Discogs artists that do not appear to exist in MusicBrainz

Report created based on data in MusicBrainz as of 24/10/2024

Found 596840 artists, we show 1000 artists per page.

The report is not continually updated so may not reflect the current data within MusicBrainz and or Discogs databases.

These are Discogs artists not currently linked to a MusicBrainz artist, and we have been unable to find a potential link for either.

Many of these artists probably are in MusicBrainz in some form but they are not currently linked, the list is ordered so that Discogs artists with the most number of single artists releases are listed first on the basis that these artists would be of more interest.

Some problems will just be due to deficiencies in the Discogs to Musicbrainz artist matching algorithm employed by Albunack.

There are also timing issues as this report is not updated immediately so will not reflect recent modifications and additions to MusicBrainz and Discogs.

One issue in Discogs is they handle artist credits differently so a Discogs name consisting of multiple people is probably represented on MusicBrainz as two individuals, but we try to filter these out of this report

We have also omitted artists that are not unique in both MusicBrainz and Discogs because these artists are probably not missing just more difficult to match up.

Another issue is that some Discogs artists have multiple ids with one id just redirecting to the other, this is the case with Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, do we add both links to MusicBrainz ?

Limited report to artists with at least two single artist releases for now.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597

Search for Artist Add Artist Discogs Release Count Discogs Artist Other Names Comment
Search Add 26 Cast of "Ja Zuster, Nee Zuster" This Ensemble consists of the Actors who played in the Dutch TV hit "Ja Zuster, Nee Zuster", created by [a=Annie M.G. Schmidt]. Hetty Blok played [a=Zuster Klivia], Leen Jongewaard, [a=Gerrit (2)] and [a=Opa (5)], Piet Hendriks, [a=De Ingenieur], Carla Lipp, [a=Jet (15)], Barrie Stevens, [a=Bobby (74)], and John Kuipers played [a=Bertus (4)].
Search Add 26 Russell Wilkins Musician originally from the Medway area now residing in Edinburgh, Scotland operating the [l1025999]
Search Add 26 Ramalho Neto Brazilian artistic director Victor/A&R manager/promotion manager at RCA Victor of Sao Paulo. He has been in the record industry for more than 20 years and was considered one of the leading producers in Brazil in the 60’s
Search Add 26 Tue Søborg Volder
Search Add 26 Akiyoshi Ehara
Search Add 26 Uak-Kib Bulychov Sergey
Search Add 26 Joseph Dewolf
Search Add 26 Håkan Morberg
Search Add 26 Gerardo Majia
Search Add 26 Javelin Circle
Search Add 26 Sarah Kimble Sarah Price née Sarah Kimble
Search Add 26 Надежда Казанцева Надежда Аполлинарьевна Казанцева (1911-2000) Soviet singer (soprano). People's Artist of the RSFSR (1947). The winner of the Stalin Prize of the third degree (1950).
Search Add 26 Gero Trauth Illustrator,Designer
Search Add 26 Andy Whorehall Dave DeCastris
Search Add 26 Pamela Collocott
Search Add 26 Michael Tunk Alameda, California artist who was born in Chicago, Illinois. He makes collages by hand using an x-acto knife and photographs and magazines from the 1800's-1980's
Search Add 26 Elisabeth Jerome Elisabeth Jérôme Élisabeth Jérôme, born November 20, 1956, is a French singer, of Malagasy origin
Search Add 26 Γιάννης Κατσιμίχας
Search Add 26 Pastichio Rocker Dutch Producer and Remixer
Search Add 26 Coro De RTVE Coro de Radio Televisión Española Founded in 1950 under the name of "Los Cantores Clásicos", it was directed by chorus master [a2194600] until 1952, in which it is transformed into [a3279815], under the direction of [a=Odón Alonso] until 1958, replaced by different chorus masters: [a3399282] . Pedro Pífano, Pascual Ortega, [a4846847], Miguel Amantegui, [a3399282], [a1017619], Mariano Alfonso, [a4026867] and again Jordi Casas Bayer until August 2013. Since May 2015, titular director of the RTVE choir is Javier Corcuera Martínez. In addition, since March 1, 2016, bass David Arilla is assistant director.
Search Add 26 Adrianein Adriano Ungarelli
Search Add 26 Walt Wilder Walter Wilder Along with brothers George and Warner, collectively known as the Wilder Brothers, Burbank, CA record producers.
Search Add 26 Lorenzo Barriendos
Search Add 26 Shiro Tsuchimochi Japanese composer and arranger. Born in 1938. Died August 27, 1998.
Search Add 26 The Real Burnouts Psychedelic band from Utica, New York.
Search Add 26 Wilburn "Squidly" Cole Wilburn Anthony Cole Jamaican musician (son of [a=Stranger Cole]) he is a drummer, keyboards player, producer, songwriter and singer.
Search Add 26 Steve Vibronics Steve Gibbs
Search Add 26 Sephra Herman Contractor, copyist, arranger, production coordinator
Search Add 26 DJ Murdadawg
Search Add 26 Pavel Zolin Павел Золин Russian electronic musician and producer.
Search Add 26 Teo Peter Teofil Peter Born on 11th April 1954, Cluj-Napoca, România – died on 4th December 2004, București, România, was a Romanian musician and bass player, co-founder of the group [a=Compact]. He is the father of [a=Teo Peter Jr.], bass player for [a=Altar (4)].
Search Add 26 Edmondo Guidi
Search Add 26 Maurice Wautelet Wautelet, Maurice Rene Ghislain Belgian artist , author Sabam Id 00056231103
Search Add 26 Randy Fouts Keyboardist.
Search Add 26 From Here To Sidney
Search Add 26 SkyFlowers Will Taylor
Search Add 26 www.outfit.be.tf
Search Add 26 De Opels Some members: Charles Legend Odell, Rudolph ‘Bandit’ Waithe, Clarence Thompson, Richard Stoute, Hubert “Angel” Grant, Lionel “Midge” Springer
Search Add 26 DeValence
Search Add 26 Maurer Studios Inc.
Search Add 26 Ever Since The Day Ever Since The Day is a Finnish rock band formed between spring 2005 and winter 2006. Powerfully melodic choruses and dark (or even melancholic) sounds characterize the band. However, Ever Since The Day is not anyhow focused to be gloomy, and as a proof the live set contains a lot of energetic charge and action.
Search Add 26 Mladen Biočina
Search Add 26 Dilip Roy
Search Add 26 Petebull Creator, webmaster and editor-in-chief of French Metal webzine since 2003.
Search Add 26 Nick Bertling Nicholas W. Bertling Involved in music since the '90's, Nick Bertling primarily made his name as a drummer in Baltimore. Bands such as Puddle, Gary B & The Notions, Naked Blue, Alto Verde, They Hear and others. Since then, has released solo material under the name Bertling Noise Laboratories, as well as acting as Producer and Engineer for other artists. Now based in West Lafayette, Indiana, where he owns and operates [l1732719]
Search Add 26 Michael J Gilbert
Search Add 26 Andrew Gentz
Search Add 26 Steven Blair Steven Blair Techno producer from UK.
Search Add 26 A. Van Vlimmern Designer
Search Add 26 Danutė Gražienė
Search Add 26 AJ200
Search Add 26 William Francis Phillipps British illustrator
Search Add 26 Peter Baugh
Search Add 26 Voco, Inc. This artist is usually credited for arrangement and recording, on the cardbacked picturediscs of the [l=Voco] label, released in the late 40s. There was obviously a crew around [a=Cy Leslie], who run the label. Possibly this is an alias of [a=Cy Leslie]?
Search Add 26 George Schweinfest George P. Schweinfest (1862 - 1949) American cylinder and disc recording artist of the 1890’s and early 1900’s. Musical director of the Columbia Phonograph Recording Company from 1905 to 1925, conducting his own orchestra. He played the piccolo, flute and organ, and after his retirement he was organist at the Blessed Sacrament Roman Catholic Church, Newark, NJ
Search Add 26 Christina Nichols
Search Add 26 Pierre-Georges Pasquet Pierre-Georges Pasquet French graphic designer based in Brussels, Belgium. Contact: hello@pgpasquet.com
Search Add 26 Chico Jorge Francisco José da Silva Usava igualmente o nome Xico Jorge. Cidália Meireles foi sua madrinha artística. Este cantor setubalense nasceu no Bairro das Fontainhas. Em 1967 foi coroado Rei da Rádio, em Luanda. Actuou pela primeira vez em Setúbal na ex-FNAT. Em 1974 participou no Festival RTP da Canção. Ao longo da sua vida artística gravou dezenas de trabalhos discográficos. Depois de vários anos nas noites lisboetas, até meados da década de 1990, regressa à sua terra e aos palcos de Setúbal em espectáculos integrados na Feira de Santiago. Acaba por criar uma empresa de produção de espectáculos para a autarquia e para a Junta de Freguesia de São Sebastião. O reconhecimento artístico vinha basicamente da cidade de Setúbal como o demonstram as homenagens de que foi alvo desde que foi internado no Hospital de São Bernardo, em Dezembro de 2000. O último disco foi lançado nesse ano pela editora de Toy. Faleceu no dia 22 de Março de 2001, com 54 anos, no Hospital de São Bernardo, em Setúbal, vitima de doença incurável.
Search Add 26 Ron Gillyard
Search Add 26 Motivbreaks
Search Add 26 Hermi Hanlin Artist manager primarily associated with [a=The Manhattans].
Search Add 26 Joshua Andrew Belanger
Search Add 26 Jean-Claude Bey French sleeve designer.
Search Add 26 حارب حسن حارب حسن الزعابي Hareb Hassan (1924 - 2008) was an Emirati singer from Ras al-Kheima.
Search Add 26 Gus Giordano Dance instructor and innovator of modern American Jazz Dance. Mr. Giordano founded his dance studio in Evanston, Illinois, in 1962, and wrote a series of books on stylistic pedagogy, including “Anthology of American Jazz Dance,” published by Orion Publishing House in 1975. Affiliated with the [l364267] record label.
Search Add 26 Cactus Media
Search Add 26 Julie Lecœur
Search Add 26 Milenko Doknić
Search Add 26 Mikey Trioxin
Search Add 26 Don Lotzo Jörg Lotze Vocals and bass for punk band The Shocks from Berlin (Germany).
Search Add 26 陳自更新 Chan Chi-Kang-San Chenzi Gengxin a.k.a. Mr. C. K. S. Chan
Search Add 26 Boere Van De Leutige Ploeg
Search Add 26 Donald Roller Wilson
Search Add 26 Maroš Hladký Marián Hladký Slovak guitarist He was born October 11, 1964
Search Add 26 Shayne Sealy Born In February 14 1965
Search Add 26 Hans Killer
Search Add 26 Madesya Group
Search Add 26 Sony Music Special Products
Search Add 26 Michael Harris Design Visual design
Search Add 26 Anne Lofthus
Search Add 26 Steven D. Williams Steven Daniel-Williams Formerly a music journalist and writer until becoming the promotions manager at [l=Satanic Propaganda Records] (2007-2008). Later founded the digital label [l=Kalpamantra] (2009-Present) and became the A&R Manager at [l=Malignant Records] (2011-2019).
Search Add 26 Mouse Studios San Francisco art studio founded by [a1942520] back in 1959 that then opened it's doors in 'Frisco in 1965, when Mouse teamed up with [a=Alton Kelley] and the duo began work with [a1437325] and [a2837027], as well as event posters for [a376955]. Paul Grushkin, the author of “The Art of Rock: Posters From Presley to Punk” and a longtime friend of both men, said of the duo “Kelley would work on the left side of the drawing table and Mouse on the right,... They turned out a poster a week.”
Search Add 26 razzberri James Brady Electronic musician and synth collector
Search Add 26 Predrag Jovanović Blizanac Predrag Jovanović
Search Add 26 Corey Isenor
Search Add 26 Remote Stone
Search Add 26 Pirate Design Design agency.
Search Add 26 Brian Freshwater
Search Add 26 Los Tukas
Search Add 26 Shuhei Taniguchi 谷口周平 Japanese sound producer born 1977 in Saitama.
Search Add 26 جميل العاص جميل العاص (Jamīl al-ʾĀṣ) Jamil al-As is a Jordanian composer.
Search Add 26 Jurandir G. Silveira Brazilian design and layout credits.
Search Add 26 Cheryl H. McTyre Director of A&R Administration for [l254215]/[l31119] from 2000 to 2012.
Search Add 26 Life Partners
Search Add 26 Rankin / Bass
Search Add 26 Joseph Mwena Congolese bass player.
Search Add 26 Dasha Pliska
Search Add 26 DJ Ben Fisher
Search Add 26 Barbara Hearn
Search Add 26 Toshi Konno
Search Add 26 Eva Vašátková Eva Vašátková Czech graphic designer.
Search Add 26 Ignacio De Tommaso
Search Add 26 DJ Javi Crecente
Search Add 26 Cecil Young Quartet
Search Add 26 The Viking Accordion Band The Viking Accordion Band, based in Albert Lea, Minnesota, was founded in 1931 by [url=https://www.discogs.com/artist/3099312-Leighton-A-Berg]Leighton "Skipper" Berg[/url]. Starting as a trio, the band grew to be a septet by 1933 and an octet by 1938. Despite the promotional images that display the band standing behind four accordions, the lineup never included more than one accordion, always played by co-leader [a=Roy Simonson] (except on the last Decca session in 1941). Apart from this, the personnel included one or two clarinets (sometimes replaced by a saxophone), piano, banjo (played by Berg), tuba, and drums or celesta. Many band members were Scandinavian Americans, but their repertoire comprised not only Scandinavian, but also Czech, German, or Polish titles. For more than 20 years, the band regularly played on WOI, WKBH, KGLO, and other radio stations in Iowa, Wisconsin, and Minnesota. In December 1933, the band recorded 4 titles for [l=Gennett] in Richmond, Indiana, that appeared on Gennett's [l=Champion (5)] label but only after this label had been acquired by Decca (1935-1936). One of these releases was reissued in 1941 on [url=https://www.discogs.com/release/26858639]Decca 5927[/url], as part of Decca's Country series. In November 1941, the band recorded another half dozen titles for [l=Decca] itself. Most of the band's recordings, however, were made between October 1934 and October 1936 for the [l=American Record Corporation] (ARC). They were released on ARC labels such as [l=Banner], [l=Conqueror], [l=Melotone], [l=Perfect (3)], [l=Romeo], and [l=Vocalion (2)]. After 1940, when CBS had acquired ARC, it reissued some of the [l=Vocalion (2)] releases on the revived [l=Okeh] label.
Search Add 26 Sebő Miklós Sebő Miklós Hungarian singer. Born 16 October 1899 in Budapest, Hungary and died 27 January 1970 ibid.
Search Add 26 Юрій Лабунець
Search Add 26 Pirtek Paul Richard Bolstridge Pirtek started out a project of Noisecore and Extratone. Now preliminary Drum and Bass. Also releases Minimal Techno, Dub and Dark Ambient styles under the name Caged Element.
Search Add 26 G.D. Flickers Japanese glam, hard rock band with punk rock influences. Formed in 1985.
Search Add 26 Juan De Sedas Juan De Sedas is a renowned mixing and mastering engineer in Latin and North America and is by no means new to the world of online mixing and mastering services. Having recorded his first solo album at the age of 4 and signed by Sony Music Central America at the age of 9, his knowledge and passion have become stronger and more profound over the years. He intends on using his knowledge of early audio analog equipment techniques and mixing them into modern digital sound. Juan is a voting member of the Latin Grammys and is one of the few engineers that has reached the Top Latin Billboard with credits for mixing, mastering engineer, and accordion player on the same song. His work has garnered millions of views online and he has had the honor of working with legends like Shakira, Pitbull, El Chaval, Joe Veras, Elvis Crespo, Farruko, Jesse Cook, David Bisbal, Gente de Zona, and many others. He has also collaborated and worked for new talents like Jessie Reyez, La Ross Maria, and Ala Jaza. Juan has a trained ear and an outstanding recognition of key tone, qualities that have helped him become a unique and highly sought-after mastering and mixing engineer in the industry.
Search Add 26 Sperm Of Freddie Mercury Sperm Of Freddie Mercury is Russian one-man project.
Search Add 26 Orchestra Mazzocchi
Search Add 26 Mbachi Halle
Search Add 26 Jean-Claude Toribio
Search Add 26 M.T. 9.
Search Add 26 Edwin Keur Edwin Keur Dutch house music producer.
Search Add 26 Žika Ivković
Search Add 26 Sampo Hänninen Finnish art director / music producer based in Berlin, Germany
Search Add 26 Grupo De Luxe Ecuadorian group (latin rock, merengue), formed in 1979 in Guayaquil by [a6804535]. Alt. names: De Luxe, Grupo De Luxe, Enrique Gonzales & De Luxe, Deluxe.
Search Add 26 Mic Skowy Michael Skowronek
Search Add 26 Common Name Common Name is a graphic design studio from New York, USA, focusing on print, interactive, identity, and exhibition work for the arts and cultural sector. Correct label profile: [l=Common Name]
Search Add 26 The Merry Singers
Search Add 26 Michal Rafaj Michal Rafaj Slovak graphic designer.
Search Add 26 Manhoso Edson Correia da Fonseca Manhoso was a Brazilian singer born on 29 December 1935 in Tombas Minas Gerais and died on 7 January 2022 in Niteroi Rio de Janeiro.
Search Add 26 وليد فايد وليد فايد محمد فايد (Walīd Fāyid Muḥammad Fāyid) Walid Fayed is an Egyptian musical arranger and a player of the organ. He started his career in Lebanon where he was chosen by [a=محمد عبده] (Mohamed Abdo) as the leader of his group. He operates his own studio in Cairo [l=استوديو الفايد] (al-Fayed Studio). He is the son of the Egyptian singer [a=فايد محمد فايد] (Fayed Mohamed Fayed).
Search Add 26 Swante Bengtsson Swedish Christian pianist, composer and producer
Search Add 26 Thomas Sweetman
Search Add 26 Natalia Drepina Наталья Дрепина Musician and designer from Russia
Search Add 26 Gab Hole
Search Add 26 Terence Hogan New Zealand graphic artist.
Search Add 26 Polly Productions British visual company, active during the early 1980s.
Search Add 26 Nathaniel W. Finston 24 February 1895 - 19 December 1979. Composer, conductor, author, violinist and producer, and chairman of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (1938-1944, and a board member 1941-1944), educated at the City College of New York. He was a violinist and later concertmaster of the Russian Symphony, and assistant concertmaster of the Boston Opera Orchestra, the New York Philharmonic and the New York Symphony between 1907 and 1917. He conducted the Capitol Theatre and Rialto theatre orchestras in New York and the Tivoli and Uptown theatre orchestras in Chicago between 1917 and 1925. Between 1928 and 1945 he became general music director for films from Paramount and MGM in California, and was a guest conductor for the Los Angeles Philharmonic and the Hollywood Bowl orchestras. He was on the advisory board of the US State Department Latin-American Relations (cultural and musical) for two years. Joining ASCAP in 1950, his chief musical collaborator was [a505455], and his popular-song compositions include "Satin Fan", "Little Coquette", "If You Should Die", "Sleepy Eyes", and "Valse Silhouette". Brother of [a=Lou Finston].
Search Add 26 Renato Fratini Renato Fratini Renato Fratini (Rome, Oct 1932 - Mexico, 1973) was an Italian commercial artist who specialised in cinema posters and book covers. His heyday was in 1960s London. Cinema posters In cinema posters, Fratini produced the artwork for From Russia With Love (1963) from a design by Eddie Paul. Other work included Whistle Down The Wind (1961), Phantom of the Opera (1962), This Sporting Life (1963), The Chalk Garden (1964), Hot Enough for June (1964), Maroc 7 (1966), Khartoum (1966). Often Eric Pulford produced the design and Fratini did the painting. Fratini also illustrated most of the posters for the Carry On films of the period from designs by Pulford, starting with Don't Lose Your Head (1966) up to Carry on at Your Convenience (1971).
Search Add 26 Sergije Rainis Sergije Rainis Maestro Sergije Rainis was born on the 4th of Nov, 1919 in Kotor, Ex-Yugoslavia. He is a famous Croatian conductor, music teacher and singer. With 17 he already became a member of the [a=Zagrebački Madrigalisti] (Zagreb Madrigalists). He graduated both singing (class: prof. Lav Vrbanić) and conducting (class: prof. Mladen Pozaić & Slavko Zlatić) at the Zagreb Music Academy. He conducted the HRT-choir and the popular vocalist-ensemble [a=Ansambl "Dalmacija"]. He also founded the ensemble [a=Ansambl "Lisinski"]. For 20 years he conducted the Puerto Rico Kazals Festival and worked at the Puerto Rico Conservatory. He died in Zagreb in June, 2008. During his lifetime he gained many awards for his artistic contributions and work.
Search Add 26 Bastian Balders Techno DJ and producer from Leipzig, Germany. Founder of [url=https://www.discogs.com/de/label/1690245-Balders-Audio]Balders Audio[/url]
Search Add 26 Connecticut Twins Orchestra Bristol, Connecticut
Search Add 26 Sylvanus "Junior" Moore Silvanus Moore
Search Add 26 Norm Bodkin Norman Albert Bodkin From 1971 to 1992, there were very few recordings to come out of Tamworth, New South Wales, Australia, that didn't have Norm Bodkin associated with them in some way or other - either as pedal steel or dobro player or musical arranger - and often, both. Norm's contribution towards the making of Tamworth Australia's Country Music Capital" cannot be over estimated. Sadly, after a battle with cancer, Norm passed away in Canberra, on Saturday 11th September, 1999.
Search Add 26 Rudy Plocar's Orchestra Manitowoc, Wisconsin, USA
Search Add 26 A. L. Veldman Annemarie de Graaf-Veldman Born Annemarie L. Veldman. Married to [a=Roger de Graaf], founder of [l=Spinnin' Records].
Search Add 26 Lora Lovrien
Search Add 26 Jerry Jacka Trio
Search Add 26 Marina Mota Marina da Conceição Ribeiro Mota Portuguese actress, singer and comedienne, born October 7th 1962 in Alcântara, Lisbon.
Search Add 26 Ariel Severino
Search Add 26 Meinhard Spoor
Search Add 26 Sokak Çocuğu Ali Turkish singer
Search Add 26 Łukasz Paluch Graphic designer and owner of 'AnoMalia" art studio in Poznań, Poland +48 601 679 879 lukasz@anomalia.pl
Search Add 26 Steve Conry Steve Conry House music producer.
Search Add 26 Suely Rodrigues
Search Add 26 Michael Evanston Art Director
Search Add 26 Bobby Heatlie Robert Raymond Heatlie
Search Add 26 DJ Skaos Sasa Stojanovic Progressive-Trance DJ from Bern / Switzerland Co-founder of the Outbreak Records Store and co-owner of Vertigo Studios
Search Add 26 Prague Smetana Theatre Orchestra Orchestr Smetanova divadla Czech classical orchestra at the [l354088] (Smetana Theatre, presently [l541542]) in Prague. Renamed to “Orchestr Státní opery Praha” ([a=Prague State Opera Orchestra]) in 1992. For the related chorus, use [a4205912]
Search Add 26 Eduardo Rodríguez Rodway Eduardo Rodríguez Rodway Spanish guitarist, born in Seville in 1945. He was member of "Los Payos", "Tabaca" and founder of "Triana".
Search Add 26 Frank Verna
Search Add 26 Alejandro Morse Edgar Medina Alejandro Morse is Edgar Medina’s ambient/drone project. Edgar Medina is a founding artist and collaborator at Umor Rex, he publishes his full albums as Alejandro Morse under the Umor Rex imprint: Landscape Memories (2006), Obelisks (2007), Liminal (2018) and 444 (2019). He also runs his own label and curates the concert series: Transvection Ltd. His musical approach ranges from drone to minimal noise assembled with minimalistic motifs. Field recordings are painstakingly processed to be used as layering, which in an emotionally and touching way are entangled among arrangements emanated by acoustic guitar + DSP and digital synthesis. He applies intricate sound processing to the interwoven elements adding complexity to the listener experience.
Search Add 26 Jérôme Saulnier Jérôme Saulnier
Search Add 26 Lovlydia Songmaker from Kristiansand, Norway. Born 1977.
Search Add 26 Lewis Currie
Search Add 26 Kerry Oglesby
Search Add 26 Scott Bentz American drummer for Florida-based hardcore/punk band [a=Gross National Product], Michigan-based hardcore/punk band [a=Bunny Skulls] and artist / illustrator.
Search Add 26 佐藤有
Search Add 26 Jeremy Gavin Art director, photographer in Twin Cities (Minneapolis/St. Paul) area, Minnesota. Creatively collaborated directly with Prince to design and managed production of several albums for [a28795] including two Grammy-nominated albums ([m=443534] and [m=109262]). Created tour books, merchandise, on stage graphics, video and interior design. Redesigned the [l621914] website in 2003 which went on to receive both Webby and Billboard awards.
Search Add 26 Mark Lashmar
Search Add 26 The C*nts The C*nts (also known as The Cunts) are a garage band. They were formed around 1978 in Chicago and are still going to this day. They've released at least nine albums in that time as well as a handful of singles.
Search Add 26 Heinz Schiegl Heinz Schiegl (29 March 1929 - 24 December 2022) was a German label owner ([l386809]/[l207021]), musician, songwriter and producer from Nürnberg, active in 1960/70s
Search Add 26 Charlie Drinkwater Charles William Drinkwater Art Director for Island Records London and owner of Drinkwater Studios / [a11290535], a creative agency that works primarily with Island Records. Also vocalist for [a8706607].
Search Add 26 De Plasma Industries French visual artist.
Search Add 26 Andreas Freiberger Andreas Kurt Florian Nepomuk Freiberger Responsible for [l40413].
Search Add 26 Jordan Keuring
Search Add 26 Winston Chmielinski
Search Add 26 Al Pike
Search Add 26 Raess Design
Search Add 26 Ole-Birger Neergård Ole-Birger Neergård
Search Add 26 Angel Lasso DJ and producer from Spain.
Search Add 26 Morris Jefferson Disco - funk singer Based in Chicago His sole album was backed by [a=Royal Flush (7)].
Search Add 26 Carlo Cori Carlo Ricco Italian rocker and producer (1953 - 2019). Son of [a=Ruggero Cori]
Search Add 26 rollin@worldnet.fr
Search Add 26 Steven Tanza "Stanza is an internationally recognised artist, who has been exhibiting worldwide since 1984. His artworks have won twenty international art prizes and art awards including:- Vidalife 6.0 First Prize Spain. SeNef Grand Prix Korea. Videobrasil First Prize Brazil. Cynet Art First Prize Germany. Share First Prize Winner Italy. Wolfsen 25 UK. AOF Nova Competition Norway. Stanza's art has also been rewarded with a prestigious Nesta Dreamtime Award, an Arts Humanities Creative Fellowship and a Clarks bursary. Numerous commissions include work for Quays Culture, Wolverhampton Art Gallery, Watermans Art Centre, FACT, and the Open Data Institute. His artworks have been exhibited in over one hundred exhibitions globally. Stanza artworks since the mid eighties engage with the city as a system and focus on how we identify ourself in this increasingly technological and surveyed landscape. By using data expressively on a broad networked based canvas he creates art about the age we live in right now. This is reflected in the digital artworks that embrace the urban landscape, surveillance and identity, and the politics of the real time city. Selected artwork explore concepts relating to the behaviours, activities, and changing information, of the world around us often using networked devices and information across the internet. As a digital artist Stanza uses multiple new technologies to create distances between real time multi point perspectives that emphasize a new visual space. This can include observation by means of custom made sensors, networked cameras and computers. The purpose of this is to communicate feelings and emotions that we encounter daily which impact on our lives and which are outside our control. The results can be aesthetically beautiful maps of data or information such as personal interests, beliefs, environmental data, and traffic data and serve as a reminder as to our ever changing identity in the digital age. Over the last thirty years Stanza has made audio visual installations, videos, cd's, paintings, software and public engagement artworks. As a net art pioneer he has also made numerous online internet specific projects such as www.genomixer.com www.thecentralcity.co.uk www.soundtoys.net www.soundcities.com and www.amorphoscapes.com. Educated in art at Goldsmiths College in the early eighties he later went on to study at Greenwich University and Central Saint Martins Art College London. Stanza returned to Goldsmiths College as a AHRC arts research fellow. Stanza is an independent practising artist." (Edited from artist's homepage)
Search Add 26 Flaviano Lanzi
Search Add 26 Una Banda Una Banda Una banda surgió en el año 2014 con el propósito de explorar el sonido y todas sus posibilidades. Utilizando sonidos procesados para crear ambientes sonoros y aprovechando todos los recursos posibles, la banda crea obras sin límites en términos de estilos, tiempo y delicadeza. En su primera formación, la agrupación estaba compuesta por diversos músicos que variaban en cada disco lanzado. Algunos de los integrantes que han formado parte de Una Banda son: .- Lord Whister .- Un Caballero .- Pescado suelto Actualmente, los miembros de la banda son Seiten Wall y Anónimo 10500, mientras que los demás son considerados invitados especiales, quienes pueden enviar su colaboración o realizar modificaciones a la obra según su punto de vista en relación a la temática central.
Search Add 26 Philip Warr
Search Add 26 Simon Pott Isle of Man based bassist, electronic musician and producer. Ran [l126695]
Search Add 26 Elizabeth J. Shubert
Search Add 26 Anne Hofer
Search Add 26 Harold Wilde Harold Wilde [Born Wigan 16 Sep 1876] Tenor Harold Wilde was educated in Manchester and at the Royal Academy of Music. Initially primarily a concert artist, he made his first appearance on the London Stage at the Lyceum in December 1899 in a matinee performance of The Magic Flute produced by Richard Temple. Wilde's only engagement with the D'Oyly Carte Opera Company began in February 1907 when he replaced Pacie Ripple as Colonel Fairfax in The Yeomen of the Guard and Marco in The Gondoliers during the First London Repertory Season at the Savoy. When Patience and Iolanthe were added to the repertoire in April and June respectively, Wilde was the Duke of Dunstable and Earl Tolloller. When the Savoy season ended in August 1907, so did Wilde's association with the D'Oyly Carte. His only subsequent appearances in London theatre programs were in the revues Looking Ahead (Garrick, November-December 1915) and Ooh! La! La! (Queen's, December 1915-February 1916). Harold Wilde was for more than ten years a member of the Gramophone Company's stable of recording artists. In the years prior to World War I he recorded about fifty songs and ballads including "Take a Pair of Sparkling Eyes" from The Gondoliers (Zonophone, 1910), "Is Life a Boon" from Yeomen and "A Wand'ring Minstrel I" from The Mikado (Gramophone, July 1912), and "Free From His Fetters Grim" from Yeomen and "Oh, Is There Not One Maiden Breast" from The Pirates of Penzance (Gramophone, November 1912). He later sang in the chorus of the HMV acoustical recordings of Patience (1921), Iolanthe (1922, taking Tolloller's part in some concerted numbers), H.M.S. Pinafore (1923), and Princess Ida (1925).
Search Add 26 Masha "Scream" Мария Архипова (Maria Arhipova) Russian singer, musician (keyboard, tambourine, guitar) and songwriter. She is the foundator of [a1193932] in 2002.
Search Add 26 Opora
Search Add 26 Joe Impero Italian DJ and producer, born 15 November 1970 and based in Putignano (Bari).
Search Add 26 Jonathan Bauerle Artwork designer.
Search Add 26 Antoine Batard
Search Add 26 Ele König
Search Add 26 Marion Cornfield Credited as Producer
Search Add 26 Fernando Trio
Search Add 26 Jerry Hilfiger
Search Add 26 Άυλος 542 542 Hip-Hop artist (Beatmaker/MC) from Athens, Greece. Active since 1999.
Search Add 26 dnasnow/mouseup Rinus van Alebeek, Zan Hoffman
Search Add 26 Virja Design studio and offset printing works based in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India Sometimes credited as [l1093336]
Search Add 26 Boet Pretorius South African record producer,
Search Add 26 Jules Turcotte
Search Add 26 Oz Alchemist Electronic and ambient composer from France.
Search Add 26 Michel Adélaïde Michel Adélaïde
Search Add 26 Anna Hornisher
Search Add 26 Leif Pedersens Kor Og Orkester Danish studio orchestra lead by producer and bandleader [a612549].
Search Add 26 Simpleclic
Search Add 26 Robert Olausson
Search Add 26 Armando Maggiorana Armando Maggiorana Italian Dance music composer and producer. Related to [a=Sebastiano Maggiorana].
Search Add 26 Rudi Böhm Austro-Brazilian illustrator, designer and animation film producer He was born in 1947 in Austria and moved to Brazil in the late 1970s where he produced many title sequences and animated film parts for the national TV.
Search Add 26 Seppo J. Järvinen Seppo Juhani Järvinen Finnish musician, composer, producer, writer. He has worked much for [l345327] with [a3574742] and [a1714278].
Search Add 26 Emily Lynn British singer
Search Add 26 Get The Fuck Outta Dodge Sheffield based Garage Punk duo.
Search Add 26 Rob Proft
Search Add 26 Deepak Marathe
Search Add 26 Chris Römer
Search Add 26 Eric Himle
Search Add 26 Nida Ria
Search Add 26 Transit Studios
Search Add 26 Febyo Taşel Febyo Taşel Turkish producer, songwriter, guitarist and pianist. (December 1973 in Istanbul)
Search Add 26 CON Werbegrafik [b]Former design studio, located in Hamburg, Germany.[/b] In 1996 renamed in [a1960425] and later moved to a new location in Hamburg. This is the former address of the studio: Con-Werbegrafik Pilatuspool 20 20355 Hamburg District: Hamburg Neustadt Germany Phone: +49 (0)40 3589366
Search Add 26 Claes-Göran Engquist Graphic designer, Sweden
Search Add 26 Choir Of The Papal Russian College, Rome
Search Add 26 Labomatic Design studio/collective. Active until 2008. When credited as a design location, see [l1502235].
Search Add 26 Brahim Ounassar
Search Add 26 Goran Tomanović Goran Tomanović Serbian guitar player, member of 'Oktobar 1864', 'Braća Left' and 'Manu'.
Search Add 26 Josef Hollman Joseph Corneille Hubert Hollman Dutch cellist and composer, born 26 October 1852 in Maastricht, The Netherlands, died 31 December 1926 in Paris, France.
Search Add 26 Eddie "Lockjaw" Davis Trio
Search Add 26 Tim Nordstedt Design
Search Add 26 Mauro Entrialgo Mauro Entrialgo Ibarrondo Spanish illustrator and musician
Search Add 26 Alfred Frankenstein Alfred Victor Frankenstein American art and music critic, author and professional clarinetist (1906-1981). He was Music and Art Editor of the San Francisco Chronicle.
Search Add 26 Vincent Caderby
Search Add 26 Electrola Used for photo or similar credits.
Search Add 26 Bevin Fagan Lannie Glenmore Fagan Born: 11th May 1953 near Kingston, Jamaica Died: 3rd April 2008 Lannie Glenmore Fagan (aka Bevin aka Running Water) was the lead singer with legendary 70's reggae band Matumbi.
Search Add 26 Μάκης Βασιλειάδης
Search Add 26 The Boland Design Company Graphic design company founded in 1990 by US art director [a=Michael Boland (2)]. Contact: michael@thebolanddesignco.com
Search Add 26 Finn Bjerre Danish cover art designer
Search Add 26 قاسم جبلی Ghasem Jebeli (1927 - 2013) was an Iranian popular singer.
Search Add 26 Brandon Mahlberg Photographer, Illustrator, Graphic designer, Motion Graphics Animator from Los Angeles
Search Add 26 LaSarfat'
Search Add 26 Anna Gerhardt
Search Add 26 Trinidad Bill Bill Trotman
Search Add 26 Mike Comandeer
Search Add 26 Burnbjoern
Search Add 26 Keiku
Search Add 26 Ladislav Pikart Ladislav Pikart Czech trombonist, composer, arranger, conductor. Born September 9, 1930, died March 6, 1980, both in Prague (former Czechoslovakia).
Search Add 26 Juan Giralt Juan Giralt Alcón Spanish singer, songwriter and composer (b. 1948)
Search Add 26 The Riviera Orchestra
Search Add 26 Alvaro Nuvoloni
Search Add 26 El Rotringo Jean-Jacques Tachdjian French visual artist, also bassist and vocalist.
Search Add 26 Nicole Saltzer
Search Add 26 Joke Broekmans
Search Add 26 Mreux Gianluca Mrau Italian DJ and producer. Owner of [l=Badlab Records], [l=Blumoog Music] and [l=Art Of Badroom Studio].
Search Add 26 Carlo Von Sexron Joshua Michael Homme III
Search Add 26 Will Soderberg Will Soderberg is part of an ever evolving, eclectic collective of musicians and sound makers, playing under various guises and making lots of racket. He has been exploring the outer limits of sound and music for over 2 decades, sometimes using laptop, midi guitar and electronics to conjure up bone rattling sounds of ghosts in the rafters.
Search Add 26 Armando Stula Armando Biagetti Armando Stula, real name Armando Biagetti, Sogliano al Rubicone, Forlì-Cesena, April 5, 1942) is an Italian singer, and the husband of [a2514815]
Search Add 26 Krystal Robbins
Search Add 26 Virtuosi Di Roma "Collegium Musicum Italicum" Italian classical strings ensemble, founded in 1947 by [a1153238] as "Collegium Musicum Italicum", and renamed as "Virtuosi Di Roma" in 1950.
Search Add 26 Lauren Glucksman
Search Add 26 Tioan Electronic music producer Contact info: e-mail: tioanmusic@gmail.com
Search Add 26 Ad Bouman Was a Technician and DJ for the old "Radio Veronica" also produced records. Has maintained an archive of Radio Veronica material that is still being used today and has appeared on several compilations and other media.
Search Add 26 Harry Wysocki Heronim Wysocki American fine artist & illustrator, brother of [a=Charles Wysocki]
Search Add 26 Orchestre Bakuba Mayopi The Bakuba Mayopi Orchestra is a creation of Seskain Molenga. It is worth noting that big Jean Kabasele Yampanya was featured in this group. Madilu System joined this group in 1971. In 1972, the group broke up. Pépé Kallé went into Bella-Bella, Papy Tex into Bella Mambo. Left alone, Yossa Taluki who lived on Yakata Avenue near the current Mariano market and whose violins no longer agreed with Seskain Molenga, creator of this orchestra, will call on Madilu, Pirex and José Dilu to relieve the Bakuba. But after a period of time, José Dilu will join Pépé Kallé and Papy Tex to set up the Bakuba Empire. In 1973, Madilu, Yossa and Pindu set up the Bakuba MAYOPI orchestra which took its name from the first two letters in the names of these three principals to distinguish it from the Bakuba orchestra: Ma for Madilu, Yo for Yossa and Pi for Pindu. The song “Zene” crowned the union of these three stars and shook up the charts. The group enjoyed moderate success with two other hits in “Zunguluke” and “Pamba Pamba” signed Madilu without constituting a threat to Kinshasa or even without placing themselves at the forefront of the bands. In 1974, Madilu made a brief visit to Lipua-Lipua and then returned to Mayopi. In 1976, marketing problems and especially leadership problems arose to the point of causing the separation of this young orchestra. Madilu, who nicknamed himself "Father Zikalpens", went off to form his own group called Pamba Pamba with which he launched the song "Madilu System" released under the label of Maxime Soki Vangu's new publishing house. Difficult to manage his own group, he opted for employment in Tabu Ley Rochereau's Afrisa International and was hired some time later in Franco's TP OK Jazz, thanks to Simaro Lutumba.
Search Add 26 The Murk Family "The Murk Family" was a family singing ministry for over 25 years, 1963 until about 1988 as the kids married and began their own family worship ministries.
Search Add 26 Alex Woodrow Alexander "Woody" Woodrow Bass guitarist and author from US Former member of [a=Our Last Night].
Search Add 26 Stanislav Přibík Stanislav Přibík Czech graphic designer.
Search Add 26 Andre Cleveland André M. Cleveland US hip hop producer from Pittsburgh, PA. Active in Oakland, CA. Gospel songwriter born in 1957. Claimed to be [a=Rev. James Cleveland]'s adopted son.
Search Add 26 Romeo Livieri
Search Add 26 Ove Peters Danish orchestra leader.
Search Add 26 Murli Manohar Swarup
Search Add 26 Fadil Redžić Fadil Redžić Brother of [a=Zoran Redžić]
Search Add 26 Bill Janssen Saxophone player. Played with [a55902].
Search Add 26 Larva 108 Guido Bisagni
Search Add 26 Dub Dubois Bassist
Search Add 26 Ismail Azad Qawal
Search Add 26 Marimba Kaibil Balam Guatemalan traditional marimba ensemble -- also known as [b]Kaibil Balam[/b] -- founded 15 Aug. 1922 in Villa de Chiantla, Huehuetenango by the composer, marimba and guitar player Víctor Manuel del Valle ,
Search Add 26 Hilda Aguirre Hilda Aguirre is a popular Mexican actress, singer and TV host. She was born on August 11, 1944 in Tabasco, Mexico. She is best known for her role in several romantic comedies of the late 60s and early 70s. Sor Ye-yé (1968), El primer amor (1974) and La hermanita Dinamita (1970) are among the most popular titles.
Search Add 26 Archan Nair
Search Add 26 Mike Etherington
Search Add 26 Duane Aberle
Search Add 26 Lea Torn
Search Add 26 Dr. Nathaniel Branden
Search Add 26 Piet Brakman
Search Add 26 Alton Irie
Search Add 26 Neischezaj
Search Add 26 Инструментальный Ансамбль Под Управлением В. Гамалия
Search Add 26 Инструментальный Ансамбль Б. Тихонова
Search Add 26 Cone McCaslin
Search Add 26 Mike Nobrega Director at Volcom Entertainment.
Search Add 26 Alien Pat. Holman
Search Add 26 Lennart Hanning Karl Lennart Hanning Swedish composer and bandleader. Born January 29, 1935 in Jokkmokk, Lappland, Sweden — died February 23, 2007 in Stockholm, Sweden.
Search Add 26 Bee Appleseed
Search Add 26 Robin Lexow Robin Lexow Recording, Mixing and Mastering Engineer from Wiesbaden, Germany also working under the name Rolex Audio Production. Co-Founder of König & Pabst Studios, Wiesbaden.
Search Add 26 Aurélie Bourdié
Search Add 26 Passpo Japanese girl idol rock group, formed in 2009. They disbanded on September 22, 2018.
Search Add 26 Мирбек Атабеков
Search Add 26 ÜberRetard
Search Add 26 Per Najbjerg Odderskov Per Najbjerg Odderskov née Per Najbjerg Poulsen Danish artist Per Najbjerg Odderskov has since the late 90s been working in the fields of experimental noise, ambient and industrial music. Have been releasing cassette and cd releases under the guises of Lidane Livering, Destruktionsanstalt and Left Hand of God (to name a few), and have been collaborating with various international artists (Dosis Letalis, NoiseSculptor, Dogs of Yama, Hag of the Tattered Vestments, Prognostic Circle etc) within the experimental noise/industrial scene. Have also been working with visual videos for his projects since 2015. In the spare time, he works as a freelance journalist covering the experimental music scene for the Brvtalist, Heathen Harvest, Tironas Magazine and his own review site Kalteldur. Per Najbjerg Odderskov is his name by marriage. He was previously named [Per Najbjerg Poulsen]
Search Add 26 Matteo Veroni Dj, Producer And Sound Engineer Born In Rome, Italy.
Search Add 26 รังสิมันต์
Search Add 26 Lenny Posso
Search Add 26 Giovanni Pasquariello Giovanni Pasquariello Italian DJ and producer.
Search Add 26 Hüseyin Altın Hüseyin Altın Hüseyin Altın (1 April 1958 - 23 July 2016) is a Turkish arabesque and folk music artist.
Search Add 26 Hectic Laboratory
Search Add 26 Elizabeth Sirani Elisabetta Sirani Elisabetta Sirani (1638-1665) was an Italian painter and engraver of the Baroque period.
Search Add 26 Tivolis Koncertsals Orkester At a time the classical house orchestra of [l348559]
Search Add 26 Oswaldo Cadaxo Oswaldo Simões Cadaxo Former executive director of [l519530], in 1964 founded the Rio de Janeiro-based label [l77268], that operated until 1973. In 1973-1974, he founded another label, Padrão, on which he reissued many [a=Eumir Deodato]'s albums and released new material by the [a=Cravo & Canela] band.
Search Add 26 Jeffrey Benjamin
Search Add 26 Amir Daana
Search Add 26 Eurfryn John
Search Add 26 Moș Ion Roacker Pseudonim of [a=Quick (3)] used for manele music production
Search Add 26 Lo De Fleury Swiss voice actor and presenter
Search Add 26 dpsmkr Experimental music project from Porto Alegre, Brazil.
Search Add 26 Габдулла Рахимкулов
Search Add 26 Armando Fisichella Italian Accordion player
Search Add 26 Dave Purdye Bassist.
Search Add 26 Paulão 7 Cordas Paulo Roberto Pereira De Araújo Brazilian guitar player, arranger and producer. b.: September 29, 1958 - Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil
Search Add 26 Tωm Unit Ανδρέας Hip-Hop artist (Producer/MC) from Elefsina, Greece. Born in 1994. Active since 2011.
Search Add 26 Kana Shinkawa
Search Add 26 Bobby Blisters Visual artist and designer.
Search Add 26 Zukk Japanese drummer and illustrator.
Search Add 26 Matt Coonrod
Search Add 26 uumx Side project of [a=vylter] New music coming when it comes.Archive for select music released between 2003 and 2017, some new music in 2018.
Search Add 26 bzzrk Nick Liberatore Visual art moniker for Nick Liberatore. Manager and creative director behind the [l=badtvlab] VHS Label.
Search Add 26 Blacknoire!
Search Add 26 Vitaly S. Alexius
Search Add 26 Alex O'S'N
Search Add 26 Andy Wrighton British bassist.
Search Add 26 Corona Dance Orchestra Pseudonym used on British [l4920] in the 1920s for many American jazz and dance bands such as [a708256], [a317895], [a342496] and [a3162869]. Recordings with a matrix number commencing with A- are of British dance bands.
Search Add 26 Fantastic Strings Orchestra
Search Add 26 Duane Hartman
Search Add 26 Manny Caiati Emanuel J. Caiati Bass player from New York City. Now a lawyer living in Texas
Search Add 26 The Bitter End Singers
Search Add 26 Anthony "Basic" Hibbert
Search Add 26 Tang Ni 翁清溪 翁清溪(1936年-2012年8月),藝名湯尼(Tony),生於日治臺灣臺北州臺北市,著名作曲家,曾創作《月亮代表我的心》、《小城故事》與《愛神》等歌曲,先後捧紅了崔苔菁和鄧麗君兩大歌壇天后,其筆名包括了湯尼、波度、光陽、公羽。
Search Add 26 Jyotsna Bhole Jyotsna Keshav Bhole Jyotsna Keshav Bhole (Marathi: ज्योत्स्ना केशव भोळे) (May 11, 1914 – August 5, 2001), was a veteran Marathi stage artist and singer
Search Add 26 The Silver Stars Band
Search Add 26 Georges Loubert Chancy
Search Add 26 寿々木米若 野上 松平 (Nogami Matsuhei) Yonewaka Suzuki. Japanese rōkyoku performer. Born April 5, 1899 in Niigata prefecture. Died December 29, 1979.
Search Add 26 คำเกิ่ง ทองจันทร์ Kamgerng Tongchand
Search Add 26 Иван Бобров Иван Николаевич Бобров Ivan Bobrov is a Russian opera and pop singer (tenor). On the stage he performed romances and the most popular folk songs in Russia at the beginning of the 20th century, often accompanied by an accordion. He was famous before the First World War and was recorded on records by various companies.
Search Add 26 Helmut Brennicke Helmut Gustav Walter Brennicke German actor, director, voice actor and author, born 12 March 1918 in Berlin, Germany, died 31 October 2005 in Krailling, Landkreis Starnberg, Upper Bavaria, Germany. He was married to [a=Rosemarie Lang (2)]. Father of [a=Michael Brennicke].
Search Add 26 Ray Heinsius Raymond Heinsius Dutch designer based in Turin, Italy. Contact: rayheinsius@mac.com
Search Add 26 Freddy Ang
Search Add 26 Jordi Llansamà Jordi Llansamà Spanish musician and [l=Bcore] label founder and owner. He was part of the seminal hardcore scene in Barcelona during the nineties. As a musician, he played on the band [a=24 Ideas].
Search Add 26 Ramutis Balčiūnas
Search Add 26 I Continentals
Search Add 26 Brilliant Sun
Search Add 26 Jürgen Eberlein Pop singer and songwriter
Search Add 26 ヴァージュ Romaji Name : Virge,. Japanese visual kei band formed in 2017, currently active.
Search Add 26 Jim LaVerde Bassist, songwriter, and vocalist.
Search Add 26 BTism.com BTism Mediendesign Please use for the company credits [l=BTism.com] A Cologne based cross-media design studio. Contact: BTism Mediendesign GbR Koblenzer Straße 81 D-50968 Cologne Germany Tel: +49 221 93119820 Fax: +49 221 93119823
Search Add 26 Mario De Sanctis Emilio Mario De Sanctis
Search Add 26 Teknikal Sinner Geoffrey Catchpole
Search Add 26 Rooms In Negative Andreas Ragnar Kassapis
Search Add 26 Orch. Celi Bitshou
Search Add 26 Jack Teter Trio The Jack Teter Trio was the surprise hit of 1950 with a vocal version of an old jazz standard, “Johnson Rag.” With this group, Teter’s career was rejuvenated and he enjoyed further success in the early 1950's. They released a series of records for Sharp and other local labels.
Search Add 26 سهير زكي سهير زكي عبد الله (Suhayr Zaki ʾAbd Allah) Soheir Zaki (born 1945) was an Egyptian oriental dancer and actress. She was active between 1964 and 1983.
Search Add 26 El Oms Omar Juarez
Search Add 26 Steve Bartel Steven B Bartel Los Angeles, California art director/designer and owner of The Bartel Design Group
Search Add 26 Al Warnock
Search Add 26 Eyal Talmor
Search Add 26 Du Cret Visual credit on 1950's releases mainly for [l7703] and [l54908] based labels. Company profile [url=https://www.discogs.com/label/1484794-Atelier-Du-Cret]here.[/url]
Search Add 26 Günter Ehnert
Search Add 26 Harry Raderman's Dance Orchestra
Search Add 26 Hartmann Kristóf
Search Add 26 Ghostdrank Chris Denard Multimedia artist based in Dallas, TX, USA.
Search Add 26 Salvador d'Horta Salvador d'Horta Fernandez Morte Drummer from Mataró (Catalonia).
Search Add 26 Josh Rude Independent artist from Rochester, Indiana.
Search Add 26 Joe Mazzu
Search Add 26 Carlos A. Jácome Lobo
Search Add 26 Drew Crumbaugh Sound engineer.
Search Add 26 A. Micah Smith A. Micah Smith Graphic designer, illustrator & art director from Nashville, Tennessee, USA. Also known as My Associate Cornelius. Contact: micah@amicahsmith.com
Search Add 26 Mel Mongeon Canadian vocalist and artist from Gatineau, Québec.
Search Add 26 Lenny Goldberg
Search Add 26 Calhoon US southern rock/ disco group, led by singer Billy Stewart beginning in 1971. Calhoon came together in Long Island with Stewart on keyboards and vocals, Tony Aliperti and Bill Albrecht on guitar, and Peter Amabile on bass.
Search Add 26 Dj Nicky Allen
Search Add 26 Clinton Jones
Search Add 26 Louis Danziger
Search Add 26 Benita Kimera Works in project coordination, A&R and technical assistance.
Search Add 26 Flemming Ostermann Danish rock/jazz guitarist, vocalist and producer. Co-founder of [a=Savage Rose]. Brother of [a=Mogens Ostermann]. Born 2 June 1947 in Arhus, Denmark.
Search Add 26 Russ Gilbert
Search Add 26 Dele Ojo
Search Add 26 La Orquesta Del Maestro Torroba
Search Add 26 Ара Арсенян Ара Аракелович Арсенян Ara Arsenian
Search Add 26 Joseph Hookim Joseph Hoo Kim
Search Add 26 Lyia Meta
Search Add 26 Fernando Orlandis
Search Add 26 Karakter Studio
Search Add 26 Lexxi Foxxx Travis Haley Former bassist in glam rock band [a=Steel Panther].
Search Add 26 Penabranca Bruno Borges Penabranca is Bruno Jorges, a Brazilian visual artist based in Brooklyn, NY.
Search Add 26 Dobri Znanci
Search Add 26 Carles Vidal Carles Vidal i Serrano Spanish bass player and composer.
Search Add 26 Harmonika-Orchester "Alle Neune"
Search Add 26 Даниел Ганев
Search Add 26 Tom R. Andersen Tom Rønlov Andersen Danish recording engineer, mixer, producer and bassist (1954-2017). Started out in 1974 as recording engineer at [l=Metronome Studio, Copenhagen], from 1981 with [l=Sweet Silence Studios], then for a year with [l=New Sound Recording] in Skanderborg until he got hired in 1984 by [l=Feedback Recording] in Viby, Aarhus, where he was to be the main recording engineer for 25 years. He has also freelanced in [l=Puk Recording Studios] and [l=Medley Studios].
Search Add 25 Marita Kuntonen Stockholm based creative director and art director.
Search Add 25 East Coast Productions
Search Add 25 Die Fidelen Lavanttaler
Search Add 25 Jerome Caltagirone Executive producer and A&R at [l=Kult Records] from 1994 to 1996.
Search Add 25 Вячеслав Широков Вячеслав Николаевич Широков Russian classical guitarist. Born 1939.
Search Add 25 Maryla Rodowicz I Jej Gitarzyści
Search Add 25 Ayrton Dos Anjos Ayrton Patineti dos Anjos Ayrton Patineti dos Anjos, born in 1940, in Porto Alegre, he was a producer of great names in gaúcha music.
Search Add 25 Gretchen Ratke Canadian classical crossover ballet pianist who arranges pieces inspired by [a7721146]'s Wings Of Fire book series.
Search Add 25 Charles Ross Taggart (19 March 1871, Washington, D.C. – 4 July 1953, Kents Hill, Maine) American comedian, fiddler, follklorist, and silent movie actor.
Search Add 25 Heath Killen
Search Add 25 Viktorija Stankevičienė
Search Add 25 Corbaclenoir Sometimes shortet to "Corbac".
Search Add 25 Jean-Francois Hustin Jean-Francois Claude Hustin Belgian sound engineer specialized in mastering. Also artistic producer and musician. He is the son of [a478421].
Search Add 25 Lanford Graham
Search Add 25 John Brinson John A. Brinson American soul musician, producer and songwriter from Cleveland, Ohio.
Search Add 25 Wylie Vasquez Cable From Los Angeles, California
Search Add 25 Don Prendes
Search Add 25 Mari Cruz Soriano
Search Add 25 Živkica Miletić Serbian folk singer from Kladurovo. Her successful studio career is mostly overshadowed by her status on the live scene, where she is arguably considered as the best female singer still currently working.
Search Add 25 www.boompje.com
Search Add 25 Claude Jouaire
Search Add 25 Rebecca Clegg Rebecca Clegg co-founded [l=Battle Kommand Records] along with [a=Blake Judd].
Search Add 25 Tennessee Express
Search Add 25 Josetxo Ezponda Juan José Ezponda Puente Spanish guitarist, singer and songwriter Juan José Ezponda Puente (b. 22 June 1961 - d. 16 April 2013) active since the late 1970's in the local scene of Navarra playing with [a7301390] (1978) and [a3689584] (1982) among other bands such [a13911034] (1986) with [a1868815] on guitar and [a4620192] on drums, they reached the final Navarra music contest "I Muestra de Pop Rock" and also [a13910848] (1983-86) as solo project or alias with three demos recorded. He reached cult status in the Spanish underground scene with [a=Los Bichos] between 1988 and 1991. After the demise of the band, he went solo, cutting a LP in 1991 and other album in 1995 as [a1962749]. Note: [b]Tensión[/b] did not release any record or demo, only live recordings exists. Members: Josecho Ezponda (vocals), Oscar Raúl Pueyo (lead guitar), Carlos Díez (guitar), Manuel “Manolo” Blanca (bass) and José María Solano (drums). Musical background of Los Bichos: - October 1978: Josetxo Ezponda sets up [a7301390], the first punk group from Pamplona. Their scandalous performances make them well known in the city. They dissolved in the spring of 1980. - May 1980: Josetxo joins Charly (guitar) and Asio (bass) and together with other members they form [a3689584]. They dissolved in the fall of 1983. - January 1984: Josetxo with alias [a13910848] recorded three demos made by him in the years 1984-1985 and 1986. - Spring 1986: Josetxo Ezponda Charly puts together [a13911034], a group that is a finalist in the first rock contest of the Government of Navarra. Biography of Los Bichos: - Summer 1987: Josetxo, Asio and Charly get together to record a demo and perform in Barcelona. They do not continue performing because they lack a permanent drummer to play with them. - March 1988: the formation stabilizes with the entry of [b]Fermín Belloso[/b] (ex Fiebre) to the drums. - May 1988: they recorded their first demo with this group. - September 1988: they recorded another demo with what would later become several songs from their first LP. - December 1988: they open for Paul Collins at the Gares nightclub in Puente la Reina (Navarra). They are chosen by the magazine "The Munster Heritage" to be included in the compilation (LP) "Favorites to dance from the Munster Heritage". - January 1989: they travel to Madrid to play at the Agapo venue, this bar awarded them an award for one of the strongest live bands. - March 1989: they travel to participate in the first Villa de Bilbao contest, where they win first prize for the most innovative group in the contest. Her first single "Anita latigazo" goes on sale, a song taken from her latest demo. - May 1989: a promotional flexi is released with the song "Sueño rojo" for a sound company. - June 1989: the lineup is remodeled with the change of drummer, [b]Rubén Ruiz[/b] (formerly Tijuana in Blue) enters. The LP recorded for Oihuka "Color hits" is released. - [b]Jesus Suinaga[/b] from [a1642117] replaced to Ruben on drums. 2xLP “Bitter Pink” (1991) contained 27 songs (with versions by Serge Gainsbourg, Alex Chilton and Phil Spector) that were suffocating, intense and noisy.
Search Add 25 Mac Fingall
Search Add 25 Pebo Rodriguez He began his DJ career in San Juan, Puerto Rico in 1978 at Leonardo’s Disco. Moved back to Los Angeles in 79’ and began a successful career as a DJ with residencies at L.A.’s top clubs including Circus Disco, The Tropicana, and Fantasia. Pioneered and mixed the 1st in a series of High Energy Disco 12” Mixes. Remixes were featured on L.A.’s Hit Radio Station Power 106. Master Mixer on Los Angeles KIIS FM. Produced a weekly Classic Disco hour for Groove Radio. 90’s Produced and mixed a weekly 1hour House Music show for Mixmatters, 2000-2002. Dance Music Producer and Editor. Billboard Magazine Reporting DJ for Los Angeles. Formed [l7786] with producer [a207103]. Released Television and Recording Star [a66147]’s first records. Joined [l7242] as VP of A&R. Produced Dance Music compilations selling in the 10’s of thousands, including the Gold Certified Old School Volume 1. This eventually led to a distribution deal with Universal. Produced well over 200 compilations.
Search Add 25 David E. Kelley David Edward Kelley American television writer and producer, born 4 April 1956 in Waterville, Maine, USA. He is married to [a=Michelle Pfeiffer].
Search Add 25 Georges Beaume
Search Add 25 Ländlerkapelle Brüesch, Chur
Search Add 25 Paramorphosi One-woman Experimental/Noise Electronic project from Athens, Greece.
Search Add 25 Les Gotcher Louis Leslie Gotcher American country, western & swing bandleader. 8 Jul 1905, Vanderpool, Bandera County, Texas, USA 4 Jun 1996 (aged 90), Hilo, Hawaii County, Hawaii, USA
Search Add 25 ALIAS 404 The Spanish vaporwave duo. Beluga Boogaloo / STΔRSEED
Search Add 25 Costeluș de la Bobești Romanian accordion player
Search Add 25 Francis Dordor French writer, journalist and editor for magazine [l5231].
Search Add 25 Weedy G
Search Add 25 Автандил Исрафилов
Search Add 25 Carl Strube Carl D Strube American label manager and producer. Founder and president of the [l=Critique] label. Former chairman of the Massachusetts Broadcasters Association. Born: 1947 in Massachusetts
Search Add 25 Rønüldte Fiłbâum's Dončing Mėesę
Search Add 25 Tomas Lööw
Search Add 25 Crew Of The Good Ship Grace
Search Add 25 John B. van Setten Producer
Search Add 25 Bob Lumbroso
Search Add 25 Mauro Lovisetto
Search Add 25 Alexander Ester German radioplay music composer, or rather a collective pseudonyme for compositions to be used license free for radioplays by [a=Hans-Joachim Herwald]. It is most likely that those musics were composed by Herwald himself together with his friend [a=Hartmut Kulka].
Search Add 25 John Boulter British tenor, born in Gillingham, Kent, England, UK. Father of [a=Phil Boulter] and [a=Frankie Boulter].
Search Add 25 Allan Mason US American record producer, A&R executive and music supervisor. Originally from Baltimore, trained lawyer who dropped out in the late 1960s. Worked for [l904], [l16233] and [l31481] (as director of West Coast A&R) in the early 1970s. He is known for a longstanding film collaboration with [a254499], acting as music consultant and supervisor on Levinson films.
Search Add 25 Bunny Diamond
Search Add 25 Mark Khair Mark Khair 3D graphic artist from Mississauga, Ontario, Kanada.
Search Add 25 Hurricane Ivan
Search Add 25 Jude Bethel Calypso / soca saxophone player
Search Add 25 Myles Byrne-Dunhill
Search Add 25 Staxia José Manuel Caro Arcila Breaks dj from Jerez de la Frontera, Spain.
Search Add 25 Francesco Cosola Francesco Cosola Italian electronic music producer based in Bari.
Search Add 25 Ναπολέων Ζούμπας
Search Add 25 Max Lousada Founder of [l=Ultimate Dilemma]. he then elft to become head of A&R for [l=Mushroom Records (UK) Ltd.] / [l=A & E Records Ltd.], helping along the careers of artists such as [a=Timo Maas] & [a=Zero 7].
Search Add 25 Jaroslav Faigl Jaroslav Faigl Czech graphic designer.
Search Add 25 Dj Altair Risk Se vuoi supportarmi, offrimi un caffè; ovviamente non sentirti obbligato a farlo, è solo un gesto spontaneo: https://ko-fi.com/alvinproduction
Search Add 25 محمد الحياني Mohamed El Hayani (1947 - 1996, Casablanca) was a Moroccan singer.
Search Add 25 Kiyoshi Nakajo 下村 清 (Kiyoshi Shimomura) 中条きよし Japanese enka singer and actor.
Search Add 25 Sheldon Machlin
Search Add 25 ML7102
Search Add 25 Marjorie Golde Credited mostly as project coordinator at [l=Polygram Special Markets], she has been promoted to director, product administration in 1992.
Search Add 25 Elke Puecker Elke Puecker Ex-wife of [a=Edward Ka-Spel] and mother of [a=Calyxx].
Search Add 25 Earl Johnston
Search Add 25 Tomek Dominik Tomek Dominik
Search Add 25 Emma Dixson
Search Add 25 Michael Giblin Producer, engineer and musician in Pennsylvania. Owner of [l1026301]
Search Add 25 Luigi Castiglioni Italian painter and illustrator, born November 20, 1936 in Milan, Italy, died June 11, 2003 in Maisons-Laffitte, France.
Search Add 25 Vince Constantino
Search Add 25 Rann Productions, Inc. Production company founded by arranger [a281994] for the control and release of his recordings.
Search Add 25 Andrew Labanaris Tattoo artist.
Search Add 25 The Nigel Brooks Singers Nigel Brooks (24 December 1926 – 1 March 2024) was an English composer, arranger, and conductor. He was born in Barnstaple and spent most of his childhood in Ilfracombe, North Devon. He attended Guildhall School of Music and Drama in London. For much of his career he was an orchestral arranger, particularly for the BBC and also conducted the BBC Concert Orchestra. He formed his own musical ensemble "The Nigel Brooks Singers" which appeared on Friday Night is Music Night and earned three gold discs, and two silver.
Search Add 25 Vesa Lempiäinen
Search Add 25 Phil Rogers Design
Search Add 25 Subotic Milenko Subotic
Search Add 25 G.M.T. One
Search Add 25 Goo Goes Laves Goo Goes Laves were a Brazilian group from Curitiba, Paraná, consisted of members Beto Bolliger, Ule and Diogo Zavadzki. They released a string of radio-friendly singles between 2012 and 2013 and the debut album, [r8152081].
Search Add 25 Harold Siegel American double bassist (* 1914; † 2007 aged 93).
Search Add 25 Thiago Halleck
Search Add 25 Dryad Louise
Search Add 25 Roberto Marturano Photographer
Search Add 25 Francho Angas
Search Add 25 McKinley "Bug" Williams Percussionist, Singer. Died 02-Sep-2011 at the age of 65.
Search Add 25 The Duke Design Co.
Search Add 25 Rich Orchard
Search Add 25 叶启田
Search Add 25 Jaime Pocovi Jaime Pocovi Briquets Spanish composer, conductor and arranger. 1912-1977
Search Add 25 Agnes Monica Agnes Monica Muljoto Indonesian singer and actress, born 1 July 1986 in Jakarta, Indonesia, known by her stage name Agnez Mo. She has recorded 3 children's albums and became a presenter of several children's television programs. In 2003, Mo released her first adult album entitled And the Story Goes. On the second album released in 2005, Whaddup A..?!, she collaborated with American singer Keith Martin. Mo also took part in two Taiwanese drama series, The Hospital and Romance In The White House.
Search Add 25 Иван Троянов Иван Дмитриевич Троянов
Search Add 25 Hiroko Otsuka Japanese DJ, producer, music Journalist.
Search Add 25 3wn
Search Add 25 L'Orch. Kombe Kombe
Search Add 25 Nazish Kashmiri
Search Add 25 Ned Wellbery
Search Add 25 Georges Giboni French sound engineer who worked at [l=Studios Philips, Paris].
Search Add 25 Giant Enterprises Inc. Chicago production company founded by [a381635] and [a895768] in 1967, also known as Giant Productions or Giant Enterprises Production. The production team both leased records to larger firms and put out records on their own labels [l71299], [l597720], and [l470641]. Their best successes were productions leased to other labels, most notably with [a549509], [a372577], and [a757550].
Search Add 25 Dankwart Gahl Classical cellist
Search Add 25 Eliott Liottzaye French designer from Mantes-La-Jolie (78)
Search Add 25 Il Coro Del C.A.I. Di Padova
Search Add 25 Jancu Marinescu Iancu Marinescu Romanian folk and chanson singer, guitarist ☆ around 1860, Pitești ✞ April 15, 1940, București
Search Add 25 Ras Fraser Junior
Search Add 25 xing.it Xing Xing is a cultural organization founded in Bologna in 2000 with the purpose of planning, supporting and promoting products and events characterized by an interdisciplinary approach toward the issues of contemporary culture. Xing is also an artist record label of works by both Italian and international personalities linked to the variegated worlds of live performativity. Xong, the vinyl-only collection initiated in 2021, explores a geography of artists who present this sonic field as a platform to expand their staged worlds. "The space of the record" is given focus and amplifies their poetics as both a sonic and physical phenomenon. Xong is a unique project that draws out divergent understandings of the performative and live arts. Beyond genre and intersecting between different production and listening practices, Xong collects a series of original creations that constitute an expanded program. Each physical record is a numbered edition on white vinyl hosting the solidification of the gesture. A series of "Music-Non-Music" to actualize both the artists and listeners imagination.
Search Add 25 Horace "Rap" Rose
Search Add 25 幻の名盤解放同盟 Maboroshi No Meiban Kaihō Dōmei. Japanese society, dedicated to the reissue of out of print and forgotten records, and the writing of articles/books about them. Formed by the manga artist [a=Takashi Nemoto], together with the critic [a=Manabu Yuasa], and the designer [a=Hideo Funabashi].
Search Add 25 Verne Langdon American musician, composer, singer, songwriter, keyboardist, record producer, actor, writer, monster maker, magician and circus clown. Born: September 15, 1941 in Oakland, California, United States Died: January 1, 2011 In 1963 he began making Halloween masks of the Famous Monsters of classic horror movies. In 1972 he created some of the first symphonic scary music, and co-produced a haunted séance for home haunters.
Search Add 25 Carolita Daley
Search Add 25 Cesare Priori
Search Add 25 Lulu Roman Bertha Louise Habler Lulu Roman began her career in show business as "Lulu Roman the Worlds Biggest Go-Go Dancer" in one of Jack Ruby's night club. It was there that she was discovered by [a=Buck Owens] who was impressed with her comedic talents. In 1969 she brought on as a cast member on Hee Haw. In 1971 Roman was charged with drug possession It was after the drug conviction that she converted to Christianity. She won a Dove award in 1985 for her album "You Were Loving Me".
Search Add 25 Gabor Garamvölgyi
Search Add 25 Sudarshan Faakir Sudarshan Kamra Sudarshan Kamra (1934 – 19 February 2008), better known by his takhallus Sudarshan Faakir, was an Indian poet and lyricist. His ghazals and nazms were sung by [a1123894] and [a824469].
Search Add 25 Peter Appleyard Orchestra
Search Add 25 Mariano Zaffarano Bass player from Turin, Italy
Search Add 25 Il Coro Del Maffei
Search Add 25 Engadiner Ländlerkapelle Flur Alpina
Search Add 25 Ice: the Rage Percy Costello Formed in 2004 in Paso Robles, CA, and now based in Portland, OR.
Search Add 25 Bar D Wranglers Durango, CO based band, tied to a Singing Cowboy themed resort/restaurant/show, in operation since 1969. The band has seen generations of performers contribute. They've released numerous LPs and singles. From their Facebook page: "The Bar D Wranglers have entertained millions of guests at the Bar D Chuckwagon located just north of Durango, Colorado each summer evening since 1969."
Search Add 25 Josef Brinckmann Keyboard and accordion player. Originally from Milwaukee. Now based in Sebastopol, California.
Search Add 25 صبري الشريف صبري الشريف (Ṣabri al-Šarīf) Sabri al-Sharif (1922, Yafa, Palestine - 1999, Beirut, Lebanon). In the early fifties he held the position as the president of the music department in the Near East Radio Station in Cyprus. He was sent to Lebanon and produced several songs by The [a=Rahbani Brothers]. He played an important role in producing and promoting the musical plays of [a=Fairuz] and The [a=Rahbani Brothers].
Search Add 25 Les Goode Bass player from South Africa, also credited as songwriter, arranger, producer...
Search Add 25 M. Javed
Search Add 25 Thurland Echo Swiss schlager group
Search Add 25 Rodolfo Grappa Sound engineer who worked in [l=RCA Studios, Rome].
Search Add 25 Rougeot
Search Add 25 D.J. Dave A Malaysan singer very popular in the 70s and 80s
Search Add 25 غسان الرحباني Ghassan Rahbani (born 1964) is a Lebanese musician and producer. He is the son of [a=Elias Rahbani] and brother of [a=جاد الرحباني] (Jad Rahbani).
Search Add 25 We Fall
Search Add 25 Ear More Tone
Search Add 25 Studio Torsten Posselt Design studio of [a=Torsten Posselt].
Search Add 25 Dj Clif French hip hop DJ/producer/beatmaker, from Montfermeil (93)
Search Add 25 The Driffield Lager Louts
Search Add 25 mes ténèbres He is an artist from Poland. He creates experimental electronic music with an emphasis on dark ambient. The main theme is life beyond the matrix and what torments his dark soul. He also often dedicates his compositions to various social groups or individuals. As a rule, his compositions are long. He likes it when the music lasts, and it doesn't end after a short time. He would very much like life on Earth to be without pain, disease and hatred or envy between people. This is what his compositions are about.. mes ténèbres is also the owner of the label Darkhare Records - https://darkharerecords.bandcamp.com
Search Add 25 William David Sherman
Search Add 25 Eric Larrabee US music journalist.
Search Add 25 Razzer Electronic music producer from Oporto, Portugal
Search Add 25 Les Bastringuo's
Search Add 25 Ansambl Metronom Yugoslav jazz band
Search Add 25 Das Globi-Ensemble
Search Add 25 The Mighty Morph'n Power Rangers Power Rangers An Western Europe version of [a=Super Sentai] the series follows by an group of teenagers who using the emblems to fight with the evil. Every Ranger has an color. The Main Protagonist has red. Other colors as green blue black and Silver are for the male teams. Yellow and Pink by female teams. First she using battle scenes with CSI effects for exploding. The last scene when the main enemy using is to become and giant monster. The Rangers using then a Super Robot to defeat the main enemy,
Search Add 25 Anna Agency Anna Agency B.V. Booking agency founded in 1995 and located in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Also appears as company entry: [l=Anna Agency]
Search Add 25 Evilness Darkness Dark Ambient from France, created in 2021 by Cadavre.
Search Add 25 Bogdan Iacob Romanian graphician born in 1960, collaborator of [a=Alexandru Andrieș]
Search Add 25 The Obscurest
Search Add 25 Эльдар Агачев
Search Add 25 Pat Heine
Search Add 25 DJ Uchuu 25 Year old software developer and musician from Manchester, UK With a passion for retro-synths and melodies.
Search Add 25 P. Savlaram
Search Add 25 Mike Grosvenor
Search Add 25 Ana Maria T. Mendez
Search Add 25 Валерия Владимировна Барсова Калерия Владимирова Russian opera singer (lyric-coloratura soprano) (born June 1 (13), 1892 in Astrakhan – died December 13, 1967 in Sochi) Valeria Barsova studied piano and singing first at the Astrakhan College of Music, then at the Moscow Conservatory from which she graduated in 1919. Even before her graduation, she had her operatic debut at Moscow's Zimin Opera in 1917. Between 1920 and 1947, Barsova was a solo singer at the Bolshoi Theater in Moscow, making her Bolshoi debut as Rosina in Rossini's "The Barbier of Sevilla." Apart from opera, Barsova also performed chamber music. She had a repertoire of over 600 pieces that included arias from Russian and Western European operas, Russian lyric songs, and Russian, Ukrainian, Czech, English, Scottish, Irish, Norwegian, Spanish, and Greek folk songs. Starting in 1929, Barsova went on several tours abroad, traveling to Turkey, Poland, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, Germany, and the United Kingdom.
Search Add 25 ゴールデン・サウンズ Golden Sounds. Japanese easy listening orchestra who recorded for Toshiba Records.
Search Add 25 Knut Oscar Nymo Musician from Rakkestad, Norway. Play bass in [a=Oslo Ess] and [a=Fork].
Search Add 25 野村正峰 野村 穣 Seihō Nomura. Japanese Ikuta-ryū koto player and composer. Born March 1927 in Nagoya. Died October 2011. Husband of [a=野村秀子], father of [a=野村祐子].
Search Add 25 Vic del Rosario, Jr.
Search Add 25 Gabriel Nowotny
Search Add 25 Bastien Tetrel
Search Add 25 Kari Lindqvist Finnish accordion player, born in 1953
Search Add 25 Aidan Cuffe American singer, songwriter, bassist and guitarist from Arlington, Massachusetts.
Search Add 25 Jon Abnor Jon Howard Abdnor, Jr. US performer from Dallas, TX. Son of [a=John Abnor, Sr.]. Born May 1st, 1940 - Died Jul. 2nd, 2008
Search Add 25 La Milagros Milagros Hernández Salsa singer from Dominican Republic, Milagros Hernández was also known as La Milagros or La Loba, she is a niece of [a2795482]. Milagros Hernández, conocida como La Milagros o La Loba, cantante de salsa a mediados de los años 80 y oriunda de República Dominicana. Sobrina de [a2795482], una reconocida cantante del género afroantillano en su país y razón por la cual su madre le pusiera ese nombre. En 1986 lanzó su primer disco con el sello Pareja Records y en Los Estados Unidos con el sello de TH, titulado "La Milagros", de allí se desprende su mayor éxito: “Como una loba”. Los temas “Soltera y libre” y especialmente "Encuentro Sabroso" cantado a dúo con Andy Montañez logro bastante difusión radial. Otros temas que alcanzaron alguna notoriedad fueron “La hoguera de tus años”, “No eres mi rival”, “Engreído y mal amante”, todas con letras bastante dramáticas y dirigidas a atacar al género masculino. En 1988 Produce un segundo álbum, esta vez sin mucha trascendencia, llamado “La Milagros y sus amigos", incursionando en el merengue dominicano con la ayuda de algunos grandes de este género como Cuco Valoy. Ese mismo año graba "La Loba" una producción orientada a la Salsa Romántica, tan de moda al final de los 80's. Otra vez sin mucha trascendencia. De ese Lp se destacan 2 temas, "Jugué tu papel" y "Señor Amante". Por último, en 1991 aparece con la producción “MAS LOBA QUE NUNCA”, talvez su mejor álbum, donde demuestra esa gran potencia vocal y de sonera que tiene y por la que pudo ser una de las grandes de las intérpretes femeninas de la Salsa, a mi parecer, mucho mejor que la India e incluso cercana a la Misma Lupe, por lo "dramática' de sus interpretaciones. Altamente recomendados los temas " Solo Contigo" y el mejor corte "Cenizas e Agua", que también lo hiciera Alex D ‘Castro, pero esta versión es infinitamente superior en arreglos y calidad interpretativa. En 2017 mencionó en una entrevista reconoció que cometió dos errores, el primero entregar su carrera a un partido político. ¨Yo abandoné mi carrera totalmente para entregarme al Partido de la Liberación Dominicana (PLD). Me arrepiento totalmente, no por ningún compañero o el partido mismo, sino por mí¨. Dejó en cero su carrera que estaba arriba. Cuenta que prácticamente se bajó de un avión ganando euros y dólares para ofrecer su vida al PLD; y que no pidió ni permitió que le ofrecieran nada porque sólo quería que el país caminara. Mientras que el otro error fue alejarse voluntariamente del arte a pesar de tener todas las cualidades. Reconoce que entregó su carrera y que no debió hacerlo, pues podía aportar y seguir con su carrera. ¨Desbaraté toda mi carrera completa. Deje mis giras, deje todo¨. En tanto, dijo que hoy sigue entregando su trabajo para el arte y quiere que a este país se le dé el lugar que tiene artísticamente. Trabaja en la Dirección General de Programas Especiales de la Presidencia (DIGEPEP), donde actualmente está formando dos bandas de música, una infantil sinfónica de 75 niños y una de percusión de 40. Esos niños residen en Los Tres Brazos, Sabana Perdida y Gualey. La artista está trabajando en el arte, donde la gente puede crecer y asegura que su puerta nunca está cerrada. Todo este tiempo lejos de la música se ha dedicado al trabajo social y cultural, y en ese sentido nos dice que siempre ha pensado que hay que dejar algo en la vida, porque no todo es ganar protagonismo.
Search Add 25 Lubosch "J." Boda
Search Add 25 Larry Brasso James Larry Brasseaux Country and Cajun vocalist, guitarist, and songwriter He had his own band, Larry Brasso & The Rhythmaires Father of [a=Kim Brasso] Born: 28 January 1936 in Henry, Louisiana, USA Died: 26 August 1984 in Henry, Louisiana, USA
Search Add 25 Muse Dalbray Georgette Céline Corsin French comedian and actress, born 14 March 1903 in Paris, France, died 29 January 1998 in Paris, France.
Search Add 25 Charles Fach Charles Edward Fach Jr. American label executive, A&R and producer for [l39357]. Started [l263522] with [a=Tim Blixseth]. Born: September 10, 1928 in Camden, New Jersey. Dead: April 25, 2011 in Hermitage , Tennessee.
Search Add 25 Simplicity!
Search Add 25 Antonio Membrado Spanish guitarist, born in Madrid in 1935. He commenced his recitals at 17 years old. He settled in Paris in 1959, where in 1963 he started his releases with works by Vivaldi, Schubert, J.S. Bach, Villa-Lobos, Brouwer, Burchard, Milan, Membrado, etc. In 1975 he recorded a live album in New York's Lincoln Center.
Search Add 25 Dogantimur Black Metal drummer who appears on releases by [l=Ancient Records (2)].
Search Add 25 Duet Bosa Ovuka I Rade Bogićević
Search Add 25 Will Glahé's Boheme Ballhouse Band
Search Add 25 Clip Hightower
Search Add 25 Ansambl Gitara Velje Todosijevića Guitar ensemble, earlier quartet and quintet, lead by Velimir Velja Teodosijević, known for playing folk music on jazz guitars.
Search Add 25 N99 Namir Hassan DJ/Producer
Search Add 25 Maria Gracia María Gracia Spanish singer and actress from Seville, born 12 June 1964.
Search Add 25 Анал Канта
Search Add 25 Les Télécréatures Connected with [a2005669]. Les Télécréatures was used mostly for sleeve design. For the Discogs company entry see: [l1554097].
Search Add 25 XLC
Search Add 25 Rosanda Sajko Rosanda Sajko Slovenian director of radio plays and broadcasts, born 1930 in Maribor, died May 31, 2022 in Ljubljana.
Search Add 25 Mickey Lespron Michael Lespron Guitarist.
Search Add 25 La Tabaré Riverock Banda Uruguayan rock band
Search Add 25 Mugge☢Fuck
Search Add 25 Type Paradise Design studio
Search Add 25 Julien Pelgrand
Search Add 25 Claus Hansmann Photographer.
Search Add 25 Dragoslava Genčić Dragoslava Genčić (Mitrović) Romanian singer born in former Yugoslavia Republic, Born 1940, Died 03.09.2023
Search Add 25 Günther Stiller German graphic artist and illustrator.
Search Add 25 François-Régis Barbry
Search Add 25 Blaise Studio
Search Add 25 Brigitte Beusen
Search Add 25 Guillermo Diez Colombian producer
Search Add 25 The Solomonic Enchanters
Search Add 25 Orchestra Juan Alegre
Search Add 25 Yunus Cimen Turkish HipHop producer, also credited for technical stuff. Living in Germany.
Search Add 25 Ruriko Tsuruta
Search Add 25 imreallygood.com
Search Add 25 Ivo Kiusalaas
Search Add 25 Libor Machata Libor Machata Czech rock bass guitarist and graphic designer, born 21 May 1953.
Search Add 25 Vinnie Massimino Vincent Massimino Vinnie Massimino is a Detroit, MI based video artist, photographer and graphic designer. He is the founder of [l=Chambray Records] and the label manager of [l=Portage Garage Sounds].
Search Add 25 Jørn O. Åleskjær Lead guitarist, vocalist, keyboardist for the Norwegian indie rock band The Loch Ness Mouse. Younger brother of Ole Johannes Åleskjær.
Search Add 25 Beverly Reppion
Search Add 25 Yoly Sandoval Venezuelan singer
Search Add 25 Norma Dodd Wife of [a=Clement "Coxsone" Dodd] & sister of [a=Sonia Moodie]. General manager for [l=Studio One], she was often credited as a co-producer.
Search Add 25 DJ Indio
Search Add 25 Caligula031 Marco Deplano Power Electronics project of Marco Deplano.
Search Add 25 Jerry Cleveland Musician, known for playing keyboards/piano for Christian gospel and worship groups in the 1970s and 1980s.
Search Add 25 Frank "88" Malone
Search Add 25 Kernie Erickson Visual artist
Search Add 25 Iakobos Dentjos Jacques Denjean Jacques Denjean is a French composer and arranger, active in the 1960s and 1970s. He worked with artists such as Dionne Warwick, Françoise Hardy, Nana Mouskouri, Johnny Hallyday and Baris Manco, chiefly as an arranger. Denjean was also a member of the French vocal group, Les Double Six.
Search Add 25 Lena Richter
Search Add 25 Dan Hurd Los Angeles based keyboardist and electronic musician. Co-founder of the [l=Deathpony Audio] label. Best known as [a=DJ Rotten HD] in the electroclash group [a=Gagging Lolly]. When solo, works primarily in darkwave, with forays into progressive electronica. Active in social/equal rights causes and as a member of The Brights.
Search Add 25 Bingo Reyna Bingo Reyna was an excellent guitar player. He came from the group “Jackie y Los Ciclones” and in 1964 he created his own band “Beto and Los Huracanes”. The group used to play all Saturdays on channel 9, TV (Buenos Aires). Soon they signed with local RCA Victor where they recorded lots of instrumental records. Bingo Reyna recorded at least six all instrumental albums (in spite of some of them have duplicated tracks and several were reissued with different titles). Les Paul and his multitrack recording techniques, which Bingo has imitated, influenced his sound. As usual, with Argentinean instrumental records from 1960’s, Bingo’s albums back covers usually did not show details of the Bingo Reyna biography or discography. From his albums front covers we can see a young musician in his twenties holding a nice hollowed body guitar. His albums were usually a mix of rock and roll and easy listening tunes (ballads, Bossa Nova, American songs, etc.). However, even the easy listening songs were very well played with clever arrangements. As far as we know, to date, no Bingo Reyna album or compilation was issued on CD. In 1970 he moved to Spain having recorded with his (ex) wife. He went to Mexico and married again. At present Bingo Reyna lives in Texas, USA where he runs a light and illumination company for shows. Discography: LP “Bingo Reyna Y Su Guitarra”, Disc Jockey EST-10.009, mono. LP “El Mejor De Bingo Reyna”, Disc Jockey LDP-10.024, mono. LP “Ritmo Bingo”, Disc Jockey LDP-30.002, mono, 1966. LP “Increible”, Disc Jockey LDP-30.030, mono. LP “Bingo Reyna y Su Guitarra de Fuego”, Disc Jockey F77.010, mono,(reissue of DJ 10.024). LP “Los Exitos de Bingo Reyna”, Disck Jockey 88015, Mono, 1976 (reissue of DJ 10.009). LP “La Guitarra de Oro”, CBS LP-8884, mono, 1968. LP “Mi Corazon Es Una Guitarra”, CBS LP-8918, mono, 1969. Singles 45s (ten, at least): issued in Argentina (Disc Jockey TS 513, 544, 586, 607, 665, 688, 709, 724, 770) issued in Spain (Disc Jockey TS665). EPs (CBS 21.985, 22.040, 33.528).
Search Add 25 Ra/Hen Ralf Henrich
Search Add 25 Cuarteto Ritmo De Oro De Augustin Martinez
Search Add 25 Marta I Łukasz "Thor" Dziubalscy
Search Add 25 Sister Power One off disco assamblage Led and produced by [a=Paul Sabu]
Search Add 25 Jun Shimamori
Search Add 25 Nick Curri Nicola Curri Italian metal singer, also graphic artist. In the early 90's, he wrote for the Italian metal magazine Flash. He also published a booklet containing a collection of letters that [a14092] vocalist [a316313] sent to him in 1990.
Search Add 25 Alexandre Guichard
Search Add 25 Jorge Rigó
Search Add 25 طوني جعجع Tony Ja'ja' is a Lebanese accordionist.
Search Add 25 Tsunehisa Kimura Tsunehisa Kimura (木村恒久, Kimura Tsunehisa; born 1928 – died 2008) was a Japanese artist influential in graphic design. His photomontages show a surreal world of ongoing apocalypse and often showcase the encroachment of nature and natural phenomenon on man-made structures and the urban built environment. His most famous ‘Visual Scandals’ series was published in book form by Parco, Tokyo in 1979. His artwork appears on album covers by Midnight Oil, Climax Blues Band and Cut Copy. The latter's "Zonoscope" would eventually go on to win the Artisan Award for Best Cover Art at the ARIA Music Awards of 2011.
Search Add 25 Chet Barnett Engineer known to have worked at [l=Benson Sound Studio] in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma USA the 1970's / 1980's.
Search Add 25 Günnur Perin
Search Add 25 Alex Torrance Credited for artwork
Search Add 25 Famous Nick Nick Rubenstein American visual artist and owner of [l=Bunker Suicide].
Search Add 25 Cliff Silver
Search Add 25 Bob Ghossen R.I.P.
Search Add 25 Shay Fitzgerald Shay Fitzgerald Sometimes credited as Shea Fitzgerald. Please use Shay Fitzgerald as the artist name and then Shea Fitzgerald as his ANV.
Search Add 25 Георгий Пантюков Гео́ргий Никола́евич Пантюко́в Georgy Nikolaevich Pantyukov (1922-1994) was a Soviet conductor and composer. People's artist of the USSR (1986). He headed the [a1747145] from 1961 until his death.
Search Add 25 Jean Clouzet
Search Add 25 Dean Franconi Band leader
Search Add 25 Ward Kuczynski Edward Kuczynski Producer and recording engineer, mainly active in Belgium
Search Add 25 Agitation Trips A loose collective of New England (and beyond) musicians who are writing and recording one song per month with all proceeds going to charity.
Search Add 25 Grammophon Orkester, København
Search Add 25 Roy Sundholm Roy Sundholm was at one time a member of the legendary Spencer Davis Group.
Search Add 25 Viva la Luna Ferhat Devrim Ataç Viva La Luna was a Hip-Hop focused Electronic music project of F. Devrim Ataç - an Istanbul based music producer and DJ. In 2023 he bid farewell to this project with the release of "Retrospective". It is unknown whether he will make music again.
Search Add 25 Sscvlt
Search Add 25 Irv Kupcinet Irving Kupcinet Irv Kupcinet (born July 31, 1912, North Lawndale, Chicago, Illinois, USA – died November 10, 2003, Chicago, Illinois, USA) was an American newspaper columnist for the [i]Chicago Sun-Times[/i], television talk-show host, and radio personality based in Chicago, Illinois, USA
Search Add 25 Государственный Оренбургский Русский Народный Хор Оренбургский государственный академический русский народный хор The first concert of the Chorus took place in 1958, under the direction of the artistic director [a1848533] (Yakov Khokhlov), who was working closely with [a1848535] (Lyudmila Raikova). 1997 it was awarded the title "Academic".
Search Add 25 LICK DA CAT Aleksey Babich & Nikolay Balenkov EDM duo from Kazan
Search Add 25 Poul Petersen Poul Erik Petersen Poul Petersen (b. 15 October 1948, d. 2002) was a Danish drummer and founding member of Danish teenyboppers [a924500] 1960-1966. In the early 1980s, he had a brief solo career as Poul. He was the uncle of co-founders, brothers [a907866] and [a924497].
Search Add 25 Jun Gray 高橋淳 (Takahashi Jun) Japanese bass player
Search Add 25 Departamento Gráfico DRO-GASA
Search Add 25 Garech A Brún Garech de Brún / Garech Browne Garech de Brún, alternately Garech a Brún or Garech Browne, (1939–2018) was an Irish art collector and patron of Irish arts, in particular traditional Irish music. One of the founders of the label [l=Claddagh Records] in 1959.
Search Add 25 Connor McMullen Connor McMullen A guy that makes funny music of various genres. He is from Pennsylvania, United States.
Search Add 25 Distorted Robocops Данила Рубцов (Danila Rubtsov) Russian electronic dance music DJ / producer from Novosibirsk Styles: Hard House | Hard Dance
Search Add 25 Puissance 8
Search Add 25 Orchestre Yvon Alain
Search Add 25 El Super Trio El Súper Trío Puerto Rican trío created in 1969 (bolero style), with Luis Valentín (lead vocals), Juan Alicea (first guitar), Eterio Cruz (2nd guitar)
Search Add 25 Владимир Горячих
Search Add 25 Nicolei Martin Aagaard Rasmussen Nicolei Martin Aagaard Rasmussen Danish bassist
Search Add 25 Mikko Reinikka
Search Add 25 AJENT LIDA
Search Add 25 Hannelore Pilss-Samek
Search Add 25 Anderson Thomas Design, Inc. Team of designers and illustrators, based in Nashville, TN. Established in 1993 by [a=Joel Anderson (6)] and [a=David Thomas (42)]. After retirement of [a=David Thomas (42)], name changed into [a=Anderson Design Group]
Search Add 25 N/Y Inc.
Search Add 25 Andrei Balanchivadze ანდრია ბალანჩივაძე Andria Balanchivadze - Georgian composer. 1906—1992.
Search Add 25 The Royal Viennese Symphonic Orchestra A bogus name - the title would be in German, and "Imperial" would be the closest translation, at least until 1918, when the Austro-Hungarian Empire ended... It appears to be a name of convenience for American labels releasing LPs with no other credits for recording artists.
Search Add 25 Kisaku Nasu Tower Records Japan Inc.
Search Add 25 Макка Сагаипова Макка Умаровна Сагаипова
Search Add 25 Laimutis Purvinis
Search Add 25 Mia Segolsson
Search Add 25 Prvo Beogradsko Pevačko Društvo
Search Add 25 Anvil Kvlt Underground METAL ART from Hungary. anvilkvlt@gmail.com
Search Add 25 John Wilfahrt's Concertina Orchestra New Ulm, Minnesota, USA... Migrated to St Paul, Minnesota, USA in 1925.
Search Add 25 Angelo De Robertis Angelo Colciago Dj in in 80s and 90s. Corrently manager of italian broacasting radio 105 Network.
Search Add 25 Brian Longley English manager and producer who started working with [a=Christie], and later with acts like [a=The Marmalade] and [a=The Move]. He worked for the management agency [a8076087], who notoriously managed [a=Imagination] in the 1980s. He died in a car accident in the 1990s.
Search Add 25 Felix Nutz Musician, recording, mastering and cutting engineer located in Germany (EU). Felix is actually known for working for the manufacturer / pressing plant [l=Flight 13 Duplication] and occasionally with [l=24-96 Mastering]. His works in combination with these companies can be detected with an etched ‘FN’ on the run-out grooves. In this case, please add a credit: Lacquer Cut By Felix Nutz + anv FN.
Search Add 25 Øivind Tønnesen Øivind Fritjof Tønnesen Born in oslo 1917 and died in Oslo 1967. Organist and composer
Search Add 25 Makiko Okada
Search Add 25 Государственная Академическая Хоровая Капелла БССР The State Academic Capella, also known as Grigori Shirma's State Academic Choir (Государственная академическая хоровая капелла Республики Беларусь им. Г. Ширмы), is the oldest Belorussian choral ensemble, founded by [url=https://discogs.com/artist/2087952]Grigori Romanovich Shirma[/url] in November 1939, at the time when Western Belarus reunited with Belorussian SSR. Originally the choir was named Белорусский ансамбль песни и танца, since 1950: Государственный академический хор Белорусской ССР, since 1957: Государственная академическая хоровая капелла БССР, and finally in 1978 it was named after Grigory Shirma. From 1956-1965 [a5170270] (Viktor Rovdo) was the Chief Choir Master and Conductor of the choir. For the women's group, please use: [a7598590] For the men's group, please use: [a10932281] They had been performing around the USSR, and later in Belarus, Russia, Germany, Spain, Italy, Lithuania, Poland, Estonia, Austria, Netherlands, Denmark, France, Belgium, and Luxembourg. The choir took part in the Olympic Games cultural program at the [l=Gran Teatre del Liceu] in Barcelona. Capella received Grand Prix at the Church Music International Festival in Hajnowka, Poland. Many prominent conductors had been performing with the Capella, including [a=Mariss Jansons], [a=Timur Mynbaev], [url=https://discogs.com/artist/1389691]Victor Dubrovsky[/url], [a=Saulius Sondeckis], [a=Gennadi Prowatorow], [a=Juozas Domarkas], [a=Vitali Kataev], [a=Yuri Tsiryuk], [a=Oleg Yanchenko], [a=Alexander Dmitriev (2)], and [url=https://discogs.com/artist/4166116]Alexander Anisimov[/url].
Search Add 25 キャニオン・オーケストラ Canyon Orchestra
Search Add 25 UNWA Semen Holodkov (Семён Холодков) Electronic music producer and musician from Russia, Naberezhnye Chelny.
Search Add 25 Lanrewaju Adepoju
Search Add 25 Frique
Search Add 25 Los Claudios Argentinian pop band in the 1960s
Search Add 25 Kurt Rehfeld German composer and arranger, born 14 January 1920 in Aufhausen, Germany, died 15 December 2011 in Creglingen, Germany.
Search Add 25 David Matthews Trio US jazz trio with different lineups founded by [a386834].
Search Add 25 واروژان واروژان هاخباندیان (Varoujan Hakhbandian ) Varoujan (1936 - 1977) was an Iranian songwriter, composer and arranger of Armenian descent.
Search Add 25 Artiva Design
Search Add 25 Ernst J. Backman Icelandic graphic artist, designed most sleeves for [l=Steinar] and was especially prolific as an album designer between the late 70's and early 90's
Search Add 25 Ha Choon-Hwa
Search Add 25 Reklamekompagniet
Search Add 25 Michele Grassani Michele Rave Grassani NOISE / AVANT-GARDE musical project from the city of Pavia (Italia) and runs by the curious musician Michele Rave Grassani. Grassani plays in Thysanura since 2010 and make a kind of mixture of: noise, industrial, ambient, drone…and more things from his own imagination. The Thysanura´s sound is really lo fi, crude, rude, junk, trashy and totally "old school Industrial" style. Michele ("Mikele" pronounced in italian) make music in another personal projects such as: Canis Dirus Militia, Senza Nome, Eukaryota and Michael Palmer. And with these projects he experimented with another musical styles such as: martial industrial, field recordings, dub, tapes manipulation, free improvisatin and much more. Nowadays we can affirm he is one of the most interesting musicians in the italian experimental music scene.
Search Add 25 Nuala Productions Inc.
Search Add 25 Cecco La Notte
Search Add 25 Zomba Design
Search Add 25 Léon Cabat Léon Cabat and [a=Charles Delaunay] founded the record label [l=Disques Vogue].
Search Add 25 John Michael Tucker
Search Add 25 Matty Russell
Search Add 25 Darrin Chandler
Search Add 25 Cy Levitan
Search Add 25 Het Nieuw Rotterdams Toneel
Search Add 25 Die Fröhliche Markt Musikanten
Search Add 25 Owen Foley Owen Foley
Search Add 25 Руслан Малаев
Search Add 25 Georgie Cook Cleveland, Ohio banjo, bandleader
Search Add 25 Mesa Lanes Mesa Lanes was originally known as Dodge Dart. Nicky "Fidget" Sjobeck Lead Vocals & Lead Guitar Duke Seino Lead Guitar & Vocals Ian McNeil Drums Jon Gossard Bass & Vocals Audrey Sjobeck Lead Vocals
Search Add 25 Milt Matthews Inc. 1970's interracial soul-rock band lead by Milt Matthews. Band Members were : Randalll Burney -- lead guitar (1971) - Tommy Byrd -- drums, percussion (1971) - Norman Harrison -- keyboards (1971) - Johnny Ingram -- drums, percussion (1978) - Timmy Ingram -- percussion (1978) - Frank Jackson -- bass (1978) - Bob Johnson -- keyboards (1978) - Carl Matthews -- bass (1971) - Landy McNeal -- percussion (1978) - George Pettus -- keyboards (1978) - Fred Wells - guitar (1978) - Milt Matthews -- vocals, rhythm guitar (1971 - )
Search Add 25 Yrjö Jyrinkoski Finnish poetry reciter. Born May 17, 1920 – Died November 7,1981.
Search Add 25 Unify Separate Synth-pop duo from Stockholm, Sweden
Search Add 25 Matt Heize
Search Add 25 Chris Daresta
Search Add 25 Phantom Boy Eduardo Gonzalez Phantom Boy May 17, 1973 Caracas, Venezuela - USA Occupation: Singer / Songwriter / Actor / Dancer / Records Music Producer Years active 1989–present.
Search Add 25 Grupo Audaz De Rigo Dominguez
Search Add 25 Angela Deane Baltimore based artist.
Search Add 25 Punksy Sergey Orlov Graphic artist from Kingisepp, Russia.
Search Add 25 Grupo Vennus de Aguililla Michoacán
Search Add 25 PJP Grax
Search Add 25 Wes Winship Wes Winship Minneapolis graphic designer for [l=Burlesque Design]. Putting his craft on record covers and cd's.
Search Add 25 Auguste De Anthony
Search Add 25 Curtiss Carpenter Engineer, Editor, Entertainer, DJ, Radio And TV Production (Pre And Post). His family owns and produces the Carolina Beach Music Awards honoring the best in Soul, Rhythm And Blues, Carolina Beach Music.
Search Add 25 سعید جلوانی
Search Add 25 Susann Landert Swiss classical wind instrumentalist (bassoon).
Search Add 25 W. J. Mähler Joseph Willibrord Mähler German painter (born 1778, Koblenz-Ehrenbreitstein – died 20 June 1860, Vienna, Austria), most famous for his portraits of [a=Ludwig van Beethoven].
Search Add 25 Ivory Child Ragofa Kamogelo Mphela Afro House / Organic House DJ producer based in Johannesburg, South Africa "Let's Make The World Dance" I am "Ragofa Kamogelo Mphela" wellknown as "Ivory Child" and I am a Versatile House DJ/Producer Contact: aminitumgmt@gmail.com
Search Add 25 Guido Schöning
Search Add 25 David Dagley Photographer
Search Add 25 Aerosol Constellations
Search Add 25 W. Dale Cramer
Search Add 25 Frank Brait Multi-task artist from Rome. Founder of the artist collective Misto Mame in 2016.
Search Add 25 Neubau Berlin™
Search Add 25 Qd Design
Search Add 25 Augusto Zapata Cumbia composer, arranger, pianist, singer (Venezuelan ?)
Search Add 25 Osmyo
Search Add 25 Clark McClellan Clark McClellan US orchestra conductor, arranger Born in Grand Rapids, Michigan, Clark attended the Michigan State Teachers College, where he spent most of his time at the Conservatory Of Music. He had played the piano ever since he was six, had entered the Berger School of Music three years later, and had studied there for seven years; he had organized his first orchestra during high school days and had continued his musical activities at college, studying to become a teacher. He perfected himself in such technical matters as musicology, counterpoint, advanced harmony, and orchestration, until he entered the service of the Merchant Marines. After a period of conducting and broadcasting, McClellan became musical coordinator and pianist on the Kay Kyser and Jack Haley TV shows Spelled with a "D" on [l=Cricket (2)] releases, see [a=Clark McClelland]
Search Add 25 Nui Graffngraph Designer who appears on German releases. NUI stands for New Urban Instincts.
Search Add 25 Danfort Griffiths Engineer.
Search Add 25 Dry Eyes Chicago, Illinois
Search Add 25 Noxize Tim Van Gucht Hardcore Dj/Producer from Antwerp, Belgium.
Search Add 25 Kapelle Toggeburgerbuebe Swiss folk music (Volksmusik) ensemble from Brunnadern, Switzerland.
Search Add 25 3.A.M Again Gloucester, Massachusetts
Search Add 25 Екатерина Юровская Екатерина Николаевна Юровская (Панкратова) = Ekaterina Nikolaevna Yurovskaya (Pankratova) (1886, Kiev - 1949) She sang folk songs, songs of contemporary composers. But the real element and love of the singer were old romances, in the performance of which she found her true vocation.
Search Add 25 Viido Polikarpus
Search Add 25 www.OCHEDA.nl Valentin Ocheda
Search Add 25 Slow Process Experimental noise-poetry duo formed in May 2014 in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.
Search Add 25 Habib Painter Qawwal
Search Add 25 Johnny Finke African American songwriter. [a301998]'s main songwriting partner in the 1950's.
Search Add 25 Owiti Origo
Search Add 25 Matthew Pop Matthew DeGroat Beacon, New York New York based, power-pop singer/songwriter and record producer. In 2006, Matthew Pop released his debut LP, The Great Demise. Despite the defeatist title, Pop has been a strong and prevalent force in the NYC rock scene ever since. Combining high energy power-pop with emotionally charged lyrics, Pop’s unique sound and voice has garnered him a devoted, close-knit group of fans, despite his indie status. His near constant output from his debut up until his last full record, Avalanche, has shown Pop to be one of the most resourceful and hardworking independent musicians in New York. His break-out song, “Lights Out”, was featured on the hit UK show, “Skins” (Season 2, episode 6) and provided him the opportunity to bring his music over the pond in May of 2014, for an international tour. Now, in 2015, with five albums under his belt, Pop seeks to return to the music scene with his sixth album, which will be another studio affair, akin to The Great Demise and his fourth album, Reinventing the Cosmos. Between album releases, Pop has managed his label, Drink More Records, and started an indie rock podcast called “Nothing’s Going To Happen”.
Search Add 25 Andy Deas
Search Add 25 Angela Bermuda Angela Garrick
Search Add 25 Patrick Meads Former label manager of [l=Trojan Records]. Owner of the label [l=Big One Records] and publishing companies [l=Big World Publishing] and [l=Music Like Dirt].
Search Add 25 Alex Wealands
Search Add 25 Formația Profesional Romanian lăutărească band from Târgoviște
Search Add 25 宝塚管弦楽団 Translated as Takarazuka Orchestra. The orchestra attached to [a4994481]. Renamed to 宝塚歌劇オーケストラ (Takarazuka Revue Orchestra) in 2000.
Search Add 25 Pankra Design studio located in The Hague, Kampen and Meppel, The Netherlands.
Search Add 25 Dylan Metrano
Search Add 25 Jindřich Straka Jindřich Straka Czech recording engineer.
Search Add 25 Frank Serious Francesco Seri Italian techno and electronic music composer based in Rome, Italy. He attends the Conservatory – department of electronic music (contemporary composition).
Search Add 25 Lázaro Muñiz Lázaro Herrera Muñiz Mexican songwriter, producer
Search Add 25 Bahar Büyükkavir Graphic Designer currently based in Zurich.
Search Add 25 HEIN+KLEIN HEIN+KLEIN alias [a=Thome Hein]. Thanks to his gift for adventurous soundscapes and open hearted melodies, German electronic music producer HEIN+KLEIN has become a fan favorite and inspired listeners around the world. Over several full length albums, singles, and remixes, he is emerging as an inimitable voice in modern electronic music. Now, as he prepares to release the most ambitious music of his career, HEIN+KLEIN is poised to reach a larger audience than ever before. Born Thome Hein in Mönchengladbach, Germany, HEIN+KLEIN launched his career after a three year stint at The Groove Institute. His first major breakthrough came with the single ‘Sun Goes Down,’ which charted in ten countries across Europe, setting the stage for his international presence. 2015 saw the release of his first full length, the warm and explorational ‘The Future Garage.’ He continued to evolve on the following year’s ‘Sunrise,’ then embarked on a series of increasingly well received singles and remixes, several of which have streaming numbers in the millions. Over the course of his career, HEIN+KLEIN has established himself as a true original. He continues to write and record music at a prolific pace, winning new fans over with every release. With new tracks planned ongoing, HEIN+KLEIN is well on his way to creating a lasting legacy in dance music. Sascha [b]Klein[/b]ert was leaving the group in 2012.
Search Add 25 guruArt
Search Add 25 Ben Tallent Engineer
Search Add 25 Bocón Frascino Osvaldo Frascino Argentinian rock bassist (1950-2020).
Search Add 25 Andrea Cofrancesco Andrea Cofrancesco Italian producer devoted to Italo Disco.
Search Add 25 Marco Gallerani Music Selector / DJ Hell Yeah Recordings Owner Balearic Gabba Sound System Founder Former A&R at Mantra Vibes / Mantra Breaks International Affair at Expanded Music 1996-2008
Search Add 25 Parranda Cuasquias Musical group from Gran Canaria, Canary Islands, Spain.
Search Add 25 Kirill Makushin Кирилл Макушин (Kirill Makushin) Founder and ex member of the musical bands and projects "My Failure", "Crows In The Garden", "When We Live", "[existence_sounds]" and "Fake Cats Project".
Search Add 25 I Cut People I Cut People is a sampled-based audio and video project started in 2005 and currently based in Minnesota. Hours of television programs, commercials, and movies are sampled and remixed, building new and transformative works of art. The audio cut-ups are constructed from hours of vocal samples which have been rearranged and crafted formulating barrages of fierce polemics.
Search Add 25 Fahem Fahem Mohand Saïd Kabyle Algerian singer-songwriter, born March 11, 1954 in Tizi Ouzou, Algeria.
Search Add 25 Walter Mameli
Search Add 25 De'Andre AKA Bigg Khrisco
Search Add 25 Dance Ecstasy 2001 Entry of the label [l=Dance Ecstasy 2001] for artistic credits.
Search Add 25 Cliff Richey Jr. US-american executive producer/manager.
Search Add 25 Puspa Nada, Sibu A band originating from Sibu, Sarawak.
Search Add 25 Kosta Plakalović
Search Add 25 Orquestra Los Cubanacans A Brazilian orchestra, active in the 1960s, which performed boleros and other romantic musical genres from the Caribbean.
Search Add 25 Scooter Haslip John Haslip American bassist.
Search Add 25 William R. Emerson William Robert Emerson Rhythm 'n' blues singer, songwriter, producer and label owner. Born on 21 December 1925 in Tarpon Springs, Florida, USA.
Search Add 25 Angelika Schnell-Dürrast Photographer, designer.
Search Add 25 Trance Ferhat Ferhat Akkaya Trance producer from Ankara, Turkey.
Search Add 25 Anna Leonardi Graphical artist. Director of [l398468].
Search Add 25 Patrick Jaque Born in Antwerp (Belgium), nicknamed "The Troubadour". Jaque started singing 1958 in Barcelona. He spent six months in Liban at the Hotel Pan American company. Afterwards, he returned to Barcelona and worked for 10 years at Las Vegas Club and then the Hotel Papagaya and the Hotel Cap Sa Sal (Begur). In the 1960s, he was famous for the song "Sailor" in Spanish.
Search Add 25 Ekkehard Plötz German coordinator, producer and distributor, Wiesbaden Worked for [l6800] and [l151489] as a marketing manager
Search Add 25 Mafalda Melim
Search Add 25 John W. Peters
Search Add 25 Ronin Kilgannon
Search Add 25 Bill Browder William Neal Browder Austin, Texas multi-instrumentalist and songwriter
Search Add 25 Pete Onthecorner Pete Buckenham British DJ and writer; founder and manager of [l=On The Corner Records].
Search Add 25 Δημήτρης Βερύκοκος
Search Add 25 Jungėnų Kaimo Kapela
Search Add 25 Jerome Ducrot Photographer.
Search Add 25 Lam Morrison
Search Add 25 Raro S.L. RaRo S.L. Spanish design company founded by [a1876261]. For company credits use [l416672].
Search Add 25 Aykut Sporel
Search Add 25 MC80 Graphic Design
Search Add 25 Indiscutible Super Dynamic Salsa, merengue group from Curaçao
Search Add 25 Craig Howell Artist, illustrator, art director and graphic designer. Owns and runs [l786345]. Currently resides in up-state New York, USA
Search Add 25 Koor o.l.v. Jan Theelen
Search Add 25 M. Makowska Polish photographer
Search Add 25 The Grandells The Grandells comprised of Chito Sibayan formerly of the Lumberjacks (lead vocalist/rhythm guitar), Dong Gica (bass guitar/vocals), Roger Cantor (keyboards/vocals), Edwin Bunales (lead guitar/vocals), Horacio ‘Baby’ Jongko (2nd lead guitar/vocals) and Dodie Sta. Rita (drums/vocals).
Search Add 25 Max Gazzola
Search Add 25 Hargi Csik Hargi Csík Budapest-based graphic designer
Search Add 25 Judi Sheppard Missett Judi Sheppard Missett, founder and CEO of Jazzercise
Search Add 25 I Romagnoli
Search Add 25 daMFmastermind Rob Rotandi Producer, Audio Engineer, Sound Designer, Songwriter, Vocalist, Composer, Graphic Design & Marketing Management
Search Add 25 Simon Römer German visual artist
Search Add 25 Randy Tchik French beatmaker and dj from Orléans
Search Add 25 Carlos Masoch
Search Add 25 Bi Ribeiro Felipe de Nóbrega Ribeiro Brazilian bassist and songwriter. Best known for his work at rock band [a360329].
Search Add 25 MC Age-O Adrian Smith UK Hardcore MC and producer from Plymouth, UK.
Search Add 25 King's Military Band
Search Add 25 Jon Luna Juan José Verdú Luna Spanish New Age Artist
Search Add 25 Toowill Wilmer Travagliati DJ and electronic music producer based in London.
Search Add 25 Sincerely, Iris Charlotte, North Carolina Sincerely, Iris consists of singer/songwriter Todd Murray. He has a sound that can be summed up best as “road trip music.” It’s a style that’s always changing, and always moving along. Whether it be gypsy-esque or like Kerouac's beat up old truck, shaking down the road at midnight, it is at once comforting, and somewhat unknown. He draws upon influences from Jeff Buckley to Billie Holiday.
Search Add 25 Farmer Dan Barry Doyle Irish Country/Comedy singer.
Search Add 25 Zespół Instrumentalny Pod Kierownictwem Tadeusza Suchockiego
Search Add 25 ZYXOMN
Search Add 25 www.defacethis.com Deface Graphics Graphic design and photography.
Search Add 25 Don Kamerer Credited with liner notes on 1980s [l=Chess] reissues.
Search Add 25 Bob Zipkin
Search Add 25 Georges Collange George Collange French musicologist, promoter and publisher of American rock music. Born 10/01/1946 in Lyon (France). Also mastering engineer at [l=Magnum International].
Search Add 25 Michał Porwet Polish producer.
Search Add 25 Napred U Prošlost Serbian alter-rock/punk band from Banatsko Novo Selo formed in 1984 in former Yugoslavia. Members: Livius Pavlov Kudža - guitar, vocals Zoran Jović Đavo - drums, vocals Dićke - bass (1984-1985) Savo Andić Mate - bass (1986-1996) Nandor Ljubanović Kiklop - lyrics, rhythm guitar, bass, synth (1985-1998) Jon Gracijan - bass (1998-1999) Branko Radonjić - bass Branislav Gluvakov Tubaćin - bass, vocals (performs occasionally)
Search Add 25 W. H. Keith Young
Search Add 25 Claude Bravi
Search Add 25 Ombre Cinesi Italian MC and producer based in Zurich
Search Add 25 Lord Vondur
Search Add 25 Pete Lofthouse Band
Search Add 25 Vagskee Vag Eritsian Dj/artist, beatmaker, sound producer and musical activist with a large collection of vinyl records! My crew are organizers of the international hip hop festival "Yalta Summer Jam", where my main contribution is the "Beatmakers Battle"! Bands and collabs which were I represent previously and are involved now - the South DJs / Beatlow / Su.Pro / Seven Hours Later and my hometown cats - South Front .
Search Add 25 Orchester Ferdy Klein
Search Add 25 Lethal Liquid DJ's
Search Add 25 Пётр Капустин Пётр Константинович Капустин Born - 21.05.1937 Painter
Search Add 25 Djurdja Flerè Slovenian dramaturge, translator and director, born April 14, 1921 in Ptuj, died May 24, 1992 in Ljubljana.
Search Add 25 Алексей Иващенко И Георгий Васильев Russian folk (bard) singer/songwriter duo, often referred to as "Иваси" (Ivasi).
Search Add 25 Therealmueseum Designer, video artist from Canada.
Search Add 25 Liane Covi Liane Jacqueline Maria Haus Swiss Schlager singer, Born 10 November 1948 in Zurich, Switzerland.
Search Add 25 Bedow Swedish design and branding studio based in Stockholm. Bedow Krukmakargatan 22 118 51 Stockholm, Sweden +46 8 720 34 00 info@bedow.se
Search Add 25 Hermit's Productions Ltd. Production credit associated with [a238691]. See also [l1108665] and [l2960366] when credited as "produced for."
Search Add 25 Andrew Reizuch American hardcore punk musician and record label owner ([l255859]).
Search Add 25 Fredy Pulver Family Swiss folk music group.
Search Add 25 Combined Graphics
Search Add 25 Ded Ass Ded Associates For shortened name credits, see [a1901036] Located in Sheffield, England DED Associates Ltd. 99 Mary Street, Sheffield S1 4RT Contact number: 00 44 114 273 1799
Search Add 25 Todd Stapleton Todd Stapleton is a self-taught composer and multi-instrumentalist from Arizona. His works are a conglomeration of several schools of sound: modern electronics and processing; sonic abstraction and the cacophonous texture; calculated improvisation and minimalism; and elements of pensive ambient composition. Through his works, Todd focuses on transcending conventional instrumental approaches and deviates from the cliche to create worlds of sound that combine both spacious beauty and deliberate pattern. Todd Stapleton works with simple constructs and minimal parameters, exploring one or two ideas over an extended duration and patiently dissecting every nuance and reverberation. Todd has been recording under pseudonym Flock From Spokane since 2001 in which he has explored the sonic abstraction of the guitar, organic instrumentation and subtle electronics. His inaugural release as Todd Stapleton was the epic seventy-five minute piece Requiem For A Dying Sea, released in June of 2017.
Search Add 25 Yoshihisa Noma
Search Add 25 Steve Pross Music executive and A&R man who worked at [l391660] and [l567645]
Search Add 25 Jake Doell Canadian country music singer, songwriter, guitarist, producer and record company executive from British Columbia. Started in the music industry in 1957 hosting a radio program on Chilliwack's CHWK. Produced his first record in 1961, recorded in a strawberry picker's shack in the Fraser Valley. Worked as a session guitarist and headed his own outfits through the next 40+ years. Founder, President and Managing Director of [l1568673] Publishing Company established in 1969. Success that year with co-writer [a3208385] (with whom he would continue a long-running songwriting partnership) brought him to the attention of [a3854705] who employed him often as a producer at [l1272073]. Founded publishing company [l1464326] in 1971 at the same time he founded the [l561723] label with partner [a4931769]. After Prawn folded, became chief producer for [l595505] and then soon after became main house producer for [l906110] and its labels [l801920] and [l199898].. Inducted into the British Columbia Country Music Hall of Fame in 2006.
Search Add 25 Marexon
Search Add 25 Christian Doering Designer.
Search Add 25 Alphonso Bailey Jamaican reggae producer from the 1970's, record store owner also working as a plater at Dynamic Sounds. Ran the [l195123], [l323955], [l560636], [l=World Champ TKO] and [l323965] labels.
Search Add 25 Karel Van Der Kemp
Search Add 25 Sergio Lemke
Search Add 25 Ilda de Castro
Search Add 25 Lee Simeone Lee Jason Simeone Musician, producer and label owner, from Rochford, Essex, England. Born 20 March 1980. On the [l27904] roster from 2008 until 2012, when he set up his own [l204794]. Following the release of his solo album in 2010 he began various musical collaborations. In mid 2014 he started producing and mastering. In 2015, Simon became the executive producer of the documentary "You Better Take Cover". He is a member of staff at Rock 'n' Roll Rescue in Parkway, Camden which aims to support local food banks & mental health charities. The music charity shop is owned by [a342567] founder member of [a263832]. Lee Simeone is a also member of Neurofibromatosis Inc. (a non-profit organisation working towards Neurofibromatosis patient support) and supports the charity by making donations from his releases. He is also involved with supporting The Depression Alliance & Turning Point (charity).
Search Add 25 Marcel Defives
Search Add 25 Humberto Howard
Search Add 25 Davide Disanto Davide Disanto Italian DJ and producer based in Bari.
Search Add 25 The South Jazzband
Search Add 25 www.trebbe.com
Search Add 25 Nikola Stefanov Nikola Stefanov Serbian clarinet/saxophone player.
Search Add 25 Sea.envy Clayton Brooks Founder of netlabel [l=Manifest Northwest Recordings], based in Hillsboro, Oregon, USA. NOTE: sea.envy is not capitalized.
Search Add 25 حسین صمدی Hussein Samadi is an Iranian composer.
Search Add 25 Carlos Alvarado C. Nicaraguan producer, also appears as Carlos Alvarado
Search Add 25 Etim Udo Nigerian sound engineer who worked at [l531481] and later [l1553438].
Search Add 25 Aljarafe
Search Add 25 Cullen Gallagher
Search Add 25 Waziri Oshomah Isah Sule Alhaji Isah Sule known as Sir Waziri Oshomah was born in Osomegbe Ekperi on the 12th February, 1948 by the famous Muslim Drummer "Meikidi" Chief Sule Oshomah Adikhale, the Waziri Daudu and Seriki Muslumi of Osomegbe Ekperi, the title next to the Village Head. He was the Band Leader of the Osomegbe-Ekperi Primary School Band. He worked with the State Government Agencies and Private Companies before forming his Band in July 1973.
Search Add 25 The Melody Four Quartet
Search Add 25 Fabio Spini Italo Dance Producer
Search Add 25 Terry Lee Jenkins Marie Therese Leahy In 1960, [a=Bill Meeks (2)] came up with the idea of creating a standard 1:30 music bed, entitled “My Home Town” (in the “Sound of the City” – Series 16 jingle package). The song bed, written by Euel Box, was pitched to radio stations from Abilene to Winston-Salem. Localized lyrics would be penned by the jocks, or other staffers, which would then be performed by Jenkins, for the custom jingle. It’s estimated that there are over 100 different versions of “My Home Town.” Variations on her name have included “Terry Lea,” “Terry Lee,” “Terry Lea Jenkins,” and “Terry Lee Jenkins.”
Search Add 25 Niko Vazquez Nicolás Vázquez Spanish bass player, founder of [a1114893] and [a2706486]. Brother of [a1671455] and [a1137743] members [a1920283] and [a1920278].
Search Add 25 Bettina Sefkow Visual artist from Germany born 1955 in Göttingen Training at the [l481472] and the [l765637] Projects, exhibitions, lectures and publications since 1979 Lives and works in Hamburg
Search Add 25 Davidelfin Diego David Domínguez González Spanish fashion designer (1970-2017).
Search Add 25 Columbia Saxophone Sextette The Columbia Saxophone Sextette (originally credited as Saxo Sextette) released 46 titles for [l=Columbia] between early 1917 and 1921. The Saxo Sextette was Columbia's answer to Victor's immensely popular [a=Six Brown Brothers (2)]. It comprised three altos, a tenor, a baritone, and a bass saxophone. The first 6 titles were recorded in November 1916, but apparently with mixed results, because none of these takes was ever released. Further recording sessions in January and February 1917 proved more satisfactory, and the first ten titles came out in late April 1917 ("Bull Frog Blues" and "Swanee Ripples" on Columbia A2194, "American Patrol" and "Call of a Nation" on Columbia A2195, "Policy King March" and "All Blues Medley" on Columbia A2196, "Katinka" and "Poor Butterfly" on Columbia A2203, and "Miss Springtime" and "Follow Me" on Columbia A2205).
Search Add 25 Petra Peterffy Designer - Illustrator - Animator, based in Berlin (Germany).
Search Add 25 Ardha Lepa Indonesian artist.
Search Add 25 Francesc Vaz
Search Add 25 Joe Gordon Folk Four
Search Add 25 Mauricio UM Maurício Alves dos Santos DJ and Brazilian electronic music producer, Paunchy Cat Records owner
Search Add 25 Gabriele Del Barba Gabriele Marco Del Barba Italian producer and label owner. He is the founder of [l=Farm S.r.l.]. Not to be confused with [a=Marco Del Barba].
Search Add 25 Артур Макарьев Артур Валерьянович Макарьев Soviet and Russian journalist. 01/11/1946 - 28/05/2010
Search Add 25 Ron Anaman American bassist and vocalist.
Search Add 25 Chester Synmoie Jamaican Producer Run [l135241], [l887125], [l804288] and [l1184161] Labels
Search Add 25 Phil Kahl Philip F. Kolsky American record label, owner, producer, manager, and talent scout. Born 10 October 1916, Poland Died 13 March 2000, Boca Raton, Florida. He was married to singer/actress [a1230706]. Phil joined Santly-Joy Music in 1944, and managed Disney's east coast music publishing before forming a music publishing combine (Planetary, Kahl, and Patricia Music) in 1954 with club-owner Morris Levy. He began publishing firm [l783800] with [a253385] in 1963. In addition to publishing, it also did production and talent management. He owned and operated [l243016] with his brother, Joe Kolsky. Phil and Joe also helped co-found [l12201]. Phil produced many of the artists on his label and also served as the A&R man. Their most successful artistic find for the label was Ronnie Dove.
Search Add 25 Ian Thornell
Search Add 25 Charles Greywolf David Vogt Bass player, guitarist, producer and engineer, born 5 September 1975 in Berus, Saarland, West Germany. Owner of [l=Studio Greywolf]. He's married to [a=Helen Vogt].
Search Add 25 روانبخش Ravanbakhsh was an Iranian singer.
Search Add 25 György Farkas
Search Add 25 Caner Tepecik
Search Add 25 WYCZ
Search Add 25 王瑞霞 王碧霞 Taiwanese singer, born in Taichung, Taiwan on September 26, 1968.
Search Add 25 Fiatal Veterán Gergő Matola Rapper from Tatabánya, Hungary.
Search Add 25 Schweizer Armeespiel The "Schweizer Armeespiel" currently consists of 4 different formations (Symphonic Wind Orchestra, Swiss Army Central Band, Swiss Army Brass Band und Swiss Army Big Band). Using the name "Swiss Army Band" they take part in events on domestic territory as well as abroad.
Search Add 25 Temple Of Tiermes Finnish esoteric ritual industrial noise group in existence since 1995 . Formed by Jarkko Toivonen and Mikko Aspa. Using various instruments and objects such as guitars, analogue synths, metal percussions and junk metal, they create an original meld of sounds taking its roots from ritual / industrial / noise and industrial music . Lineup 1995 - Jarkko Toivonen, Mikko Aspa Lineup 1996 - present : Jarkko Toivonen, Hannu Saarnos
Search Add 25 Pamby Dick George Dick
Search Add 25 Mehdi Vaezzadeh
Search Add 25 Paul Da Kutt Paul Evans Hardcore/Breakbeat/House DJ & producer from London, UK. He got his name of "Paul Da Kutt" from his day job as a vinyl mastering & cutting engineer @ [l287488] (East End, London).
Search Add 25 Duo Castellazzo Gallizio
Search Add 25 Jan Kloss
Search Add 25 Leftm
Search Add 25 Karel Knechtl Karel Knechtl Czech reissue producer and expert on Czech pop/rock music, formerly also rock vocalist and keyboardist, DJ, music writer, as well as professional theater, film and TV actor. Born 23 October 1950 in Prague (former Czechoslovakia), died 22 December 2001 in Prague.
Search Add 25 Guy Roy Lareinty Producer, creator of the [l94945] label with his wife.
Search Add 25 Keiko Masuda Keiko Kuwaki, previously known as "Kei" of '70s Japanese Pop duo [a=Pink Lady].
Search Add 25 Alexandru Hegyesi Romanian musician from Timișoara
Search Add 25 DJ Lovesupreme
Search Add 25 Roy Mayne Alexander
Search Add 25 Móczán Péter Móczán Péter Hungarian composer, bass guitarist, performer and producer. Born: November 4, 1951, Szeged, Hungary
Search Add 25 Bill Seabrook Songwriter and producer. Owner of [l=Seabrook Int'l Corp], [l376127], the [l=Black Falcon] and [l=Falcon's Roost] labels.
Search Add 25 Orosz Zoltán Budapest, Hungary accordion
Search Add 25 Henkel Irie
Search Add 25 Marton Frigyes Marton Frigyes Hungarian director and theater director. Born: 17 June, 1928 (Budapest, Hungary) Died: 29 August, 2002 (Budapest, Hungary)
Search Add 25 Тихомир Ћурчић Tihomir Ćurčić, accordion player
Search Add 25 Squicciarini Samuele Squicciarini Italian DJ and producer.
Search Add 25 Neşe Can
Search Add 25 Gavin Moffat
Search Add 25 Nicola Mazzocca Born and raised in Caserta (Italy) in 1978, member of the crust-punk Dissciorda band from 1997 to 1999, then founder member of italian experimental pop cult underground band Klippa Kloppa.
Search Add 25 W!SS وسام عطية (Wissam Attieh) DJ & Producer from Lebanon
Search Add 25 Deep Stars Collide Deep Stars Collide is an avant-garde experimental rock band from Scotland, UK. The music is also influenced by new wave, post-punk and indy pop.
Search Add 25 CMC Design Studio
Search Add 25 Tebaldo Tebaldo Simionato Brazilian designer.
Search Add 25 Grupo El Mexicano Mexican band founded in 1973.
Search Add 25 Orchestre Les Thu Zahina Band founded in 1967 by students in Kinshasa. This band is known for adding of groovy and funky elements in Congolese rumba : " Soukous " style was born. Vocalists : [a=Denis Bonyeme] (1967-1974) [a=Bruno Bonyeme] (1967-1973) [a=Dezzy Bokanga] (1967-1972) [a=Abeli Kelly] (1968-1973) Biluala Hendryx (1968-1973) Franck Muntuana (1968-1974) "Juslin" [a=Ghislain Makanga] (1969-1972) Eddie KASSES (1969-1971) Dieudonné MOTO « James » (1969-1971) MANDALA (1970-1972) Soulemane MAKITU (1970-1974) Guitarists : Olivier TSHOMBA « Sawa » (1967-1968) Solo Bona NDEBO (1967-1968) Bass Robot TUMBA (1967-1973) Rythmic Gérard « Gégé » YOKA MANGAYA (1968-1974) Bass [a=Roxy Tshimpaka] / solo (1968-1972) [a=Thierry Mantuika] / solo / (1972-1974) BISELENGE (1972-1974) Rythmic Goby SONGOLO (1972-1974) Drums : Zicozaco ESSABE (1967-1974) Percussions [Congas] : Rathos TUMBA (1967-1968) Bayard MUKUNA (1968-1974) Feros MULUMBA (1971-1974) Keyboards : Crusoë MENGI (1969-1973) Horns : Deyesse EMPOMPO LOWAY [Collaboration in 1969 & 1971] Sax Rubens KUNSITA [Collaboration in 1969 & 1971] Sax LODDAK (1971-1973) Sax SENOE (1971-1973) Sax INDOU (1971-1973) Trumpet BOLIDE (1971-1972) Trumpet Bavick NSABAKA (1971-1973) Trumpet
Search Add 25 Lisa Zambrano Lisa Zambrano Creative Manager, Polygram Soundtrack Coordinator, A&M Records Director of Artist Development, JVC/distributed by Polygram A&R Associate, Phil Carson & Associates Receptionist, East End Management
Search Add 25 Jonathan Gottesmann Jonathan Gottesmann b. 1974, Haifa (Israel). Music films and videoclips director. Hippies Records (2001-), HippieColor Films (2011-). Official YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/hippiecolorfilms Facebook: HippieColor Italia - https://www.facebook.com/HippieColor
Search Add 25 Der Bergsteiger-Chor
Search Add 25 Orchestra Jacques Brienne
Search Add 25 Terry Horbury Terrence Albert Horbury British bass guitar player who, although he had a musical career extending nearly 50 years, was most associated with [a=Vardis]. He passed away at the Chelsea And Westminster Hospital, in London, after a short battle with cancer. [b]Born:[/b] 6th February 1950, in Newark-on-Trent, Nottinghamshire, England. [b]Died:[/b] 15th December 2015, in London, England. [cancer, aged 65]
Search Add 25 İskender Ulus
Search Add 25 Sylvia Curd Compilation selector and producer for Dutch label [l1614].
Search Add 25 Lotte Van De Hoef Dutch designer
Search Add 25 Helmut Radermacher
Search Add 25 Jimi Sero Juha Sero
Search Add 25 Adolarc
Search Add 25 Filippo del Moro Filippo del Moro Filippo Del Moro is primarily known as DMF one of the best producers and engineers of the scene Hard House / NRG / Hard Trance in the world. Transferred to the UK in the 1995 has quickly became in house producer for labels like Recharge, Recover and Flashpoint and also has as well releases on prestigious labels Vicious Circle, Fierce Technik, Toolbox, MOM, Hard as Funk, Tekelek to name a few. It is behind the production of many classics in the genre such as Palpitation, Rock the Spot, Full Metal, Emanation and has worked with artists such as RR Fierce, Simon Eve, Ali Wilson, Marc Johnson, Chris C. and Matt Thomas. His live P.A. includes some of the best club and arena in the UK including the infamous Antiworld, the SE1 and Recover Party's. In 2006 he returned to Italy and had total change of sound influenced by the minimal-techno and house scene, began producing local DJs under its original name and form projects such as Dirty Boots with Manuel De Lorenzi and Left Right But with Massi Gee. Recent releases include labels like Highgrade, Catwash, Electronic Pets, and Empro Rec.
Search Add 25 Åke Noring Jan Åke Noring Swedish musician, born April 26, 1966 He has played in a number of punk bands over the years, but is probably best known as the bassist in Rolands Gosskör, where he was recruited from the audience a few minutes before a gig in Täby. He was part of the band until the closure in 1986. He has also played guitar and drums in previous bands. He occasionally contributed bass and backing vocals in Coca Carola, including on the single [r=4277289] from 1994, which reached 37th place on the Swedish singles list.
Search Add 25 Steve Battershill
Search Add 25 T. Ramanuja Iyengar
Search Add 25 Antoine Coste Antoine Coste Illustrator and graphic designer
Search Add 25 www.bddc.co.uk
Search Add 25 Matej Kovačič Matej Kovačič Slovenian accordion player.
Search Add 25 Fausto Donato
Search Add 25 Entertainment Resources USA, Inc.
Search Add 25 dextro.org
Search Add 25 Mike McCraith
Search Add 25 Whimsical Fetus
Search Add 25 Ralph Hood Bassist and vocalist.
Search Add 25 Jan Magdevski Jan Magdevski
Search Add 25 Hanubis Alessandro Iacovelli Techno DJ/Producer, born in Italy in the city of Foggia
Search Add 25 Pier Luigi Fasolin Art director and designer.
Search Add 25 Mynoda my noisy days Multigenre project was founded in late 2012 by [a=Jurij Sophijsky] (aka [a=Shebuzzz]) and [a=Maxim Mamkin] (aka [a=Струп]) for collaborations in the field of musical art, bringing together the members of Russian, and Eastern European scene.
Search Add 25 Sydney Omarr Sidney Kimmelman Sydney Omarr (born August 5, 1926, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA – died January 2, 2003, Santa Monica, California, USA) was an American astrologer and an astrology consultant to the rich and famous. His daily [i]Sun Sign Horoscope[/i] column appeared in more than 200 newspapers and his annual forecast books for each sign of the zodiac sold over 50 million copies.
Search Add 25 Art Theater Electro / techno / cinematic / soundscape / ambient artist. Name is stylized as "ART THEATER" on releases.
Search Add 25 M.C. Nail
Search Add 25 Luis Vivi Hernandez Luis Leopoldo Hernández Hurtado Born in Torreón, Coahuila, Mexico on January 18, 1943, the "Vivi" began with "The Crazy Boys", although some say he had already flirted with "Los Rebeldes del Rock" and with other rock groups of the mere pioneers. With a casual style, very rebellious indeed and with enormous charisma, this was Luis Leopoldo "Vivi" Hernández Hurtado, who is considered by many to be the Mexican Elvis Presley. He died on December 19, 1977
Search Add 25 Ziggy Devriendt Belgian producer and DJ from Ostend. Owner of [l=Stroom (2)].
Search Add 25 concept60seven
Search Add 25 Fővárosi Operettszínház Ének- És Zenekara
Search Add 25 David Weatherspoon Jr. US songwriter and bass player
Search Add 25 Hynka
Search Add 25 Harry Mudd Henry Farrow Mudd English recording producer and sound engineer (1918-2004). Co-founder of The [l=Abbey] Recording Company with Peter Myers in 1962.
Search Add 25 TranzForce
Search Add 25 Colourfulmoney.net
Search Add 25 HARD LOOK
Search Add 25 Zoran Van Zindell Zoran Van Zindell Zoran Van Zindell is a Croatian DJ and record producer from Melbourne, Australia Since 2002, he has hosted, weekly radio shows, which are broadcast all over the world.
Search Add 25 József Sáfár Sáfár József Hungarian bass player, singer, composer. A most versatile musician, also familiar with arrangements and engineering. Nicknames: Öcsi, Dödöle
Search Add 25 Петя Радева
Search Add 25 Azoffmusic Management Musician, artists management agency established by [a725502].
Search Add 25 Hugh Madden
Search Add 25 Chris Wally
Search Add 25 Anne Sperling Credited for design.
Search Add 25 Thomas J. Valentino, Inc. A company of [a=Thomas J. Valentino].
Search Add 25 Лето В Городе "Лето в городе" (Leto V Gorode or Letovgorode) was formed in 2012 by Vladislav Parshin and Airin Marchenko. The first name of the band was "Берген Кремер" (Bergen Kremer).
Search Add 25 Paul Alade Paul Alade, born June 16, 1958 — died April 18, 2020, was a guitarist with the Nigerian group [a=Ofege]. Born in Nigeria, died in New Jersey, U.S.A.
Search Add 25 Krusty Doggo Independent rapper and comedian based in Upstate NY. Best Known for his internet persona as "Krusty Doggo" via social media outlets.
Search Add 25 Henning Hendrix Finn Henning Henriksson Swedish producer and accordionist Born September 13, 1930 in Fryksände, Värmland, Sweden
Search Add 25 Sander Schaper Dutch graphic designer.
Search Add 25 Айшат Махметмурзаева
Search Add 25 Kenth Ericsson Swedish bassist
Search Add 25 Cristiano Suarez Illustrator and Graphic Designer based in Maceió, Brazil
Search Add 25 Nick De Spig
Search Add 25 Anne Marie Leclaire Ignacio Serrano
Search Add 25 Bob Slutzky Designer.
Search Add 25 李嘉 李愛綺 Taiwanese singer, born on August 4, 1976 in Taipei, Taiwan.
Search Add 25 Игорь Мироненко Игорь Филиппович Мироненко Звукорежиссёр, Гостелерадио СССР, иновещание, Москва, Пятницкая 25. Звукорежиссёр редакции журнала "Кругозор", там же.
Search Add 25 Harry Trevor
Search Add 25 Kåre Korneliussen Kåre Marinius Korneliussen Norwegian accordionist and composer. Born 11 November 1916 in Steinberg, Nedre Eiker, Buskerud Died 25 July 1980 Cousin of another accordionist, [a4655813]
Search Add 25 Alex Homan
Search Add 25 Brandon MacNeil Credited as A&R Manager
Search Add 25 John Nicholl Abridger of audiobooks,
Search Add 25 عبد الحميد مشعل Abdel Hamid Machal is an Egyptian musician and musicologist born in Cairo in 1926. He started playing the flute at the age of fifteen under the guidance of Professor Ahmed Daddah. After a course of intensive study at the Union Music Institute in Cairo dedicated to learning the Maqam and the rhythmic variations of Arab music, he started working as a musician along with various musical groups. In time, his musical compositions and his melodies performed with Ney (the Arab flute) were broadcast by all Arab radios. He has performed in various concerts both in the Arab world and in Europe and has settled for a time in Libya to work and study. On his return home, he published in 1967 a manual for the study of ney according to a scientific method that elevated the theoretical approach to learning Arabic flute.
Search Add 25 Stefan Soler Stefan S
Search Add 25 Eric Massicotte Québécois metal multi-instrumentalist, vocalist and visual artist.
Search Add 25 Claude Steben
Search Add 25 Mysteryforms
Search Add 25 Akis Karanos Visual artist and experimental musician from Greece. Owner of Pagan Fries label
Search Add 25 Brody Armstrong Bree Leslie Pucilowski Born: January 1, 1979, Melbourne, Australia Born Bree Leslie Pucilowski, she married [a=Rancid] frontman [a=Tim Armstrong] in 1997 and became Brody Armstrong. In 2003 they divorced, and Brody took the name Brody Dalle, taking the name from [a1832875]. In 2007, she married [a=Queens Of The Stone Age] frontman [a=Josh Homme] and became Brody Dalle-Homme, though she is not frequently credited that way.
Search Add 25 Julius Caleb Ginyard Caleb Nathaniel Ginyard American baritone gospel and doo-wop singer and songwriter. Born January 15, 1910 in St. Matthews, South Carolina, USA. Died August 11, 1978 (aged 68) in Basel, Switzerland. He performed with various vocal groups between the 1930s and 1970s.
Search Add 25 Vile Groove [a5832204] (born 1993) under the guise of Vile Groove, is a Canadian hip hop producer and DJ currently distributed within Halifax, Nova Scotia via [l2316433]. Vile Groove is also one half of hip-hop group [a9486610] featuring fellow Halifax-native [a=Hank Solo (2)].
Search Add 25 Luther Randolph Luther Anthony Randolph Soul musician, organist, songwriter, arranger and producer (born May 7, 1935 - died January 27, 2020, due to complications of a series of strokes) Managed the Philadelphia soul label [l195951] in the 1960s, with Johnny Stiles and Weldon McDougal III. The same trio also formed [a1910834].
Search Add 25 Pål Asle Pettersen From Stavanger, Norway.
Search Add 25 Obreath.com Mixing and Mastering Studio
Search Add 25 Lickshot Entertainment
Search Add 25 Γιώργος Τζαμάρας
Search Add 25 Namco Bandai Games Inc.
Search Add 25 Hector Stewart Liner notes author
Search Add 25 José Antonio Granados José Antonio Granados Spanish arranger/producer (b. 1958 Cádiz) based in Madrid.
Search Add 25 Iwao Yoneya 米谷巌 (Iwao Yoneya) Japanese shakuhachi player. Born in Sendai, Miyagi, Japan. Died in May 19, 2000. Stage name: 米谷威和男 (Iwao Yoneya) [a3817733] is his wife.
Search Add 25 King International Service Booking agency. King International Service Leuvensesteenweg 120 A, 3290 Diest, Belgium.
Search Add 25 Kazumi Oguro Japanese reed player
Search Add 25 Gerz
Search Add 25 Charles Vella Graphic designer, photographer from France
Search Add 25 Olu Rowe Olu Rowe
Search Add 25 Charles Williams Concert Orchestra
Search Add 25 Mark Entwisle Mark Entwisle Illustrator, Painter and Photographer.
Search Add 25 Дмитрий Кунин Дмитрий Кунин
Search Add 25 Jstream
Search Add 25 Рамиль Курамшин Bayan player.