Complete Albums constructed from Acoustid data that do not have a corresponding album in MusicBrainz

Smaller artists with between 2 and 100 releases

Report created based on data in Acoustid as of 28/01/2025

Found 237795 acoustid albums that do not have a corresponding match in MusicBrainz 500 Acoustid Albums per page.

The report is not continually updated so may not reflect the current data within Acoustid databases.

This shows complete albums constructed from the metadata submitted to Acoustid, but only the majority of the Acoustids are not already linked to MusicBrainz recordings. We filter to only show albums that we have all the tracks for and that have real metadata, and only include albums where we can find a case insensitive match between the album artist and a MusicBrainz artist, to simplify things and filter out some nonsense data. Limitations:Acoustid Data is not of high enough quality to properly handle multi releases and some releases may be listed multiple times due to slight differences in metadata. Acoustid only provides basic metadata, at best this is Album Artist, Album, Track No, Track Title, Track Artist, Year of release, Track Duration (taken directly from linked fingerprint(s)). The data is good for identifying albums by smaller artists, and rare bootleg/live albums by well known artists

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Artists on this page

Lars Kepler (2)Lars Klein (1)Lars Leonhard (1)Lars Lilholt (1)Lars Lilholt Band (2)Lars Muhl (3)Lars Møller Group (1)Lars Reichow (3)Lars Roos (17)Lars Saabye Christensen (1)Lars Vegas Trio (1)Lars Wickinger (2)Lars Winnerbäck (3)Lars-Gunnar Bodin (1)Lars-Luis Linek (3)Larsen (1)Larsito (1)Lartiste (2)Larue (1)Lary Kidd (2)Larz (1)Las Ardillitas de Lalo Guerrero (1)Las Balkanieras (1)Las Cafeteras (1)Las Hermanas CARONNI (1)Las Hermanas Caronni (1)Las Jilguerillas (5)Las Malas Amistades (1)Las Migas (1)Las Norteñitas (1)Las Orejas Del Lobo (1)Las Orejas del Lobo (1)Las Pelotas (1)Las Perlas del Son (1)Las Sombras (1)Laser (1)Laserdance (1)Lasgo (1)Lash (1)Lash Out (1)Lass (8)Lasse & Mathilde (4)Lasse Eriksson (2)Lasse Heikkilä (2)Lasse Hoikka (1)Lasse Liemola (1)Lasse Lindgren (1)Lasse Lindh (1)Lasse Marhaug (4)Lasse Matthiessen (2)Lasse Tennander (2)Lasse Wellander (1)Lassen (1)Lassigue Bendthaus (1)Lasso (1)Last Conservative (1)Last Day Before Holiday (1)Last Days of Humanity (1)Last Descendants (1)Last Exit (1)Last Fair Deal (1)Last Harbour (1)Last Hope (3)Last Knight (1)Last Number (1)Last Rites (1)Last Temptation (1)Last To Remain (1)Last Train (1)Last Warning (1)Last Words (1)Lastenmusiikkiorkesteri Ammuu! (1)Lastrawze (1)Lastrax (1)Laszlo (1)Lata Mangeshkar (60)Late (4)Late Night Radio (1)Late Night Simulator (2)Late September Dogs (2)Later Days (1)Latex Empire (1)Lathe (1)Lathe Of Heaven (1)Lathspell (1)Latif (1)Latif Bolat (1)Latifa (1)Latimore (6)Latin Breed (1)Latin Express (1)Latin Jam (1)Latin Quarter (2)Latino (9)Latitude (2)LatteMiele 2.0 (1)Latvian Blues Band (2)Latvian Radio (1)Latvian Voices (4)Latvijas Radio koris (4)Latyrx (1)Lau (1)Lau Laursen (1)Laudibus (2)Laugh & Peace (2)Laughin' Nose (9)Laughing Buddha (1)Laughing Clowns (4)Laughing Colors (1)Laughter (1)Laura (16)Laura A Její Tygři (1)Laura Allan (3)Laura Barrett (1)Laura Bono (2)Laura Boosinger (1)Laura Bryna (1)Laura Canoura (3)Laura Cantrell (1)Laura Caviani (2)Laura Chandler (1)Laura Cortese (1)Laura Fygi (6)Laura Gibson (2)Laura Guevara (1)Laura Ingalls Wilder (8)Laura Jansen (1)Laura Jones (1)Laura Lynn (1)Laura López Castro (3)Laura MacKenzie (3)Laura Omloop (1)Laura Osnes (1)Laura Perrudin (1)Laura Powers (1)Laura Rain And The Caesars (1)Laura Risk (1)Laura Rossi (2)Laura Sauvage (2)Laura Shay (1)Laura Sheeran (1)Laura Smith (1)Laura Stevenson (1)Laura Stoica (3)Laura Taylor (1)Laura Tsaggaris (1)Laura Veirs (1)Laura Voutilainen (1)Laura Woodley Osman (1)Laura a její tygři (3)Laura day romance (1)Lauras Stern (22)Laure Favre-Kahn (9)Laure Milan (1)Laureano Brizuela (7)Laurel & Hardy (2)Laurel Aitken (1)Laurel Canyon (1)Laurel Canyon Animal Company (3)Laurel Zucker (3)Lauren Aquilina (1)Lauren Henderson (2)Lauren Jenkins (1)Lauren Shera (1)Lauren Talley (1)Lauren Tate (1)Lauren White (1)Lauren Wood (2)Laurence Hobgood (3)Laurence Juber (1)Laurence Revey (1)Laurence Rosenthal (15)Laurens Van Rooyen (3)Laurens van Rooyen (3)Laurent Bonnot (2)Laurent Coq (7)Laurent Coq Trio (1)Laurent Courthaliac (4)Laurent De Wilde (1)Laurent Dury (1)Laurent Eyquem (4)Laurent Fickelson (1)Laurent Grzybowski (1)Laurent Korcia (3)Laurent Marode (1)Laurent Mignard Duke Orchestra (1)Laurent Perez Del Mar (1)Laurent Pernice (1)Laurent Petitgirard (2)Laurent Pradeau (2)Laurent Wolf (2)Laurent de Wilde (1)Lauri (1)Lauri Hallikainen (12)Lauri Hannu (1)Lauri Porra (1)Lauri Saatpalu (1)Lauri Tähkä (2)Laurie Anderson (2)Laurie Antonioli (2)Laurie Beechman (1)
Import ReleaseAlbum ArtistView in AlbunackAlbumTrack TotalTracks with MB MatchYearTracks
Lars KeplerView in AlbunackPaganinis Fluch 5140
Lars KeplerView in AlbunackPaganinis Fluch 6120
Lars KleinView in AlbunackLärm 6160
Lars LeonhardView in AlbunackNo Comment (BINE027VYR) VINYL60
Lars LilholtView in AlbunackUnknown TitleDrømme fanger130
Lars Lilholt BandView in AlbunackI en sommernat132
Lars Lilholt BandView in AlbunackMed natten mod vest122
Lars MuhlView in AlbunackMandolina130
Lars MuhlView in AlbunackRegnfang110
Lars MuhlView in AlbunackThe Bedroom Song150
Lars Møller GroupView in AlbunackCircles61
Lars ReichowView in AlbunackFreiheit140
Lars ReichowView in AlbunackGlücklich in Deutschland130
Lars ReichowView in AlbunackGoldfinger1502011
Lars RoosView in Albunack21 Piano Miniatures210
Lars RoosView in Albunack21 Populäre Melodien (PHILIPS 420 817-2 PX)210
Lars RoosView in Albunack21 miniaturas en piano210
Lars RoosView in AlbunackA Touch of Classics - 21 Piano Miniatures210
Lars RoosView in AlbunackDansgodis Örongodis 8160
Lars RoosView in AlbunackFrösöblomster210
Lars RoosView in AlbunackFör De som Älskar160
Lars RoosView in AlbunackFör de som älskar160
Lars RoosView in AlbunackGuldgodis / 30 Bästa150
Lars RoosView in AlbunackOrongodis140
Lars RoosView in AlbunackOrongodis 2160
Lars RoosView in AlbunackOrongodis 3160
Lars RoosView in AlbunackOrongodis 8160
Lars RoosView in AlbunackPiano for kids V133
Lars RoosView in AlbunackSom Din Dag180
Lars RoosView in AlbunackÖrongodis 2160
Lars RoosView in AlbunackÖrongodis jorden runt150
Lars Saabye ChristensenView in AlbunackCirkus200
Lars Vegas TrioView in AlbunackSjung! Sjung! Sjung!60
Lars WickingerView in AlbunackDropout60
Lars WickingerView in AlbunackHavin A Beat WEB602012
Lars WinnerbäckView in Albunack112 Sånger80
Lars WinnerbäckView in AlbunackEn bit från slätten160
Lars WinnerbäckView in AlbunackStjärna på slottet130
Lars-Gunnar BodinView in AlbunackClouds100
Lars-Luis LinekView in AlbunackBlues op Platt130
Lars-Luis LinekView in AlbunackModern-Tradition - Maghreb560
Lars-Luis LinekView in AlbunackSnutenhobel130
Search LarsenDark Album160
LarsitoView in Albunacketwas121
LartisteView in AlbunackQuartier Latin Vol. 1181
LartisteView in AlbunackQuartier Latin vol.1181
Search LarueCoiffeurs d'âmes70
Lary KiddView in Albunack( CONTRÔLE )130
Lary KiddView in AlbunackContôle130
Search LarzWaving with Newtons190
Las Ardillitas de Lalo GuerreroView in AlbunackPersonalidades 20 Éxitos200
Las BalkanierasView in AlbunackFood, love, music110
Las CafeterasView in AlbunackTastes Like LA100
Las Hermanas CARONNIView in AlbunackSanta Plastica110
Las Hermanas CaronniView in AlbunackSanta Plastica1102019
Las JilguerillasView in Albunack20 Éxitos Originales Volumen 2200
Las JilguerillasView in AlbunackAnda Paloma y Dile100
Las JilguerillasView in AlbunackCanciones De Mi Tierra100
Las JilguerillasView in AlbunackEl Descalzo100
Las JilguerillasView in AlbunackMexicanísimo: Las Jilguerillas152
Las Malas AmistadesView in AlbunackLas Alas A Mitades240
Las MigasView in AlbunackLas Migas80
Las NorteñitasView in Albunack30 del Recuerdo150
Las Orejas Del LoboView in AlbunackEspera... Y Llegara El Fin90
Las Orejas del LoboView in AlbunackEspera... Y Llegara el Fin90
Las PelotasView in Albunack5 x 5181
Las Perlas del SonView in AlbunackSi Senor - Las Perlas del Son112
Search Las SombrasCasino Tango Noir150
Search LaserNight Drive702016
LaserdanceView in AlbunackLaser Dance - Future Generation80
LasgoView in AlbunackSurrender (Single)63
Search LashDeelashious EP602006
Lash OutView in AlbunackKeep Rocking... For the Music Lovers150
Search Lass11eyes -Resona Forma- Original Sound Track100
Search Lass11eyes 考現学部☆ザ・ムービー80
Search Lass3days -満ちてゆく刻の彼方で- Original Sound Track250
Search Lass3days -満ちてゆく刻の彼方で- Original sound track (初回特典)250
Search Lass3days -満ちてゆく刻の彼方で- パーフェクトアレンジアルバム130
Search Lass3days 初回特典 オリジナルサウンドトラック250
Search LassFESTA!! -HYPER GIRLS POP- Vocal Collection CD60
Search Lass迷える2人とセカイのすべて「オリジナルサウンドトラック」180
Lasse & MathildeView in AlbunackDe Bedste Med Lasse & Mathilde223
Lasse & MathildeView in AlbunackDet Er Nu - Det Er Her100
Lasse & MathildeView in AlbunackFyn Er Fin Forever [2 cd]183
Lasse & MathildeView in AlbunackVores Favoritter120
Search Lasse ErikssonBreda Vägen110
Search Lasse ErikssonElis80
Lasse HeikkiläView in AlbunackMissa Concordiae110
Lasse HeikkiläView in AlbunackSuomalainen messu: Juhlaversio200
Lasse HoikkaView in AlbunackJos Sinäkin Tahdot (2010)180
Lasse LiemolaView in AlbunackKadun Aurinkoisella Puolella (2CD)241
Search Lasse LindgrenPlays the ABBA songbook110
Lasse LindhView in AlbunackThe Tiger With No Stripes1102011
Lasse MarhaugView in AlbunackAlive: Live Recordings 1998-2006120
Lasse MarhaugView in AlbunackEar Era110
Lasse MarhaugView in AlbunackNothing But Sound From Now On [STS047CD]70
Lasse MarhaugView in Albunacki can't remember silence80
Lasse MatthiessenView in AlbunackLive On The TV Noir Show70
Lasse MatthiessenView in AlbunackWild Fires120
Lasse TennanderView in Albunack1976 Alla är vi barn i början110
Lasse TennanderView in AlbunackEremit I Ett Kollektiv Solo Live {with DVD Angbatsliv}150
Lasse WellanderView in AlbunackPoker-Face100
LassenView in AlbunackRemix Eventyr602019
Lassigue BendthausView in AlbunackCloned:Binary190
Search LassoHymnen120
Last ConservativeView in AlbunackPretty New Things (Special Advance)110
Last Day Before HolidayView in AlbunackThe Way Out [Japan Edition]120
Last Days of HumanityView in AlbunackLymphatic Phlegm & L.D.O.H2102004
Last DescendantsView in Albunack[1988] One Nation Under God (Rerelease 2010)110
Search Last ExitFire & Desert701978
Last Fair DealView in AlbunackAcoustic Blues110
Last HarbourView in AlbunackDead Fires & The Lonely Spark90
Search Last HopeAlive In Sofia180
Search Last HopeLast Hope180
Search Last HopeStay Gold90
Search Last KnightTalking To The Moon [Dis 1]210
Last NumberView in Albunack硝子落書60
Search Last RitesUnholy Puppets100
Last TemptationView in AlbunackBetter Late Than Never100
Last To RemainView in AlbunackFirst Mission (Demo 2004)90
Last TrainView in AlbunackJust Passing Through90
Search Last Warning[1994] From The Floor Of The Well80
Search Last Words1977-1980151
Lastenmusiikkiorkesteri Ammuu!View in AlbunackMetsään140
LastrawzeView in AlbunackThe Instrawmental EP Part 1 Vinyl60
LastraxView in AlbunackShape Your Destiny1602013
Search LaszloHerzschlag120
Lata MangeshkarView in AlbunackAanandghan160
Lata MangeshkarView in AlbunackAbhanga Tukayache120
Lata MangeshkarView in AlbunackAgar Mujhse Mohabbat Hai110
Lata MangeshkarView in AlbunackAkash Pradeep Jwale (Modern Songs)190
Lata MangeshkarView in AlbunackAnandGhan150
Lata MangeshkarView in AlbunackAndaaz Gham Ka - Lata Mangeskar113
Lata MangeshkarView in AlbunackAnmol-Ratan-Dil Apna Aur Preet Parai162
Lata MangeshkarView in AlbunackAnokha Pyar - Beqasoor220
Lata MangeshkarView in AlbunackAzad - Yahudi183
Lata MangeshkarView in AlbunackBengali Film Hits of Lata Mangeshkar190
Lata MangeshkarView in AlbunackChala Vahi Des and Meera Bhajans150
Lata MangeshkarView in AlbunackClassics' Revival Vol.22 - Laga Ja Gale Se150
Lata MangeshkarView in AlbunackEk Radha Ek Meera93
Lata MangeshkarView in AlbunackEvergreen Hits of Lata120
Lata MangeshkarView in AlbunackFeelings Aansoo162
Lata MangeshkarView in AlbunackFor The First Time140
Lata MangeshkarView in AlbunackHaunting Melodies of133
Lata MangeshkarView in AlbunackHawa Mein Udta Jaye... Lata Mangeshkar180
Lata MangeshkarView in AlbunackIn Concert Lata (Live On 9/3/97) Vol-2140
Lata MangeshkarView in AlbunackKanoon90
Lata MangeshkarView in AlbunackLATA MANGESHKAR - DOWN MEMORY LANE133
Lata MangeshkarView in AlbunackLata Bhajan100
Lata MangeshkarView in AlbunackLata Mangeshkar1131994
Lata MangeshkarView in AlbunackLokapriya Bhaavageete180
Lata MangeshkarView in AlbunackLokpriya Bhavgeete180
Lata MangeshkarView in AlbunackMadan Mohan Ki Yaadeen142
Lata MangeshkarView in AlbunackMere Watan Ke Logon100
Lata MangeshkarView in AlbunackPrem Bhakti Mukti (Hindi Bhajans)80
Lata MangeshkarView in AlbunackPyar Jhukta Nahin - Alag Alag111
Lata MangeshkarView in AlbunackRare Gems200
Lata MangeshkarView in AlbunackRare Gems Of The 70's - Lata Mangeshkar - Sentimental Melodies172
Lata MangeshkarView in AlbunackRare Gems Of The 70's Duets Of Lata Mangeshkar151
Lata MangeshkarView in AlbunackRare Gems Of The 70's Lata Mangeshkar In A Romantic Mood140
Lata MangeshkarView in AlbunackSaadgi80
Lata MangeshkarView in AlbunackSamagra 01 Ganpati Aarti, Jnaneshwar Mauli160
Lata MangeshkarView in AlbunackSamagra 02 Bhaktigeete & Abhang Tukayache230
Lata MangeshkarView in AlbunackSamagra 03 Aajolchi Gaani, Koli Geete,Shivkalyanraja200
Lata MangeshkarView in AlbunackSamagra 05 Bhavgeete160
Lata MangeshkarView in AlbunackSamagra 06 Vividha160
Lata MangeshkarView in AlbunackSamagra 07 Chitrapat Geete220
Lata MangeshkarView in AlbunackSamagra 08 Chitrapat Geete210
Lata MangeshkarView in AlbunackSamagra 09 Chitrapat Geete230
Lata MangeshkarView in AlbunackSamagra 10 Chitrapat Geete210
Lata MangeshkarView in AlbunackSamagra 11 Chitrapat Geete220
Lata MangeshkarView in AlbunackSamagra 13 Chitrapat Geete210
Lata MangeshkarView in AlbunackSamagra 14 Chitrapat Geete210
Lata MangeshkarView in AlbunackSamagra 16 Chitrapat Geete210
Lata MangeshkarView in AlbunackSamagra 4 Bhavgeete220
Lata MangeshkarView in AlbunackSentimental - Neela Aasmaan So Gaya103
Lata MangeshkarView in AlbunackSentimental Hits - Raina Beeti Jaye140
Lata MangeshkarView in AlbunackShraddhanjali172
Lata MangeshkarView in AlbunackShraddhanjali_-_My_Tribute_To_The_Immortals162
Lata MangeshkarView in AlbunackSumiran - Sanskrit Shlokas240
Lata MangeshkarView in AlbunackSunheri Yaadein - Lag Ja Gale121
Lata MangeshkarView in AlbunackThe Best of Shraddhanjali193
Lata MangeshkarView in AlbunackThe Legend Forever - Lata Mangeshkar - Vol.1142
Lata MangeshkarView in AlbunackTribute To Salilda-Lata Mangeshkar (CD-1)170
Lata MangeshkarView in AlbunackTribute To Salilda-Lata Mangeshkar (CD-2)160
Lata MangeshkarView in AlbunackUnforgettable Lata112
Search Late2 Thousand & Late (Mixed By Tricksta)210
Search Late2Thousand & Late210
Search LatePresents Grandaddy Souf Locked N Loaded242
Search Lateremember the time110
Late Night RadioView in AlbunackMidnight Airwaves140
Late Night SimulatorView in Albunack私の頭はテレビです // DMT-084602015
Late Night SimulatorView in Albunack도시의 Void // DMT-140702015
Late September DogsView in AlbunackLive Rush110
Late September DogsView in AlbunackOn the cold Hillside140
Later DaysView in AlbunackLost in the Sound1102017
Latex EmpireView in AlbunackWaveland113
Search LatheLeGuin140
Search Lathe Of HeavenNow There's No Room90
LathspellView in AlbunackFascination Of Devilry80
LatifView in AlbunackI Don't Wanna Hurt You602003
Latif BolatView in AlbunackGul: The Rose210
LatifaView in AlbunackMes plus belles chansons d'amour130
LatimoreView in AlbunackA taste of Me110
LatimoreView in AlbunackBack 'Atcha100
LatimoreView in AlbunackI'll Do Anything For You92
LatimoreView in AlbunackIt Ain't Where You Been...It's Where Your Going73
LatimoreView in AlbunackLadies Choice90
LatimoreView in AlbunackMore More More (Let's Straighten It Out )91
Latin BreedView in AlbunackRetro100
Latin ExpressView in AlbunackCruzin Chicano Blvd.110
Latin JamView in AlbunackLatin Jam 4130
Search Latin QuarterImagination of Thieves130
Search Latin Quarterthe imagination of theives130
Search Latino10 Anos Ao Vivo140
Search LatinoDivno Je Biti Nekom Nesto150
Search LatinoDobar dan zlato moje100
Search LatinoLa Tangarana140
Search LatinoLatino - Vitrine ( 1997 )140
Search LatinoLatino 2000130
Search LatinoNa Pista (Remixes)141
Search LatinoSvaka ti cast100
Search LatinoVitrine140
Search Latitude40 Degrees North90
Search LatitudePermanent Vacation110
LatteMiele 2.0View in AlbunackPaganini Experience (01-03/2019)90
Latvian Blues BandView in AlbunackLIVE AT THE RIGA CITY FESTIVAL110
Latvian Blues BandView in AlbunackMusic of my heart140
Latvian RadioView in AlbunackPick Your Poison, Pick Your Blues100
Latvian VoicesView in AlbunackMazie, Skumjie Ziemas Svētki140
Latvian VoicesView in AlbunackSounds of Latvian Nature180
Latvian VoicesView in AlbunackSudrabs140
Latvian VoicesView in AlbunackTa Ta130
Latvijas Radio korisView in AlbunackDiena aust. Latviešu klasiskā kora dziesma150
Latvijas Radio korisView in AlbunackMiglas rīts180
Latvijas Radio korisView in AlbunackSacred Love1212014
Latvijas Radio korisView in AlbunackSkaisti dziedi230
LatyrxView in AlbunackMuzapper's Mixes EP901997
Search LauAll this instead110
Lau LaursenView in AlbunackAurora80
LaudibusView in AlbunackAll in the April Evening240
LaudibusView in AlbunackScotland At Night210
Laugh & PeaceView in AlbunackMasahiko-kun ~ liar boy60
Laugh & PeaceView in Albunackliar boy60
Laughin' NoseView in AlbunackGreatest Hits 1985-1987120
Laughin' NoseView in AlbunackGreatest Hits 1988-1991120
Laughin' NoseView in AlbunackIf You Don't Mind Please Laugh.120
Laughin' NoseView in AlbunackIndie Omnibus '81-'85110
Laughin' NoseView in AlbunackLaughin' Complete AA Tracks (Dream Disk)140
Laughin' NoseView in AlbunackLaughin' Roll (Let's Rock6)110
Laughin' NoseView in AlbunackLaughin's Not Dead122
Laughin' NoseView in AlbunackLive Black Box220
Laughin' NoseView in AlbunackLive In Black Box220
Laughing BuddhaView in AlbunackIlllusions & Colllusions83
Laughing ClownsView in AlbunackGolden Days - When Giants Walked The Earth103
Laughing ClownsView in AlbunackGolden days - when giants walked The Earth103
Laughing ClownsView in AlbunackLaughing Clowns Live (Brisbane 2009)71
Laughing ClownsView in AlbunackLaughing Clowns Live at the Basement (Sydney 2009)80
Laughing ColorsView in AlbunackPattern Seed131
Search LaughterYou Hit The Nail On The Head60
Search Laura03: Laura und die Primaballerina110
Search Laura04: Laura Tanzt Mit Einem Jungen130
Search Laura05 Laura und der Neue Ballettlehrer110
Search LauraGreatest Hits170
Search LauraLaura und das Weihnachtsballet120
Search LauraLaura und die Primaballerina110
Search LauraLaura und ihr erster Auftritt110
Search LauraLaura will zum Ballett110
Search LauraLaura, Vol. 6: Laura Und Das Weihnachtsballett120
Search LauraLauras Piratenschatz60
Search LauraLauras Stern - Meine Freundschaftslieder120
Search LauraNaked on the inside121
Search LauraOne of a Kind1202015
Search LauraSädemeid taevast singlid 2005-2011131
Search LauraY Quién Ha Pensado En Mi1002018
Search Lauratoo high100
Laura A Její TygřiView in AlbunackVyklátíme Modly130
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