Complete Albums constructed from Acoustid data that do not have a corresponding album in MusicBrainz

Smaller artists with between 2 and 100 releases

Report created based on data in Acoustid as of 24/10/2024

Found 238217 acoustid albums that do not have a corresponding match in MusicBrainz 500 Acoustid Albums per page.

The report is not continually updated so may not reflect the current data within Acoustid databases.

This shows complete albums constructed from the metadata submitted to Acoustid, but only the majority of the Acoustids are not already linked to MusicBrainz recordings. We filter to only show albums that we have all the tracks for and that have real metadata, and only include albums where we can find a case insensitive match between the album artist and a MusicBrainz artist, to simplify things and filter out some nonsense data. Limitations:Acoustid Data is not of high enough quality to properly handle multi releases and some releases may be listed multiple times due to slight differences in metadata. Acoustid only provides basic metadata, at best this is Album Artist, Album, Track No, Track Title, Track Artist, Year of release, Track Duration (taken directly from linked fingerprint(s)). The data is good for identifying albums by smaller artists, and rare bootleg/live albums by well known artists

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Artists on this page

Mika Waltari (2)Mikado Punchers (2)Mikael Engström (3)Mikael Konttinen (2)Mikael Samuelson (1)Mikal kHill (1)Mikaveli (1)Mikaîl Aslan (1)Mike & Charlie (1)Mike Alviano (3)Mike Andersen (1)Mike Auldridge (1)Mike Batt (1)Mike Bauhaus (1)Mike Blakely (1)Mike Bloomfield (1)Mike Brady (1)Mike Candys (1)Mike Casey (2)Mike Clark (2)Mike Cornick (2)Mike Cross (2)Mike Dawes (1)Mike Denver (1)Mike Dillon (3)Mike Doughty (1)Mike Downes (1)Mike Droho & The Compass Rose (1)Mike E. Clark (6)Mike Farris (1)Mike Frost (2)Mike Furber & The Bowery Boys (1)Mike Garson (5)Mike Harding (2)Mike Henderson (1)Mike Heron (1)Mike Janzen Trio (1)Mike Jones (1)Mike Keneally (4)Mike Keneally & Beer For Dolphins (50)Mike Keneally & Beer for Dolphins (1)Mike Keneally Band (2)Mike LeDonne (1)Mike Longo (2)Mike Love (1)Mike Mainieri (1)Mike Marlin (1)Mike Marshall (1)Mike Melillo Trio (1)Mike Metheny (2)Mike Moreno (1)Mike Morris (1)Mike Murley (1)Mike Müllerbauer (4)Mike Nash (1)Mike Nero (5)Mike Nock (1)Mike Orlando (1)Mike Osborne (1)Mike Phillips (1)Mike Platinas (2)Mike Plume Band (1)Mike Rayburn (1)Mike Rep And The Quotas (1)Mike Resnick (3)Mike Rimbaud (1)Mike Rowland (2)Mike Sarne (1)Mike Schank (1)Mike Scott (1)Mike Seeger (1)Mike Sheridan (1)Mike Spirit (1)Mike Stevens (3)Mike Strickland (3)Mike Supancic (1)Mike Watt (1)Mike Westbrook (1)Mike Westcott (1)Mike Wilhelm (2)MikeQ (1)Mikel Herzog (1)Mikel Knight (1)Mikey Dangerous (1)Mikey Dread (1)Mikey Graham (1)Mikey Mason (4)Mikhail Chekalin (1)Miki (2)Miki Ryvola (1)Miki Yui (1)Mikkel Nordsø Band (2)Mikkel Ploug (1)Mikki Bleu (1)Mikko Kuustonen (1)Mikko Perkoila (1)Mikoto (1)Mikołaj Trzaska (3)Mikro (1)Mikrokosmos (1)Mikromusic (5)Milad (1)Miladojka Youneed (1)Milagro Saints (1)Milan (1)Milan Lasica (2)
Import ReleaseAlbum ArtistView in AlbunackAlbumTrack TotalTracks with MB MatchYearTracks
Mika WaltariView in AlbunackSinuhe Egyptiläinen CD0590
Mika WaltariView in AlbunackSinuhe der Ägypter860
Mikado PunchersView in AlbunackHardstyle Sessions 6200
Mikado PunchersView in AlbunackHardstyle Sessions 8190
Mikael EngströmView in AlbunackIda, Paul und Frankensteins Katze90
Mikael EngströmView in AlbunackIda, Paul und die Dödeldetektive110
Mikael EngströmView in AlbunackIda, Paul und die fiesen Riesen aus der Dritten70
Search Mikael KonttinenHurmaavia Aamuja (2016)100
Search Mikael KonttinenOta Kiinnni1302010
Mikael SamuelsonView in AlbunackMikael Samuelson sjunger musikaler1601995
Mikal kHillView in Albunackdust.111
MikaveliView in AlbunackHerran Jengis100
Mikaîl AslanView in AlbunackKilite Kou - The Key Of The Mountains110
Mike & CharlieView in AlbunackJust Funkin 2000120
Mike AlvianoView in AlbunackClear / Circus190
Mike AlvianoView in AlbunackRadiate110
Mike AlvianoView in AlbunackRadiate / Jubilee150
Mike AndersenView in AlbunackMike Andersen - Live Recorded On The "Home Tour" 2015110
Mike AuldridgeView in AlbunackTresures Untold120
Mike BattView in AlbunackMoog At The Movies150
Mike BauhausView in AlbunackIn The Mix Edition (1)112
Mike BlakelyView in AlbunackIn The Dust120
Mike BloomfieldView in AlbunackCount Talent and the Originals101
Search Mike BradyCountry To Country120
Mike CandysView in AlbunackSmile Together Special Mix1312013
Search Mike CaseyThe Pleasures of Hope160
Search Mike CaseyThe Sound of Surprise Live at the Side Door702017
Search Mike ClarkCarnival of Soul100
Search Mike ClarkThe Headhunter - Drum Breaks for DJ's and Producers130
Mike CornickView in AlbunackCharleston For Two150
Mike CornickView in AlbunackTea for Two150
Search Mike CrossBorn In The Country120
Search Mike CrossRock 'n' Rye110
Mike DawesView in AlbunackOcama Collection100
Mike DenverView in AlbunackTradition130
Mike DillonView in AlbunackBand Of Outsiders130
Mike DillonView in AlbunackBand of Outsiders130
Mike DillonView in AlbunackUrn90
Mike DoughtyView in Albunack2017-01-25 - White Oak Music Hall160
Mike DownesView in AlbunackRipple Effect110
Mike Droho & The Compass RoseView in AlbunackAnd The World Makes Sense Again140
Mike E. ClarkView in AlbunackHalloween EP60
Mike E. ClarkView in AlbunackPsychopathic Murder Mix Vol. 1150
Mike E. ClarkView in AlbunackPsychopathic Murder Mix Vol. 21822010
Mike E. ClarkView in AlbunackZombies Rule: Play Loud (EAC FLAC)100
Mike E. ClarkView in AlbunackZombies Rule: Play Loud (EAC WAV)100
Mike E. ClarkView in Albunackpsychopathic murder mix vol. 21822010
Mike FarrisView in AlbunackReason for the Season90
Search Mike FrostComin Straight at Ya120
Search Mike FrostLive80
Mike Furber & The Bowery BoysView in AlbunackDiddy Wah Diddy222
Mike GarsonView in AlbunackConversations with My Family220
Mike GarsonView in AlbunackJazz Hat91
Mike GarsonView in AlbunackThe Oxnard Sessions Vol. 2111
Mike GarsonView in AlbunackThe Oxnard Sessions, Vol. 2111
Mike GarsonView in AlbunackThe Oxnard session vol.2111
Search Mike Harding1989 - Chinese Take-Away Blues80
Search Mike HardingPlutonium Alley111
Search Mike HendersonCountry Music Made Me Do It1001994
Search Mike HeronMike Heron's Reputation110
Mike Janzen TrioView in AlbunackMetronome80
Search Mike JonesBefore the rise. Rap so pure it should be illegal130
Mike KeneallyView in AlbunackNokertalk901999
Mike KeneallyView in AlbunackSluggo! (2013 Remix)182
Mike KeneallyView in AlbunackThe Tar Tapes, Vol. 1170
Mike KeneallyView in AlbunackThe Tar Tapes, Vol. 2170
Mike Keneally & Beer For DolphinsView in Albunack1995-12-08 Bourbon Square, Van Nuys, CA160
Mike Keneally & Beer For DolphinsView in Albunack1996-04-15 Club Metronome, Burlington, VT150
Mike Keneally & Beer For DolphinsView in Albunack1996-04-18 Set 1, The Bottom Line, NY, NY90
Mike Keneally & Beer For DolphinsView in Albunack1996-04-18 Set 2, The Bottom Line, NY, NY130
Mike Keneally & Beer For DolphinsView in Albunack1996-05-24 Bourbon Square, Van Nuys, CA150
Mike Keneally & Beer For DolphinsView in Albunack1996-12-20 Irving Plaza, NY, NY130
Mike Keneally & Beer For DolphinsView in Albunack1997-10-25 The Troubadour, West Hollywood, CA70
Mike Keneally & Beer For DolphinsView in Albunack1998-04-14 The Roxy, Los Angeles, CA140
Mike Keneally & Beer For DolphinsView in Albunack1998-05-17 The Mint, Hollywood, CA80
Mike Keneally & Beer For DolphinsView in Albunack1998-08-01 Sudsy's, Cincinnati, OH140
Mike Keneally & Beer For DolphinsView in Albunack1998-08-04 The Magic Bag, Ferndale, MI100
Mike Keneally & Beer For DolphinsView in Albunack1998-08-08 The Club Tavern, Middleton, WI140
Mike Keneally & Beer For DolphinsView in Albunack1998-08-11 Portsmouth, NH160
Mike Keneally & Beer For DolphinsView in Albunack1998-08-15 Mama Kin, Boston, MA160
Mike Keneally & Beer For DolphinsView in Albunack1998-08-23 Maple Leaf Bar, New Orleans, LA170
Mike Keneally & Beer For DolphinsView in Albunack1998-08-26 SWR Clinic #11, Guitar Center, Dallas, TX90
Mike Keneally & Beer For DolphinsView in Albunack1998-10-16 Martyrs, Chicago, IL140
Mike Keneally & Beer For DolphinsView in Albunack1998-10-23 The Wetlands Preserve, NY, NY120
Mike Keneally & Beer For DolphinsView in Albunack1998-10-25 Upstairs At Nick's, Philadelphia, PA150
Mike Keneally & Beer For DolphinsView in Albunack1999-03-10 The Casbah, San Diego, CA90
Mike Keneally & Beer For DolphinsView in Albunack1999-04-01 The Coach House, Capistrano, CA130
Mike Keneally & Beer For DolphinsView in Albunack1999-04-02 The Key Club, Hollywood, CA120
Mike Keneally & Beer For DolphinsView in Albunack1999-04-03 Borders, Santa Monica, CA90
Mike Keneally & Beer For DolphinsView in Albunack1999-04-03 Sacred Grounds, San Pedro, CA170
Mike Keneally & Beer For DolphinsView in Albunack1999-05-12 The Baked Potato, Hollywood, CA110
Mike Keneally & Beer For DolphinsView in Albunack1999-06-16 The Baked Potato, Hollywood, CA120
Mike Keneally & Beer For DolphinsView in Albunack1999-06-23 The Baked Potato, Hollywood, CA130
Mike Keneally & Beer For DolphinsView in Albunack1999-07-07 The Baked Potato, Hollywood, CA150
Mike Keneally & Beer For DolphinsView in Albunack1999-08-18 The Baked Potato, Hollywood, CA130
Mike Keneally & Beer For DolphinsView in Albunack1999-08-28 Nonkertompf Release Party, Lou's Records, Encinitas, CA120
Mike Keneally & Beer For DolphinsView in Albunack1999-09-08 The Baked Potato, Hollywood, CA110
Mike Keneally & Beer For DolphinsView in Albunack1999-10-09 Campland Park, San Diego, CA130
Mike Keneally & Beer For DolphinsView in Albunack2000-02-21 The Lounge Radio Interview, San Diego, CA210
Mike Keneally & Beer For DolphinsView in Albunack2000-08-05 Nonkerstock, San Diego, CA150
Mike Keneally & Beer For DolphinsView in Albunack2000-09-30 Dancing Release Party, The Baked Potato, Hollywood, CA100
Mike Keneally & Beer For DolphinsView in Albunack2000-12-30 The Baked Potato, Hollywood, CA140
Mike Keneally & Beer For DolphinsView in Albunack2001-03-10 Sky Church Experience Music Project, Seattle, WA130
Mike Keneally & Beer For DolphinsView in Albunack2001-03-16 SxSW, Austin, TX70
Mike Keneally & Beer For DolphinsView in Albunack2001-05-15 The Barrelhouse, Cincinnati, OH150
Mike Keneally & Beer For DolphinsView in Albunack2001-05-17 Martyr's, Chicago, IL130
Mike Keneally & Beer For DolphinsView in Albunack2001-05-18 Lynagh's, Lexington, KY80
Mike Keneally & Beer For DolphinsView in Albunack2001-05-24 The Khyber, Philadelphia, PA90
Mike Keneally & Beer For DolphinsView in Albunack2001-10-19 Nonkertompf Live, Groningen, The Netherlands170
Mike Keneally & Beer For DolphinsView in Albunack2001-10-19 The Oosterpoort, Groningen, The Netherlands100
Mike Keneally & Beer For DolphinsView in Albunack2001-11-09 Martyrs', Chicago, IL180
Mike Keneally & Beer For DolphinsView in Albunack2001-11-10 Lynagh's, Lexington, KY180
Mike Keneally & Beer For DolphinsView in Albunack2001-11-11 The Empty Glass, Charleston, WV120
Mike Keneally & Beer For DolphinsView in Albunack2001-11-13 North Star Bar, Philadelphia, PA120
Mike Keneally & Beer For DolphinsView in Albunack2006-09-27 Motor City Guitar, Waterford, MI70
Mike Keneally & Beer For DolphinsView in AlbunackSluggo! (Remix)182
Mike Keneally & Beer for DolphinsView in AlbunackSluggo (2013 Mix)1621997
Mike Keneally BandView in Albunack2002-02-16 14 Below, Santa Monica, CA100
Mike Keneally BandView in AlbunackDOG DVD - Live In The Living Room602004
Mike LeDonneView in AlbunackThat Feelin'90
Mike LongoView in AlbunackOnly Time Will Tell130
Mike LongoView in AlbunackStep on It1102014
Search Mike LoveGypsy Man100
Mike MainieriView in AlbunackLive at Seventh Avenue South70
Mike MarlinView in AlbunackGrand Reveal110
Search Mike MarshallMike Marshall & The Turtle Island Quartet110
Mike Melillo TrioView in Albunackbopcentric130
Mike MethenyView in AlbunackDay In-Night Out80
Mike MethenyView in AlbunackFrom Then 'til Now80
Search Mike MorenoAnother Way90
Search Mike MorrisWhat Have I Done120
Mike MurleyView in AlbunackThe Melody Lingers On120
Mike MüllerbauerView in Albunack... best of Müllerpower182
Mike MüllerbauerView in AlbunackDer Knaller130
Mike MüllerbauerView in AlbunackMiteinander packen wir's!150
Mike MüllerbauerView in AlbunackSchwappdidu Peperoni110
Mike NashView in AlbunackMike Nash - Hard Stuff Radi70
Mike NeroView in AlbunackKeep The Fire Burning822010
Mike NeroView in AlbunackMusic Reload WEB912010
Mike NeroView in AlbunackSmiling Faces 2011-WEB602011
Mike NeroView in AlbunackSpring612007
Mike NeroView in AlbunackX-Files732009
Mike NockView in AlbunackBeautiful Friendship100
Mike OrlandoView in AlbunackSonic Stomp Ⅱ140
Search Mike OsborneAll Night Long - The Willisau Concert70
Search Mike PhillipsMP31102010
Mike PlatinasView in AlbunackCaribe Mix 98-Session Non-Stop290
Mike PlatinasView in AlbunackDisco Alegria 2001 - Alegria Non Stop290
Mike Plume BandView in AlbunackMPB830NFLD130
Mike RayburnView in AlbunackAt Carnegie Hall (Live)240
Mike Rep And The QuotasView in AlbunackBlack Hole Rock100
Mike ResnickView in AlbunackJohn Justin Mallory Mysteries - book 017102008
Mike ResnickView in AlbunackJohn Justin Mallory Mysteries - book 0313002009
Mike ResnickView in AlbunackKirinyaga ( short stories )570
Mike RimbaudView in AlbunackMutiny in the Subway120
Search Mike RowlandLady of the lake123
Search Mike RowlandMystic Angel113
Mike SarneView in AlbunackCome Outside with Mike Sarne2721962
Search Mike SchankDreams I Know: Yesternight110
Search Mike ScottFoggy Mountain Breakdown140
Mike SeegerView in AlbunackMike Seeger (Vanguard)150
Search Mike SheridanBirmingham Beat1431984
Mike SpiritView in AlbunackSubliminal Russian Session120
Search Mike StevensBlowin Up A Storm140
Search Mike StevensBluegrass Harmonica270
Search Mike StevensHarmonica120
Mike StricklandView in AlbunackFloating70
Mike StricklandView in AlbunackThe Mike Strickland Collection120
Mike StricklandView in AlbunackTraveling On100
Mike SupancicView in AlbunackIm Jenseits ist die Hölle los300
Search Mike WattRing Spiel Tour '95 Live160
Search Mike WestbrookMUSICA JAZZ 2008-07_Fields And Forms133
Mike WestcottView in AlbunackJustice Road1102012
Search Mike WilhelmKZSU-FM Stanford University CA 18-5-1982170
Search Mike WilhelmMike Wilhelm220
MikeQView in AlbunackLet It All Out EP712011
Mikel HerzogView in AlbunackLa Magia Del Amor100
Mikel KnightView in AlbunackMr Howdy Dewdat150
Mikey DangerousView in AlbunackThe Sneak Preview602000
Mikey DreadView in AlbunackAfrican Anthem Revisited120
Mikey GrahamView in AlbunackMeet Me Halfway (099923354024)131
Mikey MasonView in AlbunackConCarolinas 2015 Friday140
Mikey MasonView in AlbunackConCarolinas 2015 Saturday100
Mikey MasonView in AlbunackConCarolinas 2016 Friday180
Mikey MasonView in AlbunackConCarolinas 2016 Saturday120
Mikhail ChekalinView in AlbunackNight Pulsation1101993
Search MikiCraziest Hits240
Search MikiLabirintul Inimii100
Miki RyvolaView in AlbunackTunel jménem čas70
Miki YuiView in Albunackoscilla110
Mikkel Nordsø BandView in AlbunackDiving in Space for 3 Decades90
Mikkel Nordsø BandView in AlbunackFifth Dimension90
Mikkel PlougView in AlbunackMikkel Ploug Group902007
Mikki BleuView in AlbunackThe Love Dictionary70
Mikko KuustonenView in AlbunackAgricolankatu 11 (2017)110
Mikko PerkoilaView in AlbunackHiMputTi! Lastenlauluja vuosilta 1982-1991270
Search MikotoTransistions60
Mikołaj TrzaskaView in AlbunackTrzaska gra Różę70
Mikołaj TrzaskaView in AlbunackWołyń100
Mikołaj TrzaskaView in AlbunackWołyń - muzyka z filmu100
Search MikroNew1402014
Search MikrokosmosREQUIEM240
MikromusicView in AlbunackAkustycznie W Capitolu150
MikromusicView in AlbunackMikromusic w Capitoli150
MikromusicView in AlbunackMikromusic w eterze...110
MikromusicView in AlbunackW Eterze110
MikromusicView in AlbunackW eterze...110
Search MiladMilad Coletânea 2220
Miladojka YouneedView in AlbunackMiladojka Live1301995
Milagro SaintsView in AlbunackWarm Soul Sunshine120
Search MilanGlassy Eyes - EP60
Milan LasicaView in AlbunackListy Emilovi I.150