Report created based on data in MusicBrainz as of 24/10/2024
Found 596840 artists, we show 1000 artists per page.
The report is not continually updated so may not reflect the current data within MusicBrainz and or Discogs databases.
These are Discogs artists not currently linked to a MusicBrainz artist, and we have been unable to find a potential link for either.
Many of these artists probably are in MusicBrainz in some form but they are not currently linked, the list is ordered so that Discogs artists with the most number of single artists releases are listed first on the basis that these artists would be of more interest.
Some problems will just be due to deficiencies in the Discogs to Musicbrainz artist matching algorithm employed by Albunack.
There are also timing issues as this report is not updated immediately so will not reflect recent modifications and additions to MusicBrainz and Discogs.
One issue in Discogs is they handle artist credits differently so a Discogs name consisting of multiple people is probably represented on MusicBrainz as two individuals, but we try to filter these out of this report
We have also omitted artists that are not unique in both MusicBrainz and Discogs because these artists are probably not missing just more difficult to match up.
Another issue is that some Discogs artists have multiple ids with one id just redirecting to the other, this is the case with Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, do we add both links to MusicBrainz ?
Limited report to artists with at least two single artist releases for now.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597
Search for Artist | Add Artist | Discogs Release Count | Discogs Artist | Other Names | Comment |
Search | Add | 25 | Рамиль Курамшин | Bayan player. | |
Search | Add | 25 | Ben Viele | Ben Viele | Owner of [l=Agromosh Records], plays drums in the band [a=Gorgonized Dorks]. |
Search | Add | 25 | Wayne C. Parmley | ||
Search | Add | 25 | Matthew Plunkett | ||
Search | Add | 25 | Lelle Hannu | Per Lennart Sixten Hannu | Lennart Hannu, born on November 23, 1968 in Solna, Sweden, is a graphic designer and former owner of [url=] Origocom Repro AB[/url]. He is now designer at [l384766]. |
Search | Add | 25 | Azenoire | ||
Search | Add | 25 | Jack Halloran Choir | ||
Search | Add | 25 | Victor Macias | Bassist | |
Search | Add | 25 | The Allan Gardiner Accordion Band | NZ accordion band of the 60s and 70s. | |
Search | Add | 25 | Matt Andres | ||
Search | Add | 25 | Micke Sjöblom | Graphic designer from Sweden. | |
Search | Add | 25 | Jeff Rougvie | American music producer, music consultant, record label founder, artist, DJ and music historian. | |
Search | Add | 25 | Wild's Swiss Boys | ||
Search | Add | 25 | vektorama | ||
Search | Add | 25 | The Boss Guitars | ||
Search | Add | 25 | Jens Klingelhöfer | Jens Klingelhöfer | German guitarist, songwriter and designer |
Search | Add | 25 | Ernie Bivens | ||
Search | Add | 25 | Freddy Protz | Guitarist | |
Search | Add | 25 | Heretic Grail | Power electronics project active from mid-2018 to April 2019. | |
Search | Add | 25 | Roberto Maria Rubbi | Italian graphic designer. | |
Search | Add | 25 | Glenn Weston | ||
Search | Add | 25 | Frederick Pereira | Ran [l=Supertronics]. | |
Search | Add | 25 | Kristofer Elofsson | ||
Search | Add | 25 | Xsentrix Productions | ||
Search | Add | 25 | My Proper Skin | Dream pop / shoegaze / goth-rock from Portland, OR, USA | |
Search | Add | 25 | Freddie "T" Smith | Founding owner of the [l=AWOL Records (3)] along side [a=C-Bo]. First cousin of [a=E-40], [a=B-Legit], [a=D-Shot], [a=Suga T] and nephew of [a=Saint Charles]. | |
Search | Add | 25 | Stephen Jensen | Art director, designer, photographer and owner of [a6148536]; currently resides in Crystal Lake, IL, USA. | |
Search | Add | 25 | Fud Christian | ||
Search | Add | 25 | Post Cap Era | ||
Search | Add | 25 | Ben Lawton | Benjamin Graham Lawton | Trance DJ & producer based in London, UK. Son of [a=Graham Gold], with whom he co-ran label [l=Relative Records] in the mid-2000's. Contact: |
Search | Add | 25 | Győző Varga | Varga Győző was a Hungarian graphic artist, illustrator and designer. Born: June 17, 1929 (Budapest) Died: November 24, 2015 (Budapest) | |
Search | Add | 25 | John Powell-Jones | John Powell-Jones | |
Search | Add | 25 | Duncan MacDougald, Jr. | ||
Search | Add | 25 | Μανώλης Σαμιώτης | Εμμανουήλ Φραγκάκης | |
Search | Add | 25 | Orchestre Jacques Huygens | ||
Search | Add | 25 | Σάκης Παπανικολάου | ||
Search | Add | 25 | Dwight Ross | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Derek McNeill | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Albert Majoral | Spanish designer active in the 70s. | |
Search | Add | 24 | Martin Wörner | Martin Wörner | German producer and remixer. He is the founder of [l=Inclusion Records]. |
Search | Add | 24 | Joachim Ussing | Danish bassist (October 9,1952 Copenhagen) | |
Search | Add | 24 | Agócs Gergely | Education: 1983-1987: Secondary School of Architecture, Lucenec (Slovak Rep.) - Geodesy 1987-1988: University of Technical Sciences Kosice (Slovak Rep.) – Faculty of Architecture 1992-1997: Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Faculty of Humanities, - Folklore Department 1997-2000: Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Institute for Musicology, „ Young Researcher ” Scholarship 2000-: Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Doctoral School of Hungarian and Comparative Folklore. Topic of dissertation: Traditional Instrumental Music of Hungarians in Slovakia Professional experience: 1988: Geodézia National Company, Bratislava (Slovak Rep.) – geometer (1988-1990: compulsory military training) 1990: Independent Hungarian Initiative, Bratislava (Slovak Rep.) – program manager 1990-1992: NAP Independent Hungarian Weekly, Bratislava (Slovak Rep.) – editor 1997-2000: Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Institute for Musicology, Folk Music Department 1997-2001: Honvéd Ensemble (professional artistic group), Budapest – musician of Folk music band Hegedős 2001-2005: Hungarian Heritage House, Folk Art Department, Budapest – director 2005-: Hungarian Heritage House, Management, Budapest – researcher, ethnographer Scientific experience: 1986- Folk music research, first of all in the field of music of Hungarians in Slovakia, but my collection contains Slovak, Rutenian, Gipsy, Croatian, German, Rumanian and Polish folk-music recordings 1999-2000: professional manager of the Slovakian part of the program „ Utolsó óra ” („The Last Hour”) for folk music collection, in Fonó Music House (supported by the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Institute for Musicology) 2000: two-week folk music collection tour on the territories of the Cabardin-Balkar, and Karachay-Cherkes republics of the Russian Federation 2003: Conference on Tradition and Nature, chair and organizer (Hungarian Heritage House, Budapest) Performing Art: 1984-1987: Palóc folk dance ensemble, Filakovské Biskupice (Slovak Rep.) – solo dancer 1987-1988: Új Nemzedék folk dance ensemble, Kosice (Slovak Rep.) – dancer 1988-1992: Szőttes folk dance ensemble, Bratislava (Slovak Rep.) – solo singer, wind-instruments 1997-2001: Hegedős band of the Honvéd Ensemble, Budapest - solo singer, wind-instruments 2001-: Fonó Ensemble, Budapest - solo singer, wind-instruments, band leader Awards: 1993: „Young Master of Folk Art” ministerial award (singer, musician soloist category) 1997: Martin György Foundation, Competition, 2nd prize (for the study „Egy szürke meg egy hamuszín galamb” – A hagyományos szellemi kultúra egy nógrádi magyar pásztor életében” – Traditional Intellectual Culture in the Life of a Hungarian Shepherd from the Nógrád County 2003: „Choc de l'anné” Prize of Le Monde de la Musique, Paris (for the CD Mixtura Cultivalis) Public education: 1990: Founder of Hungarian Folklore Society in Slovakia 1990-1999: Music manager of Táncház Festivals in Slovakia – Dunajská Streda, Komárno (Slovak Rep.) 1993-1996: Publicist of the Slovak Program of the Hungarian Radio 1995, 1996, 1999: National Táncház Festival and Crafs Market, Budapest – organizer 1991-2002: Professional manager of folk music camps of the Hungarian Folklore Society in Slovakia 2002: Festival manager of the Folklore Meeting of the Countries of the Visegrad Cooperation, Professional coordinator of „Ungheria in Primo Piano” – folklore section of the Hungarian Cultural Year in Italy Education: courses and workshops: 1994-1997: Folklore Summer Camp, Jászberény (folk songs) 1998-2001: Folklore Camp of Hungarian Folklore Society in Slovakia (folk songs, flute, tárogató) 1998-2004: Egyszólam Folk Music Camp, Váralja (master course in folk singing) 2000-2001: Miskolc University, Cultural and Visual Anthropology, „Anthropology of Music Culture”, tutorial 2000-2001: Two-year course for folk dance teachers organized by the Hungarian Folklore Society in Slovakia, „General basics of folklore”, tutorial 2003-2004: Secondary Music School, Vác, teacher (folklore, folk music theory and history) | |
Search | Add | 24 | Studio Sjuttio | Swedish designers. | |
Search | Add | 24 | As_Is | Formed in 2018, As_Is is an electronic bass music duo made up of two best friends, Aaron Schwallier and Ian McIntyre. Both natives of Michigan, Aaron and Ian met while attending Grand Valley State University, where they both studied music. As_Is produces a unique blend of melodic and atmospheric infused bass music. | |
Search | Add | 24 | Grupo Toppaz | Mexican cumbia band created by [a6064044] n the mid-1980s | |
Search | Add | 24 | Steve Of War | Belgian crust musician and visual artist. | |
Search | Add | 24 | Nigel Clutterbuck | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Tomohiro Saito | A&R, director, and coordinator. | |
Search | Add | 24 | Alberta Dering | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Dick Reeves Design | Austin, Texas studio of [a=Dick Reeves]. Label=[l=Dick Reeves Design] 3801 South Congress #319 Austin, TX 78704 | |
Search | Add | 24 | Ian Kashani | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Dacapo Orchester | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Tito Puente Band | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Amantes De Andalucia | Spanish flamenco group from Andalucia. | |
Search | Add | 24 | Deeplations | ||
Search | Add | 24 | D*Face | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Janette Valentine | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Orchestre Conga De La Capitale | ||
Search | Add | 24 | John M. Falcone | John Michael Falcone | Producer, bassist, songwriter in Latin Music |
Search | Add | 24 | Flash Fox | Designer of the [a=America (2)] logo. | |
Search | Add | 24 | TriBeaut | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Los Barranqueños | Mexican duo | |
Search | Add | 24 | Jos Murphy | Bass player. | |
Search | Add | 24 | Fonts Plus | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Lee Jae Min | 이재민 | Graphic designer. Jaemin Lee graduated from Seoul National University and founded studio fnt in 2006. He worked with clients like the National Museum of Contemporary Art, Seoul Museum of Art, National Theater Company of Korea, and Seoul Record Fair Organizing Committee on many cultural events and concerts. He is an AGI(Alliance Graphique Internationale) member since 2016 and a full-time dad of two beautiful cats. |
Search | Add | 24 | DJ Glock | ||
Search | Add | 24 | The Karlins | A trio of singing triplets Linda, Elaine and Evelyn Wilson. | |
Search | Add | 24 | Sandstrom™ | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Kurt Grosse | German organist (1890-1936) | |
Search | Add | 24 | Sherman Clachar | Reggae Producer on [l=Arabic Records], [l253552] (and more labels) he usually teams with [a=Ray Clarke (3)] | |
Search | Add | 24 | Dr. Clevins | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Дана Кентай | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Bogdan Kisiel | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Yavuz Taner | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Luz Roja de San Marcos | La Luz Roja de San Marcos - also appear as [b]La Luz[/b] - was a cumbia group created in Mexico in the mid-1970s, lived several line up changes, and eventually saw various spin-offs by ex-group members appearing in the 2000s like La Internacional y Original Luz Roja de San Marcos de Marbel Rebolledo (original manager of the band), René Cortés Luz Roja, ... | |
Search | Add | 24 | Abe Steinberg | Abraham Steinberg | US engineer, worked at [l=Abtone Studios] and later at Dimensional Sound, aka [l=Studio 76], the studio run by [a=Ed Chalpin]. Songwriter often associated with [a=Edison Youngblood] |
Search | Add | 24 | Booby Mason | Anton Gudkov | Born September 23, 1987 in Omsk, Russia. Noise artist, designer, founder of [l=Hiroshima Toy Pet] & [l=Zelenina] |
Search | Add | 24 | L.G. Mair, Jr. | Experimental US musician. Usually credited only LG Mair or L.G. Mair when credited in [a=Alien Planetscapes]. | |
Search | Add | 24 | François-Xavier Legleye | François-Xavier Legleye | |
Search | Add | 24 | Carlton Davis | Art director, based in Nashville, TN | |
Search | Add | 24 | 川口真紀 | Maki Kawaguchi. Japanese music journalist. | |
Search | Add | 24 | Katsura Moshino | 若野桂 (Katsura Moshino) | Visual artist, art director, and illustrator. |
Search | Add | 24 | Andrew Aitken Design | Design company run by [a2270916]. See also [a4969623] | |
Search | Add | 24 | Cathy Steinberg | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Narodni Guslar Slavko Goranović | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Фахриддин Умаров | Fahriddin Umarov (born 1926) was an Uzbek folk singer. | |
Search | Add | 24 | Inn Oppiah! | Inn Oppiah! es un músico que se lo hace todo desde 2008: composiciones, grabaciones, difusión y asalto al escenario. Con una propuesta capaz de hacerte danzar y gritar en cada actuación, ha realizado múltiples tours por Galiza y Portugal, participando, además, en conciertos y festivales de la Península Ibérica. También en diferentes recopilatorios publicados en el Estado español, Portugal, México, Chile, Argentina o Costa Rica. En su cancionero particular figuran perlas como Babbiah!, T*Bands, Fatelah! (Inn Noda Fatela Sónica) o los himnos Inn Govern Ableh! e Inn Diox Inn Amoh! ineludibles en su repertorio en directo. Embarcado en un tour continuo desde 2015, destacan el 10º Aniversario del proyecto, con una gira de 35 fechas recorriendo Galiza y Portugal de norte a sur, y el posterior 15º Aniversario, presentación del álbum Art If Iciahl, con un nuevo tour galaico-portugués que incluyó 3 fechas con Mata Ratos. Aunque siempre ha seguido una línea autosuficiente ha recibido apoyo artístico de Carlos Azagra [2009], Ana Louro [2020], Sebastián Palmás [2021] o Acheh! [2023] en forma de diseños para algunas de sus portadas y camisetas. Ha compartido cartel con Gatillazo, Mama Ladilla, Mata Ratos, Simbiose, Grito!, Squelette, Vai-Te Foder, BRUX, Alerta, Yakovlev 42, Tiro Na Testa, Sartenazo Cerebral, y un larguísimo etcétera. Un acto individual, personal y 100 DIY ! ! ! Inn Oppiah! Pontevedra / Galiza / Spain | |
Search | Add | 24 | Luigi Giudici | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Black Spring Monolith | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Amp Art | The design, photography and visual illustration work of Richard Walker, AKA [a362835], currently operating as FouldsWalker-Design. Walker worked extensively for [l1658] from the late 1980s into the 1990s, doing record sleeve illustration and design and press photography. He then became the visual consultant and creator for Amp and related acts. Notably did the sleeve art for [a66963]'s '[m=21727]' album, and most artwork for [a4090]. Notable clients include: [l5320], Secker and Warburg Books, Virago, Creation Records, [l4935], [l1060], [l26465] Records, The Royal College of Art, and Reuters. | |
Search | Add | 24 | Armando Nava | Armando Nava Muñoz | (Durango, Mexico, 1946) Mexican rock singer and multi-instrumentalist, founder of [a1009676]. |
Search | Add | 24 | Harry Payet | Harry Payet | Harry Payet was a Sega singer from Reunion. He was born in 1953 and died on 8 August 1995 at the age of 42. |
Search | Add | 24 | Mariachi Garibaldi | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Kiyomi Matsunaga | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Momo&C° | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Shawn JJ Martin | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Arga Kurnia Permadi | Visual artist from Indonesia. | |
Search | Add | 24 | Adrian Elsener | Swiss photographer and graphic designer. | |
Search | Add | 24 | Yusuke Adachi | Yusuke Adachi | Japanese bassist and vocalist. |
Search | Add | 24 | Soul Suicide | A DSBM band from Michigan | |
Search | Add | 24 | Werner Dorendorf | swiss designer | |
Search | Add | 24 | Черная Речка | ||
Search | Add | 24 | The Hairy Giant | Eric M. Gabrielsen | Electronic / Experimental / Ambient musician from New Jersey (USA). Owns and runs [l=Storage Unit Netlabel]. |
Search | Add | 24 | Devorah Sasha | Born on December 5, 1957 in the parish of San José, Caracas, Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, her aunt, a lyrical singing teacher, taught her the first musical notes. After completing high school, travels to the United States to continue her college studies. Upon her return to Venezuela, her artistic vein prompts her to venture into the world of entertainment, where she obtains the acceptance of the public who labels her as one of the best interpreters of romantic music at international level. Devorah Sasha 1986 returns to Venezuela, after three years in Denver Colorado, where she completed her studies of Superior Technician in Animal Husbandry, then, records two songs of the Venezuelan composer Enrique Hidalgo, Muñeca de Trapo y Ciega. In 1986, a producer of Tucán Records listens the demo and is interested in the vocal and interpretative quality of Devorah Sasha. With them she recorded her first maxi-single titled "I feel the spin" (I feel like spinning) and conquered the national market. 1988 she published her first Album with Manoca Records "Todo mi amor es para ti", which in a very short time reaches the first places of the national ranking, managing to sell more than 20,000 copies, the Album was also edited in Taiwan, Japan and China. In 1992 travels to Puerto Rico for an extensive and successful promotional tour of her first Album, by the hand of Chucho Avellanet, There, she makes numerous presentations for the T.V., The Show of the Twelve, produced by Luis Vigoreaux Jr.. The Half Day show at Wapa T.V. and En Familia del Canal 6. It is also promoted through the radio (Noti Uno program with Mille Cangiano) and gives interviews to the most prestigious printed media such as T.V. Guide, T.V. and Novelas, the newspapers El Vocero and Estrella de Puerto Rico among others. Participate in the tribute to Don Tito Henríquez, aboard the Scandinavian Song cruise, during her stay in Puerto Rico. and, records its second album Especialmente Romantica, which is released to the market as an independent production. Devorah travels to the Dominican Republic where her work obtains great recognition from the media, she makes presentations in the best television programs in Santo Domingo. That same year she tours in Aruba, Curaçao and Saint Marteen. In Venezuela, Devorah obtains the 1992 Frequency Modulated (FM) Prize, from the homonymous column of the El Nacional newspaper. The song Una noche contigo wins recognition as the best romantic song. 1993 she shares the stage with the famous Brazilian singer-songwriter Roberto Carlos in two concerts held on the occasion of Valentine's Day; the first in the auditorium of a famous hotel and the second in the Rios Reyna Room of the Teresa Carreño Theater. The audience rewarded her performance with a wave of thunderous applause. In July she performs together with Chucho Avellanet in a single presentation to benefit the Foundation Pro-Desarrollo Artístico del Indígena Venezolano; She is invited to the Visa Latina Convention in Puerto Rico and the Ford Convention 93, in Saint Marteen. Invited by the Master Juan Vicente Torrealba, she attended the Xalapa 93 Festival, held in Mexico. That year she is credited with several recognitions for her constant career. Special Time Award 93 as a live program with a high rating; Mara de Oro 93, awarded by the press to the Especialmente Romántica record production as Best Romantic Record of '92. 1994 Produces "Amor Difícil", is involved not as a producer, but as a co-author of four themes. With this work she returns to the genre of the romantic ballad. In May she made a successful tour in Miami and Puerto Rico. In September participates in the Fair of the Divina Pastora in Barquisimeto, a concert held at the Teatro Juárez in that beautiful city. In early 1995, Devorah recorded Songs of Yesterday, the fourth Album in her career. In the same year she is invited by the CONAC and the Consulate of Venezuela in Miami, Florida, to the unveiling of a bust of the Liberator Simón Bolívar in the city of Orlando, where she shares the stage with the renowned musical group "El Cuarteto", directed by Miguel Delgado Estévez. In 1996 Devorah Sasha, under the production of maestro Freddy León, and arrangements by Ángel Chirinos, launches her fifth album: "Venezuela es mía", a CD dedicated to Venezuela with songs by the most outstanding music composers of that country and celebrating ten years of her career. They accompany Devorah in the musical instruments, the Grupo Tramao in the vocals and the "Quinteto Cantaclaro". In 1998 Devorah presents her sixth album, "Como sueíamos cantar". It is an intimate CD. With guitar accompaniment by maestro Oscar Martínez. Devorah interprets songs such as "Quien" by Charles Aznavour, "Cuando te beso" by Juan Luis Guerra, "Asi" by Sandro, "Desesperanza" by María Luisa Escobar. | |
Search | Add | 24 | Sofka Nikolić | Sofka Vasiljković Nikolić | (1907 - 1982) Serbian folk singer from Tabanovići (near Šabac), Serbia. |
Search | Add | 24 | Alive&Silent | Manuel Brehs | |
Search | Add | 24 | Barros A. | Barros A | Producer from Évora, Portugal. |
Search | Add | 24 | Antonholz Portmann | Anton Portmann | Swiss artist born in 1941 who started as an underground comic artist for Hotcha and Hot Raz Times in Zürich in the late 1960s, and later became a graphic designer and sculptor. His comic strip Der Tödliche Finger [German for The Deadly Finger] as published in Hotcha served as a source for the sleeves of many [a388] releases between 1991 and 1993 and on their [l2950544] series. The band referred to the character they used (uncredited) as Cliff. |
Search | Add | 24 | Ivan Avdeev | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Erkki Melakosken Orkesteri | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Kenski | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Jair Supercap Show | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Baek Ye Rin | 백예린 | Baek Ye-Rin (Korean:백예린, born June 26, 1997), otherwise credited as Yerin Baek, is a South Korean singer and songwriter. She was a member of [a7585563] with [a5100735]. |
Search | Add | 24 | Holland Puckett | Born July 15, 1899 or 1900, Patrick Co., VA. As a young man, farmed with his father in Patrick Co. and in Surry Co., NC. Later worked as a store clerk. Died July 28, 1934. Recorded for Gennett in April–May 1927 and again in May 1928. | |
Search | Add | 24 | Тамара Дадашева | Tamara Dadashov | |
Search | Add | 24 | Zeckle Graphics | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Helen Scarsdale | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Drew Mantia | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Noyz319 | Davis Jaguttis | Graphic Designer |
Search | Add | 24 | Eddy. T | Remo Tedesco | Italian DJ and producer born 8 January 1983 in Cassino. He is the founder of [l=BimboMix Records]. |
Search | Add | 24 | Κώστας Λιακόπουλος | Greek singer of laiko and folk-pop genre. Died on October 2015. | |
Search | Add | 24 | Alphonso "Bravo" Peterkin | Alphonso Peterkin | |
Search | Add | 24 | Роман Синцов | Роман Синцов | Roman Sintsov is Russian sound engineer, musician and singer based in Moscow. |
Search | Add | 24 | Johnny Sablan | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Visual Pilots | Company credited for design on some [l=DanceNet] releases. Located in Melbourne, Australia. Also listed as a company/label: [l=Visual Pilots] | |
Search | Add | 24 | Camerata Punta Del Este | Uruguayan tango and nuevo tango chamber music group founded in 1969, occasionally recording candombe, and bossa nova or jazz standards, also known as Camerata de Tango. | |
Search | Add | 24 | Corul Ansamblului „Doina" al Armatei | Romanian Army Chorus founded May 9, 1947 | |
Search | Add | 24 | Charlie Vicetto | Graphic designer. | |
Search | Add | 24 | Mary K. Miller | US Pop and Country singer. [b]Do NOT confuse with [a10665124] (Aka [a2205097], [a=Roger Miller]'s wife).[/b] | |
Search | Add | 24 | Quincy Lizer | Rene van Verseveld | |
Search | Add | 24 | Audiotoxin | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Castellina | Roberto Giraldi | |
Search | Add | 24 | Los Sepultureros | Mexican cumbia group, created in 1970 in San Jose de Otates, Guanajuato, Mexico, with [a5171488]. | |
Search | Add | 24 | Begoña Larrañaga | Spanish accordion and keyboards player. | |
Search | Add | 24 | DB One Music | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Vrangsinn | Daniel Salte | Norwegian musician and graphics artist. Born January 29th, 1974 in Stavanger. President of [l98759]. |
Search | Add | 24 | Laurent Manet | Laurent Manet | French musician in the 80's, now visual artist. Brother of [a=Jean-Luc Manet] |
Search | Add | 24 | Trio Armonia Huasteca | Mexican folk trio | |
Search | Add | 24 | Militärmusik Von Tirol | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Sheef Lentzki | French DJ and producer based in Avignon. | |
Search | Add | 24 | Bob Schiff | Keyboards, Instrumental and vocal arranging and conducting | |
Search | Add | 24 | DJ Kittles | Arne Stops | |
Search | Add | 24 | Nick Souza | Son of [a=Steve Souza]. | |
Search | Add | 24 | Elfyn Lewis | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Brownie Bunch | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Byroglyphics | Russ Mills | |
Search | Add | 24 | Human Empire | Founded in 2003 by Jan Kruse and Malte Kaune, The Human Empire is a design & illustration studio based in Hamburg, Germany. | |
Search | Add | 24 | Harry Goodnight | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Igor Amadeus Cavalera | Son of Brazilian metalhead [a=Max Cavalera]. Brother of [a=Zyon Cavalera], half-brother of [a=D-Low] & [a=Richie Cavalera]. | |
Search | Add | 24 | Lori Marlowe-Lahman | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Justin Goers | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Varya Nizamova | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Martin Barla | Martin Barla | Slovak drummer. Also sound engineer at [l=MF Studios (2)]. |
Search | Add | 24 | Roberto Mosolo | Italian illustrator and graphic designer. | |
Search | Add | 24 | Rondalla Venezolana | Traditional Latin band from Venezuela, formed in 1972. Please use Ensamble [Rondalla] or Group [Rondalla] on credits. When prominent solo artist use it as Backing Band [Rondalla]. | |
Search | Add | 24 | Katy Hebbern | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Humberto Mello | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Claudia Reidl | Credited for artwork | |
Search | Add | 24 | Gerhard Baumann | German military musician, orchestra leader, conductor and composer, born 3 November 1921 in Klein Rogan, Germany and died 7 November 2006 in Berlin. Former general music director and chief conductor of the [a909344]. | |
Search | Add | 24 | Anna Monika Cynke | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Francesco Panatta | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Devon Whitehead | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Meyer Brown | Bassist for the American punk rock band [a=Half Hearted Hero]. | |
Search | Add | 24 | Hidekuni Maejima | 前島秀国 | "Sound and Visual" Magazine writer. |
Search | Add | 24 | Istochie | Experimental,harsh noise,harsh noise wall, from Russia | |
Search | Add | 24 | Oswaldo Micheloni | Photographer | |
Search | Add | 24 | Δημήτρης Καράμπελας | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Balázs Hermann | Hermann Balázs | |
Search | Add | 24 | Offensive Orange | Matthew Boughner, David Payne | Experimental/Noise band based in Ontario, Canada. They formed in 2004. |
Search | Add | 24 | Gwénola Carrère | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Iwona Omalecka | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Mike Repasch-Nieves | Michael Repasch-Nieves | Guitarist |
Search | Add | 24 | Dart Adams | Dart Adams is a music historian, journalist, lecturer, independent A&R, consultant and an author from Boston, MA. He's known for his former blogs Poisonous Paragraphs, Bloggerhouse, Bastard Swordsman & Producers I Know. He also had the pioneering beat culture & independent Rap centric 2010-2011 podcast The Scrunchface Show with ST/MiC & co-hosted several internet radio shows including Beats, Rhymes & Life, OverDog Radio & Musenomix w/ Dana Scott at MIT. Dart has written for Okayplayer, NPR, Complex, Mass Appeal, Hip Hop Wired, The Urban Daily, WatchLOUD, The Vinyl Factory, The Boombox, Urban Legends, Medium & KillerBoomBox amongst other sites. He was lead A&R of DJ Soko's Left Of Center imprint with Fat Beats and owns his own Fat Beats imprint label Producers I Know. Dart Adams is an author ("Best Damn Hip Hop Writing: 2018" & "Best Damn Hip Hop Writing: The Book of Dart") whose written liner notes for several projects over the past decade. Dart also hosts the podcasts "Dart Against Humanity" & "The Boston Legends Podcast". | |
Search | Add | 24 | NunoArtwork | ||
Search | Add | 24 | ضیاء | ضیا آتابای | Zia Atabay (born 1942) was an Iranian actor and singer. In Iran, he had his first hit as a pop music singer at the age of 18 and went on to record other popular albums. He also worked as an artists and repertoire manager for CBS Records in Iran, but lost his job in 1979 when Islamic revolutionaries took over the offices. He fled Iran in 1980, living in Europe before moving to Los Angeles in 1986. |
Search | Add | 24 | DJ Primetyme | Jason Weekes | American DJ and producer from Bushwick, Brooklyn, New York. Live DJ for [a=Finsta Bundy] and a member of the [a=Dysfunkshunal Familee]. |
Search | Add | 24 | Sixfeet | Rapper and producer from Hungary. Owner of [l=Underground Railroad Hungary]. | |
Search | Add | 24 | Skot Brown | Skot Brown | |
Search | Add | 24 | Franco Rosselli | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Tony Marer | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Symphonie-Orchester Dajos Béla | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Kaczor Ferenc | Hungarian musician, singer, composer. | |
Search | Add | 24 | Bespoke Decay | As explained in a leaflet included with the release [r16779078], [a=Bespoke Decay] was previously named [a=Sex With Children]. | |
Search | Add | 24 | Elliott Shavers | Elliot Chavers | Rhythm & blues tenor saxophonist and singer, born Waco, Texas, 15 November 1930. Shavers first recorded for Imperial in 1961 (released as Bill Elliott Combo). |
Search | Add | 24 | Manhattan Dance Makers | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Nelson S. Parkerson Jr. | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Saul Tyni | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Kim Hee Gap | 김희갑 | |
Search | Add | 24 | Sonora De Los Hermanos Baca | Ecuadorian salsa/cumbia/merengue band formed in the mid-1960s by the brothers Baca: Jaime, Napoleón, Wilson, Aníbal & Enemelio | |
Search | Add | 24 | Doug Riddick | Douglas Riddick | Doug Riddick was supposedly the one who invented the idea of putting songs on 12inch vinyl records. |
Search | Add | 24 | Torrmal | Torrmal (Mound&Mountain) consists of ambient/dungeon synth compositions, it was exclusively for game development purposes at first. Later on, Torrmal became a musical project and will remain in that genre. | |
Search | Add | 24 | Кестер | Иван Лебедев | |
Search | Add | 24 | فرهاد مهراد | فرهاد مهراد | Farhad Mehrad (1944, Teheran, Iran - 2002, Paris, France) was an Iranian rock singer, songwriter, guitarist and pianist. |
Search | Add | 24 | Branko Perović | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Imrich Végh | Imrich Vegh | Slovak electronic musician, owner of the [l=4mg Records]. |
Search | Add | 24 | Threshold Of Sleep | Richard Ramirez , Scott Houston , Dwayne Cathey | Experimental/Noise group formed in 1992. Officially split in 1994. A couple of releases came out after the split. Reformed briefly in 2012 for a couple of live performances and a new album. The project has ended once again. |
Search | Add | 24 | Manuel Boix | Manuel Boix i Alvarez | Manuel Boix (born 1942) is a Valencian visual artist from l'Alcúdia recognised as a painter, sculptor, and illustrator. He has designed and created most of the artwork of the Valencian Folk group [a=Al Tall]. |
Search | Add | 24 | Русский Народный Оркестр Имени В. Андреева | Государственный Академический Русский Оркестр Имени В. В. Андреева | Russian ensemble created in 1888 by [a1403974] (Vasily Andreyev). The Andreyev Russian Folk Orchestra was a symphony orchestra built around Russian folk instruments such as the balalaika, domra, and gusli, and dedicated to playing Russian folk music. In 1896, the orchestra was renamed the Great Russian Orchestra (Великорусский оркестр) and became an international phenomenon, successfully touring Europe and America. At its 25th anniversary in 1913, the Tzar granted it the title Imperial Great Russian Orchestra. After more than 130 years, the orchestra is still active, now under the name "State Academic Russian Orchestra named after V. V. Andreyev". [b]Conductors:[/b] Nikolay Fomin: 1919 (the closest associate of V. Andreyev since 1889) Feodor Niman: 1919 to 1933 [a3532811] (Eduard Grikurov): 1936 to 1938 [a1916542]: 1948 to1951 [a2748267] (Pavel Necheporenko): 1951 [a2669426] (Avenir Mikhailov): 1951 to 1955 [a7274683] (Daniil Pohitonov): mid-1950s [a1576897] (Georgy Donijah): 1959 to 1971 [a1451984] (Karl Eliasberg): mid-1950s to 1978 |
Search | Add | 24 | Lynn Raynor | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Jack Sherwood | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Rooster Punk Rock | Punk Rock from Guaíba, RS - Brazil. | |
Search | Add | 24 | The Vicksburg Quartet | The Vicksburg Quartet was a gospel quartet founded by Steve Aungst in 1963 with Melvin Van Orman, Jim White, Bob Walls, and J. T. Miller making up the vocal quartet. In 1966 they released their first album, "Songtime At The Old Country Church". The group went through many changes in membership over the years, and released many more records. The Vicksburg Quartet was also responsible for holding the Pennsylvania State Singing Convention(s) from 1976 to 2015. Members Steve Aungst and Jake Snyder (Active 1969-1993) had been present for all 40 years of conventions. The group was disbanded by Steve Aungst in December of 1996, the name only being used for the Singing Conventions that they hosted for so many years before. | |
Search | Add | 24 | Jürgen Pankarz | Designer at Moers Music label | |
Search | Add | 24 | Anjan Dasgupta | Indian visual artist credited for covers. | |
Search | Add | 24 | Хор Московского Храма «Всех Скорбящих Радосте» | Хор Московского Храма «Всех Скорбящих Радосте» | Choir of the Moscow Church of "Joy of All Who Sorrow". The choir is based in the church "Joy of All Who Sorrow" on Bolshaya Ordynka (opened in 1948). From 1948 to 1992 the choir was directed by Nikolai Matveyev / [a3413323]. On January 3, 2010, the choir was returned to its historical name - the Moscow Synodal Choir ([a=Московский Синодальный Хор]). 119017, Moscow, Bolshaya Ordynka street, 20 Tel/fax: + 7 (495) 951-60-34 E-mail: |
Search | Add | 24 | ORDNER | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Prafulla Kar | Prafulla Kar (Born: 16 February 1939 – Died: 17 April 2022) was an Oriya musician, singer, lyricist, writer and columnist from India. He received Padma Shri, the fourth highest civilian award by the Government of India in 2015 for his contribution in the field of arts. | |
Search | Add | 24 | Morgan Carpenter | Canadian-American vocalist and multi instrumentalist. Owner of Tician Records. Visual artist. | |
Search | Add | 24 | Jack Weigand | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Raymond A. Shields II | Record industry executive Credit for management and administrative production | |
Search | Add | 24 | Сто-Личный Она-Нас | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Jackro | Jacob Kroodsma | Hardstyle DJ and producer from Grijpskerk, The Netherlands. |
Search | Add | 24 | Cashima "Dave" Steele | Jamaican Reggae Producer, he founded his label [l=Creation Music] in the 80s | |
Search | Add | 24 | Sat.1 | Sat 1 is a privately owned German TV station, run by ProSiebenSat1 AG. | |
Search | Add | 24 | Dingo Pictures | Dingo Pictures is a 1992 founded animation company. It was founded by Roswitha Haas and Ludwig Ickert in Friedrichsdorf (near Frankfurt am Main). Till 2000 over 1 million copies of movies were sold. After the death of both founders in 2015 and 2019, Dingo Pictures got into the hands of relatives. | |
Search | Add | 24 | Chen Qiong Mei | Taiwanese Singer | |
Search | Add | 24 | Yukio Ikezawa | 池沢 ゆきお (Ikezawa Yukio) | |
Search | Add | 24 | WSM Radio | Radio station from Nashville, Tennessee. | |
Search | Add | 24 | A Guide For Reason | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Л. Курьерова | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Miss Indubala | Born - November, 1899 in Amritsar, India, Died - November 30, 1984 in Calcutta, India (stroke) | Indubala's mother was Rajabala, who along with sister Matibala and brother Tinkary worked in Motilal Bose's The Great Bengal Circus, also known as Bose's Circus or Professor Bose's Circus. Harimati was the eldest sister of Rajabala and had a different life. Rajabala performed mainly as a trapeze artiste and got married to Motilal Bose at a temple in Ujjain, India. At the time he was then in his forties while Rajabala was still a teenager. The marriage was never accepted as legal by Motilal's family. Motilal Bose's first wife was Mrs. Annadamohini Devi. Indubala was born in Novenber, 1899 at Amritsar, where the circus party had gone for performance. Indu was born premature and Dr. Bidhumukhi Basu was taken to Amritsar from Calcutta to attend to Rajabala. Such was the affection and concern of the husband for his young wife. Motilal's interest in Rajabala dwindled later, supposedly because Rajabala showed no interest in going back to the circus after Indu's birth and soon she was left to fend for herself. She came to Calcutta with her daughter and was given shelter by a Jiban Krishna Ghosh, who remained loyal to her till his death and also played a major role in establishing Indubala in her life as a performer. Once in Calcutta, Rajabala trained herself as a singer and Indubala's first training in music was from her mother. The initial plan was to train Indu as a nurse and she was admitted as a trainee in a hospital in the Pataldanga locality of Calcutta. Indu did not take fancy in the job and ran away from the hospital, much to the disappointment of her mother, who never wanted her only daughter to be forced into a life of indignity. After this incident Indubala's musical training started. Although her father ignored wife Rajabala completely, he remained fond of his daughter and kept in touch with her and often invited her to his ancestral home where he lived during his brief visits to Calcutta and sent her a monthly pocket money of Rupees twenty till his death. Indubala's first performance was at a gathering of distinguished guests where her mother was the chief entertainer. Each one of the guests appreciated Indu's singing and thus began her formal training from Gouri Shankar Mishraji. Indu was only about twelve then. This also marked the entry of Indubala into the red light world. Amongst her trainers were Kali Prasad Mishra, Elaahi Bux and Miss Gauhar Jaan. Apart from music, Miss Gauhar Jaan, credited as Prima Donna of India, Indu also learned etiquette from the elder artiste and developed a close friendship with her. This association provided Indu with valuable musical knowledge and experience. In later years she took training from Girin Chakraborty, Kamal Dasgupta, Subal Dasgupta, Jamiruddin Khan and Kazi Nazrul Islam. In time she came to be one of the major exponents of Nazrul songs and her songs along with those of Miss Angurbala and Kamala Jharia are still referred to for authenticity of lyrics and tunes of Nazrul songs. In 1916, Indubala recorded her first songs. She was brought into the record circle by Bhagabati Charan Bhattacharya and Mr. Manindra Nath Ghosh, alias Mantababu, himself a gramophone singer of repute. The first songs published as record were Asha Phuraye Gelo, Sindhu Khambaj and Aar Mukhey Boley Ki Hobey, Kedara. The record number was P 4306. In the beginning she did not take any money from the Gramophone Company and as such was credited in the records as Miss Indubala (Amateur). She was not the first amateur artiste of the company but enjoyed the privilege of announcing her name at the end of each song saying "My name is Indubala". The amateur status continued for a fairly long period. Later on she received Rupees two hundred per record and also received a royalty of five per cent over the sales. Her first songs of Nazrul on the disc were "Cheyona Sunayana" and "Rumjhum Rumjhum Ke Eley Nupur Paye". The record number was P 11661. To Indubala also goes the credit of being the first Bengali artiste to record Hindustani songs for the Gramophone Company. For the Indian State Broadcasting Center, later named All India Radio, Indubala first sang on the second day of the radio company's broadcasting in 1927 in Calcutta and went on singing in this medium for nearly fifty years. Over the radio, Indubala sang not only from Calcutta but from several other stations by special invitation all over India. Apart from discs and the radio, Indubala was well established by the thirties in cultural functions all over India. Frequent invitations used to come from Shahjahanpur, Pakur, Madras, Bangalore, Palanpur, Nagpur, Hyderabad, Oudh, Trivandrum, Vizagapattam, Ajmer, Qoembatore, Dacca and several other places. In 1936 she was appointed court musician to His Highness, The Maharajah of Mysore. She received a monthly salary of Rupees two hundred and fifty and this continued till the time when the native princes faced withdrawal of privy purse. In all Indubala had recorded some two hundred and eighty songs, including about two hundred forty basic songs, the rest being from films. Indubala's first stage appearance was in The Rambagan Female Kali Theatre, established by her mother Rajabala in 1922. Both mother and daughter took part in the plays and Indubala appeared in about twelve plays in this short-lived company which lasted for only two years and in 1924 she joined Calcutta's most prestigious stage, The Star Theatre. She continued to appear on the stage mainly in singing roles and her songs were a major attraction in each of the plays. By rotation she acted in all the public theaters of Calcutta and even took part in the Hindi Parsee Theatre in 1945 and 1946, the plays being Ghar Ki Laaj and Jasoos. Her last appearance in the public stage was in the play Prithviraj in the role of Mehga at Star Theatre in 1950. Thereafter she worked in call shows till almost 1958. Jamuna Puliney (1933) has been credited as her first film. This is probably because this was her first film contract although Ankh Ka Tara (1932) released before Jamuna Puliney. In all she acted in about forty eight films in Bengali, Hindi, Urdu, Punjabi, Tamil languages. In most of them, she had songs as a major attraction or else did comic roles as in Bengali Indira (1937) and Hindi Deewali (1940) to name a few. She did the role of Dhai Ma in both the versions of Swamsidhha (1947). Thereafter she was not seen on the screen. As a playback singer she lent her voice in films like Alibaba (1937), Chandragupt (1934) in Hindi, Ab E Hayat (1933) in Urdu and Dil Ki Pyaas (1935) also in Urdu. She did not act in these four films. Indubala did not receive any major award apart from the Gold Disc given on behalf of His Master's Voice. The government of India never considered her name for any award. The Sangeet Natak Academy however honoured her with a lifetime achievement award in 1975. The government of West Bengal, India however did arrange for a pension for which a lot of running about had to be done. In personal life, Indubala was most humble and polite and bold in her behavior and was never ashamed to admit or discuss her origin. Even when established as a major singing artiste with an all India fame, she refused to move out to a respectable place leaving her residence in Rambagan, a notorious red light area of Calcutta. Indubala was got herself involved in voluntary work for the uplift of fallen women and worked actively for their rights in society through various organizations, which were patronized by top political leaders of the time. She had some interesting hobbies like writing poetry and collecting perfumes. Even at old age all the empty perfume bottles were kept within her view. She was fond of jewelery too and had a great collection, either purchased or gifted by admirers. These valuables vanished when she was too unwell to keep track of them. Her contemporary artiste Miss Angurbala was a close friend with whom she confided and shared the joys and sorrows of life and this friendship lasted till the very end. Indubala adopted a nephew of her mother's friend Jiban Krishna Ghosh. The boy's name was Pranab Ghosh. This foster son did not look after her mother very much when in old age Indubala suffered from conditions like cataract and then paralytic stokes. It was Dr. Badan Sengupta who made necessary arrangement for her treatment She could not afford nursing homes and therefore was treated at state government hospitals in all occasions of illness. The end came on the thirtieth day of November, 1984 after a prolonged illness during which again Dr. Badhan Sengupta looked after her as his own mother. Perhaps by coincidence her friend Angurbala died the same year. |
Search | Add | 24 | Вадим Голованов | Вадим Голованов | Вадим Евгеньевич Голованов родился 5 марта 1959 года в городе Москве. Окончив школу, поступил в медицинское училище при ЦКБ 4-го Главного управления Минздрава СССР, где учился по специальности «Сестринское дело». В свободное от учёбы время подрабатывал санитаром в той же ЦКБ. Именно туда, в отделение интенсивной кардиологии, он и пришёл работать, получив диплом медицинского брата. Спустя несколько месяцев был призван в ряды Советской Армии. Срочную службу проходил в Хабаровском крае, работая в медсанчасти (1977—1979 гг.). По увольнении в запас Вадим поступил на лечебный факультет ММСИ им. Н. А. Семашко, который закончил в 1986 году. По распределению попал на «скорую помощь». Этой работе он отдал большую часть жизни. Большинство сотрудников «03» знает и будет помнить Вадима не только как отличного специалиста, порядочного и доброго человека, но и как гениального автора песен о «скорой помощи». Так рассказать в песнях о любимой работе не мог больше никто — и вряд ли сможет! Для сотрудников «скорой» песни Голованова были отдушиной, помогали пережить очередную скверную производственную ситуацию, отнестись к ней с юмором или просто взбодриться перед сменой. Молодёжи песни помогали определиться с будущей профессией, а иногда служили советчиком и учебным пособием. Увы, и самые лучшие люди не вечны. Не секрет и то, что профессия врача БИТ не способствует долголетию. В последние годы у Вадима не ладилось со здоровьем. Смерть любимой супруги, видимо, окончательно подорвала жизненные силы этого замечательного человека. 14 марта 2015 года Вадима не стало. Ушёл человек, олицетворявший целую эпоху: время прокуренных РАФов и магнезии, время, когда лечили по совести, а в «курилках» вместо «доездов» обсуждали клинические случаи. Память о тех годах навсегда останется с нами в песнях Вадима. Александр Степанов, администратор сайта, бывший врач-педиатр 13-й подстанции ССиНМП им. А. С. Пучкова г. Москвы |
Search | Add | 24 | FMT Possee | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Oronoz | Spanish photographer | |
Search | Add | 24 | Lucy Gates | Emma Lucy Gates Bowen | American opera singer, born 5 November 1882 in St. George, Utah and died 30 April 1951. She was the granddaughter of Brigham Young. |
Search | Add | 24 | Paris Edvinsson | Hans-Gunnar Edvinsson | |
Search | Add | 24 | João Luzze | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Vomit Eater | Nikos | |
Search | Add | 24 | First Boy On The Moon | Swedish Indie band based in Malmö and formed in November 2019 by singer/songwriter David Pedroza. Playing original songs, the band’s style has been compared to that of the “Post-Britpop" genre. David Pedroza - vocals, guitar, keyboards Julius Holmström - lead guitar Jens Clarberg - bass Johannes Renklint - drums Contact: | |
Search | Add | 24 | Splattered Spine | A Death-Metal Band From Bear, Delaware | |
Search | Add | 24 | Miško Živanović | Milan Živanović | |
Search | Add | 24 | Bidgood's Symphonic Dance Band | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Νίκος Ζωιδάκης | Greek singer/songwriter/cretan-lyra player, from Chania/Crete. | |
Search | Add | 24 | Wellington Citadel Band Of The Salvation Army | ||
Search | Add | 24 | DJ Marijn | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Studio Bonne Mine | French design agency located in Paris. 8 rue Titon, 75011 Paris • 01 48 87 21 79 | |
Search | Add | 24 | Randy Sills | ||
Search | Add | 24 | The Final Plan | Discordant hardcore band from Cleveland, OH | |
Search | Add | 24 | Mercy Pakela | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Eric #2 | Eric James Thielen | |
Search | Add | 24 | Pablo Zumárraga | Pablo Zumárraga | Music + Audio. Style: Instrumental, Ambient & Drones. Electroacoustic (Music TV + Videogames) Play Violoncellist, Guitars. Mix, Mastering. REAPER FAN! |
Search | Add | 24 | Bernd-Christian Wetzel | Photographer | |
Search | Add | 24 | Conexión Directa | Dark Ambient, Vaporwave artist from Spain | |
Search | Add | 24 | 三輪岳志 | Takeshi Miwa. Japanese music critic. | |
Search | Add | 24 | Marco Roberti | Argentine musician | |
Search | Add | 24 | Ryan Stanis | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Cauldric Forbes | Calypso / soca vocals | |
Search | Add | 24 | Phil Hollis | South African producer | |
Search | Add | 24 | Mr. Muradaly | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Bradley Claborn | Bass player | |
Search | Add | 24 | O Xestal | Carlos Díaz Gestal | Spanish storyteller, humorist, singer and chorus singer. Born in La Coruña in 1933, died in 1993. |
Search | Add | 24 | J2Grafix | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Loïc Dupasquier | Designer based in Switzerland | |
Search | Add | 24 | Atosi | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Simone Bica | Simone Bica | Italian DJ and producer born in Trapani. |
Search | Add | 24 | SeekFlow | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Buddy Prima | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Bob Skwerski | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Danica Ivković | Cover designer for PGP RTS. | |
Search | Add | 24 | Samuel Biscuit | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Sly Artwork | Sly Masmeijer | Graphic designer and illustrator based in Vleuten, The Netherlands. |
Search | Add | 24 | Аслан Тхакумачев | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Conjunto De Pepe Gonzalez | Mexican group | |
Search | Add | 24 | Carlos Alberto Vidal | Carlos Alberto Vidal Felipe | Portuguese singer, composer and musician from Lousã, born 1954. Under the moniker Avô Cantigas he is regarded as one of the most prominent children entertainers from Portugal. |
Search | Add | 24 | Mark Carew | Bassist, Vocalist from Brighton, England. | |
Search | Add | 24 | Edward "Buzz" Outlander | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Scott Cardwell | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Guto Laureano | Geraldo Laureano Augusto da Silva | Brazilian singer, songwriter and producer. He passed away in January 19, 2018. |
Search | Add | 24 | Βασίλης Μποέμης | ||
Search | Add | 24 | | Joel Evey | Graphic designer from Philadelphia, USA. Contact: |
Search | Add | 24 | BBJ International | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Orquesta Gamboa Ceballos | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Mike Poulin | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Siret Roots | Designer, photographer. | |
Search | Add | 24 | Юрий Олеша | Юрый Карлавіч Алеша (Юрий Карлович Олеша | Yuriy Karlovich Olesha) | [b]Yury Olesha[/b] (3 March [i]{O.S. 19 February}[/i] 1899, Elizavetgrad, Russian Empire — 10 May 1960, Moscow, USSR) was a Russian and Soviet writer, novelist, poet, dramatist, and critic, co-founder of the influential [i]Poet's Collective[/i] ("Коллектив поэтов") literary club in Odesa in the early 1920s with [url=]Valentin Kataev[/url], [url=]Eduard Bagritsky[/url], [a=Isaac Babel], and [url=]Ilya Ilf[/url]. Despite a relatively small number of published works, Olesha is renowned among the greatest Russian novelists of the early XX century, one of the few who carried authentic, profound literary value throughout the era of strict [url=]Stalinist[/url] censorship. The growing pressure of the Soviet regime tampered with his later career, and Olesha practically stopped publishing after the 1930s. His best-known works are the "revolutionary" fairy tale [i]Three Fat Men[/i] (1924, publ. in 1928), the satirical novel [i]Envy[/i] (1927), and the posthumous literary diary [i]Not a Day Without a Line[/i] (1965). Name variations: Yuriy Karlovich Olesha, Юрий Карлович Олеша, Юрый Карлавіч Алеша, Juri Karlowitsch Olescha, Jurij Olesja, Iuri Oleșa, Oleixa, Oleša, Oleŝa. He was born to an impoverished family of Belarussian nobility in Elizavetgrad town ([i]Kropyvnytskyi[/i] in modern-day central Ukraine), speaking Polish as his first language. In 1902, Olesha's family relocated to Odesa, where he graduated from a gymnasium and enrolled in the Odesa University in 1917, studying law for two years. After his parents immigrated to Poland in 1922, Yury Olesha relocated to Moscow. He wrote satirical miniatures and articles, often under pseudonyms, publishing regularly in the railway industry newspaper [i]Gudok[/i] ("Гудок," or "Train Horn") favored by progressive writers and publicists, such as [url=]Mikhail Bulgakov[/url], [url=]Valentin Kataev[/url], and renowned [url=]Ilf[/url] & [url=]Petrov[/url] duo. Despite the critical and public success of his first novels in the late 1920s, as Stalinist censorship became more stringent and severe, Yury Olesha found it increasingly challenging to publish. At the First Congress of Soviet Writers in August 1934, he publicly admitted his inability to write about the "heroic deeds" of proletariate workers. By tragic irony, Olesha might've inadvertently inspired and sparkled this ideological requirement for writers to adhere to the "socialist realism" tenets; according to May 1971 recollections of [url=]Viktor Shklovskiy[/url] (who also helped to compile and publish the writer's posthumous diaries), Yury Olesha coined the popular term "[i][b]Engineers of the human soul[/b][/i]" referring to writers at one of the early 1930s meetings with [a=Joseph Stalin] at [url=]Maxim Gorky[/url]'s house. Stalin quoted the formula later on several occasions: "As comrade Olesha aptly expressed himself, writers are engineers of human souls" — and as some researchers argue, this aphorism inspired Soviet politician and chief propagandist [b]Andrei Zhdanov[/b] (1896—1948) to formalize the doctrine strictly prohibiting any form of art except for social realism. In 1935, Yury Olesha wrote a script for Abram Room's film [i]A Strict Young Man[/i]. Seeing the public condemnation of [a=Dmitri Shostakovich], he feared that the movie, "far more leftist than Shostakovich's music," would likely get banned. Indeed, it was abruptly canceled for "crude violations of the socialist realism style" and shelved for over 25 years (with some limited screenings in the 1960s and the first public release in 1974). Yury Olesha began drinking in later years, subsequently developing alcoholism. He died from a heart attack at 61. |
Search | Add | 24 | The Coodabeen Champions | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Johnny Conquet | Johnny Henry Conquet | Pianist, composer and orchestra director in the 1950s/1960s (Cha Cha Cha & Merengue, pachanga styles) |
Search | Add | 24 | Charlotte Höglund | Eva Charlotte Höglund | Swedish vocalist and songwriter, born on 9 June 1964. She is the sister of [a791500]. |
Search | Add | 24 | Meike Dinslage | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Elio Crociani | Elio Crociani | Italian italo disco / house producer. |
Search | Add | 24 | Mariano Rueda | Spanish illustrator, active in the 70s, mostly along with [a4079792]. | |
Search | Add | 24 | Jean-Désiré Bailly | French folk "musette" accordionist and composer (1923-2002), very famous in the Berry region. | |
Search | Add | 24 | Johs. Bjørknes | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Rajkamal Kalamandir | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Tobias Lindkvist | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Victor Zuo | Bassist and synthesizerist of [a2995166] Producer, soundtrack/OST composer/producer Co-Founder of [l=Briefnote Records] | |
Search | Add | 24 | Φίλιος Φιλιππίδης | ||
Search | Add | 24 | NewAir | New Air, a.k.a. Gabriele Carone, born in Rome in 1994. Gabriele was, at first, a musician, but during the years he became a producer, a composer, and a performer at the same time. His project sounds came from different genres and styles, which influence his Electronic Music. In 2020 he founded his own recording studio called NewAir Studio in Rome, where he records his own music and works as a producer for other artists. | |
Search | Add | 24 | R. Fraschini | Roberto Fraschini | |
Search | Add | 24 | Katie Hare | UK based artist. | |
Search | Add | 24 | Muurruum | Project from Minsk, Belarus. | |
Search | Add | 24 | Trio Los Caribes | Alma, Juan y Guillermo | |
Search | Add | 24 | EuroRefur | EuroRefur is a captivating eurodance project that originated in Sweden back in 2004. It was founded by Carl Lindmark, and their first recording was the memorable track "Living It My Way." In 2023, the talented Jenny Rogerdotter joined EuroRefur and lent her enchanting voice to their song titled "Raven Fly." | |
Search | Add | 24 | Dragan Janković Mirijevac | Serbian accordion player, composer and arranger of folk music from Belgrade. | |
Search | Add | 24 | Aşık İhsani | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Honorio Palencia | Colombian pianist, songwriter | |
Search | Add | 24 | Matt Yacoub | ||
Search | Add | 24 | ID-Entity | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Reiters Latvian Choir | Latvian chorus, also known as Teodors Reiters Choir or Reitera Koris, created in 1920 by [a2534145] | |
Search | Add | 24 | Ensemble des Süddeutschen Puppentheaters | ||
Search | Add | 24 | FatJudy | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Durell Godfrey | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Harold Ramsay | Harold Arthur Ramsay | British-Born Canadian organist, choirmaster and composer, b. Yarmouth Aug 1901 d.Kamloops, BC, 29 Jan 1976. Vocal coach for Paramount Studios, New York and Hollywood in 1920s. Moved back to England in 1932 and became a prolific cinema organ player, performing on over 1000 BBC broadcasts. |
Search | Add | 24 | G. Avrorin | Григорий Аврорин | Noise musician from Saint-Petersburg (Russia). Active since 1997. |
Search | Add | 24 | Alison Tulloch | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Jorge Char | Argentinian singer, songwriter and composer (August 31, 1951 – July 4, 2014) Popular in Latin America, especially in Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic. | |
Search | Add | 24 | Vberkvlt | Justin Bartlett | |
Search | Add | 24 | Horia Ologu-Guja | ||
Search | Add | 24 | The Dance Mixers | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Jörg Kazubowski | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Folk Dance Band | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Lord Reverand Jimmi Sinn | James Honsinger | American vocalist for [a=Blüdwülf], [a=Rotten UK], [a=Sectss], [a=The End (23)]. Also visual artist. |
Search | Add | 24 | Alexander "Casso Dinero" Wright | ||
Search | Add | 24 | BlackGoat Gravedesecrator | Jaakko Lähde | Finnish metal musician. |
Search | Add | 24 | Indira Wadkar | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Rainer Kunert | Designer. | |
Search | Add | 24 | Hubert Griffe | ||
Search | Add | 24 | J.P. Krom | J.P. Krom is a chilean soloist musician, guitarist and singer. | |
Search | Add | 24 | Валентин Родин | Валентин Васильевич Родин | Pianist. Born 1910, died 1980. Also known as Родионов. |
Search | Add | 24 | Wilhelm Behn | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Bruce Brouwn | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Polca. | Japanese rapper & illustrator. | |
Search | Add | 24 | Frank Johnson's Fabulous Dixielanders | Australian Dixieland jazz band from Melbourne active between 1946-56. | |
Search | Add | 24 | Don Hicky | Donald Willis | |
Search | Add | 24 | Ronaldo Diamante | Brazilian bass player and songwriter. | |
Search | Add | 24 | Ghulam Haider | Ghulam Haider | Ghulam Haider was a well-known music composer who worked both in India and in Pakistan after independence. He changed the face of film songs by combining the popular Raags with the verve and rhythm of Punjabi music, and also raised the status of music directors. He is also known for giving a break to the well-known playback singer, Lata Mangeshkar. In an interview, Lata Mangeshkar herself disclosed on her 84th birthday in 2013, "Ghulam Haider is truly my Godfather. It was his confidence in me that he fought for me to tuck me into the Hindi Film Industry which otherwise had rejected me". Remembering her early rejection, Lata once said, "Ghulam Haider was the first music director who showed complete faith in my talent. He introduced me to many producers including S. Mukerji, a big name in film production, but when he too declined me, Ghulam Haider was very furious. Hence, finally he convinced Bombay Talkies, a banner bigger than S. Mukerji and introduced me through their movie Majboor (1948 film)". |
Search | Add | 24 | Partners Rime Syndicate | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Gis Ingvardtsen | Gis Ingvardtsen | Engineer |
Search | Add | 24 | DIXSDAIN | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Антонина Маренич | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Konrad Wullert | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Reggie Goodwin | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Gorman Maxwell | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Remigi Palmero | Remigi Palmero i Ruà | Spanish singer and guitarist from Valencia (b. 1950), pioneer, along with [a1946951] and [a1550873] of the so-called Mediterranean Rock. Remigio Palmero |
Search | Add | 24 | François-René Richez | Artwork designer. | |
Search | Add | 24 | American Republic Band | [l243710] house bands that recorded military-style releases used this as a default name. | |
Search | Add | 24 | Alain Vernerey | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Koulla Kakoulli | Sister of [a372938] and [a657493]. Singer of [a710491] and sang backing vocals on releases by [a263826] and [a225404] | |
Search | Add | 24 | Sreten Stevanović | Trombone player | |
Search | Add | 24 | The Rolling Tones | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Charlie Alberti | Carlos Alberto Ficicchia Gigliotti | Carlos Alberto Ficicchia Gigliotti (born March 27, 1963), known by his stage name Charly Alberti, is an Argentine rock musician, best known as the drummer of the influential Argentine rock band Soda Stereo. Because of this, he is considered one of the most important musicians of latin and Spanish rock.[citation needed] He is the oldest son of Dolly Gigliotti and Argentine jazz drummer Tito Alberti. |
Search | Add | 24 | Lester V. Coombs | Cabaret artist active in 1950s. Later became moderately successful as a country music singer. | |
Search | Add | 24 | EMI Art Department | ||
Search | Add | 24 | And We Walk Endlessly Towards The Sun | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Hassan Latif Lilak | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Teknocannibaal | AVANT-GORE ,HARSH NOISE ,WASTE-CORE ,EXPERIMENTAL Siegfried A. Kurwaski , Circuit Bender , Ass Looper and Fruit Atrocities. | |
Search | Add | 24 | Front Publicity Inc. | Japanese designer. | |
Search | Add | 24 | Ismail Boulaghmal | German producer, keyboardist and DJ | |
Search | Add | 24 | Conjunto Nuevo Bella Luna | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Γιάννης Μάνος | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Jaroslav Weigel | Jaroslav Weigel (born 2 February 1931, Rychnov nad Kněžnou, Czechoslovakia – died 5 September 2019) was a Czech actor, writer, playwright, comics writer and painter. From 1970, he was a member of the [l264862] (Jára Cimrman Theatre). | |
Search | Add | 24 | Andrew Heuback | Visual artist and label proprietor originally from the Kansas City area. Currently based in Portland, Oregon. | |
Search | Add | 24 | الشرقاوي | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Mark Boston | Mark Boston | Born: 1949, Salem, Illinois, USA. Boston is an accomplished bass-player, best known for his work with [a=Captain Beefheart], where he gained the nickname "[a=Rockette Morton]". Boston grew up learning to walk on the one hand and to play the bass with the other. When he moved to California he met and teamed up with guitarist [a825970]. They played together in Lancaster, California, in a band called B.C. & The Cavemen. When early recordings began on the Zappa/Beefheart project that was to become "Trout Mask Replica" the Magic Band bassist [a407003] had already departed. This role had initially been filled by [a274903], with whom the band had associated in the early production of "Safe As Milk" and a catalyst for the inclusion of [a55080]. Marker laid down three tracks for the "Trout Mask Replica" album with Harkleroad on guitar. However, things did not work out with Marker and he too departed. Boston - who was already known to both [a256283] and Harkleroad - stepped in and, according to drummer [a196010], managed to learn the bass parts for "Hair Pie" and "Steal Softly Thru Snow" in one evening's rehearsal. Boston's work possibly made easier as he had worked with French in the band "Blues In A Bottle". From that point Boston was promptly nicknamed "[a256281]" by Vliet and became a mainstay of The Magic Band for a number of years, performing on five of the band's albums. In 1969 the unlikely magazine "Playboy" nominated Boston as "Bass Player Of The Year". Boston was a visually impressive member of the band onstage, dancing frenetically with his double-necked Danelectro Longhorn and, on more than one occasion, with an electric toaster strapped on his head to 'toast' an event. Boston left The Magic Band in 1974 after the making of "Unconditionally Guaranteed". With financial support and mobile recording facilities provided by [a85485], Boston formed "[a=Mallard]" with Harkleroad, Zappa drummer [a256280], [a1218640] on vocals and [a324402] on keyboards. The band made an eponymous album on the Virgin label in the UK in 1975, including tracks written by John French who was in at the demo stage. The band made a second album, "In A Different Climate" in 1976, with John Draggota on drums and (an ex-Magic Band member and associate of John French in "Rattlesnake & Eggs") John Thomas on keyboards. After the demise of "Mallard" Boston played the gig circuit before teaming up with [a1188211] in "Hurricane" and finally residing in Aiken, South Carolina. It's from his small "Bomark" studio in South Carolina that Boston currently [2009] runs his life. He has released a solo album "Love Space" . Boston also performs dates in today's music collective known as "The Magic Band", along with John (Drumbo) French, Gary (Mantis) Lucas, Denny (Feelers Reebo) Whalley and ex-Beefheart collaborator Michael Traylor. This line-up first premiered in the UK at "The Garage", Shepherd's Bush, on 28th June 2004. Footnote: Boston was also cast by [a=Frank Zappa] as the character 'Gorgonzola' in FZ's 'teenage opera' script for "Captain Beefheart Vs The Grunt People". He was to play a part in Celestia's / [a=Grace Slick]'s entourage in outer space. |
Search | Add | 24 | Chaindata | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Mitglieder der Staatskapelle Berlin | Profile for credits on a not further defined portion of members of [a833446]. This credit was used beyond the split of the [a833446]. In those cases, the prefix "Ehemalige" is used for crediting. | |
Search | Add | 24 | Billy Mure's Supersonic Guitars | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Porreria | Noisecore/Grindcore band from Brazil. | |
Search | Add | 24 | Treepoli | 80s pop group from Granollers (Catalunya) The band recorded 3 albums and achieved several hits playing on radio formulas such as 40 Principales or Cadena Dial ... with songs like "Chicos en la playa haciendo Surf", "A la luz de ese bar", "Ana", "Una chica como tú", etc... The band disbanded in 1992 and have returned in late 2015 releasing the single "Maldita Muñeca" in advance of their new album. | |
Search | Add | 24 | Jam Master | Hans Wolters | Dutch DJ and producer based in Nijmegen, formerly known as JM Jackmaster. |
Search | Add | 24 | Rubén Aguilera | Argentinian musician, composer, producer, conductor from Junín. | |
Search | Add | 24 | Ousted Queer | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Infected Minds Alliance | "Infected Minds is an alliance of creative minds forged to make and support Art in all its forms and manifestations." | |
Search | Add | 24 | Anamura Alententa | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Fred Silver Band | ||
Search | Add | 24 | David Upson | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Peter Danay | Slovak graphic designer. | |
Search | Add | 24 | Orquesta De Herman Helmer | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Chromasoma | A division of [a=Me Company]. | |
Search | Add | 24 | Kazumi Inaki | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Merrill Staton | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Adnan Türközü | ||
Search | Add | 24 | aflightoremember | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Formația Record | Romanian lăutărească band from from Târgoviște | |
Search | Add | 24 | Melanie Orner | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Jeff Hateley | British bassist. | |
Search | Add | 24 | MX Nihil | Matthias Mützlitz | |
Search | Add | 24 | Domenico Barrella | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Jeff Zornow | Jeffrey Zornow | American comic book artist, illustrator and writer. |
Search | Add | 24 | Rıza Pekkutsal | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Fredy Raoilifahanana | Malagasy music director and songwriter. | |
Search | Add | 24 | Sonny Ochiai | [l=Tachyon Records] owner. | |
Search | Add | 24 | Tomasz Twardawa | Tomasz Twardawa | (b. 1970 - d. July 16, 2020) He was one of the most respected and prolific artists of the Polish industrial scene. |
Search | Add | 24 | Willy Steiner | German conductor | |
Search | Add | 24 | Josip Pejaković | ||
Search | Add | 24 | François Babault | French Pianist & Band Leader. Musical director of [l224840] François Babault was the official pianist for the Télé-Paris television show, then Paris-Club. Télé-Paris and its successor Paris-Club were daily broadcast dealing with Parisian cultural news. Babault performed the opening and ending credits live every day, and was often the accompanist for guests. | |
Search | Add | 24 | fkhr | Manabu Fukuhara = 福原学 | Japanese electronic musician & photographer. |
Search | Add | 24 | Инструментальный Ансамбль п/у Б. Демченко | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Filmistan Pvt. Ltd. | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Carmenza Duque | Colombian pop singer | |
Search | Add | 24 | DJ Loctgruv | Since 1986 Loctgruv has been shaping sounds with the decks. No stranger to playing any kind of music, Loctgruv's take on tech house is rough around the edges, but glistening with deep synth melodies, a tough beat, and a very funky bassline.... Flashback to 1986 listening to Little Louie Vega and Glen Friscia mixing up a stew of styles on Hot 103 (before it was Hot 97), running house and freestyle records like they were hip-hop records. Remixers like Shep Pettibone, Chris Barbosa, Flood, Kevin Saunderson, Francois K, Justin Strauss, David Morales, and SAW were big influences as well. Loctgruv took notes throughout high school while schooling on New Order, Jody Watley, Depeche Mode, The Beastie Boys, NY Radio, freestyle and classic early house and techno. Projects ensued; a stint on the radio during college, a move to Philly, some Philly club residencies, (ENVY, Swanky Bubbles, Proto Lounge, Valanni, Lounge 125, Silk City, Fluid) handing off a demo to future roomate, co-conspirator Chris Udoh (Wamdue Kids), Randall Jones playing "Future Moves" on John Digweed's Kiss FM show on the BBC, induction into Tigerhook Corp., and a record for Bosh that garnered positive reviews in iDJ and DJ Magazine (UK). Jez Torrance of iDJ described the sound as melancholic, spiritual and even "spatial, luscious and downright beautiful." Loctgruv is a self trained multi-instrumentalist who plays the guitar, bass, drums, decks and synths. Bitchin' Gruvs is the label where Dj Loctgruv and label ailiases Loctgruv Soul Project, The Funky Shadow, Kilobyte Kids, The Past Master, and Gettoblasta can be found online in music stores like iTunes, Traxxsource, Beatport, and Amazon and streamed from YouTube or Spotify. | |
Search | Add | 24 | George McCannon, III | Born Jan 30, 1941. Raised in Winsted, Connecticut. Died Oct 16, 2015 in Largo, Florida. | |
Search | Add | 24 | Roman Cejnar | Roman Cejnar | Czech recording engineer, supervisor, composer and chorus master. Owner of [l=R.C. Ateliér]. |
Search | Add | 24 | Hampus Cannerfors | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Daniel Pecchio | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Murray Costello | Bassman and producer from New Zealand. | |
Search | Add | 24 | Pieter Heykoop | Dutch organ player of religious songs | |
Search | Add | 24 | Donnie Bennett | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Natural Error | Tim Jarvis | Drum n bass producer from Canterbury. |
Search | Add | 24 | AE van Elst Projects | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Uffe Börjesson | Stig Ulf Börjesson | Sound engineer and musician. Founder and owner of [l623258] |
Search | Add | 24 | Francesco Marciano | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Massimo Marcolini | Massimo Marcolini | Italian producer, songwriter, guitarist, programmer, pianist For credits to "M. Marcolini" please also check [a316215]. |
Search | Add | 24 | Jack Steeples | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Pierre Meige | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Solaiman Fazel | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Weston L. McGowen | Weston L. McGowen | Songwriter, Producer, A&R, Consultant |
Search | Add | 24 | Martijn Hertog | ||
Search | Add | 24 | 187rec | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Robert T. Brown | 1960s-2000s producer, label owner, and recording engineer from Fremont, Ohio. Owned the [l795524] family of labels and later opened [l765359] in Gibsonburg, Ohio. | |
Search | Add | 24 | Andrey Nefedov | ||
Search | Add | 24 | David Kastle | David Dickerson | Canadian singer, songwriter, musician and producer. His production company in the 1970s was [l=Artists' Independent Workshop]. In the late 1970s started working extensively in Nashville, where he founded record company [l=Artists Independent Music Corporation] and its label [l=Celebrity Records (15)] and publisher [l=Artists Independent Music] in the 1980s. |
Search | Add | 24 | Adina Friedman | Adina Friedman began her career as a college marketing rep for Atlantic Records before moving to Warner Music’s New York office. There, she became part of Warner’s Direct to Consumer department, managing the online presence of acts such as Paramore, Bruno Mars, and Shinedown. After moving to indie start-up tinyOGRE, Adina caught the attention of John Legend’s management, who brought her to Los Angeles to become a member of their team. She then moved to Troy Carter’s entertainment company, Atom Factory, where she began working with Lindsey Stirling. She currently works at Friends At Work. | |
Search | Add | 24 | Air Warrior | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Willie Croes | William Croes | |
Search | Add | 24 | Ric Dixon | Producer, sound technician and band manager. | |
Search | Add | 24 | Lyell Tranter | Australian folk guitarist and singer, active in the UK where he first played in a duo with [a=Chris Simpson] and later co-founded [a=Magna Carta]. Died 11 September 2022. | |
Search | Add | 24 | Jenny Adlington | Jenny Adlington | World Music marketing and management. Speaks Spanish & French and has credits as translator on various Latin American & West African World Music releases. |
Search | Add | 24 | Sotiris Tachiatis | Cello player | |
Search | Add | 24 | Hayes Farmer | ||
Search | Add | 24 | DJ Fredi France | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Clyde Brown, Jr. | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Kai Sattelkau | Drummer, guitarist, bassist & vocalist for the German grindcore band [a=Depression]. Drummer and backing vocals for the German Punkrock Band Green Machine Drummer for the German Death Metal Band Eroded Drummer for the German Black Metal Band Animus Ex-Drummer for the German Punrockband Speedway 69 Drummer for the German Death Metal Band Gods of Grind Drummer & keyboarss for the German Death Metal Band Dismal | |
Search | Add | 24 | Grazer J | Graham Jenkins | |
Search | Add | 24 | Anonimo Veneziano | Italian instrumental project. They produced 3 albums during 1992/1993. | |
Search | Add | 24 | Billy Jump | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Boba Fettuccini | Ramsey | Boba Fettuccini was a hobbyist bedroom producer active from 2007 until 2015. They operated the netlabel Power Glove Records with Evil Stereo from 2008-2010. |
Search | Add | 24 | Jean Eckian | French producer and photographer | |
Search | Add | 24 | Nanshiki Noise | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Suitberto Goire Castilla | ||
Search | Add | 24 | The Mercury Chorale | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Ted M. Gibson | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Sergie Graphics | Sergie Loobkoff | Artist profile for [a=Sergie Loobkoff]'s design studio [l=Sergie Graphics]. Please only use this, when an artist credit role is used on release. When clearly referring to a location (at / @), use Designed At [l=Sergie Graphics] in the lccn section instead. |
Search | Add | 24 | Vocalion-Band | Orchestra credit, probably for studio orchestras, on Orchestrola and related labels. | |
Search | Add | 24 | Spencer Jenkins | Visual artists and photographer. | |
Search | Add | 24 | László Szalay | Szalay László | Hungarian singer. Born: 1914, Győr, Hungary. Died: 1990, Hungary |
Search | Add | 24 | Sickfuckparanoia | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Michael C. Kirch | ||
Search | Add | 24 | James Hakin Howe | James Hakin Howe | British composer, arranger and conductor. Served as director of [a2120602] for 40 years, between 1934 and 1974. Father of [a1238524]. Born November 11th, 1917. Died March 16th, 2005. |
Search | Add | 24 | Александр Батурин | Александр Иосифович Батурин | Alexander Baturin (1904-1983) - Soviet and Russian opera singer (bass-baritone). People's Artist of the RSFSR (1947). His wife is the famous Russian harpist [a2013704] = Вера Дулова. |
Search | Add | 24 | Regis Patoff | ||
Search | Add | 24 | 듀스 | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Joanne Mackell | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Nurlan Seigér | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Andy Süss | German bass player. | |
Search | Add | 24 | Tanz-Ensemble Bert Kämpfert | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Cathie Lehr | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Orchestre Raymonde | Formed in 1933 as a studio orchestra. [b]Not to be confused with the 1960-70's [a93842][/b]. | |
Search | Add | 24 | The Wonderland Imagination Theatre | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Ron Pekar | American sculpture, painter, designer and teacher. Designer of the [a270582] logo used in [m=13825]. | |
Search | Add | 24 | Alicia Saye | Australian musician and recording engineer | |
Search | Add | 24 | | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Manuel Robim | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Guillermo Guido | Horacio Guillermo Ramírez | Argentine pop and ballad singer, born 20 April 1959 in Quilmes, Buenos Aires. |
Search | Add | 24 | Hubert H. Humphrey | Hubert Horatio Humphrey, Jr. | American politician who was the 38th Vice President of the United States, serving under President [a=Lyndon B. Johnson] from 1965 to 1969. He was the nominee of the Democratic Party in the 1968 presidential election but lost to the Republican nominee, [a=Richard Nixon]. Born: May 27, 1911 in Wallace, South Dakota Died: January 13, 1978 in Waverly, Minnesota |
Search | Add | 24 | David Kinghorn | ||
Search | Add | 24 | The Bettmann Archive, Inc. | A collection of photographs started by Dr. Otto Ludwig Bettmann (1903–1998) in the late 1920's while head of the Rare Book Department of the Berlin State Art Library. In 1981, Bettmann sold the archive to the Kraus Thomson Organization. In 1995, the archive was sold to Corbis, a digital stock photography company founded by Bill Gates. | |
Search | Add | 24 | Deekstar | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Spencer Lewis | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Joseph Karre | Joseph Karre (born October 1995), is an American record producer, songwriter, music video director and founder of Grammy-nominated label ML1 Records. Early in his career, Karre worked with Grammy-winner [a=Chubby Carrier] and has also collaborated with Sam Trocki, Benny Blanco, Martin Kember, Stephen Kellner and Maynard Batiste. His concert photography credits include Justin Bieber's My World Tour 2.0, Taylor Swift's Fearless Tour, Drake, Cody Simpson, Jessica Jarrell, Gloriana, Khalil, Aaron Fresh, Burnham, Push Play, Robert Randolph, Mackenzie Bourg, Royal Teeth, Marc Broussard and many others. Joseph has worked with 10 Grammy-winning musicians and 11 Grammy-nominees. | |
Search | Add | 24 | Eleni Bartseri | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Mtrchoh | German design studio, based in Berlin. | |
Search | Add | 24 | Chris Dutrieux | From South Bend, IN. Runs the tiny [l=Amazified!] label. | |
Search | Add | 24 | Андрей Некрасов | Андрей Сергеевич Некрасов (Andrey Sergeyevich Nekrasov) | born: 22.06.1907 died: 15.02.1987 Soviet writer. |
Search | Add | 24 | Black Mass Appeal | Black Mass Appeal is a podcast about modern Satanism. | |
Search | Add | 24 | Dick Kesner | Violinist Born 1912 i Sioux City, Iowa, USA — died 1962 in Reseda, California, USA | |
Search | Add | 24 | Sung-Jo Jung | 정성조 | South Korean Jazz Artist 1946.04.08~2014.10.26 1967년 색소폰 연주자로 첫 데뷔하였고 1974년 영화 《어제 내린 비》로 영화 음악감독 데뷔하였으며 이 때 가수 윤형주에게 《어제 내린 비》라는 곡을 써 주어 영화 《어제 내린 비》의 OST로 노래하게끔 하였다. 1971년 김민기의 데뷔음반에서 정성조 콰르텟이 반주를 맡았다. 1977년 영화《겨울 여자》의 영화 음악 감독을 맡아 김세화의 눈물로 쓴 편지와 김세화 와 이영식의 겨울 이야기를 겨울 여자의 OST로 내놓아 영화와 함께 유명하게 하였다. KBS관현악단 단장을 지내기도 하였으며 서울예술대학과 서울종합예술학교의 전임교수를 지내기도 하였고 2014년 10월 26일에 육종암으로 별세하였다. 향년 68세 그의 아들 정중화는 재즈 트롬본 연주자이다. He made his first debut as a saxophone player in 1967 and made his film music director's debut with the film Yesterday Rain in 1974, when he wrote a song called Yesterday Rain to singer Yoon Hyung-joo to sing the OST of the movie Yesterday Rain. Jung Sung-jo Quartet accompanied Kim Min-ki's debut album in 1971. In 1977, he directed the movie music of the movie Winter Woman and released letters written by Kim Se-hwa in tears and winter stories of Kim Se-hwa and Lee Young-sik as soundtracks for winter women to become famous along with the movie. He served as the head of the KBS Orchestra, served as a full-time professor at Seoul National University of Arts and Seoul National University of Arts, and died of Cancer on October 26, 2014. 68 years old. His son, Jung Joong-hwa, is a jazz trombone player. |
Search | Add | 24 | Ion Cobîlă | Romanian conductor born in Drăgușeni, Botoșani County, January 1st, 1947, conductor of [a=Orchestra Rapsozii Botoșanilor] from 1973. He graduated Conservatorul ,,George Enescu’’ Iași. | |
Search | Add | 24 | Engin Ozturk | Engin Öztürk | Electronic music producer |
Search | Add | 24 | Ramon Folch I Camarasa | Ramon Folch i Camarasa | Catalan novelist, playwright and translator. (Barcelona, October 30, 1926 - Mollet del Vallès, January 2, 2019) Popularly known for being the screenwriter of the serial comic "Massagran", based on the work of his father [a5383938], and for his activity in the second period (1968-1973) of the children's magazine "En Patufet". |
Search | Add | 24 | Tiny Ferreiro | Agustín Ferreiro | Spanish flamenco, rumba and pasodoble singer, also songwriter (b. 1951) |
Search | Add | 24 | Sammy Slabbinck | Collage artist & re-animator from Belgium. Makes (stop motion animation) videos and creates personal work, brand advertising, music clips, album covers, etc. | |
Search | Add | 24 | María Dolores Marín Sarriá | Spanish flamenco songwriter and composer, b. 18.04.1949. | |
Search | Add | 24 | Hollmspeed | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Джаз-Оркестр Под Управлением Николая Минха | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Guram Torua | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Andy Vuylsteke | Vocals for Deconsecrate since 2012 Vocals for Retaliate (2001 - 2006) CEO & founder Kick Out The Jams | |
Search | Add | 24 | Bump Stadelman | Artist DJ producer and label manager of [l=Defective Records], in collaboration with [a=dan nigrin]. | |
Search | Add | 24 | George Papadakis | Γιώργος Παπαδάκης | Giorgos Papadakis (b. 1990) is a graphic designer, proactive in the audio-visual field working along artists and cultural and commercial clients in order to convey ideas through form, color, and sound. His study is focused on visual communication and relates to branding identity systems, print ephemera and typography. |
Search | Add | 24 | Hardbeat Propaganda | Promo agency. [b]Please use 'Promotion' credit[/b] when the brand 'Hardbeat Propaganda' appears on the release [b]without[/b] role. | |
Search | Add | 24 | Jack Codyne Washington | An electronic & DnB music producer hailing from North Adriatic province in Croatia. | |
Search | Add | 24 | Selma Rich Brody | ||
Search | Add | 24 | The Horrie Dargie Quintet | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Complesso Gaio Padano | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Shane Horror | The only AWARD WINNING illustrator you've never heard of! Will work for food (or small amounts of money to feed family). | |
Search | Add | 24 | Todd 'The Kid' | Todd Hamilton | |
Search | Add | 24 | Chris Demetras | Chris Demetras | |
Search | Add | 24 | Perinho Albuquerque | Péricles De Albuquerque | Brazilian guitarist and songwriter. Brother of [a265145]. b.: April 25, 1946 - Salvador, BA |
Search | Add | 24 | The Floating Mountain Band | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Jolanda Lanero | Graphic designer. | |
Search | Add | 24 | Barna Bertholty | Classical string instrumentalist | |
Search | Add | 24 | | Espiat is a web & design agency run by Marcus Panier & Daniel Schuh. is the personal grafik & design portfolio of Daniel Schuh. | |
Search | Add | 24 | Stefanos Konstantinidis | Στέφανος Κωνσταντινίδης | Greek (born in Athens, Greece) producer/mix engineer, electro-inspired musician (keyboards, electronics), and songwriter. He is the groundbreaking role of the Athens electronic music underground scene. Founder, producer and musical director of [a=Electroware], [a=ΦΩΝΟΠΤΙΚΟΝ] and [a=ΗΧΟΤΟΠίΑ] projects Owner of [l=Fabrika Studio]. Engineer at [l=DSP Lab]. Brother of [a=Grammofonove] (Γιώργος Κωνσταντινίδης, aka [a=Voltnoi Brege]). |
Search | Add | 24 | Harold Franz | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Rick Buscher | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Angelo Pastorello | Brazilian bassist and photographer | |
Search | Add | 24 | Deaz D. Productions | Dennis Harinck | Design company from Zoetermeer, The Netherlands, run by [a=Dennis Harinck]. |
Search | Add | 24 | Keith 'Gorgan' Wignall | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Mr. Quikk | Mr. Quikk has been putting out Dirty South DJ mixes since the mid-'90s on the [l=Dirty Harry Productions] record label. | |
Search | Add | 24 | Nadežda Dukstulskaitė | Pianist, mostly noticeable as one who accompanied vocalists with grand piano in many recordings. Also concertmaster in Lithuanian SSR Philharmony (1953-59) and boys' choir "Ąžuoliukas" (1959-78). Born 1912 March 5th in Daugpils, Latvia, died 1978 October 2nd in Vilnius, Lithuania. | |
Search | Add | 24 | Conjunto Batachá | Cha Cha and Salsa Band From Mexico, The Conjunto Batachá, founded in Mexico City as a quartet in 1953, maintained an original style for more than 50 years. The group assimilated the Cuban Cha-cha-chá, recreated it with a Mexican touch and spread it with great success along with other "tropical" genres in the most refined nightclubs of Mexico City. | |
Search | Add | 24 | DJ Max V | Massimo Vanoni | Italian DJ and producer. |
Search | Add | 24 | Catherine Fibonacci | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Raheem "Rahlo" Thomas | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Susanne Schindler-Günther | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Wetzlarer Evangeliumschor | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Sini Suvanto | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Stars Are Insane | A home recording lo fi, shoegaze, ambient, acoustic 4 track project by Mike Andriani started in 1998. Influenced by Shrimper Records, K Records, collages and cassettes and such bands as Sebadoh, Further, Sentridoh, My Bloody Valentine, Yo La Tengo, Dump, Secret Stars, Mercury Rev, Kicking Giant, Eric’s Trip, Moonsocket, Sonic Youth, and Red House Painters. | |
Search | Add | 24 | Cobla La Selvatana | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Mark LeRoy | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Nada Knežević | Nada Knežević | Serbian schlager and jazz singer born 10 March 1940 in Belgrade. Died 25 October 2023 in Belgrade. Nada made her first recordings in 1957. |
Search | Add | 24 | Uzi Red | Lucas Jevuan Wołgin | Polish-Jamaican rapper. |
Search | Add | 24 | Calvin C. Brown | American producer, songwriter and publisher, active in Mississippi, Arkansas, and Tennessee. He owned the labels [l=Soul Beat Records (2)], [l=Acquarian Record Co.], [l=Marathon Records Inc.], [l=Riceland], and [l=Central Record Company], as well as the publishing company [l=Acquarian Music]. | |
Search | Add | 24 | Neil Coombe | Runs [l428384], recording studio located in Mount Nebo, near Brisbane, Australia. | |
Search | Add | 24 | Tom Cossie | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Heinrich Alster | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Pavel Durnikov | Pavel Durnikov | Composer (ambient / synthwave / vaporwave / electronica ) |
Search | Add | 24 | Kowä Axis | Improvised guitar project, based in London. | |
Search | Add | 24 | Dj Sanlok | ||
Search | Add | 24 | William "Billy" Hines | William Hines | Hines started off owning an independent urban music record store in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. By the 1980's the hip-hop and electro sound hit Miami with influences from NY and LA groups. Noticing the flux of independent labels such as Macola Records in California and Hot Productions in Miami, William Hines created his own label called 4-Sight Records that housed early Miami hip-hop and Miami bass sounds. William's son, MC ADE, later would help with production on the label's various releases. However by the end of the decade, the independent scene became a harder venue to operate in and 4-Sight Records closed shop into the 1990's. |
Search | Add | 24 | Tony Squindo | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Paul Waak | Artwork/Graphic Design Email: | |
Search | Add | 24 | Alex Erin | Александр | Techno / House producer. Born in 1991 in Donetsk, USSR. Has been experimenting with sound since 2010. |
Search | Add | 24 | Günter Wehrke | ||
Search | Add | 24 | RimDa | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Rune Öfwermans Kör Och Orkester | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Akatana | Alexis / Akel | 84' French born based in Berlin Owner of Shinobies records @ Zu:Hause records Sound Designer, Ambient, Techno, Experimental, Traditional Music, Soundscape... |
Search | Add | 24 | Pavel Cajthaml | Pavel Cajthaml | Mastering engineer, identified by "CP" in matrix runout area. |
Search | Add | 24 | Husnalal-Bhagatram | Husnalal-Bhagatram were one of the earliest music directors in Bollywood. The team consisted of Husanlal (1910–1968) and Bhagatram (1916–1973). They were popular composers in the 1940s and 1950s. It is said that the concept of a duo of music directors began with them. They composed for Bollywood in the era of Naushad, Anil Biswas and C. Ramachandra. They trained famous music directors Shankar (of Shankar Jaikishan), Khayyam and the singer, Mahendra Kapoor. | |
Search | Add | 24 | Wolfgang Schemme | Credited for liner notes | |
Search | Add | 24 | Raul Young | Krisztián Csamári | Techno artist from Hungary. |
Search | Add | 24 | Detlef Quast | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Reverend Michael Ray | Michael is an ordained priest, under the Melchizedek Priesthood. Michael is also a published author, his book "The Satan Concept" was published in 2008 (long before his conversion to Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints) and he plans to expand on the spiritual foundation laid there in a new book, "The Book of Michael", almost 2000 pages and the result of extensive research of every holy book and thousands of other ancient texts (as well as occult writings) from the last several thousand years, split into three volumes. Former leader of a Satanic church called the American Pagan Brotherhood; later, he became a 33rd Degree Freemason. After this, he converted and was baptized into the The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, where he is still very active. Diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis at age 18, but showed symptoms as early as 11 and 12. Despite his condition he continues to write, sing and play guitar and bass as well. Additional Disography: (not limited to) Genital Grinder - Demo 2009 CD-r (Technical Death Metal) Sledgehammer Defilement - 3-Song EP CDr (Death/Thrash Metal) Sledgehammer Defilement - "Blink Of An Eye" Instrumental Version, Promo CDr (Death/Thrash Metal) Sinful Slaughter - "Sinful Slaughter" 7-Song Demo CDr 2008 (Death/Black Metal) Mike Ray - 2-Song Demo CD-r (Black Metal) | |
Search | Add | 24 | Kovács "Nagyember" László | László Kovács | Hungarian radio DJ who became wellknown in the scene because of his work at Juventus Radio. He started to work at that radio station in 1995. |
Search | Add | 24 | Leotis | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Bonnie Banks | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Die 2 Peterlesboum | German comedy duo from Nuremberg, active from 1958 to 1988. | |
Search | Add | 24 | Milija Spasojević | Milija Spasojević | (1925—1980) Serbian folk composer and accordion player. Younger brother of [a=Ilija Spasojević]. |
Search | Add | 24 | Zespół Ludowy Z Pysznicy | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Maria Orłowska-Gabryś | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Paulo Alegria | Paulo Alegria (Paulgi) is a Portuguese photographer and graphic designer. He was a member of several bands and released a solo album, singles and other works under the name of NEON. He was also the first Portuguese musician to be invited to be present and to perform at the official stage of Cannes Festival. He kept working in the record and film industry for a few years as a specialized designer and multimedia expert, working as lead designer at Independent Records an creative director at MediaPromo. | |
Search | Add | 24 | Erland Dahlgren | Erik Erland Dahlgren | Born: 10 July 1902 in Bispberg, Säter, Dalarna, Sweden Died: 17 April 1980 in Matteus parish, Stockholm, Sweden During the 1920s, a young man from Dalarna became widely known for his mighty body forces. His name was Erland Dahlgren, born in Bispberg in 1902. In his early teens, he began as a worker in a mine but became more and more interested in Greco-Roman wrestling, and as an especially strong man he and other strong men attracted and drew audiences to the Swedish [url=]Folkparks[/url], with their touring shows or at occasional appearances in local revues. Then, around the year 1939, his whole life would take a new turn, and it attracted a lot of excitement in the district, when people learned that the popular artist had found salvation. After his conversion he left the life of the Folkparks and began singing in churches and chapels, now writing his own songs and collaborating with lyricists of the time. He wrote over 100 own melodies, including texts by [a3598167], [a850066], [a965656] and [a4509710]. Some 20 of these are published by [l300745]. It is said that the theme of the song Härlighetens Morgon, found on this release: [r14043966], is taken from his childhood mining environment. After a night shift in the dark and humid mine, the miner boy met with the glorious sunshine of the summer morning. The contrast between darkness and light reminded of the salvation experience – from darkness to light! |
Search | Add | 24 | Steven Blane | American rabbi and cantor who also worked on audiobooks, mainly for [l=Scholastic]. | |
Search | Add | 24 | Gerhard Wirth | Songwriter | |
Search | Add | 24 | L'Ere Graphique | [b]DO NOT USE.[/b] | |
Search | Add | 24 | Earl Contaste | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Ernest Kelley | Ernest McKinley Kelley | Record producer, songwriter and, with [a=Alan Lorber], co-owner of [l=Lake (3)] Records. Born July 24th 1930, died August 27th 2011 (Cancer related) A native of Orangeburg, South Carolina, Kelley entered the music industry after relocating to New York City. While there, Kelley started working at Broadcast Music, Inc. (BMI) in 1948. His twelve-year stint at BMI was interrupted by a five-year tour of duty with the U. S. Army Medical Corps. In 1961, Kelley started his music publishing and production company [l413131]. Three years later, [l681] Records called on him to bolster their promotion and sales staff. During his tenure at the company, he worked with artists such as Aretha Franklin and Patti LaBelle and the Bluebelles. Before he left New York he started the label [l182635] which continued after his move. In 1968, Kelley relocated to Detroit, Michigan to start a four-year stint with [l1723] Records. While there, he wore many hats including that of Studio Coordinator where he acted as liaison between various departments and performing artists. After leaving Motown Kelley started his own record distribution in 1973, [l729980]. And then Inter/Soul Promotions in 1975, an independent record promotion and marketing company. |
Search | Add | 24 | Hartcore Junkie | Mikael.k | HARTCORE JUNKIE is a Swiss hardcore gabber producer and dj from Glarus, Switzerland. He began to produce tracks in 2020. With his tracks he brings back the "classic" hardcore gabber sound from 90s. |
Search | Add | 24 | Joao Guilherme Sheffer | João Guilherme Sheffer | DJ / Producer from São Paulo, Brazil. |
Search | Add | 24 | Heaven's Tea | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Gérard Pondaven | Louis Gérard Pondaven | French organist, pianist and composer. Resident organist at the Cathédrale de Quimper, France. (Brest, 26 Sept. 1912 - Quimper, 26 Jun. 1968) |
Search | Add | 24 | Orchestra Karabo | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Fabio Buemi | Recording, Mixing Engineer, Producer, and musician | |
Search | Add | 24 | Jimmy Caro | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Wilf Merson | Hip-hop/rap rap lo-fi rap lofi rap.From London | |
Search | Add | 24 | Ondřej Sekora | Born 25 September 1899, Brno – died 4 July 1967, Prague Czech painter, illustrator, writer, journalist and entomologist. | |
Search | Add | 24 | Brian Florea | Designer from Netherlands. | |
Search | Add | 24 | Wayne Scotch | Dorant Lindo | |
Search | Add | 24 | Cissie Scurlock | DIY punk musician and former coordinator for Maximum Rocknroll. Active in Chicago, San Francisco and Portland from the late 1990s. | |
Search | Add | 24 | Cover's Band | Spanish cover group on [l=Euromusic (2)] label. Also appears as The Cover's Band or Los Cover's Band. | |
Search | Add | 24 | Mike Sting | Quim Agulló | A young and dedicated composer, violinist, engineer, DJ and record producer. Born in Barcelona and graduated from the BA of Music Production at Solent University, he is stepping inside the music industry by being a successful multi-instrumentalist with a deep knowledge of music theory, audio technology and software. The recent discovery of the UK music scene has helped him to approach and develop new sounds as a producer to be able to compose more urban-oriented tracks and in the end create songs of any genre. |
Search | Add | 24 | 高場将美 | Masami Takaba. Japanese magazine editor, tango guitarist, liner notes author, and translator from Spanish and Portuguese. Born in 1941 in Hiroshima prefecture. Died on June 22, 2017. Founder of the Latin music magazine 「中南米音楽」. | |
Search | Add | 24 | Jerry Wayne Bernard | Gospel singer from Houston, Texas USA. | |
Search | Add | 24 | Joan Peiron | ||
Search | Add | 24 | J Sylvester Design | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Dan Fioretti | US home taper from Highland Park, NJ, also ran the label [l=Kitti Tapes]. Also known back then as [b]DanKitti[/b]. Now identifies as female and is known as [b]Stephanie Ashlyn[/b] or [b]Dreamgirl Stephanie Ashlyn[/b]. | |
Search | Add | 24 | Bernt Rundberget | Bass player | |
Search | Add | 24 | Marimontaña | Battery-operated Power Duo from A Coruña. | |
Search | Add | 24 | Nigel Brennan | Multi-instrumentalist and artist who has been active in the "South Bay" of Los Angeles music scene since the early 1980's. A member of numerous bands and collaborations, most often as a bassist. When solo, his style is mainly leftfield alternative. Recently relocated to Eugene, OR. | |
Search | Add | 24 | Thomas Yates | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Orkest o.l.v. Freddy Sunder | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Conor Nutt | Conor Nutt is a singer and songwriter with Irish roots living in Sheffield, England (UK). | |
Search | Add | 24 | La Alegre Banda | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Joerg Grosse Geldermann | German photographer, based in Berlin, Germany. | |
Search | Add | 24 | Die Jupiter Serenaders | German studio orchestra from Munich, active in the 1960s, mostly releasing on the [l199705] label. They were led by [a266766], [a559060] or [a561069]. | |
Search | Add | 24 | Richard DeRosa | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Benjamin Kosanke | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Руслан Кайтмесов | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Győr Girls' Chorus | Hungarian girls' choir from the City of Győr; founded in 1958 by [a716566]. | |
Search | Add | 24 | Francois Bardol | Visual artist. | |
Search | Add | 24 | Zauberhaus | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Rikki Starrett | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Sebastian Rusten | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Zdena Vojtková | Zdena Vojtková | Slovak graphic designer. |
Search | Add | 24 | Barclay Allen Rhythm Four | Jazz quartet, formed by pianist, composer and bandleader Barclay Allen in the 1940's. Allen was on the piano, Stan Black on guitar, Merle Mahone on drums, and Sid Fridkin on bass. In February of 1948, Allen formed his own 12-piece orchestra, using the Rhythm Four as the nucleus of the group. Barclay maintained his small group as an integral band-within-a-band. A 1949 car crash left Allen paralyzed from the neck down and ended his career and the group's while it was still on its rise. | |
Search | Add | 24 | Schmerzwelten | ||
Search | Add | 24 | يسرى البدوية | Yusra al-Badawiyya was a Syrian singer famous in the 1950s. | |
Search | Add | 24 | Ernst Walter Siemon | Ernst Walter Siemon | German opera singer (bass-baritone), born 1946. Radio announcer and voice actor since 1982. |
Search | Add | 24 | Los Gay Crooners | Rudolph "Lefty" Charles aka - Rodolfo Charles Ferdinando "Ferdie" Thompson aka Fernando Leroy Worrell David Campbell Randolph "Ranny" Sealy - Aka Rony | |
Search | Add | 24 | Agustín Barboza | Agustín Pío Barboza | Singer/composer/guitarist and patriot, nicknamed "El Ruiseñor de la Guarania" (Asunción, Paraguay, May 5, 1913 - December 18, 1998) In the spring of 1929 young Agustín set sail to work on a ship to Buenos Aires where he settled and got immersed in the local music scene. His professional singing debut was in 1933 alongside the "Gran Orquesta Paraguaya", directed by Julián Alarcón and [a=Diosnel Chase]. The following year he joined [a=Manuel Ortiz Guerrero]'s orchestra, resulting in the first known recording of a guarania song, "Ņasaindype". In 1943 he returned to Paraguay, performing with [a=José Asunción Flores] as well as a trio formed with Eulogio and [a=Felix Perez Cardozo] before Agustín continued his vocal studies at the University of Rio de Janeiro. 1947 saw him join “Los Guaireños”, performing alongside [a=Luis Alberto Del Parana], [a=Digno Garcia] and Humberto Barua in Mexico, Cuba and throughout Central America until 1949. Solo tours followed until, in 1954, he was called upon to join a new group on an "Official Cultural Mission" in Europe. Once the "[a=Trio Los Paraguayos]" mission was over in 1956, Agustín recorded an album with [a=Digno Garcia], Ramon Mendoza and [a=Julio Jara] in Germany before returning to Paraguay. It was there that he formed a duo called [a=Los Barboza] with his future wife, Francisca Zayas (stage name [a4600338]), later joined by their daughter [a5283697]. In 1994, Mr. Barboza was awarded the National Order of Merit for his contribution to Paraguayan music, and he published an autobiography named "Ruego y Camino" two years later. |
Search | Add | 24 | Albert Kallis | Albert J. Kallis | American illustrator and film producer |
Search | Add | 24 | Ansambl Veroljuba Jovanovića | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Dodie Manta | Val-de-Marne born, Paris 94 (Suburb East of Paris) based producer Leo & Pipo and [l=Leo & Pipo Music] co-founder Founder of [l=LaMirage Records] | |
Search | Add | 24 | Mila Matić | Emilija Marinković | (1929 - 2015) Serbian folk singer from Kruševac, Serbia. Mother of [a=Predrag Peđa Jovanović]. |
Search | Add | 24 | Leila Silva | Inezila Nonato da Silva Pellegrini | Brazilian singer Born June 7, 1935 in Manaus, Brazil |
Search | Add | 24 | Viller Spatzen | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Pavel Víšek | Pavel Víšek | Czech music writer and producer (editor), [l=Supraphon] staff member 2002–2004, presently working with Supraphon externally. Born 25 June 1963 in Prague (former Czechoslovakia). |
Search | Add | 24 | Bill Balough | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Say When! | ||
Search | Add | 24 | 印南敦史 | Innami Atsushi. Japanese novelist, literary and music critic. | |
Search | Add | 24 | McBain Associates | Advertising & design firm founded by [a=Emmett McBain]. | |
Search | Add | 24 | Dean Millar | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Sara Kolp | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Decebal Scriba | Romanian designer & visual artist, residing in Avon, France | |
Search | Add | 24 | Srpska Tromedja | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Heather Jansch | Heather Rosemary Sewell | British sculptor and painter renowned for her life-sized sculptures of horses from driftwood. Born August 3, 1948, died July 5, 2021. Was married to [a=Bert Jansch], they had a son, [a=Kieran Jansch]. |
Search | Add | 24 | Paul Soupiset | Performer, recording artist, visual artist. Known association: visual art studio [a=Toolbox Studios, San Antonio] | |
Search | Add | 24 | Mike Blueskinbadger | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Jan Lundkvist | ||
Search | Add | 24 | El Combo Belga | Spanish group from Madrid with Tuna members like: Ramón López Pérez [Ramón el Oso] (vocals), F. Javier Huidobro [Tanke Moro] (vocals, guitar), Seju Monzón [Huracán] (voces, flute, sax), Simón [El Vampiro De Argüelles] (guitar), Javier Muñoz [Pato], Jesús Ortiz [Profesor Peliculas] (bass), Arturo P. Venditti [Yiyo] (bongos, guiro), Antonio Ramos, José Miguel SanBartolomé (trumpet), Javier Garcia Lechago, Elias Hernandis (trombon), Antonio Soteldo [Maestro Musiquita] (piano), Billy Torres (congas), David Montes [El cachorro] (guiro, maracas), Pau Martinez (timbales) | |
Search | Add | 24 | Terence Toy | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Jerry Jonutz | Saxophonist of [a=Cold Blood] | |
Search | Add | 24 | Gottlieb Stephanie Der Jüngere | Johann Gottlieb Stephanie d. J. | Johann Gottlieb Stephanie the Younger (19 February 1741 – 23 January 1800) was an Austrian playwright, director and librettist, most famously to Mozart. Stephanie was born in Breslau, Prussia, but came to Vienna during the Seven Years' War as a Prussian prisoner of war. He was appointed to head the National Singspiel, a favourite project of Emperor Joseph II. He died in Vienna, aged 58. |
Search | Add | 24 | Dušica Bilkić | Serbian folk singer, born in Aleksinac, Serbia. Married to [a=Nedeljko Bilkić]. | |
Search | Add | 24 | Peter Tiefensee | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Ben Knuier | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Stefano Cilio | Italian producer and radio speaker, born in Milan in 1980. Winner of [b]13 platinum records[/b] and [b]6 gold records[/b], recognized by IFPI as [b]"Diamond Producer"[/b]. Achieved number 1 spot on Spotify Romania (“Tonight”) and Spotify Luxembourg (“You”), as well as on Shazam Discovery Italy (“Queen”) and Apple Music Italy (with his album “Golden”). Also went into top ten on Deezer Italy (“Glance”). Radio personality in italian national networks like Radio Cusano Campus and NBC Rete Regione. Writer of famous music book “Mezzo secolo di ritornelli”, that has also become his nickname. | |
Search | Add | 24 | Alison Riach | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Brian Sheppard | South African mastering and lacquer cutting engineer who worked for EMI, active between ca. 1978-1982. His cuts can be recognized by [i]Brian[/i] or [i]BS[/i] etched in the runouts. | |
Search | Add | 24 | Catherine Ladis | Project assistant for compilation productions, primarily for the [l8742] company labels in the 1990s. | |
Search | Add | 24 | Ed Pavia | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Old Mysticism | Occult black metal and dark ambient from Phoenix, Arizona. | |
Search | Add | 24 | J Crumb | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Fede 69 | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Pollie Pop | Hip-Hop DJ From Houston, Texas. | |
Search | Add | 24 | Sabahattin Sağbaş | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Studio Yuck | Creative studio from artist and musician [a3350889], guitarist of [a4554137] | |
Search | Add | 24 | Team 3 | Errol Lafleur, Judith Samson Kruit, Mark Nieuwenhuijzen | Production team involved in many Eurodance/Hardcore productions of the 1990's. Individual aliases: [a=Errol Lafleur] AKA [a=E-Roll] [a=Mark Nieuwenhuijzen] AKA [a=ManiRock] Judith Samson Kruit AKA [a=MaSong] |
Search | Add | 24 | William Test | Artist and illustrator. | |
Search | Add | 24 | Ismael Dimenza | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Micronoise Paranoic Sound | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Terry Grow | ||
Search | Add | 24 | DJ Mingist | DJ Mingist is a producer from Russia, Ufa. He is former member and creator of the group TGM Immortals. | |
Search | Add | 24 | Norman Neumann | Artist who lives and works in Bremen, Germany. founder of CDr and Cassette Label [l162301]0 co-founder of Research and Waves [l1070050] | |
Search | Add | 24 | J.K. Gulley | John Kenneth Gulley | Canadian guitarist, songwriter and producer from Kitchener, Ontario. |
Search | Add | 24 | Walter D'Avila Filho | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Jugend Für Christus Chor | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Blaive | Drive at your Brain | BLaive (ブレイブ) was visual kei band formed in 2015. In 2018 changed name to B'LAIVE. In 2020 another changed name to BLAIVE. In 2021 changed name to Drive at your Brain & they are no longer visual kei being a formal band |
Search | Add | 24 | Rosie Cuckston | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Stanisław Wielanek | Stanisław Ryszard Wielanek | Polish singer, guitarist, accordionist and composer, collector and connoisseur of urban folklore. By education technician. As a child he learned to play the accordion, and later the piano. He graduated from the Musical College of Henryk Wieniawski. As a musician, he made his debut in 1970, the band created their Kapela Czerniakowska, who cultivated the tradition of pre-war orchestras backyard and popularized urban folklore. Born November 13, 1949 in Warsaw, died December 23, 2016. |
Search | Add | 24 | Jean-Jacques Tilkay | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Hans Münch-Holland | Hans Rudolph Münch-Holland | Hans Münch-Holland (15 January 1899 - 7 December 1971) was a classical cellist. |
Search | Add | 24 | Fridolin Feldmann | Born: 31. January 1913, Schübelbach, Switzerland Died: 03. October 1972, Lachen, Switzerland | |
Search | Add | 24 | Eric Ekman | Visual Artist; Layout, Artwork | |
Search | Add | 24 | Lord Hector Diono | Lord Michael A Chambers Rosenthorn | Courtesy of Born Lord Michael A. Chambers Rosenthorn in Washington, D.C. on December 22, 1969, Lord Hector Diono, pronounced {Lord Hector Dee-awno} is an American rapper, a registered songwriter with BMI a multi genre music producer, former member of the 1990's rap band Kore Houze Tribe and a 2015 stroke survivor. For Sync and Licensing opportunities please contact Lord Hector Diono at |
Search | Add | 24 | Рахиль Бонч-Бруевич | Рахиль Бонч-Бруевич | Late-Soviet outsider piano-player and composer, whose archive was discovered, digitalised and published by Nazlo Records in 2010s |
Search | Add | 24 | Orchestre Iza Volpin | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Müller-Katschinka | (previously) unknown German (GDR) designer | |
Search | Add | 24 | Fatima Soukahrassia | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Caspar Camomilla | Caspar Camomilla is a side project by singer and songwriter [a=Adam Usi]. | |
Search | Add | 24 | Евгений Лаговский | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Первое Народное Трио Баянистов | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Gilles L'Ecuyer | Producer from Québec (Canada) who appears to be associated to [l640508]. On earlier releases, till 1968, we find his name often shorted to Gill. Part of "Kaye & Gill" production with [a1035773]. On some releases the name is written Gilles L'Écuyer. | |
Search | Add | 24 | Patti Layne | Patti Dawn Fedrau | |
Search | Add | 24 | Nick Cordell | Visual artist | |
Search | Add | 24 | Intext AG | Swiss company doing Artwork. Mostly on [l=Blue Martin Records] 6343 Rotkreuz Switzerland | |
Search | Add | 24 | Cloudeyes | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Pogohm | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Nippon Mercury Orchestra | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Throwback Zack | Zachary Igoe | Funk Musician from San Diego, Specializing in Talkbox Vocals |
Search | Add | 24 | Don Buday | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Dave Rudnik | American hardcore punk musician and vocalist. | |
Search | Add | 24 | Алексей Заев | Алексей Анатольевич Заев | Born: 21.10.1967 Died: 12.07.2011 (43 years) |
Search | Add | 24 | Hans Joachim Kipka | German vocalist, born 03.12.1929 in Halle/Saale, † 2008 in Hamburg In the 50s he was a Schlager singer, later on he worked also in reading books for records. He frequently worked with [a=Kurt Stephan]. Since the middle of 1961 he replaced Martin Berendt at [a=Das Roland-Trio] | |
Search | Add | 24 | Steve Cone | ||
Search | Add | 24 | DrKiss | Thor Kissing | |
Search | Add | 24 | Muziek Colours | ||
Search | Add | 24 | John Villani | Producer and engineer. | |
Search | Add | 24 | Katharina Salice-Stephan | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Butchermachine | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Orchestra Nando De Luca | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Emanuele Modigliani | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Adam Wasiewicz | Polish graphic designer, born on September 19, 1986 in Poznań | |
Search | Add | 24 | Andrej Gellert | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Menno Timmerman | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Autumn Barney | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Joseph Makwela | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Mark Denning Graphics | Australian graphic designer | |
Search | Add | 24 | Rob Leecock | Visual artist. | |
Search | Add | 24 | Betances Photo Studio | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Florentina Herghelegiu | Romanian audio engineer | |
Search | Add | 24 | Dudley Savage | Cornish orgainst, born in Gulval near Penzance. Appointed Organist at the [l=ABC Theatre, Plymouth] in 1938 by Associated British Cinemas | |
Search | Add | 24 | DJ DJ Tanner | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Ben McGarvey | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Ieddo Gouveia | Brazilian mastering and lacquer cutting engineer. | |
Search | Add | 24 | Kenneth Gant | Kenneth Leon Gant | Funk-R&B bassist and singer Born in December 28, 1956. |
Search | Add | 24 | A.F.O. Studio Combo | In-house band for [l=A.F.O. Records] | |
Search | Add | 24 | Ken Kessler | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Pierre-Olivier Bardet | French classical music producer, President and General Manager of [l934334] | |
Search | Add | 24 | Цветан Колев | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Mario Musella | Mario Musella was born in Piscinola 1 April 1945 to a Neapolitan mother and a father of Native American origins, who had been stationed in Naples as a soldier during the Second World War. From an early age Musella showed a particular interest in music; the drums, guitar and bass were his favorite instruments. In 1961, along with [a=James Senese] and other local friends, he founded "Gigi e i suoi Aster" in Terzigno, a small town at the foot of Mount of Vesuvius. Moving on to Aversa, alongside Senese, he continued his budding musical career with [a=Vito Russo E I Conny]. From 1966 to 1970 he went on to become the leader of the Neapolitan supergroup, the [a=The Showmen (2)]. The group broke up in 1970, just as the members were beginning to hit the peak of their respective careers. Mario Musella embarked on his solo career and in 1975 he competed in the "Disco per l'estate" event, with the song "Innamorata", earning him first place in the competition. Backed by keyboardist, Silvio Iaccarino, Enzo Avitabile on saxophone, and guitarist Carlo Manguso, he followed with "Io l'amo di più", "Storia d'amore", "Come pioveva", "La notte sogno ancora te", "Primavera", "Verso le nove di sera" and "Domani tra un anno chissà". Sadly, he passed away prematurely at the age of 34 in Marano di Napoli, 6 October 1979. | |
Search | Add | 24 | Brooklyn Queen | Inspired by gratitude, positivity and Beyoncé, Detroit based Brooklyn Queen wrote her first song at age 5. Now 13 years old, she fulfilled an early dream of releasing that song on her 2017 debut album “Queens Corner”. With over 100 million music video views and counting, Brooklyn Queen has already built a powerful and loyal fan base. “Beyoncé has made me smile, dance and cry and I want fans to feel me the same way, I want to make it clear to young girls that anything is possible if you just follow your dreams”. Backed by BMB Entertainment & Crowned Records (a division of 300 Entertainment), this powerful message is now set to reach a massive global audience in 2018. | |
Search | Add | 24 | Константин Сокольский | Константин Тарасович Кудрявцев = Konstantin Tarasovich Kudryavtsev | Konstantin Sokolsky (December 7 [20], 1904, St. Petersburg - May 12, 1991, Riga) - Latvian and Soviet opera singer (tenor), teacher. |
Search | Add | 24 | Atelier Mahler | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Mikael Bredenberg | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Jiří Plech Novotný | Jiří Novotný | Czech bass guitarist and recording engineer. Father of [a=Jiří "Kulich" Novotný]. |
Search | Add | 24 | Rebelle Arte | Art direction for [a=Rebel Music (2)] releases | |
Search | Add | 24 | DarkicoN Design | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Giovanni De Rosalia | Sicilian-American comic (1864-1934). After emigrating from Sicily to New York, De Rosalia became a well-known comic and comic playwright, whose sketches focused on the character of Nofrio, an immigrant country bumpkin from Sicily. Between 1916 and 1928, De Rosalia recorded almost 200 comic sketches for Columbia, Victor, and OKeh. | |
Search | Add | 24 | Onno Kuipers | Dutch musician. Born, 16th June 1965. | |
Search | Add | 24 | Fate, Discorporated | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Lou Bolognese | ||
Search | Add | 24 | loverboy shawty | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Gotthard Erichsen | Norwegian accordionist and composer, 1882-1964. Brother of [a5056846]. Made many gramophone recordings for several companies and labels, and no other Norwegian accordionist (and possibly artist altogether) made more recordings than Gotthard in the "acoustic era". | |
Search | Add | 24 | Da Goose Music | Jeffrey De Gans | Music mastering company of [a=Jeffrey de Gans], alias [a=Da Goose] / [a=Peaky Pounder]. Corresponding company profile: [l=Da Goose Music]. |
Search | Add | 24 | Aitch McRobbie | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Ava Electris | ||
Search | Add | 24 | A.S. Attitude | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Enrique Elizondo | Mexican producer | |
Search | Add | 24 | Tommy O'Day | Born 1931, Fresno, Cal, relocated to Wis in 1971. | |
Search | Add | 24 | Šima Jovanovac | Šima Jovanovac | Born 1952-01-29 in Gradište, Croatia. Playing tamburica from school days, later joins pop band [a=Crveni Makovi (2)]. Active as music teacher, singer and songwriter. He owns [l=M Audio-Video Produkcija] production studio specialized for tamburica music, and [l=Multi Music Media] record label. |
Search | Add | 24 | Matt Ether | Mateusz Szlachetka | Electronic music producer from Nysa, Poland. A&R manager at [l=Ethersomia Records]. |
Search | Add | 24 | Mary Schwegman | American singer-songwriter and musician. | |
Search | Add | 24 | Stahl's Kapelle | German polka band from Philadelphia, led by [a=Peter Stahl (4)] and active during the 1920s. It recorded for [l=Okeh], [l=Victor] and other labels. | |
Search | Add | 24 | Enrico Andreis | Drummer, percussionist, cover designer and photographer | |
Search | Add | 24 | Pete Knutsens Orkester | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Evelio Alvarez Cortes | Venezuelan producer | |
Search | Add | 24 | Micke Hagerman | ||
Search | Add | 24 | پرویز مقصدی | Parviz Maghsadi (1939, Leningrad - 2010, Denver) was an Iranian composer. | |
Search | Add | 24 | Vonkor Lab | Simon Lejeune | Today known as Haedre. Simon Lejeune is a illustrator and comic author. |
Search | Add | 24 | Ateş Böcekleri | Turkish Comedy-Duo | |
Search | Add | 24 | Erköse Kardeşler | Erköse Kardeşler | [a=Erköse Kardeşler] (The Erköse Brothers) was a Turkish trio performing Turkish classical music. The trio was made up of the brothers [a=Barbaros Erköse] (clarinet), [a=Ali Erköse] (violin) and [a=Selahattin Erköse] (oud). |
Search | Add | 24 | DJ Xtravagant | Brian O'Connor | |
Search | Add | 24 | Mathias Mille | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Jo Parkinson | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Hector Black | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Micki Fuhrman | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Arsene Obscene | French punk rocker, writer from Nice | |
Search | Add | 24 | Fernand Pelletier | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Viewpoint Visual Arts | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Franz Hartwig | Conductor | |
Search | Add | 24 | Imre Selmeczi | Selmeczi Imre | Hungarian sound and mastering engineer. |
Search | Add | 24 | Tony Gerhardi | Early jazz banjo and guitar player | |
Search | Add | 24 | Nuh Akgün | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Großes Blasorchester "Die Wikinger" | German wind orchestra founded in 1953 (maybe earlier) by [a911359]. | |
Search | Add | 24 | Stanley E. Roper | Edgar Stanley Roper | English organist and composer 1878-1953. Organist of [l=Westminster Abbey], 1917-1921, and of Chapel Royal. Composer of Church of Great Britain. Knighted in 1946. Could be ANV of [a=Stanley Roper (2)]. |
Search | Add | 24 | Chronic Trax | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Jodel-Doppelquartett Edelweiss | ||
Search | Add | 24 | | Credited for artwork on Techno releases. Also appears as "The Private Press". | |
Search | Add | 24 | Marek Hojda | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Jean-Marc F | Jean-Marc Fiszbejn | French producer from Paris from late 90s, mainly into techno and hardtechno. Jean Marc F also used to work at [l14176] shop. |
Search | Add | 24 | Cory Laurence | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Maurice Woodruff | Maurice Woodruff (2 April 1916 – 28 January 1973) was an English clairvoyant and astrologer, born and raised in London. He achieved considerable fame both in his native England and internationally due to the perceived accuracy of his predictions. He presented his predictions to the public via newspapers and also via stage, cabaret and television appearances. His mother was the clairvoyant Vera "Woody" Woodruff | |
Search | Add | 24 | Bob Cline | Bob Cline is a gospel producer and singer. From 1969 to 1982 Cline was the full time engineer and manager at Rainbow Sound Inc.. | |
Search | Add | 24 | Παναγιώτης Κουνάδης | Greek historian-researcher of rebetiko music, musicologist, writer, and civil engineer. One of the founding members of the "Association of Friends of Greek Music" (1961-1967), and the "Center for Research and Study of Rebetika Songs" (1976-1983). In 1983 he founded the [l=Αρχείο Ελληνικής Δισκογραφίας] (Hellenic Discography Archive) and is responsible for the release of a series of digital CDs from the 78-speed discography, in collaboration with the proprietary companies of the repertoire. Since 1973 he has been writing for the Daily and Magazine Press, mainly on the history of Greek song, with over a hundred publications. | |
Search | Add | 24 | Stephen G. Crane | Stephen G. Crane | American bass guitarist and singer / songwriter, born May 3, 1950 in Wichita Falls, Texas. |
Search | Add | 24 | The Canadian Staff Band Of The Salvation Army | The Canadian Staff Band, in its earliest form, existed as a Territorial Band in the early 1900s. On May 29, 1914, most of the band perished during the sinking of the Empress of Ireland in the St. Lawrence River. While attempts were made to restart the band shortly after, it was not until 1969, under the territorial command of Commissioner Clarence Wiseman and leadership of then Captain Norman Bearcroft, that the band was reformed. Since this early beginning, the band has served under four other Staff Bandmasters: Robert Redhead; Brian Burditt; Kevin Hayward; John Lam (current BM). The Staff Band sets the example for all aspects of Salvation Army banding in the Canada and Bermuda territory. The band members are dedicated to the primary task of winning souls for Jesus through a motivation of musical enjoyment and an honest desire to witness for Christ. Throughout the past four decades, the band has both led and participated in countless worship services, special Territorial occasions such as Commissioning events, congresses, and concerts, whether on stage or in the street. In addition to monthly corps engagements, the band has represented the Canada and Bermuda Territory by conducting various international tours which include the USA, England, Holland, Germany, Italy, Switzerland, Norway, Brazil, and Australia and New Zealand. | |
Search | Add | 24 | Bill Britto | American jazz bassist | |
Search | Add | 24 | Trecci | Born and raised in Dijon, Trecci is a French DJ, electronic music producer and manager of the label Naeba Records. In 2016, Trecci produced tracks on his own music label Naeba Records (independent French label praising different styles of electronic music) and on international labels such as Soiree Records International, Rennie Foster Label, N.C.M Label Detroit, UKR Special Series, Nice & Nasty, Deep Gruv Records, Ibiza Boys, Biotech Recordings, Van Czar Series (/...) and other Techno labels like Metrohm Records, Brique Rouge, Slates Records, EP Digital Music, Neo Apparatus Records, Sure Cuts Records, Techno Parade Music, Frequency Shift Recordings, Electropical Record, Strictly Techno, LW Recordings, Turran Recording, Technosforza, Rue Des Trois Rois Records (/...). Its musical output was remixed by Drivetrain, Thomas Barnett, Rennie Foster, Santonio Echols, Eddie Merced, Mike Todd, Chris Liberator, Southsoniks, Takuya Yamashita, Taho, Nova Nova, G-Prod, Jules Wells, LoLoman, City 2 City, Gerwin Van Engelenburg, Anton X, Keita Sato, Romain Richard, Hiroki Ishikura (/...). He was also in charge of remixing some projects of various artists which reinforces his undeniable passion for the creation of electronic music. Contact: | |
Search | Add | 24 | Booya Music | BOOYA Music GmbH | BOOYA Music Group / BOOYA Music GmbH BOOYA Music Production Aris Cottura GbR Songs of BOOYA Music Publishing GmbH BOOYA Management & Booking A. C & S GbR For the Label BOOYA Records (LC 0911), see [L=Booya Records] |
Search | Add | 24 | Bogdan Prisca | ||
Search | Add | 24 | The Louie Bellson Drum Explosion | ||
Search | Add | 24 | The Jazz Ambassadors Of The United States Army Field Band | Official touring big band of the United States Army as a component of the United States Army Field Band of Washington,D.C The band has performed in all fifty states, Canada, Mexico, Europe, Japan and India This 19-member ensemble was formed in 1969. Based at Fort Meade, MD. | |
Search | Add | 24 | Gogogoch | Sandwich Gogogoch | |
Search | Add | 24 | Dima Drjuchin | Dimitri Drjuchin | Illustrator and musician, born in Moscow, Russia. |
Search | Add | 24 | Annabelle J Tho | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Dougie Lawton | Douglas Ewart Lawton | English guitarist, singer, composer and lyricist, born February 14, 1948 in Great Britain. He has lived for many years lived in Sweden. Among other things, he has written "I Can Jive" which was a big hit with Jerry Williams. Lawton was the guitarist in the band Roadwork, which was mainly a backing band for Jerry Williams. He had a long-standing collaboration with Anders "Henkan" Henriksson and also worked at his and Coste Apetrea's studio Synchro Sound. They have made many productions, including the albums "När morgonstjärnan brinner" with Cyndee Peters, "Resa i tiden" with Double Fantasy and the music for the contest Mr. Olympia, to name a few. Lawton was for about 30 years from 1970 married to the artist [a780862]. |
Search | Add | 24 | Chuck Tranel | ||
Search | Add | 24 | Kazimierz Turewicz | Polish Band lider, composer, arranger and multi-instrumentalist, born in Płoski Rów May 18, 1916 - passed away August 27, 1981, Warsaw Was a respected and well-known soloist of the pre-war Polish dance bands. 1956-1960 : conductor of the Krakow Dance Orchestra of Polish Radio 1961 : emigrated to Chicago, US, where for several years he had his own local entertainment. He worked as a violinist and accordionist from Elmhurst Symphony Orchestra in Chicago and famous Annunzio Mantovani Orchestra. Summer 1976 : he returned to Poland. | |
Search | Add | 24 | Thomas Yearsley | American bass player and recording engineer, founded the blues & rockabilly group [a310084] in 1980 with guitarist [a436480]. Founded the label [l1097416] and runs Thunderbird Analog Recording Studio in Oceanside, CA. | |
Search | Add | 24 | Robert Leoni | Robert Leoni | Psychedelic trance DJ producer from Rome, Italy, based in Amsterdam, Netherlands Born in Rome, Italy, Robert Leoni is an insane but creative guy that is living his life as an eclectic and polyhedrical artist. Since he became involved in DJing and producing at the age of 14, Robert's interest has always been deeply focused in the world of electronic music. It was a trip to London that sparked this awareness into the potential of computer made music. D'n'B, Psytrance, Break Beat, and Techno, were some of the first vibes that influenced the horizon of his auditory perceptions. Along with his brother Jonny, Robert has been creating psytrance parties in Rome and Amsterdam under the promotions organization of Lions Brotherhood. His DJ Sets are journeys into a breathtaking psychedelic experience that gives an impressive variety of flavours to satisfy even the most exigent listener/dancer. Every time improvising a new set by tuning himself into the different crowd's vibes by responding and acting in harmony with their energy. Robert recently become a part of Terrafractyl's label Kinematic Records This collaboration came about magically in April 2014 when he became an official DJ of the label as ambassador in Europe. With the greatest motivating factor being the unification the arts: Music, Writing, Drawing/painting etc… Robert does it all. 'Cause Above all else, he believes in the power of intention and conscious decision of a human being. Contact: |
Search | Add | 23 | Lawrence@LR Graphics Ltd. | Email: | |
Search | Add | 23 | Dr. Szakács László | Hungarian music producer and manager. | |
Search | Add | 23 | Bayram Koca | ||
Search | Add | 23 | John Maskell | Guitarist | |
Search | Add | 23 | Jim Jag | ||
Search | Add | 23 | Mike Pack | ||
Search | Add | 23 | Alessio Grossi | Alessio Grossi | Italian Latin DJ, Researcher, Producer and Reissue Producer BIOGRAPHY ALEXIO DJ: Alessio Grossi aka AIexio Dj was born in Ascoli Piceno in a small village in the centre of Italy. His first approach to the latin music was in 1998 (at the age of 9) on the dance floor thanks to his parents. After many years of dancing and studying music, his passion became his real job. In fact, in 2007, his musical taste, technique and passion for music brought him into the world of Salsa and Bachata deejay set. In January 2013 he put a band together called "La Urbana 22" in collaboration with Fabrizio Zoro Dj and the musical director/pianist Tony Velardi (leaders of the famous band "La Max-ima 79").At the young age of 23, he established his own "Sabrosura! Records", focus on printing, distributing and selling salsa vinyls all over the world, from Japan to Colombia. In 2015 He starts working for another record label in Milan area, the Smayra Publishing Group, who is holding some sub-labels such as Abanico Records and Tripeo Records. Excecutive Director and Producer of these two labels, Alexio Djis producing several salsa hits and compilation as "Los Kintos Vol 3", ”Guaguanco con Tito chicoma", "Algo Sabroso, ”Ritmo Salvaje” Vol 1, 2 and 3 ,”Dany Noel”, “Generacion ’73,”“Maikel Dinza”, “Willy Torres y su Orquesta” and "Conexión Salsera”. Another big project coming in this year, is named as the hottest salsa band in the world, "New Swing Sextet" from New York , USA (nominated for Grammy). Speaking of cuban salsa, we can't forget to mention other artists such as René Alvarez y su Cuban Combination in his new album ”Abriendo Los Caminos”. Official Label also for the italian distribution for 2 of the well-known bachata artists Grupo Extra (”Lejos De Ti", ”Me Emborrachare”,”Bailemos") and Kewin Cosmos (”Dile”,”Puedo Ser","Solo Quise Quererte") are just two of the artists managed by him. Starting from 2017 his name is linked to the most important influencer mambo dancer, Adolfo Indacochea, partner for the production of "Mamboland project album", live music and amazing featuring with Mr. Frankie Figueroa and Mr. Tito Puente Jr. and the orchestra "El Chino y La Diferencia". Currently He lives and works in Turin in some of the best salsa clubs in town playing salsa, mambo, timba, bachata, cha cha cha, reggaeton...anything useful to best party . |
Search | Add | 23 | Pat Jaques | President and chief engineer of [l=Broadway Recording Studios] in New York. He can be identified on vinyl format releases by "PJ" hand-etched in the runout grooves. | |
Search | Add | 23 | Discipline Scum Choir | ||
Search | Add | 23 | منوچهر گودرزی | Manuchehr Godarzi is an Iranian violinist and songwriter. | |
Search | Add | 23 | Lucho Kohan | Chilean band leader and saxophonist 1954 – 1961 [a=Orquesta Huambaly] | |
Search | Add | 23 | Bobby MacLeod's Highland Dance Band | ||
Search | Add | 23 | Hagiophobic | Fabian van Beek | Alias for graphic works. |
Search | Add | 23 | Meredith Chinn | A&R for Warner Bros. Records and Red Bull Records, and A&R consultant for Atlantic Records. Composed music for documentaries and commercials. | |
Search | Add | 23 | Thorsten Lohmann | German bassist. | |
Search | Add | 23 | Forgotten Deity | Adam Tarczewski | Forgotten Deity is a mixture of dark atmospheres, black metal harshness, with epic and melancholic melodies. Project started in 2013 and it's a one-man band by Adam Tarczewski. Most of the tracks are instrumental, but those which have lyrics are mostly about the beauty of nature (main inspiration of this project). |
Search | Add | 23 | Cooper George | ||
Search | Add | 23 | Woodhull's Old Tyme Masters | ||
Search | Add | 23 | Anne Vivien | Born in Grasse, Côte d’Azur, France, she moved to Québec (Canada) in the late 80's. She is highly involved in the Québec music industry. | |
Search | Add | 23 | Kendu Jazz Band | Kendu Jazz Band was a group from Kenya that emerged during the 1960s. The band was based in Kendu Bay, a town located in western Kenya. Led by musician and composer George Ramogi. | |
Search | Add | 23 | Детская Хоровая Школа "Весна" | A renowned Russian children's choir, established in 1965 by [a=Alexander Ponomarev]. Mostly performing classical repertoire. | |
Search | Add | 23 | Ken Geiger | ||
Search | Add | 23 | Lou Baumann | ||
Search | Add | 23 | Otto Preminger | Otto Ludwig Preminger | Austro–Hungarian-US-American theatre and film director born 5 December 1905 (or 1906) in Wiznitz, Austria–Hungary (now Ukraine) and died 23 April 1986 in New York City, New York, USA. |
Search | Add | 23 | Wayne Musgrave | ||
Search | Add | 23 | Ragnarok Rec | ||
Search | Add | 23 | Nobody™ | ||
Search | Add | 23 | Tim Eckhorst | Designer | |
Search | Add | 23 | Jack Stillman's Orchestra | Almost nothing is known about this 1920s dance band. | |
Search | Add | 23 | Kwame Heshimu | Kwame Heshimu grew in the shadow of the Blue Mountain. Son of a Cuban expatriate, and a mother, descendant of Jamaican Maroons, he spent his childhood in one of the most inaccessible communities on the island. His grandfather, a saxophonist with dance bandleader Ray Coburn, frequently accompanied Rastafarian drummers. Kwame not only became enthralled with the music, but with the Rastafarian vocabulary, or Iyaric, an intentionally created dialect of English, reflecting their desire to take forward language and confront Babylon system. His romance with word, sound, and power had begun. | |
Search | Add | 23 | Торий Машкевич | Торий Владимирович Машкевич | |
Search | Add | 23 | Carol Dodd | ||
Search | Add | 23 | Death In Paris | ||
Search | Add | 23 | Włodzimierz Knap | ||
Search | Add | 23 | DeeJay Laura | Electronic dance music DJ / producer from Madrid, Spain Style focus: Hard Dance | Hard House | Hard Trance | Bounce | Donk Label owner: [l422119] | |
Search | Add | 23 | Essedesign | ||
Search | Add | 23 | Erna Perić | ||
Search | Add | 23 | Frankie Donato | ||
Search | Add | 23 | Daniele Adolfo Venti | Daniele Adolfo Venti | Multi-instrumentalist, vocalist, lyricist and composer for I Gattini Di Salem and Harry Fotter. Record producer for CSSP Records and Semplicemente Dischi. |
Search | Add | 23 | The Melody Of Broken Cake Plates | Ȧede Svalbard | In the hushed serenity of winter's embrace, the ethereal melodies of the Melody of Broken Cake Plates gently weave a tapestry of mellow, soft, and melancholic snow songs. Born from a deep connection to the quiet beauty of winter landscapes, the Melody of Broken Cake Plates's music captures the essence of snowfall and the delicate dance of frost-kissed moments. The essence of the Melody of Broken Cake Plates's sound lies in the delicate fusion of acoustic warmth and the crystalline purity of winter's touch. The hauntingly tender compositions invite listeners to immerse themselves in a world where time slows down, and every note is a snowflake gently settling on the soul. |
Search | Add | 23 | Peter Mooney | Scottish educator and conductor of the renowned [a=The Glasgow Phoenix Choir]. Born 18 September 1915. Died in Hamilton on 19 September 1983. | |
Search | Add | 23 | Akinobu Kamebuchi | 亀渕 昭信(Kamebuchi Akinobu) | Japanese radio DJ and announcer. Born March 1st, 1942. Variant form of name: 亀淵昭信 |
Search | Add | 23 | Yaël "Grave Clave" Mothes | Yaël Mothes | Mix & rec engineer and producer and drummer based in Bordeaux, France. Over the past ten years or so I’ve worked closely in the fields of rock, punk, hardcore, pop, jazz, electro, and their respective sub genres, to make some pretty cool sounding records. My aim is to work with like-minded creatives to capture the vibes, energy, feel and excitement of their music by using all of the techniques at my disposal. Therefore, I have to make the best possible sounding recording. Really happy to work in any capacity, and at any point in the creative process. Whether it be full pre-production and song arrangements, tracking, mixing and mastering, to achieve a finished product that stands the test of time. |
Search | Add | 23 | Barnaby Bowles | ||
Search | Add | 23 | Sebastian Sollfrank | ||
Search | Add | 23 | Hendrik Hegray | ||
Search | Add | 23 | Darby Kaighin-Shields | ||
Search | Add | 23 | Vincenzo Perez | Vincenzo Perez | Electronic music DJ & producer from Naples/Italy. Label owner of [l=Revoevol Recordings]. |
Search | Add | 23 | Chuck Dakota | Mats Dacke-Götaverken | Swedish bassist. |
Search | Add | 23 | Bayram Durmaztuna | ||
Search | Add | 23 | Harry Brooker | Pianist and lap steel guitar player. Died November 3, 1956 at age 41. Father of [a257412]. | |
Search | Add | 23 | Jacques Lonchampt | French music critic. | |
Search | Add | 23 | Ansambl Biljana | ||
Search | Add | 23 | Helen Barth | Helen McAlerney Barth | 1940s-1970s US religious artist. Born as Helen Lillian McAlerney on November 3, 1918, in Moline, Illinois, she married Reverend [a5112381] in Chicago on May 20, 1944. |
Search | Add | 23 | Junkos Mood | Founder of a night on canopy records | |
Search | Add | 23 | Цветан Недялков | ||
Search | Add | 23 | Sgt. Talby | Plunderphonics artist based in Redmond, Oregon. | |
Search | Add | 23 | Les Petits Chanteurs Du Rock | ||
Search | Add | 23 | Con Archer | Conrad William Archer | Canadian country / rockabilly / gospel singer. Owned and operated record company [l=Con Archer Enterprises] and its label [l=Archer Records (4)]. Born 1941 in Bourlamaque, Québec, Canada. Died 1988 in Cannington, Ontario, Canada. |
Search | Add | 23 | Raoul Mazzero | ||
Search | Add | 23 | Miguel Sar | Miguel Sar | Spanish mixing and mastering active since 1996, working at [l322507] based in Madrid. Artist alias Tadeo active since 2004. |
Search | Add | 23 | Sam Drouin | ||
Search | Add | 23 | Richard Egizi | ||
Search | Add | 23 | Przemysław Kućko | ||
Search | Add | 23 | Carla Easton | Carla Jennifer Easton | Scottish based singer, musician and songwriter. |
Search | Add | 23 | Giulio Tedeschi | Born in Piacenza, 10/8/1952 | |
Search | Add | 23 | Masito Fresco | Massimo Piluzzi | |
Search | Add | 23 | Kungl Svea Livgardes Musikkår | Kungliga Svea Livgardes Musikkår | The Band of the Royal Swedish Guard can trace its beginnings to 1523 when king Gustav Vasa employed musicians to play for the court as well as serve in the military units that were the predecessors of the Royal Guard. The band took a noticable upturn in the late 1700s during the reign of music aficionado Gustav III. |
Search | Add | 23 | Antuš Gabrić | ||
Search | Add | 23 | Marcel Vautier | Marcel Vautier | Progressive house producer from Geneva, Switzerland. Established [l=Vautic Records] on May 2019. An EDM producer since 2007, started focusing on progressive house in 2017. |
Search | Add | 23 | Lauros-Giraudon | Paris-based photography agency / collection, specialised in reproduction of paintings often used as illustration for classical music releases. Lauros-Giraudon is likely the successor of [a5192131] after it's been bought out by French publisher [l520935] in 1953. Lauros-Giraudon is not a photographer but an agency who owned and managed a photography collection. Photo / foto / ekta are not part of the name but shorthand for "photography provided by / courtesy of / copyright" Lauros-Giraudon. (Also credited as [a5192131]) | |
Search | Add | 23 | Brian Joens | ||
Search | Add | 23 | S-kaine | Rapper and producer from Osaka, Japan. | |
Search | Add | 23 | 1nce Prodigal | ||
Search | Add | 23 | Michel Laubacher | Michel Laubacher | |
Search | Add | 23 | K.C. Jockey | Karl-Marx Fernandez Waite | |
Search | Add | 23 | Blake Midgette | ||
Search | Add | 23 | Trio Di Gandria | ||
Search | Add | 23 | Kristian Karl Hultgren | Norwegian bass and woodwinds player. Born 14.03.1979. | |
Search | Add | 23 | Bolivar Ortiz | Bolívar Ortiz | Ecuadorian folk singer and guitarist, nicknamed Pollo, or Pollito Ortiz |
Search | Add | 23 | Richard Pyra | Canadian designer, musician and editor from Vancouver, Canada. | |
Search | Add | 23 | Al Benny's broadway boys | ||
Search | Add | 23 | Fenton Bailey | Fenton Bailey (born July 18, 1960, in Portsmouth, United Kingdom) is a film and TV producer. Together with his partner [a284167] they have worked with [a=RuPaul] since the '80s and founded [l114583], a multi award winning production company known for RuPaul's Drag Race and other shows and documentaries. Bailey is the son of UK photographer [a2234803]. | |
Search | Add | 23 | Jodel-Duett Gerber | Swiss yodeling duo from Zürich. | |
Search | Add | 23 | Ace Spunky Black Spade | Thomas Börje Forsberg | Ace Spunky Black Spade (born February 17, 1966, Stockholm, Sweden – died June 3, 2004, Stockholm, Sweden) was an alias of [a2852914] who was also known by his stage name [a268059]. Tomas Forsberg was a Swedish multi-instrumentalist and songwriter. He was the founder of the band [a252018]. Son of [a1225854] and brother of [a671603]. |
Search | Add | 23 | 陳亮吟 | ||
Search | Add | 23 | Roberto Verta | José Roberto Verta | Brazilian A&R, producer (specialized in marketing and management), broadcaster, musician and DJ (one of the pioneers of electronic music in Brazil). |
Search | Add | 23 | Jennifer Deutrom | Jennifer Deutrom is an animator, rotoscoper and designer based in Austin, Texas. She has a BFA in graphic design. Married to [a287899]. | |
Search | Add | 23 | James Bellesini | Australian graphic designer / visual artist. Associated with the design company [l988952]. | |
Search | Add | 23 | Oshmusik | ||
Search | Add | 23 | Les "Faux" Frères | ||
Search | Add | 23 | Orquesta De Nacho Rosales | ||
Search | Add | 23 | Formația Generic | Romanian manele band, created in 1987 by [a=Dan Ciotoi]. Underground up to 1990 (gipsy pop was not encouraged by the communist regime), they rose to fame in the early 90s. Nowadays they mostly perform at weddings | |
Search | Add | 23 | Devon Bradshaw | ||
Search | Add | 23 | Klaus Ensikat | Klaus Ensikat | German graphic artist and illustrator, born 16 January 1937 in Berlin, Germany. |
Search | Add | 23 | Saxado | ||
Search | Add | 23 | أحمد عبد الفتاح | Ahmed Abdel Fattah is an Egyptian accordionist, composer and arranger. | |
Search | Add | 23 | Žiga Stanič | Slovenian composer, pianist, music producer, educator. Žiga Stanič, born 1973, in Ljubljana, is a Slovenian composer, pianist, music producer, and educator. He received his doctorate degree in the field of music theory at the Music Academy of Ljubljana in 2007 where he studied piano, composition, and conducting. For his work, he received several recognitions and awards in the field of music, including the Prešeren student award for composition. Between 2000 and 2002, Stanič was a professor of music at Poljane and Moste high schools in Ljubljana. Since 2002 he serves as a producer for the Slovenian Radio and Television Symphony Orchestra. Stanič and his recording team have produced several thousand classical music archive recordings, for which they received sound quality awards at international competitions. At Radio Slovenia, Stanič serves as a member of regional and international music juries, and acts as a peer reviewer. He is as well an educational textbook author. His music opus entails over 200 compositions for various musical settings. Since 1998 he is a member of the Society of Slovene Composers. | |
Search | Add | 23 | Dessex | ||
Search | Add | 23 | Carol Addison | Trinidadian singer | |
Search | Add | 23 | Soul Bros. Inc. | The Soul Brothers Inc. hail from Houston, Texas and were likely one of the most important funk/soul groups in the city in the late 1960s until they broke up in the mid '70s. George Brown (Vocals, Bass) Johnny Prejean (Drums). Charles Conrad Greenway (Vocals, Keyboards) Cliff Faldowski (Guitar) Henry Boatright (Sax) Not to be confused with [a=Soul Brothers Inc. (3)] from Virginia. | |
Search | Add | 23 | Brute Force Steel Band Of Antigua | ||
Search | Add | 23 | Scott Rozell | Scott R. Rozell | Musician and independent record label owner from the Inland Northwest, United States. |
Search | Add | 23 | Sam Antupit | Samuel Antupit | American art director and designer. b: 1923 - West Hartford, Connecticut d: 2003 - Seattle, Washington Heavily credited in the magazine industry. Attended Yale School of Design and Architecture and graduated in 1954. In 1968 he started the quirkily named design firm "Hess and/or Antupit", with Richard Hess, and in 1970 he opened "Antupit & Others Inc." From 1967 to 1970, he worked as Art Director for [l=CTI Records], after being recommended to [a=Creed Taylor] by [a=Pete Turner]. |
Search | Add | 23 | Rudolf Rokl Group | Czech pop/jazz group, led by pianist [a=Rudolf Rokl]. | |
Search | Add | 23 | Peter Blumson | Peter Blumson | British guitarist, keyboardist and singer, born 26 May 1942, Oxford, Oxfordshire. |
Search | Add | 23 | Antoine Gadiou | ||
Search | Add | 23 | Margaret Ronson | ||
Search | Add | 23 | Ollie Collins Jr | ||
Search | Add | 23 | Ottomar Fabry | German military conductor (* 15 June 1927; † 26 February 2013). | |
Search | Add | 23 | Splicemaster T | ||
Search | Add | 23 | Freak City Designs | French illustrator born in 1984. | |
Search | Add | 23 | Vvildr | ||
Search | Add | 23 | Richard I. Blake | Richard I. Blake was co-founder and Director of Recording of [l139869], and co-founder and editor of [l2125033]. Born Lynn, MA on April 8, 1931, died July 18, 2011. After graduating from Lynn English High School he joined the U.S. Air Force. Dick enjoyed a multi-faceted career, that included Co-founder of Fleetwood Records producing LP's and Tapes of Drum and Bugle Corps, sounds of racing, and sports events. He also served as Executive director of Drum and Bugle Corps Competitions that were performed throughout the United States. Upon retirement he became Manager of residential residences. | |
Search | Add | 23 | Techno Samples | ||
Search | Add | 23 | ProCity Claim | ||
Search | Add | 23 | McConnell Graphics | Visual design firm associated with [a=Bob McConnell]. For label profile [l=McConnell Graphics]. | |
Search | Add | 23 | Impurath | Florida-based black/death metal musician and vocalist. Runs the label [l222394]. | |
Search | Add | 23 | Matthieu Cannavo | ||
Search | Add | 23 | Arie Musica | ||
Search | Add | 23 | Olga Gerrard | Artist manager at Sound Image Network. In the day, Olga helped book the Savoy Tivoli and managed artists such as [a=Faith No More], [a=Monster Magnet], [a=Diamanda Galás], [a=Killing Joke], and [a=Nine Inch Nails]. She currently resides in Los Angeles and has formed an environmental design company. | |
Search | Add | 23 | Sangrestudio | ||
Search | Add | 23 | Bebeth | Humberto Lopes Almeida | Born in Mindelo SV, 1948. Cape Verdean Bassist. [b]Bebeto Almeida[/b] was a member of the second generation of [b]Voz de Cabo Verde[/b] (from 1974 to 1982). He played in a lot of works produced by [b]Paulino Vieira[/b] in Lisbon. He's living in Rome, Italy. |
Search | Add | 23 | Jac Murphey | ||
Search | Add | 23 | Pedrag Sarić | ||
Search | Add | 23 | Leo Novotný | Leo Novotný | Czech graphic designer. |
Search | Add | 23 | Dizkid | Desiree Kind | German designer and graphic artist, located in Cologne. |
Search | Add | 23 | José Pedro Pereira | Portuguese bassist, guitarist, producer and sound engineer | |
Search | Add | 23 | Magyar Rádió És Televízió Vonós Tánczenekara | String part of the Hungarian Radio & Television Dance Orchestra (= [a982252]) For the complete Dance Orchestra, please use [a982252] For the Symphonic Orchestra, please use [a1008862] | |
Search | Add | 23 | Walt Maddox | 1960s-1980s pop-soul artist from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Owned the [l95431] label. | |
Search | Add | 23 | Royal Guards Band | ||
Search | Add | 23 | Eric Bijon | ||
Search | Add | 23 | Tieries Azzier | ||
Search | Add | 23 | Luzzi Limited | ||
Search | Add | 23 | Costas Trouptsios | ||
Search | Add | 23 | Matthias Teriet | German songwriter and composer, born 14 November 1973 in Gescher, Germany. | |
Search | Add | 23 | Amy Bamba | Amy Bamba began her musical career in 1985 as a chorister. She then joined [a=Alpha Blondy]'s [a=The Solar System] and released her first hit in 2010. | |
Search | Add | 23 | Marijo Pajić | Marijo Pajić | Producer, arranger, keyboards player and mixing engineer from Serbia. |
Search | Add | 23 | Bonnie Prudden | (January 29, 1914 – December 11, 2011) Bonnie Prudden was an American physical fitness pioneer, expert rock climber and mountaineer. Her report to Eisenhower on the unfitness of American children as compared with their European counterparts led to the formation of the President’s Council on Youth Fitness. Prudden authored 16 books on physical fitness and Myotherapy for all ages and abilities including two best sellers, How to Keep Slender and Fit After Thirty (1961) and Pain Erasure: The Bonnie Prudden Way (1980). She produced six exercise albums, hosted the first regular exercise spots on national television, had a syndicated television show, and wrote a column for Sports Illustrated. Schools, prisons, summer camps, factories, hospitals, clubs, YMCAs, universities, geriatric homes and facilities for the physically and emotionally challenged all used and benefited from the many physical fitness programs she provided for them. Prudden also designed the first fitness fashions and developed numerous pieces of exercise equipment that could be built in the average garage and used by the family. (Wikipedia) | |
Search | Add | 23 | Monster Planet | A multi-media collective of musicians, sound designers, visual artists, pixel bandits, and B-movie chuds, based in Seattle. | |
Search | Add | 23 | Lonny Unitus | Visual artist, illustrator, designer and musician in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Unitus began his career making flyers for shows in Fargo, North Dakota in the late 1990s, moving into screenprinted posters in 2001. He moved to Minneapolis in 2004. | |
Search | Add | 23 | Rohn - Lederman | ||
Search | Add | 23 | Eddie Fourcell | ||
Search | Add | 23 | Meindert Kramer | ||
Search | Add | 23 | Seektor | Luiz Marcos | Luiz Marcos, better known as Seektor, is a brazilian musician. |
Search | Add | 23 | Revelation Of Noise | ||
Search | Add | 23 | Mattia Lapucci | Mattia Lapucci | Italian DJ, live performer and producer based in Florence, Italy. Founder of [l=Burbi] and [l=BurbiDub]. |
Search | Add | 23 | Benelux Theater | Benelux Theater NV | Booking, artist management and event organizing company. VAT nr.: BE 0658803115 Office address: ’t Zandpand, Zandstraat 52 B-2300 Turnhout Belgium registered address: Beersebaan 3 bus 2 B-2350 Vosselaar Belgium Phone: +32 496 623 520 | +32 (0) 3 369 59 49 | +32 (0) 14 420 003 Fax: +32 (0) 14 420 012 Email: |
Search | Add | 23 | Arys | Анатолий Веред (Anatolii Vered) | Trance / Progressive Trance DJ & producer from Bila Tserkva, Ukraine. Born: 15-01-1987 |
Search | Add | 23 | DJ Praying Mantis | Brad Smith | Brad Smith has been playing electronic music for 18 years and is the owner of the underground label, Crescent Records. Brad started his career in the underground Acid House and hardcore scene in 1990 at WBUL in Tampa. In 1992, Brad began his club DJing career at the infamous "Rave-O-Ween" in Tampa, Florida. In 1998, Brad, under his moniker, DJ Praying Mantis alongside with DJ Dread started the Stateside collective Drum N Bass crew. In 2000, Brad started his mash-up/remix label, Mr. Smith's DJ Tools, with partner DJ Spice (from Friction and Spice). In 2006, Brad returned to producing house music and started releasing tracks under the aliases Mantis, Osiris and R. Gonzalez. |
Search | Add | 23 | Andrew Beltran | Graphic designer, mainly associated with [l140001]. | |
Search | Add | 23 | Ansambel Vilija Petriča | Slovene folk ensemble, founded by Petrič brothers. The melody of their instrumental Moj Muzikant from 1971, got lyrics by [a630873] in 1989. This became "Anton Aus Tirol". [b][i]Ich bin so schoan , ich bin so toll. Ich bin der Anton aus Tirol. [/i][/b] | |
Search | Add | 23 | Strike Vilakazi | South African vocalist, drummer, trumpeter, composer and music producer | |
Search | Add | 23 | Enki Bilal | Comic artist Enki Bilal (born 1951), the son of a Czech mother and a Bosnian father, spent the first nine years of his life in Belgrade, where the ghost of World War II still haunted everyday life. The Bilal family moved to Paris in 1961, where Enki Bilal was drawn to comics and cinema. He started at Pilote in 1972, making illustrations, covers and short stories. Three years later, Bilal met writer Pierre Christin, with whom he created several comics by combining comic strips with photos, including 'Légendes d'Aujourd'hui', 'La Croisière des Oubliés' and 'Partie de Chasse'. | |
Search | Add | 23 | Donovan Duschane | ||
Search | Add | 23 | Torsten Freitag | Torsten Freitag | German graphic designer and music enthusiast. Owner of [l=Bördebehörde Tonträger]. |
Search | Add | 23 | Naomi Petersen | Naomi Petersen was a [l=SST Records] employee and photographer. She was born 24 August 1964 and died on 13 June 2003. | |
Search | Add | 23 | Gerson Galvan | Gerson Galván | Spanish singer from Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Canary Islands. Sometimes simply known as "Gerson". |
Search | Add | 23 | Mića Ivanović | Miodrag Ivanović | Accordion player and composer from Serbia. |
Search | Add | 23 | Charles Fenech | Charles Fenech is from Melbourne, Australia, and is responsible for the band Angel Theory. | |
Search | Add | 23 | Claude Sirois | Former founding member of and lead guitarist with Quebec (Laval) 60's garage band "Équipe 79" (with Robert Morissette, who went on to form 'Les Frères Brosse"), Claude Sirois returned in the 70's and went on to release over a dozen instrumental solo guitar-driven albums | |
Search | Add | 23 | Shinjiro Kawashima | ||
Search | Add | 23 | Poisson Chat | ||
Search | Add | 23 | The Sentinalez | Hip Hop band from Glasgow, Scotland. | |
Search | Add | 23 | Rosco Bowie | Soul producer - arranger from Washington D.C., US | |
Search | Add | 23 | Alexandros Magkos | ||
Search | Add | 23 | Fred Moultrie | American executive producer and artist manager. Fred Moultrie was [b][a=Prince][/b]'s long-term accountant between 1981 and 1989. | |
Search | Add | 23 | Adam Juresko | ||
Search | Add | 23 | Moacyr Machado | Brazilian producer and A&R for [l203478]. For the percussionist, please use [a3898813]. | |
Search | Add | 23 | Sam Alcarez | ||
Search | Add | 23 | Mad Morningstar | Michel Klotz | Progressive psy-trance project from Grins, based in Reith Im Alpbachtal, Tirol, Austria Michél discovered the world of psytrance music in 1998 when he was 16 years old. 2003, Michél started working and experimenting with music production and making electronic music Shortly afterwards he realized that what he wants to do in life. In 2012 he completed his SAE studies as an audio engineer. Contact: |
Search | Add | 23 | Aschieri | ||
Search | Add | 23 | Marina Kunakasova | ||
Search | Add | 23 | Orchestre Kin-Bantous | Congolese group formed in 1969 by Etienne "Diamant" Makengela after he quit [a968389]. | |
Search | Add | 23 | Roberto Ameriot | ||
Search | Add | 23 | Miroslav Klomínek | Miroslav Klomínek | Czech graphic designer. |
Search | Add | 23 | RelaxBeats | ||
Search | Add | 23 | Fabrizio Cristante | ||
Search | Add | 23 | Ευδοκία Στιβακτάκη | ||
Search | Add | 23 | Complesso Internazional Cameristico | ||
Search | Add | 23 | Štefan Danko | Štefan Danko | Slovak manager and responsible editor of the [l=Opus] label, also band leader and drummer. |
Search | Add | 23 | John Kontandreopoulos | John Kontandreopoulos | |
Search | Add | 23 | Raphael Stewart | Ras Oney | |
Search | Add | 23 | Alan Cowderoy | English guitarist and vocalist. | |
Search | Add | 23 | Ensemble Des Puppentheaters Detmold | ||
Search | Add | 23 | Caracas Latin Brothers | Orquesta Caracas Latin Brother's | Spanish merengue band from Tenerife, Canary Islands. Formed by five Canarians and four Venezuelans. |
Search | Add | 23 | Cobla Laietana | Traditional folk (sardana) studio band founded by [a=Rafael Ferrer] just to record some EPs for [l=Vergara] in the 60s. | |
Search | Add | 23 | Самуил Фурер | Самуил Исаакович Фурер | Samuil Furer - jewish violinist from USSR. Born 1909 in Odessa — died 1979 in Sochi. Brother of [a=Леонид Фурер] |
Search | Add | 23 | Zlatan Ćehić | Zlatan Ćehić | Bass player in 'Divlje Jagode'. |
Search | Add | 23 | Jette Schandorf | Jette Schandorf | Danish bassist. Since the early 80's she has played with numerous danish pop bands and toured with the top solo artists in Denmark. |
Search | Add | 23 | Phil Cassens | ||
Search | Add | 23 | Doppel-Quartett Turnverein Neumünster | ||
Search | Add | 23 | Billy Nocera | William Nocera | Billy Nocera runs [l=Razorback Records] and plays in metal bands, formerly married to [a=Vanessa Nocera]. |
Search | Add | 23 | The Sania Poustylnikoff Orchestra | ||
Search | Add | 23 | Derika Van Reenan | Visual artist and art director. | |
Search | Add | 23 | Sara Breslow | Graphic designer. | |
Search | Add | 23 | Ladi Odeku | Credited for visual roles and management. [b]Note[/b]: When credited as "Production Manager" please use the credit [b]Product Manager [Production Manager][/b]. | |
Search | Add | 23 | Maurice Tassart | French liner noter in classical releases. | |
Search | Add | 23 | Producciones Wakala | ||
Search | Add | 23 | Kitzbüheler Nationalsänger | Austrian [i]Volksmusik[/i] ensemble (1929-1983) from Kitzbühel, Tyrol, directed by [a1000727]. | |
Search | Add | 23 | Hootgun | Joff Lazenby | Electronic act from Harrogate, UK |
Search | Add | 23 | Angelo Milano | ||
Search | Add | 23 | Decca Photo Studio | ||
Search | Add | 23 | Evelyn von Hartmann | ||
Search | Add | 23 | Jeffrey Steinberg | Jeffrey Elliott Steinberg | Composer, arranger. |
Search | Add | 23 | Kib Sreng | T. McClelland | |
Search | Add | 23 | DJ Fishead | In the early 90's Fishead made his mark in the Winnipeg underground as the hardest of the hard. His unique sound made him one of that city's most popular DJs. It wasn't long before he caught the attention of promoters in western Canada and the midwest United States and he soon became known throughout North America for his uncompromising style. In late 1996 he began writing for Massive Magazine and was soon sharing Hardcore Editor duties with [a=Doormouse]. His work with the magazine and close ties with record labels worldwide afforded him the opportunity to discover new talent and help a number of artists get the recognition they richly deserved. In addition, his constant travel allowed him to help a number of Winnipeg artists gain exposure across the continent. As a DJ he is capable of playing just about any style, and has been known to blend genres in creative ways. He currently resides in Montreal, Canada and continues to work in the music industry. | |
Search | Add | 23 | Андрей Лабинский | Андрей Маркович Лабинский | Russian tenor. (1871-1941) |
Search | Add | 23 | Curtis Tinsley | ||
Search | Add | 23 | The Cameo Dance Orchestra With Vocalists | ||
Search | Add | 23 | British Imperial Military Band | ||
Search | Add | 23 | Krishna Shirgaonkar | ||
Search | Add | 23 | Kelly Schweinsberg | A&r | |
Search | Add | 23 | Alvaro Nieto | Alvaro Nieto Rodríguez | Spanish guitar/singer and composer. Later also producer ([l=Santaren]). |
Search | Add | 23 | Ashley Arnwine | ||
Search | Add | 23 | Eros Pasi | ||
Search | Add | 23 | Hanne Darboven | Hanne Darboven | German conceptual artist, born 29 April 1941 in Munich, Germany and died 9 March 2009 in Hamburg, Germany. |
Search | Add | 23 | Stefan Ziehn | German punk bassist and drummer, area Neuwied/ Koblenz | |
Search | Add | 23 | John Gustard | UK illustrator. | |
Search | Add | 23 | Elfriede Wild | Mezzo-soprano vocalist. | |
Search | Add | 23 | Victor Silvester Jr. | The son of [a1351658], who assumed leadership of his father's orchestra in 1971. | |
Search | Add | 23 | لحسن المسكيني | Cheikh Lahcen Meskini was a Moroccan traditional performer. | |
Search | Add | 23 | Bulrøg | Ludovic Grauser | French music producer and singer. In 2010, Bulrøg formed with his friend Fred a music tandem called RedRog. He was the singer and also wrote all lyrics. The band had quite a good success in the dance-electro community thanks to songs like "Aktion" and "Walking Down The Streets". Three years after, Bulrøg finally decided to start a solo carreer. This vocalist is in love with all forms of art, and wants to create a beautiful package for his tracks. Bulrøg collaborates with Exterface (photographers duet), Kamille Louis (producer and musician), Marcos Domingo Sanchez (photographer) and Zéphirin (graphic designer). |
Search | Add | 23 | Paulos Raptis | Παύλος Ράπτης | Greek (later Polish) operatic tenor. Born in 1936 in Greece, he later emigrated to Poland (1950). Died November 21, 2021 in Warsaw, Poland. |
Search | Add | 23 | Rod Meyer | ||
Search | Add | 23 | Fred Barovick | ||
Search | Add | 23 | Kamikaze U.T. Vincent | Nomura Hayata | Japanese punk rock bassist |
Search | Add | 23 | Claude Ménard | ||
Search | Add | 23 | Cooper Bowman | Runs the label [l=Altered States Tapes]. | |
Search | Add | 23 | Chaimas Potašinskas | Lithuanian conductor, pianist. Born 1924 in Kaunas, died 2009 in Vilnius. Educated from Kaunas Conservatoire. He entered to the Kaunas Conservatoire in 1937, at the age of thirteen. | |
Search | Add | 23 | Kaizels | ||
Search | Add | 23 | Awankana | ||
Search | Add | 23 | Antoine Reuben-Diavola | Antoine Reuben | Antoine Reuben, known mononymously as ANTOINE., is a American composer, drummer and keyboardist. Played drums for the group HADAN. Antoine also releases music under the moniker Bit.Krusher. In the early days of internet streaming Antoine was a recurring feature DJ at the based in Japan. |
Search | Add | 23 | Ljuba Lukić | Ljubomir Lukić / Љубомир Лукић | Born April 30,1958 in Lopušnik / Лопушник, municipality of Petrovac na Mlavi / Петровац на Млави, Socialist Republic of Serbia, Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia Ljuba Lukić / Љуба Лукић is a Yugoslav, Serbian singer, a prominent artist who has a lot of albums behind him. Istaknuti umetnik koji iza sebe ima puno albuma.... |
Search | Add | 23 | Z.M. Michael | ||
Search | Add | 23 | Laslo Antal | Laslo Antal is a visual artist ( painter, illustrator, designer, short film and music video director), and musician. His main focus in visual arts is his daily visual-diary project, that he's been working on every day since November 2017. As a musician he is the founder and composer of the electro-noire group Sixth June, and the electro-pop group Cult Club. Since 2017 he's releasing his solo music under the name Diesein, where beside being the composer and musician he's in the role of the lead singer too. Lives in Berlin. | |
Search | Add | 23 | Canzoniere Del Proletariato | Directed by [a1109567] and Piero Nissim it is also known as "[a2521195]", which approaching Adriano Sofri's positions in the nascent (1969) Lotta Continua will become its official musical voice | |
Search | Add | 23 | Romà Alonso | ||
Search | Add | 23 | Lionel Beyet | Lionel Beyet | French bass player & co-founder of [l=P.O.G.O. Records]. Also drawer/illustrator for fanzines & comic books and radio producer for Zone Libre (1994 - 1999), Triangle FM 98.4 (Saint-Quentin-En-Yvelines, France). |