Complete Albums constructed from Acoustid data that do not have a corresponding album in MusicBrainz

Smaller artists with between 2 and 100 releases

Report created based on data in Acoustid as of 28/01/2025

Found 237795 acoustid albums that do not have a corresponding match in MusicBrainz 500 Acoustid Albums per page.

The report is not continually updated so may not reflect the current data within Acoustid databases.

This shows complete albums constructed from the metadata submitted to Acoustid, but only the majority of the Acoustids are not already linked to MusicBrainz recordings. We filter to only show albums that we have all the tracks for and that have real metadata, and only include albums where we can find a case insensitive match between the album artist and a MusicBrainz artist, to simplify things and filter out some nonsense data. Limitations:Acoustid Data is not of high enough quality to properly handle multi releases and some releases may be listed multiple times due to slight differences in metadata. Acoustid only provides basic metadata, at best this is Album Artist, Album, Track No, Track Title, Track Artist, Year of release, Track Duration (taken directly from linked fingerprint(s)). The data is good for identifying albums by smaller artists, and rare bootleg/live albums by well known artists

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Artists on this page

Wickie und die starken Männer (50)Wide Eyed (1)Wideawake (1)Widow (3)Widower (1)Widowspeak (3)Wiebke Schroeder (2)Wiener Johann Strauss Orchester (3)Wiener Symphoniker (10)Wiener Sängerknaben (14)Wiener Tschuschenkapelle (6)Wienners (1)Wiens No.1 (4)Wies (1)Wieso? Weshalb? Warum? (23)Wieso? Weshalb? Warum? Junior (1)Wieso? Weshalb? Warum? junior (1)Wieteke van Dort (4)Wigald Boning (8)Wigbert (1)Wigelius (1)Wiggy (1)Wiglaf Droste (2)Wigwam (10)Wikka (1)Wikluh Sky (3)Wil (1)Wil Wagner (1)WilaBaliw (1)Wilbert Harrison (1)Wilbert Longmire (1)Wilbur (1)Wilbur De Paris (4)Wilbur Smith (17)Wilbur de Paris (2)Wild (3)Wild Adriatic (2)Wild Bill Davis (4)Wild Bill Davison (4)Wild Blue (1)Wild Colonial Bhoys (3)Wild Dogs (3)Wild Flower (1)Wild Geese (1)Wild Honey (1)Wild Horses (1)Wild Nothing (1)Wild Ones (2)Wild Rose (1)Wild Silk (1)Wild Strawberries (4)Wildcat (1)Wildchild (1)Wilde Jungs (2)Wilderness (2)Wilderness Road (3)Wildes Holz (3)Wildfire (1)Wildheart (1)Wildlife (1)Wildling (1)Wildside (4)Wildstylez (1)Wildwood (1)Wilf Carter (15)Wilfred Giroux (1)Wilfrido Vargas (4)Wilfried (8)Wilfried Schmickler (4)Wilhelm Backhaus (69)Wilhelm Busch (9)Wilhelm Friedemann Bach (16)Wilhelm Furtwängler (117)
Import ReleaseAlbum ArtistView in AlbunackAlbumTrack TotalTracks with MB MatchYearTracks
Wickie und die starken MännerView in Albunack4 - Sturm auf die Festung - Nochmal davongekommen60
Wickie und die starken MännerView in Albunack6 - Das Geisterschiff60
Wickie und die starken MännerView in AlbunackAuf der Dracheninsel190
Wickie und die starken MännerView in AlbunackBullermann gibt nicht auf110
Wickie und die starken MännerView in AlbunackBullermann gibt nicht auf_VOL9110
Wickie und die starken MännerView in AlbunackDas Drachenbootrennen130
Wickie und die starken MännerView in AlbunackDas Geisterschiff - Der Eskimoschatz60
Wickie und die starken MännerView in AlbunackDas fliegende Schiff - Der dicke König60
Wickie und die starken MännerView in AlbunackDer Zirkus kommt70
Wickie und die starken MännerView in AlbunackDer Überfall aufs Winkadorf160
Wickie und die starken MännerView in AlbunackDer Überfall aufs Winkadorf (8)160
Wickie und die starken MännerView in AlbunackDie Befreiung180
Wickie und die starken MännerView in AlbunackDie Falle200
Wickie und die starken MännerView in AlbunackDie Stadt der Tyrannen - Teil 1110
Wickie und die starken MännerView in AlbunackDie Zwei Kampfhähne210
Wickie und die starken MännerView in AlbunackDie veränderte Stadt100
Wickie und die starken MännerView in AlbunackDie zwei Kampfhähne, Hörspiel 14:210
Wickie und die starken MännerView in AlbunackFestung_-Davongekommen60
Wickie und die starken MännerView in AlbunackFolge 06 - Das Geisterschiff60
Wickie und die starken MännerView in AlbunackFolge 1150
Wickie und die starken MännerView in AlbunackFolge 10 - Die Schatztruhe90
Wickie und die starken MännerView in AlbunackFolge 12 - Der Aufstand in Flake130
Wickie und die starken MännerView in AlbunackFolge 15 - Das goldene Schwert200
Wickie und die starken MännerView in AlbunackFolge 2 - Die Königin der Winde130
Wickie und die starken MännerView in AlbunackFolge 3 - Tanz mit dem Wolf150
Wickie und die starken MännerView in AlbunackFolge 4130
Wickie und die starken MännerView in AlbunackFolge 5150
Wickie und die starken MännerView in AlbunackFolge 6130
Wickie und die starken MännerView in AlbunackFriesen in Sicht140
Wickie und die starken MännerView in AlbunackHörspiel 10: Die Schatztruhe220
Wickie und die starken MännerView in AlbunackHörspiel 11: Der Zirkus kommt160
Wickie und die starken MännerView in AlbunackHörspiel 14: Die zwei Kampfhähne210
Wickie und die starken MännerView in AlbunackHörspiel 2 - Der Schreckliche Sven210
Wickie und die starken MännerView in AlbunackHörspiel 3 - Die Befreiung180
Wickie und die starken MännerView in AlbunackHörspiel 8: Der Überfall aufs Winkadorf160
Wickie und die starken MännerView in AlbunackNeu 01 Wasser auf die Mühlen120
Wickie und die starken MännerView in AlbunackNächtlicher Diebstahl130
Wickie und die starken MännerView in AlbunackSturm auf die Festung - Nochmal davongekommen60
Wickie und die starken MännerView in AlbunackWer anderen eine Grube gräbt170
Wickie und die starken MännerView in AlbunackWer anderen eine Grube gräbt (13)170
Wickie und die starken MännerView in AlbunackWickie - Die Stadt der Tyrannen - Teil 2110
Wickie und die starken MännerView in AlbunackWickie Folge 8: Der falsche Druide130
Wickie und die starken MännerView in AlbunackWickie auf großer Fahrt180
Wickie und die starken MännerView in AlbunackWickie und die starken Männer - 10 - Die Schatztruhe220
Wickie und die starken MännerView in AlbunackWickie und die starken Männer - Das Geisterschiff (6)140
Wickie und die starken MännerView in AlbunackWickie und die starken Männer - Folge 04 - Sturm auf die Festung130
Wickie und die starken MännerView in AlbunackWickie und die starken Männer / 10: Die Schatztruhe220
Wickie und die starken MännerView in AlbunackWickie und die starken Männer 10130
Wickie und die starken MännerView in AlbunackWickie und die starken Männer 8 Überfall aufs Winkadorf110
Wickie und die starken MännerView in AlbunackWickie: Wer anderen eine Grube gräbt170
Wide EyedView in Albunack09' Demo70
WideawakeView in AlbunackThread111
Search WidowGone Too Far100
Search WidowOn Fire (SBCD-1023)110
Search WidowRockit90
Search WidowerWidower EP60
WidowspeakView in Albunack2011-03-03 Glasslands, Brooklyn, NY90
WidowspeakView in Albunack2011-08-02 Glasslands, Brooklyn, NY1202011
WidowspeakView in AlbunackWidowspeak [Bonus Tracks]1202011
Wiebke SchroederView in AlbunackZwing Mich Zum Glück130
Wiebke SchroederView in AlbunackZwing mich zum Glück130
Wiener Johann Strauss OrchesterView in AlbunackALLEGRO FANTASTIQUE LIVE IN CONCERT140
Wiener Johann Strauss OrchesterView in AlbunackJohannesWildner120
Wiener Johann Strauss OrchesterView in AlbunackKaiser - Waltzer Live In Concert140
Wiener SymphonikerView in Albunack100 Jahre Wiener Symphoniker 1900-2100
Wiener SymphonikerView in AlbunackDas Goldene Johan Strauß Album181
Wiener SymphonikerView in AlbunackDas Goldene Johann Strauss Album171
Wiener SymphonikerView in AlbunackDie schönsten Walzer der Welt160
Wiener SymphonikerView in AlbunackJohann & Joseph Strauß80
Wiener SymphonikerView in AlbunackJohann Strauss Walzer103
Wiener SymphonikerView in AlbunackLa légende de la ville invisible de Katej170
Wiener SymphonikerView in AlbunackLa légende de la ville invisible de Kitej240
Wiener SymphonikerView in AlbunackStradivarius à l'Opéra120
Wiener SymphonikerView in AlbunackTchaikovsky: Ballet Suites182
Wiener SängerknabenView in AlbunackA Ceremony of Carols250
Wiener SängerknabenView in AlbunackBeliebte Melodien mit den181
Wiener SängerknabenView in AlbunackChristmas Carol170
Wiener SängerknabenView in AlbunackDie schönsten Melodien mit den Wiener Sängerknaben202
Wiener SängerknabenView in AlbunackFrohe Weihnachten183
Wiener SängerknabenView in AlbunackFrohe Weihnachten mit den Wiener Sängerknaben140
Wiener SängerknabenView in AlbunackGallus-Messe130
Wiener SängerknabenView in AlbunackHohe Messe in der Wiener Hofburg322
Wiener SängerknabenView in AlbunackIhre schönsten Lieder170
Wiener SängerknabenView in AlbunackKein schöner Land (1995 Austria)170
Wiener SängerknabenView in AlbunackOrgelmessen Joseph Haydn182
Wiener SängerknabenView in AlbunackSacred Songs122
Wiener SängerknabenView in AlbunackStrauss For Ever140
Wiener SängerknabenView in AlbunackWeihnachtslieder131
Wiener TschuschenkapelleView in Albunack15 Jahre Wiener Tschuschenkapelle110
Wiener TschuschenkapelleView in AlbunackBest Of Wiener Tschuschenkapelle180
Wiener TschuschenkapelleView in AlbunackDie Patriotische150
Wiener TschuschenkapelleView in AlbunackG'reblt Live180
Wiener TschuschenkapelleView in AlbunackHaus am Wasser130
Wiener TschuschenkapelleView in AlbunackWiener Tschuschenkapelle130
WiennersView in AlbunackDELIGHTED SELECTION101
Wiens No.1View in red ma tacheles130
Wiens No.1View in AlbunackPunks & Skins & Rock'n'Roller121
Wiens No.1View in AlbunackSag niemals nie120
Wiens No.1View in AlbunackZügellos120
Search WiesDelivery In A Fortnight120
Wieso? Weshalb? Warum?View in Albunack001 - Wir entdecken unseren Körper162
Wieso? Weshalb? Warum?View in AlbunackAutos und Laster191
Wieso? Weshalb? Warum?View in AlbunackDer Bagger170
Wieso? Weshalb? Warum?View in AlbunackDer Traktor172
Wieso? Weshalb? Warum?View in AlbunackDie 15 spannendsten Fragen zum Mitraten172
Wieso? Weshalb? Warum?View in AlbunackDie Schiffe152
Wieso? Weshalb? Warum?View in AlbunackDie Uhr und die Zeit Wieso? Weshalb? Warum?352
Wieso? Weshalb? Warum?View in AlbunackErfindungen213
Wieso? Weshalb? Warum?View in AlbunackMein Laufrad182
Wieso? Weshalb? Warum?View in AlbunackOzeane210
Wieso? Weshalb? Warum?View in AlbunackProfiWissen - Deutschland251
Wieso? Weshalb? Warum?View in AlbunackProfiWissen Deutschland250
Wieso? Weshalb? Warum?View in AlbunackSonne, Wind und Regen182
Wieso? Weshalb? Warum?View in AlbunackUnsere Tierkinder171
Wieso? Weshalb? Warum?View in AlbunackWas machen wir im Frühling183
Wieso? Weshalb? Warum?View in AlbunackWas machen wir im Herbst182
Wieso? Weshalb? Warum?View in AlbunackWas wächst da?`192
Wieso? Weshalb? Warum?View in AlbunackWieso? Weshalb? Warum? - 17 - Komm Mit Ans Meer283
Wieso? Weshalb? Warum?View in AlbunackWieso? Weshalb? Warum? - Wir Entdecken Märchen331
Wieso? Weshalb? Warum?View in AlbunackWieso? Weshalb? Warum? -Wir Entdecken Märchen331
Wieso? Weshalb? Warum?View in AlbunackWieso? Weshalb? Warum? ProfiWissen Deutschland251
Wieso? Weshalb? Warum?View in AlbunackWir entdecken die Bibel442
Wieso? Weshalb? Warum?View in Albunack[Wieso? Weshalb? Warum?] Wir entdecken Wale und Delfine171
Wieso? Weshalb? Warum? JuniorView in AlbunackWas machen wir im Sommer?181
Wieso? Weshalb? Warum? juniorView in AlbunackWas kriecht und krabbelt da?183
Wieteke van DortView in AlbunackFrom the time you say goodbye120
Wieteke van DortView in AlbunackHet mooiste vanWieteke van Dort190
Wieteke van DortView in AlbunackWe gaan de boom versieren140
Wieteke van DortView in AlbunackWe zijn er bijna60
Wigald BoningView in AlbunackAbenteuer Geschichte - Zeitreise in die Vergangenheit80
Wigald BoningView in AlbunackDie geheimnisvolle Welt der Ozeane70
Wigald BoningView in AlbunackDie spannende Welt der Tiere70
Wigald BoningView in AlbunackKapitale Burschen120
Wigald BoningView in AlbunackMagische Welten70
Wigald BoningView in AlbunackStanislaw Lem - Die Sterntagebücher 7.te Reise60
Wigald BoningView in AlbunackUnterwegs ins Unbekannte70
Wigald BoningView in AlbunackWüsten An den Grenzen des Lebens70
Search WigbertHet beste van163
WigeliusView in AlbunackReinventions122
Search WiggyWiggin's120
Wiglaf DrosteView in AlbunackDas große IchundDu520
Wiglaf DrosteView in AlbunackSprichst du noch oder kommunizierst du schon?220
Search WigwamDaemon Duncetan’s Request61
Search WigwamDark Album (1985 Mispressing)61
Search WigwamLucky Golden Stripes And Starpose (Bonus CD)90
Search WigwamLucky Golden Stripes And Starpose - British Mix & Rehearsals90
Search WigwamLucky Golden Stripes and Starpose (British Mix / Rehearsals)90
Search WigwamNuclear Nightclub (Bonus Live CD)70
Search WigwamNuclear Nightclub (Live At SR's Studio 4, Stockholm)70
Search WigwamNuclear Nightclub - Live70
Search WigwamTonkraft 197470
Search WigwamWigwam Plays Wigwam Live91
WikkaView in AlbunackBeware of the King120
Wikluh SkyView in AlbunackA Serbian Film / Srpski film120
Wikluh SkyView in AlbunackA Serbian Film [OST]1202010
Wikluh SkyView in AlbunackZasto Brate Wikler?231
Search WilHold Me On100
Wil WagnerView in AlbunackI Hope I Don't Come Across Intense1402015
WilaBaliwView in AlbunackWilaBaliw100
Wilbert HarrisonView in AlbunackThe Very Best Of200
Wilbert LongmireView in AlbunackThis Side Of Heaven601976
WilburView in Albunack...If I Only Had A Name80
Wilbur De ParisView in AlbunackMarchin' And Swingin'100
Wilbur De ParisView in AlbunackOver And Over Again130
Wilbur De ParisView in AlbunackThe Uproarious Twenties~New Orleans Jazz141
Wilbur De ParisView in AlbunackUnbekannter TitelWilbur De Paris & His 'New' New Orleans Jazz Band80
Wilbur SmithView in AlbunackAssegai930
Wilbur SmithView in AlbunackPredator 10160
Wilbur SmithView in AlbunackPredator 11170
Wilbur SmithView in AlbunackPredator 12180
Wilbur SmithView in AlbunackPredator 3160
Wilbur SmithView in AlbunackPredator 4160
Wilbur SmithView in AlbunackPredator 6160
Wilbur SmithView in AlbunackPredator 7160
Wilbur SmithView in AlbunackPredator 8160
Wilbur SmithView in AlbunackPredator2170
Wilbur SmithView in AlbunackRage420
Wilbur SmithView in AlbunackRiver God320
Wilbur SmithView in AlbunackThe Angels Weep3602001
Wilbur SmithView in AlbunackThe Burning Shore290
Wilbur SmithView in AlbunackThe Power of the Sword410
Wilbur SmithView in AlbunackThe Sound of Thunder240
Wilbur SmithView in AlbunackWarlock300
Wilbur de ParisView in AlbunackMarchin' and Swingin'100
Wilbur de ParisView in AlbunackWilbur de Paris and his New New Orleans Jazz150
Search WildGood to Go140
Search WildSchumann Piano Works220
Search WildWild 1110
Wild AdriaticView in Albunack2018-10-27 - Convention Hall80
Wild AdriaticView in AlbunackHigh Noon Saloon 2019-03-0690
Wild Bill DavisView in AlbunackAmericans swinging in Paris80
Wild Bill DavisView in AlbunackGreatest Organ Solos Ever!220
Wild Bill DavisView in AlbunackIn The Groove!140
Wild Bill DavisView in AlbunackLive in Chateauneuf-du-Pape110
Wild Bill DavisonView in AlbunackIn Copenhagen160
Wild Bill DavisonView in AlbunackShowcase180
Wild Bill DavisonView in AlbunackThe Jazz Giants110
Wild Bill DavisonView in AlbunackWild Bill Davison & the Papa Blue Viking Jazzband130
Search Wild BlueNo More Jinx (RMED-184)90
Wild Colonial BhoysView in AlbunackCentury100
Wild Colonial BhoysView in AlbunackFriday Night Live150
Wild Colonial BhoysView in AlbunackOn Our Own100
Wild DogsView in AlbunackLive In Germany At Headbangers Open Air 2008130
Wild DogsView in AlbunackLive In San Francisco 1982110
Wild DogsView in AlbunackWild Dogs - Man's Best Friend192
Search Wild FlowerWild Flower61
Search Wild GeeseCeltic Music of the Northwest120
Search Wild HoneyUntamed60
Search Wild HorsesLive In Japan 1980180
Wild NothingView in AlbunackIndigo Instrumentals111
Search Wild OnesALL TIME BEST  50th anniversary200
Search Wild OnesStill Untamed110
Search Wild Rose4 (MICP-11286)110
Search Wild SilkVisions In A Plaster Sky (The Complete Recordings 1968-1969)241
Search Wild StrawberriesCarving Wooden Spectacles80
Search Wild StrawberriesGo Project120
Search Wild StrawberriesVesper 5090
Search Wild StrawberriesWish71
Search WildcatFirst Strike120
Search WildchildThe Wildchild Experience92
Wilde JungsView in AlbunackUnbesiegt (Limited Edition Bonus CD)83
Wilde JungsView in AlbunackUnbesiegt Bonus83
Search WildernessBallroom Dancing100
Search WildernessLight After The First Dive100
Wilderness RoadView in AlbunackSOLD FOR THE pREVENTION OF dISEASE oNLY80
Wilderness RoadView in AlbunackSold For the Prevention of Disease Only80
Wilderness RoadView in AlbunackSold for the Prevention of Disease Only80
Wildes HolzView in AlbunackAlle Jahre Wilder Live140
Wildes HolzView in AlbunackLive Im Glashaus200
Wildes HolzView in Albunackvor der Hütte (Mitspiel-CD)160
Search WildfireRattle of the Chains120
Search WildheartMolasses Creek143
Search WildlifeWorld Up130
WildlingView in AlbunackWildling60
Search WildsideIn My Arms - 2 Become 1122
Search WildsideIn My Arms-2 Become 1122
Search WildsideIn My Arms-2 Become 1 [Japan]122
Search WildsideWildside - In My Arms - 2 Become 1122
WildstylezView in AlbunackWildstylez - Lose Control143
Search WildwoodWildwood150
Wilf CarterView in Albunack50 Golden Years240
Wilf CarterView in AlbunackAway Out There100
Wilf CarterView in AlbunackBalladeer of the Golden West100
Wilf CarterView in AlbunackCalgary Horseman's Hall of Fame100
Wilf CarterView in AlbunackGod Bless Our Canada100
Wilf CarterView in AlbunackGolden Memories100
Wilf CarterView in AlbunackHitting the Track100
Wilf CarterView in AlbunackIf it wasn't for the farmer, what would city slickers do?100
Wilf CarterView in AlbunackMy Home On The Range100
Wilf CarterView in AlbunackNuggets of the Golden West100
Wilf CarterView in AlbunackOld Prairie Melodies100
Wilf CarterView in AlbunackSongs of the Calgary Stampede120
Wilf CarterView in AlbunackWaitin' for the Maple Leaves to Fall100
Wilf CarterView in AlbunackWilf Carter Sings Jimmie Rodgers100
Wilf CarterView in AlbunackWilf Carter Sings Songs of Australia100
Wilfred GirouxView in AlbunackStronger (Remixes)702014
Wilfrido VargasView in Albunack15 Grandes Exitos152
Wilfrido VargasView in AlbunackMas Que Un Loco (El Cucu)101
Wilfrido VargasView in AlbunackSiempre Wilfrido122
Wilfrido VargasView in Albunackwww.wilfrido-vargas.com102
WilfriedView in AlbunackBest Of181
WilfriedView in AlbunackBest of182
WilfriedView in AlbunackGemma121
WilfriedView in AlbunackLive Nachts in der City140
WilfriedView in AlbunackLive: Nachts in der City140
WilfriedView in AlbunackMake Up801980
WilfriedView in AlbunackNachts in der City (Live)140
WilfriedView in AlbunackWilfried's Große 10100
Wilfried SchmicklerView in AlbunackDas Letzte (Update)130
Wilfried SchmicklerView in AlbunackDas Letzte - Update130
Wilfried SchmicklerView in AlbunackIch weiß es doch auch nicht120
Wilfried SchmicklerView in AlbunackIch weiß es doch auch nicht [WortArt 2022]120
Wilhelm BackhausView in Albunack02 Haydn, Beethoven, Chopin170
Wilhelm BackhausView in Albunack16559170
Wilhelm BackhausView in Albunack20 große Pianisten120
Wilhelm BackhausView in AlbunackBEETHOVEN : PIANO SONATAS "MoonLight"・"Pathétique"・"Appassionata"90
Wilhelm BackhausView in AlbunackBRAHMS, MOZART, Piano Concertos, Wilhelm Backhaus, Karl Boehm70
Wilhelm BackhausView in AlbunackBach Recital180
Wilhelm BackhausView in AlbunackBach, Haydn200
Wilhelm BackhausView in AlbunackBach: English Suite #6, French Suite #5180
Wilhelm BackhausView in AlbunackBackhaus Haydn Recital100
Wilhelm BackhausView in AlbunackBackhaus Mozart Recital160
Wilhelm BackhausView in AlbunackBackhaus Mozrt Recital Vol.280
Wilhelm BackhausView in AlbunackBackhaus plays Brahms350
Wilhelm BackhausView in AlbunackBackhaus plays Piano Concerti60
Wilhelm BackhausView in AlbunackBackhaus-Haydn Recital100
Wilhelm BackhausView in AlbunackBackhaus: The Complete British Acoustic Recordings, 1908-25300
Wilhelm BackhausView in AlbunackBeethoven - Piano Sonatas Nos. 1, 2, 3 & 4 - Wilhelm Backhaus (1953, 1953, 1952, 1953)160
Wilhelm BackhausView in AlbunackBeethoven - Piano Sonatas Nos. 10, 11, 12 & 13 - Wilhelm Backhaus (1952, 1953, 1950, 1952)140
Wilhelm BackhausView in AlbunackBeethoven - Piano Sonatas Nos. 14, 15, 16 & 17 - Wilhelm Backhaus (1952, 1953, 1953, 1952)130
Wilhelm BackhausView in AlbunackBeethoven - Piano Sonatas Nos. 18, 19, 20, 21 & 22 - Wilhelm Backhaus (1954, 1952, 1953, 1950, 1952)130
Wilhelm BackhausView in AlbunackBeethoven - Piano Sonatas Nos. 23, 24, 25 & 26 - Wilhelm Backhaus (1952, 1952, 1951, 1953)110
Wilhelm BackhausView in AlbunackBeethoven - Piano Sonatas Nos. 25 & 32, etc. - Wilhelm Backhaus (1954)90
Wilhelm BackhausView in AlbunackBeethoven - Piano Sonatas Nos. 30, 31 & 32 - Wilhelm Backhaus (1950, 1953, 1954)90
Wilhelm BackhausView in AlbunackBeethoven - Piano Sonatas Nos. 5, 6, 7, 8 & 9 - Wilhelm Backhaus (1951, 1951, 1953, 1954, 1953)160
Wilhelm BackhausView in AlbunackBeethoven - Pino Sonatas #23, 24, 25 & 26 - Wilhelm Backhaus (1952, 1952, 1951, 1953)110
Wilhelm BackhausView in AlbunackBeethoven Piano Concerto No.5 & Mozart Piano Concerto No.2660
Wilhelm BackhausView in AlbunackBeethoven Piano Sonata no. 12 in A-flat major130
Wilhelm BackhausView in AlbunackBeethoven Pino Sonatas #1, 2, 3 & 4 Wilhelm Backhaus 1953, 1953, 1952, 1953160
Wilhelm BackhausView in AlbunackBeethoven Pino Sonatas #10, 11, 12 & 13 Wilhelm Backhaus 1952, 1953, 1950, 1952140
Wilhelm BackhausView in AlbunackBeethoven Pino Sonatas #14, 15, 16 & 17 Wilhelm Backhaus 1952, 1953, 1953, 1952130
Wilhelm BackhausView in AlbunackBeethoven Pino Sonatas #18, 19, 20, 21 & 22 Wilhelm Backhaus 1954, 1952, 1953, 1950, 1952130
Wilhelm BackhausView in AlbunackBeethoven Pino Sonatas #30, 31 & 32 Wilhelm Backhaus 1950, 1953, 195490
Wilhelm BackhausView in AlbunackBeethoven: Piano Sonatas #28 & 2973
Wilhelm BackhausView in AlbunackBeethoven: Piano Sonatas No.6 Op.10, 2; No.25 Op.79; No.21 Op.111; No.21 Op.53110
Wilhelm BackhausView in AlbunackBeethoven:Piano Sonatas130
Wilhelm BackhausView in AlbunackBeethoven_ Piano Sonatas [Old1]160
Wilhelm BackhausView in AlbunackBrahms Works330
Wilhelm BackhausView in AlbunackBrahms: 1933 - 1939 Original Recordings240
Wilhelm BackhausView in AlbunackCD06 - Backhaus - Carnegie Hall Recital, 1954180
Wilhelm BackhausView in AlbunackCarnegie Hall Recital181
Wilhelm BackhausView in AlbunackComplete British Acoustic Recordings 1908-1925170
Wilhelm BackhausView in AlbunackEarly Recordings by the Pianist130
Wilhelm BackhausView in AlbunackHaydn - Beethoven - Chopin170
Wilhelm BackhausView in AlbunackKlaviersonaten op.26 27/2 31/2 81a130
Wilhelm BackhausView in AlbunackMELOCLASSIC 1030; 12 Dec 1953 Recital170
Wilhelm BackhausView in AlbunackMELOCLASSIC 1030;1959110
Wilhelm BackhausView in AlbunackMozart - Piano Sonatas Nos. 12, 10, 4, 5 & 11, etc. - Wilhelm Backhaus (1961, 1961, 1966, 1966, 1955)160
Wilhelm BackhausView in AlbunackMozart :Piano Concerto No.27 etc/Backhaus,Bohm,VPO[EAC]63
Wilhelm BackhausView in AlbunackMozart Piano Sonata and Haydn Piano Sonata170
Wilhelm BackhausView in AlbunackMozart Piano Sonatas K282, K283, K330, K331, K332 & Rondo K511160
Wilhelm BackhausView in AlbunackMozart Recital160
Wilhelm BackhausView in AlbunackMozart Sonata and Haydn Sonata170
Wilhelm BackhausView in AlbunackMozart: Piano Concerto No.27, Schumann: Piano Concerto63
Wilhelm BackhausView in AlbunackMozart; Schumann: Piano Concertos63
Wilhelm BackhausView in AlbunackRecital Backhaus100
Wilhelm BackhausView in AlbunackSalzburger Festspiele 30.Juli 1966 2. Solistenkonzert (Orfeo)120
Wilhelm BackhausView in AlbunackSchubert楽興の時&Schumann森の風景150
Wilhelm BackhausView in AlbunackThe Legendary of Wilhelm Backhaus 1170
Wilhelm BackhausView in AlbunackThe Legendary of Wilhelm Backhaus 3150
Wilhelm BackhausView in AlbunackThe Legendary of Wilhelm Backhaus 7120
Wilhelm BackhausView in AlbunackThe Legendary of Wilhelm Backhaus Vol. 2110
Wilhelm BackhausView in AlbunackWilhelm Backhaus - Haydn-Beethoven90
Wilhelm BackhausView in AlbunackWilhelm Backhaus - The Reproducing Piano90
Wilhelm BackhausView in AlbunackWilhelm Backhaus - The Virtuoso150
Wilhelm BackhausView in AlbunackWilhelm Backhaus Edition110
Wilhelm BackhausView in AlbunackWilhelm Backhaus The Concerto Recordings63
Wilhelm BackhausView in AlbunackWilhelm Backhaus: Haydn - Beethoven - Chopin170
Wilhelm BackhausView in Albunackクラシック ピアノ名演集 Vol.10163
Wilhelm BackhausView in Albunackバックハウス・モーツァルト・リサイタル80
Wilhelm BackhausView in Albunackモーツァルト ピアノ協奏曲 第27番、シューマン ピアノ協奏曲 バックハウス63
Wilhelm BuschView in AlbunackDas dicke Wilhelm Busch Paket120
Wilhelm BuschView in AlbunackDer Schmetterling130
Wilhelm BuschView in AlbunackGeschichten von Wilhelm Busch210
Wilhelm BuschView in AlbunackMax & Moritz und andere100
Wilhelm BuschView in AlbunackMax und Moritz + Plisch und Plum150
Wilhelm BuschView in AlbunackMax und Moritz - Der Struwwelpeter220
Wilhelm BuschView in AlbunackMax und Moritz und Andere Geschichten240
Wilhelm BuschView in AlbunackMax&Moritz & Fipps der Affe180
Wilhelm BuschView in Albunackmeine Märchen CD: Max und Moritz70
Wilhelm Friedemann BachView in Albunack6 Duetti A 2 Flauti60
Wilhelm Friedemann BachView in AlbunackAnthony Spiri: Three Fantasias - Three Fugues - Three Sonatas1501785
Wilhelm Friedemann BachView in AlbunackComplete Harpischord Music CD01110
Wilhelm Friedemann BachView in AlbunackComplete Harpischord Music CD05230
Wilhelm Friedemann BachView in AlbunackComplete Harpsichord Music CD02210
Wilhelm Friedemann BachView in AlbunackComplete Harpsichord Music CD03180
Wilhelm Friedemann BachView in AlbunackComplete Harpsichord Music CD04150
Wilhelm Friedemann BachView in AlbunackComplete Harpsichord Music CD06280
Wilhelm Friedemann BachView in AlbunackConcerti110
Wilhelm Friedemann BachView in AlbunackKlavierwerke70
Wilhelm Friedemann BachView in AlbunackMusique pour orgue140
Wilhelm Friedemann BachView in AlbunackSonata & Trios160
Wilhelm Friedemann BachView in AlbunackTafelmusik160
Wilhelm Friedemann BachView in AlbunackWilhelm Friedemann Bach160
Wilhelm Friedemann BachView in AlbunackWilhelm Friedemann Bach, Kantaten I230
Wilhelm Friedemann BachView in AlbunackWilhelm Friedemann Bach, Kantaten II190
Wilhelm FurtwänglerView in AlbunackA Tribute To Wilhelm Furtwängler [TAHRA FURT 1009]92
Wilhelm FurtwänglerView in AlbunackA Tribute To Wilhelm Furtwängler [TAHRA FURT 1011]61
Wilhelm FurtwänglerView in AlbunackArchives de Guerre 1942-1945 - Disque 1 [TAHRA FURT 1004]70
Wilhelm FurtwänglerView in AlbunackArchives de Guerre 1942-1945 - Disque 2 [TAHRA FURT 1005]72
Wilhelm FurtwänglerView in AlbunackArchivos de Guerre 1942-1945 - Beethoven : Symphonie n. 9 [TAHRA FURT 1004]70
Wilhelm FurtwänglerView in AlbunackAus Konzerten in Berlin 1942-1944 [TMK 017204]80
Wilhelm FurtwänglerView in AlbunackBRAHMS Symphony No. 1140
Wilhelm FurtwänglerView in AlbunackBach: Orchestral Suite #3 • Brandenburg Concertos #3 & 5110
Wilhelm FurtwänglerView in AlbunackBeethoven - Symphonie No.1 & No.5 / W.Furtwangler80
Wilhelm FurtwänglerView in AlbunackBeethoven - Symphonies N° 3, 5 & 971
Wilhelm FurtwänglerView in AlbunackBeethoven - Symphony 5, Furtwängler speaks about music122
Wilhelm FurtwänglerView in AlbunackBeethoven 3 Furtwangler60
Wilhelm FurtwänglerView in AlbunackBeethoven 5 & PC4 1943 FURT-103573
Wilhelm FurtwänglerView in AlbunackBeethoven : Symphonie n° 9 en ré mineur, op. 125 (1942.3.21-24, Berlin) [SWF 891R]70
Wilhelm FurtwänglerView in AlbunackBeethoven : Symphony No. 1; Brahms : Symphony No. 1 (1950.7.13, Amsterdam) [Delta DCCA-0020]83
Wilhelm FurtwänglerView in AlbunackBeethoven : Symphony No. 5 in C-minor Op. 67 (1926/1927.10.16&30) - Brunswick issue [WFHC 021]140
Wilhelm FurtwänglerView in AlbunackBeethoven : Symphony No. 5 in C-minor Op. 67 (1926/1927.10.16&30) - Polydor (Austria) issue [WFHC 022]142
Wilhelm FurtwänglerView in AlbunackBeethoven :Symphony No. 5/Furtwängler,VPO[EAC]60
Wilhelm FurtwänglerView in AlbunackBeethoven :Symphony No.3/Furtwangler,BPO(1943)[EAC]61
Wilhelm FurtwänglerView in AlbunackBeethoven FIDELIO Opera in 2 acts 1948 Salzburg Festival Live Recording100
Wilhelm FurtwänglerView in AlbunackBeethoven Sinfonie 5 & 660
Wilhelm FurtwänglerView in AlbunackBeethoven Symphonies Nos. 5 & 6 (1947 BPO)90
Wilhelm FurtwänglerView in AlbunackBeethoven Symphonies Nos. 5 & 6 (1954 BPO)92
Wilhelm FurtwänglerView in AlbunackBeethoven Symphonies Nos. 5 & 6 1947 BPO - 25May194790
Wilhelm FurtwänglerView in AlbunackBeethoven, Mendelssohn: Violin Concertos60
Wilhelm FurtwänglerView in AlbunackBeethoven, Symphonies No. 1 & 570
Wilhelm FurtwänglerView in AlbunackBeethoven, Symphonies Nos. 7 & 881
Wilhelm FurtwänglerView in AlbunackBeethoven- Symphony No. 1; Brahms- Symphony No. 480
Wilhelm FurtwänglerView in AlbunackBeethoven: Complete Symphonies90
Wilhelm FurtwänglerView in AlbunackBeethoven: Fidelio140
Wilhelm FurtwänglerView in AlbunackBeethoven: Fidelio [Furtwangler, '53]151
Wilhelm FurtwänglerView in AlbunackBeethoven: Sym 5 Schubert: Sym 8 Ufinished 195460
Wilhelm FurtwänglerView in AlbunackBeethoven: Sym-5; Bruckner: Sym-6 (1943)72
Wilhelm FurtwänglerView in AlbunackBeethoven: Symphonien Nos. 7 & 880
Wilhelm FurtwänglerView in AlbunackBeethoven: Symphonies Nos. 4-780
Wilhelm FurtwänglerView in AlbunackBeethoven: Symphonies Nos. 7 & 880
Wilhelm FurtwänglerView in AlbunackBeethoven: Symphony #5; Wagner: Parsifal Prelude (1937-1939)70
Wilhelm FurtwänglerView in AlbunackBeethoven: Symphony No. 5, Schubert: Symphony No. 8 "Ufinished" [Furtwängler, Breitklang]61
Wilhelm FurtwänglerView in AlbunackBeethoven: Symphony No. 6; Brahms- Variations on a Theme of Haydn60
Wilhelm FurtwänglerView in AlbunackBeethoven: Symphony No. 6; Mozart- Piano Concerto No. 2080
Wilhelm FurtwänglerView in AlbunackBeethoven: Symphony No. 7; Haydn: Symphony No. 104 "London"80
Wilhelm FurtwänglerView in AlbunackBeethoven; Piano Concerto No.5 ''Emperor''73
Wilhelm FurtwänglerView in AlbunackBeethoven; Symphony No.9 'Choral' (1953)60
Wilhelm FurtwänglerView in AlbunackBrahms 1st, Furtwängler, Hamburg-Tahra140
Wilhelm FurtwänglerView in AlbunackBrahms 4th, Mozart 40th, Furtwängler-Seven Seas80
Wilhelm FurtwänglerView in AlbunackBrahms Complete Symphonies70
Wilhelm FurtwänglerView in AlbunackBrahms Sinfonie Nr. 1 · Schubert Sinfonie Nr. 8 [Furtwängler]63
Wilhelm FurtwänglerView in AlbunackBrahms Symphony No.4/Weber Overture Furtwangler73
Wilhelm FurtwänglerView in AlbunackBrahms The Complete Symphonies72
Wilhelm FurtwänglerView in AlbunackBrahms Wagner Mendelssohn83
Wilhelm FurtwänglerView in AlbunackBrahms, Furtwängler - Variations sur un thème de Haydn, Symphonie no 1140
Wilhelm FurtwänglerView in AlbunackBrahms: Double Concerto - Violin Concerto63
Wilhelm FurtwänglerView in AlbunackBrahms: Piano Concerto No. 260
Wilhelm FurtwänglerView in AlbunackBrahms: Sinfonien, Ungarische Tänze, Haydn-Variationen / Beethoven: Coriolan, Leonore Nr.262
Wilhelm FurtwänglerView in AlbunackBrahms: Symphonie n° 1, Variations sur un thème de Haydn140
Wilhelm FurtwänglerView in AlbunackBrahms: Symphonies80
Wilhelm FurtwänglerView in AlbunackBrahms: Symphony No. 1, Haydn-Variation [Furtwängler, 52]131
Wilhelm FurtwänglerView in AlbunackBrahms: Symphony No. 4; Haydn Variations140
Wilhelm FurtwänglerView in AlbunackBrahms: The Complete Symphonies; Haydn Variations; Piano Concerto No. 2 in B flat-Live-M&A82
Wilhelm FurtwänglerView in AlbunackBrahms_ Haydn Variations, Wagner (VPO 1952, PHO 1948)120
Wilhelm FurtwänglerView in AlbunackBruckner : Symphonie Nr. 4 Es-Dur, Fassung 1888 - Romantische (excerpts) (1941.12.14-16, Berlin) [WFHC 018]140
Wilhelm FurtwänglerView in AlbunackCD045-Strauss sinfonia domestica BPO63
Wilhelm FurtwänglerView in AlbunackCaracas Concert80
Wilhelm FurtwänglerView in AlbunackCaracas Concert 195490
Wilhelm FurtwänglerView in AlbunackConcerto n. 5 "Imperatore" e Sonata n. 8 "Patetica"72
Wilhelm FurtwänglerView in AlbunackDas Vermächtnis /The Legacy 00360
Wilhelm FurtwänglerView in AlbunackDasVermachtnis 91_Die walkure,Siegfried,Gotterdammerung70
Wilhelm FurtwänglerView in AlbunackDasVermachtnis59_R.Strauss,Mahler113
Wilhelm FurtwänglerView in AlbunackDie Walküre 1200
Wilhelm FurtwänglerView in AlbunackEarly Recordings - I (1929-30)80
Wilhelm FurtwänglerView in AlbunackEarly Recordings - II (1930-33)100
Wilhelm FurtwänglerView in AlbunackEarly Recordings - III (1930-37)121
Wilhelm FurtwänglerView in AlbunackF.Schubert: Sinfonie No.9 'Die Große' u. Rosamunde70
Wilhelm FurtwänglerView in AlbunackFranck : Symphonie; Brahms : Symphonie n° 2 (1945.1.28, Vienne) [SWF 902]70
Wilhelm FurtwänglerView in AlbunackFrom the Soviet Archives, the Original Sources of Beethoven's Great Symphonies Recorded in Berlin and Vienna during the War70
Wilhelm FurtwänglerView in AlbunackFurtwangler - Maestro Classico -2_1_180
Wilhelm FurtwänglerView in AlbunackFurtwangler 1951 Brahms Symphonie nº 1140
Wilhelm FurtwänglerView in AlbunackFurtwangler Franck Symphony , Schumann Symphony No.170
Wilhelm FurtwänglerView in AlbunackFurtwangler In Wien II [1950 - 54]70
Wilhelm FurtwänglerView in AlbunackFurtwangler conducts Brahms141
Wilhelm FurtwänglerView in AlbunackFurtwangler conducts Brahms-M&A CD-80461
Wilhelm FurtwänglerView in AlbunackFurtwängler60
Wilhelm FurtwänglerView in AlbunackFurtwängler - Maestro Classico60
Wilhelm FurtwänglerView in AlbunackFurtwängler - Maestro Classico - Mozart (History)120
Wilhelm FurtwänglerView in AlbunackFurtwängler - Maestro Classico - Wagner (History)60
Wilhelm FurtwänglerView in AlbunackFurtwängler - Maestro classico70
Wilhelm FurtwänglerView in AlbunackFurtwängler Brahms Symphony No.483
Wilhelm FurtwänglerView in AlbunackFurtwängler Conducts Wagner (1949 -54)60
Wilhelm FurtwänglerView in AlbunackFurtwängler Live in Vienna, Vol. II [TAHRA FURT 1076]80
Wilhelm FurtwänglerView in AlbunackFurtwängler Remembering211
Wilhelm FurtwänglerView in AlbunackFurtwängler conducts Beethoven : Symphonies VII & VIII [Music&Arts CD-793]91
Wilhelm FurtwänglerView in AlbunackFurtwängler conducts Brahms81
Wilhelm FurtwänglerView in AlbunackFurtwängler conducts Schubert61
Wilhelm FurtwänglerView in AlbunackFurtwängler dirige Beethoven & Brahms [TAHRA FURT 1025]80
Wilhelm FurtwänglerView in AlbunackFurtwängler dirige Beethoven - Concerto N° 4 & Symphonie N° 7 (1943) [SWF 941R]70
Wilhelm FurtwänglerView in AlbunackFurtwängler in Paris 1954 [TAHRA FURT 1023]80
Wilhelm FurtwänglerView in AlbunackFurtwängler in Paris 1954 [TAHRA FURT 1024]60
Wilhelm FurtwänglerView in AlbunackFurtwängler, Great Conductors of 20th Century-EMI60
Wilhelm FurtwänglerView in AlbunackFurtwängler: Die Salzburger Orchestkonzerte, 1949-1954 - Orfeo80
Wilhelm FurtwänglerView in AlbunackFurtwängler: Wiener Konzerte, 1944-195460
Wilhelm FurtwänglerView in AlbunackGiuseppe Verdi : Otello180
Wilhelm FurtwänglerView in AlbunackGreat Conductors Of The 20th Century - Wilhelm Furtwängler71
Wilhelm FurtwänglerView in AlbunackHall of Fame - Wilhelm Furtwängler; Wagner60
Wilhelm FurtwänglerView in AlbunackHaydn Symphony 94 & Beethoven Symphony 4100
Wilhelm FurtwänglerView in AlbunackHistoric Performances: Lucerne Festival [Furtwängler, 1953, CD-Layer]70
Wilhelm FurtwänglerView in AlbunackJohann Sebastian Bach100
Wilhelm FurtwänglerView in AlbunackLa Valchiria143
Wilhelm FurtwänglerView in AlbunackLive Recordings 1944-1953 (Wilhelm Furtwängler)112
Wilhelm FurtwänglerView in AlbunackMaestro Classico912004
Wilhelm FurtwänglerView in AlbunackMahler: Lieder eines fahrenden Gesellen, Wolf: Goethe Lieder etc. -180
Wilhelm FurtwänglerView in AlbunackMahler_ Lieder eines fahrenden Gesellen, etc (PHO 1952, 1953)80
Wilhelm FurtwänglerView in AlbunackMatthaus-Passion BMW 24460
Wilhelm FurtwänglerView in AlbunackMatthaus-Passion BWV 24480
Wilhelm FurtwänglerView in AlbunackMendelssohn: Violin Concerto In E Minor, Op.6463
Wilhelm FurtwänglerView in AlbunackMorzart Symphony 40 & P Con 2090
Wilhelm FurtwänglerView in AlbunackMozart, Haydn - Symphony No.40, Surprise120