Complete Albums constructed from Acoustid data that do not have a corresponding album in MusicBrainz

Smaller artists with between 2 and 100 releases

Report created based on data in Acoustid as of 28/01/2025

Found 237795 acoustid albums that do not have a corresponding match in MusicBrainz 500 Acoustid Albums per page.

The report is not continually updated so may not reflect the current data within Acoustid databases.

This shows complete albums constructed from the metadata submitted to Acoustid, but only the majority of the Acoustids are not already linked to MusicBrainz recordings. We filter to only show albums that we have all the tracks for and that have real metadata, and only include albums where we can find a case insensitive match between the album artist and a MusicBrainz artist, to simplify things and filter out some nonsense data. Limitations:Acoustid Data is not of high enough quality to properly handle multi releases and some releases may be listed multiple times due to slight differences in metadata. Acoustid only provides basic metadata, at best this is Album Artist, Album, Track No, Track Title, Track Artist, Year of release, Track Duration (taken directly from linked fingerprint(s)). The data is good for identifying albums by smaller artists, and rare bootleg/live albums by well known artists

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Artists on this page

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Import ReleaseAlbum ArtistView in AlbunackAlbumTrack TotalTracks with MB MatchYearTracks
蔡琴View in Albunack懷念舊歌第一輯120
蔡琴View in Albunack懷念舊歌第一輯 - 藍色的夢120
蔡琴View in Albunack懷念金曲精選Disc01180
蔡琴View in Albunack懷舊嵗月160
蔡琴View in Albunack懷舊心賞集1181
蔡琴View in Albunack懷舊心賞集1181
蔡琴View in Albunack懷舊歲月-蔡琴 (1)160
蔡琴View in Albunack我有一段情160
蔡琴View in Albunack新感情 旧回忆100
蔡琴View in Albunack新感情 舊回憶100
蔡琴View in Albunack新感情·舊回憶100
蔡琴View in Albunack新感情旧回忆100
蔡琴View in Albunack新感情舊回憶100
蔡琴View in Albunack新感情舊回憶 京文金碟版100
蔡琴View in Albunack明月千里寄相思160
蔡琴View in Albunack昨夜之燈110
蔡琴View in Albunack時間的河100
蔡琴View in Albunack時間的河 - A River of Time (AOCD)100
蔡琴View in Albunack暢銷金曲專輯 Hdcd151
蔡琴View in Albunack曠世巨星162
蔡琴View in Albunack曠世巨星系列2 日本Jvc版162
蔡琴View in Albunack最愛琴歌 1220
蔡琴View in Albunack最愛琴歌-1222
蔡琴View in Albunack最愛琴歌-2220
蔡琴View in Albunack最爱琴歌220
蔡琴View in Albunack最爱琴歌 2220
蔡琴View in Albunack最琴歌222
蔡琴View in Albunack最美的女人 唱出了溫柔的滋味100
蔡琴View in Albunack最美的女人唱出了温柔的歌100
蔡琴View in Albunack最美的女人唱出了温柔的滋味100
蔡琴View in Albunack最美的女人心160
蔡琴View in Albunack最難忘的好歌182
蔡琴View in Albunack未完的歌4 HDCD161
蔡琴View in Albunack此情可待 (New Century德國版)100
蔡琴View in Albunack此情可待 (SACD)100
蔡琴View in Albunack此情可待 (XRCD)100
蔡琴View in Albunack此情可待 Xrcd100
蔡琴View in Albunack此情可待 日本三洋版100
蔡琴View in Albunack此情可待 飛碟首版100
蔡琴View in Albunack此情可待[日本三洋版]100
蔡琴View in Albunack民歌+精選蔡琴161
蔡琴View in Albunack民歌蔡琴再愛我一次161
蔡琴View in Albunack民歌蔡琴再爱我一次161
蔡琴View in Albunack永恒经典 2 LPCD152
蔡琴View in Albunack永恒老歌160
蔡琴View in Albunack永恒老歌【原生帶】162
蔡琴View in Albunack沒有男人的房子不算家180
蔡琴View in Albunack沒有男人的房子不算家 天使不夜城 歌舞劇原聲帶180
蔡琴View in Albunack海上良宵 2010 香港演唱會170
蔡琴View in Albunack海上良宵 2010 香港演唱會 2150
蔡琴View in Albunack海山經典名曲15首 Hqcd151
蔡琴View in Albunack海山经典名盘系列160
蔡琴View in Albunack海山经典明盘2-蔡琴121
蔡琴View in Albunack演唱會精選130
蔡琴View in Albunack火舞122
蔡琴View in Albunack火舞 T111-01膠圈版122
蔡琴View in Albunack火舞 精選 1984-1988122
蔡琴View in Albunack火舞[T113]121
蔡琴View in Albunack珍藏蔡琴 Vol.1160
蔡琴View in Albunack珍藏蔡琴 Vol.2160
蔡琴View in Albunack珍藏蔡琴1160
蔡琴View in Albunack珍藏蔡琴2160
蔡琴View in Albunack珍藏蔡琴3161
蔡琴View in Albunack琴挑細選190
蔡琴View in Albunack琴聲驛動171
蔡琴View in Albunack琴聲驛動 1161
蔡琴View in Albunack琴聲驛動 2171
蔡琴View in Albunack畅销金曲专辑VOL.1 不了情163
蔡琴View in Albunack畅销金曲专辑VOL.5 再爱我一次161
蔡琴View in Albunack百份百經典極品音色系列221
蔡琴View in Albunack百份百經典/極品音色系列221
蔡琴View in Albunack神秘女郎 日本天龍版161
蔡琴View in Albunack秋瑾100
蔡琴View in Albunack精挑細選1160
蔡琴View in Albunack精挑細選2160
蔡琴View in Albunack精选典藏名曲200
蔡琴View in Albunack精選‧蔡琴160
蔡琴View in Albunack精選第二輯 復黑版131
蔡琴View in Albunack精選第二輯 情是什麼132
蔡琴View in Albunack精選老歌集01170
蔡琴View in Albunack精選老歌集02173
蔡琴View in Albunack紀念專輯17 - 蔡琴140
蔡琴View in Albunack紀念專輯21 - 蔡琴151
蔡琴View in Albunack紀念專輯22 - 蔡琴160
蔡琴View in Albunack紅色蔡琴之金色蔡琴153
蔡琴View in Albunack紫色蔡琴之琴动我心152
蔡琴View in Albunack紫色蔡琴之琴动我心 纪念版 DTS152
蔡琴View in Albunack紫色蔡琴之琴动我心(肆) DTS-CD152
蔡琴View in Albunack紫色蔡琴之琴動我心152
蔡琴View in Albunack經典 壹 德国24k金193
蔡琴View in Albunack經典 貳 德国24k金190
蔡琴View in Albunack經典名曲 1 (AQMS)201
蔡琴View in Albunack經典名曲1201
蔡琴View in Albunack經典好歌163
蔡琴View in Albunack經典懷舊老歌18首183
蔡琴View in Albunack經典收藏 2160
蔡琴View in Albunack經典老歌 24K Gold151
蔡琴View in Albunack經典老歌Ⅱ Hqcd140
蔡琴View in Albunack經典蔡琴163
蔡琴View in Albunack經典金碟 (1)161
蔡琴View in Albunack红色蔡琴之金色蔡琴153
蔡琴View in Albunack红色蔡琴之金色蔡琴 纪念版 DTS153
蔡琴View in Albunack红色蔡琴之金色蔡琴(叁)153
蔡琴View in Albunack红色蔡琴之金色蔡琴(叁) DTS-CD153
蔡琴View in Albunack经典全记录162
蔡琴View in Albunack经典全记录4--2162
蔡琴View in Albunack经典全记录【1-2】163
蔡琴View in Albunack经典全记录【4--1】162
蔡琴View in Albunack经典全记录【4--4】161
蔡琴View in Albunack经典名曲201
蔡琴View in Albunack经典收藏160
蔡琴View in Albunack经典收藏 Album1160
蔡琴View in Albunack经典收藏 Album2160
蔡琴View in Albunack经典收藏3160
蔡琴View in Albunack经典收藏精装版Ⅰ160
蔡琴View in Albunack经典收藏精装版Ⅱ160
蔡琴View in Albunack经典珍藏集162
蔡琴View in Albunack经典老歌203
蔡琴View in Albunack经典老歌 AMCD140
蔡琴View in Albunack老哥101
蔡琴View in Albunack老歌 HMCD101
蔡琴View in Albunack老歌 (DMM-CD)101
蔡琴View in Albunack老歌 (DMM-SACD)101
蔡琴View in Albunack老歌 (HQCD)101
蔡琴View in Albunack老歌 (K2HD)101
蔡琴View in Albunack老歌 (K2HD+HQCD)101
蔡琴View in Albunack老歌 (UPM24KCD)101
蔡琴View in Albunack老歌 (XRCD)101
蔡琴View in Albunack老歌 (三洋)101
蔡琴View in Albunack老歌 (三洋版)101
蔡琴View in Albunack老歌 (德國版CD)100
蔡琴View in Albunack老歌 (日本三洋版)101
蔡琴View in Albunack老歌 (日本版)101
蔡琴View in Albunack老歌 - Old101
蔡琴View in Albunack老歌 24K Gold101
蔡琴View in Albunack老歌 24K Sony金碟首版91
蔡琴View in Albunack老歌 24K日本版101
蔡琴View in Albunack老歌 26周年紀念版91
蔡琴View in Albunack老歌 HQCD101
蔡琴View in Albunack老歌 Hqcd101
蔡琴View in Albunack老歌 K2Hd+Hqcd101
蔡琴View in Albunack老歌 New Xrcd91
蔡琴View in Albunack老歌 Super Voice Super Hits UPMCD101
蔡琴View in Albunack老歌 UFO101
蔡琴View in Albunack老歌 UPM24KCD101
蔡琴View in Albunack老歌 Xrcd101
蔡琴View in Albunack老歌 [24K GOLD]101
蔡琴View in Albunack老歌 [PLATINUM SHM]101
蔡琴View in Albunack老歌 [Platinum SHM]101
蔡琴View in Albunack老歌 [UHQCD]101
蔡琴View in Albunack老歌 [UPM 24K CD]101
蔡琴View in Albunack老歌 [UR-8516 T111-01]101
蔡琴View in Albunack老歌 [UR-8516]101
蔡琴View in Albunack老歌 [dB]101
蔡琴View in Albunack老歌 三洋版101
蔡琴View in Albunack老歌 华纳再版101
蔡琴View in Albunack老歌 日本三洋B版91
蔡琴View in Albunack老歌 日本三洋首版91
蔡琴View in Albunack老歌+精选180
蔡琴View in Albunack老歌-1161
蔡琴View in Albunack老歌-2163
蔡琴View in Albunack老歌不了情精選220
蔡琴View in Albunack老歌精选2201
蔡琴View in Albunack老歌精選 1200
蔡琴View in Albunack老歌精選 2201
蔡琴View in Albunack老歌精選2181
蔡琴View in Albunack老歌蔡琴101
蔡琴View in Albunack老歌还是旧的好181
蔡琴View in Albunack老歌金碟101
蔡琴View in Albunack老歌金蝶101
蔡琴View in Albunack老歌(1996华纳新加坡24K金碟版,日本压片)101
蔡琴View in Albunack老歌(PLATINUM+SHMCD)101
蔡琴View in Albunack老歌(UPM 24K CD)101
蔡琴View in Albunack老歌(UR-8516)101
蔡琴View in Albunack老歌:昨日的旋律.今日的蔡琴.明日的回憶100
蔡琴View in Albunack舊曲情懷161
蔡琴View in Albunack舊曲情懷 I161
蔡琴View in Albunack舊曲情懷 第一輯170
蔡琴View in Albunack舊曲情懷-蔡琴1161
蔡琴View in Albunack舊曲情懷《第一辑》170
蔡琴View in Albunack舊曲情懷《第二辑》173
蔡琴View in Albunack花天走地181
蔡琴View in Albunack華納No.1系列 TSAI QIN[1]151
蔡琴View in Albunack華納國語超極品音色系列 蔡琴 國語精選15首152
蔡琴View in Albunack華納國語超極品音色系列2170
蔡琴View in Albunack華納國語超極品音色系列 國語精選15首 152
蔡琴View in Albunack華納國語超極品音色系列 國語精選17首 170
蔡琴View in Albunack華納我愛經典系列 蔡琴151
蔡琴View in Albunack華納我愛經典系列—蔡琴150
蔡琴View in Albunack華納超級品音色系列152
蔡琴View in Albunack華納超級品音色系列: 蔡琴153
蔡琴View in Albunack落花流水182
蔡琴View in Albunack蓝色的梦163
蔡琴View in Albunack蔡琴 你不要那樣看著我的眼睛100
蔡琴View in Albunack蔡琴 民謠風130
蔡琴View in Albunack蔡琴 - 一致公认最发烧人声试音天碟 Vol. 4161
蔡琴View in Albunack蔡琴 - 不了情163
蔡琴View in Albunack蔡琴 - 再爱我一次161
蔡琴View in Albunack蔡琴 - 懷念名曲 [dB]160
蔡琴View in Albunack蔡琴 - 懷念名曲(二)162
蔡琴View in Albunack蔡琴 - 懷念舊歌第一輯 - 藍色的夢120
蔡琴View in Albunack蔡琴 - 昨夜之燈 (復黑版)110
蔡琴View in Albunack蔡琴 - 精選第二輯131
蔡琴View in Albunack蔡琴 - 經典 (壹)193
蔡琴View in Albunack蔡琴 - 經典 (貳)190
蔡琴View in Albunack蔡琴 - 老歌101
蔡琴View in Albunack蔡琴 - 老歌 (日本三洋B版)101
蔡琴View in Albunack蔡琴 - 老歌 7N Pure Gold AMCD101
蔡琴View in Albunack蔡琴 . 老歌101
蔡琴View in Albunack蔡琴 2007不了情 Live140
蔡琴View in Albunack蔡琴 2007不了情 [Live]140
蔡琴View in Albunack蔡琴 2007不了情經典歌曲演唱會140
蔡琴View in Albunack蔡琴 CD04160
蔡琴View in Albunack蔡琴 《中国新民歌大全》第一专辑150
蔡琴View in Albunack蔡琴 《中国新民歌大全》第三专辑160
蔡琴View in Albunack蔡琴 你的眼神100
蔡琴View in Albunack蔡琴 名曲精选1161
蔡琴View in Albunack蔡琴 怀念名曲160
蔡琴View in Albunack蔡琴 怀念老歌珍藏版 1988喜玛拉雅公司发行 HPD 001151
蔡琴View in Albunack蔡琴 怀旧经典201
蔡琴View in Albunack蔡琴 最琴歌1222
蔡琴View in Albunack蔡琴 經典名曲191
蔡琴View in Albunack蔡琴 經典好歌 原聲帶1162
蔡琴View in Albunack蔡琴 经典老歌 24K金碟151
蔡琴View in Albunack蔡琴 老歌142
蔡琴View in Albunack蔡琴 金聲演奏廳110
蔡琴View in Albunack蔡琴-回顾抒情恋歌 1181
蔡琴View in Albunack蔡琴-天龙版151
蔡琴View in Albunack蔡琴-怀念金曲(2)24K珍藏版162
蔡琴View in Albunack蔡琴-懷念名曲160
蔡琴View in Albunack蔡琴-懷念名曲 [dB]160
蔡琴View in Albunack蔡琴-李建復130
蔡琴View in Albunack蔡琴-此情可待100
蔡琴View in Albunack蔡琴-畅销金曲4161
蔡琴View in Albunack蔡琴-經典名曲(XRCD)201
蔡琴View in Albunack蔡琴-经典名曲1201
蔡琴View in Albunack蔡琴-老歌(日本三洋版)101
蔡琴View in Albunack蔡琴-老歌[Sony 24KGOLD首版]101
蔡琴View in Albunack蔡琴.经典收藏160
蔡琴View in Albunack蔡琴.经典收藏 2160
蔡琴View in Albunack蔡琴.经典收藏.②160
蔡琴View in Albunack蔡琴.老歌101
蔡琴View in Albunack蔡琴2183
蔡琴View in Albunack蔡琴DTS160
蔡琴View in Albunack蔡琴II183
蔡琴View in Albunack蔡琴_懷念金曲精選D1180
蔡琴View in Albunack蔡琴_最美的女人唱出了温柔的滋味100
蔡琴View in Albunack蔡琴_經典老歌151
蔡琴View in Albunack蔡琴· 老歌 [UR-8516]101
蔡琴View in Albunack蔡琴·老歌[Sony 24KGOLD首版]101
蔡琴View in Albunack蔡琴‧老歌 (LPCD)101
蔡琴View in Albunack蔡琴Ⅱ 華納國語超極品音色系列170
蔡琴View in Albunack蔡琴《经典名曲1》XRCD201
蔡琴View in Albunack蔡琴《老歌》(1985-飞碟烫金珍藏版)101
蔡琴View in Albunack蔡琴《老歌》(八五年老版)101
蔡琴View in Albunack蔡琴《谈心》101
蔡琴View in Albunack蔡琴《银色月光下》2004最新民歌专辑133
蔡琴View in Albunack蔡琴『經典老歌【復刻版黑膠 CD】』141
蔡琴View in Albunack蔡琴『老歌【復刻版黑膠 CD】』101
蔡琴View in Albunack蔡琴不了情2007經典歌曲香港演唱會140
蔡琴View in Albunack蔡琴不了情首次個人演唱會 1983 (DSD)130
蔡琴View in Albunack蔡琴名曲精選2160
蔡琴View in Albunack蔡琴怀念经典名曲141
蔡琴View in Albunack蔡琴想聽 (TIS 1:1 直刻16S)150
蔡琴View in Albunack蔡琴懷念名曲(二) [dBP]162
蔡琴View in Albunack蔡琴懷舊心賞集(二)180
蔡琴View in Albunack蔡琴懷舊心賞集2180
蔡琴View in Albunack蔡琴暢銷金曲專輯 Vol. 5 - 再愛我一次161
蔡琴View in Albunack蔡琴暢銷金曲專輯 Vol5 - 再愛我一次141
蔡琴View in Albunack蔡琴暢銷金曲專輯Vol.5161
蔡琴View in Albunack蔡琴海山經典名盤160
蔡琴View in Albunack蔡琴特別珍藏版161
蔡琴View in Albunack蔡琴畅销金曲专辑 Vol. 1161
蔡琴View in Albunack蔡琴畅销金曲专辑 Vol. 5 - 再爱我一次161
蔡琴View in Albunack蔡琴畅销金曲精选150
蔡琴View in Albunack蔡琴的歌160
蔡琴View in Albunack蔡琴精选143
蔡琴View in Albunack蔡琴精選 - 國語金曲2172
蔡琴View in Albunack蔡琴精選 - 國語金曲3181
蔡琴View in Albunack蔡琴精選國語金曲3181
蔡琴View in Albunack蔡琴精選第二輯 情是什麼131
蔡琴View in Albunack蔡琴經典161
蔡琴View in Albunack蔡琴經典 (貳)190
蔡琴View in Albunack蔡琴經典 - 壹193
蔡琴View in Albunack蔡琴經典 I161
蔡琴View in Albunack蔡琴經典-2152
蔡琴View in Albunack蔡琴經典-3152
蔡琴View in Albunack蔡琴經典·壹193
蔡琴View in Albunack蔡琴經典·貳190
蔡琴View in Albunack蔡琴經典名曲 xrcd201
蔡琴View in Albunack蔡琴經典老歌151
蔡琴View in Albunack蔡琴經典老歌 K2 Laser Cutting151
蔡琴View in Albunack蔡琴經典金曲(一)161
蔡琴View in Albunack蔡琴经典162
蔡琴View in Albunack蔡琴经典 1162
蔡琴View in Albunack蔡琴经典收藏三160
蔡琴View in Albunack蔡琴经典精选 1181
蔡琴View in Albunack蔡琴经典金曲(1)161
蔡琴View in Albunack蔡琴老歌183
蔡琴View in Albunack蔡琴老歌 24K索尼压盘日本版[脚踏实地原创]101
蔡琴View in Albunack蔡琴老歌 UPM 24K101
蔡琴View in Albunack蔡琴老歌 [UR-8516]101
蔡琴View in Albunack蔡琴老歌 癡癡的等 (UHQCD)101
蔡琴View in Albunack蔡琴老歌(K2HD+HQCD)101
蔡琴View in Albunack蔡琴老歌(New XRCD)101
蔡琴View in Albunack蔡琴老歌-飞碟版101
蔡琴View in Albunack蔡琴老歌1998162
蔡琴View in Albunack蔡琴老歌XRCD101
蔡琴View in Albunack蔡琴老歌_ HQCD101
蔡琴View in Albunack蔡琴老歌一162
蔡琴View in Albunack蔡琴老歌不了情精选221
蔡琴View in Albunack蔡琴老歌不了情精選221
蔡琴View in Albunack蔡琴老歌二163
蔡琴View in Albunack蔡琴老歌(三洋版)101
蔡琴View in Albunack蔡琴舞台三十年(叁)纪念版153
蔡琴View in Albunack蔡琴舞台三十年3红色蔡琴之金色蔡琴153
蔡琴View in Albunack蔡琴舞台三十年3红色蔡琴之金色蔡琴 Dts153
蔡琴View in Albunack蔡琴舞台三十年4紫色蔡琴之琴动我心152
蔡琴View in Albunack蔡琴舞台三十年4紫色蔡琴之琴动我心 Dts152
蔡琴View in Albunack蔡琴舞台三十年之金色153
蔡琴View in Albunack蔡琴舞台三十年(叁):红色蔡琴之金色蔡琴153
蔡琴View in Albunack蔡琴舞台三十年(肆):紫色蔡琴之琴动我心152
蔡琴View in Albunack蔡琴金聲回憶錄190
蔡琴View in Albunack蔡琴金聲回憶錄101191
蔡琴View in Albunack蔡琴-不了情163
蔡琴View in Albunack蔡琴.懷念名曲160
蔡琴View in Albunack蔡琴.金聲演奏廳110
蔡琴View in Albunack蔡琴:老歌HQ101
蔡琴View in Albunack藍色的夢121
蔡琴View in Albunack被遗忘的时光162
蔡琴View in Albunack被遺忘的時光 (芮河) disc01170
蔡琴View in Albunack被遺忘的時光 (芮河) disc03160
蔡琴View in Albunack談心 飛碟首版91
蔡琴View in Albunack试音-A143
蔡琴View in Albunack试音-B142
蔡琴View in Albunack读你153
蔡琴View in Albunack谈心101
蔡琴View in Albunack谈心[T111]101
蔡琴View in Albunack遇见老歌170
蔡琴View in Albunack醉人心弦161
蔡琴View in Albunack金嗓子·蔡琴 DTS-ES160
蔡琴View in Albunack金声:蔡琴 经典民歌150
蔡琴View in Albunack金声演奏厅(LPCDM2+HQCD)110
蔡琴View in Albunack金曲原音重現 1 (X-Seed 24K GOLD)120
蔡琴View in Albunack金聲回憶錄170
蔡琴View in Albunack金聲演奏廳 (LPCDM2 HQCD)110
蔡琴View in Albunack金聲演奏廳 (SACD)110
蔡琴View in Albunack金聲演奏廳 LPCDM2 HQCD110
蔡琴View in Albunack金聲演奏廳 Lpcdm2+Hqcd100
蔡琴View in Albunack金裝蔡琴懷舊經典201
蔡琴View in Albunack銀色月光下 (香港版)143
蔡琴View in Albunack銀色月光下 星世代首版133
蔡琴View in Albunack鑽石歌后IV101
蔡琴View in Albunack钻石精选《经典收藏1》160
蔡琴View in Albunack钻石精选《经典收藏2》160
蔡琴View in Albunack钻石精选《经典收藏3》160
蔡琴View in Albunack银色月光下130
蔡琴View in Albunack閩南語十年精選 吉馬引進版90
蔡琴View in Albunack陳年往事161
蔡琴View in Albunack陳年往事(I)161
蔡琴View in Albunack陳年往事(II)152
蔡琴View in Albunack集雅社 蔡琴 Classics160
蔡琴View in Albunack青春蔡琴-岁月典藏(5)100
蔡琴View in Albunack飄浪之女100
蔡琴View in Albunack飄浪之女 加長版180
蔡琴View in Albunack飄浪之女 點將首版90
蔡琴View in Albunack香港大會堂演唱會精選120
蔡琴View in Albunack驛動170
蔡琴View in Albunack驿动161
蔡琴View in Albunack魂牵旧梦 经典名曲集212
蔡琴View in Albunack魂萦旧梦123
蔡琴View in Albunack黑胶220
蔡琴View in Albunack龍的傳人 (DTS-CD)120
蔡琴View in Albunack龙的传人120
蔡琴View in Albunack龙的传人·爱琴的往事120
蔡立兒View in AlbunackClose Your Eyes + 精選13首 (金碟) (華納+EMI金唱片復刻王系列)131
蔡立兒View in AlbunackClose Your Eyes+精選13首131
蔡立兒View in AlbunackClose Your Eyes+精選13首 [CD]131
蔡立兒View in AlbunackClose your eyess + 精選十三首131
蔡立兒View in AlbunackI AM HERE100
蔡立兒View in AlbunackI Am Here100
蔡立兒View in AlbunackI Am Here|響100
蔡立兒View in AlbunackOnce Upon A Time…蔡立兒171
蔡立兒View in Albunackclose your eyes + 精選十三首131
蔡立兒View in Albunackclose your eyes+精選13首131
蔡立兒View in Albunack六月的愛人 - 蔡立兒110
蔡立兒View in Albunack蔡立兒 響。I Am Here100
蔡立兒View in Albunack響 - I AM HERE (Cherrie Choi)100
蔡立兒View in Albunack響 I AM HERE (SACD)100
蔡立兒View in Albunack響※ I AM HERE100
蔡立兒View in Albunack響。I Am Here100
蔡立兒View in Albunack響。I Am Here [CD]100
蔡齡齡View in AlbunackThe Simple Life (環球復黑王‧百代篇)101
蔡齡齡View in AlbunackThe Simple Life(EMI 復黑版)101
蔡齡齡View in AlbunackThe Simple Life(環球復黑王)101
蔡齡齡View in Albunack但願100
蔡齡齡View in Albunack但願 (LP)100
蔡齡齡View in Albunack但願(環球復黑王)100
蔡齡齡View in Albunack情迷130
蔡齡齡View in Albunack情迷 (金碟) (華納+EMI金唱片復刻王系列)130
蔡齡齡View in Albunack情迷 [dBS+1]130
蔡齡齡View in Albunack蔡齡齡 (環球復黑王‧百代篇)100
蔡齡齡View in Albunack蔡齡齡_the simple life (Black_2005)101
蔡齡齡View in Albunack迷情80
蔣志光View in AlbunackPassage100
蔣志光View in Albunack傳奇巨聲160
蔣志光View in Albunack創作路 (重新發行)100
蔣志光View in Albunack創作路PASSAGE100
蔣志光View in Albunack相逢 走120
蔣志光View in Albunack相逢.走110
蔣志光View in Albunack相逢 走120
蔣志光View in Albunack相逢.走120
蔣麗萍View in Albunack88 極品音色系列190
蔣麗萍View in Albunack再見Yesterday (環球復黑王)110
蔣麗萍View in Albunack再見Yesterday (環球經典禮讚再生版)110
蔣麗萍View in Albunack午夜過後之舞 (環球復黑王)110
蔣麗萍View in Albunack寶麗金88極品音色系列180
蔣麗萍View in Albunack寶麗金88極品音色系列 - 蔣麗萍190
蔣麗萍View in Albunack情竇初開 (環球復黑王)110
蔣麗萍View in Albunack情竇初開 (環球經典禮讚再生版)110
蔣麗萍View in Albunack感謝袮對我的愛130
蔣麗萍View in Albunack我受造奇妙可畏130
蔣麗萍View in Albunack新曲與精選 (環球復黑王) (2004)120
蔣麗萍View in Albunack環球真經典系列 - 蔣麗萍160
蔣麗萍View in Albunack環球萃取 K2HD 升級精選~蔣麗萍180
蔣麗萍View in Albunack真經典 - 蔣麗萍160
蔣麗萍View in Albunack真經典‧蔣麗萍160
蔣麗萍View in Albunack蔣麗萍 (環球復黑王)110
蔣麗萍View in Albunack蔣麗萍 (環球復黑王) (2008)110
蔣麗萍View in Albunack蔣麗萍 (環球經典禮讚再生版)110
蔣麗萍View in Albunack蔣麗萍新曲與精選120
蔣麗萍View in Albunack蔣麗萍新曲與精選 (環球復黑王)120
蕭亞軒View in Albunackelva2003Up2U台北演唱會101
蕭亞軒View in Albunack蕭亞軒 Elva 2003 Up2u 台北演唱會110
蕭亞軒View in Albunack鉆石糖 Bonus CD70
蕭亞軒View in Albunack鑽石糖 (Bonus CD)81
蕭亞軒View in Albunack鑽石糖 [WOW演唱會混音搶聽版]81
蕭敬騰View in AlbunackA Song For You130
蕭敬騰View in AlbunackJam's Live130
蕭敬騰View in AlbunackMr. Jazz A Song For You130
蕭敬騰View in AlbunackReminisence100
蕭敬騰View in Albunack世界末日 disc01171
蕭敬騰View in Albunack新歌發表會Live CD131
蕭敬騰View in Albunack有一種精神叫蕭敬騰(JAM's Live)130
蕭敬騰View in Albunack欲望反光 (CHIC街拍版)110
蕭敬騰View in Albunack王妃LIVE巡迴@台版100
蕭敬騰View in Albunack王妃台南巡迴音樂會100
蕭敬騰View in Albunack蕭敬騰同名世界巡迴演唱會:香港紅磡站Live120
蕭正楠View in Albunack蕭正楠140
蕭正楠View in Albunack蕭正楠 Edwin120
蕭煌奇View in Albunack上水的花110
蕭煌奇View in Albunack上水的花 台語110
蕭煌奇View in Albunack你是我的眼 蕭煌奇100
蕭煌奇View in Albunack候鳥120
蕭煌奇View in Albunack孤獨的和弦101
蕭煌奇View in Albunack我們的故事130
蕭煌奇View in Albunack我是蕭煌奇120
蕭煌奇View in Albunack真·情·歌1202007
蕭煌奇View in Albunack真情歌120
蕭煌奇View in Albunack神秘世界100
蕭煌奇View in Albunack秘密世界100
蕭賀碩View in Albunack碩一碩的流浪地圖110
蕭閎仁View in Albunack蕭閎仁首張創作專輯90
蕭閎仁View in Albunack首張同名創作專輯1002008
薛之谦View in Albunack几个90
薛之谦View in Albunack同名专辑 (国语专辑 2006年出版 自购碟)100
薛凱琪View in AlbunackFilicious [Live]140
薛凱琪View in AlbunackFilicious [Live] CD01140
薛凱琪View in AlbunackFunnygirl113
薛凱琪View in Albunack薛凱琪 - Tenacious90
薛凱琪View in Albunack薛凱琪薛凱琪 Filicious Fiona in Concert 2012140
薛家燕View in Albunack再?造未?120
薛家燕View in Albunack再創造未來120
薛家燕View in Albunack星光伴我心190
薛家燕View in Albunack開心女人110
薛家燕View in Albunack開心女人薛家燕110
薛岳View in Albunack不要在街上吻我100
薛岳View in Albunack天梯(機場)100
薛岳View in Albunack情不自禁90
薛岳View in Albunack成名經典120
薛岳View in Albunack搖滾舞台110
薛岳View in Albunack薛岳-成名經典120
薛岳View in Albunack青春搖滾120
薛岳View in Albunack青春搖滾·紀念精選120
薛岳View in Albunack青春搖滾紀念精選120
薫と友樹、たまにムック。View in Albunackマル・マル・モリ・モリ!60
薬師るりView in AlbunackColorful life110
薬師るりView in AlbunackI LOVE MY MUSIC180
薬師るりView in AlbunackI Love My Music180
薬師るりView in AlbunackSTEP70