Complete Albums constructed from Acoustid data that do not have a corresponding album in MusicBrainz

Smaller artists with between 2 and 100 releases

Report created based on data in Acoustid as of 28/01/2025

Found 237795 acoustid albums that do not have a corresponding match in MusicBrainz 500 Acoustid Albums per page.

The report is not continually updated so may not reflect the current data within Acoustid databases.

This shows complete albums constructed from the metadata submitted to Acoustid, but only the majority of the Acoustids are not already linked to MusicBrainz recordings. We filter to only show albums that we have all the tracks for and that have real metadata, and only include albums where we can find a case insensitive match between the album artist and a MusicBrainz artist, to simplify things and filter out some nonsense data. Limitations:Acoustid Data is not of high enough quality to properly handle multi releases and some releases may be listed multiple times due to slight differences in metadata. Acoustid only provides basic metadata, at best this is Album Artist, Album, Track No, Track Title, Track Artist, Year of release, Track Duration (taken directly from linked fingerprint(s)). The data is good for identifying albums by smaller artists, and rare bootleg/live albums by well known artists

!DI38B9와 AEONANTAUTAccAdoAgrAlaAlbAleAlhAlpAmbAnaAndAndAnhAnnAntAppArlArtArtAstAurBAKUBLABabiBanBarBeaBeeBenBerBevBijBilBlaBloBobBomBoyBriBruBudBírCEROCORCalCapCarCarCatChaChaCheChrChrChrClaClaCloColConCorCraCuaD.ODIEDJ DJ DabDanDanDarDavDavDavDeaDelDesDicDieDieDisDivDivDocDonDorDraDufE.SET-Ed EdsEl EliElvEncEnsEriErnEtlEveFATFULFanFelFinFloFouFraFraFreFriFurGEIGUNGarGenGeoGerGiaGioGleGomGraGreGuiGuyHARHaiHanHanHarHedHelHerHigHomHotHurICEIbrImaInjInyIsaJ MJSJacJamJamJanJasJeaJemJerJimJo JoeJohJohJohJonJorJosJudJumJürKIDKRYKamKarKatKeiKenKezKinKizoKocKraKueL. LOILa LanLarLauLeeLenLepLetLigLinLitLonLosLosLovLuiLydMANMICMRGMagMakManMarMarMarMarMarMarMarMasMauMayMelMexMicMicMicMikMilMirMobMonMorMovMozMunMyraNGTNU-NasNauNelNewNicNiiNo NorNumOakOliOpeOrpOtoPATPRIPalParPatPauPauPeePerPetPetPhiPhiPiePirPomPrePsyQuaRANAROGRafRamRatReaReiResRicRicRioRobRobRocRomRosRoyRudRyeSCHSHINSOLOSTUSagSamSanSaxSchSeaSenSethShaShiSigSimSisSlaSnaSonSouSpeStaSteSteSteStoStuSunSveSysTEETHETO-TabTanTedTerTheTheTheTheTheTheTheTheTheTheTheTheTheTheThoTimTitTomTonTotTreTroTwiUNIUndUrbVOIVarVarVetVinVlaWalWarWenWicWilWilWitWorYLYggZ3nZeeZoranncordongralapmoe.omnsolunkŠimАлеВесКайНелТумיוסสายかぐや姫しばたはちみりんけオルタコロプラザ・ピスムルハロプボブ佐三橋美中川五郎久保田井上大輔仲道郁代佐久間佚名六文銭劇団四季加藤登卓依婷古巨基向谷実周華健土橋安外柿山大滝詠一太田裕美孙露宮内國郎小倉貴小椋佳尾崎亜美山弦岡林信康崔萍平岩英子張智霖徐小鳳戯画日野皓正木村好夫李欣芸杜德偉東京都松崎し林海峰梁漢文椎名恵歌莉雅江蕙沢田研二浜口史郎渡辺麻友爆風ス王馨平町あかり石嶺聡子福岡ユ童丽紺碧S美空ひ良い肉菊池俊輔蓮沼執太蔡琴薬師るり裘海正許志安財津和夫足立美遠藤賢司鄭智化鈴木聖美關心妍陳奐仁陳秋霞青木カ馬場俊英高橋竹山鳳飛飛黃乙玲黑鸭子김종서이선희

Artists on this page

Sensifeel (1)Sensitive (1)Sensitive Heart (1)Sensitive New Age Cowpersons (1)Sensor (1)Sensorica (1)Sensorium (1)Sensuous Enemy (1)Sensus (1)Sentence (1)Sentience (1)Sentieri Selvaggi (1)Sentimen Beltza (1)Sentinel (1)Sentinels (1)Sentino (1)Sentire (1)Sentna (1)Senya (1)Senzus (48)Seom (1)Sephira (1)Sepolcro (1)Sepp Viellechner (1)Seppo Närhi (1)Seppo Tyni (1)Sepsis (1)Septem Voices (1)September (7)September Sky (1)Septembre (1)Septeto Habanero (1)Septeto Nacional (1)Septeto Santiaguero (4)SepticFlesh (1)Septicemia (2)Septicflesh (1)Septicopyemia (1)Septimus (1)Septura (3)Sequel (2)Sequentia (16)Sequoya (2)Ser Un Peyjalero (1)Serafin (2)Serah (5)Seraiah (1)Serani Poji (2)Seraph (6)Seraphic Fire (6)Serberus (1)Serdar Ateşer (1)Serdar Somuncu (11)Serena (2)Serenade (3)Serenata Guayanesa (5)Serendipity (3)Serene (2)Serene & Pearl (3)Serenity (1)Sereno (3)Serge Blenner (4)Serge Chaloff (3)Serge Delaite (7)Serge Fiori (3)Serge Fontane (1)Serge Forté (3)Serge Franklin (3)Serge LAMA (1)Serge Lama (6)Serge Lopez (6)Serge Rezvani (6)Serge Tonnar (2)Sergeant Sawtooth (1)Sergei Nakariakov (9)Sergei Novikov (4)Sergei Trofanov (1)Sergej Ćetković (1)Sergey Akhunov (1)Sergi Vicente (1)Sergio (2)Sergio Bruni (4)Sergio Cammariere (1)Sergio Caputo (2)Sergio Dalma (4)Sergio Denis (4)Sergio Endrigo (9)Sergio Esquivel (4)Sergio Fachelli (6)Sergio Fiorentino (44)Sergio Franchi (2)Sergio Galleguillo (1)Sergio Makaroff (2)Sergio Olivé (1)Sergio Pángaro & Baccarat (1)Sergio Rivero (1)Sergio Salvatore (2)Sergio Sorrentino (1)Sergio Tiempo (4)Sergio Vargas (2)Sergio Vartolo (6)Sergio de Pieri (2)Sergio y Estíbaliz (2)Sergiu Celibidache (73)Serial (1)Serial Butcher (1)Serial Joe (1)SeriouS (1)Serious Black (1)Serious solid swineheard is better than homecooked (1)Serk (1)Serkan Kaya (1)Serotonin (5)Serpent Ascending (2)Serpent Noir (1)Serpent's Knight (1)Serpentine (2)Serph (5)Serpico (1)Serra (1)Serras (1)SertOne (1)Sertab Erener (1)Sertraline (1)Servi (1)Servo (2)Sesamstraat (16)Sesamstraße (7)Sesar A (1)Session Americana (2)Sestetto Basso-Valdambrini (2)Sesto Sento (1)Set (1)Set Free (1)Set To Stun (1)Sete Star Sept (2)Seth (2)
Import ReleaseAlbum ArtistView in AlbunackAlbumTrack TotalTracks with MB MatchYearTracks
SensifeelView in AlbunackEyes Of Truth CD912007
Search SensitiveThe Water Is Wide100
Sensitive HeartView in Albunack二胡陽炎 ~ 千秋恋歌60
Sensitive New Age CowpersonsView in AlbunackMeanwhile, Back At The Ranch120
Search SensorE-Volution90
SensoricaView in AlbunackMasta Of Sound602010
Search SensoriumSensorium60
Sensuous EnemyView in AlbunackVoyager1002013
Search SensusHumanomaly100
Search SentenceAd Vidam Rediti60
Search SentienceAn Eye For An i100
Sentieri SelvaggiView in AlbunackSentieri Live [3]70
Sentimen BeltzaView in AlbunackHamar urteko bakardadea90
Search SentinelMission120
Search SentinelsFace Of Desire100
SentinoView in AlbunackZabójstwo Liryczne 2.0 (Edycja Limitowana)190
SentireView in Albunackカクシウタ150
SentnaView in AlbunackNuhlimkilaka (Bringer of Confusion)802009
Search Senyaアナタがいない夜風60
SenzusView in Albunack1 A-B160
SenzusView in Albunack2005120
SenzusView in Albunack4 K-L170
SenzusView in Albunack7 S-T200
SenzusView in Albunack8 U-Ž190
SenzusView in AlbunackAjajáj!1401993
SenzusView in AlbunackBuïme veselí140
SenzusView in AlbunackDaj mi šalátu!1301997
SenzusView in AlbunackDruhý volebný guláš210
SenzusView in AlbunackEj javor, javor150
SenzusView in AlbunackFajn Mix702003
SenzusView in AlbunackHospodársky zázrak1301993
SenzusView in AlbunackIcom picom1501993
SenzusView in AlbunackJadran1302003
SenzusView in AlbunackJubilejný 201201998
SenzusView in AlbunackMamám a otcom1101999
SenzusView in AlbunackMegaDance Mix80
SenzusView in AlbunackModern Senzus MegaMix801999
SenzusView in AlbunackMy sme mamlasi1401995
SenzusView in AlbunackNa cigansku notu160
SenzusView in AlbunackNa cigánsku nôtu160
SenzusView in AlbunackNa ľudovú nôtu180
SenzusView in AlbunackNajkrajšie valèíky2202001
SenzusView in AlbunackNarodeniny máš1402000
SenzusView in AlbunackNeznámy názov130
SenzusView in AlbunackPárty Mix601996
SenzusView in AlbunackPárty u Dušana Hergota260
SenzusView in AlbunackRomale220
SenzusView in AlbunackRomská hlava XXII1201998
SenzusView in AlbunackSQ Made200
SenzusView in AlbunackSamba Mix801997
SenzusView in AlbunackSenzi Senzus '992701999
SenzusView in AlbunackSenzus 1 (Slovenská Rodná Dedina)110
SenzusView in AlbunackSenzus 2 (Slovenské Mamičky)120
SenzusView in AlbunackSenzus 20051202005
SenzusView in AlbunackSlivkové gule1401997
SenzusView in AlbunackSlovenská rodná dedina1101997
SenzusView in AlbunackSlovenské mamièky120
SenzusView in AlbunackStarí kamaráti1402003
SenzusView in AlbunackThe best of (1.) Na ludovu notu180
SenzusView in AlbunackTo je šleha!702000
SenzusView in AlbunackTo najlepsie od Senzusu220
SenzusView in AlbunackTo najlepšie z albumov 1-102801997
SenzusView in AlbunackTo najlepšie z albumov 1-52201996
SenzusView in AlbunackTretí volebný guláš2501998
SenzusView in AlbunackVeselé vianoce140
SenzusView in AlbunackŽupajda, župajda havran2401992
SenzusView in AlbunackÈervené jab¾èko2601995
SeomView in AlbunackStaernenstaub170
SephiraView in AlbunackSephira110
SepolcroView in AlbunackIl Concerto Barocco180
Sepp ViellechnerView in AlbunackCaruso der Berge150
Seppo NärhiView in AlbunackKujakissa (2CD)181
Seppo TyniView in AlbunackJuhlat suulissa100
Search SepsisSepsis Demo60
Septem VoicesView in AlbunackДля Тебя80
Search SeptemberDomovino moja701979
Search SeptemberGeografia80
Search SeptemberNeighbourhood90
Search SeptemberResuscitate Me-WEB622011
Search SeptemberReturn and forever80
Search SeptemberSouvenirs110
Search SeptemberThe Best Of141
September SkyView in AlbunackThe Dying Season60
SeptembreView in AlbunackSi c'était à refaire100
Septeto HabaneroView in AlbunackCelebrando Sus 80 Años121
Septeto NacionalView in AlbunackEl Sabor de la Tradicion120
Septeto SantiagueroView in AlbunackLa Chismosa110
Septeto SantiagueroView in AlbunackLos Mangos Bajitos150
Septeto SantiagueroView in AlbunackRaiz160
Septeto SantiagueroView in AlbunackVamos pa' la fiesta150
SepticFleshView in AlbunackLive in Toulouse Oct. 29th 201170
Search SepticemiaRevenge on Mankind90
Search SepticemiaYears of the Unlight120
SepticfleshView in AlbunackLive In Toulouse [Live]70
SepticopyemiaView in AlbunackSupreme Art of Genital Carnage140
Search SeptimusO experimentar na m'incomoda100
SepturaView in AlbunackMusic For Brass Septet, Vol. 3210
SepturaView in AlbunackMusic for Brass Septet, Vol. 3: Shostakovich, Prokofiev, Scriabin, Rachmaninov210
SepturaView in AlbunackSeptura - Music For Brass Septet 3 - Shostakovich, Prokofiev, Scriabin, Rachmaninov210
Search SequelFolk for Money130
Search SequelNic nie szkodzi80
Search Sequentia06 Heinrich von Meissen, Frauenlob211
Search Sequentia08 Oswald von Wolkenstein, Lieder80
Search Sequentia09 Bordesholmer Marienklage, 1475 oder 1476 1140
Search Sequentia9. Celestial Hierarchy100
Search SequentiaA Union of Words and Music in Medieval Poetry1301991
Search SequentiaBordesholmer Marienklage 1 - Sequentia150
Search SequentiaBordesholmer Marienklage 2150
Search SequentiaFrauenlob221
Search SequentiaHildegard ? Celestial Hierarchy100
Search SequentiaHildegard Von Bingen: Celestial Hierarchy100
Search SequentiaHildegard von Bingen - Celestial Hierarchy100
Search SequentiaHildegard von Bingen: Celestial Hierarchy100
Search SequentiaLieder90
Search SequentiaOswald von Wolkenstein90
Search SequentiaOswald von Wolkenstein (1377-1445) - Lieder (dhm93)80
Search SequentiaOswald von Wolkenstein - Songs90
Search SequoyaDes Narren Spiel80
Search SequoyaLive Demo80
Ser Un PeyjaleroView in AlbunackJoint Is Better Than Panzerfaust150
Search Serafin2 AM At The Torch Café (Bonus Tracks)140
Search SerafinCavalleria Rusticana161
SerahView in AlbunackLike Honey123
SerahView in AlbunackOut Of The Wind120
SerahView in AlbunackOut of the wind120
SerahView in AlbunackVoice Of Amethyst (Aka Love Of Christmas)100
SerahView in AlbunackWing Of Mercy120
SeraiahView in Albunack01. Carnival World100
Serani PojiView in Albunackmanamoon remix - tribute to Serani Poji70
Serani PojiView in Albunackmanamoon remix tribute to Serani Poji70
Search SeraphBehind The Scenes100
Search SeraphBehind the scenes100
Search SeraphHatecrusher100
Search SeraphProskuneo120
Search SeraphProskuneo unexpected tales of Christmas120
Search SeraphSeraph「Liberation」60
Seraphic FireView in AlbunackA Seraphic Fire Christmas170
Seraphic FireView in AlbunackAve Maria180
Seraphic FireView in AlbunackAve Maria - Gregorian Chant180
Seraphic FireView in AlbunackClaudio Moneiverdi, Vespers of the Blessed Virgin 1610230
Seraphic FireView in AlbunackSeraphic Fire160
Seraphic FireView in AlbunackSteal Away150
SerberusView in Albunack[2002] Descension70
Serdar AteşerView in AlbunackAvdet Seyri160
Serdar SomuncuView in AlbunackDafür kommt man in denKnast180
Serdar SomuncuView in AlbunackDer Adolf In Mir60
Serdar SomuncuView in AlbunackDer Adolf in mir - Die Karriere einer verbotenen Idee - CD0160
Serdar SomuncuView in AlbunackDer Adolf in mir - Die Karriere einer verbotenen Idee - CD0370
Serdar SomuncuView in AlbunackDer Adolf in mir - Die Karriere einer verbotenen Idee CD0160
Serdar SomuncuView in AlbunackDie Machtergreifung190
Serdar SomuncuView in AlbunackH2 Universe190
Serdar SomuncuView in AlbunackH2 Universe - Die Machtergeifung190
Serdar SomuncuView in AlbunackH2 Universe Die Machtergreifung190
Serdar SomuncuView in AlbunackH2 Universe: Die Machtergreifung190
Serdar SomuncuView in AlbunackMein Kampf110
Search Serena7 Songs70
Search SerenaTänd dina ljus!260
Search SerenadeOnirica902017
Search SerenadeThe 28th Parallel100
Search SerenadeThe Serenade Experience140
Serenata GuayanesaView in Albunack20 Años 20 Canciones Infantiles200
Serenata GuayanesaView in Albunack20 Años de Exitos140
Serenata GuayanesaView in AlbunackAguinaldos Populares Venezolanos & S. Guayanesa Vol. 51201995
Serenata GuayanesaView in AlbunackVerdaderos Exitos902013
Serenata GuayanesaView in Albunack¡Canta con Venezuela! Sing with Venezuela!160
Search SerendipitySolstice. Music of the Stones80
Search SerendipityThe Medieval Muse110
Search SerendipityVoices of ancient wisdom - Medieval music with a message for today120
Search SereneBeggars Of The Sea130
Search SereneBeggars of the Sea110
Serene & PearlView in AlbunackAn Angel in my Arms100
Serene & PearlView in AlbunackSoothe Me110
Serene & PearlView in AlbunackThis is Our Road110
Search SerenityCalling unto the Divine150
Search SerenoEu te cutuco e você curte230
Search SerenoThe Marchen180
Search SerenoThe Serenade150
Serge BlennerView in AlbunackLa Vogue (Vinyl Rip)80
Serge BlennerView in AlbunackLiberation1501992
Serge BlennerView in AlbunackMagazin Frivole (Vinyl Rip)80
Serge BlennerView in AlbunackMusique esthétique Vol2140
Serge ChaloffView in AlbunackBuvette Club130
Serge ChaloffView in AlbunackBuvette Club, Rock Island, February 1953130
Serge ChaloffView in AlbunackThe Baritone Sax Master223
Serge DelaiteView in AlbunackAvec Plaisir140
Serge DelaiteView in AlbunackComme Bach...100
Serge DelaiteView in AlbunackFrench Cookin'130
Serge DelaiteView in AlbunackLookin' Up120
Serge DelaiteView in AlbunackPlanete Jazz120
Serge DelaiteView in AlbunackSerge Delaite120
Serge DelaiteView in AlbunackTime after time100
Serge FioriView in AlbunackSERGE FIORI, SEUL ENSEMBLE81
Serge FioriView in AlbunackSERGE FIORI, SEUL ensemble81
Serge FioriView in AlbunackSeul Ensemble Disque 181
Serge FontaneView in AlbunackLes Plus Beaux Airs De Noël À l'Orgue120
Serge FortéView in AlbunackHommage à Oscar100
Serge FortéView in AlbunackLa Vie En Bleu70
Serge FortéView in AlbunackThanks For All (Ella Productions, EP2004-3)120
Serge FranklinView in AlbunackPrincesse Alexandra320
Serge FranklinView in AlbunackPrincesse Alexandra (1992)320
Serge FranklinView in AlbunackPrincesse Alexandra (Bande Originale Du Téléfilm)320
Serge LAMAView in AlbunackOù sont passés nos rêves?160
Serge LamaView in AlbunackET PUIS ON S'APERÇOIT...120
Serge LamaView in AlbunackOu Sont Passes Nos Reves - Édition Limitée CD+DVD,220
Serge LamaView in AlbunackOu sont passes nos reves170
Serge LamaView in AlbunackOu sont passes nos reves - Standard160
Serge LamaView in AlbunackOu sont passés nos rêves160
Serge LamaView in AlbunackOù Sont Passés Nos Rêves - Édition Limitée170
Serge LopezView in AlbunackAu fil de l´horizon130
Serge LopezView in AlbunackEl Encuentro120
Serge LopezView in AlbunackSentidos120
Serge LopezView in AlbunackSerge Lopez - Baratillo120
Serge LopezView in AlbunackSerge Lopez - Quisiera140
Serge LopezView in AlbunackSerge Lopez - Sentidos120
Serge RezvaniView in AlbunackJ'avais un ami170
Serge RezvaniView in AlbunackLes Grains de Beauté160
Serge RezvaniView in AlbunackParis tu m'rends dingue170
Serge RezvaniView in AlbunackSaint-Tropez à l'envers180
Serge RezvaniView in AlbunackVivre étonné180
Serge RezvaniView in AlbunackVivre étonné - intégrale des chansons 2180
Serge TonnarView in AlbunackLego Live160
Serge TonnarView in AlbunackPärele bei d'Sei110
Sergeant SawtoothView in AlbunackThis Is Tomorrowland190
Sergei NakariakovView in AlbunackEchos from the past120
Sergei NakariakovView in AlbunackFrom Moscow with Love, 200170
Sergei NakariakovView in AlbunackJ-Themes120
Sergei NakariakovView in AlbunackJ-Themes パリは燃えているか120
Sergei NakariakovView in AlbunackNHK連続テレビ小説「天うらら」60
Sergei NakariakovView in AlbunackSergei Nakariakov - From Moscow with Love70
Sergei NakariakovView in AlbunackWidmung140
Sergei NakariakovView in Albunackパリは燃えているか J-Themesベスト120
Sergei NakariakovView in Albunackパリは燃えているか~J-テーマ・ベスト120
Sergei NovikovView in AlbunackFor Your Glass Of Wine120
Sergei NovikovView in AlbunackFor Your Glass Of Wine ... Cheers!110
Sergei NovikovView in AlbunackSimply Intoxicating120
Sergei NovikovView in AlbunackSimply Intoxicating 2120
Sergei TrofanovView in AlbunackQuebec Passion 2120
Sergej ĆetkovićView in AlbunackMoj Svijet141
Sergey AkhunovView in AlbunackMusic by Sergey Akhunov100
Sergi VicenteView in AlbunackGuitarra Magica141
Search SergioLa Dolce Chitarra110
Search SergioThe Beginning130
Sergio BruniView in Albunack028 - Sergio Bruni Canta Napoli150
Sergio BruniView in AlbunackLevate 'a Maschera Pulicenella80
Sergio BruniView in AlbunackMade in Italy121
Sergio BruniView in AlbunackSuonno e fantasia120
Sergio CammariereView in AlbunackUSD - Uomini senza donne60
Search Sergio CaputoA Tu X Tu110
Search Sergio CaputoUn Sabato Italiano 30 anni + jazz120
Sergio DalmaView in Albunack#YoEstuveAllí2702014
Sergio DalmaView in AlbunackEn concierto141
Sergio DalmaView in AlbunackVia Dalma - III120
Sergio DalmaView in AlbunackYo estuve alli190
Sergio DenisView in AlbunackLa vida vale la pena201
Sergio DenisView in AlbunackMis 30 Mejores Canciones152
Sergio DenisView in AlbunackPalabras De Amor151
Sergio DenisView in AlbunackSolo El Amor100
Sergio EndrigoView in Albunack...e noi amiamoci100
Sergio EndrigoView in AlbunackENDRIGO (1968)121
Sergio EndrigoView in AlbunackIl Meglio160
Sergio EndrigoView in AlbunackL'ARCA DI NOÉ (live)280
Sergio EndrigoView in AlbunackL'Arca di Noé (Live 7 marzo 1970)280
Sergio EndrigoView in AlbunackLA VITA, AMICO, È L'ARTE DELL'INCONTRO193
Sergio EndrigoView in AlbunackNUOVE CANZONI D'AMORE101
Sergio EndrigoView in AlbunackQialcosa di meglio80
Sergio EndrigoView in AlbunackSi Comincia A Cantare240
Sergio EsquivelView in Albunack20 Exitos190
Sergio EsquivelView in AlbunackAñoranzas V1160
Sergio EsquivelView in AlbunackAñoranzas V3120
Sergio EsquivelView in AlbunackUAñoranzas V2120
Sergio FachelliView in AlbunackEntre Tú Y Yo100
Sergio FachelliView in AlbunackGrandes Éxitos140
Sergio FachelliView in AlbunackHay Amores Y Amores202
Sergio FachelliView in AlbunackHay Amores... Y Amores100
Sergio FachelliView in AlbunackPersonalidades 20 Éxitos Originales202
Sergio FachelliView in AlbunackViva El Amor100
Sergio FiorentinoView in Albunack01 Schumann, Fantasie, Piano Sonata No.2, etc.120
Sergio FiorentinoView in Albunack02 Schubert, Piano Sonatas Nos.13,4, 4 Impromptus90
Sergio FiorentinoView in Albunack04 Liszt, Ballade, Funerailles, Sonata, etc.110
Sergio FiorentinoView in Albunack06 Scriabin, Rachmaninov, Prokofiev, Piano Sonatas70
Sergio FiorentinoView in Albunack07 Scriabin, Rachmaninov, Piano Sonatas70
Sergio FiorentinoView in Albunack08 Bach, Prelude and Fugue, French Suite, etc.140
Sergio FiorentinoView in Albunack09 Bach, Partitas Nos.1,4, Violin Sonata No.1170
Sergio FiorentinoView in Albunack1 Liszt, Premiere Annee, Seconde Annee120
Sergio FiorentinoView in Albunack10 Debussy, Scarlatti, R. Schumann, Moszkowski, Faure, Liszt140
Sergio FiorentinoView in Albunack2 Liszt, Hungarian Rhapsodies, etc.110
Sergio FiorentinoView in Albunack3 Liszt, 6 Consolations, etc.190
Sergio FiorentinoView in Albunack4 Liszt, Piano Concertos Nos.1,2, etc.150
Sergio FiorentinoView in Albunack5 Liszt, Liebestraum, Paganini Study, etc.90
Sergio FiorentinoView in Albunack6 Liszt, Ballades Nos.1,2, Piano Sonata, etc.110
Sergio FiorentinoView in AlbunackBallades Nos. 1 & 2\110
Sergio FiorentinoView in AlbunackFiorentino - Berlin Recordings Bach170
Sergio FiorentinoView in AlbunackFiorentino - Berlin Recordings Debussy,Scarlatti,Schumann140
Sergio FiorentinoView in AlbunackFiorentino - Berlin Recordings Schumann,Chopin,Schubert120
Sergio FiorentinoView in AlbunackFiorentino - Berlin Recordings Scriabin,Rachmaninov,Prokofiev80
Sergio FiorentinoView in AlbunackFiorentino - Rachmaninov 24 preludes240
Sergio FiorentinoView in AlbunackFiorentino - Schumann Carnaval,Kinderszenen,Etudes490
Sergio FiorentinoView in AlbunackFiorentino: Live In Taiwan, 1998.05.29140
Sergio FiorentinoView in AlbunackLiszt Sonate-Ballades-Funérailles [Fiorentino]110
Sergio FiorentinoView in AlbunackLive in Taiwan 1998130
Sergio FiorentinoView in AlbunackPiano Recitals (1962-1987 Unreleased broadcasts)120
Sergio FiorentinoView in AlbunackSergio Fiorentino Complete Edition - Scriabin, Rachmaninov, Prokofiev80
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Sergio FiorentinoView in AlbunackThe Berlin Recordings (CD06) - Scriabin, Rachmaninov, Prokofiev80
Sergio FiorentinoView in AlbunackThe Berlin Recordings (CD07) - Scriabin, Rachmaninov80
Sergio FiorentinoView in AlbunackThe Berlin Recordings (CD08) - J. S. Bach90
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Sergiu CelibidacheView in AlbunackArkadia: Cdmp 487.160
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Sergiu CelibidacheView in AlbunackEmi: 7243 5 56516 2 480
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