Complete Albums constructed from Acoustid data that do not have a corresponding album in MusicBrainz

Smaller artists with between 2 and 100 releases

Report created based on data in Acoustid as of 28/01/2025

Found 237795 acoustid albums that do not have a corresponding match in MusicBrainz 500 Acoustid Albums per page.

The report is not continually updated so may not reflect the current data within Acoustid databases.

This shows complete albums constructed from the metadata submitted to Acoustid, but only the majority of the Acoustids are not already linked to MusicBrainz recordings. We filter to only show albums that we have all the tracks for and that have real metadata, and only include albums where we can find a case insensitive match between the album artist and a MusicBrainz artist, to simplify things and filter out some nonsense data. Limitations:Acoustid Data is not of high enough quality to properly handle multi releases and some releases may be listed multiple times due to slight differences in metadata. Acoustid only provides basic metadata, at best this is Album Artist, Album, Track No, Track Title, Track Artist, Year of release, Track Duration (taken directly from linked fingerprint(s)). The data is good for identifying albums by smaller artists, and rare bootleg/live albums by well known artists

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Artists on this page

STURQEN (1)STUTS (1)STYGGELSE (1)STYLE (1)STYLE.S (1)STeaDY (1)SUB (2)SUBWAY (1)SUBWAY SURFERS (1)SUCCESS (10)SUCCUBUS (1)SUCHT (1)SUD (1)SUDDEN DEATH (1)SUE RANEY (1)SUEMITSU & THE SUEMITH (2)SUGAR (2)SUGAR BABE (2)SUGAR ME (1)SUGAR MMFK (1)SUGIURUMN (4)SUGIZO (6)SUHRIM (1)SUI GENERIS (1)SUICIDAL PSYCHOSIS (1)SUICIDE NOTE (1)SUIKEN (1)SUKISHA (2)SULTANS OF STRING (1)SUM (1)SUMMER (1)SUN AIRWAY (1)SUN GOD (1)SUNDAYMAN (1)SUNLIGHT SERVICE GROUP (1)SUNNY DAY SERVICE (1)SUNNYLAND SLIM (3)SUNRISE (2)SUNSET (1)SUNSPOT JONZ (1)SUNSTROKE (1)SUP (2)SUPER BEAVER (2)SUPER BELL’’Z (2)SUPER BUTTER DOG (2)SUPER JUNIOR-D&E (3)SUPER STUPID (3)SUPERCAR (3)SUPERIOR (1)SUPERLITIO (1)SUPERMAX (2)SUPERNOVA (1)SUPER★DRAGON (4)SUPPER MOMENT (1)SUPPURATION (1)SURFACE (2)SURFIN' LUNGS (1)SURVEILLANCE (1)SURVIVAL (1)SURYA (1)SUSTAINER (1)SUTTER KAIN (1)SUZANNE (2)SUZIE & THE SENIORS (1)SVABA ORTAK (1)SVARGA (1)SVEN LAUX (3)SVINTASK (1)SVO (1)SWAMP (1)SWAMP DOGG (1)SWAN DIVE (1)SWANKY DANK (3)SWAY (2)SWEET MICKY (1)SWEETY (1)SWF3 (6)SWIFT GUAD (1)SWIMM (1)SWINGING POPSICLE (1)SWISH (1)SWOOP (1)SWORD OF JUSTICE (2)SWORDS (1)SWR BIG BAND (1)SWR Big Band (19)SWR Rundfunkorchester Kaiserslautern (2)SWR Vokalensemble Stuttgart (8)SYCO (1)SYLVAIN RIFFLET (1)SYLVIA (1)SYLVIE JOLY (1)SYNAPSE (1)SYNC.ART’S (2)SYNDROM (1)SYNERGY (1)SYNERGY MUSIC NETWORK (2)SYNESTHESIA (1)SYNKOPY 61 (1)SYNTAX ERROR (1)SYNTHESIS (2)SYPHILIC (1)SYREREGN (1)SYRUS (1)SYUN (1)SZ (2)SZA (1)SZARE (1)Sa Chen (3)Sa-Roc (2)SaBBo (1)SaFE (1)SaToA (2)Saadet Türköz (1)Saafi Brothers (1)Saba (1)Saba Anglana (1)Sabah (1)Sabahat Akkiraz (2)Sabaoth (1)Sabar Koti (1)Sabazz (1)Sabbrabells (2)Saber (1)Saber Tiger (15)Sabertooth (1)Sabicas (7)Sabin Pautza (2)Sabina (1)Sabina Hank (5)Sabina Schneebeli (1)Sabina Yasmin (1)Sabine Bohlmann (4)Sabine Devieilhe (1)Sabine Hirler (2)Sabine Ludwig (13)Sabine Meyer (14)Sabine Postel (4)Sabine Seyffert (8)Sabine Städing (21)Sabine Zett (6)Sabite Tur Gülerman (1)Sabor De Gràcia (2)Sabor Y Control (1)Sabor de Gràcia (1)Sabot (1)Sabotage (1)Sabotage Qu'Est-Ce Que C'Est? (1)Saboten (3)Saboter (2)Sabri Fejzullahu (1)Sabrina (4)Sabrina Chap (1)Sabrina Johnston (1)Sabrina Malheiros (1)Sabrina Setlur (5)Sabrina Starke (1)Sabu (4)Sabú (4)Sacco & Mancetti (5)Sach (1)Sacha (2)Sacha Distel (9)Sachal Vasandani (1)Sachiko (1)Sachin Gupta (1)Sackville (1)Sacrament (1)Sacramentskoor Breda (1)Sacred Blade (1)Sacred Earth (7)Sacred Heart (2)Sacred Hoop (1)Sacred Oath (1)Sacred Rite (1)Sacred Sin (1)Sacred Spirit (2)Sacred Steel (1)Sacred Warrior (1)Sacrety (2)Sacri Cuori (1)Sacri Monti (1)Sacrificed Alliance (1)Sacrificia Mortuorum (1)Sacrificium (1)Sacrilege (1)Sacrilegium (4)Sacriversum (1)Sad Robot (1)SadMe (2)Sadahzinia (4)Sadar Bahar (6)Sadat X (1)Sadek (1)Sadesper Record (2)Sadhaka (1)Sadhana Sargam (1)Sadhu (1)Sadie (3)Sadik Hakim (1)Sadism (2)Sadistic Intent (1)SadoSato (1)Sadri Alışık (2)Sads (2)Sadus (1)Sady K (2)Sadık Gürbüz (1)Saeed Mohammadi (2)Sael (2)Saelynh (3)Saez (1)Safam (1)Safari Hamburguers (1)Safe as Houses (1)Safer Six (2)Safet Isović (1)Saffire (2)Saffron (1)Safi Connection (2)Safia Nolin (3)Safire (1)Safiye Ayla (4)Safri (1)Safri Boys (2)Safri Duo (5)Safri duo (1)Saft (3)Saga PLanets (1)Saga de Ragnar Lodbrock (1)Sagarika (2)Sagat (1)Sage (5)Sagen (1)Sagittarius (2)
Import ReleaseAlbum ArtistView in AlbunackAlbumTrack TotalTracks with MB MatchYearTracks
STURQENView in AlbunackCura1102016
STUTSView in Albunack不明なタイトル150
STYGGELSEView in AlbunackHeiry Today - God tomorrow902010
Search STYLEAndere Zeiten110
STYLE.SView in Albunack聴音痛覚90
Search STeaDYThe Steadys90
Search SUBNo Desaparecer80
Search SUBdown below60
Search SUBWAYLight Of The Night100
SUBWAY SURFERSView in AlbunackSurfphonic141
Search SUCCESSSuccess!1002009
Search SUCCESSいつかのひかり61
Search SUCCESSアオイシロ181
Search SUCCESSアオイシロ Original Soundtrack181
Search SUCCESSアオイシロ ドラマCD『青城奇譚(せいじょうきたん)』120
Search SUCCESSアカイイト ドラマCD『京洛降魔』130
Search SUCCESSビストロ・きゅーぴっと わくわく音楽祭250
Search SUCCESS此花4 ~闇を祓う祈り~ サウンドコレクション170
Search SUCCUBUSCONCERTO. オリジナルサウンドCD130
Search SUCHTSeenot1702015
Search SUDEverything's Distorted190
Search SUDDEN DEATHUnpure Burial100
SUE RANEYView in AlbunackLate in Life1302015
SUEMITSU & THE SUEMITHView in AlbunackBagatelle150
SUEMITSU & THE SUEMITHView in Albunack色彩協奏曲 Colors Of Concerto140
Search SUGARゴールデン☆ベスト Sugar181
SUGAR BABEView in AlbunackSONGS ['86MIX]110
SUGAR BABEView in AlbunackSONGS [86MIX] (32DH501)110
SUGAR MEView in AlbunackAround The Corner80
SUGAR MMFKView in AlbunackVon illegal zu digital802016
SUGIURUMNView in AlbunackDo You Remember That Night?90
SUGIURUMNView in AlbunackLife Ground Music90
SUGIZOView in AlbunackONENESS M [UICX-4123]103
SUGIZOView in AlbunackTREE OF LIFE101
SUGIZOView in AlbunackTRUTH? Piano Solo Instruments130
SUGIZOView in Albunack眠狂四郎無頼控 Original SoundTrack140
SUHRIMView in AlbunackOld Scars Fresh Wounds130
Search SUI GENERISYou Got Me602014
SUICIDAL PSYCHOSISView in AlbunackParanoid Dementia, A Tale of Confusion, Schizophrenia and Suicide (2014)702014
SUICIDE NOTEView in AlbunackDrawing the Line1002016
SUKISHAView in AlbunackSegment of Cakes70
SULTANS OF STRINGView in AlbunackSymphony1002013
Search SUMIt's Still The Cross120
Search SUMMERSpiegelneuronen4402016
SUN AIRWAYView in AlbunackLandscapes1302014
Search SUN GODRedemPart ion802014
SUNDAYMANView in AlbunackRetronome CD902012
SUNNY DAY SERVICEView in AlbunackBEST 1995-2000150
SUNNYLAND SLIMView in AlbunackLive in Europe1601991
SUNNYLAND SLIMView in AlbunackShe Got That Jive1111977
SUNNYLAND SLIMView in AlbunackThe Sonet Bues Story1011974
Search SUNRISEOut of Reality1002013
Search SUNRISEサンライズ ロボットアニメ大鑑202
Search SUNSETBelieve1502015
SUNSPOT JONZView in AlbunackLegend12902015
SUPView in AlbunackTransfer80
SUPView in Albunackmecca60
SUPER BEAVERView in Albunack「真ん中のこと」Release Tour 2017 ~ラクダの、中心~ ツアーファイナル at ZeppTokyo170
SUPER BEAVERView in Albunack�^�񒆂̂���60
SUPER BELL’’ZView in AlbunackMOTER MAN Vol.260
SUPER BELL’’ZView in AlbunackMOTOR MAN Electro Mix!!!200
SUPER BUTTER DOGView in AlbunackHello! Feed Back101
SUPER BUTTER DOGView in AlbunackHello!Feed☆Back101
SUPER JUNIOR-D&EView in Albunack'Bout You (D&E Ver.)80
SUPER JUNIOR-D&EView in AlbunackBout You80
SUPER JUNIOR-D&EView in AlbunackDanger: The 3rd Mini Album71
SUPER STUPIDView in AlbunackDon't Forget Our Youth60
Search SUPERCARRE:SUPERCAR 1 (Demo Tracks)400
Search SUPERCARRE:SUPERCAR 1 -redesigned by nakamura koji-01150
Search SUPERCARRE:SUPERCAR 1 -redesigned by nakamura koji-02400
SUPERLITIOView in AlbunackNocturna (Premium)1102014
Search SUPERMAXRockets1001979
Search SUPERMAXSupermax & Zemlyane902009
SUPER★DRAGONView in Albunack1st Impact160
SUPER★DRAGONView in Albunack2nd Emotion150
SUPER★DRAGONView in Albunack2nd Emotion [Bonus Disc]70
SUPER★DRAGONView in Albunack3rd Identity100
SUPPER MOMENTView in Albunackdal segno100
Search SUPPURATIONA river of corpses120
Search SURFACEON.110
Search SURFACESURFACE 20th Anniversary Live “Re:Attraction”140
Search SURVEILLANCE2014 OCEANIA REMIXED (Limited Edition № 050 I 500) (2308 I Razgrom Music RAZ 011)140
Search SURVIVALRock & Roll Sacrifice1402014
Search SURYACanción de Cuna Para Un Cadáver902015
SUSTAINERView in AlbunackSustainer602016
SUTTER KAINView in AlbunackThe Making of Sutter Kain1002013
Search SUZANNEFriends with you1602015
Search SUZANNEWalk a Little Closer1502015
SUZIE & THE SENIORSView in AlbunackBack To The Sixties170
SVABA ORTAKView in AlbunackEnter Tha Dragon EP902016
SVARGAView in AlbunackTam Gde Dremlyat Lesa100
SVEN LAUXView in AlbunackAbstract Holidays Expressions602016
SVEN LAUXView in AlbunackSlow Motion Days602016
SVEN LAUXView in AlbunackSven Laux602015
SVOView in AlbunackЧерная Быль80
Search SWAMPUnderground Manifesto902014
SWAMP DOGGView in AlbunackBest of Swamp Dogg's Soul & Blues Collection1032015
SWAN DIVEView in AlbunackSoundtrack to Me and you1002014
SWANKY DANKView in AlbunackLife is Full of Choices -Greatest Songs-180
SWANKY DANKView in AlbunackThe Love Was Gone...60
Search SWAYチャイム100
SWEET MICKYView in AlbunackIl Etait Une Fois Dans L'Ouest...70
Search SWEETY花言巧语101
SWF3View in AlbunackDie Landaerztin - Dr. Marianne 0/13170
SWF3View in AlbunackFeinkost Zipp: Der Höllentrip geht weiter (SWF3 RadioComix)370
SWF3View in AlbunackFörgies intime Geheimnisse210
SWF3View in AlbunackRadio Comics - Der Amtliche Gäg Sämpler Vol. 1330
SWF3View in AlbunackSWF 3 Radio Comix Vol.2390
SWF3View in AlbunackWerner Chibulsky - Getz is Schicht220
SWIFT GUADView in AlbunackVice et Vertu 21702015
SWIMMView in AlbunackFeel EP (Special Edition)1212014
SWINGING POPSICLEView in Albunack楽園主義 swinging of eden[TOKYO STYLE]90
Search SWISHRiding Around The Park110
SWORD OF JUSTICEView in AlbunackLake Of Tears90
SWORD OF JUSTICEView in AlbunackToshinori Hiramatsu & Ferrows SWORD OF JUSTICE110
Search SWORDSBreathe1402009
SWR BIG BANDView in AlbunackLive at Elbphilharmonie Hamburg Ver E12S1Esccm150
SWR Big BandView in AlbunackA Cool Breeze140
SWR Big BandView in AlbunackBald gras ich am Neckar120
SWR Big BandView in AlbunackBest Of Big Band171
SWR Big BandView in AlbunackCool Breeze140
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SWR Big BandView in AlbunackDie Besten aus Südwessten100
SWR Big BandView in AlbunackGlenn Miller - Die größten Erfolge160
SWR Big BandView in AlbunackKings of Swing Op.2150
SWR Big BandView in AlbunackLive at Elbphilharmonie Hamburg150
SWR Big BandView in AlbunackSWR - Big Suol110
SWR Big BandView in AlbunackSWR Big Band, Best Of Big Band - DDD 2000171
SWR Big BandView in AlbunackSWR Big Band, Swing Swing Swing - DDD 2002222
SWR Big BandView in AlbunackSo Very Rob110
SWR Big BandView in AlbunackSwing Legenden160
SWR Big BandView in AlbunackSwing Legenden 2160
SWR Big BandView in AlbunackSwing Swing Swing222
SWR Big BandView in AlbunackSwingin' Pearls170
SWR Big BandView in AlbunackThe Songs Of George Gershwin150
SWR Big BandView in AlbunackThe World's Biggest Big Band110
SWR Rundfunkorchester KaiserslauternView in AlbunackPinocchio230
SWR Rundfunkorchester KaiserslauternView in AlbunackRobert Stolz Operetten200
SWR Vokalensemble StuttgartView in AlbunackDrei Motetten op.110100
SWR Vokalensemble StuttgartView in AlbunackMendelssohn, A - Motetten zur Weihnacht | Deutsche Messe Op. 89210
SWR Vokalensemble StuttgartView in AlbunackSTRAUSS, NONO, WAGNER130
SWR Vokalensemble StuttgartView in AlbunackStrauss, Nono, Wagner130
SWR Vokalensemble StuttgartView in AlbunackStreifzug - Studioproduktionen 2003-200570
SWR Vokalensemble StuttgartView in AlbunackStreifzug Studioproduktionen 2003-200570
SWR Vokalensemble StuttgartView in AlbunackWER 7332 2 Martin Smolka70
SWR Vokalensemble StuttgartView in Albunackfaszination_musik200
SYLVAIN RIFFLETView in AlbunackPerpetual Motion (A Celebration of Moondog)1422014
Search SYLVIAThe Best of Sylvia2012015
Search SYNAPSEemergence XX160
SYNC.ART’SView in Albunack0と1の円環論理70
Search SYNDROMRed Skin Melts902015
SYNKOPY 61View in AlbunackValka je vul vol. 2190
Search SYNTAX ERRORIndigo Isle1202015
SYPHILICView in AlbunackToylets 'r' us1002014
SYREREGNView in AlbunackSkabt Værk Består602014
Search SYRUSTales of war - Special edition100
SYUNView in Albunack果てしなく青い、この空の下で・・・。第一巻60
Search SZHome Recordings80
Search SZLive Recordings90
SZAView in AlbunackComethru832018
SZAREView in AlbunackCarved in Those Dancing Gravestones1302014
Sa ChenView in Albunack14th International F.Chopin Piano Competition140
Sa ChenView in AlbunackMemories Lost [SACDHB][13 15](BIS1974)120
Sa ChenView in AlbunackRachmaninow - 6 Etudes Tableaux. Mussorgsky - Pictures at an Exhibition230
Sa-RocView in AlbunackGoddess140
Sa-RocView in AlbunackNebuchadnezza200
SaBBoView in AlbunackCome To Me (Remixes)602012
Search SaFEDead Duck (Deluxe)1902015
SaToAView in AlbunackSaToA60
SaToAView in AlbunackThree Shot70
Saadet TürközView in AlbunackUrumchi140
Saafi BrothersView in AlbunackThe Quality Of Beeing One90
Search SabaElbo Club110
Saba AnglanaView in AlbunackYe katama hod90
Search SabahThe Wonderful World of Sabah80
Sabahat AkkirazView in AlbunackKonserler - Theatre de la Ville - Paris 2000 - Londra Caz Festivali 1999140
Sabahat AkkirazView in AlbunackTurap120
Search SabaothUnholy Divinity100
Sabar KotiView in AlbunackLehanga80
SabazzView in AlbunackThe Intolerable Absence of Evil CD90
SabbrabellsView in AlbunackSabrabells100
SabbrabellsView in Albunacklive bootleg150
Search SaberMotions 'N' Time110
Saber TigerView in Albunack1994-08 Agitation [FFCD-1603]100
Saber TigerView in Albunack2011-08 Decisive [YZSS-30001]122
Saber TigerView in AlbunackBrain Drain []2003 Remaster]120
Saber TigerView in AlbunackDevastation Trail: The Companion Disc60
Saber TigerView in AlbunackHalos And Grare [Bonus CD-Minus One]70
Saber TigerView in AlbunackHalos And Grare [Highlight Edition]111
Saber TigerView in AlbunackIndignation (Jap. Ed.)110
Saber TigerView in AlbunackObscure Diversity [Bonus CD-Minus One]70
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Saber TigerView in AlbunackParagraph [2003 Remaster]170
Saber TigerView in AlbunackSaber Tiger (Jap. Ed.)130
Saber TigerView in AlbunackSin Eater -Minus One70
Saber TigerView in AlbunackThe Worst Enemy -Minus One-70
Saber TigerView in Albunack[2001] Saber Tiger130
Search SabertoothDr. Midnight live at the green mill70
SabicasView in AlbunackAdiós a la guitarra101
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SabicasView in AlbunackLa Guitarra Flamenca210
SabicasView in AlbunackMilonga Flamenca153
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SabicasView in AlbunackSabicas: Flamencan Guitar Solos212
Sabin PautzaView in AlbunackAll seasons music flavours180
Sabin PautzaView in AlbunackThe best of210
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Sabina HankView in AlbunackFocus On Infinity130
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Sabina HankView in AlbunackUncovered Soul90
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Sabina YasminView in AlbunackShob Kota Janala Khule Daona (Patriotic Songs)100
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Sabine HirlerView in AlbunackMi-ma-muh210
Sabine HirlerView in AlbunackSabine Hirler - Blätter tanzen - Sterne funkeln351
Sabine LudwigView in AlbunackDas verflixte Alfa-Bett90
Sabine LudwigView in AlbunackDer 7. Sonntag Im August60
Sabine LudwigView in AlbunackDie Schrecklichsten Mütter der Welt80
Sabine LudwigView in AlbunackDie schrecklichsten Mütter der Welt60
Sabine LudwigView in AlbunackDie schrecklichsten Mütter der Welt -180
Sabine LudwigView in AlbunackFrech wie Frieda Frosch70
Sabine LudwigView in AlbunackHilfe, ich hab meine Lehrerin geschrumpf100
Sabine LudwigView in AlbunackKlassenreise mit Miss Braitwhistle90
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Sabine LudwigView in AlbunackMiss Braitwhistle kommt in Fahrt100
Sabine LudwigView in AlbunackMiss Braitwhistle kommt in Fhart100
Sabine LudwigView in AlbunackWie lange noch?80
Sabine MeyerView in Albunack03 - Stamitz: Klarinettenkonzerte120
Sabine MeyerView in AlbunackCarl Stamitz: Clarinet Concertos, Vol. II120
Sabine MeyerView in AlbunackFantasia (0532)150
Sabine MeyerView in AlbunackGran Partita for Wind Instruments131
Sabine MeyerView in AlbunackKlarinette130
Sabine MeyerView in AlbunackKlarinettenkonzerte60
Sabine MeyerView in AlbunackMax Reger80
Sabine MeyerView in AlbunackMozart Kammermusik mit Klarinette113
Sabine MeyerView in AlbunackSabine Meyer (Klarinette) - A Night at the Opera - Welser-Möst201
Sabine MeyerView in AlbunackSchumann, Bruch210
Sabine MeyerView in AlbunackSerenade K 361 Gran Partita - W. A. Mozart131
Sabine MeyerView in AlbunackStamitz: Klarinettenkonzerte120
Sabine MeyerView in AlbunackWerke für Klarinette und Klavier183
Sabine MeyerView in AlbunackWorks for Clarinet and Piano140
Sabine PostelView in Albunack02 Das steinerne Herz170
Sabine PostelView in AlbunackInspector Lynley - 16 - Wer dem Tode geweiht802010
Sabine PostelView in AlbunackKurzer Prozeß702006
Sabine PostelView in AlbunackTatort - Abschaum90
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