafelmusik; Concerto for recorder in Am 25 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Ricardo Kanji & Georg Philipp Telemann Wasser Overture, ("Hamburger Ebb und Fluth"), TWV 55:C3: Ouverture 05:19 2 Ricardo Kanji & Georg Philipp Telemann Wasser Overture, ("Hamburger Ebb und Fluth"), TWV 55:C3: Sarabande: Die schlafende Thetis 02:33 3 Ricardo Kanji & Georg Philipp Telemann Wasser Overture,("Hamburger Ebb und Fluth"), TWV 55:C3: Bourrée: Die erwachende Thetis 02:03 4 Ricardo Kanji & Georg Philipp Telemann Wasser Overture, ("Hamburger Ebb und Fluth"), TWV 55:C3: Loure: Der verliebte Neptunus 01:56 5 Ricardo Kanji & Georg Philipp Telemann Wasser Overture, ("Hamburger Ebb und Fluth"), TWV 55:C3: Gavotte: Spielende Najaden 00:47 6 Ricardo Kanji & Georg Philipp Telemann Wasser Overture, ("Hamburger Ebb und Fluth"), TWV 55:C3: Harlequinade: Der scherzende Tritonus 01:15 7 Ricardo Kanji & Georg Philipp Telemann Wasser Overture, ("Hamburger Ebb und Fluth"), TWV 55:C3: Tempête: Der stürmende Aeolus 02:33 8 Ricardo Kanji & Georg Philipp Telemann Wasser Overture, ("Hamburger Ebb und Fluth"), TWV 55:C3: Menuet: Der angenehme Zephir 02:25 9 Ricardo Kanji & Georg Philipp Telemann Wasser Overture, ("Hamburger Ebb und Fluth"), TWV 55:C3: Gigue: Ebbe und Fluth 01:26 10 Ricardo Kanji & Georg Philipp Telemann Wasser Overture, ("Hamburger Ebb und Fluth"), TWV 55:C3: Canarie: Die lustigen Bots Leute 01:36 11 Ricardo Kanji & Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto for recorder, viola da gamba, strings & continuo in A minor, TWV 52:a1: Grave 04:14 12 Ricardo Kanji & Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto for recorder, viola da gamba, strings & continuo in A minor, TWV 52:a1: Allegro 04:27 13 Ricardo Kanji & Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto for recorder, viola da gamba, strings & continuo in A minor, TWV 52:a1: Dolce 03:51 14 Ricardo Kanji & Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto for recorder, viola da gamba, strings & continuo in A minor, TWV 52:a1: Allegro 03:59 15 Ricardo Kanji & Georg Philipp Telemann Overture: Les nations anciennes et modernes, suite for strings & continuo in G major, TWV 55:G4: Ouverture 03:52 16 Ricardo Kanji & Georg Philipp Telemann Overture: Les nations anciennes et modernes, suite for strings & continuo in G major, TWV 55:G4: Menuet 1 02:10 17 Ricardo Kanji & Georg Philipp Telemann Overture: Les nations anciennes et modernes, suite for strings & continuo in G major, TWV 55:G4: Menuet 2 00:51 18 Ricardo Kanji & Georg Philipp Telemann Overture: Les nations anciennes et modernes, suite for strings & continuo in G major, TWV 55:G4: Les Allemands anciens 01:37 19 Ricardo Kanji & Georg Philipp Telemann Overture: Les nations anciennes et modernes, suite for strings & continuo in G major, TWV 55:G4: Les Allemands modernes 01:26 20 Ricardo Kanji & Georg Philipp Telemann Overture: Les nations anciennes et modernes, suite for strings & continuo in G major, TWV 55:G4: Les Suédois anciens 02:06 21 Ricardo Kanji & Georg Philipp Telemann Overture: Les nations anciennes et modernes, suite for strings & continuo in G major, TWV 55:G4: Les Suédois modernes 00:51 22 Ricardo Kanji & Georg Philipp Telemann Overture: Les nations anciennes et modernes, suite for strings & continuo in G major, TWV 55:G4: Les Danois anciens 01:41 23 Ricardo Kanji & Georg Philipp Telemann Overture: Les nations anciennes et modernes, suite for strings & continuo in G major, TWV 55:G4: Les Danois modernes 00:51 24 Ricardo Kanji & Georg Philipp Telemann Overture: Les nations anciennes et modernes, suite for strings & continuo in G major, TWV 55:G4: Les vieilles femmes 01:33 25 Ricardo Kanji & Georg Philipp Telemann Sinfonia (Conclusion) for 2 flutes, 2 oboes, bassoon, strings & continuo in E minor (Tafelmusik I/6), TWV 50:5: Conclusion 05:32
Georg Philipp Telemann View in Albunack Telemann: Trio Sonatas 18 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonata for recorder, viola da gamba & continuo in C minor, TWV 42:c6: Andante 02:03 2 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonata for recorder, viola da gamba & continuo in C minor, TWV 42:c6: Allemande 03:13 3 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonata for recorder, viola da gamba & continuo in C minor, TWV 42:c6: Menuet 01:13 4 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonata for recorder, viola da gamba & continuo in C minor, TWV 42:c6: Aria 03:01 5 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonata for recorder, viola da gamba & continuo in C minor, TWV 42:c6: Gigue 01:33 6 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonata for recorder, viola da gamba & continuo in C minor, TWV 42:c6: Réjouissance (Presto) 01:20 7 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonata for viola da gamba & continuo in E minor (Essercizii Musici No. 9/17), TWV 41:e5: Cantabile 01:35 8 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonata for viola da gamba & continuo in E minor (Essercizii Musici No. 9/17), TWV 41:e5: Allegro 02:39 9 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonata for viola da gamba & continuo in E minor (Essercizii Musici No. 9/17), TWV 41:e5: Recitativo - Arioso 01:55 10 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonata for viola da gamba & continuo in E minor (Essercizii Musici No. 9/17), TWV 41:e5: Vivace 02:45 11 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto for flute, violin, viola da gamba (or cello) & continuo in D major No. 2 (Paris Quartets No. 2), TWV 43:D1: Movement 1: Largo 03:27 12 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto for flute, violin, viola da gamba (or cello) & continuo in D major No. 2 (Paris Quartets No. 2), TWV 43:D1: Movement 2: Vivace 03:33 13 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto for flute, violin, viola da gamba (or cello) & continuo in D major No. 2 (Paris Quartets No. 2), TWV 43:D1: Movement 3: Soave 02:24 14 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto for flute, violin, viola da gamba (or cello) & continuo in D major No. 2 (Paris Quartets No. 2), TWV 43:D1: Movement 4: Vivace 02:21 15 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia, for viola da gamba in D major (GMM No. 45), TWV 40:1: Andante 03:33 16 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia, for viola da gamba in D major (GMM No. 45), TWV 40:1: Vivace 02:03 17 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia, for viola da gamba in D major (GMM No. 45), TWV 40:1: Recitativo - Andante 03:39 18 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia, for viola da gamba in D major (GMM No. 45), TWV 40:1: Vivace 02:33
Georg Philipp Telemann View in Albunack Telemann: Twelve Fantasias for Violin without Bass 38 0 Show/Hide Tracks 3 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia, for violin No. 1 in B flat major, TWV 40:14: Grave 03:04 4 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia, for violin No. 2 in G major, TWV 40:15: Largo 01:34 5 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia, for violin No. 2 in G major, TWV 40:15: Allegro 02:10 9 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia, for violin No. 3 in F minor, TWV 40:16: Grave-Vivace 01:20 10 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia, for violin No. 4 in D major, TWV 40:17: Vivace 01:55 11 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia, for violin No. 4 in D major, TWV 40:17: Grave 00:55 12 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia, for violin No. 4 in D major, TWV 40:17: Allegro 02:05 13 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia, for violin No. 5 in A major, TWV 40:18: Allegro-Presto 02:14 15 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia, for violin No. 5 in A major, TWV 40:18: Allegro 02:30 16 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia, for violin No. 6 in E minor, TWV 40:19: Grave 02:16 17 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia, for violin No. 6 in E minor, TWV 40:19: Presto 01:28 19 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia, for violin No. 6 in E minor, TWV 40:19: Allegro 02:16 20 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia, for violin No. 7 in E flat major, TWV 40:20: Dolce 01:56 21 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia, for violin No. 7 in E flat major, TWV 40:20: Allegro 03:22 25 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia, for violin No. 8 in E major, TWV 40:21: Spirituoso 03:11 27 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia, for violin No. 9 in B minor, TWV 40:22: Siciliana 01:31 29 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia, for violin No. 9 in B minor, TWV 40:22: Allegro 01:36 31 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia, for violin No. 10 in D major, TWV 40:23: Largo 02:00 34 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia, for violin No. 11 in F major, TWV 40:24: Soave 03:16 35 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia, for violin No. 11 in F major, TWV 40:24: Allegro 01:06 36 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia, for violin No. 12 in A minor, TWV 40:25: Moderato 01:40 38 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia, for violin No. 12 in A minor, TWV 40:25: Presto 00:52
Georg Philipp Telemann View in Albunack The Grand Concertos for Mixed Instruments Vol.1 23 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto, 2 Trumpets & 2 Oboes, D-dur TWV deest - I. Spirituoso - Adagio - Spirituoso 03:25 2 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto, 2 Trumpets & 2 Oboes, D-dur TWV deest - II. Allegro 02:03 3 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto, 2 Trumpets & 2 Oboes, D-dur TWV deest - III. Adagio 01:40 4 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto for 2 Trumpets and 2 Oboes in D major TWV deest - IV. Presto - Grave - Adagio 01:37 5 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto, 2 Trumpets & 2 Oboes, D-dur TWV deest - V. Vivace 01:48 6 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto, 2 Flutes, Oboe & Violin, B-dur TWV 54.B1 - I. Largo 02:14 7 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto, 2 Flutes, Oboe & Violin, B-dur TWV 54.B1 - II. Allegro 02:58 8 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto, 2 Flutes, Oboe & Violin, B-dur TWV 54.B1 - III. Dolce 03:59 9 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto, 2 Flutes, Oboe & Violin, B-dur TWV 54.B1 - IV. Allegro 03:04 10 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto, Cello & 2 Oboe d'amore, D-dur TWV 53.D3 - I. (Allegro) 03:39 11 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto, Cello & 2 Oboe d'amore, D-dur TWV 53.D3 - II. Dolce 01:46 12 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto for Cello and 2 Oboe d'amore in D major TWV 53.D3 - III. Allegro 02:20 13 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto, Flute, Oboe d'amore & Viola d'amore, E-dur YWV 53.E1 - I. Andante 04:24 14 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto, Flute, Oboe d'amore & Viola d'amore, E-dur YWV 53.E1 - II. Allegro 05:18 15 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto, Flute, Oboe d'amore & Viola d'amore, E-dur YWV 53.E1 - III. Siciliano 03:32 16 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto, Flute, Oboe d'amore & Viola d'amore, E-dur YWV 53.E1 - IV. Vivace 04:07 17 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto, 2 Recorders, 2 Oboes & 2 Violins, A-mol TWV 44.42 - I. Adagio 01:12 18 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto, 2 Recorders, 2 Oboes & 2 Violins, A-mol TWV 44.42 - II. Allegro 01:55 19 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto for 2 Recorders, 2 Oboes and 2 Violins in A minor TWV 44.42 - III. Affettuoso 01:44 20 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto, 2 Recorders, 2 Oboes & 2 Violins, A-mol TWV 44.42 - IV. Allegro vivace 02:13 21 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto, Recorder & Viola da gamba, F-dur TWV 50.3 - I. Allabreve 03:19 22 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto, Recorder & Viola da gamba, F-dur TWV 50.3 - II. Andante 02:01 23 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto, Recorder & Viola da gamba, F-dur TWV 50.3 - III. Vivace 02:07
Georg Philipp Telemann View in Albunack The Grand Concertos for Mixed Instruments Vol.2 19 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto for 2 Violina and Bassoon in D major TWV 53.D4 - I. Andante 02:55 2 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto for 2 Violina and Bassoon in D major TWV 53.D4 - II. - (Allegro) 04:09 3 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto for 2 Violina and Bassoon in D major TWV 53.D4 - III. Adagio 02:40 4 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto for 2 Violina and Bassoon in D major TWV 53.D4 - IV. Allegro assai 03:01 5 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto fro Recorder and Viola da gamba in A minor TWV 52.a1 - I. Grave 04:20 6 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto fro Recorder and Viola da gamba in A minor TWV 52.a1 - II. Allegro 03:54 7 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto fro Recorder and Viola da gamba in A minor TWV 52.a1 - III. Dolce 03:07 8 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto fro Recorder and Viola da gamba in A minor TWV 52.a1 - IV. Allegro 03:40 9 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto for 3 Trumpets and Timpani in D major TWV 54.D4 - I. Largo 01:48 10 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto for 3 Trumpets and Timpani in D major TWV 54.D4 - II. Allegro 02:19 11 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto for 3 Trumpets and Timpani in D major TWV 54.D4 - III. Adagio 01:56 12 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto for 3 Trumpets and Timpani in D major TWV 54.D4 - IV. Presto 01:31 13 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto for 2 Recorders, 2 Oboes, 2 Violins and Viola in B flat major TWV 54.B2 - I. Andante 02:28 14 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto for 2 Recorders, 2 Oboes, 2 Violins and Viola in B flat major TWV 54.B2 - II. Presto 02:42 15 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto for 2 Recorders, 2 Oboes, 2 Violins and Viola in B flat major TWV 54.B2 - III. Cantabile 03:10 16 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto for 2 Recorders, 2 Oboes, 2 Violins and Viola in B flat major TWV 54.B2 - IV. Allegro 02:34 17 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto for Violin and Trumpet in D major TWV 53.D5 - I. Vivace 03:56 18 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto for Violin and Trumpet in D major TWV 53.D5 - II. Adagio 04:02 19 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto for Violin and Trumpet in D major TWV 53.D5 - III. Allegro 05:22
Georg Philipp Telemann View in Albunack The Grand Concertos for Mixed Instruments Vol.4 22 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto for Oboe, Violin and Strings in c minor TWV52 c1 - I. Adagio 02:29 2 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto for Oboe, Violin and Strings in c minor TWV52 c1 - II. Allegro 01:52 3 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto for Oboe, Violin and Strings in c minor TWV52 c1 - III. Adagio 01:12 4 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto, Oboe, Violin & Strings, C-mol TWV52 c1 - IV. Allegro 01:53 5 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto f. Trumpet, 2 Oboes & Strings, D-dur TWV53 D3 - I. Allegro 02:43 6 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto f. Trumpet, 2 Oboes & Strings, D-dur TWV53 D3 - II. Adagio-Aria-Adagio 03:28 7 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto f. Trumpet, 2 Oboes & Strings, D-dur TWV53 D3 - III. Vivace 02:27 8 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto, 2 Horns, 2 Violins, Recorder, Oboe, 2 Violoncellos & Strings, F-dur TWV54 F1 - I. Vivace 04:48 9 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto, 2 Horns, 2 Violins, Recorder, Oboe, 2 Violoncellos & Strings, F-dur TWV54 F1 - II. Scherzando 03:33 10 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto for 2 Horns, 2 Violins, Recorder, Oboe, 2 Violoncellos and Strings in F major TWV54 F1 - III. (Vivace da capo) 04:48 11 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto, 2 Horns, 2 Violins, Recorder, Oboe, 2 Violoncellos & Strings, F-dur TWV54 F1 - IV. Bourrée I & II 05:28 12 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto, 2 Horns, 2 Violins, Recorder, Oboe, 2 Violoncellos & Strings, F-dur TWV54 F1 - V. Menuet 01:36 13 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto for 2 Horns, 2 Violins, Recorder, Oboe, 2 Violoncellos and Strings in F major TWV54 F1 - VI. Loure 01:11 14 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto for 2 Horns, 2 Violins, Recorder, Oboe, 2 Violoncellos and Strings in F major TWV54 F1 - VII. Gigue 02:47 15 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto for 2 Recorders, 2 Oboes, and 2 Violins in F major TWV44 41 - I. Grave 02:15 16 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto, 2 Recorders, 2 Oboes, and 2 Violins, F-dur TWV44 41 - II. Vivace 02:01 17 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto, 2 Recorders, 2 Oboes, and 2 Violins, F-dur TWV44 41 - III. Adagio 00:32 18 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto for 2 Recorders, 2 Oboes, and 2 Violins in F major TWV44 41 - IV. Allegro 02:32 19 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto for 2 Transverse Flutes, Solo Violin and Strings in e minor TWV53 e1 - I. Larghetto 03:36 20 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto, 2 Flutes, Solo Violin & Strings, E-mol TWV53 e1 - II. Vivace 02:35 21 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto for 2 Transverse Flutes, Solo Violin and Strings in e minor TWV53 e1 - III. Largo 03:00 22 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto for 2 Transverse Flutes, Solo Violin and Strings in e minor TWV53 e1 - IV. Allegro 02:42
Georg Philipp Telemann View in Albunack The Grand Concertos for Mixed Instruments Vol.5 24 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georg Philipp Telemann Divertimento (Concerto) for 2 Horns, 2 Flutes and Strings in E flat major TWV50.21 - I. Allegro 02:53 2 Georg Philipp Telemann Divertimento (Concerto) for 2 Horns, 2 Flutes and Strings in E flat major TWV50.21 - II. Réveiile (Vivement) 00:40 3 Georg Philipp Telemann Divertimento (Concerto) for 2 Horns, 2 Flutes and Strings in E flat major TWV50.21 - III. La conversation a la table (Gavotte) 01:26 4 Georg Philipp Telemann Divertimento (Concerto) for 2 Horns, 2 Flutes and Strings in E flat major TWV50.21 - IV. Chasse 01:01 5 Georg Philipp Telemann Divertimento (Concerto) for 2 Horns, 2 Flutes and Strings in E flat major TWV50.21 - V. Repas 02:31 6 Georg Philipp Telemann Divertimento (Concerto) for 2 Horns, 2 Flutes and Strings in E flat major TWV50.21 - VI. Retraite 01:49 7 Georg Philipp Telemann Concert à neuf parties ("Grillensinfonie") for Piccolo, Transverse flute, Oboe, Chalumeau and strings & 2 double basses in G major TWV50.1 - I. Etwas lebhaft 03:51 8 Georg Philipp Telemann Concert à neuf parties ("Grillensinfonie") for Piccolo, Transverse flute, Oboe, Chalumeau and strings & 2 double basses in G major TWV50.1 - II. Tändelnd 02:24 9 Georg Philipp Telemann Concert à neuf parties ("Grillensinfonie") for Piccolo, Transverse flute, Oboe, Chalumeau and strings & 2 double basses in G major TWV50.1 - III. Presto 03:08 10 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto for 2 Oboes, Bassoon and Strings in g Minor TWV 53.g - I. Grave et détaché 02:57 11 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto for 2 Oboes, Bassoon and Strings in g Minor TWV 53.g - II. Allegro 02:05 12 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto for 2 Oboes, Bassoon and Strings in g Minor TWV 53.g - III. En Loure 04:26 13 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto for 2 Oboes, Bassoon and Strings in g Minor TWV 53.g - IV. Grave 04:54 14 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto for 2 Oboes, Bassoon and Strings in g Minor TWV 53.g - V. Allegro 02:12 15 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonata for Trumpet and Strings in D major TWV 44.1 - I. Sinfonia (Spirituoso) 02:48 16 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonata for Trumpet and Strings in D major TWV 44.1 - II. Largo 03:07 17 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonata for Trumpet and Strings in D major TWV 44.1 - III. Vivace 03:13 18 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto ("Suitenkonzert") for Solo violin, 2 transverse flutes, 2 Oboes, 2 Horns (alternative 2 Trumpets), Timpani and Strings in F major TWV 51.F4 - I. Presto 05:17 19 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto ("Suitenkonzert") for Solo violin, 2 transverse flutes, 2 Oboes, 2 Horns (alternative 2 Trumpets), Timpani and Strings in F major TWV 51.F4 - II. Corsicana (un poco grave) 03:22 20 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto ("Suitenkonzert") for Solo violin, 2 transverse flutes, 2 Oboes, 2 Horns (alternative 2 Trumpets), Timpani and Strings in F major TWV 51.F4 - III. Allegrezza 03:54 21 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto ("Suitenkonzert") for Solo violin, 2 transverse flutes, 2 Oboes, 2 Horns (alternative 2 Trumpets), Timpani and Strings in F major TWV 51.F4 - IV. Scherzo 03:00 22 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto ("Suitenkonzert") for Solo violin, 2 transverse flutes, 2 Oboes, 2 Horns (alternative 2 Trumpets), Timpani and Strings in F major TWV 51.F4 - V. [ohne Bezeichnung] 02:03 23 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto ("Suitenkonzert") for Solo violin, 2 transverse flutes, 2 Oboes, 2 Horns (alternative 2 Trumpets), Timpani and Strings in F major TWV 51.F4 - VI. Pollacca 03:01 24 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto ("Suitenkonzert") for Solo violin, 2 transverse flutes, 2 Oboes, 2 Horns (alternative 2 Trumpets), Timpani and Strings in F major TWV 51.F4 - VII. Minuetto 03:58
Georg Philipp Telemann View in Albunack The Resurrection and Ascension of Jesus 24 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georg Philipp Telemann Einleitung 01:37 2 Georg Philipp Telemann Coro - Gott, du wirst seine Seele nicht in der Holle lassen 02:04 3 Georg Philipp Telemann Accompagnato - Judaa zittert 01:27 4 Georg Philipp Telemann Aria - Mein Geist, voll Furcht und Freude 06:50 5 Georg Philipp Telemann Coro - Triumph! Triumph! Des Herrn Gesalbter sieget! 00:23 6 Georg Philipp Telemann Recitativo - Die frommen Tochter Zions 00:54 7 Georg Philipp Telemann Aria - Sei gegrubet, Furst des Lebens 06:15 8 Georg Philipp Telemann Recitativo - Wer ist die Sionitin 01:42 9 Georg Philipp Telemann Duetto - Vater deiner schwachen Kinder 04:13 10 Georg Philipp Telemann Recitativo - Freundinnen Jesu 01:09 11 Georg Philipp Telemann Aria - Ich folge dir, verklarter Held 03:40 12 Georg Philipp Telemann Coro - Tod! wo ist dein Stachel? 01:13 13 Georg Philipp Telemann Recitativo/Accompagnato - Dort seh ich aus den Toren 04:25 14 Georg Philipp Telemann Aria - Willkommen, Heiland 04:53 15 Georg Philipp Telemann Coro - Triumph! Triumph! Der Furst des Lebens sieget! 00:23 16 Georg Philipp Telemann Recitativo - Elf auserwahlte Junger 01:57 17 Georg Philipp Telemann Aria - Mein Herr! Mein Gott! 04:30 18 Georg Philipp Telemann Coro - Triumph! Triumph! Der Sohn des Hochsten sieget! 00:23 19 Georg Philipp Telemann Recitativo - Auf einmen Hugel 01:31 20 Georg Philipp Telemann Duetto - Ihr Tore Gottes, offnet euch 05:39 21 Georg Philipp Telemann Coro I - Gott fahret auf 01:17 22 Georg Philipp Telemann Coro II - Der Herr ist Konig 00:46 23 Georg Philipp Telemann Coro I & II - Jauchzet, ihr Himmel 00:37 24 Georg Philipp Telemann Coro - Lobet ihn, alle seine Engel 01:20
Georg Philipp Telemann View in Albunack Trio / Suite / Solo / Concerto 27 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georg Philipp Telemann Trio 7 from "Essercizii Musici" (TWV 42:F3) - Vivace 02:55 2 Georg Philipp Telemann Trio 7 from "Essercizii Musici" (TWV 42:F3) - Mesto 01:28 3 Georg Philipp Telemann Trio 7 from "Essercizii Musici" (TWV 42:F3) - Allegro 02:39 4 Georg Philipp Telemann / Johann Sebastian Bach Concerto for harpsichord (BWV 985) - Allegro 02:19 5 Georg Philipp Telemann / Johann Sebastian Bach Concerto for harpsichord (BWV 985) - Adagio 02:18 6 Georg Philipp Telemann / Johann Sebastian Bach Concerto for harpsichord (BWV 985) - Allegro 02:13 7 Georg Philipp Telemann Suite 6, Clavessin, Flute de Voix et Violoncello (TWV 42:D3) - Dolce 02:24 8 Georg Philipp Telemann Suite 6, Clavessin, Flute de Voix et Violoncello (TWV 42:D3) - Vivace 01:14 9 Georg Philipp Telemann Suite 6, Clavessin, Flute de Voix et Violoncello (TWV 42:D3) - Allegro 01:56 10 Georg Philipp Telemann Suite 6, Clavessin, Flute de Voix et Violoncello (TWV 42:D3) - Andante 02:34 11 Georg Philipp Telemann Suite 6, Clavessin, Flute de Voix et Violoncello (TWV 42:D3) - Presto 01:41 12 Georg Philipp Telemann Suite 6, Clavessin, Flute de Voix et Violoncello (TWV 42:D3) - Moderato 03:17 13 Georg Philipp Telemann Suite 6, Clavessin, Flute de Voix et Violoncello (TWV 42:D3) - Vivace 02:11 14 Georg Philipp Telemann Solo 12 from "Essercizii Musici" (TWV 32:4) - Cantabile 05:13 15 Georg Philipp Telemann Solo 12 from "Essercizii Musici" (TWV 32:4) - Bouree 01:20 16 Georg Philipp Telemann Solo 12 from "Essercizii Musici" (TWV 32:4) - Sarabande 02:27 17 Georg Philipp Telemann Solo 12 from "Essercizii Musici" (TWV 32:4) - Gavotte 02:11 18 Georg Philipp Telemann Solo 12 from "Essercizii Musici" (TWV 32:4) - Passepied 01:00 19 Georg Philipp Telemann Solo 12 from "Essercizii Musici" (TWV 32:4) - Gigue 01:49 20 Georg Philipp Telemann Solo 4 from "Essercizii Musici" (TWV 41:D4) - Affettuoso 02:00 21 Georg Philipp Telemann Solo 4 from "Essercizii Musici" (TWV 41:D4) - Presto 03:41 22 Georg Philipp Telemann Solo 4 from "Essercizii Musici" (TWV 41:D4) - Grave 00:54 23 Georg Philipp Telemann Solo 4 from "Essercizii Musici" (TWV 41:D4) - Allegro 03:47 24 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto F-Dur for alto blockflute, cello, harpsichord - --- 04:40 25 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto F-Dur for alto blockflute, cello, harpsichord - --- 04:21 26 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto F-Dur for alto blockflute, cello, harpsichord - --- 05:02 27 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto F-Dur for alto blockflute, cello, harpsichord - Allegro 04:13
Georg Philipp Telemann View in Albunack Trios for Recorder - Frans Brüggen 27 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georg Philipp Telemann Trio in F for Recorder - I. Vivace 02:54 2 Georg Philipp Telemann Trio in F for Recorder - II. Mesto 01:35 3 Georg Philipp Telemann Trio in F for Recorder - III. Allegro 02:42 4 Georg Philipp Telemann Trio in B for Recorder - I. Dolce 02:06 5 Georg Philipp Telemann Trio in B for Recorder - II. Vivace 01:52 6 Georg Philipp Telemann Trio in B for Recorder - III. Siciliana 02:34 7 Georg Philipp Telemann Trio in B for Recorder - IV. Vivace (2) 01:43 8 Georg Philipp Telemann Trio in D Minor - I. Andante 02:15 9 Georg Philipp Telemann Trio in D Minor - II. Vivace 01:24 10 Georg Philipp Telemann Trio in D Minor - III. Adagio 01:26 11 Georg Philipp Telemann Trio in D Minor - IV. Allegro 01:49 12 Georg Philipp Telemann Trio in A Minor - I. Affetuoso 02:24 13 Georg Philipp Telemann Trio in A Minor - II. Vivace 01:46 14 Georg Philipp Telemann Trio in A Minor - III. Grave 01:59 15 Georg Philipp Telemann Trio in A Minor - IV. Menuet, Trio, Menuet 03:41 16 Georg Philipp Telemann Trio in C Minor - I. Largo 03:00 17 Georg Philipp Telemann Trio in C Minor - II. Vivace 02:40 18 Georg Philipp Telemann Trio in C Minor - III. Andante 02:21 19 Georg Philipp Telemann Trio in C Minor - IV. Allegro 03:30 20 Georg Philipp Telemann Introduction for Three in C - I. Grave 00:59 21 Georg Philipp Telemann Introduction for Three in C - II. Vivace 00:49 22 Georg Philipp Telemann Introduction for Three in C - III. Andante 01:54 23 Georg Philipp Telemann Introduction for Three in C - IV. Xiantippe 01:53 24 Georg Philipp Telemann Introduction for Three in C - V. Lucretia, Largo 02:39 25 Georg Philipp Telemann Introduction for Three in C - VI. Corinna 01:08 26 Georg Philipp Telemann Introduction for Three in C - VII. Clelia, Spiritoso 01:29 27 Georg Philipp Telemann Introduction for Three in C - VIII. Dido, Triste, Disperato 02:05
Georg Philipp Telemann View in Albunack Trios with Oboe, Viol and Harpsichord 25 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonata e minor for Treble Viol, Oboe and Basso Continuo: [Grave] 01:36 2 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonata e minor for Treble Viol, Oboe and Basso Continuo: Vivace 02:56 3 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonata e minor for Treble Viol, Oboe and Basso Continuo: Grave 01:07 4 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonata e minor for Treble Viol, Oboe and Basso Continuo: Vivace 01:16 5 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonata g minor for Treble Viol, Oboe and Basso Continuo: Largo 01:48 6 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonata g minor for Treble Viol, Oboe and Basso Continuo: Vivace 01:19 7 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonata g minor for Treble Viol, Oboe and Basso Continuo: Andante 01:49 8 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonata g minor for Treble Viol, Oboe and Basso Continuo: Presto 01:42 9 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonatina c minor for Treble Vio, Oboe and Basso Continuo: Gratioso 01:57 10 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonatina c minor for Treble Vio, Oboe and Basso Continuo: Con contento 01:10 11 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonatina c minor for Treble Vio, Oboe and Basso Continuo: Sospirando 02:00 12 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonatina c minor for Treble Vio, Oboe and Basso Continuo: Spirituoso 02:48 13 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonatina c minor for Treble Vio, Oboe and Basso Continuo: Vivace 02:57 14 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonatina G major for Treble Vio, Oboe and Basso Continuo: Soave 01:11 15 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonatina G major for Treble Vio, Oboe and Basso Continuo: Allegro 01:03 16 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonatina G major for Treble Vio, Oboe and Basso Continuo: Andante 02:54 17 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonatina G major for Treble Vio, Oboe and Basso Continuo: Allegro 02:36 18 Georg Philipp Telemann Trio G major for Viola da Gamba, Harpsichord obbligato and Basso Continuo: Andante 02:16 19 Georg Philipp Telemann Trio G major for Viola da Gamba, Harpsichord obbligato and Basso Continuo: Allegro 02:06 20 Georg Philipp Telemann Trio G major for Viola da Gamba, Harpsichord obbligato and Basso Continuo: Largo 04:48 21 Georg Philipp Telemann Trio G major for Viola da Gamba, Harpsichord obbligato and Basso Continuo: Presto 01:42 22 Georg Philipp Telemann Trio E-flat major for Oboe, Harpsichord obbligato and Basso Continuo: Largo 03:00 23 Georg Philipp Telemann Trio E-flat major for Oboe, Harpsichord obbligato and Basso Continuo: Vivace 03:02 24 Georg Philipp Telemann Trio E-flat major for Oboe, Harpsichord obbligato and Basso Continuo: Mesto 02:40 25 Georg Philipp Telemann Trio E-flat major for Oboe, Harpsichord obbligato and Basso Continuo: Vivace 03:38
Georg Philipp Telemann View in Albunack Triosonaten - Gambensonaten 18 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georg Philipp Telemann Triosonate c-Moll - Andante 02:03 2 Georg Philipp Telemann Triosonate c-Moll - Allemande 03:13 3 Georg Philipp Telemann Triosonate c-Moll - Menuet 01:13 4 Georg Philipp Telemann Triosonate c-Moll - Aria 03:01 5 Georg Philipp Telemann Triosonate c-Moll - Gigue 01:33 6 Georg Philipp Telemann Triosonate c-Moll - Réjouissance (Presto) 01:20 7 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonate e-Moll - Cantabile 01:35 8 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonate e-Moll - Allegro 02:39 9 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonate e-Moll - Recitativo-Arioso 01:55 10 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonate e-Moll - Vivace 02:45 11 Georg Philipp Telemann Konzert Nr. 2 g-Moll - Largo 03:27 12 Georg Philipp Telemann Konzert Nr. 2 g-Moll - Vivace 03:33 13 Georg Philipp Telemann Konzert Nr. 2 g-Moll - Soave 02:24 14 Georg Philipp Telemann Konzert Nr. 2 g-Moll - Vivace 02:21 15 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasie D-Dur - Andante 03:33 16 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasie D-Dur - Vivace 02:03 17 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasie D-Dur - Recitativo-Andante 03:39 18 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasie D-Dur - Vivace 02:33
Georg Philipp Telemann View in Albunack Triosonaten/Gambensonaten (Rameau-Trio) 18 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georg Philipp Telemann Trio sonata in C minor: 1. Andante 02:03 2 Georg Philipp Telemann Trio sonata in C minor: 2. Allemande 03:13 3 Georg Philipp Telemann Trio sonata in C minor: 3. Menuet 01:13 4 Georg Philipp Telemann Trio sonata in C minor: 4. Aria 03:01 5 Georg Philipp Telemann Trio sonata in C minor: 5. Guique 01:33 6 Georg Philipp Telemann Trio sonata in C minor: 6. Réjouissance (Presto) 01:20 7 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonata in E minor: 1. Cantabile 01:35 8 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonata in E minor: 2. Allegro 02:39 9 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonata in E minor: 3. Recitativo-Arioso 01:55 10 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonata in E minor: 4. Vivace 02:45 11 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto No. 2 in G minor: 1. Largo 03:27 12 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto No. 2 in G minor: 2. Vivace 03:33 13 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto No. 2 in G minor: 3. Soave 02:24 14 Georg Philipp Telemann Concerto No. 2 in G minor: 4. Vivace 02:21 15 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia in D major: 1. Andante 03:33 16 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia in D major: 2. Vivace 02:03 17 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia in D major: 3. Recitativo-Andante 03:39 18 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia in D major: 4. Vivace 02:33
Georg Philipp Telemann View in Albunack Twelve Fantasias for Solo Violin - Kolja Lessing 42 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia I in B flat TWV 40:14 - I Largo 02:15 2 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia I in B flat TWV 40:14 - II Allegro 01:40 3 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia I in B flat TWV 40:14 - III Grave 01:19 4 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia I in B flat TWV 40:14 - IV Allegro da capo 01:40 5 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia II in G TWV 40:15 - I Largo 01:36 6 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia II in G TWV 40:15 - II Allegro 01:46 7 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia II in G TWV 40:15 - III Allegro 00:51 8 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia III in F minor TWV 40:16 - I Adagio 01:56 9 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia III in F minor TWV 40:16 - II Presto 01:29 10 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia III in F minor TWV 40:16 - III Grave 00:15 11 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia III in F minor TWV 40:16 - IV Vivace 00:42 12 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia IV in D TWV 40:17 - I Vivace 01:55 13 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia IV in D TWV 40:17 - II Grave 00:37 14 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia IV in D TWV 40:17 - III Allegro 02:02 15 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia V in A TWV 40:18 - I Allegro. Presto. Allegro. Presto 02:06 16 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia V in A TWV 40:18 - II Andante 00:30 17 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia V in A TWV 40:18 - III Allegro 02:19 18 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia VI in E minor TWV 40:19 - I Grave 02:28 19 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia VI in E minor TWV 40:19 - II Presto 01:16 20 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia VI in E minor TWV 40:19 - III Siciliana 01:32 21 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia VI in E minor TWV 40:19 - IV Allegro 02:49 22 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia VII in E flat TWV 40:20 - I Dolce 01:38 23 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia VII in E flat TWV 40:20 - II Allegro 03:13 24 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia VII in E flat TWV 40:20 - III Largo 02:16 25 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia VII in E flat TWV 40:20 - IV Presto 01:04 26 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia VIII in E TWV 40:21 - I Piacevolmente 01:33 27 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia VIII in E TWV 40:21 - II Spirituoso 02:54 28 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia VIII in E TWV 40:21 - III Allegro 01:17 29 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia IX in B minor TWV 40:22 - I Siciliana 01:38 30 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia IX in B minor TWV 40:22 - II Vivace 02:53 31 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia IX in B minor TWV 40:22 - III Allegro 01:22 32 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia X in D TWV 40:23 - I Presto 01:33 33 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia X in D TWV 40:23 - II Largo 02:20 34 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia X in D TWV 40:23 - III Allegro 01:08 35 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia XI in F TWV 40:24 - I Un poco vivace 02:25 36 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia XI in F TWV 40:24 - II Soace 01:32 37 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia XI in F TWV 40:24 - III Un poco vivace da capo 02:21 38 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia XI in F TWV 40:24 - IV Allegro 01:07 39 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia XII in A minor TWV 40:25 - I Moderato 02:08 40 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia XII in A minor TWV 40:25 - II Vivace 01:34 41 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia XII in A minor TWV 40:25 - III Presto 01:04 42 Georg Philipp Telemann Fantasia XII in A minor TWV 40:25 - IV Vivace da capo 01:40
Georg Philipp Telemann View in Albunack Violin Concertos Vol.4 18 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georg Philipp Telemann Overture Concerto in G major TWV 55:G6 - Ouverture 05:08 2 Georg Philipp Telemann Overture Concerto in G major TWV 55:G6 - Entree 01:55 3 Georg Philipp Telemann Overture Concerto in G major TWV 55:G6 - Bouree 02:27 4 Georg Philipp Telemann Overture Concerto in G major TWV 55:G6 - Loure - Grave 04:31 5 Georg Philipp Telemann Overture Concerto in G major TWV 55:G6 - Menuet I & II 03:14 6 Georg Philipp Telemann Overture Concerto in G major TWV 55:G6 - Rondeau 01:10 7 Georg Philipp Telemann Overture Concerto in E major TWV 55:E3 - Ouverture 04:30 8 Georg Philipp Telemann Overture Concerto in E major TWV 55:E3 - Bouree 01:46 9 Georg Philipp Telemann Overture Concerto in E major TWV 55:E3 - Sarabande 03:37 10 Georg Philipp Telemann Overture Concerto in E major TWV 55:E3 - Menuet I & II 02:54 11 Georg Philipp Telemann Overture Concerto in E major TWV 55:E3 - Sicilienne 02:21 12 Georg Philipp Telemann Overture Concerto in E major TWV 55:E3 - Gigue 02:27 13 Georg Philipp Telemann Overture Concerto in G minor TWV 55:g7 - Ouverture 08:32 14 Georg Philipp Telemann Overture Concerto in G minor TWV 55:g7 - Cajolerie 04:47 15 Georg Philipp Telemann Overture Concerto in G minor TWV 55:g7 - Rondeau 02:11 16 Georg Philipp Telemann Overture Concerto in G minor TWV 55:g7 - Loure 03:19 17 Georg Philipp Telemann Overture Concerto in G minor TWV 55:g7 - Gavotte 02:53 18 Georg Philipp Telemann Overture Concerto in G minor TWV 55:g7 - Menuet I & II 03:45
Georg Philipp Telemann View in Albunack Vituoso Concertos & Sonatas 23 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Il Rossignolo Concerto in E minor TWV52:e1 for recorder, flute, 2 violins, viola, vilolone & harpsichord - I. Largo 03:43 2 Il Rossignolo Concerto in E minor TWV52:e1 for recorder, flute, 2 violins, viola, vilolone & harpsichord - II. Allegro 03:50 3 Il Rossignolo Concerto in E minor TWV52:e1 for recorder, flute, 2 violins, viola, vilolone & harpsichord - III. Largo 03:04 4 Il Rossignolo Concerto in E minor TWV52:e1 for recorder, flute, 2 violins, viola, vilolone & harpsichord - IV. Allegro 02:29 5 Il Rossignolo Sonata in D minor TWV42:d10 for recorder, violin & b.c. - I. Allegro 02:09 6 Il Rossignolo Sonata in D minor TWV42:d10 for recorder, violin & b.c. - II. Adagio 02:26 7 Il Rossignolo Sonata in D minor TWV42:d10 for recorder, violin & b.c. - III. Allegro 02:23 8 Il Rossignolo Sonata in D minor TWV42:d10 for recorder, violin & b.c. - IV. Presto 01:43 9 Il Rossignolo Solo No.10 from 'Essercizii musici' in C TWV41:C5 for recorder & b.c. - I. Allegro 02:21 10 Il Rossignolo Solo No.10 from 'Essercizii musici' in C TWV41:C5 for recorder & b.c. - II. Larghetto 02:02 11 Il Rossignolo Solo No.10 from 'Essercizii musici' in C TWV41:C5 for recorder & b.c. - III. Vivace 02:36 12 Il Rossignolo Sonata in E minor TWV42:e6 for recorder, flute & harpsichord - I. Affettuoso 02:36 13 Il Rossignolo Sonata in E minor TWV42:e6 for recorder, flute & harpsichord - II. Allegro 01:54 14 Il Rossignolo Sonata in E minor TWV42:e6 for recorder, flute & harpsichord - III. Grave 01:52 15 Il Rossignolo Sonata in E minor TWV42:e6 for recorder, flute & harpsichord - IV. Allegro 01:37 16 Il Rossignolo Solo No.2 from 'Essercizii musici' in D TWV43:D9 for flute & b.c. - I. Largo 02:57 17 Il Rossignolo Solo No.2 from 'Essercizii musici' in D TWV43:D9 for flute & b.c. - II. Vivace 03:00 18 Il Rossignolo Solo No.2 from 'Essercizii musici' in D TWV43:D9 for flute & b.c. - III. Dolce 02:53 19 Il Rossignolo Solo No.2 from 'Essercizii musici' in D TWV43:D9 for flute & b.c. - IV. Allegro 02:30 20 Il Rossignolo Quartet in G from 'Musique de table' Production I TWV43:G2 for flute, oboe, violin & b.c. - I. Allegro - Allegro - Largo 03:20 21 Il Rossignolo Quartet in G from 'Musique de table' Production I TWV43:G2 for flute, oboe, violin & b.c. - II. Vivace - Moderato - Vivace 06:30 22 Il Rossignolo Quartet in G from 'Musique de table' Production I TWV43:G2 for flute, oboe, violin & b.c. - III. Grave 00:37 23 Il Rossignolo Quartet in G from 'Musique de table' Production I TWV43:G2 for flute, oboe, violin & b.c. - IV. Vivace 02:57
Georg Philipp Telemann View in Albunack Weltliche Kantaten 24 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georg Philipp Telemann Kantate 'Der Schulmeister' TWV20:57 - I. Ouvertüre und Rezitativ "Ihr Jungen, sperrt die Ohren auf" 02:30 2 Georg Philipp Telemann Kantate 'Der Schulmeister' TWV20:57 - II. Arie "Wenn der Schulmeister singet" 04:50 3 Georg Philipp Telemann Kantate 'Der Schulmeister' TWV20:57 - III. Rezitativ und Knabenchor "Das war ein rechtes Meisterstück" 00:53 4 Georg Philipp Telemann Kantate 'Der Schulmeister' TWV20:57 - IV. Rezitativ und Knabenchor "Um Euch gründlich anzuführen" 00:27 5 Georg Philipp Telemann Kantate 'Der Schulmeister' TWV20:57 - V. Reziativ "Ceciderunt in profundum" 02:47 6 Georg Philipp Telemann Kantate 'Der Schulmeister' TWV20:57 - VI. Rezitativ "Das war eins aus dem C" 01:44 7 Georg Philipp Telemann Kantate 'Der Schulmeister' TWV20:57 - VII. Arie "Wer die Musik nicht liebt und ehret" 04:27 8 Georg Philipp Telemann Kantate 'Sagt, ihr allerschönsten Lippen' TWV20:66 - I. Arie "Sagt, ihr allerschönsten Lippen" 02:47 9 Georg Philipp Telemann Kantate 'Sagt, ihr allerschönsten Lippen' TWV20:66 - II. Rezitativ "Doch zwar ist es wohl war" 00:50 10 Georg Philipp Telemann Kantate 'Sagt, ihr allerschönsten Lippen' TWV20:66 - III. Arie "Dennoch aber will ich lieben" 02:57 11 Georg Philipp Telemann Kantate 'Sagt, ihr allerschönsten Lippen' TWV20:66 - IV. Rezitativ "Ach, auserwähltes Kind" 01:25 12 Georg Philipp Telemann Kantate 'Sagt, ihr allerschönsten Lippen' TWV20:66 - V. Arie "Darum will ich freudig hoffen" 01:00 13 Georg Philipp Telemann Kantate 'Trauermusik eines kunsterfahrenen Canarienvogels' TWV20:37 - I. Arie "O weh, mein Canarin ist tot 02:45 14 Georg Philipp Telemann Kantate 'Trauermusik eines kunsterfahrenen Canarienvogels' TWV20:37 - II. Rezitativ "So gehet's mit der Vogel Freude" 01:04 15 Georg Philipp Telemann Kantate 'Trauermusik eines kunsterfahrenen Canarienvogels' TWV20:37 - III. Arie "Ihr lieblichen Kanarenvögel" 02:37 16 Georg Philipp Telemann Kantate 'Trauermusik eines kunsterfahrenen Canarienvogels' TWV20:37 - IV. Rezitativ "Was soll ich mehr zu Deinem Lobe singen" 00:39 17 Georg Philipp Telemann Kantate 'Trauermusik eines kunsterfahrenen Canarienvogels' TWV20:37 - V. Arie "Friß, daß Dir der Hals anschwelle" 04:21 18 Georg Philipp Telemann Kantate 'Trauermusik eines kunsterfahrenen Canarienvogels' TWV20:37 - VI. Rezitativ "Allein, was will ich ferner klagen" 01:05 19 Georg Philipp Telemann Kantate 'Trauermusik eines kunsterfahrenen Canarienvogels' TWV20:37 - VII. Arie "Mein Canarine, gute Nacht" 02:31 20 Georg Philipp Telemann Kantate 'Trauermusik eines kunsterfahrenen Canarienvogels' TWV20:37 - VIII. Rezitativ "Nun dann, so nehmt die kleien Glieder" 00:31 21 Georg Philipp Telemann Kantate 'Trauermusik eines kunsterfahrenen Canarienvogels' TWV20:37 - IX. Rezitativ "Dat de der Hagel!" 00:51 22 Georg Philipp Telemann Kantate 'Die Hoffnung ist mein Leben' TWV20:48 - I. Arie "Die Hoffnung ist mein Leben" 04:13 23 Georg Philipp Telemann Kantate 'Die Hoffnung ist mein Leben' TWV20:48 - II. Rezitativ "Ich bin in allem vergnügt" 01:51 24 Georg Philipp Telemann Kantate 'Die Hoffnung ist mein Leben' TWV20:48 - III. Arie "Die Hoffnung bleibt ewig der Trost unseres Lebens" 03:53
Georg Philipp Telemann View in Albunack Werke für Flöte (Dan Laurin) 28 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georg Philipp Telemann Trio for recorder, viola da gamba & continuo in F major (Essercizii musici No. 7/14), TWV 42:F3: I. Vivace 02:56 2 Georg Philipp Telemann Trio for recorder, viola da gamba & continuo in F major (Essercizii musici No. 7/14), TWV 42:F3: II. Mesto 01:54 3 Georg Philipp Telemann Trio for recorder, viola da gamba & continuo in F major (Essercizii musici No. 7/14), TWV 42:F3: III. Allegro 02:44 4 Georg Philipp Telemann Trio for 2 recorders & continuo in C major (GMM No. 34), TWV 42:C1: I. Grave - Vivace - Andante - Vivace 05:23 5 Georg Philipp Telemann Trio for 2 recorders & continuo in C major (GMM No. 34), TWV 42:C1: II. Xantippe 01:44 6 Georg Philipp Telemann Trio for 2 recorders & continuo in C major (GMM No. 34), TWV 42:C1: III. Lucretia (Largo) 02:42 7 Georg Philipp Telemann Trio for 2 recorders & continuo in C major (GMM No. 34), TWV 42:C1: IV. Corinna 00:59 8 Georg Philipp Telemann Trio for 2 recorders & continuo in C major (GMM No. 34), TWV 42:C1: V. Clelia (Spirituoso) 01:31 9 Georg Philipp Telemann Trio for 2 recorders & continuo in C major (GMM No. 34), TWV 42:C1: VI. Dido (Triste - Disperato - Triste - Disperato) 02:33 10 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonata for recorder, viola da gamba & continuo in G minor, TWV 42:g9: I. Soave ma non adagio 02:21 11 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonata for recorder, viola da gamba & continuo in G minor, TWV 42:g9: II. Vivace 01:34 12 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonata for recorder, viola da gamba & continuo in G minor, TWV 42:g9: III. Largo 02:06 13 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonata for recorder, viola da gamba & continuo in G minor, TWV 42:g9: IV. Allegro 01:39 14 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonata for recorder & continuo in D minor (Essercizii Musici No. 4/7), TWV 41:d4: I. Affettuoso 02:04 15 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonata for recorder & continuo in D minor (Essercizii Musici No. 4/7), TWV 41:d4: II. Presto 03:18 16 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonata for recorder & continuo in D minor (Essercizii Musici No. 4/7), TWV 41:d4: III. Grave 00:53 17 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonata for recorder & continuo in D minor (Essercizii Musici No. 4/7), TWV 41:d4: IV. Allegro 03:24 18 Georg Philipp Telemann Trio for recorder, harpsichord & continuo in B flat major (Essercizii Musici No. 8/16), TWV42:B4: I. Dolce 02:21 19 Georg Philipp Telemann Trio for recorder, harpsichord & continuo in B flat major (Essercizii Musici No. 8/16), TWV42:B4: II. Vivace 01:48 20 Georg Philipp Telemann Trio for recorder, harpsichord & continuo in B flat major (Essercizii Musici No. 8/16), TWV42:B4: III. Siciliana 02:24 21 Georg Philipp Telemann Trio for recorder, harpsichord & continuo in B flat major (Essercizii Musici No. 8/16), TWV42:B4: IV. Vivace 01:58 22 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonata for recorder, violin & continuo in D minor, TWV 42:d10: I. Allegro 02:15 23 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonata for recorder, violin & continuo in D minor, TWV 42:d10: II. Adagio 02:18 24 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonata for recorder, violin & continuo in D minor, TWV 42:d10: III. Allegro 02:23 25 Georg Philipp Telemann Sonata for recorder, violin & continuo in D minor, TWV 42:d10: IV. Presto 01:58 26 Georg Philipp Telemann Ertrage nür das Joch der Mängel, sacred cantata for chorus, 2 oboes, strings & continuo, TWV 1:479: I. Aria (Largo) 05:44 27 Georg Philipp Telemann Reiner Geist, lass doch mein Herze, sacred cantata for voice, flute, unison violins, cello & continuo, TWV 1:1228: II. Recitativ 01:18 28 Georg Philipp Telemann Ertrage nür das Joch der Mängel, sacred cantata for chorus, 2 oboes, strings & continuo, TWV 1:479: III. Aria (Presto) 03:56
Georg Philipp Telemann View in Albunack Zertschmettert die Götzen 26 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Georg Philipp Telemann Einweihungscantata Nienstedten 1751 TVW 2:7 - Aria "Zerschmettert die Götzen" 05:39 2 Georg Philipp Telemann Einweihungscantata Nienstedten 1751 TVW 2:7 - Rec "Jehova, Vater, Schöpfer, Herr!" 02:25 3 Georg Philipp Telemann Einweihungscantata Nienstedten 1751 TVW 2:7 - Duetto/Dictum "Der Herr Zebaoth ist mit uns" 02:13 4 Georg Philipp Telemann Einweihungscantata Nienstedten 1751 TVW 2:7 - Aria "Zerschmettert die Götzen" 02:05 5 Georg Philipp Telemann Einweihungscantata Nienstedten 1751 TVW 2:7 - Rec "Ja, ja, wir sind bemüht" 00:56 6 Georg Philipp Telemann Einweihungscantata Nienstedten 1751 TVW 2:7 - Aria "Wir schlachten keine feiste Stiere" 05:31 7 Georg Philipp Telemann Einweihungscantata Nienstedten 1751 TVW 2:7 - Rec "Du forderst nichts als unser Herz" 01:06 8 Georg Philipp Telemann Einweihungscantata Nienstedten 1751 TVW 2:7 - Choral "Ich hab' in Gottes Herz und Sinn" 01:05 9 Georg Philipp Telemann Einweihungscantata Nienstedten 1751 TVW 2:7 - Duetto "Naht man künftig im Gebete" 05:24 10 Georg Philipp Telemann Einweihungscantata Nienstedten 1751 TVW 2:7 - Rec "Wir zweifeln nicht" 01:18 11 Georg Philipp Telemann Einweihungscantata Nienstedten 1751 TVW 2:7 - Aria "Fallt nieder, lobsinget, erhebet den Herrn" 07:53 12 Georg Philipp Telemann Einweihungscantata Nienstedten 1751 TVW 2:7 - Choral "Dies ist der Tag der Fröhligkeit" 00:56 13 Georg Philipp Telemann Cantata TWV 1:1099 - Aria "Meine Rede bleibt betrübt" 04:05 14 Georg Philipp Telemann Cantata TWV 1:1099 - Rec "Ich such ihn bei der Unglücksnacht" 00:36 15 Georg Philipp Telemann Cantata TWV 1:1099 - Aria "Ach! Ihr Wächter! Hört mein Flehen" 04:46 16 Georg Philipp Telemann Cantata TWV 1:1099 - Rec "Ganz Unbarmherzige!" 00:31 17 Georg Philipp Telemann Cantata TWV 1:1099 - Aria "Kehr um, mein Freund" 02:31 18 Georg Philipp Telemann Cantata TWV 1:1099 - Rec & Aria "Schweigt ihr?" 01:17 19 Georg Philipp Telemann Cantata TWV 1:1099 - Rec & Aria "Ich liege krank vor Liebe" 04:20 20 Georg Philipp Telemann Cantata TWV 1: 1133 - Aria "Dein Schade ist verzweifelt böse" 03:52 21 Georg Philipp Telemann Cantata TWV 1: 1133 - Rec "O Donnerwort" 00:47 22 Georg Philipp Telemann Cantata TWV 1: 1133 - Aria "Trost und Hoffnung sind verloren" 03:27 23 Georg Philipp Telemann Cantata TWV 1: 1133 - Rec "Komm nur zu mir" 00:36 24 Georg Philipp Telemann Cantata TWV 1: 1133 - Aria "Nun, so höre denn dies Wort" 03:41 25 Georg Philipp Telemann Cantata TWV 1: 1133 - Rec "O Wort, das Mark und Bein erfreut" 00:51 26 Georg Philipp Telemann Cantata TWV 1: 1133 - Duetto "Glaube nur - Mein Gott, ich glaube" 03:57
Search George Benson 12 Outstanding Jazz Tracks (2 of 2) 6 0 1998 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Benson Love walked in 13:28 2 George Benson All the things you are 08:55 3 George Benson Dahlin´s Delight 06:42 4 George Benson Lil´Darlin´ 11:08 5 George Benson Oleo 10:28 6 George Benson Ther will never be another you 10:47
Search George Benson 1981 - The George Benson Collection 16 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Benson Turn Your Love Around 03:52 2 George Benson Love All The Hurt Away (Duet with Aretha Franklin) 04:10 3 George Benson Give Me The Night 03:43 4 George Benson Never Give Up On A Good Thing 04:06 5 George Benson On Broadway 05:18 6 George Benson White Rabbit 06:59 7 George Benson This Masquerade 03:19 8 George Benson Love Ballad 04:17 9 George Benson Nature Boy 04:21 10 George Benson Last Train To Clarksville 05:01 11 George Benson Livin' Inside Your Love 06:39 12 George Benson Here Comes The Sun 02:34 13 George Benson Breezin' 05:40 14 George Benson Moody's Mood 03:27 15 George Benson We Got The Love (Duet with Chaka Khan) 03:28 16 George Benson The Greatest Love Of All 05:35
Search George Benson 1990 - Breezin 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Benson Breezin' 05:41 2 George Benson This Masquerade 08:04 3 George Benson Six To Four 05:11 4 George Benson Affirmation 06:59 5 George Benson So This Is Love? 07:04 6 George Benson Lady 05:56
Search George Benson 1995 - Best Of George Benson 14 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Benson Give Me The Night 03:45 2 George Benson Love Ballad 04:19 3 George Benson This Masquerade 03:20 4 George Benson Love X Love 04:47 5 George Benson I Just Wanna Hang Around You 04:31 6 George Benson Turn Your Love Around 03:52 7 George Benson Inside Love (So Personal) 05:18 8 George Benson 20 / 20 04:09 9 George Benson Everything Must Change 03:52 10 George Benson Never Give Up On A Good Thing 04:08 11 George Benson Kisses In The Moonlight 04:27 12 George Benson Lady Love Me (One More Time) 03:59 13 George Benson Lady Blue 03:35 14 George Benson On Broadway 05:12
Search George Benson 2001 - Jazz Cafe Presents 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Benson Blue Bossa 10:34 2 George Benson Little Darlin 11:10 3 George Benson Love Walked In 06:45 4 George Benson Dahlia's Delight 13:30 5 George Benson The Masquerade Is Over (I'm Afraid) 09:30 6 George Benson There Will Be Another You 10:51 7 George Benson Invitations 10:53
Search George Benson 2003 - The Greatest Hits Of All [Remastered] 19 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Benson This Masquerade 03:22 2 George Benson Breezin' 05:40 3 George Benson Greatest Love Of All 03:35 4 George Benson On Broadway [Live] 05:14 5 George Benson Love Ballad 04:19 6 George Benson Unchained Melody 03:56 7 George Benson Give Me The Night 03:43 8 George Benson Love X Love 03:50 9 George Benson Turn Your Love Around 03:51 10 George Benson Love All The Hurt Away 04:09 11 George Benson Never Give Up On A Good Thing 04:06 12 George Benson Being With You 03:55 13 George Benson Lady Love Me (One More Time) 04:01 14 George Benson 20 / 20 04:05 15 George Benson I Just Wanna Hang Around You 03:55 16 George Benson Kisses In The Moonlight 03:55 17 George Benson Shiver 03:36 18 George Benson Let's Do It Again 03:41 19 George Benson Standing Together 04:09
Search George Benson Absolutely Live 17 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Benson All Of Me 04:28 2 George Benson I Only Have Eyes For You 03:12 3 George Benson Beyond The Sea 04:57 4 George Benson Deeper Than You Think 07:12 5 George Benson Hipping The Hop 04:12 6 George Benson Lately 05:00 7 George Benson The Ghetto 05:30 8 George Benson In Your Eyes 04:02 9 George Benson Moody's Mood 04:35 10 George Benson Danny Boy 03:21 11 George Benson This Masquerade 07:48 12 George Benson Breezin' 04:09 13 George Benson Love x Love 05:27 14 George Benson Turn Your Love Around 04:19 Has Mbid 15 George Benson Never Give Up On A Good Thing 04:54 16 George Benson Give Me The Night 07:09 17 George Benson On Broadway 09:10
Search George Benson Absolutely Live (CD-1) (2001) (5.1 DTS) 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Benson All Of Me 04:27 2 George Benson I Only Have Eyes For You 03:13 3 George Benson Beyond The Sea 04:56 4 George Benson Deeper Than You Think 07:15 5 George Benson Hipping The Hop 04:07 6 George Benson Lately 05:05 7 George Benson The Ghetto 05:55 8 George Benson In Your Eyes 03:32 9 George Benson Moody's Mood 04:53
Search George Benson All The Things You Are 6 1 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 George Benson Oleo 10:23 2 George Benson Lil' Darlin' 11:09 3 George Benson All The Things You Are 08:41 4 George Benson Love For Sale 13:55 5 George Benson I'm Afraid The Masquerade Is Over 09:15 6 George Benson There Will Never Be Another You 10:22
Search George Benson Best Of George Benson Live 10 3 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 George Benson Turn Your Love Around 04:19 2 George Benson This Masquerade 07:48 3 George Benson Breezin' 04:08 Has Mbid 4 George Benson Love X Love 05:16 5 George Benson Deeper Than You Think 07:04 6 George Benson The Ghetto 05:43 7 George Benson Never Give Up On A Good Thing 04:49 Has Mbid 8 George Benson Hipping The Hop 04:01 9 George Benson Give Me The Night 06:59 10 George Benson On Broadway 09:23
Search George Benson that's smooth 17 1 2005 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Benson the masquerade intro / give me the night 04:05 2 George Benson dinorah,dinorah 03:32 3 George Benson off broadway 05:14 4 George Benson six to four 04:51 5 George Benson shiver 03:31 6 George Benson breezin' 04:52 7 George Benson affirmation 06:31 8 George Benson turn your love around 03:32 Has Mbid 9 George Benson what's on your mind 03:55 10 George Benson love x love 04:09 11 George Benson love ballad 03:25 12 George Benson gonna love u more 04:10 13 George Benson the wind and I 04:34 14 George Benson valdez in the country 03:54 15 George Benson the world is a ghetto 09:22 16 George Benson nature boy 03:52 17 George Benson midnight love affair 03:01
Search George Benson George Benson Best 6 2 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Benson (I7m Afraid) The Masquerade is Over 09:06 Has Mbid 2 George Benson Oleo 10:19 3 George Benson There Will Never Be Another You 10:29 4 George Benson All The Things You Are 08:48 5 George Benson Love For Sle 13:57 Has Mbid 6 George Benson All Blues 12:26
Search George Benson George Benson Live (The Early Years) 12 2 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Benson Love For Sale 08:24 2 George Benson (I'm Afraid) The Masquerade is Over 04:53 3 George Benson There Will Never Be Another You 06:15 Has Mbid 4 George Benson All Blues 05:15 5 George Benson Witchcraft 05:28 6 George Benson Blue Bossa 06:12 7 George Benson Oleo 05:43 8 George Benson Lil Darlin' 06:22 Has Mbid 9 George Benson All The Things You Are 05:44 10 George Benson Invitation 05:31 11 George Benson Love Walked In 05:07 12 George Benson Dahlin's Delight 06:11
Search George Benson Give Me The NIght (CD-2) (2001) (5.1 DTS) 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Benson Danny Boy 03:00 2 George Benson Danny Boy 07:49 3 George Benson This Masquerade 04:04 4 George Benson Love x Love 05:27 5 George Benson Turn Your Love Around 04:16 6 George Benson Never Give Up On A Good Thing 04:59 7 George Benson Give Me the Night 07:12 8 George Benson On Broadway 09:05
Search George Benson Guitar Man [HDTracks] [24/96] 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Benson Tenderly 02:01 2 George Benson I Want to Hold Your Hand 05:10 3 George Benson My Cherie Amour 04:08 4 George Benson Naima 03:41 5 George Benson Tequila 04:31 6 George Benson Don't Know Why 02:45 7 George Benson The Lady in My Life 04:30 8 George Benson My One and Only Love 03:24 9 George Benson Paper Moon 02:44 10 George Benson Danny Boy 03:26 11 George Benson Since I Fell for You 02:58 12 George Benson Fingerlero 03:39
Search George Benson In Concert Carnegie Hall 6 3 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Benson Gone 10:27 2 George Benson Take Five 05:38 3 George Benson Octane 10:09 Has Mbid 4 George Benson Gone 10:28 Has Mbid 5 George Benson Sky Dive 06:57 Has Mbid 6 George Benson Octane 10:17
Search George Benson Love for Sale - Live 7 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Benson All Blues 12:09 2 George Benson Invitation 12:27 3 George Benson Love for Sale 13:36 Has Mbid 4 George Benson All the Things You Are 08:35 5 George Benson There Will Never Be Another You 10:26 6 George Benson Oleo 10:10 7 George Benson Witchcraft 10:20
Search George Benson The Revue Collection 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Benson Love for Sale 05:54 2 George Benson The Masquerade Is Over 05:20 3 George Benson Witchcraft 04:50 4 George Benson There Will Never Be Another You 04:02 5 George Benson All the Blues 04:29 6 George Benson All the Things You Are 03:55 7 George Benson Love Walked In 06:40 8 George Benson Lil' Darlin' 03:47 9 George Benson Oleo 04:21 10 George Benson Invitation 06:28
Search George Benson Walkin' To New Orleans 10 1 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 George Benson Nadine 03:54 2 George Benson Ain't That A Shame 03:50 3 George Benson Rockin' Chair 03:39 4 George Benson You Can't Catch Me 03:35 5 George Benson Havana Moon 04:54 6 George Benson I Hear You Knockin' 03:45 7 George Benson Memphis, Tennessee 03:19 8 George Benson Walkin' To New Orleans 04:08 9 George Benson Blue Monday 03:03 10 George Benson How You've Changed 03:22
Search George Benson Walkin' To New Orleans (Provogue, PRD75812, EU) 10 1 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 George Benson Nadine 03:54 2 George Benson Ain't That A Shame 03:50 3 George Benson Rockin' Chair 03:39 4 George Benson You Can't Catch Me 03:35 5 George Benson Havana Moon 04:54 6 George Benson I Hear You Knockin' 03:45 7 George Benson Memphis, Tennessee 03:19 8 George Benson Walkin' To New Orleans 04:08 9 George Benson Blue Monday 03:03 10 George Benson How You've Changed 03:20
Search George Benson Walkin' to New Orleans 10 1 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 George Benson Nadine 03:54 2 George Benson Ain't That A Shame 03:50 3 George Benson Rockin' Chair 03:39 4 George Benson You Can't Catch Me 03:35 5 George Benson Havana Moon 04:54 6 George Benson I Hear You Knockin' 03:45 7 George Benson Memphis, Tennessee 03:19 8 George Benson Walkin' To New Orleans 04:08 9 George Benson Blue Monday 03:03 10 George Benson How You've Changed 03:22
Search George Benson Walking To New Orleans (Provogue 2019) 10 1 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 George Benson Nadine (Is It You) 03:54 2 George Benson Ain't That A Shame 03:50 3 George Benson Rockin' Chair 03:39 4 George Benson You Can't Catch Me 03:35 5 George Benson Havana Moon 04:54 6 George Benson I Hear You Knocking 03:45 7 George Benson Memphis, Tennessee 03:19 8 George Benson Walking To New Orleans 04:08 9 George Benson Blue Monday 03:03 10 George Benson How You've Changed 03:22
Search George Benson Walking To New Orleans (Remembering Chuck Berry And Fats Domino) 10 1 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 George Benson Nadine (Is It You) 03:54 2 George Benson Ain't That A Shame 03:50 3 George Benson Rockin' Chair 03:39 4 George Benson You Can't Catch Me 03:35 5 George Benson Havana Moon 04:54 6 George Benson I Hear You Knocking 03:45 7 George Benson Memphis, Tennessee 03:19 8 George Benson Walking To New Orleans 04:08 9 George Benson Blue Monday 03:03 10 George Benson How You've Changed 03:22
Search George Benson Walking To New Orleans - Remembering Chuck Berry and Fats Domino 10 1 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 George Benson Nadine (Is It You) 03:54 2 George Benson Ain't That A Shame 03:50 3 George Benson Rockin' Chair 03:39 4 George Benson You Can't Catch Me 03:35 5 George Benson Havana Moon 04:54 6 George Benson I Hear You Knocking 03:45 7 George Benson Memphis, Tennessee 03:19 8 George Benson Walking To New Orleans 04:08 9 George Benson Blue Monday 03:03 10 George Benson How You've Changed 03:20
Search George Benson Witchcraft2 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Benson Love Walked In 13:28 2 George Benson All The Things You Are 08:55 3 George Benson Dahlin's Delight 06:42 4 George Benson Lil'Darlin' 11:08 5 George Benson Oleo 10:28 6 George Benson There Will Never Be Another You 10:47
George Duke View in Albunack Polyrhythm 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Duke Doin Time And A Half 03:20 2 George Duke Five For Barbara 04:23 3 George Duke Midnight Bolero 06:50 4 George Duke The Modulator 07:50 5 George Duke 74th Avenue 04:52 6 George Duke Samba De Rollins 10:51
George Duke View in Albunack Tokyo Blue Note 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Duke Oh Oh 09:28 2 George Duke 6 O'Clock 18:04 3 George Duke MC 02:59 4 George Duke Sweet Baby 05:59 5 George Duke Sausalito 08:08 6 George Duke So I'll Pretend 07:44 7 George Duke Brazilian Love Affair 12:53 8 George Duke Reach Out - Shine On 09:20
Search George Formby Formby Favourites 26 2 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Formby When Im Cleaning Windows 02:51 2 George Formby Fanlight Fanny 03:01 3 George Formby Chinese Laundry Blues 02:27 Has Mbid 4 George Formby My Ukulele 03:04 5 George Formby I Do Do Things I Do 02:30 6 George Formby Fiddler Kept on Fiddling 02:34 7 George Formby Auntie Maggies Remedy 02:49 8 George Formby I Went All Hot And Cold 02:51 9 George Formby Levis Monkey Mike 02:59 10 George Formby In A Little Wigan Garden 02:46 11 George Formby You Cant Keep A Growing Lad Down 03:08 12 George Formby Do De o do 03:31 13 George Formby Sitting On The Ice In The Ice Rink 03:07 14 George Formby Leaning On A Lamp Post 03:09 15 George Formby Theres Nothing Proud About Me 02:41 16 George Formby I Told My Baby With My Ukulele 03:13 Has Mbid 17 George Formby Wedding Of Mr Wu 02:48 18 George Formby Shes Never Been Seen Since Then 02:38 19 George Formby If You Dont Want The Goods Dont Maul Them 03:10 20 George Formby Joh Willies Jazz Band 02:58 21 George Formby As The Hours And The Days And The Weeks And The Months And The Years Roll By 02:57 22 George Formby Why Dont Women Like Me 03:10 23 George Formby Come Hither With Your Zither 02:09 24 George Formby Best Of Schemes 02:48 25 George Formby Swimmin With The Wimmin 03:08 26 George Formby Madam Moscovitch 02:47
Search George Formby George Formby Vol2 - It's Turned Out Nice Again (1932-1946) 20 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Formby The Old Kitchen Kettle 03:15 2 George Formby I Told My Baby With The Ukulele 03:13 3 George Formby Off The Dole: If You Don't Want The Goods Don't Maul 'Em 03:11 4 George Formby Levi's Monkey Mike 03:04 5 George Formby With My Little Ukulele In My Hand 03:05 6 George Formby She's Never Been Seen Since Then 02:37 7 George Formby You Can't Keep A Growing Lad Down 03:04 8 George Formby Madame Moscovitch 02:53 9 George Formby Fanlight Fanny 03:02 10 George Formby The Isle Of Man 02:45 11 George Formby Oh Dear, Mother 02:55 12 George Formby Keep Your Seats Please 02:48 13 George Formby The Lancashire Toreador 03:10 14 George Formby It's In The Air 02:47 15 George Formby It's Turned Out Nice Again 02:54 16 George Formby You Can't Go Wrong In These 03:03 17 George Formby The Barmaid At The Rose And Crown 03:13 18 George Formby They Laughed When I Started To Play 03:17 19 George Formby The Mad March Hare 03:02 20 George Formby You Don't Need A License For That 03:09
Search George Formby Let George Do It 18 2 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 George Formby The Window Cleaner 02:54 2 George Formby They Can't Fool Me 02:43 3 George Formby I Could Not Let The Stable Down 02:37 Has Mbid 4 George Formby Leaning On A Lamp Post 03:02 5 George Formby Our Sergeant Major 02:46 6 George Formby Sitting On The Ice In The Ice Rink 03:05 7 George Formby It's No Use Looking At Me 02:53 8 George Formby Chinese Laundry Blues 02:25 9 George Formby Do De O Do 03:24 10 George Formby Swimming' With The Wimmin' 03:06 11 George Formby Grandad's Flanellette Nightshirt 03:05 12 George Formby Oh! Don't The Wind Blow Cold 03:05 13 George Formby Auntie Maggie's Recipie 03:24 14 George Formby Count Your Blessings And Smile 02:48 15 George Formby Andy The Handy Man 02:49 16 George Formby Mr Wu's A Window Cleaner Now 02:46 17 George Formby I Don't Like It 02:45 18 George Formby With My Little Stick Of Blackpool Rock 03:08
George Frideric Handel View in Albunack Alchemist (Incidental Music) / Jed Wentz 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Jed Wentz & Michael Borgstede/Musica ad Rhenum/Jed Wentz Alchemist, incidental music, HWV 43: Overture 04:39 2 Jed Wentz & Michael Borgstede/Musica ad Rhenum/Jed Wentz Alchemist, incidental music, HWV 43: Air 01:14 3 Jed Wentz & Michael Borgstede/Musica ad Rhenum/Jed Wentz Alchemist, incidental music, HWV 43: Minuet 01:09 4 Jed Wentz & Michael Borgstede/Musica ad Rhenum/Jed Wentz Alchemist, incidental music, HWV 43: Sarabande 04:20 5 Jed Wentz & Michael Borgstede/Musica ad Rhenum/Jed Wentz Alchemist, incidental music, HWV 43: Bourrée 02:14 6 Jed Wentz & Michael Borgstede/Musica ad Rhenum/Jed Wentz Alchemist, incidental music, HWV 43: Air 00:52 7 Jed Wentz & Michael Borgstede/Musica ad Rhenum/Jed Wentz Alchemist, incidental music, HWV 43: Minuet 01:12 8 Jed Wentz & Michael Borgstede/Musica ad Rhenum/Jed Wentz Alchemist, incidental music, HWV 43: (Air) 02:10 9 Jed Wentz & Michael Borgstede/Musica ad Rhenum/Jed Wentz Alchemist, incidental music, HWV 43: Gigue 01:03
George Frideric Handel View in Albunack Alcina - Hickox 26 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Frideric Handel Alcina - Atto I - Scena I - Ouverture 05:59 2 George Frideric Handel Alcina - Atto III - Sinfonia 00:45 3 George Frideric Handel Alcina - Atto I - Scena I - O s'apre al riso 05:14 4 George Frideric Handel Alcina - Atto III - Scena I - Credete al mio dolore 07:15 5 George Frideric Handel Alcina - Atto III - Scena I - M'inganna, me n'avveggo, e pur ancor 00:18 6 George Frideric Handel Alcina - Atto II - Scena IV - S'acquieti il rio sospetto - Scena V - E la tua pace, con tanta crudelt 01:02 7 George Frideric Handel Alcina - Atto II - Scena V - Ama sospiro 07:30 8 George Frideric Handel Alcina - Atto II - Scena VI - Non scorgo nel tuo viso il contento di pria 00:53 9 George Frideric Handel Alcina - Atto II - Scena VI - Mio bel tesoro 06:19 10 George Frideric Handel Alcina - Atto II - Scena VII - Reina : io cerco in vano l'amato genitore ! 00:50 11 George Frideric Handel Alcina - Atto I - Scena IV - De te mi rido, semplice stolto 03:48 12 George Frideric Handel Alcina - Atto II - Scena VIII - Reina, sei tradita 00:31 13 George Frideric Handel Alcina - Atto II - Scena VIII - Ah ! mio cor ! schernito sei ! 12:31 14 George Frideric Handel Alcina - Atto II - Scena IX - Or, che dici, Morgana ? - Scena X - All'offesa, il disprezzo giunge l'ingrata ? 00:45 15 George Frideric Handel Alcina - Atto III - Scena VI - Sin per le vie del sole 00:41 16 George Frideric Handel Alcina - Atto I - Scena VIII - Semplicetto ! a donna credi ? 05:51 17 George Frideric Handel Alcina - Atto III - Scena VI - Barbara ! Io ben lo so 02:56 18 George Frideric Handel Alcina - Atto I - Scena X - Regina : il tuo soggiorno quanto di raro 02:12 19 George Frideric Handel Alcina - Atto II - Scena XIII - Ombre pallide, lo so, mi udite 06:37 20 George Frideric Handel Alcina - Atto I - Scena XI - Se nemico mi fossi, postresti peggio far ? 00:36 21 George Frideric Handel Alcina - Atto I - Scena XII - Bradamante favella ? 00:25 22 George Frideric Handel Alcina - Atto I - Scena XII - La bocca vaga, quell'occhio nero 04:18 23 George Frideric Handel Alcina - Atto I - Scena XIII - A quai strani perigli n'espone il tuo parlar ? - Scena XIV - Fuggi cor mio, ti affreta ! 01:00 24 George Frideric Handel Alcina - Appendice I - Vo cercando la bella cagion dell nie 00:23 25 George Frideric Handel Alcina - Atto II - Scena I - Col celarvi a chi v'ama un momento 02:59 26 George Frideric Handel Alcina - Atto II - Scena I - Qual portento mi richiama la mia mente 02:34
George Frideric Handel View in Albunack Alessandro - Max Emanuel Cencic, Julia Lezhneva, Karina Gauvin, Xavier Sabata, Juan Sancho, In-Sung Sim, Vasily Khoroshev, City Of Athens C, Armonia Atenea, George Petrou 33 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Frideric Handel Alessandro - Opera In 3 Acts, HWV 21 - Overture 05:16 2 George Frideric Handel Act 1 - "E Tanto Ancor S’indugia A Superare Questo Vil Muro?" 01:02 3 George Frideric Handel Act 1 - Sinfonia E Recitativo: "Ossidraca Superba" - Recitativo - "Oh Smisurato Ardire!" - Sinfonia Del Crollo Del Muro 01:58 4 George Frideric Handel Act 1 - Recitativo: "Grazie All’eterno Giove" 00:59 5 George Frideric Handel Act 1 - Aria: "Fra Le Stragi E Fra Le Morti" 04:13 6 George Frideric Handel Act 1 - Recitativo Accompagnato: "Che Vidi! - Che Mirai?" 01:40 7 George Frideric Handel Act 1 - Recitativo: "Ecco Tassile, Il Re dell’Indi" 00:57 8 George Frideric Handel Act 1 - Aria: "Quanto Dolce Amor Saria Se Non Fosse Gelosia" 04:39 9 George Frideric Handel Act 1 - Recitativo: "Ne’ Trofei d’Alessandro Trionfa Ancor Quest’alma" 00:27 10 George Frideric Handel Act 1 - Aria: "Lusinghe Piu Care" 05:12 11 George Frideric Handel Act 1 - Recitativo: "Sventurato Ch’io Sono!" 00:55 12 George Frideric Handel Act 1 - Aria: "Vibra, Cortese Amor, Un’altro Strale" 07:24 13 George Frideric Handel Act 1 - Solo E Coro: "Fra Le Guerre E Le Vittorie Fama Eterna Il Ciel Mi Da" 01:23 14 George Frideric Handel Act 1 - Recitativo: "Apprestasti, Oh Cleone, I Sacrifici A Giove" 00:31 15 George Frideric Handel Act 1 - Recitativo: "Dalla Vittoria Alla Bellezza In Braccio Passa Un Felice Vincitor" 01:22 16 George Frideric Handel Act 1 - Aria: "No, Piu Soffrir Non Voglio" 03:53 17 George Frideric Handel Act 1 - Recitativo Accompagnato: "Vilipese Bellezze" 01:30 18 George Frideric Handel Act 1 - Recitativo: "Pur Ti Ritrovo; E Perche Mai Partisti?" 01:08 19 George Frideric Handel Act 1 - Aria: "Men Fedele, Men Costante Finge Il Labbro, E Non Il Cor" 05:40 20 George Frideric Handel Act 1 - Recitativo: "Si, Lusingando Ei Parla, E Par Che M’ami" 00:30 21 George Frideric Handel Act 1 - Aria: "Un Lusinghiero Dolce Pensiero" 06:42 22 George Frideric Handel Act 1 - Recitativo: "Tu, Che Rossane Adori" 00:57 23 George Frideric Handel Act 1 - Aria: "Pregi Son D’un Alma Grande L’amicizia" 03:57 24 George Frideric Handel Act 1 - Recitativo: "Sempre Del Suo Valor, Fido Seguace Saro" 00:25 25 George Frideric Handel Act 1 - Aria: "A Sprone, A Fren Leggiero Un Nobile Destriero Contento Ubbidira" 02:15 26 George Frideric Handel Act 1 - Sinfonia 01:23 27 George Frideric Handel Act 1 - Recitativo: "Al Magnanimo, Al Forte, Al Vincitore" 00:42 28 George Frideric Handel Act 1 - Sinfonia 00:48 29 George Frideric Handel Act 1 - Recitativo Accompagnato: "Primo Motor Delle Superne Sfere" 00:57 30 George Frideric Handel Act 1 - Recitativo: "Figlio Del Re Degl’immortali Numi" 01:34 31 George Frideric Handel Act 1 - Duetto: "Placa L’alma, Quieta Il Petto!" 02:13 32 George Frideric Handel Act 1 - Recitativo: "Fra Gli Uomini E Fra I Numi" 00:38 33 George Frideric Handel Act 1 - Aria: "Da Un Breve Riposo Di Stato Amoroso" 04:38
George Frideric Handel View in Albunack Amadigi di Gaula 1 [López Banzo] 32 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Frideric Handel Amadigi di Gaula, opéra, HWV 11- Ouverture 03:28 2 George Frideric Handel Amadigi di Gaula, opéra, HWV 11- Gavotta 01:21 3 George Frideric Handel Amadigi di Gaula, opéra, HWV 11- Acte 1. Scène 1. Recitativo 02:30 4 George Frideric Handel Amadigi di Gaula, opéra, HWV 11- Acte 1. Scène 1. Aria. Pugnerò contro del fato 03:14 5 George Frideric Handel Amadigi di Gaula, opéra, HWV 11- Acte 1. Scène 2. Recitativo accompagnato 01:19 6 George Frideric Handel Amadigi di Gaula, opéra, HWV 11- Acte 1. Scène 2. Aria. Notte, amica dei riposi 03:51 7 George Frideric Handel Amadigi di Gaula, opéra, HWV 11- Acte 1. Scène 2. Recitativo 00:15 8 George Frideric Handel Amadigi di Gaula, opéra, HWV 11- Acte 1. Scène 3. Recitativo 01:31 9 George Frideric Handel Amadigi di Gaula, opéra, HWV 11- Acte 1. Scène 3. Aria. Non sa temere questo mio petto 03:24 10 George Frideric Handel Amadigi di Gaula, opéra, HWV 11- Acte 1. Scène 4. Recitativo 01:02 11 George Frideric Handel Amadigi di Gaula, opéra, HWV 11- Acte 1. Scène 4. Aria. Ah! spietato! 06:05 12 George Frideric Handel Amadigi di Gaula, opéra, HWV 11- Acte 1. Scène 5. Recitativo 01:48 13 George Frideric Handel Amadigi di Gaula, opéra, HWV 11- Acte 1. Scène 5. Aria. Vado, corro al mio tesoro 02:59 14 George Frideric Handel Amadigi di Gaula, opéra, HWV 11- Acte 1. Scène 6. Recitativo 00:41 15 George Frideric Handel Amadigi di Gaula, opéra, HWV 11- Acte 1. Scène 6. Aria. Agitato il cor mi sento 03:49 16 George Frideric Handel Amadigi di Gaula, opera, HWV 11- Acte 1. Sinfonia 02:17 17 George Frideric Handel Amadigi di Gaula, opéra, HWV 11- Acte 1. Scène 7. Recitativo 01:16 18 George Frideric Handel Amadigi di Gaula, opéra, HWV 11- Acte 1. Scène 7. Aria. Gioie, venite in sen 03:08 19 George Frideric Handel Amadigi di Gaula, opéra, HWV 11- Acte 1. Scène 7. Recitativo 00:28 20 George Frideric Handel Amadigi di Gaula, opéra, HWV 11- Acte 1. Scène 7. Aria. È sì dolce il mio contento 02:36 21 George Frideric Handel Amadigi di Gaula, opéra, HWV 11- Acte 1. Scène 7. Recitativo 00:30 22 George Frideric Handel Amadigi di Gaula, opéra, HWV 11- Acte 1. Scène 7. Aria. Oh caro mio tesor 05:26 23 George Frideric Handel Amadigi di Gaula, opéra, HWV 11- Acte 1. Scène 8. Recitativo 00:47 24 George Frideric Handel Amadigi di Gaula, opéra, HWV 11- Acte 1. Scène 8. Aria. Lo godo, scherzo e rido 02:48 25 George Frideric Handel Amadigi di Gaula, opéra, HWV 11- Acte 1. Scène 9. Recitativo 00:23 26 George Frideric Handel Amadigi di Gaula, opéra, HWV 11- Acte 1. Scène 9. Aria. O rendetemi il mio bene 07:07 27 George Frideric Handel Amadigi di Gaula, opera, HWV 11- Acte 2. Scène 1. Recitativo 00:44 28 George Frideric Handel Amadigi di Gaula, opera, HWV 11- Acte 2. Scène 1. Aria. Sussurrate onde vezzose 03:38 29 George Frideric Handel Amadigi di Gaula, opera, HWV 11- Acte 2. Scène 1. Recitativo 01:51 30 George Frideric Handel Amadigi di Gaula, opera, HWV 11- Acte 2. Scène 2. Recitativo 00:31 31 George Frideric Handel Amadigi di Gaula, opera, HWV 11- Acte 2. Scène 3. Recitativo 00:47 32 George Frideric Handel Amadigi di Gaula, opera, HWV 11- Acte 2. Scène 3. Aria. S'estinto è l'idol mio 08:25
George Frideric Handel View in Albunack Amadigi di Gaula 2 [López Banzo] 35 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Frideric Handel Amadigi di Gaula, opéra, HWV 11- Acte 2. Scène 3. Recitativo 01:09 2 George Frideric Handel Amadigi di Gaula, opéra, HWV 11- Acte 2. Scène 3. Aria. T'amai 05:15 3 George Frideric Handel Amadigi di Gaula, opéra, HWV 11- Acte 2. Scène 3. Recitativo 00:21 4 George Frideric Handel Amadigi di Gaula, opéra, HWV 11- Acte 2. Scène 3. Aria. Ti pentirai, crudel! 03:14 5 George Frideric Handel Amadigi di Gaula, opéra, HWV 11- Acte 2. Scène 4. Recitativo 02:31 6 George Frideric Handel Amadigi di Gaula, opéra, HWV 11- Acte 2. Scène 4. Duetto. Crudel, tu non farai 04:55 7 George Frideric Handel Amadigi di Gaula, opéra, HWV 11- Acte 2. Scène 5. Recitativo 00:51 8 George Frideric Handel Amadigi di Gaula, opéra, HWV 11- Acte 2. Scène 5. Aria. Pena tiranna 06:39 9 George Frideric Handel Amadigi di Gaula, opéra, HWV 11- Acte 2. Scène 6. Recitativo 01:01 10 George Frideric Handel Amadigi di Gaula, opéra, HWV 11- Acte 2. Scène 6. Aria. Se tu brami 03:06 11 George Frideric Handel Amadigi di Gaula, opéra, HWV 11- Acte 2. Scène 7. Recitativo 00:26 12 George Frideric Handel Amadigi di Gaula, opéra, HWV 11- Acte 2. Scène 8. Recitativo 01:31 13 George Frideric Handel Amadigi di Gaula, opéra, HWV 11- Acte 2. Scène 8. Aria. Tu mia speranza 03:39 14 George Frideric Handel Amadigi di Gaula, opéra, HWV 11- Acte 2. Scène 8. Recitativo 00:13 15 George Frideric Handel Amadigi di Gaula, opéra, HWV 11- Acte 2. Scène 9. Recitativo 02:01 16 George Frideric Handel Amadigi di Gaula, opéra, HWV 11- Acte 2. Scène 9. Aria. Affannami, tormentami 03:27 17 George Frideric Handel Amadigi di Gaula, opéra, HWV 11- Acte 2. Scène 10. Recitativo 00:23 18 George Frideric Handel Amadigi di Gaula, opéra, HWV 11- Acte 2. Scène 10. Aria. Desterò dall'empia Dite 05:49 19 George Frideric Handel Amadigi di Gaula, opéra, HWV 11- Acte 3. Scène 1. Recitativo 01:06 20 George Frideric Handel Amadigi di Gaula, opéra, HWV 11- Acte 3. Scène 1. Aria. Dolce vita del mio petto 05:03 21 George Frideric Handel Amadigi di Gaula, opéra, HWV 11- Acte 3. Scène 2. Recitativo 00:56 22 George Frideric Handel Amadigi di Gaula, opéra, HWV 11- Acte 3. Scène 2. Aria. Vanne lungi 01:57 23 George Frideric Handel Amadigi di Gaula, opéra, HWV 11- Acte 3. Scène 3. Recitativo 01:33 24 George Frideric Handel Amadigi di Gaula, opéra, HWV 11- Acte 3. Scène 3. Duetto. Cangia al fine 05:19 25 George Frideric Handel Amadigi di Gaula, opéra, HWV 11- Acte 3. Scène 3. Recitativo 00:32 26 George Frideric Handel Amadigi di Gaula, opéra, HWV 11- Acte 3. Scène 4. Recitativo accompagnato 01:29 27 George Frideric Handel Amadigi di Gaula, opéra, HWV 11- Acte 3. Scène 5. Recitativo 01:02 28 George Frideric Handel Amadigi di Gaula, opéra, HWV 11- Acte 3. Scène 5. Recitativo accompagnato ed arioso. Addio, crudo Amadigi! 03:51 29 George Frideric Handel Amadigi di Gaula, opéra, HWV 11- Acte 3. Scène 5. Recitativo 00:24 30 George Frideric Handel Amadigi di Gaula, opéra, HWV 11- Acte 3. Sinfonia 01:10 31 George Frideric Handel Amadigi di Gaula, opéra, HWV 11- Acte 3. Scène 6. Recitativo 00:21 32 George Frideric Handel Amadigi di Gaula, opéra, HWV 11- Acte 3. Scène 6. Aria. Sento la gioia 04:17 33 George Frideric Handel Amadigi di Gaula, opéra, HWV 11- Acte 3. Scène 6. Recitativo 00:19 34 George Frideric Handel Amadigi di Gaula, opéra, HWV 11- Acte 3. Scène 6. Coro. Godete, oh cosi amanti 01:12 35 George Frideric Handel Amadigi di Gaula, opéra, HWV 11- Acte 3. Ballo 01:18
George Frideric Handel View in Albunack Apolle e Dafne 23 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Frideric Handel Apollo e Dafne: La terra e liberata! 00:45 2 George Frideric Handel Apollo e Dafne: Pende il ben dell'universo 03:59 3 George Frideric Handel Apollo e Dafne: Ch'il superbetto Amore 00:26 4 George Frideric Handel Apollo e Dafne: Spezza l'arco e getta l'armi 03:10 5 George Frideric Handel Apollo e Dafne: Felicissima quest'alma 05:44 6 George Frideric Handel Apollo e Dafne: Che voce! Che belta! 00:48 7 George Frideric Handel Apollo e Dafne: Ardi, adori, e preghi in vano 03:23 8 George Frideric Handel Apollo e Dafne: Che crudel! 00:13 9 George Frideric Handel Apollo e Dafne: Une guerra ho dentro il seno 02:02 10 George Frideric Handel Apollo e Dafne: Placati al fin, o cara 00:23 11 George Frideric Handel Apollo e Dafne: Come rosa in su la spina 03:03 12 George Frideric Handel Apollo e Dafne: Ah! ch'un Dio non dovrebbe 00:24 13 George Frideric Handel Apollo e Dafne: Come in ciel benigna stella 03:55 14 George Frideric Handel Apollo e Dafne: Odi la mia ragion! 00:22 15 George Frideric Handel Apollo e Dafne: Deh! lascia addolcire quell'aspro rigor 02:29 16 George Frideric Handel Apollo e Dafne: Sempre t'adorero! 00:18 17 George Frideric Handel Apollo e Dafne: Mie piante correte 03:00 18 George Frideric Handel Apollo e Dafne: Cara pianta, co'miei pianti 06:12 19 George Frideric Handel Crudel tiranno Amor: Crudel tiranno Amor 04:51 20 George Frideric Handel Crudel tiranno Amor: Ma tu mandi al mio core 00:28 21 George Frideric Handel Crudel tiranno Amor: O dolce mia speranza 07:44 22 George Frideric Handel Crudel tiranno Amor: Senza te, dolce speme 00:40 23 George Frideric Handel Crudel tiranno Amor: O cara speme del mio diletto 03:53
George Frideric Handel View in Albunack Arrangements of His Works by Edward Elgar, Thomas Beecham, and Allan Bennett 23 2 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Frideric Handel Overture in D Minor 05:17 2 George Frideric Handel No. 1: Introduction 01:58 3 George Frideric Handel No. 2: Allegro 01:47 4 George Frideric Handel No. 3: Minuet 01:46 5 George Frideric Handel No. 4: Hornpipe 01:43 6 George Frideric Handel No. 5: Musette 01:50 7 George Frideric Handel No. 6: Ensemble 01:52 8 George Frideric Handel No. 7a: Larghetto 02:00 9 George Frideric Handel No. 7b: Tamborino 01:10 10 George Frideric Handel No. 8: Gavotte 03:03 11 George Frideric Handel No. 9: Dramatico 02:11 12 George Frideric Handel No. 10: Bourree 02:33 Has Mbid 13 George Frideric Handel Arrival of the Queen of Sheba (from Solomon) 03:13 Has Mbid 14 George Frideric Handel Overture 02:37 15 George Frideric Handel Gigue 01:40 16 George Frideric Handel Fugue 02:48 17 George Frideric Handel No. 1: Introduction and Fugue 04:43 18 George Frideric Handel No. 2: Adagio 05:05 19 George Frideric Handel No. 3: Gavotte 02:06 20 George Frideric Handel No. 4: Bourree 02:25 21 George Frideric Handel No. 5: Minuet 02:56 22 George Frideric Handel No. 6: Pastorale 04:52 23 George Frideric Handel No. 7: Finale 03:18
George Frideric Handel View in Albunack Arresta Il Passo / True, Van Veldhoven 18 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Marco Vitale & Klaartje van Veldhoven Aminta E Fillide (Arresta il Passo), cantata for 2 sopranos, strings & continuo, HWV 83- Ouverture-Recitativo. Arresta il passo 02:31 2 Marco Vitale & Klaartje van Veldhoven Aminta E Fillide (Arresta il Passo), cantata for 2 sopranos, strings & continuo, HWV 83- Aria. Fermati, non fuggir! 03:29 3 Marco Vitale & Klaartje van Veldhoven Aminta E Fillide (Arresta il Passo), cantata for 2 sopranos, strings & continuo, HWV 83- Recitativo. Questa sol volta almeno 00:43 4 Marco Vitale & Klaartje van Veldhoven Aminta E Fillide (Arresta il Passo), cantata for 2 sopranos, strings & continuo, HWV 83- Aria. Fiamma bella 05:14 5 Marco Vitale & Klaartje van Veldhoven Aminta E Fillide (Arresta il Passo), cantata for 2 sopranos, strings & continuo, HWV 83- Recitativo. Credi a mieri detti 00:39 6 Marco Vitale & Klaartje van Veldhoven Aminta E Fillide (Arresta il Passo), cantata for 2 sopranos, strings & continuo, HWV 83- Aria. Forse che un giorno 03:18 7 Marco Vitale & Klaartje van Veldhoven Aminta E Fillide (Arresta il Passo), cantata for 2 sopranos, strings & continuo, HWV 83- Recitativo. Invano, in van presumi 01:36 8 Marco Vitale & Klaartje van Veldhoven Aminta E Fillide (Arresta il Passo), cantata for 2 sopranos, strings & continuo, HWV 83- Aria. Fu scherzo, fu gioco 05:13 9 Marco Vitale & Klaartje van Veldhoven Aminta E Fillide (Arresta il Passo), cantata for 2 sopranos, strings & continuo, HWV 83- Recitativo. Libero piè fugga dal laccio 01:35 10 Marco Vitale & Klaartje van Veldhoven Aminta E Fillide (Arresta il Passo), cantata for 2 sopranos, strings & continuo, HWV 83- Aria. Se vago rio 03:05 11 Marco Vitale & Klaartje van Veldhoven Aminta E Fillide (Arresta il Passo), cantata for 2 sopranos, strings & continuo, HWV 83- Recitativo. D'un incognito foco 00:31 12 Marco Vitale & Klaartje van Veldhoven Aminta E Fillide (Arresta il Passo), cantata for 2 sopranos, strings & continuo, HWV 83- Aria. Sento che il Dio bambin 04:04 13 Marco Vitale & Klaartje van Veldhoven Aminta E Fillide (Arresta il Passo), cantata for 2 sopranos, strings & continuo, HWV 83- Recitativo. Felicissimo punto 00:18 14 Marco Vitale & Klaartje van Veldhoven Aminta E Fillide (Arresta il Passo), cantata for 2 sopranos, strings & continuo, HWV 83- Aria. Al dispetto di sorte crudele 04:57 15 Marco Vitale & Klaartje van Veldhoven Aminta E Fillide (Arresta il Passo), cantata for 2 sopranos, strings & continuo, HWV 83- Recitativo. Vincesti Aminta 00:51 16 Marco Vitale & Klaartje van Veldhoven Aminta E Fillide (Arresta il Passo), cantata for 2 sopranos, strings & continuo, HWV 83- Aria. È un foco, quel d'amore 02:38 17 Marco Vitale & Klaartje van Veldhoven Aminta E Fillide (Arresta il Passo), cantata for 2 sopranos, strings & continuo, HWV 83- Recitativo. Gloria bella di Aminta 00:51 18 Marco Vitale & Klaartje van Veldhoven Aminta E Fillide (Arresta il Passo), cantata for 2 sopranos, strings & continuo, HWV 83- Aria. Per abbatter il rigore 06:19
George Frideric Handel View in Albunack Cantatas For Soprano Solo / Valentina Varriale 27 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Renato Criscuolo & Musica Perduta/Renato Criscuolo/Valentina Varriale Mira, Lilla gentile, cantata for soprano, violin or cello & continuo (attributed): Recitativo. Mira Lilla gentile 01:09 2 Renato Criscuolo & Musica Perduta/Renato Criscuolo/Valentina Varriale Mira, Lilla gentile, cantata for soprano, violin or cello & continuo (attributed): Aria. Non dar più pena o cara 06:23 3 Renato Criscuolo & Musica Perduta/Renato Criscuolo/Valentina Varriale Mira, Lilla gentile, cantata for soprano, violin or cello & continuo (attributed): Recitativo. Ferma deh ferma o bella 00:41 4 Renato Criscuolo & Musica Perduta/Renato Criscuolo/Valentina Varriale Mira, Lilla gentile, cantata for soprano, violin or cello & continuo (attributed): Aria. Consolati mio core 02:35 5 Renato Criscuolo & Musica Perduta/Renato Criscuolo/Valentina Varriale Mira, Lilla gentile, cantata for soprano, violin or cello & continuo (attributed): Recitativo. Sogno o son desto 00:49 6 Renato Criscuolo & Musica Perduta/Renato Criscuolo/Valentina Varriale Mira, Lilla gentile, cantata for soprano, violin or cello & continuo (attributed): Aria. Benché infida tu mi fuggi 03:46 7 Renato Criscuolo & Musica Perduta/Renato Criscuolo/Valentina Varriale La caduta di Icaro, cantata for soprano, 2 violins & continuo: Sinfonia 01:38 8 Renato Criscuolo & Musica Perduta/Renato Criscuolo/Valentina Varriale La caduta di Icaro, cantata for soprano, 2 violins & continuo: Aria. Tra le fiamme tu scherzi per gioco 03:02 9 Renato Criscuolo & Musica Perduta/Renato Criscuolo/Valentina Varriale La caduta di Icaro, cantata for soprano, 2 violins & continuo: Recitativo. Dedalo già le fortunate penne 00:55 10 Renato Criscuolo & Musica Perduta/Renato Criscuolo/Valentina Varriale La caduta di Icaro, cantata for soprano, 2 violins & continuo: Aria. Pien di nuovo e bel diletto 04:03 11 Renato Criscuolo & Musica Perduta/Renato Criscuolo/Valentina Varriale La caduta di Icaro, cantata for soprano, 2 violins & continuo: Recitativo. Si sì, purtroppo è vero 00:14 12 Renato Criscuolo & Musica Perduta/Renato Criscuolo/Valentina Varriale La caduta di Icaro, cantata for soprano, 2 violins & continuo: Aria. Impenni l'ali chi può volare 04:53 13 Renato Criscuolo & Musica Perduta/Renato Criscuolo/Valentina Varriale La caduta di Icaro, cantata for soprano, 2 violins & continuo: Recitativo. L'uomo che nacque per salire al Cielo 00:22 14 Renato Criscuolo & Musica Perduta/Renato Criscuolo/Valentina Varriale La caduta di Icaro, cantata for soprano, 2 violins & continuo: Aria. Tra le fiamme tu scherzi per gioco (reprise) 03:10 15 Renato Criscuolo & Musica Perduta/Renato Criscuolo/Valentina Varriale Mira, Lilla gentile, cantata for soprano, violin or cello & continuo (attributed): Recitativo. Mira Lilla gentile 00:50 16 Renato Criscuolo & Musica Perduta/Renato Criscuolo/Valentina Varriale Mira, Lilla gentile, cantata for soprano, violin or cello & continuo (attributed): Aria. Non dar più pena o cara 08:11 17 Renato Criscuolo & Musica Perduta/Renato Criscuolo/Valentina Varriale Mira, Lilla gentile, cantata for soprano, violin or cello & continuo (attributed): Recitativo. Ferma deh ferma o bella 00:38 18 Renato Criscuolo & Musica Perduta/Renato Criscuolo/Valentina Varriale Mira, Lilla gentile, cantata for soprano, violin or cello & continuo (attributed): Aria. Consolati mio core 02:33 19 Renato Criscuolo & Musica Perduta/Renato Criscuolo/Valentina Varriale Mira, Lilla gentile, cantata for soprano, violin or cello & continuo (attributed): Recitativo. Sogno o son desto 00:37 20 Renato Criscuolo & Musica Perduta/Renato Criscuolo/Valentina Varriale Mira, Lilla gentile, cantata for soprano, violin or cello & continuo (attributed): Aria. Benché infida tu mi fuggi 02:21 21 Renato Criscuolo & Musica Perduta/Renato Criscuolo/Valentina Varriale Tra le Fiamme (Il consiglio), cantata, HWV 170: Aria. Tra le fiamme tu scherzi per gioco 05:21 22 Renato Criscuolo & Musica Perduta/Renato Criscuolo/Valentina Varriale Tra le Fiamme (Il consiglio), cantata, HWV 170: Recitativo. Dedalo già le fortunate penne 01:00 23 Renato Criscuolo & Musica Perduta/Renato Criscuolo/Valentina Varriale Tra le Fiamme (Il consiglio), cantata, HWV 170: Aria. Pien di nuovo e bel diletto./,./ 05:01 24 Renato Criscuolo & Musica Perduta/Renato Criscuolo/Valentina Varriale Tra le Fiamme (Il consiglio), cantata, HWV 170: Recitativo. Si sì, purtroppo è vero 00:17 25 Renato Criscuolo & Musica Perduta/Renato Criscuolo/Valentina Varriale Tra le Fiamme (Il consiglio), cantata, HWV 170: Aria. Voli nell'aria chi può volare 02:58 26 Renato Criscuolo & Musica Perduta/Renato Criscuolo/Valentina Varriale Tra le Fiamme (Il consiglio), cantata, HWV 170: Recitativo. L'uomo che nacque per salire al Cielo//, 00:23 27 Renato Criscuolo & Musica Perduta/Renato Criscuolo/Valentina Varriale Tra le Fiamme (Il consiglio), cantata, HWV 170: Aria. Tra le fiamme tu scherzi per gioco (reprise) 05:25
George Frideric Handel View in Albunack Cantatas For Soprano Solo I / Stefanie True 24 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Marco Vitale & Contrasto Armonico Il Delirio Amoroso (Da Quel Giorno Fatale), cantata for soprano & instruments, HWV 99- Introduzione 04:43 2 Marco Vitale & Contrasto Armonico Il Delirio Amoroso (Da Quel Giorno Fatale), cantata for soprano & instruments, HWV 99- Recitativo- Da quel giorno fatale 01:05 3 Marco Vitale & Contrasto Armonico Il Delirio Amoroso (Da Quel Giorno Fatale), cantata for soprano & instruments, HWV 99- Aria- Unpensiero voli in ciel 08:36 4 Marco Vitale & Contrasto Armonico Il Delirio Amoroso (Da Quel Giorno Fatale), cantata for soprano & instruments, HWV 99- Recitativo- Ma fermati pensier 01:12 5 Marco Vitale & Contrasto Armonico Il Delirio Amoroso (Da Quel Giorno Fatale), cantata for soprano & instruments, HWV 99- Aria- Per te lasciai la luce 07:27 6 Marco Vitale & Contrasto Armonico Il Delirio Amoroso (Da Quel Giorno Fatale), cantata for soprano & instruments, HWV 99- Recitativo- Non ti bastava ingrato 00:57 7 Marco Vitale & Contrasto Armonico Il Delirio Amoroso (Da Quel Giorno Fatale), cantata for soprano & instruments, HWV 99- Aria- Lascia omai le brune vele 04:51 8 Marco Vitale & Contrasto Armonico Il Delirio Amoroso (Da Quel Giorno Fatale), cantata for soprano & instruments, HWV 99- Recitativo- Ma siamo giunti in Lete 00:22 9 Marco Vitale & Contrasto Armonico Il Delirio Amoroso (Da Quel Giorno Fatale), cantata for soprano & instruments, HWV 99- Entrée 01:56 10 Marco Vitale & Contrasto Armonico Il Delirio Amoroso (Da Quel Giorno Fatale), cantata for soprano & instruments, HWV 99- Minuet e Arietta- In queste amene piagge serene 02:47 11 Marco Vitale & Contrasto Armonico Il Delirio Amoroso (Da Quel Giorno Fatale), cantata for soprano & instruments, HWV 99- Recitativo- Sì, disse Clori 00:22 12 Marco Vitale & Contrasto Armonico Il Delirio Amoroso (Da Quel Giorno Fatale), cantata for soprano & instruments, HWV 99- Minuet 00:42 13 Marco Vitale & Contrasto Armonico Ditemi, o piante, cantata for soprano, HWV 107- Recitativo- Ditemi, o piante 01:02 14 Marco Vitale & Contrasto Armonico Ditemi, o piante, cantata for soprano, HWV 107- Aria- Il candore tolse al giglo 05:37 15 Marco Vitale & Contrasto Armonico Ditemi, o piante, cantata for soprano, HWV 107- Recitativo- Ma la beltà del volto 00:44 16 Marco Vitale & Contrasto Armonico Ditemi, o piante, cantata for soprano, HWV 107- Aria- Per formar sì vaga e bella pastorella 02:55 17 Marco Vitale & Contrasto Armonico Care selve, aure grate, cantata for soprano, HWV 88- Recitativo- Care selve, aure grate 00:41 18 Marco Vitale & Contrasto Armonico Care selve, aure grate, cantata for soprano, HWV 88- Aria- Ridite a Clori 02:52 19 Marco Vitale & Contrasto Armonico Care selve, aure grate, cantata for soprano, HWV 88- Recitativo- Se cangiarsi potesse 00:40 20 Marco Vitale & Contrasto Armonico Care selve, aure grate, cantata for soprano, HWV 88- Aria- Non ha forza nel mio petto 02:31 21 Marco Vitale & Contrasto Armonico Allor ch'io dissi- Addio, cantata for soprano, HWV 80- Recitativo- Allor ch'io dissi addio 01:04 22 Marco Vitale & Contrasto Armonico Allor ch'io dissi- Addio, cantata for soprano, HWV 80- Aria- Son qual cerva ferita che fugge 02:48 23 Marco Vitale & Contrasto Armonico Allor ch'io dissi- Addio, cantata for soprano, HWV 80- Recitativo- Anzi se nacque il mio amoroso desio 00:50 24 Marco Vitale & Contrasto Armonico Allor ch'io dissi- Addio, cantata for soprano, HWV 80- Aria- Il dolce foco mio 03:09
George Frideric Handel View in Albunack Cantatas For Soprano Solo II / Stefanie True 27 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Frideric Handel Un' alma innamorata, cantata, HWV 173- Recitativo. Un'alma innamorata 00:37 2 George Frideric Handel Un' alma innamorata, cantata, HWV 173- Aria. Quel povero core 07:12 3 George Frideric Handel Un' alma innamorata, cantata, HWV 173- Recitativo. E pur benché egli veda 00:24 4 George Frideric Handel Un' alma innamorata, cantata, HWV 173- Aria. Io godo, rido e spero 05:12 5 George Frideric Handel Un' alma innamorata, cantata, HWV 173- Recitativo. In quanto a me 00:20 6 George Frideric Handel Un' alma innamorata, cantata, HWV 173- Aria. Ben impari come s'ama 01:38 7 George Frideric Handel O luceniti, o sereni occhi, cantata for soprano, HWV 144- Recitativo. O lucenti, o sereni occhi 00:34 8 George Frideric Handel O luceniti, o sereni occhi, cantata for soprano, HWV 144- Aria. Per voi languisco e moro 03:52 9 George Frideric Handel O luceniti, o sereni occhi, cantata for soprano, HWV 144- Recitativo. Messaggiero verace 00:33 10 George Frideric Handel O luceniti, o sereni occhi, cantata for soprano, HWV 144- Aria. In voi, pupille ardenti 03:09 11 George Frideric Handel Del bel idolo mio, cantata for bass, HWV 104- Recitativo. Del bell'idolo mio 00:54 12 George Frideric Handel Del bel idolo mio, cantata for bass, HWV 104- Aria. Formidabil gondoliero 04:20 13 George Frideric Handel Del bel idolo mio, cantata for bass, HWV 104- Recitativo. Ma se non la rinvengo 00:19 14 George Frideric Handel Del bel idolo mio, cantata for bass, HWV 104- Aria. Piangerò 03:30 15 George Frideric Handel Del bel idolo mio, cantata for bass, HWV 104- Recitativo. Fra quell'orride soglie 00:20 16 George Frideric Handel Del bel idolo mio, cantata for bass, HWV 104- Aria. So rendetemi colei 01:21 17 George Frideric Handel Aure soavi e liete, cantata, HWV 84- Recitativo. Aure soavi e liete 01:18 18 George Frideric Handel Aure soavi e liete, cantata, HWV 84- Aria. Care luci 02:06 19 George Frideric Handel Aure soavi e liete, cantata, HWV 84- Recitativo. Pietà, Clori, pietà 00:32 20 George Frideric Handel Aure soavi e liete, cantata, HWV 84- Aria. Un'aura flebile 01:33 21 George Frideric Handel Tra le Fiamme (Il consiglio), cantata, HWV 170- Aria. Tra la fiamme 05:34 22 George Frideric Handel Tra le Fiamme (Il consiglio), cantata, HWV 170- Recitativo. Dedalo già 01:03 23 George Frideric Handel Tra le Fiamme (Il consiglio), cantata, HWV 170- Aria. Pien di nuovo e bel diletto 05:05 24 George Frideric Handel Tra le Fiamme (Il consiglio), cantata, HWV 170- Recitativo. Sì, sì, purtroppo è vero 00:17 25 George Frideric Handel Tra le Fiamme (Il consiglio), cantata, HWV 170- Aria. Voli per l'aria 02:42 26 George Frideric Handel Tra le Fiamme (Il consiglio), cantata, HWV 170- Recitativo. L'uomo che nacque per salire al cielo 00:26 27 George Frideric Handel Tra le Fiamme (Il consiglio), cantata, HWV 170- Aria. Tra la fiamme 02:27
George Frideric Handel View in Albunack Cantatas For Soprano Solo IV / Stefanie True 27 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Nico Chaves/Marta Semkiw/Joanna Huszcza/Enrique Gómez-Cabrero Fernández/Marco Vitale/Stefanie True/Contrasto Armonico/James Hewitt Clori, mia bella Clori, cantata, HWV 92: Recitativo. Clori, mia bella Clori 00:54 2 Nico Chaves/Marta Semkiw/Joanna Huszcza/Enrique Gómez-Cabrero Fernández/Marco Vitale/Stefanie True/Contrasto Armonico/James Hewitt Clori, mia bella Clori, cantata, HWV 92: Aria. Chiari lumi 02:46 3 Nico Chaves/Marta Semkiw/Joanna Huszcza/Enrique Gómez-Cabrero Fernández/Marco Vitale/Stefanie True/Contrasto Armonico/James Hewitt Clori, mia bella Clori, cantata, HWV 92: Recitativo. Temo ma pure io spero 00:47 4 Nico Chaves/Marta Semkiw/Joanna Huszcza/Enrique Gómez-Cabrero Fernández/Marco Vitale/Stefanie True/Contrasto Armonico/James Hewitt Clori, mia bella Clori, cantata, HWV 92: Aria. Ne' gigli e nelle rose 02:40 5 Nico Chaves/Marta Semkiw/Joanna Huszcza/Enrique Gómez-Cabrero Fernández/Marco Vitale/Stefanie True/Contrasto Armonico/James Hewitt Clori, mia bella Clori, cantata, HWV 92: Recitativo. Non è però che non molesta e grave 00:31 6 Nico Chaves/Marta Semkiw/Joanna Huszcza/Enrique Gómez-Cabrero Fernández/Marco Vitale/Stefanie True/Contrasto Armonico/James Hewitt Clori, mia bella Clori, cantata, HWV 92: Aria. Mie pupille 03:53 7 Nico Chaves/Marta Semkiw/Joanna Huszcza/Enrique Gómez-Cabrero Fernández/Marco Vitale/Stefanie True/Contrasto Armonico/James Hewitt Clori, mia bella Clori, cantata, HWV 92: Recitativo. Tu nobil alma 00:32 8 Nico Chaves/Marta Semkiw/Joanna Huszcza/Enrique Gómez-Cabrero Fernández/Marco Vitale/Stefanie True/Contrasto Armonico/James Hewitt Clori, mia bella Clori, cantata, HWV 92: Aria. Di gelosia il timore 02:28 9 Nico Chaves/Marta Semkiw/Joanna Huszcza/Enrique Gómez-Cabrero Fernández/Marco Vitale/Stefanie True/Contrasto Armonico/Klaartje van Veldhoven/James Hewitt Sans y penser, cantata for soprano, HWV 155: Chanson. Sans y penser 01:18 10 Nico Chaves/Marta Semkiw/Joanna Huszcza/Enrique Gómez-Cabrero Fernández/Marco Vitale/Stefanie True/Contrasto Armonico/Klaartje van Veldhoven/James Hewitt Sans y penser, cantata for soprano, HWV 155: Récitatif. S'il ne falloit que bien aimer pour attendrir 00:47 11 Nico Chaves/Marta Semkiw/Joanna Huszcza/Enrique Gómez-Cabrero Fernández/Marco Vitale/Stefanie True/Contrasto Armonico/Klaartje van Veldhoven/James Hewitt Sans y penser, cantata for soprano, HWV 155: Air. Petite fleur brunette 02:10 12 Nico Chaves/Marta Semkiw/Joanna Huszcza/Enrique Gómez-Cabrero Fernández/Marco Vitale/Stefanie True/Contrasto Armonico/Klaartje van Veldhoven/James Hewitt Sans y penser, cantata for soprano, HWV 155: Récitatif. Vous, qui m'aviez procuré une amour éternelle 01:12 13 Nico Chaves/Marta Semkiw/Joanna Huszcza/Enrique Gómez-Cabrero Fernández/Marco Vitale/Stefanie True/Contrasto Armonico/Klaartje van Veldhoven/James Hewitt Sans y penser, cantata for soprano, HWV 155: Air. Nos plaisirs seront peudurables 02:40 14 Nico Chaves/Marta Semkiw/Joanna Huszcza/Enrique Gómez-Cabrero Fernández/Marco Vitale/Stefanie True/Contrasto Armonico/Klaartje van Veldhoven/James Hewitt Sans y penser, cantata for soprano, HWV 155: Récitatif. Vous ne sauriez flatter ma peine 00:55 15 Nico Chaves/Marta Semkiw/Joanna Huszcza/Enrique Gómez-Cabrero Fernández/Marco Vitale/Stefanie True/Contrasto Armonico/Klaartje van Veldhoven/James Hewitt Sans y penser, cantata for soprano, HWV 155: Air. Non, non, je ne puis plus souffrir 01:02 16 Nico Chaves/Marta Semkiw/Joanna Huszcza/Enrique Gómez-Cabrero Fernández/Marco Vitale/Stefanie True/Contrasto Armonico/James Hewitt Clori, vezzosa Clori, cantata for soprano, HWV 95: Recitativo. Clori, vezzosa Clori 00:37 17 Nico Chaves/Marta Semkiw/Joanna Huszcza/Enrique Gómez-Cabrero Fernández/Marco Vitale/Stefanie True/Contrasto Armonico/James Hewitt Clori, vezzosa Clori, cantata for soprano, HWV 95: Aria. Il bosco, il prato, il rio 02:32 18 Nico Chaves/Marta Semkiw/Joanna Huszcza/Enrique Gómez-Cabrero Fernández/Marco Vitale/Stefanie True/Contrasto Armonico/James Hewitt Clori, vezzosa Clori, cantata for soprano, HWV 95: Recitativo. Se l'usignol canoro 00:55 19 Nico Chaves/Marta Semkiw/Joanna Huszcza/Enrique Gómez-Cabrero Fernández/Marco Vitale/Stefanie True/Contrasto Armonico/James Hewitt Clori, vezzosa Clori, cantata for soprano, HWV 95: Aria. Non è possibile o Clori amabile 01:30 20 Nico Chaves/Marta Semkiw/Joanna Huszcza/Enrique Gómez-Cabrero Fernández/Marco Vitale/Contrasto Armonico/Klaartje van Veldhoven/James Hewitt Pensieri notturni di filli (Nel dolce dell'oblio), cantata for soprano, recorder & continuo, HWV 134: Recitativo. Nel dolce dell'oblio 00:41 21 Nico Chaves/Marta Semkiw/Joanna Huszcza/Enrique Gómez-Cabrero Fernández/Marco Vitale/Contrasto Armonico/Klaartje van Veldhoven/James Hewitt Pensieri notturni di filli (Nel dolce dell'oblio), cantata for soprano, recorder & continuo, HWV 134: Aria. Giacché il sonno a lei dipinge 03:02 22 Nico Chaves/Marta Semkiw/Joanna Huszcza/Enrique Gómez-Cabrero Fernández/Marco Vitale/Contrasto Armonico/Klaartje van Veldhoven/James Hewitt Pensieri notturni di filli (Nel dolce dell'oblio), cantata for soprano, recorder & continuo, HWV 134: Recitativo. Così fida ella vive 00:30 23 Nico Chaves/Marta Semkiw/Joanna Huszcza/Enrique Gómez-Cabrero Fernández/Marco Vitale/Contrasto Armonico/Klaartje van Veldhoven/James Hewitt Pensieri notturni di filli (Nel dolce dell'oblio), cantata for soprano, recorder & continuo, HWV 134: Aria. Ha l'inganno il suo diletto 02:39 24 Nico Chaves/Marta Semkiw/Joanna Huszcza/Enrique Gómez-Cabrero Fernández/Marco Vitale/Stefanie True/Contrasto Armonico/James Hewitt Lungi n'ando Fileno, cantata for soprano, HWV 128: Recitativo. Lungi, lungi n'andò Fileno 01:19 25 Nico Chaves/Marta Semkiw/Joanna Huszcza/Enrique Gómez-Cabrero Fernández/Marco Vitale/Stefanie True/Contrasto Armonico/James Hewitt Lungi n'ando Fileno, cantata for soprano, HWV 128: Aria. Si piangete, o mio pupille 06:10 26 Nico Chaves/Marta Semkiw/Joanna Huszcza/Enrique Gómez-Cabrero Fernández/Marco Vitale/Stefanie True/Contrasto Armonico/James Hewitt Lungi n'ando Fileno, cantata for soprano, HWV 128: Recitativo. Ahi! M'inganno, infelice 01:21 27 Nico Chaves/Marta Semkiw/Joanna Huszcza/Enrique Gómez-Cabrero Fernández/Marco Vitale/Stefanie True/Contrasto Armonico/James Hewitt Lungi n'ando Fileno, cantata for soprano, HWV 128: Aria. Dunque se il tanto piangere 04:37
George Frideric Handel View in Albunack Chandos Te Deum / Chandos Anthem 21 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Frideric Handel We praise Thee, o God 03:12 2 George Frideric Handel All the earth 03:22 3 George Frideric Handel The glorious company 03:03 4 George Frideric Handel Thou art the King 02:56 5 George Frideric Handel When Thou tookest 02:11 6 George Frideric Handel When Thou hads overcome 00:37 7 George Frideric Handel Thou didst open the kingdom 00:43 8 George Frideric Handel Thou sittest of the right hand 03:57 9 George Frideric Handel We believe that Thou shalt come 03:12 10 George Frideric Handel Day by day 02:01 11 George Frideric Handel And we worship Thy name ever 01:26 12 George Frideric Handel Vouchsafe, o Lord 03:31 13 George Frideric Handel O Lord, in Thee we have trust 04:16 14 George Frideric Handel Symphony 03:42 15 George Frideric Handel Let God arise 02:37 16 George Frideric Handel Like as a smoke 02:44 17 George Frideric Handel Let the rightous be glad 03:24 18 George Frideric Handel O sing unto God 04:28 19 George Frideric Handel Praised by the Lord 01:19 20 George Frideric Handel At Thy rebuke, o God 02:03 21 George Frideric Handel Blessed be God, Alleluja 02:00
George Frideric Handel View in Albunack Concerti Gossi, Op. 6 17 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Frideric Handel Concerto No. 1 in G Major: I. Allegro 03:45 2 George Frideric Handel Concerto No. 1 in G Major: II. Adagio 02:32 3 George Frideric Handel Concerto No. 1 in G Major: III. Allegro 02:29 4 George Frideric Handel Concerto No. 1 in G Major: IV. Allegro 02:46 5 George Frideric Handel Concerto No. 2 in F Major: I. Andante Arghetto 03:26 6 George Frideric Handel Concerto No. 2 in F Major: II. Allegro 02:32 7 George Frideric Handel Concerto No. 2 in F Major: III. Largo Larghetto Andante 03:05 8 George Frideric Handel Concerto No. 2 in F Major: IV. Allegro Ma Troppo 02:09 9 George Frideric Handel Concerto No. 6 in Gm: I. Larghetto Affettuoso 03:24 Has Mbid 10 George Frideric Handel Concerto No. 6 in Gm: II. Allegro Ma Non Troppo 01:48 11 George Frideric Handel Concerto No. 6 in Gm: III. Musette Larghetto 05:59 12 George Frideric Handel Concerto No. 6 in Gm: IV. Allegro 03:22 13 George Frideric Handel Concerto No. 6 in Gm: V. Allegro 02:34 14 George Frideric Handel Concerto No. 11 in Am: I. Andante Larghetto 04:51 15 George Frideric Handel Concerto No. 11 in Am: II. Allegro Largo 02:13 16 George Frideric Handel Concerto No. 11 in Am: III. Andante 05:00 17 George Frideric Handel Concerto No. 11 in Am: IV. Allegro 05:25
George Frideric Handel View in Albunack Concerti grossi Op. 6 22 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Frideric Handel Concerto No. 9 in F major - 1. Largo 01:48 2 George Frideric Handel Concerto No. 9 in F major - 2. Allegro 03:34 3 George Frideric Handel Concerto No. 9 in F major - 3. Larghetto 03:22 4 George Frideric Handel Concerto No. 9 in F major - 4. Allegro 01:48 5 George Frideric Handel Concerto No. 9 in F major - 5. Menuet 01:34 6 George Frideric Handel Concerto No. 9 in F major - 6. Gigue 01:55 7 George Frideric Handel Concerto No. 10 in D minor - 1. Ouverture 01:49 8 George Frideric Handel Concerto No. 10 in D minor - 2. Allegro 02:00 9 George Frideric Handel Concerto No. 10 in D minor - 3. Air, Lento 03:23 10 George Frideric Handel Concerto No. 10 in D minor - 4. Allegro 01:58 11 George Frideric Handel Concerto No. 10 in D minor - 5. Allegro 02:50 12 George Frideric Handel Concerto No. 10 in D minor - 6. Allegro moderato 01:42 13 George Frideric Handel Concerto No. 11 in A major - 1. Andate larghetto, e staccato 04:27 14 George Frideric Handel Concerto No. 11 in A major - 2. Allegro 01:33 15 George Frideric Handel Concerto No. 11 in A major - 3. Largo, e staccato 00:36 16 George Frideric Handel Concerto No. 11 in A major - 4. Andante 04:43 17 George Frideric Handel Concerto No. 11 in A major - 5. Allegro 05:38 18 George Frideric Handel Concerto No. 12 in B minor - 1. Largo 02:04 19 George Frideric Handel Concerto No. 12 in B minor - 2. Allegro 02:50 20 George Frideric Handel Concerto No. 12 in B minor - 3. Larghetto, e piano - Variatio 03:49 21 George Frideric Handel Concerto No. 12 in B minor - 4. Largo 00:00 22 George Frideric Handel Concerto No. 12 in B minor - 5. Allegro 02:00
George Frideric Handel View in Albunack Concerti per Organo HWV 289, 290, 292, 305a 19 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Frideric Handel Concerto in FA M. HWV 305a - 1. Ouverture - Allegro - Adagio 04:02 2 George Frideric Handel Concerto in FA M. HWV 305a - 2. Organo ad libitum 02:06 3 George Frideric Handel Concerto in FA M. HWV 305a - 3. Allegro ma non troppo 03:00 4 George Frideric Handel Concerto in FA M. HWV 305a - 4. Adagio 01:11 5 George Frideric Handel Concerto in FA M. HWV 305a - 5. Andante 03:09 6 George Frideric Handel Concerto in FA M. HWV 305a - 6. Allegro 01:39 7 George Frideric Handel Concerto in FA M. HWV 305a - 7. Marche 02:07 8 George Frideric Handel Concerto in SI b M., op. 4 n. 2 HWV 290 - 1. A tempo ordinario e staccato 00:48 9 George Frideric Handel Concerto in SI b M., op. 4 n. 2 HWV 290 - 2. Allegro 04:29 10 George Frideric Handel Concerto in SI b M., op. 4 n. 2 HWV 290 - 3. Adagio e staccato 00:56 11 George Frideric Handel Concerto in SI b M., op. 4 n. 2 HWV 290 - 4. Allegro ma non presto 03:51 12 George Frideric Handel Concerto in sol min., op. 4 n. 1 HWV 289 - 1. Larghetto e staccato 04:15 13 George Frideric Handel Concerto in sol min., op. 4 n. 1 HWV 289 - 2. Allegro 05:34 14 George Frideric Handel Concerto in sol min., op. 4 n. 1 HWV 289 - 3. Adagio 01:14 15 George Frideric Handel Concerto in sol min., op. 4 n. 1 HWV 289 - 3. Andante 04:07 16 George Frideric Handel Concerto in FA M., op. 4 n. 4 HWV 292 - 1. Allegro 03:48 17 George Frideric Handel Concerto in FA M., op. 4 n. 4 HWV 292 - 2. Andante 05:33 18 George Frideric Handel Concerto in FA M., op. 4 n. 4 HWV 292 - 3. Adagio 01:20 19 George Frideric Handel Concerto in FA M., op. 4 n. 4 HWV 292 - 4. Allegro - Adagio 03:40
George Frideric Handel View in Albunack Concerto Grossi Op. 1, 2, 6 and 11 17 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Frideric Handel Concerto no 1 in G major A Tempo Giusto-Allegro 03:45 2 George Frideric Handel Concerto no 1 in G major Adagio 02:32 3 George Frideric Handel Concerto no 1 in G major Allegro 02:29 4 George Frideric Handel Concerto no 1 in G major Allegro 02:46 5 George Frideric Handel Concerto no 2 in F major Andante-Larghetto 03:26 6 George Frideric Handel Concerto no 2 in F major Allegro 02:32 7 George Frideric Handel Concerto no 2 in F major Largo Larghetto-Andante e piano 03:05 8 George Frideric Handel Concerto no 2 in F major Allegro ma troppo 02:09 9 George Frideric Handel Concerto no 6 in g minor Larghetto affettuoso 03:24 Has Mbid 10 George Frideric Handel Concerto no 6 in g minor Allegro ma non troppo 01:50 11 George Frideric Handel Concerto no 6 in g minor Musette (Larghetto) 05:58 12 George Frideric Handel Concerto no 6 in g minor Allegro 03:21 13 George Frideric Handel Concerto no 6 in g minor Allegro 02:35 14 George Frideric Handel Concerto no 11 in A major Andante larghetto e staccato 04:50 15 George Frideric Handel Concerto no 11 in A major Allegro-Largo e staccato 02:13 16 George Frideric Handel Concerto no 11 in A major Andante 05:00 17 George Frideric Handel Concerto no 11 in A major Allegro 05:26
George Frideric Handel View in Albunack Concerto Grossi op6 31 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Handel and Haydn Society Concerto ¹1 in G major A tempo giusto 01:56 2 George Frideric Handel Concerto ¹1 in G major Allegro 01:51 3 Handel and Haydn Society Concerto ¹1 in G major Adagio 02:24 4 George Frideric Handel Concerto ¹1 in G major Allegro 02:41 5 Handel and Haydn Society Concerto ¹1 in G major Allegro 03:05 6 George Frideric Handel Concerto ¹2 in F major Andante 04:10 7 George Frideric Handel Concerto ¹2 in F major Allegro 02:22 8 George Frideric Handel Concerto ¹2 in F major Largo 02:41 9 George Frideric Handel - Siciliana 03:18 10 Handel and Haydn Society Concerto ¹3 in E minor Larghetto 01:12 11 George Frideric Handel Concerto ¹3 in E minor Anante 01:30 12 Handel and Haydn Society Concerto ¹3 in E minor Allegro 02:37 13 George Frideric Handel Concerto ¹3 in E minor Polonaise 05:04 14 George Frideric Handel Concerto ¹3 in E minor Allegro 01:19 15 George Frideric Handel Concerto ¹5 in D major Larghetto 01:43 16 George Frideric Handel Concerto ¹5 in D major Allegro 02:09 17 George Frideric Handel Concerto ¹5 in D major presto 03:20 18 George Frideric Handel Concerto ¹5 in D major Largo 01:54 19 George Frideric Handel Concerto ¹5 in D major Allegro 02:23 20 Handel and Haydn Society Concerto ¹5 in D major Menuet 02:59 21 George Frideric Handel Concerto ¹6 in G minor Larghetto 03:08 22 George Frideric Handel Concerto ¹ 11 in A major - Andante 04:40 23 Handel and Haydn Society Concerto ¹6 in G minor Musette: Larghetto 05:05 24 George Frideric Handel Concerto ¹6 in G minor Allegro 02:53 25 George Frideric Handel Concerto ¹6 in G minor Allegro 02:12 26 George Frideric Handel - Allegro 05:46 27 Handel and Haydn Society Concerto ¹7 in B flat major Allegro 02:32 28 George Frideric Handel - Allegro 02:56 29 George Frideric Handel - Aria 03:27 30 George Frideric Handel Concerto ¹7 in B flat major Hornpipe 03:09 31 George Frideric Handel - Allegro 01:56
George Frideric Handel View in Albunack Concertos / London Festival Orchestra 23 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Lucy Wakeford; Ross Pople: London Festival Orchestra Handel: Harp Concerto In B Flat, Op. 4/6, HWV 294 - 1. Andante Allegro 04:03 2 Lucy Wakeford; Ross Pople: London Festival Orchestra Handel: Harp Concerto In B Flat, Op. 4/6, HWV 294 - 2. Larghetto 04:29 3 Lucy Wakeford; Ross Pople: London Festival Orchestra Handel: Harp Concerto In B Flat, Op. 4/6, HWV 294 - 3. Allegro Moderato 02:37 4 Malcom Messiter; Ross Pople: London Festival Orchestra Handel: Oboe Concerto #1 In B Flat, HWV 301 - 1. Adagio 01:35 5 Malcom Messiter; Ross Pople: London Festival Orchestra Handel: Oboe Concerto #1 In B Flat, HWV 301 - 2. Allegro 01:43 6 Malcom Messiter; Ross Pople: London Festival Orchestra Handel: Oboe Concerto #1 In B Flat, HWV 301 - 3. Siciliana (Largo) 02:10 7 Malcom Messiter; Ross Pople: London Festival Orchestra Handel: Oboe Concerto #1 In B Flat, HWV 301 - 4. Vivace 01:38 8 George Frideric Handel Handel: Concerto For Two Cellos In G Minor - 1. Grave 03:22 9 George Frideric Handel Handel: Concerto For Two Cellos In G Minor - 2. Allegro 02:11 10 George Frideric Handel Handel: Concerto For Two Cellos In G Minor - 3. Largo 03:18 11 George Frideric Handel Handel: Concerto For Two Cellos In G Minor - 4. Fugue (Allegro) 02:56 12 Malcom Messiter; Ross Pople: London Festival Orchestra Handel: Oboe Concerto #2 In B Flat, HWV 302A - 1. Vivace 02:03 13 Malcom Messiter; Ross Pople: London Festival Orchestra Handel: Oboe Concerto #2 In B Flat, HWV 302A - 2. Fuga: Allegro 01:58 14 Malcom Messiter; Ross Pople: London Festival Orchestra Handel: Oboe Concerto #2 In B Flat, HWV 302A - 3. Andante 02:12 15 Malcom Messiter; Ross Pople: London Festival Orchestra Handel: Oboe Concerto #2 In B Flat, HWV 302A - 4. Allegro 01:58 16 Edward Beckett; Ross Pople: London Festival Orchestra Handel: Flute Concerto In D - Aria 1: Largo 01:57 17 Edward Beckett; Ross Pople: London Festival Orchestra Handel: Flute Concerto In D - Aria 2: Poco Allegro 05:54 18 Edward Beckett; Ross Pople: London Festival Orchestra Handel: Flute Concerto In D - Aria 3: Largo 04:22 19 Edward Beckett; Ross Pople: London Festival Orchestra Handel: Flute Concerto In D - Aria 4; Pastorella, Allegro 04:22 20 Malcom Messiter; Ross Pople: London Festival Orchestra Handel: Oboe Concerto #3 In G Minor, HWV 287 - 1. Grave 02:26 21 Malcom Messiter; Ross Pople: London Festival Orchestra Handel: Oboe Concerto #3 In G Minor, HWV 287 - 2. Allegro 01:48 22 Malcom Messiter; Ross Pople: London Festival Orchestra Handel: Oboe Concerto #3 In G Minor, HWV 287 - 3. Sarabande, Largo 02:50 23 Malcom Messiter; Ross Pople: London Festival Orchestra Handel: Oboe Concerto #3 In G Minor, HWV 287 - 4. Allegro 01:58
George Frideric Handel View in Albunack Delirio amoroso 16 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Frideric Handel introduzione 05:57 2 George Frideric Handel Recitativo 01:08 3 George Frideric Handel aria 09:17 4 George Frideric Handel recitativo 01:19 5 George Frideric Handel aria 05:57 6 George Frideric Handel recatitivo 01:18 7 George Frideric Handel aria 05:41 8 George Frideric Handel recitativio 00:25 9 George Frideric Handel entree 01:34 10 George Frideric Handel minuet 00:54 11 George Frideric Handel aria 01:53 12 George Frideric Handel minuet 00:28 13 George Frideric Handel Recitativo 00:53 14 George Frideric Handel aria 00:36 15 George Frideric Handel recitativo 03:34 16 George Frideric Handel aria 00:31
George Frideric Handel View in Albunack Dettinger Te Deum / Helmut Koch 13 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Frideric Handel Te Deum (Dettingen) for soloists, chorus & orchestra in D major, HWV 283- No. 1 Chor- Herr, Gott! Dir sei Lob! 04:05 2 George Frideric Handel Te Deum (Dettingen) for soloists, chorus & orchestra in D major, HWV 283- No. 2 Chor- Alle Welt verehret dich 02:44 3 George Frideric Handel Te Deum (Dettingen) for soloists, chorus & orchestra in D major, HWV 283- No. 3 Chor- Dir singt der Engel reiner Chor 02:12 4 George Frideric Handel Te Deum (Dettingen) for soloists, chorus & orchestra in D major, HWV 283- No. 4 Chor- Vor dir Cherubim und Seraphim 03:30 5 George Frideric Handel Te Deum (Dettingen) for soloists, chorus & orchestra in D major, HWV 283- No. 5 Chor- Der hochgelobt Gott der Apostel 03:00 6 George Frideric Handel Te Deum (Dettingen) for soloists, chorus & orchestra in D major, HWV 283- No. 6 Baßsolo und Chor- Du bist der Ehrenkönig, o Christ 03:04 7 George Frideric Handel Te Deum (Dettingen) for soloists, chorus & orchestra in D major, HWV 283- No. 7 Arie (Baß)- Als du auf dich genommen 03:44 8 George Frideric Handel Te Deum (Dettingen) for soloists, chorus & orchestra in D major, HWV 283- No. 8 Chor- Als du siegreich zerbrachst den Stachel des Todes 01:52 9 George Frideric Handel Te Deum (Dettingen) for soloists, chorus & orchestra in D major, HWV 283- No. 9 Chor (Trio)- Du sitzest zu der Rechten des Herrn 05:06 10 George Frideric Handel Te Deum (Dettingen) for soloists, chorus & orchestra in D major, HWV 283- No. 10 Chor- Nimm uns auf in deiner Heil'gen Zahl 01:28 11 George Frideric Handel Te Deum (Dettingen) for soloists, chorus & orchestra in D major, HWV 283- No. 11 Chor- Tag für Tag sei Dank und Lob dir 03:25 12 George Frideric Handel Te Deum (Dettingen) for soloists, chorus & orchestra in D major, HWV 283- No. 12 Arioso (Baß)- Bewahr, o Herr, du treuer Gott 01:45 13 George Frideric Handel Te Deum (Dettingen) for soloists, chorus & orchestra in D major, HWV 283- No. 13 Chor- Herr, auf dich steht mein Hoffen 04:12
George Frideric Handel View in Albunack Friedensode & Utechter Te Deum / Dietrich Knothe 16 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Frideric Handel Friedensode 02:41 2 George Frideric Handel Friedensode 02:48 3 George Frideric Handel Friedensode 02:39 4 George Frideric Handel Friedensode 02:32 5 George Frideric Handel Friedensode 02:31 6 George Frideric Handel Friedensode 03:55 7 George Frideric Handel Friedensode 01:45 8 George Frideric Handel Friedensode 02:18 9 George Frideric Handel Friedensode 03:32 10 George Frideric Handel Utrechter Te deum 05:39 11 George Frideric Handel Utrechter Te deum 04:41 12 George Frideric Handel Utrechter Te deum 03:04 13 George Frideric Handel Utrechter Te deum 02:37 14 George Frideric Handel Utrechter Te deum 01:59 15 George Frideric Handel Utrechter Te deum 02:57 16 George Frideric Handel Utrechter Te deum 01:00
George Frideric Handel View in Albunack George Frideric Handel, Concerti grossi, op. 6 22 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Frideric Handel No. 1 in G major: I. A tempo guisto 01:49 2 George Frideric Handel No. 1 in G major: II. Allegro 01:40 3 George Frideric Handel No. 5 in D major: III. Presto 03:14 4 George Frideric Handel No. 9 in F major: IV. Allegro 01:48 5 George Frideric Handel No. 9 in F major: V. Menuet 01:34 6 George Frideric Handel No. 9 in F major: VI. Gigue 01:57 7 George Frideric Handel No. 2 in F major: II. Allegro 02:33 8 George Frideric Handel No. 2 in F major: III. Largo 02:43 9 George Frideric Handel No. 10 in D minor: III. Air: Lento 03:23 10 George Frideric Handel No. 10 in D minor: IV. Allegro 01:58 11 George Frideric Handel No. 6 in G minor: V. Allegro 02:44 12 George Frideric Handel No. 3 in E minor: III. Allegro 02:21 13 George Frideric Handel No. 11 in A major: I. Andate larghetto, e staccato 04:27 14 George Frideric Handel No. 3 in E minor: V. Allegro, ma non troppo 01:30 15 George Frideric Handel No. 7 in B flat major: IV. Andante 04:01 16 George Frideric Handel No. 11 in A major: IV. Andante 04:43 17 George Frideric Handel No. 4 in A minor: III. Largo, e piano 02:38 18 George Frideric Handel No. 12 in B minor: I. Largo 02:06 19 George Frideric Handel No. 12 in B minor: II. Allegro 02:52 20 George Frideric Handel No. 8 in C minor: IV. Adagio 01:25 21 George Frideric Handel No. 8 in C minor: V. Siciliana: Andante 03:46 22 George Frideric Handel No. 8 in C minor: VI. Allegro 01:11
George Frideric Handel View in Albunack Great Choruses From The Messiah 22 2 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Frideric Handel No. 1 - Sinfonia (Overture): Grave; Allegro Moderato 02:58 2 George Frideric Handel No. 3 - And The Glory Of The Lord 03:10 3 George Frideric Handel No. 6 - And He Shall Purify The Sons of Levi 02:21 4 George Frideric Handel No. 9 - O Thou, That Tellest Good Tidings To Zion 01:55 5 George Frideric Handel No. 12 - For Unto Us A Child Is Born 03:57 Has Mbid 6 George Frideric Handel No. 13 - Pifa (Pastoral Symphony): Larghetto 03:07 7 George Frideric Handel No. 15 - Glory to God in the Highest 01:58 8 George Frideric Handel No. 19 - His Yoke Is Easy, And His Burthen Is Light 02:34 9 George Frideric Handel No. 20 - Behold the Lamb of God 03:00 10 George Frideric Handel No. 22 - Surely, He Hath Borne Our Griefs 02:42 11 George Frideric Handel No. 23 - And With His Stripes We Are Healed 02:25 12 George Frideric Handel No. 24 - All We Like Sheep Have Gone Astray 03:54 13 George Frideric Handel No. 26 - He Trusted In God 02:30 14 George Frideric Handel No. 31 - Lift Up Your Heads, O Ye Gates 03:09 15 George Frideric Handel No. 33 - Let All The Angels of God Worship Him 01:29 16 George Frideric Handel No. 35 - The Lord Gave The Word 01:19 17 George Frideric Handel No. 38 - Let Us Break Their Bonds Asunder 01:54 Has Mbid 18 George Frideric Handel No. 41 - Hallelujah 03:42 19 George Frideric Handel No. 43 - Since By Man Came Death 02:15 20 George Frideric Handel No. 48 - But Thanks Be To God 02:45 21 George Frideric Handel No. 50 - Worthy Is The Lamb That Was Slain 03:53 22 George Frideric Handel No. 51 - Amen 03:21
George Frideric Handel View in Albunack Handel - Concerti Grossi, Op. 6 18 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Frideric Handel Concerto No. 1 In G Major - I. A Tempo Giusto 01:56 2 George Frideric Handel Concerto No. 1 In G Major - II. Allegro 01:51 3 George Frideric Handel Concerto No. 1 In G Major - III. Adagio 02:24 4 George Frideric Handel Concerto No. 1 In G Major - IV. Allegro 02:41 5 George Frideric Handel Concerto No. 1 In G Major - V. Allegro 03:05 6 George Frideric Handel Concerto No. 2 In F Major - I. Andante Larghetto 04:10 7 George Frideric Handel Concerto No. 2 In F Major - II. Allegro 02:22 8 George Frideric Handel Concerto No. 2 In F Major - III. Largo 02:41 9 George Frideric Handel Concerto No. 2 In F Major - IV. Allegro, Ma Non Troppo 02:07 10 George Frideric Handel Concerto No. 3 In E Major - I. Larghetto 01:12 11 George Frideric Handel Concerto No. 3 In E Major - II. Andante 01:30 12 George Frideric Handel Concerto No. 3 In E Major - III. Allegro 02:37 13 George Frideric Handel Concerto No. 3 In E Major - IV. Polonaise 05:04 14 George Frideric Handel Concerto No. 3 In E Major - V. Allegro, Ma Non Troppo 01:27 15 George Frideric Handel Concerto No. 4 In A Minor - I. Larghetto Affettuoso 02:44 16 George Frideric Handel Concerto No. 4 In A Minor - II. Allegro 02:41 17 George Frideric Handel Concerto No. 4 In A Minor - III. Largo E Piano 01:59 18 George Frideric Handel Concerto No. 4 In A Minor - IV. Allegro 02:33
George Frideric Handel View in Albunack Handel Arias - Julianne Baird 13 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Frideric Handel Faramondo: Act I: Aria: Se ben mi lusinga 05:44 2 George Frideric Handel Faramondo: Act III: Aria: Virtu che rende si forte 04:13 3 George Frideric Handel Acis and Galatea: Act I: Aria: Shepard, What Art Thou Pursuing? 04:32 4 George Frideric Handel Joshua: Act I: Aria: Oh, Who Can Tell? 04:50 5 George Frideric Handel Siroe: Act I: Aria: Vedesti mai sul prato 06:56 6 George Frideric Handel Berenice: Act I: Aria: No, che servire altrui 04:26 7 George Frideric Handel Berenice: Act II: Aria: Traditore! 03:05 8 George Frideric Handel Semele: Act II: Aria: Where're You Walk 04:31 Has Mbid 9 George Frideric Handel Mi palpita il cor: Aria: Ho tanti affanni 06:07 10 George Frideric Handel Messiah: Part III: Aria: How Beautiful Are the Feet 02:14 11 George Frideric Handel Messiah: Part II: Aria: He That Dwelleth... Thou Shalt Break 02:14 12 George Frideric Handel Alexander Balus: Aria: Oh, Take Me 04:29 13 George Frideric Handel Alexander Balus: Aria: Calm Thou... Convey Me 03:41
George Frideric Handel View in Albunack Handel's Greatest Hits 15 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Frideric Handel Water Music Suite - Allegro 02:39 2 George Frideric Handel Water Music Suite - Andante espressivo 04:06 3 George Frideric Handel Water Music Suite - Aire 03:12 4 George Frideric Handel Water Music Suite - Bourree 00:47 5 George Frideric Handel Water Music Suite - Hornpipe 00:55 6 George Frideric Handel Water Music Suite - Allegro deciso 03:17 7 George Frideric Handel See the Conquering Hero Comes 03:55 8 George Frideric Handel The Harmonious Blacksmith 04:19 9 George Frideric Handel Halleluja, Amen 02:18 10 George Frideric Handel Awake the Trumpets Lofty Sound 01:36 11 George Frideric Handel Largo 05:50 12 George Frideric Handel The Cuckoo and the Nightingale 03:46 13 George Frideric Handel Where E'er You Walk 04:16 14 George Frideric Handel For Unto Us a Child is Born 04:18 15 George Frideric Handel Halleluja Chorus 03:58
George Frideric Handel View in Albunack Handel, 6 sonata for flute & Continuo 28 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Frideric Handel Sonata in E Minor, I. Grave 02:03 2 George Frideric Handel II. Allegro 01:39 3 George Frideric Handel III. Adagio 00:51 4 George Frideric Handel IV. Allegro 01:47 5 George Frideric Handel Sonata in G Major, I. Adagio 01:34 6 George Frideric Handel II. Allegro 01:53 7 George Frideric Handel III. Adagio 01:56 8 George Frideric Handel IV. Bouree 00:48 9 George Frideric Handel V. Menuett 01:15 10 George Frideric Handel Sonata in B Minor, I. Largo 01:53 11 George Frideric Handel II. Vivace 01:35 12 George Frideric Handel III. Presto 01:35 13 George Frideric Handel IV. Adagio 01:14 14 George Frideric Handel V. Alla breve 01:40 15 George Frideric Handel VI. Andante 02:11 16 George Frideric Handel VII. A tempo di Minuett 01:43 17 George Frideric Handel Sonata in A Minor, I. Adagio 02:10 18 George Frideric Handel II. Allegro 01:46 19 George Frideric Handel III. Adagio 03:11 20 George Frideric Handel IV. Allegro 01:38 21 George Frideric Handel Sonata in E Minor, I. Adagio 01:45 22 George Frideric Handel II. Allegro 01:37 23 George Frideric Handel III. Grave 01:39 24 George Frideric Handel IV. Minuett 01:41 25 George Frideric Handel Sonata in B Minor, I. Adagio 01:57 26 George Frideric Handel II. Allegro 02:00 27 George Frideric Handel III. Largo 00:52 28 George Frideric Handel IV. Allegro 01:28
George Frideric Handel View in Albunack Handel: Arr by Edward Elgar, Thomas Beecham, and Allan Bennett 23 2 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Frideric Handel Overture in D Minor 05:17 2 George Frideric Handel The Gods Go a'Begging Suite - No. 1: Introduction 01:58 3 George Frideric Handel The Gods Go a'Begging Suite - No. 2: Allegro 01:47 4 George Frideric Handel The Gods Go a'Begging Suite - No. 3: Minuet 01:57 5 George Frideric Handel The Gods Go a'Begging Suite - No. 4: Hornpipe 01:43 6 George Frideric Handel The Gods Go a'Begging Suite - No. 5: Musette 01:51 7 George Frideric Handel The Gods Go a'Begging Suite - No. 6: Ensemble 01:52 8 George Frideric Handel The Gods Go a'Begging Suite - No. 7a: Larghetto 02:00 9 George Frideric Handel The Gods Go a'Begging Suite - No. 7b: Tamborino 01:10 10 George Frideric Handel The Gods Go a'Begging Suite - No. 8: Gavotte 03:03 11 George Frideric Handel The Gods Go a'Begging Suite - No. 9: Dramatico 02:11 12 George Frideric Handel The Gods Go a'Begging Suite - No. 10: Bourree 02:33 Has Mbid 13 George Frideric Handel Arrival of the Queen of Sheba (from Solomon) 03:13 Has Mbid 14 George Frideric Handel Handel at Bath Suite - Overture 02:37 15 George Frideric Handel Handel at Bath Suite - Gigue 01:40 16 George Frideric Handel Handel at Bath Suite - Fugue 02:48 17 George Frideric Handel The Faithful Shepherd Suite - No. 1: Introduction and Fugue 04:45 18 George Frideric Handel The Faithful Shepherd Suite - No. 2: Adagio 05:05 19 George Frideric Handel The Faithful Shepherd Suite - No. 3: Gavotte 02:06 20 George Frideric Handel The Faithful Shepherd Suite - No. 4: Bourree 02:25 21 George Frideric Handel The Faithful Shepherd Suite - No. 5: Minuet 02:56 22 George Frideric Handel The Faithful Shepherd Suite - No. 6: Pastorale 04:52 23 George Frideric Handel The Faithful Shepherd Suite - No. 7: Finale 03:18
George Frideric Handel View in Albunack Handel: Berenice, Regina d'Egitto 23 0 2010 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Alan Curtis, K.Ek, I.Bohlin, F.Fagioli, R.Basso, V.Priante Atto Terzo. Scena 1. Sinfonia 02:06 2 Alan Curtis, K.Ek, I.Bohlin, F.Fagioli, R.Basso, V.Priante Andante larghetto 02:32 3 Alan Curtis, K.Ek, I.Bohlin, F.Fagioli, R.Basso, V.Priante Cavatina: Guerra e pace (Fabio) 01:31 4 Alan Curtis, K.Ek, I.Bohlin, F.Fagioli, R.Basso, V.Priante Atto Primo. Scena 1. Recitativo: Aristobolo, a noi (Berenice)%2F Scena 2 01:25 5 Alan Curtis, K.Ek, I.Bohlin, F.Fagioli, R.Basso, V.Priante Scena 2. Aria: No, che servire altrui (Berenice) 04:48 6 Alan Curtis, K.Ek, I.Bohlin, F.Fagioli, R.Basso, V.Priante Scena 3. Recitativo: Fabio, vedesti mai piu bell'orgoglio? (Alessandro, Fabio) 00:52 7 Alan Curtis, K.Ek, I.Bohlin, F.Fagioli, R.Basso, V.Priante Aria: Su, Megera, Tesifone, Aletto! (Demetrio) 05:37 8 Alan Curtis, K.Ek, I.Bohlin, F.Fagioli, R.Basso, V.Priante Scena 4. Recitativo: Lo di Selene? (Alessandro) 00:24 9 Alan Curtis, K.Ek, I.Bohlin, F.Fagioli, R.Basso, V.Priante Recitativo: Prence Alessandro (Arsace, Alessandro)%2F Scena 6 01:11 10 Alan Curtis, K.Ek, I.Bohlin, F.Fagioli, R.Basso, V.Priante Scena 5. Recitativo: Cara, non sospirar! (Demetrio, Selene) 00:58 11 Alan Curtis, K.Ek, I.Bohlin, F.Fagioli, R.Basso, V.Priante Aria: No, soffrir non puo il mio amore (Demetrio) 04:38 12 Alan Curtis, K.Ek, I.Bohlin, F.Fagioli, R.Basso, V.Priante Aria: Amore contro amor (Arsace) 03:24 13 Alan Curtis, K.Ek, I.Bohlin, F.Fagioli, R.Basso, V.Priante Scena 8. Recitativo: Tiranna degl'affetti (Aristobolo) 00:19 14 Alan Curtis, K.Ek, I.Bohlin, F.Fagioli, R.Basso, V.Priante Scena 7. Recitativo: Alla quiete d'Egitto (Aristobolo) 00:21 15 Alan Curtis, K.Ek, I.Bohlin, F.Fagioli, R.Basso, V.Priante Scena ultima. Sinfonia 01:45 16 Alan Curtis, K.Ek, I.Bohlin, F.Fagioli, R.Basso, V.Priante Scena 8. Recitativo: Roma, si, si t'intendo (Berenice, Arsace)%2F Scena 9 02:32 17 Alan Curtis, K.Ek, I.Bohlin, F.Fagioli, R.Basso, V.Priante Scena 11. Recitativo: Empia, tu piangi? (Demetrio, Selene)%2F Scena 12%2F Scena 13 02:15 18 Alan Curtis, K.Ek, I.Bohlin, F.Fagioli, R.Basso, V.Priante Scena 10. Recitativo: Principessa, ed e ver? (Arsace,Selene) 00:36 19 Alan Curtis, K.Ek, I.Bohlin, F.Fagioli, R.Basso, V.Priante Coro finale: Con verace dolce pace (Tutti) 02:13 20 Alan Curtis, K.Ek, I.Bohlin, F.Fagioli, R.Basso, V.Priante Aria: Si poco e forte (Selene) 05:40 21 Alan Curtis, K.Ek, I.Bohlin, F.Fagioli, R.Basso, V.Priante Aria: Quell'oggetto che e caro (Alessandro) 04:14 22 Alan Curtis, K.Ek, I.Bohlin, F.Fagioli, R.Basso, V.Priante Recitativo: Che valor! (Demetrio, Berenice) 00:19 23 Alan Curtis, K.Ek, I.Bohlin, F.Fagioli, R.Basso, V.Priante Duetto: Se il mio amor fu il tuo delitto (Berenice, Demetrio) 04:52
George Frideric Handel View in Albunack Handel: The Organ Concertos, Vol. 2 20 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Frideric Handel Concerto No. 8 in a Major, Op. 7 No. 2 - Ouverture 03:06 2 George Frideric Handel Allegro 04:05 3 George Frideric Handel Adagio 02:38 4 George Frideric Handel Allegro (Bourr E) 04:22 5 George Frideric Handel Concerto No. 7 in B Flat Major, Op. 7 No. 1 - Andante 10:17 6 George Frideric Handel Largo E Piano 03:54 7 George Frideric Handel Bourr E 02:45 8 George Frideric Handel Concerto No. 10 in D Minor, Op. 7 No. 4 - Adagio 05:52 9 George Frideric Handel Allegro 04:48 10 George Frideric Handel Adagio 03:14 11 George Frideric Handel Allegro 02:41 12 George Frideric Handel Concerto No. 9 in B Flat Major, Op. 7 No. 3 - Allegro 05:10 13 George Frideric Handel Adagio 02:32 14 George Frideric Handel Spiritoso 04:13 15 George Frideric Handel Menuet 03:35 16 George Frideric Handel Concerto No. 11 in G Major, Op. 7 No. 5 - Allegro Mo Non Troppo, E Staccato 05:04 17 George Frideric Handel Andante Larghetto 05:30 18 George Frideric Handel Adagio 00:26 19 George Frideric Handel Menuet 01:38 20 George Frideric Handel Gavotte 01:52
George Frideric Handel View in Albunack Harpsichord Music I / Roberto Loreggian 26 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Frideric Handel I Praeludium Suite In C Hwv443 03:54 2 George Frideric Handel II Allemande Suite In C Hwv443 02:47 3 George Frideric Handel III Courante Suite In C Hwv443 01:15 4 George Frideric Handel IV Sarabande - Double Suite In C Hwv443 04:11 5 George Frideric Handel Gigue Suite In C Hwv443 00:45 6 George Frideric Handel VI Suite In C Hwv443 14:11 7 George Frideric Handel I Preludio Partita In G Hwv450 02:19 8 George Frideric Handel II Allemande Partita In G Hwv450 02:17 9 George Frideric Handel III Courante Partita In G Hwv450 01:33 10 George Frideric Handel IV Sarabande Partita In G Hwv450 03:11 11 George Frideric Handel V Gigue Partita In G Hwv450 00:51 12 George Frideric Handel VI Menuet Partita In G Hwv450 01:12 13 George Frideric Handel Prelude In Dminor Hwv563 02:24 14 George Frideric Handel I Prelude In G Hwv571 01:56 15 George Frideric Handel II Capriccio In G Hwv571 03:18 16 George Frideric Handel I Overture: Grave - Allegro Suite In Gminor Hwv453 03:20 17 George Frideric Handel II Entree Suite In Gminor Hwv453 01:50 18 George Frideric Handel III Chaconne Suite In Gminor Hwv453 02:47 19 George Frideric Handel Preludio In Dminor Hwv546 01:13 20 George Frideric Handel Allegro In C Hwv472 01:10 21 George Frideric Handel Chaconne In F Hwv485 05:33 22 George Frideric Handel I Overture: Grave - Allegro - Adagio - Allegro Suite In Dminor Hwv448 03:16 23 George Frideric Handel II Allemande Suite In Dminor Hwv448 02:56 24 George Frideric Handel III Courante Suite In Dminor Hwv448 01:49 25 George Frideric Handel IV Sarabande 1+2 Suite In Dminor Hwv448 04:46 26 George Frideric Handel V Chaconne Suite In Dminor Hwv448 02:36
George Frideric Handel View in Albunack Harpsichord Music II / Roberto Loreggian 38 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Frideric Handel Suite for keyboard in D minor, HWV 449: I. Prelude 01:28 2 George Frideric Handel Suite for keyboard in D minor, HWV 449: II. Allemande 03:35 3 George Frideric Handel Suite for keyboard in D minor, HWV 449: III. Courante 02:07 4 George Frideric Handel Suite for keyboard in D minor, HWV 449: IV. Sarabande 01:35 5 George Frideric Handel Suite for keyboard in D minor, HWV 449: V. Aria 04:58 6 George Frideric Handel Suite for keyboard in D minor, HWV 449: VI. Gigue 01:25 7 George Frideric Handel Suite for keyboard in D minor, HWV 449: VII. Menuet 01:30 8 George Frideric Handel Keyboard Sonatina in D minor, HWV 581 01:39 9 George Frideric Handel Allemande for keyboard in A minor, HWV 478 02:40 10 George Frideric Handel Fugue for keyboard in F major, HWV 611 02:42 11 George Frideric Handel Chaconne for keyboard in G minor, HWV 486 04:18 12 George Frideric Handel Partita for keyboard in C minor, HWV 444: I. Prelude 01:03 13 George Frideric Handel Partita for keyboard in C minor, HWV 444: II. Allemande 04:16 14 George Frideric Handel Partita for keyboard in C minor, HWV 444: III. Courante 01:50 15 George Frideric Handel Partita for keyboard in C minor, HWV 444: IV. Gavotte 00:49 16 George Frideric Handel Partita for keyboard in C minor, HWV 444: V. Menuet 01:25 17 George Frideric Handel Suite for keyboard in C minor, HWV 445: I. Prelude 01:13 18 George Frideric Handel Suite for keyboard in C minor, HWV 445: II. Allemande 04:47 19 George Frideric Handel Suite for keyboard in C minor, HWV 445: III. Courante 02:17 20 George Frideric Handel Prelude and Allegro for keyboard in A minor, HWV 576: I. Prelude 01:09 21 George Frideric Handel Prelude and Allegro for keyboard in A minor, HWV 576: II. Allegro 01:41 22 George Frideric Handel Air Lentement for keyboard in G minor, HWV 467 02:30 23 George Frideric Handel Toccata for keyboard in G minor, HWV 586 01:01 24 George Frideric Handel Keyboard Sonatina in G minor, HWV 583 01:48 25 George Frideric Handel Keyboard Sonata (Larghetto) in G minor, HWV 580 02:05 26 George Frideric Handel Concerto for keyboard (2 movements) in G major, HWV 487: I. Allegro 01:31 27 George Frideric Handel Concerto for keyboard (2 movements) in G major, HWV 487: II. Andante 01:48 28 George Frideric Handel Air for keyboard in B flat major, HWV 471 01:08 29 George Frideric Handel Prelude for keyboard in F major, HWV 567 02:28 30 George Frideric Handel Prelude for keyboard in F minor, HWV 568 01:47 31 George Frideric Handel Prelude (Harpeggio) for keyboard in G minor, HWV 573 02:06 32 George Frideric Handel Prelude for keyboard in E major, HWV 566 02:06 33 George Frideric Handel Air for 2-manual harpsichord in G minor, HWV 466 01:49 34 George Frideric Handel Air for 2-rowed harpsichord in B flat major, HWV 470 02:06 35 George Frideric Handel Impertinence (Bouree) for keyboard in G minor, HWV 494 01:00 36 George Frideric Handel Air and 2 doubles for keyboard in F major, HWV 465 01:16 37 George Frideric Handel Allegro for keyboard in D minor, HWV 475 01:55 38 George Frideric Handel Courante for keyboard in B minor, HWV 489 02:07
George Frideric Handel View in Albunack Harpsichord Music III / Roberto Loreggian 21 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Frideric Handel Suite for keyboard (Suite de piece) (Prelude and Chaconne), Vol.2, No.9, in G major, HWV 442: I. Prelude 01:14 2 George Frideric Handel Suite for keyboard (Suite de piece) (Prelude and Chaconne), Vol.2, No.9, in G major, HWV 442: II. Chaconne 14:53 3 George Frideric Handel Fugue for keyboard in G minor, HWV 605 03:01 4 George Frideric Handel Fugue for keyboard in G major, HWV 606 04:29 5 George Frideric Handel Fugue for keyboard in B flat major, HWV 607 03:17 6 George Frideric Handel Fugue for keyboard in G minor, HWV 605 05:22 7 George Frideric Handel Fugue for keyboard in A minor, HWV 609 03:33 8 George Frideric Handel Fugue for keyboard in C minor, HWV 610 03:36 9 George Frideric Handel Sonata (Fantasia) for harpsichord in C major, HWV 577 03:59 10 George Frideric Handel Capriccio for harpsichord in F major, HWV 481 04:33 11 George Frideric Handel Prelude and Allegro (Sonata) for keyboard in G minor, HWV 574 02:51 12 George Frideric Handel Fantasie for keyboard in C major, HWV 490 03:51 13 George Frideric Handel Suite for keyboard in D minor, HWV 447: I. Allemande 02:28 14 George Frideric Handel Suite for keyboard in D minor, HWV 447: II. Courante 02:01 15 George Frideric Handel Suite for keyboard in D minor, HWV 447: III. Sarabande 02:27 16 George Frideric Handel Suite for keyboard in D minor, HWV 447: IV. Gigue 01:01 17 George Frideric Handel Suite for keyboard in G minor, HWV 452: I. Allemande 03:54 18 George Frideric Handel Suite for keyboard in G minor, HWV 452: II. Courante 02:11 19 George Frideric Handel Suite for keyboard in G minor, HWV 452: III. Sarabande 02:38 20 George Frideric Handel Suite for keyboard in G minor, HWV 452: IV. Gigue 01:20 21 George Frideric Handel Capriccio for harpsichord in G minor, HWV 483 01:47
George Frideric Handel View in Albunack Harpsichord Music IV / Roberto Loreggian 23 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Elisa Fanchini/Roberto Loreggian Suite for 2 harpsichords in C minor, HWV 446 (fragment): I. Allemande 03:36 2 Elisa Fanchini/Roberto Loreggian Suite for 2 harpsichords in C minor, HWV 446 (fragment): II. Courante 02:16 3 Elisa Fanchini/Roberto Loreggian Suite for 2 harpsichords in C minor, HWV 446 (fragment): III. Sarabande 03:07 4 Elisa Fanchini/Roberto Loreggian Suite for 2 harpsichords in C minor, HWV 446 (fragment): IV. Chaconne 01:27 5 George Frideric Handel Allemande for keyboard in A major, HWV 477 03:14 6 George Frideric Handel Allemande for keyboard in F major, HWV 476 03:54 7 George Frideric Handel Gigue for keyboard in F major, HWV 492 00:55 8 George Frideric Handel Prelude (Harpeggio) for keyboard in D minor, HWV 562 01:36 9 George Frideric Handel Sonatina (Fuga) for keyboard in G major, HWV 582 00:45 10 George Frideric Handel Keyboard Sonatina in B flat major, HWV 585 00:51 11 George Frideric Handel Prelude (Harpeggio) for keyboard in F sharp minor, HWV 570 01:32 12 George Frideric Handel Air for keyboard in A major, HWV 468 01:12 13 George Frideric Handel Sonata for clock organ in C major, HWV 578: I. Allegro 03:17 14 George Frideric Handel Sonata for clock organ in C major, HWV 578: II. Trio: Larghetto 02:37 15 George Frideric Handel Sonata for clock organ in C major, HWV 578: III. Gavotte: Non troppo presto 01:09 16 George Frideric Handel Prelude (Harpeggio) for keyboard in A minor, HWV 575 02:02 17 George Frideric Handel Lesson for keyboard in A minor, HWV 496 02:07 18 George Frideric Handel Partita for keyboard in A major, HWV 454: I. Allemande 05:56 19 George Frideric Handel Partita for keyboard in A major, HWV 454: II. Courante 03:05 20 George Frideric Handel Partita for keyboard in A major, HWV 454: III. Sarabande 01:49 21 George Frideric Handel Partita for keyboard in A major, HWV 454: IV. Gigue 02:59 22 George Frideric Handel Prelude for keyboard in G minor, HWV 572 01:08 23 Elisa Fanchini/Roberto Loreggian Sonata (Fantasia) for harpsichord with double keys in G minor, HWV 579 05:02
George Frideric Handel View in Albunack Händel Edition 26 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Frideric Handel I Praeludium Suite In C Hwv443 03:54 2 George Frideric Handel II Allemande Suite In C Hwv443 02:47 3 George Frideric Handel III Courante Suite In C Hwv443 01:15 4 George Frideric Handel IV Sarabande - Double Suite In C Hwv443 04:11 5 George Frideric Handel Gigue Suite In C Hwv443 00:45 6 George Frideric Handel VI Suite In C Hwv443 14:11 7 George Frideric Handel I Preludio Partita In G Hwv450 02:19 8 George Frideric Handel II Allemande Partita In G Hwv450 02:17 9 George Frideric Handel III Courante Partita In G Hwv450 01:33 10 George Frideric Handel IV Sarabande Partita In G Hwv450 03:11 11 George Frideric Handel V Gigue Partita In G Hwv450 00:51 12 George Frideric Handel VI Menuet Partita In G Hwv450 01:12 13 George Frideric Handel Prelude In Dminor Hwv563 02:24 14 George Frideric Handel I Prelude In G Hwv571 01:56 15 George Frideric Handel II Capriccio In G Hwv571 03:18 16 George Frideric Handel I Overture: Grave - Allegro Suite In Gminor Hwv453 03:20 17 George Frideric Handel II Entree Suite In Gminor Hwv453 01:50 18 George Frideric Handel III Chaconne Suite In Gminor Hwv453 02:47 19 George Frideric Handel Preludio In Dminor Hwv546 01:13 20 George Frideric Handel Allegro In C Hwv472 01:10 21 George Frideric Handel Chaconne In F Hwv485 05:33 22 George Frideric Handel I Overture: Grave - Allegro - Adagio - Allegro Suite In Dminor Hwv448 03:16 23 George Frideric Handel II Allemande Suite In Dminor Hwv448 02:56 24 George Frideric Handel III Courante Suite In Dminor Hwv448 01:49 25 George Frideric Handel IV Sarabande 1+2 Suite In Dminor Hwv448 04:46 26 George Frideric Handel V Chaconne Suite In Dminor Hwv448 02:36
George Frideric Handel View in Albunack Händel, Schumann, Wagner (1942) 9 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Frideric Handel Concerto Grosso in D minor, Op.6/10, HWV 328: 1.Ouvertüre 02:26 2 George Frideric Handel Concerto Grosso in D minor, Op.6/10, HWV 328: 2.Allegro-Lentement 03:09 3 George Frideric Handel Concerto Grosso in D minor, Op.6/10, HWV 328: 3.Air: Lento 05:11 Has Mbid 4 George Frideric Handel Concerto Grosso in D minor, Op.6/10, HWV 328: 4.Allegro 04:11 5 George Frideric Handel Concerto Grosso in D minor, Op.6/10, HWV 328: 5.Allegro Moderato 02:45 6 Robert Schumann Cello Concerto in A minor, Op. 129: 1.Nicht Zu Schnell 10:36 7 Robert Schumann Cello Concerto in A minor, Op. 129: 2.Langsam 04:19 8 Robert Schumann Cello Concerto in A minor, Op. 129: 3.Sehr Lebhaft 07:14 9 Richard Wagner Tristan und Isolde, opera, WWV 90: Act 3. Prelude-Isoldes Liebestod 18:51
George Frideric Handel View in Albunack La Resurrezione - Vitale 26 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Frideric Handel La Resurrezione, oratorio, HWV 47: Part 1. Sonata 03:30 2 George Frideric Handel La Resurrezione, oratorio, HWV 47: Part 1. Aria. Disserratevi, oh porte d'Averno! 05:16 3 George Frideric Handel La Resurrezione, oratorio, HWV 47: Part 2. Aria. Ecco il sol 04:38 4 George Frideric Handel La Resurrezione, oratorio, HWV 47: Part 2. Recitativo. Mà dove Maria dimora 00:30 5 George Frideric Handel La Resurrezione, oratorio, HWV 47: Part 2. Aria. Risorga il mondo 02:53 6 George Frideric Handel La Resurrezione, oratorio, HWV 47: Part 1. Recitativo. Chi sei? Chi è questo Re 01:06 7 George Frideric Handel La Resurrezione, oratorio, HWV 47: Part 2. Recitativo. Misero! hò pure udito? 00:50 8 George Frideric Handel La Resurrezione, oratorio, HWV 47: Part 1. Recitativo. E ben, questo tuo Nume 01:45 9 George Frideric Handel La Resurrezione, oratorio, HWV 47: Part 2. Recitativo. Oh come cieco 00:45 10 George Frideric Handel La Resurrezione, oratorio, HWV 47: Part 2. Duetto. Impedirlo saprò 00:34 11 George Frideric Handel La Resurrezione, oratorio, HWV 47: Part 1. Aria. Ferma l'ali 06:34 12 George Frideric Handel La Resurrezione, oratorio, HWV 47: Part 1. Recitativo. Concedi, o Maddalena 01:34 13 George Frideric Handel La Resurrezione, oratorio, HWV 47: Part 2. Recitativo. Ahi, abborrito nome 00:37 14 George Frideric Handel La Resurrezione, oratorio, HWV 47: Part 1. Recitativo. Ahi dolce mio Signore 02:34 15 George Frideric Handel La Resurrezione, oratorio, HWV 47: Part 1. Duetto. Dolci chiodi, amate spine 03:26 16 George Frideric Handel La Resurrezione, oratorio, HWV 47: Part 2. Aria. Se per colpa di donna infelice 03:06 17 George Frideric Handel La Resurrezione, oratorio, HWV 47: Part 1. Aria. Quando è parto dell'affetto 03:54 18 George Frideric Handel La Resurrezione, oratorio, HWV 47: Part 2. Aria. Del cielo dolente 02:42 19 George Frideric Handel La Resurrezione, oratorio, HWV 47: Part 1. Aria. Naufragando và per l'onde 05:38 20 George Frideric Handel La Resurrezione, oratorio, HWV 47: Part 1. Recitativo. Itene pure, o fide amiche donne 01:45 21 George Frideric Handel La Resurrezione, oratorio, HWV 47: Part 2. Recitativo. Dove si frettolosi 01:31 22 George Frideric Handel La Resurrezione, oratorio, HWV 47: Part 2. Aria. Caro figlio 04:12 23 George Frideric Handel La Resurrezione, oratorio, HWV 47: Part 1. Aria. Hò un non sò che nel cor 02:38 24 George Frideric Handel La Resurrezione, oratorio, HWV 47: Part 2. Aria. Se impassibile, immortale 04:00 25 George Frideric Handel La Resurrezione, oratorio, HWV 47: Part 2. Recitativo. Sì, sì, col Redentore 00:28 26 George Frideric Handel La Resurrezione, oratorio, HWV 47: Part 2. Choro. Diasi lode in cielo 01:34
George Frideric Handel View in Albunack Laudate Pueri 20 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Frideric Handel Laudate Pueri - I. Laudate pueri 02:18 2 George Frideric Handel Laudate Pueri - II. Sit nomen Domini 02:56 3 George Frideric Handel Laudate Pueri - III. A solis ortu 01:09 4 George Frideric Handel Laudate Pueri - IV. Excelsus 02:57 5 George Frideric Handel Laudate Pueri - V. Quis sicut Dominus 00:50 6 George Frideric Handel Laudate Pueri - Suscitans 02:28 7 George Frideric Handel Laudate Pueri - VI. Ut collocet 02:35 8 George Frideric Handel Laudate Pueri - VII. Qui habitare 03:33 9 George Frideric Handel Laudate Pueri - VIII. Gloria 00:26 10 George Frideric Handel Laudate Pueri - Sicut erat 04:53 11 George Frideric Handel Laudate Pueri - Laudate Pueri 05:50 12 George Frideric Handel Laudate Pueri - I. Laudate Pueri 03:19 13 George Frideric Handel Laudate Pueri - II. Sit nomen Domini 03:52 14 George Frideric Handel Laudate Pueri - III. A solis ortu 02:30 15 George Frideric Handel Laudate Pueri - IV. Excelsus 02:47 16 George Frideric Handel Laudate Pueri - V. Suscitans 02:18 17 George Frideric Handel Laudate Pueri - VI. Ut collocet 01:42 18 George Frideric Handel Laudate Pueri - VII. Gloria 03:31 19 George Frideric Handel Laudate Pueri - VIII.(Gloria)-Sicut erat 00:54 20 George Frideric Handel Laudate Pueri - IX. Amen 01:59
George Frideric Handel View in Albunack Messias, Chorsingen leicht gemacht 22 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Frideric Handel Nr 31 - Hoch tut euch auf und öffnet euch weit 03:13 2 George Frideric Handel Nr 33 - Lasst alle Engel des Herrn preisen ihn 01:45 3 George Frideric Handel Nr 9 - O du, die Wonne verkündet in Zion 01:55 4 George Frideric Handel Nr 36b - Wie lieblich ist der Boten Schritt 02:30 5 George Frideric Handel Nr 37 - Ihr Schall gehet aus in jedes Land 01:35 6 George Frideric Handel Nr 39 - Auf, zerreißet ihre Bande 02:14 7 George Frideric Handel Nr 20 - Seht an das Gotteslamm 02:43 8 George Frideric Handel Nr 44 - Wie durch Einen der Tod 02:19 9 George Frideric Handel Nr 49 - Drum Dank sei Gott 02:28 10 George Frideric Handel Nr 24 - Der Herde gleich, vom Hirten fern 04:12 11 George Frideric Handel Nr 52 - Amen 03:58 12 George Frideric Handel Nr 31 - Hoch tut euch auf und öffnet euch weit 03:13 13 George Frideric Handel Nr 6 - Und er wird reinigen und läutern das Volk 02:44 14 George Frideric Handel Nr 35 - Der Herr gab das Wort 01:21 15 George Frideric Handel Nr 12 - Denn es ist uns ein Kind geboren 04:20 16 George Frideric Handel Nr 37 - Ihr Schall gehet aus in jedes Land 01:35 17 George Frideric Handel Nr 19 - Sein Joch ist sanft, die Last ist leicht 02:35 18 George Frideric Handel Nr 20 - Seht an das Gotteslamm 02:42 19 George Frideric Handel Nr 44 - Wie durch Einen der Tod 02:17 20 George Frideric Handel Nr 23 - Durch seine Wunden sind wir geheilt 01:55 21 George Frideric Handel Nr 51 - Würdig ist das Lamm, das da starb 03:51 22 George Frideric Handel Nr 26 - Er trauete Gott 02:48
George Frideric Handel View in Albunack Music For The Royal Fireworks / Helmut Koch 6 2 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 Helmut Koch & Helmut Koch/Berlin Radio Symphony Orchestra Music for the Royal Fireworks, for orchestra, HWV 351: I. Overture 09:53 2 Helmut Koch & Helmut Koch/Berlin Radio Symphony Orchestra Music for the Royal Fireworks, for orchestra, HWV 351: II. Bourrée 01:07 Has Mbid 3 Helmut Koch & Helmut Koch/Berlin Radio Symphony Orchestra Music for the Royal Fireworks, for orchestra, HWV 351: III. La Paix 04:09 4 Helmut Koch & Helmut Koch/Berlin Radio Symphony Orchestra Music for the Royal Fireworks, for orchestra, HWV 351: IV. La Réjouissance 02:17 5 Helmut Koch & Helmut Koch/Berlin Radio Symphony Orchestra Music for the Royal Fireworks, for orchestra, HWV 351: V. Menuet I 00:48 6 Helmut Koch & Helmut Koch/Berlin Radio Symphony Orchestra Music for the Royal Fireworks, for orchestra, HWV 351: VI. Menuet II 01:30
George Frideric Handel View in Albunack Música Aquática, Música para os Reais Fogos de Artifício 21 1 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 George Frideric Handel Concerto per Organo ed Orchestra n 8 in LA+ - Overture 01:54 2 George Frideric Handel Concerto per Organo ed Orchestra n 8 in LA+ - A tempo ordinario 04:06 3 George Frideric Handel Concerto per Organo ed Orchestra n 8 in LA+ - Allegro 05:26 4 George Frideric Handel Concerto per Organo ed Orchestra n 9 in Sib+ - Allegro 04:46 5 George Frideric Handel Concerto per Organo ed Orchestra n 9 in Sib+ - Spiritoso 05:02 6 George Frideric Handel Concerto per Organo ed Orchestra n 9 in Sib+ - Minuetto 01:43 7 George Frideric Handel Concerto per Organo ed Orchestra n 10 in RE- - Adagio 05:15 8 George Frideric Handel Concerto per Organo ed Orchestra n 10 in RE- - Allegro così così 03:55 9 George Frideric Handel Concerto per Organo ed Orchestra n 10 in RE- - Allegro 04:51 10 George Frideric Handel Concerto per Organo ed Orchestra n 13 HVW 295 in FA+ - Larghetto 02:41 11 George Frideric Handel Concerto per Organo ed Orchestra n 13 HVW 295 in FA+ - Allegro 03:26 12 George Frideric Handel Concerto per Organo ed Orchestra n 13 HVW 295 in FA+ - Larghetto 03:25 13 George Frideric Handel Concerto per Organo ed Orchestra n 13 HVW 295 in FA+ - Allegro 03:33 14 George Frideric Handel Concerto per Oboe ed Orchestra HVW 302 in Sib+ - Vivace 02:19 15 George Frideric Handel Concerto per Oboe ed Orchestra HVW 302 in Sib+ - Fuga - Allegro 02:15 16 George Frideric Handel Concerto per Oboe ed Orchestra HVW 302 in Sib+ - Andante 02:47 17 George Frideric Handel Concerto per Oboe ed Orchestra HVW 302 in Sib+ - Allegro 02:08 18 George Frideric Handel Concerto per Oboe ed Orchestra HVW 301 in Sib+ - Adagio 01:51 19 George Frideric Handel Concerto per Oboe ed Orchestra HVW 301 in Sib+ - Allegro 01:56 20 George Frideric Handel Concerto per Oboe ed Orchestra HVW 301 in Sib+ - Siciliana - Largo 02:41 21 George Frideric Handel Concerto per Oboe ed Orchestra HVW 301 in Sib+ - Vivace 01:42
George Frideric Handel View in Albunack Ode To St. Cecilia/s Day / Christian Kluttig 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Christian Kluttig & George Frederick Handel Ode for St Cecilia's Day (Song for St Cecilia's Day) for soloists, chorus & orchestra, HWV 76: Overture 05:10 2 Christian Kluttig & George Frederick Handel Ode for St Cecilia's Day (Song for St Cecilia's Day) for soloists, chorus & orchestra, HWV 76: Accompagnato: From harmony 03:27 3 Christian Kluttig & George Frederick Handel Ode for St Cecilia's Day (Song for St Cecilia's Day) for soloists, chorus & orchestra, HWV 76: Chorus: From harmony 03:50 4 Christian Kluttig & George Frederick Handel Ode for St Cecilia's Day (Song for St Cecilia's Day) for soloists, chorus & orchestra, HWV 76: Arie: What passion cannot music raise and quell! 07:38 5 Christian Kluttig & George Frederick Handel Ode for St Cecilia's Day (Song for St Cecilia's Day) for soloists, chorus & orchestra, HWV 76: Air: The trumpet's loud - Chor. The trumpet's loud 03:40 6 Christian Kluttig & George Frederick Handel Ode for St Cecilia's Day (Song for St Cecilia's Day) for soloists, chorus & orchestra, HWV 76: March 02:02 7 Christian Kluttig & George Frederick Handel Ode for St Cecilia's Day (Song for St Cecilia's Day) for soloists, chorus & orchestra, HWV 76: Arie. The soft complaining flute 05:01 8 Christian Kluttig & George Frederick Handel Ode for St Cecilia's Day (Song for St Cecilia's Day) for soloists, chorus & orchestra, HWV 76: Arie. Sharp violins proclaim 04:01 9 Christian Kluttig & George Frederick Handel Ode for St Cecilia's Day (Song for St Cecilia's Day) for soloists, chorus & orchestra, HWV 76: Arie. But oh! What art can teach 03:56 10 Christian Kluttig & George Frederick Handel Ode for St Cecilia's Day (Song for St Cecilia's Day) for soloists, chorus & orchestra, HWV 76: Arie. Orpheus could lead 01:39 11 Christian Kluttig & George Frederick Handel Ode for St Cecilia's Day (Song for St Cecilia's Day) for soloists, chorus & orchestra, HWV 76: Accompagnato. But bright Cecilia 00:42 12 Christian Kluttig & George Frederick Handel Ode for St Cecilia's Day (Song for St Cecilia's Day) for soloists, chorus & orchestra, HWV 76: Chor with Soprano. As from the pow'r of sacred lays 07:00
George Frideric Handel View in Albunack Ode for Saint Cecilia's Day 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Frideric Handel Ouverture 04:23 2 George Frideric Handel Recitative: From Harmony, from heavn'ly Harmony (tenor) - I. Accompagnato: When Nature underneath a heap of jarring atoms lay (tenor) 04:55 3 George Frideric Handel II. Chorus: From Harmony, from heavn'ly Harmony 03:37 4 George Frideric Handel III. Air: What passion cannot Music raise and quell! (spoprano) 07:59 5 George Frideric Handel IV. Solo and Chorus: The Trumpet's loud clangor excites us to arms (tenor, chorus) 04:19 6 George Frideric Handel V. La Marche 02:09 7 George Frideric Handel VI. Air: The soft complaining Flute (soprano) 05:08 8 George Frideric Handel VII. Air: Sharp Violins procalim their jealous pangs (tenor) 04:31 9 George Frideric Handel VIII. Air: But oh! what art can teach (soprano) 04:16 10 George Frideric Handel IX. Air: Orpheus could lead the savage race (soprano) 01:49 11 George Frideric Handel X. Accompagnato: But bright Cecilia (soprano) 00:40 12 George Frideric Handel XI. Chorus: As from the pow'r of sacred lays 08:26
George Frideric Handel View in Albunack Organ Concerto N.16; Fugues or Voluntarys for Harpsichord /Christian Schmit 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Stuttgart Chamber Orchestra & Nicol Matt Organ Concerto in F major, HWV 305- Ouverture 01:32 2 Stuttgart Chamber Orchestra & Nicol Matt Organ Concerto in F major, HWV 305- Allegro 03:20 3 Stuttgart Chamber Orchestra & Nicol Matt Organ Concerto in F major, HWV 305- Organo ad Libitum 02:08 4 Stuttgart Chamber Orchestra & Nicol Matt Organ Concerto in F major, HWV 305- Allegro ma non troppo 03:53 5 Stuttgart Chamber Orchestra & Nicol Matt Organ Concerto in F major, HWV 305- Adagio 01:23 6 Stuttgart Chamber Orchestra & Nicol Matt Organ Concerto in F major, HWV 305- Andante 03:43 7 Stuttgart Chamber Orchestra & Nicol Matt Organ Concerto in F major, HWV 305- Allegro 01:45 8 Stuttgart Chamber Orchestra & Nicol Matt Organ Concerto in F major, HWV 305- Marche Allegro 01:49 9 Stuttgart Chamber Orchestra & Nicol Matt Fugue for keyboard in G minor, HWV 605 04:04 10 Stuttgart Chamber Orchestra & Nicol Matt Fugue for keyboard in B flat major, HWV 607 02:50 11 Stuttgart Chamber Orchestra & Nicol Matt Fugue for keyboard in B minor, HWV 608 05:17 12 Stuttgart Chamber Orchestra & Nicol Matt Fugue for keyboard in C minor, HWV 610 03:33
George Frideric Handel View in Albunack Organ Concertos N.12-15 / Christian Schmitt, Nicol Matt 17 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Stuttgart Chamber Orchestra & Nicol Matt Organ Concerto in B flat major, Op.7-6, HWV 311- Pomposo 03:58 2 Stuttgart Chamber Orchestra & Nicol Matt Organ Concerto in B flat major, Op.7-6, HWV 311- Andante 02:05 3 Stuttgart Chamber Orchestra & Nicol Matt Organ Concerto in B flat major, Op.7-6, HWV 311- Air 02:58 4 Stuttgart Chamber Orchestra & Nicol Matt Organ Concerto in F major -Cuckoo & the Nightingale- (No.13), HWV 295- Larghetto 02:25 5 Stuttgart Chamber Orchestra & Nicol Matt Organ Concerto in F major -Cuckoo & the Nightingale- (No.13), HWV 295- Allegro 03:28 6 Stuttgart Chamber Orchestra & Nicol Matt Organ Concerto in F major -Cuckoo & the Nightingale- (No.13), HWV 295- Organo ad libitum- Fuga HWV 609 04:49 7 Stuttgart Chamber Orchestra & Nicol Matt Organ Concerto in F major -Cuckoo & the Nightingale- (No.13), HWV 295- Larghetto 02:46 8 Stuttgart Chamber Orchestra & Nicol Matt Organ Concerto in F major -Cuckoo & the Nightingale- (No.13), HWV 295- Allegro 03:20 9 Stuttgart Chamber Orchestra & Nicol Matt Organ Concerto in A major (No.14), HWV 296a- Largo e staccato 04:26 10 Stuttgart Chamber Orchestra & Nicol Matt Organ Concerto in A major (No.14), HWV 296a- Organo ad libitum- Air A major HWV 468 01:22 11 Stuttgart Chamber Orchestra & Nicol Matt Organ Concerto in A major (No.14), HWV 296a- Andante 04:41 12 Stuttgart Chamber Orchestra & Nicol Matt Organ Concerto in A major (No.14), HWV 296a- Grave- Organo ad libitum 00:36 13 Stuttgart Chamber Orchestra & Nicol Matt Organ Concerto in A major (No.14), HWV 296a- Allegro 06:24 14 Stuttgart Chamber Orchestra & Nicol Matt Organ Concerto in D minor (No.15), HWV 304- Andante 05:36 15 Stuttgart Chamber Orchestra & Nicol Matt Organ Concerto in D minor (No.15), HWV 304- Grave 02:12 16 Stuttgart Chamber Orchestra & Nicol Matt Organ Concerto in D minor (No.15), HWV 304- Organo ad libitum- Fuga G major HWV 606 04:11 17 Stuttgart Chamber Orchestra & Nicol Matt Organ Concerto in D minor (No.15), HWV 304- Allegro 04:39
George Frideric Handel View in Albunack Organ Concertos op. 7 21 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Frideric Handel Concerto Op. 7 No. 1 HWV306 B flat major. B-dur. en si bémol majeur I Andante 10:12 2 George Frideric Handel II Largo e piano 02:52 3 George Frideric Handel III Fuga 02:30 4 George Frideric Handel IV Adagio ad libitum 02:26 5 George Frideric Handel V Bourrée 02:38 6 George Frideric Handel Concerto Op.7 No. 3 HWV308 B flat major. B-dur. en si bémol majeur I Andante 04:51 7 George Frideric Handel II Adagio e Fuga ad libitum 05:29 8 George Frideric Handel III Spiritoso 04:29 9 George Frideric Handel IV Menuet I & II 03:36 10 George Frideric Handel Concerto Op. 7 No. 4 HWV309 D minor. d-moll. en ré mineur I Adagio 04:29 11 George Frideric Handel II Allegro così così 04:56 12 George Frideric Handel III Ad libitum 03:05 Has Mbid 13 George Frideric Handel IV Allegro 03:21 14 George Frideric Handel Concerto Op. 7 No. 5 HWV310 G minor. g-moll. en sol mineur I Staccato ma non troppo allegro 03:43 15 George Frideric Handel II Adagio ad libitum 00:50 16 George Frideric Handel III Andante larghetto e staccato 04:13 17 George Frideric Handel IV Adagio ad libitum 00:31 18 George Frideric Handel V Menuet 02:31 19 George Frideric Handel Concerto Op. 7 No. 6 HWV311 B flat major. B-dur. en si bémol majeur I Pomposo 03:22 20 George Frideric Handel II Ad libitum 02:38 21 George Frideric Handel III Air 03:50
George Frideric Handel View in Albunack Orgelconcerten - Josef Bucher (Orgel) 16 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Frideric Handel Concert voor Orgel en Orkest Nr 5 in G-Moll: 1 Allegro non tropo, e staccato 03:07 2 George Frideric Handel Concert voor Orgel en Orkest Nr 5 in G-Moll: 2 Andante larghetto, e staccato 06:25 3 George Frideric Handel Concert voor Orgel en Orkest Nr 5 in G-Moll: 3 Menuet 02:20 4 George Frideric Handel Concert voor Orgel en Orkest Nr 5 in G-Moll: 4 Gavotte 02:08 5 George Frideric Handel Concert voor Orgel en Orkest Nr 6 in B-Dur: 1 Pomposo 03:47 6 George Frideric Handel Concert voor Orgel en Orkest Nr 6 in B-Dur: 2 A tempo ordinario 03:16 7 George Frideric Handel Concert voor Orgel en Orkest Nr 7 in F-Dur: 1 Largetto 03:06 8 George Frideric Handel Concert voor Orgel en Orkest Nr 7 in F-Dur: 2 Allegro 03:59 9 George Frideric Handel Concert voor Orgel en Orkest Nr 7 in F-Dur: 3 Largetto 03:41 10 George Frideric Handel Concert voor Orgel en Orkest Nr 7 in F-Dur: 4 Allegro 03:37 11 George Frideric Handel Concert voor Orgel en Orkest Nr 8 in A-Dur: 1 Largo e staccato 05:16 12 George Frideric Handel Concert voor Orgel en Orkest Nr 8 in A-Dur: 2 Andante 04:43 13 George Frideric Handel Concert voor Orgel en Orkest Nr 8 in A-Dur: 3 Grave 01:10 14 George Frideric Handel Concert voor Orgel en Orkest Nr 8 in A-Dur: 4 Allegro 06:24 15 George Frideric Handel Concert voor Orgel en Orkest Nr 9 in D-Moll: 1 Andante 05:16 16 George Frideric Handel Concert voor Orgel en Orkest Nr 9 in D-Moll: 2 Allegro 04:59
George Frideric Handel View in Albunack Partenope, HWV 27 31 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Frideric Handel Partenope, HWV 27 - Ouverture 06:32 2 George Frideric Handel Partenope, HWV 27 - Act III, Scene I - Regina ti compiace 00:41 3 George Frideric Handel Partenope, HWV 27 - Act III, Scene I - Non e incauto il mio consiglio 01:36 4 George Frideric Handel Partenope, HWV 27 - Act II, Scene I - Ma le nemiche Squadre 00:26 5 George Frideric Handel Partenope, HWV 27 - Act III, Scene II - Arsace, o Dio! Cosi 01:05 6 George Frideric Handel Partenope, HWV 27 - Act I, Scene III - L'Amor e il Destin 03:04 7 George Frideric Handel Partenope, HWV 27 - Act I, Scene III - O Eurimene ha l'idea di Rosmira 02:31 8 George Frideric Handel Partenope, HWV 27 - Act III, Scene III - Prencipe ardir 01:06 9 George Frideric Handel Partenope, HWV 27 - Act III, Scene III - La Speme ti consoli 04:22 10 George Frideric Handel Partenope, HWV 27 - Act III, Scene IV - Rosmira, ove ti guida 01:36 11 George Frideric Handel Partenope, HWV 27 - Act I, Scene IV - Voglio dire al mio tesoro 04:50 12 George Frideric Handel Partenope, HWV 27 - Act I, Scene V - Ah! Ch'un volto fatal mi dà gran pena! 02:02 13 George Frideric Handel Partenope, HWV 27 - Act I, Scene V - Un altra volta ancor 02:48 14 George Frideric Handel Partenope, HWV 27 - Act III, Scene V - Ormonte, ti destino 00:51 15 George Frideric Handel Partenope, HWV 27 - Act III, Scene V - Nobil Core, che ben ama 03:44 16 George Frideric Handel Partenope, HWV 27 - Act II, Scene IV - E vuoi con dure tempre 03:08 17 George Frideric Handel Partenope, HWV 27 - Act II, Scene V - Non puo darsi in un petto 01:58 18 George Frideric Handel Partenope, HWV 27 - Act III, Scene VII - Cieli Che miro! abbandonato e solo 00:49 19 George Frideric Handel Partenope, HWV 27 - Act I, Scene VIII - E di che reo son io 00:49 20 George Frideric Handel Partenope, HWV 27 - Act III, Scene VIII - Un Cor infedele 02:58 21 George Frideric Handel Partenope, HWV 27 - Act I, Scene IX - Sei mia gioia, sei mio bene 03:29 22 George Frideric Handel Partenope, HWV 27 - Act II, Scene VII - Non chiedo o luci vaghe' 03:06 23 George Frideric Handel Partenope, HWV 27 - Act I, Scene IX - Dimmi, pietoso Ciel 04:23 24 George Frideric Handel Partenope, HWV 27 - Act I, Scene X - Ecco Emilio 02:05 25 George Frideric Handel Partenope, HWV 27 - Act II, Scene VIII - Quanto godo Eurimene 01:04 26 George Frideric Handel Partenope, HWV 27 - Act II, Scene IX - Rosmira mia, mio bene! 00:43 27 George Frideric Handel Partenope, HWV 27 - Act II, Scene IX - Furibondo spira il vento 04:25 28 George Frideric Handel Partenope, HWV 27 - Act I, Scene XII - Lascia deh! Lascia, o Prence 00:43 29 George Frideric Handel Partenope, HWV 27 - Act I, Scene XII - E' figlio il mio timore 03:23 30 George Frideric Handel Partenope, HWV 27 - Act I, Scene XIII - Prence, di te mi lagno 00:40 31 George Frideric Handel Partenope, HWV 27 - Act I, Scene XIII - Io seguo sol fiero 05:11
George Frideric Handel View in Albunack Recorder Sonatas / Erik Bosgraaf, Francesco Corti 30 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Francesco Corti Recorder Sonata in C major, Op.1-7, HWV 365- Larghetto 02:35 2 Francesco Corti Recorder Sonata in C major, Op.1-7, HWV 365- Allegro 01:52 3 Francesco Corti Recorder Sonata in C major, Op.1-7, HWV 365- Larghetto 02:05 4 Francesco Corti Recorder Sonata in C major, Op.1-7, HWV 365- A tempo di Gavotta 01:42 5 Francesco Corti Recorder Sonata in C major, Op.1-7, HWV 365- Allegro 01:57 6 Francesco Corti Flute Sonata in B minor (Op.1-9b), HWV 367b- Largo 02:03 7 Francesco Corti Flute Sonata in B minor (Op.1-9b), HWV 367b- Vivace 02:48 8 Francesco Corti Flute Sonata in B minor (Op.1-9b), HWV 367b- Furioso 01:45 9 Francesco Corti Flute Sonata in B minor (Op.1-9b), HWV 367b- Adagio 01:24 10 Francesco Corti Flute Sonata in B minor (Op.1-9b), HWV 367b- Alla breve 01:32 11 Francesco Corti Flute Sonata in B minor (Op.1-9b), HWV 367b- Andante 02:34 12 Francesco Corti Flute Sonata in B minor (Op.1-9b), HWV 367b- A tempo di menuet 01:19 13 Francesco Corti Recorder Sonata in G minor, Op.1-2, HWV 360- Larghetto 01:58 14 Francesco Corti Recorder Sonata in G minor, Op.1-2, HWV 360- Andante 02:36 15 Francesco Corti Recorder Sonata in G minor, Op.1-2, HWV 360- Adagio 00:46 16 Francesco Corti Recorder Sonata in G minor, Op.1-2, HWV 360- Presto 01:29 17 Francesco Corti Recorder Sonata in B flat major, HWV 377- Allegro 01:50 18 Francesco Corti Recorder Sonata in B flat major, HWV 377- Adagio 01:25 19 Francesco Corti Recorder Sonata in B flat major, HWV 377- Allegro 02:00 20 Francesco Corti Recorder Sonata in A minor, Op.1-4, HWV 362- Larghetto 02:40 21 Francesco Corti Recorder Sonata in A minor, Op.1-4, HWV 362- Allegro 02:10 22 Francesco Corti Recorder Sonata in A minor, Op.1-4, HWV 362- Adagio 01:51 23 Francesco Corti Recorder Sonata in A minor, Op.1-4, HWV 362- Allegro 03:00 24 Francesco Corti Recorder Sonata in F major, Op.1-11, HWV 369- Grave 02:32 25 Francesco Corti Recorder Sonata in F major, Op.1-11, HWV 369- Allegro 01:53 26 Francesco Corti Recorder Sonata in F major, Op.1-11, HWV 369- Alla Siciliana 01:09 27 Francesco Corti Recorder Sonata in F major, Op.1-11, HWV 369- Allegro 01:38 28 Francesco Corti Violin (or recorder) Sonata in G major, HWV 358- Allegro 01:36 29 Francesco Corti Violin (or recorder) Sonata in G major, HWV 358- Adagio 00:35 30 Francesco Corti Violin (or recorder) Sonata in G major, HWV 358- Allegro 01:56
George Frideric Handel View in Albunack Roman Vespers 18 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Frideric Handel Motet: Seviat Tellus / 1) Aria: Seviat tellus 06:51 2 George Frideric Handel Recitative 00:49 3 George Frideric Handel 2) Aria: O nox dulcis 05:36 4 George Frideric Handel Gloria Patri 06:08 5 George Frideric Handel Laudate pueri Dominum 03:39 6 George Frideric Handel 4) Aria: Alleluia 02:24 7 George Frideric Handel A solis ortu 01:30 8 George Frideric Handel Excelsus super omnes gentes 02:10 9 George Frideric Handel Quis sicut Dominus 01:41 10 George Frideric Handel 3) Aria: Eia,eia, ergo avvocata 03:46 11 George Frideric Handel 4) Aria: O clemens 01:58 12 George Frideric Handel Gloria Patri 03:29 13 George Frideric Handel Nisi Dominus 03:33 14 George Frideric Handel Vanum, vanum 02:01 15 George Frideric Handel 4) Chorus: Juravit Dominus 02:56 16 George Frideric Handel Sicut sagittae 01:21 17 George Frideric Handel Veatus vir 02:43 18 George Frideric Handel Gloria Patri 02:49
George Frideric Handel View in Albunack Romantic Organ Transcriptions / Massimo Gabba 20 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Frideric Handel Occasional Oratorio, HWV 62: Overture. 1. Andante maestoso - Allegro 04:50 2 George Frideric Handel Occasional Oratorio, HWV 62: Overture. 2. Largo 02:42 3 George Frideric Handel Occasional Oratorio, HWV 62: Overture. 3. March 02:18 4 George Frideric Handel Suite for keyboard (Suite de piece), Vol.2, No.1 in B flat major, HWV 434: 1. Prelude 02:00 5 George Frideric Handel Suite for keyboard (Suite de piece), Vol.2, No.1 in B flat major, HWV 434: 2. Allegro moderato 02:19 6 George Frideric Handel Suite for keyboard (Suite de piece), Vol.2, No.1 in B flat major, HWV 434: 3. Air - Five variations 04:32 7 George Frideric Handel Serse (Xerxes), opera, HWV 40: Largo (Ombra mai fu) 05:22 8 George Frideric Handel Saul, oratorio, HWV 53: Act 1. 1. Allegro 05:26 9 George Frideric Handel Saul, oratorio, HWV 53: Act 1. 2. Andante 02:35 10 George Frideric Handel Saul, oratorio, HWV 53: Act 1. 3. Allegro 03:26 11 George Frideric Handel Saul, oratorio, HWV 53: Act 1. 4. Larghetto 02:53 12 George Frideric Handel Saul, oratorio, HWV 53: Act 2. 1. Largo 02:21 13 George Frideric Handel Saul, oratorio, HWV 53: Act 2. 2. Allegro 03:51 14 George Frideric Handel Messiah, oratorio, HWV 56: I know that my Redeemer liveth 03:35 15 George Frideric Handel Messiah, oratorio, HWV 56: Hallelujah 04:35 16 George Frideric Handel Prelude for keyboard in F minor, HWV 568: Prelude 02:56 17 George Frideric Handel Prelude for keyboard in F minor, HWV 568: Fugue 04:00 18 George Frideric Handel Zadok the Priest, coronation anthem No. 1 for chorus & orchestra, HWV 258 06:10 19 George Frideric Handel Paraphrase on "See the Conquering Hero Comes" for organ, Op. 90/16 03:55 20 George Frideric Handel March Rinale and Fugue on a Theme from Handel's "Messiah" for organ 06:18
George Frideric Handel View in Albunack Royal Fireworks 18 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Frideric Handel Overture 09:58 2 George Frideric Handel Bourree 01:27 3 George Frideric Handel La Paix 03:25 4 George Frideric Handel La Rejouissance 03:45 5 George Frideric Handel Minuett I & II 04:35 6 George Frideric Handel Overture 03:09 7 George Frideric Handel Musette 01:56 8 George Frideric Handel Minuett 00:59 9 George Frideric Handel Gavotte, Adagio, Gavotte 03:45 10 George Frideric Handel Minuett 02:22 11 George Frideric Handel Gavotte 00:50 12 George Frideric Handel Overture 02:05 13 George Frideric Handel Alla Hornpipe 04:04 14 George Frideric Handel Minuett 02:57 15 George Frideric Handel Rigaudon 02:53 16 George Frideric Handel Lentement 02:08 17 George Frideric Handel Bourree 01:12 18 George Frideric Handel Minuett 01:24
George Frideric Handel View in Albunack Serse / Nicholas McGegan 28 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Judith Malafronte, David Thomas, Etc.; Nicholas McGegan: The Hanover Band & Chorus Handel: Serse, HWV 40 - Overture 01:25 2 George Frideric Handel Handel:Serse, HWV40-02 Ouverture II 01:59 3 George Frideric Handel Handel:Serse, HWV40-03 Ouverture III 01:51 Has Mbid 4 Judith Malafronte, David Thomas, Etc.; Nicholas McGegan: The Hanover Band & Chorus Handel: Serse, HWV 40 - Act 1: Ombra Mai Fu 02:50 5 George Frideric Handel Handel:Serse, HWV40-05 Va godendo vezzosa e bello 01:59 6 George Frideric Handel Handel:Serse, HWV40-06 Io le diro che m'ami 01:39 7 George Frideric Handel Handel:Serse, HWV40-07 Gia la tromba Choir 00:40 8 George Frideric Handel Handel:Serse, HWV40-08 Soggetti al mio volere 01:52 9 George Frideric Handel Handel:Serse, HWV40-09 Piu che penso alle fiamme del core 07:08 10 George Frideric Handel Handel:Serse, HWV40-10 Sapra delle mia offese 04:21 11 George Frideric Handel Handel:Serse, HWV40-11 Se O'idol mio rapir mi vuol 04:34 12 George Frideric Handel Handel:Serse, HWV40-12 Un cenno leggiadretto,un riso vezzasetto 03:59 13 George Frideric Handel Handel:Serse, HWV40-13 Seranze mie fermate 00:49 14 George Frideric Handel Handel:Serse, HWV40-14 Ah! Chi voler fiora di bella giardina 00:58 15 George Frideric Handel Handel:Serse, HWV40-15 Or che siete speranze tradite 02:51 16 George Frideric Handel Handel:Serse, HWV40-16 Dira che amor per me 01:44 17 George Frideric Handel Handel:Serse, HWV40-17 Se bramate d'amar chi vi sdegna 06:27 18 George Frideric Handel Handel:Serse, HWV40-18 Anima infida,tradita io-sono 01:39 19 George Frideric Handel Handel:Serse, HWV40-19 Quella che ntta fe 04:24 20 George Frideric Handel Handel:Serse, HWV40-20 La virture sol potea 00:22 21 George Frideric Handel Handel:Serse, HWV40-21 Si,la voglio e I'otterro 02:49 22 George Frideric Handel Handel:Serse, HWV40-22 Chi cede al furore 04:59 23 George Frideric Handel Handel:Serse, HWV40-23 Sinfonia 3'09 03:08 24 George Frideric Handel Handel:Serse, HWV40-24 Cagion son io del mio dolore 02:28 25 George Frideric Handel Handel:Serse, HWV40-25 Troppo oltraggi,troppo inganni 02:41 26 George Frideric Handel Handel:Serse, HWV40-26 Crude furie degl' orridi asissi 03:45 27 George Frideric Handel Handel:Serse, HWV40-27 Caro voi siete all'alma 02:07 28 George Frideric Handel Handel:Serse, HWV40-28 Ritorna anoi la calma 01:32
George Frideric Handel View in Albunack Simply Handel - Sonatas 35 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Frideric Handel Sonata in A Major For Violin & Basso Continuo, HWV 361, Op.1 No.3 02:44 2 George Frideric Handel Sonata in A Major For Violin & Basso Continuo, HWV 361, Op.1 No.3 01:55 3 George Frideric Handel Sonata in A Major For Violin & Basso Continuo, HWV 361, Op.1 No.3 00:50 4 George Frideric Handel Sonata in A Major For Violin & Basso Continuo, HWV 361, Op.1 No.3 02:45 5 George Frideric Handel Sonata in G Major For Flute & Continuo, HWV 363B Op.1 No.5 01:34 6 George Frideric Handel Sonata in G Major For Flute & Continuo, HWV 363B Op.1 No.5 01:53 7 George Frideric Handel Sonata in G Major For Flute & Continuo, HWV 363B Op.1 No.5 01:56 8 George Frideric Handel Sonata in G Major For Flute & Continuo, HWV 363B Op.1 No.5 00:48 9 George Frideric Handel Sonata in G Major For Flute & Continuo, HWV 363B Op.1 No.5 01:13 10 George Frideric Handel Sonata No.4 in D Major For Violin & Harpsichord, Op.1 No.13 03:46 11 George Frideric Handel Sonata No.4 in D Major For Violin & Harpsichord, Op.1 No.13 02:58 12 George Frideric Handel Sonata No.4 in D Major For Violin & Harpsichord, Op.1 No.13 03:18 13 George Frideric Handel Sonata No.4 in D Major For Violin & Harpsichord, Op.1 No.13 04:13 14 George Frideric Handel Sonata in G Major For Violin & Basso Continuo, HWV 358 01:48 15 George Frideric Handel Sonata in G Major For Violin & Basso Continuo, HWV 358 00:49 16 George Frideric Handel Sonata in G Major For Violin & Basso Continuo, HWV 358 02:27 17 George Frideric Handel Sonata in E Minor For Flute & Continuo HWV 375 (Hallenser II) 01:45 18 George Frideric Handel Sonata in E Minor For Flute & Continuo HWV 375 (Hallenser II) 01:37 19 George Frideric Handel Sonata in E Minor For Flute & Continuo HWV 375 (Hallenser II) 01:39 20 George Frideric Handel Sonata in E Minor For Flute & Continuo HWV 375 (Hallenser II) 01:41 21 George Frideric Handel Sonata No. 6 In E Major for Violin & Harpsichord, Op.1 No.15 02:33 22 George Frideric Handel Sonata No. 6 In E Major for Violin & Harpsichord, Op.1 No.15 02:54 23 George Frideric Handel Sonata No. 6 In E Major for Violin & Harpsichord, Op.1 No.15 01:57 24 George Frideric Handel Sonata No. 6 In E Major for Violin & Harpsichord, Op.1 No.15 02:48 25 George Frideric Handel Sonata in B Minor For Flute & Continuo, HWV 367B, Op.1 No.9 01:53 26 George Frideric Handel Sonata in B Minor For Flute & Continuo, HWV 367B, Op.1 No.9 01:35 27 George Frideric Handel Sonata in B Minor For Flute & Continuo, HWV 367B, Op.1 No.9 01:35 28 George Frideric Handel Sonata in B Minor For Flute & Continuo, HWV 367B, Op.1 No.9 01:14 29 George Frideric Handel Sonata in B Minor For Flute & Continuo, HWV 367B, Op.1 No.9 01:40 30 George Frideric Handel Sonata in B Minor For Flute & Continuo, HWV 367B, Op.1 No.9 02:11 31 George Frideric Handel Sonata in B Minor For Flute & Continuo, HWV 367B, Op.1 No.9 01:43 32 George Frideric Handel Sonata in D Major For Flute & Continuo, HWV 371, Op.1 No.3 03:09 33 George Frideric Handel Sonata in D Major For Flute & Continuo, HWV 371, Op.1 No.3 02:48 34 George Frideric Handel Sonata in D Major For Flute & Continuo, HWV 371, Op.1 No.3 02:30 35 George Frideric Handel Sonata in D Major For Flute & Continuo, HWV 371, Op.1 No.3 03:48
George Frideric Handel View in Albunack Suites 4 10 16 14 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Frideric Handel Suite No. 4 - Fugue "la grande" 03:41 2 George Frideric Handel - Allemande 02:11 3 George Frideric Handel - Courante 02:01 4 George Frideric Handel - Sarabande 04:52 5 George Frideric Handel - Gigue 01:38 6 George Frideric Handel Suite No. 10 - Allemande 02:19 7 George Frideric Handel - Courante 01:33 8 George Frideric Handel - Air 03:04 9 George Frideric Handel - Gigue 01:24 10 George Frideric Handel - Menuet 05:10 11 George Frideric Handel Suite No. 16 - Allemande 01:20 12 George Frideric Handel - Courante 02:21 13 George Frideric Handel - Sarabande 02:41 14 George Frideric Handel - Gigue 00:54
George Frideric Handel View in Albunack Te Deum / Jenemann 21 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Frideric Handel Chandos Te Deum, HWV 281: I. We praise Thee, o God 03:12 2 George Frideric Handel II. All the earth 03:22 3 George Frideric Handel III. The glorious company 03:03 4 George Frideric Handel IV. Thou art the King 02:55 5 George Frideric Handel V. When thou tookest 02:10 6 George Frideric Handel VI. When thou hadst overcome 00:37 7 George Frideric Handel VII. Thou didst open the kingdom 00:43 8 George Frideric Handel VIII. Thou sittest of the right hand 03:57 9 George Frideric Handel IX. We believe that Thou shalt come 03:12 10 George Frideric Handel X. Day by day 02:01 11 George Frideric Handel XI. And we worship Thy name ever 01:26 12 George Frideric Handel XII. Vouchsafe, o Lord 03:31 13 George Frideric Handel XIII. O Lord, in Thee we love trust 04:17 14 George Frideric Handel Chandos Anthem "Let God Arise", HWV 256a: I. Symphony 03:42 15 George Frideric Handel II. Let God arise 02:37 16 George Frideric Handel III. Like as a smoke 02:44 17 George Frideric Handel IV. Let the righteous be glad 03:24 18 George Frideric Handel V. O sing unto God 04:28 19 George Frideric Handel VI. Praised by the Lord 01:19 20 George Frideric Handel VII. At Thy rebuke, o God 02:03 21 George Frideric Handel VIII. Blessed be God, Alleluja 02:00
George Frideric Handel View in Albunack Ten Overtures 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Frideric Handel Lotario 07:03 2 George Frideric Handel Esther 08:24 3 George Frideric Handel Admeto 04:25 4 George Frideric Handel Alcina 07:34 5 George Frideric Handel Orlando 06:20 6 George Frideric Handel Poro 04:20 7 George Frideric Handel Partenope 07:36 8 George Frideric Handel Ottone 08:02 9 George Frideric Handel Ariodante 05:49 10 George Frideric Handel Il pastor fido 05:19
George Frideric Handel View in Albunack The Complete Messiah (Orlando Philharmonic Orchestra feat. conductor Andrew Lane) 16 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Frideric Handel Part 1. Sinfony Overture 03:36 2 George Frideric Handel Part 1. Recitative. Comfort ye 02:56 3 George Frideric Handel Part 1. Aria. Every Valley 03:18 4 George Frideric Handel Part 1. Chorus. And The Glory Of The Lord Shall Be Revealed 03:05 5 George Frideric Handel Part 1. Recitative. Thus Saith The Lord 01:24 6 George Frideric Handel Part 1. Aria. But Who May Abide The Day Of His Coming 04:36 7 George Frideric Handel Part 1. Recitative. Behold, A Virgin Shall Conceive 00:25 8 George Frideric Handel Part 1. Aria. O Thou That Tellest Good Tidings To Zion 05:35 9 George Frideric Handel Part 1. Recitative. For Behold, Darkness Shall Cover The Earth 02:17 10 George Frideric Handel Part 1. Aria. The People That Walked In Darkness 03:48 11 George Frideric Handel Part 1. Chorus. For Unto Us A Child Is Born 03:54 12 George Frideric Handel Part 1. Pastoral Symphony. Pifa 01:18 13 George Frideric Handel Part 1. Recitative. There Were Shepherds Abiding In The Field 00:16 14 George Frideric Handel Part 1. Recitative. And Lo, The Angel of the Lord 00:24 15 George Frideric Handel Part 1. Recitative. And The Angels Said Unto Them 00:43 16 George Frideric Handel Part 1. Recitative. And Suddenly There Was With The Angel / Chorus. Glory To God 02:17
George Frideric Handel View in Albunack Theodora - Act I - McGegan, Philharmonia Baroque Orchestra 91 27 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Frideric Handel A0 Overture 06:30 2 George Frideric Handel A1-1 Tis Dioclesian's natal Day 00:28 3 George Frideric Handel A1-2 Go my faithful Soldier, go 01:56 4 George Frideric Handel A1-3 And draw a Blessing down 01:58 5 George Frideric Handel A1-4 Vouchsafe, dread Sir, a gracious Ear 00:53 6 George Frideric Handel A1-5 Racks, Gibbets, Sword, & Fire 03:24 7 George Frideric Handel A1-6 For ever thus stands fix'd the Doom 01:53 8 George Frideric Handel A1-7 Most cruel Edict 00:30 9 George Frideric Handel A1-8 The raptur'd Soul defies teh Sword 08:03 10 George Frideric Handel A1-9 I know thy Virtues 00:40 11 George Frideric Handel A1-10 Descend, kind Pity 07:39 12 George Frideric Handel A1-11 Tho' hard, my Friends, yet Wholesome 00:22 13 George Frideric Handel A1-12 Fond, flatt'ring World 03:26 14 George Frideric Handel A1-13 O bright Example of all goodness 00:26 15 George Frideric Handel A1-14 Bane of Virtue 05:43 16 George Frideric Handel A1-15 Come, mighty Father 02:19 17 George Frideric Handel A1-16 Fly, fly, my Brethren 00:43 18 George Frideric Handel A1-17 As with rosy steps the Morn 05:47 19 George Frideric Handel A1-18 All Pow'r in Heav'n above 02:18 20 George Frideric Handel A1-19 Mistaken wretches 00:22 21 George Frideric Handel A1-20 Dread the Fruits of Christian Folly 03:01 22 George Frideric Handel A1-21 Deluded Mortal 01:02 Has Mbid 23 George Frideric Handel A1-22 Angels, ever bright & fair 04:29 24 George Frideric Handel A1-23 Unhappy, happy Crew 00:59 25 George Frideric Handel A1-24 Kind Heav'n 05:30 26 George Frideric Handel A1-25 O Love, how great thy Pow'r 00:19 27 George Frideric Handel A1-26 Go, gen'rous, pious youth 03:31
George Frideric Handel View in Albunack Theodora - Act II - McGegan, Philharmonia Baroque Orchestra 91 26 2 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Frideric Handel A2-1 Ye Men of Antioch 00:26 2 George Frideric Handel A2-2 Queen of Summer 00:52 3 George Frideric Handel A2-3 Wide spread his Name 02:12 4 George Frideric Handel A2-4 Return, Septimius 00:37 5 George Frideric Handel A2-5 Venus laughing from the skies 01:18 6 George Frideric Handel A2-6 Interlude 00:40 7 George Frideric Handel A2-7 O thou bright Sun 00:27 Has Mbid 8 George Frideric Handel A2-8 With Darkness, deep 03:50 9 George Frideric Handel A2-9 Interlude 01:07 10 George Frideric Handel A2-10 Symphony of Soft Musick 01:09 11 George Frideric Handel A2-11 But why art Thou disquieted 00:22 Has Mbid 12 George Frideric Handel A2-12 Oh, that I on wings could rise 04:10 13 George Frideric Handel A2-13 Long have I known 01:11 14 George Frideric Handel A2-14 Tho' the Honours 03:46 15 George Frideric Handel A2-15 O save her then 00:37 16 George Frideric Handel A2-16 Deeds of Kindness to display 06:58 17 George Frideric Handel A2-17 The Clouds begin 00:27 18 George Frideric Handel A2-18 Defend her, heav'n 03:51 19 George Frideric Handel A2-19 Or lull'd with Grief 00:38 20 George Frideric Handel A2-20 Sweet Rose, & Lilly 02:37 21 George Frideric Handel A2-21 O save me, Heav'n 01:12 22 George Frideric Handel A2-22 The Pilgrim's Home 02:45 23 George Frideric Handel A2-23 Forbid it, Heav'n 02:01 24 George Frideric Handel A2-24 To Thee, Thou glorious Son 04:58 25 George Frideric Handel A2-25 Tis night 00:42 26 George Frideric Handel A2-26 He saw the lovely Youth 04:36
George Frideric Handel View in Albunack Theodora - Act III - McGegan, Philharmonia Baroque Orchestra 91 20 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Frideric Handel A3-1 Lord, to Thee 04:58 2 George Frideric Handel A3-2 But see 00:30 3 George Frideric Handel A3-3 When sunk in Anguish & Despair 03:27 4 George Frideric Handel A3-4 Blest be the Hand 03:34 5 George Frideric Handel A3-5 Undaunted in the Court 00:26 6 George Frideric Handel A3-6 Ah, Theodora 00:35 7 George Frideric Handel A3-7 Whither, Princess, do you fly 01:19 8 George Frideric Handel A3-8 She's gone 00:24 9 George Frideric Handel A3-9 New scenes of Joy 03:46 10 George Frideric Handel A3-10 Is it a Christian Virtue 01:53 11 George Frideric Handel A3-11 From Virtue springs each gen'rous Deed 05:39 12 George Frideric Handel A3-12 Cease, ye Slaves, your fruitless Pray'r 01:08 13 George Frideric Handel A3-13 Tis kind, my Friends 00:47 14 George Frideric Handel A3-14 How strange their Ends 03:00 15 George Frideric Handel A3-15 On me your Frowns 00:31 16 George Frideric Handel A3-16 Ye Ministers of Justice 01:20 17 George Frideric Handel A3-17 And must such Beauty suffer 00:39 18 George Frideric Handel A3-18 Streams of Pleasure ever flowing 05:48 19 George Frideric Handel A3-19 E'er this, their Doom is past 00:16 20 George Frideric Handel A3-20 O Love Divine 02:25
George Frideric Handel View in Albunack Timotheus oder die Gewalt der Musik -- Nikolas Harnoncourt, Caoncentus Musicus Wien 20 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Frideric Handel Speech by Nikolaus Harnoncourt - Chorus of the audience 06:00 2 Accompagnato (Tenor): Erschalle, goldenes Saitenspiel Chor: Brich die Bande 04:59 3 George Frideric Handel Arie (Bass): Gib Rach'! 08:26 4 George Frideric Handel Rezitativ (Tenor): Der Sänger ragt hervor 00:27 5 George Frideric Handel Accompagnato (Sopran): Das Lied begann vom Zeus 01:01 6 George Frideric Handel Chor: Den stillen Trupp entzückt das hohe Lied 02:33 7 George Frideric Handel Accompagnato (Tenor): So stimmte vor - Chor: Vom Himmel kam Caecilia 06:31 8 George Frideric Handel Rezitativ (Bass): Des Bacchus Lob stimmt nun der süße Künstler an 00:48 9 George Frideric Handel Soli und Chor: Timotheus, entsag dem Preis! 05:06 10 George Frideric Handel Rezitativ (Tenor): Siegprangend fühlt der Held das Lied! 00:48 11 George Frideric Handel Accompagnato (Sopran): Nun flößt sein Trauerton 01:21 12 George Frideric Handel Arie (Sopran): Er sang den Perser groß und gut 03:10 13 George Frideric Handel Accompagnato (Sopran): Gesenkt das Haupt, sitzt traurig da der Held 01:20 14 George Frideric Handel Chor: Seht an den Perser, groß und gut 02:51 15 George Frideric Handel Rezitativ (Sopran): Der Meister lächelt, weil er sieht 00:35 16 George Frideric Handel Arioso (Sopran): Töne sanft, du lydisch Brautlied! 03:32 17 George Frideric Handel Arie (Tenor): Krieg, o Held, ist Sorg' und Arbeit 05:05 18 George Frideric Handel Chor: Die ganze Schar erhebt ein Lobgeschrei 04:34 19 George Frideric Handel Arie (Sopran): Der Held, der seine Glut umsonst verhehlt 06:43 20 George Frideric Handel Chor da capo: Die ganze Schar erhebt ein Lobgeschrei 05:02
George Frideric Handel View in Albunack Utrrechter Te Deum and Jubilate & Zadok the Priest 17 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Frideric Handel We praise Thee o God 04:26 2 George Frideric Handel To thee all angels cry aloud 02:45 3 George Frideric Handel The glorious company of the apostles Thou art the king of glory 05:11 4 George Frideric Handel When thou tookst upon thee to deliver man 03:56 5 George Frideric Handel We believe that thou shalt come 03:09 6 George Frideric Handel Day by day: we magnify thee and we worship thy name 02:26 7 George Frideric Handel Vouchsafe, O Lord 03:26 8 George Frideric Handel O Lord, in thee have i trusted 01:27 9 George Frideric Handel be joyful in the lord 02:09 10 George Frideric Handel Serve the lord with gladness 02:12 11 George Frideric Handel Be ye sure that the lord is god 02:34 12 George Frideric Handel O go your way into his gates 02:50 13 George Frideric Handel For the lord is gracious 03:28 14 George Frideric Handel Glory be to the father 05:49 15 George Frideric Handel Zadok the Priest 02:12 16 George Frideric Handel And all the people rejoice 00:52 17 George Frideric Handel God save the King 03:01
George Frideric Handel View in Albunack Wassermusik | WATER MUSIC 30 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Frideric Handel Wassermusik - Suite I in F Major, HWV 348: I. Overture: Largo - Allegro 03:24 2 George Frideric Handel Wassermusik - Suite I in F Major, HWV 348: II. Adagio e staccato 01:54 3 George Frideric Handel Wassermusik - Suite I in F Major, HWV 348: III. - 02:14 4 George Frideric Handel Wassermusik - Suite I in F Major, HWV 348: IV. Andante 02:01 5 George Frideric Handel Wassermusik - Suite I in F Major, HWV 348: III. da capo 02:16 6 George Frideric Handel Wassermusik - Suite I in F Major, HWV 348: V. - 02:35 7 George Frideric Handel Wassermusik - Suite I in F Major, HWV 348: VI. Air 04:10 8 George Frideric Handel Wassermusik - Suite I in F Major, HWV 348: VII. Minuet 02:12 9 George Frideric Handel Wassermusik - Suite I In F Major, Hwv 348: VIII. Bourrée 01:18 10 George Frideric Handel Wassermusik - Suite I in F Major, HWV 348: IX. Hornpipe 01:18 11 George Frideric Handel Wassermusik - Suite I in F Major, HWV 348: X. - 03:17 12 George Frideric Handel Wassermusik - Suite II in D Major, HWV 349: I. - 02:03 13 George Frideric Handel Wassermusik - Suite II in D Major, HWV 349: II. Alla Hornpipe 03:43 14 George Frideric Handel Wassermusik - Suite II in D Major, HWV 349: III. Minuet 00:53 15 George Frideric Handel Wassermusik - Suite II in D Major, HWV 349: IV. Lentement 02:14 16 George Frideric Handel Wassermusik - Suite II in D Major, HWV 349: V. Bourrée 01:15 17 George Frideric Handel Wassermusik - Suite III in G Major, HWV 350: I. - 02:09 18 George Frideric Handel Wassermusik - Suite III in G Major, HWV 350: II. Rigaudon 01:03 19 George Frideric Handel Wassermusik - Suite III in G Major, HWV 350: III. - 01:00 20 George Frideric Handel Wassermusik - Suite III in G Major, HWV 350: IV. da capo 00:34 21 George Frideric Handel Wassermusik - Suite III in G Major, HWV 350: V. Menuet 00:44 22 George Frideric Handel Wassermusik - Suite III in G Major, HWV 350: VI. - 01:32 23 George Frideric Handel Wassermusik - Suite III in G Major, HWV 350: VII. - 00:28 24 George Frideric Handel Wassermusik - Suite III In G Major, Hwv 350: VIII. - 00:44 25 George Frideric Handel Sinfonia in B-Flat Major, HWV 339: I. Allegro 03:33 26 George Frideric Handel Sinfonia in B-Flat Major, HWV 339: II. Adagio 03:44 27 George Frideric Handel Sinfonia in B-Flat Major, HWV 339: III. Allegro 02:19 28 George Frideric Handel Sinfonia in B-Flat Major, HWV 347: I. Pomposo 03:20 29 George Frideric Handel Sinfonia in B-Flat Major, HWV 347: II. Air lentement 02:49 30 George Frideric Handel Sinfonia in B-Flat Major, HWV 347: III. Air - A tempo ordinario 01:36
George Frideric Handel View in Albunack Water Music / Anton Steck 24 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Concerto Köln Water Music Suite No. 1 for orchestra in F major, HWV 348: I. Overture: Largo - Allegro 03:24 2 Concerto Köln Water Music Suite No. 1 for orchestra in F major, HWV 348: II. Adagio e staccato 01:54 3 Concerto Köln Water Music Suite No. 1 for orchestra in F major, HWV 348: III. [Without tempo indication] 02:14 4 Concerto Köln Water Music Suite No. 1 for orchestra in F major, HWV 348: IV. Andante 02:01 5 Concerto Köln Water Music Suite No. 1 for orchestra in F major, HWV 348: III. [Da capo] 02:16 6 Concerto Köln Water Music Suite No. 1 for orchestra in F major, HWV 348: V. [Without tempo indication] 02:35 7 Concerto Köln Water Music Suite No. 1 for orchestra in F major, HWV 348: VI. Air 04:10 8 Concerto Köln Water Music Suite No. 1 for orchestra in F major, HWV 348: VII. Minuet 02:12 9 Concerto Köln Water Music Suite No. 1 for orchestra in F major, HWV 348: VIII. Bourrée 01:18 10 Concerto Köln Water Music Suite No. 1 for orchestra in F major, HWV 348: IX. Hornpipe 01:18 11 Concerto Köln Water Music Suite No. 1 for orchestra in F major, HWV 348: X. [Without tempo indication] 03:17 12 Concerto Köln Water Music Suite No. 2 for orchestra in D major, HWV 349: XI. [Without tempo indication] 02:03 13 Concerto Köln Water Music Suite No. 2 for orchestra in D major, HWV 349: XII. Alla Hornpipe 03:43 14 Concerto Köln Water Music Suite No. 2 for orchestra in D major, HWV 349: XIII. Minuet 00:53 15 Concerto Köln Water Music Suite No. 2 for orchestra in D major, HWV 349: XIV. Lentement 02:14 16 Concerto Köln Water Music Suite No. 2 for orchestra in D major, HWV 349: XV. Bourrée 01:15 17 Concerto Köln Water Music Suite No. 3 for orchestra in G major, HWV 350: XVI. [Without tempo indication] 02:09 18 Concerto Köln Water Music Suite No. 3 for orchestra in G major, HWV 350: XVII. Rigaudon 01:03 19 Concerto Köln Water Music Suite No. 3 for orchestra in G major, HWV 350: XVIII. [Without tempo indication] 01:00 20 Concerto Köln Water Music Suite No. 3 for orchestra in G major, HWV 350: XVII. [Da capo] 00:34 21 Concerto Köln Water Music Suite No. 3 for orchestra in G major, HWV 350: XIX. Menuet 00:44 22 Concerto Köln Water Music Suite No. 3 for orchestra in G major, HWV 350: XX. [Without tempo indication] 01:32 23 Concerto Köln Water Music Suite No. 3 for orchestra in G major, HWV 350: XXI. [Without tempo indication] 00:28 24 Concerto Köln Water Music Suite No. 3 for orchestra in G major, HWV 350: XXII. [Without tempo indication] 00:44
George Frideric Handel View in Albunack Water Music / Laurence Cummings 26 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 FestspielOrchester Göttingen, Laurence Cummings & FestspielOrchester Göttingen/Laurence Cummings Water Music Suite No. 1 for orchestra in F major, HWV 348: No. 1: Ouverture. Largo - allegro 03:16 2 FestspielOrchester Göttingen, Laurence Cummings & FestspielOrchester Göttingen/Laurence Cummings Water Music Suite No. 1 for orchestra in F major, HWV 348: No. 2: Adagio e staccato 01:56 3 FestspielOrchester Göttingen, Laurence Cummings & FestspielOrchester Göttingen/Laurence Cummings Water Music Suite No. 1 for orchestra in F major, HWV 348: No. 3: [Allegro] 02:17 4 FestspielOrchester Göttingen, Laurence Cummings & FestspielOrchester Göttingen/Laurence Cummings Water Music Suite No. 1 for orchestra in F major, HWV 348: No. 4: Andante - [Allegro] da capo 04:31 5 FestspielOrchester Göttingen, Laurence Cummings & FestspielOrchester Göttingen/Laurence Cummings Water Music Suite No. 1 for orchestra in F major, HWV 348: No. 5: Allegro 02:54 6 FestspielOrchester Göttingen, Laurence Cummings & FestspielOrchester Göttingen/Laurence Cummings Water Music Suite No. 1 for orchestra in F major, HWV 348: No. 6: Air 03:04 7 FestspielOrchester Göttingen, Laurence Cummings & FestspielOrchester Göttingen/Laurence Cummings Water Music Suite No. 1 for orchestra in F major, HWV 348: No. 7: Minuet 02:38 8 FestspielOrchester Göttingen, Laurence Cummings & FestspielOrchester Göttingen/Laurence Cummings Water Music Suite No. 1 for orchestra in F major, HWV 348: No. 8: Bourrée 01:59 9 FestspielOrchester Göttingen, Laurence Cummings & FestspielOrchester Göttingen/Laurence Cummings Water Music Suite No. 1 for orchestra in F major, HWV 348: No. 9: Hornpipe 02:32 10 FestspielOrchester Göttingen, Laurence Cummings & FestspielOrchester Göttingen/Laurence Cummings Water Music Suite No. 1 for orchestra in F major, HWV 348: No. 10: [Allegro moderato] 04:35 11 FestspielOrchester Göttingen, Laurence Cummings & FestspielOrchester Göttingen/Laurence Cummings Water Music Suite No. 2 for orchestra in D major, HWV 349: No. 11: [Allegro] 02:04 12 FestspielOrchester Göttingen, Laurence Cummings & FestspielOrchester Göttingen/Laurence Cummings Water Music Suite No. 2 for orchestra in D major, HWV 349: No. 12: [Alla hornpipe] 02:57 13 FestspielOrchester Göttingen, Laurence Cummings & FestspielOrchester Göttingen/Laurence Cummings Water Music Suite No. 3 for orchestra in G major, HWV 350: No. 16: [Sarabande] 03:07 14 FestspielOrchester Göttingen, Laurence Cummings & FestspielOrchester Göttingen/Laurence Cummings Water Music Suite No. 3 for orchestra in G major, HWV 350: No. 17: Rigaudon 01:09 15 FestspielOrchester Göttingen, Laurence Cummings & FestspielOrchester Göttingen/Laurence Cummings Water Music Suite No. 3 for orchestra in G major, HWV 350: No. 18: [Rigaudon] 01:29 16 FestspielOrchester Göttingen, Laurence Cummings & FestspielOrchester Göttingen/Laurence Cummings Water Music Suite No. 2 for orchestra in D major, HWV 349: No. 14: Lentement 01:52 17 FestspielOrchester Göttingen, Laurence Cummings & FestspielOrchester Göttingen/Laurence Cummings Water Music Suite No. 2 for orchestra in D major, HWV 349: No. 15: [Bourrée] 01:13 18 FestspielOrchester Göttingen, Laurence Cummings & FestspielOrchester Göttingen/Laurence Cummings Water Music Suite No. 3 for orchestra in G major, HWV 350: No. 19: Menuet 00:54 19 FestspielOrchester Göttingen, Laurence Cummings & FestspielOrchester Göttingen/Laurence Cummings Water Music Suite No. 3 for orchestra in G major, HWV 350: No. 20: [Menuet] 01:30 20 FestspielOrchester Göttingen, Laurence Cummings & FestspielOrchester Göttingen/Laurence Cummings Water Music Suite No. 3 for orchestra in G major, HWV 350: No. 21: [Gigue] 00:30 21 FestspielOrchester Göttingen, Laurence Cummings & FestspielOrchester Göttingen/Laurence Cummings Water Music Suite No. 3 for orchestra in G major, HWV 350: No. 22: [Gigue] 00:50 22 FestspielOrchester Göttingen, Laurence Cummings & FestspielOrchester Göttingen/Laurence Cummings Water Music Suite No. 2 for orchestra in D major, HWV 349: No. 13: Menuet (Coro) 03:25 23 FestspielOrchester Göttingen, Laurence Cummings & FestspielOrchester Göttingen/Laurence Cummings Concerto Grosso in C major "Alexander's Feast" HWV 318: Allegro 03:19 24 FestspielOrchester Göttingen, Laurence Cummings & FestspielOrchester Göttingen/Laurence Cummings Concerto Grosso in C major "Alexander's Feast" HWV 318: Largo 01:47 25 FestspielOrchester Göttingen, Laurence Cummings & FestspielOrchester Göttingen/Laurence Cummings Concerto Grosso in C major "Alexander's Feast" HWV 318: Allegro 03:22 26 FestspielOrchester Göttingen, Laurence Cummings & FestspielOrchester Göttingen/Laurence Cummings Concerto Grosso in C major "Alexander's Feast" HWV 318: Andante, non presto 03:49
George Gershwin View in Albunack 's wonderful 20 2 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 Paul Whiteman's Orchestra I'll Build A Stairway To Paradise 03:16 2 Al Jolson Swanee 02:37 3 Cliff Edwards (Ukulele Ike) Fascinating Rhythm 02:54 Has Mbid 4 Gertrude Lawrence Someone to watch over me 02:41 5 Edgar Fairschild & Ralph Rainger Oh Kay! Medley 03:28 6 Ernie Golden with Vaughn de Leath 'S Wonderful 03:21 7 Marion Harris The Man I Love 03:34 8 Al Jolson Lisa 02:55 9 The Revellers Strike Up The Band 02:12 10 Ethel Merman I Got Rhythm 03:02 11 Judy Garland Embraceble You 02:52 12 The Foursome Bidin' My Time 02:39 13 Lyda Roberti My Vousin In Milwaukee 02:33 14 Bing Crosby & Judy Garland Mine 02:48 15 Guy Lombardo It Ain't Necessarily So 03:15 16 Mabel Mercer Summertime 02:59 17 Billie Holiday Nice Work If You Can Get It 03:09 18 Kenny Baker Love Walked In 02:42 19 Fred Astaire They Can't Take That Away From Me 03:08 20 Jack Hylton's Orchestra with Alec Templeton Rhapsodie In Blue 06:06
George Gershwin View in Albunack A tribute to George Gershwin 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wiener Symphoniker - Dean Dixon An American in Paris 16:46 2 Wiener Symphoniker - Dean Dixon Rhapsody in Blue 15:46 3 Die Norddeutsche Symphonie Piano Concerto in F (Allegro) 12:37 4 Die Norddeutsche Symphonie Piano Concerto in F (Adagio) 12:09 5 Die Norddeutsche Symphonie Piano Concerto in F (Allegro Agitato) 06:45 6 Orchestra Russel Garcia Porgy & Bess Ouverture 09:56
George Gershwin View in Albunack A tribute to George Gershwin by the Classical Orchestras 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Wiener Symphoniker - Dean Dixon An American in Paris 16:46 2 Wiener Symphoniker - Dean Dixon Rhapsody in Blue 15:46 3 Die Norddeutsche Symphonie Piano Concerto in F (Allegro) 12:37 4 Die Norddeutsche Symphonie Piano Concerto in F (Adagio) 12:09 5 Die Norddeutsche Symphonie Piano Concerto in F (Allegro Agitato) 06:45 6 Orchestra Russel Garcia Porgy & Bess Ouverture 09:56
George Gershwin View in Albunack American Dreams 20 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Gershwin Rhapsody in blue 15:42 2 George Gershwin Someone to watch over me 05:51 3 George Gershwin The man I love 04:18 4 George Gershwin I got rhythm 01:12 5 George Gershwin Three preludes: no.1 01:27 6 George Gershwin Three preludes: no.2 04:36 7 George Gershwin Three preludes: no.3 01:11 8 George Gershwin Summertime 03:29 9 George Gershwin Who cares 01:02 10 George Gershwin My one and only 00:56 11 George Gershwin I'll build a stairway to Paradise 00:38 12 George Gershwin Embraceable you 02:39 13 George Gershwin Somebody loves me 01:33 14 George Gershwin That certain feeling 01:27 15 George Gershwin Sweet and lowdown 01:08 16 George Gershwin S'wonderful 01:00 17 George Gershwin An american in Paris 06:13 18 George Gershwin Do Do Do/Lady be good 03:46 19 George Gershwin Fascinatin' rhythm 02:12 20 George Gershwin I got rhythm 03:31
George Gershwin View in Albunack Beatrice, Nicolas u. Maurice Andre spielen Gershwin 14 2 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Gershwin They Can't Take That Away From Me 03:56 2 George Gershwin An American In Paris 03:54 3 George Gershwin Swanee 02:29 4 George Gershwin Bess, You Is My Woman 05:13 5 George Gershwin Fascinating Rythm 02:49 6 George Gershwin Summertime 03:16 Has Mbid 7 George Gershwin An American In Paris - Opening 04:00 Has Mbid 8 George Gershwin The Man I Love 04:51 9 George Gershwin I Got Rythm 02:35 10 George Gershwin Someone To Watch Over Me 03:18 11 George Gershwin Oh, Lady, Be Good 03:02 12 George Gershwin Strike Up The Band 03:38 13 George Gershwin Embraceable You 03:47 14 George Gershwin I Got Plenty O' Nuttin' 02:47
George Gershwin View in Albunack Blue Monday, A One Act Jazz Opera 16 1 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 George Gershwin Blue Monday 23:07 2 George Gershwin Looking for a boy 02:51 3 George Gershwin Sweet and lowdown 03:19 4 George Gershwin Maybe 03:35 5 George Gershwin Clap yo' hands 02:53 6 George Gershwin My one and only 02:45 7 George Gershwin 's wonderful/Funny face 03:08 8 George Gershwin Someone to watch over me 03:20 9 George Gershwin That certain feeling 02:34 10 George Gershwin Delishious 03:29 11 George Gershwin Dream sequence 04:54 12 George Gershwin Somebody from somewhere 02:09 13 George Gershwin Katinkitschken 03:09 14 George Gershwin Blah, blah, blah 02:34 15 George Gershwin New York Rhapsody: explanation of scene 01:44 16 George Gershwin New York Rhapsody 07:50
George Gershwin View in Albunack Blue Monday, Concerto in F 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Gershwin Blue Monday: 1. Overture and Prologue 03:43 2 George Gershwin Blue Monday: 2. Blue Monday Blues 03:21 3 George Gershwin Blue Monday: 3. Has One of You Seen Joe? 03:32 4 George Gershwin Blue Monday: 4. Blue Monday Blues (reprise) 01:33 5 George Gershwin Blue Monday: 5. I'm Goin' to See my Mother 03:18 6 George Gershwin Blue Monday: 6. Dance 03:00 7 George Gershwin Blue Monday: 7. Vi, I'm Expecting a Telegram 04:14 8 George Gershwin Caprice for Orchestra (Oscar Levant) 08:20 9 George Gershwin Concerto in F: 1. Allegro 13:18 10 George Gershwin Concerto in F: 2. Andante con moto 12:25 11 George Gershwin Concerto in F: 3. Allegro con brio 06:46
George Gershwin View in Albunack Catfish Row, An American in Paris, Rhapsody in Blue 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Gershwin Catfish Row - Symphonic Suite in Five Parts (from the opera 'Porgy and Bess') - I. Catfish Row 06:50 2 George Gershwin Catfish Row - Symphonic Suite in Five Parts (from the opera 'Porgy and Bess') - II. Porgy Sings 05:42 3 George Gershwin Catfish Row - Symphonic Suite in Five Parts (from the opera 'Porgy and Bess') - III. Fugue 01:59 4 George Gershwin Catfish Row - Symphonic Suite in Five Parts (from the opera 'Porgy and Bess') - IV. Hurricane 04:39 5 George Gershwin Catfish Row - Symphonic Suite in Five Parts (from the opera 'Porgy and Bess') - V. Good Mornin' Sistuh! 08:39 6 George Gershwin Summertime 03:26 7 George Gershwin By Strauss 02:37 8 George Gershwin An American In Paris 20:52 9 George Gershwin The Man I Love 04:39 10 George Gershwin My Man Is Gone Now 04:14 11 George Gershwin I Got Rhythm 04:06 12 George Gershwin Rhapsody In Blue (arr. by Grofe & Whiteman) 18:27
George Gershwin View in Albunack Concerto in FA [Orchestre National De l'Opera de Montecarlo] 6 3 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 George Gershwin Concerto In Fa Per Pianoforte Ed Orchestra - Allegro 12:46 Has Mbid 2 George Gershwin Concerto In Fa Per Pianoforte Ed Orchestra - Adagio 11:37 Has Mbid 3 George Gershwin Concerto In Fa Per Pianoforte Ed Orchestra - Allegro Agitato 06:44 4 George Gershwin Seconda Rapsodia Per Orchestra Con Pianoforte 14:06 5 George Gershwin Suite Da "Porgy And Bess" 25:20 6 George Gershwin Variazioni Su "I Got Rhythm" Per Pianoforte Ed Orchestra 08:28
George Gershwin View in Albunack Concerto in Fa, Rapsodia n. 2, 'Porgy and Bess' Suite, 'I got rhythm' Variations 6 3 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 George Gershwin Concerto In Fa Per Pianoforte Ed Orchestra - Allegro 12:46 Has Mbid 2 George Gershwin Concerto In Fa Per Pianoforte Ed Orchestra - Adagio 11:37 Has Mbid 3 George Gershwin Concerto In Fa Per Pianoforte Ed Orchestra - Allegro Agitato 06:48 4 George Gershwin Seconda Rapsodia Per Orchestra Con Pianoforte 14:06 5 George Gershwin Suite Da "Porgy And Bess" 25:20 6 George Gershwin Variazioni Su "I Got Rhythm" Per Pianoforte Ed Orchestra 08:28
George Gershwin View in Albunack Das grosse Gershwin-Album 8 1 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 George Gershwin Second Rhapsody 14:18 2 George Gershwin Three Preludes - 1/3 01:26 3 George Gershwin Three Preludes - 2/3 03:19 4 George Gershwin Three Preludes - 3/3 01:18 5 George Gershwin Cuban Overture 08:35 6 George Gershwin Concerto in F - I. Allegro 12:23 7 George Gershwin Concerto in F - II. Adagio - Andante con Moto 11:01 8 George Gershwin Concerto in F - III. Allegro agitato 06:11
George Gershwin View in Albunack Dayful of Song 6 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Gershwin Dayful of Song 12:23 2 George Gershwin Cuban Overture 10:36 3 George Gershwin Promenade 02:49 Has Mbid 4 George Gershwin Rhapsody in Blue 16:58 5 George Gershwin Lullaby 08:56 6 George Gershwin An American in Paris 18:27
George Gershwin View in Albunack Digital George: A Collection of Gershwin Classics (New Palais Royale Orchestra feat piano: Ivan Davis, conductor: Maurice Peress) 10 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Gershwin I Got Rhythm Variations 09:00 2 George Gershwin Lullaby 07:04 3 George Gershwin Short Story 02:23 4 George Gershwin Three Preludes: Prelude 1 01:40 5 George Gershwin Three Preludes: Prelude 2 03:45 6 George Gershwin Three Preludes: Prelude 3 01:13 7 George Gershwin Strike up the Band: Overture 06:36 8 George Gershwin Two Waltzes in C 04:46 Has Mbid 9 George Gershwin Rhapsody in Blue 16:22 10 George Gershwin Rialto Ripples 02:47
George Gershwin View in Albunack Gems from Gershwin 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Gershwin Gems from Of Thee I sing 04:20 2 George Gershwin The Man I Love 04:12 3 George Gershwin Gems from Girl Crazy 04:35 4 George Gershwin Gems from Porgy and Bess (part 1) 04:25 5 George Gershwin Gershwin Medley 03:49 6 George Gershwin Gems from Oh, Kay! 03:56 7 George Gershwin Rhapsody in Blue-middle movement 04:18 8 George Gershwin Gems from Lady Be Good and Tip-Toes 03:55 9 George Gershwin Medley of Gershwin Tunes 04:09 10 George Gershwin Gems from Porgy and Bess (part 2) 04:43
George Gershwin View in Albunack George Gershwin Plays Rhapsody in Blue 17 0 Show/Hide Tracks 4 George Gershwin Tee-Oodle-Um-Bum-Bo from "La La Lucille" (1919) 02:22 5 George Gershwin Kickin' The Clouds Away from "Tell Me More" (1925) 03:14 13 George Gershwin Rock-A-Bye Lullaby Land from "Mammy" (1920) 03:29 15 George Gershwin Land Where The Good Songs Go 02:50 16 George Gershwin Some Sunday Morning 03:21
George Gershwin View in Albunack George Gershwin – Invisible Musicians 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Gershwin Lady Be Good "so Am I" 04:01 2 George Gershwin Rhapsody In Blue 12:10 3 George Gershwin Grieving For You 02:54 4 George Gershwin An American In Paris 12:36 5 George Gershwin Les Sylvains 03:18 6 George Gershwin Menuet Op.14 03:56 7 George Gershwin Prélude Op.12 02:14 8 George Gershwin Danse Macabre (from Liszt) 08:06 9 George Gershwin Andante Spinato & Polonaise, Op.22 10:23
George Gershwin View in Albunack George Gershwin-Blue Monday A one act Jazz Opera 16 1 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 Orchestra della Svizzera italiana, Marc Andreae, François‐Joël Thiollier Blue Monday: A One Act Jazz Opera 23:07 2 François‐Joël Thiollier Looking for a Boy 02:52 3 François‐Joël Thiollier Sweet and Low-Down 03:18 4 François‐Joël Thiollier Maybe 03:34 5 François‐Joël Thiollier Clap Yo' Hands 02:53 6 François‐Joël Thiollier My One and Only 02:46 7 François‐Joël Thiollier 's Wonderful / Funny Face 03:09 8 François‐Joël Thiollier Someone to Watch Over Me 03:20 9 François‐Joël Thiollier That Certain Feeling 02:34 10 George Gershwin Delicious: Delicious (original soundtrack) 03:29 11 George Gershwin Delicious: Dream Sequence (original soundtrack) 04:54 12 George Gershwin Delicious: Somebody From Somewhere (original soundtrack) 02:09 13 George Gershwin Delicious: Katinkitschken (original soundtrack) 03:10 14 George Gershwin Delicious:Blah, Blah, Blah (original soundtrack) 02:35 15 George Gershwin Delicious: New York Rhapsody: Explanation of the Scene (original soundtrack) 01:44 16 George Gershwin Delicious: New York Rhapsody (original soundtrack) 07:50
George Gershwin View in Albunack Gershwin - Rhapsody in Blue 6 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Gershwin Cuban Overture 10:36 Has Mbid 2 George Gershwin Rhapsody in Blue 13:48 3 George Gershwin Piano Concerto in F - Allegro 14:00 4 George Gershwin Piano Concerto in F - Andante con moto 12:44 5 George Gershwin Piano Concerto in F - Allegro agitato 06:59 6 George Gershwin An American in Paris 18:20
George Gershwin View in Albunack Gershwin / Kirill Gerstein 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Gershwin Rhapsody In Blue 17:35 2 George Gershwin Somebody Loves Me 03:32 3 George Gershwin I Got Rhythm 02:27 4 George Gershwin Blame It On My Youth 07:22 5 George Gershwin Summertime 05:38 6 George Gershwin Allegro 13:32 7 George Gershwin Adagio 12:39 8 George Gershwin Allegro Agitato 07:23 9 George Gershwin Embraceable You 03:36
George Gershwin View in Albunack Gershwin By Knight 15 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Gershwin Introduction 01:52 2 George Gershwin Summertime 03:02 3 George Gershwin Oh, I Can't Sit Down 01:21 4 George Gershwin My Man's Gone Now 03:41 5 George Gershwin I Got Plenty Of Nuttin' 02:33 6 George Gershwin Buzzard Song 02:10 7 George Gershwin It Ain't Necessarily So 03:26 8 George Gershwin Bess, You Is My Woman Now 04:11 9 George Gershwin I Loves You Porgy 02:20 10 George Gershwin Oh Lawd, I'm On My Way 01:24 11 George Gershwin Rhapsody In Blue 13:51 12 George Gershwin Embraceable You 02:46 13 George Gershwin Fascinating Rhythm 01:39 14 George Gershwin The Man I Love 02:37 15 George Gershwin I Got Rhythm 02:01
George Gershwin View in Albunack Gershwin Rhapsody Concerto (Gerstein) 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Gershwin Gershwin Rhapsody in Blue (Gerstein) 17:35 2 George Gershwin Earl Wind Somebody Loves You (Gerstein) 03:32 3 George Gershwin Earl Wind I Got Rhythm (Gerstein) 02:27 4 George Gershwin Oskar Levant Blame It On My Youth (Gerstein) 07:22 5 George Gershwin Gershwin Summertime (Gerstein) 05:38 6 George Gershwin Gershwin Piano Concerto in F (Gerstein) 01 13:32 7 George Gershwin Gershwin Piano Concerto in F (Gerstein) 02 12:39 8 George Gershwin Gershwin Piano Concerto in F (Gerstein) 03 07:23 9 George Gershwin Earl Wind Embraceable You (Gerstein) 03:36
George Gershwin View in Albunack Gershwin [La Grande Classica] 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Gershwin Traccia01 16:34 2 George Gershwin Traccia02 18:28 3 George Gershwin Traccia03 02:52 4 George Gershwin Traccia04 03:19 5 George Gershwin Traccia05 03:34 6 George Gershwin Traccia06 02:54 7 George Gershwin Traccia07 02:46 8 George Gershwin Traccia08 03:09 9 George Gershwin Traccia09 03:21 10 George Gershwin Traccia10 02:33
George Gershwin View in Albunack Gershwin for Two Pianos 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Gershwin Rhapsody in Blue 16:11 2 George Gershwin Concerto in F: I. Allegro 13:45 3 George Gershwin Concerto in F: II. Adagio -- Andante con moto 11:31 4 George Gershwin Concerto in F: III. Allegro agitato 07:15 5 George Gershwin I Got Rhythm - Variations 09:52 6 George Gershwin Porgy and Bess - Fantasy for Two Pianos 20:40
George Gershwin View in Albunack Gershwin on Monarch 12 2 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Gershwin The Man I Love 05:31 2 George Gershwin They Can't Take That Away from Me 04:57 3 George Gershwin Someone to Watch over Me 05:04 4 George Gershwin Embraceable You 05:18 Has Mbid 5 George Gershwin Nice Work if You Can Get it 04:39 6 George Gershwin Love is Here to Stay 04:38 7 George Gershwin By Strauss 04:06 Has Mbid 8 George Gershwin Somebody Loves Me 03:09 9 George Gershwin He Loves and She Loves 00:00 10 George Gershwin But Not for Me 03:58 11 George Gershwin Fascinating Rhythm 05:34 12 George Gershwin How Long Has This Been Going on? 03:55
George Gershwin View in Albunack Gershwin, Breuker, Morricone, Schlippenbach 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Gershwin An American in Paris, tone poem for orchestra 17:28 2 George Gershwin Promenade, for piano or orchestra (arrangement of "Walking the Dog" from Shall we Dance, film) 03:33 3 George Gershwin Sahara Sack 06:43 4 George Gershwin Lullaby, for string quartet 07:28 5 George Gershwin Revolver: Excerpt 11:22 6 George Gershwin Hallo Tokyo, Hallo Van Agt 02:35 7 George Gershwin Cuban Overture 09:31
George Gershwin View in Albunack Gershwin: Pardon My English 20 2 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Gershwin Overture 06:50 2 George Gershwin Fatherland, Mother of the Band 02:03 3 George Gershwin Lorelei 03:18 4 George Gershwin In Three-Quarter Time 03:27 5 George Gershwin Dancing in the Streets 03:19 6 George Gershwin So What 03:08 Has Mbid 7 George Gershwin Isn't It a Pity? 05:02 8 George Gershwin Freud and Jung and Adler-He's Oversexed 03:25 9 George Gershwin Watch Your Head 01:33 Has Mbid 10 George Gershwin My Cousin in Milwaukee 02:36 11 George Gershwin Luckiest Man in the World 04:02 12 George Gershwin Hail the Happy Couple 01:46 13 George Gershwin Dresden Northwest Mounted 03:57 14 George Gershwin Tonight 05:46 15 George Gershwin Opening Act II 04:25 16 George Gershwin Where You Go, I Go 02:14 17 George Gershwin I've Got to Be There 03:46 18 George Gershwin Reprises 03:15 19 George Gershwin Finale- He's Not Himself 03:36 20 George Gershwin Bows 00:39
George Gershwin View in Albunack Gershwin: Porgy And Bess 18 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Dallas Symphony Orchestra, Andrew Litton & George Gershwin Porgy and Bess: Introduction/Jasbo Brown 03:08 2 Dallas Symphony Orchestra, Andrew Litton & George Gershwin Porgy and Bess: Summertime 03:27 3 Dallas Symphony Orchestra, Andrew Litton & George Gershwin Porgy and Bess: Woman Is a Sometime Thing 01:48 4 Dallas Symphony Orchestra, Andrew Litton & George Gershwin Porgy and Bess: Gone, Gone, Gone 06:32 5 Dallas Symphony Orchestra, Andrew Litton & George Gershwin Porgy and Bess: My Man's Gone Now 03:53 6 Dallas Symphony Orchestra, Andrew Litton & George Gershwin Porgy and Bess: Leavin' for the Promised Land 04:17 7 Dallas Symphony Orchestra, Andrew Litton & George Gershwin Porgy and Bess: I Got Plenty O' Nuttin' 03:01 8 Dallas Symphony Orchestra, Andrew Litton & George Gershwin Porgy and Bess: Bess, You Is My Woman Now 05:54 9 Dallas Symphony Orchestra, Andrew Litton & George Gershwin Porgy and Bess: Oh, I Can't Sit Down 01:31 10 Dallas Symphony Orchestra, Andrew Litton & George Gershwin Porgy and Bess: I Ain't Got No Shame 02:26 11 Dallas Symphony Orchestra, Andrew Litton & George Gershwin Porgy and Bess: It Ain't Necessarily So 03:50 12 Dallas Symphony Orchestra, Andrew Litton & George Gershwin Porgy and Bess: Shame on All You Sinners 01:23 13 Dallas Symphony Orchestra, Andrew Litton & George Gershwin Porgy and Bess: I Loves You, Porgy 07:09 14 Dallas Symphony Orchestra, Andrew Litton & George Gershwin Porgy and Bess: Hurricane 03:14 15 Dallas Symphony Orchestra, Andrew Litton & George Gershwin Porgy and Bess: There's a Boat Dat's Leavin' Soon for New York 06:28 16 Dallas Symphony Orchestra, Andrew Litton & George Gershwin Porgy and Bess: Act 3, Scene 3 Orchestral Introduction 03:18 17 Dallas Symphony Orchestra, Andrew Litton & George Gershwin Porgy and Bess: Good Mornin', Sistuh. 02:59 18 Dallas Symphony Orchestra, Andrew Litton & George Gershwin Porgy and Bess: Oh, Lawd, I'm on My Way! 01:54
George Gershwin View in Albunack Gershwin: Rhapsody; Porgy and Bess 13 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Gershwin Rhapsody in Blue, for piano & jazz band 16:57 2 George Gershwin Preludes (3): No. 1, in B flat major 01:39 3 George Gershwin Preludes (3): No. 2, in C sharp minor 03:23 4 George Gershwin Preludes (3): No. 3, in E flat minor 01:33 5 George Gershwin Cuban Overture 11:47 6 George Gershwin Porgy and Bess: Suite for piano Suite for piano arr by Georges Robol 04:31 7 George Gershwin Porgy and Bess: Suite for piano Suite for piano arr by Georges Robol 03:56 8 George Gershwin Porgy and Bess: Suite for piano Suite for piano arr by Georges Robol 04:56 9 George Gershwin Porgy and Bess: Suite for piano Suite for piano arr by Georges Robol 02:34 10 George Gershwin Porgy and Bess: Suite for piano Suite for piano arr by Georges Robol 03:33 11 George Gershwin Porgy and Bess: Suite for piano Suite for piano arr by Georges Robol 03:27 12 George Gershwin Porgy and Bess: Suite for piano Suite for piano arr by Georges Robol 03:53 13 George Gershwin Porgy and Bess: Suite for piano Suite for piano arr by Georges Robol 02:47
George Gershwin View in Albunack Gershwin‧For Two Pianos 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Gershwin Gershwin‧Cuban Overture 10:50 2 George Gershwin Gershwin‧Rhapsody in Blue 18:10 3 George Gershwin Gershwin‧Three Preludes:I. Allegro ben ritmato e deciso 01:35 4 George Gershwin Gershwin‧Three Preludes:II. Andante con moto e poco rubato 04:40 5 George Gershwin Gershwin‧Three Preludes:III. Allegro ben ritmato e deciso 01:11 6 George Gershwin Gershwin‧Rhapsody No.2 14:52 7 George Gershwin Grainger‧Fantasy on George Gershwin's“Porgy and Bess” 20:29
George Gershwin View in Albunack Hal Leonard: Jazz Play-Along Vol. 45 21 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Gershwin Bess, You Is My Woman Now split 03:33 2 George Gershwin Bess, You Is My Woman Now stereo 03:33 3 George Gershwin But Not for Me split 03:46 4 George Gershwin But Not for Me stereo 03:46 5 George Gershwin Embraceable You split 03:34 6 George Gershwin Embraceable You stereo 03:32 7 George Gershwin Fascinating Rhythm split 03:11 8 George Gershwin Fascinating Rhythm stereo 03:11 9 George Gershwin A Foggy Day (In London Town) split 03:16 10 George Gershwin A Foggy Day (In London Town) stereo 03:14 11 George Gershwin I've Got A Crush On You split 03:54 12 George Gershwin I've Got A Crush On You stereo 03:53 13 George Gershwin I've Got Rhythm split 03:06 14 George Gershwin I've Got Rhythm stereo 03:07 15 George Gershwin Isn't It a Pity split 03:24 16 George Gershwin Isn't It a Pity stereo 03:24 17 George Gershwin It Ain't Necessarily So split 03:46 18 George Gershwin It Ain't Necessarily So stereo 03:46 19 George Gershwin Let's Call the Whole Thing Off split 02:43 20 George Gershwin Let's Call the Whole Thing Off stereo 02:46 Has Mbid 21 George Gershwin Bb Tuning Notes 00:18
George Gershwin View in Albunack He Loves and She Loves 20 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Gershwin How Long Has This Been Going On 05:07 2 George Gershwin Nice Work If You Can Get It 02:52 3 George Gershwin Hi-Ho 02:42 4 George Gershwin Feeling I'm Falling 04:10 5 George Gershwin Yankee Doodle Rhythm 01:54 6 George Gershwin He Loves and She Loves 04:08 7 George Gershwin Innocent Ingenue Baby 03:46 8 George Gershwin Haning' Around With You 03:04 9 George Gershwin Isn't It Wonderful 02:33 10 George Gershwin Till Then 03:26 11 George Gershwin My Cousin in Milwaukee 02:38 12 George Gershwin Liza 03:47 13 George Gershwin Fascinatin' Rhythm 02:44 14 George Gershwin Little Jazz Bird 02:56 15 George Gershwin Oh de Lawd Shake de Heavens/Leavin' Fo' de Promis' Lan' 04:44 16 George Gershwin The Half of It Dearie Blues 03:57 17 George Gershwin Oh, Lady Be Good 03:10 18 George Gershwin The Man I Love 03:44 19 George Gershwin Oh, So Nice 03:27 20 George Gershwin Who Cares 01:14
George Gershwin View in Albunack Jablonski - Gershwin Piano Concerto - Copland - Barber 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Gershwin Gershwin: Piano Concerto in F - Allegro 12:58 2 George Gershwin Andante con moto 13:20 3 George Gershwin Allegro agitato 06:52 4 George Gershwin Copland, transc. Bernstein: El Sal�n M�xico 10:50 5 George Gershwin Copland: Piano Blues No. 3 03:19 6 George Gershwin Barber: Ballade 06:40 7 George Gershwin Gershwin: Three Preludes - Allegro ben ritmato e deciso 01:32 8 George Gershwin Andante con moto e poco rubato 03:50 9 George Gershwin Allegro ben ritmato e deciso 01:14
George Gershwin View in Albunack Jos van Immerseel and Anima Eterna 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Gershwin Catfish Row - I. Catfish Row 06:50 2 George Gershwin Catfish Row - II. Porgy Sings 05:42 3 George Gershwin Catfish Row - III. Fugue 01:59 4 George Gershwin Catfish Row - IV. Hurricane 04:39 5 George Gershwin Catfish Row - V. Good Mornin' Sistuh! 08:39 6 George Gershwin Summertime 03:26 7 George Gershwin By Strauss 02:37 8 George Gershwin An American in Paris 20:52 9 George Gershwin The Man I Love 04:39 10 George Gershwin My Man's Gone Now 04:14 11 George Gershwin I Got Rhythm 04:06 12 George Gershwin Rhapsody in Blue 18:27
George Gershwin View in Albunack La Grande Classica 08 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Gershwin Traccia01 16:34 2 George Gershwin Traccia02 18:28 3 George Gershwin Traccia03 02:51 4 George Gershwin Traccia04 03:18 5 George Gershwin Traccia05 03:34 6 George Gershwin Traccia06 02:53 7 George Gershwin Traccia07 02:45 8 George Gershwin Traccia08 03:09 9 George Gershwin Traccia09 03:20 10 George Gershwin Traccia10 02:33
George Gershwin View in Albunack Maurice Ravel 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Gershwin GG-Coban Ouvertüre 10:50 2 George Gershwin MR-1. Satz Allegramente 08:44 3 George Gershwin MR-2. Satz Adagio assai 08:45 4 George Gershwin MR-3. Satz Presto 04:30 5 George Gershwin GG-Ein Amerikaner in Paris 19:29 6 George Gershwin Promenade (Walking the dog) 03:36
George Gershwin View in Albunack Memorial Concert 14 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Gershwin intro 02:03 2 George Gershwin Anthology intro 00:41 3 George Gershwin Anthology 11:13 4 George Gershwin An American in Paris 15:38 5 George Gershwin commentary 03:23 6 George Gershwin Eulogy : George Jessel 02:12 7 George Gershwin b. My Man's Gone Now 04:50 8 George Gershwin c. The Buzzard Song 04:12 9 George Gershwin They Can't Take That Away From Me 04:26 10 George Gershwin e. I Got Plenty O'Nothing 03:12 11 George Gershwin Concerto in F: 1st movement 12:02 12 George Gershwin Concerto in F: 2nd movement 10:04 13 George Gershwin end Porgy & Bess 02:52 14 George Gershwin Rhapsody in Blue 15:56
George Gershwin View in Albunack Of Thee I Sing (cond. by Michael Tilson Thomas, OSL) 22 1 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 George Gershwin Overture 04:33 2 George Gershwin Wintergreen For President 01:31 3 George Gershwin Who Is The Luck Girl To Be? 01:29 4 George Gershwin The Dimple On My Knee 01:31 5 George Gershwin Because, Because 01:20 6 George Gershwin Never Was There A Girl So Far 05:01 7 George Gershwin Some Girls Can Bake A Pie 01:45 8 George Gershwin Love Is Sweeping The Country 03:36 9 George Gershwin Of Thee I Sing 02:06 10 George Gershwin Supreme Court Judges 02:36 11 George Gershwin A Kiss For Cinderella 09:16 12 George Gershwin Hello, Good Morning 03:38 13 George Gershwin Who Cares? 02:22 14 George Gershwin The Illegitimate Daughter 06:25 15 George Gershwin Who Cares? 01:02 16 George Gershwin The Senator From Minnesota 02:21 17 George Gershwin The Senate 02:08 18 George Gershwin Jilted 05:40 19 George Gershwin Posterity Is Just Around The Corner 01:17 20 George Gershwin Trumpeter Blow Your Golden Horn 04:01 21 George Gershwin Finale Ultimo 03:57 22 George Gershwin Of Thee I Sing 01:23
George Gershwin View in Albunack Porgy & Bess - live recording Berlin 1952 CD02 32 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Gershwin 2.Akt, 1.Szene: I ain' got no shame 01:44 2 George Gershwin 2.Akt, 1.Szene: It ain't neccesarily so 05:48 3 George Gershwin 2.Akt, 1.Szene: Crown, I got something to tell you 01:24 4 George Gershwin 2.Akt, 1.Szene: Oh, what you want wid Bess? 03:05 5 George Gershwin 2.Akt, 1.Szene: Interlude 02:57 6 George Gershwin 2.Akt, 2.Szene: Honey, dat's all de breakfast I got time for 01:50 7 George Gershwin 2.Akt, 2.Szene: It take a long pull to get there, huh! 02:01 8 George Gershwin 2.Akt, 2.Szene: I think dat maybe she goin' to sleep now 00:54 9 George Gershwin 2.Akt, 2.Szene: Oh, Doctor Jesus 01:58 10 George Gershwin 2.Akt, 2.Szene: Oh dey's so fresh an' fine 02:03 11 George Gershwin 2.Akt, 2.Szene: I'm talkin' about devil crabs 02:21 12 George Gershwin 2.Akt, 2.Szene: I lonesome here all by myself 01:42 13 George Gershwin 2.Akt, 2.Szene: I wants to stay here 02:46 14 George Gershwin 2.Akt, 2.Szene: Why you been out on that wharf so long, Clara? 01:41 15 George Gershwin 2.Akt, 3.Szene: Szene Beginning 00:40 16 George Gershwin 2.Akt, 3.Szene: Oh, de Lowd shake de Heavens 01:17 17 George Gershwin 2.Akt, 3.Szene: One of dese mornings you goin' to rise up singin' 01:06 18 George Gershwin 2.Akt, 3.Szene: Oh, dere's somebody knockin' at de do' 02:25 19 George Gershwin 2.Akt, 3.Szene: If Gawd want to kill me 01:16 20 George Gershwin 2.Akt, 3.Szene: A red-headed woman make a choo-choo jump 03:41 21 George Gershwin 3.Akt, 1.Szene: Clara, don't you be downheartet 03:29 22 George Gershwin 3.Akt, 1.Szene: Ha ha ha - You low-life skunk 01:24 23 George Gershwin 3.Akt, 1.Szene: Summertime 01:19 24 George Gershwin 3.Akt, 1.Szene: Interlude - Death of Crown 01:04 25 George Gershwin 3.Akt, 2.Szene: Introduction 07:47 26 George Gershwin 3.Akt, 2.Szene: Turn me loose 01:34 27 George Gershwin 3.Akt, 2.Szene: There's a boat dat's leavin' soon for New York 03:31 28 George Gershwin 3.Akt, 3.Szene: Introduction 01:15 29 George Gershwin 3.Akt, 3.Szene: Dem white folks sure ain' put nuttin' 07:55 30 George Gershwin 3.Akt, 3.Szene: Oh Bess, oh where's my Bess 01:37 31 George Gershwin 3.Akt, 3.Szene: Where Bess gone? 00:57 32 George Gershwin 3.Akt, 3.Szene: Oh Lord, I'm on my way 02:55
George Gershwin View in Albunack Porgy And Bess (1951, Naxos Reissue) - 1 26 2 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Gershwin Introduction 01:00 2 George Gershwin Summertime 02:30 3 George Gershwin Seems like these bones 03:40 4 George Gershwin What, that chile ain't asleep yet? 02:16 5 George Gershwin Here comes the honey man 04:39 6 George Gershwin Here comes the Big Boy 04:19 Has Mbid 7 George Gershwin Oh, little stars 02:38 8 George Gershwin Wake up an' hit it out 03:39 9 George Gershwin Where is brudder Robbins? ... 02:51 Has Mbid 10 George Gershwin Come on, sister, come on, brother.. 02:29 11 George Gershwin Um! a saucer-buried setup, I see 03:16 12 George Gershwin My man's gone now 03:31 13 George Gershwin How the saucer stan' now, my sister? 01:51 14 George Gershwin Oh, the train is at the station 01:46 15 George Gershwin Oh, I'm a-goin' out tot the Blackfish banks 02:57 16 George Gershwin Oh, I got plenty of nuttin' 02:43 17 George Gershwin Mornin', lawyer, lookin' for somebody? 04:07 18 George Gershwin Dey's a Bukra comin'! 03:06 19 George Gershwin Buzzard, keep on flyin' over 02:45 20 George Gershwin 'Lo, Bess, Goin' to the picnic 02:38 21 George Gershwin Bess, you is my woman now 04:52 22 George Gershwin Oh, I can't sit down 04:07 23 George Gershwin Ha-da-da, ha-da-da 01:15 24 George Gershwin It ain't necessarily so 02:43 25 George Gershwin Hey there! Holt yo' holt 02:42 26 George Gershwin Oh, what you want wid Bess? 03:13
George Gershwin View in Albunack Porgy And Bess (1951, Naxos Reissue) - 2 30 1 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 George Gershwin Honey, dat's all de breakfast I got time for 04:06 2 George Gershwin Oh, Doctor Jesus 01:30 3 George Gershwin Oh dey's so fresh an' fine 02:17 4 George Gershwin Now de tim, oh Gawd, now de time 02:53 5 George Gershwin I loves you, Porgy 02:15 6 George Gershwin Why you been out that wharf so long, Clara? 01:23 7 George Gershwin Oh, de Lawd shake de Heavens... (Summertime) 03:01 8 George Gershwin Oh, dere's somebody knockin' at de do' 01:31 9 George Gershwin You is a nice parcel of Christians 02:34 10 George Gershwin A red-headed woman makes a choochoo jump its track 02:39 11 George Gershwin Clara, Clara, don't be downhearted 03:43 12 George Gershwin You low-lived skunk 01:33 13 George Gershwin Summertime 01:22 14 George Gershwin Bess, this is Crown 01:47 15 George Gershwin Wait for us at the corner, Al 03:28 16 George Gershwin Oh, Gawd! Teh goin' make him look on Crown's face 01:25 17 George Gershwin There's a boat that's leavin' soon for New York 03:39 18 George Gershwin Good monin', sistuh! Good mornin' brudder 01:37 19 George Gershwin It's Porgy comin' home 04:09 20 George Gershwin Oh, Bess, Oh, where's my Bess 02:30 21 George Gershwin Bess is gone 01:38 22 George Gershwin Oh, Lawd, I'm on my way 01:41 23 George Gershwin Summertime (Bonus Track, from 1950 RCA 'Highlights') 03:03 24 George Gershwin A woman is a something thing (Bonus Track, from 1950 RCA 'Highlights') 03:33 25 George Gershwin My man's gone now (Bonus Track, from 1950 RCA 'Highlights') 04:10 26 George Gershwin Oh, I got plenty o' nuttin' (Bonus Track, from 1950 RCA 'Highlights') 02:53 27 George Gershwin Bess, you is my woman now (Bonus Track, from 1950 RCA 'Highlights') 05:01 28 George Gershwin Ha-da-da, ha-da-da... It ain't necessarily so (Bonus Track, from 1950 RCA 'Highlights') 04:05 29 George Gershwin Oh, Bess, oh, where's my Bess (Bonus Track, from 1950 RCA 'Highlights') 02:15 30 George Gershwin Oh, Lawd, I'm on my way (Bonus Track, from 1950 RCA 'Highlights') 01:21
George Gershwin View in Albunack Porgy And Bess - 1 (1956 Bethlehem Archives) 41 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Gershwin Narration 00:39 2 George Gershwin I Loves You, Porgy 03:18 3 George Gershwin Narration (Scene: storm) 03:05 4 George Gershwin Summertime (reprise) 01:22 5 George Gershwin A Woman Is A Sometime Thing 02:40 6 George Gershwin Oh, Dere's Somebody Knockin' At De Do'... 01:04 7 George Gershwin Narration 00:24 8 George Gershwin Evenin' ladies, hello boys... 00:43 9 George Gershwin Narration 00:16 10 George Gershwin A Red-Headed Woman... 01:48 11 George Gershwin Narration 6 00:59 12 George Gershwin Oh, Doctor Jesus (reprise) 00:38 13 George Gershwin Narration 7 00:56 14 George Gershwin Overflow, overflow 02:09 15 George Gershwin Narration 00:28 16 George Gershwin Summertime (reprise) 01:13 17 George Gershwin Narration 9 01:51 18 George Gershwin Oh, Lawd, What I Goin' Do?... 01:21 19 George Gershwin Narration 00:36 20 George Gershwin There's a Boat Dat's Leavin' Soon for New York 01:29 21 George Gershwin Narration 11 01:18 22 George Gershwin Narration 12 00:24 23 George Gershwin How Are You Dis Mornin'?... 01:42 24 George Gershwin Narration 13 00:39 25 George Gershwin Oh, Bess, Oh, Where's My Bess 02:19 26 George Gershwin Buzzard Song 02:43 27 George Gershwin Narration 00:28 28 George Gershwin Bess, You Is My Woman Now 04:57 29 George Gershwin Oh, I can't sit down (picnic music) 01:55 30 George Gershwin Porgy, I hates to go... 01:01 31 George Gershwin I Got Plenty o' Nuttin' (reprise) 00:37 32 George Gershwin It Ain't Necessarily So (instrumental) 01:52 33 George Gershwin Narration 00:35 34 George Gershwin It Ain't Necessarily So 04:31 35 George Gershwin Narration 00:53 36 George Gershwin What you want wid Bess?... 02:12 37 George Gershwin Narration 00:34 38 George Gershwin Oh I'm agoin' out to the Blackfish banks... (reprise) 01:27 39 George Gershwin Narration 00:31 40 George Gershwin Oh, doctor Jesus... 02:02 41 Here come de honey man... Oh dey's so fresh and fine... / I'm talkin' about devil crabs... 03:31
George Gershwin View in Albunack Porgy And Bess [Calloway/Price/Warfield] 25 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Gershwin Act One Scene One Introduction_Summertime 08:09 2 George Gershwin It Ain't Necessarily So 04:42 3 George Gershwin Here Comes the Honeyman 02:43 4 George Gershwin They Pass by Singin' 05:39 5 George Gershwin Act Two Scene Three Interlude 02:58 6 George Gershwin Honey Dat's All the Breakfast I Got Time For 04:48 7 George Gershwin Oh Doctor Jesus 01:55 8 George Gershwin Oh Dey's So Fresh an' Fine 02:03 9 George Gershwin A Saucer Burial Setup I See 03:31 10 George Gershwin Porgy Porgy Dat You There 02:05 11 George Gershwin How De Saucer Stan' Now My Sister 01:43 12 George Gershwin Oh the Train is at the Station 00:58 13 George Gershwin Oh He's Gone Gone Gone 01:33 14 George Gershwin Act Two Scene One It Takes a Long Pull to Get There 02:40 15 George Gershwin A Red-Headed Woman 00:56 16 George Gershwin What's De Matter 02:37 17 George Gershwin Act Three Scene One Clara Clara Don't You Be Downhearted 06:12 18 George Gershwin Interlude (Death of Crown) 01:04 19 George Gershwin Act Three Scene Two Introduction 01:34 20 George Gershwin Wait for Us at the Corner Al 06:20 21 George Gershwin Oh Gawd There's Goin' Make Him Look on Crown's Face 01:22 22 George Gershwin There's a Boat Dat's Leavin' Soon for New York 03:36 23 George Gershwin Act Three Scene Three Introduction 00:58 24 George Gershwin Thank God I's Home Again 08:20 25 George Gershwin Oh Bess Where's My Bess 04:05
George Gershwin View in Albunack Porgy and Bess -- Houston Grand Opera 24 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Gershwin Act II, Scene 1: It Takes a Long Pull to Get There 03:19 2 George Gershwin Mus' be you mens forgot about de picnic 00:38 3 George Gershwin Oh, nobody knows when de Lord is gonna call 06:16 4 George Gershwin You is a nice parcel of Christians 04:18 5 George Gershwin I Hates Yo' Struttin' Style 01:07 6 George Gershwin Here comes Big Boy! (Entrance of Crown and Bess) 06:56 7 George Gershwin Act III, Scene 1: Clara, Clara 03:48 8 George Gershwin You low-lived skunk 01:58 9 George Gershwin Lo, Bess, goin' to the picnic? 03:19 10 George Gershwin Act III, Scene 2: Wait for us at the corner, Al 04:07 11 George Gershwin Well, well, well, a saucer-burying setup 03:35 12 George Gershwin What's de matter wid you, sister? 02:38 13 George Gershwin Act II, Scene 2: I Ain't Got No Shame 02:41 14 George Gershwin It Ain't Necessarily So 03:10 15 George Gershwin Dance; Shame on all you sinners 02:19 16 George Gershwin It's Porgy comin' home 06:18 17 George Gershwin What You Wasnt wid Bess? 02:30 18 George Gershwin Bess is gone 01:48 19 George Gershwin Oh, Lawd, I'm on My Way 01:36 20 George Gershwin Take yo' hands off me, I say 02:32 21 George Gershwin Oh, Doctor Jesus 02:18 22 George Gershwin Strawberry Woman; Honey Man; Crab Man 03:10 23 George Gershwin Now de time, oh, Gawd 03:26 24 George Gershwin I Loves You, Porgy 03:48
George Gershwin View in Albunack Porgy and Bess -- Nikolaus Harnoncourt 24 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Gershwin Act I - Scene I - Introduction 01:45 2 George Gershwin Act III - Scene I - Summertime 03:48 3 George Gershwin Act I - Scene I - Seems like these bones don't give me nothin' but boxcars tonight 04:28 4 George Gershwin Act I - Scene I - Lissen to yo' daddy warn you...Oh a woman is a sometime thing 03:04 5 George Gershwin Act III - Scene II - There's a boat dat's leavin' soon for New York 04:06 6 George Gershwin Act I - Scene I - Here comes Big Boy 04:53 7 George Gershwin Act II - Scene II - Shame on all you sinners 01:53 8 George Gershwin Act I - Scene I - Jesus he's killed him...that you Sportin' Life 05:03 9 George Gershwin Act II - Scene II - Oh what you want wid Bess 04:03 10 George Gershwin Act II - Scene III - Honey dat's all de breakfast i got time for 02:53 11 George Gershwin Act III - Scene III - Maria Maria where's Bess 03:18 12 George Gershwin Act I - Scene II - My man's gone now 04:16 13 George Gershwin Act I - Scene II - How de saucer stan' now my sister 02:06 14 George Gershwin Act I - Scene II - Oh the train is at the station 03:07 15 George Gershwin Act I - Scene II - Oh i'magoin' out to the Blackfish banks 03:37 16 George Gershwin Act II - Scene III - If dere war'nt no Crown 02:37 17 George Gershwin Act I - Scene II - I got plenty o' nuttin' 01:18 18 George Gershwin Act I - Scene II - Lissen here what i tells you 01:23 19 George Gershwin Act II - Scene IV - One of dese morning's you goin' to rise up singin' 01:10 20 George Gershwin Act II - Scene I - Mornin' Lawyer lookin' for somebody 05:22 21 George Gershwin Act II - Scene IV - You is a nice parcel of Christians 04:05 22 George Gershwin Act II - Scene IV - A redheaded woman make a choo choo jump its track 01:35 23 George Gershwin Act II - Scene IV - Oh Jake's boat in de river upside down 01:01 24 George Gershwin Act II - Scene IV - All right I'm goin' out to get Clara...Oh Doctor Jesus 02:18
George Gershwin View in Albunack Rapsodia in blu - Concerto in Fa - Variazioni 'I got rhythm' - Un americano a Parigi 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Gershwin Rapsodia in Blu 15:26 2 George Gershwin Concerto in Fa - Allegro 12:22 3 George Gershwin Concerto in Fa - Adagio 10:29 4 George Gershwin Concerto in Fa - Allegro 06:41 5 George Gershwin Variazioni 'I got rhythm' 08:07 6 George Gershwin Un americano a Parigi 18:23
George Gershwin View in Albunack Rhapsody in Blue - Immerseel 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Gershwin Catfish Row - I. Catfish Row 06:50 2 George Gershwin Catfish Row - II. Porgy Sings 05:42 3 George Gershwin Catfish Row - III. Fugue 01:59 4 George Gershwin Catfish Row - IV. Hurricane 04:39 5 George Gershwin Catfish Row - V. Good Mornin' Sistuh! 08:39 6 George Gershwin Summertime 03:26 7 George Gershwin By Strauss 02:37 8 George Gershwin An American in Paris 20:52 9 George Gershwin The Man I Love 04:39 10 George Gershwin My Man's Gone Now 04:14 11 George Gershwin I Got Rhythm 04:06 12 George Gershwin Rhapsody in Blue 18:27
George Gershwin View in Albunack Rhapsody in Blue - The best of George Gershwin 17 3 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 George Gershwin Cuban Overture 10:57 Has Mbid 2 Bulgarian State Philharmonic Orchestra Porgy and Bess opera in three acts - Act I - Introduction 03:02 Has Mbid 3 Bulgarian State Philharmonic Orchestra Porgy and Bess opera in three acts - Act I - Summertime and the livin' is easy 03:09 4 Bulgarian State Philharmonic Orchestra Porgy and Bess opera in three acts - Act I - A woman is a sometime thing 02:10 5 Bulgarian State Philharmonic Orchestra Porgy and Bess opera in three acts - Act I - My man's gone now 04:06 6 Bulgarian State Philharmonic Orchestra Porgy and Bess opera in three acts - Act II - Introduction 00:32 7 Bulgarian State Philharmonic Orchestra Porgy and Bess opera in three acts - Act II - I got plenty of nothin' 03:13 8 Bulgarian State Philharmonic Orchestra Porgy and Bess opera in three acts - Act II - Bess, you is my woman now 05:41 9 Bulgarian State Philharmonic Orchestra Porgy and Bess opera in three acts - Act II - Oh, I can't sit down 01:45 10 Bulgarian State Philharmonic Orchestra Porgy and Bess opera in three acts - Act II - It ain't necessarily so 04:23 11 Bulgarian State Philharmonic Orchestra Porgy and Bess opera in three acts - Act II - Strawberry Woman's Call; Crab Man's Call 04:15 12 Bulgarian State Philharmonic Orchestra Porgy and Bess opera in three acts - Act II - I loves you, Porgy 03:59 13 Bulgarian State Philharmonic Orchestra Porgy and Bess opera in three acts - Act II - Storm 01:40 14 Bulgarian State Philharmonic Orchestra Porgy and Bess opera in three acts - Act III - Prelude and Chorus: Clara, Clara 04:33 15 Bulgarian State Philharmonic Orchestra Porgy and Bess opera in three acts - Act III - There's a boat that's leaving soon 03:31 16 Bulgarian State Philharmonic Orchestra Porgy and Bess opera in three acts - Act III - Oh Bess, oh where's my Bess? 02:47 17 Bulgarian State Philharmonic Orchestra Porgy and Bess opera in three acts - Act III - Oh Lawd, I'm on my way 01:27
George Gershwin View in Albunack Rhapsody in Blue-An American in Paris 13 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Gershwin Stopa01 15:38 2 George Gershwin Stopa02 16:47 3 George Gershwin Stopa03 03:53 4 George Gershwin Stopa04 02:07 5 George Gershwin Stopa05 04:39 6 George Gershwin Stopa06 02:54 7 George Gershwin Stopa07 05:49 8 George Gershwin Stopa08 01:46 9 George Gershwin Stopa09 03:04 10 George Gershwin Stopa10 03:53 11 George Gershwin Stopa11 02:15 12 George Gershwin Stopa12 01:46 13 George Gershwin Stopa13 06:47
George Gershwin View in Albunack Rhapsody in blue - Concerto in fa - Un américain à Paris - Porgy & Bess (2) 13 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Gershwin An American in Paris 18:03 2 George Gershwin Porgy and Bess 23:26 3 George Gershwin Concerto in F - adagio - andante 13:01 4 George Gershwin Concerto in F - allegro molto 07:06 5 George Gershwin Preludes - 1 in B flat 01:32 6 George Gershwin Preludes - 2 in C sharp minor 03:37 7 George Gershwin Preludes - 3 in E flat minor 01:07 8 George Gershwin 's Wonderful 02:36 9 George Gershwin The Man I Love 03:30 Has Mbid 10 George Gershwin Strike Up The Band 02:27 11 George Gershwin Embraceable You 03:22 12 George Gershwin Oh, Lady Be Good 02:49 13 George Gershwin Fascinating Rhythm 02:32
George Gershwin View in Albunack Song of Ira & George Gershwin 14 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Gershwin I'll build a Stairway to Paradise 02:08 2 George Gershwin Love walked In 02:04 3 George Gershwin How Long Has This Been Going On? 04:48 4 George Gershwin My Cousin in Milwaukee 02:30 5 George Gershwin Nice Work If You Can Get It 03:18 6 George Gershwin The Man I Love 03:21 7 George Gershwin By Strauss 02:33 8 George Gershwin Just Another Rhumba 03:03 9 George Gershwin Someone To Watch Over Me 03:46 10 George Gershwin The Lorelei 03:00 11 George Gershwin Fascinating Rhythm 02:16 12 George Gershwin Isn't It a Pitty? 04:44 13 George Gershwin They All Laughed 02:18 14 George Gershwin Love Is Here To Stay 03:01
George Gershwin View in Albunack Spotlight on George Gershwin 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Gershwin Fascinating Rhythm 02:33 2 George Gershwin 'S Wonderful 02:19 3 George Gershwin Summertime 02:49 4 George Gershwin Embraceable You 02:48 5 George Gershwin A Foggy Day 02:54 6 George Gershwin It Ain't Necessarily So 02:58 7 George Gershwin Nice Work 02:18 8 George Gershwin The Man I Love 03:05 9 George Gershwin Somebody Loves Me 03:01 10 George Gershwin They Can't Take that Away from Me 02:31 11 George Gershwin I Got Rhythm 02:01
George Gershwin View in Albunack Summertime 25 3 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 George Gershwin Love Walked In 02:52 2 George Gershwin I Was Doing Allright 03:02 Has Mbid 3 George Gershwin Love Is Here To Stay 02:52 4 George Gershwin Dawn Of A New Day 02:37 Has Mbid 5 George Gershwin Changing My Tune 02:42 6 George Gershwin Aren'T You Kind Of Glad We Did? 03:03 7 George Gershwin For You, For Me, Forever More 03:04 8 George Gershwin Summertime 02:34 9 George Gershwin Summertime And Crap Game 03:20 10 George Gershwin My Man'S Gone Now 04:11 11 George Gershwin It Takes A Long Pull To Get There 03:08 12 George Gershwin I Got Plenty O' Nuttin' 03:10 13 George Gershwin The Buzzard Song 03:51 14 George Gershwin Bess, You Is My Woman Now 04:59 15 George Gershwin It Ain'T Necessarily So 03:03 16 George Gershwin Where Is My Bess? 03:08 17 George Gershwin Looking For A Boy 02:50 18 George Gershwin When Do We Dance? 02:45 19 George Gershwin That Certain Feeling 02:31 20 George Gershwin Sweet And Low Downs 02:51 21 George Gershwin Maybe 03:21 22 George Gershwin Clap Yo' Hands 02:50 23 George Gershwin Do, Do, Do 03:08 24 George Gershwin Someone To Watch Over Me 03:15 25 George Gershwin 's Wonderful Funny Face 02:50
George Gershwin View in Albunack Sweet Little Devil 18 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Gershwin Act 1. Overture 04:56 2 George Gershwin Act 1. Strike, Strike, Strike 04:00 3 George Gershwin Act 1. You're Mighty Lucky 03:35 4 George Gershwin Act 1. Virginia 02:35 5 George Gershwin Act 1. Someone Believes in You 04:07 6 George Gershwin Act 1. The Jijibo 03:35 7 George Gershwin Act 1. "Sam and Joyce scheme" 02:30 8 George Gershwin Act 1. Our Little Kitchenette 03:23 9 George Gershwin Act 1. Finale 02:24 10 George Gershwin Act 2. Quite a Party 03:40 11 George Gershwin Act 2. Under a One-Man Top 02:45 12 George Gershwin Act 2. Flirtation Ballet 04:03 13 George Gershwin Act 2. "Joyce and May scheme" 00:51 14 George Gershwin Act 2. Matrimonial Handicap 01:56 15 George Gershwin Act 2. Just Supposing 02:51 16 George Gershwin Act 2. Hey! Hey! Let'Er Go! 02:14 17 George Gershwin Act 2. Hooray for the U.S.A. 03:49 18 George Gershwin Act 2. Finale Ultimo 03:27
George Gershwin View in Albunack The Classic Composers - Modern (14) 10 2 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 George Gershwin Rhapsody in Blue 17:35 2 George Gershwin Three Piano Preludes: No 1 - Allegro be ritmato e deciso 01:32 3 George Gershwin Three Piano Preludes: No 2 - Andante con moto e poco rubato 03:36 4 George Gershwin Three Piano Preludes: No 3 - Allegro be ritmato e deciso 01:07 5 George Gershwin Cuban Overture 11:00 6 George Gershwin Piano Transcriptions - The Man I Love 02:22 7 George Gershwin Piano Transcriptions - Somebody Loves Me 01:03 8 George Gershwin Piano Transcriptions - Who Cares 01:39 9 George Gershwin Variations on 'I Got Rhythm' 09:31 Has Mbid 10 George Gershwin An American in Paris 17:47
George Gershwin View in Albunack The Gershwins' Favorites 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Gershwin But Not For Me 03:44 2 George Gershwin Foggy Day 02:38 3 George Gershwin I Got Rhythm 03:22 4 George Gershwin Lady Be Good 02:13 5 George Gershwin Our Love Is Here To Stay 04:13 6 George Gershwin Somebody Loves Me 03:18 7 George Gershwin Strike Up The Band 03:05 8 George Gershwin Swanee 03:20 9 George Gershwin They All Laughed 02:59 10 George Gershwin I Got A Crush On You 03:34 11 George Gershwin Embraceable You 03:03
George Gershwin View in Albunack The Gershwins:Tip-Toes/Tell Me More 17 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Robert Fisher & George Gershwin Tip-Toes, musical: Overture 05:02 2 Robert Fisher & George Gershwin Tip-Toes, musical: Florida 02:24 3 Robert Fisher & George Gershwin Tip-Toes, musical: Nice Baby 03:51 4 Robert Fisher & George Gershwin Tip-Toes, musical: Looking For A Boy 03:45 5 Robert Fisher & George Gershwin Tip-Toes, musical: Lady Luck 02:28 6 Robert Fisher & George Gershwin Tip-Toes, musical: When Do We Dance? 03:52 7 Robert Fisher & George Gershwin Tip-Toes, musical: These Charming People 04:40 8 Robert Fisher & George Gershwin Tip-Toes, musical: That Certain Feelin 04:00 9 Robert Fisher & George Gershwin Tip-Toes, musical: Sweet and Low-Down 04:36 10 Robert Fisher & George Gershwin Tip-Toes, musical: Finale Act I 03:17 11 Robert Fisher & George Gershwin Tip-Toes, musical: Entr'Acte 02:44 12 Robert Fisher & George Gershwin Tip-Toes, musical: Our Little Captain 01:22 13 Robert Fisher & George Gershwin Tip-Toes, musical: Looking For A Boy (reprise) 02:00 14 Robert Fisher & George Gershwin Tip-Toes, musical: It's A Great Little World! 02:58 15 Robert Fisher & George Gershwin Tip-Toes, musical: Nightie-Night! 05:39 16 Robert Fisher & George Gershwin Tip-Toes, musical: Tip-Toes 02:05 17 Robert Fisher & George Gershwin Tip-Toes, musical: Finale Act II 01:46
George Gershwin View in Albunack The Music Of 20 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Gershwin 'S Wonderful 01:12 2 George Gershwin But Not For Me 01:54 3 George Gershwin Embraceable You 01:47 4 George Gershwin Fascinating Rythm 01:01 5 George Gershwin I Got Plenty O' Nuttin' 01:37 6 George Gershwin I Got Rythm 01:01 7 George Gershwin Liza 00:54 8 George Gershwin Lorelei 01:45 9 George Gershwin The Man I Love 01:51 10 George Gershwin Mine 01:10 11 George Gershwin Nice Work If You Can Get It 01:04 12 George Gershwin Of Thee I Sing 02:27 13 George Gershwin Oh, Lady Be Good 00:56 14 George Gershwin Rialto Ripples 01:16 15 George Gershwin Slap That Bass 00:57 16 George Gershwin Someone To Watch Over me 02:39 17 George Gershwin Strike Up The Band 00:58 18 George Gershwin Summertime 02:29 19 George Gershwin They All laughed 01:00 20 George Gershwin They Cant Take That Away From Me 01:17
Search George Harrison All Things Must Pass [30th Anniversary Edition] [HDTracks] [24/96.0 kHz] 28 0 2001 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Harrison I'd Have You Anytime 02:57 2 George Harrison My Sweet Lord 04:41 3 George Harrison Wah-Wah 05:37 10 George Harrison I Live for You 03:37 12 George Harrison Let It Down 03:55 15 George Harrison Beware of Darkness 03:51 16 George Harrison Apple Scruffs 03:06 17 George Harrison Ballad of Sir Frankie Crisp (Let It Roll) 03:48 18 George Harrison Awaiting on You All 02:48 19 George Harrison All Things Must Pass 03:46 20 George Harrison I Dig Love 04:57 21 George Harrison Art of Dying 03:38 22 George Harrison Isn't It a Pity? 04:48 23 George Harrison Hear Me Lord 05:49 24 George Harrison It's Johnny's Birthday 00:49 25 George Harrison Plug Me In 03:19 26 George Harrison I Remember Jeep 08:08 27 George Harrison Thanks for the Pepperoni 05:32 28 George Harrison Out of the Blue 11:13
Search George Harrison Baton Rouge 1974 Disc. 1 (Live at Louisiana State Unversity Assembly Center, Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Nov 26th, 1974) ; 320kbps 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Harrison トラック01 10:49 2 George Harrison トラック02 04:11 3 George Harrison トラック03 04:24 4 George Harrison トラック04 06:12 5 George Harrison トラック05 05:59 6 George Harrison トラック06 04:17 7 George Harrison トラック07 04:37 8 George Harrison トラック08 06:05
Search George Harrison Discover Gold 13 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Harrison Hari's on Tour 03:46 2 George Harrison While My Guitar Gently Weeps 05:50 3 George Harrison Something 03:52 4 George Harrison Sue me, sue you Blues 04:41 5 George Harrison For you blue 04:43 6 George Harrison Introduccion to The Band 01:27 7 George Harrison Give me love 03:33 8 George Harrison Soundstage of Mind 04:18 9 George Harrison In my Life 05:52 10 George Harrison Dark Horse 04:30 11 George Harrison Maya love 04:42 12 George Harrison Nothing from Nothing 03:27 13 George Harrison My Sweet Lord 03:09
Search George Harrison George Harrison - 10.12.1991 - Harrisongs By George (BOOTLEG) - (FLAC) 17 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Harrison I Want To Tell You 04:26 2 George Harrison Old Brown Shoe 03:45 3 George Harrison Taxman 04:04 4 George Harrison Give Me Love 03:37 5 George Harrison If I Needed Someone 03:47 6 George Harrison Something 05:25 7 George Harrison What Is Life 04:40 8 George Harrison Dark Horse 04:04 9 George Harrison Piggies 02:58 10 George Harrison Got My Mind Set On You 04:44 11 George Harrison Cloud Nine 04:26 12 George Harrison Here Comes The Sun 03:29 13 George Harrison My Sweet Lord 05:26 14 George Harrison All Those Years Ago 04:41 15 George Harrison Cheer Down 04:28 16 George Harrison Devil's Radio 04:13 17 George Harrison Isn't It A Pity 06:48
Search George Harrison Good Evening Providence Disc. 1 (Live At Providence Civic Center, RI (North American Tour 1974). Dec 11th, 1974) ;320kbps 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Harrison トラック01 05:39 2 George Harrison トラック02 06:57 3 George Harrison トラック03 04:20 4 George Harrison トラック04 04:24 5 George Harrison トラック05 02:29 6 George Harrison トラック06 04:11 7 George Harrison トラック07 05:45 8 George Harrison トラック08 05:11 9 George Harrison トラック09 01:38 10 George Harrison トラック10 03:23 11 George Harrison トラック11 06:50
Search George Harrison Good Evening Providence Disc. 2 (Live At Providence Civic Center, RI (North American Tour 1974). Dec 11th, 1974) ; 320kbps 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Harrison トラック01 04:45 2 George Harrison トラック02 04:58 3 George Harrison トラック03 04:37 4 George Harrison トラック04 04:01 5 George Harrison トラック05 03:58 6 George Harrison トラック06 05:19 7 George Harrison トラック07 08:42 8 George Harrison トラック08 03:52
Search George Harrison Hari's On Tour 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Harrison Hari's On Tour 05:13 2 George Harrison While My guitar Gently Smiles 05:40 3 George Harrison Something 04:06 4 George Harrison Going Round In circles 04:32 5 George Harrison Sue Me sue You Blues 05:10 6 George Harrison For you Blue 04:50 7 George Harrison Give Me Love 05:22 8 George Harrison Soundstage Of Mine 04:22 9 George Harrison In My Life 06:03 10 George Harrison Maya Love 05:18 11 George Harrison Dark Horse 04:16 12 George Harrison My Sweet Lord (with Billy Preston) 06:19
Search George Harrison Harrisongs By George (Osaka Jo Hall, Dec 10th, 1991) 17 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Harrison I Want To Tell You 04:26 2 George Harrison Old Brown Shoe 03:45 3 George Harrison Taxman 04:04 4 George Harrison Give Me Love 03:37 5 George Harrison If I Needed Someone 03:47 6 George Harrison Something 05:25 7 George Harrison What Is Life 04:40 8 George Harrison Dark Horse 04:04 9 George Harrison Piggies 02:54 10 George Harrison Got My Mind Set On You 04:44 11 George Harrison Cloud Nine 04:26 12 George Harrison Here Comes The Sun 03:29 13 George Harrison My Sweet Lord 05:26 14 George Harrison All Those Years Ago 04:41 15 George Harrison Cheer Down 04:28 16 George Harrison Devil's Radio 04:13 17 George Harrison Isn't It A Pity 06:48
Search George Harrison In His Own Words 13 3 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Harrison In Spite Of All the Danger 02:14 Has Mbid 2 The Beatles A Taste Of Honey 02:05 3 George Harrison Words Of Love 02:10 Has Mbid 4 The Beatles Anna (Go To Him) 02:58 5 George Harrison In Spite Of All The Danger 02:15 Has Mbid 6 George Harrison Roll Over Beethoven 03:07 7 George Harrison Behind the Bit 02:05 8 The Beatles Sgt. Peppers LHC Band 02:09 9 The Beatles With A Little Help From My Friends 04:01 10 George Harrison Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds 04:30 11 The Beatles I Am The Walrus 04:25 12 George Harrison She's Leaving Home 03:43 13 George Harrison Got To Get You Into My Life 02:34
Search George Harrison Last Friend In Tokyo Dome 1991 24 0 1991 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Harrison & Eric Clapton I Want To Tell You 04:43 2 George Harrison & Eric Clapton Old Brown Shoe 03:55 3 George Harrison & Eric Clapton Taxman 04:25 4 George Harrison & Eric Clapton Give Me Love 03:59 5 George Harrison & Eric Clapton If I Needed Someone 04:03 6 George Harrison & Eric Clapton Something 05:14 7 George Harrison & Eric Clapton What Is Life 05:00 8 George Harrison & Eric Clapton Dark Horse 04:23 9 George Harrison & Eric Clapton Piggies 02:52 10 George Harrison & Eric Clapton Piano Intro 01:11 11 George Harrison & Eric Clapton Pretending 06:04 12 George Harrison & Eric Clapton Old Love 10:07 13 George Harrison & Eric Clapton Badge 06:52 14 George Harrison & Eric Clapton Wonderful Tonight 09:31 15 George Harrison & Eric Clapton Got My Mind Set On You 04:32 16 George Harrison & Eric Clapton Cloud 9 04:30 17 George Harrison & Eric Clapton Here Comes The Sun 03:26 18 George Harrison & Eric Clapton My Sweet Lord 06:07 19 George Harrison & Eric Clapton All Those Years Ago 04:38 20 George Harrison & Eric Clapton Cheer Down 03:52 21 George Harrison & Eric Clapton Devil'S Radio 04:31 22 George Harrison & Eric Clapton Isn'T It A Pity 06:46 23 George Harrison & Eric Clapton While My Guitar Gently Weeps 06:45 24 George Harrison & Eric Clapton Roll Over Beethoven 15:57
Search George Harrison Live At The Arena 15 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Harrison Hari's On Tour (Express) 05:07 2 George Harrison While My Guitar Gently Weeps 05:18 3 George Harrison Something 04:09 4 George Harrison Will It Go Round In Circles 03:49 5 George Harrison Sue Me, Sue You Blues 04:59 6 George Harrison For You Blue 05:31 7 George Harrison Band Intro 01:02 8 George Harrison Give Me Love (Give Me Peace on Earth) 04:14 9 George Harrison Soundstage of Mind 03:55 10 George Harrison In My Life 06:11 11 George Harrison Maya Love 04:52 12 George Harrison Dark Horse 04:21 13 George Harrison Outa-Space 05:22 14 George Harrison What Is Life 04:58 15 George Harrison My Sweet Lord 08:02
Search George Harrison Lost And Found - 'Cloud 9' Rough Mixes (Taken from Mo Osten demo Tape) 7 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Harrison Got My Mind Set On You (Alternate Mix, Mo Ostin Tape) 03:44 Has Mbid 2 George Harrison Cloud Nine (Alternate Mix, Mo Ostin's Demo Tape) 03:08 3 George Harrison This Is Love (Alternate Mix, Mo Ostin's Demo Tape) 03:40 4 George Harrison Fish On The Sand (Alternate Mix, Mo Ostin's Demo Tape) 03:15 5 George Harrison That's What It Takes (Alternate Mix, Mo Ostin's Demo Tape) 03:53 6 George Harrison Devil's Radio (Alternate Mix, Mo Ostin's Demo Tape) 03:45 7 George Harrison When We Was Fab (Alternate Mix, Mo Ostin's Demo Tape) 04:05
Search George Harrison Run Of The Mill 1963-1971 30 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Harrison Opening 02:32 2 George Harrison Are You In A Hole 01:09 3 George Harrison Butterflies 00:31 4 George Harrison Drilling A Home Medley 04:47 5 George Harrison Lennon Poem 00:33 6 George Harrison Drilling A Home Samba 02:09 7 George Harrison Flute Dance 02:50 8 George Harrison Factory Wedding Scene 03:20 9 George Harrison Ski-Ing (Sitar) 01:51 10 George Harrison The Operation 02:12 11 George Harrison On The Roof 01:03 12 George Harrison Microbes 03:45 13 George Harrison Red Lady Too 02:03 14 George Harrison Tabla And Pakavaj 01:05 15 George Harrison In The Park 04:12 16 George Harrison Drilling A Home 03:10 17 George Harrison Guru Vandana 01:09 18 George Harrison Greasy Legs 01:31 19 George Harrison Ski-Ing 01:38 20 George Harrison Gat Kirwani 01:17 21 George Harrison Dream Scene 05:37 22 George Harrison Party Seacombe 04:25 23 George Harrison Love Scene 04:20 24 George Harrison Crying 01:17 25 George Harrison Cowboy Music 01:27 26 George Harrison Fantasy Sequins 01:51 27 George Harrison On The Bed 02:20 28 George Harrison Glass Box 01:06 29 George Harrison Wonderfull To Be Here 01:28 30 George Harrison Singin On 02:01
Search George Harrison Shankar family & friends 14 3 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 Ravi Shankar I Am Missing You 03:41 2 Ravi Shankar Kahan Gayelava Shayam Saloné 02:55 Has Mbid 3 Ravi Shankar Supané Ma Ayé Preetam Sainya 04:12 Has Mbid 4 Ravi Shankar I Am Missing You (Reprise) 03:59 5 Ravi Shankar Jaya Jagadish Haré 04:53 6 Ravi Shankar Dream, Nightmare & Dawn- Overture 02:33 7 Ravi Shankar Dream, Nightmare & Dawn, Pt. 1- Dream- Festivity & Joy 03:56 8 Ravi Shankar Dream, Nightmare & Dawn, Pt. 1- Dream- Love-Dance Ecstasy 03:13 9 Ravi Shankar Dream, Nightmare & Dawn, Pt. 2- Nightmare- Lust (Raga Chandrakuns) 03:13 10 Ravi Shankar Dream, Nightmare & Dawn, Pt. 2- Nightmare- Dispute & Violence 02:43 11 Ravi Shankar Dream, Nightmare & Dawn, Pt. 2- Nightmare- Disillusionment & Frustratio 02:50 12 Ravi Shankar Dream, Nightmare & Dawn, Pt. 2- Nightmare- Despair & Sorrow (Raga Marwa 03:04 13 Ravi Shankar Dream, Nightmare & Dawn, Pt. 3- Dawn- Awakening 03:05 14 Ravi Shankar Dream, Nightmare & Dawn, Pt. 3- Dawn- Peace & Hope (Raga Bhatiuar) 04:30
Search George Harrison The Art Of Dying - 1 - The Complete ''All Things Must Pass'' Demos, Sessions & Remixes 24 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Harrison All Things Must Pass - Alternate Vocal Take 03:56 2 George Harrison All Things Must Pass - Early Stereo Remix With False Start (Mono) ''Applescruffs'' 00:45 3 George Harrison All Things Must Pass - Early Stereo Remix With False Start (Mono) ''Applescruffs'' 03:54 4 George Harrison All Things Must Pass - Take 1, Breakdown 02:47 5 George Harrison All Things Must Pass - Take 2, With False Start 03:21 6 George Harrison All Things Must Pass - Take 3, Breakdown With False Start 03:45 7 George Harrison All Things Must Pass - Take 4, Breakdown 02:30 8 George Harrison All Things Must Pass - Take 5, Breakdown 01:17 9 George Harrison All Things Must Pass - Take 6, Breakdown 01:48 10 George Harrison All Things Must Pass - Take 7 03:01 11 George Harrison All Things Must Pass - Take 8, Breakdown 00:21 12 George Harrison All Things Must Pass - Take 9, Breakdown 00:23 13 George Harrison All Things Must Pass - Take 10, Breakdown 00:41 14 George Harrison All Things Must Pass - Take 11, Breakdown 02:01 15 George Harrison All Things Must Pass - Take 12, Breakdown 02:25 16 George Harrison All Things Must Pass - Take 13 02:53 17 George Harrison All Things Must Pass - Take 14, With ''Mama You Been On My Mind'' 03:54 18 George Harrison All Things Must Pass - Take 15 02:42 19 George Harrison All Things Must Pass - Take 16 02:47 20 George Harrison All Things Must Pass - Take 17 02:46 21 George Harrison All Things Must Pass - Take 18 02:42 22 George Harrison Overdub Onto Take 18 02:32 23 George Harrison Overdub Onto Take 18 02:32 24 George Harrison Overdub Onto Take 18 02:32
Search George Harrison The Art Of Dying - 4 - The Complete ''All Things Must Pass'' Demos, Sessions & Remixes 9 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Harrison I'll Still Love You - Rehearsal 01:09 2 George Harrison I'll Still Love You - Fragment 00:16 3 George Harrison I'll Still Love You - Early Stereo Remix (Mono) 04:51 4 George Harrison Isn't It A Pity - Early Stereo Remix 05:39 5 George Harrison Isn't It A Pity (Second Version) - Take 30, Stereo Remix RS1 05:47 6 George Harrison It's Johnny's Birthday - Birthday Tape Stereo Remix 00:50 Has Mbid 7 George Harrison Let It Down - Demo 04:13 8 George Harrison Let It Down - Alternate Vocal Take, Stereo Remix RS1 05:26 9 George Harrison Let It Down - Take 8, Backing Tracks With Faint Scratch Vocal 06:35
Search George Harrison The Concert for Bangladesh [Bonus Track] 10 0 1971 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Harrison Leon Russell Medley: Jumpin' Jack Flash/Young Blood 09:26 2 George Harrison Ali Akbar Khan Ravi Shankar Bangla Dhun 16:39 3 George Harrison Bob Dylan A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall 05:44 4 George Harrison Bob Dylan It's Takes a Lot to Laugh, It Takes a Train to Cry 03:07 5 George Harrison Bob Dylan Blowin' in the Wind 04:06 6 George Harrison Bob Dylan Mr. Tambourine Man 04:44 7 George Harrison Ringo Starr It Don't Come Easy 03:00 8 George Harrison Something 03:42 9 George Harrison Bangla Desh 05:01 10 George Harrison While My Guitar Gently Weeps 04:53
Search George Harrison The J Files (Vol.3) 15 2 Show/Hide Tracks 1 George Harrison This Song 04:23 2 George Harrison Caller #10 04:01 3 George Harrison It Don't Come Easy 04:10 4 George Harrison Caller #11 00:24 Has Mbid 5 George Harrison The Ballad Of Sir Frankie Crisp (Let It Roll) 03:53 6 George Harrison Caller #12 02:52 Has Mbid 7 George Harrison I Need You 02:37 8 George Harrison Caller #13, Handle With Care 03:37 9 George Harrison Interview - Pauls Comments On George's Passing 01:16 10 George Harrison Here Comes The Sun 03:20 11 George Harrison Closing comments from Richard Kingsmill 00:18 12 George Harrison Blow Away 03:16 13 George Harrison Interview - Good Morning Australia Pt.1 08:21 14 George Harrison Interview - Good Morning Australia Pt.2 09:54 15 George Harrison Interview - Good Morning Australia Pt.3 06:00