Report created based on data in MusicBrainz as of 24/10/2024
Found 596840 artists, we show 1000 artists per page.
The report is not continually updated so may not reflect the current data within MusicBrainz and or Discogs databases.
These are Discogs artists not currently linked to a MusicBrainz artist, and we have been unable to find a potential link for either.
Many of these artists probably are in MusicBrainz in some form but they are not currently linked, the list is ordered so that Discogs artists with the most number of single artists releases are listed first on the basis that these artists would be of more interest.
Some problems will just be due to deficiencies in the Discogs to Musicbrainz artist matching algorithm employed by Albunack.
There are also timing issues as this report is not updated immediately so will not reflect recent modifications and additions to MusicBrainz and Discogs.
One issue in Discogs is they handle artist credits differently so a Discogs name consisting of multiple people is probably represented on MusicBrainz as two individuals, but we try to filter these out of this report
We have also omitted artists that are not unique in both MusicBrainz and Discogs because these artists are probably not missing just more difficult to match up.
Another issue is that some Discogs artists have multiple ids with one id just redirecting to the other, this is the case with Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, do we add both links to MusicBrainz ?
Limited report to artists with at least two single artist releases for now.
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Search for Artist | Add Artist | Discogs Release Count | Discogs Artist | Other Names | Comment |
Search | Add | 8 | Riverside Prostitute | ||
Search | Add | 8 | John Nowik | Bass player from Chicago | |
Search | Add | 8 | Alex Modular | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Atanas Kolarovski | Atanas Kolarovski (1926-2022) was born in Dračevo (near Skopje), Macedonia, of a family of expert dancers and musicians. From his early youth, Atanas had the opportunity to observe and participate in the dances of Serbians, Albanians, and Gypsies who live in the Skopje area. He performed with the amateur group, Koko Racin. After World War II, he danced for two years with the Yugoslavian Army Ensemble. With the ensemble he was able to travel all over Yugoslavia, studying and learning regional dances and dance styles of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, Slovenia, and the two atonomies, Banat and Kosmet, whose cultures are completely different from the other six republics. He was asked to help form Tanec, the Macedonian State Folk Ensemble, where he remained for 19 years as artistic director, choreographer, and lead solo dancer, traveling the world for 16 of those years. Atanas became a famed researcher, choreographer, consultant, and program director for many performing ensembles, such as Koko Racin, The Army Ensemble, Tanec, Ensemble Karpuc Pionerski, Blagoj Sosolcef, and Vlado Tasievski. Atanas Kolarovski Atanas Kolarovski on a button He has researched and collected dances and folk music from the different areas of southern Yugoslavia, including Macedonia, south Serbia, and Shiptar-Albania. In 1964, Atanas made his first teaching tour of the United States, Belgium, Germany, Holland, and Switzerland, awakening interest in Macedonian dance and music around the country and becoming known as "the man with the golden legs." After the second tour, he was reviewed as "the untiring teacher, researcher, chroeographer, consultant . . . a leading ambassador of Macedonia." Since then, besides having taught at all major folk dance camps throughout north America, he has also taught extensively in Europe and east Asia. A great musician, Atanas plays the accordion, the tupan, the kaval, the zurla, and drums. Since the 1970s, he, along with his wife, Ljupka (who was also a lead dancer with Tanec), and daughter has made his home in Seattle, Washington, where, for a while, he operated a successful ethnic restaurant, "Yugoslavia," featuring old-country style cuisine. He still tries to return to his home in Macedonia yearly and still organizes and conducts tours to his native country. Atanas has taught Macedonian and Serbian dances in Bangkok, Holland, Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore, and the United States. [Source: Phantom Ranch] Further info at "The Life and Art of Atanas Kolarovski, master performer and teacher of Macedonian folk dance - Michael Seraphinoff" on | |
Search | Add | 8 | Simon Hudson Band | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Third Teeth | Rockband from Rendsburg, Germany. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Chiara C Photography | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Jeff Kahn | American vocalist and guitarist. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Du Boc Ali | Ray du Boc Ali | producer from Los Angeles |
Search | Add | 8 | FAB.44 | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Statsradiofoniens Kor | [b]Statsradiofoniens Kor[/b] was the name from 1932 to 1959 of the largest choir of [l=Den Danske Statsradiofoni], the Danish national broadcasting corporation. The choir was established in 1932 with the purpose of performing the wide-ranging repertoire of oratorios and symphonic works with [a=Statsradiofoniens Orkester]. Since then the two ensembles have performed together hundreds of times, notably in the weekly "Torsdagskoncert". Chief conductors over time were [a=Fritz Mahler] (1934-36), Cai Vendelboe-Jensen (1936-37), Martellius Lundquist (1937-45), [a=John Frandsen] (1945-47) and [a=Svend S. Schultz] (1949-83). The name of the choir has evolved over time as follows: - From 1932 to 1959: Statsradiofoniens Kor - From 1959 to 1996: [a=Radiokoret] - From 1996 to 2009: [a=DR Radiokoret] - Since 2009: [a=DR Koncertkoret] | |
Search | Add | 8 | Carson Willis | Singer, performer from Dover, Bonavista Bay, Newfoundland, Canada | |
Search | Add | 8 | The Wright Brothers Overland Stage Company | Indiana | |
Search | Add | 8 | Cyril Ayers | Percussionist. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Miloš Marisévić | ||
Search | Add | 8 | RJ Rootz | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Witold Nakonieczny | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Aka Yapi Mathieu | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Bernard Filer | Conductor | |
Search | Add | 8 | Nicolas Silvano | Nicolas Matias Silvano Fronos | |
Search | Add | 8 | Carl Manchester | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Zax-Max Graphix | ||
Search | Add | 8 | SBUERS | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Das Rosner-Duo | German vocal Schlager duo, started around 1960, one of the singers was Antonia Elisabeth Kühn (known as [a5041840]/ [a2988417]) | |
Search | Add | 8 | Mel Nixon | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Robert Kauffman | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Norma Gale | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Kuba Karlowski | Kuba Karłowski | Graphic artist, illustrator, photographer. He studied at the Gdańsk Academy of Fine Arts and Bo Andersen's Studio (Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Copenhagen). He took part in exhibitions in the country and abroad, awarded and honored many times. Author of many covers and graphic designs of music albums, among others: [a=Via Cantus], [a=Agnieszka Osiecka], [a=Jarek Śmietana], [a=Adam Czerwiński], [a=Deer Project], [a=Loud Jazz Band], [url=]Kattorna[/url] and others. The main designer and board member of [l=LJB Music Records] (Oslo-Norway). |
Search | Add | 8 | José Francis | Su familia se exilió en Francia durante la Guerra Civil y en París, en plena Guerra Mundial, nació José Francis. Sus padres frecuentaron el ambiente bohemio de la Ciudad Luz para regresar a España, concretamente a Zaragoza, bien entrada la década de los 50. Nada hacía presagiar que José iba a dedicarse a la canción. Sin embargo, cuando cumple como voluntario la mili en el Regimiento de Aviación de su ciudad adoptiva. Sus compañeros de fatigas militares le escuchan cantar, tocar la guitarra y, entre bromas y veras, lo inscriben en el concurso radiofónico “Plataforma de Estrellas” de Radio Juventud de Zaragoza. Todo eso ocurría a finales de 1959 y cuando al año siguiente es licenciado, José se empecina en dedicarse profesionalmente a la canción. En la capital maña el rock da sus primeros balbuceos con Rocky Kan y Chico Valento como abanderados. Pero José va por otro camino. Lo suyo es la canción melódica con lógicas influencias de los chansonniers franceses. Sus padres no ven con buenos ojos sus andanzas musicales y lo envían de regreso a Francia para que una vieja conocida, la vedette y cantante de color Josephine Baker, le haga entrar en razón. Cuando la estrella del vodevil francés lo escucha, no solo no cumple con lo que se esperaba de ella, sino que le anima a dedicarse a la canción y le facilita un contrato discográfico y una elegante presentación en la Biblioteca Española de París. En 1961 aparecerá su primer disco cantado en español. Un microsurco que se graba y se prensa en Francia, pero en el que José Francis canta en nuestra lengua: “Los Mercenarios / El Cielo me Abandona” (RCA, 1961). La canción principal es el conocido tema de la película “Los Siete Magníficos” (John Sturges, 1960). Enseguida se van a fijar en él para defender en la tercera edición del Festival de Benidorm la canción “Enamorada”, con letra de Rafael de León y música de Augusto Algueró. Una pieza melódica de añeja calidad que con la exagerada interpretación de José Francis logra alzarse con la triunfal sirenita de oro como ganadora del festival. Al poco tiempo se publicará el EP “III Festiva Español de la Canción” (RCA, 1961), que le granjeará una fama instantánea. A finales de 1961 el rock y sobre todo el twist imperaban en el dial de las emisoras de radio y en las pitas de baile. A José Francis todo aquello le pilla un tanto a contraestilo; sin embargo, el tirón de la moda era tan fuerte que en su siguiente disco va a apostar por los ritmos modernos. “Pony Time / Morena Verde / Momento Feliz / Muerde la Pera” (RCA, 1961). Un EP que hoy es el más valorado de su carrera, pero que en su momento no va a alcanzar ni de lejos las anteriores cotas con sus canciones de Benidorm. José Francis va a repartir su vida entre España y Francia, donde se casará en 1963. Al año siguiente intentará un nuevo desembarco en la música española, esta vez en el sello Belter con un EP que contenía tres temas interpretados en francés, que también se editarían en el país vecino, y una cuarta canción en castellano cantada a dúo con la ye yé Teresa María. Tampoco éste da en la diana y el cantante decide centrarse en otras actividades y, en palabras de un periodista musical de la época, llevar una vida familiar más tranquila. José Francis siguió la estela de cantantes norteamericanos como Pat Boone o Bobby Darin, intentando adaptar la música ligera de siempre a los gustos juveniles. Su ascenso fue fulgurante. En apenas unos meses pasó de ser un desconocido a uno de los cantantes más escuchados, pero su descenso fue aún más rápido y un año después de haber triunfado en el festival español más importante y de mayor prestigio, pocos lo recordaban. Sus discos no han sido jamás reeditados lo que aumenta no poco las sombras que oscurecen su fugaz carrera. Es preciso advertir que la discografía de este cantante ofrece únicamente sus trabajos grabados en español, ya que en Francia grabó algún disco más, por supuesto cantando en francés. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Places We Slept | American punk / indie pop band from Omaha, Nebraska. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Milivoje Trišić | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Chuck Maher | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Jean Debruynne | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Melissa Hyman | Cellist and singer based in Asheville, NC. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Bird Death | Canadian false grind band from the early to mid 2010's. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Radioplastic | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Antonio González "El Raya" | Antonio González Merchante | Andalusian artist and songwriter, born 23 October 1947. Nicknamed "El Raya" or "El Rociero" |
Search | Add | 8 | Øystein Skaar | ||
Search | Add | 8 | M.Pervere | Andreas Plöger | M.Pervere is a leading member of the Melodic Abortion Orchestra. His solo activities reach from his psychedelic / electronica-project The Plague to artworks and literature. |
Search | Add | 8 | Kyle Russell | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Denis Mujadžić | Croatian producer, owner of [l=Denyken Music]. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Giacomo Cingolani Holloway | Giacomo Cingolani Holloway is an italian transgender visual artist and musician. They started their career in the duo Nocturnal Child, but then in 2018 decided to debut as a solo artist creating two side projects: Giag700, where they showcase a fusion between rock, pop, electronic and industrial music and TrashFace Gangsta, Love Pompino, a project dedicated to trap/rap music. | |
Search | Add | 8 | The United Artists Studio Orchestra | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Wade Lageose | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Daniel Önnerby | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Joe Maiocco | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Jeff Menz | ||
Search | Add | 8 | DJ Stag | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Mustelma | Members: kemppainen, lipponen, lukkari, mönttinen Genre: stadion jazz Hometown: Sotkamo | |
Search | Add | 8 | Zepha B | ||
Search | Add | 8 | A Free K | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Jérôme Jeuhmeuh | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Виктор Мальцев | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Espe Musette Orchestra | Espé Musette Orchestra | |
Search | Add | 8 | | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Karl Armster | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Rikoslaki | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Egil Thomas Hansen | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Elena Cercel | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Formația Bravo | Romanian band from Brăila, active in the early '90s | |
Search | Add | 8 | James Spadaccini | ||
Search | Add | 8 | networx Werbeagentur GmbH Berlin | ||
Search | Add | 8 | António Albernaz | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Hohner-Harmonika-Orchester | Professional orchestra of the German instruments company [l461669] in Trossingen (Black Forest). 1946 - 1963 Orchester des Hauses Hohner (OdHH), conductor: [a3021859] 1963 Trossinger Akkordeon-Ensemble, leader [a3021859] & Trossinger Elektronisches Ensemble, leader [a2864908] | |
Search | Add | 8 | Johannischer Chor Berlin | ||
Search | Add | 8 | 7 Milez of Muzik | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Alun Cocks | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Time's Tide | Hardcore band from Edmonton, Alberta | |
Search | Add | 8 | | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Serge Guiolet | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Adele Scott | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Jakob Brandt-Pedersen | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Robert G. Roy | ||
Search | Add | 8 | 2.den Divisjons Musikkorps | Norwegian military band, founded 1916, after changing name from "2.den Brigades Musikkorps." Changed name in 1953 to [a2893416]. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Nathanial Montague | Nathaniel Montague | American R&B disc jockey and noted African-American archivist and historian. Nicknamed "Magnificent" Montague, his radio catchphrase "Burn Baby, Burn" was used as a "battle cry" during the Watts riots of 1965. |
Search | Add | 8 | Ladislav Rebrek | ||
Search | Add | 8 | À Cœur Joie | Choral ensemble, chorus. Created 1942 by César Geoffray. | |
Search | Add | 8 | DEPR | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Империя Снегов | Imperiya Snegov (Empire Of Snow) was a punk/thrash/folk/rapcore band from Ulan-Ude, Republic of Buryatia, Russian Federation. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Trit | ||
Search | Add | 8 | John Sidney | Hobart (Tasmania) TV personality and pianist. associated with Candle recordings, Van Diemen, Basket. TVT Channel 6 host with ventriloquist dummy Charlie | |
Search | Add | 8 | Combo De Eddy Gaytán | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Cory Verblen | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Kate Riaz | Kate Riaz | |
Search | Add | 8 | Τάσος Τηλαβερίδης | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Penelope Wood | Australian visual artist, works appearing on Australian [l=Music For Pleasure] releases | |
Search | Add | 8 | Al Hines | ||
Search | Add | 8 | DJ Adam 12 | Formerly known as DJ Alphabet | |
Search | Add | 8 | Taoma | Thomas Meier | Thomas Meier (born 23 May 1981 in Flekkefjord, Norway), known by his stage name [a=Taoma]. He has been a DJ and producer since 2001, and he has his own record label named [l=Handz Up Recordings] in Kristiansand, Norway. |
Search | Add | 8 | Shane de Leon | Shane Deleon Sauers | |
Search | Add | 8 | Gerald Holthaus | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Carol McCleeve | Credited for design. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Kristijan Gabrovski | Кристијан Габроски | |
Search | Add | 8 | Eric Hauser Sextett | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Trio Contemporaneo | ||
Search | Add | 8 | George Willems | Singer from Curaçao, Netherlands Antilles | |
Search | Add | 8 | Stefania Monachello | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Freddy Laine Orchestra | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Kogler Buam | Austrian [i]Volksmusik[/i] (folk music) ensemble. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Julien Fischer | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Donna Egan | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Aubrey Taylor | Soul producer and arranger from Los Angeles, California. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Newt Bildo | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Gentle T | Salvatore Stani | Italian rapper from Salento. |
Search | Add | 8 | Catherine Ravenne | French [b]mezzo-soprano[/b] vocalist. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Lothar Kehr | German composer, producer and arranger, born 01.11.1942 in Berlin, died 14.12.2021 ibid. Studied at the Leipzig University of Music, then freelance musician and composer, since 1969 music producer for radio and television with his own studio orchestra. Approx. 3,000 special arrangements for radio, TV, records; various film music (Polizeiruf 110, children's films) LP and CD productions, instrumentals and advertising jingles (own production). | |
Search | Add | 8 | Scott Rader | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Dragan Todorović Buca | Dragan Todorović | Session guitarist from Belgrade, Serbia Member of [a=Ana Kokić] backing band AnaRhija. |
Search | Add | 8 | Scene Of Jazz | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Danny Shann | Israelian singer | |
Search | Add | 8 | Cher Perrier | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Jeff Warmouth | Jeff Warmouth is an American experimental/noise musician, one of the members of [a=Couch (2)], a noise-rock band from Michigan that was active in 1992–95. He also participated in a few 'satellite' projects on [l=Bulb Records] (a label founded by leading members of Couch, [a=Pete Larson] and [url=]James Magas[/url]); Jeff played trumpet in Magas' ensemble [a=The Many Moods Of Marlon Magas], and recorded two seven-inches with his bandmate [a=Charles R. Roberts]: [r2160285] & [r=2206430]. Current whereabouts unknown. In March-Apr of 1993, Jeff Warmouth recorded two sessions with [a=Juntaro Yamanouchi], a founder of the notorious Japanese band Gerogerigegege. Jeff was handling bass/electronics, and also announcing track titles, to which Juntaro would respond with a few seconds of violent screams and bursts of harsh noise as 'songs.' Everything was recorded with 'no overdub, no effect, no speed'—as per Gerogerigegege's [i]1-2-3-4 noisecore[/i] canon. These sessions were released on [i][m=23370][/i] 7" by German label [l=A.I.P.R.] and [i][m=23392][/i] 7" on Italian [l=SOA Records]. Both releases featured similar comics-style pornographic artwork (in a complete 'triptych' with [l1096]'s [i][m=23372][/i] 7" that didn't include any music whatsoever). | |
Search | Add | 8 | Barry Neil | ||
Search | Add | 8 | DJ Deckjammer | ||
Search | Add | 8 | SumAssault | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Tim Checkley | Tim Checkley | Electronic dance music producer and visual artist from New Zealand Style focus incl: Electro |
Search | Add | 8 | Désiré Véwonyi | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Damian Kelly | Bass guitarist. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Paul Vivona | ||
Search | Add | 8 | DJ Poop | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Ray O'Sullivan | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Pastor Hal Mayer | Seventh-Day Adventist pastor who is the primary speaker and the Director of [l2433499] ministries. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Krešimir Šokec | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Can Sarıgül | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Linksmoji Seklyčia | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Avenue Strings | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Jasmine Mills | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Sandy Bummels | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Enric Gispert | Enric Gispert i Fabrés | Spanish musician and composer (Barcelona, 1925 - 1990). Founder in 1953 of [a11328218], Musical director from [a5317877] (1957 -1972) -- also appears as Enrique Gispert. |
Search | Add | 8 | Brooke Lynn | Minnesota girl gone Nashville | |
Search | Add | 8 | Günter Discher | Germany's oldest DJ, born 20 March 1925 in Hamburg-Eimsbüttel, Germany and died 9 September 2012 in Ahrensburg, Germany. | |
Search | Add | 8 | A.J. Garcés Böhmer | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Alexandra Tkachenko | ||
Search | Add | 8 | CaShears | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Holger Sjöberg | Per Josef Holger Sjöberg | Swedish actor and singer. Born August 3, 1904 — died February 17, 1953 in Stockholm, Sweden. |
Search | Add | 8 | Farib Alvarez | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Dia Artio | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Cosmic Xplorer | Daniel Marcel Hevesi | Techno artist from Hungary. Owner of [l=Hypnosis Multiplex] and [l=Pollux Mastering]. |
Search | Add | 8 | Ping Crawford | ||
Search | Add | 8 | László Zoltán | Hungarian sound engineer, mostly for classical recordings | |
Search | Add | 8 | Ricky Hansen | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Ted Groebl, Jr. | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Duo Stadlmayr-Kroupa | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Dumbperson | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Monsieur Rêve | Stéphane Roullier | Electro/Techno/Hard Techno DJ, producer and live performer. |
Search | Add | 8 | Blood '77 | Italian '77 punk-rock quartet based in Formia (LT, Italy) and formed in 2003 as a side-band of the hardcore-punk rockers Gioventù Bruciata. Dark lyrics and rock'n'roll ignorance as a trademark. | |
Search | Add | 8 | H. Hondema | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Tim Blankenstein | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Marve Fleksnes | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Joachim Rontxelius | Joaquin Ronco | Experimental artist musician from Spain. Born in 1978. Is the mind behind musical projects as [a=Noisesurfer], [a=Dinosaur Youth], [a=EthnoTronic] and the founder of [a=Clockwork Keyboard], the international band created with [a=loose Link] and [a=Sven Meyer (4)] in 2010. |
Search | Add | 8 | Petra Roede | German designer. She was active in the 1980's in the German Democratic Republic and was part of the GDR design collective [a14654220]. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Chris Laisnez | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Edzard Schaper | Edzard Schaper (30 September 1908 – 29 January 1984) was a German author and translator. Many of his works describe the persecution of Christians. | |
Search | Add | 8 | SGAM | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Petri Nuutinen | Finnish artist / designer / photographer. | |
Search | Add | 8 | نزهة يونس | Nuzha Younis (1937 - 1988) was a Lebanese singer, actress and dancer. She acted in several films with [a=إسماعيل يس] (Ismail Yassin) in Egypt in the 1960s and 70s. She was married to [a=إحسان صادق] (Ihsan Sadeq). | |
Search | Add | 8 | New Age Rebels | Lee Fredericks | An early Lee Fredericks Project with his then session keyboard player Toby K. |
Search | Add | 8 | De Kalle | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Pavel Eremeev | Павел Еремеев | Drummer/Vocals/Guitarist/Producer from Moscow, Russia. |
Search | Add | 8 | Tomi Harrivaara | ||
Search | Add | 8 | DJ Sandrinio | aka Alexander Blast | В каждый свой сет - микс вкладывает всю свою душу и энергетику, что отличает его от других ди-джеев. Во время его выступлений, в зале царит атмосфера секса и любви. Его музыка расслабляет и уносит слушателя в сказочный мир, мир романтики, мир наслаждений… |
Search | Add | 8 | Alexander Prokophiev | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Paul DeCourcey | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Schwyzerörgeli-Trio Liebi | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Almeta Latimore | Almeta Latimer Roseman | |
Search | Add | 8 | Matthew Bomb | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Dara Kaos | Марина Медкова | Dara KaΩs |
Search | Add | 8 | Abílio Belo Marques | Portuguese sculptor & painter (1926-2004) | |
Search | Add | 8 | Paja Stanković | ||
Search | Add | 8 | End 519 | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Super Golden Chimes | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Snakeye | Canadian rock band from Nova Scotia | |
Search | Add | 8 | Crazy Otto's Ragtime Band | ||
Search | Add | 8 | My Heart, Your Thunder | ||
Search | Add | 8 | RedRog | French music band, composed of singer-songwriter Bulrøg (Ludovic Grauser) and musician-producer Fred (Frédéric Léonard). RedRog released their debut single "Aktion" in 2010. They evolved into a fusion of pop and electro rock. Metropolitan vibes of Berlin, Paris, Barcelona and New York, as well as music from the 1980s to today are their sources of inspiration. RedRog had quite a beautiful success in the dance-electro community. They have also fans in the Leather-BDSM scene, due to their explicit look including leather harnesses and latex outfits. In 2013, the band finally went on hiatus and Bulrøg officially started a full solo carreer. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Tsuneo Shibata | Bassist | |
Search | Add | 8 | Robert Cuadrado | Bassist. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Владимир Машатин | Владимир Николаевич Машатин | Photocorrespondent |
Search | Add | 8 | Strýco Marcin | Milan Mlsna | Alias of [a=Milan Mlsna] picturing him as a comedian. |
Search | Add | 8 | Herman Maes | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Philippe Pichon | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Tiziano Lamberti | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Yvonne Douglas | ||
Search | Add | 8 | David Kressin | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Arthur Urquiola | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Leif Kjøgs Hansen | Danish bassist and songwriter. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Leslie Nan Moon | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Ashley Sackett | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Ghost Police | Hardcore noise punk band from San Antonio Texas. Formed in late 2011 with Cameron Taylor on guitar and Ethan Campa on drums. In 2012, Steven Remigio was added as lead vocalist and Matt Bright on the bass. The band later made a lineup change with Enrique Bonilla on bass. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Strike The Clutch | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Hakan Unsal | DJ and producer based in Ankara, Turkey | |
Search | Add | 8 | Quarteto Teorema | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Sea 'N' Soul | ||
Search | Add | 8 | George Foley | Born in 1958, George Foley started playing ragtime at the age of 13. He received most of his musical education at the Cleveland Music School Settlement, where he studied piano, theory, composition and jazz improvisation. George attend the College of Wooster in Wooster Ohio, where he hosted a weekly ragtime radio show and payed piano for the Wooster Jazz Ensemble. He was awarded the Charles V. Rychlik Composition Award by the Cleveland Music School Settlement for his "Chinatown Rag" in 1974. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Jeff Cherokee Bunn | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Mick Tedder | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Sane Band | Jamaican band in the 1990s, on X-Rated Record Int. label. S.A.N.E. stands for Sounds Against Negative Expressions. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Sone Bangers Spelemän | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Ben Shute | ||
Search | Add | 8 | La Generación 2000 | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Tata Kumislizer Art | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Naveen G | Naveen Gumpeni | |
Search | Add | 8 | Elena Cernei | Romanian operatic mezzo-soprano, musicologist, and voice teacher, born 1 March 1924 and died 27 November 2000. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Γιάννης Βέλης | Giannis V. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Anne Conway | Anne Conway | Anne Conway is an American Country singer who lives in Bendigo, Victoria (Australia). In the 1990's she has had a career in the Country Music industry headlining shows and scheduling concerts. She also won awards for her work on radio. |
Search | Add | 8 | Gino Pizza | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Asad Amanat Ali Khan | Asad Amanat Ali Khan (Urdu: اسَد امانت علی خان ), (25 September 1955 – 8 April 2007) was a popular classical, semi-classical and ghazal singer from Pakistan. Hailing from Patiala Gharana, Asad was son of musician Ustad Amanat Ali Khan. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Firuze Sultan | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Павел Жданович | Павел Жданович | |
Search | Add | 8 | Dee Mond | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Borislav Ljubičić | ||
Search | Add | 8 | LXSTNGHT | Filip Zrnzević | Future garage / wave music alias of [a=Filip Zrnzević]. |
Search | Add | 8 | Conjunto Los Gallos | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Uwe Schildmeier | German illustrator | |
Search | Add | 8 | Michel Dary | Yves Forgues | Canadian (Québec) singer born in Montréal circa 1940. Manager: [a5307306] |
Search | Add | 8 | Phil Sisson | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Debbie Powell | Debbie Powell | |
Search | Add | 8 | Wieger Poutsma | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Jack Mountvérno | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Les Cruches | Nederbeat band hailed from Tilburg, The Netherlands | |
Search | Add | 8 | Telescopic Thieves | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Mezőfi József | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Moisés Peña | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Ahmed Faraz | ||
Search | Add | 8 | White Flag Down | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Slim Goodworth | Marcus West | |
Search | Add | 8 | August Werner | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Domy Towarowe | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Mikael Finell | Micke Carl Finell (Born as Carl Mikael Finell) | Swedish saxophonist, vocalist, bassist and founding member of [a1211117], born on June 23, 1967 in Skutskär, Älvkarleby, Uppland. |
Search | Add | 8 | Žarko Milanović | Žarko Milanović | (1920-2006) Serbian violin player. |
Search | Add | 8 | Moretones | Moretones | |
Search | Add | 8 | Mellow Fruitfulness | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Der Chor St. Lambertus | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Sandy McFarlane (2) | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Sprites Paradise Body | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Pavel Tkachuk | Drummer of the Russian metal punk band [a=Duke Nukem (2)], crust band [a=Kärzer], psychedelic rock band [a=Dröme] and crust/sludge/grunge band [a=Vandalizm (2)], shoegaze band [a=Jiva (8)].hardcore punk band [a=Fake Fun] | |
Search | Add | 8 | Theodoros Bournas | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Michal Fabis | Michał Fabiś | Electronic music producer from Poznań, Województwo Wielkopolskie, Poland. Born: 6 December 1991 Style: Trance |
Search | Add | 8 | The Energy Of Love Formation | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Eva Arnström | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Chuck Raven | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Banda Del Real Cuerpo de Guardias Alabarderos | Spanish Royal brass band based in Madrid. Founded in 1746 (roots are founded since 1504). Other names used for the same institution across their history are: "Banda de Música del Cuerpo de Guardias de la Reina", "Banda Nacional Republicana", "Banda del Regimiento de la Jefatura del Estado" aka "Banda del Generalísimo", "Banda de la Guardia Real" aka "Banda Del Rey" since 1975 and "Unidad Musical de la Guardia Real" since 1998. List of Conductors: ? Mariano Rodríguez Rubio (1842 to 1856) Leopoldo Martín Elexpuru 1867/68 ? Leopoldo Martín Elexpuru (1875-1893) Enrique Calvist Serrano (1894-1895) [a2088600] (1895-1897) [a4440123] (1897-1911) [a13589383] (1911-1937) Luis Álvarez Martínez (1937-39) ? [a1943571] Tolosa (1957-1975) ? [a4266265] (1989-2007) Antonio Sendra Cebolla (2008-2010) Enrique Damián Blasco Cebolla (2010-?) | |
Search | Add | 8 | Ancient Fog | Dungeon Synth / Ambient project from Rome, Italy. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Luisillo Kalandraka | Spanish bass player | |
Search | Add | 8 | Masterfire | Lorenzo Carmonini | Nato a Imola il 2 aprile 1979, DJ dalla seconda metà degli anni '90 e dal 2020 collabora e produce con le label dell'amico Piero Zeta (Gothic Record Limited, Colours & Music, GH Records). |
Search | Add | 8 | BL3ND | BL3ND is a DJ from the United States, born in Los Angeles, California. He started handing out mix-tapes to local clubs and promoters in 2009 but had a difficult time grabbing anyone’s attention. Seeking another means of sharing his passion with the world, he began creating live videos of himself dancing and spinning energy filled, hard hitting beats in his now signature mask. Posting on YouTube, his videos quickly went viral and in less than a few years, he has become an unprecedented story of do-it-yourself success. He reached number 78 in DJ Mag's Top 100 list from 2014. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Solaxid | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Felix Pauer | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Snoutcrom | Black Metal from Arica, Chile. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Errol Hinds | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Γιώργης Παπουτσάκης | Γιώργος Παπουτσάκης | Cretan artist [Guitar] |
Search | Add | 8 | Ileana Sfetcu | Romanian folk singer born in Găujani, Giurgiu County. | |
Search | Add | 8 | 長田 | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Susi Koch | German singer and songwriter, born 16 April 1981 in Teterow, GDR. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Yopo Man | Emiliano Hernandez-Santana | |
Search | Add | 8 | Tony Manuel | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Πάνος Αλετράς | Panos Aletras is a Greek Folk & Laiko genre singer. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Jesper Lyngstrup | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Nowhere Roads | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Earl Burtnett's Biltmore Trio | Vocal trio that was frequently featured by [a=Earl Burtnett And His Biltmore Hotel Orchestra]. The trio, consisting of Hawaiian falsetto singer [a=Eddie Bush (3)], [a=Bill Seckler], and [a=Paul Gibbons (5)], was formed in 1927. It became so popular that other dance bands added similar vocal trios. By 1929, the Bitmore Trio also released its own records, with Bush on steel guitar, Gibbons on the acoustic guitar, and Seckler on the ukulele. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Profundiis | Tuomas Pentikäinen | Finnish metal musician. Born in 1986. |
Search | Add | 8 | Hannes Urban | ||
Search | Add | 8 | António Passão | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Carlos Tocco | ||
Search | Add | 8 | IANS | Hardcore punk band from Buenos Aires, Argentina. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Adrien Arudy | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Mazakon Tactics | Death Industrial/Power Electronics unit from Germany. Active since 2006. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Die Lustigen Arlberger | Austrian Volksmusik/Folk Group from St. Anton am Arlberg. Formed in 1949. The original leader of the Group was [a4684040]. From 1993 the Group was led by [a=Martin Ebster]. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Ken Lack | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Focusing | Armen Ogonyan | |
Search | Add | 8 | Mikey 2000 | Mikey Williamson | |
Search | Add | 8 | Remko Koopman | Remko Koopman is a visual artist and graphic designer from Leiden, The Netherlands. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Babus | | |
Search | Add | 8 | Chaos Of Zen | ||
Search | Add | 8 | L. Paul Miller | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Camy Productions, Inc. | ||
Search | Add | 8 | De Verne Mullen | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Sylver Miles | Alias of an Italian producer | |
Search | Add | 8 | Sloth Racket | UK-based free jazz band. Sloth Racket is Cath Roberts (baritone sax), Sam Andreae (tenor sax), Anton Hunter (guitar), Seth Bennett (bass) and Johnny Hunter (drums). | |
Search | Add | 8 | Nicola Riviera | Trance DJ & Producer from Brescia, Italy. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Laurina Paperina | ||
Search | Add | 8 | 1 Stop Graphics | Hip-Hop visual graphics company from Houston, Texas. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Janko Jentsch | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Hallie Rose Taylor | Hallie Rose Taylor | Artist & illustrator. Based in Austin, TX. |
Search | Add | 8 | Şükrü Şentürk | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Jan Blaauw | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Jumping Deejays | Luis Garcia Muñoz & Raul Garcia Rubio | |
Search | Add | 8 | Polarforsker | Peter Bertelsen | Polarforsker is the alias of Dane Peter Bertelsen. He makes his music with a dualistic mindset, attempting to create and display musical contrasts - the beautiful and the ugly, the harmony and the noise. |
Search | Add | 8 | Academia Riding Rust | ||
Search | Add | 8 | J. Aubertin | Jeremie Aubertin | "Contrary to fashion, far from excessive decibels and excessive ego, J.Aubertin installs an atmosphere dominated by melancholy. He sings the experiences that mark the heart and soul. Folksinger / Songwriter, he is inspired by models of American folk music such as Townes Van Zandt, Blaze Foley, John Prine, Guy Clark, Steve Earle, but especially his idol: The Tallest Man On Earth. Without superfluous, Nothing but the essential. A tessitura first, of a "dramatico-sensual" gravity, striking of contrast with the gracility of the character. A guitar serving simple melodies, but with just enough to see the streets of Nashville, the steppes of Central Asia and other images of Epinal as soon as you close your eyes. The great escape, then, with that poignant little something that grips your chest, the heart stops and races at the same time." |
Search | Add | 8 | Coro Monte Cesen | ||
Search | Add | 8 | MORE Advertising Agency | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Franco Mirabella | Italian singer. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Klavdia | Κλαυδία Παπαδοπούλου | Η Klavdia ή αλλιώς Κλαυδία Παπαδοπούλου συστήθηκε στο κοινό μέσω του “The Voice” και με το τραγούδι “Lonely Heart” |
Search | Add | 8 | Bert De Leon | ||
Search | Add | 8 | U.S. Continental Army Band | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Mirela Vlad | Romanian mezzosoprano and canto teacher. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Just Add Bunny | Laura Wills | British illustrator and visual artist. |
Search | Add | 8 | Cooldown Reduction | ||
Search | Add | 8 | غنام الديكان | Ghannam al-Dikan (born 1943) is a Kuwaiti composer. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Sister Alessie Barney | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Krlox | Carlos Pereyra | |
Search | Add | 8 | Orchestra Rózsa Béla | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Sergey Galunenko | Sergei Galunenko | |
Search | Add | 8 | Nicolai Beverungen | Founder of [l=Echo Beach] and [l=Select Cuts] | |
Search | Add | 8 | Елена Радченко | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Motor Industry Research Association | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Graham Luckhurst | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Michel Ristroph | Photographer | |
Search | Add | 8 | Matskie | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Gourmet Shit Scene | A Junk Noise Project from PA. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Jo Ash | Singer, songwriter and pianist | |
Search | Add | 8 | Евгений Уралев | Евгений «Руль» Уралев | Russian rock / punk musician, bass guitarist. Born 19th, June, 1981 |
Search | Add | 8 | Pejo Čičak | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Mića Urošević | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Gary J. Mellis | ||
Search | Add | 8 | ANP Foto | Part of the Dutch ANP (Algemeen Nederlands Persbureau). It provides and protects photo/image/picture material of this news service. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Fabienne Meignon | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Erich Firon | Austrian designer, songwriter and producer He was born March 7, 1925 and died in January 9, 1991 in Neustift am Walde. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Χνάρια | Τα Χνάρια αποτελούνται από τους Brak, On Axis και Dj Moya. Οι τρείς τους παρακολουθούνε το Hip Hop από τα μέσα της δεκαετίας του 90 και ασχολούνται ενεργά με αυτό, από το 2000. Ο καθένας από αυτούς έχει κυκλοφορήσει διάφορες προσωπικές δισκογραφικές δουλειές, ενω όλοι τους έχουνε συμμετάσχει σε πολλά projects του label "8ctagon". Στις 17 Φεβρουαρίου του 2008 κυκλοφόρησε η πρώτη τους δισκογραφική δουλειά με τίτλο Iconoclasta (vinyl EP) . Από τότε εχουνε κυκλοφορήσει άλλα τέσσερα album, το ομώνυμο "Χνάρια" (2009), το "Στην εποχή της απομόνωσης" (2010), "Στον αντίδρομο" (2012), και το "7985" (2013) τα οποία έχουνε κυκλοφορήσει από το label imantas.. Επίσης έχουν εμφανιστεί live σε όλες τις περιοχές της Ελλάδας, αλλά και σε χώρες του εξωτερικού (ως Antiterra), και συνεχίζουνε... The group Chnaria consists of Brak, Moya and Onaxis. As Brak and Onaxis were former members of an older lowbap group called Antiterra, which was disbanded allowing Chnaria to be formed. Dj Moya, among others, repeatedly appears during the last years at Active Member’s live sets as their main Dj. Dj Moya has also self-released a vinyl tool record for djs with various sounds and cut phrases. Brak and Onaxis on the other hand, have participated themselves several times at Active Member’s live concerts or B.D.Foxmoor’s solo appearances. Chnaria promises a lot for the future and since 2008, they have already released four studio albums by the titles of: Iconoclasta, Trails, At the age of isolation and At the counter-route. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Finyl Tweek | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Cseperke Falvay | Classical cellist | |
Search | Add | 8 | Sergio Torcal | Sergio Torcal | |
Search | Add | 8 | Trio Mo-Mo | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Tetsüo ii | Kosmische, ambient and drone duo based in Canada. | |
Search | Add | 8 | David Blair Stiffler | ||
Search | Add | 8 | O.M. Pancaran Sinar Aladin | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Wiley Willis | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Steve Downes | Steve Downes (born June 28, 1951) is an American DJ and voice actor. He is best known for his work as the voice of the Master Chief in the Halo video game series. He worked as a disc jockey at Los Angeles, California, album-oriented rock radio stations KWST (1978-1981), KEZY-AM (1981-1982) and KLSX (1994), but is best remembered working evening drive at KLOS from 1982 to 1991. He frequently hosted the live call-in talk show, Rockline in the early 1990s. Most recently, he worked as the morning show host for 97.1 WDRV "The Drive" in Chicago, Illinois. Downes also hosted the nationally syndicated radio show "The Classics". On 6 February 2015, Downes announced that after 44 years in radio he would retire to spend more time with his family; his final show on WDRV was 9 March 2015. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Atlantique Ascoli | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Rosie Wallace | Rosie J. Wallace-Brown | Pastor Rosie J. Wallace-Brown, also known as Evangelist Rosie Wallace (Born: June 20, 1935 in Chicago, Ill. - Died: May 23, 2014 in Philadelphia, PA) was a legendary gospel singer and founder of the First Church of Love, Faith and Deliverance, in Philadelphia, PA. |
Search | Add | 8 | Onkel Fritz | German fairy tale narrator in 1960s, in most cases it is [a742066] | |
Search | Add | 8 | غريس ديب | Grace Deeb (1975 in Beirut) is a Lebanese singer. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Die Hinkey Dinkey's | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Piráti 44 | Czech rock band. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Matt Markham | ||
Search | Add | 8 | JFunc | Andy Jackson | |
Search | Add | 8 | Bock Ki Ho | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Esmond Selwin | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Brother Light Band | This Alternative Rock Duo released their first album in 2014 (Navica) and has been together since 2005. Their latest album is “Blentecnica”, released Feb 1st 2018. As a creative duo, their musical experience is diverse and thorough, coming from a background in; experimental, hip-hop, alternative and folk rock. “Blentecnica” is a perfect example of their creative spiritual energy expressing a powerful combination of elements with a strong message of freedom, truth of our universe and the human lives we live. Following their latest album are 3 fantastic new singles derived from the elements of electronica, hip-hop, alternative and folk. Brother Light Band – “Dream Place”, “Flight”, and “Echo”. Brother Light Band has also worked well with 5D Psychic Systems to develop 3 great EDM mixes in the realm of; Techno, Deep and Progressive House. This was just another fun movement to expand their connective expression. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Het Rotterdams Jongenskoor | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Audrius Dakinevičius | Songwriter. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Abimanyu | ||
Search | Add | 8 | 7th Litany Productions | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Richard Raitchef | ||
Search | Add | 8 | LSDance | Semyon Gershenkop | Experimental project using virtual analog synthesizers. |
Search | Add | 8 | Hiromi Yoshizawa | Producer, and technical credits | |
Search | Add | 8 | J.Blanc | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Eli Caudill | Elisha Caudill | |
Search | Add | 8 | NGMA | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Jawsh | Jawsh Mullen | Denver, Colorado bassist who is currently Manager/Bartender at 3 Kings Tavern in Denver. |
Search | Add | 8 | Cher Strauberry | Cher Autumn Straub | Skateboarder and musician from Oakland, CA. Now lives in Brooklyn, NY. |
Search | Add | 8 | This Fluid | Experimental band formed in 1994 in Athens, Greece, by Spyros Faros, Makis Faros, and Anna Maratos. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Marc-Antoine Rousseau | Story of a french passionate digger influenced by all kinds of electronic musics who became dj. He aims to promote his vision of art through his sets and artists he releases with his mate [a1447948] on their labels [l740666] and [l1365526]. [l740666]'s vision is to promote artists who push further and deeper their musical creative process until crossing audio aesthetic boundaries. [l1365526] is dedicated to everything. everything. Since he discovered how turntables work, he couldn’t stop digging everywhere because his quest of the perfect groove will have no end (too bad for him). Contact / Booking / Dating (who knows) : | |
Search | Add | 8 | Choir Of Southwell Minster | Choir of Southwell Minster, Southwell, Nottighamshire, England | |
Search | Add | 8 | Franz Loschelder | Conductor. Lived in Basel, Switzerland. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Javier Escribano | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Los Caleños de Venezuela | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Sebastiano Gianni | Classical cellist. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Hefter | Noise Rock band from Flensburg. Germany | |
Search | Add | 8 | 夏螢子 | Keiko Natsu / 夏けい子,夏螢子 | |
Search | Add | 8 | Microcosmic | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Aydın Öztürk | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Juan Rebaza | ||
Search | Add | 8 | National Screen Service | Drone gaze project of Mick Harrison. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Los Rancheros De Teran | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Northdark | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Darren Hatch | Keyboardist, drummer | |
Search | Add | 8 | Fred Strecker | Sigmar Strecker | German schlager singer, songwriter and producer, based in Hamburg, Germany. |
Search | Add | 8 | Danny Wrigley | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Ronny Raue | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Monsieur Uebi | Herbert "Aubi" Aubinger | Munich based accordion player and former member of [a4946236]. |
Search | Add | 8 | Labryyynth | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Jimmy Nellis | ||
Search | Add | 8 | 井上美樹 | 井上美樹 (Miki Inoue) | Japanese female singer/songwriter born on August 7th, 1967 in Kyoto. |
Search | Add | 8 | Frank Neilson | Audio engineer and singer. Began his career as a tape operator at [l265195] in London. Then moved to A&R where he worked at [l57333] and Polydor Records before forming his own independent production company in 1984. Moved to Canada in 1989 and left the music business. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Tin Bin | TIN BIN was a Japanese all-female synthpop band consists of five members. active from 1987 to 1989 ・[a8274645] (乗富由香) - lead vocal, synths ・[a8274641] (上野千佳) - synths, piano, drums, chorus, composition ・[a8274643] (堤理絵) - synths, chorus ・[a8274644] (山口朋子) - synths, chorus ・[a8274642] (堤田雅美) - drums, chorus | |
Search | Add | 8 | Niels Zeven | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Ace-Up | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Hasib Obić - Hako | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Die Huthmachers | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Odison | Odej Haj | Electronic music producer from Novi Sad, Serbia Born in 1994 Style: Progressive Trance email: |
Search | Add | 8 | Massimo Di Nunzio | Guitarist. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Emanuele Millozzi | Emanuele Millozzi | Italian DJ and producer born in Rome in 1985. |
Search | Add | 8 | John Ryser | Jon Ryser | |
Search | Add | 8 | Marlon "Big Cat" Rowe | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Sound 70 Singers | US background singers. See also: [a4199647] | |
Search | Add | 8 | Dr. Sudhanshu Kulkarni | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Fast Fontaine | ||
Search | Add | 8 | BSCBR | A group of Black Sabbath lovers hailing from New York City. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Arran Fisher | Musician, producer, engineer and songwriter in Calgary, Alberta. Founder and owner of [l468781]. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Igor Kach | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Arun Chatterjee | Also known as: Pandit Arun Kumar Chatterjee | |
Search | Add | 8 | Plesač Sporog Stepa | ||
Search | Add | 8 | S.M. Subbiah Naidu | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Tony Foster-Moan | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Pulsation 1 | Elvio Trampus | Italian Trance, Hard Trance producer. |
Search | Add | 8 | The Jolly Tinkermen | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Osamu Sakamoto | 坂本 理 | Japanese music critic. He writes most frequently on progressive and jazz rock and avant-garde music. |
Search | Add | 8 | Ruse Paunovski | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Bengt Croneby | Swedish illustrator, painter and graphic designer. Born October 1, 1931 in Stockholm, Sweden — died March 12, 2019 in Kungsör, Sweden. | |
Search | Add | 8 | David Kibe | Kenyan musician and song-writer | |
Search | Add | 8 | Victor A. Lee | ||
Search | Add | 8 | De Champ | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Glenn Canyon | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Vittorio Rubedusucre | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Hernan Tasies | Musician, singer and songwriter from Costa Rica. While attending the University of Houston in Texas in the 1990s, Tasies was a founding member of the rock band [a=The Jeepneys]. After The Jeepneys split, Tasies has divided his time between Costa Rica and the United States and has continued to make music with alternative rock bands New Guinea Pigs, Riot On Red, James Catholic and The Sects, and The All Black Cast. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Frank Eklund | Swedish accordionist | |
Search | Add | 8 | Mokano7 | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Juhan Kleingold | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Нина Чибисова | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Belial John Phantom | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Intelligent Noise Art | ||
Search | Add | 8 | GerbeЯ | Groovy Goregrind band Formed in 2013 Location: Russia, Tolyatti. Members: Andrey - Guitar (2013-present), Vocals (2017-present) Ivan - Bass (2013-present) Past members: Vladislav - Vocals (2013-2017) | |
Search | Add | 8 | Emperor Of The Forest | Ambient/Dungeon Synth project from Italy. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Михаил Мирзабеков | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Janko Jezovšek | Composer and educator, born 28. February 1945 in Maribor. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Naglefaroth | Melodic Death/Doom/Heavy Metal band from Puebla, Mexico; formed in 1991. Years of activity: 1991-1994; 1998-2000; 2022-present. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Ice Dynasty | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Youcou Kaido | 海堂 有功 | Japanese singer and songwriter active from 1995 to 1997 |
Search | Add | 8 | Gerard Browne | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Orchestra La Vera Bologna | ||
Search | Add | 8 | De Rakkies | ||
Search | Add | 8 | David Woods-Hill | Guitarist | |
Search | Add | 8 | Daniel Öun | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Fenyvesi Attila | ||
Search | Add | 8 | こまごめ | Composer and percussionist from Osaka, Japan. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Toño Barcelata | Antonio Barcelata | Mexican trumpeter, composer, and orchestra leader, founding member of [a3093806] with his brother, trumpeter Ramón Barcelata. |
Search | Add | 8 | Carlo Bixio | Carlo Andrea Bixio | |
Search | Add | 8 | Jean-Luc Leray | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Ed Lafuente | Ed Lafuente | Mexican electronic music producer. |
Search | Add | 8 | Freddy Nois | Rockabilly band from Tortosa (Tarragona). From 1985 to 1989 they were called [a2922467]. Formed by [a7889534] (Voice), [a7889532] (Guitar), [a5711175] -brother of [a554497]- (Bass), [a7889533] (Drums) and the collaboration of [a2735672] on the saxophone. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Steve Pallow | Steve George Pallow | |
Search | Add | 8 | KLN Photo | Design Company. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Drum- En Showfanfare "Advendo" Sneek | Dutch brass band and music association from the Frisian city of Sneek, founded on March 16, 1946 | |
Search | Add | 8 | Donny Beaumont | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Jack Zhoul | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Onnie "Osch" Velez | ||
Search | Add | 8 | TeeAy | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Wrestless Natives | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Luigi Jiménez | Bass player from Costa Rica. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Don't Panik! | Ixindamix and Maskk met in the Italian free party scene of the 90's. A similar taste in slamming beats and twisted Synthlines led to regular bookings together and the studio sessions naturally followed. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Sonvol | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Malcolm Wild | Jesus music pioneer and member of the UK folk rock group Malcolm & Alwyn. Wild is currently senior pastor of Calvary Chapel in Merritt Island, Florida, and still performs with the Calvary Chapel Worship Band as well as operating a record label, [l=Footstep Recordings]. Father of [a=Joel Wild (3)] | |
Search | Add | 8 | Albín Berky | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Glenn Sage | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Dorval Lynn Smith | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Chorale Yvonne Gouverné | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Face Of Concern | New Wave band from Atlanta, Georgia. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Giulio Crimi | Operatic tenor vocalist. | |
Search | Add | 8 | John Plesh | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Ommony | UK illustration company run by [a2409912] | |
Search | Add | 8 | Juanita Cheung | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Kristina Jentzsch | German photographer | |
Search | Add | 8 | Besana | Flamenco and sevillanas group from Andalusia, Spain. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Necromogarip | Sebastian Mazuera | American visual and tattoo artist based in Seattle. |
Search | Add | 8 | Krokmitën | Experimental Death Metal band from Montréal, Québec, Canada. [pronounced croc-me-ten] Definition: Cajun phonetic spelling of the french word "croque-mitaine". A shapeless imaginary being used by adults to frighten children into behaving. Syn; Boogeyman, Bonhomme sept-heures, El coco, El ogro, Böögg, Monstret under sängen, Der schwarze Mann, Bicho Papão, Mörkö, Alploochra, Antchoutka, Bouloulou, Namahage... Formed in 1991 by Simlev. They released two demos, "Can't Get Away" in 1991 and "Follow The Rain" in 1993. They went on hiatus in 1995 to concentrate on their own careers. Simlev reformed Krokmitën in 2005 along with drummer Mathz. Guitarist Dubg joined just in time to put the finishing touches on their first full length album, Alpha-Beta, in 2011. Both Mathz and Dubg quit the band in 2012 to pursue other projects. Drummer Lupiaan joined in soon after. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Hollywood Session Singers | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Narodni Ansambl Toke Ćirkovića | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Zacot | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Super T. | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Riget Jij | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Nacho Lles | Ignacio Lles | Spanish bass player. On "Los Secretos" from 1985 to 1989. |
Search | Add | 8 | Electric Shields | Italian garage punk band from Riva Del Garda (Trento) formed in 1986. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Csiszár Ferenc | Ferenc Csiszár | Hungarian co-producer & computer programmer. Plays guitar, keyboards & percussions. |
Search | Add | 8 | Mirosław Pańkowski | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Dolphus Ramseur | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Muriel Montossey | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Ravest Hard | Project by Oliver Freitag and Benjamin Teigeler. The two German DJs already know each other from school and over the years have deepened their love for electronic music. After the build-up of their own studio, the two start in 2019 with their productions properly. They have not committed to a fixed genre. Their tracks are influenced by EDM, trance and hard-style elements, to create their own sound. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Herrick G | Carlos Henrique Gomes Siqueira de Oliveira | Brazilian DJ and remixer. Cousin of [a=Juliano Siqueira] Born February 15, 1963, Rio de Janeiro. |
Search | Add | 8 | Mehbub Jan Of Sholapur | Having spent time between Sholapur & Pune, her recordings date between 1930-1940. She could sing in 3 languages. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Lisbeth Madsen | Danish singer. Backing singer for [a=Miss B Haven] and [a=Dodo & The Dodos] a.o. Formed pop rock duo [a=Liza & The T] with guitarist [a=Henrik Tvede] of [a=Sorte Penge]. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Jasper Teule | Bassist | |
Search | Add | 8 | Ross J. Waters | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Toolbox Studios, San Antonio | Visual art studio. Label credit entry: [l=Toolbox Studios (2)]. Known association with [a=Paul Soupiset]. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Takis Elenis | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Manny Lagodlagod | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Cristian Wicha | Designer | |
Search | Add | 8 | МС Гогенатор | Егор Филлипов | |
Search | Add | 8 | Marcelo de Paiva | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Michael Bayouth | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Philly Joe Jones Big Band Sounds | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Stuarty Baillie | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Geoffrey Biddle | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Jasdev Yamla | ||
Search | Add | 8 | The Protocols Of The Elders Of Zion | Ended activities in 2015. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Los Hermanos Alvarado | Los Hermanos Alvarado | Los Hermanos Alvarado were a trio of string Christian music, whose musical career spanned three decades. It was conformed by the brothers Román, Rosario and Juan Alvarado. In a certain sense, stringed music, with the special use of the guitar, opened the way for Latin American Pentecostals to meet their faith with their own culture. The guitar had great influence on music, which extended to the liturgy and Pentecostal theology. Family history: Pascual and Dolores Alvarado, emigrated to the United States from northern Mexico, in the first decade of the Mexican Revolution. Pascual had fought in the ranks of Pancho Villa and Venustiano Carranza. The couple had seven children, who were born in Texas, Arizona and California. The parents and grandparents of Los Hermanos Alvarado, belonged to the first generation of Pentecostal converts of the name of Jesus Christ Hispanic in Bakersfield, California (being baptized in the name of Jesus in 1916). The Alvarado children had their religious formation under this Pentecostal community. Later they would adhere to the Apostolic Assembly of the Faith in Christ Jesus, which is the oldest Spanish-speaking group of Pentecostals of the Name of Jesus Christ, and which was founded in 1925 and incorporated in California (USA) on March 15, 1930. |
Search | Add | 8 | Arne Gundersen | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Ivars Veinbergs | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Kapelle Fridolin Feldmann | ||
Search | Add | 8 | ML Booster | Kenji Takimi | |
Search | Add | 8 | Les Petits Chanteurs D'Ursy | Childrens choir from Ursy (Fribourg, Switzerland). | |
Search | Add | 8 | Josephine McLachlan | Josephine McLachlan is the resident designer at ABLAZE Records. She has held graphic design industry and teaching positions in New York City; New Haven, CT; Hobart, Australia, and Cincinnati, OH. She is also co-director of ABLAZE Records. Josephine McLachlan has designed over 60 CD covers, artwork, printed and digital books. She is published by Simon and Schuster and is a member of NARAS. | |
Search | Add | 8 | The Townsends | ||
Search | Add | 8 | The Barbarian Lovers | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Tommy Furtado | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Benjamin Fitzpatrick | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Cristian Ștefănescu | Romanian producer and guitarist | |
Search | Add | 8 | Edwin Mulenze | Edwin Morales | |
Search | Add | 8 | Grundik Kasyansky | Grundik Kasyansky is an electronic musician and sound artist, based in London. He works with sound synthesis and feedback, exploring self-oscillation, mutation and modulation. Since 2006 he’s been developing a customised setup – a feedback/analogue synthesis system. Using this setup, he constructs adaptive, interactive environments that he can engage with and learn from durationally. A dialogue plays important role in Grundik’s practice. He collaborates with musicians, dancers, fine artists and filmmakers around the world across different media. His recent projects include free jazz/techno duo теплота, krautfolk collective Staraya Derevnya and electroacoustic duo with pianist Marjolaine Charbin. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Toni Tedesco | ||
Search | Add | 8 | A Magyar Néphadsereg Művészegyüttesének Férfikara | Hungarian Army male chorus | |
Search | Add | 8 | Eszena | Manuel Robim | Ambient electronic soundscapes created by [a=Manuel Robim] aka [a=Old Manual]. |
Search | Add | 8 | Overmuch | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Надежда Хвойнева | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Ernesto Ojeda | Spanish visionary of audiovisual artist, improvisation and experimentation. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Paul Lemp | Bassist and engineer | |
Search | Add | 8 | Bloodtype | American hardcore band from New Brunswick, New Jersey. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Loyd Davis | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Benjamin M. Boyden | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Losada | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Leon Vann | Leon William Vann | |
Search | Add | 8 | Erich Grigar | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Ethan Assouline | Ethan Assouline | Graphic designer & illustrator for French label [l=Collapsing Market]. Contact: |
Search | Add | 8 | Artūras Koženiauskas | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Riton Mitsouko | Henri, Paul, Edouard Escudier-Donnadieu | French guitarist and bassist born 10 August 1958, died 17 december 2000. |
Search | Add | 8 | Lingkung Seni Kancana Sari | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Dragan Timotijević Belmondo | Dragan Timotijević | Photographer |
Search | Add | 8 | Gabriel Angio | Gabriel 'Alejandro' Angio | Progressive psychedelic trance DJ producer based in Buenos Aires, Argentina |
Search | Add | 8 | Dj Esi | Danny Wood | DJ Esi (pronounced S – E) meaning England, Scotland and Ireland, has created Dance music since 2003. |
Search | Add | 8 | André Arvis | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Gareth Hovey | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Philipp Shipilov | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Lost In Process | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Victor Minstrel Company | This was a pseudonym used by several different artists during the early 1900s. Before 1906, this alias was primarily used by [a424111]. These recordings often include augmentation by [a1103193]. Most issues between 1906-1909 are by [a3442796]. Later "state" issues (e.g. "Virginia Minstrels", "Alabama Minstrels", "Arkansas Minstrels", etc) are by [a1313719], often augmented by additional performers. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Marcos Medina Velasco | Marcos Medina Velasco | Marcos Medina Velasco was born in 1978 in Mexico City. He has been producing several Electronic Music styles like: Techno, House, Trance and Hardcore Techno. Deep Bass 909 is his main project since 1994, focusing in electronic styles like: Hardcore Techno, Speedcore, Trashcore, Gabber and Uptempo Hardcore. In 1996 he and his brother Arturo Medina Velasco founded Toxic Productions in order to create Underground Electronic Music events in Mexico City. Later, in 2001, they founded a net label called: Toxicpro Records in order to spread the world their musical creations. |
Search | Add | 8 | Everette Edwards | US soul arranger probably from Pennsylvania. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Leo Skuplík | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Phaunes | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Louis Forer | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Apis Melifera | Ralf Bock | Bassist for the German grindcore band [a=Attack Of The Mad Axeman]. |
Search | Add | 8 | Buffalo Buffalo | From Tallahassee, FL | |
Search | Add | 8 | Jetstone | ||
Search | Add | 8 | The Shortwaveband | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Shrewski | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Gary Charman | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Pechsaftha | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Thíen Sâí Dên | Gary Vu | |
Search | Add | 8 | Grzegorz Kopala | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Intoxication Of Violence | Hardcore punk band from the Philippines | |
Search | Add | 8 | Morgana Vs Morgana | Spanish rock band | |
Search | Add | 8 | Thomas A. Foolery | Wes Keller | American bassist. |
Search | Add | 8 | Wsilva | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Bruno Kretzschmar | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Hard Hearing | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Dr. Albert Rappaport | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Oddmusic Radio Shower | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Stella M. Francis | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Antoni Nowosad | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Ratt Hodez | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Nathan Doutt | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Lucid Bounce | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Alex McVey | Alex McVey | Artist / illustrator from Texas. |
Search | Add | 8 | Orchester Peer Raben | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Joan Carufel | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Still Creek Band | ||
Search | Add | 8 | 栗本斉 | Hitoshi Kurimoto. Japanese music and travel writer. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Grenzgang | Austrian band from Upper Austria. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Wout Vermijs | ||
Search | Add | 8 | | Italian production, printing and services company for independent artists and labels, founded by [a=Elia Murgia] in 2006, active until 2017. For label and production credit, please use [l3676789] | |
Search | Add | 8 | Junie Lou | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Poul Bondesen | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Henrik Weimedal | Swedish heavy metal bassist. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Les Beyond | Erin Jane Ward | |
Search | Add | 8 | Großes Blasorchester "Grüne Jäger" | German wind orchestra, performing mainly marches. The orchestra was led by [a1999262]. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Bolivian Jazz | Bolivian jazz ensemble injecting Andean folklore into contemporary jazz. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Homeworks | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Judy Troilo | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Christopher Sunday | Gerald J. Granahan | Pseudonym of the singer/songwriter [a320280] |
Search | Add | 8 | Richard Weihs | Austrian actor, author and musician, born 6 October 1956 in Wels, Austria. | |
Search | Add | 8 | DJ Miyamoto Masao | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Aziz Ramos | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Frank Wuttke | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Rudy "Tee" Gonzales | Singer, band leader, brother of Manuel “Red” Gonzales July 4, 1939-March 26, 2024 | |
Search | Add | 8 | Commando Lodge | wall noise project | |
Search | Add | 8 | Leonel Mateus | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Henrique Gandelman | Lawyer, teacher, violin player and art director of CBS. Founder and director of Plaza Discos. Father of the sax player Leo Gandelman. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Bill Bickel Trio | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Kaloo Qawal | Calcutta-based qawwali singer of the early 20th century. | |
Search | Add | 8 | The McKinlay Sisters | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Platon Emil | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Leszek Dranicki | Polish jazz guitarist, born 3 June 1949 in Gdansk, Poland. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Nick Sevier | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Chandinho Dédé | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Norman Panto | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Bev Doolittle | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Coro Ennio Morricone | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Dick Kollmar | Richard Tompkins Kollmar | American actor, born 31 December 1910 in Ridgewood, New Jersey, USA, died from a drug overdose 7 January 1971 in New York City, New York, USA. |
Search | Add | 8 | Gelb Rot Blau | Gelb Rot Blau is a musical duo based in San Francisco, CA. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Quique Lucca | Enrique Lucca Caraballo | Quique Lucca (born December 12, 1912, Yauco, Puerto Rico - died October 9, 2016, Ponce, Puerto Rico) was a Puerto Rican musician and founder and leader of [a3381508]. Father of [a413852]. |
Search | Add | 8 | Roi Hernandez | ||
Search | Add | 8 | GeniusD | Dick van der Leeden | Electronic music producer from The Netherlands. Also post-producer, mixing and mastering engineer for other artists. |
Search | Add | 8 | Morgan McWaters | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Drakonian | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Precieux | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Adrian Musiał | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Gabriel Maciocia | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Junior Rodigan | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Bouboul | Malagasy guitarist and humorist | |
Search | Add | 8 | Enzuigiri | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Haubrecht Gumpmann | Eclectic Music DJ based in Munich, Germany. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Vytautas Šapranauskas | (19 April 1958 – 18 April 2013) was a Lithuanian comedy and drama actor. | |
Search | Add | 8 | I'm FGR | French DJ & producer based in Lyon, France. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Marie Bergman Band | ||
Search | Add | 8 | DJ BNasty | DJ Bnasty AKa "The Blendmaster" has always been a known legend in the game since the late 90s reppin Indianapolis and the whole Midwest just like DJ Screw was to Houston and reppin the whole South. The Blendmaster Aka DJ Bnasty mix CD's have reached worldwide and are continuing to grow. Please show continuing support for the Blendmaster/ DJ Bnasty's hard work... Mixes and Blendz are on several major platforms to join fan bases and also show love by making contributions to The Blendmaster/ DJ Bnasty to help keep the mixes going and spreading love worldwide. The Blendmaster/ DJ Bnasty also does live parties by request and location. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Martin Henrik Gustafsson | Martin Henrik Hasselgren | Swedish multi-instrumentalist |
Search | Add | 8 | Männerchor Koschatbund | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Liam Saunders | Record Producer / Musician from Dunfermline | |
Search | Add | 8 | Jiří Koběrský | Jiří Koběrský | Czech vocalist and producer He was born 28.5.1978 |
Search | Add | 8 | DJ Nastya | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Ricky Rickermann | German singer and moderator, Thuine (Emsland) - H.R. Musikproduktion | |
Search | Add | 8 | Erdal Karadag | Erdal Karadag | |
Search | Add | 8 | Danny Samayoa | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Oscat | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Arek Losiewicz | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Йорданка Варджийска | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Bendejo | Bende Panier | |
Search | Add | 8 | Toni Face | Antonio Marazuela | Spanish producer and owner of [l=Liquidator] label. He is one of the most prominent figures in the promotion of Jamaican music in Spain. |
Search | Add | 8 | Robert Iolini | Robert Iolini | |
Search | Add | 8 | Rino Dimopoli | ||
Search | Add | 8 | The Migrators | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Inge Bønnerup | Danish organ player. Former organist at [l=Trinitatis Kirke, Copenhagen]. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Elton Fernandes | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Jutta Kestner | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Elizaveta Boldyreva | Engineer and violinist who frequently works with [a=John Dwyer]. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Dominique Paats | Accordion player | |
Search | Add | 8 | John Hosier | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Barry Walsh Band | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Gilles Polvé | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Robbed Tomb | Death metal band from Belarus. Formed in 1992 as Hearse, changed their name in 1994 to Robbed Tomb. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Djane Myzo | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Jarrett Mitchell | Jarrett Edward Mitchell | Iowa-based visual artist. |
Search | Add | 8 | Jordan Seeger | ||
Search | Add | 8 | VibeDevice | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Toby Toman | Philip Tomanov | |
Search | Add | 8 | Branka Musulin | German-Croatian pianist and teacher, born 6 August 1917 in Zagreb, Croatia and died 1 January 1975 in Schmallenberg, Germany. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Charlie Camorata | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Matteo Guarnaccia | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Олег Исаев | Олег Валерьевич Исаев | Russian narrator, actor, producer. Oleg Isaev, artist, was born in 1963. In 1984 he graduated from the directing department of the Perm State Institute of Culture (course of V.A.Ilyev). He worked in the theater, quite a bit in the cinema, for the last 15 years - as an editor, producer, director at radio stations and TV channels of the country. |
Search | Add | 8 | James Lee Hayles | ||
Search | Add | 8 | J Scott Smith | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Barry Louvaine | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Szabó Éva | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Léon Sainte-Rose | Leon Sainte Rose | Leon Sainte Rose was a singer, composer and flutist of chouval bwa from Martinique. He was a member of the martiniquan band Palant'Che. He was born on 26 August 1935 and died on 22 May 2023 at the age of 87. |
Search | Add | 8 | Niwa Tatsui | Vincent Lubelli | |
Search | Add | 8 | Matt Morr | [a=Matthew Morrill] has worked on numerous video game titles and has engineered for GRAMMY-winning music artists. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Henri Villerouge | French singer and actor. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Shoulder Season | Band from Dartmouth/Halifax, NS featuring Karen Foster, Mel Sturk, Kristina Parlee, and Meg Yoshida. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Phil Joanou | Phil Joanou | American film director, born 20 November 1961 in La Cañada Flintridge, California, USA. |
Search | Add | 8 | Alessio Chisari | Alessio Chisari | Italian DJ and producer born in Rome 2 April 1986. Founder of [l=Sintetico]. |
Search | Add | 8 | Rachel Drayson | Cellist. | |
Search | Add | 8 | The United States Air Force Strolling Strings | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Andreas Tellefsen | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Erkki Mykrä | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Victor Kompatsiaris | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Hans Pols | ||
Search | Add | 8 | DAD the band | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Margot Zalkind-Schur | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Jamixel Bereau | Basque traditional musician and vocalist. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Karl Malden | Mladen George Sekulovich | Born: 22nd March 1912 Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A. Died: 1st July 2009 Brentwood, Los Angeles, California, U.S.A. American actor. Well known for the long-running TV series 'The Streets of San Franscisco' in the 1970s. Won an Academy Award for best supporting actor for his performance in A Streetcar Named Desire. |
Search | Add | 8 | Tino R. Rowe | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Wu Jia Li | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Skor72 | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Cristina Pereira | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Boktingan | Punk band from Trondheim, Norway | |
Search | Add | 8 | Liz Worsley | Designer. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Elihú Gándara | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Lunatic Response Unit | Hard dance production duo and live act made up of [a=Toryn D] & [a= Ollie Jaye], featuring the vocal talents of Beth-Anne Matthews. Owners of the [l=Mental Health Records Ltd] imprint. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Felix Fingerz | Felix N.Colón | |
Search | Add | 8 | Inter Scann | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Poolside On The Sea | [b]Poolside On The Sea[/b] = 海の上のプールサイド are a Japanese rock band, playing various styles. [b]Current Members[/b]: [a=Shinichi Sato (2)] = 佐藤信一 (Vocals, Guitar) [a=Kato Manabu] = 加藤学 (Bass) [b]Support Members[/b]: [a=Hinako Chujyo] = 中條日菜子 (Violin) [b]Chitose Shinoda[/b] = 篠田千寿 (Drums) [b]Past Members[/b]: [a=Taku Suetomi] = 末冨拓 (Guitar) [a=Akinori Okamura] = 岡村昭徳 (Guitar, Chorus) [b]椎名須春[/b] (Bass) [b]Osamu Kurosawa[/b] = 黒沢修 (Drums) | |
Search | Add | 8 | Antonio Carmona Martínez | Spanish musician, engineer and owner of [l328612] and [l377479] in Málaga (Andalusia), Spain. | |
Search | Add | 8 | DLP Hamburg | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Monseigneur Delarue | ||
Search | Add | 8 | GoodVIC | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Boleslav Božka | Boleslav Božka | Slovak banjo player. Died in 1979. |
Search | Add | 8 | The Otarus International Brothers Band | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Гулямджан Якубов | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Allied Productions | US rap/production group from Memphis, Tennessee. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Gemma Hierro Margalef | Spanish visual artist | |
Search | Add | 8 | Ivan Milković | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Francis Danger | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Lee Whitfield | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Tia Vincent-Clark | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Germaine Weill | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Dmitry Zaharov | Дмитрий Захаров (Dmitry Zaharov) | Electronic music producer from Murmansk, Russia |
Search | Add | 8 | Л. Дормышева | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Titan SS | National Socialist musician from Tucson, Arizona. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Logan Kayne | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Liviu Mănescu | Romanian bass player, founding member of [a=Vama Veche] and [a=Trupa Veche] | |
Search | Add | 8 | René Juyn | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Mamie Machette | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Les Flambeaux | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Rens Plaschek | Photographer | |
Search | Add | 8 | Carol Martyn | Canadian country singer/songwriter. Born c. 1958 in Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada. Won the CJLB Radio Talent Contest at the Canadian Lakehead Exhibition in 1983. Composed the song "Clinging To Your Memory" for her first album. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Juarez Machado | Brazilian (Joinville, Santa Catarina State; March 16, 1941) painter, sculptor, designer, caricaturist, mime artist, designer, set designer, writer, photographer and actor. Very prestigious in his country in the 1970s, with works on TV, movies and major newspapers. Dedicated to painting, he is based in Paris since 1986. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Ballarat Civic Male Choir | Formed in Ballarat VIC Australia in 1952 | |
Search | Add | 8 | Jade Dust | Melodic hardcore band from Portland, Oregon. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Alexej Zeimet | Electronic artist from Luxembourg active since end of the 80s | |
Search | Add | 8 | Jessica Mohn | German schlager singer | |
Search | Add | 8 | Кенен Азербаев | Кенен Әзірбаев | Kenen Azerbaev (1884-1976) - кazakh poet, singer, composer. |
Search | Add | 8 | Crossing Worlds | Alexis Pérez | Crossing Worlds is an American Extreme Metal, Noise, Black Metal, Doom Metal, Experimental, and Sludge Metal solo project from Fort Collins, Colorado. Crossing Worlds is composed by Alexis Pérez (AP) |
Search | Add | 8 | František Friedrich | František Friedrich | Czech vocalist and guitarist. Born 25. July 1927 in Brno, Died 13. May 2013. |
Search | Add | 8 | Meridian Arc | Andrew Crawshaw | Meridian Arc guides you through the celestial dimensions of beyond our space and time through the textural waves of sound and distant planetary pulses. Cosmic excursions that bend the spectrum of colors to create a bridge to sonic temples in the galaxy far far away. |
Search | Add | 8 | VenomuZ | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Joachim Kremer | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Chris Ruscoe | Christopher Ruscoe | |
Search | Add | 8 | Teresa Woodward | ||
Search | Add | 8 | André Innselset | André Innselset | Used to play in Marble Pools, now uses the moniker [a5064120]. |
Search | Add | 8 | Chris Spliedt | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Porkeria | Punk band from McAllen, Texas. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Mr Knee | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Drugga Dict Shout | Gianluca Mensi & Max Moroldo | |
Search | Add | 8 | L. Steve "504WhatStyle" Williams, Jr. | Leandre Steve Williams, Jr. | New Orleans native, commercial artist, member of the United Houma Nation. He is known for his rock-n-roll "Provoking Pop Art", and for starting the 504 clothing line in the '90s. His art can be found in local magazines (e.g., Offbeat, Antigravity), on Mardi Gras floats, albums, band merchandise, T-shirts, etc. "Steve What Style" is a radio host for the "504 Underground Music" show on WHIV 102.3 FM, focusing on New Orleans and Louisiana vintage music, ranging from the '50s to the present. AKAs: L. Steve Williams, Jr. LSW Steve What Style |
Search | Add | 8 | Yesabella | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Solisten Der Staatlichen Oper Bratislava | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Max Lienert | Swiss composer and musicologist. | |
Search | Add | 8 | A Work Of Art | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Alex Di Gangi | Alex Di Gangi | Italian singer / sound engineer / graphic designer / photographer form Firenze (Italy). Co-founder & co-runner of the [l103678] independent label, where he did most of graphic design and sound editing for all releases. Dropped the x from the name after becoming a photographer and dropping from music career. |
Search | Add | 8 | J. D. Cadden | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Craig Yarnold | ||
Search | Add | 8 | monrxe | Russian electronic music producer | |
Search | Add | 8 | Matt Tomich | Bass player. | |
Search | Add | 8 | France Pommery | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Angus Munro | Piano-based singer-songwriter living in Edinburgh, Scotland | |
Search | Add | 8 | Joaquin Gomar | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Carter Holmes | Founder of [l1783970] | |
Search | Add | 8 | Kendall Combes | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Image System | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Charly Doblmaier | Austrian pianist | |
Search | Add | 8 | Mo Douglas | Multi-instrumentalist producer and songwriter based in Portland, Oregon | |
Search | Add | 8 | Oregarus vs Asparagor | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Banda 11 De Noviembre De Rabolargo | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Alex Kanevsky | ||
Search | Add | 8 | NORTHMOOR | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Felix Veloz | Dominican songwriter, engineer. Some of his songs are: “Vuelvo”, performed by Pablo Martínez y Parada Joven, winner of three Premios Casandra –nowadays Soberano-; “Rompe Cintura”, by Los Hermanos Rosario; “Mi Niña”, Los Toros Band; “Te Nombro Reina”, Toño Rosario. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Philip Sklar | Upright Bass player. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Smyrnas Kör Och Orkester, Göteborg | ||
Search | Add | 8 | М. Шлемина | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Tõnis Altsaar | ||
Search | Add | 8 | JTWR | John The White Rapper. Welsh MC. | |
Search | Add | 8 | EBM Studios | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Chorale De L'Eglise Saint-Julien-Le-Pauvre | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Kent Mazey | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Frank Granada | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Kees de Kort | Illustrator, born in 1934 in Nijkerk, Netherlands; died 19 August 2022 at the age of 87. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Bret Syfert | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Arturo Domingo | Spanish bass player. member of "Pan y Regaliz". He played briefly with [a1535810] in 1972, just before they split-up. | |
Search | Add | 8 | 4K Design | ||
Search | Add | 8 | M. Picotto | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Monika Brooks | Monica Brooks | |
Search | Add | 8 | Melquisedeque Carvalhêdo | Melquisedeque Teixeira Carvalhêdo | Melk Carvalhêdo, artistic name of Melquisedeque Teixeira Carvalhêdo (Lago da Pedra, September 2, 1966) is a Brazilian pianist, keyboardist, music producer, multi-instrumentalist and arranger. He is a well-known religious musician, having worked as a producer on albums by singers and bands such as Rayssa & Ravel, Shirley Carvalhaes, Mara Lima, Damares and Lauriete. A native of Maranhão, Melk began his work with contemporary Christian music during the 1980s. He worked, to a large extent, with Pentecostal and country music niche artists. He produced several albums by country duo Rayssa & Ravel and singer Shirley Carvalhaes during the 1990s and, in the early 2000s, he was responsible for Cristina Mel's Pentecostal phase albums. In 2006, the album Eu e Jesus, by the duo Daniel & Samuel, produced by Melk, won the Talento Trophy. In 2009, he won again with the production of the album Em Todo Tempo Louve, by Robinson Monteiro, in the Best Pentecostal Album category. In the category, the producer was still competing with three other albums: Apocalypse (Damares), Abençoado (Mara Lima) and Não Pare de Adorar (Shirley Carvalhaes). He was a candidate for councilor in Sorocaba (SP) in 2016, but lost the elections. Melk had been married for years to singer and songwriter Vanilda Bordieri, with whom he divorced in 2013. Together, they had a son. |
Search | Add | 8 | Georg Kohlap | New Zealand photographer specializing in taking photos of country and western artists on the [l35333] label in the 1960's. | |
Search | Add | 8 | im6ges | Musician/composer, artist, and designer, from Houston, TX | |
Search | Add | 8 | Πέτρος Αντωνάκης | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Mandolin Serenaders | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Румяна Коцева | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Carol Cayne | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Massimo Berni | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Das Neue Nichts | Das Neue Nichts (DNN) is a German electro band with brachial, atmospheric beats, cold sound and brittle melancholy. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Вудротчкова | Беата Вудротчкова | Шумовой музыкант. Родилась в Чешской республике. Участник проектов пани [a3336227] (соло), [a5033470], [a5033531], [a3336228], [a5043070]. Со-учредитель (вместе с PAN APANAS ([a3336226]) и Уасей Гномековым ([a5037042]) ) DIY нетлейбла [l1006488] (aka "double pizDaDa", aka "2pizDaDa"). |
Search | Add | 8 | Mirco Flastrov | ||
Search | Add | 8 | School Of Music Faculty Band | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Orchestre Special Bakuba | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Bobby Gutesha | Mladen Guteša | Yugoslavian composer and arranger, born 16 December 1923 in Sarajevo, based in Germany and Switzerland |
Search | Add | 8 | Bronius Jonušas | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Sema Bulut | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Jean-François Maunoury | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Per Julin | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Hiroshi Otsuki | Lead guitar and vocalist of the Registrators from Tokyo, Japan. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Clyde Stewardon | Clyde Steward | Born in Greenville, Mississippi.. Grew up in New Orleans, La. and Port Arthur, Texas.. play the piano, guitar, dobro, mandolin, accordion, saxophone and bagpipes.. |
Search | Add | 8 | ユピテル・グランド・オーケストラ | Yupiteru Grand Orchestra. Japanese easy-listening orchestra connected to the [l=Yupiteru Records] label. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Rui Fadigas | ||
Search | Add | 8 | CAW Schedl | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Φώτης Φωτιάδης | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Gino King | Gene King | Gene King, aka "Gino" was from LaCrosse, Wisconsin, but traveled from Alaska to California to Nashville during the 50's and 60's and 70's. he knew everybody, played with Joe Maphis and Larry Collins and Merle Travis in California, backed up Gene Vincent and Link Wray in Alaska, and finally settled in Nashville where he toured behind Little Jimmy Dickens for 15 years, among others. |
Search | Add | 8 | Janusz Jurek | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Edmund Andler-Borić | Edmund Dražen Borić Andler | Croatian Organist, born 1975. |
Search | Add | 8 | Nick Cavendish | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Leon Baldry | Leon Baldry | |
Search | Add | 8 | Bryan Gallo | New York Bryan Gallo is a Long Island based singer-songwriter. His songs are inspired by late nights in bars, the backseats of cars, and the pressures and consequences of living life romantically. Intrigued by both the sounds of alternative country-rock and wistful pop music he began to pen songs that would be deeply personal but still readily accessible. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Philharmonic Orchestra Of New York | The name Philharmonic Orchestra Of New York was in use on Columbia releases conducted by Stransky roughly 1917-1923. When Mengelberg took over as conductor in 1922, recordings were released by Victor under the name New York Philharmonic Orchestra (1922-1928). Throughout this period, the concert programs used the formal name "The Philharmonic Society of New York", while "The Philharmonic Orchestra" was the short form referring the the actual orchestra. In 1928, it merged with [a1325307] and the two joint orchestras took the new name: Philharmonic-Symphony Orchestra Of New York (P-SONY). The first concert after the merger and name change was on October 4, 1928. For recordings from the pre-1928 era, but issued later with P-SONY or NYP as artist: just credit the named orchestra "as on release" with ANV if necessary - no need to credit PONY. [b]Complete list of Music Directors: [/b] [b]As Philharmonic Society of New York [/b] • Ureli Corelli Hill, Henry Timm, Denis Etienne, William Alpers, George Loder, Louis Wiegers and Alfred Boucher (1842–1849) • Theodore Eisfeld (1849–1854) / Theodore Eisfeld & Henry Timm (1854–1855) • Carl Bergmann (1855–1856, 1858–1859, 1865–1876) • Theodore Eisfeld (1856–1858) / Carl Bergmann & Theodore Eisfeld (1859–1865) • [a=Leopold Damrosch] (1876–1877) • [a=Theodore Thomas (4)] (1877–1878, 1879–1891) • [a=Adolf Neuendorff] (1878–1879) • [a=Anton Seidl] (1891–1898) • [a=Emil Paur] (1898–1902) • [a=Walter Damrosch] (1902–1903) • [a=Vasily Ilyich Safonov] (1906–1909) • [a=Gustav Mahler] (1909–1911) • [a=Josef Stránský] (1911–1923) • [a=Willem Mengelberg] (1922–1930) | |
Search | Add | 8 | Christian Dorfner | Mattia Falchi | |
Search | Add | 8 | Benno Lagerwey | Dutch keyboardist and guitarist. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Muehlenkreis | Dj and producer, raised in Espelkamp (NRW, Germany), worked for various labels under different pseudonyms, especially in the 90s. Since 2003 located in Berlin. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Barbara Duff | Gospel/Operatic singer from Texas At some point Barbara Duff changed her name to Barbara Law | |
Search | Add | 8 | Gol3m | Etienne Caroff | |
Search | Add | 8 | IBRA:s Orkester | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Tània Terror | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Shionite | Hiroshi Ogata (尾形浩) | |
Search | Add | 8 | Kate Mink | Scottish artist. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Santo Tremila | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Neil Dillard | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Koldo Barroso | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Handy Group | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Michael Kuyucu | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Guthravir | ||
Search | Add | 8 | L'Orchestre Télé-Music De Brazzaville | ||
Search | Add | 8 | The Mission Singers | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Caribe Band | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Jaime "Gringo" Davidson, Sr. | Jaime A. Davidson, Sr. | James "Jaime" Alexander Davidson, Sr. (a/k/a “Gringo ‘The Original'”), according to his new autobiography entitled, "Visionary: Rise and Fall of the Reggaeton Man...Fame Comes at a Steep Price", is the “ORIGINAL FOUNDER OF THE CULTURE OF REGGAETON then known as "Reggae in Spanish", “recorded in Brooklyn, New York with his Dancehall Reggae team called “BABYQUAKE HI-POWER" is a Panamanian artist who preceded El General and Nando Boom, being "the only Panamanian” in the HEART OF THE DANCEHALL REGGAE of the early 80’s, singing for ”EARTHQUAKE HI-POWER “and in 1984 starting his own sound system of music known as “BABYQUAKE HI-POWER” representing all of Latin America with the “great power of the Panamanian culture” against other sounds who were playing their music--countries and cultures such as: Jamaica, Guyana, Trinidad, Grenada, Canada, England and America, etc.., to name some, in a non-competing numbers and / or very intense innovative music. In 1985 with the grace of God, Babyquake's first live clash to promote the culture of Hip-Hop/Reggae called “LADI-DADI-MEETS-SLIM Thing” at the Sunset Club Paradise on Flatbush and Caton Avenue was a win for the sound system. In 1986, their victory was repeated in the Biltmore Ballroom winning the No. 1 place to represent the whole area of Flatbush against the 4 best teams in Dancehall Reggae in that area during that time. The General and Nando Boom followed me to New York to work with Jamaican producers, Carl Miller of VP Records in Jamaica, Queens and Carlton “Rohan” Barrett of SuperPower Records in Brooklyn, New York. The ground was “VERY WELL PAVED” by my “SACRIFICES AND RESPECT IN THE STAGE OF DANCEHALL REGGAE” The Jamaican and American public, etc., “ACCEPTED THE REGGAE IN SPANISH” that evolved like any other music to REGGAETON! where the public was saying, “I DO NOT KNOW WHAT THE (GRINGO / JAIME RANKS, in the 80’s), is saying, but it sounds good!” In 1991, Jaime Ranks was successful in a competition with another team called "Nuclear Atomic Hi-Power" with Shaggy (aka Mr. Boombastic) and other BabyQuake artists: Screechie Dan, James Bond, Coolie Ranx; and the late Louie Ranks who was famous from his hit, “TYPEWRITER”. (He was known to many as “OX” on American movie called “Belly”). Hip-Hop's Naz and DMX were there to witness this victory. Back then, the majority of Jaime's songs were written in English and Spanish. Jaime recorded the first songs mixed with Reggae, Hip-Hop, Calypso, Merengue, Salsa, Dancehall Reggae, and Christmas music (with: Henry Hierro, Henry Castro and Ledesma). Producers like Mr. Doo (famous for the success of Coco Tea “Rikers Island”) and Orlando Lee (who traveled from Panama, leaving his business to the World Music Distributor USA to record my production, “DONDE LO CONSEGUISTE”. This song was the inspiration for the culture of Reggaeton. My first CD was completed in Kingston, Jamaica, January 1992, signed with J & N Records (Juan And Nelson) and Sony Discos. Every time someone suggests that Reggaeton was born in Puerto Rico and/or other countries, those suggestions would fall rather quickly once Jaime explains the “Review of the ‘DNA'” of the album's two original tracks. Reggaeton was born in Brooklyn, New York--“GRAN PODER DE LA CULTURE DE PANAMA!" These two tracks are: TRAILER LLENO DE GUIALES (Gringo “The Original”) and "Vengo Caliente". "Vengo Caliente" was by Gringo The Original's artist, Tito “The Town Crier,”. Jaime co-wrote and trained the singer to rap right in the recording studio at the time of recording. "We made an enormous contribution to the music industry with a new genre," Jaime stated. In an exciting turn of events, Jaime "El Gringo Original" Davidson's prison sentence was commuted by President Donald Trump in Trump's last day at the White House. Jaime is currently working very hard on causes which he has championed while he was incarcerated and getting a crash course of how the world has changed in the last 29 years! Jaime thanks his family, friends and fans for their continued support as the #freegringomovement has begun its next phase. |
Search | Add | 8 | Tenor Cat | Corey Williamson | |
Search | Add | 8 | Aram Haydeyan | Designer | |
Search | Add | 8 | I Can See Mountains | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Gianluca Fontana | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Merzan / Zanmerz | Merz (2), Zan Hoffman | 1990's collaborations between [a=Merz (2)] and [a=Zan Hoffman] include releases which feature each artist doing mixes of the others works. Merz' mixes of Zan Hoffman are known as Merzan and Zan's mixes of Merz plus others are known as Zanmerz. Each release is 60 minutes and they are all available on the [l=ZH27] label. |
Search | Add | 8 | Gus Boaz | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Daniele Torchio | Daniele Torchio | Italian artist |
Search | Add | 8 | Paulo Mondano | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Αλέξης Πρεβενάς | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Cornelis Bronsgeest | Cornelis Bronsgeest | b.: July 24, 1878 (Leiden, the Netherlands) d.: September 22, 1957 (Berlin, Germany) Dutch bass-baritone who made his career in Germany. |
Search | Add | 8 | Phillippe "Swan" Brown | Phillippe Boyce Brown | Engineer at [l=Time Trax Studio] in Cleveland, Ohio. Born in 1959. |
Search | Add | 8 | Banda De La Escuela Naval Del Perú | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Gannon Hall | American drummer. | |
Search | Add | 8 | The Willy B Review | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Ben Gash | Benjamin Völz | German actor, voice actor, musician and painter, born May 13, 1960 in Berlin, Germany. |
Search | Add | 8 | Stig Jøraholmen | Bassist from Moss in Norway | |
Search | Add | 8 | Manuele Scalia | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Andrew Mokrytsky | Андрій Павлович Мокрицький | Andriy Mokrytskyi is the leading sound director of the Ukrainian Radio Recording House. Laureate of the State Prize named after TG Shevchenko. His recordings of Ernst Bloch's Violin Concerto and Orchestra by Elmar Oliveira in 2009 were presented at the Grammy Awards. |
Search | Add | 8 | Singkreis Klagenfurt - Wörthersee | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Hi Infadels | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Nejc Prah | ||
Search | Add | 8 | LINN ROLL | Nashville, TN United States | |
Search | Add | 8 | Gintautas Rakauskas | Bass guitarist. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Gerri Lacosta | Pierre Rossi | Belgian singer but born in Italy (Viticuso, 1947) |
Search | Add | 8 | Ser J | French house music artist | |
Search | Add | 8 | Jimmy Reeves Jr. | Blues singer and guitarist, who recorded an LP for Chess/Checker in Chicago, Illinois, in 1970. It's not easy to find info about Jimmy Reeves Jr. The following article sheds some light on the album - "One other session [from Walter Horton] that merits attention from this period is a Chess LP done under the name of guitarist Jimmy Reeves Jr., who as his name alludes, was a young Jimmy Reed lookalike and soundalike, complete with a photograph of rack mounted harmonica around his neck. The session was a straight Willie Dixon affair that featured a few Reed titles and a lot of Willie's songbook. Fortunately, M.T. Murphy was the lead guitarist and Shakey [Walter Horton] performed some outstanding sympathetic backing in tandem with pianist Lafayette Leake or Sunnyland Slim. Reeves Jr., the star of the session, was relegated to vocals. This session appeared only briefly on vinyl, then disappeared presumably due to poor sales, and a lingering aftertaste of bad Jimmy Reed clones that had exhausted their market attraction. This type of session is a good example of how a mediocre artist (Reeves Jr.) can be rescued from oblivion by a good backing group, a task that Walter Horton handled measurably, several times during his career". - from | |
Search | Add | 8 | Sara Mishkin | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Julie Mabea | Julie Mabéa is an Ivorian singer from the west of Ivory Coast. His compositions, generally sung in Yacouba, sometimes include parts in French and Swahili. | |
Search | Add | 8 | La Down | ||
Search | Add | 8 | William Sloat | Bass player | |
Search | Add | 8 | Fox Chandler | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Graf von Morgenstern | Founder of one-man black metal project [a=Der Gefallene] | |
Search | Add | 8 | Frankie "Blades" D'Amato | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Joshua Padarathsingh | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Denis Duran | Denis Michel Duran | Canadian bassist. |
Search | Add | 8 | Enteng Tanamal | Enteng Tanamal is the first Chairman of 'Persatuan Artis Pencipta Lagu dan Penata Musik Rekaman Indonesia' - 'Indonesian Songwriters and Arrangers Association. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Josien Mars | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Napalmed Monk | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Daniel Isaac Miller | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Unsolicited | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Inspired School Of Astral Music | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Giz Lee | Gísli Víglundsson | Swedish hip-hop artist. |
Search | Add | 8 | Pamaky Ignace | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Merry Andrew | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Ann Tholsted | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Bob McCully | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Beatriz Iglesias | Graphic Designer | |
Search | Add | 8 | Szántó Gyula | ||
Search | Add | 8 | The Jim Ryan Project | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Troy "Troyton" Hinds | Troy Hinds | |
Search | Add | 8 | Guido Rosa | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Philosophers Barn | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Paulo Lajao | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Gilles Malgonne | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Lorenzo Mattotti | Italian comics and graphical artist and illustrator, born 24 January 1954. | |
Search | Add | 8 | René Karberg | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Necromodeus | Chas Schoals | American bassist and vocalist, primarily in the black metal genre, from Jackson, Michigan. Also ran the label [l191618]. |
Search | Add | 8 | MC DoomBlunt | "Just a lonely Squid attempting to make it in this cruel world where no one understands me except Billy Ray Cyrus he taught me to always believe in myself and that we should all eat more fiber". Vaporwave artist from San Francisco, California. | |
Search | Add | 8 | CLLT | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Trauma Center Killaz | US rap group from Memphis founded by G-Loc. Started in 1991. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Indijanci | Serbian heavy rock band active in period 1994-1998. Members were: Vicko Milatović - vocals Miljko Radonjić - drums Slavko Radosavljević - bass (1994-1996) Goran Repinc Repa - guitar Zoran Miletić (ex Karizma) - bass (from 1996) | |
Search | Add | 8 | Marino Scarabelli | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Eyoung | Emiel de Jong | |
Search | Add | 8 | Rancid Cerebral Tumor | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Françoise Lampo | ||
Search | Add | 8 | DailyDessert | Constantine Chumak | Electronic music producer from Donetck, Ukraine. Born: 18-10-1987 |
Search | Add | 8 | The Chukchee | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Ahter Sönmez | Also known as [b]Dr. AS[/b] - Istanbul, Turkey Dr. AS is a Turkish DJ, record producer, remixer, and managing executive partner of [url=]DBS[/url]. He's a significant pioneer of uplifting trance genre in Turkey. He has recently released some of his music from [l=dB-S EuphoriaElite] Records and [l=dB-S NobleDark] Records. As DJing style, he's focused on uplifting & tech trance. | |
Search | Add | 8 | The Magic Track | Peter Makkai & András Szerepi | The Magic Track is a co-operation of two infatuated house and disco DJs and Producers from Debrecen, Hungary Gio, formerly known as Giocator was raised on classic house and techno, and also influenced by the sound of the 80's electro and synth-funk sound. In his twenties he produced Drum & Bass, released more than 50 tunes worldwide and also managed a label called: Black Seeds Recordings. After more than a decade of DNB, he returned to the disco scene and now he takes advantage of his previous experiences and learned skills to create something new. Gio is a typical INTJ, constantly pursuing and seeking for patterns. A wine-lover, who admires Russian literature as much as Latin culture and mentality. DRJ, formerly known as Dr. Juzztice - grown up on 80's pop, indie, and UK punk - first played as a DJ 20 years ago in local bars, community radio stations. With his former crew he was the promoter of a chillout venue of a local festival for more than a decade. He loved playing slower genres, like dub, downtempo and later he was very much into broken beat, nu jazz, or headz - among others. Always spiced his mixes with some funk and around 2018 he finally fell in love with disco. He is an amateur cook, runner and a big fan of French comics. It was inevitable that these guys will work together sometimes. They both love the classic funk & soul from the 70s and this is what they mix with brand new and recent house, disco, afro, brazil, indie dance and nu disco tunes. Their producer career was started in 2020 only, with some minor appearances on And Friends Records. Couple months later but still in 2020, they released their first solo EP 'Four Seasons' on Furious Mandrill Records. Their first little successes, came in early 2021, when their second Furious Mandrill EP reached the TOP 10 at Junodownload and it was sitting there for more than two weeks. By that time their music was supported by Fingerman, Pete Herbert, The Funk District, Stephen Richards, Mannix, Paul Older, Igor Gonya and they made a lot of nice friendships which was a great catalyst on their productivity. They appeared again on toplists several times and made some nice releases on Spa In Disco, Tropical Disco Records or Masterworks Music. Their latest digital EP was released on Hot Digits Music in July and also made it into the TOP100 on Junodownload. And what's more: some of their latest tunes were hit the record stores as well, as they released on Daje Funk Records, Legofunk, and on The Very Polish Cut outs. Next magic music is coming soon on Samosa Records, Furious Mandrill Records, Spa In Disco and more... |
Search | Add | 8 | Hylaxy | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Nayim | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Jacob Klapperich | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Greg Creantor | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Soca Factory | ||
Search | Add | 8 | 이보영 | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Jocelyne TranVan | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Dani DC | Daniel Montero | Dani DC in harder style and Gabber / [a2802083] is the most trance version although it is also still hard. Hardcore Producer (since 2011) Acid Lover In his productions, the characteristic sound of the famous Roland TB 303 synthesizer is not usually lacking. |
Search | Add | 8 | DJ T-Bones | ||
Search | Add | 8 | DJ Eric L | Eric Liddell | Gabber DJ from Los Angeles. Active in the LA underground Rave scene circa 1995-2000s. |
Search | Add | 8 | Punta Galea | Spanish pop band from Bilbao from late 80s. Marian Gerrikabeitia (vocals, backing vocals, ex [l1077658] radio announcer), Txema Aspiltze (guitars, backing vocals), Ángel Lázaro (guitars, backing vocals), Julio Salgado (bass, backing vocals) and Javier Urrejola (sax). Also Ricardo Cantera as drummer. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Geza Verebeš | Guitarist and arranger, Yugoslavia | |
Search | Add | 8 | Arthur Plange | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Alkis Panayotopoulos | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Calmdown - cålɱ↓ | Elisa-Irini Vidalis | CALMDOWN (official capitalization, also cålɱ↓) is an electronic project from Greece. Elisa – Irini Vidalis aka CALMDOWN originally comes from Tinos Island, Greece and is a fully independent musician who writes, composes and produces all of her music. She poetically explains how vital music is to her: “ Through music you feel a moment that you already lived in the past, or a moment you will live in the future or a moment you will never have at all. It travels with you and saves you.” |
Search | Add | 8 | We Will Live Forever | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Оральное Отверстие | ||
Search | Add | 8 | U.s.a.u.k. | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Al2gether Booking Agency | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Yevgen Filatov | ||
Search | Add | 8 | CBS Special Products | For production / artwork type credits of [l59590] - a sublabel of CBS | |
Search | Add | 8 | Gus Nobel | Sandro Teglar | Producer, DJ, Designer |
Search | Add | 8 | Κώστας Κατσίγρας | Κωνσταντίνος Κατσίγρας | Κώστας Κατσίγρας (Kostas Katsigras) was a Greek composer. He died in 2006. |
Search | Add | 8 | Plochingen | Benoit Deuxant | |
Search | Add | 8 | DJ Dickfucker | ||
Search | Add | 8 | A. Ołtarzewska | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Serafim Mendes | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Marcel Aegerter | Marcel Maas | |
Search | Add | 8 | Viktor Kvant | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Doonesbury's Jimmy Thudpucker | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Oskar Braves | A 5 piece Dunfermline-based rock band with Dovv on lead vocals. The band annouced their break-up on 2nd September 2021 | |
Search | Add | 8 | Leo Merz | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Amber Ramon | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Einar Fredriksen | Einar André Fredriksen | Norwegian bassist and vocalist, born June 4th 1973 and died by suicide on January 10th, 2003. |
Search | Add | 8 | Dieter Seeburg | German bassist | |
Search | Add | 8 | Bailey Lupo | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Anetra Polk | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Stories From The Beyond | stories From The Beyond | The Collab Between two trance Artist Alan Delabie Aka Dj Deraven and Henning Berg Aka Afternova. Pure emotive trance . |
Search | Add | 8 | Eddie Fingers | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Nesisart | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Gheorghe Baltoc | Romanian grafician by [l11624]. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Cle Acklin | Clayton Acklin | Californian dance music DJ and producer. Owner of [l16188] |
Search | Add | 8 | Songs For Teresa | GALAXY | Also known as "GALAXY", "Songs for Teresa" was a group of multiple, often changing and nowadays either unknown or not-wanting-to-be-identifiable singers, musicians, arrangers and writers creating vocal songs and instrumentals for the pornographic movies of [a14382983]. It existed, in various constellations, from about 1984 until 1989. Most prominent for the album [m343140] is the group around the siblings [a1000285] and [a1217358], who make up the main part of the projects existence. In conclusion, "GALAXY" or "Songs for Teresa" cannot be linked to specific people with certainty and is foremost a placeholder. |
Search | Add | 8 | Henry Lemaire | ||
Search | Add | 8 | e.aau | ||
Search | Add | 8 | The Kennedy Experience | Tribute to [a=The Jimi Hendrix Experience] by violinist [a=Nigel Kennedy]. | |
Search | Add | 8 | CD-4 Sound Orchestra | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Алибек Казаров | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Franck Valmont | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Micheal545onyoutube | ||
Search | Add | 8 | IXRQ | Simon Matthews | Producer based in Ireland. Founder of Irelands Alkalinear Recordings. |
Search | Add | 8 | MC Frank D.B. | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Nancy Grandquist | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Broomé | Brandon Broome | Broomé is the stage name of Brandon Broome (born February 5th, 1993, Long Beach, California, USA), an American record producer, engineer, artist and entrepreneur. |
Search | Add | 8 | Marienschwestern | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Kateřina Cinglová | Kateřina Cinglová née Solářová | Czech bass guitarist. |
Search | Add | 8 | Гистамин | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Jerzy Kordowicz | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Just Another Girl | Tony Pooley | Formed in the early 90's in Slough, Berkshire, UK, by Tony Pooley (vocals and guitar), with Jane Wilson(Bass guitar). Mark Francis programmed the drum machine which was used live. The JAG's played regularly round the Slough/Reading/Windsor area, occasionally venturing in to London for gigs at the Rock Garden and the Swan, in Fulham amongst others, using film samples between songs for which they became known. The band eventually recruited Steve Wilson from The God's of Chaos on lead guitar and Julian Turner Bell from Slough band Space Junk on drums and went out as a "conventional" band. Life took it's toll on this version of the band and they broke up after recording the "T" album, which featured Martin Kennedy of Paradise Alley standing in on bass guitar. The band went into hibernation until Tony returned with the 360 Degrees of Sky EP in 2009. |
Search | Add | 8 | Nueva Iglesia | ||
Search | Add | 8 | LO/FI | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Never...But Always | Duo of brothers Steve & Kevin Dafoe, with early assistance by Massimo Rosati, and formerly known as En Vogue. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Andrew Rae | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Tommuel Reynolds | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Kasper Falkenberg | Danish guitarist. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Jarvis Morgan Holden | Bassist. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Robert Hermelin | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Alhaji T. Adedigba | Taoreed Adeyinka Adedigba | |
Search | Add | 8 | Hideki Take | Broadcaster and writer of music books, born in 1946 in Funabashi City, Chiba Prefecture, Japan. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Cuco Valtierra | Mexican musician, orchestra leader | |
Search | Add | 8 | Wolven Woodlands | Experimental acoustic neo-folk, doom and black metal project of Lord Forneus. Part of the Winter Forest Industries artists | |
Search | Add | 8 | Tripulacion G4 | ||
Search | Add | 8 | The Dunhill Blues | From Sydney, Australia. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Ralph Moore-Morris | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Dag Solstad | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Elvezio Fortunato | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Gabriel Dušík | Slovak composer and producer He was born January 26, 1961 in Bratislava (former Czechoslovakia) | |
Search | Add | 8 | Wolfgang Beutler | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Davi Silva | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Ch'ien Hsuan | Qian Xuan | Chinese visual artist (ca. 1235-1301) Qian Xuan aka Ch'ien Hsuan - He lived during the late Song dynasty & early Yuan dynasty |
Search | Add | 8 | Reid Collins | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Maria Bravo | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Steve Hoggart | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Pantxua St. Esteban | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Will Halley | William J. Halley | |
Search | Add | 8 | Time Constant | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Hanne-Ruth Mayer | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Petri Seikkula | Petri Seikkula | |
Search | Add | 8 | Alen Ćirić | Alen Ćirić | Born: [i]15.04.1991[/i] |
Search | Add | 8 | Руслан Эдиев | ||
Search | Add | 8 | LaBulKrack | LaBulKrack is a French band of around 10 brass instrument players, a guitarist, a bass player and two percussionists. Compositions and arrangements are mainly by the guitar player, Hugo Bernier. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Blìn Eff | Italian DJ and producer based in Florence. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Air to Breathe | Toby Perez | Harlingen, Texas Americana / Folk / Emo musician. |
Search | Add | 8 | Mørkt Kapittel | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Stan The Flasher | ||
Search | Add | 8 | The Aum Rifle | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Huaka'i Pō | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Peter Farrar | Australian saxophonist. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Senad Bislimi | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Cosmic Weapon Of Thule | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Mdonseni Majozi | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Bengt Polo Johanson | Bengt Evert Johansson | Swedish singer and TV host Born January 26, 1929 in Hedemora, Sweden — died December 7, 2014 in Rättvik, Sweden |
Search | Add | 8 | Supasoca | Kenn Haunstoft | Kenn Haunstoft And Leon Matthews |
Search | Add | 8 | Projected Through Glass | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Jacob Cohn | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Gérard Duboscq | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Douglas Gylsbi | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Nana "Coyote" Motijoane | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Awab Abdullah | ||
Search | Add | 8 | The Godfrey Brothers | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Crime Dsign Corp. | Ismael Martínez | |
Search | Add | 8 | Sydney Gustard | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Caglo Mac | Charles Bogdonoff | |
Search | Add | 8 | Daniel Estevez T. | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Andrew Grathwohl | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Ronaldo Monteiro (2) | Ronaldo Monteiro Soares | Sound engineer, editor and lacquer cutter at Discos CBS in Brazil from 1981 to 1988. He also held technical and management positions at Sony Music Brasil and EMI Music Brasil. Since 2005 he runs his own company Fonoplay Produções E Promoções Artísticas Musicais Ltda. in Maricá, Rio de Janeiro. |
Search | Add | 8 | SoulChief | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Völgyesi Dóra | Dóra Völgyesi | Hungarian vocalist. Sister of [a=Völgyesi Gabriella]. |
Search | Add | 8 | Björn Patrik Pfeiffer | German singer, guitarist and songwriter | |
Search | Add | 8 | Ole Dole Doff | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Martin Silz | Danish cover designer | |
Search | Add | 8 | Alun Hood | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Ernest Mensah | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Choo-Chine | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Enzo Amadesi | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Henry Mwnn Lobbs | Enrico Lobina | |
Search | Add | 8 | King Flamingo | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Sintic | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Idyls | Lo-fi trash garage punk band from Linköping, Sweden. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Sven-Eric Carlsson | Sven-Erik Karlsson | vocalist born 5. March 1945 with Cool Candys 1968-1977 |
Search | Add | 8 | Jean-Jacques Huet |