Report created based on data in MusicBrainz as of 24/10/2024
Found 596840 artists, we show 1000 artists per page.
The report is not continually updated so may not reflect the current data within MusicBrainz and or Discogs databases.
These are Discogs artists not currently linked to a MusicBrainz artist, and we have been unable to find a potential link for either.
Many of these artists probably are in MusicBrainz in some form but they are not currently linked, the list is ordered so that Discogs artists with the most number of single artists releases are listed first on the basis that these artists would be of more interest.
Some problems will just be due to deficiencies in the Discogs to Musicbrainz artist matching algorithm employed by Albunack.
There are also timing issues as this report is not updated immediately so will not reflect recent modifications and additions to MusicBrainz and Discogs.
One issue in Discogs is they handle artist credits differently so a Discogs name consisting of multiple people is probably represented on MusicBrainz as two individuals, but we try to filter these out of this report
We have also omitted artists that are not unique in both MusicBrainz and Discogs because these artists are probably not missing just more difficult to match up.
Another issue is that some Discogs artists have multiple ids with one id just redirecting to the other, this is the case with Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, do we add both links to MusicBrainz ?
Limited report to artists with at least two single artist releases for now.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597
Search for Artist | Add Artist | Discogs Release Count | Discogs Artist | Other Names | Comment |
Search | Add | 8 | Le Cinema Souvenir Orchestre | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Kiichiro Komobuchi | 菰淵 樹一郞 | Japanese jazz bassist. |
Search | Add | 8 | Grisha Dotzenko | Ukrainian-American art director, illustrator & woodcut artist (1926-2008) | |
Search | Add | 8 | Haydn Britland | Booking agent who runs NMC Live. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Toi Let | Surf-grunge from Malmö, Sweden. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Terry Welbourn | Musician and author | |
Search | Add | 8 | J-P Järvinen | Jussi-Pekka Järvinen | |
Search | Add | 8 | Cow Cablin | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Vern White | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Josef Kálmán | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Ilias Doumpakis | Ilias Doumpakis is a sound technician at Ikos Resorts. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Гульвира Разиева | Разиева Гульвира Турсуновна | Gulvira Razieva (b. 1936) - uighur singer from Kazakhstan. |
Search | Add | 8 | Anno Senza Estate | Anno Senza Estate | Est. 2014 Born as garage punk band. Evolved its sound to rock / blues / country & folk |
Search | Add | 8 | Bob Mumford | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Les Flying Tractors | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Дмитрий Крейдич | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Geert Keij | Geert Keij | |
Search | Add | 8 | Aussie Anarchists Indeed | ||
Search | Add | 8 | The Esquires Combo | Led by [a4495151] | |
Search | Add | 8 | Holy Fever | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Omancois K | Super mediocre | |
Search | Add | 8 | Mad Money Management | Hip hop management company. | |
Search | Add | 8 | You Bite With That | Alternative Rock band from Ithaca, NY. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Arreveriano Platos | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Philadelphia Gymanfa Ganu | ||
Search | Add | 8 | José María Galiana | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Giulia Combo | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Nick Foot Studio | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Lino Russo | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Albertín Sobórnez | Alberto Oyarbide | Spanish bass player. |
Search | Add | 8 | Dewey Knight | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Ludek Pesek | Luděk Pešek | Czech illustrator Born April 26, 1919 (Czech Republic) as Luděk Pešek Died December 4, 1999 (Switzerland) Citzenship: Switzerland |
Search | Add | 8 | Bess Lomax Hawes | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Aquiles Giacometti | Artistic Director at RCA Victor Argentina | |
Search | Add | 8 | Radu Dan | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Raymond Nkosi | Raymond Bafana Bongane Nkosi | A Deep House DJ hailing from Middelburg, South Africa. |
Search | Add | 8 | Mensur Mrehić | 05.08.1944 ~ 15.07.2007 | |
Search | Add | 8 | The New Tokens | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Lal Din Shahbazi | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Dick Vale | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Mic-A-Tac Management | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Andrzej Pawlukiewicz | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Alan Beever | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Lindi Waters | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Chania River Boys | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Master Mwana Congo | Ignace Nkounkou | Congolese guitarist born in Brazzaville, Republic of Congo. d. 01-08-19 |
Search | Add | 8 | Dov Teta | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Célestin Migan | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Faraway Martin | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Peculiar Blue | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Haunted Light | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Luis Moratinos | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Arnoby | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Marco Fioravanti | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Rob Zifarelli | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Flavio Luserna | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Haissam Salah-Eddine | Haissam Salah-Eddine is a Lebanese Violin Player, Musician, and Composer. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Tony Top | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Petrică Bălănescu | Romanian accordion player | |
Search | Add | 8 | Philippe Cattafesta | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Friedrich Von Spee Chor | German choir based in Trier, founded in 1964 by Professor [a=Karl Berg]. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Vesa Lähde | Vesa Lähde | Drone musician from Finland, he runs the [l=Droning Earth] blog. |
Search | Add | 8 | Jérôme Prieur | Canadian visual artist. He often collaborates with [a=Marie-Josée Roy]. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Eva Krhutová | ||
Search | Add | 8 | The Briarwood Singers | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Raphel Pherrer | Rafel Ferrer Sancho | Raphel Pherrer és un cantant, lletrista, compositor i intèrpret mallorquí. Néix a Palma (Mallorca), el 10 d'agost de 1955 amb el nom de Rafel Ferrer Sancho. Va estudiar Filosofia i Lletres a la Universitat de les Illes Balears. Es dona a conèixer l'any 1986, després de molt de temps de treballar en el mitjà radiofònic, amb un LP (Desnormalització) que sorprenia des de la coberta: una capsa d'ensaïmades. L'any 1989, publica Mallorcatur, banda sonora d'un espectacle creat per ell mateix sobre textos de Carlos Garrido. Mallorcatur és una visita turística satírica on hi retrobem els constructors de talaiots, les prèdiques de Sant Vicent Ferrer, els amors de Catalina Homar i l'arxiduc, Georges Sand i els turistes contemporanis. El mateix any apareix Sor Thomasseta Super Star, un nou disc de temes propis de Raphel Pherrer. D'aleshores ençà, Raphel Pherrer es dedica bàsicament a les seves activitats radiofòniques i televisives (és el creador del programa La ruta de la ceba, a TVE Balears), i només torna als estudis per a enregistrar una versió de la cançó de Brassens "La marxa nupcial" / "La marche nuptiale" per al CD col·lectiu coordinat per Miquel Pujadó Els companys Primer (L'Univers de Georges Brassens) (1993). L'any 1995 aplega en un sol CD (La genial obra de Raphel Pherrer) totes les cançons de Desnormalització i de Sor Thomasseta Super Star. És corresponsal de Catalunya Ràdio a Mallorca, i ha presentat el programa "Despegue Inmediato" d'Antena 3. És director, guionista i presentador de diversos programes de televisió. Col·labora amb diaris com: Última Hora, dBalears, Revista de Calvià, la revista El Mirall, entre altres. Ha treballat per diferents cadenes de televisió: Canal Plus, Antena 3, TVE Balears o Tele Nova. Assíduament treballa per la ràdio, un mitjà de comunicació que coneix molt bé, i ha tingut programes en Cadena Cope, RNE o Ràdio 3. Ha realitzat amb Gaspar Valero Martí, un programa que relataven la història de Mallorca i visitaven els pobles de l'illa per a TV Mallorca. |
Search | Add | 8 | Jim SHOLSTEDT | ||
Search | Add | 8 | مريم عابد | Meriem Abed was an Algerian singer active in the 1950s and 1960s. In the late 1960s she quit singing. During her career and after she lived between Alger, Paris and Cairo. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Hyperion Holy | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Lt. Ridgely's 69th Regiment Band | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Birdbonanza | Chiptune producer who has also been involved in a few popular Caretaker fan projects. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Dave Hughs | Western swing trumpet player and singer | |
Search | Add | 8 | Roman Babanov | ||
Search | Add | 8 | John Fautley | ||
Search | Add | 8 | The Rhodes Brothers | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Lawrence Goreoang | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Joy Ibiayo | ||
Search | Add | 8 | The Southlan Trio | 1960s country gospel group from Winter Haven, Florida. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Edward Anthony Luis | ||
Search | Add | 8 | The Smitty Gatlin Trio | Formed by Smitty Gatlin upon leaving the Oak Ridge Boys. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Black Nivea | Black Nivea (Mk. I), a bunch of decidedly dilettant noise makers, formed in mid 1989. After a handful of at times chaotic local gigs (imagine a mix of early Germs and Flipper) the original group disbanded at the end of 1991. But in 1994 Black Nivea (Mk. II) came together around the key players of Screaming Joe, Big Rolf and Haax. They went on for another 10 years this time, rarely performing in public, but self-releasing the one or other record, all of which were - rightfully? - ignored by the public. In 1996 they released a great 7´´ as Pächter der Weisheit, original Black Nivea songs translated to German lyrics. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Pier Franco Colonna | Franco Rosario Castellani | Italian singer (Castelleone, 31 May 1945, Turin, 9 July 2001). In 1965 forms [a=I Ragazzi Del Sole]. Leaves the group and chooses Pierfranco Colonna as art name. In 1967 [l=Ariston] releases two singles. His new band [a=Boa Boa] (guitar Piero Pantò, from [a=Michele], keyboards Thomas Gagliardone - then with [a=Equipe 84] - bass Enrico Patti, percussion Mario Scotti, drums Roberto Senzasono from [a=Skylarks] by [a=Ricky Shayne], sax Mariano Lozzi and Michele Bovi, future journalist) in 1968 is the band support of [a=Jimi Hendrix] at Teatro Brancaccio, Rome. In early 90's new CD [i]Percorsi[/i]. [a=Ursus], leader of rock band [a=No Strange] rediscovered his great artistic contribution. He dies at the age of 56. |
Search | Add | 8 | Earl Shackelford | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Gustavo Rimada | Gustavo Rimada | Painter and tattoo artist based in California. |
Search | Add | 8 | Whore's Skeleton | Self loathing black noise from Columbus, Ohio, founded 2012. | |
Search | Add | 8 | فرقة هاني مهنى الموسيقية | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Pedro Balmaseda | ||
Search | Add | 8 | King Matte Black | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Clarence Prophet | Bassist | |
Search | Add | 8 | Françoise Gobet | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Steezy Buje f Bby | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Emilio Bruce | Emilio Bruce | Peruvian Bass Player |
Search | Add | 8 | Txus Alday | Jesús Alday | Spanish rock guitarist. |
Search | Add | 8 | Little Marge Collie | Margarete Hartis | Born October 6, 1921 in Goose Creek, TX. Died 2001. Early country singer. Wife of DJ [a=Biff Collie]. Also married to [a=Floyd Tillman] (twice!) Also known as Little Marge, Marge Tillman, Margie Tillman, etc. |
Search | Add | 8 | Swim Two Birds | Experimental Jazz/Art Rock band from Bremen, Northern Germany, founded in 1990 by Achim Gätjen. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Wil Tan | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Benni Esposito | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Sab Hunt | Richard Edwards | |
Search | Add | 8 | Bikers From Hell | Background vocal credit on [r2526708] consisting of members of White Lion. | |
Search | Add | 8 | KKOT | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Maurizio Mastroeni | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Rudy Retanan | ||
Search | Add | 8 | The Snookys | Garage punk band from Bergamo, Italy formed in 2005. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Amazin' Five | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Ceemon | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Georges Petrowsky | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Mousecop | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Grégoire Dalle | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Fana Medek | Czech bass guitarist. Died January 24, 2001 in a car accident. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Julia Mirny | Illustrator, graphic designer, painter and art director from Poland. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Esther Secretan-Blum | Swiss lyricist and and author of Christian children's books, born in 1925 in Zurich, Switzerland. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Danny Mashinini | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Arte Corale | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Michał Mendyk | Polish music critic and producer. Founder of [l=Bôłt]. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Ketil Strand | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Brian Kilcourse | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Salonkapelle Karl Haupt | Jazz band from Vienna, Austria | |
Search | Add | 8 | Destrict | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Ländlerkapelle Die Urchigen Bündner | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Hans Dorland | Designer. | |
Search | Add | 8 | DJ Mark C | Mark Chamberlain | It all started in 1992 when he started collecting all the Yaman mix tapes then progressing onto buying Technics 1200s in 1993... Fast forward to 2014 and he brought a computer with a midi keyboard and started producing 1992 style rave tracks and got signed to Kode 5 Recordings... Still collecting rave records and producing to this day. |
Search | Add | 8 | Ninny | Ann Winley | |
Search | Add | 8 | Richard D. Kaye | Associate Producer of the 1974 Grammy Award Winning "Best Children's Recording" THE LITTLE PRINCE narrated by Richard Burton. In 1986 he purchased the sound recording copyright from LP Ventures and has licensed distribution rights to Cassette Book Company, Newman Communications, and Warner Bros./ Music For Little People. Currently the recording is released on rdkRecords. Doing business as VIRGIN EAR MUSIC, Richard owns and/or has administrated hundreds of licensed recordings. Richard published the Jimmy Osmond international hit song “Long Haired Lover From Liverpool.” (the record stayed at #1 on the UK pop charts for six consecutive weeks and was the New Musical Express biggest selling single of its release year). Richard was co-administrator of the entire TUBES publishing catalog, including The TUBES/David Foster #1 Billboard rock song “She's A Beauty.” VIRGIN EAR MUSIC copyrights have recently been licensed to: Third Watch, Felicity, Dawson’s Creek, PBS, MTV, VH1 and BBC. Prior to forming his own company Richard worked with the early BILLY JOEL song catalog, as a Professional Manager for HOME GROWN MUSIC. While living in New York City, Richard worked as an indie record producer for Capitol and Mercury Records. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Ήρα Σταματοπούλου | Ira Stamatopoulou is a Greek designer. see also [a=Ira Stamatopoulou] | |
Search | Add | 8 | Nick Marauder | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Key-Hano | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Pupil Wah | ||
Search | Add | 8 | I Mattatori | I Mattatori | Founded by brothers Giulio (vocals and bass) and Mario Zampa (drums), with Gianni Vogel on sax and guitar, Carlo Missaglia on guitar and Claudio Fresca on piano, "I Mattatori" have had in their short history (about four years), some lineup changes |
Search | Add | 8 | Sharp Wood! | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Jen Ray | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Porter McKnight | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Friends Of Cesar Romero | ||
Search | Add | 8 | 12 Shades Of Fantasy | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Claude Musczynski | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Nae Kodama | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Bill Leavitt's Orchestra | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Lester Gray | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Danny Aguilar | Chilean design, photograph and recording cover artist. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Ron Zodiac | Ron Feldman | |
Search | Add | 8 | Furmaan Ahmed | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Stephen-David Inc | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Mitchell Solarek | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Charlie McConville | Charlie McConville | Producer, sound designer and digital content creator from London. |
Search | Add | 8 | Norman "Batchelor" Wilson | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Jokūbas Jacovskis | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Dan Bursuc | Daniel Paraschiv | Romanian manele singer & producer |
Search | Add | 8 | Chilos Skiffle Group | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Kammarkören Svenska Röster | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Jefferson Fernandes | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Philip Soule | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Усман Альмеев | ||
Search | Add | 8 | DJ Ramsa Ghost | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Ote Rama | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Kudin Headwind | The keyboardist for Malaysian band Headwind. He is a very successful sessionist in the 80s and 90s | |
Search | Add | 8 | Disco Blanc | A. Caruso | |
Search | Add | 8 | Kirill Shum | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Chriss Vargas | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Chor Des Theologischen Seminars Makumira Der Evangelisch-Lutherischen Kirche In Tansania | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Jurica Nižić | Jure Nižić | Croatian bass player. |
Search | Add | 8 | László Kuncz | Kuncz László | |
Search | Add | 8 | مرتضی فرزانه | Morteza Farzaneh is an Iranian photographer. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Jerry Jermont | ||
Search | Add | 8 | GavTech | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Nick Recordkicks | Founder & label manager of [l=Record Kicks], also a rare groove DJ and club promoter. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Bobby Nathan | American guitarist. Was owner of [l265881] with his wife [a2344418] | |
Search | Add | 8 | Revolution Eight-Bits | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Greg Ware | Gregory Steven Ware | R&B/Hip Hop songwriter, producer, engineer. Often worked with [a=Jon Lundy] |
Search | Add | 8 | Federico Procopio | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Ernest Cordier | Ernest Philomain Fr. Gh. Cordier | Orchestra leader and arranger |
Search | Add | 8 | Hansollo | Daniel Noetzel | Drum and bass artist from Poland. |
Search | Add | 8 | John Livings | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Cykiq | Kevin van der Burg | Electronic tracker artist from Holland. |
Search | Add | 8 | Andreas Schwantge | Andreas Schwantge, author | |
Search | Add | 8 | Atom Egoyan | Atom Yeghoyan | Canadian film director, born 19 July 1960 in Cairo, Egypt. |
Search | Add | 8 | Dean Forsyth | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Atelier IN16 | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Los Tropicalientes | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Protocol 143 | Progressive psychedelic trance / Full-on duo project based in Zemun, Serbia Members are "Nemanja Lalović" aka [A=Zetno Project] with "Jovan Branković" aka "Brankela" | |
Search | Add | 8 | Joe Isgro | Joseph Isgro | Joseph Isgro (born 1948) is an American Academy Award-nominated producer known for Producing the Academy Award Nominated film "Hoffa". He is a recipient of a Purple Heart Medal, and a Vietnam War veteran. Isgro, whose powerful independent promotion team controlled the radio airwaves for much of the 1970s, 80s and 90s, is integrally responsible for launching and promoting the careers of some of the biggest names in music history including Michael Jackson, Elton John, Billy Joel, Madonna and countless musicians. Isgro has infamously been tied to organized crime and was indicted for alleged payola in the biggest scandal in music history. Isgro is allegedly a member of the Gambino crime family of New York City and an associate of the Los Angeles crime family primarily involved in shylocking. He was featured in the book Hit Men by Fredric Dannen and was reportedly a part of late Gambino capo Joseph Armone's crew under boss John Gotti, whom he knew and met on at least one occasion. [u]Early Life[/u] Isgro was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and enlisted in the US Marine Corps. At the age of 19, he was presented with a Purple Heart for his bravery and wounds received during combat in the Vietnam War. His term with the Marines ended in 1968. [u]Career In L.A.[/u] Isgro's career began as local promotion director for Decca Records (which later became MCA Records). His responsibilities included record promotion of various artists for the Pennsylvania and New Jersey territories. In 1970, Isgro went to work for Paramount Records as the regional promoter, working with such artists as Billy Joel, Dave Mason and The Crusaders. Isgro then went to work for Schwartz Bros., the largest independent record distributor whose clients included Motown, A&M Records, RCA Records, Chrysalis Records and Arista Records. In 1974, Roulette Records hired Isgro as the National Director of Promotion. Isgro led the promotional staff and oversaw the company's publicity and advertising department. Motown Records hired Isgro in 1976 as Regional Director of Promotion. He was responsible for the promotion and development of Diana Ross, Stevie Wonder, Marvin Gaye, Smokey Robinson, The Temptations, Lionel Richie, The Jacksons, The Commodores, Thelma Houston and Teena Marie. Joe was then promoted to National Director of Promotion, which brought him to California, and then to Executive Vice President of Promotion. After several years with Motown, Isgro left and became involved in the formation of EMI Records, a division of Capitol Records. Isgro was brought onto EMI to handle the promotion staff of the new label on the West Coast. In 1979, he formed Isgro Enterprises, Inc., an independent record promotion and consulting company. Isgro promoted releases for several major labels including records by artists including Michael Jackson, Culture Club, Neil Diamond and many others. Isgro then developed Los Angeles Recording Company (LARC), distributed through MCA Records. Soon after the formation of LARC Records, Isgro established a second label, Private I Records, distributed through Columbia Records. The first release of Private I Records was Matthew Wilder’s "Break My Stride", which peaked at number one on the US chart position. It would be the first of Private I's 27 number-one singles. In 1992, Isgro produced the film Hoffa, starring Jack Nicholson, Danny DeVito and Armand Assante. It was nominated for an Academy Award and a Golden Globe Award. Currently, Isgro is a producer at Raging Bull Productions. His projects include the films Lucky Luciano, Pablo Escobar and The Stone Pony. Isgro secured the rights for the Luciano story in 2007 and the film is currently in pre-production. [u]Arrests[/u] In September 1990, Isgro and two other defendants were prosecuted for 57 counts of payola-related offenses, including racketeering, mail fraud, money laundering and obstruction of justice. The case was dismissed by a federal on grounds of "outrageous government misconduct". On March 25, 2000, FBI agents and the Beverly Hills Police Department arrested Isgro and charged him with a federal felony complaint of extortion. According to an FBI affidavit, Isgro and a crew of collectors and enforcers extorted hundreds of thousands of dollars from scores of victims, charging interest rates of up to 5% a week. The loan sharking operation had been going on since 1994, the FBI said. According to criminal complaints filed in the case, a Rancho Palos Verdes, California, man, Bernard Beyda, complained to Beverly Hills police that he was threatened after he had difficulty making "loan" payments, which included 5% in weekly interest, to one of Isgros enforcers. In addition to this, Isgro has been repeatedly identified in organized crime charts as a member of the Gambino crime family with his base of operations in Los Angeles. In July 2014, a new indictment was brought against Isgro for running a mob-linked gambling operation. He allegedly conspired with Joseph Giordano, a Gambino capo and bookmaker, to set up an operation that used offshore wire rooms in Costa Rica, under the names Elite and Cristal, and took bets from people in the United States. |
Search | Add | 8 | Shandra Beri | American vocalist in alternative rock duo [a914543]; also an actress with roles in the films Roxanne (1987), The Prestige (2006) and Ocean's Thirteen (2007). | |
Search | Add | 8 | Indexovo Radio Pozorište | a. k. a. Indexovci, parody voice acting group | |
Search | Add | 8 | Peter Koopman | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Northeast Louisiana University Band | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Banda Imperial De Oruro | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Filip Fantoni | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Davide Ferrarelli | Davide Ferrarelli | Italian producer. |
Search | Add | 8 | Michele Francesio | ||
Search | Add | 8 | جهاد حسين | Jihad Hussein is an Egyptian musical arranger. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Forma/cosmo? | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Tony Dalardo | Antonio Lardera | Tony Dalardo (also known as Tony Dallara) was born on June 30 1936 and is an Italian singer, actor and television personality. He was born at Campobasso in southern Italy, but grew up in Milan. After working as barman and clerk, he began his musical career in the band Rocky Mountains (the future group I Campioni); his singing style was inspired, in particular, by American singers such as Frankie Laine and Tony Williams. In 1957, he signed a contract as singer with the Italian label Music, where he was working as delivery man. His first single "Come prima", although refused for admission to the Sanremo Festival, was published in December 1957 and sold 300,000 copies, becoming the biggest selling single in Italy up to that point. In 1960 Dallara won the Sanremo Music Festival and the Canzonissima competition with the song "Romantica"; the following year he won again Canzonissima with the song "Bambina bambina". |
Search | Add | 8 | Gamewinner | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Tatsuya Baba | Japanese bassist. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Frankho | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Estudio Oscuro | Barcelona based graphic art studio formed in 2017 by Laura Kensington and Juan Rey. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Roberth Grob | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Maryta Capote | Maria del Carmen Capote | Venezuelan singer and actress. Born in La Habana,Cuba on April 23, 1960. |
Search | Add | 8 | Paege | DJ and producer from Baden, Switzerland. Owner of [l=Inspired By Trees Records]. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Odile Ezdra | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Allal Yaala | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Novart | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Roland Neubauer | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Isabelle Fleurelien | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Everwhere | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Akiro Tenere | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Ken McPherson | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Oscar Da Nova | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Bernie Minoso | Acoustic and Upright Bass player. | |
Search | Add | 8 | lino capozzi | Pasquale Capozzi | Neapolitan singer, born in Melito Di Napoli (Napoli), September 19th, 1951, died in Napoli, October 15th, 2017. Brother of [a1632881] and [a1355040]. |
Search | Add | 8 | DJ Shibaki | DJ & Beatmaker from Japan. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Ralf Thiesen | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Jonathan Sacha | ||
Search | Add | 8 | The Masonic Quintet | 1970s-1990s gospel group from Chicago, Illinois. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Der Männerchor Klagenfurt Annabichl | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Hype Cycle Studio, Berlin | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Mustafa Sabbagh | ||
Search | Add | 8 | dannythestreet | Rock band from South Florida. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Bill Esposito | Credited for writing liner notes. Contributed articles for Jazz Journal around 1970 Also wrote under the alias "E. S. Spoe" on Chazzer releases. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Corazon De Melon | Producer / DJ from Brooklyn, NY. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Dave Yoha | American hardcore punk guitarist. A member of [a=Set Your Goals] from 2005 to 2007. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Ras Leon | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Lloyd Francis | Saxon Sound System was started in 1976 in Lewisham, South East london by Dennis Rowe, Lloyd Saxon aka Muscle Head. Originally called Imperial Rockers they changed the name to Saxon in 1978. By the early 80's due in no small part to their highly talented MC's and singers such as Tippa Irie, Smiley Culture, Peter King, Papa Levi, Maxi Priest, Daddy Colonel and Sandy they were the most popular Sound System in the UK. The selectors on the sound were Muscle Head, Trevor Sax, Mini Muscle, Henry Prento and Micky Boops. In 1984 the soundsystem started the UK Bubblers label in co-operation with Greensleeves and released over 30 12" singles and two albums over the next four years. In 1993 they formed their own Saxon label and released over 70 12" singles. With the decline in the popularity of live MC's on a sound in the early 90's Saxon stepped back from the limelight and to a certain extent have struggled to maintain their position in the top echelon of Sound Systems since this time. However they continue to operate and have a regular spot at the Notting Hill Carnival each August. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Hernan Czauski | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Eva Noxious | Eva Noxious also known as E is a Mexican-American rap artist from Phoenix, Arizona. Born to immigrant parents; an Honduran mother and a Mexican father, she was raised by her grandparents following the abandonment of her mother at 3 years old and later the tragic death of her father in 2003. Her grandparents who originally migrated from Chihuahua, Mexico to Phoenix in 1992, packed up their belongings and moved to Maryvale in 2004. Unbeknown to her grandparents who did not speak or read a word of English, they had moved to one of west Phoenix’s most notorious neighborhoods. Despite getting into constant trouble, Eva has always had a serious passion for music. It all started with her father Joaquin Ruiz who was an accordion player and a corridos singer highly influenced by the late Chalino Sanchez. While riding in her dad’s truck, he would play cassette tapes of different banda and corrido artists and give her lessons on the accordion. Eva was introduced to old school gangster rap and chicano rap in elementary school becoming her first love in music. At 11 years old, the young chicana rapper knew every word to her favorite raps and developed a new passion for writing. “2pac will always be one of the biggest influences to me, straight up. His music changed my life as a little girl and it changed the world. NWA and Mr Shadow were the earliest ones I got into and helped mold me into the artist I am now.” In 2009, she stumbled across the local Chicano punk scene while attending Maryvale High School and fell in love with the electric bass guitar becoming a fluent player. She played in a couple of local punk bands although it was very short lived. Years went by and in 2015, E revisited her first love, rap. She later moved in with a friend in 2016 who introduced her to current underground hip-hop and they both began writing raps together. Eva continued this and after being convinced by another friend, she posted her first track the following year to the music sharing website, SoundCloud. Publicidad was posted on December 11, 2017 stamping the hardcore rapper as one of the most highly skilled up and coming MCs. Since then, Eva has been etching her initials into underground rap and hip-hop history. Her attitude filled, powerful and assertive vocals paired with her fast-pace rhymes and seamless transitions between Spanish and English make her completely unique to her lane. Her skillful flow and delivery is nostalgic and reminiscent of classic rhymes heard in the 80’s and 90’s. (Content provided by Genius) | |
Search | Add | 8 | Matthew James Saw | Matthew James Saw | Matthew James Saw is the Guitarist/Vocalist/Chief songwriter of Unstoppable Achievers, Guitarist for Sex Gang Children, formerly of DC Molina, Selfish Cunt and Fear Incorporated. And the occasional other weird thing. |
Search | Add | 8 | J.Misho | ||
Search | Add | 8 | The Hearing Trumpet | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Bert Dedecker | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Jesus Roa | Engineer. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Synroc | Synroc is the electronic music project from Kostroma (Russia). The first tracks were recorded at 2001. The greater part of musical material is influenced by various artists such as Orbital, Front Line Assembly, Underworld, Snog, Black Lung, and many others. There is no style restrictions — it can be idm, minimal, ebm, techno, breakbeat, abstract, etc. Practically there is no sampled «pieces» in the music — all of this are constructed using typical one-shot samples and various software sound generators. The name of «Synroc» — it is from «SYNrthetic ROCk» — actually this is a synthetic crystalline material used for isolation of radioactive substances. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Rale Ćajić | Ratko Ćajić | Ratko-Rale Ćajić (Slavkovica near Ljig, 15th April 1944 - Belgrade, 4th November 2008) was a Serbian singer and composer. He and his wife [a=Marija Ćajić] were one of most successful Yugoslav songwriter tandems. |
Search | Add | 8 | Cindi Cain | Cindi Churko | Canadian singer. |
Search | Add | 8 | Richard Markz | Riccardo Marchi | Hardstyle DJ and producer from Marostica, Italy. |
Search | Add | 8 | Макс Хомич | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Атанаска Тодорова | Bulgarian folk music singer. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Mark Neuenschwander | American bassist | |
Search | Add | 8 | Harry's Tavern Band | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Henry Bruening | Henry C. Bruening III | American hardcore/thrash bass player from Cincinnati, Ohio. He is a founding member of Brody's Militia (2000-2008) and Fucked For Life (2008-2010). Former member of The Hookers (2010-2011), Everyday Objects (2013-2017) and Butcher's Dog (2021-2024). He also has collaborated live with [a=Demonologists]. |
Search | Add | 8 | Lagral M | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Cheyenne Schiavone | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Göktan | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Andrea Žiković | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Carl 'Jaco' Thelwell | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Валерий Моисеев | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Glyn Rees | ||
Search | Add | 8 | 5Nós | Funk, Jazz, Rock, Blues and experimental flair. These ingredients come together and form different and innovative pace with "We Five", a group of five capixabas artists, they decided to blend their sound and influences that make the fans and themselves describe as "musiqualidade", a term which also gives its name to the first CD, released in 2010. The lyrics are poetry everyday and do not forego a touch of romanticism. Are new compositions of Nano Vianna also responsible for vocal and guitar; Renato Furtado on guitar and backing vocals; Pedro Costa on sax; and Tarcisio Louzada, drums and backing vocals and Vitor Rigoni on bass. With the talent and inspiration of the quintet in Dave Matthews Band, Djavan, Lenine, among others, the result could not be better! The musicians have a long journey, especially in the scenario musicultural capixaba and their respective artists and bands. The poet Nano Vianna had verses interpreted by artists Itaboray and Katia Simone Rocha; Renato Furtado has done work with Tamy and Daniel Moraes singers; Pedro Mario joined Captain Guapo group; Tarcisio Louzada already passed through several bands of the scene as Nave, Riddle, Escaranovos, Tequila Brown, Dallas Country, Amaro Lima, Alexandre Lima, Dani Moraes and others; Vitor Rigoni is the youngest of the band and has done work with the Mafia and Tabacarana bands and singers Gardenia Marques and Denise Dalmacchio and is the academic component of the band, formed in Music UFES - Federal University of Espírito Santo. The band participated and was consecrated in many events throughout its 10 years of existence | |
Search | Add | 8 | Claude Colombier | ||
Search | Add | 8 | The Seven Degrees Of Stephen Egerton | A project featuring [a=Stephen Egerton] playing all the music and having different vocalists on each song | |
Search | Add | 8 | Tethering | Ilkka Hänninen | Ambient and drone from the Nordic bleakness. |
Search | Add | 8 | Shay Pence | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Wolcott Curran Collective | Composer + producer duo comprised of [a=Sean Wolcott] (guitarist, producer, engineer) and [a=Craig Curran] (bassist, producer, multi-instrumentalist – formerly of [a=Fleet Foxes]). | |
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Search | Add | 8 | Basked Unit | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Ludovic Joffrain | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Sammy Vázquez | NYC engineer | |
Search | Add | 8 | Bob Degen Quartet | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Jay Ball's Kona Hawaiians | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Константин Кирьячков | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Georges Noa | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Pointdextr | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Declan Morrell | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Valentino Oliviero | Valentino Oliviero | |
Search | Add | 8 | Le Jit | From Loreauville, La. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Séverine Clair | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Анатолий Бабий | ||
Search | Add | 8 | حسين فقيه | Hussein Fakih was a Yemenite singer and oud player who was popular in Aden, Yemen in the 60's and 70's. He sang many songs, some of which were children songs that are memorised by most older-generation Yemenis until now. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Sigurn | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Angelo Rovero | Italian sound engineer who worked in [l=Fonit-Cetra Studios], Turin. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Ken Johansson | Swedish bassist. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Carlo Corallo | Italian musician born in Sicily, Italy on 1995. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Edwin Erhard | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Tal Cohen-Alloro | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Ian Goodwin | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Sagatrakavashen | Black Metal / Black Core band from Tirano (Sondrio), Italy | |
Search | Add | 8 | DJ Fading | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Oliver Who? | Darryl W Caliman | |
Search | Add | 8 | Adolph Lesser | Adolph John Lesser | Birth 21 Jun 1915 Loveland, Larimer County, Colorado, USA Death 6 Jan 2008 Greeley, Weld County, Colorado, USA accordion, songwriter, bandleader Inducted into the Colorado Polka Hall of Fame as the first living member in 1976. Honored with the European-American Music Award for his lifetime achievements at the Grand Polka Festival in Las Vegas, Nev., in September 1999. Inducted into the International Polka Hall of Fame in Chicago in August 2001. Inducted into the World of Music Hall of Fame in Las Vegas on Sept. 11, 2001. Mr. Lesser played with many notable musicians in his time, including [a1124512] , America's polka king, and several musicians from the Lawrence Welk Show. |
Search | Add | 8 | Tuca Paiva | Brazil | |
Search | Add | 8 | Ord Err | Ord Err | Leader of ritual / ethno / dark ambient project [a=ORD (2)], painter and owner folk industrial label [l739139] |
Search | Add | 8 | Tom Baisden | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Fred Wilmot | Vice-president in Charge of Sales and Manufacturing of [l266363]. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Live Summit | Electronic band from the UK, founded in 2008 by Alex Matt. First release in 2011. LiveSummit concentrated mainly on Dubstep, Drum and Bass, and other. Band members: - Alex Matt (head of the band, vocals, MCing, bassist, responsible for the music) - Alexander Freeman (vocals, keyboard, responsible for the music). - Demetri Bazz (guitarist). - Roman Fox (drummer). They have worked with many artists of the world as Concord Dawn(NZL), Fresh(UK), Mistabishi(UK), Teebee(UK), The Panacea(GER), Black Sun Empire(NL), The Sect(UK), Luca Antolini(IT), Donny(UK), Phace(GER), BK(UK), John B(UK), Yoji(JP), AnnGree(US), Custom Soldierz(PR), The Vangarde(AU), etc. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Jaron van de Weg | Jaron van de Weg | |
Search | Add | 8 | Samanto Faxx | juliento del guillermo | Producer from kasakhstan. |
Search | Add | 8 | NekWreka | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Statue Beats | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Yanis Koutouvos | Γιάννης Κουτουβός | (1958-2018) Greek Book writer, Lyrics writer, Radio producer «Ροκαρόλα», «Metal Shock»/ Αθήνα 9,84 involving Heavy Metal (probably the first Heavy Metal radio show), Band manager, chief Editor for Rock - New wave - Heavy Metal (1984-86) His greatest contribution in Heavy Metal is his achievement of convincing Άρης Γκρίτζαλης a soft porno publisher to publish "[b]Heavy Metal[/b]" magazine which later on (after he left) became [l= Metal Hammer & Heavy Metal]. In the 80's he was working in the EMI/ foreign music department, in this "golden era" he helped many bands in being know and made Metal known in Greece generally. He brought [a=Scorpions] and [a=Iron Maiden] for the first time in Greece. In 1987 he signed [m=394139] with EMI, but later on his relationship with [a=Elias Loginidis] went on the edge as seeing at the "Back To Zero" documentary. He formed: Mini Boys (1967-1972) The GraveL (1972-1982) Died April 20th 2018. |
Search | Add | 8 | Sforzando | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Ned Sonntag | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Eight Lamas From Drepung | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Spectras | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Ivana Karmalita | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Magellan Shanty-Chor Paderborn | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Bob Timko Orchestra | Cleveland, Ohio | |
Search | Add | 8 | Joe Proell | Joachim Pröll | Joe Proell is a German grindcore and electronic musician. He is a founding member of Goregrind band Gut; founding member and composer of German darkwave/neo-classical band [a=Impressions Of Winter]; he also recorded as EBM act Carnivora (split up). Today he is active with [a=Ghost Of Decline] (EBM/EDM), [a=Gut], [a=Nunwhore Commando 666], and [a=Zombieslut] as well as running recording studio/label The Winters Hall. |
Search | Add | 8 | Amend Infinity | Torben Brandt Andersen | |
Search | Add | 8 | Frances Preston | Frances Williams Preston | American music executive. Born: August 27, 1928 in Nashville, TN - died: June 13, 2012 Nashville, TN. President and CEO of [l=Broadcast Music, Inc.] (BMI) from 1986 until 2004. |
Search | Add | 8 | Guy Paridaens | Belgian bassist and band leader. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Stiko | DJ/Producer from Athens (GR), member of the Antilopes crew and the one half of Stiko & Wag project. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Stoned Chicken | Claudio Martinelli | Stoned Chicken born by an idea of Claudio Martinelli, Dj & producer since the nineties. He contributed to realize disco of several kind, alone and together with various artists |
Search | Add | 8 | Marcos Mascato | Spanish rock singer | |
Search | Add | 8 | Norman Rabinowitz | Sculptor from New Jersey. | |
Search | Add | 8 | | Markus Koellmann | Graphic & Web Design, Creative Direction & Photography Contact: info [at] markus-designs [dot] com |
Search | Add | 8 | Charles Capper | ||
Search | Add | 8 | e.m.i.r.s. | Quinten Dierick | |
Search | Add | 8 | Domingo Rubichi | Domingo de los Santos Fernández | Flamenco guitarist from Jerez de la Frontera, Cádiz, Spain (1971) Son of Diego [a1878586] |
Search | Add | 8 | Bryan Dass | Multidimensional artist working in Music, animation, art and painting. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Motoki Mizoguchi | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Mendelssohn Mixed Quartette | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Bernard Briac | ||
Search | Add | 8 | João Alegria Pécurto | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Friedrich Gulda's Reunion Big Band | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Valeria Colojoară | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Younus Sakoor | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Norman Hitchcock | Norman George Hitchcock | |
Search | Add | 8 | S.K.A.W. | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Mario Barišin | Mario Barišin | Croatian bass player. Member of 'Trobecove Krušne Peći', 'Haustor', 'Cul-De-Sac', 'Brujači' and 'Viva Glorio'. |
Search | Add | 8 | The Night Specter | Experimental Industrial/Black Metal one-man project by [a1061920]. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Оркестр ВПШ НКВД Под Управлением Ф. И. Николаевского | ||
Search | Add | 8 | WP Tang | Malaysian record producer and owner of [l=Strange Culture Records] and [l=Clockwork Records (8)], which released skinhead, punk and related music in the 1990s and early 2000s. He was born Wim Poh Tang but he is now called Nur Iman Tang after converting to Islam. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Ace Beaty | Alice Segeling | Actress, DJ, composer and mixed-media visual artist. Started at "FM Brussel" radio & post-punk bar "DNA" in the mid 1980's in Brussels. Later appeared various experimental short-films and created a few soundtracks for fashion cat-walks and art galleries. Joined Radio Centraal in Antwerp after a year as DJ in Madrid most underground clubs. Member of [l=Resonance (5)] in the early to mid 1990's. Best known in Barcelona as DJ Ace Beaty or Mix Mistress Alice. |
Search | Add | 8 | Mauricio Unzueta Gubernati | Mauricio Unzueta Gubernati | Hard trance, acid and techtrance producer from Sweden. |
Search | Add | 8 | Derek "Solis" Ferguson | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Suoralinja | ||
Search | Add | 8 | NMG Inc. | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Foster Wakefield | Arranger | |
Search | Add | 8 | Fukuta Seigo | ||
Search | Add | 8 | R. J. Kaiser | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Kristin Penn | Kristin Penn-Davis | Frank Penn's daughter, a well known Bahamian artist with at least three solo albums, also credited for playing percussion, keyboard, programmed drums, lead and back-up vocals for many GBI releases. Starting in the mid-80s continuing to the late 90's. Born 1970. Died June 8th, 1999 in a terrible car accident. |
Search | Add | 8 | Restless M.I.N.D. | Yannik Keller | Restless M.I.N.D is a German producer and graphic designer based in the Hague, the Netherlands. He has worked with: El Da Sensei, Sadat X, Ras Kass, Grand Agent, A-F-R-O, Ché Noir, Sixman, DJ DNS, Master Surreal, Space Kase, Da Butcher, Mister Personal, Metalz, HARM, Da Steez Bothaz, John Jigg$, YD, Gilly MC, K4M, Skedel, Kuo, Speedy D, Lesley, M.A.C., Tao Nacaal, MC STEF, Das De Rijmmaniak, E-Mann, Slim Spitta, Er Drago, Mr Melt, Lupara Versato, Frathouse, La Mar, MC N-V, New02, MC Berst, Sammy 2 Times, Peazy, Lucifer, Peter Anderson, Enerji and many more... |
Search | Add | 8 | Paolo Colafrancesco | Italian bassist and composer. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Sylwia Grzeszczuk | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Monica Calanni Rindina | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Jake Keeler | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Denny Myrick | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Francesca Musanti | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Евгений Борзов | Bassist. He played with [a1193932] from 2002 to 2003. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Gonzalo Noroña | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Massand Peploe | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Slavko Nedić | ||
Search | Add | 8 | The 9 La Falce Brothers | La Falce Brothers | |
Search | Add | 8 | MP3 On Weed | ||
Search | Add | 8 | 篠田学 | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Les Frères Grenier | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Zbor Slovenske Filharmonije | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Muhti Bayam | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Der Essen-Steeler Kinderchor | In 1948 [a3865590] founded the German children's choir. Now 70 years later, the choir consists of four choral groups with about 120 singers and two choral conductors. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Trae Brown | Vocalist/guitarist/bassist from Kansas City, MO, now living in Olympia, WA. Member of Toy Pistolas (never recorded). | |
Search | Add | 8 | Ville Metsola | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Jerry Linc | Apparently an Alias of an Italian producer | |
Search | Add | 8 | Demetrus Alexander | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Pascal Ansell | Experimental artist based in Lisbon, Portugal. Ran [l556080]. | |
Search | Add | 8 | A Trailermade Production | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Leon Boyden | ||
Search | Add | 8 | David Stivender | American chorus master, born 6 September 1933 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA, died 9 February 1990 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Crash Convention | Crash Convention were a south London-based quartet centred around the songwriting duo of [a=Chris Barratt (2)] and [a=Dave Wynd]. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Down South Players | ||
Search | Add | 8 | AUNTY B. | ||
Search | Add | 8 | J. Karilainen | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Fernando Serani | Freelance photographer and writer from Buenos Aires, Argentina. Founder of [l=Blackstar Crosses Productions] and Metal Eye Witness website. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Carole Pays-Monnet | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Bosco Bosanac | Bosco Bosanac | Bassist |
Search | Add | 8 | Dis-Cover | ||
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Search | Add | 8 | O.M Kendedes | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Tom Sumnall | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Joey Glaser | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Dagoberto Reyes | Mexican sound engineer -- son of [a8686114] | |
Search | Add | 8 | Михаил Ушац | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Michel Damen | Dutch producer, songwriter and sound engineer. Former managing director of [l453666], export manager of [l453666] and co-owner of [l113074]. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Shane Amies | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Bobby Rowan | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Hillside Music | ||
Search | Add | 8 | André Balser | André Balser | |
Search | Add | 8 | Modern Dollz | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Vinko Štrucl | Vinko Štrucl | Slovenian composer, conductor and trombonist, born 1933 in Pavlovski Vrh near Ormož, died 2006 in Ljubljana. From 1978 the leader of Police Orchestra. His works were performed by various folk ensembles. He wrote the most songs for Slovenski Muzikanti or [a=Slovenski Instrumentalni Kvintet]. He also wrote 80 original songs and around 500 arrangements for wind bands. |
Search | Add | 8 | Gregory Homs | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Samuel Mintu | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Laci Miranda | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Ángel Blázquez | Spanish bass player, singer, arranger and songwriter based in Barcelona. Collaboration with "Los Tunantes" (Cuban music) around mid 2010s. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Richard Spendlove | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Grégoire Marty | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Harry A. Yerkes' Dance Orchestra | ||
Search | Add | 8 | La Colonie | ||
Search | Add | 8 | John Columbia | Fernando Narvàez Perez | |
Search | Add | 8 | Sal Ishida | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Harry Fraticelli | Puerto Rican guitarist and singer | |
Search | Add | 8 | António Paixão | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Donald Duffus | ||
Search | Add | 8 | DJ Rennixx | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Richard Sudney | Richard Sudney | |
Search | Add | 8 | FoCo Sonic Studies | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Fritz Herdi | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Josh Lloyd-Watson | UK producer, songwriter and vocalist, born January 26, 1990 in London, England. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Raster-Noton | For credits given to the German label [l=Raster-Noton]. | |
Search | Add | 8 | T-Ford | John Bradford | |
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Search | Add | 8 | Marlon Krupa | Marcin Krupa | Born in 1986 in Warsaw (Poland), he started adventure with music in 1999. Styles prefers: techno, minimal, click, house. |
Search | Add | 8 | Eero Mantere | ||
Search | Add | 8 | A Cry Of Despair | A DSBM Project created in Fredericksburg, Virginia | |
Search | Add | 8 | Anthony Watling-Darrell | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Arthur S. Logan | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Los Agaros | Los Ágaros | Spanish rock band from San Sebastián, active in the first 60s: formed byAlejandro Pro (lead guitar), Antonio Pro (rhythm guitar, vocals), Miguel Ángel Vega (bass, o y vocals) and Iñaki Ayestarán (drums, [a1856088]'s brother) . |
Search | Add | 8 | Rocket 2 Mars | Electro House/Techno producer duo based in Chișinău, Moldova. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Майя Секинаева | ||
Search | Add | 8 | William Seward | Director of Operatic Archives. | |
Search | Add | 8 | David Nagler | David Nagler is a Brooklyn-based musician and songwriter. He is the the musical director for Wesley Stace’s Cabinet of Wonders as well as the founder and frontperson for NY metropolitan area pop groups Nova Social and As For the Future. He also plays in Tape Hiss. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Charles Crevier | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Milton Saunders | Australian musical director, arranger, pianist | |
Search | Add | 8 | Хор Московских Духовных Академии И Семинарии | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Gyorgy Henyei Neto | ||
Search | Add | 8 | David Fowl | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Enmanuel Cerebro Romero | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Cosmic Trigger Audio | Chris Latham (3) | Mastering, production and label of Pimpernel Jones |
Search | Add | 8 | Patricio Pumarino | Illustrator | |
Search | Add | 8 | BEAT werbeagentur | Designer | |
Search | Add | 8 | Studio Laren | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Kaj Kuittinen | Kaj Kari Kuittinen | |
Search | Add | 8 | Ensemble Choral Du Bout-Du-Monde | Founded in 1977, the L’Ensemble Choral du Bout du Monde (the "World’s End Choir") brought together traditional instrumental performers and over a hundred vocalists from over forty native choral groups throughout Brittany, the celebrated Breton province in Northern France. Accompanied by bagpipes, keyboards, harps, guitars, flutes, claviers, percussion, conremuse, and the Grand Organ of the Landévennec Abbey, the ensemble keeps the native music alive through both traditional and original choral music in their Breton language (the Celtic dialect of Brittany). Since 1989, composer, musician, and arranger Christian Desbordes has led the ensemble. In 1991, Desbordes composed the music for a theatrical production, La passion Celtique / Ar Basion Vras. They recorded albums in 1992 and 1994, and in 1997, L’Ensemble Choral du Bout du Monde recorded Noëls Celtiques: Christmas Music from Brittany for Green Linnet, which won AFIM’s “Best Seasonal Music Album” in 1998. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Paul Sundlin | Swedish bassist, 12-string acoustic guitarist, pianist, singer and song writer | |
Search | Add | 8 | شهیار قنبری | شهیار قنبری | Shahyar Ghanbari (born 1951 in Teheran) is an Iranian pop singer, poet and songwriter. He currently lives in Los Angeles. See is the father of [a=لورکا قنبری] (Lorca Ghanbari). |
Search | Add | 8 | Bloodoak | Australian black metal musician and artist. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Peter Josefsson | Peter Josefsson | Peter Josefsson is a musician based in Stockholm Sweden. He has written music and performed with various bands as Metallhundarna, Meipr, Fraktionen, Sepdek and A4R. Other projects include Alvaret Tape Rekordings and The Blå måndag podcast. |
Search | Add | 8 | Konstress | Maurizio Velardo Guarna, Andrea Massimiliano Ciancia | |
Search | Add | 8 | The Five Crazies | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Francesco Trevisani | Francesco Trevisani (April 9, 1656 – July 30, 1746) was an Italian painter, active in the period called either early Rococo or late Baroque (barochetto). | |
Search | Add | 8 | Miskolczi Máriusz | ||
Search | Add | 8 | New Stars Club | Colombian cumbia band | |
Search | Add | 8 | Kim Duk-Soo | ||
Search | Add | 8 | The Purple Puzzle Tree | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Pure Factory | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Kamehameha Alumni Glee Club | 2015: Winner of a Nā Hōkū Hanohano Krash Kealoha Industry Award under the auspices of the Hawaiʻi Academy of Recording Arts. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Angus Bell | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Faile | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Tinkerbellslutbaby | ||
Search | Add | 8 | The Rotorua Maori Concert Party | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Joni Suodenjärvi | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Juancho Lucena | Venezuelan musician, orchestra lead and composer (1905 - 5 Dec. 1989) Played contrabass in the Orquesta Sinfónica Venezuela in Caracas, where he created the [a6508921] in 1947, before taking over his elder brother of [a2451687] to lead the orchestra [a7182579] from 1966 to 1989. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Enzio Cetrangolo | Enzio Cetrangolo (Rutino, February 23, 1919 - Rome, 1986) was a Latin scholar, translator and Italian poet. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Álvaro Lissón | Founder of [l1181922] and Cuarto Sonoro. Music Publisher. Mixing and Mastering. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Piyush Awasthi | Piyush Awasthi | Electronic music DJ & producer from Delhi, India. Contact info: e-mail: |
Search | Add | 8 | Mario Brandalise Baril | ||
Search | Add | 8 | The Soul Sistaz | Vocal group based in Germany | |
Search | Add | 8 | Bata Zdravković | Bratislav Zdravković | Born 30.5.1972. |
Search | Add | 8 | Chris Ilkjær Nielsen | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Ivana I Vice Vukov | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Gewurzt | Gewurzt | |
Search | Add | 8 | Ländlerquartett Uri | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Сто2FM | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Leah Crawford | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Patrick "Black Pearl" Howell | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Tələt Bakıxanov | Tələt Soltan oğlu Bakıxanov | Talat Bakikhanov (1927 – 2000) was an Azerbaijani kamancheh player, Honored Artist of the Azerbaijan SSR |
Search | Add | 8 | Sajt | Vocalist. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Chiara Tomati | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Life Silence Genesis | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Juanito Martin | Spanish guitar player, born in Madrid (1938) Since 1964 guitar teacher in Belgium where he participated at programs for the Belgian Radio | |
Search | Add | 8 | Ελεάνα | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Boris Barere | Борис Симонович Барер (Boris S. Barer) | [b]Boris Barere[/b] (b. 10 July 1921, Odesa, Russian Empire) is an American pianist of Russian-Jewish origins, centenarian, and son of renowned virtuoso [b][a=Simon Barere][/b] (1896—1951). His current whereabouts and retirement date are unknown; some of the latest interviews date to 2015. (As of late 2023, Barere would be 102 years old.) He began learning piano at four with his parents; Barere's father, a recent graduate of [l=St. Petersburg Conservatory], served as the [url=]Kiyv Conservatory[/url] professor and had an illustrious concert career. However, the Soviet economy was disintegrating under the harsh [a=Joseph Stalin] leadership, while antisemitism grew stronger; in 1928, the Bareres family relocated to Riga in Latvia, where Simon managed to get a post of USSR Baltics & Scandinavia Cultural Ambassador (his wife's brother and Boris' uncle, cellist [a=Franz Vlashek], also resided in Riga). In 1931, his father obtained the exit visas for the family, and they relocated to Germany, where Simon accepted an offer to conduct a series of concerts in Berlin. The timing couldn't be worse as right after their arrival, the first Nazi sanctions and restrictions against Jews began; Simon's concert arrangements were canceled. Unable to secure any orchestral or academic positions, his father had to survive on odd jobs playing piano at local vaudevilles. In 1933, Boris and his family fled to Sweden, where he attended school and continued studying piano. By 1940, as [a=Adolf Hitler] embarked on the Second World War, even Scandinavia became unsafe. Thus, Boris went to the United States with his mother, where Simon Barere already settled four years prior. In 1941, Bareres moved from New York to Chicago, where Boris began his studies with [a=Sergei Tarnowsky], one of [a=Vladimir Horowitz]'s former teachers. The following year, Bareres again relocated, now renting a house in Scarsdale, New York. Twenty-year-old Boris hadn't naturalized as a US citizen yet and received a demand from the US Army to join the military draft or get deported; Barere enlisted and trained at several military bases, including Fort Riley in Kansas (where Boris founded a local church to occasionally perform music with his Army buddy, violinist [a=Arnold Belnick].) In 1943, Barere was deployed to Casablanca, Morocco, and subsequently participated in the Angio Beach invasion in Italy. (He fought alongside actor [a=Burt Lancaster (2)] (1913—1994), and they became close friends.) After WWII, Boris Barere returned to New York and studied with [a=Rosina Lhévinne] at the [b][l=Juilliard School][/b]. He established a prolific stage career, primarily concentrated on chamber music, and made several albums for the [b][l=Cembal D'Amour][/b] label. Barere often collaborated with such prominent musicians as flutist [a=Julius Baker] or violinists [a=David Nadien], [a=Berl Senofsky], [a=Michael Rabin], and [a=Ossy Renardy]. Boris gave several duo piano recitals with his father, [a=Simon Barere], including their performances at [l=Carnegie Hall]. (A posthumous [i][r=14337521][/i] CD/DVD compilation came out in 2016, featuring most of their joint recordings and surviving video footage.) In later years, Boris Barere joined [a=George Balanchine]'s [b][a=New York City Ballet][/b] company — he participated in stage productions and made studio recordings of [url=]Schumann[/url]'s [i]Symphonic Etudes[/i] and selections from [url=]Tchaikovsky[/url]'s [i]Nutcracker[/i], among others. |
Search | Add | 8 | The Ballistic Brothers Vs.The Eccentric Afro's | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Émil Ladon | ||
Search | Add | 8 | John Beaudette | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Shirley Jacobs | Shirley Jacobs-Hamilton (née Shirley Gilbert) | Shirley Jacobs (born August 21, 1927, Euroa, Victoria, Australia – died November 24, 2015, Thornbury, Victoria, Australia) was an Australian folk singer, songwriter and guitarist. |
Search | Add | 8 | Hotel Faux Pas | Folk-pop-rock combo from St. Louis, Missouri. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Tracey Arbon | Tracey Arbon | Australian female vocalist active in the mid to late 1990s. Re-releasing tracks and mixes. New Music coming late 2015 to 2016 under ChantLaBon. |
Search | Add | 8 | Philadelphia Boys | ||
Search | Add | 8 | The Amazing Dancing Band | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Nicolas Aftalion | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Brain Dead Rejects | Hardcore punk band from Eureka, California active since 2022. Formed by Cassie Rusyn, Caleb Rusyn, Darren McCovey, and William Lee. The group released a self titled EP in November 2023. The band has plans to continue to make music and plan for an eventual full length album. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Palmeras Do Mali | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Militär-Orchester Oskar Hackenberger | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Spiografix | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Tadayoshi Arai | Japanese art director. | |
Search | Add | 8 | The Happy Students | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Romain Pareja | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Tharsis Tholus | Anthony A. Dunn | Dark, fractured music by [a=Anthony A Dunn]. |
Search | Add | 8 | Daryl Parson | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Faruk Khaledi | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Liudas Remeika | ||
Search | Add | 8 | The Wray Brothers Band | ||
Search | Add | 8 | John Hermans | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Blvd Sleepy | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Gian Ortiz | Austin, Texas bassist. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Alexis Doche | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Martin Bowitz | Norwegian musician and audio engineer. Recording and mixing at Malabar Studios and mastering at Strype Audio, Oslo, Norway. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Aaron O | Aaron Owsiany | |
Search | Add | 8 | Kraffhics | Leeds based art collective, its art director is [a=Leemun Smith] | |
Search | Add | 8 | Ondřej Herold | Ondřej Herold | |
Search | Add | 8 | Tony Sarfo | Ghanaian songwriter, singer and band leader. | |
Search | Add | 8 | AFROBOT | Roeland Otten | Afrobot is a true crate digger and an esteemed figure in the Dutch dj scene. Furthermore, he had for more than 8 years his own monthly show on Red Light Radio and he produces edits, some released on vinyl by Salamanca Records and AM Records. Changed dj / producer name on 8th of Feb 2022 to Robotic AF |
Search | Add | 8 | Evi Höfer | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Evig Din For Alltid | Rockband from Bergen, Norway. | |
Search | Add | 8 | NPT (Novo Projecto Terapêutico) | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Hypo Kyrie | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Jeffrey Streed | ||
Search | Add | 8 | The Pixelated Bard | Dungeon chiptune artist from Lombardy, Italy | |
Search | Add | 8 | Studio Vandamme | ||
Search | Add | 8 | FaNv | ||
Search | Add | 8 | 3B LAB.☆S | ||
Search | Add | 8 | The Stan Greig Trio | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Buck Earl | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Roger Ritz | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Aldous Massie | Based in Sydney, Australia. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Doc Rotten | Punk band from Trenton, NJ | |
Search | Add | 8 | Orkest o.l.v. Ru van Veen | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Black Lion Allstars | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Roger Delogne | Belgium | |
Search | Add | 8 | Salvatore Panetta | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Guy Demaysoncel | ||
Search | Add | 8 | František Václav Míča | František Antonín Václav Míča | Czech conductor and composer (5 September 1694, Třebíč, Czechia – 15 February 1744, Jaroměřice nad Rokytnou, Czechia) of baroque era. He wrote operas both in Italian and Czech. The most paramount example of his work is probably the opera "O původu Jaroměřic". |
Search | Add | 8 | 君夕子 | 浅本美代子 | Yūko Kimi. Japanese enka singer and actress. Born September 19, 1950 in Osaka. |
Search | Add | 8 | Helen Ware | Not to confused with the stage actress of the same name | |
Search | Add | 8 | Morgan Kingston | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Flopper Harley | Flopper Harley is the punk rock project of Florian Wild. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Marcus Torén | Carl Marcus Torén | Swedish organist an teacher in organ and harmony, born 8 May 1971 in Stockholm. Organist at the Solna church, Stockholm. He is the son of [a3148646]. |
Search | Add | 8 | Sid Taylor | credited as sound engineer (editor) Worked as a tape editor for Columbia Studios. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Maria Kumagai | Organist from Tokyo, Japan. While her musical instruction was initially on the piano, she later studied both classical and theatre organ in the U.S. before embarking on a concert career which encompassed the U.S., Europe, Australia and Japan | |
Search | Add | 8 | Adam Zaske | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Benito Loco | ||
Search | Add | 8 | The Dick Noel Singers | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Hideaki Otsuka | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Lutys De Luz | French flamenco castanets player. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Фатима Дзибова | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Raoul Koik | 1928 - 1987 Graphic artist from Tallinn | |
Search | Add | 8 | קט - שרותים גרפיים | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Christopher Melh | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Fernando Sayago | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Roberto Agus | Roberto Agus | Italian DJ, sound engineer, visual artist and electronic music composer. He composed library music for tv channels too. |
Search | Add | 8 | Taoiseach Ceoldubh | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Tom Kirley | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Veneto Noise Crew | VxNxCx | Anti-fascist collective of Italian noise artists |
Search | Add | 8 | Martin Culpepper Jr. | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Freak Weber | Friedrich "Rick" Weber | |
Search | Add | 8 | Markku Raski | Markku Armas Raski | Electronic music producer from Finland. Best known for the eurodance hit "[a=Rama (5)] - [url=]Light My Fire[/url]". Brother of [a=Merja Raski], [a=Tarja Raski] and [a=Martti Raski]. |
Search | Add | 8 | D'Arrasar | Portuguese pop boyband from the late 1990's. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Symbol Worship | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Fabio Martini | Italian clarinetist | |
Search | Add | 8 | Canibalii din București | Romanian manele band from Bucharest, created in 1993 | |
Search | Add | 8 | Dunja Ilić | Dunja Ilić is a Serbian gothic pop-folk singer, songwriter, composer, author and columnist. She released 3 studio albums and several singles. | |
Search | Add | 8 | The Teen Challenge Choir | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Da Bosskat | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Tetsuya Maedomari | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Richard C. Simonton, Jr. | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Alicia Nauta | ||
Search | Add | 8 | "Apache" | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Sikter | Band formed 1990. in Sarajevo. Members were also : Davor Čolić (Guitar) Nebojša Šerić (Bass) | |
Search | Add | 8 | Nik Caesar | Nicolas Caesar | Underground artist, oddities collector, bad movie addict, weirdo |
Search | Add | 8 | Ingeborg Støen | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Scarlet Phase | Scarlet Phase A.K.A Phase Scarlet is a Stephen Singer project that mainly covers K$sha songs engineered by Cc.K & Henry Blank and performed by Christie Prentice. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Jens Lewandowski | German DJ and Producer | |
Search | Add | 8 | Jonnas B | Jonathan Bedoya | Electronic music DJ & producer from Medellín, Colombia Contact info: e-mail: |
Search | Add | 8 | Pete Christlieb / Warne Marsh Quintet | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Maja Maria Županović | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Emme Mulis | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Roger Durocher | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Alain Garel | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Sæb | Sebastiano Gulino | |
Search | Add | 8 | Stante T. | Progressive-House/Minimal DJ & producer from Wrocław, Poland. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Babe Washington | Babe Washington Jr. | |
Search | Add | 8 | McGann | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Virophacus | Technical death metal project from Charlotte, NC. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Ma Lianliang | Chinese Peking Opera artist. 1901 – 1966. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Wounded Wolf | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Ronnie Riggar | Ronnie Riggar (born February 1987) is a songwriter, musician, and producer from Ann Arbor, Michigan. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Robert Paul Guidotti | Drummer | |
Search | Add | 8 | Casserine Toussaint | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Aaron Boudreaux | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Martin Bärenz | German double bassist and cellist. Brother of [url=]Albrecht[/url] and [a571128]. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Sipho Makhabane | Born in 1965. South-African gospel producer, singer and songwriter. He is the owner of Big Fish music and is credited with discovering some of South Africa's leading gospel stars such as Hlengiwe Mhlaba and Tshepiso Motaung. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Die Original Fidelen Egerländer | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Nat Super | Graphic designer | |
Search | Add | 8 | Whitfield Riser | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Peter Latham | Liner Notes author | |
Search | Add | 8 | Paulo Av | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Tommy Mas | Tommy Cotler | |
Search | Add | 8 | Endre Morvay | Hungarian designer on classical releases. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Nachklangmusik | Tim Treubrodt | German Techno/House producer. |
Search | Add | 8 | PsytrexDJ | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Colonel Harland Sanders | Harland David Sanders | American businessman, founder of fast food restaurant chain [l=Kentucky Fried Chicken], later renamed [l=KFC]. Born: September 9, 1890, in Henryville, Indiana, United States. Died: December 16, 1980, in Louisville, Kentucky, United States. |
Search | Add | 8 | Dig Shovel Dig | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Jos Jacobs | Jos Jacobs | Dutch producer and DJ of house music, tech house, minimal and progressive house. |
Search | Add | 8 | Fahri Işık | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Seba Matacena | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Jussi Roponen | Juhani Roponen | Juhani "Jussi" Roponen was a Finnish schlager singer. Born on June 19, 1947 in Lehtimäki, Finland and died on July 6, 2023 in Soini, Finland. |
Search | Add | 8 | Kurt Ciesla | Canadian upright bass player raised in Lethbridge, Alberta. An extremely versatile musician, he is a former member of funk acts Blue Locutus and Bubba and is a familiar and respected musician in the Edmonton Jazz music scene. He has performed a number of times with the Lethbridge Symphony Orchestra, including a live concert on the MacIntyre Ranch. Kurt is all about the bass. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Kareem Lamar | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Fritz Heede | Fritz Heede | Fritz Heede is a Los Angeles based music composer/producer and multi-instrumentalist who weaves eastern and western influences into dramatic and evocative works. Fritz has created music for feature films and television specials like NBC’s Emmy winning “Mystery of the Sphinx” where he worked with Charlton Heston. This launched his Egyptian period that lead him to go to Giza and record in the King’s Chamber of the Great Pyramid and more recently the SyFy Event “Aliens On The Moon”. |
Search | Add | 8 | Jodlerduo Kerschbaumer-Jäger | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Lari Cole | Alona (Larilyn) Cole | |
Search | Add | 8 | Lina Gaisser | ||
Search | Add | 8 | M. F. Vincent | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Marilyn Torres | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Jean-Jérôme Souladié | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Tumba Swing | Don Rogelio J. | One man band project from Valencia, Spain |
Search | Add | 8 | Nils Wogram's Nostalgia | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Александр С. Волков | Александр Волков | Soviet and Russian artist, graphic designer and publisher. |
Search | Add | 8 | Les Neuf de Choeur | ||
Search | Add | 8 | B-Lo Key | Bill Livingston | |
Search | Add | 8 | Алексей Канев | Алексей Владимирович Канев (Aleksey Vladimirovich Kanev) | Saxophonist in [a386431], [a331797] |
Search | Add | 8 | Steve "Hershey" Alexander | A&R and producer at [l=Freeze Records] and [l185032]. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Amato Image Design | American design company based in Tempe, AZ and owned by [a4576166]. For company credit use [l1211630], please. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Ognjen Savija | Ognjen Savija | Ognjen Šavija: Member of Cultural Association Ambrosia. Guitar player, musician, composer, producer, sound designer, multimedia artist & DJ – the explorer of Infinity and its possibilities. Born in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina 1971. He has taken classical guitar lessons from Mile Praljak. Simultaneously, he has worked with electronics and audio engineering, and has studied several other music instruments. 1986, together with his brother Nebojša Šavija-Valha, he started experimenting with music and sound within contemporary music, new age, experimental, avant-grade jazz and ambient (See Ognjen Savija and Nebojsa Savija-Valha duo). At the same time he has played with several alternative rock bands. 1991-1996 he was a leader of a goth rock band the Invisible Fields. During 1993, together with his brother, he developed an audio-visual project “Twilight Whisper” that was performed at the beginning of 1994 involving several more people. The project was a milestone for his future work. Soon after, they recorded music for a feature film “Mladi muzi poznavaji svet” directed by Radim Spacek in production of the Czech Television. Together with several people he was a founding member of a Cultural Association “Ambrosia”, which was established at the end of 1994. He has participated in over 100 different art projects done by the association in following years. At the same. time he has been playing with acid jazz band “Fabrizzio Und His Friends” latter renamed as “Kaiten“. The band opened the 1st Sarajevo Jazz Fest During mid 90ies he started projects in electronic music and have developed the Ambrosia Musica projects, AAM and Techno Experimental Sound System. At the same time he has been working in a lot of different solo music projects (techno, breakbeat, ambient, experimental). Since 2002 he has been taking part in a project Echogenik and from 2007 in the project Akreditacija and MC Dijamant. In 2009, together with several people, he formed an ensemble Liminalit. The basic idea of Liminalit is broadening of boundaries in all directions by playing with arrangements, rhythms, melodies, etc, which are all freed of strict genres; it is also an exploration of sound potentials. With Liminalit he performed on two big international festivals – Exit 2010 and Solstice 2011. In the last 3 years he has simultaneously been working with Liminalit and in a lot of new Ambrosia projects like “Pasivni pusaci”, “Fact off”, etc. and also cooperating with many artists on different projects and working some solo projects. |
Search | Add | 8 | Vic Norwin | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Barry Hagen | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Alement | Crust punk band from Philladelphia, PA | |
Search | Add | 8 | Alff | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Tadmir | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Joe Volpi | Austin, Texas bassist. | |
Search | Add | 8 | The Nature Orchestra | European pseudonym for Clive Lendich releases. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Valdecir Holocaust | Brazilian visual artist. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Bauernkapelle "Rösi Kobi" | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Mariachi Los Alfareros | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Ronald Fabio | ||
Search | Add | 8 | H.I.V Hunk | ||
Search | Add | 8 | The Zupanchick Brothers | Johnstown, Pennsylvania | |
Search | Add | 8 | The Electric Brain Code | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Johanne Provencher | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Dom Donato | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Terry Emm | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Akihiro Iwata | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Raffael Rheinsberg | German sculptor and installation artist, born 12 March 1943 in Kiel, died 27 October 2016 in Forst (Hunsrück), Germany. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Stark Produkt | Nic Stark | Visual artist based in the United Kingdom and also behind the Selective Fire Zine series. Used to run [l1813777]. The Stark Produkt moniker is now retired. |
Search | Add | 8 | Nyáray Károly | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Mick Toohig | Graphic designer, active late-1970s to 1980s in southern California, and mostly working for [l=BOMP!] and related labels. | |
Search | Add | 8 | The Wartburg College Choir | The Wartburg Choir was founded in 1937 by Dr. Edwin Liemohn, a student of F. Melius Christiansen, founder of the St. Olaf Choir and the a cappella Lutheran choral tradition. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Chris Shearer | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Pura Sombar | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Hosni Chahin | Argentinean oud player of Middle Eastern descent. Operated the record label [l=Chahimphone]. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Pepo Barría | Alberto Barría | Panamanian accordionist, singer, orchestra leader, from Veraguas, also known as Alberto "Pepo" Barría, brother of [a13455319] |
Search | Add | 8 | Chris Ray Gun | Chris Ray Maldonado | Chris Ray Gun, born December 4, 1993, is an American YouTuber and musician. |
Search | Add | 8 | Annice Carew | Calypso / soca vocals | |
Search | Add | 8 | Jyrki Telilä | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Arthur Lief | ||
Search | Add | 8 | DJ T42 AKA Deathcut | David Ponge | DJ since 2002 and producer since 2005, based in Miramas, France. Born 22 March 1979. Sound System: Krs6tem & F.T.P Crews |
Search | Add | 8 | Grupa Sol | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Michael Eiler Synchron GmbH | ||
Search | Add | 8 | New Nails For Old Crosses | Andy Falconer | The Experimental Ambient project from the Artist, Producer and Audio engineer Andy Falconer from London (UK) who is best known for his work with Orb, The from 1991 until 1994. |
Search | Add | 8 | Paul Schmotz | Accordionist. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Konto 'S' | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Swallow Sisters | Taiwan Singers | |
Search | Add | 8 | Ossewabrandwag | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Marco Artigas | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Оркестър Емил Георгиев | ||
Search | Add | 8 | D. Avenel | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Charles Eames | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Peter Van Huffel's Gorilla Mask | Peter Van Huffel's Gorilla Mask play combination of jazz and rock, free improvisation and written avant-garde music. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Chad Fazzari | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Morph Iconography | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Jade Choy | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Izwalito | ||
Search | Add | 8 | 2257AD | Sam Wild | Graphic designer and photographer from Bristol, UK born in 1995. |
Search | Add | 8 | Iron Guts Kelly | Old school hardcore punk style band from Lawrence, Kansas. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Avery Lain | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Peter Van Den Elshout | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Thomas Van Den Broek | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Nano Romanzah | Sumarno | Sumarno (died May 26, 2018, in Indramayu, West Java), better known as Nano Romanzah, is an Indonesian dangdut musician, singer, and songwriter. He known with his formed band named Rolista Group. |
Search | Add | 8 | Merrill Jay Singers | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Steve Lonsdale | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Singers Of Studio Laser Sound | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Anna Rudolph | South African singer / record producer from Pretoria. Sings children's songs, often together with her husband and 4 children. Songs are in Afrikaans and often relates to the Afrikaans culture and are of an educational nature. | |
Search | Add | 8 | McBride Graphic Design Ltd | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Mario Fadani | Bassist (also plays tuba). | |
Search | Add | 8 | Richard Jenner | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Tiana Randrianarisoa | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Stella Murphy | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Pure Mids | When songwriter & multi-instrumentalist, Will Gonzalez started writing a handful of songs about self-skepticism & optimism. Soon after, Will joined forces with producer/songwriter & multi-instrumentalist, Steven Martinez to record and produce them using techniques he acquired through past recordings he did with Will & drummer Daniel Jurado's previous band, Fine Minds, as well as Steven's recording project, The Ambient Light (who Jurado also drummed for). Will, Daniel, and Steven met years ago through playing shows with their old bands throughout Los Angeles and The San Gabriel Valley. Their new musical project called Pure Mids is an alternative/new gaze rock sound with a splash of neo-psychedelia. All three members are from Southern California. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Anita Modok | Australian photographic artist based in Sydney. | |
Search | Add | 8 | WDMA | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Frank Loomis | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Three Fields | Ambient electronica from Birmingham, UK. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Paul Shiva | Paolo Palmacci | Agitated agitator always marginal also in relation to the "Cairoli Street" in Latina city new rock scene. In the 80's he created [a=Negative Existence (3)] (the first punk band in the city of Latina), [a=No Existence (2)], [a=Bathroom Flowers] (aka Fiori del Cesso) and his last band [a=Hard Score Rage] (aka Scoreggia Dura). |
Search | Add | 8 | Florin Iscru | Romanian designer based in Bucharest, part of [a=Videogram] design studio | |
Search | Add | 8 | Chor Der Reichsoper, Berlin | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Conjunto Sabor Hit | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Russian Gypsy Orchestra | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Victor M. Vera | Photographer and graphic designer. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Angela Walls-Gray | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Familie Michlbauer | Familie Danter | |
Search | Add | 8 | Eddy Terrazas | Edgar Terrazas | Bolivian guitar and bass player who played as a session musician with many bands between the 1960s-1980s. |
Search | Add | 8 | Móser Ádám | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Lil Weenie | Internet rapper from the US. Anonymous artist that appears under a cartoon alias with blonde hair and a Hawaiian shirt. When criminal offences arose against the artist he ceased to make music. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Heráldica de Mandrake | Chilean doom metal band from La Serena, Coquimbo. Currently based in Santiago. Previously known as [a10089718] (2014-2017). [b]Current lineup[/b]: – Francisco "Visceral" Rivera (guitar, vocals) – Cristian Rivera (drums, percussion, 2018-present) – Vicente Zamorano (bass, 2019-present) [b]Past members[/b]: – Julio Gutiérrez (bass, 2017-2018) – Alfredo Barrientos (drums, 2017-2018) – Max Salazar (bass, backing vocals, 2018-2019) | |
Search | Add | 8 | Moslékzabáló | ||
Search | Add | 8 | F. Alessandrini | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Arturo Monticelli | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Lee Watters | Engineer. He has worked at [l1110931] | |
Search | Add | 8 | Μαρία Παρούση | Compiler | |
Search | Add | 8 | Jesper Ek | Swedish singer, songwriter, and bass-player. Born in 1970. The Rawhides 1991-1993, Fanscene 1993-1998. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Snake Luckhurst | ||
Search | Add | 8 | PsyDen | Simone Marchetti | Progressive psy goa trance DJ producer based in Lucca, Italy |
Search | Add | 8 | Cassroc | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Kate Goldby | Bass player from Melbourne, Australia | |
Search | Add | 8 | Marco Katatronik | Marco Mantovani | |
Search | Add | 8 | The Texas Band Orchestra | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Velvet Crayon | ||
Search | Add | 8 | E-Race | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Márkus Tamás | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Štěpánka Haničincová | Born 30. September 1931 Kvíčovice – died 27. October 1999 Praha Czech actress, morerator and dramaturgist. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Tekscape | Michael McCrum, Aidan Fusco | Michael McCrum and Aidan Fusco aka "Tekscape" first met at their local record store in Northern Ireland during the mid nineties. Instantly both guys realised that they shared the same passion for electronic music, in particular the rave scene of that time, encompassing all genres from house through to hardcore and everything in-between. The live recordings from local events such as Hellraiser & Vengeance, which were held in the now infamous Ulster Hall in Belfast during the early to mid-nineties exposed both guys to a diverse range of sounds. International DJ's such as Carl Cox, Lenny Dee and Pablo Gargano who were playing alongside local legends such as DJ Binman and Judge Dredd were delivering the most upfront trance, techno, hardcore, jungle & drum n bass releases of that time. The guys credit their diversity as both DJ's and Producers to their exposure to such a wide range of styles within electronic music from a very early age. The "Tekscape" project was born during 2019, with a series of releases to-date under labels such as Gabberhead, Mokum and D-Force Techno. Individually, with 20 years of experience behind them across many aspects of the rave scene including DJ'ing, Event Promotion and even working in local record stores, the guys intend to take the "Tekscape" project as far as it can possibly go. |
Search | Add | 8 | Brods | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Anne Sandberg | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Inimini v.z.w. | Belgian management and booking office runned by [a6379587]. Lakstraat 38, 3988 Veerle - Laakdal - Belgium Tel.: 014 54 75 90 | |
Search | Add | 8 | Lee Latch Parker | Lee "Latch" Parker | Producer, Songwriter, Remixer, Engineer |
Search | Add | 8 | Chester Cathedral Choir | The first monks of the monastery sang their chants under the Benedictine Rule more than 900 years ago. Henry VIII re-established the former monastery as a cathedral in 1541 and God’s praises have been sung ever since. There is no choir school at Chester and the choristers are recruited from schools all over the city and surrounding area. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Sanjoy Chakraborty | Acharya Sanjay Chakrabarty is a music teacher, multi-instrumentalist (mainly sitar, harmonium and tabla among others), lyricist and composer. Also an accomplished classical vocalist who received his first training in Patiala-Kasur gharana from his elder brother [a1018023]. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Silvinho Lima | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Trench Rot | American hardcore band from Garden Grove, California. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Josh Gallop | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Geysa Celeste | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Pierre-André Gil | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Ελπίδα Χατζηκωνσταντή | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Ronnie Mathews Trio | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Christopher Dale Ryan | Bass player from Providence, RI. Brother of [a1835898] | |
Search | Add | 8 | SidikiWolf | ||
Search | Add | 8 | 秦二朗 | ||
Search | Add | 8 | I.R.A.L.I | Irina Lisovets | |
Search | Add | 8 | Paul Kirkpatrick | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Carlos E. Oni | Carlos E. Oni | |
Search | Add | 8 | Richard E. Brooks | ||
Search | Add | 8 | No Stress Djs | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Anchor Thieves | Alt-rock band from Nashville, Tennessee, USA formed in 2009. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Gigi L'Altro | Luigi Verutti | Italian DJ and producer. |
Search | Add | 8 | Masumi Nishimura | Masumi Nishimura | |
Search | Add | 8 | Miloš Macourek | Miloš Macourek | Czech playwright and poet. Born December 2, 1926 in Kroměříž. Died September 30, 2002 in Prague. |
Search | Add | 8 | Cécilia Bonnet | Cécilia Bonnet | French art director. Songwriter. Lead singer of Montoya |
Search | Add | 8 | Wonderorgel Lorika | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Preatorian | Patrick Groen | Dutch Electronic music producer focused on harder styles. Founder of [l2066953] & [l1939687]. Preatorian has resurfaced after a long absence in the void. But with a blast! 2020 kicked off with 4 releases including placements on HARDCORE XXL and Mega mix featuring Angerfist, Tha Playah, Nosferatu, DJ Anime, Miss K8 and more. 2021 is even stronger! Ancient Ones has been voted best hardcore on beatport and Sith is on 2 major international albums (Hardcore XXL 2021 & Warriors of Fury) this August. In addition, a placement on the editorial playlist (best harddance) by spotify itself.. This says enough that Preatorian makes a different kind of hardcore and good! Preatorian is well known as the alchemist and creator of dark crossbreed hardcoremusic. His style is 100% RAW, with natural influences from dubstep, hardcore, cinematic horror vibes and fuses into his own style. Which you can feel as soon the music plays. Collaborations with: Jony K. Tha Mechanic, MC Brutaal, MC Mindcore, Guerrilla Warfare, Death Punch, Tha Sacrificed |
Search | Add | 8 | Lee Jack Morton | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Brave Little Pixel | Working with Digital art since 2007. Based in Sheffield, Fine Arts (BA). | |
Search | Add | 8 | Kenneth Koster | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Oliver Dick | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Barry Sampson | Designer. | |
Search | Add | 8 | The Billy Graham International Crusade Choirs | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Krysztof Nemeth | Christopher Nemeth | Bass guitarist, baritone guitarist, and vocalist from Kansas City. |
Search | Add | 8 | Tom Topazz | Thomas Alexander Kolbe | |
Search | Add | 8 | Blanpain | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Tiago Eira | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Rhythm Design | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Kjetil Braut Simonsen | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Zenonas Šteinys | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Lyric Dance Orchestra | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Corvus Von Burtle | Alias used mainly in Wolvennest. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Arnaldo Filipello | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Jean-François Jonvelle | French photographer, born October 3, 1943 in Cavaillon, France and died January 16, 2002 in Paris, France. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Ciro Longa | Baterista virtual de la banda chilena Tronic. | |
Search | Add | 8 | DJ Young Mase | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Jolanda De Wit | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Rune Bergstø | Bass player from Kristiansand, Norway. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Massimo Marini | Italian singer | |
Search | Add | 8 | Damian Burgess | Damian Burgess is an English Musician and Visual Artist living and working in Norway. His main music project is Invisible Bees, described as Transcendent-minimalist -psych-folk husband and wife duo which started in 2007. Invisible Bees released a home recorded album in 2008 with positive reviews. They have played live in various constellations and also with Jackie O Motherfucker. Currently residing with his family on Nesodden, a rural peninsula close to Oslo, He and his wife Elin Eriksen have been organising an underground music festival called oddnose. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Alfredo Schnitzler | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Owen Dalhouse | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Marvin David | ||
Search | Add | 8 | paolo boy | Paolo Boi | Italian artist, born in Cagliari February 6, 1952. |
Search | Add | 8 | Хор Государственного Академического Театра Оперы И Балета Имени А. Навой | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Vincent Caito | ||
Search | Add | 8 | OTEO | Alvin Paris, Matteo Luis | |
Search | Add | 8 | Evžen Richter | Evžen Richter | Czech banjo player. |
Search | Add | 8 | Hank Koopman | Born in The Netherlands, moved to Western Australia but more recently settled in Devonport, Tasmania, Australia. Husband/partner of [a8947462] | |
Search | Add | 8 | Troy N. Thomas | Troy Thomas | Producer and musician from New Orleans, LA |
Search | Add | 8 | Aaron Zimmermann | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Fogarassy György | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Glass Frog | Konrad Kamm | |
Search | Add | 8 | Paul Sol | Gonzalo Hernán Salas Eguiguren | He was born in the city of Loja in 1942. He had a sad childhood because he lived in some orphanages. "I grew up in an orphanage in Quito, then I was transferred to Cuenca, and when I was a little boy they took me to Loja -according to the origin of their artistic name." It occurred to me to put Paúl Sol in thanks for my childhood in the orphanage. from the city of Cuenca Juan Vicente de Paul and sun for the God who accompanies me. " In his student life he began to triumph in intercollegiate competitions singing rancheras. In 1963 he left Loja and settled in Guayaquil, where he began to sing on radio stations until he won an amateur contest of the 'Saturdays of Atalaya' program. By then he had already made friends with the young artists: Pepe Parra from Los Cuervos, Marco Molina from Los Corverts, César Augusto Montalvo, Pepe Morey and others. And he sang the fashion themes of the Mexicans Enrique Guzmán, Alberto Vásquez, César Costa and the French Charles Aznavour. But he considers that his professional life began one night in 1965 at the Olmedo theater when he was invited to the Ernesto Albán Show, which had the brothers as special artists. Miño Naranjo, the trio Los Brillantes and other artists who did not arrive in time to the theater. It was when the animator Lucho Gálvez threw it into the arena and Paúl Sol sang his song Si se ver llorar and the audience applauded him in a rage. "This is how Paúl Sol was born in the Olmedo Theater and in the Ernesto Albán Show," he says, adding that he then began to write his tragic songs that were a success when they recorded. In 1966 and 1967 he won three gold albums. Two for the simple Burlado / El baladí and the third for: If they see you cry / The night. "To get the gold record, you had to sell 50,000 copies, the whole country had my record that sold like hot cakes," he recalls. He thinks he had the acceptance of people because he was an original artist who did not copy foreigners. The audience was ecstatic with their superdramatic performances. "I started singing the tragic songs and I was on the floor," he says excitedly, "but always according to the meaning of the lyrics. If he sang If they see you crying, it would end in a corner, with Burlado I would go to the floor and break my shirt. I always asked that the theater be in darkness, only with the light of a reflector and I would go onstage from the corregidor's hollow because the theater employees raised me from below. The people loved that. It began with El Baladí and ended with Burlado on the floor and with a torn shirt. People said: "Poor thing, look like he cries, and it was the reverendo heat, sometimes I cried because of the emotion of the audience that applauds you standing, that's the greatest thing for an artist." I'm more Guayaquil than lojano because Guayaquil gave me the triumph". In 1970 he recorded his only long play Paúl Sol, the tragic baladista with twelve songs. He stopped doing it when he found out that they would never give him royalties because, according to the contract with this label, he paid for his artistic promotion. From 1974, he became an artistic representative and brought Los Angeles Negros, El Greco, Palito Ortega, César Costa, Leo Dan, and from 1980 to 1989 he represented the Colombian Lisandro Meza in 140 presentations throughout the country |
Search | Add | 8 | Afilador | Spanish post-punk band from Madrid. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Cup Produktion | Christian Bensch & Peter Wagner & Uli Roever | |
Search | Add | 8 | Milan Lusk | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Gerhard Beermann | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Dark Sun Bright | Dark Sun Bright is a dark pop/synthwave/darkwave band from Eckernförde, Germany. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Goldner | Credited as Photographer | |
Search | Add | 8 | Andreas Giourtis | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Vadim Bondarenko | Vadim Bondarenko | |
Search | Add | 8 | Banda Corrida Of Mexico City | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Harriet Kay | Harriet Ostrowsky | |
Search | Add | 8 | Instilled | Hardcore band from USA. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Hirasaki Nakagawa | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Isaak Heemskerk | Dutch bass player | |
Search | Add | 8 | Brigitt's Trio | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Mark "Ridders" Risdale | Engineer | |
Search | Add | 8 | Cherry Death | Rock band from Oklahoma City, OK. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Benjamin W. Waiaiole | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Dave Pasciuto | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Gerhard Hallstatt | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Cebec | ||
Search | Add | 8 | DJ Poetic Rock | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Los Metros | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Joop Van Heusden | New Zealand art designer. | |
Search | Add | 8 | The Stars Of Hawaii Orchestra | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Damen Samuel | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Jerry Causi | Bass guitarist. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Milan Kotlić | Trombone player | |
Search | Add | 8 | Ludwig Höllwarth | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Technoyzer | Vincenzo Thomas Pardo | Italian Techno DJ and producer based in Naples. He is the founder of [l=Analytical Technology Records]. |
Search | Add | 8 | Hidenori Une | 宇根秀訓 (Une Hidenori) | Japanese designer. |
Search | Add | 8 | ELVIS.T | Elvis Twu | Hailing from Taipei, techno/minimal/tech house DJ/producer [a=ELVIS.T] started his career back in 1998 and has been producing since 2001. In 2007, [a=ELVIS.T] moved to Beijing and co-founded China's first electronic music label [l=Acupuncture Records]. |
Search | Add | 8 | The B'shops | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Oto Reisinger | ||
Search | Add | 8 | P.c.m.n. | Robert Kiss | Techno / experimental producer from Gárdony (Hungary). Co-founder of [l=Audioexit Records]. |
Search | Add | 8 | Terror Weapon | Rodrigo Llanos | Hardstyle Dj Producer form Antofagasta, Chile |
Search | Add | 8 | Maruja Serrano | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Ruddy Merry | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Kali Hellstrom | Has released music as Charnel House, Dr. Ackula's Charnel House, and Brushy Creek Projekt. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Jo Vautier | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Ludovic Marsolais-Viau | Ludovic Marsolais-Viau | Artist. |
Search | Add | 8 | Drwiwy | ||
Search | Add | 8 | R!der Design | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Jared "Doc" Estes | Jared J. Estes | Folk artist from Olympia, WA playing original and traditional tunes. |
Search | Add | 8 | Soulville Productions | US production entity. See also label profile [l=Soulville Productions] / [l=Soulville Production, Inc.] | |
Search | Add | 8 | Porsche Boy | Michal Hlivák | Slovak rapper. |
Search | Add | 8 | Johnny "Task" Burgos | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Kathleen Vlodek | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Robyn Knapton | Songwriter | |
Search | Add | 8 | Rolando DiIorio | American bassist (born 13 August 1923 in Palermo, Sicily; died 30 March 1997 in Las Vegas, Nevada). He joined Sam Butera and the Witnesses on double bass in 1958; they had a successful career backing Louis Prima. He was playing electric bass by 1968, and left the Witnesses in 1974. | |
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Search | Add | 8 | Девчата | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Del Spooner | Music Producer & remixer | |
Search | Add | 8 | Fe-La Antoine | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Е. С. Кабанов | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Fernandez @ Zen Comunicación Visual | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Johannes Lasowski | Violin player | |
Search | Add | 8 | Ernesto Fagundes | Ernesto Vilaverde Fagundes | Born in Alegrete-RS, January 18, 1968 He is a Brazilian musician (a leguero bass drum player), songwriter and singer of regional music from the state of Rio Grande do Sul. |
Search | Add | 8 | Hargrave Hands | Artist. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Shep Ginandes | Shepard Ginandes | (b. 7 June 1928) Harvard-educated physician and published author, originally based in Boston, who also collected and sang folk songs. A multi-lingual world traveler, he made a handful of folk albums in the 1950s and 1960s before resuming his medical career full time. After a relocation to Honolulu, Dr. Ginandes' license allowing him to prescribe controlled substances was revoked in 2010, following an investigation by the DEA. |
Search | Add | 8 | Farko Dosumov | Bassist | |
Search | Add | 8 | Sigurd Torkildsen | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Валерий Башков | Валерий Башков | Валерий Башков - студийно-сессионный басист. Играл концерты и записывал бас для Алексея Шедько, Александра Маршала, J Морс, Беz Билета, Тяни-Толкай, Da Vinci, Kriwi, Marek Balata, Ляпис Трубецкой, Зартипо, Дрозды, Карла Хламкина, Ron Thal Bumblefoot (Guns N Roses), Joe Lynn Turner (Rainbow, Deep Purple), Ирины Дорофеевой, Александра Солодухи, Инны Афанасьевой, Алеся Камоцкого и др. |
Search | Add | 8 | Leszek Zadlo Ensemble | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Ki Mantle Hood | Ki Mantle Hood (24 June 1918, Springfield, IL, USA - 31 July 2005, Ellicott City, MD, USA) was an American ethnomusicologist and composer. After studying composition privately with Ernst Toch (1945–50), Hood completed the AB in music (1951) and the MA in composition (1952) at UCLA. He took the doctorate on a Fulbright fellowship at the University of Amsterdam with [a=Jaap Kunst] with a dissertation on the Javanese modal system (1954). During the same year he became an instructor at UCLA, where he initiated the first formal programme in ethnomusicology. Following fieldwork in Indonesia on a Ford Fellowship (1956–8), Hood returned to UCLA and was appointed assistant professor (1956), associate professor (1959) and full professor (1962); he also founded the Institute of Ethnomusicology in 1961. Hood was the first scholar to offer training in the performance of non-Western music (in Javanese and Balinese gamelan). His emphasis on performance participation or ‘bi-musicality" as an essential aspect of research is a major contribution to the field | |
Search | Add | 8 | Glenn Schonn | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Ramblin' Roze | 放荡罗泽 | Heavy Rock from Beijing China |
Search | Add | 8 | Mashur | Никита Машуров (Nikita Mashurov) | Electronic music DJ & producer from Yoshkar-Ola, Russia. Born: 05-01-1989 |
Search | Add | 8 | Ade Liz | Adélaïde Gbahou | Adélaïde Gbahou known as Ade Liz is a singer from Ivory Coast, born in Zagné in the department of Guiglo. Nicknamed the “singer of the 18 mountains” because of her geographical origins. She started her singing career in 1985. |
Search | Add | 8 | MrRn | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Kriss Haze | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Алексей Вертоградов | ||
Search | Add | 8 | J. Van Der Star | Jeroen Van Der Star | DJ and producer from The Netherlands. He is the founder of [l=Crème Organization]. |
Search | Add | 8 | Evan Galbicka | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Knife Of Ice | Wall noise project inspired the film of the same name. | |
Search | Add | 8 | 666gangstaz | ||
Search | Add | 8 | HPark | Pavel Khoroshun | Electronic music producer from Starobelsk, Ukraine |
Search | Add | 8 | NYIKO | Nyiko Beguin (“nee-koh” “bay-gan”) (born November 1, 1990), better known by his middle name NYIKO, is an American recording artist, producer, and visual artist. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Napoleon Digital | See also: [l356937] | |
Search | Add | 8 | ChillyMoonGraphix | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Тилаш Ходжамбердиев | Tilash Khojamberdiev is a Soviet and Uzbek conductor. Artistic director of the national ensemble of folk instruments of the Uzbek Television and Radio Company. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Andrea Chiesi | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Ансамбль Под Управлением Арона Ройтмана | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Goldberg Audio | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Sonny Salsbury | Sonny Salsbury wrote contemporary Christian music for use in youth-oriented church services. His best known work among the Jesus people was probably Backpacker's Suite, which offers an album of worship music for campers, with obvious emphasis on appreciation for the glories of nature and the Creator they reveal. Brother of [a=Ron Salsbury] | |
Search | Add | 8 | Edwin Wieringa | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Los Pachechos De Potosi | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Ross Proulx | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Amantes Do Alentejo | ||
Search | Add | 8 | H. Armstrong Roberts | Photographer. | |
Search | Add | 8 | L'Impasse Humaniste | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Howard Ungerleider | Lighting designer and director primarily for Rush. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Suburban Noise | Italian emo/hardcore band formed in 1995 in Campi Salentina (Lecce), and disbanded around 1999/2000. Members: Luca Dello Preite - Voice and Guitar Stefano Manca - Bass and 2nd voice Luigi Selleri - Drums and 2nd voice | |
Search | Add | 8 | วันชัย อยู่พัฒนะวงศ์ | Wanchai Yoopattanawong | |
Search | Add | 8 | Brunswick Quartette | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Geet The Mega Band | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Ralph Loveday | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Katrin Schmitt | German singer and songwriter | |
Search | Add | 8 | YariD | ||
Search | Add | 8 | R. Loftiss | Rebecca Loftiss | |
Search | Add | 8 | Carol Cuff | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Little Ray Rapper | Little Ray Rapper released a comedy rap single in Seattle, WA in 1981 on First American Records. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Joyce Behr | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Christofer Hansson | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Max Bodden | U.S. artist. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Druidhigh Visuals | ||
Search | Add | 8 | This Is Tomorrow | DJ, Producer, Beatmaker, Drummer from Luxembourg. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Thomas Klarmann | German multi-instrumentalist (bass, flute, keyboards, guitars, drum programming) and vocalist. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Alex Opteck | Italian DJ and producer based in Rome. | |
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Search | Add | 8 | فریدون پوررضا | Fereydoun Pourreza (1932-2012) was an Iranian singer from north Iran with a repertoire of Gilan and Mazandaran songs | |
Search | Add | 8 | 彼女のサーブ+彼女のレシーブ | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Hugh Garrety | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Henk Holsheimer | Henk Holsheimer | |
Search | Add | 8 | OSK Design | ||
Search | Add | 8 | MusicMan Graf-X | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Kazunori Omoto | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Братский Хор Свято-Успенской Почаевской Лавры | Хор братії Свято-Успенської Почаївської Лаври | Chorus of the Holy Assumption Monastery of the Pochaev Lavra. [b]Please do not confuse[/b] with [a13275354]. These are two different choirs of the Holy Dormition Pochaev Lavra. |
Search | Add | 8 | Frank Dresser | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Geneviève d'Epraux | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Zzzoo | ZZZoo is Tokyo-based ultra cosmic all-stars band by several Japanese underground bands. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Стайка Гьокова | ||
Search | Add | 8 | StarTropics | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Abbé Paul Kodjo | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Rape Your Penis | Member of AMNT (Anti-Music Noise Team) .A punk human with a scar on the eye. Make untitled Harsh Noises with a self-multilation of the penis theme | |
Search | Add | 8 | German Salto | Spanish artist | |
Search | Add | 8 | Mikael Skogberg | Bass player from Närpes, Finland | |
Search | Add | 8 | Isabelle Reine | Isabelle Wright | Isabelle Wright (born June 28, 2002), better known as Isabelle Reine is an ambient/rock musician, songwriter, and composer from Pennsylvania, USA. Thought-provoking themes of isolationism, spirituality, and nostalgia define Isabelle Reine. She first hit the music scene in 2016 and has released 4 albums as of 2021 |
Search | Add | 8 | A Smooth Architect | Electronic music producer, living in Tokyo, Japan. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Oliver (Stock) Felix | Oliver "Stick" Felix | |
Search | Add | 8 | Борис Дейнека | Борис Степанович Дейнека | 1902—1986 Opera singer, bass |
Search | Add | 8 | Bohumil Sýkora | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Skankin' Dread | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Dragan Bulatović | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Patricia Scot | Charlotte Anne Shealy | American vocalist, born 23 October 1931. At 17, she began singing with various groups in and around Milwaukee; she went on a country-wide tour with the Tommy Reed Band, a group out of Chicago. After the tour, she returned to Milwaukee, she sang in clubs around Wisconsin for a while, changing her name to Patricia Scot. She moved to Chicago, and one of her first breaks came when acclaimed tenor saxophonist [a262140] invited her to sing with his band in Toronto. Soon after this, Patricia signed her first recording contract with [l627117], and later with [l8511]. She also sang at a popular jazz club called the Steamliner, which was known for it's guest artists who included Bill Evans, on leave from the army on weekends, and Anita O'Day. Scot was approached by CBS Talent Director [a5306092] to join WBBM, where she sang on a morning radio show for several months. This led to her five-year stint with the hit TV show "In Town Tonight". TV Guide awarded Scot "Best Female Singer" for 1955. In 1957, she met and married Mike Nichols, moving to New York City. It was while in NY she met [a97480] which led to the recording of her album [m1033126]. Pat continued on the hotel and club circuit until 1970, when she put the music scene on the backburner after meeting and marrying, hotel manager Jim Dickerson. They were invited to a White House party hosted by President Nixon. Pat spent the next 20-years working in the Banking industry, and on her retirement fell into piano tuning when she was unable to get a tuner for her piano. Since then she has tuned pianos professionally, and following the death of her husband, in 1997, decided to get back into performing. In 1999 she met Trumpeter Jack Yorton and together they formed a quartet, "Prime Time", they married in 2000 and continued to play in the Central Florida region until 2008 including a brief stint with a local big band "The Golden Era", based in Sebring, FL. |
Search | Add | 8 | Dr. Ilse Obrig | Ilse Obrig, born February 21st, 1908 in Elberfeld, died October 3rd, 1978 in West-Berlin was a German Radio and TV-editor, choir leader and author of children books. She dedicated her life on the work of children education and built up broadcasting for children in Germany, especially in Berlin. She is best known to have established the first children's TV-show in German television called "Kinderstunde mit Ilse Obrig", which was broadcasted already in the testing phase of German TV. She was granted the order "Verdienstkreuz am Bande der Bundesrepublik Deutschland" in 1973 for her activity in children's education. She worked for [a1054853], [a2845241], [l270438] and [l735444]. In 1954, she became head of children's broadcasting at [l270438], that she executed until she retired in 1973. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Terence Briand | French engineer, owner of [l=Studio Nyima] | |
Search | Add | 8 | SAE Mastering | For technical credits by [l264259]. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Nancy Shanx | Pop - rock singer songwriter | |
Search | Add | 8 | The Midland Big Band | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Piloš Stublinac | Đorđe Đorđević | |
Search | Add | 8 | Bep Ackers | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Thomas J. Simon | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Rene Joslin | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Μιχάλης Τσακίρης | Μιχάλης Τσακίρης / Mihalis Tsakiris | |
Search | Add | 8 | Idan Ezra | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Grant Barnhart | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Montana Bourke | DJ and producer based in Perth, Australia. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Grant Rutledge | Audio editor / engineer from Richmond, VA, US. Owner of [l294433] during 1996 - 2003. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Koiran Näköinen Nainen | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Χαρά Λαγαρτζή | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Concept Quebec | Directeur Artistique / Artistic Director, [a682081]. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Amoussou K. Cosme | ||
Search | Add | 8 | William Cathcart | Designer | |
Search | Add | 8 | Maimie Noel Jones | Piano accompanist for the BBC's "With Heart And Voice" gospel/hymn radio programme | |
Search | Add | 8 | Andre NON Dorme | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Aenos | A Death/Black Metal Band From Athens, Greece | |
Search | Add | 8 | Singkreis Biedermannsdorf | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Banda Primitiva De Liria | La Banda Primitiva De Llíria | La Banda Primitiva De Llíria (València, Spain), also known as "El Clarín", was founded in 1819 by the Franciscan father Fray Antoni Albarracín Enguídanos. It is the oldest civil band in Spain. |
Search | Add | 8 | Konterverkiert | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Lynda Kaye | Lynda Kaye Parsons / Lynda K. Russell | 1960s-1970s country artist from Houston, Texas. |
Search | Add | 8 | Aik! | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Ye Ming De | Taiwanese Singer | |
Search | Add | 8 | David M. Chay | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Kalle Lilja | Swedish guitarist and recording engineer. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Ivano Rossin | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Adam Epps | Егор Гринков (Egor Grinkov) | Russian DJ and producer from Chelyabinsk. Born: 16 March 1989 |
Search | Add | 8 | Dirty Donnie Giles | ||
Search | Add | 8 | ZenoPhex | Noah | (Born 1995) Producer From Sweden Who started to make Hardcore rave and trance music back in 2021. |
Search | Add | 8 | George Kadwell | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Julia Deimann | Record label executive based in Berlin. Runs [l=Faluma Records] and Koro Koro Music. Head of production, licensing consultant and press/PR coordinator at BBE from 2010. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Daryl Kalmus | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Heeresmusikkorps 13 | German Army (Heer) military band of the Federal Armed Forces (Bundeswehr) based in the I. Korps (Bundeswehr) and located in Münster. Founded: 1 July 1956 Disbanded: 30 June 2007. Sometimes appears as "[b]Musikkorps Des 1. Korps Der Bundeswehr, Münster[/b]" [b]Known Conductors:[/b] 1. [a6738265] (1960s) 2. [a4689587] (Early 1970's - Late 1970's) 3. [a4595386] (Late 1970's - Mid 1980s) 4. [a2595841] (1985-1991) The Heeresmusikkorps 13 was founded in Münster in 1 July 1956 under the name "[b]Musikkorps III B[/b]". In 1959, The Musikkorps III B was renamed "[b]Heeresmusikkorps 7[/b]". In 1965 the band was renamed "[b]Heeresmusikkorps 13[/b]". In 1985 the band was renamed "[b]Heeresmusikkorps 100[/b]". and in October 2001 the band was renamed "[b]Wehrbereichsmusikkorps II[/b]" In 30 June 2007 the band was disbanded during the restructuring of the German Federal Armed Forces (Bundeswehr). | |
Search | Add | 8 | Rory Keating | Rory J. Keating | Tattooist and designer. Artist working for the Guru Tattoo Studio in San Diego. address: 1122 Garnet Ave, San Diego, California contact: 619-519-4322 Direct 858-270-1070 Front Desk |
Search | Add | 8 | בנות יעקב | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Barbarous Pomerania | Polish Viking Folk Black Metal band formed in 2002 in Koszalin. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Smaïl Ouchabane | Kabyle Algerian singer from the village of Ighil Bougueni, Tizi-Ouzou (Algeria) | |
Search | Add | 8 | Tonio Ruiz | Antonio Ruiz | Mexican guitarist, vocalist, producer and studio engineer. Also credited as "Toño Ruiz" and "T.R.". Founder of bands [a=Coda (13)] and [a1929568]. Owns and runs [l=TR Mix Room]. |
Search | Add | 8 | Rusted Winds | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Disco Patrick | Patrick Lejeune | |
Search | Add | 8 | Davide Brambilla | Italian multi-instrumentalist | |
Search | Add | 8 | The New American Guitar Ensemble | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Mike Sealy | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Dick (Ricardo) Sugar | Radio DJ of Latin Music. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Melanie Day | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Antonis Chochlakis | Antonios Chochlakis | Hard Trance DJ & producer from Chania (Crete island), Greece. Former Hardstyle producer. Born: 1985 |
Search | Add | 8 | Code Neda | Michel Götting | [Code/Neda] is an industrial / power electronics project by Michel Götting, based in Karlsruhe, Germany. |
Search | Add | 8 | Gunnar Fjeldseth Band | Norwegian schlager group from Flisa, formed in 1988 | |
Search | Add | 8 | Esxxr Txny | Marrice Anthony | Production alias of Wichita rapper Marrice Anthony. |
Search | Add | 8 | Stephen T. Johnson | Illustrator | |
Search | Add | 8 | Chris Youle | Chris started work in the music business in 1969 at RCA, moving on until becoming managing director at RSO Records in 1974. After this managed Roger Chapman and ran his own companies, notably Acrobat Records and Kamera Records. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Charlotte Thevenin | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Ben Marrs | American bassist. Died May 8th, 2024 | |
Search | Add | 8 | Zhiroc | Wesley Koh | Zhiroc is a Trance/Psytrance DJ/producer from Singapore. He was exposed to classical piano training at a tender age of 3 and made his first foray into Trance production in 2015. He released his first Trance track under the alias of OrionZ K. and was one-half of Nebula Altar, a brief Trance side project before getting enlisted into National Service. |
Search | Add | 8 | Juan Pablo Sallés "Loro" | Spanish bassist and singer | |
Search | Add | 8 | Graham Ogilvie | Scottish graphic designer. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Slut Kull | Depraved power electronics / noise artist from the UK. Project started in 2002 and ceased in 2009 | |
Search | Add | 8 | Niels Fuglede | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Nathan Aguilar | American musician originally from San Diego, CA. Currently residing in upstate NY. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Bernd Hartwich | Bernd Hartwich | DJ and nucleus of many bands of the Munich scene, died from cancer in march 2020, age 53 |
Search | Add | 8 | Raúl Diaz "El Mago" | Raúl Díaz González | Mexican musician and composer (November 9, 1913 - December 1, 1979). |
Search | Add | 8 | I.Q.C.M. | Experimental and noise band from Spain. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Eerik Purdon | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Feu Sacré | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Инструментальный Ансамбль Под Управлением Станислава Пожлакова | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Massimo Brazzini | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Delta Mainline | Delta Mainline are an alternative band formed and based in Edinburgh, Scotland. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Малыш И Учитель | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Rob Santucci | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Enrico Gottardis | ||
Search | Add | 8 | 游学者 | Rock band from Beijing, China. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Alex Grzybowski | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Jovo Kričković | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Fake Booij | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Super Silva | Silvija Mišanović | |
Search | Add | 8 | James "Trip" Khalaf | James Khalaf | FOH Mixer, Tour Manager, Sound Engineer and Producer James "Trip" Khalaf is a sound engineer and Front-of- House sound mixer. In the 1970's he was the FOH Mixer who accompanied the rock band [a81013], additionally he co-produced Queen's live album [r586463]. Khalaf worked also worked for [a47333], [a160906], [a15885], Elton John, Madonna, Roger Waters and Mariah Carey. He was committed for television productions, in 2007 for the MTV Video Music Awards. |
Search | Add | 8 | Jacob Parmentier | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Die Oklahoma Boys | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Diego Filardo | ||
Search | Add | 8 | The Voices Of Christ | Gospel choir founded in October 1969 in Berkeley, California by [a3139470], inspired by the second meeting of the Gospel Music Workshop of America. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Mauro Del Principe | Mauro Facibeni | Italian DJ and producer based in Imola. |
Search | Add | 8 | Sergio Bersani | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Bruno Migliari | Brazilian bassist, songwriter, and arranger. b.: 1971 - Rio de Janeiro, RJ | |
Search | Add | 8 | Joseph Frevola | Joey is an award-winning film composer and Ernie Ball Music Man sponsored guitarist based in Los Angeles, California. Joey currently has two short films making the film festival rounds. Rachel’s Wish is a dramatic comedy about a little girl who misses her mom. So far it has taken home awards for Best Comedy and Best Music. A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Interview is an absurdist comedy about a woman who is just trying to get to her job interview when everything conceivable goes wrong. It is currently nominated for Best Comedy short. Joey has also been a mainstay in the progressive rock community, writing and performing with UK-based band [a5526414] who are currently gearing up to release their third album. They’ve toured all over the world and played with many iconic acts of the genre such as [a277060], [a2481019], [a303573], [a691292], and [a218108]. In 2019, Joey released two records. One being his first solo record, Gone – a concept album about the last two people on earth and how they cope with their situation. The other called In Static with his longtime progressive metal band [a1917847]. Both have received glowing reviews and recommendations from various prog outlets. Joey also had the opportunity to assist renowned composer [a595685] during the production of season 6 of the hit show Empire. He also recently assisted composer [a10457755] in composing music for Cup of Joe, a travel show that aired on Quibi. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Bill Wehmann | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Fraqtion | Raden Maulana | Hardstyle producer from Tangerang, Indonesia. |
Search | Add | 8 | Aaron Jacoves | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Syuuichi Ohki | Ōki Shūichi | |
Search | Add | 8 | Dead Soul Alliance | Death Metal band from Ottawa, ON, Canada, formed in 2010. | |
Search | Add | 8 | Marco Valentini | Marco Valentini | Italian DJ and saxophonist from Venice. |
Search | Add | 8 | Michael Casado | Michael Casado | Swedish producer, composer, arranger and DJ. |
Search | Add | 8 | Niklas Wistedt | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Weine Renlidens Orkester | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Baekdoosan | 백두산 | Baekdoosan formed by Yoo Hyeon-Sang and Kim Do-Gyoon. Later, Yoo Hyeon-Sang went on to record several teuroteu (the oldest form of Korean pop music, highly similar to Japanese enka) albums. He was forced to change musical styles in order to gain his love's parents' approval for marriage. He is also a prominent producer. He re-joined the band in 2009 along with Kim Do-Kyoon. The band also appears with two songs on the "Rock N' Roll Korea" compilation LP, released in 1983. The short-lived version of "Power Baekdoosan" was considered the same band, but with a completely new line-up (except for Kim Chang-Shik and the return of Lee Geon-Tae). They played to death/thrash. Reformed with older line-up once again to record "Return of the King". It's a return to their old traditional metal sound. |
Search | Add | 8 | Erskine Hawkins Quintet | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Pat Connelly | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Brian Lousley | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Ernesto Muñiz | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Helge B. | ||
Search | Add | 8 | Julián Revuelta |