Complete Albums constructed from Acoustid data that do not have a corresponding album in MusicBrainz

Smaller artists with between 2 and 100 releases

Report created based on data in Acoustid as of 24/10/2024

Found 238217 acoustid albums that do not have a corresponding match in MusicBrainz 500 Acoustid Albums per page.

The report is not continually updated so may not reflect the current data within Acoustid databases.

This shows complete albums constructed from the metadata submitted to Acoustid, but only the majority of the Acoustids are not already linked to MusicBrainz recordings. We filter to only show albums that we have all the tracks for and that have real metadata, and only include albums where we can find a case insensitive match between the album artist and a MusicBrainz artist, to simplify things and filter out some nonsense data. Limitations:Acoustid Data is not of high enough quality to properly handle multi releases and some releases may be listed multiple times due to slight differences in metadata. Acoustid only provides basic metadata, at best this is Album Artist, Album, Track No, Track Title, Track Artist, Year of release, Track Duration (taken directly from linked fingerprint(s)). The data is good for identifying albums by smaller artists, and rare bootleg/live albums by well known artists

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Artists on this page

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Import ReleaseAlbum ArtistView in AlbunackAlbumTrack TotalTracks with MB MatchYearTracks
Cuarteto LatinoamericanoView in AlbunackHeitor Villa-Lobos - String Quartets - Vol.6 (No. 4, 9, 11)120
Cuarteto LatinoamericanoView in AlbunackLatin American String Quartets160
Cuarteto LatinoamericanoView in AlbunackMemorias Tropicales170
Cuarteto LatinoamericanoView in AlbunackReza Vali: Calligraphies - Works for String Quartet100
Cuarteto LatinoamericanoView in AlbunackString Quartets 2, 12, 16120
Cuarteto LatinoamericanoView in AlbunackString Quartets 4, 9, 11120
Cuarteto LatinoamericanoView in AlbunackString Quartets 5, 10, 13120
Cuarteto LatinoamericanoView in AlbunackString Quartets no. 5, 10, 13 (10)120
Cuarteto LatinoamericanoView in AlbunackString Quartets no.4, 9, 11 (10)120
Cuarteto LatinoamericanoView in AlbunackVilla-Lobos - String Quartets Vol. 5 (Nos. 5, 10, 13)120
Cuarteto ZupayView in AlbunackCuarteto Zupay [1973]1001973
Cuarteto ZupayView in AlbunackLos Mas Grandes Exitos1201991
Cub CountryView in AlbunackStretch That Skull Cover and Smile120
Cub KodaView in AlbunackRockin' & Burnin'2001995
Search CubaLes Dances des Dieux81
Search Cuban HeelsGritbag110
Search CubeCube life in Windheim140
Search CubeOutspace LP92
Search CubeUnder Attack60
Search Cubensis2013-12-20 - Golden Sails Hotel90
CubetypeView in AlbunackTouhou Genso Rondo Bullet Ballet Danmakusic250
Cubic NomadView in AlbunackSeeker (DD13016)63
Cuby + BlizzardsView in AlbunackGroeten Uit Schiedam (Live In Zaal 'Arcade' 1970)140
CucsifaeView in AlbunackTake You Higher100
Cud EastboundView in AlbunackCud Eastbound80
Search CueGut wie Better260
CueBView in AlbunackCueB Legacy Collection1202012
Search CuffsGarden Original Soundtrack220
Cujorius OneView in AlbunackLondon-Paris-Hangover-New York802009
CulprateView in AlbunackUnknown Dub602010
Cult Of HerodiasView in AlbunackGreyvein902015
CultsView in free recommended downloads for Andrewski's90
Search Culture ShockSatisfy The Groove.62
Cultured PearlsView in AlbunackAcoustic + >> Live "Bootleg" @ Rockpalast 2002160
Cultured PearlsView in AlbunackLIVE 21.10.2002 Köln, Underground90
Cultus FeroxView in AlbunackKom til mei110
CumberlandView in AlbunackMandolins & Friends120
Search Cupid2 Sides To Every Story1302004
CuranderosView in AlbunackEvolucion Show1302003
CureView in AlbunackEntreat (Live at Wembley 1988)83
CureView in AlbunackKyoto Songs1601992
Search CurfewEarly demo recordings90
Search CurlExit Real Life110
Search CurrentDreamscapes100
Search Curriculum MortisSentencia de muerte (demo)70
Search CurseSeriously180
Curse Your NameView in AlbunackBetter Off Dead110
CursiView in AlbunackDelivery1302006
CursiveView in AlbunackThe Bad Guy Mixtape1602011
Curt & RolandView in AlbunackI Nashville1021972
Search CurtainProbuzhdenie60
Search Curtis ClarkDreams Deferred110
Curtis FullerView in AlbunackCurtis Fuller Vol. 362
Curtis GrimesView in AlbunackDoin' My Time EP70
Curtis HairstonView in AlbunackChillin' Out80
Curved AirView in AlbunackSurrey 74100
Search CustodianToil and Waste90
Search Custom MadeStreet Cinema IV: Heavy Traffic2402007
CustomaryView in AlbunackCold Drink On A Hot Day140
CustomaryView in AlbunackTake Me Away190
Custódio CasteloView in AlbunackInventus130
Cut KillerView in AlbunackCut Killer Tape 6140
CutemenView in AlbunackCOVERS&MELLOW TUNES70
Search CutsCzarny Swiat110
Search CutsFrom Here On Out110
Cutting CrewView in AlbunackThe Best of Cutting Crew [1994]1611994
CuzoView in AlbunackAlquimia para Principiates80
CyHi The PrynceView in AlbunackCyHi The Prynce - Royal Flush 22002011
Search CyanDelapso100
Cyanide PillsView in AlbunackLive 'n' Nasty In Frankfurt WEB140
CyantificView in AlbunackCyantific's 'History Of Hospital' Mix290
CyberpunkersView in AlbunackI Needed To Go EP712010
Search CycloneKaishingeki120
Search CycloneThe First Of The Cyclone Men901989
Search CycloneThe first of the Cyclone Men90
CyclopeView in AlbunackSans sel et sans sucre110
CyclotimiaView in AlbunackThe Invisible Hand Of Market1602014
CylabView in AlbunackCut & Coil111
Cymbalic EncountersView in AlbunackExploration Of The Southern Constellation80
CymphonicView in AlbunackDimensionata110
CymuraiView in AlbunackLet Go WEB601996
Cyndee PetersView in AlbunackMusic from the Heart140
Search CynthiaLika A Star100
Cynthia ClawsonView in AlbunackBlessed Assurance: Songs My Grandmother Taught Me130
Cynthia ClawsonView in AlbunackCarolSinger90
Cynthia ClawsonView in AlbunackWords Will Never Do100
Cypress SpringView in AlbunackDenim120
Cypress String QuartetView in AlbunackDvorak - Cypresses for String Quartet; String Quartet No.13160
Cyprien KatsarisView in AlbunackCyprien Katsaris Archives Vol. 14; Queen Elisabeth International Music Competition70
Cyprien KatsarisView in AlbunackPiano Rarities Vol.1 Transcriptions150
Cyprien KatsarisView in AlbunackPiano Rarities Vol.2 Compositeurs français230
Cyprien KatsarisView in AlbunackPiano Transcriptions80
CyrenicView in AlbunackA New Meaning110
Cyril MorinView in AlbunackThe Human Resources Manager1702010
Cyril PahinuiView in AlbunackCyril Pahinui100
Cyril ScottView in AlbunackScott: Piano Concertos 1 & 2; Early One Morning702007
Cyrille VerdeauxView in AlbunackJourney to Tantraland702007
Cyrille VerdeauxView in AlbunackMessenger of the Son122
Search CyrusCyrus 41:53111
Search CyrusWir brauchen Bass822008
Cyrus ChestnutView in AlbunackCyrus Chestnut Quartet80
Cyrus ChestnutView in AlbunackThe Cyrus Chestnut Quartet80
Cyrus ChestnutView in AlbunackThe Nutman Speaks80
CysseroView in AlbunackCertified EP1102007
CysseroView in AlbunackStill Unstoppable (No DJ, CDQ)2312008
CyuaView in AlbunackSelector Best -Ever After-80
CyuaView in Albunack「selector」 Best -Ever After-80
CzaquView in AlbunackInnosc110
Search CzarНе формат1102013
CzerwieView in AlbunackOtwarta Sztuka Dla Ludu110
Czerwone GitaryView in AlbunackHits und Raritaten (1971-1980)2032007
Czerwone GitaryView in AlbunackNajwieksze przeboje202
Czerwone GitaryView in AlbunackNie daj się nabrać na byle co320
Czerwone GitaryView in AlbunackO.K220
Czerwone GitaryView in AlbunackOK *1202005
Czerwone GitaryView in AlbunackThe Best Of Rote Gitarren Part 2203
Czerwone GitaryView in AlbunackZ archiwum Polskiego Radia cz. 1271
Czerwone GitaryView in AlbunackZ archiwum Polskiego Radia cz. 2 full271
Czerwone GitaryView in AlbunackZ archiwum Polskiego Radia cz. 3260
Czerwono-CzarniView in AlbunackBadz Bziewczyna Moich Marzen1201971
Czerwono-CzarniView in AlbunackZakochani Są Sami Na Świecie...Plus...Bądź Dziewczyną Moich Marzeń251
Czerwono-CzarniView in AlbunackZakochni Sa Sami Na Swiecie1411969
Czerwony TulipanView in AlbunackOlsztyn kocham160
Czerwony TulipanView in AlbunackPieśni o drodze100
Czerwony TulipanView in AlbunackTo Twoje oczy140
Czesław NiemenView in AlbunackDziwny jest ten świat...122
Czesław NiemenView in AlbunackIdee Fixe I832003
Czesław NiemenView in AlbunackIdee Fixe II1521977
Czesław NiemenView in AlbunackLeningrad 10.12.1976801976
Czesław NiemenView in AlbunackNagrania Francuskie i Włoskie120
Czesław NiemenView in AlbunackZlote Przeboje260
Cztery RefyView in AlbunackBound Away160
Cássia EllerView in AlbunackCom Você... Meu Mundo Ficaria Completo1111999
Cécile ChaminadeView in AlbunackAnn-Sofi Klingberg - Chaminade: The Piano Trios801880
Cécile ChaminadeView in AlbunackJoanne Polk - Chaminade: The Flatterer140
Cécile ChaminadeView in AlbunackSonata and Etudes151
Cécile HudrisierView in AlbunackComptines pour danser123
Céline FrischView in AlbunackVariations Goldberg BWV 988320
Cídia e DanView in AlbunackFama142
Cöllner CanzonistenView in AlbunackVeronika, der Lenz ist da90
Cẩm LyView in AlbunackNửa Trái Tim100
D'BoraView in AlbunackE.S.P100
D'BoraView in AlbunackGood Love Real Love70
Search D*NoteLaguna902006
D-51View in Albunackハイビスカス61
Search D-LocShaky Bonez210
D-SHADEView in AlbunackZERO〜Single Collection140
D-SHADEView in AlbunackZERO~Single Collection140
Search D-TuneBurn It Up 2K11-WEB902011
D-jahstaView in AlbunackExtreme Terror (ep)602011
D. CarboneView in AlbunackRavers60
D. K. JayaramanView in AlbunackCarnatic Vocal - Nenarunchara60
D. K. PattammalView in AlbunackDKP Carnatic Vocal - Chalamela80
D. K. PattammalView in AlbunackDKP Classical Vocal - Enthara Nee90
D. K. PattammalView in AlbunackDikshitar Kritis60
D. K. PattammalView in AlbunackSampradhaya Marriage Songs150
D. RamirezView in AlbunackBodyshox151
D. TiffanyView in AlbunackSmudge EP60
D.CREWView in Albunackドミニオン 犯罪軍団犯罪戦争 OST220