Complete Albums constructed from Acoustid data that do not have a corresponding album in MusicBrainz

Smaller artists with between 2 and 100 releases

Report created based on data in Acoustid as of 28/01/2025

Found 237795 acoustid albums that do not have a corresponding match in MusicBrainz 500 Acoustid Albums per page.

The report is not continually updated so may not reflect the current data within Acoustid databases.

This shows complete albums constructed from the metadata submitted to Acoustid, but only the majority of the Acoustids are not already linked to MusicBrainz recordings. We filter to only show albums that we have all the tracks for and that have real metadata, and only include albums where we can find a case insensitive match between the album artist and a MusicBrainz artist, to simplify things and filter out some nonsense data. Limitations:Acoustid Data is not of high enough quality to properly handle multi releases and some releases may be listed multiple times due to slight differences in metadata. Acoustid only provides basic metadata, at best this is Album Artist, Album, Track No, Track Title, Track Artist, Year of release, Track Duration (taken directly from linked fingerprint(s)). The data is good for identifying albums by smaller artists, and rare bootleg/live albums by well known artists

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Artists on this page

Terry Herman Trio (4)Terry Hoax (3)Terry Keating (1)Terry Kelly (1)Terry Kitchen (2)Terry Lee Brown Jr. (1)Terry Lee Hale (3)Terry Lin (2)Terry MacAlmon (4)Terry Manning (1)Terry Melcher (1)Terry Ohms (1)Terry Oldfield (1)Terry Plumeri (3)Terry Reid (5)Terry Robb (4)Terry Snyder (2)Terry Snyder And The All Stars (1)Terry St.Clair (1)Terry Stamp (2)Terry Talbot (1)Terry Truck (2)Terry Urban (1)Terry Wogan (7)Teruhisa Fukuda (1)Tesa (1)Tesoro (1)Tess Gerritsen (73)Tess Henley (1)Tess Wiley (2)Tessa (1)Tessa Souter (3)Tessa Virta (1)Tessa Ziegler (4)Tesseract (1)Test (2)Test Dept. (1)Test Of Time (1)Testify (3)Teta (1)Teta Lando (1)Tete Mbambisa (1)Tete Montoliu (18)Tethered Moon (1)Tetra Edge (1)Tetrack (1)Tetragrammacide (1)Tetris (2)Tetsuo (2)Tetty Kadi (4)Tetê Espíndola (2)Teufel (1)Teufelskicker (155)Teufelstanz (1)Teus Nobel (3)Teutonic Slaughter (1)Tevin Campbell (5)Tevo Howard (2)Tex (1)Tex Ritter (3)Tex Tex (1)Texabilly Rockets (1)Texas Bill Strength (1)Texas Boys Choir (2)Texas Lightning (1)Texas Renegade (1)Texas Tornados (1)Texture (1)Tgd (4)Th!s (1)Th' Dudes (1)Tha Alkaholiks (1)Tha Blue Herb (1)Tha Dogg Pound (5)Tha Eastsidaz (4)Tha God Fahim (1)ThaMuseMeant (2)Thad Jones (9)Thaione Davis (1)Thal (4)Thalamus (2)Thalia (1)Thalia Zedek (1)Thalion (2)Thalles Roberto (1)Thalma De Freitas (1)Thanatoloop (3)Thanatos (8)Thandiswa Mazwai (1)Thaneco (1)Thanh Hà (2)Thanh Lam (18)Thanh Lan (6)Thanh Lâm (1)Thanh Thúy (2)Thanh Tuyền (2)Thank You (1)Thanks To Gravity (1)That 1 Guy (3)That Handsome Devil (1)That Joe Payne (2)That Petrol Emotion (1)Thaw (2)The (International) Noise Conspiracy (2)The 103rd Street Gospel Choir (1)The 2 Live Crew (1)The 3 Jays (1)The 44s (1)The 45 King (2)The 5 Browns (1)The 50 Guitars Of Tommy Garrett (12)The 502s (1)The 5th Dimension (1)The 5th Plateau (2)The 78th Fraser Highlanders Pipe Band (1)The 8th Day (1)The APX (1)The Aberlour's (2)The Abstractions (1)The Abyssinians (1)The Academy (1)The Accelerators (1)The Accidentals (3)
Import ReleaseAlbum ArtistView in AlbunackAlbumTrack TotalTracks with MB MatchYearTracks
Terry Herman TrioView in AlbunackBlue Stardust - DENON PCM DIG.REC.80
Terry Herman TrioView in AlbunackSunshine100
Terry Herman TrioView in AlbunackSweet Memories100
Terry Herman TrioView in AlbunackSweet Memories - DENON PCM DIG.REC.100
Terry HoaxView in AlbunackHappy Times131
Terry HoaxView in AlbunackLive - Happy Times131
Terry HoaxView in AlbunackSerious {Peppermint Park,0207556PPP}120
Terry KeatingView in AlbunackDWCD0186 - Drama Moods & Atmospheres480
Search Terry KellyFace to Face100
Terry KitchenView in AlbunackRubies in the Dust121
Terry KitchenView in AlbunackThe Quiet Places120
Terry Lee Brown Jr.View in AlbunackSounds Of Instruments, Vol.03133
Terry Lee HaleView in AlbunackCelebration what for (2004)100
Terry Lee HaleView in AlbunackFrozen160
Terry Lee HaleView in AlbunackHale & Sarow80
Terry LinView in AlbunackNi Shi Wo Qian Shi de Zhi Ji162
Terry LinView in AlbunackSearchin120
Terry MacAlmonView in AlbunackHoly110
Terry MacAlmonView in AlbunackHoly! Piano & Orchestra110
Terry MacAlmonView in AlbunackHoly! Piano and Orchestra110
Terry MacAlmonView in AlbunackThe Glory of his presence-The live worship collection103
Search Terry ManningWest Texas Skyline - A Tribute To Bobby Fuller120
Terry MelcherView in AlbunackRoyal Flush (2012 Remastered) (BSCD)100
Terry OhmsView in AlbunackWhat Do You Mean, What Do I Mean?130
Terry OldfieldView in AlbunackSilent Night, Peaceful Night1002010
Terry PlumeriView in AlbunackFinal Judgement - The Film Music of Terry Plumeri180
Terry PlumeriView in AlbunackNate and the Colonel200
Terry PlumeriView in AlbunackNight Eyes 3190
Terry ReidView in Albunack19700827 Isle Of Wight91
Terry ReidView in AlbunackLive In London70
Terry ReidView in AlbunackSilver White Light - Live At The Isle Of Wight 197093
Terry ReidView in AlbunackSilver White Light - Live at The Isle of Wight 197082
Terry ReidView in AlbunackVariations on a Theme100
Terry RobbView in AlbunackAcoustic Blues Trio130
Terry RobbView in AlbunackConfessin' My Dues130
Terry RobbView in AlbunackHeart Made of Steel131
Terry RobbView in AlbunackWhen I Play My Blues Guitar130
Terry SnyderView in AlbunackBest Of Mr Percussion300
Terry SnyderView in AlbunackTerry Snyder Wall To Wall stereo pressing Lp - Mister Percussion300
Terry Snyder And The All StarsView in AlbunackBest of Mr Percussion300
Terry St.ClairView in AlbunackBasically...140
Terry StampView in AlbunackBootlace Johnnie And The Ninety Nines130
Terry StampView in AlbunackHowling for the Highway Home120
Terry TalbotView in AlbunackTerry Talbot90
Terry TruckView in AlbunackAm Klavier Terry Truck150
Terry TruckView in AlbunackNocturnes Piano - Solo100
Terry UrbanView in AlbunackLady Stardust100
Terry WoganView in AlbunackAn Audience With!150
Terry WoganView in AlbunackClinging To The Wreckage200
Terry WoganView in AlbunackJanet & John - An Audience With150
Terry WoganView in AlbunackJanet & John Stories Clinging To The Wreckage200
Terry WoganView in AlbunackRadi 2 Janet and John Stories - Reloaded bonus disc60
Terry WoganView in AlbunackRadio 2 Janet and John Stories - Reloaded bonus disc60
Terry WoganView in AlbunackSailing Close To The Wind200
Search TesaAl-Tesa1202017
Search TesoroTesoro110
Tess GerritsenView in Albunack02 - Der Meister CD0170
Tess GerritsenView in Albunack02 - Der Meister CD0270
Tess GerritsenView in Albunack02 - Der Meister CD0380
Tess GerritsenView in Albunack02 - Der Meister CD0480
Tess GerritsenView in Albunack02 - Der Meister CD0580
Tess GerritsenView in Albunack02 - Der Meister CD0690
Tess GerritsenView in Albunack03 - Todsünde CD0570
Tess GerritsenView in Albunack03 - Tods�nde CD0290
Tess GerritsenView in Albunack03 - Tods�nde CD0570
Tess GerritsenView in Albunack05 - Scheintot CD01120
Tess GerritsenView in Albunack05 - Scheintot CD02110
Tess GerritsenView in Albunack05 - Scheintot CD0490
Tess GerritsenView in Albunack05 - Scheintot CD0660
Tess GerritsenView in Albunack06 - Blutmale CD0180
Tess GerritsenView in Albunack06 - Blutmale CD0260
Tess GerritsenView in Albunack06 - Blutmale CD0370
Tess GerritsenView in Albunack06 - Blutmale CD0460
Tess GerritsenView in Albunack06 - Blutmale CD0560
Tess GerritsenView in Albunack06 - Blutmale CD0670
Tess GerritsenView in Albunack07 - Leichenraub CD0180
Tess GerritsenView in Albunack07 - Leichenraub CD04100
Tess GerritsenView in Albunack07 - Leichenraub CD0690
Tess GerritsenView in Albunack08- Grabkammer CD0580
Tess GerritsenView in Albunack12 - Der Schneeleopard CD0190
Tess GerritsenView in Albunack12 - Der Schneeleopard CD02100
Tess GerritsenView in Albunack12 - Der Schneeleopard CD03100
Tess GerritsenView in Albunack12 - Der Schneeleopard CD04100
Tess GerritsenView in Albunack12 - Der Schneeleopard CD05100
Tess GerritsenView in Albunack12 - Der Schneeleopard CD06120
Tess GerritsenView in AlbunackAbendruh CD0180
Tess GerritsenView in AlbunackAbendruh CD0260
Tess GerritsenView in AlbunackAbendruh CD0380
Tess GerritsenView in AlbunackAbendruh CD0470
Tess GerritsenView in AlbunackAbendruh CD0560
Tess GerritsenView in AlbunackAbendruh CD0680
Tess GerritsenView in AlbunackBlutmale CD_180
Tess GerritsenView in AlbunackBlutmale CD_260
Tess GerritsenView in AlbunackBlutmale CD_370
Tess GerritsenView in AlbunackBlutmale CD_460
Tess GerritsenView in AlbunackBlutmale CD_560
Tess GerritsenView in AlbunackBlutmale CD_670
Tess GerritsenView in AlbunackDer Anruf kam nach Mitternacht230
Tess GerritsenView in AlbunackDie Again160
Tess GerritsenView in AlbunackDie Chirurgin110
Tess GerritsenView in AlbunackDie Meisterdiebin CD03120
Tess GerritsenView in AlbunackDie Meisterdiebin CD04130
Tess GerritsenView in AlbunackGefährliche Begierde210
Tess GerritsenView in AlbunackGrabesstille CD01100
Tess GerritsenView in AlbunackGrabesstille CD02100
Tess GerritsenView in AlbunackGrabesstille CD0390
Tess GerritsenView in AlbunackGrabesstille CD04100
Tess GerritsenView in AlbunackGrabesstille CD06100
Tess GerritsenView in AlbunackGrabkammer [CD05]80
Tess GerritsenView in AlbunackGrabkammer [CD06]80
Tess GerritsenView in AlbunackIn Their Footsteps1501995
Tess GerritsenView in AlbunackJane Rizzoli & Maura Isles - 07 - Grabkammer1802009
Tess GerritsenView in AlbunackKeeping the dead100
Tess GerritsenView in AlbunackPresumed Guilty1501993
Tess GerritsenView in AlbunackRoter Engel CD0180
Tess GerritsenView in AlbunackSag niemals STIRB CD02230
Tess GerritsenView in AlbunackSag niemals STIRB CD03210
Tess GerritsenView in AlbunackSag niemals STIRB CD04210
Tess GerritsenView in AlbunackSag niemals stirb [CD01]230
Tess GerritsenView in AlbunackSag niemals stirb [CD03]230
Tess GerritsenView in AlbunackSag niemals stirb [CD04]210
Tess GerritsenView in AlbunackThe Apprentice110
Tess GerritsenView in AlbunackTotengrund CD01100
Tess GerritsenView in AlbunackTotengrund CD02110
Tess GerritsenView in AlbunackTotengrund CD0390
Tess GerritsenView in AlbunackTotengrund CD04100
Tess GerritsenView in AlbunackTotengrund CD05110
Tess GerritsenView in AlbunackTotengrund CD06120
Tess GerritsenView in AlbunackVanish140
Tess HenleyView in AlbunackWonderland EP60
Tess WileyView in AlbunackFemme Sole70
Tess WileyView in AlbunackSuperfast Rock'n Roll Played Slow111
Search TessaAlone110
Tessa SouterView in AlbunackPicture In Black And White120
Tessa SouterView in AlbunackPicture in Black And White120
Tessa SouterView in AlbunackPicture in Black and WhiteTessa Souter120
Tessa VirtaView in AlbunackUm poeta - Runoilija110
Tessa ZieglerView in AlbunackClassical - Quality Sounds210
Tessa ZieglerView in AlbunackThe Best of Tessa Ziegler1831995
Tessa ZieglerView in AlbunackThe Essential Tessa Ziegler200
Tessa ZieglerView in AlbunackThe Time Of My Life101
Search TesseractTesseract70
Search TestConni im Advent91
Search TestLa Revue du Son - Disque n° 15213
Test Dept.View in AlbunackFuel To Fight Tour90
Test Of TimeView in AlbunackBy Design141
Search TestifyCrack The Mind91
Search TestifyRhythm Of Grace120
Search TestifyTestify 01111
Search TetaBlue Tsapiky120
Teta LandoView in AlbunackIndependencia101
Tete MbambisaView in AlbunackBlack Heroes100
Tete MontoliuView in AlbunackBlues for Line (recordando a LINE)100
Tete MontoliuView in AlbunackBody & Soul [Enja]60
Tete MontoliuView in AlbunackBoston Concert Vol.160
Tete MontoliuView in AlbunackCatalonian Rhapsody80
Tete MontoliuView in AlbunackGentle Ben With Tete Montoliu Trio801999
Tete MontoliuView in AlbunackI Wanna Talk About You70
Tete MontoliuView in AlbunackJazz & Blues83
Tete MontoliuView in AlbunackJazz En España170
Tete MontoliuView in AlbunackJazz En España281
Tete MontoliuView in AlbunackLunch in LA70
Tete MontoliuView in AlbunackSongs For Love (Dig. Rem. 2009)80
Tete MontoliuView in AlbunackTemas Hispanoamericanos61
Tete MontoliuView in AlbunackTete60
Tete MontoliuView in AlbunackTete !60
Tete MontoliuView in AlbunackTete Montoliu - Tete en La Trompetilla en vivo120
Tete MontoliuView in AlbunackTete Montoliú -Temas Hispanoamericanos61
Tete MontoliuView in AlbunackTete en el San Juan [Nuevos Medios NM 15 690 CD]80
Tete MontoliuView in AlbunackThe Boston Concert Vol.280
Tethered MoonView in AlbunackTriangle70
Tetra EdgeView in AlbunackNine Srories90
TetrackView in AlbunackUnfinished Business140
TetragrammacideView in AlbunackTyphonian Wormholes- Indecipherable Anti-Structural Formulae70
TetrisView in AlbunackDefinitywnie150
TetrisView in AlbunackLOT1402011
Search TetsuoInmates130
Search TetsuoThese Crystals Don't Burn130
Tetty KadiView in AlbunackAlbum Sukses160
Tetty KadiView in AlbunackGolden Collection170
Tetty KadiView in AlbunackGolden Hits Memory211
Tetty KadiView in AlbunackThe Very Best Of140
Tetê EspíndolaView in AlbunackCanção De Amor171
Tetê EspíndolaView in AlbunackPássaaros na Garganta130
Search TeufelTeufelskicker - Folge 32 - Sammelfieber!90
TeufelskickerView in Albunack(065)-Die Kicker der Tafelrunde100
TeufelskickerView in Albunack(068)-Das Juwel vom Rummelplatz100
TeufelskickerView in Albunack01 - Moritz macht das Spiel90
TeufelskickerView in Albunack01_Moritz macht das Spiel90
TeufelskickerView in Albunack03 - Holt euch den Cup100
TeufelskickerView in Albunack031 - Kicken auf Kufen!70
TeufelskickerView in Albunack031 Kicken auf Kufen90
TeufelskickerView in Albunack04 - Stümer gesucht!90
TeufelskickerView in Albunack05 - Torschuss mit Folgen!90
TeufelskickerView in Albunack05 - Toschuss mit Folgen !90
TeufelskickerView in Albunack056 - Der Doppelpass90
TeufelskickerView in Albunack058 - Heja, Blau-Gelb!90
TeufelskickerView in Albunack06 - Ein unheimlich starker Gegner!110
TeufelskickerView in Albunack063_sauber gespielt100
TeufelskickerView in Albunack09 - Talent gesichtet!80
TeufelskickerView in Albunack09_Talent gesichtet80
TeufelskickerView in Albunack10 - Pokal in Gefahr!80
TeufelskickerView in Albunack10 Pokal in Gefahr!80
TeufelskickerView in Albunack14 - Falsches Spiel beim Tunier100
TeufelskickerView in Albunack14 - Falsches Spiel beim Tunier!100
TeufelskickerView in Albunack14 Falsches Spiel beim Tunier100
TeufelskickerView in Albunack15 - Spuk im Vereinsheim!110
TeufelskickerView in Albunack15_Spuk im Vereinsheim110
TeufelskickerView in Albunack23 - Im Untergrund150
TeufelskickerView in Albunack23 Im Untergrund150
TeufelskickerView in Albunack25 - 1, 2, 3, Winter-Hexerei!100
TeufelskickerView in Albunack25 1, 2, 3, Winter-Hexerei!100
TeufelskickerView in Albunack26 - SOS aus Schweinesand!90
TeufelskickerView in Albunack27 - Seitenwechsel!140
TeufelskickerView in Albunack27 Seitenwechsel!110
TeufelskickerView in Albunack28 - Jäger des verlorenen Pokals!90
TeufelskickerView in Albunack3 Holt Euch Den Cup100
TeufelskickerView in Albunack31 - Kicken auf Kufen!90
TeufelskickerView in Albunack31 Kicken auf Kufen!90
TeufelskickerView in Albunack32 - Sammelfieber!90
TeufelskickerView in Albunack37 - Der Super-Coach90
TeufelskickerView in Albunack37 - Der Super-Coach!90
TeufelskickerView in Albunack38 - Catrina bleibt am Ball!90
TeufelskickerView in Albunack38 Catrina bleibt am Ball!90
TeufelskickerView in Albunack45 - Mission TK!100
TeufelskickerView in Albunack46 - Eigentor für Moritz!100
TeufelskickerView in Albunack46 Eigentor für Moritz!90
TeufelskickerView in Albunack49 - Kapitän über Bord!90
TeufelskickerView in Albunack49 Kapitän über Bord!90
TeufelskickerView in Albunack51 - Schiri in Not!100
TeufelskickerView in Albunack51 Schiri in Not!100
TeufelskickerView in Albunack53 - Zoff bei Zeche 04!90
TeufelskickerView in Albunack56_Der Doppelpass90
TeufelskickerView in Albunack57 Quiz-Duell!100
TeufelskickerView in Albunack61 - Das Abstiegsgespenst!90
TeufelskickerView in Albunack61_Das Abstiegsgespenst90
TeufelskickerView in Albunack62 Das Wunder von Bert!100
TeufelskickerView in Albunack63 - Sauber gespielt100
TeufelskickerView in Albunack63 sauber gespielt100
TeufelskickerView in Albunack64 - Punktspiel oder Popstar90
TeufelskickerView in Albunack64 - Punktspiel oder Popstar?90
TeufelskickerView in Albunack64 Punktspiel oder Popstar?90
TeufelskickerView in Albunack65 - Die Kicker der Tafelrunde100
TeufelskickerView in Albunack65 - Die Kicker der Tafelrunde!100
TeufelskickerView in Albunack65 Die Kicker der Tafelrunde!100
TeufelskickerView in Albunack65_Die Kicker der Tafelrunde100
TeufelskickerView in Albunack67 - Paula im Abseits!100
TeufelskickerView in Albunack68 - Das Juwel vom Rummelplatz100
TeufelskickerView in Albunack68 Das Juwel vom Rummelplatz100
TeufelskickerView in Albunack68 Das Juwel vom Rummelplatz!100
TeufelskickerView in Albunack69 - Die guten Taten!90
TeufelskickerView in Albunack70_Duell bei Flutlicht100
TeufelskickerView in Albunack71 - Die Rückkehr der Beach Kings!100
TeufelskickerView in Albunack71 Die Rückkehr der Beach Kings!100
TeufelskickerView in Albunack72 - Freundschaftsspiel!90
TeufelskickerView in Albunack72 Freundschaftsspiel!90
TeufelskickerView in Albunack73 Der Kanu-Kick!100
TeufelskickerView in Albunack74 - Die Teufels-Bienen!100
TeufelskickerView in Albunack74 Die Teufelsbienen100
TeufelskickerView in Albunack74 Die Teufelsbienen!100
TeufelskickerView in Albunack74_Die Teufelsbienen100
TeufelskickerView in Albunack75 - Kampf der Maskottchen!90
TeufelskickerView in Albunack76 - Echt galaktisch!90
TeufelskickerView in Albunack77 - Sprung an die Spitze!80
TeufelskickerView in AlbunackCatrina bleibt am Ball!90
TeufelskickerView in AlbunackCatrina bleibt am Ball! (38)90
TeufelskickerView in AlbunackDas Wunder von Bert!100
TeufelskickerView in AlbunackDas Wunder von Bert! (62)100
TeufelskickerView in AlbunackDer Ballflüsterer (54)90
TeufelskickerView in AlbunackDer Doppelpass!90
TeufelskickerView in AlbunackDie Kicker der Tafelrunde! (65)100
TeufelskickerView in AlbunackDie Teufelsbienen! (74)100
TeufelskickerView in AlbunackDie Teufelskicker - Folge 1 Moritz macht das Spiel!90
TeufelskickerView in AlbunackDie Teufelskicker 45 Mission TK!100
TeufelskickerView in AlbunackDie Teufelskicker 46 Eigentor für Moritz!100
TeufelskickerView in AlbunackDie Teufelskicker 51 Schiri in Not!100
TeufelskickerView in AlbunackDie Teufelskicker 62 Das Wunder von Bert!100
TeufelskickerView in AlbunackDie Teufelskicker 74 Die Teufels-Bienen!100
TeufelskickerView in AlbunackDie guten Taten! (69)90
TeufelskickerView in AlbunackDoppel Box Teil 14 und Teil 15110
TeufelskickerView in AlbunackDuell bei Flutlicht!100
TeufelskickerView in AlbunackEcht galaktisch! (76)90
TeufelskickerView in AlbunackEigentor für Moritz! (46)100
TeufelskickerView in AlbunackFolge - 15 - Spuk im Vereinsheim110
TeufelskickerView in AlbunackFolge 015 - Spuk im Vereinsheim!110
TeufelskickerView in AlbunackFolge 037 - Der Super-Coach90
TeufelskickerView in AlbunackFolge 049 - Kapitän über Bord!90
TeufelskickerView in AlbunackFolge 061 - Das Abstiegsgespenst!90
TeufelskickerView in AlbunackFolge 069 - Die guten Taten!90
TeufelskickerView in AlbunackFolge 070 - Duell bei Flutlicht!100
TeufelskickerView in AlbunackFolge 1 Moritz macht das Spiel90
TeufelskickerView in AlbunackFolge 51 - Schiri in Not!100
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