The report is not continually updated so may not reflect the current data within Acoustid databases.
This shows complete albums constructed from the metadata submitted to Acoustid, but only the majority of the Acoustids are not already linked to MusicBrainz recordings. We filter to only show albums that we have all the tracks for and that have real metadata, and only include albums where we can find a case insensitive match between the album artist and a MusicBrainz artist, to simplify things and filter out some nonsense data. Limitations:Acoustid Data is not of high enough quality to properly handle multi releases and some releases may be listed multiple times due to slight differences in metadata. Acoustid only provides basic metadata, at best this is Album Artist, Album, Track No, Track Title, Track Artist, Year of release, Track Duration (taken directly from linked fingerprint(s)). The data is good for identifying albums by smaller artists, and rare bootleg/live albums by well known artists
Domenico Scarlatti View in Albunack Los Dioses de la Música 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Zuzana Ruzickova (clavicémbalo) Sonatas para Clavicémbalo - DO mayor, L. 301 06:05 2 Zuzana Ruzickova (clavicémbalo) Sonatas para Clavicémbalo - Mi bemol mayor, L. 111 05:12 3 Zuzana Ruzickova (clavicémbalo) Sonatas para Clavicémbalo - Sol menor, L. 128 06:48 4 Zuzana Ruzickova (clavicémbalo) Sonatas para Clavicémbalo - Si bemol mayor, L. 50 02:29 5 Zuzana Ruzickova (clavicémbalo) Sonatas para Clavicémbalo - Re menor, L. 413 04:14 6 Zuzana Ruzickova (clavicémbalo) Sonatas para Clavicémbalo - Fa menor, L. 475 03:35 7 Zuzana Ruzickova (clavicémbalo) Sonatas para Clavicémbalo - Si menor, L. 33 06:33 8 Zuzana Ruzickova (clavicémbalo) Sonatas para Clavicémbalo - Sol menor, L. 389 02:35 9 Zuzana Ruzickova (clavicémbalo) Sonatas para Clavicémbalo - Si mayor, L. 348 04:47 10 Zuzana Ruzickova (clavicémbalo) Sonatas para Clavicémbalo - Re menor, L. 366 02:42 11 Zuzana Ruzickova (clavicémbalo) Sonatas para Clavicémbalo - Fa mayor, Pastoral, L. 433 05:46 12 Zuzana Ruzickova (clavicémbalo) Sonatas para Clavicémbalo - La mayor, L. 345 04:29
Domenico Scarlatti View in Albunack Mandolin Sonatas 21 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Domenico Scarlatti Domenico Scarlatti (1685-1757) - Sonata in G major K91 - Grave 01:25 2 Domenico Scarlatti Domenico Scarlatti (1685-1757) - Sonata in G major K91 - Allegro 03:37 3 Domenico Scarlatti Domenico Scarlatti (1685-1757) - Sonata in G major K91 - Grave 01:15 4 Domenico Scarlatti Domenico Scarlatti (1685-1757) - Sonata in G major K91 - Allegro 01:22 5 Domenico Scarlatti Domenico Scarlatti (1685-1757) - Sonata in E minor K81 - Grave 01:41 6 Domenico Scarlatti Domenico Scarlatti (1685-1757) - Sonata in E minor K81 - Allegro 03:05 7 Domenico Scarlatti Domenico Scarlatti (1685-1757) - Sonata in E minor K81 - Grave 01:20 8 Domenico Scarlatti Domenico Scarlatti (1685-1757) - Sonata in E minor K81 - Allegro 01:31 9 Domenico Scarlatti Domenico Scarlatti (1685-1757) - Sonata in G minor K88 - Grave 02:08 10 Domenico Scarlatti Domenico Scarlatti (1685-1757) - Sonata in G minor K88 - Allegro moderato 02:31 11 Domenico Scarlatti Domenico Scarlatti (1685-1757) - Sonata in G minor K88 - Allegro 01:29 12 Domenico Scarlatti Domenico Scarlatti (1685-1757) - Sonata in G minor K88 - Minuetto 01:54 13 Domenico Scarlatti Domenico Scarlatti (1685-1757) - Sonata in D minor K90 - Grave 03:32 14 Domenico Scarlatti Domenico Scarlatti (1685-1757) - Sonata in D minor K90 - Allegro 04:28 15 Domenico Scarlatti Domenico Scarlatti (1685-1757) - Sonata in D minor K90 - Siciliana 00:54 16 Domenico Scarlatti Domenico Scarlatti (1685-1757) - Sonata in D minor K90 - Allegro 02:03 17 Domenico Scarlatti Domenico Scarlatti (1685-1757) - Sonata in D minor K77 - Moderato cantabile 03:10 18 Domenico Scarlatti Domenico Scarlatti (1685-1757) - Sonata in D minor K77 - Minuetto 02:19 19 Domenico Scarlatti Domenico Scarlatti (1685-1757) - Sonata in D minor K89 - Allegro 03:28 20 Domenico Scarlatti Domenico Scarlatti (1685-1757) - Sonata in D minor K89 - Grave 02:08 21 Domenico Scarlatti Domenico Scarlatti (1685-1757) - Sonata in D minor K89 - Allegro 01:48
Domenico Scarlatti View in Albunack Missa Di Madrid 20 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Domenico Scarlatti Kyrie "Messa Di Madrid" 04:50 2 Domenico Scarlatti Gloria "Messa Di Madrid" 06:33 3 Domenico Scarlatti Credo "Messa Di Madrid" 08:30 4 Domenico Scarlatti Sanctus "Messa Di Madrid" 02:51 5 Domenico Scarlatti Agnus Dei "Messa Di Madrid" 02:29 6 Domenico Scarlatti Stabat Mater 02:59 7 Domenico Scarlatti Cujus Animam Gementem 04:16 8 Domenico Scarlatti Quis Non Posset 02:30 9 Domenico Scarlatti Eja Mater, Fons Amoris 02:06 10 Domenico Scarlatti Sancta Mater, Istud Agas 02:52 11 Domenico Scarlatti Fac Me Vere Tecum Flere 01:39 12 Domenico Scarlatti Juxta Crucem 01:52 13 Domenico Scarlatti Inflammatus 03:18 14 Domenico Scarlatti Fac Ut Animae 02:25 15 Domenico Scarlatti Amen 01:44 16 Domenico Scarlatti Kyrie "Messa La Stella" 03:23 17 Domenico Scarlatti Gloria "Messa La Stella" 06:00 18 Domenico Scarlatti Credo "Messa La Stella" 01:37 19 Domenico Scarlatti Sanctus "Messa La Stella" 08:03 20 Domenico Scarlatti Agnus Dei "Messa La Stella" 01:11
Domenico Scarlatti View in Albunack Nove Sonate 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Domenico Scarlatti Sonata In Si Bemolle Maggiore K 70 - Allegro 02:21 2 Domenico Scarlatti Sonata In Sol Maggiore K 8 - Allegro 07:31 3 Domenico Scarlatti Sonata In Fa Minore K 19 - Allegro 04:08 4 Domenico Scarlatti Sonata In Si Minore K 87 - Andante 08:38 5 Domenico Scarlatti Sonata In Mi Maggiore K 20 - Presto 03:31 6 Domenico Scarlatti Sonata In Sol Minore K 450 - Allegrissimo 03:34 7 Domenico Scarlatti Sonata In La Minore K 109 - Adagio 11:57 8 Domenico Scarlatti Sonata In Re Minore K 1 - Allegro 02:41 9 Domenico Scarlatti Sonata In In Sol Minore K 13 - Presto 04:39
Domenico Scarlatti View in Albunack Piano Sonatas - Alice Ader 20 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Domenico Scarlatti Sonata K 12 in G minor 03:21 2 Domenico Scarlatti Sonata K144 in G Major 05:26 3 Domenico Scarlatti Sonata K99 in C minor 05:12 4 Domenico Scarlatti Sonata K441 in B flat Major 04:11 5 Domenico Scarlatti Sonata K373 in B flat Major 02:18 6 Domenico Scarlatti Sonata K32 in D minor 03:09 7 Domenico Scarlatti Sonata K43 in G minor 02:46 8 Domenico Scarlatti Sonata K202 in B flat Major 03:47 9 Domenico Scarlatti Sonata K40 in C minor 02:20 10 Domenico Scarlatti Sonata K225 in C Major 04:55 11 Domenico Scarlatti Sonata K8 in G minor 05:28 12 Domenico Scarlatti Sonata K70 in B flat Major 02:21 13 Domenico Scarlatti Sonata K95 in C Major 02:33 14 Domenico Scarlatti Sonata K56 in C minor 03:41 15 Domenico Scarlatti Sonata K244 in B Major 05:05 16 Domenico Scarlatti Sonata K83 in A major 04:29 17 Domenico Scarlatti Sonata K25 in F sharp minor 03:37 18 Domenico Scarlatti Sonata K69 in F minor 05:25 19 Domenico Scarlatti Sonata K85 in F Major 01:14 20 Domenico Scarlatti Sonata K59 in F Major 03:31
Domenico Scarlatti View in Albunack Rafael Puyana 15 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Domenico Scarlatti Harpsichord Sonata in A minor (K.175) 04:52 2 Domenico Scarlatti Harpsichord Sonata in D major (K. 33) 04:23 3 Domenico Scarlatti Harpsichord Sonata in G minor (K. 347) 05:51 4 Domenico Scarlatti Harpsichord Sonata in G minor (K. 348) 02:53 5 Domenico Scarlatti Harpsichord Sonata in G major (K. 105) 06:14 6 Domenico Scarlatti Harpsichord Sonata in F major (K. 106) 03:17 7 Domenico Scarlatti Harpsichord Sonata in F major (K. 107) 05:58 8 Domenico Scarlatti Harpsichord Sonata in B flat major (K. 441) 04:25 9 Domenico Scarlatti Harpsichord Sonata in B flat major (K. 442) 03:40 10 Domenico Scarlatti Harpsichord Sonata in D major (K. 96) 02:54 11 Domenico Scarlatti Harpsichord Sonata in F major (K. 524) 04:40 12 Domenico Scarlatti Harpsichord Sonata in F major (K. 525) 02:58 13 Domenico Scarlatti Harpsichord Sonata in C major (K. 49) 06:49 14 Domenico Scarlatti Harpsichord Sonata in B minor (K. 87) 07:50 15 Domenico Scarlatti Sonata por el Señor Escarlate 03:00
Domenico Scarlatti View in Albunack Scarlatti (D): Keyboard Sonatas (Complete), Vol. 11 18 0 2008 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Domenico Scarlatti Scarlatti (D): Keyboard Sonata In B Flat, K 472/L 99/P 475 03:08 2 Domenico Scarlatti Scarlatti (D): Keyboard Sonata In B Flat, K 473/L 229/P 355 04:16 3 Domenico Scarlatti Scarlatti (D): Keyboard Sonata In C, K 384/L 2/P 487 - Andante Cantabile 04:07 4 Domenico Scarlatti Scarlatti (D): Keyboard Sonata In A Minor, K 61/L 136/P 16 03:15 5 Domenico Scarlatti Scarlatti (D): Keyboard Sonata In G Minor, K 347/L 126/P 294 05:04 6 Domenico Scarlatti Scarlatti (D): Keyboard Sonata In G, K 348/L 127/P 462 02:21 7 Domenico Scarlatti Scarlatti (D): Keyboard Sonata In D Minor, K 64/L 58/P 33 01:54 8 Domenico Scarlatti Scarlatti (D): Keyboard Sonata In D, K 224/L 268/P 225 03:27 9 Domenico Scarlatti Scarlatti (D): Keyboard Sonata In F Minor, K 462/L 438/P 474 05:53 10 Domenico Scarlatti Scarlatti (D): Keyboard Sonata In B Minor, K 376/L 34/P 246 03:45 11 Domenico Scarlatti Scarlatti (D): Keyboard Sonata In B Minor, K 377/L 263/P 245 03:02 12 Domenico Scarlatti Scarlatti (D): Keyboard Sonata In G, K 314/L 441/P 505 04:38 13 Domenico Scarlatti Scarlatti (D): Keyboard Sonata In D, K 278/L S15/P 434 02:27 14 Domenico Scarlatti Scarlatti (D): Keyboard Sonata In B Flat, K 545/L 500/P 549 03:05 15 Domenico Scarlatti Scarlatti (D): Keyboard Sotata In A Minor, K 148/L 64/P 291 04:24 16 Domenico Scarlatti Scarlatti (D): Keyboard Sonata In A Minor, K 149/L 93/P 241 02:13 17 Domenico Scarlatti Scarlatti (D): Keyboard Sonata In C Minor, K 58/L 158/P 39 02:37 18 Domenico Scarlatti Scarlatti (D): Keyboard Sonata In C, K 406/L 5/P 436 03:37
Domenico Scarlatti View in Albunack Scarlatti (D): Keyboard Sonatas, Vol. 10 14 0 2008 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Domenico Scarlatti Scarlatti (D): Keyboard Sonata In D, K 29 02:45 2 Domenico Scarlatti Scarlatti (D): Keyboard Sonata In D Minor, K 18 03:35 3 Domenico Scarlatti Scarlatti (D): Keyboard Sonata In D, K 23 05:14 4 Domenico Scarlatti Scarlatti (D): Keyboard Sonata In D Minor, K 41 06:02 5 Domenico Scarlatti Scarlatti (D): Keyboard Sonata In D, K 53 03:18 6 Domenico Scarlatti Scarlatti (D): Keyboard Sonata In D, K 45 03:40 7 Domenico Scarlatti Scarlatti (D): Keyboard Sonata In A, K 74 01:30 8 Domenico Scarlatti Scarlatti (D): Keyboard Sonata In E Minor, K 81 08:18 9 Domenico Scarlatti Scarlatti (D): Keyboard Sonata In D Minor, K 90 11:13 10 Domenico Scarlatti Scarlatti (D): Keyboard Sonata In C, K 95 01:38 11 Domenico Scarlatti Scarlatti (D): Keyboard Sonata In E, K 134 04:04 12 Domenico Scarlatti Scarlatti (D): Keyboard Sonata In E, K 136 04:07 13 Domenico Scarlatti Scarlatti (D): Keyboard Sonata In B Minor, K 408 04:10 14 Domenico Scarlatti Scarlatti (D): Keyboard Sonata In F Minor, K 555 03:58
Domenico Scarlatti View in Albunack Scarlatti (D): Keyboard Sonatas, Vol. 3 16 1 2001 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Domenico Scarlatti Scarlatti (D): Harpsichord Sonata In G, K 201 03:44 2 Domenico Scarlatti Scarlatti (D): Harpsichord Sonata In D Minor, K 10 02:31 Has Mbid 3 Domenico Scarlatti Scarlatti (D): Harpsichord Sonata In B, K 261 05:26 4 Domenico Scarlatti Scarlatti (D): Harpsichord Sonata In B Flat, K 70 02:11 5 Domenico Scarlatti Scarlatti (D): Harpsichord Sonata In D Minor, K 444 02:59 6 Domenico Scarlatti Scarlatti (D): Harpsichord Sonata In A Minor, K 54 04:48 7 Domenico Scarlatti Scarlatti (D): Harpsichord Sonata In A, K 537 03:39 8 Domenico Scarlatti Scarlatti (D): Harpsichord Sonata In F Sharp Minor, K 447 02:36 9 Domenico Scarlatti Scarlatti (D): Harpsichord Sonata In E, K 46 04:21 10 Domenico Scarlatti Scarlatti (D): Harpsichord Sonata In A, K 212 03:30 11 Domenico Scarlatti Scarlatti (D): Harpsichord Sonata In E Minor, K 203 04:54 12 Domenico Scarlatti Scarlatti (D): Harpsichord Sonata In G, K 105 05:34 13 Domenico Scarlatti Scarlatti (D): Harpsichord Sonata In C Minor, K 126 08:20 14 Domenico Scarlatti Scarlatti (D): Harpsichord Sonata In F, K 525 02:22 15 Domenico Scarlatti Scarlatti (D): Harpsichord Sonata In F Minor, K 69 05:22 16 Domenico Scarlatti Scarlatti (D): Harpsichord Sonata In D, K 119 05:41
Domenico Scarlatti View in Albunack Scarlatti : Music from the Courts of Europe - Virginia Black 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Domenico Scarlatti Sonata in D Major K491 - Allegro 05:32 2 Domenico Scarlatti Sonata in D Major K492 - Presto 03:56 3 Domenico Scarlatti Sonata in A Major K491 - Andante e cantabile 03:28 4 Domenico Scarlatti Sonata in A Minor K7 - Presto 04:14 5 Domenico Scarlatti Sonata in C Minor K84 03:45 6 Domenico Scarlatti Sonata in E flat K193 03:57 7 Domenico Scarlatti Sonata in F Minor K185 - Andante 03:43 8 Domenico Scarlatti Sonata in F Minor K187 - Allegro 04:18
Domenico Scarlatti View in Albunack Scarlatti, Hasse: Salve Regina; Cantatas & Motets 29 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 King's Consort, Robert King & Domenico Scarlatti Salve Regina, motet for soprano, strings & continuo in A major: Salve Regina, mater misericordiae 02:14 2 King's Consort, Robert King & Domenico Scarlatti Salve Regina, motet for soprano, strings & continuo in A major: Ad te clamamus exules, filii Hevae 04:22 3 King's Consort, Robert King & Domenico Scarlatti Salve Regina, motet for soprano, strings & continuo in A major: Nobis post hoc exilium ostende 02:34 4 King's Consort, Robert King & Domenico Scarlatti Salve Regina, motet for soprano, strings & continuo in A major: O clemens, o pia 03:57 5 King's Consort, Robert King & Domenico Scarlatti Su le sponde del Tebro, chamber cantata for soprano, 2 violins, trumpet & continuo: Sinfonia 01:39 6 King's Consort, Robert King & Domenico Scarlatti Su le sponde del Tebro, chamber cantata for soprano, 2 violins, trumpet & continuo: Recitativo. Su le sponde del Tebro 01:07 7 King's Consort, Robert King & Domenico Scarlatti Su le sponde del Tebro, chamber cantata for soprano, 2 violins, trumpet & continuo: Sinfonia - Aria. Contentatevi, o fidi pensieri 03:13 8 King's Consort, Robert King & Domenico Scarlatti Su le sponde del Tebro, chamber cantata for soprano, 2 violins, trumpet & continuo: Recitativo. Mesto, stanco, e spirante dal duol' che l'opprimea 00:47 9 King's Consort, Robert King & Domenico Scarlatti Su le sponde del Tebro, chamber cantata for soprano, 2 violins, trumpet & continuo: Largo. Infelici miei lumi 03:22 10 King's Consort, Robert King & Domenico Scarlatti Su le sponde del Tebro, chamber cantata for soprano, 2 violins, trumpet & continuo: Aria. Dite almeno, astri crudeli 02:44 11 King's Consort, Robert King & Domenico Scarlatti Su le sponde del Tebro, chamber cantata for soprano, 2 violins, trumpet & continuo: Recitativo. All'aura, al cielo, ai venti 00:57 12 King's Consort, Robert King & Domenico Scarlatti Su le sponde del Tebro, chamber cantata for soprano, 2 violins, trumpet & continuo: Aria. Tralascia pur di piangere, povero afflitto cor 01:42 13 King's Consort, Robert King & Domenico Scarlatti Salve Regina: Salve Regina, mater misericordiae 05:44 14 King's Consort, Robert King & Domenico Scarlatti Salve Regina: Ad te clamamus exules, filii Hevae 04:53 15 King's Consort, Robert King & Domenico Scarlatti Salve Regina: Eia, ergo advocata nostra illos tuos 02:27 16 King's Consort, Robert King & Domenico Scarlatti Salve Regina: Et Jesum benedictum fructum ventris tui 03:53 17 King's Consort, Robert King & Domenico Scarlatti Infirmata, vulnerata, motet for alto, 2 violins & continuo: Aria. Infirmata vulnerata puro deficit amore 03:39 18 King's Consort, Robert King & Domenico Scarlatti Infirmata, vulnerata, motet for alto, 2 violins & continuo: Recitativo. O care, o dulcis amor 00:34 19 King's Consort, Robert King & Domenico Scarlatti Infirmata, vulnerata, motet for alto, 2 violins & continuo: Aria. Vulnera percute, transfige cor 03:18 20 King's Consort, Robert King & Domenico Scarlatti Infirmata, vulnerata, motet for alto, 2 violins & continuo: Aria. Cur, quaeso, crudelis es factus 02:31 21 King's Consort, Robert King & Domenico Scarlatti Infirmata, vulnerata, motet for alto, 2 violins & continuo: Recitativo. Vicisti, amor, et cor meum 00:29 22 King's Consort, Robert King & Domenico Scarlatti Infirmata, vulnerata, motet for alto, 2 violins & continuo: Aria. Semper gratus desiderabilis 02:05 23 King's Consort, Robert King & Domenico Scarlatti Oh di Betlemme altera povertà, chamber cantata for soprano & strings ("Cantata pastorale per la natività di Nostre Signore"): Introduzione 01:56 24 King's Consort, Robert King & Domenico Scarlatti Oh di Betlemme altera povertà, chamber cantata for soprano & strings ("Cantata pastorale per la natività di Nostre Signore"): Recitativo. O di Betlemme altera povertà venturosa! 00:42 25 King's Consort, Robert King & Domenico Scarlatti Oh di Betlemme altera povertà, chamber cantata for soprano & strings ("Cantata pastorale per la natività di Nostre Signore"): Aria. Dal ben seno d'una stella 02:05 26 King's Consort, Robert King & Domenico Scarlatti Oh di Betlemme altera povertà, chamber cantata for soprano & strings ("Cantata pastorale per la natività di Nostre Signore"): Recitativo. Presa d'uomo la forma, alle gelide tempre 00:51 27 King's Consort, Robert King & Domenico Scarlatti Oh di Betlemme altera povertà, chamber cantata for soprano & strings ("Cantata pastorale per la natività di Nostre Signore"): Aria. L'autor d'ogni mio bene 04:00 28 King's Consort, Robert King & Domenico Scarlatti Oh di Betlemme altera povertà, chamber cantata for soprano & strings ("Cantata pastorale per la natività di Nostre Signore"): Recitativo. Fortunati pastori giacchè v'è dato in sorte 00:40 29 King's Consort, Robert King & Domenico Scarlatti Oh di Betlemme altera povertà, chamber cantata for soprano & strings ("Cantata pastorale per la natività di Nostre Signore"): Aria. Tocco la prima sorte a voi, pastori 08:24
Domenico Scarlatti View in Albunack Scarlatti-Anjaparidze 17 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Domenico Scarlatti Sonata in C major K 487 04:05 2 Domenico Scarlatti Sonata in F minor, K 184 04:09 3 Domenico Scarlatti Sonata in B flat major, K 544 04:07 4 Domenico Scarlatti Sonata in G minor, K 450 03:43 5 Domenico Scarlatti Sonata in F major, K 44 04:55 6 Domenico Scarlatti Sonata in D minor, K 434 09:09 7 Domenico Scarlatti Sonata in D major, K 430 03:13 8 Domenico Scarlatti Sonata in G major, K 427 02:02 9 Domenico Scarlatti Sonata in G minor, K 8 05:42 10 Domenico Scarlatti Sonata in G major, K 13 04:19 11 Domenico Scarlatti Sonata in G major, K 523 01:55 12 Domenico Scarlatti Sonata in E minor, K 402 12:38 13 Domenico Scarlatti Sonata in E major, K 531 03:24 14 Domenico Scarlatti Sonata in C sharp minor, K 246 04:16 15 Domenico Scarlatti Sonata in A major, K 533 03:27 Has Mbid 16 Domenico Scarlatti Sonata in C major, K 421 03:32 17 Domenico Scarlatti Sonata in F major, K 446 05:00
Domenico Scarlatti View in Albunack Scarlatti: Keyboard Sonatas Vol. 1 17 1 1994 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Domenico Scarlatti Sonata K.487 in C major 04:05 2 Domenico Scarlatti Sonata K 184 in F minor 04:09 3 Domenico Scarlatti Sonata K.544 in B flat major 03:56 4 Domenico Scarlatti Sonata K.450 in G minor 03:25 5 Domenico Scarlatti Sonata K.44 in F major 04:30 6 Domenico Scarlatti Sonata K.434 in D minor 08:24 7 Domenico Scarlatti Sonata K.430 in D major 02:57 8 Domenico Scarlatti Sonata K.427 in G major 02:02 9 Domenico Scarlatti Sonata K.8 in G minor 05:42 10 Domenico Scarlatti Sonata K.13 in G major 04:19 11 Domenico Scarlatti Sonata K.523 in G major 01:55 12 Domenico Scarlatti Sonata K.402 in E minor 12:38 13 Domenico Scarlatti Sonata K.531 in E major 03:28 14 Domenico Scarlatti Sonata K.246 in C sharp minor 04:16 15 Domenico Scarlatti Sonata K.533 in A major 03:27 Has Mbid 16 Domenico Scarlatti Sonata K.421 in C major 03:32 17 Domenico Scarlatti Sonata K.446 in F major 05:00
Domenico Scarlatti View in Albunack Sinfonie and Concerti 24 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Domenico Scarlatti Scarlatti - Sinfonia No.4 in D - Tempo di Marcata-Presto-Adagio-Prestissimo 02:37 2 Domenico Scarlatti Pergolesi - Concerto in B flat - First movement - Allegro 05:16 3 Domenico Scarlatti Pergolesi - Concerto in B flat - Second movement - Largo 04:15 4 Domenico Scarlatti Pergolesi - Concerto in B flat - Third Movement - Allegro 03:56 5 Domenico Scarlatti Scarlatti - Sinfonia No.10 in G - First movement - Allegro 01:51 6 Domenico Scarlatti Scarlatti - Sinfonia No.10 in G- Second movement - Grave 00:39 7 Domenico Scarlatti Scarlatti - Sinfonia No.10 in G - Third movement - Menuet-Allegro 01:41 8 Domenico Scarlatti Barabella - Concerto in C - First movement - Amoroso 04:00 9 Domenico Scarlatti Barabella - Concerto in C - Second movement - Allegro 02:54 10 Domenico Scarlatti Barabella - Concerto in C - Third Movement - Adagio 01:38 11 Domenico Scarlatti Barabella - Concerto in C - Fourth Movement - Allegro 01:57 12 Domenico Scarlatti Durante - Concerto 'La Pazzia' in A - First movement - Allegro 07:31 13 Domenico Scarlatti Durante - Concerto 'La Pazzia' in A - Second movement - Affettuoso 02:36 14 Domenico Scarlatti Durante - Concerto 'La Pazzia' in A - Third movement - Allegro 02:55 15 Domenico Scarlatti Scarlatti - Sinfonia No.12 in G - First movement - Allegro 03:06 16 Domenico Scarlatti Scarlatti - Sinfonia No.12 in G- Second movement - Grave 01:23 17 Domenico Scarlatti Scarlatti - Sinfonia No.10 in G- Third movement - Allegro 01:27 18 Domenico Scarlatti Durante - Concerto in B flat - First movement 03:24 19 Domenico Scarlatti Durante - Concerto in B flat - Second movement - Grave 03:08 20 Domenico Scarlatti Durante - Concerto in B flat - Third movement - Allegro 03:13 21 Domenico Scarlatti Leo - Concerto in D minor (L60) - First movement - Andante grazoso 03:32 22 Domenico Scarlatti Leo - Concerto in D minor (L60) - Second movement - Con spirito 03:59 23 Domenico Scarlatti Leo - Concerto in D minor (L60) - Third Movement - Amaroso 03:59 24 Domenico Scarlatti Leo - Concerto in D minor (L60) - Fourth Movement - Allegro 02:27
Domenico Scarlatti View in Albunack Sonata Fantasia - Il Novecento plays Scarlatti 16 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Domenico Scarlatti La Primavera 03:31 2 Domenico Scarlatti La Tromba 04:00 3 Domenico Scarlatti La Caccia 02:15 4 Domenico Scarlatti La Festiva 05:11 5 Domenico Scarlatti L'estate 03:50 6 Domenico Scarlatti L'inverno 03:10 7 Domenico Scarlatti La Venitiana 05:24 8 Domenico Scarlatti Toccata 04:02 9 Domenico Scarlatti Il Corno Inglese 03:34 10 Domenico Scarlatti La Tempesta 03:19 11 Domenico Scarlatti Gavotta 01:59 12 Domenico Scarlatti La Campanella 03:48 13 Domenico Scarlatti L'autunno 07:57 14 Domenico Scarlatti Alla Marcia 02:58 15 Domenico Scarlatti La Fontana 02:16 16 Domenico Scarlatti La Gardesana 05:14
Domenico Scarlatti View in Albunack Sonata K.55 G-Dur. Encore - Christian Zacharias 20 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Domenico Scarlatti Sonata K.55 G-Dur. Baden-Baden 02:41 2 Domenico Scarlatti Sonata K.55 G-Dur. Juvisy sur Orge 01:59 3 Domenico Scarlatti Sonata K.55 G-Dur. Kairo 03:02 4 Domenico Scarlatti Sonata K.55 G-Dur. Stuttgart 03:05 5 Domenico Scarlatti Sonata K.55 G-Dur. Paris 03:12 6 Domenico Scarlatti Sonata K.55 G-Dur. Freiburg 03:08 7 Domenico Scarlatti Sonata K.55 G-Dur. Amsterdam 03:06 8 Domenico Scarlatti Sonata K.55 G-Dur. Tokyo 03:16 9 Domenico Scarlatti Sonata K.55 G-Dur. Schwetzingen 03:20 10 Domenico Scarlatti Sonata K.55 G-Dur. Paris 03:27 11 Domenico Scarlatti Sonata K.55 G-Dur. Haarlem 03:22 12 Domenico Scarlatti Sonata K.55 G-Dur. Stuttgart 03:11 13 Domenico Scarlatti Sonata K.55 G-Dur. München 03:18 Has Mbid 14 Domenico Scarlatti Sonata K.55 G-Dur. Riehen 03:28 15 Domenico Scarlatti Sonata K.55 G-Dur. Ludwigsburg 03:15 16 Domenico Scarlatti Sonata K.55 G-Dur. Zürich 03:15 17 Domenico Scarlatti Sonata K.55 G-Dur. Hannover 03:18 18 Domenico Scarlatti Sonata K.55 G-Dur. Luxemburg 03:21 19 Domenico Scarlatti Sonata K.55 G-Dur. Lausanne 03:15 20 Domenico Scarlatti Sonata K.55 G-Dur. Linz 03:08
Domenico Scarlatti View in Albunack Sonate 22 2 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 Domenico Scarlatti in si- l33 k87 04:33 2 Sonata in Fa Magg. K 151 (L. 330 F 101), Andante allegro 06:33 3 Sonata in fa min. K 186 (L. 72 F 136), Allegro 02:29 4 Sonata in fa min. K 466 (L. 118 F 410), Andante moderato 04:25 5 Sonata in re min. K 213 (L. 108 F 161), Andante 07:26 6 Sonata in Si b Magg. K 439 (L. 47 F 385), Moderato 08:06 Has Mbid 7 Domenico Scarlatti in sol+ l388 k2 01:47 8 Sonata in Re Magg. K 416 (L. 149 F 362), Presto 03:38 9 Domenico Scarlatti in fa- l475 k519 02:47 10 Domenico Scarlatti in fa+ l479 k6 02:29 11 Sonata in sol min. K 88 (L. 36 F 49), - III. Allegro 01:39 12 Sonata in sol min. K 88 (L. 36 F 49), - IV. Minuet 02:00 13 Domenico Scarlatti in sol+ l387 k14 02:38 14 Sonata in Do Magg. K 133 (L. 282 F 92), Allegro 03:28 15 Sonata in Mi Magg. K 208 (L. 238 F 156), Andante e cantabile 04:56 16 Sonata in mi min. K 81 (L. 271 F 42), - IV. Allegro 01:38 17 Sonata in sol min. K 31 (L. 231 F 53), Allegro 04:53 18 Sonata in Do Magg. K 513 (L. s3 F 457), Pastorale. Moderato - Presto 03:23 19 Sonata in Sol Magg. K 391 (L. 79 F 337), Allegro 03:02 20 Sonata in re min. K 417 (L. 462 F 363), Fuga. Allegro moderato 05:43 21 Sonata in Fa Magg. K 82 (L. 30 F 43), [...] 02:53 22 Sonata in re min. K 92 (L. 362 F 54), [...] 05:45
Domenico Scarlatti View in Albunack Sonate - Rondeau 16 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Domenico Scarlatti Sonata in la maggiore K. 208 05:06 2 Domenico Scarlatti Sonata in la minore K. 175 03:58 3 Domenico Scarlatti Sonata in fa minore K. 69 03:29 4 Domenico Scarlatti Sonata in re minore K. 141 04:11 5 Domenico Scarlatti Sonata in re minore K. 213 05:52 6 Domenico Scarlatti Sonata in mi maggiore K. 216 05:39 7 Domenico Scarlatti Sonata in mi maggiore K. 162 07:31 8 Domenico Scarlatti Sonata in do maggiore K. 132 10:19 9 Domenico Scarlatti Interludio 00:30 10 Domenico Scarlatti Sonata in fa maggiore K. 6 03:14 11 Domenico Scarlatti Sonata in sol maggiore K. 180 03:03 12 Domenico Scarlatti Sonata in sol minore K. 30 04:29 13 Domenico Scarlatti Sonata in re maggiore K. 119 05:40 14 Domenico Scarlatti Sonata in do maggiore K. 199 04:31 15 Domenico Scarlatti Sonata in do maggiore K. 460 05:52 16 Domenico Scarlatti Sonata in fa minore K. 481 07:28
Domenico Scarlatti View in Albunack Stabat Mater a Dieci Voci e Basso Continuo 15 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Domenico Scarlatti Stabat Mater - Stabat Mater dolorosa 02:57 2 Domenico Scarlatti Stabat Mater - Cujus animam gementem 03:56 3 Domenico Scarlatti Stabat Mater - Quis non posset contristari 02:42 4 Domenico Scarlatti Stabat Mater - Eja Mater, fons amoris 01:54 5 Domenico Scarlatti Stabat Mater - Sancta Mater 03:29 6 Domenico Scarlatti Stabat Mater - Fac me vere tecum flere 01:33 7 Domenico Scarlatti Stabat Mater - Juxta Crucem tecum stare 02:27 8 Domenico Scarlatti Stabat Mater - Inflammatus et accensus 03:05 9 Domenico Scarlatti Stabat Mater - Fac, ut animae donetur 02:19 10 Domenico Scarlatti Stabat Mater - Amen 01:44 11 Joao Rodrigues Esteves Missa a oito voces - Kyrie 05:42 12 Joao Rodrigues Esteves Missa a oito voces - Gloria 05:16 13 Joao Rodrigues Esteves Missa a oito voces - Credo 05:52 14 Joao Rodrigues Esteves Missa a oito voces - Sanctus 03:07 15 Joao Rodrigues Esteves Missa a oito voces - Agnus Dei 01:46
Domenico Scarlatti View in Albunack The Last sonatas (Fabio Bonizzoni) 14 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Domenico Scarlatti Sonata in si b maggiore K550 04:15 2 Domenico Scarlatti Sonata in si b maggiore K551 04:05 3 Domenico Scarlatti Sonata in sol minore K546 06:43 4 Domenico Scarlatti Sonata in sol maggiore K547 04:40 5 Domenico Scarlatti Sonata in mi b maggiore K507 06:18 6 Domenico Scarlatti Sonata in mi b maggiore K508 05:31 7 Domenico Scarlatti Sonata in fa maggiore K540 04:14 8 Domenico Scarlatti Sonata in fa maggiore K541 04:25 9 Domenico Scarlatti Sonata in re minore K552 07:24 10 Domenico Scarlatti Sonata in re minore K553 04:26 11 Domenico Scarlatti Sonata in fa maggiore K542 05:22 12 Domenico Scarlatti Sonata in fa maggiore K543 03:53 13 Domenico Scarlatti Sonata in si b maggiore K544 04:34 14 Domenico Scarlatti Sonata in si b maggiore K545 03:32
Domenico Scarlatti View in Albunack The Last sonatas - Fabio Bonizzoni 15 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Domenico Scarlatti Sonata in si b maggiore K550 04:15 2 Domenico Scarlatti Sonata in si b maggiore K551 04:05 3 Domenico Scarlatti Sonata in sol minore K546 06:43 4 Domenico Scarlatti Sonata in sol maggiore K547 04:40 5 Domenico Scarlatti Sonata in mi b maggiore K507 06:18 6 Domenico Scarlatti Sonata in mi b maggiore K508 05:31 7 Domenico Scarlatti Sonata in fa maggiore K540 04:14 8 Domenico Scarlatti Sonata in fa maggiore K541 04:25 9 Domenico Scarlatti Sonata in re minore K552 07:24 10 Domenico Scarlatti Sonata in re minore K553 04:26 11 Domenico Scarlatti Sonata in fa maggiore K542 05:22 12 Domenico Scarlatti Sonata in fa maggiore K543 03:53 13 Domenico Scarlatti Sonata in si b maggiore K544 04:34 14 Domenico Scarlatti Sonata in si b maggiore K545 03:32 15 Domenico Scarlatti Sonata in si minore K 87 05:10
Domenico Scarlatti View in Albunack The Virtuoso Scarlatti 15 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Domenico Scarlatti Sonata in a Major (Kirkpatrick 24) 05:12 2 Domenico Scarlatti Sonata D Minor (K.141) 04:20 3 Domenico Scarlatti Sonata in G Minor (K.426) 07:25 4 Domenico Scarlatti Sonata in G Major (K.427) 02:29 5 Domenico Scarlatti Sonata in C Minor (K.158) 04:51 6 Domenico Scarlatti Sonata in C Major (K.159) 02:19 7 Domenico Scarlatti Sonata in a Major (K.208) 03:49 8 Domenico Scarlatti Sonata in a Major (K.209) 04:45 9 Domenico Scarlatti Sonata in E Major (K.46) 04:50 10 Domenico Scarlatti Sonata in G Minor (K.30) "The Cat's Fugue" 04:22 11 Domenico Scarlatti Sonata in E major, K. 380 (L. 23) "Cortège" 05:58 12 Domenico Scarlatti Sonata in E Major (K.381) 03:43 13 Domenico Scarlatti Sonata in D Major (K.118) 04:47 14 Domenico Scarlatti Sonata in D Major (K.119) 05:36 15 Domenico Scarlatti Sonata in D Minor (K.120) 04:05
Domenico Scarlatti View in Albunack Vivi felice! - Teodoro Anzellotti 15 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Domenico Scarlatti K. 248 Allegro (B-flat Major) 04:21 2 Domenico Scarlatti K. 39 Presto (A Major) 02:32 3 Domenico Scarlatti K. 101 Allegro (A Major) 04:06 4 Domenico Scarlatti K. 283 Andante Allegro (G Major) 04:15 5 Domenico Scarlatti K. 284 Allegro (G Major) 02:03 6 Domenico Scarlatti K. 146 (G Major) 02:54 7 Domenico Scarlatti K. 6 Allegro (F Major) 02:32 8 Domenico Scarlatti K. 206 Andante (E Major) 08:23 9 Domenico Scarlatti K. 371 Allegro (E-flat Major) 03:31 10 Domenico Scarlatti K. 193 Allegro (E-flat Major) 03:52 11 Domenico Scarlatti K. 359 Allegrissimo (D Major) 03:06 12 Domenico Scarlatti K. 173 Allegro (B Minor) 04:41 13 Domenico Scarlatti K. 255 Allegro (C Major) 04:07 14 Domenico Scarlatti K. 544 Cantabile (B-flat Major) 04:54 15 Domenico Scarlatti K. 545 Prestissimo (B-flat Major) 02:55
Search Don Cherry Live At The Montmartre 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Don Cherry Orfeo Negro 10:29 2 Don Cherry Dios E Diablo 07:06 3 Don Cherry Complete Communion 12:41 4 Don Cherry Music Man 09:53 5 Don Cherry Rememberance 23:19 6 Don Cherry Complete Communion 21:20
Search Don Cherry Modern Art 13 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Don Cherry Love Train 02:44 2 Don Cherry Awareness 02:10 3 Don Cherry Meditation 05:44 4 Don Cherry Universal Mother 06:14 5 Don Cherry Que Faster 03:07 6 Don Cherry Eagle Eye 02:12 7 Don Cherry Karmapa Chenno 03:37 8 Don Cherry Mhakali (Excerpt) 05:09 9 Don Cherry Ornettunes 04:30 10 Don Cherry California 07:53 11 Don Cherry Desireless 01:59 12 Don Cherry Marimba, Goddess Of Music 03:12 13 Don Cherry Chenrezig 04:10
Search Don Cherry Mu, Second Part 7 3 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Don Cherry The Mysticism of My Sound 03:53 2 Don Cherry Medley- A) Dollar Brand-B) Spontaneous Composing-E) Exert, Man on ...) 02:41 3 Don Cherry Bamboo Night 07:00 Has Mbid 4 Don Cherry Teo-Teo-Can 06:04 Has Mbid 5 Don Cherry Smiling Faces Going Places 04:41 Has Mbid 6 Don Cherry Psycho-Drama 02:24 7 Don Cherry Medley- A) Theme Albert Heath-B) Theme Dollar Brand-C) Baby Rest, Time 03:59
Don Diablo View in Albunack Hard House Nation - The Sound Of Fear 19 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 DJ Montana Defloration (Bloody Sheets Mix) 03:34 2 DJ Sandy vs. Sinesweeper Touch Me 03:20 3 TDR Squelch 03:41 4 Blaze My Beat (AMbassador Mix) 03:48 5 Timo Maas Der Schrieber 02:51 6 Don Diablo Future Funk (Extended Mix) 06:15 7 Lava Autumn (Mega Mind Mix) 04:35 8 Beam vs. Cyrus Thunder In Paradise (DJ Scot Project Mix) 05:50 9 Fend Breakdown 03:16 10 Elektrochemie LK Schall (Thomas Schumacher Remix) 05:01 11 Stormtraxx My Acid Dream 02:14 12 Potatoheads Mix The Master (CJ Stone & Caba Croll's Club Mix) 03:57 13 DJ Merlyn Nagus 04:15 14 DJ Scot Project O (Overdrive) (Arome Remix) 03:33 15 Cosmic Gate Melt To The Ocean (Midnight Remix) 05:40 16 Vincent De Moor Fly Away (Don Diablo Remix) 04:32 17 Medicine Men Wake Up (Dub Mix) 02:41 18 Cosmic Commando Heartbreak (DJ Vortex & Arpa's Dream Mix) 02:55 19 Quo Vadis Sonic Boom (Yomanda Remix) 04:58
Don Gibson View in Albunack Unbekannter Titel 10 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Don Gibson Starting All Over Again 02:53 2 Don Gibson Here Comes The Rain Baby 03:04 3 Don Gibson The Fool 02:08 4 Don Gibson For The Last Time 02:37 5 Don Gibson Househusband Blues 02:47 Has Mbid 6 Don Gibson Every Song I Sang Would Be Blue 02:38 7 Don Gibson Love Has Never Done A Lot For Me 02:45 8 Don Gibson She Is 03:05 9 Don Gibson Are You Lonesome Tonight? 02:37 10 Don Gibson Oh, Lonesome Me 02:37
Search Don McLean Don McLean Live April 74 16 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Don McLean Cowboy Hero 03:16 2 Don McLean Lovesick Blues 04:09 3 Don McLean Winter Song 03:26 4 Don McLean Where Were You Baby When My Heart 03:17 5 Don McLean Now That You Are Around Me 04:25 6 Don McLean On the Amazon 03:47 7 Don McLean American Pie 09:17 8 Don McLean Hey Hey Hey 02:36 9 Don McLean Sally Anne 03:33 10 Don McLean By The Water of Babylon 05:01 11 Don McLean David David 04:21 12 Don McLean Frightened Atmosphere 03:36 13 Don McLean Spinning Top 03:54 14 Don McLean Andrew McRue 06:45 15 Don McLean Vincent Encore 05:31 16 Don McLean This Land is Your Land 03:14
Search Don McLean Live in Manchester 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Don McLean Everyday 03:15 2 Don McLean Love in My Heart 02:25 3 Don McLean Can't Blame the Wreck 03:35 4 Don McLean Homeless Brother 05:15 5 Don McLean Orphans of Wealth 04:40 6 Don McLean Seaman 04:45 7 Don McLean Castles in the Air 03:50 8 Don McLean And I Love Her So 07:15 9 Don McLean Superman's Ghost 07:05 10 Don McLean Primetime 04:42
Search Don Mclean Unplugged 25-05-1975 Hardrockcafe Manchester 11 0 2010 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Don Mclean Intro 01:00 2 Don Mclean Work My Youth Away 03:22 3 Don Mclean Empty Chairs 03:37 4 Don Mclean La La Love You 04:26 5 Don Mclean American Pie 08:59 6 Don Mclean Homeless Brother 05:21 7 Don Mclean Respect 02:37 8 Don Mclean Legend Of Andrew Mcgrew 07:47 9 Don Mclean Babylon 04:56 10 Don Mclean This Little Light Of Mine 03:01 11 Don Mclean Vincent 03:57
Search Don Williams 30th Anniversary Platinum Editiuon: Greatest Hit Best Audiophile 21 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Don Williams I'm Just a Country Boy 03:05 2 Don Williams Nobody But You 02:42 3 Don Williams If I Needed You 03:37 4 Don Williams The Ties The Bind 02:39 5 Don Williams I'm Getting Good At Missing You 02:52 6 Don Williams I Sing For Joy 03:43 7 Don Williams She's A Heart Full 03:04 8 Don Williams What's The Score 03:18 9 Don Williams Till the Rivers All Run Dry 03:27 10 Don Williams Another Place, Another Time 03:14 11 Don Williams She Never Knew Me 02:53 12 Don Williams All I'm Missing Is You 03:22 13 Don Williams You're My Best Friend 02:49 14 Don Williams Reason To Be 03:00 15 Don Williams Love Me Over Again 03:00 16 Don Williams Good Ole Boys Like Me 04:11 17 Don Williams We're All The Way 02:24 18 Don Williams Your Sweet Love 02:43 19 Don Williams My Heart To You 03:16 20 Don Williams I Recall A Gypsy Woman 03:22 21 Don Williams Fall In Love Again 02:44
Search Don Williams Follow Me Back To Louisville 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Don Williams Always Something There To Remind Me 02:18 2 Don Williams Coming Apart 02:42 3 Don Williams Follow Me Back To Louisville 02:34 4 Don Williams Ruby Tuesday 02:54 5 Don Williams On Her Way To Being A Woman 02:36 6 Don Williams Spend Some Time With Me 02:22 7 Don Williams Storybook Children 02:24 8 Don Williams Take My Hand For Awhile 02:09 9 Don Williams Tears 03:19 10 Don Williams Theres Never Been A Time 02:41 11 Don Williams Where Do We Go From Here 02:52
Search Don Williams Gentle Giants: The Songs of Don Williams 11 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Pistol Annies Tulsa Time 03:22 2 Brandy Clark I Believe in You 04:12 3 Lady Antebellum We’ve Got a Good Fire Goin’ 03:38 4 Dierks Bentley Some Broken Hearts Never Mend 03:28 5 Chris Stapleton Amanda 03:02 6 Alison Krauss Till the Rivers All Run Dry 04:01 7 John Prine Love Is On a Roll 04:09 8 Jason Isbell & Amanda Shires If I Needed You 02:46 9 Trisha Yearwood Maggie’s Dream 04:03 10 Keb’ Mo’ Lord I Hope This Day Is Good 03:32 Has Mbid 11 Garth Brooks Good Ole Boys Like Me 04:15
Search Don Williams Live In Ireland 19 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Don Williams Good Ole Boys Like Me (Live In Ireland) 04:12 2 Don Williams Some Broken Hearts Never Mend (Live In Ireland) 02:37 3 Don Williams Lay Down Beside Me (Live In Ireland) 02:59 4 Don Williams Younger Days (Live In Ireland) 03:22 5 Don Williams She Never Knew (Live In Ireland) 02:47 6 Don Williams Elise (Live In Ireland) 03:17 7 Don Williams How Did You Do It (Live In Ireland) 03:44 8 Don Williams From Now On (Live In Ireland) 03:28 9 Don Williams If Hollywood Don't Need You (Live In Ireland) 03:28 10 Don Williams Till The Rivers Run Dry (Live In Ireland) 03:30 11 Don Williams It Must Be Love (Live In Ireland) 02:13 12 Don Williams I Believe In You (Live In Ireland) 03:55 13 Don Williams Imagine That (Live In Ireland) 02:45 14 Don Williams Tulsa Time (Live In Ireland) 03:14 15 Don Williams Amanda (Live In Ireland) 02:50 16 Don Williams You're My Best Friend (Live In Ireland) 03:09 17 Don Williams Lord, I Hope This Day Is Good (Live In Ireland) 03:47 18 Don Williams I Recall A Gypsy Woman (Live In Ireland) 03:31 19 Don Williams Louisiana Saturday Night (Live In Ireland) 02:20
Search Don Williams 低频动态凌厉-乡村音乐测试 16 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Don Williams I'm just a country boy 03:07 2 Don Williams Till the rivers all run dry 03:28 3 Don Williams My rifle, my pony and me 02:08 4 Don Williams Turn out the lights 02:22 5 Don Williams Where are you 02:58 6 Don Williams You're my best friend 02:49 7 Don Williams Some broken hearts never mend 02:45 8 Don Williams She never knew me 02:48 9 Don Williams Crying in the rain 03:07 10 Don Williams Fever 03:43 11 Don Williams I'm getting good at missing you 02:53 12 Don Williams Good ole boy like me 04:12 13 Don Williams It must be love 02:28 14 Don Williams All I'm missing you 03:23 15 Don Williams Pretend 03:05 16 Don Williams Goodbye isn't really good at all 02:55
Search Donald Byrd And Barney Wilen-Jazz in Camera 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Donald Byrd Jazz in Camera 07:28 2 Donald Byrd Jazz in Camera 04:23 3 Donald Byrd Jazz in Camera 04:40 4 Donald Byrd Jazz in Camera 07:59 5 Donald Byrd Jazz in Camera 03:59 6 Donald Byrd Jazz in Camera 06:25
Search Donald Byrd Long Green 6 3 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Donald Byrd Winterset 07:15 Has Mbid 2 Donald Byrd Gotcha goin' 'n' comin' 09:54 3 Donald Byrd If I love again 05:48 Has Mbid 4 Donald Byrd Long Green 04:31 Has Mbid 5 Donald Byrd Star eyes 07:49 6 Donald Byrd Someone to watch over me 07:36
Search Donald Byrd Royal Flash 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Donald Byrd Hush 06:22 2 Donald Byrd I´m a Fool to Want You 06:14 3 Donald Byrd Jorgie´s 08:05 4 Donald Byrd Shangri-La 06:34 5 Donald Byrd 6 M´s 06:30 6 Donald Byrd Requiem 07:06
Search Donna Summer 1982 - Donna Summer 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Donna Summer Love Is In Control (Finger On The Trigger) 04:21 2 Donna Summer Mystery Of Love 04:27 3 Donna Summer The Woman In Me 03:56 4 Donna Summer State Of Independence 05:52 5 Donna Summer Livin' In America 04:43 6 Donna Summer Protection 03:37 7 Donna Summer (If It) Hurts Just A Little 03:54 8 Donna Summer Love Is Just A Breath Away 03:55 9 Donna Summer Lush Life 06:26
Search Donna Summer 1985 - The Summer Collection [Greatest Hits] 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Donna Summer She Works Hard For The Money 04:36 2 Donna Summer Bad Girls 03:58 3 Donna Summer On The Radio 04:07 4 Donna Summer Stop, Look And Listen 04:11 5 Donna Summer Last Dance 03:21 6 Donna Summer Mac Arthur Park 03:57 7 Donna Summer Heaven Knows 03:25 8 Donna Summer Unconditional Love 04:42 9 Donna Summer I Love You 03:15 10 Donna Summer Enough Is Enough (No More Tears) 04:49
Search Donna Summer 1991 - This Time I Know It's For Real 14 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Donna Summer This Time I Know It's For Real 03:36 2 Donna Summer Cats Without Claws 04:25 3 Donna Summer Say A Little Prayer 04:09 4 Donna Summer Maybe It's Over 04:45 5 Donna Summer Love Is Just A Breath Away 03:57 6 Donna Summer The Woman In Me 03:58 7 Donna Summer All Systems Go 04:13 8 Donna Summer Running For Cover 03:50 9 Donna Summer Who Do You Think You're Foolin' 04:19 10 Donna Summer There Goes My Baby 04:09 11 Donna Summer Supernatural Love 03:36 12 Donna Summer Suzanna 04:32 13 Donna Summer When Love Takes You Over 04:14 14 Donna Summer Cold Love 03:39
Search Donna Summer 2005 I Got Your Love 6 2 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Donna Summer I Got Your Love (Ralphi Rosario Extended Vocal Mix) 09:49 2 Donna Summer I Got Your Love (Ralphi Rosario Dub) 09:21 Has Mbid 3 Donna Summer I Got Your Love (L.E.X. Club Mix) 10:55 4 Donna Summer I Got Your Love (L.E.X. Radio Edit) 03:33 5 Donna Summer I Got Your Love (Eddie Baez Vocal Anthem Mix) 08:40 Has Mbid 6 Donna Summer I Got Your Love (Original Radio Edit) 03:56
Search Donna Summer Compilation 9 1 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 Donna Summer Funstreet 05:12 2 Donna Summer Little Marie 03:09 3 Donna Summer Shout It Out 03:39 4 Donna Summer They Can't Take Away 06:31 5 Donna Summer Our Music 03:47 6 Donna Summer Back Of Boogaloo 03:47 7 Donna Summer Nice To See You 03:43 8 Donna Summer Na, Na, Hey, Hey 03:53 9 Donna Summer Do what Mother Do (Spend Your Day The Funky Way) 04:11
Search Donna Summer I Got Your Love - Remixes 1 7 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Donna Summer I Got Your Love (Ralphi Rosario Extended Vocal) 09:52 2 Donna Summer I Got Your Love (Ralphi Rosario Dub) 09:21 Has Mbid 3 Donna Summer I Got You Love (L.E.X. Club) 10:55 4 Donna Summer I Got You Love (L.E.X. Dub) 08:21 5 Donna Summer I Got You Love (L.E.X. Mix Show) 05:02 6 Donna Summer I Got You Love (Ralphi Rosario Radio Edit) 03:55 7 Donna Summer I Got You Love (L.E.X. Radio Edit) 03:33
Search Donna Summer I Love To Dance 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Donna Summer Funstreet 05:02 2 Donna Summer Little Marie 02:53 3 Donna Summer Shout It Out 03:31 4 Donna Summer They Can't Take Away Our Music 05:43 5 Donna Summer Back Of Boogaloo 03:38 6 Donna Summer Jeannie 03:47 7 Donna Summer Nice To See You 03:32 8 Donna Summer Na, Na, Hey, Hey 03:43 9 Donna Summer Do What Your Mother Do 03:58
Search Donna Summer I Will Go With You (Con Te Partiró) Remixes (Flac) 6 3 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 Donna Summer I Will Go With You (Con Te Partiró) (Hex Hector & Mac Quayle Italian Uptempo Version) 04:17 Has Mbid 2 Donna Summer I Will Go With You (Con Te Partiró) (Welcome Summertime Fun 7'' Remix) 03:32 3 Donna Summer I Will Go With You (Con Te Partiró) (Rosabel Main Vox 12'') 09:42 4 Donna Summer I Will Go With You (Con Te Partiró) (Club 69 Underground Anthem) 09:56 Has Mbid 5 Donna Summer I Will Go With You (Con Te Partiró) (Johnny Newman Drifting Mix) 05:59 6 Donna Summer Love On & On (Hex Hector & Mac Quayle 12'' Mix) 09:11
Search Donna Summer I got your love [Maxi] 6 2 2005 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Donna Summer I got your love (Ralphi Rosario extended vocal) 09:52 2 Donna Summer I got your love (Ralphi Rosario dub) 09:20 Has Mbid 3 Donna Summer I got your love (L.E.X. club) 10:57 4 Donna Summer I got your love (L.E.X. radio edit) 03:33 5 Donna Summer I got your love (Eddie Baez vocal anthem mix) 08:39 Has Mbid 6 Donna Summer I got your love (Original radio edit) 03:56
Search Donna Summer I will go with you (Con te partiró) [Maxi] Pt. 2 6 3 1999 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 Donna Summer I will go with you (Con te partiró) [Italian uptempo version] 04:17 Has Mbid 2 Donna Summer I will go with you (Con te partiró) [Welcome summertime fun 7" remix] 03:32 3 Donna Summer I will go with you (Con te partiró) [Rosabel main vox 12"] 09:42 4 Donna Summer I will go with you (Con te partiró) [Club 69 underground anthem] 09:56 Has Mbid 5 Donna Summer I will go with you (Con te partiró) [Johnny Newman drifting mix] 05:59 6 Donna Summer Love on & on (Hex Hector 12" mix) 09:11
Search Donna Summer Live from New York 15 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Donna Summer On The Radio 03:37 Has Mbid 2 Donna Summer This Time I Know It's For Real 03:06 3 Donna Summer No More Tears (Enough Is Enough) 04:06 4 Donna Summer I Feel Love 03:16 5 Donna Summer Dim All The Lights 04:57 6 Donna Summer Someone To Watch Over Me 03:22 7 Donna Summer She Works Hard For The Money 02:57 8 Donna Summer If There Is Music There 05:00 9 Donna Summer MacArthur Park 04:33 10 Donna Summer (Riding) Trough The Storm 04:07 11 Donna Summer Bad Girls & Hot Stuff 05:31 12 Donna Summer Don't Wanna Work 04:36 13 Donna Summer My Life 03:19 14 Donna Summer Nobody 05:11 15 Donna Summer Last Dance 05:01
Search Donovan "Mellow Yellow" 16 2 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Donovan Mellow Yellow 03:22 Has Mbid 2 Donovan The Ready River 02:18 3 Donovan Angel's Thoughts 01:45 4 Donovan Jennifer Juniper 01:32 5 Donovan Giggle In A Bubbley Bath 02:02 6 Donovan To Love Me 02:14 7 Donovan Lalena 03:18 8 Donovan The Sun Is A Very Magic Fellow 03:03 9 Donovan Come To Me Now Joy Fully 01:11 10 Donovan The Ferry Man's Doughter 02:41 Has Mbid 11 Donovan To Try For The Sun 04:22 12 Donovan A Poem By Yeats 01:46 13 Donovan Happiness Runs 02:20 14 Donovan Someone Singing 02:46 15 Donovan Rules And Regulations 03:26 16 Donovan Hey Gyp 01:37
Search Donovan 1976 - Slow Down World 9 3 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 Donovan Dark-Eyed Blue Jean Angel 03:46 2 Donovan Cryin' Shame 04:27 Has Mbid 3 Donovan The Mountain 03:33 4 Donovan Children Of The World 03:24 5 Donovan My Love Is True 03:43 6 Donovan A Well Knwon Has Been 07:20 7 Donovan Black Widow 05:43 Has Mbid 8 Donovan Slow Down World 04:24 9 Donovan Liberation Rag 02:57
Search Donovan 7 Tease 12 0 1974 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Donovan Rock And Roll Souljer 03:49 2 Donovan Your Broken Heart 03:33 3 Donovan Salvation Stomp 02:46 4 Donovan The Ordinary Family 04:21 5 Donovan Ride A Mile 04:46 6 Donovan Sadness 02:42 7 Donovan Moon Rok 02:59 8 Donovan Love Of My Life 04:18 9 Donovan The Voice Of Protest 03:20 10 Donovan How Silly 02:37 11 Donovan The Great Song Of The Sky 02:50 12 Donovan The Quest 03:27
Search Donovan Brother Sun Sister Moon 10 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Donovan The Little Church 03:27 2 Donovan The Lovely Day 02:21 3 Donovan Lullaby 02:34 Has Mbid 4 Donovan Brother Sun Sister Moon 02:02 5 Donovan A Soldier´s Dream 03:06 6 Donovan Shape In The Sky 02:38 7 Donovan Gentle Heart 03:56 8 Donovan The Year Is Awaking 03:16 9 Donovan Island Of Circles 02:57 10 Donovan The Lovely Day (Instrumental) 02:16
Search Donovan Hotel Juliet 14 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Donovan Hotel Juliet 02:22 2 Donovan Lonely Dismal Planet 02:36 3 Donovan The Real Thing (Bonus Demo) 05:56 4 Donovan European Dream 05:55 5 Donovan Lady Linda 05:17 6 Donovan Still Waters Run Deep 02:38 7 Donovan Unsleeping City 03:40 8 Donovan I Am A Robot 05:14 9 Donovan The Girl Who Used To Live Here 04:49 10 Donovan We´re In A Fairytale 02:30 11 Donovan Seeking Love To Find 02:23 12 Donovan I Think Too Much 04:01 13 Donovan One Night In Time (Bonus Demo) 02:17 14 Donovan Hotel Juliet (Live) 02:14
Search Donovan Live In U.S.A. 16 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Donovan The sun is very magic fellow 03:06 2 Donovan Jennifer Junifer 01:32 3 Donovan Giggle in a bubbley bath 02:07 4 Donovan Rulel and regulation 03:29 5 Donovan Angel's toughts 01:27 6 Donovan Come to me now joy fully 01:36 7 Donovan To love me 02:12 8 Donovan Lalena 03:21 9 Donovan The ferry man daughter 02:46 10 Donovan The reddy river 02:04 11 Donovan Happiness runs 02:34 12 Donovan A poem by years 01:34 13 Donovan Mey Gyp 01:41 14 Donovan To try for the sun 04:40 15 Donovan Someone singing 03:45 16 Donovan Mellow Yellow 04:45
Search Donovan The Heart And Soul 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Donovan Celeste 04:05 2 Donovan To Susan on the west coast wating 03:09 3 Donovan Guinvere 03:34 4 Donovan Hi it's been a long time 02:30 5 Donovan Lalena 02:54 6 Donovan Wear your Love like heaven 02:23 7 Donovan The Manolin man and his secret 03:27 8 Donovan Changes 02:52 9 Donovan Hurdy Gurdy 03:12 10 Donovan Atlantis 04:40
Search Donovan There Are No Roads - Open Road Sessions 1970 21 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Donovan Fare Thee Well 01:57 2 Donovan Only To Be Expected 02:59 3 Donovan Split Wood Not Atoms 02:50 4 Donovan Peace Has Her Victories 03:08 5 Donovan Spaceship Earth 04:02 6 Donovan Get Myself Together 01:40 7 Donovan Love Will Find a Way 04:20 8 Donovan A Woman's Work Is Never Done 03:16 9 Donovan There Are No Roads 03:52 10 Donovan The Year Awakening 02:08 11 Donovan Cryin' Shame 03:37 12 Donovan A Well-Known Has-Been 05:50 13 Donovan You Do Belong (Teenage Suicide) 03:48 14 Donovan Divine Days Of Deathless Delight 04:49 15 Donovan Peace Has Her Victories 03:16 16 Donovan Joanna From Santana 06:16 17 Donovan Lady of the Lemon Tree 05:13 18 Donovan The Year Awakening 02:26 19 Donovan Maria 03:22 20 Donovan Corsica 02:43 21 Donovan What I Know 02:28
Doris Day View in Albunack 2011 - My Heart 13 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Doris Day Hurry, It's Lovely Up Here 02:17 2 Doris Day Daydream 03:17 3 Doris Day The Way I Dreamed It 03:27 4 Doris Day Heaven Tonight 03:24 5 Doris Day My One & Only Love (feat. Andre Previn & the Andre Previn Trio) 03:40 6 Doris Day My Heart 04:26 7 Doris Day You Are So Beautiful 02:25 8 Doris Day Life Is Just a Bowl of Cherries 02:56 9 Doris Day Disney Girls 04:32 10 Doris Day Stewball (feat. her son Terry Melcher) [US Bonus Track] 04:08 11 Doris Day My Buddy (feat. Paul Weston & His Orchestra) 03:12 12 Doris Day Happy Endings (feat. her son Terry Melcher with introduction by Doris Day) 04:27 13 Doris Day Ohio 03:05
Doris Day View in Albunack Billy Rose's Jumboi 9 3 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Doris Day The Circus On Parade 04:08 2 Doris Day Over And Over Again 04:12 3 Doris Day Why Can't I? 02:52 4 Doris Day This Can't Be Love 03:10 5 Doris Day The Most Beautiful Girl In The World 04:10 Has Mbid 6 Doris Day My Romance 02:31 7 Doris Day The Most Beautiful Girl In The World (Reprise) 01:26 Has Mbid 8 Doris Day Little Girl Blue 04:51 Has Mbid 9 Doris Day Sawdust Spangles And Dreams (Finale) 07:47
Doris Day View in Albunack Doris Day - Best Collection 16 3 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Doris Day Doris Day / Que Sera, Sera 02:05 2 Doris Day Doris Day / Teacher's Pet 02:36 3 Doris Day Doris Day / Pillow Talk 02:12 4 Doris Day Doris Day / Sentimental Journey 03:44 5 Doris Day Doris Day / Secret Love 03:42 6 Doris Day Doris Day / Three Conins in the Fountain 03:16 7 Doris Day Doris Day / A Guy is a Guy 02:43 8 Doris Day Doris Day / When I Fall in Love 02:58 Has Mbid 9 Doris Day Doris Day / (Why Did I Tell You I Was Going to) Shanghai 02:20 Has Mbid 10 Doris Day Doris Day / It's Been a Long, Long Time 03:22 Has Mbid 11 Doris Day Doris Day / Everybody Loves a Lover 02:43 12 Doris Day Doris Day / It's Magic 03:41 13 Doris Day Doris Day / If I Give My Heart to You 02:53 14 Doris Day Doris Day / Cheek to Cheek 02:46 15 Doris Day Doris Day / High Hopes 02:18 16 Doris Day Doris Day / Quizas, Quizas, Quizas 02:31
Doris Day View in Albunack Love To Be With You: The Doris Day Show Vol. 1 24 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 \N Intro/It's Magic 00:47 Has Mbid 2 \N Just One Of Those Things 02:22 3 Doris Day, Frank Loesser, Masais & Miranda Intro Frank Loesser, Marais & Miranda - Dialogue 03:39 4 Marais & Miranda Around The Corner 03:09 5 Doris Day & Frank Loesser My Darling, My Darling 01:37 6 Alan Ladd Bing Crosby Show - Cbs Advertisement 01:07 7 The Statesman Quartet Jack Benny Show Advertisement 01:08 8 Doris Day & Ray Bolger Intro Ray Bolger - Dialogue 03:34 9 Ray Bolger Once In Love With Amy 04:59 10 Doris Day Singin' In The Rain 01:56 11 \N Love To Be With You/Credits 01:23 12 Announcer Keep America Strong Advertisement 02:06 13 Doris Day Intro/It's Magic 00:46 14 \N Nobody's Sweetheart 03:00 15 \N Canadian Capers 02:42 16 Doris Day & Mary Wickes Intro Mary Wickes - Dialogue 03:45 17 Liberace Mama Yo Quiero (I Want My Mama) 04:05 18 Doris Day Please Mr Sun 02:22 19 Joseph Cotton Advertisement 01:00 20 Doris Day & Ray Bolger Intro Ray Bolger - Dialogue 03:13 21 Ray Bolger I'm Glad I'm Not A Rubber Ball 02:18 22 Doris Day With A Song In My Heart 03:10 23 \N Love Being With You/Credits 01:55 24 Announcer Red Cross Advertisement 01:54
Doris Day View in Albunack Music, Movies & Memories 20 3 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Doris Day Some Sunday Morning 02:31 2 Doris Day Can't Help Lovin' That Man 01:46 3 Doris Day You're Getting To Be A Habit With Me 02:21 4 Doris Day You're Gonna Lose Your Gal 01:40 5 Doris Day 'S Wonderful 01:36 6 Doris Day How Well I Know 02:25 7 Doris Day Ready, Willing & Able 01:38 8 Doris Day Hold Me In Your Arms 02:31 9 Doris Day Que Sera Sera (Whatever Will Be, Will Be) 01:33 10 Doris Day Soft As The Starlight 02:36 Has Mbid 11 Doris Day The Gypsy In My Soul 01:00 Has Mbid 12 Doris Day Medley (Secret Love, Who Will Buy, The 59th St. Bridge Song) 04:11 Has Mbid 13 Doris Day The Way We Were 02:52 14 Doris Day Best Friends 01:27 15 Doris Day Wildfire 04:00 16 Doris Day Octopus' Garden 04:06 17 Doris Day Stewball 03:55 18 Doris Day Everyone's Gone To The Moon 02:59 19 Doris Day A Word From Doris 03:34 20 Doris Day In The Studio 04:36
Doris Day View in Albunack The Big Bands Greatest Vocalist Series 14 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Doris Day Dig it 03:21 2 Doris Day Let's be Buddies 03:07 3 Doris Day Celery stalks at Midnight 03:06 4 Doris Day Boogie Woogie Piggy 03:07 5 Doris Day Beau Night in Hitchkiss Corners 03:32 6 Doris Day Alexander the Swoose 03:17 7 Doris Day Keep cool Fool 03:05 8 Doris Day Come to Baby, Do 03:10 9 Doris Day Sentimental Journey 03:13 10 Doris Day My Dreams are getting better all the Time 03:15 11 Doris Day He's Home for a little while 03:12 12 Doris Day Taint me 03:20 13 Doris Day He'll have to cross the Atlantic 03:09 14 Doris Day Aren't you glad you're. You? 03:07
Doris Day View in Albunack The Doris Day Story 25 3 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Doris Day My dreams are getting better all the time 03:14 2 Doris Day Sentimental journey 02:36 3 Doris Day My blue heaven 01:55 4 Doris Day Send me no flowers 02:13 5 Doris Day Dig it 03:18 6 Doris Day Lullaby of Broadway 02:28 7 Doris Day Pillow talk 02:11 8 Doris Day You made me love you 02:21 9 Doris Day Lets be buddies 03:04 10 Doris Day Twinkle lullaby 01:51 11 Doris Day Love me or leave me 02:15 12 Doris Day Please don't talk about me when I'm gone 03:16 Has Mbid 13 Doris Day Move over darling 02:35 14 Doris Day T'aint me 03:17 15 Doris Day Blue skies 01:46 Has Mbid 16 Doris Day Somebody loves me 02:47 17 Doris Day Everybody loves my baby 01:11 18 Doris Day Please don't eat the daisies 02:19 19 Doris Day At sundown 01:34 20 Doris Day Canadian capers 02:40 21 Doris Day Tunnel of love 02:12 22 Doris Day Mean to me 02:11 23 Doris Day Secret love 03:40 24 Doris Day Julie 02:15 Has Mbid 25 Doris Day Que sera sera 02:08
Doris Day View in Albunack Throught The Eyes Of Love 16 3 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Doris Day When You´Re Smiling 02:39 2 Doris Day A Fool Such As I 03:01 Has Mbid 3 Doris Day Three Coins In The Fountain 03:19 4 Doris Day April In Paris 03:12 5 Doris Day Close Your Eyes 03:12 6 Doris Day Caprice 02:33 7 Doris Day Through The Eyes Of Love 03:02 Has Mbid 8 Doris Day Perhaps,Perhaps,Perhaps 02:40 9 Doris Day Make Someone Happy 03:28 10 Doris Day Ten Cents A Dance 03:14 11 Doris Day If I Were A Bell 02:49 Has Mbid 12 Doris Day A Very Precious Love 03:07 13 Doris Day With A Song In My Heart 03:11 14 Doris Day Let It Ring 02:57 15 Doris Day Sorry 02:24 16 Doris Day I´ll Buy That Dream 03:44
Doris Day View in Albunack Whatever Will Be Will Be 9 1 2007 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Doris Day Singing In The Rain 02:40 2 Doris Day Close Your Eyes 03:11 3 Doris Day It's Easy To Remember 03:05 4 Doris Day If I Give My Heart To You 02:54 5 Doris Day That Old Feeling 03:04 Has Mbid 6 Doris Day Que Sera Sera 02:59 7 Doris Day Time To Say Goodnight 02:34 8 Doris Day Moonglow 03:56 9 Doris Day The Lamp Is Low 03:34
Search Doro 25 Years In Rock ... And Still Going Strong 11 3 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 Doro Introduction 00:19 2 Doro Earthshaker Rock 04:06 3 Doro I Rule The Ruins 04:01 4 Doro You're My Family 04:28 Has Mbid 5 Doro Herzblut 04:34 6 Doro Unholy Love 04:12 7 Doro East Meets West 04:17 8 Doro Burn It Up 03:07 Has Mbid 9 Doro Above The Ashes 04:17 10 Doro Celebrate 04:52 11 Doro Breaking The Law 04:40
Search Doro Calling the Wild Calling the Wild [Limited Edition] 15 0 2000 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Doro Kiss Me Like a Cobra 03:17 2 Doro I Give My Blood (Dedication) 03:52 3 Doro Burn It Up 02:44 4 Doro Give Me Your Reason 04:18 5 Doro Who You Love 03:50 6 Doro Jimmy Harry Scarred 04:39 7 Doro Ich Will Alles 02:25 8 Doro White Wedding 04:37 9 Doro Jimmy Harry I Wanna Live 02:42 10 Doro Love Me Forever 05:16 11 Doro Fuel 03:52 12 Doro Jimmy Harry Constant Danger 03:40 13 Doro Black Rose 03:42 14 Doro Now or Never 03:53 15 Doro Danke 02:58
Search Doro Derbyshire, England - August 15, 2010 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Doro Intro 01:04 2 Doro Earthshaker Rock 03:50 3 Doro I Rule The Ruins 05:28 4 Doro Running From The Devil 03:22 5 Doro Burning The Witches 04:55 6 Doro Metal Racer 04:06 7 Doro Celebrate 05:00 8 Doro Breaking The Law 03:56 9 Doro All We Are 07:00
Search Doro Live im Schlachthof 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Doro I rule the ruine 04:42 2 Doro Metal Tango 04:43 3 Doro Fall for me again 05:06 4 Doro Live it 04:23 5 Doro Even angels cry 05:06 6 Doro Für immer (deep inside my heart) 07:02 7 Doro All we are 05:29 8 Doro The fortuneteller 05:02 9 Doro Rock on 02:24
Search Doro Strong and Proud: 30 Years of Rock & Roll Metal 14 0 2016 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Doro On the Run 04:09 2 Doro Save My Soul 03:37 3 Doro Raise Your Fist 03:10 4 Doro Blaze Bayley Fear of the Dark 06:33 5 Doro Revenge 04:21 7 Doro Without You 06:04 8 Doro Hansi Kursch Rock Till Death 03:58 10 Doro Ulrich Roth Für Immer 06:36 14 Doro Blaze Bayley Chris Caffery Hansi Kursch Udo Dirkschneider All We Are 08:39
Search Doro The Cave Concert 22 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Doro Hellbound 03:11 2 Doro Always Live To Win 03:40 3 Doro True As Steel 03:34 4 Doro I Rule The Ruins 04:57 5 Doro Burning The Witches 04:41 6 Doro Save My Soul 04:02 7 Doro Hellraiser 05:16 8 Doro Love Me In Black 05:02 9 Doro Fur Immer 06:59 10 Doro Fall For Me Again 04:32 11 Doro East Meets West 03:49 12 Doro Drum Solo 03:11 13 Doro Burn It Up 03:14 14 Doro Fight 03:44 15 Doro All We Are 07:30 16 Doro Rock Before We Bleed 04:11 17 Doro Earthshaker Rock 04:31 18 Doro Undying 03:29 19 Doro Constant Danger 04:08 20 Doro Chained For Life 03:57 21 Doro Ich Will Alles 02:17 22 Doro Metal Tango 04:17
Search Doro Winter Park, FL - February 28, 16 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Doro Love Me In Black 05:22 2 Doro East Meets West 04:06 3 Doro Band Intros 02:12 4 Doro Breaking The Law 05:43 5 Doro Revenge 04:36 6 Doro Love Hurts (Outro) 03:14
Search Doro Winter Park, FL - February 28, 2016 13 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Doro Earthshaker Rock 04:54 2 Doro I Rule The Ruins 05:09 3 Doro True As Steel 03:46 4 Doro Burning The Witches 04:17 5 Doro Fight For Rock 03:41 6 Doro Raise Your Fist 03:23 7 Doro Metal Racer 03:56 8 Doro Without You 06:32 9 Doro Evil 02:42 10 Doro Drum Solo 05:40 11 Doro Metal Tango 04:26 12 Doro Egypt (The Chains Are On) 05:52 13 Doro All We Are 08:12
Search Douglas Adams 01 Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy 6 0 1978 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Douglas Adams Primary phase part 1 28:15 2 Douglas Adams Primary phase part 2 28:01 3 Douglas Adams Primary phase part 3 27:22 4 Douglas Adams Primary phase part 4 29:05 5 Douglas Adams Primary phase part 5 28:59 6 Douglas Adams Primary phase part 6 24:14
Search Douglas Adams 02 Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy 6 0 1978 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Douglas Adams Secondary phase part 1 29:19 2 Douglas Adams Secondary phase part 2 29:15 3 Douglas Adams Secondary phase part 3 29:14 4 Douglas Adams Secondary phase part 4 28:12 5 Douglas Adams Secondary phase part 5 29:29 6 Douglas Adams Secondary phase part 6 27:41
Search Douglas Adams 1995 - The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy Live 21 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Douglas Adams H2G2 01 05:43 2 Douglas Adams H2G2 02 03:00 3 Douglas Adams H2G2 03 03:56 4 Douglas Adams H2G2 04 03:44 5 Douglas Adams H2G2 05 02:22 6 Douglas Adams H2G2 06 02:00 7 Douglas Adams H2G2 07 02:38 8 Douglas Adams H2G2 08 03:53 9 Douglas Adams H2G2 09 03:00 10 Douglas Adams H2G2 10 03:57 11 Douglas Adams H2G2 11 03:00 12 Douglas Adams H2G2 12 02:52 13 Douglas Adams H2G2 13 02:54 14 Douglas Adams H2G2 14 03:45 15 Douglas Adams H2G2 15 03:55 16 Douglas Adams H2G2 16 02:58 17 Douglas Adams H2G2 17 03:38 18 Douglas Adams H2G2 18 02:23 19 Douglas Adams H2G2 19 02:58 20 Douglas Adams H2G2 20 02:43 21 Douglas Adams H2G2 21 02:26
Search Douglas Adams Die Letzten ihrer Art - Eine Reise zu den aussterbenden Tieren unserer Erde (ungekürzte Ausgabe) 21 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Douglas Adams Selten oder nicht selten? (1) 04:25 2 Douglas Adams Selten oder nicht selten? (2) 03:57 3 Douglas Adams Herzklopfen in der Nacht - Der Kakapo in Neuseeland (3) 04:27 4 Douglas Adams Selten oder nicht selten? (4) 04:00 5 Douglas Adams Selten oder nicht selten? (5) 03:52 6 Douglas Adams Ein Pillenschachtel-Hütchen aus Leopardenfell (17) 04:04 7 Douglas Adams Ein Pillenschachtel-Hütchen aus Leopardenfell (18) 03:42 8 Douglas Adams Selten oder nicht selten? (8) 04:03 9 Douglas Adams Ein Pillenschachtel-Hütchen aus Leopardenfell (20) 03:53 10 Douglas Adams Blinde Panik - Der Yagtse-Delphin in China (10) 03:59 11 Douglas Adams Ein Pillenschachtel-Hütchen aus Leopardenfell (22) 04:44 12 Douglas Adams Herzklopfen in der Nacht - Der Kakapo in Neuseeland (12) 03:45 13 Douglas Adams Herzklopfen in der Nacht - Der Kakapo in Neuseeland (13) 04:40 14 Douglas Adams Ein Pillenschachtel-Hütchen aus Leopardenfell (25) 02:54 15 Douglas Adams Blinde Panik - Der Yagtse-Delphin in China (15) 03:23 16 Douglas Adams Blinde Panik - Der Yagtse-Delphin in China (16) 03:28 17 Douglas Adams Blinde Panik - Der Yagtse-Delphin in China (17) 04:49 18 Douglas Adams Blinde Panik - Der Yagtse-Delphin in China (18) 03:05 19 Douglas Adams Marks letzte Worte (3) 03:11 20 Douglas Adams Herzklopfen in der Nacht - Der Kakapo in Neuseeland (20) 04:50 21 Douglas Adams Herzklopfen in der Nacht - Der Kakapo in Neuseeland (21) 04:23
Search Douglas Adams Life The Universe and Everything 8 0 1982 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Douglas Adams Life The Universe and Everything 28:23 2 Douglas Adams Douglas Adams - Life The Universe and Everything - 02 of 08 27:39 3 Douglas Adams Douglas Adams - Life The Universe and Everything - 04 of 08 42:00 4 Douglas Adams Life The Universe and Everything 42:00 5 Douglas Adams Life The Universe and Everything 43:24 6 Douglas Adams Life The Universe and Everything 43:01 7 Douglas Adams Douglas Adams - Life The Universe and Everything - 07 of 08 43:38 8 Douglas Adams Douglas Adams - Life The Universe and Everything - 08 of 08 32:24
Search Douglas Adams Macht's gut, und danke für den Fisch 10 0 1990 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Douglas Adams Macht's gut, und danke für den Fisch 07:51 2 Douglas Adams Macht's gut, und danke für den Fisch 08:00 3 Douglas Adams Macht's gut, und danke für den Fisch 08:00 4 Douglas Adams Macht's gut, und danke für den Fisch 07:56 5 Douglas Adams Macht's gut, und danke für den Fisch 08:00 6 Douglas Adams Macht's gut, und danke für den Fisch 07:56 7 Douglas Adams Macht's gut, und danke für den Fisch 08:00 8 Douglas Adams Macht's gut, und danke für den Fisch 07:56 9 Douglas Adams Macht's gut, und danke für den Fisch 08:00 10 Douglas Adams Macht's gut, und danke für den Fisch 07:52
Search Douglas Adams Per Anhalter durch die Galaxis - 02 - 05 15 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Douglas Adams Das Ungewöhnliche an Fenchurch 06:01 2 Douglas Adams Das Ungewöhnliche an Fenchurch 04:01 3 Douglas Adams Das Ungewöhnliche an Fenchurch 06:04 4 Douglas Adams Das Ungewöhnliche an Fenchurch 04:30 5 Douglas Adams Das Ungewöhnliche an Fenchurch 00:33 6 Douglas Adams Das pathologisch Ungewöhnliche an Fenchurch 02:07 7 Douglas Adams Das pathologisch Ungewöhnliche an Fenchurch 03:38 8 Douglas Adams Das pathologisch Ungewöhnliche an Fenchurch 02:51 9 Douglas Adams Das pathologisch Ungewöhnliche an Fenchurch 03:59 10 Douglas Adams Das pathologisch Ungewöhnliche an Fenchurch 02:57 11 Douglas Adams Das pathologisch Ungewöhnliche an Fenchurch 05:02 12 Douglas Adams Das Verschwinden der Delphine 02:21 13 Douglas Adams Das Verschwinden der Delphine 05:35 14 Douglas Adams Das Verschwinden der Delphine 07:00 15 Douglas Adams Das Verschwinden der Delphine 06:17
Search Douglas Adams Per Anhalter durch die Galaxis - 02 - 06 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Douglas Adams Der weise Irre und die Botschaft 05:39 2 Douglas Adams Der weise Irre und die Botschaft 03:24 3 Douglas Adams Der weise Irre und die Botschaft 03:25 4 Douglas Adams Der weise Irre und die Botschaft 07:04 5 Douglas Adams Der weise Irre und die Botschaft 01:23 6 Douglas Adams Die Botschaft Gottes an seine Schöpfung 03:23 7 Douglas Adams Die Botschaft Gottes an seine Schöpfung 07:32 8 Douglas Adams Die Botschaft Gottes an seine Schöpfung 03:34 9 Douglas Adams Die Botschaft Gottes an seine Schöpfung 08:27 10 Douglas Adams Die Botschaft Gottes an seine Schöpfung 04:33
Search Douglas Adams Per Anhalter durch die Galaxis 02 15 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Douglas Adams Das Ungewöhnliche an Fenchurch 06:01 2 Douglas Adams Das Ungewöhnliche an Fenchurch 04:01 3 Douglas Adams Das Ungewöhnliche an Fenchurch 06:04 4 Douglas Adams Der weise Irre und die Botschaft 07:04 5 Douglas Adams Das Ungewöhnliche an Fenchurch 00:33 6 Douglas Adams Die Botschaft Gottes an seine Schöpfung 03:23 7 Douglas Adams Die Botschaft Gottes an seine Schöpfung 07:32 8 Douglas Adams Das pathologisch Ungewöhnliche an Fenchurch 02:51 9 Douglas Adams Die Botschaft Gottes an seine Schöpfung 08:27 10 Douglas Adams Die Botschaft Gottes an seine Schöpfung 04:33 11 Douglas Adams Das pathologisch Ungewöhnliche an Fenchurch 05:02 12 Douglas Adams Das Verschwinden der Delphine 02:21 13 Douglas Adams Das Verschwinden der Delphine 05:35 14 Douglas Adams Das Verschwinden der Delphine 07:00 15 Douglas Adams Das Verschwinden der Delphine 06:17
Search Douglas Adams Per Anhalter durch die Galaxis 2 15 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Douglas Adams Die Bombe und die letzte Frage 08:49 2 Douglas Adams Die Bombe und die letzte Frage 01:36 3 Douglas Adams Das Ungewöhnliche an Fenchurch 06:04 4 Douglas Adams Das Ungewöhnliche an Fenchurch 4 04:30 5 Douglas Adams Das Sofa auf Lord's Cricket Ground 4 04:05 6 Douglas Adams Die verbarrikadierte Wahrheit 2 07:04 7 Douglas Adams Der Kampf um das Leben, das Universum und den ganzen Rest 2 07:46 8 Douglas Adams Das pathologisch Ungewöhnliche an Fenchurch 02:51 9 Douglas Adams Die Botschaft Gottes an seine Schöpfung 4 08:27 10 Douglas Adams Haktars großer Bluff 05:22 11 Douglas Adams Im Zentrum der Informations-Illusion 1 08:03 12 Douglas Adams Haktars großer Bluff 02:10 13 Douglas Adams Irrungen und Wirrungen des Arthur Dent 08:51 14 Douglas Adams Irrungen und Wirrungen des Arthur Dent 02:42 15 Douglas Adams Das Verschwinden der Delphine 06:17
Search Douglas Adams Per Anhalter durch die Galaxis 2 (III/IV) 6 0 1990 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Douglas Adams Das Leben, das Universum und der ganze Rest / Macht's gut, und danke für den Fisch 02:56 2 Douglas Adams Das Leben, das Universum und der ganze Rest / Macht's gut, und danke für den Fisch 02:05 3 Douglas Adams Das Leben, das Universum und der ganze Rest / Macht's gut, und danke für den Fisch 01:00 4 Douglas Adams Das Leben, das Universum und der ganze Rest / Macht's gut, und danke für den Fisch 59:48 5 Douglas Adams Das Leben, das Universum und der ganze Rest / Macht's gut, und danke für den Fisch 02:55 6 Douglas Adams Das Leben, das Universum und der ganze Rest / Macht's gut, und danke für den Fisch 48:24
Search Douglas Adams Per Anhalter durch die Galaxis 2 - CD01 13 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Douglas Adams Ansage 00:28 2 Douglas Adams Das Sofa auf Lord's Cricket Ground 03:50 3 Douglas Adams Das Sofa auf Lord's Cricket Ground 06:01 4 Douglas Adams Das Sofa auf Lord's Cricket Ground 06:04 5 Douglas Adams Das Sofa auf Lord's Cricket Ground 04:05 6 Douglas Adams Das Sofa auf Lord's Cricket Ground 02:23 7 Douglas Adams Der große Knall im All 06:16 8 Douglas Adams Der große Knall im All 04:25 9 Douglas Adams Der gro�e Knall im All 03:16 10 Douglas Adams Der große Knall im All 04:43 11 Douglas Adams Im Zentrum der Informations-Illusion 08:03 12 Douglas Adams Im Zentrum der Informations-Illusion 08:13 13 Douglas Adams Im Zentrum der Informations-Illusion 05:05
Search Douglas Adams Per Anhalter durch die Galaxis 2 - CD02 14 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Douglas Adams Der Flug in den Alptraum 02:06 2 Douglas Adams Der Flug in den Alptraum 08:05 3 Douglas Adams Der Flug in den Alptraum 03:13 4 Douglas Adams Der Flug in den Alptraum 06:30 5 Douglas Adams Der Flug in den Alptraum 01:13 6 Douglas Adams Der Kampf um das Leben, das Universum und den ganzen Rest 02:01 7 Douglas Adams Der Kampf um das Leben, das Universum und den ganzen Rest 07:46 8 Douglas Adams Der Kampf um das Leben, das Universum und den ganzen Rest 02:55 9 Douglas Adams Der Kampf um das Leben, das Universum und den ganzen Rest 03:06 10 Douglas Adams Der Kampf um das Leben, das Universum und den ganzen Rest 04:10 11 Douglas Adams Irrungen und Wirrungen des Arthur Dent 07:15 12 Douglas Adams Irrungen und Wirrungen des Arthur Dent 02:10 13 Douglas Adams Irrungen und Wirrungen des Arthur Dent 08:51 14 Douglas Adams Irrungen und Wirrungen des Arthur Dent 02:42
Search Douglas Adams Per Anhalter durch die Galaxis 2 - CD03 13 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Douglas Adams Die Krikkit-Party 07:24 2 Douglas Adams Die Krikkit-Party 02:57 3 Douglas Adams Die Krikkit-Party 03:19 4 Douglas Adams Die Krikkit-Party 07:23 5 Douglas Adams Ist das Universum noch zu retten? 04:28 6 Douglas Adams Ist das Universum noch zu retten? 02:03 7 Douglas Adams Ist das Universum noch zu retten? 05:35 8 Douglas Adams Ist das Universum noch zu retten? 04:42 9 Douglas Adams Ist das Universum noch zu retten? 02:36 10 Douglas Adams Haktars gro�er Bluff 05:22 11 Douglas Adams Haktars großer Bluff 05:55 12 Douglas Adams Haktars großer Bluff 02:10 13 Douglas Adams Haktars großer Bluff 07:05
Search Douglas Adams Per Anhalter durch die Galaxis 2 - CD04 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Douglas Adams Die Bombe und die letzte Frage 08:49 2 Douglas Adams Die Bombe und die letzte Frage 01:36 3 Douglas Adams Die Bombe und die letzte Frage 06:34 4 Douglas Adams Die Bombe und die letzte Frage 03:39 5 Douglas Adams Die verbarrikadierte Wahrheit 04:58 6 Douglas Adams Die verbarrikadierte Wahrheit 07:04 7 Douglas Adams Die verbarrikadierte Wahrheit 02:53 8 Douglas Adams Die verbarrikadierte Wahrheit 05:38 9 Douglas Adams Was ist mit Fenny? 06:20 10 Douglas Adams Was ist mit Fenny? 01:22 11 Douglas Adams Was ist mit Fenny? 05:40 12 Douglas Adams Was ist mit Fenny? 05:14
Search Douglas Adams Per Anhalter durch die Galaxis 2 - CD05 15 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Douglas Adams Das Ungewöhnliche an Fenchurch 06:01 2 Douglas Adams Das Ungewöhnliche an Fenchurch 04:01 3 Douglas Adams Das Ungewöhnliche an Fenchurch 06:04 4 Douglas Adams Das Ungewöhnliche an Fenchurch 04:30 5 Douglas Adams Das Ungewöhnliche an Fenchurch 00:33 6 Douglas Adams Das pathologisch Ungewöhnliche an Fenchurch 02:07 7 Douglas Adams Das pathologisch Ungewöhnliche an Fenchurch 03:38 8 Douglas Adams Das pathologisch Ungewöhnliche an Fenchurch 02:51 9 Douglas Adams Das pathologisch Ungew�hnliche an Fenchurch 03:59 10 Douglas Adams Das pathologisch Ungew�hnliche an Fenchurch 02:57 11 Douglas Adams Das pathologisch Ungew�hnliche an Fenchurch 05:02 12 Douglas Adams Das Verschwinden der Delphine 02:21 13 Douglas Adams Das Verschwinden der Delphine 05:35 14 Douglas Adams Das Verschwinden der Delphine 07:00 15 Douglas Adams Das Verschwinden der Delphine 06:17
Search Douglas Adams Per Anhalter durch die Galaxis 2 - CD06 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Douglas Adams Der weise Irre und die Botschaft 05:39 2 Douglas Adams Der weise Irre und die Botschaft 03:24 3 Douglas Adams Der weise Irre und die Botschaft 03:25 4 Douglas Adams Der weise Irre und die Botschaft 07:04 5 Douglas Adams Der weise Irre und die Botschaft 01:23 6 Douglas Adams Die Botschaft Gottes an seine Schöpfung 03:23 7 Douglas Adams Die Botschaft Gottes an seine Schöpfung 07:32 8 Douglas Adams Die Botschaft Gottes an seine Schöpfung 03:34 9 Douglas Adams Die Botschaft Gottes an seine Schöpfung 08:27 10 Douglas Adams Die Botschaft Gottes an seine Sch�pfung 04:33
Search Douglas Adams Per Anhalter durch die Galaxis 5 15 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Douglas Adams Das Ungew�hnliche an Fenchurch 06:01 2 Douglas Adams Das Ungew�hnliche an Fenchurch 04:01 3 Douglas Adams Das Ungew�hnliche an Fenchurch 06:04 4 Douglas Adams Das Ungew�hnliche an Fenchurch 04:30 5 Douglas Adams Das Ungew�hnliche an Fenchurch 00:33 6 Douglas Adams Das pathologisch Ungew�hnliche an Fenchurch 02:07 7 Douglas Adams Das pathologisch Ungew�hnliche an Fenchurch 03:38 8 Douglas Adams Das pathologisch Ungew�hnliche an Fenchurch 02:51 9 Douglas Adams Das pathologisch Ungew�hnliche an Fenchurch 03:59 10 Douglas Adams Das pathologisch Ungew�hnliche an Fenchurch 02:57 11 Douglas Adams Das pathologisch Ungew�hnliche an Fenchurch 05:02 12 Douglas Adams Das Verschwinden der Delphine 02:21 13 Douglas Adams Das Verschwinden der Delphine 05:35 14 Douglas Adams Das Verschwinden der Delphine 07:00 15 Douglas Adams Das Verschwinden der Delphine 06:17
Search Douglas Adams Stoparuv pruvodce galaxií 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Douglas Adams Kapitola 9 2/2 04:35 2 Douglas Adams Kapitola 1 29:41 3 Douglas Adams Kapitola 11 17:47 4 Douglas Adams Kapitola 29 13:44 5 Douglas Adams Kapitola 9 1/2 08:22 6 Douglas Adams Kapitola 14 07:24 7 Douglas Adams Kapitola 15 02:48 8 Douglas Adams Kapitola 16 10:34 9 Douglas Adams Kapitola 34 05:22 10 Douglas Adams Kapitola 35 04:21
Search Douglas Adams The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy Live 22 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Douglas Adams H2G2 01 05:43 2 Douglas Adams H2G2 02 03:00 3 Douglas Adams H2G2 03 03:56 4 Douglas Adams H2G2 04 03:44 5 Douglas Adams H2G2 05 02:22 6 Douglas Adams H2G2 06 02:00 7 Douglas Adams H2G2 07 02:38 8 Douglas Adams H2G2 08 03:53 9 Douglas Adams H2G2 09 03:00 10 Douglas Adams H2G2 10 03:57 11 Douglas Adams H2G2 11 03:00 12 Douglas Adams H2G2 12 02:52 13 Douglas Adams H2G2 13 02:54 14 Douglas Adams H2G2 14 03:45 15 Douglas Adams H2G2 15 03:55 16 Douglas Adams H2G2 16 02:58 17 Douglas Adams H2G2 17 03:38 18 Douglas Adams H2G2 18 02:23 19 Douglas Adams H2G2 19 02:58 20 Douglas Adams H2G2 20 02:43 21 Douglas Adams H2G2 21 02:26 22 Douglas Adams H2G2 22 06:30
Search Douglas Adams The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy: Secondary Phase (Special Edition) 24 3 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Douglas Adams Some Form of Explanation 01:53 Has Mbid 2 Douglas Adams Anyway, I Think It Was in My... 04:51 3 Douglas Adams You All Get It in the Neck 03:12 4 Douglas Adams The Most Worthwhile Thing in Ford's Possession 02:10 5 Douglas Adams There Must Be Some Way 03:19 6 Douglas Adams The Clone Rangers 01:50 7 Douglas Adams The Terrifying Truth 02:39 8 Douglas Adams The New Noise 01:34 9 Douglas Adams I Could Just Have You Revoked 04:36 Has Mbid 10 Douglas Adams It's Perhaps No Wonder That in Douglas's World 06:44 11 Douglas Adams An Unearthly Voice Came 03:12 12 Douglas Adams You'd Better Keep Your Head Screwed On 03:56 Has Mbid 13 Douglas Adams Earlier Portraits of You... 02:19 14 Douglas Adams A Quiet Social Get-Together 04:20 15 Douglas Adams Nerve Wrackingly 03:28 16 Douglas Adams The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy 02:12 17 Douglas Adams Reality Is on the Blink Again 02:45 18 Douglas Adams Many Stories Were Told 02:38 19 Douglas Adams Distastefully Explicit 03:23 20 Douglas Adams In-Flight Entertainment 02:01 21 Douglas Adams The Vortex Is Ready for You Now 01:19 22 Douglas Adams One Momentary Glimpse 01:35 23 Douglas Adams An Invisible Dot on an Invisible Dot 01:56 24 Douglas Adams The Vortex Derives Its Picture 04:27
Search Douglas Adams The Long Dark Tea-Time of ... 8 0 1988 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Douglas Adams The Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul - 1 45:15 2 Douglas Adams The Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul - 2 45:15 3 Douglas Adams The Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul - 3 45:07 4 Douglas Adams The Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul - 4 45:30 5 Douglas Adams The Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul - 5 44:49 6 Douglas Adams The Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul - 6 45:15 7 Douglas Adams The Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul - 7 44:54 8 Douglas Adams The Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul - 8 44:25
Search Douglas Adams The Restaurant at the End of the Universe: Unabridged 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Douglas Adams Chapters 1 - 4 38:42 2 Douglas Adams Chapters 5 - 8 36:05 3 Douglas Adams Chapters 8 (continued) - 12 44:51 4 Douglas Adams Chapters 13 - 17 38:58 5 Douglas Adams Chapters 17 (continued) - 20 44:28 6 Douglas Adams Chapters 21 - 24 42:47 7 Douglas Adams Chapters 25 - 31 39:15 8 Douglas Adams Chapters 32 - 34 36:31
Search Doves Glastonbury & T in the Park 15 2 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Doves There Goes The Fear 05:10 2 Doves Sea Song 05:25 3 Doves Words 05:06 4 Doves N.Y. 04:32 5 Doves Satellites 06:49 6 Doves Pounding 04:11 7 Doves The Cedar Room 06:46 8 Doves Here It Comes 05:28 9 Doves There Goes The Fear 05:07 10 Doves N.Y. 04:46 11 Doves Pounding 04:05 12 Doves Interview 03:09 13 Doves Sea Song 05:06 Has Mbid 14 Doves Satellites 05:04 Has Mbid 15 Doves M62 Song 06:29
Search Doves Live Souls 7 2 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Doves Here It Comes (Edit) 03:49 2 Doves The Cedar Room (Edit) 03:59 Has Mbid 3 Doves Catch The Sun (Edit) 04:19 4 Doves Rise (Live On KCRW) 04:21 Has Mbid 5 Doves Willow's Song (Live On KCRW) 03:58 6 Doves The Cedar Room (Live On KCRW) 05:06 7 Doves Catch The Sun (Live On KCRW) 04:54
Search Doves The Last Broadcast (Instrumentals) 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Doves Words (Instrumental) 05:41 2 Doves There Goes The Fear (Instrumental) 07:03 3 Doves N.Y. (Instrumental) 04:23 4 Doves Satellites (Instrumental) 06:44 5 Doves Friday's Dust (Instrumental) 03:49 6 Doves Pounding (Instrumental) 04:43 7 Doves Last Broadcast (Instrumental) 03:22 8 Doves The Sulphur Man (Instrumental) 04:39 9 Doves Caught By The River (Instrumental) 06:03
Dr. Alban View in Albunack Freedom (Remixed) CDM 9 2 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Dr. Alban Freedom (Snow Job Remix) 03:54 Has Mbid 2 Dr. Alban Freedom 03:08 3 Dr. Alban Freedom (Mr Bubblehead Remix) 03:08 4 Dr. Alban Freedom (EAPM House Remix) 05:36 5 Dr. Alban Freedom (Evi Audio Remix) 03:50 6 Dr. Alban Freedom (Andalo Remix Radio Edit) 03:50 7 Dr. Alban Freedom (Reggae Dubplate Remix) 03:54 8 Dr. Alban Hello Africa 2012 03:52 Has Mbid 9 Dr. Alban No Coke 2012 03:42
Dr. Alban View in Albunack Freedom Remixed 2 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Dr. Alban Freedom (Snow Job Remix) 03:54 2 Dr. Alban Freedom (Andalo Remix) 06:22 3 Dr. Alban Freedom (Mr Bubblehead Remix) 03:08 4 Dr. Alban Freedom (Suck Shaft Remix) 03:12 5 Dr. Alban Freedom (Erik Emanon Remix) 03:50 6 Dr. Alban Freedom (Andalo Remix Radio Edit) 03:50
Dr. Alban View in Albunack I Believe (Promo) 15 0 1997 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Dr. Alban Guess Who's Coming To Dinner 02:03 2 Dr. Alban Mr. DJ 02:03 3 Dr. Alban Soon Come 02:02 4 Dr. Alban Enemies 02:01 5 Dr. Alban Long Time Ago 02:02 6 Dr. Alban I Believe 02:02 7 Dr. Alban Oh Baby 02:03 8 Dr. Alban Show Me 01:59 9 Dr. Alban Mountains 02:02 10 Dr. Alban Humpty Dumpty 02:02 11 Dr. Alban Love In The Atmosphere 02:03 12 Dr. Alban Honey Boney 02:02 13 Dr. Alban Feel The Rhythm 02:02 14 Dr. Alban Ain't No Stopping 02:03 15 Dr. Alban Raggamuffin Girl 02:00
Dr. Alban View in Albunack One love dts-cd 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Dr. Alban Introduction 01:46 2 Dr. Alban It's my life 04:03 3 Dr. Alban Sing hallelujah! 04:27 4 Dr. Alban Groove machine 4 03:44 5 Dr. Alban Reggae gone ragga 04:04 6 Dr. Alban Cash money 03:39 7 Dr. Alban One love 05:30 8 Dr. Alban Om we rembwe ike 04:50 9 Dr. Alban Groove machine 5 04:48 10 Dr. Alban Mata oh a eh 04:32 11 Dr. Alban Roll down di rubber man 05:42 12 Dr. Alban It's my life (Club edit) 04:08
Dr. Alban View in Albunack U & Mi / Proud! (To Be Afrikan) 6 3 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Dr. Alban U & Mi (Radio Version) 03:32 Has Mbid 2 Dr. Alban U & Mi (A Faster Alternative Version) 05:05 Has Mbid 3 Dr. Alban U & Mi (The Logic Version) 07:05 4 Dr. Alban U & Mi (Original Extended) 05:49 5 Dr. Alban U & Mi (12" Dance Mix) 05:16 Has Mbid 6 Dr. Alban Proud! (To Be Afrikan) 05:12
Dr. Alban View in Albunack Ultimate Mixes (The Mezzo Mastermixes) (Bootleg) 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Dr. Alban Nigeria Megamix 10:34 2 Dr. Alban Reggae Medley 05:20 3 Dr. Alban Let The Beat Go On (Mezzo Mastermix) 07:31 4 Dr. Alban Look Who's Talking (Mezzo Mastermix) 10:00 5 Dr. Alban Sing Hallelujah (Remix) 06:27 6 Dr. Alban One Love (Extended Moog Mix) 07:11 7 Dr. Alban This Is My Life Megamix 10:51 8 Dr. Alban No Coke (Thunderdome Remix) 03:01
Dr. Dre View in Albunack Nuthin' But A ''G'' Thang 6 3 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 Dr. Dre Nuthin' But A 'G' Thang (Radio Mix) 03:56 Has Mbid 2 Dr. Dre Nuthin' But A 'G' Thang (LP Version) 03:58 3 Dr. Dre Nuthin' But A 'G' Thang (Instrumental) 04:08 4 Dr. Dre Nuthin' But A 'G' Thang (Club Mix) 04:40 5 Dr. Dre Nuthin' But A 'G' Thang (Vibe Instrumental) 04:32 Has Mbid 6 Dr. Dre Nuthin' But A 'G' Thang (Freestyle Remix) 03:11
Search Dr. Feelgood 1981 - On The Job (Live) 12 2 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Dr. Feelgood Drives Me Wild (Live at Manchester University) 02:47 2 Dr. Feelgood Java Blue (Live at Manchester University) 03:57 3 Dr. Feelgood Jumping From Love To Love (Live at Manchester University) 03:06 4 Dr. Feelgood Pretty Face (Live at Manchester University) 02:43 5 Dr. Feelgood No Mo Do Yakamo (Live at Manchester University) 02:07 6 Dr. Feelgood Love Hound (Live at Manchester University) 02:59 7 Dr. Feelgood Best In The World (Live at Manchester University) 02:31 8 Dr. Feelgood Who's Winning (Live at Manchester University) 02:09 9 Dr. Feelgood Riding On Th L n' N (Live at Manchester University) 03:21 10 Dr. Feelgood A Case Of The Shakes (Live at Manchester University) 03:06 Has Mbid 11 Dr. Feelgood Shotgun Blues (Live at Manchester University) 05:46 Has Mbid 12 Dr. Feelgood Good Night Vienna (Live at Manchester University) 00:46
Search Dr. Feelgood Down At The BBC 22 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Dr. Feelgood Looking Back 02:17 2 Dr. Feelgood Stupidity 02:23 3 Dr. Feelgood You'll Be Mine 02:53 4 Dr. Feelgood You Upset Me Baby 04:03 5 Dr. Feelgood Homework 02:21 6 Dr. Feelgood Baby Jane 02:54 7 Dr. Feelgood The Blues Had A Baby, And They Named It Rock'n'roll (#2) 02:21 Has Mbid 8 Dr. Feelgood That's It I Quit 02:45 9 Dr. Feelgood Lucky Seven 02:31 10 Dr. Feelgood She's A Windup 02:11 11 Dr. Feelgood Lights Out 02:33 12 Dr. Feelgood Looking Back 02:03 13 Dr. Feelgood Sugar Shaker 03:52 14 Dr. Feelgood I Thought I Had It Made 02:34 15 Dr. Feelgood Ninety-Nine And A Half (Won't Do) 02:52 16 Dr. Feelgood Milk And Alcohol 02:33 17 Dr. Feelgood Night Time 03:58 18 Dr. Feelgood Shotgun Blues 04:50 19 Dr. Feelgood You Upset Me Baby 03:33 20 Dr. Feelgood Down At The Doctors 03:06 21 Dr. Feelgood She's A Windup 01:50 22 Dr. Feelgood Lights Out 02:23
Search Dr. Feelgood Live 1990 (Cheltenham Town Hall) 16 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Dr. Feelgood As Long As The Price Is Right 03:39 2 Dr. Feelgood Back In The Night 04:34 3 Dr. Feelgood Roxette 03:15 4 Dr. Feelgood Homework 03:38 5 Dr. Feelgood Baby Jane 02:30 6 Dr. Feelgood She's A Windup 02:13 7 Dr. Feelgood Quit While You're Behind 03:56 8 Dr. Feelgood Milk And Alcohol 02:44 9 Dr. Feelgood Mad Man Blues 04:17 10 Dr. Feelgood See You Later Alligator 04:15 11 Dr. Feelgood Down At The Doctor's 03:09 12 Dr. Feelgood Route 66 03:03 13 Dr. Feelgood Going Back Home 03:09 14 Dr. Feelgood Bony Moronie 02:07 15 Dr. Feelgood Tequila 02:12 16 Dr. Feelgood Great Balls Of Fire 02:33
Search Dr. Feelgood Live 1990 Cheltenham Town Hall 16 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Dr. Feelgood As Long As The Price Is Right 03:34 2 Dr. Feelgood Back In The Night 04:34 3 Dr. Feelgood Roxette 03:20 4 Dr. Feelgood Homework 03:43 5 Dr. Feelgood Baby Jane 02:30 6 Dr. Feelgood She's A Windup 02:13 7 Dr. Feelgood Quit While You're Behind 03:56 8 Dr. Feelgood Milk And Alcohol 02:44 9 Dr. Feelgood Mad Man Blues 04:17 10 Dr. Feelgood See You Later Alligator 04:15 11 Dr. Feelgood Down At The Doctor's 03:09 12 Dr. Feelgood Route 66 03:03 13 Dr. Feelgood Going Back Home 03:09 14 Dr. Feelgood Bony Moronie 02:07 15 Dr. Feelgood Tequila 02:12 16 Dr. Feelgood Great Balls Of Fire 02:33
Search Dr. Feelgood Live 1990: Cheltenham Town Hall 16 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Dr. Feelgood As Long As The Price Is Right 03:34 2 Dr. Feelgood Bach In The Night 04:34 3 Dr. Feelgood Roxette 03:15 4 Dr. Feelgood Homework 03:43 5 Dr. Feelgood Baby Jane 02:30 6 Dr. Feelgood She's A Windup 02:13 7 Dr. Feelgood Quit While You're Behind 03:56 8 Dr. Feelgood Milk And Alcohol 02:44 9 Dr. Feelgood Mad Man Blues 04:17 10 Dr. Feelgood See You Later Alligator 04:15 11 Dr. Feelgood Down At The Doctor's 03:09 12 Dr. Feelgood Route 66 03:03 13 Dr. Feelgood Going Back Home 03:09 14 Dr. Feelgood Bony Maronie 02:07 15 Dr. Feelgood Tequila 02:12 16 Dr. Feelgood Great Balls Of Fire 02:33
Search Dr. Feelgood On The Job (Live at Manchester University) (Original Album Series 2016) 12 2 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Dr. Feelgood Drives Me Wild 02:48 2 Dr. Feelgood Java Blue 03:57 3 Dr. Feelgood Jumping From Love To Love 03:06 4 Dr. Feelgood Pretty Face 02:44 5 Dr. Feelgood No Mo Do Yakamo 02:07 6 Dr. Feelgood Love Hound 02:59 7 Dr. Feelgood Best In The World 02:31 8 Dr. Feelgood Who's Winning 02:09 9 Dr. Feelgood Riding On Th L n' N 03:21 10 Dr. Feelgood A Case Of The Shakes 03:06 Has Mbid 11 Dr. Feelgood Shotgun Blues 05:51 Has Mbid 12 Dr. Feelgood Good Night Vienna 00:44
Search Dr. Feelgood On The Job (Live) 12 2 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Dr. Feelgood Drives Me Wild (Live at Manchester University) 02:48 2 Dr. Feelgood Java Blue (Live at Manchester University) 03:57 3 Dr. Feelgood Jumping From Love To Love (Live at Manchester University) 03:06 4 Dr. Feelgood Pretty Face (Live at Manchester University) 02:44 5 Dr. Feelgood No Mo Do Yakamo (Live at Manchester University) 02:07 6 Dr. Feelgood Love Hound 02:59 7 Dr. Feelgood Best in the World 02:31 8 Dr. Feelgood Who's Winning (Live at Manchester University) 02:09 9 Dr. Feelgood Riding On Th L n' N (Live at Manchester University) 03:21 10 Dr. Feelgood A Case Of The Shakes (Live at Manchester University) 03:06 Has Mbid 11 Dr. Feelgood Shotgun Blues (Live at Manchester University) 05:48 Has Mbid 12 Dr. Feelgood Good Night Vienna (Live at Manchester University) 00:47
Search Dr. Feelgood On The Job (Live) [CD-Rip 16-44.1] 12 2 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Dr. Feelgood Drives Me Wild (Live at Manchester University) 02:48 2 Dr. Feelgood Java Blue (Live at Manchester University) 03:57 3 Dr. Feelgood Jumping From Love To Love (Live at Manchester University) 03:06 4 Dr. Feelgood Pretty Face (Live at Manchester University) 02:43 5 Dr. Feelgood No Mo Do Yakamo (Live at Manchester University) 02:07 6 Dr. Feelgood Love Hound (Live at Manchester University) 02:59 7 Dr. Feelgood Best In The World (Live at Manchester University) 02:31 8 Dr. Feelgood Who's Winning (Live at Manchester University) 02:09 9 Dr. Feelgood Riding On Th L n' N (Live at Manchester University) 03:21 10 Dr. Feelgood A Case Of The Shakes (Live at Manchester University) 03:06 Has Mbid 11 Dr. Feelgood Shotgun Blues (Live at Manchester University) 05:51 Has Mbid 12 Dr. Feelgood Good Night Vienna (Live at Manchester University) 00:45
Search Dr. Feelgood On The Job (Live) {2016,OAS,Warner,0190295922122-5} 12 2 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Dr. Feelgood Drives Me Wild (Live at Manchester University) 02:48 2 Dr. Feelgood Java Blue (Live at Manchester University) 03:57 3 Dr. Feelgood Jumping From Love To Love (Live at Manchester University) 03:06 4 Dr. Feelgood Pretty Face (Live at Manchester University) 02:46 5 Dr. Feelgood No Mo Do Yakamo (Live at Manchester University) 02:07 6 Dr. Feelgood Love Hound (Live at Manchester University) 02:59 7 Dr. Feelgood Best In The World (Live at Manchester University) 02:31 8 Dr. Feelgood Who's Winning (Live at Manchester University) 02:09 9 Dr. Feelgood Riding On Th L n' N (Live at Manchester University) 03:21 10 Dr. Feelgood A Case Of The Shakes (Live at Manchester University) 03:06 Has Mbid 11 Dr. Feelgood Shotgun Blues (Live at Manchester University) 05:48 Has Mbid 12 Dr. Feelgood Good Night Vienna (Live at Manchester University) 00:47
Search Dr. Feelgood On The Job (live) (2016) 12 2 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Dr. Feelgood Drives Me Wild 02:47 2 Dr. Feelgood Java Blue 03:57 3 Dr. Feelgood Jumping From Love to Love 03:06 4 Dr. Feelgood Pretty Face 02:43 5 Dr. Feelgood No Mo Do Yakamo 02:07 6 Dr. Feelgood Love Hound 02:59 7 Dr. Feelgood Best in the World 02:31 8 Dr. Feelgood Who's Winning 02:09 9 Dr. Feelgood Riding on the L 'n' N 03:21 10 Dr. Feelgood A Case of the Shakes 03:06 Has Mbid 11 Dr. Feelgood Shotgun Blues 05:48 Has Mbid 12 Dr. Feelgood Goodnight Vienna 00:44
Search Dr. John 20041007 Keene 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Dr. John My Road Lies in Darkness 03:54 2 Dr. John Stingeree 04:08 3 Dr. John Christo Redemptor 06:25 4 Dr. John Long, Lean, Lanky Mama 04:49 5 Dr. John Bring It On Home 04:44 6 Dr. John When A Woman's Had Enough 04:55 7 Dr. John Something You Got 03:31 8 Dr. John When The Saints Go Marching In 05:28 9 Dr. John Band Intro / Hallelujah 07:08 10 Dr. John Band and Crowd 04:15 11 Dr. John Encore/ Got my Mojo working 05:33 12 Dr. John Outro 01:04
Search Dr. John Dr. John Live On Loreley, August 1999 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Dr. John Iko Iko 00:00 2 Dr. John Qualified 00:00 3 Dr. John Walk On Guided Splinters 00:00 4 Dr. John Southful Warrior 00:00 5 Dr. John Fishin' 00:00 6 Dr. John Sweet Home New Orleans 05:52 7 Dr. John Right Place, Wrong Time 00:00 8 Dr. John Such A Night 00:00 9 Dr. John Goin' Back To New Orleans 00:00 10 Dr. John Going Back To New Orleans 00:00 11 Dr. John Big Chief 00:00
Search Dr. John Dr. John Teaches New Orleans Piano 36 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Dr. John Texas Boogie 03:04 2 Dr. John Texas Boogie - Broken Down 01:47 3 Dr. John Albert Ammons Boogie 02:36 4 Dr. John Boogie Bass Lines 03:47 5 Dr. John Gospel Rhythm 02:09 6 Dr. John Professor Longhair 03:58 7 Dr. John Georgia 02:19 8 Dr. John Boogie Turnarounds and Rhythms 08:44 9 Dr. John Lloyd Glen Style 08:25 10 Dr. John Major - Minor 00:29 11 Dr. John Right Hand Fills 02:37 12 Dr. John New Orleans 8-Bar - Blues 02:10 13 Dr. John St James Infirmary 01:46 14 Dr. John 9ths Continued 01:14 15 Dr. John Big Chief 05:50 16 Dr. John Drown In My Own Tears 01:57 17 Dr. John Whirlaway (Alan Toussaint) 01:52 18 Dr. John Clarence Pine Top Smith 02:06 19 Dr. John Albert Ammons 00:56 20 Dr. John Blues With A Raised 1 Chord 00:46 21 Dr. John Jelly Roll Morton 01:31 22 Dr. John I-IV-I Vamps 02:39 23 Dr. John Fats Domino 00:44 24 Dr. John Rolling Styles 02:22 25 Dr. John Various Styles, Same Piece Of Music 00:11 26 Dr. John Allen Toussaint 01:16 27 Dr. John Huey Smith 00:50 28 Dr. John Professor Longhair 00:38 29 Dr. John Toots Washington 00:55 30 Dr. John Champion Jack Dupree 00:51 31 Dr. John Archibald 00:42 32 Dr. John Junket Style 01:00 33 Dr. John Jolly Landrey - Wild Chapatulas 00:48 34 Dr. John James Booker 01:46 35 Dr. John Louisiana Lullabye 10:07 36 Dr. John Qualified 07:29
Search Dr. John Dr. John Teaches New Orleans Piano, Vol. 3 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Dr. John Introduction - About Church Music 00:46 2 Dr. John Song For Mother 03:45 3 Dr. John Something You Got 02:41 4 Dr. John Gospel Analysis 01:55 5 Dr. John Gospel Rhythm 02:09 6 Dr. John Blueberry Hill 01:20 7 Dr. John Saints 05:20 8 Dr. John When The Wicked Shall Cease 02:06 9 Dr. John Amens & Turnarounds 00:39 10 Dr. John Major - Minor 00:29 11 Dr. John Charles Brown 01:39 12 Dr. John Raised 9ths 01:32
Search Dr. John Splinter Trip Revisited - Live at Hayfield 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Dr. John Junco Partner 06:07 2 Dr. John Tipitina 04:30 3 Dr. John You Ain't So Much A Cousin 06:55 4 Dr. John Big Chief 04:08 5 Dr. John Lets Make a Better World 05:26 6 Dr. John Blow Wind Blow - Jambalaya 05:30 7 Dr. John Mess around 05:49 8 Dr. John Iko Iko 08:22 9 Dr. John Blue Monday 04:44 10 Dr. John I Walk on Guilded Splinters 09:14 11 Dr. John One Rat Woman 09:51 12 Dr. John Something you Got 08:42
Search Dr. John Splinter Trip Revisited - Live at Hayfield Jazz 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Dr. John Junco Partner 06:07 2 Dr. John Tipitina 04:30 3 Dr. John You Ain't So Much a Cousin 06:55 4 Dr. John Big Chief 04:08 5 Dr. John Lets Make a Better World 05:26 6 Dr. John Blow Wind Blow / Jambalaya 05:30 7 Dr. John Mess Around 05:49 8 Dr. John Iko Iko 08:22 9 Dr. John Blue Monday 04:44 10 Dr. John I Walk on Gilded Splinters 09:14 11 Dr. John One Rat Woman 09:51 12 Dr. John Something You Got 08:42
Search Dr. John Such A Funky Night 18 3 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Dr. John Loop Garoo 07:09 Has Mbid 2 Dr. John Walk On Guilded Splinters 06:25 3 Dr. John Danse Kalinda Ba Doom 04:08 4 Dr. John Stag-A-Lee 03:41 5 Dr. John Hard Judgement 04:53 6 Dr. John Travelling Mood 03:20 7 Dr. John Mother, Mother 03:37 8 Dr. John Put A Little Love In Your Heart 04:00 Has Mbid 9 Dr. John Tipitina 03:28 10 Dr. John Mess Around 02:53 11 Dr. John Talking 03:31 12 Dr. John I've Been Hoodood 03:25 13 Dr. John Such A Night 03:53 14 Dr. John Right Place Wrong Time 03:14 15 Dr. John Let The Good Times Roll 03:48 Has Mbid 16 Dr. John Wang Dang Doodle 05:16 17 Dr. John Mama Roux 04:57 18 Dr. John Qualified 05:09
Search Dr. John The Lost Broadcast: Ultrasonic Studios, New York 1973 17 3 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Dr. John Loop Garoo 06:42 Has Mbid 2 Dr. John I Walk on Gilded Splinters 06:25 3 Dr. John Danse Kalinda Ba Boom 04:06 4 Dr. John Stag-o-Lee 03:40 5 Dr. John Travelin' Mood 03:20 6 Dr. John Junco Partner 04:53 7 Dr. John Life 03:37 8 Dr. John Put a Little Love in Your Heart 03:59 Has Mbid 9 Dr. John Tipitina 03:24 10 Dr. John Mess Around 06:21 11 Dr. John I've Been Hoodooed 03:26 12 Dr. John Such a Night 03:56 13 Dr. John Right Place Wrong Time 03:11 14 Dr. John (Come On) Let the Good Times Roll 03:46 Has Mbid 15 Dr. John Wang Dang Doodle 05:16 16 Dr. John Mama Roux 04:55 17 Dr. John Qualified 05:04
Search Dr. John The Return Of Tthe Mighty Tripper [Live In Europ 1992] 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Dr. John Iko Iko [Live] 06:30 2 Dr. John Right Place, Wrong Time [Live] 05:21 3 Dr. John I Walk on Gilded Splinters [Live] 13:13 4 Dr. John Didn't He Ramble [Live] 04:20 5 Dr. John More Than You Know [Live] 05:56 6 Dr. John Goin' Back to New Orleans [Live] 10:24 7 Dr. John Mardi Gras Medley: The Big Bass Drum (On a Mardi Gras Day)/I Shall Not [Live] 16:38 8 Dr. John Night Tripper (Outro) [Live] 01:31
Search Dr. John The Return of the Tripper: Lost 1993 Broadcast 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Dr. John Iko Iko 06:31 2 Dr. John Right Place Wrong Time 05:21 3 Dr. John I Walk on Gillded Splinters 13:13 4 Dr. John Didn't He Ramble 04:20 5 Dr. John More Than You Know 05:56 6 Dr. John Goin' Back to New Orleans 10:24 7 Dr. John Mardi Gras Medley 16:38 8 Dr. John Night Tripper Outro 01:31
Search Dr. John ToBiPhone0204 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Dr. John Iko Iko 04:57 2 Dr. John Qualified 07:06 3 Dr. John I Walk On Guilded Splinters 09:46 4 Dr. John Soulful Warrior 04:25 5 Dr. John Fishin' 05:04 6 Dr. John Sweet Home New Orleans 05:52 7 Dr. John Right Place, Wrong Time 00:00 8 Dr. John Such A Night 06:39 9 Dr. John Goin' Back To New Orleans 05:00 10 Dr. John Mama Roux 09:49 11 Dr. John Big Chief 00:00
Search Dr. John xxxxxx Toronto 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Dr. John IKO IKO 08:25 2 Dr. John Right Place Wrong Time 05:03 3 Dr. John I Walk On Guilded Splinters 12:38 4 Dr. John Dr. John Talks (Radio bit) 00:39 5 Dr. John Wild Honey 06:11 6 Dr. John Life 05:03
Dragonforce View in Albunack Dragonforce String Tribute 10 1 2008 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 Dragonforce Through the Fire and Flames 04:55 2 Dragonforce Fury of the Storm 04:35 3 Dragonforce Operation Ground and Pound 04:59 4 Dragonforce Soldiers of the Wastelands 04:53 5 Dragonforce Revolution Deathsquad 03:44 6 Dragonforce Cry for Eternity 04:57 7 Dragonforce Valley of the Damned 04:37 8 Dragonforce My Spirit Will Go On 04:46 9 Dragonforce The Flame of Youth 04:38 10 Dragonforce Storming the Burning Fields 04:25
Search Drake Legenda 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Drake Legenda 06:53 2 Drake Opowiesc sztormowa 03:21 3 Drake Rum i tyton 04:34 4 Drake Na dnie serca 03:55 5 Drake Ostatni ziemi brzeg 03:31 6 Drake Duchy wybrzeza 04:47 7 Drake Dziewczyna z Normandii 03:18 8 Drake Fram 06:02 9 Drake Stary Dan Tucker 03:01 10 Drake Pozegnanie 04:35
Search Drake Talizman 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Drake O Chlopcu Co Sie Morza Troche Bal 05:56 2 Drake Gdzie Sie Konczy Swiat 04:41 3 Drake Hell and by Damned Skipper 04:05 4 Drake Talizman 06:13 5 Drake Regatowy 03:07 6 Drake Latarnik 05:57 7 Drake Dalej Chlopcy 02:44 8 Drake Szum Oceanu 05:13 9 Drake Navigare Necesse Est 04:15 10 Drake Wicher Statek Gna 03:16
Search Drake Upominek dla Szanty-mana. Część 2 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Drake Legenda 06:53 2 Drake Opowieść sztormowa 03:21 3 Drake Rum i tytoń 04:34 4 Drake Na dnie serca 03:55 5 Drake Ostatni ziemi brzeg 03:31 6 Drake Duchy wybrzeża 04:47 7 Drake Dziewczyna z Normandii 03:18 8 Drake Fram 06:02 9 Drake Stary Dan Tucker 03:01 10 Drake Pożegnanie 04:35
Search Dream 2018 14 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Dream Трек01 04:22 2 Dream Трек02 06:35 3 Dream Трек03 07:09 4 Dream Трек04 05:02 5 Dream Трек05 05:55 6 Dream Трек06 04:26 7 Dream Трек07 04:07 8 Dream Трек08 04:08 9 Dream Трек09 06:14 10 Dream Трек10 03:16 11 Dream Трек11 07:07 12 Dream Трек12 04:45 13 Dream Трек13 05:52 14 Dream Трек14 07:03
Search Dream Darling 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Dream Darling 04:47 2 Dream Unbelievable 03:07 3 Dream Egao no Hana 04:40 4 Dream Wanna Wanna Go! 03:16 5 Dream Darling (inst.) 04:46 6 Dream Unbelievable (inst.) 03:07 7 Dream Egao no Hana (inst.) 04:40
Search Dream Dream Back To You 14 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Dream Krazy Featuring Eve and Diddy 04:23 2 Dream In My Dreams Featuring Bow Wow and Diddy 04:55 3 Dream Bring It Back 03:55 4 Dream You Got Me Featuring Diddy 03:32 5 Dream Party With Us 03:45 6 Dream Come And Get It 03:39 7 Dream I Go 04:00 8 Dream Come To Me 04:44 9 Dream Let's Go 03:02 10 Dream Help Me Understand 04:54 11 Dream Back To You 03:45 12 Dream Love This Real 04:16 13 Dream Always Be There 03:43 14 Dream Bye Bye Featuring Heat 05:15
Search Dream Hands Up 14 2 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Dream Promise 04:31 2 Dream Hands Up! 03:42 3 Dream Ev'rybody Alright! 03:43 4 Dream GLORY 05:07 5 Dream CHANGE 04:42 Has Mbid 6 Dream Breakout 03:39 7 Dream Perfect Girls 04:17 8 Dream NAKED 03:44 9 Dream To The Top 04:16 10 Dream Dear my friend 03:37 11 Dream Get my way -Dance Ver. w/o Bridge- 04:33 12 Dream ヒマワリ 03:59 Has Mbid 13 Dream I Believe 04:33 14 Dream My Way~ULala~ 04:53
Dream Theater View in Albunack 5 Years in A Livetime (DVDA) 16 2 2004 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Dream Theater Burning My Soul 05:16 Has Mbid 2 Dream Theater Cover My Eyes (Acoustic) 04:35 3 Dream Theater 6:00 05:23 4 Dream Theater Voices 08:18 5 Dream Theater Damage Inc. (Metallica Cover) 04:23 6 Dream Theater Easter 04:45 7 Dream Theater Starship Trooper 03:44 8 Dream Theater Puppies on Acid / Just Let Me Breathe 07:10 Has Mbid 9 Dream Theater Perfect Strangers (Medley) 01:14 10 Dream Theater Speak to Me (Acoustic) 06:18 11 Dream Theater Lifting Shadows Off A Dream 06:59 12 Dream Theater Anna Lee 05:41 13 Dream Theater To Live Forever 07:12 14 Dream Theater Metropolis Pt. 1 08:46 15 Dream Theater Peruvian Skies 08:54 16 Dream Theater Learning to Live / A Change of Seasons VII 08:35
Dream Theater View in Albunack Carpe Diem 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Dream Theater Intro (Little Green Bag - George Baker Selection) 02:09 2 Dream Theater Under A Glass Moon 07:32 3 Dream Theater Lifting Shadows Off A Dream 06:26 4 Dream Theater Voices 10:56 5 Dream Theater A Change Of Seasons 22:59 6 Dream Theater Another Day 04:39 7 Dream Theater Pull Me Under 08:38 8 Dream Theater 6:00 06:32
Dream Theater View in Albunack Classic Live 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Dream Theater Under a Glass Moon 07:20 2 Dream Theater Only a Matter of Time 07:07 3 Dream Theater Surrounded 05:56 4 Dream Theater Pull me Under 08:07 5 Dream Theater The Ytse Jam 07:43 6 Dream Theater Another Day 04:20 7 Dream Theater The Killing Hand 10:04 8 Dream Theater Take the Time 13:26 9 Dream Theater Vital Star (Majesty) 06:02
Dream Theater View in Albunack Down To The Heart Of It 6 0 2006 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Dream Theater Highway Star 09:41 2 Dream Theater Child In Time 12:23 3 Dream Theater Smoke On The Water 08:15 4 Dream Theater Mule(Inc:drum Solo), The 09:04 5 Dream Theater Strange Kind Of Woman 10:09 6 Dream Theater Lazy 13:22
Dream Theater View in Albunack Dream Concert 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Dream Theater Pull Me Under 07:53 2 Dream Theater Take The Time 13:33 3 Dream Theater Lifting Shadows Off A Dream 05:56 4 Dream Theater Another Day 04:49 5 Dream Theater Damage Inc. 02:32 6 Dream Theater Erotomania 06:43 7 Dream Theater Interview - Voices 09:52 8 Dream Theater The Silent Man 04:17 9 Dream Theater Perfect Strangers 05:56 10 Dream Theater With Or Without You 04:05 11 Dream Theater Funeral For A Friend - Love Lies Bleeding 11:07
Dream Theater View in Albunack Dream Out Loud (1993.5.18 NewYork) 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Dream Theater Metropolis Part 1 09:56 2 Dream Theater Under A Glass Moon 08:10 3 Dream Theater Nothing Is Sacred 05:31 4 Dream Theater Medley (Wait For Sleep~Surrounded) 08:51 5 Dream Theater Take The Time 10:49 6 Dream Theater Medley (Forever~Mike Portnoy Drum Solo) 11:10 7 Dream Theater Another Day 04:47 8 Dream Theater Pull Me Under 08:41 9 Dream Theater Learning To Live 08:30
Dream Theater View in Albunack Dreams of Sorrow - Live at the Beacob Theater, 2002-03-27 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Dream Theater Overture 06:52 2 Dream Theater The Great Debate 14:10 3 Dream Theater Beyond This Life 11:22 4 Dream Theater Peruvian Skies 06:50 5 Dream Theater Pull Me Under 08:36 6 Dream Theater Solitary Shell 05:44 7 Dream Theater About To Crash (reprise) 03:59 8 Dream Theater Losing Time / Grand Finale 06:41 9 Dream Theater Home 13:37 10 Dream Theater The Spirit Carries On 07:19 11 Dream Theater Learning To Live 15:15
Dream Theater View in Albunack Elephants Tied Us 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Dream Theater The Dance Of Eternity 06:07 2 Dream Theater A Nightmare To Remember 15:41 3 Dream Theater A Rite Of Passage 08:36 4 Dream Theater Hollow Years 12:41 5 Dream Theater Lie 06:45 6 Dream Theater As I Am 07:22 7 Dream Theater Take The Time 11:04 8 Dream Theater Solitary Shell 13:51 9 Dream Theater The Spirit Carries On 07:14 10 Dream Theater In The Presence Of Enemies Part I 09:21
Dream Theater View in Albunack Falling Into Darkness 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Dream Theater Happy Birthday JP 01:47 2 Dream Theater Barstool Warrior 06:42 3 Dream Theater A Rite Of Passage 09:36 4 Dream Theater Fall Into The Light 07:12 5 Dream Theater Peruvian Skies 06:55 6 Dream Theater Pale Blue Dot 09:30 7 Dream Theater As I Am 08:31
Dream Theater View in Albunack Fasten Your Seatbelts - The Roxy, Boston - 1997.12.13 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Dream Theater Lines in the Sand 14:07 2 Dream Theater Ytse Jam 06:06 3 Dream Theater Voices 10:21 4 Dream Theater Metropolis, Part 1 / YYZ teaser 12:34 5 Dream Theater Hollow Years 06:42 6 Dream Theater A Crack in the Mirror 01:18 7 Dream Theater The Mirror 01:26 8 Dream Theater Just Let Me Breathe 05:54 9 Dream Theater Peruvian Skies 07:06
Dream Theater View in Albunack First Season 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Dream Theater Intro - Little Green Bag 02:28 2 Dream Theater Under A Glass Moon 07:53 3 Dream Theater Keyboard Solo 03:26 4 Dream Theater Lie 07:19 5 Dream Theater Lifting Shadows Off A Dream 05:57 6 Dream Theater A Mind Beside Itself - Voices Pt. 2 02:55 7 Dream Theater A Mind Beside Itself - The Silent Man 03:31 8 Dream Theater Guitar Solo 05:56 9 Dream Theater Pull Me Under 10:18 10 Dream Theater Wait For Sleep 03:02 11 Dream Theater Learning To Live 03:59
Dream Theater View in Albunack First Season (Bootleg Langley) 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Dream Theater Intro-Little Green Bag 02:28 2 Dream Theater Under a Glass Moon 07:53 3 Dream Theater The Mirror 06:38 4 Dream Theater Lie 07:19 5 Dream Theater A Mind Beside Itself: Voices Pt. 1 07:56 6 Dream Theater Showdown 03:56 7 Dream Theater Caught in a Web 10:20 8 Dream Theater A Change of Seasons Pt. 1 16:13 9 Dream Theater Pull Me Under 10:18 10 Dream Theater Wait for Sleep 03:02 11 Dream Theater Learning to Live 03:59
Dream Theater View in Albunack Forsaken Radio Sampler (EP) 8 3 2008 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Dream Theater Forsaken (Edit) 04:40 Has Mbid 2 Dream Theater Forsaken (Album Version) 05:35 Has Mbid 3 Dream Theater Forsaken (Live) 05:39 Has Mbid 4 Dream Theater Constant Motion (Live) 07:00 5 Dream Theater The Dark Eternal Night (Live) 10:26 6 Dream Theater Mike Portnoy Radio ID (Forsaken-Live) 00:12 7 Dream Theater Mike Portnoy Radio ID (Constant Motion-Live) 00:13 8 Dream Theater Mike Portnoy Radio ID (The Dark Eternal Night (Live) 00:13
Dream Theater View in Albunack Heading For Planet X (Live in New York, Irving Plaza, 29-12-1998) 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Dream Theater The Way It Used To Be 08:09 2 Dream Theater Another Day 04:47 3 Dream Theater Hollow Years 08:01 4 Dream Theater To Live Forever 10:43 5 Dream Theater Bad (U2 Cover) 05:59 6 Dream Theater Van Halen Medley (Hot For Teacher / Mean Streets / Ice Cream Man)) 04:50 7 Dream Theater Paradigm Shift 02:45 8 Dream Theater O Holy Night 04:32 9 Dream Theater Cover My Eyes (Bonus, Live in Old Bridgem Birch Hill Club, 26-12-1998) 04:56 10 Dream Theater Goodbye Yellow Brick Road (Elton John Cover), (Bonus, Live in Philidelphia, Electric Factory, 27-12-1998) 03:18 11 Dream Theater Anna Lee (Bonus, Live in Philidelphia, Electric Factory, 27-12-1998) 06:38 12 Dream Theater Nightmare Cinema (Perfect Strangers, Deep Purple), (Bonus, Live in Philidelphia, Electric Factory, 27-12-1998) 06:05
Dream Theater View in Albunack Heading for planet X (Live in New York, Irving Plaza, 29-12-1998) 13 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Dream Theater Intro 01:19 2 Dream Theater Speak to me 06:25 3 Dream Theater Lifting shadows off a dream 07:58 4 Dream Theater Hey you (Pink Floyd) 04:47 5 Dream Theater THe silent man 06:05 6 Dream Theater Where are you now? 08:04 7 Dream Theater Rush medley (Different strings / Analog kid / La villa strangiato) 07:35 8 Dream Theater Eve 04:34 9 Dream Theater Wait for sleep 02:58 10 Dream Theater Since I've been loving you (Led Zeppelin) 08:01 11 Dream Theater Led Zeppelin medley 02:39 12 Dream Theater Take away my pain 06:22 13 Dream Theater Hell's kitchen 04:14
Dream Theater View in Albunack Holding Back the Rain Gods 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Dream Theater False Awakening Suite 02:15 2 Dream Theater Strange Déjà Vu 05:26 3 Dream Theater The Shattered Fortress 13:51 4 Dream Theater On The Backs Of Angels 08:37 5 Dream Theater Space Dye Vest 08:13 6 Dream Theater Illumination Theory 20:10 7 Dream Theater Enigma Machine (w/ Drum Solo) 08:51 8 Dream Theater Along For The Ride 04:48 9 Dream Theater Breaking All Illusions 12:35
Dream Theater View in Albunack Impaxx Imminent 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Dream Theater Metropolis Pt.1 09:59 2 Dream Theater Under A Glass Moon 07:53 3 Dream Theater Status Seeker 05:18 4 Dream Theater Wait For Sleep 02:36 5 Dream Theater Surrounded 05:52 6 Dream Theater Puppies On Acid 01:22 7 Dream Theater Take The Time 10:52 8 Dream Theater To Live Forever 08:27 9 Dream Theater Drum Solo 02:26 10 Dream Theater Another Day 04:33 11 Dream Theater Pull Me Under 08:24
Dream Theater View in Albunack In Case I Fall Asleep 14 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Dream Theater The Colonel - (Intro Tape) 02:28 2 Dream Theater Noodling 06:02 3 Dream Theater Another Day 06:31 4 Dream Theater Take The Time 12:26 5 Dream Theater Surrounded 05:50 6 Dream Theater Set 2 intro tape 01:38 7 Dream Theater Portrait Of Tracy (John Myung Bass Solo) 02:10 8 Dream Theater As I Am 08:37 9 Dream Theater Learning To Live 12:09 10 Dream Theater Take The Time 1 00:41 11 Dream Theater Take The Time 2 00:31 12 Dream Theater Take The Time 3 01:49 13 Dream Theater Take The Time outro 00:37 14 Dream Theater Surrounded Intro 01:49
Dream Theater View in Albunack Infinite Dream (Bootleg Bondage Music) 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Dream Theater A Change Of Seasons: Crimson Sunrise - Innocence 07:06 2 Dream Theater Puppies on Acid - Just Let Me Breathe 07:52 3 Dream Theater Take The Time 12:42 4 Dream Theater Hollow Years 07:16 5 Dream Theater Caught In A Web 05:35 6 Dream Theater Lie 07:22 7 Dream Theater Peruvian Skies 08:07 8 Dream Theater Pull Me Under 07:46 9 Dream Theater Metropolis-Part.1 - Learning To Live - A Change Of Seasons: Crimson Sunset 13:58
Dream Theater View in Albunack Japan Tour '93 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Dream Theater Pull Me Under 10:12 2 Dream Theater Eve 05:00 3 Dream Theater Afterlife 06:01 4 Dream Theater Under a Glass Moon 07:25 5 Dream Theater Instrumental Mini Medley 07:18 6 Dream Theater Surrounded 05:59 7 Dream Theater Burning My soul 05:51 8 Dream Theater Puppies on Acid 01:46 9 Dream Theater Take the Time 11:10 10 Dream Theater To Live Forever - Jam 12:00 11 Dream Theater A Fortune in Lies 06:00 12 Dream Theater Another Day 04:50
Dream Theater View in Albunack Live & Alive Vol. 1 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Dream Theater Metropolis - Part 1 09:09 2 Dream Theater A Fortune In Lies 05:01 3 Dream Theater Under A Glass Moon 06:57 4 Dream Theater Surrounded 05:49 5 Dream Theater The Jtse´Jam 08:44 6 Dream Theater Another Day 04:27 7 Dream Theater The Killing Hand 10:03 8 Dream Theater Pull Me Under 08:00
Dream Theater View in Albunack Live - 2017-09-09 Toyota Shimin Bunka Kaikan Toyota Japan 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Dream Theater Happy New Year 1992 (Intro Tape) 02:36 2 Dream Theater A Change of Seasons: II Innocence 03:05 3 Dream Theater A Change of Seasons: III Carpe Diem 03:12 4 Dream Theater A Change of Seasons: IV The Darkest of Winters 02:59 5 Dream Theater Hell's Kitchen 05:58 6 Dream Theater The Gift of Music 04:10 7 Dream Theater Under a Glass Moon 08:45 8 Dream Theater Portrait of Tracy / As I Am 11:11 9 Dream Theater Breaking All Illusions 12:45
Dream Theater View in Albunack Live - 2017-09-09 Toyota Shimin Bunka Kaikan Toyota Japan(SBD) 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Dream Theater A Change of Seasons: I The Crimson Sunrise 04:04 2 Dream Theater Pull Me Under 08:26 3 Dream Theater A Change of Seasons: III Carpe Diem 03:12 4 Dream Theater The Bigger Picture 07:43 5 Dream Theater A Change of Seasons: V Another World 03:55 6 Dream Theater The Gift of Music 04:09 7 Dream Theater A Change of Seasons: VII The Crimson Sunset 04:40 8 Dream Theater Portrait of Tracy (John Myung solo) 03:27 9 Dream Theater As I Am (incl. Enter Sandman) 08:37 10 Dream Theater Breaking All Illusions 12:30
Dream Theater View in Albunack Live - 2017-09-10 Bunka Gakuen HBG Hall Hiroshima Japan(SBD) 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Dream Theater Happy New Year 1992 - Intro Tape 01:51 2 Dream Theater Pull Me Under 08:25 3 Dream Theater A Change of Seasons: III Carpe Diem 03:12 4 Dream Theater Take the Time (extended outro with a John Petrucci guitar solo) 13:01 5 Dream Theater A Change of Seasons: V Another World 03:55 6 Dream Theater A Change of Seasons: VI The Inevitable Summer 03:15 7 Dream Theater Our New World 04:31 8 Dream Theater Portrait of Tracy (John Myung solo) 03:02 9 Dream Theater Learning to Live 13:43 10 Dream Theater Breaking All Illusions 12:34
Dream Theater View in Albunack Live - 2017-09-11 Budokan Tokyo Japan 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Dream Theater A Change of Seasons: I The Crimson Sunrise 04:00 2 Dream Theater Pull Me Under 08:52 3 Dream Theater A Change of Seasons: III Carpe Diem 03:12 4 Dream Theater A Change of Seasons: IV The Darkest of Winters 02:59 5 Dream Theater Surrounded 05:46 6 Dream Theater The Gift of Music 04:13 7 Dream Theater Our New World 04:51 8 Dream Theater Portrait of Tracy / As I Am 11:37 9 Dream Theater Breaking All Illusions 12:46
Dream Theater View in Albunack Live - 2017-09-11 Budokan Tokyo Japan(Prezent) 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Dream Theater The Colonel (Two Steps From Hell song) 02:27 2 Dream Theater The Dark Eternal Night 10:04 3 Dream Theater A Change of Seasons: III Carpe Diem 03:12 4 Dream Theater A Change of Seasons: IV The Darkest of Winters 02:59 5 Dream Theater The Gift of Music 04:13 6 Dream Theater Our New World 04:51 7 Dream Theater A Change of Seasons: VII The Crimson Sunset 05:15 8 Dream Theater Breaking All Illusions 12:34 9 Dream Theater Learning to Live 13:16
Dream Theater View in Albunack Live At Rocky Point Palladium 13 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Dream Theater Intro 00:28 2 Dream Theater Learning To Live 13:28 3 Dream Theater Under A Glass Moon 07:34 4 Dream Theater Status Seeker 05:38 5 Dream Theater Wait For Sleep 02:42 6 Dream Theater Surrounded 05:59 7 Dream Theater Puppies On Acid 00:00 8 Dream Theater Take The Time 11:08 9 Dream Theater To Live Forever 10:01 10 Dream Theater Another Day 04:41 11 Dream Theater Metropolis Part I 12:16 12 Dream Theater Eve 04:47 13 Dream Theater Pull Me Under 09:17
Dream Theater View in Albunack Live In New York 1993 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Dream Theater Metropolis Part I 09:47 2 Dream Theater Nothing Is Sacred 05:15 3 Forever Mike Portnoy Drum Solo 11:10 4 Dream Theater Pull Me Under 08:20 5 Dream Theater Wait For Sleep 02:45 6 Dream Theater Surrounded 06:07 7 Dream Theater Under A Glass Moon 07:25 8 Dream Theater Take The Time 10:11 9 Dream Theater Another Day 04:47
Dream Theater View in Albunack Live at Graspop Festival 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Dream Theater Under a Glass Moon 07:11 2 Dream Theater Interview with James LaBrie 05:04 3 Dream Theater The Crimson Sunrise 02:23 4 Dream Theater Innocence 03:05 5 Dream Theater Puppies on Acid 01:23 6 Dream Theater Just Let Me Breathe 03:44 7 Dream Theater Peruvian Skies 08:09 8 Dream Theater Pull Me Under 07:25 9 Dream Theater Metropolis Pt.1 05:54 10 Dream Theater Leraning to Live 04:07 11 Dream Theater The Crimson Sunset 03:05 12 Dream Theater Caught in a Web 05:21
Dream Theater View in Albunack Long Island, NY - October 4, 1992 / Majesty Demos 8 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Dream Theater Take The Time 11:32 2 Dream Theater Wait For Sleep 04:15 3 Dream Theater Learning To LIve 13:06 4 Dream Theater Change Of Seasons 20:41 Has Mbid 5 Dream Theater Another Won 05:39 6 Dream Theater Your Majesty 03:53 7 Dream Theater Two Far 05:36 8 Dream Theater March Of The Tyrant 05:42
Dream Theater View in Albunack Official Bootleg: Made in Japan 7 1 2007 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Dream Theater Highway Star 08:28 2 Dream Theater Child in Time 11:52 3 Dream Theater Smoke on the Water 07:51 4 Dream Theater The Mule/ Drum Solo 08:31 5 Dream Theater Strange Kind of Woman 10:07 6 Dream Theater Lazy 13:29 Has Mbid 7 Dream Theater Space Truckin' 19:18
Dream Theater View in Albunack Original Live Recorded 8 3 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Dream Theater Pull Me Under 08:53 Has Mbid 2 Dream Theater 6.00 05:43 3 Dream Theater Take The Time 14:05 Has Mbid 4 Dream Theater Caught In A Web 09:23 Has Mbid 5 Dream Theater Lifting Shadows Of A Dream 11:19 6 Dream Theater Another Day 05:00 7 Dream Theater Erotomania 06:52 8 Dream Theater Voices 09:51
Dream Theater View in Albunack Other Worldly Work (and Worries) 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Dream Theater Happy New Year 1992 - (Intro Tape) 01:40 2 Dream Theater The Dark Eternal Night 10:43 3 Dream Theater Another Day 05:58 4 Dream Theater Take The Time 12:34 5 Dream Theater Surrounded 05:48 6 Dream Theater Our New World 05:24 7 Dream Theater Under A Glass Moon 07:27 8 Dream Theater As I Am 08:43 9 Dream Theater Breaking All Illusions 12:37
Dream Theater View in Albunack River Of Tears 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Dream Theater Intro 00:00 2 Dream Theater Untethered Angel 00:00 3 Dream Theater Strange Deja Vu 00:00 4 Dream Theater The Spirit Carries On 00:00 5 Dream Theater Barstool Warrior 00:00 6 Dream Theater In The Presence Of Enemies Pt. 1 00:00 7 Dream Theater Pale Blue Dot 00:00
Dream Theater View in Albunack Scenes from a Memory (Bootleg) 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Dream Theater Distant Echoes 01:48 2 Dream Theater The Ones Who Help to Set the Sun 05:00 3 Dream Theater Status Seaker 05:09 4 Dream Theater The Killing Hand 09:00 5 Dream Theater Eve 05:04 6 Dream Theater 6:00 (Demo) 05:21 7 Dream Theater Lifting Shadows Off a Dream (Demo) 05:57 8 Dream Theater Caught in a Web (Demo) 05:34 9 Dream Theater A Change of Seasons (Audition Demo) 17:14 10 Dream Theater Oliver's Twist (Demo) 09:33 11 Dream Theater Only a Matter of Time 01:21 12 Dream Theater Autumn Moon 00:00
Dream Theater View in Albunack Sipping His Poison 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Dream Theater The Glass Prison 14:31 2 Dream Theater Strange Deja Vu 05:05 3 Dream Theater Surrounded 05:52 4 Dream Theater Burning My Soul 08:45 5 Dream Theater Another Hand / The Killing Hand 13:32 6 Dream Theater Lifting Shadows Off A Dream 07:33 7 Dream Theater Through My Words 01:49 8 Dream Theater Fatal Tragedy 06:21
Dream Theater View in Albunack Small Club Adventure 2 8 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Dream Theater Lines in the Sand 14:31 2 Dream Theater Take Away My Pain 07:51 3 Dream Theater The Darkest of Winters 05:07 4 Dream Theater The Ytse Jam 04:40 5 Dream Theater Learning to Live 10:46 6 Dream Theater The Crimson Sunset 06:20 7 Dream Theater Metropolis Part 1 (Including Discotheque / One) 12:46 Has Mbid 8 Dream Theater Perfect Strangers (Feat. Bruce Dickinson) 06:01
Dream Theater View in Albunack Sonic Rage Camden, NJ 2002-09-08 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Dream Theater DT_2002_09_08_T1 09:18 2 Dream Theater DT_2002_09_08_T2 05:12 3 Dream Theater DT_2002_09_08_T3 02:01 4 Dream Theater DT_2002_09_08_T4 04:40 5 Dream Theater DT_2002_09_08_T5 06:38 6 Dream Theater DT_2002_09_08_T6 08:25 7 Dream Theater DT_2002_09_08_T7 06:46 8 Dream Theater DT_2002_09_08_T8 06:27 9 Dream Theater DT_2002_09_08_T9 12:07 10 Dream Theater DT_2002_09_08_T10 04:28 11 Dream Theater DT_2002_09_08_T11 13:56
Dream Theater View in Albunack Stock Home Syndrome 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Dream Theater Overture (Intro Tape) 01:30 2 Dream Theater War Inside My Head 02:05 3 Dream Theater The Test That Stumped Them All 04:53 4 Dream Theater A Fortune In Lies 05:07 5 Dream Theater Take The Time 11:42 6 Dream Theater Caught In A Web 05:46 7 Dream Theater Peruvian Skies 09:36 8 Dream Theater Raise The Knife 11:50 9 Dream Theater Home 15:30
Dream Theater View in Albunack Stock Home Syndrome V2 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Dream Theater Wait For Sleep 03:49 2 Dream Theater The Root Of All Evil 08:17 3 Dream Theater The Test That Stumped Them All 04:53 4 Dream Theater A Fortune In Lies 05:07 5 Dream Theater Take The Time 11:42 6 Dream Theater Sacrified Sons 10:39 7 Dream Theater Octavarium 27:07 8 Dream Theater Raise The Knife 11:50 9 Dream Theater Home 15:30
Dream Theater View in Albunack Stream of Consciousness D2 13 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Dream Theater Scarred 11:18 2 Dream Theater The Darkest of Winters 03:13 3 Dream Theater The Ytse Jam 07:06 4 Dream Theater New Millenium 07:30 5 Dream Theater The Inevitable Summer 01:54 6 Dream Theater The Crimson Sunset 02:37 7 Dream Theater Metropolis Pt.1 08:33 8 Dream Theater Perfect Strangers (Deep Purple Cover) 06:52 9 Dream Theater It's Mine, But You Can't Drive It / Discotheque (U2 Cover) 00:59 10 Dream Theater Metropolis Part 1 (Reprise) 03:11 11 Dream Theater Interview / Surrounded 02:47 12 Dream Theater Ending of The Mirror / Lie 06:43 13 Dream Theater Metropolis Part 1 08:25
Dream Theater View in Albunack Suffocating Memories 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Dream Theater The Mirror 06:45 2 Dream Theater Lie 07:49 3 Dream Theater The Shattered Fortress 13:18 4 Dream Theater Finally Free 09:45 5 Dream Theater The Looking Glass 05:17 6 Dream Theater Illumination Theory 20:07 7 Dream Theater Enigma Machine 08:51 8 Dream Theater Along For The Ride 04:42 9 Dream Theater Breaking All Illusions 12:39
Dream Theater View in Albunack Systematic Images 6 0 2007 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Dream Theater Intro Tape 00:33 2 Dream Theater Pull Me Under 08:34 3 Dream Theater Another Day 05:41 4 Dream Theater Take the Time 05:54 5 Dream Theater Home 25:12 6 Dream Theater Metropolis Pt. 1 18:57
Dream Theater View in Albunack The Spirit Really Carries On (Palace Theater, Los Angeles, CA USA 04.02.00) 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Dream Theater Regression 02:25 2 Dream Theater Overture 1928 03:26 3 Dream Theater Strange Deja vu 05:03 4 Dream Theater Through My Words 01:15 5 Dream Theater Fatal Tragedy 06:48 6 Dream Theater Beyond This Life 11:22 7 Dream Theater Instrumental 02:34 8 Dream Theater Through Her Eyes 05:54 9 Dream Theater Home 13:06 10 Dream Theater The Dance Of Eternity (incl. keyboard solo) 10:39 11 Dream Theater One Last Time 03:32 12 Dream Theater The Spirit Carries On (vocals by Mike!) 07:52
Dream Theater View in Albunack The Ultimate Rare Tracks II 16 0 1990 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Dream Theater Unknown 1 04:26 2 Dream Theater Unknown 2 03:18 3 Dream Theater Unknown 3 04:56 4 Dream Theater Unknown 4 03:26 5 Dream Theater Unknown 5 03:57 6 Dream Theater Unknown 6 04:39 7 Dream Theater Unknown 7 04:01 8 Dream Theater Unknown 8 04:33 9 Dream Theater Unknown 9 04:59 10 Dream Theater Unknown 10 07:31 11 Dream Theater Unknown 11 06:53 12 Dream Theater Unknown 12 05:06 13 Dream Theater Unknown 13 03:56 14 Dream Theater Unknown 14 03:17 15 Dream Theater Unknown 15 04:38 16 Dream Theater Unknown 16 04:19
Dream Theater View in Albunack Ultimate minus One 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Dream Theater Pull Me Under (full) 08:26 2 Dream Theater Pull Me Under (backing track) 08:26 3 Dream Theater Metropolis Part I (full) 09:17 4 Dream Theater Metropolis Part I (backing track) 09:17 5 Dream Theater Peruvian Skies (full) 05:56 6 Dream Theater Peruvian Skies (backing track) 07:11 7 Dream Theater 6:00 (full) 05:40 8 Dream Theater 6:00 (backing track) 05:40 9 Dream Theater Voices (full) 09:12 10 Dream Theater Voices (backing track) 10:24
Dream Theater View in Albunack Visions Come Alive 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Dream Theater Endless Sacrifice 12:03 2 Dream Theater The Root Of All Evil (w/ redone ending) 08:35 3 Dream Theater Metropolis 11:10 4 Dream Theater The Great Debate 14:27 5 Dream Theater As I Am 08:40 6 Dream Theater Piano Solo 02:10 7 Dream Theater The Dark Eternal Night 10:06 8 Dream Theater Beneath The Surface 05:54 9 Dream Theater Caught In A Web 05:45 10 Dream Theater Far From Heaven 04:03
Dream Theater View in Albunack Waldrock Festival 1998 14 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Dream Theater Intro 00:14 2 Dream Theater The Crimson Sunrise 00:55 3 Dream Theater Innocence 06:57 4 Dream Theater Puppies on Acid 01:26 5 Dream Theater Just Let Me Breathe 06:23 6 Dream Theater Take The Time 12:27 7 Dream Theater Hollow Years 07:15 8 Dream Theater Caught In A Web 05:24 9 Dream Theater Lie 07:23 10 Dream Theater Peruvian Skies 07:56 11 Dream Theater Pull Me Under 08:42 12 Dream Theater Metropolis Part I 06:14 13 Dream Theater Learning To Live 04:11 14 Dream Theater The Crimson Sunset 04:04
Dream Theater View in Albunack Ytse Jams 11 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Dream Theater Ignition Jam (Warwick, RI, 5/15/1993) 04:59 2 Dream Theater Untitled JP's jam from a guitar clinic in Connecticut, 1995 14:34 3 Dream Theater Untitled jam (Deer Park, NY, 1/2/1992) 06:57 4 Dream Theater Untitled jam (Brooklyn, NY, 1/8/1993) 05:07 5 Dream Theater O'Holy Night (Rochester, NY, 12/19/1992) 04:36 Has Mbid 6 Dream Theater Free Port Jam (demo) 02:59 7 Dream Theater Caught in a Web (Jazz version, arranged by Kevin Hammer) 03:31 8 Dream Theater JP's guitar solo (unknown source) 03:04 9 Dream Theater JP's Necronomicon track 1 (Orlando, FL, 8/18/1997) 01:51 10 Dream Theater JP's Necronomicon track 2 (Orlando, FL, 8/18/1997) 01:56 11 Dream Theater JP's cover of Purple Rain (Orlando, FL, 8/18/1997) 08:55
Dream Theater View in Albunack [1992] Classic Live - Plus Five, Davie, FL, 1992-12-05 (Bootleg) 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Dream Theater Under A Glass Moon 07:19 2 Dream Theater Only A Matter Of Time 07:07 3 Dream Theater Surrounded 05:56 4 Dream Theater Pull Me Under 08:07 5 Dream Theater The Ytse Jam 07:43 6 Dream Theater Another Day 04:20 7 Dream Theater The Killing Hand 10:04 8 Dream Theater Take The Time 13:26 9 Dream Theater Vital Star (Majesty, Bonus Track) 05:43
Dream Theater View in Albunack [1992] Live In Long Island - Sparks, Deer Park, NY, 1992-10-04 (Bootleg) 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Dream Theater Intro 02:13 2 Dream Theater Metropolis, Part I 09:24 3 Dream Theater Under A Glass Moon 07:13 4 Dream Theater Only A Matter Of Time 07:09 5 Dream Theater Surrounded 05:48 6 Dream Theater Pull Me Under 08:17 7 Dream Theater The Ytse Jam 08:27 8 Dream Theater Guitar Solo 05:06 9 Dream Theater Another Day 04:23 10 Dream Theater The Killing Hand 10:18
Dream Theater View in Albunack [1993] Original Live Recorded - The Limelight, New York, NY, 1993-03-04 (Only Parts) (Bootleg) 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Dream Theater Metropolis - Part I: "The Miracle and the Sleeper" 09:47 2 Dream Theater Status Seeker 05:15 3 Dream Theater To Live Forever => Mike Portnoy Drum Solo 11:10 4 Dream Theater Pull Me Under 08:20 5 Dream Theater Wait For Sleep 02:45 6 Dream Theater Surrounded 06:07 7 Dream Theater Under A Glass Moon 07:25 8 Dream Theater Take The Time 10:11 9 Dream Theater Another Day 04:47
Dream Theater View in Albunack [1994] Caught In A Web - Manhattan Center, New York, NY, 1994-10-28 (Parts Only) (Bootleg) 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Dream Theater Pull Me Under 09:06 2 Dream Theater 6:00 05:46 3 Dream Theater Take The Time 12:21 4 Dream Theater Caught In A Web 08:07 5 Dream Theater Lifting Shadows Off A Dream 06:07 6 Dream Theater Another Day 04:56 7 Dream Theater A Mind Beside Itself 20:38 8 Dream Theater Metropolis 10:44
Dream Theater View in Albunack [1995] Carpe Diem - Live Will Not Always Be This Way - Bospopfestival, Weert, 1995-07-08 (Bootleg) 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Dream Theater Intro (Little Green Bag - George Baker Selection) 02:09 2 Dream Theater Under A Glass Moon 07:32 3 Dream Theater Lifting Shadows Off A Dream 06:26 4 Dream Theater Voices 10:56 5 Dream Theater A Change Of Seasons 22:59 6 Dream Theater Another Day 04:39 7 Dream Theater Pull Me Under 08:38 8 Dream Theater 6:00 06:34
Dream Theater View in Albunack [1996] Scenes From A Memory (Bootleg) 12 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Dream Theater Distant Echoes 01:48 2 Dream Theater To Set The Sun 05:02 3 Dream Theater Status Seeker 05:09 4 Dream Theater The Killing Hand 08:57 5 Dream Theater Eve 05:04 6 Dream Theater 6:00 05:21 7 Dream Theater Lifting Shadows 05:59 8 Dream Theater Caught In A Web 05:34 9 Dream Theater A Change Of Seasons 17:14 10 Dream Theater Oliver's Twist 09:33 11 Dream Theater Only A Matter Of Time 01:21 Has Mbid 12 Dream Theater Autumn Moon 01:02
Dream Theater View in Albunack [1997] The Darkest Of Winters (Bootleg) 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Dream Theater Puppies On Acid / Take The Time 11:56 2 Dream Theater Scarred 12:07 3 Dream Theater The Silent Man (Electric Version) 05:03 4 Dream Theater Home For The Holidays Jam 02:13 5 Dream Theater Caught In Alice's Nine-Inch Tool Garden 06:21 6 Dream Theater Winter's Night Jam 02:57 7 Dream Theater Wait For Sleep 03:26 8 Dream Theater Bad (U2 Cover) 06:40
Dream Theater View in Albunack pinotxo 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Dream Theater avui es un gran dia 02:08 2 Dream Theater Jo no entenc que pasa 02:30 3 Dream Theater Mira qui es aqui 02:13 4 Dream Theater Tothom vol ser ric 02:21 5 Dream Theater Pinotxo has de canviar 02:57 6 Dream Theater Ser gandul per sempre mes 02:43 7 Dream Theater Sempre hi pots comptar 03:13
Search Dreamcatcher Blood on the snow 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Dreamcatcher Blood on the snow 07:08 2 Dreamcatcher No heaven no hell 04:56 3 Dreamcatcher Fly away 04:38 4 Dreamcatcher The werewolf 06:21 5 Dreamcatcher Curse of the vampires 06:25 6 Dreamcatcher Dark is my soul 05:44 7 Dreamcatcher Mother earth 04:08 8 Dreamcatcher Dreamcatcher 06:10
Search Dreamcatcher Emerging FromThe Shadows 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Dreamcatcher The Soul Can't Rest 07:06 2 Dreamcatcher TRUSTN01 04:53 3 Dreamcatcher Into the Light 04:34 4 Dreamcatcher How Much I Miss You 04:40 5 Dreamcatcher People of Darkness 04:51 6 Dreamcatcher No Way Out 04:19 7 Dreamcatcher Fire & Ice 03:25 8 Dreamcatcher I Will Spit On Your Grave 04:36 9 Dreamcatcher How Much I Miss You (Acoustic Version) 03:24 10 Dreamcatcher Redemption 01:02
Dreams Come True View in Albunack DREAMS COME TRUE - The Monster - Universal Mix (Taiwan Version) 16 2 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 Dreams Come True Opening Theme ~the monster is coming~ 01:00 2 Dreams Come True No Doubt ~such sweet love we shared~ 04:15 3 Dreams Come True Honey-Bee 04:21 4 Dreams Come True Go On, Baby! 03:54 5 Dreams Come True Beautiful Beautiful 04:13 6 Dreams Come True Make Me Your Own 04:09 7 Dreams Come True Another Day Without You 04:13 Has Mbid 8 Dreams Come True FUNKA-MONSTER 03:34 9 Dreams Come True New York Atlas 03:54 10 Dreams Come True Nude Night 04:15 11 Dreams Come True Crescent Moon 04:15 12 Dreams Come True See You In My Dreams 03:47 13 Dreams Come True Come Closer 05:12 14 Dreams Come True Dragonfly 02:20 15 Dreams Come True Song Of Joy -Radio Mix- 03:36 16 Dreams Come True AHAHA -King Mix W.W.V.- 04:06
Dreams Come True View in Albunack あなたとトゥラッタッタ 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Dreams Come True あなたとトゥラッタッタ♪ 02:33 2 Dreams Come True THE WAY I DREAM 05:07 3 Dreams Come True 晴れたらいいね -Version '18- 03:08 4 Dreams Come True あなたとトゥラッタッタ♪ -instrumental- 02:33 5 Dreams Come True THE WAY I DREAM -instrumental- 05:08 6 Dreams Come True 晴れたらいいね -Version '18 instrumental- 03:08 7 Dreams Come True あなたとトゥラッタッタ♪-BRASS BAND VERSION- 02:33
Dreams Come True View in Albunack あなたとトゥラッタッタ♪/THE WAY I DREAM 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Dreams Come True あなたとトゥラッタッタ♪ 02:35 2 Dreams Come True THE WAY I DREAM 05:07 3 Dreams Come True 晴れたらいいね -Version '18- 03:08 4 Dreams Come True あなたとトゥラッタッタ♪ -instrumental- 02:33 5 Dreams Come True THE WAY I DREAM -instrumental- 05:08 6 Dreams Come True 晴れたらいいね -Version '18 instrumental- 03:08 7 Dreams Come True あなたとトゥラッタッタ♪-BRASS BAND VERSION- 02:33
Dreams Come True View in Albunack 愛していると言ってくれ オリジナル・サウンドトラック [ESCB-1631] 14 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Dreams Come True LOVE LOVE LOVE~Instrumental Version 03:22 2 Dreams Come True 嵐が来る~Instrumental Version 04:14 3 Dreams Come True EPISODE#1~LOVE LOVE LOVE 01:42 4 Dreams Come True EPISODE#2~嵐が来る 03:01 5 Dreams Come True EPISODE#5~LOVE LOVE LOVE 01:44 6 Dreams Come True EPISODE#4~嵐が来る 02:04 7 Dreams Come True EPISODE#3~LOVE LOVE LOVE 02:07 8 Dreams Come True EPISODE#1~嵐が来る 01:35 9 Dreams Come True EPISODE#4~LOVE LOVE LOVE 02:22 10 Dreams Come True EPISODE#3~嵐が来る 01:55 11 Dreams Come True 悲しみのエピローグ 01:48 12 Dreams Come True EPISODE#2~嵐が来る 04:01 Has Mbid 13 Dreams Come True LOVE LOVE LOVE 03:25 14 Dreams Come True 嵐が来る 04:15
Dreams Come True View in Albunack 跟我說愛我 - 電視原聲帶 14 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Dreams Come True Love Love Love - 原曲演奏版 03:22 2 Dreams Come True 暴風雨來襲 - 原曲演奏版 04:14 3 Dreams Come True 插曲一 - Love Love Love 01:42 4 Dreams Come True 插曲二 - 暴風雨來襲 03:01 5 Dreams Come True 插曲五 - Love Love Love 01:44 6 Dreams Come True 插曲四 - 暴風雨來襲 02:04 7 Dreams Come True 插曲三 - Love Love Love 02:07 8 Dreams Come True 插曲一 - 暴風雨來襲 01:35 9 Dreams Come True 插曲四 - Love Love Love 02:22 10 Dreams Come True 插曲三 - 暴風雨來襲 01:55 11 Dreams Come True 悲傷的EPIROGU 01:48 12 Dreams Come True 插曲二 - 暴風雨來襲 04:01 Has Mbid 13 Dreams Come True Love Love Love - 美夢成真原唱版 03:25 14 Dreams Come True 暴風雨來襲 - 美夢成真原唱版 04:15
Dropkick Murphys View in Albunack Vienna (Austria), Arena (Open Air), 14th July 2009 29 0 2009 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Dropkick Murphys Intro 04:34 2 Dropkick Murphys Cadence To Arms 01:14 3 Dropkick Murphys Do Or Die 01:43 4 Dropkick Murphys Captain Kelly's Kitchen 02:35 5 Dropkick Murphys Famous For Nothing 02:41 6 Dropkick Murphys The State Of Massachusetts 04:26 7 Dropkick Murphys Flannigan's Ball 03:45 8 Dropkick Murphys Sunshine Highway 03:21 9 Dropkick Murphys Upstarts And Broken Hearts 02:55 10 Dropkick Murphys The Spicy McHaggis Jig 02:36 11 Dropkick Murphys Johnny, I Hardly Knew Ya 04:30 12 Dropkick Murphys Bastards On Parade 03:53 13 Dropkick Murphys Tomorrow's Industry 02:20 14 Dropkick Murphys Walk Away 03:25 15 Dropkick Murphys Far Away Coast 03:44 16 Dropkick Murphys Your Spirit's Alive 02:16 17 Dropkick Murphys The Warrior's Code 03:15 18 Dropkick Murphys Fields of Athenry 04:24 19 Dropkick Murphys Boys On The Docks 02:24 20 Dropkick Murphys Wild Rover 04:00 21 Dropkick Murphys The Dirty Glass 04:46 22 Dropkick Murphys Forever 03:27 23 Dropkick Murphys Worker's Song 03:23 24 Dropkick Murphys Never Forget 02:16 25 Dropkick Murphys Barroom Hero 02:41 26 Dropkick Murphys I'm Shipping Up To Boston 04:25 27 Dropkick Murphys Kiss Me, I'm Shitfaced 06:02 28 Dropkick Murphys Skinhead On The MBTA 02:45 29 Dropkick Murphys Citizen C.I.A. 02:00
Drowning the Light View in Albunack Amongst The Bones 20 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Drowning the Light Winter Lament 01:24 2 Drowning the Light Without Regret... 05:46 3 Drowning the Light The Weeping Moon 01:42 4 Drowning the Light The Ruined Soul of a Blackened Past 01:58 5 Drowning the Light Reversion to Beast 01:07 6 Drowning the Light Tales Told in Scars 01:20 7 Drowning the Light Haunting Whispers in the Desert Sands 06:56 8 Drowning the Light As the Sun Rises Over the Horizon, the Creatures Return to Slumber 01:17 9 Drowning the Light Reaping the Night 05:20 10 Drowning the Light Slumbering titans 01:45 11 Drowning the Light Illuminated 02:06 12 Drowning the Light The Occult Mountain 666 05:20 13 Drowning the Light Dawn of the Morning Star 05:32 14 Drowning the Light Last Heart Beat 03:22 15 Drowning the Light Death of a Lineage 04:54 16 Drowning the Light As the Sun Rises Over the Horizon, the Creatures Return to Slumber (Part 2) 01:07 17 Drowning the Light Vampyres of a Dead Age 03:36 18 Drowning the Light The Call of Eternity 04:52 Has Mbid 19 Drowning the Light Victory In Sight 06:35 20 Drowning the Light So Beckoning, Yet so Far 02:38
Drowning the Light View in Albunack Amongst the Bones... 20 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Drowning the Light Winter Lament 01:24 2 Drowning the Light Without Regret... 05:46 3 Drowning the Light The Weeping Moon 01:42 4 Drowning the Light The Ruined Soul of a Blackened Past 01:58 5 Drowning the Light Reversion to Beast 01:07 6 Drowning the Light Tales Told in Sears 01:20 7 Drowning the Light Haunting Whispers in the Desert Sands 06:56 8 Drowning the Light As the Sun Rises over the Horizon, the Creatures Return to Slumber (Part 1) 01:17 9 Drowning the Light Reaping The Right 05:20 10 Drowning the Light Slumbering Titans 01:45 11 Drowning the Light Illuminated 02:06 12 Drowning the Light The Occult Mountain 666 05:20 13 Drowning the Light Dawn of the Morning Star 05:32 14 Drowning the Light Last Heart Beat 03:22 15 Drowning the Light Death of a Lineage 04:54 16 Drowning the Light As The Sun Rises Over The Horizon, The Creatures Return To Slumber (Part 2) 01:07 17 Drowning the Light Vampyres of a Dead Age 03:36 18 Drowning the Light The Call of Eternity 04:52 Has Mbid 19 Drowning the Light Victory In Sight 06:30 20 Drowning the Light So Beckoning, Yet So Far 02:38
Drowning the Light View in Albunack Diabolical Winter Spells ~ Rise of the Black Serpent 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Drowning the Light Raptured by Arcane Power 04:10 2 Drowning the Light Diabolical Winter Spells 03:51 3 Drowning the Light Poisonous Glory 04:13 4 Drowning the Light The Serpent & the Scythe 03:38 5 Drowning the Light Now with Hearts of Frost we Chant,to Ignite the Flames of the Old 05:34 6 Drowning the Light ~The keepers of the flame 03:44 7 Drowning the Light ~A barren plain of no thought 02:30 8 Drowning the Light ~Rise of the black serpent 04:08 9 Drowning the Light ~Only dead eyes look back at me.. 02:50
Drowning the Light View in Albunack Long Fogotten In The Shadows 13 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Drowning the Light Long Forgotten In The Shadows 10:52 2 Drowning the Light Path Of Old 07:11 3 Drowning the Light The Lonesome Night Sky 02:01 4 Drowning the Light To Fear Neither Noose Nor Fire 01:55 5 Drowning the Light Dawn Of Fase Prophet 03:22 6 Drowning the Light Tormnted Nights (Restless Visions) 03:47 7 Drowning the Light Amongst The Bones Of Our Ancestors 04:22 8 Drowning the Light My Honour Is True 03:25 9 Drowning the Light Back To The Gas Chamber 03:09 10 Drowning the Light Wandering Alone And Forgotten Forever 03:28 11 Drowning the Light Broken Bones Of A Decaying World 04:45 12 Drowning the Light Of Celtic Blood & Satanic Pride 07:13 13 Drowning the Light Spill The Blood Of The Lamb 03:59
Duane Eddy View in Albunack Boss Guitar Live 20 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Duane Eddy Dance to the Guitar Man 03:41 2 Duane Eddy Boss Guitar 04:17 3 Duane Eddy Movin' and Groovin' 02:18 4 Duane Eddy Cannonball 02:06 5 Duane Eddy The Lonely One 02:31 6 Duane Eddy Yep 03:12 7 Duane Eddy 3.30 Blues 07:13 8 Duane Eddy Some Kinda Earthquake 05:17 9 Duane Eddy Blueberry Hill 04:39 10 Duane Eddy Because They're Young 02:28 11 Duane Eddy Forty Miles of Bad Road 04:07 12 Duane Eddy Shazam 02:36 13 Duane Eddy First Love, First Tears 02:47 14 Duane Eddy Play Me Like You Play Your Guitar 04:05 15 Duane Eddy Peter Gunn 05:37 16 Duane Eddy Rebel Rouser 05:02 17 Duane Eddy Dixie 01:04 18 Duane Eddy Ramrod 03:14 19 Duane Eddy Along Came Linda 03:30 20 Duane Eddy Boss Guitar 04:16
Duane Eddy View in Albunack One Million Dollars Worth Of Twang 16 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Duane Eddy Rebel Rouser 1960 02:19 2 Duane Eddy Cannonball 1960 01:52 3 Duane Eddy The Quiet Three 1960 01:58 4 Duane Eddy Bonnie Came Back 1960 02:15 5 Duane Eddy Because They're Young 1960 01:57 6 Duane Eddy Theme For Moon Children 1960 02:00 7 Duane Eddy Moovin' and Groovin' 1960 02:03 8 Duane Eddy The Lonely One 1960 01:40 9 Duane Eddy Forty Miles Of Bad Road 1960 02:03 10 Duane Eddy Some Kina Earthquake 1960 01:19 11 Duane Eddy First Love, First Tears 1960 02:07 12 Duane Eddy Kommotion 1960 02:49 13 Duane Eddy Ramrod 1958 01:39 14 Duane Eddy Three Thirty Blues 1958 03:31 15 Duane Eddy I Almost Lost My Mind 1959 02:10 16 Duane Eddy Anytime 1958 02:15
Duane Eddy View in Albunack The Complete Colpix Recordings 30 3 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Duane Eddy Trash 02:29 2 Duane Eddy Puddin' 02:00 3 Duane Eddy Moovin' n' groovin' 01:55 4 Duane Eddy Choo Choo A Go Go - Toot! Toot! 02:10 5 Duane Eddy Just to satisfy you 03:03 6 Duane Eddy Around the block in 80 days 02:20 7 Duane Eddy Cottonmouth 02:29 8 Duane Eddy If you've seen one, you've seen 'em all 02:12 9 Duane Eddy South Phoenix 02:27 10 Duane Eddy Dream lover 02:27 11 Duane Eddy Busted 02:42 12 Duane Eddy I'm blue 02:05 13 Duane Eddy Don't think twice 02:58 14 Duane Eddy The house of the rising sun 02:50 15 Duane Eddy It ain't me babe 02:25 16 Duane Eddy Not the lovin' kind 02:52 17 Duane Eddy She belongs to me 02:15 18 Duane Eddy All I really want to do 02:29 19 Duane Eddy Houston 02:58 20 Duane Eddy Love minus zero / No limit 02:21 21 Duane Eddy Mr Tambourine Man 02:17 22 Duane Eddy Blowin' in the wind 02:47 23 Duane Eddy Swing low, sweet Chariot 02:09 24 Duane Eddy Eve of destruction 02:43 25 Duane Eddy El Rancho Grande 02:08 26 Duane Eddy Poppa's movin' on (I'm movin' on) 02:31 27 Duane Eddy One mint julep 03:53 Has Mbid 28 Duane Eddy Dard times 03:05 Has Mbid 29 Duane Eddy Swanee River Rock 03:04 Has Mbid 30 Duane Eddy Buckaroo 02:10
Duke Ellington View in Albunack 1938 23 3 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Duke Ellington Stepping Into Swing Society 03:12 2 Duke Ellington Prologue To Black And Tan Fantasy 02:36 3 Duke Ellington The New Black and Tan Fantasy 02:43 4 Duke Ellington Drummer's Delight 02:29 5 Duke Ellington If I Thought You Cared 03:02 6 Duke Ellington Have A Heart (Lost In Meditation) 02:44 7 Duke Ellington My Day 03:06 8 Duke Ellington Silvery Moon And Golden Sands 03:18 9 Duke Ellington Echoes Of Harlem 03:18 10 Duke Ellington Riding On A Blue Note 02:51 Has Mbid 11 Duke Ellington Lost In Meditation 02:57 Has Mbid 12 Duke Ellington The Gal From Joe's 03:00 13 Duke Ellington If You Were In My Place (What Would You Do) 02:57 14 Duke Ellington Scrounch 02:45 15 Duke Ellington I Let A Song Go Out Of My Heart 03:10 Has Mbid 16 Duke Ellington Braggin' In Brass 02:47 17 Duke Ellington Carnival In Caroline 02:29 18 Duke Ellington Jeep's Blues 02:57 19 Duke Ellington If You Were In My Place (What Would You Do) 03:01 20 Duke Ellington I Let A Song Go Out Of My Heart 03:05 21 Duke Ellington Rendezvous With Rhythm 03:06 22 Duke Ellington A Lesson In C 02:37 23 Duke Ellington Swingtime In Honolulu 02:46
Duke Ellington View in Albunack 1941 Classics 12 0 1941 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Duke Ellington Take The A Train 03:00 2 Duke Ellington Bounce 01:25 3 Duke Ellington It's Sad But True 03:15 4 Duke Ellington Madame Will Drop Her Shawl 02:10 5 Duke Ellington I Hear A Rhapsody 04:14 6 Duke Ellington Until Tonight 03:02 7 Duke Ellington West Indian Stomp 03:07 8 Duke Ellington Love And I 02:53 9 Duke Ellington John Hardy's Wife 02:25 10 Duke Ellington Clementine 02:54 11 Duke Ellington After All 03:09 12 Duke Ellington Chelsea Bridge 03:14
Duke Ellington View in Albunack A Tribute To Duke Ellington 18 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Duke Ellington Such Sweet Thunder 03:02 2 Duke Ellington Sonnet for Caesar 06:02 3 Duke Ellington Sonnet to Hank Cinq 04:17 4 Duke Ellington Lady Mac 03:38 5 Duke Ellington Sonnet in search of a Moor 04:16 6 Duke Ellington The Telecasters 03:00 7 Duke Ellington Up and Down, Up and Down 02:59 8 Duke Ellington Sonnet for sister Kate 02:41 9 Duke Ellington The Star Crossed Lovers 06:10 10 Duke Ellington East Side, West Side 03:03 11 Duke Ellington Half the Fun 09:12 12 Duke Ellington Circle of Earth 02:00 13 Duke Ellington Allegro 02:35 14 Duke Ellington Più lento ed intenso 02:28 15 Duke Ellington Andantino grottesco 03:40 16 Duke Ellington Allegro, più lento ed intenso 02:49 17 Duke Ellington Take the 'A' train - C Jam Blues 07:49 18 Duke Ellington Such Sweet Thunder 03:07
Duke Ellington View in Albunack A Tribute to Duke Ellington 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Duke Ellington Take The A Train 03:04 2 Duke Ellington Cotton Tail 03:06 3 Duke Ellington Solitude 03:17 4 Duke Ellington Jeeps Blues 04:37 5 Duke Ellington Jack The Bear 03:28 6 Duke Ellington Mood Indigo 03:56 7 Duke Ellington Main Stem 02:59 8 Duke Ellington Sophisticated Lady 03:36 9 Duke Ellington Don't Get Around Much Anymore 03:17 10 Duke Ellington East Side, West Side 03:03
Duke Ellington View in Albunack An Intimate Piano Session '69 20 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Duke Ellington The Anticipation 03:11 2 Duke Ellington Le Sucrier Velours 1 04:55 3 Duke Ellington Lotus Blossom 1 03:43 4 Duke Ellington A Blue Mural From Two Perspectives 1 01:13 5 Duke Ellington I'm Afraid (Of Loving You Too Much) (with Don George) 03:01 6 Duke Ellington I Didn't Know About You (with Bob Russell) 03:57 7 Duke Ellington Loco Madi 00:49 8 Duke Ellington Lotus Blossom 2 02:08 9 Duke Ellington New World A-Comin' 09:20 10 Duke Ellington Le Sucrier Velours 2 02:42 11 Duke Ellington Melancholia 04:30 12 Duke Ellington Single Petal Of A Rose 02:44 13 Duke Ellington The Blues Ain't (with Tony Watkins) 04:42 14 Duke Ellington Come Sunday (with Tony Watkins) 04:56 15 Duke Ellington My Mother, My Father And Love (with Tony Watkins) 04:45 16 Duke Ellington A Blue Mural From Two Perspectives 2 01:52 17 Duke Ellington Black Swan 01:35 18 Duke Ellington The Lake 04:07 19 Duke Ellington Satin Doll (with Johnny Mercer) 02:27 20 Duke Ellington Just Squeeze Me (with Lee Gaines) 05:46
Duke Ellington View in Albunack An intimate session- 20 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Duke Ellington D. Ellington -The anticipation- 03:11 2 Duke Ellington D. Ellington -Le sucrier velours *1- 04:52 3 Duke Ellington D. Ellington -Lotus blossom *1- 03:43 4 Duke Ellington D. Ellington -A blue mural from two perspectives *1- 01:13 5 Duke Ellington D. Ellington -I'm afraid (of loving you too much)- 03:01 6 Duke Ellington D. Ellington -I didn't know about you- 03:57 7 Duke Ellington D. Ellington -Loco Madi- 00:49 8 Duke Ellington D. Ellington -Lotus blossom *2- 02:08 9 Duke Ellington D. Ellington -New world a-comin'- 09:20 10 Duke Ellington D. Ellington -Le sucrier Velours *2- 02:39 11 Duke Ellington D. Ellington -Melancholia- 04:30 12 Duke Ellington D. Ellington -Single petal of a rose- 02:44 13 Duke Ellington D. Ellington -The blues ain't- 04:42 14 Duke Ellington D. Ellington -Come sunday- 04:56 15 Duke Ellington D. Ellington -My mother, my father and love- 04:45 16 Duke Ellington D. Ellington -A blue mural from two perspectives *2- 01:52 17 Duke Ellington D. Ellington -Black Swan- 01:35 18 Duke Ellington D. Ellington -The lake- 04:07 19 Duke Ellington D. Ellington -Satin doll- 02:27 20 Duke Ellington D. Ellington -Just squeeze me- 05:46
Duke Ellington View in Albunack April in Paris (feat. Wild Bill Davis) 13 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Duke Ellington Rockin' In Rhythm 07:36 2 Duke Ellington Four-Thirty Blues 06:25 3 Duke Ellington Take The a Train 07:13 4 Duke Ellington Jam With Paul 04:55 5 Duke Ellington Satin Doll 06:32 6 Duke Ellington April In Paris 05:44 7 Duke Ellington El Gato 05:20 8 Duke Ellington Don't Get Around Much Anymore 03:45 9 Duke Ellington Caravan 01:36 10 Duke Ellington Mood Indigo 04:57 11 Duke Ellington Passion Flower 07:03 12 Duke Ellington Jive Stomp 07:19 13 Duke Ellington Diminuendo And Crescendo In Blue 13:45
Duke Ellington View in Albunack At The Crystal Gardens - 1952 14 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Duke Ellington Fancy Dan 05:37 2 Duke Ellington The Hawk Talks 03:17 3 Duke Ellington Tenderly 05:01 4 Duke Ellington Frustration 04:01 5 Duke Ellington Tea For Two 03:46 6 Duke Ellington Take The A Train 05:23 7 Duke Ellington Sophisticated Lady 06:38 8 Duke Ellington Don't Worry 'Bout Me 04:21 9 Duke Ellington Perdido 05:37 10 Duke Ellington The Jeep Is Jumping 03:04 11 Duke Ellington Deep Purple 04:09 12 Duke Ellington Caravan 04:29 13 Duke Ellington Warm Valley 04:50 14 Duke Ellington I Let A Song Go Out Of My Heart/Don't Get Around Much Anymore 04:19
Duke Ellington View in Albunack At The Hurricane 1943 and 1944 24 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Duke Ellington Day Dream 03:15 2 Duke Ellington West Indian Dance 03:25 3 Duke Ellington Tonight I Shall Sleep 02:20 4 Duke Ellington Rumpus In Richmond 02:51 5 Duke Ellington Caravan 05:28 6 Duke Ellington It Don't Mean A Thing #1 02:56 7 Duke Ellington Honeysuckle Rose 02:42 8 Duke Ellington Main Stem #1 02:26 9 Duke Ellington Three Cent Stomp 04:01 10 Duke Ellington Main Stem #2 02:59 11 Duke Ellington Chloe 03:40 12 Duke Ellington Johnny Come Lately 02:59 13 Duke Ellington It Don't Mean A Thing #2 03:10 14 Duke Ellington Hop Skip And Jump #1 02:36 15 Duke Ellington Sentimental Lady 02:54 16 Duke Ellington On The Alamo 02:40 17 Duke Ellington Rockin' In Rhythm 03:53 18 Duke Ellington Mood To Be Wooed 05:27 19 Duke Ellington On The Alamo #2 02:15 20 Duke Ellington Main Stem #3 03:14 21 Duke Ellington My Little Brown Book 03:30 22 Duke Ellington Hop Skip And Jump #2 03:25 23 Duke Ellington Take The 'A' Train 02:59 24 Duke Ellington Meet The Duke 02:55
Duke Ellington View in Albunack Aufnahmen von 1928 - 1945 16 2 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Duke Ellington Yellow Dog Blues 02:59 2 Duke Ellington Tishomingo Blues 02:55 3 Duke Ellington Lousiana 03:00 Has Mbid 4 Duke Ellington Dog Bottom 02:39 5 Duke Ellington The Mooche 03:11 6 Duke Ellington Tiger Rag Part 1 02:52 7 Duke Ellington Tiger Rag Part 2 02:53 8 Duke Ellington The Dicty Glide 03:15 9 Duke Ellington Harmony In Harlem 03:06 10 Duke Ellington Blue Tune 03:09 11 Duke Ellington Rent Party Blues 03:12 12 Duke Ellington Doing The Voom Voom 03:25 13 Duke Ellington (Otto Make That) Riff Staccato 03:06 14 Duke Ellington I'm Beginning To See The Light 03:12 Has Mbid 15 Duke Ellington Mood To Be Wooed 02:58 16 Duke Ellington Do Nothin' Till You Hear Me 03:24
Duke Ellington View in Albunack BIG ARTIEST SERIES 13 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Duke Ellington TAKE THE 'A' TRAIN 04:41 2 Duke Ellington PERDIDO 03:17 3 Duke Ellington MOOD INDIGO 05:10 4 Duke Ellington SOLITUDE 03:35 5 Duke Ellington I GOT IT BAD 02:41 6 Duke Ellington SHOPHISTICATED LADY 03:03 7 Duke Ellington CREOLE LOVE CALL 04:04 8 Duke Ellington DO NOTHIN' UNTIL YOU HEAR FROM ME 01:57 9 Duke Ellington BLACK & TAN FANTASY 05:12 10 Duke Ellington THE TWITCH 03:10 11 Duke Ellington THE MOOCHE 05:36 12 Duke Ellington IT DON'T MEAN A THING 03:03 13 Duke Ellington CARAVAN 02:50
Duke Ellington View in Albunack Be Cool: Live In Paris 1969 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Duke Ellington Rockin' In Rhythm 05:28 2 Duke Ellington Black And Tan Fantasy 06:43 3 Duke Ellington Perdido 02:42 4 Duke Ellington Love Scene 02:35 5 Duke Ellington Sophisticated Lady 03:36 6 Duke Ellington La Plus Belle Africaine 08:34 7 Duke Ellington Drum Solo 02:12 8 Duke Ellington Solitude 02:18 9 Duke Ellington It Don't Mean A Thing 01:04 10 Duke Ellington C-Jam Blues 05:15 11 Duke Ellington Be Cool 02:32
Duke Ellington View in Albunack Big Band Hits of Duke Ellington 12 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Duke Ellington Don't Get Around Much Anymore 03:20 2 Duke Ellington Caravan 02:33 3 Duke Ellington Sophisticated Lady 03:08 4 Duke Ellington I Let A Song Go Out Of My Heart 02:46 5 Duke Ellington Prelude To A Kiss 03:45 6 Duke Ellington Perdido 03:15 7 Duke Ellington Solitude 03:39 8 Duke Ellington Jack The Bear 03:12 9 Duke Ellington Mainstem 03:03 10 Duke Ellington Do Nothing Till You Hear From Me 03:28 11 Duke Ellington Passion Flower 03:19 Has Mbid 12 Duke Ellington Take the "A" Train 02:59
Duke Ellington View in Albunack Bigbands Live: Duke Ellington Orchestra 13 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Duke Ellington Take The 'A' Train 00:55 2 Duke Ellington Johnny Come Lately 03:34 3 Duke Ellington Swamp Goo 04:51 4 Duke Ellington Knob Hill 07:18 5 Duke Ellington Eggo 06:12 6 Duke Ellington La Plus Belle Africaine 11:26 7 Duke Ellington Rue Bleue 03:10 8 Duke Ellington A Chromatic Love Affair 04:21 9 Duke Ellington Salome 03:58 10 Duke Ellington The Shepherd 06:57 11 Duke Ellington Tutti For Cootie 06:24 12 Duke Ellington Freakish Lights 04:15 13 Duke Ellington Kixx 10:24
Duke Ellington View in Albunack Black, Brown And Beige - Duke Ellington Vol. 9 Original Recordings 1943-1945 18 2 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 Duke Ellington Rockin' In Rhythm 03:52 2 Duke Ellington Boy Meets Horn 04:48 Has Mbid 3 Duke Ellington Hop, Skip and Jump 02:39 4 Duke Ellington Do Nothing Till You Hear From Me 03:25 5 Duke Ellington Blue Skies 03:15 6 Duke Ellington Mood Indigo 05:04 7 Duke Ellington Three Cent Stomp 03:28 8 Duke Ellington Caravan 04:44 9 Duke Ellington It Don't Mean A Thing (If It Ain't Got That Swing) 02:47 10 Duke Ellington Creole Love Call 04:30 11 Duke Ellington Rose Room 03:51 12 Duke Ellington Black, Brown And Beige:Work Song 04:36 13 Duke Ellington Black, Brown And Beige:Come Sunday 04:31 14 Duke Ellington Black, Brown And Beige:The Blues 04:35 15 Duke Ellington Black, Brown And Beige:West Indian Dance 01:43 16 Duke Ellington Black, Brown And Beige:Emancipation Celebration 01:43 17 Duke Ellington Black, Brown And Beige:Sugar Hill Penthouse 01:11 18 Duke Ellington Carnegie Blues 02:49
Duke Ellington View in Albunack Blue Light 9 3 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Duke Ellington & His Orchestra Blue Light 02:42 Has Mbid 2 Duke Ellington & His Orchestra Pyramid 03:01 3 Duke Ellington & His Orchestra A Gypsy Without a Song 02:57 4 Duke Ellington & His Orchestra (There Is) No Greater Love 03:09 Has Mbid 5 Duke Ellington & His Orchestra/Billy Taylor/Duke Ellington/Johnny Hodges Finesse (Night Wind) 02:45 Has Mbid 6 Duke Ellington & His Orchestra Prelude to a Kiss 03:00 7 Duke Ellington & His Orchestra Moonglow 03:02 8 Duke Ellington Sextet Tough Truckin' 03:04 9 Duke Ellington & His Orchestra Reminiscing in Tempo, Pts. 1-4 12:53
Duke Ellington View in Albunack CD08_New Port 1958 10 3 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Duke Ellington Just Scratchin' the Surface 06:45 2 Duke Ellington El Gato 04:19 3 Duke Ellington Happy Reunion 03:06 4 Duke Ellington Multicolored Blue 05:39 5 Duke Ellington Princess Blue 10:39 Has Mbid 6 Duke Ellington Jazz Festival Jazz 07:20 Has Mbid 7 Duke Ellington Mr. Gentle and Mr. Cool 07:05 Has Mbid 8 Duke Ellington Juniflip 03:49 9 Duke Ellington Prima Bara Dubla 05:44 10 Duke Ellington Hi Fi Fo Fum 05:55
Duke Ellington View in Albunack CSAC5961 - 07 - Peer Gynt Suites Nos. 1 & 2; Suite Thursday 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Duke Ellington Morning Mood (from Peer Gynt Suite No. 1) 04:26 2 Duke Ellington In The Hall Of The Mountain King (from Peer Gynt Suite No. 1) 02:36 3 Duke Ellington Solveig's Song (from Peer Gynt Suite No. 2) 03:44 4 Duke Ellington Ase's Death (from Peer Gynt Suite No. 1) 03:50 5 Duke Ellington Anitra's Dance (from Peer Gynt Suite No. 1) 02:58 6 Duke Ellington Suite Thursday - Misfit Blues 04:09 7 Duke Ellington Suite Thursday - Schwiphti 03:06 8 Duke Ellington Suite Thursday - Zweet Zursday 03:54 9 Duke Ellington Suite Thursday - Lay-By 04:47
Duke Ellington View in Albunack Carnegie Hall '64 13 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Duke Ellington Stompy jones / take the a train 06:23 2 Duke Ellington Caravan 05:28 3 Duke Ellington Tutti for cootie 07:46 4 Duke Ellington Isfahan 04:24 5 Duke Ellington Things ain't what they used to be 03:15 6 Duke Ellington Banquet 04:35 7 Duke Ellington Skillipoop 04:24 8 Duke Ellington The prowling cat 03:21 9 Duke Ellington Kind dukish & rockin' in rhythm 06:01 10 Duke Ellington Satin doll 03:40 11 Duke Ellington Monologue 04:41 12 Duke Ellington Jam with Sam 03:30 13 Duke Ellington Jones 01:56
Duke Ellington View in Albunack Combos 18 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Duke Ellington Goin'nuts 02:38 2 Duke Ellington Tough truckin' 03:08 3 Duke Ellington Indigo echoes 02:53 4 Duke Ellington Rexatious 02:49 5 Duke Ellington Love in my heart 02:37 6 Duke Ellington Fat stuff serenade 02:43 7 Duke Ellington My sunday Gal 03:16 8 Duke Ellington Mobile bay 03:09 9 Duke Ellington Subtle slough 03:21 Has Mbid 10 Duke Ellington Menelik the lion of Judah 03:19 11 Duke Ellington Clouds in my heart 03:03 12 Duke Ellington Stompy Jones 02:44 13 Duke Ellington Lament for a lost love 02:45 14 Duke Ellington A lull at dawn 03:35 15 Duke Ellington Blue rêverie 03:02 16 Duke Ellington Echoes of Harlem 03:13 17 Duke Ellington Delta mood 02:50 18 Duke Ellington Mobile blues 02:25
Duke Ellington View in Albunack CompleteOrchestralSuitesThe-d2 16 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Duke Ellington (A) New world a Comin' (Part 1) 05:43 Has Mbid 2 Duke Ellington (A) New world a Comin' (Part 2) 06:13 3 Duke Ellington Deep South Suite - Magnolias Drippin in Molasses 04:42 4 Duke Ellington Deep South Suite - Hearsay or Orson Welles 04:43 5 Duke Ellington Deep South Suite - Nobody Was Looking 02:54 6 Duke Ellington Deep South Suite - Happy Go Lucky Local 06:04 7 Duke Ellington The Beautiful Indians - Hiawatha 02:45 8 Duke Ellington The Beautiful Indians - Minnehaha 03:00 9 Duke Ellington Overture to a Jam Session (Part 1) 03:01 10 Duke Ellington Overture to a Jam Session (Part 2) 02:41 11 Duke Ellington Liberian Suite - I Like the Sunrise 04:35 12 Duke Ellington Liberian Suite - Dance No. 1 04:59 13 Duke Ellington Liberian Suite - Dance No. 2 03:30 14 Duke Ellington Liberian Suite - Dance No. 3 03:51 15 Duke Ellington Liberian Suite - Dance No. 4 03:10 16 Duke Ellington Liberian Suite - Dance No. 5 05:13
Duke Ellington View in Albunack Concert in New York 1964 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Duke Ellington Take the ''A'' Train 03:47 2 Duke Ellington Medley: Black and Tan Fantas, Creole Love Call, The Mooche 09:45 3 Duke Ellington The Opener 03:00 4 Duke Ellington Harlem 14:14 5 Duke Ellington Blues 04:34 6 Duke Ellington Jam with Sam 03:29 7 Duke Ellington Passion Flower 04:25 8 Duke Ellington Things ain't What they use to be 02:59 9 Duke Ellington Kinda Dukish and Rockin' in Rhythm 05:46 10 Duke Ellington Take the ''A'' Train 01:50
Duke Ellington View in Albunack Contrapuntat Riposte 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Duke Ellington Satin Doll 07:02 2 Duke Ellington Take the A Train 05:12 3 Duke Ellington Body and Soul 04:43 4 Duke Ellington Mood Indigo 06:53 5 Duke Ellington Contrapuntal Riposte 08:25 6 Duke Ellington Passion Flower 04:22 7 Duke Ellington Me and You 03:52 8 Duke Ellington I'm Beginning to See the Light 03:31 9 Duke Ellington It Don't Mean a Thing 02:31 10 Duke Ellington Acht O'Clock Rock 03:41 11 Duke Ellington Satin Doll (ending theme) 00:54
Duke Ellington View in Albunack Dance Air Force Date (1960) 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Duke Ellington Stardust 03:42 2 Duke Ellington Paris Blues 05:35 3 Duke Ellington Unknown title 09:12 4 Duke Ellington Tenderly 03:13 5 Duke Ellington Black & Tan Fantasy/Creolelove call/The Mooche 07:22 6 Duke Ellington Take the 'A' train 03:38 7 Duke Ellington Jeeps blues 03:31 8 Duke Ellington Moonglow 05:48
Duke Ellington View in Albunack Dance To Duke 12 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Duke Ellington Alice blue gown 03:02 2 Duke Ellington Who's afraid of teh big bad wolf 02:53 3 Duke Ellington Got a date with an angel 02:27 4 Duke Ellington Poor butterfly 03:39 5 Duke Ellington Satan takes a holiday 03:15 Has Mbid 6 Duke Ellington The peanut vendor 03:31 7 Duke Ellington Satin doll 03:49 8 Duke Ellington Lady in red 02:48 9 Duke Ellington Indian love call 03:38 10 Duke Ellington The donkey serenade 02:13 11 Duke Ellington Gypsy love song 03:55 12 Duke Ellington Laugh clown laugh 03:01
Duke Ellington View in Albunack Diminuendo, Rescendo and Blues 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Duke Ellington Diminuendo, Crescendo and Blues 05:28 2 Duke Ellington I Cover The Waterfront 02:58 3 Duke Ellington C-Jam Blues 03:28 4 Duke Ellington Evad 03:49 5 Duke Ellington I Don't Mean A Thing 03:59 6 Duke Ellington Autobahn 02:35 7 Duke Ellington Willow Weep For Me 02:34 8 Duke Ellington Hildegard 05:15 9 Duke Ellington Ocean Motion 01:46 10 Duke Ellington Jivin' With Fritz 03:25
Duke Ellington View in Albunack Diminuendo, rescendo and blues 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Duke Ellington Diminuendo, Crescendo and Blues 05:28 2 Duke Ellington I Cover The Waterfront 02:58 3 Duke Ellington C-Jam Blues 03:30 4 Duke Ellington Evad 03:49 5 Duke Ellington I Don't Mean A Thing 04:02 6 Duke Ellington Autobahn 02:39 7 Duke Ellington Willow Weep For Me 02:35 8 Duke Ellington Hildegard 05:15 9 Duke Ellington Ocean Motion 01:46 10 Duke Ellington Jivin' With Fritz 03:25
Duke Ellington View in Albunack Duke Ellington - Echoes Of Harlem - Classic Recordings Vol. 4: 1936-1938 20 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Duke Ellington Clarinet Lament (Barney's Concerto) (1936) 03:11 2 Duke Ellington Echoes Of Harlem (Cootie's Concerto) (1936) 03:03 3 Duke Ellington I Don't Know Why I Love You So (1936) 03:07 4 Duke Ellington Duke Ellington v. Ivie Anderson / Kissin'my Baby Goodnight (1936) 03:16 5 Duke Ellington Yearning For Love (Lawrence's Concerto) (1936) 02:54 6 Duke Ellington Trumpet In Spades (Rex's Concerto) (1936) 03:09 7 Duke Ellington Duke Ellington v. Ivie Anderson / It Was A Sad Night In Harlem (1936) 02:56 8 Duke Ellington Exposition Swing (1936) 03:12 9 Duke Ellington Duke Ellington , Duke Ellington piano solo / Mood Indigo - Solitude (1936) 03:09 10 Duke Ellington Duke Ellington , Duke Ellington piano solo / Sophisticated Lady - In A Sentimental Mood (1936) 03:07 11 Duke Ellington The New Birmingham Breakdown (1937) 02:50 12 Duke Ellington Scattin'at The Kit Kat (1937) 02:46 13 Duke Ellington Duke Ellington v. IvieAnderson, Rex Stewart, Harry Carney, Hayes Alvis, Freddie Jenkins, tap dance / I've Got To Be A Rug Cutter (1937) 02:37 14 Duke Ellington The New East St Louis Toodle-O (1937) 03:02 15 Duke Ellington Caravan (1937) 02:42 16 Duke Ellington All God's Chillun Got Ryjthm (1937) 02:45 17 Duke Ellington Prologue To Black And Tan Fantasy (1938) 02:33 18 Duke Ellington The New Black And Tan Fantasy (1938) 02:43 19 Duke Ellington Dimenuendo In Blue (1937) 02:43 20 Duke Ellington Crescendo In Blue (1937) 03:15
Duke Ellington View in Albunack Duke Ellington 3 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Duke Ellington 28 05:58 2 Duke Ellington 29 02:55 3 Duke Ellington 30 02:39 4 Duke Ellington 31 03:04 5 Duke Ellington 32 03:42 6 Duke Ellington 33 03:07 7 Duke Ellington 34 04:30 8 Duke Ellington 35 06:38 9 Duke Ellington 36 03:03 10 Duke Ellington 37 02:51
Duke Ellington View in Albunack Duke Ellington At Newport 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Duke Ellington Festival Junction 10:13 2 Duke Ellington Blues To Be There 08:01 3 Duke Ellington Newport Up 05:26 4 Duke Ellington Jeep's Blues 05:33 5 Duke Ellington Diminuendo And Crescendo In Blue 14:37 6 Duke Ellington Take The "A" Train 04:44 7 Duke Ellington Sophisticated Lady 04:13 8 Duke Ellington I Got It Bad And That Ain't Good 03:53 9 Duke Ellington Skin Deep 09:17
Duke Ellington View in Albunack Duke Ellington ELLINGTON MEDLEY 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Duke Ellington El Goto 04:42 2 Duke Ellington All Of Me 02:36 3 Duke Ellington Bill Bailey Won't You Please Come Home 02:35 4 Duke Ellington Walkin And Singing The Bluse 02:54 5 Duke Ellington V.I.P.Boogie 03:13 6 Duke Ellington Jam With Sam 04:07 7 Duke Ellington Newport Up 05:28 8 Duke Ellington Othello Frome Such Sweet Thunder 02:47 9 Duke Ellington Ellington Medley 19:51 10 Duke Ellington Klnda Dukish / Rockin in Vthythw 05:45
Duke Ellington View in Albunack Duke Ellington Live at the Blue Note 17 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Duke Ellington Take The 'A' Train 01:05 2 Duke Ellington Bensonality 03:17 3 Duke Ellington All Of Me 02:02 4 Duke Ellington Bakiff 05:06 5 Duke Ellington The Hawk Talks 03:32 6 Duke Ellington Do Nothing Till You Hear From Me 02:29 7 Duke Ellington V.I.P.'s Boogie 02:49 8 Duke Ellington Jam With Sam 04:19 9 Duke Ellington Just A Sittin' And A Rockin' 03:42 10 Duke Ellington Mood Indigo 01:01 11 Duke Ellington Take The 'A' Train 01:01 12 Duke Ellington Tulip Or Turnip 03:29 13 Duke Ellington Ting-A-Ling 03:26 14 Duke Ellington Flamingo 02:56 15 Duke Ellington Rockin' In Rhythm 04:40 16 Duke Ellington Sophisticated Lady 05:42 17 Duke Ellington Take The 'A' Train 03:23
Duke Ellington View in Albunack Duke Ellington Vol. 1 / The Kentucky Club To The Cotton Club Days 20 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Duke Ellington East St. Louis Toodle-Oo 02:53 2 Duke Ellington Birmingham Breakdown 02:47 3 Duke Ellington Immigration Blues 03:04 4 Duke Ellington The Creeper 02:52 5 Duke Ellington New Orleans Lowdown 02:58 6 Duke Ellington Song Of The Cotton Field 03:08 7 Duke Ellington Birmingham Breakdown 02:43 8 Duke Ellington East St. Louis Toodle-Oo 03:10 9 Duke Ellington Black And Tan Fantasie 03:21 10 Duke Ellington Soliloquy 03:10 11 Duke Ellington Red Hot Band 02:51 12 Duke Ellington Doin' The Frog 03:16 13 Duke Ellington Take It Easy 02:39 14 Duke Ellington Jubilee Stomp 02:42 Has Mbid 15 Duke Ellington Black Beauty 03:10 16 Duke Ellington Yellow Dog Blues 02:51 17 Duke Ellington Tishomingo Blues 02:58 18 Duke Ellington The Mooche 03:13 19 Duke Ellington Louisiana 03:03 20 Duke Ellington Awful Sad 03:17
Duke Ellington View in Albunack Duke Ellington Vol. 1 / The Kentucky Club To The Cotton Club Days (1926 - 28) 20 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Duke Ellington East St. Louis Toodle-Oo 02:53 2 Duke Ellington Birmingham Breakdown 02:47 3 Duke Ellington Immigration Blues 03:04 4 Duke Ellington The Creeper 02:52 5 Duke Ellington New Orleans Lowdown 02:58 6 Duke Ellington Song Of The Cotton Field 03:08 7 Duke Ellington Birmingham Breakdown 02:43 8 Duke Ellington East St. Louis Toodle-Oo 03:10 9 Duke Ellington Black And Tan Fantasie 03:21 10 Duke Ellington Soliloquy 03:10 11 Duke Ellington Red Hot Band 02:51 12 Duke Ellington Doin' The Frog 03:16 13 Duke Ellington Take It Easy 02:39 14 Duke Ellington Jubilee Stomp 02:42 Has Mbid 15 Duke Ellington Black Beauty 03:10 16 Duke Ellington Yellow Dog Blues 02:51 17 Duke Ellington Tishomingo Blues 02:57 18 Duke Ellington The Mooche 03:10 19 Duke Ellington Louisiana 03:03 20 Duke Ellington Awful Sad 03:17
Duke Ellington View in Albunack Duke Ellington Vol. 3 / The Cotton Club Days (1930 - 31) 17 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Duke Ellington Maori - Foxtrot 03:12 2 Duke Ellington When You're Smiling 03:09 3 Duke Ellington Maori - Rhumba - B 03:14 4 Duke Ellington Admiration 03:04 5 Duke Ellington Double Check Stomp 02:55 6 Duke Ellington Accordion Joe - A 03:04 7 Duke Ellington Cotton Club Stomp - A 02:58 8 Duke Ellington Runnin' Wild 02:45 9 Duke Ellington Mood Indigo 02:55 10 Duke Ellington Home Again Blues 02:57 11 Duke Ellington Wang Wang Blues 03:03 12 Duke Ellington Rockin' Chair 03:14 13 Duke Ellington Rockin' In Rhythm 03:02 14 Duke Ellington Twelfth Street Rag 02:59 15 Duke Ellington The Peanut Vendor 03:17 16 Duke Ellington Creole Rhapsody, Part 1 & 2 06:00 Has Mbid 17 Duke Ellington Is That Religion? 02:23
Duke Ellington View in Albunack Duke Ellington in Sweden 1973 16 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Duke Ellington Rockin' in Rhythm 04:34 2 Duke Ellington Creole Love Call 03:40 3 Duke Ellington Caravan 02:58 4 Duke Ellington In Duplicate (featuring Harold Minerve, Åke Persson) 04:23 5 Duke Ellington Take the 'A' Train (featuring Rolf Ericson) 04:33 6 Duke Ellington Satin Doll (as background to Duke presenting Alice Babs) 01:04 7 Duke Ellington Serenade to Sweden (featuring Alice Babs) 02:14 8 Duke Ellington Checkered Hat (featuring Alice Babs) 04:22 9 Duke Ellington Spacemen (featuring Alice Babs, Rolf Ericson, Johnny Coles, Barry Lee Hall) 04:05 10 Duke Ellington Jeep's Blues (featuring Alice Babs) 04:19 11 Duke Ellington There's Something about Me (featuring Alice Babs, Nils Lindberg, Rolf Ericson) 06:27 12 Duke Ellington Somebody Dares (featuring Alice Babs, Anita Moore, Tony Watkins) 05:28 13 Duke Ellington I'm Beginning to See the Light (as background to Duke presenting George Wein) 01:06 14 Duke Ellington Take the 'A' Train (featuring George Wein, Alice Babs, Anita Moore, Tony Watkins, Nils Lindberg) 05:04 15 Duke Ellington St. Louis Blues (encore, featuring Duke, Åke Persson, Art Baron) 03:58 Has Mbid 16 Duke Ellington Tiger Rag (encore, featuring Duke, Rolf Ericson, Money Johnson, Åke Persson, Vince Prudente) 03:41
Duke Ellington View in Albunack Duke Ellington meets Coleman Hawkins plus 16 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Duke Ellington and Johnny Hodges Let's fall in love 06:50 Has Mbid 2 Duke Ellington and Johnny Hodges Ruint 02:35 3 Duke Ellington and Johnny Hodges Bend One 03:00 4 Duke Ellington You need to rock 05:54 5 Duke Ellington and Coleman Hawkins Limbo Jazz 05:16 6 Duke Ellington and Coleman Hawkins Mood Indigo 05:58 7 Duke Ellington and Coleman Hawkins Ray Charles' place 04:07 8 Duke Ellington and Coleman Hawkins Wanderlust 05:02 9 Duke Ellington and Coleman Hawkins You Dirty Dog 04:22 10 Duke Ellington and Coleman Hawkins Self Portrait(of The Bean) 03:55 11 Duke Ellington and Coleman Hawkins The Jeep is Jumpin' 04:45 12 Duke Ellington and Coleman Hawkins The Ricitic 05:54 13 Duke Ellington and Count Basie Battle Royale 05:44 14 Duke Ellington and Count Basie Take the A Train 04:17 15 Duke Ellington and Count Basie Wild Man 05:59 16 Duke Ellington and Count Basie BDB 04:31
Duke Ellington View in Albunack Duke Ellington presents Ivie Anderson-01 16 3 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Duke Ellington It don't mean a thing (if it ain't got that swing) 03:10 2 Duke Ellington Delta Bound 02:54 Has Mbid 3 Duke Ellington Happy as the day is long 02:46 4 Duke Ellington Raisin' the Rent 02:54 Has Mbid 5 Duke Ellington Get yourself a new Broom (and sweep all your Troubles away) 02:37 6 Duke Ellington I'm satisfied 03:04 7 Duke Ellington Truckin' 02:55 8 Duke Ellington Isn't love the strangest thing 03:10 Has Mbid 9 Duke Ellington Love is like a cigarette 03:03 10 Duke Ellington Kissin' my baby goodnight 03:14 11 Duke Ellington Oh Babe, maybe someday 02:51 12 Duke Ellington Shoe Shine Boy 03:13 13 Duke Ellington It was a sad night in Harlem 03:02 14 Duke Ellington I've got to be a Rug Cutter 02:34 15 Duke Ellington There's a Lull in my life 03:00 16 Duke Ellington It's swell of you 02:44
Duke Ellington View in Albunack Duke Ellington's My People 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Duke Ellington a) Ain't But The One b) Will You Be There? and 99% 05:20 2 Duke Ellington a) Come Sunday b) David Danced 06:14 3 Duke Ellington My Mother, My Father (Heritage) 02:53 4 Duke Ellington Montage - Instrumental 06:56 5 Duke Ellington a) My People b) The Blues Ain't 08:49 6 Duke Ellington a) Workin' Blues b) My Man Sends Me c) Jail Blues d) Lovin' Lover 05:58 7 Duke Ellington King Fit The Battle Of Alabam' 03:29 8 Duke Ellington What Color Is Virtue? 02:49
Duke Ellington View in Albunack Echoes Of Harlem (1936-38) 20 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Duke Ellington Clarinet Lament (Barney's Concerto) 03:12 2 Duke Ellington Echoes Of Harlem (Cootie's Concerto) 03:04 3 Duke Ellington I Don't Know Why I Love You So 03:07 4 Duke Ellington Kissin'my Baby Goodnight 03:16 5 Duke Ellington Yearning For Love (Lawrence's Concerto) 02:54 6 Duke Ellington Trumpet In Spades (Rex's Concerto) 03:09 7 Duke Ellington It Was A Sad Night In Harlem 02:56 8 Duke Ellington Exposition Swing 03:12 9 Duke Ellington Mood Indigo- Solitude 03:08 10 Duke Ellington Sophisticated Lady - In A Sentimental Mood 03:07 11 Duke Ellington The New Birmingham Breakdown 02:50 12 Duke Ellington Scattin'at The Kit Kat 02:46 13 Duke Ellington I've Got To Be A Rug Cutter 02:37 14 Duke Ellington The New East St Louis Toodle-O 03:02 15 Duke Ellington Caravan 02:43 16 Duke Ellington All God's Chillun Got Ryjthm 02:45 17 Duke Ellington Prologue To Black And Tan Fantasy 02:33 18 Duke Ellington The New Black And Tan Fantasy 02:43 19 Duke Ellington Dimenuendo In Blue 02:43 20 Duke Ellington Crescendo In Blue 03:15
Duke Ellington View in Albunack Ellington Collection V1 - Club Date Sessions 19 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Duke Ellington Satin Doll 02:23 2 Duke Ellington Solitude 02:19 3 Duke Ellington It Don't Mean A Thing 01:59 4 Duke Ellington Caravan 02:10 5 Duke Ellington Duke's Place (C Jam Blues) 02:27 6 Duke Ellington In A Sentimental Mood 02:34 7 Duke Ellington I'm Just A Lucky So and So 02:21 8 Duke Ellington Do Nothing 'til You hear From Me 02:17 9 Duke Ellington Sophisticated Lady 02:34 10 Duke Ellington Don't Get Around Much Anymore 02:28 11 Duke Ellington Mood Indigo 03:12 12 Duke Ellington In A Mellow Tone 02:32 13 Duke Ellington I Let A Song Go Out of My Head 03:06 14 Duke Ellington I Got It Bad 02:31 15 Duke Ellington Prelude To A Kiss 02:24 16 Duke Ellington What Am I Here For 02:37 17 Duke Ellington Day Dream 02:13 18 Duke Ellington Warm Valley 02:06 19 Duke Ellington Take The 'A' Train 01:39
Duke Ellington View in Albunack Ellington at Basin Street East (1964) 29 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Duke Ellington Intro 00:19 2 Duke Ellington Take the "A" Train 00:59 3 Duke Ellington banter 00:43 4 Duke Ellington Afro Bossa 04:06 5 Duke Ellington banter 01:24 6 Duke Ellington Silk Lace 03:57 7 Duke Ellington banter 01:55 8 Duke Ellington Kinda Dukish / Rockin' in Rhythm 05:51 9 Duke Ellington banter 02:40 10 Duke Ellington A Single Petal of a Rose 02:32 11 Duke Ellington banter 02:30 12 Duke Ellington Tootie for Cootie 06:21 13 Duke Ellington banter 03:25 Has Mbid 14 Duke Ellington Lush Life 03:33 15 Duke Ellington banter 00:40 16 Duke Ellington Passion Flower 04:36 17 Duke Ellington banter 03:57 18 Duke Ellington Jam with Sam 03:29 19 Duke Ellington banter 00:19 20 Duke Ellington Jam with Sam 00:43 21 Duke Ellington banter 00:24 22 Duke Ellington Sophisticated Lady 03:35 23 Duke Ellington banter 01:04 24 Duke Ellington Satin Doll 04:38 25 Duke Ellington banter 01:59 26 Duke Ellington Rose of the Rio Grande 02:38 27 Duke Ellington banter 01:25 28 Duke Ellington Diminuendo in Blue and Crescendo in Blue 06:24 29 Duke Ellington East St. Louis Toodle-Do 01:37
Duke Ellington View in Albunack Ellington, I'm beginning to see the light 11 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Duke Ellington Ellington Medley 12:09 2 Duke Ellington Symphony for a better world 08:36 3 Duke Ellington Blues a la Willie Cook 04:03 Has Mbid 4 Duke Ellington Slow Blues ensemble 03:13 5 Duke Ellington Three trumps 02:48 6 Duke Ellington Basin Street Blues 06:02 7 Duke Ellington Body and soul 04:57 8 Duke Ellington Once in a blue 05:52 9 Duke Ellington Junior hop 03:08 10 Duke Ellington Charlie the Chulo 03:15 11 Duke Ellington So long 02:49
Duke Ellington View in Albunack Enregistrements Originaux 15 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Duke Ellington Satin Doll 04:22 2 Duke Ellington Bluejean Beguine 03:27 3 Duke Ellington Without A Song 03:26 4 Duke Ellington Smada 02:34 5 Duke Ellington Hi-ya Sue 06:38 6 Duke Ellington Just Squeeze Me 03:37 7 Duke Ellington Bakiff 05:46 8 Duke Ellington Just A-sittin' And A-rockin' 03:39 9 Duke Ellington Jam With Sam 04:07 10 Duke Ellington Flamingo 02:53 11 Duke Ellington Do Nothin' Till You Hear From Me 02:00 12 Duke Ellington 'Rockin' In Rythm 04:31 13 Duke Ellington Caravan 05:15 14 Duke Ellington Sophisticated Lady 03:58 15 Duke Ellington Stompin' At The Savoy 04:20
Duke Ellington View in Albunack Flying Home 18 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Duke Ellington Take The A Train (Theme And Introduction By Duke Ellington) 01:10 2 Duke Ellington Bensonality 03:17 3 Duke Ellington All Of Me 02:02 4 Duke Ellington Bakiff 05:08 5 Duke Ellington The Hawk Talks 03:32 6 Duke Ellington Do Nothing Till You Hear From Me 02:29 7 Duke Ellington V.I.P.'s Boogie 02:49 8 Duke Ellington Jam With Sam 04:19 9 Duke Ellington Just A Sittin' And A Rockin' 03:42 10 Duke Ellington Mood Indigo 01:01 11 Duke Ellington Take The A Train 01:01 12 Duke Ellington Tulip Or Turnip 03:26 13 Duke Ellington Ting-a-Ling 03:26 14 Duke Ellington Flamingo 02:56 15 Duke Ellington Rockin' In Rythm 04:40 16 Duke Ellington Sophisticated Lady 05:39 17 Duke Ellington Take The A Train 03:24 18 Duke Ellington Flying Home 04:16
Duke Ellington View in Albunack Grieg: Peer Gynt Suites No. 1 & 2/Ellington-Strayhorn: Suite Thursday 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Duke Ellington Morning Mood 04:26 2 Duke Ellington In the Hall of the Mountain King 02:36 3 Duke Ellington Solvejg's Song 03:44 4 Duke Ellington Ase's Death 03:50 5 Duke Ellington Anitra's Dance 02:58 6 Duke Ellington Misfit Blues 04:09 7 Duke Ellington Schwiphti 03:06 8 Duke Ellington Zweet Zurzday 03:54 9 Duke Ellington Lay-By 04:47
Duke Ellington View in Albunack Heading For Newport (Ann Arbor July 1956) 17 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Duke Ellington Black And Tan Fantasy 07:38 2 Duke Ellington Stopin' At The Savoy 05:00 3 Duke Ellington Clarinet Melodrama 06:25 4 Duke Ellington Harlem Air Shaft 04:38 5 Duke Ellington Sophisticated Lady 04:19 6 Duke Ellington Theme For Trambean 04:03 7 Duke Ellington Satin Doll 03:45 8 Duke Ellington Take The 'A' Train 05:26 9 Duke Ellington Take The 'A' Train 04:03 10 Duke Ellington La Virgen De La Macarena 05:03 11 Duke Ellington Monologue 03:17 12 Duke Ellington V.I.P. Boogie 03:10 13 Duke Ellington Jam With Sam 03:49 14 Duke Ellington The Hawk Talks 02:48 15 Duke Ellington Prelude To A Kiss 04:36 16 Duke Ellington Things Ain't What They Used To Be 04:03 17 Duke Ellington Day In, Day Out 03:54
Duke Ellington View in Albunack Highlights of the Great 1940-1942 Band 25 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Duke Ellington Jack the Bear 03:22 2 Duke Ellington Morning Glory 03:21 3 Duke Ellington So Far, So Good 02:57 4 Duke Ellington Ko-Ko 02:45 5 Duke Ellington Conga Brava 03:01 6 Duke Ellington Concerto for Cootie 03:23 7 Duke Ellington Me and You 02:59 8 Duke Ellington Cotton Tail 03:14 9 Duke Ellington Never No Lament 03:21 10 Duke Ellington Dusk 03:25 11 Duke Ellington Bojangles 02:57 12 Duke Ellington A Portrait of Bert Williams 03:13 13 Duke Ellington Blue Goose 03:27 14 Duke Ellington Harlem Air Shaft 02:59 15 Duke Ellington At a Dixie Roadside Diner 02:52 16 Duke Ellington All Too Soon 03:34 17 Duke Ellington Rumpus in Richmond 02:53 18 Duke Ellington My Greatest Mistake 03:29 19 Duke Ellington Sepia Panorama 03:28 20 Duke Ellington In a Mellotone 03:21 21 Duke Ellington The Five O'Clock Whistle 03:22 22 Duke Ellington Pitter Panther Patter 03:05 23 Duke Ellington Body and Soul 03:14 24 Duke Ellington Sophisticated Lady 02:49 25 Duke Ellington Mr. J. B. Blues 03:05
Duke Ellington View in Albunack Highlights of the Great 1940-1942 Band 2 24 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Duke Ellington Warm Valley 03:28 2 Duke Ellington The Flaming Sword 03:11 3 Duke Ellington Across the Track Blues 03:04 4 Duke Ellington Chlo-E 03:28 5 Duke Ellington The Sidewalks of New York 03:19 6 Duke Ellington Flamingo 03:27 7 Duke Ellington Take the "A" Train 02:58 8 Duke Ellington Jumpin' Punkins 03:36 9 Duke Ellington John Hardy's Wife 03:34 10 Duke Ellington Blue Serge 03:24 11 Duke Ellington After All 03:23 12 Duke Ellington Bakiff 03:27 13 Duke Ellington Are You Sticking 03:07 14 Duke Ellington Juat A-Sittin' and A-Rockin' 03:39 15 Duke Ellington The Giddybug Gallop 03:35 16 Duke Ellington Chocolate Shake 02:57 17 Duke Ellington I Got It Bad and That Ain't Good 03:23 18 Duke Ellington Clementine 03:02 19 Duke Ellington Moon Over Cuba 03:14 20 Duke Ellington Five O'Clock Drag 03:16 21 Duke Ellington Chelsea Bridge 02:57 22 Duke Ellington Raincheck 02:33 23 Duke Ellington Perdido 03:13 24 Duke Ellington C Jam Blues 02:40
Duke Ellington View in Albunack His most important Second War Concert 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Duke Ellington The Star-Spangled Banner 02:45 2 Duke Ellington Take the 'A' Train 03:17 3 Duke Ellington Moon Mist 03:39 4 Duke Ellington Tea for Two 02:59 5 Duke Ellington Honeysuckle Rose 04:20 6 Duke Ellington Excerpts from 'Black, Brown and Beige' 06:08 7 Duke Ellington Ring dem Bells 03:12 8 Duke Ellington Ellington Medley 06:26 9 Duke Ellington Jack the Bear 03:46 10 Duke Ellington Do Nothing 'till You Hear From Me 03:51 11 Duke Ellington Black and Tan Fantasy 05:56
Duke Ellington View in Albunack Historically speaking - The Duke 22 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Duke Ellington East St. Louis Toodle-oo 03:32 2 Duke Ellington Creole Love Call 03:49 3 Duke Ellington Stompy Jones 03:54 4 Duke Ellington The Jeep Is Jumpin' 02:27 5 Duke Ellington Jack The Bear 03:21 6 Duke Ellington In A Mellow Tone 02:53 7 Duke Ellington Ko-Ko 02:16 8 Duke Ellington Midriff 03:53 9 Duke Ellington Stomp, Look And Listen 02:42 10 Duke Ellington Unbooted Character 04:19 11 Duke Ellington Lonesome Lullaby 03:19 12 Duke Ellington Upper Manhattan Medical Group 03:10 13 Duke Ellington Summertime 02:14 14 Duke Ellington Laura 04:14 15 Duke Ellington I Can't Get Started 04:26 16 Duke Ellington My Funny Valentine 04:49 17 Duke Ellington Everything But You 03:00 18 Duke Ellington Frustration 03:46 19 Duke Ellington Cotton Tail 02:53 20 Duke Ellington Daydream 03:40 21 Duke Ellington Deep Purple 03:37 22 Duke Ellington Blues 07:00
Duke Ellington View in Albunack Holiday Ballroom, Chicago, November 10, 1957 19 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Duke Ellington Creole Love Call 00:00 2 Duke Ellington Blue Jean Beguine 00:00 3 Duke Ellington Happy One 00:00 4 Duke Ellington What Else Can You Do With A Drum? 00:00 5 Duke Ellington In The Mood 00:00 6 Duke Ellington Flamingo 00:00 7 Duke Ellington Do Nothin' Till You Hear From Me 00:00 8 Duke Ellington Blue Moon 00:00 9 Duke Ellington Mambo Jambo 00:00 10 Duke Ellington Mambo Jambo 00:00 11 Duke Ellington Such Sweet Thunder 00:00 12 Duke Ellington Star-Crossed Lovers 00:00 13 Duke Ellington Passion Flower 00:00 14 Duke Ellington Madness In Great Ones 00:00 15 Duke Ellington What Am I Here For? 00:00 16 Duke Ellington Diminuendo In Blue/Wailing Interval/Crescendo In Blue 00:00 17 Duke Ellington Autumn Leaves 00:00 18 Duke Ellington Mambo Jambo 00:00 19 Duke Ellington Love You Madly 00:00
Duke Ellington View in Albunack I'm beginning to see the light 11 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Duke Ellington Ellington Medley 12:09 2 Duke Ellington Symphony for a better world 08:36 3 Duke Ellington Blues a la Willie Cook 04:03 Has Mbid 4 Duke Ellington Slow Blues ensemble 03:13 5 Duke Ellington Three trumps 02:48 6 Duke Ellington Basin Street Blues 06:02 7 Duke Ellington Body and soul 04:57 8 Duke Ellington Once in a blue 05:52 9 Duke Ellington Junior hop 03:08 10 Duke Ellington Charlie the Chulo 03:15 11 Duke Ellington So long 02:49
Duke Ellington View in Albunack In Concert At The Pleyel Paris 12 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Duke Ellington Take the Train 03:45 2 Duke Ellington Black and Tan Fantasie,Creole Love Song,The Mooch 09:31 3 Duke Ellington Harlem Air Shaft 03:30 4 Duke Ellington Tenderly 05:30 5 Duke Ellington Jeep's Blues 04:19 6 Duke Ellington The Sunny Side of the Street 02:49 7 Duke Ellington C Jam Blues 04:34 Has Mbid 8 Duke Ellington Dukes Place 02:56 9 Duke Ellington Rockin' Rhythm 06:14 10 Duke Ellington Such Sweet Thunder 03:47 11 Duke Ellington Caravan 06:40 12 Duke Ellington Newport Up 04:50
Duke Ellington View in Albunack In Concert at the Pleyel Paris 12 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Duke Ellington Take the Train 03:45 2 Duke Ellington Black and Tan Fantasie,Creole Love Song,The Mooch 09:31 3 Duke Ellington Harlem Air Shaft 03:30 4 Duke Ellington Tenderly 05:30 5 Duke Ellington Jeep's Blues 04:19 6 Duke Ellington The Sunny Side of the Street 02:49 7 Duke Ellington C Jam Blues 04:34 Has Mbid 8 Duke Ellington Dukes Place 02:56 9 Duke Ellington Rockin' Rhythm 06:14 10 Duke Ellington Such Sweet Thunder 03:47 11 Duke Ellington Caravan 06:38 12 Duke Ellington Newport Up 04:50
Duke Ellington View in Albunack In Sweden 1973 16 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Duke Ellington Rockin' in Rhythm 04:34 2 Duke Ellington Creole Love Call 03:40 3 Duke Ellington Caravan 02:58 4 Duke Ellington In Duplicate 04:23 5 Duke Ellington Take the 'A' Train 04:33 6 Duke Ellington Satin Doll 01:04 7 Duke Ellington Serenade to Sweden 02:14 8 Duke Ellington Checkered Hat 04:22 9 Duke Ellington Spacemen 04:05 10 Duke Ellington Jeep's Blues 04:19 11 Duke Ellington There's Something About Me 06:27 12 Duke Ellington Somebody Cares 05:28 13 Duke Ellington I'm Beginning to See the Light 01:06 14 Duke Ellington Take the 'A' Train 05:04 15 Duke Ellington Encore: St. Louis Blues 03:58 Has Mbid 16 Duke Ellington Encore: Tiger Rag 03:41
Duke Ellington View in Albunack JAZZ PERFECT COLLECTION DUKE ELLINGTON 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Duke Ellington EL GOTO 04:42 2 Duke Ellington ALL OF ME 02:39 3 Duke Ellington BILL BAILEY WON'T YOU PLEASE COME HOME 02:35 4 Duke Ellington WALKIN AND SINGING THE BLUES 02:54 5 Duke Ellington VIP BOOGIE 03:13 6 Duke Ellington JAM WITH SAM 04:07 7 Duke Ellington NEWPORT UP 05:28 8 Duke Ellington OTHELLO FROM SUCH SWEET THUNDER 02:47 9 Duke Ellington ELLINGTON MEDLEY 19:51
Duke Ellington View in Albunack Jazz Biography: Duke Ellington 17 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Duke Ellington Rockin' in Rhythm 04:20 2 Duke Ellington Take the 'A' Train 02:54 3 Duke Ellington Flamingo 02:40 4 Duke Ellington Bakiff 04:40 5 Duke Ellington Banquet 02:21 6 Duke Ellington Agra 02:03 7 Duke Ellington Bluebird of Dehli 03:04 8 Duke Ellington Depk 02:34 9 Duke Ellington Flying Home 03:43 10 Duke Ellington Happy Reunion 03:24 11 Duke Ellington Tulip or Turnip (Tell Me, Tell Me, Dream Face) 03:12 12 Duke Ellington Isafahan 03:12 13 Duke Ellington Jam With Sam 03:44 14 Duke Ellington Sophisticated Lady 05:21 15 Duke Ellington The Hawk Talks 03:03 16 Duke Ellington The Opener 02:37 17 Duke Ellington Satin Doll 03:13
Duke Ellington View in Albunack Jazz Perfect Collection 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Duke Ellington El Goto 04:42 2 Duke Ellington All of Me 02:39 3 Duke Ellington Bill Bailey Won't You Please Come Home 02:35 4 Duke Ellington Walkin And Singing the Blues 02:54 5 Duke Ellington V.I.P. Boogie 03:13 6 Duke Ellington Jam with Sam 04:07 7 Duke Ellington Newport Up 05:28 8 Duke Ellington Othello from Such Sweet Thunder 02:47 9 Duke Ellington Ellington Medley 19:51 10 Duke Ellington Klnda Dukish - Rockin in Vthythw 05:45
Duke Ellington View in Albunack Jazz Steps Out 23 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Duke Ellington And His Orchestra Fast Mouth 02:44 2 Duke Ellington And His Orchestra Lost In The Night 03:33 3 Duke Ellington And His Orchestra Little John's Tune 02:40 4 Duke Ellington And His Orchestra Frou Frou (-1) 02:51 5 Duke Ellington And His Orchestra Dankworth Castle 02:22 6 Duke Ellington And His Orchestra Moonstone 03:12 7 Duke Ellington And His Orchestra Night Stick 03:13 8 Duke Ellington And His Orchestra Lullaby For Dreamers 02:27 9 Duke Ellington And His Orchestra She Was A Tinkling Thing 02:41 10 Duke Ellington And His Orchestra Jamaica Tomboy 02:52 11 Duke Ellington And His Orchestra Still Water 03:30 12 Duke Ellington And His Orchestra Jet Strip 02:23 13 Cout Basic And His Orchestra Just Before Midnight 02:23 14 Cout Basic And His Orchestra Comin' Through The Rye 02:34 15 Cout Basic And His Orchestra Sometimes I Feel Like A Motherless Child 02:37 16 Cout Basic And His Orchestra Evil Weevil 02:46 17 Cout Basic And His Orchestra Basically Blue 05:33 18 Cout Basic And His Orchestra Splash 01:59 19 Cout Basic And His Orchestra Danny Boy 02:20 20 Cout Basic And His Orchestra Wash 03:00 21 Cout Basic And His Orchestra Clementine 02:16 22 Cout Basic And His Orchestra Annie Laurie 02:27 23 Cout Basic And His Orchestra Swing Low, Sweet Chariot 01:46
Duke Ellington View in Albunack Jazz Tribune 21 14 1 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 Duke Ellington Creole love call 03:11 2 Duke Ellington The blue I love to sing 03:04 3 Duke Ellington Black and tan fantasy 03:07 4 Duke Ellington Washington wobble 03:02 5 Duke Ellington Harlem river quiver 02:50 6 Duke Ellington East St-Louis toodle-oo 03:36 7 Duke Ellington Blue bubbles 03:11 8 Duke Ellington Black beauty 02:54 9 Duke Ellington Jubilee stomp 02:35 10 Duke Ellington Got everything but you 02:59 11 Duke Ellington The mooche 03:33 12 Duke Ellington Flaming youth 03:17 13 Duke Ellington Saturday night function 03:08 14 Duke Ellington High life 03:11
Duke Ellington View in Albunack Jump for Joy (1941-42) 20 2 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 Duke Ellington Take The 'A' Train 02:55 2 Duke Ellington Jumpin' Punkins 03:36 3 Duke Ellington Blue Serge 03:24 4 Duke Ellington John Hardy's Wife 03:32 5 Duke Ellington Dear Old Southland 03:28 Has Mbid 6 Duke Ellington Solitude 03:33 7 Duke Ellington Just A-Settin' And A-Rockin' 03:38 8 Duke Ellington Chocolate Shake 02:55 9 Duke Ellington I Got It Bad And That Ain't Good 03:21 10 Duke Ellington The Brown-Skin Gal (In the Calico Gown) 03:11 11 Duke Ellington Jump For Joy 02:55 12 Duke Ellington Chelsea Bridge 02:57 13 Duke Ellington Perdido 03:10 14 Duke Ellington Moon Mist 03:02 15 Duke Ellington The 'C' Jam Blues 02:41 16 Duke Ellington What Am I Here For 03:29 17 Duke Ellington Johnny Come Lately 02:43 18 Duke Ellington A Slip Of The Lip 02:57 19 Duke Ellington Sentimental Lady 03:05 20 Duke Ellington Main Stem 02:50
Duke Ellington View in Albunack Kinda Dukish 16 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Duke Ellington Creole Love Call (Duke Ellington - Bubber Miley) 03:08 2 Duke Ellington Jack The Bear (Duke Ellington) 03:14 3 Duke Ellington Ko - Ko (Duke Ellington) 02:37 4 Duke Ellington Concerto For Cootie (Duke Ellington) 03:12 5 Duke Ellington Don't Get Around Much Anymore (Never No Lament) (Duke Ellington) 03:11 6 Duke Ellington Caravan (Duke Ellington - Juan Tizol - I.Mills)) 04:05 7 Duke Ellington Take The 'A' Train (Billy Strayhorn) 07:59 8 Duke Ellington East St. Louis Toodle-00 03:23 9 Duke Ellington The Jeep Is Jumpin' 02:22 10 Duke Ellington In A Mellow Tone (Duke Ellington) 02:52 11 Duke Ellington Diminuendo And Crescendo In Blue (Duke Ellington) 14:32 12 Duke Ellington Kinda Dukish/Rockin' In Rhytm (Duke Ellington) 05:44 13 Duke Ellington It Don't Mean A Thing (Duke Ellington) 04:19 14 Duke Ellington In A Sentimental Mood (Duke Ellington) 04:07 15 Duke Ellington Sophisticated Lady 02:56 16 Duke Ellington Solitude 03:22
Duke Ellington View in Albunack Ler meilleur de Duke Ellington 2 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Duke Ellington Tourist Point of View 05:12 2 Duke Ellington Bluebird of Delhi 03:17 3 Duke Ellington Isfahan 04:09 4 Duke Ellington Depk 02:39 5 Duke Ellington Mount Harissa 07:50 6 Duke Ellington Blue Pepper 03:05 7 Duke Ellington Agra 02:39 8 Duke Ellington Amad 04:32 9 Duke Ellington Ad Lib on Nippon 11:40
Duke Ellington View in Albunack Les Triomphes Du Jazz - V. 03 - Duke Ellington 25 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Duke Ellington East St. Louis Toodle-oo 02:06 2 Duke Ellington Black And Tan Fantasy 02:15 3 Duke Ellington Creole Love Call 02:11 4 Duke Ellington The Mooche 02:15 5 Duke Ellington Black Beauty 02:01 6 Duke Ellington Mood Indigo 01:56 7 Duke Ellington Rockin' In Rhythm 02:22 8 Duke Ellington Echoes Of The Jungle 02:35 9 Duke Ellington It Don't Mean A Thing 02:47 10 Duke Ellington Solitude 02:37 11 Duke Ellington Caravan 02:27 12 Duke Ellington Saddest Tale 02:58 13 Duke Ellington Clarinet Lament 02:28 14 Duke Ellington Echoes Of Harlem 02:16 15 Duke Ellington Prelude To A Kiss 02:05 16 Duke Ellington Sophisticated Lady 02:00 17 Duke Ellington Koko 02:06 18 Duke Ellington Warm Valley 02:31 19 Duke Ellington Cotton Tail 02:39 20 Duke Ellington In A Mellotone 02:38 21 Duke Ellington Take The A Train 02:16 22 Duke Ellington The C-Jam Blues 02:15 23 Duke Ellington Things Ain't What They Used To Be 02:52 24 Duke Ellington In A Sentimental Mood 01:47 25 Duke Ellington Swamp Fire 03:52
Duke Ellington View in Albunack Liberian Suite 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Duke Ellington I like sunrise 04:30 2 Duke Ellington Dance n.1 04:53 3 Duke Ellington Dance n.2 03:25 4 Duke Ellington Dance n.3 03:45 5 Duke Ellington Dance n.4 03:07 6 Duke Ellington Dance n.5 05:11
Duke Ellington View in Albunack Liberian Suite (The Jazz Years) 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Duke Ellington I Like The Sunrise (from Liberian Suite) 04:34 2 Duke Ellington Dance No. 1 04:54 3 Duke Ellington Dance No. 2 03:25 4 Duke Ellington Dance No. 3 03:45 5 Duke Ellington Dance No. 4 03:06 6 Duke Ellington Dance No. 5 05:10
Duke Ellington View in Albunack Live At Carnegie Hall (Dec. 11, 1943) 10 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Duke Ellington The Star Spangled Banner 01:25 2 Duke Ellington Take The "A" Train 03:59 3 Duke Ellington Moon Mist 03:24 4 Duke Ellington Tea For Two 03:17 Has Mbid 5 Duke Ellington Honeysuckle Rose 03:31 6 Duke Ellington Excerpts From "Black, Brown And Beige", Part 1 03:35 7 Duke Ellington Excerpts From "Black, Brown And Beige", Part 2 03:18 8 Duke Ellington Ring 'Dem' Bells 03:09 9 Duke Ellington Jack The Bear 03:24 10 Duke Ellington Do Nothing 'Til You Hear From Me 03:44
Duke Ellington View in Albunack Live At Carnegie Hall (Dec. 11, 1943) {1998,RE,Madacy Entertainment,SCW-2-2382} 10 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Duke Ellington The Star Spangled Banner 01:25 2 Duke Ellington Take The "A" Train 03:59 3 Duke Ellington Moon Mist 03:24 4 Duke Ellington Tea For Two 03:17 Has Mbid 5 Duke Ellington Honeysuckle Rose 03:31 6 Duke Ellington Excerpts From "Black, Brown And Beige", Part 1 03:35 7 Duke Ellington Excerpts From "Black, Brown And Beige", Part 2 03:18 8 Duke Ellington Ring 'Dem' Bells 03:09 9 Duke Ellington Jack The Bear 03:24 10 Duke Ellington Do Nothing 'Til You Hear From Me 03:44
Duke Ellington View in Albunack Live At Carnegie Hall - December 11, 1943 10 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Duke Ellington The Star Spangled Banner 01:25 2 Duke Ellington Take The "A" Train 03:59 3 Duke Ellington Moon Mist 03:24 4 Duke Ellington Tea For Two 03:17 Has Mbid 5 Duke Ellington Honeysuckle Rose 03:31 6 Duke Ellington Excerpts From "Black, Brown And Beige", Part 1 03:35 7 Duke Ellington Excerpts From "Black, Brown And Beige", Part 2 03:18 8 Duke Ellington Ring Dem Bells 03:09 9 Duke Ellington Jack The Bear 03:24 10 Duke Ellington Do Nothing 'Til You Hear From Me 03:44
Duke Ellington View in Albunack Live In Paris 1959 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Duke Ellington Medley (Black And Tan Fantasy, Creole Love Call, The Mooche) 09:12 2 Duke Ellington Newport Up 04:58 3 Duke Ellington Sonet In Search Of Amour 03:26 4 Duke Ellington Kinda Dukish / Rockin' In Rhythm 06:00 5 Duke Ellington El Gato 04:41 6 Duke Ellington All Of Me 02:39 7 Duke Ellington Won't You Come Home Bill Bailey 02:36 8 Duke Ellington Walkin' And Singin' The Blues 02:30 9 Duke Ellington Vip Boogie 03:16 10 Duke Ellington Jam With Sam 04:17 11 Duke Ellington Skin Deep 08:13
Duke Ellington View in Albunack Live In The Big Apple 12 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Duke Ellington Diminuendo in Blue 02:48 2 Duke Ellington Magenta Haze 02:59 3 Duke Ellington Sultry Sunset 03:06 4 Duke Ellington Happy Go Lucky Local Part 1 02:57 5 Duke Ellington Happy Go Lucky Local Part 2 02:44 6 Duke Ellington Blue Skies (Trumpet No End) 02:35 7 Duke Ellington The Beautiful Indians: Hiawatha 02:44 8 Duke Ellington Flippant Flurry 02:50 9 Duke Ellington Golden Feather 02:45 10 Duke Ellington The Beautiful Indians: Minnehaha 02:56 Has Mbid 11 Duke Ellington Overture to Jam Session Parts 1 & 2 05:39 12 Duke Ellington Jam-A-Ditty Concderto for Four Horns 02:58
Duke Ellington View in Albunack Live In Warsaw 1971 & Travis Air Force Base 1958 19 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Duke Ellington I´m Beginning To See The Light 01:10 2 Duke Ellington Addi 03:20 3 Duke Ellington Things Ain´t What They Used To be 03:32 4 Duke Ellington Hello Dolly 03:32 5 Duke Ellington La Plus Belle Africaine 08:12 6 Duke Ellington Everybody Wants To Know 02:09 7 Duke Ellington medley: Sophisticated lady/ caravan 05:34 8 Duke Ellington Satin Doll 03:27 9 Duke Ellington Goof 04:43 10 Duke Ellington Lotus Blossom 02:43 11 Duke Ellington Smada 02:23 12 Duke Ellington Vivi 02:57 13 Duke Ellington Frivolious Banta 02:32 14 Duke Ellington Just Scratchin´ The Surface 04:57 15 Duke Ellington Blues In Orbit 05:03 16 Duke Ellington Juniflip 05:26 17 Duke Ellington Beer Barrel Polka 02:09 18 Duke Ellington Discontended 04:27 19 Duke Ellington Caravan 07:45
Duke Ellington View in Albunack Live at Carnegie Hall - December 11, 1943 10 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Duke Ellington The Star Spangled Banner 01:25 2 Duke Ellington Take the "A" Train 03:59 3 Duke Ellington Moon Mist 03:24 4 Duke Ellington Tea for Two 03:17 Has Mbid 5 Duke Ellington Honeysuckle Rose 03:31 6 Duke Ellington Excerpts from "Black, Brown and Beige", Part 1 03:35 7 Duke Ellington Excerpts from "Black, Brown and Beige", Part 2 03:18 8 Duke Ellington Ring Dem Bells 03:09 9 Duke Ellington Jack the Bear 03:24 10 Duke Ellington Do Nothing 'Til You Hear from Me 03:44
Duke Ellington View in Albunack Live at Carnegie Hall 1964 - Vol. 2 13 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Stompy Jones Take the A Train (theme) 06:23 2 Duke Ellington Caravan 05:28 3 Duke Ellington Tutti for Cootie 07:17 4 Duke Ellington Isfahan 04:54 5 Duke Ellington Things Ain't What They Used to Be 03:15 6 Duke Ellington Banquet 04:12 7 Duke Ellington Skillipoop 04:34 8 Duke Ellington The Prowling Cat 03:36 9 Duke Ellington Kinda Dukish & Rockin' in Rhythm 06:00 10 Duke Ellington Satin Doll 03:39 11 Duke Ellington Monologue 04:14 12 Duke Ellington Jam With Sam 03:55 13 Duke Ellington Jones 01:56
Duke Ellington View in Albunack Live at The Hurricane, 1944 19 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Duke Ellington Perdido 02:38 2 Duke Ellington Do nothin' till you hear from me 03:24 3 Duke Ellington My gal Sal 02:06 4 Duke Ellington Now I know 02:43 5 Duke Ellington Jumpin' punkins 03:33 6 Duke Ellington Poinciana 03:16 7 Duke Ellington It don't mean a thing 03:05 8 Duke Ellington Clementine 02:58 9 Duke Ellington Someone 02:57 10 Duke Ellington G.I. Jive 02:58 11 Duke Ellington Three cent stomp 03:49 12 Duke Ellington Johnny come lately 02:47 13 Duke Ellington Blue skies 03:17 14 Duke Ellington Sentimental lady 03:07 15 Duke Ellington Midriff 04:21 16 Duke Ellington Main stem 03:27 17 Duke Ellington My little brown book 03:07 18 Duke Ellington Too much in love 02:24 19 Duke Ellington Mood to be wooded 05:24
Duke Ellington View in Albunack Live at the 1957 Stratford Festival 10 3 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Duke Ellington Hark 03:46 Has Mbid 2 Duke Ellington Harlem Air Shaft 03:35 3 Duke Ellington Clarinet Melodrama 05:51 4 Duke Ellington Theme Trambene 03:49 Has Mbid 5 Duke Ellington Sophisticated Lady 04:10 6 Duke Ellington Take The `A' Train 07:06 7 Duke Ellington La Virgen De La Macarena 05:07 8 Duke Ellington Pretty and The Wolf (AKA Monologue) 02:41 9 Duke Ellington I Got It Bad and That Ain't Good 04:59 Has Mbid 10 Duke Ellington Harlem Suite 13:17
Duke Ellington View in Albunack Live in '58 15 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Duke Ellington The Mooch 07:05 2 Duke Ellington Harlem Air Shaft 03:13 3 Duke Ellington Sophisticated Lady 03:52 4 Duke Ellington My Funny Valentine 06:26 5 Duke Ellington Rockin' in Rhythm 05:44 6 Duke Ellington Mr. Gentle and Mr. Cool 06:59 7 Duke Ellington Jack the Bear 03:18 8 Duke Ellington You Better Know It 03:02 9 Duke Ellington All of Me 02:34 10 Duke Ellington Things Ain't What They Used to Be 04:26 11 Duke Ellington Hi-Fi-Fo-Fum 07:21 12 Duke Ellington Ellington Medley (10 Songs) 12:18 13 Duke Ellington Diminuendo in Blue and Crescendo in Blue 11:48 14 Duke Ellington Credits Roll 01:51 15 Duke Ellington On Stage 01:02
Duke Ellington View in Albunack Live in Paris Oct-Nov 1958 16 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Duke Ellington Medley 18:48 2 Duke Ellington Diminuendo and Crescendo in Blue 12:19 3 Duke Ellington Newport Up 05:11 4 Duke Ellington Deep Purple 04:08 5 Duke Ellington Harlem Airshaft 04:09 6 Duke Ellington Such Sweet Thunder / Sonnet to Hank Cinq 04:53 7 Duke Ellington Caravan 06:38 8 Duke Ellington Kinda Dukish / Rockin’ in Rhythm 06:27 9 Duke Ellington What Else Can You Do with a Drum 02:08 10 Duke Ellington V.I.P. Boogie 03:09 11 Duke Ellington Jam with Sam 3’37 03:27 12 Duke Ellington Hawk Talks 03:16 Has Mbid 13 Duke Ellington Things Ain’t What They Used to Be 04:07 14 Duke Ellington El Gato 04:49 15 Duke Ellington Stompy Jones 04:16 16 Duke Ellington Hi- Fo Fums 09:10
Duke Ellington View in Albunack Live in Stuttgart 13 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Duke Ellington Orchestra Take The "A"Train 00:55 2 Duke Ellington Orchestra Johnny Come Lately 03:34 3 Duke Ellington Orchestra Swamp Goo 04:51 4 Duke Ellington Orchestra Knob Hill 07:18 5 Duke Ellington Orchestra Eggo 06:12 6 Duke Ellington Orchestra La Plus Belle Africaine 11:26 7 Duke Ellington Orchestra Rue Bleue 03:10 8 Duke Ellington Orchestra A Chromatic Love Affair 04:21 9 Duke Ellington Orchestra Salome 03:58 10 Duke Ellington Orchestra The Shepard 06:57 11 Duke Ellington Orchestra Tutti For Cootie 06:24 12 Duke Ellington Orchestra Freakish Lights 04:15 13 Duke Ellington Orchestra Kixx 10:24
Duke Ellington View in Albunack MUSICA JAZZ 1991-12_The Great Duke Ellington (Live) 13 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Duke Ellington Pyramid 04:41 2 Duke Ellington In A Sentimental Mood 03:59 3 Duke Ellington Jam Whit Sam 03:36 4 Duke Ellington Take The A-Train 02:09 5 Duke Ellington Broad Stream 05:48 6 Duke Ellington New Concerto For Cootie 02:51 7 Duke Ellington Echoes Of Harlem 03:48 8 Duke Ellington Star Crossed Lovers 04:14 9 Duke Ellington Things Ain't What They Used To Be 03:02 10 Duke Ellington All Of Me 02:57 11 Duke Ellington The Blues Ain't ... 03:51 Has Mbid 12 Duke Ellington One More Once 03:30 13 Duke Ellington Mood Indigo 07:00
Duke Ellington View in Albunack MY PEOPLE 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Duke Ellington AIN'T BUT THE ONE / WILL YOU BE THERE? and 99% 05:20 2 Duke Ellington COME SUNDAY / DAVID DANCED 06:14 3 Duke Ellington MY MOTHER, MY FATHER (HERITAGE) 02:53 4 Duke Ellington MONTAGE -INSTRUMENTAL 06:56 5 Duke Ellington MY PEOPLE / THE BLUES AIN'T 08:49 6 Duke Ellington WORKIN' BLUES / MY MAN SENDS ME / JAIL BLUES / LOVIN' LOVER 05:58 7 Duke Ellington KING FIT THE BATTLE OF ALABAM' 03:29 8 Duke Ellington WHAT COLOR IS VIRTUE? 02:49
Duke Ellington View in Albunack Memories of Yester-Years 10 2 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Duke Ellington Someone 03:21 2 Duke Ellington Gathering In a Clearing 02:59 3 Duke Ellington You Don't Love Me No More 03:03 4 Duke Ellington Indiana 03:03 5 Duke Ellington On the Alamo 02:12 6 Duke Ellington Happy Go Lucky Local 06:27 7 Duke Ellington Flippant Flurry 03:07 8 Duke Ellington Who Struck John? 01:27 Has Mbid 9 Duke Ellington The Mooche 04:29 Has Mbid 10 Duke Ellington Suddenly it Jumped 02:54
Duke Ellington View in Albunack Midnight in Paris 13 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Duke Ellington Under Paris Skies 02:45 2 Duke Ellington I Wish You Love 03:47 3 Duke Ellington Mademoiselle De Paris 03:19 4 Duke Ellington Comme Ci Comme Ca 03:01 5 Duke Ellington Speak To Me Of Love 02:02 6 Duke Ellington A Midnight In Paris 03:34 7 Duke Ellington My Heart Sings 02:04 8 Duke Ellington Guitar Amour 04:55 9 Duke Ellington The Petite Waltz 04:11 10 Duke Ellington Paris Blues 04:17 11 Duke Ellington Javapachacha 03:53 12 Duke Ellington No Regrets 02:12 13 Duke Ellington The River Seine 02:15
Duke Ellington View in Albunack Mingus Chez Duke - Bandbox, New York 1953 20 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Duke Ellington The Hawk Talks 03:59 2 Duke Ellington Smada 02:46 3 Duke Ellington How High The Moon 04:21 4 Duke Ellington Love You Madly 03:02 5 Duke Ellington St. Louis Blues 02:36 6 Duke Ellington Things Ain't What They Used To Be 06:06 7 Duke Ellington In A Mellotone 03:22 8 Duke Ellington Baby, You And Me (In A Mellowtone) 02:17 9 Duke Ellington Blue Skies (Trumpet No End) 03:53 10 Duke Ellington Mood Indigo 07:28 11 Duke Ellington Just A-Sittin' And A-Rockin' 02:41 12 Duke Ellington Happy-Go-Lucky Local 05:05 13 Duke Ellington Harlem Airshaft 03:56 14 Duke Ellington Sultry Serenade 03:22 15 Duke Ellington Cotton Tail 03:41 16 Duke Ellington All Of Me 02:16 17 Duke Ellington I Can't Get Started 04:56 18 Duke Ellington Jam With Sam 03:59 19 Duke Ellington Vagabonds 02:24 20 Duke Ellington The Hawk Talks 02:38
Duke Ellington View in Albunack Money Jungle (1998 HS-2088) 7 3 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Duke Ellington Money Jungle 05:26 Has Mbid 2 Duke Ellington Le Fleurs Africaines (African Flower) 03:37 Has Mbid 3 Duke Ellington Very Special 04:26 Has Mbid 4 Duke Ellington Warm Valley 03:31 5 Duke Ellington Wig Wise 03:19 6 Duke Ellington Caravan 04:14 7 Duke Ellington Solitude 05:33
Duke Ellington View in Albunack Mrs. Clinkscales to the Cotton Club, Vol. 1: 1926-1929 24 3 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 Duke Ellington It's Gonna Be A Cold, Cold Winter (So Get Another Place To Stay) 02:55 Has Mbid 2 Duke Ellington Parlor Social De Luxe 03:06 3 Duke Ellington Choo Choo (Gotta Hurry Home) 03:15 4 Duke Ellington Rainy Nights (Rainy Days) 03:27 5 Duke Ellington How Come You Do Me Like You Do? 03:11 6 Duke Ellington I'm Gonna Hang Around My Sugar 03:02 7 Duke Ellington Trombone Blues 03:01 8 Duke Ellington Georgia Grind 02:44 9 Duke Ellington Parlor Social Stomp 03:11 10 Duke Ellington (You've Got Those) Wanna-Go-Back-Again Blues 03:20 11 Duke Ellington If You Can't Hold the Man You Love 03:22 12 Duke Ellington Animal Crackers 03:09 13 Duke Ellington Lil'l Farina 03:05 14 Duke Ellington Lucky Number Blues 03:02 15 Duke Ellington I'm Gonna Put You Right in Jail 03:00 16 Duke Ellington East St. Louis Toodle-O 02:54 17 Duke Ellington Birmingham Breakdown 02:47 18 Duke Ellington Immigration Blues 03:02 19 Duke Ellington The Creeper 02:51 20 Duke Ellington The Creeper 02:49 21 Duke Ellington New Orleans Low-Down 03:00 22 Duke Ellington Song of the Cotton Field 03:01 23 Duke Ellington Birmingham Breakdown 02:41 Has Mbid 24 Duke Ellington East St. Louis Toodle-Oo 02:59
Duke Ellington View in Albunack My People 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Duke Ellington Ain't But The One-Will You Be There 05:19 2 Duke Ellington Come Sunday - David Danced 06:14 3 Duke Ellington My Mother, My Father (Heritage) 02:54 4 Duke Ellington Montage 06:57 5 Duke Ellington My People-The Blues Ain't 08:49 6 Duke Ellington Workin' Blues-My Man Sends Me-Jail Blues-Lovin' Lover 05:58 7 Duke Ellington King Fit The Battle Of Alabam' 03:29 8 Duke Ellington What Color Is Virtue? 02:49
Duke Ellington View in Albunack ORCHESTRAL SUITES 2 16 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Duke Ellington (A) New world a comin' - Part 1 05:43 Has Mbid 2 Duke Ellington (A) New world a comin' - Part 2 06:15 3 Duke Ellington Deep south suite - Magnolias drippin in molasses 04:42 4 Duke Ellington Deep south suite - Hearsay or orson welles 04:43 5 Duke Ellington Deep south suite - Nobody was looking 02:54 6 Duke Ellington Deep south suite - Happy go lucky local 06:04 7 Duke Ellington The beautiful indians - Hiawatha 02:45 8 Duke Ellington The beautiful indians - Minnehaha 03:00 9 Duke Ellington Overture to a jam session - Part 1 03:01 10 Duke Ellington Overture to a jam session - Part 2 02:41 11 Duke Ellington Liberian suite - I like the sunrise 04:35 12 Duke Ellington Liberian suite - Dance n°1 04:59 13 Duke Ellington Liberian suite - Dance n°2 03:30 14 Duke Ellington Liberian suite - Dance n°3 03:51 15 Duke Ellington Liberian suite - Dance n°4 03:10 16 Duke Ellington Liberian suite - Dance n°5 05:13
Duke Ellington View in Albunack Pablo 9 3 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Duke Ellington Blem 06:59 Has Mbid 2 Duke Ellington Goof 03:17 3 Duke Ellington Dick 03:01 4 Duke Ellington Love is Just around the Corner 04:27 Has Mbid 5 Duke Ellington Bateau 05:26 6 Duke Ellington Wanderlust 06:28 7 Duke Ellington New-Creole 03:53 Has Mbid 8 Duke Ellington Black Butterfly 03:41 9 Duke Ellington Mendoza 05:46
Duke Ellington View in Albunack Paris Jazz Concert - Vol. 1 (Alhambra.- Oct.29th 1958) 13 2 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Duke Ellington Take The A Train 03:24 2 Duke Ellington Medley - Black & Tan Fantasy - Creole Love Call - The Mooch 09:05 3 Duke Ellington Newport Up 05:13 4 Duke Ellington Deep Purple 04:08 5 Duke Ellington Harlem Airshaft 04:09 6 Duke Ellington Medley - Such Sweet Thunder - Sonnet To Hank Cinq 04:53 7 Duke Ellington Sophisticated Lady 04:10 8 Duke Ellington Medley - Kinda Dukish - Rockin' In Rhythm 06:28 9 Duke Ellington What Else Can You Do With A Drum 02:08 10 Duke Ellington Together 03:19 11 Duke Ellington Jeep's Blues 03:33 Has Mbid 12 Duke Ellington All Of Me 02:47 Has Mbid 13 Duke Ellington Things Ain't What They Used To Be 04:03
Duke Ellington View in Albunack Peer Gynt Suites 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Duke Ellington Morning Mood 04:26 2 Duke Ellington In the Hall of the Mountain King 02:36 3 Duke Ellington Solvejg's Song 03:44 4 Duke Ellington Ase's Death 03:50 5 Duke Ellington Anitra's Dance 02:58 6 Duke Ellington Suite Thursday - Misfit Blues 04:09 7 Duke Ellington Schwiphti 03:06 8 Duke Ellington Suite Thursday - Zweet Zursday 03:54 9 Duke Ellington Suite Thursday - Lay-By 04:47
Duke Ellington View in Albunack Peer Gynt Suites & Suite Thursday 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Duke Ellington Morning Mood 04:26 2 Duke Ellington In The Hall Of The Mountain King 02:36 3 Duke Ellington Solveig's Song 03:44 4 Duke Ellington Ase's Death 03:50 5 Duke Ellington Anitra's Dance 02:58 6 Duke Ellington Misfit Blues 04:09 7 Duke Ellington Schwiphti 03:06 8 Duke Ellington Zweet Zursday 03:54 9 Duke Ellington Lay-By 04:47
Duke Ellington View in Albunack Peer Gynt Suites Nos.1&2 / Suite Thursday 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Duke Ellington Morning Moon 04:26 2 Duke Ellington In the Hall of the Mountain King 02:36 3 Duke Ellington Solvejg's Song 03:44 4 Duke Ellington Ave's Death 03:50 5 Duke Ellington Anitra's Dance 02:58 6 Duke Ellington Misfit Blues 04:09 7 Duke Ellington Schwiphti 03:06 8 Duke Ellington Zweet Zurzday 03:54 9 Duke Ellington Lay-By 04:47
Duke Ellington View in Albunack Perdido And Other Hits 10 3 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Duke Ellington Perdido 02:23 2 Duke Ellington Hey, Baby 02:54 Has Mbid 3 Duke Ellington Tip Toe Topic 02:03 Has Mbid 4 Duke Ellington One O'Clock Jump 05:39 5 Duke Ellington Come Rain Or Come Shine 02:47 6 Duke Ellington Suddenly It Jumped 02:53 7 Duke Ellington Fickle Fling 03:12 Has Mbid 8 Duke Ellington Pretty Woman 02:49 9 Duke Ellington Nine Twenty Special 03:00 10 Duke Ellington Rockabye River 02:52
Duke Ellington View in Albunack Presenting... 20 2 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Duke Ellington East St Louis Toodle-Oo 03:17 2 Duke Ellington Take The 'A' Train 03:12 3 Duke Ellington Night Train (Happy Go Lucky) 05:29 4 Duke Ellington Black And Tan Fantasy 03:36 Has Mbid 5 Duke Ellington Mood Indigo 03:08 6 Duke Ellington Rockin' In Rhythm 03:14 7 Duke Ellington It Don't Mean A Thing (If It Ain't Got That Swing) 03:26 8 Duke Ellington Creole Love Call 04:30 9 Duke Ellington Sophisticated Lady 03:59 10 Duke Ellington Solitude 03:29 11 Duke Ellington Clarinet Lament (Barney's Concerto) 03:27 12 Duke Ellington Caravan 02:54 13 Duke Ellington Jack The Bear 03:33 14 Duke Ellington The Girl In My Dreams Tries To Look Like You 03:36 15 Duke Ellington Jump For Joy 03:06 16 Duke Ellington Perdido 03:26 Has Mbid 17 Duke Ellington 'C' Jam Blues 02:53 18 Duke Ellington Main Stem 03:04 19 Duke Ellington Johnny Come Lately 02:55 20 Duke Ellington V.I.P.'s Boogie 03:15
Duke Ellington View in Albunack Sacred Concert 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Duke Ellington Praise God - Introduction 02:01 2 Duke Ellington Heaven 05:23 3 Duke Ellington Freedom-suite 14:34 4 Duke Ellington The Sheppard 06:42 5 Duke Ellington The Majesty og God 04:52 6 Duke Ellington Come Sunday 02:15 7 Duke Ellington David danced befor the Lord 04:32 8 Duke Ellington Almighty God 03:05 9 Duke Ellington T.G.T.T. 02:46 10 Duke Ellington Praise God and Dance - Final 07:41
Duke Ellington View in Albunack Sacred Concerts 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Duke Ellington In The Beginning God 16:22 2 Duke Ellington Will You Be There 02:13 3 Duke Ellington Ain't But The One 03:08 4 Duke Ellington Come Sunday 03:45 5 Duke Ellington David Danced 07:18 6 Duke Ellington Something 'Bout Believing 08:52 7 Duke Ellington The Lord's Prayer 02:44 8 Duke Ellington Father Forgive 03:24 9 Duke Ellington The Shepherd 08:26 10 Duke Ellington It's Freedom 14:39
Duke Ellington View in Albunack Selections From Peer Gynt Suites Nos. 1 & 2 And Suite Thursday 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Duke Ellington Morning Mood 04:26 2 Duke Ellington In The Hall Of The Mountain King 02:36 3 Duke Ellington Solvejg's Song 03:44 4 Duke Ellington Ase's Death 03:50 5 Duke Ellington Anitra's Dance 02:58 6 Duke Ellington Misfit Blues 04:09 7 Duke Ellington Schwiphti 03:06 8 Duke Ellington Zweet Zurzday 03:54 9 Duke Ellington Lay-By 04:47
Duke Ellington View in Albunack Selections From Peer Gynt Suites Nos. 1 & 2 And Suite Thursday (The Columbia Studio Albums Collection 1959-1961) 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Duke Ellington Morning Mood 04:26 2 Duke Ellington In The Hall Of The Mountain King 02:36 3 Duke Ellington Solvejg's Song 03:44 4 Duke Ellington Ase's Death 03:50 5 Duke Ellington Anitra's Dance 02:58 6 Duke Ellington Misfit Blues 04:09 7 Duke Ellington Schwiphti 03:06 8 Duke Ellington Zweet Zurzday 03:54 9 Duke Ellington Lay-By 04:47
Duke Ellington View in Albunack Such sweet thunder 12 3 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 Duke Ellington Such Sweet Thunder 03:22 3 Duke Ellington Sonnet To Hank Cinq 01:23 Has Mbid 4 Duke Ellington Lady Mac 03:43 5 Duke Ellington Sonnet In Search Of A Moor 02:24 Has Mbid 6 Duke Ellington The Telecasters 03:03 7 Duke Ellington Up And Down, Up And Down (I Will Lead Them Up And Down) 03:08 9 Duke Ellington The Star-Crossed Lovers 04:05 10 Duke Ellington Madness In Great Ones 03:30
Duke Ellington View in Albunack Swinging Suites by Edward E. & Edward G. 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Duke Ellington Morning Mood [Remastered] 04:26 2 Duke Ellington In the Hall of the Mountain King [Remastered] 02:36 3 Duke Ellington Solvejg's Song [Remastered] 03:44 4 Duke Ellington Ase's Death [Remastered] 03:50 5 Duke Ellington Anitra's Dance [Remastered] 02:58 6 Duke Ellington Misfit Blues [Remastered] 04:09 7 Duke Ellington Schwiphti [Remastered] 03:06 8 Duke Ellington Zweet Zurzday [Remastered] 03:54 9 Duke Ellington Lay-By [Remastered] 04:47
Duke Ellington View in Albunack Tea for Two 9 3 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 Duke Ellington Take the "A" Train 04:31 2 Duke Ellington East St. Louis Toodle-Oo 03:31 3 Duke Ellington Caravan 04:39 Has Mbid 4 Duke Ellington Creole Love Call 04:28 5 Duke Ellington Sophisticated Lady 02:45 Has Mbid 6 Duke Ellington Rockin' In Rythm 04:09 7 Duke Ellington Passion Flower 03:35 8 Duke Ellington Tea For Two 02:32 9 Duke Ellington Frankie And Johnny 07:20
Duke Ellington View in Albunack The Armory Concert 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Duke Ellington Perdido 05:55 2 Duke Ellington All The Things You Are 04:37 3 Duke Ellington Just Squeeze Me 03:22 4 Duke Ellington La Virgen De La Macarena 04:29 5 Duke Ellington Happy Go Lucky Local 05:55 6 Duke Ellington A Tone Parallel To Harlem 15:03 7 Duke Ellington Take The A Train 06:42 8 Duke Ellington John Sanders Blues 04:29
Duke Ellington View in Albunack The Complete Orchestral Suites 2 16 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Duke Ellington (A) New world a Comin' (Part 1) 05:43 Has Mbid 2 Duke Ellington (A) New world a Comin' (Part 2) 06:15 3 Duke Ellington Deep South Suite - Magnolias Drippin in Molasses 04:42 4 Duke Ellington Deep South Suite - Hearsay or Orson Welles 04:43 5 Duke Ellington Deep South Suite - Nobody Was Looking 02:54 6 Duke Ellington Deep South Suite - Happy Go Lucky Local 06:04 7 Duke Ellington The Beautiful Indians - Hiawatha 02:45 8 Duke Ellington The Beautiful Indians - Minnehaha 03:00 9 Duke Ellington Overture to a Jam Session (Part 1) 03:01 10 Duke Ellington Overture to a Jam Session (Part 2) 02:41 11 Duke Ellington Liberian Suite - I Like the Sunrise 04:35 12 Duke Ellington Liberian Suite - Dance No. 1 04:59 13 Duke Ellington Liberian Suite - Dance No. 2 03:30 14 Duke Ellington Liberian Suite - Dance No. 3 03:51 15 Duke Ellington Liberian Suite - Dance No. 4 03:10 16 Duke Ellington Liberian Suite - Dance No. 5 05:13
Duke Ellington View in Albunack The Music Recorded Only Once 20 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Duke Ellington The Creeper 02:46 2 Duke Ellington Hop Head 02:55 3 Duke Ellington Down In Our Alley Blues 03:01 4 Duke Ellington The Blues With a Feelin' 03:14 5 Duke Ellington Goin' To Town 02:58 6 Duke Ellington High Life 03:10 7 Duke Ellington Harlem Flat Blues 03:07 8 Duke Ellington The Dicty Glide 03:10 9 Duke Ellington Stevedore Stomp 02:48 10 Duke Ellington Mississippi Moan 03:29 11 Duke Ellington The Duke Steps Out 03:20 12 Duke Ellington Breakfast Dance 03:08 13 Duke Ellington Jazz Lips 03:18 14 Duke Ellington Lazy Duke 03:11 15 Duke Ellington Blues Of The Vagabond 03:18 16 Duke Ellington Syncopated Shuffle 02:49 17 Duke Ellington Jungle Nights In Harlem 03:00 18 Duke Ellington Shout 'Em Aunt Tillie 03:02 19 Duke Ellington Big House Blues 03:05 20 Duke Ellington Sweet Chariot 02:55
Duke Ellington View in Albunack The Music of Duke Ellington: Jazz Piano Essentials 10 3 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Duke Ellington 'C' Jam Blues 06:34 2 Duke Ellington Sophisticated Lady 04:52 3 Duke Ellington I Let A Song Go Out Of My Head 05:08 Has Mbid 4 Duke Ellington Clothed Woman 03:23 5 Duke Ellington Caravan 05:08 6 Duke Ellington Come Sunday 04:39 7 Duke Ellington Creole Love Call 07:50 8 Duke Ellington Prelude To A Kiss 05:43 Has Mbid 9 Duke Ellington Something To Live For 03:59 Has Mbid 10 Duke Ellington Duke Ellington Medley 07:21
Duke Ellington View in Albunack The Private Collection, Vol. 1 - Studio Sessions, Chicago 1956 15 1 1996 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Duke Ellington March 19th Blues 05:26 Has Mbid 2 Duke Ellington Feet Bone 02:42 3 Duke Ellington In A Sentimental Mood 03:06 4 Duke Ellington Discontented 03:01 5 Duke Ellington Jump For Joy 01:52 6 Duke Ellington Just Scratchin' the Surface 03:07 7 Duke Ellington Prelude To A Kiss 03:29 8 Duke Ellington Miss Lucy 03:18 9 Duke Ellington Uncontrieved 05:12 10 Duke Ellington Satin Doll 02:33 11 Duke Ellington Do Not Disturb 02:48 12 Duke Ellington Love You Madly 03:22 13 Duke Ellington Short Sheet Cluster 02:35 14 Duke Ellington Moon Mist 03:27 15 Duke Ellington Long Time Blues 08:40
Duke Ellington View in Albunack The Symphonic Ellington 6 3 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 Duke Ellington Night Creature, 1st Movement 04:04 Has Mbid 2 Duke Ellington Night Creature, 2nd Movement 07:48 3 Duke Ellington Night Creature, 3rd Movement 04:01 4 Duke Ellington Non-Violent Integration 05:27 Has Mbid 5 Duke Ellington La Scala, She Too Pretty To Be Blue 06:14 6 Duke Ellington Harlem Air Shaft 14:07
Duke Ellington View in Albunack The Uncollected VOL5 (1947) 14 2 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Duke Ellington Swamp Fire 03:07 2 Duke Ellington How High The Moon 02:32 3 Duke Ellington Blue Lou 03:13 4 Duke Ellington Violet Blue 03:10 5 Duke Ellington Royal Garden Blues 03:30 6 Duke Ellington Jumpin' Punkins 03:56 7 Duke Ellington Frustration 03:33 8 Duke Ellington Blue Is The Night 03:01 9 Duke Ellington Jump For You 02:35 10 Duke Ellington Far Away Blues 02:47 Has Mbid 11 Duke Ellington Embraceable You 02:17 12 Duke Ellington Frisky 02:05 Has Mbid 13 Duke Ellington Park At 106th 02:27 14 Duke Ellington Take The A Train (Closer) 00:32
Duke Ellington View in Albunack The Uncollected Vol1 1946 13 2 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 Duke Ellington Take The A Train (Theme) 03:04 2 Duke Ellington Crosstown 02:49 3 Duke Ellington Passion Flower 03:34 4 Duke Ellington Magenta Haze 04:26 5 Duke Ellington Everything Goes 04:53 6 Duke Ellington The Eigth Veil 03:07 7 Duke Ellington Riff N' Drill 02:53 8 Duke Ellington Blue Abandon 01:52 Has Mbid 9 Duke Ellington Transblucency 04:00 10 Duke Ellington Rugged Romeo 03:04 11 Duke Ellington Jennie 02:20 12 Duke Ellington Sono 04:28 13 Duke Ellington Jeep Is Jumpin' 02:17
Duke Ellington View in Albunack The Uncollected Vol2 (1946) 13 3 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Duke Ellington Perdido 02:23 Has Mbid 2 Duke Ellington Tip Toe Topic 02:07 3 Duke Ellington Rockabye River 02:48 Has Mbid 4 Duke Ellington Pretty Woman 02:49 5 Duke Ellington Gatherin' In A Clearing 03:04 6 Duke Ellington You Don't Love Me No More 03:10 7 Duke Ellington Just Squeze Me 03:28 8 Duke Ellington Hey, Baby 02:55 9 Duke Ellington Suddenly It Jumped 02:53 10 Duke Ellington Come Rain Or Come Shine 02:47 11 Duke Ellington Fickle Fling 03:15 12 Duke Ellington 9:20 Special 02:58 Has Mbid 13 Duke Ellington One O' Clock Jump 05:42
Duke Ellington View in Albunack The Uncollected vol4 (1947) 11 3 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Duke Ellington Golden Cress 04:27 2 Duke Ellington Flippant Flurry 03:09 3 Duke Ellington Jam-A-Ditty 02:58 4 Duke Ellington Fugueaditty 02:47 5 Duke Ellington Happy Go Lucky Local 06:28 6 Duke Ellington Overture To A Jam Session 05:07 7 Duke Ellington Sulty Sunset 03:42 Has Mbid 8 Duke Ellington Beale St Blues 04:10 Has Mbid 9 Duke Ellington Memphis Blues 03:18 Has Mbid 10 Duke Ellington St Louis Blues 02:39 11 Duke Ellington Who Struck John 01:32
Duke Ellington View in Albunack The Very Best Of Duke Ellington 1929-1931 15 2 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Duke Ellington Mood Indigo 03:10 2 Duke Ellington Freeze And Melt 02:54 3 Duke Ellington Stevedore Stomp 02:49 4 Duke Ellington That Rhythm Man 02:47 5 Duke Ellington Cotton Club Stomp 02:57 6 Duke Ellington Harlem Flat Blues 03:10 7 Duke Ellington Sloppy Joe 03:17 8 Duke Ellington Arabian Lover 02:49 Has Mbid 9 Duke Ellington Paducah 02:32 Has Mbid 10 Duke Ellington Saratoga Swing 02:48 11 Duke Ellington Hot Feet 02:39 12 Duke Ellington When You Are Smiling 03:09 13 Duke Ellington Rockin'in Rhythm 03:04 14 Duke Ellington Sweet Mama 03:11 15 Duke Ellington Creole Rhapsody I-II 06:03
Duke Ellington View in Albunack The World Of Duke Ellington Vol. 3 - WDR Big Band Köln 13 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Duke Ellington Take The Coltrane 06:32 2 Duke Ellington BLUE BIRD OF DELHI, (aus Far East Suite) 03:12 3 Duke Ellington AMAD, (aus Far East Suite) 04:39 4 Duke Ellington AGRA, (aus Far East Suite) 02:37 5 Duke Ellington DEPK, (aus Far East Suite) 02:42 6 Duke Ellington Isfahan 06:15 7 Duke Ellington Caravan 07:31 8 Duke Ellington SUCH SWEET THUNDER, (aus: Suite "Such Sweet Thunder) 03:14 9 Duke Ellington LADY MAC, (aus: Suite "Such Sweet Thunder) 03:22 10 Duke Ellington THE STAR-CROSSED LOVERS, (aus: Suite "Such Sweet Thunder) 03:48 11 Duke Ellington UP AND DOWN, (aus: Suite "Such Sweet Thunder) 03:12 12 Duke Ellington Blood Count 06:11 13 Duke Ellington Ellington Medley 11:21
Duke Ellington View in Albunack This Is1 10 3 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Duke Ellington Black Tan Fantasy 03:07 Has Mbid 2 Duke Ellington Creole Love Call 03:11 3 Duke Ellington East St Louis Toodle Oo 03:39 4 Duke Ellington The Mooche 03:32 5 Duke Ellington Three Little Words 03:05 6 Duke Ellington Ring Dem Bells 02:59 7 Duke Ellington Mood Indigo 03:09 8 Duke Ellington Delta Serenade 03:22 Has Mbid 9 Duke Ellington Solitude 03:26 Has Mbid 10 Duke Ellington Do Nothin Till You Hear From Me 03:24
Duke Ellington View in Albunack Three Mid-Fifties Classic Albums 22 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Duke Ellington Indian Summer 03:02 2 Duke Ellington Rockin' In Rhythm 04:32 3 Duke Ellington Stompy Jones 03:51 4 Duke Ellington The Jeep Is Jumpin' 02:24 5 Duke Ellington Jack The Bear 03:18 6 Duke Ellington One O'Clock Jump 05:15 7 Duke Ellington Ko-Ko 02:19 8 Duke Ellington Midriff 03:51 9 Duke Ellington Stomp, Look And Listen 02:39 10 Duke Ellington Unbooted Character 04:19 11 Duke Ellington Lonesome Lullaby 03:19 12 Duke Ellington Upper Manhattan Medical Group 03:10 13 Duke Ellington Three Little Words 02:47 14 Duke Ellington Cocktails For Two 02:59 15 Duke Ellington I Can't Get Started 04:26 16 Duke Ellington Flamingo 03:45 17 Duke Ellington Everything But You 02:57 18 Duke Ellington Boo-Dah 02:58 19 Duke Ellington I Can't Give You Anything But Love 03:12 20 Duke Ellington Stormy Weather 03:13 21 Duke Ellington Deep Purple 03:37 22 Duke Ellington Blues 07:00
Duke Ellington View in Albunack Tootin Through The Roof 20 2 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Duke Ellington Doin' The Voom Voom 02:44 2 Duke Ellington Serenade To Sweden 03:24 3 Duke Ellington Portrait of The Lion 02:34 Has Mbid 4 Duke Ellington Lady in Blue 02:46 5 Duke Ellington Solid, Old Man 02:33 6 Duke Ellington In A Mizz 03:07 7 Duke Ellington I'm Checkin' Out, Go'om Bye 02:30 8 Duke Ellington A Lonely Co-Ed 03:19 9 Duke Ellington Bouncing Buoyancy 02:43 10 Duke Ellington The Sergeant Was Shy 02:44 11 Duke Ellington I Never Felt This Way Before 03:00 12 Duke Ellington Grievin' 02:53 13 Duke Ellington Weely(A Portrait of Billy Strayhorn) 03:00 14 Duke Ellington Tootin' Through The Roof 02:55 Has Mbid 15 Duke Ellington Blues 02:57 16 Duke Ellington Plucked Again 03:03 17 Duke Ellington Solitude 03:00 18 Duke Ellington Stormy Weather 02:33 19 Duke Ellington Mood Indigo 02:46 20 Duke Ellington Sophisticated Lady 02:49
Duke Ellington View in Albunack Tootin' Through The Roof. Classic Recordings Vol. 6: 1939-1940 20 2 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Duke Ellington Doin' The Voom Voom 02:44 2 Duke Ellington Serenade To Sweden 03:24 3 Duke Ellington Portrait Of The Lion 02:34 Has Mbid 4 Duke Ellington Lady In Blue 02:46 5 Duke Ellington Solid, Old Man 02:33 6 Duke Ellington In A Mizz 03:07 7 Duke Ellington I'm Checkin' Out, Go'om Bye 02:30 8 Duke Ellington A Lonely Co-Ed 03:19 9 Duke Ellington Bouncing Buoyancy 02:43 10 Duke Ellington The Sergeant Was Shy 02:44 11 Duke Ellington I Never Felt This Way Before 03:00 12 Duke Ellington Greivin' 02:53 13 Duke Ellington Weely (A Portrait Of Billy Strayhorn) 03:00 14 Duke Ellington Tootin' Through The Roof 02:55 Has Mbid 15 Duke Ellington Blues 02:54 16 Duke Ellington Plucked Again 03:03 17 Duke Ellington Solitude 03:00 18 Duke Ellington Stormy Weather 02:33 19 Duke Ellington Mood Indigo 02:45 20 Duke Ellington Sophisticated Lady 02:49
Duke Ellington View in Albunack Top des Stars 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Duke Ellington Piste01 02:34 2 Duke Ellington Piste02 05:17 3 Duke Ellington Piste03 03:29 4 Duke Ellington Piste04 04:20 5 Duke Ellington Piste05 02:53 6 Duke Ellington Piste06 04:22 7 Duke Ellington Piste07 05:48 8 Duke Ellington Piste08 04:08 9 Duke Ellington Piste09 06:23 10 Duke Ellington Piste10 03:37 11 Duke Ellington Piste11 04:31 12 Duke Ellington Piste12 03:49
Duke Ellington View in Albunack Tribute to Duke Ellington 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Duke Ellington Tulip Or Turnip + Don't Get Around Much Anymore 04:20 2 Duke Ellington Just Squeeze Me 03:24 3 Duke Ellington I Got It Bad 05:09 4 Duke Ellington It Don't Mean A Thing 04:17 5 Duke Ellington Love You Madly 04:49 6 Duke Ellington Rockin' In Rhytm + Solitude + Prelude To A Kiss 07:24 7 Duke Ellington Satin Doll 04:39 8 Duke Ellington Sophisticated Lady 04:58 9 Duke Ellington Take The A-Train 04:07 10 Duke Ellington Mood Indigo 03:47 11 Duke Ellington In A Mellow Tone 03:43
Duke Ellington View in Albunack Unique Jazz - Legendary Concerts 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Duke Ellington Some Sunday 12:44 2 Duke Ellington The Blues 07:33 3 Duke Ellington Emancipation Celebration 03:23 4 Duke Ellington Dancers In Love 03:16 5 Duke Ellington Frankie And Johnnie 07:17 6 Duke Ellington Take The "A"-Train 03:09 7 Duke Ellington Moon Mist 03:42 8 Duke Ellington Jam-A-Ditty 03:11 9 Duke Ellington The Beautiful Indians (Minnehaha - Hiwatha) 06:13
Duke Ellington View in Albunack Unique Jazz - Legendary Concerts Vol1 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Duke Ellington Bluetopia 04:29 2 Duke Ellington Overture To A Jam Session 05:58 3 Duke Ellington The Mooche 05:45 4 Duke Ellington Jumpin' Punkins 03:32 5 Duke Ellington Ring Dem Bells 02:23 6 Duke Ellington Handy Medley: Beale Street Blues - Memphis Blues - St. Louis Blues 09:04 7 Duke Ellington The Golden Feather 03:22 8 Duke Ellington Air Conditioned Jungle 04:59 9 Duke Ellington Golden Cress 04:00 10 Duke Ellington Medley: Diminuendo In Blue - Transbluceny - Crescendo In Blue 10:13
Duke Ellington View in Albunack Vol.1 the kentucky club to teh cotton club days 20 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Duke Ellington トラック01 02:52 2 Duke Ellington トラック02 02:47 3 Duke Ellington トラック03 03:04 4 Duke Ellington トラック04 02:52 5 Duke Ellington トラック05 02:58 6 Duke Ellington トラック06 03:08 7 Duke Ellington トラック07 02:43 8 Duke Ellington トラック08 03:10 9 Duke Ellington トラック09 03:21 10 Duke Ellington トラック10 03:10 11 Duke Ellington トラック11 02:51 12 Duke Ellington トラック12 03:16 13 Duke Ellington トラック13 02:39 14 Duke Ellington トラック14 02:42 Has Mbid 15 Duke Ellington トラック15 03:11 16 Duke Ellington トラック16 02:51 17 Duke Ellington トラック17 02:58 18 Duke Ellington トラック18 03:13 19 Duke Ellington トラック19 03:03 20 Duke Ellington トラック20 03:17
Duke Ellington View in Albunack Vol.3 the cotton club days 2 17 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Duke Ellington トラック01 03:12 2 Duke Ellington トラック02 03:09 3 Duke Ellington トラック03 03:14 4 Duke Ellington トラック04 03:04 5 Duke Ellington トラック05 02:55 6 Duke Ellington トラック06 03:04 7 Duke Ellington トラック07 02:58 8 Duke Ellington トラック08 02:45 9 Duke Ellington トラック09 02:55 10 Duke Ellington トラック10 02:58 11 Duke Ellington トラック11 03:03 12 Duke Ellington トラック12 03:14 13 Duke Ellington トラック13 03:01 14 Duke Ellington トラック14 02:59 15 Duke Ellington トラック15 03:17 16 Duke Ellington トラック16 06:00 Has Mbid 17 Duke Ellington トラック17 02:23
Duke Ellington View in Albunack greatest jazz concert Vol3 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Duke Ellington Maharissa 07:41 2 Duke Ellington Blood Count 03:54 3 Duke Ellington Rockin In Rhythm 04:15 4 Duke Ellington Very Tenor 08:19 5 Duke Ellington Wild Onions 02:36 6 Duke Ellington Take The A Train 06:10 7 Duke Ellington Satin Doll 05:17 8 Duke Ellington Tutti For Cootie 06:05 9 Duke Ellington Up Jump 03:28 10 Duke Ellington Prelude To A Kiss 05:03
Duke Ellington View in Albunack seattle concert 9 3 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Duke Ellington SKIN DEEP 07:29 2 Duke Ellington SULTRY SERENADE 03:48 3 Duke Ellington SOPHISTICATED LADY 06:09 Has Mbid 4 Duke Ellington PERDIDO 04:35 Has Mbid 5 Duke Ellington CARAVAN 04:12 Has Mbid 6 Duke Ellington HARLEM SUITE 15:09 7 Duke Ellington THE HAWK TALKS 02:51 8 Duke Ellington ELLINGTON MEDLEY 06:51 9 Duke Ellington JAM WITH SAM 03:36
Duke Ellington View in Albunack ライヴ・アット・ザ・ブルーノート 17 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Duke Ellington A列車で行こう 01:05 2 Duke Ellington ベンソナリティ 03:01 3 Duke Ellington オール・オブ・ミー 02:12 4 Duke Ellington バキフ 05:12 5 Duke Ellington ザ・ホーク・トークス 03:30 6 Duke Ellington ドゥ・ナッシング・ティル・ユー・ヒア・フロム・ミー 02:10 7 Duke Ellington VIPズ・ブギー 03:28 8 Duke Ellington ジャム・ウィズ・サム 04:01 9 Duke Ellington ジャスト・ア・シッティン・アンド・ア・ロッキン 04:04 10 Duke Ellington トラック10 01:01 11 Duke Ellington A列車で行こう 00:46 12 Duke Ellington ティンガ・リング 03:26 13 Duke Ellington フラミンゴ 03:00 14 Duke Ellington ロッキン・イン・リズム 04:47 15 Duke Ellington ソフィスティケイテッド・レディ 05:48 16 Duke Ellington A列車で行こう 03:10 17 Duke Ellington フライング・ホーム 04:42
Duke Ellington And His Orchestra View in Albunack Liberian Suite (The Jazz Years) 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Duke Ellington I Like The Sunrise (from Liberian Suite) 04:30 2 Duke Ellington Dance No. 1 04:55 3 Duke Ellington Dance No. 2 03:25 4 Duke Ellington Dance No. 3 03:46 5 Duke Ellington Dance No. 4 03:07 6 Duke Ellington Dance No. 5 05:11
Duke Ellington And his Orchestra View in Albunack Liberian Suite (The Jazz Years) 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Duke Ellington I Like The Sunrise (from Liberian Suite) 04:30 2 Duke Ellington Dance No. 1 04:55 3 Duke Ellington Dance No. 2 03:26 4 Duke Ellington Dance No. 3 03:45 5 Duke Ellington Dance No. 4 03:07 6 Duke Ellington Dance No. 5 05:13
Duke Ellington and His Orchestra View in Albunack The Columbia Studio Albums Collection, 1959-1961 [88697938892], CD07 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Duke Ellington and His Orchestra Peer Gynt Suites Morning Mood 04:26 2 Duke Ellington and His Orchestra In The Hall Of The Mountain King 02:36 3 Duke Ellington and His Orchestra Solvejg's Song 03:44 4 Duke Ellington and His Orchestra Ase's Death 03:50 5 Duke Ellington and His Orchestra Anitra's Dance 02:58 6 Duke Ellington and His Orchestra Suite Thursday Misfit Blues 04:09 7 Duke Ellington and His Orchestra Schwiphti 03:06 8 Duke Ellington and His Orchestra Zweet Zurzday 03:54 9 Duke Ellington and His Orchestra Lay-By 04:47
Duran Duran View in Albunack 12s and B-Sides 15 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Duran Duran Planet Earth (Night version) 06:14 Has Mbid 2 Duran Duran Late Bar 02:56 3 Duran Duran Fame 03:14 4 Duran Duran Khanada 03:21 5 Duran Duran Girls on Film (Night version) 05:27 6 Duran Duran Faster Than Light 04:25 7 Duran Duran My Own Way (Short version) 03:36 8 Duran Duran My Own Way (Night version) 06:29 9 Duran Duran Like an Angel 04:40 10 Duran Duran Hungry Like the Wolf (Night version) 05:11 11 Duran Duran Careless Memories (live) 04:08 12 Duran Duran Rio (Pt. 2) 05:24 13 Duran Duran Hold Back the Rain (remix) 06:57 14 Duran Duran Is There Something I Should Know (Monster mix) 06:34 15 Duran Duran Faith in This Colour 04:03
Duran Duran View in Albunack As The Sun Goes Down 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Duran Duran The Seventh Stranger 05:50 2 Duran Duran Is There Something I Should Know? 04:41 3 Duran Duran Save A Prayer 06:38 4 Duran Duran Planet Earth 04:29 5 Duran Duran My Own Way 04:10 6 Duran Duran Union Of The Snake 04:11 7 Duran Duran Rio [Encore recorded 19.03.84] 05:43 8 Duran Duran (I'm Looking For) Cracks In The Pavement 04:20 9 Duran Duran Of Crime And Passion 03:23 10 Duran Duran Arena / The Wild Boys (Arena Radio Spot) 01:16
Duran Duran View in Albunack Astronaut (DTS) - Duran Duran 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Duran Duran (Reach Up For The) Sunrise 03:27 2 Duran Duran Want You More! 03:37 3 Duran Duran What Happens Tomorrow 04:07 4 Duran Duran Astronaut 03:25 5 Duran Duran Bedroom Toys 03:51 6 Duran Duran Nice 03:27 7 Duran Duran Taste The Summer 03:56 8 Duran Duran Finest Hour 03:57 9 Duran Duran Chains 04:46 10 Duran Duran One Of Those Days 03:45 11 Duran Duran Point Of No Return 04:54 12 Duran Duran Still Breathing 05:57
Duran Duran View in Albunack Duran Duran songbook (live) 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Duran Duran Planet Earth (live) 04:09 2 Duran Duran Late Bar (live) 03:02 3 Duran Duran The Chauffeur (live) 05:25 4 Duran Duran The Valley (live) 05:36 5 Duran Duran Do you belive in Shame? (live) 04:23 6 Duran Duran A View to a Kill (live) 03:40 7 Duran Duran Skin Trade (live) 06:26 8 Duran Duran Ordinary world (live) 05:54 9 Duran Duran Reach up for the Sunrise (live) 04:59 10 Duran Duran Rio (live) 06:02
Duran Duran View in Albunack Durantastic 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Duran Duran Planet Earth 03:49 2 Duran Duran Rio 04:11 3 Duran Duran Hungry Like The Wolf 04:07 4 Duran Duran Save A Prayer 05:46 5 Duran Duran A View To A Kill 04:36 6 Duran Duran Union Of The Snake 04:21 7 Duran Duran Girls On Film 03:49 8 Duran Duran The Reflex 04:21 9 Duran Duran Is There Something I Should Know 04:47 10 Duran Duran Skin Trade 04:05
Duran Duran View in Albunack Electriv Theatre 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Duran Duran Skin Trade 07:12 2 Duran Duran Girls On Film 03:31 3 Duran Duran Notorious 04:54 4 Duran Duran Is There Something I Should Know? 06:01 5 Duran Duran Drug (It`s Just A State Of Mind) 05:37 6 Duran Duran Wild Boys 05:38 7 Duran Duran Save A Prayer 07:15 8 Duran Duran Get It On (Bang A Gong) 04:33 9 Duran Duran The Reflex 03:30 10 Duran Duran Rio 07:21
Duran Duran View in Albunack Falling Down (Mixes) (Single) 8 3 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 Duran Duran Falling Down (Sebastian Leger Vocal Mix) 07:25 Has Mbid 2 Duran Duran Falling Down (Sebastian Leger Dub) 06:14 3 Duran Duran Falling Down (T-Empo Main Mix) 07:36 4 Duran Duran Falling Down (Freeks Main Mix) 07:12 5 Duran Duran Falling Down (Ashanti Boys Main Mix) 06:03 6 Duran Duran Falling Down (Freeks Instrumental) 07:12 7 Duran Duran Falling Down (Sebastian Leger Radio Mix) 03:47 Has Mbid 8 Duran Duran Falling Down (Original Version) 03:44
Duran Duran View in Albunack First Day On Earth 15 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Duran Duran Wild Boys 04:42 2 Duran Duran Electric Barbarella 04:51 3 Duran Duran Skin Trade 04:46 4 Duran Duran A View To A Kill 03:45 5 Duran Duran All She Wants Is 04:07 6 Duran Duran Ordinary World 05:52 7 Duran Duran Come Undone 04:39 8 Duran Duran Save A Prayer 05:43 9 Duran Duran Notorious (Intro) 01:24 10 Duran Duran Notorious 04:11 11 Duran Duran Success 05:17 12 Duran Duran Crystal Ship 03:03 13 Duran Duran 911 Is A Joke 04:33 14 Duran Duran Thank You 04:08 15 Duran Duran Ordinary World 11:42
Duran Duran View in Albunack Kill That Light 14 3 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 Duran Duran Notorious 04:16 2 Duran Duran Vertigo (Do The Demolition) 06:00 3 Duran Duran New Religion 05:32 Has Mbid 4 Duran Duran Hungry Like The Wolf 05:07 Has Mbid 5 Duran Duran American Science 05:00 6 Duran Duran Save A Prayer 04:55 7 Duran Duran Skin Trade 06:23 8 Duran Duran Girls On Film 04:28 9 Duran Duran Come Undone 04:51 10 Duran Duran Someone Else Not Me 05:05 11 Duran Duran White Lines 05:28 12 Duran Duran Ordinary World 05:54 13 Duran Duran Hallucinating Elvis 03:35 14 Duran Duran Rio 06:43
Duran Duran View in Albunack Live at the BBC 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Duran Duran Rio 05:58 2 Duran Duran Hungry like the wolf 04:09 3 Duran Duran Last chance on the stairway 05:19 4 Duran Duran Lonely in your nightmare 05:10 5 Duran Duran Sound of thunder 03:58 6 Duran Duran Hold back the rain 04:05 7 Duran Duran New religion 05:32 8 Duran Duran Friends of mine 06:41 9 Duran Duran Save a prayer 06:11 10 Duran Duran Planet Earth 04:47 11 Duran Duran Careless memories 03:42
Duran Duran View in Albunack Ordinary World - Live In Atlanta and Los Angeles 1993 13 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Duran Duran Hungry Like The Wolf 00:00 2 Duran Duran Ordinary World 00:00 3 Duran Duran Come Undone 00:00 4 Duran Duran Girls On Film 00:00 5 Duran Duran Notorius 00:00 6 Duran Duran Too Much Information 00:00 7 Duran Duran Rio 00:00 8 Duran Duran Crystal Ship 00:00 9 Duran Duran Here Comes Success 00:00 10 Duran Duran A View To A Kill 00:00 11 Duran Duran White Lines 00:00 12 Duran Duran The Chaffeur 00:00 13 Duran Duran U.M.F. 00:00
Duran Duran View in Albunack Paper Gods (Deluxe Version) 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Duran Duran Paper Gods (Feat. Mr Hudson) 07:02 2 Duran Duran Last Night In The City (Feat. Kiesza) 04:44 3 Duran Duran You Kill Me With Silence 04:28 4 Duran Duran Pressure Off (Feat. Janelle Monáe And Nile Rodgers) 04:21 5 Duran Duran Face For Today 03:52 6 Duran Duran Danceophobia 04:13 7 Duran Duran What Are The Chances? 04:56 8 Duran Duran Sunset Garage 04:43 9 Duran Duran Change The Skyline (Feat. Jonas Bjerre) 03:58 10 Duran Duran Butterfly Girl 03:16 11 Duran Duran Only In Dreams 06:05
Duran Duran View in Albunack Return Return [BOOTLEG] 14 3 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Duran Duran Hungry Like A Wolf [Live Hollywood '93] 00:00 2 Duran Duran Ordinary World [Live Hollywood '93] 00:00 3 Duran Duran Come Undone [Live Hollywood '93] 00:00 4 Duran Duran Girls On Film [Live Hollywood '93] 00:00 5 Duran Duran Notorious [Live Hollywood '93] 05:22 6 Duran Duran Too Much Information [Live Hollywood '93] 00:00 7 Duran Duran Rio [Live Hollywood '93] 00:00 8 Duran Duran Planet Earth [Live Valez Sarsfield Stadium Buenos Aires 30/04/93 Argentina] 00:00 9 Duran Duran Hungry Like A Wolf [Live Valez Sarsfield Stadium Buenos Aires 30/04/93 Argentina] 00:00 10 Duran Duran Ordinary World [Live Valez Sarsfield Stadium Buenos Aires 30/04/93 Argentina] 00:00 Has Mbid 11 Duran Duran Crystal Ship [Live Valez Sarsfield Stadium Buenos Aires 30/04/93 Argentina] 00:00 Has Mbid 12 Duran Duran Save A Prayer [Live Valez Sarsfield Stadium Buenos Aires 30/04/93 Argentina] 00:00 Has Mbid 13 Duran Duran Wild Boys [Live Valez Sarsfield Stadium Buenos Aires 30/04/93 Argentina] 01:42 14 Duran Duran Rio [Live Valez Sarsfield Stadium Buenos Aires 30/04/93 Argentina] 00:00
Duran Duran View in Albunack Reunion Tour Las Vegas July 17, 2003 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Duran Duran Save a Prayer 08:02 2 Duran Duran Friends of Mine 05:00 3 Duran Duran Hungry Like the Wolf 03:55 4 Duran Duran Notorious 05:53 5 Duran Duran Come Undone 05:54 6 Duran Duran What Happens Tomorrow 05:12 7 Duran Duran New Religion 06:34 8 Duran Duran The Reflex 05:20 9 Duran Duran Girls on Film 06:12 10 Duran Duran Waiting For the Night Boat 06:15 11 Duran Duran Is There Something I Should Know? 04:51
Duran Duran View in Albunack Storm Over Danubio 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Duran Duran I Don't Want Your Love 04:44 2 Duran Duran Hungry Like The Wolf 04:18 3 Duran Duran Save A Prayer 07:12 4 Duran Duran The Reflex 03:59 5 Duran Duran Rio 03:22 6 Duran Duran Do You Believe In Shame 04:49 7 Duran Duran Girls On Film 03:49 8 Duran Duran Notorious 04:48 9 Duran Duran Wild Boys 04:32 10 Duran Duran Drug 03:02 11 Duran Duran Say The Word (bonus track) 00:37
Duran Duran View in Albunack Thanksgiving Live At Pleasure Island November 1997 17 3 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 Duran Duran Medazzaland 01:05 2 Duran Duran Bing Bang Generation 03:37 3 Duran Duran Hungry Like The Wolf 05:14 4 Duran Duran Who Do You Think You Are? 03:08 5 Duran Duran Electric Barbarella 03:31 6 Duran Duran View To A Kill 04:56 7 Duran Duran Out Of My Mind 03:41 8 Duran Duran Save A Prayer 04:38 9 Duran Duran Be My Icon 05:49 Has Mbid 10 Duran Duran Buried In The Sand 05:36 11 Duran Duran Come Undone 04:39 12 Duran Duran Is There Anyone Out There? 03:52 13 Duran Duran Friends Of Mine 05:41 Has Mbid 14 Duran Duran Careless Memories 03:38 15 Duran Duran Secret Oktober 06:10 16 Duran Duran Ordinary World 05:51 17 Duran Duran Rio 06:09
Duran Duran View in Albunack ToBiPhone0211 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Duran Duran Planet Earth 04:41 2 Duran Duran Hungry Like A Wolf 06:46 3 Duran Duran Ordinary World 05:30 4 Duran Duran Come Undone 07:48 5 Duran Duran The Chauffeur 07:43 6 Duran Duran Crystal Ship 03:01 7 Duran Duran Girls On Film 05:36 8 Duran Duran UMF 06:14 9 Duran Duran Notorious 05:36 10 Duran Duran Information (Too Much...) 05:48 11 Duran Duran Save A Prayer 07:30 12 Duran Duran Ordinary World 05:29
Duran Duran View in Albunack Two For The Show 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Duran Duran Is There Something I Should Know? 04:42 2 Duran Duran Hungry Like The Wolf 04:19 3 Duran Duran Nightboat 05:17 4 Duran Duran Friends Of Mine 05:33 5 Duran Duran Union Of The Snake 04:10 6 Duran Duran New Religion 06:32 7 Duran Duran The Seventh Stranger 05:15 8 Duran Duran The Chauffeur 05:46 9 Duran Duran Save A Prayer 06:41 10 Duran Duran Planet Earth 04:37
Duran Duran View in Albunack VH1 Storytellers 18 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Duran Duran Rio 01:35 2 Duran Duran storytelling 01:34 3 Duran Duran Girls on Film 03:59 4 Duran Duran storytelling 00:50 Has Mbid 5 Duran Duran Hungry Like the Wolf 03:14 6 Duran Duran storytelling 01:34 7 Duran Duran Notorious 03:17 8 Duran Duran storytelling 00:39 9 Duran Duran storytelling 00:36 10 Duran Duran Save a Prayer 03:48 11 Duran Duran storytelling 01:08 12 Duran Duran Playing With Uranium 03:51 13 Duran Duran storytelling 01:42 14 Duran Duran A View To A Kill 03:54 15 Duran Duran storytelling 00:59 16 Duran Duran Ordinary World 05:26 17 Duran Duran storytelling 01:30 18 Duran Duran Pop Trash Movie 05:00
Duran Duran View in Albunack [b] People Like You 15 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Duran Duran Hungry like the Wolf 04:03 2 Duran Duran Rebel Rebel 04:22 3 Duran Duran P.L. You 04:32 4 Duran Duran Come undone 05:03 5 Duran Duran Girls on film 08:08 6 Duran Duran Success 04:18 7 Duran Duran The Message 06:45 8 Duran Duran 911 is a joke 04:25 9 Duran Duran White lines 05:55 10 Duran Duran Diamond Dogs [Alternate mix] 06:17 11 Duran Duran White lines [Instrumental rough mix] 05:42 12 Duran Duran White lines [Lead vox acapella] 05:21 13 Duran Duran White lines [Back vox acapella] 05:32 14 Duran Duran White lines [Alternate ending] 00:53 15 Duran Duran 911 is a joke - Intro sample 00:08
Dusty Springfield View in Albunack In Private maxiSP 6 3 1989 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 Dusty Springfield In Private (12'' Version) 07:11 Has Mbid 2 Dusty Springfield In Private (Instrumental) 04:21 Has Mbid 3 Dusty Springfield In Private (7'' Version) 04:22 4 Dusty Springfield In Private (Remix) 08:57 5 Dusty Springfield In Private (Dub) 06:35 6 Dusty Springfield In Private (Bonus Beats) 03:56
Dusty Springfield View in Albunack Live at the BBC (TV) 8 1 1967 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Dusty Springfield Intro - Get Ready (Live) 02:52 2 Dusty Springfield Don't Let Me Lose This Dream (Live) 03:13 3 Dusty Springfield Two Brothers (Live) 03:13 4 Dusty Springfield It Was Easier To Hurt Him (Live) 02:51 5 Dusty Springfield (Love Is Like a) Heat Wave (Live) 02:52 6 Dusty Springfield Twenty-Four Hours From Tulsa (Live) 03:22 7 Dusty Springfield Packin' Up (Live) 01:40 Has Mbid 8 Dusty Springfield Poor Wayfaring Stranger (Live - Remastered) 03:13
Search EAGLES 1978- Randy Meisner 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 EAGLES Bad Man 02:35 2 EAGLES Daughter Of The Sky 04:09 3 EAGLES It Hurts To Be In Love 02:24 4 EAGLES Save The Last Dance For Me 02:52 5 EAGLES Please Be With Me 03:17 6 EAGLES Take It To The Limit 04:11 7 EAGLES Lonesome Cowgirl 03:39 8 EAGLES Too Many Lovers 03:58 9 EAGLES If You Wanna Be Happy 02:41 10 EAGLES I Really Want You Here Tonight 03:44 11 EAGLES Every Other Day 03:48 12 EAGLES Heartsong 03:55
Search EAGLES 1982- Much Fun Aloud - Live Radio Broadcast Oct. 15 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 EAGLES I Found Somebody 04:27 2 EAGLES All Those Lies 05:03 3 EAGLES That Girl 03:59 4 EAGLES Peaceful Easy Feeling 07:26 5 EAGLES Lyin' Eyes 05:08 6 EAGLES The One You Love 04:54 7 EAGLES Band Introduction 04:44 8 EAGLES Party Town 03:47 9 EAGLES Sea Cruise 02:49 10 EAGLES Don't Give Up 05:22 11 EAGLES Heartache Tonight 04:35 12 EAGLES Slow Down 04:22 13 EAGLES I've Been Born Again 06:57 14 EAGLES Cool Jerk 04:29 15 EAGLES What's Goin' On 06:45
Search EAGLES 1989- The End Of The Innocence 10 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 EAGLES The End Of The Innocence 05:19 2 EAGLES How Bad Do You Want It? 03:48 3 EAGLES I Will Not Go Quietly 05:44 Has Mbid 4 EAGLES The Last Worthless Evening 06:05 5 EAGLES New York Minute 06:36 6 EAGLES Shangri-La 04:57 7 EAGLES Little Tin God 04:44 8 EAGLES Gimme What You Got 06:16 9 EAGLES If Dirt Were Dollars 04:35 10 EAGLES The Heart Of The Matter 05:24
Search EAGLES 1993- Glenn Frey Live 14 3 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 EAGLES Peaceful Easy Feeling 02:35 2 EAGLES New Kid In Town 06:08 3 EAGLES The One You Love 05:15 Has Mbid 4 EAGLES Wild Mountain Thyme 04:31 5 EAGLES Strange Weather 05:05 6 EAGLES I've Got Mine 05:58 7 EAGLES Lyin' Eyes / Take It Easy 05:55 8 EAGLES River Of Dreams 04:58 9 EAGLES True Love 05:24 10 EAGLES Love In The 21st Century 06:09 11 EAGLES Smuggler's Blues 03:51 12 EAGLES The Heat Is On 04:31 13 EAGLES Heartache Tonight 06:03 Has Mbid 14 EAGLES Desperado 04:05
Search EAGLES 1999- MILLENIUM CONCERT DEC.29 Las Vegas,Nevada 15 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 EAGLES Take It To The Limit 04:03 2 EAGLES Those Shoes 04:53 3 EAGLES The Boys Of Summer 05:07 4 EAGLES Funk # 49 04:43 5 EAGLES Dirty Laundry 06:11 6 EAGLES Life's Been Good 09:01 7 EAGLES Heartache Tonight 05:16 8 EAGLES Life In The Fast Lane 06:18 9 EAGLES Count Down 01:21 10 EAGLES Funky New Year 04:29 11 EAGLES Rocky mountain way 07:25 12 EAGLES The Best Of My Love 05:22 13 EAGLES All She Wants To Do Is Dance 07:12 14 EAGLES Desperado 04:41 15 EAGLES Take it easy 03:48
Search EAGLES 1999- The Millenium Concert Dec.29 Las Vegas,Nevada 15 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 EAGLES Take It To The Limit 04:02 2 EAGLES Those Shoes 04:53 3 EAGLES New Kid in Town 05:36 4 EAGLES Wasted Time 05:30 5 EAGLES Pretty Maids All In A Row 05:13 6 EAGLES Peaceful Easy Feeling 04:50 7 EAGLES I Can't Tell You Why 06:00 8 EAGLES Please Come Home For Christmas 04:43 9 EAGLES In The City 04:51 10 EAGLES Lyin' Eyes 06:49 11 EAGLES Rocky mountain way 07:22 12 EAGLES Seven Bridges Road 03:13 13 EAGLES All She Wants To Do Is Dance 07:12 14 EAGLES The Heart Of The Matter 05:53 15 EAGLES Ol' 55 05:36
Search EAGLES EAGLES - 1999- MILLENNUM CONCERT DEC.29 Las Vegas,Nevada 15 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 EAGLES Take It To The Limit 04:03 2 EAGLES Victim Of Love 04:44 3 EAGLES The Boys Of Summer 05:07 4 EAGLES Funk # 49 04:43 5 EAGLES Pretty Maids All In A Row 05:11 6 EAGLES Peaceful Easy Feeling 04:50 7 EAGLES Heartache Tonight 05:16 8 EAGLES Life In The Fast Lane 06:18 9 EAGLES Count Down 01:24 10 EAGLES Funky New Year 04:29 11 EAGLES Rocky mountain way 07:22 12 EAGLES Seven Bridges Road 03:09 13 EAGLES Love Will Keep Us Alive 04:31 14 EAGLES Desperado 04:37 15 EAGLES Take it easy 03:48
Search EAGLES Live in Houston,TX. Nov.6,1976 15 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 EAGLES Hotel California 06:21 2 EAGLES Lyin' Eyes 06:15 3 EAGLES Wasted Time 04:58 4 EAGLES Take It To The Limit 04:54 5 EAGLES Despetado 03:43 6 EAGLES Nidnight Flyer 03:51 7 EAGLES Turn To Stone 08:28 8 EAGLES Already Gone 04:59 9 EAGLES One Of These Nights 03:40 10 EAGLES Good Day In Hell 05:30 11 EAGLES Rockey Mountain Way 07:03 12 EAGLES James Dean 03:39 13 EAGLES The Best Of My Love 04:11 14 EAGLES Walk Away 03:33 15 EAGLES Tequira Sunrise 03:23
EARTHA KITT View in Albunack Canta en Espan'ol 12 0 1965 Show/Hide Tracks 1 EARTHA KITT Guadalajara 02:23 2 EARTHA KITT El pecador 02:50 3 EARTHA KITT Donde estás corazón 02:38 4 EARTHA KITT Cucurucucu paloma 02:52 5 EARTHA KITT Historia de un amor 03:17 6 EARTHA KITT Cielito lindo 02:38 7 EARTHA KITT Incertidumbre 02:56 8 EARTHA KITT Media vuelta 02:22 9 EARTHA KITT Besame mucho 03:33 10 EARTHA KITT Noche de ronda 03:15 11 EARTHA KITT La barca de oro 02:40 12 EARTHA KITT La bamba 02:10
Search ECLIPSE Armageddonize (Deluxe Edition) (Bonus DISC) 16 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 ECLIPSE I Don't Wanna Say I'm Sorry (LIVE) 05:44 2 ECLIPSE Stand On Your Feet (LIVE) 03:47 3 ECLIPSE Wake Me Up (LIVE) 04:18 4 ECLIPSE The Storm (LIVE) 03:39 5 ECLIPSE Battlegrounds (LIVE) 05:04 6 ECLIPSE Breakdown (LIVE) 05:03 7 ECLIPSE Wide Open (LIVE) 03:58 8 ECLIPSE Blood Enemies (LIVE) 05:09 9 ECLIPSE Ain't Dead Yet (LIVE) 04:03 10 ECLIPSE Bleed & Scream (LIVE) 03:57 11 ECLIPSE Breaking My Heart Again (LIVE) 07:37 12 ECLIPSE Come Hell Or High Water 02:56 13 ECLIPSE Into The Fire 03:51 14 ECLIPSE The Storm (Acoustic) 03:04 15 ECLIPSE I Don't Wanna Say I'm Sorry (Acoustic) 03:53 Has Mbid 16 ECLIPSE Battlegrounds (Acoustic) 04:27
Search ECLIPSE Life Can Be 11 0 2014 Show/Hide Tracks 1 ECLIPSE Life Can Be 06:14 2 ECLIPSE Where I'm Bound 04:53 3 ECLIPSE Dedication 06:12 4 ECLIPSE Let Me Go 04:42 5 ECLIPSE Far Away 04:56 6 ECLIPSE Lost Empire 06:12 7 ECLIPSE Love Can't Wait 06:04 8 ECLIPSE Teach Me 05:41 9 ECLIPSE Things you do 05:04 10 ECLIPSE Without you 06:07 11 ECLIPSE Blow Your Horn 06:07
Search EDEN Like Unto Angels of God 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 EDEN Like Unto Angels of God 03:23 2 EDEN Waters of God 03:38 3 EDEN Feed My Sheep 04:59 4 EDEN The Standard 02:35 5 EDEN If You Believe 04:24 6 EDEN Like a Dove 04:46 7 EDEN How Beautiful Upon the Mountain 04:20
Search EDEN Return To Innocence 12 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 EDEN Fall All The Way 06:00 2 EDEN Shine On Me 05:59 3 EDEN Unlikely Angel 04:02 4 EDEN On My Way To You 05:10 5 EDEN Nouveau Rituel 04:17 Has Mbid 6 EDEN Metamorphosis 04:43 7 EDEN Ocean Moon 03:55 8 EDEN Saturnalia 05:23 9 EDEN Pange Lingua 05:40 10 EDEN Secret Rose 04:51 11 EDEN Adonis 04:44 12 EDEN Union 05:44
Search EDEN Was bleibt 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 EDEN Bilder von Eden 04:54 2 EDEN Es lebe die Liebe 04:19 3 EDEN Ich bete für sie 04:42 4 EDEN Seine Dimensionen 04:39 5 EDEN Sei einfach ein Mensch 04:24 6 EDEN Wochenende 03:14 7 EDEN Psalm 23 03:11 8 EDEN Wir haben eine wunderbare Welt 04:01 9 EDEN Alles richtig oder was 03:15 10 EDEN For Every Child 04:51 11 EDEN Wir brauchen Kraft 03:32 12 EDEN Was bleibt 05:13
EDOARDO BENNATO View in Albunack Live in Macerata, Italy 2009-12-15 23 0 2009 Show/Hide Tracks 1 EDOARDO BENNATO Il Paese Dei Balocchi 02:53 2 EDOARDO BENNATO La Torre Di Babele 05:07 3 EDOARDO BENNATO Sembra 04:33 4 EDOARDO BENNATO Non e Amore 03:25 5 EDOARDO BENNATO Dedica Alle Donne 01:28 6 EDOARDO BENNATO Le Ragazze Fanno Grandi Sogni 03:20 7 EDOARDO BENNATO Intervista 04:34 8 EDOARDO BENNATO Abbi Dubbi 02:41 9 EDOARDO BENNATO Sono Solo Canzonette 02:55 10 EDOARDO BENNATO Il Gatto E La Volpe 02:33 11 EDOARDO BENNATO Arrivano I Buoni 03:04 12 EDOARDO BENNATO C'era Un Re 04:10 13 EDOARDO BENNATO Intervista Con Scarpato 04:38 14 EDOARDO BENNATO Una Settimana, Un Giorno 06:31 15 EDOARDO BENNATO Rinnegato 04:27 16 EDOARDO BENNATO La Luna 03:37 17 EDOARDO BENNATO Notte Di Mezza Estate 04:56 18 EDOARDO BENNATO L'isola Che Non C'e 03:49 19 EDOARDO BENNATO Il Rock Di Capitan Uncino 07:30 20 EDOARDO BENNATO Vendero 03:38 21 EDOARDO BENNATO Nisida 09:05 22 EDOARDO BENNATO Intervista Finale 02:33 23 EDOARDO BENNATO Le Ragazze Fanno Grandi Sogni 03:34
EDOARDO BENNATO View in Albunack Storytellers 15 0 2010 Show/Hide Tracks 1 EDOARDO BENNATO Cantautore 05:03 2 EDOARDO BENNATO Vendero 03:27 3 EDOARDO BENNATO Non farti cadere le braccia 03:52 4 EDOARDO BENNATO Wannamarkilibera 02:32 5 EDOARDO BENNATO FEAT. FINLEY Rinnegato 03:57 6 EDOARDO BENNATO FEAT. GIULIANO PALMA & THE BLUEBEATERS E' stata tua la colpa 04:32 7 EDOARDO BENNATO Detto tra noi 03:08 8 EDOARDO BENNATO Ogni favola e un gioco 03:43 9 EDOARDO BENNATO FEAT. ROY PACI Un giorno credi 03:24 10 EDOARDO BENNATO Chi non salta 03:57 11 EDOARDO BENNATO La fata 03:40 12 EDOARDO BENNATO Perfetta per me 04:11 13 EDOARDO BENNATO L'isola che non c'e 03:40 14 EDOARDO BENNATO FEAT. MORGAN Perche 03:14 15 EDOARDO BENNATO FEAT. MORGAN Lo show finisce qua 04:33
ELECTRIC LIGHT ORCHESTRA View in Albunack Live in Flint 15 0 1976 Show/Hide Tracks 1 ELECTRIC LIGHT ORCHESTRA . Intro 00:44 2 ELECTRIC LIGHT ORCHESTRA . Strange Magic 04:02 3 ELECTRIC LIGHT ORCHESTRA . 10538 Overture 02:54 4 ELECTRIC LIGHT ORCHESTRA . Do Ya 02:10 5 ELECTRIC LIGHT ORCHESTRA . Bluebird Is Dead 03:51 6 ELECTRIC LIGHT ORCHESTRA . Oh No Not Susan 00:28 7 ELECTRIC LIGHT ORCHESTRA . New World Rising Ocean Breakup (Reprise) 02:13 8 ELECTRIC LIGHT ORCHESTRA . Cello Solo w. Flight Of The Bumble Bee 01:12 9 ELECTRIC LIGHT ORCHESTRA . Showdown 04:42 10 ELECTRIC LIGHT ORCHESTRA . Eldorado Overture 02:06 11 ELECTRIC LIGHT ORCHESTRA . Can't Get It Out Of My Head 03:57 12 ELECTRIC LIGHT ORCHESTRA . Poor Boy (The Greenwood) 02:43 13 ELECTRIC LIGHT ORCHESTRA . Illusions In G Major 02:37 14 ELECTRIC LIGHT ORCHESTRA . Eldorado 05:01 15 ELECTRIC LIGHT ORCHESTRA . Violin Solo w. Orange Blossom Special 00:39
ELVIS PRESLEY View in Albunack ELVIS LOVE SONG 17 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 ELVIS PRESLEY Traccia01 05:01 2 ELVIS PRESLEY Traccia02 02:30 3 ELVIS PRESLEY Traccia03 02:46 4 ELVIS PRESLEY Traccia04 02:34 5 ELVIS PRESLEY Traccia05 02:58 6 ELVIS PRESLEY Traccia06 02:06 7 ELVIS PRESLEY Traccia07 03:24 8 ELVIS PRESLEY Traccia08 03:04 9 ELVIS PRESLEY Traccia09 02:27 10 ELVIS PRESLEY Traccia10 02:25 11 ELVIS PRESLEY Traccia11 03:57 12 ELVIS PRESLEY Traccia12 02:57 13 ELVIS PRESLEY Traccia13 02:22 14 ELVIS PRESLEY Traccia14 02:49 15 ELVIS PRESLEY Traccia15 02:02 16 ELVIS PRESLEY Traccia16 02:53 17 ELVIS PRESLEY Traccia17 02:44
ELVIS PRESLEY View in Albunack MM Velvet Elvis 04 15 3 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Elvis Presley Hurt 02:24 2 Elvis Presley American Trilogy 04:44 Has Mbid 3 Elvis Presley Baby Let's Play House 02:40 4 Elvis Presley I Was The One 03:01 5 Elvis Presley Don't 03:06 6 Elvis Presley Paralyzed 02:42 7 Elvis Presley Rip It Up 02:13 8 Elvis Presley Jailhouse Rock 02:45 9 Elvis Presley T-R-O-U-B-L-E 03:21 10 Elvis Presley Mean Woman Blues 02:44 Has Mbid 11 Elvis Presley Anyplace Is Paradise 02:48 12 Elvis Presley She's Not You 02:25 13 Elvis Presley So Glad You're Mine 02:41 Has Mbid 14 Elvis Presley Love Letters 03:03 15 Elvis Presley Love Me 03:11
ELVIS PRESLEY View in Albunack Stay Away Joe 21 3 2013 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 ELVIS PRESLEY Stay Away 02:22 2 ELVIS PRESLEY Stay Away, Joe 01:40 3 ELVIS PRESLEY Dominic 01:52 4 ELVIS PRESLEY All I Needed Was the Rain 01:49 Has Mbid 5 ELVIS PRESLEY Goin' Home 02:23 Has Mbid 6 ELVIS PRESLEY Too Much Monkey Business 02:33 7 ELVIS PRESLEY U.S. Male 02:44 8 ELVIS PRESLEY Stay Away (Jam, Take 2) 04:02 9 ELVIS PRESLEY Too Much Monkey Business (Takes 1, 3, 9) 07:00 10 ELVIS PRESLEY U.S. Male (Takes 2, 3, 5, 7) 06:43 11 ELVIS PRESLEY Stay Away, Joe (Takes 10, 12, 13) 02:58 12 ELVIS PRESLEY Stay Away, Joe (Takes 15, 16, 17) 03:49 13 ELVIS PRESLEY Dominic (Takes 1, 3, 2) 02:42 14 ELVIS PRESLEY All I Needed Was the Rain (Alternate Mastering) 02:32 15 ELVIS PRESLEY Too Much Monkey Business (Takes 12, 10) 03:52 16 ELVIS PRESLEY Goin' Home (Takes 12, 18, 21) 03:20 17 ELVIS PRESLEY Goin' Home (Takes 22, 24, 26, 29) 04:08 18 ELVIS PRESLEY Stay Away (Takes 5, 6) 02:52 19 ELVIS PRESLEY Stay Away (Takes 11, 12, 14) 04:53 20 ELVIS PRESLEY U.S. Male (Takes 9, 10) 05:12 21 ELVIS PRESLEY U.S. Male (Take 11) 03:27
Search EMBRYO Hammerklavier 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 EMBRYO Ballade for M.S 03:10 2 EMBRYO Funkey Frank 03:20 3 EMBRYO Summer's left 03:47 4 EMBRYO Aemored Ladybird 03:03 5 EMBRYO Tempest of Grace 02:45 6 EMBRYO Sonata No1 Op5 05:13 7 EMBRYO Fantasia on Themes from the 'Atlach=Nacha' 17:03
EMMYLOU HARRIS View in Albunack Cowboy Angels (Live) 15 0 2012 Show/Hide Tracks 1 EMMYLOU HARRIS Cash on the Barrel Head (Live) 02:25 2 EMMYLOU HARRIS That's All it Took (Live) 03:29 3 EMMYLOU HARRIS Feelin' single, Seein' double (Live) 02:43 4 EMMYLOU HARRIS Coat of Many Colors (Live) 04:52 5 EMMYLOU HARRIS Amarillo (Live) 03:23 6 EMMYLOU HARRIS Together Again (Live) 04:04 7 EMMYLOU HARRIS Return of the Grievous Angel (Live) 04:22 8 EMMYLOU HARRIS Bluebird Wine (Live) 04:35 9 EMMYLOU HARRIS Tonight the Bottle Let Me Down (Live) 03:55 10 EMMYLOU HARRIS Boulder to Birmingham (Live) 03:41 11 EMMYLOU HARRIS Cry One More Time (Live) 03:46 12 EMMYLOU HARRIS Ooh Las Vegas (Live) 04:01 13 EMMYLOU HARRIS Shop Around (Live) 07:27 14 EMMYLOU HARRIS Hickory Wind (Live) 03:54 15 EMMYLOU HARRIS Jambalaya (Live) 03:33
Search ERA Culture Influences 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 ERA トラック01 01:01 2 ERA トラック02 02:48 3 ERA トラック03 02:54 4 ERA トラック04 03:32 5 ERA トラック05 02:19 6 ERA トラック06 03:04 7 ERA トラック07 02:44 8 ERA トラック08 02:54 9 ERA トラック09 02:48 10 ERA トラック10 03:02
Search ERA Good Music 15 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 ERA Omen Sore 04:40 2 ERA Divano 03:55 3 ERA Devore Amante 04:08 4 ERA Sentence 04:46 5 ERA Don't U 03:48 6 ERA Infadaci 04:19 7 ERA Madona 04:16 8 ERA Hymne 04:52 9 ERA Misere Mani 04:04 10 ERA Mother Remix 04:06 11 ERA Avemano 04:16 12 ERA Enae Volare Mezzo 03:49 13 ERA Cathar Rhytm 03:19 14 ERA Ameno 04:08 15 ERA Era 03:16
Search ERA TOTEM (RE-RECORDING VERSION) 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 ERA TONO 06:46 2 ERA I was a Teenage Werewolf 04:08 3 ERA Arena 05:34 4 ERA Under the Red Ground 04:49 5 ERA Touch 10:20 6 ERA Take Me to Your Leader 03:32 7 ERA Gadget 05:01 8 ERA Dizzy Blank 07:35 9 ERA Haf 06:29 10 ERA Three Colours of the Sky 05:31
Search ERA TOTEM [Re-Recording Version] 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 ERA TONO 06:46 2 ERA I Was a Teenage Werewolf 04:08 3 ERA Arena 05:34 4 ERA Under the Red Ground 04:49 5 ERA Touch 10:20 6 ERA Take Me to Your Leader 03:32 7 ERA Gadget 05:01 8 ERA Dizzy Blank 07:35 9 ERA Haf 06:29 10 ERA Three Colours of the Sky [*] 05:31
Search ERA TOTEM re-recording version 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 ERA TONO 06:46 2 ERA I was a Teenage Werewolf 04:08 3 ERA Arena 05:34 4 ERA Under the Red Ground 04:49 5 ERA Touch 10:20 6 ERA Take Me to Your Leader 03:32 7 ERA Gadget 05:01 8 ERA Dizzy Blank 07:35 9 ERA Haf 06:29 10 ERA Three Colours of the Sky 05:31
ERIC CLAPTON View in Albunack Just One Kyoto Night 10 0 2015 Show/Hide Tracks 1 ERIC CLAPTON Knockin' On Heaven'S Door 06:48 2 ERIC CLAPTON Setting Me Up 04:50 3 ERIC CLAPTON Rambling on My Mind – Have you Ever Loved a Woman 10:23 4 ERIC CLAPTON Wonderful Tonight 05:00 5 ERIC CLAPTON If I Don'T Be There by Morning 04:23 6 ERIC CLAPTON Layla 09:35 7 ERIC CLAPTON Further on Up the Road 04:28 8 ERIC CLAPTON All Our Past Times 05:23 9 ERIC CLAPTON Blues Power 06:54 10 ERIC CLAPTON Double Trouble 08:29
ERIC CLAPTON View in Albunack Snowblind 11 0 2014 Show/Hide Tracks 1 ERIC CLAPTON Change the World 05:58 2 ERIC CLAPTON Crossroads 02:52 3 ERIC CLAPTON I Shot the Sheriff 08:39 4 ERIC CLAPTON Bell Bottom Blues 05:15 5 ERIC CLAPTON Reconsider Baby 04:14 6 ERIC CLAPTON Can't Find My Way Home 05:24 7 ERIC CLAPTON Wonderful Tonight 04:38 8 ERIC CLAPTON I Want a Little Girl 04:56 9 ERIC CLAPTON Layla 09:25 10 ERIC CLAPTON Hoochie Coochie Man 05:07 11 ERIC CLAPTON Somewhere Over the Rainbow 06:54
EROS RAMAZZOTTI View in Albunack Perfecto [Spanish Version] 14 1 2015 Show/Hide Tracks 1 EROS RAMAZZOTTI Al fin del mundo 03:56 2 EROS RAMAZZOTTI El tiempo no atiende a razones 04:05 3 EROS RAMAZZOTTI Perfecto 03:52 4 EROS RAMAZZOTTI Girando 03:57 5 EROS RAMAZZOTTI Sueño N.3 03:54 6 EROS RAMAZZOTTI Flora nacida ayer 03:51 7 EROS RAMAZZOTTI Vivela 03:53 8 EROS RAMAZZOTTI Aquel verano 04:08 9 EROS RAMAZZOTTI El amor es un modo de vivir 03:56 10 EROS RAMAZZOTTI El viaje 03:45 11 EROS RAMAZZOTTI Los celos 03:51 Has Mbid 12 EROS RAMAZZOTTI Una idea especial 03:48 13 EROS RAMAZZOTTI Feliz Navidad (Si tu quieres) 04:05 14 EROS RAMAZZOTTI Tras veinte años 03:44
ERROLL GARNER View in Albunack Erroll Garner Trio At Free Trade Hall 12 3 1963 Show/Hide Tracks 1 ERROLL GARNER One Note Samba 07:04 Has Mbid 2 ERROLL GARNER Autumn Leaves 07:52 3 ERROLL GARNER Unknown Title 05:08 4 ERROLL GARNER April in Paris 06:16 5 ERROLL GARNER I May Be Wrong 04:36 6 ERROLL GARNER Unknown Title 06:37 Has Mbid 7 ERROLL GARNER All the Things You Are 06:34 8 ERROLL GARNER Garner'S Boogie 06:23 9 ERROLL GARNER Green Dolphin Street 07:04 Has Mbid 10 ERROLL GARNER Dancing Tambourine 06:01 11 ERROLL GARNER Medley into Thanks for the Memory 04:48 12 ERROLL GARNER God Save the Queen 01:18
Search ETERNAL 天の光は恋の星 初回特典TEN.KOIサウンドトラックCD 19 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 早蕨まどか 流れ星の勇気 04:12 2 四十万行道 Rolling Going 01:53 3 四十万行道 Infant Eyes 02:09 4 四十万行道 Freaky Boogie 01:39 5 四十万行道 Fatal Crisis 01:56 6 四十万行道 Obscure Like A Night 01:13 7 四十万行道 The Mission 01:45 8 四十万行道 Dig In The Dirt 02:08 9 四十万行道 Blood Sucking Bastard 01:34 10 四十万行道 Ride On! 01:46 11 四十万行道 Turn Out The Stars 03:46 12 四十万行道 Equinox 01:44 13 四十万行道 The Steel Walker 02:28 14 四十万行道 Shooting Star 01:45 15 四十万行道 The Ark 01:57 16 四十万行道 Battlefield 02:22 17 四十万行道 Astral Counterpoint 03:13 18 四十万行道 Deus Ex Machina 05:15 19 四十万行道 Lost Memories 02:21
Search ETERNAL 輝光翼戦記 天空のユミナ フルボーカルアルバム 「僕達の物語」 13 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 ETERNAL 翠下弓那(CV:水霧けいと)/嘘つきと傷あと 05:06 2 ETERNAL 翠下弓那(CV:水霧けいと)/灰かぶり姫じゃなくても 04:37 3 浦澤環 楽園のディスタンス 03:49 4 ETERNAL 御木津藍(CV:遠山枝里子)/ワープ・アウト・ラブ! 05:22 5 ETERNAL 翠下弓那(CV:水霧けいと)/きいててね。 05:54 6 浦澤環 あの天空へFly away! 06:26 7 御木津藍(CV:遠山枝里子) 君と歩く、風が笑う 04:41 8 ETERNAL 翠下弓那(CV:水霧けいと)/イン・ペイン/イン・ヴェイン 06:08 9 ETERNAL ディーレ(CV:このかなみ)/Thesis~命題~ 05:45 10 ETERNAL 翠下弓那(CV:水霧けいと)/わがままハート 03:51 11 翠下弓那(CV:水霧けいと) ぶちかませ!WAGAMAMA魂 04:17 12 浦澤環 僕達の物語 07:20 13 ETERNAL 翠下弓那(CV:水霧けいと)/灰かぶり姫じゃなくても~ヘロヘロ version 04:38
Search ETERNAL 輝光翼戦記シリーズボーカルコレクションCD 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 水霧けいと 走れ!わがままハート 03:48 2 浦沢環 楽園のディスタンス 03:54 3 浦沢環 僕達の物語 07:20 4 翠下弓那 Forever Dreams 05:05 5 神楽那由他 Meltin' Heart 05:56 6 Riryka 宿命のパヴァーヌ 05:06 7 Riryka 満ちた刻のスピカ 04:27 8 コロナ 69億の夜明け 04:22 9 CAO Spirit Second 05:23 10 翠下弓那 灰かぶり姫じゃなくても 04:37 11 翠下弓那 嘘つきと傷あと 05:02
ETTA JAMES View in Albunack Burning down the house DVD 17 0 2002 Show/Hide Tracks 1 ETTA JAMES AND THE ROOTS BAND Introduction_Come to Mama 05:07 2 ETTA JAMES AND THE ROOTS BAND I Just Want to Make Love to You 02:38 3 ETTA JAMES AND THE ROOTS BAND Born to Be Wild 02:48 4 ETTA JAMES AND THE ROOTS BAND I'D Rather Go Blind 06:51 5 ETTA JAMES AND THE ROOTS BAND All the Way Down 06:51 6 ETTA JAMES AND THE ROOTS BAND Breaking Up Somebody'S Home 04:58 7 ETTA JAMES AND THE ROOTS BAND At Last 05:50 8 ETTA JAMES AND THE ROOTS BAND You Can Leave Your Hat on 07:25 9 ETTA JAMES AND THE ROOTS BAND Something'S Got a Hold on Me 05:18 10 ETTA JAMES AND THE ROOTS BAND Your Good Thing is About to End 08:48 11 ETTA JAMES AND THE ROOTS BAND Rock Me Baby 05:31 12 ETTA JAMES AND THE ROOTS BAND Love & Happiness 03:54 13 ETTA JAMES AND THE ROOTS BAND Take Me to the River 02:38 14 ETTA JAMES AND THE ROOTS BAND My Funny Valentine 07:53 15 ETTA JAMES AND THE ROOTS BAND Band Credits 02:03 16 ETTA JAMES AND THE ROOTS BAND Sugar on the Floor 10:41 17 ETTA JAMES AND THE ROOTS BAND End Credits 01:59
Search EVE 1집 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 EVE Intro 00:36 2 EVE 집착의 병자 03:38 3 EVE 너 그럴때면 (Duet) 03:51 4 EVE Song 4 U 03:22 5 EVE Today 03:58 6 EVE 꽃을 너에게 03:53 7 EVE 늑대 아저씨 03:36 8 EVE Dreamer 03:28 9 EVE Good bye 04:10 10 EVE 나의 그녀는 03:23 11 EVE 너 그럴때면 (Single) 04:07 12 EVE 너 그럴때면 (Piano) 04:09
Search EVE BEST SONGS OF EVE 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 EVE もう一度Fall in LOVE 04:06 2 EVE TRA-LA-LA 04:27 3 EVE BURNING DESIRE 04:20 4 EVE 恋はパッション 04:27 5 EVE SUGAR SUGAR 04:00 6 EVE HAPPY VACATION 03:13
Search EVE Cherie 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 EVE Bon Beat 04:06 2 EVE Jump In 03:58 3 EVE Cherie 04:40 4 EVE Do It To Me 04:46 5 EVE Sugar Sugar 04:00 6 EVE トラック06 04:28 7 EVE Rococo 04:39 8 EVE Divider 03:17 9 EVE Say Say 04:00 10 EVE トラック10 03:53
Search EVE EVE LIVE 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 EVE Stream Heat 03:23 2 EVE Tea For Two 05:46 3 EVE Sgt.Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band 04:02 4 EVE The Way We Were 03:37 5 EVE Beatles Medley 06:41 6 EVE Moon Ray 02:53 7 EVE Good Morning Hertache 05:16 8 EVE Oldies Medley 17:19 9 EVE Night In Tunisia 03:13
Search EVE LIVE 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 EVE トラック01 03:23 2 EVE トラック02 05:46 3 EVE トラック03 04:02 4 EVE トラック04 03:37 5 EVE トラック05 06:41 6 EVE トラック06 02:53 7 EVE トラック07 05:16 8 EVE トラック08 17:19 9 EVE トラック09 03:13
Search EVE PASSION 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 EVE 恋はパッション 04:24 2 EVE GOOD-BYE, SAYONARA 04:05 3 EVE SPIN ME ROUND 04:20 4 EVE TRA-LA-LA 04:27 5 EVE 涙のNIGHT IN TOKYO 04:37 6 EVE medley PART 1 〜DANCE・DANCE・DANCE〜 09:43 7 EVE medley PART 2 〜SPLASH HITS!〜 08:45
Search EXILE EXILE - Star Of Wish 14 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 EXILE Party All Night ~Star Of Wish~ 05:09 2 EXILE Melody 04:18 3 EXILE My Star 04:58 4 EXILE (featuring FANTASTICS) Turn Back Time 03:32 5 EXILE Awakening 05:03 6 EXILE Step Up 03:31 7 EXILE Heads Or Tails 04:21 8 EXILE STYLE Of 24karats 03:28 9 EXILE 24karats GOLD SOUL 03:44 10 EXILE Upside Down 05:07 11 EXILE Amazing World 06:28 12 EXILE Ki・Mi・Ni・Mu・Chu 04:23 13 EXILE Joy-ride ~歓喜のドライブ~ 04:24 14 EXILE 浪漫の地球 03:49
Search EXILE EXILE REMIX 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 EXILE ALL NIGHT LONG -Yves V Remix- 06:27 2 EXILE ALL NIGHT LONG -Lush & Simon Remix- 05:02 3 EXILE BOW&ARROWS -Sunnery James & Ryan Marciano Remix- 04:43 4 EXILE EXILE PRIDE ~こんな世界を愛するため~ -Nicky Romero Remix- 04:51 5 EXILE No Limit -Sick Individuals Remix- 06:04 6 EXILE Craving In My Soul -Stadiumx Remix- 05:03
Search EXILE EXILE RRIBUTE REVOLUTION 14 1 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 EXILE THE REVOLUTION 04:55 2 EXILE 24WORLD 05:16 3 EXILE VICTORY 2014 05:53 4 EXILE Someday 05:21 5 EXILE Best Friend's Girl 05:05 6 EXILE Choo Choo TRAIN 04:59 7 EXILE WON'T BE LONG 06:04 8 EXILE 君の瞳に恋してる -Can't Take My Eyes Off You- 06:03 9 EXILE 銀河鉄道999 04:36 10 EXILE CLAP TOUR HANDS 05:20 11 EXILE BURNING UP 03:58 12 EXILE 24karats TRIBE OF GOLD 06:18 13 EXILE Fly Away 04:46 14 EXILE Keep On Singing 06:25
Search EXILE EXILE RRIBUTE REVOLUTION 14 1 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 EXILE THE REVOLUTION 04:53 2 EXILE 24WORLD 05:15 3 EXILE VICTORY 2014 05:53 4 EXILE Someday 05:21 5 EXILE Best Friend's Girl 05:05 6 EXILE Choo Choo TRAIN 04:59 7 EXILE WON'T BE LONG 06:04 8 EXILE 君の瞳に恋してる -Can't Take My Eyes Off You- 06:05 9 EXILE 銀河鉄道999 04:36 10 EXILE CLAP TOUR HANDS 05:20 11 EXILE BURNING UP 03:59 12 EXILE 24karats TRIBE OF GOLD 06:21 13 EXILE Fly Away 04:46 14 EXILE Keep On Singing 06:25
Search EXILE Road to AMAZING WORLD 14 2 Show/Hide Tracks 1 EXILE トラック01 04:22 2 EXILE トラック02 05:14 3 EXILE トラック03 05:03 4 EXILE トラック04 06:04 Has Mbid 5 EXILE トラック05 04:57 6 EXILE トラック06 04:59 7 EXILE トラック07 04:16 8 EXILE トラック08 07:35 Has Mbid 9 EXILE トラック09 05:09 10 EXILE トラック10 04:57 11 EXILE トラック11 04:24 12 EXILE トラック12 04:31 13 EXILE トラック13 04:24 14 EXILE トラック14 04:34
Search EXILE The Birthday ~Ti Amo~ 8 1 2008 Show/Hide Tracks 1 EXILE Ti Amo 05:45 2 EXILE SUPER SHINE 04:22 Has Mbid 3 EXILE 24karats feat. J Soul Brothers and DOBERMAN INC 05:50 4 EXILE Your eyes only ~曖昧なぼくの輪郭~ 04:19 5 EXILE Ti Amo (Instrumental) 05:46 6 EXILE SUPER SHINE (Instrumental) 04:22 7 EXILE 24karats (Instrumental) 05:46 8 EXILE Your eyes only ~曖昧なぼくの輪郭~ (Instrumental) 04:17
Search EXO EXO PLANET #4 ElyXiOn [dot] 18 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 EXO Heaven 03:44 2 EXO What U do? 03:40 3 EXO Lucky One 03:45 4 EXO Tender Love 03:35 5 EXO 3.6.5 03:08 6 EXO Walk On Memories 04:49 7 EXO Moonlight 04:46 8 EXO We Young 03:45 9 EXO Electric Kiss 04:01 10 EXO Coming Over (Korean ver.) 02:44 11 EXO Run This (Korean ver.) 02:02 12 EXO Drop That (Korean ver.) 02:51 13 EXO Power 06:29 14 EXO Beyond 02:58 15 EXO Years (Korean ver.) 01:44 16 EXO Lucky 03:17 17 EXO Run 04:49 18 EXO Universe 04:25
Search EXO EXO PLANET #4 The ElyXiOn [dot] 17 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 EXO The Eve 02:15 2 EXO Forever 03:54 3 EXO Ko Ko Bop 03:23 4 EXO Growl 03:57 5 EXO I See You 03:26 6 EXO Call Me Baby 04:59 7 EXO Touch It 03:37 8 EXO Chill 03:09 9 EXO For Life (English ver.) 03:05 10 EXO Going Crazy 04:17 11 EXO Sweet Lies 03:59 12 EXO Boomerang 02:58 13 EXO Lotto 03:22 14 EXO Ka-CHING!(Korean ver.) 02:49 15 EXO Sing For You 04:34 16 EXO Playboy 02:26 17 EXO Psycho 02:29
Search EXODUS ZŁOTA KOLEKCJA - Najpiękniejszy Dzień 13 2 Show/Hide Tracks 1 EXODUS Niedokończony Sen 05:11 2 EXODUS Złoty Promień Słońca 04:23 3 EXODUS Dotyk Szczęścia 04:04 4 EXODUS Ostatni Teatrzyk Objazdowy 07:48 5 EXODUS Jestem Automatem 03:59 6 EXODUS Ponury Pejzaż 04:16 7 EXODUS Praktyczny Kolor 04:36 8 EXODUS Relacja Z Giełdy 03:57 Has Mbid 9 EXODUS Ciągle Czekam 04:37 Has Mbid 10 EXODUS Wszystko Płynie 04:01 11 EXODUS Stary Noe 04:31 12 EXODUS Widok Z Góry Najwyższej 04:53 13 EXODUS Ten Najpiękniejszy Dzień 17:18
Search Eagles Best Of Eagles 14 3 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Eagles Hotel California 06:32 2 Eagles One Of These Nights 04:53 Has Mbid 3 Eagles Desperado 03:34 Has Mbid 4 Eagles Tequila Sunrise 02:53 5 Eagles Take It To The Limit 04:52 6 Eagles Desperado 03:35 7 Eagles Best Of My Love 04:36 8 Eagles Lyin' Eyes 06:25 9 Eagles Hotel California 06:33 Has Mbid 10 Eagles New Kid In Town 05:06 11 Eagles Victim Of Love 04:13 12 Eagles Witch Woman 04:14 13 Eagles Tequila Sunrise 02:55 14 Eagles Wasted Time 04:55
Search Eagles Eastern Tour 1976 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Eagles Take It Easy 05:50 2 Eagles Outlaw Man 06:08 3 Eagles Doolin-Dalton / Desperado (Reprise) 09:50 4 Eagles Turn to Stone 11:36 5 Eagles Lyin' Eyes 07:16 6 Eagles You Never Cry Like A Lover 04:18 7 Eagles Take It To The Limit 05:41 8 Eagles Desperado 03:52 9 Eagles Midnight Flyer 05:47
Search Eagles Fly On Again 13 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Eagles Intro 02:51 2 Eagles Funk Up 05:43 3 Eagles Waiting In The Weeds 08:14 4 Eagles Life In The Fast Lane 07:16 5 Eagles Rocky Mountain Way 06:28 6 Eagles All She Wants To Do Is Dance 06:57 7 Eagles Take It Easy 04:18 8 Eagles Somebody 05:03 9 Eagles One Of These Nifgts 04:46 10 Eagles Witchy Woman 04:29 11 Eagles Band Intros 03:47 12 Eagles Life's Been Good 08:05 13 Eagles Long Run 04:23
Search Eagles Hell Freezes Over [DVD Rip] 21 0 2000 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Eagles Program Start: Coming Together 02:01 2 Eagles Practice Makes Perfect 07:02 3 Eagles Backstage Jitters 01:09 4 Eagles Showtime 00:48 5 Eagles Hotel California 07:30 6 Eagles Tequila Sunrise 03:09 7 Eagles Help Me Through the Night 04:14 8 Eagles The Heart of the Matter 06:12 9 Eagles Love Will Keep Us Alive 04:36 10 Eagles Learn to Be Still 04:38 11 Eagles Pretty Maids All in a Row 04:26 12 Eagles The Girl from Yesterday 03:43 13 Eagles Wasted Time 05:12 14 Eagles I Can't Tell You Why 05:36 15 Eagles New York Minute 06:33 16 Eagles The Last Resort 07:18 17 Eagles Take It Easy 05:02 18 Eagles Life in the Fast Lane 05:09 19 Eagles In the City 04:22 20 Eagles Get Over It 03:36 21 Eagles Desperado 06:20
Search Eagles Hell Freezes Over - The Complete Sessions 13 1 1994 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Eagles Introduction 03:37 2 Eagles Peaceful Easy Feeling 05:08 3 Eagles Best Of My Love 22:10 4 Eagles The Last Resort 08:55 Has Mbid 5 Eagles Take It Easy 05:11 6 Eagles The Heart Of The Matter 19:46 7 Eagles In The City 04:44 8 Eagles Learn To Be Still 20:31 9 Eagles Life In The Fast Lane 09:08 10 Eagles Get Over It 09:40 11 Eagles Wasted Time Reprise 00:42 12 Eagles The Girl From Yesterday 04:39 13 Eagles Pretty Maids All In A Row 04:31
Search Eagles Hell Freezes over DTS 16 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Eagles Tequila Sunrise 03:26 2 Eagles Love Will Keep Us Alive 04:16 3 Eagles Learn To Be Still 04:30 4 Eagles Hotel California 07:08 5 Eagles Wasted Time 05:24 6 Eagles Pretty Maids All In A Row 04:20 7 Eagles I Can't Tell You Why 05:02 8 Eagles The Girl From Yesterday 03:35 9 Eagles New York Minute 06:30 10 Eagles The Last Resort 07:20 11 Eagles Take It Easy 04:32 12 Eagles In The City 04:04 13 Eagles Life In The Fast Lane 05:18 14 Eagles Get Over It 03:38 15 Eagles Desperado 04:19 16 Eagles Seven Bridges Road 03:17
Search Eagles History Of The Eagles 02 Arena London 20 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Eagles Intro - Wasted Time 01:30 2 Eagles Pretty Maids All In A Row 04:47 3 Eagles Intro 00:25 4 Eagles Train Leaves Here This Morning 04:31 5 Eagles Intro 02:09 6 Eagles Love Will Keep Us Alive 04:23 7 Eagles Outro 01:43 8 Eagles Heartache Tonight 04:51 9 Eagles Intro 01:28 10 Eagles In The City 06:01 11 Eagles Band Introductions 06:50 12 Eagles Doolin Dalton (Reprise)/Desperado (Reprise) 05:03 13 Eagles Intro 00:41 14 Eagles The Long Run 04:34 15 Eagles Intro 02:04 16 Eagles Intro 01:25 17 Eagles Life In The Fast Lane 05:46 18 Eagles Crowd 01:38 19 Eagles Intro 00:53 20 Eagles Take It To The Limit 04:29
Search Eagles Hotel California Rehearsals 1976 16 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Eagles Randy's Gonna Play His Bass 01:14 2 Eagles Be My Baby (In Progress) / How Long 03:29 3 Eagles New Kid In Town 1 05:44 4 Eagles New Kid In Town 2 04:42 5 Eagles Dead Air 01:12 6 Eagles Paradise (Early Version Of "The Last Resort") 07:24 7 Eagles Big Night (Early Version Of "Hotel California") 06:10 8 Eagles After The Thrill Is Gone 04:47 9 Eagles Take It To The Limit 1 02:59 10 Eagles Take It To The Limit 2 04:53 11 Eagles Banshee Vs. C.N. (Early Version Of "Too Many Hands") 04:11 12 Eagles Fellini (Early Version Of "Journey Of The Sorcerer") 06:48 13 Eagles Already Gone 05:20 14 Eagles A Bull Pig 01:44 15 Eagles Wasted Time 04:12 16 Eagles Hotel California (Instrumental) 06:52
Search Eagles Hotel California [40th Anniversary Expanded Edition] [2 CD] 10 0 1976 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Eagles Hotel California 06:31 2 Eagles Take It to the Limit 05:18 3 Eagles New Kid in Town 04:52 4 Eagles Wasted Time 04:56 5 Eagles Good Day in Hell 05:28 6 Eagles Victim of Love 04:10 7 Eagles Funk 49 04:03 8 Eagles Try and Love Again 05:11 9 Eagles Hotel California 06:49 10 Eagles Already Gone 05:15
Search Eagles Hotel California [DVD-Audio Rip] 9 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Eagles Hotel California 06:30 2 Eagles New Kid in Town 05:04 3 Eagles Life in the Fast Lane 04:45 4 Eagles Wasted Time 04:55 Has Mbid 5 Eagles Wasted Time (Reprise) 01:23 6 Eagles Victim of Love 04:10 7 Eagles Pretty Maids All in a Row 03:58 8 Eagles Try and Love Again 05:10 9 Eagles The Last Resort 07:31
Search Eagles L.A. Forum 1980 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Eagles Hotel California 06:54 2 Eagles Already Gone 05:07 3 Eagles In the City 04:30 4 Eagles King of Hollywood 07:06 5 Eagles The Sad Cafe 05:59 6 Eagles Lyin' Eyes 07:13 7 Eagles I Can't Tell You Why 04:56
Search Eagles LA Forum 1980 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Eagles Those Shoes 05:53 2 Eagles Heartache Tonight 04:38 3 Eagles One Of These Nights 04:26 4 Eagles Turn To Stone 09:16 5 Eagles The Long Run 05:11 6 Eagles Life's Been Good 08:40 7 Eagles Life In the Fast Lane 04:58
Search Eagles Live & Rare 15 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Eagles Hotel California 06:55 2 Eagles Wastet Time 05:33 3 Eagles The Girl from Yesterday 04:34 4 Eagles One of these Nights 04:09 5 Eagles Tequila Sunrise 04:21 6 Eagles Help me make itThrough the Night 04:20 7 Eagles The heart of the Matter 05:50 8 Eagles Love will keep us Alive 04:29 9 Eagles Learn to be still 04:41 10 Eagles Life s been Good 07:57 11 Eagles Pretty Maids all in the Row 04:13 12 Eagles Smugglers Blues 04:43 13 Eagles Desperado 03:52 14 Eagles Take it Easy 04:22 15 Eagles Hotel California (long Beach) 07:01
Search Eagles Live At Civic Center, U.S.A. May 15, 1975 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Eagles Take It Easy 06:14 2 Eagles Outlaw Man 05:53 3 Eagles Doolin Dolton - Desperado 09:25 4 Eagles Train Leaves Here This Morning 03:45 5 Eagles Peaceful Easy Feeling 05:23 6 Eagles Desperado 04:00 7 Eagles One Of These Nights 04:51 8 Eagles James Dean 03:49 9 Eagles Witchy Woman 07:33 10 Eagles Chug All Night 05:36 11 Eagles Best Of My Love 07:32 12 Eagles Tequila Sunrise 03:46
Search Eagles Live At The Capitol Centre March 1977 8 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Eagles Hotel California (Live Capital Centre, Washington, DC, USA March 1977) 06:54 Has Mbid 2 Eagles New Kid In Town (Live Capital Centre, Washington, DC, USA March 1977) 05:22 3 Eagles Take It To The Limit (Live Capital Centre, Washington, DC, USA March 1977) 05:04 4 Eagles One Of These Nights (Live Capital Centre, Washington, DC, USA March 1977) 03:56 5 Eagles Lyin' Eyes (Live Capital Centre, Washington, DC, USA March 1977) 06:21 6 Eagles Rocky Mountain Way (Live Capital Centre, Washington, DC, USA March 1977) 07:34 7 Eagles Best Of My Love (Live Capital Centre, Washington, DC, USA March 1977) 04:34 8 Eagles Take It Easy (Live Capital Centre, Washington, DC, USA March 1977) 05:53
Search Eagles Live At The Forum 1976 Disc. 1 (Live At The Forum, Inglewood - Los Angels, CA. Dec 22nd 1976) 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Eagles トラック01 08:36 2 Eagles トラック02 05:20 3 Eagles トラック03 09:13 4 Eagles トラック04 06:56 5 Eagles トラック05 05:37 6 Eagles トラック06 05:22 7 Eagles トラック07 06:35 8 Eagles トラック08 04:16 9 Eagles トラック09 04:34 10 Eagles トラック10 09:16 11 Eagles トラック11 05:39
Search Eagles Live At The Forum 1976 Disc. 2 (Live At The Forum, Inglewood - Los Angels, CA. Dec 22nd 1976) 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Eagles トラック01 04:23 2 Eagles トラック02 01:27 3 Eagles トラック03 05:32 4 Eagles トラック04 07:19 5 Eagles トラック05 03:35 6 Eagles トラック06 04:40 7 Eagles トラック07 05:44 8 Eagles トラック08 03:42 9 Eagles トラック09 04:13 10 Eagles トラック10 05:42 11 Eagles トラック11 03:53
Search Eagles Live In England 13 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Eagles Take It Easy 04:43 2 Eagles Walk Away 04:33 3 Eagles Peaceful Easy Feeling 04:39 4 Eagles Band Introductions 03:56 5 Eagles New Kid In Town 05:18 6 Eagles I Can't Tell You Why 05:35 7 Eagles Funk 49 05:56 8 Eagles Heartache Tonight 05:17 9 Eagles In The City 06:17 10 Eagles Long Run 04:16 11 Eagles Already Gone 05:06 12 Eagles No More Cloudy Days 06:12 13 Eagles Hole In The World 04:11
Search Eagles Live in Houston (Pink Champagne) 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Eagles Wasted Time 06:01 2 Eagles Take It To The Limit 05:48 3 Eagles Desperado 04:38 4 Eagles Midnight Flyer 04:33 5 Eagles Turn To Stone 09:13 6 Eagles Already Gone 05:34
Search Eagles Long Road Out Of Eden - Album Snippets 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Eagles How Long 01:34 2 Eagles Waiting In The Weeds 01:33 3 Eagles No More Cloudy days 01:33 4 Eagles You Are Not Alone 01:33 5 Eagles Long Road Out Of Eden 01:36 6 Eagles Last Good Time In Town 01:33 7 Eagles Busy Being Fabulous 01:29
Search Eagles One of These Nights (Quadraphonic) 6 0 1975 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Eagles One Of These Nights 04:33 2 Eagles Too Many Hands 04:31 3 Eagles Hollywood Waltz 04:06 4 Eagles Journey Of The Sorcerer 06:37 5 Eagles Lyin Eyes 06:19 6 Eagles Take It To The Limit 04:38
Earl Hines View in Albunack "Father" 18 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Earl Hines Song of the Islands 01:53 2 Earl Hines Honeysuckle Rose 02:50 3 Earl Hines Nice Work If You Can Get It 02:36 4 Earl Hines If I Had You 03:12 5 Earl Hines Humoresque 03:58 6 Earl Hines The Web 03:10 7 Earl Hines Hollywood Hop 02:37 8 Earl Hines A Jumpin' Something 02:49 9 Earl Hines After You've Gone 05:32 10 Earl Hines I Ain't Got Nobody 03:43 11 Earl Hines Mahogany Hall Stomp 03:17 12 Earl Hines It's Right There for You 04:59 13 Earl Hines Savoy Blues 04:36 14 Earl Hines Apex Blues 05:30 15 Earl Hines I Can't Give You Anything but Love 03:57 16 Earl Hines Everybody Loves My Baby 03:42 17 Earl Hines Black in Blue 05:32 18 Earl Hines Night Ladies of the Street 04:02
Earl Hines View in Albunack American Swinging In Paris 13 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Earl Hines I Surrender Dear 04:19 2 Earl Hines I Cover The Waterfront 05:09 3 Earl Hines Second Balcony Jump 02:18 4 Earl Hines A Pretty Girl Is Like A Melody 04:21 5 Earl Hines I Can't Give You Anything But Love 02:39 6 Earl Hines Blue Because Of You 05:23 7 Earl Hines Somebody Loves Me 02:17 8 Earl Hines Sixty Five Faubourg 02:51 Has Mbid 9 Earl Hines On The Sunny Side Of The Street 05:24 10 Earl Hines Sweet Sue 03:04 11 Earl Hines Rose Room 03:25 12 Earl Hines Rose Room (Take 2) 02:31 13 Earl Hines Rose Room (Take 3) 02:46
Earl Hines View in Albunack Americans Swinging In Paris (EMI) 13 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Earl Hines I Surrender Dear 04:20 2 Earl Hines I Cover The Waterfront 05:09 3 Earl Hines Second Balcony Jump 02:17 4 Earl Hines A Pretty Girl Is Like A Melody 04:20 5 Earl Hines I Can't Give You Anything But Love 02:39 6 Earl Hines Blue Because Of You 05:25 7 Earl Hines Somebody Loves Me 02:17 8 Earl Hines Sixty-Five Faubourg 02:50 Has Mbid 9 Earl Hines On The Sunny Side Of The Street 05:24 10 Earl Hines Sweet Sue 03:04 11 Earl Hines Rose Room 03:25 12 Earl Hines Rose Room (Take 2) 02:31 13 Earl Hines Rose Room (Take 3) 02:46
Earl Hines View in Albunack At Home 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Earl Hines You Are Too Beautiful 07:33 2 Earl Hines Love At Night Is Out Of Sight 04:55 3 Earl Hines It Happens To Be Me 04:13 4 Earl Hines Minor Nothing 06:31 5 Earl Hines Moon Mare 04:39 6 Earl Hines You'll Never Know 05:07 7 Earl Hines The Cannery Walk 03:30
Earl Hines View in Albunack Boogie Woogie On St. Louis Blues 16 2 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Earl Hines Snappy Rhythm 02:57 2 Earl Hines I Never Dreamt 03:03 3 Earl Hines Chicago 03:10 4 Earl Hines Night Life In Pompeii 03:08 5 Earl Hines Night Life In Pompeii 03:02 6 Earl Hines Japanese Sandman 03:19 7 Earl Hines Rhythm Business 02:55 8 Earl Hines Tea For Two 02:41 9 Earl Hines Air France Stomp 03:02 10 Earl Hines Chicken Jump (Air France Stomp II) 03:02 11 Earl Hines Honeysuckle Rose 03:10 12 Earl Hines Honeysuckle Rose 03:31 Has Mbid 13 Earl Hines Fine And Dandy 03:12 14 Earl Hines Sugar 03:25 Has Mbid 15 Earl Hines Boogie Woogie On St Louis Blues 03:01 16 Earl Hines Singin' For My French Brother 02:46
Earl Hines View in Albunack Bud Johnson / 10 2 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Earl Hines Blues for sale 09:52 2 Earl Hines Gone with the wind 04:56 3 Earl Hines If you were mine 04:43 4 Earl Hines Am I wasting my time 04:56 5 Earl Hines The dirty old man 09:08 6 Earl Hines Linger awhile 06:00 7 Earl Hines Mr Bechet 04:33 Has Mbid 8 Earl Hines I hadn't anyone till you 04:11 Has Mbid 9 Earl Hines Velvet moon 05:27 10 Earl Hines Just in time 06:30
Earl Hines View in Albunack Earl Hines - Black & Blue Sessions 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Earl Hines Hines 65 08:17 2 Earl Hines If I could be with you 04:13 3 Earl Hines My blue heaven 04:10 4 Earl Hines I know a little bit about a lot of things 04:11 5 Earl Hines Serenade in blue 04:18 6 Earl Hines I know that you know 02:35 7 Earl Hines Huntin' 03:19 8 Earl Hines The midnight sun will never set 04:44
Earl Hines View in Albunack Here Comes Earl "Fatha" Hines 7 3 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 Earl Hines Save It, Pretty Mama 03:24 2 Earl Hines Bye, Bye, Baby 03:47 Has Mbid 3 Earl Hines Smoke Rings 02:55 Has Mbid 4 Earl Hines Shoe Shine Boy 04:07 5 Earl Hines A Stanley Steamer 00:00 6 Earl Hines Bernie's Tune 03:42 7 Earl Hines Dream of You 04:13
Earl Hines View in Albunack Here Comes Earl -Fatha: Hines [BMG Japan] 7 3 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 Earl Hines Trio Save It Pretty Mama 03:24 2 Earl Hines Trio Bye Bye Baby 03:46 Has Mbid 3 Earl Hines Trio Smoke Rings 02:52 Has Mbid 4 Earl Hines Trio Shoe Shine Boy 04:09 5 Earl Hines Trio The Stanley Steamer 08:00 6 Earl Hines Trio Bernie's Tune 03:42 7 Earl Hines Trio Dream of You 04:12
Earl Hines View in Albunack Les Génies du Jazz I 8 - Father 18 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Earl Hines Song of the Islands 01:53 2 Earl Hines Honeysuckle Rose 02:52 3 Earl Hines Nice work if you can get it 02:36 4 Earl Hines If I had you 03:12 5 Earl Hines Humoresque 03:58 6 Earl Hines The web 03:10 7 Earl Hines Hollywood Hop 02:37 8 Earl Hines A jumpin' Something 02:49 9 Earl Hines After you've gone 05:32 10 Earl Hines I' Ain't Got Nobody 03:43 11 Earl Hines Mahogany Hall Stomp 03:17 12 Earl Hines It's right there for you 04:59 13 Earl Hines Savoy Blues 04:36 14 Earl Hines Apex Blues 05:30 15 Earl Hines I can't give you anything but love 03:56 16 Earl Hines Everybody loves my baby 03:42 17 Earl Hines Black in blue 05:32 18 Earl Hines Night Ladies of the Street 04:04
Earl Hines View in Albunack Live at thw new school 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Earl Hines トラック01 05:32 2 Earl Hines トラック02 05:22 3 Earl Hines トラック03 17:01 4 Earl Hines トラック04 07:59 5 Earl Hines トラック05 06:36 6 Earl Hines トラック06 04:35 7 Earl Hines トラック07 09:14 8 Earl Hines トラック08 07:24 9 Earl Hines トラック09 06:36
Earl Hines View in Albunack Piano Solos 7 1 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 Earl Hines Once In Awhile 07:59 2 Earl Hines Alice Blue Gown 07:19 3 Earl Hines Wrap Up Your Troubles In Dreams 08:46 4 Earl Hines I Want A Little Girl 08:53 5 Earl Hines Don't Take Your Love From Me 08:33 6 Earl Hines She's Funny That Way 07:13 7 Earl Hines So Can I 02:06
Earl Hines View in Albunack Swing To Bop 16 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Earl Hines At The El Grotto 02:55 2 Earl Hines Nonchalant Man 03:05 3 Earl Hines Spooks Ball 02:59 4 Earl Hines Blue Skies 05:06 5 Earl Hines Rosetta 02:42 6 Earl Hines Now That Your Mine 02:44 7 Earl Hines Margie 02:37 8 Earl Hines Staight Life 02:44 9 Earl Hines Staight Life 03:11 Has Mbid 10 Earl Hines Let's Get Started 03:02 11 Earl Hines I Ain't Gonna Give Nobody None Of My Jelly Roll 02:50 12 Earl Hines Oh My Aching Back 02:50 13 Earl Hines Blue Keys 02:50 14 Earl Hines Trick A Track 02:56 15 Earl Hines Wambi 02:53 16 Earl Hines Throwin' The Switch 03:03
Earl Hines View in Albunack The real Earl Hines 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Earl Hines Memories Of You 07:21 2 Earl Hines I Ain't Got Nobody 05:55 3 Earl Hines Misty 08:24 4 Earl Hines Tea For Two 06:34 5 Earl Hines Someone To Watch Over Me 06:07 6 Earl Hines St. Louis Blues 07:51
Earth, Wind & Fire View in Albunack Earth, Wind & Fire - Live At Montreux 20 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Earth, Wind & Fire Rock That 01:12 2 Earth, Wind & Fire Jupiter 02:22 3 Earth, Wind & Fire Saturday Nite 01:57 4 Earth, Wind & Fire Revolution 03:10 5 Earth, Wind & Fire Gratitude 02:56 6 Earth, Wind & Fire September 02:27 7 Earth, Wind & Fire Let's Groove 03:26 8 Earth, Wind & Fire Rockit 02:08 9 Earth, Wind & Fire Sun Goddess 09:03 10 Earth, Wind & Fire Can't Hide Love 02:53 11 Earth, Wind & Fire That's The Way Of The World 04:52 12 Earth, Wind & Fire Drum Solo 06:40 13 Earth, Wind & Fire Reasons 07:20 14 Earth, Wind & Fire Fantasy 08:43 15 Earth, Wind & Fire Mo's Solo 02:50 16 Earth, Wind & Fire Boogie Wonderland 03:15 Has Mbid 17 Earth, Wind & Fire After The Love Has Gone 03:59 18 Earth, Wind & Fire Sing A song 02:14 19 Earth, Wind & Fire Shining Star 07:46 20 Earth, Wind & Fire Devotion 09:53
Earth, Wind & Fire View in Albunack Earth, Wind & Fire Live At Montreux1997 18 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Earth, Wind & Fire Rock That 00:54 2 Earth, Wind & Fire Jupiter 02:22 3 Earth, Wind & Fire Saturday Nite 01:57 4 Earth, Wind & Fire Revolution 03:10 5 Earth, Wind & Fire Gratitude 02:47 6 Earth, Wind & Fire September 02:29 7 Earth, Wind & Fire Let's Groove 03:26 8 Earth, Wind & Fire Rock It 02:09 9 Earth, Wind & Fire Sun Goddess 09:03 10 Earth, Wind & Fire Can't Hide Love 02:56 11 Earth, Wind & Fire That's The Way Of The World 04:52 12 Earth, Wind & Fire Reasons 09:48 13 Earth, Wind & Fire Fantasy 06:12 14 Earth, Wind & Fire Boogie Wonderland 03:15 Has Mbid 15 Earth, Wind & Fire After The Love Gone 03:59 16 Earth, Wind & Fire Sing A Song 02:14 17 Earth, Wind & Fire Shining Star 04:59 18 Earth, Wind & Fire Devotion 10:52
Earth, Wind & Fire View in Albunack Gratitude DTS 16 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Earth, Wind & Fire Introduction 00:23 2 Earth, Wind & Fire Africano/Power (Instrumental) 05:57 3 Earth, Wind & Fire Yearnin' Learnin' 04:14 4 Earth, Wind & Fire Devotion 05:05 5 Earth, Wind & Fire Sun Goddess 07:38 6 Earth, Wind & Fire Reasons 08:20 7 Earth, Wind & Fire Sing A Message To You 01:31 8 Earth, Wind & Fire Shining Star 04:56 9 Earth, Wind & Fire New World Symphony 09:29 10 Earth, Wind & Fire Interlude #1 00:15 11 Earth, Wind & Fire Sunshine 04:17 12 Earth, Wind & Fire Sing A Song 03:24 13 Earth, Wind & Fire Gratitude 03:29 14 Earth, Wind & Fire Celebrate 03:07 15 Earth, Wind & Fire Interlude #2 00:28 16 Earth, Wind & Fire Can't Hide Love 04:10
Earth, Wind & Fire View in Albunack Gratitude [DTS] 16 0 1975 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Earth, Wind & Fire Introduction 00:23 2 Earth, Wind & Fire Africano Power 05:57 3 Earth, Wind & Fire Yearnin' Learnin' 04:14 4 Earth, Wind & Fire Devotion 05:05 5 Earth, Wind & Fire Sun Goddess 07:38 6 Earth, Wind & Fire Reasons 08:20 7 Earth, Wind & Fire Sing A Message To Me 01:31 8 Earth, Wind & Fire Shining Star 04:56 9 Earth, Wind & Fire New World Symphony 09:29 10 Earth, Wind & Fire Musical Interlude #1 00:15 11 Earth, Wind & Fire Sunshine 04:17 12 Earth, Wind & Fire Singasong 03:24 13 Earth, Wind & Fire Gratitude 03:29 14 Earth, Wind & Fire Celebrate 03:07 15 Earth, Wind & Fire Musical Interlude #2 00:28 16 Earth, Wind & Fire Can't Hide Love 04:10
Earth, Wind & Fire View in Albunack LIVE USA 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Earth, Wind & Fire In The Stone 05:43 2 Earth, Wind & Fire Fantasy 05:11 3 Earth, Wind & Fire Sing A Song 03:56 4 Earth, Wind & Fire Reasons 05:59 5 Earth, Wind & Fire Let's Groove 03:57 6 Earth, Wind & Fire Where have all the flowers gone 02:13 7 Earth, Wind & Fire Shining Star 02:19 8 Earth, Wind & Fire Keep Your Head To The Sky 00:36 9 Earth, Wind & Fire Devotion 02:42 10 Earth, Wind & Fire Gratitude 05:44 11 Earth, Wind & Fire That's the Way of The World 06:17 12 Earth, Wind & Fire I've had enough 05:38
Earth, Wind & Fire View in Albunack Live Recording 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Earth, Wind & Fire Intro 01:55 2 Earth, Wind & Fire System Of Survival 04:08 3 Earth, Wind & Fire Getaway 03:41 4 Earth, Wind & Fire September 03:42 5 Earth, Wind & Fire Fantasy 04:43 6 Earth, Wind & Fire Shining Star 07:38 7 Earth, Wind & Fire After Love Has Gone 06:23 8 Earth, Wind & Fire Reasons 13:53 9 Earth, Wind & Fire Introduction 04:58 10 Earth, Wind & Fire Lets Groove Tonight (Drum Feature) 17:22 11 Earth, Wind & Fire Heart Of Fire 07:38
Earth, Wind & Fire View in Albunack Recorded Live in Atlanta, Georgia,1989 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Earth, Wind & Fire Introduction 02:00 2 Earth, Wind & Fire System of Survival 04:07 3 Earth, Wind & Fire Get Away 03:41 4 Earth, Wind & Fire September 03:45 5 Earth, Wind & Fire Fantasy 04:35 6 Earth, Wind & Fire Shining Star 07:35 7 Earth, Wind & Fire Kalimba Tree 05:45 8 Earth, Wind & Fire After the Love is Gone 06:20
Earth, Wind & Fire View in Albunack Spirit [DTS] 9 0 2001 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Earth, Wind & Fire Getaway 03:44 2 Earth, Wind & Fire On Your Face 04:32 3 Earth, Wind & Fire Imagination 05:18 4 Earth, Wind & Fire Spirit 03:09 5 Earth, Wind & Fire Saturday Nite 03:59 6 Earth, Wind & Fire Earth, Wind and Fire 04:43 7 Earth, Wind & Fire Departure [Instrumental] 00:26 8 Earth, Wind & Fire Biyo [Instrumental] 03:38 9 Earth, Wind & Fire Burnin' Bush 06:53
Earth, Wind & Fire View in Albunack Spirit [QUAD DTS] 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Earth, Wind & Fire Getaway 04:00 2 Earth, Wind & Fire On Your Face 04:51 3 Earth, Wind & Fire Imagination 05:40 4 Earth, Wind & Fire Spirit 03:23 5 Earth, Wind & Fire Saturday Nite 04:17 6 Earth, Wind & Fire Earth, Wind & Fire 05:01 7 Earth, Wind & Fire Departure 00:29 8 Earth, Wind & Fire BIYO 03:52 9 Earth, Wind & Fire Burnin' Bush 04:10
Eartha Kitt View in Albunack C'est Si Bon (Live in Tivoli) 11 2 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Eartha Kitt I Had A Hard Day Last Night 02:55 2 Eartha Kitt An Englishman Needs Time 03:09 3 Eartha Kitt Santa Baby 02:51 Has Mbid 4 Eartha Kitt It's So Nice To Have A Man Around The House 02:34 5 Eartha Kitt Little White Lies 02:00 6 Eartha Kitt Love For Sale 04:46 Has Mbid 7 Eartha Kitt Lola Lola 02:36 8 Eartha Kitt La Finjan 01:57 9 Eartha Kitt I Want To Be Evil 03:09 10 Eartha Kitt Just An Old Fashioned Girl 04:42 11 Eartha Kitt C'est Si Bon 04:26
Eartha Kitt View in Albunack Eartha Kitt Hits 8 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Eartha Kitt This is my life 05:38 2 Eartha Kitt I love men 03:50 3 Eartha Kitt Arabian song 05:47 4 Eartha Kitt Sugar daddy 06:41 5 Eartha Kitt Where is my man 10:09 6 Eartha Kitt Tonite 05:03 7 Eartha Kitt La grande vie 05:39 Has Mbid 8 Eartha Kitt This is my life 03:49
Eartha Kitt View in Albunack Live in Hamburg 13 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Eartha Kitt Sell Me 05:02 2 Eartha Kitt Old Fashion Girl 03:29 3 Eartha Kitt Le Danseur de Charleston 03:23 4 Eartha Kitt Johnny 02:26 5 Eartha Kitt Sholem 02:19 6 Eartha Kitt Uska Dara 05:17 7 Eartha Kitt Where Is My Man 02:23 8 Eartha Kitt Love For Sale 02:39 9 Eartha Kitt Champagne Taste 03:34 10 Eartha Kitt September Song 03:56 11 Eartha Kitt How Could You Believe Me 03:40 12 Eartha Kitt Waray Waray 03:05 13 Eartha Kitt Surabaya Johnny 04:41
Eartha Kitt View in Albunack Live in London 2 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Eartha Kitt Here's to You 03:24 2 Eartha Kitt An Englishman Needs Time 03:09 3 Eartha Kitt All by Myself/Beautiful at Forty 09:05 4 Eartha Kitt Uska Dara 04:50 5 Eartha Kitt M Discarded Men 04:03 6 Eartha Kitt The Day the Circus Left Town 03:03 7 Eartha Kitt When the World Was Young 04:35 8 Eartha Kitt Hymn to Love 03:47 9 Eartha Kitt I Will Survive 02:56 10 Eartha Kitt I'm Still Here 06:35
Eartha Kitt View in Albunack The great Eartha Kitt 12 2 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Eartha Kitt All I want is all there is and then some 03:25 2 Eartha Kitt Do it again 02:38 3 Eartha Kitt It's so nice to have a man around the house 02:47 4 Eartha Kitt The sweet life ( La dolce vita ) 02:46 5 Eartha Kitt Lola Lola 02:52 6 Eartha Kitt A lady loves 00:00 7 Eartha Kitt Love for sale 02:45 8 Eartha Kitt Always true to you in my fashion 02:12 Has Mbid 9 Eartha Kitt Whatever Lola wants ( Lola gets ) 02:15 10 Eartha Kitt Diamonds are a girl's best friend 01:58 Has Mbid 11 Eartha Kitt Never on a Sunday 01:57 12 Eartha Kitt Good little girls 00:00
Eartha Kitt View in Albunack the romantic eartha 4 13 3 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Eartha Kitt i've got you under my skin 02:43 2 Eartha Kitt when the world was young 04:36 3 Eartha Kitt wonderful illusion 02:58 4 Eartha Kitt solitude 03:46 5 Eartha Kitt easy to love 02:29 6 Eartha Kitt september song 03:06 7 Eartha Kitt you'll never know 02:53 8 Eartha Kitt speak low 03:44 Has Mbid 9 Eartha Kitt happiness is a thing called joe 03:57 10 Eartha Kitt mirage 03:03 Has Mbid 11 Eartha Kitt chez moi 03:57 12 Eartha Kitt in the still of the night 02:58 Has Mbid 13 Eartha Kitt santa baby (bonus track) 02:49
Echo & The Bunnymen View in Albunack Live Anaheim CA 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Echo & The Bunnymen Of a Life 04:10 2 Echo & The Bunnymen Rescue/Broke My Neck 05:26 3 Echo & The Bunnymen The Cutter 07:27 4 Echo & The Bunnymen Nothing Lasts Forever/Walk on the Wild Side 07:44 5 Echo & The Bunnymen Lips Like Sugar 09:20 6 Echo & The Bunnymen Over the Wall 07:34 7 Echo & The Bunnymen Ocean Rain 07:28
Echo & The Bunnymen View in Albunack Reverbation 10 0 1990 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Echo & The Bunnymen Gone, Gone, Gone 05:24 2 Echo & The Bunnymen Enlighten Me 06:29 3 Echo & The Bunnymen Cut & Dried 04:56 4 Echo & The Bunnymen King of Your Castle 05:39 5 Echo & The Bunnymen Devilment 06:01 6 Echo & The Bunnymen Thick Skinned World 05:10 7 Echo & The Bunnymen Freak's Dwell 04:46 8 Echo & The Bunnymen Senseless 06:07 9 Echo & The Bunnymen Flaming Red 06:46 10 Echo & The Bunnymen False Goodbyes 07:06
Echo & The Bunnymen View in Albunack ToBiPhone0560 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Echo & The Bunnymen Going Up 04:04 2 Echo & The Bunnymen With A Hip 03:53 3 Echo & The Bunnymen Gods Will Be Gods 04:31 4 Echo & The Bunnymen Show Of Strenght 04:37 5 Echo & The Bunnymen Zimbo 04:11 6 Echo & The Bunnymen The Cutter 03:38 7 Echo & The Bunnymen Rescue 04:19 8 Echo & The Bunnymen My White Devil 04:33 9 Echo & The Bunnymen Porcupine 04:31
Search Eclipse Decadant Dance 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Eclipse Decadent Dance 04:09 2 Eclipse Further Than Allowed 03:24 3 Eclipse Life Goes On 05:01 4 Eclipse 24 00:30 5 Eclipse Touch You With My Eyes 06:07 6 Eclipse Stepped Into Your Trap 03:32 7 Eclipse Fear Is Coming Back 07:17 8 Eclipse Hotline To Heaven 04:04 9 Eclipse I Shared My Love For You (With Countless Guys) 03:47 10 Eclipse Eyes Of Satan 06:59 11 Eclipse Child Of The Rainbow 04:55
Search Eclipse Fire And Breeze 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Eclipse East In Flames 06:01 2 Eclipse Fire And Breeze 04:17 3 Eclipse Freezing 06:12 4 Eclipse Refugee 04:53 5 Eclipse The Crying Of My Soul 05:58 6 Eclipse Ouverture For Dyonisus 06:03
Search Eclipse Let It Happen Tonight 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Eclipse Let It Happen Tonight 03:28 2 Eclipse Gate Of Wisdom 04:22 3 Eclipse As Deep As Love 05:05 4 Eclipse That´s What I Call Life 03:29 5 Eclipse Uncomfortable Ways 05:14 6 Eclipse Hymn Of Fear 06:39 7 Eclipse Keep Our Love Alive 05:35 8 Eclipse Born To Rock´n´roll 04:36 9 Eclipse Last Song 05:54 10 Eclipse Let The Old Times Sleep 03:13 11 Eclipse let it happen tonight (extended version) 04:01
Search Eclipse Triumph Of The Pain 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Eclipse AK-47 02:48 2 Eclipse One Word 02:48 3 Eclipse Mindsuffer 03:32 4 Eclipse Last Breath 04:04 5 Eclipse Nothing but the Hate 03:36 6 Eclipse Upgrade 03:47 7 Eclipse Dream Forgotten After First Try 04:35 8 Eclipse Triumph Of The Pain 04:47 9 Eclipse Epilepsy Bout 02:48
Search Eclipse Triumph of the Pain 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Eclipse AK-47 02:48 2 Eclipse One Word 02:48 3 Eclipse Mindsuffer 03:32 4 Eclipse Last Breath 04:04 5 Eclipse Nothing But the Hate 03:36 6 Eclipse Upgrade 03:47 7 Eclipse Dream Forgotten After First Try 04:35 8 Eclipse Triumph of the Pain 04:47 9 Eclipse Epilepsy Bout 02:48
Search Ed Sheeran Lullaby Renditions of Ed Sheeran 13 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Ed Sheeran One 04:54 2 Ed Sheeran I'm A Mess 04:56 3 Ed Sheeran Sing 04:55 4 Ed Sheeran Don't 03:54 5 Ed Sheeran Nina 04:27 6 Ed Sheeran Photograph 04:55 7 Ed Sheeran Bloodstream 04:53 8 Ed Sheeran Tenerife Sea 04:28 9 Ed Sheeran Runaway 04:54 10 Ed Sheeran The Man 03:32 11 Ed Sheeran Thinking Out Loud 04:53 12 Ed Sheeran Afire Love 04:54 13 Ed Sheeran I See Fire 04:53
Search Ed Sheeran Piano Selection 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Ed Sheeran SHAPE OF YOU 03:55 2 Ed Sheeran LAY IT ALL ON ME 03:41 3 Ed Sheeran GALWAY GIRL 02:50 4 Ed Sheeran DON'T 03:48 5 Ed Sheeran SING 03:50 6 Ed Sheeran CASTLE ON THE HILL 05:19 7 Ed Sheeran RIVER 03:45 8 Ed Sheeran THE A TEAM 04:58 9 Ed Sheeran EVERYTHING HAS 04:20 10 Ed Sheeran PERFECT 04:08 11 Ed Sheeran I SEE FIRE 04:51 12 Ed Sheeran THINKING OUT LOUD 05:09
Search Ed Sheeran Plus [Enhanced Edition] 16 3 2011 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 Ed Sheeran The A Team 04:21 2 Ed Sheeran Drunk 03:19 3 Ed Sheeran U.N.I. 03:48 4 Ed Sheeran Grade 8 03:01 Has Mbid 5 Ed Sheeran Wake Me Up 03:49 6 Ed Sheeran Small Bump 04:18 Has Mbid 7 Ed Sheeran This 03:17 8 Ed Sheeran The City 03:55 9 Ed Sheeran Lego House 03:03 10 Ed Sheeran You Need Me, I Don't Need You 03:40 11 Ed Sheeran Kiss Me 04:38 12 Ed Sheeran Give Me Love 08:47 13 Ed Sheeran Autumn Leaves 03:22 14 Ed Sheeran Little Bird 03:45 15 Ed Sheeran Gold Rush 04:04 16 Ed Sheeran Sunburn 04:36
Search Ed Sheeran Sheeran Best Mix 16 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Ed Sheeran Intro Megamix 03:16 2 Ed Sheeran Shape Of You 03:55 3 MUD project Don't 03:32 4 MUD Project Drunk 03:12 5 MUD project Galway Girl 02:49 6 Ed Sheeran Castle On The Hill 04:11 7 Ed Sheeran Lay it All on Me 03:41 8 Ed Sheeran Sing 03:44 9 Ed Sheeran Small Bump 04:04 10 MUD Project Photograph[Remix] 03:20 11 Ed Sheeran The A Team 04:22 12 Ed Sheeran Everything Has Changed 04:00 13 Ed Sheeran Lego House 02:57 14 MUD project Thinking Out Loud 04:30 15 Ed Sheeran I See Fire 04:16 16 Ed Sheeran Make It Rain 06:43
Search Ed Sheeran Sheeran Piano Selection 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Ed Sheeran SHAPE OF YOU 03:55 2 Ed Sheeran LAY IT ALL ON ME 03:41 3 Ed Sheeran GALWAY GIRL 02:50 4 Ed Sheeran DON'T 03:48 5 Ed Sheeran SING 03:50 6 Ed Sheeran CASTLE ON THE HILL 05:19 7 Ed Sheeran RIVER 03:45 8 Ed Sheeran THE A TEAM 04:58 9 Ed Sheeran EVERYTHING HAS CHANGED 04:20 10 Ed Sheeran PERFECT 04:08 11 Ed Sheeran I SEE FiRE 04:51 12 Ed Sheeran THINKING OVT LOVD 05:09
Search Ed Sheeran The story so far 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Ed Sheeran The story (Biography) 01:38 2 Ed Sheeran Don´t (Instrumental) 03:32 3 Ed Sheeran I see fire (Instrumental) 04:22 4 Ed Sheeran Castle on the hill (Instrumental) 04:18 5 Ed Sheeran Interview I (Australian FM Broadcast) 02:27 6 Ed Sheeran One (Instrumental) 03:59 7 Ed Sheeran Shape of you (Instrumental) 04:04 8 Ed Sheeran Interview II (Indian FM Broadcast) 02:11 9 Ed Sheeran Afire love (Instrumental) 05:08 10 Ed Sheeran Thinking out loud (Instrumental) 04:44
Search Ed Sheeran Thinking Out Loud (Australian Exclusive) EP 6 2 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Ed Sheeran Thinking Out Loud 04:41 2 Ed Sheeran Don't (Sable Remix) 03:25 Has Mbid 3 Ed Sheeran Sing (Trippy Turtle Remix) 04:05 4 Ed Sheeran Thinking Out Loud (Alex Adair Remix) 03:02 Has Mbid 5 Ed Sheeran Don't (X Ambassador Remix) 03:40 6 Ed Sheeran Sing (Syn Cole Remix) 04:45
Search Ed Sheeran シーラン・ピアノ・セレクション 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Ed Sheeran Shape Of You 03:55 2 Ed Sheeran Lay It All On Me 03:41 3 Ed Sheeran Galway Girl 02:50 4 Ed Sheeran Don't 03:48 5 Ed Sheeran Sing 03:50 6 Ed Sheeran Castle On The Hill 05:19 7 Ed Sheeran River 03:45 8 Ed Sheeran The A Team 04:58 9 Ed Sheeran Everything Has Changed 04:20 10 Ed Sheeran Perfect 04:08 11 Ed Sheeran I See Fire 04:51 12 Ed Sheeran Thinking Ovt Lovd 05:09
Ed Starink View in Albunack Moods Classical Dreams 15 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Ed Starink Gymnopedie 04:02 2 Ed Starink Largo 04:42 3 Ed Starink Reverie 05:17 4 Ed Starink Elvira Madigan 04:03 5 Ed Starink Pavane For A Dead Princess 03:29 6 Ed Starink Die Moldau 03:18 7 Ed Starink Air 03:17 8 Ed Starink Also sprach Zarathrustra 02:10 9 Ed Starink Adagio 04:15 10 Ed Starink Solveigs Song 03:15 11 Ed Starink The Ride Of The Valkyries 04:30 12 Ed Starink New World Symphony 05:05 13 Ed Starink Für Elise 04:45 14 Ed Starink The Swan 02:20 15 Ed Starink Bolero 07:16
Ed Starink View in Albunack Moods Vol.3 - Atmospheric Panflute 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Ed Starink The Search of Pan 07:05 2 Ed Starink The Tao of Love 04:55 3 Ed Starink The Flowers of Wisdom 05:43 4 Ed Starink Twilight 04:53 5 Ed Starink Whispering Bamboo Winds 06:14 6 Ed Starink How can I keep from singing 04:55 7 Ed Starink Cristallin 03:27 8 Ed Starink Antarctica Echoes 06:35 9 Ed Starink Waves of Mystic Love 04:59 10 Ed Starink Souvenir de Chine 04:09 11 Ed Starink Journey of the Inner Light 05:20 12 Ed Starink Echo of the Green Forest 06:35
Ed Starink View in Albunack Panflute Emotions 18 2 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Ed Starink Jesus To A Child 04:16 2 Ed Starink Kiss From A Rose 04:09 3 Ed Starink Think Twice 04:16 Has Mbid 4 Ed Starink Can You Fell The Love Tonight 04:02 Has Mbid 5 Ed Starink I Will Always Love You 03:53 6 Ed Starink Love Is All Around 04:25 7 Ed Starink You Are Not Alone 04:59 8 Ed Starink Have You Ever Really Loved A Woman 04:33 9 Ed Starink Det vackraste 03:29 10 Ed Starink Love Me For A Reason 04:00 11 Ed Starink Endless Love 04:12 12 Ed Starink Conquest Of Paradise 04:54 13 Ed Starink Nocturne 03:11 14 Ed Starink 7 Seconds 05:09 15 Ed Starink Without You 03:50 16 Ed Starink Back For Good 03:59 17 Ed Starink One Sweet Day 05:02 18 Ed Starink Anything For You 03:46
Ed Starink View in Albunack The Surround Experience Science Fiction 15 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Ed Starink Independence Day 03:52 2 Ed Starink Starwars 03:15 3 Ed Starink The Empire Strikes Back 03:10 4 Ed Starink Return of the Jedi 03:30 5 Ed Starink Startrek 03:28 6 Ed Starink Alien 03:10 7 Ed Starink Battlestar Galactica 02:28 8 Ed Starink Dune 03:33 9 Ed Starink Back to the Future 03:26 10 Ed Starink 2001 04:44 11 Ed Starink Theme from X-Files 03:31 12 Ed Starink Blade Runner 03:35 13 Ed Starink Eve of the War 04:16 14 Ed Starink Close Encounters of the Third Kind 03:17 15 Ed Starink E.T. 04:18
Eddie Vedder View in Albunack Innocent Bystander: Anthology 1992-2006 16 0 2007 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Eddie Vedder Masters of War 05:04 2 Eddie Vedder Heart to Hang Onto 04:28 3 Eddie Vedder Hymn 03:09 4 Eddie Vedder Take a Walk 03:54 5 Eddie Vedder The Face of Love [unedited version] 10:03 6 Eddie Vedder I See Red 03:28 7 Eddie Vedder Poor Girl 02:44 8 Eddie Vedder Passin' Through 05:37 9 Eddie Vedder Felicity's Surprise 03:40 10 Eddie Vedder Good Woman 03:53 11 Eddie Vedder Evolution 04:44 12 Eddie Vedder Shine On You Crazy Diamond 05:08 13 Eddie Vedder Love Boat Captain 05:23 14 Eddie Vedder Better Man 04:43 15 Eddie Vedder Deadman 04:14 16 Eddie Vedder Goodbye 02:19
Eddy Arnold View in Albunack Each Road I Take: The 1970 Lee Hazlewood & Chet Atkins Sessions 27 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Eddy Arnold Soul Deep 02:28 2 Eddy Arnold A Man's Kind Of Woman 02:55 3 Eddy Arnold With Pen In Hand 03:32 4 Eddy Arnold When The Wind Blows In Chicago 02:59 5 Eddy Arnold Just Enough To Start Me Dreamin' 02:49 6 Eddy Arnold I Just Can't Help Believin' 02:22 7 Eddy Arnold Leaving On A Jet Plane 03:45 8 Eddy Arnold Today I Started Loving You Again 02:47 9 Eddy Arnold Shadows Of Her Mind 02:37 Has Mbid 10 Eddy Arnold Mary In The Morning 03:08 11 Eddy Arnold I'll Give You Three Guesses 02:19 12 Eddy Arnold Living Under Pressure 03:10 13 Eddy Arnold A Man's Kind Of Woman 03:40 14 Eddy Arnold July, You're A Woman 03:00 15 Eddy Arnold Each Road I Take 02:26 16 Eddy Arnold She Believes In Me 02:43 17 Eddy Arnold New World In The Morning 02:18 18 Eddy Arnold Where Love Has Died 02:31 19 Eddy Arnold Seven Bridges Road 03:56 20 Eddy Arnold Some Lonely Picker 03:22 21 Eddy Arnold All That Keeps Ya' Goin' 02:34 22 Eddy Arnold Closest I Ever Came 02:52 23 Eddy Arnold My Way Of Life 02:55 24 Eddy Arnold Gentle Is My Love 02:42 25 Eddy Arnold How Do I Love Thee 03:01 26 Eddy Arnold From Heaven To Heartache 02:46 27 Eddy Arnold Ten Times Forever More 02:10
Eddy Arnold View in Albunack Let's Make Memories Tonight & One More Time 24 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Elvis Presley Good Rockin’ Tonight 02:27 2 Wynonie Harris Good Rockin’ Tonight 02:39 3 Bill Haley & His Comets Shake, Rattle and Roll 03:09 4 Joe Turner Shake, Rattle and Roll 02:16 5 Fats Domino Blueberry Hill 02:36 6 Louis Armstrong Blueberry Hill 02:30 7 Elvis Presley That’s All Right 02:23 8 Arthur “Big Boy” Crudup That’s All Right 02:49 9 The Johnny Burnette Trio The Train Kept A‐Rollin’ 02:29 10 Tiny Bradshaw The Train Kept A‐Rollin’ 02:20 11 Elvis Presley Hound Dog 02:48 12 Big Mama Thornton Hound Dog 02:28 13 Bill Haley and The Saddlemen Rock the Joint 02:43 14 Jimmy Preston and His Prestonians Rock the Joint 02:11 15 Elvis Presley Mystery Train 02:34 16 Little Junior's Blue Flames Mystery Train 02:06 17 Chuck Berry Maybellene 02:36 18 Roy Acuff and His Smoky Mountain Boys Ida Red 02:42 19 Elvis Presley Blue Moon of Kentucky 02:44 20 Bill Monroe and The Bluegrass Boys Blue Moon of Kentucky 02:19 21 Bill Haley & His Comets Rock Around the Clock 02:49 22 Sonny Dae and His Knights Rock Around the Clock 02:27 23 The Crew-Cuts Sh‐Boom 02:14 24 The Chords Sh‐Boom 02:39