Report created based on data in MusicBrainz as of 24/10/2024
Found 596840 artists, we show 1000 artists per page.
The report is not continually updated so may not reflect the current data within MusicBrainz and or Discogs databases.
These are Discogs artists not currently linked to a MusicBrainz artist, and we have been unable to find a potential link for either.
Many of these artists probably are in MusicBrainz in some form but they are not currently linked, the list is ordered so that Discogs artists with the most number of single artists releases are listed first on the basis that these artists would be of more interest.
Some problems will just be due to deficiencies in the Discogs to Musicbrainz artist matching algorithm employed by Albunack.
There are also timing issues as this report is not updated immediately so will not reflect recent modifications and additions to MusicBrainz and Discogs.
One issue in Discogs is they handle artist credits differently so a Discogs name consisting of multiple people is probably represented on MusicBrainz as two individuals, but we try to filter these out of this report
We have also omitted artists that are not unique in both MusicBrainz and Discogs because these artists are probably not missing just more difficult to match up.
Another issue is that some Discogs artists have multiple ids with one id just redirecting to the other, this is the case with Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, do we add both links to MusicBrainz ?
Limited report to artists with at least two single artist releases for now.
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Search for Artist | Add Artist | Discogs Release Count | Discogs Artist | Other Names | Comment |
Search | Add | 53 | Der Kinderchor Vera Schink | German children's choir directed by [a1407574]. | |
Search | Add | 53 | Clara Genchy | ||
Search | Add | 53 | Tim Tetzner | Artist and graphic designer based in Berlin. | |
Search | Add | 53 | Галина Карева | Галина Алексеевна Карева | Soviet opera vocalist (mezzo-soprano). January 1, 1929 - February 2, 1990. |
Search | Add | 53 | Νίκος Τσιλίφης | ||
Search | Add | 53 | Atelje Trag | Serbian songwriting/production team. From 1998 to present, Atelje Trag composed, arranged and produced numerous hits for bestselling artists from Serbia and region. In 2006. they opened the doors of their state of the art studio facility called [l=ATG Recording Studio] (a branch of Atelje Trag Group DOO). During 2010. they spread their business to Spain and the United States, collaborating mostly with signed hip hop artists. | |
Search | Add | 53 | Лазарь Лагин | Лазарь Иосифович Гинзбург | (1903 - 1979) Soviet Poet and Writer Father of [a3309162] |
Search | Add | 53 | Alexandra Petropoulos | ||
Search | Add | 53 | Dušan Alagić | Dušan Alagić | Composer, lyricist, arranger, producer and multi-instrumentalist (violin, guitar, keyboards) from Belgrade, Serbia. |
Search | Add | 53 | Tiangao Li | ||
Search | Add | 53 | Artem Kiselyov | ||
Search | Add | 53 | Second Eye Design | Alina Sturm | Media designer based in Dortmund (Germany) ARTWORKS COVERART LOGODESIGN PHOTOEDITING FLYERDESIGN COMPOSING |
Search | Add | 53 | Евгений Шварц | Евге́ний Льво́вич Шварц | Evgeny Lvovich Shvarts (21 October 1896, Kazan — January 15, 1958, Leningrad) Soviet writer and playwright whose cult works include twenty-five plays and screenplays for eleven films. |
Search | Add | 53 | Асхаб Вахарагов | ||
Search | Add | 53 | Uncle Jim O'Neal | Songwriter, producer and owner of [l230077] | |
Search | Add | 53 | Mia Krinsky | ||
Search | Add | 53 | Moo Young/Butler Assoc. Ltd. | Jamaica's leading advertising and design company, co-founded by [a=Howard Moo Young] Moo Young Butler Assoc Ltd 1st Floor 23 Parkington Plasa Kgn 10 906-3745 | |
Search | Add | 53 | Dona Klein | ||
Search | Add | 53 | Ghxt | Witch House from Milwaukee, Wisconsin. | |
Search | Add | 53 | Bauer + Möhring | Designers | |
Search | Add | 53 | Monika Nicinski | Designer. | |
Search | Add | 53 | Guillaume Wolf | ||
Search | Add | 53 | Дилан Трой | Дмитрий Монахов | Writer, designer and one of the founders of [l59761]. |
Search | Add | 53 | Vereman Enterprises | See also [l=Vereman Music] / [l=Vereman Music Publishers]. | |
Search | Add | 53 | Orchestra Raymond Bernard | ||
Search | Add | 53 | StyleForEveryMood | Kent Nyberg, Johan Vipper | |
Search | Add | 53 | | Tim&John | Creative Agency based in Paris |
Search | Add | 53 | Harald Mentor | Sami Kettunen | Prolific Finnish musician active in a number of bands and projects, ranging from black metal and death metal to noise, grindcore and punk. He also runs the label [l=Bestial Burst]. Born on November 5, 1975 in Imatra, Finland. |
Search | Add | 53 | Charles Blodgett | Art director at [l11611] in the 60's. | |
Search | Add | 53 | Polito Huertas | Polito Huertas | Puerto Rican Bass player. |
Search | Add | 53 | Él Graphic | Design company related to the [l31432] record label. | |
Search | Add | 53 | Ernst Kuratli | Swiss Accordion Player | |
Search | Add | 52 | Marc Rude | Marc Hoffman | American graphic artist, born 1954 and died 14 March 2002 in Las Vegas, Nevada. |
Search | Add | 52 | Helena Zakrzewska-Rucinska | ||
Search | Add | 52 | Saif-Ud-Din-Saif | ||
Search | Add | 52 | Kiribatian Vexillology | ||
Search | Add | 52 | Zekeriya Bozdağ | ||
Search | Add | 52 | Diego A. Manrique | Diego Alfredo Manrique | Spanish music journalist and writer Diego Alfredo Manrique (Pedrosa de Valdeporres, Burgos, 1950) best known as Diego A. Manrique. He have the Award of Cultural Journalism given by Spanish state institution, given in 2014. Also Premio Ondas in 2001. The most relevant musical journalist about music in Spain since 1975, he worked as staff member or/and freelance from the underground to the mainstream media services, press, radio and television, some of his work: Magazines: Triunfo, Disco Express, Star, Vibraciones, Rock Espezial, Rockdelux, Ruta 66, Efe Eme (founder and director), Rolling Stones among others magazines, Generalist press: EL PAÍS and El País Semanal (since mid 80s to present) Radio: Radio Burgos (70s), RNE Radio 3 in Diario pop with Ordovas (1982-84), Solo para ellas (1984-?), Ambigú (1992-2010), alos in RNE Radio 1 (La madriguera 2007-2008), general director of Radio 3 (2008-2012) Television: Popgrama (1979-1980) or Caja de ritmos (1983), Pop qué (199 ), ¡Que noche la de aquel año! or FM-2 (1988) Books: El Rock Macarra, Jinetes en la tormenta (Espasa) among others as solo author and co-author |
Search | Add | 52 | Nicolas Chevreux | Boss of [l=Ad Noiseam] label. | |
Search | Add | 52 | Ignacio Ballesteros | Ignacio Ballesteros Diaz | Spanish songwriter Ignacio Ballesteros Diaz was born in 1944. |
Search | Add | 52 | Raul Albornoz | Brazilian producer. | |
Search | Add | 52 | NORMA Gruppen | Design company from Hovås, Sweden | |
Search | Add | 52 | Государственный Джаз-Оркестр СССР | Established in 1936 by a decision of the Committee on the Arts. Art director - [a=Матвей Блантер] (Matvei Blanter), musical director (main conductor) - [a=Виктор Кнушевицкий] (Viktor Knushevsky). In 1941 a large group of musicians during wartime tour was encircled and destroyed. After the war, the orchestra is not restored. Conductors: 1936-1940 [a=Виктор Кнушевицкий] (Viktor Knushevsky) 1940-1941 [a=Александр Варламов] (Alexander Varlamov) | |
Search | Add | 52 | Kapelle Thomas Wendlinger | ||
Search | Add | 52 | Kapelle Huserbuebe | ||
Search | Add | 52 | Willy Smax | William McLellan | Willy Smax is the working name of William McLellan video and documentary director, and visual artist. |
Search | Add | 52 | Beverly Fraser | ||
Search | Add | 52 | Studio H. Noordijk | ||
Search | Add | 52 | Steve Poncio | ||
Search | Add | 52 | Kay Dee Sign | KayDeeSign | German graphic design company founded in 1993. |
Search | Add | 52 | Luiz Mocarzel | Producer and A&R director. | |
Search | Add | 52 | Daft Arts | Creative collective that work on [a1289]'s image and design. | |
Search | Add | 52 | Wayne Stierle | Founder of [l377351] , his first label, which he started while still in high school in 1961 as well as [l938644] and a successful direct mail record business [l637186]. He wore many hats from record producer on his labels to a manager at Relic Rack, Inc. in Hackensack, NJ. (1968-1969). In 1973-1974, he was listed as an A&R Director and the Research & Creative Director for [l670991]. WAYNE STIERLE, best known for being the first person to put Rock n' Roll on TV as a direct-response item, was the creator of Candlelite Records and Candlelite Music. (Direct-Responce being where phone calls are placed to order an item "not sold in stores"). The fast edits and short clips, and dramatic writing and audio/video editing by Wayne, pre-dated MTV by over seven years, and contributed to what became the basic MTV style. Cub Coda, the writer of "Smokin' In The Boys Room", called Wayne, "The Father Of MTV". Wayne worked with many artists through these years, including among others, Roy Orbison, Johnny Cash, Jerry Lee Lewis, Tony Williams the lead singer of The Platters, Bobby Darin,Fats Domino,Chuck Berry, Little Richard, Gene Vincent, The Beach Boys, Dick Clark, Dick Jacobs,Jerry Wexler, and more. Wayne wrote 9 liner notes for Elvis Presley, which is more than any writer in history. (Elvis' favorite late-night commercials were The Candlelite spots produced by Wayne). The style, and the actual words from these ground-breaking commercials are still being used every day in the selling of music on television. In late 1959, and into 1960 and 1961, Wayne was involved in re-releasing records that had failed in the latter 50's. Some of these records became so popular that they were regarded as "new" records, and actually becames early "sixties" hits. These records include, among others, "There's A Moon Out Tonight", "Baby Oh Baby", "Rip Van Winkle", and "Rama Lama Ding Dong". Wayne produced the "oldies" radio show hit that inspired the "oldies" only radio stations, that first sprang up in the seventies. The show that started the trend was a major hit in New York City. Wayne was the first person to release a commercial album series using the word "Doo-Wop", which was not a known word or term at the time. Wayne was one of the creators of Acapella. It all happened as follows: Along with Donn Fileti, Wayne discovered unreleased master recordings that were to be purchased on behalf of three people, that included Donn, Wayne, and industry vet Leo Rogers. When Leo backed out of the deal, it was taken to "Slim" at Times Records, who made the purchase. Donn left the area, and Wayne continued on, eventually owning a few of the masters from the huge tape and demo findings. These tapes included practice tapes by the great Connecticut group, The Nutmegs. Like many practice tapes, these recordings were done without paying a band, as simple showcases for either the song, or for an arranger to listen to and thereby write an arrangement for a band or small combo. These recordings were done without music, and not planned for release whatsoever. Prompted by Wayne, "Slim" decided to release The Nutmegs recordings, although he had offered to give them to Wayne in return for his various work with Times Records. ("Slim" was not very impressed with The Nutmegs, and Wayne taught him the historical value of the group that had been so important in 1955 with "Story Untold"). "Slim" felt the recordings that had no musical background needed to be highlighted as such, in part to make sure they weren't returned by customers, and in part to show the difference they represented compared to "normal" vocal group recordings. They spent weeks kicking the ideas around, with Wayne voting for various names such as "Subway Sounds", and others. Finally "Slim", who wanted to press the records, opened a dictionary and found a' capella, the "high class" term used for operatic type music done without background. It was decided that if this was what it was going to be, then it would be changed to a word that didn't even exist: Acapella. And so, the word and the style was born, and the label company was called with the copy for the first releases. This was the beginning of "Acapella", and the start of this word meaning "rock n' roll or r&b vocal groups". (As Wayne likes to point out, the first releases were put in the Italian section of many record stores, who assumed they were foreign records.). ".....we started something that we didn't intend to start....and I still think the name is wrong........but it's way too late to do anything about it..........". Wayne produced, wrote, and did the music and vocal on the only Elvis "tribute" record to be approved of by Elvis and Vernon Presley - [r14389599]. First released in 1969, and re-done in 1973, this release on which Wayne is billed as "The Phantom Of Rock", was well received, especially in Europe. (When Elvis passed away, Wayne refused all requests to re-release it, not wanting to exploit the sadness and loss. As of mid-2005, it still remains on the shelf). In the early sixties, Wayne produced a radio show that was the first rock n' roll show ever on FM Radio, and almost gives a new meaning to "underground radio"! (It was so early in FM, that the rock n' roll portion of the public did not know what FM Radio was!). Imagine a time where rock n' roll was not on FM! That was the 50's and early to mid-60's. Wayne was dedicated to preserving real rock n' roll. | |
Search | Add | 52 | Андрей Антоненко | Андрей Евгеньевич Антоненко | Russian musician-multinstrumentalist and composer in [a331797], [a1402490] Born: November 6, 1974, Leningrad |
Search | Add | 52 | Sverre Henriksen | Sverre Erik Henriksen | Norwegian producer, engineer and musician. Born in 1952 in Stavanger. |
Search | Add | 52 | Die Moosacher | ||
Search | Add | 52 | Xenso | ||
Search | Add | 52 | Charley Anderson | British bassist and founding member of [a=The Selecter]. Anderson. was born in Negril, Jamaica, but moved to Coventry when he was 11 years old. His brother and Lynval Golding were friends and often rehearsed downstairs in the Anderson garage. He gained his first stage and musical experience by dj-ing at sound systems in the Coventry area. After various stints as a soundman and guest musician he and [a1090973] formed 'Hard Top 22' consisting of members who would eventually become the Selecter: Gaps, Desmond, Komie Amanor. Though The Selecter’s success didn’t change his life financially, Charley has been quoted as saying “It was a great mental boost – like graduating with a triple Ph.D. on how to survive in music.” He refused to play on “Celebrate the Bullet” as he didn’t think it was the right direction for the band and left together with Desmond Brown. Both started The People with Silverton Hutchinson, then Chris Christie joined too. They supported the Specials and did quite a few gigs around London. But the band was dismantled after they finished one single produced by Lynval Golding and Dave Jordan. In 1982 he joined [a2984844] for their first recording and toured Ireland and UK with them. Later he moved to Mombasa, Kenya where he formed 'The Vikings Band' and worked as Entertainment Manager. In the late 1990's he became a member of the Swedish ska band [a=The Skalatones] up to their split in 2001. He now lives in Bogota, Colombia and has been in the UK recently to re-connect with some of his band mates and members of The Specials. | |
Search | Add | 52 | Mikey Williamson | Probably same artist than [a4394742] | |
Search | Add | 52 | The River Boat Five | ||
Search | Add | 52 | Eduardas Balčytis | ||
Search | Add | 52 | Aarni Lehtinen | ||
Search | Add | 52 | Steen Holkenov | Danish pianist, composer, arranger and bandleader, born 1 October 1938, died 30 July 2014. Left [a=Zenith Jazzband] in 1958. Leader of various ensembles in the 1960's and 70's. His most well-known composition is the theme for the 1970's Danish television series "Huset På Christianshavn". | |
Search | Add | 52 | Axel Dehlsen | German art graphic artist for label [l=ETERNA], [l=AMIGA] etc. (* November 23, 1938 in Schwerin - † April 29. 2021 in Motzen) | |
Search | Add | 52 | Serge Aubin | ||
Search | Add | 52 | DJ RavL | ||
Search | Add | 52 | Rana El Grupo | Grupo Rana is a salsa group founded in Guatemala. Rana began in 1974 with 6 members who regularly worked playing music for restaurants and events. In 1984 they decided to record their own music with what initiates their career as Grupo Rana. Due to the success of its founders they decided to increase the number of members and formed a band of 13 musicians, which gave them the freedom of more elaborate and complex compositions In the mid 1980s, the group was consolidated and became one of the most iconic bands at national level. In 1985, the group secured a contract with Central Records (DIDECA) and recorded their first full-length album titled Aquí, Rana El Grupo. That same year they achieved great success with more hits such as Colombia Rock, No Sonríes, El Mangú and Patacón Pisao, allowing it to be considered one of the best groups from Central America and Guatemala. In 1986 they released their third full-length: De La Cabeza a Los Pies, containing hits such as Esa Chica, Oye Muchacha and Sentimiento Nacional. | |
Search | Add | 52 | Fredy Scheim | Ferdinand Scheim | Swiss actor and comedian. Born December 26, 1892 in Biel/Bienne, Switzerland; died December 5, 1957 in Zurich, Switzerland. |
Search | Add | 52 | George Bartell | Illustrator from Los Angeles (1933-2013). Attended Art Center College in 1962 and quickly became one of the top illustrators in Southern California. | |
Search | Add | 52 | Livio Aiello | Livio Aiello | |
Search | Add | 52 | 北山幹雄 | 北山 幹雄 / Mikio Kitayama | Mikio Kitayama. TBS radio director. Credited with liner notes on Japanese releases. |
Search | Add | 52 | Paul Deej | ||
Search | Add | 52 | Mikel Barsa | Spanish promoter and artist manager (Mataró, 1951), ex-manager of [a602861] and Donna Summer (for Europe for 15 years). "Discos Barsa" owner in 1972 of various record stores in Spain in the 70s. [l975631] and [l779517] owner. | |
Search | Add | 52 | Novica Urošević | ( 5.7.1945 - 2009) Serbian folk singer and songwriter from Požarevac. | |
Search | Add | 52 | Duet Ilija I Marko Begić | ||
Search | Add | 52 | Red Boot Sound | ||
Search | Add | 52 | Roman Szolkowski | ||
Search | Add | 52 | Discrete Audio Solutions | Sound Design, Mastering, Audio Restoration, DIY Electronic, Authoring, Composition, Post production, Audio Editing, and Midi Editing house based in Dresden, Germany and run by [a=Hesed]. | |
Search | Add | 52 | DJ Martymart | Electronic dance music DJ / producer from Montreal, Québec, Canada Style focus: Trance | House | Dubstep | |
Search | Add | 52 | GC108 | ||
Search | Add | 52 | Eishi Kikkawa | Japanese musicologist. Born February 13, 1909 in Fukuyama, Hiroshima. Died April 13, 2006. Best known as a scholar of traditional Japanese music and its aesthetics. | |
Search | Add | 52 | Dead Lizard Grin | Terry Skaggs | |
Search | Add | 52 | The Starr * Company | Prince Rogers Nelson | "The Starr ★ Company" (or "[a160852]") was a pseudonym [a28795] used on production work as engineer on his own records and for production/writing credits on other artists releases such as [a109389], [a79433], [a32550] and [a76012] primarily the years preceding "[url=]Purple Rain[/url]". |
Search | Add | 52 | Dimitrij Gaydečka | Czech graphic designer. Born June 24, 1946. Died 2006 (Czech republic). | |
Search | Add | 52 | Božidar Đukić | ||
Search | Add | 52 | Wilson McLean | Graphic Designer, Painter | |
Search | Add | 52 | Сергей Сысуев | Designer, graphic artist | |
Search | Add | 52 | Willy Lipp | Wilhelm Lipp | Swiss Accordion Player |
Search | Add | 52 | Добры Молодцы | ||
Search | Add | 52 | Ivan Kelemen | Trombonist. | |
Search | Add | 52 | Barry Falkner | ||
Search | Add | 52 | Boris Frank S Svojimi Kranjci | Slovenian ensemble of popular traditional music (folk) - quintet with piano accordion and mixed duet. Founded in 1955, no more active. The founder was [a=Boris Frank]. | |
Search | Add | 52 | Michael "Kidd" Gomez | Michael Anthony Gomez | Hip-hop and house producer and songwriter. Founder of [l=More Music Records] and [l=MKG Records]. |
Search | Add | 52 | Luis Sendón | Spanish grindcore musician and illustrator. | |
Search | Add | 52 | Damage Concentration | ||
Search | Add | 52 | Betül Atlı | Betül Dengili Atlı | Turkish illustrator. Her signature is in lower cases, other Turkish illustrator, [a2166064] signature is in upper cases. |
Search | Add | 52 | | filthymedia | Graphic design studio based in Brighton, U.K. |
Search | Add | 52 | Андрей Скучалин | ||
Search | Add | 52 | Karen Meffert | Radio and television presenter from Switzerland. Born May 26th 1927 in Berlin, died 27. December 27th 2010 in Zürich. Started working for the Swiss Radio in 1961 retired from radio an television work in 1989. She's known for children's shows such as "Bettmümpfeli" and "Chummerchischte". | |
Search | Add | 52 | Alex Hohenberger | Theodoro Alexandre Hohenberger | |
Search | Add | 52 | Τα Μπουζούκια Του Στέλιου Ζαφειρίου | ||
Search | Add | 52 | David Wharin | Designer | |
Search | Add | 52 | Los Davalos | Los Dávalos was a Peruvian musical ensemble composed of the brothers [a=Victor Dávalos] and [a=José Dávalos]. The duo were primarily known for their interpretations of música criolla and the local folklore of Arequipa. Their repertoire included Peruvian waltzes, marineras, pampeñas, and huaynos. | |
Search | Add | 52 | Angelica S | Angelica Immerzeel-Sokolova (née Анжелика Соколова) | Russian Trance producer. Married Dutch DJ & producer [a=Arjan Immerzeel] in May 2014. |
Search | Add | 52 | Hugh Chris | Ran [l=Chris Records]. See also [l=Chris II]. | |
Search | Add | 52 | Joby Bond | Joby Alan Bond | 20 year old London based singer and songwriter. |
Search | Add | 52 | Bob Yorey | For his production company, see : [a7305132]. | |
Search | Add | 52 | Der Chor Von Radio Wien | ||
Search | Add | 52 | Heydendahl Concept+Design | ||
Search | Add | 52 | Jay Epoch | Jason Wohlstadter | The owner and director of [l=Proton Music], an online radio station and music label dedicated to sustaining and promoting electronic dance music. |
Search | Add | 52 | Design 3 | ||
Search | Add | 52 | Tony Vauriens | Graphic designer from Paris suburb, France Co-founder of [l122092] and [l1337159] (fanzine) | |
Search | Add | 52 | J.R. Enterprises Inc. | [a=John Richbourg]'s company title used for producer credits. For "produced for" or other credits as a company or label, please use [l610246]. | |
Search | Add | 52 | DJ Unfazed | Mike Hicks | DJ Unfazed (A.K.A Mike W. Hicks born August 23, 1971, in Chicago, IL) is an American Instrumental Artist, Producer, and label owner of Phaze1en Music LLC that is poised to Take Center Stage. DJ Unfazed is a fast-rising artist whose productions weave a captivating blend of electronic music styles. Tracks like "Check The Tape" and "Sao Paulo's Espresso" showcase a keen understanding of genre-bending soundscapes, leaving audiences eager to discover more. While details surrounding his creative process remain elusive, the music speaks volumes. Each song pulsates with an undeniable energy, evident in the meticulously crafted production and infectious rhythms. Whether it's the smooth, after-dark vibes of "Moonlight Love" or the high-octane pulse of "Game On," DJ Unfazed's sonic palette promises a journey guaranteed to move listeners. With a burgeoning presence on major streaming platforms (i.e. Apple Music, Spotify, Soundcloud), DJ Unfazed is poised for a breakout. His dedication to the craft and undeniable talent suggests a meteoric rise within the music industry. The anonymity surrounding DJ Unfazed only adds to the intrigue. As his music continues to captivate audiences, unveiling the creative mind behind the sound is a highly anticipated event. Stay tuned – DJ Unfazed is an artist poised to become a household name. |
Search | Add | 52 | Alain Leray | Painter and designer. | |
Search | Add | 52 | Faunes | ||
Search | Add | 52 | Ole Wennike | Ole Wennike | Bass player, Harmonica player |
Search | Add | 52 | Αλέκος Δήμου | ||
Search | Add | 52 | Benua Carles | Parisian based DJ, journalist, producer, publisher, manager and designer. Creator and owner of the Rythmix label, co-creator and designer of the Tone Series label. | |
Search | Add | 52 | We Are Image | Web & graphic design agency offering various audio & visual services. Based in Pembroke, Malta. | |
Search | Add | 52 | RJ.JR | ||
Search | Add | 52 | AQ Graphics, Inc. | AQ Graphics Incorporated | Art direction, graphic design. Previous President/CEO: [a=Hemu Aggarwal]. (845) 634-1980 178 N Broadway Nyack, NY 10960 |
Search | Add | 51 | Alhaaj Muhammad Owais Raza Qadri | ||
Search | Add | 51 | Derek Willman | Derek Willman | |
Search | Add | 51 | Narodni Orkestar Ismeta Alajbegovića Šerbe | ||
Search | Add | 51 | Emmerich Weninger | Austrian-Dutch painter & graphic designer (1907-1977) | |
Search | Add | 51 | Amy Finnerty | ||
Search | Add | 51 | The Coconados | ||
Search | Add | 51 | Κώστας Σκαφίδας | ||
Search | Add | 51 | Graves/Aslett Associates | Design company located in England. See also [a1833939]. | |
Search | Add | 51 | Grand Massed Brass Bands | Grand Massed Brass Bands including: St. Hilda's Professional Band; Edmonton Silver Prize Band; G. C. & Met. Railway Silver Prize Band; Stoke Newington British Legion Band. | |
Search | Add | 51 | Marek Polewski | Designer based in Berlin, Germany | |
Search | Add | 51 | Cleavon Shuler | ||
Search | Add | 51 | Lee Mastrobuono | ||
Search | Add | 51 | Dan Kirsten | Ib Glindemann | |
Search | Add | 51 | Suzanne Kisslan | Art Director | |
Search | Add | 51 | Chris Kro | Detroit, Michigan Art Designer. | |
Search | Add | 51 | Bud Tutmarc | A producer, arranger, songwriter, and multi-instrumentalist, son of [a=Paul Tutmarc] 1924-2006 | |
Search | Add | 51 | Анатолий Мешаев | Sound engineer | |
Search | Add | 51 | Коста Колев | Bulgarian composer, performer, conductor, arranger and accordionist (June 2, 1921 in Korten - August 3, 2010 in Sofia) | |
Search | Add | 51 | Satrumentalz | Satrumentalz | Cristian "Satrumentalz", Born March 28, 1979, Beatmaker and Dj from Santiago. Member and founder of "Beatxperience Crew" which was the first beatmaker collective in Chile. Since 2003 "Satrumentalz" has not stopped in the constant creation of rhythms, and this has led him to create more than 20 albums between records of beats, remixes and original productions in which his album "El Codigo", released on the 1st. January 2018. "El Codigo" shows us a musical journey through the different influences of "Satrumentalz" in the company of both Chilean and foreign emcees, where we can name: Seo2, Rick Santino, Basek, Patrio Ritmo (Puerto Rico) , E11ven (USA), etc. His last work was "Surcos & Ritmos" from 2020, which presents us with 20 instrumental cuts made between 2015 and 2020. After this he tied the EP "OXN to SCL" together with the Emcee from USA "Rayce" and this 2021 has just released a new album on vinyl 7 "with the emcees of the UK Revorg Records label" The Strange Neighbor & Big Toast " Satrumentalz has also been a fundamental part of the Chilean Rap scene and this has led him to perform in different stages throughout the country as a Beatmaker or Dj, and also to support great exponents of the world Hip Hop scene such as: Das Efx , Dave Bee !, Psycho Realm, Delinquent Habits, Cella Dwellas, MOP, ONYX. Currently "Satrumentalz" continues his work as a beatmaker developing productions from his Home Studio "Underrated Produktionz" and collaborating with people all over the world.Cristian "Satrumentalz", Nacido el 28 de Marzo de 1979, Beatmaker y Dj de Santiago. Miembro y fundador de "Beatxperience Crew" el cual fue el primer colectivo de beatmakers de Chile. --------------------- Desde el año 2003 "Satrumentalz" no a parado en la creación constante de ritmos, y esto lo a llevado a crear mas de 20 álbumes entre discos de beats, remixes y producciones originales en el cual destaca su álbum "El Codigo" lanzado el 1ro de Enero del 2018. "El Codigo" nos muestra un viaje musical por las distintas influencias de "Satrumentalz" en compañía de emcees tanto chilenos como extranjeros, en donde podemos nombrar a :Seo2, Rick Santino, Basek, Patrio Ritmo (Puerto Rico), E11ven (USA), etc. Su ultimo trabajo fue fue "Surcos & Ritmos" del año 2020, el cual nos presenta 20 cortes instrumentales realizados entre los años 2015 al 2020. Luego de esto lazo el EP "OXN to SCL" junto al Emcee de USA "Rayce" y este 2021 acaba de lanzar un nuevo trabajo en formato vinilo 7" junto a los emcees del sello Revorg Records de UK "The Strange Neighbour & Big Toast" Satrumentalz también a sido parte fundamental en la escena de Rap Chileno y esto lo a llevado a presentarse en distintos escenarios por todo el pais tanto como Beatmaker o Dj, y además a teloneado a grandes exponentes de la escena Hip Hop mundial como son: Das Efx, Dave Bee!, Psycho Realm, Delinquent Habits, Cella Dwellas, MOP, ONYX. Actualmente "Satrumentalz" continua su trabajo como beatmaker desarrollando producciones desde su Home Studio "Underrated Produktionz" y colaborando con gente por todo el mundo |
Search | Add | 51 | Nocturnal Iridescence | Born-again Christian musician and graphic designer. Runs [l1876395] and formerly ran [l1830056]. Works with, and plays in, primarily black metal and noise-related projects, though not exclusively. | |
Search | Add | 51 | Mami Bhachu | ||
Search | Add | 51 | Reha-Werbung | ||
Search | Add | 51 | Orchestra Costabile | ||
Search | Add | 51 | Srbislav Stević | Serbian graphic designer. | |
Search | Add | 51 | Hubert Sieben | Photographer from Wellington, NZ | |
Search | Add | 51 | Joel Cocchiararo | Brazilian designer/layout credits. | |
Search | Add | 51 | Rudy Marino | ||
Search | Add | 51 | iska kaek | Franziska Kempiak | Artist (Artwork & Graphic Design) from Leipzig, Germany. Contact: hallo(at) |
Search | Add | 51 | Lucas Marchetti | ||
Search | Add | 51 | Dennis Nolan | Graphic design artist. | |
Search | Add | 51 | Thomas Ramone | Thomas VEY | Sound engineer at [l=St. Joseph Studio (France)] and [] |
Search | Add | 51 | Daniel Bognár | Daniel Bognar since 2008 Art Director at [l45260] | |
Search | Add | 51 | Weskott Creations | Design agency Büro für Design & Kommunikation Lugturmstr. 45 01809 Heidenau Deutschland Tel +49 (0) 35 29 / 52 90 240 Fax +49 (0) 35 29 / 52 90 244 Mobil +49 (0) 177 / 86 36 542 E-Mail | |
Search | Add | 51 | Orchestra Aldo Pagani | ||
Search | Add | 51 | Soichiro Tanaka | 田中宗一郎 | Japanese music journalist, editor, and DJ. |
Search | Add | 51 | Умка И Броневичок | ||
Search | Add | 51 | Danny Strick | US-american A&R manager and co-producer, ex-co-president of Sony /ATV Music Publishing U.S. | |
Search | Add | 51 | Преображенный Сергий | Sergiy Fjordsson / Сергій Гордіюк | Black Metal, Dark Ambient, Dungeon Synth and Noise musician from Rivne, Ukraine. |
Search | Add | 51 | Rudolf Pache | ||
Search | Add | 51 | Fredrik Ramel | ||
Search | Add | 51 | Chalmersspex | Chalmersspexet is a student play at Chalmers Student Union at Chalmers University of Technology, which has built a new performance every year since 1948, when it was premiered with the spex Bojan. The Chalmers spex (farce) originates from the evening soiré's that the Chalmers students had to entertain the citizens of Gothenburg in the late 19th century. | |
Search | Add | 51 | Donville Davis | Cousin of [a=Mafia & Fluxy]. Founder of [l=Cou$ins Records]. | |
Search | Add | 51 | Orchestra Di Tonino Esposito | ||
Search | Add | 51 | Gabor Lenđel | Gabor Lenđel | Keyboards player, leader of 'Teška Industrija'. Owner of studio [l=Muzički Atelje, Subotica]. |
Search | Add | 51 | Armon Bazile | Armon Bazile | |
Search | Add | 51 | Alan J. Peters | Alan John Peters | British classical violinist, producer, and impresario. Died November 2, 2017. He was a member of the [a=London Philharmonic Orchestra], the [a=Royal Philharmonic Orchestra], the [a=Philharmonia Orchestra] and was leader of the [a=Orchestra Of The Royal Opera House, Covent Garden]. As an independent record producer, he recorded hundreds of music tracks both classical and easy listening. After he retired from performing, he acted as producer for the worlds largest set of recordings with one Orchestra (Royal Philharmonic Orchestra) between 1992 and 1997, recording over 150 albums at [l264641]. |
Search | Add | 51 | Draven Stedman | Ava Stedman | Former/birth name of [a11789471]. |
Search | Add | 51 | Marcos Lizama | Mexican musician and conductor. | |
Search | Add | 51 | Clarence E. Snow | Clarence Eugene Snow | Canadian country musician, better known by his stage name [i]Hank Snow[/i]. Born 9 May 1914 in Brooklyn, Nova Scotia; died 20 December 1999. [b]Note:[/b] Credits that either are the real surname alone (or misspellings thereof) or include the real forename (or its initial) belong to this real name profile. |
Search | Add | 51 | Giorgio Mangora | Italian record producer from La Spezia, founder and owner of [l202396], [l58590], [l49461], [l45278]. Father of [a1912227]. | |
Search | Add | 51 | Ruebi Walter | Rüdiger Walter | Brother of [a=Reini Walter]. |
Search | Add | 51 | Arnie Hoffman | Founder of Laughing Hyena independent record label/brand licensing company. [l171516] [l151314] [l539803] | |
Search | Add | 51 | Terry Blamey | ||
Search | Add | 51 | Gijsbert Nieuwland | Dutch conductor, pianist and organ player Born: May, 5th, 1912 Gouda Died: January, 22th, 1975 Hilversum Conducted [a992349] from 1945 until 1957. | |
Search | Add | 51 | Banda De Aviación Española | Spanish brass band | |
Search | Add | 51 | Bronislav Bruno Kovařík | Bronislav Bruno Kovařík | Czech bass guitarist and vocalist. Born june 27, 1970 |
Search | Add | 51 | 張蓉蓉 | Taiwanese singer, born on November 25, 1963 in Hsinchu, Taiwan. | |
Search | Add | 51 | El Cholo Berrocal | Juan Isidoro Berrocal Coronado | Born in Caraveli, Arequipa, Peru, March 14, 1936, died in Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico on January 24, 1984. Author, composer and performer with a repertoire of peruvian valses that despite the time elapsed, still stands: that is something that happens only idols. Successes like "Payaso", "Mujer Ingrata", "Beatita Melchorita" and "Caravelí". |
Search | Add | 51 | Kazuyoshi Hirano | 平野和祥 | Japanese rock music critic. Born in Niigata. Has worked in editorial positions for various Japanese music magazines, including Crossbeat, Burrn!, and CD Journal. |
Search | Add | 51 | First Avenue Management | British music management company | |
Search | Add | 51 | Harold M. Kramer | American illustrator best known for his work in [i]Esquire[/i] (1912-1995) | |
Search | Add | 51 | Roberto Maderna | Italian graphic designer. | |
Search | Add | 51 | . · . · | Sign of a lacquer cut specialist on mexican releases for different companies, mainly for [l=Musart] label , sometimes with variances like " . · . . " or " · . . ." | |
Search | Add | 51 | Jofeca | ||
Search | Add | 51 | Aaron Russo | American entertainment businessman, film producer, director and political activist. Born: 14 February 1943 - Died: 24 August 2007 | |
Search | Add | 51 | Chor Des Nordwestdeutschen Rundfunks Hamburg | German Choir, founded 1946 by the broadcaster [l735444] (NWDR) in Hamburg. It was renamed to [a655270] in 1955 and is since then affiliated to the radio station [a1274734] (NDR). | |
Search | Add | 51 | Warner McPherson | Warner Hensley McPherson Jr. | American Country music singer and songwriter. Best know as [a444586]. Born: April 2, 1935 in Nashville, Tennessee Died: March 1, 2022 in Nashville, Tennessee |
Search | Add | 51 | Esther Dobongna | Esther Dobong'Na | Esther Dobong’Na Essienne, known as [a=Estha Divine], is a multi-instrumentalist of Cameroonian origin born in Paris. She entered the conservatory at 5 years old and came out with a prize at the piano. She learned drums, bass and guitar (self-taught) and composed her first pieces at 12 years old. In 1982, she formed the Blackheart Daughters trio with her two sisters (including Princess Erika, for whom she would later provide backing vocals in solo recordings), occupying voice, bass and drums. She released the single "Ayana", with an African and soul atmosphere and in 1997 performed the two main titles of the film "Les sœurs Soleil": "Show Me the Way" and "Les hommes je les consomme". Always faithful to [a=Mylène Farmer] for nearly twenty years, Estha Divine provides the backing vocals on All the star's tours since the 1996 Tour, and participates as a backing singer in the recording of some studio titles (C'est dans l'air, A force of…, Have we ever, Down here…, You do not say it). Esther is a sister of the singer and actress [a=Princess Erika]. |
Search | Add | 51 | Theodor Popp | German director of radio plays | |
Search | Add | 51 | Manuel Roessler | Manuel Roessler | Manuel Roessler is an international mastering engineer and mixer. He is running and owning Roessler Mastering, a high end mastering facility. |
Search | Add | 51 | DJ Bartdon | Fernando Bardón Ruiz | Breaks producer from Málaga (Spain). |
Search | Add | 51 | Luigi Ojival | A producer and songwriter who founded the [l=L.C.O. Productions] company. | |
Search | Add | 51 | Aaron Overton | ||
Search | Add | 51 | Designppk | French design company. | |
Search | Add | 51 | Rolandas Replevičius | ||
Search | Add | 51 | Kid's Praise! | The Kids Praise Album! (aka Kids' Praise! 1 - An Explosion of Happiness) is an American 1980 Maranatha! children's Christian music album that features Psalty the Singing Songbook. It is the first album in a long-running series of Kids Praise! and other Psalty related albums. The album was written by [a=Debby Kerner] & [a=Ernie Rettino] (Mr. Rettino plays Psalty). This album has been credited to "The Maranatha! Kids" and to "The Kids' Praise Kids." | |
Search | Add | 51 | Marc Kellaway | Danish indie musician | |
Search | Add | 51 | Learco Gianferrari | Learco Gianferrari | Italian author, accordion and trumpet player (Bibbiano (Re), 1939 - Cavriago (Re), 2002). |
Search | Add | 51 | Valido | Tiede van der Steege | Hardstyle DJ Producer From The Netherlands |
Search | Add | 51 | Holly Friedman | ||
Search | Add | 51 | David S. Blanco | David Santiago Blanco | London based graphic designer and operator of [l551882]. |
Search | Add | 51 | Greg Boraman | Plays Hammond organ and electric piano in The Fantastics! (formerly known as Reverand Cleatus & The Soul Saviours). He's also a drummer for the band Captain Hammond. Runs [l=Soul Bank Music]. | |
Search | Add | 51 | Алла Иошпе И Стахан Рахимов | Soviet family vocal duo. Founded in 1963, Moscow, USSR | |
Search | Add | 51 | Adam Kindred | Canadian illustrator and musician. | |
Search | Add | 51 | Mike Kokken | ||
Search | Add | 51 | Aluizio Falcão | Aluízio Falcão | Brazilian journalist, songwriter, and producer. He was music director and one of the founding members of [l162937]. b.: Caruaru, PE |
Search | Add | 51 | J.P. Bendzinski | J.P. Bendzinski | Engineer/Producer/Musician in Long Beach, CA - originally from Seattle, WA. |
Search | Add | 51 | Tom Korttila | ||
Search | Add | 51 | OrangeGuyProductions | Richard Steven Socop | Producer, mixer, and, Founder of [l2599849]. |
Search | Add | 51 | Ди Джей Лаки | Legendary presentor of huge Russian pirate series [l715979] | |
Search | Add | 51 | Mehmet Bozdoğan | ||
Search | Add | 51 | Catalino Curet Alonso | Catalino Curet Alonso | Catalino Curet Alonso (born February 26, 1926, Guayama, Puerto Rico - died August 5, 2003, Baltimore, Maryland, USA) also known as [a1776582] was a Puerto Rican composer of over 2,000 salsa songs. |
Search | Add | 51 | Paula Davies | UK vocalist and background singer | |
Search | Add | 51 | Francisco Spaventa | Argentinian born tango singer and actor (Las Rosas (Santa Fe), 25 Oct. 1896 - 13 Jul. 1951), also known as Pancho, he met most of his success in Europe than rather than in his native country -- brother of [a4564649] with whom he happened to ding in duo. | |
Search | Add | 51 | Ajayi Kanayo Mokwenyei | ||
Search | Add | 51 | Jaroslav Palkoska | Young organist from the Czech Republic, born in March 2003, active since 2011. | |
Search | Add | 50 | Marc Beekhuis | Marc Beekhuis | Marc Beekhuis is a Swiss graphic designer. |
Search | Add | 50 | Coro Angelo Di Mario | ||
Search | Add | 50 | deatsdesign | Graphic design studio. | |
Search | Add | 50 | Wim Voets | Graphic designer for [l1555787] | |
Search | Add | 50 | Jodlerklub Berna | Swiss yodeling club from Bern, founded in 1908. | |
Search | Add | 50 | Українська Капела Бандуристів Ім. Т. Шевченка | The Taras Shevchenko Ukrainian Bandurist Ensemble and Chorus of North America (or simply "Ukrainian Bandurist Chorus) is a male choir, whose members also play on the bandura. It was founded in 1941 in Kyiv, but after WW2 it was reformed in 1949 based in Detroit, though members living in many cities in North America. | |
Search | Add | 50 | Ultra Music DJs | This is who mixes Ultra Music/Records compilations when a DJ is not named or presented. Consists of David Waxman, Jason Killgore, and other Ultra Music workpeople. | |
Search | Add | 50 | Judi Dransfield | Visual artist, wife of [a381695] | |
Search | Add | 50 | Raymond Bannerman | Graphic designer and creative director at [a5796586] in Sydney, Australia. | |
Search | Add | 50 | Atilla Alpsakarya | ||
Search | Add | 50 | Валерьян Поляков | Валерьян Егорович Поляков = Valerian Egorovich Polyakov | (1907 - 1967) An outstanding gypsy guitarist, accompanist-arranger, famous artist of the Romen theater. One of the sons of the head of the Moscow Gypsy choirs [a=Егор Поляков]. |
Search | Add | 50 | Francesca Caldara | ||
Search | Add | 50 | Rick Dobbis | Marketing manager and art director | |
Search | Add | 50 | Carlos Monteiro De Souza | José Carlos Monteiro de Souza | |
Search | Add | 50 | Mały Władziu | Walter Jagiello | Chicago concertina, drums, bandleader owner of [l=Jay Jay Records (2)] 1930-2006 |
Search | Add | 50 | Cehlert Graphics | German artwork/design company from Hamburg. Cehlert Graphics Paul-Dessau-Str. 3e 22761 Hamburg | |
Search | Add | 50 | Andrew Unknown | Andrew Kelley | |
Search | Add | 50 | The Square Red Studio | Design studio. | |
Search | Add | 50 | Alas Rotas | Mexican one-man black metal act from Morelia. | |
Search | Add | 50 | Earl Turbinton | Earl Turbinton, Jr. | American saxophonist and horns player active as session musician since the 50's in the New Orleans scene. Brother of Wilson "[a344723]" Turbinton Born: September 23, 1941 in New Orleans, Louisiana. Dead: August 3, 2007 in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. |
Search | Add | 50 | VEB VMW "Ernst Thälmann" Werk Gotha-Druck | printing and lithography plant in the GDR see also [l299531] | |
Search | Add | 50 | Wanda Osten | Hella von der Osten-Sacken | |
Search | Add | 50 | DJ Strogov | ||
Search | Add | 50 | Coimbatore Thayi | ||
Search | Add | 50 | Danielle Otrakji | Danielle Otrakji | Fine artist, illustrator and graphic designer based in Brooklyn, New York. |
Search | Add | 50 | Nikolay KeffArt | Николай Ефимов | |
Search | Add | 50 | Robin Barriault | Canadian (Québec) accordionist born on April 12, 1963, in Baie-des-Capucins (Gaspésie). | |
Search | Add | 50 | Peter Vernon-Kell | Pianist | |
Search | Add | 50 | Kurt Grieder | Kurt Grieder is a Swiss born sound engineer and musician. He worked as a mastering engineer for Jugoton in Yugoslavia in the late 50's and early 60's, where he also composed a few scores in the musique concrète style for the Zagreb School Of Animated Arts. Among them, the award winning "Samac" ("Loner") by [a=Vatroslav Mimica] in 1958. | |
Search | Add | 50 | Ian B. MacLeod | ||
Search | Add | 50 | Mukunda Das Adhikary | ||
Search | Add | 50 | Gaël Vignol | Gaël Vignol | Freelance graphic designer based in Paris, France. Mainly worked on artwork for [l=DJ Center Records]' label [l=Paradise Records (12)]. Contact: |
Search | Add | 50 | Adam Wojtecki | ||
Search | Add | 50 | C0P | Akos Varga | Dublin based DJ / Art Director / Journalist active since 1995 |
Search | Add | 50 | dj mark van park | ||
Search | Add | 50 | Brno Radio Pops Orchestra | Orchestr Studio Brno | Orchestra of the Czechoslovak Radio Brno. Founded in 1951 as “[a=Brněnský estrádní rozhlasový orchestr]” (BERO). In 1965 split to “Orchestr Studio Brno” (OSB) conducted by [a=Erik Knirsch] and “[a=Velký smyčcový orchestr] Československého rozhlasu” (VSOČR – Large String Orchestra of the Czechoslovak Radio) conducted by [a=Miloš Machek] or [a=Jiří Hudec (2)], reunited as OSB in 1970. |
Search | Add | 50 | Хор Ансамбля Московского Городского Дворца Пионеров | Choir of the [a1581458] (Soviet Pioneers' Song and Dance Ensemble). | |
Search | Add | 50 | Reserction | ||
Search | Add | 50 | Lush Strings | ||
Search | Add | 50 | Χρήστος Σταμούλης | ||
Search | Add | 50 | Orchestre Sinza | Group formed in 1965 in Ouenzé, Brazzaville, Republic of Congo. Founder members included [a7877420], [a4025294], [a4576937] and [a4025295]. [a1669375] joined the group in 1968. | |
Search | Add | 50 | Fred Moch | Trumpeter. | |
Search | Add | 50 | Ansambl Svetomira Šešića | ||
Search | Add | 50 | Claudiu Stefan | Claudiu Ștefan | Romanian graphic & product designer based in Bucharest, graduated from the National University of Arts. |
Search | Add | 50 | Carton Clan | Czech design company. Members: Martin Hůla — graphic design, animation, music, sound Jiří Vaněk — graphic design, ilustrations, infographics Kristýna Šlajchrtová — graphic design, corrections, illustrations Marie Čtveráčková — text, PR, creative consultation Contact: Carton Clan s.r.o. Petrohradská 3 101 00 Praha 10 – Vršovice Czech republic clan @ +420 606 601 706 | |
Search | Add | 50 | Pierre Laurendeau | Québec Singer-Songwriter, Musician and Producer. Born in Montréal in 1942. | |
Search | Add | 50 | ITF Grafik Design | Graphic design company in Berlin, Germany. Run by [a1887294] and [a6573421]. Email: | |
Search | Add | 50 | Flash Sanchez | ||
Search | Add | 50 | Shanmuga Vadivoo | ||
Search | Add | 50 | Handorgelduett Betschart-Rogenmoser | ||
Search | Add | 50 | طارق أبو النصر | Tarek Abu al-Nasr is a designer at the Saudi Arabian company [l=فنون الجزيرة] (Funoon Al Jazeera for Art Production and Distribution). | |
Search | Add | 50 | Archie Bleyer Orchestra | ||
Search | Add | 50 | Darrill Connelly | American cartoonist & illustrator | |
Search | Add | 50 | Kyle Niland | ||
Search | Add | 50 | Stephanie Mauer | ||
Search | Add | 50 | Herbert Anton | German bassoonist. | |
Search | Add | 50 | Marks Mankwane | South African guitarist, composer, arranger and producer | |
Search | Add | 50 | Milestone Workshop | ||
Search | Add | 50 | Botbol | Haim Abitbol | Haim Botbol (artist name) Moroccan jew singer and musician born in 1936 in Fes |
Search | Add | 50 | Luigi Falagario | Artist; runs [l=Almost Halloween Time]. | |
Search | Add | 50 | Б. Гулуашвили | ბ. გულუაშვილი | Artworks painter. |
Search | Add | 50 | Pedrito Rico | Pedro Rico Cutillas | Spanish singer, dancer and actor (Elda, Alicante, 07 September, 1932 - Barcelona, 21, June, 1988). |
Search | Add | 50 | Albin Skoda | Albin Michael Johann Skoda | Austrian actor and voice actor, born 29 September 1909 in Vienna, Austria and died 22 September 1961 in Vienna, Austria. |
Search | Add | 50 | Remo Albrecht | Art Director and co-owner for Switzerland-based label [url=] Elusive Sound [/url] | |
Search | Add | 50 | Arne Kaupang | Arne Kaupang | Techno artist from Norway |
Search | Add | 50 | Tony Arden | Italian 60's singer. | |
Search | Add | 50 | Nick Defender | Nick Harris | |
Search | Add | 50 | Ираклий Андроников | Ираклий Луарсабович Андроников (Андроникашвили) | |
Search | Add | 50 | Grebo Gray | Visual Artist | |
Search | Add | 50 | Lietuvos Valstybinės Filharmonijos Choras | Chorus of Lithuanian state philharmony. | |
Search | Add | 50 | Georges Montalba | Rumored to by pseudonym of either Anton LeVay, head of the Church Of Satan or pipe organist Robert Hunter. | |
Search | Add | 50 | Boussouar El Maghnaoui | Boussouar El Maghnaoui (born 1955 in Oujda, Morocco) is a Moroccan rai singer, songwriter and producer. | |
Search | Add | 50 | Nello Ciangherotti | Nello Ciangherotti (Milano, August 4, 1930) is a Italian conductor, composer and arranger. | |
Search | Add | 50 | Alper Atakan | Alper Atakan | Turkish producer (4 July 1979 in Yalova). |
Search | Add | 50 | Felix Goes Clubbing | Independent electronic project based in Galicia, Spain. | |
Search | Add | 50 | S. Mosquera | Miami-based graphic artist and designer. Created cover art for many Latin records in the 1960s and 1970s. | |
Search | Add | 50 | John Forsell | Carl Johan Jacob Forsell | Swedish operatic baritone and vocal teacher, born 6 November 1869 in Stockholm, Sweden and died 30 May 1941 in Stockholm, Sweden. |
Search | Add | 50 | Orquesta De Mario Ruíz Armengol | Orquesta Mario Ruíz Armengol | |
Search | Add | 50 | Mark Drillich | Mark Drillich | |
Search | Add | 49 | Tomi Kerminen | Finnish visual designer. | |
Search | Add | 49 | Ansambl Aleksandra Todorovića Krnjevca | ||
Search | Add | 49 | Sláva Mach | Pravoslav Mach | b.: 1902 d.: June 05, 1965 Czech conductor and composer. |
Search | Add | 49 | Gianpaolo Bresciani | Giampaolo Bresciani | Italian sound engineer. In early 80s has risen to hit the headlines for his works strictly related to the Italo-Disco productions made at [l=Titania Studios] (recording studios founded in Via P. Santacroce 131, Rome in 1971 by [a=Massimo Di Cicco], co-owner of [l=Lupus] Record, passed away July 6, 2013) . Was the sound engineer and mixing technician's reference for arrangers such as [a=Al Festa], [a=Pierluigi Giombini], [a=Romano Musumarra] and artists such as [a=Jeanne Mas], [a=Gazebo], [a=Ryan Paris], [a=Natasha King]. |
Search | Add | 49 | Andrew Fuhrmann | Andrew Fuhrmann joined the NYC underground label ZE Records in July of 1980 and was responsible for all aspects of production publishing and business affairs. He worked closely with Michael Zilkha and in addition was responsible for much of the art direction of the label's covers. To his credit are covers for the Waitresses, Was(Not Was), Alan Vega and Sweet Pea Atkinson. | |
Search | Add | 49 | Diophonic | ||
Search | Add | 49 | Arturo Medellín | Visual artist | |
Search | Add | 49 | Michael A. Patist | Michael A. Patist | Electronic dance music producer and artwork designer from Amsterdam, Netherlands |
Search | Add | 49 | Joel Cain | ||
Search | Add | 49 | Bad Bad Badingo | ||
Search | Add | 49 | Harry Felberts Orkester | ||
Search | Add | 49 | Francesc Guitart | Spanish painter, engraver, sculptor and photographer. Since the 70s, he has presented a total of 56 individual exhibitions in galleries in Spain, Germany, Belgium, Holland, USA, Japan and Luxembourg. | |
Search | Add | 49 | Barry Oslander | Barry David Oslander | American A&R executive and producer. A&R director at [l11611] in the 60s. Born: February 5, 1939 in Bronx, New York Died: October 29, 2021 in Las Vegas, Nevada |
Search | Add | 49 | Stephen Meltzer | Art Director Has worked at [l=Motown] since the early '90s. | |
Search | Add | 49 | Janie Gans | ||
Search | Add | 49 | Cal Glover-Wessel | Caldon Glover | Non-Binary Electronic artist from Vermont focusing on Doom, Industrial and Dark Ambient styles. |
Search | Add | 49 | Billy Terrell | Soul - disco songwriter - producer, born in November 14, 1944. Collaborated with [a=Ray Dahrouge] among others. | |
Search | Add | 49 | Ahmed Khelifi | Ahmed Abbas Ben Aïssa | Khelifi Ahmed (Arabic: خليفي أحمد); with his real name Ahmed Abbas Ben Aïssa (in Arabic: أحمد عباس بن عيسى); (June 1, 1921, Sidi Khaled (Biskra - March 18, 2012, Algiers), is the most famous performer of the Algerian Bedouin genre. He is celebrated as "the singer of the steppe." |
Search | Add | 49 | 3 Beat Label Management Ltd. | ||
Search | Add | 49 | Thomas Fundora | American Cuban-born producer, songwriter, and record label executive. He was also poet and painter. For his company, please see [l=Thomas Fund Productions]. Born: March 7, 1929 in Havana, Cuba Died: December 10, 2009 in Key Largo, Florida | |
Search | Add | 49 | The Statler Dance Orchestra | ||
Search | Add | 49 | Mathías Tabassi | Mathías Tabassi is a musician and producer born in Montevideo, Uruguay in 1984. He began his activity in mid-1999, playing in pubs and small festivals in the local under of his hometown as a bassist. Since 2006 and from now on he has been based in Barcelona, being part of different bands of Vic's alternative scene such as Plastic Project, Anthill, Phono, Dynádromo, Geometric Silence, Leit Motiv among others. Immersed in electronics, pop and new wave, he composes and produces his first solo album Ecuación Sonora (2016) and the single Vodelar (2019). Both materials mix the electrical and organic, creating enveloping soundscapes with nuances of light and darkness. He's currently working on his second solo album “Medida Universal” with release date for September 2024. | |
Search | Add | 49 | Maria Agozzino | Graphic designer. | |
Search | Add | 49 | Magna Romagna | Italian project | |
Search | Add | 49 | Vrije | Experimental industrial/electronics duo of the brothers Alan and Steve Freeman, Leicester, UK. The project existed 1981 to 84, after which it was renamed [a328969]. | |
Search | Add | 49 | Saskia Randt | Cover designer. | |
Search | Add | 49 | S. Bloodbath | Goregrind/Noisecore/Gorenoise/Vomitnoise/HNW/Breakcore artist from Barranquilla, Colombia. founder of [l=Gangrenous Stomatitis Productions] and [l=Mierdero Auditivo Records]. | |
Search | Add | 49 | 2190 | 2190 is an American Singer/Songwriter from Florida who debuted with his album, Vast, in 2020 | |
Search | Add | 49 | Serbiey | Electronic artist on [l=IKONIZE Records] | |
Search | Add | 49 | Bruce McCauley | ||
Search | Add | 49 | Lindsay Skilling | ||
Search | Add | 49 | Fabian Bremer | Musician from Leipzig, Germany. | |
Search | Add | 49 | David Sprinfield | Daniel Sauveur Tome | |
Search | Add | 49 | Marjan Žnidarič | Slovenian historian, curator and museum artist. Born 29 July 1946 in Sobetinci. Between 1984 and 1990 was the managing director and editor-in-chief of the [l=Založba Obzorja Maribor]. | |
Search | Add | 49 | Balassa Tamás Együttese | ||
Search | Add | 49 | Los Kory Huayras | ||
Search | Add | 49 | Marilena Preda-Sânc | Visual artist & designer for [l=Electrecord] | |
Search | Add | 49 | Евгений Путилов | ||
Search | Add | 49 | Детский Хор Большого Театра СССР | Children's Chorus of the Bolshoi Theater | |
Search | Add | 49 | Harry Grodberg | Гарри Яковлевич Гродберг | Organ player. (3 января 1929, Клайпеда, — 10 ноября 2016, Москва — советский и российский органист. Народный артист Российской Федерации (1992), лауреат Государственной премии РФ (2001). |
Search | Add | 49 | Jan Zukowski | Bassist and singer | |
Search | Add | 49 | Luis D'Artagnan Sarmiento | Luis Alberto Sarmiento | Argentinian producer (EMI), A&R director (BMG Argentina), songwriter |
Search | Add | 49 | João Frederico | Visual artist at the [l=Hayes] label. | |
Search | Add | 49 | R-Bennig | ||
Search | Add | 49 | Muhamed Šehić Hamić | ||
Search | Add | 49 | Malcolm Pool | Malcolm R. Pool | Bassist from the UK |
Search | Add | 49 | Cyd Kilbey | Cynthia Kilbey Gorman ("Cyd") began her professional art career when, at the age of 16, she was commissioned to design a holiday greeting card for the American Hotel and Motel Association. Since then, her work has appeared in various shows and galleries from Connecticut to Florida. A former record album cover designer, with the company [a5103381], Cyd has been working in the computer graphics field since 1985. She has created graphics for television, newspaper & magazine publications, posters & brochures, annual reports, charts & graphs, slide presentations and web sites. Clients have ranged from large financial institutions to famous jazz musicians. In 1983, Cyd received two Creativity Show Awards for album covers designed for an independent record label in New York. She won first place for best oil painting “Skull Study” in the 1999 Ferguson Library Show in Stamford, CT. In the 2001 Library Show, she was given the blue ribbon for best photograph “New Zealand New Year's”. In 2003, Cyd received an Honorable Mention in the Stamford Art Association’s Black, White and Grey Show for her sculpture “Age before Beauty”. Cyd has a certificate in web design from United Digital Artists in Manhattan and a BFA from Temple University Tyler School of Art in Philadelphia, PA. She is a member of the Stamford Art Association and the Northwest CT Arts Council. | |
Search | Add | 49 | Yasunobu Yamashita | Yasunobu Yamashita | ヤスノブ ヤマシタ Graphic Design. |
Search | Add | 49 | Nullo Romani | Italian American violinist and composer (b. September 6, 1889 in Livorno, Italy - d. ) Romani emigrated to the United States before 1920; he became a naturalized citizen in 1928. Between 1923 and 1928, he recorded dozens of records with [l=Columbia]. In 1925, he also recorded eight titles in two sessions with [l=Victor]. Romani's recordings usually featured him as a solo violinist, accompanied by guitar or mandolin and guitar. Starting in 1926, he fronted an entire orchestra. On some of his latest recordings, from 1928, he stars together with his friend, Italian tenor [a=Raoul Romito], on others, he fronts an orchestra that features a Hawaiian guitar or even a musical saw. Nullo Romani composed numerous songs, often with titles in Southern Italian dialect, such as "Asciari Un Capidduzzu" (1920) or "'A Mulinara" (1921). | |
Search | Add | 49 | Mr. Chivo | Mexican cumbia / tejano band created in 1980, also known as Mister Chivo or Grupo Chivo, they were signed by the label DLV (1985 to 1995), then by Sony. | |
Search | Add | 49 | Luke Benz | Gergő Lukács | Rapper from Zalaegerszeg, Hungary, currently living in UK. Member of [l=Garage Productions (2)] since 2017. |
Search | Add | 49 | Das Reil-Trio | German ensemble (1945-1997) for baroque music founded by [a=Ilse Reil] | |
Search | Add | 49 | Мариета Ангелова | ||
Search | Add | 49 | Teddy Corosine | ||
Search | Add | 49 | Tom Morgenstern | German musician and sound engineer. Built and operated his own recording studio from 1982-1992. Actually a guitarist, he played bass in the Dortmund-based Post-Punk/Alternative band "Die Zinnförster" from 1984 to 1989. Since he became a professional sound engineer in 1992, he works for a broadcasting station. He is specialized in audio restoration and CD/Vinyl mastering (company: TMProductions). | |
Search | Add | 49 | Luis Antonio Generani | Argentine Artwork Designer. He worked for Argentine and Venezuelan labels. | |
Search | Add | 49 | Bryce Laing | Scottish producer. | |
Search | Add | 49 | Gokulacandra | ||
Search | Add | 49 | Warren Rand | American saxophonist, born in 1953 in Albany, Oregon, USA. | |
Search | Add | 49 | Nova Graphics, Inc. | ||
Search | Add | 49 | إبراهيم الراديو | إبراهيم علي حسن محمود كامل = Ibrahim Ali Hassan Mahmoud Kamel | Ibrahim al-Radio is an Egyptian music arranger. Born on October 8, 1955, and died on April 6, 2020, in Egypt. |
Search | Add | 49 | Gauhar Jan | Indian classical music courtesan-singer of Calcutta in the early 20th century. | |
Search | Add | 49 | Henry Stahlbert | American illustrator active in the 1940s & 50s | |
Search | Add | 49 | Forbes King | Forbes King was a member of the New Zealand duo, Kingrow, and the man behind the solo project, Gosney. He is more focused on writing stories now and has been since 2011. | |
Search | Add | 49 | F16 Arts | Gilberto Ramos | |
Search | Add | 49 | Emma Maleras | Spanish castanet (castañuelas) player and dancer. Born 1919 in Ripollet, died 13.06.2017 in Barcelona. | |
Search | Add | 49 | Neil Amsterdam | Ole Georg Hansen | |
Search | Add | 49 | Frank Boggs | Frank Boggs has sung with the Atlanta Symphony Chorus and Chamber Singers under Robert Shaw. He has studied with Dr. John Finley Williamson, Norman Luboff, Fred Waring, Paul Salamonovich, Eph Ehley, Sir David Wilcox, John Rutter and Don Neuen. Soloist at the Service of Prayer and Dedication for Queen Elizabeth. Mr. Boggs had his own show on BBC Radio and sang six BBC Television Specials. Frank was the first recording artist for WORD Records and has recorded 24 albums over the past 50 years. He was Choral Director at The Westminster Schools in Atlanta, GA. for 23 years. He was recently nominated for induction into the Georgia Music Hall of Fame. | |
Search | Add | 49 | Maurice Bolyer | Maurice Joseph Beaulieu | Canadian musician and composer. Known as "King of the Banjo" even though he was also proficient in many other instruments. . Canadian Country Music Hall of Fame b. December 1, 1920 in Edmunston, New Brunswick d. August 18, 1978 in Toronto, Ontario |
Search | Add | 49 | Plavi Ansambl | Plavi Ansambl | Serbian pop/jazz ensemble formed in Spring 1957. |
Search | Add | 49 | Trajik1 | Trajik1 is a rap artist from Morgan Hill, CA. He began his rap career as one half of the rap group [a8246096] alongside rap artist [a8247867]. Along with producer [a8247926], they released the 2002 debut project [r16161600] as a limited release. His debut solo album [r17927224] was released in 2002, as a homemade project. The original version was pressed at home and later re-released as a professionally pressed project. His first 6 albums all followed this strategy until he released [r16161105] in 2016 after an original release forecast of 2008. He then stopped working on music until his 2021 project [r16923246] that re-introduced him to the Bay Area rap scene. | |
Search | Add | 49 | Steven Chorney | American graphic designer and illustrator, born 1951 in Washington, DC. | |
Search | Add | 49 | Jeremy Gloff | Jeremy Gloff | Jeremy Gloff is a musician currently residing in Tampa Florida. Gloff began releasing music as part of the DIY home recording scene in the early 1990s. While living in western NY he released a series of passionate, raw albums on cassette (later reissued on CD). After moving to Tampa Gloff continued to release music, winning many local awards for his songwriting. Gloff has collaborated with hundreds of artists over the course of his 24 albums. |
Search | Add | 49 | Clare Romano Ross | American graphic designer, printmaker & educator (1922-2017). Along with her husband [a=John Ross (20)], one of the most influential design teams of the 20th century. | |
Search | Add | 49 | Chuck Berry Music, Inc. | Publishing company launched in mid-1958 affiliated with [a=Chuck Berry]. Often listed as the writing credit on releases. See also shorter form [a=Chuck Berry Music] See also company profiles [l=Chuck Berry Music] / [l=Chuck Berry Music Inc.] | |
Search | Add | 49 | عمر فودة | Omar Fouda is an Egyptian sound engineer. His name can also be transliterated as Omar Foda. | |
Search | Add | 49 | Ewa Pomorska | ||
Search | Add | 49 | Memoryhead | Vaporwave artist. | |
Search | Add | 49 | John Garrett Slaby | ||
Search | Add | 49 | P. Bars | P. Bars or Peter Bars is a pseudonym of [a=H.G. Francis] (Hans Gerhard Franciskowsky), a german playwright and scriptwriter, born 14 January 1936 in Itzehoe, Germany, died 3 November 2011 in Hamburg, Germany. | |
Search | Add | 49 | Conrado Domínguez H. | Chief executive officer (CEO) of [l=Discos Fuentes] | |
Search | Add | 49 | Meeksville Sound | ||
Search | Add | 49 | Delicate Instruments | ||
Search | Add | 49 | Handharfen-Klub Frohsinn Bern | ||
Search | Add | 49 | The Super Pops | ||
Search | Add | 49 | Ansambl Đorđa Negovanovića | ||
Search | Add | 49 | Martin De La Plaza | José Manuel G. Martín De La Plaza. Worked for [l111596] and [l79996] among others. | |
Search | Add | 49 | Tomasz Wakulewski | ||
Search | Add | 49 | Dick Fijnheer | Dutch sleeve designer and book illustrator who worked for [l264791]. | |
Search | Add | 49 | Капела "Думка" | "[b]Dumka[/b]" is a Ukrainian choir founded in 1919. Its specializes in religious choral and acapella works. | |
Search | Add | 49 | John Sparkz | Mixing and mastering engineer from New Jersey with a Master Certificate from Berklee College of Music and two Avid Pro Tools Certificates. | |
Search | Add | 48 | Phil Burkhardt | 1960s-1980s recording engineer from Cincinnati, Ohio. Along with his brother [a2674409], was a principal at [l220624] | |
Search | Add | 48 | محرم فؤاد | Moharram Fouad (1934 - 2002) was an Egyptian actor and singer. He is the grandfather of [a=Tamino]. | |
Search | Add | 48 | Gito Lima | Art director, designer, bassist, based in Berlin | |
Search | Add | 48 | Marshall Wilcoxen | ||
Search | Add | 48 | Карина Симонян | Карина Георгиевна Симонян | USSR editor, supervisor. Worked in the USSR record company [l=Мелодия]. |
Search | Add | 48 | Patrick Rouchon | French photographer, son of [a7255369] and elder brother of [a5318305]. | |
Search | Add | 48 | Radan Bosner | Croatian arranger, pianist, and most of all, respected sound and recording engineer. Born March 7, 1933 in Zagreb, died February 28, 2001 in Zagreb. | |
Search | Add | 48 | Cycasso | ||
Search | Add | 48 | Svetomir Tomić | ||
Search | Add | 48 | Terry Skaggs | ||
Search | Add | 48 | GOAdelic | Petar Todorov | Bulgarian Goa/Psy-Trance promoter, compiler and visual artist. |
Search | Add | 48 | Max Brunel | French visual artist | |
Search | Add | 48 | Raisio | Tags - experimental avant-garde conceptual art found sounds no music noise. From Finland | |
Search | Add | 48 | David B. Roundsley | ||
Search | Add | 48 | Sebastian Mehl | Sebastian Mehl | Graphic Artist @ [l134601] |
Search | Add | 48 | Bovema | Cover photography credit for Bovema. | |
Search | Add | 48 | Yoriyuki Sugiyama | ||
Search | Add | 48 | Rúspoli-Rodríguez | ||
Search | Add | 48 | Claus Fentzloff | German ornithologist and field recordist (* 30 September 1924 in the Free State of Danzig, today Gdansk, Poland; † 16 December 2017 in Bad Wimpfen, Germany). | |
Search | Add | 48 | Kaossfreak | Jens Stepponat | Started in 2001 as Jens Rush and changed his name to Kaossfreak in 2002. Because he always keeps track in total "chaos", but is a "freak" himself, the idea came to "Chaosfreak". Since the word didn't look pretty, the "Ch" was replaced by a "K" and got another "s". He is the founder of [l1740863] , [l1753303] and [l2276791] |
Search | Add | 48 | Ed Ellerbe | ||
Search | Add | 48 | Владимир Лишбергов | Владимир Борисович Лишбергов | Producer |
Search | Add | 48 | Anne Medice | ||
Search | Add | 48 | Ved Sethi | ||
Search | Add | 48 | Fabien Rusty | ||
Search | Add | 48 | Los Doñana | Flamenco and sevillanas group from Cádiz, Spain active from the late 1960's to 1994. Until 1973, they were called "Los de Doñana". | |
Search | Add | 48 | Rimvydas Kepežinskas | Lithuanian painter. Born 1956 December 26. | |
Search | Add | 48 | Оркестр Общества "Граммофон" | Оркестр Акционерного Общества «Граммофон» | Orchestra of Gramophone Co. Ltd. Full name in Cyrillic - [i]Оркестр Акционерного Общества «Граммофон»[/i] For choir please use - [a6829252] |
Search | Add | 48 | Cheer Chen 陳綺貞 | Cheer Chen or Chen Chi-chen (Chinese: 陳綺貞; pinyin: Chén Qǐzhēn; born 6 June 1975) is a Taiwanese singer-songwriter. Her most recent album, Sofa Sea, was released in 2018. | |
Search | Add | 48 | Max Birckhahn | Carl August Max Birckhahn | German recording engineer from the early shellac era, born in Berlin on 23 January 1881. Younger brother of [a2353185] Worked for Favorite and continued to work for the Carl Lindström company (Odeon, Parlophon, etc) after Favorite was acquired by it. On Favorite records he can be identified by the n, o, or p suffixes on matrix numbers, and on Lindström records by the signature Bn (sometimes Bhn). |
Search | Add | 48 | Tony Kosinec | Canadian vocalist, instrumentalist, and songwriter | |
Search | Add | 48 | pANzaKoR | ||
Search | Add | 48 | Ben Wentz | Benjamin Wentz | Producer/engineer, multi-intrumentalist, and studio owner located in State College, PA. His technical credits include a wide variety of bands, styles, and labels including The Discovery Channel, Thrasher Magazine, Temporary Residence LTD and Converse. He is currently serving as A1 at the historic State Theatre in Centre County. |
Search | Add | 48 | Lenin Rojo | Miguel Lenin Rojo Negrete | Mexican bass player & audio engineer who co-founded Mula Terca Records with Willy Chavez. Also a music selecter/DJ with the nick name Barry Gone. He makes mastering for many bands in Mexico. Part of the punk rock & hardcore mexican scene. |
Search | Add | 48 | Oscar Seagle | American classical singer (baritone) (born October 31, 1877 in Ooltewah, Tennessee – died December 19, 1945 in Dallas, Texas) | |
Search | Add | 48 | Rulli Rendo | Julio Edgardo Barrera Larriega | Born 1946 in Chiclayo, Perú |
Search | Add | 48 | Dick Appleton | Using many different guitar styles and tuning techniques, composer Dick Appleton is a musician who's worked with many major artists. He's also pioneered his own 'wall of sound' style. Based In Lincolnshire Dick has released many recordings, in a Singer Songwriter style, as well as Blues recordings and Experimental Guitar pieces. | |
Search | Add | 48 | Florette Bihari | ||
Search | Add | 48 | В. Плотнов | Graphic artist, designer | |
Search | Add | 48 | Brenda M. Boyce | Product manager at [l=Motown] | |
Search | Add | 48 | Ivor Robert Holmes | Born 1886 in Bristol, UK. Died 1960 in Eastbourne, UK. From 1906 to 1910 Mr. Holmes was a recording engineer with The Gramophone Co. In 1914 he joined Columbia - was interned during the War in Hungary during which time he made records for the company in most countries of Europe. In 1921 Holmes was transferred to Berliner Gramophone Co. (Montreal) - which became affiliated with Victor Company - and stayed with this firm from 1921-1925. | |
Search | Add | 48 | Tor Søreide Design | Graphic designer in Stavanger, Norway. | |
Search | Add | 48 | Павел Бажов | Павел Петрович Бажов | Pavel Petrovich Bazhov 15 (27) January 1879, Sysertsky plant – 3 December 1950, Moscow Was a Russian and Soviet writer, folklorist, publicist, journalist. He gained fame as the author of the Ural tales. |
Search | Add | 48 | Attualità Nera | Industrial/Noise project inspired by 70's and 80's italian erotics comics, true crimes, Giallo movies from 70's, vintage porn and other mediatic stuff. | |
Search | Add | 48 | Artistes Variés du Québec | ||
Search | Add | 48 | Emiliano Canal | ||
Search | Add | 48 | Bob Bertram | American record executive born in Massachusetts and subsequently relocated to California, where he began recording country artists in the 1950s on the [l=International (12)] label. In 1956 he moved to Hawaii and started [l=Bertram International Records], which was involved in the Hawaiian music scene. He recorded [a=Robin Luke]'s hit Susie Darlin' in 1958 and [a=The Tilton Sisters], the Lawrence Brothers, and others in the late 1950s and early 60s. Thirty Bertram International releases were issued between 1956 and 1977. He also recorded [a=Eden Ahbez] (Nature Boy), [a=The Weight (5)], and later, religious music. | |
Search | Add | 48 | Guillaume de Ubéda | Guillaume de Ubéda | French artist and graphic designer living in Bristol, co-founder of Atelier Superplus with Nassim Azarzar. |
Search | Add | 48 | Rebel Frequency | Rebel Frequency is a project by Dan R - DJ and producer with 10+ years of experience. In 6 months time the tracks produced under the new Rebel Frequency alias have been signed to many well known and respected Hard House labels including Toolbox Recordings, Smalltown Records, Kung Fu Wax, Insomniacz Digital, Stereodays, Hi-Oktane, Nitrox, RE:AKT Digital, Caterpillar Trax, Fevah, Digital Cohesion, Effective Recordings and supported by the scene's top players - Andy Farley, Rodi Style, Justin Bourne, Ilogik, JP & Jukesy, Nik Denton, Valex, Jon BW, Ben Townsend, Future Resonance, Kevsey D, Konekt & Rich Resonate, Dave Curtis, Hi Freak1c, Kris O'Rourke, Costa Pantazis, Matt Pickup and many others. As the next step Club Royale Recordings was launched in 2013 with the first two releases featuring tracks and remixes from hard house heavyweights James Nardi and Defective Audio already available exclusively to Toolbox Digital Shop and many more planned for the near future. Prior to Rebel Frequency project Dan has been producing music under different production aliases for such labels as Boxed Digital, Twisted Traxx, Filth Traxx, Killertrax, Insekt Sonar, Dementia Records, Sabretooth Records, Staar Recordings, The Beat Ranch, Headcharge Recordings, Spin Hard Recordings, Alien Technology and Bass Machine. DJ wise Dan has been pioneering the sounds of UK Hard House & NRG in his hometown of Novosibirsk (Russia) as well as having regular slots with House, Garage and Techno music since 2001 when he first stepped on the stage as a DJ. Since that time Dan has been performing in different locations in the eastern part of Russia, Moscow and St. Petersburg. He appeared on the stage with DJ’s like Tomcraft (Germany), Marcus Schossow (Sweden), The Panacea (Germany), DJ Promo [Third Movement, Netherlands], Electric Indigo (Austria), Fanu (Finland), Lady Wax [InBeatWeTrust!], Mark Maitland (UK), Osmo [Scythe Squadron, PL], Fracus [Hardcore Underground], Art Of Fighters [Traxtorm], Android [Apex / Cluster] to name just a few, showcasing himself as a versatile DJ capable of working in a wide variety of styles from House and Garage to Techno and Hard Dance at the highest level. Being the first UK Hard House/NRG DJ in the eastern part of Russia he is now one of the most known among the local underground scene and around the country. Over the past years Dan had also been managing Alien Technology label collective (Alien Technology Recordings, Bass Machine Recordings, Yes It's Rave!, Alien Technology Hardstyle), running the first Hard Dance club night in the eastern part of Russia "Speedball" along with NullTag Promotions, holding the residency at the local radio-show "Locomotive" with all sorts of house music since 2003 till closing in 2009 and participating in a big number of other diverse projects. In the year 2017 he is still passionate about the music as ever! | |
Search | Add | 48 | Waldemahr Smerdulak | Visual artist. | |
Search | Add | 48 | Darcus Beese | ||
Search | Add | 48 | Ростислав Плятт | Ростислав Янович Плятт | Soviet theatre, film and radio actor. 30 November (13 December) 1908, Rostov-on-Don — 30 June 1989, Moscow. Rostislav Yanovich Plyatt |
Search | Add | 48 | Vadym Sycantrhope | ||
Search | Add | 48 | Malihini-Kvintetten | Danish 50's/60's pop band, a later reincarnation of [a3025142] | |
Search | Add | 48 | Hardev Dilgir | Hardev Singh ਹਰਦੇਵ ਸਿੰਘ | Punjabi songwriter and writer (b. 1939 - d. 25 January, 2022). Born in Tharike, Dist. Ludhiana former British Punjab. |
Search | Add | 48 | Ivan Bottiau | French painter & illustrator (1916-2001) | |
Search | Add | 48 | Julian Flemming | German musician and artist, also runs the DIY label [l=Econore] with [b]Markus Radermacher[/b] ([a=Ramco]). | |
Search | Add | 48 | Chor der Oper Zürich | Choir of the opera house Zürich, Switzerland. | |
Search | Add | 48 | Tom McEntee | Passed September 24th, 2009. Liner notes author, country and pop biographer, artist manager and songwriter. Created and operated a radio tip-sheet called Country Music Survey Country chart editor of CASHBOX MAGAZINE two different times National Promotion Director of GRT Records & Ovation Records, et al. | |
Search | Add | 48 | JONBANNER | Jonathan Banner | Hip hop producer / rapper & audio engineer based in Trinidad & Tobago. |
Search | Add | 48 | Tommy Caldwell | Thomas Michael Caldwell | A founding member of The Marshall Tucker Band, along with his brother Toy Caldwell. Born 9 November, 1949 in Spartanburg, South Carolina, bassist Tommy Caldwell was involved in a vehicle accident and died from his injuries on April 28, 1980, in Spartanburg, South Carolina.. |
Search | Add | 48 | Rodrigo Almanegra | Vocalist and designer | |
Search | Add | 48 | Heide Bußler | German graphic designer | |
Search | Add | 48 | Vickyproduction | ||
Search | Add | 48 | Firestar Soundsystem | ||
Search | Add | 48 | Burtland Dixon | ||
Search | Add | 48 | Eii Yoshizawa | contact: | |
Search | Add | 48 | Joseph Sudy | Big band violinist, vocalist and bandleader, who recorded mostly in the 1930s but toured much longer. Born on August 1, 1908 Died on October 8, 1990 (82 years old). Sudy got his big break with the Joe Reichman Orchestra. For many years he played violin and was a featured vocalist with Henry King's dance bands on record and at dance halls/hotels. In 1938, he led his own band with a style similar to King's--first appearing bi-weekly on radio in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania then later touring the country with his orchestra (they called themselves 'The Swinging Strings'). They were especially common at the Sir Francis Drake, San Francisco. The group continued to tour in various forms till at least 1969 (including performing at the last of the New York hotel rooftops at the St. Regis-Sheraton). He had at least one song copywritten with Walter Scharf & Sol Meyer "Reminiscing (Through the Years)". Joseph Sudy's Society Orchestra, which appeared in Chicago in 1946, included 3 saxophones, 3 fiddles, 2 trumpets, and 3 rhythm. | |
Search | Add | 48 | Dante Bonutto | Music writer and executive at [l110149] / [l38404]. | |
Search | Add | 48 | Δημήτρης Βάλλης | Δημήτρης Τρουπής | Greek folk music vocalist and former metal drummer. Born in 1967 in Athens. He drummed for the "nuclear metal" band [url=]Vomit[/url] from 1985 to 1991. After Vomit disbanded, he began to write and sing Greek folk songs. Until 2001, he participated in Gospel music groups, where he was a key performer. He also participated as a singer in the music group Firdin-Migdin, with which he performed rembetika and folk songs in music stages and taverns. He's the son of [url=Λένα-Βάλλη]Λένα Βάλλη[/url]. |
Search | Add | 48 | Kari Laiho | ||
Search | Add | 48 | CHema Skandal | Mexican born artist currently working out of Chicago, IL. Known primarily for his work on ska, rocksteady and reggae releases. | |
Search | Add | 48 | Keith Forsyth | South African sound engineer. Worked as studio manager at EMI ([l288453] and Decibel studios) and presently owns and operates Tacet Audio - which features a digital multitrack mobile facility for recording live shows for TV, CD or DVD, and a fully equipped digital studio in which he mixes and masters all his projects. | |
Search | Add | 48 | Guy Jacquet | ||
Search | Add | 48 | Rickey Ricardo Gaskins | Art director and illustrator. | |
Search | Add | 48 | Craig Frazier Design | American design company founded by [a=Craig Frazier] in July 1985 in Mill Valley, CA. | |
Search | Add | 48 | Lars-Åke Svantesson | ||
Search | Add | 48 | Nick Erby | Australian country music broadcaster; now a Marriage Celebrant based on the Gold Coast. | |
Search | Add | 48 | Barbara Catanzaro-Hearn | Credited for art direction | |
Search | Add | 48 | Floryda Dance Band | ||
Search | Add | 48 | E.A.L Axner | Eric A. Loke Axner | Born 18th December 1996 in Sweden, he is a prolific songwriter, lyricist, musician (drummer, vocalist, keyboardist), composer and producer of a wide spectrum of music genres and styles, mainly in rock and electronic music. Founder, owner and CEO of Interlock Records, Deafhead Records & Heavy Weight Entertainment. He is also an author, poet, painter, sculptor, photographer, graphic designer, jewelery and clothing designer, actor and businessman. |
Search | Add | 48 | Манарша Хираева | ||
Search | Add | 48 | Skiles | Art Design/Direction company of Mike Skiles. | |
Search | Add | 48 | Youbold | Design agency based in Paris, France. | |
Search | Add | 48 | Steven Bolinger | Steven Bolinger is a multi-instrumentalist and composer steeped in rock 'n' roll culture living in San Francisco, CA. He has a penchant for The Metal™, progressive rock and electronica/dance music, and on occasion, a good melody. He is lyrically challenged. | |
Search | Add | 48 | Mladen Jeličić | ||
Search | Add | 48 | Keith Rosson | Graphic artist and musician from Portland, Oregon. | |
Search | Add | 48 | Die Piccolinos | Austrian accordion duo. | |
Search | Add | 48 | Reo Edwards | An American producer, recording engineer, and songwriter from the Washington, DC area. | |
Search | Add | 48 | Rush Artist Management | Artist management company founded by Russell Simmons. Also see this very related "label" entry: [l882158] | |
Search | Add | 48 | Rotogravures | Thomas Fehlmann | |
Search | Add | 48 | Zlatko Černjul | Zlatko Černjul | Croatian arranger and conductor. Born January 8, 1924 in Zagreb, died November 9, 1988 in Zagreb. |
Search | Add | 48 | Esther Gordy Edwards | Esther Gordy Edwards | Born: April 25, 1920 (Oconee, Washington County, Georgia, US) Died: August 24, 2011 (Oswego, Labette County, Kansas, US) Esther helped Berry set up [l=Motown] in Detroit and served as an executive for the company, in charge of album cover designs. She also contributed to making the original Motown HQ to a museum. Sister of [a1001680], [a229467], [a623953], [a687465], [a360508], [a749192] and [a391743] She died peacefully at her home in Detroit August 24th, 2011 at the age of 91 |
Search | Add | 48 | X-Fusion Music Production | Address: X-FUSION MUSIC PRODUCTION Mathiashof 4 D-45141 Essen Germany Email: [Jan Loamfield] Phone: +49 (0) 172 / 28 636 28 [Jan] | |
Search | Add | 48 | Valerio Do Carmo | Valério Do Carmo | Graphic designer and art director that started in 1980 in Brazil, working for advertising, TV and record companies doing magazine, news paper Ads, illustrations and album covers. In 1987 he moved to Caracas, Venezuela and worked on many projects for diverse media and record companies like [l=CBS/COLUMBIA C.A.] . Since 1997, Do Carmo has been living in Florida and working as the art director and graphic designer for Plus Art Graphics. |
Search | Add | 48 | Dr. Murray Banks | [b]Dr. Murray Banks[/b] (?? - 2008) was an American psychologist and lecturer who was heard widely throughout the world during the 1950s thru the 1980s. He is best known for a series of comedy LPs that he released, beginning in the 1950's. | |
Search | Add | 48 | Kaiser Franz-Garde-Grenadier-Regiment | Kaiser Franz Garde-Grenadier-Regiment Nr. 2, a Prussian guard regiment stationed in Berlin that existed from 1814 to 1918. From ca. 1900 to 1918, this popular regimental band was led by Kapellmeister [a=Adolf Becker] (1870–1941). It became one of the most recorded German bands before World War I. The regiment was named after the Austrian Emperor Franz I., who also served as its first commander (1814-1835). Between 1848-1916, the Austrian Emperor Franz Joseph I. served as commander. For this reason, record labels list the regiment sometimes under the (incorrect) name Kaiser Franz Joseph Garde-Grenadier-Regiment. | |
Search | Add | 48 | Schwyzer Ländlerkapelle "Echo Vom Stockberg" | Swiss [i]Volksmusik[/i] (folk music) ensemble. | |
Search | Add | 48 | Gardel - Razzano | Duo consisting of Carlos Gardel and José Razzano formed in 1911. The duo lasted until 1925, though in actuality by 1920 Gardel became a solo artist with the "Gardel - Razzano" name still appearing on the labels. By 1925 the duo was dissolved, with Razzano acting as Gardel's manager. | |
Search | Add | 48 | Peter Nutter | Art director and designer. | |
Search | Add | 48 | Frank Venet | Guitar player and vocalist for the German band [a=Yacøpsæ] until early 2016. | |
Search | Add | 48 | Shigeru Ueno | ||
Search | Add | 48 | Joe Rudis | Photographer | |
Search | Add | 48 | Ingeborg Frost | German (GDR-) illustrator and designer | |
Search | Add | 48 | Bobby Carlton | A&R and music manager. | |
Search | Add | 48 | Kinderkoor Lidy Peters | ||
Search | Add | 48 | Culture Lee | ||
Search | Add | 48 | Giuseppe Marzari | Giuseppe Marzari (Genova, 1900 - † Genova, June 4, 1974) was an Italian actor, comedian and humorist. | |
Search | Add | 48 | Stephanie Tudor | Production coordinator. | |
Search | Add | 48 | The Dancing Strings | ||
Search | Add | 48 | Kathy Marcus | Freelance photo editor & designer who was formerly a photo editor and associate art director for Texas Monthly magazine. | |
Search | Add | 48 | Steven Craig Productions | ||
Search | Add | 48 | Βάκης Γιαννούλης | ||
Search | Add | 48 | Vingthor The Hurler | US hip-hop producer from New Jersey. | |
Search | Add | 48 | Larry S. Dreamer | ||
Search | Add | 48 | Παντελής Εμμανουηλίδης | ||
Search | Add | 47 | Donnie Propa | ||
Search | Add | 47 | Diehl Design | German design company. | |
Search | Add | 47 | Bernice Summerfield | ||
Search | Add | 47 | SBA Music | ||
Search | Add | 47 | The Blue Star Band | 1970s square dance band from Texas. | |
Search | Add | 47 | Tagayasu Shimada | 島田耕 | Japanese music critic who wrote mostly about folk, country, and bluegrass. Born October 28, 1941 in Tokyo. Died May 26, 2016. |
Search | Add | 47 | Vincento Rodriguez | Alias of [a=Minoru Akiyama] | |
Search | Add | 47 | | Timo Borg | |
Search | Add | 47 | Craig Holloway | American bass player in early '90s hardcore band [a723682]. He is also a graphic designer/artist having studied graphic design at Wayne State University in Detroit. | |
Search | Add | 47 | The Sons Of Negus | ||
Search | Add | 47 | Business For Satan | Pierre Perichaud | Tattoos, Music, Artworks, Cover, Pen and Ink illustrations by [a4339524], Strasbourg, France. |
Search | Add | 47 | Paul Bibeau | Paul Bibeau created Spitfire Records in New York in September 1998. | |
Search | Add | 47 | Jerzy Kurczak | Polish graphic designer | |
Search | Add | 47 | Giovanni Moretto | Giovanni Moretto | |
Search | Add | 47 | Dino Melotti | ||
Search | Add | 47 | Professor Stone | Credited for liner notes. | |
Search | Add | 47 | Mark Megaray | Mark James Hogan | Irish bass player from Dublin. Passed away September 6, 2016, aged 59. |
Search | Add | 47 | Phonogenic Audio | ||
Search | Add | 47 | Marlene Bergman's Firesign Design | Design studio, founded by [a=Marlene Bergman]. | |
Search | Add | 47 | Fred Munao | Fredric Munao | East Coast (USA) artist manager; husband of [a=Susan Munao] and owner of management firm [a10672072]. Born in Brooklyn, N.Y., his musician father fostered a love of music and in the mid-'60s he began producing and working at various music publishing companies. Finally Fred moved to artist management, where he is best known for his work with Boston based group [a=The Atlantics (3)]; his wife, [a=Susan Munao] managed [a=Donna Summer]. In 1981 Munao co-founded [l9176] with [a1874661], working with artists such as The Jerky Boys, Nerissa, Shawnie Ranks, Kid 'n Play, and Mike Peters ([a=The Alarm]). |
Search | Add | 47 | Abbey Road Interactive | Interactive design and digital video studio, launched in February 1996. When credited as a company, please use [l396817]. | |
Search | Add | 47 | Piäsky | Markus Saarenpää | |
Search | Add | 47 | רובי בן שמעון | Rubi Ben Shimon is an Israeli musical arranger. | |
Search | Add | 47 | يوسف موريس إسكندر | Youssef Maurice Iskandar is an Egyptian producer. He is the son of [a=موريس إسكندر] (Maurice Iskandar) and took over the company after his father. | |
Search | Add | 47 | Neapolitan Trio | ||
Search | Add | 47 | Михаил Мушников | ||
Search | Add | 47 | JohnMoProductions | John Moriarty | Visual artist specializing in paper collage. |
Search | Add | 47 | Os 3 Xirus | Os 3 Xirus | Os Três Xirus or Os 3 Xirus is a Brazilian band that mixes nativist music and Germanic rhythms, such as polka and waltz.The group was created in 1964 by Bruno Neher and Jorge Fagundes, characterized by playing gaucho regionalist music adapted to the Germanic style. The initial formation of Os 3 Xirus, named after Paixão Côrtes, was composed of the brothers Neher (Bruno and Elmo) and Leonardo. |
Search | Add | 47 | Anita Ramos | ||
Search | Add | 47 | Gustav Kneip | Gustav Kneip (April 3, 1905 in Beningen – October 24, 1992 in Hamburg) was a German composer, conductor and radio programmer. The "Schwalbenlied" composed by him is still well known today. | |
Search | Add | 47 | Curtis Rodgers | Curtis Rodgers | American soul label owner, songwriter and producer from Grand Rapids, MI. Co-founded the labels [l57289], [l1427214], [l235117] and [l817613] with [a2748299] , who released their high school friend [a25261]'s early singles. During high school, Curtis was a member of a group called The Enchanters, an R & B group who were in desperately in need of a lead singer. |
Search | Add | 47 | Marcello Valci | Marcello Valci was an italian songwriter. | |
Search | Add | 47 | Grabócz Miklós | Hungarian musicologist, composer, collector and arranger of folk music. Husband of [a1020381]. | |
Search | Add | 47 | Mme Douze | Sandrine Guillot | |
Search | Add | 47 | خالد عبد الرحمن | خالد بن عبد الرحمن بن محمد الدوسري (Khālid Bin ʾAbd al-Raḥmān Bin Muḥammad al-Dūseri) | Khalid Abdel Rahman (born 1965 in Riyadh) is a Saudi-Arabian poet, composer and singer. He is also known as [a=مخاوي الليل] (Makhawi al-Layl). |
Search | Add | 47 | Pictor International | ||
Search | Add | 47 | Dave Godin | David Edward Godin | (born 21 June 1936, Peckham, London – died 15 October 2004 in Rotherham, England) The man who coined the name "Northern Soul" The son of a milkman, Dave Godin spent his early childhood in Peckham before bombing forced the family to move to Bexleyheath, Kent, where he won a scholarship to Dartford Grammar School. Godin began collecting American R&B records when at school, where he encouraged the younger Mick Jagger's interest in black American music. He said: "..It was at Dartford Grammar School that I met Mick Jagger and introduced him to black music, I'm ashamed to say. It's ironic that as a result of meeting me he's where he is today." Godin played a minor role in the early jam sessions out of which the Rolling Stones emerged, but resented Jagger for what he saw as the Stones' exploitation of black music. After working at an advertising agency and as an hospital porter in place of national service (he was a conscientious objector), Godin founded the Tamla Motown Appreciation Society, and in time was recruited by Berry Gordy to become Motown's consultant in the UK, setting up its distribution through EMI. At a recording of Ready Steady Go! in 1964, Jagger asked Godin to introduce him to Marvin Gaye. "I told him to fxxk off and introduce himself", Godin recalled. In 1967, he founded [l=Soul City (3)], a record shop which in 1967 developed into a record label on which he released such then-obscure soul classics as "Go Now" by Bessie Banks, with colleague David Nathan and friend Robert Blackmore. It was in their shop that Godin coined the term 'northern soul', a description that he would popularise through his work as a music journalist. In a 2002 interview with Chris Hunt of Mojo, he explained that he had first come up with the term in 1968 as a sales reference to help staff in his shop differentiate the more modern funkier sounds from the smoother, Motown-influenced soul of a few years earlier: "I had started to notice that northern football fans who were in London to follow their team were coming into the store to buy records, but they weren’t interested in the latest developments in the black American chart. I devised the name as a shorthand sales term. It was just to say ‘if you’ve got customers from the north, don’t waste time playing them records currently in the US black chart, just play them what they like - ‘Northern Soul’." In his career he also coined the term Deep Soul and he promoted the interests of a large number of American musicians whose work had fallen out of favour in their home country. His second career was in cinema exhibition. Having studied art, design and film course at Sheffield Polytechnic, he became a senior film officer for the British Film Institute and helped found and was the manager of the Anvil Cinema, Sheffield (1983–90), the only cinema in the UK to be funded by a local authority. In the mid 1990's he started to compile a series of CDs of rare (and some not so rare) recordings - Dave Godin's Deep Soul Treasures - for Ace Records, which featured such artists as Loretta Williams, Eddie and Ernie, Jaibi, Ruby Johnson and Jimmy and Louise Tig. The albums were greeted with universal critical acclaim, and Godin described the series as the proudest achievement of his life. Godin, a vegan, was an advocate of animal rights and Esperanto. He was also known for his involvement in anarchist and anti-capitalist organizations, including the Freedom Newspaper and Class War. He was the only atheist in his local pro-life organisation. Towards the end of his life he developed an interest in Jainism. |
Search | Add | 47 | Bass_Droppers | ||
Search | Add | 47 | Allen Paulino | Allen Leonard Paulino | Bassist (Boston area) (born Sept. 22 1955 in Beverly, Massachusetts, USA - died Feb. 7 2006 in Boston, Massachusetts, USA) |
Search | Add | 47 | Tsukiko Amano | 天野月子 (Amano Tsukiko) is a Japanese singer-songwriter who debuted in 2001. She stopped the activity once at the end of 2008, but in 2010 she resumed activities under the name of 天野月 (Amano Tsuki). | |
Search | Add | 47 | Darius Burokas | ||
Search | Add | 47 | K.B. Sundarambal | ||
Search | Add | 47 | Jon McCoy | Jon H. McCoy | |
Search | Add | 47 | Betül Arkök | Turkish illustrator. Her signature is in upper cases, other Turkish illustrator, [a5389648] signature is in lower cases. | |
Search | Add | 47 | Joe Jackson's Jumpin' Jive | This band recorded Joe Jackson's "Jumpin' Jive" album with swing covers in 1981 and did a UK and US tour under that band name the same year. | |
Search | Add | 47 | Jim Mundy | James L. White | American country singer / songwriter, born February 8, 1934 in Muldrow, Oklahoma. Brother of [a1702765]. His top charting song came in 1973 --"The River's Too Wide", which rose to #13 on the U. S. Country charts. |
Search | Add | 47 | ElektroHaze | ElektroHaze is an artist from Germany born in 1986. Originally he was a rapper, started performing in 2005 as Haze Mc. Since 2017 ElektroHaze is producing Tropical House infused beats. In 2020 he founded [l=Back 2 Da Loops Records] with [a=Schorsch Clooney] and [a=Heinz Null]. | |
Search | Add | 47 | Jörg Lamster | Songwriter, producer, keyboardist and engineer. Born on July 31, 1967 in Uslar (Germany). | |
Search | Add | 47 | Ballet Folklorico De Mexico | The Ballet Folklorico De Mexico is a group of dancers and musicians that was founded in 1952 by the choreographer Amalia Hernández. | |
Search | Add | 47 | Marito Cosentino | Mario Cosentino | Argentinian clarinet player and conductor (1930 - 2000), also appears as Mario Cosentino - Founded his own orchestra in the 80s. |
Search | Add | 47 | Hjordis Fogelberg-Jensen | Art director and graphic designer | |
Search | Add | 47 | Nils Grevillius Orkester | ||
Search | Add | 47 | Allan Rinde | ||
Search | Add | 47 | Offe Reese | Chicago, Illinois singer, member of [a1103190], and owner of the [l253476] family of labels. Administered the [l698275] music publishing company. | |
Search | Add | 47 | Joseph Futterer | Art director | |
Search | Add | 47 | Folklore Di Romagna | Italian folk orchestra from Forlì, also known as Orchestra Folklore di Romagna. | |
Search | Add | 47 | Rehman Verma | ||
Search | Add | 47 | Gérard Targowla | ||
Search | Add | 47 | O.Ashley | ||
Search | Add | 47 | Michele Falcone | ||
Search | Add | 47 | Tanzkapelle Escholzmatt | ||
Search | Add | 47 | monoscape | ||
Search | Add | 47 | Orchestra Paraschiv Oprea | ||
Search | Add | 47 | The Rusty Nutz | Swansea based experimental punk 4 piece formed in 1998. The band recorded and released several hundred songs on cassette between the years 1998 and 2002 before splitting. Although several rumors have stated that the band never broke up and have never stopped writing. In early 2016 a number of cassettes that were feared lost, were found, prompting the band to re-record some of the tracks for an EP called 'Toupee or not toupee' released in 2017. An album is due to follow in 2020 titled, 'We tried to make it big but something somewhere went wrong and we can't work out what that something is.' | |
Search | Add | 47 | Robert Klem | ||
Search | Add | 47 | Orchestra Jan Langosz | ||
Search | Add | 47 | Μιχάλης Βελούδιος | ||
Search | Add | 47 | L'Atelier Rouge | ||
Search | Add | 47 | Helmer Olesens Kor Og Orkester | ||
Search | Add | 47 | Sven Gjurček | Sven Gjurček | Croatian illustrator / designer. Born in Zagreb, Croatia in 1978. Founder of [b][i]heARTcore.[/i][/b] design studio. |
Search | Add | 47 | Gail Harrison | ||
Search | Add | 47 | Adriano Merigo | Italian designer and painter. Drummer of S.Antonio David's Singers. | |
Search | Add | 47 | Buzz Curtis | ||
Search | Add | 47 | Miroslava Mačan | ||
Search | Add | 47 | Jac Brahm | ||
Search | Add | 47 | Джан Ку | Alternative band formed in 1991 in St. Petersburg, Russia, named after the Dartmoor legend ("Jan Coo"). Band's lyrics were often focused around ocean-related metaphors and water imagery. Throughout the years of its' existence the band released albums in various genres, starting with bluesy grunge of their debut "Labyrinth" followed by industrial and trip-hop motives of sophomore self-titled album as well as hardcore of their third release "Freedom" and dark electronica of "The Last Drop", their forth CD. | |
Search | Add | 47 | Singverein Der Gesellschaft Der Musikfreunde | Austrian chorus from Vienna ([i]Wien[/i]). | |
Search | Add | 47 | Nick Bourne | ||
Search | Add | 47 | Babloo Chakraborty | ||
Search | Add | 47 | Phil Shutt | Phil Curtis (formerly Shutt) | Born in Buckinghamshire on 31st March, 1951. Phil Curtis has had his name changed by deed poll from its original - Phil Shutt. |
Search | Add | 47 | Denis Halilovic | ||
Search | Add | 47 | Master Rafiq Ali | ||
Search | Add | 47 | Göran Rossander | Göran Armand Rossander | Swedish graphic designer and art director. Born August 2, 1942 in Solna, Stockholm, Sweden — died January 2, 1992 in Stockholm. |
Search | Add | 47 | Oscar Vinader Pérez | Spanish sound Engineer from Madrid, active since 1982. Started in [l289621] then as freelance working with artists such Presuntos Implicados, Sergio Dalma, Niña Pastori, Manuel Carrasco, Pastora Soler, Melendi, David Bisbal, Raphael, David Bustamante, Alejandro Sanz, live engineer (FHO) for Sergio Dalma for the last 18 years. | |
Search | Add | 47 | Alain Yahmi | ||
Search | Add | 47 | Sonny Okosuns Ozziddi | ||
Search | Add | 47 | Lounge Ibiza Cafè | ||
Search | Add | 47 | Los Voceros De Cristo | ||
Search | Add | 47 | 浜田隆史 | 浜田隆史 | Takashi Hamada. Japanese ragtime guitartist. Born in Otaru City, Hokkaido Island, Japan on December 11, 1964. He is Japanese, but he is also an editor of "Ainu-Times", a quarterly newspaper written in the Ainu language. Plays on the street, his own live concert, or at restaurants as BGM. His guitar style is quite unique. He can play in standard tuning, but more often plays in "Otarunay-Tuning" (EbAbCFCEb : 6 to 1). Using this tuning, he can always play the alternative bass, and can easily play ragtime in Ab key. It fits to arrange piano rags for the guitar, and when he plays classic rags, it is always used. Also it is very helpful to avoid Russian sailor saying "please let me play your guitar!" * His name is sometimes showed as “HAMADA Takasi”, or “HAMADA, Takasi” In Japan, the family name is showed firstly. And the way of express “si” is chosen by himself, because it fits to Ainu phoneme notation. Please notice it has also some advantages for searching him through internet. |
Search | Add | 47 | Zach Bridier | Musician and producer from Chicago, IL. | |
Search | Add | 47 | Idest | ||
Search | Add | 47 | Sonny Coccera | ||
Search | Add | 47 | Alexander Gorsky | ||
Search | Add | 47 | Марзият Абдулаева | ||
Search | Add | 47 | Patrick McDowell | ||
Search | Add | 47 | Hal Weiss | Jersey City / New York City based songwriter and producer active in the 1960s, often working with his wife [a=Marion Weiss]. Sometimes credited as "Hal Wess". Co-owner with his wife of the labels [l=Uptite] and [l=WIN Records (7)]. | |
Search | Add | 47 | Amparito Garrido | Amparo Garrido Arozamena | Mexican actress (b. 1929). Worked with [a911394] on many Walt Disney narrations in Spanish. |
Search | Add | 47 | Adnan Abu Hassan | Adnan Abu Hassan (b.6 January, 1959 – d.18 March, 2016) was a Malaysian composer, musician and record company executive. | |
Search | Add | 47 | Alexander Bez | ||
Search | Add | 47 | Créac | French design studio. Use this profile only if credited for an "artistic" role (e.g. "design by...", or "sleeve by..."). If credited as a company (e.g. "Designed at...") use the company profile [l=CREAC]. | |
Search | Add | 47 | Leila Eisenmann | Leïla Eisenmann | Leïla Eisenmann is a parisian Art Director graduated from ESAG/Met de Penninghen in 2002. |
Search | Add | 47 | Ernst Fankhauser | Swiss folk music accordion player. | |
Search | Add | 47 | Marisha Data | Chicago vocals, comedian, radio host, philanthopist (d. October 12, 1972) Polish-American comedian, singer, and composer. She was a successful performer for both English and Polish audiences. Her career encompassed numerous genres, ranging from serious opera to polka to vaudeville. Her comic performances were often in the character of Aggie Klepaczka. | |
Search | Add | 47 | Maja De Castilla | ||
Search | Add | 47 | Juanita Schulz | Credited for Backing Vocals | |
Search | Add | 47 | Dean Zepherin | ||
Search | Add | 47 | Sam Montel | Samuel John Montalbano | A producer, record company owner and concert promoter from 1958 through the early 1970s, Montalbano, (born February 8th 1937 in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, died February 10th 2021 in Baton Rouge, Louisiana), also operated a recording studio and music publishing, management and booking companies. In 1958, Montalbano launched Montel Records with the help of Mickey Montalbano, his older brother by a decade. He named three of his labels after his daughters Michelle ([l182662], [l628798]), Stephanie ([l942866]) and Debbie ([l1589656]). In addition to the two Dale & Grace hits, he produced regional favorites by Baton Rouge band John Fred and the Playboys (“Shirley”), New Orleans’ James “Sugar Boy” Crawford (“Danny Boy”) and recordings by Van Broussard, Luther Kent, the Boogie Kings, Lee Tillman, the Greek Fountains and future soul star Joe Tex. |
Search | Add | 47 | Michael Satter | Michael Satter | Founder of [l=Studio Michael Satter]. Art director and designer of [l=Live At Robert Johnson]. |
Search | Add | 47 | Russel Bradley | Visual artist and drummer for the band 'Not Drowning, Waving'. Based in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. | |
Search | Add | 47 | Peter Morada | Art director and designer. | |
Search | Add | 47 | Tony Natelli | ||
Search | Add | 47 | Phantom City Creative | ||
Search | Add | 47 | Georgy Ginovker | Classical cellist | |
Search | Add | 47 | Ulla Atzert | ||
Search | Add | 47 | Cor van Velsen | Cornelius van Velsen | Dutch illustrator & graphic designer (1921-2010) |
Search | Add | 47 | Marie-Hélène Le Camus | Marie-Hélène Le Camus was a French graphic designer, active in the 1960s and 1970s, working for [l57784] and [l75435]. | |
Search | Add | 47 | PPS v.d. Wolfshaar | ||
Search | Add | 47 | Da Beatsmith Benny Blaze | Benny Mike Torres | A Salvadorian-American beatmaker known as Da Beatsmith Benny Blaze. Born in West Los Angeles, California and raised in South Gate, California. Occasional MC as Intellek Tha Perpetual Sun. |
Search | Add | 47 | The Gospel Music Workshop Of America Mass Choir | The Gospel Music Workshop Of America was organized in 1967 under the direction of [a391684] who remained its president for over 20 years. Beginning in the early 1970s, recordings from the annual meetings were released every year showcasing new songwriting and vocal talent with the backing of a 1000+ person "mass choir". Chapters of the organization sprang up all over the U.S. and some abroad, many of which produced their own recordings. These chapters include: [a5172019] [a2475761] Chicago: [a5404400] Chicago: [a5749028] [a5476924] [a2750832] [a5245529] [a1890129] [a4892059] [a5013037] [a4735721] [a5646656] [a3139469] [a3213513] [a2966737] [a5161546] [a4785428] [a4481859] [a5163472] [a2557178] Also, several nationwide divisions of the GMWA have formed and recorded: [a4287738] [a2200587] [a4888794] | |
Search | Add | 47 | Jerry Abarca | Bassist in Houston, Texas heavy metal band Helstar. Abarca left the band in 2011 due to medical issues. | |
Search | Add | 47 | Koopastar | Reggie | Koopastar started as a Youtube channel in 2016 in California. He used the name [b]Koopastar Productions[/b] and for 2 years made slightly shoddy plush videos, gaming how-to's, and other types of media. In 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic brought him back into the internet and his old Youtube channel was re-introduced with mashups and memes and was renamed [b]Koopastar[/b]. |
Search | Add | 47 | Håkan Lager | ||
Search | Add | 46 | K5Graphixxx | Japanese visual artist. | |
Search | Add | 46 | Zimmermann Grafik | Graphic Studio in Dietikon, Switzerland | |
Search | Add | 46 | | Peter Bomballa | Art Director & Illustrator | Based in Berlin. |
Search | Add | 46 | Andrew Rossiter | ||
Search | Add | 46 | André Liegl | German hardcore/punk musician and visual artist. | |
Search | Add | 46 | Laki420 | ||
Search | Add | 46 | Daniel Halén | ||
Search | Add | 46 | Galen Baudhuin | Metal bassist. | |
Search | Add | 46 | Liaison Internationale | French Design Agency. | |
Search | Add | 46 | Karl Dahmer | Visual artist. | |
Search | Add | 46 | Ryan Croone (2) | ||
Search | Add | 46 | 津久井洋 | Hiroshi Tsukui | Hiroshi Tsukui. Credited with liner notes on Japanese releases. |
Search | Add | 46 | Isadore Seltzer | American illustrator (1930-2019) | |
Search | Add | 46 | Gerry Griffith | ||
Search | Add | 46 | Rael Studios | German design and graphic studio Contact (obsolete): Fax: +49 (0)911 692751 | |
Search | Add | 46 | Frank Wojnarowski | Fairfield, Connecticut vocals, bandleader | |
Search | Add | 46 | Garry McDonall | Garry Lee McDonall | Canadian musician, songwriter, producer, engineer and record company owner from Edmonton, Alberta. Member of the [a=The Nomads (23)] with [a=Wallis Petruk] and [a=Don Paches]. They founded [l=Damon Productions Ltd.] in 1966 and opened [l=Damon Sound Studios] in 1968. Born ca. 1938 Died October 5, 2010 |
Search | Add | 46 | Olivier Chaulieu | ||
Search | Add | 46 | Madla Hruza | Artist and production designer. | |
Search | Add | 46 | The Pineal Playhouse | ||
Search | Add | 46 | Booce | ||
Search | Add | 46 | Alfred Kubin | Alfred Leopold Isidor Kubin | Austrian graphic artist, writer and illustrator, born 10 April 1877 in Leitmeritz, Bohemia (today Litoměřice, Czech Republic) and died 20 August 1959 in Zwickledt, Austria. |
Search | Add | 46 | L. V. Morris | Luke Morris (2) | |
Search | Add | 46 | Hoyt Jones | Composer and arranger. | |
Search | Add | 46 | Mandolinski Kvartet | ||
Search | Add | 46 | Glenn Pocorni | Glenn R. Pocorni | Surinamese vocalist, bassist and trumpeter, as well band leader, composer and arranger |
Search | Add | 46 | Amonit Sharpei | ||
Search | Add | 46 | C.V. &O. | Visual Studio Concept/Vormgeving&Ontwerp, Soesterberg, Holland When used for company credits (e.g. 'Designed At'), please use [l1999500]. | |
Search | Add | 46 | Kemal Hadžić | Photographer from Bosnia & Herzegovina | |
Search | Add | 46 | Verstraeten | Louis Verstraeten | Louis Verstraeten was a Belgian operatic singer. |
Search | Add | 46 | Shay Kennedy | Irish design artist, has worked at [l=MacArt] | |
Search | Add | 46 | Arturo Zitelli | Arturo Zitelli | |
Search | Add | 46 | sas | Media effects and art director. | |
Search | Add | 46 | Paul Tunkin | Founder of The Blow Up Club and affiliated record label [l=Blow Up Records] | |
Search | Add | 46 | Alfonso Pahino | Ángel Alfonso Pahino Pequeño | Spanish tenor born in Valladolid in 1952. He was in the groups Los Camel in 1968, [A=Los Lazos] in 1970 and Santa Cruz in 1973 In 1977 he won the XIX Festival of Benidorm (Spain) |
Search | Add | 46 | Generalfeldmarschall Kriegshammer | ||
Search | Add | 46 | Lord Cervos | ||
Search | Add | 46 | Stuart Kettridge | Stuart Kettridge | Owner of Final Cutt Records and Analogue Mastering Studio - [l=South East Studios, UK] Skettridge |
Search | Add | 46 | Walter C. Peterson | ||
Search | Add | 46 | dkbn | Graphic Designer | |
Search | Add | 46 | Tomasz Długosz | ||
Search | Add | 46 | Orchestra Durium | ||
Search | Add | 46 | Hummelgrafik | Oliver Hummel | German graphic designer, illustrator and photographer. For label credit use [l=Hummelgrafik]. |
Search | Add | 46 | Kynsha | Luciana Cirrillo | |
Search | Add | 46 | Branko Jahn | ||
Search | Add | 46 | Arnold Loxam | British organist and pianist, born in Bradford, 1916. Toured with Paul Anka in December 1957 in UK. Has been a prolific broadcaster for BBC and local radio networks. Died, aged 93, on 14 March 2010. | |
Search | Add | 46 | Evolv' Bot 95 | French Electronic Composer & Producer. Alter-Ego of Something You Hear & Mr Voïd. "Pas besoin de chercher à être unique, le monde s'occupe de cela à votre place. Susciter de l'émotion en revanche c'est une toute autre histoire. Et en parlant d'histoires j'en ai justement quelques unes à vous conter." | |
Search | Add | 46 | X-Teknokore | Dennis Gwozdz | Hardcore producer from Berlin, Germany. |
Search | Add | 46 | Gerald "Incubus" Minelli | Geraldo Minelli | Geraldo "Incubus" Minelli was the bassist and vocalist of Brazilian black/thrash metal band Sarcófago from 1986-2000. |
Search | Add | 46 | Roger Davies Management Inc. | RDWM stands for Roger Davies Worldwide Management. Global artist management for Tina Turner, Cher, Sade, Pink, Joe Cocker. [a313361] is an Australian artist manager born in 1952. Use this profile for company credits (that include the 'Inc.') when credited as if it were an artist, in the credits section. An alternative for company credits, in the LCCN section (including copyright) is [l1651857] (based in the Australia) Other alternatives for credits include [a2510759], [a1676046] (based in the Netherlands), and [a6537153] (based in the UK). | |
Search | Add | 46 | David Cereghini | David Cereghini | Canadian musician and visual artist from London, Ontario primarily associated with noisecore. Operator of numerous London based labels such as [l=Coffin Crawl Records] and founding member of [a=Disleksick]. |
Search | Add | 46 | Joz Art | ||
Search | Add | 46 | Hiberna-Bard | Power Electronic /Noise/Drone artist. Black/Death/Grind drummer. Gave up to live in Ukraine in 2012, but returned to England during the anex of Crimea and resumed activites. Part Of Winter Forest Industries | |
Search | Add | 46 | Zespół Instrumentalny Kazimierza Turewicza | ||
Search | Add | 46 | Джамиля Залова | ||
Search | Add | 46 | Ansambl Novice Negovanovića | ||
Search | Add | 46 | T.N. Rajarathnam Pillai | Thirumarugal Natesapillai Rajarathinam Pillai (27 August 1898 – 12 December 1956) or TNR[1] was an Indian Carnatic musician, nadaswaram maestro, vocalist and film actor.[2] He was popularly known as "Nadaswara Chakravarthi" (literally, the Emperor of Nadaswaram) | |
Search | Add | 46 | Coro Della Cappella Sistina | ||
Search | Add | 46 | Hargittay Gábor | Hargittay Gábor | Music producer, label owner, show organizer. Gábor was born in Budapest and he lives in Austria. Genres: italo, euro disco, 80's & 90's disco and dance music. |
Search | Add | 46 | Gabrilis Pantzis | Γαβριήλ Παντζής | Father of [a=Κωνσταντίνος Παντζής]. |
Search | Add | 46 | Jacek Kalisz | Death metal bassist from Poland. Ex-member of [a=Vader]. | |
Search | Add | 46 | Chrisse Kunst | ||
Search | Add | 46 | Khoiser | Isaac Garcia and Sergio Romero | [b]KHOISER[/b] is a group made up of [b]Isaac[/b] García and [b]Sergio[/b] Romero. It was founded in the middle of [b]1996[/b], creating its first track called Break Guitar. During their first years they participated in multiple events, performing live, with their synthesizers, keyboards, even with live drums and guitar. In the year [b]2000[/b] KHOISER released his first EP with the Totem Tanz record label, which would include songs that are today hymns within the Breakbeat genre, such as [b]Insight, Fantasy or Fun 2000[/b]. In the years [b]2000-2003[/b], Khoiser released several EPs with the Totem Tanz Records label, in addition to participating in several compilations, such as Satisfaxion The Artists, or 100% Breakbeat vol2. Compilations in which they would share a tracklist with artists such as Rennie Pilgrem, Meat Katie, Dylan Rhymes, Peter Paul, Dj Hyper, Second Effect, Dj Killer, Rain Makers, etc. They also appeared on national compilations (Spain), such as The Compilation Vol1 or Breakbeat Festival, both managed by the famous Dj Nitro. During the year 2003, Khoiser were nominated for the Oners DJ 2002 awards, in the categories of best song with two nominations, Insight Rmx2002 and Calling for you love, and in the best producers category. [b]KHOISER[/b] has shared the stage with many international artists: Laurent Garnier, Westbam, Dark Globe, Krafty Kuts, Plump DJs, Baby Anne, Peter Paul, Dj Nitro, Meat Katie, Deibeat, Electrodrummers, Bockors, Pablo Weinx, etc. [b]KHOISER[/b] maintained a stop in music production and on stage between [b]2007 to 2016[/b]. [b]Currently, Khoiser manages the Breaks Club Records label[/b], where he publishes his own productions, and has returned to the stage, on several occasions with promoters such as N-Mity Sound, sharing the bill with great artists such as Peter Paul, Jan-B, Meat Katie, Dj Man, Dj Nitro, Pablo Weinx, among others. In addition to releasing tracks on his current Breaks Club Records label, Khoiser has also released vinyl with the "Vinyl Club Breakbeat Alliance" cooperative, of which they are a part. They also released songs with the Funktasty Crew label, and they have some other releases pending with various digital labels. Ultimately, Khoiser is active and producing music. Keep Breaking! |
Search | Add | 46 | Dick Spottswood | Richard Keith Spottswood | American musicologist, author, record producer, radio host, and label owner from Maryland. Founded the labels [l73607] and [l193430], and co-founded Bluegrass Unlimited magazine. Produced and annotated the fifteen-LP series [l490072] for [l302214]. Published the multi-volume Ethnic Music on Records: A Discography of Ethnic Recordings Produced in the United States, 1893 to 1942 as well as Country Music Sources, with Meade & Meade and Banjo on the Mountain: Wade Mainer’s First Hundred Years, with Stephen Wade. Also associated with [l=Spottswood Music Co] |
Search | Add | 46 | Sir Horace Gentleman | Stephen Graham Panter | Alias for UK bass player [a=Horace Panter] |
Search | Add | 46 | Pascal Jörgensen | Bass player, member of 'Massacra'. | |
Search | Add | 46 | Narodni Orkestar Žarka Milanovića | ||
Search | Add | 46 | Chin Xaou Ti Won | Ambient/Synth-Pop duo from Houston, Tx. | |
Search | Add | 46 | Gerard Deslauriers | ||
Search | Add | 46 | Mike Kanel | ||
Search | Add | 46 | Olivier Blé | Arranger and composer from Ivory Coast. | |
Search | Add | 46 | Irena Sedlecka | Irena Sedlecká | Sculptor and Fellow of the Royal British Society of Sculptors born September 7, 1928 in Plzeň, Czechoslovakia (from where she fled in 1967). She's perhaps best known for her three metre tall sculpture of [a79949] standing at the shore of Lake Geneva, Montreux, Switzerland since 1996. Ms. Sedlecká passed away August 5, 2020 at the age of 91. |
Search | Add | 46 | Max Weilenmann | Swiss folk music composer and accordion player. Born November 2, 1914 in Allschwil, Switzerland. Died June 9, 2007. | |
Search | Add | 46 | @Krisblade | ||
Search | Add | 46 | Hubert Skoczek | Polish graphic designer. | |
Search | Add | 46 | Nina Bridges | ||
Search | Add | 46 | Jethro "Paco" Dennis | ||
Search | Add | 46 | Daniel Dlugosielski | Operated [l=Excite Bike] label from 2004-2011. Now operates [l=Moon Myst Music] label. | |
Search | Add | 46 | Wolfgang Raspe | Wolfgang Raspe | |
Search | Add | 46 | Endless Graphics | American printing and graphic design company, based in Florida. | |
Search | Add | 46 | Ian Carrera | Gianni Zen | Italian House Music producer and remixer. In 2016 he launched the label [l=Nu Traxx]. |
Search | Add | 46 | Jan Pysander Whitney | ||
Search | Add | 46 | Ffrench Production | ||
Search | Add | 46 | DJ Rob Analyze | Robert E. Leigh | Electro/Hip-Hop DJ & producer hailing from Georgia, USA, now based in Ocala, Florida, USA. Co-founder of digital labels [l=BomBeatz] Music and [l=Nülogic Records] with his partner [a=DJ Viro]. In addition to his production and DJing, Rob Analyze also works full time for Symphonic Distribution as the content manager with responsibilities including the delivery of music to over 20+ retailers and 180+ labels across the globe. |
Search | Add | 46 | Grener Art | Carla B., Menthe De Menthe, Zr19.84. | Graphic Studio located in Milan, Italy. Artworks & logos for black metal, industrial and related underground genres. |
Search | Add | 46 | Mieczysław Janicz | ||
Search | Add | 46 | Jose Luis Sanesteban | José Luis García de San Esteban Miguel | José Luis García de San Esteban was a Spanish arranger, conductor and composer (1927 - 1990). |
Search | Add | 46 | Jiří Vlček | Jiří Vlček | Czech graphic designer. |
Search | Add | 46 | Mallori Knox | ||
Search | Add | 46 | Derek Scace | ||
Search | Add | 46 | Julije Njikoš | Julije Njikoš | Julije Njikoš (Osijek, 9th Apr 1924 - Zagreb, 28th Oct 2010) - Croatian composer, musician and music-arranger, best known for the promotion of authentic tambura music and tradition. He was the founder of the Tamburaški orkestar Radio Osijek (Tambura Orchestra of radio Osijek) and the Međunarodni festival hrvatske tamburaške glazbe (International Festival of Tambura Music). In 1951 he becomes the main editor of the folk music programme on Radio Osijek. His contributions as composer in this music field are numerous. He was especially interested in the preservation of traditional folk music. He was the husband ov [a=Vera Svoboda] |
Search | Add | 46 | Hedgehog Design | ||
Search | Add | 46 | Pee Wee Moore | Numa Smith Moore. | American jazz saxophonist (baritone). Played with : Dizzy Gillespie, Big John Greer, James Moody, Lee Morgan, Mary Lou Williams, Lucky Millinder, Louis Jordan, Illinois Jacquet and others. Not to be confused with (jazz saxophonist) [a313030] also called him "Pee Wee". Born : May 05, 1928 in Raleigh, North Carolina. Died : April 13, 2009 in Raleigh, North Carolina. |
Search | Add | 46 | Trio Bettelli | ||
Search | Add | 46 | Takewon L.stereosoundmaker Da Captain Lauw | Laurent Curtelin | French Boom-Bap, Hardcore Hip-Hop & Horrorcore Hip-Hop Producer. Hailing From Chambéry, Savoie, France. T.L.D.C.L. Standing For "Takewon L.stereosoundmaker Da Captain Lauw". |
Search | Add | 46 | The Slew Foot Five | band | |
Search | Add | 46 | Sasha Martinsen | Alexander Martinsen | |
Search | Add | 46 | Chrysalis Art | Design company connected with [l3198]. | |
Search | Add | 46 | P. Müller's Banater Kapelle | Philadelphia-based polka band, led by [a=Peter Muller (4)], that recorded for [l=Columbia] and [l=Okeh] between 1924 and 1930. | |
Search | Add | 46 | Carlos Pickling | Carlos Pichilingue | Peruvian organist who played cumbias, mambos, and guarachas. |
Search | Add | 46 | Studio 't Hart | Design studio located in Rotterdam, the Netherlands | |
Search | Add | 46 | Greg McCarty | ||
Search | Add | 46 | Beppe Maniglia | Giuseppe Fuggi | |
Search | Add | 46 | Moshe Morad | משה מורד | Moshe Morad (born December 12, 1957) is a musicologist, journalist, music editor, and Israeli radio and television broadcaster. Managed the radio station here 88, and previously 88FM until its closure. Morad is involved in philanthropic activities and sits on the board of trustees of the Chaim Association - for children with Cancer in Israel. |
Search | Add | 46 | Milenko Božić | ||
Search | Add | 46 | BR-Klassik | Classical music branch of the German broadcast [a639838] See also: [l247601] label page | |
Search | Add | 46 | Rafal Kruszyk | Rafał Kruszyk | Visual designer from Poland. Specialized in covers and artwork for extreme music releases, especially death metal. |
Search | Add | 46 | Art-O-Matic | Print manufacturer | |
Search | Add | 46 | Hector De Leon | Héctor de León, alias "Cabeza" | HECTOR DE LEÓN. On November 24, 1927, the great trumpeter, arranger and conductor Héctor Augusto de León Morel, better known as Héctor de León, alias “Cabeza”, was born in Miches, Dominican Republic, the fruit of the union of Ángel María de León and Luz. Minda Morel, who settled in the capital city when Héctor was just a child of about 8 or 9 years old. His inclination for music comes from his father, who was a musician and instilled that vocation in him and his other 7 siblings. In fact, it was he who gave them their first music lessons. his children; His mother was also a musician, she played the piano. His beginnings date back to 1944, when he was first trumpet of the District Band, in 1946 he was a founding musician of the Angelita de la Voz del Yuna orchestra, in 1949 he traveled to Venezuela where he lasted 3 years, there he lasted a year playing for the Rafael Minaya orchestra, then he became part of the famous Aldemaro Romero orchestra, he returned to the country in 1952, with a whole world of jazz in his head and loaded with a large number of records of that genre, the which he shared with his fellow musicians, to introduce them to that musical world, a year after arriving here he received an offer to play with Machito's orchestra in NY, staying there for 4 years, upon returning to the country, he was hired by the Dominican Voice to direct the orchestra of maestro Cerón, this being his first experience in orchestral direction, in 1960 he returned to Venezuela hired to play with the orchestra of Luis Alfonso Larraín, in 1962, he returned to the DR hired by the Cuban maestro Agustín Mercier to play at the Jaragua hotel, then he formed his Santo Domingo orchestra, in 1965 he became 1st. trumpet of the National Symphony Orchestra, in 1967 he left again for NY and arriving that same day he joined the orchestra of maestro Tito Puente, with him he traveled to Japan, Hawaii, the Philippines, Hong Kong, among other countries. Tired of so much hustle and bustle in that orchestra, he resigned to form his own, with his orchestra he recorded 4 full-length albums for the singer La Lupe, in one of them they gave La Lupe a Gold Record for “La Gran Tirana” and He was recognized as the arranger of the year in NY. He recorded a long-playing album for Raúl Marrero, he arranged two full-length albums for Ismael y sus Cachimbos, in the production of Cortijo y su Combo, he arranged the production “Con to' los Hierros”, He also made arrangements for the famous Spanish conductor Xavier Cugat, for Tito Rodríguez, for whom he conducted his orchestra in Puerto Rico for television two years before he died, he arranged for Johnny el Bravo, César Concepción, a very famous musician. in PR. Héctor also played with the group of Louie Ramírez, Pete Bonet, Jimmy Sabater, Sonny Bravo. In the country he was with maestro Rafael Solano for a long time, he accompanied Francis Santana, Joseito Mateo, Alberto Beltrán, among others and there was almost no Dominican artist for whom he did not make at least one musical arrangement. Without a doubt, he was a great trumpet player, considered one of the best that Latin America has ever had; As an arranger, as we have seen, he was one of the favorites of the greats of Latin rhythms and as an orchestra director, we also saw that he was one of the greats. With all this, we can say that our Héctor de León has been one of the most immense musicians that our Dominican Republic has produced and to verify a little more what we say we are going to copy from the maestro Rafael Solano, an anecdote that he tells in one of his books, “Letra y Música”: “One of these compositions was used as a theme in program changes on the official channel, so it was heard many times during the day. Regarding it, I remember that following the visit to the country by the conductor Count Basie, we were invited to a meeting with that distinguished musician at the house of the engineer Leopoldo Espaillat. The occasion was propitious for Basie, a legend of American jazz, to hear Héctor's song. His interest was such that he summoned de León to New York, with the aim of including his music in a new recording to be made. Héctor, known for his keen sense of humor, and already with more than two drinks in his head, responded with his penetrating and high-pitched voice: "Don't hurry, kid, I'm going there to civilize you. There was a great explosion of laughter in the group, except for Basie, who without understanding the language, asked: "What's so funny." Finally, when he heard the translation, the explosion of laughter was his. “But, with everything and the joke, Héctor de León, careless!, never attended the appointment: Serious mistake!” The song in question, to which maestro Solano refers, is precisely this song that we share with you, where you can distinguish a beautiful piece of pure jazz, with the only variant, which gives it a Creole flavor: the tumbara and the güira, with which the great Héctor de León turned it into merengue. This piece is titled “The Dominican Maecenas.” Our great musician died on June 19, 1999, in Santo Domingo, victim of a cerebral thrombosis, leaving 5 children: Luz Minda, Henry, Claudia, Víctor and Eddy. Taken:Ismael Hernandez Guerrero Credit Juancho Giraldo Pangaro |
Search | Add | 46 | Schmohawk | Evan Muir | Experimental musician from the United States |
Search | Add | 46 | Malgorzata Loza-Lipszyc | Małgorzata Łoza-Lipszyc | Art director for the Polish label [l38202]. |
Search | Add | 46 | Max De Schauensee | Music critic, born 1900 in Rome, Italy and died 24 July 1982 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States. | |
Search | Add | 46 | Klaus Devore | ||
Search | Add | 46 | Victor Bâldescu | Romanian designer, mostly associated with [l=Electrecord]. Husband of [a=Zorina Bâldescu] | |
Search | Add | 46 | Gerald P. Plano | ||
Search | Add | 46 | Ansambl Miodraga Jašarevića | ||
Search | Add | 46 | Chembai Vaidyanatha Bhagavatar | ||
Search | Add | 46 | Joschi Dinier | Josef Dinier | Bassist, songwriter and producer |
Search | Add | 46 | Yves Desjardins | Photographer. | |
Search | Add | 46 | Ансамбль Русских Народных Инструментов Под Управлением Анатолия Цадиковского | Also known as [b]Русский инструментальный ансамбль[/b] (Russian Instrumental ensemble). | |
Search | Add | 46 | Anne-Marie Berger | Photographer | |
Search | Add | 46 | Vinny Cimino | Freelance designer and art director. Has also worked as a producer and drummer. | |
Search | Add | 46 | Manon Raupp | Manon Raupp | Illustrator and artist. |
Search | Add | 46 | Charanga De La 4 | ||
Search | Add | 45 | Akira Miyazaki | ||
Search | Add | 45 | Jaap Sluis | Designer | |
Search | Add | 45 | Minacelentano | Collaborative project of Italian artists [a319972] and [a36543]. | |
Search | Add | 45 | Mansell Litho | ||
Search | Add | 45 | Alerte Orange | Communication & graphic design agency based in Paris, France. Alerte Orange 85 rue Bobillot CS 91304 75214 Paris Cedex 13 FRANCE Tel.: +33 (0)1 43 13 33 60 Fax: +33 (0)1 43 13 33 69 Email: | |
Search | Add | 45 | Helia Casanovas | ||
Search | Add | 45 | Vocalion Orchestra | ||
Search | Add | 45 | Miroslav Lilić | ||
Search | Add | 45 | Hilary Stench | Hilary Hanes | Bass player. |
Search | Add | 45 | Santiago Monforte | Spanish designer active in the 70s-80s. | |
Search | Add | 45 | Adams Productions BVBA | Olivier Jean-Jacques Adams | |
Search | Add | 45 | Kohjitsu Ohyama | ||
Search | Add | 45 | | Designer | |
Search | Add | 45 | Hessel Tieter | Belgian producer and record company executive. Former owner of [l=Music Man (2)], founder and director of [l=N.E.W.S. NV]. | |
Search | Add | 45 | George Petty | George Brown Petty IV | George Brown Petty IV (April 27, 1894 – July 21, 1975) was an American pin-up artist. His pin-up art appeared primarily in Esquire and Fawcett Publications' True but was also in calendars marketed by Esquire, True and Ridgid Tool Company. Petty's Esquire gatefolds originated and popularized the magazine device of centerfold spreads. Reproductions of his work were widely rendered by military artists as nose art decorating warplanes during the Second World War, including the Memphis Belle, known as “Petty Girls”. |
Search | Add | 45 | Hugues Desalle | ||
Search | Add | 45 | Cimitero Senza Croci | Vince Wald | "Cimitero senza croci" attempts to take the thematic elements of spaghetti westerns and interpret them into ambient drones of a time long past. |
Search | Add | 45 | David A. Jasen | ||
Search | Add | 45 | Fulvio Bianconi | Fulvio Bianconi (1915-1996) was an Italian Murano glass artist. Born on August 27, 1915 in Padua, Italy, Bianconi fostered an early interest in caricature drawing, leading him to seek artistic training at the Istituto Statale d’Arte Carmini. The artist continued his studies in Venice at the Accademia de Belle Arte, apprenticing at the Murano glass-making facilities by the time he was 16. Throughout his career, Bianconi worked as a graphic designer in tandem with his artistic glasswork, which afforded him financial independence and the freedom to create humorous, topical pieces. The artist gained visibility participating in the 1948 Biennale. Bianconi died on May 14, 1996 in Milan, Italy. [Quoted, in part, from] | |
Search | Add | 45 | Los Carabelas | Spanish folk group from Cantabria / Santander | |
Search | Add | 45 | Titus Pittini | ✰ 1925, Vulcan, Hunedoara County, România ✞ March, 2009, Bucharest, România Romanian painter, graphician with italian origins (his grandfather, grandmother Gemona, Friuli, Italy) | |
Search | Add | 45 | Jack Grimsley | John Franklyn Grimsley | Australian composer, arranger, conductor, trombonist, pianist and producer. Born October 18th, 1925 in Melbourne, Australia. Died June 8th, 2015 in Australia. |
Search | Add | 45 | عبد الفتاح سكر | عبد الفتاح سكر | Abdel Fattah Sukkar (1930 - 2008) was a Syrian composer and singer. |
Search | Add | 45 | Юрий Тимошенко И Ефим Березин | ||
Search | Add | 45 | Matheus Nazareth | ||
Search | Add | 45 | Winfrid Trenkler | Winfrid Trenkler | German journalist who led the radio show Schwingungen on Westdeutscher Rundfunk (WDR) between 1984 and 1995, a program focusing on new electronic music. After the program was cancelled in 1995 he has continued as curator of monthly "Schwingungen auf CD" releases that continue to showcase new electronic music in the style of the radio show. |
Search | Add | 45 | Mireldy | Artwork designer | |
Search | Add | 45 | Choeurs Russes De La Cathédrale Saint Alexandre Nevsky, Paris | Choir based in Russian Orthodox cathedral in Paris, France: [l808666] | |
Search | Add | 45 | Gabe Vigorito | [l=De-Lite Records] President, son of Original Founder Fred Vigorito. He joined the company in 1975 and his father made him President in 1978. Gabe died in May 24, 2014. | |
Search | Add | 45 | Božena Němcová | Božena Němcová née Barbora Novotná | Czech writer. Born probably February 4, 1820 in Vienna, died January 21 in 1862 in Prague (former Austrian Empire). |
Search | Add | 45 | Srđan Marjanović | Srđan Marjanović | Serbian pop-rock singer/composer. |
Search | Add | 45 | Greno | Glen Murrell | Colorado Springs based multi-instrumentalist and composer, originally from the San Diego area of California. Co-founder of [l191040] and founder of [l1016523] Records. |
Search | Add | 45 | Ansambel Toneta Kmetca | The band of popular folk music from the eastern part of Slovenia. The leader is [a=Tone Kmetec]. The band recorded around 250 songs, half of them are adaptions of traditional songs from Haloze and Dravsko polje ("Drava field"). The ensemble stopped concerting in late nineties. | |
Search | Add | 45 | Emanuel Gurgel | Emanuel Gurgel de Queiroz | Brazilian A&R, producer and manager at [l853710], in the 1990s he started to invest in forró bands and later founded his own company in 1991 creating the label [l315173], the record studio [l2638810], the producer company [l3277230] and the publishing company [l1822461]. |
Search | Add | 45 | Glenn Rivera | Glenn George Rivera | Throughout my early period of discovering disco music it was always a thrill for me to hear a redit or remix of a piece of music that I was familiar with. It was a necessity for the underground feel of a disco hit that it contain the elements which dancers and deejays were accustomed to, and so desired. With today's dance music it is typical to have 4 to 5 varied mixes to suit different club environments. Most of these customized mixes conform a song with new sound. At times a song may be unrecognizable within 2 mixes. I have taken several classics and rare selections to reedit and create what I call "ReStructure Mixes" - some are pieces of the original and others are edited remixes. Most of these cuts I have used the original LP or 12" mix - straying from another engineers remix. This is to maintain my own sound with the original recording. I hope you will enjoy them - please let me know by sending me an email at or let me know if there are any classics you would like me to perform a "ReStructure Mix" on! |
Search | Add | 45 | Cegrica Hamilton | Cedrica Anthony Hamilton | |
Search | Add | 45 | Tom Kinniburgh | Thomas Frame Kinniburgh | Born 1887 - Died 1975 Scottish singer. He recorded under various aliases for different labels, including Kenneth MacKenzie, Alec MacDonald, Alec McGregor, Henry Galmont, George Ross, Robert Wallace and Fred Yorke. |
Search | Add | 45 | Jayden Shea | Jayden Shea | Jayden Shea (born 1993) under the guise of [a8938480], is a Canadian hip hop DJ, record producer and visual artist currently distributed through [l2316433] (Halifax, NS). Vile Groove is also one half of hip-hop group [a9486610] featuring fellow Halifax-native [a8940157]. |
Search | Add | 45 | The Cream Group | The Cream Group London - credit for Design For Amsterdam Please use [a=Cream (7)] | |
Search | Add | 45 | Kenneth Winkler | Kenneth Winkler | Austrian composer, producer, arranger and engineer from Innsbruck. He runs his own [l=Weyrerton] studios where he records, mixes and masters various productions and produces his own music. Further he is founder of [l315164] and developed the all new pressing process of the format with business partner Alexander Wörle. |
Search | Add | 45 | Stafford Douglas | Stafford Douglas | Proprietor of the [l65071] label. Proprietor of Militant Records (2) Often credited as S. Douglas |
Search | Add | 45 | Design Study | ||
Search | Add | 45 | Professor Chaos | Credited for artwork. | |
Search | Add | 45 | Riccardo Bucchioni | Designer | |
Search | Add | 45 | Joakim Åström | ||
Search | Add | 45 | Daniel Hageman | ||
Search | Add | 45 | Aggressive Fucking | ||
Search | Add | 45 | Oliver Funke | Designer & Art Director from Cologne, Germany. | |
Search | Add | 45 | Василий Воронов | ||
Search | Add | 45 | Hüseyin Emre | ||
Search | Add | 45 | Aghy Purakusuma | Aghy R. Purakusuma | Artist, illustrator and painter from Bandung, Indonesia. Vocalist for [a=Demigod (2)] |
Search | Add | 45 | Beth Cumber | ||
Search | Add | 45 | Jordan Barlow | American vocalist, tattoo artist and designer based in New Orleans, Louisiana. | |
Search | Add | 45 | Mahashia | Francisco Rodrigues | Psychedelic trance techno & artwork designer from Brazil |
Search | Add | 45 | Ansambl Dragana Aleksića | ||
Search | Add | 45 | Nelson Martins Dos Santos | Brazilian Trombone Player and Arranger. Born in Rio de Janeiro, in November 24, 1927, where he died on 16 February 1996. Commonly credited as "Nelsinho", "Maestro Nelsinho" or as "Nelsinho E Seu Trombone" | |
Search | Add | 45 | Orkiestra Jerzego Abratowskiego | ||
Search | Add | 45 | Die Engel-Familie | Austrian Volksmusik family ensemble from Tyrol. | |
Search | Add | 45 | Orquestra Chantecler | ||
Search | Add | 45 | Γιάννης Λεμπέσης | ||
Search | Add | 45 | Sir Edgar Carpenter | Edgar Antonio Lázaro Martínez | Experimental musician from Mexico City, born in 1994. Active since 2008, being strongly influenced by The Beatles's "Revolution 9" and Yoko Ono's avantgarde albums, he released his first official studio album in 2010 under his own netlabel, Scriptsound Recordings, deciding that "noise and experimentation of sounds" would be his trademark style. He's also known for the themes included in his works, from social protests to animated series. Since 2020, he mainly works on instrumental pop-rock style music with eclectic details, all programmed through computers and MIDI keyboards. |
Search | Add | 45 | John Norwell | ||
Search | Add | 45 | NCL-TM | Tim Clarke | UK former member of an indie rock band, now involved in hip-hop. |
Search | Add | 45 | Simone Holm | Designer. | |
Search | Add | 45 | Luis Samamè | Accordion player | |
Search | Add | 45 | Jytte Fältskog | Jytte Inga-Britt Fältskog | Norwegian Musician, Musical Artist, Multi-instrumentalist, Vocalist, Composer and Producer of Cinematic, Electronic, New Age, Meditative, Downtempo, Trance, Tribal, Lounge, Chill-out, Nu-Jazz, Ambient, Dark Ambient, Dark wave, Gothic and Neo-Classical music. Current Location: Sankt Moritz, Switzerland |
Search | Add | 45 | Margo Chase Design | ||
Search | Add | 45 | Пернатый | ||
Search | Add | 45 | Storing A.U.B. | Belgian design company. Storing A.U.B. Oude Kuringerbaan 120 3500 Hasselt Tel: 011 72 05 53 Fax: 011720553 | |
Search | Add | 45 | Ryan Scannura | Ryan Scannura | NYC-based deejay from the Midwest. Ryan is in charge of curation and A&R for the [l=Deep Club] record label, podcast, and party series. He launched a new party in Brooklyn in 2021 named Jewel, and the associated [l=Jewel Series] label offshoot the following year. |
Search | Add | 45 | Roman Gosz | Roman Louis Gosz | Manitowoc, Wisconsin trumpet, bandleader Czech American polka musician and band leader (b. August 2, 1910 Grimms, Wisconsin – d. August 29, 1966, Manitowoc, Wisconsin, USA) |
Search | Add | 45 | Валерий Чуменко | ||
Search | Add | 45 | Cold Carti | ||
Search | Add | 45 | Gerd Wellnitz | German composer and orchestra leader | |
Search | Add | 45 | Longhorn Playboys Band | ||
Search | Add | 45 | Bob Nieske | American bass player, composer arranger and band leader. | |
Search | Add | 45 | Michelle Ozbourn | ||
Search | Add | 45 | Butch U | ||
Search | Add | 45 | Dane "Fire Links" Johnson | ||
Search | Add | 45 | Bram Criekemans | Belgian bassist. | |
Search | Add | 45 | Apple Graphics | Design company | |
Search | Add | 45 | Eye.lyft | Design, digital illustration and photography studio of [a1878599]. | |
Search | Add | 45 | Uzi Preuss | ||
Search | Add | 45 | Harley J. Usill | Harley John Vaughan Usill | Founder of the [l645373] label in 1951, with musicologist [a1939541], and of the [l61493] label in 1981. Born in Portsmouth in 1925, died 1991. |
Search | Add | 45 | Ayumi Koketsu | 纐纈歩美 | 纐纈歩美 (Koketsu Ayumi) Japanese saxophonist born 1988 in Gifu. |
Search | Add | 45 | Pamela Coleman Smith | Pamela Colman Smith | Pamela Colman Smith, also nicknamed Pixie, was a British artist, illustrator, writer and occultist. She is best known for illustrating the Waite-Smith deck of divinatory tarot cards for Arthur Edward Waite. |
Search | Add | 45 | Mutantdesign | Mutantdesign A/S | Graphic design company. Mutantdesign A/S Skippergata 32 0154 Oslo Norway Phone: +47 22 333 096 |
Search | Add | 45 | Hartnel Henry | ||
Search | Add | 45 | Edward Buxbaum | Visual artist | |
Search | Add | 45 | Dyno-Dynamic Productions | Philadelphia production assemblage formed by the "Harthon Trio": [a1277472], [a2696459] and [a342093]. Active in the 60's, they worked for such labels as Wand, Artic & Frantic. Sometimes imprinted as "Dynodynamic" or Dynodynamic Productions" and other variations | |
Search | Add | 45 | Національна Заслужена Капела Бандуристів України Ім. Г. І. Майбороди | Formed in 1918 in Kiev as «Кобзарський хор» (Choir Kobzars), who later became «Київською капелою бандуристів» (Kiev's capella Bandurist) that ceased to exist in 1935. Since 1946, was restored in Kiev as «Державна капела бандуристів УРСР» (State capella Bandurist of Ukrainian SSR). In 1995 named [a2096657]. Conductors: [b]As "Kobzar Choir" (1918-1919)[/b] [a=Василь Костьович Ємець] (Vasiliy Yemets) (1918-1919) [b] As "The First Model Chapel of the Bandurists of the People's Commissar of the USSR" (1935-1940)[/b] [a=Микола Миколайович Михайлов] (Mikola Mikhailov) (1935-1936) [a=Д. Пика] (Danilo Pika) (1938-1941) [b]As "Bandurist Ukrainian Chapel. T. Shevchenko"[/b]: [a=Григорій Трохимович Китастий] (Grigoriy Kitasty) (1942-1944) - emigrated to Detroit, USA in 1949 and reformed [a=Українська Капела Бандуристів Ім. Т. Шевченка] [b]As State Chapel of Bandura Players of the Ukrainian SSR (1946-present)[/b]: [a=Олександр Міньківський] (Oleksander Minkivsky) (1942-1974) [a=Григорій Куляба] (Grigoriy Kulyaba) (1974-1977) [a=Микола Гвоздь] (Mikola Hvozd) (1977-2010) (Victory Skoromniy) (2010-2013) (Yuri Vladimirovich Kurach) (2013-present) | |
Search | Add | 45 | Orchestre TP Zembe-Zembe | ||
Search | Add | 45 | Alexandre Potteck | Alexandre Potteck | French mastering engineer working at and co-founder of [l=Altho Studio], based in Lyon, France. Born: March 2, 1978 |
Search | Add | 45 | Coleman Hawkins All Star Band | ||
Search | Add | 45 | Ahmet Terzioğlu | Graphic designer | |
Search | Add | 45 | Spacefunk Dub | ||
Search | Add | 45 | Jamesey D | Runs [l=Makin' Moves] with [a=Matt Langrish-Smith]. | |
Search | Add | 45 | Vokalni Kvartet "Admira" | ||
Search | Add | 45 | Wendel Adkins | American country music singer and songwriter. Raised in Fremont, Ohio, during his teens, Adkins played organ in a rock band, but he preferred to sing country music. He went to Nashville but poor management stifled his talent and his ambition. Adkins moved to Las Vegas and, because he was tall, good-looking and entertaining, he attracted a following in the casino hotels. His country act included impersonations of Willie Nelson and Johnny Cash, and he sounded like Waylon Jennings without trying. Ironically, it was Nelson who discovered him and suggested that he move from Las Vegas to Texas. He became associated with ‘outlaw country’ and he opened shows for both Nelson and David Allan Coe. | |
Search | Add | 45 | Вячеслав Осокин | ||
Search | Add | 45 | Raymond Peynet | French cartoonist (1908-1999). He is known for having created the couple of lovers in 1942 which he represented on many mediums, including ceramics, posters, jewelry, postcards, and postage stamps. In 1987 Raymond Peynet was promoted Commander of the Ordre des Arts et des Lettres. | |
Search | Add | 45 | G Grafism | ||
Search | Add | 45 | Leo Cermak | Bassoonist. | |
Search | Add | 45 | Jeansowaty | Aleksander Szałek | Born in 2000, Jeansowaty is a Polish-born experimental electronic composer. He started out with simple loops in Audacity in 2014 and now experiments with synthesizers, AIs and other computer programs. Jeansowaty's music usually covers a wide range of 90's-style electronic music, such as techno, trance, drum and bass, chiptune, breaks, acid etc., forming one cohesive concoction. |
Search | Add | 45 | Roland Tseng | ||
Search | Add | 45 | Ghariokwu Lemi | Lemi Ghariokwu (born Emmanuel Sunday; 26 December 1955), also known simply as Lemi, is a Nigerian artist, illustrator and designer who is most renowned for providing many of the original cover images for the recordings of Nigerian musician Fela Kuti. 21, Julius Elebiju Street, off Demurin St., Ketu, Lagos State. | |
Search | Add | 45 | Bratislav Anastasijević | Bratislav Anastasijević | (1936-1992) Jazz pianist, composer/arranger and conductor from Niš, Serbia. |
Search | Add | 45 | Arno Van Orsouw | For "Hoes" (cover) credits related to Dutch printing company [l=Arno van Orsouw]/[l=Arno van Orsouw B.V.] | |
Search | Add | 45 | Ayşe Şan | Ayşe Şan (also known as Eyşana Kurd, Eyşe Xan, Eyşana Eli...) was a Kurdish singer from Turkey. She was born in 1938 in Diyarbakır and passed away in 1996 in Izmir. | |
Search | Add | 45 | Carlos Ramspott | Spanish photographer, active late 60s - 70s. | |
Search | Add | 45 | وليد غلمية | Walid Gholmiyeh (1938 - 2011) was a highly decorated Lebanese conductor and composer. He also headed the panel of judges on the Lebanese television talent show "Studio el Fan," which is credited for launching the careers of many Lebanese and Arab artists from 1972 to 2002. He was the director of "Le Conservatoire libanais national supérieur de musique" or "The Lebanese National Higher Conservatory of Music". He was considered one of the most prominent Middle Eastern conductors and composers. | |
Search | Add | 45 | Ernest Socolov | American illustrator & designer | |
Search | Add | 45 | BABA Sounds | ||
Search | Add | 45 | Vice Suager | ||
Search | Add | 45 | Dean Kilpatrick | Dean Arthur Kilpatrick | American road manager of [a=Lynyrd Skynyrd], born 30 May 1949, died in a plane crash 20 October 1977 in Gillsburg, Mississippi, USA, together with [a=Cassie Gaines], [a=Steve Gaines], [a=Ronnie Van Zant] and both pilots. |
Search | Add | 45 | Jean-Jacques Golicki | Arpa player, also known as Juan Golicki | |
Search | Add | 45 | John Araya | American bassist and guitarist born March 10, 1969. He's the younger brother of [a251589] and played with him in the pre-Slayer band Evil and has been working as Slayer guitar tech for most of his brother's career in the band, starting in 1983. | |
Search | Add | 45 | Jared Rowbotham | ||
Search | Add | 45 | Kjell Og Odd | Christian Duo performing in Norway in the 50's and 60's | |
Search | Add | 45 | Hárs Viktor | Bassist. | |
Search | Add | 45 | The University Of Illinois Concert Band | ||
Search | Add | 45 | Nether Temple Design | Alex Shadrin | Russian graphic artist. |
Search | Add | 44 | Studio Grafic | [l673003] is mainly an Indian printing plant but is sometimes credited for cover design. When their logo is seen on sleeves, use [l673003]. | |
Search | Add | 44 | Paul Sandoz | Swiss classical baritone born 1906 in La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland, died on July 31, 1999 - Basel, Switzerland | |
Search | Add | 44 | Teckzilla | Hip-hop MC and producer from Lagos, Nigeria, member of the 6-man crew Str8 Buttah. | |
Search | Add | 44 | Umberto Peña | Cuban cover designer | |
Search | Add | 44 | Big Time Productions | ||
Search | Add | 44 | Wastl Fanderl | Sebastian Fanderl | * 24.06.1915 † 25.04.1991 Husband of [a=Lisl Fanderl] Father of [a=Moni Fanderl], [a=Regina Fanderl] and Lieserl Fanderl |
Search | Add | 44 | Fernando Fantini | Saxophone and accordion player. Born June 27, 1929 in Reggio Emilia, Italy. | |
Search | Add | 44 | Paul Stanczyk | chicago based recording engineer, often polka music | |
Search | Add | 44 | Gauna-Douglas | ||
Search | Add | 44 | Sylvia Cartner | Producer for the BBC. | |
Search | Add | 44 | Kult Media | ||
Search | Add | 44 | Πάνος Πιτσιλίδης | Born in 1959 in London. He studied at the London College of Printing, in the same classroom with John Galliano, and at the Royal College of Art. For a period he was the personal art director of [a=Anna Vissi]. In Greece he also worked as a creative director in all the magazines of the Imako publishing company, in the Greek edition of the famous magazine, Vogue, and in the rest publications of the Limperis publishing company. | |
Search | Add | 44 | DJ Demonk | Alex | Jump Style / U.S. Hard House / New Style / Dance / Hardcore |
Search | Add | 44 | Atsushi Matsuno | ||
Search | Add | 44 | Larry Sevitt | Reggae songwriter - producer Has worked in many releases with [a=Webster Shrowder] Producer of [a=Dillinger] | |
Search | Add | 44 | Picla-Beevash | ||
Search | Add | 44 | Han Ernest | ||
Search | Add | 44 | Vida Pavlović | ( Born 22.8.1945 Futog Srbija Umrla 10.5.2005 Beograd Serbian folk and romani singer from Futog, Novi Sad, Serbia. | |
Search | Add | 44 | Borislav Zorić-Ličanin | Borislav Zorić | Serbian folk singer, born on 1948 in Mazin, Lika, Croatia. |
Search | Add | 44 | Mark Hindsley | Director of Bands and Professor of Music, Emeritus / University of Illinois. | |
Search | Add | 44 | Αθανάσιος Χαλιγιάννης | Greek clarinet player. | |
Search | Add | 44 | sansserifgrafik | Andre Ruello | Sans Serif Grafik (ssgrfk) is the production alias for [a=Andre Ruello]. |
Search | Add | 44 | United States Beat Squad | ||
Search | Add | 44 | Anamía | Ana María de las Mercedes Ortiz Romero | Anamia is a Mexican singer and actress who was born in Concepción, Chile. She migrated to Mexico and got the Mexican nacionality. Anamía has been living in Mexico for fifty years, where she developed her artistic career as a poet, singer, actress and writer. |
Search | Add | 44 | Mick Lowe Design | Design company. When credited as an artist please use [a1863567]. | |
Search | Add | 44 | Winston Thompson | Winston Thompson | |
Search | Add | 44 | Кэто Джапаридзе | Кетевана (Кэто) Константиновна Джапаридзе (in Georgian ქეთევან კონსტანტინეს ასული ჯაფარიძე) = Ketevan (Keto) Konstantinovna Japaridze | (February 11 (24), 1901, Kvishkheti, Kutaisi Province, Russian Empire — September 20, 1968, Tbilisi, Georgian SSR, USSR) Soviet Georgian singer performed Georgian, Russian and Gypsy romances, lyrical songs by Soviet composers. |
Search | Add | 44 | Pryor's Orchestra | ||
Search | Add | 44 | Miss A. Sundaram | ||
Search | Add | 44 | Pierre-Marcel Ondher | Pierre Hervy | French radio host, record producer, liner notes author, music critic and, occasionally, actor. Born 1925, died 2013. Ondher founded "Les Amis de la Musique de Genre" (AMG) in 1953, which became "L'Association Française De Musique Récréative" (AMR) in 1968, devoted mostly to instrumental / light music / easy listening / gypsy music. |
Search | Add | 44 | Igor Kadič | Graphic Designer - DJ - Music Producer. Based in Perth, Australia. Owner of Best Graphic Designs. | |
Search | Add | 44 | Elona Marija Ložytė | ||
Search | Add | 44 | Betty M. Cherry | ||
Search | Add | 44 | Fritz Edtmeier | Austrian singer, born 25 October 1925, died 26 November 1982. | |
Search | Add | 44 | Egbert Luys | Dutch graphic designer. | |
Search | Add | 44 | Grant Edwards Management | Contact address (1986): Grant/Edwards Management 30 Bridstow Place, Talbot Road London W2 5AE United Kingdom | |
Search | Add | 44 | Jussi S. Karjalainen | Finnish illustrator, designer and percussionist, born 1975 in Kajaani. | |
Search | Add | 44 | Gary Tanenbaum | ||
Search | Add | 44 | Daniel Aguilar Bazán | Daniel Aguilar Bazán | Graphic Designer, specialized in Web and Digital Media. Graduated from the Faculty of Arts and Design of UNAM, with more than 20 years of experience, he is a passionate about the design in all its areas; He produces all kinds of graphic materials for various supports, whether digital, printed or for new technologies. |
Search | Add | 44 | Raoul Romito | Raoul Roberto Romito | Italian-American opera singer (tenor) (b. October 23, 1882 Livorno, Italy – d. August 19, 1952 Gloucester, Massachusetts, USA) Romito worked as a fisherman in Naples when the Managing Director of the Boston Opera Company, Henry Russell, discovered him. After studying music and learning to read and write in Italian, French, and English in Paris, Romito came to the United States in October 1912, where he gained renown as the First Tenor of the Boston Opera Company. In June 1914, he became a naturalized U.S. citizen in New York. Between 1917 and 1930, Romito recorded prolifically for [l=Columbia], [l=Okeh] (1927-1928), [l=Brunswick] (1929), and [l=Victor] (1930), both popular songs of the day and folk songs in Italian. By 1940, he appears to have retired from stage, working as a handyman. |
Search | Add | 44 | Bertha Svensson | ||
Search | Add | 44 | كمال الطويل | كمال زكي الطويل | Kamal El Tawil (1922 - 2003) was an Egyptian composer. His name can also be transliterated as Kamal Al Taweel or Kamal El Taweel. |
Search | Add | 44 | Bob Palombo | Bassist for [a=Disrupt]. | |
Search | Add | 44 | Nattskog | Jørgen Sven Kirby | Norwegian musician, living in Norwich, United Kingdom, born 27 March 1998. |
Search | Add | 44 | Classical People | ||
Search | Add | 44 | Eduard Belichmeier | Original bass player of Protector | |
Search | Add | 44 | Moacyr Rocha | Brazilian designer, active since the 60s. | |
Search | Add | 44 | Ion Luca Caragiale | Romanian playwright, short story writer, poet, theater manager, political commentator and journalist, born 13th February 1852 in Haimanale, today I. L. Caragiale, died 9th June 1912 in Berlin. | |
Search | Add | 44 | Maceo Woods | Maceo Len Woods | Reverend Maceo Len Woods (born April 23, 1932) is an American gospel musician and noted organist, who founded, Christian Tabernacle Church. He started his music career in 1954, with the release of Amazing Grace, which was released by Vee-Jay Records. His 25 releases have spanned the course of 50 plus years in recording music, and he has released albums with a myriad of noteworthy labels including Vee-Jay Records, Volt Records, Arista Records, P-Vine Records, and Stax Records. The only works of his to place upon the Billboard magazine R&B Albums chart, were the releases of Hello Sunshine in 1970 with Volt Records, and the song "Hello Sunshine" placed on the R&B Singles chart. |
Search | Add | 44 | Silere Omnia | Yohann Pasquier | French visual artist working for many record labels. |
Search | Add | 44 | Silvia Colfescu | Romanian graphics designer, collaborated with [l=Electrecord] during the 1980s | |
Search | Add | 44 | Staalplaat | For credits given to the Dutch/German label [l=Staalplaat]. | |
Search | Add | 44 | Rafał Olbiński | Józef Rafał Feliks Chałupka | Polish painter and graphic designer. *21 February 1943 in Kielce. |
Search | Add | 44 | DJ Aier | ||
Search | Add | 44 | Mark Wildey | British producer. By 1963, he was employed by [a338370] as an agent and then began producing records for Don Arden's "Contemporary Music Ltd." organization. He relocated to Los Angeles and spent all of 1966 producing records there. He then moved back to England in the spring of 1967 and rejoined Arden. | |
Search | Add | 44 | Toshiyuki Kasajima | ||
Search | Add | 44 | Pie Plant Pete | Claude J. Moye | (1906 - 1988) Stage name of American composer Claud Moye ([a=Claude W. Moye]) in the comedic duo [a=Pie Plant Pete and Bashful Harmonica Joe] (see [a=Joseph Troyan] alias [a=Bashful Harmonica Joe]. Learned to play guitar as a child and in his early teens, added harmonica. In 1927, with a considerable repertoire of the old-time songs his mother sang, he relocated to Chicago and made his professional debut on WLS on 5 May. Using a frame, he played harmonica and guitar together, calling the combination his ‘two-cylinder cob-crusher’. He called himself Pie Plant Pete (for comedy reasons) and soon proved popular with WLS listeners. |
Search | Add | 44 | Andre 303 | ||
Search | Add | 44 | Sydney Coltham | British Tenor vocalist, c. 1910-1930s. | |
Search | Add | 44 | Karel Krautgartner Orchestra | Jazzový orchestr Československého rozhlasu | Czech jazz big band. Identical to the [a=Czechoslovak Radio Jazz Orchestra] and (partially) [a=Czechoslovak Radio Dance Orchestra] 1960–1966. This alias was mostly used on some [l=Supraphon]/[l=Artia] export releases of the orchestra’s 1960–1966 recordings, or on foreign recordings. [i]Note: Not to be confused with [a=Orchestr Karla Krautgartnera] (1956–1959, aka “Karel Krautgartner se svým orchestrem” or “Septet/Nonet Karla Krautgartnera”). Not to be used for any 1967–1968 releases credited to [a=Orchestr Karla Krautgartnera (2)].[/i] |
Search | Add | 44 | Rick deHaan | ||
Search | Add | 44 | Thomas Neulinger | Designer in Graz, Austria. Focusing on music branding and record design. | |
Search | Add | 44 | Nancy C. Pitts | ||
Search | Add | 44 | Mikel Biffs | Spanish guitarist, singer, sound engineer and producer. Created [l414848] in Bilbao, now manages [l1550230]. | |
Search | Add | 44 | Drew Haddon | ||
Search | Add | 44 | Blyh Media | Also see [a=Niclas Blyh] and [a=Niclas Blyh Media]. | |
Search | Add | 44 | Yeray López | ||
Search | Add | 44 | Cinturón Negro | | |
Search | Add | 44 | Daniel Strøm | ||
Search | Add | 44 | Alexei Maslov | Алексей Маслов / Alexei Maslov | Trance & House music songwriter, producer & remixer, Stary Oskol, Russian Federation. |
Search | Add | 44 | José Juan Almela | José Juan Sánchez Almela | Spanish arranger and keyboardist (b. 1950). |
Search | Add | 44 | Alexandru Avramovici | Alexandru Avramovici | Romanian composer, conductor, arranger and guitarist ✰ 1932, București ✞ November 24, 2007. Last orchestra where he activated until his death, was orchestra led by [a3370911] and [a3240731], orchestra which accompaniated PROTV TV Show ''Dansez pentru tine'' / ''Dancing for you'' |
Search | Add | 44 | Oliver Young | Oliver Samuel Young | Australian musician and audio engineer. Previously a lathe cutting engineer at [l=Zenith Records (2)] |
Search | Add | 44 | Ashiq Hussain Jat | ||
Search | Add | 44 | Bob Ohe | Robert Pollard | |
Search | Add | 44 | Pavel Fořt | Pavel Fořt | Czech guitarist, bass guitarist, composer, arranger, band leader. Born April 26, 1947 in Prague (former Czechoslovakia). |
Search | Add | 44 | Milutin Popović Zahar | Milutin Popović | Born 12.10.1938 Serbian folk composer, lyricist and violin player. |
Search | Add | 44 | Ansambl Žarka Pavlovića Valjevca | ||
Search | Add | 44 | Chris M. Wilson | ||
Search | Add | 44 | Steve "Vance" Vincent | Bassist | |
Search | Add | 44 | Vincent Andreas | ||
Search | Add | 44 | Mimetic64 | ||
Search | Add | 44 | Edgar Alexander | Venezuelan singer | |
Search | Add | 44 | Matt Grundy | Matthew K. Grundy | Matthew K. Grundy is a composer, producer and musician based in Nottingham, UK. He works writing, recording, producing and performing electronic and multi-instrumental music. He has composed and produced music for short films, advertising, and production music libraries including Alt-Life, BMG Production Music and Lift Music, and has performed live film scores as well as remixing tracks for other artists. He has an extensive history as a touring musician and performer, having been a member of bands including Pitchshifter and The Blueprint. He currently releases music under different guises to suit his interest in various sub-genres of electronic music, primarily as Deadbeat at Dawn and Occulting Light, as well as playing bass in the hardcore punk band Blind Eye. |
Search | Add | 44 | Bangalore Dramatic Party | ||
Search | Add | 44 | Paul XRRRX | Paul Barsch | German graphic artist and guitarist, born 1982 in Karlsburg, Germany. |
Search | Add | 44 | Eugenio Tovini | Eugenio Tovini | Italian journalist and dance music producer based in Milan. Owner of music site |
Search | Add | 44 | Crun Walter | ||
Search | Add | 44 | Qamili I Vogël | Qamil Muhaxhiri | Qamili i Vogël (1923 - 1991) was a famous Kosovo Albanian singer, composer, and the founder of the cultural-artistic society Ymer Riza. |
Search | Add | 44 | Sheilah Beckett | American illustrator (1913-2013) | |
Search | Add | 44 | Gil Bernard | Maurice Abitbol | Gil Bernard was born in Mazagan, Morocco. After completing his studies, he became secretary, did a bit of sports journalism and finding no one to interpret the songs he loved to write, performed them himself at the "Guinguette Fleurie" the great music hall of Casablanca. It was there that [a466235] [a2430404] and other touring stars heard him and encouraged him to go to Paris. |
Search | Add | 44 | Włodzimierz Terechowicz | Credited as designer | |
Search | Add | 44 | Toto Blu | Salvatore Galiano | Salvatore Galiano (born 28 February 1994 in Speyer, Germany), known professionally as Toto Blu, is an Italian singer, songwriter, record producer, and guitarist. |
Search | Add | 44 | Gene Mahon | British graphic designer | |
Search | Add | 44 | Anne Bennett | Primarily has artwork credits in association with [l=Avid Jazz] and [l=Avid Entertainment]. | |
Search | Add | 44 | Esteban Decoral Toselli | Argentinian recording supervisor, composer, producer, musical director, radio host (Eduardo Castex, La Pampa, 16 Jun. 1930 - 21 Aug. 1983), worked at [l304096], [l113220], has been artistic director of Odeón - also known as Esteban Mateo Toselli | |
Search | Add | 44 | Steven Slozz | ||
Search | Add | 44 | Gianni Monese | ||
Search | Add | 44 | Russ Reeder | Record producer. | |
Search | Add | 44 | Turbo Turbo | German DJ and producer duo formed by Manfred & Bernd Petendra. They are also mastering engineer for [l= GND Records (2)]. | |
Search | Add | 44 | Jacques Douvalian | French vocalist and guitarist of Armenian descent. Sung in French, Armenian, Russian. Born 1920 in Syria, died 2008 in France. Emigrated from France to USSR in 1954 but again returned to France in 1965. | |
Search | Add | 44 | Jean-François Veillet | ||
Search | Add | 44 | Latty Guzang | Jamaican singer, Deejay and melodica player | |
Search | Add | 44 | Joy Bailey | Manager, coordinator, producer, and engineer. | |
Search | Add | 44 | Dr. Domino | Mr. Nebula | Owner of the record label, [l=Domino Records (Dr. Domino)]. |
Search | Add | 44 | Ainsley Folder | ||
Search | Add | 44 | Oscar Bergström | Swedish operatic baritone (or bass-baritone), born Stockholm July 18, 1874, died Stockholm, Nov 14, 1931. Engagement at the Kungliga Operan (Royal Swedish Opera) in Stockholm 1897-1899. He was a prolific recording artist with over 400 recordings, most of them for HMV. | |
Search | Add | 44 | Bart Hartman | Dutch graphic designer. Contact: Born: May 29, 1979 in Vlaardingen | |
Search | Add | 44 | Arrache Toi Un Oeil! | Gaspard Le Quiniou & Emy Rojas | Arrache Toi Un Oeil! are the French duo [a=Gaspard Le Quiniou] & [a=Emy Rojas] aka "Bughead". They are specialised in gig Poster silkscreen printing, are involved in DIY/underground Paris scene, mostly as graphic designers, illustrators but also as organisation of noise/punk/hardcore/garage shows in Paris. As [l=Arrache Toi Un Oeil!] Label they are collaborating in few releases with other DIY labels and creating artwork. Atelier sur Rue 80 rue du Chemin Vert, 75011 Paris, France - |
Search | Add | 44 | Linda Bourne Wornell | A&R Coordinator | |
Search | Add | 44 | Хор Под Управлением И.И.Юхова | Russian choir formed in 1900 by Ivan Ivanovich Yukhov (1871-1943), first as an amateur choir in the city of Shchyolkovo near Moscow that sang mostly Christian music. The choir quickly grew, enlarged by members of the choirs of the Mytishchi Carriage Works and the Rabinek Factory, and it began to perform in Moscow churches. As the choir's repertoire expands, it becomes the most popular choir in Moscow. It sings at theatrical performances, develops an extensive concert activity, and makes its first recordings. After the Russian Revolution, the chorus is nationalized. On January 1, 1919, it becomes the First State Choir. In 1925, it changes its name once more, becoming the M.I. Glinka State Choir. It performed both on the radio and contributed to more than 70 Soviet films, and it sang at numerous performances of Soviet operas and theatrical production. In 1942, the choir became the Republican Russian Academic Choir. | |
Search | Add | 44 | Svend Saaby Koret | Danish 50's to 60's choir led by [a=Svend Saaby]. The foundation for the choir was laid in 1942 when Saaby formed [a5941553] for the radio show "Weekendhytten". This choir in 1949 became the Danish national public service broadcaster's popular music choir as [a6719022] and from 1959 named [a=Danmarks Radios Underholdningskor]. Svend Saaby Koret consisted of members from this choir. | |
Search | Add | 44 | Orkest o.l.v. Ferry Wienneke | ||
Search | Add | 44 | Tomaž Tozon | Slovenian singer, producer and editor born November 29, 1937 in Ljubljana. From 1966 to 1993 worked at RTV Ljubljana. | |
Search | Add | 44 | S.A. Fred | Peter Baldwin | Electronic music producer, composer, sound designer and visual artist from Hamburg, Germany. The name of this project is based on the character Bob Arctor, who goes undercover as Special Agent Fred in the Philip K. Dick book "A Scanner Darkly". Heavily focused on ambient moods, cinematic textures and sound collage experimentation. Influenced by the synth pioneers of the 70's and 80's, with a strong foot stood in contemporary Dance music and IDM. Started releasing music on back in 1999, becoming known in online communities with an ambient take on Drum & Bass music. |
Search | Add | 44 | Азамат Исенгазин | ||
Search | Add | 44 | Hubert Cunningham | ||
Search | Add | 44 | Roman Ismailov | ||
Search | Add | 44 | Supershell | ||
Search | Add | 44 | Orchester Jean Satori | ||
Search | Add | 44 | Это гавнич | ||
Search | Add | 44 | Fabio Rincón | ||
Search | Add | 44 | Peter Okoloba | ||
Search | Add | 44 | Tiago César | Tiago Santos | Hardtechno producer from Brazil. |
Search | Add | 44 | Charles Stripling | Charles Melvin Stripling | (1896 - 1966) American old-time country musician (fiddle) born in West Alabama. With brother [a=Ira Stripling] in The [a=Stripling Brothers]. As a teenager, he acquired a fiddle and learned his first pieces from a neighbor, Pleasant C. Carroll, known as "Uncle Plez," who appears to be the source of the complex, archaic-sounding tunes for which Stripling is best known, such as [i]The Lost Child,[/i] [i]Wolves A'Howling[/i] and [i]Horseshoe Bend[/i]. |
Search | Add | 44 | Alfredo A. Manzano | ||
Search | Add | 44 | Victor Chapman | A recording engineer from the West Indies. | |
Search | Add | 44 | Daniel Marschollek | Daniel Marschollek | E-Mail: |
Search | Add | 44 | SoYLuEsk | Şaban Soylu | Turkey/Eskişehir Trance Music/Producer/Remixer 2014 Genre = Uplifting Trance/PsyTrance |