The report is not continually updated so may not reflect the current data within Acoustid databases.
This shows complete albums constructed from the metadata submitted to Acoustid, but only the majority of the Acoustids are not already linked to MusicBrainz recordings. We filter to only show albums that we have all the tracks for and that have real metadata, and only include albums where we can find a case insensitive match between the album artist and a MusicBrainz artist, to simplify things and filter out some nonsense data. Limitations:Acoustid Data is not of high enough quality to properly handle multi releases and some releases may be listed multiple times due to slight differences in metadata. Acoustid only provides basic metadata, at best this is Album Artist, Album, Track No, Track Title, Track Artist, Year of release, Track Duration (taken directly from linked fingerprint(s)). The data is good for identifying albums by smaller artists, and rare bootleg/live albums by well known artists
Patricia Cornwell View in Albunack Scarpetta 1 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patricia Cornwell Scarpetta 06:34 2 Patricia Cornwell Scarpetta 03:50 3 Patricia Cornwell Scarpetta 05:40 4 Patricia Cornwell Scarpetta 14:49 5 Patricia Cornwell Scarpetta 13:44 6 Patricia Cornwell Scarpetta 09:08 7 Patricia Cornwell Scarpetta 08:03 8 Patricia Cornwell Scarpetta 06:53 9 Patricia Cornwell Scarpetta 09:48 10 Patricia Cornwell Scarpetta 05:15
Patricia Cornwell View in Albunack Scarpetta 3 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patricia Cornwell 23 Scarpetta 12:48 2 Patricia Cornwell 24 Scarpetta 09:00 3 Patricia Cornwell 25 Scarpetta 07:57 4 Patricia Cornwell 26 Scarpetta 09:02 5 Patricia Cornwell 27 Scarpetta 01:59 6 Patricia Cornwell 28 Scarpetta 03:43 7 Patricia Cornwell 29 Scarpetta 07:18 8 Patricia Cornwell 30 Scarpetta 04:34 9 Patricia Cornwell 31 Scarpetta 02:50 10 Patricia Cornwell 32 Scarpetta 03:45 11 Patricia Cornwell 33 Scarpetta 04:18 12 Patricia Cornwell 34 Scarpetta 09:34
Patricia Cornwell View in Albunack Scarpetta 4 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patricia Cornwell 35 06:11 2 Patricia Cornwell 36 08:20 3 Patricia Cornwell 37 04:08 4 Patricia Cornwell 38 06:29 5 Patricia Cornwell 39 08:48 6 Patricia Cornwell 40 07:56 7 Patricia Cornwell 41 08:31 8 Patricia Cornwell 42 03:48 9 Patricia Cornwell 43 06:58 10 Patricia Cornwell 44 10:03
Patricia Cornwell View in Albunack Scarpetta 5 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patricia Cornwell 45 Scarpetta 07:07 2 Patricia Cornwell 46 Scarpetta 07:14 3 Patricia Cornwell 474 Scarpetta 06:33 4 Patricia Cornwell 48 Scarpetta 08:14 5 Patricia Cornwell 49 Scarpetta 06:20 6 Patricia Cornwell 50 Scarpetta 09:48 7 Patricia Cornwell 51 Scarpetta 11:01 8 Patricia Cornwell 52 Scarpetta 03:39 9 Patricia Cornwell 53 Scarpetta 03:46 10 Patricia Cornwell 54 Scarpetta 11:11
Patricia Cornwell View in Albunack Scarpetta 6 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patricia Cornwell 55 06:21 2 Patricia Cornwell 56 10:07 3 Patricia Cornwell 57 05:10 4 Patricia Cornwell 58 10:15 5 Patricia Cornwell 59 04:54 6 Patricia Cornwell 60 05:15 7 Patricia Cornwell 61 02:23 8 Patricia Cornwell 62 03:42 9 Patricia Cornwell 63 02:27 10 Patricia Cornwell 64 08:43 11 Patricia Cornwell 65 07:21 12 Patricia Cornwell 66 12:01
Patricia Cornwell View in Albunack The Scarpetta Factor 15 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patricia Cornwell 55 Scarpetta Factor 04:19 2 Patricia Cornwell Disk 09 - Track 02 08:02 3 Patricia Cornwell 29 Scarpetta Factor 06:20 4 Patricia Cornwell Disk 09 - Track 04 07:59 5 Patricia Cornwell 46 The Scarpetta Factor 07:25 6 Patricia Cornwell 60 Scarpetta Factor 06:08 7 Patricia Cornwell 33 Scarpetta Factor 05:20 8 Patricia Cornwell 73 Scarpetta Factor 05:44 9 Patricia Cornwell 50 The Scarpetta Factor 06:49 10 Patricia Cornwell 75 Scarpetta Factor 04:58 11 Patricia Cornwell 76 Scarpetta Factor 04:36 12 Patricia Cornwell 38 Scarpetta Factor 04:44 13 Patricia Cornwell 78 Scarpetta Factor 03:18 14 Patricia Cornwell 79 Scarpetta Factor 04:38 15 Patricia Cornwell 80 Scarpetta Factor 02:24
Patricia Cornwell View in Albunack The Scarpetta Factor 02 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patricia Cornwell The Scarpetta Factor 02-01 08:10 2 Patricia Cornwell The Scarpetta Factor 02-02 08:02 3 Patricia Cornwell The Scarpetta Factor 02-03 08:17 4 Patricia Cornwell The Scarpetta Factor 02-04 08:01 5 Patricia Cornwell The Scarpetta Factor 02-05 07:51 6 Patricia Cornwell The Scarpetta Factor 02-06 07:36 7 Patricia Cornwell The Scarpetta Factor 02-07 07:50 8 Patricia Cornwell The Scarpetta Factor 02-08 07:23 9 Patricia Cornwell The Scarpetta Factor 02-09 07:29 10 Patricia Cornwell The Scarpetta Factor 02-10 05:35
Patricia Cornwell View in Albunack The Scarpetta Factor 05 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patricia Cornwell The Scarpetta Factor 05-01 07:47 2 Patricia Cornwell The Scarpetta Factor 05-02 08:50 3 Patricia Cornwell The Scarpetta Factor 05-03 07:15 4 Patricia Cornwell The Scarpetta Factor 05-04 08:24 5 Patricia Cornwell The Scarpetta Factor 05-05 08:05 6 Patricia Cornwell The Scarpetta Factor 05-06 07:59 7 Patricia Cornwell The Scarpetta Factor 05-07 08:42 8 Patricia Cornwell The Scarpetta Factor 05-08 09:06 9 Patricia Cornwell The Scarpetta Factor 05-09 08:32
Patricia Cornwell View in Albunack The Scarpetta Factor 07 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patricia Cornwell The Scarpetta Factor 07-01 07:44 2 Patricia Cornwell The Scarpetta Factor 07-02 08:06 3 Patricia Cornwell The Scarpetta Factor 07-03 08:50 4 Patricia Cornwell The Scarpetta Factor 07-04 08:39 5 Patricia Cornwell The Scarpetta Factor 07-05 08:34 6 Patricia Cornwell The Scarpetta Factor 07-06 07:40 7 Patricia Cornwell The Scarpetta Factor 07-07 08:15 8 Patricia Cornwell The Scarpetta Factor 07-08 08:24 9 Patricia Cornwell The Scarpetta Factor 07-09 08:11
Patricia Cornwell View in Albunack The Scarpetta Factor 08 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patricia Cornwell The Scarpetta Factor 08-01 06:18 2 Patricia Cornwell The Scarpetta Factor 08-02 06:35 3 Patricia Cornwell The Scarpetta Factor 08-03 08:14 4 Patricia Cornwell The Scarpetta Factor 08-04 08:23 5 Patricia Cornwell The Scarpetta Factor 08-05 07:55 6 Patricia Cornwell The Scarpetta Factor 08-06 07:48 7 Patricia Cornwell The Scarpetta Factor 08-07 08:28 8 Patricia Cornwell The Scarpetta Factor 08-08 06:48 9 Patricia Cornwell The Scarpetta Factor 08-09 04:50 10 Patricia Cornwell The Scarpetta Factor 08-10 08:49
Patricia Cornwell View in Albunack The Scarpetta Factor 11 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patricia Cornwell The Scarpetta Factor 11-01 08:08 2 Patricia Cornwell The Scarpetta Factor 11-02 07:57 3 Patricia Cornwell The Scarpetta Factor 11-03 07:29 4 Patricia Cornwell The Scarpetta Factor 11-04 08:41 5 Patricia Cornwell The Scarpetta Factor 11-05 08:02 6 Patricia Cornwell The Scarpetta Factor 11-06 07:20 7 Patricia Cornwell The Scarpetta Factor 11-07 08:28 8 Patricia Cornwell The Scarpetta Factor 11-08 07:58 9 Patricia Cornwell The Scarpetta Factor 11-09 04:57 10 Patricia Cornwell Disk 11 - Track 10 05:49
Patricia Cornwell View in Albunack Totenbuch 15 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patricia Cornwell Totenbuch 05-01 05:38 2 Patricia Cornwell 23 02:54 3 Patricia Cornwell Totenbuch 05-03 04:44 4 Patricia Cornwell Totenbuch 06-04 03:39 5 Patricia Cornwell Totenbuch 05-05 08:11 6 Patricia Cornwell Totenbuch - Kapitel 27 03:50 7 Patricia Cornwell 28 06:28 8 Patricia Cornwell 29 05:30 9 Patricia Cornwell Totenbuch 04-09 12:11 10 Patricia Cornwell 31 08:53 11 Patricia Cornwell 32 02:38 12 Patricia Cornwell Totenbuch - Kapitel 33 03:11 13 Patricia Cornwell 34 04:32 14 Patricia Cornwell 35 04:28 15 Patricia Cornwell 36 04:51
Patricia Cornwell View in Albunack Totenbuch - Hörbuch 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patricia Cornwell Totenbuch - Kapitel 1 07:59 2 Patricia Cornwell Totenbuch - Kapitel 49 07:43 3 Patricia Cornwell Totenbuch - Kapitel 3 10:24 4 Patricia Cornwell Totenbuch - Kapitel 51 07:05 5 Patricia Cornwell Totenbuch - Kapitel 62 05:45 6 Patricia Cornwell Totenbuch - Kapitel 53 09:29 7 Patricia Cornwell Totenbuch - Kapitel 7 09:25 8 Patricia Cornwell Totenbuch - Kapitel 8 05:09 9 Patricia Cornwell Totenbuch - Kapitel 9 03:19 10 Patricia Cornwell Totenbuch - Kapitel 57 09:14 11 Patricia Cornwell Totenbuch - Kapitel 68 10:51
Patricia Cornwell View in Albunack Totenbuch 1 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patricia Cornwell Totenbuch 01-01 07:59 2 Patricia Cornwell Totenbuch 01-02 12:34 3 Patricia Cornwell Totenbuch 01-03 10:24 4 Patricia Cornwell Totenbuch 01-04 09:48 5 Patricia Cornwell Totenbuch 01-05 05:01 6 Patricia Cornwell Totenbuch 01-06 04:45 7 Patricia Cornwell Totenbuch 01-07 09:25 8 Patricia Cornwell Totenbuch 01-08 05:09 9 Patricia Cornwell Totenbuch 01-09 03:19 10 Patricia Cornwell Totenbuch 01-10 08:09
Patricia Cornwell View in Albunack Totenbuch 2 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patricia Cornwell Totenbuch 02-01 05:16 2 Patricia Cornwell Totenbuch 02-01 08:49 3 Patricia Cornwell Totenbuch 02-02 04:18 4 Patricia Cornwell Totenbuch 02-03 08:33 5 Patricia Cornwell Totenbuch 02-04 06:53 6 Patricia Cornwell Totenbuch 02-05 06:03 7 Patricia Cornwell Totenbuch 02-06 08:18 8 Patricia Cornwell Totenbuch 02-07 02:58 9 Patricia Cornwell Totenbuch 02-08 09:05 10 Patricia Cornwell Totenbuch 02-09 05:39 11 Patricia Cornwell Totenbuch 02-10 06:24
Patricia Cornwell View in Albunack Totenbuch 3 15 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patricia Cornwell 22 06:31 2 Patricia Cornwell 23 02:54 3 Patricia Cornwell 24 03:49 4 Patricia Cornwell 25 03:43 5 Patricia Cornwell 26 11:08 6 Patricia Cornwell 27 03:50 7 Patricia Cornwell 28 06:28 8 Patricia Cornwell 29 05:30 9 Patricia Cornwell 30 02:27 10 Patricia Cornwell 31 08:53 11 Patricia Cornwell 32 02:37 12 Patricia Cornwell 33 03:11 13 Patricia Cornwell 34 04:32 14 Patricia Cornwell 35 04:28 15 Patricia Cornwell 36 04:51
Patricia Cornwell View in Albunack Totenbuch 4 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patricia Cornwell Totenbuch 04-01 03:28 2 Patricia Cornwell Totenbuch 04-02 01:03 3 Patricia Cornwell Totenbuch 04-03 11:01 4 Patricia Cornwell Totenbuch 04-04 06:13 5 Patricia Cornwell Totenbuch 04-05 07:30 6 Patricia Cornwell Totenbuch 04-06 06:49 7 Patricia Cornwell Totenbuch 04-07 03:31 8 Patricia Cornwell Totenbuch 04-08 08:56 9 Patricia Cornwell Totenbuch 04-09 12:11 10 Patricia Cornwell Totenbuch 04-10 05:46 11 Patricia Cornwell Totenbuch 04-11 08:31
Patricia Cornwell View in Albunack Totenbuch 5 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patricia Cornwell Totenbuch 05-01 05:38 2 Patricia Cornwell Totenbuch 05-02 07:43 3 Patricia Cornwell Totenbuch 05-03 04:43 4 Patricia Cornwell Totenbuch 05-04 07:05 5 Patricia Cornwell Totenbuch 05-05 08:11 6 Patricia Cornwell Totenbuch 05-06 09:29 7 Patricia Cornwell Totenbuch 05-07 11:18 8 Patricia Cornwell Totenbuch 05-08 04:46 9 Patricia Cornwell Totenbuch 05-09 02:57 10 Patricia Cornwell Totenbuch 05-10 09:14
Patricia Cornwell View in Albunack Totenbuch 6 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patricia Cornwell Totenbuch 06-01 10:12 2 Patricia Cornwell Totenbuch 06-02 08:47 3 Patricia Cornwell Totenbuch 06-03 06:13 4 Patricia Cornwell Totenbuch 06-04 03:39 5 Patricia Cornwell Totenbuch 06-05 05:45 6 Patricia Cornwell Totenbuch 06-06 03:50 7 Patricia Cornwell Totenbuch 06-07 01:17 8 Patricia Cornwell Totenbuch 06-08 05:40 9 Patricia Cornwell Totenbuch 06-09 07:27 10 Patricia Cornwell Totenbuch 06-10 02:13 11 Patricia Cornwell Totenbuch 06-11 10:51
Patricia Cornwell View in Albunack Totenbuch CD01 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patricia Cornwell Totenbuch 01-01 07:59 2 Patricia Cornwell Totenbuch 01-02 12:34 3 Patricia Cornwell Totenbuch 01-03 10:24 4 Patricia Cornwell Totenbuch 01-04 09:48 5 Patricia Cornwell Totenbuch 01-05 05:01 6 Patricia Cornwell Totenbuch 01-06 04:45 7 Patricia Cornwell Totenbuch 01-07 09:25 8 Patricia Cornwell Totenbuch 01-08 05:10 9 Patricia Cornwell Totenbuch 01-09 03:19 10 Patricia Cornwell Totenbuch 01-10 08:09
Patricia Cornwell View in Albunack Totenbuch CD02 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patricia Cornwell Totenbuch 02-01 05:15 2 Patricia Cornwell Totenbuch 02-01 08:49 3 Patricia Cornwell Totenbuch 02-02 04:18 4 Patricia Cornwell Totenbuch 02-03 08:33 5 Patricia Cornwell Totenbuch 02-04 06:53 6 Patricia Cornwell Totenbuch 02-05 06:03 7 Patricia Cornwell Totenbuch 02-06 08:18 8 Patricia Cornwell Totenbuch 02-07 02:58 9 Patricia Cornwell Totenbuch 02-08 09:05 10 Patricia Cornwell Totenbuch 02-09 05:39 11 Patricia Cornwell Totenbuch 02-10 06:24
Patricia Cornwell View in Albunack Totenbuch CD04 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patricia Cornwell Totenbuch 04-01 03:27 2 Patricia Cornwell Totenbuch 04-02 01:03 3 Patricia Cornwell Totenbuch 04-03 11:01 4 Patricia Cornwell Totenbuch 04-04 06:13 5 Patricia Cornwell Totenbuch 04-05 07:30 6 Patricia Cornwell Totenbuch 04-06 06:49 7 Patricia Cornwell Totenbuch 04-07 03:31 8 Patricia Cornwell Totenbuch 04-08 08:56 9 Patricia Cornwell Totenbuch 04-09 12:11 10 Patricia Cornwell Totenbuch 04-10 05:46 11 Patricia Cornwell Totenbuch 04-11 08:31
Patricia Cornwell View in Albunack Totenbuch CD05 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patricia Cornwell Totenbuch 05-01 05:38 2 Patricia Cornwell Totenbuch 05-02 07:43 3 Patricia Cornwell Totenbuch 05-03 04:43 4 Patricia Cornwell Totenbuch 05-04 07:05 5 Patricia Cornwell Totenbuch 05-05 08:11 6 Patricia Cornwell Totenbuch 05-06 09:29 7 Patricia Cornwell Totenbuch 05-07 11:18 8 Patricia Cornwell Totenbuch 05-08 04:46 9 Patricia Cornwell Totenbuch 05-09 02:57 10 Patricia Cornwell Totenbuch 05-10 09:14
Patricia Cornwell View in Albunack Totenbuch CD06 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patricia Cornwell Totenbuch 06-01 10:11 2 Patricia Cornwell Totenbuch 06-02 08:47 3 Patricia Cornwell Totenbuch 06-03 06:13 4 Patricia Cornwell Totenbuch 06-04 03:39 5 Patricia Cornwell Totenbuch 06-05 05:45 6 Patricia Cornwell Totenbuch 06-06 03:50 7 Patricia Cornwell Totenbuch 06-07 01:17 8 Patricia Cornwell Totenbuch 06-08 05:39 9 Patricia Cornwell Totenbuch 06-09 07:27 10 Patricia Cornwell Totenbuch 06-10 02:13 11 Patricia Cornwell Totenbuch 06-11 10:51
Patricia Cornwell View in Albunack Trace 16 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patricia Cornwell Trace, 05a 05:25 2 Patricia Cornwell Trace, 02b 03:17 3 Patricia Cornwell Trace, 10c 05:32 4 Patricia Cornwell Trace, 07d 04:59 5 Patricia Cornwell Trace, 04e 02:53 6 Patricia Cornwell Trace, 10f 04:45 7 Patricia Cornwell Trace, 11g 04:15 8 Patricia Cornwell Trace, 03h 05:34 9 Patricia Cornwell Trace, 05i 03:58 10 Patricia Cornwell Trace, 05j 05:02 11 Patricia Cornwell Trace, 01k 04:54 12 Patricia Cornwell Trace, 04l 03:24 13 Patricia Cornwell Trace, 03m 04:42 14 Patricia Cornwell Trace, 04n 02:59 15 Patricia Cornwell Trace, 09o 02:42 16 Patricia Cornwell Trace, 10p 03:49
Patricia Cornwell View in Albunack Undercover 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patricia Cornwell Undercover 322 05:23 2 Patricia Cornwell Undercover 323 04:24 3 Patricia Cornwell Undercover 324 09:44 4 Patricia Cornwell Undercover 325 11:08 5 Patricia Cornwell Undercover 326 03:22 6 Patricia Cornwell Undercover 327 11:29 7 Patricia Cornwell Undercover 328 03:01 8 Patricia Cornwell Undercover 329 11:04 9 Patricia Cornwell Undercover 330 07:43 10 Patricia Cornwell Undercover 331 08:30
Patricia Cornwell View in Albunack Undercover 1 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patricia Cornwell Undercover 10:52 2 Patricia Cornwell Undercover 06:40 3 Patricia Cornwell Undercover 08:27 4 Patricia Cornwell Undercover 08:20 5 Patricia Cornwell Undercover 09:57 6 Patricia Cornwell Undercover 08:08 7 Patricia Cornwell Undercover 05:44 8 Patricia Cornwell Undercover 06:47 9 Patricia Cornwell Undercover 08:15 10 Patricia Cornwell Undercover 03:00
Patricia Cornwell View in Albunack Undercover 3 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patricia Cornwell 22 Undercover 05:23 2 Patricia Cornwell 23 Undercover 04:24 3 Patricia Cornwell 24 Undercover 09:44 4 Patricia Cornwell 25 Undercover 11:08 5 Patricia Cornwell 26 Undercover 03:22 6 Patricia Cornwell 27 Undercover 11:29 7 Patricia Cornwell 28 Undercover 03:01 8 Patricia Cornwell 29 Undercover 11:04 9 Patricia Cornwell 30 Undercover 07:43 10 Patricia Cornwell 31 Undercover 08:30
Patricia Cornwell View in Albunack Verderben 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patricia Cornwell 41 Verderben 05:26 2 Patricia Cornwell 42 Verderben 09:52 3 Patricia Cornwell 43 Verderben 11:20 4 Patricia Cornwell 44 Verderben 05:54 5 Patricia Cornwell 45 Verderben 03:10 6 Patricia Cornwell 46 Verderben 08:53 7 Patricia Cornwell 47 Verderben 08:34 8 Patricia Cornwell 48 Verderben 05:11 9 Patricia Cornwell 49 Verderben 07:30 10 Patricia Cornwell 50 Verderben 06:53 11 Patricia Cornwell 51 Verderben 03:19
Patricia Cornwell View in Albunack Verderben 3 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patricia Cornwell 20 Verderben 05:45 2 Patricia Cornwell 21 Verderben 06:17 3 Patricia Cornwell 22 Verderben 10:02 4 Patricia Cornwell 23 Verderben 07:04 5 Patricia Cornwell 24 Verderben 07:50 6 Patricia Cornwell 25 Verderben 07:10 7 Patricia Cornwell 26 Verderben 05:46 8 Patricia Cornwell 27 Verderben 09:38 9 Patricia Cornwell 28 Verderben 08:20 10 Patricia Cornwell 29 Verderben 08:42
Patricia Cornwell View in Albunack Verderben 4 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patricia Cornwell 30 Verderben 07:56 2 Patricia Cornwell 31 Verderben 06:07 3 Patricia Cornwell 32 Verderben 05:12 4 Patricia Cornwell 33 Verderben 07:10 5 Patricia Cornwell 34 Verderben 08:55 6 Patricia Cornwell 35 Verderben 07:57 7 Patricia Cornwell 36 Verderben 05:05 8 Patricia Cornwell 37 Verderben 07:36 9 Patricia Cornwell 38 Verderben 09:12 10 Patricia Cornwell 39 Verderben 07:59 11 Patricia Cornwell 40 Verderben 04:47
Patricia Cornwell View in Albunack Verderben 5 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patricia Cornwell 41 Verderben 05:26 2 Patricia Cornwell 42 Verderben 09:52 3 Patricia Cornwell 43 Verderben 11:20 4 Patricia Cornwell 44 Verderben 05:54 5 Patricia Cornwell 45 Verderben 03:10 6 Patricia Cornwell 46 Verderben 08:53 7 Patricia Cornwell 47 Verderben 08:34 8 Patricia Cornwell 48 Verderben 05:11 9 Patricia Cornwell 49 Verderben 07:30 10 Patricia Cornwell 50 Verderben 06:53 11 Patricia Cornwell 51 Verderben 03:19
Patricia Cornwell View in Albunack Verderben 6 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patricia Cornwell 52 Verderben 04:51 2 Patricia Cornwell 53 Verderben 10:27 3 Patricia Cornwell 54 Verderben 05:44 4 Patricia Cornwell 55 Verderben 05:15 5 Patricia Cornwell 56 Verderben 05:32 6 Patricia Cornwell 57 Verderben 06:04 7 Patricia Cornwell 58 Verderben 07:43 8 Patricia Cornwell 59 Verderben 06:58 9 Patricia Cornwell 60 Verderben 04:23 10 Patricia Cornwell 61 Verderben 11:55 11 Patricia Cornwell 62 Verderben 09:20
Patricia Dallio View in Albunack D'ou vient l'eau des puits 18 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patricia Dallio Les bras ouverts 03:40 2 Patricia Dallio Hors l'oubli 04:44 3 Patricia Dallio Par petites doses 00:38 4 Patricia Dallio Hors les gonds 04:30 Has Mbid 5 Patricia Dallio Les dechets c 00:47 6 Patricia Dallio Save our soul 03:17 7 Patricia Dallio Des failles 01:33 8 Patricia Dallio Serie b 04:33 9 Patricia Dallio Dans la tete 00:34 10 Patricia Dallio Liquidateurs 05:04 11 Patricia Dallio Le cri des sources 01:40 12 Patricia Dallio Cir fontaines-en-or nois 03:02 13 Patricia Dallio Humanite cherche futur : Principe de precaution 01:48 14 Patricia Dallio Humanite cherche futur : L'arche 05:14 15 Patricia Dallio Humanite cherche futur : Hommes revoltes 03:44 16 Patricia Dallio Jeanne - Vera 00:21 17 Patricia Dallio Apres, demain ... 02:23 18 Patricia Dallio Tout va bien 00:39
Patricia Dallio View in Albunack Que personne ne bouge 16 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patricia Dallio L'eau du nénuphar 03:52 2 Patricia Dallio Entre chien et loup 03:45 3 Patricia Dallio Les deux bras d'un coup 03:30 4 Patricia Dallio Traces de pas dans la braise 04:24 5 Patricia Dallio Gros plan sur les mouches 04:54 6 Patricia Dallio Rayon de miel par l'embrasure 01:30 7 Patricia Dallio Rendez-vous sur la lande 04:15 8 Patricia Dallio Volte face 03:17 9 Patricia Dallio L'ombre du poteau I 03:28 10 Patricia Dallio L'ombre du poteau II 01:46 11 Patricia Dallio L'ombre du poteau III 04:57 12 Patricia Dallio Ou s'endorment les marécages 03:38 13 Patricia Dallio Que personne ne bouge 01:42 14 Patricia Dallio Plage arriére du temps perdu 04:48 15 Patricia Dallio L'hiver á marée basse 05:07 16 Patricia Dallio Faits et gestes 00:59
Patricia Dallio View in Albunack Que personne ne bouge ... 16 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patricia Dallio L'eau du nénuphar 03:51 2 Patricia Dallio Entre chien et loup 03:45 3 Patricia Dallio Les deux bras d'un coup 03:30 4 Patricia Dallio Traces de pas dans la braise 04:24 5 Patricia Dallio Gros plan sur les mouches 04:55 6 Patricia Dallio Rayon de miel par l'embrasure 01:30 7 Patricia Dallio Rendez-vous sur la lande 04:15 8 Patricia Dallio Volte face 03:17 9 Patricia Dallio L'ombre du poteau I 03:28 10 Patricia Dallio L'ombre du poteau II 01:46 11 Patricia Dallio L'ombre du poteau III 04:56 12 Patricia Dallio Ou s'endorment les marécages 03:38 13 Patricia Dallio Que personne ne bouge 01:42 14 Patricia Dallio Plage arriére du temps perdu 04:48 15 Patricia Dallio L'hiver á marée basse 05:06 16 Patricia Dallio Faits et gestes 00:59
Patricia Highsmith View in Albunack Der Schrei der Eule 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patricia Highsmith Eins, zwei, drei ... 06:01 2 Patricia Highsmith Woran denkst du? 07:23 3 Patricia Highsmith Geht es ihnen heute besser? 05:30 4 Patricia Highsmith Hier ist Jenny 09:24 5 Patricia Highsmith Guten Abend 06:37 6 Patricia Highsmith Hallo, bist du allein 05:01 7 Patricia Highsmith Gehst du ran? 08:36 8 Patricia Highsmith Doktor, ich habe ja wohl ... 06:04
Patricia Highsmith View in Albunack Der Schrei der Eule (NDR 1986) 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patricia Highsmith Der Schrei der Eule 06:01 2 Patricia Highsmith Der Schrei der Eule 07:23 3 Patricia Highsmith Der Schrei der Eule 05:30 4 Patricia Highsmith Der Schrei der Eule 09:24 5 Patricia Highsmith Der Schrei der Eule 06:37 6 Patricia Highsmith Der Schrei der Eule 05:01 7 Patricia Highsmith Der Schrei der Eule 08:36 8 Patricia Highsmith Der Schrei der Eule 06:04
Patricia Highsmith View in Albunack Der süsse Wahn (gel. v. Jochen Striebeck) 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patricia Highsmith 601 13:03 2 Patricia Highsmith 602 07:36 3 Patricia Highsmith 603 10:21 4 Patricia Highsmith 604 11:26 5 Patricia Highsmith 605 12:26 6 Patricia Highsmith 606 11:47 7 Patricia Highsmith 607 08:12
Patricia Highsmith View in Albunack Leise, Leise Im Wind 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patricia Highsmith Kapitel 1 00:12 2 Patricia Highsmith Kapitel 2 05:07 3 Patricia Highsmith Kapitel 3 05:38 4 Patricia Highsmith Kapitel 4 02:48 5 Patricia Highsmith Kapitel 5 05:44 6 Patricia Highsmith Kapitel 6 02:52 7 Patricia Highsmith Kapitel 7 04:27 8 Patricia Highsmith Kapitel 8 05:19 9 Patricia Highsmith Kapitel 9 06:00 10 Patricia Highsmith Kapitel 10 04:07 11 Patricia Highsmith Kapitel 11 05:58
Patricia Highsmith View in Albunack Stories 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patricia Highsmith Der Schneckenforscher 01 12:37 2 Patricia Highsmith Der Schneckenforscher 02 11:02 3 Patricia Highsmith Als die Flotte im Hafen lag 01 13:33 4 Patricia Highsmith Als die Flotte im Hafen lag 02 12:47 5 Patricia Highsmith Als die Flotte im Hafen lag 03 14:11 6 Patricia Highsmith Als die Flotte im Hafen lag 04 15:08
Patricia Highsmith View in Albunack Stories 1938-1946 Vol. 3 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patricia Highsmith Auf der Plaza 01 07:51 2 Patricia Highsmith Auf der Plaza 02 09:00 3 Patricia Highsmith Wo jeder Gast willkommen ist 04 11:33 4 Patricia Highsmith Der Wagen 01 08:55 5 Patricia Highsmith Auf der Plaza 05 06:51 6 Patricia Highsmith Der Wagen 03 12:22 7 Patricia Highsmith Auf der Plaza 07 06:23 8 Patricia Highsmith Auf der Plaza 08 05:19 9 Patricia Highsmith Wo jeder Gast willkommen ist 01 11:26
Patricia Highsmith View in Albunack Stories 1938-1949 Vol. 1 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patricia Highsmith 4-1-Die Morgen des ewigens Nichts 09:30 2 Patricia Highsmith 4-2-Die Morgen des ewigens Nichts 14:53 3 Patricia Highsmith 4-3-Die Morgen des ewigens Nichts 08:15 4 Patricia Highsmith 2-1-Stille Nacht 13:51 5 Patricia Highsmith 3-1-Ein wahnsinnig netter Mann 14:38 6 Patricia Highsmith 4-6-Die Morgen des ewigens Nichts 12:18
Patricia Highsmith View in Albunack Stories 1938-1949 Vol. 2 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patricia Highsmith Verwunschene Fenster 01 07:03 2 Patricia Highsmith Verwunschene Fenster 02 07:53 3 Patricia Highsmith Verwunschene Fenster 03 04:35 4 Patricia Highsmith Verwunschene Fenster 04 06:20 5 Patricia Highsmith Verwunschene Fenster 05 06:17 6 Patricia Highsmith Verwunschene Fenster 06 06:43 7 Patricia Highsmith Der Schatz 01 08:59 8 Patricia Highsmith Der Schatz 02 09:08 9 Patricia Highsmith Der Schatz 03 05:43
Patricia Highsmith View in Albunack Stories 1952-1980 Vol. 2 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patricia Highsmith Quitt 13:18 2 Patricia Highsmith Ein Mord 11:33 3 Patricia Highsmith Ein Mord 11:48 4 Patricia Highsmith Ein Mord 11:30 5 Patricia Highsmith Ein gefährliches Hobby 10:16 6 Patricia Highsmith Ein gefährliches Hobby 12:01 7 Patricia Highsmith Ein gefährliches Hobby 10:47
Patricia Highsmith View in Albunack Stories 1952-1980 Vol. 3 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patricia Highsmith Des Menschen bester Freund 1 12:29 2 Patricia Highsmith Des Menschen bester Freund 2 10:53 3 Patricia Highsmith Des Menschen bester Freund 3 14:27 4 Patricia Highsmith Der Spatz in der Hand 4 10:21 5 Patricia Highsmith Der Spatz in der Hand 5 06:47 6 Patricia Highsmith Der Spatz in der Hand 6 10:29 7 Patricia Highsmith Der Spatz in der Hand 7 08:15
Patricia Highsmith View in Albunack Tiefe Wasser 12 0 2005 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patricia Highsmith Tiefe Wasser 08:50 2 Patricia Highsmith Tiefe Wasser 09:26 3 Patricia Highsmith Tiefe Wasser 08:05 4 Patricia Highsmith Tiefe Wasser 08:33 5 Patricia Highsmith Tiefe Wasser 09:13 6 Patricia Highsmith Tiefe Wasser 08:51 7 Patricia Highsmith Tiefe Wasser 09:02 8 Patricia Highsmith Tiefe Wasser 08:39 9 Patricia Highsmith Tiefe Wasser 09:21 10 Patricia Highsmith Tiefe Wasser 09:09 11 Patricia Highsmith Tiefe Wasser 09:09 12 Patricia Highsmith Tiefe Wasser 09:18
Search Patricia Kelly Grace & Kelly - Live in concert 15 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patricia Kelly I'll hide under your coat 04:14 2 Patricia Kelly Key to my heart 05:58 3 Patricia Kelly Little mama 04:36 4 Patricia Kelly A new room 05:35 5 Patricia Kelly Don't say a word 03:28 6 Patricia Kelly No lies 05:28 7 Patricia Kelly They cut me down 04:26 8 Patricia Kelly Is this it 03:39 9 Patricia Kelly Let's go dancing in the roofs 04:16 10 Patricia Kelly I don't want to fight 05:36 11 Patricia Kelly I'll get up and walk 04:53 12 Patricia Kelly Don't you speak 06:17 13 Patricia Kelly Love, Music & Sun 05:42 14 Patricia Kelly Beautiful life 05:29 15 Patricia Kelly Little Brother 04:10
Search Patricia Kelly Live -Konzert ''Essential'' 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patricia Kelly Hecho un Limon 06:46 2 Patricia Kelly La Barca de Oro 03:15 3 Patricia Kelly Mira il tuo Populo 04:38 4 Patricia Kelly Bendemeers Stream 04:21 5 Patricia Kelly Alle Kinder brauchen Freunde 04:25 6 Patricia Kelly Calling Heaven 07:17 7 Patricia Kelly I Love Paris 04:10 8 Patricia Kelly Une Familie c'est une Chanson 05:21 9 Patricia Kelly Michael Row 05:53 10 Patricia Kelly Old Black Joe 05:23 11 Patricia Kelly The Rose 04:22
Search Patricia Kelly Weihnachten Mit Patricia Kelly 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patricia Kelly O Komm Emanuel 04:35 2 Patricia Kelly Leise Rieselt Der Schnee 02:55 3 Patricia Kelly Tochter Zion 04:19 4 Patricia Kelly Die Rose 02:30 5 Patricia Kelly Es Ist Ein Ros Entsprungen 03:39 6 Patricia Kelly Minuit, Chrétiens (Mitternacht, Christen) 04:42 7 Patricia Kelly Weihnachtsevangelium Nach Lukas 03:34 8 Patricia Kelly Stille Nacht, Heilige Nacht 04:06 9 Patricia Kelly Ave Maria 03:49 10 Patricia Kelly Irischer Weihnachtssegen 01:23 11 Patricia Kelly Merry Christmas To You And All Your Friends 04:50
Search Patricia Kelly Weihnachten mit Patricia Kelly 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patricia Kelly O komm Emanuel 04:35 2 Patricia Kelly Leise rieselt der Schnee 02:55 3 Patricia Kelly Tochter Zion 04:19 4 Patricia Kelly Die Rose 02:30 5 Patricia Kelly Es ist ein Ros entsprungen 03:39 6 Patricia Kelly Minuit Chretiens 04:42 7 Patricia Kelly Weihnachtsevangelium nach Lukas 03:34 8 Patricia Kelly Stille Nacht, heilige Nacht 04:06 9 Patricia Kelly Ave Maria 03:49 10 Patricia Kelly Irischer Weihnachtssegen 01:23 11 Patricia Kelly Merry Christmas to You and All Your Friends 04:50
Search Patricia Kelly Weihnachten mit Patricia Kelly - Missio 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patricia Kelly O komm Emanuel 04:35 2 Patricia Kelly Leise rieselt der Schnee 02:55 3 Patricia Kelly Tochter Zion 04:19 4 Patricia Kelly Die Rose 02:30 5 Patricia Kelly Es ist ein Ros entsprungen 03:39 6 Patricia Kelly Minuit , Chrétiens 04:42 7 Patricia Kelly Weihnachtsevangelium 03:34 8 Patricia Kelly Stille Nacht, heilige Nacht 04:06 9 Patricia Kelly Ave Maria 03:49 10 Patricia Kelly Irischer Weihnachtssegen 01:23 11 Patricia Kelly Merry Christmas to you and all yuor friends 04:50
Patricia Kopatchinskaja View in Albunack Paladino Music 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patricia Kopatchinskaja Konzert für Orchester und Sologeige - Variationen ohne Thema 05:21 2 Patricia Kopatchinskaja Konzert für Orchester und Sologeige - Themen und Allusionen 10:22 3 Patricia Kopatchinskaja Konzert für Orchester und Sologeige - Vier Variationen und Thema 17:50 4 Patricia Kopatchinskaja Vingt ans après - nostalgie - I. 08:05 5 Patricia Kopatchinskaja Vingt ans après - nostalgie - II. 04:12 6 Patricia Kopatchinskaja Vingt ans après - nostalgie - III. 08:45 7 Patricia Kopatchinskaja Vingt ans après - nostalgie - IV. 05:48
Patricia Kopatchinskaja View in Albunack Rapsodia 23 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patricia Kopatchinskaja Cioc?rlia 04:07 2 Patricia Kopatchinskaja M?n?trier (Minstrel) 03:51 3 Patricia Kopatchinskaja Doina et hora marit? 03:17 4 Patricia Kopatchinskaja I. Moderato malinconico 09:16 5 Patricia Kopatchinskaja II. Andante sostenuto e misterioso 08:44 6 Patricia Kopatchinskaja III. Allegro con brio, ma non troppo mosso 08:39 7 Patricia Kopatchinskaja Duo 03:06 8 Patricia Kopatchinskaja Doina 04:46 9 Patricia Kopatchinskaja Hora 02:24 10 Patricia Kopatchinskaja No. 1 00:27 11 Patricia Kopatchinskaja No. 2 00:55 12 Patricia Kopatchinskaja No. 3 00:33 13 Patricia Kopatchinskaja No. 4 01:34 14 Patricia Kopatchinskaja No. 5 00:41 15 Patricia Kopatchinskaja No. 6 00:26 16 Patricia Kopatchinskaja No. 7 01:37 17 Patricia Kopatchinskaja No. 8 01:04 18 Patricia Kopatchinskaja Hora staccato 02:18 19 Patricia Kopatchinskaja Tzigane 10:31 20 Patricia Kopatchinskaja Crin 01:14 21 Patricia Kopatchinskaja C?lu?ari 1 01:26 22 Patricia Kopatchinskaja C?lu?ari 2 02:33 23 Patricia Kopatchinskaja C?lu?ari 3 01:38
Patricia Lewis View in Albunack Bonus Disc 8 0 2000 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patricia Lewis Jy's Ons Span 03:14 2 Patricia Lewis I Cry Myself To Sleep 04:12 3 Patricia Lewis My Only 04:27 4 Patricia Lewis Die Anderkant Van Roem 03:53 5 Patricia Lewis Pa 03:01 6 Patricia Lewis Single Girl Medley 2001 05:38 7 Patricia Lewis I Need A Little Love 02:38 8 Patricia Lewis Stay With Me 04:35
Patricia Lewis View in Albunack Net Soos In Drome 14 1 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 Patricia Lewis Hero 02:57 2 Patricia Lewis Gee My Nog 'n Kans 04:10 3 Patricia Lewis Ek Staan Op 03:41 4 Patricia Lewis Lonely Days 03:56 5 Patricia Lewis Ek Is Verlief 03:11 6 Patricia Lewis No En Vir Altyd 03:13 7 Patricia Lewis Modern Talking Keurspel 05:44 8 Patricia Lewis Ek Sal Vir Altyd Lewe 03:03 9 Patricia Lewis Empty Room 03:04 10 Patricia Lewis Cara Mia 03:04 11 Patricia Lewis You 03:07 12 Patricia Lewis Jy Moet My Liefhe 03:11 13 Patricia Lewis Another Rainbow 03:09 14 Patricia Lewis You're My Heart, You're My Soul 04:12
Patricia Manterola View in Albunack Quiero Mas 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patricia Manterola Si Te Vas 03:53 2 Patricia Manterola Quiero Más 04:02 3 Patricia Manterola Hoy Me Siento Diferente 04:07 4 Patricia Manterola Luna Llena 04:23 5 Patricia Manterola Ya No Eres El Mismo 03:36 6 Patricia Manterola Te Voy a Enamorar 03:53 7 Patricia Manterola Para Vivir Sin Ti 03:52 8 Patricia Manterola Tu y Yo 03:37 9 Patricia Manterola He Decidido 03:32 10 Patricia Manterola Baila conmigo 03:21 11 Patricia Manterola Seb's Latin Jungle Mix 05:44
Patricia O'Callaghan View in Albunack Youkali 17 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patricia O'Callaghan Chanson 01:34 2 Patricia O'Callaghan La Diva De L'Empire 02:43 3 Patricia O'Callaghan Elegie 03:17 4 Patricia O'Callaghan Le Chapelier 00:51 5 Patricia O'Callaghan Hotel 01:48 6 Patricia O'Callaghan Violon 01:50 7 Patricia O'Callaghan La Reine Du Coeur 01:43 8 Patricia O'Callaghan Lune D'Avril 02:32 9 Patricia O'Callaghan Les Filles De Bordeaux 03:06 10 Patricia O'Callaghan Le Roi D'Aquitaine 02:45 11 Patricia O'Callaghan Je Ne T'Aime Pas 04:29 12 Patricia O'Callaghan Youkali 05:50 13 Patricia O'Callaghan Berlin Im Licht 02:30 14 Patricia O'Callaghan Zu Potsdam Unter Den Eichen 02:19 15 Patricia O'Callaghan Mon Manege A Moi 02:55 16 Patricia O'Callaghan Non, Je Ne Regrette Rien 03:05 17 Patricia O'Callaghan One Life To Life 03:06
Patricia Paay View in Albunack Hollands Glorie 18 3 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 Patricia Paay Tomorrow 03:12 2 Patricia Paay Theme From ''Mahogany'' 03:40 3 Patricia Paay Who Let The Heartache In 03:34 4 Patricia Paay Can You Feel The Love Tonight 04:00 5 Patricia Paay Colors In The Wind 04:05 Has Mbid 6 Patricia Paay Who's That Lady With My Man 03:11 7 Patricia Paay Save The Best For Last 03:50 Has Mbid 8 Patricia Paay Solitaire 04:30 9 Patricia Paay Saturday Nights 03:43 10 Patricia Paay A Whole New World 04:12 11 Patricia Paay I've Never Been To Me 03:59 12 Patricia Paay Dance 10; Looks 3 03:08 13 Patricia Paay Love On The Rocks 04:34 14 Patricia Paay Show Me Heaven 04:06 15 Patricia Paay Poor Jeremy 02:31 16 Patricia Paay It's My Turn 04:44 17 Patricia Paay Beauty & The Beast 04:11 18 Patricia Paay (I've Had) The Time Of My Life [duet with DAVID HASSELHOFF] 04:42
Patricia Paay View in Albunack Patricia Paay A&B Sides 1966-1978 26 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patricia Paay No One Can Love You Like I Do-1966 02:26 2 Patricia Paay Nothing Lasts Forever-1966 02:22 3 Patricia Paay You Called Me Baby-1967 02:33 4 Patricia Paay Nobody Else Made Me Cry Before-1967 02:51 5 Patricia Paay Je Bent Niet Hip-1967 02:43 Has Mbid 6 Patricia Paay Als Dat Zou Kunne-1967 02:49 7 Patricia Paay Wat Moet Ik Doen-1967 02:42 8 Patricia Paay Love In-1967 02:13 9 Patricia Paay Corriamo-1968 03:01 10 Patricia Paay Oh, Oh, Wat Was Jij Groen-1968 02:37 11 Patricia Paay Dat Is De Liefde-1968 02:44 12 Patricia Paay Dat Hoeft Niet Voor Mij-1968 02:08 13 Patricia Paay Tambourine Girl-1968 02:27 14 Patricia Paay Grote Katastrofe-1968 02:24 15 Patricia Paay Kleine Tovenaar-1969 03:09 16 Patricia Paay Jij-1969 02:29 17 Patricia Paay Sim Sala Bim (Boom Bang-A-Band)-1969 02:04 18 Patricia Paay Ik Herinner Mij-1969 02:32 19 Patricia Paay Photograph-1968 02:55 20 Patricia Paay Fisherman King-1968 03:17 21 Patricia Paay Tell Me You're Never Gonna Leave Me-1970 04:46 22 Patricia Paay One Huge Road-1970 03:21 23 Patricia Paay Put Your Hand In The Hand-1971 02:48 24 Patricia Paay Imagination-1971 02:33 25 Patricia Paay I Believe In Love 03:46 26 Patricia Paay Ai, Ai, Ai, He Peeped Through My Window-1972 02:31
Patricia Petibon View in Albunack Orff - Carmina Burana 27 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patricia Petibon Fortuna Imeratrix Mundi: O Fortuna 02:31 2 Patricia Petibon Fortuna Imeratrix Mundi: Fortune plango vulnera 02:48 3 Patricia Petibon I Primo Vere: Veris leta facies 05:19 4 Patricia Petibon I Primo Vere: Omnia Sol temperat (Gerhaher) 02:24 5 Patricia Petibon I Primo Vere: Ecce gratum 02:50 6 Patricia Petibon Uf Dem Anger: Tanz 01:45 7 Patricia Petibon Uf Dem Anger: Floret silva nobilis 03:14 8 Patricia Petibon Uf Dem Anger: Chramer, gip die varwe mir (Petibon) 03:20 9 Patricia Petibon Uf Dem Anger: Reie 01:56 10 Patricia Petibon Uf Dem Anger: Swaz hie gat umbe 00:34 11 Patricia Petibon Uf Dem Anger: Chume, chum, geselle min! 02:22 12 Patricia Petibon Uf Dem Anger: Were diu werlt alle min 00:55 13 Patricia Petibon II In Taberna: Estuans interius (Gerhaher) 02:17 14 Patricia Petibon II In Taberna: Olim lacus colueram (Bunz) 03:14 15 Patricia Petibon II In Taberna: Ego sum abbas (Gerhaher) 01:31 16 Patricia Petibon II In Taberna: In taberna quando sumus 02:58 17 Patricia Petibon III Cour d'amours: Amor volat undique (Petibon) 03:32 18 Patricia Petibon III Cour d'amours: Dies, nox et omnia (Gerhaher) 02:05 19 Patricia Petibon III Cour d'amours: Stetit puella (Petibon) 01:56 20 Patricia Petibon III Cour d'amours: Circa mea pectora (Gerhaher) 02:03 21 Patricia Petibon III Cour d'amours: Si puer cum puellula 00:59 22 Patricia Petibon III Cour d'amours: Veni, veni, venias 01:03 23 Patricia Petibon III Cour d'amours: In trutina (Petibon) 02:23 24 Patricia Petibon III Cour d'amours: Tempus est iocundum (Petibon, Gerhaher) 02:16 25 Patricia Petibon III Cour d'amours: Dulcissime (Petibon) 00:44 26 Patricia Petibon Blanziflor et Helena: Ave, formosissima 01:55 27 Patricia Petibon Fortuna Imeratrix Mundi: O Fortuna 02:36
Patricia Salas View in Albunack Puerto Montt {CNLR 0321-2} 15 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patricia Salas Puerto Montt 03:39 2 Patricia Salas Maria Va 03:46 3 Patricia Salas Gracias A La Vida 04:15 4 Patricia Salas Limena 02:46 5 Patricia Salas El Marabino 01:19 6 Patricia Salas Enamorada 03:10 7 Patricia Salas Quando Quieras Ver 03:38 8 Patricia Salas Soy Pan, Soy Paz, Soy Mas 04:02 9 Patricia Salas Cancion Con Todos 02:48 10 Patricia Salas Cachito 02:15 11 Patricia Salas Tu Eres 04:04 12 Patricia Salas Para Ti 03:04 13 Patricia Salas Creo En Ti 03:58 14 Patricia Salas Soy Tu Amiga 03:44 15 Patricia Salas Amigo 03:58
Patricia Spero View in Albunack Captivating Sounds 16 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patricia Spero Embraceable You 03:22 2 Patricia Spero Willow Weep For Me 04:41 3 Patricia Spero A Nightingale Sang In Berkley Square 03:42 4 Patricia Spero These Foolish Things 05:49 5 Patricia Spero Vincent 05:00 6 Patricia Spero The Way We Were 03:05 7 Patricia Spero Summertime 04:57 8 Patricia Spero Cavatina 02:56 9 Patricia Spero Misty 04:35 10 Patricia Spero I Get A Kick Out Of You 02:32 11 Patricia Spero Can't Help Lovin' That Man Of Mine 02:27 12 Patricia Spero Moon River 04:57 13 Patricia Spero Memory 03:46 14 Patricia Spero Blue Moon 03:51 15 Patricia Spero The Windmills of Your Mind 02:41 16 Patricia Spero Fascinating Rythm 02:10
Patricia Spero View in Albunack Healing Harp 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patricia Spero Peace Profound 07:40 2 Patricia Spero The Light of Dawn 06:10 3 Patricia Spero Flora's Procession 04:29 4 Patricia Spero Peace Profound Reprise 06:15 5 Patricia Spero Harmonic Journey 10:40 6 Patricia Spero Healing Grace 13:27
Patricia Spero View in Albunack Lullaby Harp 17 2 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patricia Spero Lullaby 05:01 2 Patricia Spero May Song 03:10 3 Patricia Spero Sweet Reverie 02:52 4 Patricia Spero Scarborough Fair 03:21 5 Patricia Spero Prelude in F 01:55 6 Patricia Spero The Bamboo Flute - Chinese Lullaby 02:56 7 Patricia Spero La Harpe Eolienne 05:57 8 Patricia Spero At The Cradle 02:55 9 Patricia Spero To A Wild Rose 03:21 10 Patricia Spero Japanese Lullaby 03:23 11 Patricia Spero Theme From Piano Concerto K 467 04:03 12 Patricia Spero The Skye Boat Song 04:54 13 Patricia Spero The Music Box 01:54 14 Patricia Spero Suantrai - Irish Lullaby 04:39 15 Patricia Spero Wiegenlied (Lullaby) 03:26 Has Mbid 16 Patricia Spero The Girl With The Flaxen Hair 02:27 Has Mbid 17 Patricia Spero Schlummerlied (Lullaby) 04:24
Patricia Spero View in Albunack TheHhealing Harp 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patricia Spero peace profound 07:40 2 Patricia Spero the light of dawn 06:10 3 Patricia Spero flora's procession 04:29 4 Patricia Spero peace profound reprise 06:15 5 Patricia Spero harmonic journey 10:40 6 Patricia Spero healing grace 13:27
Patricia Spero View in Albunack Winter Harp 14 0 1996 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patricia Spero Largo from "winter" (The Four Seasons) 06:25 2 Patricia Spero Dance of the Blessed Spirits 07:54 3 Patricia Spero Cradle Song 03:12 4 Patricia Spero Sheep May Safely Graze 06:51 5 Patricia Spero Silent Night 03:20 6 Patricia Spero On Wings of Song 03:44 7 Patricia Spero The Gentle Harp 01:55 8 Patricia Spero Reverie 05:24 9 Patricia Spero Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring 04:15 10 Patricia Spero The Noel Waltz 06:08 11 Patricia Spero Cantique de Noel 02:34 12 Patricia Spero Ave Maria 05:19 13 Patricia Spero Largo 04:58 14 Patricia Spero Panis Angelicus 03:47
Patricia Vonne View in Albunack Top Of The Mountain (2018) 13 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patricia Vonne Citadel 03:15 2 Patricia Vonne City Is Alive 03:15 3 Patricia Vonne Illuminaria 02:31 4 Patricia Vonne Top Of The Mountain 03:36 5 Patricia Vonne Lil Lobo 04:30 6 Patricia Vonne Madre De Peria 02:40 7 Patricia Vonne Tidal Wave 04:14 8 Patricia Vonne Graceland Trip 02:47 9 Patricia Vonne Western Blood 03:02 10 Patricia Vonne Cancion De La Boda 02:54 11 Patricia Vonne Lekker Ding 02:09 12 Patricia Vonne God's Hands 03:51 13 Patricia Vonne Stop The Madness 04:01
Patricider View in Albunack 2004.Fear of Evening 17 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patricider Ten Beers 00:57 2 Patricider The Quarry 00:56 3 Patricider Neighbour 00:57 4 Patricider Crackt 00:36 5 Patricider Xerox 00:52 6 Patricider Cyphrspk 00:27 7 Patricider Tate 00:45 8 Patricider Suite 101 00:20 9 Patricider Okay Thanks 00:49 10 Patricider Dead 00:46 11 Patricider Intermission 04:14 12 Patricider Silent Abyss 01:21 13 Patricider The Senators 01:26 14 Patricider Bind Smooth Skin 00:49 15 Patricider Soren Induster 00:57 16 Patricider Two Minute Hate 02:00 17 Patricider Razors Keen 02:25
Patricider View in Albunack Fear Of Evening 17 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patricider Ten Beers 00:57 2 Patricider The Quarry 00:56 3 Patricider Neighbor 00:57 4 Patricider Crackt 00:36 5 Patricider Xerox 00:52 6 Patricider Cyphrspk 00:27 7 Patricider Tate 00:45 8 Patricider Suite 101 00:20 9 Patricider Okay Thanks 00:49 10 Patricider Dead 00:46 11 Patricider Intermission 04:14 12 Patricider Silent Abyss 01:21 13 Patricider The Senators 01:26 14 Patricider Bind Smooth Skin 00:49 15 Patricider Soren Induster 00:58 16 Patricider Two Minute Hate 02:00 17 Patricider Razors Keen 02:25
Patricio Manns View in Albunack Porque te amé 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patricio Manns De repente 04:27 2 Patricio Manns Caminos negros 04:36 3 Patricio Manns El orden de las cosas 04:11 4 Patricio Manns Quién eres tú ? 03:17 5 Patricio Manns Adiós 03:03 6 Patricio Manns Medianoche 03:40 7 Patricio Manns El viajero en invierno 03:58 8 Patricio Manns Y por llevarte al sur 03:31 9 Patricio Manns Porque te amé 03:41 10 Patricio Manns Arriesgaré la piel 04:01 11 Patricio Manns Valdivia en la niebla 07:34
Patricio Rey Y Sus Redonditos De Ricota View in Albunack Anteúltimo Ensayo 12 1 2001 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 Patricio Rey Y Sus Redonditos De Ricota El Pibe De Los Astilleros 03:48 2 Patricio Rey Y Sus Redonditos De Ricota Un Angel Para Tu Soledad 04:14 3 Patricio Rey Y Sus Redonditos De Ricota Murga Purga 03:29 4 Patricio Rey Y Sus Redonditos De Ricota Estás Frito Angelito! 04:38 5 Patricio Rey Y Sus Redonditos De Ricota Murga De La Virgencita 05:02 6 Patricio Rey Y Sus Redonditos De Ricota Queso Ruso 07:33 7 Patricio Rey Y Sus Redonditos De Ricota Preso en mi Ciudad 03:53 8 Patricio Rey Y Sus Redonditos De Ricota Pool, Averna Y Papusa 04:46 9 Patricio Rey Y Sus Redonditos De Ricota Juguetes Perdidos 06:39 10 Patricio Rey Y Sus Redonditos De Ricota Vamos Las Bandas 04:16 11 Patricio Rey Y Sus Redonditos De Ricota Mi Perro Dinamita 02:52 12 Patricio Rey Y Sus Redonditos De Ricota Jijiji 04:45
Patricio Rey y Sus Redonditos de Ricota View in Albunack Ultimo Bondi a Finisterre 10 0 2006 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Los Redondos Las increibles andanzas del capitan Buscapina en Cybersiberia 06:44 2 Los Redondos Estas Frito angelito 06:04 3 Los Redondos El arbol del gran bonete 07:13 4 Los Redondos Gualicho 06:35 5 Los Redondos Pogo 06:34 6 Los Redondos Alien Duce 04:41 7 Los Redondos La pequeña novia del carioca 06:17 8 Los Redondos Drogocop 04:08 9 Los Redondos Scaramanzia 07:47 10 Los Redondos Esto es to - to - todo amigos 05:07
Patricio Rey y sus Redonditos de Ricota View in Albunack Ineditos 18 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patricio Rey y sus Redonditos de Ricota Rodando 05:57 2 Patricio Rey y sus Redonditos de Ricota Cua Cua Amen 04:53 3 Patricio Rey y sus Redonditos de Ricota El Hombre Electrico 07:20 4 Patricio Rey y sus Redonditos de Ricota Mi Genio Amor 05:25 5 Patricio Rey y sus Redonditos de Ricota De Estos Polvos Futuros Lodos 06:44 6 Patricio Rey y sus Redonditos de Ricota Rock de las Abejas 06:12 7 Patricio Rey y sus Redonditos de Ricota Roxana Porchelana 04:58 8 Patricio Rey y sus Redonditos de Ricota El Regreso de Mao 03:18 9 Patricio Rey y sus Redonditos de Ricota Nene Nena 04:27 10 Patricio Rey y sus Redonditos de Ricota Pura Suerte 06:08 11 Patricio Rey y sus Redonditos de Ricota Que mal Celo 03:22 12 Patricio Rey y sus Redonditos de Ricota Espiroqueta 03:37 13 Patricio Rey y sus Redonditos de Ricota Tema en Ingles 06:07 14 Patricio Rey y sus Redonditos de Ricota Honolulu 04:02 15 Patricio Rey y sus Redonditos de Ricota Kazachok 04:38 16 Patricio Rey y sus Redonditos de Ricota Un tal Brigitte Bardot 02:45 17 Patricio Rey y sus Redonditos de Ricota Nene No Comprendo Tus Ambisiones 04:02 18 Patricio Rey y sus Redonditos de Ricota Superlogico 03:25
Patricio Rey y sus Redonditos de Ricota View in Albunack Ineditos 1982-1994 18 2 1994 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patricio Rey y sus Redonditos de Ricota Nene Nena 03:49 2 Patricio Rey y sus Redonditos de Ricota Rock de las abejas 05:20 3 Patricio Rey y sus Redonditos de Ricota El Regreso de Mao 02:48 Has Mbid 4 Patricio Rey y sus Redonditos de Ricota Roxana Porcellana 03:59 5 Patricio Rey y sus Redonditos de Ricota Mi genio amor 04:58 Has Mbid 6 Patricio Rey y sus Redonditos de Ricota Patricio Disco Show 01:56 7 Patricio Rey y sus Redonditos de Ricota Rodando 04:36 8 Patricio Rey y sus Redonditos de Ricota Cua cua amen 03:42 9 Patricio Rey y sus Redonditos de Ricota El hombre electrico 06:24 10 Patricio Rey y sus Redonditos de Ricota De estos polvos futuros lodos 05:14 11 Patricio Rey y sus Redonditos de Ricota Que mal celo 03:19 12 Patricio Rey y sus Redonditos de Ricota Rock 18 02:01 13 Patricio Rey y sus Redonditos de Ricota No late mas 03:39 14 Patricio Rey y sus Redonditos de Ricota Pura Suerte 04:47 15 Patricio Rey y sus Redonditos de Ricota Honolulu 03:12 16 Patricio Rey y sus Redonditos de Ricota Pura Suerte 04:48 17 Patricio Rey y sus Redonditos de Ricota Un tal Brigitte Bardot 02:59 18 Patricio Rey y sus Redonditos de Ricota Rock baby rock (The Doors) 02:09
Patrick Abrial View in Albunack Jean de la Fontaine 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patrick Abrial Les laboureur et ses enfants 03:09 2 Patrick Abrial Le loup et l'agneau 03:45 3 Patrick Abrial Le corbeau et le renard 02:57 4 Patrick Abrial Le chameau et les bâtons flottants 03:03 5 Patrick Abrial Le lion et le rat 02:11 6 Patrick Abrial La cigale et la fourmi 02:12 7 Patrick Abrial Le lièvre et la tortue 02:46 8 Patrick Abrial Le petit poisson et le pêcheur 04:00 9 Patrick Abrial le corbeau et le renard (Marrakech Mix) 03:00 10 Patrick Abrial Le héron 03:58 11 Patrick Abrial Les deux amis 04:52 12 Patrick Abrial Le corbeau et le renard (New York Mix) 03:27
Patrick Artero View in Albunack Vaudoo 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patrick Artero Estelutsi 04:04 2 Patrick Artero Swamp Atmosphere 04:54 3 Patrick Artero Short Dress Gal 04:34 4 Patrick Artero Papa Limba's March 04:39 5 Patrick Artero Oh What A Strange Doll 04:12 6 Patrick Artero Snake Dance 05:21 7 Patrick Artero Bayou Saint John Reunion 05:00 8 Patrick Artero A Wish To Erzulie 04:06 9 Patrick Artero Alligator's Boogaloo 03:35 10 Patrick Artero Mysterious Marie 05:09 11 Patrick Artero Congo Square Bamboula 07:03
Patrick Ball View in Albunack Music of Turlough O´Carolan / Secret Isles 23 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patrick Ball Carolan´s Quarrel with a Landlady 00:00 2 Patrick Ball Maurice O´Connor 00:00 3 Patrick Ball Blind Marry 00:00 4 Patrick Ball Carolan´s Receipt for Drinking 00:00 5 Patrick Ball Carolan´s Ramble to Cashel 00:00 6 Patrick Ball Carolan´s Welcome 00:00 7 Patrick Ball Young William Plunkett 00:00 8 Patrick Ball George Brabazon 00:00 9 Patrick Ball Lady Athenry / Fanny Poer 00:00 10 Patrick Ball Give me your hand 00:00 11 Patrick Ball Lady Maxwell 00:00 12 Patrick Ball Dermott O´Dowd / The Queen´s Dream 00:00 13 Patrick Ball Mrs. Judge 00:00 14 Patrick Ball Carolans´s Farewell tu Music 00:00 15 Patrick Ball Sheebeg Sheemore 00:00 16 Patrick Ball Planxty Burke / Bumber Squire Jones 00:00 17 Patrick Ball Carrickfergus 00:00 18 Patrick Ball Susie McGuire / Bridget Geary 00:00 19 Patrick Ball Lord Inchiquin 00:00 20 Patrick Ball Carolan´s favorite Jig 00:00 21 Patrick Ball Song of the Water Kelpie / The Sheep under the Snow 00:00 22 Patrick Ball Planxty Irwin 00:00 23 Patrick Ball The foggy Dew 00:00
Patrick Bernard View in Albunack Angel Reiki 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patrick Bernard Grounding Gratitude 07:31 2 Patrick Bernard Holistic Intention 07:36 3 Patrick Bernard Aura Atunement 07:32 4 Patrick Bernard Meeting Of Our Higher Self 07:32 5 Patrick Bernard Hands Of Sacred Light 07:42 6 Patrick Bernard Distance Healing 07:23 7 Patrick Bernard Infinite Divine Radiance 07:35 8 Patrick Bernard Reiki Servant Of God Source 07:32
Patrick Bernard View in Albunack Holistic devotion 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patrick Bernard Stopa01 07:59 2 Patrick Bernard Stopa02 07:42 3 Patrick Bernard Stopa03 08:07 4 Patrick Bernard Stopa04 06:10 5 Patrick Bernard Stopa05 10:18 6 Patrick Bernard Stopa06 08:43 7 Patrick Bernard Stopa07 13:44
Patrick Bowsher View in Albunack The Ramp - Exchange 7 1 2007 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patrick Bowsher Rezo 05:27 Has Mbid 2 Patrick Bowsher Sun & moon 08:30 3 Patrick Bowsher A cat in the Colosseum 05:03 4 Patrick Bowsher Anna 06:33 5 Patrick Bowsher Song in 5 07:29 6 Patrick Bowsher Riding with Ron 03:57 7 Patrick Bowsher The TL 07:49
Search Patrick Bradley Come Rain or Shine 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patrick Bradley Come Rain or Shine 04:10 2 Patrick Bradley A River in Hand 04:45 3 Patrick Bradley Gabby's Groove 04:31 4 Patrick Bradley Streetwise 06:07 5 Patrick Bradley Summer Sunday 04:03 6 Patrick Bradley Mending Fence's 05:26 7 Patrick Bradley Peach Cobbler 04:18 8 Patrick Bradley Surrendering Dreams 04:23 9 Patrick Bradley Sojourner 04:27 10 Patrick Bradley Off the Record 03:51 11 Patrick Bradley Electrify 04:43
Search Patrick Bradley Intangible 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patrick Bradley Dear Friend 04:42 2 Patrick Bradley Funky Greens 04:09 3 Patrick Bradley Tailwind 03:52 4 Patrick Bradley On Tap 04:03 5 Patrick Bradley Intangible 04:43 6 Patrick Bradley Find The Way 04:23 7 Patrick Bradley Newport Coast (Feat. Andrew Carney) 03:23 8 Patrick Bradley Winds Of Change 04:00 9 Patrick Bradley Destiny 05:10 10 Patrick Bradley Out Of Bounds 05:05
Patrick Broguière View in Albunack Chateux des la Loire 13 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patrick Broguière Pavane des Batisseurs 02:42 2 Patrick Broguière Saltarelle 03:37 3 Patrick Broguière Pavane des Batisseurs II 00:35 4 Patrick Broguière La Conjuration d' Amboise I 02:54 5 Patrick Broguière La Conjuration d' Amboise II 03:02 6 Patrick Broguière La Ballade du Balafré 07:14 7 Patrick Broguière Chambord, l' Escalier Féerique 05:05 8 Patrick Broguière Gaillarde 00:55 9 Patrick Broguière Une Fete à Chenonceau 05:50 10 Patrick Broguière Azay-le-Rideau, reverie sir l' Indre 05:46 11 Patrick Broguière La Dame de Montsoreau 01:32 12 Patrick Broguière Les Jardins de Villandry I 05:13 13 Patrick Broguière Les Jardins de Villandry II 04:28
Patrick Bruel View in Albunack En Concert Olympia 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patrick Bruel Comment Ca Va 03:52 2 Patrick Bruel De Face 03:41 3 Patrick Bruel Puzzle 03:56 4 Patrick Bruel Lappart 03:34 5 Patrick Bruel Non Jveux Pas 05:17 6 Patrick Bruel Reve A Part 04:26 7 Patrick Bruel Musique Vieille 03:27 8 Patrick Bruel Ca Fait Desordre 03:14 9 Patrick Bruel Jroule Vers Toi 04:17 10 Patrick Bruel Marre De Cette Nana La 05:10 11 Patrick Bruel Tout Lmonde Peut Stromper 04:15 12 Patrick Bruel A Tout a l'heure 02:20
Search Patrick Cassidy Cruit 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patrick Cassidy Pista01 03:14 2 Patrick Cassidy Pista02 03:52 3 Patrick Cassidy Pista03 03:24 4 Patrick Cassidy Pista04 06:23 5 Patrick Cassidy Pista05 03:16 6 Patrick Cassidy Pista06 06:23 7 Patrick Cassidy Pista07 03:32 8 Patrick Cassidy Pista08 02:54 9 Patrick Cassidy Pista09 03:12 10 Patrick Cassidy Pista10 02:26 11 Patrick Cassidy Pista11 02:09
Patrick Chamblas View in Albunack Ne dans un piano 13 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patrick Chamblas Voici l'histoire (Claude Debussy) 01:07 2 Patrick Chamblas Ne dans un piano 02:54 3 Patrick Chamblas La boite en carton 03:09 4 Patrick Chamblas Cette nuit (Jean-Sebastien Bach) 02:00 5 Patrick Chamblas Je suis dans la lune 02:55 6 Patrick Chamblas Dare-dare 03:47 7 Patrick Chamblas Pas d'panique ! 03:53 8 Patrick Chamblas Voyage 01:09 9 Patrick Chamblas J'ai tout mon temps 03:13 10 Patrick Chamblas Dessiner ma maison 02:56 11 Patrick Chamblas Petit Garcon (Erik Satie) 01:55 12 Patrick Chamblas Petit Arbre 03:13 13 Patrick Chamblas Goutte d'eau, Goutte de pluie 02:28
Patrick Chartol View in Albunack ZIK 148 Oriental Dreams 32 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patrick Chartol Amber And Turquoise 02:27 2 Patrick Chartol Mosque Of Eternity 02:35 3 Patrick Chartol Oriental Dreams 02:10 4 Patrick Chartol Harmony And Wisdom 02:20 5 Patrick Chartol Tea And Narguile 02:06 6 Patrick Chartol Dervish Song 02:04 7 Patrick Chartol Istanbul Night 02:05 8 Patrick Chartol Beyoglu Bar 02:23 9 Patrick Chartol Wind And Sea 02:28 10 Patrick Chartol Modern Makkam 02:02 11 Patrick Chartol Fruits Market 02:04 12 Patrick Chartol Oriental Feeling 02:00 13 Patrick Chartol Soft And Deep 02:02 14 Patrick Chartol Red Garden 02:31 15 Patrick Chartol Sufi Dream 02:30 16 Patrick Chartol Magic Kilim 02:14 17 Patrick Chartol Amber And Turquoise 1' 01:02 18 Patrick Chartol Mosque Of Eternity 1' 01:02 19 Patrick Chartol Oriental Dreams 1' 01:02 20 Patrick Chartol Harmony And Wisdom 1' 01:03 21 Patrick Chartol Tea And Narguile 1' 01:02 22 Patrick Chartol Dervish Song 1' 00:59 23 Patrick Chartol Istanbul Night 1' 01:01 24 Patrick Chartol Beyoglu Bar 1' 01:01 25 Patrick Chartol Wind And Sea 1' 01:02 26 Patrick Chartol Modern Makkam 1' 01:03 27 Patrick Chartol Fruits Market 1' 01:02 28 Patrick Chartol Oriental Feeling 1' 01:02 29 Patrick Chartol Soft And Deep 1' 01:02 30 Patrick Chartol Red Garden 1' 01:02 31 Patrick Chartol Sufi Dream 1' 01:01 32 Patrick Chartol Magic Kilim 1' 01:00
Patrick Chartol View in Albunack ZIK 151 Electro Jungle 48 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patrick Chartol Texture 02:17 2 Patrick Chartol Eternal Dream 01:42 3 Patrick Chartol Inverted Spin 02:07 4 Patrick Chartol Savage Jungle 02:06 5 Patrick Chartol Hot Groove 02:16 6 Patrick Chartol Asteroid 109 02:06 7 Patrick Chartol X Ray 02:02 8 Patrick Chartol Mad Computers 01:38 9 Patrick Chartol Starship 02:19 10 Patrick Chartol Doppler 01:38 11 Patrick Chartol White Tiger 01:34 12 Patrick Chartol Virtual Town 01:50 13 Patrick Chartol U238 01:32 14 Patrick Chartol Space Racers 01:37 15 Patrick Chartol Electric Madness 01:36 16 Patrick Chartol Snow Blade 01:36 17 Patrick Chartol Matrix Switches 01:35 18 Patrick Chartol Nuclear Beam 01:43 19 Patrick Chartol Giant Star 01:37 20 Patrick Chartol Zero Point 01:36 21 Patrick Chartol Infernal Bottle 01:38 22 Patrick Chartol No Reason 02:41 23 Patrick Chartol No Reason Remix 01:54 24 Patrick Chartol Tekno Logic 02:48 25 Patrick Chartol Texture 00:33 26 Patrick Chartol Eternal Dream 00:33 27 Patrick Chartol Inverted Spin 00:33 28 Patrick Chartol Savage Jungle 00:33 29 Patrick Chartol Hot Groove 00:33 30 Patrick Chartol Asteroid 109 00:33 31 Patrick Chartol X Ray 00:33 32 Patrick Chartol Mad Computers 00:33 33 Patrick Chartol Starship 00:33 34 Patrick Chartol Doppler 00:33 35 Patrick Chartol White Tiger 00:33 36 Patrick Chartol Virtual Town 00:33 37 Patrick Chartol U238 00:33 38 Patrick Chartol Space Racers 00:33 39 Patrick Chartol Electric Madness 00:33 40 Patrick Chartol Snow Blade 00:33 41 Patrick Chartol Matrix Switches 00:33 42 Patrick Chartol Nuclear Beam 00:33 43 Patrick Chartol Giant Star 00:33 44 Patrick Chartol Zero Point 00:33 45 Patrick Chartol Infernal Bottle 00:33 46 Patrick Chartol No Reason 00:33 47 Patrick Chartol No Reason Remix 00:33 48 Patrick Chartol Tekno Logic 00:33
Patrick Cornelius View in Albunack While We're Still Young 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patrick Cornelius Sand Between the Toes 09:23 2 Patrick Cornelius Water Lilies 09:44 3 Patrick Cornelius Jonathan Jo 07:13 4 Patrick Cornelius The Invaders 07:50 5 Patrick Cornelius Lines and Squares 02:48 6 Patrick Cornelius Vespers 10:40
Search Patrick Craig True Story 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patrick Craig True Story 02:53 2 Patrick Craig Your Lifejacket is Under Your Seat 04:55 3 Patrick Craig Cold Coffee in Cracked Mugs 02:31 4 Patrick Craig Words Unspoken 03:40 5 Patrick Craig Splinters 04:29 6 Patrick Craig Fighter 03:46 7 Patrick Craig Begin Again 03:55 8 Patrick Craig Drinking Too Much 02:48 9 Patrick Craig Hold My Jacket 03:42 10 Patrick Craig It Matters 03:13
Search Patrick Davis Red, White & Blue Jeans 18 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patrick Davis Red, White & Blue Jeans 03:59 2 Patrick Davis Something Bout A Boat 03:19 3 Patrick Davis Why Is It Only 04:07 4 Patrick Davis Liberty 04:22 5 Patrick Davis Wanna Get Lost (Feat. Jewel) 03:48 6 Patrick Davis Girl From The North Country 04:01 7 Patrick Davis Grandma 1999 04:16 8 Patrick Davis Grandma 1999 04:16 9 Patrick Davis Lonely Loves Company 04:31 10 Patrick Davis Comes To Love] 04:14 11 Patrick Davis Whatever You're Looking For 03:57 12 Patrick Davis Girl From The North Country 04:01 13 Patrick Davis Something Like That 03:08 14 Patrick Davis Perfect You Know What 03:30 15 Patrick Davis It's All Over 03:26 16 Patrick Davis Run 05:11 17 Patrick Davis Heaven and a Heartbreak 05:43 18 Patrick Davis Into The Mystic (Feat. Branford Marsalis) 06:32
Patrick Dodd View in Albunack Several Seasons 8 0 1996 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patrick Dodd Silence 04:50 2 Patrick Dodd Memphis Blues 05:07 3 Patrick Dodd Several Seasons 02:49 4 Patrick Dodd Broken Bed 03:57 5 Patrick Dodd Song for a Letter, A 03:41 6 Patrick Dodd Stay Still 05:08 7 Patrick Dodd Wino, The 03:17 8 Patrick Dodd Can Anyone Hear Me? 03:44
Patrick Feeney View in Albunack Take Care Of You For Me 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patrick Feeney Take Care Of You For Me (In Kansas City) 02:23 2 Patrick Feeney Airline Bird 03:23 3 Patrick Feeney There's A Moon Over Ireland 04:07 4 Patrick Feeney Elizabeth 03:34 5 Patrick Feeney Green Fields Around Athenry 03:27 6 Patrick Feeney A Legend In My Time 03:13 7 Patrick Feeney After You Leave Me 02:55 8 Patrick Feeney The Old Bog Road 03:03 9 Patrick Feeney Love Has A Mind Of Its Own 02:37 10 Patrick Feeney Take Me To The River 02:31 11 Patrick Feeney Connemara Country Boy 03:36 12 Patrick Feeney Too Much On My Heart 03:41
Patrick Feeney View in Albunack Young Country 14 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patrick Feeney Everything A Man Could Ever Need 02:44 2 Patrick Feeney Golden Years 03:35 3 Patrick Feeney She Always Talked About Mexico 03:18 4 Patrick Feeney The Flame Just Flickered And Died 03:33 5 Patrick Feeney Billy Billy Bio 02:04 6 Patrick Feeney Let Me Be the One 04:49 7 Patrick Feeney Lovely Lisdoonvarna 02:55 8 Patrick Feeney Mockingbird Hill 02:31 9 Patrick Feeney When A Heart Wil Fall 03:00 10 Patrick Feeney Now And Then 02:28 11 Patrick Feeney A Road That Never Ends 02:38 12 Patrick Feeney Glens Of Home 02:54 13 Patrick Feeney Let The World Keep On A-Turning 02:28 14 Patrick Feeney I'll Fly Away 03:05
Patrick Gallois View in Albunack Devienne Flute Concertos Vol. 1 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patrick Gallois DEVIENNE - Flute Concerto No. 1 in D Major - I. Allegro 09:21 2 Patrick Gallois DEVIENNE - Flute Concerto No. 1 in D Major - II. Adagio 02:54 3 Patrick Gallois DEVIENNE - Flute Concerto No. 1 in D Major - III. Rondo: Allegretto 05:21 4 Patrick Gallois DEVIENNE - Flute Concerto No. 2 in D Major - I. Allegro 09:47 5 Patrick Gallois DEVIENNE - Flute Concerto No. 2 in D Major - II. Adagio 02:59 6 Patrick Gallois DEVIENNE - Flute Concerto No. 2 in D Major - III. Rondo: Allegretto 04:27 7 Patrick Gallois DEVIENNE - Flute Concerto No. 3 in G Major - I. Allegro 08:54 8 Patrick Gallois DEVIENNE - Flute Concerto No. 3 in G Major - II. Romance 03:22 9 Patrick Gallois DEVIENNE - Flute Concerto No. 3 in G Major - III. Rondo: Allegretto 03:03 10 Patrick Gallois DEVIENNE - Flute Concerto No. 4 in G Major - I. Allegro 08:41 11 Patrick Gallois DEVIENNE - Flute Concerto No. 4 in G Major - II. Romance 02:21 12 Patrick Gallois DEVIENNE - Flute Concerto No. 4 in G Major - III. Rondo: Moderato 05:30
Patrick Gallois View in Albunack Famous Songs Of The World 18 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patrick Gallois Annie Laurie 04:31 2 Patrick Gallois Der Lindenbaum 04:41 3 Patrick Gallois None But the Lonely Heart 03:48 4 Patrick Gallois Wset Side Story: Maria 02:59 5 Patrick Gallois Home Sweet Home 03:28 6 Patrick Gallois Love's Old Sweet Song 04:19 7 Patrick Gallois Danny Boy 03:14 8 Patrick Gallois Jeannie With the Light Brown Hair 03:51 9 Patrick Gallois On Wings of Song 03:35 10 Patrick Gallois The Last Rose of Summer 03:52 11 Patrick Gallois Ombra mai fu 03:23 12 Patrick Gallois Limelight 04:17 13 Patrick Gallois Frühlingsstimmen 06:08 14 Patrick Gallois Songs My Mother Taught Me 02:31 15 Patrick Gallois Romance: Connais-tu le pays? 05:03 16 Patrick Gallois Schon Rosmarin 01:39 17 Patrick Gallois Liebersfreud 03:15 18 Patrick Gallois Die Forelle 02:38
Patrick Gallois View in Albunack Famous Works for Flute 16 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patrick Gallois メヌエット~アルルの女 (ビゼー) 03:29 2 Patrick Gallois 私の詩に翼があったなら (アーン) 01:46 3 Patrick Gallois 月の光 (ドビュッシー) 03:52 4 Patrick Gallois 亜麻色の髪の乙女 (ドビュッシー) 02:38 5 Patrick Gallois 白鳥 (サン=サーンス) 03:09 6 Patrick Gallois 真珠採り (ビゼー) 03:19 7 Patrick Gallois アルルの女 組曲 (ビゼー) 12:31 8 Patrick Gallois ワルツ 第7番 Op.64-2 (ショパン) 03:41 9 Patrick Gallois ホフマンの舟歌 (オッフェンバック) 03:28 10 Patrick Gallois アヴェ・マリア (グノー) 04:47 11 Patrick Gallois コッペリア (ドリーブ) 03:12 12 Patrick Gallois ジョスランの子守唄 (ゴダール) 06:08 13 Patrick Gallois 牧神の午後への前奏曲 (ドビュッシー) 07:24 14 Patrick Gallois 幻想即興曲 (ショパン) 05:43 15 Patrick Gallois カルメン 組曲 (ビゼー) 10:02 16 Patrick Gallois 夢のあとに (フォーレ) 03:46
Patrick Gallois View in Albunack Fantaisies pour flute sur des Airs d'Opera 7 3 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patrick Gallois La Traviata 11:41 Has Mbid 2 Patrick Gallois Jocelyn : Berceuse 03:00 3 Patrick Gallois Guillaume Tell 11:25 Has Mbid 4 Patrick Gallois Thais : Meditation 05:11 5 Patrick Gallois Un Ballo In Maschera 11:32 Has Mbid 6 Patrick Gallois Les Noces de Jeannette 04:28 7 Patrick Gallois Carmen 12:22
Patrick Gallois View in Albunack François Devienne: Flute Concertos Nos. 1-4 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Swedish Chamber Orchestra & Swedish Chamber Orchestra/Patrick Gallois Flute Concerto No. 1 in D major: 1. Allegro 09:21 2 Swedish Chamber Orchestra & Swedish Chamber Orchestra/Patrick Gallois Flute Concerto No. 1 in D major: 2. Adagio 02:54 3 Swedish Chamber Orchestra & Swedish Chamber Orchestra/Patrick Gallois Flute Concerto No. 1 in D major: 3. Rondo: Allegretto 05:21 4 Swedish Chamber Orchestra & Swedish Chamber Orchestra/Patrick Gallois Flute Concerto No. 2 in D major: 1. Allegro 09:47 5 Swedish Chamber Orchestra & Swedish Chamber Orchestra/Patrick Gallois Flute Concerto No. 2 in D major: 2. Adagio 02:59 6 Swedish Chamber Orchestra & Swedish Chamber Orchestra/Patrick Gallois Flute Concerto No. 2 in D major: 3. Rondo: Allegretto 04:27 7 Swedish Chamber Orchestra & Swedish Chamber Orchestra/Patrick Gallois Flute Concerto No. 3 in G major: 1. Allegro 08:54 8 Swedish Chamber Orchestra & Swedish Chamber Orchestra/Patrick Gallois Flute Concerto No. 3 in G major: 2. Romance 03:22 9 Swedish Chamber Orchestra & Swedish Chamber Orchestra/Patrick Gallois Flute Concerto No. 3 in G major: 3. Rondo: Allegretto 03:03 10 Swedish Chamber Orchestra & Swedish Chamber Orchestra/Patrick Gallois Flute Concerto No. 4 in G major: 1. Allegro 08:41 11 Swedish Chamber Orchestra & Swedish Chamber Orchestra/Patrick Gallois Flute Concerto No. 4 in G major: 2. Romance 02:21 12 Swedish Chamber Orchestra & Swedish Chamber Orchestra/Patrick Gallois Flute Concerto No. 4 in G major: 3. Rondo: Moderato 05:30
Patrick Gallois View in Albunack Haydn: Symphonies Nos. 25, 42 & 65 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patrick Gallois Symphony No. 25 in C major, H. 1-25- Adagio - Allegro molto 05:51 2 Patrick Gallois Symphony No. 25 in C major, H. 1-25- Menuet 03:36 3 Patrick Gallois Symphony No. 25 in C major, H. 1-25- Presto 02:56 4 Patrick Gallois Symphony No. 42 in D major, H. 1-42- Moderato e maestoso 08:02 5 Patrick Gallois Symphony No. 42 in D major, H. 1-42- Andantino e cantabile 11:09 6 Patrick Gallois Symphony No. 42 in D major, H. 1-42- Menuet- Allegretto 05:20 7 Patrick Gallois Symphony No. 42 in D major, H. 1-42- Finale- Scherzando e presto 03:50 8 Patrick Gallois Symphony No. 65 in A major, H. 1-65- Vivace e con spirito 07:38 9 Patrick Gallois Symphony No. 65 in A major, H. 1-65- Andante 09:04 10 Patrick Gallois Symphony No. 65 in A major, H. 1-65- Menuetto 04:37 11 Patrick Gallois Symphony No. 65 in A major, H. 1-65- Finale- Presto 05:06
Patrick Gallois View in Albunack Haydn: Symphonies Nos. 9-12 13 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Finlandia Sinfonietta & Patrick Gallois Symphony No. 9 in C major, H. 1/9: Allegro molto 04:12 2 Finlandia Sinfonietta & Patrick Gallois Symphony No. 9 in C major, H. 1/9: Andante 04:52 3 Finlandia Sinfonietta & Patrick Gallois Symphony No. 9 in C major, H. 1/9: Finale: Minuetto: Allegretto 03:12 4 Finlandia Sinfonietta & Patrick Gallois Symphony No. 10 in D major, H. 1/10: Allegro 05:05 5 Finlandia Sinfonietta & Patrick Gallois Symphony No. 10 in D major, H. 1/10: Andante 05:19 6 Finlandia Sinfonietta & Patrick Gallois Symphony No. 10 in D major, H. 1/10: Finale: Presto 03:29 7 Finlandia Sinfonietta & Patrick Gallois Symphony No. 11 in E flat major, H. 1/11: Adagio cantabile 05:52 8 Finlandia Sinfonietta & Patrick Gallois Symphony No. 11 in E flat major, H. 1/11: Allegro 04:21 9 Finlandia Sinfonietta & Patrick Gallois Symphony No. 11 in E flat major, H. 1/11: Minuet 03:53 10 Finlandia Sinfonietta & Patrick Gallois Symphony No. 11 in E flat major, H. 1/11: Finale: Presto 03:24 11 Finlandia Sinfonietta & Patrick Gallois Symphony No. 12 in E major, H. 1/12: Allegro 04:47 12 Finlandia Sinfonietta & Patrick Gallois Symphony No. 12 in E major, H. 1/12: Adagio 08:10 13 Finlandia Sinfonietta & Patrick Gallois Symphony No. 12 in E major, H. 1/12: Finale: Presto 03:35
Patrick Gallois View in Albunack J.S. Bach - Complete Sonatas for Flute Vol. 1 23 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patrick Gallois Sonata in B Minor for Flute and Harpsichord Obbligato BWV1030 - I. Andante 07:25 2 Patrick Gallois Sonata in B Minor for Flute and Harpsichord Obbligato BWV1030 - II. Largo e dolce 03:25 3 Patrick Gallois Sonata in B Minor for Flute and Harpsichord Obbligato BWV1030 - III. Presto 05:46 4 Patrick Gallois Sonata in E Major for Flute and Basso Continuo BWV1035 - I. Adagio ma non tanto 02:17 5 Patrick Gallois Sonata in E Major for Flute and Basso Continuo BWV1035 - II. Allegro 03:00 6 Patrick Gallois Sonata in E Major for Flute and Basso Continuo BWV1035 - III. Siciliano 02:48 7 Patrick Gallois Sonata in E Major for Flute and Basso Continuo BWV1035 - IV. Allegro assai 03:20 8 Patrick Gallois Sonata in A Major for Flute and Harpsicord BWV1032 - II. Largo e dolce 03:05 9 Patrick Gallois Sonata in A Major for Flute and Harpsicord BWV1032 - III. Allegro 04:25 10 Patrick Gallois Sonata in E Minor for Flute and Basso Continuo BWV1034 - I. Adagio ma non tanto 02:52 11 Patrick Gallois Sonata in E Minor for Flute and Basso Continuo BWV1034 - II. Allegro 02:43 12 Patrick Gallois Sonata in E Minor for Flute and Basso Continuo BWV1034 - III. Andante 03:49 13 Patrick Gallois Sonata in E Minor for Flute and Basso Continuo BWV1034 - IV. Allegro 03:36 14 Patrick Gallois Sonata in E-Flat Major for Flute and Harpsichord BWV1031 - I. Allegro moderato 03:43 15 Patrick Gallois Sonata in E-Flat Major for Flute and Harpsichord BWV1031 - II. Siciliano 02:00 16 Patrick Gallois Sonata in E-Flat Major for Flute and Harpsichord BWV1031 - III. Allegro 03:25 17 Patrick Gallois Sonata in C Major for Flute and Basso Continuo BWV1033 - I. Andante - Presto 01:29 18 Patrick Gallois Sonata in C Major for Flute and Basso Continuo BWV1033 - II. Allegro 02:17 19 Patrick Gallois Sonata in C Major for Flute and Basso Continuo BWV1033 - III. Adagio 01:46 20 Patrick Gallois Sonata in C Major for Flute and Basso Continuo BWV1033 - IV. Menuetto 02:37 21 Patrick Gallois Sonata in G Minor for Flute and Harpsichord BWV1020 - I. Allegro 04:31 22 Patrick Gallois Sonata in G Minor for Flute and Harpsichord BWV1020 - II. Adagio 02:57 23 Patrick Gallois Sonata in G Minor for Flute and Harpsichord BWV1020 - III. Allegro 04:04
Patrick Gallois View in Albunack J.S. Bach - Complete Sonatas for Flute Vol. 2 16 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patrick Gallois Sonata in G Major for Flute, Violin, Basso Continuo BWV1038 - I. Largo 03:08 2 Patrick Gallois Sonata in G Major for Flute, Violin, Basso Continuo BWV1038 - II. Vivace 00:49 3 Patrick Gallois Sonata in G Major for Flute, Violin, Basso Continuo BWV1038 - III. Adagio 02:03 4 Patrick Gallois Sonata in G Major for Flute, Violin, Basso Continuo BWV1038 - IV. Presto 01:31 5 Patrick Gallois Sonata in A Minor for Flute Solo BWV1013 - I. Allemande 03:46 6 Patrick Gallois Sonata in A Minor for Flute Solo BWV1013 - II. Corrente 02:53 7 Patrick Gallois Sonata in A Minor for Flute Solo BWV1013 - III. Sarabande 04:02 8 Patrick Gallois Sonata in A Minor for Flute Solo BWV1013 - IV. Bouree anglaise 02:12 9 Patrick Gallois Sonata in G Major for Two Flutes and Basso Continuo BWV1039 - I. Adagio 03:10 10 Patrick Gallois Sonata in G Major for Two Flutes and Basso Continuo BWV1039 - II. Allegro ma non presto 03:45 11 Patrick Gallois Sonata in G Major for Two Flutes and Basso Continuo BWV1039 - III. Adagio e piano 02:00 12 Patrick Gallois Sonata in G Major for Two Flutes and Basso Continuo BWV1039 - IV. Presto 03:11 13 Patrick Gallois Sonata in C Minor for Flute, Violin, Harpsicord Obbligato BWV1079-8 - I. Largo 05:33 14 Patrick Gallois Sonata in C Minor for Flute, Violin, Harpsicord Obbligato BWV1079-8 - II. Allegro 06:26 15 Patrick Gallois Sonata in C Minor for Flute, Violin, Harpsicord Obbligato BWV1079-8 - III. Andante 03:06 16 Patrick Gallois Sonata in C Minor for Flute, Violin, Harpsicord Obbligato BWV1079-8 - IV. Allegro 03:18
Patrick Gallois View in Albunack Massenet Ballet Music 32 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patrick Gallois Bacchus - Allegro moderato - Nocturne 01:52 2 Patrick Gallois Faunes et Satyres 02:00 3 Patrick Gallois La Procession des offrandes: Andante lento sostenuto 02:59 4 Patrick Gallois Chasseresses et Bacchantes 03:15 5 Patrick Gallois Initiations I: Allegretto moderato 01:08 6 Patrick Gallois Initiations II: Lento sostenuto - Andantino con motot - Lento 01:57 7 Patrick Gallois Initiations III: Allegro 01:24 8 Patrick Gallois Initiations IV: Allegro 01:30 9 Patrick Gallois La Baptême par le vin: Allegro moderato - Allegro maestoso 01:27 10 Patrick Gallois Bacchanale: Allegro 03:08 11 Patrick Gallois Herodiade - Les Egyptiennes 01:53 12 Patrick Gallois Les Babyloniennes 01:47 13 Patrick Gallois Les gauloises 01:36 14 Patrick Gallois Les Phéniciennes 03:32 15 Patrick Gallois Final 01:57 16 Patrick Gallois Thais - Andante - Allegro vivo 02:40 17 Patrick Gallois Large - Allegretto moderato - Lent 03:39 18 Patrick Gallois Presto vivace 01:18 19 Patrick Gallois Andante cantabile 03:06 20 Patrick Gallois Scherzetto molto vivace 01:16 21 Patrick Gallois Allegretto moderato 01:57 22 Patrick Gallois Très lent - Allegro maestoso 02:15 23 Patrick Gallois Andante religioso 04:26 24 Patrick Gallois Allegro vivace frenetico - Presto - Prestissimo sunito 02:39 25 Patrick Gallois Allegro moderato 01:02 26 Patrick Gallois Le Cid - Castillane 03:39 27 Patrick Gallois Andalouse 02:59 28 Patrick Gallois Aragonaise 01:55 29 Patrick Gallois Aubade 01:11 30 Patrick Gallois Madrilène 04:53 31 Patrick Gallois Catalane 03:24 32 Patrick Gallois Navarraise 03:54
Patrick Gallois View in Albunack Mercadante Flute Concertos Nos 1, 2 & 4 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patrick Gallois Flute Concerto No 2 in E Minor, Op 57 - I Allegro maestoso 10:54 2 Patrick Gallois Flute Concerto No 2 in E Minor, Op 57 - II Adagio 03:42 3 Patrick Gallois Flute Concerto No 2 in E Minor, Op 57 - III Rondo russo Allegro giusto 06:23 4 Patrick Gallois Flute Concerto No 4 in G Major - I Allegro maestoso 07:59 5 Patrick Gallois Flute Concerto No 4 in G Major - II Largo espressivo 03:28 6 Patrick Gallois Flute Concerto No 4 in G Major - III Polacca brillante 04:28 7 Patrick Gallois Flute Concerto No 1 in E Major, Op 49 - I Allegro maestoso 10:12 8 Patrick Gallois Flute Concerto No 1 in E Major, Op 49 - II Largo (cadenza by Patrick Gallois) 04:58 9 Patrick Gallois Flute Concerto No 1 in E Major, Op 49 - III Polacca brillante 05:28
Patrick Gallois View in Albunack Mozart 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patrick Gallois Concerto No.2 in D Major K.314 - I. Allegro aperto 07:35 2 Patrick Gallois Concerto No.2 in D Major K.314 - II. Andante ma non troppo 08:15 3 Patrick Gallois Concerto No.2 in D Major K.314 - III. Allegro 05:14 4 Patrick Gallois Concerto in C Major K.299 - I. Allegro 10:20 5 Patrick Gallois Concerto in C Major K.299 - II. Andantino 08:23 6 Patrick Gallois Concerto in C Major K.299 - III. Rondo allegro 09:13
Patrick Gallois View in Albunack Mozart & Salieri 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patrick Gallois Mozart: Concerto No.1 in G Major K.313 - I. Allegro maestoso 08:48 2 Patrick Gallois Mozart: Concerto No.1 in G Major K.313 - II. Adagio non troppo 09:52 3 Patrick Gallois Mozart: Concerto No.1 in G Major K.313 - III. Rondo tempo di minuetto 07:17 4 Patrick Gallois Mozart: Andante in C Major K.315 06:55 5 Patrick Gallois Mozart: Rondo in D Major K.184 05:17 6 Patrick Gallois Salieri: Concerto in G Major - I. Allegro spirituoso 06:03 7 Patrick Gallois Salieri: Concerto in G Major - II. Minuetto 02:08 8 Patrick Gallois Salieri: Concerto in G Major - III. Poco adagio 02:52 9 Patrick Gallois Salieri: Concerto in G Major - IV. Presto 02:45
Patrick Gallois View in Albunack Mozart - Four Flute Quartets 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patrick Gallois Quartet No.1 in D Major K.285 - I. Allegro 06:53 2 Patrick Gallois Quartet No.1 in D Major K.285 - II. Adagio - III. Rondeau 07:01 3 Patrick Gallois Quartet No.2 in G Major K.285a - I. Andante 05:21 4 Patrick Gallois Quartet No.2 in G Major K.285a - II. Tempo di Menuetto 03:11 5 Patrick Gallois Quartet No.3 in C Major K.285b - I. Allegro 05:58 6 Patrick Gallois Quartet No.3 in C Major K.285b - II. Andantino 10:08 7 Patrick Gallois Quartet No.4 in A Major K.298 - I. Andante - II. Menuetto 06:42 8 Patrick Gallois Quartet No.4 in A Major K.298 - II. Menuetto 02:04 9 Patrick Gallois Quartet No.4 in A Major K.298 - III. Rondeau 03:00
Patrick Gallois View in Albunack Opera Melodies For Flute 7 3 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Giuseppe Verdi La Traviata 11:41 Has Mbid 2 Benjamin Godard Jocelyn: Berceuse 03:00 3 Gioacchino Rossini Guillaume Tell - William Tell - Wilhelm Tell - Gugliemo Tell 11:25 Has Mbid 4 Jules Massenet Thaïs: Méditation 05:15 5 Giuseppe Verdi Un Ballo In Maschera - Un Bal Masqué - A Masked Ball - Ein Maskenball 11:32 Has Mbid 6 Victor Massé Les Noce De Jeannette: Air Du Rossignol 04:31 7 Georges Bizet Carmen 12:22
Patrick Gallois View in Albunack Paganini 24 Caprices Transcription pour Flûte 24 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patrick Gallois No 1 en mi majeur 02:08 2 Patrick Gallois No 2 en si mineur 03:10 3 Patrick Gallois No 3 en mi mineur 03:24 4 Patrick Gallois No 4 en ut mineur 06:49 5 Patrick Gallois No 5 en la mineur 03:16 6 Patrick Gallois No 6 en sol mineur 02:25 7 Patrick Gallois No 7 en la mineur 04:02 8 Patrick Gallois No 8 en mi bémol majeur 03:06 9 Patrick Gallois No 9 en mi majeur 02:56 10 Patrick Gallois No 10 en sol mineur 02:12 11 Patrick Gallois No 11 en ut majeur 05:13 12 Patrick Gallois No 12 en la bémol majeur 03:01 13 Patrick Gallois No 13 en si bémol majeur 02:52 14 Patrick Gallois No 14 en mi bémol majeur 01:39 15 Patrick Gallois No 15 en mi mineur 03:08 16 Patrick Gallois No 16 en sol mineur 01:49 17 Patrick Gallois No 17 en mi bémol majeur 03:34 18 Patrick Gallois No 18 en ut majeur 02:37 19 Patrick Gallois No 19 en mi bémol majeur 02:26 20 Patrick Gallois No 20 en ré majeur 02:58 21 Patrick Gallois No 21 en la majeur 02:58 22 Patrick Gallois No 22 en fa majeur 03:14 23 Patrick Gallois No 23 en mi bémol majeur 03:42 24 Patrick Gallois No 24 en la mineur 05:03
Patrick Gallois View in Albunack Paganini: 24 Caprices, transcribed for flute 24 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patrick Gallois Paganini: Caprice for solo violin, Op. 1 No. 1 in E major 'The Arpeggio' 02:09 2 Patrick Gallois Paganini: Caprice for solo violin, Op. 1 No. 2 in B minor 03:10 3 Patrick Gallois Paganini: Caprice for solo violin, Op. 1 No. 3 in E minor 03:24 4 Patrick Gallois Paganini: Caprice for solo violin, Op. 1 No. 4 in C minor 06:49 5 Patrick Gallois Paganini: Caprice for solo violin, Op. 1 No. 5 in A minor 03:16 6 Patrick Gallois Paganini: Caprice for solo violin, Op. 1 No. 6 in G minor 02:25 7 Patrick Gallois Paganini: Caprice for solo violin, Op. 1 No. 7 in A minor 04:02 8 Patrick Gallois Paganini: Caprice for solo violin, Op. 1 No. 8 in E flat major 03:06 9 Patrick Gallois Paganini: Caprice for solo violin, Op. 1 No. 9 in E major 'The Hunt' 02:56 10 Patrick Gallois Paganini: Caprice for solo violin, Op. 1 No. 10 in G minor 02:12 11 Patrick Gallois Paganini: Caprice for solo violin, Op. 1 No. 11 in C major 05:13 12 Patrick Gallois Paganini: Caprice for solo violin, Op. 1 No. 12 in A flat major 03:01 13 Patrick Gallois Paganini: Caprice for solo violin, Op. 1 No. 13 in B flat major 02:52 14 Patrick Gallois Paganini: Caprice for solo violin, Op. 1 No. 14 in E flat major 01:39 15 Patrick Gallois Paganini: Caprice for solo violin, Op. 1 No. 15 in E minor 03:08 16 Patrick Gallois Paganini: Caprice for solo violin, Op. 1 No. 16 in G minor 01:49 17 Patrick Gallois Paganini: Caprice for solo violin, Op. 1 No. 17 in E flat major 03:34 18 Patrick Gallois Paganini: Caprice for solo violin, Op. 1 No. 18 in C major 02:37 19 Patrick Gallois Paganini: Caprice for solo violin, Op. 1 No. 19 in E flat major 02:26 20 Patrick Gallois Paganini: Caprice for solo violin, Op. 1 No. 20 in D major 02:58 21 Patrick Gallois Paganini: Caprice for solo violin, Op. 1 No. 21 in A major 02:58 22 Patrick Gallois Paganini: Caprice for solo violin, Op. 1 No. 22 in F major 03:14 23 Patrick Gallois Paganini: Caprice for solo violin, Op. 1 No. 23 in E flat major 03:42 24 Patrick Gallois Paganini: Caprice for solo violin, Op. 1 No. 24 in A minor 05:03
Patrick Gallois View in Albunack Patrick Gallois 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patrick Gallois Sarasate: Zigeunerweisen 07:23 2 Patrick Gallois Grieg: Solveig's Song 03:35 3 Patrick Gallois Massenet: Thais' Meditation 04:17 4 Patrick Gallois Tchaikovsky: Swan Lake (Scene) 02:23 5 Patrick Gallois Godard: Valse 04:35 6 Patrick Gallois Schumann: Romanze 03:38 7 Patrick Gallois Doppler: Hungarian Pastoral Fantasy 10:49 8 Patrick Gallois Bizet: L'Arlésienne (Menuet) 03:29 9 Patrick Gallois Hahn: Si mes vers avaient des ailes 01:46 10 Patrick Gallois Fauré: Sicilienne 03:16 11 Patrick Gallois Gluck: Orfeo ed Euridice (Melody) 02:40 12 Patrick Gallois Debussy: Clair de Lune 03:55
Patrick Gallois View in Albunack Patrick Gallois - Summer Serenade 17 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patrick Gallois Pachelbel - Kanon und Gigue in D für Str&Bc: Kanon 05:57 2 Patrick Gallois Faure - Pelléas et Mélisande op.78: Sicilienne 03:11 3 Patrick Gallois Saint-Saens - Der Karneval der Tiere (1886): Der Schwan 03:09 4 Patrick Gallois Albinoni - Adagio g-moll f黵 Violine und Orgel 05:55 5 Patrick Gallois Rachmaninov - Lieder op.34 Nr.14: Vocalise 03:38 6 Patrick Gallois Debussy - Petite Suite Nr.1 "Im Kahn" (En bateau) 04:04 7 Patrick Gallois Schumann - Kinderszenen für Klavier op.15: Nr.7 Träumerei 03:01 8 Patrick Gallois Massenet - Thaïs: Méditation 04:17 9 Patrick Gallois Cimarosa - Konz. f黵 Oboe&Str C-dur: Larghetto & Allegro giusto 05:01 10 Patrick Gallois Kreisler - Leibesleid 03:40 11 Patrick Gallois Haydn - Streichquartett H3 Nr.17 F-dur: Serenade 03:26 12 Patrick Gallois Vivaldi - Konz. f Viol&Str Nr.25 f-moll "Winter": Largo 02:14 13 Patrick Gallois Debussy - Préludes(Heft) I Nr.8 La Fille aux cheveux de lin 02:41 14 Patrick Gallois Satie - Gymnopédie Nr.1 03:31 15 Patrick Gallois Bach - Suite für Orchester BWV1068: D-dur 2.Air 03:11 Has Mbid 16 Patrick Gallois Dvorak - Humoresque Nr.7 03:34 17 Patrick Gallois Bach/Gounod - Ave Maria (黚er das 1. Pr鋖udium aus Bachs Wohltemperiertem Kla... 04:44
Patrick Gallois View in Albunack Patrick Gallois 2 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patrick Gallois Pachelbel: Canon 06:00 2 Patrick Gallois Marcello: Oboe Concerto (Adagio) 04:05 3 Patrick Gallois Händel: Arrival of the Queen of Sheba 03:01 4 Patrick Gallois Albinoni: Adagio 05:55 5 Patrick Gallois Vivaldi: L'inverno (Largo) 02:14 6 Patrick Gallois Bach: Air 03:09 7 Patrick Gallois Gossec: Tambourin 01:26 8 Patrick Gallois Cimarosa: Oboe Concerto (Larghetto; Allegro giusto) 05:01 9 Patrick Gallois Haydn: Serenade 03:27 10 Patrick Gallois Bach: Suite No.2 (Bourree; Polonaise; Badinerie) 07:02
Patrick Gallois View in Albunack Patrick Gallois 4 13 1 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 Patrick Gallois Dvorak: Humoresque 03:33 2 Patrick Gallois Chopin: Petite chien - Valse Op.64, No. 1 02:02 3 Patrick Gallois Satie: Gymnopedies 03:30 4 Patrick Gallois Kreisler: Liebesleid 03:32 5 Patrick Gallois Rachmaninov: Vocalise 03:40 6 Patrick Gallois Beethoven: Romance No.2 Op.50 09:25 7 Patrick Gallois Dvorak: Symphony No.8 (Allegretto grazioso) 05:56 8 Patrick Gallois Debussy: En bateau - Petite Suite 04:09 9 Patrick Gallois Hirose: Pastorale pour un apres-midi 03:41 10 Patrick Gallois Schumann: Traumerei 02:57 11 Patrick Gallois Dvorak: Slavonic Dance Op.72-2 06:37 12 Patrick Gallois Rimsky-Korsakov: The Flight of the Bumble-Bee 01:20 13 Patrick Gallois Smetana: Moldau 06:44
Patrick Gallois View in Albunack Patrick Gallois 6 13 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patrick Gallois Bizet: L'Arlesienne (Suite) 12:31 2 Patrick Gallois Debussy: La fille aux cheveux de lin 02:38 3 Patrick Gallois Saint-Saens: Le cygne 03:09 4 Patrick Gallois Bizet: Les pecheurs de Perles 03:18 5 Patrick Gallois Chopin: Valse No. 7 Op.64-2 03:40 6 Patrick Gallois Offenbach: Barcarolle 03:28 7 Patrick Gallois Gounod: Ave Maria 04:47 8 Patrick Gallois Delibes: Coppelia 03:12 9 Patrick Gallois Godard: Jocelyn (Berceuse) 06:06 10 Patrick Gallois Debussy: Prelude a l'apres-midi d'un faune 07:23 11 Patrick Gallois Chopin: Fantaisie-Impromptu Op.66 05:41 12 Patrick Gallois Bizet: Carmen Suite 10:02 13 Patrick Gallois Faure: Apres un reve 03:45
Patrick Gallois View in Albunack Rodrigo / Khachaturian: Flute Concerto 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patrick Gallois Concierto Pastoral 1. Allegro 07:22 2 Patrick Gallois Concierto Pastoral 2. Adagio, Allegro moderato, Allegretto, Tempo I, Allegretto 10:15 3 Patrick Gallois Concierto Pastoral 3. Rondo. Allegro, Allegretto 06:23 4 Patrick Gallois Concerto for Flute and Orchestra 1. Allegro con fermezza 14:25 5 Patrick Gallois Concerto for Flute and Orchestra 2. Andante sostenuto 11:46 6 Patrick Gallois Concerto for Flute and Orchestra 3. Allegro vivace 10:41
Patrick Gallois View in Albunack Rodrigo, Khachaturian - Flute Concertos 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patrick Gallois Concierto Pastoral 1. Allegro 07:15 2 Patrick Gallois Concierto Pastoral 2. Adagio, Allegro moderato, Allegretto, Tempo I, Allegretto 10:15 3 Patrick Gallois Concierto Pastoral 3. Rondo. Allegro, Allegretto 06:23 4 Patrick Gallois Concerto for Flute and Orchestra 1. Allegro con fermezza 14:25 5 Patrick Gallois Concerto for Flute and Orchestra 2. Andante sostenuto 11:46 6 Patrick Gallois Concerto for Flute and Orchestra 3. Allegro vivace 10:41
Patrick Gallois View in Albunack Saverio Mercadante: Flute Concertos Nos. 1, 2 and 4 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patrick Gallois & Sinfonia Finlandia Jyväskylä/Patrick Gallois Flute Concerto in E minor, Op. 57: Allegro maestoso 10:54 2 Patrick Gallois & Sinfonia Finlandia Jyväskylä/Patrick Gallois Flute Concerto in E minor, Op. 57: Largo 03:42 3 Patrick Gallois & Sinfonia Finlandia Jyväskylä/Patrick Gallois Flute Concerto in E minor, Op. 57: Rondò russo (allegro giusto) 06:23 4 Patrick Gallois & Sinfonia Finlandia Jyväskylä/Patrick Gallois Flute Concerto in G major: (Allegro maestoso) 07:59 5 Patrick Gallois & Sinfonia Finlandia Jyväskylä/Patrick Gallois Flute Concerto in G major: Largo espressivo 03:28 6 Patrick Gallois & Sinfonia Finlandia Jyväskylä/Patrick Gallois Flute Concerto in G major: Polacca brillante 04:28 7 Patrick Gallois & Sinfonia Finlandia Jyväskylä/Patrick Gallois Concerto for flute & orchestra in E major: (Allegro maestoso) 10:12 8 Patrick Gallois & Sinfonia Finlandia Jyväskylä/Patrick Gallois Concerto for flute & orchestra in E major: Largo 04:58 9 Patrick Gallois & Sinfonia Finlandia Jyväskylä/Patrick Gallois Concerto for flute & orchestra in E major: Polacca brillante 05:28
Patrick Gallois View in Albunack Telemann - Fantasie for Flute P25 - Gallois 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patrick Gallois Telemann - Fantasie f�r Fl�te P25: Nr. 1 A-dur 03:07 2 Patrick Gallois Telemann - Fantasie f�r Fl�te P25: Nr. 2 a-moll 04:39 3 Patrick Gallois Telemann - Fantasie f�r Fl�te P25: Nr. 3 h-moll 03:37 4 Patrick Gallois Telemann - Fantasie f�r Fl�te P25: Nr. 4 B-dur 04:09 5 Patrick Gallois Telemann - Fantasie f�r Fl�te P25: Nr. 5 C-dur 04:36 6 Patrick Gallois Telemann - Fantasie f�r Fl�te P25: Nr. 6 d-moll 04:10 7 Patrick Gallois Telemann - Fantasie f�r Fl�te P25: Nr. 7 D-dur 05:42 8 Patrick Gallois Telemann - Fantasie f�r Fl�te P25: Nr. 8 E-moll 03:42 9 Patrick Gallois Telemann - Fantasie f�r Fl�te P25: Nr. 9 E-dur 06:24 10 Patrick Gallois Telemann - Fantasie f�r Fl�te P25: Nr.10 fis-moll 04:39 11 Patrick Gallois Telemann - Fantasie f�r Fl�te P25: Nr.11 G-dur 03:34 12 Patrick Gallois Telemann - Fantasie f�r Fl�te P25: Nr.12 g-moll 05:06
Patrick Gallois View in Albunack Telemann Fantaisies pour flute seule 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patrick Gallois Fantasia no. 1 in A major 03:07 2 Patrick Gallois Fantasia no. 2 in A minor 04:39 3 Patrick Gallois Fantasia no. 3 in B minor 03:37 4 Patrick Gallois Fantasia no. 4 in B-flat major 04:09 5 Patrick Gallois Fantasia no. 5 in C major 04:36 6 Patrick Gallois Fantasia no. 6 in D minor 04:10 7 Patrick Gallois Fantasia no. 7 in D major 05:47 8 Patrick Gallois Fantasia no. 8 in E minor 03:42 9 Patrick Gallois Fantasia no. 9 in E major 06:24 10 Patrick Gallois Fantasia no. 10 in F-sharp minor 04:39 11 Patrick Gallois Fantasia no. 11 in G major 03:30 12 Patrick Gallois Fantasia no. 12 in G minor 05:06
Patrick Gallois View in Albunack Telemann, Gallois - 12 fantaisies pour flûte seule 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patrick Gallois No 1 in A major 03:07 2 Patrick Gallois No 2 in A minor 04:39 3 Patrick Gallois No 3 in B minor 03:37 4 Patrick Gallois No 4 in B flat major 04:06 5 Patrick Gallois No 5 in C major 04:36 6 Patrick Gallois No 6 in D minor 04:10 7 Patrick Gallois No 7 in D major 05:47 8 Patrick Gallois No 8 in E minor 03:42 9 Patrick Gallois No 9 in E major 06:24 10 Patrick Gallois No 10 in F sharp minor 04:39 11 Patrick Gallois No 11 in G major 03:30 12 Patrick Gallois No 12 in G minor 05:06
Patrick Gallois View in Albunack The Complete Works For Flute And Orchestra 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patrick Gallois Mozart Concerto For Flute & Orchestra No1 In G Major K.313 - 1 : Allegro Maestoso 08:48 2 Patrick Gallois Mozart Concerto For Flute & Orchestra No1 In G Major K.313 - 2 : Aldagio Non Troppo 09:52 3 Patrick Gallois Mozart Concerto For Flute & Orchestra No1 In G Major K.313 - 3 Rondo : Tempo Di Menue 07:17 4 Patrick Gallois Mozart Andante For Flute & Orchestra In C Major K.315 06:55 5 Patrick Gallois Mozart Rondo For Flute & Orchestra In D Major K.184 05:17 6 Patrick Gallois Salieri Concerto For Flute & Orchestra In G Major : 1 - Allegro Spirituoso 06:03 7 Patrick Gallois Salieri Concerto For Flute & Orchestra In G Major : 2 - Menuetto 02:08 8 Patrick Gallois Salieri Concerto For Flute & Orchestra In G Major : 3 - Poco Adagio 02:52 9 Patrick Gallois Salieri Concerto For Flute & Orchestra In G Major : 1 - Presto 02:45
Patrick Gallois View in Albunack Une flute a l'opera 7 3 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patrick Gallois Giuseppe Verdi (1813-1901) - La Traviata 11:41 Has Mbid 2 Patrick Gallois Benjamin Godard (1849-1895) - Jocelyn - Berceuse 03:00 3 Patrick Gallois Gioacchino Rossini (1792-1868) - Guillaume Tell 11:25 Has Mbid 4 Patrick Gallois Jules Massenet (1842-1912) - Thais - Meditation 05:11 5 Patrick Gallois Giuseppe Verdi (1813-1901) - Un Ballo in Maschera 11:32 Has Mbid 6 Patrick Gallois Victor Masse (1822-1884) - Les Noces de Jeannette - Air du rossignol 04:31 7 Patrick Gallois Georges Bizet (1838-1875) - Carmen 12:22
Patrick Gallois View in Albunack Versailles Concert 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patrick Gallois Massenet: Meditation 04:21 2 Patrick Gallois Albinoni: Adagio 05:55 3 Patrick Gallois Vivaldi: L'inverno (Largo) 02:13 4 Patrick Gallois Marcello: Oboe Concerto (Adagio) 04:03 5 Patrick Gallois Bach: Air 03:03 6 Patrick Gallois Faure: Sicilienne 03:22 7 Patrick Gallois Gluck: Dance of Spirit 09:26 8 Patrick Gallois Godard: Valse 04:32 9 Patrick Gallois Dollper: Hungarian Pastoral Fantasy 10:05 10 Patrick Gallois Gossec: Tambourin 01:24 11 Patrick Gallois Haydn: Serenade 03:27
Patrick Gallois View in Albunack フルートによるオペラアリア集 7 3 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patrick Gallois Giuseppe Verdi - 椿姫のよる幻想曲 11:41 Has Mbid 2 Patrick Gallois Benjamin Godard - ジョスランの子守唄 03:03 3 Patrick Gallois Gioacchino Rossini - ウイリアム・テルによる幻想曲 11:25 Has Mbid 4 Patrick Gallois Jules Massenet - タイスの瞑想曲 05:15 5 Patrick Gallois Giuseppe Verdi - 仮面舞踏会による幻想曲 11:32 Has Mbid 6 Patrick Gallois Victor Masse - ナイチンゲールの歌 04:31 7 Patrick Gallois Georges Bizet - カルメン幻想曲 12:22
Patrick Gallois View in Albunack フルート名曲集 15 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patrick Gallois 小舟にて 04:05 2 Patrick Gallois 熊蜂の飛行 01:19 3 Patrick Gallois ヴォカリーズ 03:40 4 Patrick Gallois 愛の悲しみ 03:32 Has Mbid 5 Patrick Gallois ユーモレスク 03:31 6 Patrick Gallois トロイメライ 02:57 7 Patrick Gallois 白鳥 03:09 8 Patrick Gallois アルルの女 組曲 12:29 9 Patrick Gallois 牧神の午後への前奏曲 07:27 10 Patrick Gallois 亜麻色の髪のおとめ 02:38 11 Patrick Gallois アベ・マリア 04:56 12 Patrick Gallois G線上のアリア 03:09 13 Patrick Gallois タイスの瞑想曲 04:12 14 Patrick Gallois シチリアーノ 03:11 15 Patrick Gallois ハンガリー田園幻想曲 10:48
Patrick Gallois View in Albunack 黄金のフルート パトリック・ガロワII 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patrick Gallois CANON(Pachelbel) 06:00 2 Patrick Gallois ADAGIO from Oboe Concerto 04:03 3 Patrick Gallois ARRIVAL OF THE QUEEN OF SHEBA 03:01 4 Patrick Gallois ADAGIO 05:55 5 Patrick Gallois LARGO 02:13 6 Patrick Gallois AIR 03:09 7 Patrick Gallois TANBOURIN 01:26 8 Patrick Gallois LARGHETTO ALLEGRO GIUSTO 05:01 9 Patrick Gallois SERENADE 03:26 10 Patrick Gallois BOURREE PALONAISE BADINERIE 07:02
Patrick Gleeson View in Albunack The Plague Dogs (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) 15 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Alan Price Time and Tide 04:24 2 Patrick Gleeson Freedom 02:32 3 Patrick Gleeson Wondering 03:41 4 Patrick Gleeson The Change 02:05 5 Patrick Gleeson In the Pens 01:50 6 Patrick Gleeson Sheep Dogs 02:43 7 Patrick Gleeson The Escape from the Incinerator 00:55 8 Patrick Gleeson Frog Catching 01:26 9 Patrick Gleeson Rowf's Kill 02:02 10 Patrick Gleeson Lack Loud's Death 02:20 11 Patrick Gleeson Inside the Laboratory 02:35 12 Patrick Gleeson The Beginning of the End 03:30 13 Patrick Gleeson Chase Music 03:07 14 Patrick Gleeson Rowf and Snitter Run to the Sea 03:57 15 Alan Price Time and Tide 01:26
Patrick Gläser View in Albunack Orgel Rockt 3 21 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patrick Gläser Africa 04:13 2 Patrick Gläser Euphoria 03:12 3 Patrick Gläser It's my life 02:54 4 Patrick Gläser Shout 03:07 5 Patrick Gläser Sailing 03:49 6 Patrick Gläser Test Drive 02:17 7 Patrick Gläser Astrid Goes For A Spin 00:41 8 Patrick Gläser Romantic Flight 02:18 9 Patrick Gläser Optimus 03:19 10 Patrick Gläser Dornenvögel 02:15 11 Patrick Gläser Bis ans Meer 03:43 12 Patrick Gläser Tage wie diese 04:26 13 Patrick Gläser You know my name 03:44 14 Patrick Gläser Skyfall 04:55 15 Patrick Gläser Everything's alright 03:37 16 Patrick Gläser Pilate's dream 02:16 17 Patrick Gläser I Will Survive 02:35 18 Patrick Gläser Spirits 01:52 19 Patrick Gläser You'll never walk alone 03:32 20 Patrick Gläser Nothing else matter 05:21 21 Patrick Gläser He's a pirate 01:49
Patrick Gläser View in Albunack Orgel rockt Tour 4 19 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patrick Gläser Jump 02:50 2 Patrick Gläser Viva la Vida 04:15 3 Patrick Gläser Fantasy 03:47 4 Patrick Gläser Horizont 04:25 5 Patrick Gläser Game of Thrones 03:40 6 Patrick Gläser Kiss from a Rose 04:46 7 Patrick Gläser Geh deinen Weg 03:19 8 Patrick Gläser Schattenzeiten 02:30 9 Patrick Gläser Mary, did you know 04:02 10 Patrick Gläser Summer of 69 03:17 11 Patrick Gläser Flash mich 02:38 12 Patrick Gläser Auf uns 03:55 13 Patrick Gläser Spirits 02:02 14 Patrick Gläser Als ich fort ging 03:12 15 Patrick Gläser Über sieben Brücken 03:34 16 Patrick Gläser Final countdown 04:27 17 Patrick Gläser I will survive 02:52 18 Patrick Gläser Skyfall 05:09 19 Patrick Gläser Bohemian Rhapsody 05:28
Search Patrick Hamilton Το Φώς του Γκαζιού 17 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patrick Hamilton Part 01/17 01:19 2 Patrick Hamilton Part 02/17 03:00 3 Patrick Hamilton Part 03/17 06:10 4 Patrick Hamilton Part 04/17 04:10 5 Patrick Hamilton Part 05/17 05:22 6 Patrick Hamilton Part 06/17 03:20 7 Patrick Hamilton Part 07/17 02:12 8 Patrick Hamilton Part 08/17 05:37 9 Patrick Hamilton Part 09/17 06:59 10 Patrick Hamilton Part 10/17 08:04 11 Patrick Hamilton Part 11/17 05:43 12 Patrick Hamilton Part 12/17 06:54 13 Patrick Hamilton Part 13/17 05:20 14 Patrick Hamilton Part 14/17 04:22 15 Patrick Hamilton Part 15/17 06:38 16 Patrick Hamilton Part 16/17 03:16 17 Patrick Hamilton Part 17/17 01:29
Patrick Hawes View in Albunack Lazarus Requiem 14 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patrick Hawes Elegy for Lazarus 05:47 2 Patrick Hawes Tableau 1 03:02 3 Patrick Hawes Requiem Aeternam 04:45 4 Patrick Hawes Tableau 2 03:07 5 Patrick Hawes Kyrie 02:46 6 Patrick Hawes Tableau 3 04:28 7 Patrick Hawes O Domine Jesu Christe 05:14 8 Patrick Hawes Tableau 4 07:42 9 Patrick Hawes Sanctus 02:41 10 Patrick Hawes Benedictus 04:11 11 Patrick Hawes Tableau 5 02:40 12 Patrick Hawes Agnus Dei 03:44 13 Patrick Hawes Tableau 6 04:34 14 Patrick Hawes Lux Aeterna 05:02
Patrick Jonsson View in Albunack Virunga (2014) 31 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patrick Jonsson Cycle of Violence 03:17 2 Patrick Jonsson Rodrigue Mugaruka Katembo 02:19 3 Patrick Jonsson Emmanuel de Merode 01:44 4 Patrick Jonsson Virunga National Park 01:34 5 Patrick Jonsson Poaching 01:13 6 Patrick Jonsson Massacre of 2007 01:22 7 Patrick Jonsson Ndeze and Ndakasi 01:32 8 Patrick Jonsson Last of the Mountain Gorillas 01:26 9 Patrick Jonsson External Forces 01:14 10 Patrick Jonsson Convoy 01:12 11 Patrick Jonsson Local Agents 00:46 12 Patrick Jonsson Inexhaustible Resources 02:21 13 Patrick Jonsson Meeting Julien 01:26 14 Patrick Jonsson M23 01:16 15 Patrick Jonsson Links Begin to Emerge 01:25 16 Patrick Jonsson Mixed Agendas 01:30 17 Patrick Jonsson Melanie Prepares 02:04 18 Patrick Jonsson Just a Monkey 01:07 19 Patrick Jonsson Fire in the Distance 00:42 20 Patrick Jonsson It Begins 01:36 21 Patrick Jonsson Evacuation 05:02 22 Patrick Jonsson Why We Are Here 01:17 23 Patrick Jonsson Anticipation 01:13 24 Patrick Jonsson Devastation 01:31 25 Patrick Jonsson The Country Is Sold 01:33 26 Patrick Jonsson Kaboko 01:21 27 Patrick Jonsson After the Struggles Are Over 01:06 28 Patrick Jonsson In Its Wake 01:54 29 Patrick Jonsson Finding the Gorillas 04:09 30 Patrick Jonsson Looking to the Future 02:19 31 Patrick Jonsson Virunga 02:30
Patrick Jonsson View in Albunack 過界 電影原聲大碟 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patrick Jonsson Bends 00:57 2 Patrick Jonsson Shared Spaces 01:37 3 Patrick Jonsson A Quiet Place 01:13 4 Patrick Jonsson Separation 00:46 5 Patrick Jonsson Miles To Go Before Sleep 00:44 6 Patrick Jonsson Taking Hold 00:39 7 Patrick Jonsson Last Call 00:43 8 Patrick Jonsson Rain 03:25 9 Patrick Jonsson Things Fall Apart 00:57 10 劉嘉玲 終點的起點 04:35
Patrick Juvet View in Albunack Got a feeling & Lady night 11 3 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patrick Juvet Got a feeling 03:43 Has Mbid 2 Patrick Juvet Another lonely man 04:03 Has Mbid 3 Patrick Juvet Where is My woman 07:14 Has Mbid 4 Patrick Juvet I love America 13:55 5 Patrick Juvet Lady night 05:13 6 Patrick Juvet Swiss kiss 05:08 7 Patrick Juvet Viva California 06:28 8 Patrick Juvet The gay Paris 06:34 9 Patrick Juvet French pillow talk 04:39 10 Patrick Juvet Les bleus au coeur 03:43 11 Patrick Juvet Ou sont les femmes 06:01
Patrick Ki View in Albunack Aqua 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patrick Ki Fly Me To The Moon 03:54 2 Patrick Ki I've Got You Under My Skin 04:54 3 Patrick Ki Killing Me Softly 04:50 4 Patrick Ki Suave 04:13 5 Patrick Ki The Look of Love 04:03 6 Patrick Ki I Knew I Loved You 03:55 7 Patrick Ki My Cheri Amour 04:08 8 Patrick Ki Fileds of Gold 04:01 9 Patrick Ki Summer Song 04:18 10 Patrick Ki Smoke Gets in Your Eyes 03:59
Patrick Ki View in Albunack Path of Romance 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patrick Ki Because You Loved Me 04:09 2 Patrick Ki How Do I Live Without You 03:28 3 Patrick Ki Eres Tu 03:22 4 Patrick Ki That's All 03:12 5 Patrick Ki Blue Moon 02:16 6 Patrick Ki Wind Beneath My Wings 04:50 7 Patrick Ki Love Will Keep Us Alive 03:29 8 Patrick Ki As Time Goes by 02:57 9 Patrick Ki Lahaina Nights 04:27 10 Patrick Ki Groovy Kind Of Love 02:58 11 Patrick Ki Can You Feel the Love Tonight 03:51 12 Patrick Ki Bewitched, Bothered & Bewildered 03:45
Patrick Ki View in Albunack Quiet Nights 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patrick Ki One For My Son 04:55 2 Patrick Ki Besame Mucho 04:16 3 Patrick Ki Wind Beneath My Wings 04:04 4 Patrick Ki Girl From Ipanema 04:20 5 Patrick Ki Life Story 04:45 6 Patrick Ki How Deep Is Your Love 03:40 7 Patrick Ki La Jolla Shores 05:22 8 Patrick Ki Don't Know Why 03:44 9 Patrick Ki Quiet Nights 04:57 10 Patrick Ki Don't Worry Baby 04:03
Patrick Krief View in Albunack Dovetail 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patrick Krief Daydream Lover 03:50 2 Patrick Krief The Autumn 03:47 3 Patrick Krief Idols 03:39 4 Patrick Krief Bless Modern Love 03:25 5 Patrick Krief The Moon Is On My Shoulder 03:50 6 Patrick Krief Million Star 02:19 7 Patrick Krief Osaka 03:05 8 Patrick Krief Take The Night 03:30 9 Patrick Krief Tonight 03:45 10 Patrick Krief Dovetale 03:53 11 Patrick Krief Venus 04:40
Patrick Krief View in Albunack Dovetale 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patrick Krief Daydream Lover 03:50 2 Patrick Krief The Autumn 03:47 3 Patrick Krief Idols 03:39 4 Patrick Krief Bless Modern Love 03:25 5 Patrick Krief The Moon Is On My Shoulder 03:50 6 Patrick Krief Million Star 02:19 7 Patrick Krief Osaka 03:05 8 Patrick Krief Take the Night 03:30 9 Patrick Krief Tonight 03:45 10 Patrick Krief Dovetale 03:53 11 Patrick Krief Venus 04:40
Patrick Lamb View in Albunack For The Love 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patrick Lamb For The Love 03:49 2 Patrick Lamb Viewpoint 04:05 3 Patrick Lamb Whatever Happens 03:42 4 Patrick Lamb Souder's Groove 03:45 5 Patrick Lamb Color Of Spring...Amy's Opus 03:49 6 Patrick Lamb Passion Move 03:20 7 Patrick Lamb When I Fall In Love 04:26 8 Patrick Lamb New Love 03:54 9 Patrick Lamb Smiles 04:18 10 Patrick Lamb For The Love/Remix 03:45
Patrick Lamb View in Albunack It's All Right 10 0 2011 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patrick Lamb Walk Away 05:56 2 Patrick Lamb Maceo! 04:28 3 Patrick Lamb Comin' From Where I'm From 03:46 4 Patrick Lamb It's All Right Now 04:48 5 Patrick Lamb I Can't Quit Her 03:19 6 Patrick Lamb Sweet Tea 05:09 7 Patrick Lamb Your Thang 04:35 8 Patrick Lamb Get Wid It 05:11 9 Patrick Lamb Grandma's Hands 04:05 10 Patrick Lamb Fuse 05:23
Patrick Lamb View in Albunack It's All Right Now 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patrick Lamb Walk Away 05:56 2 Patrick Lamb Maceo! 04:28 3 Patrick Lamb Comin' From Where I'm From 03:46 4 Patrick Lamb It's All Right Now 04:48 5 Patrick Lamb I Can't Quit Her 03:19 6 Patrick Lamb Sweet Tea 05:09 7 Patrick Lamb Your Thang 04:35 8 Patrick Lamb Get Wid It 05:11 9 Patrick Lamb Grandma's Hands 04:05 10 Patrick Lamb Fuse 05:23
Patrick Lamb View in Albunack Soul Ties 12 0 2018 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patrick Lamb Tailgate 04:22 2 Patrick Lamb Beauty And The Beast 04:20 3 Patrick Lamb Street Cred 04:46 4 Patrick Lamb Skypager 04:25 5 Patrick Lamb Moonchild 04:12 6 Patrick Lamb Darkroom 03:50 7 Patrick Lamb Lines Cross 04:17 8 Patrick Lamb Fearsome 04:56 9 Patrick Lamb Homebrew 04:48 10 Patrick Lamb Operator 05:24 11 Patrick Lamb Light It Up 04:35 12 Patrick Lamb Whatever Happens 03:30
Patrick Lee View in Albunack Das Signal (Sam Dryden 2) - Teil 1 29 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patrick Lee (1/82) Das Signal (Sam Dryden 2) - Teil 1 02:10 2 Patrick Lee (59/82) Das Signal (Sam Dryden 2) - Teil 1 00:16 3 Patrick Lee (3/82) Das Signal (Sam Dryden 2) - Teil 1 03:40 4 Patrick Lee (61/82) Das Signal (Sam Dryden 2) - Teil 1 03:03 5 Patrick Lee (62/82) Das Signal (Sam Dryden 2) - Teil 1 02:15 6 Patrick Lee (6/82) Das Signal (Sam Dryden 2) - Teil 1 02:18 7 Patrick Lee (7/82) Das Signal (Sam Dryden 2) - Teil 1 03:01 8 Patrick Lee (36/82) Das Signal (Sam Dryden 2) - Teil 1 03:34 9 Patrick Lee (9/82) Das Signal (Sam Dryden 2) - Teil 1 03:31 10 Patrick Lee (67/82) Das Signal (Sam Dryden 2) - Teil 1 02:18 11 Patrick Lee (68/82) Das Signal (Sam Dryden 2) - Teil 1 02:49 12 Patrick Lee (40/82) Das Signal (Sam Dryden 2) - Teil 1 01:51 13 Patrick Lee (41/82) Das Signal (Sam Dryden 2) - Teil 1 02:39 14 Patrick Lee (14/82) Das Signal (Sam Dryden 2) - Teil 1 01:47 15 Patrick Lee (43/82) Das Signal (Sam Dryden 2) - Teil 1 01:54 16 Patrick Lee (44/82) Das Signal (Sam Dryden 2) - Teil 1 02:32 17 Patrick Lee (17/82) Das Signal (Sam Dryden 2) - Teil 1 02:51 18 Patrick Lee (18/82) Das Signal (Sam Dryden 2) - Teil 1 02:46 19 Patrick Lee (47/82) Das Signal (Sam Dryden 2) - Teil 1 03:10 20 Patrick Lee (77/82) Das Signal (Sam Dryden 2) - Teil 1 01:42 21 Patrick Lee (78/82) Das Signal (Sam Dryden 2) - Teil 1 02:51 22 Patrick Lee (22/82) Das Signal (Sam Dryden 2) - Teil 1 02:21 23 Patrick Lee (80/82) Das Signal (Sam Dryden 2) - Teil 1 02:17 24 Patrick Lee (52/82) Das Signal (Sam Dryden 2) - Teil 1 01:38 25 Patrick Lee (53/82) Das Signal (Sam Dryden 2) - Teil 1 03:06 26 Patrick Lee (54/82) Das Signal (Sam Dryden 2) - Teil 1 02:06 27 Patrick Lee (55/82) Das Signal (Sam Dryden 2) - Teil 1 01:52 28 Patrick Lee (56/82) Das Signal (Sam Dryden 2) - Teil 1 02:21 29 Patrick Lee (57/82) Das Signal (Sam Dryden 2) - Teil 1 02:12
Patrick Lee View in Albunack Das Signal (Sam Dryden 2) - Teil 2 28 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patrick Lee (1/81) Das Signal (Sam Dryden 2) - Teil 2 02:40 2 Patrick Lee (57/81) Das Signal (Sam Dryden 2) - Teil 2 00:35 3 Patrick Lee (30/81) Das Signal (Sam Dryden 2) - Teil 2 02:35 4 Patrick Lee (31/81) Das Signal (Sam Dryden 2) - Teil 2 02:17 5 Patrick Lee (60/81) Das Signal (Sam Dryden 2) - Teil 2 03:05 6 Patrick Lee (61/81) Das Signal (Sam Dryden 2) - Teil 2 02:23 7 Patrick Lee (62/81) Das Signal (Sam Dryden 2) - Teil 2 02:50 8 Patrick Lee (35/81) Das Signal (Sam Dryden 2) - Teil 2 02:59 9 Patrick Lee (9/81) Das Signal (Sam Dryden 2) - Teil 2 03:12 10 Patrick Lee (37/81) Das Signal (Sam Dryden 2) - Teil 2 02:39 11 Patrick Lee (38/81) Das Signal (Sam Dryden 2) - Teil 2 02:14 12 Patrick Lee (39/81) Das Signal (Sam Dryden 2) - Teil 2 02:03 13 Patrick Lee (13/81) Das Signal (Sam Dryden 2) - Teil 2 02:31 14 Patrick Lee (69/81) Das Signal (Sam Dryden 2) - Teil 2 03:24 15 Patrick Lee (42/81) Das Signal (Sam Dryden 2) - Teil 2 02:43 16 Patrick Lee (43/81) Das Signal (Sam Dryden 2) - Teil 2 03:00 17 Patrick Lee (72/81) Das Signal (Sam Dryden 2) - Teil 2 02:47 18 Patrick Lee (18/81) Das Signal (Sam Dryden 2) - Teil 2 03:56 19 Patrick Lee (46/81) Das Signal (Sam Dryden 2) - Teil 2 02:44 20 Patrick Lee (20/81) Das Signal (Sam Dryden 2) - Teil 2 02:12 21 Patrick Lee (48/81) Das Signal (Sam Dryden 2) - Teil 2 02:52 22 Patrick Lee (49/81) Das Signal (Sam Dryden 2) - Teil 2 03:03 23 Patrick Lee (23/81) Das Signal (Sam Dryden 2) - Teil 2 02:59 24 Patrick Lee (51/81) Das Signal (Sam Dryden 2) - Teil 2 02:12 25 Patrick Lee (25/81) Das Signal (Sam Dryden 2) - Teil 2 03:05 26 Patrick Lee (53/81) Das Signal (Sam Dryden 2) - Teil 2 02:34 27 Patrick Lee (54/81) Das Signal (Sam Dryden 2) - Teil 2 01:51 28 Patrick Lee (55/81) Das Signal (Sam Dryden 2) - Teil 2 02:38
Patrick Lee View in Albunack Das Signal (Sam Dryden 2) - Teil 3 31 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patrick Lee (1/81) Das Signal (Sam Dryden 2) - Teil 3 03:13 2 Patrick Lee (2/81) Das Signal (Sam Dryden 2) - Teil 3 02:06 3 Patrick Lee (3/81) Das Signal (Sam Dryden 2) - Teil 3 02:38 4 Patrick Lee (33/81) Das Signal (Sam Dryden 2) - Teil 3 02:22 5 Patrick Lee (65/81) Das Signal (Sam Dryden 2) - Teil 3 02:30 6 Patrick Lee (6/81) Das Signal (Sam Dryden 2) - Teil 3 02:42 7 Patrick Lee (36/81) Das Signal (Sam Dryden 2) - Teil 3 02:53 8 Patrick Lee (68/81) Das Signal (Sam Dryden 2) - Teil 3 02:08 9 Patrick Lee (38/81) Das Signal (Sam Dryden 2) - Teil 3 02:31 10 Patrick Lee (70/81) Das Signal (Sam Dryden 2) - Teil 3 02:10 11 Patrick Lee (71/81) Das Signal (Sam Dryden 2) - Teil 3 02:32 12 Patrick Lee (12/81) Das Signal (Sam Dryden 2) - Teil 3 02:02 13 Patrick Lee (13/81) Das Signal (Sam Dryden 2) - Teil 3 02:27 14 Patrick Lee (74/81) Das Signal (Sam Dryden 2) - Teil 3 02:02 15 Patrick Lee (75/81) Das Signal (Sam Dryden 2) - Teil 3 02:00 16 Patrick Lee (45/81) Das Signal (Sam Dryden 2) - Teil 3 01:58 17 Patrick Lee (17/81) Das Signal (Sam Dryden 2) - Teil 3 02:57 18 Patrick Lee (78/81) Das Signal (Sam Dryden 2) - Teil 3 03:13 19 Patrick Lee (79/81) Das Signal (Sam Dryden 2) - Teil 3 02:49 20 Patrick Lee (80/81) Das Signal (Sam Dryden 2) - Teil 3 03:17 21 Patrick Lee (50/81) Das Signal (Sam Dryden 2) - Teil 3 01:07 22 Patrick Lee (22/81) Das Signal (Sam Dryden 2) - Teil 3 01:42 23 Patrick Lee (23/81) Das Signal (Sam Dryden 2) - Teil 3 02:39 24 Patrick Lee (53/81) Das Signal (Sam Dryden 2) - Teil 3 03:02 25 Patrick Lee (54/81) Das Signal (Sam Dryden 2) - Teil 3 02:57 26 Patrick Lee (26/81) Das Signal (Sam Dryden 2) - Teil 3 02:58 27 Patrick Lee (27/81) Das Signal (Sam Dryden 2) - Teil 3 02:00 28 Patrick Lee (28/81) Das Signal (Sam Dryden 2) - Teil 3 01:59 29 Patrick Lee (58/81) Das Signal (Sam Dryden 2) - Teil 3 01:32 30 Patrick Lee (59/81) Das Signal (Sam Dryden 2) - Teil 3 02:35 31 Patrick Lee (60/81) Das Signal (Sam Dryden 2) - Teil 3 02:56
Patrick Lee View in Albunack Ghost Country 16 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patrick Lee Ghost Country 01-16 31:30 2 Patrick Lee Ghost Country 02-16 31:47 3 Patrick Lee Ghost Country 03-16 31:53 4 Patrick Lee Ghost Country 04-16 31:18 5 Patrick Lee Ghost Country 05-16 31:42 6 Patrick Lee Ghost Country 06-16 31:24 7 Patrick Lee Ghost Country 07-16 31:10 8 Patrick Lee Ghost Country 08-16 32:13 9 Patrick Lee Ghost Country 09-16 33:25 10 Patrick Lee Ghost Country 10-16 35:01 11 Patrick Lee Ghost Country 11-16 33:10 12 Patrick Lee Ghost Country 12-16 34:01 13 Patrick Lee Ghost Country 13-16 31:07 14 Patrick Lee Ghost Country 14-16 31:14 15 Patrick Lee Ghost Country 15-16 31:31 16 Patrick Lee Ghost Country 16-16 30:53
Patrick Lee View in Albunack Mindreader 17 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patrick Lee Mindreader 48 03:05 2 Patrick Lee Mindreader 32 05:19 3 Patrick Lee Mindreader 66 05:02 4 Patrick Lee Mindreader 04 03:39 5 Patrick Lee Mindreader 81 03:20 6 Patrick Lee Mindreader 82 06:02 7 Patrick Lee Mindreader 37 05:18 8 Patrick Lee Mindreader 55 04:52 9 Patrick Lee Mindreader 09 04:25 10 Patrick Lee Mindreader 40 04:19 11 Patrick Lee Mindreader 25 04:28 12 Patrick Lee Mindreader 75 04:40 13 Patrick Lee Mindreader 60 05:43 14 Patrick Lee Mindreader 14 05:31 15 Patrick Lee Mindreader 45 05:37 16 Patrick Lee Mindreader 30 04:57 17 Patrick Lee Mindreader 47 04:30
Patrick Lee View in Albunack Owl & A Suit Tree With Lemons 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patrick Lee Hands In 03:15 2 Patrick Lee Westwood 04:22 3 Patrick Lee My Drummers 06:03 4 Patrick Lee Lens Flares 01:59 5 Patrick Lee Speeches 03:55 6 Patrick Lee Be Careful Have Care 02:07 7 Patrick Lee Elophants 01:54 8 Patrick Lee What About You And I 05:06 9 Patrick Lee Instruments Break Down 02:25 10 Patrick Lee Nova Soctia White Noise 05:50
Patrick Lee View in Albunack The Drake 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patrick Lee She Rushes Out Of The House 03:18 2 Patrick Lee The Gander 02:47 3 Patrick Lee Catch Us If We're Clapping 02:55 4 Patrick Lee Sweater Vest & Reader's Digest 03:16 5 Patrick Lee Wax Groom 03:23 6 Patrick Lee Clap & Shake 03:47 7 Patrick Lee Emperors 02:38 8 Patrick Lee The Raffle 03:47 9 Patrick Lee The Warbler 02:29 10 Patrick Lee Poor Man Electronics 03:19 11 Patrick Lee Centipede 02:41 12 Patrick Lee My Baby's Home To Roost 04:45
Patrick Lee View in Albunack The Mint 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patrick Lee First Things First 03:02 2 Patrick Lee Memory Flicks 06:25 3 Patrick Lee Jack 04:36 4 Patrick Lee The Doldrums 02:49 5 Patrick Lee The Mint 02:24 6 Patrick Lee Freakness Steaks 04:02 7 Patrick Lee ... And Her Stories 04:46 8 Patrick Lee The Junglebrush Flexes Its Skill 06:05 9 Patrick Lee LA Golondrina 06:01 10 Patrick Lee Grace 05:45
Patrick Leonard View in Albunack Rivers [DTS] 9 0 2000 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patrick Leonard Lewis / Shoshone 02:55 2 Patrick Leonard The Slough 04:18 3 Patrick Leonard The Lamar Valley 04:41 4 Patrick Leonard Boy Scouts & Cutthroats 06:30 5 Patrick Leonard Livingston D.C. 04:09 6 Patrick Leonard The Missouri 03:46 7 Patrick Leonard Floating With Amos 06:42 8 Patrick Leonard The Madison 07:33 9 Patrick Leonard Spring Creek 07:46
Patrick Lindner View in Albunack Böhmisch klingt's am besten 17 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patrick Lindner Heut' ist unser Tag 02:26 2 Patrick Lindner Rosamunde 02:43 3 Patrick Lindner Du bist ein Glückspilz 03:22 4 Patrick Lindner Heimat, Heimat, Heimatland 03:19 5 Patrick Lindner Ein Musikant aus Egerland 03:17 6 Patrick Lindner Powidltatschkerln 02:20 7 Patrick Lindner Bei uns in Böhmen 02:17 8 Patrick Lindner Rauschende Birken 02:09 9 Patrick Lindner Böhmisch klingt's am besten 03:08 10 Patrick Lindner Ich träum von meinem Egerland 02:57 11 Patrick Lindner Ohne Polka wär' das Leben halb so schön 03:06 12 Patrick Lindner Und die Moldau fliesst weiter 03:34 13 Patrick Lindner Rosa fahr nicht nach Lodz 02:30 14 Patrick Lindner Wer wird denn traurig sein 03:35 15 Patrick Lindner Wie Böhmen noch bei Österreich war 02:31 16 Patrick Lindner Böhmisches Medley 05:43 17 Patrick Lindner Wer wird denn traurig sein (Party-Mix) 03:40
Patrick Lindner View in Albunack Die Kloane Tür zum Paradies 12 2 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 Patrick Lindner Die Kloane Tür zum Paradies 03:05 2 Patrick Lindner Wenn d'Sehnsucht a Vogerl Wär 03:04 3 Patrick Lindner S'reserl Vom Mariental 03:32 4 Patrick Lindner Münchner Kindl 03:07 5 Patrick Lindner Dann Muaß I Hoam 03:08 6 Patrick Lindner Irgendwie Hab I di Gern 02:59 7 Patrick Lindner Kannst di Net a Bisserl Freun 03:13 8 Patrick Lindner Arrivederci Maria Angela 03:31 9 Patrick Lindner Sowas Liabs Wie Di 02:45 10 Patrick Lindner Zwei Herzerln Am Birkenbaum 02:26 Has Mbid 11 Patrick Lindner Immer Wieder Sind Es Lieder 03:02 12 Patrick Lindner A Rosarot's Brieaferl 02:22
Patrick Lindner View in Albunack Die kloane T�r zum Paradies 12 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patrick Lindner Die kloane T�r zum Paradies 03:01 2 Patrick Lindner Wenn d' Sehnsucht a Vogerl w�r 03:04 3 Patrick Lindner S'Reserl vom Mariental 03:32 4 Patrick Lindner M�nchner Kindl 03:11 5 Patrick Lindner Dann mua� i hoam 03:09 6 Patrick Lindner Irgendwie hab i di gern 02:59 7 Patrick Lindner Kannst di net a bisserl freun 03:13 8 Patrick Lindner Arrivederci Maria Angela 03:35 9 Patrick Lindner Sowas liabs wie di 02:45 10 Patrick Lindner Zwei Herzerln am Birkenbaum 02:26 Has Mbid 11 Patrick Lindner Immer wieder sind es Lieder 03:03 12 Patrick Lindner A rosarot's Brieaferl 02:22
Patrick Lindner View in Albunack Fang Dir Die Sonne 16 2 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patrick Lindner Fang Dir Die Sonne (Down By The River) 03:26 2 Patrick Lindner Schmetterling Der Nacht 03:15 3 Patrick Lindner Träum (All I Have To Do Is Dream) 03:32 4 Patrick Lindner Vergiss Das Leben Nicht 03:17 Has Mbid 5 Patrick Lindner Die Kleine Kneipe 04:15 Has Mbid 6 Patrick Lindner Zurück In Richtung Sommerwind 03:23 7 Patrick Lindner Nachts Erwachen Die Träume 03:30 8 Patrick Lindner Eviva Espana 03:47 9 Patrick Lindner Schenk Mir Nur Eine Sehnsucht 03:44 10 Patrick Lindner Dein Herz 03:39 11 Patrick Lindner Heute Nacht Fallen Wunder Auf Die Welt 03:42 12 Patrick Lindner Das Leben Ist Doch Zum Leben Da 04:03 13 Patrick Lindner Die Kleinen Dinge Des Lebens (Version 2009) 03:25 14 Patrick Lindner Fang Dir Die Sonne (Disco-Mix) 04:11 15 Patrick Lindner Gefühl Ist Eine Achterbahn (Disco-Mix) 04:15 16 Patrick Lindner Wer Weiss Das Schon (Disco-Mix) 04:05
Patrick Lindner View in Albunack Fang Dir die Sonne 16 2 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patrick Lindner Fang Dir die Sonne 03:26 2 Patrick Lindner Schmetterling der Nacht 03:18 3 Patrick Lindner Träum 03:32 4 Patrick Lindner Vergiss das Leben nicht 03:16 Has Mbid 5 Patrick Lindner Die kleine Kneipe 04:15 Has Mbid 6 Patrick Lindner Zurück in Richtung Sommerwind 03:23 7 Patrick Lindner Nachts erwachen die Träume 03:30 8 Patrick Lindner Eviva Espana 03:46 9 Patrick Lindner Schenk mir nur eine Sehnsucht 03:44 10 Patrick Lindner Dein Herz 03:39 11 Patrick Lindner Heute Nacht fallen Wunder auf die Welt 03:42 12 Patrick Lindner Das Leben ist doch zum Leben da 04:03 13 Patrick Lindner Die kleinen Dinge des Lebens (Version 2009) 03:25 14 Patrick Lindner Fang dir die Sonne (Disco-Mix) 04:03 15 Patrick Lindner Gefühl ist eine Achterbahn (Disco-Mix) 04:15 16 Patrick Lindner Wer weiß das schon (Disco-Mix) 04:05
Patrick Lindner View in Albunack Fröhliche Weihnacht mit Patrick Lindner 13 1 2007 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patrick Lindner Der Wunsch nach Menschlichkeit 03:59 2 Patrick Lindner Aba Heidschi Bumbeidschi 03:04 Has Mbid 3 Patrick Lindner Ein Gefühl wie Weihnachten (Duett mit Kristina Bach) 03:45 4 Patrick Lindner Lasst das Licht in eure Herzen 03:00 5 Patrick Lindner Weihnacht zu Haus 04:12 6 Patrick Lindner Oh du Fröhliche 02:32 7 Patrick Lindner Mein allerschönstes Weihnachtslied 03:49 8 Patrick Lindner Ich wünsch dir mehr Zeit 03:38 9 Patrick Lindner Süsser die Glocken nie klingen 03:29 10 Patrick Lindner Weihnacht 02:18 11 Patrick Lindner Auf den Flügeln der Fantasie 03:49 12 Patrick Lindner Es wird scho glei dumpa 02:51 13 Patrick Lindner Kleiner Prinz 03:54
Patrick Lindner View in Albunack Heute, Hier und Jetzt 12 3 2007 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 Patrick Lindner Heute, Hier und Jetzt 03:27 2 Patrick Lindner Feuer und Regen 03:25 3 Patrick Lindner Wer Weiss Das Schon 03:19 4 Patrick Lindner Jeder Tag Ist Ein Geschenk 03:21 Has Mbid 5 Patrick Lindner Im Karuessell Der Traeume 03:17 6 Patrick Lindner Fuer Mich Bist Du Immer Schoen 03:21 7 Patrick Lindner Fuer All Die Grossen, Kleinen Leute (Wahre Helden) 03:17 8 Patrick Lindner Jede Traene Macht Dich Stark 03:42 9 Patrick Lindner Der Zug Ist Laengst Nicht Abgefahr'n 03:40 10 Patrick Lindner Du Bist Fuer Mich Das Groesste 03:43 11 Patrick Lindner Das Kleine Glueck Ist Ueberall 03:20 Has Mbid 12 Patrick Lindner Bella Italia 03:20
Patrick Lindner View in Albunack Ich feier' die Zeit WEB 17 0 2019 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patrick Lindner Ich feier' die Zeit 06:51 2 Patrick Lindner Weil du mich liebst 07:57 3 Patrick Lindner Gefühl ist eine Achterbahn (Version 2019) 07:49 4 Patrick Lindner Hast du heut wirklich schon gelebt (Version 2019) 06:55 5 Patrick Lindner Das Leben hat uns bunter gemacht 07:29 6 Patrick Lindner Für Liebe ist es nie zu spät 07:17 7 Patrick Lindner Mit leichtem Herz 08:07 8 Patrick Lindner Alles entspannt 08:26 9 Patrick Lindner Weil dein Lächeln die Seele küsst 06:49 10 Patrick Lindner Wilde Herzen 07:10 11 Patrick Lindner Schenk mir einen neuen Morgen 07:15 12 Patrick Lindner Anna Lena (Version 2019) 06:47 13 Patrick Lindner Ich hätt dich sowieso geküsst (Version 2019) 06:36 14 Patrick Lindner How Do You Do (feat. Nicki) 07:30 15 Patrick Lindner Wieder auf Anfang 07:49 16 Patrick Lindner Gefühl ist eine Achterbahn (Tom Ford Remix) 08:23 17 Patrick Lindner Ich feier' die Zeit (Hitmix) 09:12
Patrick Lindner View in Albunack Wenn es noch Wunder gibt 13 3 2000 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 Patrick Lindner Wenn es noch Wunder gibt 03:15 2 Patrick Lindner Stille Sternen-Nacht 02:50 3 Patrick Lindner Weihnachtsmann - hey, du tust mir leid 03:06 Has Mbid 4 Patrick Lindner Wenn kein Kind mehr weint 04:04 5 Patrick Lindner Weihnachten bin ich daheim 03:01 6 Patrick Lindner Engel 03:55 7 Patrick Lindner Weiße Welt 03:56 Has Mbid 8 Patrick Lindner Das Fest der Liebe 03:28 9 Patrick Lindner Spürst du's 03:21 10 Patrick Lindner Wer holt den Weihnachtsbaum 03:03 11 Patrick Lindner Unsichtbares Licht 03:07 12 Patrick Lindner Eine Nacht verändert diese Welt 04:20 13 Patrick Lindner Una Lacrima 04:29
Patrick Lindner View in Albunack Wunderschöne Weihnachtszeit 14 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patrick Lindner Glocken der Nacht 04:01 2 Patrick Lindner Und dann kann es Weihnachten werden 03:14 3 Patrick Lindner Ihr Kinderlein kommet/Oh Tannenbaum 03:44 4 Patrick Lindner Wenn es Liebe schneit 03:19 5 Patrick Lindner Vom Himmel hoch ihr Engel kommt 02:43 6 Patrick Lindner Weihnachtszeit, Wunderzeit 03:10 7 Patrick Lindner Leise rieselt der Schnee 03:10 8 Patrick Lindner Weihnachtszeit-stille Zeit 04:22 9 Patrick Lindner Auch Engel brauchen Freunde 03:34 10 Patrick Lindner Oh du fröhliche 02:28 11 Patrick Lindner Aber Heidschi bum beidschi 03:00 12 Patrick Lindner Spürst du den Weihnachtsfrieden 03:20 13 Patrick Lindner Lasst das Licht in eure Herzen 02:55 14 Patrick Lindner Süsser die Glocken nie klingen 03:26
Patrick Mimran View in Albunack Roma: City of Dreams & Nightmares 11 0 1996 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patrick Mimran Roma 09:15 2 Patrick Mimran October Tenth 04:04 3 Patrick Mimran June Twenty-Third 03:33 4 Patrick Mimran December Fifth 04:29 5 Patrick Mimran September Twentieth 03:12 6 Patrick Mimran August Fourth 03:25 7 Patrick Mimran April First 04:19 8 Patrick Mimran March Twenty-Seventh 04:42 9 Patrick Mimran November Eleventh 03:50 10 Patrick Mimran January Eleventh 03:23 11 Patrick Mimran May Eighth 04:00
Patrick Molard View in Albunack Biniou Braz 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patrick Molard Toniou laridenn 03:35 2 Patrick Molard Ton Trabrian - Amzer ma yaouankiz 03:33 3 Patrick Molard Ton Bastin Guern - Ar milinerig fin - Son da souhaitin ar bloavezh mad 04:19 4 Patrick Molard Toniou Manu Kerjean 06:06 5 Patrick Molard Eker Lannuon, ur reuz'zo erruet 05:53 6 Patrick Molard <me moned un deiz d'er hoet - Kas a barh 06:42 7 Patrick Molard E koun <Heve Le Meur - Ton Dineol 03:58 8 Patrick Molard Gavotenn ar menez 07:25 9 Patrick Molard Plage 05:22 10 Patrick Molard Chenchet 'neus an amzer -Hanter dro 05:17 11 Patrick Molard Ur verh Margaridig - Mer ho suppli paotred a zimezit 03:19 12 Patrick Molard Dañs fisel 05:32
Patrick Molard View in Albunack Piobaireachd 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patrick Molard Beloved Scotland 10:10 2 Patrick Molard The Sister's Lament 09:04 3 Patrick Molard Sir James MacDonald of the Isles' Lament 07:17 4 Patrick Molard The Earl of Seaforth's Salute 11:41 5 Patrick Molard MacLeod's Short Tune 08:48 6 Patrick Molard Lament for Ronald MacDonald of Morar 10:45
Patrick Moraz View in Albunack Coexistence (With Syrinx) 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patrick Moraz Mind Your Body 00:00 2 Patrick Moraz Boonoonoonoos 00:00 3 Patrick Moraz Soundrise 04:40 4 Patrick Moraz Adagio For A Hostage 04:13 5 Patrick Moraz Freedom To ... 02:56 6 Patrick Moraz Black Gold 04:03 7 Patrick Moraz Moments Of Love 04:16 8 Patrick Moraz Chain Reaction 06:07 9 Patrick Moraz Peace On The Hills 04:25 10 Patrick Moraz Jam On Chain Reaction (Bonus Track) 04:17 11 Patrick Moraz Boonoonoonoos (Alternate Version) 04:18
Patrick N. Allitt View in Albunack The History Of The United States (Part 7) 12 0 2003 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patrick N. Allitt Lecture 77a - The Women's Movement 05:10 2 Patrick N. Allitt Lecture 81b - Carter and The Reagan Revolution 05:03 3 Patrick N. Allitt Lecture 73c 05:42 4 Patrick N. Allitt Lecture 75d - The Rise of Mass Media 04:58 5 Patrick N. Allitt Lecture 73e 04:57 6 Patrick N. Allitt Lecture 81f - Carter and The Reagan Revolution 05:52 7 Patrick N. Allitt Lecture 78a - Nixon and Watergate 04:45 8 Patrick N. Allitt Lecture 78b - Nixon and Watergate 04:56 9 Patrick N. Allitt Lecture 76c - The Vietnam War 05:09 10 Patrick N. Allitt Lecture 84d - Reflections 05:00 11 Patrick N. Allitt 80e - Religion in Twentieth-Century America 05:29 12 Patrick N. Allitt Lecture 82f - The New World Order 04:40
Patrick Norman View in Albunack Après La Tombée Du Rideau 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patrick Norman Après la Tombée Du Rideau 04:25 2 Patrick Norman Quand Elle Laisse Tomber Ses Cheveux 03:44 3 Patrick Norman On Dépend L'un de L'autre 03:50 4 Patrick Norman Viens Danser 04:11 5 Patrick Norman Tous Nos Départs 04:24 6 Patrick Norman C'était L'été 03:52 7 Patrick Norman Jamais T'auras Ma Peau 03:52 8 Patrick Norman Je Fais Pleurer Mes Amis 04:36 9 Patrick Norman Tout Simplement 03:45 10 Patrick Norman Babe 05:55 11 Patrick Norman Chanson Pour Maxence 03:17
Patrick Norman View in Albunack Bonheurs partages 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patrick Norman; Martin Deschamps Alors la vie 04:45 2 Patrick Norman; Nathalie Lord Juste toi et moi 02:59 3 Patrick Norman; Jean-Francois Breau Quand l'amour te tend la main 04:03 4 Patrick Norman; Marie-Eve Janvier Comment le dire 03:22 5 Patrick Norman; Guylaine Tanguay S'aimer pour la vie 02:47 6 Patrick Norman; Francois Leveillee Le temps 03:01 7 Patrick Norman; Pierre Bertrand Chanter pour rien 03:17 8 Patrick Norman; Jean-Guy Grenier Duelling Banjos 02:31 9 Patrick Norman; Manuel Tadros Les rois de Bourbon street 02:45 10 Patrick Norman; Virginie Cummins On part au soleil 02:50 11 Patrick Norman; Paul Daraiche Plus fort que le vent 03:25 12 Patrick Norman; Laurence Jalbert Crois en l'amour 03:51
Patrick Norman View in Albunack Chez-Moi 12 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patrick Norman Le p nitencier 04:25 2 Patrick Norman Demain 04:19 3 Patrick Norman Chez-moi 03:48 4 Patrick Norman Señorita 03:48 5 Patrick Norman Le gout de toi 03:09 6 Patrick Norman Je marche tes cot s 03:21 7 Patrick Norman Vivre moiti 03:27 8 Patrick Norman J'ai fait ma valise 03:42 9 Patrick Norman Le cœur fou 02:58 10 Patrick Norman Comme si c' tait crit 02:51 Has Mbid 11 Patrick Norman Six heures moins quart 03:27 12 Patrick Norman Dis, papa 05:34
Patrick Norman View in Albunack Guitar 15 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patrick Norman Maria Elena 03:26 2 Patrick Norman La Playa 02:53 3 Patrick Norman Sleep Walk 02:35 4 Patrick Norman Ebb Tide 02:38 5 Patrick Norman Greensleeves 02:22 6 Patrick Norman I'Il See You In My Dreams 02:08 7 Patrick Norman Classical Gas 02:40 8 Patrick Norman Duelling Banjos 02:33 9 Patrick Norman Carioca 03:46 10 Patrick Norman Begin The Beguine 04:32 11 Patrick Norman Ghost Riders In The Sky 02:39 12 Patrick Norman Apache 03:27 13 Patrick Norman Honky Tonk 04:44 14 Patrick Norman Pipeline 02:36 15 Patrick Norman A Man And His Harmonica / Once Upon A Time In The West 05:38
Patrick Norman View in Albunack SOIRÉE INTIME (Live) 15 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patrick Norman Chanter pour rien 03:45 2 Patrick Norman Lucille 04:26 3 Patrick Norman Longue est la route 04:06 4 Patrick Norman J'ai oublié de vivre 05:05 Has Mbid 5 Patrick Norman Alors là seulement 04:06 6 Patrick Norman L'hirondelle 03:32 7 Patrick Norman Vivre 03:48 8 Patrick Norman La guitare de Jérémie 06:23 9 Patrick Norman Perce les nuages 03:30 10 Patrick Norman J'cours prier 04:07 11 Patrick Norman Ma belle 04:09 12 Patrick Norman Un dernier verre de chagrin 03:57 13 Patrick Norman Elle s'en va 05:56 14 Patrick Norman Quand on est en amour 04:47 15 Patrick Norman Souvenir d'un veillard 05:44
Patrick Norman View in Albunack Soirée intime (Live) 14 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patrick Norman Chanter pour rien 03:45 2 Patrick Norman Lucille 04:26 3 Patrick Norman Longue est la route 04:06 4 Patrick Norman J'ai oublié de vivre 05:05 Has Mbid 5 Patrick Norman Alors là seulement 04:06 6 Patrick Norman L'hirondelle 03:32 7 Patrick Norman Vivre 03:48 8 Patrick Norman La guitare de Jérémie 06:23 9 Patrick Norman Perce les nuages 03:30 10 Patrick Norman J'cours prier 04:07 11 Patrick Norman Ma belle 04:09 12 Patrick Norman Un dernier verre de chagrin 03:57 13 Patrick Norman Elle s'en va 05:56 14 Patrick Norman Quand on est en amour 04:47
Patrick Norman View in Albunack The Christmas Album 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patrick Norman I'll Be Home For Christmas 03:43 2 Patrick Norman White Christmas 03:52 3 Patrick Norman Happy Christmas (War Is Over) 04:04 4 Patrick Norman The`Little Drummer Boy 03:01 5 Patrick Norman The`Christmas Song 03:22 6 Patrick Norman Let It Snow! 02:19 7 Patrick Norman Silver Bells 03:34 8 Patrick Norman Blue Christmas 03:02 9 Patrick Norman Go Tell The World 02:44 10 Patrick Norman O`Christmas Tree! 03:08 11 Patrick Norman Silent Night 03:30 12 Patrick Norman Winter Wonderland 02:44
Patrick Norman View in Albunack Tous en choeur 13 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patrick Norman Mon coeur est à toi 02:38 2 Patrick Norman La guitare de Jérémie 05:16 3 Patrick Norman Stardust 04:10 4 Patrick Norman Babe 03:58 5 Patrick Norman Chanson pour Maxence 03:54 6 Patrick Norman Quand le blé sera levé 06:02 7 Patrick Norman Vivre 04:30 8 Patrick Norman C'est la saison 03:44 9 Patrick Norman Je fais pleurer mes amis 04:36 10 Patrick Norman Elle s'en va 05:54 11 Patrick Norman L'hirondelle 04:02 12 Patrick Norman Après la tombée du rideau 04:28 13 Patrick Norman Quand on est en amour 04:56
Patrick Norman View in Albunack Tous en choeur avec 13 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patrick Norman Mon coeur est à toi 02:38 2 Patrick Norman La guitare de Jérémie 05:16 3 Patrick Norman Stardust 04:10 4 Patrick Norman Babe 03:58 5 Patrick Norman Chanson pour Maxence 03:54 6 Patrick Norman Quand le blé sera levé 06:02 7 Patrick Norman Vivre 04:30 8 Patrick Norman C'est la saison 03:44 9 Patrick Norman Je fais pleurer mes amis 04:36 10 Patrick Norman Elle s'en va 05:54 11 Patrick Norman L'hirondelle 04:02 12 Patrick Norman Après la tombée du rideau 04:28 13 Patrick Norman Quand on est en amour 04:56
Patrick Norman View in Albunack Whispering Shadows 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patrick Norman Whispering Shadows 05:13 2 Patrick Norman Forever 04:07 3 Patrick Norman Redheaded Heartache 03:13 4 Patrick Norman What Am I Gonna Do? 03:22 5 Patrick Norman This Time You're Gone 03:07 6 Patrick Norman Light of Day 03:31 7 Patrick Norman Good Times, Bad Times 04:31 8 Patrick Norman Don't Get Me Wrong 04:19 9 Patrick Norman No Love Without You 03:24 10 Patrick Norman Summertime 03:38
Patrick Park View in Albunack Mondays in Spaceland - Sept. 25th, 2006 11 0 2006 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patrick Park Past Poisons 04:12 2 Patrick Park Saint with a Fever 03:23 3 Patrick Park Your Smile's a Drug 03:30 4 Patrick Park Nothing's Lost 04:20 5 Patrick Park Honest Screw 03:06 6 Patrick Park Life's a Song 04:29 7 Patrick Park Take it Back 04:05 8 Patrick Park Silvergirl 03:47 9 Patrick Park Stay with me Tomorrow 03:42 10 Patrick Park Everyone's in Everyone 03:03 11 Patrick Park Bullets by the Door 03:27
Patrick Park View in Albunack Spaceland Presents: Patrick Park [Mondays in Spaceland - September 28th, 2006] 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patrick Park Past Poisons 04:12 2 Patrick Park Saint with a Fever 03:21 3 Patrick Park Your Smile's a Drug 03:30 4 Patrick Park Nothing's Lost 04:20 5 Patrick Park Honest Screw 03:06 6 Patrick Park Life's a Song 04:27 7 Patrick Park Take it Back 04:05 8 Patrick Park Silvergirl 03:44 9 Patrick Park Stay with Me Tomorrow 03:42 10 Patrick Park Everyone's in Everyone 03:05 11 Patrick Park Bullets by the Door 03:27
Search Patrick Roberts Pink 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patrick Roberts The Wind Beneath My Wings 03:58 2 Patrick Roberts La Vie En Rose 02:53 3 Patrick Roberts Smile 03:10 4 Patrick Roberts The Rose 03:37 5 Patrick Roberts Hallelujah 03:35 6 Patrick Roberts Emmanuel 02:47 7 Patrick Roberts Cinema Paradiso 03:04 8 Patrick Roberts Intermezzo 03:15 9 Patrick Roberts You Raise Me Up 03:58 10 Patrick Roberts All I Ask Of You 03:45 11 Patrick Roberts You'll Never Walk Alone 04:16
Search Patrick Roberts Vision 13 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patrick Roberts Toccata 04:06 2 Patrick Roberts Concierto De Aranjuez 03:27 3 Patrick Roberts I Dreamed A Dream 04:27 4 Patrick Roberts Sonnet 04:34 5 Patrick Roberts Exodus 03:10 6 Patrick Roberts Ave Maria 02:52 7 Patrick Roberts Ashokan Farewell 04:16 8 Patrick Roberts When I Fall In Love 04:15 9 Patrick Roberts Summersleep 06:08 10 Patrick Roberts You Raise Me Up 04:24 11 Patrick Roberts My Way 04:53 12 Patrick Roberts Habanera 03:40 13 Patrick Roberts Czardas 05:29
Patrick Rondat View in Albunack Just for Fun [2002 Remaster] 10 0 1989 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patrick Rondat Life Force 04:50 2 Patrick Rondat Nostalgia 06:43 3 Patrick Rondat The Day After 04:24 4 Patrick Rondat Just for Fun 04:11 5 Patrick Rondat French Message 04:56 6 Patrick Rondat Secret Eyes 05:46 7 Patrick Rondat Paysages 05:40 8 Patrick Rondat Danger Zone 06:05 9 Patrick Rondat Life Force (Demo/Bonus Track) 05:19 10 Patrick Rondat French Message (Demo/Bonus Track) 04:49
Patrick Rondat View in Albunack Rape of the Earth [2002 Remaster] 11 0 1991 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patrick Rondat Ultimate Dreams 04:52 2 Patrick Rondat Mindscape 04:52 3 Patrick Rondat Barbarians at the Gates 07:56 4 Patrick Rondat The Last Whale 07:32 5 Patrick Rondat Burn Out 06:50 6 Patrick Rondat Nuages 06:28 7 Patrick Rondat Rape of the Earth 04:46 8 Patrick Rondat Visions 06:06 9 Patrick Rondat World of Silence 06:23 10 Patrick Rondat The Day After (Demo, Bonus Track) 04:09 11 Patrick Rondat Danger Zone (Demo, Bonus Track) 06:04
Patrick Rothfuss View in Albunack Unbekannter Titel 16 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patrick Rothfuss wmf1901 00:30 2 Patrick Rothfuss wmf2002 02:51 3 Patrick Rotfuss wmf2303 07:23 4 Patrick Rothfuss wmf1904 04:48 5 Patrick Rothfuss wmf1905 04:37 6 Patrick Rothfuss wmf3606 04:31 7 Patrick Rothfuss wmf2107 07:42 8 Patrick Rothfuss wmf2608 05:01 9 Patrick Rothfuss wmf2909 06:33 10 Patrick Rothfuss wmf2210 01:12 11 Patrick Rothfuss wmf2211 07:49 12 Patrick Rothfuss wmf2212 06:48 13 Patrick Rothfuss wmf2013 05:43 14 Patrick Rothfuss wmf3314 01:23 15 Patrick Rothfuss wmf3315 03:18 16 Patrick Rothfuss wmf3316 00:29
Patrick Rothfuss View in Albunack Wise Mans Fear 16 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patrick Rothfuss Wise Mans Fear 0301 00:26 2 Patrick Rothfuss Wise Mans Fear 0302 00:40 3 Patrick Rothfuss Wise Mans Fear 0303 05:47 4 Patrick Rothfuss Wise Mans Fear 0304 05:35 5 Patrick Rothfuss Wise Mans Fear 0305 04:35 6 Patrick Rothfuss Wise Mans Fear 0306 05:52 7 Patrick Rothfuss Wise Mans Fear 0307 05:43 8 Patrick Rothfuss Wise Mans Fear 0308 06:56 9 Patrick Rothfuss Wise Mans Fear 0309 04:44 10 Patrick Rothfuss Wise Mans Fear 0310 04:47 11 Patrick Rothfuss Wise Mans Fear 0311 04:53 12 Patrick Rothfuss Wise Mans Fear 0312 04:12 13 Patrick Rothfuss Wise Mans Fear 0313 06:45 14 Patrick Rothfuss Wise Mans Fear 0314 06:13 15 Patrick Rothfuss Wise Mans Fear 0315 05:42 16 Patrick Rothfuss Wise Mans Fear 0316 01:05
Patrick SAINT-ELOI View in Albunack Bizouk 9 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patrick SAINT-ELOI Ozôn-Bizouk 05:15 2 Patrick SAINT-ELOI Direksion 05:08 3 Patrick SAINT-ELOI Kom' Bak' 04:37 4 Patrick SAINT-ELOI Maman Kréyôl 05:04 5 Patrick SAINT-ELOI Oui Ou Non 02:49 Has Mbid 6 Patrick SAINT-ELOI Chabon 04:55 7 Patrick SAINT-ELOI Pa Douté 04:56 8 Patrick SAINT-ELOI Jacki 06:19 9 Patrick SAINT-ELOI Si Sé Oui 05:33
Patrick Saint-Eloi View in Albunack A La Demande 7 3 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patrick Saint-Eloi A la demande 06:20 Has Mbid 2 Patrick Saint-Eloi Zouké 06:02 3 Patrick Saint-Eloi Ballade Kréyol 05:18 4 Patrick Saint-Eloi Met an wout 05:43 Has Mbid 5 Patrick Saint-Eloi An Plas'Ay 04:56 6 Patrick Saint-Eloi Tchimbé la 05:42 Has Mbid 7 Patrick Saint-Eloi Tropikal 04:59
Patrick Saint-Eloi View in Albunack Bizouk 9 1 1992 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patrick Saint-Eloi Ozôn-Bizouk 05:15 2 Patrick Saint-Eloi Direksion 05:11 3 Patrick Saint-Eloi Kom' Bak' 04:37 4 Patrick Saint-Eloi Maman Kréyôl 04:59 5 Patrick Saint-Eloi Oui Ou Non 02:52 Has Mbid 6 Patrick Saint-Eloi Chabon 04:55 7 Patrick Saint-Eloi Pa Douté 04:57 8 Patrick Saint-Eloi Jacki 06:18 9 Patrick Saint-Eloi Si Sé Oui 05:31
Patrick Saint-Eloi View in Albunack Lovtans 9 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patrick Saint-Eloi Sweet chérie 06:25 2 Patrick Saint-Eloi Tik Tak 05:08 3 Patrick Saint-Eloi Poézi éternel 04:43 4 Patrick Saint-Eloi Si ou vlé 06:01 5 Patrick Saint-Eloi Inceste 05:20 6 Patrick Saint-Eloi Dekompresse 05:09 7 Patrick Saint-Eloi Rehabilitation 05:13 Has Mbid 8 Patrick Saint-Eloi Hello dous' 05:50 9 Patrick Saint-Eloi Vou 05:18
Patrick Saint-Eloi View in Albunack Lovtans' 9 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patrick Saint-Eloi Sweet Chérie 06:27 2 Patrick Saint-Eloi Tik Tak 05:08 3 Patrick Saint-Eloi Poésie Etèrnel 04:45 4 Patrick Saint-Eloi Si Ou Vlé 06:02 5 Patrick Saint-Eloi Inceste 05:20 6 Patrick Saint-Eloi Dékompressé 05:08 7 Patrick Saint-Eloi Rehabilitation 05:13 Has Mbid 8 Patrick Saint-Eloi Hello Dous' 05:50 9 Patrick Saint-Eloi Vou 05:20
Patrick Saint-Eloi View in Albunack Patrick Saint-Elois A L'Olympia 13 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patrick Saint-Eloi Intro 01:03 2 Patrick Saint-Eloi Chèché 05:18 3 Patrick Saint-Eloi Kryé 04:39 4 Patrick Saint-Eloi Maman Kreol 05:15 5 Patrick Saint-Eloi Ki jan Ké Fè 06:09 6 Patrick Saint-Eloi Misik 06:17 7 Patrick Saint-Eloi Rèv An Mwen 03:49 8 Patrick Saint-Eloi West Indies 05:41 9 Patrick Saint-Eloi Ballade Kréol 08:04 10 Patrick Saint-Eloi Si Sé Oui 06:16 11 Patrick Saint-Eloi Ola On Yé 04:44 12 Patrick Saint-Eloi Bay Chabon 06:02 13 Patrick Saint-Eloi An Plas Ay 06:39
Patrick Saint-Eloi View in Albunack Plézi 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patrick Saint-Eloi Plézi 04:38 2 Patrick Saint-Eloi Douvan Jou 04:52 3 Patrick Saint-Eloi Respè 05:05 4 Patrick Saint-Eloi Enmé Vou 04:30 5 Patrick Saint-Eloi Magnifik 04:49 6 Patrick Saint-Eloi Apè Lanmou 04:50 7 Patrick Saint-Eloi Anvi Viv 05:11 8 Patrick Saint-Eloi Ni Assé 03:51 9 Patrick Saint-Eloi Palé Palé 04:20
Patrick Saint-Eloi View in Albunack Zoukamine 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patrick Saint-Eloi Zoukamine 04:42 2 Patrick Saint-Eloi Selebre 04:36 3 Patrick Saint-Eloi Transandew 05:03 4 Patrick Saint-Eloi Ti rakquin' 03:05 5 Patrick Saint-Eloi Flé de nuit' 03:58 6 Patrick Saint-Eloi Ki jan ké fé 04:38 7 Patrick Saint-Eloi Ay pwan van 04:45 8 Patrick Saint-Eloi Bad trip' 03:58 9 Patrick Saint-Eloi Ki moune 04:36 10 Patrick Saint-Eloi Nostalgia 02:49
Patrick Saussois View in Albunack Alma Sinti 16 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patrick Saussois les yeux noirs 03:39 2 Patrick Saussois lucciola 02:25 3 Patrick Saussois impatience 05:00 4 Patrick Saussois venez donc chez moi 02:33 Has Mbid 5 Patrick Saussois alma sinti 02:39 6 Patrick Saussois degringolade 02:39 7 Patrick Saussois premier rendez-vous 03:40 8 Patrick Saussois delicado 02:47 9 Patrick Saussois jojo swing 02:05 10 Patrick Saussois lola 03:49 11 Patrick Saussois reve bohemien 02:24 12 Patrick Saussois troublant bolero 02:48 13 Patrick Saussois i'll see you in my dreams 02:23 14 Patrick Saussois lunatic valse 03:00 15 Patrick Saussois pour que ma vie demeure 02:49 16 Patrick Saussois cherokee 03:49
Patrick Saussois View in Albunack Easy Living 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patrick Saussois Too Marvelous For Words 03:43 2 Patrick Saussois Mambo Inn 04:25 3 Patrick Saussois I Concentrate On You 05:22 4 Patrick Saussois Easy Living 06:11 5 Patrick Saussois Just A Closer Walk With Thee 03:54 6 Patrick Saussois I Hear A Rhapsody 04:15 7 Patrick Saussois The Best Things In Life Are Free 05:00 8 Patrick Saussois Polka Dots And Moonbeans 05:35 9 Patrick Saussois J.B.Blues 04:10 10 Patrick Saussois You And The Night And The Music 04:18 11 Patrick Saussois That Lucky Old Sun 04:54
Patrick Saussois View in Albunack Patrick Saussois 16 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patrick Saussois Exact Audio Copy 03:02 2 Patrick Saussois Трек02 02:46 3 Patrick Saussois Трек03 02:55 4 Patrick Saussois Трек04 02:17 5 Patrick Saussois Трек05 05:19 6 Patrick Saussois Трек06 03:13 7 Patrick Saussois Трек07 02:48 8 Patrick Saussois Трек08 03:26 9 Patrick Saussois Трек09 02:50 10 Patrick Saussois Трек10 05:14 11 Patrick Saussois Трек11 03:25 12 Patrick Saussois Трек12 02:20 13 Patrick Saussois Трек13 05:26 14 Patrick Saussois Трек14 03:20 15 Patrick Saussois Трек15 02:29 16 Patrick Saussois Трек16 02:08
Patrick Saussois View in Albunack Rythmes Gitans 16 2 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 Alma Sinti Rythmes Gitans 02:21 2 Alma Sinti Adieu Lacheben 04:45 3 Alma Sinti Tune Up 02:28 4 Alma Sinti Coin de Rue 03:14 5 Alma Sinti Swing Valse 03:31 6 Alma Sinti Lentement Mademoiselle 03:19 7 Alma Sinti J'Aime Paris au Mois de Mai 03:30 8 Alma Sinti Delit Mineur 02:56 9 Alma Sinti Ton Bolero 03:38 10 Alma Sinti Pennies from Heaven 02:41 11 Alma Sinti Nostalgia Gitana 02:24 12 Alma Sinti Swingin' Tiger 02:49 13 Alma Sinti Embraceable You 03:59 14 Alma Sinti Christine 02:36 15 Alma Sinti Estate 04:01 Has Mbid 16 Alma Sinti Minor Swing 03:27
Patrick Stanke View in Albunack Role of a lifetime (Musical Highlights) 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patrick Stanke Martin Guerre (_) 03:02 2 Patrick Stanke Prayer (The Scarlet Pimpernel) 03:30 3 Patrick Stanke Role of a lifetime (bare) 03:50 4 Patrick Stanke/Roberta Valentini/Rob Fowler Louder than words (Tick tick ... BOOM) 04:27 5 Patrick Stanke Le temps des Cathédrales 03:19 6 Patrick Stanke Die Konfrontation (Jekyll & Hyde) 03:26 7 Patrick Stanke/Roberta Valentini Falling slowly (Once) 04:10 8 Patrick Stanke I just call you mine 04:34 9 Patrick Stanke/Rob Fowler For good (Wicked) 04:30 10 Patrick Stanke/Roberta Valentini/Rob Fowler/Ethan Freeman Moulin Rouge Medley (Moulin Rouge) 06:54 11 Patrick Stanke Wie wird man seinen Schatten los (Mozart!) 04:09 12 Patrick Stanke/Roberta Valentini/Ethan Freeman Hallelujah 03:13
Patrick Street View in Albunack No 2 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patrick Street John McKenna's Jigs 03:47 2 Patrick Street Braes of Moneymore 03:43 3 Patrick Street Hard By Seifin/Woodcock Hill 03:22 4 Patrick Street Tom Joad 05:47 5 Patrick Street Benton's Jig / Benton's Dream 03:38 6 Patrick Street William Taylor 03:02 7 Patrick Street Carherlistrane Jig/Gallowglass Jig/Kanturk Jig 03:27 8 Patrick Street Jenny Picking Cockles/An Gabhrán/Jack Keane's Reel 03:30 9 Patrick Street Facing The Chair 05:04 10 Patrick Street Sweeney's Reel 02:47
Patrick Street View in Albunack Patrick Street 1 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patrick Street Patrick Street/The Carraroe Jig 04:02 2 Patrick Street Walter Sammon's Grandmother/Concertina Reel/Brendan McMahon's 04:09 3 Patrick Street The Holy Ground 05:26 4 Patrick Street The Shores of Lough Gowna/Contentment is Wealth/Have a Drink with Me 04:58 5 Patrick Street The Set/La Cardeuse 03:06 6 Patrick Street Loftus Jones 03:34 7 Patrick Street The Dream/ Indiana 06:43 8 Patrick Street Martin Rochford's Reel/Roll out the Barrel/The Earl's Chair 03:42 9 Patrick Street Mrs O'Sullivan's Jig/Caliope House 03:23 10 Patrick Street The Man with the Cap 04:06
Patrick Sweany View in Albunack Henryfordbedroom 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patrick Sweany I'll Take Care of You 02:37 2 Patrick Sweany Pecan Trees 03:28 3 Patrick Sweany Gemini Blues 03:11 4 Patrick Sweany Smokestacks 04:08 5 Patrick Sweany More Better 03:02 6 Patrick Sweany Rain in the Delta 04:09 7 Patrick Sweany Calm Me Down 05:09 8 Patrick Sweany Wastin' Time 03:18 9 Patrick Sweany Bad Luck, Bad Luck 02:59 10 Patrick Sweany '01 Blues 04:32 11 Patrick Sweany Evening Sun 03:40
Patrick Sébastien View in Albunack Faut qu'on slash 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patrick Sébastien Faut Qu'on Slash! 03:49 2 Patrick Sébastien Juste Pour Danser 04:49 3 Patrick Sébastien Un Petit Madison 04:06 4 Patrick Sébastien Jamais Fatigués 03:55 5 Patrick Sébastien Comment Ça Va 2011 03:58 6 Patrick Sébastien Matteo 04:13 7 Patrick Sébastien Rendez-Moi Ma Vie [Version Big Band] 03:51 8 Patrick Sébastien DSQ 03:43 9 Patrick Sébastien Les Tambours du Roi 03:32 10 Patrick Sébastien J'ai Apporté des Fleurs 03:51 11 Patrick Sébastien Madeleine 03:38 12 Patrick Sébastien Quand Je Serai Petit 04:48
Patrick Sébastien View in Albunack La petite vadrouille 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patrick Sébastien La Petite Vadrouille 06:13 2 Patrick Sébastien L'école des Fanés 04:38 3 Patrick Sébastien Le Cours D'adultère 06:21 4 Patrick Sébastien Ca Baigne 03:48 5 Patrick Sébastien Lettre de la Mer 03:09 6 Patrick Sébastien Les Nains 10:15 7 Patrick Sébastien Les Tubes d'un Eté Pour Rire 05:02 8 Patrick Sébastien Quatre Petits Vieux Sur Un Banc 03:19 9 Patrick Sébastien La Vieille Idole 05:19 10 Patrick Sébastien Ma Grand-Mère Disait 01:52
Patrick Sébastien View in Albunack Stars compilation 16 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patrick Sébastien Les Pubs 03:53 2 Patrick Sébastien Si J'étais Devos 02:05 3 Patrick Sébastien Enfoirés Excusez-le 07:08 4 Patrick Sébastien Télé Pub à L'école 04:38 5 Patrick Sébastien Le Cinéma de Minuit 03:58 6 Patrick Sébastien Madame la P... 01:55 7 Patrick Sébastien Le Beau Métier Qui Est Le Mien 03:06 8 Patrick Sébastien Bonhomme Après L'amour 03:38 9 Patrick Sébastien Comme D'habitude 04:16 10 Patrick Sébastien Gabin Go Home 04:42 11 Patrick Sébastien Pepito 02:42 12 Patrick Sébastien Brassens Au Top 50 01:52 13 Patrick Sébastien Joséphine Aussi 03:44 14 Patrick Sébastien Ave Les Bleus 05:09 15 Patrick Sébastien Marche Ou Grève 04:24 16 Patrick Sébastien Madame Simone 03:09
Patrick Süskind View in Albunack Das Vermächtnis des Maître Mussard 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patrick Süskind Vermächtnis 04:41 2 Patrick Süskind Vermächtnis 05:15 3 Patrick Süskind Vermächtnis 04:35 4 Patrick Süskind Vermächtnis 04:44 5 Patrick Süskind Vermächtnis 05:35 6 Patrick Süskind Vermächtnis 04:11 7 Patrick Süskind Vermächtnis 05:37 8 Patrick Süskind Vermächtnis 05:43 9 Patrick Süskind Vermächtnis 03:16 10 Patrick Süskind Vermächtnis 06:33 11 Patrick Süskind Vermächtnis 01:10
Patrick Topaloff View in Albunack Topaloff disque d'or 13 2 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patrick Topaloff Je ne suis pas bien portant 03:09 Has Mbid 2 Patrick Topaloff Où est ma chemise grise? 03:03 3 Patrick Topaloff La gendarmerie 02:50 Has Mbid 4 Patrick Topaloff J'ai bien mangé, j'ai bien bu 02:36 5 Patrick Topaloff Le rapp du bègue 03:54 6 Patrick Topaloff Ali be good 02:26 7 Patrick Topaloff Plaidoirie d'un avocat de la défonce 03:27 8 Patrick Topaloff Souffler dans le ballon 03:16 9 Patrick Topaloff Va t'faire cuire un oeuf 03:00 10 Patrick Topaloff La vie c'est pan pan cul cul 03:20 11 Patrick Topaloff Je monte dans le train 03:47 12 Patrick Topaloff Topaloff à la coque 03:30 13 Patrick Topaloff La saga des spermato 04:13
Patrick Verbeke View in Albunack Capturé live 15 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patrick Verbeke Blue speeches 01:30 2 Patrick Verbeke Never been to mississippi 05:55 3 Patrick Verbeke De quoi j'vais m'plaindre 05:48 4 Patrick Verbeke Si t'as mal 06:00 5 Patrick Verbeke Delta queen part1 04:29 6 Patrick Verbeke Delta queen part2 05:19 7 Patrick Verbeke Hound dog 03:19 8 Patrick Verbeke Boogimmick 00:36 9 Patrick Verbeke You're the one 03:17 10 Patrick Verbeke Rocky road blues 04:36 11 Patrick Verbeke Good morning love 03:24 12 Patrick Verbeke Gifted in the ways of love 02:32 13 Patrick Verbeke Walk with the spirit 05:28 14 Patrick Verbeke Train to menphis 03:36 15 Patrick Verbeke Si t'as mal (with luther allison) 05:19
Patrick Verbeke View in Albunack Echos D'acadie 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patrick Verbeke Coeurs Solidaires 04:21 2 Patrick Verbeke Bluesy City 04:28 3 Patrick Verbeke Trop Jeune Pour Savoir 03:43 4 Patrick Verbeke Faite Pour Moi 04:21 5 Patrick Verbeke Joe Leblanc 04:49 6 Patrick Verbeke Orage 04:13 7 Patrick Verbeke L'ordre Du Bon Temps 04:39 8 Patrick Verbeke Evangelina 03:24 9 Patrick Verbeke Acadiana 02:44 10 Patrick Verbeke Henry Membertou 04:26 11 Patrick Verbeke N'arrête Pas De Rever 03:50
Patrick Verbeke View in Albunack Echos d'Acadie 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patrick Verbeke Coeurs solidaires 04:21 2 Patrick Verbeke Bluesy city 04:28 3 Patrick Verbeke Trop jeune pour savoir 03:43 4 Patrick Verbeke Faite Pour Moi 04:21 5 Patrick Verbeke Joe Leblanc 04:49 6 Patrick Verbeke Orage 04:13 7 Patrick Verbeke L'Ordre Du Bon Temps 04:39 8 Patrick Verbeke Evangelina 03:24 9 Patrick Verbeke Acadania 02:44 10 Patrick Verbeke Henry Membertou 04:26 11 Patrick Verbeke N'arrête Pas De Rêver 03:50
Patrick Verbeke View in Albunack Funky Français 13 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patrick Verbeke Funky Français 03:23 2 Patrick Verbeke Si T'as Mal (Le Blues Te Fais Du Bien) 03:27 3 Patrick Verbeke J'ai Qu'une Idée 02:01 4 Patrick Verbeke Delta Queen 04:34 5 Patrick Verbeke Laisse Parler Ton Coeur 04:15 6 Patrick Verbeke Mon P'tit Monde 02:08 7 Patrick Verbeke Salut L'ami 04:07 8 Patrick Verbeke Le Dieu A La Main Lente 03:18 9 Patrick Verbeke Monsieur Blues 03:03 10 Patrick Verbeke Conduite En État D'amour 03:59 Has Mbid 11 Patrick Verbeke Willie & Leadbelly 03:55 12 Patrick Verbeke Carte Blues 04:13 13 Patrick Verbeke Le Tatoo Voyageur 04:05
Search Patrick Williams (2015) Home Suite Home 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patrick Williams; Patti Austin 52nd & Broadway 03:23 2 Patrick Williams; Tom Scott; Bob Sheppard Home Suite Home I-Elizabeth 06:08 3 Patrick Williams; Dan Higgins Home Suite Home II-Greer 07:50 4 Patrick Williams; Peter Erksine; Tom Scott; Mchael Stever Home Suite Home III-Patrick 07:49 5 Patrick Williams; Michael Stever A Hefti Dose of Basie 04:34 6 Patric Williams; Frank Sinatra Jr.; Tierney Sutton I've Been Around 03:50 7 Patrick Williams; Arturo Sandoval Blue Mist 10:24 8 Patrick Williams; Dave Grusin; Peter Erksine; Andy Martin; Tom Scott That's Rich 06:56
Search Patrick Williams A Song from the Heart 17 1 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 Patrick Williams Main Title 01:55 2 Patrick Williams Saved by the Bus 01:16 3 Patrick Williams Excuse Me! 02:32 4 Patrick Williams The First Kiss 01:29 5 Patrick Williams Riding the Bike 02:01 6 Patrick Williams The Talk 03:24 7 Patrick Williams You Won't Let Me Forget 01:16 8 Patrick Williams Car Montage 01:34 9 Patrick Williams Greg's Theme 02:31 10 Patrick Williams Surgery 01:42 11 Patrick Williams Meeting the Magician 01:51 12 Patrick Williams Oliver Alone 01:23 13 Patrick Williams Removing the Bandages 03:25 14 Patrick Williams Maryanne in the Mirror 01:38 15 Patrick Williams Song for Maryanne 03:13 16 Patrick Williams You'll Never Understand 02:44 17 Patrick Williams We're Great Together 01:46
Search Patrick Williams Aurora 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patrick Williams Aurora 06:48 2 Patrick Williams Heat 09:26 3 Patrick Williams Song for a Pretty Girl 05:33 4 Patrick Williams Fanfare for a New Day 10:10 5 Patrick Williams One More Dream 05:31 6 Patrick Williams The Sun Will Shine Today 05:27 7 Patrick Williams Mandeville 06:14 8 Patrick Williams There You Go Again 08:45
Search Patrick Williams Dreams and Themes 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patrick Williams Lou's Blues (Theme from "Lou Grant") 04:31 2 Patrick Williams Agave 06:52 3 Patrick Williams Times 08:01 4 Patrick Williams Theme from "M*A*S*H" 06:35 5 Patrick Williams Theme from "Devlin Connection" 03:25 6 Patrick Williams Too Hip for the Room 07:24
Search Patrick Williams Theme 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patrick Williams Come On And Shine 06:16 2 Patrick Williams One For My Three 02:14 3 Patrick Williams Lou Grant Theme 02:15 4 Patrick Williams And We Will Love Again 05:12 5 Patrick Williams Sail On 05:35 6 Patrick Williams Bob Newhart Theme (Home To Emily) 05:48 7 Patrick Williams Barrio 05:50 8 Patrick Williams The Late Night Wizzard 06:09 9 Patrick Williams Blue Light 02:56
Patrick Wolf View in Albunack The Bachelor (Instrumentals) 14 1 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 Patrick Wolf Kriegspiel (Instrumental) 00:47 2 Patrick Wolf Hard Times (Instrumental) 03:41 3 Patrick Wolf Oblivion (Instrumental) 03:32 4 Patrick Wolf The Bachelor (Instrumental) 03:18 5 Patrick Wolf Damaris (Instrumental) 05:33 6 Patrick Wolf Thickets (Instrumental) 04:12 7 Patrick Wolf Count of Casualty (Instrumental) 06:07 8 Patrick Wolf Who Will? (Instrumental) 03:35 9 Patrick Wolf Vulture (Instrumental) 03:27 10 Patrick Wolf Blackdown (Instrumental) 05:33 11 Patrick Wolf The Sun is Often Out (Instrumental) 03:50 12 Patrick Wolf Theseus (Instrumental) 04:44 13 Patrick Wolf Battle (Instrumental) 03:20 14 Patrick Wolf The Messenger (Instrumental) 03:41
Patrick Zabé View in Albunack Pour toi 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patrick Zabé Repose Beethoven 02:51 2 Patrick Zabé Pour toi 02:56 3 Patrick Zabé Le téléfon 03:08 4 Patrick Zabé Ami de rêve 03:48 5 Patrick Zabé Garde-moi la dernière danse 02:30 6 Patrick Zabé Je t'appartiens 03:04 7 Patrick Zabé Le parking maudit 02:40 8 Patrick Zabé Et maintenant 03:29 9 Patrick Zabé Quitte-moi doucement 02:39 10 Patrick Zabé Derrière l'arc-en-ciel 04:10
Patrick Zimmerli View in Albunack Piano Trios - Yoo, Mermagen, Novacek 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patrick Zimmerli Trio no. 1 - I. Allegro 08:56 2 Patrick Zimmerli Trio no. 1 - II. Semplice 06:21 3 Patrick Zimmerli Trio no. 1 - III. Energico 05:14 4 Patrick Zimmerli Trio no. 1 - IV. Molto rubato - Largo - Presto 00:00 5 Patrick Zimmerli Trio no. 2 - I. Adagio - Vivace 11:28 6 Patrick Zimmerli Trio no. 2 - II. Andante 06:58 7 Patrick Zimmerli Trio no. 2 - III. Presto 05:25 8 Patrick Zimmerli Trio no. 2 - IV. Allegro moderato 08:06
Patrick hawes View in Albunack Highgrove Suite 16 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patrick hawes Highgrove Suite (Patrick Hawes): 1 - Goddess Of The Woods 07:17 2 Patrick hawes Highgrove Suite: 2 - The Wildflower Meadow 05:49 3 Patrick hawes Highgrove Suite: 3 - Sanctuary 07:23 4 Patrick hawes Highgrove Suite: 4 - The Gladiator 07:54 5 Patrick hawes Lady Radnor's Suite (Hubert Parry): 1 - Prelude 02:44 6 Patrick hawes Lady Radnor's Suite: 2 - Allemande 02:42 7 Patrick hawes Lady Radnor's Suite: 3 - Sarabande 02:44 8 Patrick hawes Lady Radnor's Suite: 4 - Bourree 02:48 9 Patrick hawes Lady Radnor's Suite: 5- Slow Minuet 02:12 10 Patrick hawes Lady Radnor's Suite: 6 - Gigue 02:10 11 Patrick hawes Sonata No. 1 (John Parry): 1 - Allegro 02:42 12 Patrick hawes Sonata No. 1: 2 - Andante 03:49 13 Patrick hawes Sonata No. 1: 3 - Gavotta 02:30 14 Patrick hawes Santa Fe Suite (William Mathias): 1 - Landscape 02:57 15 Patrick hawes Sante Fe Suite: 2 - Nocturne 04:43 16 Patrick hawes Santa Fe Suite: 3 - Sun Dance 03:37
Patrik Kee View in Albunack Oteviram 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patrik Kee Oteviram 07:35 2 Patrik Kee Namo Vei 03:47 3 Patrik Kee Dest 03:30 4 Patrik Kee Ta nadeje 15:19 5 Patrik Kee Promena I'Sainte 06:15 6 Patrik Kee Sirius 05:22 7 Patrik Kee Mir 03:54 8 Patrik Kee Dve srdce 05:00 9 Patrik Kee Jitrenka 02:41
Patrik Kee View in Albunack Otevírám 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patrik Kee Otevírám 07:35 2 Patrik Kee Namo Vei 03:47 3 Patrik Kee Déšť 03:30 4 Patrik Kee Ta Naděje 15:19 5 Patrik Kee Proměna I Sainte 06:15 6 Patrik Kee Sirius 05:22 7 Patrik Kee Mír 03:54 8 Patrik Kee Dvě Srdce 05:00 9 Patrik Kee Jitřenka 02:41
Patrik Kee View in Albunack Patrik Kee 16 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patrik Kee Stopa01 05:06 2 Patrik Kee Hello Africa 01:59 3 Patrik Kee Sasco lue 03:53 4 Patrik Kee Stopa04 04:57 5 Patrik Kee Stopa05 04:06 6 Patrik Kee Eyuwe 02:53 7 Patrik Kee Kalimba Te 01:05 8 Patrik Kee Stopa08 03:01 9 Patrik Kee Stopa09 04:00 10 Patrik Kee Stopa10 03:02 11 Patrik Kee Stopa11 02:53 12 Patrik Kee Stopa12 03:21 13 Patrik Kee Stopa13 03:36 14 Patrik Kee Stopa14 03:31 15 Patrik Kee Stopa15 04:42 16 Patrik Kee bonus: Vesmír (impro živě) 04:20
Patrizia Laquidara View in Albunack C'и qui qualcosa che ti riguarda 14 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patrizia Laquidara C'и qui qualcosa 00:46 2 Patrizia Laquidara Marciapiedi 03:35 3 Patrizia Laquidara Sopravvissuti 03:52 4 Patrizia Laquidara Bello Mondo (ti ho vista ieri) 04:39 5 Patrizia Laquidara Amanti di passaggio 02:52 6 Patrizia Laquidara Acciaio 02:41 7 Patrizia Laquidara Preziosa 04:54 8 Patrizia Laquidara Il Cigno 04:49 9 Patrizia Laquidara C'и qui qualcosa che ti riguarda 03:39 10 Patrizia Laquidara Nordestereofonico 04:11 11 Patrizia Laquidara L'altra parte dell'altra 00:36 12 Patrizia Laquidara Pesci muti 03:56 13 Patrizia Laquidara La luna 04:04 14 Patrizia Laquidara Il resto di tutto 03:58
Patrizio Buanne View in Albunack Life Is Beautiful: Dankie Suid Afrika 13 1 2011 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patrizio Buanne Life Is Beautiful 03:55 2 Patrizio Buanne Kinders Van Die Wind 02:44 3 Patrizio Buanne Ek Mis Jou Elke Dag 03:11 4 Patrizio Buanne Sonder Jou 03:03 5 Patrizio Buanne Who Painted The Moon 03:29 6 Patrizio Buanne There Is An Answer 04:19 7 Patrizio Buanne Kaptein 03:47 8 Patrizio Buanne Unshakeable 03:37 9 Patrizio Buanne Paradise Road 03:58 10 Patrizio Buanne Jy Is My Liefling (Sei Il Mio Tesoro) 03:37 11 Patrizio Buanne Jabulani 03:52 12 Patrizio Buanne Dankie (Grazie) 02:39 Has Mbid 13 Patrizio Buanne Liefling (Cara) 03:41
Patrizio Buanne View in Albunack Life is Beautiful 13 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patrizio Buanne Life is beautiful 03:55 2 Patrizio Buanne Kinders van die wind 02:44 3 Patrizio Buanne Ek mis jou elke dag 03:11 4 Patrizio Buanne Sonder jou 03:03 5 Patrizio Buanne Who painted the moon 03:29 6 Patrizio Buanne There is an answer 04:19 7 Patrizio Buanne Kaptein 03:47 8 Patrizio Buanne Unshakeable 03:37 9 Patrizio Buanne Paradise Road 03:58 10 Patrizio Buanne Jy is my liefling 03:37 11 Patrizio Buanne Jabulani 03:52 12 Patrizio Buanne Dankie 02:39 Has Mbid 13 Patrizio Buanne Liefling 03:43
Patrizio Buanne View in Albunack Viva La Dolce Vita 15 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patrizio Buanne Surrender 03:44 2 Patrizio Buanne Smile 02:48 3 Patrizio Buanne Al Di La 03:37 4 Patrizio Buanne Viva la dolce vita 03:00 5 Patrizio Buanne I Will Love You 03:55 6 Patrizio Buanne A Chi 03:35 7 Patrizio Buanne Quiereme Mucho 04:14 8 Patrizio Buanne Que sera de mi 03:52 9 Patrizio Buanne Vuie Durmite Ancora 04:55 10 Patrizio Buanne Dicitancell vui 03:18 11 Patrizio Buanne Gli occhi Miei 03:17 12 Patrizio Buanne With You 04:20 13 Patrizio Buanne Parlami D'Amore Mariu 04:17 14 Patrizio Buanne Bella Signorina 02:59 15 Patrizio Buanne Mi Amor Tan Bello 03:57
Patrizio Buanne View in Albunack Wunderbar 12 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patrizio Buanne Wunderbar 03:31 2 Patrizio Buanne Dein ist mein ganzes Herz/TuCheM'hai Preso il Cuor 03:35 3 Patrizio Buanne Buona sera signorina 03:01 4 Patrizio Buanne Bella Italia 03:18 5 Patrizio Buanne Sie war da 03:18 6 Patrizio Buanne Come le viole 03:19 7 Patrizio Buanne Marina 03:13 8 Patrizio Buanne Luna Rossa 03:28 9 Patrizio Buanne Du warst das Boot auf dem Meer der Farben 03:21 10 Patrizio Buanne Mamma 03:12 Has Mbid 11 Patrizio Buanne Mein Vater 03:46 12 Patrizio Buanne Grazie Mille 03:46
Patrulla 81 View in Albunack Como Pude Enamorarme De Ti 10 3 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patrulla 81 Cuando Mas Tranquila Te Halles 02:30 2 Patrulla 81 Hay Un Lirio 01:59 3 Patrulla 81 El Lirio 01:59 4 Patrulla 81 Un Canto A Mi Raza 02:29 Has Mbid 5 Patrulla 81 La Brujita 02:31 Has Mbid 6 Patrulla 81 Como Pudo Enamorarme De Ti 02:12 7 Patrulla 81 No Aprendere 02:05 8 Patrulla 81 Hay Corazon 02:58 Has Mbid 9 Patrulla 81 La Piedra 02:14 10 Patrulla 81 Pantalon Vaquero 02:57
Patrulla 81 View in Albunack Cómo Pudo Enamorarme De Ti 10 3 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patrulla 81 Cuando Más Tranquila Te Halles 02:30 2 Patrulla 81 Hay Un Lirio 01:57 3 Patrulla 81 Qué Bonita Es Mi Tierra 02:54 4 Patrulla 81 Un Canto A Mi Raza 02:30 Has Mbid 5 Patrulla 81 La Brujita 02:31 Has Mbid 6 Patrulla 81 Cómo Pudo Enamorarme De Ti 02:10 7 Patrulla 81 No Aprenderé 02:05 8 Patrulla 81 Hay Corazón 02:58 Has Mbid 9 Patrulla 81 La Piedra 02:14 10 Patrulla 81 Pantalón Vaquero 02:57
Patrycja Markowska View in Albunack Droga 13 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patrycja Markowska Na szczycie 03:17 2 Patrycja Markowska Aż po horyzont 03:09 3 Patrycja Markowska Droga 03:31 4 Patrycja Markowska Pan pożarów i pani burz 03:43 5 Patrycja Markowska Nocy na złość 03:18 6 Patrycja Markowska Kontrablues 03:24 7 Patrycja Markowska Z daleka sobie patrzę 02:48 8 Patrycja Markowska Echem zostawimy ślad 03:06 9 Patrycja Markowska Lustro 03:23 10 Patrycja Markowska Coraz mniej 04:06 11 Patrycja Markowska Déjà vu 02:59 12 Patrycja Markowska Napój złotawy 04:33 13 Patrycja Markowska Zawsze będę tu 03:57
Patrycja Markowska View in Albunack Krótka Płyta O Miłości 13 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patrycja Markowska Adieu monsieur? 03:33 2 Patrycja Markowska Nie potrzeba mi nic więcej 03:34 3 Patrycja Markowska Lalka 03:25 4 Patrycja Markowska Kochaina 03:42 5 Patrycja Markowska Czy przyjdzie wiosna 04:04 6 Patrycja Markowska Byś spojrzał na mnie 03:32 7 Patrycja Markowska Leć 03:09 8 Patrycja Markowska Bezustannie 04:49 9 Patrycja Markowska Za nas dwoje 03:31 10 Patrycja Markowska Zanim 03:01 11 Patrycja Markowska Wyznanie 04:48 12 Patrycja Markowska Nawigacja (Live) (Bonus Track) 03:30 13 Patrycja Markowska Między słowami (Bonus Track) 03:45
Patrycja Markowska View in Albunack Krótka płyta o miłości 13 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patrycja Markowska Utwór01 03:33 2 Patrycja Markowska Utwór02 03:34 3 Patrycja Markowska Utwór03 03:25 4 Patrycja Markowska Utwór04 03:42 5 Patrycja Markowska Utwór05 04:04 6 Patrycja Markowska Utwór06 03:32 7 Patrycja Markowska Utwór07 03:09 8 Patrycja Markowska Utwór08 04:49 9 Patrycja Markowska Utwór09 03:31 10 Patrycja Markowska Utwór10 03:01 11 Patrycja Markowska Utwór11 04:48 12 Patrycja Markowska Utwór12 03:30 13 Patrycja Markowska Utwór13 03:46
Patrycja Markowska View in Albunack Na żywo 15 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patrycja Markowska Piąte: Nie odchodź 04:50 2 Patrycja Markowska Alter Ego 03:44 3 Patrycja Markowska Dzień za dniem 04:40 4 Patrycja Markowska Ocean 06:42 5 Patrycja Markowska Wielokropek 04:11 6 Patrycja Markowska Hallo, Hallo Tylko mnie nie strasz 05:10 7 Patrycja Markowska Jeszcze raz 04:16 8 Patrycja Markowska Deszcz 04:46 9 Patrycja Markowska Ostatni 04:07 10 Patrycja Markowska Księżycowy 04:59 11 Patrycja Markowska Drogi kolego 04:40 12 Patrycja Markowska Świat się pomylił 05:23 13 Patrycja Markowska W hotelowych korytarzach 07:11 14 Patrycja Markowska Gdy zgasną światła 04:17 15 Patrycja Markowska NaNaNa Wszystko gra 03:04
Patrycja Markowska View in Albunack Nieokreślony tytuł 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patrycja Markowska Piąte: Nie Odchodź 04:34 2 Patrycja Markowska Alter Ego 03:26 3 Patrycja Markowska Góra, Dól, Czuwanie, Sen 02:57 4 Patrycja Markowska Dzień Za Dniem 04:15 5 Patrycja Markowska Nim Się Zamienisz W Żart 02:52 6 Patrycja Markowska Nanana (Wszystko Gra) 02:55 7 Patrycja Markowska Brak 03:17 8 Patrycja Markowska Ocean 04:32 9 Patrycja Markowska Wielokropek 04:07 10 Patrycja Markowska Nie Będzie Wiosny 10:59 11 Patrycja Markowska Nie Chcę Wiedzieć Nic 03:27
Patrycja Markowska View in Albunack Patrycja Markowska Na Zywo 14 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patrycja Markowska Piate: Nie Odchodz 04:50 2 Patrycja Markowska Alter Ego 03:44 3 Patrycja Markowska Dzien Za Dniem 04:40 4 Patrycja Markowska Ocean 06:42 5 Patrycja Markowska Wielokropek 04:11 6 Patrycja Markowska Hallo, Hallo/ Tylko Mnie Nie Strasz 05:10 7 Patrycja Markowska Jeszcze Raz 04:16 8 Patrycja Markowska Deszcz 04:46 9 Patrycja Markowska Ostatni 04:07 10 Patrycja Markowska Ksiezycowy 04:59 11 Patrycja Markowska Drogi Kolego 04:40 12 Patrycja Markowska Swiat Si Pomylil 05:23 13 Patrycja Markowska W Hotelowych Korytarzach 07:11 14 Patrycja Markowska Gdy Zgasna Swiatla 04:17
Patsy Biscoe View in Albunack 150 Favorite Nursery Rhymes 50 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patsy Biscoe Hey De Ho 00:46 2 Patsy Biscoe Mary Had A Little Lamb 00:34 3 Patsy Biscoe Goosey Goosey Gander 00:28 4 Patsy Biscoe It's Raining, It's Pouring 00:41 5 Patsy Biscoe Ride A Cock Horse 00:26 6 Patsy Biscoe Wee Willie Winkie 00:41 7 Patsy Biscoe Mary Mary Quite Contrary 00:38 8 Patsy Biscoe See Saw Margery Daw 00:30 9 Patsy Biscoe Simple Simon 01:24 10 Patsy Biscoe Humpty Dumpty 00:36 11 Patsy Biscoe Three Blind Mice 00:29 12 Patsy Biscoe Little Red Engine 00:58 13 Patsy Biscoe To Market, To Market 00:27 14 Patsy Biscoe Twinkle Twinkle Little Star 01:42 15 Patsy Biscoe I Had A Little Nut Tree 00:41 16 Patsy Biscoe Baa Baa Black Sheep 00:29 17 Patsy Biscoe Hey Diddle Diddle 00:29 18 Patsy Biscoe Piggy Wig And Piggy Wee 00:47 19 Patsy Biscoe Little Boy Blue 00:41 20 Patsy Biscoe Oh Where O Where Has My Little Dog Gone? 00:30 21 Patsy Biscoe Incy Wincy Spider 00:28 22 Patsy Biscoe Mr. Frog 00:21 23 Patsy Biscoe Rock A Bye Baby 00:43 24 Patsy Biscoe Gee-Up Neddy 00:25 25 Patsy Biscoe Jack In The Box 00:30 26 Patsy Biscoe Hop, Hop, Hoppity Hop 00:21 27 Patsy Biscoe On The Sand 00:44 28 Patsy Biscoe Kookaburra Laugh 00:34 29 Patsy Biscoe Michael Finnegan 00:43 30 Patsy Biscoe My Grandfather's Clock 01:46 31 Patsy Biscoe Hickory Dickory Dock 00:35 32 Patsy Biscoe Milkman's Horse - Baker's Horse 01:18 33 Patsy Biscoe Lucy Grasshopper 00:30 34 Patsy Biscoe Mrs. Snail 00:30 35 Patsy Biscoe Higgledy Piggeldy My Black Hen 00:29 36 Patsy Biscoe Naughty Little Hen 00:55 37 Patsy Biscoe Old Mother Hubbard 00:33 38 Patsy Biscoe Cock A Doodle Doo 00:31 39 Patsy Biscoe Freddy Frog 01:15 40 Patsy Biscoe Jimmy Monkey 00:47 41 Patsy Biscoe Jack And Jill 00:52 42 Patsy Biscoe Hide And Seek 00:35 43 Patsy Biscoe Little Miss Muffet 00:29 44 Patsy Biscoe Little Jack Horner 00:28 45 Patsy Biscoe Polly Put The Kettle On 00:24 46 Patsy Biscoe Georgie Porgie 00:29 47 Patsy Biscoe Tom, Tom The Piper's Son 00:23 48 Patsy Biscoe There Was An Old Woman Who Lived In A Shoe 00:29 49 Patsy Biscoe My Son John 00:30 50 Patsy Biscoe Golden Slumbers 01:08
Patsy Biscoe View in Albunack 150 Favourite Nursery Rhymes 50 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patsy Biscoe LONDON BRIDGE IS FALLING DOWN 01:19 2 Patsy Biscoe Old King Cole 00:28 3 Patsy Biscoe Little Tommy Tucker 00:27 4 Patsy Biscoe Jack Spratt 00:26 5 Patsy Biscoe This Pig Went To Market 00:43 6 Patsy Biscoe THE SNEEZING FISHERMAN 00:56 7 Patsy Biscoe WEAR A YELLOW RAINCOAT 00:48 8 Patsy Biscoe Bouncing Balls 00:26 9 Patsy Biscoe Everbody Do This 00:26 10 Patsy Biscoe TWO FAT GENTEMEN 02:08 11 Patsy Biscoe ONE BICYCLE 00:37 12 Patsy Biscoe JUMPING LAND 01:45 13 Patsy Biscoe Miss Polly 00:58 14 Patsy Biscoe IF YOU WERE A FARMER 00:53 15 Patsy Biscoe Down By The Station 00:26 16 Patsy Biscoe Chug Chug Chug 00:28 17 Patsy Biscoe BUS DRIVER 01:13 18 Patsy Biscoe Lots Of Animals 00:37 19 Patsy Biscoe SWINGING SWINGING 00:50 20 Patsy Biscoe LAVENDER BLUE 00:40 21 Patsy Biscoe ANIMAL FAIR 00:25 22 Patsy Biscoe Goldy Goldfish 00:33 23 Patsy Biscoe Aw Ee Aw 00:37 24 Patsy Biscoe I'M THE LEADER OF THE BAND 00:44 25 Patsy Biscoe ALL THE PRETTY LITTLE HORSES 01:01 26 Patsy Biscoe I've Got A Secret 00:21 27 Patsy Biscoe THE WIND BLOWS IN THE WINDOW 01:03 28 Patsy Biscoe Little Lamb 00:34 29 Patsy Biscoe It's Raining, It's Blowing 00:37 30 Patsy Biscoe Animal Noises 00:25 31 Patsy Biscoe GIRLS AND BOYS COME OUT TO PLAY 00:43 32 Patsy Biscoe Please Pudding Hot 00:31 33 Patsy Biscoe DANNY 00:50 34 Patsy Biscoe CLOCKS 00:41 35 Patsy Biscoe PAT A CAKE 00:30 36 Patsy Biscoe Fasten Your Seat Belts 00:24 37 Patsy Biscoe Stop, Says The Red Light 00:21 38 Patsy Biscoe My Little Red Wagon 00:27 39 Patsy Biscoe Autumn Leaves 00:43 40 Patsy Biscoe SHUNTING ENGINE 01:01 41 Patsy Biscoe THE PEANUT 00:39 42 Patsy Biscoe Little Peter Rabbit 00:25 43 Patsy Biscoe Postman 00:29 44 Patsy Biscoe There Was A Crooked Man 00:34 45 Patsy Biscoe THE NORTH WIND 00:32 46 Patsy Biscoe My Garden 00:25 47 Patsy Biscoe Oats, Peas, Beans 00:26 48 Patsy Biscoe My Pigeon House 00:45 49 Patsy Biscoe WE ARE ALL STAMPING 00:49 50 Patsy Biscoe If You're Happy And You Know It 00:31
Patsy Biscoe View in Albunack 50 Favorite Nursery Rhymes 50 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patsy Biscoe Hey De Ho 00:46 2 Patsy Biscoe Mary Had A Little Lamb 00:34 3 Patsy Biscoe Goosey Goosey Gander 00:28 4 Patsy Biscoe It's Raining, It's Pouring 00:41 5 Patsy Biscoe Ride A Cock Horse 00:26 6 Patsy Biscoe Wee Willie Winkie 00:39 7 Patsy Biscoe Mary Mary Quite Contrary 00:37 8 Patsy Biscoe See Saw Margery Daw 00:26 9 Patsy Biscoe Simple Simon 01:24 10 Patsy Biscoe Humpty Dumpty 00:29 11 Patsy Biscoe Three Blind Mice 00:28 12 Patsy Biscoe Little Red Engine 00:58 13 Patsy Biscoe To The Market 00:27 14 Patsy Biscoe Twinkle Twinkle 01:42 15 Patsy Biscoe I Had A Little Nut Tree 00:42 16 Patsy Biscoe Baa Baa Black Sheep 00:29 17 Patsy Biscoe Hey Diddle Diddle 00:29 18 Patsy Biscoe Piggy Wig And Piggy Wee 00:47 19 Patsy Biscoe Little Boy Blue 00:41 20 Patsy Biscoe Oh Where O Where Has My Little Dog Gone 00:33 21 Patsy Biscoe Inky Pinky Spider 00:28 22 Patsy Biscoe Mr. Frog 00:21 23 Patsy Biscoe Rock A Bye Baby 00:43 24 Patsy Biscoe Gee Up Nedde 00:25 25 Patsy Biscoe Jack In The Box 00:30 26 Patsy Biscoe Hop Hop Hoppity Hop 00:21 27 Patsy Biscoe On The Sand 00:44 28 Patsy Biscoe Kookaburra Laugh 00:34 29 Patsy Biscoe Michael Finnegan 00:43 30 Patsy Biscoe My Grandfather's Clock 01:47 31 Patsy Biscoe Hickory Dickory Dock 00:35 32 Patsy Biscoe Milkman's Horse 01:17 33 Patsy Biscoe Lucy Grasshopper 00:30 34 Patsy Biscoe Mrs. Snail 00:31 35 Patsy Biscoe Higgledy Piggeldy My Black Hen 00:28 36 Patsy Biscoe Naughty Little Hen 00:55 37 Patsy Biscoe Old Mother Hubbard 00:33 38 Patsy Biscoe Cock A Doodle Doo 00:31 39 Patsy Biscoe Freddy Frog 01:14 40 Patsy Biscoe Jimmy Monkey 00:47 41 Patsy Biscoe Jack And Jill 00:52 42 Patsy Biscoe Hide And Seek 00:35 43 Patsy Biscoe Little Miss Muffet 00:29 44 Patsy Biscoe Little Jack Horner 00:28 45 Patsy Biscoe Polly Put The Kettle On 00:24 46 Patsy Biscoe Georgie Porgie 00:30 47 Patsy Biscoe Tom Tom The Piper's Son 00:23 48 Patsy Biscoe There Was An Old Woman Who Lived In A Shoe 00:29 49 Patsy Biscoe My Son John 00:30 50 Patsy Biscoe Golden Slumbers 01:08
Patsy Biscoe View in Albunack 50 Favourite Nursery Rhymes - Vol. 1 50 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patsy Biscoe LONDON BRIDGE IS FALLING DOWN 01:19 2 Patsy Biscoe HAVE YOU EVER CLIMBED A TREE 00:57 3 Patsy Biscoe TOMMY CLIMBED THE APPLE TREE 00:35 4 Patsy Biscoe MY HANDS ARE CLAPPING 00:40 5 Patsy Biscoe MUFFIN MAN 00:38 6 Patsy Biscoe THE SNEEZING FISHERMAN 00:56 7 Patsy Biscoe WEAR A YELLOW RAINCOAT 00:48 8 Patsy Biscoe A LITTLE BALL 00:54 9 Patsy Biscoe WHAT KIND OF ANIMAL ARE YOU? 01:57 10 Patsy Biscoe TWO FAT GENTEMEN 02:08 11 Patsy Biscoe ONE BICYCLE 00:37 12 Patsy Biscoe JUMPING LAND 01:45 13 Patsy Biscoe SIX LITTLE DUCKS 01:20 14 Patsy Biscoe IF YOU WERE A FARMER 00:53 15 Patsy Biscoe LONG TIME AGO 00:46 16 Patsy Biscoe HERE I COME 00:57 17 Patsy Biscoe BUS DRIVER 01:13 18 Patsy Biscoe LOLLIPOP TREE 01:55 19 Patsy Biscoe SWINGING SWINGING 00:50 20 Patsy Biscoe LAVENDER BLUE 00:40 21 Patsy Biscoe ANIMAL FAIR 00:25 22 Patsy Biscoe WHEN THE DAFFODILS DANCE 00:45 23 Patsy Biscoe CLOWN SHOES 00:50 24 Patsy Biscoe I'M THE LEADER OF THE BAND 00:44 25 Patsy Biscoe ALL THE PRETTY LITTLE HORSES 01:01 26 Patsy Biscoe DR. FOSTER 00:49 27 Patsy Biscoe THE WIND BLOWS IN THE WINDOW 01:03 28 Patsy Biscoe WATCHING AND WAITING 00:54 29 Patsy Biscoe WASH YOUR DIRTY FACE 00:43 30 Patsy Biscoe THE MILKMAN 00:58 31 Patsy Biscoe GIRLS AND BOYS COME OUT TO PLAY 00:43 32 Patsy Biscoe SKIP TO MY LOU 00:45 33 Patsy Biscoe DANNY 00:50 34 Patsy Biscoe CLOCKS 00:41 35 Patsy Biscoe PAT A CAKE 00:30 36 Patsy Biscoe FOLLOW THE LEADER 00:51 37 Patsy Biscoe ME AND MY TEDDY BEAR 01:17 38 Patsy Biscoe I HAVE TWO EYES 00:36 39 Patsy Biscoe SONG OF THE BEE 01:28 40 Patsy Biscoe SHUNTING ENGINE 01:01 41 Patsy Biscoe THE PEANUT 00:39 42 Patsy Biscoe OH MY FINGERS 00:27 43 Patsy Biscoe I WENT TO VISIT A FRIEND ONE DAY 01:00 44 Patsy Biscoe LONDON'S BURNING 00:34 45 Patsy Biscoe THE NORTH WIND 00:32 46 Patsy Biscoe PENCIL SONG 00:50 47 Patsy Biscoe WHAT SHALL WE DO IN OUR WORK TODAY 01:07 48 Patsy Biscoe WARM KITTY SOFT KITTY 00:32 49 Patsy Biscoe WE ARE ALL STAMPING 00:49 50 Patsy Biscoe WHEN SOMEONE SMILES AT ME 00:32
Patsy Biscoe View in Albunack 50 Favourite Nursery Rhymes - Vol. 3 50 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patsy Biscoe LONDON BRIDGE IS FALLING DOWN 01:19 2 Patsy Biscoe HAVE YOU EVER CLIMBED A TREE 00:57 3 Patsy Biscoe Tommy Climbed The Apple Tree 00:35 4 Patsy Biscoe My Hands Are Clapping 00:40 5 Patsy Biscoe MUFFIN MAN 00:38 6 Patsy Biscoe The Sneezing Fisherman 00:56 7 Patsy Biscoe Wear A Yellow Raincoat 00:48 8 Patsy Biscoe A Little Ball 00:54 9 Patsy Biscoe What Kind Of Animal Are You? 01:57 10 Patsy Biscoe Two Fat Gentemen 02:08 11 Patsy Biscoe One Bicycle 00:37 12 Patsy Biscoe JUMPING LAND 01:45 13 Patsy Biscoe SIX LITTLE DUCKS 01:20 14 Patsy Biscoe If You Were A Farmer 00:53 15 Patsy Biscoe Long Time Ago 00:46 16 Patsy Biscoe HERE I COME 00:57 17 Patsy Biscoe Bus Driver 01:13 18 Patsy Biscoe Lollipop Tree 01:55 19 Patsy Biscoe Swinging Swinging 00:50 20 Patsy Biscoe Lavender Blue 00:40 21 Patsy Biscoe ANIMAL FAIR 00:25 22 Patsy Biscoe WHEN THE DAFFODILS DANCE 00:45 23 Patsy Biscoe CLOWN SHOES 00:50 24 Patsy Biscoe I'm The Leader Of The Band 00:44 25 Patsy Biscoe ALL THE PRETTY LITTLE HORSES 01:01 26 Patsy Biscoe Dr. Foster 00:49 27 Patsy Biscoe THE WIND BLOWS IN THE WINDOW 01:03 28 Patsy Biscoe Watching And Waiting 00:54 29 Patsy Biscoe WASH YOUR DIRTY FACE 00:43 30 Patsy Biscoe THE MILKMAN 00:58 31 Patsy Biscoe GIRLS AND BOYS COME OUT TO PLAY 00:43 32 Patsy Biscoe SKIP TO MY LOU 00:45 33 Patsy Biscoe Danny 00:50 34 Patsy Biscoe CLOCKS 00:41 35 Patsy Biscoe PAT A CAKE 00:30 36 Patsy Biscoe Follow The Leader 00:51 37 Patsy Biscoe ME AND MY TEDDY BEAR 01:17 38 Patsy Biscoe I HAVE TWO EYES 00:36 39 Patsy Biscoe Song Of The Bee 01:28 40 Patsy Biscoe SHUNTING ENGINE 01:01 41 Patsy Biscoe The Peanut 00:39 42 Patsy Biscoe OH MY FINGERS 00:27 43 Patsy Biscoe I Went To Visit A Friend One Day 01:00 44 Patsy Biscoe LONDON'S BURNING 00:34 45 Patsy Biscoe THE NORTH WIND 00:32 46 Patsy Biscoe Pencil Song 00:50 47 Patsy Biscoe WHAT SHALL WE DO IN OUR WORK TODAY 01:07 48 Patsy Biscoe Warm Kitty Soft Kitty 00:32 49 Patsy Biscoe WE ARE ALL STAMPING 00:49 50 Patsy Biscoe WHEN SOMEONE SMILES AT ME 00:32
Patsy Biscoe View in Albunack 50 Favourite Nursery Rhymes Vol.2 50 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patsy Biscoe Little Red Caboose 00:32 2 Patsy Biscoe Old King Cole 00:28 3 Patsy Biscoe Little Tommy Tucker 00:27 4 Patsy Biscoe Jack Spratt 00:26 5 Patsy Biscoe This Pig Went To Market 00:43 6 Patsy Biscoe Sing A Song Of Sixpence 00:52 7 Patsy Biscoe Bunnies 00:29 8 Patsy Biscoe Bouncing Balls 00:26 9 Patsy Biscoe Everbody Do This 00:26 10 Patsy Biscoe I Love Little Pussy 00:34 11 Patsy Biscoe A Sailor Went To Sea 00:25 12 Patsy Biscoe Rub A Dub Dub 00:36 13 Patsy Biscoe Miss Polly 00:58 14 Patsy Biscoe Open, Shut Them 00:44 15 Patsy Biscoe Down By The Station 00:27 16 Patsy Biscoe Chug Chug Chug 00:29 17 Patsy Biscoe Brown Bread 00:42 18 Patsy Biscoe Lots Of Animals 00:37 19 Patsy Biscoe Who Has Seen The Wind 00:33 20 Patsy Biscoe I'm A Lonely Petunia 00:46 21 Patsy Biscoe Turn Around And Touch The Ground 00:25 22 Patsy Biscoe Goldy Goldfish 00:33 23 Patsy Biscoe Aw E Aw 00:37 24 Patsy Biscoe Raise Your Hands Above Your Heads 00:36 25 Patsy Biscoe Quack Quack Mother Duck 00:44 26 Patsy Biscoe I've Got A Secret 00:21 27 Patsy Biscoe Horsie Trotting 00:25 28 Patsy Biscoe Little Lamb 00:34 29 Patsy Biscoe It's Raining, It's Blowing 00:37 30 Patsy Biscoe Animal Noises 00:25 31 Patsy Biscoe Ladybird, Ladybird 00:32 32 Patsy Biscoe Please Pudding Hot 00:31 33 Patsy Biscoe Man In The Moon 00:29 34 Patsy Biscoe Hot Cross Buns 00:30 35 Patsy Biscoe Five Sugar Buns 00:22 36 Patsy Biscoe Fasten Your Seat Belts 00:24 37 Patsy Biscoe Stop, Says The Red Light 00:21 38 Patsy Biscoe My Little Wagon 00:27 39 Patsy Biscoe Autumn Leaves 00:43 40 Patsy Biscoe Like A Leaf Or A Feather 00:27 41 Patsy Biscoe Shoo Fly 00:23 42 Patsy Biscoe Little Peter Rabbit 00:25 43 Patsy Biscoe Postman 00:29 44 Patsy Biscoe There Was A Crooked Man 00:34 45 Patsy Biscoe Little Bo Peep 00:28 46 Patsy Biscoe My Garden 00:25 47 Patsy Biscoe Oats, Peas, Beans 00:26 48 Patsy Biscoe My Pigeon House 00:45 49 Patsy Biscoe Pusscat, Pusscat 00:33 50 Patsy Biscoe If You're Happy And You Know It 00:31
Patsy Biscoe View in Albunack Patsy Biscoe Sings Your Fifty Favourite Nursery Rhymes 50 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patsy Biscoe Hey De Ho 00:46 2 Patsy Biscoe Mary Had a Little Lamb 00:34 3 Patsy Biscoe Goosey Goosey Gander 00:28 4 Patsy Biscoe It's Raining, It's Pouring 00:41 5 Patsy Biscoe Ride a Cock Horse 00:25 6 Patsy Biscoe Wee Willie Winkie 00:39 7 Patsy Biscoe Mary Mary Quite Contrary 00:37 8 Patsy Biscoe See Saw Margery Daw 00:30 9 Patsy Biscoe Simple Simon 01:24 10 Patsy Biscoe Humpty Dumpty 00:29 11 Patsy Biscoe Three Blind Mice 00:28 12 Patsy Biscoe Little Red Engine 00:57 13 Patsy Biscoe To Market, to Market 00:27 14 Patsy Biscoe Twinkle Twinkle Little Star 01:40 15 Patsy Biscoe I Had a Little Nut Tree 00:41 16 Patsy Biscoe Baa Baa Black Sheep 00:28 17 Patsy Biscoe Hey Diddle Diddle 00:29 18 Patsy Biscoe Piggy Wig and Piggy Wee 00:47 19 Patsy Biscoe Little Boy Blue 00:43 20 Patsy Biscoe Oh Where Oh Where Has My Little Dog Gone 00:33 21 Patsy Biscoe Incy Wincy Spider 00:27 22 Patsy Biscoe Mt. Frog 00:21 23 Patsy Biscoe Rock a Bye Baby 00:43 24 Patsy Biscoe Gee-Up Neddy 00:25 25 Patsy Biscoe Jack in the Box 00:29 26 Patsy Biscoe Hop, Hop, Hoppity Hop 00:21 27 Patsy Biscoe On the Sand 01:00 28 Patsy Biscoe Kookaburra Laugh 00:18 29 Patsy Biscoe Michael Finnigan 00:43 30 Patsy Biscoe My Grandfather's Clock 01:47 31 Patsy Biscoe Hickory Dickory Dock 00:35 32 Patsy Biscoe Milkman's Horse - Baker's Horse 01:17 33 Patsy Biscoe Lucy Grasshopper 00:30 34 Patsy Biscoe Mrs. Snail 00:30 35 Patsy Biscoe Higgledy Piggledy My Black Hen 00:29 36 Patsy Biscoe Naughty Little Hen 00:55 37 Patsy Biscoe Old Mother Hubbard 00:33 38 Patsy Biscoe Cock a Doodle Doo 00:31 39 Patsy Biscoe Freddy Frog 01:14 40 Patsy Biscoe Jimmy Monkey 00:42 41 Patsy Biscoe Jack and Jill 00:55 42 Patsy Biscoe Hide and Seek 00:38 43 Patsy Biscoe Little Miss Muffett 00:29 44 Patsy Biscoe Little Jack Horner 00:28 45 Patsy Biscoe Polly Put the Kettle on 00:24 46 Patsy Biscoe Georgie Porgie 00:29 47 Patsy Biscoe Tom, Tom the Piper's Son 00:23 48 Patsy Biscoe There Was An Old Woman Who Lived in a Shoe 00:29 49 Patsy Biscoe My Son John 00:30 50 Patsy Biscoe Golden Slumbers 01:08
Patsy Moore View in Albunack La La Means I Love You 13 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patsy Moore Patsy Moore Reggae Mega Mix 10:56 2 Patsy Moore Always 04:17 3 Patsy Moore Without You 03:15 4 Patsy Moore Another Sad Love Song 04:12 Has Mbid 5 Patsy Moore Saving All My Love For You 04:00 6 Patsy Moore La La Means I Love You 04:20 7 Patsy Moore Save The Best For Last 02:50 8 Patsy Moore The Power Of Love 05:30 9 Patsy Moore That's the Way Love Goes 05:07 10 Patsy Moore Sweetest Taboo 04:27 11 Patsy Moore Baby Baby Baby 05:08 12 Patsy Moore Anything For You 03:53 13 Patsy Moore Saving All My Love For You (Radio Edit) 04:39
Patsy Moore View in Albunack The Flower Child s Guide To Love And Fashion 10 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patsy Moore I ve Got A Million 00:00 2 Patsy Moore Flower Child 05:26 3 Patsy Moore How It Should Be (Love And Fashion) 04:57 4 Patsy Moore Hate Is A Thief 04:28 Has Mbid 5 Patsy Moore Thinking Of You 04:19 6 Patsy Moore I Love A Boy (On College Radio) 03:11 7 Patsy Moore The State I m In 04:50 8 Patsy Moore Who Floats The Boat? 04:15 9 Patsy Moore Under The Sign Of Love 04:21 10 Patsy Moore Fine Glide 03:26
Patsy Moore View in Albunack Varios 10 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patsy Moore Pista01 03:43 2 Patsy Moore Pista02 05:26 3 Patsy Moore Pista03 04:57 4 Patsy Moore Pista04 04:28 Has Mbid 5 Patsy Moore Pista05 04:18 6 Patsy Moore Pista06 03:11 7 Patsy Moore Pista07 04:50 8 Patsy Moore Pista08 04:14 9 Patsy Moore Pista09 04:21 10 Patsy Moore Pista10 03:26
Patsy Torres View in Albunack ... bien protegida Patsy 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patsy Torres Que A Pasado 03:35 2 Patsy Torres Proque 03:45 3 Patsy Torres Lagrimas Que Sone 03:30 4 Patsy Torres Tu Eres 03:53 5 Patsy Torres Una Lagrima 03:32 6 Patsy Torres Chiquitita 04:33 7 Patsy Torres Hoy Que No Estas 03:24 8 Patsy Torres O Tu 03:13 9 Patsy Torres Milagro De Amor 03:07 10 Patsy Torres Amor Salvaje 03:34
Patsy Torres View in Albunack Bien Cuidada ... Patsy Torres 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patsy Torres Fantasia 03:23 2 Patsy Torres Amor Bonito 04:04 3 Patsy Torres Cu Cu Rru Cu Cu Paloma 04:02 4 Patsy Torres Como Tu with Michael Salgado 03:46 5 Patsy Torres Corazon Herido 03:13 6 Patsy Torres Mareada 03:57 7 Patsy Torres Por Que No Me Amas 03:03 8 Patsy Torres Vuelveme A Querer 03:59 9 Patsy Torres Oye Corazon 03:28 10 Patsy Torres Para Olividar 03:53
Patsy Torres View in Albunack Patsy Torres Trenzas 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patsy Torres No Es Tan Facil 03:39 2 Patsy Torres Contigo 03:07 3 Patsy Torres No Se Si Es Amor 03:42 4 Patsy Torres Amame, Besame Y Quedate 04:17 5 Patsy Torres Cumbia De Tejas 03:04 6 Patsy Torres Mas Amor 03:30 7 Patsy Torres Sepulcro Mojado 04:10 8 Patsy Torres Puro Party 03:49 9 Patsy Torres Oooh Baby 03:11 10 Patsy Torres Voy A Comprenderte 02:48
Search Patterns Reanimation May Have the Following Side Effects 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patterns This Disease Has Clearly Won 04:32 2 Patterns The Folly of Man 03:36 3 Patterns Revenge 03:20 4 Patterns Narcissus 03:11 5 Patterns Without Condoning Nor Condemning 04:30 6 Patterns Reanimation May Have the Follwoing Side Effects 02:21 7 Patterns Laeddis 03:34
Patterson Hood View in Albunack 2004-07-14 - KEXP Studios 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patterson Hood Intro & Interview 02:26 2 Patterson Hood Old Timer's Disease 02:41 3 Patterson Hood Interview 04:45 4 Patterson Hood Phil's Transplant 04:00 5 Patterson Hood Interview 02:09 6 Patterson Hood Frances Farmer 02:25 7 Patterson Hood Interview 04:18 8 Patterson Hood Mama Bake A Pie 03:30 9 Patterson Hood Interview 02:33
Patterson Hood View in Albunack 2014-12-18 - Eddie's Attic 22 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patterson Hood Miss Me Gone 05:53 2 Patterson Hood Uncle Disney 04:02 3 Patterson Hood After the Damage 04:21 4 Patterson Hood First Night of My Drinking 07:58 5 Patterson Hood Leaving Time 04:37 6 Patterson Hood Part of Him 04:10 7 Patterson Hood The Deeper In 04:33 8 Patterson Hood Two Daughters and a Beautiful Wife 06:25 9 Patterson Hood Daddy Needs a Drink 04:05 10 Patterson Hood Hanging on 03:43 11 Patterson Hood When Walter Went Crazy 06:03 12 Patterson Hood Old Timer’s Disease 03:54 13 Patterson Hood Pollyanna 02:33 14 Patterson Hood Grandaddy 06:09 15 Patterson Hood Opening Act 03:14 16 Patterson Hood Grand Canyon 07:32 17 Patterson Hood Back of a Bible 06:33 18 Patterson Hood What it Means 08:19 19 Patterson Hood Heat Lightning Rumbles in the Distance 05:02 20 Patterson Hood Come Back Little Star 04:54 21 Patterson Hood Hell No, I Ain’t Happy 04:34 22 Patterson Hood Hell No, I Ain’t Happy 06:13
Patterson Hood View in Albunack 2017-09-30 - The EARL 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patterson Hood Introduction by Gilbert Lawand 03:54 2 Patterson Hood Heathens 04:25 3 Patterson Hood Sinkhole 06:14 4 Patterson Hood The Perilous Nights 04:33 5 Patterson Hood Uncle Disney 02:39 6 Patterson Hood George Jones 08:20 7 Patterson Hood Wife Beater 13:42 8 Patterson Hood White Knuckle West Virginia 09:34 9 Patterson Hood Bulldozers and Dirt * 09:01
Patterson Hood View in Albunack 2017-12-02 - Pearl Street Warehouse 20 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patterson Hood The Fourth Night of My Drinking 04:27 2 Patterson Hood The Thanksgiving Filter 04:28 3 Patterson Hood The Assassin 02:39 4 Patterson Hood George Jones Talkin' Cell Phone Blues 03:41 5 Patterson Hood Heathens 06:27 6 Patterson Hood Ray's Automatic Weapon 03:25 7 Patterson Hood Old Timer's Disease 02:38 8 Patterson Hood Scott's Sister intro 05:08 9 Patterson Hood Scott's Sister 04:42 10 Patterson Hood The Perilous Night 06:21 11 Patterson Hood Rosemary With a Bible and a Gun 03:52 12 Patterson Hood Two Daughters and a Beautiful Wife 02:53 13 Patterson Hood The Righteous Path 06:06 14 Patterson Hood The Deeper In 03:07 15 Patterson Hood Guns of Umpqua 03:37 16 Patterson Hood Southern Accents > Ever South 07:36 17 Patterson Hood What It Means 07:47 18 Patterson Hood E: 18 Wheels of Love 13:47 19 Patterson Hood Let There Be Rock 05:08 20 Patterson Hood Nine Bullets 04:04
Patterson Hood View in Albunack 2017-12-03 - Pearl Street Warehouse 20 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patterson Hood Sea Island Lonely 04:18 2 Patterson Hood Grand Canyon 04:17 3 Patterson Hood The Thanksgiving Filter 04:24 4 Patterson Hood George Jones Talkin' Cell Phone Blues 03:34 5 Patterson Hood Uncle Disney 02:55 6 Patterson Hood Why Henry Drinks 04:37 7 Patterson Hood The Opening Act 08:18 8 Patterson Hood Old Timer's Disease 02:37 9 Patterson Hood Scott's Sister 09:39 10 Patterson Hood The Perilous Night 04:32 11 Patterson Hood The Righteous Path 04:44 12 Patterson Hood Hanging On 05:06 13 Patterson Hood Rosemary With a Bible and a Gun 04:29 14 Patterson Hood Heathens 04:35 15 Patterson Hood Pauline Hawkins 07:13 16 Patterson Hood Sinkhole 03:49 17 Patterson Hood Southern Accents > Ever South 07:32 18 Patterson Hood What It Means 07:21 19 Patterson Hood The Living Bubba 05:35 20 Patterson Hood White Knuckle, West Virginia 14:23
Patterson Hood View in Albunack 2018-12-06 - Pearl Street Warehouse 20 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patterson Hood 21st Century USA 04:35 2 Patterson Hood The Fourth Night of My Drinking 04:13 3 Patterson Hood George Jones Talkin' Cell Phone Blues 03:53 4 Patterson Hood The Thanksgiving Filter 04:33 5 Patterson Hood Heathens 05:03 6 Patterson Hood Pauline Hawkins 06:42 7 Patterson Hood Why Henry Drinks 03:53 8 Patterson Hood Sink Hole 07:15 9 Patterson Hood Old Timer's Disease 02:48 10 Patterson Hood Hanging On 04:39 11 Patterson Hood The Righteous Path 08:39 12 Patterson Hood Rosemary With a Bible and a Gun 03:25 13 Patterson Hood The Deeper In 02:58 14 Patterson Hood Uncle Disney 05:10 15 Patterson Hood 6 O'Clock Train 04:39 16 Patterson Hood Ronnie and Neil 07:58 17 Patterson Hood Thoughts and Prayers 04:53 18 Patterson Hood Babies in Cages 02:50 19 Patterson Hood What It Means 09:13 20 Patterson Hood Scott's Sister 09:14
Patterson Hood View in Albunack 2018-12-07 - Pearl Street Warehouse 25 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patterson Hood After The Scene Dies 03:40 2 Patterson Hood Sea Island Lonely 03:43 3 Patterson Hood 21st Century USA 04:13 4 Patterson Hood Daddy Learned to Fly 04:03 5 Patterson Hood Guns of Umpqua 03:45 6 Patterson Hood The Sands of Iwo Jima 05:06 7 Patterson Hood The Thanksgiving Filter 04:40 8 Patterson Hood George Jones Talkin' Cell Phone Blues 03:55 9 Patterson Hood Heathens 06:01 10 Patterson Hood Daddy Needs a Drink 05:02 11 Patterson Hood Two Daughters and a Beautiful Wife 02:56 12 Patterson Hood The Righteous Path 07:08 13 Patterson Hood Rosemary With a Bible and a Gun 04:35 14 Patterson Hood Bulldozers and Dirt 03:56 15 Patterson Hood Old Timer's Disease 02:25 16 Patterson Hood Tornadoes 04:00 17 Patterson Hood Uncle Disney 02:56 18 Patterson Hood The Opening Act 09:02 19 Patterson Hood Thoughts and Prayers 04:56 20 Patterson Hood Babies in Cages 02:47 21 Patterson Hood What It Means 10:10 22 Patterson Hood Ronnie and Neil 06:17 23 Patterson Hood Grand Canyon 05:09 24 Patterson Hood Scott’s Sister 09:44 25 Patterson Hood The Living Bubba 06:00
Patterson Twins View in Albunack Let Me Be Youor Lover 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patterson Twins Let Me Be Your Lover 05:20 2 Patterson Twins He's A Loser 05:42 3 Patterson Twins How Long Must The Show Go On 05:17 4 Patterson Twins A Good THing 02:27 5 Patterson Twins Gonna Find A True Love 05:17 6 Patterson Twins Funk Machine 03:15 7 Patterson Twins You Give Me Someone To Love 04:00 8 Patterson Twins Disco Dream 05:08 9 Patterson Twins Gonna Find A True Love (Singel Version) 03:29
Patti Austin View in Albunack Live [US (GRD-9682)] 12 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patti Austin I Can Cook, Too 05:25 2 Patti Austin Love Is Gonna Get Ya 04:50 3 Patti Austin It Might Be You 05:25 4 Patti Austin Dialogue 09:00 5 Patti Austin Baby Come To Me 03:46 6 Patti Austin How Do You Keep The Music Playing? 05:29 7 Patti Austin Do You Love Me? 03:20 8 Patti Austin Dialogue 01:08 Has Mbid 9 Patti Austin We're All In This Together 05:22 10 Patti Austin Dialogue 10:05 11 Patti Austin Through The Test Of Time 07:23 12 Patti Austin (Don't Know) Whether To Laugh Or Cry 09:37
Patti LuPone View in Albunack Don't Monkey with Broadway 20 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patti LuPone, Northport High School Tour Choir & Joseph Thalken Ya Got Trouble 03:53 2 Patti LuPone “Plot didn’t matter… neither did gender or age.” 01:37 3 Patti LuPone, Northport High School Tour Choir & Joseph Thalken Sit Down, You're Rocking the Boat 02:22 4 Patti LuPone “In my senior year at Northport High School…” 00:18 5 Patti LuPone & Joseph Thalken Happy Talk 02:52 6 Patti LuPone “I went to my very first audition in New York City…” 00:21 7 Patti LuPone & Joseph Thalken Something's Coming 02:46 8 Patti LuPone “This musical inspired me…” 00:26 9 Patti LuPone & Joseph Thalken Easy to Be Hard 02:45 10 Patti LuPone “Where was my big Broadway musical?” 00:52 11 Patti LuPone & Joseph Thalken Meadowlark 04:54 12 Patti LuPone “I went home and slept for nine months…” 01:15 13 Patti LuPone & Joseph Thalken Millwork 04:54 14 Patti LuPone & Joseph Thalken Being Alive 02:29 15 Patti LuPone “There are a few constants in that neighborhood…” 01:51 16 Patti LuPone & Joseph Thalken Give My Regards to Broadway 03:14 17 Patti LuPone & Joseph Thalken The Ladies Who Lunch 04:25 18 Patti LuPone & Joseph Thalken If You Hadn't, but You Did 03:42 19 Patti LuPone & Joseph Thalken Some People 03:04 20 Patti LuPone & Joseph Thalken Don't Cry for Me, Argentina 05:39
Patti Scialfa View in Albunack I'm A Big Girl Now 17 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patti Scialfa Atlas Shrugged 04:08 2 Patti Scialfa Waitin' On Delivery 03:06 3 Patti Scialfa Try To Be Your Everything 03:10 4 Patti Scialfa Desiree 03:08 5 Patti Scialfa Radio Telescope 03:34 6 Patti Scialfa interview: Amnesty Int'l. 01:06 7 Patti Scialfa Come Tomorrow (live) 03:52 8 Patti Scialfa Love's Glory (live) 03:48 9 Patti Scialfa Baby Don't (live) 03:28 10 Patti Scialfa Burning Love 04:05 11 Patti Scialfa Line Of Faith 03:50 12 Patti Scialfa Lucky Girl (live) 04:13 13 Patti Scialfa interview: VH1 04:05 14 Patti Scialfa Love's Glory (live) 04:23 15 Patti Scialfa Oh Romeo (excerpt) 01:50 16 Patti Scialfa I'm A Big Girl Now 04:25 17 Patti Scialfa interview: Idiot's Delight 21:59
Patti Scialfa View in Albunack Some Things Baby 19 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patti Scialfa Some Things Baby 03:46 2 Patti Scialfa Interview w/ Katie Couric 02:31 3 Patti Scialfa Valerie 04:43 4 Patti Scialfa intro to In My Imagination 01:28 5 Patti Scialfa In My Imagination 04:26 6 Patti Scialfa intro to City Boys 01:12 7 Patti Scialfa City Boys 03:14 8 Patti Scialfa intro to Big Black Heaven 00:29 9 Patti Scialfa Big Black Heaven 03:42 10 Patti Scialfa Come Tomorrow 03:39 11 Patti Scialfa In My Imagination 03:47 12 Patti Scialfa outtro 00:17 13 Patti Scialfa Love's Glory 04:45 14 Patti Scialfa As Long As I (excerpt) 02:24 15 Patti Scialfa Rumble Doll (excerpt) 01:38 16 Patti Scialfa Rose 07:03 17 Patti Scialfa As Long As I 05:44 18 Patti Scialfa Love (Stand Up) 08:11 19 Patti Scialfa Spanish Dancer 05:11
Patti Scialfa View in Albunack Some Things Baby (Bonus Disc) 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patti Scialfa Interview \#1 09:03 2 Patti Scialfa Interview \#2 07:41 3 Patti Scialfa Valerie 04:28 4 Patti Scialfa Interview \#3 03:05 5 Patti Scialfa Interview \#4 08:04 6 Patti Scialfa In My Imagination 03:33 7 Patti Scialfa Interview \#5 03:49
Patti Smith Group View in Albunack Live in Paris 1978 12 2 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patti Smith Group Ask the Angels (Words and Music) 03:03 2 Patti Smith Group 25th Floor 05:43 3 Patti Smith Group High on Rebellion 03:48 4 Patti Smith Group Till Victory 03:21 5 Patti Smith Group Set Me Free 03:51 6 Patti Smith Group Because the Night 03:30 Has Mbid 7 Patti Smith Group Gloria 07:03 8 Patti Smith Group Ask the Angels 03:05 9 Patti Smith Group Free Money 03:44 10 Patti Smith Group I was working real hard 02:25 Has Mbid 11 Patti Smith Group Keith Richard's Blues 01:34 12 Patti Smith Group I was working real hard (reprise) 02:12
Patti Witten View in Albunack Prairie Doll 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patti Witten Wild One 04:16 2 Patti Witten Something Beautiful 04:56 3 Patti Witten Level Green Boys 04:38 4 Patti Witten For You 05:17 5 Patti Witten How Long 'Til It's Over 04:48 6 Patti Witten Call The Angels 04:46
Pattie Brooks View in Albunack Love Shook + Our Ms Brooks 9 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Pattie Brooks Girl Don't Make Me Wait 10:48 2 Pattie Brooks Love Shook 08:36 3 Pattie Brooks Let's Make Love To The Music 08:46 4 Pattie Brooks Pop Collage Medley: a) Popcorn b) Black Is Black c) Na Na Hey Hey Kiss Him Goodbye 09:19 Has Mbid 5 Pattie Brooks After Dark 07:54 6 Pattie Brooks This Is The House Where Love Died 08:01 7 Pattie Brooks Heartbreak In Disguise 07:09 8 Pattie Brooks Medley: Come Fly With Me / Let's Do It Again 07:06 9 Pattie Brooks The Back-Up Singer 04:46
Pattie Brooks View in Albunack Love shook + Party girl 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Pattie Brooks Girl don't make me wait 10:58 2 Pattie Brooks Love shook 08:38 3 Pattie Brooks Let's make love to the music 08:49 4 Pattie Brooks Pop collage medley 09:16 5 Pattie Brooks Party girl 05:54 6 Pattie Brooks My heart belongs to You 06:02 7 Pattie Brooks Cause I love, love love You 06:00 8 Pattie Brooks Workin' It out 04:17 9 Pattie Brooks If You are My man 04:23 10 Pattie Brooks Got tu go disco 03:54
Pattie Brooks View in Albunack Our ms. Brooks + Pattie Brooks 12 1 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 Pattie Brooks After dark 07:53 2 Pattie Brooks This is the house where love died 09:00 3 Pattie Brooks Heartbreak in disguise 07:01 4 Pattie Brooks Come fly with Me; Let's do It again 07:04 5 Pattie Brooks The backup singer 04:44 6 Pattie Brooks I'm on a winning streak 04:13 7 Pattie Brooks Reach for My love 03:13 8 Pattie Brooks Need to be back wth You 03:53 9 Pattie Brooks I'll be Your play thing 04:03 10 Pattie Brooks Change Your style of love 03:34 11 Pattie Brooks Is this a set up 03:23 12 Pattie Brooks You can't love somebody in love 03:34
Search Patto A Hard Life 13 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Tempest Yeah Yeah Yeah 03:09 2 Patto Holy Toledo 04:16 3 Tempest Stargazer 10:16 4 Tempest Funeral Empire 05:57 5 Boxer All The Time In The World 04:08 6 Patto Government Man 06:12 7 Boxer Shooting Star 04:59 8 Boxer More Than Meets The Eye 05:21 9 Patto The Man 06:09 10 Boxer Government Man 05:32 11 Patto Beat The Drum 04:40 12 Patto A Hard Life 06:07 13 Patto Love Me 04:09
Search Patto Hold Your Fire (BBC Sessions & Out-Takes) 11 3 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patto San Antone (BBC Radio 1 In Concert - 4th March 1971) 03:51 2 Patto Goverment Man (BBC Radio 1 In Concert - 4th March 1971) 05:15 Has Mbid 3 Patto Beat The Drum (BBC Radio 1 In Concert - 4th March 1971) 05:08 4 Patto Sittin' Back Easy (BBC Radio 1 In Concert - 4th March 1971) 04:06 5 Patto So Cold (BBC Radio 1 In Concert - 4th March 1971) 06:51 6 Patto Give It All Away (BBC Radio 1 Session - 28th June 1971) 04:15 Has Mbid 7 Patto Air Raid Shelter (BBC Radio 1 Session - 28th June 1971) 06:41 8 Patto You, You Point Your Finger (BBC Radio 1 Session - 28th June 1971) 05:02 9 Patto Don't Shoot Me (Hold Your Fire - First Version) 06:40 10 Patto Give It All Away (Alternative Version) 04:11 Has Mbid 11 Patto Air Raid Shelter (Alternative Version) 07:02
Search Patto Hold Your Fire - BBC Sessions & Out-Takes 11 3 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patto San Antone 03:51 2 Patto Government Man 05:15 Has Mbid 3 Patto Beat The Drum 05:08 4 Patto Sittin' Back Easy 04:06 5 Patto So Cold 06:51 6 Patto Give It All Away 04:15 Has Mbid 7 Patto Air Raid Shelter 06:41 8 Patto You, You Point Your Finger 05:02 9 Patto Don't Shoot Me 06:40 10 Patto Give It All Away 04:11 Has Mbid 11 Patto Air Raid Shelter 07:05
Search Patto Warts & All (Compilation) 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patto You, You Point Your Finger 05:24 2 Patto Money Bag 06:54 3 Patto Let It Rock 03:18 4 Patto Magic Door 04:56 5 Patto Government Man 06:58 6 Patto How's Your Father 07:48 7 Patto Route 66 03:21 8 Patto Tell Me Where You've Been 04:50 9 Patto San Antone 04:28 10 Patto Sitting Back Easy 03:53 11 Patto Big Hunk O'Love 04:22
Search Patto [1971] Hold Your Fire (Good Vintage) 8 3 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patto Hold Your Fire 08:03 Has Mbid 2 Patto You, Point Your Finger 04:34 Has Mbid 3 Patto How's Your Father 04:45 Has Mbid 4 Patto See You At The Dance Tonight 04:58 5 Patto Give It All Away 04:12 6 Patto Air Raid Shelter 07:08 7 Patto Tell Me Where You've Been 03:48 8 Patto Magic Door 04:22
Search Patto 不明なタイトル 11 3 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patto San Antone 03:51 2 Patto Covernment Man 05:20 Has Mbid 3 Patto Beat The Drum 05:08 4 Patto Sittin' Back Easy 04:06 5 Patto So Cold 06:51 6 Patto Give It All Away 04:13 Has Mbid 7 Patto Air Raid Shelter 06:41 8 Patto You, You Point Your Finger 05:02 9 Patto Don't Shoot Me (First Version) 06:40 10 Patto Give It All Away (Alternate Version) 04:18 Has Mbid 11 Patto Air Raid Shelter 07:03
Patty Ascher View in Albunack Bossa, Jazz 'n' Samba 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patty Ascher Springtime 02:33 2 Patty Ascher The Summer Knows 03:53 3 Patty Ascher Girls just want to kiss 03:54 4 Patty Ascher Booking time 02:49 5 Patty Ascher How much i care 04:47 6 Patty Ascher The Winter 03:42 7 Patty Ascher Saudade 03:35 8 Patty Ascher Sunrise (amanhecendo) 03:18 9 Patty Ascher The sun 03:11 10 Patty Ascher Talvez 03:00 11 Patty Ascher Pela manhã 03:35
Patty Ascher View in Albunack Patty Ascher - Deu Jazz no Samba 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patty Ascher Springtime 02:33 2 Patty Ascher The Summer Knows 03:53 3 Patty Ascher Girls just want to kiss 03:54 4 Patty Ascher Booking time 02:49 5 Patty Ascher How much i care 04:47 6 Patty Ascher The Winter 03:42 7 Patty Ascher Saudade 03:35 8 Patty Ascher Sunrise (amanhecendo) 03:18 9 Patty Ascher The sun 03:11 10 Patty Ascher Talvez 03:00 11 Patty Ascher Pela manhã 03:35
Patty Cabrera View in Albunack Hasta Hoy 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patty Cabrera Empezar A Amar 04:40 2 Patty Cabrera Hasta Hoy 04:29 3 Patty Cabrera Tu Ternura Y Amor 05:49 4 Patty Cabrera Si Me Amas 04:09 5 Patty Cabrera Para Todo Hoy 04:56 6 Patty Cabrera El Rio 05:53 7 Patty Cabrera Nunca Dire Adios 04:00 8 Patty Cabrera Eterno Amor 05:19 9 Patty Cabrera ¿Te Conozco? 04:24 10 Patty Cabrera Entra Jesus 03:36 11 Patty Cabrera Para Todo Hoy (English / Spanish) 04:56
Patty Cabrera View in Albunack Hasta hoy 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patty Cabrera Empezar a amar 04:40 2 Patty Cabrera Hasta hoy 04:29 3 Patty Cabrera Tu ternura y amor 05:49 4 Patty Cabrera Si me amas 04:09 5 Patty Cabrera Para todos hoy 05:00 6 Patty Cabrera El rio 05:53 7 Patty Cabrera Nunca diré adios 04:00 8 Patty Cabrera Eterno amor 05:19 9 Patty Cabrera ¿Te conozco? 04:24 10 Patty Cabrera Entra Jesús 03:36 11 Patty Cabrera Para todos hoy 05:00
Patty Griffin View in Albunack Children Running Through [Barnes & Noble] 14 0 2007 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patty Griffin Free 03:52 2 Patty Griffin You'll Remember 02:07 3 Patty Griffin Up or Down 00:00 4 Patty Griffin Stay on the Ride 05:17 5 Patty Griffin Trapeze 04:23 6 Patty Griffin Getting Ready 03:15 7 Patty Griffin Burgundy Shoes 03:26 8 Patty Griffin Heavenly Day 03:45 9 Patty Griffin No Bad News 04:02 10 Patty Griffin Railroad Wings 03:59 11 Patty Griffin Up to the Mountain (MLK Song) 04:08 12 Patty Griffin I Don't Ever Give Up 04:00 13 Patty Griffin Someone Else's Tomorrow 04:06 14 Patty Griffin Crying Over 00:00
Patty Griffin View in Albunack Love From My Lips, Vol. 1 [MP3-2-FLAC] 20 0 2003 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patty Griffin I Write The Book 03:43 2 Patty Griffin The Longer You Wait 02:35 3 Patty Griffin You Don't Have Me 04:11 4 Patty Griffin Under These Clouds 03:22 5 Patty Griffin Let Your Freedom Ring 04:27 6 Patty Griffin Off You Go 03:41 7 Patty Griffin Song For The Eighties 02:55 8 Patty Griffin We Are Water 04:16 9 Patty Griffin Cat's Out Of The Bag 03:08 10 Patty Griffin No More Pioneers 04:05 11 Patty Griffin All The Rain 03:07 12 Patty Griffin All The Rain 02:53 13 Patty Griffin When Something's Broken 04:05 14 Patty Griffin I Wonder 04:37 15 Patty Griffin Shells 03:33 16 Patty Griffin White Dove 04:42 17 Patty Griffin Time Of The Dance 03:40 18 Patty Griffin Connie And Val 03:11 19 Patty Griffin Pushing Thirty 03:27 20 Patty Griffin Breaking Skin 01:54
Patty Griffin View in Albunack Love From My Lips, Vol. 2 [MP3-2-FLAC] 19 0 2003 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patty Griffin Made Of Clay 03:53 2 Patty Griffin Truth 04:04 3 Patty Griffin Unnecessary 02:06 4 Patty Griffin A Place To Stand 03:55 5 Patty Griffin Heart Of The Wound 03:24 6 Patty Griffin Holy Water 04:09 7 Patty Griffin Buck Naked Heart 04:09 8 Patty Griffin No More Illusions 03:24 9 Patty Griffin Boxes On The Lawn 04:16 10 Patty Griffin Nail In The Coffin 04:58 11 Patty Griffin Waterslide 03:34 12 Patty Griffin Falling Down 02:55 13 Patty Griffin The Long Ride Home 03:34 14 Patty Griffin Calling Me Home 03:21 15 Patty Griffin So Long 04:16 16 Patty Griffin Vertigo 04:04 17 Patty Griffin Night 03:09 18 Patty Griffin Nobody's Crying 05:45 19 Patty Griffin Cain 03:51
Patty Pravo View in Albunack LIVE La Fenice 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patty Pravo La bambola 04:06 2 Patty Pravo Se perdo te 03:17 3 Patty Pravo Orient Express 04:41 4 Patty Pravo E dimmi che non vuoi morire 04:35 5 Patty Pravo La viaggiatrice di Bisanzio 04:20 6 Patty Pravo Cieli immensi 04:28 7 Patty Pravo Nuvole 04:25 8 Patty Pravo Piramidi di vetro 03:16 9 Patty Pravo Pensiero stupendo 04:35 10 Patty Pravo Pazza idea 04:32
Patty Pravo View in Albunack LIVE La Fenice Venezia 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patty Pravo Concerto per Patty 11:10 2 Patty Pravo Tutt'al più 05:14 3 Patty Pravo Piccino 04:19 4 Patty Pravo La canzone dei vecchi amanti 05:17 5 Patty Pravo Non andare via 05:19 6 Patty Pravo A modo mio 05:02 7 Patty Pravo Col tempo 04:43 8 Patty Pravo Motherless child 02:54 9 Patty Pravo Dove andranno i nostri fiori 06:26
Patty Pravo View in Albunack Patty Pravo En Español 17 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patty Pravo La Bambola 03:03 2 Patty Pravo Los Ojos Del Amor 03:03 3 Patty Pravo Por Ti 03:22 4 Patty Pravo Bailarina Bailarina 03:05 5 Patty Pravo Gotas De Lluvia 03:04 6 Patty Pravo Mi Amante 03:18 7 Patty Pravo Sentimiento 02:47 8 Patty Pravo Roma Es Como Una Prision 02:25 9 Patty Pravo La Conchilla 03:35 10 Patty Pravo Mercado De Flores 03:36 11 Patty Pravo Mi Flor Negra 02:39 12 Patty Pravo Lluvia 02:51 13 Patty Pravo Porque Eres Mi Hombre 03:19 14 Patty Pravo Una Espada En El Corazon 04:33 15 Patty Pravo A Mi Me Dieron El Mar 03:46 16 Patty Pravo Encuentro 04:53 17 Patty Pravo Un Poco De Lluvia 03:22
Patty Pravo View in Albunack Per Aver Visto Un Uomo Piangere... 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patty Pravo Morire...Dormire...Forse sognare 04:24 2 Patty Pravo Lanterne antiche 03:05 3 Patty Pravo Poema degli occhi 02:25 4 Patty Pravo Storia di una donna.... 08:47 5 Patty Pravo Preghiera 04:10 6 Patty Pravo Un uomo una donna una bambina 03:21 7 Patty Pravo Un volto bianco sulla neve 03:10 8 Patty Pravo T.L. & R. 04:22 9 Patty Pravo Follow the lamb 03:41
Patty Pravo View in Albunack Per aver visto un uomo Piangere... 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patty Pravo Morire...Dormire...Forse sognare 04:24 2 Patty Pravo Lanterne antiche 03:05 3 Patty Pravo Poema degli occhi 02:25 4 Patty Pravo Storia di una donna.... 08:46 5 Patty Pravo Preghiera 04:12 6 Patty Pravo Un uomo una donna una bambina 03:21 7 Patty Pravo Un volto bianco sulla neve 03:14 8 Patty Pravo T.L. & R. 04:19 9 Patty Pravo Follow the lamb 03:41
Patty Pravo View in Albunack Per aver visto un uomo piangere 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patty Pravo Traccia01 04:24 2 Patty Pravo Traccia02 03:05 3 Patty Pravo Traccia03 02:25 4 Patty Pravo Traccia04 08:46 5 Patty Pravo Traccia05 04:11 6 Patty Pravo Traccia06 03:17 7 Patty Pravo Traccia07 03:14 8 Patty Pravo Traccia08 04:19 9 Patty Pravo Traccia09 03:41
Patty Ryan View in Albunack Top Of The Line [Japan] 7 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patty Ryan Since You Came Into My Life 04:40 Has Mbid 2 Patty Ryan Top Of The Line 03:48 3 Patty Ryan When You Look At Me [Duet with CHAPTER ONE] 03:10 4 Patty Ryan Moonlight 05:12 5 Patty Ryan I Wanna Hold You 02:30 6 Patty Ryan Lady's Mix 18:00 7 Patty Ryan Since You Came Into My Life [Long Version] 06:46
Patty Smyth View in Albunack Patty Smyth's Greatest Hits Featuring Scandal 16 1 1998 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patty Smyth The Warrior 03:59 2 Patty Smyth Sometimes Love Just Ain't Enough 04:27 Has Mbid 3 Patty Smyth Wish I Were You 03:49 4 Patty Smyth Carnival Lights 05:05 5 Patty Smyth Love's Got a Line on You 03:26 6 Patty Smyth Goodbye to You 03:46 7 Patty Smyth I Should Be Laughing 05:04 8 Patty Smyth Downtown Train 04:01 9 Patty Smyth The River Cried 04:21 10 Patty Smyth Everyone Gets Older 03:54 11 Patty Smyth Say What You Will 04:39 12 Patty Smyth Beat of a Heart 04:45 13 Patty Smyth Heartache Heard Round the World 04:56 14 Patty Smyth Isn't It Enough 04:23 15 Patty Smyth No Mistakes 05:23 16 Patty Smyth Hands Tied 04:04
Patty Waters View in Albunack Happiness Is a Thing Called Joe: Live in San Francisco 2002 14 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patty Waters Moon, Don't Come Up Tonight 03:27 2 Patty Waters He's Funny That Way 05:00 3 Patty Waters Fascinating Rhythm 03:49 4 Patty Waters Good Morning Heartache 05:04 5 Patty Waters I'll Be Around/It's Easy to Remember/You've Changed 07:49 6 Patty Waters Old Devil Moon 04:47 7 Patty Waters Don't Explain 04:11 8 Patty Waters I Loves You, Porgy 06:05 9 Patty Waters Loverman 05:28 10 Patty Waters Happiness Is a Thing Called Joe 05:57 11 Patty Waters Willow Weep for Me 05:05 12 Patty Waters I Got It Bad/In My Solitude 06:25 13 Patty Waters Never Let Me Go 05:11 14 Patty Waters St. Louis Blues 06:33
Patxi Andión View in Albunack 19 Grandes Éxitos 19 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patxi Andión Rogelio 05:53 2 Patxi Andión Canción Vieja 02:13 3 Patxi Andión Los Decorados 01:45 4 Patxi Andión Nana a Una Vieja Viuda Del Mar 03:22 5 Patxi Andión El Vagabundo 02:04 6 Patxi Andión El Pipo (Nana a Un Perro Que Murió Solo) 01:54 7 Patxi Andión Esteban 04:08 8 Patxi Andión A Quien Corresponda 03:37 9 Patxi Andión La Jacinta 02:59 10 Patxi Andión Posiblemente 01:50 11 Patxi Andión Doña Anita 03:10 12 Patxi Andión Tren, Viaje Hacia El Mar 03:24 13 Patxi Andión Soneto 70 02:45 14 Patxi Andión Lupe 03:00 15 Patxi Andión Canto de Boda 02:37 16 Patxi Andión La Zagala 02:29 17 Patxi Andión Si La Ves 03:52 18 Patxi Andión Canto 02:37 19 Patxi Andión Manuela 02:19
Patxi Andión View in Albunack 20 grandes éxitos 20 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patxi Andión Rogelio 05:54 2 Patxi Andión Canción vieja 02:13 3 Patxi Andión Los decorados 01:47 4 Patxi Andión Nana a una vieja viuda del mar 03:22 5 Patxi Andión El vagabundo 02:02 6 Patxi Andión El Pipo 01:55 7 Patxi Andión Esteban 04:08 8 Patxi Andión A quien corresponda 03:37 9 Patxi Andión La zagala 02:32 10 Patxi Andión La Jacinta 02:57 11 Patxi Andión Posiblemente 01:50 12 Patxi Andión Doña Anita 03:10 13 Patxi Andión Tren, viaje hacia el mar 03:24 14 Patxi Andión Soneto 70 02:45 15 Patxi Andión Lupe 03:00 16 Patxi Andión Canto de boda 02:40 17 Patxi Andión La Zagala 02:25 18 Patxi Andión Si la ves 03:48 19 Patxi Andión Canto 02:40 20 Patxi Andión Manuela 02:19
Patxi Andión View in Albunack Sus grandes canciones (1971-1973) 16 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patxi Andión Samaritana 05:25 2 Patxi Andión Clareador 03:37 3 Patxi Andión ...Y es Mar 05:43 4 Patxi Andión Compañera 03:49 5 Patxi Andión Todos los dias grises del mundo 01:45 6 Patxi Andión 20 aniversario... palabras 05:17 7 Patxi Andión Nos pasarán la cuenta 03:20 Has Mbid 8 Patxi Andión Canción para un niño en la calle 03:40 9 Patxi Andión Quien sabe si volvera otra vez a amanecer 03:50 10 Patxi Andión Sólo 04:35 11 Patxi Andión Tiempo tiempo 03:30 12 Patxi Andión Desde que te quiero 03:38 13 Patxi Andión A donde el agua 03:32 14 Patxi Andión La casa se queda sóla 03:39 15 Patxi Andión Tierra mia 03:49 16 Patxi Andión Sonetos 37/73 03:38
Patxi Andión View in Albunack Una, Dos y Tres 15 2 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patxi Andión Samaritana 05:28 Has Mbid 2 Patxi Andión Una, dos y tres 03:30 3 Patxi Andión Padre 04:14 4 Patxi Andión Con toda la mar detrás 05:22 5 Patxi Andión 33 versos a mi muerte 03:16 6 Patxi Andión La casa se queda sola 03:39 7 Patxi Andión Aquí 03:43 8 Patxi Andión Cantiga 01:40 9 Patxi Andión 20 aniversario 05:18 Has Mbid 10 Patxi Andión El maestro 03:34 11 Patxi Andión Verde 04:40 12 Patxi Andión Me está doliendo una pena 04:44 13 Patxi Andión Carne de viento 03:05 14 Patxi Andión Clareador 03:37 15 Patxi Andión Despierta niño 04:49
Patxi Andión View in Albunack Vol.4 Sus grandes canciones para Movieplay (1969-1972) 21 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patxi Andión Canto 02:40 2 Patxi Andión La Jacinta 02:57 3 Patxi Andión Rogelio 05:55 4 Patxi Andión Esteban 04:10 5 Patxi Andión Manuela 02:19 6 Patxi Andión Nana a una vieja viuda del mar 03:22 7 Patxi Andión Itxas-alargunari, lo abestia 03:33 8 Patxi Andión El vagabundo 02:02 9 Patxi Andión Ibilkaria (El vagabundo) 02:13 10 Patxi Andión La zagala 02:29 11 Patxi Andión Canción vieja 02:11 12 Patxi Andión Los decorados 01:47 13 Patxi Andión El Pipo (nana a un perro que murió solo) 01:54 14 Patxi Andión A quien corresponda 03:38 15 Patxi Andión Si la ves 03:52 16 Patxi Andión Soneto 02:46 17 Patxi Andión Doña Anita 03:10 18 Patxi Andión Lupe 03:02 19 Patxi Andión Tren, viaje hacia el mar 03:22 20 Patxi Andión Canto de boda 02:40 21 Patxi Andión Posiblemente 01:50
Patxi Andión View in Albunack txi Andión 16 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Patxi Andión Samaritana 05:28 2 Patxi Andión Clareador 03:37 3 Patxi Andión ...Y es Mar 05:43 4 Patxi Andión Compañera 03:49 5 Patxi Andión Habría que saberlo 03:29 6 Patxi Andión 20 aniversario... palabras 05:18 7 Patxi Andión Nos pasarán la cuenta 03:20 8 Patxi Andión Los Bur-manos Hu-gueses 02:15 9 Patxi Andión Analie 04:51 10 Patxi Andión Sólo 04:35 11 Patxi Andión Tiempo tiempo 03:30 12 Patxi Andión 33 versos a mi muerte 03:19 13 Patxi Andión Don club 03:02 14 Patxi Andión La casa se queda sóla 03:39 15 Patxi Andión Con toda la Mar detrás 05:20 16 Patxi Andión Padre 04:14
Paté De Fuá View in Albunack Película Muda Sugunda Parte 15 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paté De Fuá Llévame En Un Beso (Feat. Lila Downs) 05:02 2 Paté De Fuá Llegó Tu Amor 03:44 3 Paté De Fuá Nosotros Dos (Feat. Lucía Galán) 04:10 4 Paté De Fuá La Pitaplaca 03:53 5 Paté De Fuá El Borracho 04:08 6 Paté De Fuá Cautro Lunas 03:32 7 Paté De Fuá Tu Pecado 03:22 8 Paté De Fuá Película Hablada 02:19 9 Paté De Fuá Negras Golondrinas 04:45 10 Paté De Fuá La Tempestad 04:11 11 Paté De Fuá Hacia El Sur 04:20 12 Paté De Fuá Falso Olvido (Feat. Armando Manzanero) 04:17 13 Paté De Fuá El Vals De Las Bicicletas 04:36 14 Paté De Fuá Oncativo Street Parade 03:05 15 Paté De Fuá Queridos Amigos 05:19
Paté de Fuá View in Albunack Película Muda, Segunda Parte 15 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paté de Fuá Llévame en un Beso (feat. Lila Downs) 05:02 2 Paté de Fuá Llegó tu Amor 03:44 3 Paté de Fuá Nosotros Dos (feat. Lucía Galán) 04:10 4 Paté de Fuá La Pitaflaca 03:53 5 Paté de Fuá El Borracho 04:08 6 Paté de Fuá Cuatro Lunas 03:32 7 Paté de Fuá Tu Pecado 03:22 8 Paté de Fuá Película Hablada 02:19 9 Paté de Fuá Negras Golondrinas 04:45 10 Paté de Fuá La Tempestad 04:11 11 Paté de Fuá Hacia el Sur 04:20 12 Paté de Fuá Falso Olvido (feat. Armando Manzanero) 04:17 13 Paté de Fuá El Vals de las Bicicletas 04:36 14 Paté de Fuá Oncativo Street Parade 03:05 15 Paté de Fuá Queridos Amigos 05:19
Pau Casals View in Albunack Concierto en La Casa Blanca 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Pau Casals El cant dels ocells 03:46 2 Pau Casals I. Pr lude. Piezas de concierto - Couperin 04:14 3 Pau Casals II. Siciliene. Piezas de concierto - Couperin 03:00 4 Pau Casals III. La Tromba. Piezas de concierto - Couperin 01:54 5 Pau Casals IV. Plainte. Piezas de concierto - Couperin 03:48 6 Pau Casals V. Air de Diable. Piezas de concierto - Couperin 02:01 7 Pau Casals I. Adagio en La bemol Op.70 - Schimann 05:19 8 Pau Casals II. Allegro en La bemol Op.70 - Schumann 05:35 9 Pau Casals I. Molto allegro ed agitato. Op.49 - Mendelssohn 10:05 10 Pau Casals II. Andante con moto tranquilo. Op.49 - Mendelssohn 07:39 11 Pau Casals III. Scherzo: Leggiere e vivace. Op.49 - Mendelssohn 04:39 12 Pau Casals IV. Finale: Allegro assai appassionato. Op.49 - Mendelssohn 09:13
Pau Casals View in Albunack Concierto en la Casa Blanca 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Pau Casals El cant dels ocells (arreglo para cello y piano) 03:46 2 François Couperin Piezas de concierto (Suite) para cello y piano: I. Prélude 04:14 3 François Couperin Piezas de concierto (Suite) para cello y piano: II. Siciliene 03:00 4 François Couperin Piezas de concierto (Suite) para cello y piano: III. La Tromba 01:54 5 François Couperin Piezas de concierto (Suite) para cello y piano: IV. Plainte 03:48 6 François Couperin Piezas de concierto (Suite) para cello y piano: V. Air de Diable 02:01 7 Robert Schumann Adagio y allegro en la bemol mayor, Op. 70: I. Adagio 05:15 8 Robert Schumann Adagio y allegro en la bemol mayor, Op. 70: II. Allegro 05:35 9 Felix Mendelssohn Trío en re menor para piano, violín y cello, Op. 49: I. Molto allegro ed agitato 10:05 10 Felix Mendelssohn Trío en re menor para piano, violín y cello, Op. 49: II. Andante con moto tranquilo 07:39 11 Felix Mendelssohn Trío en re menor para piano, violín y cello, Op. 49: III. Scherzo. Leggiero e vivace 04:39 12 Felix Mendelssohn Trío en re menor para piano, violín y cello, Op. 49: IV. Finale. Allegro assai appassionato 09:13
Pau Casals View in Albunack Encores and Transcriptions 2 21 2 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Pau Casals Bach - Musette, BWV 811 03:43 Has Mbid 2 Pau Casals Sgambati - Serenata napoletana, Op. 24, No. 2 03:18 3 Pau Casals Popper - Mazurka, Op. 11, No. 3 03:09 4 Pau Casals Granados - Spanish Dance 03:40 5 Pau Casals Tartini - Grave ed espressivo 04:10 6 Pau Casals Cassado - Requiebros 04:32 7 Pau Casals Vivaldi - Largo from Concerto Grosso No. 11 in D minor, Op. 3 03:32 8 Pau Casals Bach - Komm susser Tod 03:41 9 Pau Casals Boccherini - Sonata No. 6 in A major for Cello and Piano - Adagio 03:34 10 Pau Casals Boccherini - Sonata No. 6 in A major for Cello and Piano - Allegro 04:11 11 Pau Casals Mendelssohn - Song without words, Op. 109, No. 49 04:35 12 Pau Casals Bach - Andante from Sonata No. 2 in A minor, BWV 1003 03:37 13 Pau Casals Dvorak - Songs my father taught me, Op. 55, No. 4 02:41 14 Pau Casals Rimsky-Korsakov - Flight of the bumblebee 01:11 15 Pau Casals Valentini - Gavotte from Violin Sonata No. 10 in E major 01:49 16 Pau Casals Laserna - Tonadilla 01:37 17 Pau Casals Haydn - Minuet from Sonata for Violin and Viola in C major 03:57 Has Mbid 18 Pau Casals Bach - Air from Orchestral Suite No. 3 in D major, BWV 1068 03:48 19 Pau Casals Schumann - Traumerei 03:20 20 Pau Casals Beethoven - Minuet No. 2 in G major from Six Minuets, WoO 10 02:42 21 Pau Casals Beethoven - Coriolan Overture, Op. 62 07:44
Pau Casals View in Albunack Mozart - Violin Concerto & Sinfonia Concertante 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Pau Casals Violin Concerto KV 219 I. Allegro aperto 10:44 2 Pau Casals Mozart - Violin Concerto in A major, KV 219 II. Adagio 11:38 3 Pau Casals Violin Concerto KV 219 III. Rondo 08:52 4 Pau Casals Sinfonia Concertante KV 364 I. Allegro maestoso 13:20 5 Pau Casals Sinfonia Concertante KV 364 II. Andante 14:09 6 Pau Casals Sinfonia Concertante KV 364 III. Presto 06:29
Pau Casals View in Albunack Pau Casals - Concierto en la Casa Blanca 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Pau Casals El cant dels ocells (arreglo para cello y piano) 03:46 2 François Couperin Piezas de concierto (Suite) para cello y piano: I. Prélude 04:14 3 François Couperin Piezas de concierto (Suite) para cello y piano: II. Siciliene 03:00 4 François Couperin Piezas de concierto (Suite) para cello y piano: III. La Tromba 01:54 5 François Couperin Piezas de concierto (Suite) para cello y piano: IV. Plainte 03:48 6 François Couperin Piezas de concierto (Suite) para cello y piano: V. Air de Diable 02:01 7 Robert Schumann Adagio y allegro en la bemol mayor, Op. 70: I. Adagio 05:15 8 Robert Schumann Adagio y allegro en la bemol mayor, Op. 70: II. Allegro 05:35 9 Felix Mendelssohn Trío en re menor para piano, violín y cello, Op. 49: I. Molto allegro ed agitato 10:05 10 Felix Mendelssohn Trío en re menor para piano, violín y cello, Op. 49: II. Andante con moto tranquilo 07:39 11 Felix Mendelssohn Trío en re menor para piano, violín y cello, Op. 49: III. Scherzo. Leggiero e vivace 04:39 12 Felix Mendelssohn Trío en re menor para piano, violín y cello, Op. 49: IV. Finale. Allegro assai appassionato 09:13
Pau Casals View in Albunack Pau Casals plays Brahms 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Pau Casals Allegro 15:07 2 Pau Casals Andante 06:53 3 Pau Casals Vivace non troppo 08:34 4 Pau Casals Allegro vivace 09:30 5 Pau Casals Adagio affetuoso 08:06 6 Pau Casals Allegro passionato 07:47 7 Pau Casals Allegro molto 04:23
Pau Casals View in Albunack The art of Pau Casals 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Bach Adagio from Toccata in C 03:51 2 Rubinstein Melody in F 02:43 3 Schubert Moment Musical nº 3 03:06 4 Chopin Nocturne en E-Flat, Op. 9 nº 2 04:34 5 Fauré Aprés un reve 02:59 6 Godard Berceuse from Jocelyn 04:31 7 Granados Goyescas: Intermezzo 04:26 8 Saint-Saens Carnival of the animals: The swan 02:47 9 Chopin Prelude in D-Flat (Raindrop) 04:23 10 Wagner Die Meistersinger - Freislied 04:14 11 Tannhauser Evening star 04:11 12 Hillemacher Gavotte tendre 03:24
Pau Riba View in Albunack Amarga crisi 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Pau Riba Perla de malaventura 04:31 2 Pau Riba Marga amargura 04:37 3 Pau Riba Fementida margarida 03:55 4 Pau Riba Lobulus temptator 03:07 5 Pau Riba Amor amor amor 01:30 6 Pau Riba Pas de joglaria 03:53 7 Pau Riba Remei maligne 02:45 8 Pau Riba Maria dels Àngels 03:46 9 Pau Riba Crisàlide encantada 04:50 10 Pau Riba Dolça esclavitud 02:13
Paucker View in Albunack Paucker 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paucker God has gone on holiday 03:48 2 Paucker There she goes 05:49 3 Paucker Sophie 05:58 4 Paucker Corny song 03:35 5 Paucker No no no 03:45 6 Paucker Everyone knows 04:11 7 Paucker Little princess 04:08 8 Paucker That`s why 01:03 9 Paucker I will pay the breakfast 05:06 10 Paucker Not a nightmare 03:37 11 Paucker How it ends 05:41 12 Paucker Again 10:48
Paukkumaissi View in Albunack Huhuu, kuu 11 2 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paukkumaissi Aamulla 03:29 Has Mbid 2 Paukkumaissi Kylpylaulu (putsiputsiputsi) 03:03 3 Paukkumaissi Pyörät ne pyörii 02:22 Has Mbid 4 Paukkumaissi Intiaanien laulu 02:35 5 Paukkumaissi Talvesta kesään 03:32 6 Paukkumaissi Lauantai 04:09 7 Paukkumaissi Marjamaille 03:40 8 Paukkumaissi Paukkupakkanen 02:58 9 Paukkumaissi Autiomaa 03:14 10 Paukkumaissi Kuu 03:09 11 Paukkumaissi Miksi miksi miksi? 04:03
Paul & Price View in Albunack Micro Moods 8 1 2016 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 Paul & Price feat. Angela MC Cluskey Believing 04:35 2 Paul & Price feat. Angela MC Cluskey Believing (White Curtain Mix) 05:08 3 Paul & Price feat. Angela MC Cluskey Believing (Catalina Shores Mix) 04:52 4 Paul & Price feat. Angela MC Cluskey Believing (Men of Leisure Mix) 07:00 5 Paul & Price feat. Toddy Walters Don't Be Shy 03:44 6 Paul & Price feat. Holly Palmer I Can't Live Without you 03:51 7 Paul & Price Lovely Surprise 03:32 8 Paul & Price feat. Men of Leisure Lovely Surprise (Jamaica Mix) 04:30
Paul Abraham View in Albunack Viktoria und ihr Husar & Blume von Hawaii 27 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Abraham Viktoria und ihr Husar - Ouvertüre 01:00 2 Paul Abraham Bald kommt die Zeit...Nur ein Mädel gibt es auf der Welt 02:53 3 Paul Abraham Rote Orchideen 01:50 4 Paul Abraham Wo gibt es noch so schöne Mädel...Ja, so ein Mädel, ungarisches Mädel 01:39 5 Paul Abraham An der Newa steht ein Haus 01:28 6 Paul Abraham Pardon Madame 01:24 7 Paul Abraham Honved-Banda 00:38 8 Paul Abraham Ungarland, Donaustrand, Heimatland 01:58 9 Paul Abraham Meine Mama war aus Yokohama 01:14 10 Paul Abraham Ich lieb' einen andern - Du warst der Stern meiner Nacht 01:28 11 Paul Abraham Morgens bist Du immer schüchtern...Mausi, süß warst Du heute nacht 01:21 12 Paul Abraham Pardon Madame 00:52 13 Paul Abraham Nur immer Ping-Pong 01:29 Has Mbid 14 Paul Abraham Einmal, da schlägt für uns die Stunde...Reich' mir zum Abschied noch einmal die Hände 02:29 15 Paul Abraham Blume von Hawaii - Ein Paradies am Meeresstrand 02:23 16 Paul Abraham Blume von Hawaii 01:15 17 Paul Abraham Wo es Mädels gibt, Kameraden 00:57 18 Paul Abraham My Little Boy 01:00 19 Paul Abraham Lautlos glitt der Dampfer...Will Dir die Welt zu Füßen legen 02:20 20 Paul Abraham Ich muss Mädeln seh'n 00:51 21 Paul Abraham Bin nur ein Jonny 01:41 22 Paul Abraham Du traumschöne Perle der Südsee 01:22 23 Paul Abraham Frage Dein Herz noch einmal 01:06 24 Paul Abraham Ich hab' ein Diwanpüppchen 00:56 25 Paul Abraham Deiner Augen dunkle Sterne...Kann nicht küssen ohne Liebe 01:36 26 Paul Abraham My Golden Baby 01:29 27 Paul Abraham Volk von Hawaii. Jetzt bist Du frei 01:01
Search Paul Adams A View from the Plain 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Adams Sunrise from a Pixelated Valley 06:04 2 Paul Adams Fandango 03:04 3 Paul Adams A Noble Tune 03:55 4 Paul Adams Sunrise to Sunset 05:22 5 Paul Adams The Color of Peach 04:36 6 Paul Adams The Spanish Plain 04:53 7 Paul Adams Mid-Day Romp 03:57 8 Paul Adams Fall Harvest 04:02 9 Paul Adams Three Legged Puttle Put 04:20 10 Paul Adams A Cowboys Canon 06:25 11 Paul Adams At Prairies Edge 04:47 12 Paul Adams A Moment of Quiet - Doxology - Amen 02:41
Search Paul Adams Flute Meditations For Dreaming Clouds 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Adams As the Sun Rises 04:05 2 Paul Adams Atmosphere 07:08 3 Paul Adams Waking Loons 03:57 4 Paul Adams Stillness of the Day 04:25 5 Paul Adams A Shamen's Dream 05:33 6 Paul Adams The Bird Dance 04:55 7 Paul Adams The Far Sky 07:47 8 Paul Adams Water Prayers 05:53 9 Paul Adams No Tears 04:08 10 Paul Adams The Moon and Stars 07:17 11 Paul Adams Night 05:31
Search Paul Adams Relax For Yoga Vol. 2 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Adams Seeking Stillness 05:43 2 Paul Adams Pranayama 08:37 3 Paul Adams Opening Chakras 08:07 4 Paul Adams Ascent 08:41 5 Paul Adams Seeking Harmony 06:46 6 Paul Adams Oneness 07:55 7 Paul Adams Setting Sun 06:15 8 Paul Adams Seeking Stillness (Reprise) 08:06
Search Paul Adams Various Waves 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Adams Fayethe 05:29 2 Paul Adams Cascade 04:59 3 Paul Adams Austrailia 05:08 4 Paul Adams Interlude 03:41 5 Paul Adams An Early Expedition 05:51 6 Paul Adams Twilight 04:52 7 Paul Adams Fathers Reminiscence 08:26 8 Paul Adams Doggie Follow De Nose 05:24 9 Paul Adams Dance of the Forest Fruits 03:05 10 Paul Adams Yaeva 03:33 11 Paul Adams Elephant Walk 05:10 12 Paul Adams Goodnight 04:16
Search Paul Adams Wonder Dancing on Global Bop 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Adams Mollys Happy Lament 06:16 2 Paul Adams A Night on the Moors 04:25 3 Paul Adams Pimiteoui Water Chant in Nine 04:29 4 Paul Adams The Great Prairie Back Step 06:44 5 Paul Adams Gamalon Nights 08:09 6 Paul Adams Zorro and the Fat Man (The Whole Shocking Story) 07:32 7 Paul Adams Mr. Kits Casbah 05:23 8 Paul Adams Kalahari 05:12 9 Paul Adams Les Joueurs 05:29 10 Paul Adams Amazing Grace 06:43
Paul Anthony & ZXX View in Albunack The Album WEB 15 0 2010 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Anthony & ZXX Love and Heartache (Original Mix) 06:57 2 Paul Anthony & ZXX Rush (Original Mix) 07:02 3 Paul Anthony & ZXX Dick in Your Face (Original Mix) 05:24 4 Paul Anthony & ZXX Juke Dat Juke Dat (Paul Anthony & Zxx Remix) 06:47 5 Paul Anthony & ZXX Let it Go Feat. Callie (Original Mix) 06:17 6 Paul Anthony & ZXX Disco DJ (Original Mix) 07:46 7 Paul Anthony & ZXX Yellow Clouds (Original Mix) 07:48 8 Paul Anthony & ZXX Turn it Up (Original Mix) 05:40 9 Paul Anthony & ZXX Let the Bass Go (Original Mix) 05:51 10 Paul Anthony & ZXX Bass Whore Feat. Some Stripper Chick with Tattoos (Original Mix) 08:22 11 Paul Anthony & ZXX We Don't Give A Fuck (Original Mix) 07:05 12 Paul Anthony & ZXX Let Me Bang (Original Mix) 06:41 13 Paul Anthony & ZXX Sex 101 Feat. Laya Bella (Original Mix) 07:36 14 Paul Anthony & ZXX 303 (Original Mix) 03:39 15 Paul Anthony & ZXX My Name is House Music Feat. Farley Jackmaster Funk (Original Mix) 05:49
Paul Auster View in Albunack Man in the Dark 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Auster Intro: Man in the Dark 06:04 2 Paul Auster A flock of starlings passes overhead 07:19 3 Paul Auster It's like this, the sergeant rattles on 04:43 4 Paul Auster A door has just opened upstairs 03:35 5 Paul Auster Where was I? Owen Brick 06:14 6 Paul Auster You're a brave girl, I said 06:24 7 Paul Auster I pause for a moment to shift my position in bed 07:33 8 Paul Auster As Molly turns around and calls out the order 06:49 9 Paul Auster The Exeter Hotel is a six-story limestone building 07:26 10 Paul Auster After giving him a warm, affectionate smile 07:02 11 Paul Auster Suddenly, an urgent need to empty my bladder 05:47 12 Paul Auster I'm not going to pretend that divorce isn't a cruel business 04:30
Paul Auster View in Albunack Mann Im Dunkel 1 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Auster Mann Im Dunkel 01 10:52 2 Paul Auster Mann Im Dunkel 02 11:37 3 Paul Auster Mann Im Dunkel 03 10:35 4 Paul Auster Mann Im Dunkel 04 09:19 5 Paul Auster Mann Im Dunkel 05 11:00 6 Paul Auster Mann Im Dunkel 06 10:09 7 Paul Auster Mann Im Dunkel 07 09:00
Paul Auster View in Albunack Mann im Dunkel 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Unbekannter Künstler Paul Auster - Mann im Dunkel CD5 01 09:38 2 Unbekannter Künstler Paul Auster - Mann im Dunkel CD5 02 10:02 3 Unbekannter Künstler Paul Auster - Mann im Dunkel CD5 03 09:57 4 Unbekannter Künstler Paul Auster - Mann im Dunkel CD5 04 09:42 5 Unbekannter Künstler Paul Auster - Mann im Dunkel CD5 05 07:59 6 Unbekannter Künstler Paul Auster - Mann im Dunkel CD5 06 10:17 7 Unbekannter Künstler Paul Auster - Mann im Dunkel CD5 07 07:59 8 Unbekannter Künstler Paul Auster - Mann im Dunkel CD5 08 07:18
Paul Auster View in Albunack Mann im Dunkel 2 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Auster Mann im Dunkel 08 08:28 2 Paul Auster Mann im Dunkel 09 10:40 3 Paul Auster Mann im Dunkel 10 10:41 4 Paul Auster Mann im Dunkel 11 11:24 5 Paul Auster Mann im Dunkel 12 09:37 6 Paul Auster Mann im Dunkel 13 09:35 7 Paul Auster Mann im Dunkel 14 10:17
Paul Auster View in Albunack Mann im Dunkel 3 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Auster Mann im Dunkel 15 10:41 2 Paul Auster Mann im Dunkel 16 09:41 3 Paul Auster Mann im Dunkel 17 08:43 4 Paul Auster Mann im Dunkel 18 10:33 5 Paul Auster Mann im Dunkel 19 09:47 6 Paul Auster Mann im Dunkel 20 07:01 7 Paul Auster Mann im Dunkel 21 07:46 8 Paul Auster Mann im Dunkel 22 07:53
Paul Auster View in Albunack Mann im Dunkel 4 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Auster Mann im Dunkel 23 08:41 2 Paul Auster Mann im Dunkel 24 10:01 3 Paul Auster Mann im Dunkel 25 07:21 4 Paul Auster Mann im Dunkel 26 11:09 5 Paul Auster Mann im Dunkel 27 09:30 6 Paul Auster Mann im Dunkel 28 09:19 7 Paul Auster Mann im Dunkel 29 16:58
Paul Auster View in Albunack Nacht des Orakels 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Auster Ich war lange Zeit krank gewesen 05:59 2 Paul Auster An der Kasse hinterm Eingang saß ein Chinese 09:14 3 Paul Auster Ich hatte vorgehabt, in einem Lokal in der gegend zu frühstücken 09:00 4 Paul Auster Nacht des Orakels 08:18 5 Paul Auster Nick ist kein Filou 05:45 6 Paul Auster Der Schlag wirft Nick zu Boden 04:48 7 Paul Auster John hatte Grace sehr gern 08:25 8 Paul Auster Es gab in der Wohnung zwei Badezimmer 07:08 9 Paul Auster Samtagsabends in New York 04:24 10 Paul Auster Mehrere Minuten wechselten wir kien Wort 08:26
Paul Auster View in Albunack Paul Auster - Mann im Dunkel 3 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Auster Mann im Dunkel 15 10:41 2 Paul Auster Mann im Dunkel 16 09:41 3 Paul Auster Mann im Dunkel 17 08:43 4 Paul Auster Mann im Dunkel 18 10:33 5 Paul Auster Mann im Dunkel 19 09:47 6 Paul Auster Mann im Dunkel 20 07:01 7 Paul Auster Mann im Dunkel 21 07:46 8 Paul Auster Mann im Dunkel 22 07:53
Paul Auster View in Albunack Paul Auster - Mann im Dunkel 4 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Auster Mann im Dunkel 23 08:41 2 Paul Auster Mann im Dunkel 24 10:01 3 Paul Auster Mann im Dunkel 25 07:21 4 Paul Auster Mann im Dunkel 26 11:09 5 Paul Auster Mann im Dunkel 27 09:30 6 Paul Auster Mann im Dunkel 28 09:19 7 Paul Auster Mann im Dunkel 29 16:58
Paul Auster View in Albunack Paul Auster - Mann im Dunkel 5 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Auster Mann im Dunkel 30 09:38 2 Paul Auster Mann im Dunkel 31 10:02 3 Paul Auster Mann im Dunkel 32 09:57 4 Paul Auster Mann im Dunkel 33 09:42 5 Paul Auster Mann im Dunkel 34 07:59 6 Paul Auster Mann im Dunkel 35 10:17 7 Paul Auster Mann im Dunkel 36 07:59 8 Paul Auster Mann im Dunkel 37 07:18
Paul Auster View in Albunack Sun Set Park 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Auster 29 09:35 2 Paul Auster 37 09:03 3 Paul Auster 31 09:03 4 Paul Auster 25 10:05 5 Paul Auster 33 11:58 6 Paul Auster 27 10:42 7 Paul Auster 21 12:19 8 Paul Auster 43 06:31
Paul Auster View in Albunack Sunset Park 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Auster 201 09:24 2 Paul Auster 402 10:26 3 Paul Auster 503 09:03 4 Paul Auster 604 10:25 5 Paul Auster 605 10:22 6 Paul Auster 606 11:52 7 Paul Auster 607 08:26 8 Paul Auster 608 06:31
Paul Auster View in Albunack Timbuktu 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Auster Timbuktu 01 07:56 2 Paul Auster Timbuktu 02 06:02 3 Paul Auster Timbuktu 03 05:55 4 Unbekannt Kapitel 3 - Henry 12:20 5 Paul Auster Timbuktu 05 07:18 6 Unbekannt Kapitel 5 - Timbuktu II 07:36 7 Paul Auster Timbuktu 07 05:21 8 Paul Auster Timbuktu 08 05:35 9 Paul Auster Timbuktu 09 06:09 10 Paul Auster Timbuktu 10 06:54 11 Paul Auster Timbuktu 11 06:56
Paul Auster View in Albunack Unsichtbar 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Auster 601 10:27 2 Paul Auster 602 10:18 3 Paul Auster 603 09:33 4 Paul Auster 604 11:06 5 Paul Auster 605 10:08 6 Paul Auster 606 11:25 7 Paul Auster 607 08:45
Search Paul B Play It - Feel It 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul B Concord Dawn \ Morning Light 05:13 2 Paul B SKC \ Delirious 03:54 3 Paul B Sta & Paul B \ Come Closer 04:50 4 Paul B Dom & Keaton \ Exhile 04:44 5 Paul B Crossfire \ Hydra 05:35 6 Paul B SKC \ Lobotomy 04:28 7 Paul B Sta & Paul B \ Step2Zero 04:05 8 Paul B Crossfire \ Firebolt 05:01 9 Paul B Dylan & BKey \ Freak 06:29 10 Paul B Sta & Paul B \ The Lick 04:56 11 Paul B Keaton & Nitrox \ Venom 05:34 12 Paul B Concord Dawn \ Aurora 05:35
Paul Badura-Skoda View in Albunack Bach: Toccata In C Minor, Italian Concerto, Partita No.5 & 6 17 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Badura-Skoda Toccata In C Minor, BWV 911 10:16 2 Paul Badura-Skoda Italian Concerto In F Major, BWV 971 - 1. (Allegro) 03:52 3 Paul Badura-Skoda Italian Concerto In F Major, BWV 971 - 2. Andante 04:37 4 Paul Badura-Skoda Italian Concerto In F Major, BWV 971 - 3. Presto 03:43 5 Paul Badura-Skoda Partita No.5 In G Major, BWV 829 - 1. Praeambulum 02:17 6 Paul Badura-Skoda Partita No.5 In G Major, BWV 829 - 2. Allemande 04:57 7 Paul Badura-Skoda Partita No.5 In G Major, BWV 829 - 3. Corrente 02:37 8 Paul Badura-Skoda Partita No.5 In G Major, BWV 829 - 4. Sarabande 04:15 9 Paul Badura-Skoda Partita No.5 In G Major, BWV 829 - 5. Tempo di minuetto 02:12 10 Paul Badura-Skoda Partita No.5 In G Major, BWV 829 - 6. Passepied 02:05 11 Paul Badura-Skoda Partita No.5 In G Major, BWV 829 - 7. Gigue 03:57 12 Paul Badura-Skoda Partita No.6 In E Minor, BWV 830 - 1. Toccata 07:24 13 Paul Badura-Skoda Partita No.6 In E Minor, BWV 830 - 2. Allemande 02:13 14 Paul Badura-Skoda Partita No.6 In E Minor, BWV 830 - 3. Corrente 05:04 15 Paul Badura-Skoda Partita No.6 In E Minor, BWV 830 - 4. Air 01:39 16 Paul Badura-Skoda Partita No.6 In E Minor, BWV 830 - 5. Sarabande 06:44 17 Paul Badura-Skoda Partita No.6 In E Minor, BWV 830 - 6. Tempo di gavotta 02:12
Paul Badura-Skoda View in Albunack Badura-Skoda The Sydney Opera House Recital 19 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Badura-Skoda Bach Partita for keyboard No. 1 in B flat major, BWV 825 I. Praeludium 01:45 2 Paul Badura-Skoda Bach Partita for keyboard No. 1 in B flat major, BWV 825 II. Allemande 03:18 3 Paul Badura-Skoda Bach Partita for keyboard No. 1 in B flat major, BWV 825 III. Corrente 02:54 4 Paul Badura-Skoda Bach Partita for keyboard No. 1 in B flat major, BWV 825 IV. Sarabande 03:45 5 Paul Badura-Skoda Bach Partita for keyboard No. 1 in B flat major, BWV 825 V. Menuet I - Menuet II 02:52 6 Paul Badura-Skoda Bach Partita for keyboard No. 1 in B flat major, BWV 825 VI. Giga 02:47 7 Paul Badura-Skoda Brahms Piano Sonata No. 3 in F minor, Op. 5 I. Allegro maestoso 06:53 8 Paul Badura-Skoda Brahms Piano Sonata No. 3 in F minor, Op. 5 II. Andante espressivo 10:38 9 Paul Badura-Skoda Brahms Piano Sonata No. 3 in F minor, Op. 5 III. Scherzo: Allegro energico 04:51 10 Paul Badura-Skoda Brahms Piano Sonata No. 3 in F minor, Op. 5 IV. Intermezzo: Andante molto 03:11 11 Paul Badura-Skoda Brahms Piano Sonata No. 3 in F minor, Op. 5 V. Finale: Allegro moderato ma rubato 07:32 12 Paul Badura-Skoda Bartok Suite for piano, Sz. 62, BB 70 (Op. 14) I. Allegretto 02:07 13 Paul Badura-Skoda Bartok Suite for piano, Sz. 62, BB 70 (Op. 14) II. Scherzo 02:06 14 Paul Badura-Skoda Bartok Suite for piano, Sz. 62, BB 70 (Op. 14) III. Allegro molto 02:09 15 Paul Badura-Skoda Bartok Suite for piano, Sz. 62, BB 70 (Op. 14) IV. Sostenuto 03:13 16 Paul Badura-Skoda Debussy Estampes: No. 1. Pagodes 04:21 17 Paul Badura-Skoda Debussy Estampes: No. 2. La soiree dans Grenade (Evening in Granada) 04:53 18 Paul Badura-Skoda Debussy Estampes: No. 3. Jardins sous la pluie (Gardens in the Rain) 03:35 19 Paul Badura-Skoda Debussy L' isle joyeuse, for piano, L. 106 05:48
Paul Badura-Skoda View in Albunack Beethoven Klavier Sonaten 8 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate №27 Op.90 - I 04:55 2 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate №27 Op.90 - II 07:05 3 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate №28 Op.101- Allegro ma non troppo 03:49 4 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate №28 Op.101-Vivace alla marcia 05:40 5 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate №28 Op.101-Adagio ma non troppo,con affetto 02:49 6 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate №28 Op.101-Allegro 07:07 7 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate №29 Op.106“Hammerklavier”- I Allegro 10:17 8 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate №29 Op.106“Hammerklavier”- II Scherzo-assai vivace 02:26 9 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate №29 Op.106“Hammerklavier”- III Adagio sostenuto.Appassionato e con molto sentimento 16:55 10 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate №29 Op.106“Hammerklavier”- IV Largo-Allegro risoluto-Fuga a tre voci.wma 11:10
Paul Badura-Skoda View in Albunack Beethoven - Sonata No. 29 B-major Op.106 8 2 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonata No.29 (1976) - I - Allegro 10:19 2 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonata No.29 (1976) - II - Scherzo: Assai Vivace 02:25 3 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonata No.29 (1976) - III - Adagio sostenuto 16:08 4 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonata No.29 (1976) - IV - Largo - Allegro risoluto 11:02 Has Mbid 5 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonata No.29 (1980) - I - Allegro 09:55 Has Mbid 6 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonata No.29 (1980) - II - Scherzo: Assai Vivace 02:31 7 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonata No.29 (1980) - III - Adagio sostenuto 15:58 8 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonata No.29 (1980) - IV - Largo - Allegro risoluto 11:14
Paul Badura-Skoda View in Albunack Beethoven - Tripelkonzert & Klavierkonzert Nr.4 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Badura-Skoda Triple Concerto in C major, Op. 56 - I. Allegro 17:22 2 Paul Badura-Skoda Triple Concerto in C major, Op. 56 - II. Largo 04:23 3 Paul Badura-Skoda Triple Concerto in C major, Op. 56 - III. Rondo alla Pollaca 13:06 4 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Concerto No. 4 in G major, Op. 58 - I. Allegro moderato 17:55 5 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Concerto No. 4 in G major, Op. 58 - II. Andante con moto 04:42 6 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Concerto No. 4 in G major, Op. 58 - III. Rondo (Vivace) 09:50
Paul Badura-Skoda View in Albunack Beethoven 3 Favorite Piano Sonatas 7 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No.14 in C sharp minor, Op.27 No.2 -"Moonlight" - 1. Adagio sostenuto 2. Allegretto 08:33 2 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No.14 in C sharp minor, Op.27 No.2 -"Moonlight" - 3. Presto 07:00 Has Mbid 3 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No.8 in C minor, Op.13 -"Pathétique" - 1. Grave - Allegro di molto e con brio 08:36 4 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No.8 in C minor, Op.13 -"Pathétique" - 2. Adagio cantabile 05:13 5 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No.8 in C minor, Op.13 -"Pathétique" - 3. Rondo (Allegro) 04:39 6 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No.23 in F minor, Op.57 -"Appassionata" - 1. Allegro assai 09:05 7 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No.23 in F minor, Op.57 -"Appassionata" - 2. Andante con moto 3. Allegro ma non troppo 14:07
Paul Badura-Skoda View in Albunack Beethoven : The Piano Sonatas 1 12 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No.1 in F minor, op.2 no.1 - I. Allegro 03:45 2 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No.1 in F minor, op.2 no.1 - II. Adagio 04:51 3 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No.1 in F minor, op.2 no.1 - III. Menuetto: Allegretto 03:15 4 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No.1 in F minor, op.2 no.1 - IV. Prestissimo 04:24 5 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No.2 in A major, op.2 no.2 - I. Allegro vivace 07:04 6 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No.2 in A major, op.2 no.2 - II. Largo appassionato 06:45 7 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No.2 in A major, op.2 no.2 - III. Scherzo: Allegretto 03:07 8 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No.2 in A major, op.2 no.2 - IV. Rondo: Grazioso 06:40 9 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No.3 in C major, op.2 no.3 - I. Allegro con brio 09:32 10 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No.3 in C major, op.2 no.3 - II. Adagio 06:47 Has Mbid 11 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No.3 in C major, op.2 no.3 - III. Scherzo: Allegro 03:20 12 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No.3 in C major, op.2 no.3 - IV. Allegro assai 05:05
Paul Badura-Skoda View in Albunack Beethoven : The Piano Sonatas 2 10 2 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No.5 in C minor, op.10 no.1 - I. Allegro molto e con brio 05:27 2 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No.5 in C minor, op.10 no.1 - II. Adagio molto 07:21 3 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No.5 in C minor, op.10 no.1 - III. Finale: Prestissimmo 04:05 4 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No.6 in F major, op.10 no.2 - I. Allegro 05:49 5 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No.6 in F major, op.10 no.2 - II. Allegretto 03:48 6 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No.6 in F major, op.10 no.2 - III. Presto 03:49 7 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No.7 in D major, op.10 no.3 - I. Presto 07:04 8 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No.7 in D major, op.10 no.3 - II. Largo 08:24 Has Mbid 9 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No.7 in D major, op.10 no.3 - III. Menuetto: Allegro 02:43 Has Mbid 10 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No.7 in D major, op.10 no.3 - IV. Rondo: Allegro 03:48
Paul Badura-Skoda View in Albunack Beethoven : The Piano Sonatas 4 15 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No.11 in B flat major, op.22 - I. Allegro con brio 07:02 2 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No.11 in B flat major, op.22 - II. Adagio con molto espressione 08:04 3 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No.11 in B flat major, op.22 - III. Minuetto 03:19 4 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No.11 in B flat major, op.22 - IV. Rondo: Allegretto 06:23 5 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No.12 in A flat major, op.26 - I. Andante con variazioni 07:22 6 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No.12 in A flat major, op.26 - II. Scherzo: Allegro molto 02:49 7 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No.12 in A flat major, op.26 - III. Marche funebre sulla morte d'un eroe 05:37 8 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No.12 in A flat major, op.26 - IV. Allegro 02:56 9 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No.13 in E flat major, op.27 no.1 - I. Andante - Allegro - Tempo I 04:50 10 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No.13 in E flat major, op.27 no.1 - II. Allegro molto e vivace 02:08 11 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No.13 in E flat major, op.27 no.1 - III. Adagio con espressione 02:41 12 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No.13 in E flat major, op.27 no.1 - IV. Allegro vivace - Tempo I - Presto 05:43 13 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No.14 in C sharp minor, op.27 no.2 "Moonligh" - I. Adagio sostenuto 06:03 14 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No.14 in C sharp minor, op.27 no.2 "Moonligh" - II. Allegretto 02:22 15 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No.14 in C sharp minor, op.27 no.2 "Moonligh" - III. Presto agitato 06:45
Paul Badura-Skoda View in Albunack Beethoven : The Piano Sonatas 5 10 3 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No.16 in G major, op.31 no.1 - I. Allegro vivace 06:18 2 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No.16 in G major, op.31 no.1 - II. Adagio grazioso 09:27 Has Mbid 3 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No.16 in G major, op.31 no.1 - III. Rondo: Allegretto 06:16 4 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No.17 in D minor, op.31 no.2 "Tempest" - I. Largo - Allegro 08:09 5 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No.17 in D minor, op.31 no.2 "Tempest" - II. Adagio 07:28 6 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No.17 in D minor, op.31 no.2 "Tempest" - III. Allegretto 06:24 7 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No.18 in E flat major, op.31 no.3 - I. Allegro 07:43 Has Mbid 8 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No.18 in E flat major, op.31 no.3 - II. Scherzo: Allegretto vivace 05:05 9 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No.18 in E flat major, op.31 no.3 - III. Menuetto: Moderato e grazioso 04:04 Has Mbid 10 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No.18 in E flat major, op.31 no.3 - IV. Presto con fuoco 04:28
Paul Badura-Skoda View in Albunack Beethoven : The Piano Sonatas 6 13 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No.15 in D major, op.28 "Pastoral" - I. Allegro 09:49 2 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No.15 in D major, op.28 "Pastoral" - II. Andante 06:42 3 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No.15 in D major, op.28 "Pastoral" - III. Scherzo: Allegro vivace 02:22 4 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No.15 in D major, op.28 "Pastoral" - IV. Rondo: Allegro ma non troppo 04:45 5 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No.19 in G minor, op.49 no.1 - I. Andante 04:34 6 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No.19 in G minor, op.49 no.1 - II. Rondo: Allegro 03:16 7 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No.20 in G major, op.49 no.2 - I. Allegro ma non troppo 04:15 8 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No.20 in G major, op.49 no.2 - II. Tempo di Menuetto 03:12 9 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No.21 in C major, op.53 "Waldstein" - I. Allegro con brio 10:28 10 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No.21 in C major, op.53 "Waldstein" - II. Introduzione: Adagio molto 03:49 11 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No.21 in C major, op.53 "Waldstein" - III Rondo: Allegretto moderato - Prestissimo 09:42 12 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No.22 in F major, op.54 - I. In tempo d'un Menuetto 05:33 13 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No.22 in F major, op.54 - II. Allegretto 05:18
Paul Badura-Skoda View in Albunack Beethoven : The Piano Sonatas 7 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No.23 in F minor, op.57 "Appassionata" - I. Allegro assai 09:05 2 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No.23 in F minor, op.57 "Appassionata" - II. Andante con moto 06:06 3 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No.23 in F minor, op.57 "Appassionata" - III. Allegro ma non troppo 08:10 4 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No.24 in F sharp major, op.78 "A Therese" - I. Adagio cantabile - Allegro ma non troppo 07:01 5 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No.24 in F sharp major, op.78 "A Therese" - II. Allegro vivace 03:08 6 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No.25 in G major, op.79 - I. Presto alla tedesca 04:14 7 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No.25 in G major, op.79 - II. Andante 02:23 8 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No.25 in G major, op.79 - III. Vivace 02:02 9 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No.26 in E flat major, op.81a "Lex Adieux" - I. Das Lebewohl: Adagio - Allegro 06:32 10 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No.26 in E flat major, op.81a "Lex Adieux" - II. Abwesenheit: Andante espressivo 03:14 11 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No.26 in E flat major, op.81a "Lex Adieux" - III. Das Wiedersehen: Vivacissimamente 05:09
Paul Badura-Skoda View in Albunack Beethoven : The Piano Sonatas 9 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No.30 in E major, op.109 - I. Vivace ma non troppo 03:19 2 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No.30 in E major, op.109 - II. Prestissimo 02:16 3 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No.30 in E major, op.109 - III. Andante molto cantabile ed espressivo 12:11 4 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No.31 in A flat major, op.110 - I. Moderato cantabile molto espressivo 06:10 5 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No.31 in A flat major, op.110 - II. Allegro molto 02:09 6 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No.31 in A flat major, op.110 - III. Adagio ma non troppo - Arioso dolente - 03:01 7 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No.31 in A flat major, op.110 - Fuga: Allegro ma non troppo - L'istesso tempo di Arioso - L'inversione della fuga 06:07 8 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No.32 in C minor, op.111 - I. Maestoso - Allegro con brio ed appassionato 08:22 9 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No.32 in C minor, op.111 - II. Arietta: Adagio molto semplice e cantabile 16:22
Paul Badura-Skoda View in Albunack Beethoven-Tripelkonzert & Klavierkonzert nr.4 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Badura-Skoda Triple Concerto in C major, op. 56 I. Allegro 17:22 3 Paul Badura-Skoda Triple Concerto in C major, op. 56 III. Rondo alla Pollaca 13:09 4 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Concerto No. 4 in G major, op. 58 I. Allegro moderato 17:54 5 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Concerto No. 4 in G major, op. 58 II. Andante con moto 04:42 6 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Concerto No. 4 in G major, op. 58 III. Rondo (Vivace) 09:51
Paul Badura-Skoda View in Albunack Beethoven: Piano Sonatas No. 8, 14 & 23 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Badura-Skoda Beethoven: Piano Sonata No. 8 C Minor "Pathetique" Op. 13 - I. Grave - Allegro Di Molto E Con Brio 08:40 2 Paul Badura-Skoda Beethoven: Piano Sonata No. 8 C Minor "Pathetique" Op. 13 - II. Adagio Cantabile 05:38 3 Paul Badura-Skoda Beethoven: Piano Sonata No. 8 C Minor "Pathetique" Op. 13 - III. Rondo. Allegro 04:41 4 Paul Badura-Skoda Beethoven: Piano Sonata No. 14 C Sharp Minor "Moonlight" Op. 27/2 - I. Adagio Sostenuto 05:53 5 Paul Badura-Skoda Beethoven: Piano Sonata No. 14 C Sharp Minor "Moonlight" Op. 27/2 - II. Allegretto 02:32 6 Paul Badura-Skoda Beethoven: Piano Sonata No. 14 C Sharp Minor "Moonlight" Op. 27/2 - III. Presto Agitato 06:40 7 Paul Badura-Skoda Beethoven: Piano Sonata No. 23 F Minor "Appassionata" Op. 57 - I. Allegro Assai 08:52 8 Paul Badura-Skoda Beethoven: Piano Sonata No. 23 F Minor "Appassionata" Op. 57 - II. Andante Con Moto 06:07 9 Paul Badura-Skoda Beethoven: Piano Sonata No. 23 F Minor "Appassionata" Op. 57 - III. Allegro Ma Non Troppo - Presto 08:15
Paul Badura-Skoda View in Albunack Beethoven: Piano Sonatas Vol. 1 12 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonata No. 1 in F minor, Op. 2, No. 1 (i): Allegro 03:45 2 Paul Badura-Skoda Op. 2, No. 1 (ii): Adagio 04:51 3 Paul Badura-Skoda Op. 2, No. 1 (iii): Menuetto: Allegro 03:15 4 Paul Badura-Skoda Op. 2, No. 1 (iv): Prestissimo 04:24 5 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonata No. 2 in A Major, Op. 2, No. 2 (i): Allegro vivace 07:04 6 Paul Badura-Skoda Op. 2, No. 2 (ii): Largo appassionato 06:45 7 Paul Badura-Skoda Op. 2, No. 2 (iii): Scherzo: Allegretto 03:07 8 Paul Badura-Skoda Op. 2, No. 2 (iv): Grazioso 06:40 9 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonata No. 3 in C Major, Op. 2, No. 3 (i): Allegro con brio 09:32 10 Paul Badura-Skoda Op. 2, No. 3 (ii): Adagio 06:47 Has Mbid 11 Paul Badura-Skoda Op. 2, No. 3 (iii): Scherzo: Allegro 03:20 12 Paul Badura-Skoda Op. 2, No. 3 (iv): Allegro assai 05:05
Paul Badura-Skoda View in Albunack Beethoven: Piano Sonatas Vol. 2 10 2 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonata No. 5 in C minor, Op. 10, No. 1 (i): Allegro molto e con brio 05:27 2 Paul Badura-Skoda Op. 10, No. 1 (ii): Adagio molto 07:21 3 Paul Badura-Skoda Op. 10, No. 1 (iii) Finale: Prestissimmo 04:05 4 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonata No. 6 in F major, Op. 10, No. 2 (i): Allegro 05:49 5 Paul Badura-Skoda Op. 10, No. 2 (ii): Allegretto 03:48 6 Paul Badura-Skoda Op. 10, No. 2 (iii): Presto 03:49 7 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonata No. 7 in D major, Op. 10, No. 3 (i): Presto 07:04 8 Paul Badura-Skoda Op. 10, No. 3 (ii): Largo 08:24 Has Mbid 9 Paul Badura-Skoda Op. 10, No. 3 (iii): Menuetto: Allegro 02:43 Has Mbid 10 Paul Badura-Skoda Op. 10, No. 3 (iv): Rondo: Allegro 03:48
Paul Badura-Skoda View in Albunack Beethoven: Piano Sonatas Vol. 3 13 2 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonata No. 4 in E-flat major, Op. 7 (i): Allegro molto e con brio 07:49 2 Paul Badura-Skoda Op. 7 (ii): Largo, con gran espressione 07:30 3 Paul Badura-Skoda Op. 7 (iii): Allegro 04:56 4 Paul Badura-Skoda Op. 7 (iv): Rondo: Poco allegretto e grazioso 06:58 Has Mbid 5 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonata No. 8 in C minor, Op. 13, "Path←tique" (i): Grave - Allegro di molto e con brio 08:37 6 Paul Badura-Skoda Op. 13 (ii): Adagio cantabile 05:11 Has Mbid 7 Paul Badura-Skoda Op. 13 (iii): Rondo: Allegro 04:38 8 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonata No. 9 in E major, Op. 14, No. 1 (i): Allegro 06:24 9 Paul Badura-Skoda Op. 14, No. 1 (ii): Allegretto 03:27 10 Paul Badura-Skoda Op. 14, No. 1 (iii): Rondo: Allegro comodo 03:18 11 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonata No. 10 in G major, Op. 14, No. 2 (i): Allegro 07:39 12 Paul Badura-Skoda Op. 14, No. 2 (ii): Andante 04:41 13 Paul Badura-Skoda Op. 14, No. 2 (iii): Scherzo: Allegro assai 03:11
Paul Badura-Skoda View in Albunack Beethoven: Piano Sonatas Vol. 4 15 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonata No. 11 in B-flat major, Op. 22 (i): Allegro con brio 07:02 2 Paul Badura-Skoda Op. 22 (ii): Adagio con molto espressione 08:04 3 Paul Badura-Skoda Op. 22 (iii): Minuetto 03:19 4 Paul Badura-Skoda Op. 22 (iv): Rondo: Allegretto 06:23 5 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonata No. 12 in A-flat major, Op. 26 (i): Andante con variazioni 07:22 6 Paul Badura-Skoda Op. 26 (ii): Scherzo: Allegro molto 02:49 7 Paul Badura-Skoda Op. 26 (iii): Marcia funebre sulla morte d'un eroe 05:37 8 Paul Badura-Skoda Op. 26 (iv): Allegro 02:56 9 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonata No. 13 in E-flat major, Op. 27, No. 1 (i): Andante. Allegro 04:50 10 Paul Badura-Skoda Op. 27, No. 1 (ii): Allegro molto e vivace 02:08 11 Paul Badura-Skoda Op. 27, No. 1 (iii): Adagio con espressione 02:41 12 Paul Badura-Skoda Op. 27, No. 1 (iv): Allegro vivace. Tempo I. Presto 05:43 13 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonata No. 14 in C-sharp minor, Op. 27, No. 2, "Moonlight" (i): Adagio sostenuto 06:03 14 Paul Badura-Skoda Op. 27, No. 2 (ii): Allegretto 02:22 15 Paul Badura-Skoda Op. 27, No. 2 (iii): Presto 06:44
Paul Badura-Skoda View in Albunack Beethoven: Piano Sonatas Vol. 5 10 3 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonata No. 16 in G major, Op. 31, No.1 (i): Allegro vivace 06:18 2 Paul Badura-Skoda Op. 31, No. 1 (ii): Adagio grazioso 09:27 Has Mbid 3 Paul Badura-Skoda Op. 31, No. 1 (iii): Rondo: Allegretto 06:16 4 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonata No. 17 in D minor, Op. 31, No. 2, "Tempest" (i): Largo. Allegro 08:09 5 Paul Badura-Skoda Op. 31, No. 2 (ii): Adagio 07:28 6 Paul Badura-Skoda Op. 31, No. 2 (iii): Allegretto 06:24 7 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonata No. 18 in E-flat major, Op. 31, No. 3 (i): Allegro 07:43 Has Mbid 8 Paul Badura-Skoda Op. 31, No. 3 (ii): Scherzo: Allegretto vivace 05:05 9 Paul Badura-Skoda Op. 31, No. 3 (iii): Menuetto: Moderato e grazioso 04:04 Has Mbid 10 Paul Badura-Skoda Op. 31, No. 3 (iv): Presto con fuoco 04:28
Paul Badura-Skoda View in Albunack Beethoven: Piano Sonatas Vol. 6 13 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonata No. 15 in D major, Op. 28, "Pastoral" (i): Allegro 09:49 2 Paul Badura-Skoda Op. 28 (ii): Andante 06:42 3 Paul Badura-Skoda Op. 28 (iii): Scherzo: Allegro vivace 02:22 4 Paul Badura-Skoda Op. 28 (iv): Rondo: Allegro ma non troppo 04:45 5 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonata No. 19 in G minor, Op. 49, No. 1 (i): Andante 04:34 6 Paul Badura-Skoda Op. 49, No. 1 (ii): Rondo: Allegro 03:16 7 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonata No. 20 in G major, Op. 49, No. 2 (i): Allegro ma non troppo 04:15 8 Paul Badura-Skoda Op. 49, No. 2 (ii): Tempo di menuetto 03:12 9 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonata No. 21 in C major, Op. 53, "Waldstein" (i): Allegro con brio 10:28 10 Paul Badura-Skoda Op. 53 (ii): Introduzione: Adagio molto 03:49 11 Paul Badura-Skoda Op. 53 (iii): Rondo: Allegretto moderato. Prestissimo 09:42 12 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonata No. 22 in F major, Op. 54 (i): In tempo d'un Menuetto 05:33 13 Paul Badura-Skoda Op. 54 (ii): Allegretto 05:18
Paul Badura-Skoda View in Albunack Beethoven: Piano Sonatas Vol. 7 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonata No. 23 in F minor, Op. 57, "Appassionata" (i): Allegro assai 09:05 2 Paul Badura-Skoda Op. 57 (ii): Andante con moto 06:06 3 Paul Badura-Skoda Op. 57 (iii): Allegro ma non troppo 08:10 4 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonata No. 24 in F-sharp major, Op. 78 (i): Adagio cantabile. Allegro ma non troppo 07:01 5 Paul Badura-Skoda Op. 78 (ii): Allegro vivace 03:08 6 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonata No. 25 in G major, Op. 79 (i): Presto alla tedesca 04:14 7 Paul Badura-Skoda Op. 79 (ii): Andante 02:23 8 Paul Badura-Skoda Op. 79 (iii): Vivace 02:02 9 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonata No. 26 in E-flat major, Op. 81a, "Les adieux" (i): Das Lebewohl. Adagio. Allegro 06:32 10 Paul Badura-Skoda Op. 81a (ii): Abwesenheit. Andante espressivo 03:14 11 Paul Badura-Skoda Op. 81a (iii): Das Wiedersehen. Vivacissimamente 05:09
Paul Badura-Skoda View in Albunack Beethoven: Piano Sonatas Vol. 8 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonata No. 27 in E minor, Op. 90 (i): Mit Lebhaftigkeit 04:55 2 Paul Badura-Skoda Op. 90 (ii): Nicht zu geschwind 07:05 3 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonata No. 28 in A major, Op. 101 (i): Allegro ma non troppo 03:49 4 Paul Badura-Skoda Op. 101 (ii): Vivace alla marcia 05:40 5 Paul Badura-Skoda Op. 101 (iii): Adagio ma non troppo 02:49 6 Paul Badura-Skoda Op. 101 (iv): Allegro 07:07 7 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonata No. 29 in B-flat major, Op. 106, "Hammerklavier" (i): Allegro 10:17 8 Paul Badura-Skoda Op. 106 (ii): Scherzo: Assai vivace 02:26 9 Paul Badura-Skoda Op. 106 (iii): Adagio sostenuto 16:55 10 Paul Badura-Skoda Op. 106 (iv): Largo. Allegro risoluto. Fuga a tre voci 11:10
Paul Badura-Skoda View in Albunack Beethoven: Piano Sonatas Vol. 9 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonata No. 30 in E major, Op. 109 (i): Vivace ma non troppo 03:19 2 Paul Badura-Skoda Op. 109 (ii): Prestissimo 02:16 3 Paul Badura-Skoda Op. 109 (iii): Andante molto cantabile ed espressivo 12:11 4 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonata No. 31 in A-flat major, Op. 110 (i): Moderato cantabile molto espressivo 06:10 5 Paul Badura-Skoda Op. 110 (ii): Allegro molto 02:09 6 Paul Badura-Skoda Op. 110 (iii): Adagio ma non troppo 03:01 7 Paul Badura-Skoda Op. 110 (iv): Fuga: Allegro ma non troppo 06:07 8 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonata No. 32 in C minor, Op. 111 (i): Maestoso. Allegro con brio ed appassionato 08:22 9 Paul Badura-Skoda Op. 111 (ii): Arietta: Adagio molto semplice e cantabile 16:22
Paul Badura-Skoda View in Albunack Beethoven: Piano Trio #5 "Ghost", Schubert: Piano Quintet "The Trout" 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Jean Fournier, Antonio Janigro Beethoven: Piano Trio #5 "Ghost" - Allegro vivace e con brio 07:35 2 Jean Fournier, Antonio Janigro Beethoven: Piano Trio #5 "Ghost" - Largo assai ed espressivo 10:07 3 Jean Fournier, Antonio Janigro Beethoven: Piano Trio #5 "Ghost" - Presto 06:31 4 Barylli Quartet. Otto Ruhm Schubert: Piano Quintet "The Trout" - Allegro vivace 09:38 5 Barylli Quartet. Otto Ruhm Schubert: Piano Quintet "The Trout" - Andante 06:58 6 Barylli Quartet. Otto Ruhm Schubert: Piano Quintet "The Trout" - Scherzo. Presto 04:20 7 Barylli Quartet. Otto Ruhm Schubert: Piano Quintet "The Trout" - Thema. Andantino - Var. I-V - Allegretto 08:09 8 Barylli Quartet. Otto Ruhm Schubert: Piano Quintet "The Trout" - Finale. Allegro giusto 06:56
Paul Badura-Skoda View in Albunack Brahms, Klavierstücke 13 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Badura-Skoda Intermezzo op.117 en mi bémol majeur 04:55 2 Paul Badura-Skoda Intermezzo op.117 en si bémol mineur 04:33 3 Paul Badura-Skoda Intermezzo op.117 en ut dièse mineur 05:34 4 Paul Badura-Skoda Klavierstücke op.118 - Intermezzo en la mineur 02:15 5 Paul Badura-Skoda Klavierstücke op.118 - Intermezzo en la majeur 05:20 6 Paul Badura-Skoda Klavierstücke op.118 - Ballade en sol mineur 03:36 7 Paul Badura-Skoda Klavierstücke op.118 - Intermezzo en fa mineur 02:38 8 Paul Badura-Skoda Klavierstücke op.118 - Romance en fa majeur 03:39 9 Paul Badura-Skoda Klavierstücke op.118 - Intermezzo en mi bémol majeur 05:19 10 Paul Badura-Skoda Klavierstücke op.119 - Intermezzo en si mineur 03:35 11 Paul Badura-Skoda Klavierstücke op.119 - Intermezzo en mi mineur 04:22 12 Paul Badura-Skoda Klavierstücke op.119 - Intermezzo en ut majeur 01:40 13 Paul Badura-Skoda Klavierstücke op.119 - Rhapsodie en mi bémol majeur 05:09
Paul Badura-Skoda View in Albunack Brahms: Piano Sonata #3, Piano Trio #1 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Badura-Skoda Brahms: Piano Sonata #3 In F Minor, Op.5 - 1. Allegro Maestoso 08:53 2 Paul Badura-Skoda Brahms: Piano Sonata #3 In F Minor, Op.5 - 2. Andante. Andante Espressivo 10:38 3 Paul Badura-Skoda Brahms: Piano Sonata #3 In F Minor, Op.5 - 3. Scherzo. Allegro Energico - Trio 04:43 4 Paul Badura-Skoda Brahms: Piano Sonata #3 In F Minor, Op.5 - 4. Intermezzo (Ruckblick). Andante Molto 03:11 5 Paul Badura-Skoda Brahms: Piano Sonata #3 In F Minor, Op.5 - 5. Finale. Allegro Moderato Ma Rubato 07:18 6 Paul Badura-Skoda Jean Fournier, Antonio Janigro - Brahms: Piano Trio #1 In B Major, Op.8 - 1. Allegro Con Brio 10:31 7 Paul Badura-Skoda Jean Fournier, Antonio Janigro - Brahms: Piano Trio #1 In B Major, Op.8 - 2. Scherzo. Allegro Molto 06:24 8 Paul Badura-Skoda Jean Fournier, Antonio Janigro - Brahms: Piano Trio #1 In B Major, Op.8 - 3. Adagio 09:29 9 Paul Badura-Skoda Jean Fournier, Antonio Janigro - Brahms: Piano Trio #1 In B Major, Op.8 - 4. Finale. Allegro 06:58
Paul Badura-Skoda View in Albunack Chopin: Barcarolle, Fantasie, Scherzo No.1-4, Berceuse 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Badura-Skoda Barcarolle in F Sharp, Op.60 08:11 2 Paul Badura-Skoda Fantasie Op.49 11:41 3 Paul Badura-Skoda Scherzo No.1 In B Minor, Op.20 08:39 4 Paul Badura-Skoda Scherzo No.2 In B Flat Minor, Op.31 09:21 5 Paul Badura-Skoda Scherzo No.3 In C Sharp Minor, Op.39 06:49 6 Paul Badura-Skoda Scherzo No.4 in E, Op.54 10:37
Paul Badura-Skoda View in Albunack Chopin: Etudes, Op. 10 & 25, Mazurkas #36-39 27 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Badura-Skoda Etude #1 in C, Op. 10/1 01:54 2 Paul Badura-Skoda Etude #2 in A Minor, Op. 10/2 01:25 3 Paul Badura-Skoda Etude #3 in E, Op. 10/3 03:43 4 Paul Badura-Skoda Etude #4 in C Sharp Minor, Op. 10/4 02:01 5 Paul Badura-Skoda Etude #5 in G Flat, Op. 10/5, "Black Keys" 01:36 6 Paul Badura-Skoda Etude #6 in E Flat Minor, Op. 10/6 03:10 7 Paul Badura-Skoda Etude #7 in C, Op. 10/7 01:29 8 Paul Badura-Skoda Etude #8 in F, Op. 10/8 02:18 9 Paul Badura-Skoda Etude #9 in F Minor, Op. 10/9 02:08 10 Paul Badura-Skoda Etude #10 in A Flat, Op. 10/10 02:21 11 Paul Badura-Skoda Etude #11 in E Flat, Op. 10/11 02:11 12 Paul Badura-Skoda Etude #12 in C Minor, Op. 10/12, "Revolutionary" 02:36 13 Paul Badura-Skoda Etude #13 in A Flat, Op. 25/1, "Harp Study" 02:22 14 Paul Badura-Skoda Etude #14 in F Minor, Op. 25/2 01:21 15 Paul Badura-Skoda Etude #15 in F, Op. 25/3 01:52 16 Paul Badura-Skoda Etude #16 in A Minor, Op. 25/4 01:54 17 Paul Badura-Skoda Etude #17 in E Minor, Op. 25/5 02:46 18 Paul Badura-Skoda Etude #18 in G Sharp Minor, Op. 25/6 01:57 19 Paul Badura-Skoda Etude #19 in C Sharp Minor, Op. 25/7 05:03 20 Paul Badura-Skoda Etude #20 in D Flat, Op. 25/8 01:08 21 Paul Badura-Skoda Etude #21 in G Flat, Op. 25/9, "Butterfly's Wings" 01:01 22 Paul Badura-Skoda Etude #22 in B Minor, Op. 25/10 03:43 23 Paul Badura-Skoda Etude #23 in A Minor, Op. 25/11, "Winter Wind" 03:23 24 Paul Badura-Skoda Etude #24 in C Minor, Op. 25/12 02:25 25 Paul Badura-Skoda Mazurka #36 in A Minor, Op. 59/1 03:11 26 Paul Badura-Skoda Mazurka #37 in A Flat, Op. 59/2 02:17 27 Paul Badura-Skoda Mazurka #38 in F Sharp Minor, Op. 59/3 03:09
Paul Badura-Skoda View in Albunack D894 Sonate no 18 en sol majeur 7 3 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate n° 18 en sol majeur D 894: I. Molto moderato e cantabile 17:01 2 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate n° 18 en sol majeur D 894: II. Andante 07:49 3 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate n° 18 en sol majeur D 894: III. Menuetto: allegro moderato – Trio (molto ligato) 04:32 4 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate n° 18 en sol majeur D 894: IV. Allegretto 08:50 5 Paul Badura-Skoda Trois Klavierstücke D 946, op. posth.: n° 1 en mi bémol mineur (allegro assai - andante - andantino) 15:22 Has Mbid 6 Paul Badura-Skoda Trois Klavierstücke D 946, op. posth.: n° 2 en mi bémol majeur (allegretto) 15:38 Has Mbid 7 Paul Badura-Skoda Trois Klavierstücke D 946, op. posth.: n° 3 en do majeur (allegro) 05:13
Paul Badura-Skoda View in Albunack Haydn - Six Lost Piano Sonatas 16 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonata in D minor, Hob. XVI, No. 2a - I. Moderato 04:43 2 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonata in D minor, Hob. XVI, No. 2a - II. Larghetto 02:58 3 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonata in D minor, Hob. XVI, No. 2a - III. Allegro 01:51 4 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonata in A major, Hob. XVI, No. 2b - I. Allegretto 04:13 5 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonata in A major, Hob. XVI, No. 2b - II. Adagio e sostenuto 03:35 6 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonata in A major, Hob. XVI, No. 2b - III. Finale non troppo presto 02:57 7 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonata in C major, Hob. XVI, No. 2g - I. Larghetto 03:43 8 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonata in C major, Hob. XVI, No. 2g - II. Tempo di Minuetto 03:04 9 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonata in B-flat major, Hob. XVI, No. 2d - I. Allegro 04:42 10 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonata in B-flat major, Hob. XVI, No. 2d - II. Largo 05:46 11 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonata in B-flat major, Hob. XVI, No. 2d - III. Rondo. Allegro innocente 02:48 12 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonata in E minor, Hob. XVI, No. 2e - I. Andante allegro 05:12 13 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonata in E minor, Hob. XVI, No. 2e - II. Cantabile 03:13 14 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonata in E minor, Hob. XVI, No. 2e - III. Molto vivace 02:12 15 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonata in B major, Hob. XVI, No. 2c - I. Allegro moderato 03:52 16 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonata in B major, Hob. XVI, No. 2c - II. Larghetto. Sostenuto e triste 04:50
Paul Badura-Skoda View in Albunack Haydn Sonatas & Pieces for Pianoforte III 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No.58 in C major Hob.XVI:48 - 1. Andante con espressione 08:59 2 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No.58 in C major Hob.XVI:48 - 2. Rondo. Presto 04:00 3 Paul Badura-Skoda Arietta in E flat major Hob.XVII:3 14:23 4 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No.54 in G major Hob.XVI:40 - 1. Allegro innocente 08:18 5 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No.54 in G major Hob.XVI:40 - 2. Presto 03:03 6 Paul Badura-Skoda Fantasia in C major Hob.XVII:4 05:59 7 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No.59 in E flat major Hob.XVI:49 - 1. Allegro 07:34 8 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No.59 in E flat major Hob.XVI:49 - 2. Adagio e cantabile 08:02 9 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No.59 in E flat major Hob.XVI:49 - 3. Finale. Tempo di Menuet 04:26
Paul Badura-Skoda View in Albunack Haydn: Piano Sonatas 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata in A-Flat Major, Hob. XVI:46 (Divertimento): I. Allegro moderato 10:51 2 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata in A-Flat Major, Hob. XVI:46 (Divertimento): II. Adagio [Cadenza by P. Badura-Skoda] 07:45 3 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata in A-Flat Major, Hob. XVI:46 (Divertimento): III. Finale [Presto] 04:19 4 Paul Badura-Skoda Andante Con Variazioni In F Minor, Hob. XVII:6 "Un Piccolo Divertimento" 15:13 5 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata in C Minor, Hob. XVI:20: I. Moderato 07:52 6 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata in C Minor, Hob. XVI:20: II. Andante con moto 06:52 7 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata in C Minor, Hob. XVI:20: III. Finale (Allegro) 04:10 8 Paul Badura-Skoda Variations sur l'hymne impérial "Gott erhalte" (Arr. from Hob. III:77) 06:42 9 Paul Badura-Skoda Adagio In F Major, Hob. XVII:9 03:47
Paul Badura-Skoda View in Albunack Impromptus 8 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Badura-Skoda Impromptus, D899, Opus 90: I. Allegro Molto Moderato 09:35 2 Paul Badura-Skoda Impromptus, D899, Opus 90: II. Allegro 04:24 Has Mbid 3 Schubert Impromptu in G-flat Op.90 No.3 05:16 4 Paul Badura-Skoda Impromptus, D899, Opus 90: IV. Allegretto 06:57 5 Paul Badura-Skoda Impromptus, D935, Opus posthume 142: I. Allegro Moderato 10:32 6 Paul Badura-Skoda Impromptus, D935, Opus posthume 142: Allegretto 05:26 7 Paul Badura-Skoda Impromptus, D935, Opus posthume 142: Andante 10:02 8 Paul Badura-Skoda Impromptus, D935, Opus posthume 142: Allegro Scherzando 06:30
Paul Badura-Skoda View in Albunack Intimate Readings of Schubert 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Badura-Skoda Moments musicaux (6) for piano, D. 780 (Op. 94): No. 1 in C major 05:41 2 Paul Badura-Skoda Moments musicaux (6) for piano, D. 780 (Op. 94): No. 2 in A flat major 05:28 3 Paul Badura-Skoda Moments musicaux (6) for piano, D. 780 (Op. 94): No. 3 in F minor 01:51 4 Paul Badura-Skoda Moments musicaux (6) for piano, D. 780 (Op. 94): No. 4 in C sharp minor 04:28 5 Paul Badura-Skoda Moments musicaux (6) for piano, D. 780 (Op. 94): No. 5 in F minor 02:17 6 Paul Badura-Skoda Moments musicaux (6) for piano, D. 780 (Op. 94): No. 6 in A flat major 07:28 7 Paul Badura-Skoda Allegretto for piano in C minor, D. 915 04:45 8 Paul Badura-Skoda Impromptus (4) for piano, D. 899 (Op. 90): No. 1 in C minor 09:48 9 Paul Badura-Skoda Impromptus (4) for piano, D. 899 (Op. 90): No. 2 in E flat major 04:25 10 Paul Badura-Skoda Impromptus (4) for piano, D. 899 (Op. 90): No. 3 in G flat major 05:46 11 Paul Badura-Skoda Impromptus (4) for piano, D. 899 (Op. 90): No. 4 in A flat major 07:33
Paul Badura-Skoda View in Albunack Les Sonates pour le Forte-Piano 4 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonata in A Minor K 310 (300d) - I. Allegro maestoso 08:23 2 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonata in A Minor K 310 (300d) - II. Andante cantabile con espressione 08:51 3 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonata in A Minor K 310 (300d) - III. Presto 03:09 4 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonata in C Major K 330 (300h) - I. Allegro moderato 09:11 5 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonata in C Major K 330 (300h) - II. Andante cantabile 06:20 6 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonata in C Major K 330 (300h) - III. Allegretto 05:32 7 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonata in A Major K 331 (300i) - I. Tema: Andante grazioso - Variazioni I-VI. 12:52 8 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonata in A Major K 331 (300i) - II. Menuetto 05:54 9 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonata in A Major K 331 (300i) - III. Alla Turca. Allegretto 03:58
Paul Badura-Skoda View in Albunack Lost Piano Sonatas 16 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonata in D minor, Hob. XVI, No. 2a - I. Moderato 04:43 2 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonata in D minor, Hob. XVI, No. 2a - II. Larghetto 02:58 3 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonata in D minor, Hob. XVI, No. 2a - III. Allegro 01:51 4 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonata in A major, Hob. XVI, No. 2b - I. Allegretto 04:13 5 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonata in A major, Hob. XVI, No. 2b - II. Adagio e sostenuto 03:35 6 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonata in A major, Hob. XVI, No. 2b - III. Finale non troppo presto 02:57 7 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonata in C major, Hob. XVI, No. 2g - I. Larghetto 03:43 8 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonata in C major, Hob. XVI, No. 2g - II. Tempo di Minuetto 03:04 9 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonata in B major, Hob. XVI, No. 2d - I. Allegro 04:42 10 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonata in B major, Hob. XVI, No. 2d - II. Largo 05:46 11 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonata in B major, Hob. XVI, No. 2d - III. Rondo. Allegro innocente 02:48 12 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonata in E minor, Hob. XVI, No. 2e - I. Andante allegro 05:12 13 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonata in E minor, Hob. XVI, No. 2e - II. Cantabile 03:13 14 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonata in E minor, Hob. XVI, No. 2e - III. Molto vivace 02:12 15 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonata in H major, Hob. XVI, No. 2c - I. Allegro moderato 03:52 16 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonata in H major, Hob. XVI, No. 2c - II. Larghetto. Sostenuto e triste 04:50
Paul Badura-Skoda View in Albunack Ludwig van Beethoven - Klaviersonaten Nrr.3, 8, 26 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Badura-Skoda Op. 002/3 Klaviersonate Nr 3 C-Dur Allegro con brio 07:07 2 Paul Badura-Skoda OP 02/3 Klaviersonate Nr 3 C-Dur Adagio 07:15 3 Paul Badura-Skoda Op. 002/3 Klaviersonate Nr 3 C-Dur Scherzo - Allegro 02:42 4 Paul Badura-Skoda Op. 002/3 Klaviersonate Nr 3 C-Dur Allegro assai 05:02 5 Paul Badura-Skoda Op. 013 Klaviersonate Nr 8 C-Moll Pathetique Grave Allegro di molto 06:54 6 Paul Badura-Skoda Op. 013 Klaviersonate Nr 8 C-Moll Pathetique Adagio cantabile 05:05 7 Paul Badura-Skoda Op. 013 Klaviersonate Nr 8 C-Moll Pathetique Rondo Allegro 04:29 8 Paul Badura-Skoda Op. 081A Klaviersonate Nr 26 ES-Dur Lex Adieux Das Lebewohl Adagio Allegro 06:18 9 Paul Badura-Skoda Op. 081A Klaviersonate Nr 26 ES-Dur Lex Adieux Abwesenheit Andante espressivo 03:12 10 Paul Badura-Skoda Op. 081A Klaviersonate Nr 26 ES-Dur Lex Adieux Das Wiedersehen Vivacissimamente 05:08
Paul Badura-Skoda View in Albunack Mozart - Sonates pour le pianoforte, K 284, K 309, K 311 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate en ré majeur, K 284 (K 205b) - I. Allegro 07:18 2 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate en ré majeur, K 284 (K 205b) - II. Rondeau en Polonaise: Andante 03:24 3 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate en ré majeur, K 284 (K 205b) - III. Tema con 12 variazioni 14:53 4 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate en ut majeur, K 309 (K 284b) - I. Allegro con spirito 08:23 5 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate en ut majeur, K 309 (K 284b) - II. Andante, un poco adagio 05:13 6 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate en ut majeur, K 309 (K 284b) - III. Rondeau: Allegretto grazioso 06:14 7 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate en ré majeur, K 311 (K 284c) - I. Allegro con spirito 06:52 8 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate en ré majeur, K 311 (K 284c) - II. Andante con espressione 05:03 9 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate en ré majeur, K 311 (K 284c) - III. Rondeau: Allegro 06:12 10 Paul Badura-Skoda Allegro en si bémol majeur, K 400 (K 372a) 06:48 11 Paul Badura-Skoda Allegro en sol mineur, K 312 (K 590d) 05:05
Paul Badura-Skoda View in Albunack Mozart - Sonates pour le pianoforte, K 310, K 330, K 331 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate en la mineur, K 310 (300d) - I. Allegro maestoso 08:23 2 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate en la mineur, K 310 (300d) - II. Andante cantabile con espressione 08:51 3 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate en la mineur, K 310 (300d) - III. Presto 03:09 4 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate en ut majeur, K 330 (300h) - I. Allegro moderato 09:11 5 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate en ut majeur, K 330 (300h) - II. Andante cantabile 06:20 6 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate en ut majeur, K 330 (300h) - III. Allegretto 05:32 7 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate en la majeur, K 331 (300i) - I. Tema. Andante grazioso - Variazioni I-VI. 12:52 8 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate en la majeur, K 331 (300i) - II. Menuetto 05:54 9 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate en la majeur, K 331 (300i) - III. Alla Turca. Allegretto 03:58
Paul Badura-Skoda View in Albunack Mozart - Sonates pour le pianoforte, K 332, K 333, K 457, K 475 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate en fa majeur, K 332 (300k) - I. Allegro 06:33 2 Paul Badura-Skoda II. Adagio 03:57 3 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate en fa majeur, K 332 (K 300k) - III. Allegro assai 10:11 4 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate en bemol majeur, K 333 (315c) - I. Allegro 10:16 5 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate en bémol majeur, K 333 (K 315c) - II. Andante cantabile 10:23 6 Paul Badura-Skoda III. Allegretto grazioso 06:05 7 Paul Badura-Skoda Fantaisie en ut mineur, K 475 11:47 8 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate en ut mineur, K 457 - I. Molto allegro 07:53 9 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate en ut mineur, K 457 - II. Adagio 06:49 10 Paul Badura-Skoda III. Allegro assai 04:52
Paul Badura-Skoda View in Albunack Mozart - Sonates pour le pianoforte, K533-494, K545, K570, K576 12 2 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate en fa majeur, K 533-494 - I. Allegro 10:50 Has Mbid 2 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate en fa majeur, K 533-494 - II. Andante 10:04 3 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate en fa majeur, K 533-494 - III. Rondo. Andante 06:57 4 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate en ut majeur, K 545 - I. Allegro 04:51 5 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate en ut majeur, K 545 - II. Andante 06:22 6 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate en ut majeur, K 545 - III. Rondo. Allegretto 02:19 7 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate en si bémol majeur, K 570 - I. Allegro 08:28 8 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate en si bémol majeur, K 570 - II. Adagio 08:35 9 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate en si bémol majeur, K 570 - III. Allegretto 03:42 10 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate en ré majeur, K 576 - I. Allegro 05:00 11 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate en ré majeur, K 576 - II. Adagio 04:48 12 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate en ré majeur, K 576 - III. Allegretto 04:33
Paul Badura-Skoda View in Albunack Mozart : Sonate KV 330, Sonate KV 331 and Sonate KV545 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate No. 16 in C, KV545 - Allegro 04:41 2 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate KV545 - Andante 04:57 3 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate KV545 - Rondo (Allegretto) 02:06 4 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate No. 10 in C KV330 - Allegro Moderato 09:02 5 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate KV330 - Andante Cantabile 05:56 6 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate KV330 - Allegretto 05:44 7 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate No. 11 in A, KV331 - Andante Grazioso 12:39 8 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate KV331 - Menuetto 05:49 9 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate KV331 - Alla Turca (Allegretto) 03:39 10 Paul Badura-Skoda Bread and Butter in C major, KV Anh.C.27.09 (A.284n) 01:05
Paul Badura-Skoda View in Albunack Mozart: Piano Concertos [Badura-Skoda, 70 & 71] 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Concerto No. 21 in C major, K. 467: 1. Allegro 14:06 2 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Concerto No. 21 in C major, K. 467: 2. Andante 05:54 3 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Concerto No. 21 in C major, K. 467: 3. Allegro vivace assai 06:53 4 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Concerto No. 24 in C minor, K. 491: 1. Allegro 13:30 5 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Concerto No. 24 in C minor, K. 491: 2. Larghetto 07:13 6 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Concerto No. 24 in C minor, K. 491: 3. Allegretto 08:26
Paul Badura-Skoda View in Albunack Mozart: Piano Sonatas Vol.2 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No.6 in D Major, K. 284: I. Allegro in D Major, K. 284: I. Allegro 07:18 2 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No.6 in D Major, K. 284: II. Rondeau en polonaise in D Major, K. 284: II. Rondeau en polonaise 03:24 3 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No.6 in D Major, K. 284: III. Tema con variazione in D Major, K. 284: III. Tema con variazione 14:53 4 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No.7 in C Major, K. 309: I. Allegro con spirito in C Major, K. 309: I. Allegro con spirito 08:23 5 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No.7 in C Major, K. 309: II. Andante un poco adagio in C Major, K. 309: II. Andante un poco adagio 05:13 6 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No.7 in C Major, K. 309: III. Rondo in C Major, K. 309: III. Rondo 06:14 7 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No.9 in D Major, K. 311: I. Allegro con spirito in D Major, K. 311: I. Allegro con spirito 06:52 8 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No.9 in D Major, K. 311: II. Andante con expressione in D Major, K. 311: II. Andante con expressione 05:03 9 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No.9 in D Major, K. 311: III. Rondo in D Major, K. 311: III. Rondo 06:12 10 Paul Badura-Skoda Allegro in B-Flat Major, K. 400 in B-Flat Major, K. 400 06:48 11 Paul Badura-Skoda Allegro in G Minor, K. 312 in G Minor, K. 312 05:05
Paul Badura-Skoda View in Albunack Mozart: Piano Sonatas Vol.3 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Badura-Skoda Mozart: Piano Sonata #8 In A Minor, K 310 - 1. Allegro Maestoso 08:23 2 Paul Badura-Skoda Mozart: Piano Sonata #8 In A Minor, K 310 - 2. Andante Cantabile Con Espressione 08:51 3 Paul Badura-Skoda Mozart: Piano Sonata #8 In A Minor, K 310 - 3. Presto 03:09 4 Paul Badura-Skoda Mozart: Piano Sonata #10 In C, K 330 - 1. Allegro Moderato 09:11 5 Paul Badura-Skoda Mozart: Piano Sonata #10 In C, K 330 - 2. Andante Cantabile 06:20 6 Paul Badura-Skoda Mozart: Piano Sonata #10 In C, K 330 - 3. Allegretto 05:32 7 Paul Badura-Skoda Mozart: Piano Sonata #11 In A, K 331, "Turkish March" - 1. Andante Grazioso 12:52 8 Paul Badura-Skoda Mozart: Piano Sonata #11 In A, K 331, "Turkish March" - 2. Menuet 05:54 9 Paul Badura-Skoda Mozart: Piano Sonata #11 In A, K 331, "Turkish March" - 3. Rondo Alla Turca 03:58
Paul Badura-Skoda View in Albunack Mozart: Piano Sonatas Vol.4 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonata in F Major, K. 332: I. Allegro 06:33 2 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonata in F Major, K. 332: II. Adagio 03:57 3 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonata in F Major, K. 332: III. Allegro assai 10:12 4 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonata in B-Flat Major, K. 333 "Linz": I. Allegro 10:16 5 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonata in B-Flat Major, K. 333 "Linz": II. Andante cantabile 10:23 6 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonata in B-Flat Major, K. 333 "Linz": III. Allegretto grazioso 06:06 7 Paul Badura-Skoda Fantasia in C Minor, K. 475 11:47 8 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonata in C Minor, K. 457: I. Allegro 07:54 9 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonata in C Minor, K. 457: II. Adagio 06:49 10 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonata in C Minor, K. 457: III. Molto allegro 04:52
Paul Badura-Skoda View in Albunack Mozart: Piano Sonatas Vol.5 12 2 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata, K 533 - 1 10:50 Has Mbid 2 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata, K 533 - 2 10:04 3 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata, K 533 - 3 06:57 4 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata, K 545 - 1 04:50 5 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata, K 545 - 2 06:22 6 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata, K 545 - 3 02:19 7 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata, K 570 - 1 08:28 8 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata, K 570 - 2 08:35 9 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata, K 570 - 3 03:42 10 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata, K 576 - 1 05:00 11 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata, K 576 - 2 04:49 12 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata, K 576 - 3 04:33
Paul Badura-Skoda View in Albunack Mozart: Pianoforte Sonatas Vol.1 15 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonata in C Major, K. 279: I. Allegro 04:56 2 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonata in C Major, K. 279: II. Andante 05:18 3 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonata in C Major, K. 279: III. Allegro 03:28 4 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonata in F Major, K. 280: I. Allegro assai 06:21 5 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonata in F Major, K. 280: II. Adagio 07:34 6 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonata in F Major, K. 280: III. Presto 03:16 7 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonata in B-Flat Major, K. 281: I. Allegro 06:49 8 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonata in B-Flat Major, K. 281: II. Andante amoroso 06:21 9 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonata in B-Flat Major, K. 281: III. Rondeau. Allegro 04:53 10 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonata in E-Flat Major, K. 282: I. Adagio 04:22 11 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonata in E-Flat Major, K. 282: II. Menuetto I & II 03:20 12 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonata in E-Flat Major, K. 282: III. Allegro 03:24 13 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonata in G Major, K. 283: I. Allegro 05:22 14 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonata in G Major, K. 283: II. Andante 06:11 15 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonata in G Major, K. 283: III. Presto 06:11
Paul Badura-Skoda View in Albunack Mozart: Sonates pour la pianoforte 1 15 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate en ut majeur, K 279 (K 189d) - I. Allegro 04:56 2 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate en ut majeur, K 279 (K 189d) - II. Andante 05:18 3 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate en ut majeur, K 279 (K 189d) - III. Allegro 03:28 4 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate en fa majeur, K 280 (K 189e) - I. Allegro assai 06:21 5 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate en fa majeur, K 280 (K 189e) - II. Adagio 07:34 6 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate en fa majeur, K 280 (K 189e) - III. Presto 03:16 7 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate en si bémol majeur, K 281 (K 189f) - I. Allegro 06:49 8 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate en si bémol majeur, K 281 (K 189f) - II. Andante amoroso 06:21 9 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate en si bémol majeur, K 281 (K 189f) - III. Rondeau. Allegro 04:53 10 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate en mi bémol majeur, K 282 (K 189g) - I. Adagio 04:22 11 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate en mi bémol majeur, K 282 (K 189g) - II. Menuetto I & II 03:20 12 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate en mi bémol majeur, K 282 (K 189g) - III. Allegro 03:24 13 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate en sol majeur, K 283 (K 189h) - I. Allegro 05:22 14 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate en sol majeur, K 283 (K 189h) - II. Andante 06:11 15 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate en sol majeur, K 283 (K 189h) - III. Presto 06:11
Paul Badura-Skoda View in Albunack Mozart: Sonates pour la pianoforte, K 279, K 280, K 281, K 282, K 283 15 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate en ut majeur, K 279 (K 189d) - I. Allegro 04:56 2 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate en ut majeur, K 279 (K 189d) - II. Andante 05:18 3 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate en ut majeur, K 279 (K 189d) - III. Allegro 03:28 4 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate en fa majeur, K 280 (K 189e) - I. Allegro assai 06:21 5 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate en fa majeur, K 280 (K 189e) - II. Adagio 07:34 6 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate en fa majeur, K 280 (K 189e) - III. Presto 03:16 7 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate en si bémol majeur, K 281 (K 189f) - I. Allegro 06:49 8 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate en si bémol majeur, K 281 (K 189f) - II. Andante amoroso 06:21 9 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate en si bémol majeur, K 281 (K 189f) - III. Rondeau. Allegro 04:53 10 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate en mi bémol majeur, K 282 (K 189g) - I. Adagio 04:22 11 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate en mi bémol majeur, K 282 (K 189g) - II. Menuetto I & II 03:20 12 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate en mi bémol majeur, K 282 (K 189g) - III. Allegro 03:24 13 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate en sol majeur, K 283 (K 189h) - I. Allegro 05:22 14 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate en sol majeur, K 283 (K 189h) - II. Andante 06:11 15 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate en sol majeur, K 283 (K 189h) - III. Presto 06:11
Paul Badura-Skoda View in Albunack Mozart: Sonates pour le pianoforte 3 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate en ré majeur, K 284 (K 205b), I. Allegro 07:18 2 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate en ré majeur, K 284 (K 205b), II. Rondeau en Polonaise: Andante 03:24 3 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate en ré majeur, K 284 (K 205b), III. Tema con 12 variazioni 14:53 4 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate en ut majeur, K 309 (K 284b), I. Allegro con spirito 08:23 5 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate en ut majeur, K 309 (K 284b), II. Andante, un poco adagio 05:13 6 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate en ut majeur, K 309 (K 284b), III. Rondeau: Allegretto grazioso 06:14 7 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate en ré majeur, K 311 (K 284c), I. Allegro con spirito 06:52 8 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate en ré majeur, K 311 (K 284c), II. Andante con espressione 05:03 9 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate en ré majeur, K 311 (K 284c), III. Rondeau: Allegro 06:12 10 Paul Badura-Skoda Allegro en si bémol majeur, K 400 (K 372a) 06:48 11 Paul Badura-Skoda Allegro en sol mineur, K 312 (K 590d) 05:05
Paul Badura-Skoda View in Albunack Mozart: Sonates pour le pianoforte 5 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate en fa majeur, K 332 (K 300k) - I. Allegro 06:33 2 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate en fa majeur, K 332 (K 300k) - II. Adagio 03:57 3 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate en fa majeur, K 332 (K 300k) - III. Allegro assai 10:12 4 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate en bémol majeur, K 333 (K 315c) - I. Allegro 10:16 5 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate en bémol majeur, K 333 (K 315c) - II. Andante cantabile 10:23 6 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate en bémol majeur, K 333 (K 315c) - III. Allegretto grazioso 06:05 7 Paul Badura-Skoda Fantaisie en ut mineur, K 475 11:47 8 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate en ut mineur, K 457 - I. Molto allegro 07:53 9 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate en ut mineur, K 457 - II. Adagio 06:49 10 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate en ut mineur, K 457 - III. Allegro assai 04:52
Paul Badura-Skoda View in Albunack Mozart: Sonates pour le pianoforte 6 12 2 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate en fa majeur, K 533/494 - I. Allegro 10:50 Has Mbid 2 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate en fa majeur, K 533/494 - II. Andante 10:04 3 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate en fa majeur, K 533/494 - III. Rondo. Andante 06:57 4 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate en ut majeur, K 545 - I. Allegro 04:48 5 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate en ut majeur, K 545 - II. Andante 06:21 6 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate en ut majeur, K 545 - III. Rondo. Allegretto 02:19 7 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate en si bémol majeur, K 570 - I. Allegro 08:28 8 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate en si bémol majeur, K 570 - II. Adagio 08:35 9 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate en si bémol majeur, K 570 - III. Allegretto 03:42 10 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate en ré majeur, K 576 - I. Allegro 05:00 11 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate en ré majeur, K 576 - II. Adagio 04:49 12 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate en ré majeur, K 576 - III. Allegretto 04:33
Paul Badura-Skoda View in Albunack Mozart: Sonates pour le pianoforte, K 284, K 309, K 311 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate en ré majeur, K 284 (K 205b), I. Allegro 07:18 2 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate en ré majeur, K 284 (K 205b), II. Rondeau en Polonaise: Andante 03:24 3 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate en ré majeur, K 284 (K 205b), III. Tema con 12 variazioni 14:53 4 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate en ut majeur, K 309 (K 284b), I. Allegro con spirito 08:23 5 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate en ut majeur, K 309 (K 284b), II. Andante, un poco adagio 05:13 6 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate en ut majeur, K 309 (K 284b), III. Rondeau: Allegretto grazioso 06:14 7 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate en ré majeur, K 311 (K 284c), I. Allegro con spirito 06:52 8 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate en ré majeur, K 311 (K 284c), II. Andante con espressione 05:03 9 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate en ré majeur, K 311 (K 284c), III. Rondeau: Allegro 06:12 10 Paul Badura-Skoda Allegro en si bémol majeur, K 400 (K 372a) 06:48 11 Paul Badura-Skoda Allegro en sol mineur, K 312 (K 590d) 05:05
Paul Badura-Skoda View in Albunack Mozart: Sonates pour le pianoforte, K 310, K 330, K 331 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonata in A Minor K 310 (300d) - I. Allegro maestoso 08:23 2 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonata in A Minor K 310 (300d) - II. Andante cantabile con espressione 08:51 3 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate en la mineur, K 310 (300d), III. Presto 03:09 4 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate en ut majeur, K 330 (300h), I. Allegro moderato 09:11 5 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonata in C Major K 330 (300h) - II. Andante cantabile 06:20 6 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate en ut majeur, K 330 (300h), III. Allegretto 05:32 7 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate en la majeur, K 331 (300i), I. Tema: Andante grazioso - Variazioni I-VI. 12:52 8 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate en la majeur, K 331 (300i), II. Menuetto 05:54 9 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate en la majeur, K 331 (300i), III. Alla Turca. Allegretto 03:58
Paul Badura-Skoda View in Albunack Mozart: Sonates pour le pianoforte, K 332, K 333, K 457, K 475 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate en fa majeur, K 332 (K 300k) - I. Allegro 06:33 2 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate en fa majeur, K 332 (K 300k) - II. Adagio 03:57 3 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate en fa majeur, K 332 (K 300k) - III. Allegro assai 10:12 4 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate en bémol majeur, K 333 (K 315c) - I. Allegro 10:16 5 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate en bémol majeur, K 333 (K 315c) - II. Andante cantabile 10:23 6 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate en bémol majeur, K 333 (K 315c) - III. Allegretto grazioso 06:05 7 Paul Badura-Skoda Fantaisie en ut mineur, K 475 11:47 8 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate en ut mineur, K 457 - I. Molto allegro 07:53 9 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate en ut mineur, K 457 - II. Adagio 06:49 10 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate en ut mineur, K 457 - III. Allegro assai 04:52
Paul Badura-Skoda View in Albunack Mozart: Sonates pour le pianoforte, K533/494, K545, K570, K576 12 2 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate en fa majeur, K 533/494 - I. Allegro 10:50 Has Mbid 2 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate en fa majeur, K 533/494 - II. Andante 10:04 3 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate en fa majeur, K 533/494 - III. Rondo. Andante 06:57 4 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate en ut majeur, K 545 - I. Allegro 04:50 5 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate en ut majeur, K 545 - II. Andante 06:21 6 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate en ut majeur, K 545 - III. Rondo. Allegretto 02:18 7 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate en si bémol majeur, K 570 - I. Allegro 08:28 8 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate en si bémol majeur, K 570 - II. Adagio 08:34 9 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate en si bémol majeur, K 570 - III. Allegretto 03:42 10 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate en ré majeur, K 576 - I. Allegro 05:00 11 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate en ré majeur, K 576 - II. Adagio 04:48 12 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate en ré majeur, K 576 - III. Allegretto 04:33
Paul Badura-Skoda View in Albunack Paul Badura-Skoda Plays Franz Schubert - The Complete Piano Sonatas 11 2 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata in A Major, Op. 120, D. 664 I. Allegro moderato 00:00 2 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata in C Minor, D. 958 II. Adagio 07:59 3 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata in E Major, D. 459 III. Adagio 05:16 Has Mbid 4 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata in A Major, D. 959 IV. Rondo - Allegretto 11:23 5 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata in E Major, D. 459 V. Allegro patetico 04:48 6 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata in B-Flat Major, D. 960 II. Andante sostenuto 09:11 7 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata in B-Flat Major, D. 960 III. Scherzo - Allegro vivace con delicatezza 04:27 Has Mbid 8 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata in A Minor, Op. 42, D. 845 IV. Rondo, allegro vivace 05:08 9 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata in A Minor, Op. 143, D. 784 II. Andante 03:46 10 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata in A Minor, Op. 143, D. 784 III. Allegro vivace 05:15 11 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata in A-Flat Major, D. 557 III. Allegro 04:25
Paul Badura-Skoda View in Albunack Paul Badura-Skoda Plays Schubert: The Complete Piano Sonatas 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata In E Minor, D. 566/506: I. Moderato 05:26 2 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata In E Minor, D. 566/506. II. Allegretto 06:29 3 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata In E Minor, D. 566/506. III. Scherzo: Allegro Vivace — Trio 06:13 4 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata In E Minor, D. 566/506. IV. (Rondo Allegretto Moto D 506) 06:48 5 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata In E-Flat Major, D. 568. I. Allegro Moderato 09:29 6 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata In E-Flat Major, D. 568. II. Andante Molto 06:35 7 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata In E-Flat Major, D. 568. III. Menuetto. Allegretto -- Trio 04:18 8 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata In E-Flat Major, D. 568. IV. Allegro Moderato 06:57
Paul Badura-Skoda View in Albunack Paul Badura-Skoda plays Ludwig van Beethoven (the Last Three Piano Sonatas) 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No. 30 in E major, Op. 109 - Vivace, ma non troppo 03:26 2 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No. 30 in E major, Op. 109 - Prestissimo 02:36 3 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No. 30 in E major, Op. 109 - Andante molto cantabile ed espressivo 11:58 4 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No. 31 in A flat major, Op. 110 - Moderato cantabile molto espressivo 06:12 5 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No. 31 in A flat major, Op. 110 - Allegro molto 02:12 6 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No. 31 in A flat major, Op. 110 - Adagio ma non troppo 02:47 7 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No. 31 in A flat major, Op. 110 - Fuga. Allegro ma non troppo 06:26 8 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No. 32 in C minor, Op. 111 - Maestoso - Allegro con brio ed appassionato 08:26 9 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No. 32 in C minor, Op. 111 - Arietta. Adagio molto semplice e cantabile 16:20
Paul Badura-Skoda View in Albunack Piano Masterpieces, Klassische Meisterwerke großer Komponisten_1von2 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Badura-Skoda Frühlingslied, op. 62,2 03:12 2 Paul Badura-Skoda Menuett G-dur aus dem Notenbüchlein für Anna Magdalena 02:14 3 Paul Badura-Skoda Sinfonia Nr. 11 g-moll 02:34 4 Paul Badura-Skoda Alla turca aus der Sonate A-dur, KV 331 03:33 5 Paul Badura-Skoda Bagatelle Es-dur, op. 33 04:26 6 Paul Badura-Skoda Impromptu As-dur, op. 90,4 08:12 7 Paul Badura-Skoda Nocturne Fis-dur, op. 15,2 03:21 8 Paul Badura-Skoda Walzer e-moll op. posth. 02:55 9 Paul Badura-Skoda Träumerei 03:00 10 Paul Badura-Skoda Novolette F-dur, op. 21,1 05:21 11 Paul Badura-Skoda Arabeske C-dur, op. 18 06:40 12 Paul Badura-Skoda Humoreske Ges-dur, op. 101,7 03:03
Paul Badura-Skoda View in Albunack Piano Short Pieces 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Badura-Skoda Brahms: Rhapsody G Minor Op. 79/2 05:05 2 Paul Badura-Skoda Mozart: Alla Turca (From Piano Sonata KV 331) 03:42 3 Paul Badura-Skoda Chopin: Waltz D Flat Major "Minute" Op. 64/1 01:27 4 Paul Badura-Skoda Chopin: Nocturne D Flat Major Op. 27/2 04:11 5 Paul Badura-Skoda Weber: Aufforderung Zum Tanz Op. 65 07:20 6 Paul Badura-Skoda Schubert: Moment Musical F Minor D 780/3 01:51 7 Paul Badura-Skoda Liszt: Liebestraum No. 3 S 541/3 04:12 8 Paul Badura-Skoda Chopin: Etude C Sharp Minor Op. 25/7 05:25 9 Paul Badura-Skoda Ravel: Toccata (From: Le Tombeau De Couperin) 03:46 10 Paul Badura-Skoda Liszt: Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2 C Sharp Minor S 244/2 09:39 11 Paul Badura-Skoda Chopin: Etude In E Major Op. 10/3 03:51 12 Paul Badura-Skoda Schulhof: Pizzikato Polka Op. 9/2 (After Johann Straus) 03:27
Paul Badura-Skoda View in Albunack Piano music from the Great Masters 19 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Badura-Skoda Improvviso in mi bem maggiore 00:00 2 Paul Badura-Skoda Valzer in la bem maggiore 00:00 3 Paul Badura-Skoda Valzer in re bem maggiore 00:00 4 Paul Badura-Skoda Notturno in mi bem maggiore 00:00 5 Paul Badura-Skoda Valzer in re bemolle maggiore 00:00 6 Paul Badura-Skoda Aufschwung 00:00 7 Paul Badura-Skoda In der nacht 00:00 8 Paul Badura-Skoda Traumerei 00:00 9 Paul Badura-Skoda Valzer in la maggiore 00:00 10 Paul Badura-Skoda Invenzione in do maggiore 00:00 11 Paul Badura-Skoda Allegro con brio dalla sonata in do maggiore - 1 ' parte 00:00 12 Paul Badura-Skoda Allegro con brio dalla sonata in do maggiore - 2' parte 00:00 13 Paul Badura-Skoda Minuetto in re maggiore 00:00 14 Paul Badura-Skoda Giga in sol maggire 00:00 15 Paul Badura-Skoda Ecossaises 00:00 16 Paul Badura-Skoda Per Elisa 00:00 17 Paul Badura-Skoda Preludio in re bem maggiore - 1' parte 00:00 18 Paul Badura-Skoda Preludio in re bem maggiore - 2' parte 00:00 19 Paul Badura-Skoda Studio in la bem maggiore 00:00
Paul Badura-Skoda View in Albunack Schubert - Impromptu, Op. 90 & 142 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Badura-Skoda Impromptu in C minor, Op. 90, D 899 - I. Allegro molto moderato 09:35 2 Paul Badura-Skoda Impromptu in E-flat major, Op. 90, D 899 - II. Allegro 04:24 3 Paul Badura-Skoda Impromptu in G-flat major, Op. 90, D 899 - III. Andante 05:05 4 Paul Badura-Skoda Impromptu in A-flat major, Op. 90, D 899 - IV. Allegretto 06:57 5 Paul Badura-Skoda Impromptu in F minor, Op. Post. 142, D 935 - I. Allegro moderato 10:32 6 Paul Badura-Skoda Impromptu in A-flat major, Op. Post. 142, D 935 - II. Allegretto 05:26 7 Paul Badura-Skoda Impromptu in A-flat major, Op. Post. 142, D 935 - III. Andante 10:02 8 Paul Badura-Skoda Impromptu in F minor, Op. Post. 142, D 935 - IV. Allegro scherzando 06:30
Paul Badura-Skoda View in Albunack Schubert - Piano Sonata No. 1 & 2 - Paul Badura-Skoda (1968) 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Badura-Skoda Schubert: Piano Sonata No. 1 In E, D157 - 1. Allegro Ma Non Troppo (1968) 06:58 2 Paul Badura-Skoda Schubert: Piano Sonata No. 1 In E, D157 - 2. Andante (1968) 07:40 3 Paul Badura-Skoda Schubert: Piano Sonata No. 1 In E, D157 - 3. Menuetto - Allegro Vivace - Trio (1968) 04:27 4 Paul Badura-Skoda Schubert: Piano Sonata No. 2 In C, D279 - 1. Allegro Moderato (1968) 08:07 5 Paul Badura-Skoda Schubert: Piano Sonata No. 2 In C, D279 - 2. Andante (1968) 05:55 6 Paul Badura-Skoda Schubert: Piano Sonata No. 2 In C, D279 - 3. Menuetto. Allegro Vivace - Trio (1968) 03:17 7 Paul Badura-Skoda Schubert: Piano SonataNo. 2 In C, D279 - 4. Allegretto (D346, Completed By PB-S) (1968) 06:56
Paul Badura-Skoda View in Albunack Schubert - Piano Sonata No. 11, 13 & 14 - Paul Badura-Skoda (1967, 1971, 1967) 10 3 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Badura-Skoda Schubert: Piano Sonata No. 11 In F Minor, D 625/505 (1818) - 1. Allegro (1967) 09:23 2 Paul Badura-Skoda Schubert: Piano Sonata No. 11 In F Minor, D 625/505 (1818) - 2. Scherzo: Allegretto (1967) 05:04 3 Paul Badura-Skoda Schubert: Piano Sonata No. 11 In F Minor, D 625/505 (1818) - 3. Adagio (D 505; 1816) (1967) 03:50 4 Paul Badura-Skoda Schubert: Piano Sonata No. 11 In F Minor, D 625/505 (1818) - 4. Allegro (1967) 04:26 Has Mbid 5 Paul Badura-Skoda Schubert: Piano Sonata No. 13 In A, Op. 120, D 664 (1819) - 1. Allegro Moderato (1971) 06:58 Has Mbid 6 Paul Badura-Skoda Schubert: Piano Sonata No. 13 In A, Op. 120, D 664 (1819) - 2. Andante (1971) 04:10 Has Mbid 7 Paul Badura-Skoda Schubert: Piano Sonata No. 13 In A, Op. 120, D 664 (1819) - 3. Allegro (1971) 08:01 8 Paul Badura-Skoda Schubert: Piano Sonata No. 14 In A Minor, Op. 143, D 784 (1823) - 1. Allegro Giusto (1967) 08:32 9 Paul Badura-Skoda Schubert: Piano Sonata No. 14 In A Minor, Op. 143, D 784 (1823) - 2. Andante (1967) 03:46 10 Paul Badura-Skoda Schubert: Piano Sonata No. 14 In A Minor, Op. 143, D 784 (1823) - 3. Allegro Vivace (1967) 05:15
Paul Badura-Skoda View in Albunack Schubert - Piano Sonata No. 13 & 16 - Paul Badura-Skoda (1968) 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Badura-Skoda Schubert: Piano Sonata No. 13 In A, Op. 120, D 664 - 1. Allegro Moderato (1968) 00:00 2 Paul Badura-Skoda Schubert: Piano Sonata No. 13 In A, Op. 120, D 664 - 2. Andante (1968) 04:16 3 Paul Badura-Skoda Schubert: Piano Sonata No. 13 In A, Op. 120, D 664 - 3. Allegro (1968) 07:59 4 Paul Badura-Skoda Schubert: Piano Sonata No. 16 In A Minor, Op. 42, D 845 - 1. Moderato (1968) 07:57 5 Paul Badura-Skoda Schubert: Piano Sonata No. 16 In A Minor, Op. 42, D 845 - 2. Andante Poco Moto (1968) 12:44 6 Paul Badura-Skoda Schubert: Piano Sonata No. 16 In A Minor, Op. 42, D 845 - 3. Scherzo: Allegro Vivace (1968) 07:23 7 Paul Badura-Skoda Schubert: Piano Sonata No. 16 In A Minor, Op. 42, D 845 - 4. Rondo: Allegro Vivace (1968) 05:08
Paul Badura-Skoda View in Albunack Schubert - Piano Sonata No. 20 & 21 - Paul Badura-Skoda (1968) 8 2 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 Paul Badura-Skoda Schubert: Piano Sonata No. 20 In A, D 959 - 1. Allegro (1968) 11:41 2 Paul Badura-Skoda Schubert: Piano Sonata No. 20 In A, D 959 - 2. Andantino (1968) 07:55 3 Paul Badura-Skoda Schubert: Piano Sonata No. 20 In A, D 959 - 3. Scherzo: Allegro Vivace - Trio. Un Poco Piu Lento (1968) 05:44 Has Mbid 4 Paul Badura-Skoda Schubert: Piano Sonata No. 20 In A, D 959 - 4. Rondo: Allegretto (1968) 11:27 5 Paul Badura-Skoda Schubert: Piano Sonata No. 21 In B Flat, D 960 - 1. Molto Moderato (1968) 19:59 6 Paul Badura-Skoda Schubert: Piano Sonata No. 21 In B Flat, D 960 - 2. Andante Sostenuto (1968) 09:11 7 Paul Badura-Skoda Schubert: Piano Sonata No. 21 In B Flat, D 960 - 3. Scherzo: Allegro Vivace Con Delicatezza (1968) 04:27 8 Paul Badura-Skoda Schubert: Piano Sonata No. 21 In B Flat, D 960 - 4. Allegro, Ma Non Troppo (1968) 08:24
Paul Badura-Skoda View in Albunack Schubert - Piano Sonata No. 3, 4 & 5 - Badura Skoda (1968) 11 1 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 Paul Badura-Skoda Schubert: Klavierstucke, D 459A - 1. Allegro Moderato (1968) 06:41 2 Paul Badura-Skoda Schubert: Klavierstucke, D 459A - 2. Scherzo. Allegro (1968) 03:28 3 Paul Badura-Skoda Schubert: Klavierstucke, D 459A - 3. Adagio (1968) 05:16 4 Paul Badura-Skoda Schubert: Klavierstucke, D 459A - 4. Scherzo Con Trio: Allegro (1968) 03:22 5 Paul Badura-Skoda Schubert: Klavierstucke, D 459A - 5. Allegro Patetico (1968) 04:48 6 Paul Badura-Skoda Schubert Piano Sonata No. 4 In A Minor, D 537 - 1. Allegro Ma Non Troppo (1968) 07:52 7 Paul Badura-Skoda Schubert Piano Sonata No. 4 In A Minor, D 537 - 2. Allegretto Con Andantino (1968) 07:35 8 Paul Badura-Skoda Schubert Piano Sonata No. 4 In A Minor, D 537 - 3. Allegro Vivace (1968) 04:40 9 Paul Badura-Skoda Schubert Piano Sonata No. 5 In A Flat, D 557, 'Sonatine' - 1. Allegro Moderato (1968) 03:54 10 Paul Badura-Skoda Schubert Piano Sonata No. 5 In A Flat, D 557, 'Sonatine' - 2. Andante (1968) 03:24 11 Paul Badura-Skoda Schubert Piano Sonata No. 5 In A Flat, D 557, 'Sonatine' - 3. Allegro (1968) 04:25
Paul Badura-Skoda View in Albunack Schubert - Piano Sonata No. 6 & 7 - Paul Badura-Skoda (1968) 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Badura-Skoda Schubert: Piano Sonata No. 6 In E Minor, D 566/506 - 1. Moderato (1968) 05:26 2 Paul Badura-Skoda Schubert: Piano Sonata No. 6 In E Minor, D 566/506 - 2. Allegretto (1968) 06:29 3 Paul Badura-Skoda Schubert: Piano Sonata No. 6 In E Minor, D 566/506 - 3. Scherzo: Allegro Vivace ? Trio (1968) 06:13 4 Paul Badura-Skoda Schubert: Piano Sonata No. 6 In E Minor, D 566/506 - 4. (Rondo Allegretto Moto D 506) (1968) 06:48 5 Paul Badura-Skoda Schubert: Piano Sonata No. 7 In E Flat, Op. 122, D 568 - 1. Allegro Moderato (1968) 09:29 6 Paul Badura-Skoda Schubert: Piano Sonata No. 7 In E Flat, Op. 122, D 568 - 2. Andante Molto (1968) 06:35 7 Paul Badura-Skoda Schubert: Piano Sonata No. 7 In E Flat, Op. 122, D 568 - 3. Minuet: Allegretto (1968) 04:18 8 Paul Badura-Skoda Schubert: Piano Sonata No. 7 In E Flat, Op. 122, D 568 - 4. Allegro Moderato (1968) 06:57
Paul Badura-Skoda View in Albunack Schubert - Piano Sonata No. 8, 9 & 10 - Paul Badura-Skoda (1968) 11 1 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 Paul Badura-Skoda Schubert: Piano Sonata No. 8 In F Sharp Minor, D 571/604/570 - 1. Allegro Moderato* (1817) (1968) 08:50 2 Paul Badura-Skoda Schubert: Piano Sonata No. 8 In F Sharp Minor, D 571/ 604/570 - 2. Andante (D 604; 1818?) (1968) 04:13 3 Paul Badura-Skoda Schubert: Piano Sonata No. 8 In F Sharp Minor, D 571/604/570 - 3. Scherzo: Allegro Vivace (D 570; 1817) (1968) 03:07 4 Paul Badura-Skoda Schubert: Piano Sonata No. 8 In F Sharp Minor, D 571/604/570 - 4. Allegro* (D 570; 1817) (1968) 04:55 5 Paul Badura-Skoda Schubert: Piano Sonata No. 9 In B, Op. 147, D 575 (1817) - 1. Allegro, Ma Non Troppo (1968) 07:48 6 Paul Badura-Skoda Schubert: Piano Sonata No. 9 In B, Op. 147, D. 575 (1817) - 2. Andante (1968) 05:26 7 Paul Badura-Skoda Schubert: Piano Sonata No. 9 In B, Op. 147, D. 575 (1817) - 3. Scherzo: Allegretto (1968) 05:09 8 Paul Badura-Skoda Schubert: Piano Sonata No. 9 In B, Op. 147, D. 575 (1817) - 4. Allegro Giusto (1968) 05:17 9 Paul Badura-Skoda Schubert: Piano Sonata No. 10 In C, D 612/613 (1818) - 1. Moderato* (1968) 08:34 10 Paul Badura-Skoda Schubert: Piano Sonata No. 10 In C, D 612/613 (1818) - 2. Adagio (D 612) (1968) 04:07 11 Paul Badura-Skoda Schubert: Piano Sonata No. 10 In C, D 612/613 (1818) - 3. Allegretto* (1968) 06:23
Paul Badura-Skoda View in Albunack Schubert - The Complete Piano Sonatas 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Badura-Skoda D. 664, I. Allegro Moderato 00:00 2 Paul Badura-Skoda D. 664, II. Andante 04:16 3 Paul Badura-Skoda D. 664, III. Allegro 07:59 4 Paul Badura-Skoda D. 845, I. Moderato 07:57 5 Paul Badura-Skoda D. 845, II. Andante , poco mosso 12:44 6 Paul Badura-Skoda D. 845, III. Scherzo. Allegro vivace - Trio. Un poco piu lento 07:23 7 Paul Badura-Skoda D. 845, IV. Rondo. Allegro vivace 05:08
Paul Badura-Skoda View in Albunack Schubert - Works for Solo Piano 13 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Badura-Skoda Six Moments Musicaux, Opus 94 No 1 In C Major (Moderato) 04:17 2 Paul Badura-Skoda Six Moments Musicaux, Opus 94 No 2 In A Flat Major (Andantino) 05:54 3 Paul Badura-Skoda Six Moments Musicaux, Opus 94 No 3 In F Minor (Allegro Moderato) 01:47 4 Paul Badura-Skoda Six Moments Musicaux, Opus 94 No 4 In C Sharp Minor (Moderato) 04:25 5 Paul Badura-Skoda Six Moments Musicaux, Opus 94 No 5 In F Minor (Allegro vivace) 02:08 6 Paul Badura-Skoda Six Moments Musicaux, Opus 94 No 6 In A Flat Major (Allegretto) 06:18 7 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonata In A Major Opus 120 1 Allegro 06:36 8 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonata In A Major Opus 120 II Adante 03:58 9 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonata In A Major Opus 120 III Allegro 07:36 10 Paul Badura-Skoda Valses Nobles, Opus 77 08:55 11 Paul Badura-Skoda Variations In C Minor Theme By Diabelli 01:19 12 Paul Badura-Skoda Two Scherzi, No 1 In B Flat Major 03:55 13 Paul Badura-Skoda Two Scherzi, No 2 In D Flat Major 03:42
Paul Badura-Skoda View in Albunack Schubert Piano Sonatas Vol,2/3 Badura-Skoda 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonata in e minor D,566/506 moderato 05:26 2 Paul Badura-Skoda allegretto 06:29 3 Paul Badura-Skoda scherzo allegro vivace 06:13 4 Paul Badura-Skoda allegretto molto D,506 06:48 5 Paul Badura-Skoda Eflat D.568 allegro moderato 09:29 6 Paul Badura-Skoda andante molto 06:35 7 Paul Badura-Skoda allegretto 04:18 8 Paul Badura-Skoda allegro moderato 06:57
Paul Badura-Skoda View in Albunack Schubert Sonatas 11 1 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 Paul Badura-Skoda D958 1 11:55 2 Paul Badura-Skoda D625-505 2 05:04 3 Paul Badura-Skoda D571-604-570 3 03:07 4 Paul Badura-Skoda D850 4 08:23 5 Paul Badura-Skoda D575 1 07:48 6 Paul Badura-Skoda D845 2 11:42 7 Paul Badura-Skoda D894 3 04:38 8 Paul Badura-Skoda D568 4 06:57 9 Paul Badura-Skoda D557 1 03:54 10 Paul Badura-Skoda D557 2 03:24 11 Paul Badura-Skoda D613-612 3 06:23
Paul Badura-Skoda View in Albunack Schubert: 3 Piano Sonatas 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Badura-Skoda Schubert: Piano Sonata #13 In A, D 664 - 1. Allegro Moderato 06:59 2 Paul Badura-Skoda Schubert: Piano Sonata #13 In A, D 664 - 2. Andante 04:11 3 Paul Badura-Skoda Schubert: Piano Sonata #13 In A, D 664 - 3. Allegro 08:05 4 Paul Badura-Skoda Schubert: Piano Sonata #11 In F Minor, D 625 - 1. Allegro 07:06 5 Paul Badura-Skoda Schubert: Piano Sonata #11 In F Minor, D 625 - 2. Scherzo, Allegretto 04:24 6 Paul Badura-Skoda Schubert: Piano Sonata #11 In F Minor, D 625 - 3. Adagio 03:29 7 Paul Badura-Skoda Schubert: Piano Sonata #11 In F Minor, D 625 - 4. Allegro 05:50 8 Paul Badura-Skoda Schubert: Piano Sonata #19 In C Minor, D 958 - 1. Allegro 11:14 9 Paul Badura-Skoda Schubert: Piano Sonata #19 In C Minor, D 958 - 2. Adagio 07:38 10 Paul Badura-Skoda Schubert: Piano Sonata #19 In C Minor, D 958 - 3. Menuetto 03:21 11 Paul Badura-Skoda Schubert: Piano Sonata #19 In C Minor, D 958 - 4. Allegro 09:36
Paul Badura-Skoda View in Albunack Schubert: Impromptu, Opp 90 & 142 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Badura-Skoda C Minor, Allegro Molto Moderato 09:35 2 Paul Badura-Skoda Eb, Allegro 04:24 3 Paul Badura-Skoda Gb, Andante 05:05 4 Paul Badura-Skoda Ab, Allegretto 06:57 5 Paul Badura-Skoda F Minor, Allegro Moderato 10:32 6 Paul Badura-Skoda Ab, Allegretto 05:26 7 Paul Badura-Skoda Bb, Andante 10:02 8 Paul Badura-Skoda F Minor, Allegro Scherzando 06:30
Paul Badura-Skoda View in Albunack Schubert: Piano Sonata No.20, 21 8 2 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonata No.20 In A, D959 - 1. Allegro 11:41 2 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonata No.20 In A, D959 - 2. Andantino 07:55 3 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonata No.20 In A, D959 - 3. Scherzo. Allegro Vivace - Trio 05:44 Has Mbid 4 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonata No.20 In A, D959 - 4. Rhondo. Allegretto 11:27 5 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonata No.21 In B-Flat, D960 - 1. Molto Moderato 19:59 6 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonata No.21 In B-Flat, D960 - 2. Andante Sostenuto 09:11 7 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonata No.21 In B-Flat, D960 - 3. Scherzo. Allegro Vivace Con Delicatezza - Trio 04:27 8 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonata No.21 In B-Flat, D960 - 4. Allegro Ma Non Troppo 08:24
Paul Badura-Skoda View in Albunack Schubert: Piano Sonatas 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Badura-Skoda Schubert: Piano Sonata In E Major, D157 - 1. Allegro Ma Non Troppo 06:58 2 Paul Badura-Skoda Schubert: Piano Sonata In E Major, D157 - 2. Andante 07:40 3 Paul Badura-Skoda Schubert: Piano Sonata In E Major, D157 - 3. Menuetto - Allegro Vivace - Trio 04:27 4 Paul Badura-Skoda Schubert: Piano Sonata In C, D279 - 1. Allegro Moderato 08:07 5 Paul Badura-Skoda Schubert: Piano Sonata In C, D279 - 2. Andante 05:55 6 Paul Badura-Skoda Schubert: Piano Sonata In C, D279 - 3. Menuetto. Allegro Vivace - Trio 03:17 7 Paul Badura-Skoda Schubert: Piano Sonata In C, D279 - 4. Allegretto (D346, Completed By PB-S) 06:56
Paul Badura-Skoda View in Albunack Schubert: Piano Sonatas Vol. 2 [Badura-Skoda] 11 1 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No. 3 in E, D459 - 1 06:42 2 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No. 3 in E, D459 - 2 03:28 3 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No. 3 in E, D459 - 3 05:16 4 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No. 3 in E, D459 - 4 03:22 5 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No. 3 in E, D459 - 5 04:48 6 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No. 4 in a, D537 - 1 07:52 7 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No. 4 in a, D537 - 2 07:35 8 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No. 4 in a, D537 - 3 04:40 9 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No. 5 in A, D557 - 1 03:54 10 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No. 5 in A, D557 - 2 03:24 11 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No. 5 in A, D557 - 3 04:25
Paul Badura-Skoda View in Albunack Schubert: Piano Sonatas Vol. 2/1 [Badura-Skoda] 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No. 1 in E major, D157 - 1. Allegro Ma Non Troppo 06:58 2 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No. 1 in E major, D157 - 2. Andante 07:40 3 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No. 1 in E major, D157 - 3. Menuetto - Allegro Vivace - Trio 04:27 4 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No. 2 in C major, D279 - 1. Allegro Moderato 08:07 5 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No. 2 in C major, D279 - 2. Andante 05:55 6 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No. 2 in C major, D279 - 3. Menuetto. Allegro Vivace - Trio 03:17 7 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No. 2 in C major, D279 - 4. Allegretto (D346, Completed By PB-S) 06:56
Paul Badura-Skoda View in Albunack Schubert: Piano Sonatas Vol. 2/2 [Badura-Skoda] 11 1 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No. 3 in E major, D459: 1. Allegro Moderato 06:41 2 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No. 3 in E major, D459: 2. Scherzo. Allegro 03:28 3 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No. 3 in E major, D459: 3. Adagio 05:16 4 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No. 3 in E major, D459: 4. Scherzo Con Trio: Allegro 03:22 5 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No. 3 in E major, D459: 5. Allegro Patetico 04:48 6 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No. 4 in A minor, D537: 1. Allegro Ma Non Troppo 07:52 7 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No. 4 in A minor, D537: 2. Allegretto Con Andantino 07:35 8 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No. 4 in A minor, D537: 3. Allegro Vivace 04:40 9 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No. 5 in A flat major, D557: 1. Allegro Moderato 03:54 10 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No. 5 in A flat major, D557: 2. Andante 03:24 11 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No. 5 in A flat major, D557: 3. Allegro 04:25
Paul Badura-Skoda View in Albunack Schubert: Piano Sonatas Vol. 3 [Badura-Skoda] 11 1 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata in F sharp minor D571: I. Allegro Moderato* 08:49 2 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata in F sharp minor D571: II. Andante (D. 604) 04:13 3 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata in F sharp minor D571: III. Scherzo: Allegro Vivace (D. 570) 03:07 4 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata in F sharp minor D571: IV. Allegro* (D. 570) 04:55 5 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No. 9 in B major, D575: I. Allegro Ma Non Troppo 07:48 6 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No. 9 in B major, D575: II. Andante 05:26 7 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No. 9 in B major, D575: III. Scherzo: Allegretto 05:09 8 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No. 9 in B major, D575: IV. Allegro Giusto 05:17 9 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No. 10 in C major, D613: I. Moderato* 08:34 10 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No. 10 in C major, D613: II. Adagio (D. 612) 04:07 11 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No. 10 in C major, D613: III. Allegretto* 06:23
Paul Badura-Skoda View in Albunack Schubert: Piano Sonatas Vol. 3/1 [Badura-Skoda] 11 1 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata in F sharp minor D571: I. Allegro Moderato* 08:50 2 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata in F sharp minor D571: II. Andante (D. 604) 04:13 3 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata in F sharp minor D571: III. Scherzo: Allegro Vivace (D. 570) 03:07 4 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata in F sharp minor D571: IV. Allegro* (D. 570) 04:55 5 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No. 9 in B major, D575: I. Allegro Ma Non Troppo 07:48 6 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No. 9 in B major, D575: II. Andante 05:26 7 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No. 9 in B major, D575: III. Scherzo: Allegretto 05:09 8 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No. 9 in B major, D575: IV. Allegro Giusto 05:17 9 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No. 10 in C major, D613: I. Moderato* 08:34 10 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No. 10 in C major, D613: II. Adagio (D. 612) 04:07 11 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No. 10 in C major, D613: III. Allegretto* 06:23
Paul Badura-Skoda View in Albunack Schubert: Piano Sonatas Vol. 3/2 [Badura-Skoda] 10 3 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No. 11 in F minor, D625: I. Allegro 09:23 2 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No. 11 in F minor, D625: II. Scherzo: Allegretto 05:04 3 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No. 11 in F minor, D625: III. Adagio (D. 505) 03:50 4 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No. 11 in F minor, D625: IV. Allegro 04:26 Has Mbid 5 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No. 13 in A major, D664: I. Allegro Moderato 06:57 Has Mbid 6 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No. 13 in A major, D664: II. Andante 04:10 Has Mbid 7 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No. 13 in A major, D664: III. Allegro 08:02 8 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No. 14 in A minor, D784: I. Allegro Giusto 08:32 9 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No. 14 in A minor, D784: II. Andante 03:46 10 Paul Badura-Skoda Piano Sonata No. 14 in A minor, D784: III. Allegro Vivace 05:15
Paul Badura-Skoda View in Albunack Schumann: Symphonic Etudes, Kinderszenen, Carnaval 51 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Badura-Skoda Schumann: Symphonic Etudes Op. 13 - Theme 01:17 2 Paul Badura-Skoda Schumann: Symphonic Etudes Op. 13 - Etude 1 00:52 3 Paul Badura-Skoda Schumann: Symphonic Etudes Op. 13 - Var. Post 1 00:49 4 Paul Badura-Skoda Schumann: Symphonic Etudes Op. 13 - Etude 2 02:13 5 Paul Badura-Skoda Schumann: Symphonic Etudes Op. 13 - Etude 3 01:17 6 Paul Badura-Skoda Schumann: Symphonic Etudes Op. 13 - Etude 4 00:54 7 Paul Badura-Skoda Schumann: Symphonic Etudes Op. 13 - Etude 5 00:58 8 Paul Badura-Skoda Schumann: Symphonic Etudes Op. 13 - Etude 6 00:56 9 Paul Badura-Skoda Schumann: Symphonic Etudes Op. 13 - Etude 7 00:46 10 Paul Badura-Skoda Schumann: Symphonic Etudes Op. 13 - Var. Post 2 01:53 11 Paul Badura-Skoda Schumann: Symphonic Etudes Op. 13 - Var. Post 4 01:56 12 Paul Badura-Skoda Schumann: Symphonic Etudes Op. 13 - Var. Post 5 02:05 13 Paul Badura-Skoda Schumann: Symphonic Etudes Op. 13 - Etude 8 01:43 14 Paul Badura-Skoda Schumann: Symphonic Etudes Op. 13 - Etude 9 00:37 15 Paul Badura-Skoda Schumann: Symphonic Etudes Op. 13 - Etude 10 00:58 16 Paul Badura-Skoda Schumann: Symphonic Etudes Op. 13 - Etude 11 02:36 17 Paul Badura-Skoda Schumann: Symphonic Etudes Op. 13 - Etude 12 06:13 18 Paul Badura-Skoda Schumann: Kinderszenen Op. 15 - I. Von Fremden Landern Und Menschen 01:18 19 Paul Badura-Skoda Schumann: Kinderszenen Op. 15 - II. Kuriose Geschichten 01:11 20 Paul Badura-Skoda Schumann: Kinderszenen Op. 15 - III. Hasche-Mann 00:31 21 Paul Badura-Skoda Schumann: Kinderszenen Op. 15 - IV. Bittendes Kind 00:45 22 Paul Badura-Skoda Schumann: Kinderszenen Op. 15 - V. Gluckes Genug 01:27 23 Paul Badura-Skoda Schumann: Kinderszenen Op. 15 - VI. Wichtige Begebenheit 00:52 24 Paul Badura-Skoda Schumann: Kinderszenen Op. 15 - VII. Traumerei 02:26 25 Paul Badura-Skoda Schumann: Kinderszenen Op. 15 - VIII. Am Kamin 00:59 26 Paul Badura-Skoda Schumann: Kinderszenen Op. 15 - IX. Ritter Vom Steckenpferd 00:43 27 Paul Badura-Skoda Schumann: Kinderszenen Op. 15 - X. Fast Zu Ernst 01:29 28 Paul Badura-Skoda Schumann: Kinderszenen Op. 15 - XI. Furchtenmachen 01:29 29 Paul Badura-Skoda Schumann: Kinderszenen Op. 15 - XII. Kind Im Einschlummern 01:53 30 Paul Badura-Skoda Schumann: Kinderszenen Op. 15 - Xiii. Der Dichter Spricht 02:03 31 Paul Badura-Skoda Schumann: Carnaval Op. 9 - I. Preambule 02:25 32 Paul Badura-Skoda Schumann: Carnaval Op. 9 - II. Pierrot 01:15 33 Paul Badura-Skoda Schumann: Carnaval Op. 9 - III. Arlequin 01:00 34 Paul Badura-Skoda Schumann: Carnaval Op. 9 - IV. Valse Noble 01:52 35 Paul Badura-Skoda Schumann: Carnaval Op. 9 - V. Eusebius 01:37 36 Paul Badura-Skoda Schumann: Carnaval Op. 9 - VI. Florestan 00:52 37 Paul Badura-Skoda Schumann: Carnaval Op. 9 - VII. Coquettes 00:57 38 Paul Badura-Skoda Schumann: Carnaval Op. 9 - VIII. Replique (Sqhinxes) 01:22 39 Paul Badura-Skoda Schumann: Carnaval Op. 9 - IX. Papillons 00:43 40 Paul Badura-Skoda Schumann: Carnaval Op. 9 - X. A.S.C.H.-S.C.H.A. (Lettres Dansantes) 00:52 41 Paul Badura-Skoda Schumann: Carnaval Op. 9 - XI. Chiarina 00:50 42 Paul Badura-Skoda Schumann: Carnaval Op. 9 - XII. Chopin 01:22 43 Paul Badura-Skoda Schumann: Carnaval Op. 9 - Xiii. Estrella 00:25 44 Paul Badura-Skoda Schumann: Carnaval Op. 9 - XIV. Reconnaissance 01:54 45 Paul Badura-Skoda Schumann: Carnaval Op. 9 - XV. Pantalon Et Colombine 00:54 46 Paul Badura-Skoda Schumann: Carnaval Op. 9 - XVI. Valse Allemande 00:51 47 Paul Badura-Skoda Schumann: Carnaval Op. 9 - XVIi. Paganini 01:07 48 Paul Badura-Skoda Schumann: Carnaval Op. 9 - XVIii. Aveu 01:00 49 Paul Badura-Skoda Schumann: Carnaval Op. 9 - XIX. Promenade 02:15 50 Paul Badura-Skoda Schumann: Carnaval Op. 9 - XX. Pause 00:18 51 Paul Badura-Skoda Schumann: Carnaval Op. 9 - XXI. Marche Des "Davidsbundler" Contre Les Philistins 03:21
Paul Badura-Skoda View in Albunack Sonates pour le pianoforte K 533-494, K 545, K 570, K 576 12 2 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate en fa majeur, K 533-404 - I. Allegro 10:50 Has Mbid 2 Paul Badura-Skoda II. Andante 10:04 3 Paul Badura-Skoda III. Rondo. Andante 06:57 4 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate en ut majeur, K 545 - I. Allegro 04:48 5 Paul Badura-Skoda II. Andante 06:22 6 Paul Badura-Skoda III. Rondo. Allegretto 02:19 7 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate en si bemol majeur, K 570 - I. Allegro 08:28 8 Paul Badura-Skoda II. Adagio 08:35 9 Paul Badura-Skoda III. Allegretto 03:42 10 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonate en re majeur, K 576 - I. Allegro 05:01 11 Paul Badura-Skoda II. Adagio 04:48 12 Paul Badura-Skoda III. Allegretto 04:33
Paul Badura-Skoda View in Albunack The Last Piano Sonatas by the Great Composers 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Badura-Skoda Haydn Sonata No. 52 in E-flat major I. Allegro 08:21 2 Paul Badura-Skoda Haydn Sonata No. 52 in E-flat major II. Adagio 05:35 3 Paul Badura-Skoda Haydn Sonata No. 52 in E-flat major III. Presto 05:47 4 Paul Badura-Skoda Beethoven Sonata No. 32 in C minor, op. 111 I. Maestoso – Allegro con brio ed appassionato 08:01 5 Paul Badura-Skoda Beethoven Sonata No. 32 in C minor, op. 111 II. Arietta – Adagio molto semplice e cantabile 16:07 6 Paul Badura-Skoda Martin Fantasia on Flamenco Rhythms Rumba lente 06:23 7 Paul Badura-Skoda Martin Fantasia on Flamenco Rhythms Rumba rapide 05:50
Paul Badura-Skoda View in Albunack Works for Solo pIano 13 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Badura-Skoda Six Moments Musicaux op.94 (D780) #1 in C Major Moderato 04:17 2 Paul Badura-Skoda Six Moments Musicaux op.94 (D780) #2 in Ab Major Andantino 05:54 3 Paul Badura-Skoda Six Moments Musicaux op.94 (D780) #3 in F minor Allegro moderato 01:47 4 Paul Badura-Skoda Six Moments Musicaux op.94 (D780) #4 in C# minor Moderato 04:25 5 Paul Badura-Skoda Six Moments Musicaux op.94 (D780) #5 in F minor Allegro vivace 02:08 6 Paul Badura-Skoda Six Moments Musicaux op.94 (D780) #6 in Ab Major Allegretto 06:18 7 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonata in A Major op. 120 I Allegro moderato 06:36 8 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonata in A Major op. 120 II Andante 03:58 9 Paul Badura-Skoda Sonata in A Major op. 120 III Allegro 07:36 10 Paul Badura-Skoda Valses Nobles, op. 77 (D969) 08:55 11 Paul Badura-Skoda Variation in Cmin on a theme by Diabelli (D718) 01:19 12 Paul Badura-Skoda Two Scherzi (D593) I Bb minor 03:55 13 Paul Badura-Skoda Two Scherzi (D593) II Db Major 03:42
Paul Badura-Skoda View in Albunack plays Ravel, Berg, Chopin 16 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Badura-Skoda Ravel: Jeux d'eau 05:17 2 Paul Badura-Skoda Ravle: Sonatine - I. Modere 03:47 3 Paul Badura-Skoda - II. Menuet 02:36 4 Paul Badura-Skoda - III. Animae 03:35 5 Paul Badura-Skoda Ravel: Gaspard de la nuit - I. Ondine 05:58 6 Paul Badura-Skoda - II. Le Gibet 05:19 7 Paul Badura-Skoda - III. Scarbo 08:10 8 Paul Badura-Skoda Ravel: Toccata (from "Tombeau de Couperin") 04:17 9 Paul Badura-Skoda Berg: Sonata in B minor, Op.1 12:17 10 Paul Badura-Skoda Chopin: Nocturne in E minor, Op.posth.72 No.1 04:19 11 Paul Badura-Skoda Chopin: Etude in C, Op.10 No.1 01:55 12 Paul Badura-Skoda Chopin: Etude in A minor, Op.10 No.2 01:26 13 Paul Badura-Skoda Chopin: Etude in A-flat, Op.10 No.10 02:19 14 Paul Badura-Skoda Chopin: Etude in E-flat, Op.10 No.11 02:29 15 Paul Badura-Skoda Chopin: Etude in C minor, Op.10 No.12 02:47 16 Paul Badura-Skoda Chopin: Scherzo No.3 in C-sharp minor, Op.39 07:10
Paul Baloche View in Albunack For Unto Us - Christmas Worship Live From London 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Baloche Hark The Herald Angels Sing - King Of Heaven 05:29 2 Paul Baloche Angels From The Realms Of Glory - Emmanuel 04:09 3 Paul Baloche Joy To The World - Our God Saves 04:39 4 Paul Baloche For Unto Us A Child Is Born -Open The Eyes Of My Heart 04:37 5 Paul Baloche Your Name (Christmas Version) (feat. Philippa Hanna) 05:00 6 Paul Baloche Christmas Offering (feat. Noel Robinson) 04:15 7 Paul Baloche O Come All Ye Faithful - We Adore You 04:34 8 Paul Baloche This Is Love (feat. Donna Akodu) 05:02 9 Paul Baloche Silent Night (All Is Calm) 04:54 10 Paul Baloche Peace On Earth (feat. Madison Cunningham) 03:34
Paul Baloche View in Albunack Live 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Baloche Our God Saves 05:30 2 Paul Baloche God My Rock 05:12 3 Paul Baloche You Lift Us Up 04:34 4 Paul Baloche The Same Love 06:27 5 Paul Baloche Jesus Be My Savior 04:30 6 Paul Baloche Mighty Fortress 05:27 7 Paul Baloche My Hope 05:46 8 Paul Baloche Hosanna (Praise Is Rising) 06:15 9 Paul Baloche Today Is The Day 04:58 10 Paul Baloche He Is Risen 05:04 11 Paul Baloche Glorious / Holy Holy Holy 08:21
Paul Baloche View in Albunack Live (Deluxe Edition) 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Baloche Our God Saves 05:30 2 Paul Baloche God My Rock 05:12 3 Paul Baloche You Lift Us Up 04:34 4 Paul Baloche The Same Love 06:27 5 Paul Baloche Jesus Be My Savior 04:30 6 Paul Baloche Mighty Fortress 05:27 7 Paul Baloche My Hope 05:46 8 Paul Baloche Hosanna (Praise Is Rising) 06:15 9 Paul Baloche Today Is The Day 04:58 10 Paul Baloche He Is Risen 05:04 11 Paul Baloche Glorious / Holy Holy Holy 08:21
Paul Baloche View in Albunack Live (Deluxe Version) 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Baloche Our God Saves 05:30 2 Paul Baloche God My Rock 05:12 3 Paul Baloche You Life Us Up 04:34 4 Paul Baloche The Same love 06:27 5 Paul Baloche Jesus Be My Saviour 04:30 6 Paul Baloche Might Fortress 05:27 7 Paul Baloche My Hope 05:46 8 Paul Baloche Hosanna (Praise Is Rising) 06:15 9 Paul Baloche Today Is The Day 04:58 10 Paul Baloche He Is Risen 05:05 11 Glorious Holy Holy Holy 08:21
Search Paul Banks Grace 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Banks The White Hotel 04:05 2 Paul Banks Grace 05:36 3 Paul Banks Tennesee Waltz 04:41 4 Paul Banks Ginhouse Blues 05:43 5 Paul Banks Man of Many Faces 05:29 6 Paul Banks Indian Summer 03:11 7 Paul Banks Ditty Wah Ditty 03:54 8 Paul Banks Comes Love 06:01 9 Paul Banks Indigo Nights 03:51 10 Paul Banks Crazy Love 03:38
Search Paul Banks White Noise And Diamond Nights 10 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Banks Dissatisfied 04:39 2 Paul Banks White Noise 04:17 Has Mbid 3 Paul Banks Diamond Night 05:11 4 Paul Banks Donnel Street 05:33 5 Paul Banks Electricity 05:40 6 Paul Banks The Rest Of Mine 05:22 7 Paul Banks Just A Dream 03:15 8 Paul Banks Dogmatism 03:22 9 Paul Banks Gladly The Cross Eyed Bear (gladly the cross i´d bear) 05:59 10 Paul Banks My Pretty Little Angel Eyes 04:27
Paul Baribeau View in Albunack 2009 Demos 6 1 2009 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Baribeau If I Knew 02:23 2 Paul Baribeau Through the Wall 01:42 3 Paul Baribeau How Could That Be True 01:58 Has Mbid 4 Paul Baribeau The Mall 02:25 5 Paul Baribeau Eight Letters 01:45 6 Paul Baribeau Sand Dollar 01:56
Paul Beier View in Albunack Falckenhagen Weiss 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Beier Adam Falckenhagen (1697-1754) - Preludio 25:18 2 Paul Beier Sylvius Leopold Weiss (1686-1750) - Preludio 02:26 3 Paul Beier Sylvius Leopold Weiss (1687-1750) - Partita in D minor - Vivace (Allemande) 07:15 4 Paul Beier Sylvius Leopold Weiss (1687-1750) - Partita in D minor - Courente 06:03 5 Paul Beier Sylvius Leopold Weiss (1687-1750) - Partita in D minor - Bourree 04:36 6 Paul Beier Sylvius Leopold Weiss (1687-1750) - Partita in D minor - Andante 05:41 7 Paul Beier Sylvius Leopold Weiss (1687-1750) - Partita in D minor - Presto 08:10 8 Paul Beier Sylvius Leopold Weiss (1687-1750) - Partita in D minor - Minuetto 06:17
Paul Beier View in Albunack Francesco da Milano: Intabolatura da Leuto 27 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Beier Ricercar No 11 02:17 2 Paul Beier Ricercar 12 02:41 3 Paul Beier Le plus gorgais du monde 01:33 4 Paul Beier Ricercar 14 01:30 5 Paul Beier Ricercar 15 01:39 6 Paul Beier Tu discois que je mourroye 02:25 7 Paul Beier Ricercar 8 02:18 8 Paul Beier Las,Ye Me Plains for lute 01:54 9 Paul Beier Ricercar No 5 03:42 10 Paul Beier Ricercar 19 04:57 11 Paul Beier O Bone Yhesu 02:32 12 Paul Beier Ricercar No 3 01:30 13 Paul Beier Ricercare for lute No 13 01:37 14 Paul Beier Restovit, Arrangement of Jean Mouton's Resjouissez vous bourgeoises 02:51 15 Paul Beier Ricercar No 10 01:50 16 Paul Beier Ricercar No 7 01:06 17 Paul Beier Ricercar 6 02:45 18 Paul Beier Can gieto fu marie, Arrangement of Quand j'estoie á marier 03:37 19 Paul Beier Ricercar No 4 00:49 20 Paul Beier Chi voleno dir de moy 01:42 21 Paul Beier Ricercar 18 02:38 22 Paul Beier Mon per si ma marie 02:07 23 Paul Beier Ricercar No 2 01:39 24 Paul Beier Pourquoy Allez-Voux Seullette 02:44 25 Paul Beier Ricercar 9 02:00 26 Paul Beier Ricercare for lute No 16 01:00 27 Paul Beier Ricercar 17 02:40
Paul Beier View in Albunack Il Cavaliere del Liuto 30 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Beier Fantasia Laurencini 01:15 2 Paul Beier Romanesca di Lorenzino 02:04 3 Paul Beier Praeludium Laurencini 02:19 4 Paul Beier Susanne un Jour transposito Laurencini 05:31 5 Paul Beier Pass'e mezo Laurencini in G sol re ut per b molle 02:29 6 Paul Beier Praeambulum equitis overo Laurencinj civis Romanj 02:22 7 Paul Beier Fantasia Equitis Romani 03:13 8 Paul Beier Galliarda Equitis Romani 02:24 9 Paul Beier Praeludium Laurencini 02:02 10 Paul Beier Fantasia Laurencini 03:08 11 Paul Beier Anchor che co 'l partire 04:03 12 Paul Beier Galliarda elusdem 01:39 13 Paul Beier Fantasia di Lorenzino 04:10 14 Paul Beier Galliarda elusdem 03:18 15 Paul Beier Preaeludium Laurencini 02:01 16 Paul Beier Galliarda Laurencini 01:55 17 Paul Beier Branle de Laurencini 02:16 18 Paul Beier Tiento over Tochata L. 01:27 19 Paul Beier Praeludium Laurencini 01:00 20 Paul Beier Vestiva I colli Transposito Laurencini 04:55 21 Paul Beier Gagliarda del Cavagliere 02:13 22 Paul Beier Tochata del Lorenzino 01:29 23 Paul Beier Cosi le chiome Transposito Laurencini 04:37 24 Paul Beier Praeludium Laurencini 01:25 25 Paul Beier Fantasia Laurencini 01:48 26 Paul Beier Galliarda Laurencini 02:06 27 Paul Beier Praeambulum Laurencini 01:52 28 Paul Beier Fantasia Laurencini 01:30 29 Paul Beier Galliarda Bella Laurencinj 02:44 30 Paul Beier Courante 12. Laurencini 02:02
Paul Beier View in Albunack Il Secondo Libro de Intavolatura di Liuto. Venetia 1599 24 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Beier Secondo libro de intavolature: I. Preambulo de l'autore sopra le Corente Francese 01:32 2 Paul Beier Secondo libro de intavolature: II. Corente Francese primo 01:19 3 Paul Beier Secondo libro de intavolature: III. Preludio 02:30 4 Paul Beier Secondo libro de intavolature: IV. Gagliarda Tamburina 02:44 5 Paul Beier Secondo libro de intavolature: V. Non mi toglia il ben mio a 4, contrappunto 05:22 6 Paul Beier Secondo libro de intavolature: VI. Volta Francese Quarta 01:09 7 Paul Beier Secondo libro de intavolature: VII. Corente Francese Secondo 01:11 8 Paul Beier Secondo libro de intavolature: VIII. Toccata seconda 02:42 9 Paul Beier Secondo libro de intavolature: IX. Fantasia seconda 05:15 10 Paul Beier Secondo libro de intavolature: X. Ballo alemano primo 01:46 11 Paul Beier Secondo libro de intavolature: XI. Padoana terza 01:59 12 Paul Beier Secondo libro de intavolature: XII. Gagliarda terza 01:36 13 Paul Beier Secondo libro de intavolature: XIII. Iouisance cnzon francesa di Adrian Willaert 04:58 14 Paul Beier Secondo libro de intavolature: XIV. Bariera balletto con le sue repliche 05:38 15 Paul Beier Secondo libro de intavolature: XV. Chi fara fede al ciel à modo di Viola bastarda 06:57 16 Paul Beier Secondo libro de intavolature: XVI. Pass'e mezzo ultimo 02:22 17 Paul Beier Secondo libro de intavolature: XVII. Gagliarda del pass'e mezo con la represa 04:16 18 Paul Beier Secondo libro de intavolature: XVIII. Fantasia in modo di Canzon francese (di Giovanni Gabrieli) 05:02 19 Paul Beier Secondo libro de intavolature: XIX. Liquide perle a 5, contrappunto 03:12 20 Paul Beier Secondo libro de intavolature: XX. Balletto alemano 00:54 21 Paul Beier Secondo libro de intavolature: XXI. Ballo polaco 01:23 22 Paul Beier Secondo libro de intavolature: XXII. Balletto francese 00:57 23 Paul Beier Secondo libro de intavolature: XXIII. Canzon francese "Allermifaut" 06:46 24 Paul Beier Secondo libro de intavolature: XXIV. Fantasia seconda in modo di canzon francese 05:48
Paul Beier View in Albunack Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750) - Suite francesi I-IV per luth (STRADIVARIUS16) 24 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Beier Suite I in do minore BWV.0812 - i) Allemanda 04:33 2 Paul Beier - ii) Corrente 01:59 3 Paul Beier - iii) Sarabanda 04:15 4 Paul Beier - iv) Minuetto I/II 03:29 5 Paul Beier - v) Giga 04:23 6 Paul Beier Suite II in do minore BWV.0813 - i) Allemanda 04:01 7 Paul Beier - ii) Corrente 02:32 8 Paul Beier - iii) Sarabanda 04:23 9 Paul Beier - iv) Aria 02:14 10 Paul Beier - v) Minuetto 01:56 11 Paul Beier - vi) Giga 03:31 12 Paul Beier Suite III in si bemolle minore BWV.0814 - i) Allemanda 05:12 13 Paul Beier - ii) Corrente 02:31 14 Paul Beier - iii) Sarabanda 03:47 15 Paul Beier - iv) Minuetto I/II 03:13 16 Paul Beier - v) Gavotta (Inglese) 02:51 17 Paul Beier - vi) Giga 03:31 18 Paul Beier Suite III in Re maggiore BWV.815 - i) Allemanda 02:33 19 Paul Beier - ii) Corrente 03:11 20 Paul Beier - iii) Sarabanda 02:36 21 Paul Beier - iv) Gavotta I/II 02:36 22 Paul Beier - v) Minuetto 04:59 23 Paul Beier - vi) Aria 01:49 24 Paul Beier - vii) Giga 02:37
Paul Beier View in Albunack Romanus: Fantasia Laurencini; Praeludium Laurencini 30 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Beier Fantasia Laurencini 01:15 2 Paul Beier Romanesca di Lorenzino 02:04 3 Paul Beier Praeludium Laurencini 02:19 4 Paul Beier Susanne un jour transposito Laurencini 05:31 5 Paul Beier Pass'e mezo Laurencini in G sol re ut per flat molle 02:29 6 Paul Beier Praeambulum equitis overo Laurencinj civis Romanj 02:22 7 Paul Beier Fantasia Equitis Romani 03:13 8 Paul Beier Galliarda Equitis Romani 02:24 9 Paul Beier Praeludium Laurencini 02:02 10 Paul Beier Fantasia Laurencini 03:08 11 Paul Beier Anchor che co 'l partire 04:03 12 Paul Beier Galliarda eiusdem 01:39 13 Paul Beier Fantasia di Lorenzino 04:10 14 Paul Beier Galliarda eiusdem 03:18 15 Paul Beier Preaeludium Laurencini 02:01 16 Paul Beier Galliarda Laurencini 01:55 17 Paul Beier Branie de Laurencin 02:16 18 Paul Beier Tiento over Tochata L. /127 01:27 19 Paul Beier Praeludium Laurencini 01:00 20 Paul Beier Vestiva i colli Transposito Laurencini 04:55 21 Paul Beier Gagliarda del Cavagliere 02:13 22 Paul Beier Tochata dal Lorenzino 01:29 23 Paul Beier Cosi le chiome Transposito Laurencini 04:37 24 Paul Beier Praeludium Laurencini 01:25 25 Paul Beier Fantasia Laurencini 01:48 26 Paul Beier Galliarda Laurencini 02:06 27 Paul Beier Praeambulum Laurencini 01:52 28 Paul Beier Fantasia Laurencini 01:30 29 Paul Beier Galliarda Bella Laurencinj 02:44 30 Paul Beier Courante 12. Laurentzini 02:02
Search Paul Bell Name In Lights 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Bell Should Have Learned 03:38 2 Paul Bell Day Like This 03:33 3 Paul Bell Tuvalu 04:14 4 Paul Bell Name In Lights 03:05 5 Paul Bell The Need for Biscuits 02:37 6 Paul Bell Time Is Right 03:03 7 Paul Bell Thursday Night 03:30 8 Paul Bell Unnoticed 04:33 9 Paul Bell Sock Drawer 02:49 10 Paul Bell What I Call Romance 04:16 11 Paul Bell Keep Me Going 04:14
Paul Berner View in Albunack Paul Berner 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Berner Norwegian Wood 06:11 2 Paul Berner Nowhere man 06:45 3 Paul Berner Run for your life 05:36 4 Paul Berner It's only love 06:14 5 Paul Berner Wait 04:38 6 Paul Berner In my life 07:56 7 Paul Berner Girl 04:39 8 Paul Berner Michelle 03:58 9 Paul Berner The Word 03:29
Search Paul Biegel Anderland 21 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Biegel Anderland CD1-01 01:49 2 Paul Biegel Anderland CD1-02 07:56 3 Paul Biegel Anderland CD1-03 01:05 4 Paul Biegel Anderland CD1-04 00:31 5 Paul Biegel Anderland CD1-05 00:59 6 Paul Biegel Anderland CD1-06 00:24 7 Paul Biegel Anderland CD1-07 01:30 8 Paul Biegel Anderland CD1-08 00:31 9 Paul Biegel Anderland CD1-09 00:14 10 Paul Biegel Anderland CD1-10 00:49 11 Paul Biegel Anderland CD1-11 06:20 12 Paul Biegel Anderland CD1-12 00:38 13 Paul Biegel Anderland CD1-13 01:31 14 Paul Biegel Anderland CD1-14 07:44 15 Paul Biegel Anderland CD1-15 00:43 16 Paul Biegel Anderland CD1-16 02:02 17 Paul Biegel Anderland CD1-17 04:53 18 Paul Biegel Anderland CD1-18 03:29 19 Paul Biegel Anderland CD1-19 01:12 20 Paul Biegel Anderland CD1-20 07:10 21 Paul Biegel Anderland CD1-21 03:43
Search Paul Biegel De Kleine Kapitein En De Schat van Schrik en Vreze 12 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Biegel Naar het westen 05:49 2 Paul Biegel Waar is de kleine kapitein? 05:34 3 Paul Biegel Dappere Marinka 05:52 4 Paul Biegel De storm 05:13 5 Paul Biegel De koperen kanonnen 06:10 6 Paul Biegel De eerste kist 06:13 7 Paul Biegel De oude wachter 05:37 Has Mbid 8 Paul Biegel Fata morgana 05:20 9 Paul Biegel Het spoor van bange Toontje 05:39 10 Paul Biegel De kist van het geluk 05:59 11 Paul Biegel De spiegel in de lucht 05:54 12 Paul Biegel Nog drie kisten 06:15
Search Paul Biegel De kleine kapitein in het land van Waan en Wijs 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Biegel Goud pletten 04:54 2 Paul Biegel Meer zware gangen 04:45 3 Paul Biegel De diamant van het heldere denken 04:46 4 Paul Biegel De zevende toren 04:50 5 Paul Biegel Het toverschip 04:59 6 Paul Biegel Het droeve verhaal van Kromme Arie 05:01 7 Paul Biegel Het kringworteleiland 04:43 8 Paul Biegel De schat 04:50 9 Paul Biegel De overval 04:40 10 Paul Biegel Arme Toontje 04:53 11 Paul Biegel Het einde van de reis 05:10
Search Paul Biegel De kleine kapitein in het land van Waan en Wijs 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Biegel Goud pletten 04:54 2 Paul Biegel Meer zware gangen 04:45 3 Paul Biegel De diamant van het heldere denken 04:46 4 Paul Biegel De zeetuin van vader Blauwkrab 04:32 5 Paul Biegel Het toverschip 04:59 6 Paul Biegel Dove oren 03:54 7 Paul Biegel De vlucht 04:11 8 Paul Biegel Van derVloed 03:36 9 Paul Biegel Uitgespuugd 04:17 10 Paul Biegel De vuurtoren 04:10 11 Paul Biegel De wenteltrap 04:51 12 Paul Biegel Het land van Waan en Wijs 04:53
Search Paul Biegel De tuinen van Dorr 3 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Biegel De oude toren 07:16 2 Paul Biegel De vieze geschiedenis van Eliboe en Gnazabar 07:36 3 Paul Biegel De droom van het standbeeld 01:43 4 Paul Biegel Het verhaal van het dal vol bloemen: de vierde zomer 03:33 5 Paul Biegel De duizend kronieken 11:02 6 Paul Biegel De donkere kamer 03:56 7 Paul Biegel Het verhaal van onder het bed: de vijfde zomer 13:26 8 Paul Biegel De val van Glop 02:28 9 Paul Biegel De droevige geschiedenis van Mink en Jink 11:33
Search Paul Biegel De zeven veren van de papegaai 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Biegel Het bos van de houthakker 04:14 2 Paul Biegel Op weg 04:39 3 Paul Biegel De bergen 04:28 4 Paul Biegel De woestijn 04:54 5 Paul Biegel Het moeras 04:46 6 Paul Biegel De stad 04:50 7 Paul Biegel Het witte berkenbos 04:47 8 Paul Biegel Het toverkasteel 05:20 9 Paul Biegel De storm 04:42 10 Paul Biegel De nevelkoningin 05:12
Search Paul Biegel Het Sleutelkruid 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Biegel Eerste Hoofdstuk 05:57 2 Paul Biegel 2 Het verhaal van de zielige ezel 11:30 3 Paul Biegel Tweede Hoofdstuk 01:51 4 Paul Biegel De ballade van het paard 14:44 5 Paul Biegel Negende hoofdstuk 04:57 6 Paul Biegel Het verhaal van de draak 13:08 7 Paul Biegel 7 Het vierde boek- voorspellingen 07:31 8 Paul Biegel De verhalen van de stadsmuis en de veldmuis 11:51 9 Paul Biegel 9 Het verhaal van de wonderdokter 08:06 10 Paul Biegel Het Verhaal Van Het Schaap 06:23 11 Paul Biegel Zesde Hoofdstuk 01:46 12 Paul Biegel Het Verhaal Van De Kever 07:10
Search Paul Biegel Japie en de dingen 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Biegel De Chinese vaas 06:33 2 Paul Biegel De pauweveer 05:29 3 Paul Biegel De olielamp 06:08 4 Paul Biegel De laarzen 06:49 5 Paul Biegel Het spinnewiel 07:14 6 Paul Biegel De Goudse pijp 06:41 7 Paul Biegel De kwispedoor 07:41 8 Paul Biegel De haardtang 06:26 9 Paul Biegel De laatste droom 07:12 10 Paul Biegel Het laatste verhaal 07:45
Search Paul Biegel Japie en het grote geld 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Biegel Japies piraat 05:27 2 Paul Biegel De dief 05:40 3 Paul Biegel De hinderlaag 05:20 4 Paul Biegel De dievenval 05:37 5 Paul Biegel Nog warm... 06:11 6 Paul Biegel Een tv-piraat 06:18 7 Paul Biegel Daarginds... 07:28 8 Paul Biegel Een arrestatie 07:11 9 Paul Biegel Het verhoor 07:50 10 Paul Biegel Zo simpel als wat 07:57
Search Paul Biegel Kleine Kapitein - Schat van Schrik en Vreze 12 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Biegel De schat van de zeerover 05:48 3 Paul Biegel Dappere Marinka 05:52 4 Paul Biegel Schrik en Vreze? 05:16 5 Paul Biegel De koperen kanonnen 06:10 6 Paul Biegel De eerste kist 06:13 7 Paul Biegel Het schip der woestijn 05:31 Has Mbid 8 Paul Biegel Fata morgana 05:20 9 Paul Biegel Het spoor van bange Toontje 05:39 10 Paul Biegel Wat de rovers vergaten 06:02 11 Paul Biegel De spiegel in de lucht 05:54
Search Paul Biegel Kleine Kapitein - Schat van Schrik en Vreze - 2 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 2 Paul Biegel Waar is de kleine kapitein? 05:34 3 Paul Biegel De Woeste Kookzee 05:37 4 Paul Biegel De storm 05:13 6 Paul Biegel Vijf kapiteinen 05:25 7 Paul Biegel De oude wachter 05:37 9 Paul Biegel De vuurpijl 05:58 10 Paul Biegel De kist van het geluk 05:59 11 Paul Biegel Feest in de Witte IJsburcht 05:41
Paul Bisaccia View in Albunack Jazz Christmas 31 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Bisaccia March 02:36 2 Paul Bisaccia Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy 02:01 3 Paul Bisaccia Russian Dance 00:58 4 Paul Bisaccia Dance of the Reed Flutes 02:31 5 Paul Bisaccia Waltz of the Flowers 06:29 6 Paul Bisaccia Joy to the World 01:34 7 Paul Bisaccia O Come All Ye Faithful 01:42 8 Paul Bisaccia It Came Uopn a Midnight Clear 00:59 9 Paul Bisaccia Silent Night 01:05 10 Paul Bisaccia Jingle Bells 00:59 11 Paul Bisaccia We Wish You a Merry Christmas 02:12 12 Paul Bisaccia Deck the Halls 02:50 13 Paul Bisaccia Up on the Housetop 00:42 14 Paul Bisaccia Anderson: Sleigh Ride 02:26 15 Paul Bisaccia Jingle Bells 01:23 16 Paul Bisaccia Winter Wonderland 01:08 17 Paul Bisaccia Torme: The Christmas Song 02:41 18 Paul Bisaccia Silent Night 02:09 19 Paul Bisaccia Away in a Manger 02:17 20 Paul Bisaccia Haynes: Carrol 03:12 21 Paul Bisaccia Carol of the Bells 01:22 22 Paul Bisaccia O Holy Night 03:31 23 Paul Bisaccia Sleigh Ride 04:08 24 Paul Bisaccia Christmas Waltz 04:45 25 Paul Bisaccia Bach: Jesu Joy of Man's Desiring 03:27 26 Paul Bisaccia Old Christmas Song 02:57 27 Paul Bisaccia In dulci jubilo 03:46 28 Paul Bisaccia Adeste Fidelis as 03:56 29 Paul Bisaccia Scherzo: Lighting the Tree 02:42 30 Paul Bisaccia Old Provencal Christmas Song 01:35 31 Paul Bisaccia Slumber Song 03:37
Paul Bisaccia View in Albunack Ragtime Lullabies 22 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Bisaccia The Real American Folk Song Is a Rag 00:46 2 Paul Bisaccia Rialto Ripples Rag 02:06 3 Paul Bisaccia Lullaby 08:00 4 Paul Bisaccia Prelude (Ca January 1925) 00:24 5 Paul Bisaccia Prelude- Rubato 00:56 6 Paul Bisaccia Prelude-Sleepless Night 03:19 7 Paul Bisaccia Novelette in Fourths 02:46 8 Paul Bisaccia Summertime from Porgy and Bess 02:29 9 Paul Bisaccia Maple Leaf Rag 02:29 10 Paul Bisaccia Solace 06:23 11 Paul Bisaccia The Cascades Rag 03:13 12 Paul Bisaccia The Easy Winners 04:13 13 Paul Bisaccia Pineapple Rag 03:52 14 Paul Bisaccia The Entertainer 04:14 15 Paul Bisaccia Lullaby (Wiegenlied Op. 49 No. 4) 02:07 16 Paul Bisaccia Jimbo's Lullaby from Debussy's "Children's Corner" 03:20 17 Paul Bisaccia Golliwog's Cakewalk from Debussy's "Children's 03:00 18 Paul Bisaccia Spaghetti Rag 02:32 19 Paul Bisaccia Memory from "Cats" 04:13 20 Paul Bisaccia Root Beer Rag 03:00 21 Paul Bisaccia Lullaby-Good Night My Angel 03:44 22 Paul Bisaccia Send in the Clowns from "A Little Night Music" 02:44
Paul Bisaccia View in Albunack Rhapsody In Blue - Gershwin's Complete Solo Piano Music 26 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Bisaccia Rhapsody In Blue 15:33 2 Paul Bisaccia 3 Preludes 07:42 3 Paul Bisaccia 2 Waltzes In C 04:33 4 Paul Bisaccia Rialto Ripples 02:51 5 Paul Bisaccia Merry Andrew 02:27 6 Paul Bisaccia Thre-Quarter Blues 01:04 7 Paul Bisaccia Promenade 03:08 8 Paul Bisaccia Inpromptu in 2 Keys 01:23 9 Paul Bisaccia Swanee 01:10 10 Paul Bisaccia Somebody Loves Me 01:31 11 Paul Bisaccia My One And Only 01:09 12 Paul Bisaccia Who Cares 01:39 13 Paul Bisaccia I'll Build A Stairway To Paradise 01:05 14 Paul Bisaccia The Man I Love 03:43 15 Paul Bisaccia Strike Up The Band 01:12 16 Paul Bisaccia Sweet And Low Down 01:09 17 Paul Bisaccia Do It Again 02:09 18 Paul Bisaccia Fascinatin' Rhythm 01:00 19 Paul Bisaccia S'Wonderful 03:08 20 Paul Bisaccia Lady Be Good 01:28 21 Paul Bisaccia Do - Do - Do 01:28 22 Paul Bisaccia Nobody But You 00:47 23 Paul Bisaccia That Certain Feeling 01:45 24 Paul Bisaccia Clap Yo' Hands 00:59 25 Paul Bisaccia Liza 03:16 26 Paul Bisaccia I Got Rhythm 01:25
Paul Bley View in Albunack 12 (+6) In A Row 18 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Bley Solo 1 03:13 2 Paul Bley Trio 1 03:37 3 Paul Bley Solo 2 03:34 4 Paul Bley Trio 2 02:22 5 Paul Bley Solo 3 03:26 6 Paul Bley Trio 3 03:03 7 Paul Bley Duo 1 01:59 8 Paul Bley Duo 2 01:58 9 Paul Bley Duo 3 02:17 10 Paul Bley Solo 4 04:26 11 Paul Bley Trio 4 02:58 12 Paul Bley Solo 5 03:46 13 Paul Bley Trio 5 04:56 14 Paul Bley Solo 6 04:56 15 Paul Bley Trio 6 04:28 16 Paul Bley Solo 7 02:37 17 Paul Bley Trio 7 02:20 18 Paul Bley Solo 8 03:06
Paul Bley View in Albunack Alone, Again 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Bley Ojos de Gato 04:39 2 Paul Bley Ballade 05:54 3 Paul Bley And Now The Queen 03:06 4 Paul Bley Glad 05:08 5 Paul Bley Lovers 05:34 6 Paul Bley Dreams 05:57 7 Paul Bley Explanations 06:48
Paul Bley View in Albunack Caravan Suite 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Bley Caravan Suite - Section 1 07:22 2 Paul Bley Caravan Suite - Section 2 07:41 3 Paul Bley Caravan Suite - Section 3 08:56 4 Paul Bley Caravan Suite - Section 4 07:06 5 Paul Bley I Got It Bad And Thai Ain't Good 07:31 6 Paul Bley In My Solitude 11:09 7 Paul Bley I'm Beginning To See The Light 06:17
Paul Bley View in Albunack Caravan Suite 1992 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Bley Caravan Suite - Section 1 07:22 2 Paul Bley Caravan Suite - Section 2 07:41 3 Paul Bley Caravan Suite - Section 3 08:56 4 Paul Bley Caravan Suite - Section 4 07:06 5 Paul Bley I Got It Bad And Thai Ain't Good 07:31 6 Paul Bley In My Solitude 11:09 7 Paul Bley I'm Beginning To See The Light 06:17
Paul Bley View in Albunack Echo 16 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Bley Offhand 04:25 2 Paul Bley Noteworthy 03:29 3 Paul Bley Highstrung 03:06 4 Paul Bley Mispoke 02:59 5 Paul Bley Construct 02:38 6 Paul Bley Symmetry 05:53 7 Paul Bley Light 02:22 8 Paul Bley Primitivo 02:11 9 Paul Bley Osmosis 04:29 10 Paul Bley Indolence 04:46 11 Paul Bley Spirits 03:35 12 Paul Bley Desolet 05:36 13 Paul Bley Makeover 00:46 14 Paul Bley Exposures 02:48 15 Paul Bley Background 06:32 16 Paul Bley Snaps 06:51
Paul Bley View in Albunack Florida 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Bley Darkness 02:52 2 Paul Bley Light 02:45 3 Paul Bley Fluid Head 06:32 4 Paul Bley Arches 07:57 5 Paul Bley The Beaten Track 03:57 6 Paul Bley Told You So 06:35 7 Paul Bley Meeting of the Minds 06:31 8 Paul Bley All the Things You Are 06:48 9 Paul Bley True Blue and Gold 03:36 10 Paul Bley Backlash 04:01
Paul Bley View in Albunack If We May 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Bley Long Ago and Far Away 09:39 2 Paul Bley Don't Explain 09:46 3 Paul Bley If We May 10:11 4 Paul Bley Indian Summer 06:02 5 Paul Bley All The Things You Are 09:29 6 Paul Bley Goodbye 05:15 7 Paul Bley Confirmation 05:54
Paul Bley View in Albunack Know Time 13 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Bley Inception 05:01 2 Paul Bley Matrix 03:18 3 Paul Bley Reflection 06:23 4 Paul Bley Dialogue 04:43 5 Paul Bley Prologue 08:40 6 Paul Bley Evanessence 06:55 7 Paul Bley Seascape 05:19 8 Paul Bley Critical Mass 01:32 9 Paul Bley Soundings 03:16 10 Paul Bley Armoury 02:55 11 Paul Bley Cave painting 05:34 12 Paul Bley Sympatico 03:56 13 Paul Bley Apparition 07:39
Paul Bley View in Albunack Live 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Bley Blues 08:49 2 Paul Bley Ostinato 07:07 3 Paul Bley The Theme 03:41 4 Paul Bley Ramblin' 06:11 5 Paul Bley bert's Love Theme 08:47 6 Paul Bley Ida Lupino 04:42 7 Paul Bley Music Matador 04:36 8 Paul Bley When Will the Blues Leave? 05:07 9 Paul Bley Vashkar 04:00 10 Paul Bley Ictus 00:28
Paul Bley View in Albunack Live (w. J Lundgaard) 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Bley Blues 08:49 2 Paul Bley Ostinato 07:07 3 Paul Bley The Theme 03:41 4 Paul Bley Ramblin' 06:11 5 Paul Bley bert's Love Theme 08:47 6 Paul Bley Ida Lupino 04:42 7 Paul Bley Music Matador 04:36 8 Paul Bley When Will the Blues Leave? 05:07 9 Paul Bley Vashkar 04:00 10 Paul Bley Ictus 00:28
Paul Bley View in Albunack Live in Milan 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Bley All the Things you are 22:26 2 Paul Bley Turnaround 09:07 3 Paul Bley Please, don't ever leave me 07:14 4 Paul Bley Ida Lupino 11:59 5 Paul Bley Ramblin' 05:01 6 Paul Bley Harlem 03:53
Paul Bley View in Albunack Live in Milan '79 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Bley All the Things you are 22:17 2 Paul Bley Turnaround 09:08 3 Paul Bley Please, Don't ever leave me 07:13 4 Paul Bley Ida Lupino 12:02 5 Paul Bley Ramblin' 05:01 6 Paul Bley Harlem 03:53
Paul Bley View in Albunack Paul Bley Plays Carla Bley 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Bley Vashkar 06:08 2 Paul Bley Floater 04:42 3 Paul Bley Seven 06:46 4 Paul Bley Around Again 07:06 5 Paul Bley Ida Lupino 07:31 6 Paul Bley Turns 04:56 7 Paul Bley And Now The Queen 06:25 8 Paul Bley Ictus 07:30 9 Paul Bley Olhos De Gato 07:46 10 Paul Bley Donkey 08:12
Paul Bley View in Albunack Paul Plays Carla 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Bley Vashkar 06:08 2 Paul Bley Floater 04:42 3 Paul Bley Seven 06:46 4 Paul Bley Around Again 07:06 5 Paul Bley Ida Lupino 07:31 6 Paul Bley Turns 04:56 7 Paul Bley And Now The Queen 06:25 8 Paul Bley Ictus 07:30 9 Paul Bley Olhos De Gato 07:46 10 Paul Bley Donkey 08:12
Paul Bley View in Albunack Paul Plays Carla Bley 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Bley Vashkar 06:08 2 Paul Bley Floater 04:42 3 Paul Bley Seven 06:46 4 Paul Bley Around Again 07:06 5 Paul Bley Ida Lupino 07:31 6 Paul Bley Turns 04:56 7 Paul Bley And Now The Queen 06:25 8 Paul Bley Ictus 07:30 9 Paul Bley Olhos De Gato 07:46 10 Paul Bley Donkey 08:08
Paul Bley View in Albunack Rejoicing 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Bley Bolivar Blues 09:51 2 Paul Bley Rejoicing 13:50 3 Paul Bley I Can't Get Started 10:30 4 Paul Bley All The Things You Are 12:45 5 Paul Bley When Will The Blues Leave 12:33 6 Paul Bley Ictus 00:17
Paul Bley View in Albunack Solo Piano 18 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Bley If I Loved You 03:29 2 Paul Bley So Hard It Hurts 02:24 3 Paul Bley If I Should Loose You 05:03 4 Paul Bley Gladys 03:24 5 Paul Bley Someone To Watch Over Me 03:56 6 Paul Bley Ostinato II 02:18 7 Paul Bley Tin Tin Deo 05:15 8 Paul Bley Mariona 04:10 9 Paul Bley Lady of Chet 03:26 10 Paul Bley Peace Pipe 03:36 11 Paul Bley Blues Reconstruction 04:28 12 Paul Bley Slipping 01:57 13 Paul Bley Gee Baby Ain't I Good To You 03:46 14 Paul Bley And Now The Queen 05:37 15 Paul Bley You Go To My Head 04:42 16 Paul Bley Carla 03:42 17 Paul Bley Clopin-Clopan 04:25 18 Paul Bley Finale 02:07
Paul Bley View in Albunack Zen Palace 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Bley Deviation 08:59 2 Paul Bley Almost Persuaded 06:37 3 Paul Bley Ah-Ha 05:36 4 Paul Bley Latin Ideas 09:09 5 Paul Bley Zen Palace 11:53 6 Paul Bley Where Is Paul? 10:13
Paul Bley Trio View in Albunack Paul Bley Plays Carla Bley 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Bley Trio Vashkar 06:08 2 Paul Bley Trio Floater 04:42 3 Paul Bley Trio Seven 06:46 4 Paul Bley Trio Around Again 07:06 5 Paul Bley Trio Ida Lupino 07:31 6 Paul Bley Trio Turns 04:56 7 Paul Bley Trio And Now The Queen 06:25 8 Paul Bley Trio Ictus 07:30 9 Paul Bley Trio Olhos De Gato 07:46 10 Paul Bley Trio Donkey 08:08
Paul Bley Trio View in Albunack Paul Plays Carla Bley 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Bley Trio Vashkar 06:08 2 Paul Bley Trio Floater 04:42 3 Paul Bley Trio Seven 06:46 4 Paul Bley Trio Around Again 07:06 5 Paul Bley Trio Ida Lupino 07:31 6 Paul Bley Trio Turns 04:56 7 Paul Bley Trio And Now The Queen 06:25 8 Paul Bley Trio Ictus 07:30 9 Paul Bley Trio Olhos De Gato 07:46 10 Paul Bley Trio Donkey 08:12
Paul Bley Trio View in Albunack Reality Check 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Bley Trio Reality Check 04:43 2 Paul Bley Trio For George 08:14 3 Paul Bley Trio It Isn't 08:21 4 Paul Bley Trio Above You 07:59 5 Paul Bley Trio I Surrender Dear 07:24 6 Paul Bley Trio Do Something 11:11 7 Paul Bley Trio Swan Song 06:50
Paul Bley Trio View in Albunack Zen Palace 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Bley Trio Deviation 08:59 2 Paul Bley Trio Almost Persuaded 06:37 3 Paul Bley Trio Ah-Ha 05:36 4 Paul Bley Trio Latin Ideas 09:09 5 Paul Bley Trio Zen Palace 11:53 6 Paul Bley Trio Where Is Paul? 10:13
Paul Bollenback View in Albunack Double Gemini 10 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Bollenback Breaking The Girl 07:36 2 Paul Bollenback After The Love Has Gone 06:04 3 Paul Bollenback Double Gemini 07:55 4 Paul Bollenback Reflections Of Jaco 05:09 5 Paul Bollenback Let Her Cry 06:41 6 Paul Bollenback So Many Stars 06:53 7 Paul Bollenback Open Hand 05:45 8 Paul Bollenback Field of Gold 06:03 9 Paul Bollenback I Am Singin' 04:59 10 Paul Bollenback Cat's Eyes 03:41
Paul Bollenback View in Albunack Paul Bollenback double vision 9 2 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Bollenback I Am Singing 04:55 2 Paul Bollenback Open Hand 05:44 Has Mbid 3 Paul Bollenback Danny 06:54 4 Paul Bollenback Breaking The Girl 07:33 5 Paul Bollenback Reflections Of Jaco 05:07 6 Paul Bollenback Lush Life 03:16 7 Paul Bollenback After Your Lover Has Gonne 06:00 Has Mbid 8 Paul Bollenback Thank You Mr. Hancock 06:35 9 Paul Bollenback Let Her Cry 06:54
Search Paul Booth Patchwork Project Vol. 1 11 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Booth Pipe Dream 05:19 2 Paul Booth There Was A Time 04:22 3 Paul Booth Iemanja 04:02 4 Paul Booth Quietude 06:49 5 Paul Booth Dragonfly 01:37 6 Paul Booth Lover's Thief 05:50 7 Paul Booth Twitterburg Waltz 02:20 8 Paul Booth Oh So Lonely 01:59 9 Paul Booth Miles From Nowhere 05:16 10 Paul Booth Orca/Satta Massagana 06:49 11 Paul Booth No Woman, No Cry 04:22
Paul Bowles View in Albunack Migrations 33 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Bowles Concerto for two pianos, winds and percussion - 1 Allegro 04:19 2 Paul Bowles Concerto for two pianos, winds and percussion - 2 Scherzo 01:34 3 Paul Bowles Concerto for two pianos, winds and percussion - 3 Andante 04:50 4 Paul Bowles Concerto for two pianos, winds and percussion - 4 Galop 04:36 5 Paul Bowles Sonata for Flute and Piano (1932): I 02:37 6 Paul Bowles Concerto for two pianos, winds and percussion - 2 03:15 7 Paul Bowles Concerto for two pianos, winds and percussion - 3 04:36 8 Paul Bowles Music for a Farce (1938): 1 Allegro Rigoroso 01:11 9 Paul Bowles - II Presto (tempo di tarantella) 01:49 10 Paul Bowles Music for a farce - 3 Allegretto (Temp di quickstep) 00:50 11 Paul Bowles Music for a farce - 4 Allegro 01:52 12 Paul Bowles Music for a farce - 5 Lento (Tempo di valse) 02:26 13 Paul Bowles Music for a farce - 6 Allegro (Tempo di marcia) 01:45 14 Paul Bowles Music for a farce - 7 Presto 00:45 15 Paul Bowles Music for a farce - 8 Allegretto 02:13 16 Paul Bowles Sonata fo oboe and clarinet - 1 02:51 17 Paul Bowles Sonata fo oboe and clarinet - 2 01:59 18 Paul Bowles Sonata for Oboe and Clarinet (1931): III 02:03 19 Paul Bowles Hippolytos and Salome - 1 02:33 20 Paul Bowles Hippolytos and Salome - 2 01:27 21 Paul Bowles Hippolytos and Salome (1992, 1993): III 00:47 22 Paul Bowles Hippolytos and Salome - 4 01:19 23 Paul Bowles Hippolytos and Salome - 5 01:12 24 Paul Bowles Hippolytos and Salome (1992, 1993): VI 00:58 25 Paul Bowles Hippolytos and Salome - 7 01:12 26 Paul Bowles Hippolytos and Salome - 8 01:18 27 Paul Bowles Hippolytos and Salome - 9 01:51 28 Paul Bowles Scenes d'anabas - 1 il naquite un poulain 01:22 29 Paul Bowles Scenes D'Anabase (1932): II A L'Orient Du Ciel 01:54 30 Paul Bowles Scenes D'Anabase (1932): III A La Moisson Des Orges 02:19 31 Paul Bowles Scenes d'anabas - - Solitude! L'oeuf bleu 02:32 32 Paul Bowles Scenes d'anabas - 5 Ainsi Parfois nos Seuils 02:09 33 Paul Bowles Night Waltz (1949) 04:05
Paul Bowles View in Albunack Sonata for Oboe & Clarinet\; Flute Sonata\; Scènes d'Anabase 23 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Bowles Nocturne for Two Pianos 03:43 2 Paul Bowles Sonata for Oboe & Clarinet: I. Quarter Note \= 138 03:14 3 Paul Bowles Sonata for Oboe & Clarinet: II. Quarter Note \= 72 03:14 4 Paul Bowles Sonata for Oboe & Clarinet: III. Quarter Note \= 108 02:00 5 Paul Bowles Selected Songs: I. Three ( Tennessee Williams) 01:33 6 Paul Bowles Selected Songs: II. Mes De Mayo (Anonymous) 02:17 7 Paul Bowles Selected Songs: III. Once a Lady Was Here (Paul Bowles) 01:27 8 Paul Bowles Sonata for Flute & Piano: I. Quarter Note \= 92 02:46 9 Paul Bowles Sonata for Flute & Piano: II. Quarter Note \= 138 04:12 10 Paul Bowles Sonata for Flute & Piano: III. Quarter Note \= 92 04:57 11 Paul Bowles Cuatro Canciones de Garcia Lorca: I. Cancioncilla 01:00 12 Paul Bowles Cuatro Canciones de Garcia Lorca: II. Media Luna 01:05 13 Paul Bowles Cuatro Canciones de Garcia Lorca: III. Balada Amarilla 01:33 14 Paul Bowles Cuatro Canciones de Garcia Lorca: IV. Murió al Amancer 02:25 15 Paul Bowles Four Miniatures for Piano: I. Prelude for Bernard Suares 00:32 16 Paul Bowles Four Miniatures for Piano: II. Portrait of KMC 01:05 17 Paul Bowles Four Miniatures for Piano: III. Reverie 01:17 18 Paul Bowles Four Miniatures for Piano: IV. Sarabande 02:02 19 Paul Bowles Scènes d'Anabase: I. Allegro 02:19 20 Paul Bowles Scènes d'Anabase: II. Andante 01:52 21 Paul Bowles Scènes d'Anabase: III. Quarter Note \= 72 01:59 22 Paul Bowles Scènes d'Anabase: IV. Andante 02:56 23 Paul Bowles Scènes d'Anabase: V. Tempo di Rag 02:09
Search Paul Bradley A-Class Speed 8 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Bradley Get You 04:37 2 Paul Bradley The Line 05:16 3 Paul Bradley Ghost Boat 04:46 4 Paul Bradley Higher 05:17 5 Paul Bradley Wicked Night 05:18 6 Paul Bradley Slam This 04:28 7 Paul Bradley Purely Free 05:04 8 Paul Bradley Kin Devvod 04:28
Search Paul Bradley Calico Pie 21 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Bradley The Cow (RLS) 01:23 2 Paul Bradley I Had A Little Nut Tree 01:43 3 Paul Bradley Sing A Song of Sixpence 01:05 4 Paul Bradley Oranges & Lemons 01:47 5 Paul Bradley Calico Pie 02:11 6 Paul Bradley Sally Go Round the Sun 01:22 7 Paul Bradley Ride A Cock Horse 01:21 8 Paul Bradley Green Grow The Rushes O 02:24 9 Paul Bradley Girls & Boys 02:00 10 Paul Bradley Ring-a-Ring-a-Roses 00:42 11 Paul Bradley Cunla 01:35 12 Paul Bradley The Tyger 02:13 13 Paul Bradley Hey Ho the Wind and the Rain 01:28 14 Paul Bradley The Owl & the Pussycat 02:02 15 Paul Bradley A Fairy Went A-Marketing 01:50 16 Paul Bradley The Land of Counterpane 01:52 17 Paul Bradley The Cow (Ann & Jane Taylor) 02:02 18 Paul Bradley Lavenders Blue 01:19 19 Paul Bradley Where Go The Boats? 01:50 20 Paul Bradley The Wind 01:23 21 Paul Bradley The Star (Twinkle Twinkle Little Star) 02:47
Search Paul Bradley Chroma 7 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Bradley Chroma 03:39 2 Paul Bradley Chroma 06:22 3 Paul Bradley Chroma 03:51 4 Paul Bradley Chroma 10:45 5 Paul Bradley Chroma 01:39 6 Paul Bradley Chroma 10:30 7 Paul Bradley Chroma 07:36
Paul Brady View in Albunack Live at Rockpalast 12 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Brady Not The Only One 06:04 2 Paul Brady Take Me Away 06:13 3 Paul Brady The Road To The Promised Land 06:07 4 Paul Brady Dancer In The Fire 06:30 5 Paul Brady Dance The Romance 06:47 6 Paul Brady Trouble Round The Bend 07:07 7 Paul Brady The Great Pretender 07:18 8 Paul Brady Crazy Dreams 06:18 9 Paul Brady Nothing But The Same Old Story 06:37 10 Paul Brady Steel Claw 05:22 11 Paul Brady Helpless Heart 06:49 12 Paul Brady Busted Loose 04:36
Paul Brandt View in Albunack The Journey BNA, Vol. 2 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Brandt Bittersweet [w. Lindsay Ell] 02:45 2 Paul Brandt You'll Never Know 03:45 3 Paul Brandt Lie Like That Again 03:48 4 Paul Brandt I Ain't Got Time 02:42 5 Paul Brandt The Way You Say You Do 03:41 6 Paul Brandt On My Way Home To You 02:59
Paul Brandt View in Albunack The Journey YYC Vol. 01 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Brandt The Journey 03:25 2 Paul Brandt All About Her 02:47 3 Paul Brandt Better Country 03:27 4 Paul Brandt Thank You, Thank You 03:59 5 Paul Brandt YYC BNA 03:40 6 Paul Brandt Slow Down 03:55
Paul Brandt View in Albunack The Journey YYC Vol.1 6 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Brandt The Journey 03:28 2 Paul Brandt All About Her 02:47 3 Paul Brandt Better Country 03:27 4 Paul Brandt Thank You, Thank You 03:59 5 Paul Brandt YYC BNA 03:40 6 Paul Brandt Slow Down 03:55
Search Paul Brett Paul Brett's Sage 9 2 Show/Hide Tracks Has Mbid 1 Sage, Paul Brett 3D Mona Lisa 03:25 2 Sage, Paul Brett The Sun Died 04:05 3 Sage, Paul Brett Little Aztec Prince 04:26 Has Mbid 4 Sage, Paul Brett Reason for Your Asking 04:14 5 Sage, Paul Brett Trophies of War 03:49 6 Sage, Paul Brett The Tower 05:15 7 Sage, Paul Brett The Painter 04:15 8 Sage, Paul Brett Mediterranean Lazy Heat Wave 03:22 9 Sage, Paul Brett Warlock 05:42
Paul Brody View in Albunack Far from Moldova 9 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Brody Persian Hora 07:22 2 Paul Brody Oamini Bun 03:26 3 Paul Brody Datina 04:15 4 Paul Brody Worlds Apart 04:58 5 Paul Brody Mechanical Reproduction 03:35 6 Paul Brody Partita Motif 06:01 7 Paul Brody Behind the Fog 04:18 8 Paul Brody Goldberg Deviation 02:42 9 Paul Brody Misfit 04:09
Search Paul Brooks Classic Rock 19 1 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Brooks The Final countdown 05:27 2 Paul Brooks Smoke on the water 04:34 3 Paul Brooks Gimme all your lovin' 04:23 4 Paul Brooks Need you tonight 03:40 5 Paul Brooks Hotel California 03:43 6 Paul Brooks Poison 04:22 7 Paul Brooks The Spirit of radio 03:24 8 Paul Brooks Dead ringer for love 03:48 9 Paul Brooks Sweet child o' mine 04:35 10 Paul Brooks More than a feeling 04:05 11 Paul Brooks Another brick in the wall 04:35 12 Paul Brooks The road to hell 03:49 13 Paul Brooks Jump 03:56 14 Paul Brooks Livin' on a prayer 04:20 15 Paul Brooks Rock 'n' Roll 04:30 16 Paul Brooks Seven seas of rye 02:55 17 Paul Brooks Animal 04:13 Has Mbid 18 Paul Brooks Eye of the tiger 03:47 19 Paul Brooks Inside 03:51
Search Paul Brooks Electronic Moods 19 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Brooks Aria on air 04:37 2 Paul Brooks Wonderful life 04:28 3 Paul Brooks Sadness part 1 04:03 4 Paul Brooks The streets of Philadelphia 03:32 5 Paul Brooks La Serenssima 03:47 6 Paul Brooks Forbidden colours 04:41 7 Paul Brooks Sweet lullaby 04:09 8 Paul Brooks Wedding song 02:45 9 Paul Brooks Bilitis 03:48 10 Paul Brooks Lily was here 04:29 11 Paul Brooks The road 03:48 12 Paul Brooks Howard's way 02:43 13 Paul Brooks Oxygene (Part IV) 04:22 14 Paul Brooks Don't give up 05:16 15 Paul Brooks Can you feel the love tonight? 04:09 16 Paul Brooks Killing fields 03:34 17 Paul Brooks Moonlighting 02:49 18 Paul Brooks Crockett's theme 04:15 19 Paul Brooks Chi mai 04:58
Search Paul Brooks Hooked On Movies 6 2 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Brooks The Musicals Medley 07:54 Has Mbid 2 Paul Brooks The War Themes Medley 05:22 3 Paul Brooks Other Worlds Medley 08:06 4 Paul Brooks The Oscar Winners Medley 07:28 5 Paul Brooks Love Stories Medley 08:48 Has Mbid 6 Paul Brooks Out West Medley 05:54
Search Paul Brooks New Horizons 25 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Brooks Aria On Air 03:26 2 Paul Brooks Oxygene (Part IV) 03:25 3 Paul Brooks La Serenissima 03:47 4 Paul Brooks Forbidden Colours 03:26 5 Paul Brooks The Road 03:05 6 Paul Brooks The Streets Of Philadelphia 03:10 7 Paul Brooks Wonderful Life 02:52 8 Paul Brooks Howard's Way 02:43 9 Paul Brooks Sadness 03:19 10 Paul Brooks Crokett's Theme 03:10 11 Paul Brooks Lily Was Here 03:21 12 Paul Brooks Moonlighting 02:51 13 Paul Brooks The Killing Fields 03:16 14 Paul Brooks Here Comes The Sun 03:02 15 Paul Brooks Love Changes Everything 03:01 16 Paul Brooks Bilitis 03:48 17 Paul Brooks Chi Mai 03:38 18 Paul Brooks Fernando 02:20 19 Paul Brooks Wedding Song 02:47 20 Paul Brooks Summer Love 02:14 21 Paul Brooks Song For Guy 02:49 22 Paul Brooks To The Unknown Man 03:24 23 Paul Brooks Private Investigations 03:46 24 Paul Brooks Twin Peaks Theme 02:30 25 Paul Brooks Colours Of The Wind 03:16
Search Paul Brooks Sax Seduction (18 Sensual Instrumentals) [UK] 18 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Brooks Killing Me Softly With His Song 04:41 2 Paul Brooks Je T'Aime 03:54 3 Paul Brooks Move Closer 04:23 4 Paul Brooks Lovin' You 04:01 5 Paul Brooks Sexual Healing 02:52 6 Paul Brooks Love Letters 02:16 7 Paul Brooks Have I Told You Lately 04:02 8 Paul Brooks One More Night 04:08 9 Paul Brooks How Deep Is Your Love 03:57 10 Paul Brooks Fever 03:43 11 Paul Brooks Private Dancer 04:17 12 Paul Brooks First Time Ever I Saw Your Face, The 03:52 13 Paul Brooks When A Man Loves A Woman 04:12 14 Paul Brooks Touch Me In The Morning 03:37 15 Paul Brooks Summer (The First Time) 04:33 16 Paul Brooks Way You Look Tonight, The 03:42 17 Paul Brooks Where Is The Love 03:59 18 Paul Brooks Make It With You 04:45
Search Paul Brooks Ultimate Babies and Children's Lullaby Time 20 0 Show/Hide Tracks 1 Paul Brooks Air on G String 04:08 2 Paul Brooks Edelweiss 02:35 3 Paul Brooks The Lake in the Moonlight 03:32 4 Paul Brooks When You Wish Upon a Star 02:17 5 Paul Brooks Beautiful Dreamer 02:44 6 Paul Brooks Brahms' Lullaby 02:32 7 Paul Brooks Catch a Falling Star 02:39 8 Paul Brooks Bright Eyes 03:30 9 Paul Brooks Colours of the Wind 03:16 10 Paul Brooks Childhood 03:31 11 Paul Brooks I am Blessed 04:22 12 Paul Brooks You are so Beautiful 03:25 13 Paul Brooks Walking in the Air 03:48 14 Paul Brooks Scarlet Ribbons 03:08 15 Paul Brooks Happy Talk 02:12 16 Paul Brooks Dream a Little Dream of Me 02:40 17 Paul Brooks You are the Sunshine of My Life 03:38 18 Paul Brooks Fur Elise Bagatelle in a Minor W0059 02:28 19 Paul Brooks Jesus to a Child 05:11 20 Paul Brooks Go to Sleep My Baby 03:24