Report created based on data in MusicBrainz as of 24/10/2024
Found 596840 artists, we show 1000 artists per page.
The report is not continually updated so may not reflect the current data within MusicBrainz and or Discogs databases.
These are Discogs artists not currently linked to a MusicBrainz artist, and we have been unable to find a potential link for either.
Many of these artists probably are in MusicBrainz in some form but they are not currently linked, the list is ordered so that Discogs artists with the most number of single artists releases are listed first on the basis that these artists would be of more interest.
Some problems will just be due to deficiencies in the Discogs to Musicbrainz artist matching algorithm employed by Albunack.
There are also timing issues as this report is not updated immediately so will not reflect recent modifications and additions to MusicBrainz and Discogs.
One issue in Discogs is they handle artist credits differently so a Discogs name consisting of multiple people is probably represented on MusicBrainz as two individuals, but we try to filter these out of this report
We have also omitted artists that are not unique in both MusicBrainz and Discogs because these artists are probably not missing just more difficult to match up.
Another issue is that some Discogs artists have multiple ids with one id just redirecting to the other, this is the case with Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, do we add both links to MusicBrainz ?
Limited report to artists with at least two single artist releases for now.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597
Search for Artist | Add Artist | Discogs Release Count | Discogs Artist | Other Names | Comment |
Search | Add | 7 | Deborah Schindler | ||
Search | Add | 7 | The Wacky Clackers | ||
Search | Add | 7 | The Monster A Gogo's | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Krzysztof Kuraszkiewicz | Polish engineer. | |
Search | Add | 7 | Hot Lipps Inc. | Hot Lipps Inc. are brothers Peter and Steve Primiani. | |
Search | Add | 7 | Ultimos De Cuba | Spanish hardcore punk ~ thrash metal band from Barcelona. Active from 1983 to 1993. | |
Search | Add | 7 | Moises Pimentel | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Alan Hiscox | Bass player for the UK New Wave band Giantkiller | |
Search | Add | 7 | Yasmin Lamerain | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Brooklyn Graphic | ||
Search | Add | 7 | The Stanford Group | Canadian design company | |
Search | Add | 7 | Atso Soivio | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Unbroken Bones | Thrash/Hardcore/Crossover/Metal Punk band from Izhevsk, Russia est. 2008. Disbanded in 2016. Half of the band members are currently active in [a=Sadocid]. | |
Search | Add | 7 | Gerhard Misske | Operatic baritone vocalist. | |
Search | Add | 7 | Chase McCutcheon | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Braided Veins | BRAIDEDVEINS | BRAIDEDVEINS is a concept rock band from Flint, MI. |
Search | Add | 7 | Tamburaško Pevačko Društvo | ||
Search | Add | 7 | The Duschenes Recorder Quartet | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Ben Strider | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Axxelation | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Execution Techniques | ||
Search | Add | 7 | The Piscean Group | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Maestrante | Spanish flamenco group. Manolo Santos, Juan Santos, Miguel Albéniz, Francisco Benítez. | |
Search | Add | 7 | Gilles St-Hilaire | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Sorgskog | Black metal band from Mexico. | |
Search | Add | 7 | Elektrifizierer | Jan Krauß | |
Search | Add | 7 | Andrés Herrera Ruiz | Andrés Herrera Ruiz | Spanish guitarist and composer from Seville, born in 1963, popular known as "Pajaro". Started a solo project in 2011 as [a3563404]. Played in "Brigada Ligera" and for [a2220968] in his backing group Sacramento. Played with [a333302] in "Pata Negra" and also with [a367580] among other artists. |
Search | Add | 7 | PeggiorItalia | PeggiorItalia è una one man band di Alba Cn, nata dalla nostalgia del punk registrato in bassa fedeltà, in particolar modo quello degli anni '90 e soprattutto '80, anacronistico e lontano anni luce dai talent, dalle classifiche e dalla musica che si ascolta oggi. Disgusto, disillusione, voglia di esprimere e tirare fuori con sarcasmo le assurdità di questo mondo. Poca tecnica, tante idee, tanta passione. suoni nati dall'esigenza di esprimere il malessere, la rabbia e di lasciare un segno in questa società assurda. L'attitudine è punk, cioè sentire un forte bisogno di comunicare anche senza avere conoscenze musicali e senza essere intonato. Suoni nati in casa, di notte, nel poco tempo libero, in silenzio, di nascosto, per non disturbare, perché le passioni, la libertà e i sogni danno fastidio ai benpensanti e a quelli che hanno già programmato e stabilito come dovrà essere la nostra vita. Questa è la nota stonata, l'ingranaggio che si inceppa, l'imprevisto o il blackout che ti obbliga a fermarti e a pensare. ! Le passioni non servono a nulla quindi per gli altri, i maturi, i responsabili, i vincenti sono poco importanti. | |
Search | Add | 7 | Ken Horiguchi | Member of A.N.T. ......DJ......SNH... | |
Search | Add | 7 | איזי והפתולוגים | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Helen_Triantafyllidi | aka Serein (Rap name) Made in GR. Dpt. of Music Technology & Acoustics Engineering. Recording & Mixing since 2012. Label @ bλank52 | |
Search | Add | 7 | Axa Mutanen | Former vocalist of death metal band "Rippikoulu". | |
Search | Add | 7 | Cremation Pyre | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Agamemnon Moustakas | Agamemnon or Memos Moustakas is a greek free jazz pianist, accordionist and composer | |
Search | Add | 7 | K!amm | Jan Klamm | Czech experimental musician and producer from Prague. Member of numerous bands, projects and collaborations for example [a=Kaspar von Urbach] (2002-2010), The Ruin Of Ruins (2008-2009). Head of [l=KLaNGundKRaCH] and [l=Blood In The Boat] labels. |
Search | Add | 7 | The Wondering Souls | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Lionel Grob | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Armando Nalli | Italian-born Argentine musician, composer & air force Mayor. Founder and lifetime director of the first Air Force ensemble ([a=Banda Sinfónica De La Fuerza Aérea Argentina]) 'til his retirement (1945-1978) b. 1910 - d. 1991 | |
Search | Add | 7 | Michele Candela | Candela | |
Search | Add | 7 | Antonio Baldassarre | Italian guitarist. | |
Search | Add | 7 | Clarissa Tossin | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Jaume Matallana Lopez | Sound technician and graphic designer. Creator of Memory Records Fan Club. | |
Search | Add | 7 | University Of Minnesota Chamber Singers | ||
Search | Add | 7 | 備瀬善勝 | 備瀬 善勝 (Bise, Yoshikatsu) | Japanese music producer, Lyricist. Born 1939 in Naha, Okinawa. Founded the record shop [l840103] in 1973, and the independent label [l1496556] in 1981. |
Search | Add | 7 | Frederic Lagrange | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Rezesbanda Zenekar | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Erika Tumiene | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Teagan White | Visual artist and designer. | |
Search | Add | 7 | Sunshine Party | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Derno Benati | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Frenzy Erl | ||
Search | Add | 7 | The Ratcatchers | The Ratcatchers was a music blog, mix series and a music night based in Chicago, IL. | |
Search | Add | 7 | Brian Currin | Brian Ashley Currin | The son of a church organist father and pianist mother, South African-born Brian Currin grew up surrounded by music. He was born on the 7th February 1959 in Port Elizabeth, South Africa. In his pre-teen years he realised that he had no real talent for playing music and he couldn't sing, so he immersed himself in the world of music by listening, exploring and researching. Which he still does today. He served in the military from 1977 to 1981 and then spent many years in corporate sales and marketing until his involvement in the re-discovery of [a98580], opened up a whole new world for him. He was the co-founder and content editor for Rhythm Online, South Africa's first online music store, from 2006 to 2012. He ran Mabu Vinyl, the iconic music store seen in the Oscar-winning "Searching For Sugar Man" film from 2013 to 2019. His voice could be heard on the streaming radio station All Jazz Radio where he hosted the Vagabond Jazz & Blues Show from 2012 to 2019. He is very involved in promoting South African music, and is the co-owner of a number of music-related websites including Sugar Music and The South African Rock Encyclopedia which he founded in 1999. |
Search | Add | 7 | Curtiss Mason | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Maurizio Beltrame | Italian graphic designer. | |
Search | Add | 7 | Estado Das Coisas | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Threk Michaels | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Scott Cumbo | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Lonnie McDonald | ||
Search | Add | 7 | احسان خواجه امیری | احسان خواجه امیری = Ehsan Khajeh Amiri | Ehsan Khajeh Amiri (born October 29, 1984) is an Iranian pop music singer. |
Search | Add | 7 | Silvanos Mtizwa | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Zack Murphy | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Eric Agner | Eric Groff Agner | American bassist and songwriter, originally from Athens, Georgia and later lived in Baltimore, Maryland and Washington DC. Agner died January 30, 2023 in Washington DC at age 56. Agner played in bands in Athens, Baltimore and DC including Banned 37, The Woggles, The Dilettantes, Dames Rocket, Lawn Chair, The Racket, The Paper Tapes, The Sugar Biscuits and The Judith Hour. Agner graduated from the University of Georgia School of Journalism and worked at The Observer and Graphic Composition. He received his Master’s Degree in Publication Design from the University of Baltimore in 1995. |
Search | Add | 7 | tokyo rosenthal | Tokyo Rosenthal | |
Search | Add | 7 | Nigel E. Weeks | Nigel came from Wales To New Zealand in 1994 as musical director of [a=Continental Airlines Auckland Brass] and head of music at [a=Manurewa High School]. He joined [a=Macleans College] as HOD Music in 2007 and was appointed Music Director of the Howick School of Music. | |
Search | Add | 7 | Zé Da Ponte | José João dos Santos Águas Pontes | Zé Da Ponte (born 7 February 1954 – died 29 January 2015) was a Portuguese multi-instrumentalist (mainly bass), songwriter, and producer. Together with [a1529766] they founded [l298151]. |
Search | Add | 7 | Tadé mc | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Radenko Ivan Pavuša | Croatian bass player and producer. | |
Search | Add | 7 | Ole Gundahl | Ole Gundahl Sørensen | Danish guitarist, vocalist, keyboard player, producer, engineer and mastering engineer, born in 1980. |
Search | Add | 7 | Emma Tornero | ||
Search | Add | 7 | ゆれつずける | Noise grind band from Tokyo, Japan formed in June 2013. | |
Search | Add | 7 | Важа Дурглишвили | Дурглишви́ли, Важа Багратович = Durglishvili, Vazha Bagratovich (in Georgian ვაჟა დურგლიშვილი) | (born in 1948) - Georgian and Soviet composer. He is the author of more than 500 pop and children's songs, as well as the children's opera-revue "Mousetrap", the musical "Windy", chamber and choral works. |
Search | Add | 7 | Fred Irby III | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Autobiografik | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Ivica Brčioski | ||
Search | Add | 7 | José Mir | Spanish tenora player. Please, use Dulzaina [Tenora] / Dulzaina [Tenora solista] for instrument credit. | |
Search | Add | 7 | Ruddy Simbal | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Kate Shakibi | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Herbert Rohsiepe | ||
Search | Add | 7 | B Slammin' S | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Mightymo Destructimo | Chris Parkes | Bass player with UK comedy-thrash band Lawnmower Deth. |
Search | Add | 7 | Kurt Pongratz | Born 1958 in Mödling, Austria. Director, producer and writer. Chief Director the Eurovision Song Contest TV events in Vienna, 2015. | |
Search | Add | 7 | Milija Gane Đokić | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Ultima Victima | Hardcore punk band from Mexico City, Mexico. | |
Search | Add | 7 | Ansley Fleetwood | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Hyperdrama C.L.U.B. | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Alberto Granados | ||
Search | Add | 7 | MiazoRRk | Uriy Ivanov | |
Search | Add | 7 | Barta Gabriella | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Ides Zanet | Ides Davide Zanet | |
Search | Add | 7 | Lou Adessa | Louis John Adessa | |
Search | Add | 7 | Le Montréal Pop | Orchestral pop ensemble from Montréal, Québec. | |
Search | Add | 7 | Ric-o Renter | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Angew | Angew was formed in 2011, in Rome, Italy, as a solo project of [a4354651] who released 3 demos and later a single with 2 songs from them. The style was more black metal oriented with shoegaze influences. After a short split-up Angew was reformed as a band in 2014, with the entrance of three new members: [a4354689] (guitar), [a4354687] (guitar), and [a4354688] (bass). The band's music also evolved into shoegaze / post-rock. | |
Search | Add | 7 | Wyrd Gnome | Comfy synth producer from Ontario, Canada. | |
Search | Add | 7 | Shut Em Down Family | Rap group from Houston, Texas, associated with [l=Shut Em Down Records], Shut'EmDown Family consists of Ikeman, Filero, Lil Villain, Lord Loco, Big C, Milo, Lil Bing, Sen, Rebel, Nutzo, Lil Phat, Big Flake, Rin Tin, Taz, Tessa & Shadow | |
Search | Add | 7 | Wasel Arar | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Kriddle | ||
Search | Add | 7 | The York Theatre Company | Contact: 619 Lexington Avenue (enter on 54th Street) NY, NY 10022 USA | |
Search | Add | 7 | Ana Redondo | Spanish ranchera singer. | |
Search | Add | 7 | Andrew Thrower | ||
Search | Add | 7 | TapeDeckProject | Josko Kasten & Dennis Bohn | German house project producing new versions of the music from legendary German radio plays by one of the members' father: [a=Carsten Bohn]. |
Search | Add | 7 | DJ Pall Mall | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Daaz Comunicações | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Zespół Weselny Maciek i Karolina | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Park Avenue Trio | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Maderas Que Cantan | Marimba orchestra | |
Search | Add | 7 | Mega Sample | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Travis Moon Band | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Ratko Popović | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Piera Gatta | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Marcia Farquhar | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Halil Samardžić | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Βασίλης Λώλος | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Tatsuhiko Nonaka | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Tommy Bickel | Swiss bassist. | |
Search | Add | 7 | Llamalo "X" | ||
Search | Add | 7 | L. H. Blaxell | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Dixie Wonders | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Bernard Mauguin | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Heike Pahl | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Gary Portland | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Alfred Waagner | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Guido Toffoletti's Blues Society | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Ibrahim Barčić | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Matt "Bean" Hernandez | Matt Hernandez | American bass player. |
Search | Add | 7 | Baddums | Brendan Linsday Webb | |
Search | Add | 7 | Minkshroud | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Yao Wei | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Petr Manzel | Petr Manzel | Czech bass guitarist. |
Search | Add | 7 | La Doble A | Colombian punk rock band | |
Search | Add | 7 | Ingrid Brandstatter | ||
Search | Add | 7 | House Divine | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Staggman | Mark Jeffrey Stagg | |
Search | Add | 7 | Graham Falconer | Photographer and designer. | |
Search | Add | 7 | Horymír Sušil | Volksmusic vocalist from Czechoslovakia. | |
Search | Add | 7 | Orchestre Rock A Festival | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Marlene Sotelo | ||
Search | Add | 7 | High Speed Chase | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Los Apocalipsis | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Nefelie Pd | Nefeli Papadimoulis (gr. Νεφέλη Παπαδημούλη) | |
Search | Add | 7 | Kurser | Hailing from Paris, France KURSER has been on the scene as a producer and in the studio making beats since 1991. Deeply influenced by the music made in the 50’s – 90’s, Kurser utilizes his love of various musicians and sounds to create unique and genre bending tracks for the musicians he collaborates with worldwide. Kurser’s beginnings included production and appearances on French LP’s and underground mix tapes. Since then, he has produced many artists in France and worked with the likes of SCHKOONK, MC SOLAAR and ROHFF. His current projects include producing for US emcees FARRAH BURNS & K. SPARKS based in New York City, and FRANK FRICTION, also known as BOOTIE BROWN of THE PHARCYDE. | |
Search | Add | 7 | Αχιλλέας Κεσίδης | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Danny Drago | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Dalton Ross | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Tobita Osmar | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Henk Möhlmann | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Corelli Windeatt's Orchestra | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Shimma | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Guy de Bels | Belgian accordion player | |
Search | Add | 7 | Obadiah One | Kenneth James Mabrey | Hip Hop Emcee Obadiah One, born Kenneth(Kemet) James(Jamasi) Mabrey(Ma-water family of Bey and Rey) February 18th 1970 in North Philadelphia Pennsylvania, grew up in Hampton Va, resides in Newport News Va. Obadiah started recording and performing at a club on south side Richmond (Blackwell) including Va. State University with Smoove D. Started recording and performing at a club on south side Richmond (Blackwell) including Va. State University with Smoove D. |
Search | Add | 7 | Francesco Piccirillo | Francesco Piccirillo | Italian DJ and producer. |
Search | Add | 7 | Lifelike Figures | Lifelike Figures were an English heavy metal band from Leyton in east London, formed in 1975 by bassist and primary songwriter Dylan Greengard. Since their inception, the band’s discography has grown to include a total of thirty-six albums: fifteen studio albums; ten live albums; four EPs; and seven compilations. Pioneers of the New Wave of British Heavy Metal, Lifelike Figures achieved success during the early 1980s. After several line-up changes, the band went on to release a series of US and UK platinum and gold albums, including 1982’s The Number of the Beast, 1983’s Piece of Mind, 1984’s Powerslave, 1985’s live release Live After Death, 1986’s Somewhere in Time and 1988’s Seventh Son of a Seventh Son. Since the return of lead vocalist Mark Gee and guitarist Mac Esposito in 1999, the band has undergone a resurgence in popularity, with their latest studio offering, The Final Frontier, peaking at No. 1 in 28 different countries and receiving widespread critical acclaim. | |
Search | Add | 7 | Søren Bomand | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Noriyuki Kikuchi | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Mike Gabrielle | Bassist and singer | |
Search | Add | 7 | Martin Panizza | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Dick Flick | Stan Reed | |
Search | Add | 7 | Gee Karlshonn | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Joaquín Ladrón | Joaquín Ladrón | Joaquín Ladrón, Ladroncomix or simply Ladrón is one of the most influential illustrators in the Spanish underground comic scene thanks to the success of his works edited by the publisher Subterfuge comix: "Ladrón 1989-1994", "El hombre de los Caramelos", "La Mocopandilla", "Pandemonium","Speedball"... His illustrations and graphic comics have been published also by magazines of national circulation among which are Ruta66, Grasilla, Bad Printing, Batracio Amarillo, etc. He has made designs for album covers for spanish rock bands such as Sex Museum, Los Perros or Killer Barbies, always being reviewed by the specialized press. He is also the author of "Songbook" and "Songbook 2" where he pay homage to universal rock icons. He is also the singer and frontman of the underground band Ladrón y Las Serpientes de Marte. Ladrón's style is clearly recognizable by the intense color and cartoon like characters with caricature and provocative sense of humor. |
Search | Add | 7 | Lenora Portney | ||
Search | Add | 7 | They've Shot Flanigan | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Johan Walin | Swedish guitarist, singer and engineer. | |
Search | Add | 7 | Stereoprimer | ||
Search | Add | 7 | C2952 H4664 O832 N812 S8 Fe4 | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Biased | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Kai Ando | ||
Search | Add | 7 | fgelixxx | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Moonspawn | Black noise project from Pomeranian Voivodeship, Poland. | |
Search | Add | 7 | Rude Dog T | Tobi Brodie | |
Search | Add | 7 | Theo Cote | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Douglas Hildebrandt | American artist, musician, songwriter best known for his guitar work in Bubble Gum Orchestra and his solo music projects. | |
Search | Add | 7 | Mierd | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Werner Felix | Werner Felix (30 July 1927 - 24 September 1998) was a German musicologist and music historian. | |
Search | Add | 7 | Stuart Robert Foy | Stuart Robert Foy | |
Search | Add | 7 | Tami Hert | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Ox-Bow Incident | Evolved out of [a=The Creations (8)] | |
Search | Add | 7 | 2 Dam Dread | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Dany Janvier | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Paul 'Cub' Balogh | English bass guitarist. | |
Search | Add | 7 | Bersurke | MA native Bersurke is an artist/producer truly in his own lane. Not swayed by current trends or waves, his style is routed in traditional underground, hardcore hip hop - and is as brutal as it is entertaining. Bersurke began his musical journey producing at the age of 17. He quickly established himself in his home court as “The Guy” with offbeat and heavy hitting instrumentals. Bersurke, frustrated by lackluster raps of the mainstream, founded Supreme Corpse Records in 2012 as a vehicle to release music that took aim at all things whack. Later in 2015, he and label mate Jeff “Daddio Smoov” Spencer released their first full length project “Supreme Corpse: Diggin’ in the Graves” which was fully produced by Bersurke and featured contributions from Still Evan (formally illEvan) and Lo Wav (credited C-Lo Dice). The project became a cult classic in the Boston underground scene, and the success of the single “Keepin’ It Dirty ft. illEvan (Still Evan)” gave Bersurke the idea to add Still Evan to the Supreme Corpse Records roster. From there, Bersurke, Daddio Smoov, and Still Evan went on to form Ill Supreme - a trio that would prove to be a force to be reckoned with. Their self-titled debut project went on to gain the acclaim of local artists and fans alike. Following a few singles, Bersurke released his first solo project “He’s Gonna Puke!” in 2017, featuring production from the one and only Johnny Slash on 3 of the tracks. It was at this point Bersurke’s outlandish and vivid style began to shine on songs like “Kin to the Devil”. In 2018, Ill Supreme released “Ill Supreme 2”. This was one week before Ill Supreme embarked on 22 date tour opening for Apathy and Celph Titled, performing sold out venues across the Northeast and Midwest. He returned with a renewed passion that drove him to create even harder, more refined music. He unleashed a string of singles in 2018-19, and EP “Tricks Are for Kids” in 2020. Shortly thereafter, he signed underground enigma Wes Nihil to Supreme Corpse Records and produced Wes’ EP “The Wes Side Story”. He also lent a verse on the title track of the project, which it’s music video gained thousands of views across YouTube and Facebook. The song gained so much traction in-fact, that NJ brewery Kardinal Brewing decided to name a limited edition pale ale “Peeper of the Theory” after the song. As a Producer, He has Produced songs for both local rappers in the Boston/New Hampshire scene & legendary underground acts such as Cody Pope, Wes NiHil, ILL Supreme, Pacewon, Danny Diablo AKA lord Ezec, Mars and many more. Even in quarantine, Bersurke’s ambition did not falter. In the Fall of 2020, he released his next full length LP “Multiple Disturbances”, a truly disturbing masterpiece featuring Daddio Smoov, Still Evan, Lo Wav, Cody Pope, Tru Klassick, Wes Nihil, 8-Bza and Johnny Slash. As we enter the present, Bersurke continues to steer Supreme Corpse Records toward becoming the next indie record label to watch. Supreme Corpse Records released the album “Nothing Changed but the Name” by Still Evan, Still’s first project since changing his rap moniker, capturing the ears of playlist curators and thousands of listeners. Bersurke will return in late March of 2021 with he and Smoov’s first single of the year “Painful Veins”, which is sure to set the bar even higher once again. Stay tapped in to the sickest motherf***er on earth, Mister Bersurke! | |
Search | Add | 7 | Deathbed 420 | ||
Search | Add | 7 | 胡美芳 | 本名胡朝子 | Japanese-Chinese singer, (b. November 20, 1926, d. November 7, 2009), known in Chinese as Hu Meifang, in Japanese as Ko Biho. Born to Chinese parents in Hainan City, Wakayama Prefecture, Japan; her father, a barber, served as president of the Overseas Chinese Association. To escape suspicion that her father was a Chinese spy, the family moved back to Shanghai in 1941. In 1943, Hu Meifang entered a Japanese-run art school in Beijing, "Beijing Art" [北京藝文], to study vocal performance. On the side, she sang in night clubs and made a few recordings without scoring an actual hit. After the war, the Chinese government prosecuted her as an alleged Japanese spy, but she was acquitted. She did return to Japan, though, and acquired Japanese citizenship. In 1952, she experienced her big musical breakthrough. She became the only Chinese super-star in Japan, making numerous records and starring in several movies. In 1974, she converted to Christianity and began singing gospel music in churches and elsewhere in Japan. She died in 2009 in Sumida, Tokyo. |
Search | Add | 7 | Mariano Martins | Brazilian designer. | |
Search | Add | 7 | Stillborn Granny | 8-bit Gorenoise/Pornogrind band from Göteborg, Sweden. | |
Search | Add | 7 | Kohji Nishino | Japanese bassist. | |
Search | Add | 7 | Zlatko Sudac | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Chris Energize | Chris Energize is a dynamic music producer from Poland. Chris has been already supported by: Blasterjaxx, Dimaro, Justin Prime, Musical Noize family. | |
Search | Add | 7 | Lee Ellingson | Lee Ellingson | |
Search | Add | 7 | Hitoshi Nambu | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Alain Le Foll | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Jordan Gomes | ||
Search | Add | 7 | J Dread | Finnish musician, active since 2003 under a plethora of aliases and monickers, mainly in the fields of ritualistic Dark Ambient and Noise. Also runs the DIY Ambient/Noise label and distro [l=Cthulhic Dawn Productions]. | |
Search | Add | 7 | Staffan Tengnér | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Горан Тодоровски | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Rock'N'Roll Gypsies | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Vinçent Cardinaux | drums | |
Search | Add | 7 | Rupert Martin | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Elenco PolyJunior | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Frozen Coco | Frozen Coco were a rock band that was formed on June 23, 2011. It was a purely online collaboration between Diyath Yavin (piano/other instruments), Bastián Núñez (electric bass), Matt Hambra (guitar) and Luke Slomba (drums) who never met each other in person. Frozen Coco released seven singles, an EP, and a full-length album over their period of existence of two-and-a-half years. | |
Search | Add | 7 | Ιάσονας Μανδηλάς | Iasonas Mandilas is a Greek actor, dancer and singer. | |
Search | Add | 7 | Joe Monzo | ||
Search | Add | 7 | 11:30 PM | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Georgy L'Étourdi | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Asger Bondo | Danish folk musician. Brother of [a924386] | |
Search | Add | 7 | Oke Proquin | [url=]Musique concrète[/url] / [url=]postmodern[/url] classical project from Russia. The artists uses [url=][/url] as the platform for his works. Also known as [i]Ирина Белова (свободный художник)[/i]. | |
Search | Add | 7 | Florian MNO | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Jason Hamel | Bassist | |
Search | Add | 7 | Los Fabiolas | Spanish pop rock group. | |
Search | Add | 7 | Shop Around | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Giuseppe Baile | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Bapurao Ketkar | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Gusfink | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Tristan Eaton | Born in L.A. in 1978, Tristan Eaton started pursuing street art as a teenager, painting everything from billboards to dumpsters in the urban landscapes of the cities where he lived, be it London, Detroit, or New York. He designed his first toy for Fisher-Price at 18 years old and soon became a driving force in the world of designer toys. Eaton's work for Kidrobot, including the famous Dunny and Munny art toys, helped him achieve international renown and an ever-growing fan base. After forming his Creative Agency Thunderdog Studios in New York City in 2004, Eaton became a leader in the advertising and commercial-art spheres, and is regularly commissioned by a roster of clients that includes Nike, Versace, and even Barack Obama. These days, Eaton is one of the most prominent street artists working today. Eaton’s large scale mural work features a meticulous, visual collage of pop imagery mixed with his unique personal style, all executed with freehand spray paint on a colossal scale. Eaton now focuses on his Fine Art and large-scale mural work full-time, which can be found in dozens of cities across the globe from Paris to Shanghai. Eaton’s work can also be seen in the Museum of Modern Art's (MoMA) permanent collection. | |
Search | Add | 7 | Reverend Larry L. Young, Sr. | ||
Search | Add | 7 | John Bedgood | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Angulo Zero | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Neil Bowser | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Steve Sasse | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Sum Angelus Dei | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Bobby Grimm | Traditional jazz banjo player, based in St. Louis, Missouri, USA. | |
Search | Add | 7 | Gloria H Gravalos | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Gal Offer | ||
Search | Add | 7 | The Lo-Lites | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Dobrivoje Pavlica | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Pille Peltonen | Kari Peltonen | Finnish bassist. |
Search | Add | 7 | Inpulsa | Linsey Wijnands | Hardstyle DJ from the Netherlands. Productions are by [a=Jan Stadhouders] (LNY TNZ) and [a=Joost Jeucken] (Crude Intentions). |
Search | Add | 7 | Kazuyuki Gotoh | Japanese designer and illustrator. | |
Search | Add | 7 | Mahesh Parbhakar | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Ralph Kelsey | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Sasà Piedepalumbo | Italian accordionist. | |
Search | Add | 7 | Petr Piňos | Petr Piňos | Czech music composer and a healer. Petr Piňos is one of the leading Czech composers and performers of relaxation music ever since his first record in 1990. See also [l=Prána] label and [l=Prána Studio]. |
Search | Add | 7 | Trompes De Sologne | ||
Search | Add | 7 | T S Soundz | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Les Invalides | Adalbert Christof Kupietz | |
Search | Add | 7 | Saveriu Chatterton | Xavier | |
Search | Add | 7 | Delta Ego | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Campbell Woods | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Sketchiedesign | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Mad Cow Moods | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Dmitry Kashin | Дмитрий Кашин (Dmitry Kashin) | Russian Trance / Progressive Trance DJ & music producer living in Sevastopol (disputed by Ukraine). |
Search | Add | 7 | Petit Beurre | Austrian producer duo "Petit Beurre" teamed up in the early 2000s in the booming techno scene of their homebase Linz. Conquering the local scene as a well booked live act under their alter ego "Pacalolo" in no time, numerous international bookings followed where they once more proved their distinctive skills. "Petit Beurre" now provides the perfect platform for their passion for House music."Grooooove" is their trade... Techno and House, Detroit and Disco their tools... Labeling Petit Beurre's tracks is a hard one. Way too diversified the fondness and refined taste of this sound fiddling collective.? ?Always true to their motto- "Something goooood is gonna come 'round." | |
Search | Add | 7 | Asketia | Death metal from Rovaniemi, Finland | |
Search | Add | 7 | Cathleen Clare | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Jay Jii | ||
Search | Add | 7 | August Eckert | American harp zither player | |
Search | Add | 7 | War Club | American singer-songwriter from Virginia Beach, Virginia. | |
Search | Add | 7 | Eric DJ | Artist/producer from Spain | |
Search | Add | 7 | Louisa Schabas | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Olegs Specialorkester | ||
Search | Add | 7 | 文陽 | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Mexicali Slim | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Martin Emond | Martin Emond (1969 in New Zealand – 5 March 2004 in Los Angeles, California, United States) was a New Zealand cartoon illustrator and painter. | |
Search | Add | 7 | Transient X4 | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Cecilia Lee | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Mitu Design | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Jill Reynolds | ||
Search | Add | 7 | José Miguel Puigserver | José Miguel Puigserver | Spanish bassist, songwriter, producer and engineer from Palma de Mallorca. Co-founder of Palma based studio [l3603532]. |
Search | Add | 7 | Rissa Hochberger | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Kowloon_Walled_City | Not to be mistaken for the San Francisco band [a1492560]. An experimental noise project based in Portland, Oregon. | |
Search | Add | 7 | John Frew | Graphic designer, photographer and artist based in Paisley Scotland Co-Founder of [l=Framingo Records] † Died 26/12/2022 | |
Search | Add | 7 | N I M B V S | Bryan Mason | Synthwave. Made in Canada. |
Search | Add | 7 | Federico Cabo | Federico Cabo Gutiérrez | Singer and actor, born October 10, 1946 in Montijo, Badajoz, Spain. Winner of the 1965 'Festival Español de la Canción de Benidorm'. |
Search | Add | 7 | Faith In Agony | French Alternative Metal Group (Grenoble). | |
Search | Add | 7 | Courtney Riot | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Alexander Gagarin | Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Gagarin | |
Search | Add | 7 | Shawn Coss | Ohio based artist, creator of "Inktober Illness", "Kindergarten" and owner of "Any Means Necessary" Clothing. | |
Search | Add | 7 | David Henningsen | ||
Search | Add | 7 | a.yu.mi. | Q.A.S.B. female singer | |
Search | Add | 7 | Tanner Spreer | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Richard Navin | Designer and layout artist. | |
Search | Add | 7 | Luis Chi-Sing | Luis Chi Sing | Bajista, ingeniero de sonido y productor; Luis Chi Sing fue uno de los músicos reconocidos dentro de la música cristiana y secular. Participó en la producción, grabación y como músico en varios proyectos durante toda su vida, entre ellos fueron con [a3644949], [a3669549], Torre Fuerte, entre otros. Fue reconocido su trayectoria en el In Memoriam de los [url=]Latin Grammys[/url] y en la revista [url=]Rolling Stone[/url]. |
Search | Add | 7 | Attempt Of Deception | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Vertical Sea | ||
Search | Add | 7 | 徐雯倩 | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Adam Fine | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Pamela Singh | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Michel Tissier | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Ionuț Arapu | Romanian DJ and producer | |
Search | Add | 7 | Camille Kitt | Camille Kitt is one of the Identical twins and multi-talented professional harpists and Film/TV/Commercial actors. Known as the “Harp Twins” or simply as [a3874739] | |
Search | Add | 7 | Justin Wolthers | Justin Wolthers | Newcastle, Australia based musician since 1987. |
Search | Add | 7 | Ufficio Grafico Ricordi | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Michel Vuylsteke | Michel Vuylsteke (1932?-2012) is a French sound recordist, who worked for French public radio and television broadcasting systems (from [l57784] to [l527471] and RFO). | |
Search | Add | 7 | Godfingaz | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Non Compliance | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Živorad Stojanović | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Karl Randweg | Austrian Wienerlied and Couple composer and guitarist He was born December 27, 1909 in Vienna and died January 10,1992. | |
Search | Add | 7 | Děda A Myšinka | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Konstantin Miroshnichenko | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Los Trevi | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Kusipää | Kusipää | Fast and Pissed off finnish Hardcore. Started 2012. From Oulu, Finland. |
Search | Add | 7 | Wabash College Glee Club | ||
Search | Add | 7 | David Kimmell | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Midgards Stimme | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Peter Bjorndal | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Rod Kirkham | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Pepo Granero | Bass player from Mallorca | |
Search | Add | 7 | Paul Lucich | Owns and operates [l1881894]. | |
Search | Add | 7 | James Cerretta | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Wired Up | Bootboy glam and punk / Oi! / rock 'n' roll band from Gainesville, Florida, USA [a=Jon Weisberg] - Guitar [a=Patrick Hughes (5)] - Vocals [a=Erin Buchanan] - Drums [a=Judson Peterson] - Guitar [a=Chris Bell (26)] - Bass | |
Search | Add | 7 | Betty Wahlberg | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Åke Möller | Swedish bassist. | |
Search | Add | 7 | Andy Gramm | Andi Islami | House/electro DJ & producer from Tirana, Albania. Commonly known as A. N. D. Y. |
Search | Add | 7 | Jefferson Baily | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Fuzzy "Redbud" Bush | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Michael Dau | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Concrete Cross | Hardcore punk band from New York City that was active from 2010 through 2014. | |
Search | Add | 7 | Wynn Skism | Wynn Cicalo | Bassist, Vocalist, Songwriter Bands: Skism, Krays, Wrench, American Eagle (2), Mad Mulligans |
Search | Add | 7 | Aaron Kraten | Painter | |
Search | Add | 7 | الفريد بدر | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Marchell Remeeus | Dutch bassist. | |
Search | Add | 7 | Cory Siegler | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Gábor Arnold | Hungarian baritone opera singer. | |
Search | Add | 7 | Jeff Creasy | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Khose Ephlegmo | Khose Ephlegmo beatmaker, producer, experimental musicant from city Samara, Russia. | |
Search | Add | 7 | Gintautas Banys | Bass guitarist, songwriter, painter. Musician in rock groups Faktas, Pelenai. | |
Search | Add | 7 | Manon Création | ||
Search | Add | 7 | 에몬 | 박상연 | 대한민국의 여성 싱어송라이터이다. |
Search | Add | 7 | Kazunari Sengoku | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Greenwich Strings | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Marco Liebing | Marco Liebing | |
Search | Add | 7 | Tony Moise | Haitian saxophonist and band leader of [a1163598]. He was born September 13, 1940 in Côtes - de - Fer, Haiti and died August 30, 2013 in New York City, USA. | |
Search | Add | 7 | GUF Gävleborgs Ungdoms Folkband | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Lypurá | German screamo, punkrock und hardcore band from Karlsruhe. Founded in 2014. | |
Search | Add | 7 | Ikeda Masatoshi | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Pacta | ||
Search | Add | 7 | "16 Solo" | ||
Search | Add | 7 | The N.O.D. Group | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Gravitega | Alexander Joyce | Trance Producer from the UK. |
Search | Add | 7 | Stefan Oax Ek | Stefan Oax Ek | Swedish artist, plays mainly electric guitar, e-bow and glissando. Been active since mid-sixties, since 2005 co-founder and member of Joxfield ProjeX, |
Search | Add | 7 | 孔德珮 | 孔德珮 = Kǒng Dépèi | |
Search | Add | 7 | Steve Sackett | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Adriano Sabino | Guitar, Bass, Drum Programming and singer from Brazil. Mixing, Mastering, Artist and recording. | |
Search | Add | 7 | KPD-0 | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Salvatore Minopoli | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Les Barnett Orchestra | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Hermilo | Mexican engineer a lacquer cut specialist | |
Search | Add | 7 | Dong Kingman, Jr. | American artist (1911-2000) | |
Search | Add | 7 | Alfredo Valentino Villanques | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Nora Egloff | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Dan Timlin | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Dan Friml | Czech guitarist, vocalist, sound engineer and producer. Owner of [l=The Barn Studios, Czech Republic]. Born August 24, in Letohrad (former Czechoslovakia). Studio musician and member of other groups/projects, also former member of 'LoveHotel'. | |
Search | Add | 7 | Rolf Ulrici | German writer (1922 - 1997). He wrote hundreds of books for children and young people. | |
Search | Add | 7 | Onur Camur | Turkish producer from Samsun, currently residing at Antalya, Turkey. | |
Search | Add | 7 | Всеволод Нельсон | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Fabio Tallo | Fabio Tallo is a Sardinian native musician, composer and Dj. non-stop research through the audio field recording>sampling world and sound synthesis. | |
Search | Add | 7 | Darbo Džiaugsmai | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Ahti Salomaa | ||
Search | Add | 7 | | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Earl Ferns | Earl Fernandes | Well-known Toronto Producer for local hip-hop and bhangra artists and his many Bollywood remixes. Owner, [l1061360] |
Search | Add | 7 | Shanna Learn | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Roberto Marsala | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Мариам Рахманкулова | Мариям Маннановна Рахманкулова | Singer (mezzo-soprano), composer. (1901-1990) |
Search | Add | 7 | Palander | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Evgeni Tcherkasski | ||
Search | Add | 7 | SUNWISE | SUNWISE hails from the American Midwest, with its members spread across the prairies of Illinois. Encoded in their DNA lies traces of a historically battle tested framework – Champaign’s big guitars, Kansas City’s dissonance, and Chicago’s aggression. SUNWISE is: Jan Blucas(g/v), Casimer Kolasa(g), Neil Yeager(b/v), and Jeremy Eisenberg(d) | |
Search | Add | 7 | Matt Sumner | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Grupo Orquestal Crisol | Bolivian cumbia band founded around 1980 in La Paz by guitarrist [a=Guillermo Acarapi], with lead vocalist [a=Primo Saravia]. They mostly recorded covers of groups like Los Parker Del Cuzco, El Super Grupo Azul, Los Ovnis, and other more "Andean" style groups, as opposed to other Bolivian groups at the time who mostly covered Los Destellos, Los Ecos, and Chacalon Y La Nueva Crema. | |
Search | Add | 7 | Arkadiusz Dzierżawa | Bass guitarist. | |
Search | Add | 7 | David Conti | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Markio | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Greg McInerny | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Chris Cutz | American DJ from San Diego, California. Growing up grooving to all the greats of 70’s, 80’s, and 90’s music, Chris turned to DJing as a way to pay homage to the genre of music that he loves so much: Hip Hop. Though his roots come from a love of hip hop, Chris has branched out and perfected his sound to include an eclectic mix of songs that covers nearly every genre of music. No matter what kind of crowd or party, he is guaranteed to rock the spot playing hip hop, house, electro, dubstep, soul, funk, disco, reggae, pop, rock and more. For nearly 12 years, Chris Cutz has been one of San Diego’s most sought after DJs. He has entertained big names like Beyoncé, Kanye West, John Legend, Estelle, Jamie Foxx, Kim Kardashian, and Paris Hilton. Promoters and venues alike know that his name on a flyer equals a crowded room full of party goers. Audience members know that if he’s behind the decks, they’re in for a party rockin’ good time. His unique style, ingenious mixes, uncanny knack of choosing the right song at the right time, and mind-boggling turntablist skills are some of the reasons Chris is known amongst his peers as a DJ’s DJ. These talents are what set him apart from others and has given him the opportunity to play clubs on a local, national, and worldwide level. Chris Cutz is not just a club DJ—he’s an artist, a student of hip hop, and a relentless practitioner of his musical craft. He will continue to rock the decks with his creative and unique style that keeps everyone in attendance excited and entertained. Highlights From His Career: Nominated for Best DJ San Diego Music Awards six years running and Best DJ 944 magazine for two years. Shared the stage with acts like Z-Trip, DJ AM, Mix Master Mike, Grand Master Flash, DJ Premier, and Steve Aoki. Opened for big name acts like the Pharcyde, Da La Soul, Blacksheep, Mickey Avalon, and Pittsburgh Slim. Entertained high profile celebrities including Beyoncé, Kanye West, John Legend, Estelle, Jamie Foxx, Kim Kardashian, and Paris Hilton. Performed at the hottest venues and arenas in Las Vegas, New York, Miami, and Malaysia. | |
Search | Add | 7 | B.Twist | Syrian electronic music producer devoted to dark progressive with a tribal feel. | |
Search | Add | 7 | Nice Try Kid | Punk Rock from Adams, Massachusetts (USA). | |
Search | Add | 7 | Lion King Sound | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Christian Huck | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Angela Klimek | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Ronnie Limar | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Štefan "Pišta" Bartuš | Štefan Bartuš | Slovak classics bass guitarist. |
Search | Add | 7 | Manuel de Dios Martínez | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Rosita Montoya | Niece of the distinguished Flamenco guitarist and innovator Carlos Montoya. She was famous for her superb castanet playing and dancing. | |
Search | Add | 7 | Ben Kraftwerx | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Pi Cab Alter | Patrice Bal | |
Search | Add | 7 | Poverty Stricken | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Delroy Johnson | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Pascal Rouleau | Pascal Rouleau | Guitarist, singer and drummer from the Québec Hardcore and Punk scenes. Known for his work in bands like Carey, Reversal, The Sleep, Love In Fear, Inblood, Stand As One and Broken Words. You can check out a full discography on |
Search | Add | 7 | Grupo Folklorico Menorquin De Maria Pilar Escandell | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Darrin + Tone Z | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Fernando Azcuenaga | Fernando Azcuenaga | Electronic music DJ & producer from Buenos Aires, Argentina. Born: 1988 Contact info: e-mail: |
Search | Add | 7 | Heinrich Goethe | Swiss folk music (Volksmusik) clarinet player. | |
Search | Add | 7 | Obscura S. | Luke Schlesier | Dark hip-hop alias of [a5241215] |
Search | Add | 7 | Marco Liverani | Marco Liverani | Italian composer and producer. |
Search | Add | 7 | Lassi Pollari | ||
Search | Add | 7 | These Blue Days | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Moite | Sergio | |
Search | Add | 7 | Валерий Дудаков | Валерий Александрович Дудаков | Russian art collector, dealer and critic. Born 1945. In the 1970s and 1980s, he designed covers for the records of Soviet/Russian composers. Some of them he had close relationships with like [a=Dmitri Shostakovich], [a=Aram Khatchaturian] and [a=Georgy Sviridov]. |
Search | Add | 7 | Милан Јовичић | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Terrazza | Büke Yolaçan | TERRAZZA real name/born Büke Yolaçan is an electronic music producer. His interest in electronic music started in high school years. First, he experimented with amateur music applications but soon he discovered ability to create his own tracks and that was the beginning of his interest in musical production. He further developed skills on his own and entered to Turkey's music competitions. Since then, he has taken over the decks both single-handedly and B2B with other DJs at various clubs and outdoor events in Oulu, Jyväskylä and Kuopio, playing genres from house to future house. In recent years however, he has found a passion in house music, and is ambitious about spreading the love for deeper sounds. He has worked on many productions since then and the turning point in his musical career was a possibility to distribute his own tracks through record label Spinnup. That opened a way for him to the wider audience. Under his alias TERRAZZA, Costa Del Sol is the most known track of him. Keep your eyes on Spotify channel as new releases are coming soon! |
Search | Add | 7 | Pino Amenta | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Sound Sleep | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Lin Chang-Iun | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Hermanos Aguascalientes | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Tim Matthewman | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Bat'ya Ostrovsky | Israeli stage actress and singer, born in Tel Aviv. Active in theater in France - and internationally - early in her career, including a leading role in "L'Opéra de quat'sous". Featured in a number of Yiddish theatrical works; "Let's Sing Yiddish" e.g. Faded into obscurity following a run of Los Angeles lounge and club performances in the early 60s, | |
Search | Add | 7 | Rada Marić | Radmila Marić | Romani singer from Morović, Serbia |
Search | Add | 7 | AntPharm | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Matthias Breckle | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Елизавета Антонова | Елизавета Ивановна Антонова (Elizaveta Ivanovna Antonova)) | Soviet opera singer (contralto) (April 24th, 1904 - August 5, 1994), People's Artist of the RSFSR (1951). |
Search | Add | 7 | Aïcha Konte | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Chorale D'Enfants A Cœur Joie | French children's choir located in Sceaux (suburb of Paris) and conducted by [a=Monique Chouvet] | |
Search | Add | 7 | Hélène Courtaigne | ||
Search | Add | 7 | DJ Dvious Mindz | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Rama Aiphama | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Naïche Barbaglia | Engineer at [l334291]. | |
Search | Add | 7 | Livio Civiera | ||
Search | Add | 7 | André Damphousse | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Eduardo Aguillar | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Gislebertus | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Jan Brett | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Lia Ligthart | Classical vocalist and leader of children's choir "De Madeliefjes" | |
Search | Add | 7 | Sunny Day | Dom Rayner | UK Happy Hardcore producer mostly known under the alias as IRultimate. Dubbed as "Too Happy to be Hardcore" meaning the songs are more to make you smile rather than make you dance. |
Search | Add | 7 | E.Z. Shakes | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Franz Winkler Terzett | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Евгений Тихомиров | Bassist. He played with [a1576401] in 1993. | |
Search | Add | 7 | Anne Sällylä | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Николай Куюмджиев | Николай Куюмджиев | |
Search | Add | 7 | Pelle Sundquist | Brother of [a84940] | |
Search | Add | 7 | Trhauma | HNW project | |
Search | Add | 7 | Дети Фристайла | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Maxime Lepage | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Carmen Guilbert | Carmen Marie Lucie Guilbert | French Pianist that was born in Levallois-Perret, France on 20 May 1906. She attended the Paris Conservatoire, studying first with Joseph Morpain (1873–1961) and continued her studies with [a2748254]. She was the first pianist to record Gabriel Fauré’s masterpiece Theme and Variations, Op 73. She also recorded works by Debussy and Ravel. |
Search | Add | 7 | Αθανάσιος Μητρόπουλος | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Chernikhoffsky | Producer from Russia. Born in Perm, based in Moscow. | |
Search | Add | 7 | Dimitri Liakhoff | Russian musician, arranger and orchestra director based in Paris also known as Dima Liakhoff (or Дима Ляхов in Cyrillic) | |
Search | Add | 7 | Oliver Krekel | Oliver Krekel | Founder and boss of [l=ASTRO Records (7)], [l477566], [l1149743] and [l1291500]. |
Search | Add | 7 | Fiona Jervis | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Lawless Dick Stingher | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Dimi Dero Inc. | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Los Optimistas | A finales de los años 50 los jóvenes quieren cambiar de mentalidad, se necesitaba salir de tantos años negros, de tanta podredumbre y ramplonería. Era vital renovar por completo el panorama. Como decíamos, los primeros en evolucionar con los nuevos tiempos fue el Trío de Jazz Hot Club de Bilbao y su entorno. En 1956 surge una orquesta de excelentes músicos, Los Optimistas, que en un principio se hicieron llamar “Five Caballeros”. El espaldarazo se lo da el director de Radio Bilbao y se hacen famosos en el programa “Aquí Bilbao” de Pío Lindegaard. En esa época comienzan a florecer las salas de fiestas. Los Optimistas debutan en el Capri. Otros salones de baile eran el Arizona, Seis Estrellas, Kai Eder en Plencia, Tamarises, Igeretxe y sobre todo, el Punanieska, en donde se presentaban las más punteras figuras de la canción. Fue la primera sala que se abrió diariamente al baile. En estas salas se dio paso a los nuevos ritmos como el rock’- roll, el twist, la bossa nova... Este último ritmo lo introdujeron en Bilbao Los Optimistas, que también tenían cierta atracción hacia el jazz, sobre todo en los solos. Estaban al día y entre su repertorio estuvieron las primeras canciones de Cliff Richard, los Shadows, Beatles y sonidos country, combinadas con piezas románticas italianas. Los Optimistas se distinguieron por ser los primeros en incorporar instrumentos eléctricos. Miguel Yuste tocaba una guitarra eléctrica hawaiana comprada por Felipe García (saxo) en San Antonio, Tejas, a un chicano en 1953. Además, se trajo de Chicago un vibráfono (marimba eléctrica). Posteriormente, Moisés Arberas incorporó un piano eléctrico. Esto llamó considerablemente la atención del público. A partir de 1958 grabaron una colección de discos, con cuatro canciones cada uno, para la Voz de su Amo en Barcelona y otro para el sello Belter. En 1959, debido al alcance de las emisiones de “Aquí Bilbao” que se transmitía para toda Europa fueron requeridos durante seis meses en Dinamarca y de allí fueron para los países nórdicos | |
Search | Add | 7 | Trevor Edmonds | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Patrick Hennig | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Jason Fick | Jason Fick | Bass player from Menifee, CA. Played in [a=Bound In Blood], [a=XOne ChoiceX], [a=Darasuum], [a=Every Man For Himself (2)], [a=Time For Change], and numerous other bands throughout Southern California. |
Search | Add | 7 | Birgitte Glavind | Danish backing vocalist | |
Search | Add | 7 | Ruben Wijlacker | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Alexandre Casademunt | Alexandre Casademunt | |
Search | Add | 7 | Sonap | Hip-Hop artist from Greece. | |
Search | Add | 7 | Uttam Jagdish | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Evelyne Sequeiros | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Jade Palace Labs | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Damo Cox | Damo Cox is an Australian DJ and Producer of electronic music | |
Search | Add | 7 | Deemage | Founder and head of Wipkinge Dauntaun Rokkas. | |
Search | Add | 7 | César Pueyrredón | César "Banana" Pueyrredón | |
Search | Add | 7 | Ern Westmore | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Olaf Simons | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Ziggy Klesha Apcboyz | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Jason Barham | Producer/DJ from Toronto, Canada. | |
Search | Add | 7 | Die Ennstaler | Austrian [i]Volksmusik[/i] ensemble from Styria ([i]Steiermark[/i]), Upper Austria (since the 1960's), directed by [a6933129]. | |
Search | Add | 7 | Marimba Brisas Del Grijalva | Mexican marimba orchestra. The Marimba Orquesta Brisas del Grijalva was originally formed in Chiapas. In 1965 it was established in Mexico City under the name Ecos del Grijalva, which later became the name it currently bears: Brisas del Grijalva. This group has been characterized by its varied participation interpreting regional and popular music. Their repertoire includes romantic music, boleros, ballads, waltzes, polkas, marches, danzones, blues and, of course, the traditional melodies of the marimba. | |
Search | Add | 7 | Glenno | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Tom Asselin | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Ian Thornburgh | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Leuchtend | Aiden Harlow | Born September 10th Greer native Aiden Harlow started his musical career under the name of Echelon Anthracite and contributed to numerous projects under the Tremolo Skies label, such as Nomad and Hqrlct. He is both a musician, graphic and 3D artist with numerous works under his belt, mostly pertaining to what he's currently working on. Harlow has put out five albums under various names as well as seven EP's over the course of his career since 2017. Leuchtend started after the disbandment of Echelon Anthracite, feeling that it was time to move on and push out what Harlow felt was a "completed work" he considered most of Echelon to be no more than unfinished songs and demos compiled into albums and used it as a framework for his first album Golden Hours. The LP featured numerous songs and ideas spanning the course of his career as both a solo artist and a bandmate in Nomad. Later on that year he would release his first physical pressing and maxi-single titled Socotra, which was a very different style from his previous endeavor and would precede his second release, slated for the next year. |
Search | Add | 7 | Jindra Marcová | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Stacey Edwards | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Yūgen 幽玄 | Italian ambient / drone project. | |
Search | Add | 7 | Andy Arganda | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Лариса Пальцева | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Sandy Ford Flying Saucers | The original singer in the Flying Saucers was Alan Jones from the days they were called North nine and they changed their name to The Flying Saucers as the only original member of the group. Sandy Ford continues to tour and record with a reconstituted version of The Flying Saucers, billed as "Sandy Ford's Flying Saucers." | |
Search | Add | 7 | Beehive Productions | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Estelle Swaray | Estelle Fanta Swaray | Real name of singer and rapper [a=Estelle]. Please use this entry for credits credited to her full name. |
Search | Add | 7 | Alexander Entesarian | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Morbest | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Blind Teeth Victory Band | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Luigi Di Filippo | Luigi Di Filippo | Italian DJ, producer and sound engineer based in Rome. Studio owner at Lrs Factory (Rome). Label Manager at Plettro Records and Acid 80' Records |
Search | Add | 7 | Serpent Records | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Kenichi Kishi | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Nivi Jasa | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Λίνα Ροδοπούλου | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Önder Keskinkılıç | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Lennart Ljung | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Ryan Laccohee | Ryan Ewen Laccohee | Originally from London, Mr. Laccohee is an independent artist, musician, DJ, filmmaker, and professional actor currently based in Leeds where he works as an audio engineer and sound designer for a film and media production company. |
Search | Add | 7 | Attila Petras | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Sound Junkee | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Suzuki Kaioh | Suzuki Kaioh | residing in Brooklyn NYC Suzuki Kaioh is mixture of a lot of fly styles from different regions across the USA. Bringing a unique sound and vibe unlike many others in the game. Production Styles range from Rugged Boom Bap to Experimental Jazz, DNB and Funk. Also Known as Max Nasa, and Mechazawa as his production name. Suzuki strives for uniqueness and doesnt like to roll with the flock. |
Search | Add | 7 | Michael Soward | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Lenar Liner | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Lan Ackley | American recording, mastering and manufacturing engineer from Mason, Ohio. Vice-president of [l220624] (1972-1984), owner of [l379956] (1984-1995), electronics coordinator at Tekmar Dohrmann/Teledyne Tekmar (1995-2014). | |
Search | Add | 7 | Rolf Aberer | Austrian bassist, composer, bandleader. Born 1949 in Hohenems, Vorarlberg. | |
Search | Add | 7 | Coordinator | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Della Rovere Publicidade | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Dave Mondo | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Bbbroth3r(It) | ||
Search | Add | 7 | "Big Bert" Trevino | Bert Trevino | (Died on September 17, 2021, 1:22 PM) A Monarch of Houston Texas A father to 3 kids, a wrestling fanatic and a C.O.O of GT Digital Distribution |
Search | Add | 7 | Georg Wagenhuber | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Γιώργος Βάρσος | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Λάμπρος Κωστόπουλος | Lambros Kostopoulos was a Greek stage (assistant initially) director. Born in 1930 in Patras, Greece - Died 20 January 2004 in Athens, Greece. He served for fifteen years as director at the [l1577824]. He was married to [a=Χλόη Λιάσκου]. | |
Search | Add | 7 | G. Purio | Gonzalo de la Puerta del Río | Spanish arranger and writer (1932 - 1995). |
Search | Add | 7 | Keith McColl | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Tony Matos | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Beethoven Chor | Berlin-based German choir of the 1920s, directed by [a=Hanns Miessner]. | |
Search | Add | 7 | Miss p! | DJ and producer. | |
Search | Add | 7 | Adrián Emocaust | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Brian M. Talgo | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Tvuzk | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Graav | Stefan Sandström | |
Search | Add | 7 | Nuoret Metsänvartijat | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Ben van Duyvendyk | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Gian Galeazzo Severi | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Limon Chique | Limon Chique is a lo-fi, lo-goth band from Dayton, Ohio. | |
Search | Add | 7 | Get It Away | American hardcore band from Chicago, Illinois. | |
Search | Add | 7 | Proship Ashton | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Klara Andrén | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Voai | Mihail Zarichanskiy | |
Search | Add | 7 | Little White Lies | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Red Upsiger | ||
Search | Add | 7 | René Cambien | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Must Rush | Antonio Giuliano | DJ, producer and remixer from Italy. |
Search | Add | 7 | Conjunto Luiz Carlos Vinhas | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Andy Andrus | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Hävittäjät | Australian hardcore band from Melbourne, Victoria. | |
Search | Add | 7 | Nightfield | Artjom Genrichowitsch Sobolew | Nightfield started 2001 in Bielefeld (Germany) and is now located in Upper Swabia (Germany). the music is a mixture of Dark Ambient, Experimental, Industrial and Ambient. it's inspired by life, nature (especially by the Teutoburg Forest and the cosmos) and Avdotja. |
Search | Add | 7 | Koninklijke Philharmonie Bocholtz | Symphonic windorchestra situated Bocholtz, in the province of Limburg (the Netherlands). Established in 1886. | |
Search | Add | 7 | Bruno Cheli | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Curva Peligrosa | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Mig Toquereau | Guillaume Toquereau | Guitarist, bassist and banjo player |
Search | Add | 7 | Ronny Caslo | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Francesco Fernandez | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Vandervleuten | Maarten van der Vleuten | Released many tunes on R&S records in the period 1990-1993. He was responsible for Outrage Recordings, a sub-label of R&S. He've found now he's own labels Signum Recordings, Glam Records and Passiflora Records. |
Search | Add | 7 | Orchestra Jack Lorenzi | ||
Search | Add | 7 | 1Co.INR | ||
Search | Add | 7 | The Diplomat Orchestra | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Albums In One Minute | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Nelson Rego | ||
Search | Add | 7 | K-76 | Konstantin Gervis | |
Search | Add | 7 | Bugs Denis | Denis Garnier | Bass Player |
Search | Add | 7 | Raventhird | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Cockc' Nell | コクシネル | Japanese new-wave rock band, formed by Yoichiro Ikeda in 1980. The group released two albums and a live 7" EP before disbanding. They reformed in 2002. |
Search | Add | 7 | The Bartok Bela Chorus Of The Eötvös Lorand University | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Mustafa Akay | Mustafa Kamil Akay | Mustafa Akay (born May 8, 1971), Turkish singer and songwriter. He started his music career in 1990 as a soloist with his guitar in various bars of Ankara during his university years. Mustafa Akay,graduated from the Department of Tourism and Hotel Management at Bilkent University in 1995 after graduating from Şişli Terakki High School. After completing his military service, he continued his music career in Istanbul and performed for the first time at Ertekin's Cafe Des Theaters in Ortaköy. Having attracted the attention of many artists and music lovers, especially Sezen Aksu from the very first moment, Akay started to climb the success steps one by one. The artist showered a message by the fans and interpreted the song requests with his guitar. Akay continued to be a radio programmer with Kanal D and Radyo Tatlıses until 2006 and was among the most popular and successful radio programmers of the time. In 2003 he released his album “Esirin Oldum and in 2010 he released his mini album“ Ruh İkizim “. Hıncal Uluç and Ertekin Dinçay settled in the video clip of the song 'Sen de değiştin'' in the first album which called ''Esirin Oldum''. In 2015, after released his maxi single “Sen Aşk'', in 2016, he published his single “Şehrin Melekleri ” and in 2018 his single ''Alemin Düzeni'' released .His last single Beyaz Güvercin released in July,2019''. Mustafa Akay who has been the guest of concerts, invitations, radio and television with his live performances, frequently meets with his fans in his social media accounts. |
Search | Add | 7 | Alberto Rincon | ||
Search | Add | 7 | The Happy Time Nursery Ensemble | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Rev. Charles E. Kirby | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Borisav Mitrović | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Nidhug | Danish Pagan Black Metal band active from 1994 to 1997. Part of the Order of the Nonagram. | |
Search | Add | 7 | Issac Navaro | Andrew McLatchie | Experimental musician from Dumfries, Scotland, UK. Issac was a contributor to The Screaming Love Collective and one half of [a=Stereopod] as well as being a solo artist in his own right. Issac retired in January 2020 after the release of the "Nijua" album. |
Search | Add | 7 | Сестри Бисерови | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Peter Wetherbee | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Ronnie Land | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Frank Cherryman | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Henri St. Croix | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Corul M.F.A. | Corul Ministerului Forțelor Armate | Romanian Army chorus |
Search | Add | 7 | Sean Alatorre | ||
Search | Add | 7 | E. Hemley | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Stefan Zadejan | Liner notes author. | |
Search | Add | 7 | Tabish Kanpuri | ||
Search | Add | 7 | A. Bexter-Hamilton | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Diego Paqué | ||
Search | Add | 7 | The Pfeifers | Southern Gospel group from Washington Courthouse, Ohio | |
Search | Add | 7 | Akasha Morrison | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Ken Terror | ||
Search | Add | 7 | P.P. Envy | American bassist and vocalist. | |
Search | Add | 7 | apoptostatic.transmission | Dark ambient project from Washington, D.C. | |
Search | Add | 7 | Çağ Erçağ | Turkish cellist | |
Search | Add | 7 | Дармограй | The Folklore group "Darmograi" was founded in 1980 on the basis of the Vinnitsa Pedagogical University in the city of Vinnitsa, Ukraine. | |
Search | Add | 7 | Pierre D'Ursel | ||
Search | Add | 7 | David Aihe | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Burle Marx | Walter Burle Marx | Was a Brazilian pianist, conductor and composer. Born: São Paulo, Brazil, July 23, 1902 - Died: Akron, USA, December 28, 1990. Brother of the famous landscape architect [a6041978]. Father of the musician [a1755547]. |
Search | Add | 7 | Samson Lewis | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Horace Keats | Australian composer & pianist (b. Mitcham, Surrey, England 20 July 1895 - d. Sydney 21 Aug., 1945) Started as boy soprano. Later piano accompanist to singer Nellie Webb and came with her to Australia in 1915. Also accompanied Ella Caspers and Peter Dawson. Worked for JCW playing music for silent films, and had same role at Greater Union Theatres 1918-1920. Broadcasting in 1923. Went back got UK in 1930 to work for BBC, but returned to Australia within a short time. Worked for ABC in 1930s. Had programme on Radio 2CH in 1944. Up to 19035 had composed 115 songs, 2 choral works and wrote music for films, radio plays & musicals and many more com positions up until at least 1946. | |
Search | Add | 7 | Loretta Robey | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Club Flamenco | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Dan's Putrid Art | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Abel Kasim | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Jeroen Meeus | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Kapelle Ländlerfründe Vo Bärn | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Rev. R.B. Thieme, Jr. | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Bessy Gordon-Roy | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Erik Mathison | St Paul, Minnesota drummer extrordinaire | |
Search | Add | 7 | Steve Abdu | American bass player from Brockton, Massachusetts. | |
Search | Add | 7 | Jerry Glenn Ward | American singer-songwriter | |
Search | Add | 7 | Daniel James Nugent | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Tom Replay | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Orlando Aquije | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Marvin Hime | Credited as costume designer (diamonds), Beverly Hills, California. | |
Search | Add | 7 | Naoko Kodama | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Isidro Chávez Espinoza | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Tamburaški Sastav Đakovačka Zvona | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Eve-Maria Zimmermann | Credited for artwork. | |
Search | Add | 7 | Gonzalo Esteybar | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Neeber-Schuler-Chor | German choir founded 1951 in Frankfurt/Main. | |
Search | Add | 7 | Evangelist Ben Hoekendijk | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Frank Bellocchio Jr. | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Courtney Nielsen | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Ariane Vandenhouten | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Kostyan Severniy | Константин Белоусов | Drummer |
Search | Add | 7 | Eric Wrenn | Eric Wrenn Office Is The Creative Consultancy Of Art Director Eric Wrenn. Based in New York. Established In 2011. | |
Search | Add | 7 | Tatiana Shkondina | Татьяна Шкондина (Tatiana Shkondina) | Russian photographer |
Search | Add | 7 | Alice Helen Zigman | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Hirose Madoka | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Kiki Touré | Kiki Touré | Guinean producer |
Search | Add | 7 | Jan Žalud | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Graham Grochocinski | Musician and mixing/mastering engineer in Chicago, Illinois. | |
Search | Add | 7 | C. Gawroński | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Ryan Reno | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Alberto Malaguti | ||
Search | Add | 7 | The Improper Bostonians | Garage rock band hailing from Boston. | |
Search | Add | 7 | Jos Van Grieken | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Kindla | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Hideaki Motoki | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Käärmeen Vartija | Käärmeen Vartija now goes under [a=Arkku] | |
Search | Add | 7 | Shane Boulos | Bass player in the band [a346435]. | |
Search | Add | 7 | Mike Daniel's Delta Jazzmen | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Davide Barbarulo | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Vincent Toi | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Acceptance Inside The Snow Room | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Grønlændertruppen Mik | Greenlandic choir based in Copenhagen, Denmark, formed in December 1961 by [l400932] program secretary [a3590809]. In 1961, after finishing a two year assignment with Radio Greenland, Wissum was asked to form a folkloristic group of young Greenlanders who could represent Denmark at the [i]San Remo Flower Festival[/i], Italy, in January 1962. [i]MIK[/i] proved to be a notable succes and moved rapidly on from an eight members group with a fiddler into a performing group of twenty-two accompanied by [a3590807], a well known Danish quartet. [i]MIK[/i] has existed continuously and was officially organized as a private association 2008 to 2019. Among the leaders are [a11989793]. From the start [i]MIK[/i] consisted of young Greenlanders studying in Copenhagen. It was at the time unique even in a global context and attracted much attention not only by its performances throughout Denmark, but also internationally through radio, TV, and its records. After Italy [i]MIK[/i] made appearences in France, Germany, Sweden and Norway. The high points with Knud Wissum as conductor were its performances at the [i]New York World Fair[/i] in 1964 and the 1965 tour of Greenland. | |
Search | Add | 7 | Robelo Calderón | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Federico Musetti | ||
Search | Add | 7 | re[m]e[m][b]e[r]? | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Gena West | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Hatem Tutkus | Hatem Tutkus | Turkish producer, composer and arranger. |
Search | Add | 7 | Patrick S. Barry | Patrick Scott Barry | Experimental musician, producer & local radio personality from South Carolina. |
Search | Add | 7 | Sängerclub Freundschaft St.Gallen | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Martí Camós I Segura | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Joe Beno | Cleveland, Ohio accordion, bandleader | |
Search | Add | 7 | Tommi Konu | ||
Search | Add | 7 | DJ Casti | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Chronical Disturbance | Canadian former thrash metal act from Trois-Rivières, Québec. They were active between the late 80's until 1991. | |
Search | Add | 7 | Tor Magne Glidje | Guitar & Vocalist in various metal bands. | |
Search | Add | 7 | D. Watusi | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Fabio Belotti | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Alfonso Casasnovas | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Stella Grundy | Stella Grundy | |
Search | Add | 7 | Καλλιόπη Ηλιοπούλου | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Eurobeat Connection | ||
Search | Add | 7 | JM Lagares | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Kamil Skrzypniak | Kamil Skrzypniak | Trance music producer from Wrocław, Poland. Born: 09-01-1993. |
Search | Add | 7 | Juan Carlos Celedon | Colombian Producer, Singer and Guitar player born in Barranquilla in 1982. Founder with Daniel Celedón of VETERANS RECORDS, Producer of Rock and Metal bands from Colombia. Son of Daniel Celedon Orsini, cousin of Jorge Celedón. Singer on "Tachuela". | |
Search | Add | 7 | Sovereign Eagle | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Lo Gerbo Baudo | French trad folk group from Confolens (16, Charente). | |
Search | Add | 7 | Michael Hirschfeld | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Jamal Trice | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Italo Cammarota | Italo Cammarota (Benevento, 1909 - † Roma, 1980) was an Italian composer and arranger. | |
Search | Add | 7 | Ex-C | Hardcore band from Japan | |
Search | Add | 7 | Ländlertrio Burch-Enz | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Максим Сысоев | Максим Сысоев | |
Search | Add | 7 | Pop Panic | Italian progressive house project. | |
Search | Add | 7 | The Doctor Alimantado Experiences | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Kjettar | Norwegian black metal bass guitarist who played bass on Gorgoroth's first demo tape in 1993. | |
Search | Add | 7 | Oreason | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Russell Bessard | Russell Bessard | Hip-Hop coordinator from Houston, Texas. |
Search | Add | 7 | Tobias Kippenberger | Danish guitarist and vocalist | |
Search | Add | 7 | Scott Hyde | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Wendy Culture | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Riccho | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Julian van Aalderen | Julian van Aalderen | |
Search | Add | 7 | Hollis Floyd | ||
Search | Add | 7 | DJ Bana | ||
Search | Add | 7 | The Nut Jumpers | Rock’n’Roll trio drawing influence from a wide variety of danceable genres: Blues, Rockabilly, Garage, Latin, Swamp and more. | |
Search | Add | 7 | Debbie Shane | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Dani Ramírez | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Daniel Bogdanović | Daniel Bogdanović | Singer and keyboards player in 'Mag'. |
Search | Add | 7 | Georgina Rosenbaum | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Alessandra Leimer | ||
Search | Add | 7 | PNM | ||
Search | Add | 7 | The Hollywood Transcription Orchestra | ||
Search | Add | 7 | The Golden Grahams | Trio de power rock de Barcelona (Catalunya). | |
Search | Add | 7 | Lev Ivanov | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Fraser Massey | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Δημήτρης Βοζαΐτης | ||
Search | Add | 7 | A. Kustarnik | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Dragan Šoć | Dragan Šoć | Drummer of 'Igra Staklenih Perli'. |
Search | Add | 7 | Antonio Grgić | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Knight Time | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Danilo Sacchi | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Išdykėlė | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Strings Purple Crystal | ストリングス・パープル・クリスタル | |
Search | Add | 7 | Adam Stonehouse | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Lazair | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Idll | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Anne O'Rourke | New York Anne O’Rourke is a singer-songwriter from the North Fork of Long Island (NY). Her music blends her love of indie, folk, and musical theater into a unique way of story telling. Her songs are about personal growth and reshaping the narrative into something positive. | |
Search | Add | 7 | The Systm Network | SYSTM™ - Global Aesthetic Conditioning Graphic designer company based in London, UK and directed by Christopher Hewitt & Tim Jarvis. Founded in 2002 to act as a freelance design firm. They also ran a music/club event in London, called 'TSN'. E-mail: obsolated URL: | |
Search | Add | 7 | Art Satherley | Arthur E. Satherley | Record producer and A&R man (October 19, 1889, Bristol, England - February 10, 1986, Fountain Valley, California). He spent most of his career in the United States. |
Search | Add | 7 | Olivia Gamper | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Kaaliyah | Kaaliyah Stephanie Kumapayi | |
Search | Add | 7 | Dea Artio | Austrian atmospheric Black Metal act from Luftenberg, Upper Austria - formed in 2020. | |
Search | Add | 7 | John Martinko | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Janine Grenet | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Chanda Helzer | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Blosch | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Eve-Kapellet | From Jönköping, Sweden | |
Search | Add | 7 | Brett Lindzen | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Undercolors | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Tomates Asesinos | [i]Tomates Asesinos[/i] is a band that since 2003 mixes a cocktail as unprejudiced as extreme. Electronics, songs of clear pop filiation, furious guitars, folkloric airs and instrumental atmospheres. Epic, rhythmic, noisy and atmospheric. 5 albums —Lujuria en el Espacio (2007), Noches de Absaló (2011), Elitismo para Todos (2013), La Luz Buena (2016) and the video-album Vivo (2018)—, soundtracks for TV documentaries and original music for the feature films La Casa del Eco (2018) and Los Pasos (2020). | |
Search | Add | 7 | Drew Hale Band | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Mario Cavaceppi | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Soul Kingz | Piscataway, New Jersey-based group Soul Kingz, consisted of Chris Bonaparte aka Nicky Dee the Soulking, Hassan Coombs aka MC Hasskills, Tony Williams aka LevelOne, Tracy Ellis aka TNL, The Master Mike Saunders aka DJ Mike S and Michelle aka DJ Mish. | |
Search | Add | 7 | Byron Berline Band | Members John Hickman - Banjo Jim Fish - Guitar Gregg Kennedy - Bass / Piano Steve Short - Drums | |
Search | Add | 7 | Gilles Obermayer | Gilles Obermayer is a French percussionist and composer born in Tunis in 1959. He started his career as a musician and composer in the late seventies in France. From 1981-2000 Mr. Obermayer lived in Scandinavia (Norway, Sweden, Danmark) where he served on the faculty of the Norwegian National College of Dance in Oslo (1982-1985) and the Swedish National College of Dance (1995-1997) and the Ballet Akademien (1990-2000) in Stockholm. | |
Search | Add | 7 | H. Belmans | Belgian choir leader | |
Search | Add | 7 | Prof. H. C. Wyld | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Zumra Mulalić | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Armor Force | 圣殿骑士 | Chinese folk / viking metal band founded in September 2013 in Beijing. |
Search | Add | 7 | Franco Vrillon | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Lgor | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Sam Vinson | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Los Imbayas | Argentinian folk trio formed in 1954 by Segundo (requinto, third vocal), Enrique (guitar, second vocal) and Alfonso Chiza Maldonado (lead vocal, guitar). In 1964 they travelled to Europe and in 1966 they settled in Spain, performing on some movies. | |
Search | Add | 7 | Domestic Science | Eder Pavaneli | Domestic Science from Brazil, delivers utmost quality to an industry based beats and authenticity of the best known music underground culture. He's had some stand out releases over the past few years on International labels DeepStitched Records, DeepWit Recordings, EDM Underground and Limitation Music. |
Search | Add | 7 | Marcelo Catacci | Brazilian photographer. | |
Search | Add | 7 | Titanic Bros. | Italian project. | |
Search | Add | 7 | Trompie | Stephen Letsike | South African audio-engineer, producer and remixer also known as [b]Bleksperm[/b]. Born March 10 in Atteridgeville, living and producing in Pretoria (Tshwane), Gauteng, he also holds the positions of Label Executive and Executive Producer of [l=Siamese Entertainment]. |
Search | Add | 7 | لحسن بو مارك | Raiss Lahcen Bou Mareg was a Moroccan traditional singer. | |
Search | Add | 7 | Flavio Rago | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Jessie Johansson | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Daniel Knef | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Yoshitaka Akimitsu | Japanese jazz pianist. | |
Search | Add | 7 | Teddy Bennett | Born 1941 in Hastings, New Zealand, Teddy was an early 1960's pop singer. | |
Search | Add | 7 | Lello Pugliese | Italian piano player, also keyboardist and author. Born on the island of Ischia (which with Capri holds the record in [i]piano bar players[/i]'s tradition), performs very young at [i]"Rancho Fellone"[/i], owned by musician [a=Ugo Calise], where takes the place left by the legendary Mario Perrone. Winner of the [i]First National Festival of Piano Bar[/i] is also author of songs performed by artists of international renown. Protagonist of exclusive evenings in the most luxurious hotels and clubs of Ischia, Capri, Naples, Amalfi Coast and Sorrento Coast. Still on the road performing with his [i]Capri Swing Band[/i]. | |
Search | Add | 7 | Grupo Bandy2 | Argentinian band formed in 1997. | |
Search | Add | 7 | Pelle Backman | Swedish bass player. Pelle is the younger brother of [a=Karl Backman]. | |
Search | Add | 7 | By The Savers | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Red Morning Chorus | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Filomena Linčiūtė-Vaitiekūnienė | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Dušan Prusák | Bassist | |
Search | Add | 7 | 江口直矢 | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Graham Hick | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Jennifer Jessee | Credited as Illustrator, Photographer, and Designer. | |
Search | Add | 7 | Antonio Nolasco | Mexican musician and visual artist. | |
Search | Add | 7 | Gianfredo Konig | Electronic music composer and producer. | |
Search | Add | 7 | Danielle Chanel | ||
Search | Add | 7 | El Profeta De Albacete | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Martin Halperin | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Juliane Simon | Designer | |
Search | Add | 7 | Dead Waves | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Peter Safranyos | Sáfrányos Péter | Husband of [a938392]. |
Search | Add | 7 | Pierre Baulig | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Rudy Tangali | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Alice Sound | A Malaysian band in the early 80s | |
Search | Add | 7 | Tofdru | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Heiko Wagner | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Werbley Finster | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Brandon Michael Williams | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Нази и Натела Чапичадзе | ნაზი და ნათელა ჩაფიჩაძეები | Georgian duet. |
Search | Add | 7 | Taro Shinozuka | Taro Shinozuka | Japanese graphic designer |
Search | Add | 7 | Daisy Meadows | Pseudonym for the five writers of the Rainbow Magic books for younger children. The five authors are Narinder Dhami, Sue Bentley, [a4197762], Marilyn Kaye and Sue Mongredien. | |
Search | Add | 7 | Capus Hope | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Jason Fiske | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Brandon Lively | Art director & designer. | |
Search | Add | 7 | Cathy Bayle | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Дмитрий Кондрусев | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Laura Liebeskind | Laura Hempel | German singer and songwriter |
Search | Add | 7 | Tom Goryl | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Στρατής Σκαράκης | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Miss Tea | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Cure-A-Phobia | contakt: … Everyone is afraid of something. Some are afraid of big spiders, some wide spaces, and others elevators. Cure-a-Phobia decided one day to stop worrying and to curiously explore the uncomfortable: a pair of too tight shoes, a note askew, or maybe an odd meter that makes you lose your balance. They were delighted to find that what is awry and wintering also can be beautiful. They simply couldn’t help but to throw themselves into it… Cure-a-Phobia consists of musicians with different musical backgrounds ranging from jazz to folk to musicals and classical music, but with a mutual love of experimentation and improvisation. Together they produce a unique sound with a touch of jazz, pop and what one may call cabaret, with their very own signature. The music, composed by Jenny Nilsson and arranged by Cure-a-Phobia, follows no written rules or patterns. It is seldom fixed to a specific key or time signature but is still rhythmic and somehow logical. The lyrics are touching, funny, or questioning and invite personal interpretations. | |
Search | Add | 7 | Giuseppe Borrello | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Felicia Nilsson | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Colour Noise | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Bengt Göran Staaf | Bengt Göran Evert Staaf | Swedish sound engineer born August 28, 1945 in Stockholm, died November 17, 2021. He was regarded as a pioneer in making musical or spoken sounds from live performances audible indoors and outdoors. He ran the company/label [l=Siljum] Records from his home in Bygdsiljum, where he lived since the 1980s. Staaf did the first digital recordings in Sweden when he recorded the album [r=1025325] in [L=Decibel Studio], a studio he then co-owned. |
Search | Add | 7 | Philippe Herbaut | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Bose Corporation | ||
Search | Add | 7 | DJ CarpeNoctum | Sander Van Thiel | I like to create experimental music, with all kinds of vague influences. I started listening to harder music at the age of 14. When I turned 15 I bought a Hardcore CD and started listening to it a lot. Then when I became 18 I started to produce experimental harder music, after a while I discovered that Industrial Hardcore,Terror and Speedcore are my styles. Early in 2012 I started to produce and mix way better then I did before. I bought my first mixer around summer of 2012. I got better and better, made some good sounding DJ-sets which resulted in 3 bookings in 2013. I produce Terror and hardcore(Experimental) and darker styles like industrial. I do DJ & Live acts, the genre's are: Drum n Bass, Crossbreed, Industrial hardcore, Hardcore, Terror and Speedcore |
Search | Add | 7 | Teddeye | Producer and DJ from Lithuania. | |
Search | Add | 7 | Gunnar Hilding Hyltegren | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Bobby Bryant Sextet | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Man Kidal | Rahman Bin Mahmood | A Malaysian lead guitarist for Lefthanded and Search. Kidal means he is a lefty. |
Search | Add | 7 | Menace 2 Sobriety | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Fabio De Min | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Abortio | ||
Search | Add | 7 | le monde est petit | Design Agency | |
Search | Add | 7 | Esther Wienand | Credited for artwork | |
Search | Add | 7 | Mahamvantara Arts | ||
Search | Add | 7 | YpOnTheBeat | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Chœur de Femmes Calliope | The name of Calliope, one of the very few exclusively female French choirs, refers to the muse of eloquence. This relationship between text and music is at the heart of this ensemble founded in 1997 by Régine Théodoresco. "By choosing a female choir, I knew that I was tackling a demanding repertoire and that I would have to fight against the clichés that confine us to the voices of angels, ethereal stuff... everything that I hate. I prefer maturity, violence, human feelings, such as women experience them in life. With a hard core of six voices (soprano, mezzo and alto, in pairs) Calliope tackles "little jewels, preferably taken from the French repertoire, little known or little played". Six programs and 25 to 30 concerts per year, the choir is recognized. “We are still struggling to pass the bar of major festivals where a male choir sells better to the public. | |
Search | Add | 7 | Bart Klimmert | Compiler, Bart Klimmert was labelmanager for [l342330] | |
Search | Add | 7 | Bronze Float | Lo-fi project led by songwriter [a4855200] | |
Search | Add | 7 | Mehboob Productions | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Faunes Efe | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Maja Danilović | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Melancholy Cry | Now defunct Polish Doom Metal band, formed in 1994. | |
Search | Add | 7 | John Paul Whetzel | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Arch FX | Denis Baranov | Arch FX aka Denis Baranov is Estonian hardstyle producer. He mainly focus on euphoric/emotional style. |
Search | Add | 7 | Fabian Włodarek | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Karl Ader | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Mariachi Agua Viva | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Whitney Mann | Madison, Wisconsin Whitney Mann is an old soul with a child's glow. Her story is only beginning. It's the story of a poetic farm girl from Michigan who grew up to open for Loretta Lynn. It's the story of a young woman whose voice will break your heart but whose songs will bring you back for more. | |
Search | Add | 7 | Quinzinho Portugal | Joaquim Manuel Macedo Caixeiro | [A= Joaquim Caixeiro] was born in Figueira Da Foz, Portugal (02 July 1948). Around 1977 he initiated a musical career as a hobby. He recorded and/or played live with [A= Brigada Victor Jara], [A= Carlos Mendes], [A= Pedro Osório], [A= Carlos Alberto Moniz], and wrote lyrics for [A= Fernando Pereira]. In 1996 he created his own solo project, [A= Quinzinho Portugal], as a sarcastic Portuguese Pimba artist, and his major success was the 1997 song "A...Pita...Delas". |
Search | Add | 7 | Thomas Brando | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Στάθης Παπαγεωργίου | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Amalia Molina | Spanish flamenco singer, travelled to Cuba and Mexico | |
Search | Add | 7 | Das Große Hanseatic-Orchester | German entertainment orchestra from Hamburg, that was active as an on-board band on the motor ship HANSEATIC in the 1950 / 60s | |
Search | Add | 7 | Demitri Allaxul | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Roland Augustin | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Mandolinenorchester Napoli | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Kai Lundewall | ||
Search | Add | 7 | 38quenojuega | Ecuadorian hip hop | |
Search | Add | 7 | Susie Tomkins | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Willi Reinehr | German songwriter and producer | |
Search | Add | 7 | Tapirus | Charlton Ravenberg | DJ and producer from Rotterdam, The Netherlands, |
Search | Add | 7 | Zachary Widgren | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Maurizio Gaudenzi | Sound engineer, mainly working at [l=Estudios Sonoland]. Sometimes nicknamed as "Tano". | |
Search | Add | 7 | Mel Mayr | Melanie Mayr | The singer-songwriter Mel Mayr from Salzburg/Austria creates with her unique voice and ingenuous guitar-& pianoplaying her own universe of indie folk pop. |
Search | Add | 7 | Alex Loco | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Henri Granger | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Andrea (Andi) Green | Andrea Green | Jamaican female vocalist better known as Andi Green. |
Search | Add | 7 | Luigi Bonzagni | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Roop Kala Pictures | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Gianni Muolo | Italian engineer. | |
Search | Add | 7 | Needfoyou | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Marco Telino | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Czesław Gładkowski | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Dennis Doekhi | ||
Search | Add | 7 | George Peter Kinyonga | Tanzanian song-writer, singer and guitarist. Most famous as co-founder of [a1379606] with his brother [a2706972]. Born in Tanga, Tanzania in 1950 ( the exact date is unknown but George usually stated February 22nd). He and his brother joined [a1969311] in Tanga in 1966. In 1970/1971 the brothers moved to Arusha, Tanzania, and formed [a4223221] (with their brother [a6986145] and others). Late in 1971 the band relocated to Kenya and changed their name to [a1379606]. He stayed with the group when most of the members left to form [a3599429] but then in 1980, disagreements with his brother led to George leaving and starting his own band [a2672920] (named after a 1970s dance rhythm). The split proved short-lived and George rejoined [a1379606] within a year. George did, however, keep the "Orchestre Jobiso" name to record his own songs outside of the main group. He died of tuberculosis on December 24th 1992 in Nairobi, Kenya, aged 42. | |
Search | Add | 7 | Dino Robbins | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Gellybooty | Dutch funk collective formed in 1992, disbanded 2004. Re-united one time in 2015. | |
Search | Add | 7 | Tony Conga | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Tachú de la Puerta | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Maribel Rivera | Maria Isabel Rivera Coria | Spanish copla singer formr the 60s. |
Search | Add | 7 | Hu Bee | Hugo Ted | Progressive Trance / Psychedelic Trance project from Toulouse, France Manager of [L=TED Records (6)] |
Search | Add | 7 | Angyal József | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Tyler Baum | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Ebru Aydemir | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Das Machine | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Слав | СЛАВ | ENG: The SLAV group was formed in the middle of 1991 in Sofia, Bulgaria by Svetoslav Bitrakov and Lyubomir Velev (musicians), Annie Mitova (dancer) and Valentina Puleva (painter). As a formation in Art in Action Association, it took part in the “Light Well” performance (1991) and the avant-garde happenings: “Creation” (1991) and “1000a” (1991) but soon after continued as a music duo. The wide musical background and performing skills of the two musicians/ composers led to invent an unique “Transcendent-electric” style of mixing elements from jazz, rock, symphonic minimalism, new age, ambient, industrial to avant-garde with originality. The SLAV group has recorded and released the following albums: 1. Breathing - Riva Sound, 1992 2. Enlightenment 1 - DS Music, 1995 3. All In One - DS Music, 1995 4. Birds On Wire - DS Music, 1997 5. Timeless Journey - DS Music, 1997 6. 7 Years Somewhere In Europe (Compilation) - DS Music, 2006 After spending 3 years in USA, Lyubomir Velev returned back in 2009 to team up with his old time partner Svetoslav Bitrakov for their most ambitious one of a kind Project. LARGO < > PRESTO (2010) is their 7th album in 12 years. BG: Група СЛАВ е сформирана в средата на 1991г. в София от Светослав Битраков и Любомир Велев (музиканти), Ани Митова (танцьорка) и Валентина Пулева (художник). Като формация в Сдружение “Изкуство в действие” групата участва в пърформанса “Светлинен кладенец” (1991) и авангардните хепънинги: “Сътворение” (1991) и “1000а” (1991), но след това продължава като музикално дуо. Широката музикална основа и изпълнителски похвати на двамата музиканти/композитори довежда до появата на уникален ‘Трансцендентно-еклектичен’ стил - смесване на елементи от: джаз, рок, симфонична музика, минимализъм, ню ейдж, ембиънт, индъстриъл до авангард с оригиналност. |
Search | Add | 7 | Chris Bagust | ||
Search | Add | 7 | أحمد السنباطي | أحمد السنباطي (Aḥmad al-Sunbāṭi) | Ahmed al-Soumbati (1950 - 2012) was an Egyptian Composer. He was the son of [a=Riad El Soumbati]. |
Search | Add | 7 | Felo Brito | ||
Search | Add | 7 | 鹿島とも子 | Tomoko Kashima. Japanese actress and singer. Born August 23, 1950 in Tachikawa, Tokyo to a Japanese mother and American father. | |
Search | Add | 7 | Luzzi Baierl | Austrian singer, born 25 November 1924 in Vienna, Austria and died 23 February 2004. | |
Search | Add | 7 | Marky Hladish | Marky Hladish | [l=MidwestLove Art & Design] |
Search | Add | 7 | Dario Krobath | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Salar Rajabnik | After years in demand as a sideman as well as fronting rock & roll band Moon Age, singer-songwriter & multi-instrumentalist Salar Rajabnik released his debut solo album, “Black & White World” on June 09, 2017 on all digital formats, CD, cassette & limited vinyl release via Fonoflo Records. | |
Search | Add | 7 | Garrick Chow | ||
Search | Add | 7 | BMO Yunginz | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Brandon Smallwood | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Ruin Man | Domingo Alemán | Domingo Alemán alias |
Search | Add | 7 | Killer Frame Studio | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Craneuhm | Justin Rodriguez | |
Search | Add | 7 | Mario Alfano | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Tucker Inge | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Luca Resca | Luca Resca | |
Search | Add | 7 | Leonardas Gutauskas | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Robot II Rozelly | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Plastic Violence | Fabrizio Paolillo, Francesca Materazzi | Plastic Violence starts in 1996 as a duo formed by [a1499348] and [a1499333] (Vega). Their first releases was with a strong flavor of industrial/experimental music and with political and social contents. With the first official Cd Immaterial (Death Paradise Production) the sound is radically changed to minimalist instrumentals ice-cold glitches with the tracks titles (begins with Ideal and ends with Idol) to form a path that blends the denial of the matter as a product's form and against the institutionalized art. The rare live-set exhibitions of Plastic Violence at the time was made to realize a noisy background to claustrophic multimedia happenings, helped also by other occasional collaborators. Then, in 2005, Francesca left Plastic Violence but Fabrizio has continued under the moniker with various compilation tracks and creating sonorizations for theatrical/art installation . In 2006, the year of the dog in the chinese calendar, Plastic Violence has released a monthly singles club on 3"cd-r ,The Dog Series (Death Paradise Production), each single in strictly limited hand-numbered edition of 50 copies. With these realises Plastic Violence has expanded the musical range to explore different directions. From the 11th issue of The Dog Series, Plastic Violence returns to be a duo with the adding of Marco Ricci as guitarist and singer . |
Search | Add | 7 | Dj Keshkoon | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Fabrice Legros | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Saša Gočanin | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Lahari Hyder | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Dallic Control | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Gloria Halesworth | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Juan Carlos Irizar | Composer, pianist and orchestra, band and choir conductor born in 8th November 1951 in Oñate, Guipuzcoa, Spain. [l919667] label related | |
Search | Add | 7 | Gene Lemon | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Alessio Sacconi | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Brandon Bogajewicz | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Forin Studio | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Mama Ohandja Dit Rossignol | ||
Search | Add | 7 | De Wachtkamer | Pavel Viarshenia | Belorussian Progressive-House DJ & producer based in Phuket, Thailand. Was located for a time in Dubai, UAE. Also known as Paolo Insomnia and Wayu. Launched his own digital label [l=Bermudos] in March 2012. Born: October 27, 1983 in Slutsk, Belarus Contact: |
Search | Add | 7 | Jaime Ratgrinder | Jaime Abrahamson | American visual artist. Dead far too soon, by his own hand. November 7th 1981 - September 28th 2013 |
Search | Add | 7 | Kris Kang | C King | Rapper & producer from Nashville, Tennessee. |
Search | Add | 7 | Battlegrounds | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Estelle Motsiou | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Emerson Sudbury | Credited for A&R and Management roles. | |
Search | Add | 7 | Tomohiro Miwa | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Rev. Ted Dencher | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Seymour Richards | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Phi-Mar Productions | The management/production team of Phil and Marion Colbert (a.k.a. Phi-mar Productions). | |
Search | Add | 7 | Paul McKie | Jamaican producer for [l=Carib Records]. | |
Search | Add | 7 | Ionel Ciobotaru | Romanian with hebrew origins emigrated to Israel in 1946, where he changed his name to Yaˊakov Sandler ([a4076380]). ✰ 1922 ✞ Unknown Date Begin his career as vocalist, singing in choirs, whilst still a child. - 1938 : attended the “Pergola” School in Bucharest and studied singing under eminent teachers. His progress was marked, and on completion of studies he was engaged by the Barașeum Thetre - Bucharest (hebrew theatre). Later joined to a gipsy jazz orchestra and singing at [l240252] (Romanian Radio Broadcasting) - 1946 : emigrated to Israel wher he continued his musical career. | |
Search | Add | 7 | José Roberto Mahr | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Unprieten | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Vision2 | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Marius Houschyar | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Aidmond | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Lew Reynolds Flexo Recording Orchestra | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Barbossa | Milton Barbossa is a young Brazilian DJ and producer. His favorite styles are Big Room, Progressive House and Electro House. | |
Search | Add | 7 | Louis Costantino | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Countryside Views | ||
Search | Add | 7 | アンドロメダ・ハーモニック・オーケストラ | Andromeda Harmonic Orchestra | |
Search | Add | 7 | Artem Ready | Techno DJ / Producer from Andernach, Germany. | |
Search | Add | 7 | Su Hart | British singer, painter and teacher | |
Search | Add | 7 | Ranking Magnum | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Kuharčev Mješoviti Zbor | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Ivar Roban Križić | Croatian bassist born in 1990 born in Zagreb, based in Vienna. | |
Search | Add | 7 | Karo Brandi | ||
Search | Add | 7 | The Singing Rudds | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Evrol Campbell | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Popular Radiation | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Clair Williard | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Lil Yunkers | Lilly Junker | Swedish singer, journalist, writer and translator, born Lilly Nilsson, born October 11, 1913 in Osby, died March 24, 2014. |
Search | Add | 7 | Rondophone Military Band | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Drew Dedman | ||
Search | Add | 7 | James Haines | English bassist and composer. | |
Search | Add | 7 | Agnes Liptak | Classical alto vocalist | |
Search | Add | 7 | Peter L. Harding | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Orchestra Sergio Pezzi | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Phoenix Sohl | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Don Heslop | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Eric Krick | ||
Search | Add | 7 | 黄猿 | Kizal = 黄猿 is a Japanese rapper / MC. Born in 1989. Also known as Kizal Mitsu = 黄猿ミツ. | |
Search | Add | 7 | Ralph Perroni | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Peter Morcom | Tenor Banjo. Peter became involved with jazz in his teens when he heard a Jelly Roll Morton record played on the wireless. He discovered Bunk Johnson some weeks later: so began an interest in New Orleans music. | |
Search | Add | 7 | Dixie Burner | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Caiden Withey | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Communicates | Japanese thrashcore band from Tokyo. Band Members - Kanton- Vocals - Nishu - Bass - Koki - Guitar - Micky - Drums | |
Search | Add | 7 | Deltoid Curve | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Pasquale Reca | Pasquale Reca | |
Search | Add | 7 | The Bill McGuffie Trio | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Jesse Hood Jackson | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Carlo Conen | Before assistant at Nautilus Mastering Studio, Milano for 3 years. Now works at his own mastering studio | |
Search | Add | 7 | Marco Lovisetto EraMaxima | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Lizzyspit | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Slusi | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Pablo Angel Garza | Pablo Ángel Garza Gurrola | Mexican recording engineer who worked at [l288024] in the '90s. |
Search | Add | 7 | Ivica Ićo Grujo | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Max Belloni | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Kris Ziakas | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Gody Züger | Gottfried Züger | Swiss Clarinet Player and Composer |
Search | Add | 7 | Thorsten Sjögrens Ensemble | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Corrado Monti | DJ and producer from Italy. He started career in 1982. In the 80s he played funky, electronic, afro, new wave, reggae and rap/hip hop in the clubs and radio in Tuscany. Then, in the 90s and 00s, he changed style to house, hard house up to progressive techno-trance. For some years he was reviewer for music magazine Tendence, based in Milan. | |
Search | Add | 7 | Luke Slomba | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Unbedeutend | Angelo Noetzel founded Unbedeutend (U N B D, UNBD) in 1997. Unbedeutend - Insignificant (..the artist is not in the foreground, but the work..) | |
Search | Add | 7 | In Darkness There is Light | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Geary Hanley | American guitarist, singer and songwriter. Born Ada, Oklahoma. Geary took up the guitar when he was eighteen and a student at Oklahoma's East Central University. After college, he was drafted into the Marines, continuing to play in bands on the weekends. He moved out to California in 1971. His band became the house band at the Longhorn Saloon in Canoga Park, California. They served as a backup band for Freddy Fender, Eddie Raven, Sylvia, Barbi Benton and others. Hanley was voted on of the top 5 guitar players by the Academy of Country Music. | |
Search | Add | 7 | Eyes Bleed Defiance | ||
Search | Add | 7 | João Carlos Callixto | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Marc Intravaia | Singer and guitarist. | |
Search | Add | 7 | Bradly Perkins | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Shannon Harden | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Dave Constantine | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Ramano | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Melissa Komorsky | A&R executive. | |
Search | Add | 7 | Sarge Adam | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Alexander Tochilovsky | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Red Water | Black / Screamo / Hardcore band from Vilnius, Lithuania Andrius - voice Linas - guitar Gintas - guitar Gabrielius - bass Algirdas - drums (ex: Žygimantas, Artūras, Darelis, Povilas) | |
Search | Add | 7 | Mary Love Singers | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Sepp Löffler | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Cryptix | Gabriel Levesque | Hard Dance DJ, producer and remixer based in Quebec, Canada. |
Search | Add | 7 | Música Inmobiliaria | José Gallardo A. | |
Search | Add | 7 | Marek Loučka | Marek Loučka | Czech bass guitarist. Born April 26, 1974 (former Czechoslovakia). |
Search | Add | 7 | Bruce Boege | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Wiccatron | Kim Sørensen | |
Search | Add | 7 | Eugeniusz Szemiet | Генадзь Шэмет | Musician born in 1962 in Mazyr, Belarus. |
Search | Add | 7 | Baron Rolls | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Benjamin Trias | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Yde De Jong | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Susana Buyo | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Art Snay | Producer & engineer from Albany, NY, owner of [l266482] | |
Search | Add | 7 | Marcel Giguère | Canadian (Quebec) comedian, humorist and noisemaker born August 25, 1917, in Montreal and died August 16, 1997, in Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu. Father of [a=Roger Giguère]. | |
Search | Add | 7 | Bug Music (2) | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Alexander Bobrov | Alexander Bobrov | al l bo (abbr. Alexander Mikhailovich Bobrov) - CIS top-charts nu-disco singer, songwriter and composer, founder of "WorldOfBrights", "Clouds Testers The Legendaries" and "Stellar Map Worldwide" digital labels and related radioshows but most famouse as collector of rare vintage and modern synthesizers / FXs and hardware-synths pro. al l bo's original tracks and remixes broadcasted by biggest FM stations such as DFM, Radio Record, L-FM, Kiss FM, Europa Plus, Megapolis FM, Ibiza Global Radio. |
Search | Add | 7 | Bent Fabricius-Bjerre Med Rytme | Unspecified small combo led by Danish pianist [a=Bent Fabricius-Bjerre] | |
Search | Add | 7 | Ricardo Lemus | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Curphey Forrestall | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Pete Convery | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Swan Mellarks | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Dale Palmer | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Josh Shearon | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Dave Goedde | Seattle based drummer | |
Search | Add | 7 | Giancarlo Bonora | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Corporate Head | Graphic design studio | |
Search | Add | 7 | Man Chau Po | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Skizofrenik | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Вика Чехова | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Felix Butron Arbelaez | Colombian producer, created the labels [l556220] and [l171193] in Barranquilla - father of Shane Butron and [a4474594] | |
Search | Add | 7 | Nikushoku Partizan | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Tango Tango | Rock band from the Quebec City region formed by Paul Desrochers on drums, Carl DuSault on bass, François- Maurice Le Sieur on guitar and Pierre Nolin on lead vocals. The group started out in 1986 as “Silent Knowledge” with 2 additional members, Rachel Gentil as backing vocalist (in 1987 & 1988) and Daniel Girard on keyboards (from 1987 to 1989)…..releasing one single. With the departures of Gentil and Girard, the group (now a quartet) adopted the ‘Tango Tango’ name to participate in a CKOI-FM radio station competition and they ultimately released two albums in 1990 and 1993. | |
Search | Add | 7 | Rod Cousins | Branding, Design, Creative, Head of Design & Assoc Creative Director at Wasserman Experience | |
Search | Add | 7 | Nocturnus Sainturnus | Thrash metal band from Dubuque, Iowa, US. | |
Search | Add | 7 | Bagad Men Glaz | Bagad Men Glaz is a traditional Breton music and dance ensemble based in Trélazé 49800 France | |
Search | Add | 7 | Max Birkl | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Nico Dijkman | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Harry Negrin | Romanian writer and lyricist with hebrew origins, born 1914 - passed away 1995 | |
Search | Add | 7 | VelvetStone | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Rob Phas | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Kevin Texas Band | French blues band from Loir-et-Cher. | |
Search | Add | 7 | Ian Star | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Roger Bashew | Multiinstrumentalist and singer. | |
Search | Add | 7 | Jean Carzou | Karnik Zouloumian | French painter born in Aleppo, Syria in 1907 and died in France in 2000. of Armenian background. In addition to standard paintings and illustration, he worked a lot with ballet and theatre companies, painting scenery and posters. |
Search | Add | 7 | Mathieu Beauséjour | B. 1970, Montreal, Canadada (artist) (visual artist) (installation art) (sound art) (performance) | |
Search | Add | 7 | Karmas Colectivos | Spanish group formed at the end of 1983 in Valencia. Members: Salva Ortiz (drums), Vicente Sabater (keyboards), Sol Rodríguez (backing vocals), José Luis Granell (saxophone), Salva Sanambrosio (bass), Vicente Comes [aka Paloma] (vocals, guitar) | |
Search | Add | 7 | Rüdiger Eschert | Rüdiger Eschert | Rüdiger Eschert (* 1940 in Wiesbaden) is a german graphic artist. married to [a5919514] |
Search | Add | 7 | Greg Strubutas | Greg Strubutas | Music artist from Greece. He presents electronic sounds inspired of the style of Techno genre. Inside of minimal, acids, ambient, dark atmospheric, melanholic melodies and dancing rythms inside of his experimental and industrial side. |
Search | Add | 7 | Vibrent Management | Design & eMarketing agency. | |
Search | Add | 7 | Arseholes | Hardcore punk band from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania featuring members of Pollen, Neverending Mind War and Mauser. "GBG 82 in PHL 19" | |
Search | Add | 7 | Tapani Tihinen | Tapani Kaarlo Tihinen | |
Search | Add | 7 | Аї | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Amidea Clotet | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Los Hermanos Palau | Spanish visual artist For the Cuban orchestra, please use [a1990673] | |
Search | Add | 7 | Brian Bricklin | From Philadelphia. | |
Search | Add | 7 | Rudy Wolpert | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Hanibal Eu | Massimiliano Aniballi | |
Search | Add | 7 | YDVST | Diego L. Rodriguez | Haunting and enigmatic, YDVST is a Spanish producer, artist, and art director. Initially, he mostly produced downtempo and ambient music, but he has surfaced in latest years producing trance and hip-hop records as well. He was a key role on the [l=l594392] net-label, releasing his debut EP, and his second EP, [r7200620]. Since then, YDVST has released everything independently, getting good recognition for his first self-released record [r12107596], which gave him the opportunity to play at the Sonar Festival 2018 in Barcelona. In his own words: [i]my music is a reflection of the bizarre and otherworldly nature of existence, and in its eerie beauty, finding solace in the darkness.[/i] |
Search | Add | 7 | Eleanor Jacks | Indie pop artist from Sydney, Australia. | |
Search | Add | 7 | Mus Designs | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Elayne Safir | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Maureen Tomson | New York-based singer born in Scotland on August 13, 1943. Moved to America with her family in 1953. Had a regular spot on the radio and television broadcasts of Horn & Hardart's Children Hour. Began playing night clubs in 1960. Recorded for Coral and Audio Fidelity. | |
Search | Add | 7 | Thomas Berloffa | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Ongenode Gaste | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Milan Křížanovský | Milan Křížanovský | Czech guitarist. |
Search | Add | 7 | Escalones | ||
Search | Add | 7 | The Sound Of Music Original Broadway Cast | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Sekvoj | Czech folk band | |
Search | Add | 7 | ᛘᚢᛚᛁᚿᚵ | Swedish black metal band. The name transliterates to "Myling". | |
Search | Add | 7 | Fishgutzzz | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Elenco Rádio Teatral | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Flog Diver | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Margo Broom | Producer, founder of [l1000752] | |
Search | Add | 7 | EGOed | Quentin D. Haynes | Emcee and Producer from Colorado Springs, CO, USA. |
Search | Add | 7 | Antonio Senor Tango | ||
Search | Add | 7 | Winston H Case | Winston H Case, or Winston Holmes Case, is a video director and editor, graphic designer and art director. |