Report created based on data in MusicBrainz as of 24/10/2024
Found 596840 artists, we show 1000 artists per page.
The report is not continually updated so may not reflect the current data within MusicBrainz and or Discogs databases.
These are Discogs artists not currently linked to a MusicBrainz artist, and we have been unable to find a potential link for either.
Many of these artists probably are in MusicBrainz in some form but they are not currently linked, the list is ordered so that Discogs artists with the most number of single artists releases are listed first on the basis that these artists would be of more interest.
Some problems will just be due to deficiencies in the Discogs to Musicbrainz artist matching algorithm employed by Albunack.
There are also timing issues as this report is not updated immediately so will not reflect recent modifications and additions to MusicBrainz and Discogs.
One issue in Discogs is they handle artist credits differently so a Discogs name consisting of multiple people is probably represented on MusicBrainz as two individuals, but we try to filter these out of this report
We have also omitted artists that are not unique in both MusicBrainz and Discogs because these artists are probably not missing just more difficult to match up.
Another issue is that some Discogs artists have multiple ids with one id just redirecting to the other, this is the case with Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, do we add both links to MusicBrainz ?
Limited report to artists with at least two single artist releases for now.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597
Search for Artist | Add Artist | Discogs Release Count | Discogs Artist | Other Names | Comment |
Search | Add | 8 | Louis Mezzasoma | ||
Search | Add | 8 | I Fenomeni | Italian garage beat band from Genova born in 2010. Disbanded in 2019. | |
Search | Add | 8 | DJ DaLucky | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Pasquale Sabatini | Designer | |
Search | Add | 8 | Andy Zevallos | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Dumbo Beat | U.A. Brini | DJ & Song Writer based in Bologna, IT. |
Search | Add | 8 | Maybe The Welders | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Lynn Elijah | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Mov Singers | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Wulvyr | Black death metal band from England, UK. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Юлия Витковская | Юлия Николаевна Витковская | Soviet and Russian writer and theater figure |
Search | Add | 8 | Raff Vetrugno | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Mița Feraru | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Linda Singer | Canadian singer from Québec active in the 1980s. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Dragan Marjanović Mačak | Dragan Marjanović (2) | |
Search | Add | 8 | Anthony Stuchbury | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Baumbewohner Graphics | Rafael Torres | |
Search | Add | 8 | Parker Fennelly | Parker W. Fennelly | American actor, born 22 October 1891 in Northeast Harbor, Maine, USA, died 22 January 1988 in Peekskill, New York, USA. |
Search | Add | 8 | Mustafa Güneş | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Yale Miller | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Dave Roarty | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Miško Pavić | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Henriette Valium | Patrick Henley | Henriette Valium (born May 4, 1959 – died September 3, 2021) was a Canadian comic book artist and painter. |
Search | Add | 8 | Elnur | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Tomasz Żmijewski | Tomasz Żmijewski | |
Search | Add | 8 | sltcamille | Camille Soulat | Graphical artist from Montluçon, France. Occasionally mixes music on the internet, as either Camille Soulat or Slt Camille. Contact: |
Search | Add | 8 | Amjad Tanvir | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Orkes Melodi Ria | ||
Search | Add | 8 | VULNR | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Oliver Stern | Uwe Hauschild | German singer and songwriter, born 20 January 1953 in Nortorf, Germany. |
Search | Add | 8 | Kev Waddington | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Marsh Little | Australian singer & songwriter b. 12 May, 1880 at Mudgee, N.S.W. - d. 2 June 1958 at Hammondville, N.S.W. Appeared on the stage in Sydney in 1905 and made records in London c.1911 after which he seems to have returned to Australia. Made radio broadcasts in the 1930s and was a member of the A.B.C. Sydney Wireless Choir in 1937. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Dylan Partridge | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Zafer Haznedaroğlu | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Yacine Soufiane | Yacine Soufiane | DJ and producer from Casablanca, Morocco. Label owner of [l=Pink Flame Music] |
Search | Add | 8 | Evil Might | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Leslie Perowne | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Clara Araújo | Portuguese mastering and transfer engineer at [l1843120]. She's also a pianist and a photographer. Graduated from the Production and Music Technologies course at ESMAE. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Antonio Giganti | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Kh'lulu | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Christopher Belkofer | Guitar player and vocalist of Genau. Lives in Milwaukee, Wisconsin (USA). | |
Search | Add | 8 | Simon Tijas | Szymon Szczeblewski | Electronic music producer since 2008, from Jodłówka Tuchowska, Poland email: |
Search | Add | 8 | OpenSoul | Opensoul is a singer, songwriter, and actor. The multi-talented and multi-faceted performer has featured in Netflix's reboot of Top Boy. Playing the role of Donovan, the lead character's cousin. Opensoul lives on the north coast of Jamaica in the destination town of Negril that is Uber popular with visitors to the island. Opensoul has a passion for entertainment and is a prolific writer of songs. It's a form of personal expression that resonates with the artist and one the proves cathartic at times. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Roar Borge | Roar Borge | |
Search | Add | 8 | Terrical | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Rudolf The Proud | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Гульнара Мифтахова | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Mergen | Акмарал Зыкаева | Akmaral Zykayeva (born December 21, 1985), better known by the stage name Mergen, is a Kazakh artist, singer, songwriter, violinist, music video director and record producer. Born and raised in Almaty she graduated from Kazakh National Conservatory of Music in 2008 and Musicians Institute, Hollywood LA, USA in 2010. To date she has released and produced independently three studio albums and an EP under different eponyms. As a classically trained violinist Akmaral has worked in the National Youth Symphony and performed in places like Konzerthaus Berlin, London’s Barbican and other concert halls around Europe. |
Search | Add | 8 | Kunio Kun | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Andre Slambrouck En Zijn Vrolijke Meisjes | ||
Search | Add | 8 | A. Hammond Murray | Andrew Hammond Murray | Bassist |
Search | Add | 8 | Torger Hougen | Visual artist and musician living in Fort Collins. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Daniel Kosa | Hungarian bass player. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Holographic Crew | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Ludwig Brosch | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Keeta Kolleck | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Gino Micallef | Maltese bassist. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Haistelijat | ||
Search | Add | 8 | 5217 | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Grook | Designer | |
Search | Add | 8 | Roberto Oteo | Compact disk and file artwork | |
Search | Add | 8 | Robert Finnis | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Gregory Digiovine | Manager - enterpreneur He has managed [a=Carlos Santana], [a=Narada Michael Walden] etc. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Àiyé | Larissa Conforto | Àiyé is the solo project of brazilian drummer, producer and sound artist Larissa Conforto. |
Search | Add | 8 | Fetouaki Hafid | Hafid fetouaki | Born in Oujda in Morocco in 1963 He was known for his beautiful voice throughout Morocco. In 2002 our favorite singer died during a car accident in Casablanca. |
Search | Add | 8 | Patrick Haga | Drummer from Milwaukee, WI currently living in Denver, CO. Has played in the following bands: -[a=Drune] -[a=The Manifest Process] -[a=Endoterra] -[a=Buffalo Tombs] -[a=Whiskey Pyramid] -[a=This Specific Dream] -[a=Peter J. Woods Free Jazz Ensemble] -[a=Space Collector] -[a=Mysterious Notes Found in Wreckage] -[a=ide (MKE)] -[a=Disturbnce] -[a=The Hated (MKE)] | |
Search | Add | 8 | Vavel | Heavy Metal band from Hellas. Founded in June 1984, in Thessaloniki. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Remi Andersen | Remi Andersen | |
Search | Add | 8 | Cee O Funk | Psychedelic Boogie Funk from the French Alps | |
Search | Add | 8 | Philip Jerome Lesicko | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Sensual Spasmo | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Endorphin Corpse | Endorphin Corpse was a UK based producer of Jungle and Breakbeat. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Bob Bosak | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Cultura Cadavérica | ||
Search | Add | 8 | محمد هلال | Mohamed Helal is an Egyptian composer and musical arranger. | |
Search | Add | 8 | 鈴木英明 | Hideaki Suzuki. Japanese arranger. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Ruthless Productions | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Toni Be | Benoit D. | Deeply immerged into thick abyssal tones, shuffled skippy beats and dubbed out ambiences, Benoit D. showcases his music under two aliases.[a=The Black Tone] delves into timeless grooves, dub patterns and dark vibes, whereas [a=Toni Be] is Benoit's modern soulful version of himself. |
Search | Add | 8 | Lencho Salazar | Lorenzo Salazar Morales | Costa Rican folk musician (accordion, guitar, mandolin, requinto, quijongo, marimba) and folklorist, recognized for his humorous and floral song in which he leaves the legends and popular traditions of Costa Rica embodied, part of the Gallery of Costa Rican Popular Culture, also appears under his name Lorenzo Salazar. |
Search | Add | 8 | Всеволод Владимирович Топилин | Vsevolod Vladimirovich Topilin (1908, Yanov, Lublin district, Poland. - 1970, Kiev.) - Russian and Ukrainian pianist, teacher. 1924-1928 - student of the Kharkov Conservatory, piano prof. P.K.Lutsenko (1937 -.? ..) - post-graduate student of the Moscow Conservatory, fellow student of S.T.Rikhter in the piano class, then assistant to G.G. Neuhaus. 1929 - began an active concert activity. From 1930 to 1941 he was mainly accompanist D.F. Oistrakh, and also often performed with M.B. Polyakin, Z.P. Lodiy, French cellist M.Mareschal, and others. tied long-term creative friendship. Laureate of international competitions. 1941 - a member of the Moscow militia, a prisoner of war, was taken to Germany. In Germany he was saved by N.V. Timofeev-Resovsky, having arranged in his genetic laboratory, in which Topilin was listed as an employee until May 1945. 1946 - after voluntarily returning to the USSR, he was repressed, sentenced to death, which was replaced for 10 years in the Kolyma camps (Igarka, Ozerlag), where he worked as a medical assistant. 1954-1956 After his release, he taught and gave concerts in Krasnoyarsk. 1956-1962 taught at the Kharkov Conservatory and in the Kharkov musical ten-year 1962-1970 - professor, head of the special piano department of the Kiev Conservatory. 1967-1968 combined work in Kiev and at the Rostov Musical Pedagogical Institute, later transformed into a conservatory. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Simon Cameron Fletcher | Canadian musician, poet and artist born April 3, 1997 in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Hermanos Kapiya | ||
Search | Add | 8 | B.4000 | ||
Search | Add | 8 | S. P. Rane | Suryakant Pandurang Rane | Born in Bombay 1895 Died in Calcutta 1945 Active life 1925 to 1945 Composed music for the following Films Film Year Producer ===================================== Veer Abhimanyu 1931 Sagar Movietone Zarina 1932 Sagar Movietone Bulbule Punjab 1933 Mahalaxmi Cinetone Chandrahaunsa 1933 Sagar Movietone Mahabharat 1933 Sagar Movietone irza Sahiban 1933 Sagar Movietone Prem Pagal 1933 Sagar Movietone Aaj Kaal 1934 Goldmohar Sound Pictures Grihalaxmi 1934 Sagar Movietone Phantom of the Hills 1934 Sagar Movietone Sati Anjani 1934 Sagar Movietone Banarasi Thug 1936 Mayur Movietone Maa 1936 Prafulla Pictures Aurat KI Zindagi 1937 Sunrise Pictures ======================================== Source Courtesy - Pt. Sujan Rane, NJ, USA ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note on the oil Painting in the image Note received on 26/07/2019 The picture of my uncle S.P.Rane is that of an oil portrait painted about 80 years ago by my artist father . Pandit Sujan Rane, USA |
Search | Add | 8 | Sofia Macht | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Michael Trudgeon | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Los Trovadores Del Peru | It was the creole group of most renown. Both Javier González and Oswaldo Campos, began as soloists in singing. Miguel Paz tried to get lucky on the radio and besides being a good performer of the piano, was the companion of the fashionable artists in the theaters of the city. He would follow in the footsteps of Jorge Huirse and emigrate to Argentina in search of a better future. Both triumphed in the full extent of the word | |
Search | Add | 8 | Antti Kannelin | Finnish extreme music artist. Also producer and soung engineer related to [l820190] and [l=8-Sali], Lahti. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Bartha Ágoston | Bartha Zoltán Ágoston | |
Search | Add | 8 | Benoît Gaignon | French bassist. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Chris Carter-Pegg | Music industry adviser on all matters relating to [a10388] and Director of Retro-Madness since 2009. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Oreste Turrini | Oreste Turrini | Italian piano and accordion player (Terni, 1931-2020) |
Search | Add | 8 | Paul Woodlock | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Studio Mizuiro | Studio for graphic design and visual identity from Jena/Germany. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Jeanie Johnson | Mary Elizabeth Johnson Lee | American singer & session-singer, associated with works at Muscle Shoals in the late 1960s. Born on February 6, 1943 in Corinth, Mississippi, USA. Died on August 19, 2018 in Boaz, Alabama, USA. |
Search | Add | 8 | Igor Anokhin | Игорь Анохин | Musician, sound engineer and producer from Saint-Petersburg, Russia. Founder and member of the following projects: [a=Inside (16)], [a=Tartharia (2)], [a=Satanation], [a=Lust]. Owner of the [l=R. A. E. Music] label, manager and sound engineer of the [l=Phantom Pain Studio], Saint-Petersburg. |
Search | Add | 8 | The Freelance Project | The Freelance Project music is completely improvised. It was born as a monthly evening with friends. Individually being in various other bands, we wanted to get together in our studio, to have a good time, relax, jam together and enjoy the beauty of playing our instruments without any specific goal. Play everything that comes to mind without thinking and without limits, directions, structures or any given scale or key while keeping the harmony with the rest of the musicians. Ian Légaré - Guitar Hans Stutz - Guitar, Keyboard Isabelle Plante - Keyboards Philippe Coupal - Bass Nicolas Diab - Drums Kurt Ruby - Sounds, Electronics, Loop & samples | |
Search | Add | 8 | Vicki Mack Lataillade | Founder and former owner of [l=Gospo Centric Records]. | |
Search | Add | 8 | João Maria De Abreu | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Northwind Saga | ||
Search | Add | 8 | SLIMANE CHABI | Algerian Kabyle singer and actor. | |
Search | Add | 8 | The Fat Dukes Of Fuck | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Nurten Süer | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Artificial State | Rolf Kuper & Raul Ramiro Rodríguez | Production duo consisting of [a4682642] (The Netherlands) and [a3231896] (Colombia) |
Search | Add | 8 | DJ Vizart | DJ Vizart | Vizart is a DJ /Producer 🙏 (born August 9, 1998) |
Search | Add | 8 | Gruesomealtar | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Tropic Amber | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Michel Adda | French photographer | |
Search | Add | 8 | John Pollano | Credited for guitar and lead vocals | |
Search | Add | 8 | Joe Palleschi | American bass player | |
Search | Add | 8 | The Baysiders | US group from Los Angeles, CA. Members: Jackie Walker (Tenor), Sally Stevens (Soprano), Jim Mitchell (Bass), Jim Patton (Baritone | |
Search | Add | 8 | Kilian Kämpfer | German producer, engineer and owner of (former hauptstadtstudios) The Electric Cat Studio based in Potsdam, Germany. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Stephen Mc Cann | Stephen Mc Cann | An electronic musician & percussionist from Dublin, Ireland. Steve records under the moniker Prang Ruin & runs the netlabel, Editions/Prang Ruin. |
Search | Add | 8 | Candy Band Too Many Candy | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Valayapatti Subramaniyam | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Jani Peternelj | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Mag Spencer | Guillaume Julien | French producer. |
Search | Add | 8 | Nyke Loc | Nate Johnson | Gangsta rapper from Aurora, CO. |
Search | Add | 8 | DJ Sheize | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Nando Juglar | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Johann Vreen | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Natasha Moledina | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Нина Морозова | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Ratko Gregor Jagodić | Designer based in Zagreb, Croatia. For incredible love for music and always thirsty ears, he started DJing in the early days of this century. His sound is a mixture of electro house disco, synthpop, nu disco and indie pop music. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Ava Bonam | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Frank Baird | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Edo Zanki + Freunde | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Claus Lavall | Klaus Vahle | Schlagersänger, Paderborn |
Search | Add | 8 | MOIRE PATTERNS | Nikolaos Symeonidis | Electronic music producer based in Berlin, Germany. |
Search | Add | 8 | The West Texas Music Company | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Urs Leimgruber / Jacques Demierre / Barre Phillips | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Gleb Rogozinsky | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Vernon Gibbs | American music executive and journalist from New Jersey | |
Search | Add | 8 | Andy Clayburn | British singer, songwriter and guitarist | |
Search | Add | 8 | Scott Viney | ||
Search | Add | 8 | James Nadeau | ||
Search | Add | 8 | El Brat | Mr. Bratto | |
Search | Add | 8 | Morten Arnesen | Norwegian artist and priest. Born 08.04.1956 in Grimstad, Norway. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Mijo Kovacic | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Larry Willey | Bass player from California | |
Search | Add | 8 | Che' Momo | Marpiah bent Abdul Rahim | Indonesian born singer & actress (b. Batavia 1921) who worked in Malaya and Singapore from the 1930s to the 1970s. Also known as Momo Makarim and Momo Latiff or just "Momo". |
Search | Add | 8 | Ingmar Döhn | Dan Swanö | |
Search | Add | 8 | Mikecrack | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Kevin Kitchel | Metal / crust guitarist and recording engineer from Lansing, Michigan, USA. Active from the 2000s. | |
Search | Add | 8 | grolstuff | Andrey Ermakov | Experimental electronic/dark ambient project from Svetlogorsk, Kaliningrad Oblast, Russia. |
Search | Add | 8 | Richard Liney | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Marius W. Arcadio | Marius W. Arcadio | |
Search | Add | 8 | Dysfunkshun | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Tsimiheky | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Vilde Skogen | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Geffrey von Gerlach | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Andrew Slater Management | Associated with [a255739]. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Sebastien Morales | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Valerian Marguery | graphic designer | |
Search | Add | 8 | Steen Holkenovs Orkester | Danish 70's pop backing band | |
Search | Add | 8 | Sierra240 | ||
Search | Add | 8 | DNKTRL | DNKTRL | Fueled by curiosity, beer and synthesizers. DNKTRL puts on a livestream for the public every week for about an hour. |
Search | Add | 8 | Влад Селиванов | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Los Nortenitos Del Control | ||
Search | Add | 8 | SADIEMAE | SADIEMAE was a noise project active between 2013-2018. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Sampson Tyrrell | Sampson Tyrrell was formed in May 1976 by the graphic designers Terry Tyrrell and Sam Sampson. Today it is part of a global brand and creative design consultancy agency called The Brand Union. Related with [a3787914] and [a4024919] companies. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Original Ländler-Kapelle "De Alpenbuam" | Folk music band from Switzerland In reality, "De Alpenbuam" is the Ländler band "Schwyzerhüsli", which was the pseudonym for the German market. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Gianluca Misiti | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Carin Marzaro | ||
Search | Add | 8 | The Sunset All Stars | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Tom Ross Artist Careers (TRAC) | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Sondenadie | Band From Granada Spain. Mixes a wide variety of styles | |
Search | Add | 8 | Stephen Conover | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Silvan Radeloff | Silvan Radeloff (iamslvn), is a visionary alternative pop music producer/multi-instrumentalist/mixing engineer and creative force behind the recording studio and label WAY OF SOUND (Cologne). | |
Search | Add | 8 | Emily Prince | ||
Search | Add | 8 | El Grupo Sonido Joven | ||
Search | Add | 8 | plashKa | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Ultraljud | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Lamar University Band | ||
Search | Add | 8 | John Olszewski | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Zespół Jazzowy Mieczysława Janicza | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Ajay Swami | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Deladeso | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Eric Whytal | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Vasile Olac | ||
Search | Add | 8 | 0405Photography | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Teddy Mike | Teddy Mike is a bass Player and multi-instrumentalist, currently residing in Canada. He started to play music in 1992 with different bands where he experienced different styles, but was always in search of the groove. As a lover of the 80’s, there’s nothing more appealing to him than the sound of an analog synth, a moog bass, the slap bass or a funky groovy guitar riff ! My only objective is to provide the exact sound of the early 80’s. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Astathica | Black metal band from the Netherlands. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Lilybandits | Columbus, Ohio Band Members: Todd May, Jason "Jose" Gonzales, Bob Hite, Keith Smith, Trent Arnold Lilybandits were formed in 1993 and broke up in 2001. During that time they released two CDs, Shifty's Tavern & @33 1/3, played many shows, killed many vehicles, & consumed many adult beverages. Todd continues to make music as a solo artist & with Lydia Loveless & Jason records ambient music under the name Sycamore Willow. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Saskia Lippold | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Fiorella Benetti Brazzale | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Jeff Arancherry | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Jazz Mango | ||
Search | Add | 8 | José Carlos Sisto | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Tony Verity | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Александр Мирский | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Jack Wiedenmann | Executive producer at [l3072] / [l1866] and [l38652] | |
Search | Add | 8 | Kristen Mann | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Harold Whaley | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Tanz-Orchester "Metropol" | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Flora Adams | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Martin Scotch | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Frostgoroth | ||
Search | Add | 8 | East Soul Person | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Arvin Palma | Filipino artist and illustrator. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Tiernos Mancebos | Spanish pop band from Sevilla, in the late 80s, Miguel Ángel de Dios (vocals, guitar), Carlos Díaz (vocals, guitar), Martín León (bass, vocals) and Jorge Collado (drums). Later without Carlos they founded [a=Las Balas]. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Mika Matić | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Pavol Janíček | Pavol Janíček | Slovak conductor. |
Search | Add | 8 | Conjunto Contratempo | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Romeo Abraham | ||
Search | Add | 8 | George Kranas | Γεώργιος Κρανάς (George Kranas) | Trance producer from Greece. |
Search | Add | 8 | Duncanson | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Yoko Nakano | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Andreas Leikauf | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Marchafunebre | Marchafunebre | Doom metal band from Viña del Mar/Valparaíso, Chile. |
Search | Add | 8 | Lisaius Marketing | ||
Search | Add | 8 | DaveGlover | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Antonio De Carlo | Mexican pop/cumbia singer, also appears as "Antonio" | |
Search | Add | 8 | Voices Of Classic Rock | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Doitsche Patrioten | German RAC group from Magdeburg, formed in 1993 | |
Search | Add | 8 | Saffron Prior | From Prestwich, Greater Manchester. Worked for the label [l2066] as office manager / company secretary. Married [a9457] in 1992 (divorced 1995). Saffron's mother, [a4657200], designed the cover of [r=371281]. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Brian Polsgrove | Brian Polsgrove | |
Search | Add | 8 | Xomeless | Natalia Egorova | Artworker from Russia. |
Search | Add | 8 | Jacques Alfonso | ||
Search | Add | 8 | ETNOBOTANIKA | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Timothy Lovett | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Förgiftad | A four piece Swedish Hardcore Punk band started in Gävle 2014. Influenced and inspired by shitty people, trash culture, riffy old school crust, some 90´s skate and a few pinches of Rock n´Roll. Drink Beer, Hail Satan and fuck elitism. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Leon Womack | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Clark Starr | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Bandango | Tejano band from San Antonio, Texas | |
Search | Add | 8 | Gijs Hendriks Quartet | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Infektionsabteilung | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Rux Minn | ||
Search | Add | 8 | DJ Big Mikee | Grime DJ/Producer from Birmingham, England | |
Search | Add | 8 | Erin Case | Collage artist from Midland, Michigan. | |
Search | Add | 8 | 8HourAnimal | One-man Industrial noise project from NY | |
Search | Add | 8 | Mark Mulvaney | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Freak Da Bass | Олег Любченко (Oleg Lyubchenko) | |
Search | Add | 8 | Mark Useless | ||
Search | Add | 8 | The Blue Maxi | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Tiratirache | Cabaret and musicians group founded in 1997 by Attilio Boccalon and Augusto Prosdocimo. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Kotu Bajaj | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Complesso Caratteristico Esperia | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Emma Chalmers | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Colin Horton-Jennings | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Los Mairena | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Miloš Vokurka | Miloš Vokurka | Czech vocalist and guitarist. Born May 28, 1942 in Prague (former Czechoslovakia). German resident since 1968. Mainly known and credited as “Reddy Kirken”. Member of the Hell’s Devils (1963–1964) and Komety (2) (1967–1968), with the latter he pioneered gritty soul and funk music in Czechoslovakia. In summer 1968 he replaced Viktor Sodoma as the lead singer of The Matadors (2), who would soon thereafter depart to Munich, West Germany, to work as the backing band of the German production of musical Hair (Haare). Lead singer of Emergency (6) 1970–1972. In the late 1970s vocalist with the Czech–German disco outfit Gold (15) (later known as Gold Band). Still lives in Munich, Germany. |
Search | Add | 8 | Deep Memories | DEEP MEMORIES is an One Man Band from Americana - São Paulo - BRAZIL founded by multi instrumentalist and producer Douglas Martins in 2016. After leaving the Brazilian Death/Black Metal band DESDOMINUS in 2005 Douglas Martins remained composing material. The result came to be Deep Memories. In musical terms, the compositions demonstrate cadence, heaviness and different nuances, mixing melody and aggressiveness with beautiful guitars duets, an atmosphere that refers to great icons of Death, Doom, Gothic and Progressive Metal with vocals varying from speeches, singing, choirs and the most pungent screamed and guttural. The lyrical thematic revolves around the very name “DEEP MEMORIES”. Douglas Martins talked about it: “When we read these words, we are immediately referred to memories of very significant moments of our existence as illnesses and death, disappointments, obsessions, moments of panic and depression and if we speak in psyche, we have totally inaccessible records in our memories that store lapses few explored by the human race". This is the lyrical theme of DEEP MEMORIES: Expose what these memories produced, produce and still influence in the direction of the intellectual, social and spiritual character of the human race. The debut album was recorded, produced and masterized by Douglas Martins during some sessions between 2016 and 2018 at AJM Studio in Americana - São Paulo. On June 21th, 2018 was released in all social medias the first Music Video from the song “The Bitter Taste of Illusion”. The receptiveness was great among the worldwide headbangers and specialized media. On July 3rd, 2018 was released by labels Heavy Metal Rock and Misanthropic Records an promotional EP containing 2 songs taken from upcoming full-length album. “When the Time For My Last Breath Comes” and “The Bitter Taste of Illusion” were selected for this release. This EP is called “IN TOO DEEP…”. On September 17th, 2018 a Lyric Video for “When the Time For My Last Breath Comes” was released. This video was produced by Razia Vídeos. The full-length album “REBUILDING THE FUTURE” was released simultaneously in Brazil, Japan and Russia in September 21th, 2018 by: Heavy Metal Rock and Misanthropic Records (Brazil), Invasion of Solitude Records (Japan) and GS Productions (Russia). This album is also available on all digital plataforms (SPOTIFY, DEEZER, iTUNES...). Douglas Martins also developed the front artwork from Brazilian and Russian editions. The Japanese edition has an exclusive front artwork developed by CadiesArt (DragonForce, Doro Pesch). On November 6th, 2018 was the release date of a new lyric video for "Suffocating Grayish Darkness". This video was produced by Igor Sacilloto, who worked on the videoclip "Lying in State" of Megadeth. “REBUILDING THE FUTURE” was nominated as one as the best 2018 releases in Brazil by some specialized media like METAL NA LATA, HEAVY METAL THUNDER BLOG, ROADIE CREW MAG, ARTE METAL BLOG and CANGAÇO RÁDIO ROCK. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Phantom Dodgers | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Annie Ducaux | b.: September 10, 1908 (Besançon, France) d.: December 31, 1996 (Champeaux, France) French actress, who appeared in 40 film and television productions between 1932 and 1980. | |
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Search | Add | 8 | Kiss Gy. László | Hungarian clarinet and tárogató player, born April 9, 1955 in Kapuvár. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Ziska Thalhammer | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Panchita La Touche | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Atipiqa | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Bigga Baphomet | Mike Colby | |
Search | Add | 8 | Al Scum | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Ethan Tarner | Ethan Tarner is a songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, producer, and engineer living in Charlotte, NC. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Mauna Loa Hawaiian Boys | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Conjunto Indigena "Peguche" | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Junior Hart | Father of [a=Marlon Hart] aka [a=M-Beat] and owner of [l=Renk Records]. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Michael Anthony Keane | GAIA COMMUNICATIONS WORLD NETWORK Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law Dear Brothers and Sisters, Fraternal greetings. My name is Michael Keane, I am a member of the OTO based in Liverpool, England; and since 1978 I have been working as a music(k)ian under the name of The Royal Family & the Poor. Over the last 20 years, under this name, I have produced numerous LP's, singles and videos, some on Manchester based Factory Records and later privately releasing material on our own Independent Label, Gaia Communications World Network. The Royal Family & the Poor began in 1977 as a collaboration of two artists, myself and a friend, Arthur Mcdonald, who was the original vocalist. The very first recordings the Royal Family & the Poor were done on a £15.00 cassette machine and were nothing more to the average listener than white noise with an electrical drone. Over this, Arthur would read Situationist text taken from some of his own writings coupled with exerpts taken from Rauol Vanegiem's "leaving the 20th century" Our "sound" was created by my dismantling a radio receiver, wiring it up to a small analogue synthesiser and connecting them both to an old stereo gram. This would then be manipulated by moving magnets around the receiver in the radio. The Royal Family & the Poor began as an Aural- Psychic-audio experiment in transpersonal forms of communication between ourselves and the listener. The rehearsal room at home became our musickal, alchemical lab and The Royal Family & the Poor's Musick became a technique to explore consciousness. After all, what is Music(k) other than the ability to articulate the incommunicable, the occult or hidden? Music(k) can give insights of the Soul. It can teach us how to remain open and receptive to the new, the magical. It can move and inspire us to participate in creation, to mold, to draw, to etch, to carve, to Create; the creed of OZ, that "every man and woman is" an Artist or "a star." It was specifically this relationship between magic(k), Art and the ability of sound to effect changes in consciousness that began to fascinate us and so we decided to call our music "musick". Factory Records heard a tape of what we were doing and invited us to contribute to a double LP sampler showcasing four of Factory's new acts. It was quickly recorded live one afternoon in Joy Divisions first four track studio. After this first year the other members, including Arthur McDonald, left the group. As I had felt something profoundly moving in the musick we had made, the ideas behind it and the wave of energy which surged through our entire generation around these times, to say nothing of the wonderful music coming out of every dark corner in the UK, (called by the gutter-press "punk rock") I decided to continue any way that I could. It was 1982, the year that I had been working on a "Practical correspondence course on the Mystical Quabbala with S.O.L., when out-of-the-blue I had a visit from a friend who just happened to be doing photographs for a William Burroughs event in the town centre that evening. He thought I might like to tag along. The subsequent meeting was like something strait out of "Interzone" and shocked me by its Psychic reality. It was as if Burroughs had been expecting me. He shook my hand and treated me as if I was an old friend. In the hours that followed I experienced something that I had not felt since childhood, a sense of being loved by something far greater than myself. It wasn't until I returned home that I realised that that love I had felt from him had not left me. It never did and continues to inspire me today. "The great God Pan is dead, Pan, the God of Panic, the sudden awareness that everything is alive and significant. But Pan lives on in the realm of imagination, in writing, painting and Music." William Burrough's -- from "Dead city radio", CD -- Island Records, 1990. In 1985, The Royal Family & the Poor made the decision to leave Factory records for good and set about forming our own record label, Gaia Communications World Network. We quickly released one LP and a 12" single, as well as recording an entire collection of new material before the distribution company, (Red Rhino) collapsed, effectively wiping-out our label over night. During this period, with various members of the band coming and going, (in a sense, the Royal Family & the Poor has been a large collective with many different people) we did numerous performances in Europe and in the UK, with five C90 cassette releases, contributed to various compilation LP's and publications, performed ritual workshops and gave lectures. In 1995 the opportunity arose to procure a PC and phone line as well as to raise enough capital to re-launch our beloved long term project, " Gaia Communications World Network", (not to be confused with other fluffy-bunny "new age" groups of the same name!!). Our first new release will be a project which has been some ten years in the making, the third audio release by Gaia Records, recorded during 1989-1990, a CD LP release titled, "Songs For The Children Of Baphomet: A Musickal Celebration on the Theme of Magick and A Tribute to The Life & Works Of Aleister Crowley, (1875 - 1947)". This LP CD includes a free 28 page full colour booklet and over an hour of some of the best tracks the Royal Family & the Poor have done to date. Each copy will be individually numbered from 1 to 2000. We would like to thank the OTO for the copyright permission granted to us to use the Aleister Crowley material contained on the tribute LP, and we would also like to thank Frater A.M.T. and Frater H.B. for their invaluable support and encouragement with this project. We could not have done it without you, thanks! For all enquiries or further information regarding Gaia Communications and The Royal Family & the Poor you can either email us at directly or, if you prefer, you can go to our Web-site on-line at the addresses below. Love is the law, love under will. Brother Michael A. Keane./ Fra: A.N.L. Liverpool, near England. ! :-) | |
Search | Add | 8 | Los Hermanos Sanchez | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Heinsight | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Hacke Björkstens Orkester | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Lance LaBar | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Walter Losi | Valter Losi | |
Search | Add | 8 | Colonel Doug Bogie | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Sharon Whitbread | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Wandra | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Cédric Saintviteux | Cédric Saintviteux | Dancecore/Hands-Up producer based in Marloie, Marche-en-Famene, Belgium. Born: July 3, 1992 in Aye, Belgium Contact: / |
Search | Add | 8 | Jessica Lynne McDermott | Jessica Lynne McDermott is guitarist and vocalist from Mansfield, CT. She writes for the solo project The New & Very Welcome and has performed with the band Patch Kit. She currently resides in Pittsburgh, PA | |
Search | Add | 8 | Emil Slunjski | ||
Search | Add | 8 | C. B. Busser | Curt Büsser | Swiss musician (guitar, bass, drums, keyboards) and vocalist. |
Search | Add | 8 | The Poll Cats | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Sale Marković | Slobodan Marković | Bass guitar player in 'Zdenko Martić Trio' and 'Smak'. Used to be member of 'Osvajači'. |
Search | Add | 8 | Choroba | Black-/death metal band from Mülheim, Germany. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Alexey Gnisyuk | Алексей Николаевич Гнисюк | Alexey Gnisyuk is the designer of [l828213] label. Transliteration in Cyrillic - [i]Алексей Гнисюк[/i] |
Search | Add | 8 | Psycho Perches | Psycho Perches is a studio collaboration between [a1043958] member and producer [a233123] and studio musician-artist songwriter [a799226]. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Fakearoon | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Charly Rakotoarimanga | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Omar Galindo | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Tinou Lavital | Etienne Lavital | French artist from Guadeloupe Born May 28, 1936 in Trois-Rivières. |
Search | Add | 8 | إبراهيم فهمي | مسعود عمر الدراجي (Masʾūd ʾUmar al-Darrāji) | Ibrahim Fahmy og Ibrahim Fahmi (born 1947 in Benghazi) is an Libyan musician currently living and working in Egypt. He is the father of [a=فافا إبراهيم فهمي] (Fafa Ibrahim Fahmy). |
Search | Add | 8 | Angel Lardin | Angel Lardín Meler | DJ/Producer from Barcelona, Spain. Aka AngelGround. |
Search | Add | 8 | Amanda Macchia | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Scher-Z Haruna | Japanese punk/new-wave trumpeter. Was also active as a graphic designer. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Les Archanges | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Devulapalli Krishna Sastry | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Corale Immacolata Di Bergamo | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Reanimation | Michael Shanahan | Winfield, IL-based solo recording project of [a=Michael Shanahan]. |
Search | Add | 8 | DJ News | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Miguel Barbera | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Spiid | ||
Search | Add | 8 | No John | Belgian noise project. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Bass Kruncher | John Holliday & Louis Smith | |
Search | Add | 8 | Ace Munds | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Alain Ebert | German church musician ([i]Kantor[/i]), organist and alto vocalist. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Stanoje Marković | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Sri Penambang Ghazal Muar | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Mark White Presents The Jazz Club | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Martin X | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Split Veins | D-Beat/Punk band from London, United Kingdom | |
Search | Add | 8 | Michael Albeck | Ejner Michael Pedersen | Danish singer, born 1944. |
Search | Add | 8 | Aston Antony | ||
Search | Add | 8 | L. Delaleu | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Tyger Vinum | Levi James Baldwin III | |
Search | Add | 8 | INHKR | Japanese guitarist and bassist. INHKR stands for "Imperial Nuclear Hazard of Kichigai Rising". | |
Search | Add | 8 | Luis Linares | Spanish liner notes | |
Search | Add | 8 | Ст. Гиль | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Emmanuel Hoachlander | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Light Shall Prevail | Black Metal one-man band. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Melanie Ronald | Visual artist. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Ирина Мистулова | Irina Mistulova (1944-2012) was an Ossetian composer and accordion player. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Nabbew | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Fredrik Ling | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Kyle Tetro | Kyle Tetro | Experimental, Death Industrial, Noise, Electronic and USBM musician and artist from New England USA |
Search | Add | 8 | Jerry Eli | Singer, songwriter from Grand Bank, Newfoundland, Canada. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Mitzi McKenzie King | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Анна Левина | Анна Наумовна Левина | Anna Levina is a Russian pianist, accompanist. |
Search | Add | 8 | Leo Tischendorf | Austrian musician. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Die Austrophon Solisten | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Randy Pollard | American bluegrass banjo, fiddle player and baritone vocalist, and songwriter. He's been performing for 30+ years on the bluegrass festival circuit with the likes of;:The Lawrence Bros, Union Springs, The Boys from Indiana and Larry Sparks. | |
Search | Add | 8 | 家里和夫 | Kazuo Iesato | |
Search | Add | 8 | Dickie Diamond | Alexander Randolph | |
Search | Add | 8 | Luca Donini Quartet | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Split Metre | Alternative rock band from Lincoln | |
Search | Add | 8 | Marc Rodamilans | Producer, engineer and guitar player from Mexico City. Manages [l1636205] studio. Related to [a3972846] . | |
Search | Add | 8 | Andreas Zhukovsky | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Eldridge Rodriguez | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Madrigal Sofia Chamber Choir | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Bearly Queen | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Carsten Püschel | Mastering and DMM engineer in the 1980s at [l=Teldec-Studio, Berlin]. His DMM cuts can be identified by always hand-etched "Pü-B-I" or "Pü-B-II" or "Pü-B-III, where B stands for Berlin and the roman numerals for the studio/lathe. Please credit: Mastered At - TELDEC-Studio, Berlin Direct Metal Mastering By - Carsten Püschel + ANV Pü | |
Search | Add | 8 | 松井浩 | Hiroshi Matsui. Japanese producer who worked for [l=Union Records (3)]. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Grafficants | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Luigi Balducci | ||
Search | Add | 8 | ارکستر بزرگ گلها | Bozorg Golha Orchestra هستهٔ اولیهٔ ارکستر گلها را نوازندگانی همچون [a7062236]، [a3678395]، [a3859635]، [a5329455] (سه تار)، [a5419204] (پیانو)، [a7641001] (ویولن)، [a3535656] (تار)، [a7001600] ،[a4654165](سنتور) [a5223956] ،سلیمفرزان، سیروس حدادی (قرهنی)، ایزدی (ویولن سل)، مستان (کنترباس) و [a3664345] (ضرب) تشکیل میدادند[۲] که بعدها تحت رهبری [a3529655] افراد سرشناس دیگری مانند [a3873907]، [a3662286] (ویولن)، [a4204182] (نی و سهتار)، [a3873581] (پیانو)، [a4556259]، [a4556506] (تار) [a3535666] (تنبک)، [a4556258] (کمانچه)، [a4654166] (سنتور)، [a4654164] (ویولون)، [a3666450] (ویولون)، [a5416808](سنتور)، [a4556507] (تمبک)، [a7750708] (عود) و… درآن به نوازندگی پرداختند. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Step Forward Look West | American emo-hardcore band from DuPage County, Illinois. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Warren Angell | Dr. Warren M. Angell | Dr. Warren M. Angell (1907--2006) A 2005 inductee into the Oklahoma State Higher Education Hall of Fame, Dr. Angell was a native of Brooklyn, New York. He attended Syracuse University where he received his B.A. and Master of Music degrees in piano and composition, and earned his Doctorate in Education from Columbia University. His first teaching assignment was at Murray State Teachers College, Murray, Ky., where he was head of the piano department from 1934-36. In 1936 he left Kentucky for Oklahoma Baptist University at Shawnee, where he was named Dean of the College of Fine Arts and taught piano, organ, and music theory. In 1938, he founded the University's all male Bison Glee Club and, in 1954 created their female counterpart, The Bisonettes. He directed both groups until his retirement in 1973. Under his guidance, the Bison Glee Club came to national prominence due to the success of their live tours and the release of seven commercial recordings. In 1965 they appeared on the Great Choirs of America "Voice of Christmas" series on NBC. During his tenure at OBU, Dr. Angell also served as director of the 60-voice First Baptist Church Choir of Shawnee. |
Search | Add | 8 | Steve Boalt | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Mark Zamlinsky | Mark Zamlinsky | Artist from Georgia, US. Illustration / digital art / design & music. |
Search | Add | 8 | Image Team | Design studio located in Bremen, Germany | |
Search | Add | 8 | Nikos Stavridakis | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Congegno | Italian Hardcore Punk band from Trento, formed at the end of 2008. | |
Search | Add | 8 | silom | Ambient / electronic experimental project from Russia (style [a=The Caretaker]). | |
Search | Add | 8 | Infested Monastery | Blackened goregrind from the north of France | |
Search | Add | 8 | Stegosaurus Trap | Stegosaurus Trap is a lo-fi/folk project of [a1964907]. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Ray Mendez DJLB | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Dion Fischer | ||
Search | Add | 8 | 091202444757533282112 | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Stefan Stubenvoll | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Jakub "Grędziu" Gręda | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Carlos Guardado | Carlos Guardado Urieta | Spanish bass player, on "Burning" since 1987. |
Search | Add | 8 | Anthony Vrettos | ||
Search | Add | 8 | A. Przyjemski | ||
Search | Add | 8 | José Manuel Pagán | José Manuel Pagán Santamaría | Swiss composer and pianist (b. 1949), settled in Spain. He has composed music for films from Francesc Betriu, Bigas Luna ("Lola"), Agustí Villaronga ("Pa Negre"),... |
Search | Add | 8 | Burznazg | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Laith Bazari | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Вадим Рубцов | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Matias Faldbakken | Norwegian artist and writer, born 20 November 1973 in Hobro, Denmark. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Derek Markle | Derek Scott Markle | Canadian singer, songwriter and record company executive born in Toronto, Ontario. After moving to Lanark, Ontario he founded [l=Altair Four Record Productions] / [l=Altair Four Records] / [l=Altair Four Studios] / [l=Altair Four Publishing]. After he passed away on August 31, 1983 his wife [a=Nancy Markle (2)] took over the Altair Four operation. |
Search | Add | 8 | Edwige Fenech | Edwige Sfenek | French-born (1948) Italian actress and film producer. She is mostly known as the star of a series of Commedia Sexy all'Italiana and Giallo films released in the 1970s, which turned her into a sex symbol. |
Search | Add | 8 | Erik Vyskocil | Erik Vyskocil | |
Search | Add | 8 | Xkhalivas | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Brady Gunnell | Brady Gunnell | |
Search | Add | 8 | Niels Vangkilde | Danish bassist and guitarist | |
Search | Add | 8 | Prince Ikey C | An American hip hop artist. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Alec Trojan | Bassist | |
Search | Add | 8 | Forward Into War | Oi band from Perth, Australia. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Daniele Spezio | Daniele Spezio | Italian producer born on 28th September 2003 |
Search | Add | 8 | Zev Deans | Zev Deans | |
Search | Add | 8 | Big Sarah-E. | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Thomas Duluc | Thomas Duluc | DJ/Producer/Remixer. Thomas Duluc was born with the arrival of dance music, very young he discovered a passion for electronic music, his parent having rocked with disco, he could only make the house. The years have passed, he was able to work out a few tracks on top labels like Plasmapool, Still Cooking Records, System Recordings, etc. .... Its titles range from Disco-House at least through the Minimal or Teck-House. It is difficult for him to enter in one box ... |
Search | Add | 8 | Rapha Di Sands | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Synergy Factor | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Nicolas Rageau | French bassist born in 1983 in Paris, based in Paris | |
Search | Add | 8 | Imp Ink | Swedish underground DIY experimental outfit known for just the one LP. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Kazimierz Cwynar | Born on March 4, 1948 in Wroclaw, Poland. Polish bassist and vocalist (in band Pańcza Tantra he played on tabla and bajan). | |
Search | Add | 8 | Rudolf Leo Vašata | (1888–1953) Czech opera singer and conductor father of [a2067045] | |
Search | Add | 8 | Wonz | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Cannibal Apocalypse | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Sue Rathbun | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Sosa UK | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Franc Korbar | Franc Korbar | Slovenian trumpet player and composer. His best known song is "Domovina". Member of Veseli Planšarji, Ansambel Janeza Kalška, Slovenski Muzikanti, Dobri Znanci. |
Search | Add | 8 | Vadims Vasiļjevs | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Miriam Diaz Aroca | Spanish singer, actress, presenter and broadcaster, she was born on 4th March, 1962 in Aranjuez | |
Search | Add | 8 | Brněnský Estrádní Rozhlasový Orchestr | Orchestra of the Czechoslovak Radio Brno. Founded in 1951 as “[a=Brněnský estrádní rozhlasový orchestr]” (BERO). In 1965 split to “Orchestr Studio Brno” (OSB, also in English “[a=Brno Radio Pops Orchestra]”) conducted by [a=Erik Knirsch] and “[a=Velký smyčcový orchestr] Československého rozhlasu” (VSOČR – Large String Orchestra of the Czechoslovak Radio) conducted by [a=Miloš Machek] or [a=Jiří Hudec (2)], reunited as “Orchestr Studio Brno” in 1970. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Den Fjerde Væg | Danish indie pop band. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Stephan Moser | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Feline Mob | Tommaso Pizzelli | |
Search | Add | 8 | Walt Disney Educational Materials Company | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Tetsuro Yamamoto | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Luke Brown Design | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Мухтар Ауэзов | Мұхтар Омарханұлы Әуезов | Mukhtar Auezov (1897-1961) - was a Kazakh writer, a social activist, a Doctor of Philology, a professor and honored academic of the Soviet Union (1946). |
Search | Add | 8 | Daisaku Ogata | Daisaku Ogata is a Japanese Enka and Kayo singer. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Chorus Of Naples | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Karolina Rec | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Lúdica Música! | ||
Search | Add | 8 | InDusTreeAlLace Productions | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Cut Master Crash | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Jorma Pellinen | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Chainshot | American hardcore band from Nashville, Tennessee. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Alltid Jaget | A hardcore punk band from Norway. | |
Search | Add | 8 | The Chris White Experience | After The Zombies Chris White produced albums for both Colin Blunstone (inc Say You Don’t Mind) and Argent (inc God Gave Rock n Roll To You). The popularity of his songwriting has been celebrated by diverse artists (Beck, Paul Weller, Tom Petty, The Foo Fighters) recorded in a number of languages, and reached number one worldwide (Japan, Europe and America). Yet much of his work from 1976 onwards has remained elusive. These collections of demos, co-writes, collaborations, productions and unreleased gems are the first albums of a planned series detailing his work as a songwriter and producer from the end of Odessey & Oracle, up to the current day. With collaborations and contributions featuring Tim Renwick (Pink Floyd, Eric Clapton, Elton John) Rod Argent and Colin Blunstone (The Zombies) Kevin Finn and Eve Graham (New Seekers) Jim Rodford (The Kinks, Argent) Russ Ballard and John Verity (Argent) Matthew Fisher (Procol Harum) Stuart Elliott (Cockney Rebel, Kate Bush) Mark Knopfler (Dire Straits) and many more. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Darin Ranahan | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Patrick Laplan | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Azim Beharrie | ||
Search | Add | 8 | DETIN8ION | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Jean Aptal | Mya Simille | |
Search | Add | 8 | Izet Durić | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Baker-Harris-Young Productions | For company credits, see also : [l637906]. | |
Search | Add | 8 | John Grindell | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Douglas Horley | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Sören Janson | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Christoph Ogiermann | Violinist, performer, composer living in Bremen, Germany (born 13 Nov. 1967). | |
Search | Add | 8 | Le Compt | ||
Search | Add | 8 | John Juaquin Wilson | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Nu Tymers Colony | Rap group from Houston, Texas. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Blackout Order | Experimental project that mainly utilizes field recordings/raw sound sources in their work. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Gregg Stockdale | Gregg Stockdale | Dark Ambient composer, Graphic Designer and co-founder of [l=Cephalopagus Records]. |
Search | Add | 8 | Relaxxity (リラックス) | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Stephen Beacham | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Monica Canilao | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Dueto Revelación | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Jarrett P Dyson | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Stef Bloch | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Karel Weinlich | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Francesc Lisicic | Catalan bass player and composer. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Ludi Hürlimann | Swiss Accordion [Schwyzerörgeli] player | |
Search | Add | 8 | Ant Dub | Gangsta rapper from Chicago, Illinois. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Ansambel Metulj | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Advanced Alternative Media, Inc. | Management company. Advanced Alternative Media (AAM) 121 W. 27th St., Suite 401, New York, NY 10001 USA | |
Search | Add | 8 | Joachim Cliquet | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Eve Berlin | Justin Yves Rothman | |
Search | Add | 8 | Stephanie Reach | ||
Search | Add | 8 | DJ Beztyol | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Marco De Marc | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Valsidalf Innerhell | Valsidalf Innerhell is an artist, musician and composer best known as a founder and composer to the bands & projects: Innerhell, Soul Hospital, Oldenwood, Art Of Eos and Stobor and member, co-founder, co-author and composer to the bands: Rangers, Pulsatory, Aggressive Orgasm and Fermented Flesh. Otherwise he is the founder and owner of the small music label 'The Spirit Of Goat'n Roll', used for support and distribution to all his bands and music projects, that he is involved in. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Patti Ford | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Milla Holland | ||
Search | Add | 8 | LPL (2) | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Daniel Lubrano | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Cyberjive | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Nogiard | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Merus Court | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Lothar Dithmar | Pianist | |
Search | Add | 8 | Cocola | ||
Search | Add | 8 | The National Opera of Greece Choir | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Carlos Anton | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Bettina Wohlert | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Arthur C. Barnett | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Steve Broad | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Craig McLearie | ||
Search | Add | 8 | François Gallix | French bassist | |
Search | Add | 8 | Mario Bender | ||
Search | Add | 8 | T. Mite | Phillip Roane | |
Search | Add | 8 | Qutubuddin | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Turner Retro Graphic | On other sites also named as: Turners Retro Graphics, Turners Retro Design, Turner Design Founded by [a1627872] a.k.a. [a12132172]. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Rosa Meir | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Sam Stern | (American-born Hebrew comedian and dialect singer, songwriter, actor. (b. New York 1883 - d. ????] Sam Stern made his stage debut with a Jewish repertory company in Chicago in 1901 but soon afterwards turned to vaudeville. He worked largely in Great Britain from 1910, but also toured South Africa (1914/1919), before coming to Australia in 1921 for Fullers’ Theatres. Stern was still working in Australia professionally as late as 1956. His first decade in the country saw him work largely for the Fullers, Harry Clay and the Tivoli circuit. He also made a number of sound recordings and started performing on radio in 1925. He later appeared in a sound film, toured with F. Gayle Wyer’s Bandbox Co, George Sorlie, Ed Warrington and Ike Delavale among others, continued writing and performing his own songs, and from the 1940s also specialised in ‘legitimate’ theatre. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Tamara Knight | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Daniel Grasmeier | ||
Search | Add | 8 | KikeONE | K1 | K1, formerly known as KikeONE, is a pioneer DJ and producer in hard dance music in Mexico and considered one of the greatest Mexican exponents of the genre internationally. His songs and his unique style of playing have led him to share the stage with great artists such as Angerfist, Headhunterz, The Prophet, Radical Redemption and Technoboy at international festivals such as Electric Daisy Carnival, WiSH Outdoor and Dreamfields, to name a few, being the The only Mexican to perform on the Basscon stage at EDC Mexico 2016, on the Scantraxx stage at Dreamfields 2018 and Wasteland at EDC Las Vegas 2019. The energy and dynamism of K1 will make you feel an explosion of emotions that will undoubtedly lead you through a unique experience. Owner of [l1133904]. |
Search | Add | 8 | Józef Chwedczuk | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Andrés Almaraz | Andrés Almaraz Peña | Estudios Arroz Andrés Almaraz Productor discográfico · De 2003 hasta la fecha |
Search | Add | 8 | Kaka Hathrasi | Prabhu Lal Garg | Kaka Hathrasi (Humorist) Kaka Hathrasi was a noted Hindi satirist and humorist poet of India. His real name was Prabhu Lal Garg. He wrote under the pen name Kaka Hathrasi. He chose "Kaka", as he played the character in a play which made him popular, and "Hathrasi" after the name of his hometown Hathras. He has 42 works to his credit, comprising a collection of humorous and satirical poems, prose and plays published by various publishers. He also wrote three books on Indian classical music under the pen name "Vasant". In 1932, he established Sangeet Karyalaya, a noted publishing house for the books on Indian classical music and dance and started publishing a monthly magazine Sangeet in 1935, which earned a high reputation. Sangeet is the only periodical on Indian classical music and dance which has been continuously published for over 78 years. Kaka Hathrasi had many talents – as a writer, poet, musician, musicologist, actor and a fine painter.. He was a regular performer of Hindi Kavi Sammelan. In fact, he was one of the poets who established Hasya Kavi on Kavi Sammelan stage. |
Search | Add | 8 | Frazer Pennebaker | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Constante Diego | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Ruth Berges | Liner notes author for classical recordings. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Jonas Huhn | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Franck Ruzé | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Garra Brasileira | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Daylight Inferno | Downtempo, synthwave from London, Ontario. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Allstar Music Productions GmbH | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Ronnie Garrity | Bassist. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Zdzisław Zientara | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Dan McNay | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Mila Currier | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Nigel J Anderson | Progressive house/techno DJ/producer from UK | |
Search | Add | 8 | La Troupe Du Théâtre De La Porte St Martin | ||
Search | Add | 8 | 朋晃 | Tsukitsuki Nikko | 朋晃(ツキツキニッコウ) MC / beat maker based in Fukuoka, Japan. |
Search | Add | 8 | Larry Lee Adkins | American country musician, born in Louisa, Kentucky. He was based in Michigan. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Cecilia Wennerström | Daga Cecilia Wennerström | Swedish saxophonist, flutist, composer and arranger, born April 21, 1947. She is educated at the Academy of Music in Malmö and the Academy of Music at Gothenburg University. In the 1980s, she led as a tenor saxophonist the group Salamander, which toured extensively in Sweden and Europe at festivals and clubs. Salamander made their international debut in 1981 at The Kansas City Women's Jazz Festival. |
Search | Add | 8 | Männergesangsverein Maria Elend | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Zilconia | Japanese Rock duo founded in 2000 , formed of [a=Naoyuki Imazu] (vocals , guitar) and [a=Katsuhiro Fujita] (bass) . They performs on Tour as a band with various supporting musicians . | |
Search | Add | 8 | Adrian de Crow | Andreas Niemi | Swedish metal bass player |
Search | Add | 8 | Alex Sunder | ||
Search | Add | 8 | The ChainLinks | Punk-rock & Oi band from Eureka, California active from 2017-2020. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Zlata Vidaček - Mikić | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Fergus Jenkins | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Jonas Angelet | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Paul Robert Burton | Australian multi-instrumentalist, singer, songwriter, producer, technician. | |
Search | Add | 8 | The Loudermilks | Alt-country / folk rock band from Charlotte, North Carolina. Formed by singer-songwriters Alan and Chad Edwards of the band [a=Lou Ford], with Lou Ford drummer Shawn Lynch on bass, Jason Atkins on piano and organ and [a=Jolene] drummer Mike Kenerley on drums. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Em Marshall Luck | Credited as Photographer | |
Search | Add | 8 | Malcolm Troup | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Initialize Productions | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Grupo Chevi | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Øistein Frantzen | Norwegian singer. Born May 28, 1916 in Fredrikstad, Norway — died March 18, 1987 in Copenhagen, Denmark. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Romulo Gallegos | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Ангел Ефтимов | ||
Search | Add | 8 | DJ TKYM | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Jesús Alberca | Jesús Alberca Sánchez | Spanish drummer. |
Search | Add | 8 | The Duke's Combo | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Mikołaj Janeczko | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Woqlz | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Dorel Moș | Romanian folk singer born in Vașcău, Bihor County. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Yukiko Kure | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Phyzikal Flex | 3-piece UK Hardcore/Jungle formation hailing from Romford, UK. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Klas Botander | Klas Botander | Swedish hardcore punk musician. Former drummer for [a=Warvictims]. |
Search | Add | 8 | BBC Choral Society | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Particular Particle | ||
Search | Add | 8 | MWP A Rapper | Vilmos Podmaniczky | Rapper from Akasztó, Hungary. Member of community [l=Red Nation]. |
Search | Add | 8 | Thomas C. Michot | Accordionist, singer, and research scientist at University of Louisiana at Lafayette. Father of [a=Louis Michot] and [a=Andre Michot]. Brother of [a=Rick Michot], [a=David Michot], and [a=Bobby Michot]. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Lyn Harry | British conductor, fl. 1970s | |
Search | Add | 8 | Jiří Váchal | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Zighram | Antonio Caregnato | Artist Music & Arts Producer Photographer Industrial Project Manager & Project Coordinator Owner of [l949088] , Independent Label for Arts Development My sound is hypnotic, ambient, dub, bolero, voice samples, rhythmic mantra, suffused with organic, tribal, jazz and soul influences, smells of classic techno, dawn Detroit breathing, J.S.Bach, Decadence and Symbolism, contemporary industrial design, modern art , slow food, good Italian wine, ancient art ... Because I love all of this ... Contact Info: a.caregnato (@) OXIO - Antonio Caregnato Via Pola, 2 35010 - Vigonza (PD) ITALY |
Search | Add | 8 | Lord Perversor | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Tales of Kaledrina | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Γιώργος Νικηφόρου Ζερβάκης | ||
Search | Add | 8 | National Federation of Temple Youth | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Vial Of Sound | Vial of Sound are an Arizona trio that explore the best in analogue old-school (like really old-school) sounds. All sounds made from vintage analog synthesizers. Vial of Sound is Josh Gooday, David Owens & Kym Gooday | |
Search | Add | 8 | Anouk Ricard | French designer working at [l531179]. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Константин Игумнов | Константин Николаевич Игумнов | Russian pianist and the teacher of many Russian pianists. 1873 – 1948. |
Search | Add | 8 | Keith Tyson | Turner Prize winning artist. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Andras Bader | Báder András Richárd | DJ and producer. |
Search | Add | 8 | Iain Wooldridge | Artist graphic designer from England (UK). | |
Search | Add | 8 | Guðmundur Haukur | Guðmundur Haukur Jónsson | Alfa Beta |
Search | Add | 8 | Rebellion Cannon | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Weronika Korthals | Polish singer and violinist, born in 1982. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Mikel Artieda | Spanish bass player, born in Bera de Bidasoa (Navarra) in 1964. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Юры Выдронак | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Maor Gabay | Maor Gabay | Progressive Psychedelic Trance / Techno artist from Mitzpe Ramon, Israel |
Search | Add | 8 | The Advertising Business Limited | ||
Search | Add | 8 | VBXN | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Rocco Desentis | Rodrigo Desentis | Producer from Mexico. |
Search | Add | 8 | Rob Pitt | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Omo Santana | Michael Schäumer | After his first musical aha-experience with punk and his own bands P1/E and Tennis Boy Blues, Michael Schäumer aka Omo Santana experienced rave and techno at the end of the eighties. Never before has the passionate non-dancer been so persistent on the dance floors as in the UFO, the Tresor or E-Werk. During this time he spins as Discomo, does dance tracks as Drop One and remixes as Omo Santana. Now he is back for more remixes. |
Search | Add | 8 | Eduard Macku | Austrian conductor, chorus master and composer, born 30 June 1901 in Linz, Austria and died 11 April 1999 in Vienna, Austria. Father of [a3659056]. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Oldrich Rosprym | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Manolo Bel | Spanish violinist, band leader and composer Famous with his orchestra during the 1940's | |
Search | Add | 8 | Knivad | Crust punk/metal band from Sweden. Jonas - guitars Manne - vocals Agge - drums Fredrik - bass | |
Search | Add | 8 | Jamie Younger | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Buxton's Kingdom | ||
Search | Add | 8 | We The Same | Brendan Moratz | Electronic / pop project by [a=Brendan Moratz]. |
Search | Add | 8 | Bertalan Domby | Bertalan Domby | |
Search | Add | 8 | Sweatsky | Anton Hultén | Swede DJ and producer. |
Search | Add | 8 | Sangre Joven Tropical | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Orchestra Tipica Argentina J.C. Santer | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Gerard Bielderman | Dutch jazz discographer | |
Search | Add | 8 | Тетяна Піскарьова | Тетяна Анатоліївна Піскарьова | Tetyana Piskareva (born on August 31, 1976, Mala Vyska, Kirovograd region) is a Ukrainian singer and composer. Recognized as an Honored Artist of Ukraine in 2003. |
Search | Add | 8 | Kay Carson | Ruth Morrow | |
Search | Add | 8 | Aldfrith | Daniel Rodrigo Vieira | Aldfrith, the name of a king of Northumbria (a mediaeval kingdom of the Angles) who ruled between 685–704/705, borrows his name to the new project of Daniel Disneycrusher (aka Daniel Death), encompasses dark ambient music inspired by Henrik Nordvargr Bjork (and his countless projects), Karjalan Sissit, Horchata (mainly from the album ISOLATED HOUSE), Samsa, Vestigial, Atrium Carceri, Desiderii Marginis, Raison D’être, Inade, Atrax Morgue and older experimental pathfinders like Brian Eno, Karlheinz Stockhausen, John Cage, Edgard Varèse and newer names like Arktau Eos, Opium Warlords and Blitzkrieg Baby. However, those are just nominal influences, since Daniel opted in not hearing such artists during the time he was creating From Northumbria to Mehrgarh (his first work), in order to seize the moment of alacrity, creating the layers of the songs often in just one take, rapidly editing, and not focusing in fancy editing. As of May 10th 2013, Daniel Death created another hard-to-get opus called Combinatorial Explosion May Result in The Curse of Dimentionality merging the very same elements that was used to create From Northumbria to Mehrgarh, but with more experimentations Moreover, Aldfrith is the creation of the artiste in his Dämmerung, questioning what is true art and what is not. What can be done in the field of music that still wasn’t been done. Trying to empathically understand why such a hive of so-called musicians perceive themselves as being “avant-garde” in this internet era where anyone in anywhere can produce stuff in such a light speed way that the ouvre is let to one to draw the line if it’s good or if isn’t. The whole point came from one question: what’s the point? While we still have truly innovative music being created, Daniel Death believes that’s not everyday that a new Frank Zappa or a new Sun-Rá comes out of the blue to leave their imprint in the history of music. |
Search | Add | 8 | زكريا سليمان | Zakaria Sulaiman | |
Search | Add | 8 | Bryce Prevatte | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Ida Kühn Riegels | Danish cellist and recorder player Ida Riegels is educated at the Royal Danish Academy of Music by Professor Morten Zeuthen and Jakob Kullberg. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Valdemar Rasmussen | Danish jazz band leader, trumpet and flugelhorn player, born 2nd March 1939, in Tønder. Debuted on record with [a=The Syncopaters (2)] in 1956. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Charmaine Yates | Calypso / soca vocals | |
Search | Add | 8 | Dykuma | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Reggie S | Reginald Kevin Sconiers | |
Search | Add | 8 | Вика Прокопавичюте | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Darryl 'Saadi' Hunter | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Count August | Harm Noort | |
Search | Add | 8 | Acer Negundo | Acer Negundo is a Russian rock band founded on August 18, 2022 by Stepan Gradoboev and Lev Polyansky. The main genre of the band is experimental and psychedelic rock, the main style is the use of non-standard sounds, sometimes the use of spoken word style or different sound excerpts, the external style is the style of British rock bands of the 1960s. All the names of the band's songs are written in Russian-English "transliteration". Band members: Stepan Gradoboev - vocals, electric guitar, drums, keyboards Lev Polyansky - keyboards Ilya Novikov - electric guitar, rhythm guitar Roman Bogachev - creative, guitar, art numbers Semyon Demin - acoustic guitar Alexey Yanitsky - recitative | |
Search | Add | 8 | Djomla Ks | Mladen Jakovljević | |
Search | Add | 8 | Ralf Kaupenjohann | Ralf Kaupenjohann | German accordion player, born in 1958 in Bochum, Germany. |
Search | Add | 8 | Bert Hollmann | Bert Hollmann | |
Search | Add | 8 | Simone Dionisi | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Celestial Object | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Django Strong | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Elkin Rippey | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Mayumi Hashikawa | 橋川真由美 | Japanese female singer active around late 1980s |
Search | Add | 8 | Μήτσος Χίντζος | Μήτσος Χίντζιος | |
Search | Add | 8 | Arif Şentürk | (Macedonian: Ариф Шентурк/Arif Šenturk; 1941 – 15 February 2022) was a Yugoslav-born Turkish traditional folk singer and compiler. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Na Dnie | Depressive black metal band from Poland. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Dick Gersh | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Ed Shock | Ed Ash | |
Search | Add | 8 | Don McLachlan | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Epavlis Pavlakis | Παύλος Βάκαλος | Epavlispavlakis, formed in 1999 in Thessaloniki, Greece. His studies on classic flute, Auth/Musicology, UvA/Musicology, Steim/Nl inspired and drove him on creating sounds, collages, multilingual recitation, serene rhythms and electronic waves, for more than 15 years of music experimentation. |
Search | Add | 8 | Christine Lundberg | ||
Search | Add | 8 | N2Abyss | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Arthur Cayzer | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Dean Whitby | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Chaos Maths | Chaos Maths formed in 2001 as a combination of each members individual pursuits in this culture we call Hip Hop. Jodes was DJing around town, Dave was putting down that raw lyrical material, and Bang was writing, producing and programming the only weekly Hip Hop radio show west of the Blue Mountains (2MCE-FM, Bathurst). What was blindingly obvious to others eventually dawned on the crew, and collectively they said: ‘Let’s start a band!’ Since then Chaos Maths have performed alongside Katalyst, 1200 Techniques, sonicanimation, TZU, Bliss n’ Eso, Urthboy, Ozi Batla, Celcius, Upshot, Morganics, 2-Up, Sleeping Monk and on and on and on. Their first self-titled release received generous support in the form of airplay from community radio stations nationwide, and their debut film clip for the song ‘Therapy Session’ has been aired on Rage, the greatest music video show in the world. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Camelia Dăscălescu | Camelia Dăscălescu | Romanian composer, producer born January 22, 1921, Iaşi. |
Search | Add | 8 | Sasha Khan | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Marius Mateșan | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Traian Tîrcolea | Traian Gheorghe Țîrcolea | Romanian violinist, conductor, father of musician [a774584] 1968 - received ''Order of Cultural Merit grade V'' (Ordinul Meritul Cultural clasa a V-a) |
Search | Add | 8 | Bernard Jay | Manager of [a=Divine] 1977-1988, based in New York. Also his biographer, published 1994. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Brendon Warner | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Verónica Hurtado | ||
Search | Add | 8 | James Wingard | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Tom Shelden | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Olivier Vrancken | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Doménico El Audáz | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Weiß Kreuz | Takehito Koyasu / Tomokazu Seki / Shin-ichiro Miki / Hiro Yuuki | |
Search | Add | 8 | KIC Management | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Liesbeth Koot | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Organic Design | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Liberacion De Virgilio Canales | Only use when artist name includes both Liberacion and Virgilio Canales (almost anything before 1980), for credits without V. Canales please use [a=Liberación] | |
Search | Add | 8 | Cameron Akhunaton | Cameron Limbrick | |
Search | Add | 8 | Cassandra C. Jones | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Rene Jr | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Francesca Simoni | Silvana Scacchi | |
Search | Add | 8 | Vicki Lehning | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Claudia Riebeling | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Tuneflux | Trance music producer from Sweden. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Misha Appelbaum | Misha Appelbaum was born in 1920 in Bessarabia. He went to the Great Patriotic War as a volunteer to the front, but after receiving an injury, he started working as an announcer on the "Golos Ukrainy" (Voice Of Ukraine) radio station. In 1951 he immigrated to Israel..... Four men got stuck in Southern Negev one summer night in 1953.At a small bonfire they chatted and sang waiting for daybreak. A radio-man, Elimelech Ram, captivated by the original singing of one of the four decided to give him a chance in a program on the air. Two weeks later our young man became one of the most popular singers in the country, and his songs - smashing hits. THIS HAS BEEN MISHA APPELBAUM. Born in 1920 in Hotin, a town on the Dniestr in Bessarabia, Misha spent his childhood in the house of his grandfather - a merry innkeeper. It was for the child an enchanting and magical place where peasants, soldiers and wandering actors appeared as characters out of a mysterious play. He thirstily absorbed their tales and songs...And years later after having got two degrees (music and history), fighting in the war and roaming about the world, he suddenly found himself singing all these old and new tunes of coachmen and drivers, sailors and pilots, soldiers and ramblers - all who leave their home and long to return; here and there a song of love, a passing and wandering love. Misha Appelbaum wins you with his rendition of these simple folksongs, his singing has spirit and style, and great dramatic quality - elements of truly accomplished artist. So put this record on your gramophone, dim the lights, throw the log into the fireside, relax... and WANDER WITH MISHA ! . . | |
Search | Add | 8 | B. Keyler | Beathe Küchler | B. Keyler is the artist name of Beathe Küchler from Bergen , Norway. |
Search | Add | 8 | Thommes Jay | Thomas Johann | German Techno DJ / Producer. |
Search | Add | 8 | При Долине Мак | New great project from the legendary Saint-Petersburg scene of experimental music. The duo uses plenty of authentic re-patched Soviet analogue devices, string, percussion and wind instruments and electro-acoustic DIY stuff. Their albums are mastered to chrome magnetic tapes. | |
Search | Add | 8 | La Taupe, s.r.o. | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Columbus Rock Division | Booking agency in The Netherlands. | |
Search | Add | 8 | The Linden Method | Formed in Chicago, IL in 2012, The Linden Method pulls from the various elements of punk, pop-punk and hardcore to create an aggressive and refreshing new sound. influences The Tony Hawk's Pro Skater soundtracks and The 1975. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Ansambl Aleksandra Koraća | ||
Search | Add | 8 | X-Visitors | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Sony DADC NMS | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Jeff Shepler | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Adam Jurczuk | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Tammy Wirta | Tammy L Wirta | Bass player in numerous Milwaukee WI area bands including Muckrakers & Fuckface with husband [a=Dave Raeck]. aka Tammy Raeck |
Search | Add | 8 | Loryn Atwell | Loryn Yates Atwell | Born May 20, 1932. Passed September 10, 2012 Recording engineer and producer from Lafayette, Tennessee. Owner of [l1730624], [l505168], and [l907774]. |
Search | Add | 8 | Xavier Mateu | Spanish producer. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Misery Take Me | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Μάκης Καλαϊτζής | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Warriors Of Eloy | Patrick De Meyer & Wim Perdaen | |
Search | Add | 8 | All Hail Execution | Solo project by Alexander Cadena from Riviera, Texas. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Doug Jansen Smith | Sound engineer. Founder of [l518726] | |
Search | Add | 8 | Lorena Spaggiari | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Oktober Redd | Oktober Joshua-Kareem Jacobs | American Electro House/Nu Disco producer, born 1 April 1991 in North Star, Delaware, US. |
Search | Add | 8 | Йоан-Иво | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Ad House | ||
Search | Add | 8 | xngb2 | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Amparito Jimenez | Singer of Colombian origin arrived in the 60s to Chile, Amparito Jiménez is a fundamental piece in the history of cumbia in the country, where she earned the nickname "Queen of cumbia" and is recognized for being the first to popularize that rhythm in its Colombian folklore side. Among his greatest successes in the country is "La pollera colorá", authored by the late Colombian maestro Wilson Choperena with [a=Juan Madera] Castro, composer of the melodic line. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Amar Singh Shounki | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Hansruedi Kolar | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Mirek Sukiennik | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Fred Collinet | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Tribal Agent | Andres Castaño | Andres Castaño Second Music Project Started in January 2000 - Based on House / Tek House Music |
Search | Add | 8 | Barbara Hennequin | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Disciples Du Chaos | Collab Ended January 2016. | |
Search | Add | 8 | The Bob Wilber All Star Jazz Band | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Maria Cristina Chiluiza | Singer and songwriter | |
Search | Add | 8 | Isidor Igić | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Skipper Logan | ||
Search | Add | 8 | NO_Division Record Label | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Felix Kiessling | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Demian Hoings | Demian Hoings | |
Search | Add | 8 | Oliver Thomas Johnson | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Cristea Condacci | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Nisses Senap | Swedish folk music group from Vänersborg. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Josh Salter | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Edwin Betancourt | Colombian cumbia singer and orchestra leader | |
Search | Add | 8 | Cathedral Choir St. Bavo | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Nico Moosebeach | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Jalees - Rashid | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Boys Of The Hampstead Parish Church Choir | British boys choir from [l683367], London. See also: [a2852122]. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Dario Ricardo | Carlos Darío Ricardo Soto | Colombian accordionist and arranger of vallenato style. Born in Cáceres (Antioquia) |
Search | Add | 8 | Shin Kikuchi | 菊地 慎 - Shin Kikuchi | 菊地 慎 / Shin Kikuchi is Photo&Video grapher, Painter, Designer, Art director & CEO of the [l=Schole] Inc. |
Search | Add | 8 | Rex Tennyson | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Cletus "Slim" Jones | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Cemented In Fear | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Vlonde | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Ellery Band | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Orchestre Richard Band De Zoetele | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Alison Drew | ||
Search | Add | 8 | U.Xerxes.H | Gilbert Miranda | Illustrator / bass & guitar player from Costa Rica. Owner of Lingua Mortis Artwork. |
Search | Add | 8 | Christoffer Strömbom | Christoffer Lögn | Punk Singer, Bassist, Visual Artist from Hudiksvall, Sweden. |
Search | Add | 8 | 饒辺勝子 | Katsuko Yohen. Okinawan folk singer. | |
Search | Add | 8 | David Tiquant | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Angel Antonio Berdiales | Angel Antonio Berdiales Mendez | Guitarist and composer born in Gijón, Asturias, based in Madrid. From adolescence he plays in his own rock bands, until in 1998 he changed his residence to Madrid, where he began to work as a musician for different artists. |
Search | Add | 8 | Cengiz Türksoy | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Steinar Børve | Saxophonist (also plays keyboards). | |
Search | Add | 8 | Carnal Dissection | Doom/death metal band from Buffalo, NY. Years active:1991-1992,2013. Carnal Dissection disbanded in 1992, only one year after the band had formed. They reformed for a lone reunion show on November 16th, 2013. Jimmy Damron became the vocalist in 1992 after the demise of the Alabama-based band Butchery and performed on Carnal Dissection's unreleased "Disemboweled" demo. He was the last vocalist they had before their eventual break-up. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Raven Slaughter | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Shadisha | Shadisha Tuychieva | |
Search | Add | 8 | Giuseppe Tabarelli | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Klasiik | Jakub Walczak | Rapper from Warsaw, Poland. |
Search | Add | 8 | Tomasz Dzimira | Graphic designer | |
Search | Add | 8 | Irish Breakdown | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Jordy Copz | Jordan Bolou | |
Search | Add | 8 | Ormsland | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Nicola Honey | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Sophie Milner | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Абсолютно Хорошее Настроение | Translation into English: Absolutely Good Mood. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Alcy Agüero | Alcibíades Agüero del Risco | Cuban born pianist, singer, arranger, composer (Alcibiades Agüero), moved to Spain in the 1960s (Cuba, 1927 - Spain, 2007) |
Search | Add | 8 | Aparicio Gonzalez | Paraguayan arpa player | |
Search | Add | 8 | Marco De Venuto | Marco De Venuto | Italian producer. Founder of [l=D.J. Magazine Productions]. |
Search | Add | 8 | Carmen Di Pietro | Carmelina Tonto | Italian showgirl, actress and singer, born 24 May 1965 in Potenza. |
Search | Add | 8 | Charles Reaper | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Dan Sneberger | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Satoshi Suginaka | Japanese artist known to have owned SMASH record store in Harajuku, Tokyo. Provided prints and artwork for early UK punk bands. | |
Search | Add | 8 | olerudrone | Abstract/experimental soundscape composer&drummer from japan. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Raphael Zwyer | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Ansambl Dragana Jovanovića Levčanina | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Boggie Gramb | ||
Search | Add | 8 | W. Minon | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Eduardo César | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Duncan Pickford | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Marius Engli Andersson | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Tito Alberti | Juan Alberto Ficicchia | Tito Alberti, artistic name of Juan Alberto Ficicchia (Zárate, province of Buenos Aires, January 12, 1923 - Buenos Aires, March 25, 2009), was an Argentine composer and drummer. Jazz musician and Caribbean musician, he was also the author of the famous children's song El elefante trompita.1 He was the father of Soda Stereo drummer, Charly Alberti. |
Search | Add | 8 | Alan Gesso | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Michi Von Einst | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Phil Dargo | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Ras Terms | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Hans Olav Solli | Vocalist | |
Search | Add | 8 | Slađana Vujičić | Slađana Vujičić | Pop/folk singer from Serbia. |
Search | Add | 8 | Расул Чомаев | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Orchestre Kamavasty | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Takanori Kuroda | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Hollywood Bowl Pops Orchestra | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Ritmo Corralero | Colombian cumbia band | |
Search | Add | 8 | S. V. Venkataraman | ||
Search | Add | 8 | JD Romeo | Jeff Dupee | |
Search | Add | 8 | Ingeborg Holter | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Victor James Nesrallah | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Dameon Waggoner | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Sophie Braham | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Rasheed Chowdhry | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Roland Molinier | Jazz bassist. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Frankie Tedesco | Francesco Tedesco | Italian producer, mixing and mastering engineer. |
Search | Add | 8 | Sarah Malament | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Don Cossack Chorus General Platoff | Cossack Choir active in the 1930s and 1940s in the USA, directed by [a7862763]. Not to be confused with the [a542688] under the direction of [a909241]. They are two distinct entities! | |
Search | Add | 8 | Ecoscraper | Canada | |
Search | Add | 8 | Kuko De Kobra | Danish band loosely centered around the songwriting and singing of [a=John Sharling]. Plays Classic Rock, somewhere between Mötley Crüe and Hüsker Dü. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Grupa Dar Mar | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Daniel James Studio | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Chris Sehenuk | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Alain Groetzinger | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Gabacho Ss | ||
Search | Add | 8 | At Light | German band which hailed from the Nuremberg area (Puschendorf) specialised in christian pop-rock. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Pradip Lad | ||
Search | Add | 8 | เมืองมนต์ สมบัติเจริญ | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Grupo Tres | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Marc Van Amelsfoort | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Edi Danartono Winarni | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Maga Bragin | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Henry Moeller | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Die Lustigen Hinterberger | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Darren Curtis Skanson | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Rosie J. Hart | Rosalie Joanne Derringer | Dayton, OH country artist. “Rosalie started singing and playing guitar in high school. She was known as “Little Miss Country Rhythm.” Out of high school she continued singing and met her first husband Al Freeders. She took some time off from singing and began raising 4 children. She picked back up in 1969 and recorded her first record “Tennessee Yodel Polka.” She played shows and recorded several more records in Nashville, TN as Rosie J. Hart. She finished out her career singing at the church she grew up in, Bear Creek Church of the Brethren, and for her grandchildren. She was truly loved by all who knew her. ” - |
Search | Add | 8 | Guigui The Real | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Paweł Tartanus | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Arnaud M'Doihoma | Arnaud M'Doihoma | Born in 1984 Arnaud meets [a=Gregory Pozzoli] and Thomas Larsen in high school, who persuade him to play bass with them. For nearly four years they learned to improvise together for fun. In 2003 he created his first band SENOYS alongside Thomas Larsen on drums. Bassist and singer of [a=Jack Dupon] since the band''s inception in 2004. Composes music and lyrics of all Jack Dupon''s songs collectively with the other musicians. Has participated on all [a=Jack Dupon] recordings, including L''Africain Disparu in 2006, L'Echelle Du Désir in 2008 and Démon Hardi in 2010. |
Search | Add | 8 | Carlos Slivskin | Carlos Slivskin | Brazil keyboardist, musician and composer. |
Search | Add | 8 | Michaelironside | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Coro Scaligero Dell'alpe | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Mahne Frame | Mahne Jay Frame Bonney | |
Search | Add | 8 | Stuart E. Kloner | Stuart Edward Kloner | American art director and publicist. Born:1940 in St. Paul, Minnesota. Died: June 19, 2006 in Richfield, Minnesota. |
Search | Add | 8 | Marco Cignoli | Cantautore e presentatore vogherese. Nel 2018 pubblica il singolo d'esordio "Can You Love Me" ft. Leslie&Luca (PA74 Music) prodotto da Alessandro Porcella. Nel 2020, con la produzione di Dj Sheezah, pubblica i singoli "Figlio Imperfetto" ft. Berdix e "La mia Mercedes". Nel 2021 esce l'album d'esordio "Coccodrillo Bianco" (Jab Media), prodotto nei Saigood Studios di Milano. Il disco riceve il plauso della critica musicale nazionale. Vengono estratti quattro singoli: "Cercala La Notte", "Invece Scrivo Canzoni", "Autunno Centrale" e "Tamburo" ft. Berdix. All'inizio del 2022 esce il singolo radiofonico "Mi devo abituare". Nel 2020 ha curato l'opera letteraria "Francesco Cignoli: all'ombra della quercia". Come presentatore ha condotto numerosi eventi e programmi in TV, radio e web TV, collaborando con artisti come Mara Maionchi e Loredana Bertè. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Computrhead | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Airomen | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Predrag Točilovac | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Antonín Malý | Antonín Malý | Czech photographer. |
Search | Add | 8 | Ansambl "Dukati" | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Anja Krause | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Darrell Ellerbe | Darrell Ellerbe | |
Search | Add | 8 | Peter Nikys | Pietro Ardino | |
Search | Add | 8 | Alois Aregger | Born: 07. February 1953 | |
Search | Add | 8 | Ronny Kubera | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Hank Sasaki | Masataka Sasaki | Japanese country artist and songwriter (1937-2015). Performed as a teenager in Fukuoka, Japan as the side singer and rhythm guitarist with Japanese country & western band "The Blue Rangers". Was nicknamed "Hank" by U.S. soldiers stationed in the area after they heard Sasaki perform Hank Williams songs. |
Search | Add | 8 | Vlado Oravec | Vladimír Oravec | Slovak vocalist and composer. He was born 1953 in Zvolen. Died at 1984 in Banská Bystrica. |
Search | Add | 8 | Почайна | Народна академічна хорова капела "Почайна" Національного університету "Києво-Могилянська академія" | Ukrainian folk choir. The Academic Folk Choir "Pochayna" was founded in 1986. Based at the National University of "Kyiv-Mohyla Academy", the choir continues the choral tradition of this historic Academy, which since its founding has been not only a powerful educational institution, but also a significant cultural and musical center. Now the choir has about a hundred singers, almost all of them - students ex-students. The main creative focus is on the restoration of works of famous Ukrainian composers of the 18–19th centuries. Works by composers include: Maxim Berezovsky, Artemiy Vedel, Diletskoho M., M. Leontovich, K. Stetsenko, Mykola Lysenko, and pearls of world classics by Haydn, Vivalid, Mozart and Rachmaninov. The Choir is also performs folk songs in the arrangement of prominent Ukrainian composers. There are seventeen recorded CDs of the choir from "The Sacred Music in Europe XVIII-XXI centuries" series. |
Search | Add | 8 | Hiro Ikezawa | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Justina Snøw | ||
Search | Add | 8 | The Woundup | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Gaêtan Drouot | Musician (guitar, piano, bass, percussion, synth, drum programming, backing vocals) , Mixer, Producer | |
Search | Add | 8 | Simple Box Construction | DIY label and press specializing in exclusive handmade, limited edition visual and musical releases for [a=A Death Cinematic]. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Vador Lladó | Radio speaker and DJ from Barcelona (Spain) | |
Search | Add | 8 | Twinklefucker | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Christiane Gaud | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Hydrochloric Acid | Dom Rayner | UK Hardcore Acid producer mostly known under the alias IRultimate |
Search | Add | 8 | No lo sé ! | Rock band from Tarragona (Catalonia). | |
Search | Add | 8 | Nico's Design | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Artrar | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Константин Лабецкий | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Skull Katalog | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Alma Salteña | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Swayz | ||
Search | Add | 8 | 1818 | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Crisisxo | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Pajaro Alberto | Alberto Isordia | Mexican rock guitarist, singer and composer born in Tijuana, Baja California. In the 60s he started as a member of [a5771656] with whom he recorded an EP and an LP of covers in 1967. In 1971 they went to Mexico City under the name [a2287807]. When [i]The Love Army[/i] disappeared its members formed other groups, while Pájaro Alberto formed a solo act with a rock ensemble called [a14762777]. |
Search | Add | 8 | Ghulam Hassan Zafar | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Saikat Mukherjee | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Liryc Non Stop | Drummer, singer, electronic music composer, Dj based in south of France | |
Search | Add | 8 | Tree Creature | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Orchestra Kool | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Melvin "Hip" Armstead | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Hildegund Carena | Hildegund Ebentheuer-Harms | Hildegund Ebentheuer-Harms (*1923) from Hamburg-Moorburg made as Hildegund Carena career in radio and television in the field of North German folk music: Haifischbar (1968-1975), Hafenkonzert etc. |
Search | Add | 8 | Nick Bat | Stefan Timmermans | At the age of 15 I started writing some lyrics. The first one I wrote was No Future. That was 1981. From there on together with Danny Garmijn I started Dance Of Death. In 1982 Danny moved to another genre but his brother Franky entered the band. The name changed to Sisters Sex Haus. Mainly Franky and I were making music but at some point Glenn Rotsaert and Yves Beaumont joined the band. Glenn left after a year to play in other bands like Thin Line Men, Revenge 88 and Marky Ramone. Yves Beaumont moved further to become a painter. Around 1987 the band disolved into The Sons Of Eveline, again Franky and myself. 2 songs were recorded but the same year I jumped into a pop band together with my neighbour Nancy Zwaenepoel. But school, and joining the army resulted in stopping making music. It was in 1992 at work that I came across Guido Bos (ex Siglo XX). From there on we formed Wild Green Fiendy Liquid. But in 1996 it ended being both fed up with guitars. In 2000 when computers became more important into making music Guido and I formed Joy Luck Club. From pop to experimental to industrial to pure house and techno. What a ride it was. But in 2004 we stopped the band and were thinking of picking up the guitars again. 2005 until now we formed Under A Purple Sky. Resulting in pure Goth. In 2006 the first single Embrace resulted in a club hit and can still be heard on Goth radio Cathedral 13. Strobelight Records were promoting the genre and the New Dark Age compilations were a massive success in the genre. We were lucky to be on number 3. From there on the name became well known resulting on other compilations and even been seen in books. What a ride... |
Search | Add | 8 | Wade Oliver | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Alex Shturmak | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Turbulence Orchestra | ||
Search | Add | 8 | 句潤 | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Casa Nero | Antonio Valesquez and Wolfgang Prinz | |
Search | Add | 8 | Marek Lenkiewicz | Marek Lenkiewicz | Trance producer & remixer from Kamienna Góra, Wybierz, Poland. |
Search | Add | 8 | Плесневелое Нёбо | Acoustic/Acoustic Rock/Post-Punk/Lo-Fi from Russia. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Harmonie Estudiantine De L'Académie D'Orléans-Tours | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Niall Reynolds | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Johnny Depprivation | Johnny Depprivation is a Cardiff based Professional DJ/producer of Electro House & Drum and Bass. He first began to mix Drum & Bass/Breaks on vinyl at the age of 14 and soon started playing out at local parties and raves. Since landing in Cardiff in 2010, Johnny Depprivation began to produce Electro House with a harder edge but has now branched out, incorporating his influences into dance music | |
Search | Add | 8 | Lil RoseGold | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Lina Primard | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Astrid Brack | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Michael Mavrolas | Michael "Mav" Mavrolas. American manager, A&R, executive producer, engineer and founder of [l=Genuine Music Group], based in Los Angeles, CA. Started in 1991 at [l=Nastymix Records]. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Beth Borwell | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Eriek Van Havere | Founder and owner of the Belgian experimental label [l=EE Tapes]. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Victor Schrammel-Orchester | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Colman Gota | Spanish bass player | |
Search | Add | 8 | Jérôme Bouquet | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Brigitte Sauvane | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Brandon Bowers | Recording engineer and musician in the Houston, Texas area. Owner and operator of [l=House Of Eyes]. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Pieter Leijten | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Kahla Lewis | Artwork | |
Search | Add | 8 | Pompy Santalla | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Alex Lenkeit | American hardcore musician. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Eternal Hunger | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Laurent Zappone | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Egor Kolonutov | Egor Kolonutov | Egor Kolonutov is a mixing and recording engineer from Russia. |
Search | Add | 8 | Johannes Marx | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Chien-An Yuan | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Missfelidae Illustration | Lisa Arnberger | What are you waiting for? "Enter the painting on the wall" Immerse yourself in the wonderful world of Lizzy aka Missfelidae. With great attention to detail, inspired by nature, she skillfully creates an often surreal world of colors and shapes, lines and dots, illusions and illustrations. Missfelidae created detailed lead subjects for the popular LAKE ON FIRE FESTIVAL and FUZZFEST-VIENNA, among others. She also stages well-known and less well-known artists genuinely and conjures up a gig poster for locations such as ARENA Vienna, VIPER ROOM, KAPU and others from time to time. In 2018, Missfelidae was honored by LÜRZERS Archiv and voted among the 200 best illustrators worldwide, congratulations! |
Search | Add | 8 | Miquel Sospedra | Spanish bassist and singer | |
Search | Add | 8 | Stefano Vanoni | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Clara Walker | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Zoltán Liška | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Theodros Mitiku | Ethiopian saxophonist. Died December 22 2013. Brother of [a1907567]. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Fritz "The Evil Tent" Texel | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Orkestar Zlatomira Stevanovića - Zlaje | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Charanda Band | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Civico 88 | RAC Oi! Skinhead band from Varese, Italy, founded in 2002. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Percy Gerd Watkinson | German chorus master and composer. Born 1918, died May 15, 2011 in Springe / Germany. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Andrea Meozzi | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Phrenetic City | Venetian Pop Band by [a=rastapax] and Armando Lomagistro | |
Search | Add | 8 | 陈金浪 | 陈忠诚 | Chen Jin Lang (Chinese: 陈金浪; pinyin: Chén Jīn Làng; 12 February 1961– 25 July 2006) was a Singapore 'getai' songwriter legend and King of Hokkien pop. Chen Jin Lang became a nightclub singer at age 9 to supplement the family income. At 16, he released his first Hokkien album. He would go on to release 80 more in Hokkien and Mandarin in his 36-year career. Regarded as the king of Hokkien pop here, he used to be a host at least 20 getai shows and sang at about 80 during the annual Hungry Ghost Festival. He was also a bachelor, and a bankrupt. In 2004, he filed for bankruptcy after his business - producing shows for Taiwanese stars - went bust. He was jailed in 2005 for four months for leaving Singapore without permission despite being a bankrupt. He was released in March for good behaviour. Returning to entertainment, he drew 10,000 fans to two sold-out shows. He was diagnosed with fourth-stage colon cancer in 2005, but he continued to perform to pay for his medical bills. He died of colon cancer on 25 July 2006, which is coincidentally the 1st day of the seventh lunar month, believed by the Chinese as the month of the Hungry Ghost Festival. |
Search | Add | 8 | Robanera | Sludge/doom metal band from Italy. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Among Scratches | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Amenonuvoco | ||
Search | Add | 8 | MC LG | ||
Search | Add | 8 | | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Paul Reidy | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Wolfgang Steinert | German producer and owner of the label [l2618986] in Forstern, Bavaria | |
Search | Add | 8 | Teruhiko Yumura | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Danny Dickson | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Martin Shouler | ||
Search | Add | 8 | John Costanza | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Idurar | Kabyle duo from the village of Felden in Akbou (Bejaia, Algeria). Composed of Kaci Boussaad & Loualia Boussaad, the band was founded in 1977. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Alex Vargiu | Alessandro Vargiu | |
Search | Add | 8 | Alexandra Zug | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Søren Gangfløt | Norwegian pianist and organist (20. April 1921 in Fredrikstad - 12. December 1997 in Fredrikstad) | |
Search | Add | 8 | Daniel Taranger | Daniel Taranger | Trance / Progressive Trance music producer from Bergen, Norway. Born: 27-04-1991. Contact info: E-Mail: |
Search | Add | 8 | Costa Zougris | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Marcel Kunze-Haupt | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Калин Димитров | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Die Lustigen Tauferer | [i]Volksmusik[/i] ensemble from Mühlen, Taufers, South Tyrol ([i]Südtirol[/i]), Italy, founded in 1967. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Klaus Jedelsky | Engineer | |
Search | Add | 8 | DUBLDUB | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Gérard Mullier | Bassist | |
Search | Add | 8 | Nerco Dokso | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Sekie Skien | ||
Search | Add | 8 | もののあはれ | Lo-fi house project from Nagoya, Japan. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Bonamico Buffalmaco | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Daniel Secker | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Roberto D'Aquino | Italian bassist. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Joji Wada | Drummer | |
Search | Add | 8 | Pam Laizure | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Freakiss | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Κωνσταντίνος Νιχωρίτης | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Julian Puckett | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Toni Kersey | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Jenniene Leclercq | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Andrea Abbrancati | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Tip Watkin | ||
Search | Add | 8 | The Rain Sounds Like My Fucking Dishwasher | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Boughs Enshrouded | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Lajos Zoltán | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Ansambel Pogum | ||
Search | Add | 8 | 24 Reasons | Kuala Lumpur hardcore band. Consist of many line up from various band like The Bollocks, ACAB, Pilgrims and recent All these while, Relationsheep etc. This bands had recorded one Demo (later released as 7inch) and setting up a way to conglomorate the DIY scene. Songs like Hardcore as fuck used to be a prominent sing a long in the 90s show! | |
Search | Add | 8 | Lilac Rose | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Қаламқас Орашева | Kalamkas Orasheva (1953-1988) - dombra player and singer from Kazakhstan. | |
Search | Add | 8 | SlowedChromeChain | Martin Sepp | |
Search | Add | 8 | El Grupo de Gaston | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Маленький Принц | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Basstk | Miguel Jáuregui Arévalo | Miguel Jáuregui a.k.a. Basstk is one of the founders and the coordinator of EPA Sonidos, where he has developed several monikers based on the experimentation between styles and rythms achieved in creative lapses forged with musical instruments, hardwares and softwares. In this particular project (Basstk), considered as the main aspect of his production, mashes up glitches, noises, latin beats and techno grooves, fried basses and corroded textures with sound-scapes and surrealist motives. |
Search | Add | 8 | Sanair | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Cheikh Namoussi | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Андрій Бобир | Андрій Матвійович Бобир | [b]Andriy Bobyr[/b] (1915–1994) was a Ukrainian singer-bandurist, conductor, and academic teacher. He was awarded the status of Peoples Artist of Ukraine in 1986. He is the author of over 500 works and adaptations for the bandura. |
Search | Add | 8 | Mile Ivanović | Mile Ivanović | |
Search | Add | 8 | Халисхан Қадырова | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Ken Vangel | Keyboards | |
Search | Add | 8 | Neno Warisman | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Sol I Skuggeskog | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Cinema Mudo | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Can 2 | Fedor Wildhardt | Famous German graffiti artist from Mainz, Rhineland-Palatinate, Federal Republic of Germany, a member of SUK, started writing graffiti in 1983 and probably best known for his characters. |
Search | Add | 8 | EMTON Studioorchester | German studio orchestra of flexi producer [l1525611] | |
Search | Add | 8 | Women Of The Pore | M. Gatling | What started off as a chaotic side-project for "30 Year Hex", "Women of the Pore" has evolved into the main source of output, and strayed/devolved/evolved from power violence/harsh noise to "Bunker Jazz". |
Search | Add | 8 | Masaru Hayakawa | 早川優 | |
Search | Add | 8 | Rik Rawling | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Stiff Middle Fingers | Lawrence, KS based punk band. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Γιάννης Αλεξόπουλος | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Altis Vader | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Rimauri | Marco Melchiori | |
Search | Add | 8 | Andie Brokaw | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Mastrantonio | ||
Search | Add | 8 | William Reppel | Photographer. | |
Search | Add | 8 | G|7 | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Javier Vaamonde | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Grupo De Serestas "João Chaves" De Montes Claros | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Espiadimonis | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Richard Conway Jones | Guitarist, half of the english guitar based band The Marlyn Decade. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Luz Blanchet | Luz Bertila Blanchet Enríquez De Rivera | Mexican TV host, speaker, and graphic designer. |
Search | Add | 8 | Coco Zigo | Coco Zigo Mike | Congolese/Zairean singer and composer. Managed [l656107]. Died in Nairobi, Kenya in August 1998 |
Search | Add | 8 | William Quills | Producer, active in Australia between 1967 and the mid-1970s. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Mélanie Bourgoin | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Sara Comploi | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Masao Shigeno | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Black Solo | Black (Dan) Solo | Dan Solo, alias Black Solo, is American. He grew up in Atlanta then moved to San Francisco, CA. Dan attended the Conservatory of Music in San Francisco. He then moved to a career as a sound engineer in several studios in the city. His style is rather hip-hop / rap and its zenn and calm character brings a sound and a unique atmosphere. In 2020, Dan commits to help preserve the Amazon rainforest. He writes a song, contacts international organizations and decides to raise funds to help them. The song "Natural Ecosystem" is a rage against those who let fire ravage the lungs of our planet. Verified Artist on Spotify, Tidal, Amazon Music, iTunes, Apple Music, Google Music, Deezer, Napster, KKBox and more |
Search | Add | 8 | ビートきよし | 兼子 二郎 (Kaneko Nirō) | Bīto Kiyoshi (Beat Kiyoshi). Japanese comedian. Born December 31, 1949. |
Search | Add | 8 | Ilija Spasojević | Ilija Spasojević | (1922-1998) Folk composer and accordion player from Serbia. Brother of [a=Milija Spasojević]. |
Search | Add | 8 | Brian Tuite | Manager of Irish rock bands [a=Skid Row (2)] and [a=Thin Lizzy]. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Salvatore Pitzianti | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Elsa Enestig | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Jovan Stanojević | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Believer/Law | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Monica Castronova | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Barry Dew | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Johny Delaere | ||
Search | Add | 8 | PFL11 | Italian tekno and breakcore producer. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Aggelos Perrikos | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Stephan Nicolas | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Giuseppe Bonfiglio | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Regimental Band Of The Canadian Grenadier Guards | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Anne Plaxton | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Edplacid Patiño | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Riot 1394 | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Kathryn W. Bush | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Ансамбль Макомистов Гостелерадио Узбекистана | The Maqom Ensemble of Uzbek State Radio was founded in 1959 under the name Макомчилар ансамбли (Makomist ensemble), and was led by Yunus Razhabi ([a5353758]). After Razahabi's death in 1976 it was at some point named after him. It was subsequently led by: 1976-1979: Orif Alimakhsumov ([a4546216]) 1979-1981: Shavkat Muhammedov ([a3668289]) 1983-1987: Ganijan Toshmatov ([a13729459]) 1987-1997?: Abdukhashim Ismailov ([a1455391]) 1998-2000: Israil Vakhobov ([a5249995]) 2000- : Abduhoshim Ismailov ([a1455391]) | |
Search | Add | 8 | So Damn Tuff | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Ernst Ott | Swiss clarinetist, accordionist ([i]Schwyzerörgeli[/i]), Volksmusik and jazz composer (*13.10.1929 Zürich, +12.9.2007). He also often played with his brother [a4670678] (Cornet, [i]Schwyzerörgeli[/i]). | |
Search | Add | 8 | 伊藤日出夫 | Hideo Itō. Japanese flamenco guitarist. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Dezső Csanády | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Jack Vé | Bass player | |
Search | Add | 8 | Jarek Hejmann | Jarosław Hejmann | Drummer and sound engineer at Madżonga Studio. |
Search | Add | 8 | Avantgarde Vak | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Dan Rupert | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Plagiarism Is Art | Santi Plagio | Began with trackers and PC music in 1996. Released 2 CDs as Plagiarism Is Art in his own label, Wanker Records - Madrid. Co-founded Contubernio Records in 2006. |
Search | Add | 8 | Game Insane | Rap group from Milpitas, California. | |
Search | Add | 8 | X Factor Finalistit 2010 | The 1st season finalists of the Finnish X Factor. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Feodor Miller | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Charlotte Dempsey | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Roger Steigedal | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Joel Osteen | Televangelist, author, and pastor of [l=Lakewood Church, Houston, TX]. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Paul Seipel | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Wendy Credle | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Aymeric Deruelle | ||
Search | Add | 8 | DJ Hastey | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Jimmie Joy's St. Anthony Hotel Orchestra | 1920's Texas based Jazz Orchestra lead by [a5905016] | |
Search | Add | 8 | I Menestrelli | "Complesso Italiano Di Viole Antiche E Voci (Roma)" Italian ensemble specializing in Renaissance and Baroque music. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Artikal Krew | Previous name for [a=Artikal Band] ? | |
Search | Add | 8 | Monika Stachová | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Dario Valenzuela | Colombian Sound Engineer known from his work with the label "Codiscos". He is also known as "El brujo de la consola". | |
Search | Add | 8 | Yoshinobu Morita | 森田義信 | 森田義信 translator English - Japanese lyrics |
Search | Add | 8 | Pat Pipolo | Pasquale Pipolo | American label executive, promotional manager and producer. Retired from music industry in the late 80s, he worked for many labels, including VeeJay, Liberty, Uni, Decca, Kapp, MCA, United Artists, Casablanca and Island. Born: October 13, 1931 in East Harlem, New York Died: March 2, 2018 in Thousand Oaks, California |
Search | Add | 8 | Rafn Sveinsson | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Gretl Rath | Viennese-born singer who moved to the USA after WWII. She began her recording career in Europe in the 1930's and continued to record and perform Stateside at least into the 1960's. She also dubbed over Austrian actors in English speech and song for exported films. A classically-trained versatile vocalist. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Πρόμαχος | Hip-Hop artist (Rapper, producer, lyric-composer) from Agrinio, Greece | |
Search | Add | 8 | MadArt Messenger | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Loudspeaker Survey | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Vik Chandler | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Гвоздей Мало | Hip-hop undaground formation from Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine. Since 2004. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Марина Одольська | Марина Костянтинівна Одольська | |
Search | Add | 8 | Wolfgang Belka | Designer. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Earnest Hampton | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Shahar Zirkin | ||
Search | Add | 8 | 李金 | Lee Kim | |
Search | Add | 8 | Stuart M | Stuart Moir | Stuart started out DJing in the 90s playing happy hardcore. Picking up his first set of belt driven Citronic turntables when he was just 16 years old before quickly moving on to Soundlab DLP3R direct Drive turntables. Stuart has been involved with the hard house scene since 2001 in various capacities; a DJ, producer and promoter and a web/graphic designer for many record labels… Vicious Circle, Energy UK, Deprivation, Passion, Short Circuit, Toolbox + more. Around 2007 he took some time out of the scene to concentrate on his business, however, he still had some slight involvement even from afar due to involvement with Toolbox Digital Shop and Moreonthedoor. Stuart has played at events such as Goodgreef, Insomniacz, Parlez vous, I LOVE VC, Rush, Detox as well as some older brands you may not remember Exodus, Toast, Native, Ground Zero, Binary amongst others! As a promoter, Stuart was one of the original promoters of Manchester’s longest-running hard house night Sin:ergy – originally every Friday @ Club Pehonix, Sin:ergy also put on a hardcore crossover night called Bonkas and hosted a boat party/rave in a castle. After Sinergy he started a night called PureFilth! The event started as monthly Thursday night and quickly progressed to a monthly Saturday. They also started a monthly student night called Filthy Thursdays. PureFilth! was the only club night in the north that concentrated on the harder side of hard house, in its day PureFilth! had a hardcore following putting on events packed with DJs with the 1st birthday being a highlight. A massive 20 hour, 2 venues, 15 DJs, an all-night party with artists like Captain Tinrib, Paul Glazby, Energy UK DJs, JP& Jukesy, Ben Stevens, Nik Denton Casper, Dave Owens Cally Gage & more. Stuart was also one of the original founders of Goodgreef’s official afterparty Early Doors and was one of the 3 promoters of an annual Cancer Research UK event @ The Sanctuary in Birmingham. Currently, Stuart is the main man @ Manchester-based Hard Dance club night [url=]Resurrection[/url]. He also runs [l=Resurrection Digital] and [url=]HHRDJs Artist Management[/url] |
Search | Add | 8 | The New Starlite Ramblers | Colorado, USA based country band. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Maciej Pruchniewicz | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Chris Drohan | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Blood Song | Richard Ramirez | A Richard Ramirez noise side project. |
Search | Add | 8 | Angel Roque | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Duane Stehlik | Nebraska accordion, bass horn | |
Search | Add | 8 | Hannsjörg Scheid | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Moon Blazers | ||
Search | Add | 8 | La Troupe Du "Théâtre Des Jeunes" | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Jeanette Sollén | Avant-garde composer and performer based in Helingborg, Sweden. Her works moves from conceptual jazz, free improvisation, vocal research, and classical contemporary, influenced by Stockhausen's Stimmung and Meredith Monk. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Thee Piatcions | Psych-garage shoegaze band originally based in Domodossola, Italy. Originally named Thee Piatcions they also used the abreviated Piatcions. They have now split up. Members included: Franci (guitar, vocals), Carellino (drums), David (bass), Skaio (keyboards). | |
Search | Add | 8 | Rasmus Kristoffersen | Norwegian tenor and officer in Frelsesarmeen (Salvation Army) | |
Search | Add | 8 | Brothers Delight | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Guav A. | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Jörg Plachetka | German tatoo Artist, designer and musician (Rockabilly and Blues -> "Bluesbilly") | |
Search | Add | 8 | Xavier Radix | Xavier Radix | Musician from the Netherlands. |
Search | Add | 8 | Abaraka Guitar Band | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Travis Austin | Travis Ray Austin | Austin, Texas musician. |
Search | Add | 8 | Αντινομία | Hip Hop Crew from Agrinio, Greece formed in late 90's. As they were active they played in a lot of Hip-Hop political lives till late 00's-early 10's in all over the Greece. [a5912937], main raper of the group, left in 2022. | |
Search | Add | 8 | DJ N9ff | Gaëtan Mauve | French DJ & producer from Mantes-la-Jolie (78) |
Search | Add | 8 | Armin Schweiger | Austrian Death Metal musician (Vocals, Guitar, Drums) and tattoo artist. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Miloslav Kollar | Miloslav Kollár | Slovak musician and producer. He runs duo with [a=Lucas Perny]. |
Search | Add | 8 | Alexandre Abaldonato | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Jonas Ranson | Jonas Ranson | Print graduate of the Royal College of Art, Jonas is an artist based in East London whose work falls into two main categories which encompass the twin strands of both Fine Art Practice and Illustration. |
Search | Add | 8 | Walmar Gama De Amorim | Brazilian cavaquinho player. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Roberto Bajotti | Salvatore Roberto Coglitore | Italian producer. |
Search | Add | 8 | Kartz Miyata | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Au:cell | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Marina Sparrow Design | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Peter Francis Quinlan | Singer, songwriter from Newfoundland, Canada. | |
Search | Add | 8 | خالد الزايد | خالد الزايد (Khālid al-Zāyid) | Khaled al-Zayed (1943 - 2008) was a Kuwaiti composer. |
Search | Add | 8 | Obduktio | Metal Punk / Death Metal / Grindcore band from Joensuu, Finland. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Ricky Holden |