Discogs artists that do not appear to exist in MusicBrainz

Report created based on data in MusicBrainz as of 24/10/2024

Found 596840 artists, we show 1000 artists per page.

The report is not continually updated so may not reflect the current data within MusicBrainz and or Discogs databases.

These are Discogs artists not currently linked to a MusicBrainz artist, and we have been unable to find a potential link for either.

Many of these artists probably are in MusicBrainz in some form but they are not currently linked, the list is ordered so that Discogs artists with the most number of single artists releases are listed first on the basis that these artists would be of more interest.

Some problems will just be due to deficiencies in the Discogs to Musicbrainz artist matching algorithm employed by Albunack.

There are also timing issues as this report is not updated immediately so will not reflect recent modifications and additions to MusicBrainz and Discogs.

One issue in Discogs is they handle artist credits differently so a Discogs name consisting of multiple people is probably represented on MusicBrainz as two individuals, but we try to filter these out of this report

We have also omitted artists that are not unique in both MusicBrainz and Discogs because these artists are probably not missing just more difficult to match up.

Another issue is that some Discogs artists have multiple ids with one id just redirecting to the other, this is the case with Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, do we add both links to MusicBrainz ?

Limited report to artists with at least two single artist releases for now.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597

Search for Artist Add Artist Discogs Release Count Discogs Artist Other Names Comment
Search Add 34 Apheliandala Paju Inakari The former producer "tag" of Paju Inakari.
Search Add 34 Carl Åkesson
Search Add 34 Julie Separovic
Search Add 34 Menia Martinez Cuban ballet dancer and singer. Born 1938.
Search Add 34 William T. Narmour William Thomas Narmour American fiddler (b. 1889 d. 1961) from Mississippi who was part of the popular and influential duo Narmour & Smith.
Search Add 34 Pater Perne Heinz Perne The singing priest from Germany, known for his religious chansons. * 08.11.1930 in Oberhausen † 17.01.2008 in Olpe, Germany
Search Add 34 Elise Nærø
Search Add 34 AVAMPOSTO RADIOFONICO AUTARCHICO Martial Industrial project from Italy.
Search Add 34 Борис Карлов
Search Add 34 Chucky Million
Search Add 34 The Peter De Angelis Orchestra
Search Add 34 Ralph Haines Harold "Scrappy" Lambert Ralph Haines is most frequently an Alias for [a=Harold "Scrappy" Lambert] (1901-1987), but in a few cases, other singers are also credited under the same pseudonym. For example, "Cryin' For The Carolines" on the A side of [url=https://www.discogs.com/release/12668242]Romeo 1181[/url] was sung by [a=Irving Kaufman], and the vocals on "Dancing With Tears In My Eyes" on the Australian release [l=Angelus (3)] 3255 are by [a=Chick Bullock].
Search Add 34 Emmanuel Ector
Search Add 34 Eric Lewandoski
Search Add 34 Aurick Leere Exploring the dark side of consciousness while seeking enlightenment.Conveying personal experience of past and present through visual and audio mediums as a way to process and heal. Memories may not go away, but the voices can be heard. From Seattle, Washington.
Search Add 34 Phil Rigaud Philippe Rigaud New York based drummer and founding member of The Templars, drummer for Stomper 98, and skinhead reggae DJ.
Search Add 33 DJ Binman DJ & Producer from Northern Ireland, mainly known for Hardcore / Gabber mix tapes in the mid-'90s.
Search Add 33 José Santa-Bárbara Portuguese visual artist.
Search Add 33 C-Wiz
Search Add 33 Mario "Mojarra" Fernandez Argentinian bassist
Search Add 33 Owlybeats
Search Add 33 Walt Disney Productions Use this profile when 'Walt Disney Productions' is cited in Copyright documentation followed by 'employer for hire of' followed by various personel credited on release.
Search Add 33 Het Urker Mannenkoor "Hallelujah" Dutch male choir specialised in religious works, accompanied by church organ or piano. Founded in 1897 on the (then) island of Urk as "Oefening Kweekt Kunst" ("Art By Practice").
Search Add 33 Andy Mailänder Andreas Mailänder German bassist.
Search Add 33 Milissa Sierra María Luisa Sierra Bobadilla Milisa Sierra was born on August 20, 1906 in Lagos de Moreno, Jalisco, Mexico. She was an actress, known for Solo los ángeles tienen alas (1939), El amor de los amores (1944) and Divorciadas (1943). She was married to Luis Scherer Pradillo. She died on June 17, 1995 in Mexico, D.F., Mexico.
Search Add 33 Phatefx For company roles, please see [l=Phatefx]
Search Add 33 Lori Brune Antonio Polichiso
Search Add 33 Designers Collaborative
Search Add 33 Michael Vidale Australian bassist, based in Melbourne, formerly from Adélaïde.
Search Add 33 Rikard Skizz Bizzi Rikard Giuseppe Bizzi Swedish hip-hop musician from Tumba in Stockholm County, also known by the stage name Skizz, born March 10, 1985.
Search Add 33 Finn Verwohlt Danish singer and guitarist
Search Add 33 М. Подушкин Painter, Art designer
Search Add 33 Callaway Design
Search Add 33 Γιώργος Βούκανος George Voukanos O Γιώργος Βούκανος γεννήθηκε στην Αθήνα το 1972. Έχει γράψει τραγούδια, ορχηστρική μουσική, soundtrack, θεατρικά, μουσική για διαφημίσεις και Συμφωνικά & Χορωδιακά έργα. Σπούδασε Βυζαντινή Μουσική, Μονωδία, Πιάνο & θεωρητικά στα Ωδεία Εθνικό, Απολλώνιο, Ελληνικό και αποφοίτησε από το Ωδείο Αθηνών. Παράλληλα περάτωσε τις εγκύκλιες σπουδές του στην Ανωτέρα Εκκλησιαστική Σχολή Αθηνών και στη Θεολογική Σχολή του Πανεπιστημίου Αθηνών και είναι υποψήφιος διδάκτωρ στο Τμήμα Πολιτισμικής Τεχνολογίας & Επικοινωνίας του Πανεπιστημίου Αιγαίου με θέμα «Η Αισθητική της Μουσικής Δημιουργίας μέσα από την Ψηφιακή Τεχνολογία». Τα έργα του έχουν παρουσιασθεί με εξαιρετική επιτυχία στο Μέγαρο Μουσικής Αθηνών & Θεσσαλονίκης, στο Ηρώδειο κ.α. καθώς επίσης τα έχουν ερμηνεύσει Ορχήστρες και καλλιτέχνες σε ολόκληρο τον κόσμο και έχουν μεταδοθεί από Διεθνή Μ.Μ.Ε. σε χώρες όπως Αμερική, Ελβετία, Ιρλανδία, Γερμανία, Ιταλία, Κύπρος, Ινδία, Ρωσία, Ουκρανία, Σερβία, Τουρκία, Λίβανος κ.α.. Έχουν κυκλοφορήσει 47 Cd & DVD. Τα τελευταία χρόνια συνεργάζεται με το Κρατικό Ελβετικό Κανάλι RCI[1] όπου ντύνει με την μουσική του Ντοκιμαντέρ και αφιερώματα. Ασχολήθηκε με το ραδιόφωνο με δικές του εκπομπές από το 1990 έως και το 2010 με εκπομπές όπως "Μονοπάτια Μουσικής & Μονοπάτια της 7ης Τέχνης" (89,5 Σταθμός Εκκλησίας), "Τα Πάθη" "Μοναστήρια & Προσκυνήματα"(Αnt1 - Ant1 Satelite), "Ταξιδεύοντας" (Flash 9,61),(Μελωδία), "Και κάτι άλλο εκτός από Τραγούδι" (Δίαυλος 10) κ.α. Επίσης υπήρξε μέλος της Χορωδίας της ΕΡΤ την περίοδο 1992 - 1996. Από το 2011 έως το 2020 είναι καλλιτεχνικός Διευθυντής και ιδρυτής του Διεθνούς Φεστιβάλ Τέχνης & Πολιτισμού του Δήμου Ανδραβίδας - Κυλλήνης[2]. Ενώ από το 2015 έως το 2017 διετέλεσε καλλιτεχνικός Διευθυντής του Διεθνούς Φεστιβάλ Αρχαίας Ήλιδας[3]. Από το 2000 είναι Ιδρυτής και Καλλιτεχνικός Διευθυντής του Ινστιτούτου Τέχνης και Πολιτισμού Melody Spirit. Από το 2000 έως το 2008 είχε την διεύθυνση του Δημιουργικού και Καλλιτεχνικού Προγραμματισμού των Πολιτιστικών εκδηλώσεων της Εκκλησίας της Ελλάδος ως μέλος της Επιτροπής Καλλιτεχνικών Εκδηλώσεων της Ιεράς Συνόδου της Εκκλησίας της Ελλάδος[4]. Από το 2012 δημιούργησε το Xenio Festival σε συνεργασία με το Ελληνικό Ειδύλιον, Το 2015 άνοιξε με το έργο του Αρετών Ανωτέρα το Αρχαίο Θέατρο της Ήλιδας[5]. Το 2016 δημιούργησε το "Πολιτισμός Ενώνει" με συνεργασίες Φεστιβάλ και Πολιτιστικών Οργανισμών. Το 2018 έως το 2020 δημιούργησε το τουριστικό πολιτιστικό θέαμα "Το Μυστικό Τραγούδι του Κάστρου - Μεσαιωνικές Νύχτες" σε συνεργασία με το Υπουργείο Πολιτισμού, την Εφορεία Αρχαιοτήτων Ηλείας, την Περιφέρεια Δυτικής Ελλάδας και τον Δήμο Ανδραβίδας - Κυλλήνης
Search Add 33 Noboru Yamana Japanese music writer, specializing in reggae.
Search Add 33 Chad Hogan Art designer, worked for the company NUYORKTRICITY & designed for hip hop labels.
Search Add 33 Alex Sushon Alexey Anatolievich Sushon
Search Add 33 Lydia Mendez Margarita Ines Giraldo Zapata Colombian singer of boleros, rancheras, corridos, and tangos. An imitator in voice and name of [a=Lydia Mendoza], hence her stage name (real name Margarita Giraldo) (Born: 1930 in San Vicente, Antioquia - Death: Aprox. 2003 In Antioquia, Colombia)
Search Add 33 Martel Robinson
Search Add 33 Lluis Fuzzhound Lluis Sanchez Australian rock singer, musician, cartoonist
Search Add 33 Bishop T. D. Jakes Sr. Thomas Dexter Jakes Sr. Pastor of The Potter's House in Dallas, TX and author.
Search Add 33 Silken Tofu
Search Add 33 C. Barny Robertson Arranger, producer, engineer, musician
Search Add 33 Stella Gelesh Graphic Designer, based in Denver, Colorado (US). Born in Berlin, Germany.
Search Add 33 Las Ventanas
Search Add 33 Maria Kurnosova Grindcore, noisecore musician from Ukraine.
Search Add 33 Peter Black Design
Search Add 33 Jack Mad A Catalan band from Torelló (Osona, Barcelona) formed in 2009 as The Rollers. Few time later they re-named the band as Jack Mad. Info contact: jackmadgrup@gmail.com
Search Add 33 Leanne Drum
Search Add 33 Semmangudi Srīnivāsa Aiyar செம்மங்குடி ராதாக்ருஷ்ண ஸ்ரீநிவாஸ ஐயர் (Semmangudi Radhakrishna Srinivasa Iyer) Semmangudi Srīnivāsa Aiyar (or Iyer) (born July 25, 1908, Tirukkodikaval, Thanjavur District, Madras Presidency, India – died October 31, 2003, Madras, Tamil Nadu State, India) was an Indian Carnatic vocalist.
Search Add 33 Telepapi
Search Add 33 Ko Zweeres
Search Add 33 Reece Graphics
Search Add 33 VLOO Photo agency.
Search Add 33 Filip Trax
Search Add 33 Julio Rico Julio Rico Spanish bassist.
Search Add 33 Orchestre Somo Somo Congolese rumba/soukous group. Originally formed in Zaire in 1974 by [a454524] (lead guitar) with [a1390274] (vocals), [a4480277] (rhythm guitar) and [a1390274] (bass). This original line-up only lasted a short time as various members left to rejoin [a4480277]. [a454524] then formed a new version of the group in Kenya in the early 1980s.
Search Add 33 Rolf Holger
Search Add 33 Otromatic Julien Ducourthial Graphician
Search Add 33 W.A. Richard Müller German graphic designer / visual artist.
Search Add 33 Katsuyoshi Sakamoto
Search Add 33 YES SET YES SET is the Elektro/Synth/Gore Dance solo project of Jan Harder.
Search Add 33 Hermanas Mendoza Suasti Ecuadorian folk singing duo consisting of Laura Eulalia Irene Mendoza Suasti (first voice, born March 14th, 1924 in Quito, died March 31st, 2018 in Quito) and Mercedes Olimpia Mendoza Suasti (second voice, born May 10th, 1927 in Guayaquil, died May 17th, 2020)
Search Add 33 Иосиф Вайнштейн Иосиф Владимирович Вайнштейн Soviet jazz arranger, trumpeter, conductor October 28, 1918 - September 1, 2001
Search Add 33 Vjeko Jutt Croatian pop singer from the 1960s and 1970s.
Search Add 33 George Badonsky
Search Add 33 Dennis Beutner
Search Add 33 S.K.A.T.I. Christian Skatulniak Techno DJ & producer from Germany. Launched his own digital label [l=Now We Do... Recordings] in May 2008, and its sublabel [l=Proove Music] in January 2011. S.K.A.T.I. started his way thru the world of electronic music in the early mid 90..s. His taste in music was mostly influenced by Stuttgarts Club OZ. He started out spinning in 1997.
Search Add 33 Jean Ovni French musician and graphic artist, member of [a=The Zombos], [a=Lamort (2)], [a=Ufo Gestapo] and [a=Drog]. Sometimes the name is credited backwards (Naej Invo), sometimes an english translation is used (Johnny Ufo).
Search Add 33 Gillian Bernadette Mason Gillian Bernadette Mason Executive producer - owner - manager - drive and creativity behind north-east based parent label Force 10 Records, sub-labels EUROSTARS, FUK/Factoria UK, Team 10, and responsible for a fair few more releases on cooperative labels across the scene / Europe.
Search Add 33 Flattop Mark Mark Phillips Flat Top Mark or Sometimes "FTM" For Mixing & Mastering Credits, Owner Of FTM LTD, Brother Of Dave "Flattop"
Search Add 33 Зоя Чернышева Зоя Владимировна Чернышёва Soviet and Russian writer, screenwriter, playwright. Freelance writer of All-Union Radio and Central Television. Freelance writer and director at the Melodiya Recording Studio. (November 21, 1926, Moscow - 2008, Moscow) Zoya Vladimirovna Chernysheva
Search Add 33 Trella•Mendl Design Group Inc. Design agency located in New York, USA, established in 1987 by Deborah Trella and Roy Mendl.
Search Add 33 Lou James Iocca
Search Add 33 Ensemble Magnifico Macedonian group of the Yu-Mex music style.
Search Add 33 Bert Tenzer 1960s ad man who specialized in promotional records with mysterious titles and packaging that only revealed what product was being advertised towards the end of playing the record.
Search Add 33 Super Wanyika Stars Kenya-based band, formed by [a1635147] in 1981 after he left [a3599429]. The other band members had previously been in [a2672920] but were left without a group when [a2672919] returned to [a1379606].
Search Add 33 Naaman Lee
Search Add 33 Cacator Harshnoise/extrem Grindcore and Experimental Goregrind noise band from Vosges At Laveline Devant Bruyère in France.
Search Add 33 Florencio Constantino Florencio Constantineau Spanish tenor singer (1868 - 1919).
Search Add 33 Jiří Tušl Jiří Tušl Czech producer.
Search Add 33 Daniel Duskin International Mix Engineer, Daniel Duskin, has over two decades of experience working with world-renowned artists and mixing thousands of songs worldwide.
Search Add 33 Dominator.00 Patrik Dominator.00 is best-known [a=P.V]'s web-based nickname. Owner of [l=Krabator-Bass-Systems Records] & [l=Second Sounds].
Search Add 33 Peter Chivily American jazz bassist.
Search Add 33 Roger Kasparian Photographer. On French releases mostly, busy mid to late 1960's.
Search Add 33 Håkan Ullberg Multidisciplinary designer and marketing strategist based in Stockholm.
Search Add 33 Unicod Sebastien Gros Electronic music DJ & producer from Marseille, France
Search Add 33 Lucifera Artworks
Search Add 33 Jean Coquin Professional French photographer, inventor of the creative filtering concept and designer of a filter system combining simplicity, speed of implementation and flexibility of use which allows each photographer to follow his personal inspiration, in depending on the circumstances. He is also behind the [b]Cokin[/b] company, founded in the 1970s.
Search Add 33 Sebastião Fonseca
Search Add 33 Christopher Mohn Christopher Mohn
Search Add 33 Kaws Brian Donnelly American designer born in 1974. In 1995, while studying at the School of Visual Arts in Manhattan, KAWS began combining his street art influenced by the world of graffiti with commercial design. In addition, the artist’s experience in working at an animation studio after graduation informed his appropriation of iconic characters such as Mickey Mouse and Astro Boy. In 1996, during his first visit to Japan, it was through the introduction of Stash that KAWS met a group of entrepreneurs and youth culture influencers, with whom he would form long-lasting friendships and launch collaborative projects. Among the group are Yoppi who headed the apparel label realmadHECTIC and [a9972] founder of the BAPE brand and store, and the music label [l4540]. In 2001, KAWS looked to the expertise of NIGO to set up his first solo exhibition in Tokyo, which subsequently sparked NIGO’s interest in KAWS paintings. Soon after the exhibition, NIGO was the first to commission a series of paintings from the artist: The Kimpsons series. It was through NIGO that he met with [a90037] who commissioned him for a large amount of work over a period of time. For the 2013 MTV Video Music Awards KAWS's company redesigned the iconic moonman statue.
Search Add 33 CLLK Artwork Visual Artist
Search Add 33 Adrian Maloney
Search Add 33 Ethel Barrett Ethel Barrett (December 28, 1913 – May 10, 1998) was a prolific Christian writer, speaker, and storyteller, whose popularity peaked between the early 1950s and the mid-1980s. She sold millions of copies of over 40 different books for publishers like Zondervan, Gospel Light and Regal Books. The latter printed and sold more than 4 million copies of her work. She also recorded over 30 audio recordings distributed on records and tapes. Ethel started her storytelling career as a Sunday School teacher in Schenectady, New York in the early 1940s. She was asked to teach the Boys Brigade class, made up of the most unruly boys in the area. She had so much trouble keeping their attention that she began telling Bible stories using character voices and full dialog to capture their attention. That Sunday School class became a great success and her local fame and storytelling talent landed her some weekend radio jobs where she would tell Bible stories on local Christian radio stations.
Search Add 33 Le Grand Orchestre Du Gramophone Orchestra from the [l=Cie Française Du Gramophone]. "Symphonic" orchestra.
Search Add 33 Yantit Ronny Fimmel
Search Add 33 Ernest Wennekers Ernest Wennekers Dutch graphic designer, also known as Goleq. Contact: ernest@fnkseq.com
Search Add 33 Aca Stepić Aleksandar Stepić Serbian composer, arranger and accordion player, born on 1932 in Veliko Polje (near Obrenovac), Serbia.
Search Add 33 Rock Your Babies
Search Add 33 Henk Van Der Velde's Kinderkoor
Search Add 33 Mort Todd Michael Delle-Femine Born November 9, 1961 An American writer and media entrepreneur, best known as an editor-in-chief of Cracked magazine, and later, Marvel Music. He is owner of Comicfix, a media company that has developed licensed properties. As a writer, artist or editor, Todd has worked at several comic book companies, contributing to characters including Superman and Spider-Man, and to licensed properties such as Barbie and Looney Tunes. His illustrations appear on CD covers, magazines, newspapers, and print advertisements. With Daniel Clowes, Pete Friedrich and Rick Altergott, Mort Todd contributed stories and art to Psycho Comics. He sold his first screenplay for a TV pilot called The Ultimates to a German production company while still a teenager. The pilot was produced, but never distributed, and stars a young Clowes as a teen rock 'n' roll superhero. Mort also wrote and penciled some stories for Clowes' Lloyd Llewellyn series from Fantagraphics. Around then he started freelancing for DC Comics, Marvel Comics, Kitchen Sink, Myron Fass, and many other smaller publishers. Since 1984, he illustrated all eight volumes of Back From The Grave (Crypt Records), a compilation series of obscure proto-punk rock from the 1960s. The original art to the cover of Volume One is on permanent display at the Cornell University Punk Archive Collection. In 1985, Todd became editor-in-chief of Cracked magazine. There he signed artist Don Martin after a 32-year career at Mad Magazine. Todd also published some of the earliest mainstream work of Altergott, Clowes, and Peter Bagge. For Globe Communications, Todd created the comics magazine Monsters Attack!, which featured horror comics and articles about movies. It ran five issues (Sept. 1989 - Dec. 1990), with Todd involved with the first four. Todd launched the imprint AAA, which published the first authorized collection of Bill Ward's pin-ups in W.O.W. (World of Ward). AAA also published a bilingual humor comic called Pepito with stories by writer George Gladir
Search Add 33 Jaime Ortiz Pino Mexican broadcaster on XEW radio stations with the slogan "XEW, la voz de América Latina, desde México" and Radio Éxitos. A former CBS A&R also possessed a prominent musical background. Official voice in Spanish of Walt Disney. Cover adapter for songs in English to Spanish.
Search Add 33 Daniella Baumeister German journalist and radio host.
Search Add 33 M. Savant Stifleson Jme Gugginø "M. Savant Stifleson delivers a journey through truly new musical microcosms, a lush cascade of micro-cyberpop gems and fragmented glitch-funk pieces where Dada-meets-Joyce musical structures and post-language poetry are flowing intertwined." ~ Invidation [Fr] Current project of Jme Gugginø, based in Placerville, California, USA. Blending experimental Art Rock with Electronic & Synth-Pop elements, as well as Free Improvisation, Jme continues to produce wildly varied releases in a hyper-stylized manner into the 21st century. Starting in October of 2015, the name has been modified to 'Stiflesun'. -Jme
Search Add 33 Ahmad Albar Ahmad Syech Albar (أحمد شيخ البار) Indonesian singer and founding member of the band [a=God Bless], born 16 July 1946 in Surabaya, Indonesia.
Search Add 33 Szyksznian Wanda Hungarian graphics designer and university professor. Born: 26 April 1948, Budapest, Hungary.
Search Add 33 Reverend Samuel K. Lewis
Search Add 33 Divaiz
Search Add 33 Ever Meulen Eddy Vermeulen Belgian illustrator and comic strip artist, born 12 February 1946. Mainly known in Belgium for his work for [l=Humo] magazine, he has also published internationally in such magazines as [l=Oor], [l=Artforum] and The New Yorker. Ever since the 1980s he has designed numerous concert posters and created album artwork for (mostly) Belgian artists. In 2013 he received the Henry van de Velde Award for his oeuvre. He is often not credited on releases, but can be recognized by his monogram on the sleeve artwork (see images for examples).
Search Add 33 Arsenio Corsellas Arsenio Corsellas (born 17 September 1933, Figueres, Spain – died 17 November 2019, Madrid, Spain) was a Spanish actor and voice actor.
Search Add 33 Brian Sheil
Search Add 33 Lazerus Pit
Search Add 33 Iñaki Chunchurreta Iñaki Chunchurreta Merino Musician from Madrid, Spain. In the nineties Iñaki Chunchurreta also run the noise/grind/hardcore labels [l=Upground], [l=Discos MeCagoEnDios] and [l=Arcada Records].
Search Add 33 Tino Costa
Search Add 33 Boutique Creativa Milano Italian graphic design company, founded by [a2315046] in 1994. Use [l1807786] as label.
Search Add 33 Caren J. Martineau Credited for design.
Search Add 33 ناصر مسعودی Naser Masoudi is an Iranian singer.
Search Add 33 Bert Rockhuizen
Search Add 33 Rumiko Hayatsu
Search Add 33 Amphetadex
Search Add 33 Ben Mahan Benton Mahan American illustrator
Search Add 33 宝塚歌劇
Search Add 33 Quaint Ash Solo project of London-based multi-instrumentalist [a=Andrea Parascandolo].
Search Add 33 Scott Ritcher Scott Ritcher is a magazine publisher, graphic designer and musician from Louisville, Kentucky, born September 27, 1969.
Search Add 33 Torstein Arnedal Norwegian mastering engineer. Worked at [l=Rosenborg Studio]. His vinyl lacquer cuts can be identified by "TA" in the runout string, together with the "710" that identifies Rosenborg Studio.
Search Add 33 Yves Jouffroy Yves Jouffroy French singer and actor, born 24 September 1944 in Palinges (Saone et Loire).
Search Add 33 Free Barrabas!
Search Add 33 Juan Carlos Duque Juan Carlos Duque Casellas Chilean composer, songwriter, arranger, producer, musician and singer. Born 1954 in Santiago.
Search Add 33 Hennie Korsten Henricus Gerardus Maria Korsten Dutch guitarist, multi-instrumentalist, producer, arranger, songwriter, engineer, studio and label owner from Rosmalen, Noord-Brabant. In 1983 he founded and operated [l3139622] supported by his wife [a999808] until his passing away in the morning of July 5, 2019.
Search Add 33 Norman Barrow
Search Add 33 Jon Whiplash Bassist, drummer and vocalist.
Search Add 33 Hedda Obermaier-Wenz German illustrator from [i]Werdenfelser Land[/i] (*1918 Icking, † 2014 in München), in addition to illustrating children's books, she also designed numerous record covers for the [l65067] label in the 1960s. Her mother [i]Else Wenz-Viëtor[/i] (born April 30, 1882 in Sorau, Nieder-Lausitz, † May 29, 1973 in Icking) was also a children's book illustrator.
Search Add 33 Big John Hall John "Big John" Mark Hall b. February 7, 1939, Fort Worth, Texas d. September 29, 2020, Grapevine, Texas "Big" John Hall began his career as bass singer for the Stamps Quartet in the early 1960's. From 1965-1968 he sang bass for the Blackwood Brothers. After leaving the Blackwood Brothers, John Hall began a long and successful solo career.
Search Add 33 Mehrdad Pakravan
Search Add 33 Ursula Kurasik Pianist and vocalist from Melbourne, Australia. Known for her work as [a=Misstiq] and is a member of [a=Don't Die Like I Did] and formerly [a=Earth Caller].
Search Add 33 Odeam Rakoto Malagasy musician, composer, playwright, voice actor, band leader (22 Apr. 1922 - 06 Nov. 1973)
Search Add 33 Die Gardemusik Wien Austrian military marching band
Search Add 33 Bernard Asbell
Search Add 33 Andrew Pummell
Search Add 33 Cruudeuces Nathaniel Brennan
Search Add 33 Ecos De Las Marismas Sevillanas (flamenco) group from Seville, Spain, formed in 1975. Members: Guillermo Calado, Francisco Bejarano, José Carrabeo, Daniel Martínez.
Search Add 33 Contoso Ltd.
Search Add 33 Loft Tapes Artist is typically stylized as [b]ロフト tapes[/b].
Search Add 33 Indestructible Military Band
Search Add 33 DJ Mark 563
Search Add 33 Michel Bobaru
Search Add 33 Marty Marteen Mårten Sandberg Swedish bassist.
Search Add 33 Pedro Giordano Dungortheb Pedro Diordio Giordano Brazilian Black Metal musician (also Lord Maleficarum Trespuisant Imago Typhonis & Dungortheb)
Search Add 33 Ingvar Erikson Swedish producer and songwriter
Search Add 33 Red Bol Alfred Boland Dutch graphic designer active since the early '90's.
Search Add 33 WhiteHayz
Search Add 33 Aleksandar Pilipenko Aleksandar Pilipenko (1946-2013) Composer and producer from Serbia. Editor and manager at PGP RTB/RTS since 1976.
Search Add 33 Orchestra Felice Genta
Search Add 33 Frederic Leighton Frederic Leighton, 1st Baron Leighton, PRA (3 December 1830 – 25 January 1896), known as Sir Frederic Leighton between 1878 and 1896, was an English painter and sculptor. His works depicted historical, biblical, and classical subject matter. Leighton was bearer of the shortest-lived peerage in history; after only one day his hereditary peerage became extinct upon his death.
Search Add 33 Janusz Guttner Designer & Photographer
Search Add 33 Pete Isaac Founder of UK clubbing institution 'Jelly Jazz', running since 1993. Founder of '45 Live' along with Scott Hendy (Boca 45). Graphic designer working for labels including Haggis Records, One Note Records, Hospital Records, 45 Live Records, Gee Recordings, Dumaine Records, Inflexion Point, Boogie Cafe Records, Freestyle Records and Renegades of Jazz.
Search Add 33 Bud Andrews Curcy Hendricks Andrews, Jr. American radio DJ and producer. Born on July 5, 1940 in Lubbock, Texas and died on August 30, 2014 in Lubbock.
Search Add 33 Francis De Erdely Hungarian artist born in Budapest (1904-1959), immigrated into the United States in 1939, living in Los Angeles. "He is best known for his figure-based paintings done in Los Angeles during the 1940s and 1950s of immigrants, and other ethnic or social outsiders".
Search Add 33 Don Wyrm
Search Add 33 Hermund Tronvik
Search Add 33 Chœur De La Radio Suisse Romande Mixed chorus. Founded in 1946 as Choeur mixte de Radio Lausanne, with Frank Gubat as director. In 1958 [a=André Charlet] took over and renamed it Chœur de la Suisse Romande. In 1987 it became independent of Radio Lausanne and was renamed to [a2028586]. It has often worked with [a5929335] and [a2028587].
Search Add 33 Alejandro Abaroa
Search Add 33 Patrick Alley
Search Add 33 Ronny Pearson Thomas Gleisberg German bassist.
Search Add 33 Frza
Search Add 33 Cosmowave
Search Add 33 Tor Erik Ledang Norwegian visual artist. Died November 2020
Search Add 33 Çağrı Telkıvıran Çağrı Telkıvıran Turkish musician, composer and producer.
Search Add 33 Амиран Эбралидзе ამირან ებრალიძე 08.04.1941 - 21.06.2020
Search Add 33 Las Ardillitas If related to [a=Lalo Guerrero] (Mexico), see [a=Las Ardillitas De Lalo Guerrero]
Search Add 33 Andrew Ekins British contemporary artist and painter who graduated from art school in 1983.
Search Add 33 Bert Glassberg US art director from the 60's.
Search Add 33 Jeffrey Cheen
Search Add 33 Τζων Τίκης Ιωάννης Τεκές (Ioannis Tekes)
Search Add 33 Shay dT Shay Dotan Shay dT is a DJ/Producer from Israel. His unique style allows him to create electronic music aiming strictly for the dacefloors. Dirty, tribal, Elektro & acid - are the main influences on his work.
Search Add 33 Rumyana Tzintzarska
Search Add 33 Fabio Carniel Fabio Carniel Italian Producer, DJ and former record seller at Disco Inn, Italian record shop in Modena, Italy,specialized in House Music. Involved in developing an Italian Magazine for DJ called DiscoMix. Related to [l=Wicked & Wild Records] and [l=W&W New]. AKA Fabietto / The Fab / Fabio The Fab / Fab The Fab
Search Add 33 Marthe Mercadier Marthe Henriette Fernande Mercadié-Meyrat Marthe Mercadier (born 23 October 1928, Saint-Ouen, Seine-Saint-Denis, France - died 15 September 2021) was a French actress. Married to [a=Gérard Nery].
Search Add 33 Byron Whitely
Search Add 33 Paul McEvoy Paul McEvoy UK Designer and founder of the Design Company: [a=Bold (4)].
Search Add 33 Horácio Reynaldo Horácio Reynaldo Monteiro De Figueiredo Nunes Horácio Reynaldo was born in Bairro de São Paulo in Luanda, Angola. He then moved to Portugal and recorded many EPs, specially during the 60s and 70s, released by labels Rapsódia, Marfer, Parlophone, Tagus, Ofir, Orfeu, Roda and Alvorada. He recorded solo and with his supporting band [a11615504]. (b. 1921 - d. 1999)
Search Add 33 Nickleby
Search Add 33 Zakuro Aoyama
Search Add 33 Minja Subota Милан Субота (Milan Subota) Minja Subota (Миња Субота) (born 8 November 1938, Sarajevo, Kingdom of Yugoslavia – died 17 September 2021, Belgrade, Serbia) was a Serbian composer, singer, television host and photographer. Brother of [a=Aleksandar Subota].
Search Add 33 Anton Odelga Liner notes author for classical releases.
Search Add 33 James Delato
Search Add 33 Giedrė Bulotaitė-Jurkūnienė
Search Add 33 Merchant Bankers
Search Add 33 Harvey S. Williams Philip Lloyd-Smee Alias used by Bam-Caruso founder Phil Smee for his design work.
Search Add 33 Oskar Rütsche
Search Add 33 Ray Chappell Original bass guitarist with Savoy Brown Blues Band. Left the group in 1967
Search Add 33 Nightmare Park Harsh Noise Wall project from Connecticut (USA).
Search Add 33 Kiwiro Boys Band
Search Add 33 Группа Большого Детского Хора Центрального Телевидения И Всесоюзного Радио Unidentified group of [url=http://www.discogs.com/artist/1145157]Big children's choir of All-union radio and TV[/url]
Search Add 33 Drew Carpenter
Search Add 33 Southern Album Service From design to printing, complete record jacket service company from Nashville, Tennessee.
Search Add 33 Chris Donato Bass player, known for playing with [a312044] in the 80s.
Search Add 33 Milan Adamik Mixing and Mastering engineer and owner of [l=Masterworks (4)]
Search Add 33 Texas Hold'Em Lava Dome Iowa City, Iowa band.
Search Add 33 Michel Mayan Jean-Michel Mayan Belgian artist, producer, engineer and [l553600] label owner from Leuze. See also [l702109] and [l748551].
Search Add 33 Julio Jaramillo Arenas Mexican arranger, producer
Search Add 33 Teppo Nättilä Teppo Pertti Nättilä Finnish music journalist and musician, born 1958.
Search Add 33 Orhan Şener
Search Add 33 b.rdy
Search Add 33 DJ Craig G
Search Add 33 Streako Marcell Deme dj, label owner, electronic music artist. co-founder of deafness records netlabel. he feels a great honour having already played together parties and festivals with like sven väth (d), alter ego (d), oliver huntemann (d), mihai popoviciu (ro), king unique (uk), dj godfather (usa), näd mika (d) and the top of the hungarian pop. his tracks has been played by cio d’or, makam, ultrakurt (cabanne & david gluck), detroit swindle, thomas stieler. released with nina kraviz, joachim pastor, oliver schories, worakls, pitto, satoshi fumi, sidney charles, echonomist, shin nishimura and more.
Search Add 33 iwant design Design
Search Add 33 Pap Ildikó Pap Ildikó Hungarian cutting engineer. Mastering signature: [b]PI[/b]. [b]Note:[/b] Not to be confused with [a5794596], his mastering signature ([b]PJ[/b]) is very similar.
Search Add 33 Jan Mehlhose Jan Mehlhose Part of the [l69167] Team
Search Add 33 Cliff Heide
Search Add 33 Brendan Blendell
Search Add 33 Bunicu' Magic Romanian mastering engineer, mostly known for his frequent collaborations with Romanian hip hop artists.
Search Add 33 Paperclip Crown isabelle cedar amateur ambient / noise / experimental artist
Search Add 33 Massimo Caso
Search Add 33 Modske Emmanuel Da Mota French art director & graphic designer based in Paris. Also known as Modelskeletor.
Search Add 33 Makemassair MIchael Samaras
Search Add 33 Ansambl Miće Stojanovića
Search Add 33 Massed Bands of the Aldershot Command
Search Add 33 Mike Schwab Art director and designer.
Search Add 33 Karl-Henrik Mattsson Karl-Henrik Mattsson
Search Add 33 Members Of The Dorsey Orchestra
Search Add 33 Miguel Cárcamo P. Chilean producer. Sometimes credited as "Realización...", "Direc. Artística" or similar. Please don't use "Realization", "Art Direction", etc. as they are visual roles.
Search Add 33 Frank Luther Trio
Search Add 33 Mitchell Bliss Photographer
Search Add 33 Wyke Studios Design studio, based in Wyke, Normandy, Guildford, Surrey, UK.
Search Add 33 Ariola-Eurodisc Atelier/Vormstein [b]DO NOT USE.[/b] Please split these credits into [a3997092] and [a1781355] + ANV where needed.
Search Add 33 Ion Vova Vladimir Ionescu Vladimir Ionescu, better known as Ion Vova, (b. September 30, 1917, Berlin - January 7, 2011, Bucharest) was an actor, show producer and artistic director at the Romanian Broadcasting Company.
Search Add 33 Walter Wanger
Search Add 33 Владимир Чебаков
Search Add 33 Auntie Kathy
Search Add 33 Rodney Slater Rodney Desborough Slater
Search Add 33 Tagea Realm Tiffany Teel
Search Add 33 Queens-Design.de Agency for communication and design. Located in Hamburg, Germany.
Search Add 33 Ubaldo Consoli Italian audio engineer worked at [l339456].
Search Add 33 Assis Cavalcanti
Search Add 33 Dominique Broc Designer.
Search Add 33 Syporca Whandal
Search Add 33 Clark The U-man French graphic / design artist Clark.
Search Add 33 Brian Gaylor Brian Gaylor Studio Engineer and musician. Born in 1952, deceased on 4th April, 2003. Brian started out as a tape operator in Wardour Street. He then worked at [l=Ridge Farm Studios] as a technician, having spent time with [a=Yes] and [a=Jon Anderson] in both musical and technical capacities. Moving onwards, he became Technical Manager at the [l=Roundhouse Studios] and eventually an integral part, as designer and then manager, of [l=Stanley House] Studios, where his innovative approach to control room acoustics attracted great interest and acclaim. As a musician, his main achievement was playing guitar in [a=The Regents] who had a hit with '17', which, in 1979, reached no.11 in the UK, as well as charting in parts of Europe. However, he's normally been on the technical side of things, usually studio maintenance. In the late-'90s he designed a large, four storey complex in Acton, London, owned by [a=Andy Morris (5)]. Gaylor was subsequently involved in the building of yet another recording studio in Oxfordshire, as well as designing a revolutionary new kind of light aircraft. Tragically, he was killed in a hang gliding accident in 2003.
Search Add 33 Len Epand
Search Add 33 Skullfuck3r Adam Cobbsky
Search Add 33 Moserbuebe Swiss [i]Volksmusik[/i] (folk music) and yodeling ensemble, founded in 1920.
Search Add 33 Beatričė Grincevičiūtė Lithuanian soprano vocalist. 1911 – 1988. Studied in Warsaw and in Kaunas Conservatoire.
Search Add 33 Sal Nurrito Sal Nurrito Sal Nurrito is a Swiss Musician, Singer/Songwriter and Producer.
Search Add 33 Darken Art Marco Gemmet Visual artist.
Search Add 33 Jason Epperson
Search Add 33 Johnnie Rutter Los Angeles based photographer. Sent to prison in 2005 for extorting [a=Cameron Diaz].
Search Add 33 Stan Williamson
Search Add 33 MVC Project
Search Add 33 Stevo Dobbins Stephen M. Dobbins Bassist & vocalist for the American band [a=Impetigo]. Also active in other metal bands. Also known as [a=Stevo St. Vitus].
Search Add 33 Ean Martin Artist based in Northern California whose work includes ambient/soundscapes, experimental collages, post-punk, gothic and wave. Used to run [l1890958]
Search Add 33 Eddy Jahrls Nyhetskvintett
Search Add 33 Rúnar Þór Pétursson Rúnar Þór Pétursson Icelandic. Rúnar Þór Pétursson (fæddur 21. september 1953 á Ísafirði) er íslenskur tónlistarmaður. Rúnar hefur spilað í fjölda hljómsveita, meðal annars skólahljómsveitinni Trap, Fjötra, Kletta og MS GRM. Trap (1967-70): Hljómsveitin Trap var starfandi á síðari hluta sjöunda áratug síðustu aldar á Ísafirði, meðlimir sveitarinnar voru ungir að árum enda var hún starfrækt í Gagnfræðiskólanum í bænum. Ekki liggur fyrir nákvæmlega hvenær sveitin starfaði en hér er giskað á 1967-70). Meðlimir Traps voru Stefán Símonarson gítarleikari, Rúnar Þór Pétursson gítarleikari, Reynir Guðmundsson trommuleikari, Kristján Hermannsson orgelleikari og Örn Jónsson bassaleikari. Hugsanlega var Einar Guðmundsson í sveitinni upphaflega í stað Kristjáns. Sveitin hefur komið reglulega fram hin síðari ár en skipan hennar hefur verið mismunandi, þannig hafa Ásgeir Óskarsson trommuleikari, Rúnar Vilbergsson og Sigurður Árnason bassaleikari leikið með henni, og sjálfsagt fleiri. English: Rúnar Þór Pétursson (born September 21, 1953 in Ísafjörður) is an Icelandic musician. Rúnar has played in a number of bands, including the school band Trap, Fjötra, Kletta and MS GRM. Trap (1967-70): The band Trap was active in the second half of the sixties in Ísafjörður, the members of the band were young as it was operated at the Gagnfræðiskólinn in the town. It is not known exactly when the group worked, but here it is guessed at 1967-70). The members of Traps were Stefán Símonarson guitarist, Rúnar Þór Pétursson guitarist, Reynir Guðmundsson drummer, Kristján Hermannsson organist and Örn Jónsson bassist. It is possible that Einar Guðmundsson was in the village initially in place of Kristján. The band has performed regularly in recent years but its composition has been different, so drummer Ásgeir Óskarsson, bassist Rúnar Vilbergsson and bassist Sigurður Árnason have played with it, and of course more.
Search Add 33 Grapheaks
Search Add 33 Ingo Scherzinger
Search Add 33 El Ingenuo Implosivo Punk singer-songwriter from Carballo.
Search Add 33 Cate Shanks
Search Add 33 Raye Albate
Search Add 33 Douglas Boyd Studios
Search Add 33 Le Casino Orchestra
Search Add 33 Dragoș Șeuleanu
Search Add 33 Marcel Breazu Romanian bass player from Timișoara, brother of [a=Mihai Breazu].
Search Add 33 Mustafa Kandıralı ve arkadaşları Ensemble led by clarinetist [a=Mustafa Kandıralı]: "Mustafa Kandıralı And Friends"
Search Add 33 Marlin McNichols
Search Add 33 Bozó László Hungarian dramaturge, radio editor, main organizer of [l242203] and university professor. Born: 3 August 1927, Szeged, Hungary. Died: 15 February 2009, Toronto, Canada.
Search Add 33 Peter Yarmouth The founder and the owner of [l=Black & Blue Records]
Search Add 33 L Tortuga Project from [a=Chuck Daar]
Search Add 33 Ephraim Baxter
Search Add 33 Bolesław Gryczyński
Search Add 33 Allen B. Jacobs Producer, primarily associated with [l=Tikva Records].
Search Add 33 Jimmy Ernst
Search Add 33 Rodini
Search Add 33 Kálmánchey Zoltán Zoltán Kálmánchey Hungarian graphic designer, born in 1942 (Alsógöd, Hungary). He is also known as Zoltán Kálmánczhegyi.
Search Add 33 Jean-Jacques Damour Photographer
Search Add 33 Aleksandra Milutinović Aleksandra Milutinović Serbian pop composer/songwriter/producer and guitar player. Sister of [a=Danijela Milutinović]
Search Add 33 Gemma Serpenti Dutch classical cellist.
Search Add 33 Taraful Tică Lătărețu
Search Add 33 Andras Bitay
Search Add 33 Emiel Kamzol
Search Add 33 Coro Di Pietro Carapellucci
Search Add 33 Zofia Skubikowska
Search Add 33 Sigurður Þórðarson
Search Add 33 Talacha
Search Add 33 Toby Hoffmann Tobias Hoffmann Tobias Hoffmann (*1980) is a German poet, musician and singer who lives in Ravensburg, Germany. Company role: [l=Tobias Hoffmann]
Search Add 33 Ole Hempelmann German bassist. Brother of [a5160456].
Search Add 33 Reality テレビ
Search Add 33 Chocolate Cholly
Search Add 33 Dave Wanklin British bassist.
Search Add 33 DJ Uruma
Search Add 33 Mioshe Antoine Martinet Artist from Rennes, France. He's the graphic indentity of the label Eumolpe-Records.
Search Add 33 Sparrow's Calypso Troubadours
Search Add 33 Александр Бурый Александр Бурый Russian music producer and musician, bass guitarist. Born 11th, September, 1975 in Piryatin, Poltavskaya district, USSR.
Search Add 33 Salome Gutierrez R. Salome Gutierrez Renteria Salome Gutierrez Renteria is a well known Composer-Record Producer, founder of San Antonio Music Publishers, Del Bravo Record Shop & [l575810]. He was born in D’Hanis, Texas. His family moved to Mexico when he was a child, later settling in Nuevo Laredo. While in Nuevo Laredo his passion for music led him to become friends with Armando Marroquin of Ideal Records and Jose A. Morante of Norteño International Records. In 1951, he moved to San Antonio to find work. During the day he worked in construction and at night he was the sound engineer for the Norteño International Record Label. In the 1960s he started his first business, S&R Construction Company. In 1966 he opened the first Del Bravo Record Shop on Old Hwy 90 West on the West Side. Soon after he closed his construction company, converted his offices into a recording studio and established his own record label, D.L.B. Records. Gutierrez became a well-known composer and record producer promoting Texas-Mexican music for over 50 years. Gutierrez along with Morante helped launch the career of Flaco Jimenez and also worked with Lydia Mendoza, Valerio Longoria, Los Pavos Reales, Dueto Carta Blanca, Irene Y Fidel and Manuel Guerrero among other groups on both sides of the border. He was known as a historian of music and was often sought out by academia for his knowledge or rare recordings, often found only in his personal collection, however for him it was always about the music. Gutierrez was a true pioneer; he was there at the beginning of commercial Conjunto, Tejano and Norteño music. He realized the vitality of the music of the working class and composed his songs in a vernacular that people could relate to. Seeing a need for a publisher to represent this new market he launched San Antonio Music Publishers and became one of the largest independent Latin catalogs and one of the largest publishers of Tex-Mex music. He composed more than 1,000 songs and recorded over 600 of them. Among some of the most popular were “Mi Negra Suerte”, “La Nueva Zenaida”, “ El Llanto De Mi Madre”, “Kilometro 1160” and “Remordimiento”. Many groups like, Ramon Ayala, Little Joe, Hometown Boys, Los Alegres De Teran, Carlos y Jose and Los Invasores all recorded his songs. Gutierrez’s most famous song, “El Gato Negro”, became his signature song of Grammy winner Ruben Ramos. Gutierrez also appeared in director Les Blake’s 1976 documentary “Chulas Fronteras” and was inducted into the Tejano Music Hall of Fame in 1983 and received the songwriter of the year award as well. He was inducted into the Conjunto Music Hall of Fame in 2012.
Search Add 33 Patrick Campistron
Search Add 33 Irene Koss Irene Koss First broadcaster in German television and actress, born 3 August 1928 in Hamburg, Germany and died 1 May 1996 in Munich, Germany. She was married to [a1052152].
Search Add 33 Uncle Vania
Search Add 33 František Laube František Laube Czech graphic designer.
Search Add 33 Jaee Logan Jackie Kevin Logan aka Jay Logan. Producer, songwriter, vocals coach, musical director, session musician, son of saxophonist [a=Giuseppi Logan].
Search Add 33 Cameron MacPhail Studio Manager at [l=Optimum Mastering] since 2016. Mastering & cutting engineer at [l=Optimum Mastering] since 2022. Lacquer cuts can be identified by [b]CM[/b], often underlined or followed by one or more [b]/[/b].
Search Add 33 Broken JPEG Parker Hawley Musician from Springfield, IL. Began to release music in November of 2020.
Search Add 33 DJ Yellaboy DJ and Rapper from Houston, Texas.
Search Add 33 Alexandre Strambio Alexandre Strambio Brazilian former bass player and vocalist of Rot and owner of [l=Bucho Discos]. Born on October 1, 1970 and deceased due to coronavirus on April 7, 2021.
Search Add 33 Margarita M. Tabares A. Designer
Search Add 33 Awake In The Dew Diego Henrique Jurema Awake In The Dew is an experimental music project formed by Diego Henrique Jurema. The project began in 2005 when Diego started to mix some home recordings with electronic computer elements. The result was a series of albums digitally released between 2007 and 2011. The new phase of Project has beginning since 2012, with a more electronic turn through in new albums development.
Search Add 33 Dopemediagroup
Search Add 33 Soja Calcium Martin Ruyant
Search Add 33 Σταύρος Ζούμπας
Search Add 33 Dakota Blue Dakota Blue is paranoid. His songs have been described as new wave meets gothy pop full of delirious lyrics, delusional synths, and dynamic guitars that form an eerie pseudo-soundtrack and study on various characters caught in a bind. He can be found somewhere in LA.
Search Add 33 Vito Manzari Italian bassist.
Search Add 33 Mardoša Marek Huňát Czech bass player, DJ and writer. Born January 13, 1974 in Prague (former Czechoslovakia). Son of [a=Čestmír Huňát].
Search Add 33 Bartosz Deja
Search Add 33 Sansetatcivil Records Sansetatcivil Rec ( S/R )
Search Add 33 Cobbers
Search Add 33 Tycho Magnetic Anomaly One Industrial electronic rock trio from Christchurch, New Zealand. Active 1991 to 1994.
Search Add 32 Sharon Chai Australian designer and illustrator, based in London.
Search Add 32 Rangasami Parthasarathy
Search Add 32 Lino Vezza
Search Add 32 Cheb Djallal Darsi Djillali Raï singer (b. 26 March 1961, Tlemcen - d. January 2002, Marseille) A protégé of [a3264622], know for his song « Alabas ». Died in a car accident in Marseille.
Search Add 32 Brian '66 Massimo Del Pozzo
Search Add 32 Cornel Graphics Graphic design company located in Vlaardingen, near Rotterdam, in the Netherlands.
Search Add 32 Premiere Graphix
Search Add 32 Charles Leggett
Search Add 32 Liam Feekery
Search Add 32 The Golden Gate Strings
Search Add 32 Mic Itaya Artist and Illustrator
Search Add 32 کوروس سرهنگ‌زاده Kouros Sarhangzadeh was an Iranian pop singer.
Search Add 32 Tymon Mabaleka Tymon Mabaleka Zimbabwean Music Producer. Tymon Mabaleka was a renowned Music Producer from Zimbabwe who played a significant role in shaping the country's music industry. He started his career at Gallo Records in 1975, where he initially worked in sales. Later, he moved to Harare and became a music producer, working with a diverse range of musicians, including Lovemore Majaivana, John Chibadura, Oliver Mtukudzi, Marshall Munhumumwe, Solomon Skuza, Light Machine Gun, Ilanga, Andy Brown, and Fortune Muparutsa. Mabaleka was a prolific producer and created numerous number one hits that were popular across Zimbabwe. His work contributed significantly to the growth and development of Zimbabwean music, and he is remembered as a legendary figure in the country's music history. He died in June 2014
Search Add 32 Felix R Kelvin Colling
Search Add 32 Toha Monstr
Search Add 32 Redaktion Stereoplay
Search Add 32 Galcats
Search Add 32 The Institute For Better Vision
Search Add 32 Giel Bils
Search Add 32 Green Andy
Search Add 32 Filippo Vezzali Filippo Vezzali Italian music producer. CEO and creative director at Filippo Vezzali | Digital Creative Agency.
Search Add 32 Victoria Karlskås Andersen
Search Add 32 Onat Hafız
Search Add 32 Honey Duke
Search Add 32 Nenad Knežević Knez Nenad Knežević Nenad Knežević (Serbian: Ненад Кнежевић) (born December 5, 1967 in Cetinje, Yugoslavia, now Montenegro), widely known by his nickname/stagename Knez is a popular Montenegrin singer. Knez lives in Belgrade. At six years of age, Knez sang "Bio jednom jedan lav" on the Naša Radost Festival in Titograd, (now Podgorica). He was schooled in the same city. Whilst in high school, he began his first band, Visoka frekvencija (English: High Frequency), with guitarist, Leo Đokaj. With the band, he created the songs, "Da l' si ikada mene voljela" and "Kao magija". Later, he created The Moon Band, which appeared on the Montenegrin coast. He later created the Montenegro Band with his father, Milija Knežević. In 1992, Knez began his solo career and appeared at the Belgrade Pop Festival, Mesam, with the song, "Da l' si ikada mene voljela". In that same year, Knez recorded his first album, Kao magija, with the help of former band member, guitarist Leo Đokaj and songwriters, Ljubo Jovović and Zlatko Jovović. In 1994, Knez recorded his second album, Iz dana u dan. In 1996, Knez recorded his third album, Automatic. This album was the highest-selling album. The biggest concert he had in his career was in Sava Center. In 1999, a compilation was released under the name, The Best of Knez, which included 18 old songs, 2 new songs, "Nijedna žena na svijetu" and "Ti ne znaš ko sam ja", and a remix of "Kao magija". In 2000, he competed in the Budva 2000 Festival with the song, Vjeruj, which won the first place. In 2001, Knez recorded his fourth album, Daleko, visoko. In 2003, Knez recorded his fifth album, Ti me znaš. He won the third place at the Music Festival Budva 2006. In 2005, Knez recorded his sixth album, Vanilla. Parallel to his solo career, Knez wrote and produced songs for other performers. The most popular of these would be turbofolk superstar Ceca for whom Knez wrote three songs, including big hits "Mrtvo more" and "Usnula lepotice".
Search Add 32 Jubert Daniel Jubert Hardcore punk musician from Washington, DC area. Also live member of [a=Public Suicide].
Search Add 32 Νάμα
Search Add 32 Ansambl Dragana Beljina
Search Add 32 Wilfried Mann German bass baritone vocalist, died in 2001.
Search Add 32 Jualma Eskorbuto Juan Manuel Suárez Fernández (July 11, 1962 – October 9, 1992), also known as Juanma Suárez, was a Spanish punk rock bassist and singer, founding member of one of the most influential Spanish punk rock bands –Eskorbuto– from 1980 to 1992.
Search Add 32 Slim Dorward Stan Dorward Stan 'Slim' Dorward is New Zealand bass player mainly active in the 1940's - 60's.
Search Add 32 Swamp Temple Solo black metal artist from New Hampshire, USA
Search Add 32 Sandrino Piva Sandrino Piva (born in Castel San Giovanni, 12.10.1939; † died in Paderno Dugnano, 16.12.1994) was an Italian instrumentalist.
Search Add 32 Carmita Jimenez Carmita Jiménez Carmita Jiménez (born August 3, 1939, San Lorenzo, Puerto Rico – died August 10, 2003, Caguas, Puerto Rico) was a Puerto Rican singer who was considered a diva in Puerto Rico.
Search Add 32 Ed Stryszak chicago based recording/mastering engineer, often polka music
Search Add 32 White Blacula
Search Add 32 Stefano Damiani Credited for artwork.
Search Add 32 Nikolaus Moras Illustrator.
Search Add 32 Arek Orosz Experimental musician and harsh noise artist. Also working in illustrations, graphic design and visuals.
Search Add 32 Adi Dechristianize Indonesian visual artist.
Search Add 32 Christopher Wool American artist, born in 1955, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
Search Add 32 DJL! Dan Louie Producer, remixer and event DJ from San Francisco, CA, USA.
Search Add 32 Das Original Schwarzwald-Trio Seitz German Volksmusik (folk music) vocal trio from the Schwarzwald (Black Forest), Southern Germany.
Search Add 32 Chris Prete
Search Add 32 Chase H. Mason Chase Harris Mason American vocalist/musician from Mesa, Arizona.
Search Add 32 Eloise Bryan
Search Add 32 Πέτρος Τζούμας
Search Add 32 Zdeněk Šafář Zdeněk Šafář Czech graphic designer.
Search Add 32 Константин Жиляков
Search Add 32 Sam Blok Quartet
Search Add 32 Lisette Lorenzo President | Owner / Operated by Lisette Lorenzo [l776382] - Art & Design Graphic center in Miami, Florida
Search Add 32 Pathé Marconi To be used for any 'artistic' credits, like photography etc... When credited 'Production Pathé Marconi' please use [l82793] as '[b]Record Company[/b]' in LCCN.
Search Add 32 Hiro-chan Hirota Hiro
Search Add 32 Alex Quero Artwork
Search Add 32 Marci.DH
Search Add 32 Azumi Takahata Japanese translator, credited with the translation of lyrics, particularly on hard rock and heavy metal releases.
Search Add 32 Михаил Васильев-Файнштейн Михаил Борисович Файнштейн Mikhail Borisovich “Fan” Feinstein-Vasiliev (sometimes Vasiliev-Feinstein, Vasiliev or Feinstein, original name is Feinstein; September 12, 1953, Leningrad - November 17, 2013, St. Petersburg) - Soviet and Russian rock musician, best known for as a member of the [a=Аквариум] group.
Search Add 32 David Moloele South African sound engineer.
Search Add 32 Swiss Dark Nights Swiss Dark Nights is an underground darkwave-postpunk-deathrock-electrowave [url=/label/467058]label[/url] and booking agency from Sessa, Switzerland, run by [a=Valerio Lovecchio].
Search Add 32 Claude Arnaud Photograph.
Search Add 32 Noise On The Buses
Search Add 32 Odottan
Search Add 32 Grzegorz Sontowski Bassist for the Polish bands: [a=Guantanamo Party Program], [a=Lost Road], also bassist and vocalist in [a=Paperplanes (3)]. Former member of [a=Poltergeist (23)] and Extinction
Search Add 32 Zlatko Turkalj Zlatko Turkalj Croatian radio journalist and host, artist, producer & organizer.
Search Add 32 DJ LRM
Search Add 32 J.W. Loveday
Search Add 32 Vincent "Fowly" Dillon [l939678]
Search Add 32 Bertil Englund Swedish singer and actor Born May 22, 1936 in Östersund, Sweden
Search Add 32 Maurice Grosjean
Search Add 32 Laico H. Burkhalter
Search Add 32 Miroslav Radovanović Mirolsav Radovanović Miroslav Radovanović was a serbian folk singer (june 1. 1947 - may 21. 2020). His biggest hit was "Ti si žena mog života" from 1973, 500.000 copies sold!
Search Add 32 Raquel Ferreirinha Raquel Ferreirinha Portuguese graphic designer based in Düsseldorf, Germany. Started her own design & media company [l=3rdElement.Designs] in January 2015. Started working as graphic designer & media manager at [l=X7M Records] in April 2018. Born: January 16
Search Add 32 Лия Веледницкая Лия Борисовна Веледницкая Director radio. (1925-2012)
Search Add 32 Tabora Jazz Band The Tabora Jazz Band was a prominent Tanzanian musical group that emerged in the 1960s . The band was based in Tabora, a town in central Tanzania. Led by Mzee Kaseme Kasomo.
Search Add 32 The Court Symphony Orchestra
Search Add 32 Kurtuluş Kurtuluş Türkgüven (January, 1954 in Mersin - July 4, 2009 in Adana)
Search Add 32 Orkiestra Polskiego Radia Orkiestra Polskiego Radia w Warszawie Polish Radio symphony orchestra, founded in 1945 in Warsaw by the violinist and conductor [a=Stefan Rachoń]. Renamed to [a=Polska Orkiestra Radiowa] in 1990. Since May 2019, the new name of the orchestra is [a=Orkiestra Polskiego Radia W Warszawie]. Initially limited to the implementation of recordings for Polish Radio and Television. In the mid-70s of the twentieth century saw the development of the orchestra. In the 1990s during the residency of conductor [a=Tadeusz Strugała] (1990-1993) the name was changed to [a=Polska Orkiestra Radiowa]. The orchestra also moved to a new studio, [l=Studio Koncertowe Polskiego Radia im. Witolda Lutosławskiego]. Since February 2015, it was led by [a=Michał Klauza], and from November 2016 Krzysztof Kur. In May 29, 2019 the name was once again changed to [a=Orkiestra Polskiego Radia W Warszawie]. Orchestra directors: [a=Stefan Rachoń] (1945–1976), (1975–1980, as conductor) [a=Włodzimierz Kamirski] (1976–1980) [a=Jan Pruszak] (1980–1988) [a=Mieczysław Nowakowski] (1988–1990) [a=Tadeusz Strugała] (1990–1993) [a=Wojciech Rajski] (1993–2006) [a=Łukasz Borowicz] (2007–2015) [a=Michał Klauza] (from 2015 as artistic director) Krzysztof Kur (from November 2016 as vice-director, from September 2017 as director)
Search Add 32 Philip Packham Bass player from Coventry, UK. Died Oct. 6, 2018
Search Add 32 Izzad Radzali Shah Izzad Radzali Shah (b.1986) is an autodidact multidisciplinary artist from Singapore. His practice often utilise drawing and painting to make artworks that poke fun at the self and the modern society. Having being inspired by lowbrow cinema recently, he has since shifted to experiment with new media works since 2020. Izzad plays drums for Singapore hardcore punk band, SIAL and has been constantly involving himself in any musical projects as a multi-instrumentalist and also as a recording engineer. Izzad graduated with a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from LASALLE College of the Arts in partnership with Goldsmiths, University of London in 2013. He has participated in group exhibitions at the Gillman Barracks (2018), Ace House Collective, Jogjakarta (2017), and at Singapore’s Mi Casa Su Casa (2014) and The Substation (2013). He was also commissioned by Facebook AiR Programme, Singapore Tourism Board for ARTWALK Little India and the Asian Film Archive for State of Motion in 2018. In 2017 he presented his first solo exhibition 'Matlamat jangka panjang (Long-term goal)' at LASALLE’s Institute of Contemporary Arts Singapore (Project and Praxis Space) and recently, his sophomore solo showcase 'SILA' at Knuckles & Notch, Singapore in 2019. Solo Exhibitions 2019 'SILA: A Risograph and Poster Show' Knuckles & Notch, 14a Bali Lane, Singapore 2017 'Matlamat jangka panjang' Praxis & Project Space, Institute of Contemporary Arts Singapore, Singapore Selected Group Exhibitions 2021 'WROUGHT MATERIAL: AN UNDERGROUND FREAK ART' Monster Valley, Tamaki Makaurau, Aotearoa 2021 'bulanujung: a digital presentation of moving images and text online' www.bulanujung.com 2021 'Singapore Memories' www.bbc.com/storyworks/culture/specials/sgcultureanywhere/singapore-memories 2020 'Intersections' Jendela, The Esplanade, Singapore 2020 'AN EXERCISE OF MEANING IN A GLITCH SEASON' National Gallery Singapore, Singapore 2020 'Pocari Sweat' Gillman Barracks, Malan Road, Singapore 2019 'Home(work) by Proxy' National Design Centre, Middle Rd, Singapore 2019 'Coming Between, Becoming (an exhibition)' Plot, Teo Hong Rd, Singapore 2018 'Fantasy Island' Risograph show at ISLANDS, Peninsular Shopping Centre, Singapore 2018 'River Stories at The Mountbatten' The Riverwalk, Singapore 2018 'Nyanyi Sunyi' Gillman Barracks, Malan Road, Singapore 2018 'State of Motion' Balestier Plaza, Jalan Ampas, Singapore 2018 'Artwalk Little India' Baboo Lane, Singapore 2017 'Buku Mini #2' Ace House Collective, Yogyakarta, Indonesia 2015 'Dark Light' guerilla photography exhibition, at the alley of Independent Archive & Resource Centre, Singapore 2014 'Red Herrings' Museum of Independent Music, Singapore 2014 'Seni Mini' Mi Casa Su Casa, Singapore 2013 'Singapunk Biennale: The Exhibition' The Substation Gallery, Singapore 2013 'Toying Around' Mi Casa Su Casa, Singapore 2013 'Affordable Art Fair: World's Apart' Millenia Walk, Singapore 2012 'Pameran Poskad' Viridian Art House & Galeri Utama, Singapore Residencies 2018 'Artist in residence', pulp.editions, Singapore 2018 'Facebook AIR Commission' Facebook APAC HQ, Marina One, Singapore 2017 'Artist in residence: Dear Punk Person...', The Substation, Singapore Selected Performances 2018 'Black Kaji' in collaboration with Andy Chia and Marla Bendini BlackBox, Goodman Arts Centre, Singapore 2018 'After Ballads' in collaboration with Fyerool Darma National University of Singapore (NUS), Singapore 2018 'Sirna' in collaboration with Wu Jun Han - Text and sound performance NYANYI SUNYI, Gillman Barracks, Malan Road, Singapore 2016 'Live Experimental Film Scoring' in collaboration with Wu Jun Han Night Festival, Objectifs: Centre for Photography & Film, Singapore 2014 'Gulayu Arkestra' experimental sound art Earl Lu Gallery, LASALLE College of The Arts, Singapore 2013 'Sound of Meaning' in collaboration with reAct collective - performance, dance The Guiness Theatre, The Substation, Singapore 2013 'The Sound of Dancing Lights' in collaboration with reAct collective - performance, dance SIA Theatre Foyer, Singapore 2012 'Din Hubbub' in collaboration with Angie Seah, Bani Haykal and Riduan Ali - experimental sound art, performance Earl Lu Gallery, LASALLE College of The Arts, Singapore
Search Add 32 oxone
Search Add 32 Eggs On Mars Four-piece lo-fi garage pop band from greater Kansas City, Missouri, US.
Search Add 32 3 Lions Design Associates
Search Add 32 Lina Ciampolini
Search Add 32 Clément Valdelièvre Clément Valdelièvre French DJ & producer. Founder and A&R of [l=Daydream (4)], [l=Ethernal], [l=Perceive Records] and [l=Supervision (2)]. Contact: cvald@hotmail.fr
Search Add 32 Jack Verdonck Jacques Verdonck Belgian producer, songwriter and former manager of [a=New Inspiration].
Search Add 32 FKA Blandengue
Search Add 32 Glynn Storm South African keyboardist, composer and arranger.
Search Add 32 Cyriel Van Den Hemel Bass player, concert promoter (with his booking agency Europe) and video producer from Vlissingen (Netherlands). Best known for organizing the first [a=Pink Floyd] tours in the Benelux. Died London, 2011.
Search Add 32 Os Futuristas Os Futuristas is a brazilian "conjunto musical" formed in Ijuí (Rio Grande do Sul), on the 28th of June, 1959. It's first lineup consisted of: Arnoldo Huber, Harry Zilmer, Armindo Julio Treter, Rudi Brust, Hélio Michaelsen and Reinhard Treter. Later, on 1961, musicians Plinio Michaelsen and Paulo Wassermann joined the group.
Search Add 32 Os Intrusivos Fortaleza, Brazil Pop Punk with Bubblegum and Punk elements.
Search Add 32 Endang S. Taurina
Search Add 32 Orchester Hans Arno Simon
Search Add 32 Jorge Torrijos
Search Add 32 平川清圀 Kiyokuni Hirakawa. Japanese radio producer for TBS Radio. Credited with liner notes.
Search Add 32 Gianni Ziglioli
Search Add 32 SmithAgentSmith
Search Add 32 Егор Белкин Игорь Николаевич Белкин Soviet & russian guitarist and songwriter.
Search Add 32 Jeffrey Rodman Used to co-own the Sound Factory bar in New York.
Search Add 32 Graham Moores
Search Add 32 Jean Georgieff Photographer
Search Add 32 Orquesta La Tremenda Venezuelan bolero / cumbia orchestra led by José Silva, also known as La Inconfundible de Venezuela or Orquesta La Tremenda De Jose Silva
Search Add 32 Vito Santangelo Sicilian balladeer and guitarist, born 1938 in Paternò, Catania, Italy, died 2014 ibid.
Search Add 32 La Fresa Acida
Search Add 32 Jamie Kiner Production Coordinator for several contemporary Christian releases.
Search Add 32 Nino Marletti Italian singer.
Search Add 32 濱田滋郎 濱田 滋郎 (Hamada, Jiro) Japanese music critic, music researcher, specially in Spanish & Latin music, widely classic to popular. Born 1935 in Tokyo. Died 21 Mar 2021 in Tokyo.
Search Add 32 Николай Шевелев Николай Артемьевич Шевелюхин Nikolai Artemyevitch Shevelev (Shevelyukhin) (1874-1929) was Russian opera and chamber singer, baritone.
Search Add 32 Wendel Costa Wendel Souza Corrêa da Costa Wendel Souza Corrêa da Costa known as (Wendel Costa), is an independent DJ. Born in the state and city of Rio de Janeiro - Brazil. He started his activities as a musician and producer in 2022, has 4 albums and 3 EPs and 20 Singles. Songs with greater successes are: Why They're Talking to Like That and Girl.
Search Add 32 Patrick Ringsborg Danish singer
Search Add 32 Deridoux-Terwagne Duo of accordionists, composed of Ed (or Edgard) Deridoux and Féli Terwagne.
Search Add 32 The Ron Berridge Orchestra
Search Add 32 10 Diamonds Adrian Chivu Adrian Chivu, professionally known as 10 Diamonds, is a Romanian musician, record producer, rapper and songwriter. He began his music career in 2015 in the underground collective "Undercover Records" under the name of Salty. After the group disbanded, he went on to produce for some of the local known names like Macanache and even internationally for Lil B. He founded his own indie label back in 2019 called The Lonely Hearts.
Search Add 32 Bernd Kruck
Search Add 32 Vladimir Plopeanu Romanian engineer, working for [l=Electrecord] in the early '80s
Search Add 32 Г. Старостина Painter.
Search Add 32 Fred6.nl
Search Add 32 문주란 문필연(Mun Pil Yeon) Mun Juran. South Korean female singer. Born 30 Sep 1949, Busanjin, Busan.
Search Add 32 Brandon Gallagher Drummer, vocalist and co-founder of New Jersey hardcore band [a2859401] until his departure in July 2017. Now currently 1/2 of bi-coastal project, Coarse, and has a solo project under the moniker of Trace Amount.
Search Add 32 Ash Wells From Sydney, Australia. Co-founder of [l622504] and [l1008966]
Search Add 32 Daniela Caraman Fotea Daniela Caraman Fotea Romanian musicologist, music critic, radio producer, television editor, music producer. Born May 4th, 1943.
Search Add 32 One Mix Master
Search Add 32 Martin Clayton Credited on Indian Classical releases notes
Search Add 32 Manu Cossu Emmanuel Cossu French designer.
Search Add 32 Miss Godavary
Search Add 32 Effayé
Search Add 32 Orchester Steff Lindemann Orchestra founded by [a4597691] in 1950 as "Kapelle Steff Lindemann", located in Nürnberg (Nuremberg).
Search Add 32 Nico Selen Nico J.J. Selen Founder and principal composer / producer of O.R.D.U.C., Enif Omnivorius, the Bearcage, G.E.N. (2), Drygom, the Cosmic Dream, Mac Music Machine, NoNotes, E.M.M., E.U.C., who is active from 1970. Plays Synthesizers, Guitar, Drums and various Percusion and also sings. Founder of the next labels: New Bulwark Records & Tapes, Stichting Muziek Nieuws (including Pop Eye and IF Records) and Motok. Producer and (remix) engineer from recordings made by: De Fabriek, Solenoid, The Lost Attic, Gerrit Hoekema, Ulois, Kapotte Muziek, Jehova Meltdown, Ooy + Ило, Ило & Freiband.
Search Add 32 Fehér Adrienn Fehér Adrienn Hungarian pop singer.
Search Add 32 GSM Design
Search Add 32 Drahoslav Volejníček Drahoslav Volejníček Czech conductor, composer, producer
Search Add 32 Ben Morss
Search Add 32 Brooke Payne
Search Add 32 Самвел Мхитарян
Search Add 32 Katrin Williams
Search Add 32 Funkonami1 Panos Funkonami Producer, DJ, Turntablist
Search Add 32 Starving For Seven Harsh Noise Wall project.
Search Add 32 Sir Felix Ortega II Multi instrumentalist and Blogger, Glenealy, Ireland
Search Add 32 Raymond Siozade Accordionist and orchestra leader
Search Add 32 Odette De Saint-Maurice Odette Passos y Ortega Mas de Saint-Maurice b. 12 Nov. 1918, Lisbon, Portugal d. 5 Jan. 1993, Lisbon She was a Portuguese writer and translator, having learned to read and write by herself. She began as a novelist, but later specialized in children's literature. She was associated with the Portuguese pre-Revolutionary "Estado Novo" and "Primavera Marcelista" regimes. A Lisbon street now bears her name.
Search Add 32 Junichiro Kawata
Search Add 32 Richard De Silva
Search Add 32 Devran Çağlar Mustafa Dağlar Turkish singer Born 1 april 1964 (Samsun/Turkey) Died 15 august 2019 (Istanbul/Turkey)
Search Add 32 Ancient Bog Attitude
Search Add 32 Dustin E. Peacock
Search Add 32 Pala Brothers Orchestra Chicago active with the [l166416] label.
Search Add 32 Marino Solano Salsa bass player.
Search Add 32 Ljuba Milić
Search Add 32 Lucas Ruggieri American freelance illustrator from Brooklyn, New York.
Search Add 32 ABC Press Photography company.
Search Add 32 Jen McManus Art Direction and Design credits.
Search Add 32 Ансамбль Народных Инструментов Под Управлением А. Кулиева Folk Instruments Ensemble led by [a=Əliağa Quliyev]
Search Add 32 Solo Harmonites Steel Orchestra The band Solo Harmonites has its genesis in 1963 when a group of teenagers from Egypt village, Second Caledonia, Barataria, Trinidad came together to form a steel band, which was originally known as Wonderland. The Band won the 1968 Panorama competition with a rendition of Kitchener’s “Wrecker”. They also won in 1971, 1972 and 1974
Search Add 32 Stewart Eales British engineer and producer.
Search Add 32 Christian Indregard Christian Indregard Drummer, producer, mastering engineer, DJ and designer from Norway. Has played in several Norwegian bands such as Hauk, She 8, The Long Haired Snakes, Lucky Lew, Sailon and Espen Tarberg & Pelsjegerne, and is now active in Wolfram, Bon Scotch and High Powered Mutants. Christian has since the late 90's also been active in the electronic music scene, as Dj Denim and Dj Dongri Kobra, and he is now a producer and remixer operating under various aliases.
Search Add 32 Abangani
Search Add 32 Macedonian Mysterio Lacquer cutting engineer for [l178173] since 2021 — based in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. Identified by the runout hand-etching: [b][i]/ \ / \☆[/i][/b] or [b][i]/ \ / \[/i][/b] or ☆ Since this is a series of symbols denoting an 'M' with a star (sometimes without a star), please don't add it as an Artist Name Variation (ANV). Simply add [i]/ \ / \☆[/i] to the Lacquer Cut By role descriptor in square brackets. e.g. [b]Lacquer Cut By [Runout Etching: / \ / \☆][/b] — Macedonian Mysterio .
Search Add 32 Işıl Öztunç
Search Add 32 Dalek Empire
Search Add 32 Sam Leyja
Search Add 32 Inkmink A.K.A [a=Cyparissus] from Texas.
Search Add 32 Antalovských Czech graphic design and photography collaboration of [a=Daniela Antalovská] and [a=Jiří Antalovský].
Search Add 32 Eduard Parma Jr. Eduard Parma Czech bass player, composer, producer. Founder and owner of the [l=Sokit] (Soul Kitchen) recording studio. Born January 10, 1950 in Prague (former Czechoslovakia). Son of trumpet player [a=Eduard Parma] sr., brother of [a=Jindřich Parma]. Died August 1, 2022.
Search Add 32 Complesso Felix
Search Add 32 Bjørn Kjetil Johansen Bjørn Kjetil Johansen
Search Add 32 Dustin Pilkington Musician in several Austin, Texas bands.
Search Add 32 Rob Bachman Robin Peter Kendall Bachman Canadian drummer, born 18 February 1953 in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, died 12 January, 2023. He is the youngest brother of [a=Randy Bachman] & [a=Tim Bachman] and uncle of [a=Tal Bachman].
Search Add 32 Christopher A. Pirie Co-author of "Artistry in Kenton - The Bio-Discography of Stan Kenton and his music"
Search Add 32 Vida Ramušćak
Search Add 32 Em Bæris
Search Add 32 Борис Заболотских Борис Заболотских (р. 1937 г.) — искусствовед, закончивший Государственный институт театрального искусства им. А. В. Луначарского. В золотом фонде радио, хрянятся, созданные им музыкальные очерки, радиопьесы, посвященные творчеству великих композиторов, певцов, инструменталистам. С радио он был связан на протяжении более 30 лет.
Search Add 32 Victoria "C" Kings
Search Add 32 The Lost Dragon
Search Add 32 Iceferno Alec Brooke Born: 19th October 1988. Multi-genre DJ/Producer from the United Kingdom. Styles include House, Trance, Latin, Ambient, and video game soundfonts.
Search Add 32 The 20th Century Strings In-house orchestra of 20th Century Fox, described as ‘an overwhelming all star orchestra made up of the finest musicians in all facets of the musical scene.’
Search Add 32 Leo Lukassen Dutch artist manager and booking agency tel. 080-232714
Search Add 32 Victory Petera
Search Add 32 Cees Landstra Designer
Search Add 32 Das Orchester Georg Freundorfer German entertainment orchestra directed by [a1444425].
Search Add 32 Čkalja Миодраг Петровић (Miodrag Petrović) Čkalja (Чкаља) (born April 1, 1924, Kruševac, Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes – died October 20, 2003, Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro) was a Serbian actor and one of the most popular comedians of the former Yugoslavia.
Search Add 32 Horace Sadowsky Horace E. Sadowsky American graphic designer (1924-1988)
Search Add 32 Kain van Stone
Search Add 32 Goldfader Alexander Schultz Acid/Big-Beat//Techno producer & dj from Eastern Europe
Search Add 32 Edgardo Trinelli Italian record producer, [l265131]'s founder and [l50372]'s editor-in-chief.
Search Add 32 Alexander Kremertz
Search Add 32 Dick Bos
Search Add 32 Edgard Cirlin Book cover designer & illustrator (1913-1973)
Search Add 32 Beldaroh Grzegorz Piniecki
Search Add 32 Rose Creek Audiovisual
Search Add 32 DDD8
Search Add 32 Rulo Montero Spanish bass player and graphic designer.
Search Add 32 Lee Jung Sun 이정선 born in 1950, DaeGu, Korea. Korean blues singer and songwriter, guitarist. his music is based on the folk-blues style. he debuted as an album '이러저리'. He also led folk-blues groups such as 'Sunflowers' (1975), 'Lee Jung Sun and Balloons' (1979), and 'Shinchon Blues' (1986).
Search Add 32 Eliseo Del Toro Spanish singer from Barcelona (son of Puerto Rican couple based in Spain in 1940s). Brother of [a2884805] and uncle of [a112238].
Search Add 32 Les Wackadous
Search Add 32 Danesadwork Danish visual artwork company
Search Add 32 DJ Bobo James Variant name of Buddha Brand's DEV LARGE, which was mainly used when he presented his work as a DJ.
Search Add 32 Jan Harder
Search Add 32 Jacqueline Cartier Jacqueline Cartier French actress. She was born 22 July 1922 in Paris, France.
Search Add 32 Paul Mark Tams Graphic designer.
Search Add 32 Steven Cowland
Search Add 32 Peter Vanderhallen Peter Vanderhallen
Search Add 32 Израиль Ямпольский Израиль Маркович Ямпольский Israel Yampolsky (1905, Yekaterinoslav or Kyiv - 1976, Moscow) - Soviet musicologist, violinist, teacher.
Search Add 32 Николай Кутузов Николай Васильевич Кутузов (Nikolai Vasilyevich Kutuzov) Soviet/Russian chorusmaster, conductor, composer. Led [a1064555] for more than 50 years. Born 17 April 1926, died 2 August 2011.
Search Add 32 Alice Sexton Former Art Director/Creative Director at [l=Time Life Music].
Search Add 32 Aurel Blondea
Search Add 32 Ascenship Side project of [a=Rubidium Rings]
Search Add 32 Regis Pagniez Graphic designer
Search Add 32 Beyoncé Knowles Carter Beyoncé Giselle Knowles-Carter née Beyoncé Giselle Knowles American singer, songwriter and actress, born 4 September 1981 in Houston, Texas, USA. Daughter of [a=Tina Knowles] and [a=Mathew Knowles], sister of [a=Solange Knowles]. Beyoncé rose to fame in late 1990s as the lead singer of R&B girl-group [a=Destiny's Child], but is now also known as successful solo artist. [b]Only used for credits containing variations of her married name Knowles-Carter.[/b]
Search Add 32 Ara Kekedjian
Search Add 32 Olivier Planeix Olivier Planeix Oldschool Techno & House DJ based in Paris, France. Produced various Dance / House / Techno / Hardcore CD compilation concepts from the early to the mid 1990s, for several French record labels such as [l=Flarenasch], [l=Gravit Records] or [l=Fairway Record]. Known as Planet X since the 2010s.
Search Add 32 Tyson Paoletti Senior Director of Marketing and A&R at [l12328], [l338479], and [l1807]. Also a Real Estate Broker in Washington state.
Search Add 32 L'orchestre De Marcel D'Anella
Search Add 32 David Rochon
Search Add 32 Matt Gauck American illustrator and painter.
Search Add 32 Batuk Nandy
Search Add 32 The Hawaiian Hula Boys U.K studio ensemble apparently created to capitalize on Exotica/Hawaiian music in late 1950's. Only credited member is U.K. guitarist [a=Billy Bell].
Search Add 32 Ed Silvers [b]For the Chicago songwriter, arranger and musician, please use [a549468] with ANV if needed.[/b] American label executive, producer and publisher; East Coast producer for [l13531] (early 60s), vice-president of [l=Viva Records, Inc.] (1966-1971) and CEO of [l41321] (70s). Longtime collaborator of [a120632].
Search Add 32 Jody McFadin Together with [a417628] co-founded [l289573] in 1993 and its sub-labels. This followed their co-founding of the Groove Merchant record store in San Francisco, California in 1990.
Search Add 32 Albert Ayler Quintet
Search Add 32 Russel Neblett
Search Add 32 Gabriel Cuartas Franco Liner notes author on Sonolux releases.
Search Add 32 Jeff Lamont
Search Add 32 Alex Cundari Alessandro Cundari Brother of [a260299]. released numerous digital-only albums on [l377777] in recent years., under a few different aliases (Axel C, Difa etc).
Search Add 32 Carlos Raymond Martínez Carlos Raymond Martínez Dj, Remixer, Producer
Search Add 32 Hans Herzberg German military conductor, arranger and composer. Born: 17 February 1917 in Quedlinburg, German Empire. Died: 04 March 2014 (97 years old). [b]Bands Conducted:[/b] 1. [a1823841] (1956-50's/60's) 2. [a479722] (1962) 3. [a1299845] (1962-1966) 4. [a1406628] (1966-1978)
Search Add 32 Ярослав Громадський Director of GroLis Production Center
Search Add 32 La Pastorita Huaracina María Alvarado Trujillo Malvas, Ancash 12/19/1930 Lima, 2001-05-24 Was an American Andean music of Peru, he sang the north, center and south of the country, this legacy recordings are made ​​from early in his career, known under the epithet Pastorita Huaracina
Search Add 32 George Bussey George Mitchell Bussey, Jr. [b]Disco - soul producer - arranger - songwriter - multi-instrumentalist[/b] Born June 7, 1958, Fort Devon’s MA. Died August 19, 2023, Willingboro, NJ. He has worked with a plenty of artists of the disco era [a=Instant Funk], [a=Linda Clifford], [a=First Choice] etc. He has released an album as [a=George Bussey Experience] with session musicians.
Search Add 32 Bwia National Indian Orchestra National Indian Orchestra of Trinidad and Tobago was founded by its musical director [a=Harry Mahabir].
Search Add 32 Edgar Jackson British musician (drums), bandleader & arranger. Worked as a recording supervisor for UK Decca in 1930s & 1940s.
Search Add 32 Benjamin Hettinga
Search Add 32 Bill Forshee
Search Add 32 Инструментальный Ансамбль п/у В. Воронинского
Search Add 32 Алла Соленкова Алла Георгиевна Соленкова Russian vocalist (soprano). 1928—2005.
Search Add 32 白冰冰 白雪嬅 (born 白月娥) Taiwanese singer, actress and TV hostess, born on May 17, 1955 in Keelung, Taiwan.
Search Add 32 Vlastimila Brčáková
Search Add 32 Jerry Caiafa Gerald Caiafa American bassist. Born April 21, 1959 in Lodi, New Jersey, USA. Older brother of [a=Paul Caiafa]. Father of guitarist [a=Jerry Caiafa II].
Search Add 32 Gianluca Polinori Artwork designer
Search Add 32 1988ダンヒルスペシャル
Search Add 32 I Cospiratori icospiratoriduo@gmail.com
Search Add 32 Therathos Therathos
Search Add 32 Rose Creek Design
Search Add 32 Baranovas Harmonica Ensemble
Search Add 32 Per Engelmann Danish illustrator/layouter - and writer of childrens songs.
Search Add 32 Cliff Audretch, Jr. Originally from Columbus OH, but relocated to Nashville. Father of [a6673574] Managed McGuffey Lane and Sonny Landreth. A&R for the resurrected Monument record label under Sony Nashville in the mid 1990s where he worked with the Dixie Chicks.
Search Add 32 Kapelle Peter Burri
Search Add 32 Jereb Együttes
Search Add 32 Marc Brody An American photographer.
Search Add 32 Stove King Steven William "Stove" King Bassist for English rock band Mansun.
Search Add 32 Sławomir Kwiatkowski SENE is the name given to musical projects created by the composer, multi-instrumentalist, songwriter and producer Sławomir Kwiatkowski. As a teenager, he began his adventure as a musician in the late 1980's, by founding the rock band Laska Prezesa. In 1993, as member of the band Bruno the Questionable, in which he was the composer and guitarist, he recorded the album "Black Horse". At the same time, he stepped into the world of music production, working with many well known artists of the Polish music scene. In 1996, he released his first solo recordings. He moved away from creating songs in favor of instrumental and illustrative music, mainly in the ambient genre.He is a member of the Polish Phonographic Academy ZPAV. In addition to music, Sławomir has written many published works inspired by his worldly travels. Professional photography of nature and various scenery is another passion of his as a result of his many expeditions around the world. He currently settled in Poznań (Poland), working as an independent artist.
Search Add 32 藤村太
Search Add 32 王建傑 Taiwanese singer.
Search Add 32 Armenian Radio Orchestra Of Folk Instruments Ансамбль Народных Инструментов Армянского Радио
Search Add 32 Michael Minerva
Search Add 32 NuFederation
Search Add 32 Lehay Alex Lehay Strelnikov Producer and remixer in styles of deep/funky/latino/soulful house and lounge music. Also known as identity designer.
Search Add 32 Тамара Кутидзе Born September 24, 1987 in Podolsk, Moscow Region, Russia. Russian singer, teacher.
Search Add 32 Pieter Dorrenboom Pieter M. Dorrenboom Illustarator.
Search Add 32 محمد قنديل قنديل محمد حسن (Qandīl Muḥammad Ḥasan) Mohamed Qandil (1929 - 2004) was an Egyptian singer.
Search Add 32 La Camorra! Spanish design studio rom Madrid.
Search Add 32 Endrr Govnogolovy Russian grindcore/noisecore/noisegrind one-man band started by Andrey Vyalov on December 22, 2020. Originally had the name "Endrr Ssvinoyashcher" (Endrr the Piglizard), which was later changed to "Endrr Govnogolovy" (Endrr the Shithead).
Search Add 32 Astrid Stöfhas German visual artist
Search Add 32 Mike Amitin Latin bass player . Died March 30th 2019
Search Add 32 Les Windblows
Search Add 32 Chris B. Murray
Search Add 32 Alex Knoblauch Owner at [l30690] and [l1447966], Label Manager at [l122874] and [l1085399]
Search Add 32 Bernard Mihalić
Search Add 32 Nadine Forster Nadine Forster is a Belgian painter, illustrator, designer and sculptor born February 2, 1931 in Belgium.
Search Add 32 Marius Olmazu Romanian violin player of Roma descent
Search Add 32 Dino 7 Cordas Horondino José Da Silva One of the biggest Brazilian 7-strings guitar players (1918 - 2006), follower of Tute (Arthur de Souza Nascimento, 1886-1951, first introducer of 7-strings guitar in Brazilian choro bands). He joined Regional de Benedito Lacerda in the 40s, and later Regional do Canhoto as 7-string guitar player.
Search Add 32 J.G. Calvados producer and liner notes author for [l33047]
Search Add 32 Léon Bernier Canadian (Québec) pianist, accompanist, conductor, arranger, composer, and teacher born September 6, 1936, in Hull and died October 11, 2011, in Longueuil.
Search Add 32 Pierre Brock Bassist.
Search Add 32 Baby Lilly Baby Lilly (also known as Lilly Baba or Bébé Lilly) is an animated baby girl singer in France. She has released thirteen singles, mainly in French, but several have also been recorded in other languages. She also has four albums and a DVD. Many of her songs have been ranked on top ten hits lists in Lebanon.
Search Add 32 Dennis Herrell
Search Add 32 Elektrovox Czech studio group, featuring some members of [a=Pražský Výběr]. On a few mid-1980s releases it was also used as an alias for the then banned [a=Pražský výběr] itself.
Search Add 32 Nebahat Yıldız
Search Add 32 Franz Bileck Austrian guitarist, composer and orchestra leader He was born July 18, 1926 in Vienna.
Search Add 32 Инструментальный Ансамбль п/у В. Рубашевского
Search Add 32 Jacek Pluta
Search Add 32 Albert Buser Swiss folk musician (Schwyzerörgeli).
Search Add 32 The Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis
Search Add 32 DJ King David David Haze Rapper / DJ from Detroit, MI. He used to be a member of the rapgroup the "Mountain Climbaz".
Search Add 32 Pablo Rumble Spanish designer, founder and owner of the punk label [l101895].
Search Add 32 Rand Forbes Bassist and vocalist.
Search Add 32 Matt Plezier Marcel Palijama Dutch visual artist from The Hague.
Search Add 32 Valia Linou
Search Add 32 Orchestra Sauro Sili
Search Add 32 Industrial Hydrophobia Jacob Levesque Experimental / Noise artist from Auckland, New Zealand. Also runs the net-label "The Dark Thursday".
Search Add 32 Craig Ibarra Worked in the art department of [l=SST Records] from 1987 to 1996. Founded [l=Water Under The Bridge Records] in 2008.
Search Add 32 AlienDuch Thierry dj techno_trance_acid_jazzy drum'n'bass_progressive since 1997/producteur et fondateur D'acid Concept Production. Alienduch a découvert la scène Electronique underground au off de Bourges en 1997 et commença à jouer en France puis Italie et république tchèque. Référence française en dj set techno_acid techno_trance _old school, il joue aux cotés d'artistes nationaux & internationaux tels que 69db, Adam X, Al Ferox, Aaron Liberator, Boucles Etranges, Crystal Distortion, Citizen Kain, Chris Liberator, D.a.v.e The Drummer, David Lagon, Derrick May, Far To Loud, Heretik crew, Interlope, Laurent Hô, Lowkey & Kardinal, The dj producer, Manu le malin, Mempamal, Mik Izif, Micropoint, Radium, Sterling Moss, Solaxid, State Of Mind, Woody Mc Bride
Search Add 32 Detas
Search Add 32 Scarabee Blanc
Search Add 32 Store Inc.
Search Add 32 Trío Los Nativos Argentinian trio, they recorded first as [b]Trío Massobrio-Caldarella[/b] (on label Odéon), then as [b]Trío Los Nativos[/b] (on Víctor) and as [b]Trío Los Pampeanos[/b] (on Brunswick) -- formed by [a1296751] and [a4361527], completed by such tango musicians as José Percuocco (violin), Osvaldo Schelotto (piano), [a1168563] (violin), [a997529] (accordion), or other musicians and singers.
Search Add 32 The Black Stain Artist designer from The Netherlands (EU).
Search Add 32 Vokalni Ansambl "Koral" Serbian vocal quintet performing jazz and ethno music, active during 60s in former Yugoslavia. Members were: Ivan Štajnberger - baritone vocals Jelena Tršić - alto vocals Predrag Pavlović - tenor vocals, solo vocals Miodrag Jakovljević - second tenor vocals Milorad Kuzmanović - bass vocals, arranger
Search Add 32 Debbie Reinberg Music coordinator and business manager for soundtracks.
Search Add 32 Michael Cliffe
Search Add 32 Daniel Gramer German songwriter
Search Add 32 Lori Nicks Loretta Ann Nicks née Loretta Ann Psaltis (former married name Loretta Ann Perry) American rock / pop backing vocalist from Los Angeles. Often worked with her former sister-in-law [a=Stevie Nicks]. Ex-spouse of [a304145] and [a1463676].
Search Add 32 Aceto Sandro Belgian accordion player 82 Rue Baudoux 6210 Ransart 071/34.06.69
Search Add 32 New Collectivism Studio
Search Add 32 Jacek Kruszewski
Search Add 32 AAron Cortez AAron Cortez Hip-Hop visual artist from Dallas, Texas. Owner of [a=Non-Stop Graphics].
Search Add 32 Clarence Lawton
Search Add 32 Gianni Rosa
Search Add 32 Deutschlandradio Kultur Culture-oriented radio station of the German national Deutschlandradio service. From 1994 to March 2005 the station was known as "DeutschlandRadio Berlin". The headquarters is the former [l270438] building. For recording location/copyright holder credits see [l263416].
Search Add 32 Wok22 Yasushi Fuwa Graphic designer for [l=Mono Adapter].
Search Add 32 The Duke Ya Love To Hate
Search Add 32 DJ Nymphon
Search Add 32 Andrzej Turaj
Search Add 32 Henning Labuhn Cord Henning Labuhn Electronic music producer & DJ from Berlin, Germany. Founding member of [a=Robosonic] Founded his own label [l=Outtakes (2)] in 2017.
Search Add 32 Raymond Beats
Search Add 32 Robert Prestegaard
Search Add 32 Gadi Gidor
Search Add 32 Mirko Schmidt
Search Add 32 Federico Avila American guitarist and recording engineer. Active in the DIY hardcore / punk / metal scene in Northern California from the 2000s.
Search Add 32 London Crusader Choir British Evangelical Christian choir from London, England.
Search Add 32 Blue Soldier Budd Dixon Songwriter and producer best known for "(Hey you) The Rock Steady Crew". Sometimes also credited as Budd Soldier.
Search Add 32 Rossini's Accordeon Band
Search Add 32 John Konas Mix-up/confusion [a970731] (was also in [a513667] like two other members) with [a447336] on the two [a1258225] albums
Search Add 32 Trio Boreal Portuguese traditional guitar trio
Search Add 32 Alexandre Gnattali
Search Add 32 Logo 108
Search Add 32 Lenzberg's Riverside Orchestra
Search Add 32 Opwekking This evangelical foundation was established in 1960. Opwekking is an interdenominational organization that is actively involved in preaching the gospel and equipping Christians through reading, song (through cd's and songs in church) and organizing conferences. Over the years, the Opwekking has become a household name in Christian Netherlands. Until 2021, a new series of Opwekking Songs was released every year during the Pentecost Conference. In April 2021 Opwekking announced releasing a smaller selection of new songs at least three times a year. With this new change of concept Opwekking wants to keep relevant and remain current and contemporary for churches.
Search Add 32 Frans Monnoyer
Search Add 32 Nurses With Knives Industrial/Dark Ambient/Noise project from Halifax West Yorkshire formed in 2009, and ended in 2023.
Search Add 31 1%er Formed in June 2010, disbanded in November 2018.
Search Add 31 İlqar Qebeleli
Search Add 31 Brent Block Brent R. Block Bass player
Search Add 31 Mert Albayrak
Search Add 31 The Le Fevre Trio American Gospel group, later know as [a2558053].
Search Add 31 Sava Vukosavljev Sava Vukosavljev (1914-1996) Music pedagogue, conductor, composer and arranger from Zmajevo, Serbia. Founder of Veliki Tamburaški Orkestar Radio Novog Sada, 1957.
Search Add 31 DJ Ragex
Search Add 31 فتح الله المغاري Fath Allah Lamghari (born 1940, Fes) is a Moroccan singer, composer and lyricist.
Search Add 31 Don Gresham Australian country singer, songwriter and rhythm guitarist, born 16 July 1931 in Murwillumbah NSW; died 2 October 2001. In 1965 Don recorded his first EP on the Sunset label, and by 1973 had released three more EPs. He formed his own record label [l897409] in 1974 and was inducted into the "Hands of Fame" in 1985.
Search Add 31 Pete Enriquez Cover design artist for El Zarape Records, Guti Records, and others.
Search Add 31 Sylviaonthehighway Sylvia Johnson
Search Add 31 Peripheral Visionary Nick Melton
Search Add 31 Davis Design Co.
Search Add 31 Christopher Gunson
Search Add 31 My Silent Awakening
Search Add 31 Barbara Longo Graphic designer.
Search Add 31 Philip H.A. Bailey (PHAB) Philip Harry Arnold Bailey Producer, manager, and songwriter from Weybridge, Surrey, UK.
Search Add 31 Scott Langlais
Search Add 31 Romanies This artist does not refer to a specific group of named individuals (such as a band or musical group) but rather defines the collective term for an [b]ethnic group living mostly in Europe, Russia, Turkey, and Egypt, who trace their origins to medieval India[/b]. Please use this "artist" name (or any language variation thereof, via an ANV) for [b]Bohémiens, Cigains, Cigány, Cingaros, Gaygikanès, Gens du voyage, Gipsies, Gitans, Guberti, Gypsies, Kaalés, Kalderach, Kalés, Kelderash, Lovara, Lovari, Manouches, Manus, Roma, Romanichels, Romanies, Romanis, Rômes, Roms, Rroms, Sins, Sintés, Sintis, Tchurani, Tchurara, Ţigani, Tsiganes, Tziganes, Ursani, Zingari, Zigueuners people[/b]. Image legend: Romani woman (prisoner no. Z-63598), imprisoned October 1, 1943. The letter 'Z' stands for 'Zigeuner' or Gypsy. [Auschwitz Memorial Archives.]
Search Add 31 Pulserz Nicolas Delemontez Hardstyle DJ and producer from Lyon, France. Born: February 27, 1992
Search Add 31 Vicious Irie
Search Add 31 Sean 'Marvelous' Morris Label manager for [l=Rattler Records].
Search Add 31 Justin Emerle
Search Add 31 Frank Titterton British tenor vocalist, 31 December 1893, Handsworth – 24 November 1956, London. Also had some film roles in 1930s.
Search Add 31 Magda Durecka Magdalena Durecka Durecka (Born on March 3rd, 1967 in Kluczbork, Poland) is a Polish singer and songwriter.
Search Add 31 Canya Reial Canya Reial is a Hip Hop producer and beatmaker from Paris, France.
Search Add 31 William Bowser William Bowser
Search Add 31 Simone Sistarelli Simone Sistarelli Musician, professional dance artist, social entrepreneur and public speaker. Passionate about inspiring people. Founder of Popping For Parkinson's. Awarded in the Universal Hip Hop Museum Hall of Fame. Original member of the Red Bull Academy UK.
Search Add 31 Петр Стуенко
Search Add 31 John S. Roe
Search Add 31 Aldo Buonocore Italian composer, musician and conductor.
Search Add 31 Fares Naber Designer.
Search Add 31 Lymbo Inc.
Search Add 31 Colin Setches
Search Add 31 Michael Zolotov
Search Add 31 Rima Stasiūnaitė
Search Add 31 Nicos Apostolidis German singer, songwriter and composer, born 2 June 1950.
Search Add 31 Orchester Jack Presburg
Search Add 31 Marc Chainiaux
Search Add 31 Ramjc
Search Add 31 Stu MacQueen Australian music manager / A&R.
Search Add 31 Lenny Carroll
Search Add 31 Bill McCormack Australian singer of the 1950's & onwards. Had his own TV show which lasted three years entitled "Bill McCormack Sings". Was a regularly featured artist on the TV show "In Melbourne Tonight"
Search Add 31 Antsnest Graphics UK design company. For 'Designed At' please use [l=Antsnest Graphics].
Search Add 31 Goa '96 Records
Search Add 31 CityCop Emo/Punk/Post-Hardcore band from Akron, Ohio Changed 2020 their name to "Glass Bones" Max Adams- Guitar/Vocals/Sporadic Movements Eddie Gancos- Vocals/Stomps around Cody Mikesell- Drums/Tries too hard Todd Thompson- Bass/Too hot for his own good ---------------------------- Duncan Treen- Cheese
Search Add 31 Mark James Works
Search Add 31 Mulma
Search Add 31 Inge-Lore Wagener
Search Add 31 Extant Novartis
Search Add 31 Josip Batistić Josip Batistić Croatian tenor (born 1898 Trpanj, Croatia [then Austria-Hungary] – d. 1971 Zagreb, Croatia [then Yugoslavia]. Born in Trpanj on the Dalmatian coast, Batistic emigrated to the United States around 1921. He soon recorded Dalmatian folk songs for [l=Columbia], [l=Okeh], and [l=Victor]. He also performed on Broadway in operettas like "Johannes Kreisler" (1922) and "The Vagabond King" (1925). Around 1950, Batistić returned to Yugoslavia where he played smaller roles in seven movies released between 1951 and 1957. In addition, he recorded a few songs for [l=Jugoton] and Radio Zagreb. He died in Zagreb in 1971.
Search Add 31 George Karathanasis
Search Add 31 Dragan Ivanović Dragan Ivanović Bass player and DJ from Kotor, Montenegro. Current member of Vlado Georgiev backing band and "Mangus"
Search Add 31 Spiritus Vociferer
Search Add 31 Phone Star Management company from Valencia (Spain). Related to [l=Contraseña S.L.] Ph: (+34) 96 383 22 90
Search Add 31 Alessandro La Padula Italian dj, producer and multi-instrumentalist based in Rome
Search Add 31 Maximillian S.W. Kirsten Art direction
Search Add 31 Joseph Heinze Joseph Heinze Musician active in Leipzig, Germany
Search Add 31 Yvo Sprey Yvo Sprey Dutch graphic & sound designer, especially renown from his work on Dutch label [l=Armind]'s record covers. Contact: yvosprey@gmail.com
Search Add 31 Cam Popham Cameron Scott Canadian hardcore/punk/grind bassist.
Search Add 31 Exp Exp
Search Add 31 Magaivers Brazil 2001-
Search Add 31 John O'Fathaigh John O'Fathaigh
Search Add 31 Dorijan Šetina
Search Add 31 Band Of H.M. 1st Life Guards
Search Add 31 Arthur Grimm German photographer, born May 21, 1908 in Rehau, Germany, died June 28, 2000 in Hamburg.
Search Add 31 Mr. B. Rachappa, Mysore
Search Add 31 Естрадний Ансамбль П/К Л. Зайдермана
Search Add 31 Zach Stachura
Search Add 31 Irv Docktor Irving Seidmon Docktor Irv Docktor (July 10, 1918 - February 14, 2008) was a prolific artist and educator best known for his work as a book and magazine illustrator in the 1950s and 1960s. His psychologically arresting and aesthetically distinctive style, featuring angular often overlapping faces executed with a moody palette, made him one of the most instantly recognizable illustrators of his era. An early work on the history of paperbacks identified Docktor and Edward Gorey as executing some of the most interesting and appealing cover designs in the field.
Search Add 31 Mercader De Ideas Spanish Design studio since 1995 based in Madrid.
Search Add 31 Igor Imro Igor Imro Slovak graphic designer.
Search Add 31 Complesso La Ruffa
Search Add 31 Aizawa Sho
Search Add 31 Lazarus Kgagudi
Search Add 31 Tim Juckenack Designer / visual artist at Buerografic (German design company).
Search Add 31 楊宗憲 Taiwanese singer, actor and film producer, born on August 25, 1969.
Search Add 31 Carolin Brandl
Search Add 31 Derrick Spotts Runs the [l480712] label.
Search Add 31 Don Pablo Orchestra
Search Add 31 René Olivares René Olivares Espínola René Olivares is a Chilean painter, born in Santiago de Chile in 1946.
Search Add 31 Daniel Alexandrescu Daniel Alexandrescu Born January 3, 1976, Bucureşti. Romanian singer, song writer & producer for many romanian artists and received along years many prisez for his compositions. Founder of numerous eurodance bands : [a1039765], [a1039766], [a1039759], [a2561610], [a2230376], [a1048451], D'Or, [a1062488], [a1044224], [a986569]. In 1998 joined [a553973] band.
Search Add 31 Yellow1 Creative design agency based in Copenhagen, Denmark. Founded by British [a=Paul Wilson (16)].
Search Add 31 SGM Projekt Gastón Céspedes Experimental electronic act from Chincolco, Chile. Formed in 2004 by Gastón Céspedes and the followed-up as a solo act until 2008 with the release of "Drugs! It Doesn't Really Matters" album, published by the then-popular indie netlabel Remaro Music.
Search Add 31 Raoul Dufy Raoul Dufy French painter, born 3 June 1877 in Le Havre, France and died 23 March 1953 in Forcalquier, France.
Search Add 31 Michael Rophone
Search Add 31 Marek Goebel Polish visual artist, graphic designer, poster author, illustrator of children's books. He graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw in 1975.
Search Add 31 Roland Almlén Eddie Roland Almlén (born as Eddie Roland Karlsson) Swedish, record label owner, keyboardist and bassist, born as Eddie Roland Karlsson on December 22, 1942 in Björkvik, Södermanland, Sweden, died on February 3, 2018 in Oxelösund, Södermanland, Sweden. He married Viveka Holmgren in 1967 and after the wedding the couple changed their surnames to Almlén. Roland Almlén was thereafter from 1972 the owner and producer of the schlager label [l=Roldex]. He also played keyboards and bass. And, as bass player, he had earlier been a band member, as his then alias [a9949042], of [a6630239] in the early and mid 1960s.
Search Add 31 Chris Hamalton Hammond organ player
Search Add 31 Ляля Чёрная Надежда Сергеевна Киселёва aka Надежда Сергеевна Хмелёва Theater and film actress, Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1960). Artist of the theater "Ромэн" / "Romen", dancer, singer of Gypsy songs and romances. Born: February 15, 1909, Nalchik, Russian Empire Died: September 2, 1982, Moscow, USSR
Search Add 31 Charles Meecham American photographer.
Search Add 31 Demonia Secta Μιλτιάδης Κόρδας Electronica Experimental Project Formed in 2018 Located in Athens, Greece
Search Add 31 Allan Delong Allan Klitgaard Jensen Danish bassist. Related to [l1414973]
Search Add 31 Matt Matter Matt Matter Hailing from Dinant, Belgium, Matt Matter start to produce his own music in 2009 and play only live act's, later begin producing and DJing.
Search Add 31 Los Bobby Soxers 1960s raspa-cumbia tropical band from Cali, Colombia.
Search Add 31 محمد راشد الرفاعي Mohamed Rashed al-Rifa'i was a Bahraini singer.
Search Add 31 Collin Sherman
Search Add 31 Auguste Rodin François Auguste René Rodin French sculptor, born 12 November 1840 in Paris, France and died 17 November 1917 in Meudon, Île-de-France, France.
Search Add 31 Åke Söhr Swedish singer. Born August 13, 1921 in Eskilstuna, Sweden — died August 13, 1995 in Eskilstuna, Sweden.
Search Add 31 Leslie Woodgate Hubert Leslie Woodgate Hubert Leslie Woodgate OBE (15 April 1900 – 18 May 1961) was an English choral conductor, composer, and writer of books on choral music. Order of the British Empire in 1959. He was born in London. In 1928, he joined the BBC; in 1934, was appointed BBC Chorus Master, taking responsibility for the BBC Chorus, the BBC's large amateur chorus, and the Wireless Chorus and Wireless Singers, made up of professionals (see [a2321736] and [a705201]). That same year, he conducted the world and broadcast premiere of A Boy Was Born by Benjamin Britten. During the 1930s, he was Musical Director of the London and North Eastern Railway Musical Society. He was director of the [a2519764], a popular singing group on BBC radio during and immediately after the War. In 1946, he conducted the Wireless Chorus at a Henry Wood Promenade Concert in William Walton's Where Does the Uttered Music Go? Most of his compositions were choral works, but he sometimes wrote for instrumental and orchestral forces. His Op. 1, Hymn to the Virgin and The White Island for male soloist, male choir and orchestra, earned him a Carnegie Prize in 1923. He was an enthusiastic promoter of both amateur and professional singing: his Penguin Song Book of 1951 appears to have been the first musical score published by Penguin Books, and was directed at amateur singers.
Search Add 31 Kelly Frei Kelly Frei Kelly Frei was born on 23 July 1991 in Vechigen, Switzerland.
Search Add 31 Xesco Boix Francesc Boix i Masramon Francesc Boix i Masramon (1946 - 1984) was a Catalan folk musician and singer, brother of [a2844070].
Search Add 31 Carlitos Peredo (d. Sept. 2021) Bolivian saxophone player.
Search Add 31 Daniel Gene Potter Dan Potter Dan Potter is a Canadian born multi-instrumentalist who has released several LP's and EP's independently.
Search Add 31 Jeneral Kai
Search Add 31 Jacques Arnoul French singer, born on 1943 in Bayonne, France. Founder of the label [l862435].
Search Add 31 Juan Marcos Avila
Search Add 31 Philipp Dittmar Philipp Dittmar Graphic designer, musician, DJ and co-founder of [l=Verydeeprecords] based in Nuremberg, Germany
Search Add 31 Edgardo Franco Edgardo Armando Franco (Panama City, September 27, 1969), better known as El General, is a Panamanian singer retired from reggae in Spanish. The General is credited for helping to spread the music of Panama in the 1990s, due to many of his songs. The General retired in 2004 from the music industry. Before becoming famous, he was and is now a Jehovah's Witness.
Search Add 31 مها عبد الوهاب Maha Abdel Wahab was a Syrian singer.
Search Add 31 Gai Fong Photographer.
Search Add 31 Kohei Sugiura 杉浦 康平 Japanese graphic designer and university professor. Born September 8, 1932.
Search Add 31 Hideout Productions American production company founded by [a1311609].
Search Add 31 Leszek Rudnicki
Search Add 31 Sat Ram Bradley
Search Add 31 Franz Dondi Franz Dondi was the bassist for the Italian Progressive rock group [a=Acqua Fragile] from 1971-75. He has a band today called the Acqua Fragile Project which plays the songs of the original '70s band but has a completely different lineup.
Search Add 31 Strange Ballistic Gateway
Search Add 31 Susheela Tembe
Search Add 31 Anne Fulchino
Search Add 31 Ανακρέων Καναβάκης
Search Add 31 Negative Øhio Norwegian duo of [a3330519] and [a3329817]. Both have been in [a4703274].
Search Add 31 June Productions Of Australia Pty. Ltd. Australian Production company established by industry heavyweight [a=Ron Tudor]
Search Add 31 Bert H. Bevis
Search Add 31 Béla Zsoldos
Search Add 31 Rudy Plaate Rudy Plaate was born in 1937 and is known as the “singing greengrocer” of Curaçao, who sang of his love for the island on his big hit “Atardi" which has become his country’s unofficial national anthem. He was a versatile man who ran a shop and a plantage, and he also found success as a tennis player. As a singer and songwriter, he was a passionate champion of songs in the local Papiamento language. He also became known through his jingles in his native language and ads tailored to the local culture.
Search Add 31 Animetalphysical
Search Add 31 Anton Chasm Restless from the underground of Philadelphia's thriving dance music community came exceptional DJ / producer, Anton Chasm. A veteran of the rave scene since to the early '90s, Chasm began in 1994 as one of the original 'Pure Children' DJs. Chasm quickly flourished, initially playing incredible Breaks and Drum & Bass sets at massives throughout the U.S. in the late 90s. Anton Chasm began evolving in 2001 with his first 12" EP release 'SA001' on Sound Alliance Recordings. Today, his sound is eclectic, with his signature style. Look for all that is musical, with passion wrapped in pure talent and you will find Anton Chasm. SOUND ALLIANCE RECORDINGS LLC is a Philadelphia based dance label with an 8 year history of successful releases. The label encompasses an eclectic variety of genres, bringing some of the finest upcoming artists to the forefront of the electronic music scene. Some artists featured on the label include Anton Chasm, Nick Narouz, SkyHi, Passable Plastic, Someone Else, Max Dietrich and more. Sound Alliance Recordings is licensed and distributed worldwide. Label Manager: John Lang email: john@soundalliance.com A&R: Christopher Ford email: chris@soundalliance.com Promotions: Devon Hans email: devon@soundalliance.com Bookings: Paul Williams email: paul@soundalliance.com
Search Add 31 Bob Sarenpa Robert Henry Sarenpa American record executive. Born: 1930 in Minneapolis, Minnesota Died: January 13, 2008 in St. Petersburg, Florida
Search Add 31 Chanan Winternitz
Search Add 31 Leon Synmoie Jamaican Producer, owner of the label [l135241]
Search Add 31 Zabavni Orkestar Zabavni Orkestar Today: Orchestra of the Croatian Radio and Television Broadcasting (HRT). The Music Production Team of the HRT is divided into the Jazz, Tambura and Symphonic Orchestra including the HRT Choir.
Search Add 31 Diathyrron
Search Add 31 Ordermark Проект экспериментальной электронной музыки из Нижнего Тагила, существовавший с 2013 по 2016 год.
Search Add 31 Gary Abbot
Search Add 31 ラジカルERROR_001 ラジカルERROR_001 is a vaporwave / experimental eccojams producer from Sydney, Nova Scotia.
Search Add 31 Artur Prosvört
Search Add 31 Acid Driver Joao Nathis [a=Acid Driver] is a variation from [a=MC Johnny Def] for Acid House productions and remixes without vocals by himself.
Search Add 31 Kire Mitrev Macedonian trombone player.
Search Add 31 Mark Proct Mark Proct has seen it all in the Austin, Texas music scene. Over the years he’s been a sound man, bus driver, promoter, and band manager, working with the Fabulous Thunderbirds, Jimmie Vaughan, Doyle Bramhall II, and more.
Search Add 31 Stéphane Heurtaux Graphic designer, illustrator and photographer.
Search Add 31 Alex Jarlev Alexander Jarlev
Search Add 31 Stig Berggren Swedish record sleeve designer
Search Add 31 Jan Tymiński Photographer
Search Add 31 Dagmara Hájková
Search Add 31 สันติ ดวงสว่าง Chare Phuthong (จเร ภู่ทอง) Born: January 10, 1968 (Sak Lek District, Phichit, Thailand) Died: November 4, 2016 (Bang Phli District, Samut Prakarn, Thailand) Santi Duangsawang, nicknamed nowadays the "godfather of sweet music" (เจ้าพ่อเพลงหวาน) is a Thai Luk-thung singer, mostly known for his Luk-thung songs covers from 1988 to 1995 and for being the first singer to begin the "Top Hit Lukthung Mattrathan" (ท็อปฮิตลูกทุ่งมาตรฐาน) album series. He was also the first Lukthung artist on the [url=https://www.discogs.com/fr/label/227915-RS-Promotion]RS[/url] label.
Search Add 31 Kai Lerner Product manager at [l38506].
Search Add 31 George Mițin-Vărieșescu
Search Add 31 Keath Moon
Search Add 31 Los Silver Star Group from Honduras created in 1962 in Goascorán by [a6826836]. They moved to La Lima in 1968 where they were managed by [a7235589]. They toured in the USA where they recorded their first LP. Still active after 50+ years and several changes in the line-up.
Search Add 31 Roy Chaney Roy Joe Chaney Bassist
Search Add 31 Orkiestra "Syrena-Record"
Search Add 31 Tara Bryan Tara Podolsky Bryan Associate Director, A&R Administration at The Island Def Jam Music Group (July 2000 - Present) Coordinator, A&R Administration at Arista Records (May 1999 - July 2000) Production Assistant/Assistant Engineer at Avatar Studios (1996 - 1999)
Search Add 31 Nicholas Constantino Nicholas N Constantino Designer/visual artist based in Portland, Maine. Performs music as [a=Lexemes]. Founder of the labels [l=Grimoire Cassette Cvlture] and [l=Orcus Editions]. Co-founder of the label [l=This Blessing This Curse Recordings]. Connoisseur of high-quality pizza rolls.
Search Add 31 Nationhood
Search Add 31 Nghiêm Phú Phi
Search Add 31 Algirdas Ločeris Lithuanian accordionist. 1926 – 2007.
Search Add 31 Jacques Bontje Dutch sleeve designer associated with [l=Habo].
Search Add 31 Александр Афанасьевич Спендиаров Alexander Afanasyevich Spendiaryan (Spendiarov) (Armenian: Ալեքսանդր Սպենդիարյան, Russian: Александр Афанасьевич Спендиаров, November 1, 1871, Kakhovka, Russian Empire – May 7, 1928, Yerevan, Armenia) was an Armenian music composer, conductor, founder of Armenian national symphonic music and one of the patriarchs of Armenian classical music. His compositions include the Almast opera and the Yerevan Etudes among others.
Search Add 31 Karin Preus Designer Has worked at Abraxas Studio, Madison, WI
Search Add 31 Franz Seiffert German orchestra leader
Search Add 31 Permanent Marker
Search Add 31 Pat Matteis
Search Add 31 Blood Noize American punk band, based in Columbus, Ohio.
Search Add 31 Gonçalo Hln Gonçalo Alves Costa Gonçalo started working as a freelancer designer in 2008. His work is based in a visual thinking process, always trying to push ideias to the limit. He is specialised in music related graphics, like Poster events, Vinyl artwork covers and labels. There is also space for Branding, Editorial, Web and Photography. - Gonçalo is a well-known figure in the Portuguese underground scene, mostly for his sets and as the owner of the Helena imprint. A digger by nature, it’s his passion for discovering new music that keep his performances fresh and exciting. A few big references like Juan Atkins, Daniel Bell, Moodymann, Theo Parrish, and DJ Harvey place him well in-sync with the history of house and techno music from the cities of Detroit, Chicago, New York, and London.
Search Add 31 Bilal Allah
Search Add 31 Amir Ghulam Sadiq
Search Add 31 Cleve Laing Cleve Laing
Search Add 31 محمد القباري Mohamed al-Qabari (born 1937) was an Egyptian singer from Alexandria.
Search Add 31 John Wight
Search Add 31 大石始 大石始 Hajime Ōishi. Japanese music writer and editor. Has written books on Japanese festival music, Korean rock, etc.
Search Add 31 Jon Sulkow Jon Sulkow Bass and keyboard player in [url=http://www.discogs.com/artist/Dear+Leader]Dear Leader[/url]. Before Dear Leader existed Jon Sulkow did some artwork and photography on [url=http://www.discogs.com/release/701144]a[/url] [url=http://www.discogs.com/release/671703]couple[/url] of [url=http://www.discogs.com/release/671706]releases[/url] by [url=http://www.discogs.com/artist/Sheila+Divine,+The]The Sheila Divine[/url] (the previous band of [url=http://www.discogs.com/artist/Aaron+Perrino]Aaron Perrino[/url], the vocalist of Dear Leader). Also, back when it was still Aaron Perrino's solo project, Jon did the artwork on the [url=http://www.discogs.com/release/701162]first Dear Leader album[/url].
Search Add 31 Aaiesieux
Search Add 31 C. M. Lord Catherine Mitchell Lord Soul singer - songwriter - producer
Search Add 31 The Two Gilberts Lead singer and half of the duo is [a1048149]. The other member was sometimes Leslie Rome or another singer.
Search Add 31 Le Feu Aux Poudres Collection of french bawdy songs. At least 17 releases. First 10" records released in1956 and 1957, the 12" LP's and cassettes in the 70's. Each record shows a 18's or 19's century painting.
Search Add 31 Horst Seeger German musicologist, music critic, publisher, playwright and director, born 6 November 1926 in Erkner, Germany and died 2 January 1999 in Dresden, Germany.
Search Add 31 Hat Hut Records, Ltd. Swiss indepentant record company, founded by [a=Werner X. Uehlinger] in 1975. Please use one of the labels from the [l27173] page. For copyright credits see [l270752].
Search Add 31 Jasna Kočijašević Jasna Kočijašević Born 20.2.1951
Search Add 31 Александр Матвеев Graphic artist
Search Add 31 Proprius S. Krysenko An artist, guitarist, writer and musician
Search Add 31 Jorge Manuel Tafur Jorge Manuel Tafur Ampuero Peruvian Composer and Producer
Search Add 31 Steve Spinella Guitar player,producer
Search Add 31 Michael L.L. Muman Michael Buchner
Search Add 31 Olivier Goulon
Search Add 31 Bahman Tirgan
Search Add 31 Alena Boykova
Search Add 31 Carolin Spatz Schlager singer, voice actress and director for radio plays
Search Add 31 Deborah DeStaffan
Search Add 31 Jared Moran Prolific artist and producer in Mississippi, USA Owner and operator of [l=Speed Ritual Records] and recording studio [l=The Tomb, Mississippi]
Search Add 31 Leyla Nur
Search Add 31 Friedrich Reder German radioplay director and producer.
Search Add 31 Marc Harkness Art Director, Illustrator, Graphic Designer and owner of [a=Harkness Design]. He currently lives in Asheville, N.C. Born in Panama, moved to the U.S. at age 18, studied journalism and political science, and transitioned into graphic design
Search Add 31 Angel Aníbal Rosado Ángel Aníbal Rosado García Peruvian musician, singer and composer. He was born on May 4, 1942 in Huamalies Street in Los Barrios, Lima. He died in Lima on September 10, 2008. Author of compositions such as "Ruperta", "Cariñito", "False indifference", among many others, was perhaps one of the few talents that made his music transcend borders. So his theme "Stupid of Me" was used in the film "Falling Down" for Warner Bros. Also various foreign artists popularized their themes at various times, which filled him with pride.
Search Add 31 T. R. Visvanatha Iyer Maharajapuram Viswanatha Iyer Maharajapuram Viswanatha Iyer (Tamil: மகாராஜபுரம் விசுவநாதையர்) (1896–1970) was one of the great Indian Carnatic vocalists.[1] He won several awards including Sangeetha Kalanidhi and Sangeetha Bhupathy.
Search Add 31 Onitrevnoc
Search Add 31 Howard Reeves
Search Add 31 J. Sarnecki Polish graphic artist, whose works were also used on advertising sound cards in the 1960s / 70s
Search Add 31 Kembara
Search Add 31 Monique Van Moer
Search Add 31 Franklin Would Francis Brisebois Artist / DJ / producer from Montreal, Quebec. also part of Drift Club and For My City https://soundcloud.com/driftclubphonk https://formycity.bandcamp.com/
Search Add 31 Aren Thal'mar
Search Add 31 Eggert Stefánsson
Search Add 31 Clifton "Bigga" Morrison Clifton Morrison Pianist also known as [i]Bigga Morrison[/i] who worked with [a10352] as part of the [url=http://www.discogs.com/artist/580460-Arabs-The]Arabs[/url], the group who then went on to form [a85421].
Search Add 31 Detský Zbor Čs. Rozhlasu V Bratislave Children's Choir of the Czechoslovak Radio in Bratislava. Formed in Czechoslovakia. See also Czech [a=Dětský Sbor Čs. Rozhlasu] (Children's Choir of the Czechoslovak Radio in Prague).
Search Add 31 George Boornazian George E. Boornazian American illustrator and photographer. Born in 1930, in Queens, New York; died March 16, 2017, in Franklin, Massachusetts.
Search Add 31 Werner Rygol Producer and founder of [l=Weryton]
Search Add 31 Supreme Starlite Band The band from which the Vis-a-Vis Band evolved.
Search Add 31 Funeral Demon One-man depressive black metal band from Holon, Israel.
Search Add 31 Harry Waine Graphic designer.
Search Add 31 Acs Fehling Design agency.
Search Add 31 Francesca Cassavetti Designer
Search Add 31 L'Agneby Jazz
Search Add 31 Mister Morris HipHop from Jülich, Germany.
Search Add 31 Richard Upper Photographer. See also: Black Sun (38).
Search Add 31 The Refounders therefoundersband@gmail.com
Search Add 31 Johnny O Rocket
Search Add 31 Greig Smith Greig Smith
Search Add 31 Marie Fišáková Marie Fišáková Czech graphic designer.
Search Add 31 Orchestra Angelo Camis
Search Add 31 Arc V 666 Mikael Arnkil Drummer from Helsinki, Finland.
Search Add 31 Mike Spalla
Search Add 31 Herbert Xulu South African studio producer, arranger
Search Add 31 Complesso Spring
Search Add 31 Arnošt Herman Conductor (kapelnik) of a well-known Czech band, [a=Hudba Sokola Žižkovského], the Sokol band from Žižkov, a district of Prague. Herman made numerous recordings with this band for [l=Columbia], starting around 1908. By 1915, he was conducting the [a=Hudba C. K. Privilegovaných Sboru Měšťanských Ostrostřelců V Praze], the band of the Municipal Sport Shooters Club of Prague.
Search Add 31 Иса Эсамбаев
Search Add 31 Canadian Zephyr
Search Add 31 Alessia Issara Credited for Design at label [l=Meloclassic]
Search Add 31 Richard Steven Socop Richard Socop Music Producer, Songwriter, and founder of the Independent record label [l2599849] based out of the Greater Sacramento Area.
Search Add 31 Mayra Marti Moira Elisa Martínez Álvarez Venezuelan singer and actress, born in Puerto La Cruz on June 2, 1954.
Search Add 31 Bryan Hemming Graphic designer Designed several albums for [a125989]
Search Add 31 Bobby Cudd
Search Add 31 Goran Mačužić
Search Add 31 100 Tagú Budapest Cigányzenekar
Search Add 31 จิตรกร บัวเนียม
Search Add 31 Rockers Master
Search Add 31 Robin Healing Robin Mark Ayling
Search Add 31 The Singing Cookes Southern Gospel group from Virginia. The Cooke family recorded their first several albums as [a=The Cooke Duet].
Search Add 31 Jacques Volcouve
Search Add 31 Peter Thorslund Danish metal bassist
Search Add 31 Alex Strehl
Search Add 31 Way of the West
Search Add 31 Alicia Carrera Spanish graphic artist and DJ, founder of [l=LIO Press] imprint and co-founder of [l=Maga Circe Musica].
Search Add 31 Compotech
Search Add 31 Nightjar Illustration Adam Burke Painting & illustration by Adam Burke.
Search Add 31 Orchester Eric Bachmann
Search Add 31 Jocelyn Perreau Jocelyn Perreau Jocelyn Perreau was a Sega singer from the Seychelles. He was born on 4 June 1950 in Mauritius and died on 31 August 2001 at the age of 51 on the Seychelles.
Search Add 31 Igor Hofbauer Igor Hofbauer (Zagreb, 1974) is an illustrator and a comics author whose name and unique visual expression is mainly connected to the famous Zagreb club Močvara for which he has been designing posters and programs from the club’s beginning. As a comics author, he was first published in the collective publication Komikaze, and then, most recently, published Prison Stories in Croatia by Otompotom, in Portugal by the Chili con Carne editions, and in Belgrade by Fabrika Knjiga (edition Studiostrip). In 2004 his posters were published in The Art of Modern Rock: The Poster Explosion, a luxury compilation of recent world rock posters, which includes the most important works of over 350 international artists. In collaboration with the writer Edo Popović, Igor Hofbauer has also published four volumes of short illustrated stories: Klub, Ako vam se jednom…, Gospa od Bluda and Betonske priče. He developed the scenography for a few theatre productions and the complete graphic identity, animated credits and jingles for the television show Briljanteen. His posters have been exhibited in France (Lille, Grenoble), Switzerland (Geneva), USA (Portland), Slovenia (Ljubljana), Croatia (Zagreb, Vinkovci, Dubrovnik) and Serbia (Belgrade, Pančevo, Novi Sad, Subotica). The style of his posters and drawings is instantly recognizable, based on a combination of classic American comics and film noir, pop art, German Expressionism, and Russian Constructivism, cleverly connected by the hand of a developed drawer.
Search Add 31 Adam Overett
Search Add 31 Leeloud
Search Add 31 Jan Pospieszalski Jan Franciszek Pospieszalski Polish musician, arranger, composer and journalist.
Search Add 31 Bee Gee Tavern Band American polka band, led by "Polka King" and violinist [a=Bill Gale]. The band recorded for [l=Vocalion (2)], [l=Okeh] and [l=Columbia] from the late 1930s to the early 1950s.
Search Add 31 Winter + Bischoff Helmut Bischoff was born 6 March 1926 in Seckbach/Odenwald. From 1947-51 he studied at the Karlsruhe Akademie. In 1951 he founded the studio Winter + Bischoff at Dreieich, near Offenbach a.M.; designed for pharmaceutical firms and publishers. c1965: head of the Weinheim publisher Beltz. From 1965: devised book-teaching projects for the Stuttgart publisher Klett.
Search Add 31 George R. Murphy Executive Producer for modern soul releases (1981-1989). Owner of the companies [l=8 mile - John Lodge Productions] (since January 9, 1981) and [l=8 Mile - John Lodge Studio]. Also appearing as George K. Murphy at an online company registration.
Search Add 31 Ron Di Iulio Ronald Francis Di Iulio American keyboardist, songwriter, arranger and producer. Also Director of the University of North Texas Astronomy Laboratory Program and planetarium.
Search Add 31 White Blackmail Alexandre Boudreau
Search Add 31 Iliasro
Search Add 31 Mayang Sari
Search Add 31 Nubian Image
Search Add 31 Mersinli İsmail
Search Add 31 Alan Hynes
Search Add 31 Carl "Rocky" Gibson Carl Gibson
Search Add 31 Jorge Portunato Jorge Carlos Portunato Argentinian musician, producer ("director artístico"), and composer.
Search Add 31 Carlos Alberto Sion
Search Add 31 August Beetschen American musician and visual artist from Chicago, Illinois.
Search Add 31 David A. Van Dyke New Jersey For Michigan songwriter, use David Van Dyke (4)
Search Add 31 The Wonder Choir
Search Add 31 Ronald Seibt Label heads of [l=HHV], record store and online vinyl mail order company from Berlin.
Search Add 31 Finian Patraic
Search Add 31 MX-Designs
Search Add 31 Dick Boyell Richard S. Boyell Richard "Dick" Boyell (September 21, 1923 - January 8, 2011) was a Chicago jazz composer, arranger and musician. He began his career as a musician in Chicago's legendary Pump Room, going on to become a premier producer of music for the ad industry, doing work for Purex, Helene Curtis, Kimberly-Clark, Allied Van Lines and U.S. Sprint, his best known work is "Music To Think By", which underscored a number of popular mid-'60s US TV ads for the World Coffee Organization. He also made a few singles under his own name, as well as the 1970s Chicago jazz/funk project [a=Ju-Par Universal Orchestra], with [a=Bruce Swedien].
Search Add 31 Nahuel Rando Nahuel Facundo Rando Nahuel Rando nace en Buenos Aires, en 1980. Comienza sus estudios formales de dibujo, en el taller de Historietas de Enrique Alcatena, y finaliza sus estudios en la escuela de Bellas Artes “Manuel Belgrano” Cursa en la escuela de Cine de Animación de Avellaneda, y participa en los seminarios de pintura de Luís Felipe Noé. Publica en su revista independiente “La Quimera”. En el año 2003 Ediciones de la Flor edita “Las Aventuras de Recontrapoder”. Historieta Co-dibujada con F. Noé. La obra es expuesta en Galería Rubbers Espacio Ateneo y Estudio Abierto. Produce cortometrajes animados recibiendo premios y menciones. En el año 2004 funda junto a Ximena Larrain “Naranja Radiante”, productora, con la que realiza, animación, video arte, diseño para sellos discográficos y video clips, exponiendo en eventos como “Fuga”, “Expotrastiendas” y “Fase Encuentro”. Desde el año 2006 realiza muestras individuales como “Fluorece Gran Mentiroso” presentada en la Galería Transarte de Giesso/Budich, “Promesas y realidades” en el “C.C. Marcó del Pont”, “Social Man Figter” en Galería “Popa” y “La Nube en el C.C. Borges. Actualmente Rando incursiona en la obra interactiva, videojuegos y la mixtura del dibujo con los nuevos lenguajes.
Search Add 31 Studenten-Ländlerkapelle Bern
Search Add 31 Skeleton Bones Ghoulie
Search Add 31 Damian Genuardi Damian Genuardi
Search Add 31 L-Space Design Design agency. If credited for a company role (e.g. designed at...) use the company profile [l=L-Space Design].
Search Add 31 Branka Šćepanović Branka Šćepanović Folk singer from Montenegro. Born in Kolašin 6.4.1951
Search Add 31 David Dhawan
Search Add 31 Marcello Crescenzi Marcello Crescenzi Italian illustrator from Rome, Italy.
Search Add 31 Dontsee Turkey
Search Add 31 Julien Bonicel
Search Add 31 Dale Reed Dale Reed
Search Add 31 Roel Siebrand Designer & photographer.
Search Add 31 Bogdan Palenciuc
Search Add 31 Lizzie Chettleburgh
Search Add 31 Zuukou 667
Search Add 31 Pete Daily's Dixieland Band
Search Add 31 Peter White Pancho
Search Add 31 Przemysław Blejzyk
Search Add 31 Ramon Daniel Garza Mexican sound engineer, composer, producer from Monterrey
Search Add 31 Ivan Tidswell New Zealand engineer.
Search Add 31 Hanny J Hannah J Tilbrook Singer/songwriter, guitarist and bassist from Melbourne, Australia. Formerly Dreaded Rear Animal, Pretty Boys, Goosebumps, Billsharks and Midwife Crisis Performs electronic pop music under [a=Crux (27)]
Search Add 31 Grupo Alegria de Huancayo Band formed in Huancayo, Peru in 1978-1979, led by [a5524854]
Search Add 31 Hellish Razor Artwork / graphics / cover design artist.
Search Add 31 Enzo De Simone
Search Add 31 Oğuz Zulik
Search Add 31 Eduardo Kobra Eduardo Kobra (São Paulo, August 27, 1975) is a Brazilian artist. He started his career as Street Art, then became a Muralist. He also creates works that simulate dimensions. Kobra became known for the "Muro das Memorias" project in São Paulo in 2007, where he portrayed old scenes of the city. In addition to the capital of São Paulo, several Brazilian cities have his works. He also has works in other countries, such as England, France, the United States, Russia, Greece, Italy, Sweden and Poland.
Search Add 31 Ling Xiao
Search Add 31 Maurício de Oliveira Mauricio de Oliveira was born at Vitória, Espirito Santo, Brazil on July 19, 1925 and died on September 1, 2009. He was a great Brazilian guitarist. Mauricio is the father of guitarist [a4570288] and grandfather of [a3960999]. Mauricio was the first Brazilian to record the complete works for guitar by [a691665]. In 1955 participated in the "V World Youth Festival" in Warsaw, Poland, has been awarded with the song "Canção da Paz". In 2006 he received on stage at the Teatro Carlos Gomes, the Taru Award, designed to honor outstanding personalities of the Espírito Santo state's culture. In 2008 contracted Alzheimer's disease and died in Vitória, ES, Brazil, on September 1, 2009.
Search Add 31 Brutal Disorder Logos Graphic design and artworks studio.
Search Add 31 AYITC Ocular Signals Department Visual department of the label [l=A Year In The Country]
Search Add 31 Lindsay Heard US tenor gospel singer
Search Add 31 Werner Krupski
Search Add 31 Pandit Shivram
Search Add 31 Mijat Božović Famous Serbian composer, songwriter, arranger, producer and editor in [l=PGP RTS] (Zubin Potok, 1941 – Kosovska Mitrovica, 2015). He lived and worked in Sarajevo until the war, later moved to Belgrade. He spent his last years in Zubin Potok.
Search Add 31 NG5361 Paolo Bandera
Search Add 31 Stewart D'Arrietta
Search Add 31 Harbinger Design Harbinger Design is CD an artwork, logo design, and illustrations company located in Belgium. [a=Dirk Vollon] is the artist.
Search Add 31 Charles Granata Charles L. Granata Charles L. Granata is an author, music historian and record/radio producer. He is a leading expert on Frank Sinatra, and is the project director and producer for all of his Columbia recordings. Granata produces and co-hosts Nancy Sinatra's weekly radio show on Sirius-XM radio.
Search Add 31 DJ Ivanov Андрей Иванов Died: 15 February 2020 in Australia (aged 47).
Search Add 31 Anonamix Hip Hop MC, Producer and visual artist from Topeka, Kansas, USA.
Search Add 31 Guus Ernest
Search Add 31 Lou Guarino Louis Anthony Guarino Sr. American arranger, producer, label owner, and businessman from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Founded the record label [l261529], as well as [l187881], [l219628] and [l52165] with partner [a783300]. Guarino was responsible for launching the careers of several well known recording artists including [a383381], best known for their hit "[m=537502]", in addition to the British duo [a337229] who reached #7 on the US charts with "A Summer Song." Later in his career, he purchased [l313252], the largest record pressing plant in the country. Born August 4, 1932, died September 25, 2014.
Search Add 31 Bruce Garfield Artist Manager, Marketing Consultant, Social Media Guru, Managing Director of Michael Cotten Production Design Studios, based in New York. Worked at [l=Capitol] and [l=EMI America], founded [l=EMI-Manhattan Records]
Search Add 31 Door#27
Search Add 31 Howard Raybould
Search Add 31 Narodni Orkestar Omera Pobrića
Search Add 31 Ұланғасыр Қами
Search Add 31 Andrey Mikhailov Андрей Михайлов (Andrey Mikhailov) Electronic music producer from Moscow, Russia. Owner of [l=Abstract Space Records]. Born: 24-09-1972
Search Add 31 DJ Charmzy
Search Add 31 Mark Ulrich German visual artist
Search Add 31 Ladislava Furlan Ladislava Furlan Zaborac
Search Add 31 The Four Amigos
Search Add 31 Grozny 93 Noise maker from Poland
Search Add 31 Pandayoghurt Artist and designer: Pandayoghurt is the alias of Design Director & 3D artist Douglas Bowden
Search Add 31 The Great Revivers A funk/library/organ groove band from Saint Petersburg, Russia. Formed from members of bands [a931045] and [a5552685].
Search Add 31 Jolly Lumberjacks Arlington, Minnesota Formed in 1947, the Jolly Lumberjacks were a longtime "old-time" music staple of the dancehalls and event centers of the upper midwest -- which was called the Northwest back in the day, doncha know. Original releases include 10" 78 RPM records and a string of 7"ers' and 33/LPs on Soma Records in the late 1950s and early 1960s, with many CD re-issues in recent decades.
Search Add 31 Sreten Ćurić
Search Add 31 Fernando Fratarcangeli
Search Add 31 Παιδική Χορωδία Σπύρου Λάμπρου Greek children's choir.
Search Add 31 Studio058 Dutch Designing Company, located in Leeuwarden, The Netherlands.
Search Add 31 Αργύρης Ζήλος Αργύρης Ζήλος (Argiris Zilos) Born 1952 in Athens, Greece. Music journalist since 1974. His reviews and articles have appeared in numerous Greek periodicals, music-based and otherwise. In the past he was also responsible for various radio shows for about two decades.
Search Add 31 Alberto Zapicán Alberto Giménez Andrade Uruguayan percussion player (b. 1927). Settled in Chile in 1965 where he backed [a=Violeta Parra].
Search Add 31 Hemo + Moofire
Search Add 31 Jürgen B. Wolff A German musician, designer and author (* 15. Oktober 1953 in Plauen). Founder and member of [a=Duo Sonnenschirm] and [a=Folkländer]/[a=Folkländers Bierfiedler], member of Leipziger Folksession Band. He initiated and is organizing the Rudolstädter Tanz- und Folkfest.
Search Add 31 Brent Sadowick Brent Sadowick Techno & Hard Dance music producer from Hope, British Columbia, Canada. Also known as DJ Brent S, The Phrenetic Project and Phrenetic. Contact: info@brentsadowick.com Born: June 27, 1987
Search Add 31 اسفندیار منفردزاده اسفندیار منفردزاده Esfandiar Monfaredzadeh (born 1941 in Teheran) is an Iranian composer and film director.
Search Add 31 Тамара Адамова
Search Add 31 Kei Abe Kei Abe Art Director / Liaison For Japan Ubiquity Records, Inc.
Search Add 31 Andy Tithesis Experimental artist from Long Beach/Los Angeles, California, USA.
Search Add 31 Réal Robert
Search Add 31 Anthony Yankovic Artist and designer.
Search Add 31 Ed Engel Edward Robert Engel Founder of [l=Crystal Ball] Records. Born: September 27, 1948 Died: January 13, 2021
Search Add 31 Nia Daniaty
Search Add 31 Man Jorge Techno, DJ, Artworks MAANALAINEN RADIO
Search Add 31 Mergaičių Choras "Liepaitės"
Search Add 31 Alty East
Search Add 31 Jaca Production Jaca Production Records Ltd.
Search Add 31 Hazra Begum
Search Add 31 Felipe Caetano
Search Add 31 Houston Ramblers
Search Add 31 Chris Shuttle The name Chris Shuttle first thundered on the stage of the RU Techno sector in 1998. Maximum energy output onto the dance floor and impeccable selection of material create an unrepeatable drive that is the hallmark performances. In 2001 co-owner and art director of techno-club "Tube". The club took a special niche in the history of the electronic underground of Saint-Petersburg as a place of true fans of the style. In 2005, Chris Shuttle is based his own studio & label "Megazone Records" oriented edition of the author's techno music. Released his first album "Helios 3". Also runs the most exciting series of techno-compilation "Techno Odyssey". Resident "Tunnel" club . Participants in such global events as: DJ Parade, Mednoe Ozero, Kazantip, Tech Help, Cosmodrom, Full Moon Tech, Mechanics, Green Storm, Low Tech Night, Technodrom RU, Biomechanics Fest, Mezmaya, Last Summer Day & more. He played on the same stage with world-class super stars and with the best Russian techno DJs and musicians. During the 20 years of successful creative work, Chris Shuttle from playing in all the best techno clubs in Russia, bringing joy to their incendiary sets thousands of fans. Using the sets of classic and modern effectors, as well as playing with a lap-top compositions, creates a unique masterpieces techno live-dj set. In 2020, two landmark projects were implemented. Started working new label "TEXHA Records". The main concept of the label is the development of a new sub-style Techno, hybridization at the intersection of combinatorics of classical analog sound, banging, hypnotic, peak time and hard saw lines based on Synthwave. Call It TEXHA. Launching the Biomechanics Fest, an ecological electronic music festival with Organic Techno Crew. The main concept is to draw the attention of as many people as possible to conscious consumption, the problems of separate waste collection and recycling, education of environmental friendliness of consciousness, love of music and nature. «Discography» 1. DJ Chris Shuttle – Way Of The DJ (CD, Mixed) 2004 2. Chris Shuttle – Helios 3 (CD, Album) 2005 3. DJ Chris Shuttle – Technocrat (CD, Mixed) 2005 4. VA - DJ Parade (CD, Comp) 2005 5. Various Artists - Techno Odyssey # 1 (CD, Comp) 2005 6. DJ Chris Shuttle – Soft Mix FV (CD, Mixed) 2006 7. Various Artists - Techno Odyssey # 2 (2 x CD, Comp) 2006 8. Chris Shuttle, DJ Slon, Lena Popova, Natasha Urman, Ganja Fighters - Technologic Star - Techno 1 (CD-ROM, Comp, Mixed, MP3) 2006 9. DJ Chris Shuttle - Techno Odyssey # 2 Introduction (Special Mix) (CD, Ltd) 2007 10. Lena Popova, Natasha Urman, Ganja Fighters, Chris Shuttle, Korablove – 13 Лет KDK - MP3 Special Edition. Original Dj's (CD-ROM, Comp, Mixed, MP3) 2007 11. Chris Shuttle Presents: Asem Shama Aka Franco Zeiger & Axel Bartsch - Sportclub (CD, Comp) 2008 12. Chris Shuttle – Techno High Quality MP3 (CD-ROM, Comp, MP3) 2008 13. DJ Chris Shuttle - Home Wave Hadron Collider / Osravers Mix 013 (File, MP3, Mixed) 2008 14. DJ Chris Shuttle - DAS ELECTRO EXPERIMENT (File, MP3, Mixed, 320) 2008 15. DJ Chris Shuttle - Round-The-World Mix (File, MP3, Mixed, 320) 2010 16. Chris Shuttle - Steradian EP (File, WAV, MP3, EP) 2015 17. Various Artists - MOVETON CONTEST, VOL. 7 (File, WAV, MP3) 2016 18. Chris Shuttle – Moro (File, MP3, Single, S/Edition) 2016 19. Various Artists - BORSH Top 10 Summer 2017 (File, WAV, MP3) 2017 20. Chris Shuttle - Back Beat Voodoo (MP3) 2017 21. Oblomov - KAMBALA (Chris Shuttle RMX / File, WAV, MP3) 2017 22. Chris Shuttle – DINAMO EP (File, WAV, MP3) 2017 23. VA - RUSLAND TECHNO, VOL. 2 (File, WAV, MP3) 2018 24. Chris Shuttle - TANGERINE FUGS (File, WAV, MP3, Single) 2018 25. VA - Rubin BEST TECHNO, VOL. 1 (File, WAV, MP3) 2019 26. Teo — Lucky Star (DJ Chris Shuttle Remix, File, WAV, MP3) 2019 27. Chris Shuttle - Tangerine Fugs (Elevate Mixapella) (MP3) 2019 28. Chris Shuttle - Spartak / Moro Part 2 (MP3) 2019 29. VA - Nothing But... Techno Essentials, Vol. 07 (File, WAV, MP3) 2019 30. Chris Shuttle – Mind Lockdown E.P. (File, WAV, MP3) 2020 31. Chris Shuttle – Technetium (File, WAV, MP3, Single) 2020 32. 2 YEARS OF TECHNO-HARD Various Artists 2020 33. TECHNO IMPRINT VOL.III Various Artists 2020 34. UNDERGROUND TRIP VOL.XXXII 2020 35. Chris Shuttle – Illusion 13 (File, WAV, MP3, Hi-Res, Single) 2021 36. Chris Shuttle – SPIRIT RAVE (File, WAV, MP3, Hi-Res, Single) 2021 37. Chris Shuttle - Agent Spooky EP (File, WAV, MP3, Hi-Res, Single) 2021 38. Chris Shuttle - Техна! Танцы! Темнота! (File, WAV, MP3, Hi-Res, Single) 2021 39. Chris Shuttle - At The Tannhäuser Gate... (File, WAV, MP3, Hi-Res, Single) 2021 40. Chris Shuttle - VDNH Pavilion № 32 (File, WAV, MP3, Hi-Res, Single) 2021 41. Chris Shuttle - Omicron Percei 8 (File, WAV, MP3, Hi-Res, Single) 2021 Special Edition: 42. Chris Shuttle - Full Metal Mix (CD, Mixed) 2006 43. Chris Shuttle - Techno Talk Mix 44. Chris Shuttle - Guest Mix 05.07.2019 Radio BPM 45. Chris Shuttle – Feel EP (Megazone Records FDL/MzrLtd-4) 46. Anna feat. Juliet Fox - Far Beyond & Robotic Mode (Chris Shuttle Mixapella) 47. Hertz - Funkster (Chris Shuttle Gangnam Mixapella) 48. Chris Shuttle - The Leto End Mix 49. Chris Shuttle Presents: 13 Лет KDK / GANJA FIGHTERS - HE XAPAI (CD) 50. Chris Shuttle Presents: Nik Void - PREACHERS AFFAIR E.P 51. Chris Shuttle - Keloid Where Are You? Я жду тебя... (Mix) 52. Bootleg - I Feel Love Poison Lips (Chris Shuttle Mix) 53. Oblomov - Kambala (Chris Shuttle Remix / Remaster 2021) 54. Chris Shuttle - Кибернетика 2.0 (File, WAV, MP3, Freebies / FDL / Free Download) Podcasts & Radio Show: 55. Chris Shuttle – Helios 3 (Megazone Mix) 56. Banging Techno Podcast 013 Mixed By Chris Shuttle - Free Techno Clouds (Side: A & Side: B) 57. Geometria.ru - Oblomov - Sold Out #37 (Chris Shuttle Guest Mix) 58. Крис Шаттл и МегаПорт ФМ представляют в эфире Санкт-Петербурга каждую субботу с 23:00 и до полуночи радио-шоу МегаФанкиБит c 2010-2012 гг. 59. DJ GERALDA Radio Show "TERMINAL - X" Terminal № 41 - guest's set by DJ Chris Shuttle 60. DJ GERALDA Radio Show "TERMINAL - X" Terminal № 58 - guest's set by DJ Chris Shuttle 61. DJ GERALDA Radio Show "TERMINAL - X" Terminal № 60 - guest's set by DJ Chris Shuttle 62. DJ GERALDA Radio Show "TERMINAL - X" Terminal № 76 - guest's set by DJ Chris Shuttle 63. Chris Shuttle – Tekkkno Winter 2016 64. Chris Shuttle – Tekkkno Winter 2017 65. Chris Shuttle – Tekkkno Winter #1 66. Chris Shuttle – Tekkkno Winter #2 67. Chris Shuttle – WEB 8 68. Chris Shuttle - BSP Podcast [66] 69. Mounspeed - LO Mania Deep (50 Part 3 2017 Guest Mix Chris Shuttle) 70. Chris Shuttle – Murmur Techno Mix #001, #002, #003, #004, #005 71. Chris Shuttle - BSP Podcast [130] & Many More...
Search Add 31 Vincențiu Grigorescu Romanian painter, graphician, architect, emigrated in 1972 to Italy ✰ November 16, 1923, Bucharest ✞ January 1st, 2012, Castelnuovo Magra, Italy Having degree in Architecture, Vincențiu Grigorescu began his artistic activity in 1938 During the Second World War as a volunteer participated in resistance against Nazism, he was wounded and then decorated. Since its debut, it has expressed interest in exploring abstracticism geometric logic and reductive approach of colors, shapes and surfaces. He will find expressive maturity when it will settle in Italy, where he arrived in 1972 as a political refugee and where it will establish, first in Milan and then in Castelnovo Magra in Liguria.
Search Add 31 Alvaro Cuellar
Search Add 31 Cube Strategy Design
Search Add 31 Septima Brigada Argentinian psychedelic garage beat band that recorded 12 7" from 1968 to 1973. Members for the first four singles: Pedro Botti: guitarra, piano y voz Rubén Alonzo: bajo Edgardo “Diego” Chamorro: guitarra y coros Alberto Chamorro: batería Members for the fith single: Pedro Botti: guitarra, piano y voz Rubén Alonzo: bajo Alberto Chamorro: batería Jorge Omar Montes: guitarra Members for the sixth to eight single: Pedro Botti: guitarra, piano y voz Rubén Alonzo: bajo Jorge Omar Montes: guitarra Juan Rodríguez: batería Tuly’ Márquez: percusión Members for the ninth to eleventh single: Pedro Botti: guitarra, piano y voz Rubén Alonzo: bajo Juan Rodríguez: batería Tuly’ Márquez: percusión Members for the twelfth single: Rubén Alonzo: bajo Tuly’ Márquez: percusión Ricardo ‘Pasto’ González Keegan: guitarra Roberto ‘Kano’ Alonso: guitarra y voz Oscar Moro: batería
Search Add 30 William B. Houchens
Search Add 30 Said Louahche Producer & label manager focused on Maghreb music. Manager of [l250169]